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No. 1299824
A woman who claims to hold 'traditional values' and claims to believe that women are below men but has benefited from modern day women's liberation and feminism.
Usually educated women from privileged backgrounds who have led very sheltered lives.
Most are pick mes addicted to superficial male attention and will make whatever talking points red pilled incels and neckbeards want to hear.
They often fetishize female bodily functions and traditional gender roles and cringingly over perform femininity.
Many are also racist white nationalists aka "wignats/wigger nationalists".
A few examples are:
Lauren Southern
>Former costhot>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.>Got famous for her anti-feminist MRA content>Was in multiple anti slutwalk videos>Promoted traditional values and white nationalism>Dated an ethnic man>4chan nazis found out and got big mad>Made multiple shitty documentaries where she misrepresents facts and pushes the far right narrative.>Recently married, husband is allegedly Asian, she hides his identity>Whitewashes her poor baby, insists he has green eyes and a ginger gene>Released a pro-cop documentaryTwitter: Riley
>Ex yoga teacher and libfem hippie.>Supports rapist Roosh V>Used to have pink hair and a nose ring and spent her 20s traveling and dating abusive bums.>Born again Christian housewife>Had a baby at 31 married to some Slovakian meat head.>Writes for Evie magazine aka Tradthot dailyTwitter: Britton
>Ana chan pick me who wrote an MRA children's book.>Did some shitty acting gigs.>Is engaged to some old fat, frumpy bum with greasy hair.>Posts about cooking like it makes her special.>Tweets daily about how oppressed scrotes are.Twitter: tradthot mentions:
Brittany Martinez:
>Evie magazine aka Tradthot daily>Crossovers with both Lisa Britton and Robyn RileyTwitter:
>PhD but preaches traditional values>Spergs about how amazing eastern European men are>Eats raw ground meat with shit bacteria mixed in>Wants to live in a hut in SiberaTwitter:
>Married an ugly abusive cop>Youtube channel where she teaches her tradthot ways>Follows rapist Roosh V gospel>Said women are genetically predisposed to cleaning>Weird posts about her own pregnancy>Caught following WN accounts on instagram>Tries to emulate WN promo material aesthetic No. 1299825
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Making a new thread so I can post this. lmao
No. 1299829
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Definitely a male larping
No. 1299839
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(Deleted and reposting because I forgot the social media links, sorry.) Thanks for the new thread, anon! This trad lady has been showing up around youtube and podcasts, Rebecca Barrett
>She's gained over 10k subs in the last month or so alone >Decided to become traditional after doing some marriage group with her husband and allegedly realizing that she was apparently the one creating all the problems in her marriage>Claims she was a "porn addicted feminist" before marriage>It seems like she was already doing a variety of other trendy types of videos before but her channel was small, now she almost exclusively posts advice content>Makes advice/reaction videos from the perspective of a married woman talking to single women where she criticizes women for things like leaving their husbands for cheating on them, and is always making comments that are obviously meant for a male audience >Gets hilariously visibly mad whenever talking about other women even if the women in question are just some women she made up to be mad at or some low hanging cosmo writer fruitSocials:
Youtube: No. 1299941
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>>1299839Lmao. She reminds me a lot of Anisa (picrel). Face full of fillers, short hair.. not very trad. Both her and her husband look like hideous amerimutts. Also porn addiction as a woman? Mega cringe.
No. 1300936
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>>1300925Picrel for anyone who wants to see the email. Seems like a typical response from a mgtow who felt bold after the latest incel attack.
Lauren made her bed and now has to lie in it though. She gave these scrotes so much space to hurt women but now has to cry that they wont treat her like "one of the good ones" for playing trad by marrying and having a baby.
No. 1300968
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I don't understand how Lauren Chen can complain about this stuff while still associating with Milo Yiannopoulos.
Milo said it was %100 okay for 13 year olds to have sexual relationships with adults. Like, maybe she's accepting of gay Christians, but pedophilia? And his whole excuse was just "I'm European and we have different views about sexuality"
Now Milo is "ex gay" and is claiming that people are only gay from sexual trauma and wants to open conversion "therapy" centers in Florida.. but that's beside the point. I don't think he ever took back what he said about how adults can have sexual relationships with children and even if he did she never stopped associating with him before that.
No. 1300998
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Sage for OT and historical autism, but the stay at home housewife period with the husband being the sole breadwinner was historically never that wide spread and only lasted less then 2 decades before the economy crashed in the 70's, historically it has been the norm for both the husband and wife and even the children to have full or part time jobs just to survive, I don't know why Tardthots and /alt/right tards are obsssed with a historical blimp of a subculture that even most white people didn't experience, hell even in their precious Nazi Germany women were encouraged to work factory Jobs, to help the war effort
No. 1301075
>>1300968>>1301060>>1301067This isn't really shocking new information, pretty much everyone knew he was a self hating gay man, back when he was still relevant he said multiple times that if there was a method that could successfully turn him straight, he'd undergo it
he probably correlates his own sexuality to the sexual abuse he went though and acts like an obnoxious fag cause that's what he things gay people should act time, that said maybe some celibacy and stoicism could actually improve him as a human being
No. 1301375
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>>1300925A group of very-online people are ~rotten~? Wowww.
Reminds me of a point another anon made, being that "good men" aren't online. They're usually out doing something productive or raising their families or whatever. Additionally, it doesn't seem very "trad" to be married and trying to court attention from random dudes on the internet.
No. 1301419
>>1300998Akshuly one of the reasons why 3rd Reich was behind with weapon production was because Hitler was reluctant to put women back into workforce while in Soviet Russia everyone not fighting had to work in weapon factories for the Motherland. I think Germans got the wake up call after the Stalingrad loss, sometime in late 1943.
>>1301050Women always worked, anon. As maids, servants, shopkeepers, retail workers, tutors, seamstresses, nannies, at inns, in mines, etc, not to mention prostitution. They were just barred from more prestigious professions, even though there were some sporadic exceptions, mostly due to family connections. It was just women from the upper echelons of society who didn't have to work, but the life of aristocracy is, for obvious reasons, most documented, which makes retards think women of all classes lived the same lives.
No. 1301565
>>1301060I know she did an interview with him recently but she also did one right after his book came out (around 2017 I think) shortly after he made the pedo comments and the shitty apology. Afaik she never even criticized him for it and never stopped stanning him yet keeps complaining about "fake Christians/conservatives" like Brandi Love (who is a porn star of you couldn't tell by the name).
So porn stars cant be conservative, but people who advocate adulr/child relationships are perfectly okay.
No. 1301928
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No. 1302990
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Marga is still a Russian despite getting dumped by her Russian ex
No. 1303293
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Marge has been desperately pimping herself out to moids on some retarded pickme's insta: Marge's retarded insta profile: Her shitty artstagram (if you could even call this art): No. 1303422
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>>1303293Is she allowed to call men degenerate?
No. 1303433
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There is just way too much to post from her Instagram, but it's obvious that she and others like her are completely undatable for one reason or another, and it's why they prescribe to these ideologies and makes a big fuss over herself/others. Normal people are out there just doing their thing, not overanalysing why women should be making themselves look like barbies because THATS WHAT MEN WANT LOL.
No. 1303435
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>>1303422It's like she sort of gets it but then… one step forward, two steps back.
No. 1303445
>>1303293>What I'm looking for in a mate:>preferably someone older than me who is establishedwoah didn't see that one coming!!! who would've thunk
she's a meme at this point
No. 1303471
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>>1303293>dropping out of your neuroscience PhD so you can fingerpaint and pander to gutter trash moids on the internetEither she ends up alone and still humiliating herself for male attention like Shuwu, or she manages to snag a dumb, ugly, resentful husband who she financially supports like all other tradthots. What a moron.
No. 1303508
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RW twitter right now is nothing but a nonstop cavalcade of Taliban sympathizing, childbride fantasizing and rape fetishism. It's unbearable. The image here is cut off, but it shows the cavewoman heavily pregnant after being raped by the caveman. Tradthot apparently thinks this is a great thing, since what woman wouldn't want to risk her life bearing and birthing rapespawn?
For anyone who doesn't know, the rarely talked about tradthot in this image(Comfy) is a white nationalist who was married to a black man and has a white-passing mixed son who she neglects, kek
No. 1303578
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>>1303508In a few years they went from idealizing the 50s for being safe and stable for families to this
No. 1303579
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>>1303563>>1303508Unironically its cause the Taliban are "white" i.e slightly lighter skinned then typical "brown" people, same with Bashar al-Assad, this goes to Colonialism, even though the Alawites and Druze were illiterate goat herders who lived in the Mountains, the French trusted them more cause they were more European looking
If the Taliban were on average a little more "brown" I doubt right wing twitter would even
No. 1303601
>>1303579What a load of horse shit. Kabyle people were not and are not "illiterate goat herders".
No, it's simply because white supremacists and muslim fundamentalists have a lot in common, they are two faces of the same coin, unsurprisingly.
No. 1303609
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>>1303605same logic as I said before, I browse /k/ every now and then, in their worldview Arabs and Pakistani's are "brown" smelly terrorist's, Afghans are based Aryans
a /pol/tard would look at this inbred simpleton and proclaim that he's part of the master race
No. 1303624
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Now I see why she's not a fan of too many serious intellectual conversations
No. 1303651
>>1303605The logic is very simple. They hate women and girls, but think the ones from their countries should only be raped/assaulted by their fellow countrymen (because they get jealous easily).
They don't give a fuck what happens to Afghan girls, or literally any girls and women that aren't "their own". In fact, they'd probably join in on the assault, if they had the chance. The Taliban is actually doing what they wish they could do to all women (including "their own" European women) without repercussions, so why wouldn't they cheer them on?
Scrotes are evil, point blank.
No. 1303659
>>1303641no fucking way…
>>1303471its so fucking obvious she wouldnt last long in her neuroscience education given her retarded religious ideology. how the fuck can you be a neuroscientist if you think drinking water dehydrates you? shes a good riddance to the field.
