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No. 1005183
Stop the autism and move on
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1000720 No. 1005261
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No. 1005287
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My mother has been vaccine hitlering to me to the point she held a one hour long screaming cherade about how I will better not infect them with my dirty unvaccinated breath, the vacc works and also totally prevents spreading etc etc.
Fast forward a month, her scrote caught it from work and infected both of us kek.
No. 1005324
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My stupid ass is procrastinating on my last two finals. They're "due" tomorrow, but technically they're both already late. Shit!! Why am I making lists of LPs I want to buy?
You dumb bitch, if you don't finish your degree and cop a better job you'll never start purchasing your dumb fucking list!!
No. 1005356
>>1005348I just had to call out because I was puking and feverish all day yesterday. Couldn’t even see my family yesterday.
I love my job and I don’t want to lose it at all. (I work in produce and it’s great)
I’m going to see if my doctor will write a note, but I need a Covid test first. Closest one available is 30 minutes away. At least I have a l loving bf who is bringing me pedialyte and driving me to the test. What a Christmas. What a time to be alive.
No. 1005360
>>1005347Kek watching shit Ed’s age like milk is so satisfying. My worst ex is balding! And he has a kid with a chick he barely knows! Seeing him miserable is so satisfying, considering how terrible he was and how
abusive he could be. Karma is a bitch, and I love her
No. 1005383
>>1005379Thank you
nonnie. I am scared. I feel so worn out and sick right now, and I don’t want to end up in a hospital but I know that’s a worst case scenario. So! Over! Covid!
No. 1005388
>>1005375I will say, I’m dating a man who is actually wonderful and non
toxic (sounds like bait but I promise I just got really fucking lucky.) he’s almost 30, has a full head of hair and great body.
He was fat till about age 26, and I met him at 27. He didn’t date anyone before that but he lost over 100 lbs. his mom showed me an old photo, and I could not even recognize who he used to look like. (He lost weight when his spine was repaired and he could actually work out.) I really hit the jackpot, but tbh I would love him overweight or not.
Maybe he’s aging so well because he’s not a shithead? Kek.
No. 1005396
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I posted a messy and disgusting dinner table a while ago, ragging about my roommate. Well I came back from Christmas and the sink is full, again. The dishwasher is right next to it– I've told him 20x to put dishes away in the dishwasher and he's always like "I'm sorry I'll do better" and it gets good for one week and then back to this shit again.
I angrily texted him a picture of it and told him I'll be throwing away any overnight'd dirty dishes from now on. I was too nice and "aha I know it's hard to do chores" to him, and now I idgaf
No. 1005403
>>1005360The very first guy that I dated, I sometimes don't even count him because it was only a couple months before him pressuring me for PIV put an end to us. He didn't eat pussy and he even seemed grossed out by womens fluids… but he expected bjs and piv.. we ended up doing nothing because thank god I stood my ground lol
He went bald very soon afterwards, got fat, lost all shape in his face to puffyness and he tried to get involved in local politics but failed time after time. I bumped into him several times afterwards and I always had a date with me and he didn't. Then recently he tried to email me about meeting up but I've moved pretty far away so I had that handy excuse. 2 months of barely even dating and he wants to hit me up ten years on? As if
No. 1005496
>>1005356Same anon but guys I feel like death and I’m vaccinated. This is so stressful. I have to wait like 4 hours for the test and results.
I hope all nonnies stay Covid free and don’t have to experience this. It feels like I’ve been run over on repeat, I’m feverish, and im alternating sick bathroom stuff I’ll skirt over for politeness.
I can’t imagine how unvaccinated people survive, because this is only a mild version of what they get.
Some anon or your grandma, please make me some soup (or share your recipe, and I’ll try to make it later)
No. 1005552
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I hate coming on here, on the vent thread. It’s embarrassing. Because it reminds me that I have a weakness, or multiple ones. But the last couple of weeks have been strange, and I have been lost between friends and acquaintances and truth, and now I can say I hold nothing to be true anymore. And there’s no essence to maintain, no robust self-maintained anchor unweathered by external conditions to proudly hold on to. I keep thrusting too much weight into things in hopes they’ll have somewhere to be carries this time, and it all collapses so fast and in the wreckage can I only see what a fanciful, unstable, lost, unenduring moron I can be, and how clueless I can be; I don’t even know where to start building, how to start forging an anchor.
That aside, I call a local music center. It’s the only place that offers to teach harp in my country; there are exactly six harp players in this entire rotten stretch of land. The man’s voice was condescending, as if could tell I was lost too. And he told me to look into the piano instead, because harps are expensive and lessons are expensive and I am a poorfag in a third world country, and girls like me were told it’s whorish and unseemly, anyway, to go after any sort of creative pursuit, and now I’m 20, but I have no money, and even if I get a job and save up all my cash, I’m still a cheap imitation of a person, and nothing has ever worked out for me anyway. And I fucking hate the piano, too. And I hate how the guy spoke in good English, with that haughty tone, like he’s so proud of knowing English in a country where my grandma was pulled out if middle school and put in an arranged marriage. She’d have liked to be able to speak English, too, you retard. Nothing works out. It’s so funny how nothing works out, in the end, for people like me. And I’m not saying this in a self-pitying sort of way, but in a suddenly semi-adult kind of way, because now I’m 20 I realise the only sort of freedom available is financial freedom, and kids like me are never free. I’m going to go listen to Swans again. He gets me.
No. 1005560
A few years ago I got into a fight with my great aunt. It was a bunch of stupid shit, she was being difficult and talking about things she shouldn't have been talking about, like always. We only talked a few times on the phone after that, she sent me birthday messages I never answered. She died a few months ago and I'm conflicted. On one hand she was insufferable, constantly talked politics, she always thought herself better than everyone and was always condescending. On the other hand she was a good person I think, she housed my mom when my grandparents lost their home, she loved animals. I have some good memories of being with her too, staying at her place, going to the lake in her light blue volkswagen beetle.
I don't know if I would've wanted to be close with her, I didn't like her in general, but I wish I'd answered those birthday texts at least. She loved me and always asked about me and I couldn't even answer a text message.
No. 1005585
>>1005496Stomach illnesses are the worst. Spent xmas with one a few years ago and I might never forget the grossness that ensued lol. Hopefully you're past the worst part of it now.
Last year my brother went to stay with my dad for a few days, my bro had flu symptoms and soon afterwards they both had the runs along with flu symptoms. They never got tested because 'covid doesn't affect your stomach' and they carried on as normal with my brother traveling back via train and bus untested. This was when stomach symptoms were only starting to be reported as part of the rona. But it was being reported and they're the type of assholes to spread anything and not care.
No. 1005592
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I hate how my mom keeps insulting my clothes for looking 'worn out'. They look pretty normal, at least to me, and I will admit that I sort of overconsume clothes, as I've bought 16 articles of clothing, discounting stuff like underwear, jewellery and socks, since early 2020. Most of my wardrobe is this stuff, but my mother keeps on insiting that they look worn out, which she defines as anything that doesn't look new, and says I need to buy new clothes. I'm starting to wonder if my clothes are actually worn out, or not, or if my mom is just used to buying a bunch of new clothes all the time. Was buying a whole new wardrobe every year a common thing in the 80s?
No. 1005687
>>1005657>do you plan>planPaki-anon, shut up. Christian NGOs? Are you sure brewing 10 cups of tea a day for the men around your household hasn’t brewed your brain as well? What Christian NGOs?
Do I look like I have any money about me? Leaving is luxury for those who can afford it, and I can barely afford living, much less learning how to play a harp, and much, much less leaving an entire country.
No. 1005749
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Consoomerism thread made me feel bad for liking clusterfuck weeb rooms for a sec, idk minimalism just makes the ambient too sterile and it reminds me of being in the hospital.
No. 1005757
>>1005400Underrated and based post. Tbh most art takedowns I see these days are by traditional painters who are just jealous that anime artists are selling more than they are because their style isn't as popular as it was in the 1700's and quite frankly just isn't as flexible with character portrayal as more cartoony, simplified art is. I like both styles, but all the traditional painters I've met are so fucking angry and mean that it's clear they have hangups related to their craft kek. Ironically, though, one of the sternest anti-anime, anti-cartoony people I've met was a "western comic book cover" style artist. He cherry-picked an example of an anime girl who looked like her arm was broken and whined about anime not having realistic anatomy, as if he doesn't draw all women hourglass with no organs kek. Maybe it's just you and me, nona, but I think almost all art styles are good and worthwhile, and it only delves into cringe when it fails to portray what it's attempting to, if it's trying way too hard to be something it isn't (usually the work of edgy kids), is visibly bigoted (especially sexist), visibly and needlessly repetitive ("same face", every character has the same body type, or there are only 2-3 body types in a more detailed art style), or is clearly fetishy or something. I don't care about realism or lack thereof, I care about
>>1005630You need to get over him and stop being so malicious to women who did literally nothing to you.
No. 1005766
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>>1005754oh no anon don't get me wrong im not a hoarder levels of weeb clusterfuck, something like picrel is my taste, yeah there's a lot of stuff but you can still understand whats going on.
No. 1005768
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>>1005749I like the macromalist aesthetic as well. I don't care, I'm a trashy weeaboo as well. Picrel is close to my ideal, I think. Weeb shit, plants, books, art and craft supplies.
No. 1005771
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>>1005768>>1005766>>1005749if im going to be a maximalist then I want to have a moody velvet lair, pic related
No. 1005778
>>1005768>>1005771Both equally based nonitas, no squabbles between maximalists.
I guess its just different strokes for different folks
No. 1005899
Ok nonnies this is gonna be long and I'm sorry.
I had an internet bf nearly a decade ago when I was young and stupid, got bored, then dumped him for someone else. I felt horrible for it but I also was just tired of him and our relationship was going nowhere because LDR. He still tried to keep in touch with me after the years because he has no life outside of the internet, but I wasn't interested.
I left our internet circle years ago and told him I needed to move on with my life and leave that part of me behind, he wouldn't accept it.
Fast forward to last year, I post on some site where he's still active, he angrily messages me demanding I speak to him. I feel bad so we catch up, he pressures me into getting back in touch regularly and I give in cuz I'm a bit lonely myself. I got my own shit going on since we last spoke, and he just whiteknights me and tries to play hero, acting like I must have struggled so much without him there, and it's so fucking pathetic and gross to listen to.
He's a bit of a man child with bad social skills, he blames everyone else for it. He claims he's "always done what's best for me" and that he knows me better than anyone else. He goes on giant rants about how everyone else sucks but him and why he gets me, nobody else, and it's a big reason why I didn't wanna get back in touch. Long story short, I call him out on this, he gets more angry, repeats that he's only looked out for me and he doesn't deserve this treatment, and that he was entitled to a response from me because of how rude I was when I left years ago. When I give ambivalent responses or when I have nothing to say to him, he gets mad at me for not caring.
I know it's probably bad and checks off all the incel boxes. But he's just a genuine sperg who thinks he's doing nothing wrong. I still feel guilt for not wanting to talk to him, and it's not all bad. But it's just so fucking exhausting. I had a response typed to him, but I didn't send it because I hate more conflict. If I give him an inch, he takes a mile and acts like things are what they used to be. They aren't. And I don't care about getting back to that because we're two different people. Am I the asshole Reddit, or am I in the right to just not want to deal with him even when he's tried to look out for me?
No. 1005913
>>1005899I've had to deal with people like that and every single one was an extremely obnoxious asshole and they never changed, and some of them have been stalking me for years even though I have them blocked everywhere. Talking to them is pointless, they are utterly insane. They can pass for a normal person in casual contact, but conversations with them are nothing like conversations with real people, they are completely delusional and won't take in anything they don't like, no matter what you say, reason or explain. They live in their own universe and nothing can touch their reality. Does that sound like that guy?
Your only mistake was talking to this retard again. You don't owe him shit and there's an infinite number of actually fun people to talk to online. Don't waste your energy on some incel moid autist stalker psycho. If he gave a shit about you, the actual person you are, as opposed to an object of obsession his retarded brain has become fixated on, he wouldn't have stalked you, violated your boundaries, and wouldn't be such an abrasive dipshit when talking to you.
What you're currently doing sounds like feeding a stalker's obsession with you and reinforcing his delusions about you being madly in love with him and requiring him to take over your life.
No. 1005919
>>1005909>>1005913Thanks nonas, I had to hear this. I know it's bad.
And yeah, I actually did reach out to him years ago to apologize for half-cheating on him. He took it another way. He brought that conversation up and claims I had said I still had feelings for him. Every time I brought up stalker-ish things he's said, he straight up denies them and says I have memory problems now because of my medical issues. Utterly insane.
No. 1005943
>>1005496Back again because fuck I am confused. Rapid test came back negative, but the doctor who did a virtual meeting went through so many questions and turned around and said “you are showing all the signs of covid, you need to quarantine…” and so now I can’t work for 10 days and I really love my job so that blows.
(But also I don’t want to die)
((I know I'm an anxious dumb bitch))
I interact with so many ppl working in produce at a popular store. I hope I haven’t gotten anyone sick! Ahhhh!!!!
No. 1005950
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>Mfw one of the very few good non-coomer anime reviewers became a Vtuber shitposter.
No. 1005966
>>1005943You could have norovirus or one of those bugs, but no matter what you have it's worth saving others from catching it. Some of those bugs are far from just 24 hours. They can be nasty in their own rights and iirc they're still spreadable for a few days after your symptoms clear up too.
Gross story warning. I had a stomach thing a few years back from christmas day til new years. My then-bf brought his kid to our place as I insisted he shouldn't. The kid caught my bug and I felt bad but also.. I was pissed at the dad because the kid projected, and I mean projected all over our bedroom. A week of my own illness immediately followed by the sheer horror of preteen boy seemingly unable to make it to a bathroom or stay in the bathroom any time it hit him. I'm surprised I didn't dump the guy right after that. Horror scenes that I'll never be able to unsee. Needless suffering of his kid and he then sent the kid home to his mom and siblings at a time when he was still contagious and his entire family got it. I felt powerless as the dad just didn't care and I couldn't do shit to stop him either bringing the son over or sending him home with it.
No. 1005993
I just thought dissociation could describe what I do, I know everyone day dreams but..I don't know, whenever shit gets really bad for me I just go into that mood. I go into Lala land, where my characters have amazing life, I write so I get attached to my characters and I have whole storylines in my head. I don't just do it when i'm sad, but also when I'm just cleaning up or working out. It's probably not dissociation. I am very depressed and i've been depressed since high school tbh. I'm in my later 20's and i've been doing that to cope since I was a child.
I guess it's just a cope, I do need to see someone. For a while my only interactions besides my family was on lolcow. I just don't know what to do, I can't talk about my feelings without breaking down into tears and then feeling like I said too much. Then I feel embarrassed.
I just feel like I'm not right for this world, talking to people face to face is so hard for me now, it always has been but it's getting worse. I think I have to be perfect and every single flaw I have is noticed.
I feel like it's Karma for me shitting on people online. I'm going to make a change. I already promised myself to treat my body better and I am. Now I have to get my mental right and start treating others better as well. I'd hate to get some of the comments I write about cows (like Shayna). I think I go so hard because I can honestly relate to her the most. Just being depressed and hopeless. Except I don't have a family to offer me a education. I don't have a loving dad.
But i know how some cows feel. I know how it feels to do dumb shit thats not good for you and think, "We'll i'll end up dead, it doesn't matter. I don't care"
(sorry for the long rant)
No. 1006037
After my mom died, I'm left with the feeling in the back of my mind, always, that everyone I love and will love, I will have to lose.
And I know I should appreciate the moment, the experience of loving someone, and the experience of life in general. And yes, I would have rather been born and experienced how interesting life is than never having been born.
I know how I should feel, but every time I have a tender moment with someone, or want to get closer to someone, in the back of my mind is always this sadness that they will die or I will. That I will probably see all of my living family die before me, because I'm the youngest by a couple decades.
Idk. I don't want advice because anything anyone could tell me is something I already know. I just wish I could rewire myself.
No. 1006058
>>1006037I lost my mom and from that moment on I've been painfully aware that nobody will ever love me with the depth she did.
I'm pretty sure I ruined my marriage in some weird reaction to realising that. Also slowly pushed my dad away. I can't help but do it.
No. 1006067
>>1006058That's part of my grief too. Nobody will ever love me unconditionally like she did. I would have been able to pull up saying that I killed someone and she would have still held me close.
One of her last talks with me was that she was so proud of me and that no matter what I want my life to be, she would be so proud, because me being happy and healthy was enough. She was holding both of my hands and crying. She had received her terminal diagnosis. I regret receiving it only with a smile and an "I love you", but I was in denial and shock from the impending doom.
I'd give anything just to hold her again. Nobody else matters so much and I've distanced myself from everyone trying to be this dumb loner
No. 1006077
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I wish I was actually talented and creative. Everything I do comes out really mediocre even my own ideas because my thoughts are so disorganized. I am so mid, average, help
No. 1006095
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Looking at mommy blogs and instagram and it makes me so fucking depressed. Other women my age are married and starting families and I’m still a virgin and haven’t known what it was like to have actual friends since I was in elementary school. I try and get the attention of the guy I like and he just ignores me every time, not to mention we have such different plans in life it wouldn’t work out anyway. My interests and hobbies are pure autism and nobody relates. It’s all so hopeless and I want to blow my fucking brains out.
No. 1006103
>>1006095What are your interests and hobbies? I'm a 25-year-old surrounded by a bunch of people with kids and, though I acknowledge your feelings towards seeing your peers with children as
valid, it does not look like a fun time at all. Just today I talked to my cousin who got married, had children, thought she had the perfect life, but she says she's miserable and if she could do it all over again would never have kids and be in casual relationships while traveling the world.
I didn't mean to turn your vent into a negating sentiment, but I want you to know they're not having a picnic either. I hope you get all that you want, you seem nice.
No. 1006124
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>>1006036im op of the weeb clusterfuck and im pretty good at keeping stuff clean, i always had pretty bad allergies so i remove dust every two weeks with a wet cloth (though if you live in a drier weather once a week is better), i just wipe everything that is a surface with said wet cloth, vaccuum, mop the floor after vaccuming and voilá, clean. All of this using just water and a bit of disinfectant for spots that are more dirty.
I live in a flat so doing the whole place minus bathroom and kitchen doesn't take more than an hour, plus its exercise.
