File: 1629564306386.png (566.5 KB, 640x491, imagen_2021-08-21_112946.png)

No. 888183
Check this thread on meta for context>>>/meta/25695As you might have seen, lolcow is in dire need of help. We either donate and keep this site alive or everything we have built on this website so far will disappear. We are also need a new admin who can code, preferably someone who understands lolcow culture.
I know many of us will miss this website and will have nowhere else to go. So let's all talk about how much we like lolcow and remember the good times together. Alternatively, complain about it and say how much your life will improve without it.
>Don't infight or blame others in this thread please. Actual complaints go on /meta/. Bitching about the website or others goes on /meta/. No. 888186
File: 1629564340716.png (358.79 KB, 423x334, sick cow harvest moon.png)

>what you can do in case this website shuts down
Save and archive your favorite threads, milk, and helpful resources.
Move to another imageboard or make your own. if you make a new one please call it anonitachan
Make a last effort to talk to others. Maybe you'll make friends with other farmers.
Tell us how much you love this website and donate as a love gesture.
Or move on with your life and be thankful this is over in a happy or bitersweet way. This is the place to say your last goodbye.
or maybe nothing ever happens and lolcow lives forever, who knows
No. 888211
File: 1629566355486.webm (1.09 MB, 300x300, 1628914369011.webm)

I saved my favorite non-milk lolcow threads just now, I advice everyone to do so as well:
"Art that makes you feel something" thread>>>/m/103414"Art resources" thread>>>/m/119195Banner thread>>>/meta/962Board-tan thread>>>/meta/1469I also tried to save video related on the wayback machine but couldn't. I guess I can always upload it on youtube later
If any of you also saves your favorite threads please share them here
No. 888219
File: 1629566670336.jpg (32.28 KB, 585x360, 8ddf95687b0e7a254f3ac024796bc9…)

This is probably for the best. At the same time has anyone archived any cow threads or plans to?
No. 888220
I was really good friends with a girl who used to go on here and on /lgbt/, she was so fucking cool. She’d actually met her gf on a board and flew out to meet her and we were all close friends for a while. We all knew things about each other that no one else irl knew. If an abusive parent came knocking, or someone even saw a cockroach out of nowhere, we were there to witness it. We’d take turns reading shitty books and laughing, and we were all divided across different continents. I really miss them. Now I have no place to argue about retarded stuff. People don’t like to be argued with irl, they immediately cast you out. This is bittersweet, even though I quit imageboards like two years ago and only recently started using them again. I am hoping to cut down on my screen time, but not to be one of those gay “anti-phone” people, instead I would like to be able to become more diligent while rawdogging a constant influx of information, instead of letting it paralyze me. In the meantime, i would only like to sharpen myself, build my discipline (going to be hard), and have fun
No. 888234
File: 1629567721807.png (281.7 KB, 633x715, DA321A9E-E8CE-4485-BCCE-A74614…)

Ngl this makes me depressed. Been here since I was 18. 5 years on the farm, feels like I’ve grown up here. I honestly want to thank you all anons. This imageboard has not only made me take the pinkpill, it has also provided me with endless of fun gossip shared with you farmers. I do miss the old times where we focused on weeny snowflakes and cows more than infighting and politics. Those days are long gone. So this might be for the best. I’ll never find a place on the internet like lolcow. It’s been my home and part of my daily routine since I was a teen. Love you all farmers, I’ll miss your psychotic asses.
No. 888236
File: 1629567850297.gif (2.34 MB, 480x270, D0BFF4FC-3D06-48EF-9978-FADFB5…)

Hated this website yet I still go on it because trainwrecks are amusing. I’m just really disappointed and disgruntled by anons who are ignorant and exhausting to reply to and also love to argue just to argue. and stacy larp. I accurately predicted that this website probably will not have a long shelf-life however I think that there will be a new admin but something will happen here around 2023-2025 that will make this place disappear off the face of the internet, only to survive and be mentioned in niche imageboard iceberg videos. looks crusty and ghetto as fuck but if there is an end to this nightmare, good riddance it has ruined my life and I hate you all.
No. 888237
File: 1629567885114.png (192.78 KB, 640x533, imagen_2021-08-21_124445.png)

>>888223>>888218Saving threads is very easy. I don't care about the mtf/fakeboi/femboi threads but here are the links in case someone wants to archieve it themselves.
>>>/snow/1299390>>>/snow/1304366>>>/snow/1303022There are a bunch of those threads so I'm not doing it. If an anon wants to do it please post it here.
No. 888238
File: 1629567956735.png (74.18 KB, 300x100, lolcow.png)

Made this banner because I love you all.
No. 888260
>>888248I really want to make an imageboard called anonita.chan. I want it to be a place for all kinds of women. It would have these boards:
>pink pilled & radfem>girl talk>fashion>cooking & gardening>arts&crafts>offtopic>weeaboo>koreaboo>general media>husbandos -allows nsfw->tradfemIt's my dream, and I could search for some imageboard coding resources to make it true. Thing is: I have no money, and I don't really know how to code. But I would love if it came true.
No. 888280
File: 1629570079580.jpg (20.7 KB, 491x624, granny.jpg)

>>888236Bitch how it ruined your life? You came here by choice, stop being fucking weak. If you wanna leave then leave you fucking coward.
Nah. Imma gonna ruin for everyone else too so you all can be as miserable as me, eh? Girl, you're a minuscule thing in the universe and the world doesn't revolve around you, but that's how you wanna live your life? You're pathetic. Stop being a fucking loser and get a grip. Return to the hellhole you came from you fucking cockroach and never leave. You deserve to be stepped with some heavy ugly white sneakers, so we can see your lizard blood spill and be certain this world is finally free from evils like you. Your predictions ain't shit. Go kiss a tranny.
No. 888329
File: 1629571836970.gif (626.94 KB, 234x176, tumblr_inline_nlehtvJt7B1qbhm7…)

