File: 1641772377079.jpg (676.18 KB, 940x1083, unicorn queen.jpg)

No. 1413321
Lucinda is a schizophrenic, anorexic, bulimic, self-harming attention-seeker.
>Resident EDtwt and SHtwt>NEET with a cushy, comfortable lifestyle by Puerto Rican standards>Schizophrenic but refuses to take her medication, claims the voices are fairies guiding her to Unicornhood>Believes she’s truly a unicorn, trying to starve herself to her ideal unicorn weight of 75lb (although bonespo/deathspo is her endgame now)>Terminally online, often daily posts naked (but censored) body-checks to her mostly underage fanbase>Wears a unicorn horns, elf ears and old lady Moo-moos >Notorious self harmer, visible cuts all over her body, currently stopped due to parental pressure>Has eaten garbage, cat food, hand sanitizer and has binged on hydrogen peroxide>Has claimed to purge 11 times a day, often shares mia/ana tips on her twt >Currently re-started her endless fast, even though last attempt gave her liver failure>Claims she hasn’t eaten in months, but somehow still alive >typews ljke dhe’s hadsving a srtokeRECENT MILK- THE UNICORN PEE SAGA
>Starved herself into being incontinent and peed her favorite chair, oh noes! In the process of wearing diapers. (Don't starve yourself, guys.)
>Developed jaundice from an OD/starvation>Currently "dating" another edgy teen fakeboi from Turkey called Dee/@automaticlover>still posts naked bodychecks and gets called out for being a pedo/groomer on a weekly basis for not properly labeling her content as 18+>"Universe Shifting" and other schizo posts are increasing in volume as her mind continues to disintegrate from lack of meds>references @leechlifts/ambrose, another cow >>1381763, from time to time >mostly spends her time arguing with people accusing her, posting selfies and not eating >Toot toot like a little trumpet. Take it away, Jazz man.PREVIOUS THREADS
Ambrose/Leechlifts, the troon who started it all
>>>/snow/1381763@Idoldecay, luci's ex friend, potentially self inserted into the situation and chr
Mooglekins/MoogleMagick, Luci's BFF, fellow schizo and possible cult-leader
Youtube: No. 1413604
File: 1641798698578.jpg (332.68 KB, 1080x901, Screenshot_20220110-030848.jpg)

Peepee problems
No. 1413606
File: 1641798759055.jpeg (473.89 KB, 1152x2048, FIl86QIX0AAvbQD.jpeg)

No. 1413608
File: 1641798828855.jpeg (468.52 KB, 1152x2048, FIl86QJXoAYgcwO.jpeg)

No. 1413791
File: 1641828420874.jpg (92.75 KB, 1080x536, Screenshot_20220109-143454__01…)

Her new beau is another drugfag. Maybe she has a type?
No. 1414663
>>1414580She does that to support her uwu style.
She's not that incapacitated, just look at her (almost) daily photo ops. Still able to dress, do some shitty make up and posting everything on edtwt.
She could type properly, if she wanted.
No. 1414861
File: 1641944010895.jpg (353.71 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20220111-193044.jpg)

This must be a form of suicide for her at this point. Now she doesn't want to drink water on top of going below 75lbs. And in earlier tweets she said she was going to refuse going to doctors altogether. I can't imagine how her parents must be coping.
No. 1414971
File: 1641953508845.jpg (408.01 KB, 1080x1477, Screenshot_20220111-164913__01…)

I often wonder what would a pampered anachan do if she was suddenly homeless or loses their parents. I think the coddling and lack of adult responsibilities definitely enables this 'uwu comfy chair princess' behavior.
No. 1415000
>>1414928They definitely enable her, but they probably have no idea that she's pretending to dehydrate herself to death, or they're so used to her munching that they brush it off.
>>1414580If she can write and draw with pen and paper then she can type. Needless to say that drawing requires an exponentially higher level of fine motor skill than using autocorrect.
No. 1415197
>>1414861If everything else fails, they will drag her to the hospital again.
And sage your shit.
No. 1415442
File: 1642014841329.jpeg (79.54 KB, 750x499, 10AE66C7-A838-48B2-9341-9F4663…)

claiming she’s going to start eating with her boyfriend…wishful thinking?
No. 1415623
File: 1642028709350.jpeg (98.66 KB, 750x424, BD2C5E55-8A0D-40B1-B005-C42A71…)

Looks like we’re back to b/p phase
No. 1415630
File: 1642029316862.jpg (340.33 KB, 1080x961, Screenshot_20220112-191137.jpg)

she's definitely going through it.
No. 1415669
File: 1642032531100.jpg (320.34 KB, 1080x895, Screenshot_20220112-200747.jpg)

No. 1415676
File: 1642033412192.jpg (303.81 KB, 1152x2048, FI6ocHoX0AM8awE.jpeg.jpg)

She's definitely thin but she's no skelly. I can see where her desperation comes from regarding not eating or drinking anything, she must be so unsatisfied with her body. Not even taking into consideration the fact she'll probably never be boney with all the excess skin she has from being obese hanging about. What a fucked life.
No. 1415684
File: 1642034059523.jpeg (161.44 KB, 750x825, A234FA47-A264-4CD2-B399-7AF10D…)

No. 1415832
>>1415765>actual crazy people don't know they're crazy.You do know psychosis =/= schizophrenia, and even then, most people with schizophrenia know their delusions are just that?
Lucinda is just an extreme example. Lucinda's a larper too, just a different flavor.
No. 1415991
>>1415630why does she post that.
what a litte sick fuck.
No. 1416214
File: 1642092093480.png (44.61 KB, 598x282, twitter.png)

happy faces on edtwt
No. 1416597
File: 1642119789526.jpeg (96.01 KB, 750x388, 3F567A20-D9D6-4531-8B32-8DD443…)

the complete lack of connection is so sad
No. 1417015
>>1416597She "hates causing pain", but not to herself, when she's slitting her arms, chest and legs with a hundred cuts.
Mommy wouldn't mind. So mUcH lOgIc!
No. 1417388
File: 1642197783615.jpg (463.04 KB, 1080x1130, Screenshot_20220114-180107.jpg)

>>1417379she already said she tried to get help for her ed. also lol at the random natalie mention who gives a shite.
No. 1417819
File: 1642244721828.jpg (103.74 KB, 598x927, beepee.jpg)

a little play in three acts
No. 1417827
File: 1642245479381.jpg (23.07 KB, 598x158, vrry.jpg)

missed one
" Vrry spiritual "
No. 1417859
>>1417819>>1417827I wish her so much bad for it, terrorizing her family and all that.
She will end in the loony bin or in her grave soon.
No. 1417908
File: 1642255852432.jpg (164.97 KB, 1080x870, Screenshot_20220115-081114__01…)

>I'm not wasting my parents money! It's the government's money!
That's even worse, lmao. This is where your taxes are going, folks.
No. 1418197
>>1417819First of all, in her state of madness she shouldn't be given an allowance to buy her own stuff, especially not junk food! How is she even able to walk outside and go shopping with her alleged severe dehydration and weakness..?
I sense bullshitting and gaslighting all over the place.
No. 1418441
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No. 1418442
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No. 1418584
>>1416597She is doing this to herself willingly. She knows how much attention and care it gets her, if she stops and gets better her parents and followers will move on.
It's still sad, she could've been an average happy girl but she's spending her time harming herself and blabbering about nonsense online.
No. 1418703
>>1418644Cmon most of the users on this website have mental issues yet none of them end up like this girl or other ana-chans who deliberately self harm themselves in form of starvation.
Her parents should definitely do something, cutting down her internet access, forcing her to go out to a course or something of that sort would be good for her.
She would be a normal social girl maybe but she could at least have a life of her own.
>>1418620Truly sad. It's what being terminally online does to a girl. If I'm right she went from writing harry styles fanfics or something so she probably was one of those average straight girls who lusted after boybands in her teenage years.
I don't think she's as mentally ill as she paints herself, if her social media was shut down one day she'd have to go back to her normal life.
No. 1418712
>>1418703Disagree on that, anon. She's not able to lead a 'normal life' without supervision.
And sorry, already being in her mid-twenties it's quite a bit too late to change things at all.
It's gonna be heavy medication for her or a descent into the abyss.
No. 1418715
File: 1642338266160.png (448.25 KB, 2018x554, Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 9.02…)

>>1418703This post says she wants to change her name into Lucinda for when she goes back into the real world. So maybe she does want to be normal? There's no way, though
No. 1419415
>>1416597>>1418644Man i just feel bad because even if it is LARPing you gotta be seriously fucked in the head to take it that far. I feel for her family, she is not sound of mind at all. Those cuts are maybe for show but they are there anyhow.
Her parents seem so sweet it's heartbreaking.
No. 1419519
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No. 1419568
(retard) No. 1419587
File: 1642428876908.jpg (70.01 KB, 851x747, 20211005_102920.jpg)

>>1419519Imagine the smell of stale urine and bile on this woman in that 70% humidity tropical weather.
No. 1419613
>>1417388Kinda late to this but even though I do think Lucinda is not completely innocent and tends to exaggerate a lot, she is right about the mental health care being completely atrocious in PR and Latam in general.
It makes sense her mom was the one who got her out of there considering she would be safer in her home rather than in some center where she wouldn't be looked after at all.
No. 1420020
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No. 1420062
File: 1642463923825.jpeg (455.25 KB, 1254x1351, 2287594C-8BB3-44B6-8548-398F74…)

>>1419776It’s the same laying in bed sucking in pose she often does retarda
No. 1420185
File: 1642476412648.jpg (Spoiler Image,308.61 KB, 951x1109, 20220118_002324.jpg)

No. 1420188
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No. 1420189
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No. 1420192
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No. 1420193
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No. 1420738
File: 1642539478436.png (401.68 KB, 594x595, 55555555555.png)

But she's so against pro-ana and glorifying EDs, guys!
No. 1420932
>>1420738You have got to be a retard if you're that
triggered over a hand check from a skelly. Every asspat ana qween wants to be someone's thinspo. If anyone says she's anti-glorifying EDs they're retards too.
I guess my point is we're all retards. For fun and for profit?
No. 1420941
File: 1642552164869.png (20.04 KB, 582x119, 4343254.png)

>>1420932>triggeredIn what way? I'm just calling her a hypocrite for even responding. It's one thing to just let those comments be added, but she actively makes a point to say that people shouldn't glamorize EDs, how she doesn't want to be seen as inspirational, etc. Just read any of her tweets listing her symptoms.
No. 1421834
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No. 1421836
File: 1642630595800.jpg (1.01 MB, 1458x2592, 20220119_190709.jpg)

No. 1421903
File: 1642634346831.jpeg (180.18 KB, 1152x2048, FJfZiQmXsAUb_FP.jpeg)

Her latest bodycheck is so fucking depressing. She looks gruesome.
No. 1422154
File: 1642657191456.jpg (675.37 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20220120-013125.jpg)

>>1421903>>1422146this is a bodycheck from june and she made her account in may. doesn't say how much she weighed but at least it shows a clear image of how she's slowly killing herself.
side note: god it's weird seeing her without the cuts. also incredibly fucking sad since she's so sliced up and she did all that damage to herself in less than a year. she needs serious help.
No. 1422255
>>1422160Schizos tend to get worse over time.
Just sayin'.
No. 1422310
File: 1642679042319.png (71.63 KB, 269x271, smudge.png)

