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No. 874172
Bless you.
Previous sins:
>>>/ot/856883 No. 874200
>>874190I'm honestly jealous anon! I really wish mine was dead. I keep dreaming he died in the most brutal way and that I cremated his ashes and thew them into sewers. I intend to do that when he finally crooks.
Your family is probably right. You should piss on his grave. Men are shit and your dad was likely too. And then forget about him. Damnatio memoriae and all that. There's no better way to hurt someone but to pretend they never existed in the first place.
No. 874358
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Fucked my manager last night
No. 874366
>>874359All she's gonna get is exposed.
Been there done that unfortunately
No. 874822
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I keep having sex dreams about my bfs roommate and honestly I'm enjoying them, it's the most action I've got in while kek
No. 874892
>>874600i do too but i like feet.
i got the dumb moid i've been talking to itno piss and public humiliation. he makes me send nudes throughout the day and its kinda fun.
No. 874919
>>874905This has happened to me before too, anon, but my face wasn't in it. At least there are millions of bikini pics in the world and it's nothing too scandalous, try not to worry too much about it.
My confession is very cursed because of recent events, but
I browse /trash/, and my favorite threads to read are the mom generals. Thin, submissive guys with twisted mommy kinks are painfully hot. No. 875009
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I’m pretty sure my very old computer in storage still has a few bad gay JAVs /yaoi anime downloaded on it. Looking back I’m ashamed that I was such a coomer and did risky shit like that. The computer barely works but I’m going to cleanse it anyway.
No. 875078
I have this bad habit of looking up what two people I know irl post on twitter and instagram. We met in university, they're both close friends and it's been years since I saw them face to face but because of algorithm bullshit and them not knowing that it's easy to find their accounts if they post selfies every five seconds, I found their accounts years ago and they won't stop making fools of themselves. Between the white gay who pretends to be a turbo SJW online while shit talking all the tomboyish non white girls in our university
including me and most of my friends for not being stereotypical fashion obsessed fierce
WOC fag hags, and the straight guy who pretends to be a male feminist and a gentleman
the type of guy who posts x) at the end of his posts in twitter after sending to many girls his nudes or pics of his abs even after they told him to fuck off, I can't stop laughing at them. The second guy won't stop whining about his dysmorphia and feeling forced to go to the gym to feel less skinny and he's currently seeing a therapist but he used to shit talk EVERYONE who was showing even a once of confidence and he was always judging women as a whole based on their looks.
>>875065She sounds like a stupid bitch. She's just your ex now, but just in case you could still take screenshots and archive of what she posts if she's the type to always be online and say stupid shit. You really don't have to "expose" her unless she's straight up starting to publicly accuse you of something that could bite you in the ass, but you never know.
No. 875114
>>875086We only have two friends in common, I'm not particularly close to those people as I don't live in the area anymore so they mostly just message me to let me know when my ex is mouthing off about me and to tell me that they're on my side if I do anything about it. Most of it is on a private twitter, so at least it's not to a wide audience. From what I've heard it was to her new irl friends but they had to basically hold a mini intervention and tell her to shut the fuck up and let it go kek. Most of it is fairly benign bitching: She makes digs about my fashion sense and says calling myself butch is "outdated". Implies I fuck all my female friends because I'm a lesbian (she's a fantastic bi ally to lesbians though! kek). Says I'm "politically illiterate" because I don't really give a shit about politics to the degree that she does. Says I'm a big mean
TERF (guilty as charged). The stuff that does bother me is when she says I'm probably still drinking and/or on drugs. I get that my addiction hurt her but she has no right to say that. But worst case scenario she magically finds out where I work and my new social circle I can at least take tests to prove my sobriety. As for the "jungle fever" stuff I have no idea if she's trying to imply I'm racist or that I'm purely with my fiancée because of a fetish. Idek where she got this idea from, given that she used to flex about how it was soooo progressive of her pasty white ass to date an Arab like me and that there's not many white/arab couples like us (yes, she literally researched this shit). Like if anything I could start saying she has desert fever lmao. If she gets bold and flat out calls me racist I think I'll just message her and tell her to either provide proof that I am racist, which she can't, or delete the post before I start posting about her hypocrisy which I
can prove.
No. 875435
>>875228>this person knows their glass house will come crashing down eventually and the pressure is ever mountingExactly. As much as it angers me that she's trying to insult me because of the woman I love, I know that she's not
that dumb. When she made that "jungle fever" comment the mask was fully off and she will know that. She can delete the comment and pretend it was a joke or that it never happened but it did happen and people saw it. With all her other comments mounting up her time is running out. If I give in to my anger, I'm giving her the reaction she wanted out of me. It's hard to sit here and do nothing, but it will be much more satisfying to see her ruin her own reputation. All she had to do was not be a hypocritical bigot and move the fuck on in her life.
No. 875502
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Cool. Hope this motivates you to kys, moid.
No. 875507
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>>874172I failed two classes last semester. Since it was all online, I decided to Inspect Element'd the uni site to give myself good grades and show it to my grandma.
I feel guilty but I don't want her to know that I'm a failure.
No. 875538
>>875531Sure, but it's used by them frequently to degrade women. It's like arguing for the continued use of the swastika.
>>875532I mean yeah, they probably wouldn't stop overnight, but telling them to kill themselves definitely won't make them less extreme or fix any actual problems.
No. 875568
>>875522They eat so fucking much, men eat too much in general but you have to be deep in the sin of gluttony to be a fat male.
>>875525Kek who cares, if they dish it they should be able to take it. Taking the higher road is a meme meant to stop women from protecting themselves/getting revenge.
>>875538>or fix any actual problemsThey fix theirs and our problems by offing themselves tho…
No. 875577
>>875568>They fix theirs and our problems by offing themselves tho…Not really. It's like clipping a weed and leaving the root. The thing appears to die, but the problem will continue to grow. That's my opinion at least.
>>875570Because I've tried to kill myself, so I'm sensitive to people encouraging suicide.
No. 875600
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>>875577the "kys" posts aren't even directed towards you. unless…
>>875584yet you only just started getting upset about it this week even though it's been said for ages
No. 875617
>>875608what are they then?
>>875615You are probably right
No. 875623
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>>875617please just shut the fuck up and accept the fact that men are not human beings. they are just here to go to war and then die. they re too busy having porn addictions and developing fetishes for wearing their mom's clothes in secret. their only purpose in life is to be annoying and reduce your lifespan by 10 years or even more. the more you defend them the more retarded you look. he isn't going to fuck you now. he isn't going to text you back now. he isn't going to hold your hand and kiss you. he's going to do what men always do aka disappoint the female sex and be the biggest burdens we've met in our lives.
No. 875653
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>>875606>I lurk most of the time.>decides to come out caping for scrotes >on lolcowCould've fooled me kek
No. 876226
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>>876222Example of what I'm talking about… (warning: nudity)
Like I find them very very hot, I would even have sex with one if they pass super well, but ugh I hate trannies. I feel so conflicted. Help me.
No. 876227
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>>876029ever see that one history channel series about jesus? damn son
No. 876533
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I have a ramekin where I dump out my old contact water each morning. The water turns viscous, and there are some parts that crystallize. These crystalline structures are goopy still, so if you poke a finger in it will squish and give like rubber. One time in one ramekin (my mom dumps it out sometimes) these crystals were very solid. These are like the icebergs, because underneath the thin film and crystals there is viscous water. It’s kinda beautiful. I dump my old contacts there too and it’s cool how they harden. They’re like little boats in my arctic eye contacts goop ocean. I’m the type to put bread in a zip and put it in under my bed or grow mold, so I just like this kind of stuff. It’s the least I could do.
I must also confess that I’m crushing so so hard on an old friend, with whom I had a hard falling out with 3 years ago. We reconnected so easily and naturally though, and he’s done so much that I feel proud of him in a way. I’m seeing him tomorrow, wish I could steal a little kiss.
No. 877025
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I laughed at someone for having a celebrity as a father figure when their dad is still very much involved with their life but I find now I'm doing the same thing with Martha Stewart…
No. 877034
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>>877025I bet she gives great hugs. I have one too, it's the incomparable Julie Andrews. Who was the father figure celeb?
No. 877050
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being babied…… turns me on
No. 877077
>>877034good choice of gif, she looks so warm here. it was Keanu
>>877050chants go to /g/, leave us be. go to /g/, leave us be
No. 877222
>>877103You're probably getting your period,I don't think a week after conception if it has happened your boobs would hurt. They'd not be making milk for a while yet lol.
Take a pregnancy test if you're late. Tends to happen with pregnancy scares, the sooner you know the more options you have.
No. 877285
>>877103If you believe in maca root making you fertile then try believing in huge amounts of vit C that supposedly causes uterus contractions and brings period. Look it up first though, I'm not a doctor.
Unrelated, my confession: I have broken a scrote's heart for the first time in my life. The only reason I felt bad about it was because I was worried he might get aggressive afterwards.
No. 877304
>>877103I could slap you for not taking the plan b. Praying you're not preggo, take a test as soon as possible.
Don't be like me, scrambling for an abortion.
No. 877311
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>>877103Name your child after me anon
No. 877321
>>877285Google says that the vitamin C thing isn't true and that only one study done in the 60s says anything about it.
>>877103Do you have any pregnancy symptoms like implantation bleeding or vomiting? I now realize that I had implantation bleeding like the first missed period…
No. 877475
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>>877460this post haunts me
No. 877501
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I’ve been snorting my bupropion l m a o
No. 877789
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>>877085Gonna cry?
She looks chunked up of course but more confident
No. 877805
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>>877460Now he has the taste for human flesh,
nonnie No. 877831
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i don't always finish the books i read, but once i get a good idea about it from a few couple pages i act like an expert about it omg im sorry i swear ill finish everything starting tomorrow
No. 877856
I miss Laineybot’s boring ass.
>>877835Turn me loose, silly goose.
No. 878191
>>878154Nope, for patient confidentiality reasons.
The thing is, they're not able to give nuanced advice. They only get taught to do the overcautious thing and impose self-isolation in any and every circumstance to cover themselves.
Ranting, but I don't feel guilty at all. It's not like I have a social life to speak of or that I'm going out clubbing, I'm a crippled shut-in. I live in rural England and leave the house for therapy, food, and exercise, and that's it. I wear masks in public spaces and I sanitise regularly, I don't touch things I'm not going to buy. I won't isolate again on the advice of an overcautious algorithm when I literally saw a child stick a finger up its nose and wipe it on the counter at Boots today. I don't think I'm likely to endanger anybody more than that kid did.
No. 878950
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I sometimes like to watch scrote-tier anime (like your average harem shitter, shounenshit or borderline hentai-tier sol) in my freetime as mindless entertainment.
I also really miss tempcow.
No. 879124
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>>879118Nona, I think we're spiritually connected since I also thought about it today. Have a kiss.
No. 879204
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>>879196Here’s a good recent representation of how the men are on there react kek I never write to any of them so these messages are just… out of nowhere.
Honestly, if you know you can read through some shit and need a laugh, all you have to do is signup with a burner email to view profiles. You don’t even have to set a password. The cows here have nothing on some of these absolutely unhinged men.
No. 879209
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>>878864I dont no vat you meen. Eestern-Yuropeen peepl are very nice and rediate varmth
No. 879235
>>878864>like talking to a reptilian or a robot pretending to be humanWhat makes you think that? Genuine question
Maybe the fake niceness? Some also get a superiority complex once they start earning, what would be considerate above average amount in their country. I kind of get what you mean tho
No. 879342
>>879139Don't feel bad,
nonnie. I got put on morphine and tramadol after and I didn't shit for at least a month. I had to do the same, it was so hard and dry that when I started to go that my bumhole couldn't even pinch off a nugget, so I had to try pulling the end that had come out, and when that didn't work, I had to get manual. For what it's worth, I read about it, and a more appropriate method is apparently to put clean fingers in the vagina and push towards your spine to help move the stool, squeezing yourself out like a tube of toothpaste rather than scraping yourself out like a PB jar if that makes sense. Otherwise you can get bowel laxity or something.