No. 1006151
>>1006095I recently moved to the north Texas suburbs and was floored by how many people had kids. Since I turned 18 I had exclusively lived in college towns, and people don’t really have kids in college towns. None of my friends in those college towns have kids either, even though they’re in their late 20s. The only women from my sorority who have kids had oopsie babies and shotgun weddings soon after they graduated, and they regret both. But apparently my boyfriend and I are weird in north Texas because people only come here to spawn and then turn their horde of progeny loose in the local Walmart.
Point is you’re not weird for not having kids, and you wouldn’t be weird if you didn’t want them. Lots of people are living and dying childless, even if it doesn’t seem like it where you are. Half the time that Instagram mommy shit is a hardcore cope anyway. If you’re unremarkable, uneducated/unintelligent, untalented in every other way, you can still pop out a kid and act like it makes you a superhero.
No. 1006154
>>1006077>>1006097I'm currently living in mediocreville but I'm having fun doing it – and I had to slog through badness even to get to mediocre, but I did it
I'll never be internet famous but I can have a damn good time with the few people I've got haha
focus on what makes you happy anons!
No. 1006187
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I have very few if any warm childhood memories after the age of 7. That’s the year my mom moved us out of her parents’ house and into the home of her abusive boyfriend. I feel much grief about having my childhood ripped away me like that. I wish she could’ve just left me with my grandparents. They are very sweet and loving and I feel so much pain about not getting to spend my childhood with them. My mom’s boyfriend didn’t even let us see them, he was extremely controlling and sociopathic. My childhood ended at 7 and I was forced to grow up really fast. I wish I could have a re-do. I am so sad.
No. 1006220
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this lady from my country had her daughter at 66 and the entire country shitted on her when the daughter was born. It's her biological daughter. Now the daughter is 17, she's very good at school and very smart. I just saw an article about them now and people are still shitting on her saying the daughter must be missing something and she must be so depressed with such an old single mum. I think she did an amazing job with the daughter honestly, she can play piano and does incredibly good in school and wants to take after her mum and be a literature teacher. She's far more mentally healthy than daughters born to shitty families with abusive moid fathers. Society never shits on 60 year old moids that have kids and it is normalized, although often times their kids come out autistic and retarded
No. 1006241
>>1006220that's it i'm going to have a daughter at 66, fuck society and their standards on women.
okay but seriously how did she able to preserve her eggs at 66, I feel like my organs are already falling apart at my 30. I bet this lady was crazily healthy during her prime.
No. 1006336
>>1005496> I can't imagine how unvaccinated people survive, because this is only a mild version of what they getWildly inaccurate. It depends on the individual person. No offence but if you've caught covid you obviously should have been quarantining instead of working. idk where you are in the world, but it seems wildly irresponsible to have people working, or allowed in public spaces, when the vaccine doesn't STOP you getting covid, just makes it easier for you to be symptomless which is dangerous for the community. Masks don't stop viral infections and 'social distancing' is not observed in cities, towns, public transport - evident in the amount of cases across the world.
I live in tasmania, where we hadn't had more than 3 cases in OVER A YEAR until we reopened borders 2 weeks ago. I can't wait until we close borders again & keep everyone who's been fucking terrible at COVID safety out of our state.
I have just had gastro from christmas night until now (the night of the 27th) - as sucky as it was this shit happens, viral infections are exactly that.. viral. You cannot see them or really guard that well once in contact. it was from my boyfriend's little sister's daycare. If you're currently working and not quarantining then yeah…………. you're gonna get covid. it's fucking rampant everywhere that didn't act immediately (like look at Tasmania's cases vs ANY state in the USA)
No. 1006337
>>1006220everyone i know with parents who had them at over 45-50 swears if they have kids it'll be early so they don't miss out on what they did as kids (playing, running, sports, etc..)
while i have no dount she's an awesome mum, mostly old parents are having their kids miss out on something
No. 1006355
>>1006352What's she doing that she's so fucking paranoid about her own daughter having an account/access to her laptop?
No. 1006379
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whats with retarded twats spoilering sfw images on lolcow? you do really need to spoiler your image of daenerys laugh-crying? do you really have to spoiler the haircut you want to get? you really need to spoiler a clothed picture of an actor you think is hot?? do you REALLY have to spoiler the lolita pepe you posted?? do you just tick the spoiler image box for the extra attention because you know your post sucks, or is it because you wanna see PTS butt spoiler every 10 posts??
its especially bad in OT but it pisses me the fuck off on snow, because people spoiler NSFW so you don't know if you're getting some retards MLP reddit reaction image or the infected asshole of some camwhore when you click on a spoiler image 50% of the time, and nobody properly labels or explains their shit while also spoilering everything else for the fuck of it
No. 1006380
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inferior men should not exist. either they ascend to being useful or they perish in my America
No. 1006454
>>1005468You had to deal with ''feminism is bad'' during Christmas dinner too? I got that, and ''billionaires deserve their wealth'',
''Elon Musk is only a billionaire because he's extremely smart and he achkhchually started from nothing''
No. 1006504
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A guy that was basically my first love is now dating a porn actress/escort and i know i shouldn't let it get to me because i certainly dodged a bullet but being less desirable than an actual whore stings a lot.
No. 1006515
>>1006510Did you had dangerous sex?
Also, stomach ulcers can be a stress thing. Get checked
No. 1006584
>>1005183I’m sick
and depressed
and so fucked up
No. 1006589
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I am so grotesquely depressed it is beyond gods help at this point, I need someone to hug me for 5 hours straight.
No. 1006690
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I think many women do not understand that men need us more than we need them. Men know they are disposable, they make up for it by finding a reason to exist and fighting to stay in their place. Just like an animal. There's nothing like a woman in this world. You can't replace her. Women are simply divine, but in the same breath human too. I think most of us here have had bad experiences with other women, but terrible experiences with men. We understand that no woman can be as bad as a man. No woman can be worse than any man that has previously existed. No woman has ever murdered, raped, abused, maimed, destroyed as much as a man has. That's what separates women from men. Women are not inherently sinful, but men are. They have tried to convince women for centuries that we are the impure ones and that we should be ashamed for being female. Men project all their problems onto women, including their jealousy. The only reason they do is because they know they are beneath us. So I believe none of you should feel bad for being a woman. You are better than any man, nonas. You should feel proud to be a woman. There won't be another us after the Earth dies. We are the original human anyways.
No. 1006704
>>1006690Unironically defending such obviously stupid and disprovable statements like
>No woman can be worse than any man that has previously existed. Get a grip
No. 1006706
>>1006690more than likely you will get some anons who have had worse experience with women than with men and selling the idea that all women are inherently better than all men is just plain stupid but sure put 10 women and 10 men in a room and 10/10 women will be better than the men by a long shot but saying that the worst woman will not even come close to the most well-behaved man is idiotic.
you should feel proud to be a woman, but feeling proud to be a woman just because you're not a man is just you playing into their hands
No. 1006734
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>>1006713Tis the season just start fresh tomorrow.. your body wants extra fat for winter or something
No. 1006735
>>1006690this is so cringe and misguided that I want to argue with you but
>>1006704 kinda sums it up nicely.
you have an unhealthy world view but I also appreciate it gives you strength in some form.
No. 1006741
This is so fucking dumb but I can’t stop thinking about it.
Yesterday I was on the phone asking about the price of some lessons; I’ve picked up the lute sometime ago, got depressed, set it aside for uni. But yesterday I was on the phone and the guy was so fucking condescending for no reason, and he didn’t even give me the info I wanted. Just gave me unasked for advice about how I should play the piano, like I haven’t spent hours of shut-in depressed NEETdom about what I what to do — I know what I want to do, shut up, old man. And all the time he kept speaking in that fucking tone of his, so heavy and languid and almost feline in its condescension, I kept imagining him with greying hair and carefully tailored clothes, slowing down his fucking words for no reason in the way that boomers do. And oh my god, he kept doing the boomer pause to do, when they stop mid-speech and narrow their eyes and let you Absorb Their Wisdom. Then he told me he’d send the info over the phone and didn’t do anything, and 1 - he didn’t send anything, kek, the old roach, and 2 - I can’t keep his voice out of my mind.
His condescension and how he kept talking to me like a retard. I have a somewhat teen-ish voice, not a girl but not a boy either voice, and a speech impediment (I can’t pronounce some letters correctly, I’ve been meaning to fix that by going to a speech therapist but I’m broke and in uni), and on top of that I talk so quickly I trip over my words. I’ve been bullied and condescended to by pretty much everyone, even well-meaning girls who go, “The way you talk is so cute!” Ah, yes, being a retard is quite endearing.
But still. I haven’t been able to listen to music or even look at my instrument because I keep hearing this guy’s all-knowing voice, like I’m a childish little retard who doesn’t know what’s best for her. I’m so fucking lost, nonnies. I’m so lost, in every arena of life. I go to a shitty uni because of a dumb mistake, and I have no friends therr anyway and I don’t learn anything I don’t already, and everyone can tell I’m a retard. I even asked some girls if they have a spare spot for their group project and they said no; turns out they were lying and there was a spare spot. Even my classmates who I don’t talk to that much can tell I’m retarded. My elderly parent ran me over by accident a year ago and now I’m creeped out by cars, and when I tried telling a friend I had she didn’t even try to visit. I spent all my birthdays forgotten. I’m so fucking broke I can’t go to the doctor. I’m so fucking upset because music was the only thing brought me joy and now I can’t get it out of my head, that I’m too retarded for it anyway, and I can’t listen to it anymore. The most kinship and fun I had is one here. I don’t care if others anons go “this website ruined my life!”, for me it’s the only thing that alleviates how fucking lost I feel all the time. I can tell that another depression episode is coming on and I really don’t want it. I really don’t.
No. 1006771
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>>1006713eating a salad once doesn't make you skinny the next day. eating a chocolate bar once doesn't make you fat the next day. it's okay, nonnita. you'll be fine.
No. 1006779
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>>1006765I just bought it
No. 1006800
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>>1006799Just larp as one of these iconic bitches until the swelling goes down
No. 1006827
I have come to the point in my life where I am doing too many things wrong and I have no excuses. I don’t know if I have blunted my own emotions so much where I forget the emotions others can feel, or if I can’t tolerate other people not seeing things the way I see them. I have a friend group (including me it’s 4 of us) and we’ve been friends for over 6 years. We always told each other that we love and accept each other no matter what. It’s really getting to me that one of them keeps suffering from self esteem issues that makes loving her such a fucking uphill battle. I love her unconditionally but there’s so much I can’t tolerate anymore and just makes me go “whatever she can figure it out on her own.” I say my input, see she doesn’t listen, and that’s fine, it’s not up to me anyways. We tell her certain men in her life are shit, she doesn’t listen, well ok there isn’t much I can do at this point. Her family treats her like shit, we show and tell her we love her and that we’re always here for her and it passes through like water. I can’t go and change her family. Her classmates treat her like shit but we tell her that her work is the best (it honestly is) and it’s not enough, and I can’t fucking go and bitchslap all her classmates can I. I just feel like there’s only so much I can do.
But I recently fucked up, but I feel awful because I feel conflicted. She came back from college and I didn’t even realize, and when I did find out I just assumed she was busy and didn’t mention hanging out. She’s basically under the belief that we don’t care about her and I hear her say all these things that just cause me so much distress but make me feel nothing at the same time. She was back the 9th but told us (me and another friend that’s stayed here in our hometown) on the 19th that she was back when we thought she was going to be here the 24th for sure, because our other friend was coming back the 23rd to spend Christmas with her (sadly she ended up not being able to fly back). Anyways I should have just been aware and not have assumed. But how was I supposed to know she was able to come back early when she said she was going to be back the 24th? She’s a private person so I tend not to push a lot, but I don’t know. I can’t believe I was careless enough to let this slip, when really I have been longing to hang out with her. Really, like I feel so shit because I’ve been spending my days doing nothing and sleeping in late until 3 o clock when I need to connect with my surrounds more.
I just thought everything was ok when actually she’s been saying we don’t care about her and it’s just getting on my last nerve. I didn’t do it on purpose. I have heard her say this kind of shit before and it fucks me up, but now I just feel nothing. It feels like another thing out of my control because it’s been 6+ years of me showing and saying how much I love her, but I just think I let it go unsaid a lot (since she’s kinda private I feel awkward if topics get too deep). If I write a heartfelt letter (I poured myself out on one birthday card) and she just responds curtly I just know it’s because it’s awkward and that’s fine. If I show distress to something (like worried about her) and she doesn’t really say much on it I usually assume she got the message but is just dealing with it internally but now I question that. I know she is going through a lot, so now I have the chance to show her I care. I also just know that because she is struggling it’s why she’s acting this way. But the stubborn insistence that we don’t give a shit about her bothers me to no fucking end. I cannot deny that. Now I just get mad instead of being understanding, and I get more and more the feeling that I just want her to fend for herself because nothing I do will change anything. Like how many more times do I have to hear her say how she is worthless and how we’re so second rate and all these things that are so difficult to hear when it seems like everything we do does fuck all. Like she has no idea how heartbroken we are sometimes? Fuck her family, god. Anyways I can keep going on but I feel better now when 2 hours ago I was feeling like I was going to be sick.
No. 1006852
>>1006827I'm in a super similar situation right at this moment, today, having to deal with it. Our friends have a
victim & learned helplessness complex. There's nothing we could possibly do. A normal sane person would have reached out when they got back in town to make plans. It's not your whole responsibility to make events and hangouts around her and for her. She needs to do her part to. The situation she's in sucks, but ultimately she is choosing to remain in those and not set boundaries, because that misery is what she's used to. Don't keep emotionally laboring her when she's not doing the same for you. It sounds like everyone loves and supports her but she doesn't love and support back and refuses to change her circumstances. Stop losing sleep over it and let her resign to the victimhood she so desperately wants to be in. Either she'll straighten out or won't. Some people just fall to the wayside because of their self destruction and it's not your fault or responsibility.
No. 1006891
>>1006827>>1006852I second this, it sounds like you and your friends do everything and she does nothing. At some point you have to cut your losses and let her do what she wants, and if you can't tolerate it, cut her off. You tried your best for so long and it sounds like it's taking a toll on your mental health, while she does nothing but act in a mindlessly self-centered way, careless about hurting others, indulging in her woe-is-me larp.
Some people simply are emotional vampires like that and it's completely healthy to eventually stop feeling sympathetic and and start to feel annoyed about hearing the same pointless complains over and over, and being pressured to say the same heartfelt things until they are squeezed dry of every meaning.
You're overly invested in caring for her, not too little. Please take care of yourself and those friends who appreciate you. Her well-being is not more important than your own.
No. 1006896
>>1006854Is it wrong to ask in specialty stores? I don't usually research things myself, because I wouldn't know where to begin when I know nothing about a topic. For example I ask the salesperson what kind of plant would fit into the overlap between what I like and what could survive in my apartment.
Do they curse me behind my back?
No. 1006932
>>1006924Ok fatty
>>1006931People can live in ketosis for years. Ever heard of a medical keto diet being used for epilepsy?
No. 1006939
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>>1006907it's gonna be weird when i do that in class, but i trust you, nonnita…
>>1006918it looks pretty much like what she does with her hand there. people use it a lot in tiktoks when they explain something. it really does look stupid though.
No. 1006948
I went a day without eating last time I had food poisoning because I couldnt stomach a thing and definitely felt better the next day
No. 1006961
>>1006937>Ketosis isn't induced by fastingYes it is. Ketosis is induced by the body running out of glycogen. This can either be done by not eating anything or by not eating carbohydrate. The result is the same.
>>1006955Before agriculture when humans were hunter gathers, there would have been periods where food was not available. This is why we evolved to have a special state that enables us to efficiently use stored body fat.
No. 1007044
>>1006741I'm so sorry
nonnie. I hope things start looking up for you soon. You've done nothing wrong.
No. 1007064
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I feel like my soul is dying. I've been a neet for the past few years, no friends, no nothing, total autism indulging isolation and hours spent on reading books, painting, playing video games, watching movies, listening to music. I aquired some knowledge on both high art and pop culture, and then it turned out it's totally useless in the real world (no shit) and I have no one to talk to about it, also I'm retarded in every practical aspect of day-to-day life. I stared my first serious job, I have nothing to talk about with my coworkers, even though I try. And every time I try, it comes off as forced and mechanical, or I say something dumb, or meaningless, and I'm afraid they really think I'm stupid. They talk about practical stuff like life insurance or cars or their salaries, or some mutual friends they have, or they tell each other some anegdotes from their lives, and I don't have any of those, or maybe I do, but they're never funny or even neutral, but depressing, and I know no one wants to listen to that. I don't know shit about insurances, cars or economics. Being around them and trying to fit in, or just knowing I have no one to talk to irl about the stuff I'm interested in, I feel like a part of me is dying, like every day I'm betraying and killing myself. I need to keep this job because I need money, but I struggle to keep interest in my old hobbies, because I'm simply too tired to cultivate them. And I don't have the time for painting, or reading or watching tons of movies anyway. I already feel like I've lost a big chunk of the knowledge I had, because in the last 7 months I had no opportunity to talk about it or use it in any way. There are other things that kill me, like the realizaton I will probably never find a normie boyfriend, because I simply reek of autism. Even if there's s guy at work I like, I struggle to look at him or talk to him, and when I do, it's either some random fact I find interesting, which comes completely out of nowhere and weird and he probably thinks what the fuck, or I mumble out some work related question, even if I already know the answer, but I ask anyway, just to say something to him and make him say something to me. Oh yeah, I can't stop mumbling too. I'm literally physically unable to speak loud and clear. I don't look my age, and no one knows how old I actually am, so everyone treats me like an awkward kid, including the guy I like. I don't even have anyone to vent about it, I don't have any family except my aunts who are pretty old and they wouldn't understand anything, and my cousins who are too busy with their lives to give a shit about me. I'm constantly tired because of anaemia that's like impossible to treat no matter what I eat and what kind of supplements I take, I can't sleep properly because I have nightmares and I wake up like once every two hours to pee because my bladder is ridiculously small and undeveloped, probably because I was a fucking preemie, I have IBS and eating is a chore, and on top of all of this, I'm about to lose the only thing I liked about myself and the only thing that was objectively beautiful, that is my hair, because I've been diagnosed with alopecia. Even if the medicine I'm supposed to take works, I will never get my old hair back, it will never be as thick and pretty as it was, and my doctor already told me that. I'm gonna be not only autistic, dumb, lonely, and in chronic pain, but also ugly with permanently frizzy hair. It's fucking over, it was over the day I was born
No. 1007066
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trying to recover from anorexia after being on a medical ward and having a hard time. i'm eating more but it's only once a day right now and it takes me about 3 hours to get through one meal. it's very ritualistic and obsessive, probably partly due to my autism. since i began eating more i feel like i've become hyper-aware of all the retarded anachan shit celebrities do as well as bone rattling on this site that feels inescapable and comments from normies about weight. i just wish i knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel and a way through it, not to sound corny but yeah. any advice appreciated too.
