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No. 1013176
Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!
Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disprupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!
Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.
(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/924393 No. 1013328
>>1013321holy shit, just realized
>>866760 is a reply to my reply to her kek
>>1013323idk I wouldn't wish the thread on her, her life is hard enough
No. 1013347
>>1013274I was about to give up because I am retarded and kept getting the post links wrong, but I'm pretty sure that these are her as well.
>>864946>>864957>>866720>>866760I remembered the last one in particular because it was so deranged and hypocritical that I took a screenshot of it, but I didn't know it was her at the time.
No. 1013366
>>1013347>No matter how bad my suffering will get I will never commit suicide. I will never harm this body. There is no point for me to harm this beautiful body that was given to me by nature just because society is shit, just because I have been abused, just because I have been given a shitty chance at life. That's some Kaori Yuki shit. I can hear Rociel saying that, maybe exchanging nature with "God"
>>1013356so are you saying that your "rad fems" have become so iconic someone else was impersonating you? Damn
No. 1013382
>>1013347yeah, the last one is definitely her.
>>1013356Sure jan. Let me guess, it was random discord people impersonating you again?
No. 1013427
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>>1013391>I'm also definitely not the only person that has ever used "rad fem" on lolcow.Picrel, you were the first one for sure. I can maybe believe some anon made one or two larping posts since you were pretty much personalityfagging, but that's it.
No. 1013711
>>1013703Its not Luna, its a known spammer from /snow/ who bumps threads to get a reaction out of people. He reads the complains on /meta/ and gets super happy when you mention him. Because of this mods have to delete most of his comments every few hours cause he is active on LC every single day. He explained that he likes being able to "kill" threads of cows he doesnt like and has killed multiple of them.
He doesnt care who Luna is, he doesnt care about the Bella thread etc Cyr etc he just likes the attention he gets when people rage because those dead threads are bumped to the first page. Thats it. I dont doubt that Luna lurks here but the bump sperg has nothing do to with her, nona.
No. 1013880
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Venus whole life makes me feel so sad. Each time I browse her thread it makes me all hollow inside. I was bored and watched Tangled the other day and it really made me think of her. She really should write a book about her fucked up life and upbringing. I've also always hated how adult weebs like Sharla and Einshine shat on her
No. 1014002
>>1013985but Shayna has bipolar or whatever, so I guess she isn't an evil 1st world woman
even though plenty of anons have that and worse, but it doesn't count.
I used to feel awful for whatever happened to Romania-chan on the discord, but now I wonder if she wasn't already so insufferable before the evil "rad fems" harassed her. I'm not saying they were in the right, but I think that it's very likely that both sides were horrible.
No. 1014007
>>1013995>"LE PSYCHIATRIST" PSYCHOLOGISTnew favorite thing from her posts
No. 1014011
>>1013985well Shayna is less hypocritical than many many posters on here. At least she doesn't shit on other women from her high horse of radical feminism. YOU CANNOT BE A RADFEM AND SHIT ON SEX WORKERS AS A RADFEM YOU NEED TO FUCKING RECOGNIZE THAT THIS FUCKED UP WORLD CONDITIONS WOMEN TO FUCKED UP THIgNS YOU CANNOT BE A RADFEM AND THEN SHIT ON OTHER WOMEN FOR HAVING DIFFERENT OPINIONS OR FOR ENDING UP IN SW. I DON'T THINK SEX WORK IS REAL WORK OR WHATEVER LIBERAL BULLSHIT YOU ARE TRYING TO PUT ON MY SHOULDERS. A lot of women end up in sex work due to a pletora of causes ranging from poverty to mental illness. I am not actually stupid and I know 1st world women can suffer from mental illness that's why I always whiteknight Venus. I literally whiteknight Venus, Moo, Luna and Shayna. I simply do not think they are any bad at all and they are literally posted here due to the extreme internalized misogyny of the farms. Encouraging sex work and brainwashing women into it is not the way to go, but persecuting the women that end up in it is never good either. RADICAL FEMINISM ISNT A RIGHT WING MOVEMENT WHERE YOU PUNISH WOMEN FOR BEING "WHORES".
Many of you assume I am jealous of 1st world women or that I dont think they should complain or whatever if I am jealous and think they cannot suffer then why do I whiteknight cows and see their perspectives and empathize with them??? Now you will say that radical feminists are not even posting in Shayna, Venus, Moo threads but I know for a fact that they are. This place is literally built on mysoginy and hating women, nitpicking their looks and so on. If I criticize this aspect of lolcow it does not mean Im encouraging sex work in society, that I think 4chan is better or that I love trannies. I hate trannies so fucking much. I think trannies are literally the manifestation, the phenomenological social manifestation of women being given rights in society. Being a troon is the most mysoginistic shit both as a ftm and as a mtf. I just think that a lot of posters here are hypocritical and browsing lolcow since very young has made me more mysoginistic. It made me very critical towards women and their looks and made me hold them at an unachievable standard. I was very stupid when I was younger and I thought everything posted in cows threads is so truee but now that Im older I have realized it is literally just some vendetta chans demonizing the women that are "cows" using their words to manipulate and convince others into thinking that the cow is horrible. I've literally seen a girl die of an overdose on lolcow and the posts in her thread were pretty much like "she should have seen that coming". This place is inherently mysoginistic and hateful towards women and most of the girls that post in cow threads are just projecting their insecurity on the cow. There are hundreds of thousands of bitches that are into DDLG on the internet and they do not have threads on here. Why? Because they are not as ugly and mentally ill as Shayna, but persecuting a woman for being ugly and mentally ill is mysoginistic. Why aren't the other hundreds of ddlg women being posted? There are millions of unhinged women with onlyfans on the internet but they did not have the misfortune to have 10 vendetta chans from their circle make a thread on them
(autism) No. 1014027
>>1014014They are mentally ill. I know a lot of people on here are mentally ill too although some of them are faking trauma. A lot of people nowadays fake trauma or exaggerate it. I only attacked the posters because they attacked me and they are not the angels they pretend to be or the virtuous feminists they pretend to be. They didn't have privileges at all!!!! Do you think I am actually stupid? I am not! Most of the things I post are very chaotic because I am very impulsive and I literally could not develop my language properly. I cannot truly express the real form of my thoughts so I end up writing angry rants that are sort of pseudo-ironic. Life is harsh and people have their issues. I do not think Shayna and Luna are privileged at all!!! They are not rich or well off or from good families. A surprising amount of anons on lolcow are actually privileged like rich like actually rich and they shit on less fortunate women than themselves. You can be privileged and rich if you are born in 3rd world too and be poor, abused and born in misfortune in the 1st world. But if you weight both situations it is worse to be born poor and in a bad environment in 3rd world than 1st world. I think America is a pretty shit country and if you are not rich you are fucked. I think Luna is a very creative individual but she comes from a bit of an unfortunate life situation that did not allow her to reach her full potential so she completely gave up on life since her socio economical situation didnt allow her to do that. Most artists or people in good places in life are born rich to somewhat stable families. Luna was born to a family of middle class junkies, she was born to drug addicts. Because of the socialization her parents gave her her parents being junkies she ended up fetishizng drugs and she could never be on the same level as her peers that were interested in art. Most people in art circles come from well off families. She didn't have many chances to redeem herself, her life has been forever fucked by her bad socialization as a child. Humans in bad situations do not end up there because they want to. They end up there because of their circumstances. Same with Shayna. I do not know much about her but I think she must have gone through abuse to end up humiliating and hurting herself this much. She used to be a young pretty girl with a following and she ruined herself. Most women that humiliate and ruin themselves were severely abused as children.
>>1014017No, but urging me to kill myself when I dont kiss your ass is abuse. I dont want my ass kissed. I want to not be forced to kiss the asses of others or they turn against me.
No. 1014030
>>1014027Thank you, I overall agree with your POV in the post.
>A surprising amount of anons on lolcow are actually privileged like rich like actually rich and they shit on less fortunate women than themselves. How do you know? I haven't been taking count so maybe that's why I didn't notice that. I remember one bait post like 'damn, feels good to be born in a rich family and do nothing while wagecucks slave away' but IDK if there was any truth in that.
No. 1014032
>>1014027>A lot of people nowadays fake trauma or exaggerate it.Kek, sounds like you.
You're literally just NPD.
>'Everyones against me.'>'Me. me. me'Always about you.
>>1014030She doesn't know kek. She just assumes she has it worse so anyone who disagrees with her must have it better, not a different perspective or expectation of personal responsibility. People lie online all the time, so why should she be believed, and if she should be believed, other third world anons have called her deranged npd.
People just lie online. Shocking. Sorry anons aren't pro-prostitution and think cammers saying sex work is real work is dangerous and leads to prostitution legalisation by sanitising and combining all forms of sex work, allowing human trafficking to increase as well as mistreatment of woman. It must be so hard for you.
No. 1014044
>>1014038>Cammers saying sex work is real work is not fucking dangerous of course it is, they lure young girls into this selling them the fantasy that it is empowering and you are draining men's wallets bs and freshly 18 girls are stumbling over themselves to make of accounts and put a price on their bodies and shit because it is cool and they are stupid kids. and almost every anon here believes the main cause is men, has anyone denied that? the anons here keep shilling the nordic model and whatnot. to put the pimps, johns behind bars and not the disadvantaged women.
also, nta but stop assuming things about other anons since you clearly hate when it is done to you.
No. 1014049
I am surprised at the amounts of women on lolcow and all around the internet that are right wingers and appropriate radical feminism. No! You cannot be left wing and right wing simultaneously. Learn some real history of politics. If you kiss the poopy rectums of right wingers which hate women and then claim to be a radfem you are most likely a mysoginist yourself that wants women in the kitchen. Radical feminism is FUCKIGN MARXIST STUPID RIGHT WINGER and it presents true liberation from PATRIARCHY. RIGHT WINGERS WANT WOMEN TO BE HANDMAIDENS IN THE KITCHEN POPPING UP BABIES. THAT IS NOT LIBERARION. SEX WORK IS NOT LIBERARION EITHER BUT THAT IS NOT LIBERATION EITHER.
>>1014044Yes but you have to realize that those women are urged and encouraged by the corporations ran by men to say those things. Men could put an end to all of this but they do not want to because it makes them money. The scrote ran corporations such as Twitter, Onlyfans and so on are all responsible for it. But you have to consider that women that end up in sex work do not end up there because some thot says "sex work is real work" the reasons they end up there are much more metaphysical and deep. A lot of the women in sex work is real work communities end up there because the entire world is persecuting them for something that isn't even their fault and is the fault of history, society. You are putting the blame on women when the blame is on men. Even camehores saying sex work is real work is a result of society which has been ran by men. The assumption I have made about you is totally true. You are a right winger. Genuine feminists Ive talked to never put the blame on women. Only right wing radfem LARPERs put the blame on women for prostitution
No. 1014057
>>1014049i've told you i'm not
>>1014032 and i'm not a right-winger nor am i a radfem (i don't think i've done much to call myself a radfem). we have, through music, media and popculture made sugar-babying, sexwork and other stuff appealing to young girls and women who repeat this bullshit should bear responsibility. of course, the main culprit are men, they are the biggest consumers and the producers. this does not absolve women from all responsibility. abuse someone may have gone through is an explaination and not an excuse. i cannot go and do/say something vile and expect no one to call me out because i say 'oh well, i got assaulted for years as a child so…'. it doesn't work that way. that's an excuse scrotes use to justify their crimes.
No. 1014119
>>1014049you need to step away from your historical lense. right now sex work is being heavily glamorized by weathly women in the mainstream media, mostly in music, by women directed at younger teen girls, so yes it's doing real damage. that's not to say that the women doing this aren't
victims of our oppressive society, and that men aren't the root cause, but let others talk about what women are contributing to the problem. it's a real issue that should be addressed.
No. 1014127
>>1014049you're not wrong that it's cognitive dissonance. radical feminism and the right wing are wholly incompatible, but the reports of radfems - actual radfems - placing the blame on actually, truly vulnerable women who have no other option seems highly dramatized, sorry. not sure where you're seeing this so frequently and to the degree you claim, but it's not really present for us on the site? it has been repeated over and over and over again that users who frequent /ot/, /g/, and /m/ have very little overlap with the drama boards. admin herself confirms this (and she dislikes it, notably). admin has said this many times.
i agree with you that all these camgirls are pressured and hold little power so they shouldn't be the ones made to feel wholly accountable, but i'm really not seeing so many instances where they are blamed like you say. all women who enter the field are
victims, but some have more of a choice than others. given that you are aware that wealthier "first world" people often have more options, it's odd that you can't see why people mildly critique a "thot" for perpetuating the cycle and downplaying negatives (yes, it is for their own benefit, but also to the benefit of these men who are exploiting them). yes, they're small cogs in a large machine, i'm pretty sure all people you see criticizing (specifically already fairly well off) onlyfans girls and stuff are very aware they're not in charge of much.
No. 1014179
>>1014153Before anyone misunderstands, not Steven
>Why pick lolcow? A place you shouldn't be at. Now you are trying to make anons like you since I am not liked here.Serious question, why haven't you moved to There are no cow boards there and the atmosphere is more relaxed (or at least rules used to be, I remember anons making random threads for their current issues)
No. 1014200
>>1014057 There's a difference with most women who support the industry vs men though. Men RUN an industry that profits off women, and the women who participate in it are doing so mostly as a needs to survive. I agree with you that there are predatory natures in the sex industry that women perpetrate (I've seen enough of ddlg twitter) but for the most part a lot of sex workers irl just want sex work to be seen as any other job, a means to an end. It's really a lot of online sex workers you see who like to glamorise the industry as a form of cope and to snatch up affiliate links from young gullible women and earn their money that way.
I'm more neutral on sex work hence the push back to your comment, but I really think romanianon has some correct points here.
No. 1014215
>>1014200i said she did already too. it's correct that men run it, but it's extremely ironic that romanianon is openly jealous and extremely, extremely hostile towards first world women due to their relative privilege to the point where first world women can't even complain about their own lives without her going off on them, so it's a little hypocritical when she comes here saying a few women are horrible for recognizing women with enough privilege and security to not engage in sex work, promote it, or goad less fortunate girls into sex work, should maybe not do that thing if possible. there's a difference between suggesting "that's maybe not such a great thing to do for you or for others if possible, it's not a suggestible choice for the future" and what she's trying to claim radfems are commonly doing. come on now.
her biggest issue is that she's constantly presuming to know what boards and threads users and particular types of posters tend to use as if she knows for a fact that, say, the weirdos mocking venus heavily are the same ones claiming to support vulnerable women. they're most likely not. we've had a drastic split here for a long time now.
No. 1014224
>>1014218Majority? Like world wide? Got a source for that?
We're talking first world countries here, and while trafficking and pimps are a side of sex work, a good majority is just women who work the job out of necessity. Maybe given prostitution is legal here and trafficking rarely happens when there's a lot of opportunity for women to make that money safely (in brothels and taking privates knowing they won't face legal consequences) but there are mothers, women who haven't had the ability to study, women needing "fast" money coming out of
abusive relationships, or just women who've done it for years and it's all they know. I find it weird how much of sex work is generalised on here, but I guess many of you haven't interacted with many in person sex workers in your life to know they're just regular people, working to survive, or life comfortably.
Also to respond to your first point, of course they don't want to do it forever. A woman's body could not handle it. That's a moot point when taken into context how physically and mentally taxing sex work is.
No. 1014240
>>1014224I am talking worldwide, I am not from a firstworld country. I'm from a third-word muslim country where most people in sexwork have no other choice/were forced into it. I know one girl forced to sell sex by her own father and brother.
According to this,>82% of suspected incidents were classified as sex trafficking; nearly half of these involved victims under the age of 18.Most trafficking is for sexwork.
And if this is correct then legalization leads to more trafficking for sexwork.
>On average, countries where prostitution is legal experience larger reported human trafficking inflows.I've only read the abstract but this one says,>We interviewed 854 people currently or recently in prostitution in 9 countries (Canada, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United States, and Zambia), inquiring about current and lifetime history of sexual and physical violence. We found that prostitution was multitraumatic: 71% were physically assaulted in prostitution; 63% were raped; 89% of these respondents wanted to escape prostitution, but did not have other options for survival.I cannot support this. I would try to find more sources but I need to complete my irl responsibilities.
No. 1014252
>>1014224what do you mfs not understand about the sentiment that "privileged women with options are doing a disservice to potentially themselves, and certainly other women, by normalizing sex work as a legitimate career path relatively free of risk"? why are you people constantly trying to conflate lukewarm criticism of women with options and suggestions to them to not become a
victim and unwitting perpetuator of a the "fun and liberating career" meme (that leaves many of them, at the very least, emotionally and psychologically traumatized), with unwarranted and unmerited criticism of the critically desperate? sorry, imo, it's helpful for girls to tell their girlfriends and warn their girlfriends in the first world to not fall
victim to this meme and for girls and women to be fully aware of their options and the pitfalls of this "career" choice that is sold to women and girls in stable situations. same goes for the many pitfalls that come with most "easy and fun careers" that tend to be rife with occupational hazards the wealthy want these workers to overlook. if it sounds too good to be true, on some level, it probably is. "destigmatizing" it in germany has still led to the same point - trafficked girls, or heavily vulnerable women and girls, and even
advertised!! pregnant women stuck at all-you-can-fuck rape dens for €80 a night.
anyways, i'm still not seeing the level of alleged vitriol towards sex workers, specifically from radfems, that romanianon is claiming is so prevalent. i see that shit when it comes to camgirls vendetta-ing each other and insane venus haters that are clearly a certain brand of unrelated user, but that's mostly it?
again, all women who engage in most forms of sex work are still unwitting
victims to factors and pressures they may overlook or not consider at the time, imo, and the responsibility lies on men's shoulders. though women who are cognizant of their complicity that are high up do deserve blame as well, sorry.
No. 1014254
>>1014143Nobody buys your shit, ugly moid. How exactly did you plan to "help" someone by pretending to be a woman, flirt with her, get her nudes and then dox her? You took advantage of a vulnerable person and as shitty as she is, you'll always be twice as deranged than she could ever be. How does it feel to be more insane than someone who literally
killed their cat?
No. 1014258
>>1014240I want to have a proper read of the links you gave anon but I'm tired so I'll do it once I've slept a little. However skimming it, it doesn't seem like you answered my question. I was asking for a source on your claim that sex trafficking accounts for a majority of what is considered sex work universally. That's just simply not true.
And the first article you linked reported 2,515 cases of sex trafficking over 10 years ago. This doesn't even tell us how many are being trafficked in proportion with working women who do it for themselves and for a living. And given prostitution is illegal in most states….well…. you're not going to get that data.
While human trafficking is awful, the numbers cited on this are not nearly as high as you're making them out to be. I also don't doubt being in a 3rd world muslim country, your experiences and knowledge of sex work is going to be very different from mine.
Just skimming the second link now
nonnie and it's very interesting. I'll have to get back to you on that. I don't doubt there would be an increase in trafficking but I'm curious to read why or what theories there are for it.
No. 1014262
>>1014252Your post is really hard to read, or maybe I'm just an autist lol.
nonnie women can do whatever they want with their lives. Not to be a socialist but we all have to survive under capitalism, and plenty of jobs are just as soul sucking, demeaning, and derogatory as sex work. I've seen people in wagie jobs that have caused them to completely crumble and descend into drug/alcohol abuse. Sex work, like any work, is a result of a system of profit over anything else, and you can't blame individual women trying to survive in that for a system at large that does not care about them.
I don't know why trafficked women are always brought up the second any kind of sex work is spoken about, because while they do exist I feel like it's just nonnies deflecting because they don't want to have to face that real, regular women just do it, go about their lives and should be able to do so freely without being put in jail for trying to make a living.
No. 1014272
>>1014262>plenty of jobs are just as soul sucking, demeaning, and derogatory as sex work. I've seen people in wagie jobs that have caused them to completely crumble and descend into drug/alcohol abuse. yes, but there's a difference between having a stressful job, and potential stalkers, people who are basically believing they are entitled to your body, being assaulted, being raped for money (depending), these vulnerabilities being used against you potentially all your life if online or videographed/photographed… i'd be pretty fearful for good reason. once again, this refers to people with the good fortune enough to choose. almost all surveys on strippers report that 82-100% of strippers in america and other western countries have been physically assaulted. sorry, but working as a boring-ass book-keeper is considerably less likely to land you in a position of physical assault, blackmailed, and god knows what else.
No. 1014291
>>1014258I don't think any study will be able to correctly assess the number of women willingly participating in selling sex to the number of women forced into it.
About your last paragraph, I think some say it is because the demand is higher and to fulfill the demand, they need to coerce women into it. I'm not sure myself and I don't believe in criminalizing prostitution since this will just put the women in worse conditions. Also, I have heard in some places with decriminalized prostitution, it improves the situation. It's, like most things, nuanced.
But if I could cut off the penis of every man who bought sex, I would.
No. 1014294
>>1014272Sexual harassment can happen in any workplace. In saying that, I understand there's a higher chance of it happening in sex work. I'm not denying at all the industry is dangerous, in fact I'm aware it's a dangerous industry. And women who get into it should be aware of those risks, support should be given to those who are in this sort of work, etc.
What I'm trying to say is that at its core, sex work will exist regardless, and instead of completely banning it when, as I mentioned, many if not most women use it as a means to survive, it's best to put foundations in place to make it as safe as possible. Out right banning it is going to turn more women to pimps and the streets.
When I say
>plenty of jobs are just as soul sucking, demeaning, and derogatory as sex workI meant that there are people who work in slaughter houses for less than minimum wage, having to see animals die in front of them every day. There are factory workers dying in tornados because they were not allowed to leave, for what… $10 an hour? Pissing in bottles?
Sex work encompasses all those things I said, but it carries the weight of being an inherently misogynistic industry. Treating it like it should just go away when it's so weaved into our culture is idealistic at best and delusional at worst. I wish we could live in a world where sex work does not exist, but I don't think that world could exist.
Sorry for not clarifying.
No. 1014297
>>1014262>sex work has to exist because it's part of a capitalist system and all work is degrading anywayI here this take so often and it's completely detached from reality. It doesn't matter what the prevailing economical system is, prostitution will exist. There was prostitution in the USSR. At one point prostitutes were rounded up into gulags for forced labour because being a sex worker wasn't regarded as real work.
I have worked a really shit office job that was so bad it made me want to kill myself, yet I do not think it was worse than being forced into sex work. As bad as it was, I still kept my bodily and sexual autonomy and I did not have to be violated by disgusting men.
No. 1014301
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>>1014291AYRT and yes I very much agree with you. It's a very nuanced topic and given it's very topical, people tend to have very strong stances.
I would love to help you slice and dice their wieners
No. 1014307
>>1014294Stop this fucking narrative that manual labor is equal to sex work. A factory job will never be as demeaning, sexually exploitative, mentally
abusive and future ruining as getting pounded every day for money. It is simply not the same.
No. 1014327
If I work in a factory, I get benefits, I get insurance, I get a set income every month, I can get credit, I can get a nice place of my own, I get work experience that helps getting better jobs in the future, I can denounce things, I can grow in my workplace and achieve things.
Slut jobs give you STDs, your anus rips, you get hit, spitted on choked, you have nowhere to run, no job experience, you are a slut and can't get a normal job anymore. You sleep in motels and do drugs. It's clearly not the same.
No. 1014328
>>1014307I'm not saying manual labor is equal to sex work, I'm saying it's complicated. There are jobs out that are demeaning, even sexually exploitative (music industry, film industry) and mentally
abusive. Sex work is a job that can encompass all three but just because someone IS a sex worker doesn't mean it WILL encompass all those things. A cam or phone sex worker who works from home, sets her own hours and works for herself is much better off than someone in the service industry relying on tips to survive and getting demeaned without being able to fight back in fear of losing their job.
Lastly, the only reason sex work is future ruining is because of stigma around sex work which anons on here contribute to. I realise that's where you run into the danger of swinging the other way and you have the twitter thot "sex work is empowering!! It's so fun y'all have to try it!!" which is gross and predatory.
This is where I'm at a loss, you know? What do we do with that?
>>1014324You…. you know what a straw man that is right? You know how I mentioned that farmers tend to generalize sex work as an all encompassing narrative? that's what I mean. I really don't know how to respond to this.
No. 1014341
>>1014328No one really gives a fuck about the privileged woman who does phone sex for some extra cash or sells lingerie pics online to coomers, and that's why I purposely disregarded them. If someone's biggest problem is that people think it's trashy and stigmatize it, they actually have it very good, but then they turn around and liken themselves to women who are actually suffering because victimhood is literal currency/authority within liberal spheres of discussion and they can't resist
In fact, the word "sex work" is a meme because it presupposes those two groups are anywhere near the same league as those forced to let men use their bodies to survive. They're not, and we all know it, but it's so much easier for first worlders to pretend it's some 50/50 deal where they're the same amount of people and all their voices must be heard to the same extent. It's wrong and dishonest. A woman pops up and says "Hey, sex worker here! The biggest problem isn't abuse and STD rampancy, it's that my parents don't like it!" when people are trying to talk about those who are actively victimized, and then it turns out she's never non-consensually had to touch a single dick or let any man touch her in her life, but since she hid behind the all-encompassing term "sex work", no one called her out. The 1% living well appoint themselves to speak for the 99% in these discussions, and because their dishwater "Um I'm just trying to pay my bills, stop slut-shaming me, this is real work that I chose" experiences are easier to swallow when you live in a heavily pornified society, their short-sighted, solipsistic takes are placed at the forefront by coomers, pimps and misogynists. If you're really dedicated to this "Well it's all labor" argument, it's like letting executives and people with cushy office jobs speak on work itself, talking over swathes of manual laborers, sweatshop workers, slaughterhouse workers, etc, except increase the latter's abuse by like 100. Women suffering are disregarded and placed in the background for the sake of maintaining coomer culture and centering the voices of privileged, sometimes outright narcissistic women who really just want to make people click their profiles and shill their Patreon on Twitter when they derail these discussions at the end of the day
No. 1014342
I'm just gonna tell you this. The predominant ideology of our society, the geist that runs society is "free market capitalism". If you consider some 80 IQ retard doing ASMR on Youtube work and he is a "content creator" then it is only natural that in this reality- in the way the world functions right now (not your imagined interpretation of how the world works) a woman that gets naked on the internet for money is also considered a WORKER since she makes money off of it. To say that women that end up in this trade need to be accepted and not shunned socially is not promoting sex work. There's no reason to persecute women for a system that results from men. The way society runs now (free market capitalism) is men's idea since they have ran society ideologically throughout human history and they are still the ones holding most power- literally 99% percent of economical/poltical power is held by men. I do not think sex work is a good career choice or it is IDEAL and in my perfect world I would not ALLOW it to exist. But this is the real world where humans struggle from lack of capital and many of us have been sexualized since our childhood and not to mention finding a job is very hard and for most women very objectifying.
Sex work is also a broad term it includes the following: Hookers and prostitutes that make 10$ daily from sucking cock. Prostitutes that make millions yearly from sucking cock. Camgirls and onlyfans girls that never meet up with their clients. There are camgirls and onlyfans girls that dont even get naked and there are those that do triple penetration fuck machine videos. You cannot tell me that doing fuckmachine videos is as degrading as selling pictures of yourself in lingerie to some simps, because it simply isn't the same thing at all.
You also have to consider that sex work is so varied some types of sex work literally put you in less danger than having an average wage cuck job. When I worked as a camgirl I was a non nude model. I would sit in my bed, in my room and lead on simps that literally thought were buying entertainment from me. They didn't know my name, my country and they weren't some 4chan incels thinking I was their gf that would try to find my location and slit my throat. They simply thought they were paying for a form of enterntainment. You need to see the nuances. I was literally in more danger when I worked a wage cuck job at Mcdonalds because some clients would hit on me and I even had some creepy one that could have followed me home and killed me out of anger and rape me. There are so many types and variants of "sex work", but ultimately putting the blame on the women does not solve the underlying issues of society which lead to sex work and not all sex workers promote it. A lot of them are not involved in political discourse and simply do their job without making "sex work is real work" tweets. Belle Delphine is an example, she does her job as an adult entertainer without getting involved in political propaganda. Not all women involved in it promote it and you do not know what they are thinking. Some of them simply continue it because it becomes the best alternative to them of making money and expressing themselves. Not everyone has the same situation or is brought up in the same environment. Most women that get stalked or killed have it happen to them ironically at work with co workers that become obsessed with them- like at work work- someone from your office or some scrote that is your client if you are a retail wagie. If you are an anonymous camwhore on a website where the men dont even know your location or name it is literally less dangerous than working retail where some psycho can become obsessed with you, stalk you home and kill you and no I'm not "promoting" or "glamorizing" sex work. I am simply stating a reality. Not to mention women that become sex workers do not become sex workers because they have read Tweets on Twitter from some camwhore that says "sex work is liberating" there is a very specific type of person that ends up in SW and they would end up there no matter if libtard nr 3333 on Twitter makes a "sex work is real work tweet". The world is just fucked due to free market capitalism and you are not a feminist if you blame women that end up in SW. Again, I'm not promoting it, I actually hate it and if I ran the world I would outlaw it and if any scrote would try to riot I would put him in gulag. BUt you have to look at the world for what it is and see the different nuances and the current framework the socio political world functions in. If you work on a camwhore site nobody forces you to take your clothes off, nobody forces you to do anything you do not want to and if someone says something you do not like you ban them, simple as that,you truly have complete control over it. The term "sex work" is literally way too broad. It's very confusing because I do absolutely not AGREE with it being glamorized or promoted I think other sex workers should warn other girls about it and what the downsides of it are, but I do not think the blame should be put on the women that end up in it or that you should see "sex work" as just prostitutes sucking dick for 1$ because it isn't. I was literally in more danger working at Mcdonalds than I was in working as a camgirl and it felt more degrading when I was a camgirl I had complete control of what I could do and who I allowed to watch me or what people would say to me and I was on the internet in my room and a lot of those men were unironically realistic about it. I think it would have been more dangerous to marry a guy or mess with scrotes on the internet that would become deluded about me being their gf. All this being said, I wish I did not get groomed at the mental hospital and I wish that if I decided later in life that it would be a good option for me then I would have chosen it FULLY without someone coercing me into it. Stop over generalizing and demonizing women. A radical feminist would look at sex workers as victims of patriarchy and of the system created BY MEN not put the blame on them. A lot of us like to delude that women are free and they are responsible for things that happen in society which simply is not true! Women were freed very recently and we are still highly dependent on men due to resources. You need to see circumstances and nuances. Also, the women that grow up in poverty in 3rd world and are trafficked are not trafficked by the lady that posts "sex work is real work" on Twitter, so why do you blame her? She is not the real evil here. the "sex work is real work" movement does not reach the ears of some starving isolated woman that has no idea what is happening in the world. My problem with you here is that you want to hold women responsible for what happens because of men. You want to hold that Twitter thot responsible so much for twweeting sex work is real work although she is not responsible for the millions of sex trafficking rings that are ran by men all over the world. That tells me something about you… it tells me you suffer from mysoginy and you just want to make women responsible like they have been made for the entire course of history for things they are not responsible of. MEN ARE THOSE WITH MOST POWER IN SOCIETY THE WOMEN VICTIMIZED IN PROSTITUTION ARE VICTIMIZED BY MEN.
Why did Adam eat the apple? Because A WOMAN MADE HIM?
Why are thousands of women trafficked by men all around the world? Because Stacy posted "sex work" is real work on Twitter.
I see through you(oh my god nobody cares)
No. 1014344
>>1014341the extremely ironic thing being that even these privileged SWers are
still shown to end up abused and traumatized at high rates, despite it being relatively safe in comparison to the people they're so happy to speak for/over.
No. 1014348
>>1014333But is not all sex work demeaning, according to the general consensus here? regardless of being online or in person?
It feels contradictory to shit on online sex workers, calling them sex workers when you like, but then to disregard them when it doesn't fit the point you're trying to make. It's also far deferring from the original opinion I shared that women talking positively about the industry is different from men talking positively about it. I don't think it's good for women to do so, but they're all cogs in a big wheel.
What is "real" and "not real" sex work is up for debate, but as I put it's nuanced and you can't just lump people's individual sex work experiences into one.
>>1014342lol I can only imagine Romanianon has been furiously typing away this whole time. Do you sleep? Thanks for making some of my points for me, bless.
No. 1014360
>>1014348>But is not all sex work demeaning, according to the general consensus here? regardless of being online or in person?Selling a non-nude cosplay pic to a coomer you will never have to acknowledge the existence of IRL is much, much easier than having to take his dick and pretend to like it. Neither of them are empowering, but one is obviously far more demeaning and soul-crushing than the other
>It feels contradictory to shit on online sex workers, calling them sex workers when you likeMy problem is that the term itself is dishonest and lets people muddy the conversation to begin with, I don't call them that for this reason. Maybe the wealthier women who do "lewds" on OF and don't actually have sex with anyone should use another, more fitting term, like "assisted masturbation workers". They never will, because again, they rely on the debate and ambiguity of "sex work" to derail things and mislead people about their involvement in this system
>>1014344And it's tiring because even when those who've been exploited/traumatized speak up about being stalked/harassed by scrotes, it'll always be the ones who never had much trouble gaining the most traction because no one wants to question the status quo lol
No. 1014364
>>1014342not that i disagree with you, because the men are the source and are the ultimate problem - literally no one disagrees with this - but you literally have posted many times that allegedly a girl helped coerce or "groom" you into sex work, you also have mentioned in passing that you did not make much money doing non-nude. while these mouthpieces for the sex industry are still exploited (knowingly or unknowingly), simply saying and making women aware that they are either purposely, carelessly, or ignorantly working to trap actually vulnerable, or just very naive, or unsure people into a field that's hard to get out of and that has deleterious effects on, at the very least, their psychological health, if not literally physically as well, is not shitting on them or placing undue blame or responsibility onto them. it's just making them aware and disagreeing.
having a relatable face to shill an industry to those the industry seeks to exploit is a HUGE part of its success. whether or not they're actually being handsomely compensated for what's essential recruitment, or how much they know depends on the particular situation, but it's still a critical marketing ploy needed by all shady and shitty industries. it's like MLMs, the fact that the intended target is precisely talking it up and speaking over its pitfalls is exactly what women need to be aware of.
again though, i'm really not seeing the heavy stigmatization or undue blame by most radfems that you speak of.
No. 1014395
>>1014364Yes, I think I was groomed and coerced into it but I have forgiven that girl that did it to me. She had BPD and she had been abused her entire life. I think it sort of ruined my future because I don't think I will be allowed to do what I truly want due to it and being involved with online sex work makes you basically stuck with it forever . I agree too, I do not agree with the women that do Onlyfans or internet SW and they spread misinformation. They glamorize it and they do not present the full truth, but not all of them do it, if you look at all SW I would say the vast majority do not promote SW. But a lot of time if you're involved with this sort of thing society forces you to say YOU LOVED IT, sometimes you have to lie and make the social move that benefits you instead of telling the truth. I don't know how to explain this, but if you have nudes or were involved with the sex industry or something remotely sexual in any form society allows you to pick one of two sides and none of them presents the full truth. You either become a modern leftist that says it is empowering and plays this agenda or you pick the right wing where you say you were coerced into it by the degradation of society which is caused by the left (none of these present the real truth). Look at Mia Khalifa Vs Sasha Grey. None of these sides present the real truth about SW. But if I am a
victim it does not mean that everyone involved with it is a
victim on the same level as a me, I think they are all
victims but the amount of it differs. For some women sex work truly works out, it is truly where they find themselves, it is not more dangerous than the average job for them and it is truly aligned with their real self. It isn't the same for everyone. For example, on the website I used to work at most of the models were western, but there were a handful of Eastern Eu models which in my opinion were actual sex trafficking
