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No. 1108984
Unleash hell
>>>/ot/1108445 No. 1108986
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I miss him so much. He was the first dog I ever got lucky enough to know closely and he was my best buddy. I wish I could have been there for the end. I will always hold it against them for keeping him from me. They are the reason he passed so suddenly and I can never forgive them. Especially when they didn't even let me know he was at the hospital. I never got to say goodbye and I'll never be able to see his sweet face again. I think about him so much, I knew it would hurt to lose a dog but I didn't realize that I'd think about him so much at such random times. I hope he knows that he was special.
No. 1108997
nonny, that's so sad I want to cry. I lost my cat suddenly and recently too, so I'm there with you. Grief is a long process, I hope you can find some solace in this time. Big hugs.
No. 1109006
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>>1108997Thank you sweet
nonnie, sending you love
No. 1109045
>>1108984I hate how I come up with so many different ideas for stories but never spend enough time on them. I feel like I just waste so much time daydreaming. I have next to no skills like why does my brain churn out idea after idea IT WON'T GET MADE STFU. Whenever I watch or read a story I feel even worse because wow that's a great story, it's so creative and captivating I can't possibly do that.
I seriously need to slow down and just write things. Is there something wrong with me or am I just looking for excuses.
No. 1109328
>>1109045Holy shit same
I feel like this is the mental equivalent of "feature creep" or something
>>1109050NTA but thanks for the tip, nona. I'm aware that will definitely help. The problem is that I can't even do that because I get mentally stuck thinking about it and decide not to doodle anything at all. I don't know if it's because I'm unconsciously terrified of making mistakes, or because I've gotten too used to the thought of "I don't feel like drawing right now". I want to draw when I'm thinking of ideas, but I won't do it when I have time to draw. Maybe I should just stop browsing the internet… But even if I did that, I'd find some other way to avoid drawing.
No. 1109373
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i am so embarrassed i started crying at my college advisor appointment she asked are you frustrated and i said yes and tears just rushed in cbmajcjjend so embarrassing. Worst part? It was a recorded meeting she said they have to record for educational purposes well at least I make a good educational material I guess lmfao kill me
No. 1109395
Thinking about how maybe I need to move to improve my social life. The realization came to me, I never had problems making friends here except in the last 5 years, when gentrification really got out of control. Sad to think about all the potential cool, creative women I likely missed out on meeting, because they got priced out and moved away and their apartment filled by yet another tech moid: thirdworld H1B visa recipient, some kind of gay furry, bitter incel, annoying tech fanboys. The techie women aren't much better, a lot of male-identification, NLOGs, or overly yassified. All these people have identity issues as well and get too deep into genderwoo/kweerGBT or liberalism or anti-sjw as well. No balance, why are suburbanites like this?
No. 1109407
>>1109403i agreed to it at the beginning kek i cried towards the end i have been so emotional for no reason recently idk why but college shit is stressing me out so much i just blew out. It was so embarrassing
>>1109406i’ve been listening to bad music at that exact position the past hour
No. 1109454
>>1109428Hey there nonna, you can do it! In /g/ theres a diet accountability thread and its a nice space to support each other.
Maybe consider switching up the rice with spaghetti squash or cauliflower rice?
Meet me over in the other thread and we can brain storm ♥
No. 1109461
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Just came back from the dermatologist. I was so excited to go, but I just came back a little disheartened. It's been a while since I last went to one, but damn. It's always a completely different thing each time I go? Nobody seems to agree on what should I take. I am really tired of taking 30 different types of medicine and being a guinea pig, basically. She barely even listened to me tbh, she just heard me saying "PCOS, dermatitis" and already was prescribing stuff. She didn't check my skin from upclose. She didn't look at my scalp. She didn't ask about my diet. She didn't ask about my family's medical history, even when I mentioned in passing that my dad had medical problems. She even said I should change my sunscreen. Why though? She didn't even know the brand I am using. She didn't listen to my skincare routine. Not only that but she lightly suggested that I should wear make up. Fuck that. I hope the endocrinologist that I'll see next week at least listen to my stuff…
No. 1109487
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>>1109428Im going through the same thing right now. Dont blame yourself too much, everybody copes differently. Try limiting what part of the day you eat. For me, I just eat one medium sized meal in the morning and a small one for lunch and I dont bother with dinner. Ive lost 9 of the 20lbs i gained. It took me 2 months so far to lose that amount. Taking it slow seems to make the progress easier.
No. 1109505
>>1109480AYRT, I'm sorry about your experiences as well.
The last time I went to the dermatologist was before the pandemic began, and she was actually very good, for once. Everything I complained about this one today, she did the opposite. She was very kind and she listened. The problem is that my medical insurance changed and they don't work with her clinic anymore. So I went to this hospital close to home, and they are usually good, but no luck for me today… I had hoped that since she was also a woman, she wouldn't say stupid shit like try to convince me make up is good.
No. 1109539
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I’m having my very first migraine and it’s so bad that I spent most of last night throwing up. I got kind of scared because of how out of no where and fast it came on. After I threw up I started to have dotted vision and really bad vertigo so I rested on the bathroom floor for an hour (sad). When the morning came I contacted an Urgent Care and they told me that if it feels like the worst headache I’ve ever had that I need to go to the ER asap but to me that seemed like such a waste of time. I don’t know what the ER would do for me aside from give me a migraine cocktail and send me on my way. And the thought of having to wait hours under the fluorescent lights in the waiting room makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. I ended up not going but now I’m paranoid it could be something serious like a brain tumor/stroke/blood clot. My dad used to get really bad migraine attacks and he never had to go to the ER he just fought them at home. However, before this I rarely ever even had mild headaches let alone a full on migraine. Idk nonnies am I being a tard for ignoring medical advice over a migraine?
No. 1109655
I suppose this would be the best place for it…I don't think it'll be coherent i'm just letting it out.
Walking home today the weight of women and sexuality just came crashing down on me. I think it's because I saw a girl with very smudged eyeliner and torn tights, but it was messy in a deliberate and sexual way. And at least from a western european perspective, I don't know about the rest. Literally as soon as we women were a small child more or less we've had the concept of what's hot and sexy present. At first maybe it wasn't pushed on us, but the pressure mounted as we grew. As we were chubby 12 year olds comparing ourselves to the skinny ones, being dismayed when trying on low rise jeans and all the other shit advertised to us, not fitting a quite average child's body.
I'm not even talking about the outright stuff, being told to smile, or being told what does or doesn't look attractive on us (because who asked but in the early 2000s it wasn't questioned).
I mean the more insidious stuff, the fact that at some point, too early in our lives, it came from within and our looks were directly tied to our self worth. Imagine being a male and not even taking it into consideration, just not fucking thinking about it unless you actively want to fuck someone. What a mental load off. Like we weren't even trying to look hot because we wanted to fuck, it was just…ingrained that it was important to do so. And why? And imagine the character development we could've gone through if we didn't have that massive hurdle of accepting literally just the way we look as a human. As a gender even, I feel the effect is absolutely massive and it's so so fucked. Fuck, i'm 30 and i'm still not sure I accept myself as is.
No. 1109694
>>1109686Nta but I remember having pelvic pain investigated years ago and mid-scan they said that shit like endo doesn't show up on the scan which had me scratching my head on why I had the scan then.
I've since heard that endo requires a full on laparoscopy procedure to absolutely confirm that it's there? I ran into a dead end of getting scans and no real answers tho. Ten years of pelvic pain and counting.
No. 1109709
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>>1109694it's ridiculous because you can literally google ultrasounds of obvious endometriosis, of course they would say the most expensive and invasive procedure is the only way to diagnose endo. I also had a foreign doctor tell me "everyone has endometriosis". I swear to god what the fuck are they teaching them in medical school
No. 1109752
nonny, immediate, accessible, and cost-mitigated medical intervention is for trannies
No. 1109810
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>>1109794You can tell this is bait by a scrote because of the lack of bra knowledge. Most women who wear a 30G bra would be considered medium breasted or even small depending on who you ask
No. 1109823
>>1109820so i am a scrote because i don't want more boobs
fuck off bitter fat ass
No. 1109830
>>1109823fat ass fridges big boned berthas gonna lecture us about what actual big boobies are, but when you are actually small, actually skinny, then that shit gonna look big on you and too big to your size
fatsos shut up
No. 1109870
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Had an abusive ex who is trying to be successful in the “film industry” and who I never pressed charges against because he had cousins as lawyers and his grandfather was in high positions within my towns public office. Everyday I talk to my friend about having him #cancelled online from his twitter hivemind about how he’s white and had films where he would make skits about using racial slurs and jabbing at venus and serena williams for being “men” all because they’re black women. I still have recordings and photos of him dressing up as them in my conversations and text messages of him talking about it. I just don’t spend any time on twitter or even have popular accounts to try and do this so I’m just left to daydream about how it would pan out
No. 1109901
>>1109897I only use Pinterest, YouTube and lolcow and never encounter annoying bullshit unless you guys post it.
Fuck tik tok metaverse insta brainrot
No. 1109917
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>>1109913this is average look for women?
again: my point wasn't about having big boobs even though that's what this all ended up being about, my point was: i want less boobs even if other women commonly have same size as me
No. 1109924
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sorry for the sperg, but i finally watched South Park's 200 and 201. i'm fucking livid at the censorship and the lack of courage from the broadcaster. even the entire comments were censored. i know i'm 11 years late to the party (i still remember about the death threats they got, but i wasn't actively watching back then), but what the fuck. even the boxset releases are stupidly censored. comedy central? more like coatturning central! oof i mad.
No. 1109989
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>>1109962look. you yourself know that you are talking out of your ass right not. again; not because i have some magemugabegaboobs. but like.
you know you are talking shit
No. 1109993
>>1109962also: you cant see my waist in this photo.
stop the shit, please
No. 1110006
>>1110005you are insecure or a man. you are trying to dunk on me, and at the same time, other women who read this.
youre fat or man
No. 1110007
>>1110006like once again, i didnt start this shit but
triggered fat asses got
triggered. i see through your larp.
No. 1110017
>>1110010>>1110013this shit isn't gonna harm me, but actully average women, you get that? they gonna read this and think this is what women supposed to look lik and feel like shit about themselves when average woman doesnt look like that?
both of you know you are talking shit
No. 1110024
>>1110017to protect your own ego you gonna throw others under the bus to pretend that
>>1109810isn't big boobs, while it is, that is not average look for women, you gonna cause women who dont look like that to feel like shit about themselves because you gotta larp
No. 1110031
>>1110026but average woman doesnt look like
>>1109810it isn't about being insulted about being average, it is about you having delusional image of what average woman looks like, you coping, and when a woman who doesnt look like that reads your ideas of """average""" they get the wring idea
No. 1110035
OP is acting like a mega-retard but I kind of agree that
>>1109810 isn't medium or "small" in the slightest unless this is some regional thing.
No. 1110037
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>>1110033Don't go to pool parties or the beach, being surrounded by tons of women who have much smaller waists and much smaller breasts than you might make you have an embarrassing violent tantrum
No. 1110038
>>1110035once again: my original post wasnt about having megaboobs, but about me wanting to have less boobs.
fatsos and others started projescting, and claiming that like the pic linked is supposed to be average
No. 1110054
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>>1110038So why are you seething when others agree your boobs aren't that big? You want less boobs, people think you have less boobs. You just have some weird form of body dysmorphia. It's like wanting to be taller and screaming your head off when people say you're already tall kek
>>1110035Regional thing definitely, I grew up in a mostly slavs area and I find that slavs tend to have larger breasts than most women regardless of weight.
