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No. 1000720
We've been crying and screaming for 100 threads, now! We all deserve some cake and a good, relaxing bath.
Let all the steam out, my nonnies.
>>>/ot/993458 No. 1000739
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I've spent so much money on Christmas, nonnies. So, so much. I barely even like Christmas and need to save money for a down payment and yet here I am shelling out thousands so my family feels like I care about them.
No. 1000768
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Things go downhill so damn fast. It really seems like the higher ups in my country are purposefully stepping on the gas to drive even faster against the incoming wall.
I don't know what's even the point in planning my future anymore, when I have to ditch it every few months with every new incoming hurdle caused by disastrous political decisions.
No. 1000772
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I want to have sex.
No. 1000832
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FINALLY got this vita emulator opening properly on my laptop but now when I click start game it fucking crashes. I just want to play a dumb VN with the little free time I have.
No. 1000913
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>>1000908The fact that she’s fucking a geriatric scrote whose waxy filler face is melting off while she’s at her peak career-wise is sickening. Literally no woman is safe from giving ugly men a chance.
No. 1001081
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i had the nicest dream i've had in years. it felt like it took place over the span of a week. i was falling in love with someone. i was fascinated by them in every way. they were kind, funny, attractive, and head over heels for me. we were just about to have our first kiss.
and then i woke up and remembered that i hate dating and i've never been in love before.
No. 1001094
>>1001081It’s weird how dreams can make you feel really in love, as if you’re flying, as if you’re dying. I hope you find love soon, maybe you’re ready for it again and that dream is a sign. I had a dream that an old friend hugged me for ages and said everything will be ok, and then it ended with me stealing a car and hiding bombs in books kek
>>1001088I really need to know what book this is, I need an extra kek today
No. 1001100
>>1001094lol anon, your dream sounds like maybe you're at a full stage of "i don't give a fuck" and life will indeed be okay
thank you for the kind message
No. 1001102
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>>1000873Kek I was just thinking the same thing around the same time last night. She is so blessed, but dating GDragon really does humble her
No. 1001107
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I hate being treated like a fucking tard by my coworker. Yesterday she was trying to take over everything about the job I was assigned too and kept saying "oh I can take care of that sweetie" in a really condescending way. One time she was following me around wiping stuff down. The cherry on top is that she made a ton of mistakes that day, so I don't know why she thinks she's qualified to comment on what I do. I'm glad she's not working today because I need time away from her so I don't punch her in her jowls from sheer fucking rage.
No. 1001133
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>soul sucking wfh job with almost no human contact during the day
>live alone, currently with parents for the holidays
>1 long distance friend who I only talk to occasionally
>in the closet
>social anxiety
>fat due to binge eating and low activity esp during winter, food comforts me but its a bad cope
>awful confidence due to above
>addicted to a gacha game and imageboards
>struggle doing things that used to make me happy - reading books, video games, drawing
stupid because I know how to fix this stuff. get off the internet, do my hobbies, drink water, eat less, exercise, do social groups/try and make friends, get a new job. I already go to therapy and take antidepressants. But it just seems so futile to make an effort. My anxiety makes me overthink everything. I'm afraid to get a new job and have to start over again with a low salary and meet new coworkers. I feel like I'm just rotting away not improving anything because I'm too afraid to change
No. 1001140
>>1001133I'm wishing the best for you nona. Even if you know the solution, it's really hard to start so I don't blame you! When I left my last soul sucking job, I was fucking terrified. What if I had to crawl back there with my tail between my legs because I couldn't make it? What if my next job will be even more soul sucking? It's really scary, and I know I'm extremely lucky that those things didn't happen. I wish the same for you.
I hope that you'll begin to inch your way forward towards the life you want, and one day you'll get to look back and be proud of what you've been able to do for yourself.
No. 1001145
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>>1001132It was revealed in february of this year but apparently have been dating for like a year before that and that everyone at YG knew about it. He was in the filming set of a bp's music video (lovesick girls) and they were seen going to each other's apartments. Creepy, he's been in her life since she was a teen
No. 1001165
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Nonnas I'm crying and shaking and throwing up. I lost my FUCKING GROCERIES on my way from the store. I put my sweet pastries in my bike basket and they fucking FELL OUT somewhere on the way home. I tried going back but I couldn't find them. My croissants…
No. 1001174
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>>1001165that's happened to me at least twice
No. 1001180
>>1001162Where do I even start….I got into it for the memes tbh I was 18/19 and was mentally at my lowest and kpop was super inviting. But I grew older and at the same time I was getting deep into radical feminism and I just saw kpop from a completely different perspective. It didn't help that around time a lot of kpop scrotes were exposed for sexual assault and shit. Plus I realized how it affected my body image. I was finding about new "flaws" every week or so.
Those things aside I just ended up seeing how fabricated and controlled the industry is. Everything is a cheap, late copy of American music.
I really recommend every young woman to stop supporting that exploitative, harmful industry filled with racist,
abusive, misogynistic idols and companies.
Sorry for all that sperging but what about yourself?
No. 1001198
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Ever since I moved back home I’m beginning to resent my mom and actually acknowledge how traumatic my childhood was. She really left my sister and I to fend for ourselves for years and treated us like her personal therapists while enabling our abusive alcoholic father.
No. 1001202
>>1000720One of my closest friends is planning on killing herself tomorrow. I don't know what the fuck to do or how to feel rn.
Knowing her, she'll probably go through with it, especially as she's pretty mentally ill but has never threatened suicide or anything before. If this on its own isn't edgy enough, she's partly doing it because she's not over her scrote ex.
I've been screaming at her as politely as possible, saying that dying over a scrote is the stupidest fucking thing but she doesn't want to hear it.
Of course, she's pretty young and this was her first serious relationship, but that's not an excuse to be this retarded.
No. 1001217
>>1001180>I got into it for the memes tbh I was 18/19 and was mentally at my lowest and kpop was super inviting.It was the same for me. I was really lonely and got sucked into kpop even though I didn't genuinely enjoy it and always made me feel a bit icky.
>But I grew older and at the same time I was getting deep into radical feminism and I just saw kpop from a completely different perspective. Those things aside I just ended up seeing how fabricated and controlled the industry is. Everything is a cheap, late copy of American music. Same. Over time all the "bad" aspects of kpop (all of it really) became too much for me ignore and I couldn't find the fun in it anymore. I also got tired of extremely lame and repetitive it is. It really is just a cheap formulaic copy.
Not to mention how all the idols look the same due to ps
>I really recommend every young woman to stop supporting that exploitative, harmful industry filled with racist, abusive, misogynistic idols and companies. Agreed
No. 1001352
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>>1001279this whore.
but seriously he probably does know an anna and there's a reason why you don't.
No. 1001361
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>>1001279I love watching anons who talk shit about any kind of 2d or 3d moid preference for being ugly while they put up with a boyfriend that screams a different girls during sex KEK we love to see your
downfall No. 1001376
I hate my father in law. My anxiety right now is as its worst because of him not being not only cautious but extremely careless about me or anyone surrounding him. It’s the first time I’m having holidays since almost a year and of course he decided to go to this stupid manifestation surrounded with people who are completely convinced they can’t get never get sick just because. He also appeared on the first page of our local newspaper so I had to face my coworkers, close friends and even people who’s not so close to me looking at me with sadness because I know I seem pathetic.
I wish I left years ago, when his level of craziness what somehow much better than all this shit. He will always find his truth in his argument because of course he only reads news which benefit his point of view, other opinions or proofs are orchestrated and manipulated (according to him).
And now I’m making myself worried sick because I feel trapped in this misery for loving her daughter like no one else. I even have to keep secrets because if he discovers the truth, he will surely kick her out.
I used to love him but I can’t stand his passive aggressive comments and blank stares when I’m near him because he knows I don’t think like he does, I will never do. Three days of silence and here I am, crying because I wonder how we got to this point. How someone who defends so much freedom of opinions and ideals be so fucking hypocrite, turning his back on people like me who don’t share the same ideals. I understand that everyone has the right to have an opinion, even when I don’t share it, even when I don’t understand it, I would never, ever, go silent with someone just to torture them and try to make them feel guilty about not thinking like me.
No. 1001420
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>>1001394Aww, thanks nona! Jam is thankfully very easy to make heh.
>>1001398Thanks! Stay safe too! I'm going to head to a testing center near my home on my way back today. I'm hoping the lines in my neighborhood won't be as crazy. I work in the city center so I'm not surprised that the lines are crazy and mobile testing sites are actually running out of tests here.
>>1001408I think some of the pharmacies here have them! Hopefully not out of stock! It'll be a good idea to get some anyway, especially for my parents to test frequently.
I know I'm worrying myself sick over here over something I wouldn't be able to do much about anyway. Thankfully everyone in my family is vaccinated
and just got their boosters (except me who was waiting because I'm too busy right now to get sick from the booster kek) but I can't help but be fearful anyway.
No. 1001446
I'm mad that because my grandma died my mom decided we are going to let my estranged WIFE AND CHILD BEATING UNCLE back into Christmas because "he doesn't have anybody". His son/my cousin doesn't talk to him because he was sick of being abused and shit on, and he isn't coming to Christmas, and my younger cousin is trapped because she is a minor. We lost contact with shitty uncle because he wouldn't stop beating his wife and she'd cry to my family for help (like when he cut up all her clothes, stole her meds, wrote on her face in sharpie, gave her a black eye, etc) and we were sick of being in the middle. She sent a selfie of her black eye to my mom and aunt and they called him and were telling him to stop, so he cut US off in 2012. But now he's playing Mr. Happy Guy because grandma is dead. Grandma who always refused to take sides on this(stand up to abuse) because having a son gives you brain damage, I think. My mom and I were just on the phone about it and she was like, "Why do you care, it's not like he beat me?" and "It was so long ago" and "I didn't apologize to him, either". I get it she felt guilty over the estrangement but she is just pretending it never happened and playing buddy buddy with him and it makes me really uncomfortable because she vented to me about all of this for years and now she did a 180. They are all packing up my grandma's house and shit and just trauma-bonding now so none of us are allowed to have any feelings about him.I honestly don't think I will attend Christmas. My mom chooses her abusive druggie brother over her only daughter. Enjoy, I guess. She's like, I don't want to alienate you from Christmas and I'm like, well it's too late. We'll pop in and then leave early, enjoy your shitty brother
No. 1001466
>>1001446Honestly I wouldn't attend at all. Invite your cousins and have your own Christmas celebration. Your christmas won't be ruined by seeing him, it's a stronger statment and if you attend you might get roped into staying longer than you want to.
>Grandma who always refused to take sides on this(stand up to abuse) because having a son gives you brain damageRelatable, my partner's grandma is the same, completely unable to acknowledge the shitty things her son does.
No. 1001495
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Woah. I realized a long time ago that my biggest problem in life is that I feel utterly empty which is why I spend most of my time browsing the internet instead of doing more productive hobbies that I (hypothetically) enjoy. But I didn't know until now exactly why I feel empty and it's because when I was a kid I learned to have my whole life revolve around worrying about my family's happiness. My mom and brother fought a lot and I was always trying to make them stop yelling at each other, thinking it was my fault, I would do my brothers chores for him so he and my mom wouldn't fight over it, if I heard them start to raise their voices I would drop everything to go sit in the room with them and beg them to stop, pretty soon I would spend all my free time worrying over if they were fighting, my life revolved around it and I was only maybe 13 years old. It became a habit when my brother got into drugs I'd worry about his life like it was my own problem, I didn't worry about my own life at all, in my 20s I never worked on school or a career because my life was working a dead end job then going home to my family and being too depressed to do anything because I was worried about everyone. I never helped anything by worrying so much, they didn't give a shit or even know, when I moved out on my own I knew how to take care of myself but was devoid of the drive to do so without anyone else to care about. I literally don't know how to live my life for myself and that's why even when I got out of a bad situation I was left empty inside. I want to be a selfish person but it's like I never developed a concept of self or purpose without being codependent on someone who makes me fucking miserable. God I'm pathetic
No. 1001499
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>>1001495Come here let me give you a hug that post made me sad for you. Do you still feel on edge even though you're not at home anymore? It will get better everyday, start small. It's ok to like browsing here but maybe branch out more and dip your toes into a hobby again
No. 1001504
>>1000789Hi sad anon, I care and am here to listen if you need a friend. Leaving unsaged so she sees.
>>1001498You need to study right now. Go on, off with you.
No. 1001509
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>>1001499I don't know what I feel, I have extreme depression and anxiety, often after talking to my mom on the phone I'll obsess over innocuous things she said and decide that something must be horribly wrong at home and she's just not telling me. But when I lived at home and she'd vent to me about my brother I'd get annoyed at her because I made it clear without saying so explicitly that I didn't want to hear about it. So I know I'm being irrational and my mood is swinging all over the place. I'm definitely uncomfortable around people who show any negative emotion and it might be part of the reason why I have such a hard time connecting with people. I guess the reason why I came to this conclusion is that before I came home for christmas I was feeling really burnt out and empty and I had this notion that I would go to my parents and be happy and have a great time, which I knew is historically not how it goes when I'm at my parents lol, but now I'm home in my old room and I'm back on my shit, when I hear my parents talking through the walls I go to the hallway to eavesdrop on them to make sure nothing is wrong and I've spend the last few days here doing nothing but browsing lolcow and watching youtube.
I think living for myself is less about action and more about finding something within myself, which sucks because it's so hard to change your mindset when it's basically been bred into you since childhood, but I've been doing everything right with my depression for years by dragging myself out of bed every day and working on my projects but I always slip back into my empty lifestyle eventually. I try to have hope that I can change but I think it's gonna be a long process
Sorry about the text wall
nonnie, thanks for caring (this is the only hugging .gif I could find on my computer kek)
No. 1001531
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Can't stop seeking instant gratification by switching different imageboard threads constantly instead of getting on with one of my hobbies
No. 1001537
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My mom obviously get so stressed and frustrated while we're visiting our family and sometimes she lashes out on me. I'm trying my best to not let this get to me, but this is day 1 of 20 so I don't know how much longer I can take it.
No. 1001552
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Idk what this talk about a hot job market is. Maybe if you want to make hardly any more than welfare. Meanwhile my former uni is sending me mail asking for donations. I'm gonna piss on some monopoly money and send it back to them.
No. 1001607
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I'm almost halfway through Eva and it legitimately can't have a female character on the screen without forcing a coombait scene. Even in casual random conversations. Even when Misato was having a really cool moment in one of the episodes there just had to be a scene afterwards of her changing in her underwear. It's so fucking tiresome because outside of that I'm really enjoying the show, but when it's shoved in your face that we're only seen as nothing but a fuckmeat display-show it kills the mood. Like a constant reminder. It's so unnecessary.
No. 1001667
>>1001621>>1001652I partially agree with you. There are however sexualised scenes Shinji isn't privy to (i.e. the first shot of Ritsulo, I didn't mind it personally, but someone else – maybe the same anon – did). I think that the show would be better without overt fanservice, or with it toned down enough just to present Shinji's perspective. Anno absolutely has shown his hand with the Rebuilds. He absolutely doesn't mind sexualising underage girls. Since OP didn't watch 4.0, she hhasn't even seen disgusting contorted positions yet lol. In the defence of the original Eva, at least most of the fanservice scenes reveal a lot about the characters and relationship about them (the Rei scene being an early example, but the Asuka "termal expansion" scene may be an even better one,
Misato's inappropriate behavior foreshadowing the kiss, I guess I'm thankful that the scene you mentioned is shockingly tactful
despite his antiquated views on women, Kaji seems like a better person than Anno for seeing Asuka only as a child LOL. I see that the fanservice scenes aren't there just to titillate, but that is also their purpose… and that's kind of a problem. Because I feel like a retard explaining that scenes sexualising 14 year old girls have merit and are actually super deep. It's a decision on the show creators's side, since they could have chosen a different way to show the important information to the viewer (including Shinji's raging hormones), but they didn't.
I still love NGE and think it's worth sticking around until the end, for the final arc and EoE. I do not blame OP if she doesn't want to, though.
No. 1001672
>>1001667lol I just noticed anon using the thermal expansion scene screenshot so I want to elaborate.
