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No. 887989
>>>/ot/879729You're smart and everyone else is dumb.
No. 887995
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i never write anything personal because some years ago my bf found a private journal i wrote about how his infidelity affected me, and he shared it with the woman he cheated on me with and they both made fun of me
No. 888008
>>888004>>888005I am afraid to elaborate on my situation or get into specifics for fear of it identifying me. Despite my efforts, i have no privacy.
in short: its more effort than its worth. plus i kinda like him
No. 888010
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Someone save lc please. I would prefer not to lose it.
No. 888030
>>888008So your man cheated on you, stole your private journal, read it, read it
with the woman he cheated with and then mocked you for it? Why do you like this person? He clearly doesn’t like you.
No. 888033
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>>888010Where will I go?? What will I do???
No. 888046
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I hate hate this banner (top) on here as it always reminds me of the cctv of Samantha Koenig being kidnapped (bottom) whenever I see it. (Such a disturbing story) awful case.
No. 888066
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No. 888088
>>888075There has to be another way. Hell, I'd start learning coding right now to create a lc clone in the worst case, but I doubt 4 months will be enough for that. I already started archiving/downloading /ot/ threads back in March and will definitely continue now, so it won't all be lost to time at least.
I'm sure monetary factors wouldn't be an issue either if there would be a public link to donate.
I can fully understand admin retiring, especially after all the cp and gore spam in the last months, but this just completely sucks. There is no other place like lolcow and the anons here, I don't want it to shut down..
No. 888092
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>>888091No. Let it end and go get another autistic obsession like collecting trains and pokemon cards.
No. 888093
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>>888090Beach, stop being a weak retard and move on by yourself
No. 888095
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A-Admin-sama will find someone who can code and host and program and pay and everything is going to be okay
No. 888099
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>>888093Praying and manifesting that admin-sama never finds anyone qualified to take her place and you will all be forced to endure the clusterfuck of CC. Praying, hoping, I be eed that I want that you don’t seem to understand I want this place gone so you all can experience true hell.
No. 888103
>>888099I will go there if it comes to that but I reckon I might get banned as soon as I start posting there more frequently kek
Their threads sucks balls
No. 888112
>>888109Their "niceness" is really weird, it really puts me off. Some sound like 12 years olds. They're probably trannies
Also yeah, I swear lc now only have the same people posting everyday lmao but cc is empty
No. 888124
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>Gets sick of social media and its bullshit
>Finds only place on the internet where genderspecials and scrotes won't ruin everything
>Finally able to shitpost with no worries and have a good time
>Finally able to vent my frustrations freely
>Anons being as mental/retarded as me, some of them being smart and genuinely helpful
>Positive female interactions cure my internalized misogyny
>Negative feedback teaches me how to handle opinions/hate
>Basically, a very good experience
>Site gets deleted
Damn ok i guess
No. 888184
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>>888161This kinda sounds like a civil war wife writing letters to the front line by candlelight
>My Dearest Anon,
>I sit down with pleasure nightly to look upon your fully clothed form. It does me good to think of our day of union (nothing sexual). Take heed that I have not bespoiled my body by cooming.
>With Legs Closed, nonna-belle No. 888191
>>888179I hate race politics and how it's applied to the rest of the world. My country is a mix of Slavic, Turkic and Asian cultures and that shit simply doesn't apply to us, it makes no sense. We're not white, we're not Arab, we're not Asian. Anglos have managed to destroy so many countries by redrawing borders without understanding how ethno-cultural relations work and now they're spreading their colonialist politics via the internet.
I also hate when people criticise non-American businesses for not having any diversity, aka black people, in their ads. My country has a mix of different religions, ethnicities and languages and yet it's not diverse enough because everyone looks kinda similar and there aren't any people of African ancestry in ads like what? Of course, it's okay if they're Korean or Japanese though.
No. 888263
Long one lol. My dad is nearing 70, I'm early 30s and reflecting on our lives is maddening. He's getting old and I'm keeping my distance because I don't want to full-on fall out with him and then regret it or feel guilty when he passes. I grew up in the most insanely controlled environment where everything had a set place, nothing could be left out of place and in terms of routine it was like groundhog day. Everyone had to just work around him and give in to the madness that was a man who cannot stand to see even a spoon out of place, cant deal with the slightest noise overheard from another room. He was the man of the house and therefore the boss. I'd come home from school some days to find he'd thrown out my belongings just because he felt like decluttering. My most sentimental items… clutter. They were neatly tucked away in a half empty drawer, still clutter.. nothing in my room was outside of their set drawers….suddenly considered clutter. That and not being able to make a sound whenever he was home was suffocating. I could list off 100 more rules he had that just done exist in normal households.
In my teens I started having panic attacks, got depressed, stopped being able to leave the house, needed meds. I've never been 100 percent since. The depression does lift for periods of time but the anxiety is a daily thing where being outside never stopped feeling daunting to me. Even now as I run my own home and go out everyday. It still lingers.
My dad has made me feel like the weakest person for simply having those issues and needing time off school and some meds when I was much younger. His mental shite goes undiagnosed… he puts everyone else on eggshells and that''s fine? He lives in denial and makes me feel like a freak for my own thing that I bothered to treat. A lifetime of undiagnosed illness is not being 'strong' especially when you've made your wife and kids miserable by being impossible to ever happily live with or now visit.
I dated a guy a few years back. He had anger issues, he was touchy and whenever I hit a nerve he'd never tell me what it was exactly or let me try to fix it. He loved either the silent treatment or screaming his head off. There was no inbetween when he was upset, and he was very often upset. He met me at a time when my mental health was at its best but because he knew I had an ongoing history of mental health struggles… Everything was twisted into me being emotional. Even when I wasn't very reactive to his moods I was somehow the one that is emotional and needs meds. I got used to his freak outs, I reacted less and less every time and hit a point where I could nearly laugh at his attempts to say I was emotional given he screamed and stomped and I basically just waited for him to stop. I stayed calm in his presence so as not to escalate his episodes but my anxiety levels in general were creeping up from having to live with that. Seeing the light with that guy opened my eyes to the dynamic I have with my dad. It was a strange mirror of it in a way and maybe that's why I tolerated it for so long. On some level I still saw it as normal to put up with that from a man. I asked this guy to get an assessment and all hell broke loose at that suggestion kek. Men who deny their mental illnesses and expect you to live your life on eggshells pretending they're not ill or acting unreasonable.. fuck them and their lifelong denial.
No. 888451
>>888263>insanely controlled environment >thrown out my belongings just because he felt like decluttering>His mental shite goes undiagnosedDamn, nonna, my mother should have married your father, they would have been the perfect match.
I'm in the same boat, except I'm untreated for anything because my mother would have taken the opportunity to drive me to therapy and that would have killed me in the end. It took me years to understand my family dynamics and how it messed with me. Haven't been living with my parents for over 15 years now, but it's still all there in the back of my mind.
Just don't feel guilty that you are keeping your distance, it's the best thing you can do. I told my mother many times that she should go to therapy but according to her she "can't change", so, if she doesn't try I have to distance myself to find my way towards a healthy and happy life. I'm just angry how much damage has been done.
No. 888453
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I went over to cc to prepare myself for the eventual migration, but I really don't want to. In the few threads I looked into none of them seem to understand sarcasm and the moid defenders are annoying.
No. 888473
>>888453CC sucks ass and is 99% populated by troons, don't bother in the first place. I just found out about the site shuttng down, too. I'm kind of sad, but looking at the bigger picture, this can actually be great. I can have a life now, stop refreshing threads/catalogues and living in dark pits of hating cows, hell, maybe i can even pretend to be a normal person. I've been around here long enough so that it's been a real detriment to my social and professional life. This site not existing anymore will be a painful bandaid to rip off, but nothing worth quitting is easy to quit. Basically I just hope to transform back into a normie, since I don't have that many "online" interests. Maybe I feel a little bad for those who haven't been here long enough or those who have been here since 2015, and I'll definitely miss the anons on here, too.
No. 888515
>>888087You are blessedly sheltered to have never been in an
abusive relationship.
No. 888583
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yeah is definitely ghetto and musty as fuck, just an excuse for the racist anons to go somewhere else where they’re unlikely to get banned for saying shit like this. imageboards are dated and obnoxious and it’s time to move on, just archive all of the cow threads and let it die, let it die, let it die~ it’s time for a new era you crusty neetnonas
No. 888587
>>888583CC honestly annoys me with all its obvious LARPing scrotes and the dumbass pick-mes (60% of which are probably CAFEBEEF-tier trannoids and "fembois"). It could be nice if it wasn't for the mods being lax with their bullshit. At least those types actually get banned here.
Seriously, someone reread that screenshot and try to say, with a straight face, that a woman wrote it and picked that image. Totally not some ugly-ass male in his 30s-40s thinking "What do women post? Cat pics? Trying to fit in and maybe redpill some lasses incognito."
"Shan't", lmao.
No. 888588
>>888583>imageboards are outdated because people hate niggers :(cry more
i'll take my ban ty
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>>888591most users there are from lolcow
No. 888603
>>888583I'm also kind of hesitant about possibly having to move to CC cause of the racebaiting. I've only been there twice, and saw some bait. I know LC has it's fair share of racist farmers (and recently, KF users), but it doesn't even seem like it's a bannable offense on CC
unless they just don't redtext bans? idk.
No. 888765
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I've only been using lolcow for 2.5 years and wasn't even an imageboard user before that but I've spent so much time here. I don't have friends irl other than family and I have a ton of mental health issues. therapy is expensive and I only get to see my therapist once a month. it's just really nice to have an anonymous place to vent/ask for advice and bond with other women who get it, even if you bitches sometimes roasted me, I deserved it. I guess I could use crystal cafe but I've been there before and it's ugly and I just… didn't like it, Idk. sorry if I'm being a melodramatic ass bitch, I'm off my meds.
No. 888785
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I'm supposed to be accompanying my husband tomorrow to go to his parent's house to make them brunch and visit.
What's bizarre is that we haven't heard from them…at all. His mother has alzheimer's, yet usually she's calling him at odd hours. She'd been particularly upset and confused a few weeks ago when her phone calls got really bad because she decided she no longer wanted to live in her house anymore and didn't recognize her husband. She didn't even remember her own son when she called us, just that his number had been in her address book and that someone from it needed to know to come pick her up and take her away from that place.
Tbh fam I'm a bit spooked. I feel like I'm going to walk in on dead people in the morning. How am I going to handle this???
No. 888797
>>888774same im permabanned as of last week and still dont know what happened, only ever posted random benign pics on /media/
the mods are retarded
No. 888819
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It's just one of those days, y'know. There's a consistent mix of good and bad in my life and today the bad just weighs heavier on me than usual. I have work I need to do to keep it from spilling into this next week but I just wanna lie in bed and watch a movie.
No. 888909
>>888903Being a doormat is not good, sure, but
abusive? Lol.
No. 888914
>>888903It's considered abuse when it's for the purpose of control and manipulation, not a genuine way to cope with to being hurt.
>If I tell them what they did upset me, it could make them not like me anymoreThis is some serious nonsense though. Apparently you have to beat yourself up over how you deal with other people wronging you, but they get away with whatever they did wrong because you clearly value them more than they value you. Ignoring someone isn't
abusive, but it is an overly passive way to handle issues.
No. 888947
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>friend gets assaulted by his mentally unwell mom
>"that's the last straw, I'm going to get a job and move out"
>offer to help him out, both advice and monetary support if he needed it
>next day his abusive mom apologizes and buys him food
>he goes on like everything is fine now
>literally about to dip back into a website that he was vehemently against before and where some of his old bad friends lurk
So much for "the last straw" eh?
No. 888948
>>888583Couldn't you find a better example? Why do you have this screenshot? It's from two years ago. What was the original context? Isolated, anon is rude but hardly racist. Rule 9 forbids threads on race/ethnicity/nationality. I discovered cc a year ago, so I don't know, is rule 9 new? If not, the original poster might have been breaking the rules to sperg about US blacks anyway. If this is the best evidence you've got, well…
>>888603I've been banned before (not for racebait) and it was not red texted. So, possibly.
No. 889005
It feels like I’m just having a prolonged “now what” moment when I go on the internet because the only website I still fucked around on was lc. It feels like I have to “grow out” of playing around and wasting time online and I don’t like it. Even with the influx of newfags and lack of integration on all boards, there’s no place like here.
>>888765I’m the same. lc was my first imageboard, and I really don’t want to use cc in the future, so I guess it’s also my last.
No. 889026
>>889016I told this bitch that the "science" of psychology and psychiatry are not put in practice very well. In the sense diagnosis criteria is all over the place and you can basically diagnose an abused person with 60 percent of the dsm 5 mental illnesses considering how bad diagnosis criteria is. I think each mental illness should have a grade of severity and a "chore" characteristic for it to be diagnosed. We live in a society where literally everyone could be diagnosed with ADHD, BPD or depression, so what's the point of even having them labeled as illnesses if the bar of diagnosis is so low. She just acted like I was unknowleadgable and just kept flexing her aquired social status of going through psychology school.
I hate how women that literally don't even have BPD are being suggested they have it. The diagnosis criteria should be harsher. If you self harm, have dissociation and other symptoms you might just experience the aftermath of abuse. I think the "chore" principal characteristic of BPD is being very afraid of abandonment and overall a very chaotic and
abusive individual, I've met people with actual BPD and they are uncomparable to the snowflakes that think they have it because their emotions are not liniar and because they have 3 self harm scars from when they were 13. I've helped myself reading DBT and CBT more than therapists ever helped me lmao as fucking pretentious as that may sound it is the truth. When I went to psychologists they regurgitated the same shit and kept trying to inoculate in my brain that I do not love myself because of abuse and that I need to learn loving myself. And I kept going against it because it was simply untrue, I had always loved myself and even if I was abused I still do. And because I refused to accept it I was actually hating myself they acted as if my "BPD" made me resistent to treatment just because I didn't accept the shit they were trying to brainwash me with. Like bitch I fucking love myself, why are you telling me useless shit.
I love myself and I don't even have persistent BPD symptoms and never have had them. If I had to go through injustice and abuse and I have a resentiment towards how the world works it does not mean "I hate myself", it just means I have justified feelings towards the world. I had self harmed myself at one point (when I was very young) and I do have a tad bit of "emotional disssregulation" and I am argumentative but that's not a fucking mental illness. If life gave me a shitty deck it's my fault??? Because I am mentally ill? No, life just gave me a shitty deck and I struggle with it, not because I have some internalized self hatred and evilness, but only because dealing with a hard life can be harsh.
No. 889030
>>889026BPD is just used to shut women up a lot of the time. I was accused of being a 'BPD bitch' when I got upset about my ex emotionally cheating. He called me paranoid and actually started going through the list of symptoms with me to prove to me how crazy I'm being.
Which is extremely funny because
he was the one making me crazy, everyone else I know including my parents will confirm that I am extremely patient, calm and predictable with routines bordering on autism, I am literally that one guy who only listens to Linkin Park's In The End because he doesn't like any other songs, he was just really good at riling me up and making me feel like I'm going insane.
No. 889039
>>889011BPD is a funny thing, most people diagnosed with that don't actually have it.
I have visible self-harm scars. Once I went to a festival and there was a guy, seeing my scars. He came to me and his start to the conversation was "Oh, you have BPD, too?!" and I was so annoyed with that that I just said something like "Yes" and went away. Self-harm for most people is just BPD and I'm so tired of it. The time I started self-harming, everyone around me that went to a therapist got the diagnosis BPD, most of them were underage, but it ruined their lives, because they started acting like the textbook and at that time got told that BPD is untreatable. There was also a documentation on TV once where the psychiatrist had a, according to him, BPD patient. He was like "I only have to see their left arm and know if they have BPD or not". That the girl was just fucked up because of abuse, an unhealthy family and seemed like she had depression, no, she must have BPD. And left arm? It seems that he didn't know that the body has more skin than on the left arm.
Sometimes it appears that BPD is the new "hysteria" for women and I hate it. I'm so annoyed by the self-harm = BPD people, yes, I have self-harmed, no, I don't have BPD, it might be depression, it might be trauma from bullying, I don't know, never saw a therapist because I don't want to be labeled with a wrong diagnosis.
No. 889058
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Sometimes it’s so weird looking at the corny fake love and positivity anons reply to each other with when I know it’s forced and inauthentic. You both were probably just bickering aggressively about stupid shit no one cares about and then you’re pretending it’s alright, yeah sure you totally “love” me even though I don’t know you. I just wish people on here would stop being so fake. I’m aware it’s all anonymous and all but it makes my teeth tingle like no, stop trying to act buddy buddy with me when you probably called me ugly and fat in another thread because I did not agree with you. That’s the most mindfucked thing of all, they don’t even know if they did hurt you because you are just another number, another anonymous, another nobody behind the screen. You’re just wasting time.
No. 889079
>>889058Nah, I actually like it. Arguments mean nothing here because in the next thread, the same person who called you an insufferable cunt might be the one who consoles you in another thread (or vice versa).
There's no reputation to uphold or destroy (at least not to anyone that matters), and no bad blood. Every post stands on its own merit. That's also how you know the anon being nice actually means it. They have nothing to gain from being kind, they just wanted to briefly share a pleasant interaction with another anonymous person.