Here's a map for reference. This obviously isn't referring to the correct bra size but what most women are currently wearing so it's referring to volume. Slavic and Scandinavian women have the largest cup size despite being of lower average BMIs
No. 1110055
>>1110051what are you coping about? what about me is threatening you?
No. 1110056
>>1110041Since whoever this is is posting graphs and random women's bikini pics now
>>1110037, I feel like it's a male trying to do a breast envy LARP to satisfy his boner. Like he's baiting for you or someone else to say something about small breasts and jealousy so he can cooooooom
He probably has a tab on 4chan open angrily sperging about penis size rates all over the world, and he imagines women are the same way
No. 1110059
>>1110057i am not angry, i am baffled
stop projecting
No. 1110066
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>>1110058Looks like her bra is shoving whatever fat she has to her upper boob which is why it's pointy at the bottom and round at the top, and also explains that lack of volume in the lower breasts. Normal, perky breasts slope at the top and round out at the bottom
No. 1110075
>>1110068NTA but she said
>my boobs just got bigger again for no fucking reason?? i haven't gained significant weight elsewhere, i don't get it, it's like my boobs have some fucking five year plan that suddenly they are like "it is time to grow" and they do? because this has happened before. i already had a fucking 30G , it is enough, stop growing, especially since now i am getting stretch marks, this is enough boob fucking stop growingAnd then someone (or some people) got mad at her and basically accused her of humblebragging for some reason. She said she didn't like it and she's getting stretch marks, doesn't sound like an anime fantasy. You guys can be so sensitive about boobs and I don't get it
No. 1110094
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>average women don't have MY massive tiddies and tiny 30 inch ribcage. How dare you! I totally wish I had smaller boobs
I am laffing
No. 1110109
>>1110101I've felt this way too and would prefer having cute small perky b cups, my reaction to this isn't to sperg on lolcow constantly and then flipping out at people who reassure me that they think my breasts are average. I genuinely want smaller breasts, if someone were to tell me my boobs were smaller than I think they are I would also genuinely be flattered and would sperg out and claim everyone is fat. Everyone knows boob size is extremely subjective and foaming at the mouth because not everyone agrees that your boobs are large could not be a more obvious cry for attention.
With tall/short anons, if you tell a girl who's say, 5'6 that she's not that tall in your opinion if she's insecure about being too tall, I promise you no one insecure about their height will react the way the anon did
No. 1110141
>>1110117This. This seems to be the biggest issue which is why I can't buy the "she's just insecure about her boobs being big!" thing.
>>1110134Most people agreed it was a matter of an opinion and moved past it. Having a tantrum because someone said your boobs aren't big is ridiculous
No. 1110172
>>1110166It happened a few times of anons calling their boobs small and people seething about how they're actually average and no one has ever cared, usually pertaining to pear shaped anons. I also remember when shoe0nhead and lilychu called their boobs small anons seethed about how they weren't small and that Lily was wearing a binder. No one cared
>>1110168"Average" is a wide variety though since most women have extremely diverse body types. It takes a lot to be a legitimate outlier and people need to understand that. Also there's nothing wrong with being average
No. 1110205
>>1110202Saying others have bigger boobs vs sperging out about how "average women don't have MY body" and calling everyone who disagrees fat berthas.
If you think the first is more cringey then I don't know what to tell you
No. 1110214
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>>1110211Yes but actually no
No. 1110224
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>>1110216You can't possibly look at this and think nothing about this is cringey/spergy and it's just pure poor insecurity
No. 1110239
>>1110231For me it's the multiple replies, and then spamming anons who comment back on her even with no context. That's what made it cringey for me. Also she talks like a tranny larping some weird boob expansion hentai, not someone who is self loathing in insecurity. Especially they ????stop it!!!!". No one who is self loathing would type like this. If she would've just left first post I promise you no one would've cared but she continued to spam and then spam replies to anyone who commented back to her
>>1110233I didn't say it was humblebragging
No. 1110246
>>1110240It literally is kek. When we had the bad artist thread they would post that nonsense all the time. It's always someone who's boobs grow out of control and they always have the same exact dialogue of "make it stop!!!". When she didn't get enough attention with her first post she went back and started sperging more. How is that not cringey?
>>1110241She doesn't, but if you're going to write her off as insecure then at least have a good point
>>1110243She kept spamming with replies even when no one was replying back. She was double posting constantly. Are we looking at the same thread?
No. 1110248
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>>1110246>I spend so much time looking at boob expansion hentai “ironically” I now see it in ordinary posts of women talking about their own breasts but it’s not me who’s the sperg! Honest! You are utterly broken omg. Screaming.
No. 1110281
>>1110268 but other anons aren't me. Schizoid fattard.
No. 1110289
>>1110281>>1110285>We are all laughingNo. You aren't.
Still obvious unhinged samefags. Hopefully you'll mention this to your therapist
No. 1110291
Also it seems crazy to conspire about how a man is collecting bras specifically for an argument, even then the post was besides the point. Why would a troon even argue in favor of body positivity for small breasts when they stuff/wear cutlets/ whatever? Your logic makes no sense and I don't see why you're stuck on the CC post
No. 1110299
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>>1110289I’m literally fucking crying with laughter because you fuckers who screamed and cried about women being annoyed at breast growth (perfectly ordinary thing for women to complain about if you actually have IRL friends) have just revealed yourselves to be hentai obsessed freaks. Goddamn I thought you where just ugly but this is absolute gold.
No. 1110309
>>1110299Being annoyed with breast growth =\= cringe spamming the thread and having a mental breakdown when people say your boobs aren't that big
>>1110304You're probably right, I'm just going to give it a break. Regardless of what I respond they'll just try to twist it instead of admitting OP/them/whatever ever did anything wrong.
No. 1110315
>>1110310are you talking about
>>1110214? these brands don't have push-ups for those sizes. I don't even think you can find push-ups in those sizes.
No. 1110344
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I tried working out but it's SO HARD and I'm not even fat, just no muscle. I'm just looking for a simple daily routine.
No. 1110356
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>>1110345They're just boring and ugly. I am so sad, kek.
No. 1110392
>>1110350Hobbies are great but man- and womanchildren who obsess over Disney intellectual property, play video games, have a kawaii kiddie bedroom and consoom Funko pops are cringe even in their 20s. Teenagers are naturally cringe and tryhard no matter what they do and people expect them to grow out of it, so when it doesn't happen and someone keeps acting like a high schooler way
way past the appropriate age, it feels sad.
In 2 years I'll be 30, as I've aged I naturally stopped wanting to dress in clothing aimed at teens and I still have hobbies, plenty of them, but my interests have matured too so they're not the same as they were before. Arrested development just looks sad.
No. 1110416
>>1110392What's an adult hobby? Looking at stocks and investments?
Hobbies are a way to unwind and relax while doing something you enjoy, that's it. Video games are as mainstream as ever and definitely not in the kids only category anymore.
The only thing I agree with regarding vidya is that it's too consumerist, then again a lot of hobbies could be described that way. In the end, it's all killing time in an enjoyable way and it's up to the individual to determine how they're going to spend their money and free time. I never really understood people who are so keen to judge how others spend their time just because it does not match with theirs.
No. 1110423
>>1110416Nta but, there are definitely more mature hobbies that don’t require consooming to be enjoyable, like learning a new dance style, different sports, learning a new language, doing arts and crafts, taking care of a pet, reading, doing some charity work, cooking. And there’s probably even more but those are definitely things that are healthy, lets you socialize with people outside of the internet and doesn’t really require you to consoom shit every week unlike collecting stuff like toys, clothes or the sorts. Sure, you can turn those hobbies into mindless consooming, but being an adult with responsibilities and probably a job means you understand how to hold back and what you really want and need.
No. 1110445
>>1110440Thank you bumper
God I hate it here
"How are you doing anon?" "Oh just woke up, drinking a coffee and having cp shoved in my face, you know, the usual morning routine"
No. 1110466
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why is the binge not undoing years of self-hate??????????????
No. 1110521
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nonnas plz help. I have a cramp or a knot in these areas and ive tried a tennisball and i cant get relief. I need a butt massage but dont want ask my male roomie for obvious reasons
No. 1110559
>>1110554not completely, if it's a medical massage you usually don't undress entirely. for me they only pushed up my shirt a little at the back and pulled my pants (i wore joggers or leggings) down to uncover my butt. my legs and arms were always completely covered.
also no worries about your body, physical therapists see all kinds of bodies and they are always very non-judgmental! my best friend is one and she gives massages to women who had double mastectomies because of breast cancer or people who have lots of scar tissue.
No. 1110704
>>1110646i think you might be right. I think i’m ashamed that I let depression steal so much time from me and my sister’s college stuff reminded me of that.
Actually that makes me feel better because I hate the idea of being jealous of someone I love. I do need to tackle that shame though.. oh well. Play the cards that I’m given
No. 1110712
>>1110702Nta, but you're right. You don't have to censor. They need to learn how to regulate their reactions, or go to another thread. Same idea for posting #
TW on social media posts. You dont need to apologize and Im glad you are sharing and working through a hard time
No. 1110738
>>1110392how is it sad if it makes someone happy though? does it look less sad if someone pretends to like something they actually dislike just to look grown up?
>>1110425but videogames are super popular with normal non-autists. some of you have a weird idea of what normies and adults are actually like.
No. 1110749
>>1110720and it's super unsafe if you're a woman and try to walk anywhere. You'll get honked at and catcalled repeatedly, especially if you're walking in an area without a sidewalk or the amount of people who pull out in front of you and act as if you're a runaway or trafficking
victim or something like no ??? I'm literally just walking to the damn gas station to get pads literally less than a mile from my house and didn't feel like wasting gas
No. 1110797
>>1110794Good on you for getting out quickly
nonnie. I was friends with a guy like this for a few months and I'm sure it took years off my life expectancy
No. 1110806
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My 2 and 4 year old needing my CONSTANT attention is draining the life from me. Single full time mom - I work weekends tho. This isn’t anything new but this week has been especially hard on me. I have no motivation to do anything.
No. 1110809
This retard at work "accidentally" deleted an entire folder group in my department off the company's cloud while I was out of the office. Now there's sync issues and IT can't get the files back into my explorer, meaning now my job will be complicated as I may have to access, move, and edit files from the browser version of the cloud which is the only place where they were restored.
She didn't even apologize to me, and this mostly impacts my function. Had I not had my notification alerts sent to my inbox, and an employee covering for me in my corner who first noticed the issue, this little tart would have brushed it under the rug and would have made me the fallguy while pretending like she had no idea what happened. Or blaming our recent data migration, which was also a project I had a fair hand in even though I'm not IT.
I'm trying to imagine if I went into the files for operations and just deleted entire groups of their shit. I would be raked across the coals had I done that to them, maybe because they fancy themselves as more "important" I suppose. I'm infuriated. I thought IT restricted access but this little strumpet found a way to muck up my job, ugh!!
And if you're wondering why I sound harsh, it's because she used to be a contracted support in my department and blamed shit on me for her mistakes too. So when she got a lateral offer into ops because she lied on her application and sucked a technician's cock I thought I was done with her, but here we are…
No. 1110882
>>1110864I'm sorry you're going through that
nonny. I know it's hard but you should break up if he continues to drain you this much.
