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No. 2199900
Confess your sins
Previous thread
>>2171016 No. 2199979
>>2199966Because I ended up liking some Loli artist
>>2199975I'm aware
No. 2200531
>>2199900Sometimes i Like stirring the pot, because everyone lies to themselves anyway, and no one will understand me no matter what i do. When i get angry, having a wank makes me feel normal, but then i feel ashamed for humping my mattress, and it’s like level 1 wank difficulty if i think of women but i try to think of men and it takes longer, but i like how im not possessed with lust then. I think mitski is for women who don’t love themselves and also mathematics is not as hard as everyone says it is, it’s just observing patterns and it’s like a really fun game at every stage, i get thesame level of dopamine watching a theorem be proven as i do eating cheese . I get more nervous to talk to women because if other women don’t like me i am more sad because then it’s like my sisters leaving me out all over again. But that doesn’t happen these days. People want to talk to me often and that’s scarier than being a loner, to have your life’s narrative change. I wish i could turn off daydreaming because it’s like having your brain hijacked. I do good things a lot but not necessarily because i want to, just because i believe in having a harmonious world. Although i often want to do good out of feeling, i still don’t know if i good person is more someone who is naturally hateful but chooses the good, or is good but acts hatefully. I do get really sad when i see people argue though, but then i think ‘silly cow’ when i see my mum because she represents my fear of my own weaknesses and also i disliked the men she picked and her yelling. I don’t See the point in dessert because when you eat the dessert it’s gone. The loss outweighs the pleasure. I think you can be a female autogynephile. I don’t know how to act like the young lady I’ve become because i feel the need to jump up and down and move my limbs a lot, but the older i get the more i realise im not unique and that’s great because there are lots of silly women. I don’t know if life actually gets better as you get older, everyone around me makes me think otherwise. I think I’m supposed to party at my age and sometimes feel bad because i don’t. Alcohol sometimes makes me really sad. German only sounds good when women are speaking it. I think globalism could enslave us one day and it’s important for people to make their own goods/food in their own country to avoid being ruled over by others, and the bigger a network gets the harder it is to control it. I would love to have a friend to whom i could send Hand written letters with sprigs of herbs or flowers, and have tea parties with. I love being hyperfeminine and to exist as a human you have to have some internalised external gaze to define and relativise yourself, but you can have great calm if you know how temporary that self is. I think tofu is really delicious, and also i am really curious about what china’s plans for itself are. And also i really like autumn evenings and wish i had very tall platform boots to feel ferocious in
No. 2200636
>>2200626This makes my heart warm and i hope you’re having a good evening!
>>2200547 that’s neat don’t apologise for loving yourself
No. 2201235
>>2200278Same but it's bing ai for me, I dont have a strong computer for offline and I don't do discord on principle of it being a groomer hotbed.
Anyway. I've actually been tracing ai images to make artwork and I can do it so well it's impossible to tell, because I change them into a uniform style. And then I sold them in a real life art show. Because I'm evil.
No. 2201460
>>2201057Thanks for the reply, sounds like something I wouldn't like either.
I'm not a party person, and I don't need anything "enhancing" my Sims play or Bridge club meeting
No. 2201565
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In the beginning I vented to my friends about you and didn't paint you in the best light and I'm sorry for that. I kept trying to find faults in you to protect myself, you seemed to good to be true. I know how madly I fall in love and I wasn't ready. But now I think I am. You've been incredible to me, I admire you so much, and I promise to stay in the moment with you. To not compare myself to you or anyone else. I'm really falling for you and when you tell me something kind, I'll let myself believe it. I believe in you.
No. 2201758
>>2201449yeah i’m sorry but the last time someone like that tried to befriend me she gave me a huge sob story about how she was an abused recovered addict who had everything she owned stolen by her
abusive family, and then it turned out she attacked her SIL and lost custody of her kid and she tried to steal from my apartment and told people i owed her money after i drove her to the grocery store and took her to the movies and was going to help her do her laundry. because all of her clothes weren’t stolen, the “four totes” were HUGE BINS and she couldn’t walk to the laundromat because she stole all her clothes from the closest one. she tried to whine if she had to use her units laundry, it would be too small and she still had to pay $20 for rent even though the government paid for this woman who turned out to be on parole to live there for free and all she had to do was keep clean and keep it clean. she tried to tell me i was going to get her kicked out if i didn’t drive her to this other laundromat and i found out you need to get cash out to use tokens and she was definitely planning on trying to make me pay for it and scamming me. if someone tells me they have zero friends it’s like. why? even during my moments of isolating myself and i had easily half a dozen people to talk to. if you’re at a certain age and still have no one it’s for a reason.
No. 2201812
>>2201688Children's authors used to make so much more eloquent and imaginative works
I wish my mom didn't give away all of my child library so I could name the authors and books but I forgot the names
I still hold a grudge for her doing it and remind her how she robbed me, she says she got the message and admits she was wrong and I should stop, but I will not let it go ever
There a two books in particular Rowling ripped off of, one from a German author
But her work is so stupified, I started reading it but couldn't get past a chapter
No. 2201828
>>2201819Michael Ende's work is just as good as when I first read it. (Of the rare books my mom didn't give to the library)
I recommend Momo to adults even today
No. 2201964
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>>2201399this post made me remember the Amanda Todd wave , i googled her for old times sake and it turns out todays the 12th anniversary of her death. she would've been 27
No. 2202008
>>2201985But cowing underage people is against the rules here? Did you mean this?
>>2202004Perhaps you might be right.
No. 2202045
>>2201449>>2201758what if it's just from not going outside often?
>>2201807nta but i don't have any because of terrible social skills and school bullying. the one childhood friend i almost had broke up the friendship in middle school because she thought i was secretly gay and that i was making her look bad in front of her cooler friends. the other kids didn't want to befriend a possible lesbian (even though i'm not) and thought i was weird in general besides that. there was also some random tranny rumors about me. eventually (not because that incident specifically though, just tons of other issues in general) i stopped attending school altogether and did it at home instead
No. 2202061
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I had a nervous breakdown tonight and my bf is coming later to take care of me
No. 2202073
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I cannot interact normally with gender nonconforming women. I get so stressed about it that I can't even meet their eyes for any sustained duration of time and wind up avoiding them so they can't tell i'm retarded. because then they might notice i'm only that retarded around them and then what would that indicate to them? so i panic and avoid them. I try not to even look at them because I don't trust myself to not be caught staring and I don't want to be weird. I was in a large meeting with one today and she was sitting next to me and I was literally sweating through my clothes and looking the other direction the whole time. I am so beyond retarded. especially because I FUCKING DRESS THE SAME WAY. God damn. I feel like a fucking retarded squirrel or something
No. 2202076
Are you just afraid of coming across as judgemental or something? Or are you worried they'll think you're looking at them homosexually?
No. 2202095
>>2202076I don't even know but I seem to have always been like this. I've only encountered very few nonconforming women in my life so i guess I'm not used to them. There was a TIF that I met freshman year of high school (this was before gender stuff got really crazy so she wasn't like the TIFs of today) and I had the same problem where I was stupid around her and would try not to stare at her etc, and then in college there was a club leader that I once had to sign a clip board she was holding and I almost passed out, then once I was at a protest and saw a shy looking nonconforming woman my age in a hoodie by herself and I couldn't stop staring at her and was panicking the whole time that she would see me looking at her like a creep.
anyway I feel like it's only getting worse as time goes on to the point that now I'm straight up avoiding them because I mentally can't take the stress. I know i run the risk of seeming rude but tbh i would prefer they assume I am rude than a freak because I have mental issues I usually keep under wraps but cannot control around them because again I am retarded.
No. 2202121
>>2202097>>2202103idk I only feel that way around gnc women and not other women at all so I don't know… but anyway i was thinking about it more and I think
>>2202076 is sort of onto something that I am terrified as being clocked as nervous around them because I am very ugly and no one likes when an ugly person acts like they have a thing for you, it's just awkward and gross, so I don't want to inflict that on them so I avoid them completely instead of feeling shame and depression about making someone grossed out and uncomfortable.
No. 2202323
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Idk where else to post this, so maybe not much of a confession. But I like following vtuber cows and something I find interesting is their fans standards. I remember them back in 2020/2021 being super harsh and mean whenever a face was leaked and calling them ugly fat ect. Now whenever one gets doxxed everyone will go on about how cute they are. I'm not trying to argue the girls are ugly (if anything the majority are painfully average), but I do find it funny how your attractiveness can be evaluated to weebs as long as you're willing to larp as a animu girl
No. 2202326
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I miss stanfag
No. 2202352
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I used to be one of those BPDfags who cling to other less stigmatized labels because they're in denial (I've had other therapists suspect I have C-PTSD/bipolar/autism etc but I've been told I have BPD multiple times now). However I've been ruminating on my past relationships a lot and I've realized I am, in fact, a true blue BPDfag. I can't trust my intuition and I can never tell when I'm underreacting or overreacting, and that lead me to demonize people who I now realize really weren't all that bad. I'm not promiscuous at all and I don't cheat, so at least I have that going for me, but the black and white thinking/idealization and devaluation is aspect is strong.
I have an addiction to reading r/raisedbyborderlines and r/bpdlovedones posts. I've come to the realization that I will probably never be able to have a healthy, lasting relationship and I'll certainly never be able to have kids. I want to avoid wreaking havoc and ruining other people's lives as much as possible. My fear of dying alone has morphed into a fear of being asked out. I don't ever want to be in a relationship ever again but I know that if someone asked me out I would probably cave and thus the endless cycle of misery would repeat itself. I'm 18 so I hope I'll just chill out with age but until then I'm staying celibate.
No. 2203361
>>2203221Nah he's literally gay. He is just a cutie.