No. 879442
>>879250Been there, anon. I don’t think your boyfriend or your relationship is sustainable tbh. You need to be single and fuck around if you really want while you
GET HELP because bitch you’re broken inside and no amount of gross sex with psycho scrotes is gonna fill that hole (literally). You need to be with someone sexually compatible, or just be single
No. 879569
>>879460When in doubt play dumb. Most grocery stores tell their employees they can't outright accuse customers of stealing unless they're loss prevention.
Make up an excuse if you get caught.
Last year during the height of the pandemic some old cunt caught me at the self checkout kiosk trying to swipe two bags of mushroom jerky as one. Because they're fucking stupid expensive and people probably hawk those a lot. I just pretended like I didn't notice and paid, the old lady knew but she couldn't say I attempted to steal. The only consequence was her tone because she knew I was full of shit lmao.
No. 879591
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>>879584I've heard of people eating their own snot but this..why his specifically?
No. 879700
>>879591Infant boogers taste good, I did the same thing to my youngest sister
>>879598Like salty hard slime
No. 879906
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I thought this was hot I'm sorry i just like slobby women who are still cute
No. 880054
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i've developed feelings for a fellow fujo friend i've never met or seen a picture of. it's silly because of how impossible it is, and i know she won't ever reciprocate.
No. 880454
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I go on Omegle at an embarrassingly high frequency, like 3-4 times a week. Specifically videochat. Either because I need shallow validation or just someone to talk to to help me out of my anxiety. I have no idea how to interact with people "in the real world", but when it's a stranger on the internet, it's easier. If you wade through the wankers and kids at sleepovers (which is such a nefarious mixed bag of users), you can get really good, insightful conversations on that website. One time i had a conversation with a person that is in the industry I'm interested in, and gave me a lot of helpful advice on how to start out working.
Last time I was on, an hour through, a cute guy was larping as a DEA agent trying to fnd a coke dealer, and I went along, we had a laugh. I dont know if it was part of a video game, or whatever. Nevertheless, Omegle is not a replacement for actual human interaction, but it fills the empty void pretty well. I just hope to actually start to interact with people in the real world the same way.
No. 880536
>>880454I use it every couple of months too anon, my key words never get matched though but I've had some nice wholesome chats where I've felt a little sad when it ended
I never use the video function because I don't want to end up as someone's "content"
No. 880567
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I wanna customize dolls to sell, but I have such a big fear of failure, it's ridiculous and it's hindering me a lot.
I know I have at least a decent amount of talent for it, because I've customized some for myself and I got a reasonable amount of compliments on it. If I can be a bit cocky, I've seen some other cutomizers' work around and mine were even cuter than some of theirs.
But I fear I'll put a lot of time in one and it will be just laying forever inside her box because none wanted her, or that I'll be overwhelmed by the post office system and fuck up the parcels, or that I'll forget to clean one spot of their clothes and get negative reviews, or that people will neg me to lower my prices and I will think my stuff is worthless.
The weird part is that I'm not too thin skinned and I've sold stuff before (albeit not online), so I don't know why my brain is trying to shut this idea. At worst, if I don't sell my first doll, I could literally just keep it and that's it. It's almost like my brain wants me to fail.
No. 880582
nonnie. I used to be a massive nlog so I would ~empathize~ with them but those times are no longer. I even thought that girl who texted her bf to kill himself was kind of based for doing so. he would have done much more damage as a mentally ill guy with nothing to lose, better off to suicide. She probably realized that too. based.
No. 880612
I'm so jealous of this one girl I met in college who is talented at cosplay (at sewing and photography), is pretty, and has a loving relationship. She is that ideal 'smol loli bean' type, but doesn't even have to resort to opening up an OnlyFans because she has a good normie career.
I tell myself that my values have changed over the last few years, so the jealousy I feel about wanting what she has in life doesn't match up with my values for myself now. I don't want attention on the internet, I don't even cosplay anymore, and our goal career fields are very different, but it feels like a massive cope. I guess it'll always sound like a cope because who doesn't want to be beloved and praised by others? We weren't really close friends in college anyway, she was closer to my best friend but ended up treating my friend like shit so when they cut ties I had no reason to continue even being in the same vicinity as her. I guess I'm also mad because she's well liked and people will overlook her faults as a person because she's pretty and talented, but I guess that can go for basically anyone in the cosplay space.
It's been easy to stop giving a shit about the majority of people I stopped being friends with from college, because they were all just plain shitty people failing at life anyway, but this girl has been the opposite of them all.
No. 880773
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Yandere is 100% my guilty pleasure, I know It's all trashy problematic garbage but I can't stop consuming material related to it. Something about the idea of someone being so consumed with you to the point of insanity is hot to me.
No. 880911
>>880036>>880647>>880702I just came here to say something about this topic, but maybe the mindset might help for you three.
I come to lolcow partly to purge the feelings I can't openly admit under my own name or to people I know, but partly to practice self confidence and learn how to identify which criticisms are completely useless and based off of completely destructive ways of thinking. Lately I've seen a lot of posts shaming women for shaving their unibrow hairs off with a regular razor, for example, and honestly I wonder how miserable of a person you have to be to shame women for taking the easiest, least painful, and least time consuming way to be considered socially acceptable. It's a completely worthless criticism to make that entirely relies on the listener's belief that anyone (usually a woman) is obligated to put forth extraneous efforts to be "socially acceptable" in one specific "correct" way. A critique like that is worth less than nothing, on the same level as critiquing basic biological feaures that no one can control, like wrinkles, cellulite, or nasolabial folds. Sure it stings to read it, but you have to remember to be conscious of whether or not the criticism being made
actually matters, either on a grand scale, or to you personally.
Anyway, beauty is both subjective and transient, so anything you gain from it is vapid and fleeting. You stand to gain much, much more by focusing on more important things, like what you enjoy to do, or what changes you want to see in the world.
No. 881008
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I used to be pro-radfem and GC - you know the men and women are equal stuff. But the older I get, the more I unironaically think the best way for humans would be to live in an actual matriarchy. Men need to grow up from childhood to look up to and respect women. The current ideals of equality isn't working because men chimp out and abuse girls and women anyway. They need to be in a social system where this is unthinkable.
No. 881014
>>881008none of those societies aren't truly matriarchal though they are matrilineal, I don't think its ever possible to have a matriarchal society but we can have a lot more possible equality in those systems
In matrilineal societies women usually tended to be the ones who handled the property, finance and administration work while all the males preformed the manual labor tasks, there are certain historical examples in various Nordic countries where all the adult men would spend months days or weeks hunting or fishing as a matter of survival for the community so the women were left to run things, Its not a perfect system but its better then what most women have historically have had to deal with
In my Ideal society all men would be soldiers and laborers and women would serve as the intelligentsia and White Collar workers as well as being the one's who run the Government
No. 881019
>>881007A woman of taste and class. No STDs, perfect fulfilling sex where you orgasm every time, no cleaning up cum, no disgusting moid to deal with when not horny - you are taking the higher road, and I'm right here with you,
No. 881130
>>881014Whenever I see documentaries about such socities like the Mosuo I'm struck by how happy and self-confident the women and girls are.
In fact they're healthier than women in patriarchal cultures: >>881016I know they're about liberation from patriarchy but generally don't talk about what their ideal society would look like.
Usually when there are feminist discussion the feminists will say that they don't want to rule over men but have equality. And I'm sitting there thinking that actually yes, having women in charge would improve society massively.
No. 881137
>>881130Again I don't think its possible to have a society where women can truly oppress men, however civilization and society is a social contract, you can't flip the dynamic of patriarchy not cause of morality but due to plausibility, for e.g in some Idealized matriarchal cultures in fiction is basically “women fight and hunt, men stay home and care for the babies” and world-building-wise, it makes no sense, think about it, men would still be larger and stronger then women and they wouldn’t be the ones to make the babies, you can't replicate or reverse the patriarchal roles, In the examples you posted of "matriarchal" cultures, hunting and fighting were viewed as necessary jobs but also lesser jobs. like taking the trash out or cleaning toilets: not noble
No. 881138
>>881008There is potential for great change. In patriarchal societies, women are controlled through isolation from their social networks, through theft of her labor and earnings, through pregnancy and childcare duties, and through physical violence. Cellphones & digital banking liberate women from the first two possibilities, cheap avortion pills available through the internet liberate women from forced pregnancy, and the physical power of women & men is equalized by the gun.
The importance in particular of financial liberty, that is, the ability to keep money of your own which no one can take or discover, is huge: a major reason for the anti-alcohol movement among women in the 1800s was that husbands, having legal control of family finances, would spend the money on liquor if it was there. Likewise, in some projects where money was given to families in poverty in Africa, women almost all spent the money on their kids, family, farms & businesses, while a lot of men bought themselves leather jackets. We now have the power to give women, and women only, the aid money, should we so choose, as it could be loaded on an account which only she can access via her cellphone. Of course, assholes will still abuse women into giving them access, but it puts a major barrier in the way of that, and hopefully the women would be able to spend at least part of the money to improve their lives (which they actually do) before their husband/father/bad sons get hooks in it.
No. 881146
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>>881138Capitalism can never liberate women, it will only further our slavery and make us slaves, In fact it will push women to abuse and mistreat other women for financial gain
For e.g Sophia Amoruso the Woman who coined the term "#GirlBoss" did not give state mandated maternity leave to her female workers and would just fire pregnant female workers so she wouldn't have to pay them
No. 881156
>>881146I'm not talking about people in the west at all. Control of their own finances liberates women, regardless of whether society broadly is capitalist or communist around them. Please don't prax at people who aren't even talking about western society problems; it's not at all relevant.
Also…women oppressing other women is bad, I guess, but in a matriarchal spciety, some women would be in power, and others not, just as some men are in power and others in jail. We're not discussing here a perfectly equal society for everybody, we're discussing matriarchy. Why do you hear matriarchy, and necessarily think that has to mean some perfectly equal, loving & caring world? Don't you think that women have greed, ambition, acquisitiveness? A queen bee rules her hive, all the other women & the men serve her; it is not equal but it is matriarchal.
No. 881159
>>881141OP here and this is how I think a matriarchal society should be. Women tend to run household managment anyway so they would stereotypically be leaders/do more mental type work. Men would be more focused on physical labour. They would have less status but not completely oppressed.
Somehow these ideas seem unacceptable among the feminists I have encountered.
No. 881196
>>881183This positions were created b men for the sole purpose to oppress the weak, Female capitalism rarely does anything for women except maybe a couple handful of women wealthy while other suffer in poverty and yes capitalism isn't about how "good" or "moral" an Induvial capitalist happens to be, the system allows only sociopaths, opportunists and narcissists to scudded, I do not want women like Sophia Amoruso to even be allowed to call themselves feminist
Feminism is its about the Individual its about women as a class
No. 881212
>>881196I'm not saying you're wrong about the ideal way for the world to work. I'm just saying that it doesnt work that way yet, and for any given man in power right now, it would be better for him to be replaced by a woman, because women use power more selflessly. Basically, as bad as any woman in power acts, the equivalent man would do worse things in that position. She denies them maternity leave? He would do that plus probably sexually harass employees and discriminate against women. Therefore, as a woman, in our present society it's moral to seek power for yourself & for other women, because you will do the world better in that role than a man would. When women are in power, the world could change for a more equal future, but if women dont seek and take power, that will never happen, because oppressive men will stay in charge.
No. 881232
>>881183>You're so loving and caring, you're the most caring woman on the planet, you care so delicately and preciously, and thats of course the highest virtue that women should aspire to. Sorry but this reads like a copypasta at best, and tradthot narrative at worst, cut it out. Women are allowed to be more than perfect, motherly, hyper empathetic beings that care way too much about others than themselves, I'm fucking sick of it.
Also anyone unironically shilling communism ITT is retarded af, sheltered and gullible.
No. 881239
>>881233I mean, if you love communism so much, let’s do an exchange, you live in my wonderful communist country and I go live at your horribly capitalist evil country.
Let’s see if you can survive with the salary that the government of my country gives and their perks.
No. 881241
>>881233Wtf I'm this
>>881232 anon and i didn't even mention pickmes at all? Besides I live in a Communist dictatorship you asshead, I'm not going to defend that shitty ideology no matter how bad cApItAlLiSm gets, it can't get worse than communism, you live in a fucking bubble.