No. 1007077
>>1007064Nonnie one thing I can tell you for sure that might be hard to see from the spot you're in is that the normies mostly just force themselves to talk about all this stupid normie shit. Everyone is weird way but some people adapt and some don't. It's hard to see because it's your first serious job but it's like that everywhere. And you're too hard on yourself, I'm sure the guy you like thinks random things u bring up are like a breath of fresh air because trust me work environment is suffocating for everyone, even people who pretend it isn't wouldn't willingly sign up for that. I've been around people like you and everyone just thinks you're shy and they don't actually think you're weird in bad sense. If they actually thought you're stupid they'd show it somehow because again normie cope.
I don't think I can talk about your other health issues but your doctor is retarded, hair texture is determined by genes and alopecia won't change it. Yes it's true that once hair follicles die there's not much you can do, but most people don't have thick hair. You're still gonna have your beautiful hair
Don't give up, I'm sure you're great to be around irl, I hope you can get back to your hobbies soon
No. 1007084
>>1007066Sorry you're going through a tough time, but from what you said, it sounds like you're mostly
triggered by this site? Maybe you should get off the internet for a while or seek communities that don't exacerbate your issues?
No. 1007105
>>1007084it's true that i get
triggered easily but i do generally like this site because it's one of the few places (besides 4chan which is also
triggering for it's scrote comments on bodies) that hasn't been infected with woke bullshit and you don't have to watch what you say. thankfully most lc threads are okay but if there are any similar sites let me know. thanks anon.
No. 1007127
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I did something recently that was objectively wrong. By no means was it life-ending bad, but it's left me temporarily embarrassed by a mass of strangers who thankfully don't know my loved ones, and it also put me on thin straits with my SO. I'm sure had I not minimized and gaslit about my own wrongdoing that he would have left me. Thankfully my SO is empathetic, and thinks I'm the world when it comes to character that he himself didn't even believe that I would do such thing which really helped us move on and saved my ass when I lied to him about the extent for damage control.
Has anyone else ever gone through the shock of realizing what they were capable of? My shame prevents me from confessing what this is, but I feel like over the years I've become spiteful and jaded and somehow compartmentalized all of that evil shit within me inside a box. I tap into it when I need to and spend my days reminiscing over it. To most everyone I'm a pretty okay if not good person who's completely normal.
They just don't know the real me and how nasty I get, and in the moment I don't even feel remorse as others have done worse to me and how good it feels to turn tables and take what I want.
I'd never act on it nor have I done it before, but I fantasize and crave self harm right now. A part of me just wants to nosedive my life and really go the distance when it comes to my offenses, I mean I've already committed so why turn off to more?
I know this sounds like edgy shit, but I mean…? What do I even do.
No. 1007137
i get that political opinions are varied even within similar groups, but a quick question for the lc radfems – inspired by this crypto-
terf post on tumblr (
do you all think ALL men are inherently violent/
abusive? do you think women shouldn't wear makeup even if they want to (due to an idea that they "don't actually want to"?)
i consider myself a radfem too, but these two points made me squint.
No. 1007147
>>1007137I think men have an inherent drive to be violent and possessive over partners that they have to overcome. It's part of maturation and many males choose not to be better.
I think radfems who portray any cosmetic use as solely the productive of the male gaze are going a little too far. I like to make fun looks with my makeup and tbh I like the attention from other women. I said that one time on Ovarit in response to the topic and they told me that I was in denial lmao
No. 1007150
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Day 24673894 of messaging a possibly cute mysterious moid giving me the silent treatment and me getting left on seen with no reply. I swear I’m not crazy, I swear I’m not desperate or obsessed definitely not
No. 1007201
>>1007193tfw you tell someone why they do what they do, and then try to argue with them about their own feelings. you win you're feminist supreme, i have no control over myself and can only trust you to guide me out of this horrible servitude to MAC
nonnie asked opinions on personal internal perceptions and i gave it. i spoke for no one but myself, and speaking for my own mental process for what i do with my face is some batshit "i need to be in control" manly shit
this aint going nowhere and we're being embarrassing
No. 1007216
>>1007173NTA and I believe every word you say about it, but I also really think there has got to be a hair routine that will at least help make things more manageable. I have wavy/ curly hair and it looked like absolute shit up until recent years when I finally figured out how to take care of it. For the first time in my life I started to like my hair.
Have you looked into hair types 2c, 3a, etc?
It can take a very specific process to get the results you want unfortunately, but from my own shitty experience I think there has just got to be a solution for you.
No. 1007229
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jesus fucking christ i swear my college has to be the least fucking helpful institution in the world lmfao. i took a year long break because i was not doing well mentally and i JUST got readmitted for this upcoming semester after annoying them for months (since september) and i am getting 0 help navigating anything since it's the holiday season.
all the classes i need to take are filled up, i don't know what i'm going to be paying for tuition because i haven't gotten my financial aid yet, and i don't even know where i'm going to be living because i can't budget correctly without knowing how much i need to pay them. oh and classes start on the 4th so fuck me i guess lmao.
it's fucked up and selfish as hell but i hope omicron keeps getting worse so they're forced to go remote again. it would make navigating all this bullshit so much easier.
i need to finish 1 more semester but i am stressed as hell. i wish i finished this shit before instead of taking a break… i don't want to neet anymore but this is so frustrating and i'm feeling so defeated
No. 1007274
>>1005183I’m so tired of my roommate. He’s dating a chick that cheated on him, and is lying/omitting the truth about it. Like, damn man just own up to the fact you have no self esteem. It’s not -if- she cheats again, it’s when, and I will not even respond to the “woe is me” routine he has in his back pocket. Some people really want to be the
victim 24/7, even if it is in their control to change their circumstances.
I’m too old for this roommate bullshit drama anyways. I’m ready for him to move out.
No. 1007281
nonnie but take control of your life. That's a lot of excuses to stay in the same place you're in.
No. 1007284
>>1007265Personally yes
Shouldn’t every parent want better for their children
One other sibling has a career
No. 1007285
>>1007261I used to feel the same way
nonnie, and i felt "stuck" in my life too but please just get up and do shit, especially if you still have the privilege to fall back on something (your parents) in case your efforts fail. Don't end up regretting not doing anything, it's a brutal realization, and i hope you get hit by that feeling someday and start taking control of your life
No. 1007287
Won’t be easy but I’ll try.
No. 1007306
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A ex-friend posted a long post on fb about struggles she went through until university and tagged people that she’s thankful for being part of her life. It really stung to not be included especially since I was her friend throughout school despite all the bullying we experienced, and the bullying I experienced from her as well lol. I feel pathetic being this hurt since she always compared me to other people but paints herself as very mature. I feel like she occasionally makes these posts and i’m so keenly aware that I’m purposely left out and I feel so awkward
I know she’s toxic and my therapist once got really annoyed at a situation that involved the two of us because I was so hurt over something she said and my therapist said she was blowing things out of the water and that I didn’t do anything wrong. I know it’s beyond pathetic but it really hurts when it’s put out in public like this since the two of us were friends for a long time she would always tell me that I was one of her few true friends in school. I can’t help but wonder what other people are thinking about when they see the post but then again I’m not a very memorable person and I doubt anyone even remembers me. It really hurts and I feel so pathetic and I know it’s dumb to get this hungover for someone that hurt me repeatedly but I can’t help it
No. 1007322
>>1007306Some people like to have friends that love them more than they do. If you show that you support her she may thinks that you'll always be there and takes you for granted. Speaking from experience, these kind of people are selfish and can't form real friendships. It's hard to let go of
toxic friendships, especially those you made in your formative years (aka school) but you'll meet new people you will recognize you're an amazing friend.
No. 1007329
Back in my hometown and I feel like I am in such a weird place with my family. I have a good relationship with my mum now but I can’t help but remember all the times I was scared of her as a child, and all the anxiety she has caused me growing up with the worry of being hit as a kid, and the worry of being ignored and given the silent treatment as a teenager. And now I am an adult I have to pretend to not agree with my older sister who has distanced herself from the family for similar reasons,
Also the relationships with my siblings. I have borderline none with most of them, but even my younger sister who I am closest with has hurt me endlessly. I don’t think I’ll ever forget her gagging at having to hug me, calling me gross (despite her having terrible hygiene herself), telling me I have small eyes and lips, saying that she wants to dye her hair again because she hates looking like me. And I just have to be okay with it or I am the one causing issue, even though all these things make me so paranoid about being clean and making sure I am always made up and feminine. She also acts as if she is always there for me even though since coming here I have seen her 2 days at most, one of which she brought her BF along and left early. They all love to use my struggles as ammo to argue with each other, bringing up my suicide attempt to guilt trip my mum or other siblings, and will tell me about it as if I would be okay with that? Funnily enough I am not okay with them using my most embarrassing struggles to pretend to be my saviour when my friends are the only ones who keep me going.
I want to go home so bad. I want to be back with my friends who support and love each other. I am fed up of treading on eggshells around people who don’t offer that same sensitivity towards me. Only been back a week and it’s set me back months, only 2 more days though; I can’t wait to hug my best friend.
No. 1007340
>>1007306Here's the harsh truth: she used you during highschool, and told you you're one of the only true friends in order to keep you around. If you say she was bullied, too, that means she couldn't be friends with the popular girls - she probably resented that. So she chose you as the person who would be there for her unconditionally. Now she wants to hopefully get in with the 'cooler' crowd, figuring that it's not highschool anymore and people have matured. Are any of the people she tagged, by any chance, considered popular? If yes, then she didn't mature enough…but neither did you. Listen to your therapist - if your therapist got annoyed at you, take that as a cue. Let it go. The past is in the past. You need to love yourself more; otherwise you'll get
toxic friends even as an adult. Listen to
>>1007322, she put it in a more diplomatic way. At the end, do you really want to be taken advantage of forever?
No. 1007342
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One of my new years resolutions is to stop visiting lolcow. I know its going to be hard, because I really like browsing when I'm eating breakfast, on lunch break, or not doing anything else. I want to fill up my time with some more productive things. I find that lolcow has become pretty boring to me but I will still visit 4-5x a week, and at some points I am desperately going through threads trying to find something interesting to read because all of my favorite cows have dried milk.
Here are my other "resolutions":
>Read more often, Journal more often
>be more mindful about money
>take more pictures
>less tik tok & lolcow
>quit watching porn
>be more present
>Drink intentionally (drink a lot less than I did in 2021)
>More exercise/joyous movement
>Eat 3x a day, eat for joy
>Keep using daily planner
>Check email less
>Make art!
No. 1007350
>>1007342(I think you posted in the wrong thread
No. 1007366
>>1007322She really did expect me to support her unconditionally, she started giving me the cold shoulder because I didn’t share posts about one of her family members running for some political position. I want to talk a lot more but its not worth it
>>1007340I’m trying to let her go i’ll keep trying and my therapist’s reaction was a wake up sign. Thank you
No. 1007388
>>1007375>Nobody is literally forcing her to do anything by pointing out how much societal conditioning influences people's choicesYou're forcing her to believe she
only wears makeup for men, not everything revolves around moids and anon is her own person beyond politics, maybe she likes designing cool looks with it
>Pretending like women don't face any pressure to wear makeup and look pretty is just copiumYou're assuming anon wears conventional makeup
>The vast majority of men do not wake up every morning and cake their faces with makeup because that is not something they are conditioned to want to doAnon says she likes it for aesthetic/entertainment purposes, >>1007383 this.
No. 1007408
>>1007397nonnie's mad because they thought they had control over something in their life for once - someone else's view of their eyeliner - and pulled the "RaDfEmS aLwAyS LoSe To LiBfEmS iN pOpuLaRiTy" when called an asshole.
It's not about feminism it's about you being an screeching autist to someone who uses an aesthetic product you don't
No. 1007418
>>1007413ah yes the ethical principle of a couple nonas saying they like to clown around sometimes with lipstick
because arguing over another women's choices with her body is an easy battle to pick on an imageboard vent thread from the comfort of your gaming chair (with yerba mate cupholders)
No. 1007419
>>1007418Okay bitch we get it, you're an autonomous individual who would like
never do something simply because society expects it of women. Choices are always made in a vacuum and critical analysis is for haters.
No. 1007421
>>1007419"we get it"
okay then we can all stop sperging about it since we're on the same page, it's interrupting the the purpose of this thread lmao
No. 1007422
>>1007396You're an schizo, not every decision a women takes is based on scrote-related trauma, women aren't robots
>>1007397>>1007419The way you talk about other women grosses me out
No. 1007429
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>>1007133Anon why on earth would you think a thread for venting would be fun? I'm genuinely confused.
No. 1007455
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I don't know if I want to stay with my boyfriend.
We're long distance. I am a full time student, and he has a full time job. We are the same age (early 20s)
He lives in NZ, and I live in the US. There is a big time distance but we still make time to call eachother every day.
We've been edating for almost 5 months but have known eachother for 2 years.
He's super against getting the covid vaccine; he goes on somewhat schizo rants every now and then about how his govt is treating covid, and people who take the vaccine are guinea pigs.
We started edating before his country banned travel for unvaxxed people, so he can't visit me until NZ reverses it.
The thing is, I need to get vaxxed to visit him, and I'm willing to, but he thinks it's retarded to do that.
He has a 2 year certificate in an office job he isn't really happy with and pays lower middle class wages.
He still lives with his dad because he's trying to save up for a house. He doesn't know what he career he wants, but he doesn't want to go back to school and doesn't seem to have the motivation to change careers.
He hates being wagie and goes on schizo rants sometimes about how it's unnatural
He has enough saved up to buy a car, but he doesn't know how to drive.
These aren't big red flags, but it makes me a bit uncomfortable added up. Like how I have a pretty strong life plan, and he doesn't.
We can't meet for quite a while either. We don't even have a strong plan to, which bothers me.
Even if I did visit him, he can't drive so we wouldn't be able to sight see or anything. I talked to him about this and he said maybe it'd be a good idea to learn how to drive.
I constantly feel like we're on different pages. When he goes on about something, it usually is a bit schizo and makes me a bit uncomfortable (I've told him this). When I go on about something, he sort of thinks it's something boring and pointless to talk about.
I'm still friends with my ex that I was with for 2 years, and I'm not at all interested in dating him again or anything, but I have more interesting conversations with him than my bf. It's like we are on the same page when we talk.
I just feel really bored sometimes when I talk to my bf because of that.
I also have PTSD/BPD, and he's very kind and understanding about it. Because of the PTSD it's very rare and difficult for me to get close enough to a man to develop a bond. I can't help but feel I wouldn't be able to find someone else who is so kind about it, but maybe that's me being insecure.
I used to have such a positive outlook on this in the beginning and think if it doesn't work oh well, but now it feels like I've lost out on both those mentalities.
He's a nice guy and cares about me, but I'm honestly starting to wonder if maybe I'm wasting my time.
No. 1007465
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this makes me wanna a-log
No. 1007503
>>1007428I don't necessarily wish I had thin hair, I just hate dealing with it. I'm sorry that you have that condition anon.
>>1007440Mine doesn't look dirty or makes me sweaty, it's just hard to manage, and I feel like I can never make it look good by myself. It's frustrating.
>>1007447I can't do a shag cut on my hair, but this was kind of you anyway. Thank you nonna.
No. 1007512
I vented about this maybe even in this thread but damn it, I'll do it again! Also I'm going to come off as so privileged i'm sure, but this is possibly the worst covid regulations have actually affected me since March 2020. I travelled to see family and I'm on my 5th day in "quarantine", I go out after 21:00 for about 20 minutes, they'll fine you 1k if they catch you and I can't afford that so it's the most my paranoia will allow me.
Current regulations are just a PCR test before leaving and upon arrival, out of quarantine once it comes back negative. Usually my average steps for a week are 15k every day, I love to walk. Today I've made 19 steps. My ass hurts from sitting on it all day. My parents are hoarders and I legitimately can't exercise or cook or do anything but sit down and eat. Everything's a mess and they get pissed if I try to tidy. I was supposed to see my best friends today but that's not happening.
I looked out from my window today and the clouds looked so whimsical, the sky so colourful and I could see the edge of the sea and I almost cried because I really really want to go out and just see something that's not this fucking suburban street. If my results aren't back by tomorrow I'll make the choice to either leave 5 days early or pay extra for yet another PCR test. No seeing friends, no buy the foods I love, just leaving the fucking country after spending it in isolation in a cluttered, dirty, filled with spiders house.
The thing that fucking frustrates me is that one friend had a covid positive relative visit his parents, then he visited them the next day. He's not even qualified to get the free PCR test, no need to quarantine for him. Yet I tested negative right before getting on the plane and have to live like this?
No. 1007555
>>1007512Man why did you even go home lol. Covid has been a great excuse for me not to go home for 2 years… and I wouldbt have to quarantine nor pay for a flight, just a $50 bus ride.
The whole "all the kids must come home for the holidays" thing is kind of ridiculous, like when do they stop acting like you're obliged to spend money & time traveling (not to mention losing out on work hours ie more money) just to sit around their house? So depressing. I feel like parents just be lonely and really need friends their age to do holiday stuff with.
Like back when your kids probably all still lived in the same town it made sense to come over for xmas dinner etc, and that seems nice actually. But like 5 days of my life traveling and just sitting at home? Away from my partner, job, my own comfy apt? Idk. It's very demanding tbh, and they act like you're some kind of cruel ungrateful kid and will push and push and push and guilt you for it. Like sorry? Maybe if you lived somewhere other than boring subutb, maybe if we did anything for the holidays other than go through the festive motions and then watch tv/be on our phones I would be more inclined.