>>1422287She uses some smudge tool to censor herself, you can tell by the brush marks. The dark spots under are probably just leftover from her nips
No. 1422659
File: 1642713869570.jpg (404.39 KB, 1080x959, Screenshot_20220120-171615.jpg)

ot but i live for lucinda flexing her 5'9 anachan butch gf like this solely because it must eat natalie inside to have such a fat slob of a boyfriend and not the broody alt one lucinda has. that on top of lucinda starting off fatter than her and becoming thinner, and keeping her out of her furry kinnie club. natalie was so obsessed with being her bestie after the ambrose fail lmao. i know she must despise her at this point. i'd kill to see them have a public spat.
No. 1422830
>>1422716Anon… to know all that, you'd have to be routinely checking Natalie's page… You sound more obsessed than anything.
Ffs. I don't get why people keep bringing her up when it's been stated she just wants attention. Why are you giving it to her.
No. 1422905
>>1422883My ass. She got a Tellonym pointing out her embarrassing followers/following ratio and after saying she had no problem with it she immediately unfollowed 200 people. She definitely gets embarrassed when people call her out on her shit lol this whole "stop talking about her she loves negative attention!!1" is such an obvious cop-out from her own self posting ass perpetuating her stupid energy feeding larp. "Negative attention is like junk food to me teehee~~" then why does she cover her haggard face when it looks like shit if being called ugly would be negative attention she'd absolutely adore?
Anyway, I agree with
nonny. It's nice to see Lucinda thrive with exactly the kind of edgelord all black cutter troon that miss kawaii goth vampire would kill for. Lucinda isn't even alt lol. Get it, queen. Make them seethe.
No. 1422968
>>1422908it was who she was following. not her followers. all you have to do is take one random look at her profile to see and remember she was at an even 1k ratio for like a year. let's not flatter her by acting like you'd need to be checking her profile daily to notice. you don't need a hateboner to see that natalie's tracking lucinda's every move like the totes obsessive bpd psycho she is. isn't it supposed to be in character?
>>1422939lucinda is edtwt's lovely unicorn idol and not you natalie soz
No. 1422972
>>1422968>all you have to do is take one random look at her profile to see and remember she was at an even 1k ratio for like a year. normal people who don't care about some random twitter bitch who has nothing to do with current lucinda affairs keeps note of that.
let's take a few steps back here, why do you care? go take it to one of the other ED threads, no need to muck up the unicorn barn. bring her back up when she actually interacts with lucinda.
No. 1422976
File: 1642747695624.png (47.77 KB, 598x266, lucinda.png)

still starvin' on
No. 1423696
File: 1642823436015.png (23.42 KB, 890x157, oswaldslunch_-_Google_Chrome_2…)

No. 1423865
File: 1642849373662.jpeg (254.57 KB, 1908x2048, 746B4D2A-FE31-4FA5-A5F1-9E0F29…)

This is the boyfriend if anyone hasn’t seen her
No. 1424103
>>1418755If only she could use her hands to type properly.
>>1419519But taking naked mirror selfies in her parent's bedroom is no biggie?
No. 1424580
File: 1642934242758.jpg (7.34 KB, 598x60, Twitter.jpg)

hmmm yes, this will end well
No. 1424667
>>1424574>>1424594Calm down. Pretty much all active members of edtwt are hopeless nutjobs that seek attention.
They sniff each others' farts and only rarely complain about the smell.
No. 1424669
File: 1642952267151.png (693.86 KB, 828x1792, 4E0F1DE3-6666-4AD2-868B-E0AC85…)

>>1424580Take note that in ED twt, BMI 12 can mean BMI 12 to 12.9. So, her goal can be in 74 pounds to 80 pounds but she’s probably working on BMI 12.0 instead of the BMI 12 range.
She’s BMI 14.2 right now at 88 lbs. That would have been in the thinspo or bonespo range if she worked out and didn’t have loose skin.
Low 70s is when a lot of anorexics peak because at that point, it’s hard to do anything. You literally just lay in bed all day and even just sitting ip hurts. I guess she’s on her way to that number.
The problem occurs when she successfully reaches that number but have lost the ability to eat in fear of gaining weight. It seems she is on the track for that as well as she claims that food never really enters her body as she purges everything in seconds.
I will miss our cow. It’ll take her a couple of months to reach BMI 12, though, as her TDEE/BMR is so low at this point.
No. 1424798
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No. 1424980
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No. 1424989
File: 1642978114184.jpg (83.18 KB, 525x660, 20220123_193601.jpg)

the trans neurodivergent horse from puerto rico has a lot of red dots and pimples from dehydration and lack of nutrients
No. 1424990
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No. 1424993
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No. 1424996
File: 1642978274597.jpg (120.02 KB, 720x702, 20220123_193952.jpg)

No. 1425744
File: 1643061454638.jpg (251.86 KB, 1080x923, Screenshot_20220124-175601.jpg)

No. 1426399
File: 1643127559386.jpg (Spoiler Image,378.77 KB, 1152x2048, FJ9RmT7XEAknuSF.jpeg.jpg)

oh lord her stomach area is a tragedy. between the stretch marks, the loose skin, and the cuts, it looks like she has folds of rotting flesh.
No. 1427369
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>>1426399bloodborne boss realness
No. 1427537
File: 1643225321739.jpg (795.46 KB, 1800x1080, Picsart_22-01-26_11-27-39-568.…)

>>1427369LOL, that made me make this cause that's too good.
No. 1428080
File: 1643267427800.jpeg (153.42 KB, 750x918, F3F8D772-C96A-4833-980F-B108D5…)

Someone sent her an ipgrabber.
No. 1428122
File: 1643272980794.gif (211.1 KB, 326x326, c4a.gif)

>>1428080How do those work? Does it grab her ip or is it a tool to grab other people's ip?
No. 1428145
>>1426399 kek what is this photo?
>>1425859 People actually call it 'cutting to beans'? Fucking retards
No. 1429102
File: 1643353910072.jpg (777.13 KB, 1458x2592, FKIcncYWYAk6Os4.jpg)

>pick me
No. 1429965
File: 1643458400104.jpeg (98.29 KB, 750x679, C6D3E7EF-CEE2-4E36-9476-1FAB7D…)

Is this how she sees herself in her chair while scrolling twitter
No. 1430158
>>1430127The family has to care for them. of course.
Lurk moar.
No. 1430205
File: 1643485047331.png (22.84 KB, 598x200, Twitter.png)

"The race is on!"
No. 1430629
File: 1643539255113.jpg (32.42 KB, 598x214, starve.jpg)

starving & rotting
No. 1430815
File: 1643563334992.png (56.3 KB, 598x276, walking.png)

Comfy chair all day with pain & peeing? - Or not?
No. 1432252
File: 1643739805027.jpg (333.23 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_20220201-142109.jpg)

She's reaching Eugenia levels of skelly, and is now walking 3 hours a day while still not eating. No way she's making it to the end of the year.
No. 1432263
File: 1643740385542.jpg (62.73 KB, 1300x957, wavy-scissors-2-21709869.jpg)

>>1432252Why do the tits look like they were cut off with one of these?
No. 1432360
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No. 1432361
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No. 1432373
File: 1643748416466.jpg (341.73 KB, 1080x954, Screenshot_20220201-164426.jpg)

>>1432362back when she walked like 40k steps a day she said she did it pacing in her kitchen, so we can assume the night walking is also in the house. doubt her 70 year old parents are up at 1am. she's a sneaky one.
No. 1432466
File: 1643757064429.png (30.74 KB, 680x535, 1411431458916.png)

>>1432365There is, but her parents coddle her like a baby. She went to the best private inpatient treatment center here and got busted out in like a week. They took away her phone in the center, so she most likely panicked when she couldn't shitpost anymore. She claims they treated her like shit, but then again, she's 100% non-compliant to treatment and most likely put up a big fight.
No. 1432677
File: 1643779274485.jpeg (920.29 KB, 1632x1327, EE9F1AE1-9C07-41B0-B9B0-537728…)

No. 1432966
nonny are you ok
No. 1433068
File: 1643831046713.jpg (29.49 KB, 598x154, H4DG65S6S.jpg)

No. 1433070
File: 1643831120886.jpg (25.65 KB, 594x145, 5J6F56DCX52G6JX.jpg)

>lifhgts whefnt out amdbd tldads gotta staywt hoem
No. 1433087
File: 1643831831811.jpg (67.87 KB, 534x565, H55HGF6J5D.jpg)

No. 1433910
File: 1643920481608.jpg (80.63 KB, 675x1200, FKsdw1qXEAQCtxX.jpeg.jpg)

absolute queen
No. 1434063
File: 1643936652893.png (Spoiler Image,514 KB, 940x1320, dark unicorn.png)

The darkness approaches…
op drawfag here, she's just fun to draw, lol.
uploaded the wrong quality, woops.
No. 1434086
>>1434063You're truly a gift to these threads.
I wish you were around (or at least drawing) during the big Ambrose fight, I would love to see that immortalized as art
No. 1434223
File: 1643948600516.jpg (160.22 KB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_20220204_142206.jpg)

>>1433913What the ever loving fuck is going on with her foot? It's not the shoe, she's lifting her heel out of the slipper.
No. 1434537
File: 1643995337169.png (36.91 KB, 598x183, eat_little_piggy.png)

mommy & daddy must be so proud
No. 1434562
>>1434063So much attention to detail.
Lovin it.
No. 1434608
File: 1644000012993.png (2.16 MB, 1080x1607, IMG_20220204_183917.png)

An insta artist who recently popped up on the Shay thread has done some more work on our unicorn 1/2
No. 1434609
File: 1644000060603.png (1.59 MB, 881x1415, IMG_20220204_184046.png)

No. 1434739
File: 1644007445517.jpg (338.59 KB, 1078x1721, IMG_20220204_204335.jpg)

Getting smaller and smaller
No. 1434891
File: 1644020352181.jpg (365.46 KB, 1080x1661, Screenshot_20220204-181750__01…)

Why is she sperging so much about Nick Avocado?
No. 1435837
File: 1644121618406.png (13.57 KB, 611x554, lol.png)

The unicorn reigns supreme.
No. 1435953
>>1435837Did she delete or get hit by the mas suspension going after edtwt users?
If the former, I wonder why. Doesn't seem like her to cut off her only attention supply.
No. 1436054
File: 1644154030465.png (25.51 KB, 890x161, oswaldslunch.png)

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome!
No. 1436184
File: 1644168204829.png (525.66 KB, 577x523, cant kill the undead i guess.p…)

>>1435997Anon I really think you're looking too into it. Reminder that her and Lucinda barely followed each other for more than 2 weeks.
Anyway, she seems to be back now.
No. 1436310
File: 1644176949031.jpg (230.86 KB, 1080x911, Screenshot_20220206-134644__01…)

>>1436054Poor mum. Imagine the constant fixing up all the clogged toilets and cleaning up her sick on the floor.
No. 1436320
>>1436316She mentioned
>>1417908 here that she gets money from the government (either food stamps or disability checks) which is arguably worse, lol
No. 1436499
File: 1644187455406.jpg (357.53 KB, 1152x2048, FK8igEZXwAAR6IO.jpeg.jpg)