No. 1110935
>>1110855do americans actually think this? I wish i lived in a country i can actually walk to places in without being almost hit and having everyone pull over and ask "omg are you okay??". amerifats don't make living wages either and are expected to come up with the money to afford a car, insurance as well as maintence which is always inflated out of proportion and then you have insurance fraud drivers that will make your insurance hundreds a month if you fucking tap them
oh and they wont fix your car or pay for maintence unless you pay an extra hundred or so for triple A, you just pay money per month so they can charge you even more if you speed or bump someone. How are insurance that don't actually insure even legal in america?
No. 1110976
>>1110935I don't have a license and I'm treated like a fucking pariah for taking public transit here in the US. I've always been employed but had to organize my life around not being able to drive so my job hunts are limited by places I can commute to safely and walk partway. I don't want to drive. As terrifying as it is expensive. Even
used vehicles that won't break down and routinely cost you $1,000 are out of the question. I feel like such a loser not owning a car but I want to not need one!
>>1110855I don't know what world you live in, your average non-celebrity Amerifat absolutely damns this place to hell for how much just existing and trying to earn a living costs here.
No. 1111010
>>1111005Gas in Germany costs more than 8$ per gallon.
Anyway sorry for derail it was petty of me to respond. I don't want to be like Romania anon.
No. 1111025
>>1110976Amen, public transport is cheap, based and eco, like let's actually think about it
>more fumes, bad for the planet>Ruin the aesthetic appeal of a street>Stops streets from being safe for pedestrians>car parks take up space that could be used for other things, bikes take up less space and you can store like 1000 in a space for 50 cars>expensive>take up space in street, stopping people walking and kids playing No. 1111056
>>1110988Lolno, there's a lot of "hidden costs" that euros don't know about
>"insurances" for fucking everything that is required for you to have, 200 a month for health, 150 for car, even more if you rent, HOA and home insurance fees, etc.oh and you'll get "tickets" for fucking everything too
none of these cover shit either, so if you get hurt you have to pay the insane medical costs too
>utilities >taxes but not getting a living wage, if you're making less than 15 an hour you're most likely being paid less than min wage once taxes is taken out>car stuff, gas, etc. It's not as expensive as europe but there's zero public transportation and you get harassed if you walk on highways
and lots of people have long commutes due to the job market so people will take any job they can get. I know people who travel 3 hours a day to work for a 17/hour job since they're so desperate and jobs like to fire people a lot
No. 1111117
>>1111101lol I've seen anons try to pull this with anons they got in arguments with over a year or so ago. like even if it is the right anon, so? there could be 3 people using this site and we all just bicker back and forward constantly and we wouldn't know. It also removes the point of using an anonymous board, if not knowing who's who bothers you to the point of investigating randos to see if they argued with you way back when, why even bother? mods don't put IPs out and there's no real way of knowing, you'll just seem crazy and obsessive
I can agree though that some anons do have an certain "phrases" ig that gives away their identity, like the anon with anger problems who has been running around here for the past couple of days
No. 1111259
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It grosses me out that I could be sharing this board with people who get off on animal torture (or would do it for money), pickmes so terminal they support and/or marry sex offenders, etc. I could be trying to comfort an anon about something sad, and it turns out she's one of those monkey abuse freaks, Isabella Jankes p. 2, or someone who capes for convicted rapists and shit. I genuinely wish those kinds of people the worst, they're a blight on the human race. I know there are fewer of them here than on 4chan or other scrote sites because they crave male attention, but it's still a nasty thought
No. 1111261
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>>1111254I understand you nona
No. 1111266
>>1111254I know that feel nona, we're alone together.
>>1111259That's true, but it applied to every one you know, not just the boards. Sometimes I wonder if one of my neighbors kidnapped someone and keep them in their house, and I'm just sitting here enjoying life while someone a few meters away is living through hell.
No. 1111280
>>1111259Yeah I think about this a lot when I share nice moments with a
nonny I just think wow this could also be the same person who i was just infighting with and calling a pick me or whatever. But at the same time i’ll put up with it because it’s better than sharing a board with men, even the most degenerate women on here are more sane and likeable than the average male image board user. I do agree sometimes anons on here make me question these sentiments a bit but oh well.
No. 1111324
Trying to get ready for bed and I accidentally hit the inside of my nose so hard it started bleeding fml
>>1111310I love the discussions during the movies
No. 1111338
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Found out the high school teacher I fucking hated who taught AP history and made me leave the class because she was a bitch and also actually knew nothing about history doesn't even have a degree in history she has a fucking degree in gender studies. She also teaches, of course, gender studies and sociology but who let her teach AP history? She was the only one who taught AP world history and literally added gay shit in everything. She would just make up shit, like that lesbians fled Greece to Lesbos hence the term lesbians. That is literally not even a conjecture that is just made up bullshit that nobody else believes. She also thought the ancient greeks were like, all gay and that was so progressive or something. Thought random historical figures were intersex or trans. Actual fucking brainwashery, I hated every moment of it. REeeeee once she just sat down and started talking about diversity and weird shit so I left the room the entire period and apparently she told the class she hated me. Well I hope she loses her job and also maybe even a limb for getting such a cushy job at this school for a fucking fake degree and teaching fake shit. For some reason my brain broke that year and her class made me have mental breakdowns and even seeing her flew/flies me into a rage. How dare you sully history with your stupid headcanons, treating historical figures like anime characters. She also generally stanned Genghis Khan to the point where she had FANART OF HIM AND HER ON HER WALL THAT STUDENTS MADE HER
No. 1111353
>>1111338I'm getting mad even reading about that
nonny, my hs history teacher was a based deranged ex housewife (think possum lady vibes) and she'd happily tell us about atrocities against humanity, my teacher could and should btfo out of yours
No. 1111354
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I'm coloring some drawing but my color pencils keep breaking every time I sharpen them.
No. 1111355
>>1111352She usually headcanoned the most random people of being trans, like Akhenaten II even though he clearly had a chromosomal disorder due to inbreeding but she thought he was trans. She also theorized Xerxes was intersex because he couldn't grow a beard, despite being depicted with a beard everywhere except for that one movie. I don't think she headcanoned anything about Genghis Khan she seemed pretty straightforward about how he was a rapist and how his army tortured people but she loved it.
>>1111353This teacher told us about atrocities but would find some way to justify them if it was her husbando doing it. She was also like "his name is pronounced CHINKUS KHAN and if you went to mongolia they'd get mad at you for pronouncing it wrong" like thanks, I'll remember when I go to Mongolia and talk to the locals about their one famous person
No. 1111372
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I just want /m/ back and go through the old threads.
No. 1111373
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Telegram is fucking cancer. I know I've sperged about this before and idgaf. My mother watched a video on telegram on how to tell if a woman is really a man (e.g. hollywood actresses, models, you get where I am going). It is the most ridiculous bullshit I have ever heard. One of my favorites is apparently women cannot have cleft chins. Another is if you see the laryngeal prominence and it's not super flat, it's obviously a guy's adam apple. The video goes on to say these women were actually boys and brought up as women. There's more but I'm fucking too pissed off. I cannot fucking watch ANYTHING with her without her being a dumbshit saying """"that's a man"""". Tonight, while watching Psych, says that beautiful men in hollywood (read: good looking) are probably women. I want to fucking throttle her. She is so fucking condescending and smug about this and it is making me homicidal and having more suicidal ideation because fuck she's getting even crazier than when I was a adolescent. It just makes me upset that she's that easy to manipulate.
No. 1111444
>>1111437I'm not fat.
>>1111441bla bla bla you're part of the problem too, thanks for throwing
le patriarchy argument at me. Most anorexics are
toxic as fuck and bully other women or look down on them for being fat so they contribute to the problem
>>1111433 No. 1111457
>>1111452they are sociopathic and they sound like moids too. They are very critical of other women's physical appearances and have sociopathic tendencies and form the worst communities.
>>1111455you can cope by thinking I'm fat for calling you out on your brain rotting self induced mental illness which results from your hatred for women and self obsession. You will never be a real life anime girl.
No. 1111462
>>1111457Where do you think that mentality of being critical of other women comes from? Their ass??? It comes from extreme insecurity and delusion. Anachans hate themselves and take it out on others. Telling them thay you hope they starve themselves is
way more of an issue and perpetuates the problem to much more of an extreme than acknowledging and understand
why they have the disorder in the first place. I'm not an anachan, and you assuming I am isn't any different than other anons calling you fat. You're a disgusting hypocrite and you don't actually care about other women. Someone called you a fatty and it made you seethe so you want other women to die because of it. You're an idiot.
No. 1111468
>>1111462why should I cut them some slack and not criticize them when they are horrible themselves and perpetuating misogyny while being aware of it as well. A lot of them literally refuse to get better, there isn't some invisible force conditioning them to hate other women, criticize other women or partake in
toxic communities. I'm also mentally ill and nobody cuts me any slack in society. Why should I excuse them? I'm treating them the way they treat others. I don't even think all anachans are the same, some are okay and not harmful towards other women, but a lot of them are fucking vile towards other women and perpetuate misogyny on an insane level by calling average women fat and projecting their insecurities on other women, most often times they are also bullies.
>>1111463I'm also mentally ill and other women blame me for it constantly and I've been harassed/bullied by women for not being able to get out of my situation. Why should I excuse
toxic women because
le patriarchy, I am being held responsible for my actions and not excused.
>>1111466you can still face racism even if you are rich
No. 1111472
>>1111468I'm not even reading your nonsense anymore because of this
"le patriarchy" bullshit. You sound an Anti-SJW moid right out of 2016.
>boo hoo other women bullied me so I want them all to die wahhh, woe is meHave fun being up your own ass, hypocrite.
No. 1111475
>>1111472no retard I'm telling anachans on lolcow to die because most of them are straight up vile and sociopathic, you didn't even read my argument because
I sound like a scrote. You cannot absolve women of any responsibility because of patriarchy. A lot of anachans simply refuse to get better and make the world hell for other women by harassing, criticizing or grooming young women into
toxic communities. You calling me a hypocrite for criticizing anachans also makes you a hypocrite because a lot of anachans are actually harmful to women as a whole, so they deserve to be criticized. Most of them literally suffer from sociopathy and don't care if other women starve to death or develop ED.
No. 1111487
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>>1111484I relate very strongly anon
No. 1111489
>>1111485they deserve to be paid back with the same coin. You're also a hypocrite. You claim to care about women but yet defend a group of women which cause harm to other women. A lot of women simply contribute to misogyny and how bad society is for women.
>>1111486you're so obsessed with
beauty stop projecting you're lacking braincells you harassing and criticizing other women and thinking women are fat and ugly it is not because of patriarchy, it is because you are a vile human being
No. 1111495
>>1111489The cope is unreal, you're so desperate to be better than other women that you'll completely ignore the reason they're suffering the way they do. It's gross, but you delude yourself into thinking you're really doing something here. You need to stop blaming
other women for the issues women face and take a look at the bigger picture. You spend too much time on cow boards.
No. 1111501
>>1111490AYRT and a similar thing happened when I defended someone who had 'wrong' opinions. Had to explain I did not agree with her fully, which was the truth, but that I felt she should not be ostracized. This was unrelated to
terf stuff, but still lost a decent amount of friends for that alone. I've gotten back in touch with others who are full woke now and I have to hold my tongue at all times, and watched them chase out others who didn't agree with them.
And no friends to play the new Harry Potter game with either, the worst part kek.
No. 1111506
>>1111498No, if I criticize a group of very
toxic women I am not a mysoginst nor fat like your delusion or irrationality makes me up to be. Own up to your actions. I am not excused for my actions because of patriarchy or misogyny, although I am a
victim of it as well.