No. 1303662
>>1303508>a white nationalist who was married to a black mankek, every fucking time with these people. just like all the male nazis with asian girlfriends.
typical of nazi shitheads to miss the point of the image too. manara is a coomer but he's not saying 'rape is good', the message is 'history is not only filled with good things but also atrocities such as rape' which is why the full sequence shows stuff like medieval torture and nuclear war if we actually went back these whiny wastes of space would just be the weak caveman who gets killed off by the stronger caveman
No. 1303668
>>1303662>>1303508any pics of her and her husband
but I don't doubt it, black men really are the Weakest Links in our community, they would go for an old, racist, fat white woman then an age appropriate beautiful black woman
No. 1303700
>>1303662EurasianTiger(himself a massive lolcow) compiled a list of the most popular white nationalist/neo-Nazi figures of 2000's and onward, and well over 75% of them were either married to a nonwhite woman and had mixed kids, were mixed themselves, or remained umarried and childless into middle age.
>>1303682They're not just appreciating people who live traditional lives, they're happy little girls are being sold into sex slavery and forcibly married off to much older men, and want to do the same thing to white women and girls. Taliban souls in flabby white bodies.
No. 1303702
>>1303682>muh traditional life>child rape and murdering women??? Can you moronic tradthots fuck off somewhere? In the trad lives you idealize, women are cooking and cleaning and are preferably
illiterate, not chatting shit on the internet.
No. 1303725
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>>1303700>compiled a list of the most popular white nationalist/neo-Nazi figures of 2000's and onward, and well over 75% of them were either married to a nonwhite woman and had mixed kids, were mixed themselves, or remained umarried and childless into middle age.By chance does anyone have that list, it seems it would be pretty funny
this reminds in the actual Book blackkklansman, the author mentions that quite a noticeable number of Neo-Nazis had "Hispanic" wives or girlfriends(not black or Asian though)
In fact the leader of the KKK chapter in colorado wife was a Mexican Indian Heritage and had 3 kids with her
No. 1303780
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Absolutely bizzare Muslim tradthot capes for the Taliban:'s in for a rude awakening in a week or so
No. 1303838
>>1303827they still go after latinas, hence the whole tradcath thing.
>>1303837are you homophobic? sinophobic? xenophobic?
No. 1303875
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>>1303293People paid for this?
No. 1303892
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>>1303838tardcath never made sense to me, cause the weird racial science came from mostly Protestant countries with the exception of Gobineau but that guy hated even 99% of other White people for being too peasanty
but on other hand Catholicism has mostly a racially inclusive history, some of the first mixed marriages in the United Sates were between catholic Caribbean and Irish Americans, as well as the American Catholics who sided with the Mexicans in the Mexican American war
you can't be racist and a Catholic
No. 1304009
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>>1303780Should Muslim Tardthots be allowed here, I'd say there's a lot of bizarre ones on Pakistani twitter, for e.g when that guy, Cameron Herrin killed ran over that woman and her baby the vast majority of people defending him on twitter and on Facebook were Pakistani women and girls, it was something I saw out in real time, it was bizarre but I kinda understood it now if you search his hashtag on twitter you will find a lot of Pakistani girls still defending him No. 1304275
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Now she's actually going to debate one of them, Aug 20 at 6 PM PST on Twitch
No. 1304342
>Not AmericanYou don’t have be an American to exhibit the state of one. You are spiritually an American.
> Imagine thinking only America gets overrun with immigrants.I did not mention immigrants, nor did I imply this. You have very poor comprehension skills.
No. 1304815
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>>1304305>>1304027Honestly I'd say pretty much any foreign man, can't speak for Saudi Arabia women but I have talked to ex-Muslim gulf anons, for starters no matter how bad you think the scrotes in your country maybe, I assure you Muslim scrotes are a million times worse, literally the worst and lowest human males on the planets are Muslims, second issue, all the males in our country are frankly all fat and ugly, imagine if 99% of the males you came across daily were all skinny fat or obese and all had bad barely grown facial hair
I'm sure everybody here remembers the "Chai wala" dude, the reason he blew up so much in Pakistan before spreading to Muslim twitter and then rest of the world was cause that the scrotes in our countries are so aboustetly Low value and physically repulsive that even a moderately attractive looking tea vendor seems better
and finally its the general culture we have regarding hit and runs, for us seeing people get away with this type of Shit is so normal that its expected, our previous Prime Minister ran over a six year old and he still won the elections, was barely even a controversy, and its not just politicians, my own cousin gravely injured a police officer when driving still only went to prison for less then 5 weeks cause my Uncle was a major and had some influence to get him out, in the Gulf Arab world which is filled with Thrill driving these sort of accidents happen all the time and the rich Gulfies get away with it, so since these girls are so used to seeing these types of incidents happen without any consequences, they think the same should apply to Cameron
No. 1304817
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>>1304815and this is what most scrotes in my country look like, the ones I have to see everyday
No. 1304834
>>1304009They absolutely belong here. They're some of the worst kinds of tradthots.
>>1304419>r-rude!This isn't a place to prove yourself. Fuck off back to Twitter.
>>1304824You do realize that you can be critical of your own ethnicity, right
nonny? You can see and address problems instead of turning a blind eye to them and insisting that nothing is wrong.
What the fuck is with the sudden influx both here and /ot/ of Muslim apologists.
(derailing) No. 1304839
>>1304834i'm not defending scrotes or muslims dumbass, the bitch is mocking the appearance of her own race. there's a term for that and it's called internalized racism. i hope she gets help, or finds herself a white man and stfu
>>1304836blame it on your diet and the fact that your culture doesn't prioritise sports. there's billions of indians but not too many indian athletes, and those that are remarkable are mixed
(derailing) No. 1304889
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Anyway I think Muslim "thots" should be posted here, a lot of these women are "Muslim" for the sake of Identity, its an axis for their oppression but their still not proper Arab worshippers, these "Muslim" women who live in the west corelate "Islam" with in the framework of Western American Identity politics, being "Muslim" is an identity for these people to stand out
Its how you end up with LGBTABC "Muslims', or "Muhammad" was the first male feminist, and even with that stupid western feminist Hijab those weirdos wore, they don't wear it cause its a Sunnah but rather to single their identity of being Muslim
They also use a lot AAVE for no apparent reason, its so fucking stupid seeing upper class women from the gulf countries try to say "Chile" or other shit, also they over emphasize and insert random Islamic phrases in speech just to the point of absurdity evasion) No. 1304894
>>1304889>Arab worshippersshit here we go again
>also they over emphasize and insert random Islamic phrases in speechevery arab does this, go to france and see it for yourself lmfao
>Arab worshippers dislike Christianmuslims tend to dislike christianity bc they think the Bible got changed over time, unlike the Quran, they dgaf about christians unless you're thinking about the middle east where religion and race is intertwined
just checked her profile and she's pakistani… anon… why do you keep doing this shit
(ban evasion) No. 1305228
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>>1304987Nope. That stupid cunt won't stop sperging out about Arabs and Muslims across all boards and it's tiring. Get fucked, faggot.
(move on) No. 1305571
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Have trads ever even opened up a history book before? Sometimes it seems like their entire conception of how people lived in the past comes from 1950's Jello advertisements.
No. 1306085
>>1305640and farm women worked the fields alongside men as well as caring for chickens and cows and doing all the cooking, cleaning, weaving, mending, etc.
women have always worked as hard as or harder than men in every setting except the upper crust
No. 1306323
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"Whaaat? Far-right white men actually believe in what they spout???" Yeah, "racist radfems" are just tradthots on copium, you don't actually care about women if you put "your men" (nazis) above women of other races.
No. 1308065
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No. 1308086
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>>1306085Not according to the niece of Phyllis Schlafly.
Must be nice to grow up upper middle class and not have to worry about surviving.
If you work, you neglect the family. If you don’t work, you burden the family. You can’t win.
No. 1308227
>>1308102this is half-understood evolutionary psychology nonsense
“provide” is especially topkek in light of recent paleoanthropology, which shows that the majority of calories consumed by primitive peoples were from gathering and egg-stealing, both likely women’s work
hunting big critters was never the way primitive folks survived, that was Victorian anthropologists projecting their upper-class experience thousands of years into the past
No. 1308274
>>1308065>Women coddle their enemies, but men protect their people!>RW moids have spent the past two weeks simping over the Taliban and laughing about refugees raping and assaulting white womenThe lack of self awareness these people have always astounds me.
>>1308086Most of the "family neglect" they gripe about could be solved by the father becoming more involved with his children, but of course we can't have that.
No. 1308311
>>1308246Phyllis Schlafly, a lady who made boatloads of cash at her full-time job of telling other ladies not to have jobs.
How these people don’t spontaneously combust from cognitive dissonance is a miracle for the ages.
No. 1309599
>>1308065He's right, but only because women are taught from birth to idealize, coddle, infantilize, and project undue goodness onto men and male children. If women were objective about men, shit like the "refugee" crisis would never have happened, but also >90% of white guys would die virgins. It's sick. Women get blamed for the weakness that exists so that men can wedge their way into into receiving the providing and caring instincts women are supposed to use just for children.
>>1308595And FBI crime statistics from over 5 years ago, before troon shit was legally pandered to. Sex crime is 99% men, violent crime is 90% men, burglary and theft are about 75% men, it doesn't even come close to parity until you get to things like shoplifting and embezzlement, and those are still about 60:40.
No. 1310248
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>>1309599>If women were objective about men, shit like the "refugee" crisis would never have happenedHow would women being objective about men end the conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq? You know the countries where most refugees came from during the Migrant Crisis or are you saying they were not legitimate refugees? Most non-refugee migrants came from european countries like Kosovo, Albania, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia.
No. 1310573
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Let me introduce you to a favorite cow of mine who recently turned from a lolicon into a tradthot.