No. 881281
>>881260I'm from Venezuela, which is literally Cuba nowadays or even poorer, not ~officially~ Communist but everything here is based on communism/derivates, we even have communes, ""social plans"" and almost everything is controlled by the state.
>>881266>"""Wasn't real Communism""""You guys always bring this one up, it's never "true" communism, every failed communist project was not the ~real deal~ pfft.
No. 881284
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>>881266well the CIA had our elected socialist prime minister hanged and helped put in place an Islamic Military Dictatorship, in this period young women had to be raped before being executed(cause its not allowed to execute Virgin women in Islam) and thieves had their hands cut off
I would have preferred any sort of communism over the hell that were the years of the Zia-ul-Haq dictatorship, cause his influence has still not died off even 30 years after his death
No. 881293
>>881260Bitch, I’m also from venezuela and please tell me what the fuck is communism then because I guess I don’t fucking know.
I also know Cubans who ran away from that cesspool they call a country, is that also not communism?
For fuck’s sake, I hope the country you live in decides to apply communism so you can have lots of fun being a lazy piece of shit, you disgusting selfish idiot.
No. 881336
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When I was dumb edgelord and in the "True Crime/Serial Killer Fandom" I would get severely disappointed anytime I learned a serial killer was just some pervert who killed only women for sexual reasons, it wasn't cause I had sympathy for the innocent women murdered and tortured it was just less "cool" for me when the killer was just some sexist degenerate, my Idealized "OC serial killer" was just insanely an strong man who murdered people regardless of gender and race or he was clearly insane schizophrenic who killed cause of his delusions, I hated the idea of most serial killers being rapists and perverts
so I started getting into Mass Murderers, early mass shooters and spree killers, cause of this I would get talked down too for being too edgy and offensive by the same girls who sexualized Ted Bundy and Ramirez, I would get into arguments with these girls over who was worse, looking back everyone involved in these debated including myself needed some counselling, the 2000's were a strange time
No. 881365
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>>881342Some gradual maturing, I also realized how fucked up I was when I realized that I was starting to gain a crush on Dylan roof, I had an entire folder dedicated to photos of him and a separate folder for the edits of him
I used to unironically share shit like this or make my own edits, I'm not even white btw
No. 881499
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I just now realized that when the anonymous name is dark blue it means someone saged their post or some newfag/scrote accidentally put their email.
No. 881504
>>881467>I never really ended my fakeboi phase mentally, just realized I'd never pass and convinced myself not to even try because I'd look ridiculous. Whenever I start to get ideas, I look through the fakeboi threads.Are you literally me holy shit
I am dysphoric and I go to lolcow, KF, 4chan for repfuel. At this point I think it's just a form of self-harm for me
No. 881511
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>>881509Communism doesn’t even make sense because humans are shit and nobody is willing to do their part of the job.
No. 881517
>>880629Super late, but thanks anon!
I think I'll do that. Worst case scenario: I either keep the doll or I can give it to one of my nieces.
No. 881561
>>881509>Communism has no governmentIt is impossible to not have a government. If there's no government and I'm out in a shack in the desert, I'm ruler of the desert and the shack is the capitol building. Anarchy is so fundamentally retarded it's not even worth criticizing.
>>881511I can't believe these people are serious.
No. 881631
>>881232As the anon you're quoting, i was being sarcastic in that part. I was saying the other anon was holding to being a selfless pacifist-anarchist-whatever and refusing to plan around the way the world actually does presently work, regardless of what ideal future of caring they hope eventually comes. I mean i hope we all live in jetsons future equality world soon but we just dont yet. It was confusing thpugh i think because then i later argued that women would be better leaders due to compassion and selflessness: basicalky i think women will always have more than enough compassion and need to be more vicious & ambitious right now to wrest power from men.
>>881220My exact point is that I would take thatcher over reagan any day of the week, and thats exactly a perfect example of what I meant. if you dont understand why slighrly cold thatcherism is literally not even comparable to christian-republican-reaganism in its danger to women, i dont really have anything to say because it means you really need to do a lot of like, learning reading and growing idk. Brits need to learn that their mum having lived under the terrifying aura of maggie thatvher doesnt make them part of some kind of longsuffering resistance movement. Yeah, she was the one prime minister you had that was anywhere close to as bad as a standard american republican. It must have been so hard.
No. 881643
>>881511It doesn't work because deep down–subconsciously even–some people think they're above actual work ergo better than others.
None of these fuckers say "Yeah I'll be the one digging up potatoes in the field," or other such types of labor. It's always funsie type shit or stuff that can easily be had sitting down and doing nothing ie. "Oh I'll listen to your problems, perhaps even be in charge of games night!" They don't want to actually contribute, they just want to coax by while some other sucker gets stuck doing all the thankless manual labor. Then rub salt in their wounds by acting as if everything were equal. Too many people are selfish opportunists. This dynamic happens in actual workplaces all too often too.
ot but this kinda reminds me of being in a relationship with men lmao. The types who think labor is split down the middle because they take out the trash 2x a week and mow the lawn 2x a month, whereas women get saddled cooking, doing dishes, and other domestic labor that needs to be done every fucking day. And of course if a woman dares point out the discrepancy she's being a demanding bossy bitch. No. 881656
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I read my posts from past vent threads that go back years ago. Sometimes I laugh at my past problems, but on others hit too close to home and still ring true. Yet it's nice to see my old replies, like reading a diary with surprises because I only vaguely remember which are mine and it takes a second. Usually I only see a post of mine because of a reaction pic I used, and even though I no longer have said pic I still catch it because it's totally something past me would have posted haha.
No. 881669
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I love being fit and having sex with my fit male partner, our bodies are near peak of human performance and we can lift each other, I have to use my entire body and he can life me with just one hand
No. 881701
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>>881336>>881365I can sadly relate, I was into the Columbine "fandom" for a while, some of it was semi-Ironic but a lot of it was genuine, they were were cool and edgy and they were dead so we could insert our own fantasies AND DESIRES upon them
No. 881705
>>881701It still pisses me off how normies always pull the "tHeY wErEn'T bUlLiEd" card whenever they get brought up even though their own parents and friends said that they were. Everyone claims to have been bullied in high school and yet whenever someone merely mentions the fact that the Columbine shooters were bullied they get
triggered. Almost like they were the bullies themselves and when someone reminds them of the time when a bunch of bullied weird kids snapped they go into full damage control mode. It doesn't excuse what they did obviously, but if you think it didn't at least contribute to their mindset you're retarded.
No. 881709
>>881707nta but the main reason a lot of us were attracted to Dylan and Eric is cause most of us were also bullied in school, so we knew what it was like and we had the same anger
I didn't dream about personally killing the people who made me miserable and made me afraid of even wanting to go to school but I did wish they were died,
No. 881746
>>881705They were both the bullies and the bullied.
Being bullied might have contributed but let’s not forget they only killed randoms, loners, actual speds, and the token black kid; not one of their bullies, anyone deemed part of the “in” crowd, jocks, etc. If it was revenge for bullying that would not have been the case.
No. 881789
>>881779>Imagine still trying to force over twenty years later the narrative that two pieces of shit school shooters were some lost broken souls that no one liked because they were ~weird~No-one is saying that except for you, retard.
>when everyone knows the truthironic cause you clearly don't lmfao.
>>881777I think they commited the school shooting because they were incel scrotes that nobody stopped in time (talking mostly about Eric, police was informed about his insane anger issues and didn't give a fuck). Doesn't mean that the bullying culture at Columbine (or anywhere, really) was right. It also clearly didn't help a anyone, as the shooting happened anyway (and it still wasn't as bad as it could have been, had the bombing plan went through).
No. 881801
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>>881789oddly enough I really think if Columbine was a bombing as they had planned I believe it wouldn't' be even 1/10th as famous as the event is now, the aesthetics of those two in their edgy clothing, trench coats and guns is what made them stand out, it made them popular
No. 881807
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>>881804no need to be ashamed, their costumes and aesthetics were cool asf, way better then degenerate trash we get promoted
No. 881823
>>877025My significant other is really into Martha Stewart products and recipes. She often tells me about new findings and always make a detour looking for new cook books and accessories when we go out shopping. She had me try a few and I can approve of some recipes we looked at together and even tried. We even found some blankets and bedroom related stuff with the Martha Stewart name but they are pretty pricey. A lot more than the kitchen stuff.
>>880773Can relate. I've passed my weeb phase but something about a possessive mommy gf à la yandere turns me the fuck on. Always been betrayed or cheated on by former lovers before being with who I am currently. The idea of my lover riding me and whispering "you're mine." in my ears is enough to drive me insane.
No. 881843
>>881801>think if Columbine was a bombing as they had planned I believe it wouldn't' be even 1/10th as famous as the event is nowI both agree and disagree. If the bombs went out and they shot the survivors, this truly would be a giant, unimaginable loss. A whole school would be killed and destroyed! Stills of them in their clothes could still be released. It could go both ways. If the bombs went through, USA may have seen more copycat bombing attempts rather than shootings.
I know it's off topic, but… this fucking movie shouldn't have been ever released. I know people deal with grief in different ways, but marketing your murdered daughter as a Christian martyr (while silencing the real
victim who was asked about God) is disturbing, to say the least.
No. 881890
>>881888I was talking about women who are into Columbine and True Crime, not the actual murderers
>>881889Columbiners at worse their super edgy but their harmless, they don't send anyone death threats IRL or are obsssed with writing gay fan fiction of Korean celebrities
No. 881894
>>881890…. survivor’s and their family members as well as the
victim’s family members have received death threats and there is most definitely gay fanfic about the two retards
No. 881895
>>881878>>881882better then stanning kpop and other Industry music crap, all those people are the real losers imo
no matter how pathetic any of us are, we are still better then those morons, they are like pedigree dogs that are tied up and have nothing to do and they end up gnawing off their hair and getting obsssed with the frisbee, so yes Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Cardi-b Lizo, Jay-z and all the others are all worthless losers compared to Dylan and Eric
No. 881900
>>881896>>881898I actually have had plenty of male partners in the past and I don't "stan" Dylan and Eric, I think what they did was horrific and tragedy, I feel sympthy for the
victims and their families, all I'm saying is that I'm less likely to judge someone whose into Columbine then someone who enjoys Industry pop-music, I have little to no respect for those types of people
No. 881917
>>881911It was unique for the time
>>881913Charles Whitman was pretty interesting
>>881914I was talking about the fandom
No. 881947
>>881877I'm not going after anyone except the one person who claimed they weren't bullied. simply because i hate when people don't fact check.
>bloggingit's /ot/
No. 882050
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I kind of don’t want to learn Japanese because that will make me feel like an extreme weeb, I don’t sing praises for the Japanese life and stuff, like, all countries are full of shit.
But the moment I hear someone talking to me about learning Japanese I cringe because it reminds me of the times as a teen that I wanted to learn Japanese to get myself an uwu hot Japanese bowoyfriend.
I honestly prefer learning Chinese first, maybe that will make my cringe levels for my past self lower a bit.
No. 882097
>>882050Hey, learning any language is good. A lot of people learn japanese for business reasons, believe it or not. Like, for example, businessmen that work for Suzuki or Nissan. There's people who study music and would like to learn the shamisen, so they have to learn japanese as well. Or people who are passionate about theatre and find kabuki to be super cool. Or photography enthusiasts who want to travel to japan for technology and sight-seeing. Japan is a country full of art history, galleries, exhibitions and a lot of interesting graphic design, so anyone who wants to get around that might want to learn japanese as well.
You don't have to be a weeb to want to learn japanese. Japanese is just like any other language. Look, the other day I saw on tv a spaniard woman who teaches flamenco dances to local japanese women living in Japan and thriving. Was she a weeb? no. Did she had to learn japanese? of course! I also saw some guy whose dream was to learn to take care of bonsai trees. He was passionate about it, and of course, also spoke in japanese despite not being one.
I know we are all surounded by weebs, anime, manga, japanese pop culture, otaku shit and etc, but a language that has existed longer than those things isn't the problem. Just ignore the weebs, learn japanese if you want to. I myself want to do it, and while I do like some anime, it isn't the whole reason why I want to learn it. I just think it's neat! I hope this helps you lol
No. 882104
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I often google translate a random word, like 'veganism', and search it up on Japanese sites like
> which is basically a mixture of /g/ and /m/ without the unhingedness and thirst
> seems to be just a general social media site
I do this because I sometimes just want to know what Japanese people think about something. Does anyone else do this? Is this weeb-ish?