No. 1111509
>>1111501I was straight up terrified of losing them. I don't have that many friends, lol. I will never, ever, talk about it again with them. I will remember though.
And hah, I'd play it with you. Can't wait to throw my money at it.
No. 1111519
>>1111505no, you are a shameless hypocrite with zero self awareness. You read and understood my points then claim anorexic women are
toxic towards other women and then you claim that
I had no points. Anorexic women are fucking horrible towards other women, but if they are
victims of patriarchy and you excuse their shitty actions towards women on the premise of them being
victims of patriarchy and being mentally ill, then according to this way of thinking I must be excused too, right? Because I am a
victim of patriarchy as well, but it seems your ideals and expectations only apply to women that you like, when you dislike a woman she is suddenly not a
victim of patriarchy anymore. Also, it seems women that criticize anachans for being
toxic are fat whales that refuse to post hand pics. Watch out who you call hypocritical because at this point you're just talking about yourselves.
No. 1111525
>>1111509When it drops there should be a thread made to organize playing together online
I just learned you can hide your game activity on steam so that's nice
No. 1111532
Yeah it's almost as if the way women are beaten down constantly about every aspect of their existence would make them bitter and have pretty unhealthy thought patterns, regardless of their weight. It's funny how women being pitted against each other results in some pretty shitty interactions. But according to
>>1111519 they're just disgusting sociopaths who deserve death, and the fact that these issues are caused by men is just excusing their psychopathy. Women don't deserve help or understand, right
>>1111519 ????
No. 1111533
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>>1111457>>1111475>>1111468welcome back romanianon, once again
No. 1111541
>>1111537Nah she was mormal sized in her videos, I think she's just
triggered over anachans because she associates them. with lolcow ir the discord she has beef with, similar to her seething over radfems
No. 1111553
>>1108990 and here
>>1109007 is how to ana-chan hater 4chan incel looks.
No. 1111571
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What happened to her posts? Was that her or jannies?
No. 1111576
>>1111570I know I sound like a broken record, but what point? She can't make a point if her argument is based in hypocrisy and wishing death on another woman
No. 1111582
>>1111581wow are you one of the
No. 1111601
>>1111597No I don't buy into this. I feel like attacks on appearance are
valid. I don't give a shit if that makes me a bitch. People have agency in how they present themselves. It's not just physicality in a static sense. You can have unique sharp strong features and be beautiful but if someone is vapid and shallow and unpleasant and are pass remarkable on others it's good to hit their ego. I'm on lolcow bitches idgaf
No. 1111605
>>1111599I literally replied with that to a woman that said
fat bitches should be humbled that is mysoginistic as fuck. Stop virtue signaling when you literally do the same shit. Me replying with
anachans should die to a woman that literally said FAT BITCHES SHOULD BE HUMBLED is not hypocritical and it's not done out of jealousy.
No. 1111607
>>1111605Humbled =/= death.
You need to chill out
No. 1111617
>>1111613>I can't imagine being so buttfucking insecure that I would latch onto the appearance of some average weight, normal looking bitch to feel like I'm superior and won an argument on here.But also
>Do what, bitch? Calm your skeletal ass down and go eat some toilet paper.Wow, the comedy writes itself.
No. 1111618
>>1111599the point is not the word choice, the point is that I am right and anachans can be mysoginstic as fuck and they need a slap over the face
>>1111601yes, because you expect women to be likeable and non argumentative out of misogyny and when she is abrasive you call her ugly because in female society calling someone ugly is the worst thing you could do but bitch I literally do not fucking care because almost none of the shit you say is ever true and it is hateful, mysoginstic as fuck and you have double standards. You keep others to a standard you don't apply to yourself.
>>1111614No, I am right. Anachans tend to be sociopaths that criticize, project and groom other women into their mysoginstic cult. It is proven to me here. I criticize them and suddenly I am a fat ugly whale that is jealous of them for being beautiful and skinny
No. 1111632
>>1111626I'm not wrong about thinking anachans are mysoginstic and fucking horrible towards women. Before I posted an anachan literally said
fat women should be humbled have you seen the nitpicks anachans post on here towards other women? Have you gone on an anachan forum to see how fucking vile they are towards other girls and how they. On a similar note, fat women are also suffering from mental illness, but anachans seem to not care about that and shit on them at any given time.
>>1111628because I am not fat nor ugly you are fucking insane and that's not what I am arguing. My argument is that anorexic women tend to be hateful and mysoginstic towards other women and they are a cancer to society and no, I am not arguing this because I am jealous of them or because I am fat or ugly and feel like they are oppressing me by starving themselves, hating themselves and other women. In fact, I've never been fat but in my teens I've almost been groomed into an online cult of anachans starving themselves.
No. 1111642
>>1111636we used to bash her looks so often kek but turned out arin’s ex is actually batshit crazy. I miss bashing game grumps on here
>>1111630It was just an exchange. Now all the threads on here are the same shit. Nitpicking about looks and photoshop thats it.
No. 1111643
>>1111632It's just so bizarre to me that you're willing to hate an entire group of women to the point of thinking they shouldn't be alive, rather than hate the men who made them that way in the first place. It's not an excuse, it's a reality, and those women need
help. They are trapped in a cycle of self-hate and self-destruction and their projection onto other people is a
toxic coping mechanism that they
NEED HELP FOR but do not deserve to DIE, anon. No one is excusing that behaviour and that's the point you seem to be failing to grasp, you keep paying attention to trolls instead of paying attention to what's actually being said to you. Because you don't care about other women and you feed off your anger and hatred of other women and it's fucking gross.
No. 1111652
>>1111643>It's just so bizarre to me that you're willing to hate an entire group of women to the point of thinking they shouldn't be alive, rather than hate the men who made them that way in the first place.This. I told her this but retard cries about how it's women's fault they try to fit men's standards while those who don't fit in will get ostracized. She also says she gave up on being beautiful but the image of her here
>>1108990 obviously shows her makeup and posing in a desperate attempt to look pretty. She'll shit on any woman who strives to look good while she tries much harder herself.
No. 1111653
>>1111626I'm not schizophrenic nor BPD you're just gaslighting me like a scrote calling a woman he disagrees with a schizo BPD
>>1111643because women can also be fucking horrible and me saying women can be horrible is not denying patriarchy or what men put women through, it is simply saying and believing women can be horrible too which is real and true. Other women also don't care about me and not all actions can be excused by blaming it on patriarchy or mental illness. I'm also a
victim of patriarchy and I was abused but that does not absolve me of guilt. Women never cared for me and never will, nor will men. A lot of anachans also simply refuse to get help or become better and love shitting on other women and feeling superior because other women are fat.
No. 1111660
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>>1111653You're impossible
No. 1111664
>>1111658Yes. She blamed feminists, western women or radfems. She uses sociopath and empathy words while arguing women are worse than men. I wish she had a thread, I did feel bad for her at the start but no woman who wishes death upon every woman deserves sympathy she thinks she does. She also always brings up how she was raped but never acts hateful towards men which I find weird because most sex abuse
victims are scared of or at least wary of men.
No. 1111666
>>1111652yea like you're ostracizing me calling me a camslut and refusing to accept that women are also to be held accountable for mysoginy and their actions and not blame everything on patriarchy because if you do not hold women responsible then you are just assuming women don't even have free will. A lot of women are hateful and horrible towards other women as it is proven on here. Why should I excuse others all the time when nobody ever excuses me?
>>1111657NO, I am not. You are just a mysoginst that cannot accept I've been abused so much and actually sex trafficked and you assume because I came out about it I am a lying BPD slut. You're now assuming that a woman which is suffering the effects of her abuse and being born in a shit economical situation
Has shit genetics because in fact you do not believe in patriarchy or women being oppressed and you just use feminism as a way to make yourself morally superior and inferiorize other women.
>>1111664I'm scared of men, but so I am of women when they call me a camslut,ugly, stupid, deny my abuse and everything I havee suffered, make up stuff about me, want to get me a thread on lolcow for speaking up about being sex trafficked and tell me that I am jealous towards a sex trafficker, the same women that call themselves radfems are willing to drag me for being literally sex trafficked and born in a shitty circumstance that makes me unable to get help and being abused my entire life. Yet, I should have empathy for women in better situations than mine and constantly excuse their shitty behaviors just because they are better at manipulation
No. 1111667
>>1111661And there is already all of this
>>>/ot/1013274 to go in it, and that's only up to two months ago.
No. 1111671
>>1111658Any thread about her would just derail in herself samefagging or spamming the thread with accusing every anon to be whoever she has vendetta with at the time.
As to identifying her, there is a collection of her post here
>>1013274 , though it's obviously not up to date anymore. Personally I recognized her because of her saying "you will never be a real life anime girl" out of nowhere in
>>1111457 which she did a week or two ago when someone pointed out inconsistencies in her stories, together with some other incoherent rambling. As I said, it's hard to recognize sometimes if you aren't here too often kek.
No. 1111673
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>>1111666Please stop talking girl
No. 1111674
>>1111666stfu. Its disgusting how you use your rape and abuse as an excuse to be fucking autistic here and bash women. Get therapy and gtfo. Can you pass one day without saying youve been raped? Jesus christ its almost as if youre a fucking moid with a rape fetish trying to
trigger women
No. 1111689
>>1111688it was a moid who would regularly post here and pretend to be a radfem.
Romanianon found him in the thread finder thread where he was pretending to be a radfem looking for friends.
Then he revealed himself to be a moid to her.
Then romaniamon came here to complain about him and he was in that thread too so there was alot of infighting between them.
Then he doxxed her so she doxxed him in return.
So yeah thats that.
No. 1111712
>>1111706She's very ugly though. Unattractive women shouldn't try to pander to males, they'll only get taken advantage of and mocked.
>>1111707Yeah I think I saw that. Though how obsessed she is with her looks and how she tries to get picked so hard alone make her different than men. Men never try to work on their looks or care about how they look to the extent that she does.
No. 1111713
i looked at the posts and how did you morons come to the conclusion that its romanianon. Some of you sound schizoid af.
All i saw was weight discussion.
>>1111711when she was a kid yh.
No. 1111716
>>1111714Im not her you schizoid. The jannys can attest to that.
All three people that Romanianon had beef with are all people who post on lolcow ( olena, her pimp and steven) wouldn't suprise me if some of the weird moid replies here are by them.
No. 1111734
>>1111729I never browsed 4chan and I don't care about attention from moids on 4chan. I don't care about male attention I just want to speak the truth and I was born in a bad situation, I don't have parents or money. You're all hypocritical with your radical feminism, constantly criticizing other women that you dislike while you say women are
victims of patriarchy and have mental illness induced by patriarchy but suddenly the women you dislike are not
victims of patriarchy and you accuse them of the ugliest shit while you sperg about feminism and being morally superior to others and lib fems. You call other women whores and such accuse them of jealousy but when they do it to you, then suddenly they are mysoginistic but you are never mysoginistic. Only others are.
No. 1111735
>>1111718>>1111714>>1111725therapy now you schizo moid. Also i read up on her posts posted on the cow thread in ot/
>>1111719basically yes
>>1111717Im mostly late when it comes to most romanianon sperging so may be thats why, i miss on alot of her posts.
No. 1111744
>>1111739This. Men are the main reason women suffer.
>>1111740I'm a man because I'm telling her it's not women's fault she went through all of this? That men are the ones who put weird beauty standards and rooted anachans delusions? How?
