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No. 915219
Let your retard flag fly
previous dumbassness
>>>/ot/906804 No. 915246
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TFW you lock him in the semen extraction contraption and then take his credit cards
No. 915254
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No. 915278
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So no celebricow thread?
No. 915290
>>915286thank you nonna, how was ysour day?
>>915285it would be very dumb yes
No. 915295
>>915254Hot girls use girltalk
>>915285You got those stupid ridges on the bottom too? I've been tempted to file them myself. They say they go away naturally after childhood but it's not true for me
No. 915300
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People are especially aggressive today it seems, is everyone okay??
No. 915317
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Kylie Jenners make up artist needs to get a life what the fuck
No. 915323
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>>915317Another one of these
No. 915331
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>>915317I always thought it was kinda weird that the Kardashian's surround themselves with people who are basically IG model clones of them.
No. 915334
>>915327No not my bottom row, but the bottom of my top row.
>control your impulses.No, why should I?
No. 915345
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>>915336They are, but the filing didn't do anything. I can't see any difference and there was barely any dust. I genuinely don't think it's that bad. It's not like I filed my teeth into little nubs like picrel.
No. 915362
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>>915355You can't make me
No. 915367
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>>915362Alrighy b*tch, I see you want to learn it the hard way, so how about I
ask nicely to fill it out plesee ?
No. 915406
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all I have to live for is this Sex and the City torrent that's stuck at 2 percent
No. 915492
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she's so cute in this, my inner bi is acting up
No. 915500
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a lot of the time when i come on here i think "i dont want to do this, i want to do something else" and use all my strength to close the tab. but then 2 sec later i reopen it. why am i like this
No. 915513
>>915510Great job,
No. 915824
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kiwi from pleasebee’s channel is so cute I can’t
No. 915826
>>915820True but this also leads to making women without large breasts being insecure, not sending nudes, not having sex or if they do have sex they don't remove their top. Literally nobody wins and then the big boobed girls will have to deal with even higher standards for their bodies and be nitpicked if other women keep encouraging men to be nitpicky.
This all reminds me of that weird incel post about how he laughs at pretty women for having a vagina too close to their anus and how he demanded women to feel insecure to have sex with them and how men are doing women a favor by having sex. I swear to God if most men truly thought this way I would never have sex
No. 915842
I decided that I will finish my degree at 21 after 3 years of abandoning it for mental health reasons, and I feel like a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders. My parents are "happy" for me because they thought I was just a failure, little do they know that I made this decision to escape from their bullshit and insane abuse, I can no longer wait to be independent and start my own life away from them, they always try to make me believe i can't do shit by myself and treat me like a fucking child, but I'm a grown woman and I'll not let them sabotage my adulthood too, I've had enough. When I leave, I will change my number and will not come back. No children, no scrotes around, no shitty family sabotaging me, I'll finally be free.
No. 915911
>>915900Men are just too delicate for the real world,
nonnie, they can’t handle some banter because mommy always told them that they’re special, smart and handsome.
No. 915912
>>915900God I wish we could go back to "men never share their fweelings and r tough" this kind of
victim complex among scrotes is getting more and more common.
No. 915931
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he's so hot…
No. 915947
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I would do anything, ANYTHING, to not have to answer one more fucking “choose photos that show a truck” captcha ever again
No. 915991
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i don't want to believe in zodiac signs but if zodiac signs aren't real then how come most of the couples you see whether in real life or celebs or whatever have 'compatible' zodiac signs
No. 915997
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>>915991how do you know people's zodiac signs? Do you actively ask for them? Or do those people publically display their zodiac signs in their bios or talk about them? If the latter is the case, it would make sense for people who believe in astrology, to seek out zodiac signs they believe to be suitable as their partners.
No. 916003
>>916000A Little maybe, I can't really hate males like most anons cause most of the people that made my life miserable were other women, all cause I was a little different
If all men disappeared the next day, the people who made my life hell would still exist and I'd hate that
No. 916020
>>915979Tbh going online to bitch about someone because you hurt their feelings and you think they're weak for having those feelings… that's just about the most scrote-like thing to do.
If we all hate scrotes… lets stop imitating their pig like behaviours. We know the same anons are crying in the vent thread because something equally stupid happened to them.. and feelings happen lol
No. 916045
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>>915997>>916001the easiest way to see what im talking about is celebrity/famous couples with public birth dates. way too many of them have compatible signs but i doubt that many of them believe in astrology
No. 916058
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I need somebody to put lotion on that one part of my back i can't reach FUCK
No. 916071
>>916041She just stopped posting. The last post I saw from her was some art she made of Komaeda and herself in a /g/ thread
>>916064There's more than one Komaeda anon, but I'm pretty sure those two are the same kinnie. For some reason I remember Ko-chan talking about the coma.
No. 916081
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>>916044congrats, nonna!! i bet you look amazing now. enjoy the clothes shopping!
>>916063this is what i fucking dread. i have to lose 100 lbs in total (down 18 lbs so far) and i swear to god if people don't say anything once i visibly weigh less. i hate this culture of "never compliment anyone at all ever!!!" just because people are insecure babies. being fat is bad, it's just how it is.
No. 916100
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i find it so cringe when anons claim to be stacies. it's not impossible but it feels like going out of your way not to integrate kek. at least pretend to be a neet riddled with mental illness, so we can keep up appearances as a community
No. 916104
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>>916100Stacy larping is enlightened those manifestation bozos got something right, your attitude has a larger impact on results than you'd think.
No. 916106
>>916100This kind of "everyone is awful and actually a cow here" mindset destroys the website. I've already seen it happen to /cgl/ and it completely demolished the sense of community the board once had, because twitter/facebookfags and other snowflakes latched on to it to hatelurk and post while still hating the place, completely shitting it up and pitting everyone against everyone.
There are plenty of anons with a job and social life here. The beauty of it is that we can all still come together, regardless of social status, to laugh at cows.
No. 916156
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I truly am starting to believe that everyone is an Idiot, I used to think it was simply men who were retards but after going on some radfem spaces I have simply lost faith in the Human race
No wonder the world has so many dictators or cult leaders, if the people are literal Morons without any rational sense, No one has any sense to have practical politics that can give results, no instead they unrealistic expectations and fantasies and they act shocked when those unrealistic expectations and fantasies don't come true
No. 916159
>>916154Yeah, right. I know there isn't, my question wasm't literal. More like "how did you keep up the motivation?". I can't count calories as it
triggers my BED and IMHO it's just mental. I can hardly eat when I'm at work, I wish I wasn't stuck at home for the next two weeks. Shit is unhealthy for me.
No. 916165
>>916100I think most anons are lacking in some area of life but that area isn't always their looks or ability to get bfs.
The cute anons with long term partners do tend to be neet-ish adults anyway. They have a partner that supports them but they're isolated at home while he works. That's a pattern I'm always seeing. A worrying pattern tbh. Too much dependance there. The same anons have mental breakdowns when that relationship ends and they're ill prepared to live alone again so there's the mental illness you wanted to see lol
I think the thing that keeps us together is knowing we're all missing something. Friends, social skills, stable moods, the ability to move out of parents place, decent job, finding a bf when the last one was a dick who fucked your head up. Pick at least one and you fit in just fine.
No. 916167
>>916156i think it’s just the nature of the internet and how the way we gain information off of it most easily while fulfilling a false sense of socialization can really warp reality. it’s helpful to watch and read things from before the internet. also i appreciate your opinion and hope you let people know how they’re being idiots of you have the patience lol, some people are worth helping and will be grateful for you and the reminder. what spaces do you go to where women can talk about anything without men?
>>916159idk what your situation is but a low dose medication can help with eating disorders, they’re usually anxiety based but idk. drinking tons of water and moving more helps, and eating vegetables/protein shakes will keep you full and stop cravings when all you really want is nutrients.
No. 916210
>>915939You are promoting the idea that it's the woman's fault if anything happens to them
>You're a human being with self esteem issues caused by unstable communication with others? Your fault for not going off the internet or taking whatever seriously>Your nudes got sent around? Your fault for sending nudesThere's should be protective measures but ffs that doesn't mean we shouldn't call out
toxic or sociopathic behavior, especially for the younger generations who are impressionable and not ~strong, smart, and stern~ like you. Because God forbid I was younger women to be in less
toxic environments
No. 916229
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>>915964Samefagging to say it would also be more dangerous if we had werewolf claws, BUT if humans had very long witch noses
and maybe even elf ears? like picrel, penetration would be more interesting.
No. 916233
>>916229I agree, interesting physiognomy lends to interesting sex.
See my confession here
>>815248 No. 916237
>>916235>clawsSomeone's never had lesbian sex
>earsIdk, but I'm all ears if anon wants to explain
No. 916239
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>>916235>What do claws have to do with penetrationI mean…put two and two together anon. There's a reason why you can't have long nails if you want to finger yourself or someone else.
>>916237>Idk, but I'm all ears if anon wants to explainI don't really know how to explain this honestly
No. 916256
>>916242Tbh, the ears one is the only one I'm 100% sure wouldn't work irl. And even if it did, it would be really uncomfortable for the person with the elf ears.
With that being said, I also feel like I should clarify that I don't have a fetish for any of this stuff. I'm just in the Halloween spirit I guess.
No. 916258
>>916239I mean, if you want to be a mild coomer, the ears would be sensitive and it would be cute/hot to tease them.
If you want to go full gross coomer who probably has a goon cave and can’t get off unless it’s this specific scenario
Imagine how would it be like to rub the pussy against those earsAnd now I will take a shower because I feel disgusting.
No. 916259
>>916256Could you imagine being the elf and you just hear
schlorp schlorp schlorp as you ram your head from side to side…
No. 916262
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>there are still women in 2021 pretending to be disabled children with zero personal responsibility
>there are still women in 2021 that can't fathom the idea of their nudes getting leaked if they decide to share nudes
wow feminism has come so far
No. 916263
>>916258These are good ideas! I didn't think about the fact that ears would be really sensitive, I was only really thinking about penetration.
>goon caveI wish I didn't know what this is.
No. 916265
Peak asmr
Headgasm, but literal
No. 916267
>>916227It’s funny because even if you put everywhere
>DON’T SEND ANYONE A PICTURE OF YOUR TITS AND ASSThere would be some retard doing so anyways and bawwwwling because
>omg!!! He/She told me I could trust him/her!!!!1!1!1!1So there’s really no use.
No. 916274
nonnie perfectly in the dumbass shit spirit
No. 916276
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if the fried rice don't taste mostly like spring onion then i ain't eating the got dang fried rice
No. 916283
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Don't like this trend. It bothers me. This and the scrotey gaze naked tits and ass candles all over the place
No. 916290
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if there's anything i love, it's posting stupid stuff and forgetting i postwed it, feels like pissingg outdoors if that makes sense
>>916283i agree
No. 916300
>>916296I mean, you can just do whatever you want and that’s it but
>considering men who needs nudes “people”You can’t be so dense, specially knowing how most scrotes are pornsick and get off with the idea of holding your pride in their finger like a fiddle.
But yeah, slay queen yas, get yourself an OnlyFans and a PornHub account.
No. 916301
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>>916298as if, you sanctimonious prude
No. 916321
>>916319Are you ok? Clearly not, imagine getting this
triggered because some women don't want to send nudes lol holy shit. Please share your diagnosis with us
No. 916323
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I just want more biking shorts, I hate biking because I hate falling and falling is for losers, so I don’t have to be a loser by biking.
But I really love wearing biking shorts, they’re so comfy and nice, I wish I had bought more tan just a single pair of workout biking shorts because I want some to wear at home when it’s a hot day and I have to pick stuff or run errands, so I don’t have to change from my comfy home clothes to my comfy errands clothes.
Like, I like my comfy home clothes, but they’re like super old dresses with holes and dyes in the not trendy way, more like the “wow she looks like she just had some crack at 1 pm” way.
I want to look like a cool, modern crackhead, not like a cottagecore crackhead, that’s only for my own enjoyment during hot days while baking at home with comfy music and my dog barking at anything that breathes.
No. 916324
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can you spergs move your slapfighting to another thread. i want to go back to our regularly scheduled dumbass shit now thank you
No. 916327
>>916210I never said it's the woman's fault. I just said you shouldn't send nudes if you know better not to. It's not that hard
not to send nudes, just don't fucking do it. Also, other people aren't going to coddle your self-esteem issues. I know what it's like to feel like shit about your body but you can either grow up and realize beauty standards are fake and retarded and the people perpetuating them and fighting over it are wasting their time, or you can continue to cry about whatever you perceive is "wrong" with your body forever. No, nobody should be made to feel that way but you have agency of your own and can grow a thicker skin.
No. 916331
>>916323You've made me want biker shorts anon.
