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No. 847934
Let it all out.
>>>/ot/839728 No. 847944
>>847939Did it scare you at that age or did you just think it was cool?
I'm not a fan but it's very impressive how he had such a successfully identifiable style, even though the internet is full of edgelord art now I still knew it was his before I saw the file name
I wish I was a successfully recognisable artist No. 847947
God I was about to post "hmm this reminds me of francis bacon!"
I'm not even knowledgable on art, his stuff is just transcendental. I love Silent Hill which is clearly influenced by him
>>847944 No. 847954
>>847950It's just projection since men aren't actual people, anon. They have no empathy, you literally have to point out that women on the streets are like their mothers and sisters too in order for them to feel anything resembling compassion for another human being. Not only that, but they're manipulative, so of course they will abuse a lonely underage girl in order to get what they want.
I can relate because I am also ugly, both men and women have treated me like garbage. Still, women stop at being cold and dismissive, some have made fun of me in high school, but for the most part they leave me alone. Men so clearly think I don't deserve to exist just because I don't make their dick happy, anything I do is an annoyance to them, even if I'm just going about my day. I'm only lucky that I was a weird looking fakeboi growing up, nobody paid me any attention. I would've hated to have men use me for sex and take advantage of my feelings too.
Hope you can eventually come to terms with your past, big hugs to you.
No. 847956
>>847954>I can relate because I am also ugly, both men and women have treated me like garbage. Still, women stop at being cold and dismissive, some have made fun of me in high school, but for the most part they leave me alone. >Men so clearly think I don't deserve to exist just because I don't make their dick happy, anything I do is an annoyance to them, even if I'm just going about my day. You really put it into words, man. I don't want to be bitter, but I'm not going to be fooled into believing men have empathy that isn't conditional (so is it really empathy, then?)
Thanks and I hope you find happiness too.
No. 847958
>>847956>>847954I think what pissed me off the most is how men will fuck women they genuinely find unattractive, and instead of leaving them be they will look at them like some kind of animal or science project.
One guy would inspect my face, squeeze my nose and my arm fat, and take pictures and say "that's really not your angle…"
The amount of pathetic I was to allow this treatment several times along with pretending to enjoy debasing sexual acts like their little clown whore makes me angry and sad. I didn't have to stoop so low! Other insecure girls didn't, they at least had some dignity left.
No. 848008
>>847987I don't even have actual depression and I feel the same. My whole life I've just wanted the world to stop so that I could catch up with it but it wasn't enough time and I'm still behind everyone
It's made me realise that the way I live isn't sustainable long term but I couldn't figure out what to change during the pandemic so I'll n ever have time to figure it out
>>848005You crazy bitch don't cheap out
toxic chemicals, the neurological damage caused by solvents can be irreversible. Even if you can't smell your solvents you should be in a well ventilated room, so this should be a wake up call that your ventilation isn't good enough, please don't die
No. 848023
>>848019Weirdly enough, he's told me that I went too fast and he would feel more comfortable doing those things if we were married, which made me feel more like some sick pervert who forced him into something he didn't want. He's not religious either, I think he just has some reservations, he's a virgin too.
>>848022It's weird, I've been fine for a while but it suddenly hit me today even though we had a nice day yesterday. Thanks anon, I will talk to him again.
No. 848027
>>848019same anon as
>>848025 but this sort of thinking really fucked with me when I went through the same thing so it's not the most helpful. Whilst those three might be a problem in some cases, sometimes your partner won't be any of them and they just genuinely have a low libido.
No. 848049
>>848025Thanks anon. He is so devoted and loving apart from this. Most of the time it isn't a big deal, but I definitely have days where I feel unwanted and disgusting. But that is just me viewing things in a certain way, in the end he is not holding me at gunpoint and forcing me to feel bad about myself.
>>848033He is actually very fit, cooks healthy meals, works out multiple times a week and is low bf%. Honestly I wish it was some sort of easy problem that can be fixed but I realize now all I can do is to change my reactions and mindset.
No. 848050
>>848023Its a trap. Men dont magically change when theyre married.
Dump him.
Sorry anon but why stay in a relationship if youre not sexually compatible? He doesnt care about your sexual health or making you have orgasms. How is this love?
Do any of you think scrotes stay in relationships where they dont get sex or anything out of it? Also no offense but hes probably a porn addict.
Your boyfriend should be passionate to make you happy in every way possible.
No. 848055
>>848052Thanks captain obvious
You won't find out if your libidos aren't compatible until the honeymoon period runs out by which time some people can already be pretty deep into a LTR
No. 848067
>>848061Are you sure he's not just nervous and inexperienced about sex?
When I was a virgin in my first relationship I did a lot of the same behaviours and it's because I had no idea what I was doing or what I actually wanted. I would always wait for my boyfriend to instigate anything even if I did really want to have sex with him.
No. 848090
>>848080Thanks for sharing your experience, it sounds mostly like a matter of time then and me not getting offended if things don't work out perfectly. I know that adds more pressure.
>>848081We've been together for 6 months. It's an LDR (yeah, I know), and we have visited each other only twice. Which honestly, doesn't give him much time to get used to the physical intimacy aspect of things. I realize I also may have rushed things because I am really attracted to him, and didn't realize the extent of how uncomfortable he might have been until he told me after. I thought he was slightly nervous, so I just had to take the lead and be more assertive. I just didn't expect him to be so delicate (which honestly I kind of like, I think it's cute) so I need to be more careful in the future. I even asked him like 10 times for his consent lmao, but maybe a better metric would be to let him come to me, first.
No. 848133
>>848106I think a lot about this, as I'm sure we all do, and I haven't come to a conclusion myself. I just read a line in this book that said, "Always remember–the door is open. That's what Epictetus said about suicide." It made me laugh because that's the sort of thought provides me some comfort when I feel like you do, but (and this is the point of what Epictetus meant) if things are so horrible why haven't we just killed ourselves? I've resigned myself to aim for being "interested" rather than "happy." As in, interested in how things work and where they're headed, rather than happy about anything (since nothing is going to get better, probably). Like a scholar of This Shitty Reality, rather than a member of it.
I know this doesn't help, I'm just responding because I happened to have thoughts on what you said.
No. 848216
>>848208>joked about executing "Order 66" I'm usually very against cutting friends off but i wouldn't talk to a guy ever again if he said something like this to me. I am in the same state as
>>848096 rn
No. 848283
>>848273Does he really act that lukewarm towards you, or do you think that there is nothing lovable about you at all?
>they all have things in common with each other, but I look nothing like themMaybe he actually likes you for you? I hate the idea of being some scrote's "type", because you just know most of them only have a pornified view of women to begin with.
No. 848294
>>848288>i'm realizing that there are absolutely no "good" forms of birth controlSame. Bc fucking wrecked me and stopping was the best decision I've made for my body.
>does the method where you take your temperature every morning actually work?No. I know people who swore by this method and ended up getting pregnant anyway. It's not worth the risk if you don't want children. Better to practice proper condom usage even though it's not quite as enjoyable as skin to skin.
No. 848302
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>>848294yeah, I have been using condoms with the guy i'm dating now but I can't find a brand that doesn't make my vagina feel and smell disgusting afterwards. he isn't an asshole about wearing one but i'm getting sick of it. I was looking into trying the minipill (progestin only) but the fucking side effects, dude. I just finished a 3 month round of antibiotics for acne and if it caused that to come back i'd probably off myself
No. 848330
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This comment hit too close to home and I’m about to cry bc I’m so broke and I hate being poor. I feel like no matter how much progress my fiancé and I make at any job we don’t get paid enough and rent prices in my area have DOUBLED in the last 5 years so have meat prices and gas. I can’t keep up with inflation and we will be lucky if we can ever own a home. My parents help me pay for health and car insurance and I’m STILL broke. Thank God my boomer dad helps me out but I just cry so much bc I know my fiancé and I will never even have the same opportunities my dad and grandparents had. They were able to buy 40k houses that weren’t complete shit and they could go to college on part time jobs, etc. my fiancé works 2 jobs to pay our bills so I can stay home with the kids. He’s in a trade school rn to try and have a plan B but may not even go into the trade because he makes more working 2 entry level jobs.. If I went to work it would barely cover childcare and I’m considering getting an overnight job as a mental health tech or something. Fml and I don’t qualify for financial assistance with any schooling bc I’m under 26 hahahahhaa
No. 848333
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>me trying very hard not to a-log lib fems
No. 848341
>>848302Do not go for the mini pill. I was on it for two years and it was hell and my doctor kept telling me to just keep taking it and be diligent and the side effects would go away. I followed the rules to near perfection (took one pill an hour late, followed all the follow-up rules) and it never got better, if anything got worse.
>>848313It feels physically different. Like the difference of hugging someone with their shirt off versus hugging someone with a jacket on. You can still feel it, and it feels nice, just not as great as skin to skin.
No. 848343
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Cunty this, cunty that, fuck you man. This sounds so dramatic but I don't appreciate how gay men just bark cunt and cunty at everything while me and my homegirls have to fight with gynecological shit on daily basis. Fuck it, I am dramatic. How the fuck are these ugly ass bitches gonna talk about fishy and cunts while women still feel ashamed to talk about gynecological issues and norms. Hell fucking dimension and yet things are so good compared to before, I am just a tired piss baby with a hurt vagina.
No. 848382
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My friend's fiance is korean and while he is an okay guy, like a true korean dude, he thinks feminists are crazy idiots. I feel like I am either over the point of no return in my man hate because I wish I could just tell my friend to dump him, my friend is actually quite the feminist, slowly turning into a terf too but I actually am startibg to see her in worse light due to this man.
Why the fuck do you feel the need to "educate" him from the roots up, a grown ass man who has lived abroad should know that the general bs feminism is about equality, not that I believe in that shit, but I digress. It fucking hurts to see my friend stuck with a dumbass like that, he is nice enough to be around but when I think about them getting married, where the fuck is that gonna go? Why would anyone want a retard manchild like that, who you have to teach shit to like a little baby? This bitch didn't even know how to use condoms or know about any sort of protection, jesus christ. Would love to hear if any anons have been in a similar situation, it's frustrating as shit.
No. 848427
>>848382Not exactly the same scenario, I can only speak as someone who was groomed as an older teenager by a 30-something and wasted the majority of my 20s being his bandmaid while he leeched off my financial, emotional and physical efforts. My advice is:
Please say something to her. After I finally left I spoke to family and people I considered friends and all of them said "Well it was your
choice and I didn't want to offend you by saying something" even though they clearly knew it was inappropriate. This is what libfem/choice feminism gets us, being mentally enslaved by a pig because no one wanted to speak out for fear of hurting my feelings. Well, please. Offend me. Maybe I wouldn't have broken up with him then and there, but I 100% believe that if literally anyone had tried to tell me why the situation was going to be damaging, I would've pondered it and felt far more vindicated when I ended up miserable/wanting to leave rather than just thinking it was a wife's duty to "stand by your man." As it was, I wasted years trying to figure things on my own until I finally reached a breaking point. I didn't even realize I'd been groomed until long after I left because no one talked about it! It was horribly lonely, debilitating and soul sucking. Even if your friend is older and should know better, she clearly has a blind spot here. If you care about her, be the one person brave enough to say something so if there's even trouble in paradise, she knows she can turn to you rather than feeling abandoned.
You don't have to go for the throat, just clearly lay out "look I know you obviously love your fiance but I am concerned about you because of these reasons. Why is it that you are comfortable with these things? How do you think this will look for you in a few years and have his views actually changed? If not, why are you comfortable staying with someone who thinks feminists are crazy?" After she has her say just reinforce that you don't agree with her choices and you wanted to say something because you care about her, but you will be civil to him and there for her in the instance anything happens. That's all you can do, unfortunately sometimes people just have to live an experience to really understand how serious it is. It's nice of you to be concerned for her and I get the frustration for sure.
No. 848432
>>848427Also: try to put things in perspective for her by relating his sexism to similar scenarios. Would she think a black woman marrying a guy that said BLM was idiotic and blacks don't really experience racism was making a smart choice? How about a disabled woman who had to explain to her husband why accessible design was important? Thanks to the patriarchy people (including women) tend to see any disadvantaged attribute as deserving of respect except for being female. It shouldn't be any different, why spend your days trying to
convince your partner of your basic fucking humanity. She likely sees herself as a sort of exception in his mind (nlog); that's embarassing and she's not.
No. 848436
>>848432Thank you for the replies! There's been a few times I talked about how I dumped a close friend due to his misogyny and implied heavily how it's just stupid and unfruitful to keep pouring so much love and energy to shit like that, you'll just get burnt out and feel stupid. The funniest thing is that she agreed, she was the one who first pointed out this dude's behaviour, so I have no idea how she can be so blind with her man. I did tell her that she always has a place to come back to, no matter why she'd be coming back but lack of a place to stay shouldn't be an issue ever. You're right though, I gotta try at least, you did make good points, I just need to be able to word them out without sounding snippy. I also am kind of afraid of this man's drinking habits, the times we did hung out, he got very drunk, and even if he was nice, I know my friend doesn't drink and it's making me nervous
I had an alcoholic parent so I am especially careful around drunk menThank you so much, anon, I know I sound overtly dramatic but this shit has me worried.
No. 848441
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Sometimes I really am jealous of (y)ou(t)ube women because they’re allowed to be innocent, free, and loved, while I have to endure my traumas and anger in a crass way that would never be acceptable if I was in their shoes. They’re allowed to be alternative, whispering, transformative and troubled nymphettes who despite many who have undesirable personalities are still loved and worshipped like a goddess. Since I was born not like them, I’m just typecasted as a grungy chick. Every one of them represent Kate Bush or Lana Del Rey, but I’m not a fucking Doja Cat. It’s so tiring
No. 848487
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>>848441Are you a public figure with a PR team trying their hardest to make you "marketable"? If not, you're only typecasting yourself by trying to be understood/defined through lens invented by some retarded scrotes.
You are allowed to be whatever you want. Actually think about it. What are people going to do if you start dressing how you like and writing songs about being troubled but vulnerable, soft and glamorous? Kill you? The answer is nothing. They can't do a single thing except seethe that the world isn't made of walking stereotypes.
Those who would pigeonhole you couldn't help you reach your potential, regardless. They are limited in mind, dying out fast and ultimately impotent. They have no power unless you choose to let them have it. Don't.
No. 848557
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>be me, bipolar and stressed
>manic episode
>"i wont do anything stupid im gonna keep it to myself"
>post stories on social media, very stupid shit i usually wouldnt
>ex watched every single one story
>text ex who i broke up in bad terms with and we havent spoken in around five months
>literally promised myself to never talk to her ever agan not only to myself but to my friends
>texted her
>buzzing notifications, but its just some rando on tinder who i saw two times and didnt feel anything for (i already rejected them).
>very anxious, feeling my entire body cringe now that ex didnt text back and everytime i check my phone its just the rando
>will regret this for months
im getting high now to chill
No. 848559
It's okay anon, you can call me shallow, I won't cry (I will but need to hear it)
No. 848575
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Yesterday I had some code that wouldn't load and kept giving me a "couldn't find path" error. Open the editor today and all is fine, no errors. Absolute fucking bullshit. I love it.
No. 848586
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>>848557I get it. I hate my ex but I still want him to be obsessed with me because it gives me a very shallow and meaningless sense of self worth. I don't need him to be happy and confident anymore but also fuck him and I hope he regrets losing me for the rest of his miserable life. If he texted me honestly I'd probably respond just to be smug and superior. It's petty but fuck it I'm far from being enlightened. It's probably better she didn't respond versus saying something mean, don't beat yourself up anon.
No. 848594
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Found out my ex had a new girlfriend (or fling? he claimed it wasn't a relationship apparently) and they got into some massive disagreement and he now believes she is evil, just like he did with me. I only know through word of mouth since I've been no-contact with him for many months now. I don't give a fuck about his stupid drama, but I feel this weird bitterness that he moved on when he always claimed he'd love me forever even as we broke up. I moved on myself, am in a new and healthier relationship, I hold no love for him, and yet knowing he is not 100% miserable and missing me stings? What the fuck is wrong with me, why do I even care. He was so shit to me that I guess I just want him to be miserable forever.
No. 848598
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>be me
>have an outie
>never cared, until ex pointed it out and refused to give me oral
>"all of my exes had innies, anon"
>time passed, we're not together anymore
>still think about it to this day
>new insecurity, cool
>spend hours every other week looking at what scrotes on 4chan have to say about vulvas like mine
>never wanting to have sex ever again
>should I just kill myself?
Life sucks, anons.
No. 848599
>>848590No need to apologize. Even though I truly hate that this happened to us and wish it didn't, I'm comforted knowing someone out there feels similarly. Hope you're having a good day or night,
No. 848610
>>848598I honestly can't fathom that scrotes are so obsessed with controlling female bodies and our insecurities regarding it that they nitpick vulvas of all things. I have an outie too and never knew there was an issue until I found out that it's regarded as "gross roast beef curtains only dirty sluts have" and that innies are the pure virginal beauty standard. How can one afford to be so picky about vulvas? It's to me akin to refusing a free car because you don't like how the tires look.
Anyway there's nothing wrong with your vulva, anon. The scrotes being so invested in a woman's labia minora are virgins for a reason.
No. 848613
>>848598This sounds so weird to me because I've been with a few girls and I just can't, for the life of me, remember how their vulvas looked like.
Scrotes that care about something like this shouldn't be allowed around women.
No. 848641
>>848613I'd be kind of offended if you didn't remember mine. I sure do remember those from women I've been with, because I enjoyed them very much.
I get that you're trying to lift anon's spirit up by shitting on scrotes, but you just come off as a bad lover.