In the scene, Shinji is focusing on studying, I believe his sight wonders to Rei (I may be misremembering this part). Asuka being Asuka and romantically interested in Shinji, cannot stand that. She makes a retarded attempt at flirting and sexualises herself, thinking that Shinji will follow through with giving her (sexual/romantic) attention. He doesn't though, and Asuka gets annoyed at him "not being a man enough", like Kaji – her role model of masculinity. If I remember correctly, the scene ends with Shinji continuing to study while Asuka screams off-scream that she did a flip while jumping into the swimming pool. That's a cherry on top: she's so fucking attention starved (especially from Shinji) that she tries to get it in any way
possible. If flirting won't work, maybe this will? I doubt she is pulling some great plan there, it's just how she behaves. She cannot just fucking chill. That's who she is I will not deny that all of that could have been shown better, even though the cap in OP's post shows Shinji's discomfort with Asuka's close presence due to how awkward he is with girls and his sexual feelings.
No. 1001701
>>1001607I agree and I used to be a big fan of Eva, bought all the volumes and all too just to have some sort of 'merch' even though it cost shittons to deliver it to my 3rd world place. Anyways, I know all the explainations and excuses of that it's Shinji's point of view and stuff and I'm tired of the excuses. In ttgl, the same explainations were used. And we should just accept it? Oh, this show was made from a boy's perspective so you'll have to see female characters get treated as nothing but sexy shots one after the other since there is no other way we can show this and sexualizing woman is important, deep, artistic. Always. There will always be an explaination. I don't like it and I don't want to see it. It doesn't make your cartoon any deeper. It just makes me go, "ah, this is how i'm seen." Tired, trite, boring, fake-deep. I agree with you. Also, the fact that it was made by a depressed Japanese scrote? Yeah, I'm not buying it was just to bring the story home and illustrate Shinji's teen hormonal brain. Not for the audience of course, never.
No. 1001716
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I made a burner tinder account cuz I'm horny to see what kind of guys are near my area but now I'm seeing so many good looking cute moids please help I didn't mean for it to be this way
No. 1001718
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nonnas please keep me in your thoughts i put off cleaning my depression apartment until now and i have family coming over tomorrow afternoon its 1am and i've gotten ONE thing done this is gonna be at least 7hrs of cleaning why am i like this
No. 1001722
>>1001701That isn't how the show is at all. I think you just have poor media literacy. Same with
>>1001717. You can't identify or relate to any of the other themes presented? You make it sound like the show is completely vapid and hollow. What did you even like it for? I'm convinced you've barely seen any of it and liked it because it was popular to like. I can't think of any other way to explain your take. Sexuality being present in the show isn't making it "deep", it's a show about growing up and coming to terms with who you are and the responsibilities of adulthood and being alive and handling multiple complex relationships.
No. 1001796
Everything sucks so much this month and it's all my fault. Got no money, because i have spent it on some useless shit and unnecessary food to feel better. My depression worsened, I'm barely functional right now. I'm so terrified of my future, i never had a job and terrified of getting it, the worst thing is that i can't even speak the language of the country I'm living in (and i lived here for a while, i genuinely try, but it's never sufficient enough). I'm studying in uni remotely, i haven't even been there once, thanks to covid, social anxiety and lack of money to even get there. It should have been a cool new chapter in my life, meet new people and stuff.
But no, I'm miserable, missing out, even when everything could go well.
And, yet, when i fucking try to get some therapy, i can't talk about my problems at all! They all say the same shit, which is, okay, i know i supposed to do that, but it's impossible for me for now. Just go and learn the language, just get friends, just get a job, try mediation and so on as answer to anything i say. I feel way worse than when i was diagnosed, but my retarded brain after a while starts to respond to them as if everything is fine just to avoid another "if you are homeless - just buy a house"-esque advice, and now i shot myself in the foot, since this bitch stopped the meetings and says I'm not depressed anymore. Cool, though everytime i bring up my suicidal thoughts she, either, doesn't understand what i'm saying, or acts as if she doesn't understand.
I can't go to my homeland, since i really want to continue studying here and living there sucks even more.
Ughhghg, wish i could get better at what i do and just find some cool job in english
Or die
No. 1001797
>>1001783>even Anno thinks was a cheap mistakeThat's a stupid argument. Authors aren't always the best judges of their work. First example that came to my mind: Kafka's novels that he wanted destroyed.
>inb4 weeb thinks NGE is equivent to Franz Kafka's novels>Read booksYou can do both, and I'm inclined believe a large part of the NGE fandom does (no, not light novels) due to show's references and inspirations. You can find value in both
No. 1001812
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>>1001797Nayrt but even Anno himself admits that the symbolism is just there to look cool, he doesn't seem to read much himself kek.
No. 1001822
>>1001813Just a heads up, it is illegal under US law and against lolcow rules to aid in someone's suicide.
Anyone who replies with advice will be banned, and may be in legal trouble.
No. 1001839
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>>1001812I am confused to what part of my my statement are you replying to – Anno deriding his work or NGE fans potentially reading books? I will reply assuming both, since IDK.
People either watch NGE for the whole package, the psychological drama and relatable cast of characters or giant robots.
It doesn't matter if the references (to Childhood's End, The Beast That Shouted I At The Heart Of The Universe, The Wind of the Door, Instrumentality of Mankind… and yeah, the Bible of course plus more) are vague. If they were recognized, there is a chance that someone will pick up the book in question. That's something. It is a mistake to assume they are shading a new light on NGE's plot, sure. It's normal to be curious wtf is that thing that Anno liked. Though honestly? Beyond the coomer waifufags, there is plenty of mental and introverted people in the fandom. Exactly the type to pick up Jung, Freud or stuff like No Longer Human. TBH a fandom demographics questionnaire would be interesting, though largely meaningless except the back and forward between us.
Also none of that changes that just cause you enjoy some anime, comics or vidya doesn't mean you cannot appreciate novels or other culture texts.
>>1001817Wouldn't say she's a better writer since it's apples and oranges, but I love Moyoco Anno's work. Plus maybe I am wrong, but we don't know how much of writing Anno actually did. Most of it, sure, but almost all episodes were written by him and another writer. How much of good and bad is he responsible for? Only seen Shikijitsu, which held up NGE's tone of introversion, mental illness and
toxic relationships… so I assume most of what I liked from Anno. Still, Moyoco writes her work alone (with input from an editor? idk) so it's easier to judge her work.
If you dont like NGE, you don't like Anno – that's for sure and that's okay. I don't think he's some genius and really only care about the two mentioned works.
No. 1001870
>>1001857>>1001858>>1001861NTA but this is almost like gaslighting kek. This anon
>>1001842 also didn't have to reply with that image, they could've just not read and kept scrolling. That's a pic you post when someone is being a little bitch and typing argumentative essay you won't read, own it and don't pretend it's the same as complete inaction
No. 1001873
>>1001866That was probably me in the dumbass shit thread, but you should know that the market is saturated as fuck and you'd need some boost to even get noticed. One of my personal mini cows is the western vtuber Nerine, she had a popular youtube channel and then rebranded as a vtuber and still seethes she didn't make it big.
>>1001870If you're putting your oh so valuable opinions on a public forum, you should also expect that there's gonna be some people who will lol at them.
No. 1001875
>>1001858>>1001861Oh, but posting a bitchy meme in reply is somehow ok? That also isn't a vent. You don't have to give me any reaction, I don't "feel entitled" to it. How about if you do reply, maybe don't be a cunt for no reason? I'm not judging people who dislike NGE as I stated in in the post and I never did (that were other anons). Also I replied to 2 different people already discussing the topic, so it's not like it came out of the blue.
Some of you engage and then sperg out when you get a reply, sometimes "replying" to something that wasn't even said.
I don't want to clog the thread, but fuck this kind of attitude. This is my vent and I'm out.
also I wish there was a convenient way of directing the discussion to a more fitting topic, since sometimes it's a waste No. 1001887
I live apart from my boyfriend for the time being due to him studying somewhere else. I was supposed to travel to him before new years, but because of an infection in my family, we're all now quarantined. It sucks, but whatever. I'm still waiting for my test results which will determine how long I have to stay quarantined before I can travel again. My boyfriend and I were really looking forward to see each other, but we talked about the booking and accepted that we might have to cancel. Well, at least I did. I'm having a really tough time due to everything that's going on, but somehow whenever he calls, I end up having to comfort him because he's mad and agitated about me potentially not coming. Today a new travel restriction is being put in place, and I decided that no matter the result, I'm going to postpone the trip because it's becoming too much of a hassle. He started to complain how his holiday's been ruined and how sad he is. I hate that he makes this all about himself when he's not quarantined, he gets to spend christmas with his family and new years with his friends. He's not sick, not been exposed and no one in his family is sick either. I finally broke and told him to quit it. I'm tired. I'm scared for my family. I'm worried about my test results. Him having to wait a few weeks more to see me again is no big deal, and it's the responsible thing to do right now.
That is if I even decide to go. I keep reading about couples who can't be together due to the pandemic, and of loving boyfriends who sends their girlfriends flowers, orders food to their door as a surprise and calls them every day to check on them while they're in isolation. I don't need flowers, but a simple "what do you want and what can I do for you" instead of "oh no, what about me?" would go a long way. Asshole.
No. 1001937
>>1001813I will not give you any suggestion except to go outside and take a breather. I'm a stranger on the internet and I don't know your life circumstances but I only wish the best for you. Life can be bleak, and it can be muggy and hard to drag your feet through for years and years, but I hope that you may find something that is worth staying here for. I hope one day the weight on your shoulders gets lighter, and lighter, and lighter, until the day comes when you walk outside and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and maybe come to think that being alive may not be so bad after all.
I love you anon. Take care of yourself. I hope things will get better for you.
No. 1001938
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>>1001932Nonny as a first step just skim through the material for now to get an idea of how much time you'll need. In your mind it's probably a lot more work than you think so check it out to keep your expectations realistic. Jump into studying if you get nervous about it. Best of luck.
No. 1001950
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There's this crazy homeless guy who comes in the office every other week yelling and screaming about how he's going to sue us for one of our workers discriminating against him and he smells like shit. He ties up my coworker's time for over 2 hours every time as she tells him the same thing every time, he's not being discriminated against. He fucking freaks me out but my handmaiden coworkers all think because he's autistic and homeless we need to feel sorry for him, he won't hurt us, and we can't let this ~poor vulnerable scrote~ have a run-in with the cops. Yesterday, the woman who works at the office next door comes in telling me that when we were closed, he came in to HER office instead to scream at her about us. She started fucking crying and said if her boss doesn't let her lock the front door while she's working alone she's going to quit. FUCK THIS SCROTE and FUCK MY NICE COWORKERS. The next time he comes in I'm telling him to get the fuck out or I'm calling the cops.
No. 1002005
>>1001995You've quoted some of my posts with nothing regarding sexualization of underage girls. I was also the one anon that you didn't quote posting that it's fucked up and whatever message it's supposed to portray, it could have been done in a tactful manner. The anons saying how it's justified because it's Shinji's perspective aren't me.
On another note, that video has a point, but I hate seeing ProZD's fat face. A woman this ugly would never become so popular, even if she was funny and made smart commentary.
No. 1002061
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I love my boyfriend so much. He's so nice, caring, open. I love that he's so tall. I smile every time I see him. But, he looks exactly like a caveman. Still love him, but it's the first thing I notice every time I see him. I will never ever let him know
No. 1002082
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>>1002061I envy you so much, I'm super attracted to males who have cavemen like appearances
No. 1002087
>>1002074already cleaned him up. He looks better but alas it's his bone structure. He just ugly. But he's my caveman.
>>1002082I wish he looked like that uerhguehg. I think the word I'm lookin for is Neanderthal. Wide nose, big forehead. I dunno, maybe I am attracted to it cuz I wanna smooch his face every time I see it. Maybe it's subconscious?? But imma keep this one. I'm so dedicated to this I have already begun the process of stealing his hoodies.
No. 1002089
>>1002087that's just as good, god I wish I was lucky as you
God I wish men either looked like cavemen or flawless angels Björn Andrésen
I just want to live in that world, is that too much too ask
No. 1002095
>>1001887Don't believe the hype around those other guys. Men aren't thoughtful on their own unless they feel guilty. They're also all immature and selfish.
>>1002088If he wants to be a little bitch he can get ignored like one. You're the one dealing with sickness in the family and he's being emo because he's sad his dick won't get wet for the holidays. I say ice him out today and have a grown up conversation tomorrow. Tell him you need his emotional support too
No. 1002096
>>1002089You will find your sexy cave man someday anon. I believe in you. He will have big hands and nice muscles to pick you up with ease
Oh gosh the 180 from Björn Andrésen, a hecking living angel in the 70's turned handsome and rugged now.
No. 1002128
I miss my shitty ex-friend.
Even though our breakup was messy, she fucked me over and tried to ruin me as a person but I can't help but reminisce of the times where she was sweet, kind, and treated me so right. Our connection was strong, almost like we are soulmates and I cannot recreate that same feeling with other friends no matter how hard I tried.
I have to admit that there are often times that I want to talk to her again, but the memories of that time where her true color showed and how ruthless she was as a person, I stopped, because I know she doesn't deserve a second chance or any time of the day from me.
It's almost like she is the unforgettable ex that I can't stop thinking about. I just look at the good times we had together and forgot how she treated me like a toy, used me, and then dumped me like I was nothing to her. I looked at her as a saint and she looked at me like a sinner. It's been 2 years and I am still obsessed with her, I just want to let go anon…I don't know what to do anymore.
No. 1002175
>>1002172I knooooow I KNOW you're right. It just makes me so fucking angry, the gaslight is so fucking obvious. He just called me again to tell me I made him 'self conscious' about his fucking instagram captions… I know it's weak as shit and I'm being very pathetic here but I just want to do SOMETHING to get back at him. This is like the last straw out of a million huge ass issues too so I just need this for my sanity to cut him off.
>fuck his brother firstGOD I would do this too because I know itd piss him off but his brothers are like 10+ years older. LOL.
No. 1002226
>>1002186i know how you feel, but you do have your place there as long as you do your job honestly. some people have a passion and make it their job, others don't and just find an okay occupation that's compatible with their choice of lifestyle. don't compare because you and your code-loving turbonerds coworkers aren't playing the same game.
but do let yourself soak in their enthusiasm, because it's always uplifting to see people thrive doing what they love, whatever that may be. it inspires you to do your own stuff that you care about.
No. 1002273
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No. 1002359
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nonnies all I want is for my my covid test to come back negative, I just want to see my asthmatic mom over Christmas that’s all I ask
No. 1002558
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>>1002541KEK anon i know but this place would be at least $500 a month if it wasn't free. i'm so tempted to post a picture here bcus theres also some kind of algae growth coming from the floor that refuses to leave but i will not bcus its gross. my whole shower is an entire evil ecosystem of little fucking evil plants and organisms and i have no control over it
No. 1002579
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and now
i'm always happy to see these female-only spaces on the internet nonnys. doubly so considering every other goddamn "girls only xD" space is populated by trannies.
No. 1002585
>>1002582i should go further & say *female-only spaces where women can actively say something like, "fuck trannies/moids" and not be met with handmaidens/trannies/etc. wringing their hands and crying.
and if they do appear…they are #banned.
No. 1002586
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I'm pretty sure my friend got me a very expensive gift, while I spent maybe $25 on hers.
No. 1002593
>>1002590yeah, honestly. the /dst/ thread on /ot/ always makes me laugh.
it is a kpop imageboard though, so most memes/etc. tend to revolve around that.
No. 1002612
Is it still a vent if it’s positive? Idk I just want someone to ramble to. My boyfriend had some unexpected family issues come up and will be leaving over the holidays, so we decided to exchange gifts early. We’ve been together just over one month, him missing out first Christmas together isn’t a big deal but he’s been very apologetic anyway. One of the first things we bonded over was our mutual love of plants, cherry trees in particular, it was just one of the first special little moments we shared.