victims. When I mailed the website to tell them about this issue they banned me and refused giving any sort of answer. They could have avoided this situation by simply applying more regulation. I think the very many issues of online sex work can be resolved by applying more regulation, but more regulation on the trade means less money for the scrotes running the industry. If the minimum age of becoming an online SW was 25 many of the girls that have ended up in SW would have not ended up there and those that choose to be sex workers at 25 are truly making the rational decisions and truly want it. I don't even think Belle Delphine would have done it if the minimum age was 25. It should absolutely not be accessible to children. At 18-19-20-21-22-23 you are still a teenager and you're not ready to make such a powerful choice. A lot of girls that end up in SW at 18 have to continue doing it because the real world that is outside of the (sex work is real work echo chamber) still hates women that end up there and offers them no chances of redemption so it dooms them to doing that forever, which is a real social issue. Most women that have ended up in SW have to do it forever and society forces them to.
No. 1014439
>>1014395The way you explained your points today was pretty clarifying and I do agree with a lot of what you said. I'm sorry if I was too harsh about your defense of Shayna, it's just that as
>>1014405 said, Shayna is very different from someone like Venus or Luna because Shayna's parents actually seem very loving toward her and she had no shortage of chances because at the very least her dad and stepmother are really well off and wanted to pay for her education. That was the reason I couldn't understand you defending her. Ultimately you are right that the women who do sw are often
victims of circumstance and the men who run that industry are always the ones at fault, I just think some women involved in it (like Shayna specifically) are okay with legitimizing those men who abuse women and that's a problem. It may not be as big of a problem as the men, but it's still not okay of her and is fair game to criticize. You have an inside insight on a lot of things though so of course you will have very strong views about it, and I am glad to hear you say that you acknowledge some other anons have mental illnesses and that you weren't dismissing that.
No. 1014451
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i think this pinkfae faghag has a lot of potential im glad its kinda getting traction again. imo she looks like pixielocks and shayna had a retard fatso baby, its crazy. the obnoxious sjw pandering, pretending to be a lesbian for attention, the disgusting onlyfans content, the leeching off others cause even entry level jobs are too much for her, liking "drag" too much cause theyre faghags. its all there.
also, shes younger than pixie and shayna??????? i think its like a year or two difference but holy shit i thought this bitch was way too old to be doing this shit and it turned out shes younger than them. Thats crazy.
No. 1014827
>>1014342I have to agree with this anon.
I used to enjoy lolcow because I thought of it as a safe women’s space not run by trannies but every day I see a “26 year old first world country antisocial NEET with an eating disorder” (as the romanianon perfectly describes) ruining a thread for me by her moid-style posting and zero tolerance for marginalized women or children.
I thought it was a misogyny free, tranny free space where we could talk, but this exact type of people I’m talking about type like annoying moids and ruin the whole experience for me. They also have no regard or no solution for the living circumstances of marginalized women but love to put the blame on them.
Peace out, I’m done
No. 1014840
>>1014837yes, it's pinkpaefemme on /snow/
this is "opinion on cows" so it kind of wouldn't make a ton of sense to post about someone who doesn't have a thread
No. 1014848
>>1014838According to the post, it's not romanianon ruining things for her, but an unknown number of
>26 year old first world country antisocial NEET with an eating disorderanons criticising marginalised women.
No. 1014886
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Hila looks so cute here
No. 1014918
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/w/ is one if the worst fucking boards as exemplified by this pic alone. Twitter tier discussion, please die off already
No. 1014956
>>1014918I'm the middle post, I was shitposting and I'm sorry
nonnie if you have it in your heart to forgive me
No. 1015013
>>1014972Agree with you 100%, I'm one of the anons that talk back to people who are being black and white with their opinions on Luna (accent on black). It's sad that you could say 'yeah, she's become a shitty person, but her crap parents played a giant role in that' and anons would seethe how you are whiteknighting her and how Tuna Mom is 100% Luna's innocent
victim. I hate how anons will overempathize with whatever other awful person in Luna's life to shit on her more, even when it makes zero sense (see: the "is Lurch really a pedo groomer if Luna got herself groomed?". Both sides are shitty, but often not at the same time and to a varying degree.
No. 1015019
>>1015013>>1014972Agreed with both of you. I only lurk the Luna thread so I haven't participated in the discussions. I personally have no real hatred for her, just like watching the insanity. She's a total mess, but I don't get why some anons get so fucking
triggered at posts that look at her with a little more nuance.
No. 1015033
>>1014972I'm one of those that find her impossible not to a-log because of her abysmally selfish behaviour towards her mom, dad and Roger (rip), the only people that cared about her.
I stopped following the thread since she started 'working' with that random chick and people started shitting on her for it. It's like the posters in that thread don't want her to have anything. It left such a bad taste in my mouth. Not participating anymore.
>I think some anons are jealous of her art or something idkOh there is jealousy, but I think it's over her easy access to drugs and managing to leave a relatively easy life for a junkie. There's a lot of junkies posting in that thread, constantly seething how money, drugs and pink trinkets always keep falling in her lap with seemingly no effort on her part.
No. 1015469
>>1015195I haven’t drown no chicken ma’am I just ate some at kfc and served it with some xmas shake.
Giving the romanian attention whore what she wants (that is attention) is precisely what she wanted. She didn’t care about the nudes steve michael john leaked she just wanted our attention just like she wanted discord’s attention. It’s time we ignore her and report her to the police if she actually kills her cat.
No. 1015539
>>1015519Doxxing randomly people every time they boolly you huh?
I’m so proud I never bought your shit.
You are either a tranny larping as a male
Or you have DID and your scrote persona’s acting up. Anyone who pities you the slightest even is a scrote too or braindamaged. You are so radfem you doxx innocents who just made fun of your autistic schizo posts. Lolcow initially defended you when you cried wolf even though they shouldn’t have.
I hope steve michael leaks your non nude nudes if you actually doxx a farmer.
No. 1015552
>>1015519>I have their pictures and nudes and I will post them along with their real names on the internet for everyone to see how "radfem" they are. Being a radfem is considered more negative than nudes or whatever
>Lolcow is literally made up by ex twitter fags that are trying to make their own cult and use "radical feminism" as an excuse for their raging misogyny and for being excluded by libtards???
No. 1015588
See this is why even when she seems "reasonable", I just can't with her. Her details change literally everytime, she spends 99% of her time complaining about "rad fems" for small stuff, she capes for men when convenient and claims women never empathise or help her in other threads but uses our natural wariness of men against men when it's convenient to her so we sympathize with stories that likely are not even real or are very exaggerated, she's spiteful and appears to vendetta with BPD tier stories about literally everyone even when they're nice to her.
Sorry but I don't buy the sob stories, all dramatic and fantastical with extreme and obvious jealousy, dishonesty and vendetta running thru it. Her complaints about radical feminism and ideology in general are always contradicted by other posts. No matter how many times people try to help her, defend her, or empathise with her, she goes off and threatens people or animals for relatively minor "offenses" out of nowhere. Doubt they ever bullied her in this discord, and if they did, it's likely because she was purposely agitating them and insulting them as she does to random people for no reason on here.
No. 1015698
>>1015648You got me hyped for a moment for the discord existing. a farmer specific one obviously. Also I'm keking at your comparison, beautiful
>they were hypocrites who didn't actually love him like I doThe nerve! I would kick their asses lol
No. 1015785
>>1015738the stripper anon was barely shit and only brought up the sister thing much later on. had she started with the sister and medical bills thing at first absolutely no one would've complained. like a lot of people she started with the "i make 1000 bucks a night easy, it's great and so much easier than regular wagecucking" stuff…
funny you say /ot/ turned to shit, it exactly "turned to shit" when people like yourself complained non-stop about radfem type discussion and mh/pp threads and everyone with an interest typically outside of cows left.
No. 1015828
>>1015785it's not true at all. I've been around here for 6 years and it turned to shit exactly after the manhate thread started. When I began browsing lolcow nobody was making "kys" posts in the vent thread. I consider myself a radfem but there is something irky about the movement and about the kinds of women it attracts. I think many of them have sociopathic tendencies. I've been around Twitter radfems and Tumblr radfems and lolcow radfems and there is something very very unsettling about them and /ot/ has turned to shit after the "radfem" stuff. Ironically it has brought more woman hating, hostility and mysoginy than anything else. Most radfems use the movement as a cover and excuse to shit on other women and express their mysoginy disguised as "activism". Making fun of a woman that ends up in sw is not feminist and if you disagree with them they tell you that you're supporting and glamorizing sex work and they use their power as a group to shut down any sort of differing opinion just like libtards that suck tranny dick do. You have said something slightly different than what we think? TRANSPHOBE.
You don't harass or hate women in sexwork? LIBTARD THAT GLAMORIZES SEX WORK.
A lot of the so acclaimed internet radfems are not actually radical feminists, they have just appropriated a movement for humans rights to create a community they can use as a tool to attack others. The vast majority of radfems are exiled twitterfag fujos libtards that have turned to the "darkside". They don't care about women, only about their weird mental complexes and shitting on sex workers, troons and libtards. Pathetic. They create more hostility and propagate more misogyny. There are ok radfems too, but I was incredibly disappointed to see that a vast majority of their community is made up by mysoginistic women that use feminism as a disguise. Right wingers and women obsessed with putting the blame on women for the existence of sex work and such or exiled twitterfags
No. 1015862
>>1015828repeated kys posts are not like almost 2 years old or so? that's relatively recent afaik so idk what you're talking about?
what you're describing in this second paragraph happens in literally all political and cause based communities btw. you're not wrong that it's a problem but it's not as much of a problem as you make it specifically on here at least. plenty of girls on here just talk rhetoric without even calling themselves radfems, myself included. and honestly it isn't that prevalent on here. you're very, very dramatic about its frequency and to the degree that camgirls are shit on on here by specifically and confirmably self-identified radfems. you keep acting like users are a monolith. they're just not. all kinds of people are posting.
No. 1015877
>>1015862I know, but how do you explain that after I make a post Slightly criticizing radfems I get a handful of anons alogging me? Although, I share the same values as them. I dislike troons, think men are
abusive and think prostitution should be abolished and I have been trying to make a change with my posts throughout the years pursuing anons not to hate female cows and standing up for them since they are objectively not bad. The posts anon has summarized are not even all my posts (I have good posts too) and some of the posts she linked are not even mine. I've been around lolcow for 6 years and the mysoginy, hostility and alogging posts in /ot/ have started around the time of "radfem awakenig" or manhate threads. Very annoying. I've been schizoposting for years on /ot/ in the vent thread and it has only recently become a problem
No. 1016183
>"Ahaha romanianon is so stupid kek she should stop being a retard and attacking us radfems haha sex work aha">checks her posts/talking points>shes's absolutely rightkek i knew it, you guys only get this salty when you get called out, "true radfems" my ass. Her rants are becoming spam at this point but i don't see any fails on her logic
>>1016117I never used twitter, so i didn't knew SJWs were
this awful, maybe dishonest at most, but this whole situation really got the worst of those "anons", very scary stuff
No. 1016184
>>1015519>Lolcow is literally made up by ex twitter fags that are trying to make their own cult and use "radical feminism" as an excuse for their raging misogyny and for being excluded by libtardsEverything you said is true except for this part, Lolcow is fortunately not a monolith, and ex-twitterfag radfems like those are in fact a group the entire site has to constantly deal with specially on other boards beyond /ot/, they're pretty much a plague and they can't notice their twitterfagg-y ways clash with board culture, I absolutely don't think they make up the entire userbase, but they noticed Lolcow has a no-scrotes policy so they thought they could fit right in, even to the point of saying Lolcow is a radfem site which is probably the cringiest shit I've ever heard. This is what Twitter does to a motherfucker and they aren't better than any other libtard in any shape or form, they hated them not because the ride was shit, but because they didn't have the best seats. They just want to policy anything anons do and then go and act like hypocrites on their discords, like any other regular libtard twitterfag.
>>1016117Based opinion.
No. 1016883
I'll probably get accused of having been posted itt, but I haven't. This is just something I've wanted to say for a while. I think the personal cows thread is lame and part of why we get twitterfags coming here trying to post someone they hate for a cancel party. Maybe I'm old and jaded, but after having been on the internet for so long and seeing the likes of Chris-chan, Shayna, pt, Weenos, Jill, that one chick who is missing her legs now, having witnessed the live thread years ago on /b/ when that moid killed a mom in Washington state and posted the photos before her son came home to find the body, etc none of the people who get posted even begin to compare. I feel like the standards for a cow vary from anon to anon because I don't see run of the mill NLOG and attention whores as four alarm emergencies. That's just my two cents, I'll take my dogpiling.
No. 1017317
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mfw i picked a cute threadpic and shit and the thread got ruined by schizoposting and autism
No. 1017786
>>1017209Sounds like bs, death/suicide is tried and tested method of getting out of online drama.
I don't believe it whatsoever. I don't wish death on her, if it isn't clear
No. 1020295
>>1017063Right, there was just as much hostility before but maybe it just came about in different ways
>>1017183The gore/cp is because of Elaine though, that has nothing to do with manhate
No. 1020730
>>1020258That one anon (Lucinda herself or one of her little edtwt friends) is back too, maybe after her ban was lifted, wk-ing like crazy and accusing everyone of being a jealous fatty.
That thread is a selfposting mess.
No. 1021288
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>>1017209This post has similar vibes to picrel
No. 1021697
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>watching people going in circles in Momokun's thread arguing about whether she used fake blood or was on her period in her latest nasty-ass video
No. 1021796
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i don't know if she counts because her thread isn't that active but i follow anna slatz/slatzism on twitter and find a lot of her tweets genuinely so funny. picrel. also >inb4 i get accused of being anna slatz or a horny scrote
No. 1021932
Shayna doesn't have a implant, I personally think maybe something is up do to weight gain, but it's not an implant. I hurt myself under one of my breast when I was very young, I STILL have the mark from the cut under my breast.
I 100% believe if she had a implant, she'd brag about it. She doesn't think anything is embarrassing. She'd go, "When I was younger, one of my breasts were growing to fast, the other wasn't…so my mom took me to the doctor and I got an implant." and use it as a way to get sympathy and probably sexualize it.
She never talks about her breast difference because why call attention to it if only Lolcow does? Just like her ass/pussy pimples. If scrotes or people outside of here don't complain/comment, she'll just do her best to hide it on twitter. Then post the unedited shit on Onlyfans or it'd show up in her lives.The only time she shows her breasts front on is when she's drunkenly dancing or drunk on live stream.
I will admit that one breast does look a little…oddly shaped near the arm pit, but it is what it is.
Do you think if she had to get that done she wouldn't use that as a way to get attention? This girl has bragged about drinking piss, turned down a free education and was showing her ass in a bar. She has no shame.
She'd either sexualize it or try to get sympathy from it. Or both.
No. 1023983
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Luna is so pretty. I like her style too, even though it's tacky it's kind of cute and endearing
No. 1024072
>>1023983she has so much wasted potential, truly a
victim of her interests and hobbies tbh. i would give anything to take an exfoliator to her face.
No. 1028678
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>>1028650Yeah, she’s officially turned into a horrorcow. I can’t stomach the thread right now.
No. 1028725
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>>1028678I didn't even read your post and I already knew exactly what this was about. DISGUSTANG
No. 1029033
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I haven’t checked Shayna’s thread for like a month and I come back to her leaking a mysterious substance from her ass that she calls “butt cum”. Whenever you think she can’t hit a new low she just surprises us all………..
No. 1030619
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shayna looked fine. im not saying she could have been a supermodel. but anons swear up and down shes just as ugly skinny or not. that her weight doesnt matter cause shes ugly. i highly disagree, i think she had a nice figure before and the weight gain has made her look like an ogre. anons have been calling her fat since 20 pounds ago, but the fact shes still growing is insane. she does not have the proportions to be "thiccc" hot.
and again, im not saying she was drop dead gorgeous before. but she did not look "just as ugly as she does now". just my opinion.
No. 1030669
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>>1030619She was never very pretty in face before with her huge nose and tiny eyes, and styled herself horribly, but she had a really nice body (ignoring the state of her genitals and lack of ass) and the blonde was so much better. Her boobs we’re definitely her best feature, but she ruined them. she’s worlds away from what she is now. completely unrecognizable. She’s got nothing going for her now other then a few less sores
No. 1030692
holy shit this entire thread was an adventure.
>>1030619shayna looked fine because you ignored her other features in order to focus on a skinny body. now that she's gained all this alcohol bloat, you can't ignore it.
she wasn't pretty, she was always a butterface who just so happened to have a decent body.
No. 1032505
>>1032323I've stopped following Shayna, but a-logging there will just max out the threads even faster. Maybe we need a containment thread for Shayna and Jill for the time being though, I can see it filling up real fast.
Speaking of a-log, Jill tweeted she's "saving up for a ASD diagnosis" while most of us here are trying to save up to repay college debt or for a downpayment for a home. And her fanbase is close to dead, there's barely any activity in her comments or fb groups. It's maddening.
No. 1032933
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Heather Sparkles reminds me of Peggy Hill. She has awful sense of style kinda like a suburban mom who is out of touch.
No. 1035167
>>1034207Oh wow it does! I miss when her thread was active. My favorite thread to re-read
>>1016883Nah, I think you’re right anon. I think cows are generally supposed to be more or less extreme. That’s why /w/ in particular is so boring because no one wants to see pullfags bitch about literal whos or nitpick appearances because there’s not much going on in the first place. Even pt and snow are kinda losing steam these days.
No. 1035781
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Sorry for another "Shayna was pretty!" sperg but I feel like if Shayna stuck with her stoner girl look, or even owned her trashy New Jersey girl teased hair and big nose looks like picrel, she wouldn't have nearly as many threads as she does now. She could have saved herself instead of going the pink baby route and looking like an Easter ham
No. 1038222
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I have a feeling Jill is unintentionally a tulpa larper. I've been lurking tulpa communities for shits and giggles, and everyone who posts there seem to be weebs who genuinely believe their OCs are real with the power of possession, and even larp as them in forums (which is the same as fronting?)
Image attached shows how tulpa systems are almost the same as tiktok DID systems. They even use overlapping terminologies such as 'systems' and 'alters.'
Link to the infamous wikihow: because I'm a Jill sperg. I know some nonas here talk about Tulpas so correct me if I got anything about it wrong. I know it's initially an occult practice but it seems bastardized by genderspecials.
No. 1039557
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Mad curious what Bonnie/mrs-ericharris/psychopsychic (and god knows what other alias) is up to nowadays. Is she still fucking Eric "wardaddy" Harris in the astral plane? Did she get a real job, or is she still scamming people as a psychic? How is her daughter growing up??? So many questions without answers.
(FYI, she would be ~30 now and those screen caps are from like 6 years ago. She wasn't a dumb teenage girl)
No. 1041078
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I find this post weirdly cute and inspiring. In the context of Lucinda it's worrying, but it kind of made me happy for some reason. Like, there are parts of you that suck that you'll never fully be able to get rid of and expectations you'll never be able to meet but you can live a happy life regardless. Sage because I feel retarded being inspired by Lucinda, I have a soft spot for her though much like everyone else who reads her thread lol
No. 1041619
>>1034207it honestly doesn't look like nemu's art besides the face and line style, and the artist doesn't appear to ber her at all. even if she was a creep, i miss that crazy bitch's online presence and i wonder if she's still pretending to be a "recovering porn/sex addict" like she was before disappearing or if she's relapsed back into the husbando vomit+scat+radiation poisoning fetish all over again
No. 1041815
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I wish the game grumps milk was still flowing like it did in 2017-19. Dan especially should have gotten way more shit for the things he did. ProJared was thrown under the bus by the entire community for exchanging nudes with fans, Dan deserves the same if not worse for actually meeting up and having sex with them and stringing them along for months at a time (not defending WormMan, just think they’re comparable situations and deserves similar consequences).
No. 1041831
>>1041823Here’s a quick recap to get you up to speed (sorry for reddit link but it’s best resource I could find and the quickest to google) it all got brushed under the rug because when the news got to twitter they all started calling him a groomer and suggesting the girls involved were underage, which unfortunately made the reality of him manipulating his fans seem mild and forgivable in comparison.
It really set me off too. 15-16yo me was obsessed with game grumps and had a real soft spot for Dan (I was a lonely teenager) and thinking about it now knowing what he’s really like makes my stomach turn.
(imageboard) No. 1041857
>>1041850Sure, they were edgy but they were also addicted to neurotically ragging on certain video game franchises and the fans of it in a way only someone obsessed with policing what other people should like would do. Literally all of those people like that became the authoritarian woketards we see today because they were always authoritarian control freak puritans, just hid it behind "comedy".
AVGN was much more enjoyable for me in that regard of being a shockjock video game reviewer because you can tell he was truly not giving a fuck instead of being a projecting nihilistic jackass.
No. 1041858
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>>1041831it's sickening how men will usurp their position to trick girls into fucking them as soon as they became ''famous''
No. 1041860
>>1041850It’s funny, the older (and more jaded) I get and the more stickup holier-than-thou content creators get caught out for their
problematic pasts, the more I appreciate oneyplays. They’re fucking degen moids but at least they’re honest about how weird and un-PC they are, meanwhile Arin has spent every minute of every day since 2016 trying to align himself as the softboi king ofetsplay youtube while being a total hypocrite over everything he’s ever said and done online.
Plus oneyplays is a rotating cast of guys who bounce off each other and fuck around with each other in the way that only super close scrotes can, meanwhile Arin can barely scrape up one person between his whole staff to come and sit on the couch and watch him suck at Mario for fifteen minutes.
Sage for newgrounds sperg but the arin/oney Twitter beef was so tasty.
No. 1042351
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Are all the people in Lori’s thread in on some joke where they pretend she’s fat for fun or something? Close to deathfat?? They’re all trolling, right?
No. 1042369
>>1042351you are on lolcow my sweet
nonnie, half of the girlies believe that everyone is fat. A few days ago I've read like 6 rants from an anon who believes that even a severly underweight girl who wasn't born this way will never be skinny bcs it is something that you are born with lmao
No. 1043409
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No. 1043524
>>1043409I love how unhinged this
nonnie's energy is, never change
No. 1043548
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Shaynas, Kikis and ReadyToGlares biggest issue in gaining popularity, they refuse to let go of their dream style. It's so childish. I think it's a part of growing up to accept what you can pull off and not. Accepting that okay, you'll never be the ultimate goth gf (looking at you, ReadyToGlare) or no, you'll never be anime and shouldn't wear lolita attire to the grocery store.
I think Kiki is pretty and would look super hot with her old dramatic eye makeup and bleached hair. I look a lot like her, same hair + color and everything and had to learn I can't pull off the natural wannabe off-duty model shit and suit a dramatic look way more. When I was 14 I went through a weeb phase and tried so hard to look delicate and small and wear uwu frilly girly stuff despite being the complete opposite type both facially and body wise. But they're adults, and it's like holy fuck, LET GO already and adjust to what you have.
No. 1043555
>>1043548Oh look kiki kannibal, I remember telling people not to bully her for being a childgroom
victim but people shyt me up. That of course was before lolcow were full of pickmes.
No. 1043594
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>>1043561It's not insecurity, it's self awareness. I know feminism and love yourself and fatties can wear crop tops and blah blah but these flakes/cows goals is to gain popularity and followers yet they're doing the opposite of what they should. I forgot Lovely Lor too, that manfaced gorl needs to L-E-T G-O.
No. 1048017
>>1043409the "i have DID naturally without any trauma" thing is what killed me. That was so close to the endo/tulpa narrative (the only thing that
triggers did retards) that im surprised that shit didnt hit the fan. Twitterfags aside, i think that at this point jill may be uncancellable.
No. 1048812
>>1047998She's not beautiful but I always thought she looked kind of cute and would do better if she had a good style that fits her persona and bodytype more.
But yeah she's not attractive in a male-gaze way and that's why the plastic surgery made her look worse. Sexy doesn't fit her at all.
No. 1048815
>>1043594I feel like she could pull off the style better if she did her brows instead of leaving them as short little lines and learnt to do her hair and makeup in a way that suited her.
She'd look cute in normie or cute clothes but the lolita outfits literally make everyone look manlier, bigger and fatter than they are so they really don't fit her.
No. 1048819
>>1042351Lori's thread has always been notorious for extreme bone rattling because it's filled with unhinged anons who care too much about a boring costhot posting trashy selfies, to the point one has to wonder if they're jealous of the attention she's getting despite being "an old hag" and unquestionably a cow. I haven't been able to read the thread at all because instead of drama it's just an endless cycle of "LOOK AT HER STOMACH ROLL WHAT A FATTY EEEEWWWW HAMPLANET IN THE MAKING" seetheposting when to any normal person she's obviously skinny as hell.
One time when this was discussed (not only in relation to Lori but in general) some anon claimed that it's "just for fun" and basically implied that calling someone a fatty in intricate and straight out untruthful ways is prime entertainment and really "sticking it to them". That's great, I think with someone like Lori especially people would find other things to make fun about than those supporting unhealthy body standards for women.
No. 1050615
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Apologies for the incoming sperg but I follow a lot of cows and just somethings I've been noticing
The countless paragraphs and essays of her being a pedo and "How is she still doing this?" is getting so old. I skim over every comment that's more than a paragraph. I don't believe she's a real pedo, she only does this shit to pander to scrotes bc its the only thing that gets her attention anymore.
>UK Weebs/ Ohayou Clothing
I'm assuming the anon who keeps coming in to talk about Ohayou is a customer who got snubbed but it feels like they should keep that shit on twitter considering farmers don't really seem to care or engage much lol.
Also I will never forgive the anon who messaged Erin Painter's mom her nudes because that killed the milk so fast.
No. 1052666
>>1052641She is just really bad at being sexy, comes off as awkward and soft spoken, she seems to have no self awareness. I don’t think she’s a pedo, I think she got too swept up into tumblr with the ddlg kink and has sort of a feeble mind, she also
looks funnyIt is easier to vilify someone uglier so maybe that’s why anons will sperg about how evil she is.
No. 1052691
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I'm probably too sensitive but I hate this shit so much. For my own sake, I hope it was a scrote. Pussy-nitpicking is actual femcel-tier.
No. 1052739
>>1052691I'm convinced that the most aggressive and grotesque sperging about a cow's looks is definitely scroteposting. I can't imagine a woman in all seriousness writing shit like your picrel but I can absolutely picture a moid saying something like that.
>>1052693NTA but you bashing them for natural features is exactly why unnatural features are shilled as desirable and attractive even if you're trying to convince yourself you're doing it to stick it to them.
No. 1053211
Shaynas pedo pandering is gross. A woman dressing as a baby, dating a man who has kids who wants her to act like a baby, dates a woman who stole from a child for kink reasons and in general being hateful towards women is gross. No she's not the worst person. No she's not the ugliest woman, I do think she's average/below average due to her poor care for herself. I do think some anons over do it (myself included) but there's always someone worst then the cows we talk about. Shaynas just depressed and she is boring. The only milk we get is Ugly pictures. She makes dumb decisions and she would have the potential to be a shitty person whose harmful to others if she actually left the house.The way she ignores fucked up people in her life in the name of "kink" and not being alone could turn into terrible situations. Though she's lucky. Then she tries to accuse Fupaul of abuse as if she wasn't loving it and loving him when they were together. She does this all the time which let's me know, she knows this shit is wrong and not normal. But she'll deal with it as long as they do what she wants.
With all that said, no shayna isn't that bad. Yes scrotes and sex workers are in her thread. She is a cow just not one with any fresh milk. She's self destructive in the most boring way. My biggest issue with her is her being very privileged and in the time we are in, some would give anything to have a loving family to help them fix their life. Yet we have Shayna, sucking shit off of dildos, clearly miserable, depressed and constantly having breakdowns yet she won't quit.
It's such a huge fuck you to her parents and everytime she whines about her shitty life I'm just reminded this privileged woman doesn't have to be what she is.
Fuck sex work, but I think of all the women out on the streets without nothing and nobody. Or just women in general going through shit with no help. Then we have Shayna wanting to die because Twitter sex workers don't like her, fupaul, a mean Comment and the daily complaining. As if she doesn't have a choice.
That's what truly makes Shayna disgusting to me.
Sorry for the rant.
No. 1057031
>>1055642>>1055721>>1055987Yeah, I'm so disappointed in the turn the threads and all social media chatter surrounding her has taken. There's so much other shit to criticize her for in the present day, you can tell it's all 16 year olds thinking "well
I'm a teenager and
I never said the n-word so she should be held accountable!" I don't think Jill will be very forthcoming at all with her DID milk if she comes back to the internet and doesn't just run home to mom. I'm worried she'll go the way of Phoebe Tickner and retreat completely. There's literally nothing worse for a person on that side or body-posi queer mento illness Twitter/tiktok than being labeled a racist. People never come back from it once they issue the apology video, it's a wrap.
No. 1059597
I don't really understand what makes a /pt/ cow vs what makes a /snow/ cow. It seems kinda arbitrary tbh.
In some cases it's pretty clear, like Onision, or Yaniv, or Kiki. But sometimes I don't really get it, like with Momo. Granted I've never followed any of those threads, but from what I know of them, it doesn't always makes sense. Like what did Momo really do that made her such a cow? Grope a few people, get kicked out of cons, insult camgirls then become one herself and get plastic surgery? Is that really all that milky? I feel like Kelly Eden has done WAY more than that as far as cow behavior. And then someone was trying to say Terry Hall wasn't even a cow. Like what.
The one I really don't understand is Ash Coffin. She has a 5 yo thread on /pt/ that never filled up. At first I thought it was because that thread was made before /snow/ had been created but there are /snow/ threads older than that so I don't think that's the case.
I'm not newfag either, I've been here for 3 years, but I'll admit I mostly only stick to certain threads and don't usually venture outside of that so there might be something I'm missing.
No. 1064704
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>>1061235i just recently read the holly/jared threads and it was absurdly entertaining. like this is easily the funniest thing a cow has ever posted
No. 1065126
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>>1064704Let's not forget the classic.
No. 1065182
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>>1065118Samefag as
>>1065162 and I don't really know what to say. Everyone's supporting Lucinda but this is a bit weird.
No. 1065634
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Hila is pretty cute and I love her fashion style, I disagree with people who hate on her. I love how creative she is with her outfits, and yes, even the wackier outfits. It just reminds me of early fruits magazine, not saying it looks japanese or anything like that, but it reminds me of the naiveness and wholesomeness of 90's colorful street fashion.
No. 1066283
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>>1065118>Yaasss Kween!!>Oh no! Farmers are meanies and ~jaleous fatties~! How dare they ? Lucinda is a true and honest schyzo and we need to lick her bony ass at every turn like KF scrotes are doing.That thread is basically self-post central and we need a post reveal (that's where the real milk is imo).
Between mental-gymnastic ""anon"" who knows every little details about Luncinda's life and attacks everyone who dare to doubt the unitard's narrative, her little retarded friends and edtwt newfags…it's a real shitshow.
I'm sorry but some of us are here for more than 2 days and knows when someone is faking for attention like your ~pwecious queen~ does.
No. 1066550
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The pro-ana scumbag's thread is really unnecessarily mean to this girl; she posted some cringey overreactions to eating and exaggerated her issues with food - big deal? shes a normal healthy kid let her live
No. 1067081
I used to relate to Shayna's depression and understanding why she just wants to sit around and not do shit but eat, smoke and drink. When you make a mess of your life and you are permanently coping online, while seething at women who are doing better then you, still in love with a abusive ex (not saying Shayna's not abusive and asshole herself), while gaining weight and surrounded by not people you WANT to be around.
Just people you are using as placeholders until something better comes along because you don't/can't be alone. I kinda got it. Like fuck her for being a pedo-pandering woman hating idiot but I could relate to her depression and isolation.
But then when she revealed her parents would pay for her education, then the post about her mom doing sweet things like sending her pictures of her as a child. The gifts they send her.
I just feel a strong dislike. Not hate, because thats reserved for scrotes/troons.
but a very strong dislike. As someone who grew up without a dad, who has a decent relationship with my mom, but didn't grow up with money or trips anywhere.
It just pisses me off to see someone act like Shayna. To have so much oppountiy to change everything but doesn't. To sit online and shit on her own parents who probably still pay some of her bills, to coomers or cam girls who probably think like a lot of them, she doesn't have good parents or a good relationship with them.
When it's not the truth. She's privileged. I hate to say it but I legit think she'd rather die then not do what she is doing. I know that feeling. Where you feel like you've put everything into something and if it doesn't work out, "Well fuck it".
Even though she has a options. She lives a miserable crusty life, but lowkey it's comfty and carefree. If lolcow wasn't around she'd still be miserable but without the extra stress of the threads.
In fact, I think she would probably work with more people, would've ended up in a weird poly relationship with Sal or something. I don't think she'd be doing better or worse without the site. Just slightly less self aware.
No. 1067096
>>1066137Same, a part of me still thinks it's just a publicity stunt.
>>1066283I don't even read the thread anymore because it got so bad that it's unusable. There's also close to 0 real moderation now for some reason, so I wouldn't keep my hopes high for a post reveal.
In general, I feel like we will never get one of those again.
No. 1085114
>>1085109they sound mentally ill and sociopathic, like they cannot foster basic empathy for someone in a bad situation that has something they have. There's nothing to be jealous over in Venus. She is not someone that has lucked out in life. She is someone that was burdened by a hard life. She is not rich like Taylor, she did not have a normal upbringing and decided to go pursue studies in Japan at 18. She comes from a middle class Hungarian family that happens to be incredibly chaotic and her mom has abused the shit out of her since she was a little kid. She's never had proper socialization, love, caring or any opportunities at all and her life has been so hard she might end up dead very soon. The anons in that thread are simply sociopathic, especially the ones that say she's had it easy or calling her a narc or talking about the many
opportunities she's had.
No. 1087062
>>1087005I'd say any sex worker cow that isn't shayna or the onlyfans thread is a good example. There really isn't a shortage of seething sex workers here. But venus is 100% a cow although her cowdom isn't completely her fault which makes her a little diferent.
>>1087060Soren literally got bottom surgery. Nonnies calling her "he" need to knock it off. I find it hard to believe that she is still alive because I feel like she enjoys attention. I wouldn't be surprised if her arm getting infected or something was the cause of her death.
No. 1087310
>>1087062>I'd say any sex worker cow that isn't shayna or the onlyfans thread is a good examplewhat about kathy? cause tbh I prefer her thread to shayna's
>>1086902I agree, a lot of those threads are basically vendettas. imo readytoglare does not deserve a thread, though it's basically dead at this point anyway. lovelylor is another one I don't really think is a cow.
No. 1087405
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I made a recreation of Jillian's Birthday Jeopardy game (YES, she made a whole ass Jeopardy game centered on herself for her guests at her birthday party to play) and here's the link in case anyone wants to play No. 1087453
>>1087405Kek, amazing
No. 1089749
>>1089577I feel like she just doesn't want to take care of herself. I mean sure
toxic femininity or whatever and you don't have to fit those ideals but anyone should take care of their looks to a certain level and she's definitely not doing it.
No. 1089862
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>>1089855Hm, well here's the context. I didn't see anyone agreeing that it looked like her.
No. 1089972
>>1089824All middle eastern or Muslim people do as well. It's not something bad alas you take care of yourself and don't let it go like her.
>>1089855She resembles the picture because she doesn't take care of herself at all. She doesn't even brush her hair or do her brows. She also looks to be very skinny and her face is sunken in. She could be pretty if she became healthier, any woman could be pretty.
No. 1090922
>>1090865I have read through her threads 3 times, I love them so much. It's goofy, cringe and the faces she makes when she's not taking the picture take me out.
Her pretending to be small, the Elsa skin walking and my favorite was the GOT girl skin walking.
I felt like the Res.Evil girl skin walking ended to quick.
Her hair is also a mess. She's one of my favorites
No. 1092185
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I get that anons say this sort of thing because they know Lori lurks and in her mind she IS fat, but.. this bitch isn't fat and after some time these comments get grating. It feels like a lot more anachans use this site compared to years ago, say 2015 or so, because some comments are wild. Aside from her dented chest (which she can't help) and massive feet (same applies), she's not terribly built and would do well with gym time. Probably going to get shit for this post, but it gets tiresome to see this over and over when its clearly not a fat woman in the same regard that shoe's threads have been tiresome because the same three anons are obsessed with insisting that she's the crypt keeper when she looks her age provided she's dressed correctly. You'd think flesh were literally melting from the bone with the way some anons reply.
No. 1092268
>>1092193Which is ironic given that this is the same place that anons bitch about moids and their unrealistic standards imposed upon themselves and all women or crying in /g/ threads about their diet setbacks and excuses as to why they have their own set of bingo wings, while simultaneously screeching about shayna's.
>>1092201>>1092242Agree. I still think she's a completely rotten and terrible person, like she and the used q-tip certainly deserve each other because they're both trainwreck human beings, but its as if anons are shocked that a 36 year old woman looks.. well.. 36 years old without the egregious filtering and cheek puffing. More than half of them sound like they were still toddlers when Lori's antics were at their ripest.
No. 1093295
File: 1646943340041.png (46.77 KB, 1835x301, because you all look like jani…)