Noooo nonononon noooooo!!! NOOOO! I don't want this to happen!! I'm here for over five years now and is part of my daily life! Where else do I spend my time checking on random things and keep up on whatever anons are doing? For me this is the last sane space of the web, otherwise I do not have any type of place to talk random shit because social media sucks ass. Wew, just the other da I was thinking how the admin situation is doing and then THIS. I'm sad anons, wtf. I know that the situation was bad but wew not THAT bad!
This place is so unique sad face Letting all this go - all the hard work and stuff? I'm bit emotional right now, not gonna lie. All those years of witnessing stuff and having some good heartly laughs here and there…
Hugs everybody Freaking love you, girls!!
No. 888335
>>888280I love you
No. 888341
>>888280KEK anon
You are the reason this website is worthy of not being nuked
No. 888355
File: 1629573179972.jpg (48.74 KB, 655x527, 02f[1].jpg)

does anyone have the admins email, i want to donate but dont know how to go about it.
unironically we should probably open a patreon, or gofundme kek. i at least want to help with the money side cause i dont know shit about coding.
No. 888386
I have a love-hate relationship with this site. On one hand it's one of the few places you can circlejerk about hating moids or trannies on the web, anonymously no less. At the same time this place is shit for my mental health, it takes up all my down time because it scratches the itch that 4chan used to(before it went to shit, and of course I don't have to deal with scrote shit on here). I've tried so many times to quit but I feel like the only way I can move on with my life is if this website no longer exists. I know that's unfair to the rest of you functional thriving kweens but it's just my personal thoughts. LC will always hold a special place in my heart either way.
>>888337cc is a moid honey pot
No. 888398
File: 1629575334074.png (91.87 KB, 1485x506, 7289374872.png)

was curious if Null said anything about this
No. 888399
File: 1629575397100.gif (245.75 KB, 512x252, WHATGAMU.gif)

>>888383thank you anon. i hope my neetbux can help
No. 888438
File: 1629576817067.jpg (24.59 KB, 564x533, snailcat.jpg)

Archived the Lolcow's Own Caps thread #4 (the others were already archived, bless):>>>/ot/ res/827021.html
Copypasta thread: res/621465.html
MS Paint Doodle Therapy thread:>>>/m/ res/98544.html
Draw My OC thread: res/146757.html
Rate My Art thread: res/102700.html
Glamfur thread: res/119852.html
Dumb Bitch Memes thread #2: res/71129.html
(Reposted to try and fix the links, hope they work)
My connection's shit, but I'll archive more threads with funny/OC/board culture stuff. LC is very fun and unique. Even arguing and sperging over really stupid shit with other anons is a lot of fun in a way that it isn't on other sites. I don't care what anyone says, having an anonymous board for women is very important.
As an aside to any anons archiving /snow/ threads, the Wayback Machine is known to take down or omit some archived pages, usually for certain news publications. I'm not sure if any cow would have luck getting things removed, but is a non-cucked alternative that actually doesn't do that (AFAIK). Might want to make backup archives there.
>>888355I think there's a Patreon, but I can't find the link right now. You might have to join the Discord and ask about it.
No. 888442
jfyi for everyone trying to archive threads- has a browser extension that makes it quick and easy to archive whatever page you're on.
>>888236>I've tried so many times to quit but I feel like the only way I can move on with my life is if this website no longer exists.If you don't address the underlying problem that's leading you to spend so much time here, you're just going to waste your newfound free time on a different website. Unless you're talking about becoming a radical pinkpiller or developing self-esteem issues from the thot threads or something, in which case you would probably need to treat the issue anyway.
No. 888446
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>>888380That's what the meta post says, but this post (in the Dumbass shit thread) says otherwise. There's also the server cost if anyone was wondering btw
No. 888477
>>888183Everyone has been complaining and complaining and shitting on the farmhands for being troons and so on but nobody is actually able to code or administrate the website hahaha, the comedy writes itself.
I wish we could actually take active action. If nobody knows how to administrate at least we should make a donation fund so that enough money is being saved to run the website
No. 888481
File: 1629582077844.jpg (96.98 KB, 700x351, IMG_1040.JPG)

I will worship the anon that saves all the vent threads, dumbass shit threads, and confessions threads
No. 888493
>>888248Can code, but have managed to escape seeing CP or gore. It wouldn’t be worth it to me, and this place is so slow lately anyhow.
I hope admin does opt to nuke it over handing it to Null. It would be sad though, this is the only place online where women can be petty ass bitches and say what we really think or say retard kek
No. 888499
>>888248I could code and administrate, I just haven't got the time and I'm not online when the most of the cp and gore gets posted.
But I think there will be someone or a team of people that will save this, I hope so, I would miss the vent thread and I wanted to get help in the hair thread in the future. Also, where would I find pictures of Shayna as a motivation to do better.
No. 888509
File: 1629585548147.jpg (30.35 KB, 338x500, 115.jpg)

someone edit this so that rei is PT, the sea is milk and board-tan and komaeda are in front
No. 888516
File: 1629585984651.jpeg (60.82 KB, 512x512, A07473C3-3FCA-4ECD-9300-CFFFD5…)

If this website does go down. What will I browse whilst taking a bath or whilst I’m on the loo? What website will I be able to vent and use the word retard and tranny without consequences? Where else will I sometimes infight and then feel regretful afterwards? Tell me anons!
No. 888521
>>888518I do so even if I am right
nonny. Maybe I am too sensitive for this place anyways. But I always come back!
No. 888522
>>888512we could take over the myproana forum and give them a new reason to cry, kek
I like the idea of invading a site and making it new und better and a nice place for women to bitch about idiots.
No. 888525
>>888520same, most cows are boring so i mainly just shitpost in /ot/
>>888522also an option, but i still like the idea of taking back a website that was meant for women but taken over by moids and trannies
No. 888542
>>888525same here
let's migrate to cc please i like /x/ and it would be neat if it was more active
No. 888545
File: 1629588524666.gif (4.88 MB, 400x224, monies.gif)

>>888398Speaking of Null, why don't we fund this site like he does?
Null will have little t-shirt runs. I'd definitely purchase shirts just to keep the website up. Admin deserves money for running such a website that can have annoying problems, like gore and tranny posters.
He also does things like sell silver coins related to lolcows. You can do plenty of merch outside t-shirts if you're creative. There's also a link at the bottom of the website where you can donate. I didn't even know this website was hurting, or I'd give it some funds.
I make some pennies off of cryptos and NFTs. Does admin accept cryptos? I like staying anonymous with donations.
No. 888550
>>888248I'm a programmer by profession and I probably could afford to pay for server running costs but I'm too afraid of being doxxed since I live in an ultrawoke area. My day job takes a lot of my time too so I just wouldn't have the time to take care of all the administrative responsibilities. It's depressing because I really don't want to see the Farm go under since CC is shit and KF isn't even an option, if I could I would gladly take over immediately. I've been contemplating on e-mailing the admin to ask if I could help out in any way but I don't want to make any empty promises and bite off more than I can chew.
Don't know why people keep insisting that the quality has gone down though, the moderation has been really good recently and it's far better than what it was 5 years ago. And while I find the idea of a wholesome girlchan attractive, the fact is that it would be overrun with trannies and larper scrotes. Lolcow's strategic reputation as a gossip board weeds out a lot of them and while I miss the manhate/pinkpill threads they did act as a red cloth to raids and infighting. Fusing the spirit of pinkpill into the board and scattering it across was a smarter option because in the end as a tourist you'd just get a face full of boring girl drama threads and Komaeda anon's nasty erotica. CC got overran by trannies exactly because it advertised itself as a non-stop sexy girls only pajama party. Asherah's garden was slow as a dead snail because while a lot of anons enjoy radfem manifestos for many it's still just banter amidst following cow antics, not something they want to have
multiple threads about. It is what it is.
No. 888555
>>888550>Don't know why people keep insisting that the quality has gone down though, the moderation has been really good recently and it's far better than what it was 5 years agoI don't think anyone is talking about the mods when they say that. The mods have been doing great (except for when cp stays up for a long time, but I know that's not necessarily their fault), but the posts here are what's making the quality go down. I think it's because of the influx of newfags and KF users
I noticed a lot of racebaiting/sperging recently, but that's just me. No matter how bad it gets though, I'm gonna miss this site a lot
No. 888557
File: 1629589886498.png (321.55 KB, 477x392, EJEvpgVXkAIAFFf.png)

