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No. 2214978
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.
prev thread:
>>>/ot/2194866 No. 2215128
File: 1729446185143.jpeg (204.62 KB, 1170x1399, IMG_6525.jpeg)

has anyone else gotten a random, weird email from internet archive like this kek? they sent me 5 and I have no idea what it has to do with me
>Heres hoping they’ll get their shit together!
You mean…you?? You’re the customer service monkey, retard lmfao
No. 2215146
>>2215133Oh. I wonder what it’s supposed to mean? Cause I haven’t sent a customer service email to internet archive in a few years and even I still got one of these. I don’t really understand what he’s trying to say in the message cause like
>Your data is in the hands of some random guy now! Your data is always in the hands of some random clown kek? Is he trying to sound scary, or?
No. 2215157
>>2215130I see some on Amazon. Does that work or does it need to be from like a healer or something?
>>2215132I don't think so. I got heated with a coworker at work drinks but she doesn't seem like the curse type. I got pissy when getting coffee a while ago but I apologized. I can be arrogant sometimes but I don't think it's something to curse me over.
No. 2215372
File: 1729455386264.jpg (49.96 KB, 357x435, MV5BMjY5MzM5NjM4OV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

My brother died and I run an ig page dedicated to him.
A girl who was not super close to him in his final years but who knew him since school looks at my instagram story every day, do you think she is or was in love with him?
Have reached out to her but she won't speak to me. Doesn't follow my account either but opens my story daily like clockwork. Bizarre.
No. 2215374
>>2215248I can't say if you're depressed but I'll give my experience with anti-depressants. I take Amitriptyline. It didn't make me better but it evened me out so I could work on myself. I felt really out of it the first couple days. Medication should be a second choice if you can't pull yourself together. I was barely able to leave my home without feeling like I was going to explode. I'm better now, I'm not fully ok, but I take it when I need it and I went on a hike yesterday. That was unthinkable before.
That's my opinion, talk to a doctor and don't trust random poster's opinion on a anonymous Turkish pottery gossip image board.
No. 2215379
>>2215248No,that increases chances of worse depression in the future and can increase also changes of demential when you grow older.
You need to work with behavioral activation or change your mindset/environment.
No. 2215380
>>2215248I’ve been on an SSRI for a long time. In the beginning I had a terrible experience before I found one that actually worked for me so I don’t blame people at all for being apprehensive. Would agree with
>>2215374 ‘s description of what they feel like when they work. I mainly take it for my OCD rather than my depression at this point, but it can be a great tool for some people.
No. 2215407
>>2215372She might just be benignly curious about what you're posting about in the way that users here often keep track of strangers for no real reason
I am sorry for your loss anon
No. 2215557
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Why are this year's squirrels so obese? This is a serious question)
No. 2215605
>>2215506Most people cremate because they either rent and so can't bury, or they don't want to dig the hole. You can also buy a burial plot in a pet cemetery and have your pet buried there.
When you cremate them, depending on which company does it, you can either have the ashes back in a little urn or else you can donate their ashes and they'll be used to build a coral reef.
No. 2215711
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I have a scummy ex who is a lolicon and would go ghost after taking people's money for drug orders. His mom is running for public office. She has no idea about any of his shenanigans. I have the opportunity to do something really funny, should I?
I'm going to bed now to sleep on it.
No. 2215871
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>>2215868samefag, i found it! @harajukufashionwalk on instagram.
No. 2216194
>>2216073Did you try looking it up yourself?
Probably something to do with the microscopic scale of the movement that isn't visible to the naked eye.
No. 2216273
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i want to put this in my sims game (looks like good clutter, I need some boxes) explain to me what all this means because I've only seen some of these words on lolcow. I assume it's anime shit but is any of it good?
No. 2216785
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How important do you think chemistry while chatting is? I've been talking to this guy, and when we are face to face or on the phone I have a great time with him, but texting with him is really… meh. It's like he turns into a millennial while chatting. He uses tons of normie emojis and writes pretty formal sounding walls of texts as if we are writing each other e-mails instead of on Whatsapp kek. It's cute how much effort he's putting into talking to me and I know that what it feels like irl is the most important thing, but this just kind of makes me less excited to chat with him throughout the day. Sometimes all I want is a short, casual conversation about what I ate for breakfast or something, and due to conflicting work schedules we also can't meet up or call every day
No. 2217001
>>2216844Im confused. Where I come from cacao is powder is not sold sweetened. Cocoa powder is. Cacao powder is crushed up raw cacao beans. Cocoa powder is crushed up roasted cacao beans. Either way, all three are powders so in principle it should work. I would have no idea of the ratio though. Try a small test batch first.
>>2216882Because people assume that others who don't act their age are cringy immature losers who refuse to grow up. And they are right a lot of the time so, everyone gets tarred with that brush.
No. 2217532
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how do i get over my anxiety when talking in voice chat. i feel like a retard
No. 2217537
File: 1729561826001.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 2518x1279, dafuqq.png)

>>2217533also, samefag but i googles bellesa and holy shit whats the difference between this and just regular porn for men? how is this for women.
No. 2217540
>>2217537Because the owner of the website is some fat woman I guess, so it must be for us.
>>2217538Fuck no. I shouldn't have to visualize while I'm trying to masturbate while moids can instantly get their dopamine rush by finding the nearest pretty girl. Fanfics shouldn't be shilled as the pinnacle of porn for women, we're visual creatures too.
No. 2217548
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Is this legal? All he's doing is making stickers of the official art and selling them.
No. 2217571
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How do you study if you're someone who's never studied before and are kind of retarded?
No. 2217648
>>2217631>long hairnondescript ghost girl/knock off sadako
Or draw cat whiskers and wear simple kitty ear headbands
Or wear a checkered/plaid shirt and go as a cowgirl
Or find a low-effort cartoon with simple outfits like Meg from Family Guy
No. 2217762
>>2214978I know why it's a stupid question, it's more that I want more opinions than just mine and one of my friend's on the matter. A friend of mine (another one) has been fucked over long term by covid for her career, she was jobless for over a year after finishing her internship and graduating from university. Then she found a shitty office job. She quit is as soon as she found something better that pays a lot compared to her degree, skills and experiences, but her employer and client were pretty much treating her like a pariah, in a way that could legally count as harassment based on our country's labor laws. She left but negociated with her employer to be able to earn unemployment benefits she accumulated and have more free time to send applications and do job interviews. It's been over a year since then and she's always the second best if she even gets job interviews because companies want engieneers, which she's absolutely not, so she's still unemployed but I think she's aiming too high and should get a less interesting job for a little while until she gets a better opportunity. Her parents pay for everything but she could be kicked out of her place and not be able to find another apartment if she doesn't have her own income in our city. If she moves anywhere else she won't have any job opportunities and no more interviews at all so that's not an option.
Here's the question: am I right to believe she should just get a shit job like anyone else for a few months just so she could get money and be allowed to get unemployment benefits again after running out of it recently? She always acts like she's so unlucky when I had to work for a shitty call center for nearly a year because I was also screwed by covid, and unlike her it wasn't even my fault and she would have had more opportunities if she didn't repeat a year in university to begin with.
No. 2218040
>>2218018It is far more important to stop having bad hygiene than to stop being fat.
I have a visceral, physical, lizard brain reaction of disgust when confronted with bad smells. I want to remove myself from it
I have zero such reaction to fat people. I want to be close to them and get to know them
No. 2218235
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What chemical is this? I know someone with a tattoo of this who won't tell me what it is, tried my best to redraw it
the Ns and O are in red because I'm not sure if I'm remembering them right sry. but there were definitely 3 fluorides
No. 2218257
File: 1729621830524.png (2.69 KB, 312x162, images.png)

>>2218235It's probably prozac
No. 2218258
>>2218235Compounds with 3 fluoride atoms on the better known ones, guessing it's Prozac, but could be something completely unrelated
No. 2218328
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can i lie and get money from the juul lawsuit
No. 2218485
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Are cloth, rewashable period pads a good idea for your vagina?
No. 2218486
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>>2218423Handful of sleepies and keep it toasty
>>2218469You know what this is the way
No. 2218526
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>>2218508Thank you, anon. I'll stick with free bleeding on thick towels for the majority of my period then.