>>1092495Case in point for picrel lmao
>w-what shitty behavior??The kind that earned her a thread and the reputation which she has in the first place? This is why I strongly suspect her threads being full of zoomers who were absolutely not around in her heyday.
Also, these types of nitpicks get posted all the time and they're such blatant lies. I'm not saying that everyone is ugly, but most people aren't airbrushed IG thots either. Anons who participate in her thread and some others sound like they're making shit up for the sake of bashing the cow in question or they must live in an area where plastic surgery is super common for them to be acting as if every single mid-30s woman they see in public is Monica Bellucci levels of gorgeous.
>go to gyms and yogas and you'll see women like looni's age but better looking!1!1I'm at the gym every MWF and the majority of the women there are not in their 40s, they're mostly 20s, and they honestly look worse than she does but its also the fucking gym. Its not a place you go expecting to look done up when you're sweating and lifting, what the fuck even is that comment.
>Shes less fit than many women her age that have careers and/or kids,Literally what is this based off of though and where? If I go by where I currently live, she's more fit than the average woman with kids here. Like I hate to break it to some people who browse this site, but not everyone is that one /fit/ mom you follow on tiktok yet never bother to take the advice of or three of my aunts (who have each had several kids and still maintain a fitness routine). There are plenty of women who basically let themselves go after having kids and then there's some who don't. This is just such a weird metric anons have on this site.
>but she chooses to just compare herself to con nerds and SLC Mormon momsI mean, broken clocks and all? She can be a shit person with horse teeth and nasolabial folds (the thing all of us have, including those of you reading this, because that's how skin works with age), but at the end of the day in some respects she does look better than the average larded rose quartz cosplayer.
>Most women her age have health and dental care, and take care of their skin and hair.Again, it depends on where you live? I've known people who don't have healthcare or dental because their employer only covers so much. And, most women I've met around her age have told me that they consider skin care a waste of money and that its just "fancy overpriced water" and these are like gen x or boomer women. I've been told my own skin care routine is a waste of time and money, again, by the same age group of women anons act like are gracing our streets and halls with flawless skin and windchime laughter.
Its just retarded all around and I'll probably get a nasty response back about how
>its a gossup site>its not that deep>hurr lori wk hurr go smoke a bowl out her chest uwuBut, I've been here since 2015 and the way people are now vs prior is jarring and some of these comments truly make me wonder.
No. 1093601
>>1092185>>1093295Lori was obsessed with being a bone rattler in the past, she gained weight over the last year or two but in my opinion she looks much healthier and like she is at a maintainable weight for her body in that picture. Way more flattering than when she was trying to be as small as possible. Even if it's just to
trigger her, it makes no sense to call her fat.
No. 1093693
>>1093601Ayrt and I agree. She isn't fat at all and I get that the anachans do it to
trigger her, but it doesn't even make any sense. It gets so repetitive that it starts to feel like legitimate cognitive dissonance. And again, it's ironic that she gets called fat when there's anons always whining in the fitness and diet threads about their own weight issues, whining about what moids say about women's bodies, and whining about why won't society accept that women age.
Lori's 36 and never had a good diet, a skin care routine, and is a smoker. Those do play a role, but people also fucking AGE. Like it just baffles me that these retards can't grasp that. It really is like June all over again with people insisting that behind filters Lori's skin must be some staph infection level of horror. Random "anons" show up claiming to have seen she and dirty q tip in person, somehow despite never having known her name prior to this or her history, offering only a "oh yeah she looked old and shit" before vanishing for good.
No. 1094091
>>1093693I could definitely believe that they look dirty in person, especially Kevin since he constantly looks grimy even in low quality pictures. But even in candids Lori just looks her age, so I doubt she really looks "omg so old" unless the way she dresses these days really just ages her that badly or they are comparing her real face to the unrealistic filtered one to an unreasonable degree. And honestly from the candids, she… really doesn't even look that aged for someone who smokes a lot and eats a poor diet. There are definitely people I know who look way older than they are from smoking forever and never eating veggies, and compared to that Lori seems to be holding up well.
>>1093823I especially agree with you about the weed sperging in Jill's thread, it makes them all sound like children when they act like hitting a bong is the same as shooting up heroin or something. Although in the case of those posters and the Shayna anons, I guess their ignorance about it speaks to how lucky they are to have never been exposed to serious alcoholics or addicts before. In a way I kind of envy that mindset even if it's annoying to scroll through kek. I still remember that one Jill anon who insisted if you drink once a week or ever,
at all you are an alcoholic
No. 1094100
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>>1093986>you're not alone anon. tbh she has it made… engaged to a man she loves, doesn't need a job, doesn't have to pay rent, and pretty and interesting, toogirl… where are you seeing any of this? i think she's pretty but that's literally it. her life is a shithole of mostly her own making. she does not love lurch, she wanted to be with him to complete her CL larp with a real druggie except this one is a talentless mothman who is openly lusting after hotter catfishes and who was planning to leave her behind her back, she lives in nothing but filth because she refuses to stop buying sanrio garbage and clean, she's addicted to drugs purely for the aesthetic, there's nothing good about her life anymore except that she is pretty. her only real talent in life is squandering opportunity and choosing to sacrifice everything for an abnormally tall and half-rottted creature-of-the-night
No. 1094203
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>>1093986>engaged to a man she lovesSamefag but anon, darling, love yourself. She’s been engaged for like eight years to this specimen.
No. 1095922
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Some femboys/troons and fakebois do pass imo as long as if they don't open their mouth which usually gives it away
Skye is one of the only MtFs to pass well simply because doesn't cake on 5 layers of makeup, get raunchy eyelashes and extensions and then ebeg for plastic surgery regularly. Blaire white passed too for a while before they loaded up on surgery
No. 1096398
File: 1647195528979.jpeg (271.59 KB, 1112x599, 47CA0A6D-B1E0-424B-92F1-0AE950…)