Personally, I'm excited because it's almost sweatpants season! There's nothing better than putting on your favorite pair of sweatpants and getting cozy under a blanket.
No. 916340
>>916339Assigned Gringo At Birth,
No. 916342
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>>916330we are too many for you
No. 916354
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>>916347If my turned off you mean turned on
No. 916372
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>>916347What would I do if My boyfriend was crying? First I’’ll take some napkins and wipe them away, and make sure he feels safe. Then , Ya knowwww I’d wanna poke his nose holes and make sure to go to town in there. You know I’m gonna scrape every nook and cranny making sure that all his nose hairs and crusty Schlick nose hole boogers are porcelain clean. Then, I’m gonna mix that concoction of nose boogers and pretty tears coming from his eye holes and make a nice little mixture. See this is where the recipe gets really hard. Im gonna need to boil the mixture on -375 degrees Fahrenheit over a stove top, but not just any stove top, it’s gonna have to be an arsenic skillet that’s made from lamb bones 100% organic. You know how easy it is to find though. I can just go to my local Italian grocer and pick one of these bad boys up. Anyways, after I get that skillet, im gonna make sure to put it over -475 degrees Fahrenheit over a blue fire that’s lit up with dry ice. Im gonna bring it to a negative boil and make sure that beauty is fuming steam. It needs to smell like the devils farts at 9am. You know those ungodly farts that you can smell from an unwashed 90 year old grandpa ass? Yeah that type, but maybe a little more pungent. After it gets to that perfection, I’m gonna make sure to pour that slime over some freshly cut Granny Smith apples. Make sure those apples are cut like cute little rabbits. I’ll pour that delicious slimy mixture over those apples, and there you have it! Beef stew. I hope you enjoyed my recipe. Thanks for listening.
No. 916400
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>>916100I, for one, love Stacy larping. Not even larping, cause I am a true Stacy.
I am getting that high paying job position that I am studying for; I am getting thinner, healthier and hotter everyday; I am getting smarter and wiser everyday. Aging does not scare me in the slightly, because I am always better today than I was yesterday, and I will be even better tomorrow. I refuse to keep dwelling in my own misery. I will allow myself to feel sad or frustrated, but I won't allow myself to stop growth.
Also my celebrity crushes loves me.
No. 916402
>>916400I love you,
No. 916404
>>916391There is a Twilight Zone where threads end up between pages and are only visible in the catalogue.
If a thread is pushed out of a page by just 1, it still won't be visible in next page, nor the previous.
It's a mistake nobody cared to complain enough to push admins to fix.
No. 916413
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No. 916417
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>>916402Love you too, nonita! Sow your inner Stacy with love and she'll flourish
>>916411Funny thing is that I'm not even black, Megan is just fucking gorgeous and a great stacy poster child No. 916455
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Me applying some lip balm every single day because my husbandos surely love my luscious and luxurious lips as much as I do.
No. 916473
>>916460I know that feel,
nonnie, i feel terrible if my lips aren’t moisturized throughout the day, probably because my best friend has really crusty lips, and the idea of them peeling like hers does makes me shudder.
No. 916510
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>>916472And I am a Stacy in hell as well.
No. 916528
>>916523This is a LARP from the same sperg that posted
You failed once, femcel lol. Megan is a Stacy icon of all races, seethe forever
No. 916542
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>>916525Nope, and neither are most farmers
No. 916558
>>916550NTA but why would a graduate in her 30s with kids making $150k be here talking about Shayna's pussy and Chris-chan's lawsuit?
That's the Daily Mail comment section demographic, commenting on Kim Kardashian's ass folds for their daily gossip. Seriously, who do you know from here that's a rich, normal older woman? Has there ever even been one person who fits that profile in any of the Discords?
No. 916564
>>916555>>916551I don't think it's likely that most lolcow users have a postgraduate degree, but I also don't think that the lolcow userbase is 100% neets and schizos. One thing to remember is that there can be a pretty huge discrepancy between the people who browse the site and people who post, an effect which gets amplified by the fact that a relatively small number of crazy people post a huge amount. I remember reading that a very small percentage of 4chan users (like close to 1%) ever make a post on the site - it wouldn't surprise me if lolcow users follow a similar pattern.
Aside from that, is it so crazy to imagine that someone can have yearly household earnings in excess of $150k and still read about retarded shit as a pastime?
I make more than that by myself, and I'm inclined to believe that there are more farmers in the same boat. The lonely femcel teen to relatively successful but friendless adult consultant/programmer pipeline is realer than you think lol
No. 916569
>>916216Lolcow is the only place where "someone breaking someone's trust and spreading private pictures is the woman's fault" is an extreme and sensitive opinion as well as "we should try to make environments not as
toxic towards young women"
No. 916575
>>916569>>916569> "someone breaking someone's trust and spreading private pictures is the woman's fault”If you’re older than 18 years old, yes, because you’re supposed to be smart enough to understand that men are apes and that they should be locked in cages, and that the love boasting about the pictures they get from other women to either make fun of them with other males or to spread them to ruin the woman’s life.
> “we should try to make environments not as toxic towards young women"Do it? Lolcow isn’t a nursery, it’s a Mongolian basket weaving forum, you can just, learn how to code and create your own safe heaven for women.
You know, like those /x/ and /mu/ threads you love to browse on 4chan.
No. 916580
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Up until last night I naively thought the “Disney adult” joke was only just about poking fun at themselves for going crazy over merchandise and going to the parks often. I was wrong. The DRAMA some of these weirdos have is something else. I spent all last night reading through their petty comment threads like picrel (two iNflUeNcErS went full on tinfoil because an older lady said they complain a lot, which they do) because it’s free entertainment kek
No. 916582
>>916575why do you want to punish women for the way men are? why do these precautions always catered towards women instead of giving these men heavy repurcussions? anons are talking a lot about responsibility and consequences but every time this is brought up it’s always about the
victim and never about the perpetrator getting in trouble and reaping the consequences, at its core this argument is
victim-blaming and is always at the center of blaming the disadvantage for not taking precautions and letting the predator or bad person get away with what they did. it’s almost like punishing someone for being a civilized person, it’s so weird?
>well it’s their fault that they’re homeless because of many things you CAN’T control >it’s her fault for enticing men so much,if she were to cover up her body and don’t dress like a slut and carry weapons and nail polish that detects date rape and guns and feel anxious she wouldn’t be preyed upon! victims shouldn’t be punished for expecting what society has been trying hard to establish: which is order and stability. if people constantly have to be on their toes waiting for someone to screw them over, then maybe our society is incredibly unhealthy and untrustworthy and things do need to change? holy shit how far back are we really going? i hate this website sometimes
No. 916590
>>916582revenge porn is already illegal. what other repercussions are you expecting? the only other way to prevent it from happening is not giving them the material to use against you. i don’t get choosing to die on this hill of all things in a “
victim-blaming” debate. nobody is comparing it to rape besides you.
No. 916600
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>>916591i know a weeb did not tell me to go to sleep and make me google search what this shit means. stop burning your eyes watching season 200 episode 1820378 of shounen men fighting in a field, crying and pretending to not be gay for one another, the show never gets better.
No. 916608
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>>916605this isn’t 4chan either, get out of your disgusting male brain
No. 916623
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dang it feels good to be a weebsta
No. 916625
>>916614>don’t show your tits to men lesbians and bisexuals no longer exist. what is with heterosexuals and policing sex for everyone?
also you don’t get validation from yourself, whoever told you that must have been lying to you or you’re lying to yourself. living in this world requires validation from other people, that’s how human beings socialize and create a sense of belonging with one another. there is no empowering yourself in front a mirror, you’re not a individual unaffected by time and space and other people, you will always seek what others think about you, humans will always exist in a co-dependent web.
No. 916636
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>>916632>this website is showing me even more and more that women don’t give a shit about other womenthen leave, tsundere-chan. it's a gossip site
No. 916642
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No. 916652
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>>916647die unfuckable, geriatric otaku
No. 916654
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>>916652oh no not the sex!!! anything but that!
No. 916659
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>>916658I hate it when my 2d bf disappears after I take my pills
No. 916661
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>>916658>did your imaginary husbando clap for you?yes, what about your 3D bf?
No. 916670
>>916528I am not even "white american"
not even from the US either kek The I wish racebaiters would just drop from the face of the earth
>Megan is a Stacy icon of all races, seethe foreverTruth
No. 916688
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God am I glad I never gave a shit about the Rebuild Evangelion films
RIP to all the kawoshin fujosisters
No. 916693
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when this site goes down i am going to miss it… and not miss it at the same time… crazy sisters
No. 916714
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I've fallen in Love with 2 random guys on Youtube in the last month
One runs one of those movie recap channels and the other is a skinny white dude with a beard who has a science channel, what is wrong with me
No. 916749
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i have a weird fascination with norm macdonald since he passed. i'm not burger or maple so i didn't even know he existed before that. i don't find his jokes that funny but there's something about his face and way of speaking that's drawing me in. charisma probably
No. 916815
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i just wanna thank the anons who encouraged me to shave all my hair off months ago, it was a great decision. no regrets and i'm slowly reaping the rewards of new and healthy hair.
No. 916853
>>916834I think it depends on the person doing the journal, like they just organize it the way they understand it better.
Like when you visit someone’s home, and the bathroom is not where you would prefer to put a bathroom or the cabinets are organized differently to how you organize them, or the fridge has the milk down and to the right and not on the upper left and such.
Some people will scribble a bunch of random stuff and put fancy dividers and such, others will just take notes of everything whoever they feel like doing so and other people will just stick post its everywhere.
No. 916864
>>916812In 99% of cases I'd believe that was the case but he's part of the Nation of Islam which forbids interracial marriages, but she still seems like every other woke black girl who dates white guys
though she does believe that God came in the form of a white man to teach Elijah Muhammad how to save the human(black) race
No. 916878
>>915953they show them almost every time when logging into a password protected tumblr too
>>916058get one of those tools meant for applying fake tanner
No. 916888
>>916866You know revenge porn is already considered a crime because people at large agree that it's a huge betrayal of trust? Pretending women are stuck in a constant
victim role and there's nothing they can do to prevent it is not helping women.
No. 916891
>>916871Yes. Keep in mind too, these nude pictures from army wives were shared and passed around the camp before they ever made it to the husband's eyes. Hell, even recently I had a friend whos boyfriend told her never to send him nudes. At his base the leaders would go through the lower ranking guys mail and share any nudes they recived.
>>916888Murder and assault are also already crimes, but it doesn't stop everyone from doing them.
Think about it - have you ever sent a nude and have gotten direct pleasure from it? Not thinking "This will make my partner happy," but did it make you independently happy to send a picture of your naked body to someone else?
No. 916899
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>>916891Anon talks as if people just go "oh, whatever, she was a retard", when there are already processes in place to get revenge porn removed and punish the perpetrator. The question wasn't about whether it stops all crime, law obviously doesn't just "stop crime", but what we considered a crime reflects on people's morals and attitudes.
And I won't send you nudes, no matter how much you beg for them.
No. 916908
>>916892Finally someone agrees, now its true all languages are mixed to an extent, evolve constantly and take foreign influences here and there but English is a bastard language and shouldn't exist
Its core is still heavily Germanic but its pronunciations and even Suffixes have been ruined due to the Norman occupation
No. 916910
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>>916896Let’s talk about better dumbass shit like how nice is it to have stuff that changes colors when exposed to the sun.
I really want some beads to make matching bracelets.
No. 916920
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>>916910my skin is uv reactive too it gets darker after sun exposure. soon I will be exposing myself to the sun, all day. enjoy your uv items. I like thermochromic items
No. 916941
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this excerpt from a 19th century hair care recipe book kek. i agree with it tho, rarely (and i mean truly rarely) does dyed hair look better than the person's natural hair colour
No. 916954
>>916950NTAYRT, but I think they are agreeing that shaving your genitals isn't expressing your sexuality.
In my opinion, it's fine to express your sexuality in the appropriate settings. Express your sexuality to the ones you love, not to everyone on the street.
No. 916962
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>>916957nta and i'm that anon and i would never send nudes. i can't believe people are still talking about that lmao maybe you should try it out
No. 916966
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>>916962>i would never send nudesoh you actually ended up being kind of based after all. nice.
No. 916972
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The sending nudes discussion was retarded cause the two sides weren't mutually exclusive. And I don't know what to say to anyone who either thinks that there aren't anons who shame others here for innocuous sexual behavior or that is good. By the way, I'll kill myself if I see another argument over pegging and femdom in an unrelated thread
nonnie, literally perpatuating the patriarchy by both sucking dick outdoors and not sending nudes.
No. 916977
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>>916973If you don't shut the fuck up I'll send you my nudes
No. 916993
File: 1632066535277.jpg (319.19 KB, 930x1023, 14778815551_69acaf9708_b.jpg)