No. 2218530
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>>2218232Nona, I am in the ana-chan depths right now so maybe I can help with a reminder of what it's like. It's embarrassing the older you get to still struggle with food, it can be so isolating too. Being the person who doesn't participate in social activities or the snappy bitch with ana brain is humiliating and people will avoid you. There's also the depression, if you were fucked up before becoming an ana-chan, I promise it's infinitely worse because now you really don't have the energy. If you want to continue the ana-chan, kiss any hobbies, interests, education or even work you may have a goodbye because you'll turn into a hollowed out husk of a person, your life will revolve around food. I'm the same as you, short and "unfortunately" shaped, despite my BMI being in the 13s I am still unsatisfied with how I look. I understand your frustration with being a healthy weight and looking much higher, it sucks to have that kind of blow to your confidence. It's important for you to remember that you are a living, breathing person, not a doll or mannequin. Your/any woman's wellbeing getting ignored so you/she can look "good" (which is a forever changing standard) is a misogyny psyop. You deserve to be more than your aesthetics, your life has so much more value than bullshit terms like a muffin top. Think of all the things your body can do for you, think of all the ways your brain can work and think of all the memories, skills and personal growth you have waiting ahead for you in your life. Don't throw all of this opportunity away for nothing. ILY nona, I hope this can do something for you and I'll keep you in my thoughts. I hope you can make the right decision for yourself, I know it's not easy, but you've already come this far.
No. 2218579
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>>2218572Not everyone likes sticking things up themselves anon…
No. 2218752
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Why is mars symbol the Male symbol and venus symbol the Female symbol?
No. 2219127
>>2219092If you act just like them it normally works. I get called
toxic all the time by men but my female friends write me cute handwritten letters and get me pretty gifts and send me cute memes.
No. 2219251
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>>2219231It's pretty easy to tell, it's having a very round, circular soft face basically
>t. me No. 2219315
>>2219310There's definitely some acidic in the grassy notes kek
>>2219312Earthy as well as oily like grease. I've had days where it smelled like McDonalds or Blooming Onions if we're talking about fairs
No. 2219432
File: 1729676855279.jpg (37.12 KB, 1242x1141, 1671244146125.jpg)

every woman I've fingered has been really bumpy/textured on the inside but I'm completely smooth in there? I have heard the every vagina is different talk but i thought that was just the outside, is it the inside too? Am I weird or am i just rolling the same vagina texture with everyone i sleep with?
No. 2219605
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how can i make it so that all the folder thumbnails look the same?? i don't even know how to google this issue and it's driving me nuts
No. 2219620
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>>2219613>>2219616it's literally just soundtracks..? what?
No. 2219622
>>2219620what what
thats how you make the folders look the same.
No. 2219664
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>>2219658the folders only contain music files, the images are previewed from the album cover
No. 2219669
>>2219663There is no table linking your name to your IP, so all he has is the region. He may be able to deduce it's you by using other information, though, but by IP alone he can't tell it's you. Does he know who you are? Have you two met?
>He would have every single version of my IP address, not just the "public" ones, right?What do you mean by this?
No. 2219683
>>2219669He knows who I am and where I live and that I lurk, but we've never met. I got called out because we both know it was me lurking. He'd deduce that just from the region. Is there anything linking my IP to other websites I visit, like lolcow? This is the only place where I post online.
>What do you mean by this?Sorry I was under the impression that there were like.. layers to IP addresses, with some being way more specific than others. Probably pulled that out of my ass though, I don't understand computers.
Is there any way I can keep lurking him without giving myself away?
Thank you for replying by the way
No. 2219701
>>2219698if he owns the website there's way more he could know than the ip address
the cookies you use, which websites you visit before and after his website, etc. like i said you need to say more than just "he's super duper good at technology"
No. 2219714
>>2219707he can see what you search for, who visits his website, whatever
i think you should stop visiting if you don't want him to know more
if he knows the general area where you live, and your full name, he can find your house, phone number, relatives contact info easily if you live in the usa.
No. 2219716
>>2219707>>2219683private browser is not enough. if you want to remain anonymous from his end you will need a vpn (preferably a paid one, i wouldn't trust free ones, i personally use mullvad) - this will change your ip address and he also won't see your actual approximate location. even if he knows your ip address now it's not like he can find your exact address etc, i don't think so at least.
and change your dns (google how to do this). if you wanna go the extra mile for privacy then also install some extensions to your browser like ublock and privacy badger and maybe a webrtc leak shield. i'm not that privacy/tech savvy so maybe other nonnies can suggest some other options
No. 2219807
File: 1729701588995.gif (144.36 KB, 220x124, kermit-do-it.gif)

>>2215711Do it.
>>2216818>I know someday it'll all come crashing down on him.I used to be the same way but that's not always the case. A lot of shitty people are just able to skate through life without any consequences or anything bad happening to them
No. 2219814
>>2219799I never understood this trope either and it always made me feel guilty and dirty when I was young. Like wait, I'm…
not supposed to be horny and I'm supposed to do this whole song and dance of pretending I don't want to, just to make a guy feel special like he "won against all odds", otherwise people will call me a slut? It's dumb. Everyone's sex drive is different, some people just genuinely are indifferent or sex-repulsed but there's nothing wrong with you for having a higher one.
No. 2219827
>>2219808Ok that sounds great but I'm one of those horrible bisexuals who's in a relationship with (
tw) a man so, not what I was asking about kek
No. 2219861
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>>2218137Thank you nonners, I think gacha is almost exactly the term I was looking for
No. 2219902
>>2219871Hurting the woman
is the point. Rapists don't need to penetrate a
victim to get off, many use implements. Rape is about torturing and inflicting as much physical and emotional pain as possible.
No. 2219924
Giant irrelevant pickme.
No. 2219938
>>2219888>Just one of the irrational quirks of the moid brain I guess.Scrotes see women as tokens to win as part of their competition against other males. Money, houses, cars and women are all interchangeable objects to scrotes, and who wants the car everyone else can get easily? Or the job, or house or woman? No. All of those things should be unattainable because that means they're worth
>>2219907If its about pleasure they'll just literally pleasure themselves or get a cheap hooker. Rape is about domination and power.
>>2219894Pickmeism doesn't get you anywhere good as a woman period. No one likes feeling patronized, which is why most pickmes end up with bottom of the barrel scrotes who hate them. Women are better at playing mind games but are socialized to "be nice" while constantly giving males the benefit of the doubt, even in cases of blatant disrespect. Women come into their power when they realize the vast majority of men are only worthy of being used like tools in a shed, and not of the affection and admiration they crave from us. Its why (actual) "misandrists" don't give enough of a shit to actually hate men, while misogynists hate women. The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. And it kills scrotes when women are indifferent. That's why they rage bait women who chose to be single and childfree so hard they neglect their pickmes and spawn.
No. 2219950
>>2219931lower my gun i forgive you, understandable given where we are etc.
>>2219930i just really want to know why he did it and what he was thinking. people say he did it because he liked inflicting pain and i go through it in my head over and over and i can name times it felt like he was hurting me to feel powerful but there were also things he did when i was in so much pain that it was like. unconscionable he didn’t stop for that reason alone but he did do things like slow down but maybe he just thought i was going to freak out enough i would finally attack him back and was worried i would scratch his face and he’d have to explain that idk. i feel like he did it because he didn’t want to be sent back and felt his life was out of control and so he made himself feel better by hurting and controlling me instead. but like that seems like it would be unconscious so what was he fucking actually thinking. he also made sure i took a shower before he let me leave the house with him. so it felt. planned out. i don’t know.
No. 2219973
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Does this combination work or am I fat and retarded?
No. 2219977
>>2219961Men are dumb idk why they do anything
>>2219967And they also like feeling powerful over those people by raping them. If it was just about easy access they'd all just go about it the "wait for the sloppy drunk girl to start leaving the bar" way.
>>2219973Why wear platform heels with a dress that completely covers them?
No. 2220017
>>2219987Im sorry you experienced that but rape is complicated so basically everyone is right. It was access, timing, and wanting to feel powerful over someone, e.g >i’m the only woman as far as i can tell that didn’t dwarf him and it makes me wonder if it was just that he knew he could win in a fight
No one mentally sound would ever rape another human being, so at the end of the day trying to use rationality on the mentally ill makes no sense. Rapists rape because they're retarded psychopathic hateful bastards who have no souls.