No. 882146
>>882131Lmao we should have a girlschannel thread, this is golden
Also nice mushroom, I'm very impressed
No. 882160
>>882099The artist is analu_DT3 on Twitter,
nonnie, scrumptious stuff and yaoi stuff too.
No. 882166
nonnie! I honestly think I will give it a try, I really want to learn a third language!
No. 882250
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I post weird-looking men in the unconventional attractions thread just to see what reaction I'll get
No. 882331
>>882305skater girls >>>>>>
skater boys are hot but they’re dickheads and gay for eachother
No. 882365
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>>882318For me, it's the opposite. I dislike nerd guys in media because they are just hot guys with glasses on, all the cute defects that make them attractive to me are lost. I am still pissed off at what hollywood did to my husbando, was it really that hard to get a skinny blond big nosed nerdy guy like the comics?
No. 882423
>>882418Of course libfems care. Getting a feminist to care about blatant misogynistic oppressive regimes in foreign countries is not hard lmao it's like expecting people to care about starving children in Africa - it's a very simple, straightforward thing to feel bad about with no grey areas or moral complexity.
Whether it leads to actual, irl activism is another story but the sympathy comes easily.
No. 882451
>>882418>>882423>it's a very simple, straightforward thing to feel bad about with no grey areas or moral complexity>Whether it leads to actual, irl activism is another story but the sympathy comes easily."Having sympathy" and "feeling bad" and then "doing nothing" and "forgetting about it" means you "don't care".
Are you like this with people as well? "I have sympathy and I feel bad for you, that means I care about you even though I won't lift a finger to help you and I forget you exist an hour after I stop talking to you." I know people like that. They make me sick.
So, no. You don't care about Afghan women which is why you weren't talking about the plight of Afghan women before it entered the news cycle, and you won't talk about it after it leaves the news cycle, because you don't care. Getting angry because you read an article about girls being forced into marriage by the Taliban doesn't mean you care if you forget about it in a week.
Not that I expect you to accept that. Fickle people are by definition incapable of critical introspection. When I try to explain this concept to my dad he also comes up with endless excuses for why ineffectual performative morality is somehow admirable.
No. 882486
>>882451NTA, kinda sounds like you have a lot of problems and ran people off by bitching all the time
People care about shit and people care about YOU, but there comes a limit where you push them away by making them too miserable
I'm not talking about Muslim women and oppression over whatever is going on here, it's just very clear that you need to treat yourself better
No. 882490
>>882451I agree with you and with most of what you have said, there are hundreds of thousands of cases where performative morality is displayed instead of actions which are the most detrimental into changing the world and the reality of those that are suffering. For example, take the case of prostituted women that live in poverty or come from three world countries, they could be easily helped, yet radical feminists prefer to lose themselves in worthless internet discourse and endless arguments just like their liberal counterparts. I do understand it in a sense, the way our world is constructed makes it hard for individuals to get involved in actual real charity. Even performative empathy is still better than no empathy imo. But I still wish people interested in charitable causes or in the suffering of others would take a more practical approach to the situation, especially those that are in privileged situations. I understand if the world is collapsing over you and you do not have the time or resources to help someone in need, but a lot of people that wear the badge of empathy and that involve themselves with online communities centered around the suffering of certain minorities should be expected to make a REAL change and they should suffer the consequences of being called hypocritical if they don't do it. You have no idea how much even a fraction of your help can contribute to the situation of someone in need and how it can lift them out of despair. And if we all unite with even a fragment of help then our power summed up could be huge and we could actually change this world. Yet, people are too lost in their own hedonistic pursuits and in seeking acceptance and being a part of a social group than actually becoming selfless enough to give a real fuck and help others.
We need real no gonvernamental charities, not the fake and corrupt ones we have today that literally use the donated money for personal gain. I don't even trust charities because I know most of them are nothing more than businesses that literally take away more than 50% of the donated money and fill their own pockets with it.
No. 882558
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>>882550But I’m not you or your family anon, that’s the issue, you’re literally gambling to see what reaction you get and if you die these people, this terrible gangster burgerfag government doesn’t give a shit if it drains you dry if your soul and leaves you to die. They’re quickly getting everyone on vaccines so they can avoid the real elephant in the room that all of these billionaires need to have their spinal cord fluid slurped dry, srsly
No. 882590
>>882559When my brother's cousin twice removed got the vax he started seizuring on the ground and couldn't stop shouting "Geronimo, Geronimo!!" and my crack addict raccoon friend had an allergic reaction that made him bite a hunk of flesh out of his own arm. Personally I broke out in lime polka dots and puked up a can of beans I ate for lunch. It's crazy man, don't let big pharma convince you to inject the aliens in your blood stream man
Don't like 98% of us here want to die anyway? My worst reaction was feeling really tired after the second shot and it was a fucking disappointment
No. 882611
>>882606>you have no rightI am fucking dead, that's the funniest fucking thing I've read all night, thank you
"H-How very dare you tell someone that your opinion is different than mine" lmfao, where the fuck does this woman think she is? just go back to Facebook, I mean please don't really, that one line just really cheered me up, I'm hoping to see more lol
nta btw
No. 882623
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>>882365>>882318I'm just your average well dressed, tall, attractive high school nerd, man I'm such a dork no girl would ever go out with me cause I wear glasses and have messy hair sometimes
No. 882705
>>882688I've never met his ex and no harm to her but I shit all over her in the looks department and would find it extremely hard to get jealous of a ghost.
>>882697We have mutual friends and he's always been openly attracted to me but I was never single. Maybe it's just a fantasy I have lol
No. 882841
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idk if i'm just ovulating but ko-chan makes me feel some kind of way
No. 882893
>>882892I was only teasing
nonny ♥
No. 882918
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I daydream about creating a workout gang of women entirely focused on getting strong, bulking up and looking buff. The kind of buff men hate like the woman from the Last of Us 2 that they could not shut up about. We'd spend the day working out, going on hikes and building muscle, or we'll visit schools, raise money for women's causes and shelters, and use our threatening looks to keep women safe in the streets at night. We'll have awesome outdoor barbeque parties where only women are invited, and if the occasional scrote tries to act stupid we'll beat the living shit out of him.
No. 882943
>>882918>>882926>>882929>>882939Y'all need to look into anavar. Weights help, but not mandatory, so even hotwheels here
>>882921 can get swole.
No. 883090
>>883081She's not a troon. A lot of people just wanted her to be because muh representation. Other half were scrotes complaining about her not being cute and feminine and refusing to play the game because feminism has gone too far.
No. 883106
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My country is directly responsible for what's happening in Afghanistan, cause we created the Taliban, the original Taliban didn't come from Afghanistan they were once children who lived in the refuge camps filled with Afghans who had fled the conflict to my country Pakistan, they were =enrolled in Madrasas funded by the Saudis and those that showed "talent" and dedication were handpicked by the ISI for further training, the original Taliban was created to further Pakistani Interests with in Afghanistan, however when they took over Afghanistan they immediately turned hostile against Pakistan and started training the Pashtun Sunni minority to rebel
play stupid games and win stupid prizes Huh and similar things is going to happen again with them trying incite separatism
No. 883164
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When I see a big burly man or just a very masculine looking guy I subconciously start picturing him suffering in a war scenario. The same way moids objectify women sexually I objectify them back by picturing their bodies as merely disposable cannon fodder||except I'm better than moids because I don't actually want them to be objects kek|| They just look so stupid and only good for lifting heavy objects and dying for a cause that's bigger than them.
No. 883181
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>>883164Arthur Saxon who was at one point he was probably the Strongest men in the world and was a pioneer of modern weightlifting died in the trenches of WW1 just a million other nameless men, kinda funny and tragic in its own way
No. 883323
>>883290Because liberal feminism is all about "muhhh rights."
>>883304You sound like a scrote
>>883217If you do it, I suggest ordering the pills of the dark web. Good luck
No. 883329
>>883323You sound like a complete imbecile to believe aborting someone elses baby is the rigt thing to do and being against it is scrote opinion or libfem, you fucking retarded shitbag
Abort yourself you fucking cretin
No. 883335
>>883328Letting someone have a male child is going to be way more harmful to the mother and the rest of society in the long run.
>>883329Nah, you sound like a libfem lmao.
No. 883336
>>883284This. Dumbass scrote doesn't even know how to format posts, most likely a Reddit or KF tourist.
Stop responding to him.
No. 883404
>>882921Bulk up dem arms
nonnie! You'll be able to zoom through everyone
No. 883432
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I just want to live with my best friend and my other friend in a nice house relatively close to the beach, with a nice garden.
We would share the rent and chores, no scrotes around, me and my best friend could cuddle all day long -on weekends- and we could cook together too.
And I would like a jacuzzi too because they’re neat, a nice gym, Amazon prime and a nice farmers’ market nearby to buy other groceries like honey, eggs and seasonal products.
Our families could visit us from time to time, and we could travel sometimes to explore other countries.
I just want us to live far away from annoying scrotes and shitty news, I’m tired of the news and I don’t care anymore about what new fucked up thing is happening in the world.
Humanity wouldn’t be so pathetic if it didn’t want to destroy itself because of their dumbass beliefs, all of them are retarded, from what some dude said some millennia ago to the retards on the internet creating these new, sooper dip theories about our society.
This is why aliens will never visit us, fuck you, I will never have a hot alien bf because of this bullshit.
No. 883437
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>>883432Same anon. I think need to stay offline and the news for a while because everything I've been seeing lately has been depressing as fuck. I'd rather live in blissful ignorance than know about incels shooting up innocent people or entire countries governments being overthrown.
If I were God I would have reset it all by now.
No. 883440
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>>883437Well you can do the next best thing and shoot the unfuckable misogynist slimebags and make the world a better place :^) of course that means handling all sorts of flack from worried egalitarians, maybe you can slide their slippery cum encrusted pricks inside your anus, a small (teehee) price to pay for salvation
>>883448Please don’t mind the moid,
nonnie, it’s malfunctioning and it will go back to its rightful place once it finds its way back to the cesspool it came from.
It’s better to just let it sperg and get banned, don’t reply to such malfunctioning units, they’re not worth of your time.
No. 883457
>>883440Why don't incels/moids/scrotes just fuck each other? They can get laid if they go gay and fuck their anal cavities happily. Women don't want you, you're poor genetic stock and ultimately women get to choose which genes get to live on with their sexual choice and practice eugenics by nature. It is woman's right to practice eugenics. This is beneficial to humanity as a whole.
Deal with it scrote, you're not getting picked. Women don't want you.
No. 883464
>>883454That’s nice,
nonnie! I kind of wish the people I follow listened to my suggestions.
No. 883473
>>883452Jesus, you're such a sour cunt that somehow spiking someone's drink is justified to you by the gender of an unborn child. Isn't that grounds for a felony when caught?
>and give its hot takes no one ever asked for or cared to know. Fascinating.And you think we are interested in yours, because?
>>883468>imblying nonnies in here are serious about what they postI swear we need a
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact disclaimer.
No. 883683
>>883668this is your dad's crime, not yours. you were a
victim of his behavior the same as your mother was and he knew what he was doing. the child is not responsible for the parent. your mother knows that.
No. 883785
>>883668ditto to what the other anon said, i understand feeling guilt and id have a hard time not feeling it as well bc i have empathy but ultimately ur mom is responsible for tolerating what she did tolerate and ur dad is responsible for setting such a piss poor example of behavior for his daughter
my confession is that im very attracted to morbidly obese guys and i have a hard time being as attracted to slender or even /fit/ guys, i think part of it is that the feeling of superiority and being the more attractive partner is hot but also im just pure attracted to their fat rolls and stretch marks and sweatyness
No. 883807
>>883106Your prime minister issued a statement congratulating them
"they have broken free from shackles of imperialism and colonialism"
If they spread to Pakistan he is next
No. 883907
>>883476I thought this thread is supposed to be serious? Is it not?
(I get people lie online for trolling purposes but it's not retarded shitpost thread, right?)