No. 848677
>>848652Agree. Diet food always tastes like shit because, like you said, it has no nutritional values, no fat, no carbs, nothing that actually makes it worth eating or appealing. It's just meant to fill your stomach so that you wouldn't feel hungry, but eating it is an absolutely miserable experience. It's no wonder obese people feel they can't lose weight when they go straight to this scammy garbage instead of normal, healthy food.
And for the record non-fat milk is so disgusting I can't believe people willingly drink it. The best part about milk is the fat in it.
No. 848681
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im graduating from university next year.. since high school i wanted to be a comic artist and go to mcad to study but i settled for a graphic design degree at a public state college instead because it costs much less and designers make more money than most other commercial or fine art fields but im starting to regret it so much. im really not that passionate about graphic design but i dont have the money to move to minnesota and drop 100k on another degree
No. 848686
>>848652Dieting is personal and can be difficult, people should do whatever makes it work for them. Some things are easier to give up than others, and if non fat milk means someone can eat a different food they enjoy then what's the issue? You find it gross so they should follow your preferred diet instead of theirs?
For me, watery, bland 40 cal/250ml almond milk is what allows me to drink as many coffees as I want with zero impact on my diet. I just have nicer, higher cal milk as a treat. It's not that big of a sacrifice.
No. 848689
>>848682something that troons and the detrooned have in common is the incessant need for attention ig
>>848652not sure if keto food would count as the "diet food" you're talking about but most keto food is absolute shite. people who do keto have formed their own weird little cult around it too and if anyone with medical expertise points out how people shouldn't do it long term then their medical degrees are questioned by keto freaks lmao
No. 848697
>>848682I've never seen them describe "NLOG" behavior, just how they were the
victims of sexism and misogyny just like all women are and how it drove them to escape womanhood altogether.
No. 848708
>>848598I'm so sorry. My mom has an outie. When I was a kid I noticed it when I saw her nude, so I asked why she and I looked different down there. She told me all labias are different.. Then proceeded to tell me about an argument she'd had with my dad and he had said ''you and your ugly pussy''.
Then puberty hit and I started developing an outie as well, I was SO ashamed. When I was like 11 I'd get a mirror and try to tuck it in to make it look like an innie. I thought my mom was coping, that no one else looked like us and we just had this secret deformity that I should hide. And now today, I've had a labiaplasty.
No. 848711
>>848700That's how the society treats GNC women though, people keep telling them they're not proper women or they should grow up and stop these tomboy shenanigans. NLOG originally was meant to refer to cool girls who wanted to put themselves above other women to gain favor with men while the detrans aidens are closer to "I don't qualify as a girl at all", making it an entirely different issue from "Not like other girls".
For some reason some anons on this site take it way too personally and immediately assume that a woman talking about the reasons why they felt they were denied womanhood she's trying to be "better than them", and I believe that's some deep rooted insecurity about their own performative femininity.
>How dare this stupid dyke say she doesn't like dresses or makeup, does she think she's better than me??? internalized misogyny much??? I'm so sick of these nlogs ugghh!!!Or maybe I'm just overthinking it and they're scrotes who don't want to hear about the misogyny women face for not conforming to feminine stereotypes, I don't know.
No. 848714
>>848711I'm not angry at them or offended by what they say. Femininity is a prison and we all cope however we can. I just think their blogging is repetitive and often unwanted.
Again though, this is mainly just the young ones so I really should cut them some slack.
No. 848721
>>848708It makes me sad and angry that you had to go as far as to get plastic surgery on a body part that is perfectly normal and beautiful just because a man decided he didn't like the look of it. I've had sex with many women and it has never even crossed my mind to stop and look at their vulvas? You'd think there are better things to do during sex than judge your partner's genitals. What does it matter what they look like anyway, it doesn't change anything about sex.
Men don't deserve women.
No. 848731
>>848682Where else are they going to blog post? Detrans women don't really have anywhere to go that won't make a big deal about it, let them have space here so they can get over it
>RepetitiveWe see the same stories about anons with shit boyfriends all the time or depressed NEET bpd anons, who cares
No. 848750
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Being single in Southern California is fucking hell. I can’t afford a goddamn shitty studio because my job pays only decently at best, and I can’t find a roommate that isn’t a college student. If I don’t find one soon I have to move out of my apartment and people keep flaking out on me. I’m seriously ready to scream.
No. 848797
My dad's side of the family left an intense psychological impact on me (as well as the rest of my immediate family, except my sibling) and I'm tired of being the only one who's open about how much it affected me. My mother is a good-vibes-only Stacy kind of person who can brush off anything that happens to her, even serious traumatic events (kind of based I guess) and my father and brother are stoic and easygoing.
My mom recently revealed to me that she had realized my father had suffered from disordered eating this whole time (like me and my brother) and now I understand that everyone is just better at hiding their problems than me. I can't really describe briefly the fucked up dynamics of my dad's parents and sisters or the extent of the damage they did, but it's some serious 4D-chess psychological horror movie shit. They're all eating each other alive. My grandmother spent my entire childhood manipulating and gaslighting me (in the literal use of the word, not the way people throw it around nowadays) until my mother finally banned her from seeing me when I was 9 or 10.
My cousins are almost all females around my age, all tiny and skinny and lovely in the face, but they grew up poor to the point where I always felt pressured to give them my belongings even though they did nothing but reject me and mock me. The most specific memory I have that sparked nearly a decade now of eating disorders: I was 17 and had just graduated high school, I traveled alone to my home country to visit family and the clasp on my favorite plaid skirt broke. I asked my grandmother to mend it, since I knew she could sew well and I thought it could make the skirt even more special–in my mind, Americans always had sentimental stories of crafts and handmade clothes from their grandmothers. When she returned the skirt, I was dismayed to find out that it no longer closed around my waist because she had sewn the clasp waaay off from where it was clearly marked by the original thread. This was kind of the last straw for me in a string of her "gifting" me clothes that were blatantly too small and then calling to innocently ask if they fit.
I don't understand what I did to hurt them. They're worse to my mom, yet I can't brush it off like she does. My cousins are so much more beautiful and confident than me, they've grown up well-adjusted with tons of friends and parties and the youngest female (after me) is now living in NYC and only hangs out with podcasters and children of celebrities and that kind of thing. I don't know why my aunts and grandmother continue to put me down even now. I don't know why your own family would want so desperately to watch you, specifically, fail. I guess I'm venting because my aunt and cousins are coming to visit tomorrow and I'm filled with dread imagining the rumors my aunt will spread afterwards. I'm worried they'll think I'm an ugly loser. I lost all the weight but it doesn't feel like enough. I don't know.
No. 848804
>>848017He's a coomer and probably not attracted to irl women anymore due to years of overstimulating his brain with porn. A lot of men nowadays are like this, they are perfectly happy never having sex cause porn fulfills all their fantasies. Dump him. You will literally never feel fulfilled in a relationship where you are not desired. People who say these things are unimportant are dumb.
>>848762Asexual men don't exist. Even the most autistic disfunctional spastics still masturbate to shit like plane-porn.
No. 848811
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I wanna go back to a time and place when dressing somewhat similar to this was widespread, gendershit wasn't real and nobody sided with troons to stand a higher moral ground
No. 848813
>>848700From my side as a more masculine woman than the majority of Aidens, it feels like a huge insult when they're like "ugh I'm so unwomanly better transition"
Same thing as when anachans complain about how fat they are and a normal girl walks by
No. 848833
>>848820>tits outDon't a lot of zoomers wear big, baggy clothes? I see a lot of Youths out in big pants and big T-shirts. And the whole cottagecore big-modest-frilly-dresses thing.
I'm a cusp myself so I may just feel defensive, but Zoomer fashion is kind of all over the place. So was millennial tbh even if there are some common items like skinny jeans. Billions of people, diversity, etc.
Also can't wait for the sex work bullshit to end though. It's fucking tragic.
No. 848840
>>848625>The pandemic really forced a lot of people into online spaces for their only human interaction and most of them developed terminally online syndrome I've seen so many people express that the pandemic gave them time to find themselves and think about their lives, and now they're
trans like no you spent 99% of your time online and memed yourself into being one of the acceptable caricatures. See also: OF girls and TikTok girls. Congratulations, you didn't find yourself you just became part of an online meme social group with absolutely no positive effects on your real life offline. They think they've found themselves but they just joined an incredibly dumb online social group with a limited appeal and lifespan, also maybe destroying their future in the process (surgery/hormone damage, or releasing your own revenge porn for your future self to deal with) that online approval won't pay the bills when you're dealing with the consequences of the harm you did to your own damn self while ""finding yourself" on lockdown
No. 848842
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I am very scared of my future. I virtually have no job experience except for a few weeks at a fast food place where I immediately quit because of the treatment I received. I really want to do something art-related but it's such BS that if you put yoursef out there, good things will come. Success is just luck, being there at the right time, and being outrageous enough to grab people's short span. It really is almost like a video game and you're interacting with different characters trying to gain points to see how favorable you are. I'm so afraid of being poor and homeless and I'm 18 and very worried about my single parent who just moved somewhere they can't even afford. With my social anxiety I definitely can't do fast food or even fast-paced retail, why does everything seem so doomed
No. 848845
>>848833Cottagecore is just hippy/70s fashion again, for some reason zoomers insist on renaming known fashions and pretending they invented them.
But I do prefer the more preppy/hippy zoomer fashion versus the sexworker Bratz doll stuff which needs to die a slow death.
No. 848888
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This is something I seen today and it reminded me of something that annoys the fuck out of me every time it happens.
People are mad at this girl because she posted an anti diet uwu "it genetics guys" video to body positive tags. The thing is- they're right to get mad.
It's not that shes thin, it's the fact that she knows what she looks like and is using anti beauty standard tags as an excuse to show off her very much conventionally attractive body on purpose. People like her 100% do it to gloat about their appearance but hide behind the "oh well I'm just body positive guys, I'm so down to earth with the struggle of looking ugly and feeling like I'm not enough" despite very obviously having the kind of appearance that gets you praise.
I dont want to come off as bitter and I can already hear the"anon I look like her at BMI 39.222 seethe fatty" anachan posters coming to reply, but you know as well as I do that there are a small handful of pretty girls who pull the "I'm so ugly" schtick for attention just like she is. People are right to be mad at her
No. 848894
>>848888Kek it's NEVER just genetics with these ~genetic~ hoes. Wish they'd just own it and
trigger the shit out of those wanachans.
No. 848897
>>848888She’s obnoxious as fuck, hope she gets bullied off the internet.
Banging body though.
No. 848913
>>848888I would kill to have her body and that isn’t an body positive thing, she’s
literally the fucking top beauty standard where fashion accommodates her body features. I can’t stand this shit, this is why I hate body positivity it enables narcissists and body checkers to get validation for their terrible eating and dieting habits.
No. 848916
>>848900Ayrt. The problem is that her body isn't ugly according to the beauty standards shes pretending to be against. If this is "genetics" like shes claiming, then she has no reason to go to anti beauty standard tags to talk about rejecting diets or whatever because she literally is the body that a lot of women are pressured to achieve. She knows that she is the beauty standard even though she, to a normal person, does not look healthy
>>848905>>848913She really is full of shit. She identified a space where she knows people are using her as an example of perfection, and goes swanning around there because she knows people consider her perfect. Shame shes such an ugly motherfucker on the inside
No. 848937
>>848888Kinda reminds me of that time really thin flat chested girls started posting TikToks claiming that bras were useless anti feminist tools used to oppress women, 100% unaware that girls who actually do have boobs need support for their breasts to avoid back pain and to just hold the fuckers up really.
They would always end it with "I havent worn a bra in (amount of time), look at me, this should speak for itself" and not a single one of them ever had a hint of boob to struggle with. Like yeah no shit you can get away with it because you have nothing to worry about.
Same with anachan here. Of course you can gloat about genetics and not having to diet blah blah you have no standard or problem to struggle against. Theres just no self awareness. Embarrassing
No. 848953
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>claims to love women
>never received women in a positive light
terfs don’t exist, it’s just a politically motivated slur against people they don’t agree with. also you don’t have to shower people you love with affirmations all the time, if you truly love someone you would tell them the fucking truth so they aren’t pained with ignorance, such as pornography, sex-trafficking, pedo culture. i’m not a radical feminist but none of these people ever just sit and evaluate what that word really means and how people intend to use it. it’s the mindset of what children do, they just go along and never think
No. 848968
>>848929Who the fuck likes deathspo????
Legit question. I need more info on this
No. 848971
>>848956no I came across this account that said they were an ex-
terf because they were groomed by one
No. 848982
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>be me
>me be
>go on a road trip with my brother
>in the USA
>the bus station smells like feet
>the bus smells like farts
>annoying kids
>noisy people
>seats are uncomfortable
>wants to die
I hate buses so much, why is renting a car so expensive in burger land? It wasn’t like this when I went to Europe, this is so annoying.
No. 848987
>>848972anon I didn’t draw this lmao, I took it from this anti-
terf account on instagram
No. 848992
>>848988But like
how can anyone be groomed by a
terf??? are they dumb
No. 848995
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I hate having to explain myself to normies just to be left alone
>Why aren't you drinking anon? You Muslim or something LOL?
>Why aren't you drinking anon, are you pregnant?
>Come on, just a small sip! Come ONNNNNN! Just one won't hurt you!
>You just haven't had a good drink yet! Come on, it'll be on me!
>I can't drink if you're not drinking hahaha, I'll feel self-conscious!
>People refuse to go out with you ever again, never talk to you again unless strictly necessary
Bitch fuck off already. If you know you're an embarrassment to the human race when you consume alcohol, why do you want me to participate? I don't want to have to explain to people that I'm a recovering alcoholic, this shit is so exhausting.
No. 848999
>>848992my thoughts went to "groomed into seeing the truth by a mean
terf uwu" but probably there is a one or two predatory
terf, as bizzare as that seems. why be a
terf groomer when you can be a libfem one? why make things harder for yourself? are they into challenge? kek
No. 849014
>>849008Jesus Christ you were in highschool and didn't assume what was happening?
It's horrifying that a teacher was doing that but I'm also sorry your friend just made you wait in a cupboard like that, fucked up all around
>>849010This also
No. 849065
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I was texting an acquaintance and fell asleep around 5am, so I quit replying. He flipped his shit when I woke up and posted on ig this morning. Literally it was the most shallow, small talk too.
I went on a date with a guy and he kept saying that her liked that I'm rail thin, but then texted me that my "butt is weird". Yeah it's almost like my figure is more rectangular and less voluptuous, retard. So I told him that he wasn't over six foot and he started threatening revenge porn. Most of the people I considered my best friends stopped talking to me when they got married. I was a sex worker, like an actual hooker and I hate all these pick-me onlyfans girls glamorizing pleasing pornsick to teen girls.
I hate scrotes. I'm fucking over even trying to be nice to them. They're all controlling, manipulative, and selfish. And all of them want to abuse us in some way or another.
No. 849066
I hate those stupid screamer websites. When I was young and stupid, like two or three different male friends would send me these links all the time. The last one of them was when I was in highschool, and he kept sending me these links. I wised up and after he sent me a link, I noticed the .swf ending and said "no, I'm not opening that, I know what it is" and he kept saying "no, noooo, I promise it isn't." Why did I trust men so easily? I was right, it was another shitty screamer. I immediately blocked him and after a few days he realized I was actually upset and not unblocking him, so he begged me to unblock him like the fucking little pussy bitch he was and never sent me those links again. I don't even think it could be considered one of those things where a guy opens up a scary website to scare the girl with him into clinging onto him. They always sent me these things over chat. I was never really liked by guys around me, so they were definitely just doing it to be mean and get a kick out of it.
Why are scrotes like this? Like "haha, I trick this girl into clicking this link and scaring her!" Shame on me for falling for it multiple times, but seriously. These were people who I was on pretty good terms with and we considered each other friends. Thankfully none of the very few men I let into my life are at this level of dumbass, but what the fuck.
Don't come at me for not being able to stand looking at uncomfortably creepy images, I just don't like them and I can be scared of them all I want.
No. 849080
>>848888Wow, this is cringe.
Someone should tell her that her body type is already positively received by society and that the tags aren't for her.
>teehee genetics~Kek, right. Homegirl either monitors the fuck out of her diet or she eats less in reality than she thinks.
No. 849090
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I want to die quick and painlessly, preferably while sleeping as I have a nice dream about hot anime guys being nice to me.
I honestly think I’m not fit to be alive, I’m also too fat to be happy.
No. 849138
>>849067Yes that was my fuck I don't care enough and I'm venting symptom
>>849078Thanks will do
No. 849140
>>849108Sucks that you had that experience it too, but I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one who had to go through this!!
>>849113>>849119That and pornsick men and their obsession with ~*~*beautiful pink pornstar vaginas*~*~ made me very self conscious for the longest time. I've been fortunate enough that the men I've been with didn't care about how my vagina looked (or at the very least, hid it very well/kept their thoughts to themselves). I don't pursue relationships with men anymore so I don't give a rats ass about how my vagina looks and I've had the time and solitude to learn to accept what I've got lol.
No. 849157
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I found the instagram account of a girl I used to be friends with in primary school. She's an Aiden now, and looks like picrel. Has he/they/it/pup in her profile, as well.
Honestly, it's just sad to see. I'm aware that she'll grow out of it eventually (or not), and I'm also aware that I'm fucking weird for looking her up in the first place, but I just had to tell somebody.
Pretty ironic that she went from conservative to ~uwu soft emo boi~ and I went from raging lib to "evil TERF bitch".
Although I do wonder what name she goes by currently, and also what her family thinks lol
No. 849179
>>849167I'm so sorry to hear that. My friend was also a tomboy all her life, short hair, only wore pants, all that, and never referred to herself as a boy or showed any signs of this shit.