Shayna’s animal print hoodie is actually pretty, is it from Amazon?
No. 1098216
>>1096876New baby smell
is nice, but this is fucking disturbing
No. 1100113
>>1099864>>1099874I honestly love how unhinged Stef is, and I'm fascinated by the lore of her inner world and skinwalking LARPs. Only thing I can't stand is the abuse and begging. I'm manifesting more furry posts soon too.
Unrelated but Ariana was one of my fave cows and I'm sad there's no more threads on her but if she becomes milky again I hope to see a new thread again.
Also the Shay and Pixie threads are a mess again right now. Time to lurk OT I guess.
No. 1101492
File: 1647562155458.jpeg (Spoiler Image,614.02 KB, 1242x807, C5DE5D62-D426-4977-B16B-9672B7…)

Hypothetical: How much money would you have to be paid to fuck some of the sex worker cows? I would fuck shayna but only if she gave me like $7,000 at least, she honestly isn’t that gross looking but the dry vagina and her lack of hygiene are gross and require very much reparations
No. 1102959
>>1100958I also feel pity. Like when I really sit down and try to imagine the body horror of that surgery, it's almost too much. And it's something your not supposed to talk about in trans circles. The popular rhetoric is like "we all start with x genital as embryos so it's really not such a stretch to get GRS and get y genitals." And other such shit.
Pointing out bad results - which is most of them - is "internalized transphobia" and "body shaming." They do all the community policing for these insane butchers and try to do it in the name of liberation, even though in the majority of cases people become insanely depressed like Fanny… this is "post surgery blues" and sold as "normal." I'm actually amazed Fanny is talking about it so openly.
Those plastic surgeons are absolute bankrupt ghouls. The fact they ghost all their severely mentally ill
victims is telling, and Fanny isn't the first person to be torn apart and ghosted by them, nor will he be the last. They sell a lie. Most of the people who get these surgeries don't know the realities of these surgical complications. Or the severe limitations of the final results. Dissent is silenced. I've noticed with "gender affirming care" in particular, informed consent is more a wavier of rights than a reflection of an actual informed, weighted position from someone with a healthy mind.
Seeing some detrans males talk about detransing after GRS is so fucking depressing. Bleh sorry for the rant, I hate plastic surgeons in general and the "gender" related doctors are a particularly vile breed. Fucking evil fucks. The tide is starting to turn on them I feel, at least
No. 1105237
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>>1105235Samefag I meant to tag another post in this thread sorry
>>>/snow/1396902 No. 1105495
File: 1647827614295.png (236.75 KB, 499x333, twins.png)