No. 2220027
>>2220017Oh please stop moralfagging, rape is not that complicated
>No one mentally sound would ever rape another human beingAll men are prone to rape, cope
No. 2220190
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I got a call from an unknown number last night (didn't answer) and a text immediately after saying it was my friend and her husband. That struck me as weird since they both have individual numbers. Why would they share one?? So I called the number back this morning and the guy on the other line asked if I was someone else then said it was a wrong number. I asked my friend if she knew anything about this or if you she recognized the phone number and she said no. We're both kinda freaked out. Am I being scammed? Is she? Should we be alarmed? Not really sure what to do.
No. 2220202
>>2220087>i could barely hold my job after he raped me it was good i didnt start right after that happened in a way. of all people i dont get why he chose me to ruin the life of.Nonna I'm so sorry. This is awful, but it's important to remember that he didn't do this because of his own trauma. He did this because he was a greedy selfish man who cared about his own wants (I won't ever call them "needs") over your comfort. You deserved to be safe and I hope one day you cab lead a normal life
>>2220055Are you aspie? You're still entering the conversation trying to derail her opening up about an extremely traumatic event. There's a time and a place
nonnie and it definitely isn't the right time to trample a conversation about her personal trauma with debates
No. 2220214
File: 1729716071818.jpeg (263.89 KB, 749x836, 1703946471366.jpeg)

hah, this is a really stupid ? but what's the least dumb way and lightweight of expanding the surface area of a small table? I got one that's perfect for my purposes but I realize it doesn't really have enough room for my desk mat. all I got is maybe just using a double side grip sticker and putting a poster board on the top, but the texture of them is terrible.
No. 2220379
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So is 'Dig Up Her Bones' by Misfits about the singer's mom, or about necrophilia?
No. 2220568
>>2220250nta but how was that post twitter ai sounding? it feels like you're just throwing words around kek. your post and
>>2220027 sounds like the schizo anons creating new sentences for the sake of arguing
No. 2220674
File: 1729736422196.jpg (268.49 KB, 1812x2109, 1000010910.jpg)

Some random keeps phoning me so I saved their number to see if I'd recognise the profile pic on WhatsApp and I'm so confused. What fucking anime is that and I can't think of anyone I know that plays tennis
No. 2220677
That was me
No. 2220681
>>2220674The pic is from demon slayer
I did this once and I had no idea who the guy was, I could only imagine he had mistyped or been given a fake number
No. 2220693
>>2220687I don't think half of this site would exist without jealousy, especially when you consider it was formed on cgl during the years when everyone was angry at Dakota Rose for being in glorious Nippon when it should have been THEM!!11!
I think it was confirmed a lot of the Shayna thread posters are camgirls with smaller audiences back when she was making money, so I imagine a lot of threads are like that.
No. 2220708
>>2220693I came here for another cow and was familiarising myself with the site when I saw a girl I hated irl with a thread. The big mean girl kaya aka
toxic tears. I get annoyed when other anons get mad people nitpick her too much she completely deserves it she's a spiteful hateful cunt that thinks the world owes her.
No. 2220712
>>2219092Get a "male" or "lesbian" haircut
>>2219127This too
No. 2220754
File: 1729742825101.jpeg (106.88 KB, 701x722, IMG_7400.jpeg)

When YouTubers and TikTokers make those restock/purse pack/organization videos why do they all place everything? You know what I mean, where they position things all the way in and then hold it there for a moment? It’s awkward af
No. 2220988
>>2220983But then you won't be woken up by serious emergency shit either
It's normal to expect from people to call you only during an emergency in certain hours and complain if they misuse it
No. 2220991
>>2220989Older people do it because there are people depending on them
Someone was in an accident, someone's car broke down, many possible emergency scenarios
No. 2221000
>>2220988>>2220991Samefagging, as a middle-aged person, we have multiple sets of people depending on us
The older generation, that could have a dangerous fall at any time, need quick medical intervention, a ride to the hospital or any other health-related serious issues
The young ones that are our dependents, who could need parental help at any time, get into all sorts of trouble or just not know how to deal with an issue on their own yet
Our friends, who are our wider support network, we lean on each other in times of need
No. 2221052
>>2221017>Friends can suck an egg I'm sleep and we can talk about it in person.I guess that's fine if you don't have serious friendships and just buddies for fun
But I think you really need somebody to turn to if you've been abused and need an escape or robbed and need money or had a fire and need a place to crash or your car broke in the middle of nowhere or a myriad of other circumstances that could befall you
No. 2221092
File: 1729780142140.jpg (107.66 KB, 1200x801, 134561234562.jpg)

What things should I consider before moving in with my best friend? Is it a bad idea in general?
I broke up and moving in with her would be the ideal choice financially, but I'm worried living together would ruin our relationship of 10 years. We have very similar personalities, financial and hygiene habits afaik.
No. 2221307
>>2221092Tough to say, but make sure you have a good chore schedule. Do it together or portion out what you do. I found doing chores together with my bestie was pretty good. Kept us accountable (depending on if you have similar work schedules or whatever).
The biggest gripe I had was when she invited people over and eventually, her boyfriend. Just be clear on what protocol you have on guests and how you interact or don't with them.
Also, it might be nice to schedule out things to do with each other like watching tv, eating dinner or whatever. Nice homely bonding experiences.
Communicate when you have a problem like IMMEDIATELY. Don't leave it to fester for days on end/weeks/month. If there's something wrong with your bestie's housing habits/the applicances, tell her straight up and tell her you expect her to also bring shit you do that irritates you. It might feel like shit for a second, but you gotta compromise.
Good luck nona
No. 2221317
File: 1729794806078.jpg (632.96 KB, 520x710, 1000009501.jpg)

>>2221311Tove Jansson is considered a famous lesbian
No. 2221452
>>2221440You have to understand that in a lot of cases the BPD woman goes above and beyond when she's in love. This makes the moid feel valued and speshul. They get extremely close, then because she was probably abused emotionally as a child she is ultra sensitive to any perceived shift in emotion, his eventual "settling" emotions mean that to her he is secretly annoyed and hates her, then she splits and realizes he's a lazy piece of shit that doesn't reciprocate the intensity of live she feels so now she hates him, this makes the moid feel abandoned, he might say sorry and give her the validation she wanted, this redeems him in her eyes, then comes the codependent love bombing again, then the cycle repeats. It's an incredibly addictive cycle. This isn't the only kind of bpd relationship cycle, it's not really talked about outside of having children but look up the bpd parent archetypes and the archetypes of the bpd enabler. Uncontrolled bpds tend to pick partners that enable them, "need" them, or they choose partners they idolize, or partners that supply them the "unemotional" dynamic that probably caused them to have bpd in the first place.
No. 2222042
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My period is scheduled for the 3rd, but I need it earlier because I'm going to visit family overseas later that week and I want to atleast get to the ending stages when I go.
I read online that masturbating helps induce periods. Is that true or some retarded meme?
I don't really touch myself because of the side effects (anxiety and bad sleep).
I'm taking vitamin C pills tho.
No. 2222063
>>2222042sounds dumb kek, periods happen based on cyclical progesterone levels and touching yourself isn't going to influence that. If anything it might worsen things since stress can cause late/heavy/painful periods
The most realistic thing you can do to influence it at this point is to take ibuprofen, which can delay your period and/or make it less heavy since NSAIDs affect your blood. Of course be responsible about it and don't overdose or rely on it regularly as a crutch but for some women it can be a useful tool every once in a while
No. 2222071
>>2222042excessive vitamin c (not just from pills but also orange juice, cranberries, etc), soda, and for sone reason beef and pork always induced it for me
>>2222063>ibuprofen, which can delay your period and/or make it less heavy since NSAIDs affect your bloodntayrt but that's what it's supposed to do? huh somehow it never did anything with my blood (it was so ineffective that it felt the same as taking nothing kek)
No. 2222652
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Is it normal to have nasolabial folds at 23?
No. 2222658
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Whats the fastest way to lose weight? not trying to anachan. Is running two times and week and counting calories enough to lose 10kg by february?