No. 889092
>>888583I cannot sympathize with this. Grow a fucking pair. Every site I read has nonwhite membership and they write nasty, horrid shit about white women every single day. It's not moderated. Although, say some nasty shit about nonwhites and expect a ban kek. I wish we either had a white only site or one where we can say whatever the fuck we want because
woc clearly do. Private discords are even worse. I've larped as a
woc to gain access and 99% of the conversation is mocking white women. You are some miserable, bitter bitches.
No. 889224
>>889209NTAYRT But there's a difference between speaking out about oppression and marginalization of black people, and bitterly seething online about how much you hate white
women (or even just nonblack women) specifically, though. It comes across as incredibly misdirected, unless in the context of white women leveraging police or beauty standards against black women.
No. 889230
>>889223some people are actually just nice, kind, and have empathy/care about others.
if you're this bitter all the time when you post i highly doubt anyone here is going out of their way to be that nice to you anyway.
No. 889233
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I quit caring about what other people think. I think I'm just out of luck constantly when it comes to people. I'm the sort of person with shit luck. I find myself a lot in the Agatha girl, she was just a random inocent wholesome girl that wanted to express herself and maybe make some pocket money, not a hoe, not a pick me. Just an artist. Ironically, she got harassed for being probably one of the most wholesome people on the internet that have ever existed. A female version of reviewbrah. In a sea of fake fame chasing creators you have her a blooming beautiful flower and of course they had to harass her until she quit. They lie about hating whores, they love whores the most, they love whores so much they want every woman to be one and when you are not one they are gonna harass you. Can you not see the world we live in? A world in which as a woman you're more likely to be harassed for being a genuine normal woman because now women expect all women to be unvaluable whore pick mes. They say they hate whores and pick mes but they never go after them, in fact they love them. They love all the sociopathic whores, the more sociopathic you are the more they love you.
No. 889241
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Can you imagine if reviewbrah was a woman?? She would have had to quit because of the hatred and negative feedback. A lot of people would have hated her, would have called her attention obsessed or that she wants people's money for low effort work. Some incel would have found where she lives and stabbed her. There would be hundreds of deepfakes of her on the internet.
They love whores like Belle Delphine and project this inhumane hatred towards normal women and especially skilled women. They want all women to be naked whores on display for them. What sort of liberation from patriarchy is this???? A world where I'm loved more if I become a disposable object for men's pleasure but I am hated if I become a skilled individual for being a woman. The world literally hates women with real skills and women are expected to be commodity. Fuck the world and fuck men and fuck sexual liberation and fuck the pick mes getting naked and dragging women's rights down by 1000 years. They don't realize the damage they are doing for women as a collective.
No. 889246
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>>889242European education systems must be garbage then.
No. 889256
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>>889252>>889254Cope. This your beautiful culture at work. Why aren’t you embracing it?
No. 889257
>>889254If pressumably amerifat op wants me to care, why isn't she fighting for polish women's right to abortion? Some of them are even
POC lmfao. All americans think that entire world should coddle them while they don't give the fuck about anyone
>inb4 not amerifatOk, the first point still applies
No. 889263
>>889256Its not meant to blackface and I'm not even European but in the words of the Great Ataturk
>“There are many different cultures but only one civilization — the Western one.” and its true, without the west women would be subhumans around the world and treated as property, I'm glad my country was colonized and I was ruled by a rational rather then "Islamic" law
No. 889264
>>889257You got invaded by Nazi Germany lol. Also, there’s been an alarming rate of anti-immigration/nationalist/alt-right groups and organizations popping up in Poland so how would those beloved
POC ever be able to get their abortions if the white polish people around them don’t want them there?
(infighting) No. 889276
>>889264>You got invaded by Nazi Germany lolImagine if I said
>Your ancestors were sold and bought as slaves lmfaoOr do you think we wanted to be fucking murdered in concentration camps?
>how would those beloved POC ever be able to get their abortions if the white polish people around them don’t want them there?So you are unable to care about your fellow women on the other side of the world without your group gaining anything, yet you expect everyone else to do so while you berate them. Ok, thanks for confirming that.
not like WOC aren't living here already and their lives got worse due to the abortion ban(infighting) No. 889277
>>889199This anon is right.
>>889209Okay. Now, how are you resolving the effects of history or doing anything to right the ills of society by posting petty insults to white women on the internet? It makes sense when it's a direct response to someone being racist, but whose life is improved when you post "White women are x, y, z" completely unprovoked? You're just spreading agitation and hatred for nothing.
At this point, it's so clear that a lot of people don't even care about discrimination or history. They just use it as a "gotcha" to be vile to others.
And then you'll act surprised when white supremacists take those kinds of posts and use them as "proof" that it's not worth trying to get along, we need to have a race war now, colonization wasn't bad, white people have never done anything bad and are always
victims, etc. I'm not even white, I just find this shit dumb. You deliberately poison the well even further and wonder why things don't improve. Why?
No. 889280
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please stop infighting so I can whine about getting ghosted by the weedman
No. 889290
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>>889276I don’t care about women who are complicit in white supremacy and misogyny. Not everything should be viewed through “is this misogynistic?” and rather “maybe this woman is oddly bigoted towards other races and mingles with european nationalists to advance her career and that’s not good because it harms women who aren’t white?” You’re using serious terms and ideas like misogyny to avoid the real elephant in the room that sometimes these women do in fact exist and it it isn’t always sexist to critique these women who use their advantage and privilege as a white woman to advance harmful ideologies. I don’t go on Twitter at all this is just real-life politics and if you can’t handle that then I don’t know, your lost.
No. 889294
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>>889256And this is your beautiful culture at work. Are you embracing it? Or are you lucky enough to live with the evil colonisers who outlaw such barbarism? Because we can pick and chose bad bits from everyones culture all fucking day and get nowhere. I think we all need to embrace our anonymity a bit more and knock this idpol shit off. Fuck what the white womens ancestors did, if they're not racist to me and show me basic human decency I don't have a problem with them. Same goes for anyone else of a different culture or race to me.
No. 889303
>>889290>You’re using serious terms and ideas like misogynySaid the person laughing at country being ruined by Nazis.
Why do you think all Polish women, probably including me, are racist? Because shitty men ruling our country are? If we had much to say, we would keep abortions lmfao. You will find any reason to hate on others and excuse your lack of empathy. And no, I will not say that no Polish women are racist, because that sadly happens everywhere… you have zero nuance tho and keep moving goalposts so you can feel good with yourself. I recommend you therapy for your deep seated issues.
No. 889335
>>889291kek there’s no story but he’s been delaying for longer than usual, and what’s worse is I prepaid because
I’m a huge retard I’ve known him for a long time and he’s been v chill and honest. I just want to sleep and for my back to stop hurting. I’m just gonna write off the money as paying my stupid tax.
No. 889348
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I wish people would stop romanticizing Latino parents and their shitty attitudes. "Ha ha Latino parents amirite?" I'm sick of it, it's not funny when you're trapped with a psychotic, delusionally religious bitch or a dangerously angry scrote screaming at you for every single fucking thing and getting physical if you dare to call-out their bullshit, it's hellish. Latinos making light of the situation are pathetic, the fact people here don't have to balls to stand up to boomers or olders it's literally one of the things delaying our progress as a culture.
No. 889399
I think I will be heartbroken soon. I think I will have to end things with somebody whom I am genuinely in love with. It seems the best step to undertake regarding my own happiness and growth. Currently the pictures of our summer together are being developed and I am heavily contemplating what to do. I have plenty of time to consider this situation and will simply let life occur for the most part. Still, it is something that I find unpleasant to think about. I look forward to the opportunities it might lead to, but lament the sacrifice it might take. Perhaps I am reacting completely incorrectly and he and I will remain together, but my certainty of this has been decreasing the past few days, and finally with some stability that does not leave me returning to obviously exhausting and painful situations. It just isn't as black-and-white as it should be, or I am incapable of seeing it as such. Kind of vague, but it is just so bittersweet… All of these romantic pictures and this great love that blossomed between us, but it might not survive and so I see myself as bearing the responsibility to simply kill it before its decay catches up and obliterates everything surrounding it… And thinking about the heartbreak it would cause him too… It hurts me so… I don't want to cause him any pain, I want to be happy together. But it genuinely probably isn't the right decision to be together. At least not right now… The first week after meeting I had this unshakable impression that it was a "right person, wrong time" type of relationship. Although the "right person" idea is unsteady by now, the overall sentiment has definitely returned. UGHHH
No. 889434
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I feel oddly clingy and I hate it. I get like this sometimes and I just shut myself down and go quiet because I don't want to bug my partner but then she picks up on me being quiet and asks what's wrong and instead of admitting that I crave emotional intimacy I say "Nothing!" and start compulsively lifting weights because emotions are silly and fleeting but deez gunz are for life. Fucking hell, why am I so weird with expressing emotional desire? I feel like a coomer because I sure as shit know how to express physical desire when I wanna make love but when I just want a few nice words and a hug? My brain shuts down, I feel weak and pathetic. FML.
No. 889446
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I've been friends with that one person who had common interests with me + they have been reaching to me when things were getting shitty irl. They were super sweet to me back in time. Around that time they did cut contact with their other friend because they felt like their friend interact with them only when there's nobody else to talk with, feeling 'abandoned and used'. And now I feel like they talk to me only because they've got no one else to talk with, while not genuinely likening me. And I feel so stupid because I've been doodling them stuff to cheer them up and even sent a package as a gift (I used to do this with some other friends). I was in a pretty heavy mood yesterday and really wished I could hug a person, and went like 'hey thanks for always being there' while getting 'wtf'. The other time they said something low-key hurtful and while apologizing because they've noticed, I've got something around 'the more I know the person the more bitchy I might act'. And it fucking hurts because I really did put much effort into that friendship.
No. 889449
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i understand that just about anyone would pick her (outgoing, good at the game) over me (shy, trash at the game) to befriend, but i'm still sad about it.
also kind of sad that the group's warmed up to her so quickly, but i'm still just a person that's sort of "there" sometimes. this always happens, but – idk. it still makes me depressed.
oh well.
time to drink tea and cry about it ( again ) lol
No. 889469
>>889449ily anon, i know the struggle.
sometimes you just to carve your own niche, even if its outside of the main group. even just finding one person who gives a shit about talking to you and getting to know you is leagues better than any big group filled with people that you have little in common with (and from my experience of friendship groups based around games, 9/10 times theyre just stupid and drama filled honestly)
No. 889473
>>889449This happened to me and it hurt so badly that I autistically stopped being friends with all of them KEK even the ones that were closer to me than her, just for being in the same friend group. She was undeniably better. If younger me had to choose between me and her, she’d be chosen in a heartbeat. She was like an improved fanfiction version of my life from location, age, and height all the way down to our coincidentally shared niche obsessive interests, race, and family history. And when I came back in the summer, I found out she was dating my former best friend/the person I was crushing on while I was still a background character. So naturally I made a playlist, cried, and stopped hanging out again. I thought I’d feel better if they broke up kek, to get distance between her and the group. But they never did.
No. 889478
>>889450I just did, but it's not enough. It's like that since a few days ago, whenever it looks like it's working perfectly again at some point some very specific keys will stop working. It's happening more and more often.
Writing this post took way too much time because I had to press the letters "t", "y", "g" and "v" way too often for them to show up.
No. 889489
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I keep seeing people having wholesome family day outings today and as someone who only talks to their mom because my deceased father ruined every damn family connection before croaking…shit hurts. I love my mom but it fucks me up to know I can't salvage any of the relationships and they all heard my dad shit talk me ever since I was a young kid, it's too late now and most of them are already very dead too.
No. 889493
>>889473This was me in middle school. New girl transferred, instantly befriended everyone, we even shared the same name. She was pretty and smart and good at everything, everyone loved her and she quickly replaced me as the homeroom teacher's darling. She also had money and travelled abroad all the time while I was raised by my grandma and poor.
I hoped we wouldn't go to the same high school but nope! Followed me there too, we ended up in the same class where she mogged me yet again and also told everyone I was a loser in middle school. I never got my fresh start.
No. 889494
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>>889449I always feel bad for the people that feels left out, but hell, whenever I try to befriend them, they always act disinterested or outright mean and then I stop trying to make them integrate the group.
Socializing sucks.
No. 889521
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thoughts on this ?
No. 889570
>>887989I have been feeling lonely lately and I think it’s because every interaction I have with people feels very shallow. I want to have real conversations with people but it’s like no one wants to interact with anyone.
I’m not even talking faux super deep “meaning of life” pretentious bullshit. I just want to talk to someone who has an actual opinion or feelings or who is willing to think about things. I will gladly engage in almost any topic, especially ones they are supposedly interested in, but they respond like a fucking NPC.
Either that, or they’re half agreeing with everything you say in fear of offending you over the most inconsequential shit, or on the other end of the spectrum waiting to jump on you for misspeaking so they can twist your words as a gotcha for them to rail against.
No. 889599
TBH I have no sympathy for TIFs who encourage other women to troon out, especially T4T lesbians. I love every aspect of the female form, and the concept of fujorotted retards with internalized misogyny and lesbophobia insisting that the unaltered female form is inferior to the TIF form (or even the moid form) is just pathetic to me. The fact that they want specifically other females, but need them to troon out and become their "pretty princes", instead of being open to dating "cis" women (or TIMs, or standard moids), is incredibly telling to me. I can't imagine being so twisted up that I need the women I want to date or fuck to poison themselves to keep myself from breaking down like an iPhone after the new model is released. Anyway, I just want to treat my fellow woman by preparing good food for her, sharing our joys and troubles, giving her gifts, and eating her out and tribbing. HMU if you want a slightly prettier than average retard and you have a fat pussy.
No. 889638
>>889493>we ended up in the same class where she mogged me yet again and also told everyone I was a loser in middle schoolThis shit was fucking painful to read. I’m so sorry anon. She fucking sucks, you’re cooler. It is very middle school behavior on my part. But I can’t convince myself to care enough to believe I shouldn’t react this way. They don’t know this is why I leave, so even when I act immature at least I don’t blatantly look that way either. For me it feels cathartic to let yourself be retardedly upset and unhinged over how you think people perceive you.
>>889485I hope not. I’m tired of tapping out of friend groups and trading important relationships for parasocial ones because people unknowingly disappoint me. That was the second time and it was more than enough. The first girl became my best friend, the second one I tried to be friends with her but she didn’t like me. If I was any more schizo I’d believe she conspired all of that shit specifically to get kicks out of me.
No. 889650
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>tfw it's late but going to sleep means it's over, my weekend is over and there's five days of work all over again
No. 889690
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I absolutely detest how normalized loli pedo shit has gotten. It used to at least be confined to japan, but weebs have spread that shit worldwide. I remember when most western anime fans were still like "lol why would anyone find a flat chest hot", and now you can't escape nya nya imouto garbage, even in mainstream products like nintendo games. The most recent pokemon game had a loli in a tight bikini, and a loli with literal crotch-height cutouts in her skirt. It's so overt that it makes me want to scream. I can't believe western game websites just roll with this shit, but even mentioning it makes everyone treat you like a basket case. Try to say anything about the maybe just a little bit inappropriate five year old in booty shorts and thigh highs and every slobbering redditor will rush at you to explain how acktually you're the sicko for pointing out that the character looks like it was inspired by a musty shoebox full of photos confiscated by the FBI. That's the sickest thing, the fact that these freaks have genuinely deluded themselves into thinking that what they feel is wholesome fatherly love. I hope to god they neck themselves before they have kids.
I was originally going to use a picture of one of the aforementioned mainstream skimpily-dressed lolis to illustrate my point, but posting the image in its original form when legions of scrotes have jacked it to this very picture feels too cursed. I dressed her, but you can use your imagination.
No. 889724
>>889657I wish I could give you a hug. It may not seem like it right now, but you will heal from this. There is an ever-growing detrans community online, you may find some comfort in seeking out others who are dealing with similar situations.
Best of luck to you, I hope you can soon find peace.
No. 889759
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>>889726They constantly shit on wine moms, girl bosses and thots, but guess who the vast majority of the female population would rather be friends with? Guess who’s more fun at parties? They can spend the rest of their life scrubbing skid marks out of their husbears boxers, thinking about how desirable they are, while the women they mock travel the world, go to parties and succeed in their careers.
No. 889764
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>>889759I'm not gonna be a fun wine aunt who parties and has a career but you still won't catch me having kids. All you have to do is listen to the perspective of mothers to realize they get a shit deal thanks to their atrocious husbands, social approval ain't worth the risk.
No. 889789
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i don't have an issue with how feminine my body looks until the subject of wide hips/ass is brought up. then i consider hip surgery/fat transfer/BBL. i feel like having narrow hips and no ass is genuinely ruining my life and mental state, and at the same time i can't even be angry at men because that's just what they're attracted to.
No. 889795
>>889789I feel like wanting to get surgery just because you believe thats what man prefer is a horrible idea. Men will literally fuck anyone so you don't have to worry to much about it, i know plenty of girl who don't have big hips or ass and they still have boyfriends. Try to work more on your confidence anon.
>>889787What is it that you don't like about your face? You probably don't look ugly it just sounds like you're lonely and have a low confidence.