No. 1111745
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No. 1111747
>>1111739as this website proves it women are also fucking ville, mysoginistic, constantly criticizing others, calling other women ugly, whores, calling someone that was sexually trafficked a whore, calling normal looking women ugly and fat. Harassing and bullying women that are
victims of patriarchy. Women are just as ville as men in the end replicating the same behaviors men have towards other women and opressing them. Women join men in their oppression. Women are also to be held accountable. Shut the fuck up
No. 1111755
>>1111747what does this have to do with what i said? i said your point about people saying women they dislike are not
victims of the patriarchy is borne out of thin air.
No. 1111756
>>1111742she doesnt listen and wants to be a perpetual
victim, in another other thread we gave her advice and told her to stop posting and she ignored that.
>>1111744No babe its because of your other posts where you overuse the words ''whore,slut,cunt'' and sound like you are frothing at the mouth.
No. 1111757
VICTIMS OF PATRIARCHY. Yea, I'm sure the anons calling shayna's pussy's ugly do it because they are
victims of patriarchy.
>>1111749ok ana chan eat a burger, I am a mysoginistic whore but you are not for calling me a whore
>>1111754yes, engaging and supporting the most mysoginistic industry, kpop such a radical feminist move
No. 1111767
>>1108990 she also wished death on thin women because they're
toxic to her above, which is what prompted anons to call her fat.
No. 1111769
>>1111758I said anachans should go die because they are mysoginistic as fuck some anon literally said
fat women should be humbled but all of you are
victims of patriarchy and constantly excuse your actions but I am the biggest demon
>>1111763TOP KEK I did sex work not because I am a
victim of patriarchy and was sexually trafficked but because I'm a dirty whore and I wish death on innocent mentally ill women that do not happen to be mysoginistic demons that bully and harass normal looking women for not being 40kg
>>1111734Youre not a
victim. You raped kids. Youre a vile person.
No. 1111775
>>1111761shut up you rat. ''women here do the same'' most of the anons who say really mean shit to you here are moids and possibly the people you had drama with.
Most of the anons here just give you constructive criticism. Its the moid and the people you know (olena,pimp,steven) who harass you here so dont blame it on us ''evil women'' when you KNOW ITS NOT US harassing you.
No. 1111776
>>1111748This site as a population of weirdos who think women have zero agency and that everything bad any woman ever does is the fault of men, as women are naturally perfect angels. They think women cannot not act that way (
toxic, ana shit,
abusive, manipulative, whatever bad thing is the topic of the day), even if most women actually don't act that way and think it's deplorable, despite being raised in the same system. They think no woman should reflect and try to be decent or sane, and to think otherwise means you are evil and probably a man.
I know this sounds insane, and I agree with Romania anon that it is.
But that should show her that it's stupid to try to reason with those people. Unfortunately Romania anon is severely mentally ill and hyperfocuses on what she sees as threatening and aggressive behaviour. So she compulsively responds to attacks people she perceives as being potentially harmful to her, to defend herself and to try to persuade them to leave her alone.
This behaviour actually makes sense IRL, dissuading people from harming you is sensible, but on here nobody can or would harm her, and she creates a lot of animosity and only harms herself more with her dysfunctional behaviour.
That's my current theory on what is going on with this.
No. 1111782
this website is just like 4chan, full of porn, full of hatred towards women, full of racism, full of sperging against whores, calling women sluts and ugly, claiming moral superiority for simply being associated with a political movement just like /pol/tards do. Oh, no I wished death on the innocent mentally ill women which are victims of patriarchy, but I am not a victim of patriarchy and mentally ill and all of the above so my actions cannot be excused. You are a victim of patriarchy, but I am not a victim of patriarchy for being raped, sexually trafficked, hurt by both men and women because WOMEN side with men in their oppression. Being called a whore, ironically more by women than men. Hahaha everything just proves me that I'm right
No. 1111794
>>1111782the only reason we are critiquing your actions is because you do the same to us you say we can’t be mean towards women but then you turn around do just that? does that make any sense at all? are you the only one who is allowed to say shit about women? are we only allowed to bad mouth women we dislike if we grew up in poverty and were raped or pimped or whatever? every single woman is a
victim of the patriarchy or whatever, doesn’t change the fact that some women are still shitty people because victimhood doesn’t excuse all of your actions, something you should take into account ffs, stop talking in circles and get off the internet for one fucking day so maybe you can build a better life for yourself instead of wallowing in self pity
No. 1111796
>>1111776I could barely grasp half of this, I'm sorry I'm ESL but I generally agree. Those people seem to be, I think, a minority. Or maybe I'm blind.
Romanianon would do good with a digital detox of sorts, it's clearly bad for her to be seething on here all the time, she could use the time she makes herself feel worse on here on something that might help her, like music, someone said she is into noisemusic or sum. Honestly, arguing on the internet is just a useless waste of energy because no one is ever persuaded.
No. 1111803
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>>1111796I forgot a few words in the middle of a sentence, so it's not just your ESL.
>Honestly, arguing on the internet is just a useless waste of energy because no one is ever persuaded.Not always, but yeah, she needs to read the room. Nobody she talks to will be persuaded by the way she talks to them, even if they were open to it, which they are not.
No. 1111809
>>1111797Romanianon started this debate when
>>1111433 said fatties needed to be humbled and she went on an autistic sperg about how all skinny/anorexic women should be killed.
No. 1111820
>>1111809true but still doesn't change the obvious nasty moid replies to her.
>>1111805there already was a thread but it got locked by the jannys.
No. 1111832
>>1111816I don't get
triggered and derail whole threads just because of her unlike others, its really obvious the people replying to her posts are the same if not more retarded than her, down to dating 4chan moids
No. 1111837
>>1111829Can you give us milk from discord time?
>>1111830Just make a cow thread dedicated to her in /ot/
No. 1111839
>>1111833reject my genius and you will fall.
>>1111837her being labelled a cow will make her spergout even more and waste vpns.
No. 1111855
>>1111849>>1111841if you make a thread on her, guarantee she will shit up /ot/ forever and ever. even more so.
my idea of a seperate thread where she could just post her novels is better.
No. 1111857
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>>1111850I wish that they could just be banned and that would be the end of it but it doesn't work and it just goes on forever
No. 1111865
Lets be honest the people who would benefit from a thread about her are steven, olena and maybe two anons.
Romanianon except for her sperging is kinda a nobody.
Wouldnt be surprised if ban-evading steve and her camgirl competitor are pushing for a thread.
>>1111864You know damn well she would still continue posting in ot/
No. 1111878
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>>1111859Here's an example of the kind of posts she wrote back then. The screencap is from the copypasta thread, but you get the idea. Ge grateful she uses the enter key now.
No. 1111879
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>>1111875I guess so. I'm just tired nona.
No. 1111883
>>1111879it’s okay
nonny i admire your efforts ♥
No. 1111923
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I live in an apartment that my mother owns but she always insisted it is mine and I can live however I want in it. I have executive dysfunction and although I really, genuinely try being organized and tidy, it doesn't always happen. Today she came to my place and made a scene. I am just like my father. I will never change. I cannot even make this small effort to tidy the space I live in. The apartment is wasted on me, and so on and so forth. Suddenly she forgets all the times she came and everything was clean. She also went around to check if every plant has been watered and if there is dust on the shelves. Also complained about the bed not having been made in my own room. Needless to say I don't feel like this is my own place. Also I had to spend the day with her to help her in the garden and all that came out of her mouth was complains. Her bones hurt. The inflation is terrible. The prices are unbelievable. The war is terrible. The corruption is terrible. The government is terrible. Her friend earns twice as much as she does, etc.
I just cannot stand being around her, it's ridiculously draining. I was literally crying on the way 'home'. She also generously gave me money for my gardening help but I am only allowed to spend it on what she wants me to spend it on - shoes, because she didn't like the ones I was wearing.
No. 1111931
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>>1111923I'm sorry
nonnie. You expect to be understood by the people who love you, but not all of us are that lucky.
No. 1111992
>>1111923I feel like we're weird twins. Executive dysfunction, moved to the country. Do take care of things, simply never how she likes it. The times I've caught her without notice in my yard "taking care" of things.. How upset she gets at what I choose to wear— your hiking boots are so dirty! Yes, I wear them into the chicken coop and shit. Of course they fucking are.
Setting boundaries can be painful, but you definitely should. Mine now makes passive aggressive comments "I'll just hand it over the fence, I won't step on my— your property anymore." all the fucking time, but once I bring up how her garden is a fucking nightmare to look at and how I'll go guerilla gardening in it, she realizes it's time to shut the fuck up. She knows I'll do it too. I'll go find all the awful weeds she hates. Not like her place is a fucking pleasure to look at for me.
Wish I could give you a hug.
No. 1112014
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I get their sentiment and that they're just trying to be helpful, but I hate when people try and tell me to just "get out there and do xyz" when I have body dysmorphia. I guess I'm lucky in that it doesn't completely control my life and I can still go to the gym and do anything that lets me wear loose/modest clothing, but everyone seems to get a bit of an attitude or sick of me when I try to explain that right now, until I lose some fat/gain muscle and feel more comfortable in my body, I don't really want to go to things like the spa or go to parties that would require me to wear swimsuits or tight, dressed-up clothes. I'm not obese but I have very high body fat and am slightly overweight so there is no definition, I also don't have a super curvy body shape so I can't even rely on that, thus most clothing doesn't look good on me at all unless its a loose, tomboy style.
They always assume that people with BDD haven't even tried to do these things, almost always it ends up in tears especially if you end up getting photos taken or just simply have to look in a mirror. It's destructive and a limited way of living sure, but it's not like anxiety where you can just 'push' yourself into doing something, at least for most of us anyway I can't speak for everyone. Anyway I just fucking hate how people feel they need to have an input when they don't know what it's like to have a brain like mine: OCD, obsessed with pinching my stomach, back rolls and breasts because it's all too fat, unable to not dress like a boy because I fear the attention of moids and generally showing that I'm fat etc. I envy people who can be proud or simply not care about their looks and just experience life, but I am 24 and after living with a mother extremely obsessed with her own and my appearances, it's too late for me to just "push myself/get out there and be body positive <3" like it's really that easy.
No. 1112021
>>1111923She probably sees complaining about her life as a weird form of bonding, and overworries about you
I agree with
>>1111976 and
>>1111952, I think it's possible to set boundaries for your sanity's sake. You can do it
nonny No. 1112037
>>1112024Yeah he's being kind of retarded, fight for your right to go to the louvre
No. 1112065
>>1112062That's alright then. I was just scared she'd go into another psychotic meltdown. It's bad for both the thread and herself.
No. 1112078
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>>1112073i think you mean twitter dumbass.
i was joking. Some of the posts here sound like meanspo which is why i mentioned it.
>>1112074im only 40lbs overweight anon (which is 20kg) dont lump me in with Haes who are obese.
I also used to be underweight in the past but i gained weight too fast and now my metabolism is shit. Ive been stuck on those 20kgs for atleast two years now and i cant seem to burn it off. My diet is also normal and healthy, i guess i should move more.
>>1112075thats not me.
No. 1112089
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>>1112088yeah kind of like those las vegas elvis impersonators
No. 1112092
>>1112061You really think a fat hog who can’t even waddle up and down the stairs has the right to shit on other women for their “poor fat distribution”? You don’t think a person like that needs to be humbled in any way? That tells me you must be monstrously fat and insecure about it. But at least you’re
vaguely hourglass shaped, hey?