No. 1007564
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this girl i've been wanting to rp with for a while/discuss fujostuff with has trooned out. i'm mildly sad because all her characters are inexplicably trans male now
No. 1007630
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I have to treat my mom and my aunt as work superiors and not take their orders and nitpicking and stress induced passive aggressiveness to heart and only cry when I'm all alone and preferably in a dark environment, or else I won't survive these holidays and our relationship will suffer, especially my mom since I live with her. Sometimes I really just wanna snap back, but I know it's not worth it. Hopefully I'll move soon enough and won't have to deal with any of it anyway. Everything passes.
No. 1007656
>>1007646I swear I've read a post about your situation before and everyone told you to dump your loser manchild bf who isn't into you enough to move on from his comfy life at home with mommy.
He is telling you exactly what you mean to him: not much at all. Not as much as his mother, not as much as having her to take care of him, not enough to man the fuck up and build a life with you, not enough to make a single small compromise or sacrifice or confession for the sake of your happiness and your relationship. He doesn't even want to marry you!! Stop playing dumb about how perfect he is ~except for this one thing~ that actually proves you're wasting your time with a man who dgaf about you.
No. 1007666
>>1007520Undercuts are seriously amazing. Low maintenance and cool in summer. I already got a friend to cut her hair too, and she loves it.
I wish more people would give it a try, it's so convenient and looks cool.
No. 1007668
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I didn't check up on a friend while they had Covid-19, and I realize that was a really shitty move. They're better now. Should (1) I verbally apologize to them, (2) just try to be a better friend from that point forward, or (3) detach from the relationship since I feel guilty (my natural move)?
No. 1007673
>>1007668The answer is 2).
1) is awkward and weird and draws attention to something that probably never crossed their mind
3) is mento illness
No. 1007694
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God I want to kill myself. I was watching a video of the Jojos dancing the Ghost Dance and my mom just walked into my room, she din't care or anything but goddamn this is embarrassing, I was just watching that vid for amusement and because I wanted o know what it was about from the thumbnail ffs.
No. 1007695
>>1007686My little brother is 22 as well and I've overheard him and his friends talking about 15-16 year old girls they know and very young looking TikTok stars they don't know the ages of. When he was 16 I started seeing scrote tendencies but brushed it off as puberty messing with him. When he turned 20 I realized nope, he was just becoming a man. Let him go,
nonnie. The parasite has taken over what used to be our dear baby brothers.
Your ''dear baby brother'' is gonna be lusting over 16-18 year old e-girls even at 40+. It fucked me up realizing that my brother and I could be in our fourties/fifties and he could bring a 20 year old girl to meet our family.
No. 1007712
>>1007644I can relate to this very hard
nonnie. I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you. They're horrid to live with.
No. 1007716
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This girl who used to work at my job who forced a friendship onto me randomly blocked me on instagram today. I don't like her so it doesn't bother me or anything, but I'm just like ??WHY?? What did I do to get blocked? We didn't leave our last encounter on bad terms or anything.
No. 1007719
My 19 year old brother threatened/intimidated me today and I feel sick. He is four years younger than me, and as a child/teenager, he was a pretty violent kid but my parents have always let him get away with it because he was their first born son and had that asshole-scrote personality that some people just love. To be honest, we have never ever gotten along as he has always just decided he didn't like me and antagonised me, but recently I though our relationship had improved and we'd been hanging out. He moved to my city for university and I've been helping him as much as I can, when I can (although I work a stressful full time job). I've made him dinner on several occasions, paid for our meals and entertainment, let him do his laundry at mine because the washing machine prices in his dorm are extortionate.
We went home for the holidays and my parents were out of town for the weekend. They had (foolishly) given him some money for any food/emergencies occurred, and on their arrival back, they had asked for the money and a large amount of it was missing. I had been calculating the amount of money spent over the weekend to help understand the situation, but he kept screaming that I did not add the cost of the groceries (I did). We were both standing and in response to his bleating in my ear, I had said "Yes I have, you idiot." That's when this man who is a gym rat and over a foot and a half taller, steps right into my face to square up to me and towers over me. My sister stepped between us and was like "What the fuck are you doing?" to my brother and I immediately started yelling at him to get the fuck away from me. My parents heard the commotion, and forced him to apologise but didn't take it as serious as they should have. I spend the whole day avoiding him because I cannot believe he has tried to use his physical size to threaten me. After dinner, my parents force us to sit down and force me to say I forgive him even though he didn't apologise properly at fucking all, actually denied it happening the way it did until my sister forced him to admit what happened (and even then, justified his behaviour by claiming he did it because I was "talking with my hands" (???) and just denying that he would ever hit and acting like I was a monster for even thinking that (even though prior to me leaving for University, he was still a violent young man). My parents claim "he's only young and growing" so they forced me to forgive him and are saying I'm being immature but I feel like I am fucking not. I would be willing to forgive him if he just at least fucking came to me and showed some remorse, but all he does is deny or try to justify what he did. I truly feel scared of this man and sickened by him. I wish they people would all fuck off. I am so upset.
No. 1007730
>>1007719I'm so sorry
nonnie. Your parents are dealing with this horribly, and I fear that the longer they excuse his behaviour the worse it'll get. He sounds very stupid and overly paranoid. You didn't deserve this at all. At least your sister stood up for you somewhat. I hope he won't scare you again.
No. 1007782
>>1007753I hate being told to be positive too. It feels like someone is pretending to care but is actually too lazy to listen to you like you are a human with a nuanced problem and complex needs, as if you have no permission to ‘indulge’. Well I want to puke on all those people. We don’t owe them a happy face to make them feel comfortable and unburdened. May you get all those tears out, in public, in front of all those who tell you to smile. Better yet, blow your nose on their hair.
Also, I don’t think you are stupid, your phrasing and being on this site disproves that. Depression can take you away from your personal best, and although you may be odd looking, I doubt you’re stupid, and you have a beating heart and two eyes and you deserve love. It’s hard being a weird girl but it’s great to find each other.
You don’t exist to be seen, you don’t need to accomplish to exist. We all die, just blades of grass in a great field that get cut down eventually. So enjoy life for yourself. Let yourself look weird, be awkward. An alien visiting earth. Learn about moss, read stories, play in rain and puddles, wake up too early, cry endlessly, talk to strangers. It’s a short and passing dream, just enjoy it, for yourself. I wish you the best in life. I hope you sleep and cry and forgive yourself for getting beaten down by life.
No. 1007796
>>1007719He's a loose cannon.
I would avoid him unless in the presence of another individual, thank goodness your sister was there to intervene and who knows how far he could have escalated that. Imo there's nothing wrong with saying you feel uncomfortable alone with him anymore and never wanting to be alone with him ever again.
Don't think family ties will mean anything to an enraged scrote. I've suffered this firsthand, when it comes down to it they'll rationalize anything including threats, intimidation, and ultimately violence.
No. 1007807
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>>1007792iirc anon i dont judge people who use filters because cameras nowadays are simply too high quality, they make you look worse than you actually look like because the normal human eye can't even see that many little details, not to count lens distortion, this is also why everyone seemed to just look better in photos pre-2010.
No. 1007836
>>1007455Hes not that committed with you, otherwise he would actually make the effort to meet you. A man with no motivation in life and add the fact that he doesn't feel the rush to meet you is not a man worth chasing.
>>1007468Like anon said, my bf met up with me within 2 months knowing each other online. He made actual plans after a month and he's a very busy guy. If a guy really wants to be with you, he will do it.
No. 1007840
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I feel like a terrible cunt for not wanting to go to a "birthday party" that's happening soon because I generally feel like shit. Not just physically, but also mentally. I miss my family a lot and I haven't seen them in years and December always reminds me of that. But if I'd say "nevermind, sorry" partner's family would think I am rude, his hysterical sister will do a 'i told you so'(after trying to turn the family against me for two years now) and my partner wouldnt understand. I am just so fucking tired. I can't even fix my health issues because my general doctor is a dick that doesn't care and tells people to drink theraflu. I'm so done. I don't know why the corners of my lips started getting dry and creating lines, I feel disgusting. It can't be because of retainers because Ive been taking good care of them.
No. 1007844
>>1007829To be fair, that's basically what several therapists have told my partner re her parents' abuse. Especially bad because her parents can put on a nice face long enough to meet the therapist and gaslight their way through a conversation.
My partner had a therapist as a kid that straight up told her parents she was accusing them of abuse but she didn't believe it. She had another as an adult who would ream her out for being 5 minutes late to a session, when my partner was trying to deal with social anxiety issues. So incredibly unhelpful it's not even a joke.
A lot of therapists are like that kek. Or they go the other way and tell people they're an uwu smol bean that should only care about selfcare because they're so delicate. Either way they're almost all retarded.
It takes either incredible sensitivty & empathy, or a massive case of Dunning Krueger to think you'll be able to help people with an hour of talking every two weeks. And sadly, 95% of therapists are hard on the DK side, and literally clueless if not actively harmful.
No. 1007849
>>1007843does this book works
nonny? should I buy it?
No. 1007852
>>1007840no one has the right to put obligations on you like that. fuck em and if they have a problem, fuck en. if your boyfriend puts his family over you, fuck him too.
also fuck your doctor get a different one, there's a million. and fuck retainers for adults that's some dental industrial complex shit. if you know a dentist who you aren't a patient of, they will tell you how an incredible amount of dental stuff is unnecessary. i have an aunt that's a dentist and according to her, the only actually necessary things dentists do are pulling teeth, root canals, installing implants for missing teeth, and filling cavities - and even then 90% of cavity fillings are unnecessary. Everything else is cosmetic or a straight up scam.
Try to go to a university dental clinic if you can, they don't profit on a per patient basis so they have no incentove to do unnecessary procedures on you. And ALWAYS get second opinuons if you're going to a private for-profit dentist.
No. 1007863
>>1007843Nah, he already thinks he's brilliant and I'm an idiot, so he would just act like I'm dramatic or trying to be better than him lol
>>1007834>>1007841Even though he's a patronizing, smug asshole with a fragile ego, some part of me hopes he'd open his eyes and actually become alright when he starts his studies. But the rational part doubts it.
No. 1007866
>>1007855Have you been drinking coffee or strong energy drinks? When I start drinking coffee in the morning again I always feel dead beat depressed by 3pm. I have to learn this lesson again every six months and kick caffeine again each time… it's a really strong significant effect for me. Like incredibly reliable.
Green tea/black tea are fine for me though so I can use them to taper down. They still have caffeine although less, but they don't make me feel bad at all, idk why. Might be other compounds that make the caffeine absorb slower or less.
No. 1007956
>>1007935I used to put myself in vulnerable positions because I used to associate myself with losers that would abuse me. All the time. Even the lowest filth would feel like a king or even queen when around me because I’d be one of the few to treat them too good. I would snap back after a while of being quiet because I couldn’t take it anymore, especially if they’d spread rumors about me in public. I just feel guilty because I feel they were overkills despite them being jackasses.
No I’m not okay though I’m not sure why you ask
No. 1007986
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I've been having period cramps. I swear if I have a third period this month I'll go crazy. I was kind of (not really) ok with the second one but this shit isn't funny anymore.
No. 1007991
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she's already grating to me in general but why the hell does she choose the absolute worst possible thumbnails all the time… it's always her making a weird ass face or talking mid-sentence. i get not wanting to do something corny and overly posed but why would you ever post pictures of yourself like this to the internet???
No. 1007993
>>1007977Hahaha your therapist literally failed to serve ypur needs and kicked you out - AND YOU'RE BLAMING YOURSELF? Jesus christ in heaven. It wasn't your fucking fault holy shit. Stop thinking therapists can do no wrong.
Doctors aren't allowed to fire patients, jesus christ in heaven. What more proof do you need that these people are dumb lazy selfish motherfuckers? They only want these easy jobs of prescribing ssris to sad mums & ritalin to normal college kids, as soon as someone with real problems shows up they're like "excuse me, you have problems!" and they kick you out. Holy fuuuuck kekekeke
No. 1008000
>>1007983Nta but I worked In a counseling office for a week and walked out bc 4/13 counselers were gossiping about their clients… to me. I worked the front desk. Had to say multiple times “it’s not my business, I’m just glad they are seeking help.” I left 5 days in because it was such a terrible violation of privacy.
Careful about the office you choose, private clinics are iffy.
No. 1008004
>>1007984me at 28, except I'm okay with it for the time being since its a chilled out nightshift job with good coworkers and i can listen/learn while working.
graduated with a degree in biochem and done a few lab jobs, but came back to retail during covid, it keeps me healthy and I've found since improving my diet and putting myself in umcomfortable situations and learning that its starting to give me some drive or direction in my life.
not only that, but since I'm living at home, I save a ridiculous amount each month and have like 4 and a half days off a week.
I wish I could find some sort of WFH job with a similar work schedule and coworkers, hoping my learning into python/frontend dev might lead to something.
have you ever received any feedback from your interviews or analysed your behaviours?
interviews are kind of a meme and you should practise them like anything else.
I too am disgusted with the current working environment for people entering the job market but I've also found my comforts and happiness where I can to keep me going, this world can be shit and tough but why not keep going for the sake of it.
No. 1008106
>>1008032Thank you, I wish the same for you too, I too struggle with social anxiety which i think affects me quite a bit in interviews, I hope you don't let them get you down, i don't think interviews can be really representative of an candidates skillset.
What did you study?
No. 1008111
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I'm going to fucking scream, teams doesn't recognize my headphones microphone that works on EVERYTHING ELSE. I tried EVERYTHING and the shit just doesn't recognize them. Now I have to buy new ones because hurr hurr my retarded new job wants us to have our cameras and mic on. Fucking stupid fucking shit. I don't even know if the new ones I'll buy won't have the same problem. God I'm so fucking mad
No. 1008133
>>1008114>>1008107also their end game is to fuck you. also my gay male friends were as bad with the self-interest.
scrotes are a plague. wah wah my penis pls succ, but also mother me.
I'd say they're good for one thing but honestly, I wonder what the true percentage is of men who know where the clit is actually. my dying wish, someone inform me.
No. 1008158
>>1008143How big is the damage? If it’s smaller than a US quarter, it’s a quick cheap fill. Be very careful going over any speed bumps and don’t cause any big temp changes (aka don’t run your heat high inside if it’s cold outside)
If it’s close to the edge or bigger than a 25c coin, you’ll need a replacement. It runs 4-500$ for old cars or 7-1000$ for newer cars. you don’t need a replacement right away if you can’t afford it, about windshield won’t suddenly shatter or anything.
No. 1008168
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Any tips on how to get over your crush who already has a gf? He has all the attributes of my dream man (I know there's no ideal men but you know what I mean) and I fell for him before I knew he's taken. Now I can't stop thinking about him and I'm trying to interact with him as little as possible, only when it's work related, because when he stands near me and is nice to me I feel like I'm about to explode, my hormones are raging, I'm a virgin and I never seriously dated a guy and I've never felt so strong about anyone before. Men usually seem like total retards or assholes or they just don't have anything going for them, but he's so considerate of others, smart, quick witted, sweet, mature, stable, competent, well read, he doesn't drink, he has exactly the sense of humor I love and has his shit together regarding finances, work, house etc. He's also tall and pretty cute. I feel so safe around him, but I know I can't have him. I can't sleep at night. He probably thinks I'm being mean to him because I stopped even looking at him when he talks to me, but it's because I'm afriad he will notice something in the way I look at him. It's been going on for 4 months now and it doesn't get any better, just worse. I can't imagine I will ever meet another guy who checks all the boxes for me. Everyone just seems so shit compared to him.
No. 1008177
>>1008168sounds like you're idolising him hardcore. youre in love with the potential of the relationship, not the actual person. trust me, he has plenty of flaws and hangups just like any other human being. i know that even a semi-decent scrote is hard to find, but that doesn't mean this one is a perfect angel.
the best cure for infatuation is level-headedness, and time. remind yourself he's just a normal person. i'd even suggest trying to interact with him again, like exposure therapy. four months might seem like a long time for an unspoken, unrequited crush but it's a snap in the grand scheme of things. just hold on a bit more and you've got this.
No. 1008213
>>1008168Good on you for being respectful of his relationship, this sounds really hard to go through and I hope you feel better soon
nonnie, sorry I have no good advice, only time will heal
No. 1008225
>>1008216She’s at work not in high school. adhd needs to be managed not fed.
>>1008210Based anon. I feel you. But you’ll get fired and/or your contract not extended if you continue this. I have severe adhd so I’m telling you this with love:
- don’t use so many dishes when cooking and while you’re cooking do the dishes
- prep lunch ahead so you’ll only deal with a cup, cutlery and one plate. You can wash that in 5 minutes if your ocd’s kicking in.
- do groceries before work starts or after work starts
- plan your schedule ahead
- stop using lolcow during work
No. 1008266
>>1008257I feel like she suspected something for a while and it fueled her TERFness. I'd reach out and see if she's doing okay since it's holiday season and he's pulling this shit.
>>1008254It is if you're bipolar or a bpdfag
No. 1008274
>>1008168That’s going hurt for awhile probably but it gets easier anon. Just keep reminding yourself that he’s not perfect, be acutely aware of how much you’re idealizing a and projecting. I’ve been there many times, feeling like there is no one who compares to that one person, like you’re cosmically bound even. But one day when you’ve made it out of the limerence, you’ll see just how silly that was.
You have to be disciplined in maintaining distance between you and him, it sucks a lot but it’s necessary when trying to get over someone. Do not indulge yourself in fantasies. Do not fall
victim to scarcity mindset.
No. 1008276
>>1008266>>1008257Yeah I agree about this, I could bet that her husband has given off chaser vibes and forced troonshit on her to make her into a
TERF. Becoming a part of the terven coven doesn't happen in a vacuum, it's always brought about by multiple things that eventually cause you to peak.
No. 1008301
>>1008257I am sorry for her. Imagine being in love with a gamer retard that fucks the anuses of other men. And not knowing anything. He probably doesn't wash his dick properly so when he enters those trannies his dick becomes full of shit and disease because trannies have no decency. And then he goes home and sticks that shitter dick inside her. On top of all, his semen is of so low quality that he reproduced a severely autistic son.
If I was her, I would divorce and run. I would not take care of his offspring. I don't want to take care of a severly autist child that a tranny fucker created. He can keep his overgrown semen all to himself. She shouldn't feel guilty and just leave and run away. It's not her responsibility anymore. On top of that imagine having a son, couldn't be me. Anyways Divorce and start anew, let this be just a bad chapter in her life.