One of the gifts I got him this year was a copper cherry blossom necklace that I made him. He’s very crafty and is always making stuff, so I thought he would appreciate the effort I put into learning a new craft for him (he did). I don’t usually receive gifts, much less thoughtful ones, so when the first gift I opened of his was this beautiful, dainty copper cherry blossom necklace with a note about our first bonding moment together I bawled like a baby.
It’s not about the gift, but the thought he put into it. After recently ending a long term relationship where my last boyfriend forgot my birthday for all 4 years we were together, getting such a thoughtful gift that shows just how on the same wavelength he and I are was a breath of fresh air. My ex brought me to a lower point than I’ve ever been, being verbally abused and cheated on and made to feel crushingly insecure for so long really took a toll on me. I thought I didn’t want a relationship again, at least not for a very long time. I tried to tell my current boyfriend so many times that despite how much I liked him I just couldn’t be with him, and I’m so thankful he stuck by me anyway. I remember what it feels like to be loved again
No. 1002613
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I'm in a group chat full of boomers and scrotes for my new job and someone added a pic of this on chat and another guy went like "HAHAHA NICE WHAT A MAN OF CULTURE" and I just fucking cringed so bad. Fuck men they're gross. I fucking hate men it just made me viseral right now.
No. 1002632
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I'm soooo getting over dating. Got my fair share of FWB and now i know it's not my thing. But. Finding a bf is damn near impossible where i live. All the dudes that want something serious are scrotes that are scrawny or balding at 20, have shitty minimum education and a boring personality. Like i'm not a 10/10 with a master degree and an incredible personality but i know what i can score.
No. 1002648
>>1002638It’s just a vent and I know this but I wish I could hug you.
I used to be even more poor than you likely, maybe we were equally poor who knows. People like us just need to be empathetic and patient or else we snap and don’t get any empathy back. I read a book about this actually that no matter how severe one’s situation is if one isn’t being classy about it nobody cares. Humans suck. It can be hard but wish everyone luck and hope maybe it comes to you. You’ll be getting what you deserve at a much later age, and you have to work so much harder than others. Part will be a bit of luck and part will be your hard work. Maybe you’ll even realize that believe it or not, most people are not that successful or rich. And that they struggle. Maybe not as much as you or me but they struggle. At that point of realization you have to aim to be even more successful than any of them and always be hopeful and kind. Chin up. Merry xmas and a Happy new year every time for you!
No. 1002673
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a largely female only forum i frequented over the years went down and the users made a new forum run by a few users. it took off and it's active, which i find very fascinating because usually making the switch to a different platform doesn't work out so well… most of the users are women and older than me, so way above the age of 30, but mostly under 50. it's really nice to be surrounded by so many women who share their life experience and stuff like that. it really helped me with recognizing "older" women as human beings who were just born a few years before i was, and not just see them as super well adjusted adults who have everything under control and who never mess up or have problems or procrastinate on annoying things. anyways. since it's a new platform we're deciding on new rules and now they're talking about gendering. my language is germanic so we have grammatical gender for everything, and every job usually has a female and male form. there's a lot of garbage floating around on how to gender, what special character to use (* or : or _) etc. they're now talking about whether gendering should be a rule and whether people should be punished for not gendering (=breaking a rule). somehow the conversation turned to nonbinary identities (kek) and it turns out that, apparently, some users identify as nonbinary. these are women well above the age of 30, many of them have multiple children, are 100% straight and love dick. they constantly talk about sex based oppression and discrimination, when a man signs up and acts like a dumb scrote and whines about Muh Misandry the women band together and basically beat him down with sticks and ban him for being a nasty scrote. a few men are allowed on the platform because they have proven themselves to be okay-ish guys, but they also receive harsh criticism when they act out. that place used to be one of the few sane places on the internet and now it turns out that some of these women identify as NONBINARY???? how can you push multiple children out of your vagina and complain on the internet about receiving sex based sexual harassment at your workplace by le evil white old cis menz and then turn around and claim that you're nonbinary??? i'm so fucking tired of this shit. i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it. i used to think calling someone a traitor is too dramatic, but no. every woman who tries to identify out of womanhood or misogyny is a traitor to her fellow women.
No. 1002696
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>scroll through the tomboy tag on ig
>every third pic is a ftm
If you're considering yourself a man, take t and even chopped your tits off then why tf are you posting in the tomboy tag. I'm ok with actual trans people but fuck off I just want to look at masculine women
No. 1002722
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>>1002721I'm spending it alone but I splashed out on a box of these babies.. now don't be jealous anons.
Seriously tho, I'm kinda content with my plans. Not something everyone would understand but I've 3 whole days to chill out with no pressure or responsibilities.
No. 1002730
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My sleep studies for a possible hypersomnia came back and despite me sleeping 16 hrs a day and barely staying awake more than 1 hour straight during it, the doctor that followed me said " nah it's depression take this totally new and not average shitty antidepressant, talk to a therapist and do breathing exercises lol XD ". THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS YOU FUCKING RETARD, DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO ROPE MYSELF BECAUSE I'M EATING MY LIFE AWAY SLEEPING?? GIVE ME STIMULANTS GIVE ME ADDERALL GIVE ME RITALIN I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR USELESS BREATHING EXERCISES OH MY GOOOOOOOD
No. 1002758
>>1002741>a series of threads about lusting for guys from Japanese cartoons, active most of the time>Vidya threads focus on weeb content>anime and manga threads>weeb reaction pics>plenty of weeb-adjascent cowsetc.
>husbandofag thread>fujos on the thread #3 or #4, idek I am not even getting in the /cgl/ and staminarose roots. Next someone will whine about autistic posters
pretty much same thing kek No. 1002783
>>1002780I don’t understand just how can someone be a 30 or 40 years old woman and think she can just magically turn into a hot anime guy. If she was 13 or even 18, I would kind of get it, but 30 years old? And hopefully with a whole ass job, and other responsibilities?
Males are another thing because coom and they only get more and more disgusting as they age, but a woman? I don’t get it.
No. 1002799
>>1002730Get a new doctor. Eventually one will actually fucking listen to you.
Sorry you're dealing with this, good luck.
No. 1002808
I hatefollow someone on my social media who I knew from grad school. We started out as friends, but over the years since graduation she became super entitled and thinks a mental disorder and lack of family means she deserves money, free shit, and constant reassurances from people all the damn time. As if nobody else could be suffering as much as she does around the holidays.
In reality she: 1. Has plenty of friends who do pretty considerate things for her (even I simped one year and did something for her while she never acknowledged it at all). 2. Is educated and could hold a steady job if she wasn't so fucking lazy and realized no one is obligated to handle her issues with kid gloves if it impacts her performance, and 3. Wouldn't be so fucking 'poor' if she could hold down aforementioned job, admit she rents in a high COL area and move somewhere cheaper albeit less glamorous, and not own multiple high maintainence pets that require $$$.
Gods, her begging posts where she asks people to send her money and gifts every week! She never pays that shit forward. I am not exaggerating when I say she posts her Venmo every other day.
She claims she "recovered" from her anorexia, but constantly posts body checks. One day she's super happy about her weight gain, and then the next day she's spiraling into full orthorexia bragging about running and snapping selfies at the gym because in her mind the weight gain is justified if she's working out. Bitch are you too poor to afford food for yourself and your pets, or is it that you'd rather spend your money on gym memberships and use your time towards vanities while letting your friends and strangers cover your living expenses so you don't have to?
I never see her post about having done something kind or thoughtful for anyone. It's always me, me, me posts guilt tripping everyone with her suicide baiting. I'm sure the reason why no one ever calls her out is because they are legitimately nervous she might do it, but I know she's much too selfish to ever have those kinds of grapes. I hate manipulators who play pathetic victim, especially because she switches the second she feels she has a victory.
No. 1002823
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>start job yesterday
>be lucky enough
>it’s freelance so I can work from home
>have decent internet connection at home
>during training
>the power at my zone shut down
>the internet isn’t working
>try the 15 things you have to do when you got no internet
>nothing works
>hoping for a blackout to happen again so the internet comes back
Such is the life of a third worlder, I think this is like a signal from the universe, telling me that I shouldn’t enjoy having a job and that I should embrace the neet life that my family wants me to live until I graduate or something.
No. 1002824
My roommate is in his thirties. He has had shit luck with the past 4 gfs. First 2 were long term relationships, and it turns out both the girls were cheating on him for over a year with someone else. Cut to recent gf
She dated him for 2 months and straight up cheated on him and tried to lie even though he was at her house trying to talk to her (she said she was in bed sleeping but obviously not at her house. He went over there because he had a family emergency and needed some support). He comes home that night and I wake up to him sobbing, and stay up talking to him and trying to discuss the importance of seeing red flags from the get go, etc.
A few days later, I wake up to my cat being locked on his room on accident, and my poor cat was in there all night. He’s not home. He shares his location with me and my bf (for safety and emergencies) and I see he’s back at her house.
He spent days shit talking her just to crawl back.
I give up anons, he clearly does not want a healthy relationship, he does not have self respect, and he only wants to date selfish dumb ass hoes just so he can complain about it.
She’s not welcome here anymore. Keep her drunk dumb vacant bullshit away from me please.
The sad part is, there are so many potential partners out there that would be respectful and honest. The cherry on top, none of these hoes are even hot.
Thank you for letting vent. Hope you all have a peaceful holiday
No. 1002875
>>1002860Hey, roommate here, and I’ve been asking the same thing. He’s been friends with my bf since childhood, and my bf is trying to encourage therapy.
I don’t know why some people got so mad here, I definitely don’t sympathize with the guy, its more frustrating to live with. He’s defined into manipulators and selfish people. We want him to move out, and date someone healthy. It gets old seeing the same ol cycle repeat. Also, all these chicks are messy alcoholics and that shit gets real old.
My bf thinks our roommate may have a secret cheating fetish or something.
No. 1002881
>>1002877The last 3 girls lived here, at the house I own, the roommate shared his location with us intentionally, but got off anons. Ps, the last 2 chicks faked a pregnancy, and the last one was planning two weddings with 2 guys at the same time. I’m such a woman hater for feeling too told to be surrounded with shit tear soap opera problems???
So sorry I chose to vent.
No. 1002885
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>ask for specific, hard to find history books for Xmas
> mention several times that all of them are available at this bookstore that has a huge history section
> "oh uwu i want to support that dumbass anarchist bookstore instead so i'll buy them from him"
>shitty anarchist bookstore has 0 good history books in sticks, has to order mine directly from the publishers
> dumbass anarchist store isn't even used to dealing with these publishers, unlike the store i recommended
>dipshit anarchist fucks up the order
> of fucking course the one book i wanted most won't be there in time for christmas
No. 1002957
>>1002681Jesus Christ I've only been here for a day and had enough.
Me: talking about new workplace, mentions what kind of benefit packages there are
Mother: can these benefits be used by family members too? You should choose option so I could travel to X! I also have to get my teeth done so the dental insurance would also come in handy (says this as if it was the most natural thing in the world)
Me: …
Me: I'm the one working here. These are
my benefits.
Mother: haha sure
Me coming home after a walk I took because I wanted to be alone
Mother: why did you take your phone for the walk? Were you talking to someone haha?
Who was it??
Someone save me.
No. 1002977
>>1002974Tell them you have a learning disability and you're allowed to reclaim it for yourself, make fun of them for being tryhard and neurotypical
I have a learning disability and I use the R word all the time
No. 1002985
>>1002974The other day I had plans to meet someone so I was daydreaming and having a 'practice conversation' in my head on my way there lol. I hit a moment in the made up convo where I called one of my interests retarded and then panicked when I remembered you can't do that irl.
See you just need to have more practice conversations..
No. 1002998
>>1002970I can’t think of any place where grad students hang out in but you just inspired me to reach out to some people that I was on friendly terms. Idk but I always struggled to hold a conversation with people in my major.
I feel like I’ll forever stay salty towards art communities in general. People actually get surprised when they find out I draw or am into art then get annoyed when they realize I don’t hold the same anti-capitalist/social science lite views they have.
No. 1003019
>>1002638i feel this kek. i had a rich friend once with actual depression (diagnosed and everything) and of course, bc of it, his daddy was paying for his rent, hobbies, etc. so he could rot in his expensive apartment in peace.
on one hand it's like yeah, i get it, you're sad…but i'm sad too and unlike you i don't have anyone to provide for me
No. 1003022
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i love, love love love my mother but i wish i didn't have to go home for the holidays. i'd rather stay at my own place and watch anime/play ffxiv/etc.
No. 1003042
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>trying to find women-only hiking/camping groups
>keep seeing ‘anyone who identifies as a woman welcome!’
>pics of the groups are always gender conforming women in full faces of makeup, clearly just doing this for instagram
i hate this world
No. 1003059
nonnieI’m just still crying about getting called incoherent rn. But whining aside I should contact my psychiatrist I guess and she’ll have a talk with me next year but it will be something.
This world is not for me maybe I’ll go full schizo and have my own visual simulation because my entire existence and life sux. Idk what to do.
No. 1003071
I hate cooking and cleaning for my family, looking nice for my boyfriend, meal planning and grocery shopping and making sure everyone is taken care of, listened and paid attention to. I hate working to make money for them in addition to this. It’s probably all just too much at once, get I never do it all in one day, I’m so behind on everything. It’s overwhelming to not hit my quotas and my marks when they’re supposed to happen, like being too late to buy groceries, then not having dinner, relaxing too long so now I can’t put on makeup, then being so overwhelmed I’ll do nothing for hours on end on end on end. I don’t know what I want or what I want to do. I don’t even feel like decorating for Christmas tonight.
I hate cooking dinner.
It’s just mess upon mess upon mess. Whenever you cook the dinner you’re standing in the middle of the mess, whenever you clean the mess you’re standing in the mess. I wish I could clean from afar. I wish I could be standing in bigger room with my arms stretched out to reach what I’m doing, I wish the floor was clean and wasn’t full of crumbs and sticky shit getting all over the bottom of my socks and making them wet, wet on my sleeves too. Just give me a day where it’s all done or just give me tbe will to want to do it to enjoy it to like being active and doing things.
I hate this house so much.
I blame my moid that we don’t live in a bigger nicer one.
Not even asking for much, this one is just so broken
No. 1003075
>>1003071I wish I was your friend so I could come over and help clean and do meal prep. I found a really good chicken tortilla soup recipe that's easy to make 4 family sized batches at once with. Lmk if you want it
nonnie, sorry stuff sucks, I know how it goes
No. 1003110
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>>1003103d u m p him, anon
No. 1003123
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>>1003103And I bet you still won't end it, they never do
No. 1003125
I should have thought of this before but my home country is doing test to release, which means 2-3 days of no escape from my dysfunctional family. Usually when I visit I'll more or less stay outside until it's time to sleep. It's a hoarders house too, like the beds are seen as storage space during the day, just for it to be dumped on the floor when it's bedtime, THAT messy and full of shit.
My mom is very needy and selectively deaf when I tell her I need alone time. I'm the most permissive one to her behavior in that I try be patient when she will enter the room i'm staying in literally every 5 mintues to ask a question. It's obvious she wants attention, but when I try dedicate time to her it's never enough and it's just non stop. She's just needy and anxious, but sweet so I feel terrible when I ice her out just to get some peace.
Then with my dad it's like walking on eggshells. I can do something consistently 5 times in a row without a peep from him, then on the 6th he'll blow up at me. But we don't really talk so it's not as bad as mom.
I just don't know what I'll do with myself. The house is small, cluttered and hostile, plus I'll be nitpicked if I do anything other than go on my laptop or watch TV. I'll be nitpicked for that too, but there's only so much material they have with those things.
No. 1003130
>>1003123Why are you shitting on the girl in picrel instead of the scrote? Is there a larger story I am unaware of?
Love how
victim blaming women instead of focusing on scrotes is somehow framed as based and pinkpilled nowadays
No. 1003143
>>1003130Bitch what? Are you one of those agitated anons who just wants to argue about nothing in every thread? Im lamenting how often women get shit on, post about it online, and don't listen to anyone telling them to drop him.
>Love how victim blaming women instead of focusing on scrotes is somehow framed as based and pinkpilled nowadaysAnd
I love these extrapolating cunty posts. I assume the next reply will deduce that I am causing the downfall of womankind and am both a man and a pedo.