No. 1112102
>>1112092anon, that post was clearly not directed only at the woman in OP's post it was an overgeneralization and it demonized overweight women >Based. Fat bitches need to be humbled.
it's just hateful towards overweight women which also suffer from eating disorders and often times targeted in society, anorexics are also notorious for projecting their insecurities and body dysmorphia on other women. Have you ever been on a forum for anorexics? They are all hateful towards women
No. 1112107
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>>1112102You’re really quiet about people saying “all anachans should kill themselves” but rightfully saying mean fat women should be humbled and you go full trigglypuff over it? Kek. So many fat women are horrible bullies, and if that’s the case they deserve to feel bad about themselves. They made fatphobia a thing so that they can bully normal looking women for being “ugly” without having to accept the fact that they are a fucking sentient wart from the neck down. Please humble yourself.
No. 1112110
>>1112107anon, in society fat women are demonized way more than skinny women are. The Twitter neo liberal bubble you're observing does not represent society as a whole. Men are
daddies if they are overweight but women are ugly hogs who need to be humbled
No. 1112111
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>eyes glaze over when i realize “they” have returned to the thread
>ppl making fun of EDs
No. 1112114
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Why the fuck is there so many troons In Dundee of all places tf, all of them are so gross looking. Overweight, greasy, balding, striped socks, cat ears the whole lot ewww.
No. 1112117
>>1112110>waaa! Fat women are demonisedAnd rightfully fucking so where some people are concerned.
>men are daddies when they’re overweightMen have no excuse for being overweight and if they are so they should be put down.
No. 1112118
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>>1112111This, let's just fucking ignore it.
No. 1112122
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>>1112107nta but how do you know that anon was being quiet they could have called out both that and your retarded ass.
Are you one of those incels who are mad that not even fatties want to fuck you kek.
Even fatties got standards now and they stopped sleeping with incels. I see so many fugly incels raging over that and saying that fat women need to be humbled.
No. 1112143
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>>1112132Am I a moid, or an anachan? Or maybe I’m neither, and you’re just a
triggered, low IQ hog.
No. 1112157
>>1112143>everyone who disagrees with me must be a hog.Fatties will never fuck you no matter how much you want to ''humble'' them.
What you gonna do next moid, spam your amberlynn reaction image to ''own me'' lmao.
No. 1112170
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>this is still going on
sooo… does anyone here like bunnies?
No. 1112226
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My GUILTY PLEASURE is watching Vtuber clips, and I am so disappointed in Pikamee's and don't kill me /vt/'s reaction to it. I am officially done with that board, and I hate myself for even having the thought of visiting it.
No. 1112227
I'm aware Pikamee's a disgusting paedophile and I see why she loved this new model, (I never watched her clips) but fuck am I still salty over this redesign.
Generic coomer "she's actually 5trillion years old" makes me sick.
No. 1112340
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An anon in another thread triggered a memory about this one time this older white dude ran up to me in a japanese shop and asked if I was japanese or vietnamese,if I spoke english and if I like dressing up. It was fucking weird. I'm not mixed but I've similar encounters like this in other places where seedy older white men really want to know if I'm either Japanese or Vietnamese. Fuckers are most likely looking for an asian gf to fulfill their disgusting fetishes. I feel like anime/weebism has only increased this garbage.
No. 1112395
>>1112379It’s weird to care so much about how your pubes look that even you basically never see that you will shave it, especially when shaving there is so inconvenient.
>>1112386Ok pickmeisha
No. 1112402
>>1112395A pick me is a feminist term for a women who throws women under the bus for men.
Stop misusing terms. Imagine getting
triggered at a woman for saying shaving makes her feel sexy kek
No. 1112414
>>1112406No one cares. Youre fucking retarded and insecure for being
triggered that some women are different than you. Do you also lose your shit when women wear makeup? Shaving makes me feel sexy and i love the feeling of not having hair. It doesnt bother you dumbass.
No. 1112435
>>1112430>>1112431nta but I love choice feminism, too!
slaps myself on the head This is feminism.
cuts my labia No. 1112444
>>1112438libfem isn’t the opposite of the political spectrum
>hArRasSing WomEnIt’s a comment on an image board, if you’re that fragile perhaps you should log off
No. 1112449
>>1112444That anon wasnt me. Your comment just shows that your “feminism” is nothing but arguing with women online.
If you get
triggered at women doing shit they like then get therapy. Also youre braindead for even comparing this to sex work
No. 1112451
>>1112448I think its attractive on me and other women and it makes me feel good. Theres bigger issues in the world than this.
A pick me isnt someone who conforms to beauty standards. A pick me is a woman who bashes women for NOT comforming to beauty standards and ive never bashed women who dont shave. Some of us are not obsessed with moids and we dont think of them, we just do shit because we like it. Its the same as anons posting about makeup or fashion and autists going “BBBUT MUH MOIDS”. The average woman does not think of moids as much as you think
No. 1112457
>>1112333i have this problem too,
nonny. i don't get very thick body hair, like no three dimensional bush or anything, just a layer of curly pubes and you can still see the skin underneath it. but it bothers me so much to feel the hair there. like yeah, yeah, stop touching your pubes, but i do it absentmindedly when i watch tv and it always bothers me how long it feels. i try to trim it with scissors every once in a while, but it's difficult because, again, no real bush. yet i'm still bothered. i hate how moids have conditioned us into thinking our body hair is gross and unclean.
No. 1112509
>>1112477I fucking hate how normal this is. My ex decided to become a lazy, cheating pos when he was dating me and his family blamed me for his lack of employment, cleanliness, education, etc. It's always women's fault when men are shitlords
Oh but if he succeeds then it will be his family and friends that take credit regardless of what connections you got him, what you pushed him to do, etc. Energy vampires don't exist, normalize blaming men for their own problems
No. 1112712
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Sometimes I wish I could just pack my stuff and leave. My family is not abusive or anything, but I'm just generally tired and annoyed. Even my fiance. I wish I had the money to just go abroad and stay there for a month. I just wanna breath and be by myself a little. I love them, and I don't want them any harm. I just wanna be alone, just for a few days.
No. 1112761
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Comedian I like (created smiling friends and yolo crystal fantasy) and have been supporting his work for a while posted this on instagram. Literal incel rhetoric. Why are they all like this. I'm done supporting any mans career. Fuck them all.
No. 1112763
how the FUCK do people (men) not understand having sexual experiences when people push them on you intoxicated/crossfaded/high in multiple ways plus you're the type who doesn't want to be awkward? why does no one accept that this is what happens to us? this shit keeps happening to me with both women and men, i don't want you, i don't want anything! i just want to make money and work and live a normal simple life! i thought we were hanging out, i thought when i said yes to hanging out we were going to hang out as friends, normal female friends. i don't want anyone, i don't want you or your husband, i don't want any man or any woman, i just want to get fucked up and hang out. it's so awkward and then more pathetic and awkward to explain your "sexual history" and looks like an excuse and that i am a coomer when i'm seriously not, i just have a hard time with boundaries irl but i still try to insist, it's not my fault that they insist i'm being "uptight" and that i'm "worrying too much". the only people who understand and empathize are some women and i'm not even remotely bi. fuck my life, im forever going to be perceived as a indiscernible slut when i'm just awkward
No. 1112800
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>>1112448>you shave because the previous moids told you toI went to an all girls school and was ridiculed for not shaving or wearing a bra constantly
>t-t-the moids told them to!Shut the fuck up and feel these smooth ass legs.
No. 1112823
>>1112818Samefag, I don’t want to start a racebait war. Women can prefer whatever kind of men they like, it’s just jarring to me as a sheltered white person.
Except for men, they aren’t allowed. they should consider themselves lucky to breathe the same air as any of us.
No. 1112856
>>1112849I'm sorry
nonnie. Reading shit like this makes me want to go necessary4speed and date a socially retarded autistic man who only follows trainspotting accounts or something. I'm currently watching a male acquaintance in his mid 30's thirst after and flirt with girls in their early 20's on social media while his fiancé is none the wiser and it's disgusting to witness.
No. 1112866
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>>1112860necessaryspeed4 was a poster known for bragging about how her socially shut-in husband/boyfriend had no interest in anything else (like politics, meeting people and thus other women) etc. besides his autistic hobbies that he was busy with. If she wasn't a raving lunatic otherwise it'd be based kek
No. 1112873
In 4 months I'm going to have to start searching for a job again and ugh, I don't want to! The repeated postings for the same position from like 7 different recruitment agencies. The harrassment from said agencies, like yeah I want the well paid short term job but can you stop literally harrassing me for one thing after the other, trying to schedule phonecalls with 30 minutes notice, leaving countless voicemails? You'd think they're some kind of scammers with their behaviour but I actually do want the no commitment short term job so I still have to interact with these bitches.
And then the interviewing itself, it's like you're under some kind of pressure to do everything perfectly. Word everything perfectly, dress perfectly, act perfectly, have a great amount of knowledge (but not too much because then you're overqualified/a braggart etc), write a lovely thank you email afterwards, follow up when they're being flakey. Oh it's all on you, of course. And if you didn't get it you need to think over your actions and see what YOU did wrong, where in the whole multi-interview very subjective process that you and ONLY you fucked up.
Like JFC imagine any other field of life this being the norm? You'd die of stress by 25. I want so badly to just say I won't play the game and I'll just act professionally, dress nicely, be open about my qualifications and competencies so we can both judge if I'd be a good fit but I don't care about what bullshit these mongs on linkedin spout, I know acting like that won't get me far.
What I SHOULD do apparently is be an absolute simp for these egotistical employers and give them a coffee voucher even if i'm rejected, work for free and whatever other bullshit. Fuck this whole system.
No. 1112881
>>1112860>>1112866Honestly the guy doesn't have to be autistic to be like this. There are normal guys out there, it's just that overall, majority of moids are degenerates so it fucks it up for the rests of them. It's a minefield. My dad is amazing and pretty much worships my mom and has never cheated or flirted with other women. I know because my mom tells me everything. Women need to know that men have types that they
want and if you're not his type then he will treat you like shit. Find out what his "type" is before dating him.
No. 1112907
>>1112903Based. The "well I'm a woman and I shave/put on makeup because I WANT to so checkmate feminists!!!!11" cope is being intentionally obtuse and not understanding of what's being discussed and I hope the anons admit one day that it's not about individual choices but the systematic pressure put on
all women to shave their legs even when they don't want to at the risk of being considered disgusting for something completely natural and that men can get away with.
No. 1112930
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>>1112903They boo you because you are right
No. 1112933
>>1112930Ngl this pic and its variants always have strong nlog vibes
>>1112931This. They're the same sheltered retards who refuse to believe some women wear makeup cause they literally get treated like absolute shit and paid less if they don't
No. 1112959
>>1112954you know they would never do that kek, when i was in the radfem community i dont think any of them volunteered or donated to women causes, heck they didnt even help the radfems struggling in their movement.
I think i only met two who would actually do activism (that didnt involve only gender critical stuff) but they dont refer to themselves as radfems anymore.
No. 1112973
>>1112965I have a lot of body hair, you ain't telling
me how people treated me for not shaving, I don't live in a progressive, 1st world country either so you can guess how awful it can get, I had a person taking pics and some girls even tried to touch my arms as I was some freak, several men laughing and pointing at me every place I went, society doesn't like body hair on women and they
will make you know. Women don't deserve to go through that type of shit just to make a point
>>1112969Is it romanianon? Cause if so she can go fuck herself wtf
No. 1112974
>>1112973Women get torn apart for
everything and at some point you have to stop letting people direct your life. do you think hairy women in first world countries are treated nicely either? I'm not the other anon either I just think shaving is a retarded and an unfair standard, I'm hairy as fuck and people are horrible about it but i truly do not care lol
No. 1112985
>>1112982exactly, there are also people who have itchy and rough leg hair which cause discomfort and them shaving doesnt make them some ''evil whore enforcing patriarchy''.