No. 889806
>>889795It's too round, my big lips stick out too much, my profile looks like I have some developmental disability or something. I actually have a boyfriend, who says that I'm a ten, and that is just not true. Maybe it really is to him? But I'm like a 5 at best. He is very attractive, he's the only man I've ever been attracted to. The fact that he thinks I'm beautiful is wonderful, I just wish that
I could see what he apparently sees. I am lonely in a sense that I wish I had friends, I've never had friends who were into clothes and makeup and hair and stuff, and I feel like I've missed out on some of the best parts of being a young girl, now I'm a full grown woman with no friends and no idea how to go out into the world and find cool people. Even if I did, I would probably be a freak about it, hang out with some cool girl and then go home and cry hysterically about how not only am I ugly but I'm also not cool like this person I'm trying to be friends with and never talk to her again to spare myself embarrassment. I sabotage myself all the time by telling myself how garbage I am. But to be fair about that, I have over 20 years of other people, including my own family, telling me that I am garbage. I don't know how I'm supposed to fix myself, or not hate my dumb face.
No. 889812
>>889811I for sure am a mouth breather, I blame my big lips and no one ever telling me that it isn't a good thing to breathe through your mouth. I actually started literally taping my mouth shut at night so I don't sleep with my mouth open.
Thank you for the comforting words, anon, I appreciate you
No. 889813
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I just had a phone interview out of the blue and I feel like I fucked up, aaaaa
Was doing the dishes, phone rang, thought it was my mother but when I saw the number I thought they were calling to give me a time and date. Nope. They wanted to hear how my German sounds since it's required for the job. I'm fluent but super rusty and was also nervous and couln't think of things to say.
It was also the company I was looking forward working for the most and has the best pay. Fuck.
No. 889823
>>889812That's a good thing. You can look into myofunctional therapy, there are many different ways to solving this problem on your own. I am a mouthbreather too and have already made improvements. Check out Dr Mew, @aise_cemil on Instagram, foundation training, flobility movement. It is all about your entire posture and it will improve your quality of life as a whole. I really wish I could do more for you because I know exactly how you feel. It always gives me faith to know that I can achieve my goals because nothing is set in stone and a lot is dependent on the patterns my subconscious has developed. With dedication and consistency so much can be achieved, and so much that is far more important than being cool like the others or whatever. I would encourage you to maybe see if you can create or seek out situations with your boyfriend that counter the bad experiences you have. I am sure that, just like me, you feel so terrible about yourself because all you can refer back to from your past is people excluding, ridiculing or hurting you. I have a boyfriend now too and he treats me like nobody has ever treated me before. I now feel comfortable being myself around him and have memories that counter the bad memories I have, which makes me know that a different response and reality in which people love, appreciate and respect me
is possible. It's all about rewiring your brain!! Try to focus on this fact and see how you can positively influence it. Sorry for the vagueness and incoherence I am somewhat in a hurry but I just want you to really know that hope isn't lost and life is beautiful and especially because you are a part of it
No. 889892
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as for my vent, had a gas leak, got my endochan period so inhaled a bunch of gas struggling to get downstairs, had to bring my friends dad into my messy neet house in shame to fix the gas leak and now im just chilling with a cup of tea debating how far away i can safely light a joint (might just go down to the river or something)
sure do love all u girlos in the vent thread No. 889988
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>>889952no job is worth more than your health, and if it's actually a good job they really shouldn't complain about a serious medical problem. bring in a doctors note when you feel better, employers do like to see documentation that you were really sick, and anon you Are, there's nothing wrong with that. i hope you feel better!
No. 890015
>>889683yeah what really comes as a shock to me is that we always seemed to have such a good level of mutual respect? the worst part is i know he's on a trip away from the girlfriend or fiancee or whatever she is to him now this week.
i feel like i need a shower still, half a day later. so gross.
the worst was getting a "gtg still horny" text to close it out. fucking yuck
No. 890031
>>889724Thanks anon. I hope you're right. I was in a really bad place last night. I just wish I could have my singing voice back. I came out to some professors and am dreading going back for my final year as a detrans person. My "trans" friends dropped me like hot coal, too.
I have lurked some detrans communities and a lot of them have the same narrative as I do. I look on r/detrans sometimes, but that has been getting bridgaded by people who are still brainwashed by gender woo. It breaks my heart that people still buy into it. It feels like Plato's allegory of the cave. None of the gender shit is real. There is no internal, gendered self or "gendered brain" to conform to.
We're just humans who are either male or female, and everything else is extraneous. Bleh.
No. 890055
>>889657I was on T for the same amount of time but this was 7 years ago now. My voice seemed to drop at a rapid rate even in the first few weeks taking it. I skipped that point people make fun of, the 'froggy croaky' gay sounding voice and went straight to sounding like my dad in no time.
Ime after a while you can get some control over it. I can sound female or male at will basically. I never saw a speech therapist or anything, I think just practicing over time to soften it (usually when I'm around women I try harder to sound polite that way) Around men I don't bother. The first few months is the hardest and then you see the effects of your own hormones kicking in.
Hell even some of the body hair I gained is just gone after a few years. Places where I gained a moderate amount of hair now have a sparse amount left for soem reason. So two of the biggest 'permanent' effects that worried me aren't bothering me today. Women who've stayed on the stuff for 3 years or upwards and who're bald pay a hefty price. I think most will be ok if getting out around the one year mark.
No. 890090
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>>890081Tell us when your uncle dies, I'll celebrate with you.
No. 890109
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I was making progress feeling okay about my body without really disordered eating. Then I saw pic rel in some other thread and people were making fun of her and calling her huge, and saying its sad she has a huge ass no tits and backrolls. And that's what my body looks like. I didn't eat today and I know I'm being stupid. I'm gonna go eat some toast or something. Idk who this bitch is though LOL
No. 890128
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Stop thinking about the destiny of humans. Stop thinking about how we're slowly killing ourselves with our greed. Stop thinking about how none of this means anything.
No. 890132
>>890109>this bitch There’s no need to be so rude, anonancia.
But there’s no need to take seriously the nonnies posting their vitriol about some random celebrity, those are probably the bone rattlers mad because the woman in the picture is wearing something different to a sack of potatoes.
Go get your toast, anon, starving yourself only makes weight loss more difficult and horrible.
No. 890141
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If I fail my drivers exam for the 5th time I will have to do the theory exam again, study for it and pay more taxes. Then attempt the driving exam again and who knows if I'll fail once more. It's draining my bank account and my mother's. I feel retarded for being so nervous about it. The first 3 times I wasn't prepared at all and the last time my nerves got in the way… I even cancelled a small visit to my bf's vacation house to do this exam right after telling him I'd rather forget about it for some time and go with him. I want to feel like a young adult already but I truly feel like a pathetic loser teenager despite being 21.
No. 890142
I grew up on the coast, Northeastern Canada. I remember walking to the beach in the winter and there would be ice as far as you can see. The shore where the water usually was looked like a quarry, that's how much ice there would be. Then in the later months, you could walk down and watch the Harp seals. They have their pups out on the ice, then when they're big enough, they come over and lay on the beaches for a bit.
The last few years, there's been less and less ice. No field of ice chunks. A lot of times, you just see all that gray, winter water. Less and less seals, too.
2012 was a bad year for the Harp seals. 2020 was even worse. I don't think I saw a single one on my beach. The ice keeps getting thinner. If it's too slushy, the seals fall through and drown. Plus, the ice flats become less table. Seals are having their pups on the unstable ice flats and they break apart. The seals drown or are crushed between the sheets of drifting ice.
I miss the seals. I keep thinking of them because the weather is getting cooler again.
No. 890163
>>890151Ayrt, had to dirty delete because I realized twitter TIFs lurk here so she might too. The short answer is that she basically hasn't. She's managed to jump from person to person to mooch off of by spinning lies about some horrible situation she's in, and some of them even kept supporting her when the lies fell apart, but she is so rude and filthy and lazy that they have to kick her out and she finds another person to support her. I think back then people gave her a chance because she was young. More recently, her ex supported her for the past 7 or so years because she told him she was twaumatized and just needed a little help getting on her feet, then he found out that most of what he knew about her was false and she's been bragging about being able to manipulate him into supporting her. Then she claims, him and everyone else she mooched off of (not just the ex but friends, family) was an abuser and that she was only with him because she desperately needed his money to survive, but her ex only made 12 bucks an hour and supported them both, she could get better pay at a fast food joint these days, but she doesn't want to work. The crazy thing is he genuinely bought her insanity because he didn't read her Twitter, and she could have kept mooching indefinitely if she just dropped the troon tactic of demanding he call himself a gay faggot, and didn't overshare online. Her whole identity seems crafted to appeal to Twitter and even they don't give her the attention she's looking for. Won't delete this one because I'm guessing it can apply to about 80% of TIFs.
No. 890177
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>Bf's cat dies suddenly
>His mum and sister are devastated
>My mum has a vet clinic and someone abandoned a pregnant cat there
>The kittens are healthy and my bf's mum and his sister wanna adopt one
>Tell them that she may not be 100% ready and it may be hard to take care of a 3 month old kitten, ask if they could wait until she's like 6 months
>They say it's fine, they can handle a very young kitten
>Kitten gets an upper respiratory infection and his sister isn't home most days to give the cat proper care while she's sick so I offer to take her in until she recovers
>Scared to death the kitten will die and they will think I gave them a sick cat
Reee I don't mind taking care of kittens but this is so nerve wracking. If she dies I'll feel so guilty. I know I didn't give them a sick cat, she was properly vaccinated and had a healthy life until being given away. My mum is a vet ffs and URIs on cats have very low mortality rates but I'm so nervous shit will go wrong and they will hate me.
No. 890207
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>>890204>she didn't do anythingkek
No. 890211
I really dislike women that say that they are feminist and then reinforce patriarchal oppression through their actions with no self awareness and they act as if this magical entity is manipulating them into doing it when most women have enough freedom and financial opportunity to choose not to play into scrotoid fantasy. I get it if you're some third world Philipino woman that is basically forced into prostitution. But if you're a first world country woman you have no excuse for receiving gifts from men, trying to manipulate them into giving you gifts, playing into their girlfriend fantasy or using your looks to make males like you. Those sort of actions if perpetuated by a larger amount of women after a lot of years will backfire for normal sincere women because it will make scrotes more entitled and it will give them the impression that they can use money and gifts to buy women and it will also give them the right to whine that women are manipulative and horrible. A truly liberated and free woman does not accept stuff from scrotes. I hate the thought of "playing men" because it is impossible to do so, if you try to do it, it
always backfires for you and other women as well. You can never "play" scrotes.
>>890143Yes, this is true as well. I think the only way to be truthful about it and without fault is by not intentionally using your sexuality. If they simp for you and sexualize you it is because they are shit and because hundreds over thousands of modern women have taught them that women are commodities or that women want to be simped for. If you don't pander to them and do your shit sincerely, it is their fault for treating you like a sexual object.
No. 890260
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There's proof and ongoing investigations of CP along with other illegal content being hosted on OnlyFans. These mad whores keep saying it doesn't exist and is impossible because of OF's "protective measures". A known YouTuber posted borderline cp but sure, it doesn't exist at all. You can give them all the evidence short of sending them real CP and they still argue. All because they want to flash their holes online. I hate this world.
No. 890281
>>890163I'm always amazed at how these types manage to find ppl to pay for everything. Does she target momma's boys or something, or is she very pretty?
>her ex supported her for the past 7 or so years because she told him she was twaumatized and just needed a little help getting on her feetLike damn I'm traumatized too can I get free food and board kek
No. 890311
>>890281She started out with friends of the family. People who have known her since she was a baby. When I talked to them after, they admitted that they believed she was being overdramatic about her circumstances, but they wanted to help her because they care about our family and she seemed very distressed. Only to have her leave dirty underwear, food, and trash all over their home and call them bitches and cunts for asking her to clean up after herself or start applying for jobs. When she burned all of those bridges, she ended up with her ex, the only person she has ever dated, until the new TIM from Twitter. While I don't want to trash her ex because I think it must be hard to invest so much emotionally into a person and find out they lied about everything to you, he is a below average nerdy weeb, so I think he was eager for any female attention and would have been willing to make it work if shit had never hit the fan like it did. I imagine when her time with this new person runs out she will keep looking in the troon dating pool. Probably the smartest decision she's made toward accomplishing their goals because TIMs are desperate for real pussy. While annoyed as hell by her I hope she wakes up before reaching their level of degeneracy like pedophilia and beastiality. She already posts a lot of pornsick shit online tied to her full real name and her troonsona which isn't helping her career opportunities. Maybe she's sabotaging herself on purpose so people will stop telling her to get a job, idk.
>Like damn I'm traumatized too can I get free food and board kekI think about this every time I hear of a new grift from her. I wish it was that easy for people who genuinely went through the things she larps.
No. 890319
I fucking hate the men that groomed me on the internet since I was like 15 and offered me money and took advantage of the fact that I was desperate, poor, mentally ill,in a third world country and lacked parental guidance. I will never forget honestly. Now I've grown up and I feel more mature and I have more hopes in getting a real job, although sometimes even that seems impossible. Why did I have to go through all forms of abuse from being sexually abused like 4 times in my childhood, to being sexualized and treated like an object to living in abject poverty, to lacking a normal family to being beaten and humiliated like a dog. I think that taking into consideration the levels of abuse I went through and the lack of help I've received I should be addicted to heroin and my body should be covered in deep scars, but I refuse to do that. I also look down on people that barely go through any abuse and find all sorts of justifications to harm themselves and be lazy. I feel the urge to harm myself daily and this powerful internalized anger and feeling of persecution and injustice, but I never act upon it in a manner that could hurt me or others.
I hate this pedo, he made me get naked for him and kept putting money over my head, money that I needed to pay for treatment that I had not received growing up. He confessed that he was attracted to me because I look like a child and act childish, he even got off my CSA. Nobody helped me with nothing ever they always had to abuse me to give me money and then acted as if they were my friends. I told him everything that he has done to me and he just said he was horny, I want to go to his place and cut his head off. There's CP of me on the internet because some autistic pedophile began grooming me at 15 and around 17 I was intoxicated with alcohol and benzos most of the time and I ended up sending him nudes and I'd send nudes in random discord servers and then I would not remember any of it because benzos make you forget everything. There's no justice for people like me. I'm also tired of having to perform for people and acting like I'm like them and not offending them, fuck society. It is so abusive. When you are in need of help you literally get taken advantage of. The only people I've met that went through similar levels of abuse to mine are some girls that are homeless and addicted to drugs and self harm daily and suck cock for 1 dollar. I met them at the mental hospital 6 years ago and 2 of them are already dead and the rest I don't think they will get past 30. Resources are everything, if you lack resources you cannot get out of abuse and suffering and others will use your vulnerability to abuse you more because you are desperate for capital.
No. 890384
>>890344I wonder about that too. I hope she doesn't end up harmed because of a spat with a tranny that's providing for her, but the odds are not in her favor at the rate she's going.
>>890358I feel this. I kept my hair short for a long time and regretted every time I got it cut because it was never flattering on me. It will be a test of patience, but you can have long hair again. Even though I had to deal with some really bad hair days in the process, I'm glad I grew it back out. Although I would be lying if I said I never feel the urge to cut it, kek. Alternatively, you could have both if you invested in a nice wig.
No. 890389
>>890319I'm sorry this happened to you. I hate that pedos take advantage of girls and women and get away with it
>I also look down on people that barely go through any abuse and find all sorts of justifications to harm themselves and be lazy. I feel the urge to harm myself daily and this powerful internalized anger and feeling of persecution and injustice, but I never act upon it in a manner that could hurt me or others.Good for you I guess, but how others are coping with "any abuse" is none of your business. This isn't olympics.
Disclaimer: I'm mostly referring to the self-harm part, hurting innocent others isn't ok. Hurting any pedos is based tho
No. 890408
>>890402This! If your hair is butt length and you shave it all off at once you're going to go through some shock, be it as soon as you do it or six months later when you realise it'll take half a decade before you get hair that long again.
Everyone I know that shaved their heads has very mixed feelings about it.
No. 890433
>>890384Thank you anon, and yeah I'm considering getting a wig.
>>890402>people with long hair who want to shave should SERIOUSLY consider how attached they actually are to the length of their hair.Uh, what? Idk if my post gave off that impression, but my hair wasn't that long before I shaved it. When it was straightened, it only went past my shoulders (like, around my armpit area I guess). Like I said, I was happy when I was bald.
No. 890487
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>>889690in what world is this a loli? flat and or thin =/= loli
No. 890555
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What’s with moids being so unhinged?
I had to travel with my brother because we wanted to get the covid vaccine, no issue, right?
We’re both adults, he’s 27 and I’m 26.
So while we were talking with our parents, who are living in another country, i tell them that since we were to be going to our uncles’ house, we would have to take turns doing the chores. I expected sharing the bathroom because that way we wouldn’t bother our uncles too much, so I dared to say
>well, we will have to clean the toilet every two days, so I will clean the toilet on the first turn and then you will have to do it
He went ballistic, screaming like a banshee that he wouldn’t clean toilets and I was like, bitch, what are you going to do when you go live by yourself?? Weren’t you looking for a fucking apartment a year ago saying that you wanted to start going your way??
In the end nobody had to do it because our uncles have a maid that does the cleaning and the most we had to do was do the dishes so it wasn’t a big deal for the manbaby.
Then I was arranging the luggage because we got a bunch of shit, mostly his clothes that were hogging the suitcases, he complained because the bags were too heavy and I told him that it was all his clothes because mine fit perfectly in my cabin suitcase.