>>2203181I don't feel as attracted to him when I actually talk to him. But even then it's there a little because he is handsome and dresses well. He's looks like the guys I crushed on in high school, who were probably fags now that I think about it.
No. 2203415
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honestly i try to repress such feelings bc well it isn't like I can do anything about it…but i kind of resent my mom for getting a 25000$ used years-old car. the payments per month is half of what I make.
I remember telling her that it's not a good deal at the time but she refused to listen. it's not even nice or cute either btw. it just looks like any old car…and it's a gas guzzler too! her mom once said that my mom is shitty at saving money and I'm starting to understand it.
we're actually a pretty poor family and I suffer from an illness that pretty much makes it hard for me to go out and earn money, so the prospect that I'm putting in all this work to just pay off this dumb car is…yeah, it's depressing to say the least.
No. 2203776
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I fight on 4chan sometimes and rarely I have to remind myself to not post pictures of my tits to prove I'm a woman because I know it wouldn't win the argument anyway.
No. 2203798
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I have a delayed reaction to things that make me angry. I usually respond to things that piss me off or scare me by grinning like a freak. I have to figure out whether or not I ought to be offended before I say something. It makes me feel like a coward. It gives people mixed messages.
No. 2204460
>>2204455now that i go back it was actually in the
ugly man psyopp thread which is even more embarrassing kms
No. 2204644
>>2204526I salute you so hard
nonny kek
>>2200418Oh my goodness can we PLEASE turn this into the next alt-right psyop
No. 2204742
>>2204715That's gotta suck in real life, therapy and open communication would be best once a relationship is formed but it'll be hard to even get there.
But also a great set-up for a fictional bully story.
No. 2204759
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I hate-watched The Amazing Digital Circus and ended up loving it
No. 2204791
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As a kid I was deathly afraid of toilets. I could still use them but I would stare down into the toilet bowl as I did my business because I was always afraid of a head coming out of it. How a head could fit through the piping? I don't know, I was a stupid kid. It started when I watched a scary movie with my family and needed to use the bathroom in the middle of it. My child brain just decided to be terrified from then on. Then my best friend told me about a superstition that if you sit on the toilet for too long a hand will come up, so thanks for more fuel for my nightmares. I was also afraid of windows and mirrors too, and didn't like how loud toilets were when they flushed (I would run out of the bathroom after flushing saying 'scary toilet, scary toilet!' before returning to wash my hands).
All this to say, I'm so glad skibidi toilet wasn't a thing when I was a kid. I would've probably cried if I was a kid now, because it's sort of prevalent to see. The graphic does kind of make me feel unnerved and looks creepy so I don't like looking at it, but it's not enough to reignite my childhood fears. Thankfully, when I was about 14, all of my irrational fears (I had a lot more than the ones I listed) just went away. I just went to the bathroom one day and no longer gave a fuck about a head popping up. Something in my brain must've finished forming that day.
No. 2204805
>>2204742I don't wanna start a relationship with an expectation of something I won't get, and he seems fine the way he is. In fiction it would be cool the same way of teaching a robot or monster to love type romance is fun.
Am I suffering a genderbent maddona/whore complex or are moids only able to be somewhat ok if they're sex repulsed?
I also feel incredibly guilty having these thoughts about him, even though ik a moid would never feel guilt about it>>2204759It's not that bad, it's just fine, internet treating it a the second coming of jesus christ in animation form is the problem.
No. 2204880
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I really want to get stitches but I'm afraid it will never happen to me because I am too cautious and so i never have any accidents. I don't really care where the stitches would be, I'd even take them on my face. Well, just not my genitals. Although I'm not sure how I'd manage that anyway. But yeah I'd love to have a big laceration that needs cool stitches, I'd love to have a big cool scar, I'd love to watch them sew it up at the hospital and watch it heal, i just love stitches and laceration healing. So cool. I've thought about staging an accident where I could get stitches from it, but that would take away from the whole thing I think, it wouldn't be as satisfying.
No. 2204927
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this is how I treated my ex boyfriends, I would cheat and they would forgive me and I would do it again. I don't know why I did that.
No. 2205130
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>>2205035i am single now.
anon gross, I am not poly I said I cheated not that I dyed my hair green and go by they/it pronouns and i am 50lbs overweight.
i really did like my ex but I guess I lack discipline so I cheated on him because this one hottie who looks like joseph gordon levitt was talking to me and i folded because helloo? also he was like 19 with the tightest little stomach ever. Bf lived in a different city and would come spend the night on his days off from work but whenever he was gone, I would invite the side dude over. Eventually he found out. He cried and asked if our relationship meant anything to him and I was like ,"well duh" and he said he wanted to work through things and so did i not really for romantic reasons but mostly just practical things like I had his netflix login and I liked his food he made and he would do whatever I asked. I was like "ok I'll stop talking to him forever" so i text that side dude,"I'm sorry we cant see eachother anymore" and bf is appeased, he was such a doormat. We broke up eventually not cause of teh cheating, I had to move.
No. 2205240
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sometimes i show my nigel funny lolcow caps but only those that don't involve lc-specific words like nonny/nona so there's no way he could tell where it came from. he's aware of the farm's existence and knows that i browse it but he doesn't know what's it all about or that it's supposedly an all-female imageboard. he barely speaks english and doesn't browse imageboards because he finds them too complicated to use (zoomer brainrot) and thinks they're all full of hitlerites like 4chan so i don't worry about him coming here. still, i'm sorry anons.. i betrayed you all..
No. 2205330
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>>2205290So how does this make you feel?
(ai bait) No. 2205461
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As a kid my mom sheltered us a lot from scary stuff (she hated horror movies) so I was a gigantic wuss to the point that stupid shit like Yu-Gi-Oh cards, black cars, cartoon skeletons or Slipknot pictures scared me, even the Korn logo creeped me out, I thought the inverted R was super uncanny. Maybe this is why I'm into "dark" shit now, probably because it was forbidden to me for a long time.
No. 2205497
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I really like male trap characters
No. 2205531
>>2205530>WisdomCan we be realistic.
Also old women are used as monsters in a horror movies and being an old woman isn't nice or fun, why are people so pressed over others not accepting it. They don't have to hate themselves to hate aging as a woman.
No. 2205535
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whenever I get annoyed at someone on here I just assume they’re the nona who uses a toilet to masturbate and I automatically feel better.
No. 2205628
>>2205522Has nothing to do with troonism
>>2205526Correct and the point is that it's in fact not a woman
No. 2205759
>>2205752What would your
victim profile be
No. 2205843
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If I were to be reborn I would want to be reborn as an asian girl, either preferably east asian or southeast asian, honestly wouldn’t care if I was born a brown south asian woman either because many of them are pretty. It would be a failsafe compared to being born black or white, they’re almost always pretty and manage to always stay skinny with great skin because their countries prioritize health and skincare more than burgerland.
No. 2205963
>>2205258no i'm a zoomer too. are you just bad at clocking zoomie typing styles or do i really pass as older? if it's the second i'm honored
>>2205247nona what are my other options? millenials are too old and cringe and gen alphas are underage and retarded
the brainrot thing was a joke he doesn't use social media for anything other than sending me funny/cute/interesting posts>>2205282what does sand mean in this context. i'm genuinely lost
No. 2206171
>>2205919Not to racebait but the current sentiment being suddenly like this is so funny to me. People will post things like OP did, with an edited picture just like 90% of the photos/videos of pretty East Asians online,
on top of the plastic surgery. You have to wonder if the girls who say things like this have ever met asian people in real life, because pretty asian girls just don’t look like that. If you translate asian comments on social media sooo much of it is self-hate, complaining about their large faces/jaws, small eyes and short legs compared to white people. Even the reddish white skin they want kek. Literally every beauty standard they have is whatever traits are more common in white people than asian people. I’ve even hear them call monolids “masculine”. Just goes to see people believe whatever everyone is believes in the current time. All you need is propaganda.
I do think the fact their obesity rates are so low is something to be envious of though, I wish I could step outside and see no fat people.
No. 2206297
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>>2206289I am that anon yes ugh fml
(ban evading tard) No. 2206307
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>>2206180Why deny it? Even when half-white idols debut, netizens say things like “they’re only pretty because they’re mixed”. I don’t see why it’s worth pretending like white people aren’t considered the beauty standard. Picrel is from a tiktok I came across, there were also comments I translated that were like “the levek is different from Japan” kek. It’s my hobby to translate foreign comments and this is just something that sticks out to me because hardly any other comments in other languages are like this, usually the Korean ones are the worst though. Lots of fawning over half-white wasians and saying “you’re so pretty, you look European”. Maybe I just can’t see it the same after that + all my friends who are asian having the mitski complex too
No. 2206331
>>2206327I hate how
TERF has become the worst thing you can be on the internet, genuine misogyny. Even men are more often “transphobic” on average, yet it’s the feminists, yes the feminists… do they fucking hear themselves
No. 2206339
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>>2206297i wish i could say how i really feel about you without getting banned
No. 2206378
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>>2206171This is pure cope, they’re always naturally pretty. Maybe it is you that is superficial and can’t find the natural beauty in all asian women, what a shame… it’s like nobody is ever on the same wavelength as I am always hiding their bitterness and competition with other women under the dumbest rationalizations. They’re still skinny, they’re still pretty, their alterations are a little extreme but besides that they always look pretty great and most importantly very clean and orderly unlike a lot of westerners who slather a bunch of clown makeup on their face to hide how inherently ugly and unhealthy they are. I would feel so much better if I looked like this and I don’t feel bad admitting this. Nobody would hate me anymore and my life would become easier, people would finally accept me and listen to me if I looked like this. I will finally become real. Why are you guys seething about white women? I’m not even white and my point still stands, they care about their presentation and that’s what matters the most in this world while all of you will continue to seethe and have some inferiority complex about it. I rather live in reality.