No. 888563
>>888520>>888522I don't think migrating to is the right answer. This board is a generally more salty place and I don't really want to alter comfy vibe. has it's own board culture and the structure of the board is just perfect for what we need. It's a much better idea to just keep this board up rather than use weird places like an ana forum.
No. 888567
>>888540The admin literally said there are some potential candidates for replacement, but she's trying not to put all her eggs in one basket.
I don't think the site's going to die, even though it's what incels, trannies and KF tards would want.
No. 888594
File: 1629593598074.gif (89.12 KB, 220x216, DA9D3FE5-7495-4AE4-BEA8-D61B0B…)

>>888280>Imma gonna ruin for everyone else too so you all can be as miserable as me, eh? Girl, you're a minuscule thing in the universe and the world doesn't revolve around you, but that's how you wanna live your life? You're pathetic. Stop being a fucking loser and get a grip. Return to the hellhole you came from you fucking cockroach and never leave.LOL THIS SITE IS GOING TO DIE RIP
No. 888596
File: 1629593695477.jpeg (20.98 KB, 275x275, A025D5B2-9121-403A-8BF2-E3EFD1…)

i am really going to miss this place. anons please save it, i'll donate. there is nowhere on the internet like this. cc is just full of neet femcels making hundreds of threads on how to catch a man, and otherwise obvious moid bait threads. i don't use social media and the vent threads are lowkey therapeutic.
>>888302cc is flooded regularly with cp ever since r9k found out about it
No. 888623
File: 1629595558330.png (7.72 KB, 434x195, server.PNG)

Seems like we'll at least have the site for next month
No. 888630
File: 1629595838045.png (91.99 KB, 301x168, imagen_2021-08-21_203040.png)

Here's some imageboard coding resources for you all to check out>>888624apparently vichan
No. 888634
>>888632lolcow stores a shit ton of archived content. the server costs are naturally gonna go up the more gets stored.
also no offense ladies but none of you have the skills required to run let alone make an imageboard…
No. 888640
Does anyone know if the admin and the owner are the same person?
>>888632Can be expensive if regularly hit with DDOS
No. 888645
>>888633Nta but
>>888446 it was in the dumbass shit thread
No. 888649
>>888640i think so, usually imageboards list contact information for the board owner and the admin. LC only has the email for the admin (
>>888640this board isn't kiwifarms, idk how much admin pays for ddos protection
No. 888650
>>888648what are you talking about, BPD-chan?
>>888634this, lol.
No. 888652
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>>888649If the admin is the owner; I wonder is she attempting to transfer ownership or just the admin responsibilities? If she intends to retain ownership, she should be responsible for it's funding - whether that be banner ads, t-shirt sales, what have you
No. 888672
File: 1629600036769.jpg (163.73 KB, 850x1047, 1584112959968.jpg)

>>888664I donated $1k but under the condition that admin uses 10-20% of it to treat herself.
No. 888674
>>888183Are we allowed to blogpost in this thread? I hope I don't get banned, I barely post here but I'm a daily lurker.
I discovered lolcow around 2015, when I was still underage. I'm sure it was the first imageboard I ever visited and I came across it because a couple of anorexic girls I followed on instagram posted about being posted here. Ever since then, I started lurking daily, until I stopped for a couple of years, but I came back around 2019, or maybe before that. The Lillee Jean threads made me a daily lurker, but during the vast amount of time I've been here, I doubt I've posted more than 50 times.
I will try to donate whenever I can, I know this place can be
toxic like most online communities, but it feels great to have a mostly female space online, even if some posters might be moids in disguise, the fact that I don't have to hide being a woman makes me feel safer than other places online.
I don't want to believe that this place will actually shut down, but if it does, I'm very thankful that it existed because it has brought me lots of distraction when I was painfully sad, and it has made me feel less lonely when I read about other women struggling with similar issues.
No. 888688
File: 1629601102842.jpg (16.93 KB, 360x355, EHGTtVBUwAAQWPx.jpg)

>>888672omg you crazy BITCH. You're amazing
No. 888706
>>888699Meant to direct
>>888697 at you for deleting so fast, hope you enjoyed your exclusive look into not only my professional page but also my sordid fandom past
>>888702Just a warning to anyone with a kofi page that even if you donate "logged out" via the widget on /meta/, as long as you enter the paypal email connected to your kofi it's gonna stab you in the fucking back smh. Anyway I've scrubbed anything referring to my irl self from that profile
No. 888710
File: 1629603035104.jpg (24 KB, 439x396, 37c4b45c4dcc1fa02c87072d6634e4…)

>>888672Based rich anonnie, please pick beautiful colors for your theme
I'd suggest coral or orange themes, but you could also have a purple one since you're royalty
No. 888737
>>888672B A S E D N O N N I E
No. 888768
File: 1629608863724.jpg (1.37 MB, 1728x1993, endoflolcowquestionmark.jpg)

>>888509>>888579Just for you, nonnas.
If anyone wants a full poster length version for text edits, let me know
No. 888801
File: 1629611787631.png (6.67 KB, 407x162, kofi.PNG)

>>888795It's 90 euros, but check the Ko-Fi. We went well over the goal. I'm really bad at math, but I think there was $1,108 donated in total, so we should be good for a couple months until Admin decides if we get a new admin, or if the site will shut down.
No. 888804
>>888260Mine would be called something like Grendel's Cave and the users could be called cave dwellers. Only women allowed obviously. It would have a media section for books, movies, video games etc. A section for mental health/self improvement, then an off topic/random one. Maybe a political one too but probably not because it would cause too much infighting and raids. Possibly a /d/ section for drama/gossip.
Probably never gonna happen though, as I have jack shit for coding skills and don't want to dedicate that much time/money/effort to running a web site.
No. 888820
>>888799Ugh, sorry. Again, I'm stupid.
>>888801Oh wow, this is nothing. I don't know why I was expecting like $3000 a month. I can fund this basically indefinitely if Admin is interested. I only know HTML so I'm worth jack shit as far as coding goes but you've at least got one anon willing to cover the server costs 100%.
No. 888840
File: 1629614345294.png (8.75 KB, 412x51, a.PNG)