No. 883939
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The only upside to my depressive moods is that I'm not horny enough to look up porn, which I have publicly condemned and sworn off.
No. 884223
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>>884220Keep telling yourself that kek
No. 884225
>>884165Yeah some of them look like me in certain angles but all of them are prettier than me truly
>>884179Sometimes certain pictures pull up shitty results, it depends
No. 884336
File: 1629240800501.jpeg (43.15 KB, 400x400, D440F99A-8039-4EA8-A963-1C012C…)

I kind of find HRHcollection’s videos very cozy, despite knowing she’s problematic. I wish youtube had more channels like hers, now it’s oversaturated with pretentious commentary and in your face scandalous titles/thumbnails and people shoving ads in your face to sustain their livelihood rather than some amateur ranting about their lives in the camera with okay audio quality. There is just something so fun and enjoyable in watching some random privileged white woman venting and talking to herself in her large house.
No. 884339
>>884336How is she "
problematic"? I meant to start watching her, but I've only ever seen short clips of her (like the one where she's getting overly defensive about eating plain potatoes).
No. 884389
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Toy review channels are fun to watch to me, I don’t even want to buy them because they’re not something I crave unless it’s like a stuffed toy, but I like seeing the people doing reviews of toys.
Sometimes I even think of also doing toy reviews directed to the parents so they know if the stuff their kids want are worth the money or not, but there’s already a great toy reviewer who does that.
YouTube is retarded for basically shadow banning such useful videos.
No. 884709
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>>884570I never imagined I'd randomly see Vili bácsi here
No. 884713
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I'm eating a proper meal because it's noon where I am, and I'm supposed to work from 3pm to 11pm, fuck that shit. My sleep schedule is completely fucked because of this job and I'm getting vaccinated tomorrow, I don't want to look like a zombie in front of the nurses.
No. 884722
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>>884709>>884570Hunganons unite!!!
No. 884779
File: 1629289909448.jpeg (Spoiler Image,605.64 KB, 828x1382, 1621783138937.jpeg)

Saw this picture in the deathfat thread and am weirdly turned on. I want to kneel and have someone hold my face like that (preferably not deathfat but I don't mind so much)
No. 884978
>>884598I get you, and I’m honestly sick of all of this, like yeah, not all women are saints, but most men are fucking retarded and disgusting.
I just wish there was some sort of deprogramming campaign to make the brainwashed women stop supporting scrotes invading our countries.
A few days ago I was talking with my family and I said it was retarded how there were only men in the plane and they were like
>w-well they’re scared and are fleeing from the warBut what about the kids and the women? Like, what? Why don’t they stay and do their job as the ooga booga men of the house that are surely so proud of being?Fucking cowards.
No. 885024
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>>884770>>884774>>884781>>884784I think picrel area is the reason for this, anything that has come out of this wether religious ideologies or culture has been disastrous for mankind
Things weren't been great prior to semitic religions or culture but it has greatly been made shit by these things
No mysogyny compares to this areas mysogyny
No. 885042
>>885035Taliban bans a lot of things like porn or child prostitution/drugs etc
These men are just running away because they were involved in all this not because they opposed taliban for some moral reason, leaving all women behind kek
No. 885144
>>885140That's fucked up anon, you don't really believe this, you are just venting.
>>885141No idea what you mean. Also don't "hey scrote" me when I am talking to you in a civil way.
No. 885275
>>884989>let themselves be killed to save women?Yes.
Jokes aside, it's a bit cultural. I remember speaking with eastern europeans, and they hated refugees because they stayed mostly in their countries when shit went south, and they suffered a lot last century. It's not asking to die for others, but to live a shitty dangerous live with people that they care about: their families, their friends, their villages. And they are male, they don't have too much fear under the taliban.
I understand wanting to run from the war, but a big part of refugees do just that, run. They don't integrate, they don't support each other on the run, they don't try to help people who were left behind (of course there are exceptions, and these people, men and women, are to be cherished and helped). They are useless in their homeland and useless aboard. parasites with no families, with complete different values and beliefs, and no useful skills. Europeans already have useless natives, they don't need to import more, specially if they treat women as cattle. If they treat people like me like we are disposable, why the fuck can't i do the same?
>>885024Partially agree, but christianity, despite all shitty things it has done and still does, is the basis for western values and culture. They are shitty, but slight less shitty than other religions.
>>885101>other than my children ofcofc for you, but to scrotes in middle east kids and women are expendable. they run away alone
nonnie. you would die for your kids, they wouldn't live for them.
No. 885292
>>885275I don't disagree with you on the issue of refugees in general actually, but I think that this is because the concept of refugees has been messed up. Refugees were supposed to only stay in neighbouring countries until the war was over and then return to their countries. The way it works lately is to just use refugee status to move to Europe to cause the trouble that we all know they will cause. And obviously fuck (Muslim) men that treat us like cattle, I just generally give the benefit of doubt to people. As for Eastern Euros… I have had some conversations with them and I have found them to hold many weird ideas about martyrdom and self sacrifice, no doubt due to the having to fend off a genocidal Germany less than 100 years ago with the way they had to do it.
>Partially agree, but christianity, despite all shitty things it has done and still does, is the basis for western values and culture. They are shitty, but slight less shitty than other religions.Ehhhhh, it is less shitty for sure, but why even tolerate it, it's all fairy tails for idiots at the end of the day.
>ofc for you, but to scrotes in middle east kids and women are expendable. they run away alone nonnie. you would die for your kids, they wouldn't live for them.You know, I think you might be right. I think I am projecting what I think Western men would be doing. And yes I know Western men are angels before you start, but I think I am projecting the values that I think most here have to these men forgetting that they are products of a wholly different culture. I kind of see my husband or brother or son in them, but my husband or brother or son don't think of women as inferior or cattle. Yeah fuck them really, I think you are right anon.
No. 885320
>>885293I also enjoy Louis C.K.'s general body of work, and can't help but feel kinda regretful about the timing of his cancellation. He was just staring to get a broader national recognition, which actually had a really positive effect on his work - it was becoming more refined without feeling less authentic, and he was losing some of the tryhard oh-so-offensive New York standup traits that always shadowed his better stuff. Getting cancelled seemed to completely reverse that though, and he seems to have gone back to lazily courting the spit-gurgling opie and anthony crowd out of a feeling of defensiveness.
This isn't an exculpation (he obviously didn't have to whip it out in front of unwilling women), it just sucks. He was also one the few liberal celebrities I could point to who wasn't blisteringly dumb, so that was nice while it lasted lol
No. 885334
>>885326Yeah I answered in relation to that here
>>885292 I was just projecting the values of my people to them. I guess I failed to contemplate that Muslim men think and act differently, I am dumb to not realise that these men are just trash.
No. 885353
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My god I wanna fuck my roommate so bad, I've never had thoughts of cheating or having sex with other men while in my current relationship till now. I know I won't though I love my bf a lot, it's just nice to daydream about it kek.
No. 885428
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>>885423I am here for you anon.
No. 885431
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>>874172I want to date a man who is stinky. He’s really cute, but a little chunky, so I think he’s a virgin.
I’m just so fucking depressed, nonnies. I keep crying over my old boyfriend and I need someone to help me. I see this asshole every day and I break down into a puddle of tears. I was violated. I can never be the same. I just need someone who won’t cheat or touch me while I sleep. I think he can do it, I’ll plug my nose, I don’t fucking care anymore. I know he can talk to me and hold me. Maybe he’ll start showering, he’ll literally be perfect if he does. He’s so nice and isn’t different around me. I hope he isn’t autistic, I’d feel like I’m taking advantage of him. It just hurts being alone. It hurts
No. 885506
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I once asked for a manga recommendation on my stories
Someone said "Read Metamorphosis (Emergence)
I was innocent enough to read it all
No. 885530
>>885522Is that
toxic? Idk if he changes and you don't like him anymore that's normal I guess
No. 885575
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I still sleep with a teddy bear because I'm incredibly lonely, too autistic and ugly to have any relationship close enough to be embraced or cuddled and am too poor to adopt a cat. Being touch starved has been magnifying my depression as of late at a point in my life where I've realized I haven't felt passion or joy in years.
No. 885616
>>885575aww nona that's so sad
>>885613I hate it too and I like men with hairy arms and hairy chest but hairy armpits? nah, and I wish there was more pressure on men to shave their pits
No. 885625
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It’s my birthday and I’m honestly okay with absolutely nothing happening on it. I’ve isolated myself thoroughly and have been MIA from friends and extended family for weeks. I took a long shower and ate braised short ribs for today and will only celebrate it with my parents by sharing pastries from a bakery I like on the weekend. It feels like it should be wrong, but I feel a sense of contentment to where I wouldn’t object to dropping dead today if it were painless. I’m getting older and I enjoy life in solitude and that scares me. But I don’t want to stop it, either.
No. 885837
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One of the community threads on /snow/ is coming dangerously close to discovering my personal lolcows (they're currently within 1-2 degrees of association with the cows being discussed now). If it comes to that, it'd be a dream come true for me spectator-wise but I should probably cover my ass and never, ever, reveal what I personally know on there.
No. 885953
>>885275you wouldn't have to deal with refugees if your countries would stop interfering and destabilizing other countries.
you will never have an ethnostate.
No. 885996
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>>884598>>884692>>884706>>884711>>884770>>885326I'm Pakistani I'm I aboustetly with everything you said, when I was in Germany getting in my masters, the worst experience I ever had there was just some cat calling but I didn't fear for my life like I do in my home country, in my country multiple men will literally follow you if you don't have a male bedside's you, just a couple days ago, a young woman went to minare-e-Pakistan(basically a huge memorial) on Aug 14(our Independence day) she was molested by over 400 men in that evening
Muslim countries have no hope, Islam is unsalvageable as religion, we need secularization forces on us, the Muslim world needs Communist dictators who will commit things that the UN might declare rights against Freeomds, but that is the only realistic solution we have
Islam is a cancerous religion that can never work in any society, its flawed and can never be reformed, we need forces atheism
No. 886018
>>886014how do communists usually treat religious people? especially muslims?
>>886015lol did it work for turkey?
No. 886019
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>>885978yeah I will never work customer service again in my life if I can help it and I feel so bad for the people have no other options. When regularly hiding and crying at work is some #relatable thing that people make memes about you know it's fucked
No. 886170
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Sent some hardcore femdom porn to taliban scrotes on Twitter.
No. 886181
>>885983Are you retarded? Realistically, the average citizen isn't able to do anything about it regardless of which way they vote because politicians ultimately do whatever the fuck they want.
Why did this need to be explained to you?
No. 886189
>>886177>you probably riled them up and now they will release their frustration on their women.Stop blaming women for scrote behavior. If these men can get riled up and
triggered by equality, they can go to hell, dont blame women who fight back.
No. 886191
>>886181excuses, excuses.
>>886189you're not fighting back, you're virtue signalling online. go back to twitter.
No. 886200
>>886196here's the thing… unlike you, i'm not claiming to be a freedom fighter.
>>886197>calling another woman a cum chugging cuckqueenaaaaand another win for feminism!
No. 886213
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>>886170…the taliban have a dedicated twitter account now? where?
No. 886238
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>>886170Some people weren't happy about this, but it made me laugh because I'm retarded, so I made a meme for you anon (nsfw)
No. 886270
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>>886262You know that western men are literally meme-ing the taliban, righ? But you decided to be mad at the women who just wanna troll the taliban a little.
No. 886272
>>886262thank god a reasonable person.
>>886270i beg you to please get off 4chan and go outside.
No. 886278
>>886262I’m a third worlder, and my country is being ravaged by a Muslim piece of shit president who’s allied with an Islamic terrorist group that kidnaps and murders people, especially young girls.
If someone spammed the president of my country (or that terrorist group’s social media) with nonsense or femdom porn, I’d meme about it bc I have a retarded gallows sense of humor, I am powerless in the situation and shit is fucked.
If they’re going to get away with what they’re doing to people in real life, the absolute least they can take is a hostile, uncomfortable experience on the internet. They deserve to have their eyes gored. I hope whoever runs their account for them will have extreme CBT and penile mutilation nightmares for the rest of his fucking life. He should see shit he never even imagined could exist.