Googling 'physiognomy' brings up the funniest of images
No. 916994
>>916933maybe the issue is that women have such low self esteem that they'd rather give in to external pressure to do/not do what society wants. Like yeah it sucks that everyone tells you how to live your life but it's literally always been like this for women. Sooner or later you need to grow a spine and do what you want for yourself. Even if it is men's fault for betraying your trust it's not very ~empowering~ to only do what they tell you to in the first place.
Take some responsibility for yourself and your actions because nobody else is going to do it for you.
No. 916998
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>>916993Like people seriously believed in this stuff
No. 917005
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>>916993I can't stop laughing at some of these expressions lmao
No. 917009
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>>916993>>916997>>916998I kinda love how Irish people were depicted as half ape monsters
No. 917012
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>good sirs, your faces tell me that you all watch too much anime
No. 917017
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>>917009Poor little Ms British empire, threatened by big brutish Ireland. Serious
victim complex.
No. 917021
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>>917012I was just gonna post about this lmao. So there was a strain of physiognomy where they tried to find analogies between human faces and animals and the illustrations are quite honestly terrifyingly trippy
No. 917025
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>>917021I mean these are honestly terrifying
No. 917026
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>>917025Bunnyman and bearman are the worst
No. 917032
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…is that Putin.
No. 917042
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Make sure to avoid men with impotent chins.
No. 917045
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>>917032This also looks like him
No. 917046
File: 1632068379287.jpg (106.25 KB, 1093x779, 11.jpg)