No. 2222664
>>2222658That alone isn't going to be enough unless you're going extreme on both running and the calorie restriction (do not recommend this). Try adding some or all of these:
>Swap out for more nutritious ingredients when cooking. (For example, I love swapping oats/oat flour in place of wheat flour for baking because it's got more protein and makes me feel fuller without eating as much)>Do low-intensity exercises daily>Find more ways to move your body (I sometimes swap out my computer chair for an exercise ball to bounce on. Movement = calories burned)>Go easy on soda/caloric drinks>Stay hydrated (being thirsty can sometimes make you think you're hungry)Keep in mind that muscle is denser than fat, so if you exercise more, the number on the scale might not seem to change much. Measuring your waistline or doing a fat-pinch test is a better way to tell if you've "lost weight". Good luck nonna!
No. 2222674
>>2222664thank you
nonny!! i will search for those on yt
>>2222668kek i am not american sadly
No. 2222676
nonny, this is my favorite rajio taiso to follow along. The morning feels better after doing it!
No. 2222800
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why is rosie odonell always making this dumbass face? is she trying to be funny?
No. 2222813
>>2222800A more pressing matter in the global lesbianism community that absolutely haunts me:
Why do all British lesbians of all ages have that horrible vocal put-on like Hannah Gadsby
No. 2222887
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I got food poisoning at the beginning of the week and thought just vomiting will make if go away. Any time I eat anything I get this incredible stomach pain. Even if I drink water. I can’t throw up because I haven’t eaten anything out of fear. How do I get rid of food poisoning? I think I added to it by going out to eat a day later. It’s Friday and my stomach still hurts like it did Monday
No. 2223109
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Where do women who are looking for a visa marriage find their men? Do they tell them upfront they want a visa or do both parties have to pretend they're looking for a real love-based relationship? (And are there any apps or websites for women who are from the West but want to go East?)
No. 2223215
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I have noticed a pattern where young normies get married and after some months they immediately have babies, I am not saying this is bad but is it because society expects people to marry before having kids or because the woman got pregnant before they married and so the couple felt like marrying to not disappoint their parents? It's wholesome anyway I am not complaining just curious.
No. 2223427
>>2223418Thank you omfg!! I got the magician upright in a single card pull when I was asking the universe why I don't have a job yet kek
>>2223425Yes there is nonna
>>771638 No. 2223451
>>2223436Hey that's my placement
>>2223442I remember the days when this used to be true.
No. 2223469
>>2223459I think this comes from a place of romanticizing stoic males or those type of very cold powerful women, it's a coping mechanism the astro community made to cope with the fact a scorpio dude hurted them
>he is totally mysterious it's in his nature to be cold and demanding, it means he is a dom right?I don't hate scorpios but the astro community fetishizes them.
No. 2223501
nonnie? You're the one who asked me if I'm able to communicate directly with others kek
No. 2223530
>>2223520women have astrology, moids have Meyer's Briggs. The only
valid "trivia" that can help describe the kind of person you are is that massive media test where it gives you a large rundown of the characters that are the most similar to your personality.
No. 2223532
>>2223526Ok but Leo moids, when they
are good, are chadded as hell. My husband is the youngest employee at his work and for some reason everyone treats him like the boss. Even the actual owner of the company.
No. 2223554
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>>2223545God, they really are. Matter of fact, I almost can't stand it when the spergs crawl out IRL because there's been instances where perverted scrotes tried to use astrology to guess that I'm "crazy in bed".
No. 2223570
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Is being an empath a meme or real? Whenever I'm around people they feel dirty and draining to be around. Children don't have this weird field unless they're super internet tarded.
No. 2223652
>>2223613Omg that's horrible, I hope it goes away after some rest.
My stupid question.. Is there an astrology thread and if not why hasn't someone made one? Seems like it needs to be contained somehow, yeah?
No. 2223683
nonnie, I like your insight but he married her because she looks and reminds him of me.
No. 2223722
>>2223697It’s not hard, just look for companies that do custom pillow case printing and one that has your desired pillow case size. Check what they can do in terms of printing to make sure they can do front and back.
You could even just buy a blanket pillow case the length you desire, get some heat transfer paper, print out your husbando/wifu page by page and iron that shit on yourself. A true labor of love.
No. 2223799
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NONNY HELP. I have been trying to catch this stray kitty for a month now. I accidentally locked her in my house, what should i do now? i plan on keeping her but i dont know what do with her, thankfully she isnt agressive. She doesnt let me get close to her but doesnt hiss or show signs of agression.
No. 2223812
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>>2223739samefag, found it
>>>/ot/1255384he also has sexual harassment allegations
>>>/ot/1717138 No. 2223899
>>2223799try to build trust with it. this is prob best done by giving it food/chilling in the same area as it. she doesn't know you and needs to get used to your presence before she can start to like you. maybe you could try to play with it from a distance. ultimately just do not try to force any interaction, you don't want her to associate stress with you at all.
also, you should bring it to the vet soon so it can get its shots/neutered. there is probably a local trap neuter and release program that can provide you with a trap to do so (i wouldnt try to pick her up to put her in a carrier unless you want claw scratches). dont be scared to call, they are usually run by old people that like to help others. good luck nonna!
No. 2224009
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Do vampires eat period blood clots? Do they prefer blood to be chunky, smooth, or they just don't care?
No. 2224013
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>>2224009Blod clots are probably like fruit gushers for them. Which in that case, I'm a box of the gushers.
No. 2224341
>>2224199>what is homestucka webcomic
>why was it so popularcause its awesome tbh
No. 2224370
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Why is kpop popularity declining?
No. 2224461
>>2224370The same handful of companies
coughs HYBE have a chokehold over the entire industry (good luck making it if you're not a part of any of those), oversaturation of groups, every interesting concept has been done, it's starting to sound like Western pop music, industry is debuting too many minors, etc etc.
source: was kpopfag in the past No. 2224520
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How do I achieved this type of hair? I went to bed with super curly hair and I woke up with my hair looking beautiful and voluminous. Extreme example kinda like og Megan Fox when its not flat ironed. It looked like heat tool was used but not curls at all just bouncy.
No. 2224655
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Okay the the xenomorophs in the Alien franchise are meant to be a metaphor to unwanted pregnancy and why abortion shouldn't be vilified, right? Or is that looking too deep into it?
No. 2224933
>>2224913if i didn’t know they were going though a hard time and they were truly sorry it would probably change my entire opinion of them. i have a soft spot for people struggling. i have been through so much worse than people just being mean to me or lashing out or something that i would honestly just forgive them. i can’t stay mad at everyone ever. if i saw true repentance, if their apology explained exactly what was going through their mind and what
triggered what, if they didn’t write it off but instead used it to completely change their character and never do it again, let people grow and change. if it’s something serious though and they showed they still treated other people like that? no response.
No. 2225072
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when did fandom autism regarding skin tones start?
No. 2225096
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What VR game is this? (She’s a worm)
No. 2225171
>>2223912My mom had seizures for years and eventually completely lost her sense of taste. I don't want to freak you out but you could lose it eventually so you'll need to find a way to nourish yourself while trying to enjoy the textures of food. My mom was in her late 60s when that happened, I don't think it will happen to you anytime soon hopefully.
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that, anon.
No. 2225188
>>2225008Great thanks
Any actual advice?
No. 2225377
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Has anyone tried plaster waist trainers?
No. 2225429
>>2224520It depends on what your hair is like first, like if it's fine or thick, if it's straight or wavy, etc.. But usually to give volume like this, either put your hair into large rollers before bed and apply hairspray lightly, OR when you wake up in the morning and shower, dry your hair with medium volume with your head upside down. When we dry the hair with heat, we wanna dry the hair the opposite way we want it to fall: i.e., if I want my hair to swing to the right, I'd position the hair dryer so that it blows my hair to the left. If we dry our hair upside down with heat, it makes the root of the hair stand up and gives more volume. If you want more in-depth advice, go to the hair thread on /g/.
No. 2225572
>>2225533>>2225524Kek thanks, will use those next time.
>>2225559No, but if someone is gonna bodyshame women and be sexist I won't hesitate to fight fire with fire.
>>2225569He's not that type of person I think, one of those "anti woke" people.
No. 2225989
>>2225784Absolutely. I'm hispanic and have visited the US before. A lot of latinos who can't speak English will look for the most "could know Spanish" person in the room and hopes for the best. I've also seen them get angry when said person doesn't actually know Spanish… Which pisses me off lol.
Not a bad thing. They usually just pick someone tanned and short. Even if you're white, theres a lot of white or mixed people there too. Like really really pale but dark eyes and dark hair usually cause dominating genes or whatever.