No. 1003156
>>1003149I doubt I am who you two are talking about. I find the "they never do" comments unnerving and condescending.
>And I love these extrapolating cunty posts. How was that cunty? Just a bit sarcastic. Your statement toward that anon was shitty, don't pretend like it was neutral or empathetic.
>>1003149>her shitty ""callouts""a disagreement isn't a ~"callout"~
No. 1003180
>>1003168Thanks anon. I'm going to the store tomorrow, so I'll probably get some chocolates and booze. My favourite thing my mom would cook growing up was stuffing, so I might try to just make stuffing and mashed potatoes lol. And some shortbread cookies. I'm lazy so I'll probably buy those at the farmer's market.
It just sucks being alone again. Holidays were always a good way to break up the monotony. I hope it's not like this next year again, it's really lame and depressing. I don't think Covid helps either. The last 2 years have been a blur.
Anyway thanks for the kind reply. I hope you enjoy the holidays.
No. 1003201
>>100278045 year old friend started using they, fucking why, it's bad enough that all my 25 year old fujo friends are all Aidening out like they're braindead teenagers but I thought that at least she would be safe from this shit.
On a related note, I've seen a lot of tweets lately that are like "No one is too old to become Nonbinary! If you think to yourself "I'd have used they pronouns when I was 13" then you need to start doing it!" No bitch, it's called maturing and growing a brain.
No. 1003213
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I always fall into fandoms after the majority of people have left. I want to geek out with other people …I want to get excited for new developments…I want to get excited for something again…
No. 1003237
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i just shat around an hour ago, but my asshole is still on fire
No. 1003240
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My hot dog fell on the floor, so I boiled it for longer and ate it anyways, my new life motto is “if I die I die”
No. 1003244
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>>1003241Nta but I feel like I’ve ascended now that I’ve seen this written, I like my hobbies because I enjoy them, not because I have to sperg with everyone else about them, this makes me feel lighter, because now understand that I’m not a shitty person for just not wanting to share every single aspect of my life with the world.
No. 1003257
>>1003241Reminds me of that super popular inceloid post from 4chan where some loser is ranting about how women at parties are boring because they don't talk about his interests and he only tolerates them because he wants vagina on his face. And if it wasn't for that he would always rather be home talking to his loser friends online about star wars.
It always enraged me because only an extremely boring person would be unable to enjoy normal conversations rather than indepth discussions about obscure interests (not that star wars is even remotely obscure lmao). That is peak fucking boring and anyone with a crumb of charisma or self awareness can embrace casual chatting and small talk without delving into their autistic passions.
Not saying anon is like that, I just wanted to vent because it still makes me seethe years later.
No. 1003268
I hate xmas because it remembers me how my family would gather up to "stay all together" and after lunch the broken family dynamics would play and they always ended up screaming at each other, plus I lived away from my family and felt extra anxious about being affectionate with people seeing me basically once a year, touching me with their lunch-dirty hands and such.I can't help about feeling anxious and sad everytime this time of the year comes around.
Plus I hate noise and screaming and they would do that nonstop and scold me for wanting some alone time and they shittalked me everytime december came, making jokes like "eh, Anon is depressed as always, eh????" just because I said I didn't want to go.
Now these things don't happen anymore and I'm glad, I live on my own but because of that I have a very strong boundary about my personal spaces and when I start seeing xmas decorations, songs and such, I have this uncontrollable urge to run home and shut down everything and wake up after mid January. I hate it, I really do. And most of all, I hate how the media and culture treats it as something you have to like and celebrate, if the mood was more subtle and intimate, it wont bother me.
No. 1003277
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>>1003264It’s from this fanart of rook hunt from twisted wonderland, a thirst trap gacha game made by Disney.
No. 1003282
>>1003267>can’t enjoy any real life conversation at allIdk,
nonnie, It’s honestly not that difficult, while I do enjoy listening to people sperging about their hobbies
that often seem to be special interests because of how autistic they are about the things they talk about sometimes it’s nice to talk about stuff like work, life at home and such, maybe about funny memories or interesting stuff that’s not necessarily a hobby.
Like how someone could bring up a news article they read and then the conversation shifts to stuff related to the article like technology or the future.
Maybe I’m not as autistic as the doctors say that I am after all, maybe I’m masking amazingly, maybe it’s maybeline.
No. 1003284
>>1003278The thing is that I don't even want to celebrate it. I work from home, so my ideal day for xmas is working (extra money yay) and then choose a nice movie/anime to watch and get comfy. Maybe some milk tea and beef potato stew, anything that makes me feel like I'm being cuddled and relaxed. I have friends and boyfriend but they're not obligated to spend time with me and I love giving gifts to them. Damn I'm hungry now.
Anyway, I lost around 25lbs this year and this a new thing for me and I've been feeling colder than the usual, plus I'm on my period and aching, damn….
No. 1003292
>>1003248Oh my gosh, I could have written this (minus the part about my m being bpd, she has other issues though)
we'll get out of this someday
nonnie No. 1003306
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this christmas is gonna be so drpressing. fuck family drama and fuck grandma and mum for having 0 chill and fuck my uncle for marrying an insufferable bitch
No. 1003320
>>1003285If being a loner doesn't bother you, you can just embrace being asocial. I mean be polite if you have no choice in talking to someone but there's no shame in keeping to yourself if you don't enjoy socialising.
If it does bother you, I would have to question why since you apparently find other people boring.
No. 1003336
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I started fucking a guy I work with. I've been in a relationship for over 10 years.
I thought I'd at least feel guilty but I feel nothing.
No. 1003373
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This man really is trying skirt around the fact I’ve caught him red handed lying and is just sitting in silence after I called him out.
Just admit you have no self esteem or self respect, and own up to this fuckery you started.
Instead you sit there and try to change the subject as if nothing is wrong.
32 years old and doesn’t have the balls to own up to his dumb actions, wow some men are a complete loss cause. I hate sharing a living space with such limp dick energy.
I’m really going to enjoy giving him the eviction notice Jan 1st. I’m gonna enjoy my new fitness space!
No. 1003396
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I vented about my failson uncle last thread, now he’s with us for Christmas and everything he does and says is fucking aggravating me. He’s crying about being a poorfag, as if it’s the governments fault that he’s a terminal failure to launch working the same menial office job at 48. He bitched out both my mom and grandma, even though it’s my moms house he’s staying at and it was my grandma who drove him the 3 hours here because my grandpa is too blind to drive and he doesn’t have his license. He maybe has the least social awareness of any person I’ve met. Africa by Toto was playing on the radio just a minute ago and, no joke, he immediately started searching Africa techno remixes and playing them out loud on his phone while the rest of us were trying to have an adult conversation. My grandma brought up one of his ex girlfriends who “bled him dry” and then joked about how he didn’t have much to bleed to begin with and I could see a vein standing out on his forehead. How can two people who raised three functional daughters not only tolerate but implicitly encourage their sons being such disasters?
No. 1003424
>>1003408Ayrt but not the one you mentioned, fortunately. This guy doesn’t even have a wife to beat kek. I am lowkey worried about him doing some dumb shit either this weekend or in the near future. Even my mom said after he went to bed that he seemed angrier and more resentful than usual when in the past he’s just kind of been a benevolent loser.
>>1003412Kek I’m glad you enjoyed nona, I’ll be sure to hug my grandma extra tight tomorrow morning. Feliz Navidad
No. 1003446
>>1003336Good for your
nonnie (if your partner is male)
No. 1003458
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>>1003396Samefag, I forgot the best part: during dinner we got into discussing politics and he straight up said “I hate the rich” like some zoomer Twitter socialist. He also started bitching about landlords and homeowners (because his dumb ass is still renting in his late 40s) and tried owning my parents over the fact that they own a rental and a holiday home, the latter of which he is staying at and whose owners are feeding him. He said specifically “I hate people who own three houses or more, that’s too much,” and my mom tried to laugh and say “well we own three houses” and he leaned back with a shit-eating grin and said “yeah that’s why I said it.” I wanted to fucking slap him. We were also discussing news presenters and he described a weather lady as “the one with the chunky legs” when he hasn’t got a single defined muscle in his whole body. I could fill a novel with all his sperg-outs, if Christmas Day provides any good milk I’ll be sure to share it here first kek.
No. 1003476
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>>1003396Failson uncles are truly something else. It's astounding. My mum has finally realised how much of an absolute deadshit her brother is (to be fair he's legitimately a little bit brain damaged because he was dropped on his head as an infant, but it goes well beyond that), now that he's gone all-in on the covid conspiracy theory bullshit (alongside general QAnon fuckwittery) with my gran. He was always mummy's golden boy, but it's intensified now that she has someone who's on board with all her schizo word vomit. He resigned from his job at a hospital because HR were investigating the anti-vax group he had set up, and if he got fired he'd lose his benefits lmfao.
I've made the choice to skip out on christmas lunch with my family because he's decided to make the drive up to my grandparent's place. My state just instated mask mandates for indoor gatherings so I'd absolutely wear a mask and eat my lunch outside in the garden because I don't trust his plague rat arse, and I know he'd give me shit for it. At this point I have no tolerance for his smug ben shapiro cum guzzling faggotry, and I'd genuinely punch on, and spit in his mouth to boot. Take my fucking spike proteins, you little bitch.
So instead I'm just doing a christmas movie marathon via discord with friends, because it absolutely beats sitting at a table where you're the only person there under the age of 50. They're all sane too, which is nice, because if I have to hear about GESARA and the RV one more time I swear to god I'm going to chicken mcfucking lose it.
No. 1003496
>>1003424be careful
nonnie, a lot of people seem to be near their breaking point lately
No. 1003504
When I was a child I grew up in extreme poverty and I was not educated, I did not go to kindergarten and did not go to school until second grade and I was born in a 3rd world country to a severely dysfunctional and poor family. My mother began developing extreme mental illness when I was 5 and she began shouting and having breakdowns in front of me where she would hit herself in the head and break things until I pissed myself. There was dog shit in the house and we did not have a toilet, electricity or running water. When I was 7 almost 8 I began being molested by my neighbor, he was 20 year old at the time. He molested me for 3 months, made me suck his dick daily, made me drink his piss, beat me, made me smear shit on my face. When I told my grandmother she beat me and told me I was a whore and that it was all my fault. Because of my environment I began developing sociopathic tendencies. After this I developed extreme dissociation, panic attacks and anger. I began killing animals and I molested other children and mind you I was 8 years old. Then my father adopted me and he had more money, I was put in school and slowly humanized although I suffered abuse from his side of the family too. I would never hurt a person or an animal now, I have a cat. I feel sorry for poor people and for people suffering and I'm highly empathic because I've suffered so much. I have opened up to a retarded incel and told him this and now he is using this against me to try to hurt me and justify doxxing me. Sending my friends my nudes and posting nudes with my real name on the internet because I told him my environment was so inhumane and I was so abused I began hurting others at 8. If he doesn't stop I will doxx him here since I met him on lolcow.
No. 1003514
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>>1003504he's tried to make me harm myself told me to carve his name into my skin before and now he is using my severe abuse and doxxed me for something my environment conditioned me to do at 8 with lack of support or understanding of the world. He is trying to make me kill myself. He has posted my nudes and full real name on the internet and is getting his pick me's to attack me. He hates women. All his posts on facebook are about how he hates women. Im going to kill myself today and just so you know it is all because of Steven Michael from Pheonix who is using something I was conditioned into doing at 8
Today I am killing myself because Steven Michael from Phenoix who is using my severe abuse and mental illness against me. He is using something I did at 8 that I opened to him about. He hates women and targets mentally ill women from lolcow to try ruin their lives he managed to make me kill myself. STEVEN MICHAEL FROM PHEONIX HAS RUINED MY LIFE AND MADE ME TAKE MY LIFE ON 24TH TODAY HE HATES WOMEN AND SPECIFICALLY TARGETED ME INTO KILL MYSELF AND HE WILL NEVER BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE TO ME. HE HAS POSTED NUDES AND MY PERSONAL INFORMATION MY REAL NAME AND TOWN ON THE INTERNET. STEVEN MICHAEL IS A MURDERER AND HE HAS MADE ME COMMIT SUICIDE TODAY
No. 1003519
>>1003504>>1003504>>1003514Please don't kill yourself anon, I beg you please please please, what happened to you is inhumane, but please don't let the psycho win. I don't know what to say, I'm just heartbroken for you and I don't want your story to end up like this.
Wish I could murder the pos
No. 1003521
steven michael from pheonix has made me kill myself today because he has posted my nudes, location and real name on the internet making me unable to continue my life because I opened up to him about being severly abused at 8 being raped, living in misery, having no family, no resources and being conditioned by my environemnt into hurting animals and developing sociopathy at that age, everyone from the town i grew up in is in prison, dead, a prostitues or deals drugs now DUE TO THE ENVIRONMENT they grew up in. Steven Michael is an incel from Phenoix that hates women and lies about being abused to make mentally ill and vulnerable women open up to him only to hurt him later. He lies about being abused to make women open up to him, he is a sociopath. He has told me about how he wants to hurt women and he hates women. I am killing myself today because he has ruined my life due to being abused. He has posted my location, full real name and nudes on the internet to punish me for being abused. he hates women and has contacted me on lolcow and has pretended to be a woman for 1 month only to hurt me he has lied and pretend to be a woman on lolcow. He has told me to carve his name in my body and I refused to he said he intentionally targets BPD women. Today I am killing myself because Steven Michael has pretnded to be a woman on lolcow he hates women and is trying to hurt them. Steven Michael has ruined my life, doxxed me and tried to get public opinion against me
No. 1003527
>>1003504I'm just imaginging the reverse scenario and what would happen to a woman who would publicly humiliate a scrote after opening up to her about his trauma. That's how serial killers are made and people would actually empathize.
Remember when we convicted and jailed a woman because when a scrote threatened to kill himself for the umpteenth time, she replied "Do it"?
But no, because you're a woman you deserved this treatment. I mean, why didn't you do x and y differently? That's what you get for being vulnerable. Surely you know women have to play 5D chess to keep scrotes decent, including predicting if they will choose to emotionally torment us.
This is fucking awful. But yeah don't kill yourself, he'd probably jerk off to that too. The best revenge is to live a good life anon.
No. 1003534
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No. 1003538
>>1003534link his socials,
nonnie. his name is really common
No. 1003539
>>1003519If this is real, he just saw you were an abuse
victim and decided to join in. Like when a woman asked for help after being raped and then several more men rape her instead of helping her.
As soon as a man sees someone is a
victim they will jump on board, the path well trodden.
You are not at fault,
no child is at fault for being abused.
Abusers are at fault for taking advantage of people.To you and other anons who have been abused, it is
not your faultThese people will get their karma but you don't need to be the one to do it. What he is doing is wrong and literally illegal. Nobody thinks this is ok.
No. 1003540
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I've been single and generally havent had sex in a few years for a variety of reasons ranging from SSRIs making my libido low, the pandemic, "trauma" from when I was a teen brainwashed by sex posi culture that made me sleep with men who didnt care about me, intimacy issues etc. I'm in my mid 20s. My mom has been "gently" bugging me about me being single for a long time now and Ive kinda got annoyed with it so to calm her down I told her about a guy I went on a date with and that I've been talking to. Today my mom asked me what the guy in question thinks of my paintings and I told her he hasnt seen them. To which she said "oh so he hasnt been over? Despite you living alone for such a long time?" She never mentionned the word sex but it was very obvious she was shocked we diddnt have sex yet. And to be honest, we probably never will, the guy is nice but theres just not so much chemistry between us (and i think the feeling is mutual). But considering my mom used to straight up call me a slut back in the days, and considering she was very "prude"-ish herself at my age, I do really feel like there's something wrong with me for basicly not sleeping with anyone for years even though I'm at the age people usually have the most sex.