No. 2206380
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>>2206378I mean.. hello??? Objectively beautiful. When you’re either black or white they always look… interesting.
No. 2206389
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You wouldn’t have to post on again if you looked like this for real(kpop/not a confession)
No. 2206392
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>>2206389More samefag most black women will never look like the right woman, they all wear drag makeup and other women’s hair on top of their heads. They would rather swallow a tub of dark and lovely then show up bald because they think it’s “unfeminine” or whatever, how lame. Don’t even get me started on white women who look like cottage cheese
(racebait) No. 2206419
I didn't really eat lunch or dinner, I think I'm kind of developing an ED because of stress but I honestly don't feel bad about it. I've been losing some weight because I've been working, I have to walk a lot at work, but I also have been trying to go to the gym and skip meals.
Maybe I've actually found a way to stop eating too much during the day without my family being too worried about it because now I can just say I'm too stressed to feel hungry, which is true anyways, and they won't bother me about it.
Maybe I will finally have a healthy weight, this is basically just like intermittent fasting, I have a big meal, maybe a snack and plenty of exercise, I need this tbh.
I'm just so sick of eating healthy, doing diets, cutting stuff from my diet and never being able to actually enjoy anything because I always end up feeling guilty about it, so I may as well just not eat at all.
I'm also so tired of hearing about the yoyo effect, like so what? I'm doomed anyways, if you were fat at some point you have to be obsessed with calories and shit because it makes you prone to getting fat again, so I may as well do something about it even if it's "extreme" which in this case it isn't extreme, lots of people have only one meal per day.
No. 2206423
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I enjoy pacing around my house while pretending to be a very edgy “literally me” style male character. I even obtained an interest in guns/militarism because of how these topics are important to the character. Since I’m not very creative, I just borrow many elements from movies or stuff I read online.
I’m watching many western movies now, so i end up trotting/giving small jumps while running pretending I’m riding a horse through the desert. Thankfully my dad already accepted I do this sort of shit and It doesn’t bother him (he doens’t know about the play pretend thing though).
No. 2206436
>>2206431if you met my mom you'd understand, so it's okay anon i forgive you for saying this.
See i am like the buddha, that's what love does to your soul
No. 2206439
>>2206397you should totally kill your dad
No. 2206515
>>2206473If god is real, then he's a psychopath, how can someone all powerful put you through misery as a test to see if you truly believe? Those are the actions of an abuser, not someone who loves you. Do you really want to be stuck in an
abusive relationship your whole life, or do you want to see if there is a life better lived without him?
No. 2206536
>>2206515The abrahamic god sounds like a sadistic narcissist to me. Pagan pantheons make more sense to me because generally they were said to not particularly care about humans because they dislike us, so either they help some of us if they take a liking to us or we devote ourselves to them, or in some cases they’re simply too busy with whatever’s happening in the spirit world so they kind of ignore us and let us take care of ourselves in the physical world because it’s no concern of theirs.
If there is one creator god like in Abrahamic faiths, I think it’s more likely that there was both a male and a female who created everything together, then the male found a way to overpower the female somehow and wants everyone to think he’s the sole creator of life, no one even knows the female version exists so he gets all the worship and power and has complete control over her. A female god wouldn’t allow pedophiles and rapists to thrive on earth the way they do, but a male god would probably love that and enjoy watching it take place, in fact pedophiles and rapists probably just mirror that aspect of the male god
No. 2206658
>>2206643Sure, it’s sad to realize that all the horrors of the world are for no reason, humanity doesn’t matter, and you aren’t a main character of the universe created and watched over by a special big guy who cares about you so much that he puppeteered the basis and outcomes of all of reality just to lead up to giving you a big personality quiz and test how resilient and nice you are. Your life sucks solely because it sucks and humans are a momentary blip on the vast expanse of time that exist simply because we exist like every other animal that is born, suffers, eats, reproduces, and dies. It is impossible to find a logical reason why God is terrible to some people and showers fortune upon undeserving others because there is no reason, and baby animals will keep dying in floods and fires by the millions arbitrarily and for no great test or meaning, because things aren’t leading up to moral conclusions where right and wrong preside over the earth. These are manmade concepts and the idea of them holding absolute divine existence might as well be a comic book fantasy, the idea that supernatural forces result in some kind of absolute definition of good winning at the end. You can fight for a good life and to have a positive impact on those around you but it isn’t because God is holding some fucked up experiment on your actions like an evil scientist or eating popcorn watching with relish what you do. You might as well be a frog or a bird or deer or bug as we all live and suffer and die equally. If we try to think of the generative force behind the spawning of the universe as a singular entity, this force is so alien to our earthly concepts of life, existence, embodiment, mind, importance and morality that the idea of a humanized and familiar God is useless.
No. 2206671
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>>2206643>>2206515>>2206462I'm starting to seriously reconsider my position on Gxd and faith after having spent so long as both an atheist and pagan larper in my youth, it's probably the onset of psychosis but whatever… My hang up is that I don't want to go to Heaven if my loved ones can't follow me there. I'd part with any other Earthly possession except them.
No. 2206679
God this trad infestation says a lot about this website’s state
>>2206643>>2206633Humans are retarder. Even I feel your esoteric “muh connection to the spirit world” but there is no humanoid man in the sky who told some dudes to write a book about how you should beat your wife and worship him and no one else and when you keel over and die like every other animal he’s gonna send you to the magical heaven place with all the clouds and pwetty angels like goodness. In the future society will classify major religion as a type of mental illnesses, like cluster a.
No. 2207004
>>2206513Really wish someone would answer me and that nonnas would stop acting like im baiting. I swear to fucking god everytime I post about my life and am honest I get told I’m a lying baiting retard. The few times I’ve actually lied or baited for attention, nothing.
Like how would nonnas feel in this situation?
No. 2207070
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that nonna who said they would be a serial killer if they were born in the 70s even they were joking i feel you so bad i LUH YOU
No. 2207109
>>2206519Abrahamic God is the prime example or a narcissistic psychopath gaslighting abuser. He even says himself there are other gods but is a jealous little weakling and his only actual power comes from the humans who give it to him and commit atrocities in his name. Explore the other divine beings who are ACTUALLY powerful and merciful and good, and not jealous little pissbabies. I do believe the abrahamic god exists but he’s a fuckin lying narc and
abusive af. His power solely derives from the servitude of his human followers whereas other gods actually have innate power. Which is also why Yahweh is the only faggot”god” with a whole ass incel manifesto.
No. 2207121
>>2207109he even took credit for all of his wives good deeds, classic
abusive husband
No. 2207127
>>2207121Exactly. No other divine beings need an incel manifesto nor do they demand that never seek the assistance of other divine beings. Literally Yahweh fits all the classic narc
abusive partner stereotypes he even uses threats of violence to isolate us away from our divine family that truly cares, gaslights by saying they don’t matter and only HE can love and save us. How anyone with any degree of literacy or critical thinking skills falls for abrahamic religions is insanity, it’s all so blatantly obvious that Yahweh is one of if not the single worst “divine” entities in the spirit world. There’s a reason he doesn’t want you talking to or communing with other divine beings and it’s typical
abusive male reasonings.
No. 2207425
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I'm making a s-f romance manga about a post apo world where my self insert is saved by two brothers who live in a bunker, the younger one is a yandere and the older one is a stoic type, and they began to live in a toxic triangle with lots of dirty threesome sex and angst. This is my cringe fantasy and I'm thankful for the internet because I can stay anonymous and if I ever publish it on some site nobody will know it's mine kek. I also have two actors in mind who will kinda influence the demeanor of the male characters, the younger yandere borther is kinda inspired by young Neil Newbon (how he looked in Hollyoaks), I was kinda obsessed with him before he became more popular because of Baldur's Gate 3 and turned out to be an annoying faggot. But I digress… If you're turned on by sleezy lizard types you're just like me, if you know you know. One of the biggest pros of drawing is being able to put all your cringe fantasies on paper. God I just want to be cringe and draw porn
Well of course I have other, more ambitious ideas for comics… But there's also this one, when I'm ovulating..
No. 2207462
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>>2207412kek holy shit she looks so pleased with herself
No. 2207471
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I want to be a nun so bad.
No. 2207490
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I honestly think Olivia Jade and Jacob Elordi are really cute together and I never think that about celebrity couples.
No. 2207526
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I fished a quality male after years of scraping crab shit at the bottom of the sea. He looks like the butt baby of my two fav irl husbandos, elegant, frail, shorter than me and with lots of hair on his head only. No shitty beards, 0% fat, no graphic t-shirt. He's sweet, romantic, highly cultured, handsome and he like me too ! Tonight I tried to refrain it really hard because I hate doing that with people I know but I finally masturbated thinking about him and I feel terribly unholy now kek
No. 2207540
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I love my best friend so much, she's the nicest girl ever, but her fiancé looks like a young version of the boss from Smiling Friends. He's not a bad or anything, but the resemblance is insanely uncanny. Not only that, she sounds EXACTLY like the demon wife from that one episode, valley girl accent and all. Every time I see them talking sweet to each other I want to laugh so fucking hard. I can handle them apart just fine, but when they're together, I have to pretend I'm coughing to hold back my laughter. I don't know how I'm gonna handle the wedding.
No. 2207613
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>>2207603Yes, they all have full heads of thick, glorious hair. He's vietnamese btw, maybe that helps.
No. 2207692
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The Land Before Time still makes me cry
No. 2207704
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I kinda get why all women are simping ghostface but I have to admit it's kinda normie ,like it seems like a trend instead of genuine feelings?
No. 2207784
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>>2207704Have you never seen the movie it was nothing but pretty boys under that mask! I remember the first time watching it in the 90s at like 4 I wanted Billy bad! And don’t get me started on Michael Myers in Halloween 4 & 5. 7 yr old me was in love!