Queen has blessed us with selfies of her skelly eyesockets and inability to change outfits.
No. 1436500
File: 1644187499023.jpg (355.31 KB, 1152x2048, FK8igEaXwAYHR-J.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1436882
File: 1644236909960.png (47.49 KB, 598x318, 2022-02-07 Twitter.png)

Too fat to leave the hosu3.
Everybody knows that feeling.
No. 1438972
File: 1644438539287.jpeg (Spoiler Image,321.67 KB, 1152x2048, 0DDEDC68-8213-4BC1-B1FA-DB4557…)

No. 1439123
File: 1644447663565.jpg (621.11 KB, 1080x1527, Screenshot_20220209-185941.jpg)

>>1439101Not quite. Veils have been a part of lolita attire many times, which is what she seems to prefer.
No. 1439368
File: 1644474953768.jpeg (467.03 KB, 828x926, F87388ED-E0F6-4471-9655-ADCBBC…)

No. 1440551
>>1440429>>1440063Fuhgeddaboutit. That's not just an ordinary ED with her.
We've got a full-sized Schizophrenia and other loose bits at hand and you won't cure it with a diet.
No. 1440888
>>1440656Heavy sedatives. Most likely.
Dunno if they can get her 1-on-1 care.
No. 1441066
File: 1644623776237.jpeg (422.73 KB, 1659x1080, 5D174D71-38F4-4806-A26E-E26149…)

No. 1441175
File: 1644634409336.jpg (373.56 KB, 1080x1540, Screenshot_20220211-205419__01…)

Starving gives you badly photoshopped glaucoma eyes, sweet!
No. 1441277
File: 1644650376568.jpg (225.75 KB, 673x1053, Screenshot_20220212-030541.jpg)

>>1441254I think she just means she had those beadie fat people eyes, picrel. Now she has the other end of the spectrum which is the hollow anachan eyes. When you're fat your eyes get smothered under it too like any other piece of your skin.
No. 1441325
>>1441083Detroit is a part of the US, too.
And it's a shithole aswell.
No. 1441629
File: 1644687315958.jpg (20.38 KB, 598x241, oswaldslunch Twitter.jpg)

some proper weight bragging
No. 1441670
File: 1644691763635.jpeg (Spoiler Image,119.26 KB, 1200x1200, FLasPF4XoAgBXm1.jpeg)

Sage for newfag question: How does Lucinda simultaneously have saggy tits and a cock and balls?
No. 1441696
>>1441670>>1441687Just from the standpoint of some occasional lurker, her ill-fitting underwear is one of her minor problems, methinks…
That little ghoul is on full self destruction mode.
No. 1441721
File: 1644695790625.png (401.77 KB, 594x698, lucinda.PNG)

>>1441175A rare glimpse of an unedited Lucinda.
No. 1442121
>im a bytifol uunoxorn muh mwentyal illnzz remoivs mefrum reaalutyyLucinda when somebody questions her carefully curated image
>well ACTUALLY bitch as you can see from my photo editing tutorial and this before and after I've prepared, my eyes got really skinny and that's why I look cute hope that makes things clearer for you xx No. 1442131
that would explain all the cuts
No. 1442208
>>1442146It's the same with her sitting comatose in the comfy chair all day and then taking walks in the park and working out to purge those eViL cAlOrIeS.
She's a socially inept, manipulative little brat.
No. 1442979
>>1442293You should not call those co-dependent goons of hers "friends".
On edtwt, pretty much everyone is a self-harming, attention seeking retard.
No. 1443656
File: 1644925306239.png (25.32 KB, 519x120, Twitter.png)

so much love..!
No. 1443872
>>1443656Where are all these food she keeps talking about? How come we never see her do hauls of these? She puts everything online but not these.
Is this one of those “yeah I totally eat a lot” thing people with EDs do
No. 1443895
File: 1644943983533.jpg (399.73 KB, 1080x890, Screenshot_20220215-125133.jpg)

>>1443872Ironic you should say that because it seems she posted her b/p haul yesterday.
No. 1443953
File: 1644947792452.jpeg (Spoiler Image,349.41 KB, 828x1002, A21B3AE0-7D29-4DE6-9B14-830884…)

No. 1443954
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No. 1443960
File: 1644948174865.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.9 KB, 1407x1814, 552A9044-4193-49EB-A0FF-B74447…)

84 lbs Lucinda. Gotta love how she keeps her diet coke stash on the same floor as bleach and other cleaning agents.
No. 1443970
File: 1644949279421.jpg (143.42 KB, 880x652, Minstrel_PosterBillyVanWare_ed…)

Why so serious?(racebait)
No. 1444350
>>1444096why the fuck do you want it to live
No. 1444903
>>1444130She's a nut, but not entirely helpless.
Also, she's quite skilled in manipulating and generating attention.
A childish mind.
No. 1444992
File: 1645050021549.jpeg (172.1 KB, 828x525, 494ABB8D-5F2B-42A9-A9D1-9347FD…)

Adjusting her goal weight yet again. It wasn’t long ago when she said her gw was BMI 12.
No. 1445344
File: 1645108599190.jpeg (23.05 KB, 238x475, images.jpeg)

>>1443960that's coors light, not diet coke
No. 1446373
File: 1645212228544.jpg (386.02 KB, 1080x1367, Screenshot_20220218-152238.jpg)

Yay more ribs!!1!11!!!!11 BBQ anyone?
No. 1446382
>>1446373She still has periods??? How is she not anaemic from all the b/p sessions?
She must take vitamins/minerals or something.
No. 1446471
File: 1645221714262.jpg (496.26 KB, 1152x2048, FL1HHVMWQAM2X_g.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1446474
File: 1645221819080.jpg (491.13 KB, 1152x2048, FL1HHVLXMA4nWKG.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1446786
File: 1645252141614.jpg (284.1 KB, 1080x1001, Screenshot_20220219-022435.jpg)

I wonder how her parents feel going out with her, or how she must act, say, at the grocery store? She says she's nonverbal and just shuffles around barely walking, she must act demented. Much magic, so unicorn.
No. 1446843
nonny, i guess that retarded headpiece is a dime a dozen among the uwu menhera chans rn
No. 1447433
File: 1645322254652.jpeg (329.27 KB, 828x803, FEA54CC0-C719-4E2B-B65E-2FA073…)

>>1447393So she’s been putting up this act for 6 years now.
Long “Professional” typed properly along with the emojis she wanted. That’s a lot of buttons pressed correctly.
You can’t be this stupid, anon.
No. 1448027
File: 1645389912473.jpeg (527.29 KB, 1152x2048, 1A4FD926-1400-43A4-8552-8145ED…)

What is going on with her skin??
No. 1448028
File: 1645390018688.jpeg (579.75 KB, 828x1427, 1A79DD33-386D-49FD-8ED5-939631…)

No. 1448095
File: 1645396784177.jpg (287.37 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20220220-183752.jpg)

Can't tell if she's just psychotic and delusional but I can't help but root for her a little bit, if only out of morbid curiosity and the potential for milk.
No. 1448260
File: 1645408525899.jpeg (52.61 KB, 460x345, B8A74DE8-E756-4D81-903A-BD1BD4…)

>>1448147Gotta catch them all.
No. 1448454
File: 1645435140000.jpg (182.38 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20220221-051607__01…)

>>1448147She wants to be the next EC for max pity points~
No. 1448552
>>1448543I guess we will have to see, then. This bitch has been talking about doing YT for so long now. Keeps talking about making plans, doing plans, but only posted one video so far.
It’d be interesting to watch her explain to normal people how she is a unicorn, lol.
No. 1448553
>>1448516Right like you can't say no one's gonna find her interesting while discussing her on her 6th thread lol. Clearly we're all invested.
I know kiwifarms talks about her too but the tone is waaaaay nicer. It's pity for sure, but the schizo/unicorn/anachan combo keeps them asking questions. And, like us, they also wonder when she's gonna die. If Lucinda's worried about hate she won't get it. She'll be worshipped. She is the queen, after all.
On a serious note, she has gotten a shitload of hate on edtwt from the jealous fatties. And she went viral for one of her bodychecks where everyone was calling her disgusting. If she's thinking big and planning way ahead, I think it makes sense she's worried about being torn apart. If only for the sake of like. Thinking about it as a possibility.
No. 1449335
>>1448028I don’t know why they don’t just take her to the hospital, it’s gonna cost them either way.
Reading her talk like that is so sad, the other anachans do it for attention but she is clearly so unwell, I want her to take her meds and get some therapy. She is probably the only cow I want to see get better.
No. 1449407
File: 1645543616525.jpeg (Spoiler Image,143.84 KB, 812x1045, yuck.jpeg)

new bodycheck, click only if you like beef-jerky
No. 1449412
File: 1645544293800.jpg (Spoiler Image,236.57 KB, 975x1249, FMNDuzSX0AUtEZk.jpeg.jpg)

>>1449407you forgot the best one of her grabbing herself like rotting pizza dough. i'm convinced her organs are just mush since they're not functioning and that's how she's so concave when she lies down.
No. 1449469
File: 1645550681613.jpg (451.25 KB, 1152x2048, FMNyWNJXIAgoAWR.jpeg.jpg)

new selfies in all her flabby glory. tbh good for her for going for a fresh aesthetic. she could've easily gone for for e-girl, clowncore, coquette or a million other tiktok trends. but the allicorn with wedding veil is kinda neat. i guess she really is isolated from the world.
No. 1449478
>>1449464Nta, I'm the one who said she won't get on YouTube but it's true she won't get as much hate because unlike eugenia she's not advertising anorexia as a desirable aesthetic. Even Lucinda's bodychecks are her naked scarred body without any care, styling, etc. unlike Eugenia who's both more mentally stable and sought after than Lucinda. I do feel bad for Lucinda but pretending she'd be as interesting as Eugenia to normies is delusional, she's a pity freakshow that people can only feel sorry for while Eugenia gets blamed for and hated on by both fatties and ex-anachans, that's her appeal.
>>1449469I disagree, kind of has a coquette vibe. The angel wings, white veil and melancholic look.
No. 1449661
File: 1645569175335.jpg (435.13 KB, 1152x2048, FMOxgOdXoAM67b1.jpeg.jpg)

has to be one of my favorite pictures of her. she has such a cute smile and the pigtails really suit her.
side note, she's getting really bad acne on her body. i noticed it on her body check as well. is that a malnutrition thing?
No. 1449688
>>1449661Maybe she’s been picking? In my experience picking can cause patches of what looks like acne in photos when it’s rlly picking at slight imperfections n spots n making them much worse, my thigh looked a lot like her chest at one point bc I would feel a slight difference in my skin and go to town on it til it was a small wound
Sage for mini blogpost
No. 1449754
File: 1645575372325.jpeg (201.47 KB, 828x460, E7588224-C47F-400D-8BF8-88EC4C…)

What a queen.
No. 1450003
File: 1645598443531.jpg (407.32 KB, 1152x2048, FMOxgOaXIAUXQ9l.jpeg.jpg)