He got all pissy because he was like
>yuh dun’t know how to fold clotheS1!1!1!1!1!1
And I just told him “well duh, we always have someone packing for us, you retard” so he was like “wuht ur yu guing tu du whun yu gu lif byu yursulf?!1!1!1!-!1!1!1” like an absolutely unnecessary waste of space, which was fucking annoying.
But the best part was having to travel with his moidfriend, an actual waste of space that lives off these bidenbucks things and some lawsuit he won because he got in a crash, he’s addicted to fortnite and the past, he would only talk about that one time he “beat up some dude while he was drunk” or when “he was talking to this girl and he fucked her in a public bathroom” or my favorite one, when a friend of his harassed a girl on the street and they asked the girl to let them take a picture of her ass because his friend “couldn’t stop looking at her”.
Just another manbaby that would get mad because I didn’t want to let him play with our newly bought switch and that wanted to engage in his Mexican fetish by listening to only Mexican music and talking like a Mexican because his fortnite friends are Mexican, and it was honestly uncomfortable because it was like when a weeb or a koreaboo only wants to talk like a Korean or Japanese person and only wants to do/eat/talk all things Japanese/Korean.
Even his parents, which we met during the trip, are sick of his Mexiboo shit because it’s obnoxious as fuck.
His adoptive father was an special case of unhinged I had the displeasure to meet.
He was constantly mocking the moidfriend’s mother and telling her that she was complaining all of the time and while yes, she was being clearly sensitive about some stuff like the unnecessarily high volume of the music and the high speed of the car, it was for a reason.
We went to the zoo with them and the man was constantly complaining because he was like “I am tiiireeed” “mah hed huuiirts” “I’m huiungreeeryyuuu” oh god I hate him so much i hope she divorces his ass and drops the idiotic manbaby of a child she has so she can live her dreams as a great orthodontist.
Anyways, my brother’s moidfriend was also acting like an extreme child, like he would cling to his mother -which also bothered his stepfather because he himself also wanted to cling to her like a parasite-
And he would talk using a whiny voice when asking for autistic shit or when he got mad because my brother hid the baby Yoda that moidfriend needs to hug to go to sleep.
I feel so sorry for what that woman has to go through.
There was only one (1) uno man in the whole trip that wasn’t fucking insane and I wish we would’ve been able to travel with him, because my brother, as the bpd retard he is, he switches his personality to adjust to what the person he talks to is expecting to hear.
I will sleep for three days, it will be better for me because then I will probably also lose some of the weight I gained out of the sheer stress i had to endure through the whole ass trip, even if we kept on skipping meals for the sake of having enough time to move around and see new stuff.
There’s just so many things that happened during this trip that I don’t know if they could all fit in just one post.
No. 890604
Today, I was out in town with my friend. We’re both alternative, and we often get stares or comments, but it’s generally not a big deal. On this occasion, though, we were on public transport, and there were two guys, early or mid 20s, one kind of fat with moobs and the other average. The average one looked at me with a big smile and gestured to his arm in a “cutting” motion. Then, they both started laughing. Again, I’ve had comments, and even some insults, but I’ve never experienced something like that before. I actually do have a history of self-harm, but my whole body was covered, so it’s not like I was showing off any scars.
I could tell the two shits wanted me to be upset, and my friend didn’t say anything, as she usually ignores people. For some reason, I suddenly remembered the time I found out about alt girl porn and the comments from guys who found girls with BPD/daddy issues/self harm scars a turn-on. I said loudly “Yeah? Does that make your little dick hard? Does that yank the old jank?”, and they both looked at me in horror. My friend started laughing, but kept touching my arm to tell me to stop and just ignore them.
One woman jumped in and said that was sexual harassment and there are kids around, then just looked away when I told her what had happened. The two guys started cursing us out, and I cursed back. A bunch of people were staring, and we were very close to getting kicked off for all the arguing, but I didn’t care, as our stop was already close. When we were about to leave, my friend was basically pulling me at this point, but the moobs guy called me a stupid cunt, so I called him a big titty bitch and his friend a failed abortion, threw my half-empty iced coffee in both their direction and just fled while they were yelling. No face, no case.
I talked it out with my friend, and she said she understood me, but I went overboard. We’re still friends and everything, but I felt guilty.
I kind of feel bad for stressing her out b/c she has anxiety problems, but I can’t help but wish I had gone extra hard on the two men, in spite of it all. I’m also just a little mad that she didn’t even try to stick up for me. Idk, AITA?
No. 890683
>>890607You’re definitely right. Usually I don’t get
triggered this easily, the self-harm thing just set me off
>>890627If I made this up, I would’ve said everything I wanted to say, and added in someone actually taking my side and defending me for once, but ok scrote
No. 890794
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Some sperg in the MTF thread calling Sailor Moon "pedoshit" ticked me the fuck off to autistic levels since that series was super important to me as a young girl and has one of the best portrayals of relationships between young girls and their struggles and development, it holds up so well even when watching it as an adult. Instead of constantly trying to one-up other women in your perceived radfemmyness how about hating on men? They're the ones that like legitimately disgusting pedo pandering and rape porn, no need to whine about Sailor Moon's short skirt. Fucking swear some of these people like policing other women more than focusing on how men need to sexualize and fetishize everything women find cute.
No. 890810
>>890807I thinknthe sailor uniform was Naoko's idea, but her editor pitched in to make all the girls wear them (every member of the team was supposed to have a different uniform).
If anyone should be shat on, it's scrotes directing anime who turned Mamoru into
abusive douchebag from a genuinely caring bf (his and Usagi's relationship is one of the healthiest in shoujo) to make him more appealing to male viewers and insisted on adding pantu shot and some innuendo
No. 890824
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>>890794it's probably a troon that tries to take out his anger on media for women and he's projecting because he got called out for jacking it off to loli porn. Considering Japanese culture, eveen non loli/ scrote pandering shit can come off as hypersexual or pedo in western culture. Girls there are socialized differently and like different stuff, they love kawaii childish things but it does not mean they're loli pandering or pedo /scrote pandering kek. They're just Japanese average women. Sailor moon characters have super mature proportions too, the ideal of Japanese girls of having westernized long slim legs and short skirts. Just look at how the average Jap woman dresses, they love short cute skirts and it's not because they're pedos or scrote pandering.
Pic related is a pedo pandering character made by pedos for pedos. Stupid fucking troon
No. 890830
>>890824I agree with you, but need to add something.
>they love short cute skirts and it's not because they're scrote pandering.TBH this part is debatable. I'm not saying that women wear clothes simply for pleasure of random creeps eye-raping them, but because of patriarchy it's hard to say
that women wear attractive low-cut stuff just cause they like it. I hope that you catch my drift. It's the same with make-up.
No. 890833
>>890824It's usually the people who have never seen Sailor Moon or only know the highly altered US cut version that's a shadow of the original one and even that's being generous. They often also lack the understanding of how in Japan, especially in the 80's during which the manga was conceived, you were supposed to be a modest, silent, pure yamato nadeshiko housewife maiden while something like Sailor Moon was representative of a "vulgar", spirited, radical way of being a girl. The girls or their clothes aren't even sexualized in the anime once and the main character is a lazy, loudmouthed slob, not at all the cutesy waifu men find attractive. It's a completely different interpretation compared to the actually sexualized, fetishized prepubescent girls scrotes masturbate to in moe anime like your pic related and I fucking hate how ignorant people put them in the same category. Sailor Moon is fucking iconic, in addition of letting the girls be the heroines of their own stories and develop friendships with each other it had a healthy lesbian couple and another f/f romance before any other media dared to do show such a thing. Fuck everyone who dares to shit on Sailor Moon and fuck trannies who try to co-opt Makoto as a "trans woman" just because she's tall.
No. 890834
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I think it's funny how my dad used to give me shit for hanging out with wannabe soundcloud rapper types and being so judgemental when in fact when he was my age (and I was already born at the time) he was the biggest druggie wannabe rock star hanging out with other losers AND now he's dating a cringe 24yo wannabe alt/goth cokehead thot. I honestly feel like I'm the adult in the relationship cause even I make more mature and responsible decisions in my life and I'm still a loser who fails at everything and hasn't achieved shit. I used to be furious that this bitch was using him for his money but he fucking deserves it
No. 890849
>>890832>>890841>There's nothing inherently wrong with makeupYou are layering pockets of rich douchebag. But that can be said about everything, so it's not so bad unless you go full retard and collect palletes etc. Or say crap like "an eyeliner sharp enough to kill a men" lmfao
>the anti-makeup sentiment should be about women being expected to wear a full face of paint at all times to the point people have a warped view of what a bare-faced woman looks like and don't give women the option of choosing to go without makeupAgree. I am not saying women shouldn't wear make-up if they want to, because what's the point of depraving yourself for political purity that will not change anything anyway? Having said that, don't think that any action of submitting to female gender roles can be easily brushed off as 'Im just doing this for myself', because the social reality is more complicated than that (ie women say they feel more confident with make-up, but they do get treated better with it, etc.)
No. 890858
>>890824>they love kawaii childish thingsIn Japan it's not because something is cute that it's necessarily childish.
I find your comment about Japanese culture seeming hypersexual or pedo-like to westerners because at the end of the day the difference isn't that amazing. In the West instead of making a shit ton of cartoons with horny character designs or plots we're making a shit ton of live-action teen dramas with fictional middle school or high school students doing drugs, drinking alcohol and having way too much sex with each other like they're grown adults. It's the same shit, just presented differently.
No. 890891
>>890824>>890858While I don't think Sailor Moon is scrote pandering or pedo at all, Japanese people definitely realize the kawaii and burikko shit is childish. And that childishness to them is what sexiness is to western men. Not sure how well I can explain this but I've lived in Japan for a while and they definitely see childishness as sexy and a little girl's innocence as something alluring. A lot of cute and childish things Japanese women do is performance for men just the same western women do it with for example tight sexy clothing.
Pedo shit doesn't just seem normalised, it actually is pretty normalised there and anime and manga doesn't help.
No. 890897
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>”just ignore them lol”
>”we aren’t going to give you compliments lol why are you narcissistic”
>proceeds to shower the next anon with compliments and love and no criticism when the impression of me has already been decided because I didn’t feel like drawing hands or proper feet
is it just me or am I being slightly targeted now? criticism is important but something tells me this is coming from a very bad place where they desperately want me to stop but I’m called delusional or hysterical for picking up on it. it’s so frustrating sometimes
No. 890908
>>890897Anon you can't post in a Rate My Art thread and then say stuff like "I'm not going to learn to draw hands and feet because I'm not a professional" when people point out that your limbs are janked. It's not the "Please give me compliments" thread, it's a thread for legitimate criticism and just because someone tells you that you could use some practice doesn't mean they are trying to tear you down or say you shouldn't be drawing. But if you're not going to put in the effort to learn to draw a part of the human anatomy while still drawing people why are you surprised that people don't find it appealing? Post your doodles to instagram or Twitter if you want people to engage with your low effort content. People in that thread tend to send a lot of love to technically competent people and from what I've seen, they generously deliver criticism in a compliment sandwich (compliment, criticism, compliment) in order to comfort the anon. But when you clearly have a bad or dismissive attitude, in a
critique thread, get ready for some snarky replies. No one is targeting you, you're just taking shit too personally.
No. 890920
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Honestly sometimes it pisses me off when people itt are having a quite nice conversation and one or two anons come in with obviously bad mood and start shitting on everyone's opinion.
I see some anon post about something non-controversial in good faith and someone will just start shitting on it and infighting completely unprovoked, usually in a very 4chan kind of way (calling people fags, retarded and so on). I've had it happen to me too and it kinda ruins my mood to check in on my post about something totally mundane and find a bunch of insults.
I've seen peaceful threads get so derailed by this, especially if there's another one or two agressive anons to join in on this and it usually isn't even fun to read, it's just dumb sperging.
No. 890989
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Back to lgbt hon
No. 891052
My mother is unemployed and lives with me, while I and my grandmother are working. The shit that makes me mad is the fact how much I waste money on groceries. And all because my mom is too picky for normal human food. Like, every day she says that she is on a diet so I need to buy all the fancy shit for salads and such, but in the evening she just binges on junk food anyway (which, again, I need to buy). Just today I cooked bulgur with veggies and chicken broth with noodles and lots of meat, but she said that we have nothing to eat. When I pointed at the oven, mom was like "BUT I DONT LIKE THAT! What, you want me to starve?" Lol.
Also she brought a fucking borzoi (guess how much it costed us) and this little fucker eats meat and superduperuckingelite dogfood everyday. Just recently it got "sick" and mom put whole fucking drug store in the poor doggo. Blood tests two times a week, vet checks every so often. So much fucking money wasted on this furry fucker.
Every time me and my grandma try to talk to mother about our finances, she starts crying and states that we hate her and that she us a burden to us.
Also, she refuses to work, like, at all.
Fuck, I don't know what to do. Our finances are thinning every day.
No. 891071
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>>891050She was purposely marketed to pander to pedos, so that's to be expected. It's depressing, but her branding always had an expiry date. Hollywood is run by shitty old scrotes.
I feel like Florence Pugh is where she was supposed to be.
No. 891079
>>891052It's really simple. A dog may refuse to eat kibble it doesn't like unless it's too hungry and there's nothing else to eat. A human is the same way, if your mother refuses food then she's in too much of a luxurious position. She won't let herself be hungry, survival instinct will kick in and she'll eat what you buy and prepare once she realizes it's that or going to bed hungry. You just need to make sure you or your grandmother won't give in to her whining.
As for the costly dog, how did she pay for the vet? Does she have an income through other means or does she have access to your or your grandmas bank accounts?
No. 891096
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>>891086She was simply a really cute, charming and talented girl whom I looked up to and had high hopes for, but now she is bland and uninteresting. Her latest roles have also simply been so boring, whereas her earlier ones were often iconic. I can't blame her as she just grew up and I hope became her own person. I also feel as though I am giving the impression of a scrote lamenting the maturity of their uwu dream manic perfect loli NLOG pure waifu celeb crush, which I absolutely despise and don't want at all. But I always thought she had a lot of potential and now she seems so irrelevant. She had so much charm and now she has absolutely nothing, it seems. Also her face became so derpy despite maturing? Its just so odd
No. 891098
>>890897Anons are way too nice on that thread. Most of what is posted in the rate my art thread would get torn to shreds if it had been posted in the artist salt thread. But then, the redraws anons posted in artist salt before has shown their delusion kek
You got handled with kid gloves and still pitched a bitch fit, pathetic.
No. 891108
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>>891102anon pls, how can you say that on a website with a whole thread about this pussy-slaying chadess
No. 891129
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>>891106>>891107>>891108>>891109>>891110thank you nonnies. maybe there is hope after all. pic completely unrelated but maybe you will like it
No. 891135
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How much difference between you and your partner is too much?
I keep worrying about things that won't affect us in like 6+ plus years like the fact that he hates big cities and wants to live in the countryside and im the complete opposite, or that I want pets and he doesn't like them, im a huge fucking stupid relationship perfectionist to the point that I didn't even date because no one met my standards and when I finally seem to have chilled out started being more moderate, got a boyfriend etc, it all comes back and I just feel absolutely deranged now I keep second guessing myself on over if things are a deal breaker or not.
No. 891264
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>>891220don't listen to
>>891228 nona ♥
No. 891271
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>>890744YES. Look through the asian fishing / east asian baiting shit on tiktok. These morons have truly reduce Japanese culture to anime, seifuku and kawaii shit. It’s so nauseating to see Asian Americans and other people cancel someone and accuse them of trying to look like they’re Japanese when they’re wearing falsies and circle lenses. Most of them aren’t even Japanese and keep trying to claim shit from Japan as their culture. Americans are obsessed with race and segregating cultures because they don’t want to share it with the “whites” and I’m over it. Then there’s this whole movement of being called “West Asian”? Like why not just call yourself what you are. What is this West Asian shit and why do they get away with being fucking weebs. It’s just so bizarre.
No. 891319
my first boyfriend was sort of mentally ill and cheated on me but putting aside that, and other incredibly horrendous behaviour like random ghosting and him having meltdowns, there was pretty never a dull moment with him, we always had stuff to talk about and had things in common, and he had a certain "look" that was pretty niche so he was fairly attractive in that regard and had a personal sense of style etc. he also made an effort to actually act like a boyfriend most of the time and show me affection and try to treat me. my second boyfriend (also most recent) was a fat manlet, wore absolute shit like he was literally aesthetically challenged, i gave him a chance because i thought he might be a good guy once i got to know him. he was boring as shit, a semi-decent conversationalist (that's too kind, he was subpar) and did not display any affection at all (because he didn't actually feel much toward me at all). and on top of all that, it sort of felt like he expected ME to impress HIM or something… pretty embarrassing.
none of this really matters, i just find it funny how i have such a bad "track record" of boyfriends (all 2 of them) but i'm grateful both of them lasted <6 months.
