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No. 526775
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finally a new thread
No. 526776
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No. 526798
>>526796the other thread is literally retarded sperging about reptiles.
Gtfo anon. This one is better/more decent
No. 528335
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All these losers do is think with their dicks.
No. 528677
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>>526798Late response but the punchline of the lizard posts is that the females of that species are capable of reproducing asexually, rendering the males obsolete.
>>>/ot/526515It's the pinkpill thread, where men are the butt of all the jokes and we talk about how we don't need them. It's a little esoteric, but it's a good joke.
No. 528786
>>528741I've noticed this too, full time helper gfs. It's a vulnerable position to be in, building a channel with someone but knowing that ultimately they own it.
You break up and you'll have nothing to fall back on and nothing to show for your years spent helping the man. Keep a seperate job and let him hire an assistant if he needs to.
No. 528901
>>528335"At least the pornsick men I find want my porn sick dick!"
it's funny how they pretend it's women's fault they are having gay sex, not themselves for…being attracted to a dude. It's also funny how "traps are not gay!" is woke, but homophobic as fuck. So much of this shit is homophobic, I remember when two men fucking was gay. Now we have to actually discuss if it's gay based on what clothes the bottom is wearing.
Newsflash dude, you are just into fem men, transwomen or bisexual. More then likely into it because you are porn sick and men are more likely to fuck you if they are too pornsick and gay men do have a lot of casual sex.
It has NOTHING to do with women and everything to do with you.
I love how outright homophobic and self-hating so many losers are online, and it's considered "woke" to think this way.
No. 529177
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I just got done watching this Pretty Much It video where they watch Contagion and I'm disturbed by one of the jokes they made.
It's during the part of the movie where Kate Winslet's character dies from the virus. The camera goes from her losing consciousness, then a sharp cut to her face in a body bag.
One of the guys says immediately, "Is this one of her kinks?" And the other responds, "I was just gonna say! This looks like a PornHub thumbnail!"
What the actual fuck. A corpse in a body bag looks like PornHub thumbnail… I don't know what makes me sadder - the fact that they're actually right about thumbnails looking like that or the fact that they can say and post that publicly and no one will think it's weird or disturbing. How can anyone deny how misogynistic porn is when even normie dudes like this openly admit to seeing it full of this kind of shit?
No. 529178
If you don't believe all rapists should be lynched, I think we can meet in the middle here.
There's always the option of cutting off their genitals. It might be a good idea to remove even more than one body part, depending on the situation and how dangerous they are. Maybe they should also have some sort of permanent, visible branding (that can only be accurately done by the authorities, to avoid anyone faking it) marking them as a rapist. That way, if they get out of jail, people know to keep themselves safe. This would be especially useful in countries that don't have a sex offender registry.
They get to keep their lives without demoralizing rape victims, they're given a heavy correctional lesson on what it means to destroy someone's bodily integrity, they burden no one, and their chances of causing even more harm to people are minimized. Fair?
>Most porn doesn't depict that sort of violence, most of it is consensual or even emphasises elements of male non-consent such as femdom, older women seducing younger men, etc. I'm pro-porn.
You should read about the horrors of the porn industry. "Most of it is consensual" is a myth.
Male non-consent isn't a good thing, unless you believe males should be raped (which is a very "scrote with a fetiish" way of thinking).
No. 529185
>I've had three exes who would all be getting off to this, so you're just giving men what they want.
What are you talking about? Men jerk off to ceiling lamps. What they fetishize is useless, what matters is how to deal with rapists. Please stay on topic, actually address the points, come up with a constructive argument and try not to be so acerbic. You sound a bit like a hysterical, angry male, no offense.
Be honest about this: Do you think it's really that bad if women get raped? Do you think it's much of an issue worth solving, and that rapists should face punishment? In your eyes, is rape as much of a problem as many people make it out to be?
We're all anonymous here, and your answer is important because it determines whether you can reach common ground with anyone in this thread, or if it'll just go in circles.
No. 529186
>>529177That's fucking disgusting, even for a joke. Reminds me of when I was watching a video about a film called the Autopsy of Jane Doe (a movie literally about autopsying a womans corpse) and at least half of the comments were about Jane Doe's boobs and one comment said "my necrophilic tendencies would come out and I would molest Jane lol".
Men turn every situation into being about sex, then get upset and
triggered when women think all men think about is sex.
No. 529197
>>528884I was gonna comment earlier and say how happy I am that at least India treats violent rape with an iota of seriousness compared to say the US.
Just imagine male outrage here if we put a violent rapist to death. Ho! And of course there's a scrote in here trying to minimalize the situation to try to justify his stance that women's bodies don't mean shit.
No. 529203
>No society is ever […]
Societies have cut hands off for theft, rape, etc in history. Castration has also been used as a form of treatment for sex offenders. Feel free to Google it. It's important to read before making sweeping statements like this, or you might make yourself look uneducated and aggressive.
Once again, what do you think is the solution, then? What do you have to say that's meaningful? Do you have any actual thoughts on this subject, or did you just come here to defend the hypothetical rights of rapists to people who want them gone?
>but do you know that sometimes women, especially young girls, are raped in a context where women are participants or even perpetrators?
Did anyone ITT argue that female rapists shouldn't get the same treatment as male rapists? I get the sense that you might secretly think that yourself, based on you trying to frame male non-consent as a good thing.
Aside from that, males make up the lion's share of rapists and violent criminals in general. Statistics reflect this.
>Yes it is an issue worth solving but I don't advocate punishment for anyone or anything.
Yeah, you're not going to reach common ground with anyone here. There is no "solving" anything without punishment for deliberate wrongdoing, and not penalizing rape is spitting in the face of victims.
>false accusations
1-3% of all rape cases. Statistically irrelevant and unrelated to the subject of dealing with actual rapists.
Fun fact: Men are many times more likely to be raped than to be falsely accused of rape. Also, men rape other men more often than women rape men.
Many people use this "False accusations though" argument to derail discussions of male-on-female rape, thinking it helps them, but they're actually throwing male rape victims under the bus, and affirming that rape is largely a male-on-female issue.
No. 529220
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>social justice
No. 529225
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>outs self has having the worst taste in men
>coomer, probably sells nudes
>rape apologist
>unironically uses veganism to virtue signal
>brainlet wistful “what ifs” and “muh female rapists”
LMAO Holy fuck don’t you have a cock to suck thot
No. 529231
>>529144Have you read the Rules? I’m 25 like
>>529199, who sums it up perfectly. Honestly, in the age of Tinder, younger women probably need to hear this more…
Letting the guy chase is not at all passive. The idea is that men need to feel like they are choosing you, and if you let them chase (while ignoring the fkbois who don’t call back) you will attract men who are truly interested and invested in you.
Yes, there are shy men out there…but men, regardless of how outgoing or timid they are, WILL find a way to reach you if they’re truly interested.
If you are the one hitting him up all the time, it’s waaaay too easy for a guy who doesn’t really care about you to keep passively stringing you along because of the easy sex. Also, ffs, don’t sleep together right away!! Get to know each other first! God I feel like an old aunty but I could go on and on.
No. 529235
>>529192>>529218I really don't understand self described feminists who engage in femdom, like I somewhat get it, beating and humiliating scrotes as a coping mechanism against all the bullshit they do but at the same time it accomplish literally nothing cause the guy you're beating up still is the one with all the power, he's their because he wants to be their and can leave anytime he wants, he can also waste the woman with his bare hands anytime he wants to
ultimately you can call someone a dominatrix, escort, or a sugar baby, but at the end of the day It's all the same - women prostituting themselves and men wielding the power.
No. 529245
>>529235Yeah, that's my issue with it, too. Men who are into femdom usually don't even respect women, they just have brain problems and mommy issues.
Also: That first poster turned out to be a scrote. I guess he didn't just sound like a hysterical, angry male, kek. I'm glad even the libfems on Lolcow aren't as brain dead as a typical scrote, after all. Hope he gets castrated soon, or at least gets a case of porn-induced ED so bad that he has no choice in life but to contribute to the male suicide rate.
No. 529259
>>529225Wish the cake added only death tho since that's what they deserve. One of them in an interview back in 2015 said that she deserved her rape and brutalized attack for not being at home, that girls are to blame for their attack more than boys. But I do think towards the end they were scared as they tried to push back their execution date so that makes me happy. Them having only to look forward to their death and feeling fear.
>>529247Well corona
is killing more men then women, anon
No. 529260
>>529251Samefag and (un)popular opinion but women who willingly get involved with self-proclaimed sub men are still cucked pick-me’s as those males are statistically the most mentally unstable, cumbrain, selfish lovers. Either subjugate your perfect vanilla bf or it’s nothing uwu
>>529253I see what you mean since 99% of femdom content are by males for males. The dommes are usually doing all the work while getting nothing in return. Portrayal of women getting sexually worshipped is as rare as life in space.
No. 529437
>>529420>>529428see point here
>>529264 like I don't care if this femdom or maledom or whatever bullshit term, I just want a truly attractive male to lovingly pleasure his female partner with thought and effort, like is that too much too ask are men this dumb and not realize how easy it is for them
>>529435well even being dumb isn't an excuse cause even dumbasses put some effort in, I dated a man who had an intellectual disability and he actually listened to me and learned on how to have right sex despite being a virgin at that time, so the average man really has no excuse if a man with an IQ lower then 80 can be the best lover I have had
No. 529458
>>529437>I just want a truly attractive male to lovingly pleasure his female partner with thought and effort, like is that too much too askYeah this. And by please also generally. Being thoughtful and helpful and sharing tasks in daily life.
Have you all seen the Role Reversal sub on Reddit? It's just men wanting a big mommy who takes care of them. How is that role reversal? A man doing the emotional labour, that would be true reversal.
No. 529462
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>>529458I just want a kind, nurturing attractive man who isn't either a cumbrain, a jockbro, a sjw chapocel, or alt-right retard, just a kind simple man who listens and takes care of himself and takes care of me
No. 529475
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>>529471I used to think that I loved men and would also NALM, but the truth was I loved fictional men, I had so many crushes on men from fiction and on actors that I thought those type of great selfless, kind men might actually exist IRL, they didn't
No. 529532
>>529500It's so weird to me how commonplace it is to talk about Pornhub, even on SFW sites. The videos on the front page are always some trashy "teen step-sis gets used hard" kinda shit.
I never thought I had a problem with porn until I saw what was considered mainstream.
No. 529554
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what is wrong with pornsick men
No. 529563
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>>529491Don't forget no matter how much reddit claims it's facebook morons spreading corona it's actually a bunch of 'I don't buy into this corona hype.' contrarians
No. 529570
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>talked to a guy about video games
>he likes league of legends
>asked him abt the recent drama about how a female artist allegedly got her design ripped off
>showed him a kotaku news article on my phone that mentions the drama and have a brief glance of sexism in the gaming industry
>he doesnt read it, just scroll through it, said he doesnt care.
I hope no girl landed on this catch, you dont have to be a full blown feminist but at least be mindful of these injustices around you, although this seems a little too hard for them to grasp since their favorite gaming company got exposed kek.
No. 529595
>>529532They're all shooting themselves in the foot with this too. There are ads for ED pills all over because the companies know these men are inadequate and infertile at this point.
>>529554At least the comments were accurate
No. 529732
>>529657Unironically this
Men love when you give them attention
No. 529864
>>529462I've searched for 10 years
doesn't exist
No. 529874
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>>526765nooo don't make a corona onlyfans!! stop commodifying yourselves i'm losing moneyyyyy
No. 529926
>>529874That's hilarious
>you'll fail and won't make any money so don't even tryis clearly code for
>please don't do what I do because I can't hack the competition and will lose customers because men value novelty and better looking girls over my """hard work""" No. 530044
>>530039 > They are incapable of discussing ANYTHING in good faith.Especially the disclosing of trauma or mental health struggles.
I see so many on here saying they found a wonderfully supportive bf to listen to all their trauma talk.. months into dating. Dishing up your most vulnerable shit in the few months of knowing a guy isn't it, generally it backfires spectacularly when it gives them all the ammo needed to gaslight you later on.
No. 530230
Posting a reminder that when a man tries to pull bullshit on you, he should be called out on it. Don't be afraid to look cold or bitchy when it's clear to anyone with two brain cells what's going on. The only exception is when you're in a situation where he would cause you grievous bodily harm, especially without immediate repercussions. If that's the case, don't even bother, just exit and don't look back. If applicable, warn others about him.
If you don't call him out, the male will mistakenly assume he's smart, and continue the same behaviors. You will suffer for his actions, and he will gaslight you about it.
As a sidenote for heterosexual anons, men actually like it when women are bitches to them. It gives them the goal of impressing, subjugating and/or simply getting to the soft side of the woman in question.
Most men don't understand kindness as normalcy, only as a reward for excellence. Don't trick him into thinking he's already excellent when he's not. They're delusional enough already without you stuffing their egos like they're prized pigs. If you're going to spend time associating yourself with males, make them work for your favor every day of their lives, or they'll never appreciate you.
No. 530286
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So this scrote has spammed almost all the boards with this.
I guess poooor autstic freak got bored of derailing and larping.
Either way i find it funny how men and especially the kiwifarms autists love complaining that this imageboard exists and that we are so ''vile'' and then they come here and they spam us with rape/pedophilia/beastiality…
And most of the weird posts here are also the scrote larpers.
No. 530308
>>530301wherever it was any scrote in particular or not….it was still a scrote who was sharing links to women getting raped.
which other imageboards did you see this shared to?
No. 530452
>>530286>kiwifarms The poor man must have been scared when his internet army didnt post along with him eh? His mentality was probably "heh, kiwifarms will come harass this website with me just like they will harass this person I posted' he must have been shook when they didnt do it.
Unironically but Kiwifarms Is just as generic and boring as the people they harass, they're just as fat just as smelly and just as poor in money and sense
No. 530865
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>>530823>Is it bad to say that him dying is natural selections?Lol no I dont think it is.
No. 530901
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the fact that males are more likely to die from covid gives me peace
No. 530917
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>>530901Miehet: helvettii
No. 530943
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Was wondering if this should go here or in the reddit thread, but here's an AITA post of a woman who put a lot of time and energy into planning her bf a fun birthday activity, only for him to storm off crying about how no one thinks about him on his birthday. What an ungrateful cunt holy fuck.
No. 530969
>>530943>>530944I'll bet anything that at least one YTA on this post would be from some salty scrote who would agree planning a game for a man on his birthday is too much effort and labor to enjoy, so she should've just gifted him video games and gave him a bj, happy birthday!
I'm sorry but I'll never try again for scrotes and birthdays ever again unless they put equal thought into mine. I can't believe the shit I'd put on for my ex. A cake, getting his friends involved, and buying him extravagant gifts like a ps4 pro. Granted at least he never acted like a little bitch to me and cried about anything, but I also always got him nice shit because I made it my job to
know him. Unlike what he did for me. What did he get me? Restaurant dinner. And I had to BEG for that on my birthday, and plan where to go and make reservations. He never did shit on his own accord. He'd wave the $150 bill in my face and act like a big man for having done so. He never got me a desert once for my birthday. In fact, I don't even recall a gift he ever gave me except on Christmas–but even then only because I'd badger with a list of exactly what I wanted and still only got one or three of the cheapest things.
It's really not about the money. Just the lack of effort and entitlement, and unwillingness to reciprocate fairly with thought. I'm still mad at myself for sticking around as long as I did and trying to salvage that relationship.
>tfw can never vent about this anywhere else lest I get called a golddigger No. 531151
>>526765>>530286The scrotes and pickmes on kiwi farms are atrociously stupid. They think that the fluffy pony abuse comics are ~so evul~ but then they go ahead and make fun of actual cases of rape and abuse. They can’t think for thselves either and have unrealistic expectations, for example Ma Shartley of the Hooligan Clan was expected to what, smother her potato girls with a pillow? Or else she’s an
abusive mother? They’re so over dramatic about the wrong things. and they think it’s edgy and cool to be racist, it isn’t, it’s tacky and immature. Just like most men are.
No. 531180
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Saw this posted in /kpg/ and it really breaks my heart how less outrage it's got. I mean, I guess people has become so desensitized by extreme violence against women. But I hope these korean women can make a change.
Look at the amount of subscribers… men have no sympathy for women or girls.
No. 531343
>>531151I kind of agree with this, Kiwifarms users claim all their targets have made up stories of incest and pedophilia but their own experiences of being preyed on are real? Like people you hate cant be raped or a
victim. They have the typical school bully mentality
No. 531407
>>531180>scissors in the vaginaFucking hell I want to unread that. No wonder korean radfens go fucking hard, they're fighting this shit daily.
>>531341And SK scrotes kill themselves in the protest of legalizing porn.
No. 531428
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>>530901Corona-chan said no more men
It's their own fault for not being clean in the first place tbh.
>>531177>They have almost nothing to offer long-term besides financial security lolPfft they're not even worth the money. Get out there and find yourself a rich gf, anon. Be the rich lesbian aunts you deserve to be.