- Pantsu/Amanda was the long-term girlfriend of tranny anime youtuber Digibro, who has a thread here
>>>/w/94955- She broke up with him shortly after he trooned out, but for a while she "supported" his transition, even going as far as claiming she was also trans (ftm)
- She cheated on him with right-wing podcaster and convicted Felon Ethan Ralph, who hosts a neo-nazi podcast called the Killstream, he is an alcoholic and went to prison for punching a female cop
- he already has an ex-wife and a child with a teenage girl
- May has not become engaged to Ethan Ralph and is pregnant with his baby
- she is still a really big anime fan and thinks she can somehow integrate that into her trad-identity
- she used to be a really big fan of illustrated CP (lolicon)
- she now spends her days posting about alt-right politics and pretending to be a barefoot and pregnant tradthot like picrel
Basically her life is a trashfire, but it's very entertaining.
No. 1310577
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>>1310573The mixture of degenerate anime-shit and bible-quotes is just very funny to me. 4got to link twitter it's here: No. 1310588
>>1309599I like these threads but something that often happens any thread explicitly involves special racial group is that the idea comes around that other races of men are somehow better, I had lived in Pakistan and in England
both are bad but I know who are so much worse, the men in my country are free to misogynistic as they want and also no put in no effort and still find attractives wives who will bear them children
one of my cousins is a "religious scholar" i.e he goes to the mosque and doesn't have a job and the other is a "business man"(the term used for lay about sons of rich men) both got married to beautiful women who were from rural villages
the system of arranged marriages is the reason
no man in my country will put in any effort, cause he is guaranteed to get a wife, As bad as the quality of men maybe in the west, its hell of a lot better then anything in most Muslim countries or Pakistan or India
(derailing) No. 1311946
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Are all the tradthots getting cheated on at the same time or something? There are tons of posts like this going around. Also imagine thinking you are the judge of high quality "alpha" men because you went to orgy parties with weird old kinkster men in college
No. 1312240
>>1312042>yes my ALPHA MALE cheats, got other women pregnant and is providing for them while I get nothing. He is an ALPHA MALE who follows his MALE NATURE not some weak BETA BUX either accept this fact of life ladies or stay aloneMassive cope
>>1312233If some redpiller made this exact comment, they'd retweet it and agree because muh biology. But since she spoke up about it, it's her fault for picking a broken man. Either way, let the retards fight themselves lol
No. 1313048
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Lmao she literally met her butterball turkey lookin eurotrash husband on twitter
No. 1313140

>>1313117she hates herself for being half black she wants to be white so badly. She white washes with filters all the time and the 4chan right wingers hated her guts for being half black. She wanted to be the IT /pol/ girl so badly but they kept calling her ugly and a mutt. Her name is plastered all over the internet for participating in a right winger protest when she was 18 and getting arrested
now that she's being herself she doesn't make much money at all anymore. She used to make money because she would literally prostitute herself by her own definition. Some weird dudes that wanted to fuck her would give her a lot of money when she used to show her cleavage on stream. After she's turned more rad fem they all quit her because she talks about how shit men are and most of them are 4chan right winger MGTOW incels and she's not showing her breasts on camera anymore. I think she will have to either get married, go back to selling her sexuality on stream for men to simp for her, or get a real job. Rad fems are not gonna give her thousands of dollars for doing nothing lmao. She also has this weird pick me vendetta against Pokimane and even made fun of her body. It's literally impossible to make a full time living off streaming unless you become some sort of camgirl and play into the fantasy of scrotes and use your boobs and ass and tell them what they want to hear
No. 1313145
>>1313140She's not even half-black. She's 1/4 black. She used to downplay it (and claimed she was usually mistaken for Mediterranean), but then she later tried to leverage it for a free card to attack black women and claim "it's ok i'm black too".
I don't know if she's changed since those days, but she has/had a huge complex about it because she craves /pol/tard validation so badly. She admitted that she got her big nose from her (white) dad, but she still cried that she was ugly because she's part-black. Just very mentally ill.
No. 1313327
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>>1313140>>1313289She still has a long term boyfriend though, whose she's been with for like six years now
No. 1313810
>>1310881You. I like you.
>>1311946Can you accept it and also cheat on him, to basically have an open relationship ? Of course not, because it only goes oneway for them.
No. 1314121
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>>1314095The replies are abysmal.
>It’s not that, it’s that things actually mean something to us. Women aren’t the same in that
No. 1314139
>>1314125>its our good nature and kind hearts we don't act out so foolishlyThe y chromosome is retarded. They do. All the fucking time everyday
Hope more tradthots get bombed with this shit and realize these men want women to fear them then act like a
victim of evil feminism when women stay away from them out of fear
No. 1314322
>>1313140This is why everybody should repeat the mantra of donating only to women-only shelters, or just your local library or school music/arts programs, or whatever. We really don't need any more Anitas and Zoe Quinns out there, using "feminism" to finance parasitic moid-like lifestyles.
>>1314121Women mean so much to men, they will jerk off to your memory for decades, but treat you like shit during the actual relationship.
And lol at some tradthot getting blindsided by the pump&dump, the most predictable male behavior of all time.
No. 1317552
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>>1311946>Are all the tradthots getting cheated on at the same time or something? There are tons of posts like this going aroundthat's because there has been this rhetoric going around in the manosphere lately about how High Value Men™ should be allowed to cheat/do cheat because they "earned" their high value status and "shouldn't have to settle" for one woman. of course the men regurgitating this stuff are usually very undesirable and can't even get one woman who wants to commit to them. just look up kevin samuels, fresh & fit etc. so of course tradthots are parroting it.
No. 1318020
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>>1310573why is it always the women with strong, mature features who want to convince the world that they're petite neotenous waifus lol
No. 1318732
>>1317938He is popular with nonwhite tradthots/pickmes like Rebecca Barrett.
>>1317729I watched a handful of episodes of Fluke & Fraud's "podcast" and all their episodes are exactly the same to the point of being interchangeable. They recite the same false statistics in every episode like saying 80% of women are sexually active with 20% of men (they never say where they got this statistic, I looked for over an hour and couldn't find it, found 3 that contradict it) along with other unsubstantiated claims and shitty arguments/analogies and go on about how men are "ruled by facts and logic" and women are ruled by emotions, an ironic statement for someone who never substantiates his claims. They also said women are forced into STEM, another lie. Then they act very antagonizing towards their female guests, when the female guests start trying to argue with them they kick them out of the podcast and say they were being "disrespectful" and they "belong to the streets" (euphemism for calling her a whore). Also throughout the whole podcast male viewers will pay for superchats just to insult the female guests. The main host of the podcast Myron Gaines (real name Amrou Fidl) was recently exposed for trying to extort sex from a woman he wanted to collab with, when it didn't work he sent his audience to go harass her and now she's suing. Now even other manosphere channels are starting to disown them, it's hilarious. Sorry for derailing, I'll take my ban now lol.
>>1318317Hear hear.
No. 1319102
>>1318736Sorry I deleted and reposted my post because of grammatical errors. But yeah he is insanely antagonizing, all of his arguments are rhetoric that he's heard from Kevin Samuels or somewhere else. Which is why he immediately kicks women out who actually make
valid points against what he's saying because he's not clever enough to actually argue with them on his toes.
No. 1321430
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Lauren has really overdone it with the fillers. She looks terrible.
No. 1321453
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character development
No. 1321472
>>1321453So she's going to join the merry band of ""radfem"" ex-tradthots?
Well, it's not like she had anywhere else to go anyway…
No. 1321547
>>1321545Agreed. I mean obviously she is racist, most people are even when they don't formulate their career and politics around it, but I have no doubt she acted more extreme than she really was for right wing male approval. She didn't marry a white guy after all, and that's her audience's biggest
No. 1321585
>>1321503>>1321530Your optimism is admirable but the only way those women could recover from pickmeism is DFE, reducing their time online, being a goddamn normie for a while and, if they feel like playing this performative game again, starting from scratch as a pinkpilled/radfem/GC/[whatever].
Tradthot's whole shtick wasn't simply
cringe, it's about appeasing moids and promoting ideas that would fuck women over even more. It's only logical being suspicious of their supposed "change of heart".
No. 1321625
>>1321595Liberal feminism is completely fucked and socialist feminism is crazy now. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they ended up destroying radical feminism as well. Soon there will be no feminist movement left that actually speaks up against the patriarchy. Lauren Southern is one of those woman who will do anything for male attention. She was a tradthot because it gave her attention from white scrotes but she happily fucked non-white men if they smiled at her, and she ended up marrying a half Asian man and giving birth to a quarter Asian son (I feel bad for the baby, racist white moms really fuck up your head).
I guess now that she's married with a child, she doesn't have to do outrageous shit for male attention so she thinks LARPing as a radfem is fun because they are openly misandrist.
No. 1321677
>>1321623No and no. They're using the title ironically (for now), they're just not taking shit from degenerate right-wing moids anymore and they mock tradthots & progressives, so they may sound "
terf-y" sometimes. Overall, they're still racist weirdos longing for that magical retvrn to tradition.
It's only a matter of time until they really start identifying themselves as radical feminists for real, then presenting a diluted version with right-wing crap attached to it as an edgy novelty.
And a bunch of retards here and elsewhere will assume it's totally genuine radical feminism and based xd. Meh. No. 1321711
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>>1321453There's no "character development". Lauren is a retard that will co-opt any movement that gives her attention.
No. 1322369
>>1321625Seriously though, what was with Lauren Southern screaming about “white genocide” all the time but falling for non-white men? She used to complain about wealthy Asian people but now she is married to a wealthy Asian man and gave birth to a quarter Asian child.
When asked about how she felt about having an Asian husband she just said: “Race isn’t everything. What matters is happiness, not race.”
Even though her whole “career” was built on spewing racist rhetoric.
No. 1322590
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>>1321453yeah what a radfem. hysterical.
No. 1322896
>>1322338Fully agree that they should give it a different name, it would solve this whole trend clusterfuck for both the ex-tradthots and actual, real radfems and would have been the best option from the start. But they won't, so now women who don't want to deal with tradshit will have to endure them all the time.