>>1112984they sound terminally online.
No. 1112994
>>1112973im sorry you went through that. Not leg hair related but once i got blue highlights and i literally had people stalk me. So i colored my hair brown again.
I dont think burgers here realize the way women get treated in other countries.
>>1112989i dont know if your joking but id advise against shaving around your ass/vag because the hair will grow longer and it will be pain in the ass.
No. 1112995
>>1112976fuck off steven you can leave too you pest
No. 1113004
>>1112999thats weird because in my experience it does. In every part of my body that i shaved the hair grew so much longer and denser.
Everytime i shave they literally grow longer than they previously were.
I went from having super small sparse leg hair and when i started shaving now my leg hair is super long.
I feel like the beauty industry is lying that it has no effects on hair length so people would keep on buying on their products.
The same way that the tech industry has bought the pharma industry to lie that computers/phones have no effects on our eyesight.
No. 1113005
>>1113004There's no mechanism known which would make hair grow more, even though that has been studied for ages.
On the other hand there are several things that can make people think their hair grows more. For example shaved hair growing back looks thicker because the hair roots are thicker than the ends. Also the older you get the longer and denser your body hair becomes, so if you watch your body over many years then it will grow hairier whether you shave or not. But since most people shave they think it's the shaving, when it's really the aging.
No. 1113011
>>1113005the first month when i started shaving i noticed my hair grew in LENGTH. So idk if it can be chalked down to just age or density.
>>1113008i just dont understand why it grew so much in length,i know about the thickness so i dont check that. Its kind of embarrassing because now i have literal hairy man/monkey legs.
From now on im only getting laser and wax hair removals because shaving is not for me.
(the hair on my legs keeps my legs moisturized so this is the only good thing about being hairy)
No. 1113013
>>1113007Well its well known to me and you but the general population and medical/tech industry dont think that way.
I remember a scrote getting mad at me when i said that too much exposure to monitors can ruin eyesight.
No. 1113018
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>>1112997loving all of the NLOGs/anti-feminist trannies coming out of the woodwork.
>stfu about feminism…rent free!like moths to a flame…
No. 1113041
>>1113036I think there are two or three anons here posting their negative opinions on shaving, it isn’t just one anon with a raging hateboner.
>>1113040andddd there’s the moid.
No. 1113044
>>1113033it's not me you stupid fuck I think calling someone a pick me for shaving is stupid as fuck and I shave. Stop taking everything I say out of context and thinking everyone you disagree with is me. I just dislike pro anas because they take out their mental illness on everyone, also saying
I hope they die on an imageboard is metaphorical Shut the fuck up
No. 1113048
>>1113040Can Ihave a pussy instead? Or a cat?
>>1113044That was me and I think you're based now. Your ana is ok now that you mentioned its the pro-anas, not the mentally ill girls you hate.
No. 1113054
>>1113040Dick is low value and abundant why would we need that moid.
>>1113041I bet that moid is the one who starts infights here. He needs to join his fellow hell. Lol
No. 1113055
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No. 1113071
>>1113062If you are a woman then your pubic hair are literally created to help you with thermo regulation and against std's. You should keep you pubic hair as a woman.
Also men should shave, they look so much better with hairless bodys instead of looking like animals. Why would you as a man want to look like a ANIMAL and then expect a woman to be attracted to you. Hairy men are fucking disgusting especially the ones with hairy gorilla chests.
No. 1113076
>>1112997Are you new here?
>>1112982Why does it make you feel good? Because it makes you feel attractive? And you feel attractive because the societal beauty standard for women is to remain hairless and silky smooth? You feel well kempt and clean because women are memed into believing that they're ugly freaks if they don't shave while men aren't expected at all to shave their legs, armpits or pubic hair? See, you're free to shave all you want but your "choice" to shave is most likely heavily influenced by an unfair double standard.
You might not look down on women who don't shave but the fact is that society at large does. I shave my legs and armpits and I hate it, I hate getting itchy red bumps all over and having to deal with painful razor burn because my skin is very thin and sensitive. But I still do it because I know people will think I'm making an angry political statement and trying to start something or I'm just a slob if I go outside with my hairy legs. Even if nobody outright confronts me about it, as a woman I've been conditioned to groom myself so that I fit a societal mold leading me to be so insecure that I do something so unnecessary just to feel more acceptable. It's the reality for most of us and all this "I shave because I want it myself" talk is blatantly ignoring the root problem of women being policed for their bodies starting from their hair colour to the shape of their labia.
No. 1113088
>>1113062I'm sorry about that anon. I get that everyone has their own opinions on body hair and that's fine but it's really weird to get so personally offended over what another woman does with her vagina
especially if you're like me and you trim/shave for health reasons. Also, if you understand that women who don't shave get made fun of then it doesn't really make sense to judge women for shaving.
No. 1113091
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>>1113087I didn't see anything, but I will post a pic just in case
No. 1113093
>>1113076im being serious. How am i able to appreciate a hot guys legs/chest if he has long monkey hair.
Ugly men (majority of male population sadly) dont need to shave since they already look subhuman and ugly no matter what.
>>1113087did the scrotes start spamming gore again?
No. 1113098
I think some of the disgusting images like the
kaka sex one are actually posted by women on lolcow, not by moids. Usually it is bots posting CP or some incel posting a tik tok girl saying
you whores will never be this beautiful but I'm convinced images like
kaka sex or other gore images I've seen posted on lolcow were posted by other women that browse lolcow, maybe someone that has lost an argument. It's not Steven or some moid
>>1113093it was you probably
No. 1113104
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>>1113091Bumping again just in case, and to say I'd love to replay Sonic Adventure 2 once I can find the missing cables for my Gamecube.
No. 1113105
>>1113098>>i have no proof but its youare you seriously resorting to that?
You must be a newfag, because men have definitely resorted to posting gore and porn. Stop accusing anons of
insert person you annoying retard.
No. 1113122
>>1113118Idk anon, this
>>1113083 does sound like someone who would post shit like that
No. 1113123
>>1113110At one point I just gave up on trying to get all the emblems so I was redoing the easier stages just to feed my chao. Good times.
>>1113113Sonic heroes is good but I found some parts kinda frustrating back then, especially with Shadow's team being the equivalent of a hard difficulty setting. At the very least, play Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
No. 1113125
>>1113122i only made
>>1113093 ,
>>1113071 and you accused me of posting scat for no reason. You are a newfaggy idiot who cant comprehend that there are different anons here with similar opinions.
I obviously dont agree with the more extreme things that anon posted.
No. 1113128
>>1113118you are fucking retarded there's a bunch of shady bitches browsing this board and you think all shady posts are made by
moids there's girls into guro gore anime Tumblr shit that come here and fucked in the head ana chans that like gore which go to post in Lucinda's thread. There's a very high chance scat porn and some gore images are posted by women on here. CP is generally posted by bots and men come here to post pretty tiktok girls thinking they would spite us and fish for attention
No. 1113135
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I will throw a seashell in the sea and i will pray for a merman husbando.
No. 1113136
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>>1113135You know my merman husbando will have that hydrated, glossy, hydrated skin 24/7
No. 1113144
>>1113125I wasn't talking about you i was talking specifically about
>>1113083, you're kinda slow
No. 1113147
>>1113098not this
literal shit again
No. 1113156
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>>1113150your right but thats the risk im willing to take.
Smelly fish-man here i come.
No. 1113175
>>1113173in the past but not anymore now the download option only exists if you have a account.
Atleast thats my experience with pinterest on browser.
No. 1113187
>>1113176>also the shitty tiktoks they include under search resultsEw
Some internet browsers have add-ons for downloading images but it feels like the internet is getting so broken now, it’s hard to get full file sizes without manually adjusting Twitter files or going into the web source tab
No. 1113225
>>1113202I remember listening to a relationship therapist a while ago talking about studies on what the requirements are for a long lasting happy relationship. I'll probably explain this poorly but essentially he said there's an 80/20 ratio where you can spend up to one fifth of your time dealing with issues that arise and working out arguments (including time spent contemplating them in your head) but more than that tends to indicate it's only a matter of time.
Wish I could remember exactly how he worded it tbh but it really made me look back on a relationship where I felt like I wasn't enough no matter how much I adapted or compromised. Made me wonder what percentage of the time I could genuinely say I wasn't stressed out by all the criticisms. In my own head I was living in doubt and frustration probably half the time.
No. 1113236
I've really started to hate dogs, and dog owners.
I don't really like cats either, but when I encounter one outside, it never attacks or bothers me in any way because they know how to just live their life. But dogs are only ever as smart as their owners and their owners are so goddamn stupid.
I live in a rural area where every other idiot who needs attention gets a pitbull or other breed of guard and attack dogs, raises it with fuck all discipline, and then treat the dog as a golden child who is so gentle and never bites or do anything wrong ever, and everybody who is even mildly uncomfortable with it is a big meanie with no soul who hates animals. Of course they never use leashes because their precious baby doesn't deserve to be tied. This one dude doesn't even have a fence to keep his aggressive dog in, and I have to make a huge detour to avoid it because it has tried to attack me before. The average city dwelling homeless guy who insults you when you walk by has a better behaved dog than that.
All I want to do is take a walk and be alone in nature but I can't even go in the forest without at some point some dude's dog running towards me and barking, jumping on me, anything. I know that by going out in nature I'm signing up for all sort of dangerous animal encounters. If something like a boar attacks me, I can't complain. It's just nature being itself. But this manmade nuisance, it really grates on my nerves. Creepy old scrotes asking "what's a woman doing all alone in the forest ?" are only second to dogs on the list of shit that annoys me the most.
There's this ex convict bastard who had a wolf dog and let it run away. The dog massacred a deer on my family's farm, the paw prints were virtually indistinguishable from those of an actual wolf and therefore we contacted the authorities since we're not supposed to have wolves here. The dude came to see my mom later during the day to ask if we killed his dog. It gets to the point of harassment and she tells him to stop and we haven't even seen his damn dog. He then proceeded to scream obscenities at her and threaten to beat her up and "break her teeth". Later he even told my dad that my mom was a foul mouthed snake who deserved to have her tongue cut off. What a piece of shit. He got arrested for this behavior afterwards, but barely got a slap on the wrist.
No. 1113242
>>1113236I have similiar experiences to you. I only dislike big dogs though, I'm okay with small dogs.
Because of feral dogs i can't jog or go outside during the night or early morning.
No. 1113262
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We give too much attention to people who have nothing substantial to say, nothing to show for. Why are they even called "influencers" if they lead superficial lives and do nothing with their platform but pose for pictures
No. 1113273
nonnie. the stink builds up on hair follicles. keep up the good trims
No. 1113286
>>1113262Because theyre influencers. The same can be said for male gamers and male youtubers but people just hate influencers because theyre women who are rich kek
Influencers are very useful. Ive purchased makeup and clothing because of them. Just like how models used to be the OG influencers now theyre more common people. I see nothing wrong with it and i love to see women getting richer and pissing off moids
No. 1113314
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>have a really fucked up and tiring two weeks
>get my second wind over the weekend
>”this weeks gonna be great. I’m gonna get up early, get lots done at work and go to the gym after!”