No. 886279
>>886270do you not understand what I'm trying to say, I don't think anyone with any basic morality should "meme" or "joke" about this
also 99% of the Taliban members are rural Sunni Pashtuns, I doubt anyone has a Nokia Phone let alone a smartphone, those twitter accounts are probably handled by Pakistani ISI members who "work" with the Taliban
so your not even "trolling" the Taliban, your sending messages to some ISI intelligence agent whose handling 50 twitter accounts at once
No. 886280
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>>886270A taliban posted that meme on Twitter and it has 25k likes now.
No. 886287
>>886278Your not doing anything except being a dumbass, the Taliban doesn't run those accounts, Its mostly Pakistani ISI agents who handle like 50-100 accounts and also spread pro-Taliban propaganda
>>886283The rural places in Pakistan(that I have been to) don't have electricity or even running water and Afghanistan even more underdeveloped
No. 886291
>>886280What anons aren’t seeing is that memes function as propaganda and morale boosting content in 2021, in either direction. There is literally nothing wrong with anti Taliban, anti ISIS, anti rapist scrote memes. They’re not going to put a stop to things, but why the fuck should we ever respect those people?
No one on earth who has been threatened by the Taliban or any terrorist group would be angry because someone is shitting on that same group and putting out anti content. People are dying, that is not a
valid or pressing issue.
No. 886294
>>886291The "Memes" are the future is a such a dumb western take, ISIS is a little bit different as it was mostly made up of the Urban class and also a lot of ex-Criminals, but the Taliban, Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab(in Somali) are local rural Sunnis, I don't think anons can even comprehend how utterly backwards these people live, for them the Islamic Shariah isn't anything new cause its all they have even known
these people wouldn't even know what a meme is
No. 886300
>>886296Again, never asked for that. There are several anons itt telling you that you're retarded. I'm the one who told you that the average citizen can't do shit and that's the reality of it. You're, for whatever reason, too stupid to understand this. Maybe its whatever is in the water in your shithole country.
Now go on and accuse me of being American next or something. I'll wait.
No. 886301
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>>886296not with a male in the room
No. 886304
>>886300. . .where do you think i'm from? :^)
>>886295cope and seethe Islam isn't going anywhere. you better start memorizing verses rn lol
>>886301yes everyone who disagrees with you is a male we get it, low-iq subhumans can't come up with something different
No. 886306
>>886294Then why did the Taliban account share that meme? Even in the case that you’re right, why do the memes matter to you so much, then? Realistically, who is harmed by random people insulting terrorists? Are you one or something?
No one here is a dumbass scrote or a child who will start thinking the Taliban isn’t a threat just because we made fun of them.
No. 886314
>>886313and it isn't? go on any thread, on any board, and you'll find endless sperging about trannies and males.
>>886308it smells like bitch in here.
No. 886323
>>886321…it's a meme and the meaning here is the same as pussy. you're a lost cause
nonny… i can't help you anymore…
No. 886365
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I am an unironic genderspecial fakeboi and I come here as a form of digital self-harm
No. 886373
>>886365That's what you say to yourself, lil
terf in the making.
No. 886377
>>886365Yeah I agree with
>>886373, you've already got too much self-awareness to keep up the delusion for long.
No. 886384
>>886373When I scroll the
TERF/MTF threads and I just feel depressed when I see people making fun of the ugly mannish she-hulk gigahon trannies because that would’ve probably been me if I was born male. I’m literally the most feminine looking person I know and I wish I was a man.
Radfems say that they trannies because they invade female spaces but honestly I think that people would still find a reason to hate them if they didn’t. Everyone in those threads just makes fun of their looks. If trannies all looked like Blaire White, I don’t think TERFs would exist at all
No. 886397
>>886384We make fun of Blaire's looks too, check his thread. He's got a fridge body and huge man hands because he's a man. That's the point, trans people never pass enough to be indistinguishable from the sex they want to be, it's a terrible goal because it's not accomplishable, and it just leads to worse and worse mental health. You know that part, though.
If you want to read productive and insightful radfem writing and see if it changes your mind, an imageboard with no gender critical general thread is not the place. Keep looking and hopefully learn, good luck.
No. 886434
>>886431Nothing good in life is easy.
>>886432Can't relate, I live in a safe country and area, I go jogging at 2 am here. Something wrong with your moids there anon.
No. 886436
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>>886422It’s too complicated to put into words but I can try.
I feel sad when I see happy families. It pains me to know that I will never be a father. I wish I could raise I could raise a child of our own with a woman. I want to be able to love her in the way that a man could. I also have a ton of penis envy.
I want to able to just be “one of the guys” again. I haven’t been able to befriend men since I was a child.
I wish I had a male body, or at least looked more androgynous like pic related. I hate my voice, my curves, and my stereotypical round pointer face. I have Kalvin Garrah’s face and Mewtwo’s body.
No. 886448
>>886422life on easy mode
also casual sex is nothing for them and i'm horny a lot
No. 886462
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>>886365I hope you see thr light one day
nonnie No. 886584
File: 1629423261907.jpg (99.15 KB, 634x837, 6836690-6446381-image-a-1_1543…)

i once made a guy that i was entertaining through text take an iq test and ghosted him after he told me he got a 98. this confession is more of a self-own,,,
No. 886887
>>886280Look it up most likes are from muslims males as well as females
And females who are living in western or any other non muslim country
No. 886982
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>>886745Just be careful this doesn't become you, nona.
No. 887019
>>887016It's still annoying.
>>887017I could have spend that money on charity for people like you instead.
No. 887029
>>887021I am seething, I can't seethe any more.
>>887022How sexy are we talking about here?
No. 887054
Hey, English is my 3rd language, I do make some mistakes now and then.
>>887046I like the uneducated part, tell me more.
No. 887069
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>>887059I wonder why she deleted lol
No. 887133
>>887095Nope, been here for ages,
nonnie nonita-chan.
No. 887185
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>>887176It's what they deserve. This is how you shame em into keeping their degen contained
No. 887343
File: 1629483723199.jpg (122.67 KB, 430x644, 20210820_143319.jpg)

I realized I started to appreciate more and more decrepit, bald dudes. I genuinely think Woody Harrelson is the cause of all this fuckery. He didn't started it though, I think the real responsible was Yul Brynner. You know how he looked good in Westworld? Well, he looked really good. I think it has something to do with those dark clothes and cowboy hat, and Harrelson really pulls it off too. Then there's Ed Harris in the Westworld series, like, damn grampa, that's hot.
Then I watched Shazam and there it is that fucker Mark Strong with his nice black leather trenchcoat and shiny bald. Gonna tell you something, no man pulls off a bald like that. There is something truly special in an old, bald guy dressed all in black.
No. 887612
i realised recently that im attracted to trannies, but only within certain parameters. the general criteria is:
>attractive - honestly i can have unconventional tastes so not too difficult
>obviously no agp
>not trying too hard to emulate 'femininity', e.g no full face of makeup or noticeable shapewear (basically see above, no agp)
>body in decent shape & good hygiene
it's happened a couple of times now where I've seen a mtf in public and my first thoughts are that they are just very androgynous, like a woman with defined features or a very feminine man. I think it is this androgyny that initially attracts me, but i am also attracted in (i think) a sick kind of way to their mannerisms. i enjoy how painfully self conscious they always are, like you can just see their insecurities in all their interactions. when they laugh and their voice cracks a little and you get that confirmation that this is, in fact, still a tranny in front of you, that the whole exchange between us is one in which i have some kind of upper hand and that is somethijg they are always aware of. I find it endearing, the way that they are trying very hard (and honestly most of them pass well, but there is always a tell.)
i mean obviously this is a bit of a weird and messed up fixation of mine. genuinely i think there is a part of my brain that picks the most unsuitable people i know and decides to momentarily fall in love with them. it's just been a bit weird honestly to have so many radfem leaning thoughts present in my head, while unironically thinking a tranny is cute and half thinking about what it'd be like to date them.
im reading back on this before posting and it sounds like some kind of reddit incel larp. im so sorry anons
No. 887765
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I just can't trust anyone who owns a small white dog anymore. Too many bad experiences. If you own a crusty white dog, you're a hoe.
No. 887838
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I love a lot of the happy mainstream body positivity music that anons like to criticize, and generally think that it does more good than harm. When I'm by myself, I sometimes put on missy elliott or lizzo and it makes me feel more at peace, regardless of whether I really believe their platitudes about weight. I think developing a less viciously hateful relationship with your own body is important regardless of whether you need to gain, lose, or maintain, and any media that encourages a more balanced outlook is good even if the actual effect is marginal.
It really seems like a lot of the intense scorn people have towards body positive artists is rooted in a visceral disgust toward fat, which I guess isn't something that's consciously controllable. It's still annoying to see the laughably inauthentic pearl clutching though (does anyone genuinely think that people are obese because some pop song told them to love themselves?). I don't know why some people get so angry something that's ultimately just kind of generic and dopey - it's unhinged, like yelling at a rubber ducky. I already did my decade of self harm and restricting, let me enjoy my yogurt commercial music in peace lol
No. 887864
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>>887765kek your post reminds me of this meme.
No. 887882
>>887838My problem with body positivity is that it got hijacked by fat people using it as propaganda to normalize and bully people into thinking obesity is healthy and attractive. You never hear about body positivity for "skinnyfat" women who want to feel good about their bodies because they're healthy in weight and lifestyle or people who have deformities,
victims with burn scars, missing limbs etc. That last group especially, people who genuinely can't help they look the way they do and sometimes shunned or mistreated by society because of it, that's what body positivity shouls be for. Some people are going as far as saying body positivity is NOT for those people.
No. 887896
>>887616I disagree. I think anon actually likes the power dynamic being perceived as innately in her favor. Sort of an off-shoot from a savior complex.
I have 0 psychological qualifications, but if I were to shot in the dark armchair, I'd guess this stems from anon's own insecurity and maybe deep seated trauma or fear of being undesirable or rejected herself in some way. As a result she's come to like people she can view as non threateningly below her in some respect. I think with savior complexes it's often that they don't want or can't face their own issues or inner failings, so they look to fix someone else's. I think this may be similar idea for anon, though not necessarily including the "saving" part. (Though based on my hypothesis, I wouldn't be shocked if anon didn't have a bit of a savior complex in these cases).
I would not be surprised either if anon was bullied or had a traumatic childhood or close family member with narcissistic tendencies that, in her youth, made her feel emotionally neglected or otherwise inadequate. She, as a result, looks for people now that she relates that childhood self to - subconsciously looking to switch the role; to no longer be the lower or inadequate one.
No. 887907
>>887882I think it might be useful here to separate body positivity from HAES, which is way more niche and online. I don't really know much about HAES other than having seen some medically dubious infoposts associated with the movement, but what does seem certain is that very few people have heard of it and its central tenet (obesity is healthy) is not widely accepted in the real world.
When I think mainstream body positivity, I mostly think dove commercials, which have models mostly in the normal to overweight bmi range. This is the weight range that most healthy adult women fall into, and there's usually one or two models who are skinnyfat (I think they've also had models with amputations and skin conditions). The concept of body positivity (pursuing a less adversarial relationship with your body despite its imperfections) is ultimately pretty universal, and I don't think it needs to belong to one group - after all, seething and picking over your body is just as futile among the fat as it is among the thin, skinnyfat, or disabled.
No. 888456
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I once pulled down a girl’s pants at an ice skating rink. It was during the cool preteen katy perry conga line, and it only happened because I was fucking bad at skating and was scared and grabby from being too far from the wall. She screamed and I wobbled away on my ankles as fast as I could to hide in a dark corner of the sitting area, next to the solitary pro-fishing arcade game.
I had to watch the demo loop like 50 times. Who is this game even for?
No. 888793
>>888775Oh god anon, please don't say that.
>>888790You're better off not knowing but
Sounding is when you penetrate your urethra. It's fucking horrific. I've seen videos of people doing it with stuff like nettle. No. 888812
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I'm still on the fence about witchcraft stuff, but if I was to take it seriously, I'd definitely be a sky/celestial witch because I am so attracted to all the things sky: the sun, sunlight, sunsets, the clouds, the stars, the moon, the milky way, the planets. Since I was little I remember being really drawn to it, and it was my dream to have those glow in the dark stars on my ceiling as a toddler kek I still cloud gaze and moon gaze a lot.