No. 531547
Do you ever just seethe about women who disagree with you to the point where you write an entire shitty, thinly veiled fetish porn novel about it? T.E.R.F War is the epic tale of men and awesome trans girls who fight against an evil TERF anime villain named, I shit you not, Lady Athena the Crimson Death. tagline is "How many will have to die before the terfs are satisfied?" with an evil witch terf facing off against an innocent trans girl. There are 20 plus chapters of this. How do men have the time to write cope novels about their political beliefs? Nerd men online write entire novels about physically fighting strawmen versions of other political ideologies. You all know what I mean by this. Is everything men do just a frantic rage against strawmen?
No. 531576
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>Moids: RRRREEEEEEE why won't women go out with me goddamnit
>Also moids: post sexist, cringeworthy manchild bullshit like this
No. 531637
>>531547The novel litteraly starts by this sentence:
>I stared into my tall bedroom mirror as I saw myself standing still, taking in the amazing sight before me.The troon reverse BDD and narcissism is here lmao.
No. 531660
>>531576>is likely to turn fat from mental turmoilwhat??
>>531547>terf villain Lady Athena the Crimson Deaththat actually sounds fucking sweet
No. 531755
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>>529437>well even being dumb isn't an excuse cause even dumbasses put some effort in, I dated a man who had an intellectual disability and he actually listened to me and learned on how to have right sex despite being a virgin at that time, so the average man really has no excuse if a man with an IQ lower then 80 can be the best lover I have hadwhat I wanna know is how and why were you dating a man with an IQ lower then 80 ?
No. 531801
>>531755Women date dummys on presumptions like what are mentioned in anon's post
What you've actually got to watch out for is male insecurity.
Dealing with an insecure dumbass or an insecure smartass is about the same just with different contrivances. Insecure intelligent men have this complex where they
can't accept that their female partner knows more than they do, because at the end of the day they have to feel superior to a woman in order to feel like men. Insecure dumb guys will grow resentful because they will feel like they can't measure up, and that their smart women will leave them for better men and that fact emasculates them.
No. 532072
>>531344Call the police, tell them he is a threat and have him arrested. Show no mercy. That’s the mistake I made with the
abusive scrote I dated who would strangle me within an inch of my life and use pressure point pain against me, was to show mercy. Get him locked up and fuck him over as much as he can, doesn’t matter if he spends the rest of this quarantine locked up in a box, make sure he comes back home to a trashed fucking house. In future always be financially independent or have people around you that you can run to. Always have an escape plan when dating a scrote, no matter how nice they seem.
No. 532073
>>531241This is what they will NEVER realise.
I watched videos about geladas on YouTube not long ago and scrotes in the comments where SO FUCKING ANGRY at at this female monkey for allowing a stronger, more active rival Male to fuck her, and at the narrator for saying “she is not monogamous, instincts drive her to the strongest Male around”
WHY THE FUCK can’t they realise? We aren’t your mummy, bring actual WORTH into our lives or we will disregard you for a man who does!
No. 532219
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It is nice to know normies aren’t as degenerate as I thought
No. 532301
>>532219Dazed is trashy in the first place but those replies are actually pretty refreshing.
What's terrible though is that there are also people going "let's support sexworkers instead!1!!" lmao
No. 532321
>>532312The best example I have of this was an ex raging out on me because it was mothers day and I felt down seeing as my mom is dead… my low mood was too much but his rage was a
valid reaction?
Wasn't even bothering him with my issue, was simply a bit quiet that day. Guess I'm a crazy emotional woman.
No. 532325
>>532322I wish I could go back and have sex with a simple retard instead of having had sex with the worst
abusive men who considered themselves intelligent. That's for damn sure.
No. 532330
>>532325This, I'd rather have no sex at all after experiencing >
abusive men who considered themselves intelligent
Dumb doesn't sound so bad compared to a smartass narc of a man
No. 532373
>>532332I had to 'shop around' for way too long before finding a fuck buddy I could look back on fondly, one good experience out of many not so great guys. Hardly seems worth it when the odds of truly enjoying it are that stacked against you.
If I got started telling all the bad stories I'd only be spamming up the thread, there's that many.
No. 532414
>>532395I haven't had a randomer walk up to me in the street and try to chat me up in years but it happened as soon as social distancing was introduced.. the guy kept joking about it too thinking that was the reason I kept backing away from him, It wasn't!
I swear the current situation is bringing out a new level of desperation in them. Weird priorities to have right now.
No. 532431
>>532304It's why SK radfems fight so much. They got a plague of men who want to see children mutilate their genitals. One guy is caught out of the 260k from the nth room. And all he had to say was "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused."
>>532332Hookup culture is
toxic for women esp right now. They only see their pleasure that comes from violence and even then they can't finish due to ED issues.
>>532337Men generally lack empathy in general. Unless shit happens to them.
No. 532468
>>532395What idiots are dating right now? Any man that's seriously about meeting strangers and hooking up with them during a pandemic is fundamentally a loser. Not to mention the same type of dude who takes other risks no matter at whose expense.
Like the type of guy that passes on and lies about his STDs. He's also likely a violent low value man who disregards your well being as well as others, as long as he gets what he wants. Fucking yuck.
No. 532524
>>532509"Y'all need help"
Life changing advice anon, just tag a bunch of posts without even reading them. Very insightful.
No. 532525
>>532509Deadass. Low IQ FREQUENTLY means diminished ability to introspect, emotion disregulation and even lower empathy. Retards are more likely to be
abusive than they are to be some lovable idiot.
No. 532558
>>532525every man i know is like that though, literally every one. not all are physically
abusive, but the rest of the traits? absolutely. and they're not veritable retards at all.
No. 532712
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>>532703Just when I was happy that already over half a million people have signed…
I wish someone influential would call them out with exactly this
>>532638 There's no denying or excuse for that, it'd show everybody how sick this site and their userbase really are. All those media outlets who advertised them and think it's funny that italians get it for free or that many people (meaning scrotes) masturbate now, must apologize.
No. 532755
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And of course when RapeHub announced their free premium offer, redditors lapped it up like the cumbrains that they are
No. 532793
>>532755Imagine how weird it would be for a woman to have external drives filled with endless folders of pirated porn downloaded at the expense of some men getting raped and trafficked.
This is what those men are doing. Men do this and it's okay. That's the statement society is making about men and their unethically sourced violent porn.
No. 532813
>>532812It’s been happening constantly for months,
triggered incels/trannies trying to dominate the site, they will never win but if they did who the fuck cares, this is not the only place I go to shit on men and trannies. I do it plenty irl with normie women and nobody stops me.
No. 532823
>>532712>>532785>>532793>"I will keep jacking off so long as I feel like it">having hard drives of pornKnowing that they're ruining their dicks getting ED younger and younger and lowering their sperm count at younger ages is cathartic. They're only shooting themselves in the foot. There is no such thing as a loving healthy relationship with a loving loyal trustworthy man who also watches porn. It's just another fantasy of theirs
What's demonic is how men don't care if the content uploaded is a minor being raped or
victims of human trafficking being forced on camera because it's only "the minority of content" like they can't comprehend that it should be fucking 0.
No. 532824
>>532812as usual, it's never enough for them. gc was closed and they don't stop. if admin and co don't acknowledge the entitlement of their demands and how nasty they get at the drop of a hat (and it is demands, never suggestions), then they're just acting in bad faith as well. if there is "spillover" (almost all of the time its presence is wildly exaggerated), it's because of a few things:
>anons complain in dating threads, annoying threads, vent threads about their abusive boyfriends, abusive fathers, how their boyfriends are destroying their self esteem with porn use and degradation, because their complaints do belong in those threads as well, tbh>anons then talk about how this is not okay, how shitty many men are, and sometimes how they hate men>this is said to be pinkpill/manhate spillagei think it's also because more users are
becoming pinkpilled, so it seems more prevalent. i see more and more anons saying "i never agreed with them but now i see what they mean", so i think that would explain more posts about how users now feel jaded and see this mistreatment for what it is. i appreciate admin keeping pp and her work, but she doesn't seem to see that these people aren't honest in their argumentation and the way they speak, at all. i think sometimes it's hard for anons to know which thread to put their grievances in because vent thread is for respective venting and dating problems for dating problems, like, i can understand if people don't want to make pinkpill all about their frustrations with their condescending male coworker and feel it belongs better in the vent thread or annoying thread, etc. women put up with men a lot, they are pretty much inescapable, i think it's a little weird to suggest their vents are not
valid or every single one dealing with a man's abuse or whatever belongs in pp. then almost every post dealing with men of any kind should be in pp?
No. 533393
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Found the link to the thread: three responses got roasted but there are still some scrotes who say dump her without that much attention. Shit posting or not, scrotes continue to prove women right about their depravity
No. 533400
>>533217 > I literally don't know any normie women who watch anything more than a sexy scene from a movie/tv showYeah my friend group are all pretty open about sexual stuff and the closest we get to saving 'porn material' is having a few fully dressed pics of a celeb crush saved in that private instagram folder.
Men think we're rushing to get free pornhub vids right now? lol
No. 533434
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No. 533478
>>532712>hurr durr PoRnHuB iS nOt ReSpoNsIbLeYes they ARE responsible for removing illegal content from their website. Pornhub consistently refused to remove illegal content when asked by the
victims and they are thereby complicit in profiting from the rape, child porn, and sex trafficking videos on their platform. How is this a hard concept to grasp? Fucking coomers.
No. 533526
>>533481like that fucker Thom Yorke.
this is one of my worst fears though, that i'll get cancer and my partner will leave and i'll die alone. good to know it's not irrational, i guess.
No. 533640
>>532824>i think it's also because more users are becoming pinkpilled, so it seems more prevalent.I agree. A lot of the spergiest manhate comes from freshly pinkpilled anons who have finally found out how much men suck and now are so overwhelmed by the fact that they're actively seeking support anywhere. A few years ago I was a TRA and had no idea how much misogynist socialization had an effect on me until I found these threads, and I went through a similar phase.
Anyway, I hope this is the right place because idk where else to go with it, but what's your stand on pansexuality? The narrative says that it's "woke bi" but to me it has always been straight people who want to bullshit their way into the LGBT scene by only fucking cis/trannies of the opposite gender (i.e. woman and man/mtf).
No. 533648
>>533640Honestly, I think "woke bisexual" sums it up. "Bisexual" has become a dirty word due to misuse, overuse, and general stigma against bisexuals.
I really hate the way bisexuality is viewed by our culture. For whatever reason, a lot of people just can't seem to accept that you can be attracted to both sexes. If you're a bisexual guy, you're just a "gay guy who hasn't accepted that he's gay," and if you're a bisexual woman, you "just want attention." Notice how both of those accusations just assume the person's world revolves around cock. The other one everyone gets is that they're "desperate." The thing is, I know that there's a core of truth to these stereotypes– yes, straight celebrities lie about being bisexual all the time– but that doesn't make stereotypes any less harmful. When you stereotype, you're judging a whole group of people for something the vocal minority do.
I've gotten to the point where I don't tell anyone what my sexuality is. Can't accuse me of being bisexual for attention when literally no one except the people I date know about it.
No. 533829
>>533711Im keeping you in my thoughts anon. Stay safe out there
>>533781From the rare ones I've seen, their comments were basically
>idc about trafficked victims I'm still gonna jack off whenever I want>the real rape or cp vids are such a minority that the whole site shouldn't shut down These porn sick retards don't understand that small minority is GREATER THAN zero. Or how they explicitly tell you they do not care about sex trafficking or the women who are abducted. They don't. At all. Women have to watch out for other women
No. 533940
>>533894I thought it was common knowledge that vaginal orgasms are impossible for like 99% of women and even most women who claim they get them are probably full of shit…
When people say they don't orgasm, I always assume it is because the man can't be bothered spending enough time on basic clit stimulation. It's quick when you know your body perfectly, have a lot of practice, and can constantly adjust what you're doing if it's not quite right. It's only natural that it will take men longer and they are impatient/selfish, so they will give up early or not even bother at all.
No. 533971
>>533940It would be tempting to assume they are lying because of fragile male egos but they don't really have that incentive on surveys. There's this correlation that women who have clits positioned closer to their vaginal openings have a much easier time orgasming from penetration alone, and the farther away it is the harder it is. I remembered reading about it so I looked it up. Apparently there are plenty of women expressing their frustration at the fact they can't cum from vaginal penetration and I am not surprised at all.>Wallen is testing data that was gathered nearly a century ago by the great-grand niece of Napoleon Bonaparte, who suffered from what was then called "frigidity.">Princess Marie Bonaparte, a French psychoanalyst, discovered that the optimal C-V distance is 2.5 centimeters, about an inch, or the space between the fingertip and the thumb.>After collecting data and publishing a report in 1927, her story did not end well. She underwent two experimental surgeries to remedy her own situation, attempting to bring her clitoris closer to her vagina.>She ended up scarred and abandoned finding a physical cure for non-climactic women. Sad as fuck.
No. 533983
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The bar for men is so fucking low, women have to feel grateful for not raping them.
No. 534010
>>533992I don't think it's weird, some women will just have different preferences for what works and feels good. I started watching porn from an early age too but I still only cum from clitoral.
>im somewhat convinced vaginal only orgasms dont exist either because im pretty sure i would have had one by now.There is a theory that most vaginal sensations originate from the clit anyway because it's a much larger structure beneath the surface, but we have minuscule information about female anatomy compared to male anatomy because lol fuck funding medical research about women's bodies amirite.
No. 534018
>>533983If she's not being ironic she's VERY delusional or sheltered, probably lives in a first world country
What does she mean with the non-human sex is rape part?
Animals normally don't go around raping each other, there's a thing called mating
No. 534019
>>534015>>534018She's not being ironic..
Fuck, we need a pickme or a handmaiden thread again.
No. 534039
>>534034But radfems ask you to take a deeper look into why such things make you feel happy. Although it may be a "choice", the fashion and the beauty industry is still ran by men.
You are still able to put on make-up and wear whatever you want. You can just be yourself. It seems like you're just insecure about what other people think.
No. 534043
>>534039I don't wear things that are produced by men. I even make my own make-up from scratch sometimes and I mostly use locally made beauty products from businesses run by women and I don't wear it daily. I have months when I don't put it on because I lack the energy and motivation from being too depressed and I have months when I wear it daily and it feels like artistic expression and putting it on calms me down. I also mostly thrift-shop my clothes. I really looked into it to see if it's just me secretly wanting attention from men and it is not. I love make-up and I love clothes that just catch my eye and I like cute things. I'm not even interested in men anymore or pursuing a relationship with a man.
It just has happened that I was harassed on the streets for wearing shorts and a crop top and I really liked that look and those clothes made me happy but when I got harassed it really made me feel disgusting and I panicked on the inside and thought to myself "maybe I should never wear clothes like these again in my life" but then I realized that would mean giving up on something that I love and something that makes me feel good because men feel entitled enough to sexually harass me just because I made a certain aesthetic choice.
Radical feminism covers a lot of interesting phenomenon of our society but I don't completely agree with certain instances and sometimes it just feel like radical feminism is used by insecure women to shit on women that like wearing make-up or feel good with their bodies and I do not think it should be used like that!! I think it should unite women and I think femininity exists meta-physically without it having to be sexualised and even female sexuality is more docile and gracious and artistic than that of men and I even see women's body as being a ton more visually pleasing than the average male body.
No. 534071
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>>534043>I think femininity exists meta-physically without it having to be sexualised and even female sexuality is more docile and gracious and artistic than that of men and I even see women's body as being a ton more visually pleasing than the average male body.I agree with this, and that's why I find myself at odds with a chunk of radical feminism, even though I agree with a lot of it. I like beauty, and I don't see it as inherently oppressive. I don't like male gaze-tier bullshit, but the hard utilitarianism afforded to males is more boring than freeing, to me.
Don't get me wrong, it's great to not be made into a sexual object and have everything about you be significantly attributed to your looks, but at the same time, most men are fucking ugly (at least compared to women) and for me, not wanting to reason like they do falls hand-in-hand with not wanting to resemble them.
Women absolutely destroy men in terms of beauty, and it's not because men force the notion of beauty on us, we just exist that way by default. The most unkempt woman on earth still looks better than the most unkempt man. That's life.
IMO, the male concept of femininity is typically more vulgar, less detail-oriented and mostly about what makes their pee-pees hard and/or fulfills their power fantasies. The female concept is often more nuanced, artistically aligned and tends to be a blend of vulnerability and strength (one aspect sometimes being more latent or dominant than the other, or a perfect balance being struck between the two).
Most things made or interpreted by women are more nuanced and beautiful than if it was men behind them. This is why we need more female film-makers, designers, photographers, etc.
For one example, the costume design for Aeon Flux in the live-action movie versus the original design. Beatrix Aruna Pasztor was the designer for the former. Her concept is far less cumbrained, BDSM-tier and retarded, on top of being aesthetically sleek, sexy and stylish.
The movie itself wasn't very good (the director was a woman, Karyn Kusama, but the screenplay was written by two men, and 3/4ths of the film's producers were male), but the visuals were top-notch.
No. 534072
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>>534071Found a direct comparison picture.
Honestly, even when women make BDSM-tier designs, their execution is better. Yeha Leung's work mogs 99% of male-brained designs.