>>1449754>birthday is in 2 days>1 day agoWell damn Happy Birthday, queen! Lol. I'm dying to know if she'll be having a party with extended relatives or what. But most importantly, what will be our unicorn's special birthday outfit?
No. 1450148
>>1450015Yeah, that salmon color really underlines her cutting scars. Very pretty,
No. 1450167
File: 1645629559113.png (352.95 KB, 893x482, pixels.png)

>>1450003Holy paintbrush, Batman!
No. 1450222
>>1448454>pity pointsIt's less about that and more about wanting to be the queen of the anachans. Anorexics are all competitive with eachother and want to be the
most anorexic person ever. It's the mentally ill part of their brain, but they all secretly envy Eugenia because everyone constantly points out how anorexic she is. They do the same with Lucinda but MORE people do it to Eugenia so she wants that
No. 1450286
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No. 1450287
File: 1645642603932.jpg (159.48 KB, 918x1615, FMSTuZ4WQAYEmWF.jpeg-1.jpg)

No. 1450293
File: 1645642846576.jpg (291.67 KB, 1152x2048, FMSwBAaX0AIM_EN.jpeg.jpg)

>absolutely no friends or family for a 25 year old woman's birthday party that she didn't even dress up for
Well at least she's happy.
No. 1450296
File: 1645642973397.jpg (320.15 KB, 1152x2048, FMSwBAbXEA4ZsAf.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1450328
>>1450293She dressed up
>>1450287 and her parents are probably celebrating it with her. Her mental health condition is more sad than this birthday to be honest.
No. 1450417
File: 1645648784257.jpg (653.28 KB, 1080x1518, Screenshot_20220223-145508.jpg)

The gifts look cute. The chakras mean she's been sharing her spiritual unicorn babblings with her parents and they're indulging her delusions to make her happy. Or, possibly, keep her from having psychotic fits for not being able to "connect" with the higher dimensions. Also the Haribo knowing she'll purge that too. Lord.
No. 1450434
File: 1645650036341.png (258.1 KB, 390x237, haribo.png)

>>1450417Happy purge day to you..!
No. 1450453
>>1450286>>1450287that's straight up a child's dress from macy's, no tit space at all. the color does compliment her skin tho, and she looks adorable.
>birthday girl when she's a troonkek
No. 1450778
File: 1645679758074.png (447.39 KB, 901x565, 57768138-A246-474C-BB2F-B56817…)

Sage for tinfoil, I don’t visit this thread anymore but does anyone else think Lucinda watched To The Bone and decided to base her personality on Pearl?
She’s an anorexic girl with a shaved head who’s obsessed with ponies, unicorns, and shit for little girls
No. 1451043
>>1450928She's pretty much asexual, that's how I perceive her, too.
There's no porn in fairytale country.
No. 1451074
>>1451043you know what they say?
don't stick your dick in crazy.
don't put your horn into the unicorn.
No. 1451154
File: 1645725453611.jpg (Spoiler Image,360.91 KB, 1152x2048, FMYE7aqWUAYb04s.jpeg.jpg)

>>1450928seems like it. she went from putting stickers over the crotch and areola to just shooping out the tits and vag completely. new pics.
(you need to spoil this type of shit) No. 1451249
>>1451228I think everyone does, she seems like a very sweet person who's suffering from because of her mental health and lack of medical support for the problems.
>>1451244I don't think calling an anorexic person fit or healthy is helpful, they'll only starve themselves harder because that's the whole point. Why are you bringing up eugenia though? There's pro-ana thread for that.
No. 1451274
>>1451268here you go retard:
The Aughties refers to the decade between 2000-2009. All the terms, "The Aughties", "the Aughts", "the Noughties", or "the Oughties" stands for the years 2000-2009. The words "aught" and "ought" refers to "nothing", "zero" as a noun. No. 1451378
File: 1645744899735.png (97.85 KB, 891x517, 1645741419365.png)

Our queen has officially reached "there are bugs under my skin" levels of schizo.
No. 1451381
File: 1645744971493.png (415.53 KB, 888x683, 1645741445005.png)

>>1451378This shit is just sad.
No. 1451384
File: 1645745170912.png (379.46 KB, 896x646, 1645741456763.png)

>>1451381It's literally just hair. And I actually doubt it's growing in, unless it's the lanugo bothering her and making her itchy. Otherwise feelsbadman. She still obviously believes this shit and is clawing herself apart.
No. 1451386
File: 1645745410521.jpg (Spoiler Image,284.26 KB, 2048x2048, FMZGkoqWYAADdSz.jpeg.jpg)

>>1451384Here are the "bug legs growing in", farmers. Featuring glorious lanugo in HD.
No. 1451814
File: 1645800789681.jpg (400.48 KB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20220225-091035.jpg)

there's an edtwt 'smash or pass' thread and lucinda came in second after ambrose, who isn't even on twitter anymore which technically puts lucinda on top, which kind of shows her 'status' so to speak. impressive. i found it amusing they all said 'pass' in pretty aggressive ways, calling her a freak etc. then when you go on their profiles either their aesthetics are sh menhera or they're just anachans complaining about not losing weight. surely they can't hide their jealousy forever by claiming she outed a fujoshi or is a pedophile for posting censored body checks.
No. 1452139
File: 1645832762209.jpg (351.63 KB, 1080x1356, Screenshot_20220225-194315.jpg)

This shit is genuinely surreal when it's put side by side. And the fact that there will be an updated one when she reaches her new goal of 65lbs. I'm genuinely speechless.
No. 1452141
File: 1645832829757.jpg (282.2 KB, 1080x734, Screenshot_20220225-194333.jpg)

>>1452139Like my mind just cannot comprehend these two images put together lol.
No. 1452301
File: 1645848205504.jpg (38.86 KB, 570x426, 5d01d037250000a013e13f5a.jpeg.…)

>>1452299Like. Not only did Lucinda start at a higher weight than this lady she's gotten to an even lower weight. No way she doesn't have excess belly skin she's stretching away with the sucking in. Not to mention she has no food, water, piss, or shit in her, so she can suck in deep. She couldn't hide it when she posted her legs. Her inner thighs were rippled like a bad shoop job from all the hanging loose skin.
No. 1452495
File: 1645890382926.jpg (269.64 KB, 720x1052, 20220226_111616.jpg)

>>1452435and she continues to slay
No. 1452499
File: 1645890641310.jpg (249.31 KB, 720x844, 20220226_113412.jpg)

>>1452495same user qt'ed her earlier with a wholeass lie which lucinda debunked lol
No. 1452532
>>1452499Even if Lucinda stopped posting body checks, these impressionable children are
still on edtwt kek. They just hate Lucinda and want to cancel her, let's be real.
No. 1452534
File: 1645894346632.jpg (662.88 KB, 1080x1379, Screenshot_20220226-124324.jpg)

>>1452495The poses are so deliciously obnoxious and adorable. This is why she's the queen.
No. 1452537
>>1452532don't be foolish anon all these (fat)children will be cured of their ed's(fasting for 2 days then eating everything in the house for 5) when lucinda deletes her account. god knows they
need recovery, they're in the middle of a binge cycle and it's all the anorexic unicorn's fault! drive her out! free them all!
No. 1452541
>>1452532I still can’t believe they do the
>won’t anyone think of the children!!While doing exactly what harms them, the bitches complaining about Lucinda being adored by Edtwt just wish they could wear her skin and be the ones being adored by le impressionable childrems and enabled by their families.
In the end they sound like those pedos who talk about not interacting with minors uwu but who groom them in discord servers and shit.
No. 1452543
File: 1645895968697.jpg (220.88 KB, 1080x732, Screenshot_20220226-130928.jpg)

>>1452495>>1452532Girlie posted this the same day she was whining about Lucinda sucking it in welp.
No. 1452595
File: 1645901870199.jpg (377.25 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20220226_143544.jpg)

>>1452495sh scars, massive bush, bunched panties, wrinkles, saggy tits, stretch marks, saggy belly. white wig. unicorn. chicken run. as far as edtwt goes she's a breath of fresh air from the dior french cigarette coquettes and kuromi monster energy demonia clones and bts stans. she just rolled up in her ball of schizo and took the crown.
No. 1452608
File: 1645904040982.jpg (762.45 KB, 828x1158, 1645497187346.jpeg.jpg)

>>1452601she's doing the unicorn thing too lol. def a lucinda fan.
No. 1452739
File: 1645915527569.jpg (627.77 KB, 828x1358, 1643993974877.jpeg.jpg)

>>1452608>>1452601Luna's been going on about trying to lose weight for a while so like many fatties she probably looks up to Lucinda since she started off at a higher weight. Shit's sad, though. I've been following Tuna for ages and Lucinda is like. Everything Luna wants to be. It actually must be sad for her to watch someone pop up with her dream aesthetic years after she's a washed up fatass.
No. 1452848
File: 1645923132265.jpg (1.63 MB, 2560x1920, 22-02-26-20-28-46-370_deco.jpg)

>>1452786>>1452771>>1452739i'm honestly offended. i had no idea this hambeast junkie had become a luci wannabe at some point during her spiderlash and crusty foundation lips horror show. is this why she started abusing filters lmao?
the fucking hilarity of it being too late for tuna to be rebranding as a great value lucinda when they're the same. exact. age. bye.
No. 1452874
File: 1645926184134.png (39.71 KB, 157x249, image_2022-02-27_094246.png)

>>1452534Unicorn queen even dressed up as what she drew before.
No. 1452914
>>1452912Not any headband like it, mind you, because it’s a staple in their aesthetics I’m talking about this
specific one.
No. 1452966
File: 1645935189161.jpg (1.7 MB, 2560x1920, 22-02-27-00-11-46-357_deco.jpg)

>>1452912>>1452914tuna isn't into lolita lmfaoooooo she's been into kawaii shite since like 2012 and she's never worn either a coord or a cheap knockoff one of her aliexpress junk buys she has consistently dressed like a coquette nymphette uwu lolita abuse me daddy dolly since her tumblr heroin days and now just dresses like any other gen-z egirl on tiktok except worse because nothing fits her gargantuan body. literally no one wears the headdresses with the bunny ears because they're retarded.
no one is saying lucinda is a bunny ear trendsetter we're saying luna sees in lucinda everything she wishes she was and the bunny ear headband was a hilariously obvious copycat move since lucinda's been wearing
that pink one since fucking may, plus a bunch of other times, and tuna got her pink one this month lmfao. luna has been going on about trying to lose weight now that she's """""sober""""" and gaining and lucinda is a big thinspo for the ones who are starting off 100kg+ like her.
we repeat: tuna is riding lucinda's dick and our frail queen cannot breathe
(unsaged sperg) No. 1453664
File: 1646017370127.jpg (171.58 KB, 720x604, 20220227_230828.jpg)

things were kind of dark in unicorn town today
No. 1453666
File: 1646017487392.jpg (196.99 KB, 720x841, 20220227_230853.jpg)

more weight loss, which is just extremely depressing at this point
No. 1453667
File: 1646017644662.jpg (228.97 KB, 720x744, 20220227_230913.jpg)

like, very, very depressing
No. 1453675
File: 1646017949204.jpg (470.31 KB, 1152x2048, FMotjzlXsAcqgrM.jpeg.jpg)

new selfies were cute though
No. 1453676
File: 1646018017402.jpg (426.01 KB, 1152x2048, FMotjzgX0AEHKtW.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1454563
File: 1646116755071.jpg (478.99 KB, 1080x1099, Screenshot_20220301-023640.jpg)

today's category was: body checks
No. 1454565
File: 1646116811198.jpg (452.7 KB, 1080x1102, Screenshot_20220301-023038.jpg)