Why do you guys keep publicly donating…
No. 888842
>>888831Uh, that's not what I'm worried about. If we're under that new admin who's a guy, I just want to keep my credentials safe.
Does anyone know if Kofi shows sensitive information to whoever you're sending to?
No. 888849
>>888847Not at all. I tried to ban evade with a VPN to try and talk to admin (I appealed and it went nowhere) but I also couldn't.
If there ever is a great lolcow to exodus I'll be fucked lol
No. 888850
File: 1629615090594.png (1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 59E64622-8998-4451-B6FE-6D19D6…)

what do i do now im not able to endlessly scroll here at 3am and avoid sleep
No. 888881
>>888860I just clicked these and it says "the wayback machine has not archived that URL"
btw, how do I download a thread? I'd like to download the reddit hate threads and possibly some of the manhate threads, as I might need to reference them in the future
No. 888888
>>888845>>888847The thing is that I don't think it's a VPN issue. I'll give an example of what CC hands out bans for: there is a thread where everyone larp as a moid and it is explicitly titled "Moid LARP thread". If you reply to anons on that thread, women larping as moids, you receive a week long ban for interacting with a male.
I received my perma ban for reporting a picture of a cock to the admin team. I was posting for like an hour before this, reported the post, 5 minutes later I was banned and weeks later I'm still banned.
Someone got perma banned recently for posting a thread about her friends mum telling her a story about women in her country being starved during puberty by their mothers to stunt their growth and keep them petite for marriage. Because this wasn't posted in the misandry thread- poof, perma ban. They posted about it here on LCF after a ban. There was no "you should have posted this here". It was just immediately being tossed out
For a while CC was being spammed by an anon who kept making weird claims about the admin purposely keeping the user base small. I actually believe them now
No. 888900
File: 1629621282738.jpg (87.81 KB, 709x609, 123456.jpg)

>>888893depends on what browser you're on. I'm on chrome and I did it like this. just look for "save page" "download page" etc.
No. 888904
File: 1629621895962.jpg (82.92 KB, 540x575, uncle female.jpg)

>>888672Blessed be!
>>888888>there is a thread where everyone larp as a moid and it is explicitly titled "Moid LARP thread". If you reply to anons on that thread, women larping as moids, you receive a week long ban for interacting with a male.Oh kek I remember reading in that thread some anons would report, then immediately regret because they didn't check the thread before reporting. The mods probably didn't look into it deeper and just banned. smh
>>888894Yes, they're still alive: No. 888955
>>888234Jesus i never realized how long I've been browsing this place. It really was way more fun 5 years ago, but I still get my kicks and just scroll past all the arguing. This site needed more love behind the scenes
>>888238This is adorable!
No. 888978
File: 1629630828284.png (13.53 KB, 462x367, 1621427262434.png)

>>888260>>888804I love how these both sound. I wish they came true, so then they could be sister imageboards. I just don't know how to code.
No. 888985
File: 1629631813915.png (372.64 KB, 720x656, imagen_2021-08-22_062905.png)

No. 888991
File: 1629632166763.png (326.01 KB, 526x512, 1629511122726.png)

>>888988Honestly Where else am I going to get my honest and helpful girly advice from. I literally have 0 friends and hate everyone and this is why I love asking stupid questions here. Please let's either save this website or make a new one so nonnies never die!!!!
No. 888999
File: 1629633019156.gif (3.18 MB, 320x234, 1623366170312.gif)

where else am I going to talk about my love for that one midsommar scene
No. 889003
trigger that one sperg whi thinks it's shit and we are too dumb to understand the heroine is in a cult, kek
No. 889004
File: 1629633278519.png (444.01 KB, 1292x664, Sin título.png)

I swear to god I'm archiving threads via wayback machine and they DO appear in their website but when I link them here the URLs get all messy and don't work, this fucking sucks
No. 889006
File: 1629633474518.png (387.21 KB, 566x446, imagen_2021-08-22_065723.png)

I kinda wanna play pic related for a last time and call all my animals the names of different lolcows. Is anyone interested in a playthrough of that?
No. 889054
File: 1629638899478.jpeg (29.69 KB, 319x447, 984FE6BB-1003-4690-84CD-4F096D…)

>>888672Can your ko-fi be traced? I’m thinking about donating a few crumbs since I do have money but idk
No. 889067
Since the money issue has been solved so far, how can we help anons who want to help with coding this site etc? What do they have to know?
>>888672Absolute legend! And all the other anons who have donated so far! Will def contribute!
No. 889120
File: 1629645319490.gif (2.19 MB, 498x381, pingu-penguin.gif)

Can't believe this could all possibly come to an end. I'll genuinely miss this site. It somehow
gave me a better mindset and more confidence. Hopefully this site would last longer. Will miss all of you wonderful nonnas.
Only the wonderful ones kek. Kidding!>>888672Wondrous rich nonna! Stay blessed!
No. 889129
>>889127I think that's why the ko-fi page was made, so the fees are covered by the users and some even donated more in order to give admin-sama a bit of pocket money. It was said that the server fees are covered for at least over a year. If I did the math right, we have over 1,500$ so far.
see here
>>888622Agree with other anons that we should find farmers who can code, bc this also needs to happen.
No. 889141
>>889129So, if server fees are covered for the year but admin is leaving the site in Dec, I share the same questions as another anon who asked what would happen to the money if no new admin is found. If people want to donate to admin out of appreciation that makes sense to me, but obviously money alone won't keep this site running unless paying an admin is an option.
>>888628This is the only post that I've seen that actually discusses the potential of transfer of ownership. Admin is going to be hard-pressed to find an admin to work for free on a site they are retaining rights to. If admin wants to retain ownership (which is very understandable), they should consider paying someone to admin the site. It needs to be very clear if the person who is taking over the admin role is also taking ownership of the site itself. When the year is up, what's the expectation? That the new admin crowdsources server fees for a website they don't even own? It shouldn't be vague whether or not the admin will own the site after the transfer. Perhaps this information would be revealed once qualifications were determined, but I would imagine that this lack of transparency is deterring potential candidates.
No. 889159
>>889147>admin owns the siteThanks, no one else has been able to say so definitively
>why would she want to keep owning it when she wants to leaveIt's not unheard of to transfer admin responsibilities but retain ownership of the site. Perhaps she would want the option to find a different admin if she doesn't like the direction the new admin takes it in. There are a variety of reasons that this could be the case.
No. 889162
File: 1629648524866.png (1.21 MB, 1280x928, imagen_2021-08-22_110731.png)