No. 534073
>>534034The "I put on clothes and makeup for myself" is such a meme but honestly it's how I feel. It's at the point when male interest comes in that I feel disgusted. I don't want men to compliment on my clothing, makeup or hair, it makes me want to put a bag over myself.
>>534071>IMO, the male concept of femininity is typically more vulgar, less detail-oriented and mostly about what makes their pee-pees hard and/or fulfills their power fantasies. The female concept is often more nuanced, artistically aligned and tends to be a blend of vulnerability and strength (one aspect sometimes being more latent or dominant than the other, or a perfect balance being struck between the two). Honestly this is just socialization. If you strip everything down to biology then you just get the female hormonal behavior during different phases of your period cycle, including heat, and the primal male need to spread their seed. There's no part in your amygdala that makes you love experimental french eroticism. If anything I feel like women should be given the right to be vulgar, horny and demanding their rights to the female gaze instead of being repressed to play into the whole "female sexuality is so tender and artistic uwu" thing that reeks of fetishtic tranny/dudebro narrative. I mean if you enjoy it then whatever, it's your thing, but this kind of mindset is used to keep women under male thumbs so they don't go around sexualizing men and putting them into vulnerable positions.
No. 534077
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>>534073>this kind of mindset is used to keep women under male thumbs so they don't go around sexualizing men and putting them into vulnerable positions.I don't agree with this, anon. Women, when left to their own expression, do that all the time, kek. See: the work of artists like Kaneoya Sachiko or Yana Toboso (of Kuroshitsuji fame), any fujoshit ever, anything on or AoC, the "whump" tag on Tumblr, fan-art of male characters drawn by women, the fandom amassed by effeminate/beautiful men (most recently, it's "e-boys" like Noen Eubanks), etc.
It all disgusts and angers men. Women just have a better eye for things, while men have little to no vision or taste. Even sexually-charged, visceral displays often have good aesthetic principles when women are at the helm.
An eye for beauty and intelligence isn't weakness unless you have it in your mind that men are actually good at things, or there's much merit in their slackjawed work (there isn't much, the casual rawness loses its flavor when you realize it's not actually a choice, it's just all they can come up with, but they still get their heads blown up by other men who will LARP that they're geniuses).
No. 534082
also leave my beautiful e-boys out of this, I like eboys because their beautiful and I want to have them, that's all
No. 534087
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>>534079I think we agree, then. It just seemed like you thought I played into the "female sexuality is more tender" meme. I don't, but I do find women's work to just be better-executed, less ugly/generic and more creative in general.
Men think pure eroticism is knuckle-dragger shit because they're knuckle-draggers. Primal feelings are just that, but once you're putting them to art, photography or on paper, you should be able to express something of merit. A lot of men just can't.
>>534080Pretty much. It's like they were projecting their own bisexual tendencies all this time with the "Chad" meme.
The biggest cope is when men insist they "age like fine wine", and that 55+ year old balding men with paunches are hot, while men with all the attractive markers of youth are "faggots".
I'll never forget how angry a bunch of men got at Edward Cullen from Twilight being popular with teenage girls
and middle-aged moms. It must've really put a damper on their delusions.
>>534082I have like no sex drive these days, anon, and even if I did, I wouldn't have to make it into a radical feminist thing or even justify it (to who, and why? scrotes? lmao). I'm just comparing different artistic expressions based on what I've seen.
>also leave my beautiful e-boys out of this, I like eboys because their beautiful and I want to have them, that's allnobody_asked.jpg
No. 534090
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>>534088foe e.g I'm attracted to both the guys on the left and right
No. 534095
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Damn feels good to be a woman. Even after thousands of years of subjugation, we are still the superior sex. Damn.
No. 534101
>>534095This. If we stacked the sexes against each other and decided who should do what from a purely objective standpoint, 99.9% of men would probably be rock-smashers and sperm donors, while women would take on all the cerebral roles and long-term planning.
Never forget: Despite being excluded from education throughout history and in nearly every society, women are academically surpassing men to the point where MRAs are screeching that schools are "biased against boys".
No. 534127
>>533983Thanks, this ruined my day. Her twitter is a mess
>I've always been focused on the social stigma behind sex work, with how men wont date sex workers being evidence. But I totally forgot to consider that men themselves are under intense social pressure to not date sex workers, they get hit with just as much social shameing.Omg, why does nobody ever think of these poor men?!
>>534107In my country girls also already surpassed guys when it comes to higher education, yet instead of acknowledging that girls are simply more studious, everybody cries about there being too many female teachers who all supposedly treat male students worse than their female counterparts. Why is it that girls can still reach their full potential even without good female rolemodels, but boys either turn braindead or into criminals without father figures or male teachers?
When women weren't legally allowed to go to university they did everything to fight for that right. Males have always had all choices since the beginning of mankind, there's nothing that stops them from pursuing whatever career they want - nothing besides themselves, their own lazyness and arrogance.
No. 534133
>>534132 I would disagree that such a job doesn’t potentially require thought- what about arrangement? Creating artful displays or problem solving spatial restrictions?
On the other hand, two failed consultants screaming at each over a conference call about muh account does not.
No. 534138
>>534034>if I don't I'm a crazy girl that doesn't take care of herself.who says this? I've honestly never seen or heard anyone saying that.
Also, you contradict yourself in your post. You say
>but it seems like it's never good enough for menbut then you say you want to do it for yourself, it doesn't add up. Care about men or care about what you want.
No. 534164
>>534138>who says this? I've honestly never seen or heard anyone saying that.I've had men make fun of the acne on my face/dark circles or simply make fun of my bare face and attribute the fact that I don't wear makeup at times to me being depressed and therefore crazy and unkempt.
>but then you say you want to do it for yourself, it doesn't add up. Care about men or care about what you want.I have come to the conclusion that men cannot be satisfied, so there is no point in trying to appeal to them or centering your actions around appealing to them.Again, I do think they look down on both, women that wear makeup and are conventionally feminine and women that don't wear makeup and are not conventionally feminine.
No. 534174
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Why are scrotes so coombrained?
No. 534209
>>534205see point here
>>534144 do enough digging and you'll find nearly all porn companies are owned by entity, doesn't that just seem a little suspicious to you
No. 534223
>>534221Women have been and are already heads of household just not by title and male ego.
Women are now expected to go to work for more than 40 hours, tend to children, manage the household, and hand over half if not pay fully the expenses because men aren't worth a damn anymore.
No. 534239
>>534221My mom is pretty much the head of the family since forever. My dad does nothing, he can't even fix things around the house and all he does is sit on the couch and browse facebook all day kek
I think it's like that in a lot of families, men that don't do anything and are useless
No. 534310
>>534239my dad is the same, he won't do anything unless he's told in specific instructions.
women usually have run their households, don't get fooled by 1950s television, they're selling a false idea of what life was back then.
No. 534372 trouble on uploading screen shots. But this thread is on how
pornhub had videos live and up on a toddler being raped and hardly did anything for a while. Took them longer to take down videos of children being raped too.
No. 534380
>>534357>>534307Fuck men like this. I'm so sorry you're doubting yourself and hurt because of this. Their dick-addled brains are so saturated with Porn and bimboification that their sexuality basically depends on it, and they use their gf's as stand-ins. This is juvenile cumbrain bullshit. What is the
point of liking that type of pic? Why not just look at it and move on, if anything…? Do they really think the IG girl will give a fuck about who they are besides feeding off their faceless attention/money/likes lol. I guess that's a satisfying enough exchange for your fuckhead bfs to throw your feelings to the wind, pathetic.
Please leave them all; they're trash people who don't deserve the joy of actual romantic relationships. Only allow men with a semblance of balance and respect to get close to you like that. The rest should be shamed into loneliness until they realize how their blatant Cummies Activities affects their partners' trust and start acting right. Goddamn
No. 534399
>>534372So we are at "CP on Pornhub"
Yet men will refuse to hear a bad word about it. I look forward to when free porn is made illegal at some point.
No. 534402
>>534399Actually I adjust that statement:
It should be paywalled with many "free trials" so they can get a nice detailed history on these fucks to use against them later. But paywall is important to keep kids from being exposed to their depravity.
No. 534445
>>534372If any other company acted this flippantly about the illegal content on their website people would be fucking outraged, but men need to coom so they will make an endless amount of justifications for why PH shouldn't be held accountable.
>b-b-but anyone can upload illegal content on other websites too! All websites have this problem!Okay now imagine YT allowing cp and not doing anything about it for days, weeks, months, or years. Fucked up isn't it?
No. 534478
>>534372This makes me fucking sick. I hate how many of my normie friends think Pornhub is "wholesome" for planting trees and giving free premium passes for the social isolation period and whatever, that's a very cheap bone to throw at people to keep their faces. Who knows how much illegal content they keep up intentionally until someone reports it.
>>534307Madonna-Whore complex. I've heard SO many girls tell this exact tale - their boyfriends will make fun of thots and their plastic surgery and slutty IGs, yet still follow all of them to keep their dick hard. Most men will never be able to see their girlfriend/wife being sexually attractive because they need to "respect" her, and they can't respect someone they want to fuck. That's the short and sweet of it. They want to marry the pure, virginal "Madonna" who will provide the maternal needs, but still fuck the "whore" who they despise yet find attractive. It's especially prevalent in men who have mommy issues.
No. 534496
>>534495>doesn't deny being offended at males being called retardedThere's only one type of person who would be
triggered enough by that statement to respond to it so angrily.
No. 534500
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Reading this, I can't help but think it must be hard to be the mother of daughters.
Even if you don't have any feminist leanings, you must notice these things and just quietly swallow them. I feel like there's a lot of cognitive dissonance required just to not rip your hair out at how poorly girls are treated from the jump. We're literally taught they belong in the backseat from the beginning.
The only alternative is probably homeschooling, since it's not like there are lots of (if any) female-oriented schools.
Some silver lining: Despite this kind of thing, girls (and women) still do better than boys (and men) in school on average. Do males even try? It's kind of crazy how women can have everything snatched from them and still surpass men in nearly every category, besides maybe physical strength.
No. 534549
>>534107> the only reason black women aren't more successful is because of forced loyalty to the black communityNot to race bait, but I have a feeling anti-black racism is affecting them too.
>>534138NAYRT but wearing makeup is often considered part of women's hygiene ritual and (male) psychologists will often consider women who don't wear it less well than the women who do (ironic because when I was a makeup cuck I had no self-worth but now I'm confident and happier without)
>>534291I understand PP isn't for everyone, but I don't understand why any woman would really be THAT annoyed by other women venting about men because ime most women who have to interact with men complain about them. Moids talk about all their violent eroticized hatred for us all the time, but we can't call them retard coomers?
>>534307>>534357Most men have a Madonna/Whore complex - you are his beautiful natural girlfriend whom he loves, and those are whores whom he can objectify.
>>534361As a skinny bitch with a cups, obese women already do that shit and it's infuriating and gave me a massive complex.
No. 534553
>>534538She's a self-hating /pol/tard who browses here and is constantly trying to balance her obsession with male attention (and bitterness/rage toward more popular, conventionally attractive female internet figures) with the wave of pink-pilling going on. She gives me big "I LARP as misandrist because that makes me special and not like other e-girls, n-now
ironically pay for my onlyfans and
ironically simp for me you dumb males tee-hee" vibes. It's cringy.
Everything anti-porn she says is pretty much a copy-paste of opinions from these threads, so her content doesn't do much for me. Plus, her entire "fanbase" is composed of racist incels and other pick-mes/tradthots who she'll never stop pandering to, so she's not really doing much to significantly turn the cultural tide.
I wish there were better public figures representing this outlook. Nothing about her is good publicity unless you actually hate yourself.
No. 534563
>>534538>>534553venti's stance on porn i think has more to do with insecurity (which is totally fine) and in her case possibly predates her knowing specifically about the anti-porn sentiment here. gravy, shiloh, etc, are/were the same way, which, imo, has been the most based thing about these cow/flakes – asserting their value and right to be sexually and romantically respected in a relationship. venti obviously reads these threads now though. it's sad, she can meme and has potential but chose to pander to the worst people possible. you can't truly mock anyone else on the internet, save for zoophiles, pedos, etc, when you're pandering to racist poltards and whatnot. hopefully she grows out of it.
can someone please tell me what vid related is supposed to be? is she mocking fertility fags like molymeme, or wtf is this? it's really bad
No. 534600
>>534563Porn literally picks at women's insecurities so it's literally expected that porn makes women insecure.
Also the comments on that video are cringe. Imagine obsessing over if stranger women you'll never meet have kids or not, and all the reddit tier biology
No. 534610
>>534538I'm hoping she's serious, and that she actually believes what she's saying. Best case scenario is that she truly does care about how porn affects women, both the actresses themselves and those who aren't in the industry. But I don't think her motives are that altruistic, and more likely she's just using it to dunk on thots.
Kinda like most porn-critical men, they don't actually care about women in and out of the industry, they just want another reason to hate on women and shame them.
No. 534619
>>526765Does anyone think that petition will actually make changes to pornhub or no? The fact that it continues to exist after a myriad of incidents like this makes and that so many people still defend if even when they
know me lose all faith in scrotes
No. 534621
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I hope I'll never get a son if I have kids. Jesus christ
No. 534633
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JK Rowling is tweeting a ton of wholesome things on twitter nowadays. And each time she tweets there is a beardy bloke or troon calling her a terf. All because she stood up for the woman who got fired for believing in biological sex a couple of months ago.
No. 534639
>>534633Wow what an irritating shit of a person. Number one, no one cares about some tranny's identity crisis right now cause LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE DYING DAILY.
Secondly, does this bearded loser actually believe someone like Rowling has no idea what it means to "choose love"? She can love trannies fine, it doesn't make them biological women. They'll cry forever about this because facts don't care about their feelings.
No. 534652
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>>534043>Radical feminism covers a lot of interesting phenomenon of our society but I don't completely agree with certain instances and sometimes it just feel like radical feminism is used by insecure women to shit on women that like wearing make-up or feel good with their bodies and I do not think it should be used like that!!Do you realize just how stupid, puerile, and sexist this reads? This is the usual libfem cope: "nanana I don't want to be told what I like may not be so good and it's actually damaging my self image, so I'm just going to pretend the totality of beauty industry criticism done by radical feminists since the 60s is compressed by what some jelly femcels say online!!"
I just don't want to look stupid by writing a serious reply to this post that reeks of either an underage girl or some larping scrote, so I'm just going to post the compulsory redkatherinee art.
>! I think it should unite women and I think femininity exists meta-physically without it having to be sexualisedIt may, but I'm sure as hell it does not wear make up products, you insufferable hippie. lol, no comments.
No. 534684
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>>534652Love the art/comic. She followed it up by pic related, which is probably even more relevant nowadays. But of course people don't get it…>Have to say I love make up, and see no intrinsic wrong in it for sake of pleasure/art/ornamentation/fun.>lol some girls like to wear make up and its okThat's exactly her point: you're brainwashed into believing that you're only doing it for yourself - but you don't.
I myself also abide to beauty standards but I at least acknowledge that it's wrong (just incredibly hard or impossible to break free).
Another solution would pushing the same strict standards onto men too, but that's never gonna happen, instead we now even worship dad bods and long beards…
No. 534687
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>>534652>nanana I don't want to be told what I like may not be so good and it's actually damaging my self imageIt's funny how when it comes down to it, these women will choose to individually look "pretty" or "beautiful" instead of having actual class convictions regarding women as a whole.
They can't actually comprehend that spending money on beauty products is a fucking stupid tax that not only personally harms them, but harms women as a collective, not to even mention animals and the environment.
These women's personal desires are so boring and vain, it's laughable at this point. They're so consumed by the physical realm that they will contort themselves in their reasonings to soothe their egos and prevent uncomfortable realizations.
All for the sake of looking pretty and "artistic expression" (that somehow almost always aligns itself with whatever is trendy or is presently considered attractive).
No. 534689
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>>534684Supposedly telling women that they don't need to look like a sex doll is worse than little girls being brainwashed into thinking that ps, fake lashes, fake nails, fake tans, tight expensive clothes and a 50 step makeup routine is a must…
It's the same with the tranny rethoric, telling kids that they're not born in the "wrong" body is worse than cutting off their genitals, telling an adult man that he's not actually a little girl is worse than said men threating women with violence.
No. 534709
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Am I the only one who thinks she looked perfectly fine before all the surgery?
Also I can't believe people are this dense and enable this shit with "HA you're just jealous". No one thinks about WHY she wasn't happy and thought she had to change.
No. 534711
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Men can't stop being creepers lmao. Get burned
No. 534731
>>534709From my experience, those women who swarm certain twitter posts, defending these celebrities are usually very insecure themselves and think about how they want to get all those surgeries once they can afford it themselves. So they see this as an direct, personal attack.
There's plenty of that shit on twitter, especially when it comes to makeup.
Twitter is such a
toxic place for young girls, seriously. It's filled with grown ass women who lack introspection and basic critical thinking skills and promote this shit.
No. 534737
>>534652Why does it read sexist? I don't even care what liberal feminism stands for because I was born in a country that doesn't have the same political background as America. The right and the left are very different in other countries. I'm not a scrote and I'm not underaged.