No. 1454566
File: 1646117057032.jpg (515.29 KB, 1080x1166, Screenshot_20220301-024356.jpg)

No. 1454570
File: 1646117219346.jpg (501.14 KB, 1080x1232, Screenshot_20220301-023449.jpg)

wouldn't be our unicorn queen if she didn't share with us her wisdom on planetary multiverses and anorexia unlocking unicorn powers
No. 1454571
File: 1646117496468.jpg (169.66 KB, 1080x473, Screenshot_20220301-023332.jpg)

she's seemingly convinced doctors will kill her and won't go near hospitals now so that might explain the no medical interference? is she being medicated at all at this point? she made a joke about seeing her psychiatrist but how can they keep seeing her when she refuses medication and clearly gets worse?
No. 1455239
File: 1646182867846.png (1.89 MB, 1424x3084, groomer.png)

anyone gonna talk about how she promotes relapsing to literal children?
No. 1455357
>>1455239it's a fact forced recovery among kids ends in relapses. you can't force mental illness recovery with a meal plan. luci just said in the future they'll have a choice. that's not promoting anything. promoting isn't even the word, she's not a billboard. she was just talking to one person, not broadcasting a message. she's
actually publicly called for recovery while acknowledging there's no need to shame mentally ill people for existing. you're reaching.
No. 1455644
>>1455239If Lucinda wrote her a walltext on why she should recover and deleted that girl would still be anorexic, because Lucinda didn't cause her anorexia and people repeating to you health risks won't make you stop the root of the mental illness feeding your eating disorder. Lucinda isn't a doctor. That kid's likely been following her long enough to read Lucinda's tweets encouraging recovery and showing how much her anorexia is destroying her body. That child doesn't care.
All Lucinda did was comfort an anorexic child in forced recovery, which can be traumatizing since she's clearly still on edtwt and determined to lose again since she's still ill and likely got shit treatment. She didn't recover and doesn't want to. Lucinda understood that. All she tweeted was that she'd have the freedom of choice once her treatment is over, which includes recovery. And the girl tweeted that it made her feel better. Wow, almost like that's not such a bad thing.
No. 1455682
File: 1646231458677.jpg (144.34 KB, 1080x1294, IMG_20220302_103436.jpg)

in case anyone was curious, lucinda posted this. lord is she an overachiever. i've never heard of anyone cutting on their head and neck. i guess they were cat scratches because she didn't count them as scars.
No. 1455701
>>1455239Yeah, that’s not grooming, grooming is what trannies do in discord and dms telling kids that maybe they should take cross-sex hormones and mutilate their bodies.
Isn’t it more worrying the fact that a 13 years old child is in EDTWT and that you’re not reporting her account to Twitter?
You retards always talk about thinking of the children but won’t report their accounts so twitter shuts them down because you want their attention too, you’re disgusting.
No. 1455740
>>1455239>the pink "13">the red "child">caps lock>large impact fontthis edit is killing me. kudos for drama,
No. 1455952
>>1455749they will disappear after some months up to years
deep cuts leave permanent scars, but even those will fade, but you can always find them if you look closely. Cat scratches after max 2 years (if not infected) are gone, impossible to find them
(sage) No. 1455997
>>1455721>>1455952healing of (self harm) scars is different for everyone. I had very shallow cuts (like cat scratches and not infected) and can still see the scars after 20 years and yes, most scars will fade, but you will still see them. I don't think that Lucinda will ever have a possibility of a body without scars, if she even lives that long. She also won't have scars if she bruises herself and I think that's the pink part of her chart.
I always felt like these pictures are just a thing to brag about how fucked up you are and how many scars mark your body. Maybe nice for your therapist to know, but self-harm shouldn't be a competition.
No. 1455999
File: 1646255446103.jpg (292.7 KB, 1152x2048, FM3ipR7X0AEWhBc.jpeg.jpg)

she's been doing an all white casual aesthetic which is really pretty, not the typical rainbow splash unicorn but not the folk fairy look either. almost angelic but youthful and flawed too with the cuts and acne and all.
on a side note, the malnutrition and complete lack of multivitamins is really taking a toll on the color of her skin. it's just patchy and visibly sickly. i remember when the eyebags looked out of place because her skin was so clear.
No. 1456002
File: 1646255567588.jpg (321.88 KB, 1152x2048, FM3ipSJX0AUVxU-.jpeg.jpg)

better look at the skin on her face.
No. 1456266
>>1456002the hypertrophic scarring on her chest is so bad
she might just be predisposed to scarring like that but it's not easy to cover up
No. 1456448
>>1456432Everything in Puerto Rico is a joke. Homes for the elderly are riddled with abuse and neglect, cops and teachers retire with a $500 pensìon, roads are destroyed with potholes, 60% of high schoolers failing and ending up in summer school, public hospitals that are half abandoned with equipment from the 70's due to lack of funding, teenage girls with boyfriends having kids so they can get government money on top of the money their boyfriends make and they can buy flatscreen tv's and gucci. homeless people scooped up off the streets and shipped to abandoned buildings in nyc under the fake promise they're going to rehab just to clean up the street.
it's trash here. really it is. everything is an unpleasant experience. you have to sit and wait 8 hours to see a doctor
with an appointment. the appointment is to get in queue for an appointment with people who got there at 4am.
and that's just everyday life. now imagine a psychiatric hospital with archaic views on both schizophrenia and eating disorders. they'd probably just dope her up until she's drooling and quiet and call it progress. lucinda said it was all an insurance scam, so they could easily say she isn't getting better just to keep her locked up indefinitely to squeeze money out of her insurance plan. it's literally that bad here lol.
No. 1457149
File: 1646351200930.jpeg (393.54 KB, 828x891, 73A33D02-5BF9-4F2E-9D57-A02899…)

No. 1458414
File: 1646479067720.png (479.64 KB, 593x724, nftshillers.PNG)

Are the NFT artists legit trying to profit off Lucinda? Pretty scummy.
No. 1458871
File: 1646526983697.png (547.18 KB, 828x1792, 3CA7ABB1-D70A-44FD-B81A-CDADEF…)

She has some takes
No. 1459046
File: 1646545021801.jpg (273.17 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20220306-013525.jpg)

You missed the part where she casually said she was planning on cutting her tits off herself since she's too thin for top surgery.
No. 1459104
File: 1646549635932.png (247.6 KB, 512x512, image (1).png)

>>1459046Just Imagine being a paramedic and this case comes rolling in.
No. 1459438
File: 1646590234679.jpeg (353.74 KB, 828x1053, D1A17D52-3A3D-4BDC-8671-E52EC4…)

Wasn’t she a Larry shipper lol she’s right though
No. 1461035
File: 1646730231355.jpeg (551.5 KB, 828x871, E8A9D1A4-868D-427B-8AE4-39D742…)

I really think she’s fucking with us sometimes kek
No. 1461772
File: 1646797152510.jpeg (Spoiler Image,560.62 KB, 1458x2592, 8D8F15DC-5AC6-4188-B662-118874…)

Fucking hell
No. 1461773
File: 1646797220737.jpeg (827.05 KB, 1601x1270, DFEF149E-A0EF-4737-B940-D29137…)

She’s back to cutting I guess?
No. 1461907
File: 1646811335524.jpeg (250.63 KB, 828x484, 8171D3CF-A767-4ED6-914F-EC0CA0…)

>>1461773Looks to be the case. I wonder who she made the promise to.
No. 1461909
File: 1646811491459.jpeg (46.62 KB, 503x265, D627D21E-BCC7-439A-9112-B2C8B2…)

sage for samefagging but she posted this earlier too. it’s not even funny, just sad.
No. 1461929
>>1461777 In kanyefags eyes he's a god so…
>>1460376Back to celebricows, Lsa-chan.
No. 1462075
File: 1646836459919.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.79 KB, 1152x2048, FNaUze8XMAct8sv.jpeg.jpg)

This is actually so fucking disgusting and depressing. She's clearly lost more weight and is currently celebrating her self harm relapse saying she'll be cutting every day so she can "finally" be scarred all over her body.
No. 1462369
File: 1646863603851.jpeg (571.15 KB, 828x1319, FB4F127E-B395-409C-8085-46A02F…)

I found this tweet interesting. So why don’t her parents force her to the states?
No. 1462550
File: 1646873425209.jpg (265.85 KB, 1080x1644, Screenshot_20220309-204802__01…)

>>1461907It was her parents being understandably frustrated with her. It's sad to see how far gone she's in her delusions, her parents must be traumatized.
No. 1463312
File: 1646950352828.jpg (39.75 KB, 535x548, b56h5df6hdz.jpg)

No. 1463313
File: 1646950417253.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.5 KB, 536x473, i56k5yhf6jcf.jpg)

No. 1463329
File: 1646951397148.jpg (19.95 KB, 541x115, 5g6fj5d6j5d6.jpg)

No. 1463332
File: 1646951536943.jpg (25.45 KB, 529x140, h5g6fh5d6dh.jpg)

No. 1463408
File: 1646957339924.jpg (282.93 KB, 1080x1355, Screenshot_20220310-200701__01…)

>>1463320Lucinda has a bunch of enablers that congratulate her and egg her on whenever she fucks herself up. This guy was giving advice on how she should cut the bottom of her feet so Lucinda's mom wouldn't notice.
No. 1463800
>>1463313>>1463332autist anon here but I feel so bad for her. when I was at my worst depression i felt 'jealous' of people who could SH (like that deep) before. She must be really suffering..
I hate to say I really think this might be the last year for her with the enablers and how quick shes losing weight. So sad. I just wanna see her succeed.. she reminds me of n2f. A little wacky and needs help but we love them
No. 1464547
File: 1647048188429.jpeg (Spoiler Image,557.21 KB, 828x1104, ACA53E2A-0D1D-46E2-822D-FF3FB5…)

Oh no no no
No. 1464590
>>1464547:(( always cutting on the chest/arms/legs. I feel so sad for her. She really doesn't deserve this.
Anyone know why her parents haven't locked up all the tools or objects?maybe at this point it's better than using something else n risking infection? soo sad
(:(() No. 1465217
File: 1647108337796.png (Spoiler Image,355.66 KB, 583x907, Screen Shot 2022-03-13 at 1.59…)

>>1453666Feb 18, 84 pounds
Feb 27, 81 pounds (9 days later)
Today, March 13, still 81 pounds, 14 days later.
Maybe it is true that at some point, you stop losing weight regardless of how long you fast.
Also, how can she stop self-harming when she's applauded and envied for doing so?
No. 1466310
File: 1647187508322.jpeg (Spoiler Image,449.5 KB, 1152x2048, A4C0B935-81E5-44F5-B1AB-05C464…)

No. 1467227
File: 1647264218968.jpg (38.43 KB, 478x597,…)

She's 100% skinwalking Hannah Rose Dalton from Matieres Fecales.
No. 1467429
File: 1647279206515.jpg (1.78 MB, 4096x2545, 1595659906895.jpg)