This is a very modern example but still applies
Hutu nationalist/Anti Tutsi propaganda
>"I’m sick doctor.”
>‘what’s your sickness?’
>“The Tutsi… Tutsi… Tutsi!”
No. 917048
File: 1632068427519.jpg (258.82 KB, 530x800, 12.jpg)

>>917046"The Ten Commandments of the Hutu" (1990)
No. 917049
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>>917048and last and funniest one
>"General Dallaire(head of UN peacekeeping forces.) and his army have fallen into the allure of wicked Tutsi females." No. 917079
File: 1632070514068.jpeg (463.93 KB, 800x1000, 44ACEAAD-4917-4AB3-806C-DC79DC…)

idk why i like this pic of barbra streisand and judy garland so much
No. 917080
>>917073i will (´ ꒳` )
>>917075home laser removal?? isn’t that dangerous
No. 917087
>>917080Probably is dangerous, from what I've read, if you have dark hair and light skin, the risk of burning yourself is reduced considerably and I'm white with BLACK thick hairs. Redness and irritation is a probability, but I work from home and don't leave the house anyway so /shrug
Have you heard horror stories???
No. 917100
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went to the city yesterday and was thinking about how different the city people use escalators. I didn't realize it until I saw the girl in front of me step up the last few steps going up the escalator. I was worried I was annoying her with the conversation that was happening behind her but no, I realize I'm a fucking bumpkin who rides the thing all the way up and has to look down at my feet to see what's going on and the whole time I'm holding the rail. This, I posit, is due to the many staired and one story structures that exist in the country. I wonder how many other ways I stood out kek
No. 917185
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Why the fuck do I check the mtf thread
No. 917209
File: 1632079788382.gif (2.95 MB, 660x371, Leucochloridium480p.gif)

It's zombie disco time!
No. 917211
>>917204I’ve tried lenses multiple times before and they’re really just not for me
>so many botchedReally? I’ve only ever heard good stories so that’s surprising. Anything terrible or memorable?
No. 917220
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>>917211there have been a few instances i’ve seen in the news where people have killed themselves because of the (lack of) recovery: are also lots of anecdotes on reddit i’ve seen of people saying they regretted it
No. 917221
File: 1632080798776.jpg (59.92 KB, 1024x683, 12SCI-LASIK7-jumbo.jpg)

>>917211nta but I've seen a number of people say that they have permanent glare problems from getting lasik. Picrel shows some of the visual side effects that you can get from the procedure.
No. 917274
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I love when I'm eating a lasagna and I get the hard/crispy edge. Same with macaroni.
No. 917281
>>917279I've known people who've been doxed and harassed and smeared to their uni's and you'd be shocked by how much universities don't care as long as the student isn't personally costing them anything reputation wise.
hell, look at portabella janke's university, she's actively harassed students on campus and they still don't care to expel her. it's rich that schizoid elaine thinks anything would happen to admin when all she does is run a site about cows
No. 917294
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why do people hate women
No. 917366
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the first time in ages I check crystal cafe there's cp on the front page. I'm going to kill myself. Also be careful idk if it means it's about to be posted here too
No. 917463
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>>917396Bless you, anon. Truly, bless you
No. 917500
File: 1632101691527.jpg (72.02 KB, 812x1600, fuck.jpg)

a guy off 4chan just gave me his contact after we had an argument in a thread and then it turned into this wholesome thing where we made up but he disappeared and i disappeared and then by some coincidence we found each other again in a completely different thread hours later… idk if it's a bad idea to talk to a dude from 4chan.
No. 917510
>>917500It might be nice for a while but if he gets too comfortable with you, he will show his true colors.
T. talked to a couple of 4chan scrotes and regretted it.
No. 917533
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>>917527the sex will be bad the sex will be bad
nonny he won’t make you orgasm he won’t make you orgasm oooo
No. 917544
>>917541i'm not desperate
nonny he needs to be cute and have the brain of a normal person and end up living closer to me for me to even consider anything
No. 917548
>>917534>have a hint of self awareness at timesthat is what I was thinking and I don't really believe that redditors are less degenerated
>>917540Can I have him then? I want out of my third world shithole country
No. 917561
>>917557My self esteem is in the shitter and I couldn't ever seriously consider a 4channer. I graduated from highschool thank you very much.
The mental state of some farmers scares me.
No. 917698
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Addicted to these bitches
No. 917781
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MFW the maintenance guys at work call me sir/mister but call the fakeboi with a he/him pin ma'am.
No. 917908
File: 1632148677793.jpg (114.67 KB, 615x806, Cara-Delevingne.jpg)