>so I'm just going to pretend the totality of beauty industry criticism done by radical feminists since the 60s is compressed by what some jelly femcels say online!I never said that, the criticism towards the beauty industry is totally
valid. I only use makeup made by me or made by women so I'm not supporting men through wearing makeup.
And there's definitely women that use radical feminism to put other women down for wearing makeup see Brittany Venti.
I don't see what is wrong with makeup as long as it is not produced by men and it's not being worn to hide insecurities and used as a form of self expression. I don't put makeup on daily and I go outside and present myself in society without makeup and I don't feel afarid of my insecurities anymore.
>>534684I don't think I am brainwashed into doing it. I have looked into it multiple times and it is definitely something I do for myself. I'm not afraid of presenting myself in society with no makeup on my face and I do that very often without feeling any insecurity but if you choose to believe I am brainwashed only because I don't completely fit into the radical feminist rhetoric okay.
I don't care if I look pretty or not to other people.
No. 534739
>>534709OP is right. On top of that, she was ugly in the left picture and people who say she looked better before lie to support their anti surgery stance.
I'd even say that some are offended that plastic surgery has raised an average girl to the level of naturally pretty women.
No. 534748
>>534709I don't have a strong opinion on plastic surgery but in a way it's strange to think that when you get it that young you don't even know what you would've looked like with natural aging.
As a teen I looked liked my dads side of the family but by 30 I could clearly see hints of my mom in the mirror. Strange to think you'll never know what would've been.
No. 534749
>>534737>I don't see what is wrong with makeup as long as it is not produced by men and it's not being worn to hide insecurities and used as a form of self expressionNot the anons you replied to but why don't straight men use it as a form of self-expression then?
Also, not saying you're lying but pretty much every woman who doesn't wanna acknowledge that they wear makeup to feel about themselves gives that same argument.
The beauty industry, run by men, is profiting off of women's insecurities and the pressure to conform.
In most jobs you'll be seen as lazy, ugly and unprofessional if you decide to go back to work with a bare face. Ask a stewardess for example if makeup is really a choice or not.
As long as it's forced on women, and not wearing it comes with consequences, I cannot and will not support this choice argument.
No. 534753
>>534739It's really dumb to make celebrities statement pieces for these issues anyway. Of course someone with unlimited access to literally the best of every kind of service imaginable is likely to come out the other side looking better than their previous. Their job is to appeal to masses, everything about celebrity plastic surgery makes sense in the scope of their career.
Who gets lost in these debates are the regular women who are still pressured to change themselves and be as beautiful as celebrities with less the income and less the resources. Most people who get plastic surgery aren't making drastic changes and the likelihood of them receiving botched procedures and complications they cannot afford are higher. That's why it's completely
valid to question this virtue of saying everything is fixed with a bit of plastic surgery and money. The show 'Botched' wouldn't work unless there were poor sods out there who keep having to repeat these surgeries and still fall short of what they want despite funneling their money. It's unrealistic for the average person.
No. 534756
>>534743>after some observation I have done online SOME radical feminists truly use the radical feminism rhetoric to put other women down out of very deep insecurity they keep within themselves.I love this take, and it's always made without fail.
It couldn't possibly be that women are actually holding other women to higher, more virtuous standards and expectations. It has nothing to do with rejecting the poison of this modern world that enslaves our minds and bodies. No, it's always because we are just so physically inept and insecure.
No. 534759
>>534741I'm not a scrote. I've been browsing lolcow for two years now and I used to frequent the pink pill thread.
>>534755What I said has nothing to do with burka or with that sort of indoctrinated practice that makes women suffer…
>>534756This is a reality and with every modern political take there's going to be narcissists and psychos that use that political take to take out their deep settled insecurities on others. I never said all radical feminists do this, because they don't. You can reject the poison of the modern world that enslaves you without becoming a robot that regurgitates other's opinions with no personal color.
No. 534774
>>534761This. Obviously if you bring up gendered issues like makeup, a feminist critique is not going to be positive. But we're all human and susceptible to external pressures, nobody is going to take away your feminism card if you don't religiously follow every little critique. Many of the things that make our life easier and protect us from stigma/judgement aren't considered feminist, it's understandable if people can't prioritize their principles over their daily reality in every situation.
Shutting down feminist discussion and refusing to consider other perspectives because it hurts your feelings and makes you uncomfortable, however, is shitty and anti feminist.
No. 534786
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>>534739>plastic surgery has raised an average girl to the level of naturally pretty women.Alright, now I've seen it all.
No. 534806
>>534709I think the problem here is how she overdid her plastic surgery to fit into the "bimbo aesthetic" that men love so much. She looks like a blowup doll now and I would say that's not even objectively pretty…
Too much botox in her lips and face, stupid boob job. She wasn't pretty before and she's not pretty now, but at least she didn't look like a monster before plastic surgery. Women need to be teached to distance themselves from the beauty standard that was forced socially because of men because that beauty standard doesn't even convey true beauty.
No. 534814
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Did anyone else see this? Pretty cool imo. I know other states probably wont follow suit but it's nice to see.
No. 534825
>>534652NTA, but I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Women are naturally more beautiful than men. That's just a fact. The true poison is how men went on to invent beauty standards and objectification via commodification and "contests" to try and make us forget that, and think we need more. We're more intelligent, empathetic, mentally sane
and physically beautiful.
Trying to downplay or forget this is falling right into their "Beauty is invented by men selling things and telling us we're worthless" trap. It's just nature. If anyone needs makeup, high heels and standards to reach, it's males.
No. 534827
>>534814great. Sadly we live in a world were the far left lib fems, tell women to shut the fuck up, use bullshit fake science and pretend they have no advantage, whenever women speak out about not wanting men in their sports.
After seeing how many transwomen flat out wish death on terfs and celebrate when one dies, I have little to no sympathy for the transwomen/women who support them/do this shit online.
Normal transpeople are fine, but yeah, I've been seeing a lot of peeking. Especially with trans childern, sports and Lesbians.
No. 534843
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>>534739>I'd even say that some are offended that plastic surgery has raised an average girl to the level of naturally pretty women.By what metric is the girl on the left average? Because IMO, the point of comparison shouldn't be other women, but the people she may procreate with. If we're playing the beauty game, I think it's a joke to make women compete with each other while men remain as they are. The only time comparing women really makes sense is if you're looking at things purely from a lesbian or bisexual woman's lens. Maybe a fashion designer, too.
So, here's the father of Kylie's child. Would you feel happy and fulfilled looking at this face every morning? Is the man in this photo as physically appealing as the woman/girl in either of the photos in
>>534709? Taking both his looks and his life choices into account, does it make sense for any woman with options to choose him if she wants intelligent, beautiful, capable children? Or is it more of a toss-up? Does it make sense to pay money to drastically alter one's looks to ultimately attract this? You be the judge.
The "Men have resources" argument is useless in this scenario, considering Kylie Jenner comes from a wealthy family. Protection doesn't come into play, either, since we're not living in the stone age where we need a man to beat other men and animals to death just to survive (even if it was about this, I'd argue that Tyga looks physically weak).
In the same vein, a lot of middle-class women don't really need to choose a mate based on either of those things (lower-class or otherwise struggling women often don't have much of a choice, sadly), so what do men bring to the table? Why aren't they doing anything to improve themselves? Lifting heavy objects and putting them down doesn't really correct poor facial structure and defective genes. When I mention the latter, I'm still (very politely) not even taking mental problems and the sometimes catastrophic results of epigenetics into account.
Abuse stats or a simple trip to any male-dominated space will tell you their personalities aren't exactly sparkling, either, so what gives?
No. 534849
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And if you compare post-surgery and pre surgery Kylie she's not even prettier post-surgery because she got surgery according to the male standard of beauty that is sold all over the world and that so many women fall prey to. In what world is baboon ass lips, disproportionally large breasts, a young face pumped with unecessary botox pretty? Not in this world.
Women botch their bodies to be appealing to what men consider beautiful and undergo life threatening surgery and then you have incels claiming all women only date good looking men.
You just have to open your eyes a bit to see the discrepancies between looks in couples. Most men date out of their league and women settle down to much uglier, older men.
No. 534851
>>534843>Does it make sense to pay money to drastically alter one's looks to ultimately attract this? I constantly have to remind myself of this. I feel like women compulsively, automatically strive to maximize their looks without even really thinking about what they gain from it. People treat you better when you're attractive, no doubt, but to the point that it's worth tens of thousands of dollars, the pain and discomfort of surgery, the risk to your health and chances of a botching, and in my case, sacrificing my dignity and compromising my principles? Plastic surgery would really feel like giving into an unfair, misogynistic society.
I still catch myself thinking about it regularly but I have keep it in perspective. Because it's like, what would I really get out of being super hot? A better looking man? Maybe, maybe not. Chances are I'd get an ugly, older guy like beautiful women everywhere. He would probably also cheat on me. Best case scenario is I get a hot guy, who has even more options to cheat. I'll keep my money.
No. 534855
How do you guys pull yourself from this pit of despair of constantly feeling worthless/you're not good enough because at work I'm surrounded by incels and that type of rhetoric, and my boyfriend is really misogynistic (he says it's part of his latino culture lol..) and my two big hobbies/work is full of dudes shit on anything even remotely female (gaming/coding).
Like fuck me right, I purposely go for guys who fit my personality but are way uglier than me because I have major trust issues with guys who are even 5/10 after being horrendously cheated on by my first bf. But I swear, every dude I meet has incel mentality. The few guys I meet who aren't like that are dating someone else, or they just don't really vibe with me/share my hobbies.
I recently and shamefully spent 20k~ on a bunch of major/minor surgeries for myself because I like feeling good about myself (I already eat well and work out a lot). My job pays a lot, but it still took a while to save… I thought I'd be proud but…Maybe a part of me internalized all this bullshit (and yes I sound like an idiot here) and thought that maybe if I was the best I could be, guys wouldn't cheat on me/treat me like shit. Boy was I wrong. My bf is fat, lazy, doesn't clean after himself at all, still finds time to cheat on me, neg me, and use me.
Meeting another girl next week who he slept with while dating me because she wants to apologize to me in person.
God I hate men.
No. 534867
>>534855How do you hate men if you give your time, life and body? How do you hate them if you let them step on you and even go to such extents to modify your body thinking that becoming prettier will make men less shitty?
>How do you pull yourself from this pit of despair constantly feeling worthless/you're not good enoughYou gave yourself the answer in your own post and you know how to stop that. According to your post you are a woman that earns enough money to live comfortably by herself and you are probably in a first world country. You should be proud of yourself because you have a career and you are making enough money so that should be empowering. Also, seek therapy if you feel worthless and not good enough. Pandering to men and living to satisfy them won't ever make you feel good about yourself because men are never satisfied.
>>534865America has turned politics upside down and most burgers are very unknowledgeable about what the words they use actually mean.
No. 534870
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99% of make up looks are to hide “flaws” and approach conventional beauty standards. Be it patchy eyebrows, dark circles, short lashes, thin lips or having fucking pores. The “I wear make up for self expression” screeching is pure lies. Just because you use tacky colors doesn’t mean you aren’t trying to appease convention.
Wear make up if you feel so compelled to in order to partake in society but stop lying to yourself and others.
No. 534873
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I think makeup would exist even in an only women society/world. I think it comes naturally for us to want to paint and decorate our faces.
The makeup industry is evil only because it is run by men, makeup itself is not and it exists naturally.
If women went to outerspace and founded a woman only society, I guarantee you they would still use makeup.If women created an only women society in space there would also be concepts such as pretty/ugly and conventional because these concepts come naturally to our species.
Wearing makeup is fine as long as you are not supporting male run businesses and as long as you are not doing it to hide your imperfections and can easily go out without it and present yourself socially without makeup and not feel insecure. The test to whether you wear makeup for the sake of others is going out on multiple occasions and seeing if you feel insecure or not without it, if you don't feel insecure without it then you are putting makeup on for yourself.
Keep calling me a scrote
No. 534876
Forgot how ugly Tyga is Jesus Christ.
No. 534882
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The sad thing is that I got reee'd at and called a scrote in this thread and I have been told I must be lying to myself just because my opinion is slightly different. Please separate the evil use of makeup by men to makeup itself.
Not everyone that uses makeup being it conventionally or non-conventionally is doing it because they are a pickme, because they want male validation or because they are so deeply indoctrinated and brainwashed to do it.I'm not trying to shut down discussion about the way the makeup industry is abusing women worldwide.
Another worrying thing about the makeup industry is how it is trying to normalize drag queen makeup and how they are encouraging women to incorporate hundreds of products in their makeup routines. Makeup is supposed to enhance your natural features not overshadow them. And applying on 300 products in industrial quantities in the morning must be extremely tiring and unpleasant.
No. 534889
>>534873Some Amazon tribes still use makeup as a way to convey their social power and status. The more intricate the design, the more "important" they are. Not the best example.
Makeup has been around since at least the ancient egyptian times (not only for utility but also attractiveness) but that doesn't mean it's natural.
You can also be 100% confident and still realize that makeup is basically a necessity if, for example, you want to be hired for most occupations.
>>534882The only reason you would ever need to "enhance your natural features" is if your natural features arent enough, and therefore -need- to be enhanced. Which is exactly what is perpetuated by men….
Pic related has pretty eyes imo. However, men love big doll eyes and high cheekbones, hence why she felt the need to "enhance" by making her eyes look bigger, defining her cheeks with contour, and drawing her eyebrows higher to give a more angular illusion. Also a terrible example.
Tldr: you dont need to enhance anything about yourself to please anyone, and feeling like you do in any respect is literally the problem.
No. 534890
>>534882I’m not calling you a scrote or telling you your opinion is wrong, but objectively, most makeup is applied to make women look more appealing to men. Even if it’s just slight concealer, light lip gloss, or a bit of mascara. Women in certain (customer-facing) fields are all but required to wear it, and it sucks. I wore a full face of makeup every day for years and convinced myself it was my idea, and it partially was, but it goes a lot deeper than that.
I admire makeup artistry a lot, but makeup itself is a prison for many women who feel like they just can’t be seen without eyeliner.
No. 534892
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>>534883Makeup was originally decorative painting and makeup is a way of decorating our faces. In my original post I have just stated that I have a very close relationship to makeup and that I can easily go out without wearing it and not feel insecure then I got attacked and got called a liberal feminist, a scrote larping as a woman and sexist, got told I am lying to myself only for saying I still wear makeup AT TIMES (I have went weeks without wearing it and have presented in public with no makeup on and I don't wear a full face of makeup either.) and I have addressed this in my first post and in the second post I made I have addressed the fact that I buy makeup from small local companies that are run by women or I make it myself. I also would say I wear it unconventionally, or at least in a unconventional manner to what is promoted today as being "conventional" makeup. I like painting dots on my face with eyeliner for example. ~uwuuu special snowflake desu~~
I even said that I got shamed for my acne for years because apparently women are supposed to have perfect faces with no pimples while men run around me with their faces looking like if I got a bit closer to them, they would reek like sebum.
On another note, while I was in high school I had this classmate that was incredibly overweight and had absolutely terrible acne and greasy hair and everything he had to do to be deemed attractive and get compliments and a gf was losing weight and not being extremely overweight, only slightly. He still had terrible acne, greasy as fuck hair and his breath stank while everyone was like uwuu you're so beautiful since you lost weight. I was weighting 60kg at 165cm and I would get called fat (by males). I have PCOS and excoriation disorder and I had one class mate that would ask me if I'm doing meth on a daily basis just to piss me off because of the scars I have on my face. I only got praised when I would wear a full face of makeup and while starving myself and becoming anorexic…
No. 534899
>>534892>I don't even wear full beat like those silly bimbos>I only got praised when I would wear a full face of makeup and while starving myself and becoming anorexic…Yeah uh… so obviously you have issues and using makeup meant you were less derided by others for things that were outside of your control. So instead of resenting the way that society constantly reinforces your need to hide your scars, you still shill makeup, but in a NLOG way. Like you see it as a way to feel better about yourself
because you were shamed. Btw blue liner and quirky dots aren't unconventional, that picture is still conventionally attractive, just more editorial. You can continue to project your own cope on all women but reality remains that the large majority use it in a performative way.
No. 534910
Does anyone else enjoy watching predator catcher channels on youtube? I like ones like video related where the man is trying to run away and flee the scene like a panicked gazelle. I picture the panic and years of trauma that they would have inflicted on their girl
victims had they gotten the chance so it feels good to see those tables turned. Men are so degenerate.
>>534905Agreed. I can't think of one consistent male friend who's ever been in my life whose ulterior motive wasn't to get in my pants. Meanwhile my female friends have been consistently involved in my life and have done selfless things for me, some not all but still way more than men.
No. 534915
>>534855Fucking dump him, holy shit. All your problems stem from the delusion that you must always have a bf for some reason, no matter how trash he is or how miserable he makes you.
It is fully possible that all men are cheaters, or ugly, or treat women like shit etc. The only solution is to grow some balls and BE SINGLE.
No. 534938
>>534855Anon, referring to post over here:
>>534478 . Men who have Madonna-Whore complex will never find you attractive after they've caught you in a relationship. You can go under the knife until you're nothing but plastic and be the perfect doormat to your ugly ass boyfriend, he will still cheat on you.