>>1466310They don't look infected to me, just sore. Y'all believe this malingering cow way too much. She's just exaggerating to get us riled up for attention. It's obvious she reads this thread and gets off from people being shocked by her antics. I find it very hard to believe that she's capable of writing a legible 12k word count smut fic, yet magically can't type for shit. No "proofreader" is going to willingly go through a 12k word count of gibberish "tpppedfl liehk dissggf" at the speed she's posting her work.
Wake up and smell the cow pies, nonas.
No. 1467507
>>1467429Exactly, some of these nonas would believe the “muh brother proofreads it” reason. Wake up. Her typing is so bad that her brother would have to re-type everything she writes. Is he that unoccupied?
I’m starting to think some of you willingly delude yourselves to believe her lies just so this cow will be milky.
No. 1468402
File: 1647328011953.jpeg (428.03 KB, 828x588, 8AAE5298-7711-46DE-A208-4C9397…)

I personally don’t buy that she fainted without anyone noticing. That’s gonna be one clogged toilet.
No. 1468443
>>1467693It’s the same ones who believe her when she says she’s not trying to white wash her photos, that it’s just lighting, while consistently editing her photos to make her skin paler and whiter.
I’m bored of this cow now. Ambrose was the only enjoyable arc.
No. 1468515
File: 1647345839010.jpg (13.7 KB, 426x357, e44fca55a6fb861266d2674f7bed40…)

>>1468402I love the retarded cycle of purgerers. Instead of buying PROTEIN based foods, or veggies, they fill up their bodies with
toxic carbs and process foods and they feel guilty and drepressed afterwards.
Well maybe if you had an ACTUAL diet with lean meats, very low carbs and fresh produce, maybe retard you wouldn't be throwing up all those toxins out of your body.
I can have a pizza or two a month, maybe… but with people who purge is either super high carb products or sugar infused crap, like.. there's other things in the grocery store ffs.
I simply believe they had no education when it comes to eating and had no traditional or homemade cooking around their household, that eventually while having no standards ends up in them eating random shit all the time.
(sage your blog) No. 1469666
File: 1647416318779.jpeg (468.67 KB, 828x1026, BF8C205F-B516-4566-A7E8-714DD6…)

the unicorn popped off
No. 1469776
>>1469666she needs to pop off the lid to some antipsychotics
>he was like scary heartless psycho cannibla oooo so cool OK how does he feel knowing kinned gay meowmeow in love with empath who liked fishing and dogs and wnd all he ever wanted was love <3wtf does this even MEAN
No. 1470130
File: 1647450309203.jpeg (569.97 KB, 828x1179, 682B2B88-7A79-4100-8E1C-D32F1A…)

Damn, finally there’s a real chance for her to upload new YT vids.
No. 1470156
File: 1647451655095.png (437.75 KB, 531x586, lucinda_edtwt_&_shtwt_(@oswald…)

>>1469890Also, something I've noticed but she's started making … reaction images? Out of her own face. It feels like she wants people here to start saving them and using them for meme purposes.
No. 1470173
File: 1647452311365.png (3.69 KB, 683x95, Screenshot (65).png)

>>1469680i seriously think this might have been her, from the twitch thread talking about emiru
No. 1470187
>>1470164MTE. it really does feel like she's trying to force herself as a meme. Her moment of fame on EDtwt is dying down, most people there either silently wait for her death, or are uncomfortable with her nude bodychecks. I feel like she's gonna "snap" again and go after some other user, though I don't know who.
>>1470173Interesting find, that does read a lot like her.
No. 1470222
>>1470219How is it a tinfoil? It's been something she's been doing for a while, and talked about before. Calm down,
triggered unicorn bestie.
No. 1470785
File: 1647477636788.jpg (524.8 KB, 1152x2048, FN-_IZbWQAcDH5r.jpeg.jpg)

just depressing how thin she's gotten. never stops.
No. 1470786
File: 1647477662315.jpg (395.06 KB, 1152x2048, FN-_IZcXIAcY7RJ.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1470794
File: 1647478041841.jpg (317.71 KB, 1080x745, Screenshot_20220316-204458.jpg)

No. 1470984
>>1470979you're forgetting our unicow has a bush to shoop out
nonnie. in any case that thigh gap has been consistent and she said she'll be posting tiktok videos - i'm sure her inevitable bodychecks will reveal the truth.
No. 1470987
File: 1647487149989.jpg (387.99 KB, 1152x2048, FN_ixWFX0AMMLQu.jpeg.jpg)

>>1470982you can see on her right thigh it wiggles the same. look up excess skin from weight loss. it sits like a turd pile. she went from like 100kg to 35kg with 0 muscle mass you can see the texture of her whole thigh is lumpy lol.
No. 1471191
>>1471090To me by looks the tile line is hidden behind fabric, the hard line "crotch" isn't the actual ending of the fabric. You can tell better by the second picture
>>1470786The camera grain is awful, but the off pink colour continues past where you'd assume a end to the costume would be. Could be wrong though.
No. 1471230
>>1471204and she said she could only weigh herself at the pharmacy where I’m assuming she doesn’t strip naked so she would have to subtract a few pounds because of clothes? And go there quite frequently too.
Did she mention getting her own scale? I don’t follow her on twitter
No. 1471244
>>1471230Don’t worry, anon. Now that that’s posted here, the unicorn will magically receive a scale.
I wouldn’t put it past her to lie about her actual weight.
No. 1471553
File: 1647534368337.jpeg (Spoiler Image,393.58 KB, 1152x2048, 189EABDF-773D-44B4-BA14-6E4452…)

No. 1472134
File: 1647562232536.png (77.68 KB, 590x448, lucinda.png)

why am i doing this instead of my work
No. 1472135
File: 1647562258803.webm (2.26 MB, 480x640, walking.webm)
No. 1472137
File: 1647562292250.webm (1.63 MB, 480x640, chairs.webm)
video from the last tweet
No. 1472604
File: 1647592440624.jpeg (310.05 KB, 750x660, DFC567E0-8051-4313-BAFA-E2F334…)

Somebody didn’t believe she was 78lbs so she took her brother’s scale and turns out she’s actually 75lbs
No. 1472706
>>1472613welcome to edtwt. no one actually wants you to reach your gw. they just want another fat kid to make accountability threads and fail with them. they're happy to join in the celebration when someone gloats that they're finally no longer overweight and are carefully logging their oatmeal and quest bar omads. lucinda just vomits. she's extremely self destructive. just last night she tweeted she doesn't drink water. it's depressing.
besides, lucinda's a terrifying looking sliced up skelly not the lily rose depp type edtwt goes for, so she cut her demographic short ever since she added "shtwt" to her user. if they follow someone skinny it's to get tips off their tweets, and all lucinda does is say her body has adapted to vomiting everything she eats in between sanrio and hannibal shipping.
No. 1473144
File: 1647632069900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,407.41 KB, 828x919, 5926A2AE-8302-4EA0-A4D9-9E4DB5…)

No. 1473608
>>1473203She says she is 5'6, she looks no thinner than a friend of mine who is the same height and weighs 110-115 pounds. There's absolutely no way she is under 100.
She can pop those collarbone out and edit her lumpy body all she wants for photos. Whatever makes her feel validated I guess.
No. 1473711
>>1473608she's covered in thick loose skin, she's not gonna look like the bony bmi 12 girls that hourly thinspo bots pump out when they're just guessing stats themselves. she posted a picture of her scale. just seethe and go.
this is giving me flashbacks to when people didn't believe she was really schizophrenic and then she doxxed herself with a wholeass certified medical diagnosis that even showed she was fucking retarded lmao
No. 1473717
>>1473675LARPing as someone with a lower weight and higher height isn't exactly uncommon in edtwt so..
She just posted a vid of her showing how loose her skin is. Maybe tomorrow she'll post a video of her weighing herself to prove she's not cheating the scale.
No. 1473728
>>1473711>seethe and goDo you not realize where you are? Don’t use words to try and fit in. This is not a hugbox. People can criticize or ask questions, debate, and
gossip. Take your own advice. Just because you know how to sage doesn’t mean you belong here.
>flashbacksHave you actually been here for longer than lucindas threads been here and participated in, not just lurking, anything besides this and ot?? Like I said, take your own advice.
No. 1473942
>>1473889you could take a video and then scroll through to take a screenshot when it hits the "goal" weight
just spitballing ideas here
No. 1474065
File: 1647711051202.jpg (501.27 KB, 1152x2048, FOOoAxGWYAoue5n.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1474287
File: 1647722085966.jpeg (392.9 KB, 1044x634, 3C303C73-652B-4957-9B59-7FBCCE…)

>>1474065sage for dumb observation but when I was very malnourished, the lunulae on my nails completely disappeared. it’s been years and they still never came back. it’s possible she never had them, some people don’t, or it’s possible it’s from something else, but this could also be another sign that her body is deteriorating (as if that’s not completely obvious). it’s a known sign of malnourishment or other deficiencies. it’s also a sign of kidney failure.
this is just getting frustrating and annoying to watch.
No. 1474807
File: 1647756787855.jpg (59.72 KB, 553x792, ouch her ovaries.jpg)

This made me laugh.
No. 1474896
>>1473144God this would be so hard to recover from, she needs like a professional PROFESSIONAL team. I don't think she'd lie about her weight but shes literally just excess skin & bone. It's like putting a blanket over eugenia, she would still be skinny, just covered in a blanket
>>1474807She's actually hilarious and doesn't censor at all, I'm glad she still kept her sense of humor throughout everything
No. 1475452
>>1473757In the videos and some photos her skin doesn't even look that loose. It's noticeable around her stomach and chest, but not elsewhere. She could easily stand on a scale on a bath mat or carpet and it'd register lighter, try it for yourself.
I'm not doubting she's ill, but I don't believe she's 75 pounds. There is still fat under the skin on her arms and legs, even if it's not much.
No. 1475484
File: 1647819526319.png (280.73 KB, 1536x864, Untitled.png)

lowkey tinfoil but if someone wants to try to do this lol. it's either a 16in sq tile or a 12in sq tile. Assuming she is a size six matches up with a 6.3in foot and the 12in tile.
No. 1475833
>>1475484try to do.. what? measure her feet?
anon please take your meds
No. 1475851
File: 1647841813820.jpeg (981.99 KB, 1536x1526, 7B67843C-0E1D-4FF8-84A5-7F0584…)

No. 1475853
File: 1647841864960.jpeg (746.38 KB, 1458x2592, 7A73D2A9-6A0C-4D88-B203-5D94F2…)

Looking extra sped-y
No. 1476260
File: 1647883811214.png (1.37 MB, 755x1233, Screenshot_20220321-102904.png)

>>1475853The white hair and dark eyes give me emaciated doll vibes from Bloodborne, especially when she wears anything frilly or a headdress/hair band. Maybe it's just the vacuous stare that gives me that impression. I kind of like it? Better than her real hair and moomoo gown.
No. 1476633
File: 1647910822058.png (277.93 KB, 373x367, 147052770514.png)

>>1476260I actually dig her moo-moos,
she's the pioneer of the MeSalve/Capri-core aesthetic.
No. 1477148
File: 1647959704111.png (294.2 KB, 358x396, yeah he's totally fine.PNG)