Luckily, SRS and hormone treatments aren't really accessible in my country afaik, so she probably won't fuck herself up too bad.
I feel like it's becoming a trend for gnc women to start identifying as men, which I hate. Everytime a woman who doesn't adhere to gender stereotypes decides to id as a man, the rules of being a woman just get reinforced even more.
Let's not even get started on troons who see any woman with short hair and go "are you sure you're not a boy?".
(tbh I'm kind of interested, how does testosterone mess up your face? I know about acne, but surely it doesn't do anything to bone structure? Does it make your face like bloat up?)
No. 849218
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Oh my god I haven't been so fucking livid in a while until I saw this. The audacity.
I might as well sell out to finance and be an analyst bc at least I get paid. Who the fuck can do a full-time unpaid internship other than a rich kid who has everything paid for? Ik it's naive but out of all industries I wouldn't have expected that you have to be rich to get into the non-profit industry.
No. 849226
>>849157Fuckin same. The girl whom I thought was gonna be my partner in crime is also Ayden now. It’s tragic because she is literally the FTM stereotype of perma traumatized lesbian. Can’t bring myself to unload
TERF shit on her so I just watch from afar.
No. 849264
>>849185It's entitlement.
>As a male, I deserve a big titty bimbo who'll do all my chores, watch football with me, make my favorite foods and tuck me in at night while also sucking me off 3x a day and bringing in her own income, but if all I can pull is an average bitch who does a few of those things half heartedly and nags me sometimes that's what I'll have to settle for I guess." Having a mediocre (in their mind) bangmaid (aka a real human partner with their own wants and needs) is better than nothing at all, but they're still gonna cry about not having the tradthot they feel they deserve.
No. 849332
>>849179AYRT, not sure if it does anything to your bone structure but I know that it can cause severe acne and weight gain, as well as patchy neckbeard-esque facial hair. I don't understand how a woman would willingly do that to herself. I was almost a
victim of the cult myself to be honest, I really wanted to escape from my body so I bought a binder that thankfully didn't fit. I've learned to accept myself and I know that the way I look/dress doesn't mean I'm not a woman. Still creeps me out that I was that close to becoming an Aiden though, it seems that a lot of anons have a similar story
No. 849334
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im so sad beyonce bought a telfar bag. Like im happy that she is supporting that dude's business and everything and he must be over the moon. But like damn! now i gotta wait until 2042 to get me a damn bag that takes months to ship anyway. and the price is gonna go up so much now. why was i such a cheapskate now i'll never have a telfar lol.
No. 849357
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>>849349That makes sense! I didn't even consider that maybe some people would like them for their simplicity. I've always thought that if I bought a luxury bag, I would get something that's more unique, even if it's not very practical for everyday use (picrel is the first that come to mind, but there's probably better examples). It honestly makes a lot more sense to buy something that you would use everyday though lmao. I also didn't know that they are vegan!
No. 849394
>>849273Actually the way we look in mirrors is never quite right because it's flipped. That's also the reason we feel worse about our looks in photos, because we are so used to seeing our face in the mirror that it feels all wrong, off, and ugly. When in actuality we can never know how others perceive us aka how we really look, but most people (women) do not look as bad as they think.
>>849376Guaranteed you don't look like Gollum nons, especially for women no one looks like that. Fwiw I have insecurity about my large nose, and my first thought was "at least her nose must be small because Gollum's is"… The point is everyone has insecurities we hate and compare with each other. It's all in your perception I'd bet.
No. 849408
>>849345Cope she looks awful
>>849343This, she's morphing into Blue Ivy. Obviously, not a good thing.
No. 849413
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It's hilarious to me how my family always complain that I'm not interested in our culture. Why would I waste my time cooking elaborate food for nothing in return? Why would I use up my time to traditional embroider things I don't wear day to day? Why would I go do traditional dancing with overly touchy misogynistic scrotes? Kek your culture can fucking die. If you want to enjoy having a culture then make the men do that fucking work too. Why is it women's jobs to ensure society is comfortable and culturally rich.
No. 849433
I am tired of feeling like a fragile leech. I spent all of my childhood and teenagehood in hospitals, yet I still have to spend my partners money on paid clinic visits because free healthcare is complete shit there to a point where they couldn't realise that I had ear infection for a few months. This year generally started roughly for me health-wise, I got a random eye infection and it took me a month to heal it that I couldn't work on anything.
Can't find a job because of a huge unemployment rate. Barely making commissions this year.
>>849423Nayrt but I've always wanted to make embroidery and anon's country food is actually pretty cheap and easy to make. Eg I love Syrniki. Doesn't mean that anon needs to make the food for everyone…she can just make the food for herself! But I understand, being forced onto "embracing your culture" sucks and softly implies that anon should turn into a stay-at-home baby maker cuz that's how this country is.
No. 849493
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I'm so disillusioned reading about and seeing injustices against woman every few hours. Even when I try to avoid any sex discourse or discrimination just to be able to chill and not worry about anything, some shitty scrote will always pop up and say something hurtful. Be it in a video I'm watching, in a random comment on Instagram or other social media or TV programs or movies. Or a male 'friend' or relative. Cute video of a baby girl? Comments say how she's gonna grow up into spoiled princess bitch or a Karen. You failed an oral exam? Of course you're gonna say 'female proffesors are generally moody' and how unfit they are to be teaching. Of course you forget how last year you got screamed at by a male teacher, you'd never think to put the blame on his sex.
I can't even read a normal book about for example alien invasion without reading how the female aliens are raped and how even in human society males are the only one to have a proper culture. Even children fantasy has rape pointlessly sprinkled in, classical books ogle women's appearance and insult their intelligence.
Just fucking shut uuup for a minute about what you think women should do, look like and how much superior on a existential level you think men are. How women are only good for bearing children and feminism is so against the nature, fuck your dumb evo-psych bullshit. How they look disgusting when they don't do certain shit, how female leg hair makes you vomit, how our brains are just worse and we can't be surprised we are under them socially. How every man can overpower every woman but just gracefully chooses not to. How you love porn, how you have to sexualise every character you think about.
Are men not able to go an hour their day without insulting women? Just shut the fuck up, just let me have a moment of peace for a fucking hour.
No. 849531
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>>849493Just think about it this way, men are so insecure with egos so fragile that they have to make up an entire cinematic universe of stereotypes and copes to make themselves feel better.
Do you ever hear rich, pretty, confident people who get fawned over brag about being rich and pretty? No, they don't have to, people already tell them that all the time. Do successful scientists brag how accomplished they are online, do people who have done worthwhile shit in life cling to their ethnicity/race as a crutch? Never.
It's always insecure attention whores with no accomplishments or parents who loved them bragging about being skinny, pretty, young, rich, white or male.
Anyway, just create a bunch of fake accounts and let them know their existence is futile, they are a plague on this planet and have no inherent value unlike women do. They can't even keep themselves alive properly, the only thing they've got is muscle in the age of guns.
The Y chromosome really is the worst disability. They're like autistics who brag about being 9000IQ masterminds yet piss in bottles and can't speak proper.
They need to be made aware of their disability so they can be rehabilitated or kill themselves if they're too weak.
Bully your local male today, ladies.
No. 849574
I hate seeing people my age look visibly aged, it makes me feel old. I'm still holding on, but it's a matter of time at this point.
I saw one of my former classmates just a few years ago and she looked normal. Saw her again a few days ago, now she's all jowly with massive eyebags. Granted, she smokes a lot and we're in our early 30s, but holy shit. The difference was incredible.
All the guys I thought were cute back in the day now look old, unwashed and saggy. Most are balding, some also have graying hair. I don't know what they're doing to themselves. One had cancer so I'll give him that, but the rest are perfectly healthy. None of them seem to have any joy for life left over, those with kids bitch about their kids and those without are a bit livelier but seem to all have some addiction. They all work dead end jobs, most are fat and eat nothing but garbage.
How can these grown ass people not know they can't live like they're 16 forever?
No. 849745
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I wanted to start playing Metro today since everything else bores me now, instead I broke down crying after seeing the "continue" button. The last person to play was my father and he passed away months ago. I'm prettg sure he finished it so I thought I'd be ready for my own playthrough but no, the guilt is way too strong and I had to exit the game. Still bawling, this sucks.
No. 849808
>>849801Sorry for your loss anon. It does get a bit better with time so keep holding on.
Mine died last November and the extreme crying is now at a minimum, daily things don't
trigger those feelings as often anymore.
No. 849897
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>>849885I don't know what your circumstances are, but I hope you'll be able to move on and flourish without him. I hope you'll look back on your memories together with fondness, but also acceptance. My ex girlfriend, who was the first partner I had who treated me with actual love and respect, broke up with me and it was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I was upset for a long time after, as anyone is after a break up, but I am now enjoying life even more than I had even before I met her.
I've never watched Bojack Horseman but I saw someone post these screencaps on twitter shortly after my break up. It hit like a truck. It's okay to be upset, and I hope you'll come out of this a lot happier.
No. 849987
>>849942I wish I could hug you and make you some warm soup anon. You deserve it.
>I've been trying to think of it as a time to centre myself and find a better job/friend situation.Yes! Take care of yourself and do right by yourself. Shortly after the breakup I left my job that already was worsening my depression and made me suicidal (so post break up I was a complete zombie and truly struggling more than ever) and after some twists and turns at a very good place in my life. I’m not working a dream job or anything fancy, but I’m at a place where I can truly say that I am happy. I am treated well at my new job, with the respect that my ex showed me that I am deserving of, and surrounded by friends who love me just as much as she did. At the end of the day, you only have yourself. I hope you and I may find loving partners to settle down with in the future, but for right now, we just have ourselves and we have to make sure that we are in a good place. I believe in you anon, and I want you to be happy and live a life surrounded by wonderful friends and full of love. Take the time you need to heal and be kind to yourself. Love you anon ♥#
No. 849998
>>849994I wish he were trolling me, yeah. I know him enough to know he wasn't. He's had several severely autistic opinions over the years however this one took the fucking cake and there was no reasoning with him either.
>that they are the same level of evil, at allI know, kek! I can't wrap my head around it at all. Genuinely wtf. I don't at all understand where this is coming from. Luckily he doesn't have many friends so he's not going to go around spreading this "ideology".
No. 850003
>>849986There's a lot of these single celled orgnisms on Twitter, makes sense they'd be upset about a ball of barely sentient cells being aborted since that's all they are in adulthood.
I don't know what causes it but a lot of men genuinely believe abortion is murder and screech about it all day. Generally the same men who think all women are roastie whores who want to emotionally abuse men and then run off with their money, so we can assume the
abortion is murder goes hand in hand with those other deranged thoughts.
No. 850079
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I hate my stupid eczema and ingrown toenails. I know it’s not the zenith of suffering, but this eczema flareup has been lasting for over half a year, and might be a for year at this point. My toenails keep being infected over and over, one big toe heals and it’s like a cue for the other to start swelling and bleeding and hurting like someone shot me in the foot. Between the eczema on my legs making my skin so tight and my retarded toes, it’s so hard to move and walk. They’ve overstayed their welcome it’s annoying I want my normal limbs back.
It would be fine if it wasn’t for my brother telling me to stop scratching every second. He sees me scratching and thinks it’s a perfect idea to tell me to “stop scratching or I’ll get so fucking mad” and raise his voice or hit something in his vicinity. Even in a normal tone it’s so irritating. He then tells my mom that it’s my fault for not getting better because I scratch and he’s the bastion of my health because he tells me not to scratch and that scratching hurts me. Like OK. OBVIOUSLY I know that. I’m not scratching because I never want to get better, I’m desperately trying to get better. Why is this their idea of helping? These itches are inhuman.
No. 850105
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Gen Z is seriously so fucking retarded that I can't stand it. Every generation has their brand of cringe— e.g. you only need to remember MySpace or the early days of Youtube to make fun of millennials— but absolutely nothing compares to the unadulterated retardation of zoomers.
If I have to see one more non-binary, sapiosexual, demoromatic, aspire, xe/xir, transbian 18 year old acting like they have DID with 2948 alters, I will absolutely lose my shit by autistically posting in this thread again.
Why do none of these zoomers have alters who are fat Americans named Stan? Why are they always British anime kings named Toru?
No. 850117
and the worst shit is that they are actually changing shit with their retard shit, look at how many people think troons are real now
No. 850130
>>850105Most of the population gaining access to the internet was the biggest mistake
I hate this year I WANT TO GO BACK
No. 850145
>>850138Thank you
nonnie. He was a big orangeish yellow lab and always acted like he was the #1 guard dog despite being friendly and a big momma's boy. I'm scared that his sister's going to pass soon too, but at least the scene won't be as horrific as his.
No. 850203
>>850105While I definitely agree that performative mental illness is cringe, I think the saying applies in this case, that there's nothing new under the sun. These kids just latch onto whatever identity they can find.
I'm bipolar and it basically just makes my life more spicy. I can't imagine using a diagnosis (or self-diagnosis) as the backbone of your personality.
No. 850287
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who else up in the early am sad and thinking about how lonely they are?
No. 850303
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I'm living with a literal Chris Chan at the moment, just minus the narcissism.
He seemed okay, just a low functioning sperg. I asked his family if there was any problems with him or if he got into trouble, but they were like "no no, he doesn't do anything wrong, but we don't want him living with you, he's good where he is". He wanted to move in with me because Aunty Jacinda started putting criminals in all the boarding houses. And considering the only other people replying to advert were gang members, and I'm in considerable debt, I had no choice.
Well, he's been here for a month and he's been arrested by the cops three times. They've pepper sprayed him and beaten him each time. It turns out that despite being 43 years old, he's still on the "love quest stage" and trying for girls, teenage girls. He was hiding in the bushes staring at the girl in the coffee van and trying to chat up girls at the gym.
I almost threw him out yesterday because I've had enough. I'm really need the fucking money though, and because my place is an unfinished shithole I can only attract low leval tenants.
His family actually tried blaming me for the entire situation by saying "We told you we didn't want him moving". Yeah, how about telling me he's a stalker that harasses women next time. How about not lying to me about how he's never been in legal trouble. They're pulling the "well he can't stay with us" card, and I'm just at the point where it's like "fine, he can be homeless then".
The thing is, I actually get along with him really well and around the house he's the most well behaved person. The perfect flatmate really, he cooks full roast dinners almost every night and does all the cleaning on his own. It bewilders me that he behaves like a dog outside the house.
No. 850313
>>850291Never said she was “jealous” of me. I have very low self esteem. I just thought she was trying to make me ‘jealous’ of her life by humble bragging, about all the things going on in her life. Like the main focus should be about my mental health, not about what she’s doing outside the office. It might of come off “misogynistic” but that wasn’t my intent. She just has been giving mean vibes lately. just feel shitty every time she brags. I used to think she was cool but I don’t know.
>>850293 I hope you get well soon anon.
No. 850318
>>850313As someone who has had only terrible therapist, my advice is:
If they make you uncomfortable, get out of there
If you hate them or hate driving there, get out of there
If they make you feel awkward beyond the first 2 visits, get out of there
If they start diagnosing you with a lot of shit, get out of there
If you try to explain shit to them and they don't listen/they judge you, get out of there
If they make you feel crazy, hard to love, like you have no cure, or are beyond redemption, get out of there
If you still have things to discuss and still need therapy to adress some things but they keep pushing the narrative that everything is fine with you now, get out of there
If they start getting religious, too close and personal, sexual, or try to close your confort zone and boundaries as a patient, get out of there
If they use their life as an example and keep talking and talking about their life as if you were the one who has to listen to their shit instead of them to you, get out of there
Yes, I've had every single experience on this list. I could explain every single one of them but I'm kinda lazy.
You have to remember a lot of people study psychology because they're trying to figure out themselves/are crazy.
No. 850325
>>850324Yes I know what that means.
I meant telling me about what happened back then when you had that phase.
No. 850336
>>850322I never had a proper TRA phase but a lot of my friends drank the kool-aid and went head first into the tranny/SJW cult, so now I have to be extremely careful about what I post nevertheless. I'm paranoid about some extremely innocuous tweet
triggering a cancelling because you can never trust these people even if they're your friends. My best friend posted some terfy material once and naturally lost a ton of face for it. I applaud her for her courage, but it put me under the watchful eye because I'm still associated with her. I'd of course rather be true to myself and defend rather than abandon her but it's still a stress factor to know that you could have your online presence ruined over supporting female rights. TRAs control with fear which would in a non-clown timeline label them as a terrorist group.
No. 850340
>>850337It weirds me out that so many GC anons seem to have TRA friends, whose opinions they are very invested in. TRAs are either genuinely dumb and ignorant, or shitty misogynists/homophobes. They're also simply annoying and cringe. Why do you care what they think and want to be friends with them?
tbh I assume people who post stuff like that are terminally online and talking about their discord friends/only source of social interaction. Most people irl either dgaf or think the whole thing is funny and ridiculous, I've never felt hesitant to make fun of troons irl even with people who haven't made their stance known. If they reacted badly I'm perfectly happy to throw down some GC arguments.
No. 850341
>>850337i wish i had your confidence lol. i feel like my best friend is on the verge of converting to terfdom but at the same time she identifies as nonbinary and listens to garbage tranny music 24/7. to be fair
i had an enbyspecial phase as well a few years ago but i really don't think she's gonna peak any time soon. sucks having to hide my true self around someone i like so much
No. 850351
>>850337>>850340When they're friends you've had for over a decade and a very strong part of your friend group it's not as easy as "just walk away lol", especially as an adult when making new friends gets harder and harder. And I'm not going to drop my friends due to a political disagreement because that's literally an SJW cult tactic. I know they're good people who mean well but are just ignorant which is completely understandable seeing how TRAs do their all to block GC ideas from ever making it to mainstream. Most of them fully agree on stuff like "We shouldn't push harmful gender stereotypes or erase female rights" but just don't make the connection. Their only experience with troons might be that Nikki whatshisname beauty guru and similar "fierce, inspirational trans people", being completely oblivious to the creepy "Little girls can be kinky too" part of trans community and their influence.