>get up early so I’m not rushing all morning
>ready to leave in time to be early/on-time at work for like the first time in a month
>jump in my car
>key in ignition
>every single dashboard light comes up including battery and engine
>engine won’t start
>mfw my car won’t start and I live in the boonies so I have to work from home in my little hovel AGAIN and there was so much shit I needed to get done at work today that I can’t do remotely
>parents are out for the day so no one to give me a ride
What the fuck is the man upstairs’ problem nonnas? I was so ready to have a good day.
No. 1113369
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>>1113135is he eating fish
No. 1113444
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Despite semi-frequently returning to spout hilarious and based man hate across this board I sometimes experience an existential dread when I think that if I reversed the genders I would sound like an incel. Then I remind myself that my hatred is based on the fact men feel entitled to the bodies, feelings, time, etc. of the women around them while incel hate is based on that exact sense of entitlement. However, the dread occasionally lingers as I wonder if I am simply huffing copium.
Anons, am I on the same subhuman level as the incels and men I desperately wish to castrate? Does my self righteousness redeem me? Am I cringe?
No. 1113484
>>1113444not cringe, “misandry” is a reaction to misogyny, misogyny is systemic and universal. think about how your mother couldn’t open a bank account, (if you’re my age, anyway) your great grandmother witnessed women getting lobotomized
and being unable to vote, and your possible ancestors getting burned at a stake
No. 1114328
>>1114319most of the mean radfem here posters are LITERAL MEN who larp here.
Trust me no actual radfem gives a shit what you do with your body-hair, stop trying to start a infight again, i see what you are trying to do.
No. 1114424
>>1114413I have the feeling too over some posts but trying to think about it logically is just confusing. Why are they both always here at the same time if some of the "it's not me, really!!" posts are true (nervermind she already aggressivly samefags both by talking in third person, responding to herself and by responding to a post several times so these kind of "it's not me" posts have low value anyway) and why does he have her posting, including her pretending to be someone else or her trying to change up her style, so down to a t and why wouldn't romanianon sperg out more over him if he was actually pretending to be her? All she does is claiming the weird posts calling her whore are regular nonnas, aka "radfems" kek, and not obviously Steven thinking he has a free pass to shit on her and post on here. She did mention discord people copying her months ago, but those posts were when she was less known and in her usual deranged ways after it turned out the atrocious posts in the camwhore thread were hers and she tried to deny it by claiming it's others impersonating her (including her posts about the ukranian).
Idk, I'm a massive autist but this is getting too 999D chess for me kek. I wish the mod team could identify (and ban) posters by other factors than IP, like device, useragent, cookies, device fingerprint etc.
No. 1114436
>>1114431>>modsWhat mods, they dont exist noonie they're just a figure of our imagination.
Sometimes i even see admin too but then remember im dreaming
No. 1114448
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>>1114436hold me nonners im scared
No. 1114452
A little update on this situation
>>1112849We were talking about music last night and listening to random artists. I brought up 2 artists that fit his alt-goth girl type that he is attracted to and probably masturbates to. I was like " omfg they're so pretty" hyping them up telling him to search on Google for their pics and he was like "yeah they're kind of pretty but not my type". Lmfao moids are so manipulate holy shit. I kept myself from bursting out laughing because of how ridiculous it all was. Now I gotta find a way to dump him. I asked him if I could get his Instagram and he surprisingly said ok this time and that he would send it to me. Ngl i kinda want to follow a bunch of moid thirst trap accounts that look nothing like him just to fuck with him. To be continued.
No. 1114457
>>1114319i think the moralfagging or sperging about sex work/makeup/body hair is retarded. I wish people could have nuanced conversations and not just “oh youre a libfem/radfem/pick me”. Some anons do sex work, some shave, some love makeup. I wish we could get along and just help each others.
With that being said you really sound like the anon from that thread so please do not start fights again and remember lolcow isnt even a feminist website to begin with and many moids larp as radfems.
No. 1114520
nonnie, hasn't anyone told you that you have to size up for asian brands? It's not you, I promise, your body is fine.
No. 1114531
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Everything's bothering me today.
My body dysmorphia has been kicking lately and it’s already so hot here (It's in the 70's right now even though it was around 40 this morning) and I feel so uncomfortable without a long jacket on but it’s too hot for it.
Secondly, my brother is moving to a different city and will be gone for more than a week to look at apartments, so he asked me to take care of his pet snake, which I accepted. He is already out of town but will be back for a bit tomorrow to give me his apartment key before he leaves again in the evening. He’s currently at his gf’s and he just kept complaining how “busy” he will be tomorrow, because he has to travel to the city I (and he) live in (which is about 2 hours away from his gf) and then back to his gf’s again….
I told him that I'd have some time tomorrow afternoon because I have to work and go to uni and this. damn. moid. just. seriously. asked. me. “Nonny, is there a business day where you'll have the entire day off this week? I don’t want to have to get up early and be in a rush” I … wow. He has NO other responsibilities tomorrow besides giving me the freaking key and getting some things from his apartment while I have to work, go to uni and run errands… is he on drugs? He knows I work and go to uni???? Does he think I sit around all day and wait for things to fall into my lap or???? I really need to remind myself to never do any favors for a moid ever again. You give them a hand and they take the entire arm.
No. 1114533
>>1114515>>1114516>>1114520Thank you for the kind words, nonnies
Perhaps I should reevaluate my fashion choices
No. 1114537
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everyone hates me im such a failure i will never fit in waah waah waaaaaaaaaaah (unironically)
No. 1114541
>>1114531Don't give into him,
nonny, who cares that he's your bro. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Be firm with his ass, get over here and give me the key or find someone else!
No. 1114544
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>>1114531samefag but maybe these flowy super light robe thingies might work for you?
No. 1114602
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>>1114551Upon further investigation to help you through this crisis, i found some info to soothe your soul
>Cheese Nibs were made by Kraft originally, >discontinued in 2020> Nabisco-Ritz company bought Cheese nibs and got the rightsBUT according to their history (wiki) they are now sold in Canada as Christie- Christie cheese NIPS (its a nabisco owned Canadian branch)
so yes nonna. you have been scammed out of your beloved Cheese Nips. They sold out.
Sorry for your loss
No. 1114612
>>1114609Christ your uncle is a retard, I'm sorry
nonnie and wishing your cat and family the best.
No. 1114626
>>1114621[link removed]
I'm live anon lol
No. 1114645
>>1114634It's romanianon lmao ive seen her pics
It's her face
No. 1114646
>>1114635Yeah you're right, unless this is completely made up too. At this point I don't even care anymore, I just want her to stop shitting up threads and stop coming here if she hates farmers so much.
>>1114641If she was, do you expect her to say the truth?
No. 1114651
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I just broke up again. And nonnies I'm fucking seething!
This time he kept on negging me and putting me down about my looks (comparing my and his ex's chest as a 'joke' and how I'd have to compensate somehow for my lack of it, saying he doesn't look at looks or attractiveness but my soul instead, told me how his female friend said I'm horribly, terribly ugly). Even though I objectively am a good looking person, sporty, did some modelling and dated models before…
He'd praise me too but why say the negative stuff? He'd say a shitty thing, I'd get angry and he'd backtrack and tell me few compliments and how he likes me so much. It's confusing as fuck.
He on the other hand looks wise was average, a tiny bit pudgy, hairy, smokes, drinks, and I thought I'd get over his looks because we had a lot of fun talking.
He'd also insult my education (medicine) and my age (even though he was the one who lied and then revealed he's actually younger). He'd always say I was an old lady, over 30, boomer and so on. I'm in my late twenties, he's is his early, the fuck. He'd say I was cringe when I mindlessly just happily spoke about some stupid shit and also told me his friend said I have 0 confidence (but that the friend still liked me a lot, wow, just realised it was another neg).
I like teasing and jokes but there are certain things you should just shut up about if you have just a little bit of common sense.
Worse, I feel like it brings out the worst in me because in the moment he insults me, I want to give the comparisons and negative bullshit back to him and I did sometimes. I don't feel like a good person now.
When I broke up with him for the first time yesterday he started crying and apologising, he even said he loved me and it honestly made me reconsider for another day. I broke up with him for good today and it sucks. He still tried to make me reconsider yet he'd sprinkle in more negging and backhanded compliments. I lost my cool a bit.
I feel like shit now, more like crying. My ex already got a normie nice looking partner half a year ago yet I waste my time with this bullshit. I find someone that I have fun talking to and they have to be some negging ~sensitive~ asshole.
I'd hate to have a 'it's just a joke, lighten up' kind of a boyfriend.
No. 1114659
>>1114651You made the right choice
nonnie, you don't need that shit!
No. 1114666
>>1114652>She either admits itYou're funny, this woman samefags and talks about herself in 3rd person to either compliment or wk herself. Also the camgirl link is the ukranian camgirl, she vendetta posted it a few months ago in the camgirl thread repeating her usual stories. Those posts are among the big one with all of Romanianons posts.
>>1114653Not really, Romanianon has longer hair and green streaks in her hair and also a different face structure, at least as far as I can remember.
No. 1114677
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I just want to give up nonas
No. 1114683
>>1114676Where did you see her smile? I didn't notice all the other features or looked close enough, just that her face looked longer to me.
>>1114677Take some rest, if you can
No. 1114687
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>>1114677me too nonna, me too
No. 1114737
I really don't have much going for me. All of my interests end up boring me or I feel too exhausted to do them; I struggle to commit to any one thing. I'm bad at socializing and don't even want to socialize in the first place, but it's necessary so I have to. Even when I was heavily depressed and thinking about killing myself daily, I had a full-time job that I was good at even if it only exacerbated the mental health issues. At least people could look at me and say I was doing something productive and contributing to society because of it. I don't even have any goals, so what's the point in dedicating myself to anything? If I could just die and be done with it that'd remove one useless person from the roster but that's a cheap way out. Plus it would be a major inconvenience for my friends and family.
I know I just have to keep going to therapy and working through things, finding and setting goals, keeping myself active in working towards them, etc. Gotta find something that makes life worth living, makes me feel fulfilled or whatever. Get another full-time job so I don't feel worthless. Can't give up yet.
A bit of salt in the wound too, small in comparison to everything else: the person I have a crush on doesn't know I exist and likely never will, and it's stupid to feel hurt over it, but here those stupid feelings are anyway even when I know it's delusional
No. 1114781
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>>1114732Sorry, did anyone make a thread about her yet? I couldn't find one. Romania just turned on live cam on stream and started to talk. What is the name of that Olena person? I will go away I just didn't know where else to post/ask.
No. 1114872
>>1114651This shit sounds enraging. He was probably jealous of your looks, education and social skills, so he thought he'd need to degrade you to keep things "balanced", or convince you that you can't do better than him. Men like that enter relationships and see it as some kind of weird psychological battle or contest instead of an actual partnership, it's fucked. Good job on dumping him,
nonny, don't feel bad. You'll meet someone you actually deserve soon
>I'd hate to have a 'it's just a joke, lighten up' kind of a boyfriend.Exactly, because they say that to gaslight and either don't care or deliberately hurt your feelings lol
No. 1114875
>>1114651This shit sounds enraging. He was probably jealous of your looks, education and social skills, so he thought he'd need to degrade you to keep things "balanced", or convince you that you can't do better than him. Men like that enter relationships and see it as some kind of weird psychological battle or contest instead of an actual partnership, it's fucked. Good job on dumping him,
nonny, don't feel bad. You'll meet someone you actually deserve soon
>I'd hate to have a 'it's just a joke, lighten up' kind of a boyfriend.Exactly, because they say that to gaslight and either don't care or deliberately hurt your feelings lol
No. 1114894
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>>1114887I'm not her, I'm just one of the people who think she is interesting.