No. 1008309
>>1008301lmao fuck them kids huh
No. 1008319
>>1008257Did they have a relationship that was worth salvaging before this reveal? Like other anon mentioned, it sounds like his love for troons might have been lingering around for years hence her resentment towards them. She just didn't know about the ass rooting and dick sucking parts.
Over a decade of her life has been dedicated to this scrote and several years of dedication to their autistic son. Really devastating sunk emotional costs that would be tough for anyone to just throw away.
I can see why she'd be in a bit of denial and willing to work through the cheating. I do think it's possible albeit rare for couples to recover from cheating IF the cheater recognizes the value of what they stand to lose and shapes up. But is it likely to happen with a man who plugs dudes in dresses? I don't think so, he's a faggot in denial and he's gonna do it again when justification fancies him.
I feel sorry for her and the kid.
No. 1008397
>>1008385I had professors outright blame me and insinuate I somehow took over management of a project purely for the reason that my group wasn't fucking doing anything. So I felt pressured to do something or else we had nothing. You get these "free range" profs who want their easy-to-grade bullshit group projects but don't want to have to play referee when their underperforming students don't pull their weight. The whole reason why they stick idiots with the smart students is to fluff up their passes so they won't look like bad and lazy educators.
Here's some advice:
>document everything that you do including dates, hours, titles, etc. >email your group directly about the issue and document their responses if any actually reply>save the group chat receipts that show them ignoring you and blowing you off >email the professor with this evidence >if the professor pushes it on you to resolve, escalate to the dean or whatever admin body because it isn't fucking fair that your grade depends on assholesIn the future when planning projects, always designate each individual to be in charge of something whether that's the research, poster making, or presentation. That way no one can hide behind the excuse that duties were left up in the air for anyone to claim and you somehow bullied them out of contributions.
No. 1008424
>>1008393>>1008397>>1008405Yeah, the professor in-charge of this already told us to sort out these types of issues among ourselves and to not bother her unless it got too much in the beginning. I think I will still take it to her with my 'receipts'. It's too much, I tolerated it at the start but it's too much.
Thanks anon,
>>1008397 for the advice in the future, I'll keep this in mind.
>you somehow bullied them out of contributions.Totally, kek. They called me 'bossy' too because I kept reminding them of deadlines and whatnot. Thanks anons. I hope the prof fails them.
>>1008394Wish I had the balls, kek.
No. 1008435
>>1005183I think I’ve experienced multiple manic episodes
I’m kind of worried. I really don’t want to have any kind of mental illness. Depression is enough.
No. 1008437
>>1008424>Yeah, the professor in-charge of this already told us to sort out these types of issues among ourselvesOh, damn, she's too lazy to do her job. How tf are you supposed to sort that out yourself, there is absolutely nothing you can do, unlike her, who can do many things to compel people to work.
Friends of mine complained and got their prof to fail freeloaders, I hope yours comes around too.
No. 1008459
>>1008442Men cry all the time when women "get away" with the same bullshit they do, wdym?
>>1008450Or maybe being selfish is actually the right choice and maybe if women weren't disproportionally punished for it, more women would be.
No woman has to carry a male child to term in the same vein that no one has to carry a child with downs syndrome. It's "our body, our choice" or it isn't.
No. 1008476
>>1008471Your stance is that the way the worst of the worst of men behave is good actually, your only issue with it is that you yourself can't get away with acting like that.
Why does it surprise you that most people aren't on board with that?
No. 1008485
>>1008476>>1008478>>1008481>worst of the worst of men behave is good actuallyThe worst of the worst of men trying to control pregnancy has been objectively bad. Didn't want female babies? Infanticide them or force the woman to miscarry or abort. Didn't want to pay baby momma child support for a kid he didn't want, specifically for a girl? Family annihilation or deadbeatism. Men still exist who sell their unwanted daughters into slavery.
I'm not gonna let you take this argument to other places because aborting due to gender is what you bawwww'd sociopathy about.
>your only issue with it is that you yourself can't get away with acting like thatAnd why not? The methods that men go to control pregnancy to their liking are inherently unethical and cruel because it isn't their bodies paying the toll.
A woman aborting a fetus due to gender poses no ethical burden different than if a woman aborted simply because she didn't want to be pregnant at all. It's not sociopathy and even if you wanted it to be it's still different from the sociopathy men exhibit around the issue. Die seething.
No. 1008492
>>1008488And look at the pants-shitting tantrum you've kicked up just because I said it's okay for women to be selfish.
Thank you for proving my point, simp.
No. 1008495
>>1007836I think he wants to wait for when covid travel restrictions go away.
Which might be…never?
He's made it clear he won't get the vaccine until NZ is literally forcing people to do it.
His family has been vaxxed and they have had no side effects.
I think he'd rather go unvaxxed than meet me, so you're probably right about him not being serious or at least this being a priority for him.
The other little red flags like not having motivation to find a different career or tuning me out when I talk to him… I don't know if I can handle this for years.
What should I do? I know if I try to end things he will lovebomb, and I still really care about him.
I have a history of distancing myself until the relationship dies and THEN ending it, and I don't want to do that.
No. 1008496
>>1008489putting it simply she probably wishes she was a man, or could navigate social spaces and life as a man.
>>1008493Tf else are you supposed to do if you're having a child? Boy or girl you're supposed to raise your kid to be the best person they can be. If they don't want to try and would rather be degenerate trash that's on them.
>>1008484That's just part of parenting. You can do everything right and still have a shit stain of a child, that doesn't mean you don't stop doing everything right, just means you have a shit stain for a child.
No. 1008506
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>>1008497Kek it's so funny when these types freak out, equality is aborting as many male fetuses as female fetuses have been aborted only bc they were female
No. 1008510
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>>1008507Man hate posts don't make me defensive, no, I find them amusing
No. 1008512
>>1008497>>1008494Nope and nice try. Deflect harder.
>>1008497>That’s not going to distract anyone from the fact that you didn’t just say abort male babies.Distracting? I've literally said it's okay to abort a male fetus lmao. If a woman doesn't feel comfortable birthing and raising a male then it's no different than her aborting for a different reason that makes her uncomfortable.
>b-but you've gotta accept your kids no matter what because that's what you sign up for when ya get preggers!!1!!Mmmm…nah. That's not how society works, has ever worked, nor should it function like that. Stop forcing women to do things they don't want to do.
>Someone said that you shouldn’t have male kids just to abandon them as a funny pwn because they will grow up to torment othersOh right, don't abandon them. My point was to abort them. Who is even stanning for abandoning males? We all know depriving them of a mommy maid already enrages them to kill us.
No. 1008514
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I wish I would get over my ex who cheated on me and who I cheated on as well. There’s so much anger that I still have after our hot and cold relationship and yet I cannot for the life of me get over him!!!!!!! I don’t want anyone else to have him. Even though he’s an ugly fucking loser (that pulls hot bi girls IDK why). Always felt like he was playing me our entire relationship, which checks out because he’s a creative writer/director. I actually started dating the “perfect” guy type of dude and he’s head over heels for me. Too bad I’m a dumb bitch who still have feelings for a stupid jerk
No. 1008518
>>1008512There is literally some retard in here screeching about how women should abandon sons that they already have as a sick pwnnage on the male species.
>>1008515What the fuck are you talking about? You think it's okay to abandon children you already had because they have a penis? Because it's not. You're no better than the males that think it's okay to abort female fetuses and sell their daughters off to slavery because they only want sons.
No. 1008526
>>1008522Look at how they argue, they gaslight and manipulate, purely destructive and hostile. They come here to shit up threads with endless retarded reply chains and insult women.
I still think it's a tranny or incel, but maybe I'm too optimistic.
No. 1008527
>>1008512While there are cases where it's understandable as to why you'd abort a fetus when you actually wanted to be pregnant (mainly relating to quality of life for both of you) a kid being the "wrong" gender isn't one of them. Aborting girl fetuses because you don't want a girl is just as sick as aborting make fetuses because you don't want a boy. I'm not going to police anyone's uterus beyond that though because it's literally never going to be my problem. Y'all ~feminists~ go off though. I hope if any of you get pregnant you only have girls because wew, you're gonna raise the most
toxic moids to moid if you don't find out the sex early enough to right click delete it
No. 1008548
>>1008522A woman cheating on a man isn't a big deal and usually has a laundry list of legitimate justifications.
Aborting a male fetus is okay.
Abandoning a man is stupid as retaliation will be imminent.
Cheating on a man who you rely on for financial dependence is also stupid as you are literally threatening your lifesfyle, it's much better to secure the next bag before making such decisions.
>muh Chrissmus tiemKek, sheltered.
No. 1008585
>>1008578Yeah, let's all become e-thot's kek.
> Men reee cock carousel.> Men reee when you wont fuck them.Truly it is the madonna whore complex.
No. 1008607
>>1008604*They're a man
But that's synonymous.
No. 1008608
>>1008586thats just an unhealthy mindset, all people can be shit, female or male.
>>1008601also kind of a delusional post, you can be a woman recist just as easily as a man can be a racist.
No. 1008611
>>1008593>>1008589Shut the fuck up
To even have this problem of whether to abort or who to abort, you had to have slept with a male (or otherwise accepted sperm into your body). Not based, not feminist, you're nothing but a pick-me in denial. Nothing will remove the stench of cock from your breath
No. 1008631
>>1008615>>1008627>>1008618I mean at how quickly you guys jump to insults, you only prove my point about having an unhealthy mindset, yes men can be shit and kill and rape but if you think killing an entire race or juding an entire gender as a whole based on some encounters with retarded moids but then the same happens with all the posters on 4chan.
how exactly are you different to them when you preach the similar type of fucked up shit they do, i guess this is my vent for this thread.
No. 1008635
>>1008559The absolute state of this website when you're a tradthot because you think
know that kids function best in two parent households. Some of y'all got must have replaced your brains with Twitter hottakes and it's sad.
No. 1008652
>>1008644>Whether you like it or not, they're right about menDisagree
>>1008648Some men treat women like shit. Some women treat men like shit. Doesn't help anyone "prevent it" by acting like all men do the same shit. If anything, that hides the signs of true abusers.
No. 1008662
>>1008648You're not preventing shit by cheating on someone's who's providing for you or abandoning a child that's already alive, you're just playing yourself and everyone around you.
>>1008642. I'm starting to believe that one anon that said it must be a moid posting to gather screenshots for his wizard friends to prove that women are eveeul and stoopid. Because honestly, who else would suggest that women en mass should abandon their children to prove a point to their husbands?
No. 1008679
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Are you guys gonna let anons vent or what? Petition to rename this thread to "Fight Club" and make the "Get it off your chest" thread the new vent thread.
No. 1008683
>>1008672well I'm just assuming the mother wouldn't just up and leave her kid too but some of y'all different on here. Not sure what your point outside of that is though. Do you disagree or are you
triggered about something?
No. 1008684
>>1008342Honestly, men with a ton of female friends are usually like this from my experiences. I'm sorry
nonnie. I hope you're okay. Stay away from him the best you can and do something comforting today.
No. 1008703
>>1008699Imagine if the statistic was:
9/10 men kill people.
1/10 women get an abortion.
>You can't say men kill people! NOT ALL MEN. No. 1008707
>>1008696??? I never said have sex with men. Do you have brain damage that makes you think everyone who says things you dislike is a scrote?
I'm literally saying you shouldn't fuck moids, or at least stay far away from their cum (in fact, you're still making them feel good even without taking in their semen, so still stupid). If you can't accept that, then you're either the moid yourself sperging out because women are learning that your worthless dick is
toxic, or you're a libfem/pick-me who wants to take dick and pretend it's feminist
No. 1008715
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If you're eating this everyday, you're not enough of a hardcore baste feminist misandrist to post in this thread. The pickmes, tradwives, scrotes and assorted NAMALT'ing thots need to leave.
No. 1008726
>>1008717Not really, but continue to not take responsibility. Capping for majority of men committing violence and excusing it as:
>Well if one man doesn't do it, it's not all men, so it's not a male problem.Kek, people aren't as retarded as you.
No. 1008733
>>1008668The further back in history you go, the lower the divorce rate is, the more unhinged and violent the scrotes were who grew up in said families.
Kids need adults who don’t fucking hate each other which is statistically impossible for a heterosexual relationship. It’s almost as if juggling parenthood and working in modern day is an impossible task for one person so children end up not having all their needs met in a single adult household. What we should normalize is communal, platonic, child rearing.
>need to bond with fatherActual psyop. Sperm sacks don’t have shit they can offer a baby that another well adjusted adult can’t.
No. 1008765
>>1008733>CommunalNah you lost me
>>1008752Oh they don't like when you bring this one kek
>>1008754This is just not how things work, you degenerate
No. 1008768
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So it’s really clear that you are arguing with moids. Can we shut the fuck up now.
No. 1008797
>>1005387IMO it's a telltale sign someone has SAD.
That said, I wish everyone left their lights up until February. The gloomiest 2 months of the year and you take bright colourful lights DOWN? Idiots.
No. 1008806
>>1008775>>1008799seasonal affective disorder
winter makes you depressed with its combination of crappy weather and vit d reduction and awful coworker banter
No. 1008833
>>1008825Pretty sure I was the deleted post, I had one parent and I definitely feel like my life would have been easier if I had both parents
I don't really want to get into why because I'll just make myself upset. I guess the grass always seems greener on the other side, but I do still stick by my opinion. I do also agree with this though
>It's the environment your parents make for you that's important>>1008828Why had one actually, this thread is just Fight Club 2.0.
No. 1008897
>>1008875Ideally the father of your child wouldn't be an
abusive PoS but no one thinks it's appropriate to teach young girls how to sniff out scrotes from regular stupid males and would rather teach her to fear/hate all men or accept a shitty one because not being married is worse than being in marriage where the dude regularly beats your ass and your brain into submission
No. 1008930
>>1008920It’s also bullshit that scrotes teach women to look for good mates. They teach nothing and leave it to the mother (better option as she has more experience dating scrotes and knows how shit ends or happens via her own or female friends experience), or teach them to look for traditional mates (date boy of same religion, if father is
abusive he won’t give a shit if mate is
abusive, think of muslim and trad christian men who do this shit). They just want something to control to feel important rather than coming to terms with themselves. It’s possible for a man to teach how to pick a good man, but also possible for the opposite. Often times they don’t care and allow the girl to learn herself (good within reason, shouldn’t be too controlling unless the boys a major red flag like abuse).
No. 1008931
>>1008923>>1008913>>1008869I made one!
>>>/ot/1008929 if other nonnies think it's dumb I don't mind if it gets locked but I think it would be funny to try it out
No. 1008935
>>1008911I mean by a kid observing how he treats his wife (their mother). A daughter will see this and knowingly or not internalize it. If he's a shit husband she'll either say "I do not want that for me me" or think she deserves it. If he's a good dad she'll want a relationship like that for herself and understand what a healthy one looks like. If he's not in the picture she probably won't know shit unless there's someone filling in the gaps for her
>>1008922Yeah, it will happen regardless but the point is you pick a good mate so your kids understand what a good mate is. If not you have to fill in the gaps with serious meaningful conversations about standards and how to be a decent human and hope it sticks. Doing neither leads to people picking out bad partners, going down dark paths and sometimes it leads to them spending 5+ hours arguing with anons on lolcow, which is arguably the darkest path
people like me No. 1008983
>>1008965>Basic factsYou got studies on this or are you just asserting a personal belief is fact kek. Muh society is the way it is because it was illegal to go against it. Can’t claim it’s a natural choice.
>>1008959>Make women think>Women say men are shit, other women agree based experienceWomen are just talking about their experience and warning of shit men. There you go again thinking only men can decide who women should want and what they should do.
> Hold men accountable by saying partner with moids no matter what, they’re kingsHolding accountable is not getting with men who are shit and saying men aren’t the arbiters of reason?
No. 1009044
>>1009031Anon talked about traditional times being shit, tradfag anon talked about incel attacks being on the rise so women should be shacking up with men.
>mentally illNo, just have better reading comprehension and superior logic skills as the retard sex like to claim.
No. 1009054
>>1009044I ask because you keep referencing posts that haven't been made in this thread, it's like what you're seeing is not congruent with reality.
>have better reading comprehension and superior logic skillsAre you having a manic episode?
>>1009053I'm asking because maybe she should be getting help instead of shitting up the vent thread with inane arguing.
No. 1009155
wowowowowowowow love being single 2022. If a praying mantis caked in makeup is what you need, go get it. There’s better dick out there anyways
No. 1009257
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Tired of seeing a cool female artist/singer/ band member and finding only fans shit and barely dressed photoshoots with full faces of baddie!1 makeup on their pages. Her bandmates are all moids either dressed like slobs or edgy creeps. Make it stop nomas.
No. 1009265
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My narc sister is at it again claiming I force her to be at my every beck and call, when I asked for one favor. I don't know why I keep putting up with her when the outcome is always the same.
No. 1009295
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So I was going through an old phone I had when I was 13, going through old pictures and kinda reliving old memories. I also found an audio recording of me reading a poem that goes something like "I hope you haven't forgotten me, because a part of me lives in you". I don't remember ever recording that and feeling slightly freaked out now.
No. 1009400
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>>1009155sorry about your ex-degen but i just wanted to tell you that i love you and am so happy for you doing what's right afterwards, have some kisses nona
No. 1009416
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>>1009155So in short, 2 males want to poke each other's assholes, one of them acting as a poor imitation of a woman. Ew.
From this moment forward, you don't know him.