I mean, I like forests and minerals too, but there's something about the sky…
Posting this in the confession thread because it's kind of a secret because it's a bit silly, I'm very skeptical otherwise.
No. 888853
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>>888814Ayrt and I like tarot and astrology (the first more than the latter) and think they are very fun occasionally, also journaling manifestation stuff
kek, but spells and rites and altars cross the line a bit for me. I do love the aesthetic and the feminine aspects of it though, it's probably the most woman oriented belief system there is.
Have some nice forest witchy aesthetic
No. 888912
>>888898Won't somebody please think of the rich famous celebs who actively cultivate fandoms that obsess romantically over them and their relationships with their bandmates, fully aware of the existence of fanfic but accepting it anyway because it's how they make money with minimal talent.
Pearl clutching over RPF is so dumb. Fans just use famous people as inspiration and a visual reference for original stories, maintain the fourth wall and it's not hurting anyone.
No. 889835
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>>889654Why not? Cartoons are awesome and personally my favorite form of visual media. If anyone has anything negative to say about me watching cartoons, it stems from their own insecurities and feelings of becoming "too old" for them. There is nothing wrong with watching cartoons. Some of my favorite cartoons are
The Brak Show
Adventure Time
Invader Zim
Kim Possible
And I will watch these and many many more until I'm a crusty old bitch on her death bed.
Bury me with my stuffed animals.
No. 889845
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I can't help but feel uneasy when i see these type of people using styles like lolita, decora, etc. I feel bad because i know is all about having fun, but it just creeps me out
>>889819Are you from Venezuela?
No. 889905
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>>889876The thing is, I've never seen these types wearing classic/goth, is
always sweet Lolita or really kiddie/frilly styles, it's unsettling.
>>889883Ayy me too anon
No. 889928
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>>889912I'm not the anon you're are replying to, but I think that people that wear very bright styles or like menhera pink stuff are fucked in the head and like to hide their sociopathy and aggressivity behind that paradoxal expression of sweetness and brightness.
It reminds me of the Junji Ito/Hayao Miyazaki dichotomy/paradox. Junji ito expresses his sorrow and dark personality traits through dark art so his emotions are regulated and he is a bright chill person. Meanwhile, Miyazaki uses bright colorful art as a form of escapism but his dark feelings remain encapsulated inside of him so he is a gloomy guy. The same way with bright colorful lolita vs dark lolita
No. 889935
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>>889928a new challenger has appeared.
No. 889956
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>>889935reminds me of pic rel
No. 889989
>>889912No, they're not ugly, i don't know how to explain it, they just give me bad vibes, specially when they look way older than their aesthetic, it's very uncanny
>>889928 this too
No. 890336
>>890314Same, kinda.
>>890307Bitch I thought you were about to confess you're about to die from some illness, don't worry me like that.
No. 890488
>>890011…hungry for
what, anon?
No. 890510
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>>874172I like to tell people online how much I love to feast on Andy Sixx's hot logs of fecal matter.
No. 890792
>>890785I'm morbidly curious, you have a link to his blog?
>>890789>by claiming that it has great, meaningful plot that says something about humanityI don't know why this kind of argument is used so often for all type of media. You'll have the most basic mindless violent or nsfw shit out here and people, mostly men, will use that argument to say that no, this basic movie or basic book with extremely basic characters, plot points and development is in fact a work of art.
No. 890820
>>890792Sure, I posted it some time ago on a MTF thread (a different post) left it under this review, not sure if scrote posted it or not. I recommend his review of Starless or some other deranged VN (not sure if he was the one troon who went to defend Maggot Baits to great length or someone else)
The parts that made me lose it were:
>Not only did I love every character in this game, but the romance aspects had genuine emotion, tension, and depth to it. I not only loved Aoi and Miyuki’s character, but I also quite enjoyed the protagonist Shinichi for once, as someone who wasn’t a complete idiot and who actually cared about his partners. There were a few slight flaws in the initial story such as the fact that I can’t even remember if the game passed the Bechtel test, or the nagging feeling that a lot of drama could have been spared if the three just formed a polycule, but when the game’s big twist occurs, it suddenly makes sense why these two “flaws” are a thing.>Given how many eroge I play where I rag on how poorly written sex scenes are, I have suspected for a while that I simply have overly high standards, but I tried asking a few of my friends what they of the quality of writing. Not only did they all agree with, but one of them even said that there’s no way the writer has actually had sex if he thinks this is how you write sex scenes. Of course I just know there’s probably going to be some anti-feminist fuckboy who thinks I hate it when men jack off, when I really just think they have garbage taste in erotica and need to learn how to make a woman cum for once.I'm not gonna dig, but there is worse and the troon has the typical male arrogance to ask people to support his patreon where he publishes elementary school tier poems lmfao
No. 890887
>>874200>There's no better way to hurt someone but to pretend they never existed in the first place.Painfully true.
>>886891I thought of that too. I was unsupervised growing up and had unlimited internet access. Basically fucked me up more than I already was.
No. 891235
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I spent years strangling any affection I felt towards babies because I was an only child tomboy and hated whenever someone assumed that all women liked kids. Whenever someone picked me out of a group of mostly male children to babysit younger kids (fuck people for doing this), I would get irritated and adamantly refuse.
Now I'm completely awkward around babies, and it's starting to seem weird. I'm not that far off from my friends starting to have kids, and I'm worries that my discomfort is going to make them think I'm a bitter childfree bitch. I still can't help but grimace whenever I think about all the kissing and cooing, it's just not something I can picture myself doing without looking ridiculous. I don't know, it just feels so… lame? I'm aware that socially normal people interact with babies all the time without looking stupid, but I'm a stone-faced autist and tenderness is not a good look on me.
No. 891338
>>891313Same, I was a goody two shoes that got traumatized and bullied all my life because people hated me for it. Even some teachers disliked me because they thought I was a tryhard suck up, actual adults thought this and talked shit about me behind my back. I only ever looked up to adults at school because my own parents were giant alco children and the staff seemed safe and mature.
Now girls from my class who used to be legitimately evil (one put her used tampon in my juice cup once on a school trip and then told everyone I did it and it was mine) are pretending to be perfect angels on social media and work as nurses and doctors. I confronted tampon girl, now tampon lady, a few years ago and she told me to get over it, people change and we were kids so it doesn't matter. No apology or anything, which makes me think she didn't really change at all.
I'm just mad that people like her never get what they deserve and being scummy is rewarded more often than punished.
No. 891383
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if i ever end up dating a 3D man for whatever reason i feel like i might abuse him. idk why. not out of some revenge fantasy or anything, there's no deep reasoning, i'm just mentally ill i guess. i can't really imagine myself being happy or enjoying a relationship where i can't beat up the other person. every thought about being with a man involves cutting him, smacking him, biting, punching, stomping, or snapping his limbs at some point even if he's a good person and is literally doing nothing. one of these days, if i ever have enough free time and tech skills i want to make a reverse-ryona otome game. the funny thing is i don't even look at that kind of art often or at any porn, these thoughts just appear on their own. i might just stay single forever tbh.
No. 891399
>>891387Not trying to "um! akshually!" you but honestly, eating healthy (no processed stuff), balanced exercising (cardio, strength, stretching), sleeping well, managing stress, being in nature, keeping your brain active and being in contact with people are the closest you'll have of a guarantee that you'll grow old and keep a good overall condition. I used to do absolute none of the stuff listed above and I'm trying to change it because I have similar worries, so yeah. Seeing your health decline as you grow older seriously is a fear of mine, as well as illness
No. 891441
>>891383Do you want to beat up your friends anon?
Maybe you just hate men (no shame, they're annoying to be around).
>reverse-ryona otome gameWhats that?
No. 891454
>>891441>implying i have friendsas for the second part, well ryona's normally a weird scrote fetish where they get off to women being hurt/in pain so reverse-ryona is a version where the man is in pain instead. and i'm assuming most anons know about otome games (basically dating sims/VNs for women).
so basically i want a dating game where i can beat up the love interests.
No. 892049
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Being a 27 years old virgin is starting to get to me. I feel like shit because now I'm not really as horny as I used to be, I'm just horribly touch starved. It's also starting to ruin my self-esteem little by little, I feel behind people my age because I won't stop hearing about how they're so in love with their bf/gf while I'm wondering what's wrong with me. I can't do anything about it because I'm from a Muslim family and live in the same city where my parents, siblings AND extended family lives so even if by some miracle I'd manage to find a man who is into I would be too worried about having no privacy whatsoever. I'm basically expected to date a Muslim guy for years without even making out with him before mariage and that's the exact opposite of what I want. The only time I finally managed to escape this situation by moving to a country at the other side of the planet and meeting good looking, nice men who were into me for once in my life I got cockblocked by a fucking pandemic. I can't believe I'm feeling so desperate over this.
No. 892077
>>892075I can't get a dildo, I thought that was obvious from my post. I still live with my family and I can't even lock the door because the previous owners of the apartment had small kids and removed the locks for most of the rooms for their kids' safety. My parents don't plan on putting a new lock to the doors "just in case", to the point where sometimes someone will just barge to my room when I'm trying to sleep just because they want to chat with me in the middle of the night or when I'm undressing and putting on some clothes without knocking first. If that were possible I would have had one already. I can't look for my own place right now because I'm about to start a new job soon but it's a six month long contract so nobody will let me rent any place just yet, once that's possible I'll get my own place and leave asap.
>and won't give you the orgasm you wantThe very few times I masturbate I have really weak orgasms anyway, and that's the best case scenario. It's been like that for a year now, idk if that's related to the fact that I came back to live with my family after living some time in another country so that's one more source of stress, or if it's a consequence of covid since I was sick for like 2 or 3 months before coming back but I couldn't get tested back then so idk if I even had covid or something else. Or maybe there's another health related reason, anyway at this point I'm worried and I feel like I should do it with an actual person. And it's not like a dildo will kiss me or hug me or tell me anything.
No. 892089
>>892077Are they going to kick you out if you demand a lock on your door?
My parents are conservative and they like to snoop too, my mom was going through my drawers few years back and found my dildo. I was in the room and she was all shocked, told her "that's why you don't snoop in people's belongings". Didn't go through my shit again. If you're mature enough to decide to go out and fuck/get a dildo then you're mature enough to handle them finding out.
>anyway at this point I'm worried and I feel like I should do it with an actual person. And it's not like a dildo will kiss me or hug me or tell me anything.Kek if you think most men want to hug and kiss you for more than a few secs.
No. 892105
>>892090Thanks for the tip nonna, will do. But so far it looks like only people who have a doctor attest for being unfit to be vaccinated get free tests.
>>892093There has to be at some point.. I doubt people can just take booster after booster.
>>892094Nice try, I'm behind over 9000 proxies
>>892098Germany after 11th October.. You either have to be vaccinated or tested to enter any uni buildings and they will cease free tests all together after the 11th, which conveniently is when the semester starts.
No. 892299
I think lolcow has made my mental health worse. I genuinely think this place is horrible, but in a way I've been addicted to it. I've been browsing since I was underaged and it literally changed the way my mind developed. It made me be overly critical of my looks, actions, motifs and so on. This place is hell and I'm getting an website blocker to stop me from ever going on here again.
This place tears apart women with very bad mental illness and very powerful trauma that were given a shitty deck by life, being born in 3rd world countries, being born to narc parents, having to go through rape etc. You could have been raped and beaten and whatever but if you are unhinged and express yourself on the internet you will get posted on lolcow. The internet is literally full of narcs and people that do horrible things, but because they're good at manipulating they keep a somewhat clean public image. It's ironic and funny to me because I've interacted with lolcow users outside of lolcow and the vast majority of them are mentally ill spoiled girls from first world countries with rich parents and I'm 100% sure it is those type of girls that shit on women like Lucinda or Venus.