>>1322590I can't imagine anyone wants to hear a take this garbage from her. Is she trying to endear herself to libfem twitterfags as well? Because
that's definitely never going to happen
No. 1322960
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>>1322930do you know where you are you little weak bitch? it’s, not why don’t you go pearlclutch someone else? are the meanies on HurtYourFeelings site hurting your feelings? and here i was thing that this was a tame space. who the fuck cares, prepare to see worse! faggot spirit
No. 1322981
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No. 1322989
>>1322420Another defective retarded scrote the future generation of women will have to deal with. I Hope it miscarries, fucking a-boy-tion. Stupid ugly tradthot and her disgusting scrote spawn army she'll coddle and make excuses for. She'll never make her scrote spawn take accountability or responsibility for their shit and neither will this retarded scrote society hold them accountable for their bad behaviour and misogyny. If it was me and I found out it was a scrote, i'd schedule an appointment for an aboytion asap. The defective, biologically weaker sex that fucks up everything. Hope her fillers and botox affect her scrote spawn's development and it's born super fucking retarded lmao hoping for down syndrome. At least that would render the scrote mostly harmless.
>>1322960Males really do look retarded kek look at those retarded looking scrote spawns lmao how any woman wants a scrote spawn i'll never understand. Literal spawn of Satan.
>>1322959Lauren Southern and other tradthots who loved the attention from owning the libs publicly and were proud of their association with the far-right can't make the transition into radical feminists. Too much infamy. On the other hand, Anna Slatz (not really a tradthot, but was getting there) and other women from edgy rightoid twitter are already tricking people into assuming they're terfy.
Honestly, radfems just need to wise up and speak out. Letting grifters & hedonists walk all over feminism is what got us into this mess.
No. 1323045
>>1322960Scrote spawns aren't even cute they look like demonic cabbage patch dolls stitched up by Dr. Frankenstein. Ugly little bastards. What woman would want such male monstrosities growing inside her womb. Should be slung out and flushed down the toilet.
No thanks, i'll make sure I only have girls.
No. 1324647
>>1324555I am guessing it was her grandma's maiden name as she said her grandma was Danish.
>>1322590I agree with her here though, but I'm not a radfem either. I think all porn is bad and I think onlyfans is bad, but I do think it's hilarious to watch pimps - oops I mean porn producers - (who are mostly men) losing their shit because the money is actually going to the women now instead of them. Just because you acknowledge something is the lesser of two evils doesn't mean you actually support it.
>>1322614She does think all porn is bad though, that wasn't her point. I'm not wk'ing for her, I think she's terrible for the most part but broken clocks and such.
No. 1324737
>>1324708Simonsen isn’t even a Jewish name, just a regular Danish name
Christians have names from the Old Testament, too
No. 1325237
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>>1323045I think it’s OK to have a boy if the dad is truly hot and you both are above average height. It’s inhumane when pickmes make these abominations with men like Thumbsbear. You ever see a hideous, short, premature balding dude and you can tell that his every cell is crying in pain at being forced to exist like this? But mommy just unleashes incel jr out with the rest of us and now it’s our problem she chose to replicate a 2/10 smdh
No. 1325282
>>1325051NTA but women can go to sperm banks if they want bio babies. I love the idea of adoption and am in the process of adopting a beautiful baby girl and raising her without any male partner in my life.
>women’s only communeThose are based. Women don’t need men to raise kids.
No. 1325492
>>1325476My daughter will have an aunt and grandmother. I am also in touch with some adoptive parents groups and single mothers by choice groups so I hope she will grow up surrounded by many positive female role models. She’s not legally my daughter yet but I’ve bonded with her for many months and I love her so much. She will be my child by the end of this year.
My father died when I was young so she will have no grandfather. My mother raised my sister and I as a single mother so I don’t have any stigma against single parenthood and I don’t think fathers are necessary to raise a child. When I was a teenager I used to think that my friends mothers basically behaved like single mothers even when their husbands were still alive. Those men did hardly anything to fulfil their roles as fathers and husbands. It’s better to be single with no kids or be a SMC (single mother by choice) than to have kids in a miserable relationship because you will just be traumatizing your own children. Sage for massive OT.
No. 1325626
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Didn't take long for femdom fetish larpers to ruin this thread.
No. 1326004
>>1325551lmao imagine getting mad at single women who choose to adopt kids who were abandoned by their own birth parents.
you sound like a conservative christian who thinks all kids need to be raised by a mother and father in a nuclear family. its statistically proven that lesbians make better parents because they have to consciously choose to have children and those kids are spared from growing up around
abusive fathers.
No. 1326118
>>1326061I don't consider 4w a bad platform and I hadn't looked into its owners before, but considering this:
>founded by a neurotic bi who wks her bf>employed a shady pickme, no questions askedlol it kinda explains everything. Birds of a feather…
No. 1326463
>>1326432Adopted kids often have their own problems anon. Being adopted in itself is something a lot of adoptees feel bad about and it can cause a lot of trauma. Not to mention feelings of abandonment, possibly missing your birth family, if they were neglected or abused by their families or in foster care ect.
I wouldn't blame the parents for being lesbian. Lesbians have their own kids all the time and they turn out normal.
No. 1327604
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>>1327243She said it herself though.
No. 1327757
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Lauren Chen with her bloated ass moonface full of fillers shilling anti-wrinkle products to women (even though I'm pretty sure most of her audience is male). Can't have women aging naturally! She also has a video shitting on women who "ruined" their beauty by going alternative or something.
For as much as she seems to hate modern pop culture she sure loves their beauty standards.
No. 1328093
>>1327605Fake tweet
>>1327604Her grandparents and the jewish people are two separate groups, that’s why there’s a comma separating the clauses.
No. 1328211
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>>1328102She is pregnant, what are you talking about?
No. 1328213
>>1327757Defoe having a baby to a white man
She's one of THOSE asians
No. 1328215
>>1327757She hates the skanks like Cardi B, Meg, Normani ect
Can't blame her, they're trash. Todays music is dead. Ngl.
(sage) No. 1328258
>>1327757What is it with tradthots and fillers? She and Lauren used to be gorgeous, and now they just look busted and bloated. Wrinkles only really start to set in during your early 40's if you take care of yourself, so it's not even like either of them needed to get them to stay young looking. Such a shame.
>>1328213Her husband is Amerindian, I think. He's also a spiteful piece of shit who clearly hates her for being more successful than he is, and Lauren's pregnancy will most likely only make this resentment worse.
No. 1328550
>>1328211This is brand new though, I don't think it would make her start gaining weight in the face yet, but I'm not an expert on that so Idk.
>>1328213Her husband is half white and half something middle eastern.
>>1328268It really annoys me how much she begs for money. She is outspoken against socialized healthcare, which like, okay. But the fact that her family couldn't afford American healthcare without a gofundme should tell her something. And not everyone has thousands of simps online to pay their family's medical bills. She also shamelessly begs for money to fund her travels and shit.
No. 1336912
>>1336898Yeah, posted over two weeks ago.
They have the money for IVF, wouldn't be surprising.
No. 1339419
>>133877311 months =/= a few weeks
also her and her husband are always traveling, blowing money, etc. I wouldn't put it past her to cut her thrift store and traveling cash for months to get IVF + Payment plans
No. 1339640
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>>1339419>11 months =/= a few weeksa few weeks from what? her last kid was born 7 months ago.
No. 1339725
>>1339419nta but if you were 11 months older than your sibling then they would have been conceived two months (a few weeks) after your birth
on insta she says the new baby is due in Jan 22, which will be a year after her last due date. it does seem like shes trying to have them quickly but I wouldn't say its a crazy short turnaround
No. 1340549
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They're turning on Margerita for this now. I thought this is what the trads wanted.
No. 1340680
>>1340549>>1340591scrotes: MEN are the PROVIDERS!
women: okay, provide for us then.
No. 1340727
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>>1325051kek very on brand for a tradthot to not see the difference between being nutted in by a man and raising a man
No. 1340906
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Lesbians still seething? lmao.(bait)
No. 1340914
>>1325051Yes. I can go to a sperm bank and choose exactly what I want and raise them myself. Why are males even in the equation? Lmao it's 2021, you best believe i'm going to take full advantage of technology available that I will certainly cut out the middle man and not even get involved with a scrote to have sex with to have a child (if I so choose). Men are not needed to have babies, thry can even make sperm from bone marrow. Scrotes, y-chromosoids are truly expendable and useless. It's just a matter of choosing the right sperm bank with the best high quality genes.
>>1325072Wrong i'm within 26-32. I will never have boys, ever. Women can control the sex of the baby anyway simply by engaging intercourse and receiving sperm at the right time.
>>1340906Can you explain to me what exactly makes this image the ideal? Why should this be something I or any woman aspires to? No thanks. A woman can do it all herself, don't need a scrote. y-chromosoids have truly outlived their usefulness if they were ever useful.
No. 1340921
>>1340916Daddy issues happen because you don't get love, affection and validation from your dad. Not having a dad at all is peak daddy issues.
Look, raising a bunch of father-less daughters who will seek male validation for the rest of their life is not the own to scrotes you think it is.
No. 1340933
>>1340921I don't seek male validation. If a girl does, it's the principles of society and what is valued in that society that will cause a girl to seek male validation throughout her life and fuck her up. And the patriarchal model society follows is a
toxic environment and unfavourable terrain for girls and women. Not having a dad has nothing to do with it. It's bigger than that.
And it's actually boys that need a dad or a male role model in their family to look up to because boys are far less robust and are fragile. Girls do not need dads growing up. In fact a girl not having a dad eliminates the high risk of her being negged, molested and sexually abused by the dad. Not having a dad greatly diminishes the risk of trauma in childhood. There are no limits to male depravity.
Male approval is not needed.
Male approval has no place in a girl and woman's life.
No. 1340966
>>1340922You're just wrong, lol.
>>1340933This logic only works if you believe in all nurture and no nature. Which is also wrong. It's 50/50 nature and nurture. Even then you can not prevent your child from being influenced by society. Sorry but you can't force your daughter to be a lesbian who don't need no man and your extreme views will probably push her into the opposite direction.
No. 1340980
>>1340973>>1340966We don't want your type here and we don't care about what you say. Scrotes feeling threatened by women realising just how expendable, unnecessary and useless y-chromosoids are.