However I have dropped a few friends over disagreements on troons because I have my limits too but they've been the narc libshit type in general instead of the "useful idiot" type with multiple other cons in addition to simping for girldick.
No. 850354
>>850351>When they're friends you've had for over a decade and a very strong part of your friend group it's not as easy as "just walk away lol", especially as an adult when making new friends gets harder and harder.Literally has never been a problem to me lmao when someone doesn't align with my morals or values and they're annoying as fuck then I'm not keeping them in my life, I don't care if we had "history" and I don't care if that makes me into a mean person. I want to spend my time and energy wisely and not being able to make new friends as an adult is a myth.
>>850350Well, not in SJWs circles for starters lol
No. 850356
>>850354You don't have to be in SJW circles to see troon defense normalized.
Seriously though, where do you make/have you made friends? It's a genuine question.
No. 850357
>>850351It's better to be alone than in bad company and constantly having to walk on eggshells.
Also, not related to the TRA topic but I don't know how the fuck I'm ever supposed to want to have children. Everytime I hear a child scream, it makes me want to yeet myself out of a window. Some mothers really need to learn how to tame their little demon shits.
No. 850358
>>850356Alright I'll just copy paste what I said in the advice thread for you:
How to really make friends:
Have a lot of intuition and self respect. Don't try to be funny on purpose. Socialization skills don't matter much if you are nice and confident and if you force them it will look stupid so just talk to people the most natural way you can. Natural to you, of course.
Have hobbies, search people within hobby clubs and try to see who you vibe the most with. Get to know people with similar interests. Use the bff feature from bumble. If someone feels "off" don't excuse their behaivor just because you're friendless. Move on and try to find someone else. Don't attatch too quick because people can be assholes. Beware of the people who lovebomb you.
Not everyone who has similar interests to you will be good enough to be your friend, it's okay to be selective. Say, you like anime, but there's a ton of people who like shitty waifushit. Your tastes don't have to align perfectly but it's also annoying if you're not in the same communication channel.
It's okay to give second chances, but not thirds. It's okay to say no. Some people might look "perfect" for you but things sometimes just don't happen and that's okay. It's trial and error. Be sure you feel relaxed and calm yourself when you feel like it's turning overwhelming. Being relaxed is a big part of confidence. Find a past-time that makes you feel relaxed and confident and bond over that. Most people don't care if you are a little awkward and I assure you they will be a little awkward too. If they are nice people they will help and understand you, if not then maybe they're not worth your time.
Some people are draining and it's okay to have firm boundaries or outright cut them off, think of your own well being first.
It's okay if frienships don't happen overnight, everyone is different. Be sure the other person puts the same time and energy into the friendship as you do. Don't make them stay if they want to leave, bless them and let them go their merry way.
Try to think possitively about yourself, maybe you don't realize it but other people want to be friends with you too. Fear attracts fear. If you truly want friends you will get them some way or another but you have to be open to it.
Every friend is different, the things you talk with a friend might vary and be completely opposite to what you talk to another. It's completely doable to have both nerdy and normie friends. Sometimes you could even consider it healthy for many reasons. You don't have to belong to a tribe, but people from your same enviorment might be easier to handle. If you are artistic, get artistic friends. If you are sportsy, get sportsy friends. As long as your morals and values align, and their personality goes well with yours, whatever else is just complementary.
Good luck.
No. 850370
>>850336Yes, this is exactly my situation as well. My best friend is terfy, and I love her for it, but she's absolved from the expectation from many online friends she's built months to years long connections with. She's not a very online person, which has become easier for her since she moved to a different state, and I wish I had more IRL friends to help.
I recently started sharing my more terfy opinions on a "secret" social media account not tied to my name, because it's honestly the safest as it is right now, but I think this is a good start for me to gain courage to actually drop the act and rid of the TRA and SJW friends.
I've tried to rant something once in a more intimate setting with my closer SJW friends and my rant was policed so hard by them, I had to say sorry so many times. I've been DMed by trans/enby friends asking me if I was transphobic more than once. Like, the dynamic itself is so manipulative.
I just wish I could replace my whole friend circle with people similar to my best friend, and I've working towards that for the past two years, but 6+ year long
toxic friendships are so hard to drop. I was raised by
abusive parents so that was really all I knew until more recently.
>>850325The phase was initiated by Tumblr friendships, on top of my ex boyfriend being a TiM.
No. 850371
>>850370They're unironically like a cult, so their reactions are always going to be like that as soon as you step out of line or say the
wrong thingYou can't really tell a cult member to wake up, only wait for them to realise themselves or give up imo
No. 850436
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Some local retard has gotten my IP range banned on 4chan. I live in a really rural area too. Wth. Obviously all free VPNs are banned also…
No. 850440
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I wish I could work as one of those artists who make special effect costumes. It's the perfect job, combining sculpting, painting, construction, sewing and you get to make cool monsters. But there's no school for that or demand where I live. I mean I am making costumes anyway but it's frickin expensive, I wish I could at least get my materials paid for. I can't wait until I finish all my responsibilities so I can work on my costume
No. 850474
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We are too many people on this earth, and we're destroying each other. Everyone is becoming more and more sociopathic, society caters more to sociopaths, and it's all just a cycle of abuse and evil. The world is doomed and full of evil. Still, the human population is limitlessly growing while being sustained on borrowed time and unsustainable resources. Nobody will be controlled into reproducing less, and if one group does, others will flood their societies instead because the economic system is made for exponential, consistent growth. The genie's out of the bottle and we're heading toward violence and war instead of natural population control. Everyone also seems to know that society is doomed deep down, but carry on in quiet desperation. Or they defend their lifestyles to the death and will shame and threaten everyone into keeping it going. I'm afraid that my compassion, what little of it that exists anyway, will be eroded if I suffer enough in this world, and I'll turn into yet another bitter and evil human being, and complete the cycle of suffering.
I want to try to feel God or reach enlightenment or whatever label that makes you the least uncomfortable. I'd like to separate myself from the world without lessening my compassion or becoming prideful, believing I'm better than everyone or holier than others. I still have to live in the world though, and I have no idea how I will react when faced with personal suffering or competition against others for resources. I want to find balance while living in the world, to be detached yet loving. But I have no hope for civilisation as it is now and seems to be headed. There's too many of us for humans to retain their value, and technology is rapidly contributing to further dehumanization. I want off this ride, but I don't want to off myself either.
Also, phone bad.
No. 850482
>>850478>>850479Same anon
Fuck anprim and fuck "muh darwinism" but his opinions on tech fit the bill
No. 850486
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My grandmother is such a stupid old cunt. My mother recently shaved her head because the heat is unbearable in the kitchen she's working in, and she is required to wear a cap. I will add that my mom is really fucking pretty.
So attached is the wacky what the fuck message my grandma sent her after my mom felt hurt by her saying she didn't like her hair. There is a whole history here of this woman being a neglectful, ignorant, crazy bitch so excuse my mom's harsh response to her saying she didn't like it. But the message afterward fucking speaks for itself. This is also the longest text I've ever seen my grandma send, she usually straight up ignores any text or message you send and typically sends one or two word replies.
My grandma has had breast cancer and she was very fortunate to have beat it and had a relatively easy time with it, she did not lose any of her hair during her recovery.
I consider my grandma to be my personal cow and I have so many stories it would make your fucking head spin.
No. 850595
>>848879I'm glad other members are noticing things like this. Some cows don't even provide Milk such as the white model in Japan Koka. She does not interact with anyone outside of Japan, does not even type in English and you have anons saying b b but she was 14 she made a homophobic joke AND she photoshops. They also nitpick her looks, IMO it is envy, she is a pretty girl who is a model in japan on a site like this that is going to ruffle some feathers.
Also Shayna - Despite the 1 day ban if you say anything about her vagina, people STILL do this. This is scrote behaviour.
Luna met matthew when she was very young and maybe she did see drug use as romantic due to her age and upbringing, but now she is hooked on benzos, still takes H and is likely to die at a young age. She should be called out for stealing items of grave yards, but I don't get why Anons dislike her so much, she is barely functional and lives in squalor.
Some nonnies here admit to using drugs, too depressed to bath etc
Some observations and content here is funny and entertaining then you have spiteful and scrote like comments.
No. 850639
>>848083Sorry for this being late, I'm not on lc as frequently anymore
But anon you sound like you're in EXACTLY the same position I was 2 years ago. Like almost word-for-word. Now I'm taking a new course this September and I feel slightly more optimistic/motivated after taking a short break, not because I'm in love with my new course or ~I found my true path~, but because job hunting without a proper qualification or reason for failing was a genuine nightmare. I suggest at least trying to scrape as many credits as you can with you current course if it isn't too late, then withdrawing. If you can't muster the motivation now to stay up to date then you'll only waste more time (and money) in the long run. As for picking a new course, I'm afraid I struggled HARD with this one since I have absolutely zero passion or true talent in anything in life. In the end I went with something I was decent at when I was in high school, but who knows if I still have those skills after being out of education for a year though. I know I wasn't entirely helpful anon but I hope you can find a path that will ease your worries.
No. 850650
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>moving soon, started packing
>came across circular box
>open it
>it's filled with handmade silk flowers that light up
>was given to me by an orbiter who no longer speaks to me after I wouldn't go out with him
Ugh, never accept gifts from guys like this. I feel bad because it did clearly take an amount of effort and he really did try to make this into something I'd find romantic. The craftsmanship is alright but the taste (color, arrangement, etc) is really poor and ugly quite frankly. I feel bad throwing it away, but I'm married now and seriously what am I supposed to do with such a personalized, unsellable gift like this that will only remind me of this person..
No. 850666
>>850654I mean I'm all for informed moving, it's really not hard to google about the country you're moving to, I'm just saying there are rich people in this country who are perpetually ignorant because they can get away with it. Their lack of knowledge is
problematic for everyone around them.
No. 850673
>>850666>>850667Yeah, I guess that's to be expected on a site like reddit.
>>850668Like I said, I understand it in some instances where it's more in relation to a situation specific to them but more often than not it's basic stuff that’s even mentioned on our government's site in english, but anyway, didn’t mean to extend this rant into multiple posts, sry.
No. 850692
>>850646>>850637I emigrated to an EU country from a third world shithole, in immigrant groups on Facebook Americans and Brits are the least liked. They constantly complain despite not bothering to look up things they themselves need, they call everyone an immigrant while referring to themselves as expats, and they won't take no for an answer. As in, they legitimately cannot fathom not having the same rights as the natives.
It's become a meme at this point to repost job ads with "fluent [language of the country] required" and cry how unfair it is with "but I'm an American/British citizen!" tacked at the end. Their tantrums are entertaining but I can't stand their entitlement.
American army scrotes often come asking questions about moving here and think that being in the US military will grant them privileges here lol.
No. 850719
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I moved cross country into an apartment sight unseen and didn't think to ask about air conditioning and now I'm suffering in socal heat
>>850675I'm sorry
nonnie, bitchy coworkers are the worst
No. 850732
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I fucking hate moids so much sometimes. I’ve had this friend since high school who cannot help himself from Scott Pilgrim-being all the women in his life. He develops crushes on all of them and projects qualities that aren’t there in an attempt to fix his self esteem. The only way he thinks he has value is if some woman comes and validates him sexually otherwise he whines and cries about how no one loves him. I would try and tell him that having lots of meaningless flings isn’t all that great and having people using you for sex makes your self esteem worse, but he just complained how that still wasn’t worse than not getting tinder matches. Our friends in high school would tease me about him because they thought we should be together because were ‘so alike’ but in reality it was only because we were similar in the bad ways. Honesty I’ve always found him pretty ugly and his personality was never attractive to me romantically either. I think they wanted us to do some stupid ‘best friends wake up and realize they’re perfect for each other’ thing purely for the entertainment value. He doesn’t really get my jokes, was a contrarian towards things I liked for no real reasons, and in general is just kinda boring. He will also OBSESS over girls he’s ‘dated’. I say ‘dated’ because usually it was some college hookup rando who he would talk to for like two months and then things would fizzle out. He cared like these girls losing their interest was the end of the fucking world and could not shut up about them for YEARS. There is one girl in particular who he only had a thing with for like four months in 2018 who he still bitches about. She didn’t even live in the same state for most of their relationship and he still asked me if we might bump into this girl when we went to a bar last week even though I’ve never met this girl in my entire life. He also told me about how another former female friend of his apparently hates him now but refuses to tell me why. I didn’t want to pry but now I’m worried that something went down.
He got a girlfriend a few months ago who is sweet, funny, and overall a great person who really seems to love him. When he told me this I was super happy for him, and I felt comfortable hanging out and talking with him more because he seemed to be doing a lot better. Fast forward a few months to about a week go, and we all go out drinking. His girlfriend pulls me to the side and drunkenly tells me about how she’s insecure of me and how they’ve had fights over me because she thinks he’s still in love with me. She also repeatedly asks me if I have a crush on him. I have to keep telling her no and it was kinda obvious she wanted me to elaborate on why, but I couldn’t because I didn’t want to tell her that I think her boyfriend is ugly as fuck. She also tells me that apparently her called her by my name during a romantic situation and it made my stomach churn. Lately he’s also been bringing up this random streamer that I’ve been crushing on. Like he talks about how he doesn’t get why I’m attracted to him and how I can “do better” even though I will literally never know this guy. After she told me that I realized that it was probably out of a weird jealousy over a stupid parasocial crush I have and how he is definitely not over me instead of just general friend teasing.
I think I really need to end this friendship and move on. Everyone has problems but he has not really changed or improved on his in the decade that I’ve known him, and I can’t have his hang ups over who he thinks I am holding me back anymore. I tended to hang with people who weren’t good for me when I was younger and I’m only now realizing just how badly I let people treat me, including him.
No. 850751
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>>850734What do you mean you don't enjoy reading constant spergouts about how <innocuous thing> is
problematic No. 850755
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its so unnerving seeing trannies skinwalk your very existence online despite it not being the uguuuuu kawaii lifestyle they fetishize, not to mention how isolating it is having both prominently male-dominated and male-fetishized hobbies. its impossible to find other actual women to relate to cause guess what? 49/50 times other autistic lesbian weebs are trannies wearing your skin as a fetish costume and getting off on invading the few spaces you have. The clothes you wear, the things you like, the actions you do, the desires you have, all reduced to a costume to be worn by men and exploited for sexual gratification and asspats online. at least i can take comfort in being an authentic human being, but really, it eats away at you whenever you see it
No. 850759
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Can't even fucking open my window shade and let some sun in without some fucking scrote creeping by and watching me through my window, We stared at each other for a solid minute before he finally left.
No. 850789
>>850755I agree
nonnie. I used to be okay with trannies years ago but they are getting more and more unhinged. It's still hard enough for women to be seen as autonomous individuals with rights and not birthing machines and sexual objects yet trannies demand to be included in female spaces and topics related to us without ever having had to deal with the bad stuff while they still partake in misoginy. They also reinforce the stereotypes we still try to fight against and it shows that they're still porn-sick scrotes deep down. Like all women care about is wearing girly stuff, being ditzy and looking sexy. I don't want any of them being included when it comes to issues involving us because it doesn't affect them. Period.
No. 850804
>>850798I can't believe you are still salty with the post from 2 days ago kek.
But it is sad that there are women who do not accept their body.
No. 850811
>>850792There's people born without limbs who are more mentally stable. Who don't demand the world bow down and lick their asscracks for existing. Who don't go out of their way to make others uncomfortable for a sick thrill. Who aren't perpetual
victims in a ceaseless state of seethe over the fact that others are born with what they want. There are people who deal with so much pain who just pick up and carry on and accept reality for what it is and try and make the best of it, and then there are trannies who want to drag women's rights back to the dark ages over a fucking fetish. I'll take my ban.
No. 850823
>>850816Not feeling aligned with the gender you were born with causes gender dysphoria. The state of transitioning to a different gender is the remedy in that case.
>>850817I mean, if you consider the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders to be "troon science' then yeah, I guess they are.
No. 850828
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>>850823Ah yes, because the rest of us are perfectly aligned with the universally agreed upon feeling of 'woman'. SO glad us lucky ladies share a spot in the hivemind together!
No. 850855
>>850801Things like "I want to settle down, I've been thinking a lot about my life" was what one of them were saying. The one I used to want a relationship from said the same thing but was like, "I'm tired of just fucking around with you, I have feelings for you and with everything going on, it's made me realize that more."
I get the state of the world has made everyone rethink life,but It's just annoying. I'm finally in a space where I get what I want, then move on. I hate to say it, but I feel like I treat scrotes how scrotes treat women they just want things from. I want sex, maybe a cuddle and you can come play some games with me or take me out to eat, then leave me the fuck alone. I have no long lasting emotions towards them.
Now suddenly, they are
thinking and it's annoying. I really don't see myself with any of the scrotes I'm talking too. It's just like when you want someone, they don't want you in that way, then suddenly they do. Then the way they want you isn't normal circumstances it's because fucking Covid. Maybe I'm just being crazy, I don't know.
it's not even just scrotes that i'm sexually active with (only 2) but sometimes I play around on dating sites and everyones really fucking serious. It'd be nice if I was in that mood and if they legit wanted to have a wife, kids or whatever. It's just because of Covid and I feel when that does go away and things really start getting normal again, then scrotes gonna scrote.