No. 891435
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I finally went to the doctor for my severe menstrual cramps and she recommended I start birth control pills, they've been okay so far but my mood dropped like a stone the second my active pills were done. I find myself getting angry or crying at small things. I've taken all my pills right and never missed any, but now it feels like my "normal" cramps are gone and it's only the sharp shooting ones left now, which I was trying to get rid of. I hate the feeling of writhing in pain and knowing not even medication will fix it… that stopped working a while ago. I'm pretty miserable about it. This is only my first month so maybe I should just stick to it for the next while, I just really hope there will be an end to my pain someday
No. 891455
>>891410Never say never. I found love at my fattest, ugliest, and most broken, yet it seems when at my peak–of fitness and attractiveness and put-togetherness in general–that's when I was ironically discarded and hurt the most.
It all has to do with self-esteem, as cliché as that sounds. Telling yourself you don't deserve proper treatment nor good people in your life will most likely manifest itself through your romantic decisions and how you permiss men to treat you. Regardless if you're consciously aware of it or not. I know that was the case for me.
Instead of seeing it as a cope, why not build on other important areas that will ultimately serve you? Absolutely, make friends so you're not obsessing about basing self-worth on romantic love or lack thereof. Develop hobbies and ideas. There's no harm in any of it, and if these things boost you to the point where you can reject and be rejected by men until you find one who gives you what you want, then all the better. Go, fight, win.
No. 891567
>>891557Translation is my main profile but I'm also open to other stuff (logo design for instance).
A few questions: do you always have to submit an example of your work? Does it increase your chances of being successful? And also how detailed your proposal should be and how formal/informal? I usually wrote a few sentences about my employment in a semicasual manner, maybe I'm doing it wrong? Also, would offering a wider range of services hurt my chances or the opposite, would I attract more clients? I like redesigning websites in Figma as a hobby and I thought I'd include it on my profile but I wonder if translation + UX would be too..much? Idk
No. 891579
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I HATE HATE this shit ! John Cho as Spike is one of the worst castings ever. The girl that plays Faye is like maybe 20 kg heavier than she should be , and why is she not wearing the typical Faye attire if the other two are? The guy playing Jet Black is the only one spot on both in looks and costume. And well you can't go wrong with Ein . I hate how Hollywood shits all over these classics with their stupid agenda. (Inb4 Spike is gay and Faye is transitioning )
No. 891595
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>>891579I'm a bit sad that they cast someone with a huge sqare jaw for spike. It's one of very few anime where people have pretty destinctive faces and they just go out of their way to ignore it.
No. 891597
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>>891579>The girl that plays Faye is like maybe 20 kg heavier than she should beFuck off with this bone rattling, she's pretty and slim, just on the normal side rather than actress skinny. She does not have 20kg to lose and even if she did, she wouldn't look like Faye. What kind of human has a body like this?
No. 891598
>>891597Slim my ass, shes THICC. No fit and voluptuous like Faye. Also her face is very round (she definitely is very pretty tho). I was kidding about losing 20 kg (nice nitpick btw), but maybe at least 5 or so. I mean they knew what they have in their hands, I'm sure that's why she's not wearing Faye's clothes.
>>891595True. Also they totally changed the ethnicity lol (nothing wrong with that, I can think of a couple of Asian actors that would be more like Spike in the looks-dept than old ass John Cho)
No. 891600
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I'm starting to get all grumpy and mad at the world again because stupid me keep reading bad news I hate this, I want an echo chamber of sane and happy thoughts.
No. 891609
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My heart is broken. I'm getting a divorce. My "husband" lied to me about who he was and only ripped off his mask when my building paranoia over the last few months had me tell him I contacted the person he was lying about. I didn't actually contact anyone, but since he believed I had, he on the spot told me everything he lied about. I feel sick. It's a crazy twisted story and I'm spiraling. The last 2 to 3 years of my life have been extremely traumatizing and I can't handle anymore. I Don't know what to do.
I'm tempted to give my Discord because I want to talk to someone over voice chat so badly. Im isolated and have no friends. He was all I had and the man I knew no longer exists.
No. 891620
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>>891579Daniella is a fridge and used to be skinny. Not only is she heavier now, they've shaped her clothes to give the impression of curves. If they wanted her to look like Faye they'd have her skinny and pad out her top half. I'm guessing they know the chubbier look appeals to American audiences. No big deal. It's the face that's important, I think. Daniella and John don't resemble the characters facially and aren't striking enough. I hate Daniella's big lower half square jaw side by side with John's baby face chinlet (and scrawny body). And then Jet is literally black… production looks cheap too. It's a mess.
No. 891631
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>>891623> I don't have a mic> I'd listen tho teeheeSus af op, run.
No. 891645
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My former best friend that was claiming to be asexual for about 6 or 7 years (teenage-early twenties), being really obnoxious to the point of spamming group chat with asexual memes and trying to spread 'ace awareness'. She'd be talking about it all the time making fun of us who had partners for it all being dumb and too much drama, sex being disgusting and us being disgusting for having it.
Well she found a boyfriend a year ago and is just a normal hetero girl now, talking about the kind of condoms she uses, about orgasms and so on.
I know her since childhood and I know for sure that she was always attracted to men, she had crushes on male characters in movies, books and anime but had trouble finding one that was attracted to her because of her looks and personality. She used to be kinda shitty to me throughout my early adulthood for not being as unattractive to people and she'd lowkey mock me and act disgusted when I was suggesting I would be open and interested in dating girls. I never dated during that time and felt a lot of shame because of it, she was my best friend and hearing that shit daily affected me.
Now that she's in a hetero relationship with a wannabe-manly kind of man, being a very mundane hetero couple, she's trying to claim she's actually demisexual. She's starting to be obnoxious about it too, claiming how she wants to move overseas because people are too bigoted to understand nuanced sexualities here. I just can't fathom this. It has to be some kind of individuality complex, she can't accept she's a 'boring' hetero and has to be a special snowflake because she doesn't get attention from being 'asexual' anymore. How the fuck is she being discriminated against? How is wanting to fuck someone only once you know them special??
Because I was dating a guy and I was always shut down by her and other people, even though I've had quite a few sexual encounters with women, I've never even openly said anything about being bisexual because I don't feel 'worthy' when I'm not even actively dating a girl. And honestly I don't feel any need because it doesn't affect my life in any way. So somehow her acting obnoxious about being 'discriminated against misunderstood demisexual' makes me even more irritated.
No. 891681
>>891645People who think asexuality and demisexuality (etc) is equivalent to being actually gay need to go jump, not being attracted to people is hard but 1. She has a fucking boyfriend now so her suffering is over, so she should shut up about it and 2. Being asexual (etc) bears no other challenges. Nobody will be outcast, beaten, abused etc because they don't fuck. You have every right to be annoyed anon.
t. asexual bitch
No. 891740
>>891732>>891735>>891736I was just talking about the fact that teenage girls do what makes sense really only for pornstars and that somehow this norm has slipped in their minds as a
valid way to judge themselves. It's a negative way girls are socialised and it isn't so easy to release yourself from nor is it okay these standards are views as the norm by young girls. I'm not rejecting my autonomy but I am acknowledging the patterns that are ingrained in my mind and how ludicrous they really are. The fact that they even came to be has nothing to do with my current decisions, and that's whatt I was focusing on. Simply the reality that it even exists to be rejected is somewhat depressing. This isn't any new revelation, it's just me expressing my thoughts and feelings.
No. 891747
>>891736Samefagging, sorry.
>Who are you waxing for? I don't know at this point. I just did it once because I wanted to not feel embarrassed wearing a bikini. I feel weird now seeing my pubic hair again. But that is such an odd and unnatural way to perceive oneself and makes sense almost exclusively from a pornographic point of view.
No. 891764
>>891761No you're just feeding into her
victim complex, and you're probably exactly like that yourself. Sounds like she grew up watching porn anyway…
No. 891774
>>891770>>891762The point of my post was to underline the absurdity of even getting to that point. The entire situation is odd and vulgar. Whether I do it or not is a decision for me to explore and untangle in my own time. I am not here to explore my own insecurities and choices with the anonymous, so I am also not claiming I make the decision to do it "but it's ok bc I'm a frail uwu
victim". I was simply sharing an anecdote from my life which, to me, very well illustrated a wretched element of society. How I process this and mature from it is something for me to discover at my own pace.
>>891764Don't be retarded, and what an appalling yet hilariously apt thing to say. That's precisely the issue I was pinpointing; young girls growing up surrounded by pornography, pornography veiled as literally anything else, and the influenced by pornography. Exposure to this is terribly harmful for and
abusive towards a child. Nobody is to blame for this but those who expose the child, and no child is to blame for the way they process and grow from its consequences. Your comment isn't the "gotcha" you think it is.
>>891765Fuck you. My experiences are real and I made myself vulnerable. Don't you think trannies would revel in the idea of teen girls emulating the pornographic idea of what a woman should look like? I am surprised other women don't understand what I am saying. What a unique flavor of pickmeism… I just don't know who you want to be picked by
No. 891781
>>891567Idk anything about sending proposals as I just looked at profiles and picked based on that. In that regard I think you have the right idea about keeping it narrow & directed so you're making a couple specialties clear. I would say maybe just to add "flavor" in the sense of being like "I like designs with energy and a harsh edge" or like "i like laid back design that flows". Or replace design with translation and it works also. It doesnt matter what fuffery exactly, just something to make you stand out, something that people can see and be like "oh that's a good fit, I do want a laid back design" or whatever the case may be.
Also, if you're just starting, I would by hook or by crook find a way to get at least one positive review/completed job on your profile so you look more real. Idk how exactly outside of getting a friend/family member to fake hire you - maybe offer to do a small service for free to nonprofits or just until you get some reviews, like offering a "translation sample" free/very cheap until you hve a couple ratings from it, then go back to your intended pricing after. Good luck!!
No. 891782
>>891736>>891735>>891732Come on anons, she's 18, we all grow up being sold the idea of a completely hairless adult woman, this anon is starting to figure things out for herself and maybe has nowhere to really talk about the topic, we should be more understanding. I know I did a lot of things I was "supposed" to do without understanding why, and that takes time to process and unlearn. It
is messed up that 18 year olds feel like they need to get brazilian waxes, a lot of choices don't exist in a vacuum.
No. 891783
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>>887989I've been feeling like shit for a week now, emotionally and physically. Can't even get myself to workout, all I ever think about is work. I'm tired. I took a day off n I spent half of it laying in bed and complaining about physical pains. Maybe I should go for a walk? I completely forgot what it's like to relax.
No. 891812
>>891726Maybe I'm crazy but I swear I've read you post about this before, at least a couple months ago. I remember it being about work gripes from a long term grocery store working SO, and you'd also worked there/at another store in the past. So if that's the case, I think I should ask you to ask yourself if it's just the griping that bothers you, or the overall unambitious nature of it. Like, if he were studying to be a doctor, for example, I think griping is more reasonable obviously because 1. being a doctor is hard, and 2. the gripes would be more interesting. And I think the same would be true if he was in any field with more of a future. Like "ok this griping is annoying but at least we're getting somewhere". Whereas now it just feels like yet another fucking day.
I'm sure if you ask him about futire plans he will get evasive/angry. But you need to resolve for yourself how long you're going to be ok with this if he doesn't change. I don't want you still there 10 years from now and him still bitching in a dead end job, don't waste life like that.
A possible radical action for you is to apply for a job/school somewhere else, and if he's willing to move with you & get a new grocery store job somewhere else, there's hope, and if not, well, bye. This is extreme obviously, but don't get stuck.
No. 891843
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So gutless lmao.
No. 891907
>>891902Probably. What happened was I finally found an art sharing discord that wasn't just filled with nsfw coomer anime shit. I was really enjoying it, except until someone posted a live nude study, completely non-sexual and just a study, and someone else got really upset and emotional saying how nudity
triggered them and said being made to draw from nude models in art school felt like sexual assault. Other people chimed in agreeing that it felt "yucky" and that they hated it and wished they could just 'draw what they wanted to'. Maybe it was just that I swung from one extreme to another, but right now I just feel like no one is normal.
No. 891962
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>>891951ofc it matters nonna. Theres always something to live for, pets, friends, maybe you're looking forward to a certain movie coming out, or you can always live out of spite, fuck everyone else
No. 892008
>>891994Oh my god not everyone lives in America. Asian is a perfectly
valid term to call someone from the Middle East in the UK, this is the term the press uses, this it the term everyone uses. Stop.
No. 892015
>>891994>albeit completely legitimateThen there shouldn't be a discussion about this
>ride the coattails of East AsiansBait
No. 892048
>>892042I get you, i usually try to say the things that just make sense in my head and everyone just stares at me like I’m insane.
Then someone articulates better what I wanted to say and everyone agrees with that person. But at least I got great grades on philosophy so I guess I understand such things.
The thing is that there’s a point in which you start to doubt yourself and tbh, I don’t even know what to do, I mean, maybe I should take some oral comprehension courses or something because I honestly think I’m crazy.
Anyways, maybe it’s something that can be solved,
nonnie, you could just need to properly mull over what is going on in your head so you can say what you’re actually thinking about and not just fragments.
No. 892055
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Might be a stupid question, but I need you girls to solve a mystery for me.
I'm on my break at work. I work in a food factory, so was wearing a hair net and a dirty apron. Whenever someone drives or walks by, I put up my mask because COVID could really f me up, so I have to be careful. Also, I'm wearing massive headphones.
I sit outside for my breaks, and there's a quiet spot near our trash; not glamourous, but still smells better than the staff room.
I see a van approach the dumpster. The man inside quickly realises it's full and tries the other just past me. I'm keeping an eye out, just in case I need to put on my mask or watch out for the van itself. He stops to throw away his trash, when I see in the corner of my eye he hasn't driven off. I could feel this dude looking at me, so I make a point of looking away.
After a pause, I realise he's walked up to me. I'm sitting on the ground, so he's automatically towering over me. Convo was literally this:
> Hey, do you work here?
> Yes?
> Can I have your number? I want to ask you out.
> No?
> OK, thanks. (leaves)
> …I'm Sorry?
> It's OK.
People sometimes ask me about free doughnuts (that also sucks, don't do that) so was just deeply confused when he said that. Again, my clothes are caked in chocolate and icing, with my face and hair covered, giving off the strongest "just trying to exist" vibe possible.
I've gone through a few possible reasons in my head, because I can't explain why someone would do that to someone covered in crap, sitting next to a dumpster. If it's a prank, how is it funny? Rejection therapy on easy mode? Maybe they thought I needed help, and "a date" was just cover for some trafficked worker reach-out program; these all make more sense than trying hitting on the doughnut dumpster lady.
I then realised how vulnerable I was. I sit in the same spot every day, and finish late at night. It's a wide alley, but a quiet part of the parking lot. It's also a camera blind spot. My BF picks me up every night, and I've only had one creepy incident before. I told him to text me when he was outside tonight just in case.
Ladies, what the fuck?
Also, what the fuck is wrong with men?
No. 892074
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>>891410idk nonna, sometimes you can live the dream and find the perfect moid and he may still turn out to be an unfeeling piece of shit in the end.
No. 892111
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>>891994Correct. They are trying to lump themselves with East Asia so that they can avoid the flack that others get for being weebs. This girl posts the same shit all these other people get harassed for but they let it slide because she’s “West Asian”. Then there’s a whole new wave of Russian weebs calling themselves Asian because they’re technically on the continent of Asia. It’s clear what they’re trying to do. I don’t understand why people can’t just enjoy things without having to justify it by something so stupid as this.
No. 892146
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>>891271They're harassing black/African girls for "Asianfishing" now if their eyes are the "wrong" shape (in this case, it's literally the girl's eye shape, even without makeup)
Western hilarity.
No. 892161
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One of my favorite authors apparently has a secret Twitter account where they complain about troons, kind of wish I could find it to see what they said. Wouldn’t want to namedrop them out of fear the westerners would go after them though
No. 892186
>>892181Are you retarded? You claimed that everyone who calls themselves West Asians are weebs, not the specific person you posted. Unless you think that girl represents millions of people. What a fucking retard, are you Asian or someone who wishes they were?
Your opinion doesn't even matter anyway, the term ASIA was literally conceived to represent what you call the 'Middle East'. Middle of what? The east. East to what? Stupid bitch.
>>892177Even if they were, it's not that big of a deal considering that most people in MENA grow up watching dubbed anime. I remember seeing a video of grown up Arab men singing the opening of a mecha anime.
No. 892191
>>892177The topic was literally about weebs that were obsessing over who can and can’t be called out for “sexualizing” asians, retarda. Keep up.
>>892186Stop being autistic and get some reading comprehension. The zoo is still 2 stops away if you want to keep chimping out in defense of tiktok weeaboos.
No. 892193
>>892191You're the one behaving like a retard, the original post was talking about asian-fishing at the start but went on to bitch about Asians calling themselves Asians.
>hen there’s this whole movement of being called “West Asian”? Like why not just call yourself what you are. What is this West Asian shit and why do they get away with being fucking weebs. It’s just so bizarre.Can you read, motherfucker?
>>891281>It seems to be the new trend for people who want to be considered Asian but aren’t East Asian. I don’t understand why they can’t just call themselves Turkish or whatever.Can you read this, too?
>I don’t understand why Europeans can’t just call themselves Spanish or whatever instead of claiming they're European, lulz.Notice how the stupid bitch says that other Asian people claim they are Asian because of East Asians. There's a reason why they're called
EAST Asians, there's a couple other places on that continent, retard. Damn this place is getting worse and worse.
No. 892194
>>892192Those Russians that are "ASIAN" are called EURASIANS, dumbass. They already have their own term.