No. 1009422
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i hate drugs and i hate scrotes who introduce unwilling girls to drugs i swear 99% of girl addicts were not out looking for them and some dickbrain coerced them into trying it and got thrm hooked. men should suffer collectively for their crimes
No. 1009433
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sick and in isolation since christmas eve. wish i could leave my room, if only for ten minutes. just to go to the kitchen or look out a different window… barely eaten anything in a week or more. hungry NOW but not allowed to go out, touch anything. so many times i just wanted a glass of juice but felt too afraid to ask. if i was quiet i could probably go undetected but i will be punished for lying even by omission. so hungry
No. 1009439
Anyone else always feel like they give too much and it frustrates them? I'm trying really hard to focus more on myself but I just love giving attention and being sweet and loving and attentive. I love remembering details, sending plenty of messages every day, listening to the other, being there for them, making them gifts, touching them lovingly, satisfying them sexually (romantic partner) and just overall making them feel loved. I love doing this, it's so important to me that my loved ones feel special. But it leads to frustration in my relationship. I don't get the same energy back from my boyfriend it sometimes feels like but I know the source of frustration is my fault because it feels like I do so much but am dependent… Sometimes on crumbs. He's a hreat boyfriend and does a lot for me. He spoiled me in gifts, he stays up really late for me, he picks me up when I'm feeling down, he makes time for me, he learns for me, he takes care of me. But he also prioritises himself and his work. He doesn't do those little things I do, or he doesn't do them with as much attention to detail as I do. He isn't as always 100% ready for him as I am for him. So sometimes he doesn't provide something that is satisfactory or helpful. Sometimes it's just mediocre and that should be fine. But I give so much and then it hurts me when I feel like I'm wasting my time for nothing, when it isn't appreciated, when he's such a priority but I'm not, not in the same way. And it makes me feel like a nobody with no life. Because if I was busier and more focused on myself this wouldn't happen. This is just another example of me being a failure. Idk how to deal with this but I desperately don't want it to ruin a relationship.
No. 1009448
I'm so angry at life and free will does not exist. Most people don't get where they are in life because of hard work, they literally get there because of pre existing conditions outside of themselves that were given to them. Free will doesn't exist. Most people that do well socially were born with some form of privilege in their environment, their parents had money or they socialized them to turn out like they did. Most people are shit at their job because their job is not even truly choosen by them but by their environment. Most people have good beliefs about themselves although there's nothing truly realistic to base that on.
My life has been really sad and it will forever be like that although if offered better opportunity I could have helped the lives of others or done very good in a field. Most people live egoistically and they take for granted what life gives to them. What luck offers them. They are so sure that the luck and opportunity life has been given them is their hard work and effort.
I'm tired of walking on glass pieces around people and their sensitive egos while nobody tries not to shatter my ego. If I was offered better opportunity I could have done better and contributed to the world, most humans given opportunity don't even give to the world and are bad at their job and do it egoistically, to satisfy the ego and not to necessarily help. I find it ironic how people dare to insinuate I must be selfish because I see beyond all of these illusions. If I was offered opportunity I could have done very well in any field. Now, my gifts will be taken away for free by vampires. They will feeed on my creativity and knowledge while berating me while I get nothing back. Never give anything to this world, most people don't give to this world anything they are not paid for. Soon I will commit suicide because of the lack of opportunity life has faced me with and because of the suffering that has been inflicted on me by my environment. It is not some stupid ideology in my mind, some "dysfunctional" thought that I need to remove that will make me not depressed. Whatever a shrink tells me cannot help me. I know everything about psychology and psychiatry. The advice they give you is not even relevant to your own life. They are cut off from reality and if you continue to be justified in your sadness and misery that is brought onto you by external factors you are treated like some monster that refuses to be happy. THAT MAKES THE RATIONAL AND FREE CHOICE OF BEING MISERABLE. I am not abusing you when I disagree with you on a theoretical matter. Have you ever thought that you might be the narcissistic one? My entire life I have questioned myself being a narcissist when I am selfless but narcissists go around thanking they are selfless. Most humans I have talked to were incredibly foolish and stupid and if I don't pander to them and if I am not their little dancing monkey they attack me. Most people that do well in academia are from wealthy and somewhat stable families and they don't even hold most of the time true creativity or ingeniosity or even the spirit of a researcher. They are simply there because of some form of another of nepotism.
I will never be happy with the conditions of my life. I was born pretty and smart enough to succeed, too bad I've had to work my ass off since I was a child for nothing but constant humiliation, for others to berate me and appropriate my work and ideas and be successful with them because they are deemed appropriate by society or more appropriate by society than who I am as an individual is. My ideas are mine. Is this how a serial killer is formed? Am I going to just write a manifesto and kill humans and make myself the demon life has made me into? Should I just repay the world with what it has paid me? Why should I have empathy and not limit it, I've had empathy and deep understanding of other's situations my entire life but nobody has ever been understanding of me and everytime I seeked being understood I had to act like a slave and inferiorize myself just because I am poor and just because I have not gained authority in life. How can you work deluding yourself your work is important? How can you work deluding yourself that you are even working. Most work humans do is worthless and it is part of an ideological social ritual. You're helping nobody but yourself. Most services are useless and serving society more harm. Why was I born a genius in such situation? I don't want to be a genius. I want to simply be stupid. I don't want to Carry the weight of truth, I don't want this stupid reality to shatter beyond me and all the illusions to drop.
No. 1009450
>>1009439I had the same problem in past relationships. It was miserable, but I kept trying to make them happy, never seeing any reciprocity, all the while asking myself, "what am I doing wrong?" In the end it wasn't that I was too attentive, had too good of a memory, was too accessible or too affectionate. What I did wrong was waste time on incompatible people.
Maybe your moid is decent in some ways, but it's absolutely heartbreaking to hear you're subsisting on "crumbs" of his kindness. You need to be with someone who returns the same energy— someone who doesn't need to be instructed to prioritise you. Have you already talked to him about these feelings? Did he apologise and make an effort for ~2 weeks before things returned to business as usual? Somehow that scenario was even more painful than suffering in silence. I always regretted asking.
In any event you might want to read up on relationship attachment styles. It might help you understand the way you relate to others, why your boyfriend acts very differently, and why you chose each other as partners.
No. 1009451
>>1009450Thank you so much for your response!
Yes, we have talked about it. He consistently comes to two conclusions:
He doesn't appreciate me demanding things of him. He interprets what I say as me claiming he isn't loving nor caring. That isn't what I'm accusing him of at all, however. I've also said to him that my frustration is largely aimed at myself, which I'll elaborate on in a moment. He says that my expectations are too high and unrealistic. He says I am too influenced by romantic media. I disagree with him. Unfortunately, I struggle very much to properly express the lack I am feeling. I do feel I've done a relatively good job, but unfortunately it comes across the wrong way. It hurts me that he doesn't take what I'm saying seriously. I do appreciate the effort he has put into our relationship until now, but this does seem to be an obstacle.
He says it's my fault. As said above, he thinks my expectations are too high, but also that I have issues. I agree in a way. I am very sensitive and insecure. I have cptsd and have an unhealthy attachment style. This is why I express frustration towards myself, since it is largely due to these unhealthy habits that are so difficult to change. I already acknowledge this and want to work on it. I don't see why he ignores it so much when I say this. I wish he'd be more supportive of me.
I've already moved to another country for a few months to focus on myself. I got out of high school a few months ago, I need to prioritise myself over some scrote. But it's so hard and I don't want to just throw away what we had. Hence the break. I want to just not talk to him for a while, but I feel like I'm wired in a way that makes it just so difficult. Maybe it's a bit like an obsession? Anyway, please help me to figure this out and especially to prioritise myself. I deserve to be safe and productive and not to waste any more energy on moids, even if I care about him so much.
No. 1009459
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>>1009458Based anon love your decisiveness
No. 1009462
>>1009451That's right, your life is your own. It sounds like you've already decided you're done with him, so honestly what's stopping you from ripping off the bandaid? Break up and cut contact. You've already got some distance and a desire to shift priorities.
You might be feeling obsessed and clinging on to hope because you're looking at the end of your relationship as a failure. This is completely normal. When people invest in something but it doesn't turn out as expected, they tend to throw even more money on the problem in hopes that it will succeed. Nobody likes to give up. I think if you are able to reframe the situation as a victory— for yourself, your time and energy, self esteem, mental health— then it won't feel like a loss.
What are you losing if you break up with him? From what I can tell… a mean, inconsiderate, unhelpful, inattentive, egotistical scrote who has selfishly benefited from your kindness for far too long. It's a travesty. Evading responsibility, pinning the blame on you— HUGE red flags.
nonny, you have little to lose and everything to gain. You're not a failure, you're not being unrealistic, and you're definitely NOT broken. Whenever you hear that little voice that says "I deserve better than this," please listen to her.
No. 1009467
>>1009462You're right, that is how he is. He seemed more understanding before and has always been very patient and understanding with me. I was also very silly to ignore other anons rightfully reminding me that a scrote is always a scrote. One time during sex I asked him to make eye contact with me. He wasn't responding, so I asked again. He only did it briefly and then quit again, so I asked once more and louder if he could please just look me in the eye. He did it, then covered my mouth and kept going. I talked but it was inaudible. I tried to push him off me so we could stop. He told me it was because he felt I was being disrespectful and didn't like my tone. I was in awe, since I was just setting boundaries, and my mother behaved exactly that way, punishing me for setting my boundaries in a way that isn't uwu submissive and obedient. I was especially shocked he would cover my mouth physically. He was always very supportive of my boundaries (after taking my virginity forcefully, of course… It was a weird accident but he definitely could have known better), so I was extremely shocked. We talked about it and he seemed to understand, so I forgave him. But it did make me more vigilant. If a friend of mine told me this story, though, I would call it what it is: a red flag and his true colours showing. His true colours have also been showing more recently since he apparently deemed my sense of lack and needs as unpleasant as I shared in a previous post, going as far to call it annoying and nagging. He apologised for this choice of words and regretted it, but the sentiment doesn't seem to have changed. There is a real lack of empathy and a great deal of elitism in him, I think. I noticed these things when I first met him but I ignored them since I thought I just wouldn't be involved with him romantically anyway. It seems like he wants to be this good guy who is emotionally mature and therefore doesn't use words like "nagging", but he doesn't realise to embody this person you have to become it. Sorry for constantly spamming and rambling but it's stupid to realise these probably really are his true colours and it WON'T get better with him in the near future. I can't believe he did those things and I'm genuinely just so sad he took my virginity, I can't get over it and I hate the emotional hold it has over me. I got over my vaginismus and don't want it back. I don't know
No. 1009482
>>1009478>>1009478good luck nonna but also get the fuck off lolcow and any other site you're procrastinating on.
use the pomodoro study technique or whatever works for you - us know how it goes
(embed youtube) No. 1009555
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We've been home for Christmas, our flat is small so we had some important personal things stored at my parents' house as they have enough spare room. My mother threw away every single thing my brother owned, every diary, every photography, every note, every memory. 30+ years into the bin and she didn't even apologise. My brother won't talk to her ever again, I'm overwhelmed with sadness and now my family, which was never great to begin with, is broken beyond repair. If it would have been books, would be worse enough but you can replace them, but diaries, love letters, stuff like that, everything gone, never able to be replaced. So, merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I'm tired and done with everything.
No. 1009556
>>1009548I know you are in extreme pain, anon. Please let yourself and your cat survive, and rather target your rage (perhaps not outright murder) at those who directly caused you harm. It's a
victim of this world much like you
No. 1009563
>>1009442You go anon! Dox those pedos! Anyone who even thinks CP is funny/edgy is still a pedo degenerate in my eyes. Also
> I’m not a bad person, I’m a BASED person who doesn’t afraid anymoreStealing this energy and making it my mantra in 2021
No. 1009582
>>1009548>>1009558How "smart" and "beautiful" could you really be if this is how life has already got you pegged in your early 20s? Grow up. Also, yes, you might be a narcissist if you plan on taking your cat out. Wtf. Even the most emotionally unhinged losers love their animals too much to hurt them. How could your BPD brain be associating the unrequited empathy issue onto your cat? It doesn't understand human emotion and you are absolutely projecting your issue onto a creature who doesn't know better. You wanna talk about being cursed? Imagine being beholden to someone who one day decides it's going to murder you on their whim cause they feel bad.
Usually I don't care, but I hope you're not serious.
No. 1009592
>>1009585It feels like bait tbh . Op complains about therapist lacking empathy, yet hear she is threatening at cat.
Jeffery Dahmer mutilated animals too, so if this person is serious they need to go ahead and off themselves instead of being selfish and hurting innocent others.
No. 1009593
>>1009590I guess on some level it would be a “documentary” show casing how these animals survive as pets/zoo
victims? Idk this is so fucked up.
No. 1009597
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How do I find friends? I'm currently in college for the past 4 months, and I still don't really have any friends. Sure, there are people that I kinda talk to once every few weeks, and I enjoy talking to them, but I barely have any sense of closeness with them and, due to us having different schedules and having to spend time doing schoolwork, we don't get to talk that much, and rely on just bumping into each other. I'm not socially retarded or anything. I can talk to people decently well, it's just that it's so hard for some reason. Maybe I'm being impatient but I'm scared that I'll struggle to make friends and not spend my 20s with a strong, close group of female friends, or at least 1 close female friend
No. 1009618
>>1009609Oh man, you are really going to hate prison if you want a place with zero empathy and chaos. Just don't let the other felons find out you killed a cat.
I still don't see an explanation for why the cat deserves to die other than "L0L RaNd0mMm XD"
You seem really bad with communicating how you feel and you're doing it right now in a way that would make people despise you. Yes, meritocracy is kind of a lie but bets are on that there's a reason why nobody is handing you anything good.
No. 1009640
>>1009558>Through my murders I want to encourage others to murderThat's not how it works
Also, if you're pretty and smart like you say, why don't you get a job that requires that? It can be entry level. You chose to suck cock, but there are plenty of other ways to survive.
No. 1009644
>>1009609>>1009558>>1009548Actually, I'm pretty sure this is Romanianon from the typing style and clear emotion
I was defending you hard last thread, and now you're saying you saying you want to kill your cat now, as an adult. What the actual fuck?
No. 1009652
>>1009644…Now that you mention it I'm sure it is the same anon. The one who already killed animals and molested kids when she was younger but said "she doesn't do it anymore".
The other guy she has been talking to also seems like has been posting a bunch of bait here since that day
No. 1009656
>>1009652I think it's notable that the people she says she wants to kill are her father, who "rescued" her from her horrific childhood and gave her a normal life from that point onwards, her best friend, and her pet, instead of people who harmed her or were indifferent to her suffering in her eyes.
These are people who have been presumably actually good to her.
I don't know what that's about.
No. 1009658
>>1009644When you see
>mentions coming from a third world/poor country>walls of text with no punctuation>constantly mistypes words like rad fem and pick me>is totally super pretty and smart even though she's a college dropout>claims she can't find a normal job and has to prostitute herself online for money>is too smart and too edgy for normies so they bully her>walls of text about philosophy, Karl Marx or evil rich radical feministsit's Romanianon/tsundere-chan. She simply can't quit us despite threatening to do so many times.
No. 1009669
>>1009619I will kill humans and animals and then kill myself because nobody ever helped me and people will use my story for their own gain while nobody helped me when I was alive and I asked for help and they will cry like im some monster like the monsters that did this are not real. 1000000 OF HUMANS DIE DAILY AT THE EXPENSE OF THE COMFORT OF OTHERS. KIDS DIE IN WAR BECAUSE CPUNTRIES WANT TO.MAKE MONEH THERE ARE CHILDREN DYING FROM WAR RIGHT NOW AND NOBODY NAMES THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE WAR MURDERERS THOSE THAT HAVE THE CAPITAL AND OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE THE WORLD ARE NOT MONSTERS BUT after years of extreme abuse and no help.and having to prostitute myself for help if I commit murder I am a monster but nobody sees anything wrong with the world I was also innocent when all these things have been done to me. The life of a cat matters more than mine. There are literal animals that are living a more comfortable life and are being offered more love than I have ever been. I'm not expecting someone to understand this though. In a world where literal animals are given more opportunity and care than children then humans. World makes monsters and I only wish for everyone to murder and for all that have been truly mistreated by the world to murder and create more chaos. Nobody helps you. I won't be in prison. I will be in the infinite void. I will be dead. I have been told to get help. How the fuck are you supposed to get help when you have nothing?? Just get help and go to therapy this is what I can be told which is completely useless and irrelevant. There are literal animals that have been faced with more humanity and help then I have been faced with my entire life. Dont you fucking understand that when life meets you with true real misfortune you cannot get help in a world that makes you pay for it?? I've offered help as long as I could and with what I had because I know what true suffering is. But nobody has ever helped me or my family and when I'm murderous I'm being told to go to therapy or seek help like I can after my entire life being fucked from abuse function like a normal person and get enough money to pay some privileged autist in a chair that memorized some fucking lines. This world is fucked. Truly truly fucked and people don't see anything wrong with it. There are millions of starving and suffering children that are abused and being stripped off humanity and the situation they are born into determines their entire life and humans have literally more empathy for animals. Humans do not have empathy for humans. Most empathy human show is fake and a political move. Humans are most of the time literally incapable of empathy and they take everything life gives them for granted.>>1009640 there's no job that requires that and being accepted in those jobs is limited also by socioeconomical factors. Poor 3rd worlders dont become models no matter how pretty. Most people born in poverty no matter how beautiful and smart die in suffering and have horrible lives and being smart can only drag you down as being smart makes you more aware and empathic and to put up with life you have to be a mindless robot that steps on everyone just to get success.
>>1009645 most women born in the Gulag or born poor end up prostitutes and if you were born in my place you would do the same and you would actually probably become a libfem and justify everything and think it is totes your choice when you are coerced by your environment. Nobody helps you if you are poor and disprivileged. In life everything is conditioned by dialectical materialism. Humans are sociopathic enough they have more empathy for fucking animals than for their own species. When I go by a homeless my heart shatters and I go into a never ending thought loop about how shit the world is but most humans are so inhuman they have more empathy for a homeless dog than for a homeless man and they will think the man is homeless as his own choice MOST HUMANS ARE INCAPABILE OF UNDERSTANDING CIRCUMSTANCE. THE SUCCESS OF YOUR LIFE IS DEFINED BY THE SOCIO ECONOMICAL SITUATION YOU ARE BORN IN. YOU WILL NEVER FACE THE SUFFERING OF SOMEONE POOR AND ABUSED AND HUMILIATED THEIR ENTIRE LIFE. I WAS ALSO ABUSED AND RAPED AND HUMILIATEF MY ENTIRE LIFE AND EVERYTHING IVE BEEN TOLD WAS TO GET HELP. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO GET HELP AFTER ALL OF THIS. I AM EXHAUSTED AND MURDER UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF OUR SOCIETY IS JUST NATURAL AND NORMAL. HOW THE FUCK CAN I GET HELP WHEN EVEN THE HELP i need to get is conditioned by money I cannot get? it is over either way. Humanity is fucked beyond comprehension and if we don't stop our selfishness in 3000 years our species will die or those that will afford to continue it will be sociopaths and stupid because capital is not earned through meritocracy nor success is it is owned through luck and manipulation. Look at the the hundreds of useless businesses we have that don't provide real services. We are all schizophrenics and you are not contributing nothing to the world. You were lucky enough for you to be born with money and a family and everything you can do is masturbate to anime and laugh at someone less fortunate than you. Your existence is useless
(mento ilness luv) No. 1009691
>>1009669Kek this is such a schizo.