No. 850859
>>850854Yes it's female and male
Or XX and XY
No. 850889
>>850859Not what I meant, anon. In my language we only have one word for gender and sex (not meaning fucking type of sex) and of course man and woman are words of their own.
>>850857That is not how that word came around though
No. 850913
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>>850337>mfw I’ve been subtly pinkpilling / peaking my all-normie friend group None of them are on the internet much, except for Snapchat on their iPhones, so I’m going to make damn sure my girls are never going to fall under any devil shemale trickery.
No. 850944
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My coworkers ganged up on me today and I'm fucking pissed. My manager start with "what's with you you were totally different when you started working here", another coworker "do you even like this job? Do you" like bitch the fuck I do not like this job and neither do any of you either, it's a fucking min wage hell hole. It's not like I'm not nice to customers. I'm too chicken to say that so I just said "no, it's just stuff at home". Then comes a lecture of "everyone has stuff going on at home when you come here you're suppose to put it away and be happy". Fuck you! Literal fucking soul harvesting assholes.
I was planning to quit anyways but now I just want to stay a few more weeks just to piss them off.
No. 850960
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>>850954They’re trying to bully you into being an obedient worker, they will seethe if you leave them short staffed.
No. 851152
>>851147I know it's cliche, anon. But it does get better. Like
>>851151 said you can build yourself back up. In the mean time, be selfish and live for the little things in life. I've been suicidal myself recently and looking at the Big Picture scares me so I live for the little things. I live for my hobbies, I live for good food and long naps. It gets me through the days and helps me to start taking steps towards addressing the bigger problems. Maybe try that? Do your hobbies when you can, escape into whatever world you want to. Eat like a queen! Do what it takes to keep going, one day at a time.
No. 851226
>>851215There's nothing wrong with you anon, your brain is just processing and protecting you
Hopefully you're well adjusted enough that you're able to deal with seeing that without any further issues but don't be worried if it hits you in a month because that's normal, please talk to your friends or family if it does
No. 851301
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I have literal mosquito bite boobs, like AAA-A size. Flat as a teenage boy. Not even enough tissue to get inplants.
Im disgusting and I want to die!!
No. 851320
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>grown ass brother makes a mess
>”anon can you clean that up? i’ve tried telling him to do it before but he never listens”
Oh but you had no problem shouting until I learnt how to clean up after myself when I was young
>grown ass sister sulks around and talks disrespectfully
>”anon can you ask her whats wrong? she just shouted at me so i have no idea.”
But when I used to shout it was the biggest sin in the world? When I’m not in the mood I’m actually ungrateful and throwing a fit? My sister’s behaviour has been unaddressed so much that the pure disrespect is just her natural state now.
Amazing how I’m in a family of obnoxious, self-centered people and my mother still chooses to favoritize all my other siblings. Why? Because I’m eldest daughter. Because I’m given different expectatations from the rest of them. Thanks to that, anything I do that isn’t going above and beyond means fuck all. I‘ve been painted as “the lazy one” in the family growing up because I don’t want to clean up after selfish cunts who don’t know the first thing about empathy, respect or cleanliness.
I want to run away and leave these fucking losers in the dust. Make them realize how much they fucking need me and would completely crumble without me.
But despite everything I’m still the bigger fucking loser who can’t imagine ditching my inconsiderate mother like that. Fucking hell. I wish I could be as selfish as these cunts. I hate that I’m so weak. I drew the worst possible cards when it came to my societal position in life. I wish I wasn’t fucking born.
No. 851400
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This is a stupid first world problem rant. I haven't had a job for months, I need the money because I'm completely broke and dependent on my mother but I cannot for the love of God make myself to look for one. The workplaces I had before were horrible and just when even the thought comes up about having to work for some narcissistic asshole with unresolved anger issues who doesn't pay me shit but wants me to act like working in that place is the greatest thing that happened to me since my mother gave birth to me, I'm just filled with dread. I'm also socially anxious/a misanthrope and the concept of having to be with the same people all day long for fucking years and having to pretend we like each other and we love the job we're doing just makes me want to bash my head against a fucking wall. And I KNOW complaining about this is fucking immature, my friends told me already. It's a (big) part of adulthood to do shit that we don't want, I know.
A big source of my bitterness I guess is that I was rejected from the positions that I was actually, GENUINELY interested in and all the other shit that I'm not interested in but qualified for are gonna be the usual 'narcissistic management terrorizing employees' scenario, I just know it.
I'm starting to get this feeling that to be actually successful in the whole job searching process of sending myriads of CVs and resumes and interviewing and filling out retarded psychometric/roleplaying/IQ/writing/other tests and having to sell yourself as the ideal employee without burning out you have to be on the fucking psychopathy spectrum. End of pointless rant
No. 851418
>>851320eldest daughter syndrome here too, i always got a notable amount more discipline than my other siblings…i guess i was just more of a free thinker…
you'll get through it anon
No. 851419
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>>851411>>851416The closeup on her face is actually terrifying
No. 851454
>>851230I hate hate hate the "pushing x" pettiness, they always exaggerate the person's age and, when called out, snidely respond "ummmm there's nothing wrong with being x, I never said that, but at that age she should be acting/dressing more
I remember when someone said Sharla was "almost in her late 30s" and should be more mature. They couldn't say 35, her actual age? They couldn't say mid-30s? She's not even milky and she doesn't dress inappropriately for her age at all, but the fact that she was in Japan was apparently reason enough to call her old. Because 35 year old women aren't allowed in glorious Nippon unlike Jvlogger manchildren apparently.
No. 851474
>>851454> Because 35 year old women aren't allowed in glorious NipponThat's fucking depressing. I've only recently started getting my shit together, financially and emotionally now that I'm 30 and will be finanly able to afford visiting Japan next year, my lifelong dream.
What's so immature about visiting Japan? Admittedly, I'm still into anime and manga among other things but I really hate the restrictiveness that women face when it comes to interests and habits unlike men.
No. 851480
>>851476Crinkleluvin. I don't like her personally but she had some great personal attention ASMR vids.
No. 851524
>>851516I remember that mentally ill woman. If anyone needs info u Can find it on n*xpo channel where he goes into deep dive about her and how much she affected him and people around him.
I think she just ended up finding this place out, cause even after people started making videos about her it never stopped.
No. 851537
>>851524They're currently accusing random anons of being a middle aged English woman running the forum and spam posting about pinkpill the pinkpill thread. They also keep talking about having their opinions "ban hammered", but its next to impossible to get banned from CC unless you post porn, are a moid, or are trying to start a loli thread (or some degenerate shit equivalent). Starting to wonder if its actually a troon upset that we have very active
terf threads. Wouldnt be the first time they appeared but I guess we're lucky hes not posting the same illegal things they normally post here. It's super weird the way they behave in conversation as well
No. 851551
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>>851545Our struggle continues
No. 851582
>>851579Yes, tell her. He's waiting to try to fuck up her life if she ever speaks "out of turn" or sexually/romantically rejects him.
Fuck scrotes, fuck trannies.
No. 851601
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I think I'm going to have a ptsd from my very first encounter with cannabis. I ate a whole edible cookie and it was too much for me. It's been 12 hours and only now I stopped feeling nauseous and dizzy. At first it wasn't scary, I was flying and seeing bright beams of light, I felt I'm beyond time and space, I saw every little process occurring in plants and animals and some numbers flashing before my eyes, the most trippy thing was that I saw everything in four dimensions, not in 3D, everything existed in a cube inside of another cube. Then I was back in my room but I saw myself from all perspectives, then every moment started to repeat itself infinite amount of times; I tried to move and I was seeing my hand moving in the same direction over and over again, I could not get out of this loop, I started to cry I can't move and I want it to stop, the person I was with tried to calm me down. Then I got into a state similar to sleep paralysis, I couldn't move and I had this crushing feeling in my chest, I was sure I'm going to die and I started to cry again. Then I felt like my body was being crushed from both sides by some invisible walls, I was in terrible pain. Then I got into a serious paranoia, and my brain started to make up some horrible, more realistic scenarios. I started thinking that the person I was with gave me drugs on purpose, and that they were going to sell me to someone, I saw strange men coming into our room and kidnapping me, I felt betrayed, hopeless and so scared, but I couldn't scream, I was sure I'm in hell. I think I slept for a while after that. When I woke up, everything around me was still spinning but I was more connected to reality. I tried to eat but vomited, I had terrible stomach ache and sore throat for the next few hours. I woke up from the nap now and I feel really tired. I'm scared this shit will still affect me when I'm at work
No. 851621
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I hate how I never orgasm during sex, masturbation, or 2d porn no matter how horny I get but only orgasm during random moments or when I stretch my butt after working out
No. 851622
>>851579Anon, wokies are absolutely rabid for the taste of non wokie flesh. That motherfucker might not show it but he is frothing at the mouth to get those virtue signal points for exposing an ebil
TERF. Tell that girl immediately so she at least has a chance to do something to save her ass before this guy decides to stage his social justice hero moment
No. 851661
>>851639You've cursed us all anon you should have looked at the videos of the YouTubers mentioned or Googled them
When people make videos or articles or whatever about a certain individual the site or account gets overrun by spam and legal strikes
>>851657Just do it and get them used to it
No. 851711
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I hate it when fiction tries to emulate life, like the reason why i'm reading a story is to escape from it why the fuck should i be interested in global politics of a fantasy land. It all makes me feel really alone
No. 851769
i’m really at the end of my rope, but i feel like a little bitch complaining because i could have it so much worse. i have a lot of important things to do this week that were already stressing me out, like stuff that requires all my attention, and now my dad wants to divorce my mom because he’s having some kind of midlife crisis.
he’s probably just bullshitting because he’s threatened to leave us in the past, but that only happened when i was too little to remember. he just flies into narc rages every few years and says crazy shit. i want to empathize with him because i know supporting a family is hard, but he… basically does the bare minimum and has been emotionally detached from all his children. he called my mom useless, he said we never do anything for him, and that all we do is weigh him down and keep him from reaching his goals. my mom is a saint and puts up with it somehow.
between this and the things i have to do i feel so much fucking dread. fearful for my mom, stressing that i need to open an account to put in a portion of every paycheck just for her in case he decides to fuck off and leave her with debts. and lesser so, worried that this is going to impact the shit i have to do because his fuckery is at the front of my mind.
i can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t calm the fuck down. like maybe it is better if he fucks off and leaves, because i have a job that can support at least two people and i have her back no matter what. but shit man i’m barely into my 20s and i don’t know how to process this
No. 851777
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I'm very frustrated over having my ideas stolen by bigger "content creators" and being taken advantage off. It is very frustrating to see someone steal your ideas/skinwalk you and get a larger audience and more recognition than you do. Then I was of course guilt tripped and everyone acted like I was schizophrenic when I complained about it. I'm very sad, lonely and I miss doing shit on the internet, honestly.
Now I have to give up on my Twitch which I worked really hard for and put a lot of effort into and spent hundreds of hours to barely have like 200 followers because I'm bad at pandering and I don't sexualize myself on stream. I need to change my Twitch because the bitches that copy me watch me on my Twitch. I want these insane hoes completely out of my life.
The first one has been skinwalking and upsetting me for over 2 fucking whole years. I used to be a camgirl and I was non nude, so I did not get a very large audience, because obviously the more you show, the more simps you will get. This Ukrainian bitch has been skinwalking me since I started camming. She would repeat entire sentences that I said, after I'd talk about interests I had she would immediately have those interests too. Copied my hair. Copied even the way I talk. After I'd complain of my mother's suicide, suddenly she'd complain her mom was dead too. Fucking sociopathic bitch. Then she'd send her coomer, braindead simps to harass me for "copying" her. She was a cluster B 100%, her body was covered in scars and she seemed to lack a sense of identity. She could have been my friend, but instead she decided to skinwalk me and harass me. After I quit streaming on the camwhore site she found my Twitch through my Twitter and the skinwalking continued, of course.
When I was on Twitch I started going on this girl's stream that had a couple of rad fem opinions and I am rad fem, but then I realized she'd just shit on sex workers to make herself appear superior meanwhile her entire career was built around her wearing a cleveage and having huge boobs and of course she had to cope really hard when I called her out on it and call me jealous. I'm not jealous bitch, you're literally prostituting yourself on Twitch and you are a 30 year old woman with no social life and no skills. After I confronted her about having cognitive dissonance and shitting on sex workers while building a career of simps that coom at her boobs she started watching my stream and she'd share very similar ideas to mine in her streams and it bothered me because if she thought I was interesting or found inspiration in me she could have helped grow my stream instead of just stealing my ideas.
Now I need to make a new Twitch and message it to the friends I made on stream and start again with 3 followers and get in the partnership programme again, but it will be worth it since these hoes will lose track of me.
No. 851790
>>851782It is not my job or anything and I would not like to depend on something like this, it seems very stressful to have to depend financially on being an internet figure. You can get canceled at any time plus you have to pander really hard to a chosen audience to be able to live off of it. I initially needed money and I became a camgirl because I was very desperate and I live in a third world country and my environment was unstable, but now I have money and I'm trying to build skills and have a real job (I'm still very young). But I realized I like streaming on Twitch, I like sperging about my interests and doing small projects. I'm very lonely. It helps me and I miss it. I just want these girls to not know I exist anymore.
I'm also worried about rad fem being appropriated by women that do not care about other women and that just use rad fem perspectives to make themselves appear superior to other women.
No. 851803
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honestly I'm a little crazy. like I want to buy a paintball gun to teach this dog a lesson. it keeps crossing into our territory and killing things, chasing children. I'm going to show it who is boss. I'll stand there, gun at the ready, waiting for this mongrel to strut its dumb ass across that line. just waiting for it. cock that gun, it's ready for fire. I riddle the dog with paintballs. a few miss and splatter on the pavement. ARUF ARFF ARRUF I bark at that fucking dog! I hope it can understand my intent thru my tone. it should help in making the association between me and the pain the paint caused. stupid kjiller will be orange by the time I am done with it. the other guy was going to shoot it with a real gun. I'll get there first
but it;'s also like the time I did all the shit like circling people while driving a van. tinting my brothers bedroom windows with seven layers of iridescent film. told that mf he could shine bright like a diamond. never heard from him again. we were 35 and 56 respectively. has not a dime to his name, that old Buick was his last asset. and I turned that shit into a dragonfly eyeball. no one would ever miss that coming down the road. he did not share the same opinion. it's really tragic but he's a good man. off out there somewhere.
No. 851805
>>851803This whole post is fucking insane
>we were 35 and 56 respectivelyHow old are you now anon?
No. 851816
My cat is going to shit herself to death and is fighting me every step of the way to helping her. She won't eat, drink, take her meds, eat her probiotics, let me clean the shit off her fur, ANYTHING. I feel like such a villain every time I try and help her, she gives me the dirtiest looks. I know she's in pain but this sucks. I love her so much. We already dropped 1.5k at the vet to determine that her colon is a little upset. We have medicine to calm her nausea, stimulate appetite, and probiotics to feed her to help her gut heal. She's old and I accept that she won't be here forever, it's just that I can't stand that she's going to die from her own refusal to drink water of all things! She takes medicine for seizures, and tbh I preferred those to this. She didn't know what was happening and would be right back to her old self in an hour. With this sudden onset of diarrhea with no clear cause I don't know what to do. Hospitalize her on the chance she'll recover but risk her dying alone in a scary place and pay a few thousand more dollars for the privilege? Or keep feeding her little bits of baby food that she shits out hours later until she slowly succumbs to dehydration? At what point do I say fuck it and let them stick a needle in her? This is so hard. Also I think it's my fault because I bought her some cat grass to help her get up hairballs and a few days later this happened. Fuck fuck fuck every time I try and help her I make it worse!
No. 851875
>>851827Thank you so much anon. I would always skip past sad vents about dying pets because I couldn't handle it lmao so knowing someone read it makes me feel less alone.
>>851860yeah, I don't want to prolong her suffering, I want her to go as peacefully as possible. I just don't know if this is the end end or if she's handling a tummy ache badly because she's old. When we got back from the vet the first time she had been rehydrated with an IV and seemed pretty much back to normal, so the idea of putting her down if she just needs proper treatment vs if I'm being too hopeful and making it worse is really messing with me. We'll take her in later today and do whatever the doctor recommends I guess. Fiance wants to hospitalize her, but if she's going to die anyways I don't want her last days to be in a scary place like that. But what if she just needs a stable place to heal and can recover? Aaahhhhh it doesn't help that the vets are all overcrowded. I don't want to waste a doctor's time if there's another animal that could be saved. My baby's had a decently long life, I just don't want her to shit herself to death lmao
No. 851893
>>851876I think it's inevitable that you will wonder if you've settled, no matter how perfect the relationship is. The grass is always greener. It wasn't until recently that it dawned on me that there is value in the time we've spent together. I know this type of thinking can keep people in bad relationships, (if you're not happy or ever think he might be a bad person gtfo!) but in my case, the years we've spent together have only made him more precious to me. We've become like family - it's not perfect, but you love each other regardless (not including
abusive situations!). Sure, there might be someone somewhere out there who suits me ever so slightly better, or there might be 10,000 people with whom I could've had just as pleasant a time. But I didn't. This is where my path lead me, and if I let myself worry about what ifs my life will be over before I know it and I won't have enjoyed the wonderful person by my side. Follow your heart, anon! Your path is unique and it's yours, walk it with courage.
No. 851926
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i hate scrotes so fucking much. 'males' have no place in civilised society
No. 851931
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>>851929ingerland (picrel)
No. 851948
>>851913He scoffs and walls me off even more if I point out his hypocrisy. I plan on pointing this out when he stops completely ignoring me, but it won't get us anywhere. He can do no wrong in his mind.