No. 2207848
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Charli xcx faggy fan base had put me off her you will never see me at a charli xcx concert I do not want aids
No. 2208288
>>2207704The most recent one didn't do much but I strongly get the appeal of a hot guy calling me up and threatening me. Idc if it's
problematic it's a fantasy and crazy dudes are super sexy
No. 2208469
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this site is full of so many unpleasant and spergy weirdos that it makes me wonder why i keep coming here. like beyond issues of personal taste in media a good chunk are just fundamentally fucked mentally
No. 2208507
>>2208469>>2208474both of these remind me of the time pakichan posted some weird pic of a young boy painting(?) his mother's bare boobs or something like that. it was so weird that farmhands deleted it
>>2208487there's also that anon in the cow yourself thread who admitted to fucking a 15 year old
No. 2208563
>>2208288The crazy dude in real life is crazy jealous, doesn’t want you to go out with your friends, see your family , speak to any man; he always thinks that you’re cheating on him and need constant reassurance about it (he might even be the one cheating kek). He’ll tell you that he loves you and 5 minutes later he’ll hate you and beat you up, because he has anger issues that he doesn’t want to resolve.
As long as you keep it in your fantasy it’s okay.
No. 2208586
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>>2208469I sometimes need to remind myself that some anons here are either genuinely fucked up by some trauma or just from being on 4chan since they were 13
No. 2208604
>>2208602I really doubt you're that crazy or cow-like. It's the stims
nonnie kek.
No. 2208646
>>2208618Thanks for making me feel a bit better
nonnie. I can always say at least I’m not that one cow yourself nonna who is an actual pedophile.
No. 2208655
>>2208650You're the exact woman described in the post
>>2208651Kek this is for the women who intuitively know the media they obsess over is extremely scrotal, but are coping. I think women like this have some hope in breaking free of their pickmeism in the future.
No. 2208752
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A friend is on her way to have a serious boyfriend and my abandonment issues are flaring up like anytime an acquaintance gets a partner, which is stupid since I've never been ghosted like that. Also I'd never admit IRL but I'm low-key jealous, I'm unable to have a crush and be attracted to anybody, and I'm not particularly attractive either so I feel like I'm missing out on something.
>inb4 it's not worth it
No. 2208874
>>2208640>>2208755I've been into scrote only and female only media and I never really had a problem with scrote only, though I usually hung out in the fujo pockets. It's quiet, but it's nice.
Rather, the type of media I have the most problem with are the shounen media where it's a fucked up mess of postering and retarded drama from both men and women, I especially hate it when some women jerk off off big booby shounen but then turn around and shittalk women watching other male majority media. (I mean this in a general sense, not trying to insinuate).
No. 2208908
>>2208640Moid media like video games n comics or shows is just easier to find and does the trick compared to looking for female artists depending on what you like, others have explained n you should take a chill pill on judging people's inner thoughts too quickly.
Also as far as arts and literature go I kind of agree I hate chicks who toot up artsy film/visual media moid types when there's an underrepresented female voice that's actually qualitative, there does seem to be a gendered bias for what's considered good for both men and pickmes (pickmes even more since they never consider a female filmmaker good even when she's respected by the men who set their tastes). For lit and philosophy, personally it's complicated for me, female authors are too personal/pure to be corrupted by conversation, it's the kind of shit you keep in your heart, but arguing generic male philosophers is a much easier game and more fun that talking about ideas that actually resonate with you or have a more serious subject matter than an exercise in whimsy (the female philosophers n thinkers I read are often more intellectually rigorous, urgent and grave in their subject matter and treatment of it) you don't find many whimsical females to discuss because society does not reward that kind of personality with accolades when it's a woman, which is probably for the best
No. 2209525
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I've been on lc for 6 years and think about posting on the FF thread at least once a month but I never do it. I'm scared of ruining my belief that there is at least one single anon out there who could be my friend, but if I actually do it and this never happens, then my belief gets destroyed and lc becomes another sad place, instead of being the corner on the internet I project and autistic hope. I rather pretend someone's out there. I'm sorry to my schrodinger friend out there.
No. 2209703
>>2208874I don't like the drama with shounen stuff either but at least it's easier to find more women into them. I've had issues because the stuff I like rarely has anyone other than moids into it, shounen at least isn't like that.
>>2209383I was trying to be nice but you kinda just sound like an asshole tbh. I am autistically obsessed with moid media even if I still give female aimed stuff a chance, it's been 90% of what I've consumed my whole life and is mostly what I'm into in general so I wasn't really "projecting", just responding to your post since a lot of it applies to me and reflects some other women I've seen. I don't think female aimed media is rare personally but it's still true a lot of media is made with moids in mind and women end up being more exposed to them too since that's what gets propped up by society the most.
No. 2209713
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I am feeling bad because I removed a moid who was my friend and might have a crush on me but was in onlyfans e-thots onlyfans subscription telegram groups and it made me think he was a gross porn addict, I am feeling like I should have kept being friends with him because he used to go on walks with me and drive me to places I wanted and now I don't talk to him anymore because I removed him from my friends list. I guess I miss having him as a simp?
No. 2209727
>>2209713A guy who uses telegram for horny shit and has a crush on you..
nonnie god knows if he's on there talking to other scrotes about you or sharing regular pics of you as fap material with other horny losers. Listen hard when you feel uncomfortable.
No. 2209740
>>2209725>>2209727>>2209733>>2209734Alright thank you for warning me, well he has never drive me to weird places but yeah he probably thinks I own him sex because he is nice to me.
>there talking to other scrotes about you or sharing regular pics of you as fap materialUh about that, I have caught him send pics of my face to other men on dms and he also saved my pics on his pc it's pretty simpy
>>2209735lol why would I do that
No. 2209760
>>2209743yes I am glad I don't talk to him anymore considering his friendship towards me seems way too sexual
>>2209745it's even weirder that when I saw my pics saved on his pc he didn't say anything about it and I found it so weird I didn't comment about it either but yup.
>>2209746thankfully I have never sent him lewd pictures
>>2209747I miss the power I had over him and he also had great taste in hobbies but I know he is a coomer pig, I have no romantic feelings over him.
>>2209753To be fair I never had many friends in my childhood and I don't like cutting people off, but it had to be done and I am just confessing this.
No. 2209780
>>2209746They don't need nudes now, years ago he'd just be sharing those face pics in some creep chat with other guys to coom to, now it's a free for all that any pornsick fuck he shared those face pics can make deepfake porn seeing as he couldn't get the real thing and is left all bitter in a chat full of similarly minded men.
Not telegram but there a sting in my country where hundreds of men were doing that, attaching the womens (ex friend, ex gfs) addresses and details to it. It was only caught and acted on when they started joking about breaking into someones house to rape one of the women. She'd no idea.
No. 2209900
>>2209789Nobody said they don't like female only media, at most that they have issues discussing it with others and see it more as a personal thing.
Personally, I do fins myself being a bit more cautious since there's a higher chance of the Fandom being super moralfagging. I hate that Jumpscare where you're having a good time and suddenly there's an avalanche of how characters are tifs and tims and have did and how their outfit is
problematic because it has feathers which belong to native Americans actually and also why aren't there more black people.
No. 2209907
>>2209900>Nobody said they don't like female only media, at most that they have issues discussing it with others and see it more as a personal thing.Anon, I'm being as nice as I can. Are you autistic? I'm speaking from my personal experience with these kinds of women. I don't need to hear your justifications. If something in my post does not apply to you, or to other anons, then the post
isn't about you. Get it?
No. 2209980
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I have difficulty responding to important emails. Recently when I begin to feel myself avoiding it, I pretend I’m the admin of LC and have to reply to user complaints and DMCA Takedown requests. So far it works because I don’t want to disappoint my fellow nonnys.
No. 2210116
nonnie this is all because people wanted to make their societies more multicultural, it just seemed like a good idea at the time but I guess it's a little inconvenient
No. 2210590
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I'm unable to love men. Don't get me wrong, i'm straight and get aroused by them, i love dick and some hot abs, but that's about it, i can't form deep connections with them or respect them at all. All my past relationships were very messy and lasted weeks to a few months at best, mostly by me being uncaring and just treating them like shit or belittling them, i don't think i have bpd or anything men just naturally piss me off and i feel this urge to be rude to them or boss them around i get visibly tired of being around them after a while, i'm not like this around women. My exes would invision a life with me in the future with them but i wouldn't invision anything besides me dumping them, our next sex or the best way for me to get away from them when possible. Maybe i just haven't found the right guy? What the fuck is wrong with me?
No. 2210611
>>2210590unbelievably based you are gods perfect woman.
>>2210594she couldn’t find any other picture
No. 2210638
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A while ago I posted in the "mental disorder you can't deal with" threat saying I can't deal with PTSD sufferers because all the ones I knew would constantly trauma dump unprovoked. Turns out I apparently have PTSD. Sorry to PTSD nonnies
No. 2210641
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>>2210611Thanks nonna i love you! I wrote this post after some girl i know called me a sociopath for being like this.
No. 2210685
>>2210654>reproduceWell that's a non-issue for me cause I don't want kids.
>>2210660>>2210661>>2210662It's the lack of life experience that ruins it for me. This specific guy also had a bit of a babyface going on which killed all sexual attraction for me, he looked about 20. I can't look at a 20 year old and see them sexually at all because they all look like actual children to me. Maybe the hag was me all along.
>>2210683Good for you
nonnie, I hope it works out.
No. 2210703
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Thinking of paying an Etsy witch to hex someone I hate.
No. 2210982
>>2210979Sorry for the double post, now I can't delete it bc it says wrong password.