>>1477101no, she's the new pt. a lovable disgusting pitiful trainwreck
her aesthetic is foul and she looks like someone's abuela lost her dog and now she's shambling around outside hoping it comes back to her on its own since she'll break a hip if she tries to run
she is wretched; it's just that some of us just prefer to adopt a 23 year old toothless Chinese crested hound instead of a cute poodle
No. 1477190
>>1477148No, she's not. Stop trying to make that ~uwu she's the new Pt u guyzzz~ happens. It's cringe.
PT never came here to selfpost and defends herself (but also on KF…look up the "scrungly" user, it's obviously her or one of her calves. Very active on the Eugenia Cooney thread and spouting their usual WK bs on the Munchida one. What a coincidence, right ? Kek)
We keep asking for a post reveal for months but alas, LC is so dead rn that I've lost any hope to have one.
No. 1477372
File: 1647974973693.jpeg (476.09 KB, 1152x2048, 49B11411-DF1E-42EE-9F26-30727D…)

Kind of a slay?
No. 1479041
File: 1648066953063.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.39 KB, 680x680, FOjoT0ZXoAUBU8P.jpg)

good lord she's lost so much weight her excess skin is literally just hanging off her. that shit must feel so uncomfortable.
No. 1479283
File: 1648077090017.jpg (400.48 KB, 1080x1277, Screenshot_20220323-190133.jpg)

>>1479165she's almost bmi 11. i can't imagine the state of her body between pissing herself, vomiting, and starving for over 5 years. shit's terrifying. i guess this is what happens when a schizophrenic meets an eating disorder. truly a cautionary tale.
No. 1479287
File: 1648077279570.jpg (476.87 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_20220323-190104.jpg)

>>1479283i mean you seriously have to be out of your fucking mind to post this in complete confidence and be proud? this is hideous. her family must be gutted watching her do this to herself. can she really not be forcibly hospitalized?
No. 1479342
>>1479283>a cautionary tale.To old couples who try to conceive, even men has a biological clock before they start producing schizophrenic sperm.
As for Lucinda, How much longer do you all think she have before she dies?
No. 1479611
>>14792871) sage
2) i feel like she’s lying about her weight or has a malfunctioning scale, because at 5’6” in the photo where she’s claiming to be 135 she looks more 150. her arms and chest didn’t have crazy loose skin yet, the inside of her body looks close to her skin. even at what she’s saying is “75”, at 5’6” i know she would be a little more gaunt if that were an accurate number.
No. 1479872
File: 1648136222408.jpeg (413.78 KB, 828x1336, C5EB418F-0FE9-42E8-A7C6-5B1806…)

>>1479745Honestly, until there is a video of her weighing herself, I will not believe 75 lbs. Are we really going to believe this story involving her brother when she could easily take a pic of the scale in the pharmacy she supposedly weighs herself?
Like, all those months, no photo of the pharmacy scale? Please.
I think she lied about her weight when she was fat (like subtract 10 pounds from the actual weight) and just kept doing it and now we are at a point where 10 pounds difference is massive.
No. 1480041
>>1479961>lying sack of shitcalm your a-loging,
Personally I
hope she's lying. I'd much rather her fib about being 70lbs than actually starve herself to 70lbs. But then again, I'm a normal person. You ana-chans are weird.
No. 1480059
File: 1648149857331.jpeg (418.8 KB, 828x865, A8C684CF-AD25-4FEB-AC6E-221B9A…)

kek why
No. 1480115
File: 1648154107197.png (436.6 KB, 720x1309, Screenshot_20220324-163415-404…)

Oh shit
No. 1480557
File: 1648177220117.jpeg (679.01 KB, 828x1350, 7F342AB9-33B6-4903-AA22-B6E494…)

kraft mac and cheese requires milk, right
No. 1481026
>>1480783Probably, yeah. Except loose skin doesn't even weigh that much especially in her case.
This sudden recovery era just when we're discussing her lying about her weight is so convenient. Probably going to gradually "gain a couple of pounds" until her lie is not as obvious anymore.
In the edited photos, she's a pale white girl, with bones protruding everywhere. Props for learning the dodge and burn tool.
But the videos she posted tells a different story. Her body is of a 120-130 lbs, or even more if we add the weight of loose skin. I'm sorry but she is not "scary" thin as some people think.
If these were true, her loyalty to anorexia/bulimia also isn't real then. The supposed months of starvation and puking literally everything. She'd actually be 75 lbs right now and deathly skinny if they were real.
… but, of course, we will never know the truth. You be the judge.
No. 1481342
>>1481026130 pounds is a HUGE stretch anon
She's 100 pounds max. When she pulls her skin there is nothing underneath it. She's basically wearing a hoodie made of her own skin
No. 1481364
File: 1648244037017.png (615.51 KB, 487x884, luci3.PNG)

No. 1481400
>>1481364How is she able to stomach all that?
I wonder if she’s actually been starving and purging as much as she implies.
But if this is true than good for her I hope this lasts more than a week.
No. 1481915
File: 1648294184227.png (53.42 KB, 890x213, oswaldslunch.png)

Having VISIOSN, gifts, conencted to the 5D didmensionmension. Huamns don't understand.
Sure, Jan.
No. 1482802
File: 1648349351307.jpg (246.82 KB, 720x696, 20220326_225135.jpg)

is this shit normal? i'm pleasantly surprised though, it's nice to see her being so positive about the changes.
No. 1483049
File: 1648361292760.jpg (5.58 KB, 250x250, shiggy.jpg)

>>1482763Wasn't she basically disabled last week,
>>1472137 barely able to walk? Now she's bouncing all around like nothing was ever wrong with her…
No. 1483616
File: 1648393842741.jpeg (451.85 KB, 828x1271, CD4D3793-27E9-435C-9CE4-E84F62…)

No. 1483883
File: 1648409793566.jpeg (442.96 KB, 828x896, B9789F05-1887-4FC1-8F3A-CD85C7…)

Also, she’s apparently making her YouTube comeback tomorrow.
No. 1484811
File: 1648462819963.jpg (471.63 KB, 1080x1402, Screenshot_20220328-031901_Adb…)

No. 1484901
>>1484811this is gonna be some true fucking gem.
looking forward to her brain cells misfiring like hell.
No. 1484944
>>1484818It’s oswaldslunchy. Her bio has her socials.
Didn’t she say she bought and waited for her laptop before she can make a video because she will edit with it? But she’s editing using her phone for this new video. Just kinda weird since you can edit more efficiently and render faster when using a laptop.
No. 1484946
File: 1648478527726.jpg (514.17 KB, 1622x2560, 22-03-28-10-39-18-317_deco.jpg)

Sage for no milk
Following up on the speculation of her manipulating the scale, I did a comparison of my scale on the floor vs on a bath mat.
No. 1485015
>>1485004so she doesn't do the stammering trainwreck routine any more..?
almost no twitches and spasms at all, and I don't think it's because of a proper editing.
what a little calculating fraud she is.
and I don't believe her 75 lb routine, either.
No. 1485028
>>1485009Okay I was the anon defending her and I take it back she’s definitely less retardy in this video but there is a year between these and stammering and brain fog can be down to medication and can be different day to day
Honestly I’m just hoping luci isn’t a complete and utter fraud and liar I’ve become quite fond of her as cringe as that is
No. 1485077
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>>1485004These seem more accurate at this point.
No. 1485079
>>1485009she said immediately after uploading that one that she stuttered because she was excited, and that it wasn't likely that she would sound the same in her next video. you guys are such newfags lol.
>>1485057right you can clearly tell something is wrong with her even with all the editing. she twitches a lot and seems somewhat monotonous, which is consistent with schizophrenia. there's periods of psychosis and catatonia and complete changes in personality, which i think is pretty consistent with what we're seeing.
>>1485077if this were the case she'd be acting the same as in the first video, if not wilder since her fanbase increased. larpers love exploitation and shock value and are dedicated method actors. tiktok tourettes larpers have proved that.
No. 1485117
>>1485028imo it's just completely unbelievable that she would drop the ball and make us think she
isn't sick by uploading a video of her being anything less than what we expect. if it's all fake and she lurks this thread there's no way she wouldn't stay consistent with the hardcore tard rapping. i just think of pixie and her DID fuckery and how they basically make themselves webmd caricatures because they're
obsessed with convincing people they're sick and make it their whole personality. which is in itself textbook munchie.
No. 1485230
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pooping and peeing everywhere
No. 1485231
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You have schizophrenia, not powers.
No. 1485277
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No. 1485279
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No. 1485280
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No. 1485484
>>1485004Its insane how lucid and… normal she is in this video. It's just another instance of her proving she's not as bad as she's describing in her tweets.
I don't see why someone would want to shame themselves like that. In her videos she's eccentric, but could easily have just went down the route of being a charming niche influencer.
No. 1485516
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No. 1485581
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>>1485424she was crytyping about being leviathan and seeing insects, and thoughts about killing people on her private blogspot for like 2 years straight, the unicorn thing came after she saw the last unicorn last year. she's always referred to her schizophrenia as a vague neurological condition.
i went through her old one direction fanfiction page at what she typed like in 2016 when she said she was diagnosed and found this. but by 2019 she was replying to all the comments in crytype.
No. 1485594
>>1485484the schitzos i know (keeping in mind that number is pretty low) are occasionally really good at appearing as “normal” to others when it suits them and only coming across as a little odd. it’s like a spring or a dimmer switch. They can work it to suit their manipulative needs for a little while but they can’t hold it forever, the crazy is gonna come back.
I think she is absolutely schizophrenic but she is manipulative and knows how to work it to a degree to get attention on or off her
That’s why some videos she is batshit insane and barely able to talk, and others she seems a little cold and monotone and even articulate/calculating but you can still see that something is slightly off.
No. 1485625
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that was deep
No. 1485949
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No. 1485950
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No. 1486015
>>1485679Sage armchair psychologist
NTA but I've dealt with a few diagnosed schizophrenics, family members and hospital stays. While medicated, they all shared a very common trait of being monotonous and subdued. Their humor was very dry, their affect was low. Unmedicated they all shared the flat affect but their speech was grammatically correct but if you listened, weren't making any point at all or any sense.
Lucinda is not displaying any of those key characteristics, and to me it looks like she's mimicking what people on schizophrenia documentaries do. Her trying so hard to appear mentally ill is a mental illness itself.
I don't believe any schizophrenic is clever enough or clear headed enough to manipulate like that.
No. 1486145
>>1485866I think the last sentence is most likely true. Whether or not she was misdiagnosed, it’s the diagnosis her parents probably still think she has. I mean watching your child completely waste away (not just weight wise) like lucinda has must rob every ounce of hope you might have had at the beginning of her mental problems and schizophrenia is an incurable disease that gets worse with years so why spend tens of thousands of dollars for treatment when it won’t go anywhere anyway?
Them giving her a cozy little life at home is prob the nicest and more humane thing they could do
No. 1486424
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What does this mean
No. 1486428
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No. 1486429
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No. 1486430
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No. 1486433
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>>1486425Yeah, she talks SO much about being unable to leave her chair or properly watch because of how ill she is. Sorry but I just don't believe it.
>>1486424It means she thinks Jewish faces(?) are attractive
Which feels kinda weird to me for her to say, also neither of those guys look Jewish
No. 1486442
>>1486436Both those men are barely Jewish kek especially Finn
Also they just look like dark haired scandis
No. 1486457
File: 1648602613118.jpg (170.48 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20220329-200747_Twi…)