Caption competition. What is he saying?
No. 918034
>>917908>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. No. 918056
File: 1632157646765.jpg (118.36 KB, 566x642, K-ON.jpg)

>feel lonely, want friends
>meet a cute girl who seems nice and I genuinely like talking to
>think 'hey, we could be friends'
>she turns out to be a TIF and calls herself 'luca'
I'll still talk to her and be her friend. I don't think she's on hormones yet. maybe I can peak her?
No. 918208
File: 1632166818625.jpg (132.82 KB, 707x707, 44667163957.jpg)

This strap is so damn cute, I'm so tempted to get it
Maybe next month
No. 918258
File: 1632170812490.jpg (510.79 KB, 1080x1238, 20210920_224154.jpg)

I like her content and am glad she is helping others to get into a healthy mindset but I strongly doubt she follows what she preaches since she's a former ana chan ans is now doinh comps.
I was legit disappointed to see what she looks like. Was expecting something, you know, more healthy looking and not an ana chan on an extreme diet.
No. 918298
File: 1632175893306.png (622.39 KB, 940x788, 8633688543468.png)

>>918288It's the weebery infecting their brains. Compare almond and round eyes and it's obvious that round eyes are more prone to showing whites under the iris due to their shape. So of course an East Asian culture would made up myths around "sanpaku" eyes being something weird and sinister since I imagine it's pretty rare there.
No. 918349
File: 1632179683973.jpg (45.44 KB, 640x359, 1631133451152.jpg)

>took that huge awkward half melted block and threw it in the trash
Anon I literally want to do things to you, cheese is to fucking expensive and you just threw it in the trash. Trying so hard not to a log you right now. Go apologize to your mom.
No. 918352
File: 1632179897753.png (556.39 KB, 718x580, eMHfi0e.png)

No. 918354
File: 1632179950911.png (246.97 KB, 500x297, IMG_20210921_011418.png)

wtf did I just read
>parmesan too hard from the fridge
I didn't even know that was a thing how cold is your fridge???
No. 918363
File: 1632180456986.jpg (54.76 KB, 800x533, csm_parmsean-cracker-1_f8f5b01…)

you could have melted it more and make a huge parmesan cracker out of it, how can you throw parmesan in the trash, I'm close to using emoticons…
No. 918401
File: 1632182421917.jpg (114.66 KB, 680x1023, 3b-Baked-Parmesan-Crisps.jpg)

>>918379look at this and she just threw it in the trash…
No. 918425
had a gaslighting emotionally
abusive boyfriend who would post our fights and relationship problems all the time just to tell me a bunch of online randos think im a dumb whore and they all agree with im lmaoooo
No. 918426
>>918401it looks like the little fried cheese drips when you make grilled cheese. delicious, blasphemous
nonnie didn't know what she had
No. 918467
File: 1632187948453.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.79 KB, 440x402, this-fluffy-toilet-seat-cover-…)

People don't actually buy and use these do they?
Spoiler for the one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen in my life
No. 918473
File: 1632188390219.jpeg (127.21 KB, 1000x600, AirPods-Max-on-Display-at-Appl…)

I know its really a dumb way to spend money but I want a pair of the big ass airpod maxes. they're so ridiculous looking but for some reason I think they look really cute on, they're almost cartoonish. only reason I haven't bought a pair yet is bc I can't decide on a color!
No. 918485
File: 1632189076652.jpeg (9.39 KB, 400x225, AirPods-mix-and-max-hero.jpeg)

>>918480Logically I know that I should just get plain silver but the mint is really cute. I also saw you can swap out the ear cushion pads, I think I might try to get some of the silver cushions to go with them I feel like that would look cute. Or even the pink maybe
No. 918494
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>>918473i love my big fat bose headphones
No. 918524
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>>918512fellow woman of culture
No. 918569
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the most based woman in cinema
No. 918572
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>>918569Based, I love that movie!She was a great villain
No. 918603
>>918599>killing men based
>killing men for money and materialistic interests cringe
No. 918748
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No. 918839
File: 1632229606355.jpg (28.68 KB, 720x560, 107694101_10223354279062268_26…)

>does anyone ever do "completely normal shit that everyone does but I don't go outside so obviously it must mean I'm not like other girls"?
No. 918843
File: 1632230004812.png (37.87 KB, 167x172, Sad.png)