Alright I will start my last playthrough of Harvest Moon: Magical Melody later today. We need a name for the main girl though. Give me suggestions!
>>889139will do!
No. 889262
>>888216same, I feel like I found my tribe in my fellow farmers. I've only been here a couple years but wish I'd found it sooner
>>888238I love it
>>888260I would be all over anonita.chan especially if it allowed pink pill discussion
No. 889266
>>889162Name her
Nonnie, it's the only choice
No. 889278
>>888260love it but
>tradfemcringe, just call it home and cooking or something
No. 889340
File: 1629657794943.jpg (505.73 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-08-22-15-41-29…)

>>888711Admin said in the coffee that the sponsored themes will be available for everyone to use! (I wish it wasn't board specific, but beggars can't be choosers)
Really excited to see the new themes!
No. 889375
File: 1629660925824.jpg (15.02 KB, 300x250, a2373bd8672c97de68f5f6d5f7dcdc…)

>>888672based nonita, thank you so much for helping the farm
No. 889377
>>888985don't worry
nonnyeverywhere you go you're retarded
No. 889398
>>889391Admin searched for a replacement for two or three months now (see the banner texts), she just stressed it again now because people/cows applied to the position with malicious intend.
We also had a patreon for a short time but it didn't take off.
No. 889400
File: 1629663718161.png (1.41 MB, 840x1408, barchelors.png)

>>889162Ok I'm between calling her Admin or
Nonnywe also need to chose a husbando! pick your favorite everyone
No. 889410
File: 1629664292497.jpg (111.13 KB, 899x1599, barchelorettes.jpg)

>>889405Sadly in the english version you can't be a lesbian. It's possible in the japanese version though
No. 889436
nonnie. I relate to Ellen (she even looks a bit like me), but I could go for either Eve or Ann. Gwen is cute, but I don't fuck with horse girls.
No. 889470
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>>889467thanks for the warning
No. 889562
File: 1629684329791.jpeg (447.89 KB, 1270x2257, 73C84127-2A13-4F61-BC1C-D56B99…)

Important ko-fi anonymity info for anyone who’s thinking about donating. I basically doxxed myself by donating, so don’t be retarded like me and make sure to make/use a paypal business account!
No. 889567
File: 1629685029002.jpg (1.45 MB, 1728x2592, endoflolcowposter.jpg)

>>888826here's the full sized version for anyone who wants to add text
I tried to draw a borzoi but it was very ugly. If anyone wants to add one (especially a skilled dog drawer, like an ex-furry or something), please do
No. 889576
File: 1629685848381.jpeg (684.45 KB, 1728x2592, F85C8A80-936A-45CC-A5C9-93632C…)

>>889567Graphic design is my passion.
No. 889589
File: 1629686872521.gif (1.71 MB, 239x239, giphy.gif)

I'm wondering if any of the actual anons who say that they're willing to be the next admin, fund, or can code are doing. Because holy shit they better be contributing to supporting the website. I know I complain about this place going down the shithole with the new annoying twitter zoomers and they/thems, but as long as I have this board to lurk on and it's majority female users (yes, even you aiden) I wouldn't complain.
if i have to, I'm willing to moderate and help clean garbage up. Jannies and mods you can have the last laugh after i've been bashing you guys
No. 889616
File: 1629688635093.jpg (27.24 KB, 300x450, 673-02141190en_Masterfile.jpg)

On the topic of archives, everyone is archiving wrong, too. You need to have archives saved on your computer. Online archive sites are very unreliable.
I was apart of a /cgl/ group trying to archive old lolita fashion websites on the internet. We'd go back and figure out that waybackmachine would just delete some site archives. If you don't have power over the archive site, it's not truly archived.
No. 889642
The only time we can Driver-fag out of our thread.
In all seriousness though, I would hate to see this site go. I've been here from day one and Stamania rose was nuked.
No. 889705
>>889680Based anon, these would be my exact choices kek
Also Dan is cute, but he's a lazy slacker so fuck him
No. 889824
File: 1629719567219.gif (909.9 KB, 500x278, SaltyDescriptiveKittiwake-size…)

can we get a tutorial on how to donate anonymously on kofi for dumbass anons such as myself? I want to keep the farm alive!
No. 890033
File: 1629737719094.jpg (436.58 KB, 1825x2331, R.jpg)

Damn I'm gonna be sad if lolcow goes. I'm holding onto hope that it won't happen cause we don't know for sure yet. I've been here since mid 2017, and I've been visiting at least two days a week ever since. I'm gonna miss all the stupid shit and hilarious jokes and interesting conversations and casual talks and lovely (and batshit) anons here. It's rare to find a female-centred site on the internet, so thanks for making an….interesting experience, for lack of a better word
No. 890082
File: 1629741647830.png (33.19 KB, 1910x663, Screenshot (230).png)

Does anyone else get this whenever they click the archive links? why is this? I've downloaded multiple threads but I don't think I'll be able to upload them via the Wayback machine
No. 890114
>>890082i think you're supposed to archive the actual browser link and not the link to the thread (>>>/ot/888183 and not
No. 890116
>>890082(samefag as
>>890114) just copy and paste the link in your browser to the archive machine when you use it
No. 890120
I hope Lolcow does not become kill. And I don't want that Null guy to take over, unless he takes a very hands off approach.
I don't know if he is too concerned about female spaces online - but I am optimistic that he is interested enough in internet history to want to preserve this place if it came down to it. I watched some of his streams on Youtube and a lot of his content comes across as a typical 4chan guy. Just kind of overly edgy and unkind. It's why I can't join Kiwifarms. Same vibes over there.
I like having this imageboard. I grew up on 4chan but grew out of it because it was so misogynistic and generally deranged. I like the /ot/ boards on here. I like talking to other females about stuff. I wish I had ladies like you guys in my RL. The humour on here cracks me up. I'll be really, really sad to see it go.
>>890034I understand that. Containment threads/boards sometimes have a habit of just allowing certain types of people to cement themselves in the community.
Granted I am also interested in gender-critical discussions, because I am a detrans female. I like gender crit discussions as a societal phenomenon and where it concerns psychology. Dedicated gender crit circles that talk about nothing else tend to narrow down and narrow down into more and more niche things, and I think sometimes lose sight of the bigger issue. I lurk Ovarit sometimes, and while they have good moderation, even they descend into outrage fests. Sorry, just thinking to myself.
No. 890514
File: 1629772433494.jpeg (27.54 KB, 371x355, EDD75111-7362-47DB-87FB-53397B…)