No. 534946
>>534855>my boyfriend is really misogynistic (he says it's part of his latino culture lol..)>My bf is fat, lazy, doesn't clean after himself at all, still finds time to cheat on me, neg me, and use me. Anon, why are you dating someone like this? What does he bring to the table?
>My job pays a lot,Please don't tell me he's leeching off you.
No. 535003
>>526765Please everyone if you haven’t already, sign the petition to ban pornhub for good with your friends, let’s get to 1 million !
No. 535005
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>>535003>The butthurt scrotes in the commentsGood god.
No. 535051
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>>526765>>534954Thanks anon, god bless, I hope you’re doing ok now.
No. 535063
>>535058The modern man is disastrously flawed anon, it's not you. I could've written your post almost word for word. As women, we were socialized to be introspective and blame ourselves whenever there's a problem.
The reality is that men are selfish and would sooner skip out on having to perform any kind of emotional labor required in a healthy relationship than seek it out. On top of that they have many unrealistic expectations and double standards. Whereas men today are often bitter and jaded, they expect women to be beaming bubbles of sunshine always and never have a complaint or hold any negativity ever. They don't want to chase, they want attractive pickmes to queue up to suck their dicks and pay their rent with zero effort on their end. And even if a woman is all those wonderful things, men will still take her for granted or cheat on her anyway.
Tbh men are shit and I'm glad I can use coronavirus as a
valid social excuse to not date at least for the next year. Cause guess what? Men lie about being ill and having stds just to sleep with us too.
No. 535135
>>535133At what point can we hold women accountable? At what point can we criticize and hold women up to a higher standard? At what point can we expect intelligent women to take responsibility for their involvement with degenerates?
Isn't this a major problem with males? That they are unable to criticize their fellow men and have no standards for one another?
No. 535140
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Does anyone get surprised at how many amazing female scientists there are and how so many female scientists are making new discoveries in science and medicince…yet big media outlets and news articles never report on this type of stuff but if it was a man making these discoveries ever fucking news and media outlest would be talking about it.
Its so harmful how the media and the news outlets act like women in science dont exist and they only post about women if they are celebrtities,singers,prostitutes and bauty gurus…
Pic related: Is a Female Mexican scientist who discovered a very effective way to treat women with HPV. The discovery was in 2019. No. 535142
>>535133There's a difference between being compassionate and a complete retard.
It's more offensive you're treating women like toddlers who don't know what's good or bad for themselves
No. 535145
>>535135>>535142You must be a LARPer or extremely sheltered because if you were a grown woman you would know that you never escape catching blame for shit because women are blamed for everything. Even for, evidently, being nice to their romantic partners. We aren't "babied" which is why after laboring to be good partners to men we're punched again for having been good to men.
Victims are blamed and criminals receive validation.
Fuck this gay earth.
No. 535146
>>535142>>535135NTA, but I think we can criticize with compassion. Only scrotes can't voice criticism in love. We don't need to call her a stupid bitch for a male taking advantage of her good heart and desire to be loved.
That man completely used her, but this is also why giving men your 100 when they offer 50 or even less (FWB? Really?) is such a bad idea.
He completely fucked her over, but she probably was convinced he'd come around. She still might be, and it's sad.
No. 535150
>>535146>>535145>>535142Can the two of you just shut the fuck up.
This thread always goes to shit because there are always some catty idiots who want to derail and infight and dont want to contribute anything to this thread other than sperging.
And due to your sperging good posts also get ignored because anons are too busy watching the shit show of two retards who always argue here.
The admins need to take infighing seriously for this thread and give of harsh bans to infighters.
>>535140Looks like it has a pretty good succeed rate if you look at the article. She has also been working on it for 20 years that alot of dedication.
No. 535151
>>535150What? I'm
>>535146, how am I infighting? I literally said we can criticize unwise actions without being assholes about it.
No. 535162
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>>535158Don't forget you're supposed to 'fix' him too. And that's not a recent thing. Women have always been expected to do that.
No. 535164
>>535162What a retarded image. Why would an enlightened being co-exist with a depraved and degenerate aberration?
All this is image is saying that women should embrace being dragged down and think nothing of how their relationships limit them.
No. 535181
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Reminder that all males that are 12 or older are porn addicts
No. 535206
This is more of a relationship issue i had, but also kinda regarding men who abuse and or force women into an uncomfortable situation. Basically i had this ex who would constantly force me to send him nudes, i was underage at that time and he was about 19 years old almost 20. He also constantly blamed me for things and threatened suicide which messed me up later on. He also used abusive language, told me mean things and threatened to murder me if i left him.
Right now, im in a better relationship, a more loving one and my husband is the sweetest. I feel safe for once. I still suffer PTSD and issues with self esteem, depression and anxiety due to the abusive relationship i had once.
I do not hate all men, i know there are good ones somewhere out there, but i despise men who treat women or other men like shit, abuse them etc. to the point where someone doesnt feel safe anymore or just feels terrible.
Honestly, im not sure if hes with another woman again and if he is…i feel so sorry she has to now put up with his abuse.
Its never okay to abuse.
No. 535235
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I'm looking through old interviews of Epstein's victims. There are too many "hur she was 14 not 7!" "when are women going to take responsibility for themselves" and other vile comments in a similar fashion.
These rats probably fantasize about having their own lolita island.
No. 535236
>>535235>"when are women going to take responsibility for themselves"Leave it to pedophiles blaming children for being trafficked and raped
Then women do exercise causion around men like by avoiding them or carrying weapons, they throw fits and call it "rude and discrimination"
No. 535265
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>>535235I'm starting to believe there are a lot more pedophiles out there than most people think because holy fucking shit at people in the comments saying that 14 year olds should "know better"
and calling her a prostitute. They're fucking KIDS and were groomed on top of this.
No. 535282
>>535265>>535235I don't doubt there are a lot more pedophiles in the world, however at least part of it is just the old damn misogyny. I was raped when I was 8 years old by a man who was in his 50's, and my mother (who is not a pedo) said this same kind of thing to me, that I should know better, it was my fault for somehow seducing him or whatever, etc etc, meanwhile "obviously" (to her), a 50yo man couldn't know better wtf he was doing and was "obviously" a
victim of a lusty 8 years old.
No. 535399
>>535282I’m so sorry you had to go through that, hope you’re doing better now
I’m angry that your mum could say that to you, it was NEVER your fault. Hope he gets prostate cancer and dies a slow and painful death with no friend and family around him. Fingers crossed.
No. 535497
>>535003nice job anon I hope we reach that goal in no time
>>526765but why is violence not allowed in this thread
and how else are we gonna to deal with scrotes
apologies im a newfag here
No. 535498
>>535282i can feel your pain i hope you survive this pandemic anon
No. 535499
>>535282That's a disgusting outlook for your mother to have, I hope you never internalized it for even a second.
I hope you're healing, and that the man who took advantage of you is driven to suicide (or is taken by the pandemic, in the most painful way).
No. 535510
>>535282Mothers like this is why having children needs to be fucking regulated, Christ.
>>535235We had to read Lolita for an English class I took in college and the class discussion turned into a debate on whether Delores or Humbert was the real
… a middle school aged child… who a pedophile married the mother of to gain access to, and was appointed the guardian of when said mother died… this was up for debate who the "real
victim was"…
I'm sure it will sadly not shock any frequenters of these threads to hear over half the males in the class said Humbert was the true
No. 535515
>>535506Ugly women to the rest of the world are subhuman
Shrek however does something different at least, where shrek sees fiona as beautiful
No. 535521
>>535506In regards to Shrek, Fiona stayed an ogre and he still thought she was beautiful. Lord Fuckwad, who represents our entitled generation of manlets in the dating pool, was the one who took issue with her ogre form even though his own midgetness is undesirable.
Shrek was based af.
No. 535553
>>535521Shark really was based. He didn’t kiss “sleeping” Fiona, he wasn’t interested in her until the fighting scene when he started to see her real personality.
Unfortunately he devolves into a whiney entitled douchebag in shrek 2 and it only goes downhill from there
No. 535607
The double standards hit me really hard today.
>husband abruptly decided to quietly drop (ie ghost) his best friend of almost 10 years
>was super vague in explaining "I just outgrew him"
>had to use his phone for internet browsing this morning because I temporarily misplaced my charger and my phone was dead
>get a FB text from husband's exbff
>could see in preview it was an apology, read it because I'm nosey
>turns out reason husband dropped him was because he said he couldn't believe my husband was willing to put up with how fat and unattractive I had gotten
>husband pointed out the reason I put on so much weight was because I was having a really horrible time coping with grandma's loss and turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms, and he would never leave me no matter how much weight I gained
>asshole says that's not a valid excuse and husband deserves better since he's so fit, that it's "rather telling" that I would allow myself to gain so much weight despite how much he keeps himself in shape
>husband tells him they can't be friends
I'm happy my husband defended me and I'm not mad that he lied to me about why they're not friends to spare my feelings, but I'm still extremely upset by this because of the blatant double standards. Women are villified so hard if they won't date someone 5 points beneath them in appearance, we are expected to disregard weight, age, balding, hygiene, financial stability, and pretty much everything you can name. Yet, my husband is being treated like an abuse victim because I gained 60lbs the year my grandma died because burgers and booze were the only thing that numbed the pain. I have been very open on holding myself responsible and have lost 10lbs recently so far and cut out a lot of the contributing factors to my weight gain, but I guess I just don't deserve love and my husband should walk out of a 6 year long relationship because how dare I not be perfect when my husband has a 6 pack.
No. 535611
>>535607This is a incel technique where men do this to men in happily married relationships so they break up and then they can feel happy that they are not the only one miserable and lonely.
This is very common in incel communities where incels shame other incels when they get a girlfriend because they are jealous.
No. 535620
>>535607I don't get to say this often on lolcow letalone the PP thread… but you married a winner sis, congrats.
Anyway there's always been a pervasive attitude that a man dating a woman out of his league is lucky, successful and awesome, and the woman is praised for not being shallow. A woman dating someone out of her league is shamed and pitied, and so is the man. Shit like that is by design, because men are always trying to increase their chances of dating someone way too good for them. Hypocrites.
No. 535660
>>535636OP here, I actually agree with you 100% that this is the bare minimum that women should be able to expect. It's sad that's not the case for most men. He is definitely a gem in general, though. Any
valid complaints I have about him were fixed years ago or are extremely minor, like always waiting an extra couple days longer than he should to take out the trash. He definitely goes above and beyond for me, and I find it very tragic what some anons are willing to put with from men, when there are good men out there happy to treat them like queens.
No. 535748
>>535701>they cant keep women out of their mindsThat's because mgtows and "mens rights" activists do not care about men. If they did they would try to stop men from being raped and murdered by other men but they don't. Violence against men by other men happens way more than any other injustice towards men yet they only want to talk about the so called injustices that involve women like divorce laws. Yet the same people will argue that cops killing black people isn't a problem because "black on black crime" happens more than black people getting killed by racist white cops. They truly do not care about other men. They just hate women and yes they are obsessed with muh divorce/child support/alimony, its literally the only talking point in most mgtow videos (other than "the wall")
Reminds me of how there use to be a website (that might still exist, Idk) called that claimed to be about mens rights but it was really about repealing consent laws and said that consent laws were just made by bitter feminists to police mens sexuality. Oh and that website also said that people like Paul Elam and the people who made the Red Pill ruined the mens rights movement.
No. 535794
>>535701> They can't leave women out of their minds whatsoeverThey really can't. I browse a female-centric board that regularly gets incel raids and they honest to god come to the threads to announce how all men should follow the MGTOW movement and how women are useless but refuse to leave this female space. Men going their own way, more like "men bitching and moaning until they have personal female sex slaves".
>>535748>they are obsessed with muh divorce/child support/alimony, its literally the only talking point in most mgtow videos (other than "the wall")Don't forget the male suicide rate (nevermind how women attempt suicide more but don't have an access to guns like men do, thus surviving them) and how men have a bigger death rate at their jobs (stats skewed by military which barely allows women). Those are CLEAR signs of how oppressed men actually are! Oh, and did I forget about men experiencing domestic violence just as much as women do (while women are many times more likely to experience repeated victimization and to die from it)? That shut you up, huh stupid roastie!!!!
No. 535797
>>535282I'm sorry for what happened to you. Your post reminded me of a book I read some time ago about a pedophile and his
victim. Overall, it made me feel like it was trying to excuse his actions due to him being abused when he was younger, and it is written by a woman. I know a lot of cases like yours, mostly women and even when they are scarred for life they NEVER hurt anyone. But ppl want to excuse a fucking pedo for having a rough childhood when there are women who went through the same and still don't go after little children. Why is it always men that get abused and end up hurting others as an result?
No. 535806
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>>535797>ppl want to excuse a fucking pedo for having a rough childhood when there are women who went through the same and still don't go after little childrenThis is always so true, I can't believe how pervasive the 'uwu hurt people hurt people' bullshit is. You'd think they'd apply a little logic, like… who is most commonly abused? Women. Who is least like to abuse someone? Fucking women.
The 'he was abused as a child' excuse is the #1 myth in Why Does He Do That.
No. 535814
>>535806I was reading Mindhunter by John Douglas and he talks about how women are more often
victims of abuse but that doesn't turn them into perpetrators of violence, while men externalize their negative emotions. If they feel bad they have to make others feel bad too.
No. 535829
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>>535818thanks for letting me know. I had no idea he claimed that. looks like he lied (unsurprisingly) . here's his totally half black dad, kek
No. 535858
>>535701First of all, they have no right to bitch about unfair child custody because that's just reaping what they sow. The patriarchy are the ones who fought tooth and nail to push the agenda that women are just naturally meant to stay home caring for the children, to justify forcing us to be glorified bangmaids and raise their kids while they have fulfilling careers and come home to zero domestic responsibilities. They do not get to bitch when the OBVIOUS outcome is the woman being assumed to be the better caretaker, and thus being granted custody. They are literally mad that on occasion the logic they use to oppress women works against them.
As for alimony, in most progressive states the woman gets nothing unless it was a long marriage and she sacrificed having a carreer to domestically support the husband and is at an age where it's not realistic to start one. And it's a lot harder to get if you don't have kids. Plus, this isn't based on gender, it's based on who makes more money. Given how most MRAs and MGTOWs barely break minimum wage, this is not something they have to worry about.
One of my friends divorced his wife and she wasn't entitled to anything of his because she was only 26 and thus totally capable of working. Not to mention, there's these things called prenups if you have enough money to warrant being that scared.
Like previous anons have said, they don't actually care about men's rights, they only care about shitting on women. There are tons of actual problems men have, but they're not women's fault, so they see no point focusing on them at all.
No. 535872
This is legit the worst thing I have ever read
>Why African Americans seem naturally redpilled.
>I was asked by multiple people to make my reply to a comment into it's own individual post. So here it is.
>Redditor: why do black American seems to be naturally redpilled?
>My Reply: Cause black men are exposed to the Tyranny of women from an early age. Now, not every black women is toxic, buttt it's like literally 1 out of 100. And even the none toxic black female still likes the thuggish, Tyrone and the Peacock type of guy. A lot of these black males come from single mother homes, where they are exposed to authoritative matriarcharies. And outside the house, a good chunk of the black women are just flat out aggressive and hostile.
>Black women have been trying to out compete their men for decades. So it should come to no surprise that they are competitive. And the black American female has came up with quite the reproductive strategy. A few years ago the "I'm a strong independent black woman who don't need a man" meme was all over the internet. Probably one of the most dominant memes of the 2010 decade. However, the phrase has been around for a long ass time. And we all know how it goes when women say they don't need men. The men actually leave. By saying "i don't need a man" to a generation of boys, you've told them that's it's okay for them to abandon you. Now one the baby daddy that she shares with 3 other women had left her, the black female reproductive strategy kicks in. They want to make their own money to use on themselves and their kids(that ain't yours), while spending your money. A black women fucks and has Tyrones kids. Then she get a job making decent money. Probably more than Tyrone Jr's dad. Then she wants to find another guy to spend his money of her and the bastard child, while she saves her own money for whatever she wants. It's the ultimate female reproductive strategy. She gets everything she wants. The cc, the bad boy, the badboy's son, her own money, the rich guys money, the career and she gets to say it was all done through her abilities. It's a feminist wet dream. City Girls, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Megan thee Stallion, and various other female rappers. They all make songs advertising and glamorizing this idea. They literally sing, rap and dance to the idea of cucking men. The black youth are exposed to it early on and it shapes their thoughts. In a way it allows black males to hear through music what females are really trying to do.
>Not only that, black woman pick the bad boy types like it's the only answer on the test. They fuck with tyrones exclusively in their younger years. Even the regular black girls who aren't hoodrats, still chase the Tyrones. It's never just a normal guy who just isn't in the picture. It's always a "my baby daddy is deadbeat" or "my baby's father is in jail". They all like to share the same baby daddies. It's not uncommon for a black male to have multiple children from multiple women. They share and cycle through the same trashy guys. The more face tattoos and baggy pants the better for them. Deadbeat? Criminal record? Cheated on last gf? Beating their last gf? Has other baby mommas? Impulse buys a nice car with a shit ton of miles? Takes money from your purse? Can't get a job? Sells drugs? Carries a gun around illegally? Buys clothes they can't afford? Likes to flaunt and show off everything for everyone cause theyre extremely vain? Dropped out of school? Rapper? These are the characteristics of the men that black women have decided should be passed on to the next generation. Those are the characteristics that they reproduce with and then they act surprised when their kids do bad in school.