Amanda Bret's cuck/"ex-husband"/best friend reminds me of Sam Dermody from Ozark.
No. 1108990
File: 1648121454176.jpg (1.74 MB, 2944x2208, 20220321_221916.jpg)

>>1108962she streams on Twitch at kafkaesqueroach and sent this pic a couple of days ago on her stream discord
No. 1109005
>>1108998>gorgeousthat's stretching it but she has the means to stream and all, so she could somehow get internet-famous or something. i think tiktok zoomer girls would love her.
>>1109001homely white girl
No. 1109007
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>>1109005>homely white girlkek accurate, if she had glasses she could also fit into picrel
No. 1109021
>>1109015her personality seems like a combination of many traits and even politically her views seem very mixed. She talks against sex work and capitalism but thinks the left wing is dead and that the right wing has ideologically replaced left wing because they are against establishment and criticize the government. She also seems to be actually suffering from PTSD or anxiety and has trembly hands, gets scared of very small sounds. She said that she lives in a small village and that her real life has nothing to do with the information and opinions she has gotten from the internet. She also talks about how her mom is dead and how her dad cannot find work and being in a bad financial situation. She seemed upset about not being able to afford going to school and getting a PhD in Philosophy. Occasionally she reads Hegel or talks about philosophy. She also argues with scrotes that could give her money. The last time I watched her she said she hates modern science and that she wishes death on redditors because some guy that watches her streams told her to read modern literature or scientifical research as opposed to philosophy.
>>1109019 I don't think it would fit her, as she seems interested in ethics or moral issues. I have witnessed her talk about how YouTube is unethical and that she hates true crime videos or those videos where they use homeless people. Maybe she could do something like that, but I'm not sure if it'd be good for her, it seems she's in a bad financial situation and also has mental illness from abuse but has the tendency to be very argumentative. At one point she talked about doing IRL streaming, maybe that would be better. She could go around towns in Romania and post the videos on YouTube to draw in a bigger audience without getting into politics. She also says she's always wished she could have been an artist and wants to make noise music but has a low spec laptop and no money to invest in that.
No. 1109024
File: 1648125433817.jpg (83.48 KB, 1080x280, Screenshot_20220324-083505_Chr…)

I want to make a new thread for Ariana/scorpioasaheaux just to spite the last anon that said picrel. She's been posting way more now that she knows her last thread ended and nobody wants to make a new one and I'm just feeling bitchy. I probably won't make one though because I've never made a thread in my 4 years on this site and I don't want to get clowned on.
No. 1109025
>>1108990she's pretty actually
I'd ask why everyone here is so harsh but this is lc
No. 1109068
>>1108990I remember when the fight broke out between steve and romanianon he started doxxing and posting pictures of her which made romanianon doxx him back in return.
This is only beniffiting steve or maybe you are him.
No. 1109070
>>1109068I didn't post this pic, just deleted my discord for my stream
I don't want to be on here, leave me alone pls
No. 1109079
>>1109070I feel sorry for what happened to you with steve. Before you were just many of the spergy anons here before he catfished and doxxes you.
All you are is a spergy anon to me, there are tons of spergy anons like you (like paki-chan,crap anon, antinatalist anon, tinfoil anons).
Some of the weird hate filled posts about you seem Steven-ish.
No. 1109109
>>1109108Doxxing is against the rules. She didn't post her own pic on this site. People found it after they doxxed her.
Also they have deleted someone else's photos once.
No. 1109185
>>1109182This is either Steven or someone pretending to be him
>you dumb cuntSounds like an angry ex boyfriend
No. 1109186
>>1109182he convinced me he was ok but he was actually some LARPING /r9k/ moid. Would it have been better if I just kept my anonimity and let him do whatever the fuck and return? Yes, it would have been better for me, but not better for everyone on lolcow. I'm also mentally ill and have been in a bad situation my entire life and I find it hard to see people's true intentions
>>1109181I was trafficked.
No. 1109188
>>1109181pumpy is some random camgirl being posted in the camwhore thread for years because other camgirls are jealous over her, but she is not actually doing anything immoral. I posted some woman that is an actual sex trafficker involved with a ring and everyone called me
jealous when this same place says that calling women jealous is not an argument.
No. 1109213
>>1109198No, the thread is generally titled as
camgirl thread so you can post any active camgirl, this website targets
problematic individuals that are active in the media field. It's just normal that I posted her there for being horrible and she deserved to be exposed for what she's doing. If charlottecharms and Pumpy are being posted in the thread dedicated for camgirls for being mentally ill, why cannot she be posted when she actually trafficks girls out of the mental hospital and has a 55 year old boyfriend. She is 10 times more milky than Pumpy and Charms.
>ruin her salesSimps on MFC don't care the women they jack it off to is a sex trafficker working with a 55 year old pimp because they are dumb brain dead coomers. The only reason I posted her is that she is an absolutely rotten inside person and I used to know her personally. She hurts other women directly. Her streams are also milky as fuck. She constantly talks about her
father which is a codename for her old pimp boyfriend, she talks about her
father while showing her tits in front of hundreds of men, licks milk out of cat bawls. Writes
daddy all over herself, bullies the girls that she grooms and tells them they will never be as good as her, pretends to be a nazi on stream. She's 100 times milkier than pumpy or charlotte charms, but nobody cares because the camgirl thread is just older american camgirls being vendetta chans over pumpy. She reads here ane corrects her behavior according to criticism. I think she might have been posting me, not Steven.
>>1109199roomtoavoid on myfreecams, an insane BPD camgirl
("""problematic individuals""") No. 1109231
>>1109213>the thread is generally titled as camgirl thread so you can post any active camgirlIt's in /snow/, it's about posting cows.
>this website targets problematic individuals that are active in the media fieldNot necessarily? Most cows are here because they act like idiots publicly and do nothing to change their behavior.
>She is 10 times more milky than Pumpy and Charms. If her shady shit can be seen and documented publicly, then yes. If all her "milk" just comes from you and solely you, that's not really milk, that would be seen as vendetta posting. Don't think that I'm downplaying your trauma, I'm just talking about the purpose of the site. The reason pumpy and charms are still talked about is because they were mildly milky in the beginning but like most cows dried up but there's still a dedicated cowbase so that's why people talk about them. Lolcow users who post in camgirl threads are probably camgirls or camgirl adjacent and they're looking to feel better about themselves in the easiest way possible.
>entire second paragraphThat sounds par for the course for camgirls in my opinion, I wouldn't see what's so milky about a camgirl licking milk out of a catbowl, they do that weird shit. Also you keep saying she's milkier than xyz but her trafficking girls and having a pimp isn't "milk". Nobody is going to watch her streams because every time you describe her you sound like you're describing like 60% of camgirls anyway. I hope you get the justice you deserve but she's not milky, she's a criminal. Criminal activities are not necessarily milk.
No. 1109233
>>1109213>this website targets problematic individuals that are active in the media field. NTA but that's not the point of this site, the
problematic cows posted usually have some milk alongside and there's other cows that are completely harmless like PT, so it's not about morals. If you want to expose/call out someone social media might be better.
No. 1109241
File: 1648139465613.jpg (128.33 KB, 1920x506, 20220324_172836.jpg)

>>1109231So this is the camgirl that you claim trafickked you?
No. 1109259
>>1109233so trafficking women and calling her 50 year old boyfriend
father in front of hundreds of simps that Jack off to her tits is not milk? her streams are the milkiest on the entire website . She lives in Romania, she's been going from Ukraine to România to Bulgaria for years and her daddy has cam studios in all these countries. I am afraid that she is back in Romania because she does know my location and she keeps saying on stream that she will visit her favorite town to meet her old friend which means she might come to kill me in my hometown. Im not joking.
No. 1109271
>>1109269I want help but Im actually very mentally ill and I find it hard to do anything I can barely go outside due to PTSD I flinch at anything and end up vomiting if I talk to people but nobody believes how bad my mental health is only because I smile sometimes. Telling me to go to another country or get help or get a job just doesn't help me. I am almost disabled.
No,I cannot report them to the authorities. They have a lot of money and it is deeper than that. Everything I can do is sit in my room and try to not go outside and carry peeper spray and be very cautious. This person is insane
No. 1109278
>>1109271You are a prisoner of your own brain at this point. Whats the point when you dont even want to help yourself.
People abroad are also more understanding of mental issues and you can find help there while also working. But you dont want to, im done having sympathy for you.
No. 1109284
>>1109278I cannot work, I can barely go to the store anymore
How the fuck am I supposed to immigrate to a completely foreign country all by myself when I have episodes of catatonia daily, I shake, sweat, cannot stand being touched? I went through extreme CSA ,was abused countless of times by different people, was literally brainwashed with LSD. I am not normal, I cannot pack my bags and go to a foreign country by myself and work. I can barely write a lolcow post with my hands shaking and shivering
No. 1109301
>>1109284Didnt steven first pretend to be a radfem and then later reveal he was a male. Why are you blaming her for getting catfished?
>>1109284People immegrate all the time especially when they live in shithole conditions. Just say that you expect the benefits without working for it.
No. 1109340
>>1109326I'm not just talking about now I'm talking about the daily sperg posts you make even when no one mentions you.
>>1109331They won't do nothing, you just need to stop posting about yourself and your hot-takes so people can forget about you.
No. 1109408
>>1109047I think that's the first time she was around girls around her age and size, so maybe she had a really good time outside of the "sex work" part and misses them.
Someone said it reminded them of a cult and how they feel Shayna would thrive in a cult like setting. I agree. I think she'd love if that shit was real life.
Just a bunch of girls her level of attractiveness hanging around a weird ass set, doing dumb shit, drinking and having to film gross porn once in a while.
She'd have friends at least. People whod sympathize with her, in the same boat and who'd probably truly grow to care for her.
But maybe I'm over thinking it.
No. 1109420
>>1109186>>1109182stop lying, I've been here on the 24th of December. You started suicidebaiting because of what Steven put you through, nonnies instantly became protective of you, Steven rolled in and your slapfight began. You didn't come here to drop a truth bomb on Steven's past and future
victims, you are only spinning it like this now. How can you be believed if you lie about dumb shit like this? And I don't disbelieve you, but you don't come off as credible when you pull this shit.
No. 1109459
>>1109381She posted in this thread before, about herself in
>>1108998 anyway, now she acts like she saw her picture only now lmao
No. 1109492
File: 1648149570553.jpg (15.42 KB, 274x274, a74b8228e4ef5f9e0f624b13987986…)

Reminder that this is the actual reason why Romanianon is so obsessed with the ukranian camgirl.
>>851777 No. 1109502
>can anons pls report my pic as vendetta posting?Also Romanianon:
>>1109490Incredible, didn't even wait until tomorrow
No. 1109504
>>1109495I'm very frustrated over having my ideas stolen by bigger "content creators" and being taken advantage off. It is very frustrating to see someone steal your ideas/skinwalk you and get a larger audience and more recognition than you do. Then I was of course guilt tripped and everyone acted like I was schizophrenic when I complained about it. I'm very sad, lonely and I miss doing shit on the internet, honestly.
Now I have to give up on my Twitch which I worked really hard for and put a lot of effort into and spent hundreds of hours to barely have like 200 followers because I'm bad at pandering and I don't sexualize myself on stream. I need to change my Twitch because the bitches that copy me watch me on my Twitch. I want these insane hoes completely out of my life.
The first one has been skinwalking and upsetting me for over 2 fucking whole years. I used to be a camgirl and I was non nude, so I did not get a very large audience, because obviously the more you show, the more simps you will get. This Ukrainian bitch has been skinwalking me since I started camming. She would repeat entire sentences that I said, after I'd talk about interests I had she would immediately have those interests too. Copied my hair. Copied even the way I talk. After I'd complain of my mother's suicide, suddenly she'd complain her mom was dead too. Fucking sociopathic bitch. Then she'd send her coomer, braindead simps to harass me for "copying" her. She was a cluster B 100%, her body was covered in scars and she seemed to lack a sense of identity. She could have been my friend, but instead she decided to skinwalk me and harass me. After I quit streaming on the camwhore site she found my Twitch through my Twitter and the skinwalking continued, of course.
When I was on Twitch I started going on this girl's stream that had a couple of rad fem opinions and I am rad fem, but then I realized she'd just shit on sex workers to make herself appear superior meanwhile her entire career was built around her wearing a cleveage and having huge boobs and of course she had to cope really hard when I called her out on it and call me jealous. I'm not jealous bitch, you're literally prostituting yourself on Twitch and you are a 30 year old woman with no social life and no skills. After I confronted her about having cognitive dissonance and shitting on sex workers while building a career of simps that coom at her boobs she started watching my stream and she'd share very similar ideas to mine in her streams and it bothered me because if she thought I was interesting or found inspiration in me she could have helped grow my stream instead of just stealing my ideas.
Now I need to make a new Twitch and message it to the friends I made on stream and start again with 3 followers and get in the partnership programme again, but it will be worth it since these hoes will lose track of me
No. 1109540
>>1109530shut up shcizo no one said the camgirl you are beefing with is a
Get a job.
No. 1109546
>>1109535Is ptsd your go to excuse for everything.
Saying you dont want to work because of ptsd.
Saying you killed a cat because of ptsd.
Saying that your story doesn't add up because of ptsd.
No. 1109553
File: 1648150935942.jpeg (Spoiler Image,4.25 KB, 251x201, images (4).jpeg)

ok olena only you have PTSD in front of your simps but when you beat vulnerable women in the mental hospital the PTSD goes away
No. 1109556
>>1109546Another vendettafag post
Lemme guess you're the anon who posted her pic and trying hard to convince your personal beef with her means shes the milkiest of all posters huh? lol
No. 1109557
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No. 1109558
>>1109553Ah, so you admit
>>1109535 is just you whiteknight yourself?
No. 1109564
>>1109556nope im just noticing a pattern with her. Im actually neutral when it comes to her but lets not act like she doesn't use ''ptsd'' as a a excuse for everything..
>>1109560its probably romanianon defending herself in third person.
No. 1109579
>>1109575I'm not her
>>1109576Wym? This happened several times. The first ones I remember was mystery.jpg and spoony actualy
No. 1109583
>>1109569things have changed now the mod teams takes out their anger out on anons in a different way, like unfair banning.
Like what happened to the anons who got perma-banned for posting a anti-putin meme and then other anons who asked why those anons were banned also got banned (since they didnt do anything) or the anons who get banned over a week old post that they already got banned for previously that expired.
The mod team seems a fucking mess and i wouldnt be surprised if they dont communicate with each other with the downhill way lolcow is going.
No. 1109586
>>1109579nta but you said "frequently exposes the posters who go on here"
mystery and spoony are both cows, self-posting doesn't count.
No. 1109610
File: 1648152784775.webm (16.55 MB, 1920x1080, video-main.webm)