Can't even do something useful like killing the scrotes that solicit prostitutes like herself, nah, she's just gotta kill the cat and the other two people on this planet who gave her the time of day.
My only question is, who put it into her head that she's actually smart? This is some Dunning-Kruger shit in action.
No. 1009694
>>1009669These are interesting to me because they feel like an unfiltered stream of consciousness of someone very disturbed, with recursions and variations and recombining of themes. Normally there's a layer of confabulation on top of such rantings, some editing, or the person writing like this is too idiotic or psychotic to make sense. But this feels both raw and intelligible.
I'm starting to feel actually bad for her, because I can relate to having retarded meltdowns.
No. 1009697
>>1009691Valid point
nonnie, she could kill people and make the world better, such as scores/ pedos/ abusers
No. 1009713
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I don't know if this qualifies as a vent, but I want to post a cringy rant because this shit's been annoying me for a while. I feel like my unhealthy, sad childhood is being made into some shitty, trite aesthetic and monetized by retards lacking in identity, and I know it shouldn't piss me off this much, that it's just petty to care, but it does. The thought of talking about my childhood influences/media and then being told "haha you're a hikkineet/e-girl/whatever" makes me want to puke. I can't fucking stand those stupid bitches who go on IG/Twitter talking about how they're "hikkineets" obsessed with old tech, old anime content, old games, metal music, Yume Nikki, etc. Shut the fuck up. You're neither a hikikomori or a NEET, you are a 30 year old white woman who works at a fast food restaurant. You were never isolated since childhood, you go outside regularly, you've never suffered meltdowns at 13 because you weren't going to school and thought your life was over, you've never spent months in isolation with only weeb shit and internet 4chan scrotes who low-key wanted to groom you to keep you company. Stop pretending you like Yume Nikki, your dumb ass can't even name any events from the game, all you know is "Uhhh Madotsuki, Poniko, Monoko hehe ^-^".
All this shit you're claiming to live out now is shit I was doing literally since 11 years old, before it was a "cool aesthetic", and I had to heavily downplay it for my own sanity, and to not to be continually alienated from the entire fucking world. You're literally part of the group who would've alienated my childhood self further because you were obsessed with being hyper-sensitive, pretending to be innocent and "cancelling" people for problematic content, and now you want a piece because you've exhausted all the lame shit you liked in the past. You're still obsessed with cancellation and hyper-sensitivity, and I can see it, constantly playing the fucking victim and being hypocritical. Fucking kill yourselves, half of you grown-ass women, older than me, liked Lil Peep and xxxtentacion less than a year ago, and the only anime you even know about was Tokyo Ghoul. Then you discovered Tumblr (again, fucking years after the other normies left it) and Digital Witch Mayura and you've appointed yourselves the President of Liking This Shit after finding out that Saya No Uta and lolicore exist when literally everyone who's actually been part of that life already pirated the shit with the English patch (not Steam) and downloaded all those shitty albums from the time when Windows Vista and Windows 7 were a thing. Calling yourself Terry Davis and Chris chan "kin" like you didn't only learn who those scrotes were like 3 months ago. You were using "bunself" pronouns, calling yourself a "tiny uwu cactus" and making "dni terf/swerf/nazi!!!" lists when all that shit was actually happening, stop lying. You think you're unique, you think you invented shit, but you didn't. You just make everything cheap, ugly and mass-produced for the other TikTok masses. Yes, you've somehow managed to make eroge and generic moeblob content for quasi-pedophiles EVEN MORE soulless. Congratulations. See you in 4 years when you're pretending to be a fucking user who hates trannies, too. I hate this shit, the internet was a mistake
No. 1009723
>>1009714 That's not gore, it's a rabbit eating strawberries, you potato. No one cares if you didn't read btw, it's a vent thread and I'm here to vent like the Romanisperg kek
>>1009717 I can't, I'm trapped in a third world country with zero opportunities, no therapy, shit family members, no money and have been blocked time and time again from living my life. Closest thing I have to a chance is uni, which is going well. For now, I'm stuck here and it irritates me that these dumb tards want to co-opt something shitty and sad to feel "cool" on the internet when it's fucking shameful
>>1009719 I never installed TikTok and don't know/care when Lil Peep died, thanks for confirming you losers browse here for content and still get offended at shit, though. Go to the IG girl thread to post the girl who "stole" your stolen aesthetic kek. And no, I'm not her, but she's equally cancerous, are you one of her BFFs or something?
No. 1009727
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What's wrong with the vent thread today? It's full of schidzos
No. 1009729
>>1009713>See you in 4 years when you're pretending to be a fucking user who hates trannies, too.I pray this site never falls to the same fate, anachan twitterfags are bad enough.
>>1009723>Closest thing I have to a chance is uni, which is going well.I'm glad your uni is going well despite everything, anon. One day you will ascend
No. 1009734
>>1009691why kill the scrotes?? women are as bad. No woman has ever helped me. Actually feminists like you will appropriate my story to win arguments for their own self interest and ego. Only egoistical and sociopathic people use the suffering and misfortune of others as arguments for their political agenda. Radical feminists or liberal feminists or any woman doesn't help women. They just make stupid retarded points on the internet living in their comfort Because it is about them. Women purposefully hurt me and they perhaps offer me a crumb of empathy if I objectify myself lose my individuality and play as a representative for their political doctrine.Nobody helps humans and there is no social movement for those born disprivileged. Women deserve death just as much as men do. Women are complacent with the crimes of men. Most women only care about themselves just as their male counterparts. They don't murder or kill because they have not been conditioned by the Phenomenology of history and society but if they were conditioned to kill they would. Most humans do not restrain their emotions and most humans are absolutely limited and caged by the material resources and everything that exists results from material resources. Women do not kill and rape because the history of humans has not made them do so NOT BECAUSE THEY MAKE THIS CHOICE. Choices are not real everything is predetermined by a chain of phenomenons that are outside of your control. "get help" by abusing myself further basically. I wont ever give my slave money to a narcissist in a suit that pretends to help. I could be him, I could be a man in a suit pretending to help but my life has been to stressful and I have suffered from lack of opportunity and I had to many realizations in order to be able to act like someone that is holy yet partakes in a sick system that completely excludes those that do not have privilege. Those that need therapy cannot afford it and those that seek it are enabled by the so called therapists although they do not have real issues because therapists see them as cash cows. My life has been actively ruined by both men and women. I carry the genetical story and the historical story of a family line of geniuses that gave gone insane due to poverty and that were always underpaid and under evaluated for their work due to their economical circumstance. I carry that anger. My body is full of pain and I dont have access to medicine because I cannot afford it. I could only afford it as a camgirl but I was severely underpaid for my beauty and how smart I was and even in that environment of being a camgirl I was harassed by another insane woman that took her frustrations out of me. I go through pain that is 9/10 and my bad physical condition is caused by trauma and abuse and nobody fucking helps me. I was hired for 300 euros per month and I was fired and I couldn't afford rent or food I was homeless. I am someone very intelligent and I wish I wasn't. If I was less aware and Intelligent I could have made money of being a camgirl become manipulative but I was honest about not truly wanting to be there because I didn't. Most women that are thots and egirls and camgirls don't do it because they lack resources or because are too traumatized to be able to function IRL 80% of the women that do it do that because they want scrote attention and sexual attention they want and enjoy it. Only few like me are
victims. I go through unimaginable pain due to my abuse and I cannot afford to get treatment mental or physical and I am too fucked to work, to get out of my country, to do it sincerely and perfectly. Nobody has ever helped me even with advice or moral help or tried understanding my perspective. Most people that make money on the internet do not deserve it and they are narcissists that create personas and lie and manipulate. There are millionaires that make their money off basically politically pandering or manipulating audiences with things they do not even necessarily truly believe but those opinions benefit them. They give people what they want but do not create true value.If sex work is not real work then how is any of the shit on the internet people make money from real work? It is stupid and manipulative. I've never manipulated anyone in my life and my entire life I've been selfless and yet I'm being called narcissistic and manipulative. Psychiatry is fake!!! Most humans are narcs and if you are not one you cannot make it. Do you know why I do not kill? Because narcisists will appropriate and objectify my suffering including people from here. 10 narcs will use the extreme story of my unfortunate life that lead to murder and get millions of views on their empty capitalistic and sociopathic youtube channel. They will make money off my suffering and I will be seen as a demon when the real demons are them. There are hundreds of channels with people that make a shit load of money making videos about murders and killings. There are channels that make above average income by filming homeless people suffer and everyone thinks is so nice and helpful
No. 1009740
>>1009713>I feel like my unhealthy, sad childhood is being made into some shitty, trite aesthetic and monetized by retards lacking in identityI agree with this, trauma shouldn't be an aesthetic
>All this shit you're claiming to live out now is shit I was doing literally since 11 years old, before it was a "cool aesthetic", and I had to heavily downplay it for my own sanity, and to not to be continually alienated from the entire fucking world.This hit me. I also did the same back then. I played Yume Nikki back in 2011 and it really made me feel alienated from the world. Also I got exposure to Saya no Uta and Goreshit from back then too. You seem kinda cool and I understand where you are coming from
>You're literally part of the group who would've alienated my childhood self further because you were obsessed with being hyper-sensitive, pretending to be innocent and "cancelling" people for problematic content, and now you want a piece because you've exhausted all the lame shit you liked in the past.Lmao this, when we were looking at turbulent stuff on Tumblr or Uboachan they were probs listening to One Direction. Isn't it crazy?
Also I like that bun pic.
No. 1009741
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men always worse don't forget that
No. 1009745
>>1009734>why kill the scrotes?? women are as bad. Stopped reading right there
>No woman has ever helped me. We are trying to help you not be a murderer
That's all, didn't read the rest because its boring af. Not giving you any more attention.
No. 1009755
>>1009713>Shut the fuck up. You're neither a hikikomori or a NEET, you are a 30 year old white woman who works at a fast food restaurant. You were never isolated since childhood, you go outside regularly, you've never suffered meltdowns at 13 because you weren't going to school and thought your life was over, you've never spent months in isolation with only weeb shit and internet 4chan scrotes who low-key wanted to groom you to keep you company. Stop pretending you like Yume Nikki, your dumb ass can't even name any events from the game, all you know is "Uhhh Madotsuki, Poniko, Monoko hehe ^-^".>All this shit you're claiming to live out now is shit I was doing literally since 11 years old, before it was a "cool aesthetic", and I had to heavily downplay it for my own sanity, and to not to be continually alienated from the entire fucking world. You think being a lonely, groomed kid into weirdo weeb shit is some unique experience that white women (what race has to do with it??? aren't you racebaiting?) could never have? A lot of those weird girls grew up and still are into that shit. I get being mad at larpers, but fuck off, you retarded special snowflake.
No. 1009775
>>1009729 Thanks anon, I'm trying
>>1009724 >>1009740 >>1009747 Ty anons, I'm glad some understand where I'm coming from. This shit really does my head in. I'd ask for your Discord accounts if I wasn't afraid of scrotes
No. 1009778
>>1009744I come from a family with csa running through it.. the pattern I've seen is women lash inwards (self harm, EDs, self isolation, acting emotional but still being people pleasers at the end of the day) whereas men lash outwards and often deny that their trauma even exists (meaning they won't address it or stop their
abusive ways either) Men lashing outwards creates a whole new cycle of abuse and that is what keeps trauma going for generations.
No. 1009796
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>>1009784Lol I'm glad that no matter how many shitty things I do, I will never sink so low to harm my pets who've only ever given me company, entertainment, and love. Even the worst humans tend to still recognize the innocence of pets and the value they have to us.
Fucking Hitler loved animals.
Anon is worse than Hitler.
No. 1009797
>>1009788Ah so you're also the "not all men" bitch from yesterday. So you rather go and ask for help from the opposite sex who raped and humiliated you rather than women… Right, sure.
If you hate women why are you here? This is a female only website. We aren't going to coddle you with your dumb murder brainrot from sucking too much cock. Go back to 4chan.
No. 1009806
>>1009788Men like you to vent to them because you're validating them as your savior or they're thinking you're vulnerable enough to be talked into doing sexual shit with them for the validation.
You don't like coming to women about things because it's not "easier" to do so. But you don't realize that the only reason coddling comes from men easier is because they're trying to game you. Notice how men tend not to go to other men for solace, it's because they know men don't give a fuck about emotional problems.
No. 1009822
>>1009781>Everyone wants their trauma to be the worst either way and they want to be accepted and justified Most trauma
victims live with the shame of their trauma "not being good enough" for them to be fucked up, affected, needing help etc. so thank you for validating that I guess.
Nobody would mind your vent being about yourself had you were not talking shit about others based on their race and their "not good enough" trauma. You have it bad, but somewhere in the world there is a girl who has it worse, maybe she is the most traumatised in the whole earth. Is she the only one allowed to complain? Your trauma also COULD BE judged as miniscule by someone with your outlook and even worse life.
No. 1009832
>>1009806> it's because they know men don't give a fuck about emotional problemsI think it's more because men are conditioned to not show or discuss deep emotions, so they are afraid of opening up to other men, and there's a high chance the other man doesn't know how to handle such things because he has no practice with it.
They talk to women because it's permissible for us to discuss such things and consequently we are (on average) more skilled at handling it.
>>1009814My problem with other women is that they're too often fake nice. I've been burned so many times by women acting like they like me because of female conditioning when they actually thought I was annoying and retarded that I feel like it permanently damaged my psyche. I had a hard time understanding social norms and trust issues before I started this journey.
I don't think the solution is to talk to moids though, that's a good way to get a psycho stalker and like I said above they're generally shit at this to begin with.
Use image boards for venting and therapy like any sane person.
No. 1009840
>>1009782I am not a fucking internet girl, I used to be exactly what you are describing and am an isolated fuckup in therapy 15 years too late. So shut the fuck up and stop projecting. I didn't say anywhere I am e-girl or whatever and yet you assumed the worst. I bet you make wrong assumption about other women from time to time since you are
triggered you are not the only one coping with shit life through edgy weeb shit
No. 1009841
>>1009792I'll use examples straight from lolcow
>An anon who is a CSA victim getting triggered by Loli was mocked and told to shut up and just ignore bait, no one bothered to act carefully towards her>An anon who was struggling with multiple miscarriages and an abusive relationship and family was repeadly called a scrote, told she was making things up and that she was fucked up>Anons repeadly have things turned on them>Anon who stripped to pay her sisters medical bills was repeadly mocked and insulted>Anon who came out about her mother sexually assaulting her was ignored, and when she allegedly posted again about how she wanted to escape all that happened was a single anon asked if she was the "kissing your mom's boobs anon" and she was ignored until an anon called out everyone for handling the situation inappropriately, but not a single anon showed her sympathy or have her adviceAll of these people could have easily been helped out of a dark place but none of you stepped up, you all just bashed them, mocked them or just ignored it all. Also you can claim "well you're not entitled to sympathy and advice everyone can ignore you here if they want" proves my point and exactly why I'd choose men to vent to if something bad were to happen to me instead of women
No. 1009852
I love my boyfriend, but he's so dramatic. Last night he was acting all listless and basically ignoring me, even though our daily shower together, and I am trying to be ~ sensitive ~ and thoughtful even though I had shit to do, and all he tells me is he feels bad because he doesn't see progression in himself since it's his semester winter break. Like fucking get a grip, I work at a job for a small company and I already graduated so it feels like I'm stuck in a fucking pit of life. I don't even know WHY I fucking try to make him feel better, like I should really focus on getting away from his energy when I'm like that because it drags me down and makes me feel like shit. This happened last night and I can't stand how in the morning he's all cuddly and whatever again, meanwhile I am spent emotionally from the previous night. Like fuck my boss for giving me early time off because it's the day before new years eve, I just want to be away so I don't have to deal with him acting all uwu while he won't apologize more than likely. I am so angry at myself for sacrificing my good mood because muh concern for bf because it's not like he's asking for me to sacrifice that anyway and even if he was I'd be within my right not to sacrifice that. I'm just becoming a doormat like my mom and I hate it. I want to enjoy my own personal life. In comparison when I'm sad, he just gives up. Not to mention, if I am honest and tell him these thoughts, it's not like he values them. He can't articulate his thoughts even though he's better other men I know , and it drives me up the wall.
No. 1009858
>>1009806I'd rather men treat me like a human being and show empathy when something traumatic happens to me even if their actual motive is to get in my parents, than to be mocked, ignored, or have things turned into "my fault" like anons do here. I never vent here anymore because of this reason, you need to walk on eggshells for things to not be turned into "your fault" and even then so many anons will just insult you or claim that you're actually the bad one. It made me develop a terrible complex when I was in an
abusive relationship years ago and vented to lolcow and ultimately felt trap because lolcow always made it feel like I was at fault.
>Inb4 well you're stupid for listening to lolcowNot only are you proving my point further, but it doesn't matter, on top of that sites who are predominantly women react the same way and women are known for
victim blaming especially in rape cases or if the rapist is their partner. You could prove them wrong but everyone here just reacts so God awfully
No. 1009859
>>1009803I'm hyper-paranoid and my connection's too shit to make a throwaway account, but I gave an e-mail you can reach me on in the email field
>>1009802 Nah
>>1009816>>1009818 My whole point is that I grew out of it, it's definitely not aspirational (which you seem to think it is…) and I'm sick of seeing it rehashed and romanticized by TikTokers. Obviously you didn't, and that's why you got so upset, sorry kek
>>1009823 Early to mid 20s. "You're gatekeeping" is the excuse I'm seeing to defend these sorts, but it's actually just astounding and nasty to me that women literally older than I am/was who were never even part of it would ever fixate on something so sad. It hasn't been "the only thing going on in my life" for a long time, and I wouldn't even call them "basic", I'd call them outright dead lmao. Even the LARPers don't actually care outside of looking like "mysterious internet girls", and that just makes it all the more off-putting. By 30, you should be making your own shit, or at least not thinking it's cute to be groomed by lolicon-obsessed scrotes and "ironically" stanning Chris-chan. I don't think that's too much to expect, or that it's wrong to be disgusted
No. 1009862
>>1009849I actually have posted on 4chan before relating to
abusive relationships. Of course there were coomers wanting to "take his place" but overall I got several good pieces of advice, sympathy, and several people even helped me create an "out" plan. When I posted about my
abusive relationship here years ago I was either ignored, mocked or had things turn on me. That's the difference
No. 1009869
>>1009858> ho are predominantly women react the same way and women are known for victim blaming especially in rape cases or if the rapist is their partner. You could prove them wrong but everyone here just reacts so God awfullyand men don't? right, yes, men are so very well known for
not blaming the
victims of rapes, sure, sure. holy fucking shit are you deep, deep down a k-hole or something?