>Black women have been willing to throw hands and domestically abuse their guys for decades. And yeah, these chicks will throw closed handed fist and still expect you not to hit them back. And the African American female is not the little, petite, delicate and flower type of girl you see from other races. These punches can have some weight to them. Black males are taught early about the absurdity of not being able to defend yourself against weaker opponents, unless you be labeled toxic to society.
>And then there is the trash talk and insults. No demographic alive can talk more shit and throw sharper insults than the African American female. They'll be hitting you and daring you to hit them while calling your mom and sister a bitch and claiming how she told all her gfs that you got a baby dick, how your kid isn't yours, and how she fucked all your friends. If there is a button a black woman will find it and push it. In there is a line, they will Cross it. As a matter of fact, they are habitual line steppers.
>And when black women do date, they think it's the man's responsibility to make sure they look good. Black women are well known for asking their bfs for money to get their nails and hair "did" or to buy themselves some new shoes or a dress. This is how black women got labeled as "high maintenance". Black women literally see their dudes as an atm. A sperm deposit into a black women is synonymous with a bank deposit. Whether it be casual dating, a long relationship, divorce alimony or child support. They will come after you for money.
>And black women have never had an issue getting government aid and child support to buy their kid the latest pair of Jordans. And they the main ones who will ask their baby daddy for child support for the kid and then go spend it on her nails so she can wrap her new nails around another Tyrone's dick. Probably where their younger generation got the idea that they are entitled to other people taking care of them.
>kanye's gold digger song was made about black women. One of the most traumatizing things a black male sees growing up is his father being chained and shaken down for child support money from the mother or the government.
>In addition to Tyrones, black women love them some peacocks. A dude who wears expensive brands, drives a nice car and always appears to be well kept and showing off all their money. Despite appearing to have so much money, they are still broke. These are the type of black dudes who like to look better and more dressed up than their women. They are the eyecandy in the relationship. And as long as they appear to have money, a African American female is going go for that dick. So black males are taught that they have to flaunt and appear to have money to attract females. They are exposed from an early age that money brings bitches. No single black moms are out there telling their sons to be nice to girls to get girls to like them… African American women care about money. This is probably one of their redeeming factors, because unlike other races of females, they wont lie about it. They openly state that they don't fuck with broke guys. Another one of the things highlighted in modern rap music by females. Broke dudes arent worth shit when black women want to settle down.That's why the African American has to peacock himself so much.
>And now that black women are finally making more money and earning more degrees than their male counter parts, they are flat out nasty about it. They spit and laugh in the face of any dude who makes less than them.
>All these deadbeats tyrones knock them up. And then all of a sudden they expect to find a rich, handsome and successful black man to save them. Like a Tyler Perry movie or something. However, the successful black men know better. They know what comes with a black women. That is why most of these basketball players, nfl players, actors, celebrities and everything else be so quick to date outside their race. And black women get very angry and bitter about it cause they feel entitled to those men's resources. And there's not enough successful black men for all these "college educated black women" and regular black women too. Literally 100% of women competing for 10% of men here. They'll get knocked up by a Tyrone or a black male Peacock, but they want a educated, tall , handsome and hvm type to settle down with. And the issue is those high value males are too smart to date a sm or a African American women who has that attitude and disposition that black women are so famous for.
>The black men left the plantation long ago. Every black man who leaves his mom's house has left the feminist plantation. Everything you might dislike about feminism is in a concentrated form in the black community. By the time they leave their sm nest, they're calling women bitches, hoes, sluts like it's another term for their gender. And they're already got it in their head that they are going to do whatever you they want to make themselves happy. Even if it's at the expense of others, cause they they think they deserve it after seeing their only parent act in a similar fashion. After being exposed to true female nature, matriarchies and feminism, nothing stops them from leaving. Not a marriage, not a kid, not religion, not financial responsibility. Nothing!!!
>If you want to see what female lead households lead to look at the black community. You can literally point out a black boy who had a dad in his life from one who came from a single mother home. The difference is astounding. The effects of a matriarchal households can be seen by looking at the deterioration of the black community. And over the past few years, it's not just them. The white and hispanic single mothers are raising boys and girls who are just as degenerate. Female lead homes are why these new generations are so fucked up and cant do anything for themselves. Just like their moms they feel entitled for someone to take care of them because all they saw growing up was female behavior that showed entitlement. They think they can break the law and take corners and do whatever they want. They think the world revolves around them because that's what they saw their moms displaying They never saw a hard-working man in the house to teach them responsibility, work -ethic and the value of a dollar. Feminism has them all fighting in the Victim Olympics. It's not just a black community problem anymore. Feminism and being raised by single moms has these males trying to do everything to get some money except working harder. They're thinking like females. They all think the world is too tough and that they deserve help. These new generations aren't even really poor. They just don't have as much money as they THINK they're entitled to. No. 535876
Everyone that has Telegram needs to delete it asap if they haven't already after the Nth Room case
In Italy: are sharing pics of underage girls, pics of random women on public transport, asking for videos of rape attacks, have chatrooms titled "I'll rape your sister", guys talking about selling their daughters, etc.
No. 535879
>>535872He typed this essay while knowing his entire group is basically infamous for being
abusive, broke and absent fathers.
I feel so so bad for black women having to deal with this shit. The only men worse are probably Indian.
No. 535902
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The singer of Rammstein released a collection of poems and some are more than just questionable…
>"While you're asleep"
>I like sleeping with you while you're asleep, When you don't move at all, Mouth is open, Eyes closed, The entire body is calm, I can touch you everywhere, Can totally lose self-control, I like sleeping with you while you're dreaming, Because you miss out on everything here, And that's exactly how it should be (that's how it should be that's fun), A bit of rohypnol in the wine (a bit of rohypnol in the glass), You can no longer move at all, And you're asleep, It's a blessing.
Of course his fans are now whining about "triggered" sjws, defend him by saying that this is artistic freedom and that he always wrote songs about taboo topics. This is not just "provocation", there's no social critique behind it, this is blatant worship of rape. People also complained to the publishing house who thought printing something so disgusting would be a-okay and they justified it with an extremely condescending letter which basically only says "you have to learn to distinguish between the author and the lyrical narrator". Thanks bro…
I actually liked their music but this goes too far. It's especially hypocritical because the band always makes sure to label themselves as anti-racist, anti-fascist, liberal leftists, but appearantly us women, 50% of the world's population, are not deserving of the same respect. Keep in mind that these guys are the most famous musicians in Germany, they have a huge audience. In the US celebrities could get cancelled for much less.
Plus the poem is itself is shit too, took me less than 5 minutes to tranlate. Reads like it was written by an edgy 13-year-old.
I feel sorry that I felt sorry for him when there were news about him being hospitalized due to corona.
No. 535918
>>535900Dating out as a black woman doesn't magically make things better though. Seriously, when you see slanderous, hateful shit about black women, you have no idea what race the man could be, because all men of all races tend to hold negative perceptions of black women. It would somewhat increase your options, but overall every man has to be dealt on a case by case basis and you really have to keep your guard up higher than any other women since men ain't shit.
>>535917Of course. For black women, your option are pretty slim and many of them have low self esteem because of it.
No. 535976
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>Women initiate divorce more>Single mothers struggle to raise childrenIt's like when men blamed women for giving birth to girls, they don't realize their own sad irony.
No. 535999
>>535947>>535923As another fellow black woman, I'd like to add my experiences to this topic. I really do not mean to racebait either, but I think the misogyny and machism in the black community is on another level.
Growing up in an afro-carribean family, I had the privilege of seing how black men can be incredibly misogynistic, thus I swore to myself to never date black men again. It's not because I hate them, I love them, but I hate the way they treat us. We have to give them our unshakable trust, loyalty, devotion, love, are expected to be wonderful wives who shower them with adoration and care, and be the perfect nurturing mothers who have to take care of the children by themselves, and give up our jobs in order to raise them. And what do they give us in return? Paying the bills? Their watered down vision of love? Offering gifts? Those are all material things. They are not able to give back the same amount of emotional labor we put in the relationship, and they expect us to worship the floor they walk on, and be perfect in anyway.
They expect us to support them in their financial instability and "help" them to rise, but beware of a broke black woman, they would never blink twice at us.
We already suffer the trouble of being anxious that we might not be attractive to another race, and we have to take this shit from black men as well, comparing dark skin to light skin, and then light skin to white women. (I have no hate towards white women, I just dislike how black men put us down, to glorify white women) We will never win.
I once dated a black man who would mock the fact that I'm congolese and "jokingly" call me 'fatoumata' (a traditional Malian or Senegalese name for girls) as if it's some sort of slur, make fun of my natural hair, or of fellow black women wearing wigs, say of how he liked fucking with white girls…. Well yeah, he was a fucking jerk, but it is not uncommon for black men to be self-hating pieces of shit.
Here's what
toxic masculinity, misogyny, self-hate does to this community. We, black women, literally have to carry the whole community on our backs and never complain at that. I'm tired.
Sorry for this wall of a text, but I'm kinda glad to see other black women on lolcow speaking about this ambiant misogyny in our community.
No. 536031
>>536018THIS. Women of other races do have men who bring them down, but they do not bring them down for their
race. Like damn, I've never seen this shit with non-black people! I know that this is the influence of past colonialism and shit, but I wish grown ass men would stop using this excuse to avoid any accountability.
Hi sis! It would be great to have a discord where we can discuss more about theses issues within our community, I don't want to derail the thread too much with racebait.
>>536026They're not better, but they are less worse, if that does make any sense lol.
No. 536032
>>535908They're literally showing themselves here everything that's already been said. To them, it's "sjw" to be against rape and showing basic human decency like speaking out against it should be shunned and humiliated. They despise empathy and decency so much.
The song is just male-ness. There's nothing "deep and meaningful" about wanting to rape someone that trusts you.
And it's always rock/metal and rap that are the worst genres with its attitude towards women.
No. 536091
>>536031>Women of other races do have men who bring them down, but they do not bring them down for their race. Like damn, I've never seen this shit with non-black people!Not in the past, but during the last decade there was an explosive rise of white males who are getting more and more vocal about "roastie westerners", who use statements like "white women age like milk" and who lust after "submissive" asians.
And lately I also see non-white men copying those opinions too.
Same as it was when black men started copying racist white's descriptions of black women.
I think asians are the only men who haven't turned against the women of their own race (yet!)
No. 536120
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>look at r/TruFemcels
>read one of the posts venting about being unattractive
>check the girl's account
>she's a camgirl who regularly posts NSFW selfies with her face showing in misogyny fetish subs, raceplay/race fetish subs for herself to be degraded, etc
The biggest kicker is that she was actually conventionally attractive. I'm convinced the posters on r/TruFemcels and other subs like it are mostly just average/above average women who have been convinced that they're ugly monsters.
So many girls and women in society are encouraged to hate themselves, and then mentally self-harm under the guise of self-empowerment.
I almost miss when I was a dumb tumblrite who would've been like "Wow, good for her. I'm sure putting her body and face on full display to strangers (who may or may not be evil enough to doxx her and ruin her life, depending on her luck) and working through her self-hate through degradation kink will help build her self-esteem and improve her life" completely non-sarcastically. Reality is too crushing. I can't stand this shit.
No. 536126
>>536120Btw who even told them that camming is supposed to be easy? Anyone with a half a brain and no interest in harming you or using you can tell you that making porn isn't easy on a person mentally and won't make you happy.
I guess I answered my own fucking question there.
No. 536149
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>why are these women always trying to insert themselves into our spaces
Replace "women" with "men/trannies" and these would be evil terf/radfem talking points.
>we are not here for your enjoyment
That's what we tried to tell men for centuries already.
>straight women taking gay terms and culture
Like "fishy"…?
>you are not welcome in our spaces
>you have caused us so much trouble
>straight women making gay men uncomfortable
>straight women turning our culture into a spectacle for your entertainment
>they can't possibly think of anything not being for them
Back to you, same goes for you.
I am sorry, be we are not mocking you by dressing up as bimbofied versions of you while acting out every offense stereotype ever and then proceeding to call this our culture where you have no place in, otherwise you're stealing from us and making us uncomfortable..?
At first I thought this would take a turn, but they're dead serious.
No. 536177
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>>536149I hope this person is a troll because holy fuck
>>536120What exactly classifies a woman as a femcel? It's thrown around so often at different things I'm wonder if there's a proper meaning.
No. 536184
>>536149So this dumbass is acting like trannies and sissy gay men aren't trying to pathetically behave like stereotypically obnoxious bimbos, in order to emulate their fucked up vision of "feminity"? Aren't they the ones who use our expressions and mannerism in order to imitate us? And then acting as if we
stole their slang and shit? Lmao fuck outta here. They just feel threatened by us, and think they can compete against us in order to gather the "cis" and straight men attention. Not only do they think they're better than us at being women, they also think that they can replace women. Straight, gay, "cis", "trans", those are just males being males.
Kek, stay mad. We
are the original, and you are the piss poor imitation.
No. 536262
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>>536120>>536129This is one of the mods of r/AskTrueFemcels, an average looking woman with low self confidence who doesn't like wearing make-up dating an average guy
No. 536377
>>536120This makes me sad what happened to the r/femcel sub… wasnt like that in the past.
I was a user at that sub in 2018 and let me tell you that the sub was completely different then,most of the women there were actually femcels and we all were like a small community, we would consatntly get raided by both men and women and would be gaslight,we even ended up on r/inceltears and they accused us off being transphobic.
And now in 2020 when i look at that sub…i cant believe its that same sub i used to visit in 2018….its changed in a bad way and now its all just attention whores.
Not even the mod is active anymore because she is disgusted at what the sub has become
No. 536405
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>>535858stop unquestioningly believing some of what MRAs say. There is no family court bias towards women being granted custody. Women simply ask for custody more, so they get it.
There may be a bias TOWARDS men getting custody in family courts but the source here is a study from 1990, I didn't look into the methodology so I don't know No. 536409
>Insecure throws a tantrum and stops speaking to his teenage son and starts emotionally abusing him, because his son beat him in a wrestling match
>My husband and teen son were the best of friends, getting along so well I sometimes felt like the third wheel in their close relationship. However, a recent incident fundamentally changed their dynamic and has put me in a difficult situation. Much of their bonding has revolved around being athletic, and my husband has always encouraged my son to become stronger. He took pride in his kid’s accomplishments in the gym until the day he found his son had surpassed him in strength. Both of them were wrestling around in the backyard, something they had done since my son was old enough to walk. In all those years their wrestling was a friendly game they played where a much stronger man was encouraging a boy to deal with the feeling of defeat whenever he got pinned.
>But then the moment finally came when my son was able to pin his dad. It was of course inevitable as my son got bigger and my husband aged, but I think it came a little too early for a man who always prided himself on his physical power. After that day my husband became stern and even a bit cold with his son, making quite blunt statements about looking forward to the day he moves out. While I think this is a normal attitude (most parents want to see their children leave the nest), it has been quite a shock to my son who has not connected the change in his dad’s behavior to the incident in the backyard. He feels he lost his best friend and instinctually blames himself without understanding the underlying psychology of my husband feeling emasculated by his own “baby boy.”
>I expressed my concerns to my husband, but he defensively denied my interpretation without offering any sort of explanation for his behavior. Now I feel torn between a husband whose pride is wounded, and a son who feels estranged from the most important person in the world to him. I am conflicted in my duties as a loyal wife and a loving mother. Do I tell my son the theory I have as to why his dad is so different, or do I not embarrass my husband further by exposing his frankly ridiculous issues with masculinity? No. 536492
>>536484nta but
mommy issues -> woman haters
daddy issues -> man haters
No. 536520
>>536502I typed this huge blogpost about my ex and how he wanted an arrangement like that but I deleted it because it's not even necessary to get my point across. "Househusband" is manspeak for "Male with few to zero responsibilities." In the case of my ex, it would've meant all day playing video games and all night doing the same plus beer. Fortunately my esteem never dropped that low.
Unless a couple has had children that an adult staying home beats the cost of daycare, "househusbands" are a bullshit concept that exploits women. I've yet to see men developing habits where they are domestically knowledgeable and competent. It doesn't help that society enables men to continue to be low effort by giving kudos and asspats for every little thing they do whereas women are more likely to go unacknowledged or receive criticism for doing the same things and more. I hate those social media posts of a man posing with a baby and everyone is sucking his cock in the comments because the caption is like ~*ChAngEd JuNioR's DiApeR aNd wEnT tO thE PaRk #bEsTDaD4EveR*~like holy shit can we stop giving participation trophies for the bare minimum just because a man did it? Can we raise the bar a smidgen? Do men really need to be rewarded with blowjobs and sex for doing chores that should just be the default for grown adults?
No. 536541
>>536520 > like holy shit can we stop giving participation trophies for the bare minimum just because a man did it?This extends to after the divorce too. I dated a guy with one son from a previous marriage. He saw his son for two days out of every fortnight and he wanted people to pat him on the back for bringing his own son out to do anything fun or for cooking him dinner.