>>889976Anonita pls apply. I pray you are our 100% female, xx chromosome savior.
No. 890635
File: 1629788942974.jpg (38.71 KB, 563x505, 7ad60438a728df39e360a3e12bd93d…)

>>888672love you anon thank you
No. 890775
>>890769Nta, but I agree. I think we also had the same rule (that radfem stuff should be kept in the correct board) before 2X was banned.
Also, I think admin was kinda right about that board attracting moids, and considering the gore that occasionally gets posted because of trannies that don't like the MTF thread, we would probably need more staff to have 2X. I hope we get more anons willing to be jannies if we get a new Admin that brings the board back
I would apply, but I don't have the time No. 890815
File: 1629803358677.jpg (62.89 KB, 640x360, gangsta.jpg)

ayo how do i donate anonymously? is it strictly paypal? does paypal show ur info or what?
No. 890816
>>890775I think with more jannies and stricter derailing rules it could work, otherwise I’m not so sure about it since everything which draws too much attention to this site has been proven to be a hassle for the janitors.
>>890815You need to change to a paypal business account if you don’t want your name shown afaik
No. 891084
File: 1629831377409.gif (828.17 KB, 498x362, lkjoijojljoijlj.gif)

So in case Lolcow does get the plug pulled, does anyone know of any good resources to learn how to create and run imageboards? How long would it take to learn? The ones posted upthread look simple enough to make although I'm sure its a lot easier said than done. And what about servers willing to host imgboards? The choachan anons were able to it seemingly quick why not one of us?
No. 891097
>>891084The biggest twist is the k-pop posters being able to assemble their own board quicker and with much less fuss than everyone else.
Is there a way to seek their help in setting things up, especially if
>>888260 ever comes true?
No. 891113
>>891074I thought the problem was containment thread leaking into /ot/, but maybe I misread
>Bc scrotes and trannies don't care about driverGlad the opposite no longer is the prevailing theory lmfao
No. 891183
File: 1629838495533.jpg (3.35 MB, 5965x4473, 1537538082762.jpg)

>>891084I'm sure there is existing software for imageboards you can use. You could probably code a rudimentary imageboard in about a month or so. But I expect that most of these sites are using some premade with modifications.
No. 891201
>>891084Looked at that other chan and they use simple enough.
No. 891204
File: 1629840427195.jpg (46.6 KB, 640x640, saddest-cat-on-the-internet-1.…)

i don't want lolcow to go please
No. 891323
>>891315But sites using Lynxchan still get spammed with CP. Lynxchan was used by asherahsgarden and it's used by
>>891317Ah sorry, I'm not a programmer.
No. 891337
File: 1629852175929.jpeg (25.79 KB, 645x475, pinuporchid.jpeg)

>>891275I love the code "orchid cultivation" kek
Let's make the hidden garden board
No. 891367
File: 1629855042339.png (18.77 KB, 786x630, anonita.png)

I was thinking about it and this is how I would make anonitachan:
[lounge] - Starting page for everyone. Every other board is hidden, you have to lurk on lounge to get redirected to other boards.
Maybe we can have a thread for female hand confirmation.
This will help with the problem of gore and cp in every other board.
[ot] - Offtopic, everything else goes here, including random threads
[adv] - Vent threads, stupid question threads, and confession threads go here
[girl] - Girl stuff, period talk, etc
[fash] - Fashion and makeup, including alternative fashion
[house] - Housekeeping, cooking, gardening, etc
[art] - Arts and crafts
[xx] - Super hidden board for pinkpilled, manhating, radfem and gender critical discussion
[kb] - koreaboo
[wb] - weaboo
[m] - general media
[h] - husbandos
[meta] - for complaints etc
[trash] - shit threads
No. 891467
>>891460It's 90 euros
>>888446 The donation like is in meta and it's already been posted multiple times here, just ctrl f
No. 891471
>>891467I appreciate it anon, thank you.
90 euros a month isn't as bad as I thought, I was estimating 300 euros a month kek.
No. 891569
>>889976If it's yours you can do whatever you want dude
>>891566I will check emails over the weekend in case anyone hasn't gotten back a response.
>>891550I am actually in the process of trying to upgrade the site to lynxchan but I also need to archive everything. If any interested anons read up on lynxchan documentation it would be helpful for the transition. I also recommend being comfortable using CLI but I'm also willing to help with the basics.
If anyone wants to contribute to the front end shoot me an email and I'll add you as a contributor.
Javascript html/CSS knowledge recommended No. 891575
>>891571>>891571What I'm saying is awfully rude, but CC seems to attract a specific type of really limp wristed, dull girl. A few of them also seem a little… "slow", to say the least.
What you say about the boards and thread bloat (especially with how few users there are) is very true, though!
No. 893288
>>888555I have to second this, it isn't the mods or the admin who are the issue. I had posted a rant in /meta/ a few months back out of frustration because the post quality has slowly been going down the tube since March of last year, when all the schizos and other normie faggots were forced to use the internet for the first time in their lives. I haven't really been here in a while and it's honestly not shocking that the site might go under. As another anon mentioned, the one thing I loved about lolcow is that so far, we haven't had to deal with all the culture war bullshit that has turned every other online "community" into an angry cesspit of absolute ignorance, and that's really difficult to do nowadays with how determined people are to turn everything into the QAnon knitting club and fringe conspiracy posting. I really can't deal with anymore vaccine sperging, Trump tears, nigger hate Olympics, and whatever else normies get up to these days on Twitter and Failbook.
Realistically as it is, the only way(s) lolcow could feasibly survive is if the mods/future admin allow low quality retard posting, normies to come in and inevitably start with all their political ranting, racesperging, and PC softspeak, or start allowing ads and whatever and having subbed posters who pay to get special privileges. But honestly, I think it's better to just let the site go to the archives than let it become what 4chan inevitably turned into - a bunch of angry boomers still hung up on PizzaGate and future school shooter neo-Nazis having 24/7 meltdowns about "muh jews and negroes".
I would suggest in general maybe looking into have a lolcow.onion or something like that on the tor network, I know it's a pain in the ass to deal with downloading and disabling shit to safely surf the deep web without being hacked, but with the way the surface web is changing, that's my only lame last resort option, and you still have to wade through CP and extreme gore so, idk. I wanted to become an admin but I don't know if I could afford the server bill right now.
No. 893328
>>893288>Realistically as it is, the only way(s) lolcow could feasibly survive is if the mods/future admin allow low quality retard posting, normies to come in and inevitably start with all their political ranting, racesperging, and PC softspeak, or start allowing ads and whatever and having subbed posters who pay to get special privileges. I don't get it. Why is it so difficult? Choachan has its own /ot/ board with threads that are basically replicas of ours here, and they're doing fine. If I didn't hate k-pop, I'd even say we should/could just go there if LC falls under.
People are freaking out ITT precisely because Lolcow is important to a certain subset of women on the internet. It fills an underground niche. I don't think it needs to change into 4chan, Twitter or FB. Clearly, there are enough people who like the site as it is.
No. 893341
>>893328I'm just being honest anon. As it is now, the site has already changed a lot and it's pointless to try resurrect something that's already long dead. All the original, older anons who made this place what it was jumped ship and I doubt they will ever come back. Lolcow as it is has basically turned into a refugee board for the twitter SJW culture warrior set, teenagers with their fucking tiktok cringe, and now the Lipstick Alley cunts have started coming here trying to racebait and sperg every fifteen minutes. You guys just don't want to admit that the site, culturally, is dead, and that not everyone comes to lolcow because of /ot/ and /g/. Most of us came here for milk and drama.
>I don't think it needs to change into 4chan, Twitter or FB. Clearly, there are enough people who like the site as it is.If you like it, that's great, but again, not everyone is here just for /ot/ and I don't understand why everything else has to be nuked in favor of that. I agree that lolcow doesn't have to change (and hopefully shouldn't!) into 4chan or Twitter, but it's becoming increasingly more and more difficult obviously to maintain the site with the influx of schizoposting, raids, and whatnot. At some point, something has to give, and it's easier just to let the site RIP for now or make some adjustments here and there. But honestly, I don't really see the place lasting more than a year or two. It started slowing down after all the iconic cows' milk began to dry up. It was nice while it lasted but it's just never going to be what it was before.
No. 893962
>>893957there is hardly any cp on here for that to be an issue. if you are this scared of being
triggered then imageboards are not for you.
No. 893974
>>893967I'm sorry I'm not as hardcore as you and don't want to see a 5-year old child being raped by two pedophiles, as I did 2 days ago.
>maybe go to therapy insteadLMFAO every therapist would take my side. Anyway if seeing that kind of images is normal to you, maybe you are the one who should. Or at least look at cp/gore professionaly, so that your complete lack of empathy is put to good use.
IDK why am I even arguing, you are probably a scrote if an idea of a solution to an issue of raids offends you. Women fucking off from here for that reason is exactly what they want. And if you hate this dead imageboard so much, why are you still here?
>>893970I've seen that one and it's cool, but the problem is that in order to see the pictures, you would have to turn the plugin off (as I understand). Something that would easily display original pictures would be the best, but I couldn't find it. I may give this a shot, though!
No. 894012
File: 1630160971681.jpeg (200.09 KB, 414x639, B78E8D0A-E3AD-4153-9CDA-114D45…)