No. 2226139
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Do you guys fw this look? I want to try darker styles but I figured I need sharper features to pull it off and ngl I feel self-conscious. I kinda look like picrel with darker makeup on
No. 2226145
>>2226139Yes, but even so, do
you fw this style? Asking lolcow if a style is "acceptable" to wear is basically asking to be negged kek
No. 2226177
>>2226145Yeah I do like this style a lot, I'm new to these "aesthetics" though so I'm not quite used to seeing it on my face and there's not a lot of refs for more "dramatic" styles on rounder features, maybe I'll get used to it eventually
>>2226146Those are insane conclusions to make out of a simple post about makeup styles, I was just asking. Calm down
No. 2226276
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Does anyone know of healthy simple recipes i can make? all of the videos on youtube use weird as fuck ingredients i have literally never heard of before.
No. 2226328
>>2226276post an example of what you like to eat and I'll tell you how to make a healthy version or give a recipe if it's already healthy but you just don't know how to make it.
some recipe websites really try to hard and overcomplicate things.
No. 2226343
>>2226340I'm sorry they did that nona, I fucking
hate these unicorn hunting couples with a burning passion.
No. 2226539
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Okay so I bought a retinol face cream I opened and started using a year ago, there's still a lot of it left. However, today I noticed that the container mentions that the retinol cream expires in 6 months? Which would obviously mean it has been expired for a while now?
I haven't noticed any change in the cream's consistensy, smell or how it feels on my face.
Do you nonnas here think it would be safe to just usr the rest of the stuff instead of throwing it away?
No. 2226817
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This is a very stressful question for me to ask. I'm not disabled, I can walk just fine, but I have a problem in my lower back involving my sacrum that over time has gotten worse. Sometimes I'm in pain, sometimes it's all bearable and I can forget any uncomfortable sensation. But when I travel long distances, like a long car ride, bus ride, airplane ride etc my back hurts so much that it's basically impossible for me to move without having to constantly take a rest from the pain, sitting down for long periods does something to my back. In those moments, I've considered using some type of mobility device, but the thing is, I usually can and should be walking, I try to push myself because the thought of having normal days when I literally feel nothing and can walk like always, and other days when it's so unbearable that I end up crying, makes me feel completely stupid, like some kind of munchie failure.
I've seen anons criticizing munchies for being able to walk sometimes and then using wheelchairs other times. I don't want to be that, I want to walk despite being in deep pain. I don't want to be a munchie. What the hell am I supposed to do?
No. 2226840
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Why are people upset about Liam's death? Isn't he a terrible person? One of my friends is mad at me for not giving a shit kek.
No. 2226849
>>2226840Because oh no, druggie scrote was
sad, this says soooo much about society (even though he just killed himself by accident trying to jump into the pool kek.) It's also nostalgia and people feeling guilty because they haven't thought or cared about him in 10 years.
No. 2226974
>>2226964They become homeless. My uncle did this and he leeched off my grandmother til she had to go into a home for dementia, then he lived in tents in people's yards for a few years, then he lived at the salvation army until he died a few years after that.
Their lives are filled with danger, conflict, and strife. It's dangerous to be homeless, especially for an older woman. Honestly, it would be much safer to attach yourself to an ugly and lonely man. Which many of these women do.
>What if there's a kid that their mom takes care of, but they don't take care of the kid?Some daughters are willing to take care of their neglectful mothers, while others aren't.
No. 2226990
>>2226974I didn't word it well. Sorry about that. What I meant to ask was "if one of these people has a kid and that person's mother takes care of the grandchild/kid, what happens to the kid?"
The people I'm thinking of are both women and one has never ever dated and the other only just got out of a super domestic violent relationship (and never dated before that relationship). Both have quite an inheritance but I have no idea if either would even know how to use it.
No. 2227102
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if someone stole my lunch out of the fridge at work and then i put a decoy lunch in there that has been disgustingly tampered with to see if they do it again is that a crime?
No. 2227230
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i cook with a small induction burner, no conventional cooktop. its been good for the past 2 years but there is somewhat of a need to cook or boil 2 things at once at times which is impossible on just the single burner.
should i get a whole new double burner which would cost me about $120, and either put away the old one or donate it.
or should i get a second single burner for about $30 and take it out only when i need it?
No. 2227241
>>2226993i want to buy some off you
nonnie pls. i am also a friendless shut in and am afraid of getting scammed if i try to buy online. what burger region are you in?
No. 2227243
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>>2227026AI image he made of himself
No. 2227256
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>>2227225Leni Klum has a good example of one
No. 2227264
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>>2227225This is a better example since you can see the before and after.
No. 2227958
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Picrel, what should we do then? Rapists always reoffend. This is just my opinion, but rape is worse than murder. What do victims of rape say about this? Is rape downplayed or truly it isnt that bad? Statiscally, does being raped affect victims in signifcant ways throught their lives? Or can they just move on like it never happened?
No. 2228009
>>2227958I'm not sure that's true to begin with. Men are less concerned with, or aware about, jail sentences for specific crimes, it's more what they think they can get away with. Rape can be passed off as consensual sex, turn into a her word against mine thing, it might not even get reported, etc. A dead body is undeniable proof of a crime being committed and a much, much bigger piece of evidence to deal with.
Not to mention most of the time rapists don't even think they're committing rape, they do mental gymnastics to convince themselves it's ok and women want it and as long as it's not literal back alley stranger rape it's fine.
No. 2228017
>>2227958I don't know how to answer the first part of your question. Wish we could get rapists arrested in the first place, but it's already an uphill battle for so many reasons. I'd just like to see the laws enforced to start. But it is really that bad. I experienced rape in high school and it took me 15 years to move past it. That only happened once I was able to stability in my life overall: healthy relationship, secure housing, stable job, good support network, long-term therapy, etc. All this helped me to heal and I'm so happy to no longer be haunted by what that man did to me long ago. But some
victims are never able to move on and continue to live with PTSD years after the rape happened. It's heartbreaking.
No. 2228062
>>2227958I’m of the opinion that prison is too cushy, first we need to make prison a punishment again. No more cell phones, no more tvs, instead we go back to good old fashion landlines and hard labor. The prison industry being for profit has to stop and it needs to become an underfunded cesspit that enables the enslavement of antisocial scrotes. As we know men are their best selves when consequences are unpleasant, so consequences need to be traumatic. If they don’t like it they could just not offend? As for whether execution should be on the table and how it encourages rapists to murder their
victims? Easy fix. Any scrote ACCUSED gets the axe, no more he said she said bullshit, no more innocent until proven guilty. If scrotes don’t want to be accused of being rapists they need a female chaperone and a curfew. And if that’s not a solution for them they’re welcome to police each other, go back to dragging out and beating to death rapists/pedos and taking their derangement out on each other rather than women and children, that’s literally the natural order.
No. 2228101
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Does anyone remember the semi-autobiographical/semi-biographical book where a woman talks about her sister who fell into the satanic panic recovered memory scam and ended up killing herself? I just remembered the book today but I can't remember the name.
No. 2228490
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What does it mean when people say they'll feel the spicy food later at the toilet? Does it burn your butt like it did in your mouth when you ate it? Even though you don't have tastebuds in your butt? Or does it just mean you'll get diarrhea from eating it?
I have eaten spicy food many times but I've never felt anything out of the ordinary afterwards, yet time and time again I hear people say it like it's a given when eating spicy food. I would have thought maybe I just haven't eaten anything on that level of spicy, but people say it about the same food I've eaten and I'm so confused
No. 2228631
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any indians or similar here can you answer this question for me: why is garam masala used at the END of cooking by indians, but the best butter chickens and other curries i've eaten have always had the garam masala used toward the start of the recipe?
No. 2229156
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>>2228973Cause I dont want crusty feet.
No. 2229687
>>2229664Unironically because you need to post more
Set the tone of the conversation
No. 2229720
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>>2229678nta but you are the retard here. this is a thing that happens
No. 2229782
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Am I the asshole for being chris chan for halloween? I thought it'd be funny but my sorta friend sort acquaintance got really pissed and said "You're being a sex offender for halloween? Did you even think of that?" but i didn't think it was a big deal because it's not like i'm giving money to chris chan, i commissioned my friend to make a sonichu medallion for me even because i refuse to support a rapist moid. My main circle thinks it's funny though.