>>2210978Idk, they seem very supportive and nice sometimes. The art I posted wasn't even that bad, or at least I thought so. It was pretty shocking to me when a dozen anons replied basically saying it was repulsive.
No. 2211096
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I genuinely hate children. Especially toddlers. Not in a "tee-hee, they're annoying but they're soooo cute" way that most people cope in. I genuinely get homicidal urges whenever I see babies. I'd never hurt one, because I avoid them like the devil avoids crosses and I'm not a moid so it's not like I'm at much risk of chimping out and killing one just because. I hate that I have felt like this since forever, but my family still expects me to spawn one at some point, and I can't just tell them it wouldn't take me long to shake that fucker to death. I promise I'm not psycho, cause I still like animals and little bugs and insects, but something about toddlers have always burned my insides like acid.
No. 2211105
>>2211096You are a psycho , but thank god you avoid children at least kek.
It’s normal to not like children , I don’t like them either, they’re clingy, snotty, dirty, whiny, time consuming, too dependent and expensive. But they’re literally children, it’s not their fault. Their brain and motor skills aren’t developed, they’ve been on earth less than you and everything around them is big and they can’t do anything alone.
It’s abnormal to want to kill them, they’re as innocent as the bug and other animals you’re talking about kek. I bet you’re the kind that fawns over dogs and would save a rabid pittbull kek.
No. 2211178
>>2211105AYRT and I am actually afraid of dogs kek
At a logical level I understand and agree with everything you're saying. If you believe I spend my days sharing childfree memes on Reddit then you're wrong. I am very aware that my feelings are abnormal, and go beyond a dislike of poopy diapers/snot/screaming/bratty behavior. There isn't a logical basis, it's more of a visceral hatred. And I have actually always felt this way, even as a 4-5 year old child I used to cry and throw tantrums around toddlers. I have no idea where that feeling comes from, it was always a part of me.
>>2211113No, I was the bully. Might as well admit it, this is an anon forum after all. But I was also (allegedly) dropped on my head as a toddler, does that correlate?
No. 2211193
>>2211105If I was born and couldn’t talk, walk and I constantly had these weird tall people looming over me and getting all over my face and speaking gibberish shit I’d cry too kek. If I had shit and urine on my ass and urine on my cat in that irritates me in this strange uncomfortable thing I’d cry too.
If I tried to communicate and no one understands me I’d throw a tantrum too. If I had these big emotions that I can’t even explain , if I’m upset or sad and I can’t say it, I’d cry too.
No. 2211259
>>2211213This attitude is what stops me from feeling comfortable on most online childfree spaces. The women always start sperging unprompted like "I'M STILL HOT AND
UNRUINED AT 30 AND THE HAGS ARE MAD THEIR HUSBANDS ARE LOOKING AT ME INSTEAD OF THEM" and then in the next breath they will try to have serious discussions about misogyny. No thanks, I'd rather not discuss that topic with retards who are mentally still in high school.
No. 2211270
>>2211264I think that's part of the issue. Those women are stuck "mothering" a grown ass moid, and never get to the point where they're using that instinctual drive towards something more productive (not saying it has to be children, but literally anything that isn't a grown scrote who should be fending for himself. Gardening, pets, art,
anything more productive.) It's really easy to then lash out at women who are using that same drive for something more worthy.
No. 2211275
>>2211270Agreed. They should break up with their useless Nigels so they can actually
enjoy the freedom of their CF lifestyle. It's so much more fulfilling to cultivate your career, skills and hobbies than worry about babying a scrote.
No. 2211360
>>2211339Ok, well, maybe I misunderstood something then.
>>2211340She wasn't replying to me, her post literally just didn't fit the thread so I pointed that out.
>>2211353So many nonas are so caught up on the animals thing. Maybe I misspoke, I'm not some crazy animal lover, I'm afraid of dogs for one. I'm more like neutral on animals. I leave them alone. I leave babies alone too, don't worry. I just wanted to state my stance on animals to not have it seem like I'm a psycho, but I guess now I just have to accept that I'm a psycho. Also I don't remember much of my childhood so idk.
No. 2211459
>>2210982if you're the
nonnie I think you are, don't be discouraged. My art started out so similar to yours (I didn't understand forms but I was trying to paint, so all my mistakes were way more obvious than my friends who drew lined and cell-shaded pieces where your brain fills in all the detail). It took me way longer than any of my friends with simpler artstyles to draw anything that didn't look uncanny/obviously wrong, but in the end that forced me to study forms, lighting and colour, and my art is all right now (not amazing kek, but plenty of people like it). Just draw things that make you happy and try to learn something new each time, it'll all add up eventually.
No. 2211465
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caffeine makes me dive into a paranoid anxiety spiral too the point where I'm near killing myself but the drinks are too tasty so i keep getting them
No. 2212535
>>2212518It is frowned upon to not eat 3 proper meals a day.
Not every confession needs to be an incest ideation.
No. 2212593
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all men piss me off, but lately gay men have been really getting on my nerves. Is it possible to not be the center of attention for 2 seconds or would that cause them to explode
No. 2212654
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>>2205843Nona…you know that most photos and videos of Japanese girls and K-pop stars you see on the internet are edited to hell and back and a ton of them have had plastic surgery, right? If you go to Japan IRL you'll see a diverse range of looks, there are short, tall, chubby, slim, and average-looking women everywhere, they don't all look like uwu kawaii models.
No. 2212867
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I get all my fashion choices from manga. It all looks very normie, but it's all based on "I wanna look like Tomoko-chan today" nonetheless.
No. 2212874
>>2212625Nta but male artists tend to be insufferable, pretentious with a self-inflated ego at best and
abusive sex pests at worst
No. 2212968
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I told the girl I went out with last night that it's not gonna work between us because of distance, but the truth is that she gave me her Instagram, and all her posts are edited like this. She's not bad irl, but her posted photos are unrecognizable. I can just smell the bullshit she's gonna put me through
No. 2213033
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>>2213030the shit I google for this website KEK.
No. 2213063
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>>2213042Basically men that have vaginal sex with women can double dip their dicks between one night stands and spread colonized bacteria back to women, its the most common way to get bacterial vaginosis second to douching and disrupting your ph balance
No. 2213088
>>2213075The couple moids I’ve been super attracted to and in love with?
yeah I’d choke on their stinky haven’t showered in 2-3 day dick like a fuckin slut their stank made me even more horny but most guys I’ve been with their natural stench horrified me and I wouldn’t go near them unless they were shower fresh
No. 2213133
>>2213108>practiceThe fuck
>>2213124The male can be healthy but his dick and balls can still carry bacteria
No. 2213141
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Ok but women looking like pigs or whatever when sucking dick is just your opinion. This isn't an objective, logical fact. I think men also look retarded when slobbering all over pussy with saliva like a hungry animal. Also if you hate women so much why do you hang out on a female imageboard and keep ban-evading? Really makes you think.
No. 2213207
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>>2213203I bait and troll moids a lot on gaming discords but I don't really understand doing the same with women. Just makes me feel bad tbh.
No. 2213259
>>2213152>That we should hate all heterosexual women(99% of women) for being heterosexual? Imagine admitting that heterosexual women are inherently cocksuckers, lmao.
>>2213166The only ones who would get butthurt over bj-shaming are those who've sucked dicked and actually enjoyed it. Else, they wouldn't defend it so much. Sucks to be them I guess.
(bait) No. 2213260
I have to make this confession because it's anonymous and this is the confession thread and you guys never stop talking about blowjobs. this isn't something I'd ever talk about non-anonymously or even with friends but I really love giving oral both with women and men. I find my love of bjs so embarrassing and shameful specifically because of the way it's treated by society, I hate knowing that even someone who loves me and enjoys receiving still looks down on me and respects me less for doing it, and I could never do the pickme thing of bragging about it publicly, but it's just how I'm built. I respect the women (not bjchan who is probably a trolling moid in my opinion, but just normal women) who hate it or think it's gross though, I totally disagree with the confessions that say it's wrong to expect oral from men but not give it, I hope none of you ever even once have to do it reluctantly. regarding the pain or difficulty of deepthroating, that's for sure not stuff I'm doing, I do what's fun and feels good for me and that involves playing with it at my own pace and using my hands. my only good ex-boyfriend never smelled or tasted bad and he was average sized and uncut and it was always so fun. I think it would be really fun to have a bisexual girlfriend who understood me and didn't think my love of oral was slutty or gross. it's not something I need to talk about and I'm monogamous so I wouldn't be sleeping with men on the side or anything like that, it would just be nice to feel accepted and not judged.
>>2213109gross second confession.
my ex-girlfriend was always super clean, always smelled and tasted good, and we usually quickly washed up a little bit. but I once slept with a near-stranger who was sweaty after a day of us doing kind of physical activity stuff together, it was the strongest smelling/tasting pussy I had ever encountered, and it was so unbelievably hot that it actually changed my world. I'm not built for hookups and I'm single so I'm not having sex but I hope some day I get to have sweaty pussy again not just as a one off thing. it is one of my goals and I'm not joking. No. 2213264
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>>2213259I mean, they pretty much are. Heterosexual people suck cock and eat pussy overwhelmingly on average.
No. 2213307
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>>2213288Same. As if I couldn't get any more biphobic.
No. 2213408
>>2213260I feel akin to you with both confessions
especially the oral one because it's so hard for me to orgasm from head (not their fault, my pussy is just defective because I have a specific method to orgasm), so it's always a lot more fun to give There's nothing shameful about what you like anon, it's just sex and honestly I think completely normal things to enjoy.