So her gw keeps going down. At some point her parents are going to HAVE to hospitalize her.
No. 1486490
>>1485266Her newest videos and TikTok prove that she is just a terminally online weeb with an attention seeking eating/cutting disorder. Anyone that believes her schizo narrative is a moron.
That said, I love Lucinda and her troll.
No. 1486533
File: 1648608079079.jpg (153.86 KB, 720x768, 20220329_233640.jpg)

>bipolar disorder
>paranoid schizophrenia
And the list goes on and on.
No. 1486781
>>1486457Well. What did we expect..?
Why would she stop there if she can go even lower. Let's just sit and wait whether her body or her parents' patience breaks first.
No. 1486788
>>1486433wtf she looks completely average weight here? and she's bouncing around like she's fine?
Holy shit, fuck this, not the new queen at all, you guys were right, I take it back, I can't believe someone could be this dedicated to faking
No. 1486841
>>1486788She's definitely lying about her weight. The white knights that keel saying "SHE LOST OVER 100 POUNDS SHE HAS A LOT OF SKIN THATS WHY" are failing to take into consideration that skin is heavy. Loose skin can easily add 20+ pounds to someone's weight. There is no way Lucinda is 75 pounds and she's tricking the scale.
>>1484946She's lying about her weight, lying about how weak her body is, and lying about her mental state. This is why she is a cow
No. 1486864
>>1486533Yeah you can't be diagnosed with both depression and bipolar disorder at the same time, they exclude each other. If I'm being generous, she means she was diagnosed having a depressive bipolar episode, or the healthcare there is even more fucked up than I thought.
Bipolar medfag blogpost tinfoil incoming, it could be that she is bipolar and has psychotic episodes since tbh to me her acting sounds a lot more like psychotic manic, psychotic mixed or psychotic rapidly cycling episode than anything else. Like I literally thought I was an angel of death when I had a psychotic mixed episode.
Personally I would diagnose her with "batshit crazy" but that doesn't sound as fancy as a laundry list of diagnoses
(medfagging) No. 1486872
>>1486864Yeah I've always thought she seemed more bipolar than schizo, or maybe she has the bipolar subtype of schizoaffective disorder. Either way, I don't think she's faking her psychosis, but she's definitely exaggerating everything else. Schizophrenics tend to have flat affects and be withdrawn and, well, blank. She always seems flighty and hyperactive, which is more consistent with bipolar disorder
She's also not mentally retarded. I believe that she scored as such on an IQ test but she was either underplaying her abilities and/or too medicated to function. Unlike what she claims, she wasn't a genius before her illness, either, but she likely had an above-average IQ and even now is smarter and more lucid than she lets on
I basically like Lucinda and I feel for her mental issues but she's clearly faking a lot of this. Her BPDish traits (idk if she has the full-blown disorder, probably does) is arguably a bigger problem for her than psychosis
No. 1486895
>>1486886Completely agree. As with most anachans, Lucinda has a pathological fear of growing up, and I wonder if her malingering is in part a way to justify her NEET lifestyle and reliance on her parents. I used to think her parents were medically negligent, but in reality, while she obviously needs more treatment than she's receiving, hospitalizing their mildly underweight daughter who they can keep their eyes on all the time anyway doesn't really make any sense.
I'm glad that she's not as sick as she acts, but at the same time, it's sad because she has a lot of potential that she's squandering. I don't doubt that she's very mentally ill, but she has way more agency than, like, an intractable schizo hospitalized for life. So it's just unfortunate to see her be so self-indulgent rather than try to improve her life, because evidently she's calculating and smart enough to do so.
No. 1486921
>>1486911ayrt Yeah that's very fair, maybe I'm being overly optimistic, esp considering that malingering is a severe condition in its own right
>>1486916I think she's faking it personally, idk though. Does anyone know if she mentioned losing bladder control before the situation with Eugenia Cooney and the diaper?
No. 1487001
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No. 1487059
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lmfaooo y'all went and made her snap. she posted a video of her stepping on the scale and measuring herself with a tape measurer.
No. 1487063
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No. 1487089
Why is it another scale this time..?
No. 1487090
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>>1487063Welp! I would've preferred she was lying than knowing she's actually a living carcass. Talk about depressing. Gross.
No. 1487095
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>>1487089it's the same scale. you can also see it's the same floor in both pictures.
No. 1487263
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No. 1487266
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No. 1487377
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lucinda's height and ambrose's height (the white line)
No. 1487380
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No. 1487381
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No. 1487453
>>1487440She can't exactly fake her weight now that she's given irrefutable evidence, now can she?
And is it samefagging if you're the same person? Stop vendettaposting. Sage.
No. 1487908
>>1487896>>1487900because there's no proof she's faking anything. it's so obvious you people came here from twitter and are trying to use lolcow as your own personal vendetta army to feel better about the fact you wish you were as fascinating as the harmless trainwreck that is lucinda. she's a cow because she's messy and gross, not because she's faking anything.
also why did you change your typing style to samefag the same thing you already ragemode walltexted hours ago lol. just because you saged it doesn't mean people are going to give a shit.
>I don't believe anything from her sound like you used to be a fan and got too jealous.
lord this thread is getting so embarrassing to read. you lot are freaks.
No. 1487921
>>1487908it's not that deep. I'm not jealous of Lucinda nor from edtwitter nor an anachan. It's just stupid to whiteknight Lucinda in a place that is made for criticizing munchies like her. Other munchies and horror cows were not ass kissed like Lucinda, if anything you sound like a Lucinda fangirl that is seething because I said Lucinda is fake as fuck.
>>1485004being coherent and doing a long makeup tutorial after winning everyone's attention, although initially she could barely stick two sentences together and was ticking like out of a mental institution
>>1485009butt sure you will always find an excuse for her because you like her
uwuu it's just changes in her cognition from schizophrenia, again get her a fan page. She should be criticized her. She is also purposefully popping her collar bones in her pics to appear spoopier. She is pretending to be a retard when in fact she is not. It's just sick that she's not only getting encouragement from Twitter but from lolcow too for LARPING as a retard. Woww yess queen Lucinda you propoo and peepee your pants you're totes mentally retarded and not faking the gravity of your speech impediment and putting on a show for attention. Queen Lucinda you're so genuine~~~Don't listen to the edtwt fags that come here to criticize you. Anyone opposing your total real and
valid mentul illness is an angry Twitter fag ana chan hater. You're shining my unicorn queen.
File: 1648721542555.webm (2.74 MB, 576x1024, 13957756855a0b2a73023a6ceb7df6…)
No. 1488059
>>1487971I hate how she always wears only her bra just to show off her scars, in some videos she wasn't even wearing her bra but some compressor(?) that looked like it was about to fall and expose her. Also her tiktoks might go into cringe/weeb compilations if zoomers found out about her like
>>1487989 said which wouldn't be good at all.
No. 1488182
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No. 1488183
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dad be looking like a gta character after crack
No. 1488185
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No. 1488285
>>1488183>>1488185Did dad order the "Midlife Crisis Starter Pack, Marine Corps Rocker Edition"?
Man, that guy has got to be desperate.
No. 1488456
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No. 1488460
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No. 1488462
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No. 1489078
File: 1648830248713.jpg (28.34 KB, 598x166, lucinda.jpg)

Lucinda made a Twitch account and also a Patreon one (for exclusive content). So this month we'll have:
twitch streaming
asmr eating
makeup tutorial
room tour
morning skincare routine
hannibal smut/+18 fanfic
nsfw art on patreon
No. 1489082
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No. 1489089
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No. 1489158
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>>1489089>$85This better include a date to Econo and Plaza del Sol
No. 1489200
>>1489089this honestly seems like a great deal to own a piece of internet
grifter history. she's going to spend this money on B/P foods, so it's almost like
you get to be a part of internet history, too!
No. 1489257
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>>1489205apparently it's this guro shit on a shirt, print, poster and purse. ngl she's definitely a very dope artist.
No. 1489258
>>1489243That's what the mentally retarded and severely schizophrenic do, make Patreons, YouTube videos and do Twitch streams.
Yes there are unironic schizos on the internet who do these things, and even mentally retarded people, go to kiwifarms and look
No. 1489271
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>>1489257She's amazing, it reminds me of art of Käthe Kollwitz
No. 1489272
>>1489082I'm sorry the idea of Lucinda running a patreon is so funny to me, the girl's months from death wtf is this
However I hope she gets support from people and it helps with her mental health, but a person who can't even hold in their piss is probably not the best person to become a patron of…her life is so weird, her family are just like "here's Twitter and the rest of the internet, enjoy posting your self harm images and bodychecks, bye" and now she's monetizing it! it's absurd
No. 1489294
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Damn she's definitely very talented.
No. 1489360
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No. 1489393
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>someone suddenly posted a screenshot with a like
>a farmer noticed this and went to the screenshot's tweet to see who liked it
>the like was from lucinda's account (@oswaldslunch)
>this means that lucinda was posting screenshots here
>after the farmer posted proof, lucinda deleted the like
>this is a confirmed selfpost
No. 1489395
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No. 1489440
>>1489393If this gets used as evidence that she can type properly, some WK will still come forward and say “she says she can type when she tries. She had a private blog that lasted for 2 yrs where she crytyped. Her brother helps her with typing.”
I bet it’s just Lucinda WKing herself.
No. 1489481
nonny, i wish jannies would show us the post history. just look for a puerto rican ip, admin-sama
No. 1489547
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>>1489508literally 4 days ago.
No. 1489563
>>1489508didn't want to imply the same people saying lucindas art was basic were the same people praising lunas art.
Shes on pt, has countless threads with sadgrl poetry and art posted. Not gonna comb through them for examples.
Never did I say my opinion was maximum. If that's her art it expresses technical skill. That's all
No. 1489569
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>>1489547Picrel were the responses to that same post. You're actually retarded.
No. 1489584
>>1489578Because the first anon was being dishonest by claiming that
>People are like lunas art is amazing I wish she wasn't lazy>others are claiming lucindas art is high-school level at bestwhen the reality is that Luna gets completely shat on for her art, more so since she doesn't have a battalion of WKs ready to be deployed at a minute's notice
No. 1489592
someone make a new thread with
>>1434063 as the cover?
No. 1489674
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No. 1489676
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No. 1489682
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No. 1489821
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you can tell twitterfags with hateboners are in this thread trying to take the wheel because they're insisting having a neutral opinion that isn't openly hateful is whiteknighting while sounding like picrel every time there's milk
No. 1489826
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No. 1489831
>>1489827Look up her thread on KF, it's obvious she's self-posting here too.
Wow! What a Pickme kween!
No. 1489836
>>1489832>The fact you think that was her and not someone trying to sound like her so there'd be something for people like you to rag on her about.Take your pills, no one is that obsessed and lucinda also posts on kiwifarms so it checks out that she's comparing the two. She looks average weight in the videos when she doesn't shoop herself, unless you live in america or some country with very high obesity rates, you can see girls like her everyday on street.
>>1489831Scroties love it when femalecows, especially young and stupid looking ones, like lucinda interact with them. Kek. It gives them the only female attention they'd ever get.