No. 2229795
>>2229785If you've ever dated an asian man you'd understand why. They suck.
White men on the other side of it just fetishize asian women because they think they are uwu smol child like submissive exotic waifu anime cook clean sex
No. 2229808
>>2229805 and yes this too, like the western perception of asian moids may be kpop and anime, but IRL asian moids are more likely to be more akin to perverted frogs than humans.
No. 2229839
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Can I make chorizo just by mixing ground beef with some spices? I was gonna buy chorizo cause I used to really like soyrizo, but these are the ingredients and I don't think eating lymph nodes can be healthy at all.
No. 2230109
>>2229911Why the fuck would you encourage your partner to think about how much they want to fuck people other than you and what traits they have that you don't? Like
>>2229965 said it's fine to see someone attractive and think "wow they look great" and then let the thought go but dwelling on it so you regularly develop actual crushes is harming your relationship.
You're either asking because you're insecure and feel like you need to know (which will only make you feel worse when you don't have those traits), or because you yourself have crushes on other men all the time and want him to have crushes too so you can stop feeling guilty about it.
No. 2230259
>>2230249Nonna you gotta understand, election doomerism has been cyclical ever since the U.S. presidential election became a thing kek. Every single time there's been an election, literally even since George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, all of them, there has been the obligatory
>This is the end of the world!! Everything is going to be a disaster!!Trust me kek, we are all going to be okay no matter who gets the keys to the castle
No. 2230309
>>2230249If your politics are like mine (euro fag) nothing ever changes for us poor peasants. We still have to pay taxes while the billionaires and millionaires don’t and part of it is used to pay the sky high salaries of these very same politicians kek, we still have to pay increasing rent , we still have to work our jobs that aren’t enough to cover the cost of living.
I feel like any side of politics, left or right, doesn’t truly care to be make a proper change. They’ll tell you sweet things and make false promises, they might do some few things just to appease you, but when they’re in power nothing truly changes.
I hope for you American nonnas that at least abortion rights are restored in all states (although I’ve understood that it’s up to each jurisdiction?) and that no change will be made to title IX , I’ve heard some crazy stories. I’ve followed here and here a bit of the debates, but I’ve not seen anyone truly tackle the average American’s problems kek. Trump is funny though, I’ll give him that, I sometimes thinks he’s just a troll kek.
No. 2230312
>>2230300What’s up with troons saying that if trump wins they’ll be sent to concentration camps though? It’s so ridiculous and disrespectful to holocaust
No. 2230341
>>2230334This is gonna be crazy to hear, because trannies twisted this in the most retarded way possible, but in an interview she was asked about trans rights and she was avoidant and simply said "I will follow the law." So trannies started twisting this to make her seem like she was the most anti-tranny person ever LOL. VERY stupid, I know. Watching this interview she just seemed pretty moderate on the topic of troons.
No. 2230501
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>>2230469No, it's okay to give change. In the future though, I suggest going to the dollar store and buying a case of coin rollers like picrel. I used to love when customers brought those in because it made counting at the end of the night easier. As a consumer, I like using coin rolls because it saves me time at the register when paying. Instead of having to stop and count all the coins, I just have to hand the cashier a roll.
No. 2231043
>>2230293Good luck on your exam nona!
I should use parental control for internet next time
No. 2231098
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>>2231078I struggle with maintaining a calorie deficit consistently to lose weight. I should only be eating around 1200 calories a day and I deeply resent that. Not to mention I drink my calories a lot, not alky though. Delicious food that literally brightens my day and puts a smile on my face is abundant and available. It's not that I am eating goyslop and sweets, most of what I eat are nutritious foods which is why I believe I have skirted many health issues in spite of my weight.
I only ever lost weight when I was in college drinking water only, exercising four hours a day, and eating only two of picrel a day. I was dropping a half pound on the scale every other day, I remember how giddy this made me feel. If I cheated, I would purge. Also helped that I hated myself and was broke so I didn't choose/couldn't afford happiness even if I wanted to eat yummy things. I mean, this is back when I thought Applebee's was good dining kek.
No. 2231109
>>22310994 years, on my 4th year my body just felt this insatiable hunger that it never felt and well…now im 70 pounds overweight, honestly before that i never felt empathy for fat people but now that im in their shoes it does feel shitty and it does hurt when people act like fat women aren't human. Ive calmed down with the binging so all i have to do left is start exercising.
I never had a problem with binge eating until i got ana, ana literally caused me to get a binge disorder.
No. 2231111
I exercise in waves, I have trauma and bad feelings tied to exercise. I go through cycles where I will go to the gym consistently for a couple months and then 4 or 5 months of not going because some bad bullshit happens to me or whatever. I wish there was a way to trick my brain into seeing it as a reward but alas, I gotta force myself to go or no dice. Not to say I am completely sedentary though, I do enjoy physical hobby activities such as hiking and swimming–it's just hard setting aside dedicated time for those activities now that I am an adult with a management job.
You may be onto something about hormones. My mother forced me on depo provera from 15 years old to 17 years old and I remember a fuck ton of weight gain from it. Also I had the arm implant for several years of my life nonstop and noticed weight loss was difficult during those years when I had it. I started spironolactone for hormonal cystic acne which went away completely (too much androgens?). I also chalk it up to being stressed all the time, hence my brain seeking tasty food for a boost.
No. 2231113
>>2231098When I needed to lose weight the only thing that worked for me was fasting. Eating only every other day. I found I wasn't over-eating on the "on" days, either.
It was too many mind games and overwhelming when I tried counting calories or measuring food, just having the super easy set rule of "Don't eat today" made it so simple. (I could still drink 0 calorie stuff.)
Wouldn't recommend this to people with eating disorders I guess, but it's an easy way to cut your calorie intake
No. 2231120
>>2231113Nta but it depends, i am prone to binging so something like fasting would just
trigger my binge eating. I know because i used to do alternative day fasting and all it did was make me pig out.
I think three nutritious meals as long as they don't exceed a calorie limit + alot of excercise is enough for weight loss.
Gimmicks like fasting, keto, diet etc can cause more harm than good.
No. 2231154
>>2231111>>2231113i feel like what you eat matters too as your body processes each food differently ex. 1200 of too much carbs, too little vegetables, protein and additives to food and cooking like corn syrup, sugar, flour, etc. that is found in sauces and seasoning vs mostly amounts of vegetables, protein and carbs with controlled sugar, sauces and seasonings. A lot of people get the misconception that all that food does is put weight in your body, when that's probably the least important thing. the whole point of consuming food is fueling your body so your organs can function even if you are sedentary and maybe even especially if you are sedentary since using your brain for prolonged amount of times also needs nourishment
that's why so many anachans act cowish. Also remember that weight gain can also be a sign of an underlying problem, its like breaking out, its your body signaling that there is something wrong.
>>2231113Were you overweight at those times that you needed to lose weight? I feel like sometimes people have a set weight and it can sit a bit higher than average. Also, how old were you? i find it hard to believe that a let's say a 25 or 30 year old woman should eat the same as she did when she was 15? also i think its normal to weigh a bit more, but that's just kind of a thought i have.
No. 2231225
>>2231078According to BMI I'm "just" overweight now so it's not like I'm obese… but it's largely because I grew up chubby my whole life (family habits got me addicted to sugar) with a super skinny best friend. In our mid 20s it flipped; I finally got control of my weight through cutting out sugar from my diet and exercising regularly, while my best friend gained a ton of weight.
My friend started encouraging me to eat more unhealthy snacks so she wouldn't be the "the fat one" even when time and time again I explained I was trying to not eat such things. That I couldn't eat them because I would end up on a binge. She would look so disappointed and hurt when I said no, always guilt tripping me. So she eventually managed to rope me into eating my "
trigger" foods, which did exactly that -
triggered me into binging and I ended up gaining weight. And I haven't been able to bounce back since. Years of healthy eating went down the drain because she couldn't accept that I was trying to be healthy. We're still friends but I'm still distraught she did that to me. I really hate sugar, but I'm addicted to it and can't go even a day without eating something sugary. It's secretly driving me insane and I don't know what to do. And no one takes sugar addiction seriously, people just don't get why I'm struggling so much.