No. 2213411
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nobody knows the real me. everyone knows only a well crafted version specifically for them - even the people who know me the best know only a little part of me. at that point I don't even know how to be open with people. mostly i don't lie i just don't answer questions I don't want to and don't share stuff I don't want to share. being pretty honest for a lot of things, I'm pretty sure people just don't think i would be hiding the stuff i hide. it's nothing that bad, but i realized some time ago this is pretty sad and i wanted to write it so maybe i could stop thinking about it
No. 2213448
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>vile tyrant
No. 2213454
At this point I don't even know what you're talking about. I think you should close your browser. Maybe go have a little snack? You didn't make sense from the get-go but you are making less and less as time goes on. Go have a little breather, have something to eat, maybe some tea? Go write out your feelings in a journal. It's not clear what exactly you want out of posting your feelings here, but since it seems to be the ramblings of an insane person, you will probably not get whatever validation you're seeking. After you write all your feelings down in your journal, why don't you think about what you can do the next time this sex act is brought up. You can't control what other people do, but you can control how you react to it. Let's say, every time you see someone talk about this sex act, you take 5 minutes to think about whether it matters for you personally. And after those 5 minutes, if you are still upset, then take another 5 minutes to step away from the computer and do something you're interested in that's offline.
No. 2213467
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I have to confess that I and all of you sexually harassed this poor anon.
No. 2213508
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>To be a woman I to be a cocksucker therefore
>I am not a woman
Kinda poetic.
No. 2213521
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Pigs are cute, please don't use them as an insult.
No. 2213727
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>>2213714Nta but it really depends. Just having someone to share a bed with nice even if you resent them. There’s a saying for it in Spanish “peor es nada” which literally translates to having nothing is worse. It’s usually a saying catty relatives call your shitty significant other.
No. 2213767
>>2213752One of those posts isn't mine
>go fuck your dogLol what
No. 2213784
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>>2213443> filthy tsundere cocksuckerHer inner drama is wanting to chew and spit it instead of just sucking, given her textbook oral aggressive fixated ass. I don't even take the psychosexual stages theory seriously, but it fits too perfectly to ignore, kek.
Also, her whole "bitard bihet bishit bislut" sperging is pure projection, no lesbian would be obsessed with cocks and cocksucking 24/7 and i doubt a straight woman would be so obsessed with what other women do in bed and sexually harassing these women by oversharing her weird porny voyeur-ish thoughts in detail.
No. 2213800
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I’ve decided to break up with my bf. The one who was accused of being a pedophile. The alleged
victim and what she was saying and then his responses to everything were just too suspicious and I can’t handle it. I believe her, I don’t believe him. Terrified of leaving but I know it’s what I have to do. Hopefully justice will be served. The real shitty part besides that I have to live with myself after having slept with him and doubted a
victim? My parents but especially my mom will NOT be on my side even if they know all the details. I had mentioned the allegations to my mom before telling her what my ex bf claimed was the truth (she was 17 and turning 18 soon when they met and nothing sexual was exchanged before the 18th bday). My mom was like oh even if she had been 13 I don’t think it would have been that bad, you’re so childish, that’s probably why he likes you anon and treats you so well anon! Good fucking god, truly might be best to just get my ex to murder me.
No. 2213820
>>2213813Boohoo uggo retard wants another loser to hang out with
>what the other women you talk about lack is them revelling in mediocrity like the grimiest 4chan factory rejectActually no, shitty people don't want to be around other shitty people, most of the time they think they're too good for one another. Look to most lolcows and incels and this becomes immediately evident.
No. 2213830
>>2213826So people you deem as unworthy as you NEED to hang out with you otherwise they are punching above their weight?
I'm merely offering you might actually just be worse
No. 2213833
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I contacted the guy who abused me because I keep having dreams about him I am a retarded bitch he is probably gonna be evil towards me again
No. 2213834
>>2213830>So people you deem as unworthy It's not so much me deeming anyone unworthy as it is calling a spade a spade.
> NEED to hang out with you otherwise they are punching above their weight? I never said that, I said I want another gross BPD retard to bed rot with. It's not that deep
No. 2213840
>>2213812Yeah my parents are idiots who should have never had a child. She also supported me dating adult men when I was a minor (although I wasn’t sharing or creating any material. I was actively engaging in sexual activity with them. Sometimes in my parents house. They knew and were supportive, I was allowed free rein to do whatever almost until I was 21 then they started being angry I still lived with them and actively pushing me out). I think it boils down to them not wanting me around and knowing that now that I’m single I’ll be back to living with them way more often than living with my ex. They really don’t like me being around, they’re pissed they have to share their house with me. It’s really gonna suck cause there’s no way I want to date anytime soon, so I’ll be stuck at their house and they’ll ask me constantly why I never leave or have any friends pick me up and why I can’t go stay over at a friends house for the week. Oh idk maybe because I can’t drive and you guys moved to the middle of fucking nowhere and nobody wants to drive this far to hang out and people don’t want me sleeping at their house unless they’re fucking me?
>inb4 get a job and move out Not going into it but not options for so many reasons. My only chance of leaving is finding a partner who wants to cohabitate, and my parents know this too. They probably would be very happy to sell me off to some disgusting old man if it meant I was “taken care of” and not in their house.
No. 2213877
>>2213840ayrt and my parents were sadly very similar to yours. You're not going to like this advice, but cohabbing with someone is not going to solve your problems and will only make them worse in the long term. You have to scrape whatever forms of independence that you can achieve, even if you're stuck with your parents while you're doing it.
>I can’t drive and you guys moved to the middle of fucking nowhere and nobody wants to drive this far to hang outIf it's safe for you to do, learn to drive. Even if you don't have a car, being able to drive is a huge boost to independence. Your parents might not be willing to let you practice with the family car, but try to convince them that being able to drive will make it easier for you to leave the house or commute to work or whatever. You know your parents better than we do, so use whatever you think will convince them.
>so I’ll be stuck at their house and they’ll ask me constantly why I never leaveAssuming it's safe (I don't know if you live in a place with moose or vagabond moids), go outside. If your parents just want you out of the house, find a quiet spot outside and hang out for a few hours. I used to go walk around within a few miles of my house until my parents went to bed just because it was preferable to being inside with them. It's not the best solution, but better than stewing in your room all day.
No. 2213915
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>Plus I didn't do what that anon says
don't tell porky pies
No. 2213970
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This is her(this is an anonymous imageboard, do not bring drama here from other places, do not encourage personalityfags)
No. 2214026
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I wish my dad would die in a freak accident. I don't want him to suffer, but I want him gone. There's a huge weight off this household's back whenever he has to be away from work. It's a much freer, more lighthearted environment. I used to feel bad for him. Bad for his chronic pain, his disability, his neglectful deadbeat dad, his bully of a brother, etc. I used to feel so much pity for him that it would affect me mentally. Some of my first intrusive thoughts as a child were him falling down the stairs and dying. It would make me cry. My mom would make the same excuses for him every time he was rude and nasty and mean. His jokes about me not having friends, his lack of interest in anything I said, his disappointment in my overprotective feelings for him against school bullies that would call him crippled and weird, she would always say he just doesn't know how to be a dad. He just doesn't know how to be a dad. I've heard it so many fucking times in my life.
I don't care anymore. I don't care about his chronic pain, his disability, his little boy who desperately wants to be picked by daddy complex, nothing. I don't care anymore. I don't like him. He's sexist and has always been sexist. He didn't care that I was sexually assaulted. He has told me that he would stop talking to me if my mom did because his marriage is "too important". He thinks he's so much better than his own shit dad but he's just the same. I don't care. I used to feel bad for not talking to him but I don't care anymore. I'm not sure if I will ever let go of the pain of not having a father who really loves me but I am letting go of my own guilt of not "doing enough".
"He doesn't know how to be a dad". I don't give a fuck lmfao. He had all this time to get over his daddy issues. He's weak. I'm letting it go, I'm letting go of my retarded expectations for him because I know he'll never, ever meet them. And he doesn't want to. I don't care.
Nobody was there to comfort that little girl who had no friends and was lonely and struggling with her own fucking disability. But I'm here now and I can take care of her, I can comfort her like she needed. And you know what, that little girl doesn't need to be around the man who turned his nose up at her. She doesn't need to feel any obligation towards him or the others who hurt her and chided her for feeling sad and lonely and afraid of school. She doesn't need to be understanding of them. She has me now, and I am going to do what is best for her.
No. 2214035
>>2213996You never actually will be but I have had moids play
victim and act like I’m terrifying. It’s actually really shitty, they do it as an abuse tactic and to garner sympathy from pickmes and their mommies and other scrotes. They’re not actually scared.
No. 2214118
>>2213800i was one of the harsher people on you and i’m glad. you do have to live with initially doubting but honestly being attached to him was human. the details about your mother put things into context as well and it seems you actually overcame your upbringing to take this seriously and report it. there’s hope for you yet. and besides - that man is going to be accused of that forever and this fbi investigation could even show up in background checks. you will be free of a terrible life with a sexual abuser. i wouldn’t wish that life on my worst enemy. this is for the best. i hope you support the
victim more wholeheartedly and redeem yourself fully.
No. 2214254
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My ex cheated on me with a girl he had slept with in the past and then started dating a different girl 13 days after we broke up so I catfishes him to see if he would do it again and get information out of him. I don’t feel that bad though because the girl he started dating 13 days after we broke up was cheating on him too
No. 2214260
>>2214254Hell yeah Nona, what you gonna do if he does intend to cheat with the catfish?
Set up a meeting and expose him To catch a predator style, with the chat log printed out??
No. 2214265
>>2213840Nonna I’m sorry to say this but you’re basically a bum, you have no job, no money and you basically want to be a live in girlfriend in order to live far from your parents. Anyone who sees you will see you as a leech.
Is your disability that severe that you can’t get any type of job? Nowadays there’s far more accommodation too and from what you wrote before it just seemed like you had anxiety, not a grave physical disability.
You’re desperate and that is not good at all, because you’re going to open your legs for the first bum who’ll sweet talk to you.