Kill yourselves on New Years Eve.
No. 1341053
>>1340966it’s not 50 / 50 and anyone who says they know what ratio is what is selling you something
sapolsky’s female run baboon troop sounds like an improvement to me
that’s the science, sorry
No. 1341114
>>1341099Yeah, I'm sure a girl raised by radfems is going to support prostitution of all things. I'm as anti-prostitution as the next anon, but even still it's very telling that RW moids think the worst thing that could befall a girl is opening a fucking Onlyfans acccount. You can't even pretend to see us as people.
Go back to twitter and whine about le ebil feminists not letting you marry 13 year old girls or something, you're unwanted here.
No. 1341131
>>1341099Your own daddy issues and psychotic envy of lesbians are pretty palpable - whether you're a seething tradthot or a seething moid. It's understandable, since their existence disproves everything you want to believe. You no doubt grew up somewhere in a flyover state and raised to deify maleness. There is no outcome where you wouldn't feel like something's missing for you, whether your daddy divorced your mom or is at home ignoring you for a football game. And of course, repetition of trauma and stalwart defense of the very conditions that traumatized you is a #1 sign of childhood issues of any kind. You may never grow to accept that you were memed into deifying scrotums. It's an embarrassing thought.
The dirty non-secret is that your daughter is as likely to seek male approval as anyone else's, if not more. Your kind admits it every time you (and your precious daddies) shit bricks over the prospect of having a daughter in the first place. If you can't even deceive yourself, you can forget about deceiving lesbians.
It gets even funnier if you are actually an online tradthot, because then it becomes a case of failing to accept that the only difference between you and the average onlyfans thot is the genre or porn you're doing.
No. 1341162
>>1341114Children with strict parents rebell against the parents. It doesn't matter if your rules are "You can't read Harry Potter because it's blasphemy!" or "You can't talk to men cause they are devil incarnate!" lmao. Ofc "blah blah you are a moid" makes an appearance. Are my posts making you that insecure that you have to resort to that?
>>1341131Sorry to disappoint, but I don't use social media.
No. 1341176
>>1341169Your lesbian-induced psychosis and daddy persecution complex says otherwise.
Unsurprising that someone with "optimal 50/50 upbringing" has never moved on from juvenile defenses like projection.
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>>1341176Lesbians are like not even 1% of the population, I honestly could not give less of a shit about them. I mean I know none of you are ever going to have kids anyways and live in your dream women-only commune in the woods where there's no scrotes allowed. It is a cute dream, but in reality you're just going to keep seething at women who get married and have kids while you are forever alone NEETs. At every family gathering you go to you will dread the question about your love life and whenever you see a woman pushing a stroller around a supermarket you will think to yourself "HAH! look at that stupid pick-me bitch! I am SOOOOOO glad that's not me… totally.. yeah"
>>1341178Copium and self-deception. You chimp about dykes unprompted in every thread all over this website, to the point you're as recognizable as Komaeda penis anon.
Having this weird BPD association of rejection with evil lesbians is a moid norm, but if you were a woman I'd read you as terminally closeted.
No. 1341266
>>1340921Women don't require good father figures they require a lack of
abusive from shitty scrotes. The only use (good) fathers really have is keeping other shitty scrotes away. But you know, often times the father himself is a shitty scrote.
No. 1341304
>>1341225That's a moid, probably one of those "ex incels" (who's also retarded enough to think that his brand of mental illness would look better coming from a "trad waifuwu" larp). Judging from the dyke derangement syndrome, he's got major mommy issues and will probably be dilating soon. So overall, a typical male on lolcow.
In order for tradthot-kun to be a woman, she'd have to be something akin to shoeonhead if she was /pt/ worthy.
No. 1341397
>>1340966"YoU'rE jUsT wRoNg, lol" is not a
valid argument. Your whining is pathetic. Return to your manosphere safe space, we've had enough of your snivelling.
>Sorry but you can't force your daughter to be a lesbian who don't need no man and your extreme views will probably push her into the opposite direction.Who said anything about force? Scrotes and their male depravity and bullshit is what drives women away. Experience with scrotes will pinkpill and peak any girl and woman. But you dont want to admit that because that would mean you and scrotes alike would have to take accountability and responsibility for your actions. I won't have to force anything, it will come naturally. You act like males are desirable. You're not. Women simply tolerate you and because of the way they have been socialised in this patriachal society to pander to and coddle scrotes, simply put up with your y-chromosoid defectiveness. But this is changing and women are tolerating scrotes less and less. We're done with you.
And biologically speaking, you are much less valuable than XX, woman. You are not the be-all and end-all whereas the woman is everything.
No. 1341409
>>1341178Exactly. This whole website is just a huge display of the fox and the grapes.
"cope" more you deviants.
>>1341410They've been screaming about how "you'll come crawling back you'll see!!!"
Don't know about you ladies but I'm not crawling back anytime soon kek. Imagine being so hurt and militant about other people choosing not to be in relationships or having kids, something that affects literally not a single soul. If you truly thought we would just be miserable old prunes you would just let us do that and not freaking out just because
No. 1341420
>>1340549Men: feminism ruined everything and women working is causing the west to fall apart. Women are only valuable to society by raising kids and being submissive housewives to cook, clean, be fucked and take care of kids.
Women: okay, ill need a man who is financially stable enough to support me and kids then.
No. 1341444
>>1341006An anon said she was in the process of adopting a baby girl and we get all the tradthots/scrotes crawling out of the woodwork. They're so mad that the anon didn't want to get married to a scrote and become a baby maker, they can't even feel any hope or happiness that an abandoned child would be raised in a loving home with a strong support network?
All those rightoids will scream about women needing to give their babies up for adoption instead of aborting them but then they hate it when people actually adopt kids because they think a woman's duty in life is pumping out babies and nothing else.
No. 1341643
>>1341564>being a wagie all your life is actually more fulfilling than a familylmao, they really brainwashed libfems into believing this lie.
You really think working to make your boss rich is in any way better than being a housewife? Such a strong independent woman! You're literally making money for a scrote instead of letting a scrote work for you. Does he appreciate you and tell you what a good little worker bee you are? Will your job be there for you when you are old and sick? Clearly you also don't have any appreciation for your own mother. You know, the woman who gave birth to you and cleaned your shitty diaper and spittle. Calling all women who are mothers "bangmaid sows" really makes you sound like incels, once again.
No. 1341660
>>1341643>Y-you're really not gonna settle for me you fucking brainwashed feminoid? REEEEEECope, seethe, jelq, mew, repeat. Looks like you're nazbol talking points level of mad.
>Will your job be there for you when you are old and sick?You just can't stop owning yourself. No. 1341696
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>>1341674NOOOOOO you fucking roastie you're not supposed to be a wagie directly! You're supposed to be chattel to a wagie and get paid in room an board! FUCKING FOIDS REALLY THINK THEY CAN CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MAN REEEEEEEEE
No. 1341706
>>1341643>Will your job be there for you when you are old and sick?A husband likely won't, given that women outlive men and men are significantly more likely to divorce their wives once they get sick. Old/sick women are taken care of by their daughters, moids usually have no interest in any part of caretaking.
And why are you pretending like financially independent women are incapable of having a family if that's what we desire? Nothing is stopping working women from having a family, they just have more opportunity to dump their husband if he turns out to be a piece of shit.
>>1341674The RWmoid sperging over working women is ridiculous. Your wife working is like being cucked(but men working doesn't carry a weird sexual connotation of course!), all women work boring, dreary office jobs(but not men of course!), being a housewife is sooooo fulfilling, by the way I hate women and think of them as chattel and no men shouldn't have to do any housework… it goes on and on. They can't even try to pretend like they actually have the best interests of women in mind, it's all coombrained seething from lowly failmales.
No. 1341963
>>1341809Actually an underrated insight on bangmaidry.
Utopian tradthots tend to imply that being a hausfrau is like being perpetually on vacation. In reality, it's like being perpetually at work, no matter how little you do or how much you're buxxed. There's no clear distinction between "work" and "time off", you're kind of always on duty, always living for someone else, always out of your own head, like an empty husk who eventually forgets who she is and what she wants. No matter how gentle your husband is or how much he loves you, there is always a tense air of expectation permeating your entire existence, like you're on "duty" 24/7. I'm sure some feminist philosopher has spoken on this already and worded it better anyway. There's no sense of accomplishment, satisfaction or gratitude that's associated with a career. It's kind of comparable to being a wagie at McDonalds, even if you're far from poor. Unless you're 100% a trophy with nannies and maids, it's gonna be like this, even if you don't admit it to yourself often.
Because the home is your work, you're kind of never really at home. It's also much worse when the husband works from home, obviously.
t. bangmaid (hopefully not for long) No. 1342005
>>1341643Except it’s literally dangerous to be a housewife in today’s economy. Imagine not pursuing any education or job skills, pumping out babies, and having your entire family’s survival depend on one person. If your husband gets sick, laid off, fired, dies, or abandons you, you and your children risk falling into permanent poverty. Not to mention the majority of young men nowadays are downwardly mobile, unmarriageable, and incapable of supporting families on their incomes. You’re stupid if you think women will give up our hard-won economic freedom (which we really only got a generation ago after centuries of struggle) to willingly spend our lives cleaning up after moids and begging them for pocket change again. We don’t need to be housewives. We can pursue our own careers, take care of our own homes, and even have kids without you. Sorry if your irrelevance makes you insecure. Maybe go play in a wheat field?
No. 1342667
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>>1341643if moids hate women and also think having a job is torture, why do they try to gatekeep women from having jobs? If being a domestic servant is so great start advertising yourself as a house husband.