> It’s also called “middle east” because it was originally called “near east” versus the “far east” which is east Asia.Yep, it's a dumb term we should drop. Thanks for proving my point. I said it's eurocentric because the term implies that Europe is the center of the world. Fucking hell this bitch is so slow.
No. 892198
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>>892193>>892194Are you fucking mad that you’re stupid? How are you going to bitch about euro centric words and then continue to fucking use them?
No. 892243
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I didn’t realize complaining about tiktok weebs would make someone sperg so hard. I just wanted to vent about annoying hypocrites and got met with a freak.
No. 892288
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The first time I ever questioned trans ideology was when a longtime friend of mine, who was deeply sheltered and I suspected of copying my identity before this, started identifying as nb very shortly after I had done the same. By the time she did, I had already phased out of it. I figured that my ID drop was just a healthy exploration of my identity, and that trans was valid, but just "not for me", until she copied me. It forced me to assess what really made people transition, or ID as such. Anyway, I guess she got into trans spaces on tumblr, because she very rapidly got her hair cut short from very long, started dressing in progressively more masculine clothes, picked out a new name, insisted on they/them pronouns, then he/him pronouns, and insisting her mom (who still housed and fed her) was transphobic and evil. This was someone who showed absolutely no signs of dysphoria or gender nonconformity in the over a decade I had known her. Anyway, literally everyone in our friend group from school aside from her and one who became a crazy Republican turned out to be gay as adults, myself included.
No. 892315
>>892288Kek your picrel is my exact history with gender identity and it's also why I really can't be that mad at girls identifying as FTM or NB as I understand where they're coming from, having been there myself. It's still not the correct way to go and they need to progress on that "troon to cis lesbian" pipeline instead of getting stuck halfway through. Too bad so many who desist being a FTM fall back on nonbinary since it's often regarded as both "female but with a personality" and as a mean to avoid being preyed upon by AGP transbians. Lesbianism is so far fetishized in trans circles that if you're not a beautiful femme talking about how much you like ladycock then you might as well not exist at all. If you're GNC and/or are averse to penis you need to be a "pansexual nonbinary" or "gay trans for trans" or something.
Anyway all of the people that I knew back in high school who were both autistic and gay trooned out when nearing their 30's, only reinforcing the link between neurodivergence and trouble mentalizing gender issues. The straight girls grew up to be handmaidens for them and the non-autistic gays just sort of fucked off to live under the radar.
No. 892326
>>892307anon, that's basically the same thing.
if someone has no libido they're not going to be attracted to people. by your logic, someone who gets sexually aroused by animals/furries/inanimate objects would be asexual. the "a" in asexual means "anti" so having any kind of sexual attraction/feelings wouldn't make sense.
No. 892331
>>892329if it means "not sexual" then having "solo sexual urges" doesn't make sense either. how can they have sexual urges if it's not
about anything/anyone? what do they think about when they masturbate?
No. 892350
>>892331NTA but I literally don't think about anything if I masturbate, I just do it for release.
I think I'd be asexual if I hadn't been exposed to porn and degen internet shit as a young teen and had a hypersexual phase because I wanted to be loved
No. 892360
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I just got fired from another job. Had this one for 2 years and in the last 3 months I kept fucking up big time so now they decided to fire me.
They asked why I kept messing up and tbh, I have no answer, I simply forgot to do shit because I was doing everything while my WFH coworker kept flicking her bean and she needs that shit job more than me. I don't blame her because it's not a difficult job, I should've been able to have handeled it but oh well.
Idk I have so many conflicting emotions, part of me is like fuck them because SERIOUSLY fuck them but also muh money. I don't have anything 100% lined up yet and it's the end of the year when no one is looking for new workers so they additionally fucked me over. At least I got savings and shit.
No. 892390
>>892334What the fuck? I'm sorry but masturbation is a sexual act whether you want it to be or not. If you feel the desire the masturbate then you have some kind of a sexual attraction present. Pure asexuality is simply not having any desire for sex, no sexual attraction, no sex drive, the only sex you might have is to please your SO or something. Not "I only feel horny sometimes" or "I was traumatized as a kid so I'm horrified of sex now". The first one is called a low libido and the latter is sex repulsion.
>>892342Sex isn't some basic thing you need to live like oxygen, water and food. Unless you're a pornsick scrote.
No. 892442
>>892390As someone with both low libido and sexual repulsion, you're wrong. I'm still sexually attracted to other people. Asexual people are simply not attracted to other people. That doesn't mean they magically stop having the hormone fluctuations and physical feelings that result in or define "being horny". Yes, masturbation is still a sexual act, but that really doesn't matter to the question of "is this person sexually attracted to other people or not". The absense of sexual attraction is literally
all the label "asexual" is defining, and it doesn't matter if you personally (or anyone else) can understand the concept of "feeling horny" without needing to be attracted to someone or something. An asexual person can also have low libido/sex drive, and there are probably more of them who do than there are for homo/hetero/bisexual people, but that is not the core defining feature of asexuality, nor is it necessary. I'm sorry if this comes across as crass, but the continued insistence that asexuality and low/no libido are one in the same is ultimately a detriment to further discussion on the nuances of human sexuality. It's frustrating to me, as someone who faces constant scrutiny about my attraction to others because I "don't want to fuck other people sufficiently enough" to still "qualify as attracted to them",
and as someone who's seen this rhetoric being used to sexually harass, or even assault, asexual people.
tl;dr asexuality =/= low/no libido, your personal lack of understanding doesn't mean the nuance isn't there
No. 892467
>>892459I respect that everyone should be able to keep their bodily integrity when it comes to the vaccine and I’m also fine with those who don’t want the vaccine but comply with everything else but unfortunately most (at least where I live)of them are against any form of covid related precautions.
It's funny when they demand that everyone should be responsible for their own health and how they don’t feel obliged to anyone else. Fine by me, but doctors and nurses are still going to take care of them if they get sick and need a tube to breathe. I would’ve just thrown them into a ditch and let them fend for themselves and I guess I’m a mean bitch for saying that but they really expect to have their cake and eat it too. I just think they should be given the same amount of respect as they give to others. Which is none.
Don't want to contribute? Fine, you'll have to deal with the risks then should you get it, but lucky for them it doesn't work like that here. I'm just sick of the pandemic being prolonged due to those people and it still affecting everybody. Even the ones who are vaccinated can't really go back to how things were pre-covid until most people got the vaccine.
No. 892524
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I made a shitty joke at my first therapist appointment and she didn't laugh. "What's something kind you will do for yourself tonight?" "I won't drink half as much." I don't know why the fuck I'm paying $150 for this shit, is this what they're teaching them? To tell their clients to be KiNd tO yOuRsElF and little quips of "that takes a lot of strength!" or "that's normal and really common to experience anxiety because of -x-!"? This one size fits all therapy model really fucking sucks. Stop treating me with kid gloves and be fuckin direct and cut the performative bullshit. I'm here to apply myself and get shit straight, not fall into a fuckin hugbox. The affirmations feel fucking patronizing rather than a gentle reminder that I'm just having the Human Experience™.
(Just a vent 'nons that I'll communicate with the therapist one way or another. Don't come for me. I committed to staying for at least 5 sessions because like clockwork I'm talking myself out of it and that's a problem. Finding the right therapist is an expensive goddamn trial, ugh.)
No. 892537
>>892524I feel you anon.
Finding the right therapist can make you go broke…in more than one way. I'm in the south so on top of all that, I have them tossing in their personal religion into my time with them. I really hope you find one that works for you.
No. 892542
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I was streaming and a bunch of moids been telling me how much they want to fuck me. I felt uncomfortable and disgusted even after the end of the stream. I don't even understand how some women can porn-pander to men unironically. I am hiding behind a cutesy, innocent avatar but there's always a way. I feel violated.
No. 892543
>>892524This is so relatable anon. I too have never gotten past the first five sessions with a psychologist because going in and talking about my retarded personal history for a whole month while they just sit there and nod feels like a waste of money. Maybe it's my own fault for refusing to do group sessions, idk.
For those who have stuck with psychological treatment long term, what do you guys do during your sessions? Does it eventually move out of the affirmation phase and into actual advice?
No. 892545
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>>892531I got so upset I made a tierlist. (UPS is shit because they destroyed my computer and never refunded a cent even though I paid for insurance.)
No. 892551
>>892524 and I saw a psychiatrist regularly for a couple of years. In my experience, yeah, if you're regular enough they tend to get their shit together and really get to know you and have notes, rather than make vague statements suggesting that they DEFINITELY remember your last session with their caseload of 200 other people. Imho you're paying to flesh out a personality and guage their qualifications and whether they're right for you or not before you dive in and commit. Also I'm assuming based on the "haven't stayed more than 5 sessions" comment that you're seeking long term treatment, which is important to note upfront (even if that's mostly the end goal anyway kek.)
But honestly I'm thinking hospital affiliated therapists/psychologists/wtfever is the way to go because some of these people in private practice? WOOF.
No. 892553
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I'm crying because of a song again, I wish I could cry for real to make it stop, but I just keep wiping tears away because I don't want my roommates to be concerned about me
>>892542That's the problem, a cutesy avatar will make them even worse, if you want to avoid them use a serious tough avatar or goofy animal or something. You know the kind of female videogame characters moids complain about not being hot. Even then you would probably not avoid them, so you should just not pay attention to moids (I know this is easy for me to say).
Really now I wish I was a streamer and had a funny animal avatar… but that would probably attract a different type of autists… I'd make like a female dingodile, I love him
No. 892561
>>892459>I'd respect antivax if they were avoid the vaccine while still taking precautions like wearing a mask all the time outside and in public places or ordering foodMost ppl hesitant about the vaccine do these things, only the minority of retard ppl who fell for the fox channel propaganda think it's not real and refuse to even get covid screenings. I saw ppl hesitant about the vaccine because from what I've seen most of them aren't antivaxxers/covid deniers, but worried about taking a new drug with multiple side effects, and because the "kicking ppl out of school/work if you don't get it" is fucking suspicious and evil.
But it's useful to smear all ppl hesitant about the vaccine as dumb trumpsters who don't know what's good for them.
No. 892566
>>892561This, most people I know who are hesitant of vaccine are hesitant of
everything, including mingling with people and being maskless.
They're just overly cautious (and still not paranoid) people. They're afraid of both the virus and the vaccine.
No. 892599
>>892451>up until a certain percentage is reachedGood news for you then, since vaccinated don't need to test anymore and tests are too expensive for your average middle class person in the workforce or education, no one will test anymore. The numbers will look great and poticians and people who love to play the blame game can twist that however they want regardless of how many people are actually infected and spreading (without symptoms if the vaccine does its work).
I'm already tired of all that demonisation going on, many people who aren't vaxxed right now aren't those anti-vaxxers from tv and it's like
>>892561 said.
No. 892624
>>892622>most people don't seem to personally know anyone facing longterm effectsIs less than a year longterm for you?
>or becoming a carrier of a diseaseWhich you can still be when you're vaccinated.
>that's confirmed to have lasting negative effects on basically everyone who gets it who doesn't die horriblyWhere is that confirmed for everyone who doesn't die?
No. 892634
>>892629Yes, she was fully vaccinated. She passed about about one month after her second dose. Otherwise she was perfectly healthy.
Point being, I know a bunch of people who recovered from COVID no problem, but I don't know anyone who has had lasting side effects.
No. 892640
>>892561>Most ppl hesitant about the vaccine do these thingslol no, not where I live at all. I didn't post about this just to write a fanfic. The people you're describing exist but they're an exception and definitely not the rule from my experience.
>>892572These anons forgot that they needed to be vaccinated for other diseases to go to kindergarten and primary school, it's very funny.
No. 892669
>>892561Where I am there's a portion of people who are just anti government in general already (in a country with very little political drama they somehow create it anyway? They tend to also be people who don't work, who live on state benefits, bitch about how "tha government is not doing enough" They often fake a disability to get those benefits and spend every last bit of their money on smoking and drinking and have the nerve to then constantly bitch about others not doing enough. Losers on their high horses. Those are the types in my country who are refusing the vaccine and all they want is the pubs to open up again. They think covid is like having a common cold and they resent the closure of bars more than anything else.
Politically we don't even have two very divisive sides but there's always just those lazy 'do more for me' types that seem to cling to the idea of the government always being wrong and always lying to them. It's to the point where it seems paranoid and overly dramatic. It's mostly males, mostly middle age onwards and either permenently single or they've split from a wife who comes in close second on their list of enemies… government is 1, ex wife is 2 lol. Chronically moany old men with egos that don't match up with their life achievements.
Not saying that all non vaxxed people are on par with that, not saying that at all. Especially if people are playing it safe and not just waiting for pubs to open again. That's just the trend I see here in my lil country. The already paranoid bunch of whingers clung to it as an oppurtunity to further claim they could somehow run this country better than others despite them being bums who can't even wash themselves.
That turned into a whole vent about men in my area, but I feel better for getting that out lol.
No. 892697
>>892686Leči se, bukvalno.
No. 892779
>>892765You come on a gossip forum to moralize?!?!?
You idiot
No. 892817
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>when you think the spicy comic is gonna be great then the artist reveals one of the characters is trans with no prior warning
I've never been so disappointed in my life. It's like she shoehorned it in at the very last second.
No. 892838
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Thank you to the Anon who was spamming this thread. You saved me from seeing shit I don’t ever want to see.
No. 892850
>shitty third world country
>power outage for 8 hours
>leaves house and goes to a cafe to charge electronics and read book
>group of boys beside me
>texts female gc “bunch of retards beside me”
>guy slides next to me
>”how is the new new iPhone update?”
>never been approached before, thinks he’s being sincere
>”idk my phone looks like this and i dont update it because storage so”
>holds phone up
>guy checks phone, female gc going “i hate retards” “throw a rock at them” “step on the cockroach don’t be scared where does he think he is”
>guy won’t leave me alone, asks me where i live
>i lie
>asks me how old i am
>19, in university
>he’s 17
>asks for instagram
>”i dont have instagram”
>asks for number to chat
>”i dont chat”
>asks me whats wrong with me
>holds up phone, scrolls through, “look i dont hve instagram i dont like to chat”
>keeps pestering me
>i tell him OK, put in a bullshit number, waves bye and leaves
>tell female gc
>”you’re clearly a retard and mentally-handicapped, why didn’t you throw your book at him”
sigh. im disappointed in myself for not being assertive but (i know you will all beat me for this) what was going through my mind is that i dont want to contribute to making another incel in this world. i know, i know, my friends are right. next time i go out alone ill keep a copy of the SCUM manifesto just in case
No. 892883
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No. 892898
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Bumping because of the CP, scroll carefully
No. 892910
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>>892899Keep your breath steady anon, in through your nose and out through your mouth, slowly.
No. 892918
File: 1630014261011.jpg (105.51 KB, 540x689, georgynikolsky.jpg)

>>892899Anon it'll be okay. Take deep breaths, you're safe. Check out this cool art piece I saved.
No. 892928
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>>892903They are super cute pompom animals! But rice animals would be nice as well
No. 892929
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No. 892948
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No. 892949
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>>892930Thank you anon, I liked it too! Check the name of the img file I posted- It's by Georgy Nikolsky. He's one of my favorite illustrators and a lot of his art is centered around cute animals.
No. 892953
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> Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna happen
Take the Kate Bush pill.
No. 893013
>>892964I kind of get why the meme got popular, like, all porn is made to cater to men, so of course there’s going to be someone penetrating another person, which means anyone watching too much porn will start to think that penetration is the only way to feel good.
And men have their g-spots in their asses, so of course they want it tickled even if they pretend they don’t.
I honestly think it’s retarded because men don’t know how to wipe their asses and they, of course, have no idea of how to clean up and how to fast before doing anal.
I hope it stops being a thing because even as a joke it’s pretty retarded, if not disgusting to even think about.
No. 893022
>>893017I was actually worried I was being homophobic for my repulsion over a guy wanting to get pegged. But then I remembered I’m straight and that my ~genital preference~ is
valid and stunning. Even actual gay intercourse isn’t as disgusting to me, because 1) I don’t ever have to get exposed to it if I don’t want to, 2) both parties are usually consenting and enjoying it and 3) it has an actual penis penetrating someone, so at least something about it lines with my sexual orientation.
No. 893030
>>892910>>892918thank you so much anons, it passed and now i'm exhausted. i'll go to sleep
>>893004it was a panic attack not a seizure
No. 893037
>>892942Men only oppress us
because of our ability to get pregnant, carry a child, and give birth. It's a power that carries the human race, and not being capable of doing it themselves drives them crazy.
>>893019Oh, honey.
I'm pretty sure she was talking about porn.>>893022Most gay men prefer doing things other than anal from what I've seen. You don't need to know what, but know that most of them are equally concerned with how unproductive and time consuming it is to have anal. It's a bit weird imo to think about gay men, and if you're homophobic or not, when faced with a man in a straight relationship wanting to get pegged. Though, I'll agree with the sentiment that I think straight men who are into anal either way are weird and shady, but gay men being into it aren't. I don't want to hear about anyone having anal, though.
No. 893053
>>893051I think the most important thing is just being aware that there's types of sex that aren't for everyone. If men didn't try and nag women into it then it'd be fine. I don't care if people like giving or taking anal but you need a partner who wants it equally. Not one partner persuading the other to try it.