No. 2231972
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This is dumb but I have an “outie” vagina. When I wear underwear, no matter the style, my labia minora always ends up slipping out? Particularly one side that is longer/bigger than the other. Is that normal or am I buying the wrong size?? It fits my hip measurement fine but the actual crotch gusset seems to never cover me throughout the day.
No. 2231976
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Why are games so fucking ugly these days? in picrel, the left are 2000s korean games, but other doll-related games like bratz, barbie, monster high and winx also had aesthetically pleasing designs, and on the right its whatever the fuck that is now. Toys are also ugly as fuck now, the other day i saw some "poopie dolls" wtf is that shit? Maybe im blinded by nostalgia and i know girls don't like girly stuff but i think the way it's designed is just straight up ugly. No wonder late zoomers and gen alpha either love 90s and 2000s nostalgia bait or just watch stuff for adults.
No. 2232011
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>>2231813A tea set? Tea forte has gorgeous tea advent calendars
No. 2232013
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is jewelry that happens to look like an infinity collar but does not serve its, erm, purpose a thing? like when bdsm style collars were fashionable? or is it absolutely an indication of what i think it is. met a girl last night at work that i'll probably see again and immediately noticed it and wasn't sure what to think and it looked just like picrel. just think that's wild. recognized it because terminally online
No. 2232079
>>2231976It’s partly to do with changing trends in marketing. Games like the Star Sue ones in your picrel were made because companies in the 2000s were really excited by the marketing potential of web content, particularly flash content which was interactive, new and exciting. That’s why all the big toy brands invested into making their own websites with free games for their products, like from Mattel. Probably a lot of kids in the 2000s would first hear about a new toy line through that website. It was the same in Korea hence the abundance of Star Sue games, which would get reuploaded onto US sites.
In the 2010s flash was no longer mainstream, apps were the new big thing because they had the marketing potential of web content, but could also be monetized with freemium bullshit. So web games faded into the background and they got weird. With web games getting less traffic than they used to, the developers would make more shocking games to catch attention, which is where the weird bootleg Elsa dentistry games come in. There were also ugly and weird flash games in the 2000s, but they don’t get remembered so much since they weren’t as popular as the cute ones.
I agree that trends in toy design have gotten a lot uglier. In the 2000s a lot of the designs were based on anime, like Winx, Littlest Petshop, the MLP reboot. I think the anime influence on western toy designs created a nice aesthetic, that was cute but not too cutesy. A lot of toy designs now just seem to throw everything into the mix hoping something will stick, sparkle, rainbows, glitter etc etc. I don’t see a lot of toys that have the personality I remember toys having in the 2000s. The quality is probably also worse. The toy industry isn’t really doing so good since kids prefer video games and YouTube videos to playing with toys. Im sure that plays a part in the ugliness. Of course I am also biased by nostalgia at the same time.
No. 2232955
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How do i get this stray kitty to like me? i have been sheltering her for almost a week in my living room and she's still very scared. I give her food and water but she just runs away and hides. At this point i dont know if i should just release her and accept she doesnt like me, but i dont want her to get pregnant and fill the neighbourhood with kittens. She shows very mild signs of growing to be comfortable with me, today i woke up and she was on my bed but as soon as she realized i was awake she stormed away to hide.
No. 2232957
>>2232939A lot of bi women don't see other women as actual people, but objects or accessories. Like
>>2232949 said it's just a form of internalized misogyny.
No. 2233339
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Do Europeans have beef jerky?
No. 2233630
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Do people really pay $2-8 a month to watch normalfags play gameboy games what in the parasocial hell
No. 2233856
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I've been thinking alot about what I would do in a zombie apocalypse scenario recently. The premise would be that they are the slow brainless kind and I've been warned by TV that there's been a breakout about 2 hours drive from me.
>Raid the pharmacy near me. Pills have low perishability and are good for trading
>Siphon whatever fuel I can from my car
>Fill the bathtube up with water
>Destroy the stairs in my house and hide in the attic.
>Hold out for a month or two then make a break for the mountains with whatever car I can find, hide my pills in a couple holes then trade a stream of meds for access to whatever tribes I can join
I might've been playing to much Project Zomboid kek.
What would you do?
No. 2233950
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Would you guys want a ai critical/anti ai thread? unless it already exist
No. 2234291
>>2232939it sounds like she's embarrassed of being an autist who won't date real people so she calls you shallow instead.
>>2233599i assume the uber orthodox religious won't go into healthcare or work outside the house in the first place.
No. 2234353
>>2233856I would let myself get bit and could finally be my true self.
>>2234205Somebody who flirts with people in relationships is a slut to me.
No. 2234464
>>2234205incel or coomer moid definition? ignore.
but do i personally think sluts exist? yes and can be male or female. cheaters, knowingly being "the other woman/man", sleeping with someone to get ahead in life, consistent promiscuity (beyond having a ho phase), polyamory, having sex in public, brandishing your "kinkiness" to others, sex workers who had other options and weren't forced/coerced into it.
i personally think regardless of being male/female you should keep your shit private or at least discuss with close friends and not post about it on social media with your full name and face. i'm not religious, i think waiting until marriage is kind of crazy, but it doesn't make sense imo to have sexual interactions with a person you aren't in a somewhat serious relationship with. you don't gain anything from being too open about your sex life or sleeping with strangers.
No. 2234498
>>2234061Dealing with the same thing, so update us if you figure it out.
But food allergies can also cause heart issues. So I recommend keeping a food journal and then note the times and dates of your symptoms.
No. 2234531
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Would anyone be interested in a gymbro/roid-kun cow thread? I am fascinated by male anachans and how they fuck up their bodies for male validation and/or to satisfy the fetishes of other homos.
No. 2234557
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>>2234531I want a full length doc on Zyzz. Afaik he was a nerdy Aussie, took roids, became chad and died around 2010 and /fit/ worships him. It's fascinating.
No. 2234565
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>>2234557I find it fascinating how moids worship these guys even though only other men find them attractive and they all end up dying of heart attack super young. I am betting sam suleck is going to die in like 5 years max.
No. 2234590
>>2234553The bi moid I dated was a virgin, but several months into the relationship I gradually found out that he would stick his xbox controller and toilet plunger handle up his ass, sent nudes to random older men, and was a porn addict with AGP, to the point that he eventually started whining to me about his "dysphoria" on a regular basis, among many other things. This was a guy who frequently shat on trannies too, and he looked super cute at the start of the relationship, but was a fat chud by the end. To be honest, I was very young at the time, and there were probably warning signs from the start that I didn't pick up on, but please nona, it isn't worth the risk regardless.
No. 2234601
>>2234590First off, feeling this
>>2234591Second off I was just thinking he'd be twice the perv. He's not a virgin but he's never been fully sexual with a man. He came clean to me privately and he isn't completely out. I'm worried with what you said and if he wants to explore I'm going to be invited to some freak orgy hoedown. Yeah I'm out.
No. 2234605
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>>2234540i don't follow any specifically but i watch some people on youtube who mock gymbros. i like to point and laugh at any guy who brags about how miserable his lifestyle is, has a mcmansion with office tier LED lighting and a wife with giant implants, looks like a grandpa roidpig before they're even 30-40, and lie about taking steroids. they're so amusing to me, like a freakshow. they're pathological liars. wes watson is hilarious because of how insecure he is. picrel is sam sulek before and after roids, this guy isn't older than 23. jocko willink i have a personal hatred for because my brother worships him for some reason and buys his products and unironically thinks he NEEDS to wake up at 4am every day. these people are miserable. just go out on a daily walk or run and lift a bit, why are they so extreme about everything. they can't just eat healthy, they make gross protein concoctions and they are always shilling unnecessary products to boost revenue + cover up that they inject drugs. again would love a thread on these nutjob cult leaders, i'm sure there's multiple on KF but i hate the site's formatting and userbase's addiction to blogposting.
No. 2234610
>>2234608Philion is a good one, he has several channels but one thing he does is that type of content.
i want to say goatis/sv3rige but please be warned he's a retard woman abuser. he's actually insane and running from the law ATM. he stabbed a male classmate in high school. colorful history. he also has a lot of retarded opinions around nutrition (thinks vegetables are
toxic) but i still enjoy watching him mock these people because it's hard to find youtubers who do this. i half hatewatch him, it's hilarious when he calls 30 year old lifters "old grandpas" calling them out for aging themselves and mocks them for lifting "man made metal". he's like a lolcow and lolcow mocker wrapped into one.