The thing is, I really really just don't want to have sex with a guy who has no interest in me besides sex and I'm starting to believe thats impossible for me. I do think men can fall in love etc but just not with me. I have a decent social life, I'm not socially awkward or anything but I'm a 3 on a bad day and a 5 on a good day. Maybe a 6 if I make a huge effort. Which of course is enough for some guys but I have the kind of personality that necessites a girl to be at least a 7 for it to work. This all sounds retarded but I am feeling like I'm practicly waisting my "best" years but the alternative is to what? Let men who dont care about me use me? I cant even talk about this to my friends because it's too embarassing to admit that I think no man could ever truly love me while all my friends have had men actually love them.
No. 1003555
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Steven Michael, Arizona Pheonix. Blonde, long haired
No. 1003556
>>1003504I cried reading this post because it’s sad.
But then
No one missed the part where she said she molested kids?
No. 1003558
christ anon, I'm so sorry. For what it's worth, any reasonable person will not judge you for what you did at eight years old as a result of horrofic abuse. If i learned all that about a friend of mine I wouldn't judge or hate them, just feel deeply sorry for them. Please don't kill yourself, don't let that waste of oxygen piece of shit win. Post more caps like
>>1003555 this if you can btw, doxing isn't a crime but encouraging self harm or suicide is
No. 1003559
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No. 1003561
>>1003557I’m legit scared of op and the guy she talked to
May just be because i googled mason verger though
Can all the retards that are stanning OP not tell her to dox him or else he might send his army here and he’ll post her shit here. Mods will delete but idk who the fuck will save it.
I just wanna close this tab. Why can’t we prevent drama but not causing it?
No. 1003569
>>1003561I mean, at his point, what could possibly happen? I honestly don’t see the big deal of doxxing him, she won’t get thrown in jail and he already posted her information everywhere, there’s nothing to lose.
I just think American anons should post his information and caps on sites like Phoenix, Arizona Facebook groups if possible and such, preferably with male accounts so he’s threatened, and if he’s reading this, so he goes apeshit to some random guy who will put him in his place.
Because like, it’s also a matter of protecting other women, maybe not third worlders like me or that anon, but women in the USA who may also fall for his tricks and who he might actually hurt because they’re in the same state.
And what will he do? Post what she said in here? Her nudes? Her story? We’re grown ass adults, we can just close the tab and report the images, it’s all we can do.
No. 1003570
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>>1003521>>1003514>>1003504Please don't kill yourself
Nonnie, even if he smears shit on your name you'll always be able to find a place somewhere. You'll find friends. Getting cancelled is not the end of the world, especially since you can explain why/are sorry for what you did!
>>1003506THIS. This site is fun and can feel like a welcoming space, but never let it get too personal, nonnies.
No. 1003572
>>1003565I’m just still so grossed out that she’s molested kids.
So OP, I don’t want to (you) OP, I wouldn’t know which of the many posts you’ve made I should direct this to anyways, but OP, screw that guy, and definitely don’t kill yourself.
Even I, who finds you disturbing, don’t judge you for internet dating that uggo or for making nudes or for getting abused. I just judge you for the fact that you’ve molested kids.
Proceed to vent though, I highly encourage it, fuck the mods. But you need to realize that killing yourself over that clown makes you dumber. Apply for refugee status, change your name, live a new life if you’re in a muslim country. The fact that you’re so honest makes you a better person than most, so don’t kill yourself. We hate that guy and we don’t know who you are and we will never know. So enjoy the rest of the 24th day please. Sleep, drink, read. Calm down.
No. 1003578
>>1003572>>1003556Obviously it isn't ok, but it sounded like she herself was also a kid at the time?
I consider that a fucked up kid who needs help, not abuse. If she was an adult when she did it, it'd be abuse.
No. 1003586
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No. 1003588
See this is what I mean. Now the troon is gonna leak her shit. American farmers, take down the pedo for the former pedo. Now.
>>1003586Hey retard you’re ugly.
No. 1003591
>>1003589Oh yeah she was only 8. So she couldn’t have been a pedo or molester at all.
>>1003586>you belong in prisonThe irony. You’re the vile one who should be in prison. How old are you anyways?
No. 1003597
>>1003546>>1003550I can't find him either, did he delete everything ?
>>1003594nonnie, what social media is he using for doxing ? There is way to report this type of thing I think, is there any way we can help you ?
No. 1003599
>>1003595Sshh i don’t want to bring that to attention anymore. I know she was a kid but most kids are sociopath like and disgusting..saying this as somebody who was bullied heavily by kids.
For now I want americans to report the american retard because he’s a sad low pathetic individual.
>>1003594We love you
nonnie. We don’t want you to kill yourself. Study in my country, the Netherlands, maybe we’ll meet and I’ll give you a tour.
No. 1003601
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Another day with no furry companion in my home
No. 1003602
>>1003504Have you spoke about him before? Is it Joules/Joyless?
Why are anon(s) adding MALES from here? Is that not a red flag?
I'm sorry for everything you've been through
nonnie but please don't open up to guys from here.
No. 1003609
>>1003608Imagine stanning for men on lolcow.
Men who are cheated on deserve it.
They won't fuck you nonna.
No. 1003613
>>1003609No one deserves to be cheated on you sociopath. It's not stanning to point out when a woman,
or alleged woman is being a trash human being.
No. 1003623
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>>1003612Keep taking the blue pill.
Surely if us women keep in line and are never selfish, men will hate us less right?
No. 1003630
>>1003623you think acting like a man makes you better or smarter than them but it just makes you a shitty person
>taking the bluepilldo you hear yourself
No. 1003633
>>1003625Based post. You're right
nonnie and don't let anyone tell you that you're not!
No. 1003642
>>1003625Women cheat for different reasons than men do. Men cheat just because they can and when there aren't even problems in relationships.
Don't claim women are cowardly when leaving a relationship could leave them homeless or in danger. Women I've known to be cheating cheated because their scrotes were being useless or
It's not the same thing.
Keep thinking playing decent to men will make you special and save you though. Look what happened to anon several posts upthread.
No. 1003646
>>1003594I don’t know what 3rd world shithole you’re from but if you’re like me he wouldn’t be able to trace you if he had your full name and address, kek. Most people here are comfortable with doxing themselves on social media because of how hard it is to trace someone, unlike in the US. He knows your name? Thousands of girls who share your name, and if you go by an un-Western naming system, then it’s not thousands, it’s thousands of thousands of thousands. Your address? Still won’t be able to pin you down. And who hangs out on Discord and Lolcow where you live? I’ve only seen 2, 3 anons here from my country. He’s doing….nothing. Doxxing doesn’t work in the third-world. If you’re worried delete all socials with your real name/use a nickname, delete your Discord account, and be more careful with men LARPing as women here and cc.
Trust me anon, doxxing only works in the first world. Most thirdies I know be posting their full fucking names and addresses and their universities online, no worries just vibes.
No. 1003647
>>1003642>Women I've known to be cheating cheated because their scrotes were being useless or abusive. So the solution is not to get out of that situation but to fuck more men? This makes no sense.
>Men cheat just because they can and when there aren't even problems in relationships. Why would getting into another sexual relationship with another man be a positive outcome?
No. 1003648
>>1003643>any opinion I don't find moral is a scroteYou've lost this replies ago.
You sound pathetic spamming about your moral highgrounds on lolcow of all places.
No. 1003649
File: 1640357811083.jpeg (94.15 KB, 750x808, 1A255FB3-B92C-4E62-9C3B-7784AB…)

>>1003594Nonnie, I will take my ban, but I think you’re nice and that you shouldn’t worry about this faggot who better kill himself soon, preferably in a few hours because he’s a pathetic waste of oxygen and resources, and if he fails in killing himself, I hope he keeps on trying because the only thing he does is annoy everyone with his existence.
Your past is in the past and you deserve good things,
nonnie, have a cute Angel to lift your spirits, be not afraid.
No. 1003653
>>1003642thank you so much for this post, anon. i say the same thing often and deal with ball-fanning, oblivious capers like above on the daily and it's so aggravating. men cheat just to cheat, for novelty, and for no reason at all. women
typically cheat because they are being mistreated, neglected even after coming to their partner and asking for more, or when they're being cheated on already by these men. any woman pulling "both sides" on women vs men cheating is getting played hard.
No. 1003655
>>1003645>you're cowardly if you don't want to be homelessYou've never had no place to go and it's evident.
>I did it even though I was at risk You happened to survive. The most dangerous time for women is when they leave a relationship.
>>1003647You have no idea what those women are dealing with and you never will.
They're not the reason why men hate us, that much I know.
No. 1003661
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>>1003594It'll be alright, anon. He's a pathetic faggot with nothing in his life, and that's why he targeted you. He thinks you have something he doesn't (you do lol, imagine bouncing back from your shitty childhood and being comfy on imageboards/Discord and caring for a cat, while he with all his privileges is a living shitheap incel with no one to love, no capacity to love in the first place and no one who will ever actually love him), and he wants to take you down a notch. Fuck him. Anyone with eyes can see you're not the villain here
And you know what? No one fucking cares. No one will know this shit about you, he's not going to fly to your third world country and plaster shit on the walls of your city. Even if he does, who will care and who will believe him? Based on what? Obviously fakeable Discord screenshots from some random person named "Kafkaesqueroach"? Random nudes anyone could've hacked from your devices (and if your face isn't in them, how will anyone know if they're even you - piece of shit could've collected nudes, legally or illegally, from anywhere)? In a country you say is full of criminals and prostitutes who've probably done things 1000x worse than you? Fuck off. We don't even know if these anonymous posts are the same incel samefagging and trying to call attention to you so he can further frame you
Unlike him, you don't live in some high-surveillance shithole like the US or the UK where everyone knows the last time you took a shit, and since you come from a background of poverty, there's no name to ruin. All this shit means nothing to anyone, and will never be traced to you, especially if you change your name or go by an alias. He can't do shit except sperg and scream into the void, but in his lifetime he will probably end up with charges for revenge porn, CP possession, harassment, etc and go to jail where he belongs. Even without that, watch him rope or overdose the moment anyone with the least bit of power over his worthless roach life catches wind of all his internet tough guy "carve my name into your skin" failed transgender/Reiko NEET antics and throws him out on the streets. Literally it's over for him if this even reaches a FB page for his town, especially if other girls and women come out about his shit, but you can just fade out because of all the reasons I mentioned here
and you don't habitually do what he does
He just knows you're emotionally vulnerable and is trying to scare you because he's less than shit. Just close the fucking tab and let him bitch and cry to other incels and worthless pick-mes. It's all gonna be okay.
(had to post this three times because I keep wanting to add things, I'm autistic sorry)
No. 1003667
>>1003659Because adults have entanglements, anon. Finances, living spaces, and families. Unless you're still a college student or a single young adult many women don't have the independence and support systems to leverage themselves out of bad relationships by just packing their bags one day. They either seek out what they lack to make it through their day or secure a better prospect to leave.
You're pissed because you're being reminded that not every woman is a young late teen making stupid relationship mistakes for funsies.
The claim that started this argument was that female cheaters make men hate us.
Yeah, fuck you. Quit making women responsible for men's emotions and grow up to see that life is more complicated than your two-choice rpgs.
No. 1003669
>>1003663I'm sorry you're allergic to healthy relationships and would rather have a bunch of
toxic ones. Any man willing to help you cheat is also scum tho boo
No. 1003683
>>1003660>aren't thinking rationally>It usually doesn't workSo cheating is irrational and not a good thing to do?
>I'm not going to claim the woman is in the wrong for reactionary cheating after some porn-addled, limpdicked loser cheats on her first, though.Where is there any indication that OP's scrote did any of this? She had been with him for 10 years. If the relationship was
abusive I'm assuming she would have left him.
>>1003667Again why is getting involved with another man a good move in that situation? One man is shit, so now there's two men that are shit. The effort used in obtaining scrote attention would be better spent in getting out.
No. 1003691
>>1003678>How does cheating help in this scenario though?Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.
The point which you are so desperately trying to crawl away and distance from is that women cheating has no impact on the way men treat us whatsoever. It never has, and it never will. Men need to be their own adults and if a woman cheats on them it's their responsibility to assess it and not assign stereotypes to every one they meet.
No. 1003692
>>1003669I just don't understand what do you think you accomplish moralfagging anonymously on a niche imageboard
>>1003681I'll never judge a women who is at risk of poverty and can't leave her scrote, cope
No. 1003697
>>1003683>Where is there any indication that OP's scrote did any of this? It's like you have never been with a moid is actually incredible how naive you are
>>100369She's so fixed on thinking OP is a bored, cheating whore, it makes me think she has a personal problem with women
No. 1003710
File: 1640360070949.jpg (53.4 KB, 421x600, the-annunciation.jpg)

all of you cheaters and non cheaters need to shut the hell up, congratulations to the scrote who got exactly what he wanted by opening this topic
No. 1003712
>>1003698OP is
>>1003336. OP means original post. It is either used to refer to the opening post of a thread or the initial post that starts a discussion.
No. 1003714
>>1003709That's all I'm saying. People in here acting like cheating is going to solve the problem of a woman not being able to support herself. You
have to cheat or else you'll be homeless? The math is not mathing. If the only thing standing between you and homelessness is a man, cheating on him is the dumbest thing you can do unless you're in love with the other dude and he's going to take care of you when scrote one find out about you. Women who are in positions where they hate the man they're with but stay because they can't survive on their own are not hoping on the next man's dick without at least the promise of financial security.
No. 1003762
>>1003754she was supposed to abuse a 20 year man back, as an 8 year old?
>Did you know that many third world scrotes on 4chan have been molested by women?no I didn't know and I don't believe it kek
No. 1003763
>>1003754Honestly, the amount of detail and wording she uses to describe her abuse make it seem like a sick fantasy LARP to me, I wouldn't be surprised is she
was Steven Michael from Phoenix Arizona.
No. 1003765
>>1003749I’m cutting her slack and hoping that she heals, I’m just saying an extremely mentally unwell and unstable person isn’t the most reliable of people. And the guy is worse.
>>1003743Because in all my childhood of seeing 70+ year old male relatives raping little girls in childhood beds, female acquaintances having FGM performed on them for telling on their male rapists and being beaten instead, men hitting women within an inch of their lives and killing cats in front of their daughters fo “teach them a lesson”, I have never seen a child reacting by murdering a cat. Trying to kick it or abuse animals maybe? Sure. Hitting other kids, toddlers? Absolutely. Killing cats? That’s a first, ngl. However I do doubt the “molestation” since she was a kid and could barely understand what she was doing; to her, “molesting” another was prolly as mechanical as fighting with another kid or putting on clothes. Just copying what adults do.
Anyway, I hope anon finds her peace and mental wellness, and leaves the internet for a while; she is not well enough to use it. This will happen again and again. I’ve seen it happen on Discord with countless mentally unstable women. She needs to seek help, somehow.
No. 1003769
>>1003759She didn’t realize anything. I have lurked the circle she’s in and even white knighted her even though I had to stomach the fact they’re all racist pick-mes. She’s just burned and that’s why she’s crying here.
>>1003762So you are only kinda saying that being vengeful is not a bad thing at all. Those fucking kids she’s molested were innocent too. For fucks sake. Can’t we admit they’re both cows?
No. 1003770
>>1003752This. I don't give a fuck about the backstory of an 8 year old in a shit environment surrounded by shit adults. I refuse to make a child into the evil person in this scenario. I really don't care, this is someone under extreme abuse being abused by others. "She's
unreliable", is this a fucking novel or TV show? Are we waiting for season 3? Shut the fuck up
She could be be Baby Hitler, and STILL nothing will change the fact that the man doxxing and threatening mentally ill young women on the internet needs to hang himself.
Someone said "I've seen some disturbing messages" - From where? Thank you for admitting you're from the same crowd of degenerate scrotes and trannies. I already suspected the moid and his concave brained pick mes were lurking ITT and trying to make the OP look worse. Steven Michael from Phoenix Arizona needs to get his ass beaten and dragged on the street like what would be done to him in an actual third world country - that's if any of this even happened and it's not just one moid posting RPs and pretending to be his own abused ex e-gf and jerking off to the responses
No. 1003775
>>1003761Can anons stop judging the abused anon, this is very serious. She obviously has her own troubles but as she's said she stopped acting out as a kid, that was 14 years ago now?
She doesn't deserve harassment from this worthless american basement-dwelling scrote for something she had no way to control as a small child. And she doesn't deserve judging now.