No. 1344598
all of the statistics and studies talking about most men's unwillingness to do housework or childcare, or how they leave their wives when they get sick or old are definitely proof of how most ppl get equal relationships
No. 1344613
Thing is most men have no way to conceive of womanhood outside of the male perspective, so it’s always: “If I was a broad I’d be a wheat field hausfrau or a whore who sleeps with everyone in sight.” It’s hard for them to understand female personhood. Hell, female and personhood doesn’t even go together to them. Any discussion regarding women has to include some picture, some visual, some extremely shallow feminine-coded presentation, since they can not conceive of any depth belonging to the feminine. It’s always women standing wheat fields because of wheat’s connotations with fertility, rebirth, and earthiness—something that’s been feminine-coded for a while now, with the whole “men transcend, women are immanent.” Women are fixed, earthy, and passive, men are free, transcendent, and proactive, blah, blah, blah.
No actual woman gives a shit about wheat fields. If you see someone posting pictures of women in wheat fields know for a fact that is a man. They’re retarded, they literally need visual aid. Same for the sperg in the MTF thread who was posting pictures of women and men cuddling.
No. 1344654
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>>1344613it's always some stick thin model caked in makeup with her hair loose standing in the wheat too, never a traditional woman similar to picrel.
nothing trad about the wheat field shit, just male wank fantasies.
No. 1344864
>>1344608warning: surface level economics, my shitty take
>right-wing politics and wheat fieldsFirst, right-wing politics represents the people who were fine with the way things are. Compared to left wing politics are represent people who want change; far left people who want to try ideas that haven't been tried before. Whereas far right wing politics represent people who are fine with the way used to be.
There are inaccurate definitions that define left wing politics as the pro-social equality, which slightly fits because no society has developed equality or eliminated economic classes yet. But for example, the young generally favor left wing politics if they're unhappy with the way things are because they have no first-hand reference to the past. Older people favor right wing politics because they do.
So why does /pol/ like wheat fields?
/pol/ likes to complain about inflation. Inflation presents a problem because currency held depreciates in buying power over time. To represent the problem, people regardless of politics will hedge against inflation by investing in corporations, crypto, commodities, and so forth.
The far right solution to inflation is to return to a gold-backed or silver standard, which is currency that will appreciate over time because gold and silver is finite. This monetary policy is fine under certain conditions but is prone to a deflationary spiral.
But still, where do the wheat fields come in?
In a deflationary spiral, the economy halts because hoarding or saving is preferrable to spending. Why for example would you spend 10,000 bitcoins for a pizza if you knew that would make you a millionaire in 15 years? If the economy today halted because currency no longer flows, it would imply businesses are losing clients, laying off workers, workers can't pay rent, and so on. However, if most people (or families) owned their own property, the situation would still be stable. That is, the majority of the population owning some sort of farmland represents the conditions in which a gold/silver backed currency would work even during a deflationary spiral. It may however require more arable land per person than available in a country, and require a stable population (vs today with mass migrations in addition to exponential population growth).
/pol/ doesn't articulate about economics often if even at all. But this is likely the basic model they fantasize about. Property or precious metals is also a decent choice of investment if you dislike financial institutions (including crypto) and big corporations.
No. 1345364
>>1345341Yeah, dating gurus are always the shittiest people and even the women in those communities will often uncritically repeat some PUA/MRA shit they've picked up along the way. Really
toxic and not a good place for anyone to go for advice.
No. 1345386
>>1345250just took a quick look and her comments and they're filled with "CR is the only woman with common sense/a brain" or talking about women not taking accountability for being cheated on.
thats just lovely. I'm definitely taking my advice from a woman who doesn't shut that shit down
No. 1345453
>>1345386>just took a quick look and her comments and they're filled with "CR is the only woman with common sense/a brain"Grown ass woman still getting off on being not like other girls. I dont take any of these womens seriously since you know with a scrote majority audience like hers and tradthots, they'll eventually get tired and ask her why
she isnt married with kids then bomb her with egg memes until she leaves
>or talking about women not taking accountability for being cheated onWomen are realizing what a waste relationships are with the majority of them so they opt out and avoid getting cheated on altogether yet they rage into the avoid about that. They'll never have some quiet gf or wife at home and some random girl to cheat with no consequences and they've been angry about it for a while
>>1345417Scrotes operate purely on faulty logic dictated by their dicks. I think fds would most likely tell that girl to chill with dating and work on herself for the future while those scorotes mock her for being hurt then tell her to only date
them No. 1347926
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No. 1347983
>>1347926Tradthots are cringe but I get extremely pissed with reddit-tier leftist moid pseuds jump on the hate train just so they can finally be misogynistic.
Misogynist repressor moids shouldn't be able to talk down to tradwifes, as if these moids ever wanted them to change for the better.
No. 1349409
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la creatura
No. 1349423
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fantano is a mega plebe who drank the social justice kool aid hard. Its off topic but he did that tweet saying right wingers are incapable of making art. as if art started in the 60s. or as if there arent countless black metal bands the he has reviewed who arent lefties
No. 1349432
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>>1349428true artists know right wing aesthetics are the bomb
(bait) No. 1349490
>>1349409Ah yes, nonnies, don't we all love cooking with a full airbrushed/filtered face of makeup?
Why doesn't this tard realize she looks uncanny valley 90% of the time?
No. 1355797
>>1355526Kinda ironic that he put a sooperrrr hawt sexy girl in his intro when you know that type of girl would not even give him the time of day and would most certainly find him creepy.
Tradthots benefit from feminism whether or not they wanna admit it. The fact that theyre even allowed to post their shitty takes online, make money off of it and spend it freely is because feminists made it possible. This isnt neccesarily a critique towards lauren(idk if shes changed i dont really keep up with her), just tradthots in general. I think a lot of them eventually start to realize this and also realize that the audience theyre trying to appeal to is always going to have hatred towards them no matter how much of a pickme they are. Scrotes like this will hate you regardless of whether you appeal to them or not because they simply just hate women. And thats the audience most of these tradthots are trying to appeal to
No. 1356304
>>1313289HOW is venti rad fem? where? she is obviously pandering to antifeminist scrotes STILL.
In those videos about sex workers etc, she put the blame on the girls… She seems jealous with all her body shameing. Its pathetic
No. 1356306
>>1313340oh my god you guys actually love and identify with her…
Bruh. Not that this website isnt full of weeaboos fapping to anime guys so not that surprising on second thought :)
>>1355526I couldnt watch the whole video because the cringe gave me physical pain but
>screeches about simps giving money to Lauren>then begs for donationsLmao really bruh.
No. 1356404
>>1356358That's actually one of his
better vids.
I'm not really sure what's "cringe" about it, though. Pathetic, yes. But not really cringe.
No. 1356567
>>1356524I think he is probably a good looking guy who is also a manlet and hates his own mother. That would explain his rage.
There are plenty of misogynistic Chad types, you know? They just don't sound as angry as this guy does.
No. 1357218
>>1356102Why would I lick a car?
>>1356226Was talking about the sperging.
No. 1357965
>>1357007I think he's just retarded and thinks mulatto means mixed race. But yeah, her kid is hapa. Not mulatto.
>>1357218What sperging?
No. 1362213
>>1362093The meme stocks from earlier this year. GME is Gamestop and AMC is… AMC.
Have Lauren, Robyn or Mrs. Midwest ever self posted on any of these threads?
No. 1362461
>>1361786stocks moid cows buy and artificially pump hoping for a cathartic "MOASS" wherein they all become trillionaires. usually involves investing their last money kek
I'm surprised we don't have a thread for them. Big overlap with incel/PUA cosmology and their "promised land" of finally getting to fuck when they're "rich at 40".
No. 1363129
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Wow Lauren, I wonder if your little kid actually wanted to be a communist for Halloween or did you make him wear that so you could post your so funny joke on social media to pander to certain men.
No. 1363284
>>1362461i would love a thread on them
>>1362566you're either a scrote or delusional, they are all cringey mgtow spergs
>>1363129why are all nazi cows obsessed with the soviet union? so insufferable
No. 1363646
>>1363640WallstreetBets is a combo of Barstool Sports and ZeroHedge. They are douchebags, no question, but they really don't have anything to do with MGTOW. They are just anti establishment bro types. Much more about being anti elite, not anti woman or anti black/immigrant/tranny/whatever
Speaking of which, I think that MGTOWs should be added to the Tradthot thread, because they basically are the same thing
No. 1365093
>>1364812Also, Tradthots are kinda done (look how dead this thread is) and it's largely because they have been supplanted by MGTOW. MGTOWs absolutely HATE tradthots.
If you think about it, when is the last time we've seen a new tradthot? And Lauren herself, the OG tradthot, has become less "traditional" and is now more like Mikaela Peterson than a true tradthot.
Can you imagine there being someone like Redpillchick in 2021? No way. Tradthots are a mid 10's thing.
No. 1365261
The Christian/Catholic larpers I see on Twitter mainly seem interested in sperging about gays
No. 1365431
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No. 1365625
>>1365603Oh is she really playing up the Christian angle these days? Last I saw of her, she would give lip service to it but then mostly focus on her own particular brand MGTOW shit.
Thing is, I just see Robyn as too shallow to ever invest the time and effort to actually study theology like Roosh has. At least Roosh's Christian larping has an air of believability to it.
No. 1365815
>>1363646>I think that MGTOWs should be added to the Tradthot thread, because they basically are the same thingThey're not really the same thing at all, opposites actually. Unless you mean they are in the same circles a lot and use a lot of the same rhetoric/talking points. Tradthots are women desperate for male attention/approval/simpbuxx. MGTOWs are men who are desperate for women to think that all men are abandoning them, uploading 5 videos a day on youtube about how men are so much happier living without women, how women are going to be replaced by sex robots etc. I don't think we should ever have a thread about the manosphere or incels or anything like that tbh. It would attract even more trolling and raids. Like the other anon said, even though some MGTOWs love tradthots most of them hate tradthots and call them chameleons.
>>1365093>And Lauren herself, the OG tradthot, has become less "traditional" and is now more like Mikaela Peterson than a true tradthotPretty sure a lot of them still exist. Mrs Midwest for example. I think a lot of them like Lauren Southern are just getting less traditional because they're entering their late 20's and realizing the "women hit their peak at 22, should be married and have 3 babies by 25" idea isn't realistic, at least if they want to keep having an online presence.
No. 1366002
>>1365815All a tradthot is is a woman who has bought into MGTOW ideology.