No. 2234612
>>2234610samefag but philion in general mocks the "alpha bro chad king" type men overall and
seems like a decent guy because he also mocks coomers and kinksters.
No. 2234790
>>2234781Depends on what you want and like
There's something about the Internet that has everyone acting like we're a slime mold
No. 2234969
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Don't worry about what it says, but can someone who knows about linguistics explain why "I've" being like this feels so strange and incorrect even though it's technically being used correctly?
No. 2235376
>>2235294The former is usually heard with got in the US. "You've got to be kidding me."
"You HAVE to be kidding." Is correct too in my opinion but not as common.
No. 2235599
Why are European moids such pedos? I feel like the answer I’ll get is all moids are but whenever there’s a creepy comment on social media it’s almost always a European. Even bongs
>>2235452Is this an American thing? Black people (or at least Africans) are also shorter. That being said, I think 5’7 is tall-ish for all women, unless you’re like Scandinavian.
No. 2235736
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Is there an app than can organise my music playlists in a way that makes it flow well? I have the songs picked out I'm just bad at putting them in an order
No. 2235808
>>2235746That's not a stupid question.
If you don't let her watch TV at all hours, tell your husband to stop watching TV and do chores/go to bed/do homework, when she's able to see and hear you telling him that. Any rules you make for her are now rules for the whole family. When she sees that you aren't picking on her she'll be less hostile.
How does your husband deal with this? If he lies back and does fuck all it's no wonder your stepdaughter is mad, the one person who was a constant in her life is ignoring all her needs. If he only sides with you, or if he lets her do anything she likes, she might see you as the bully who made everything worse. It's not going to be a walk in the park either way but you need to talk to your husband and make sure you're both on the same page. Find a compromise, maybe she can watch TV all day on Saturday or her birthday, but on other days she has to do something else. Like the other nonna said, find out what she likes, see if you can bond with her over it. She might be very protective of her interests so that might take some time, but when she opens up to you, talk to her about her interests like you'd talk to an adult, so she feels like you're taking her seriously. Never make light of anything that's bothering her, no matter how retarded it is. I don't know what happened to make her birth family split up but it's possible that she's using the TV as a coping method and when you take that away from her she feels like she has nowhere else to turn. Family therapy would help a lot tbh. And definitely make it clear that you're not trying to replace her mother, that's a big worry for a lot of kids.
No. 2235880
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>>2235837A hairstyle that can frame your face but not too bluntly.
No. 2235884
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>>2235880some specific hairstyles you can try
No. 2235988
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>>2235837square/rectangle/cat eye frames
No. 2236205
>>2235760 >>2235808
Bonding is no issue, we talk, we draw, we go hike together with the cats, I truly do or try my best. Feeding the chickens, cleaning our terrace, she can be such a wonderful kid— until you tangle tv or tablet in front of her for "being good", "ive been good the entire 20 min in the grocery store, (but rode in the cart and said "no, don't! Everytime we try adding shit to the cart and no. No!) so what do i get?" she'll start throwing tantrums, wakes us both up at at 4:30am simply bc she woke up and KNOWS dad might cave.. she's 7 by now I'm just so angry at this point, so are there books bc I might kill my partner at this rate but do want to do okay by this poor kid
No. 2236382
>>2235746>>2236205Isn't it a bit convenient for her father that stepmom is the one doing the work, doing research, actively asking for help? Shouldn't he be the one who does that research and then informs you: this is how we're going to do this from now on.
I'll fully admit that I have limited context and insight in your relationship so maybe I'm misinterpreting the situation but you wouldn't be the first woman who assumes responsibility too quickly and easily in a relationship..
No. 2236441
>>2235746>>2236205>"[a] rebellious kid that clearly hates my guts"She is only 7 years old, she's too young to "hate." It's cliche to say, but hate is a very strong word. She's too young and immature to really understand what that feeling is, or how to express it. As an adult, it's hard to put ourselves in the minds of children because they're operating at a cognitive level very different from ours. At most, your step-daughter dislikes you, and this is normal for young children when they're introduced to new authority figures, like in mixed-family systems. It's difficult, but try not to attribute adult emotions onto her. She isn't having behavioural issues because she "hates" you; her behavioral issues aren't a reflection of her feelings towards you.
I think the deeper issue in mixed family relationships, especially when young children are introduced to a step-parent, is the issue of distrust. I recall a scene from a television show wherein two characters (a father and a step-mother) discuss the step-daughter. At one point, the step-mother quips something like "You'll always be responsible, you're her father. You can never stop being her father. But at any time, I can stop being her step-mother." What the step-mother is implying here is that she's only a conditional mother - that if she were to divorce the father, the semi-artificial relationship she has with her step-daughter can be severed. It's an interesting scene because I think it really speaks to the internal, maybe subconscious, fear of a young child in this situation. There is a latent fear of abandonment, formed from the initial separation of the parents, or a death, that exists in the step-child. This problem is exacerbated when presented with the step-parent. They don't want to experience abandonment again: they are afraid to experience that pain again - so there exists within them a certain feeling of distrust towards the step-parent ("Will you leave me too? Will you abandon me?") that makes forming a relationship difficult. Relationships are built on trust, so the challenge for the step-parent is to establish a strong sense of trust. Building a loving relationship will natural blossom from this trusting relationship.
>How do I build trust with her?Just like you would with anybody, by being there for her. By creating activities that just the two of you do together, and always at the same times. By taking her out 1-on-1 with you for a mother-daughter day. By introducing her to your family. By including her in your activities or chores or errands. By playing with her and having fun with her. Trust takes a long time to build, especially in mixed family systems for the reasons mentioned earlier. It takes a lot of time, especially when the visitations are less frequent (i.e., bio-mum has her for a week, dad only gets her for weekends), but with dedication and willpower that bond can be created and maintained.
>"until you tangle TV or tablet in front of her"Children between 6-10 should be allowed less than two hours of screen-time per day. If she's getting any more than that, you and her father are doing her a disservice. It's very difficult for parents now to control screen-time, but it's so important. Limiting screen-time and setting healthy limits on tech use is just as important as keeping the cleaning chemicals out of reach, or as keeping the guns locked in the safe. Overuse of screens will do just as much damage to her as poison. Please discuss this with your nigel and create a comprehensive screen-time plan. This looks different for everyone, since not all screens are "equal," e.g., do facetime calls with grandparents count towards screen-time?
>"but [she] rode in the [grocery] cart"7 years old is too old to be riding in grocery carts. It's no good babying a child, or treating them as though they're younger than they are. It stifles their personal development. She is no longer an object in the ways infants are; she is her own person now. She should be going to the grocery store
with you, as an active participant in the activity, not just being dragged along as
part of you. Perhaps this is a microcosm of a deeper issue in the family-unit that needs to be addressed. To go on with the grocery store example, there are lots of ways that she should be included. Before you go shopping, you could show her the weekly flier (if it's electronic, print it out for her) and ask her about what foods she'd like, or ask her to write down her own list of 1-2 items, maybe ask her to check the fridge and make a list herself of all the things that are running out (of course, check some time before you ask her to do it). In the grocery store, she should be walking beside you (holding hands or not, depending on your living area and the safety), and she should be asked to put things in the cart, or even encouraged to pick out something she'd like (i.e., in the cookie aisle, you could ask her to pick out her favourite cookie or a type she'd like to try).
No. 2236926
>>2236366Mix his hair into some molding food like sour milk or moldy bread and say the phrase you choose about his hair over and over, the angrier the better. Then throw the hair and moldy food out into the trash bin. Do it on a full moon, as the moon becomes smaller his hair will become smaller with it.
Also, this
>>2236377 It's going to happen anyway.
No. 2236960
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How is Snejana Onopka doing? I remember when she was worshipped on Tumblr for being ana even though she always looked so tired and miserable. Also the cringe fake caption edits over gifs of her with rude antisocial quotes
No. 2237497
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>>2237486You should look at the ugly man psyop thread. You probably can tell when they're attractive but you're confused because media tells you these ugly guys are valuable and handsome. Example, Matthew Mc Conaughey. Shilled as a catch in the 90s. It's confusing and makes you challenge your own judgement because you're told it's the best. You'll know when you find someone attractive. You won't need to question it. It's very rare to see a man who is actually good looking, that is the source of your confusion.