If Romanianon was sold into sex work or whatever then why are all her sites still up and maintained by her? This is what you get when you visit her .com, you can tell exactly what persona she was gunning for. She even still uploads new nudes and responds to coomers on her camgirl sites. She probably has major issues from whoring out to chantard coomers but IDK what I believe, if she has real delusions about being trafficked by that other girl or if this is just the only way she can cope with her choices. Wouldn't be surprised if they used to be friends and enabled each other to do stupid shit and now accuse each other of abuse.
I think she wanted to be a cryptic disordered traumatized trafficked 4chan pedo victim so hard she took the larp too far and doesn't know how to wrap it up now, is addicted to the attention but hates the abuse, finally melted down and is boiling over on a mongolian basket weaving forum because what else is she gonna do. I'm sorry she's in this place but hopefully younger anons can see it as a cautionary tale.
No. 1109622
>>1109610thats olena not romanianon, you are confusing the two.
Or are you that camgirl here to defend yourself and posting a ''wholesome'' video to make yourself looks better?
No. 1109625
File: 1648153209031.jpg (194.67 KB, 1600x1274, BasicsQueen_02092019_1236_MyFr…)

wow shes such a queen(romanianon)
No. 1109628
File: 1648153384610.jpg (269.83 KB, 1600x1274, edgy_kid_12032019_0341_MyFreeC…)

it's ok ALina me and Ivan the 55 yeear old man won't force you into a threesome(romanianon)
No. 1109631
>>1109627then why make
>>1109610 if you don't know whats going on in the thread, retard.
No. 1109675
File: 1648155862341.png (34.4 KB, 1177x385, daddy44.png)

daddy posted to protect his hard working daughter for mean 4chan witches. Any good father will protect his daughter working on myfreecams.
No. 1109676
File: 1648155920106.jpg (63.8 KB, 650x428, grassFedMeat-157204335-770x553…)

now back to the real milk Pumpy is anorexic and has balloon lips
No. 1109742
>>1109741That's what bugs me about this place sometimes.
Victims are still treated like trash when it's the scrote that caused all this. Isn't this what we're supposed to fight against?
No. 1111700
>>1109773Im still traumatized at venus doing a live on nico nico dougs when she was 13. She wore japanese bloomers and she was licking ice cream (??) off her fingers i thought that shit was so disgusting. Also she had a blog and she would brag about her boobs (maybe its margot who wrote it though). Thats why i cant go to the venus thread tbh i refuse to see her as a cow instead of a
victim. No way someones mother can groom them online to pedos for years and they turn out fine. Its so horrifying. And the fact that margot is the one who leaked the yukapon pee video (she was underage too).
No. 1112352
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Isn’t Lori’s pectus excavatum really bad? You would expect someone like her to create a gofundme to fix that shit, it looks terrifying, is she going to die?
No. 1112494
>>1111700Venus and I were children at the same time and I witnessed her throughout formative years on the internet too, so really feel for her a lot and don't have even the slightest bit of ill will toward her. In my opinion she is not even slightly a cow, but just a
victim of circumstances who happened to capture the interest of a wide audience partly due to her mother's manipulation. I am not a fan of current Yukapon but it is still super fucked up that that happened to her before, Margo really scares me
No. 1116264
>>1116227A tranny posted cp here today, after arguing trannies are
valid after telling countless anons to kill themselves. Trannies are all deranged. I wish some anon would post hunters sexual schema where he wrote about how he wanted to be a woman because he wanted to be humiliated and used for sex.
No. 1116334
>>1116297 see
>>1116301 btw thank you for posting it, anon.
No. 1116335
>>1116301TO BE CONSUMED…
-DEATH -→ ⚫
No. 1117879
>>1117138I wish mods would show her post history. After the video of her on the scale it’s more than obvious she reads and posts here.
Kek I’m actually still in awe that she made that scale video after someone in the thread requested she do so.
No. 1118381
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>>1118339The ~anyone doubting the unitard is a seething fatty, she's the new pt u guyzzz~ posts are obviously hers.
Also the ~b..b..but! The very real comic sans diagnosis paper!~
I even bet that she was the one creating the thread in the first place (that's why we were asking for a post reveal for months)
Anyway, I'm glad nonnas starts to see through her bs, it's oddly satisfying.
No. 1119463
File: 1648817861666.png (228.4 KB, 609x280, Screenshot 2022-04-01 8.55.59 …)

Sometimes when I feel sad I go to the OnlyFans thread and look at the corset pictures from "dom" Sol / Sully, the Only Fans faggot who got a free blowjob from Shayna and fucks trannies.
It's a guaranteed chuckle every time.
No. 1119756
>>1119743>why some farmers act like they are genuinely fans of hersI used to feel pity for her and I think some other anons did too but once the dumb bitch started selfpoating about how kiwifags love her more and we're just jealous, I lost interest in her thread. She also acts like a pickme and posted how hot that woman choker guy was after he got arrested for harassing a couple. She's not stupid or mentally ill, she's just a neet girl who happened to figure out the only possible way she could ever get attention.
>>1065118 the post I'm talking about. I'm almost sure this is her. Also see
>>1065182 is either her or one of her followers who's defending her, not a farmer.
No. 1119803
>>1119793most normies don't post on lolcow, she either has a couple of dedicated farmer fans or is self posting. Either way this is a gossip forum and she is not some innocent girl, she is LARPING and exaggerating her illness which is very immoral when there are people in the world who's mental condition is that which she LARPs as. She is not honest about how bad her mental illness is and purposefully exaggerates it. There are women who get bullied on here and shred to pieces for way less.
>>1119789some lolcow farmers are BPD chans themselves or filled with jealousy. I think they like Lucinda because she presents herself as a failure so it's easy for them to project onto her, while Venus was actually successful at one point which attracted a lot of vendetta fags that wanted to see her go down and now they are happy to see her life being destroyed by the consequences of her abuse. The anime/lolita community attracts very vicious and evil women.
No. 1119807
>>1119803Based. I'm the anon that said she knew real schizo people, they believe they're gods, attempt to hurt other people and strip/shit on the streets. Lucinda is just an ugly attention-addict, which isn't a mental illness.
I also think you're right with Venus but her videos seriously made me sad when I checked her thread a year or so ago. She's definitely seriously mentally ill and deserves sympathy while Lucinda is a selfposting girl who already has parents and enough of a supportive environment to grant her the financial ability to be a neet at 25.
No. 1119813
>>1119809Venus has never had support in her environment, the anons posting in her thread are fucking insane and sociopathic. Venus is actually a
victim. Her mom has used her as a cashcow since she was little, she's been sexulized and she had to move in with a pedophile that has been watching her videos since she was underaged that has probably also abused her. Venus said Manali abused her. The possible friends she could have made were other narcissists from the jvlogger community like Milan or that rich white girl. She doesn't even truly want to do porn, she just doesn't have any better option ATM. Also, other grifter narcissists have dragged her on YouTube and made videos that have millions of views about her life, when she cannot even support herself from YouTube anymore.
No. 1119829
>>1119822just looked and disturbing. As much as i hate pull and gg atleast the cows they discuss there are stable enough and have thick skin.
Meanwhile alot of the ''cows'' discussed here are just mentally ill women with shit lives who do drugs. You know its bad when multiple cows here have killed themselves.
Some of the threads on snow/pt give me the vibes of sociopaths finding the lowest class mentally ill people they could to make themselves feel better about their lives.
No. 1119853
File: 1648844409877.jpeg (414.3 KB, 1582x433, A6FA8E09-54BB-4CB8-B8A6-0707A3…)

This gave me flashbacks to the Erin self posting
>>1119804 No. 1119887
>>1119871Sure. Since she talks about it so often, I'm sure you have proof of it? Because last time the link was posted and totally-not-You said she was talking about lolcow, I visited the link and her and the disgusting ass chat were talking about masturbating 6 year olds.
Either way, when's that channel coming?
>>1119850 No. 1119893
File: 1648846213869.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.59 KB, 1080x1103, 20220401_234617.jpg)

>>1119887she also posted gore and scat porn after I posted her screenshot in the camwhores thread. They were obsessively talking about Romanianon until now, she is also constantly referencing lolcow posts. She is a horrorcow and very manipulative, it wouldn't surprise me if she LARPED as romanianon because she's obsessing over her. She has been talking about her with her simps on MFC for one week now. While romanianon streamed on Twitch once talking about visual kei and making fun of incels. This girl is also 100% posting gore and scat porn on lolcow.
No. 1119939
Actually, I'm glad Not-Romanichan brought up the camgirl thread because there's more posts of her samefagging where she seethes over the Ukranian girl to add to the pile in
>>1013274 She even got redtexted for it.
>>>/snow/1446958>>>/snow/1446960 No. 1119958
>>1119947honestly we can't. i know of the guy's habits better than romania tbh. she's vindictive but idk it honestly probably just is that time of the day incel or troon spamming tbh.
>>1119954dont think so tbh
No. 1119978
>>1119956And anyone believes her? Bitch rambles like someone who is on meth.
Anyone the camwhore is posting gore again, these people are so exhausting.
No. 1119983
>>1119862i agree with this, a week ago there was someone trying to copy her and doing a really bad job at it, they derailed three threads and then got exposed as a moid (im suspecting that was steven or some moid from that french pedo wesbsite).
There seems to be some romanianon impersonators here, most of them are doing a really bad job at it.
No. 1119997
File: 1648849610592.jpeg (132.21 KB, 749x1165, B5B062D5-64C0-4722-B06D-F84068…)

don’t scroll
No. 1120008
>>1120001The text does remind me of romanianon completely sperging out like in
>>894532 though.
Either way, whoever is falseflagging or whatever should take their fucking meds.
No. 1120018
>>1119997kinda weird that gore suddenly got posted now, it kinda makes me believe anons tinfoil about Olena the camgirl (or her viewers) posting here.
Also i never said this previously but when she got posted here she was online on MfC and went live there the moment she got mentioned here.
No. 1120142
File: 1648856110827.jpg (163.93 KB, 916x481, Screenshot_20220402-013327_Sam…)

Oh no, Munchinda is big mad!
Watch out nonettes, she will angrily piss on all of you.
No. 1120438
File: 1648887194921.jpg (574.45 KB, 1235x3355, UwUKFscroteKween.jpg)

>new account
>spend their time licking Lucinda's ass or reacting to the Eugenia Cooney's thread
Sorry for the autistic collage, I'm on mobile.
No. 1120441
File: 1648887573934.jpg (410.06 KB, 1080x1531, cc.jpg)

According to the totally-not-vendetta posters on here Lucinda has either sent this herself… Or the anon who sent it is a fellow "munchie".
Her thread reached max reply limit btw.
No. 1120475
File: 1648892027789.jpg (254.32 KB, 1080x1607, Screenshot_.jpg)

Lolcow Farm is seething <3(<3)
No. 1120481
>>1120416I'd say it's above average. Though personally I think her drawings from real life look weird, too.
>>1120386>>1120441How convenient, that will show us jealous vendetta hateboner twitter fatties for sure. You're so funny.
No. 1120529
>>1120475Scrote mocking lucinda and how her body looked before and looks now but she's too dumb to see it. When will girls realize scrotes will never love them unless they they look like their perfect dreamgirl and stop caping for them? In their eyes, she used to be a fatty and now still has an ugly body because of the loose skin and cuts. That's why he's contemplating which one was worse, because he finds both versions unattractive.
The proof kiwifags don't care is the scrotes not being worried about heart problems or such anorexia would cause but loose skin and piss. They only base their worries about women on whether the health problem affects her attractiveness. Disgusting.
No. 1120601
>>1120579I 100% agree with you anon. I even had my doubts about the channel deletion tbh, it all seems too fucking planned out. I remember watching her years ago and compared to now, she definitely has a nickocado-ness about her; making herself seem really bpdish, going back and forth on her words, doing crazy shit like drugs and overeating. All these chubby cows like trisha, amber, nick etc they all seem to have the same formula of going crazy then pulling back, then doing it again and we just fall for it and give them views lmfao
I dont trust her one bit and when I heard that nader story I felt SOOO distrustful about it, deep down I think nader and deedee are in on it too and get a cut of the money.
No. 1120694
>>1120544When and where has she claimed that she was given money for a laptop? I've missed that…
>>1120421I wish we had a real photo (from a stream?) of her then. I was shocked at anons calling that picrel ugly, I know we are on lolcow dot farm where nasolabial folds are a meme but still. Hard to believe people en masse found the person in the picture unattractive. She's cute, at the very least.
No. 1120705
>>1120696you sound just as insane as her, jfc.
>>1120703not olena but whatever helps you sleep at night. she was receiving money from the dude for the laptop and dresses, this is confirmed.
No. 1120711
>>1120694>I wish we had a real photo (from a stream?) of her then.Pretty sure the steven moid was calling her ugly and whore etc but she does look a bit different, here are some screenshots someone (probably the moid too) posted
>>1114781>>1114894>>1120702>>1120703>>1120705>>1120707Can both of you retards, romanianon AND steven, please fuck off lolcow and go back to your other cancer platforms?
No. 1120727
File: 1648915086121.png (2.42 MB, 2000x2500, BUMP DON'T SCROLL.png)

No. 1120824
>>1120799Was that ever confirmed, or is it just you disbelieving it (and if so, why)? The "father" stuff, her being an imageboard pick-me who does photosets/content like bloodplay even though it's against MFC's rules and the thing about the whale/simp all seem to be true
There was also that time long ago the "father" showed up in a thread and accused whoever posted about Olena of being a jealous camgirl. He couldn't even type like a farmer
No. 1120856
>>1120851. You literally confirmed you're personally invested in this from
>>1120823. Get actual help. I can't tell if you're Olena, Steven, a simp or some other freak in this mess but you're nasty
No. 1120871
romanianon literally doesn't post here she is a bit schizo and rambles on Twitch about slavoj zizek and politics to nobody and then after she streams on discord weird posts appear here mimicking whatever she says. I entered that camgirl's server and they obsess over her, she posts her non stop on her server and gossips with her simps
>>1120865it's not romanianon. It's Olena posting that shit.
No. 1120876
>>1120865I like how your only response left for anything is "You must be Romanianon". No one's falling for that shit anymore. She might be a schizo, but you're the most obnoxious kind of cow, advertising this place to your army of coomers and playing a retard's version of 5D chess in hopes that we'll stop talking about you.
Praying for a post reveal, praying that the police wherever you are jail you and your pimp once and for all. You can spam shit porn, samefag and accuse every random person of being Romanianon til the end of your days. It won't change a thing
No. 1120888
>>1120882Except I'm
>>1120876 and neither of those other posts.
No. 1120914
>>1120909I didn't say anything about schizophrenia. What happened in those 8 months since
>>851777 that you keep getting more deranged over some camwhore?
No. 1120928
Olena is laughing with her of discord moid simps that pay for her porn and sending them here to post scat porn and doing it herself for being edgy and hating on the feminists while romania is probably sitting in the corner of her bed thinking about Slavoj Zizek and writing about the dystopian future or whatever the fuck she wants to write about.
>>1120914wow genius that post literally confirms what I said that romanianon is being gangstalked by an insane 4chan camwhore and her simps
No. 1120937
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No. 1120942
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No. 1120946
File: 1648920256124.jpeg (84.12 KB, 590x437, 0438BAA3-12D6-47FB-88BF-DF5A85…)

They will get bored they always do
No. 1120949
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No. 1120973
>>1120913Tinfoil: This is some psyop from 70000000 philosopher IQ Romanianon to make us look at Steven and/or the camgirl. After getting a view of what these people are like (especially Steven), I wouldn't even feel sorry for them if that was the case. She's not the most emotionally stable, but they seem abhorrent. inb4 they take this narrative and try to reverse-uno claiming Romanianon was totally impersonating them all along, kek
I just can't believe the individuals in question would be so fucking dumb that they think antagonizing people, spamming and derailing the thread will somehow take attention off of them. No, it's just causing the opposite to happen. Now we're looking not just at Romanianon, but you too. They unironically would've looked less insane if they had just kept quiet
No. 1121448
>>1119643Its just fucking annoying and I thought whiteknighting for cows wasn't allowed, so why do the jannies turn a blind eye to it? Kevin isn't a
victim. He's a moron.
No. 1122847
File: 1649033074698.jpeg (214.75 KB, 1125x2000, surejan.jpeg)

Went through the soren threads and I really dont think she is dead
This post which was captioned "sure jan" says 1s ago? What are the chances anon just happened to screenshot the comments one second after her friend posted rip? Idk and shes following new people on instagram too. It might be set to a different language though in that case feel free to call me a retard
No. 1123024
File: 1649046399805.jpeg (106.97 KB, 799x781, download (10).jpeg)

gore below dont scroll
No. 1123043
File: 1649047104197.jpg (19.29 KB, 566x547, photo_2022-01-16_01-16-27.jpg)

Don't scroll, gore threads being posted and scat posts in mundane shit thread
No. 1123063
>>1122847it looks like another language to me. the timestamps say “1s” and “1g”, so probably the letters are short for hours and days in some other language?
honestly i do buy the tinfoil soren isn’t dead though. it all was revealed so weirdly kek
No. 1123731
>>1123063Yeah, the hours say H though which is what made me think S might mean seconds as well
>>1123105I think she might be in residential, its been what? 16ish months since she supposedly died? She's been to residential once so her second stay would have to be way longer, and I've known people who have spent two years in residential, not abnormal at all for the stay to be that long, for some more intensive programs its requirement.
Also, odd how her non-bio sister who was told everything about soren from cowtippers said nothing about her death yet her sister who empathized with her more was the one who made a post. I really think her mom and her sister sent her off to residential, and faked her death as they knew about the forums and all the shit about her online so they wanted to give her a fresh start in the hopes residential would fix her.
Sorry for my autism kek it just fascinates me a lot
No. 1123961
>>1123940She probably just had to take antibiotics and was left with a fucked-up patch of skin.
It does make me wonder how she is now, wonder if she's over her snuff and sam fantasies or is still on it.
No. 1124176
File: 1649156687467.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1284x2195, 1648322359687.jpeg)

terry has serial killer energy and I'm actually kind of concerned of what he might do in the future. he's still obsessed with that chick who supposedly ghosted him over a month ago who is like half his age. I could see him being one of those weirdos who crosses the line between being in love with someone and wanting to wear her skin at the same time.
No. 1124453
>>1123962I just looked up my grandad who passed away in 2013 and he was listed on some of these sites, so I agree with
nonny here. But I still think Soren's alive. It's just too convenient for me. Her "dying" on the internet would really be the only way to resolve her notoriety and step away from her seven habits so she could move on with life, it's not unheard of. Plus she just finished getting her mangled meatstick, what better time to turn over a new leaf?
No. 1124745
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>>1124453i found this on tumblr, weird though because his depop doesnt have an activity indicator like a lot of them do? is there any way to turn it off
No. 1124746
File: 1649186946393.jpg (140.56 KB, 828x1792, 2.jpg)