The men you’re going to attract are subpar , pedos,
abusive men and so on.
No. 2214287
>>2214284It’s the bum disability kek, she wants to do nothing and everything that happens to her is ableism and her parent’s fault. Zero accountability.
I don’t remember what shit she wrote but it was a huge list of random conditions, that if she truly had she wouldn’t have the time and space to sperge on lc.
No. 2214295
>>22142931. she posted about it before and 2. most of the time when someone says they're too disabled to do anything online, they're usually like what
>>2214287 said
No. 2214301
>>2214291Love you nonna, thanks. I hope your bed is always warm on winter nights.
>Adhd, cptsd, ocd, multiple complicated food allergies, allergies to almost all fragrances which is why leaving the house is hard bc I often get migraines from fragrance and lights, ME/CFS, extremely curved spine that should have been braced but my parents didn’t, hEDS (actually real not fake, my parent and grandparent have it too), chronic migraines, somatic disorders, panic disorder, occasional agoraphobia.The actual thing I might be inclined to believe in is the hEDS and curved spine, since it’s genetic condition that affects connective tissues and it may with time affect the spine too. But it’s manageable, there are people who lead normal lives with the proper treatment.
Same goes with allergies, if you have that big of allergic reactions then immunosuppressive treatment might work too. All the other stuff just sounds like added things to make the salad of disabilities even more rich. And again, there are techniques to cope with them too.
You are just a bum nonna.
No. 2214404
>>2214395I do the same thing,
nonnie. I'm glad I'm not alone.
No. 2215298
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>>2215194seethe geriatric cocksucker. i bet you’re fat irl.
(infighting) No. 2215331
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>>2215327Disgusting creature.
No. 2215359
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I find a lot of chinese blind box doll/toys super cute, I'd love to collect them. Looking at cute things makes me happy even if they're just plastic anime toys
No. 2215386
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>>2215368The source for this is a Plurk thread in CN but yeah, people have been reporting insects and insect eggs in these blindbox dolls as well as general quality control problems. Sorry for the random Tumblr link but it links to the Plurk thread I've seen a lot of posts going around talking about these issues. Idek why people buy these sweatshop dolls to begin with to be honest No. 2215841
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>>2215805One of us, one of us, one of us, one of us
No. 2215889
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>>2215846dang and I thought I was the most rock bottom one on this site bc I've literally smoked crack
No. 2216047
>>2216007You should message the other girl to say sorry for not messaging, anon. Maybe she doesn't care but that might have really fucked her up, the worst thing that can happen is she tells you to fuck off
Enjoy your actual bootycall though!
No. 2216149
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I've basically won the genetic lottery but I'm too retarded to be a Stacy and I don't want children so my genes are completely useless.
No. 2216160
>>2216143When I was younger I was chubby and adults would call me fat and my parents wouldn't say anything. I was also abused by them so my brain was already fucked up.
Then when I tried to socialise and make friends I couldn't, and I believed one of the reasons was due to my appearance because of the previous comments mentioned. So I got hyperfocused on not having any weight on me.
I think I'm good now as I'm more on the underweight side and not so obsessed but the thoughts still lurk.
But yeah, I think that is one of the main reasons for it to happen for me. Obviously other external factors like magazines with skinny women, seeing clothing that I knew wouldn't look good unless you have a small build, comments online about womens bodies, porn etc didn't help when I was younger.
>how do you become so obsessed with your weight that you start weighting all your portions, or alternatively how do you keep binging after you're already full? I didn't do any of this. I just refused to eat and enjoyed the hunger pains.
No. 2216163
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>>2215889tbh I assumed at least a quarter of this site is former junkies
No. 2216372
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This is really really dumb but for MANY years I have been dressing not like I want to, only in styles that “flatter” me and I’m really tired of it so I’m just going to go all out and dress how the fuck I want. I’ve been dressing in Soft Classic basic JCrew style for years when in actuality my preferences are like 2014 alt girl style. I know the style I’ve been dressing in flatters me more but oh well.
No. 2216376
>>2216372Wear the oversized tartan jacket
nonny. Be free. Be bold. Be based.
No. 2216408
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I think older woman/younger man is unironically hot. Yeah the image was most likely made by a coomer moid and I personally wouldn’t go for an 18 year old at 29. But I wouldn’t mind dating a younger dude. I just want a cute moid that isn’t fucking balding or fell for the beard meme like most millennial men in my area
No. 2216584
>>2216545>It was a fun experience and I would recommend, but the trick is to find a pure-hearted one who actually wants to be in a serious relationship Where nonna? In Mars? My age group (20-22) is full of scrotes who have no qualms on using women, they’re master manipulators even at this age. They’re porn addicted already and they’ll have no problem on choking you in the middle of sex out of nowhere.
Relationship? Where, they want to have as much sex as possible with little to no strings.
No. 2216623
>>2216575You don't see retards in all the other men yet? It'll happen soon enough if you're this age.
>>2216460>>2216463Kekkkk happy to see this
>>2216433Right? If you really want to date them no matter what, go for the younger ones at least.
No. 2216662
>>2216602Some men definitely have that , you do notice it if you pay attention , just when they wear cotton shirts though. You can’t really see it if they have heavier clothes.
Our breast are more developed than theirs and I assume that we have a bigger hormone fluctuations too, estrogen plays a huge part with breasts, I think it also makes the nipple to “develop” more? Am I making sense or do I sound retarded kek.
No. 2216670
>>2216664You won’t get approached by no young moid because they’ve stopped doing that. You’ll find old men who will harass you though kek.
I was once returning from university and it was raining, this scrote stopped with his car (he was 40 I think) and asked if I wanted a lift when I had an umbrella with me anyway. Ruined my whole day.
Don’t expect to be approached, you have bigger chances when you’re the one pursuing them.
No. 2216787
>>2216762Being self aware is detrimental sometimes. Not about transition per se.
Therapy did absolutely nothing for me. I went to this therapist for a while and my pockets just got drained for no reason (why are therapists so damn expensive?). I know why I am like I am and someone explaining to me doesn’t really do much.
I think I’ll try once again though.
No. 2216830
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I love this anon. I wish i knew her socials because she turned into one of my fav artists i always stalk the art threads and draw board to save her stuff.
No. 2216898
>>2216800I don’t think they are. I just think that it takes a while to find the right therapy style (and money kek). That’s what I meant when I said that it didn’t help me. It feels good to talk to someone who won’t judge me or anything and who tries to help me.
I read somewhere that there are many styles of therapy so I’m just sure that I do not benefit from the usual one they apply.
No. 2217102
>>2217007Not having insurance sucks, but the medicine is probably 50 bucks without it, it’s money I know, but it’s your health and it’s cheaper than the hypothetical fertility treatment you have to get.
The thing with your health is that the more you wait the more you fuck yourself up and the bill gets higher. I feel for you American nonnas.
No. 2218025
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schizo chans are so, so cute to me. like yes keep posting your tinfoils unironically even if i think you're crazy, it's so endearing to me.
No. 2218059
>>2218052yeah, you get it
also i'd rather it happen organically because otherwise i'd basically be the cow version of an industry plant
No. 2218804
Nonna I think you’re going to laugh at this.
This is about the first time I had sex with the guy I was seeing (I was only interested in the sex part honestly, I just wanted to know what it felt like and if it lived through the hype, spoiler it didn’t).
I went over to his house, matchy lacy red set on and fully shaven. I don’t even know why I even bothered that much in the first place. Anyway when I reached his place he just started to kiss me without any sensuality or build up, but we ended up continuing on his bed, because again, I just wanted to see what the hype was about.
I got the shittiest fingering of my lifetime, he was way too fast and I had to tell him to slow down and to guide him on where he had to rub, he listened at least kek. He also pushed my head when I was going down on him and I almost vomited, why the fuck do men do that? At least he saved himself by eating me out I guess.
Fast forward when he had to put on the condom. He hovered above me a little to reach his nightstand and he grabbed this red packet, durex, extra thin, but the most surprising thing that caught my eyes was that they were XL kek. The dude was average at best, the condom wasn’t fitting all the way through, it was fucking hilarious, to the point that I was concentrating on not laughing.
No. 2219049
>>2218823Sorry I guess?
>>2219024Glad you appreciated it nonna.I looked really good in it, I can guarantee you that.
I know it sounds stupid but I’ve started to buy matchy sets that I wear from time to time when I feel like it, not for anything in particular, I’m not seeing anyone or had sex with anyone apart from that scrote.
I hope I can have the chance to use them though, with a woman too maybe, who knows.
No. 2219194
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I think my bf is going to propose to me this Saturday. He is autistic so he's been kinda obvious about it despite trying to be subtle kek, tbh I prefer it this way where I have an idea of when without it being totally spoiled since there's an element of mystery but I also get to mentally prepare myself. Planning on getting married isn't a surprise it's just the proposal that is.
No. 2219269
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>me trying to look heartbroken that my roommate is moving out when I’m really thrilled that I won’t have to cook around her dirty dishes, listen to her complain about money or put up with her codependent BPDchan bestie taking up space on our couch ever again.
No. 2219291
>>2219194I hope it happens
No. 2219609
>>2219385Send the same vitriol to the nonna who is getting married to a retard too then kek.
It’s a “confession” thread.
No. 2219678
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>>2216830Seeing my drawing posted outside of the art thread jumpscared me kek. Ily anon, reading your post made me really happy. I don't have any socials, so you're not missing out on anything.
I'm considering posting on the ff thread soon. If you're ever interested in having any contact and talking about art I would love to. No. 2220023
File: 1729710558982.png (209.26 KB, 312x366, 2.png)

Posted pornography on an imageboard when I wasn't supposed to
No. 2220292
>>2220275….isis is still there though? and also
>help aghan womenkek sure dont let the cia and fbi tell you about the american bacha bazi rings
No. 2220367
Hopefully it will get better. I had a different retarded fear/obsession last year that eventually went away and seems stupid now.