It's a dead end relationship and I can't even care anymore. I'm just frustrated because this kind of shit happens in every relationship I've had. I don't want to die alone but I'm also not going to settle. Sucks.
No. 852046
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>>851926How am I supposed to not a log men? These things are literally subhuman filth. It is time that we rid the earth of these vile creatures
No. 852048
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Scrotes always disappoint.
No. 852073
>>851565S E E T H E
You wouldn't have been on the final if not for a fake penalty.
No. 852143
>>852140Next time just say "excuse me, sorry, I need to pass, thank you"
she was prob entlitled herself tbh
No. 852177
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I have to write this stupid essay because I’m applying for graduate school but I’m such a moron that I can’t even explain why I’m passionate about my major. I just am - I don't even know how to explain it. All that happens is I start to drool, word vomit comes out and I finally just say “I love it so much u just don’t understand”. How I made it this far in life is beyond me.
No. 852215
I'm so fucking beyond stressed. Long story short me, and my roommates are getting evicted at the end of the month due to our landlord's insane ex-wife taking the house in their divorce for the sole reason of fucking them over. I've never moved like this, either I was too young to remember packing(and my parents did most of it,) or I didn't have to totally pack everything, as when I moved out of my parents to this current house, I could leave a ton of shit there and do small trips back and forth. I'm also admittedly not used to this level of cleaning too, I was fairly… spoiled? as a child, of course I was expected to tidy up my room, but nothing to this level. My brain hasn't even totally registered all that's happening too and is just now catching up with the situation. Thankfully, we have a place to go, but this came up totally out of nowhere, all while I'm working a 32-34 hour work week on average at a store that has barely any workers, and is basically falling apart while getting hit with insane levels of business, and my eating disorder is worse than ever which is affecting my ability both at home and at work, but right now I just cannot seek out more intense help for it with everything going on. I want to fucking not exist for a while.
No. 852234
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I got my oil changed last week and asked them to change the battery as well but the guy insisted "cleaning around it will be fine, no need to replace it". naturally, i got stuck in a grocery store parking lot today in 95 degree weather, waited an hour and 40 minutes to get it jumped. as i was taking it to get the battery replaced my transmission got fucked up somehow and now it is undrivable and i have to get it towed and i want to fucking scream at the car dealership people for not doing what i asked. i was going to sign up for a ceramics class today and now i cant because i will be using that money on getting my transmission fixed. fuck you henry ford you lizard looking piece of shit
No. 852383
>>852368Damn, you ain't fucking around.
No. 852407
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I had a gastrointestinal surgery a few months back, why the fuck was I supposed to give my surgeon "a detailed" description of my sex life after doing some other surveys online? I told her I am not doing that because I don't see how it's relevant and she just said how it's really not required per se but they would like to know. I don't have a partner, I am sick and recovering, how the fuck am I supposed to be fucking? I even asked if it was something hormone related or something that usually happens, no, they just wanted to know. Weird shit, still feel gross.
No. 852421
>>852414Maybe she is allergic to something in the air, could you get a fan or a non-ozone HEPA air purifier? (iirc ozone is bad for animals, but HEPA air purifiers are something I rely on and will be cheaper than vet bills)
Also you can always rewatch your favorite things, I only like a few things so I often rewatch series I like.
No. 852422
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Cosplay is such a retarded hobby and a huge money sink. Plus I'm definitely getting too old for this shit, but It's still hard to let go of it completely. I've had a lot of fun with it, lots of good memories and It's sad to put it away for good.
No. 852460
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>>847934I'm so sick and suicidal from all my physical and mental illness and from all the abuse I've received and from the lack of help.
I have TMJ and have to get braces and surgery and if not my teeth are literally gonna fall off in 5 years and my face is going to become even uglier from my teeth pushing into one another and from the misalignment of my occlusion. I need 4k to get surgery and braces. I will have to return to sex work because it is literally impossible for me to make that amount of money any other way, but even when it comes to sex work I don't even have a platform that I could turn to because the camwhore website I used to work at has like 30 or 40 simps that are mad at me and hate watch me and a camwhore that skinwalks me and hates me and would physically hurt me if she met me in real life.
My pain is so bad and I cannot continue to take pain killers, I take around 3 per day and it ruined my stomach and the rest of the time I take quetiapine and sleep because I cannot put up with being awake. I am ill, completely dysfunctional and I live in a world where some people have millions while others suffer from hunger and illness with no help. All those that say the world is improving are narcissistic liars that do not want to face the fact that they are part of the problem.
I have so many illnesses, physical ones. I have a heart disorder, I have Ehlers Danlos, I have Staphylococcus aureus from the hospital, I have PCOS and really bad hormonal issues from PCOS that made my face full of acne and ruined it. My kidneys and liver are completely fucked too for some fucking reason I dont understand.
I've spent around 2 years of my life in the hospital from pic related being tortured and catching more illnesses. There's no help for me honestly and never will be. Rich people are greedy and evil. I cannot immigrate, I am too retarded and sick to do it and have no real skills. I cannot fix my health getting a normal job in here because normal jobs pay like 400 euros for 8 hours of work 5 days per week. I will live in this shitty town in my father's house until I gather the courage to kill myself. I will live in pain and misery. I want to kill someone. I really do. I want to take some entitled rich bitch with me to the grave. If I were rich I'd give half my money to the poor. I see so many entitled rich bitches constantly complain and whine about stupid shit while silencing those that should complain, I see them spend their money on expensive clothes and expensive shit they don't need. Why the fuck do you need a 300 dollar shirt or jacket for? You insane consumeristic bitch.
The pain from this TMJ shit is unberable from my gums, to migraines, to pain that goes down my neck to my jaw being shut and being unable to eat. There is no reason, absolutely no reason for me to suffer like this and no justification for my past suffering or for the death of my mother. I've seen so many intelligent valuable people die in misery and suffer from poverty. I am tired and my hatred towards the world is justified.
I was abused by scrotes so much, they don't care about anything but their dicks. I've even told the guy that used to give me money for my nudes about my situation and despite all of that he could not give me one gram of empathy or try to help me out of being genuine or a good person. He kept going on about how the world is improving and acting as if I were some nihilistic irrational bitch for talking about how the world is not improving but going down because of capitalism, greediness and narcissism. He could have given me the money he gave me without requesting me to get naked for him especially since he knew my situation.
I've been guilt tripped and hated so much for calling out narcissism and greediness and rejected from all social groups. There's no reason for me to not take a greedy narcissistic bitch down with me to the grave before I die. This world is chaos and just that. Nobody was there for my mother when she was desperately ill had no electricity in her house, no food, nothing although she was a genius. She could speak 4 languages, was a retired chemistry professor and an artist as well. She had to prostitute herself to rich Italian men 3 years before her death because we live in a world where absolutely nobody helps you if you are in need.
I'm so full of hatred and unfortunately it is all justified.
Both women and men are horrible, don't lie to yourselves. Women have hurt and sexually abused me just like men did. Rich women choose to become prostitutes because they enjoy it and want attention and only care about themselves and the amount of fame they can get. Stop lying to yourselves. This world is deplorable.
No. 852471
>>851681Please please please humiliate that sick fuck any one of the following
>>851692 >>851707
No. 852494
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>>851581>>851582>>851622Thanks for the support, nonies. That was the push I needed to go and tell her. It feels crazy, because it's so fucking stupid. Wishing a very "Rot and Fall Off" to all "girl" dicks.
No. 852498
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"If you want to feel better about yourself, just know that your name is a touchy subject for another couple."
I wanted so badly to be this person but now that I am, it's fucking annoying. I don't want your husband, you weird bitch. I want my friend.
No. 852538
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English is not my first language. sorry if this is grammatically awkward.
i have a friend that i confided to about my deteriorating relationship with my mom, and i feel so shit about it. i ended up telling her about a really big fight between me and my mom. the problem is, is that because i told her about the situation, she started opening up to me about her shitty life (not that I'm mad) but she over does it, the only thing she talks about is how crappy her life is, or how annoying her family is. she milks the whole situation into me feeling bad. she's just naggy all the time. then she took it to a another level, where she started talking about ideology ect. how she hates her religion blahblahblah. ( i hate that type of talk)
i honestly blame it on one of her friends, he's a good for nothing kid. doesn't go to school, does drugs, tries to awkwardly tries to talk to every girl he meets, he once sent my friend a dm calling her "my queen" and said "all women are queens" unironically. I've said no to him multiple times when he asks to hang out. even when i rejected him and told him to respect me and my decisions. overall very delusional.
for some reason i always get stuck with these kind of kids, i feel like I'm being overly nice to the point where i attract these degenerates to be my friends.
No. 852606
>>852531Yes, it's rarely got anything to do with you and always got everything to do with him. He's probably simping for you and neglecting her, which she noticed.
Every time I read one of these
>uwu I can't be fwiends with a scrote because of his evil bitch girlfriendthe girlfriend always ends up being justified in worrying because scrotes don't have a concept of loyalty and think basic friendliness means you want his dick.
No. 852638
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All the posts in the Stupid Questions thread genuinely talking about demons is wildly cringe. I thought this was a website for above-18s.
No. 852672
File: 1626165169612.jpg (639.51 KB, 1080x1876, IMG_20210713_100919.jpg) just remembered a reddit post that reached the front page a couple of years ago and I had to go read it once again to make sure it (and the comments) were as retarded as they were when I read them for the first time.
The comments are a mix of moids (and pickmes) sperging about how there's nothing wrong with underage girls dressing in a sexualized manner in a plubic place to make money because "they wore the same clothes they would wear at the beach".
I'm scared at how retards like these are allowed to teach in schools and influence young girls.
No. 852682
>>852672I'm definitely gonna get banned for pinkpill sperging or whatever, but I fucking hate how we're never ever allowed to talk about how much adult men love to sexualize teenage girls, often blatantly in the mainstream but even moreso in porn, and if you call it out at all you are instantly labelled a crazy feminist or a rabid manhater and told to take your pills or whatever. everyone always acts like gay men are super predatory towards young boys but honestly straight men are just as bad, if not worse.
I watched hot girls wanted and the sequel (which was a series) on netflix… and the porn producer who would recruit young (as in barely legal, underage looking) girls into porn would literally refer to them as "teenie boppers" and dress them in literal girls clothes. and then there was a female porn star who would also recruit women, and straight up told a girl who was in highschool doing porn (I'm assuming she was 18) to save all her panties because if you sell panties from when you were in highschool you can make tonnes and tonnes of cash off of them. disgusting.
also there is this one yt channel of a gamer guy who basically just attacks female porn stars/ethots 24/7 and he made a video about how an 18 year old girl made an onlyfans on her birthday and that's why he doesn't want a daughter. I left a comment saying if men didn't want their daughters to start doing porn they need to stop jerking off to "teen" porn and he deleted my comment, rotflmao.
No. 852715
>>852682Men legitimately cant see they're the source of the problem, it's insane.
I've seen Hot Girls Wanted just recently too and it was overall so depressing, but I guess no amount of showing the truth will open people's eyes.
No. 852724
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I hate that disappointed "oh" sound people make when they hear how long I've been going to the gym and some even add "and you still look like "this"", like what the actual fuck?
I'm a bit fluffy becauae of bulking but obviously muscular, I just don't have a gigantic ass or a small waist because genetics and I don't care about my ass right now. It's nice as it is.
Next time I'll throw a fucking kettlebell at someone who dares to say shit like this.
No. 852765
>>852759if you consider that you might be retaining water due to the sudden caloric deficit, 10kg really isn't all that much, anon. my advice would be to eat more, don't worry about causing noise if you need to prepare meals. this is what you do in order to survive. maybe you'll even inspire them to eat breakfast/lunch and you'll all feel healthier.
blog incoming but recently I started eating a lot more than I used to. at first I felt like I was going to gain a shit ton of weight (and I did) but within two months or so I realized I was gaining the lean mass that I wasn't seeing from a year's worth compulsive, underfed workouts. now my body is a lot firmer and I look better, but the scale calls me fat.
No. 852774
>>852759Intermittent fasting always sounded like bullshit to me. Maybe it works for superfat Americans who think snacking throughout the day is "normal" and not eating between meals is "fasting". But in my family we all eat 2 meals on day on average, sometimes even just one big meal at the end of the day and we're healthy and of normal weight.
It's probably not working because it isn't actually a diet/fast at all.
No. 852787
I'm so fucking mad. I started working in a hospital today since we have to do that for 80 hours this summer, it's for our med school.
The nurse probably misunderstood and thought I'm only a carer or another nurse so I had to you know, sanitize beds, clean stuff etc. I don't mind that because I thought they don't have any other work for med students. While changing to my civil clothes to leave, I met a classmate. She told me she actually goes to see surgeries, didn't have to clean anything at all for the week she's there because it's officially not part of the curriculum. She had a name card to open doors, got things she watched explained by doctors and so on.
I said 'oh OK, no problem, it's my first day and the nurse I talked to misunderstood, I'm gonna go talk to the top nurse to sort this out. I see you also have another document, I will print that out and bring it to them because that might've caused the misunderstanding'. Which is 100% what happened, it's a bit chaotic in the hospitals.
For some reason, the bitch tried so hard to stop me from talking to the nurse. She told me to absolutely not print any document, that it's too complicated. She said it's all full and crowded already, there's no place for any other students - which is bullshit, she's the only other student and I already have the contract to work there in the same position she had. It's approved by the hospital and they know how much place they have. When I said I need the name card, she told me I should just print it out and not bother with it, how it's too complicated to talk to the nurse. That I should just kinda stealthy go to the morning meeting, I don't need the card.
Bitch, fuck you. Why should I be stealth and print my name card when I'm supposed to be there? I'm supposed to have the same privileges you have!
Why the hell are you telling me I should just not worry about it, there's no place for me anyway..
Are you saying I should just do a cleaner while you go to see surgeries? I genuinely don't understand why was she trying to put me down, she wouldn't get anything from it. Or was shr trying to brown nose the doctors and I might be a nuisance there or what? I really don't get this.
When she tried to talk me out of it again, I just told her talking to her is more complicated than sorting it out with the nurses and she got so mad. Granted, I was pretty cold already when I said that.
She ended with 'Don't think that I don't wish you luck. I wish you luck, you know. Wish you luck so you'll have what you want'.
… The fuck?
Bad thing is, the class I'm in now is so cliquey, I fucked it up with her and I can expect half the class not to talk to me once the school year starts. I'm too old for this shit, I'm 3 years older than my classmates (went to study exchange) and this childish shit is just so fucking tiring.
I'm fucking seething though, what a manipulative asshole.
No. 852827
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>fighting with bf
>go to the park cause it is comfy and i need a place to sit and think
>find a place to sit relatively quietly away from the path
>suddenly hear tiny little kid voice yelling at me
>see smoll scrote like 6-8 on nearby balcony watching me
>he keeps yelling obscenities at me and the ducking behind the railing
No. 852838
>>852834I fucking hate living in the city. I only moved here for University and now I desperately long to move to a log cabin in the middle of nowhere. Everyone around me is so excited for covid to be over and to "socialize again" And I just want to be left alone forever.
I also fucking hate summertime. When you can bundle up in a million layers you get left alone. In summer your choices are either to die of heat or to deal with harassment from scrotes. Even if you wear a dress down to your ankles.
No. 852892
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I’m sick of anyone who tries to feed me, I’m fat, buddy, I don’t need you to give me second helpings nor extra portions, I just want to eat what I should eat as a woman of my age and height.
Why is it that whenever I want to have a normal or smaller portion than usual, I get weirded out or pitiful looks? I won’t starve myself just because I’m eating normally, we don’t need much food to survive in today’s world anyways, we’re not hunting, gathering or walking long ass distances to find a drop of water.
If someone isn’t asking for more, nobody should even ask if they want more, it’s honestly annoying having to constantly go through the same conversation over and over again
>Hey nonnie, I noticed you finished your food, do you want more?
>no, thanks
>are you sure? There’s more
>no really, it’s okay, I’m fine
>but you seem like you want more
>it’s just that I’m full, really
>it’s okay, nonnie, here you go
Ad Infinitum.
Last week I even got an awful headache and probably seemed rude as fuck while telling my brother’s mother-in-law that I was okay with just one slice of pizza, I swear I could hear everyone’s thoughts
>Wow you’re such a fat fuck yet you’re only having one slice?
Being alive is tiresome.
No. 852945
>>852793Sadly she's pretty social. I genuinely don't understand her 'I wish you the you'll have what you want' outburst meant, she seemed like a normal person but this sounded psycho as fuck. I also forgot to mention she recommended I try to apply to work in a hospital in a different far away city… While I already have my contract here and this hospital is like 10 minutes from my home. Bitch, you can go somewhere else yourself if you can't stand not being the only med student there.
But to be honest, her clique of friends that shun other people from our class doesn't really interest me anymore. They're the nastiest to the more attractive people kek
What makes me pretty sad is that I'm new to this class and because of covid, I didn't get to meet people properly. I just kind of hover around shyly when we have to meet up for a non-online class and it seems I'm just not gonna find close friends there. But what can I do, I have other friends and I just want high-school-level drama to be out of my life already.
Really sucks that I have to work with her this week, I'm kind of dreading it because I just want to chill without conflict.
No. 853310
>>852724Most people don't know the first thing about fitness. Just look at the amount of "fitness" influencers that are literally just skinny. Who then make videos claiming circling your arms in the air for 30s gets you "toned".
Keep chasing those PRs
No. 853346
>>853322>Really hate that I’m so love starved and lonely Im getting emotional attachments to a fucking YouTuber. Oh my god this is me too, only that I'm "dating" the youtuber I got attached to.