>>893957Sounds like a nice idea, Nicolas Cage will protect us from the mentally ill.
No. 894014
File: 1630161345598.jpg (154.96 KB, 936x433, Screenshot_20210828-103254_Chr…)

i sense the possibility of a moidrage, tantrum-fueled [attempt at a] raid in the near future
No. 894019
File: 1630161760394.jpeg (27.88 KB, 500x303, 5CC29F92-6A8A-4F58-AE05-A00C8E…)

>>894016Looks like that word is what happens when an incel troons out, it honestly took them a while to start using it since the incel to tranny pipeline never fails.
No. 894053
File: 1630165638890.jpg (251.24 KB, 1017x936, IMG_20210828_174137.jpg)

Update with the requirements and admin's stance on the discussion a few posts above.
No. 901879
>>901855I'm getting really sad
nonnie. The future looks bleak. Only four months…
No. 901894
>>901891Not quite, but the current admin's still looking for someone to take over at the end of the year. The fundraiser was successful and server costs are basically covered for another year, but idk what's going to happen without a new admin.
I wish the whole thing was a little less opaque. Like you still have to go to /meta/ to figure out what's going on. I feel like there should at be a brief summary of the ongoing situation in the announcements area (the one that currently still has the kiwifarms migrants message) so everyone's at least on the same page.
No. 906904
>>906339The problem is that those either can't code (or else they wouldn't be neets kek) or are too autistic for the community decisions of an admin position.
I, for one, would find the ability to investigate post histories too tempting.
No. 906952
>>906947why nobody wants to be admin here is because of how fucking insane most of the users are. The current admin has been called a troon and harassed by "radfems" countless of times for not bending their way and deleting the gender critical thread(which was done to protect the website, if troons found a gender critical thread out in the open they would take the entire place down). They tried doxxing her and making up all sorts of rumors. Why would you want to give your time and brain cells to take care of a place with people that gossip about you and that will find all possible resources to try doxxing you and ruining your life. All the unthankful brats are still whining and crying lolcow will be taken down when they have actually contributed to the downfall of it by harassing admin and turning it into a very hostile place towards other users and admins. Political discourse doesn't mix well with gossip, this place was more organized and less hostile 4 years ago before the radfem rise. They are independent women and they should make their own imageboard.
Taking care of this place is not even hard and you don't need genius programming skills, but I doubt anybody wants to put up with all the shit, you must be a masochist to become admin here
No. 906981
File: 1631365787783.jpg (105.29 KB, 400x300, totallyagrill.jpg)

>>906968"I dOn'tLike TrOOons EithEr M'FellOw Grills"
No. 906995
>>906990It started getting really bad when reddit closed the gc subreddit. Gc anons posted relatively normally here until then, and went on reddit when they wanted to talk ideology. But when that closed down, they took all that ideology shit and reddit hivemindism here.
I too feel sorry for admin for being attacked by them and am not at all surprised she's had enough.
No. 907001
File: 1631366881317.jpg (28.2 KB, 640x427, smell.jpg)

>>906995>>906990I smell samefagging
No. 907012
>>907001Report us and see if we get banned.
The inability to comprehend there's opposing views is staggering. And lulzy
No. 907023
>>906968You do realize that’s part of being an admin right? Admins/mods get shit on all the time, especially on image boards. Her case is not unique. Literally why should she care what a bunch of randoms have to say, if she’s an actual woman she has nothing to worry about. Also there’s a good chance it wasn’t just “radfems” trying to doxx her.
>>907017Imo if you can’t handle getting called names you just shouldn’t be on the internet
No. 907035
File: 1631368534155.jpg (17.55 KB, 474x474, warrior.jpg)