I forgot to cover up the bread I made from scratch and it got hard overnight
No. 918860
>A Hundred Racist Designs:To build an antiracist future, we have to take a hard look at today’s creations.half the shit he list is basically outdated btw
>racism proves to be larger, more abstract, and more elusive than the objects traditional designers are used to constructing. To some extent, it’s not their fault: racism’s been designed into our society for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, designers still fail to recognize the countless ways — tangible, yet invisible — that racism has been injected into our technologies.I'm not gonna list everything just the really ones
>The speculum we see today — that duck-billed apparatus that clicks open, giving doctors a line of sight to the cervix — is fundamentally quite similar to the one [Dr. James Marion Sims] used on his slave women. In 1870 a man named Thomas Graves updated the device slightly, and gave us the form we see today.
>The Prorace cervical cap] is a barrier contraceptive. They sit over the cervix and act as a barrier to sperm entering the uterus. This ‘Prorace’ brand of cervical cap was a modified version of a French design. Dr Marie Stopes (1880–1958) adapted the design to incorporate a higher dome. She believed this encouraged the cap to maintain its shape with the body.The trademarked ‘Prorace’ is related to Stopes’ belief in eugenics. This widely held theory in the early 1900s argued selective breeding could remove ‘undesirables’ from society.
>Halloween Costumes: The shelves of most costume stores still stock the “Arab Sheikh” outfit complete with the sinister mustache. Or you can order the “Ride a Camel Adult Male Costume.” There are the “Mexican” costumes: wide sombreros, ponchos, handlebar mustaches. There are the people who darken their skin to pose as a black or brown person, although many people now understand the degrading and dehumanizing history of blackface now. And every year, there is always the generic “Native American” costume of the woman or man wearing fringe, fake suede, feathers and braids.
>Wet Nursing;“ Feeding another woman’s child with one’s own milk constituted a form of labor, but it was work that could only be undertaken by lactating women who had borne their own children. As a form of exploitation specific to slave mothers enforced wet-nursing constituted a distinct aspect of enslaved women’s commodification. Black milk, slave mother’s milk, was stolen in vast, unknown, incalculable quantities as generation after generation of white infants ‘drank, and drank’ from the nipples of the ‘Mammy’.”The Source he links to is a bunch of conspiracy theories by retards claiming that by stealing African milk the white people stole their energy and made themselves powerful
>The French government confirmed that its years-long ban on wearing burqas, niqabs and other full-face coverings in public will remain in place, even as face masks become mandatory on Monday. While French citizens nationwide will be covering their faces, women who do so with Islamic garb are still subject to punishment.Defending the Veil cause of Course
>“Correct” maps of the world, like many other artifacts, exclude other important artifacts, communities, and relationships of marginalized folks. Learning about their biases helps us understand why maps matter to subaltern communities.
>The Picnic And The Noose>Lynching was an undeniable part of daily life, as distinctly American as baseball games and church suppers. Men brought their wives and children to the events, posed for commemorative photographs, and purchased souvenirs of the occasion as if they had been at a company picnic….After the lynching of a mentally challenged 17-year old black male in the story, the crowd celebrated and collected body parts as souvenirs.This is just untrue basically
>The Passport: Nemat decided to leave Iran for Europe as he had no place, neither in Afghanistan nor Iran. The main problem, however was acquiring a proper passport, or a “right” passport as he put it. Without one, Nemat had no place in the world….>Mundane, instrumental, and sometimes not even at stake for the privileged population of the world, namely, white middle-class citizens of the Global North, a passport tends to be directly embedded in the lives of the majority of the world’s population: most prominently in the lived experiences of stateless refugees, undocumented migrants, and border transgressors, as well as working-class citizens of the Global South.
>The Computer Keyboard: Though ubiquitous, the QWERTY keyboard does not accommodate character-based languages like Chinese, but these writing systems have been forced to adapt. It’s not just the keyboards, the history of telecommunications reflects and reinforces the linguistic hegemony of the Latin alphabet and subordination of non-Latin languages.>The presumed universality of the western alphabet — and the linguistic imperialism underlying this belief — has pervaded the history of information technology from telegraphy to computing.…this linguistic pecking order insinuates an underlying racial hierarchy, whereby linguistic proximity to the West confers value. Moreover, non-alphabetic languages are disadvantaged under this system. Indeed, technological innovation in the field of information technology is built on the foundational assumption of alphabetic supremacy.”
ha ha ha ha ah
>Prescriptive language: Repugnant as it may be, the simple answer is that we need to learn prescriptive English because that’s the way the people in power communicate. As far as daily survival is concerned, it doesn’t matter whether the origins of this linguistic power structure are racist, classist, or élitist, or whether they’re based on the whims of dead white males. This is how the system works right now, today, and in order to best get the attention of those in power, to begin to effect change, we must be able to use their dialect. We must know their rules.>This is not even to mention the descriptivists’ dirty little secret. When it comes time for them to write their books and articles and give their speeches about the evil, élitist, racist, wrongheadedness of forcing the “rules” on the masses, they always do so in flawless, prescriptive English. Ensconced behind a mask of noble ends, something obscenely disingenuous is happening here. How easy it is for a person who is already part of the linguistic élite to tell others who are not that they don’t need to be. Or, as Joan Acocella puts it, the descriptivists will “take the Rolls. You can walk, though.”Anyway this is entire list is some black incel whining and crying
No. 918869
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I just had the most beautiful wedding on TS4 I’m crying
No. 918949
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>>918947this is the man he was defending, a domestic terrorist and religious fanatic No. 918967
>>918837reminds me of the time i was still active on
mpa and a girl made a diy lipo and got like seven or eight drops of fat out of her (and then had to get hospitalized i think?)
No. 918982
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>>918899I hate looking at this onion banner where he moves around sporadically. He’s so creepy looking.
No. 918992
>>918989kinda wish gerg would have a jail saga and die for good
who would've thought chris would go to jail before him
No. 919014
>>918961imagine if any politician publicly supported a ethno-religious superiority group, one that talked about the superiority of the Germanic Nords over other Europeans and wanted to create a Nordic Theoretic state, that's what essentially Khalistan was with regards to the Punjabi Jatts and Sikhism which is an ethnic religion
imagine unironically supporting and mourning this guy
(/pol/tard) No. 919158
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so useless
No. 919216
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>>919158I laugh so much every time I see a picture of a Y chromosome. Truly nature’s mistake.
No. 919227
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>>919216here, have this retarded image I made many years ago
No. 919377
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>>919190Me too! I was not really expecting anons to actually find out kek.Eager to see how this plays out because we all know what happened with Cry and Dream.
No. 919405
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>>919377I can’t believe Dream keeps being seen as some uwu cagüaee owo hot gyaois boii.
No. 919413
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My fart smelled like the burgers I made today, and it smells just as good as the hamburger.
No. 919498
File: 1632280236570.jpeg (114.67 KB, 570x558, DF0E306B-3658-44D2-A883-5DC76D…)

We should get cute animal headbands for every non-retarded farmer. So like, we would only have to make 5.
No. 919501
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There’s gore, please report it.
No. 919509
File: 1632280738223.jpeg (344.41 KB, 1242x698, 44041D2B-6AA0-4CFA-9471-6E8F8B…)

>>919503Awesome, it’s so nice that the farmhands are being so quick.
No. 919517
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I just finished little nightmares 2 and I can't stop crying. Why did they have to do that to us
No. 919611
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I think I actually can get this this job and this is a great feeling after years of unemployment and 2 of almost pure neetdom
No. 919619
File: 1632300663428.jpg (28.58 KB, 474x457, 0609015604509792723360625.jpg)

>>919616Yes! Some nonnies here are legit cool, insightful, funny, helpful, kind and smart.
I love you all
also cool numbers, they are kinda like an upside down palindrome No. 919674
>>919665We met in person after a year of dating long distance. At the airport, we were both very excited to see each other, but fairly quiet/low energy because I'd just been on three longass flights and we didn't want to cause a scene. We waited until we got home to kiss, hug, or do anything really because it wasn't safe to do so in public. I very badly wanted to lean on her or hold hands in the taxi, but it's a fairly homophobic country so I took cues from her to keep my distance.
In fact, we discussed beforehand how physical we should get with each other and how quickly. I told her there was a chance I would be too exhausted and overstimulated to even hug. In the end we were making out on the first night and fondled each other a little too. It was really nice and we went further than expected, but nothing overwhelming. The physical boundaries kind of melted away completely after that.
We were never awkward around each other because we know each other so well. As a result, the transition to real-life interaction was smooth and pleasant.
No. 919688
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>>915219I used to think being taller than 164cm as woman is a significant handicap regarding attractiveness, but in my early adulthood I understood that the only reason I thought of myself as grotesquely huge at 170cm was that my first bff "friendship" as a kid was with a baby pickme. It sounds astounding but she somehow knew how to be incredibly demeaning and
abusive to the girls around her, already at like age 7 or something. Truly ahead of her time, she went for the uwu smol bean pandering schtick a near decade before it became a thing we laugh at ethots for doing now. And my God did she keep it up for so long too, always making it a point to diminish any type of femininity other than her weirdo brand. She was always obsessed with boys (and me being the autistic shit I was, I thought how she operated was normal and to be accepted) even before we were even old enough to consider paying attention to scrotes, and when we semi-reached that level where it becomes actually a bit relevant, she got so pissy when she noticed I wasn't met with outright dead ass rejection always. She also hated that I developed a taste for dudes she didn't personally find attractive. I dropped contact with her ages ago and it's a thing left in my childhood, but I just had this big brain moment remembering the roots of my insecurity about my incredibly unremarkable size. I wonder if other insecure
actually or at least
almost tall women have gone through something similar, because when I've listened to confident tall women talk about their experiences as taller than average, they almost never had anyone successfully get under their skin by persistently highlighting their size as something
I have a weird past regarding the development of my self-esteem, but I own it. It is what it is.
No. 919724
>>919707Might sound like an irrelevant question, but were you bullied by boys, girls or both? Both are awful but they hit kinda different.
I hope you find enough confidence to express yourself despite your experiences, to disregard these half-baked notions of how women are supposed to look and exist. I sometimes stare at other women I think are gorgeous or interesting, and I can't be the only one.
No. 919727
>>919670AYRT, sorry, I typed up a long post but felt weird about blogposting for some reason kek.
When I met my long-distance bf, we mostly spent the first couple of hours just getting used to the other existing as a physical entity, like you're with someone you love and care about, but at the same time they're basically a stranger, you're finding out lots of things like their smell, body heat, how they move etc. for the first time, including stuff that would normally factor in dating someone (We basically didn't have any chemistry IRL, for instance, so we knew pretty quickly it wasn't going to work)
No. 919780
File: 1632319590045.png (137.88 KB, 1433x711, safsdf.png)