The rad fem stuff is bullshit and hypocritical too because it's a movement for the rights of a opressed minority and women on the internet have made it about arguing with troons and lib fems and using the trauma of women born in very bad situations to justify their beliefs and own the troons and pro sex work crowd like psychopaths meanwhile they don't actually want to help women in bad situations, dedicate time or money to help their cause, although most of them do have more money and time than they should on their hands. I've been in rad fem circles online both from lolcow and Tumblr and there's something very very wrong with them, they are fucked in the head. They love looking at articles of women raped and abused by men and crying about how men are horrible (and yes it is true they are horrible) and they get in hundreds over hundreds of arguments with libfems and so on and literally use the misfortune of raped/killed women as arguments, but none of them ever actually lifts a finger for the cause they are activating for. With all the time you spend on the internet shitting on men and arguing with liberals you could actually go to a woman's shelter and help out or work to save up money to give to women's charities, but you won't because you are a horrible psychopathic sociopath that only cares about themselves, their arguments and shitting on others that disagree with you, even if you are wrong in very many aspects and display hypocrisy.
Gossip website with radical feminism does not mix very well, you know it's like cognitive dissonance. This place was better when it just used to be a gossip website because at least it was sincere and the people that come here wouldn't walk around with this moral superiority of being part of this political shit. Most of these "rad fems" are very dubious too, they're overly concerned with their physical appearance and how men perceive them, or they accept gifts and stuff from men which doesn't sit right with being a rad fem.
This is my last day on here I promise, there's no point in returning to a place that has made my mental health worsen. I'm glad admin is quitting, I hope the site goes to shit. Everyone shitted on her, called her a troon and so on posted fake drama about her, while she administrated the site with money from her pocket all by myself. Most lolcow userbase is immature and lacks skills, so I think that literally nobody will take over or that nobody will be able to administrate the site. Just a bunch of women that talk a lot and do nothing.
No. 892314
>>892089They won't kick me out they'll just say no again and ask me if I have something to hide. Then they'll sperg about the value of family or some shit. I said I'll start a new job soon, I'll probably have to work from home at some point so I'll ask again with this argument. My mother barged in my room in the middle of my job interviews on Teams and saw how much I was about to yell at her so I could easily convince her but my father is absolutely deranged so let's wait and see I guess.
>Kek if you think most men want to hug and kiss you for more than a few secsI was talking more about what I want than what will actually happen. But I've had friends telling me that they met their long-term bf or gf on tinder when they were just supposed to just be a one night stand, and a friend told me that she rencently lost her virginity to some random guy on tinder and he was being very romantic and gentle and she was really surprised.
No. 892316
>>892139If it's like France then it'll be be free only if you go to the doctor and he gives you a note with the meds and tests you need so they'll all be payed by public healthcare. It's to convince people to be vaccinated asap, they're making not being vaccinated as bothersome as possible.
>>892088Be careful, a lot of people did this in France and they could potentailly ruin their lives that way because they had to give their "numéro de sécurité sociale", their individual numbers related to public health insurance, to het the fake certificate. This is the best tool possible to give to anyone if you want some random person to steal your identity to contract loans and debts and buy expensive shit or commit crimes, create a ID card and passport with your name in any French townhall, etc. No idea if there are any similar identification methods in Germany but keep in mind that this could very easily backfire.
No. 892327
>>892299You’re generalizing way too much. If lolcow is that offensive for you, I’d advise to stay off the internet/board culture all together. As someone else who also started lurking underage, this place is nowhere near as harsh compared to the countless incel forums or subreddits I’ve seen at that time.
> They love looking at articles of women raped and abused by menI have no idea what type of “lolcow friend circle” you were in, but that’s just delusional.
> but none of them ever actually lifts a finger for the cause they are activating for. As opposed to libfems and troons that also don’t do shit? Please gtfo
No. 892409
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>>892299See you tomorrow.
No. 892495
>>892299I wasn't vibing with your post until you shitted on lolcow radfems, you're absolutely right: they're hypocritical, useless, ignorant, self-serving, unauthentic and weirdly psychopathic, you hit the nail. Also there are threads and cows that honestly are not interesting but depressing and pitiful, at least you know where to draw a line between mocking a dumbass or a
victim, as soon as I read "schizophrenic/was raped/extremely mentally ill" i just go away but apparently some anons here read all these signs and ignore them.
I'm mostly in ot/m/g so i don't really engage with the schizos from cow boards but the nice/funny side of the community. I respect your decision of living this place tho, but just remember: lolcow isn't the shittiest place on the internet, and major social media users aren't any better, they just hide their psychopathy more often. You're never going to escape these type of people, you're never going to escape lookisms and superficiality.
No. 892532
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>>892299>>892495trauma and mental illness isn't an excuse to act shitty tho (for the cows that actually are shitheads that is) and most cows are spoiled first worlders
No. 892663
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>>892626because you use a human's right's activism movement to create an echo chamber and community on the internet where you shit on others forgetting the main purpose of radical feminism is to help and advocate for disprivileged women. Just like libtards and commies have turned a movement that was supposed to be about oppressed people and helping people about themselves, money, circle jerking and troons. You are like Hasan in his jade chamber pretending to be communist, but instead you are a woman in a first world country sitting on her ass and dedicating 60% of her time shitting on troons and weting your pants over how men are horrible by linking abuse of women to each other. This will whatsoever not change the faith of women in dangerous positions in society, it does only benefit you. You don't want to help women in need you want to connect with others over shared interests, you are not a feminist, just a male hater.
This place has literally turned into reddit. There's like 10 girls that post the same shit over and over and attack you if you say something they don't like or bring any criticism over radical feminism or any of their autistic interests. If they were farm hands they would ban anyone with a different opinion than theirs or over slight criticism just like redditors do. Meanwhile they're pointing their finger and calling others sensitive.
I'm anti sex work and anti troons (most of their shtick is born in misogyny) and I think men as a social class are worse than women, these are completely "radical feminist" points of view, yet I can still bring criticism over the movement. I cannot even bring myself to call myself a rad fem anymore because as I have stated previously, it is a movement made for opressed people and those involeved should spend resources and time to help those in need. I can't do that. I don't want to use radical feminism to jerk my imaginary dick with other women on the internet because I am right and others are wrong. That will not contribute to the well being of opressed or prostituted or abused women and this is literally what all rad fems do, none of them is involved with actual real life activism, none of them puts money or time in women's shelters or to help women in need. Just like hypocritical commies that suck each others dicks but they don't do anything about capitalism, but actually enable it. I have enough self awareness to not associate myself with a movement for opressed people, when I cannot do anything for those people.
As for lolcow, this place is hypocritical as fuck, it used to be more genuine before the rad fem stuff, when I started browsing there was no rad fem stuff, the rad fem stuff has emerged like 3 years ago. Gossip board that makes fun of mentally ill women does not go hand in hand with movement made for helping women, for mentally ill women, for women in bad life situations. Like at least most other boards on the internet are fucking sincere about their intentions and values. If I go to /r9k/ they won't pretend they are part of a movement for human's rights. You cannot post on /ot/ about how women are so so oppressed and they have it so bad and then go to /pt/, /snow/, /w/ and feed yourself with the downfall of mentally ill women like Shayna or Venus or Lucinda. Most of the "rad fems" on here do that on a daily basis. Also, I would like to state that most of the female cows posted on here are not hurting anyone and they are not hurting people more than normies that keep themselves together and are better at appearing innocent or sane do. Venus is hurting nobody but herself. Momokun is hurting nobody but herself. Luna is hurting nobody but herself. Lucinda, the same and so on. (some anons love to use the excuse that it is okay to shit or hurt women that hurt others with their mental illness. But most women posted here hurt nobody but themselves)
Gossip board and rad fem board cannot be under the same roof, it's insanity!
Now what are you gonna tell me? That a radical feminist upset me so I hate them? This is your response to all my
valid criticism? Or that I'm a pick me?
Choose one, you're either a woman's right's activist or a mean girl into gossip that laughs at mentally ill women. If you're both, then you're kinda living your life in cognitive dissonance and you deserve to be called a hypocrite.
Yea the internet and life is horrible and so what? I cannot criticize lolcow then? The dynamics of lolcow are different from the dynamics of the average internet website anyway. if you think it made your life better, good for you, but it probably gave you body dysmorphia after years of reading comments about average or cute women being called ugly fat gremlins. This place might turn into reddit 2.0 if there will be a rad fem farm hand since she will ban all criticism of rad fem or the board will simply die. I cannot imagine someone taking over this place and putting up with all this shit. All previous admins have been shit talked and torn down and not respected. It seems like a pain in the ass to take care of a place ridden with CP, to take money out of your pocket to keep the servers up and a bunch of mentolly ill women call you a troon and shit on you because you don't give them what they want when they want it.
Ironically, most of the girls that post in threads like Venus's thread, Lucinda's thread or Shayna's thread are within the same category that the cows themselves are but they were lucky enough to get something better in their life so they did not end up like the cow's they're making fun of. Shayna's thread is full of sex workers that have their pussy spread on the web but they don't get posted because their mental illness is not bad enough or they have that narc filter that makes them appear normal humans when they are rotten and horrible and worse than shaynus, they're just not as ugly and unhinged. The main reasons to why any woman becomes a lolcow is her being mentally ill and ugly. HOW FEMINIST.
I wish the rad fem shit would completely die from lolcow, this is a gossip forum meant to drag around and shit on women. Just make a different board at this point.
I really really want to quit most of the internet. I've been on imageboards since 12 and now I am 21. I'm addicted to the internet. I just want a tumblr with cottage core pics where I block any content that might upset me.
No. 892670
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>>892663>rad femSo it is you, schizo-chan. Didn't you say you were leaving lolcow forever? Why are you still here?
Anyway, didn't read lol.
No. 892676
>>892532I said "some of them"
>>892626>hypocriticalThey moralfag anons about "feminims" while visiting lolcow of all places
>UselessThey don't do shit and are not different from 13yo girls on insta thinking scolding people on the internet is going to change major problems
>IgnorantMost of those radfems are communists, that talks by itself too
>Self-servingAs they don't do shit about anything, they use feminism as a way to feel morally superior/an excuse to shit on women they just don't like
>UnaunthenticThey know damn well their bs is not going to change anything, so their concern for women suffering around the world is hollow.
>weirdly psychopathicDoesn't need explanation
>>892643That's true anon, the thing is, radfems want to feel morally superior about everything they do while being exactly as unhiged as everyone else.
>>892663>>892670>Gossip board and rad fem board cannot be under the same roof, it's insanity! She has a point
No. 892683
>>892676How the fuck do you know all this shit when anons are anonymous? You can visit /ot/, /m/ and /g/ and ignore the cows. You have no idea what those anons are doing and not doing IRL, just like I don't know anything about your life.
>doesn't need explanationActually it does lmfao. How do you diagnose someone with psychosis over the internet? TBH you do sound unwell from that post.
No. 892687
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>>892299>>892428I'll be leaving as well. I came back recently after 2 years and the state of this place has gotten even worse. I understand why the staff hates the users so much, kek. I mean, look at these replies
>>892409 >>892327 It's always the same thing, over and over again, snarky and sassy comments that are completely worthless to the discussion. Especially the first one, like Anon said I feel like I'm on reddit, specifically one of those unfunny comment threads. I hope this place dies soon.
>>892663You're right, but you're wasting your time with these people.
>>892670Yep, there you go. Another funny pic with no substance whatsoever. What's the point of staying here?
>>892675Another meaningless reply, whew. It's so predictable.
No. 892727
>>892683It's the logical explanation, if you can't do shit about anything what's the reason you're buggin so much anons on internet? also i'm at ot/m/g all the time that's why i know them lmao, they derail every conversation with their shit all the time, is
very annoying
>How do you diagnose someone with psychosis over the internet? TBH you do sound unwell from that post.You're taking this too literally
>>892698That's the difference, anon didn't promise anything nor promotes herself as an human rights advocate, unlike others lol
No. 892830
>>892663>Gossip board and rad fem board cannot be under the same roof, it's insanity! This was never the purpose of the website, radfem beliefs naturally developed here due to the facts that a) there are many women in one place who can express their views for the first time anonymously and b) a lot of lolcows who happen to be trans or libfem which peaked many people. People have discovered this website from places like 4chan and Twitter, of course there are going to be many different opposing views…
>>892299>meanwhile they don't actually want to help women in bad situations, dedicate time or money to help their cause, although most of them do have more money and time than they should on their hands.I'm not sure if you've heard, but outing yourself as a
TERF in "first world countries" (as you've put it), isn't a very popular thing for a reason.