>even though some MGTOWs love tradthots most of them hate tradthots and call them chameleonsMGTOWs hate all women. Tradthots get the brunt of MGTOW hate simply because they are the only women willing to interact with MGTOWs.
>MGTOWs are men who are desperate for women to think that all men are abandoning themOh it's much worse than that. MGTOWs literally believe that all men are abandoning women. This is why I was trying to say I don't think that there are any Zoomer MGTOWs. No Zoomer male could ever believe that.
>how women are going to be replaced by sex robots etcMostly they just talk about how women when they hit 30 will regret forgoing "nice guys" like themselves who will have by that time all be multimillionaires who no longer have any interest in women. I don't see the sexbot thing that often anymore. Honestly I think the guys who talk about that just have a fetish.
>Pretty sure a lot of them still exist. Mrs Midwest for example. I think a lot of them like Lauren Southern are just getting less traditional because they're entering their late 20's and realizing the "women hit their peak at 22, should be married and have 3 babies by 25" idea isn't realistic, at least if they want to keep having an online presence.What I'm saying is, they haven't been replaced by a new generation of tradthots. Lauren is pushing 30, Robyn is over 30 and I think Mrs. Midwest is well over 25. Where are the Zoomer Laurens, Robyns or Mrs. Midwests? They don't exist. Maybe Zoomer women don't have the same thirst for attention from undesirable, misogynistic men?
No. 1366275
>>1366002>Maybe Zoomer women don't have the same thirst for attention from undesirable, misogynistic men?This is definitely not true. Zoomers are really into kink (not all obvs, I'm generalizing) and Tumblr used to be (and probably still is) full of these "daddy's little kitten" type of girls who want to be abused by a daddy dom or whatever. I've seen a lot of them on Twitter and very many of them are zoomers. Just a different type of pickme. Zoomers are also hypersexualized thanks to porn and social media and there will probably be a backlash at some point, just wait a couple years.
>All a tradthot is is a woman who has bought into MGTOW ideology.Not necessarily. MGTOWs think they're oppressed by women and that women have all the legal power and that they need to abstain from getting married or being financially involved with women because the courts supposedly hate them. Tradthots are obsessed with going back traditionalism and that men need to be protectors and providers. I don't think most MGTOWs want to be that.
No. 1366373
>>1366275>Zoomers are really into kink (not all obvs, I'm generalizing) and Tumblr used to be (and probably still is) full of these "daddy's little kitten" type of girls who want to be abused by a daddy dom or whatever.Yeah, sure, from a Christian Grey type, maybe. But from a MGTOW? No way.
>Tradthots are obsessed with going back traditionalism and that men need to be protectors and providers. I don't think most MGTOWs want to be that.Well I would agree that most probably don't actually want to protect and provide but they definitely want to at least larp like they do.
Undead Chronic spergs about women's eggs as bad as Stefan Molyneux. MGTOW content creators are definitely just male tradthots who have realized that they aren't going to get their qt trad wife. Some of the guys who get sucked into MGTOW aren't trad but the content creators are, at least the young ones.
No. 1366419
>>1366373>Well I would agree that most probably don't actually want to protect and provide but they definitely want to at least larp like they do.No they don't. I think you might be confused about what a MGTOW is. MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way and the whole "movement" is supposed to be about men removing themselves from the dating market and not getting involved with women because of legal consequences. There are plenty of conservative and "redpill" type men who want to get married and want tradwives and/or be PUAs, those men are not MGTOWs, and most tradthots pander to conservative men, not MGTOWs. All of these are pretty similar and spew a lot of the same rhetoric like about women's eggs and stuff like that but when it comes to misogynistic men there's a wide variety of flavors.
>MGTOW content creators are definitely just male tradthots who have realized that they aren't going to get their qt trad wife. But wouldn't the male equivalent of a tradthot be a man who panders to women, like a soyboy?
No. 1366465
>>1366226If anything, zoomer women are running to porn to get male attention. There will always be women who will whore themselves out one way or another for men.
>>1366419>But wouldn't the male equivalent of a tradthot be a man who panders to women, like a soyboy?I have to agree with anon on that one. Many MGTOWS had genuine success with women in their past unlike soyboy panderers. Many of them are revelling in their break ups from god knows when and are realising that they a hitting the wall looks wise and their access to attractive younger women is drying up. Many of them are fence sitters who are still holding out for the perfect woman secretly.
I also find that a lot of MGTOWS blame their lack of success with women on the race of women they were with i.e white women predominately and try to date asian or black women but it never works because they can't let go of becky hurting their feelings.
How tradthots tie into this is that they see how a lot of white men are specifically calling out white women for being cheaters, immoral ect and they try to show them that they are not like the other girls, obviously it doesn't work because MGTOWS are bitter, but because some of them are still secretly holding out on the dream waifu, they will listen.
>>1317938So many black pickme/tradthots lick the ground he walks on, which is funny because he absolutely despises black women and thinks they are ugly and has unironically claimed White women and Hispanic women are superior despite black women as a whole being the worst pickmes on the planet who are willing to go through hell just to have the perfect husband. Maybe that's why white trads like him, I had no idea they cared about him.
No. 1366473

>>1366419>No they don't. I think you might be confused about what a MGTOW is. MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way and the whole "movement" is supposed to be about men removing themselves from the dating market and not getting involved with women because of legal consequences.You are getting confused with what Men Getting
Triggered Over Women
say they are about vs what they really are. MGTOWs are definitely big on traditionalism and they are strongly opposed to "modern" women. It's no coincidence that India and the Middle East are where MGTOW is growing the fastest.
>But wouldn't the male equivalent of a tradthot be a man who panders to women, like a soyboy?Ultimately, MGTOW and Tradthots share the same core ideology: women are trash, women should be submissive to men and there is a gynocentric conspiracy to destroy men. Furthermore, women who do not bow to the demands of MGTOWs will all die alone with their cats and that a woman missing out on a relationship with a MGTOW is a huge loss for her.
No. 1366504
>>1366220Roosh is definitely playing the christian angle as his last grift. He realized hes in his 40s and is living proof that all that he said in the past left him alone, living with his mom and sister who worked to pay his bills, and nothing to show for his life. He preached about men not having a bio clock so men in their 30s and 40a just go out and have ONS with teens and early 20s girls. And when he was done, he always said to want some young hippie girl to wife. None of that happened. So he "turned to god" but still isnt married as even the most desperate christian girl knows hes past his exp date. Its pretty funny to see yet his followers still are deluded that they'll all become attractive multimillionaires in their 40s with their pick of ig models to date.
>>1366473I've seen internal conflicts over tradcon mgtows and more liberal mgtows over this. The tradcons went grow because they're protesting over the fact that they cant own women anymore and want their slave back in the kitchen. And other mgrows see being a provider as inherently anti male for placing any responsibility on them. Those more liberal mgtows want zero accountability or responsibility. They want to fuck any woman, blame her for having sex, more often than force her to keep any child, deprive her of any help in raising said kid and leave. They're just manchild throwing tantrums over it. But it's all online bs. They're kids crying at the door telling you they're leaving you go "okay". Women arent chasing them or crying for them to come back and they hate it. Its men who make it most of the online profiles on many dating sites. Hardly any real women. Just onlyfans promoters and bots.
No. 1366512
>>1366504>He preached about men not having a bio clock so men in their 30s and 40a just go out and have ONS with teens and early 20s girlsI never heard Roosh say this. Think you may be confusing him with other manospherians. Keep in mind that Roosh was clearly miserable even when he was young so I don't think is hitting the wall that finally pushed him over the edge.
>And when he was done, he always said to want some young hippie girl to wife. None of that happened. So he "turned to god" but still isnt married as even the most desperate christian girl knows hes past his exp date.I really don't think it's his age or his looks. It's that he is fucking bonkers and that puts women off. Even if he had money and properly groomed himself I think he is simply too unstable to make any relationship work unless it's some uber passive mail order bride from the Philippines or something.
Roosh himself in his more honest moments even admitted that he doubted he was capable of sustaining a relationship. The guy is simply defective and he knows it.
No. 1367564
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I think the difference with the zoomer tradthots is that they're more edgy and have basically lost any shred of empathy or even any touch with reality they possessed due to being terminally online. I could never imagine the old tradthots like Lauren Southern posting their selfie with a caption like this.
No. 1367642
>>1367620Their mothers and grandmothers didn't run away from the tradthot lifestyle. The lifestyle that tradthots imagine never existed in the first place.
When tradthots talk about "traditional", they mean a romanticized view of a lifestyle that only existed in middle class, 1950s America. A lifestlye that died out simply due to it's lack of economic viability, not some feminist conspiracy, btw.
No. 1367652
>>1367584i hope you're right and cringelords like you retvrn to tradition and get the fuck off the board finally
>>1367620they will learn once they get fat and their husbands leave them for the next best gullible pickme
>>1367564god i wanna alog when i see this bullshit
No. 1367666
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>>1367623It's actually cheaper to live in rural areas than to live in the suburbs in a McMansion. There are also loans for starting a farm. What you pay for an apartment in the city, you could easily put towards the Mortgage of a house in a rural area. I know zoomers are dumb with their money and I already said they are doomed to cut off their dicks and tits.
No. 1367685
>>1367642I’m pretty sure they mean times when women were property of their husbands and fathers, i.e. most of recorded global human history. 1950s housewife larping is one strain of tradthottery, not the entirety of it. The world is bigger than America,
No. 1367921
>>1367685>1950s housewife larping is one strain of tradthottery, not the entirety of it.No, it's the entirety of it. Tradthots always and everywhere say that women need to stay home with the kids, cook and keep house while the man goes out and earns to provide.
There are no tradthots who say things like, "husbands should rule their homes but their wives should also still work fulltime outside of the home to provide for the family, in addition to doing all the cooking and cleaning." That is what would be truly be "traditional" and even tradthots don't advocate that.
No. 1367932
>>1366749Yeah, I thought that there was no next gen tradthots but this thread inspired me to dig on Twitter and they actually weren't that hard to find. But they aren't like Lauren or even like Riley.