I'm losing my shit over this, I expected there to be a couple over 900
I can't stop laughing
No. 919817
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I have not been able to stop thinking about this since taking a boating safety course this summer. what the fuck. I wonder if it can happen even when you choke on a drink.
No. 919879
>>919872straight vibing!
>>919874she was just a whimsical lady!
>>919877same. the only friend group i've had as an adult is work friends because the common factor uniting us all is being in the same place like a school
and i made the mistake once of inviting work friends out with some of my school friends. they did not vibe together and it was awful lol
No. 919905
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I'm sorry I can't be her.
No. 919915
>>919905You can,
nonny. Get the same outfit, with the same camera, same location, same makeup, same photoshop. You can literally be this girl.
No. 919929
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>>919919Felice fawn is white, what are you on about? She's a white british girl. Are you a newfag?
No. 919936
File: 1632331467266.png (1.07 MB, 626x716, indian.PNG)

>>919929She's not 100% white, I can promise you that. You picked the palest picture of her you could find, and even in that one, I can tell she's an indian or some sort of middle eastern. She edited her photos to make herself look extremely pale. If you can't tell this bitch is desi idk what to tell you KEK
and I should let you know that by simply searching some things, I'm not the only one that thinks the same thing. because she's not white.
No. 919945
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>>919936I literally just picked the first pic of her I saw, not the palest. But yeah, she always edited her shit
>If you can't tell this bitch is desi idk what to tell you KEKFunny, where I live she would just be a white woman, but I guess you're right. I don't know why it would be "larping as a white girl" still, she didn't do anything that was larpy. Was it the edginess?
Funny though you saying she's indian or whatever, because everyone dogpiled on her at the time for wearing a bindi. Also funny that her dog in the pic is called India.
No. 919964
>>919947This makes me kinda uncomfortable, like trying to pinpoint why she isn't 100% white
>>919952Billie post history reveal when
No. 919987
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>messing around with a guy in bed
>he tries to pressure me into sex
>start getting annoyed
>he goes "anon..i feel so i pressuring you"
>yes you did it twice so don't let it happen again
>"you're so blunt :("
Autism coming in handy. no pussy for you
No. 919993
>>919945I only mentioned larping due to the extremely high contrast paleness that she adds to her photos. I guess technically she would be "white" yeah but really, when I first saw her, I thought "Oh goth indian chick, cool"
>>919982>>919976It's really her facial features and randomly brown skin in some photos that make me think that she's not 100% caucasian. Nothing to do with me coping, I'm not a brown girl.
I was wrong to call her desi for sure, but I still stand by what I said
No. 919997
>>919952This is dumb.
Anyway, I hate how often the celeb thread (well, not just that thread, but especially that thread) gets derailed with race discussions. I'm just gonna stop reading there until the AMAs rolls around.
No. 919998
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>>919935Yeah, while not common, there are fully white Brits with surprisingly ethnic looks. I have friends who look 1/4 Asian or 1/4 Black but they're not. Usually darker Brits look Mediterranean though. I think Felice looks like she could be part Desi tbh. In some pics she reminds me of Riz Ahmed's ex gf Anya Raza, who is Pakistani-Dutch.
No. 920018
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This thing gives me pause every single time I see it.
No. 920060
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No. 920080
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This is what Felice looks like without photoshop, she doesn't look very exotic to me.
No. 920100
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a lot of stupid infighting this fine evening on /ot/… i see the girls are feeling feisty
No. 920110
>>919987Proud of you for standing your ground
No. 920205
File: 1632342552392.jpg (56.02 KB, 514x492, 20210922_162641_temp.jpg)

>>920199 it didn't post the picture
No. 920223
File: 1632342957177.png (246.58 KB, 702x448, 549035830957367.png)

Don't know where else to put this, just made me think that this is basically what traumatized trans "men" are doing to try and avoid misogyny. Happening even in the bird kingdom: No. 920224
>>920205How's she a dude if she is non binary which should mean she is not a man either?? I swear these people.. of all trans crap, non binarism is the most nonsensical
Gotta love how all non binaries show their misogyny by implying male is the default. Everything but female.
No. 920291
File: 1632345664926.jpg (106.86 KB, 720x1121, 20210922_171243.jpg)

Alrighty then
No. 920306
File: 1632346709940.jpg (328.01 KB, 1200x1600, O1CN0186b14K1y6myewW6Ot_!!8652…)

God I want this so much, just as a lolcow commemorative item
No. 920308
>>920264Why would I? I've been posted in some of our funny caps thread. For the record, I do think that those posts are funny. I just believe that lolcow is a "you had to be there" thing. Either you are a farmer browsing here daily or you don't need to see "le funny posts fron girl 4chan exdee".
I realized that op may have wanted to archive good content in case lolcow goes down, but that's a retarded explanation since machine exist.
No. 920315
>>920306Sometimes I kind of wish there was like a “lolcow day” so we could spot other farmers on the street, either to stay away from them or to befriend them, maybe It’s more probable that we would avoid each other as much as possible, but it’s nice to think about it.
We could wear cow themed stuff that day and then we could approach another farmer and be like
>u-uh so >Yeah?>what time is it?>sorry i have to leave>o-okay, sorry>sorry No. 920354
>>920349We could have some sort of password like farmer number one would say
>PixyAnd farmer number two would say
>Teri No. 920422
File: 1632357690924.jpg (163.95 KB, 720x522, Fuck dude.jpg)

"My gender is an experience" ok then
No. 920426
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No. 920491
File: 1632363523750.jpeg (17.59 KB, 220x219, DBAE6F5B-A421-41D7-A717-274576…)

I made a comment about a game husbando on a gaming subreddit and It keeps getting downvoted. All I said was “god I love him”. Moids pressed LMFAOOOOO SUCK MY ASS LMFAOOOOO
No. 920542
File: 1632372445131.jpeg (222.04 KB, 1241x1057, 01AC52B6-3A0F-4914-BA42-C01F64…)

It’s been bothering me for days, but I finally figured out who that Brian Laundries creep reminds me of. It’s this mother fucker.
No. 920583
>>920534NTA and semi-off-topic but I noticed this thing among quite a few male Yakuza fans where they go on and on about what handsome Chads the guys are (no homo tho ofc), yet they get
triggered when women lust for them. Weird.
No. 920689
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No. 920739
File: 1632404082650.jpg (294.94 KB, 1920x810, wk30-hair-temporaryhaircolour.…)

this is literally ALL I want rn
No. 920776
File: 1632406865603.jpeg (230.62 KB, 1200x1200, CF2C5255-E1A2-40D5-941C-460B8A…)