Voice verification plus some other form of female proofing seems to be vital since this scrote has caused so much drama in /ot by interacting cruelly with an abuse
victim which he obviously targeted and picked up from lolcow intentionally.
What else can be used other than voice verify? Any ideas?
No. 1003780
>>1003772True except when they seek attention. I think there’s a thread on cows who fap to richard ramirez and the likes.
>>1003775She’d have been torn in the early days of lolcow, FYI.
We should ignore the thot and report steve michaels just for the fact he has a cringe circle.
No. 1003781
>>1003778Please read
>Not saying anyone should distract from the real issueLiterally never said that was my main issue.
No. 1003785
>>1003773I don't get how no one else sees these posts as strange or suspicious? She's been posting about this guy for more than a month, she's part of a weird discord group, and she's spammed the thread with multiple long detailed paragraphs about her abuse and this Steven Michaels guy, while not acknowledging anons requests for his social media links. The way she talks and even in her own screen shots she seems like she's not well. She knew
ten days into meeting this person that they were a man and even with the advice of LC telling her not to interact she continued to and even though this moid lied to her she spilled a detailed summary about the extreme abuse she suffered as a child? Including details about urine/shit, which are not necessary details to give someone you
just met when discussing the fact that you have faced abuse. I don't fucking know. It's like the fact that she's a woman being harassed by a man makes all of your brains shut off and you can't tell that she's out of her fucking mind and just admitted to you to murdering
many animals and molesting other children, and you just take her on her work, DESPITE her acting like a crazy person, that she only did those things when she was 8 and definitely doesn't do them anymore. Oh and also she apparently idolizes serial killers.
No. 1003787
>>1003775I mean, voice verification is quite the best idea, I’ve seen scrotes ask pickmes for pictures so they can verify with them, so asking for someone to do a certain pose in a picture might not work.
Males are shit at doing female voices because of their unavoidable biological differences with us.
No. 1003791
>>1003783I’m not defending him you retard. I just find it funny how this
victim is idolizing serial killers at the age of 22. I lurked the circle on his facebook page. Tells you more about her whiteknights god I’m glad I’m neutralized.
No. 1003792
File: 1640362967160.gif (12.68 KB, 189x225, 25C45BFF-3522-470C-A717-D49F85…)

People can change. It's rare, but not impossible. Romanian-chan is clearly going through a tough time. I think Steven deserves more condemnation right now.
No. 1003793
>>1003785She's obviously mentally ill and probably desperate for companionship. Not sure what's surprising about that. It's not like she's going to end up the most stable or able to act entirely rationally or have totally rational interests. Many such cases.
It doesn't mean she deserves this shit though.
No. 1003797
>>1003773Her Facebook profile is gross and she is a pick-me pandering to mentally ill men online.
>>1003775She does deserve judging. A few months ago she was doxxing twitch streamers she is jealous of in a Brittany Venti Discord and in snow. She tried to raid a server I was in with her friends last year and cried
victim when we clapped back and found her camming profile. She is a former camgirl who has had a vendetta against other camgirls for years because they are prettier and more popular than her. She begs for money online from greasy men even when told it is a bad idea. All this money she uses to buy cheap clothes online instead of moving abroad or going to school.
She is the same anon posting about Western <rad fems> on here a few months ago. This girl is a mentally ill lolcow and so is every man she shows her tits to.
No. 1003803
>>1003775Because it's not "anons" judging her, it's Steven and the other trannies and failed women. That exact post you replied to is the kind of bait that BPD moids love to post online. Special, individualized bait that outsiders won't realize is just that
They want her to reply more, try to defend herself, have more meltdowns, post in all caps and bring attention to herself. They've probably been doing this shit for ages. Steven Michael from Phoenix Arizona, every incel and every sub-IQ pick-me who defends him remove yourselves challenge
No. 1003806
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>>1003770Well said anon. Steven needs to have his internet access cut off permanently.
No. 1003808
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mhhh what did he mean by this. If you are friends with him, and I cannot stress this enough, kill yourself
No. 1003809
>>1003797Yup, I don’t know who this retarded steven autist is or who this wench is but I had the gut feeling when I defended her on his page that she’s a trashy cam girl. She’s from Romania how could we not have known that? All 4chan girls are like her and all 4chan guys are like him, and all 4channers have been molested trust me on that.
t. A drowned chicken with a small mind and hate for scrotes and wenches
No. 1003810
>>1003786So you even had the incel added on FB? "I have lurked the circle she's in" does
not sound like "I saw someone posted his FB page here in this thread, just today, and just looked through what was posted", nice try
No. 1003811
>>1003797Ok, and are you any better by throwing this info in the thread? As if anyone on lolcow can judge anyone else for being a petty bitch, it's the foundation of this site.
Also all of you are failing at the whole anonymous part clearly.
No. 1003812
>>1003797Wait a damn minute! She's Vendetta-chan? I can't be the only one who's shocked right? The lolcow /ot/ poster lore gets so deep
Ayrt btw, I'm not Steven, the OP, his friends, or whoever you think I am to make my post "suspicious"
No. 1003815
>>1003797She honestly sounds like she'd been shitty but that's relatively forgivable and relatively benign. If she was genuinely abused as she says, it's all forgiven imo. She needs intensive therapy and positive reinforcement from sources that are healthy. Difficult to achieve these and overcome abuse. I sympathize.
>>1003803Sounds about right.
No. 1003817
>>1003810No I whiteknighted the romanian chick with a fake facebook profile actually.
Are you dumb stupid or dumb?
No. 1003819
>>1003785>seems like she's not wellNo shit, genius. It's not even been a day yet.
She's suffering and feeling suicidal. She should calm down first, and prioritise her own health over anons like you.
There are many lonely and not mentally sound anons here, that's how it'll always be on imageboards. I don't get your points.
That being said, I am curious what social he used to add anons from here so we can warn other anons.
No. 1003832
>>1003769You're all fuckin weirdos lol.
>>1003825This. I don't care that she's a racist or a pickme as much as I care about the scrote trying to get her to kill herself. He's the bigger issue here and the anons that lurked whatever hellish circle jerk he came from need to sign up for lobotomies
No. 1003833
>>1003803Interesting point, this whole thing is very manipulative in order to bait abused anon
>>1003808Confirmation this sick scrote has been lurking lolcow for a long time and "befriending" women from here. If anyone finds out some imageboard anon is a male, stop talking to them immediately, don't befriend them ffs. This guy thinks he is the moral arbiter of lolcow, fuck all the way off stephen.
No. 1003835
>>1003826Do you think people, especially lonely people, suddenly become extremely logical and never make mistakes past the age of 18?
I don't think discord should be banned here 100%. It's not wrong to want friends with similar interests, especially other female friends. Friends are hard to make for many people
nonnie. If you don't want to use discord that's fine, it's appealing to the lonelier. But I do hope when anons add other anons here in the future they'll find some way to verify they're both actual women.
No. 1003848
File: 1640364139629.gif (1.52 MB, 498x280, community-donald-glover.gif)

Me coming to LC right now
No. 1003849
>>1003845Beware, if you whiteknight her and check the profiles of her weird self and friends, you too may be a weirdo steven fanboy.
Also since most of you lot are embarrassing dumbos, whiteknight her with a spare fake account. Steven and his orbiters are weirdos.
No. 1003861
>>1003857Are you dumb stupid or dumb
I legit don’t understand what your point is or what you’re talking about
Like who? Why? How? And when?
No. 1003863
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>>1003843Looking through this, nothing she said there contradicts what she said here. Also, why the fuck did Steven ask
how she molested other kids? Who would that be relevant to?
Also, here's Steven Michael from Phoenix Arizona (if that's his real name) issuing death threats
No. 1003867
>>1003863Is he a neet?
pukesBtw if an american anon will report this story to the police I have a huge feeling they won’t take it seriously and will ask anon to take their pills. Lol.
No. 1003882
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>>1003874that link she posted is about a troon sex offender
No. 1003894
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>>1003872That poster was saying "She's a racist pick-me, I lurked the circle she's in"
Meanwhile, this is what the screenshots are saying. Where is the racism? Probably in Steven's own messages that he "conveniently" cut off. And of course someone raised in the shittiest, most dysfunctional home/family in a country like Romania would idealize a more "traditional" one
These incels make it so obvious what they're trying to do, and since they're retarded porn-addicted trannies, they assume we must be as well
No. 1003895
>>1003886Get off my ass dumbo, whoever you are. Saying that I lurked in hee circle may have been a bad wording, I should have said that I checked the atmosphere of her circle by looking at the facebook comments, profiles etc
But why am I defending myself? I’m anonymous anyways. God, retards.
There were multiple autists itt alone who suspect her to be a pickme go after them instead of the one who actually whiteknighted her.
>>1003891Ok whatever merry xmas.
No. 1003899
>>1003889It should probably be permanently nuked. This isn't the first time that the thread has smeared discord shit over other boards and now we have scrotes using the thread to harass posters.
>>1003890I read it more as she believes that children should brought up in stable families, which considering what she went through isn't surprising.
No. 1003901
>>1003894>reading comprehensionActually I was thinking of apologizing, reading her life story was so sad, so I didn’t read her discord posts thorough on purpose. But
>I have lurked the circle she’s in and even white knighted her even though I had to stomach the fact they’re all racist pick-mes.So I didn’t do anything wrong, y’all idiots and dumbos and stupids. Lol. Just because i refuse to adhere to the full sympathizing doesn’t mean I’m a failed woman or handmaiden or whatever.
No. 1003902
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>>1003896He keeps trying to victimize himself, and he just makes himself look worse. No self-awareness at all
No. 1003905
>>1003902God I hope Steven fucking dies
What an ugly disgusting leech
No. 1003907
>>1003898The op pic ended up (unfortunately) being very fitting.
Sending some love and hoping you have a pleasant and happy Christmas to all assigned female at birth bitches reading. Trannies and males begone.
No. 1003913
File: 1640365985226.jpeg (267.1 KB, 640x697, E132372F-381B-4229-9300-0D7BD2…)

I hope you die in agony and pain Steven you vile disgusting paedophile
No. 1003921
File: 1640366233867.png (93.48 KB, 254x244, ugly neanderthal.png)

He's extremely ugly. Everyone should talk about how ugly Steven Michael from Phoenix, Arizona, the psycho abuser of women, is. He thinks doxing a young lady who wouldn't do his bidding is a good idea, and puts out his crimes publicly for all to see.
No. 1003949
Can we give me some attention? I really am feeling awful right now. I’m at my mom’s place and I should clean my old bedroom there but I’m proscastinating or however you should spell it. Mostly because my eyes are glued onto this thread. Save me from this please.
>>1003945>himMore like yourself*
No. 1003950
>>1003937A failed moid who lurks a women's gossip imageboard year after year to find mentally ill abuse
victims from the 3rd world to bait and abuse. And on Christmas Eve of all days, get a fucking life Steven.
No. 1003951
>>1003947because many of the posters here come to these threads to vent about their lives and are suffering deeply and shouldn't have to be overwhelmed by dumb drama and I want that to remain the focus of this thread and not anything else.
for example:
>>1003949who deserves kind words
No. 1003954
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>>1003937Everything you post literally just exposes that you're unhinged, Steven
Seconds before calling someone a psychopath, you tell them they're your "perfect angel" and that you love them and want to marry them (SC from one of the videos he posted)
No. 1003956
>>1003952I can’t spell you can’t understand together we should be friends
No. 1003960
>>1003954what an
abusive sociopathic and narcissistic piece of shit. he deserves to be punished
No. 1003964
>>1003960I made a thread for him
>>>/snow/1400927Let’s never forget Stevengate 2021
No. 1003965
>>1003964Where’s Romanianon? I want to hear more of her side of the story. She’s the important one.
Hang all child molesters.
No. 1003969
>>1003951Are you autistic or something? This is the most low IQ attempt at manipulation I've ever seen. Randomly showing favor to an anonymous person (probably you samefagging, judging by
>>1003962. "stahp" posting and clean your fucking room, incel) in an equally anonymous thread where we've all seen maybe 10% of how
abusive and insane you are won't make you look reasonable
Maybe this shit works in your shitty Discord servers, but no one here is going to fall for it
You're somehow like an even less talented Titanic Sinclair, bitch. Bet you're in your fucking 30s doing this shit, too. I am sick of narcissistic, rat-faced white scrotes with long hair on the internet. We need a male version of that Negative XP song about e-girls because I swear it's a phenotype
No. 1003974
File: 1640368126733.jpg (55.28 KB, 576x960, 122447257_1710656469107722_884…)

>>1003970do us all a favor and kill yourself
No. 1003983
>>1003974Seeing that image for the last time before I kill myself is a very scary thing based angry anon.
>>1003977Make a sockpuppet account then? If anything I’ll be likely the most naive in the server because I’m low iq and initiated it.
No. 1003986
>>1003978Just keep reminding yourself how retarded you’re being. “Wishing death upon someone” is just an exaggerated emotion lol it barely means anything if you’re not trying to make it true.
>>1003983Bitch close your phone and take a fucking nap.
No. 1003987
idk whoever's posting itt pretending to be me but please focus on helping people instead
I didn't meet her on discord I was posting in the vent thread as anon months ago giving advice and helping other farmers like I have for years. I was not in thread finder or anything like that. She gave me her contact email and it went from there>>1003978have you tried DBT or medication? any therapy or anything like that? BPD is a lifelong struggle and it won't get better on it's own.
>>1003969that would be a funny song tbh.
you sound really hurt and I'm sorry about that. I hope you don't take this all personally. You deserve better people in your life and I hope you find more peace with time. People are awful(moid) No. 1003992
File: 1640368879742.jpeg (684.27 KB, 1289x561, D431929B-2AEC-41DD-B244-B9DC29…)

>>1003986I just can’t. I should head to my own place after I cleaned the bedroom at my mom’s place but I’m just feeling so awful plus the horrordrama in this thread just makes me stick onto my phone’s screen like a putty even though it’s not thaaaat interesting. What should I do?
>>1003987Awww merry xmas lad. But kill yourself.
No. 1003999
>>1003993>>1003992I hope both of you get permabanned. This shit is fake as hell attention seeking pre-written drama. Mr pedantic scrote who doesn’t think it’s weird to post here and “help out farmers”, and whatever that mess of a poster who started this is.
Why are you guys doing this? Bored during your christmas breaks?
No. 1004002
>>1003995Youre coming out of the closet, anon. You've been trained to have a lot of internalized homophobia and self-denial by your religion and upbringing. It's common, it's so much more common than you'd ever think. You were brought up to deny yourself and your sexuality before it could properly develop. You're going through a sort of awakening, a new puberty almost. Religions are not always representative of God, and there are religions and personal connections you can keep with God on your own if nothing else. Find a support group, or maybe browse some forums for (i know it's cringe but y'know) LGBT groups and former/current christians. God doesn't think you're an abnormality or terrible.
You have to start living a new life that will truly make you happy. You may have some unresolved trauma especially relating to your fear of m-f sex. This is very common amongst bisexual people, not that homosexuality is a trauma-response.
yes it is totally a huge joke and all played out, never happened in real life, vendetta-chan was just bored and wanted a christmas present early so we trolled LC, totally. now please focus on the anons venting No. 1004006
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This thread is getting out of hand…
No. 1004007
i hate this so much nonas. i love this site in theory but shit like this is so depressing. men will never understand
>>1003987i hope you rot in hell faggot
No. 1004009
>>1003993You’re like a little shoulder angel eager to save my christmas. My friends are waiting for me and my mom wants me to clean my room and fuck off to my own place as do you want me to fuck off from
this thread. I promise I won’t disappoint you and that I’ll flourish many skills. Only thing is that I’ll be sad to not be able to vent about it but you’ll be proud. Proud I tell ya.
No. 1004025
I don’t understand what’s going on anymore but is that romanianonette still ok?
>>1004006That image is funny to look at. Her nails look bomb.