More men want to be pagged than there are women wanting to do it. Tough luck scrotes
No. 893204
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I am so close to anheroing myself nonnies. I just can't find any reason to live. I am 19, i should be going out with friends, in college, and have a boyfriend but i cannot find happiness in those things. I haven't left my room in two years, there is nowhere to go. I don't feel happy having friends, all the people around my age speak in memes, enjoys media I can't get into and uses social media. I am not interested in going to college because i have no reason to get a job, there is nothing i want to buy and there are no places to go. All the places i was hoping to visit have closed down thanks to COVID (Rip akihabara SEGA building). I just feel so out of place, i can't fit anywhere. All i do is enjoy my hobbies which are gaming and watching anime and movies but since i mostly like older stuff i can't find anyone to talk about it outside of 4chin, which everyday i hate more since it's becoming Reddit but where you can say the nword. I know it's cringy as fuck but i wish i was born 20 years ago, when there were reasons to go out and our entire lifes didn't revolve around the internet.
No. 893219
>>893200I'm no doctor, but injuring an artery is really bad. If you did you would probably be in pain
all of the time, or even dead. It's really easy to focus on the worst case scenario, but you're probably fine. Go get checked out if you can.
No. 893230
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i bought kaneoya sachiko’s artwork book and it got delivered to the wrong address despite my address being right there on the order and for some reason whoever has it has made no effort to give it back to me which means someone has my full name, address and a book full of male objectification attached to it. i got a refund because i can guarantee if i reordered it then the person who has the first book will get the second book as well because for some reason they couldn’t read my street name despite it not sounding or looking even close to the address it was likely delivered to. life is just pain
No. 893343
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Literally fuck growing up I can't believe I wasted my first years of university trying to be more mature and look more grown up or normie or whatever it's all bullshit I'm only being myself from now on, dressing how I like and doing things I enjoy. I saw a couple they/thems on the bus last night and I got so emotional seeing how, cringe aside, they were so unapologetically themselves with their multicolored hair and stupid little outfits. Not my thing but made me rethink some things I thought I had to accept. It's all so absurd.
No. 893353
>>893206I'm in doggy and then we shift to pronebone position because I can stimulate my clitoris by humping it also. Maybe I am stimulating my abs, but I don't feel like it.
>>893207>>893219To clarify, I mean that I worry about having a dilated abdominal aortic artery. This only happens after sex, though, and I have no mass on my stomach that is pulsing or throbbing. My only risk factors are that my dad who is in his 60s has such a dilation, it is small and slow-growing, though, and I used to smoke. I am considering going in, but at the same time, I hate what a hypochondriac I am.
No. 893368
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So insurance doesn't cover my nexplanon implant replacement so I'm on my way to the clinic to shell out $400. My tech-inept mom also just asked (harassed) me to buy her a mattress topper for $130. I've been trying to save for fall and Christmas trips so this has been really frustrating. I picked up some extra shifts for that sweet overtime but I guess that'll go towards this shit..
No. 893370
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Why do these sorts of people have no self-awareness?
I saw this on Pinterest, lmao. Whisper is already painfully overdone and everywhere.
No. 893376
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>>893371I will never understand how can someone live in a third world country like me, and still have such priorities. This really activates my doom card.
No. 893382
>>893371Right? I had a friend that went the nb route and found the weirdest friends, some girl named Lars (obvious steven universe crap) and other people with weird names using neopronouns hard or outright impossible to pronounce in my country's language. People over 25. I can only imagine how insufferable the teens are. This american shit doesn't go well here.
I guess it's the result of being terminally online. Where I live, most normie women don't even wear makeup everyday, so what gives? These nb girls happen to be way more feminine than the average woman.. crazy shit.
No. 893396
>>893382> These nb girls happen to be way more feminine than the average woman.. crazy shit.i have been actually thinking about this. you see, all of us who grew up as biological women and went through female socialisation knew very early on that there were very real consequences for engaging in feminine-coded activities and performing femininity. as a rule, any undertaking by a person that is feminine-coded is read in a biased way to minimise the subject’s intelligence. women who engaged in such activities are instantly dismissed and coddled and not seen as competent (and not even given any chance to be competent and prove themselves), while those who do not engage were actively punished for it. where i live, at least, you learn to keep a distance from it: men wait for 12 year old girls outside of schools to harass them, older figures instantly dismiss girls and belittle them, hell, even feminine-coded sports like gymnastics or roller derby are constantly dismissed as “not REAL sports” because it’s not as tough.
slowly, you remove your pics from your profiles, and settle for a name that’s more gender-neutral. if you forget to keep your gender private, then tough shit, because someone is going to send you a video of them masturbating.
maybe you’ll grow up a little, become 19 or 21, and then decide, hey, sailor moon is fun (i disagree but ok.) feminine, cute aesthetics are fun! but i don’t want to be not taken seriously, have my intelligence undermined, or be treated as retarded. so what will i do to “tip” the scale, now that i am performing femininity, aesthetically signaling helplessness? i will identify as…..non-binary! surely, surely that i identify as non-binary this will overcompensate for my feminine appearance and interests, no? i am not a she, i am so much more than my gender!
this is why you can also spot a transgender person online from a mile away. they did not grow up as women, they were not socialized as women (a bad thing in my opinion — since female socialization only encourages helplessness, dependency, and being retarded and coddled, which is why so many retards say “unlock your own femininity” but mean “debase your dignity”), so they see femininity as something fun, something to play with. they have not experienced its consequences at least yet, so while bio women will do anything but signal femininity out of fear of what that might bring, trans women will do the opposite: they will go for the most feminine usernames “hackerprincess”, “idksomethingsomethingwitch”, “girlprincessrobot”, they buy estrogen jewelry, the obsession with certain feminine tropes…..their approach to femininity is one that…..mythologizes femininity in a sense, there’s this Otherness to it that is very palpable.
not making a point here, just thinking out loud
No. 893433
>>893430it's really simple
don't get romantically (or sexually) involved with him.
Yeah it sucks if you lose a friend that way but it also sucks to be in a relationship or blow a man's dick when you don't want to. Prioritize yourself.
No. 893438
>>893371Strangely enough what pisses me off more with the NB thing in LATAM is that people now use "Les" instead of "los" as plural.
It's fucking grammar and the regular way to say it works fine.
It's not like changing "Los" for "Las" will erradicate the actual misogyny of latin america countries.
No. 893441
>>893428OP said she noticed it was the ultra-feminine women who identified as enby. this is something i’ve been noticing too
most female enbies don’t want to be the other sex, they want to engage in femininity without reaping the “consequences” of doing so, hence the nb label. they use it to try and overcompensate for their performative femininity, in a sense
No. 893447
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i heard about the kids simping for doc ock on tiktok so I looked up the Spider-Man trailer because the last live action doc ock was an old ugly guy.
It’s the same old ugly guy but now I’m dating a guy who looks just like him.
No. 893457
>>893445> If a guy begins to change himself (values, way of thinking) and lies about this past to essentially mirror you/become your ideal, what does that mean? It means he’s a narcissist.
Narcissism is when you make up a character that you think is yourself and try to project it as well as you can all the time. Usually, narcissists have nothing to show for their constructed identities, which is why they’re mostly so insecure.
I’d say leave him. He’s a liar. Not a food foundation to build a relationship on.
No. 893458
>no you can't control weather, government are not doing this go wear you Tinfoil hat you conspiracy tard is this even being allowed
That rain was meant for somewhere else (maybe a poor country) it doesn't rain in a fucking desert and it shouldn't
Maybe in the future rich countries will change weather according to themselves not giving a Fuck about anyone else
No. 893479
>>893450Nah, people are actually starting to use Les in LATAM and I hate it. I suppose it's because of globalization and shit, but I don't get it.
At the beginning I thought people did that as a joke, but now even a millennial professor I have it's doing it too.
Of all the changes that NB identity could change, why fucking plural!?
No. 893594
>>893554Once I read a discussion thread about male vs. female contraceptives, and one guy argued that he won't consider vasectomy as a childfree man because cum volume is his fetish and he's afraid he would blow smaller loads his wife, and I died internally. Please give me the power to destroy all porn videos forever with a matrix command so this shit stops.
Also you don't browse reddit by "all" or "popular" if you want to have a decent time, I just visit a few funny/cute subs that I know aren't completely infested with misogynistic teenage boys.
No. 893633
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I’m mcfreakin losing it anons and my country isn’t even under lockdown can we have a time traveler itt that can tell us when shit gets closer to normal again
No. 893675
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Why are men so violent and nasty anons? This is legitimately the only imageboard I feel comfortable and safe using, because neurotic men aren't here to ruin it. I was browsing another one and some scrotoid started posting really bad guro pics because someone posted futa art of his waifu. How do you even rationalize with such individuals? I thought they liked degenerate stuff like that anyway.
No. 893678
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>>893675Peace comes when you realize men aren't people. They barely qualify as animals. A handful are able to rise above their base nature but they are rare. Men are complete slaves to their base instincts, they just want porn and rape when they can get it. They are unable to live without being addicted to something. I have no idea how human civilization has gotten this far with these subhumans sucking up resources and breaking their own minds with porn and videogames without giving anything back.
They are inherently broken and undisciplined and they don't want to do better. Like pigs, they are content to wallow in their mire. That's just how it is.
No. 893697
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How do I even make female friends to go to bars or house parties with? I'm almost done with college and even then I'm a bit older than everyone else (23). My few female friends are weebs/aren't interested in nightlife. I feel doomed, like if it hasn't happened by now then it's too late.
No. 893718
im tired of living in a third world country and fighting for the most basic shit. i cant afford anything, i cant do anything, the poorest person in a first world country is doing better than me. on top of that i cant even fucking move out because landlords are hesitant to rent to single women, and the harassment is unbelievable. i feel like im distant to be a slave forever. i used to think that im getting out when i was a teen, but now, not so much. i am ok with this, really, i do not expect accommodation, but does living give me whiplash. the most basic thing you can do, i cant. and if i do it, its 100 times as hard. its hard to reconcile my reality with my aspiration….or even with the online space i occupy.
No. 893719
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i’ve never learned to do picrel metaphorically and i blame my conditioning as a woman to be constantly anxious and analyzing the status and emotions of everyone else around me before myself
No. 893720
>>893718 continued
i hate whining, i hate complaining, i hate helplessness, and i refuse to be helpless, as shitty as my situation can seem to first worlders, but my god, DOES IT SUCK not even being able to do the most basic things. does it fucking suck.
but it’s important to remember, you either surrender to the helplessness or steel yourself. don’t let anything paralyze, just move on. im 20 and im broke and i live in the shittiest spot on earth, but ill try to make it, or die trying to. everybody wants you to break here, better not give them what they want.
No. 893747
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i hate feelings i hate crushes i hate being lonely i hate men fuck
No. 893781
>>893779You said
>weand it's just me and you here baby
No. 893784
>>893780There's no place like London
No, there's no place like London
No. 893795
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i keep seeing videos of people legit on their deathbed in the icu with covid on my fyp on tiktok and it won’t stop and i go to the comments and realize the tiktok is like a week old and then everyone in the comments will be saying they died or some shit and i just need a break from it like the whiplash of literal death to zoomer humor within seconds is rotting my brain i think
No. 893817
>>893788At least big cities have some degree
of glamour. I get assaulted and harassed in my midwestern hellhole in a way I never was in London (idk about New York).
But you anons are probably right. I am just romanticising the past. Big city, small city maybe the only thing that really matters is that I can actually afford things here
No. 893910
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My mother got sick a while ago and I think I got it too, my eyes are being teary, right before I get my covid vaccine fuck.
No. 894036
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I hate the shame-over after a night out. It destroys me more than the actual hangover, I just keep cringing at myself so much, god, just please fucking kill me. Why did I say the shit I said, why'd I do the shit I did oh god. No. At least I hope everyone is feeling this. But I feel like anhero.
No. 894064
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>>894028Think about it
nonnie, 3DPIGS are becoming lazier and more entitled and everyday we get close to robohusbandos. Take the 2Dpill. Do it.
No. 894068
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>>894065I will not tolerate Rae bullying. Fight me, 1V1, i have to defend the honor of my horny lady.
No. 894073
>>894064>everyday we get close to robohusbandos. Take the 2DpillIt kills me we will never live to see quality robohusbandos, especially not available to everyone. Maybe our (theoretical) daughters will
No. 894074
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>>894064I wish Dante were real so I could marry him. I don't even care if he has severe daddy issues.
No. 894075
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>>894064so true! I've always been super into video game men, maybe I was meant to take the 2Dpill. Thank you
No. 894115
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>>894112Drop the death note before something happens.
No. 894157
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The absolute state of /cgl/. I visited it again after a few months and it got even worse. Almost every thread has off-topic sperging r9k/pol scrotes in them. God I hope lolcow remains the way it is and doesn't go soft on banning men.
No. 894177
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Nonitas I found a job(maybe)! They tested me today, it seems like it wen well! Goodbye neetness?
No. 894181
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I'm not my type's type
No. 894198
>>894167>>894174I think it's a stuffed life sized doll owned by the guy who married miku.
>>894190Yeah, that's also true. I really think janitors abandoned the board, garbage like you named used to be deleted in no time.
No. 894199
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I'll be meeting a close online friend for the first time in a few days and I'm so nervous that it'll be awkward
to give some context, we talk nearly daily for the past 5 months and call each other to chill or game sometimes. she's someone who's pretty introverted and finds it hard to open up to others, so it makes me anxious she may have more shy / a tougher nut to crack irl. i'm very extroverted tho so it balances out but I guess I'm just afraid we won't have that 'spark' or connection like we do online. also, we both liked each other at one point without the other knowing and I still lowkey kinda like her which makes it all the more nerve-wracking. any kind anons who have experiences or tips to share, I will owe you my life
No. 894200
nonnie, if she's introverted and choose to meet you irl, it means she's confortable with your extroverted attitude. Dont worry!
No. 894215
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I accidentally saw scat fetish fanart of one of my favorite characters and now I can't get the fucking image out of my head.
No. 894219
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>>894181Mood, it hurts so much, but i'll never change for a scrote so i just try to forget those feelings, i still feel pathetic tho.
>>894215Good thing my husbando is a literal who
No. 894223
>>894199I'm an introvert, so much that I'm even very shy online (except it's anonymous like here, kek), so like nonna said before, if she wants to meet you, you are okay, she wouldn't do that if she wouldn't assume that she will feel comfortable with you. Be nice and don't force her too much, it will go well, you talked to each other daily for months now, don't worry.
And, damn, wish I could find people like you, okay, I stopped searching, but I'm so glad to see that there are nice humans out there.
No. 894255
>>893916The middle east. I’m trying to find a job that can earn me USDs but I’m kinda lost. I like art too, I just like to sketch. It’s been an on-and-off thing for me since I was small.
>Also, Thirdworlder men are fucking disguting yuck. Today I had to take the public bus (a horror show) and a friend told me to close the window, the wind was hitting her face and hair too hard. Some son of a bitch got up, opened the window again, and said, “You want us to choke just because of your hair’s uncovered?” I’m growing my hair waist length now, seethe motherfucker.
I wish I had a gun, but guns are illegal here. I can’t afford to go to self-defense classes right now. I wish I had some sort of firearm, at least I’d able to tell these losers off without being scared that they’ll slash my face.
>I always get shit on from anons here when i lust after "generic white nerds" but they look so cute compared to the eldrich horrors that inhabit my stinky hellhole.No one looks cute to me anymore. I just look at people and get brain damage.
No. 894277
>>894269You're probably not as ugly as you think, maybe your confidence is low because your family treats you like that?
He wouldn't be with you if he didn't like the way you look if he's otherwise a good boyfriend to you. If he looks at you a lot, even if you perhaps don't fit some 'conventionally attractive' mold, you're his type and he prefers you over what you perceive as prettier than you.
No. 894280
>>894266It’s because I’m living in the middle east, the cunt’s trying to be smart, “you dont cover your hair with a headscarf waaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Not even uncommon behavior, almost everyone I know experienced some dumb comment from a guy in the street if she doesn’t cover her hair
No. 894289
>>894278I could have written this post. I feel everything you wrote. I'm sorry
No. 894296
>>894269I can relate
nonnie. Even down to feeling bad when my bf looks at me too long because I'm so ugly next to him. My family seemed to be worried that he was definitely cheating on me lol.
No. 894355
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I was trying to be cultural and participate in the consumption of souse but it tasted like how a barnyard smells and I just couldn't do it and I threw my slice away.
Holy shit I'm not even a picky eater but wtf.
No. 894367
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The fucking "dalmatians killed my mom" movie made me cry and I hate myself for it.
Im a legit sperg and my special interest is fashion, there's no way in hell I could ever make a career out of that because you need a fuckton of money just to get your foot on the door, the industry is so nepotistic that you can't even be an assistant without going to a college that tuition alone costs 10x my rent, I can't even go to a decent college anyways.
I'll be forever stuck just making sad sad polyvore-esque montages on photoshop and forever resenting the rich trust fund babies that go to live my dream without 1/3 of the passion my retarded brain provides on the subject.
I wish i could stop loving it so much. I wish i hadn't never gotten into it. I want to fucking delete this shit from my brain.
No. 894406
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>>894401Nta but I know right?! There’s this asshole that always gets straws for his drinks, no matter what he’s drinking, just because.