Meanwhile he bitterly downplayed all the actual day to day parenting that the kids mother supplied for 26 days of every month.
No. 536596
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Kek, refusing rape is a privilege.
No. 536710
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>>536459>>536471Here's the thing, India doesn't exist, before the British came it was divided between a dozen or so kingdoms, hundreds of vessel rules and thousand of ethnic groups, I'm someone from the north east India, out people are linguistically and ethnically Sino-Tibetic and have had no interaction with what people consider traditional Indians but we were forced to share a country with them, we also have one of the lowest rapes In India by state as well
No. 536846
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>check /r9k/ for the first time in months
>see this shit
If I say anything now, I'll be the evil misandrist feminazi, lmao.
Even worse than the OP is the fact that 90% of the replies are telling her to either just deal with it and be quiet, or "get him help", as if his cooomer bullshit is her responsibility.
No. 536864
>>536471>>536710I’m from south east India so I’ve got more of the stereotypical ‘Indian’ experience. In my culture, it’s seen as though preferring lighter skin over dark skin has been the norm since forever, but idk if that’s the truth or not. However, white women are seen as whores. So, what these guys really want is a light-skinned Indian woman who will worship them. No one wins.
Btw, those clothes look cool as frick
No. 536871
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>>536864yeah their attitude towards white women is absolutely bipolar, they lust after them so much and probably only ever watch pornography of them but they hate them so much
As for my own culture its without doubt patriarchal, the man is the head of the household and must defend his family at all costs e.t.c, but at the same we don't have shit like catcalling and creepy facebook pm's, hell the majority problem from males primarily comes from "Indian" tourists who are the absolute worst(Europeans who come here are better)
No. 536894
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Men can do literally anything. Just go to your room and sit quietly for a minute. Play Fornite for gods sake. But no, they have to kill women.
No. 536896
>>536894Someone was on here lately bitching about how the guy in the next apartment is always screaming for hours at his gf and how it's worse now that she's stuck in quarantine 'having to listen to them' like damn. Domestic violence charities predicted a spike in deaths as soon as this started.
I might've posted this before but I was fearing for my safety this time two years ago (living with a rager) I once spent a few snow days at home with him and he resented my very presence in my own home. I feel for any woman currently tip toeing at home. No doubt there are many.
No. 536909
>>536894I'm from Turkey and this is unfortunately true.
No matter where you go, you'll always get ogled and even men as old as your own father will stare at you with lust and sure, it's not as bad as in other countries (See: India), but it's still such a terrible thing. Men here think they have every right to behave that way and think women are literally their property as soon as they get together or they start having feelings for them. Tradition, religion and parenting plays such a huge part in the way they behave, my own parents (especially my mother) butter up my brother's ass nonstop 24/7 and say that he's allowed to have a girlfriend, but when they found out about my boyfriend they made me break up with him immediately and beat me a few times because you know, "a woman who loses her virginity before marriage is impure and no one will marry her". I've never even slept with him but they immediately assumed that I did. I love this country and its traditions!
Sorry if this is a retarded blogpost, seeing that in the news a few hours ago and also seeing it here made me kinda emotional.
My heart goes for all the women who had to live through this.
No. 536912
>>536907The fact that so many couples living in cities are cramped into small apts more suited to singles really can't be helping the situation.
I lived in one with my
abusive partner and it was impossible to 'stay out of his way' when he was in his moods. Can't believe how much money I spent on rent only to feel unsafe with no quiet room to even escape to. Women are living in pressure cookers right now.
No. 536932
>>536905Yup. I had to Google him and alot of people didnt like him already. So this stunt gave him a bit of attention but made more people dislike him and good. So such of males trying to hammer in how they're "superior" in humor yet it's this type of shit.
>>536909I'm sorry anon. But parents are completely retarded with their logic. He's allowed to have a gf but how can he if supposedly all girls must stay single until marriage
No. 536972
>>536941>>536965I buy this to an extent but I don't think most men are bad with money in that they don't realize what they're spending it on, they're damn well aware. Notice how they criticize women for our spending habits, after all.
No, the reason why many can be so irresponsible is because of their conquest and sucker mentality. Why should they pay for food? That money could go towards video games and they can take for granted that mom, gf, or wife will provide the food for them. Why bother getting a promotion at work to earn more? If nothing changes they don't take on the extra responsibility and have family, roommates, or partners to split the bills. Men just want the most for the least effort, they realize earning more money also brings more responsibilities and many aren't up to task for that.
No. 537015
As soon as quarantine was announced pornhub jumped on the oppurtunity to have their free premium, men haven't shut up about it since. I'm seeing articles about pornhub everywhere and men oversharing their love of wanking as if anyone asked. Also though.. women are monsters for ordering dildos while stuck in lockdown! Needs like that suddenly aren't important
God men are so fucking intimidated by the availablity of toys for women. No. 537021
>>536909>automatically assuming you've slept with him even when you haven't, and then shaming you for itUgh I wish I didn't relate to this.
Secondly, how are you supposed to get married without having a boyfriend first?! So sorry your family is like this, hope you have a safe quarantine.
No. 537029
>>537015Pornhub is currently panicking because of the stories coming out about cp and rape going unchecked and uploaded on their website(s) (all these sick fuck sites are owned by the same company Mindgeek) so they're sicing "women" profiles (I think it's just a bunch of male interns at corporate going to twitter/reddit) for these
victims and calling them liars and doing damage control. These allegations have been apparently verified already with evidence but pornhub doesn't want to lose their paypig cumbrain scrotes. I seriously hope we see this age of porn fall and men are left with their broken desensitized dicks. I'm already seeing tides change
No. 537059
>>537029I'm extremely saddened by the survivor's stories but hopeful that this could lead to a change in how the porn industry is seen and treated, with justice for it's
victims. Make it feel unacceptable to use sites like Rapehub. And shut them down.
No. 537072
>>537029I've hardly seen any stories about this on mainstream websites, but there are always tons of positive stories like "Pornhub donates surgical masks," "Pornhub donates to sex worker relief fund," "Pornhub gives free premium videos," etc. There's usually something positive about Pornhub on Reddit's front page.
MindGeek's other websites don't have the same appeal. They really devote a lot of time to PR and making Pornhub mainstream.
No. 537108
>>537021Thank you so much anon. I hope you have a safe quarantine too and I am very sorry something like that happened to you as well.
My parents are supposed to "pick" my husband and I have to marry him without even getting to know him properly first (maybe know him for a week or two then immediately get married). My mother believes that everyone is a drug addict/abuser/rapist out there and wants me to marry someone she knows, which is so fucking weird because I'd rather die than marry some cousin or relative just because people in her own family do it. And one thing she refuses to believe is that the people she knows could turn out to be a drug addict/rapist/etc. too, but of course she knows better than I do. Honestly even if I end up marrying some random dude and he ends up abusing me, I hope the guilt will consume her whole and never make her forget the pain she put me through.
I'm 19 now and their ideal age for marriage is around 24-25 so I think I have plenty of time to save money and then run away and move to another country.
No. 537161
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The hell is wrong with men?! Dating sites keep getting worse and worse.
No. 537205
>>537154You'd think they'd take what happened to that girl as a cautionary tale, but of course they all think they're all special and unique and they don't realize the guys that they're after are just like the guy who murdered her.
Also kinda related this weird e-girl trend, someone posted on twitter this totally normal looking girl on tik tok calling herself an incel and clearing trying to appeal to 4channers. Why are these young gen x girls going for the bottom of the barrel? What happened to them?
No. 537382
>>537205>>537154I used to be kinda like this when I was in my late teens/early 20's, until I dodged a very serious bullet who ended up being a confirmed rapist. Luckily, I saw the red flags that he was clearly predatory before ever being alone with him IRL, but that shit shook me to my core. It's been a decade and I'm still freaked out by it.
>Why are these young gen x girls going for the bottom of the barrel? What happened to them?A lot of them truly do relate to these men on some level. My high school years were honestly no different than what your typical weeb guy goes through, so I related a lot to these types and felt like we were kindred spirits. What I didn't understand at the time, however, is that ability to relate is one-sided. Their misogyny/female privilege myth clouds their logic so much that they simply can't compute the idea that an average or above looking woman woman could understand what it's like to be a nerdy outcast.
No. 537431
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anyone else see that new Tiger King documentary on Netflix lately? Nearly all of the people featured and interviewed are awful and irredeemable monsters who have hurt and exploited vulnerable people - see the polygamous sex slave cults of both Joe Exotic and Doc Antle - but I've noticed a large amount of animosity from viewers targeted towards Carole Baskin, who also happens to be one of the few female leads the documentary focuses on.
While Carole is not without her own flaws, it almost feels like everyone is siding with the crazy, meth-headed, gun-toting, animal-hoarding egomaniac scrote Joe Exotic who actively wanted her murdered? For what, wanting to end the illegal trade and trafficking of endangered big cat species in the United States? And allegedly being responsible for the unconfirmed death of her missing husband? Goes to show that you're free to be as batshit insane as you want as a man, but God forbid you even exist as a woman, and suddenly you're a "crazy psycho bitch" and made out to be just as bad as the people who conspired to murder you.
No. 537440
>>537431If my high school experience taught me anything, it's that people are more quick to judge unlikeable women.
Is Carole technically morally superior to Joe, Doc, et all? Yes, but people see her hypocrisy and self-serving reasons through her passion for tigers and see someone hiding behind a savior complex. It doesn't mean she's treating the tigers more poorly, or that she's treating her volunteers as badly, or that she's actually done anything illegal. She's a strong personality who's showing power and domination over men and for that alone she'd be resented, let alone for her egoism.
I don't like her and I think she's a snake, but she hasn't done much to warrant any kind of strong reaction like the rest of that ilk.
No. 537443
>>537431Carole's weird and kinda goofy but Jesus Christ I HATED how the "documentary" forced the carole-killed-her-ex-husband narrative and totally ignored all of the incredible work she and her organisation do not just in taking in and caring for abused animals in a way that is approved of by major zoological and animals welfare groups but also in their huge efforts around changing legislation and working with conservation groups for reintroduction and rehabilitation of indigenous American wildlife.
I find her personality a bit exasperating, but the people bashing her work and her organisation need to do a drop of research about what they do. Also "she doesn't pay the people who work for her" bruh it's a non profit volunteer run organisation, all BCR's IRS records are public, she does actually have salaried employees as well. I think she does great work and it's such a shame that people have come out watching the show like "wow tiger cool Carole evil", but that's what sells.
No. 537449
>>537431>>537443yeah i blame the documentary producers because they focused on that narrative and brushed all the other insane stuff aside, she is actually trying to stop exotic animal trade and they attack her because she is a threat to their source of income, she also ended lynx fur farms in the US. she is bad but not as bad as the other ones.
>>537441wtf is wrong with people? I thought the whole free joe exotic was a meme, why do they wanna free someone who killed and tortured many animals, plotted to kill a human, and ran a sex cult by luring young straight guys in with drugs and convincing them that they're gay? at least carol runs a volunteer group but joe and doc underpaid their workers who work there 60 hours a week. doc and joe are way more messed up.but its fine because they're men and joe shed a few tears so he is an angel now.
No. 537457
>>537431This is annoying me as well. I don't like her because her volunteer ranking system is very cult like and she could provide better care with the money, but the Doc guys was FUCKING REPULSIVE.
Why are people just accepting this guy had young women living in shit conditions and working 24/7 and eventually forced to change their names and have sex with him? Not to mention the creepy virginity thing.
My theory is because women are easier to attack, you don't feel threatened or like it's a big deal.
No. 537481
>>537435carole was raped as a child and "cheated" on her
abusive husband. what an indictment of her character. the sheriff on the don lewis case has said he was involved in sexual relationships with
very young girls in costa rica.
No. 537483
>>537443>>537448>>537440it should be noted that the documentarian, eric goode, who made "tiger king" runs a "turtle conservatorship" and her trafficking bill would likely impact him and whatever he's doing with breeding turtles. he's a former nightclub owner, but one with a bit more "class" than the scumlords featured in the film. carole's bill was not just to do with big cats. pretty sure he had axe to grind there and i don't know how legitimate his turtle shit is. i can't watch a fucking thing about this stupid show without people trying to claim carole is just as bad as these animal abusers and animal murderers. fucking insane.
>>537457>her volunteer ranking system is very cultlikeno, it really is not. they're working with deadly animals and they need to quickly know who is suited to each job so they wear pink, blue, etc shirts based on their experience?? how is that cult like? do you guys understand how volunteering works at all? the cats are kept in 1200 sq ft to 2.5 acre enclosures that are not meticulously trimmed for a reason, which is that these cats live in wilderness? they don't want a manicured lawn free of foliage. the shot of that bobcat in the "tiny enclosure" was a part of a larger enclosure.
No. 537496
>>537431I couldn't agree more. First of all- there isn't enough evidence at all to justify the public acting as though she definitely did it. The detective interviewed straight up said there were no suspects. I get the ex-wife and daughters were convinced she did it, but let's not forget these are women with a very strong ax to grind against her (what with the whole Don abandoning them for her thing). Also, his kids were entitled AF when it came to his estate. 10% is a totally normal amount to leave your children when your spouse is still alive. Many estates leave it all to the spouse, so they can cry me a fucking river that they "only" got 10% of an estate estimated to be worth about 7 mil.
Also, even if she did do it- boohoo a man who left his wife of 30 years for someone half his age got murdered by the trophy wife he treated like shit. Forgive me for not autisticly screeching over the ~injustice~ while "stanning" an 8 time tiger murderer who used meth to get straight men to sleep with him.
No. 537501
>>537494there is certain protocol required for a 501(c)(3). she has salaried employees and i don't remember if that woman speaking was one of them, but there is certain protocol for them. we have no clue if she compensates them privately. it's absolutely not weird for volunteers or salaried employees to work christmas when working with animals. did you even see her home? it looks like absolute shit. her ex husband's disgruntled family looks as if they're the ones enjoying their money far more than carole is, not saying that carole doesn't have money, but i do know she is a donor still. there's a lot of confidence in that particular rescue by investigators tbh, so.
>>537496tbh i didn't believe them. he also had 4 kids, i don't know if that daughter was saying she personally received 10% (i believe she probably was saying that to make it look the most greedy, they didn't seem trustworthy), i personally believe that's the case, but as you said, 10% isn't uncommon. i looked up the daughters in our state's record search and he deeded numerous, numerous properties to the daughters a few yrs before he died. highly doubt they were scalped by carole. the granddaughter is all over tiktok praising joe exotic for "undermining carole's authority". that's how you know none of these people are honest and whatever their motivation is (profit seems most likely), guides them more than decency does. if any of these people said shit like "i really respect what carole is trying to do with these poor animals, but i have personal problems with her" etc, i would be more willing to believe them. they always try to make her seem as devillish as possible and don't give any credence to what she's doing. a lot of misogyny at play here that people can watch that film and think she's a huge problem.
No. 537508
>>537499>>537483Yeah, I really felt like everyone involved in the documentary had a vendetta against Carole, so learning about the turtles confirms my tin foil. It really irked me that the documentary subtly tried to paint it like she was ~no better~ and doing the same thing as Joe and Doc, but they conveniently didn't point out the key difference that SHE WASN'T BREEDING OR BUYING TIGERS. All her tigers are rescues and she doesn't do
abusive shit like have a trillion people pet them or bring them around the country to make money off of their appearances. And most importantly, shes not a fucking sex predator.
I'm not trying to act like Carole is a saint, but acting like she's no different than Joe Exotic and Doc Antle is just plain inaccurate for so many reasons. It really shouldn't be this hard for people to come to this conclusion, but of course people love hating women, so they can't help but irrationally turn her into the true villain of the story.
No. 537514
>>537116Cody is love. Also
>even the conventionally attractive onesYou do realise these are the primary ones right? They just benefit from the halo effect.
No. 537669
>>536909>>536894didn't the founder of Turkey literally adopt literally adopt a number of orphan girls and put them in high social positions to prove that women are equal to men, how did things get so bad
Turkey was the first country to give women the right to vote
No. 537697
>>537669Yes, Atatürk adopted seven girls and one of the daughters called Sabiha Gökçen was the first female combat pilot in the world. The men and people who also trained with her believed that she wouldn't make it because of her gender, but in the end she did and it makes me so proud. She's even a role model of mine.
To answer your question: The president aka Erdoğan ruined it all. He just spouts nothing but shit after shit and people lap it up so much, thinking he is right and only wants the best for the people.
>>537682That is also true, but also back then Atatürk used his position and power and literally forced them to accept Sabiha in the pilot school despite them saying no to females.
>>537691I have not heard about the right wings who love him, but I know a lot of people who bash on him and prefer the president though.
Most of them believe that Atatürk was "islamophobic" when all he did was tell people not to blindly follow a religion whose language they don't even understand and he was also against the social norm back then. Have no idea how and why people hate him. You clearly have to be stupid somehow to pick some shabby dictator who is nothing but an extremist over the man who founded this country and put special emphasis on the education of girls.