I hate that normal sites are full of illegal shit. Everyone takes these kinds of laws to mean no loli/shota so that's the only thing websites actually take down but they're enforced in a much broader way in practice. If they're analysing your devices they're going to have a hair
trigger for anything potentially illegal which means anything that 'could' be a teen.
I keep getting jumpscared by coomer anime girls despite not seeking them out and freaking the fuck out. I don't really care about the law itself existing but I hate how vague it is and how easy it is to break without realising or intending to.
>>2220326I don't think anyone has actually gone to jail for it here so long as they weren't a repeat offender or had real stuff too. It's probably similar in Canada.
No. 2220395
>>2220326>Simpsons porn caseHoly shit I had no idea about that, I feel like I'm on a list just trying to look that up but I'd never heard of it.
To save any nonnies the scary Google
>A man in Sydney, 2008, was charged for ownership of CP for his collection of digital Simpsons illustrations that depicted the children of the show engaging in sexual acts with genitalia, some incestuous and involving the parents. The images were drawn in the classic Simpsons style but it was agreed they were intended to depict young children.It's a strange case but I do believe that if shotacon/lolicon is illegal in a country then that stuff should be too. The Simpsons children are clearly meant to be young children, especially Maggie, and anyone deliberately collecting scenarios of those characters needs psychological assessment.
I have to wonder if there are similar cases that didn't make the news because I remember stumbling across incestuous porn of the Simpsons when I was ten online and feeling so unwell and scared, so it was common enough. Also one Reddit comment about this case mentioned that in the back pages of an Australian softcore magazine you could text to pay for similar images including one of Maggie, so there was enough of a demand of it to advertise it in print and monetise at the time.
Imo if Kangaroos and Britbongs are worrying about this stuff then good, reassess your fucked up doujinshi choices if it's remotely close to this stuff
No. 2220447
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I know it's an incel meme but I literally can only get turned on if a man is tall white and has a handsome face. I don't know how women endure fucking ugly and average guys.
No. 2220628
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How do you forgive yourself for something unforgivable? Something no one else will forgive you for? I was never the type to bully people IRL but in middle school/high school I was an asshole who would hang out in alt right spaces online and post racist memes despite being part of more than one minority group myself. I posted about this somewhere else online and people were just telling me to kill myself. I try to make up for it by doing charity work and donating to people in need but the guilt and shame never goes away.
No. 2220634
>>2220628damn you're way too hard on yourself
nonnie you don't have to repent eternally for being a shitposter in highschool.
No. 2220641
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>>2220637There must be more to this, surely?
No. 2220648
>>2220641I could write a book about the daily shit that makes him sad
But he said he worked on his deck for two days and he deserved the win? I don't understand it. So I gave him a hug n turned on his favorite anime
He has gone non verbal
Do I give him time?
No. 2220662
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I was pretty anti-makeup for a long time but recently I've felt inclined to learn a bit because I want to look more prominent in pictures. I feel kinda conflicted about liking how I look with makeup… I still disagree with the idea of women needing makeup on an everyday basis and stuff but tbh I enjoy having a special drawn-up look every once in a while for fun. It's not a normal or real thing to me, it feels costumey although what I do is probably considered natural-looking by popular standards.
A big part of it though is probably just since it really upsets me when I look flattened/washed out in photos and I want to compensate by outlining my features, I'm happy with how I look in the mirror and I wish I simply looked "like myself" in pics.
No. 2220684
>>2220663Do you remember a single post you read 5 years ago? I doubt it.
>>2220648Is there anything else going on or is he just a faggy little bitch? Try making a man out of him and if that doesn't work dump his loser ass.
No. 2220706
>>2220684Nta but I will never forget an anons post about how when her boyfriend tried to talk dirty to her he said he was could to make her wear a dick necklace so everyone would know she was a slut kek
I have also unfortunately committed some moid 4chan fuckery to memory
No. 2220709
>>2220706I didn't read higher up the chain to see what this conversation was about
>>2220628If you were anonymous people probably don't remember any of it, like many teenagers you were fucking stupid but now you are older and wiser and you escaped a dark pipeline and are still putting in the work which is better character development than most. unfortunately you post here so you are still tainted with online edgelord behaviour but there is hope for us all
No. 2220733
>>2220722the concept is cute, but sending that to his daughter is a little strange kek
i'm glad your dad loves you mom so much though, nona. that's a good thing
No. 2220735
>>2220530Truly what the fuck. Ayrt and I'm questioning everything now, I thought that stuff died out in the 2010s, would normies be okay with those lighters in current year? What country was this?
I guess this is how my psyche finally breaks
No. 2220786
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>>2220784Now they're infighting about Aubrey plaza?
No. 2220836
>>2220628Kek a minority engaging in this shit is turbo retardation. Glad that you’re donating to charities, you still remain a retard though and the shame you feel should help you as a lesson.
It’s not this grave sin you’re making it out to be anyway. It’s harmful and I hope you weren’t harassing people or brought anyone to suicide since that would be different. But if you were just sending memes and talking to other retards then the only person who you harmed is yourself.
No. 2220838
>>2220648> So I gave him a hug n turned on his favorite anime. He has gone non verbalMaybe some warm milk from mommy will help?
Why are you even dating a scrote who loves anime, you know how they are. Leave that sinking boat asap nonna.
No. 2220891
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i think vegeta is sexy as hell…
No. 2220896
>>2220892He definitely doesn’t deserve a resentful partner, nobody does, and nobody deserves a partner they resent. People deserve happiness and love. Moids suck sure but he doesn’t sound like he’s
abusive or horrible, just an extra depressed autistic scrote. He might not find a good partner, and hell maybe he’s a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to be happy. Maybe anon is a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to be happy. But both sound like regular, non horrible human beings, and yeah, decent humans deserve to be happy and deserve chances to find love, even if they’re autistic scrotes.
No. 2220922
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>>2220921Yep, and those are pots calling the kettle black. We're on lolcow, we're all autists here. No reason to debase yourself by defending males.
No. 2220962
>>2220896Are women desperate enough to be with retards too kek? The bar is not even in hell right now, it’s even more below.
Do you love playing mommy that much? Get a dog at that point.
No. 2220964
>>2220896An autistic scrote is a danger to people at a higher percentage than an autistic woman, you cannot compare them at all.
Retarded men are coddled from infancy and are never told no and can’t (often they do but they don’t care) understand nor respect boundaries and they’re always selfish. Autistic women are often diagnosed later in life because they are not afforded the same grace and are forced to mask and are always berated and criticize; anyway even the most depraved autistic woman can never match an autistic scrote.
No. 2220968
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>>2220945nonny i have never been into cartoon anything let alone cartoon men, my husband got me into dbz recently and vegeta is just so fine…>>2220959carrot
No. 2221046
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I never graduated highschool. Picrel
>>2220919I saw one post that was so emotionally mature, genuinely sensitive, sincere and reflective from an autistic moid on the internet no less (he was not coddled and went to through a very troubled and shit childhood which probably made him so earnest in wanting to be the best version of himself, i posted this coddled-manipulative correlation theory in the autism thread) i can't stop imagining me with him, it's been a couple months now maybe longer (?)
Anyways, this is also all relevant to the first statement I made.
No. 2221062
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>>2220891in my headcanon he is not a manlet. stupid sexy manlet
No. 2221105
>>2221004I get it but you can also be abused and then also be stunted by the same parents who abuse you if they never teach you to do anything. Like for me my dad used to physically abuse me as a kid and yet I’ve been financially dependent on him up until my mid 20s. He would do things like take my taxes from me to file them himself, control my investment accounts, and threaten to cut me off entirely and throw me out when I disobeyed. As someone who was never taught basic adult skills, I would just obey because I was scared what would happen if I was on my own.
I am finally getting out now but he still tries to do everything in his power to thwart my attempts to leave.
No. 2221138
>>2221133>covid lockdowns making young people even more helpless and immatureGod, this fucked up the society so much in so many ways.
I dread my old age because of it, how will I trust my doctor and how well will they treat me if they were educationally and socially stunted
No. 2221150
>>2221147People who went through wars tended to grow up fast, they took up responsibilities that were beyond their age
People who went through lockdown are the opposite, they tend towards immaturity and lack of responsibility
Are you seriously comparing war to being stuck in your room?
No. 2221158
>>2221150>>2221152yeah yeah you're the only people who have collectively gone through something
you're doomed forever
you should probably kill yourself now before it gets too bad…
(infighting) No. 2221163
>>2221158Nobody said any of that
You sound
triggeredTbh I am too, I've been through war and economic disaster and you comparing it to the lockdown is laughable
The effects of the lockdowns on child/teen development are indubitably bad and that has a bad an effect on everyone else in society too
No. 2221171
>>2221083You sound insufferable kek, no wonder you have to seek out vtubers who don’t even want you and who live in an other country.
This situation is pathetic as fuck nonna, you’re in a long distance situationship kek.
No. 2221172
>>2221004Sorry my mom takes care of me and keeps me in university because she loves me.
The average 20 year old isn’t self sufficient.
No. 2221268
>>2221199That’s literally what you’ve been sperging on
> but I can't help but view my adult peers who still have their parents pay for them/drive them around as being extremely immature and childish.Sorry that you got dealt with shitty parents and half that you were able to make something out of it despite that.
You just sound resentful of those who are lucky enough to have parents who financially support them.
I drive, but it’s my mom who pays for my rent and gives me upkeep, because I’m in fucking med school. It’s not immaturity, it’s just privilege that you didn’t get.
No. 2221718
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>>2220792My confession is that Aubrey is hot and i would date her