I love this tank top I got from Marshall’s, the brand is Yogalicious, I’m wearing this for anything but yoga, the fabric is so soft and nice that I would like to get buried with this top when I die so my body can feel comfortable when it gets turned into ashes and then turned into a really cool diamond that was wearing some really comfy clothes.
Now I just have to find the perfectly cozy leggings to pair them with this top, they have to be like, structured but soft, and socks, I need some cute socks as well, then I will have my perfect death outfit for when I die in a few years, maybe when I’m like 100 years old.
I miss doing yoga so much, I don’t know why, but doing it at home with a video isn’t the same as going to a studio to do yoga, even if I have farted.
No. 920781
File: 1632407057362.gif (313.21 KB, 200x150, 72c.gif)

I will be giving making an art account a try for the 4th time. I will try twitter this time around. I am so low on money and I'm getting desperate, I need to fix so many things but I'm broke. I will tap into the kpop shipping fanart market and hopefully I'll get a commission or two after some time. I just can't post consistently which has been ultimately my demise. Grrrrrr
No. 920795
File: 1632408678438.jpg (230.52 KB, 1280x1109, betrayal.jpg)

god I wish they'd actually done this
No. 920802
>>920795>>920796that would be based, but Ikuhara sounds like he's salivating over the idea of a pregnant belly, and we already know about his lesbian fetish.
Also Anno is a hypocrite idiot, talking bold about betraying otaku while shoving underage pussy in their faces
No. 920803
File: 1632409584448.gif (721.38 KB, 460x344, kek.gif)

i always read kek as cackle
No. 920928
File: 1632418314767.gif (420.08 KB, 498x372, tenor.gif)

I don't wanna spit.
I wanna gulp
I wanna gag
I wanna choke
No. 920931
>>920916I also wonder like, at what point was prostitution a “profession” that women chose to do on their own, without any sort of pressure, to make it seem like it’s okay to do so now?
Like, what kind of woman in the 10’s, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s woke up one day, at her cozy home, made some tea or coffee and said
>yeah, i will just prostitute myself and have a blast doing so, it will be my side jobBecause it can also be said that slavery is an old “profession” as well, but it isn’t being sensationalized on the internet nor It’s being pushed as some sort of empowering career choice.
No. 920956
File: 1632419650801.png (34.82 KB, 156x171, busted lips.png)

these busted botox-lips that I keep seeing on the webtoons home page make me want to punch a wall
No. 920988
>>920740you forgot a number at the end lol
>>920802>Also Anno is a hypocrite idiot, talking bold about betraying otaku while shoving underage pussy in their facesthis plus the way he watered down asuka and rei's personality in general, basically turning them into how the fans see them (waifubait/generic -dere girls)
No. 921003
File: 1632420849300.png (373.78 KB, 880x1128, 25.png)

>>920966it's me!
(avatarfag) No. 921010
File: 1632421022306.png (234.81 KB, 469x467, SeekPng.com_bonzi-buddy-png_43…)

>>921005love you too sonikku~
No. 921022
File: 1632421206051.jpg (19.13 KB, 340x297, 1631759788792.jpg)

>>920996Yeah I know that's what made it even more infuriating. Don't anyone dare revive this newfaggy shit thread when the time comes. My autism can't handle it.
No. 921033
File: 1632421508615.png (656.48 KB, 800x600, ac8.png)

>>921025What's that, you want me to post more? Don't worry I got you.
im warning you anon, I have a whole folder of official sonic art from the 90s that I am obsessed with and I will post all of them(avatarfagging) No. 921043
File: 1632421643437.png (3.59 MB, 1134x1498, TheArchieKnuckles.png)

>>921032Knuckles is based hip hop short king
No. 921051
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>>921040Yes girl who do you think I am
No. 921063
meant to be metal plates to weigh him down as he glides, but those are clearly Legos
No. 921084
>>920859So there was no sex obviously but he gave me not one but
two HDMI cables!!!
No. 921095
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>>921047>>921039>>921061Since this is a Dumbass this thread let me enlighten you all with the extended sonic lore
Sonic's home planet Mobius is actually Earth tens of thousands of years in the future after aliens had dropped an experimental gene bomb on the planet
The surviving humans were known as overlanders and the Evolved animal lifeforms are called Mobians, humans and Mobians were in constant conflict and war, the overlanders were initially defeating the Mobians until the exiled scientist Julian joined the Mobians and provided them with tactical information, battle strategies and technology which led to their victory
Throughout this conflict Julian amassed more and power and was virtually an independent warlord, Julian eventually staged a coup against The kingdom of Acorn with the help of his swatbots and rebranded himself as Robotnik, sonic and his friend's are actually revolutionaries trying to defeat the tyrannical rule of Robotnik
This was the official sonic extended canon for 27 years until Ken Penders single handedly ended the Sonic Extended canon and caused the reboot of the entire universe due to legal copyright issues that he had caused single handedly, the entire lore about Echidnas in the Sonic Universe is also due ot the work of Ken Panders
No. 921158
>>921147i'm so confused, he doesn't like women who "play
victim"? and then goes off to name women who did nothing but call out racism, sexism, etc? This just reeks of butthurt men who are pissed women no longer sit down and shut up when faced with socail issues. There are definitely women who play
victim but he didn't give examples of any of them
No. 921268
File: 1632431524653.jpg (728.21 KB, 1080x3000, Screenshot_20210923-160601.jpg)

Never been to Starbucks and don't like sugary drinks. I now realize that the men I go on dates with might think I'm doing some FDS shit on them when Id just rather consume my calories with real food
pic somewhat related
No. 921297
File: 1632433260068.jpeg (93.18 KB, 700x699, 867CCA79-A4C3-4001-84EB-C916D9…)

>>921268Kek, imagine throwing such a tantrum over a stranger’s drink.
Now I will make sure I can visit a Starbucks next year so I can pester someone with a weird ass drink.
No. 921300
>>921268lol reading this made me laugh but also feel bad for her. I saw a tiktok (or maybe it was reel) with a fucking ridiculously specific drink that looked really complicated to make. like what even is the point.
but anyway what does that have to do with FDS?
No. 921307
well, you could always just get something else from starbucks like plain black coffee (it doesn't have any calories), tea, sparkling water, lemonade, bottled water etc
No. 921335
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next two posters, you know what you gotta do.
No. 921412
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>>921401I honestly hate how much they worship bg's there. I wanted to talk about girl groups… at times the threads aren't too bad but there's not a lot of room to talk about female idols. I really cannot stand bg stans and a lot of users on ccc reinforce it. You just see the intolerable sexualization of those ugly ass plastic men and you just wanna split kek
No. 921413
>>921386>elaborateThey put me on the list in march and now i'm being overtly gangstalked
I just wanted to share
No. 921418
>>921413they have a list? oh hell
are you banned from the site before they start gangstalking you
No. 921423
>>921412Same anon. Going on the catalog and seeing 83940 ugly bg threads on the first few rows sickens me. What's funny is that most of them realize kpop moids are 99% likely to be a typical hannam but they continue to spend and worship these faggots.
>>921413In real life or online? How do you know?
No. 921427
File: 1632442491085.png (69.85 KB, 1080x394, wtfnona.png)

>>921413Never been, never going back
No. 921433
>>921424I also had an story idea that I dreamt about and wanna write! We can do it,
nonnie, at worst we exercise our writing muscles and at best we become best sellers kek
No. 921461
even if you're on the list, if you don't want to be gangstalked please leave imageboards forever. they target mainly women Edward Binney is a former intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and whistleblower.
No. 921466
File: 1632444141324.png (209.97 KB, 600x602, comm__sonic_and_shadow_hug_by_…)

>>921459Apology accepted.
No. 921488
File: 1632444921740.jpeg (130.33 KB, 1159x574, 685C8B99-B775-4A1F-9027-881218…)

No. 925619
File: 1632851601261.jpg (7.12 KB, 229x250, 1611877639878s.jpg)

>>915219>dumbass shitI got just the stuff for ya, sis.