>>907028because this is a beautiful, unique and precious community and must be protected at all costs.
No. 907040
File: 1631368856311.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, yJMthbMx.jpg)

stop bumping this thread, i'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist
No. 907042
>>907036it's okay anon most of those that constantly call others names and tell them mean shit over slight disagreements literally die inside when someone replies something negative to their posts or tells them something bad.
Anyway, I do hope admin pockets the money. It's compensation after all the shit anons said about her. I was in "radfem" discord servers from lolcow and anons from lolcow would say the most unhinged shit about admin to the point they even wanted to doxx her over being a troon and closing down the sweeet sweet GC thread. Most anons that think they are "radfems" are not even radfems, they just hate scrotes and troons. If they were radfems they'd be in a women's shelter helping out, instead of harassing and calling other women on the internet "scrote" or "troon" over slight disagreements.
No. 907048
File: 1631369420162.jpg (31.01 KB, 500x272, 50r2x0.jpg)

>>906952>>906947>>906990>waaaaah waaaah I hate Lolcow and its users!!Then leave.
No. 907104
>>907092Yes anon, the main issue is admin being called a tranny, drama from 2 years ago and anons occasionally mis-calling eachother scrotes for acting like scrotes. Definitely has nothing to do with raids and the cp and gore that is spammed for months now.
>>907093Whining "I hope lolcow dies!! YOU'RE ALL SHIT AND I HATE IT HERE" is not criticism.
No. 907112
>>906952are we all pretending that this isn't just tsundere-anon going on her weekly tear? She was even kind enough to include
>Political discourse doesn't mix well with gossipas a clue lol
No. 907118
>>907112Also almost verbatim the line about women shelters
>>892299 and telling us (again) about her experience with the lc discord.
No. 907119
>>906968>gc criticalAnyway, I'm hoping that one anon that said she wanted to take the site and bring back GC/PP actually comes through.
I don't think it matters who the admin is, as long as this place continues to exist and we don't have to bow to scrotes and trannies.
Also, anyone who's making a big deal of being called a scrote or a troon is dumb as fuck. This is an imageboard, we all insult one another and move on. Everyone from anons to admins should be able to shrug that shit off and move on when they know it's untrue.
No. 907126
>>907119>I don't think it matters who the admin is, as long as this place continues to exist and we don't have to bow to scrotes and trannies.Amen.
>>907120I care about her moving on.
>>907123It was closed because it was ddossed and spammed.
No. 907184
>>907154NTA, but I'm pretty sure it was posted right there
>>907126 kek.
No. 907211
>>907184But if asherahsgarden was closed because it was constantly DDoS'd and spammed with gore and CP then why is this poster
>>906968 a scrote for pointing out that admin protected lolcow from the same fate?
No. 907227
>>907211Probably because in AG's case, GC was the point of the entire site, rather than just general threads or a single sub board, and there was (most likely) a far smaller team of mods trying to defend the place than LC has.
Besides, isn't that the poster the unhinged sperg saying admin should take everyone's donation money for the site and run? How does that not scream "bitter tranny/scrote who wants to punish the terfs while concern trolling for the current admin"? Pathetic behavior.
No. 907282
>>907227>GC was the point of the entire siteThe site was for general radfem discussion, it wasn't just for GC.
>Besides, isn't that the poster the unhinged sperg saying admin should take everyone's donation money for the site and run?She never mentioned admin taking the money and running in that post and yet she was still called a scrote for pointing out the obvious.
No. 907533
>>907282>The site was for general radfem discussion, it wasn't just for GC.Don't men hate radfems in even a general sense anyway? They don't even like liberal feminists, kek.
>She never mentioned admin taking the money and running in that post and yet she was still called a scrote for pointing out the obvious.In
that post they didn't, and yet, everyone was somehow able to call BS from a mile away. Women's intuition at work?
And honestly, the site still gets spammed with gore and CP now that GC is banned, and it even happened before the threads were a thing. We haven't really been "saved" from anything. Scrotes will always resent that any space for women can exist, it just comes with the territory. They won't be happy until this place is Kiwi Farms 2.0.
No. 907589
>>907533>In that post they didn'tSo why is she being called a scrote for making that post?
>call BS from a mile awayBut she didn't post bullshit.
No. 908373
>>908351anon, stop arguing with them. They're from a lolcow radfem server I was in and that I left because I just didn't enjoy being there anymore. Since I left when they can spot my ideas or writing style they reply to all my posts with "scrote" or "troon" and they try convincing everyone I am a scrote or they attempt manipulating public opinion their way. They also tried turning me into a lolcow meme although nobody cares about me here but them because they cannot stand someone with a slightly different opinion. They've created some sort of weird cult. They keep on posting about tsundere anon which is me although literally nobody cares and nobody can recognize my posting style. They also made fun of me for being a sex trafficking
victim although they are "radfems". They make no sense. They did horrible things to me like posting my private information or LARPING as me. I can try linking the posts but I am too lazy. It's been happening for 2 months now I think. They are crazy and all of them are from the same server. They also think everyone that disagrees with them is me.
No. 909260
>>908373I've never joined a radfem server, and I have no clue who you are.
I can't be bothered with the rest of your post, but if Lolcow is so bad and you're convinced people are gangstalking you or whatever, just leave. No one's going to beg for your return because we're all anonymous.
No. 912957
File: 1631728553637.jpg (1.57 MB, 1393x112, update.jpg)

Posting for those who haven't seen.
>>>/meta/26540 No. 913139
>>912966It's just her damage controlling with "someone us impersonating me!! " ever since anons pointed out her posts are recognizable, which they are due to the tism or whatever her issue is. The post of her getting "made fun of for being a sex trafficking
victim" was pointing out that she should take a break from lolcow because her typing style is so traceable that it reveals personal information, like her being an ex-camgirl and now twitch streamer who has been shitting up the board about (anti-)sexwork takes and sperging about radfems for a whole year. And no, I'm not part of the discord either.
No. 929222
>>924702sorry, yeah
you make a board and own it but they could delete if they wanted to i think (considering ours would have pinkpill and gc threads especially likely)
per the site,
Admin: All permissions
Global staff: All permissions on all boards excluding account management and news updates
Board owner: Permissions to board-specific settings, reports, banners and bans and some post actions
Board moderator: Permissions to manage board-specific reports, bans and some post actions
Regular user: Permissions to report/delete/spoiler posts
No. 954201
File: 1635561490623.jpg (135.4 KB, 1080x1273, Tumblr_l_489807433825860.jpg)

>>954190Mods won't let me periodically post cock and ball torture to keep them away.
I even made banners.
No. 957338
>>954201that doesn't work either(I have seen this playout with discord raids) if they are moids willing to raid a female majority site they don't fucking care what you might counterpost
the only solution is sage and report