And guess what, it wasn't worth it. He's such a fucking pussy and he's balding. I feel like such an idiot and I want to get out of this now but I still have some small feelings for him. At this point I'm just going to keep pretending that I am 100% happy with this dude because there's nothing else. But he bores me out,
triggers my bpd, idk I hate this shit.
No. 853443
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Really hoping I don’t fail this summer class.
I feel like a retard taking so long to finish school.
No. 853466
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I had some extensive dental and jaw work done in the span of six months and for most of that time i could only drink liquids, which was fine, i got everything sorted out and was ingesting enough calories and nutrients to maintain my health and weight (god bless ensure), it was quite unpleasant as that kind of thing is but you know nothing too traumatizing.
But when I finally was able to eat again I developed such a nasty binge eating habit, it's not emotional, I don't have any fucking triggers, but when I look at food its like my brain goes blank, I eat and eat and eat, without even feeling the flavors, I gained about 30 lbs, none of my clothes fit me anymore, I have high cholesterol, I feel sluggish and depressed, I hate showering and looking at my body in the mirror, but still when i try to fucking diet it's like im going to die, the hunger pain is close to unbearable, i feel like im going to faint at any moment, my vision gets blurry, and that's a normal 1200 calorie weight loss diet with mild exercise not anything anachan.
I feel like I've completely lost control of my body, I don't recognize myself, I avoid leaving the house to do anything, my health went down the drain and I genuinely don't know what to do.
No. 853488
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I noticed the love my mom had for me started declining when I turned 13/14 and now that I'm 20 I think it's actually gone for her. Why does she see me as competition? Why did she have to get pregnant? Why can't I stop loving her too?
No. 853522
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my stomach bloats just like this after eating and i know it's normal for women but i hate it so much
No. 853544
>>853522you probably have a food allergy or systemic problem.
i bloated like that and found out it was related to an autoummine disorder. now i have a strict diet, and i can also eat much more than i used to since i don't get uncomfortable fast.
No. 853550
>>853543The instantenous ability of someone to reach me and then the expectation to repond
triggers my autism.
No. 853561
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>>853525you sound like a scrote but yes
No. 853587
>>853582Our apartment is
extremely small and we already have 3 other animals, 2 cats and a dog. Our male cat started yowling uncontrollably the second we brought the stray in. We just moved into this apartment a few months ago and getting the animals we already owned to acclimate to this new environment was stressful enough, it just seemed unfair to introduce a new animal into the mix. Also I don’t know the medical status of the stray and I wouldn’t want him/her introducing anything to our animals. If we didn’t have an extremely small place I would have considered keeping the stray in his/her own area/room and gone from there, but it’s just not doable with the space we’re in now. It just sucks. There are people in my complex who care for the strays here and it’s a pretty quiet complex in a suburban area so it’s not the worst of place to be a stray cat….at least that’s what I keep telling myself
No. 853689
The thing that pisses me off about inclusive language (birthing parent, people with vaginas) is that it fucks over poor and uneducated women, aka the people with worse health overall.
Twitter activists aren't aware because lol, but the common person is really, really, fucking ignorant. It's difficult to believe, but there are many women (poor, older, who are not terminally online) who don't know what they have between their legs, how it looks, how it works and what is named. And when it comes to healthcare, language should be as simple and acessible as possible. Complicating it in an effort to be inclusive and PC just excludes the people who live in the bottom of society.
It baffles me how the fuck the same people who defend bipoc and ethnic minorities completely forget that these people may come from immigrant backgrounds and there's an ever bigger language barrier.
It fucking shows that they have never interacted with really disanvanteged people.
No. 853691
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>>853441love you, take care of yourself anon
No. 853734
>>853723Sounds like infection central
No. 853772
Sorry, I wrote a long text, you do not have to read this it's boring I don't reall have anything special to complain about but I just have to write it down. I took only 3 exams out of 5 this summer because I've been lagging behind and knew I couldn't learn everything in time and I failed one exam and passed two with pretty lousy marks compared to how much I studied. So now I still have to take 3 exams oral and written and have to study over the summer. I feel like such a retard, two years ago I passed all my exams in time with great grades and now I'm doing so poorly, and my health has deteriorated too even though I'm sure I must be under far less stress than before because I think I'm studying less than before. But I feel under so much stress, I've never felt like this before, I just go to open the webpage I need for my classes and I feel sick, my health has become really bad, I can't sleep at night, I don't eat well, sometimes I can't eat at all, I just stare at a computer screen all day. I can't stop crying now, I'm not even sad that I failed my exam, I'm just glad it's over but I feel like I've become so stupid and useless when I used to be such a great student. The professor also derided me for taking an exam unprepared (none of his business! if I can take it multiple times why would I not take it whenever and as many times as I like) AHhhhhhhhh all my roommates have jobs over the summer too and I'll be spending my summer just doing hobbies (wasting money) like a useless spoiled brat. Sometimes I feel like quitting college and just being a painter but I knew if I did that I would regret quitting my entire life. I really wish classes will be in person next year I think I'm really affected by it. I talked to some guy at college yesterday and I almost cried in front of him. I haven't cried in so long, I feel a bit better now. I'm gonna go shoot some things up in a videogame
No. 853867
>>853855burg detected, and im american myself. there's a very specific american "you come in MY house? you eat MY food? you use MY toilet paper? then i own you, i have the right to abuse you, ignore you, and scream my head off at you if you say bippy about it."
I have a downstaits neighbor who sometimes sings/plays music too loud, and when ive had to ask her to turn it down cause its night time, as soon as i knock on that door i hear her start up yelling like "they better not be knocking on MY door, im just chlling in MY house" so yeah…america. and its not even her house, like…hello, we're both renting. I dont doubt there are assholes everywhere but in general, its an american tell to support the right of whoever is the "owner" to do whatever the fuck they want regardless of other people's needs and regardless of decency in general, even when it's their own poor kids they're tormenting.
No. 853943
>>853930Went to dress it and apply pressure and while I was wiping my arm down, a few little chunks of fat sloughed out of the wound and came off onto the towel and I'm really grossed out.
Sat here trying to put a happy face for my brother, watching Come Dine With Me together and cracking bad jokes, while I bleed through a surgical dressing, a sock vet-taped to my arm, and my top. Fucking pathetic.
No. 853944
>>853868I also live in Scandinavia but I wear sunscreen because people treat me like shit when I tan. My parents adopted me from South America and I'm white-passing most of the year but I tan fast and I tan a lot. Kids used to call me a nigger when I was in school and I got made fun of for being ugly. Even now I notice people treat me a lot better when I don't tan, so I don't.
My current friends don't believe me and they think it's so hilarious when I don't want to tan. They try to trick me into going outside without sunscreen by making me hurry, tell me 'you don't need that!' whenever I try to quickly slap it on, try to rub sunscreen off of my face, mock me when I reapply or roll their eyes, tell me the sun is healthy and I need vitamin D &c. I live in a small town where everyone is the same pasty blonde who burns in the sun and I don't understand what everyone here has against it, it's just sunscreen.
No. 853987
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I don't want to type the vent that I want to vent because part of it involves the fact that I asked the advice thread what I should do and then went and did the exact opposite, but I will say that I am truly just blown away at how fucking stupid men are, I'm astounded that they've been like allowed to cultivate an intellect and get an education and be our leaders for this long because wow they are truly genuinely the stupidest creatures I've ever seen, I'm not mad I am lmaoing my ass off in disbilief pic extremely related
No. 854023
>>854014Lolita fashion. It's a japanese fashion.
If you don't know about the community then don't complain
No. 854044
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The way some anons go on these psychotic rants the moment someone says as much as anything neutral about a cow makes me
almost worried for their mental health. Go out, touch some grass, hug an actual cow, drink some water, eat a snickers or whatever. Chill the fuck out. Not everything we post has to be blind hate. Some cows deserve it, but a lot of the less harmful cows attract these really weird hateful anons that REEE about whiteknights or go "hi cow!" the moment someone doesn't agree with them.
I've "only" been on and off lolcow for roughly two years now, so I have to ask you oldfags if it's always been like this or is it something fairly recent?
No. 854120
>>853695>they're still being a passive aggressive dick about itNot even telling them to fuck off, just dropping it entirely.
Additionally, another stressor enters my life again. I hate this bitch and her simp so much.
No. 854184
>>853953anon, pragmatically speaking, what meaningful benefit would you derive from plastic surgery? corsets and waist training are very uncomfortable. the more flexible kardashian baddie style waist trainers are largely ineffective when not being worn, and boned corsets are hundreds of dollars for a properly fitted option, as well as being harmful and damaging to your organs, spine, and rib cage long term.
i understand comparing your body to other women with the way the culture is right now, so hypersexualized, it's more common than not to have your self worth tied up in an ever changing ideal of desirability. i think women who put in a lot of work and decondition themselves in order to feel comfortable with their natural bodies are a rarity and an outlier nowadays, it makes me sad.
is there a way you can train yourself to stop viewing your body as a mix and match assortment of undesirable visual markers or cuts of meat, and begin to view it in an integrative way, as a whole, and as yourself? without any notions of beauty and desirability, or how others might (but probably don't) judge it.
i understand this runs completely contrary to what i am saying here, but i've seen detrans women who had a more rectangular build to begin with come off of T with a rock solid and blocky core, and i still found that incredibly beautiful and attractive, personally. kiera knightley has a lean, rectangular torso (although a bit nipped in the waist), as do many beautiful athletic women, and a lot of lesbian sex symbols.
there are countless ways to be gorgeous in your natural body, if that's what is really getting you down. it doesn't make you any less feminine or less of a woman that your body has "fallen out of trend" in today's hypersexual and pornsick instagram ideal. lean, rectangular builds with slender legs and defined abs were considered incredibly attractive in late 90s to 2000s. i still think they look very refined and elegant.
framing it that way is only a bandaid, however, as viewing your body in this disconnected and alienated way, a mix of parts ranging from "sexy" to "undesirable" is always going to create a disordered body image.
one thing i struggle with is having strong, super defined thick muscular calves and large, kind of manly feet, really long legs that look kind of wide and blocky in clothes from muscle. but the important thing is that i am strong from physical labour, my body is relatively healthy, my legs and feet carry me through life and get me where i need to go. the muscle carries over all throughout my body and even when i put on weight, my abs are visible. i'm strong, hardy, and it would take a lot of neglect or illness to become significantly physically weaker than i am now.
grinding yourself down because of some notion of aesthetic, physical beauty, or sexual desirability (even if it seems otherwise; a lot of comparing ourselves to other women is rooted in a fear, anxiety or shame around this, because of our conditioning. it is imparted from birth that a lot of our overall value as humans lies here, and so it shapes our bodily dread even outside of sexual contexts.) is just serving the whims and agendas of people who would like to see you vulnerable and eager to change your body, desperate to fulfil ideals which change by the year, and willing to pay any cost to achieve this. that leaves you as a prime target in a number of ways, while having a solid security or comfort with yourself is a good protective barrier, and leads to more happiness overall.
if you think about mothers, grandmothers, aunties, older widows and elderly single women you know, are you appraising their bodies harshly for unappealing attributes? people you admire or respect. i'm sure you are just grateful to have them around. we all grow old and "undesirable" to men and the shifting cultural beauty norms of the day, what would you rather take with you into old age? cosmetic surgeries and frantic attempts to change the body you were given, or accomplishments, a healthy sense of self worth, strong body image, self respect, important skills and knowledge to impart to younger women someday?
it's possible to spend your whole life insecure and unhappy, because of cultural norms and male agendas which benefit from you (and all of us) being in a position like that
im sure your body is fine just the way it is. try not to put a value judgement on it. it gets the job done, no? im sure you can do a lot of things in life with the body you were given. maybe you can build something or develop physical strength, speed, agility or a new skill that helps you appreciate it in a new way. maybe you could just enjoy the sun, or a peaceful moment that couldn't be appreciated without your body to interpret the data around you.
have you ever tried to build a garden bed, or cared for animals in a wildlife sanctuary? have you met any physical fitness goals lately, like running a 5 minute mile, or beating a personal strength training record? when was the last time you swam alone in a lake or river, or climbed trees?
is there anybody in your family or community who needs an extra hand for a project, or to help move house, or bring supplies home?
do you think your body is hurting for new experiences that could help you to bridge the disconnect?
your body is you, and you're the only person who can live your life from birth to death. what's so wrong with yourself, really?
a rectangular torso? that's not so bad in the grand scheme of things. aren't you greater than the sum of your parts?
No. 854216
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Guess who’s the retard who puts off her college work until the very last minute because she comes up with better ideas while stressed, it’s me dis bitch
No. 854244
>>854197It's actually crazy how consistently video games come up in the endless 'my bf/husband treats me like a slave and won't help around the house and won't help with childcare' stories you read online.
Men seriously can't exercise restraint or moderation, and they can't place others needs over their wants. That said, games are just the modern equivalent of going to the pub or watching the game- any excuse to avoid their responsibilities at home and pretend their family doesn't exist.
No. 854273
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my mother in law is attempting to report my family to the UK authorities for breaking covid rules (they haven’t - i just mentioned that my sister was considering going on holiday) and i think nothing will come of it for obvious reasons, but i feel really betrayed.
my husband tried to explain to her how that could have real consequences for me, and that she was punishing ME for my sister’s actions (she hasn’t even gone yet and may not) she basically said she didn’t care what could happen to me and that my family need to be taught a lesson.
i just feel really betrayed because i thought she cared about me, but she seems willing to potentially cause my already impoverished family to be hit with a fine that would be literally impossible for them to pay (but like i said i don’t think much will come of it)
me and her son have been together 3 years and me and her have always had an overall good relationship so i have no idea where this is coming from
No. 854295
>>854273She's a rabid narc blacklist her from the family.
Sidenote it really is 1984/nazigerm huh.
No. 854362
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We recently got a pet rabbit and my mom and grandma keep making cringey comments about me being a mom and practicing for when I have a kid. Like fuck off I'm not having a kid, leave me alone to pet the quiet, soft, hygienic little animal. Babies don't compare. Picrel Snowball.
No. 854363
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>>854362Oh my god congrats on your baby bun!!! Lil bb is the opposite of mine, he’s a year and a half now, but here’s when he was liddle! Enjoy the floof ♥
No. 854369
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No. 854414
>>854362>Babies don't compare.Based, that's what I think when I look at my dog. At 2 years old, he somehow does baby better than actual human babies. Enjoy your bunny and take good care of it! IDK what country you are in so maybe that's easy, but make sure you have a vet that specializes in rabbits. Cat/dog ones don't know shit about them and can easily make their situation worse. Also comb him so that he doesn't eat his hair, that can become a real problem. Sorry I used to have 3 rabbits as a tween and found out how fragile they were. I miss them so much.
BTW I hate when people claim that rabbits smell. Well you would to if a psycho kept you in a cage 24/7 filled with your own pee and feces!
though rabbit poo doesn't smell if it's healthy No. 854476
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I'm so fucking tired of queer culture, I just want to live my life quietly and be able to date women without comment, but I can't even have that. The fucking straights couldn't stand giving gay people rights without turning it into a commodity, an identity you could purchase, a fandom. No one identifies as straight or "cis" anymore. It seems like every internet funnyman who does media reviews is in a ~kweer~ relationship with a genderspecial enby pussy-haver. I came here to listen to you talk about video games, not half-assed political jokes and comments about your they/them "partner". The ones not dating enby women are TIMs, and the rare extreme straight "bi" NLOG hyper-handmaiden, without fail. All straight, all insisting they're just like me. Even regular people aren't sacred, it's like they feel guilty about the idea of not being gay. You are straight. You are heterosexual. It is not evil or uncool to be straight, and it's not a supplement for a personality to claim to be gay. None of them even understand the stress, not a single one has to actually worry about homophobia. They don't listen when you have concerns, unless it aligns with their predetermined concepts of right/wrong, oppressed/oppressor. I feel like I have to hide, I don't disclose that I'm a lesbian to other people. I'm too scared to look for partners, I'm afraid of being used as a status piece by a hetero kweer, or harassed by TIMs about my "genital preference". Thanks, libfems, for making the only "gay" people who can afford to be out the blatantly straight ones. Fuck everything.
No. 854495
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>visibly anorexic girl at work
>they/them on nametag
No. 854502
>>854476>The fucking straights couldn't stand giving gay people rights without turning it into a commodity, an identity you could purchase, a fandom.Extremely well put, anon. The moment gay marriage was legalized at large corporations grabbed the opportunity and turned it into a T-shirt print. "Pride week" turned into "Pride month" so that they can peddle more crap, mainly to the straight people who think rainbows look cute and find the idea of being able to purchase a clean conscience convenient.
Also I'm fucking paranoid about following male funnymen at this point because it seems like they will either troon out or become chasers, or become a chaser
and then troon out.
>None of them even understand the stress, not a single one has to actually worry about homophobia.>Thanks, libfems, for making the only "gay" people who can afford to be out the blatantly straight ones.Exactly. You as a straight person carrying that adorable rainbow tote bag will never face the actual oppression gay people have to deal with. You can identify as "panromantic bisexual queer she/they ally" all you want but to everyone else you're a straight person in a straight relationship. You will never know how it feels like knowing you can never come out to your homophobic family sharing the love of your live with them, having to be careful of never mentioning your partner by name to your coworkers or ending up calling them your "friend" instead of fiancée for the convenience. Never will you know how it feels like to keep answering to intrusive questions about your relationship to the people you
do come out to because they're "just curious". And never will you have to fear for actual violence walking hand in hand or kissing your partner in a public place.