Sorry for this retarded history sperg, btw. No. 537700
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>>537697Its clear that he was an atheist, but he lessened the hostility towards Islam as to not upset the populous
No. 537735
>>537697I will never understand how Erdogan managed to become so popular, he sounds so dumb and uncharismatic?
I live in Germany where also a lot of turkish citizens live who still are allowed to vote in turkish elections. At the last one 65% of them voted for Erdogan and because Merkel didn't allow Erdogan to personally campaign in Germany, in some cities pro Erdogan demos with up to 50k people were held. Like wtf, you have a cushy life in a democratic country with equal rights for everybody, but neverthless vote for mini Hitler so that people in another country have to basically live in a dictatorship?? Honour killings are also a problem, now and then there's cases of turkish dudes not being able to deal with the fact that their daughter or sister can do whatever she wants here and then they (try to) off her.
No. 537847
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>>526765relating to yesterday's talk about the hate carol baskin faces because she is a woman, PH tweeted this meme… this is how you know it's bad. pornography enables hatred against women.
No. 537864
>>537847I wasn't a fan of any of the tiger owners shown in the series (including her tbh) but seriously one guy had set up a life with what I can only call 'hot young slave wives' and I haven't seen anybody making memes out of what an obvious shithead he is.
Where's the criticism of him? One of his ex partners outs him as an
abusive, controlling creep and I've not heard a peep out of anyone concerned for the women being held in their own cage of sorts. He gets them fresh out of highschool too.
No. 537877
>>537864eh i think it depends who you surround yourself with/what online circles you're in. every discussion I've seen about this show has mostly brought up Doc Antle and the
problematic power dynamic between him and his 'girls'. People are of course going to focus on Carol because it's a documentary about Joe trying to kill her / her feeding her husband to tigers.
No. 537883
>>537877 >every discussion I've seen about this show has mostly brought up Doc Antle and the problematic power dynamic between him and his 'girls'I'm glad it's happening, I hadn't seen it myself. Seeing the Carol memes just about everywhere.
My heart goes out to those women. I know how scary it is to even think about leaving and starting a new life from scratch after that.
No. 537893
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Now choose
No. 537897
>>537893Not white, but I've dealt with #3, it sucked.
But on the flip-side, if you refuse to take bullshit, #3 will either get upset, fuck off and leave you alone on their own volition (success), or they'll actually self-improve and be halfway tolerable.
No. 537898
>>537893>>537897Good one.
I've also dealt with number 3. I will never enable one again by listening to their draining bs - the guy needed a therapist.
No. 537944
>>537942It deserves to be shat on. It's not only badly written but about a completely
abusive relationship. I don't understand why it's popular, there are a ton of slightly less badly written fics on the internet people could read instead.
No. 537955
>>537945No I’m a female, who really does not believe he has a forced harem. Because again, same 3 old ladies. I don’t get how that’s weird or wrong. How does that equal forced harem when the woman who “got out” doesn’t have hatred or even an actual
abusive thing to say about him let alone that it was “forced” boob job. You can’t force someone to do that. She never even said anything remotely worrying that’s true, he doesn’t have young women around him. It doesn’t make sense to say oh he likes young woman and than he doesn’t even have them around him. Obviously somethings can’t be true than.
No. 537983
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100% THIS
This looks to be from the 50's but its kinda appliable to today.
No. 538155
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No. 538175
>>538137yeah, feel free to make one. misogyny is a huge part of it but there's so much to talk about with how shady the nature of the documentary is and goode's vendetta.
from his interview in vanity fair:
>Goode says, “The real takeaway should be to give your money to conservation programs around the world that are really working hard to save tigers in their range countries, and not give your money to sanctuaries, which are really, effectively, just caging tigers and cats.” of course his intention was always to demonize carole and actual sanctuaries in general. how he's trying to villainize sanctuaries for taking in these animals by rescuing injured and exploited animals that are already here, already captive born and bred, and already not in their native environment is insane to me. many of them are injured and need lifelong care, and even if they didn't they can't just be released back into the wild. he's just trying to encourage funding to go to his breeding "conservatory" shit and similar stuff like it, and encourage that no one donates to orgs invested in caring for animals that are already here and need immediate care.
No. 538209
>>538137A thread could be good if people post too much about it here.
I had a dream about taking care of tiger cubs last night and took it as a sign to finally watch it, I'm only about halfway through and so many of the men are garbage. I'm team Carol and doubt she killed her husband. Shit, even if she did I'm still team Carol. She was raped at knifepoint by 3 men, abused by her first husband, picked up by an old men twice her age, then cheated on by said old man who had another girlfriend, and sent a shitload of death threats by a hick who just wanted to keep abusing animals. The creator of the documentary is also garbage for trying to frame her as 'just as bad' when it comes to the treatment of animals/staff, she is clearly leagues above the rest.
Also I'm up to where they're introducing Jeff. I fucking CAN'T at these 10/10 supermodel looking girls in Vegas banging a nasty old man for photo ops with tigers. They're cute but wtf!! Are the likes really worth it??
No. 538221
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>>538209Not only is the creator garbage for that, I did some digging and apparently his organization has allegedly rescued countless tortoises and turtles, who he now has live in small tanks and small enclosures. He has literally thousands and thousands because he keeps breeding these animals, yet he says this of Carole and BCR:
>But he said he worries that Baskin — who calls herself a big-cat rescuer, but also keeps lions and tigers in cages — isn’t being fair to the animals. “Sometimes you wonder whether or not one should humanely euthanize these cats instead of [letting them] suffer in cages” He's also apparently invested, much like Joe, Doc, etc, in having these animals touched and exploited, for a fee, of course. Really nice of him to flex by literally sitting on his tortoises in designer suits and showing off a titty mag with tits literally out, all while taking aim at Carole as being "just as bad as Joe". Truth is
he's just as bad as Joe, not Carole.
So not only does he not want people to donate to sanctuaries and to instead donate to his org, he also clearly uses his animals as literal props, and to prop up his own status. Apparently it's only ok for him to "rescue" abused animals. Carole needs to kill hers though. OK. How are people falling for this shit? It's obviously all vendetta and misogyny tbh.
No. 538242
>have frequent miscarriages due to severe and rare type of endo
>bf made me late to an appointment for treatment and bc shot, which led to rescheduling, which led completely canceling until may/june because of covid 19, ie more endo pain and shitty endo symptoms
>was feeling light-headed and unable to speak, bf goes on a rant about how "I'm pushing him away" and kept ranting about how I'm so hard to deal with as I'm fainting
>invites friends over, kicking me out the room for two nights, forcing me to stay in his insanely dirty sisters guestroom that's filled with dog poop, got tired from work and couldn't sleep due to smells + his friends being loud, slept in my car for the night while dealing with pregnancy pains
>goes on rant about how I'm so hard to please because I'm not happy go lucky every second of the day
>completely ignores my physical and mental pain from miscarriage to pause and freak out because he saw miscarried fetal tissue as I was washing clothes
>we went maternity clothes shopping, I put the pregnancy stomachs on they had in the dressing room and he hit me in it as a joke, ended up making me internally bleed, then goes to cashier and makes jokes about shrek, when I told him that he shouldn't do that because I don't like how it presents us as a couple to other people he went on a rant about how we shouldn't care what anybody thinks
>hasn't had a job for months, when I sent him a listing for a few online jobs he kept putting it off until they expired
>previously got out of an insanely abusive relationship, anytime I mention certain triggers to him he rants about how "he can't do anything!!", the only bad trigger I have is getting burned/slapped/hit/etc, insulted, having my food habits made fun of or mentioning sex with other women in the past
Just a vent, and inb4 "dump him" anons, I'm from a strict family where I was taught since day one my entire life needs to revolve around getting and having a husband, my family would literally disown me if I left him. I plan on either killing myself on doing the whole change my name and run away deal
No. 538254
>>538242You have frequent miscarriages? Are we talking actual miscarriages? You have fetal tissue on your clothes and you're maternity clothes shopping while already miscarrying? Are you mixing up miscarriages with heavy Endo bleeding?
You're from a strict family that values marriage but you're unmarried and miscarrying constantly.. this just isn't adding up.
No. 538255
>>538254each of these events happened in different time periods so it may seem a little off
as for unmarried and miscarrying, my people believe in hiding pregnancy until the 5th month, knowing that I will have several miscarriages before an actual baby basically the plan is to hide it and if I don't miscarry by the 5th month he will marry me
my life is a mess
No. 538257
>>538254I agree, the stories that anons have been posting lately just seem like badly written creative writing. I wouldn't put that past autists here, I think some of them have very dedicated character sheets for all the personas they larp and get a kick out of seeing who reacts to them. Could be males doing it too, as they tend to have the poorest understanding of female anatomy which would explain bizarro gonzo details like multiple miscarriages and fetal tissue in the underwear.
Redditors do something similar actually. The karma farming is so delicious that they have excel documents full of their character details to keep track of their narratives that they post for upvotes. I think often we're on the receiving end of some anon's fiction. For being hellweek there sure is a lot of sperging going on.
No. 538261
>>538258I'm 21 and he's 20, we plan to get married in the future but we're going to make it faster if the pregnancy holds out. Most of it revolves around pleasing my family for the marriage part since he doesn't really care much about the time of marriage but respects my wish of being married before I have a child
most of my stories just revolve around him being selfish and him thinking that not caring what others think somehow makes him better. I honestly don't care if anyone believes me at this point. Obviously it could be worse but my life is fucked and miserable and I've numb myself to the point of only feeling apathy and annoyance
No. 538275
>>538268I remember when trolling used to be funny and the most convincing were the ones who did a bit of research to know their subject matter.
No, I won't clue you in as to why your story is ridiculous because you don't deserve to be spoonfed just to be more obnoxious for later.
No. 538280
>>538275>I won't clue you in as to why your story is ridiculous because you don't deserve to be spoonfed just to be more obnoxious for later.what a weird way of saying you have no explanation
anyway, unlike you I will post proof because somehow basic knowledge is bad anatomy
fetal tissue in underwear Miscarriages I am begging you, please explain to me how fetal tissue in underwear and multiple miscarriages are "bizarre anatomy claims"
No. 538308
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I was just browsing /adv/ when I saw this. The lack of self awareness.
No. 538310
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>>538308they're so fucking mentally ill and delusional. this is her. these knuckledragging nobodies seriously think they have a chance with these women. why are they so painfully retarded?
No. 538334
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>>538240>The only other option is euthanasia, and I can understand people who think that is the more ethical option,I can too, but Eric Goode obviously doesn't believe that. He rescues turtles and tortoises to allegedly live out their lives just as BCR does, so this is clearly a separate issue of Carole cutting into his business model. He apparently sells his bred turtles and tortoises to paying private members, not approved by the USDA, who then pay $2,000-$6,000 per endangered turtle, not to mention the zoos he sells to. This is an issue because it appears that the revisions within the Big Cat Safety Act would prohibit anyone not approved by the USDA from purchasing and transporting these animals.
No. 538338
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>>538308>he literally pays her to be nice to him and thinks he has a chance I cannot imagine being so sad and delusional.
No. 538348
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>Angry moralfag betas who advocate a bullshit ideology and believe they are being victimized by a group of evil people who control the world's money, governments, and the media.
This thread is literally /pol/ if you swap out "Zionists" with "patriarchy" and "jews" with "men".
>But muh shitty lazy abusive ex
Your suffering is not a license to hate 49% of people just like getting mugged isn't a valid reason to hate the ethnicity of the person who mugged you.
>But I live in society where women have no rights
Sorry you live in an illiberal shithole society anon, move to Canada.
>Porn is evil and exploitative industry.
Pretending the clothes you wear and the rare minerals in whatever kind of computer you have aren't also made with human suffering. The only difference between those products and porn is you use those products. Giving a shit about stuff like that is pointless.
Imagine being this much of a christcuck
Awaiting ban, because yall are hate fueled nimrods with nothing valid to say.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 538353
>>538242retard bf retard family. im so sorry anon. men are disgusting
i dont like being slapped/sex with other women in the past mention either
No. 538365
>>538351Satire of?
And ah yes I'll just press the magic money button on my computer and leave. You sound sheltered
No. 538543
>>537938Girl, if this Doc person can't run a zoo like a normal zoo is run maybe he shouldn't fucking run a zoo? You say they aren't zookepers but he is running a zoo.
Imagine if all zoo-keepers had to fucking work for nothing and not get holidays?
No. 538809
>>538375Moralfag initially was supposed to refer to people who get all holier-than-thou over dumb shit like smoking weed or pirating music from multimillionaire artists, but now it's been warped to mean "anyone with any semblance of moral compass".
>>538308I blame the "geeks get the girls" trope for deluding these men into thinking they have a chance with women who looks like this. Men have been conditioned by media to genuinely think they have a shot with any girl at all, no matter what they look like or how much money they have.
No. 538858
>>538820UGH paul blart mall cop brings back cringy memories. And that movie was even a famous blockbuster….
But when a movie exists for women and it becomes famous then it gets shitten on by everyone and like its the worst thing to happen in the world (because god forbid ugly women want to feel better about themselves).
Just take how everyone took that tall girl movie so seriously and maliciously.
No. 538863
>>538858That actor in general and everything he's in is actually the epitome of male privilege. He was also in that shitty series called the King of Queens with a similar premense where he was an average joe who got the 'hot girl' and lives a good life where she lives him and is devoted to him even though she can do so much better.
Same thing with Deborah from Everything loves Raymond. She isn't gorgeous by most standards, but her love and devotion is similar. Like you said, when women get a movie for them or a series they love, it's shit on non stop from these pathetic men with stupid egos who cant handle women having anything to themselves. It's not men cant ever let women just have their own thing or be happy. They always have to be involved.
No. 538871
>>538863There are super talented and hot female actresses losing their careers just because they are over the age of 35+
>>That actor in general and everything he's in is actually the epitome of male privilege. He was also in that shitty series called the King of Queens with a similar premense where he was an average joe who got the 'hot girl' and lives a good life where she lives him and is devoted to him even though she can do so much better. Yet we have shit male actors who are ugly and fat who are given lead roles and their careers basically exists because of that.
No. 538876
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No. 538881
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No. 538882
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No. 538894
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>>538871Adam Sanedler and his friends groups are the worst group of Idiots making films in hollywood, Kevin James, David Spade, Rob Schneider and Chris Rock, all starring in the same generic story of a loser male who wins the hot woman at the end of movie
Chris Rock deserved his own category because he actually produces similar movies with more or less the same plot just with a loser black male who gets the attractive lightskinned black woman at the end
No. 538900
>>538894im surprised kevin hart is not mentioned
Speaking of kevin…ugh that movie ''the wedding ringer'' that he was featured in (basically a movie a about a troglodyte jewish man getting all the hot girls, vulgar humor that only a 12 years old would find it funny, and a really gross scene that involves a dog…) was such trash i shudder thinking about it.
No. 538907
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Is it coincidence that almost all of these men who play these ''ugly incel with low wage job gets a supermodel girlfriend who worships him'' roles all look like Hal Stewart/Titan
And its even more ironic if you watched Megamind because they describe this guy as a pathetic incel who rages and tries to kill everyone after the women he liked rejects him.
Megamind was so based. 10/10
No. 539040
>>538894I fucking hate Adam Sandler, he's easily one of my least favorite men in Hollywood. I can't stand his movies largely due to the unrealistic romantic leads he always gets. It's so insulting.
Spade only gets the girl in Joe Dirt and Dicky Roberts, and his match in Dicky Roberts was fine because it was an appropriate age difference between the actors, not a huge looks gap (at least IMO) and his character was really sweet to her.
No. 539268
>>539226lol this
I can literally just make a male convo bot and get the same experience as literally 90% of gen z and y men
>wyd>playing [video game]>what are your interests>video games, anime, porn [if you're lucky gym, wwi/weapons/etc or if you're super lucky then a single sport or art]>do you have a career or future plans?>nothey're carbon copies of each other, don't even get me started on men who lie and manipulate
No. 539299
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WILL THE MADNESS NEVER END. FFS why are males so fucking selfish-putting their own egos over womens physical needs ffs.
No. 539304
>>539302Ugh, are you a scrot trying, as they always are, to convince young women to fuck old men? I sure hope so because it's even worse when women try to brainwash each other.
But yeah, sure, keep caping for old men who don't give a fuck about your maturity and prefer 20 year olds no matter how dumb or immature. Funny how your logic only ever applies to men, not women.
No. 539308
>>539304>>539307>If you don't like the men I like you are obviously a manGet a grip. Also I am not that young myself, not that this is really that relevant.
>>539306Hey, you do you anon, more power to ya. I was suggesting what I was as an answer to the other anon complaining about vidya.
No. 539320
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>>539315>suggesting dating older men instead of just avoiding gamers>totes not suspiciously scrotish behavior>>539226Just avoid gamers altogether. They're inherently
No. 539623
>>534107>>534549>>535058>>535748>>535818>>535829>>535872>>535879>>535900>>535917>>535918>>535923>>535926>>535945>>535947>>535953>>534107>>536403There's really never ending hostility and racebait with this thread. You had a lot of chances and you had to fuck it up
every single time. Luckily you have options and a brand new board with a brand new admin Attempts to harass or intimidate staff and derailing in other /ot/ threads will leave you subject to a ban.