No. 1004028
>>1004023My mistake
*Steven Michael (no s). He's from Phoenix Arizona
No. 1004033
nonnie you read him to FILTH lmao
No. 1004039
>>1004002One thing I gained from this thread is learning to recognize your pandering, manipulative writing style on sight, so I can disregard your posts accordingly, worthless scrote
No. 1004040
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>>1004002>You're going through a sort of awakening, a new puberty almost.Tranny hands wrote this post
No. 1004042
>>1004039Idk and idc if you’ve changed the initial post because my brain’s being derpy and deja vu-ye, but this is a based post and I agree a 100%.
Sorry for pushing again but if romanian anon is still here please let us know a sign that you’re alive. I’ll message you with a spare fake account and you don’t need to trust me and befriend me of course but even a fuck off reply would give me a warm hope. You didn’t deserve this awful shit life, nobody does.
hugs No. 1004057
>>1004053nta but why do you care? if anything she
should be staying offline
No. 1004066
>>1003540 > I do really feel like there's something wrong with me for basically not sleeping with anyone for years even though I'm at the age people usually have the most sex. You are at the age where most people have tons of sex, but you have matured earlier than they have, in truth. Your (actual) trauma from when you were a brainwashed teen is you maturing much earlier and realizing sex is a bonding activity between lovers and not some glorified number or notch in the bedpost. You are outpacing your peers, who are now mostly going out to make the same sort of mistakes you were taught to make. It is an unfortunate thing and is especially harmful for someone to have to mature for the wrong reasons so early. I think you have not developed the capacity to fully recognize your worth. I don't necessarily mean self-esteem, but that you were taught to be robbed of your sexuality and bond and never developed the foundation of sharing your true self with another. I feel for you, anon. You are more than capable of being loved, truly and fully. Having these experiences in the past actually make you more adept at it, because you've wizened and matured, you know exactly what ISNT making love, and what
is will come to you with time. Don't hate yourself for it, and don't compare yourself to others. It is never fair to do this, you have circumstances that set you apart. Do you want to go more into detail about your personality? your looks may be unfortunate (I don't think so, you're describing body dysmorphia actually, people don't jump from 3-6, lol. you're likely too hard on yourself) but sex is not about superficiality, it is about love. There's a movie about this you might enjoy, although a little more from the male-perspective, called Don Jon. It's quite good. Sex is really about pair-bonding, not dopamine.
No. 1004071
>>1004051I messaged you.
>>1004066This is steve btw. I think.
No. 1004085
>>1004075my last samefag but im romanian anon and he has tried to convince me that trannies are TOTES a real thing while I have multiple times told him trannies are a phenomenon of modern day mysoginy and capitalism and they don't even actually exist. They are literally
abusive insane men invading female spaces because women were given some freedom. I had to also explain to him in agonizing 8 hours why jews are not bad and why they did not deserve the holocaust. Fucker believes jews are bad when they are responsible for so much of european culture since Jesus Christ was literally a jew and Christianity is literally jewish culture and was stolen by the Romans from jews to try controlling masses. He loves trannies, hates women, hates jews and blacks and he tried painting me as a racist when I don't even think blacks are genetically inferior and I believe the jews were mistreated in history a lot. He believes blacks are born to be inferior. I just hate trannies and I think it's all fake misogynistic capitalistic crap. I won't be posting anymore on here, I don't want to shit up the thread but he deserved this because he doxxed and tried to hurt me after I told him something very personal. He will continue to post but his posts are very easy to clock since he sounds like an insane tranny sociopath trying to invade female space by being fakely woke when this place is not even woke. He is incredibly stupid, he thinks all women are woketards and changes his personality based off talking to women or men. When he talks to women he becomes fakely woke and when he talks to men he turns edgy and right winger 4channer scrote type. I'm very sorry and I wish I wasn't mentally ill enough to fall for an ugly butter faced and narcissistic scrote that pretended being a woman and even giving him a chance
No. 1004097
>>1004085thank you for exposing him
nonnie, you've done this community a favor. Be strong, take care, don't talk to trannyloving channer scrotes ever. best of luck to you
No. 1004098
>>1004085Holy fucking shit, based as fuck chicka. You can still post who cares we like you. You’re an inspiration to any
nonnie that wants to kill herself in these threads. From now on you will be my inspiration every time I have a mental breakdown. Never will kill myself no matter what. Wish you a merry xmas and a happy new year, WE LOVE YOU.
No. 1004107
>>1004105NTA but maybe don't post things with the groomer/troon aesthetic, such as
>Haha do you want to talk more about yourself? Just curious, totally not scoping you out now that I know you're a female virgin>Haha let me recommend you a movie, though it's obviously for/by moids (shhh don't ask/don't tell)>You are going through a second puberty, just like any other transw-lesbian >You have not recognized this thing about yourself, but I obviously have. Lol let me validate your insecurity about your appearance and mental state, I will the arbiter of your self-confidence>This is common, I promise this is so common/You are valid. You are so, so valid/Stunning and brave (and other Reddit-sounding phrases)It really does feel like you're being DMed by some incel pretending to care about you with some posts, shit feels slimy to read
No. 1004113
>>1004101It’s so hilariously stereotypical “trad” thottery.
>>1003673>assuming women never do wrong No I know she’s wrong but I support female on male violence purely on principles not necessarily on morals.
No. 1004129
>>1004118then why did you doxx me today? and continued trying to paint me like a horrible abuser. You told my real name to people I did not want to know it. You made a whole ass Fcebook post doxxing me and painting me like this horrible abuser and posting screenshots of our personal convo before. You are always painting yourself as the
victim. You doxxed me, tried to turn my mutuals against me, took something personal I told you out of context LARPED as a woman on lolcow and you are stil playing the
victim card
>I stayed here because I worry about herIf you worried about me you wouldn't have posted my real name and adress to strangers on the internet with something very personal about my childhood trauma attached to it trying to paint me as a horrible abuser that deserves prison. Your post is still up on Facebook with my information attached to it and you refuse to take it down, although I have not done anything wrong besides sharing my childhood trauma with someone that pretended to be my boyfriend (YOU) yet you think you are the fucking
No. 1004143
>>1004137It’s like the 100th time that she thinks I’m
Steven I’m starting to get fed up of it. He has his own thread.
No. 1004154
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This thread is again filled with sperging by those weirdos who have a psychotic hatred of all men, but completely lack understanding of human psychology (male or female, like they've never interacted with any human being before), replacing it with abstract ideology.
These people are incredibly obnoxious because they can't shut up about their obsession with scrotes and have to spam every thread, until whoever was unlucky enough to provoke a reply by them gets fed up and stops responding to their abuse.
They're nothing but a nuisance: Autistic zealots high on self rightousness.
No. 1004178
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While I do find Jills autism larp a bit offensive, I haven't actually gotten OFFENDED by it until an anon mentioned how she overlooks the communication struggle people with autism have and it hit pretty hard. I've worked hard all my life to keep my autism under wraps and adapt myself to "normal" life as much as possible and while I seem to be succeeding pretty well (I have a big apartment, social circle, a career, etc) I still struggle big time with communication. I function well together with other nerds but if I meet someone that aren't into the same things as me I don't know how to do small talk and other "normal" social communications, and I absolutely HATE it. I hate having to worry about meeting my friends "normal" friends, I hate having to worry about how to connect with coworkers, I hate knowing that I will never be able to connect with anyone I look up to because of how awkward I am. I hate being the odd one out no matter how much I try. No matter how much I practice, work, read/watch self-help videos and books, no matter how much therapy I do - there is still that developmental issue caused by my diagnosis that I can never escape and it absolutely breaks me sometimes. I'd do anything to trade off this diagnosis so I don't have to worry about ending up in an awkward silence because I went on an overly excited spergout about some game because someone mentioned it and I got too into it.
I don't understand how autism can be such a popular thing to larp, it's an embarrassing diagnosis to have imo.
No. 1004190
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>>1003949Hope you feel better
nonnie. Put on a long YouTube video, a podcast or a nice song and start cleaning!
No. 1004195
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Who let the jannies out of the basement to go home to their families??? There is cow shit to be mopped up.
No. 1004202
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No. 1004208
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Pretty much all the family I love is dead and all I have left is my half-baked-all-the-time dad who is okay but I dont love him like I did my mom or grandma.
I hate holidays now. I wish I could meet a soulmate who I can form my own family with.
No. 1004224
>>1004208I feel for you
nonnie, I'm wishing you a Merry Christmas or at least a cozy time and you deserve all the love and connection and I hope one day you'll get that wish of yours fulfilled. Maybe you could do something nice for yourself?
No. 1004251
My boyfriend is truly amazing and all, but I wish he understood I'm at my core a basic bitch and basic bitch gifts could work for me. He bought me a model Lockheed F117 for me to build which I genuinely do appreciate as that's my favorite nostalgia aircraft and I plan on painting it pink as I build it, but he got me a Switch and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond which thought that's sweet as I used to love Pokemon to the point where I had built a whole ass club devoted to it in high school, I just don't have time for that anymore since I work and I'm honestly just not super invested into Pokemon anymore. I feel terrible for him because I do appreciate he spent so much and such, but really, I wouldn't have minded a way cheaper gift, like if we're talking video games, I'd have liked a $5 subscription to that EA games portal so I could play Command and Conquer Generals. The thing is, he will be so hurt if he learns all this since he is so excited to get me a gift I like as he's not done super well in the past.
Thing is, I am so basic a stupid VS Pink lotion or lingerie would be gifts I'd love, or very basic jewelry, or just peppermint bark or whatever, because really only I know what I like in terms of hobbies and games. It's just tough because he definitely has a complex about gifts. He feels terrible when he gets gifts people don't like and I can tell he is judgemental if a person isn't excited about a gift he got them. I've tried explaining to him before that you as the gift giver can't hold the receiver to that because then it isn't really a gift, it's an obligation. I can tell he's tried learning that, but he's still super sensitive.
If I were brutally honest, I would tell him that it's sweet, but I really don't care about Pokemon anymore and I don't even care for a switch. I'm just worried I'll get more Pokemon themed gifts that I really don't want anymore. I told him the other day I don't really enjoy having a bunch of cat related stuff because I don't, and that really hurt his feelings. It just sucks. Like I wish people understood that just because I like my cat doesn't mean I want cat print everything, same with a bunch of other stuff.
No. 1004290
>>1004273I really hope there's at least something that will make her feel better, even for just a while. I keep thinking about how agitated she must feel, where does she think she is? Maybe she thinks she's far away or somewhere dangerous.
>>1004268It really is. I wonder if it'll be the same for my mother and me.
No. 1004299
>>1003458Uncle Failson anon back again. Merry Christmas, farmers!! I’m an ausfag so it’s already Christmas Day here. I got him a fun dinner table ping pong set and he literally said “ah now if only I had a table…” hold on, you’re a salaried worker with no kids and no pets and you don’t even have a table in your shithole apartment? I have to laugh.
Also my parents are being very cute and lovey dovey and I can just see the seeth in his eyes. He genuinely snapped at my grandma when she was in his way when he was trying to get out of the living room. Even my moms noticed his attitude is worse than usual. She thinks it’s because in his day to day he lives in his own little bubble but when he spends holidays with his sister, her devoted husband and their accomplished adult children he’s confronted with how much he’s fucked up his own life. I think we’re okay for this year but I give it 2 years tops before he either completely snaps or troons out.
No. 1004323
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About to end it all, nonnies. My job is closed tomorrow and I'm like 90% I left my bag there. I had gifts for friends and family, and I also had my iPad in that shit. It hurts the soul. I would sneak into the building but I don't even have the access card, I lost it somewhere in car or something.
No. 1004325
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Holidays make me even more self conscious than the usual. I hate how autistic I'm. I hate how I can't start and hold conversations, how I'm not interested in other people, how I don't meet people's expectations, how I spend time on my cellphone like a fucking teenager while normal people do normal shit
No. 1004326
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Can't believe the 100th vent thread gave us so much milk. Truly a christmas miracle. Merry christmas everyone.
No. 1004342
Is it ok for my aunt who's also my roommate to wake me up at 5:00 am because she wants to do her make up and she's too lazy to go downstairs to the bathroom or living room with all her make up stuff? She just turns on the light and it wakes me up. She stars work at 7 am, I start at 10 am or 14 pm, depending on my shift. She always wakes me up at 5, the light is on for like 20 minutes and then I have problems with sleeping again and every day I'm pretty tired at work. She guiltrips and says she doesn't have anywhere else to go to do her make up, and reminds me that sometimes I also turn the light on when I'm back from work. I do, but not always, meanwhile she does it every day, plus she has more time to sleep anyway, she goes to sleep at like 9 pm, even if I wake her up at 00:00, she already had 3 hours of sleep, and then she can sleep till 5 am (she doesn't have problems with sleeping unlike me, who needs total quiet and dark in order to be able to sleep), meanwhile if I'm home at 00:00, I'll have only like 4-5 hours of sleep, before she wakes me up at 5 in the morning. I'm so tired and I'm not even angry, but she's angry with me for even pointing that out and says that maybe I should go look for a different house to live in if "she's so bad". But now it's so hard to rent something in our town. Idk what to do, it's impossible for her to understand.
No. 1004343
>>1004339Random but related - Me and my boyfriend moved states recently, so we both needed new licenses
I was supposed to take a written test to have the license transferred but at the DMV they just waived it
In my old state we didn't drive, and my boyfriends license was so expired that usually he would have needed to start over with a permit. But when he went they just checked his expired license and gave him the new license kek
So needless to say its bad right now
No. 1004344
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Christmas melancholy hits real hard this year. I wish I was a kid again. Just asleep on the couch while the adults talked and played board games. Now I have to hear the adult talk and it's sometimes haunting.
No. 1004352
>>1004351Eh solo holidays happen to everyone at least once. Don't let it define your worth because it doesn't.
Two years ago I spent Eve and Day alone on my couch suffering from flu which was probably corona. Absolutely no one checked in on me while they were enjoying their holiday with loved ones, and all I got was some half ass apology from my stepdad telling me he was very sooooorry he didn't stop by to check on me while he fucked off to be with his family too. Things will get better.
No. 1004371
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I'm really not meant to be a social person. Everytime I try to do it, I feel miserable.
No. 1004426
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I'm not comfortable to go out and meet new people alone but I'll never meet new people if I don't go out
No. 1004438
>>1004418I don’t care who you are or what you look like, I wish I was with you to give you a hug. Reach out
nonnie, someone wants to be there for you, reach out, please
No. 1004457
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>>1004451/ot/ has been depressing me lately with how negative it is, and the responses to a lot of people's posts are needlessly brutal and likely incorrect armchair bs. I normally just lurk and don't post a whole bunch but I have tried to start replying to people more lately to help turn the tide against the deranged anons (which is probably actually just a handful of people with no lives). even if my post isn't positive it's at least something normal in the sea.
No. 1004461
>>1004451Tbh… I don't think it's moids, female spaces can just be really bitchy as much as I hate to admit it
Also it's the holidays, alot of farmers are probably feeling depressed about their lonely shitty lives around this time of year
No. 1004471
>>1004465He sounds like a LVM and you sound like you need to work on yourself for awhile before shacking up with another scrote. Hope things get better,
nonnie. It will be okay.
No. 1004537
>>1004535it's wrong to try to help somebody? Wtf?
The sad thing is, a lot of cows are genuinely quite creative people, with an autistic streak, who have gone off the rails due to social media. I mean, its not every day that someone could be as inventively gross as shayna if they tried. I mean it's new levels of gross every day with her, it's wild. Like I think she could be actually a good comedian in a melissa mccarthy vein, or at least she has more potential than most people.
No. 1004541
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stop fucking vacuuming early on christmas morning some of us got wasted yesterday you inconsiderate cunt
No. 1004547
>>1004543I don't even leave OT I just get sent things about shayna by efriends sometimes.
Sad truth is, for every shayna, theres a hundred people who are that gross, but dont even have the work ethic to run a nasty twitter.