No. 1009872
>>1009847You're correct but women overall react poorly to trauma in the wild too. It's a gossip board for sure but that's the point of even having vent or advice threads if you just want to harass anons dealing with trauma?
>>1009866Posts like this are proving my point, it doesn't matter if "this isn't a hug box". Further traumatizing already traumatized people is pure evil, take responsibility for it instead of denying it or just claiming "well men are worse"
No. 1009878
>>1009872I've had many nice anons respond to me and relate to me, and sometimes a few less nice ones. Really not as bad as you claim, in my personal opinion, but it's a numbers game. It depends on a lot of factors when or if you will get a decent response. Much of the time, anons are pretty nice. Sometimes they aren't, but it's really not
that common. It's life.
No. 1009880
>>1009851Nta but speaking of the advice threads, the relationship advice thread and general advice used to be the safe (enough) threads to head to when you wanted to avoid the crazies and get serious advice. Vent is hit and miss. You could generally depend on anons there to be thoughtful tho. I've seen anons given step by step instructions on leaving dangerous men when shit was escalating to a worrying degree. Emergencies. Good people taking time out of their day to walk other anons through bad situations and hope they're guiding them towards something better.
That's why it pisses me off seeing some scrote or autist or whatever they are camping out there the last few weeks barking the same old opinion again and again. Mostly about sex and attraction. Hundreds of fucking times now. Those 2 advice threads felt kinda sacred til now.
No. 1009884
>>1009869Why does saying women doing something means men don't do something? Yes obviously there are lots of men who will blame women for rape. Why does this remove the responsibility of women?
>>1009873I never deleted any post. You also took my post out of context. I'd rather fake empathy to calm me down and help me think straight than to have anons convince me I'm at fault and further dig me in the hole of not seeking help
>>1009875>Go to 4chan and they'll all be dicks to you if you vent !>Actually I did go to 4chan and they reacted better than any of you did>Well fuck off stupid bitchWhat? You got what you wanted. It just didn't go as you plan
>>1009879That's not the point, it's that screaming at anons about how they're actually
toxic and then bitching when people say 4chan/men show more sympathy than any of you is stupid. There's a difference between not acting like a therapist and straight up acting psychotic and harming people
No. 1009886
>>1009884make a twitter and stop shitting up img boards
u sound like a retarded pick me
No. 1009900
>>1009894I have no idea what you're talking about but that brings me to another point
Some of you are so obsessed with trying to puzzle anons together that you end up ruining a conversation, advice, or anything else. If you don't like the fact this board is anonymous and the anon you got into with isn't the same anon you're replying to go to Twitter or something where everyone has the same usernames, it's pretty annoying and I've wrongly been accused of being various anons multiple times. Anons have been trying to make this a bannable thing too
No. 1009904
>>1009896Well then,
>Pretending every anon here has been mean to other anons in distress and admitting it's "our fault" people are traumatizedBtw 4chan groomers traumatize more than any anon here could.
No. 1009906
>>1009898How the fuck would I even dig up a post years ago? And why would I do it if all of you are going to deny it and act like cunts anyway? If you want to experiment see for yourself, go to 4chan and claim to be a woman trying to escape an
abusive relationship and see how they act. If ALL of them act harshly and don't bother helping them I will Venmo you $50
No. 1009921
>>10099132 years ago is when admin got rid of MH and exiled us all out. The site turned to absolute shit with shit tier posters ever since and I will say this forever. But as far as the recent kickups, yes, it's Tsundere-anon and her guy.
The responses are nowhere near as bad as people are claiming, however. The site has gone downhill since 2 years ago, but the complaints are highly dramatized and are coming from very clearly and obviously hyperbolic people prone to dramatic thinking and phrasing.
No. 1009940
>>1009858>It made me develop a terrible complex when I was in an abusive relationship years ago and vented to lolcow and ultimately felt trap because lolcow always made it feel like I was at fault.Nonnie I've been browsing lolcow since staminarose. Lolcow has been my place to vent across two
abusive relationships plus all the fuckboys I entertained in the time between.
Yeah some anons "called me out" (mostly for my enabling behaviors tbh) but they never blamed me for the abuse. I'm trying to think of where I have ever seen an anon replying like abuse was a woman's fault yet I cannot.
Sometimes I was kinda hurt by anon's bluntness but it's because of this honesty that I was able to see my situation for what it was and was able to change it. Anons were able to relate to me and make me feel that even though I had made my choices, I wasn't entirely to blame for the outcome and I wasn't doomed to it.
Now, try posting about relationships anywhere else on the internet. When I posted some of the same shit to Reddit I was gaslit about how things were in fact all my fault because I hadn't attempted communication to their liking nor did x, y, and z in order to appeal to scrotes. Those types of people would've delivered this advice "sweetly" to me while effectively trapping me in a relationship that was never gonna work no matter how much I put into it.
You can either believe women here are meanie pantses, or that we just know what your thought process means because we've been there ourselves and we're trying to tell you too. Men are not your friends.
No. 1009941
>>1009814you're fucking retarded. if you don't have money NOBODY helps you with money or anything. It's all about money. I have to pretend like I'm offering some fake social service to make money. How is working in a fucking retail store or making some shitty internet content any meaningful or helpful to society?It is not!!!! if you work at KFC you are not a service to society. Nobody will help you if you are poor and unwell they will just take whatever they can from you and try to use you to take out their frustrations. Nobody has ever listened to me or tried helping me and those that pretend to help me it turns out that in the end I gave them more than they gave me>>1009822 based on their race??? when the fuck did i do that? and yes trauma is quantifiable most people ive met that said they were uwu mentally ill and traumatized weren't compared to me and had it better than me and used me like a free therapist just because I was desperate and I have psychological knowledge and Im good at approaching people suffering and healing the.. IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT THEM AND ME NOT EVEN BEING ABLE TO IMPLY IVE HAD IT WORSE because it is uhhh impolite because the truth it is that it was always about them and when you are poor or in a bad social situation you always have to become a slave that everyone wipes their frustrations on and they pretend to give you a hand of help but they don't do it is just an illusion. NOBODY HAS EVER EVER HELPED ME or my family and women made it worse with their pick me shit and female competition shit. I dont care about scrote attention or about being pretty although I am pretty I think caring about being pretty is very very selfish and narcissistic. Yes, if I compare women and men, women are the better social class because they don't murder and kill as much and this is an ethical quantifier, but if I look at the big picture women are as bad as men with stupid gossip shit, manipulation and competition and wanting to take other women down. I'm not trying to take women down I'm saying in the big picture 90% of humans are shit and deplorable and don't even deserve being alive and they bring no real value to the world. Yea, women have had it shittier and now feminism is invaded by scrotes and all internet spaces are shit. All the internet is shit. I will also never hurt my cat. I love my cat. I love her the most. I just get murderous rage from how the world is and from everything that has happened that happens to me and how my life is conditioned to be. I want to be alive so badly but not suffering like this but this is just my destiny. I'm severely mentally ill and abused and nobody will help me and especially not women because they think I'm in some competition with them and they cannot accept I have opinions and thoughts. Dont you see how selfish it is to even have pets? We lie to ourselves that we are so empathetic and love them. But do we? No! We have chained them out of our own selfishness. You do not love your cat, you love yourself more than your cat. You only love her because it makes your brain release happy chemicals. But you do not truly love her. You only love her because she offers you something. Dogs are not supposed to exist and cats are not supposed to be indoors. I think we are making them struggle and suffer for our own happiness and satisfaction. Cats literally think they are babies and become mentally stunned from being around us. They will never be as happy stuck in a house being your slaves as they would be in nature. It's also heartbreaking literal animals are given more resources than some children. Id rather have resources spent towards the education and well being of our own species than to spend resources on animals that we are only having for our own pleasure. You will say it is mutual bla bla there is nothing mutual. You have chained an inferior species with no consent in your stupid human game. Cats are meant to be free, dogs shouldn't exist and we do not keep these animals because we are "empathetic" we keep them because we use them for our own pleasure. This is how humans are, selfish, unaware, proud and living in a constant lie and illusion. Most of you live in a world that has nothing to do with reality and you have many logical inconsistencies and double standards and if you were born in an actual bad life situation you wouldn't survive, yet you do not want your trauma to be
invalidated* yet you go around invalidating the trauma of others.
Stop making shit up about me. I dont hate women. I hate most humans. I understand why women can be considered more ethical and such and im annoyed at how everything is culture is about mocking women, but guess what, women partake In that. Women mock, harass, objectify and compete against other women. Yet, now it is of course my fault I didn't "get help". When I was raped as a kid my grandmother beat me and called me a whore. When I was in middle school other uglier girls would bully me daily out of.jealousy being pretty but I was very weird, I had weird interests so I had a huge social disadvantage. The vast majority of posters here are from definitely well off families or decent situations and if they feel slightly
invalidated they attack posters. Just get over yourself and be nice and thankful enough to.realizd other people had to suffer genuine suffering and that's why they cannot.kiss your ass and treat you like a princess. It is not all about you.
>>1009941omg you found the enter key! so proud of you
No. 1009970
>>1009951Almost sure they are
No. 1010017
planned a casual night out (drinks at a chill lounge) with female coworkers and one of them asked the group text if she could bring another (female) friend. obviously no one had a problem.
full on troon arrives. he's enormous, has a manly haircut and scruff & is wearing makeup with a really short low-cut bodycon dress. Everyone else exchanged looks. I really should have made a mad dash there but didn't.
for the next hour, he's talking loudly in a bimbo mocking voice, being touchy with everyone, talking about how great it is to have a Girl's Night Out. my breaking point was when someone brought up not wanting kids, and he says, "I would love to be pregnant! I can't wait for womb transplants, that'll shut the TERFs right up. We could even use them as donors, tee-hee!". Then and there I left to the bathroom for like 10 minutes and then came back out saying I had food poisoning and ubered home.
You read about all these stereotypes and quotes from Pinkpill and Ovarit, and I believed it but never physically experienced it until last night and it was just as insane and exaggerated as the tropes go.
i felt so many boundaries crossed and violated by this man trying to touch me so many times and verbally asking me for a hug once, to which i said i "wasn't a hug person" (not true) and he huffed but then changed the subject.
idk i feel pissy about it and feel like this is inevitably how every female-centered hangout that i'm not in control of will go in the future lol
No. 1010028
>>1010017>i felt so many boundaries crossed and violated by this man trying to touch me so many times and verbally asking me for a hug once, to which i said i "wasn't a hug person" (not true) and he huffed but then changed the subject. Men are so desperate for free female attention they will go to any lengths to achieve it, reminds me of the scrotes who post here in a desperate bid to get a reply from an anon.
Shoehorn yourself into female spaces and try and absorb the energy which is reserved for communication with other females.
No. 1010041
File: 1640888848559.jpeg (251.77 KB, 828x1053, 0BE07A90-55EA-4E37-A1FE-183419…)

>>1010028He was literally the "where's my hug" guy but in a dress.
I made this for when I clock a scrote here based on how he begins to react when being disagreed with, but haven't gotten to use it yet
No. 1010190
>>1009669>MOST HUMANS ARE INCAPABILE OF UNDERSTANDING CIRCUMSTANCE. THE SUCCESS OF YOUR LIFE IS DEFINED BY THE SOCIO ECONOMICAL SITUATION YOU ARE BORN INTo be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand social inequality. The oppression is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of empathy most of the suffering will go over a typical human's head. There's also Henry George's nihilistic outlook which is deftly woven into his life's work - his personal philosophy draws heavily from the Great Depression studies, for instance. The REAL abuse
victims understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to
No. 1010198
>>1010188I'm trying hard to work with him. I know he's stressed and stopped medical treatments that tanks his T count. If we don't do have sex next January, I'm telling him to go on T. I would cheat, but I'm a NEET and I live in a city where it's hard to fuck someone unless you know them personally or you're paying.
Fuck my life. Left a shitty relationship but my ex wanted to fuck a lot. Now I'm in a wonderful relationship, but he has the sex drive of Mr. Rogers.
No. 1010206
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I'm retarded but I'm starting to think I have PTSD or some shit from last years New Year. My dad died last year in November and we have a dog that is scared as shit of loud noises.
Last year there were explosions from mid November to mid February, every.fucking.night.. I remember being so scared, stressed, angry and worried because of the dog and everything else that was going on. I had to bolt out of the house almost nightly to get him inside and calm him down because due his old age I was scared he'd get a heart attack or stroke or some shit. I didn't sleep for days. Any loud noise, especially explosions, make me almost shake, want to hide and/or cry. I have never been scared of thunder but now I can't sleep through a storm and even duck like a moron whenever lightning flashes.
Today while walking through town some retard set off fireworks really close to me and I kind of froze and felt like when you expect someone to hit you. I almost started fucking crying. I know he didn't mean any harm but it ruined the whole night for me, gabe him the middle finger too, I couldn't calm down for a few hours and any loud noises in the distance make me tense up.
I fucking hate New Year and fucking retarded people. I'll have to spend tomorrow at home with the dog because we're now both scared of fucking loud noises. Happy fucking New Year
No. 1010209
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>>1010198Ouch, I empathize anon. Have you tried any toys in the meantime?
Picrel did it for me back when I played fair with my fiancé's low sex drive. Heck I'm sure they've got even better versions now. Kinda $$ though.
No. 1010212
>>1010209Good idea. I left all my other toys half across the country so I've been doing it like I'm Amish for the past few years.
Quick question for anyone, but should I not feel weird about my fiance? Like he won't fuck me and even playful flirting isn't working any more, but he told me he wouldn't care or judge me if I became a sex worker… Idk anons, it just really bothers me because I want to be with someone I love and not a creepy old guy, especially for money. I really hope he's not just coasting right now.
No. 1010263
>>1010230I dropped everything and my old life and moved across the country to be with him. I currently have no social life, lost my old phone do I can't talk to old friends, got rid of my social media, and the only people I talk to are my fiance, his friends, and his family. I had a lot of baggage and so does he so it works out in a codependent way. I was working, but COVID turned me into a NEET so now I rely on him for everything.
In the beginning, sex was great, very passionate and romantic. We had sex at least several times a month. I've always had a bigger libido than him so I got used to always being horny and having to convince him to fuck. Over the years he has had an opiate issue so that plus the methadone made him not sexual. He has weird libfem views about prostitution and is okay with me fucking other dudes as long as I tell him and that's it's transactional and not emotional.
No. 1010274
>>1010263You're financially and socially dependant on a man who no longer wants to fuck you and who has drug habits.. I've been there (except he was a functional alco) and I was left high and dry when he decided he was done with me. It's a vulnerable position to put yourself in. I swore I'd never put myself there again.
A man being the breadwinner is one thing but moving far to be with him, having no friends of your own.. it all adds up to an unhealthy dynamic. Be your own person again. He wouldn't mind you fucking other people? Do you have family you could move back in with?
No. 1010291
>>1010274You make a lot of good points. I don't want to sound like the wen that say "not my Nigel", but I trust him not to fuck me over because it's hard to get in a relationship here, his family loves me and he's too much of a pussy to dump me, but I'm always paranoid that he'll drop me so I make sure to always keep my appearances up. I will try to contact my old friends for a plan B.
I want to be my own person again. I know I lost my way. I left my hometown go escape a groomer relationship (my ex) and trauma bullshit. My current SO saved me from a shitty situation so I feel like I can't leave. My family probably hates me and I have nowhere to go.
No. 1010326
File: 1640905906551.jpg (83.29 KB, 1017x1101, Necessarytools.JPG)

>>1010251Did you get it? Show that bitch who's boss. For the future get both devices in my picture, I went from taking 30 minutes using the cup trap method to seconds, literally seconds. I would need to always live with someone else if I didn't have both of these devices, the grabber for bigger and the trapper for small little shits.
Until then, vaccum cleaner but always keep your damn eyes on them because they know you know, and they'll try hide soon as you glance elsewhere. I'm sorry for the subsequent nightmares you'll have.
No. 1010333
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I want to dress like a weeb retard picrel but I feel like im too old at 21, but then if i don't do it right now i'll most definitely regret it when im actually too old like on my 40s.
Normie clothes are so boring anons.
No. 1010356
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>>1010333Probably more suited for the stupid question thread, but what's that pink bear? I saw it in several weeb fashion pics already, but it only reminds me of the one in Rinmarus lolita creator, but I seriously doubt it's from that, especially now that the site is down.
No. 1010385
>>1009467I wish I could hug you,
nonnie. I'm proud of you for not acting overly submissive like they want you to. What he did was horrible. I hope things start looking up for you soon, though really just simply breaking things off with him is one step towards that.
No. 1010451
>>1010398I needed to hear this
nonny, I love u thank u
No. 1010454
>>1010414You are still super young,
nonnie. Where I live nobody gives a shit about getting a degree "late" in life, so when I went to college I had classmates from ages 18-40. We are used to it, and we all get along just fine. People in their 40s still have that bright, youthful vibe to them.
My mom is in her 60s and it's very common for people her age to join facebook groups to meet other adults her age who want to have fun (specially mothers who spent their 20s-30s raising their kids and missed out on a lot of things). They organize parties all the time (ofc they had to stop for a while because of covid though), they go on trips together, they hold singing/dancing contests, etc etc. They just have fun like a group of teenagers would. They even have some extremely childish drama happening from time to time, kek.
I don't know how to convince you of this, but trust me, you are young. I'm in my mid-20s and I don't think 28, 30, or even 45 are "old". Hell, even my mom and her friends have a more adventurous and youthful spirit than I do. I sometimes envy all the fun things they do together, kek.