>>1124745sorry *hers KEK. she passes well and it confuses me
No. 1124903
>>1124745>>1124746This is pretty damning… Are we 100% it's her depop account? the clothes fit right in with that Tiktok about aesthetic she was clumsily trying and that username isn't out of the realm of possibility.
>>1124785Her eyes always wigged me the fuck out. Like a little goblin spending way too much of her adolescence hunched over her laptop. Reminds me of Smeagol kek.
No. 1124946
>>1124903yeah, it's her old account that's been posted in every thread
>>1124785>Sometimes I think about the last images from her thread and get this creepy feeling like her ghost is gonna come crawling out of my PC seeking vengeance.LMFAO
No. 1124988
File: 1649204004033.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.62 KB, 823x831, IMG_20220406_020943.jpg)

>>1124785this picture haunts me in my sleep
No. 1124998
File: 1649204833473.png (Spoiler Image,13.48 KB, 817x163, 1598228422999.png)

This cow disgusts me. If she didn't marry a convicted Pedophile, then didn't believe her daughter when she said the convicted pedophile molested her, lost 4 of her children, went on Kiwifarms to talk shit about the person who now takes care of her daughter (calling her fat, as if this cow isn't fat AND ugly), then constantly go online pretending like she's this upstanding person, who cares about anyone but herself, I'd find her fake rich, Race fishing,constantly photoshopping the same picture, and cash app giveaways to be one of the best threads on Kiwifarms. She just pisses me off too much.
I've only read one thread from the first page on there and it was the Resetera thread and now this one.
However, I don't know how much I can take. This cow is so disgusting and so unaware.
She's like Stephany Lauren with her disillusions. Like how she's so rich and having ALL these talents, but also like Lillie Jean, in that she truly thinks she's "a public figure" and has some "Fame". Then she types like a 50 year old facebook mom learning new "hip" words the kids are using. She looks like one too.
I feel so bad for her children. I'm not done with the thread, so I'm not sure whats to come in current day, but man it's a roller coaster.
've never been that interested in Onision but seeing him call her out the times he did, REALLY made me happy.
This cow goes around talking the most shit, even wanting some dude to lose custody of his nephew over some weird drama, yet posted picrel and then defended it MULTIPLE TIMES in her thread.
She's truly retarded. I'm trying to be nicer, but she doesn't deserve kindness.
No. 1126038
File: 1649307108503.jpg (60.45 KB, 450x675, Dairy-Maid-Duties-In-The-Victo…)

What happended to Pheobe aka Veganfatfemme? I remember her threads were plentiful for the milk back in the day but she just fizzled out one day. Did she stop posting on social media?
No. 1126113
>>1126010Because shayna-fags are jealous e-whores like
>>1126012 pointed out, kek
No. 1126169
File: 1649322725426.png (221.6 KB, 1439x1049, kenna ig profile.png)

checked up on simply_kenna and she has gone the she/he/they route… another autist bites the dust.
No. 1126187
Shayna is such a spectacular cow in the way she brings out the worst quality farmers
outside of the EDtwt farmers that a-log when anyone is over 97 poundsFrom the beginning she's always had the lowest quality posters filling up her thread, why? Is she such a dummy that it makes
shaytards stupider by watching her? Or are most of the farmers interested in her stupid camhoes who are jealous her family won't cut her off until she eats through their retirement fund? Most of the girls who get outted in her thread are fatter and uglier than her, so she actually does have a point about jealous haters which makes everything funnier. I've autistically been following her since the 4th or 5th thread and reading through the older ones, the quality of posters went down a lot. And that's saying something because her first thread got banned because some dummy couldn't contain her sperg and doxxed Shats family.
I also find her family so fascinating. From my understanding her mom is adopted, so she's probably never going to give up on shayna until she literally can't afford to support her when she gets to her 30s and not even anal abuse will pay her weed bill. And honestly I can't wait until that saga, I hope it happens sooner rather than later. I really want to see what she'll do when there's no more bail out money.. will she go full service? Lean into BBW porn? Or will she give up the ghost and try to get a job at Target?
>>1125971I feel like she's one of those girls who fluctuates in her weight a bit. Sure, she's a bit chunky but sometimes she's less bloated than usual. Her lifestyle is so sloppy it doesn't take much for her to lose a few pounds ( less day drinking that week). This time I think she slimmed down a little because of that nasty ass spanking photoshoot thing she did. She had less time to sit on her ass and doordash cheeseburgers after getting cross faded so she lost a little blubber weight she'll probably gain back.
No. 1127225
File: 1649388999872.png (187.71 KB, 266x410, F777CF20-FB36-42BB-A6EE-8E5F49…)

I know this cow doesn’t even have a thread here but I don’t feel like posting on KF I will be sad to see Chantal lose her channel, even though she brought it on herself. She is so unrepentant and unhinged it’s incredible. Truly she makes many of the specimens on this site look like sane people you would love to have as your neighbor. And the fact that she spends nearly all her waking hours when she’s not in King Tut’s crack shack live-streaming is truly the gift of ever present milk. To see such a bright lolcow star fizzle out would truly be a loss to farmers.
No. 1127360
>>1127225She’s such a fun cow to follow but her kf thread is the definition of staring too long in the abyss. Every time I read grown adults type retarded shit like “dee dee doo doo” i die a little inside. Her insanity is contagious.
>>1127334Seconding, it would be fun and even if it turns out she isn’t self posting (unlikely) it’d at least end the speculation
No. 1127688
>>1127595hapa is used to mean half Asian, or more specifically half Asian/white.
it's from the Hawaiian hapa haole, meaning half Hawaiian and half white/foreigner. originally derogatory.
I'm pretty sure there's other hapa ___ words for half Hawaiian/black and stuff like that, but I can't find it anymore.
No. 1127960
>>1127901It's hapa popolo
>>1127754Thirding this. I think it's something about her nose and forehead shape
No. 1130119
File: 1649601805530.png (18.18 KB, 504x214, 1410392662965-1.png)