No. 854504
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>>854476Anon I feel you, I made the mistake of saying I hated the word queer to my college class and people screamed and cried because queer is how they
identify (girl crying the loudest has been living with her partner for years in a run of the mill heterosexual, monogamous relationship). We then had extra classes and group discussions on 'queer phenomenology' where objects were described as being queer, that straight people could be queer…despite nobody being able to come up with a definition for the word itself in over two hours. People are screeching and crying as I say how meaningless the word is.
The problem is nobody
identifies as gay, they just
are, and nobody would be offended from someone saying that being gay doesn't mean much because it's sexuality not attention seeking.
Tinfoil but I think queer is a means of lumping everyone together abstractly to avoid serious existential trans questions
No. 854536
>>854513Don't soak your mattress
nonnie, it will rot if not dried properly. Clean and wash everything in your room, fuckers hide everywhere.
Even if the extreminator didn't find anything he did nothing? What a fucking scam.
No. 854553
>>854530This exactly, they get pressured to be "bisexual" for men
Plus there's so many things hypersexualized and pornified about women
No. 854575
>>854526Fuuuuck troons have ruined everything. The only men I get along with are exactly the ones who fall
victim to it
No. 854581
>>854559God yes. Bangs also don't exactly suit me so I can't even hide it.
>>854566>mascI think you just made me realize why I have such a hard time accepting my femininity as dumb as it sounds
No. 854582
>>854526you know how men complain about how the globohomo takes away their tomboys? for us they take the cute twinkish nerdy guys, it's a shame.
Do you know the name of the game?
No. 854585
>>854526>game in a bundleWhat the fuck. Literally the troon agenda thriving everywhere.
Is there any way you can convince him before it is too late???
No. 854597
>>854536But since it really hot I thought I would put it in front of the open window and it would dry fast
>he did nothingNo, he did 3 treatments altogether and the 3rd was free of charge since I was still getting bitten after the 2nd one. But he made this remark that he doesn't think I have bedbugs and the bites I have doesn't look like bedbug bites. I can only mop and clean my room after 2 weeks but I honestly not sure if I should wait until then, since I'm still getting fucking bitten and the treatment does not appear to be working
No. 854600
>>854513>or other proofDo you not even see the bites? Because if not, and the exterminator didn't find anything, it's not the bugs.
Do you think you have bedbugs because you're itching? Itching can be caused by a myriad of things, from stress and allergies to the kind of laundry detergent you use. Hell, I've been itchy from the heat.
The way you're certain it's bugs when they can't be seen makes me thing you're having a psychological issue.
No. 854609
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>>854600So the whole story is: a year ago, at the previous place I was in, I invited over a group of friends that included a friend of a friend I didn't really know who, during our 3 hour conversation casually mentioned having a bedbug problem that's been going on for literal years. I didn't even know what a bedbug was and didn't think much of it. The next day, I woke up with bites. A few weeks passed and I started to find living bedbugs (picrel is an actual pic I took). Asked my landlord to call an exterminator, he confirmed that they are indeed bedbugs, we had two treatments. It was fine for a few weeks, then the bites continued. Because I was back then an unassertive, insecure little shit, I didn't dare to ask my landlord for further treatments, since I already felt guilty about bringing them there in the first place.
Then I moved to the place I am now and even despite the precautions I took (washing all my clothes in hot water), I still was experiencing bites but NEVER found any animals. Also, my reactions to the bites changed; a year ago I got massive welts and the place of the bites swell up and was super painful and itchy, but as time passed, I think my body got accustomed to them and now there's absolutely no swelling although there's still some itchiness (it's not comparable to the itchiness I felt the first time I was bit). I've been this place for 4 months now and still haven't found bedbugs, although I did find tiny specks of black stuff on my sheets that could be feces and for a while I had also spots of blood on my pillow and my sheets as well (there has been no blood either for like a month now)
No. 854628
>>854585>>854582He is a twinkish shy guy without much experience, it's such a shit.
Some visual novel with a very long name, it's a troon metaphor of someone being turned into the familiar of a witch or something, so it's not like he was looking for it.
He feels ok being a guy and he told me he wants to be my boyfriend but he could see himself being more feminine too. Which is fine, but he thinks that means he's questioning his gender.
He's not quite neurotypical so he has trouble with his own feelings and figuring himself out and I knew he'd be such an easy prey for troon agendas.
No. 854657
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It's so annoying to see people use the hammer and sickle symbol everywhere; I'm pretty sure they wouldn't use nazi swastika and this is pretty much a symbol closely associated with equally murderous regimes. I can understand some young people can see the appeal of communism as an ideology but it's annoying how unaware they stay when it comes to what the reality is for the countries associated with hammer and sickle.
No. 854670
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>>854662what about the fake actor?
No. 854671
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I just really don’t care about making art anymore. It’s so tiring pretending to care or wanting to turn it into a “professional” venture to capitalize on, I just wish I had an excuse like lolcows have when they produce shit like sonichu or something where they clearly have autism/adhd but I probably have neither of those things, I’m just genuinely bad at learning certain things and really bad at being creative unless I’m extremely guided along with a project or something with someone else who is extremely experience and provides constructive advice. It’s also so annoying having to connect a dumb brick thing to your slow brick computer and just ugh, it makes me nauseous and gives me flashbacks to body pain. I don’t even know why I keep going along with it, I draw the same females all the time compared to the ultra digital masterpieces with beautiful 2-3 hours to a few days of rendering that’s always on the front page of social media. The internet ruined hobbies, a bitch can’t even post her wonky shit without people thinking you’re drawing to become a pro or something, some people draw because they’re incredibly bored with their lives and they draw to make stuff that are personal to them. I’m not trying to make a Ghibli film, fuck off
No. 854693
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i have to work a day shift today which i dont normally do & its hot as fuck which means i cant wear my jacket instead of shortsleeve work shirt and use evening chills as an excuse and i have massive self-inflicted bruises healing all over my arms frm a breakdown i had a few days ago n i just gotta parade myself around like this for six hours but at least ill have weed
No. 854716
>>854695I know I'll get called schizo for this, but this is one more reason why the anti-bisexual bait sometimes posted here is shady to me.
Trannies are fucking vile.
No. 854722
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Tumblr is out here recommending me weird ass blogs.I'm getting them for anachan blogs, a random skinhead blog, and now some anime gore blogs with one run by what I'm assuming to be an ftm claiming to be ~a psychopathic sliced up fag~. I only reblog jfash and Japanese photos like pic related. What the hell is going on
No. 854783
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I sell hyper-expensive handknit wares and when a dude shows interest or purchases anything, my mind never goes "Ah, must be a gift for his loved one" I immediately think "What a fucking creep. Buying from me isn't a foot in the door." If a dude is messaging me to buy my art, and he's local, I've actually been sending my boyfriend to hand deliver them. Actually come to think of it, one guy kept buying handmade stuffed animals from me and he was actually giving them to his sister. An outlier.
Most dudes are like this. Keep in mind, this dude just bought an $80 knit bag in order to say this to me, which just gets left on read. I feel like a craft whore, can't even imagine the shit girls on onlyfans get, even if they're meant to expect that treatment. Just seems so disgusting and not worth any amount of money.
No. 854784
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So fed up with Ahegao. I was teased for my amblyopia my whole life and it kept me from a lot of romantic/sexual encounters and now cross eyed is seen as fucking hot on women who have to force it but can go back to 'normal'. I wanna kms.
No. 854865
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My fwb just told me he is going to Iceland and I am so beside myself with jealousy. I feel like I never do anything with my life and since knowing this dude he’s been to Japan and now Iceland. I’m so jealous because he has a big group of friends who do exciting activities like that meanwhile my friends never want to do anything aside from the basic boring shit we’ve been doing our whole lives. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so antisocial and actively tried to maintain friendships outside of my main friend group. I guess I just always thought like all you need is 2 good friends and felt like adding more would be betraying my main group of friends if that makes sense. But like my friends have other friends too so like what the duck was I thinking. I guess I’m just sad because I’m 27 and have only really been to like one country and maybe 2 other states in my life. Meanwhile this dude goes on so many trips and has so much life experience that I simply don’t have. Idk I guess I just feel inferior And like a bum.
No. 854867
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I fucking hate being so far behind my peers. Even thought I can acknowledge it’s mostly my own fault, I’m still so frustrated and mad. I hate needing a roommate at 31 because my job doesn’t pay me enough. I don’t own any property and besides the 25k in my retirement account I don’t have much cash saved. I don’t have a partner to at least share costa or resources with and I feel ridiculously bleak about finding one. Don’t think I’ll ever catch up now.
No. 854951
>>854947Lmao me too i hate it
>>854935Ive never seen that, but one time i saw a comment from a woman who said she was in her mid 20s and said she would feel like a "creep" for dating a man 3 years younger. Which is just sad imo
No. 854991
>>854980Ayrt, I do love my bf but don’t disagree with you.
> their mental age is the same except the geezer (kek) is more likely to be stuck in his scrote waysPretty much
No. 854996
>>854980So many women literally try to age themselves up by calling any guy that's like 2-3 years younger than themselves a "baby" (even if they're both in their mid-20s), but then complain when men also call them "old" (because they're
only in their mid-20s). Kek.
I really hate this pattern of young woman/old man. It just really disgusts me, and it makes geriatric scrotes think they're entitled to younger women. I'd rather date someone within my age range, no older or younger than maybe 4-5 years.
No. 855007
>>855002>>855004Some anons don't want this redpill, but you're absolutely right, lmfao.
>cuck older women while you're young>get mad when you're eventually the older woman and you get cuckedThe circle of life.
No. 855021
>>855013Basically shooting themselves in the foot if they don’t manage to snag a decent older moid while they’re still young.
That’s like one of the main tenets of redpill scrotery—being rejected by women your own age in your youth and going for younger women as you get older.
No. 855047
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>>855041Anon, women and their choices are not completely uninvolved in the way things are.
You can choose to reject responsibility, but that just leaves scrotes to decide everything, and we've been seeing the results of that for like…generations. Now it's easier than ever to change the dynamics.
All it takes is rejecting pic related's dick.
No. 855067
>>855051Yep, and that's how they treat a younger women in the relationship.
Every time I go for an older scrote he talks down to me, bosses me around and acts like my dad. I'm pretty dominant myself and it always results in him degrading me to try to 'make me learn my place' and gaslighting me to make everything seem like my problem, even if the problem was on them. Old scrotes won't listen and don't change, they always think they're right because they're older and have 'more life experience'. They don't respect you or cherish you, you're just their ego boost until someone better and younger comes along that is willing to do what you won't.
Anyway, old Viagra dick is useless and worthless. Young inexperienced himbos are where it's at.
No. 855069
>>855049Come on anon, this is a self hating fantasy. You can get a normal bloke your own age.
A bit offtopic perhaps, but as I've grown older and started questioning why I am the way I am sexually, and questioning my sexual practices as well, I realised the outside influence of what I'm meant to enjoy has been a complete lie feeding on self hatred.
Being hit during sex is inferior to mutual enjoyment of each other's bodies, where you can kiss and laugh and feel loved.
Porn lied to us all because it was aimed at scrotes who want to hurt women all along. I don't really want to be choked. I want to be celebrated for my beauty. I want to feel wanted and appreciated for what I am, even when unwell, with stretch marks, with cellulite, with a belly. None of the wide spread porn celebrates that. I know there are some niche creators that focus on the beauty of sex but they are discarded as the female gaze.
No. 855150
Since childhood, I have always been strangely adamant on pitying or hating whatever I don't find beautiful.
For the most part, I do not find myself beautiful. I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror some days, and seeing myself in pictures usually leads to an episode of crying and questioning why I even allow myself to continue existing when I'm so ugly. I know that if I saw a person as ugly as I am then I would immediately pity them, and it kills me. On good days though, I feel like I look perfectly fine or just slightly below average. Because I have good days and bad days, I genuinely can't tell what about my looks is a problem and what is just something my brain is obsessing over for no reason. Surely this isn't normal, healthy behaviour?
It's pathetic and I hate it to no end. I want to see myself and not immediately contemplate suicide or becoming a recluse nun so people don't have to look at me. I desperately want to change and to become beautiful, but I have no idea where I should start. Whenever I do try to improve myself, I soon become disheartened and give up because it seems too impossible a task.
I feel so stuck, and I don't know how much more of this awful mental cycle I can stand. I want nothing more than to exist physically in my own life without hating myself for not being beautiful, but I'm completely lost on what I can do to fix anything.
No. 855159
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>>855086You’re not the bottom of the barrel scum by any count Anon. I understand what you’re saying—there is literally nothing anyone can do about your mom being shit, and you’ll probably grapple with that forever. But you didn’t do anything wrong, don’t punish yourself for someone else’s being a bad person. Here’s a cat btw
No. 855166
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I hate edgy pickme girls so much, they always act annoying on purpose
No. 855283
>>855279I'm really sorry anon
Recently went through a very similar thing, men really can suck.
No. 855287
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I grew up thinking other girls were so much prettier than me, and that something was wrong with me. my puny teenaged brain not understanding that (while definitely pretty) their makeup made a huge difference. WTF, not to sound like a nlog. I actually am trying to learn a little light makeup, but this continues to blow my mind. I'm normal and they're normal. all it was is I knew nothing about makeup and the difference it makes. of course these people are still pretty without, but suddenly more human. I must be dumb to only realize this recently and have it keep setting in.
No. 855290
How is it possible that I can hear my voice perfectly clear but everyone else can't and they always say I talk too quietly? I don't know how to speak louder. I'm so tired of everyone asking me to repeat myself at work, school, home, everywhere. I had to repeat myself three times when buying groceries. I was talking to my crush yesterday and it was embarrassing because he asked me to repeat myself a few times and I'm pretty sure he didn't hear like half of what I said. I also have a problem with understanding what people say, even when they're loud; if I'm not already focused on someone, and that person says something to me, I will not be able to understand what they said, I will only hear some gibberish, noise, single syllables etc. I ask people to repeat themselves, but those people talk in a normal tone, not quietly like me. I'm scared they think I'm dumb or something. But I genuinely have problems with processing sounds
No. 855306
>>855290Anon you know yourself that your voice comes from within you so of course you hear it louder than anyone else. It also helps if you lift your face up to look directly at who you are taking to and speak clearly. I have a friend with the same problem that gets so upset about how nobody can hear her but the fact is that nobody can change it but the quiet person themselves so you'll just have to deal with it
I understand you might be a shy person but it's good to normalise telling people that you have heating problems, unfortunately most people don't understand what processing sounds mean so it's better to just make it easier and lie that you're hard of hearing and it helps when people speak slowly
No. 855378
>>855357Rat on them to teach them a lesson.
I feel the same way at my job, Ive looked the other way for so much shit, while they pounce on me for any little thing they can. I’ve had enough of it and the next time they fuck up I’m going to complain to the manager and hopefully he will pull them aside and scold them on my behalf, like he has done to me many a times. Fuck those cliquey, petty bitches. I hate them all. They couldn’t STAND that I didn’t give a shit about being left out by them, because I don’t want to be involved in their shit banter. They want to get rid of me because I don’t “fit in” even though I’m fucking nice and polite and helpful.
No. 855610
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>can't do laundry in my house past 6pm because my dryer is loud as fuck and we can't replace or fix it yet
>leave duvet in overnight to run the next morning
>wait until everyone is awake to start the dryer as to not rudely awaken the dogs and people at home
>gets text from husband
>it's a screenshot of his brothers text to him
>"tell your girlfriend not to leave her wet nasty laundry in the washer for days because it's what made my washing machine stink like shit"
>my husband was who cleaned the washer
>the culprit of the smell was dog hair (from the brothers dogs) that had not been cleaned from the units in at least 5 years
>go to start the dryer since it's a big issue now
>starts it and walks into brother in law grumbling
>tells me he's trying to hear something and needs me to wait until it's over
>okay mother fucker
>stops dryer
>hears Bugs Bunny's voice
>he's texting my husband telling him to command me to do chores while he's telling me to stop the dryer because he can't hear the new fucking Space Jam
>this faggot is making a scene over a wet blanket and the new Space Jam
>texts my husband after I leave
>"I hope I didn't make it awkward or something"
No. 855640
>>855519Sorry to hear
nonny. It’s terrible when such destructive thoughts take control. Have you seen a doctor (if possible)?
I had a really bad depressive episode recently and am still struggling to get through it but I’m slowly slowly gaining ground with strict routines that keep me busy and don’t allow me much unoccupied alone time. I’ve still opted for medication when the usual changes (diet, exercise, sleep, outside) didn’t really do anything to lift my moods.
Hang in there! You deserve to be happy. You deserve good things and comfort. I’m sure many of us here see you’re struggling and recognize how well you’ve done to hang on. Keep going.
No. 855725
>>855720I think if she could know how much you miss and love her that it would make her very happy. It's lovely that she touched your life in such a wonderful way and you have good memories to cherish.
Damn I hope someone feels this way about me when I croak lmao.
No. 855775
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I used to be a massive pick-me with internalised misogynism with low self-esteem believing scrotes that only qt virgins are worth anything deep down knowing they're only into that because they see those women as a blank canvas to use and leech off of domestically and emotionally. I mostly believed the BS because of the scare-mongering statistics they use for promiscuity, thinking "I'm surely better than that" standing up for coomers who hate women
>wtf do I even believe in anymore I just want a cute long term bf/husband and to be happy
No. 855789
>>855782same really want to
get bent over and came in but that won't happen because I'm not retarded
No. 856141
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I fucking forgot my wallet so now I have to use my entire lunch break to drive to my apartment and back or beg my cowoker to buy me a protein bar like a damn idiot.
I knew something felt weird as I walked out the door. Damn it.