No. 1004611
>>1004451>>1004457>>1004461>>1004598I fucking hate this. I've never felt "afraid"/nervous of replies to my post if I were not replying to a heated statement or trolling to make farmers laugh (though I guess I wasn't nervous then, just expecting negative replies kek). Last week has been so unpleasant that I don't want to post anything because I cannot predict what harmless thing will
trigger anons into screeching and dogpiling on me. I feel that even when we were infighting before, it was more often based on sharing POV instead of just going "kys retard". Contrary to my earlier statement, I already expect someone calling me a newfag or telling me to grow thicker skin. I actually did, thanks to posting on lolcow for years. It's jarring when the atmosphere becomes so hostile so suddenly and you haven't even wrote anything inflamatory
No. 1004646
>>1004640Ask her if there’s anything you can do to her even if your effort won’t do much. Be graceful but put down yourself. Show her how much you love her and how much it distresses you.
Fuck the nonnies here anon, go to your bff. Hug her if she wants it. I feel for both of you, all of this on christmas as well.
No. 1004695
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I'm really not looking forward to the next stage of my life. I'm entering my late 20s and so many people I know are getting married and having kids. Which is fine of course on its own, but they lose every semblance of a personality as soon as the baby comes and never want to do anything fun together, or if they get married it's to some random ass person they have nothing in common with.
My conversations with them now revolve around their kids, they clog up the group chat with 100 photos of their kids per day, talk about nothing other than their kid throwing up and causing a mess, and I'm becoming sooo tired of it all.
We're all grad students in a country where having kids is seriously easy and everything is provided for, my campus even has a free daycare. But we can't do anything fun anymore regardless. The married ones go home to their wagie spouse to cuddle and watch TV, the ones with kids go to their kids and we can't even talk about course assignments without them mentioning their boring kids every ten minutes and married people are on a leash because their SO will get mad if they don't come home right away. I don't want this to be me, I'd rather die alone if I can't find someone who shares my passions and hobbies. Fuck that.
No. 1004714
>>1004710I feel the same as you.
I don't get these people, if it's really men they hate, why don't they pour their vitriol over r9k? Why attack women?
Maybe you're right: They're actually trannies larping as radfems to get away with their behaviour, but revealing their true identity through their otherwise inexplicable actions.
No. 1004718
>>1004704Oh for sure, there's still 3 other friends in our group who are all single but they're all men so I get the most baby talk and I can't tell them to shut up or else I'll look like a bitch.
A few of the couples have also decided that me being single by choice is very sad and pitiful, so they've also started trying to set me up with random men I've never met, have nothing in common with and want nothing to do with. They ask me about it with such concern on their faces lol.
I really want more female friends to hang out with god damn.
No. 1004721
>>1004714This doesn't even make sense. Why would a tranny tell someone who is defending trannies, whining about a board for radfems and gc and calling women "cis women", to dilate? And why would any non-XY-chromosomed axewound abomination feel "uncomfortable" with being told to dilate?
Again, please dilate and fuck off.
No. 1004729
>>1004611It's not
that bad. Maybe you're hanging out in shitty threads. Vent especially has always been of infighting because emotions are high here.
No. 1004730
>>1004721It makes perfect sense. You use retarded insults to attack women, because you would get banned if you used appropriate insults. Your feelings still come across and you shit up threads by continually insulting people who don't ignore you, like you did here. Third parties read your
toxic post and it feel that it ruins the vibe of the thread.
There's no discussion from your side, you see some flimsy pretence you can use to attack, so you do it, because what you're here for is abusing women, not participating in the community.
No. 1004735
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>>1004451Someones autistic teenage son was camping out in /g/ the last few hours, like ffs call your son to come join the rest of the family for xmas dinner already. He shouldn't be locked up in his room reading about female masturbation on this of all days.
No. 1004736
>>1004730No, I'm not insulting women. I'm successfully insulting a mentally ill man who thinks he's a woman, samefags and yet still can't even hide their damaged chromosomes on an anonymous imageboard.
>Trannies/men read your posts about them and it feel that it ruins the vibe of the thread.Good.
No. 1004747
But you’re just being successfully a masculine chimpanzee. Start being human before accusing others of samefagging and having dicks. It’s fucking christmas, don’t you have anything else better to do than being rude to women online who don’t have the same sick extreme ideas/mentality as you? Jesus fucking christ.
No. 1004750
>>1004748I find it difficult because my family is
But at least I got friends to celebrate with as well as you nonatellas.
No. 1004752
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>>1004747>nayrtSaying that won't make it any more convincing, especially if you just repeat you previous posts.
>women onlineNo woman has a reason to feel "attacked" or "abused" by being told to dilate, and much less so do farmers. Even on Christmas, you will still never be a woman.
No. 1004755
>>1004752This anon you're replying to is very sus, if you don't have a dick or neovag, being told to dilate or told you have a dick is not offensive. No
real women are offended at that.
No. 1004763
>>1004655Are you me? If it makes you feel any better perhaps we are crying together when we wake up! For real though
nonny I'm sorry for the hand you've been dealt & Merry Christmas from a fellow weariness-of-life anon. I hope you can make the best of it
No. 1004780
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>go to emergency room on christmas eve
>ass hurts
>gets enema
>comes home feeling dehydrated and hungry
>liquid shit everywhere
WHY ME WHY ME WHY ME MERRY CHRISTMAS hope the ibuprofen heals my asshurt
No. 1004785
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>>1003937d-did I miss something? I haven't gone to lolcow in a few days. Is Pakistani anon a camgirl now? Who tf is Steve?
No. 1004796
>>1004764We've been visited by
>>1004294>>1004773>>1004775>I’m not particularly fond of men >waaaah why are you so mean to men you crazy women>telling trannies to dilate makes you just as bad as the murdering, raping and manipulating scrotes, actually it doesn't even make you human!!>that sick twisted literally hellish board 2X should be closed for criticising men, but it's also full of men because telling mennto fuck off is male>oh no, hating men? being aggressive? not very feminine of you!!>think about all the people you make uncomfortable by making trannies and men uncomfortable!!>telling me to dilate is an attack and highly abusive, not a tranny btwDilate and join the 41%
>>1004785No, tsundere-anon is the camgirl/romanian poster.
No. 1004804
>>1004789No it went like this
>steve ray carl michaels doxxed her info to her family because he’s a manipulative asshole>sad suicidal vents appeared by a romanian girl>reveals tearing life story and how that scum who ruined her now slightly more peaceful life by telling her family that she’s a camgirl etc..doxxing her etc…>anons encouraged her to post even more info about him >the autistic scum revealed himself in the thread and spammed her messages in here and on his facebook>the autist samefagged in the thread and farmers kept feeding him and giving him attention instead of reporting him to the police for fun>lots of infighting because every time a moid ruins a thread paranoia and schizophrenia increases by 80% for 7 days>a bad thread about him was created>farmers realize that revealing steven’s postings history is the only thing needed right now to make him feel shitWhen admin delivers I’ll be in heaven
No. 1004823
>>1004810No, I will stay so I can keep telling you pest to fuck off.
>>1004815Sure steve
No. 1004884
>>1004775>but why am I getting accused of being a man/tranny?because you're strangely defensive of them (and using the word "cis" if you're the same anon from earlier)
>hating men means YOU'RE the real manlmao
No. 1004888
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>>1004881Today I kept thinking how nice it would be to not do anything for Christmas next year
No. 1004892
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Fuuuuuuuuuck I got dumped/ghosted again. It wasn't even a relationship, we were only three dates in and I wasn't even that invested. But we texted every single day. It hurts my ego. Where's my love?
I just have three standards for men:
>have decent face and hair (not shave everything on the sides, that's such a dumb fucking hairstyle I hate so much)
>don't be a psycho
>like some kind of art (any - painting, movies, music)
Please. Is that so hard to fulfill?
I feel like I should give less shit and they'd come to me but it's so hard when you're lonely. I ruined last 3 situationships by giving too much shit. Fucking sucks when you can't even show someone you like them because they lose interest and stop chasing. I want to love someone! I miss being able to show love to someone so much. I miss stupid couple shit.
No. 1004905
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My little cousin got some dolls for christmas and I looked at the names
WHAT THE FUCK what kinda pedophile shit is this?
No. 1004908
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>>1004905Its L.O.L, basically they're meant to be modern trendy shit, and considering what trendy these days it ends up porny.
Same company that made Bratz btw.
No. 1004914
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i wish we had a thread to talk shit about consoomerism because booktube/booktok/bookstagram has a very specific brand of consoomerism that i hate with every fiber of my being.
No. 1004923
>>1004914Be the change you wish to see, anon
I'd like to see a thread like that. I've never understood why people partake in the hyperconsumerism that comes in the form of merchandise. What comes to mind is the obsession with Harry Potter even thought that franchise is like a decade old. So many of those people bang on about how much they hate capitalism yet partake in the most shallow and blatant forms of it.
No. 1004935
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Why can't I find music made by women who are openly misandrist, there's a shit fuck ton of misogynistic music but I can't find a single woman who writes violent and brutish lyrics towards scrotes. Where's the female anger? where are my sisters who burn moids at the stake? I am so upset.
No. 1004958
>>1004945>>1004948>>1004945>>1004938>>1004935Made it here!
>>>/m/175675I called it "female rage music thread" so mods don't think it's against the rules, but please feel free to use it
No. 1004989
>>1000720I’m pretty sure I have Covid and I’ve been puking all day on top of feeling like death. I’ve never missed a Christmas with my kid brother and it kills me that I am spending Christmas face in the toilet and drinking pedialyte. My friend tested positive a day after they left, and my aunt who is a nurse has warned me I hit all the symptoms. ( we are both vaxxed)
Pray for me nonnies, I hope I don’t get fired and I survive.
No. 1004994
I hate scrotes and troons, I truly do and it's impossible to hate on men or troons on the internet. No matter how horrible, sadistic and insane the acts they do are if you say "men suck" in any circumstance you will be attacked by hundreds of scrotes and pick me's that tell you "not all men are like that" or "women are bad too". But when scrotes shit on women the same pick me's join them to talk about how women are sooo bad and they're not like the other girls for thinking women are bad. Look at /r9k/ or any scrote place where they shit talk women, there's always other women joining and shitting on women to get scrote attention points.
I used to be a camgirl but that is because I needed money and I cannot get a good job in my country, I have very little social skills and I'm mentally ill. I actually hate men and I don't want to please them or care about their attention at all. A lot of "sex workers" are horrible too, most of those women attack other women, commit crimes and try to get their simps to ruin other women's lives, most of them are like that. Not all of them, but a handful are bullies and genuinely horrible towards other women. The same stands for most thots and a lot of twitch streamers and such are basically sex workers but somehow they think they're so much above sex workers although the scrotes that give them money do so because they see them as sexual objects and because they get off to their bodies or pandering(wow your opinions are like the same as mine you are my girlfriend basically). I've been a Twitch streamer too and it felt exactly like being a camgirl but more narcissistic because I was in denial about what I was doing which was basically selling sex on an off brand platform and pander to scrotoids just like sex workers do.
I used to be in discord servers from lolcow and they are somewhat questionable, the girls are mostly fine but a lot of drama and hypocrisy can happen and people that I was in the discord servers with after I left specifically targeted my posts on lolcow to try to get me to off myself basically. The same girls that would cry when lolcow admin was about to jump ship were the same girls that in the discord servers would bully and shit on admin and offer her no empathy. You have no idea how lolcow users talked about admin and when she was about to jump ship they all began posting about how much they love her meanwhile 5 months prior they'd shit on her and call her a troon. I'm also not Pakistani anon and the Pakistani anon might not even be real in fact, after I left the discord servers I got a bunch of people LARPING as me with my personal information. Maybe I deserve it for sharing my personal information or maybe I should grow thicker skin when dozens of deranged people on the internet from different sides of the internet including lolcow have tried bringing me to suicide or maybe I am just a "schizo"? But I think I'm honest and truthful. As for the "vendetta" you do realize that this website is literally built around vendetta and women taking their anger out on weaker women? The camgirl thread where Pumpy is posted is literally made up by 3 or 4 anons that are ex camgirls and were literally jealous of Pumpy because they used to be camgirls when she used to be and she was very popular, Pumpy has never actually done anything questionable or evil, she just shows her pussy on the internet. The Moo thread was literally made by cost thots or other cosplay thots and most of the girls posting in her thread like 80% of them are the ex cost thots that have started her threads from the beginning. The Luna thread was started by other BPD tumblr chans from back in the day. The Venus thread was started by other jealous weeabo's that wished they were in glorious Nippon just like Venus was and they literally enjoy seeing her suffer now because they are sociopathic and have a fake demonized interpretation of her life and actions. I guess "vendetta" is not vendetta anymore when more than 3 hateful people participate in demonizing someone, I haven't even ever posted vendetta and the people I've ever posted about were genuinely horrible and incredibly hypocritical, but I cannot say anything since it will be used against me because I have lost my anonymity due to my insanity. I still enjoy lolcow, I like /ot/; /g/ and /m/ mostly and they're much better than any other imageboard you could find and again I would like to repeat myself I fucking hate moids and troons and this is virtually the only space on the internet where you can shit on them and rightfully criticize them. Also, radical feminism will never be for trad thots or right wingers. Radical feminism is born from leftist school of thought.
No. 1005007
>>1004994But how could they see your posts??
Even if they knew your IP address, it’s not like regular users can even see it on the website, and it’s unlikely they’d be able to get your IP address from discord. Not just that but I think if you live in the same town as another lolcow user it would be hard to differentiate the two
No. 1005034
>>1005032Prett much what
>>1004834 said
No. 1005058
>>1005052>>1005049radical feminism was born from a Marxist approach from looking at gender dynamic, where men were viewed as the oppressor class and women the oprsssed
>>1005056That's understandable, radical feminism came from and was primarily geared for upper middle class white women and Jews in universities, It never had any appeal towards regular women
No. 1005059
>>1005049Communism and leftism is highly misinterpreted and it has been turned into something it is not, basically communists and leftists now are all hypocritical and they have turned communism and leftism into capitalism and right wing movement. Leftists now are right wingers and the leftist movement is filled with hypocritical and privileged first worlders and narcissists that want to make money off the movement and they claim that they are somehow helping the world when they are not, they associate with the leftist movement to make money and advance socially. Marxism is also highly misinterpreted and appropriated by moden leftists. Karl Marx would have never agreed to troons or even homosexuality, he would have thought troons are capitalistic and basically a tool of the capitalistic overlords and elites that run the world because it is true. All troons and so called communists are even bigger capitalists than right wingers and we have nobody NOBODY helping those born poor or in disprivileged life situations. Karl Marx was right and everything in the world is about capital and we are all slaves but lefties are insane and narcissistic and what they promote has nothign to do with actual communism. They are obsessed with capitalism, their rooms are full of plastic aliexpress shit, they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on stupid CONSUMMERIST shit they do not need because they are "uwu" le mentally ill while kids in my country and many other countries die of hunger and are born into poor and
abusive families and nobody helps them and the communists were the ones supposed to help them but they are too busy making money for themselves, buying aliexpress stuff and getting plastic surgery and fueling the fucking capitalistic's elite's businesses by getting on dangerous hormones. Most "communists" are millionaires or very rich and they absolutely refuse to help those in bad situations, those born poor with little to no privilege that are doomed to fail in life due to lack of capital and education or help. Hasan Abi or his likes or your average communist troon only keeps the money for himself while kids in my country are born in utter poverty and absolutely nobody helps them and those kids are destined to turn into prostitutes and abusers and give birth to other poor kids that suffer from the same misfortune lack of capital and education. Leftism and Marxism were appropriated by modern capitalistic idiots and in reality they are not like what they are presented. Marx would have hated troons and all woke tards and he would have killed himself if he would have seen what leftism and communism has turned into. Nobody helps the poor and if you are poor you are destined to suffer, have a shit life and die why those that were meant to help the poor are too busy with their own narcissistic selves. Karl Marx was also against medicine and he thought medicine was a way of the capitalists to control the world which is highly true.
No. 1005066
>>1005063Ok since it’s going all political and pseudo intellectual
No smart person would consider sex work a marketable thing marxist and feminist bs aside. When you sell yourself as a literal whore your market will become limited and it will be very difficult to change trades even with a sob story. Everyone male or female is in fact a whore and a product but the limit should reach the sky higher and higher. Type less btw nobody is gonna read that bs. Goodnight queen.