Raven Sparks was the first cow I randomly stumbled across years ago. She made a vid claiming she has aspergers and I don't know how I even ended up on it. This was back when she was with logan and was bragging about their great love all the time.. she went back on that years later and rewrote history to say she was miserable pretty much the whole time. My first introduction to bpd!
Like alot of people I tapped out when the updates were few and far between. Only checked on her a few days ago and it was sweet. It reminded me of the good old days when cow behaviour still took me aback. She admitted she faked having a baby.. whatever her bfs name is he just played along all that time. He looked dead inside as he nodded along with the crazy shit she said. It's a total repeat of what logan was like. Like a flashback to those olf vids. Shit's going to go the exact same way with this guy. It's written in stone that it'll play out the same. She has a pattern and she's not aging out of it.
My fave part was when she talked about how she's near menopausal and is so far past the dumb bpd shit she used to do in her youth… except for faking pregnancies of course because she has to own the haters who have ruined her life…. never change raven kek. She legit has the most untreated and persistent bpd I've ever seen. She's pulling the same shit that an untreated 20 year old would and yet she has this delusion of maturity about her. Groundhog day.
No. 1130866
>>1130852I think she needs people reaching out to her and giving her good advice and maybe money to make normal content. I reached out to her and tried helping and also donated on her streams. I don't know why people don't believe Manaki might be
abusive and that she is wronging him without him doing anything wrong to her. She was in a bad situation and desperate because she wanted to escape from her batshit insane mom and when you are desperate in life most often times you attract more
abusive and shitty people. Manaki is a pedophile that has been watching her since she was underaged. I don't know how people don't see what's happening to her is completely fucked up, her channel went down due to mental illness meanwhile others are exploiting her extremely unfortunate case for views. There are countless of YouTube channels that make money off her situation. Her fan base also left because she stopped being the brand her mom created for her and there's only questionable people that feed off her bad situation watching her. Just look at what people say about her in the cow thread or on kiwifarms, they are sociopaths that discredit her extreme abuse and demonize her and that are waiting for her to literally die and enjoying her turning into a train wreck. How can people be like this? Seeing someone that was abused their entire life express self destructive behaviors and feed off their misery. I'd be really angry to know if any of the anons posting insane shit in her thread identify as radfems. Venus is a classic example of how women that go through extreme childhood abuse end up in porn against their will since they struggle keeping employment. Men that go through extreme childhood abuse are not targeted by the porn industry
No. 1131016
>>1130866I don't think she can be helped without being institutionalized honestly. She needs someone watching her to make sure she takes her meds, she needs therapy and to be pulled away from
abusive environments. She needs the supervision of professionals to get her medical care (like her rotting teeth). She needs to be away from the internet for a while. If she was going to make online content I think she's fumbled the bag too badly, she had ways of branching out past her mom's crafted persona but she didn't take it. She could have focused on crafting videos, hair tutorials, closet cosplay tutorials, reviewing Japanese cosmetics, or just vlogging about touristy areas in Japan. None of that would have been a stretch but going the onlyfans route permanently tarnished her brand. And she's so unwell it isn't fun to watch her anymore. Poor thing.
No. 1131041
>>1131016yea, but her ending up doing porn is still a result of her mental illness and how society promotes porn towards women. If she wasn't so mentally unwell she would have managed to keep a Youtube/content creator career. It's fucked up because porn is not really promoted towards broken or mentally ill men, only towards women. I also think it's extreme to call her a narcissist, in a way she's the opposite of a narcissist. She's not really using others for personal gain but only destroying herself. Narcissists are self centered enough to use and manipulate others for personal gain, like her mom used her and they have no empathy for those that they use. She didn't really use Manaki, it could be argued that he used her to fulfill his underaged western waifu fantasy. Venus was in a bad situation and desperate to escape from Margaret. Mental illness resulted from hardcore abuse will also fuck with your decision making and you will end up taking horrible decisions and fucking up your life because the childhood abuse has programmed your subcounscious to make you think and feel like you are worthless and don't deserve happiness. Not to mention Japan just like Western countries is super sexually depraved and promotes pornography towards mentally ill and young women. Underaged girls from bad family environments that run away from home end up in porn in Japan and it has become an issue. Mentally ill women with no social support become
victims of the porn industry all the time. I hate the anons glamorizing Japan, any country is bad to live in if you were abused your entire childhood and don't have a support system.
No. 1131066
>>1131041but all of this being said, I still do believe that she can redeem herself and that it isn't too late for her. She could make interesting content about being abused and how she ended up in the porn industry and other Japan content. She has to work on herself a lot in order to stop her self destructive tendencies, stop drinking and maybe eventually get away from Manaki. I think Manaki is actually
abusive and has been
abusive from the start. Does Japan have any sort of organizations for women's rights or communities for women? She should start networking with real Japanese people that can offer her support and help, Japan does have a community of mentally ill individuals that could empathize with her a lot. It's very sad since she's not dumb nor a bad person, just suffering what her mom has done to her. It's very hard for her indeed and everyone in the jvlogger community seems self centered. I kindly ask anyone that has money or feels empathetic towards Venus to tune into her stream and donate/interact with her. She needs women and real people by her side. You can also try dm'ing her because she does read them. It's not over for her.
No. 1131226
>>1131109Depends on how you view it. She's a legitimate sperg who doesn't understand social boundaries and even less so back in her early 20's, so she was grabbing peoples' tits and asses because she thought it was a funny joke. Other costhots who were dead set on getting rid of her threw her under the bus for clout (like they recently did with Bunny and Susu who ironically were the ones calling out Momo) and accused her of being a sexual predator. So technically she did sexually harass people by invading their physical space and her behavior was completely inappropriate, but the thing was misrepresented as her being a predatory sex offender.
The whole thing honestly pisses me off because Moo deserved to be cancelled for the numerous other awful things that she did instead and also because there are so many male coswhores and other e-boys who got caught abusing women but they never got the amount of spotlight Moo got for her retarded shenanigans. Yet people were still screeching "b-but if the genders were reversed you would be taking it seriously!!!!! women can be predators too!!!!" when it was going down as if it wasn't a completely performative drama driven by two-faced onlyfans girls who just wanted to get rid of the bitch they were having beef with and found the perfect excuse.
>>1131192I think Margo isolated her from everyone to the point she has nowhere else to turn than Manaki. She's from Hungary or Switzerland originally but I don't think she has ever had contact with her dad?
No. 1131261
>>1130862As a weeb being there during the escaping Marge saga, her thread was a way for me to keep tabs on her.
But since she started OF, it's now full to the brim with dirty cheap scrotes, pedo apologists and coomers. A real mess.
No. 1131289
>>1131284i mean, i think she had a very specific kind of abuse in that her mom was abusing and isolating the fuck out of her, while also trying to make her famous. like there's no doubt kiki and dakota's parents are huge pieces of shit but i don't think they were exactly stage parents with the intent to becomes famous themselves through their child, and destroy their child purposely in order to elevate themselves. marg is so unbelievably
toxic and hateful. i guess for a lot of smaller people we really don't know the exact ins and outs of the relationships between their parents but i don't think most of the snowflakes had parents who abused then made it their life purpose to destroy their child out of jealousy, plus put them in the public eye at like 12, it's just all very fucked with her.
No. 1131300
>>1130866I think you're heavily projecting into her.
>>1130870She can't give het money, she's "too poor" in her 3rd world Eu country.
No. 1131318
>>1131300I think you're a sociopath with no empathy that assumes anyone with empathy for someone in a bad situation is projecting. Go back to /w/ /snow/ and /ot/ and continue your sociopathy posting.
>>1131284Venus never had her dad with her and she comes from a monoparental family. Her mom never offered her financial security, her mom used her to make money since she was a child. She was not offered normal socialization, she was not thaught how to deal with society, she was used by her mom as a money making machine. She has a lot of trauma and her mother is very obviously incredibly mentally I'll. Her mom also socialized her into being a hooker since essentially her mom has been messing with men to make money. It's just abuse on another level, not just having weird parents or how many people wrongly label their parents as narcissists. Abuse like hers just fucks you up forever and it keeps you from participating in society like a normal human being. The porn industry preys on vulnerable women, childhood abuse
victims with severe mental illness or young women from bad socio-financial situations. When you are heavily abused as a child you will experience a lot of difficulties maintaining employment into adulthood and nobody offers you help for free due to how society is organized. Even relatively normal people with relatively normal childhoods can struggle maintaining employment in adulthood. I think her situation is different from any other /w/ person even Dakota, Dakota has a family and a house she can go back to and was still thaught minimal life skills, Venus has nothing.
>>1131290Heavily abused individuals struggle keeping a routine or fitting into society normally, it's just the effects extreme childhood abuse has on your mind forever. It's objective. Those are your forming years in which the most important patterns of your behavior and self perception form.
No. 1131351
>>1131340She's partly right, but most of her motivation for that rant is because she's projecting herself into venus. I haven't read the thread for ages, but I don't see what stops her from moving to germany (or swiss, but margo is supposedly there) and getting on benifits for a while while she works on her mental health. All the help and options in the world are useless if she doesn't take it.
>>1131345>more headcanons Kek, what now, am I sociopathic or autistic?
No. 1131355
>>1131351i haven't read it in ages either, so i don't know what her motivation is for staying in japan, but she has been there for so long now, that it's possible she doesn't feel comfortable in her home country anymore. i'm not sure what her reasoning is, or if she feels like she has more stability with shithead manaki than anyone in her home country. or maybe she just doesn't want to leave grorious nippon, i'm not sure. i think though that it is pretty obvious the girl is deeply, deeply, hopelessly depressed. you don't let your teeth rot like that without feeling like you have absolutely no hope for a better life or improvement. we don't even know what's going on between her and manaki, so it's entirely possible he's worsening her depression or making her feel like she's unable to ever develop independence, or maybe that she's disgusting and unwanted, etc.
No. 1131373
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>>1131355Venus doesn't even have a "home" country. Her batshit insane mother that has been hooking forever, Margo has been a hooker and relying on men for money since Venus was little. Her mom has been carrying her around the globe and using her as an ATM since she was 12. Both of them are Hungarian and they have been living in Switzerland for a while, but her mom has been moving her from country to country. She never settled into a county enough to call it her home. Not to mention her identity has been built around being a Japanese content creator since her childhood. Her mom did not offer her a normal childhood with normal schooling or a stable environment and a country she can call home. It's generational trauma at this point. Her extended family back in Hungary seemed cold and weird and her dad has always been absent. Moving to another country with nobody is hard enough for someone mentally stable, let alone Venus who is a mess and her mental illness is also keeping her from forming normal friendships and connecting with people. It's just incredibly fucked up, she's living her mom's shattered dreams of being an artist. Margo also comes from a fucked family and I think she suffered from poverty and went through communism. All the other /w/ celebrities discussed have not lived through half the trauma Venus has gone through and they still have some support in their environment. Dakota has a family and a house. Mikan Mandarin has a family and a home back in England. Venus has nothing literally and she's never had anything in her life besides chaos and instability. You cannot easily escape years of abuse and chaos in your forming years and society makes it very hard for individuals in bad situations to recieve help or support. Claiming benefits can be helpful if you have a family and a house you live in but in most countries benefits are not enough to cover all your expenses. It's just a circle of misery for people that suffer abuse with no support system, getting resources can become impossible if your mind is fucked from abuse and you need resources to heal. She's in a very delicate situation and needs to secure herself a good living situation above all but considering her mental state it's very hard. What her mom has been presenting to the world was just a fabricated facade and brand to make Venus marketable, but if you ask me her content has always been incredibly questionable. Her mom kept the appearance of living a luxurious life with Venus in order to be marketable, but in reality she has been hoping from country to country with Venus to escape taxes and has been abusing Venus behind closed doors and messing with men and even creating questionable business deals for her daughter and pimping her out to pedos. Venus has been sexualized to the entire world since age 13 by the very person that was supposed to keep her safe.
No. 1131434
>>1131298AYRT I think your argument makes the most sense out of all, but I still feel like there is something missing. I find that some cows tend not to be outwardly hostile but still don’t have as much support (for example, Luna Slater—at the very least, she was groomed by an older man while underage and exposed to hard drugs. Still, she is not generally a malicious person imo, and the worst that she does is ebeg and defend her gross fiance whenever he gets into fights). Then we have Lillee Jean—who, while she does have malicious traits, is still under the surveillance of her stage mom, who prevented her from socializing with people her age, has allegedly used her name for credit cards/financial purposes while she herself was in debt, does most of the doxing and sockpuppeting that goes down, and has basically ensured that Lillee Jean remains a tainted and unemployable name. No less, anons actively berate her in those threads. Not that I don’t believe that Venus is a
victim to her circumstances, or that anons should be flaming her in her threads, but I don’t see how she’s much different from many other cows besides the fact that we know more about her relationship with her mom. I don’t believe she needs to be coddled either, seeing as she’s an adult in a foreign country and is not profoundly disabled/retarded/mentally ill. If she wanted help for her problems, then she would get help.
No. 1131636
>>1131492Fair enough. It’s hard, though, to quantify something (ie trauma) if it’s abstract without getting too philosophical. I could still argue the nuance for many of your claims—does Luna actually “want” anything on her own volition, or does her being under the influence of drugs, and whatever chemical imbalance might be imposed after years of abusing them, create a confounding variable of her wanting things only for the sake of maintaining the high? Again, not to be too academic/philosophical here (especially on a gossip board kek), and I don’t like junkies as much as the next
nonnie, but I think one could make an argument that many, if not most, of the cows on this board do not deserve to be here/have criticism due to mental illness/abuse etc. I just don’t see why anyone should be acting so preachy/self-righteous on a gossip board that routinely calls people retards, fags, and spergs (myself included). Maybe it’s the INTJ in me (even if MBTI is pseudoscience blah blah blah) but if you are an adult that is not profoundly disabled (physically, mentally, psychologically etc.) or imprisoned/enslaved then you still largely autonomous in the choices you make for your life, Venus and Luna included. Hence, I see no reason why Venus is above criticism like some of the anons in this thread seem to believe. It’s not like lolcows were originally people who were offensive or anything—they were just cringey individuals (CWC and PT come to mind, at least before the former turned out to be an incestuous sped). I will admit, however, her thread is kind of a mess, between that yellow fever moid and some nitpicking spergs, though I’d say pretty much every thread has at least one of the latter, and I’d argue that it is a little weird how some people comment on the eroticism of her porn—it comes across as a little moid-ish.
No. 1131944
>>1131932Do you have any scientific papers to support this? And don't pull up some garbage layman website like Healthline. I'll even give you an example that completely refutes your initial statement from Bisson et al. (
>Individual reactions to traumatic events vary greatly and most people do not develop a mental disorder after exposure to traumaClearly, then, the symptoms are not universal. And BTW, PTSD can result from things such as "bullying, divorce, death of a pet, and learning about a diagnosis of cancer in a close family member", so severity of trauma is evidently not a factor. Have you ever even taken a college-level psych class? Probably not, since you actually take MBTI as a serious measurement of "personality". Nobody in the field of psychology would ever claim symptoms of a mental illness as "universal"—and if they do, it's highly contested. It's not like you can go in a lab and measure how much dissociation a patient has—because it is not a quantitative variable. Why else are women disproportionately diagnosed with things like BPD instead of autism? Psychology as a field of study in itself is a soft science AKA not methodologically rigorous—very antithetical to your claimed """"objective"""" effects of abuse, n'est-ce pas ? You have to be underaged or undereducated, because this is nonsensical. Either way, don't speak on shit you don't understand. In interest of the thread and avoiding derailment, unless you're going to post your (reliable) source and/or talk about Venus/Tuna, don't bother responding.
No. 1131946
>>1131944most scientifical studies are shit and psychology is a bullshit subjective science. The effects of trauma are still objective in the sense that most people will develop similar behavioral patterns after certain traumatic circumstances and circumstances are highly nuanced. Don't throw at me some retarded science article of the most subjective science. Most abused individuals end up fucked up in adulthood and abuse can be quantified. You brought up MBTI and how
INTJ you are, not me. Stop acting like a plebbitor with your source. Look at how circumstantiality literally defines the outcome of your life. Just look at for example people that grow up in the hood or in bad socio-economical circumstances with fucked up parents, they all develop similar personality patterns or have a similar life outcome. Or look at people in Africa. Circumstances define the outcome of your life and abused individuals depending on the severity of the abuse develop similar personality characteristics like self hatred, impulsivity and so on. You are inherently using the same science that you criticize and say it unfairly diagnoses women to prove your point. I am not even using science, I am telling you that you can empirically observe the effects of environmental factors on groups of individuals with your own eyes. Again, look at people born in bad socio economical circumstances or in ghettos. Most of them have
abusive childhoods and almost all of them develop the same personality characteristics and end up in similar life circumstances. Or look at women in sex work for example or women with mental health issues, most of them were abused. This is how objectivity is defined, by repeated patterns.
No. 1131948
>>1131944you are so stupid. Your entire post is a huge hypocritical contradiction. You are basing your identity around being
rational when you are clearly not. You cannot understand simple things about life and how circumstances define the outcome of your life. Free will doesn't even exist.
No. 1131951
>>1131944>do you have any scientific papers to support this Le redditor moment
No miss, I have empirical reality that surrounds us to support this. You don't need scientifical papers to see what is real or not. Again, look at how abused individuals or individuals born in bad socio-economical situations because abuse is tied to socio-economical situation as well. If you are from a bad socio-economical background you're more likely to suffer abuse. Just look at how people from the ghetto all end up to be criminals and drug dealers. Your circumstances define the outcome of your life. Or how poor and abused women end up in prostitution. You don't need a scientifical article to observe reality and the patterns that certain circumstances create. Also, why do you criticize me for making fun of you dismissing the effects of circumstantiality on one's life and the effects of abuse? Because we all have
free will. Free will is not even real, your life is literally a result of your circumstances and all the choices you make are resulted from things outside of yourself miss rational plebbitor INTJ that dismisses psychology while using a science article to prove her point top Kek do you realize how retarded you are?
No. 1131954
>>1131946>>1131948>>1131951Last time I will respond to you, newfag, before I get banned for being an infighting sperg
>scientificalYou're retarded
>psychology is a bullshit subjective scienceYou just contradicted yourself
>samefaggingYou're retarded (x2)
>You brought up MBTIThen added that it's a pseudoscience. I was being facetious, though I admit that language doesn't transfer well over the internet.
>calls me a redditor then uses reddit spacingYou're retarded (x3)
Why bother arguing with me if you're just going to screech into the void like a sped? I guess education is only for redditors, and not the underaged wunderkinds of No wonder /ot/ is such a shit board
No. 1132398
>>1132379If the effects of trauma are objective, then everyone who experiences a traumatic event(s) would experience mental illness, either depression or BPD or something else—which is simply untrue.
>Individual reactions to traumatic events vary greatly and most people do not develop a mental disorder after exposure to traumaSymptoms of mental illness are not objective, otherwise misdiagnoses would be far less common than they are. Look up iatrogenesis—the antithesis of objectivity. You cannot measure self-esteem. You cannot measure anxiety. You cannot reproduce mental disorders in a lab. Psychologists can only rely on symptoms presented to make a diagnosis, and humans are very rarely free from bias. Therefore it is not objective. There is a reason psychology is called a soft science, and not a hard science such as physics, chemistry, or biology. Methodological rigor is crucial to the idea of objectivity.
No. 1132536
>>1132521No, I agree with what you're saying, and originally said that Tuna and Venus live in the shadow of abuse, but Venus gets disproportionately coddled/pitied in this thread by some anons in spite of the fact that she is quite similar to most cows, and if abuse/mental illness could absolve people from being cows, then we wouldn't have any threads here at all. Some dumb anon(s) just cherrypicked what I was saying and started screeching on about oBJeCtIvITy, and the rest is history. I think Venus and Tuna are still cows, and obviously need help, but they're adults who actively put their lives on the internet. If they're capable enough to seek attention from random internet strangers, then they're capable enough to get the help that they need, but clearly neither want to put in the effort. I guess I'm the retarded one for wasting my time in an internet argument
No. 1132556
>>1132536I still think Venus's case is objectively worse than Luna's. Although Luna has suffered trauma and her parents are junkies, her family still had money and she was offered opportunity and could live with her father, her environment has had more stability than Venus's. Venus has never had a home and was taken from country to country and used as a cash cow. At least Luna' parents tried to offer her a normal life. Venus has also been socialized to literally live on her internet. You just don't understand how people can be socialized into patterns. Venus's case is OBJECTIVELY worse than Luna's, she is like those child actors exploited by their parents. Other objective patterns created by specific environmental factors. Most child stats end up fucked up BPD child addicts, as a result of this specific type of trauma. Just understand this and stop with your free will shit. You do sound like a Venus a-logger or someone that is absolutely ignorant when it comes to human psychology. You sound like an autistic sociopath that does not understand circumstantiality or you simply lack the IQ points to make mental connections. You attacked me and linked your plebbitor
le science article after I said abuse has objective repercussions on the human mind because initially your argument was that we are just free agents and just make choices and basically you are repeating your argument now, but I disagree with you. A lot of our choices or what influences our choices is defined by factors outside of us which can be found in our environment.
No. 1132727
>>1132639you're really fucking dumb Jesus Christ. Venus also seemed help. Medication and went to the mental hospital multiple times but if your circumstances are bad enough, that won't help you and you literally don't understand how trauma works and how extreme trauma works. That's why I said trauma is quantifiable, some situations will ultimately be worse than other situations. Again, look at child stars. All of them are fucked up as adults proving that this specific type of abuse fucks you up big time, having a narc stage mom. She also doesn't really have resources to fall back on and get real help. She has no family or stability. Your argument is
le free will you just assume everyone has access to the same resources so they can get help and heal as adults. The truth is that there are plenty of mentally ill adults that have horrible lives due to lack of resources that causes them to have a very hard time getting help. Luna still has it better, wasn't pimped out on the internet sine 12, has her own home country and her dad has offered her financial help countless of times.
No. 1133188
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Casually reading the coquette thread and I have to say that I'm sorry, but I've been here for 6-7 years and I was responsible for the Lana thread, as well as some of the discussion about lyrics and the like. Definitely not a coquette or whatever, but have enjoyed her music (even though I don't support a her bullshit). Sometimes the sperg is coming from inside the farm.
Personally I've been tired of rehashing the BTD daddy bullcrap every few months and the fat discussion wasn't fun either, but I think the same about the giant Billie Eilish spergout that lasted for half a thread (and I don't care about her either way). It's not about worshipping Lana (stupid as fuck), it just wasn't milk or drama in my opinion. The Harvey Weinstein talk was interesting for example, I wasn't aware the reference was due to her connection to him.
Cannot say who were the other lanafags, but surely not all were some newfag nlogs. I realize that nobody has to believe me, but just wanted to write it.
No. 1136122
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Is Emiru worth watching again? I see her with those gross ass creatures and it makes me feel ill. If she's changed any I wish she was by herself in her content, but if she's succeeding with them then good for her, but I can't watch.
No. 1136252
At this point I'm pretty sure a good amount of the "she can't get recovery, she's too ill and totally too schizophrenic" posts in lucinda's thread are just her herself.
>>1116551>posted 30/03/22 (Wed) 01:47:18>>>/snow/1486395>posted 30/03/22 (Wed) 01:48:36 No. 1136470
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>>1136252Also, she keeps making new account on KF, shilling her shitty vids for that sweet, sweet scrote attention.
What a kween!
No. 1138388
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She truly is the ugliest woman I've ever seen, I'm not even exaggerating. The fact she could be ok looking if she tried just makes it worse. Someone with a facial deformity can't help it or can only get so far with surgery but this hag. She's so fucking repulsive but she refuses to do anything about it.
No. 1138915
>>1138388I know I'm not saying anything new here but shayna, jillian and then a couple of deathfats that I follow have all left me feeling weird whenever I see old pics of them, and by old it's sometimes only a couple years back. Always hit with "wow she actually didn't look so bad back then"
Is it a bpd thing when they receive that first lil bit of criticism and then they go on an all out mission to physically destroy themselves and publicly flaunt the de-evolution to show that they totes don't care? With shay you can say she's lazy and likes to drink too much but the deathfats are more forthcoming about the fact that it's some retarded form of self destructive rebellion against haterz. Or they flip back and forth on the issue.
Amberlynn lately is stuck in this never ending back and forth of
>I'm addicted to food, you guys just don't understand food addictionand then
>Oh I was just trolling you guys with muh big mookbong, that was for the haterzBitch you're 500 pounds and look like death every day at barely 30. That's not 'owning' anyone but your own soon to be failing organs.
No. 1140668
>>1140356A lot of it is the same reason as to why they’re so obsessive with Kota, weird insane weeaboos of a relatively normal/average white girl blowing up in their precious Nippon.
The people on her thread are insane and immature IMO, it stuck out to me when Taylor mentioned a miscarriage and being emotional whilst anons ragged on her for being emotional, describing it as s “clump of cells.”
No. 1140715
>>1140668It's clearly a lot of kids who've never known a pregnant woman. Their lack of any sympathy or perspective with her is really weird.
>>1140575Nonny I'm so pumped, never in my wildest dreams did I think she was gonna get called out for her scamming like this.
No. 1141279
>>1141264This, it's the men who run the industry that are fault
>>1141273I used to feel this way when I was first understanding the abuses of the sex industry, and a lot of anons do still feel this way I think, but honestly it's pretty misguided. It's pointless to put the blame for these structures even on the girls who "don't have to" do it. Some young woman on twitter caught up in the onlyfans trend is still being manipulated by the promise of money and security in the future and it's scrotes who are selling that to them and want to keep exploiting them for their whole lives. Not even all of those girls combined could do the damage that a couple of scrotes controlling the sex industry manage to create. Calling them whores and other derogatory names just validates men who think those women need to stay in the exploitative industry because they are nothing more than "whores," and just drives the women further into the cycle that leads to them being comodified because they see the same misogynistic insults hurled at them by other women as well as the men who want to buy and sell their bodies and think there's nowhere to turn except the sex industry.
No. 1141833
>>1141829>I think shes a very sad deeply troubled person who lacks the self awareness to see itI kind of agree; however, I think she
does see it somewhat because why else is she constantly high and drunk? She has to understand, at least subconsciously, that her life is bleak as fuck. The fact that she was taking Vivi's pills was like the least surprising thing about the entire saga.
No. 1141860
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Unpopular opinion but I thought Stormy was kinda cute in an Anzujaamu way before she got all the work done.
Not to say she doesn’t have physical imperfections or that she doesn’t have a shitty off putting attitude but she wasn’t as hideous as a lot of farmers made her out to be at the time.
Also the MRSAfags in Shay’s thread need to shut up.
No. 1142067
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Some people in the Jillian thread are so dramatic and sound fresh off twitter.
No. 1142136
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>people diagnosed with autism that have worked hard to integrate with society and finally managed to reach a point of living a normal life watching Jill acting like a retard and claiming autism
No. 1142175
>>1142136There's a growing trend of women who are diagnosed with nothing more than bpd.. deciding a year or two into their diagnosis that they actually have autism instead and then suddenly the tism traits just appear in them.. only after they've read up on it. I know it's already a thing but I do wonder how many women out there are going to specifically see Jillian and feel inspired to do the same. This shit is practically contagious.
Even genuinely autistic women who make videos to raise awareness of the differing signs in women seem to attract bpders desperately looking to drop the stigma of bpd and pick up a more sympathetic diagnosis. I don't think they understand that the more crazy people out there who claim to have tism without the diagnosis (all while displaying untreated bpd) the less sympathy people will have for tism too. Muddying the waters like that serves nobody in the long run.
No. 1142190
>>1142175They don't even realize they're muddying the waters because they don't have any long-term thinking. Okay you got your fake-ass diagnosis, now what? Do they understand the limitations of living on disability? Do they understand the social consequences of acting like a dick and then going "HURR DURR CAN'T TOUCH ME I'M A RETARD" isn't going to end well for them in the long run? Nah, too busy looking for reasons to not take accountability or grow.
If society stopped taking the easy route in handling tards by coddling the everloving fuck out of them and using their handicaps as an excuse for their bad behavior I think we would stop this kind of bullshittery. People with developmental delays of any kind can still learn and be held accountable for mistakes and fuckups they do, they just learn differently from most other people and that is something caretakers need to figure out together with them instead of shouting at anyone that gets tells little timmy tard off for acting out of line.
(Note: Not saying everyone can be a functioning member of society, just trying to say anyone can be held accountable for their actions and the connection between action and consequence as long as they are met where they are developmentally)
This growing self-infantilization needs to fucking stop.
No. 1142277
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Rachel is my favourite cow. She could have been a regular, if not OTT yumejo in love with Sephiroth and Genesis, but instead she's a sex-obsessed sociopath with zero future prospects, an entire online community turned against her, and another actively bullying her. Like she deserves it, obviously, but I can't help but wonder what happened to make her this way? Were her parents too coddling, or was she already ruined in utero by her drug addicted mother? Was she bullied too much in school and never learned to cope with it? Was it just too much time on the internet, too early in life? I don't like Rachel or care about her well-being, especially because she insists on being a danger to children. Still I think it's sad that in another timeline she could have been the resident Sephirothfag nocturnally hornyposting on /g/. And then in this timeline we get… this.
No. 1142458
>>1142377>The delusional DID shit is one thing, but I fucking hate Jill because of her weird autism fetishization.same here 100%
>>1142248This. This is NOTHING how actual autistic women act like. I do chew shit (currently am chewing on a plastic bottle cap) but for the love of god I would never, NEVER fucking buy a toy to chew. I'm not a fucking child!!!!!
No. 1142463
>>1142190>People with developmental delays of any kind can still learn and be held accountable forYes, this, basically. Here's my problems with Jillian Vessey's larp:
1.She copies male autists, which are way WORSE
2.Doesn't know any actually autistic women outside the larpers on tiktok and twitter
3.She seems to forget autism and neurodivergency in general are a spectrum, not everyone who is somewhat autistic is literally a big retard
4.We are different and need out accomodations in society yes, but most of us reach adulthood just fine and don't ageplay or pretend to be a child like she does, it's embarassing and offensive.
No. 1143264
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Thoughts on Caitlin and Leah? They are a beautiful couple but this whole ivf thing is weird, especially since they don’t seem to have their own house or jobs other than tiktok..
No. 1330552
>>1039557I just found this thread while searching (with no success) for new info on her. She really managed to disappear from the face of the earth.
I do remember that she used to work as a nurse back when she was active on Tumblr. There was a picture that she posted of her hair, with something along the lines of "this sweet old lady kept complimenting my long hair at he hospital where I work" as the caption. She had also mentioned being a nurse a couple of times. I don't know if she still is one, though.
From time to time I get super curious as to what "ye olde Tumblr folks" are up to nowadays and, probably due to the way she simply vanished, she is one of the people who spark my curiosity the most. It even got to the point where I was searching every registered nurse called Bonnie in Australia, until I was at Bonnie no. 10 and asked myself what the fuck I was doing.
Besides, I don't even know if Bonnie is her real name, given how obsessed with Bonnie and Clyde she was. Heh. Guess we'll never find out.