Me and my brother told him that he was being inconsiderate because he doesn’t
need to use straws and we told him that turtles die because of the straws that end at the sea and he was like
>hurr durr I’m sorry little turtles but I won’t stop using straws because nobody else wants to stop using strawsAnd then he would be like
>hurr durr the wurld is fuckidGeez, I wonder why??
No. 894413
>>894406I agree with
>>894401 but straws only contribute to like .03% of plastic waste or less. Chances are what you're drinking (assuming its coffee/milk/syrup and not just water) and the cup it comes in are usually much worse for the environment than the straw.
No. 894433
>>894426wtf did i write this? i never learned basic math bc my schools sucked so i had to spend the whole summer literally doing middle school stuff on khan academy before classes started this fall.
you have a lot to catch up on anon, but maybe you could get a tutor or something? try to review the most important basic concepts as much as possible before classes start for you. try to explain your scenario to your professor as well. it’s never too late to learn, good luck!
No. 894438
>>894426Kinda. Math and portuguese (my native language), I never properly learned them, and because of this I get very anxious when these subjects come up. My school was alright so I guess I'm just dumb, they were hard shit. I'm still amazed by the fact that I learned english.
Math stresses me out so much that I did cry once in front of the whole class when I was in high school. I'm super afraid that I might react the same way one day.
No. 894446
>>894426oh my god YES and math
triggers me too, it reminds me of when I would struggle with math as a kid and my dad would try to explain it to me and we would always get in fights about it.
>>894438wait, your native language is portuguese and you never properly learned it? how did that happen
No. 894461
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>see picture of literally ANY woman
>she has a smaller waist [in comparison to the rest of her] than me
I am done. I am DONE. Why was I born with this fridge body? I'm literally going to take a shotgun to my skull.
No. 894467
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No. 894491
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I had the "e-girl" archetype so much. I hate simps and I hate those pathetic pick me women. I wanna do stuff on the internet because I have a lot of
creativity, but ultimately I will be put in the same category as "e-girls", just because men are retarded. The 4chan types now call any man that supports a female content creator a "simp". If you support a female artist or someone that does not sell sex or their sexuality and you give them money purely because you enjoy their non sexual content without the expectation of getting the so called female content creator to give you sex favors, you are not a fucking simp. Simp literally means a man that gives a woman money in expectation of sexual services. Now the MGTOW men are trying to brain wash every man that treating a female with respect or supporting a female content creator with no ulterior motives makes them a SIMP. The word is losing its original value.
I hate pick me's because they desensitize men and they're making them expect all women to be sexual for them and they make men see women as commodity, they're a huge part of patriarchal oppression. They keep on selling this idea that women are sex slaves doormats. It literally makes men hate us or see all women like that. Women have it hard because of retarded pick me' and entitled men and the men are being enabled by the retarded pick mes. You cannot exist as a normal woman in this world.
No. 894495
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stupid pick me's letting 4chan scrotes piss all over them and humiliate them for 5$ and fap to their boobs bitch yoou're a literal prostitute
No. 894496
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stupid prostitute your parents immigrated from a shit 3rd world country for you to have a future and you became a prostitute
No. 894497
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prostitute making men entitled and making men hate women and expect women to be naked and do the sexual favors
No. 894500
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first world country prostitute contributing to the patriarchal oppression. I get excusing a poor 3rd world counttry woman that gets into sex worker but these women should be held accountable by feminists because they make men more entitled and cause a lot of misogyny in society. You can cope and say men would be like that anyway, yea men are shit, but right now women are making men see us as property and they sould be held accountable
No. 894515
the hell that innocent women have to go through won't get better if first world country women don't stop turning themselves into commodities for 100 dollars from brainwashed coomers on the web. It desensitizes them and makes them feel like they can buy women with money.
>>894512a lot of women that call themselves rad fems browse here and they refuse to see or acknowledge the damage done to women as a collective by these attention and fame hungry 1st country whores. That women replied to me as if I were jealous because "I don't want to have my own gimmick" while she ignored the entire point I made. Go to fucking reddit if you want to see relaxed and well moderated community
>>894514yea hahaha you're so funny anon now continue pretending you are a feminist on the internet, very nice LARP
No. 894518
>>894515How are you telling other anons that they're not really a feminist
they didn't say they are btw while calling women "bitch", "whore", "hoe", etc…?
No. 894531
>>894529>I thought some incel found lolcow againFucking same. I feel bad cause I reported them as "male" and probably wasted jannies time.
Anyway, I hope this isn't the same anon that was spamming this thread a couple days ago?
No. 894564
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I'm going to kill my bf, trying to fix my disordered ass eating right now and I ask him SPECIFICALLY not to buy oreos. He can keep all his other sweets in the house and I will mostly leave them alone but I WILL eat oreos until I puke and cry. He bought fucking oreos
No. 894579
>>894401>>894406This, I fucking hate idiots who spam 'we are fucked' and 'this world is horrible, let me die' while gorging themselves on Chipotle and shopping on AliExpress and then wondering why they're depressed and hate everything.
Sorry but some of us just like life, if you hate it so much start with yourself first. Why drag innocent creatures into it and then call everyone else horrible? End your life today, no need to wait for others!
It's always the doomers that try to ruin it for everyone else with their stupid talking points that they copypaste again and again
>muh world is already fucked, what's the point?It's not, but you will be if you don't shut the fuck up
>what I do won't make a difference!It does and there's several studies' worth of data to prove it, but more importantly it gives you agency to make a positive impact which will make you feel less hopeless and depressed. It's just that simple. The biggest positive impact one can make right now is nothing fancy, it's just eating less meat and switching to a renewable home energy plan. That already has a massive impact.
>but the meat has already been farmed! the product already exists! what I buy doesn't make a difference!Anyone who's done an economics 101 course will tell you that the market is driven by supply and demand and our actions today influence demand tomorrow. What doesn't sell well won't get made, and companies keep a very close eye on what sells, especially today when that is so easy to track.
>but it's inconvenient to meeeMost eco-friendly alternatives are a one-time swap that you don't really have to think about ever again
>being eco-friendly is expensive, people need to eatThis is such bad faith bullshit because most poor people on the planet are more sustainable by default. I don't know how anyone can look at Americans vs any second world country and say this with a straight face. It's exactly the opposite, you'll save tons of fucking money by just googling a bit and making smart swaps, how do you think people in poor countries survive on so little? Shit, I'll even give you tips, I'm a Latam poorfag so I know what I'm talking about.
No. 894580
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I'm so depressed today. I have to study and I feel so tired, haven't eaten much whole yesterday because of the lack of appetite. I'll have to cancel some social plans because no energy + no time to study, feel bad about it but I just can't attend. I'm so tired all the time, I wish I would just have more energy.
No. 894594
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Just had a dream where I met a handsome prince and we spent a day together where he taught me about his country and family. We ended up holding hands.
I miss him very much. I wish I could have a boyfriend again; I miss the feeling of loving someone unconditionally and knowing you're loved in return. He doesn't even have to be a prince.
No. 894597
>>894592It was a tongue-in-cheek comment and if you think that's an issue, maybe you should start pushing for euthanasia laws instead of undermining other people's good work raising morale.
Imagine coming home after days of protesting and asking for signatures to stop a pipeline from being built on, and wrecking, your community, only to see some apathetic terminally online aiden spam 'we are fucked' and 'just let the planet die' because they never go outside and have depression.
No. 894612
>>894608Idk why you told me to work on change of legislation like I wasn't allowed to simply vent. I also don't disagree with you, passive doomers are infuriating and should shut up if they aren't helping. I hate hearing "just kill yourself if you want to" like it'so easy and your comment reminded me of that.
>it's just a particularly bad time to be saying things like that.I can say the same thing
No. 894621
>>894612Well anon, I apologize on my part that I upset you, if something bad happened to you. I was mostly piggybacking on the others' replies and speaking in general, but I'm sorry I came off too harsh.
I hope you can be happy and find purpose one day regardless, and if this is not possible I hope you can end things peacefully and painlessly if you so choose. The world can be a pretty unfair place so I understand that too.
No. 894678
>>894583He just doesn’t care, he’s the kind of retard that just wants to consoom because everyone else does so, so he buys random shit to throw it away after a while, like clothes, food and anything that looks colorful enough for his peabrain, he just likes to think he’s always right and that it’s everyone else’s fault that the world and his own life is shit. Hell, he even says that women should be the ones to use contraceptive methods and not him, because he just can pull out.
The guy is scum.
No. 894687
>>894554Oh, absolutely. You have no idea. Ten years back, almost everyone wore headscarves without resistance. Around 2013, 2014, almost every woman who could take it off did take it off. Back in 2014 that was the start, now with social media girls have more “freedom.” The more normalized taking off one’s headscarf becomes, the less hard it is to actually do it.
Not to say it isn’t hard. There can be very, very real consequences to doing so. Family violence, loss of education, and social ostracism. And you can’t just move out, because A) most women don’t have the financial means to do so, and B) most landlords don’t rent to single young women because of the stigma (if she lives alone, she’s a whore), so the ones who do seize the opportunity and make rent x2 more expensive, going back to point A. There’s also the point that if a girl wants to move out, her family might violently retaliate. Just as all my friends took off fheir headscarves with little protest from their families, there are a lot of women who don’t even dare mention it because of the consequences.
There’s also the social consequences, like being seen and treated differently (like that retard on the bus), or the dumb comments, or just being treated like a Whore because you’re showing your hair.
However, here’s something I want to shed a light on, because lots of first-world women don’t understand this: these consequences are very closely tied to your socio-economic status. Go to a private school, then go to a public school. There’s a startling difference. Almost no one wears the headscarf in private schools, and almost everyone wears the headscarf in public schools. The higher you go on the socio-economic scale, the more freedom you have. The only real form of freedom here is economic power. Rich girls don’t even have to ride the bus like me. They can physically separate themselves from the retarded masses.
tl;dr: yes and no. it became more normalized with social media, but most (middle class and lower) women can’t risk the consequences.
No. 894695
>>894642>>894653Starting in commerce is a hurdle, but this is a cope. No, "companies" aren't out there watching your every move to steal your ideas as soon as you put them out there; you're not going to attract corporate plagiarism unless you're literally already very successful. You're saying "I don't want to do this because, although I would surely be successful, if a corporation plagiarised me, it would sear my soul and kill me?" Ok…cart before the horse, is all. The "be successful" part is the hard part, if you have the ability to do that, you're already in the money & the sky's the limit, and at that point who gives a damn if people copy your old ideas? You have new ones. Real designers & couture brands are always crudely ripped off for downmarket retail; that's just the way it is.
I guess what I'm saying is, once you've attracted actual corporate ripoffs, you've already made it, so that's literally the last thing to worry about.
No. 894702
>>894695no anon please shut up, it's even other creators that are bigger than you that can steal your ideas. It literally happens all the time and it happened to me and nobody believed me and acted as if I.was schizophrenic. I'm tired of being guilt tripped. Bigger content creators in any field many of the times copy smaller ones that fade into obscurity and refuse to give them credit.
Can you stop acting like it's only corporations? Another creator is more likely to do it and if they have a good enough following they will get a lot of credit for your idea and you will die in the unknown and if you try to reach out people will call you schizophrenic. I'm not someone with connections or in a good life position, so other people stealing my ideas would hurt me very much when Im poor, isolated and nobody knows me. I'd rather go to the grave with my ideas or do a normie job instead of having some narcs copy my ideas and get bank and success off of them.
Having someone steal your ideas while you get nothing in return and no credit is very soul crushing and if you try to reach out people will call you a schizo. Like why is it so hard to believe that in this cut throat society people benefit off other people, especially weak, unknown people?
No. 894711
>>894695speak for yourself. there are literal fandoms profiting off of people like me. people who are kin with characters. you see this? (picrel?) makes me fucking sick to think that there are others out there with Kylo Ren merch when MY long distance internet boyfriend is DEFINITELY the reincarnation (or incarnation in separate BUT VERY REAL universe) of this "character" DISNEY INCORPORATED has SMEARED AND SMITED my SOUL just as you said. It's not actually my name or work but it is my boyfriend and since I have BPD it's like he's an external extension of ME so in a SENSE yes COMPANIES PLAGARIZED MY WORK AND SOUL GET A GRIP
No. 894794
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Venting here because it's kind of OT- I was browsing the Mikan thread because it's actually been interesting for the first time in a while, and checked her twitter. This is like the most oblivious terminally online thing I've read in a while- Covid and BLM are going on in the REAL WORLD not on twitter lmao. I really don't have any interest in policing how people use their platforms but this shit makes me so tired. Wish I could lay in bed endlessly like these bloggers do, but I'd at least log out of sm.
No. 894939
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>>894914I'm getting aboard the dump him train. And dump your friends too. Let them know they're scummy people before you go.
Where do they draw the line? How far do you have to be violated before it's unforgiveable?
No. 894969
>>894806Not comfortable saying, but somewhere in North Africa. And you’re right, but it still depends on your socio-economic class, save for specific cases. You know how Saudi Arabia is trying be more “open” now? That’s only for well-off women. Your father can still beat you if you drive, and rent is hard to find, so you’ll always be under his control. I know someone who lives there, she’s a lesbian and she has no chance of taking her headscarf off, and she certainly has no chance of coming out (she saw her first beheading quite young). She also can’t drive, because she’s an immigrant, and issuing a driver’s license isn’t easy because of her sponsor. Now imagine that your sponsor is some religious guy. You’re fucked.
In the UAE, though, it’s really hard. Even for the rich girls, who are almost all daughters of tribesmen. It’s….more “cultural”, and for your daughter to stop donning her abaya and headscarf is seen a rejection of tradition and, well, cuckoldry. It really is quite a young nation, so it’s not surprising to see all the ultra-rich girls wearing abayas and headscarves (status symbols), and the middle class women not wearing anything. It reallllly varies from country to country, way more nuanced than most people think.
The point is taking hijab off is hard because economic and social mobility is hard, most of these girls are stuck in a loop where they earn enough to live, but not enough to liberate themselves. The price of freedom is high. Really high.
>>894953NTA but do you honestly think women can move out, much less just leave the country? I don’t know what tell you. It’s expensive as fuck, you need to know a person “inside” the government to issue your visa, issuing the visa itself is so hard that established doctors mess out on conferences all the time, you need a certain (really high) amount of money in your bank account to even travel, and even then most university degrees aren’t recognized in first-world countries, so we can’t get work. On top of that, we’ll throw away everything we know and move to a whole other place, cut off everyone, and become outcasts—that is isolating as fuck. There’s a reason most people who flee third world countries end up depressed and suicidal, some even take their own lives.
And, say, you’re strong enough for it, you still don’t have the money.
No. 894987
>>894971>she is trying to catfish a guy many years younger than her into living together and the only thing she can tell about him is that he's richIs she aware that she can’t live with him unmarried in SA? They can stay in a hotel, but a house? Anyone can ring the morality police and bring her trouble. I’m not exactly sure what’s the legal ruling on unmarried couples living together outside of hotels, but morality police (prostitution police, basically) very much present in most ME countries. Anyone can call the police and say there’s a suspicious foreign woman and give her a really, really hard time. Remember: wage slavery is still very much real and live in SA, they pay men to go to poor third world African and Asian countries to get laborers and maids, tell them they’ll be paid fairly, and once they’re the airport they take their passport—now you’re a slave, you owe me for shelter and food, the labor that you perform will pay for that. A lot of women seek out prostitution to try and get out of similar situations.
It’s a really, really, really bad idea, anon. Even if all things go well, I don’t know why anyone would want to live in an area that opened cinemas only in the last year. She’ll have to wear a abaya most places in really hot weather. And the boys in public schools, they’re deranged. You don’t even want to know.
No. 895050
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>>894596Loving someone unconditionally and wishing the best for them regardless of your own feelings or whatever actions they may take isn't exactly healthy, I agree, but it isn't inherently unhealthy either. You have to be careful with who you offer unconditional love to, but I think it's a very beautiful thing when you can truly trust somebody enough to love them unconditionally.
That being said, my original post wasn't meant to be that deep and I just missed the fictional boy from my silly dream. I hope that, by some miracle, I get to see him again when I sleep tonight. I can't be the only one falling in love with dream people (right?)
No. 900137
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>>894491This is an old post but I can't get over how Agatha was treated by 4chan. Her content was very female centric, she was openly a lesbian (as far as I know), and yet gross men find a way to insert themself and destroy. She is a perfect exemple of how (autistic) women can love overly cute things without realizing that it is appealing to scrote. I hope she is doing ok. She seems like a genuine nice soul.
No. 921979
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I'm tired of seeing mildly autistic people cry and victimize themselves over being mildly autistic pretending that severely autistic people don't exist.
They cry about how labels like high and low functioning are oppressive when those labels exist for a reason, and it's not to hurt your fee fees it's a legitimate fact that theres high and low functioning autistics.
Severe autistics exist, and they generally have a quality of life much lower than that of a mildly autistic person, that's a fact.
Just because you dont like being lumped with textbook autistic people doesn't mean they dont exist and that you have it worse than them.
I also love how mildly autistic people can just assume shit about "neurotypicals" and this goes without debate. Like some chick saying that normal people dont have to read social settings or develop social skills bc those things just come naturally to normal people. That's such absolute bullshit.