Some differences:
1. These girls tend to either not show their faces or to be more plain looking
2. They are REALLY into "monarchism". It seems like every one of them mentions it in their bios
3. They like to make "ironic" sexist jokes that women are stupid or should be beaten
4. They like to humble brag about their own weakness and incompetence, which they view as a sign of how feminine they are
5. Big on Christian larping despite clearly knowing next to nothing about theology
6. Fans of awful "traditional" clothing
Honestly, they aren't as bad as the Laurens, Brittneys and Rileys. These are just mixed up young girls who are trying to find their place in the world. They'll grow out of it.
No. 1367985
>>1367931that’s completely trad, though
women on farms have always worked twice as hard as men, just as women in hunter/gatherer societies provide 70-80% of a tribe’s calories
No. 1367986
>>1367666people who have never lived in a farming community made that meme
here’s what’s going on in farming communities: opioid abuse, alcoholism, child abuse, incest, domestic violence, constant petty theft
No. 1368567
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Lauren looks completely different to me
No. 1368595
>>1368581>Muh debt>Muh office drone>Muh BBC>Muh wallIs this all you have? It's always the same shit. A mix of male projection and paranoia. Only the stupidest women fear this scenario so much that they think 3/10 soulless coomer moid dick must save them.
These seething moid analyses always emphasizes that women can have happiness by being sexually tantalizing to men or raising a surplus of children. Moids and handmaidens think women exist only to serve the wants and needs of others. Of course since us women are objects not capable of any thoughts, we must at least be useful objects.
No. 1368616
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>>1367564I’ve been keeping up with this group too, but I wasn’t sure if they were consistently milky enough to post. The whole edgy trad thing is cringey but sometimes it’s just more sad to see how insecure and out of touch with reality they are. I’ve noticed most of them are brits/ Australian with a few Europeans so maybe that makes a difference in their overall outlook.
>>1367569 Dinah especially is ridiculously insecure and heavy into the pickme/ self-hating woman thing, tbh it’s kinda sad how routinely she’s picked on by the misogynistic weirdos they associate with
One thing I did think was maybe worth posting was picrel, Kirby putting her 18 year old cousin on blast for getting lip fillers. I agree with her that they look awful but posting her actual face to be picked apart by right wing weirdos is just such a violation (yes there’s a cameo from Robyn in there). Tbh the way she was revelling in how awful it looks and crowing over the idea that she might have “saggy lips” just makes it seem more like jealousy over her younger cousin rather than genuine concern
No. 1368702
>>1367986You got it, anon. Any woman who grew up in a place like that knows it is not an uwu trad paradise.
>>1368616>I’ve noticed most of them are britsI also noticed this, wonder what's in the water
No. 1368723
>>1368616That is seriously fucked up. Is this Kribs person a well known tradthot?
The only lip fillers I've ever seen look good are Kendall Jenner. Plastic surgery almost always makes a person look worse unless it is a just a nose job or it is done in South Korea.
I have never seen anything that tries to make someone look younger (botox/face lift) not just make them look worse than they did before. Aging sucks but you gotta embrace it. Lauren is a great example of someone who just ruined her face by trying to continue looking like she was 22. It's just sad.
No. 1368826
>>1368682>muh breeders>muh bangmaids>muh abusive scrote husbandsWhich cover a wide array of shitty male behavior and the shitty expectations women have placed on them by said maless. Your doomsday scenario is always the same; office drone, debt, and depression about not being a habephile's ideal mommy-daughter-servant-incubator.
You scrotes will even admit to observable shitty male behavior but only when it comes from brown men. It's all just a ploy. You actually think we're all stupid enough to fall for your half-assed fear mongering. Males truly do not see women as fully human if they genuinely think we are dumb enough to believe their manosphere talking points are in our best interest.
No. 1368893
>>1368832She's a polyp but still a woman, and thinks we can be coaxed into not bullying tradthots with tired libfem talking points. A polyp male wouldn't try to appeal to us subhuman holes on the virtue of free choice because these males do not like to think of women having any agency at all.
Of course I could be wrong and he's just a literal neolib redditor.
No. 1368922
>>1368571We're not talking about regular housewives, we're talking about a dynamic where women are required to be submissive to their husbands and kept within the sphere of the home. A man who truly recognizes the importance of being a wife and mother would never be a "trad husband" since they inherently view women as inferior.
>>1368581I must've really struck a nerve if I made you write all this seething cope fanfiction about my life, tardwife-chan. It's not just the urban spinster lesbians of your nightmares who're against your ridiculous little tradthot fantasy lifestyle, pretty much any women with even a shred of self esteem rejects the prospect of becoming some moid's bandmaid-birthing bag helpmeet accessory. We find fulfillment with or without marriage, with or without men, with or without careers outside the home. Does it make you mad that women who did everything "wrong" according to your ideology are perfectly content with their lives while you, who did everything "right", is stuck perma-seething on messageboard over how t-totally happy and fulfilling your lifestyle is?
Anyways, chop chop and finish up with the laundry. You wouldn't want Jimothy to give you yet another tradbeating for not having his shirts done in time again, would you?
No. 1368936
>>1368906Tradthots know very well the evils of male nature, they've just convinced themselves that this behavior is only relegated to evil brown men and their little white angels would never hurt or harm a woman or child (unless he is a fag of course).
They have prince charming syndrome, but their prince charming is just all white men. It's nearly the last stage of moid awareness before complete disillusionment. Once they realize their white moids aren't much better than the "niggers" they hate and fear so much, they'll either become feminists or depressed, lonely old women on xanax who cohabitate with their inconsiderate husburdens.
Ironically the bitter old hag is what they'll likely become, but since they have a man on the side they'll have "won" lol.
No. 1368975
>>1368936>They have prince charming syndrome, but their prince charming is just all white men. This gets back to what I was saying about there not really being any Zoomer tradthots. The Zoomer girls who are into this are way more into the religious larping and weird politics but they don't seem interested in the race stuff like the Millenial Tradthots are. They also don't seem to believe that women shouldn't work. They aren't uwu, either.
True tradthotism, is dead, imo.
No. 1368991
>>1368981I just started reading there tweets a couple of days ago and I really don't think so. The misogyny that Zoomer tradthots engage in is more classic "one of the guys" humor mixed with some Zoomer edge. They don't try to say that things should be like they were in the 1950s USA. They seem to want things to be like they are in contemporary Eastern Europe except with awful homemade clothing and a monarchy. And they don't sperg non stop about muh babies.
Some of the new tradthots also seem to (mistakenly) believe that they are intelligent and enjoy subjecting others to their inane thoughts about society.
Bottom line is this: if tradthot means Lauren, Robyn, Mrs. Midwest or even Brittany Pettibone, these new girls are not tradthots.
No. 1369054
>>1368902You understand that a tradthot is different from any random woman who just "gets married and has kids," so stop with this bad faith bullshit. Plenty of women have children and happy marriages (regardless of if they work or are SAHMs) and don't need to spend their life trying to shill it to everyone else in a histrionic manner online for brownie points from /pol/ men. You get that that's what differentiates tradthots from normal mothers and yet you always come back with this shit.
>>1368975Some of the British ones mentioned upthread are still very race focused though, the religion part just plays an equally large role
No. 1369157
>>1369139a lot of black girls, yeah. Just like there are a lot of black dudes in MGTOW.
I guess weirdo misogyny is one of those things that is able to bring all races together.
No. 1369175
>>1369157Its different for black girls though, 70% of black women are unmarried that's something white women can't even comprehend
many black zoomer girls extra pinkpilled and have divested from the black community
No. 1371222
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“waaahhhh I want this lifestyle so badly that I’ve centred my whole online persona around it but I refuse to actively pursue it bc trad”
like is it really more embarrassing to just propose to your bf than it is to wallow on Twitter about it?
I’m pretty sure her bf is also a terminally online weirdo so he can definitely see her sad posting about not being impregnated yet
No. 1371269
>muh wallwtf kinda woman unironically talks about how The Wall is approaching? Hell, outside of the internet even men don't take The Wall seriously.
If she doesn't want to propose herself, just tell the guy to propose or that she is out. Or is that also not trad enough?
>I’m pretty sure her bf is also a terminally online weirdo so he can definitely see her sad posting about not being impregnated yetyou've managed to make me sympathetic with the bf
No. 1371374
>>1371222funniest thing about these types is definitely the way they go on about how a woman’s sole purpose is to be a wife and mother and childless women are wasting their lives, then turn round and write some long screed about how it’s actually ok that they’re unmarried and not pregnant for xyz reasons
yeah sis it’s almost like having children is a personal decision a woman makes when she feels financially and emotionally ready, not some sacred duty
No. 1371380
>>1371374And their reasons are literally exactly the same as 99% of other women, who they get off on feeling superior to and are hated by the moids they pander to. But like obviously the vast majority of us would want a decent partner and financial stability before having kids lmao.
That's the great irony about tradthots, they do everything to appease men and become their dream waifu, get an inflated ego as a result, and their standards for what they want in a husband get higher and higher. After all, what's the point in being a perfect feminine tradwife if you don't get a perfect masculine tradhusband in return? They don't get that moids push traditionalism to scare women into lowering their standards and being bangmaids for anyone who'll have them.
No. 1371709
>>1371630Robyn is a pretty obvious narc. I wouldn't say she doesn't respect herself. She thinks she's all that.
Mrs. Midwest's husband is a creep, but Robyn's just seems like a typical eastern euro meathead. Considering how unpleasant Robyn herself is, she actually didn't end up doing that poorly.
No. 1371741
>>1371709It's typical for women raised in conservative religious households like Mrs Midwest to get married young to men who aren't as good looking.
Robyn is a former left thot who got married around 30 to a man on her level who also provides for the family.
No. 1371801
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Old milk bc we weren’t talking about Kirby at the time but she also fell for this obvious fake event and had the whole of trad Twitter whipped up into a frenzy thinking that there was genuinely going to be a toddlers fetish event at a public library.
(Image is broken bc she dirty deleted when she realised she’d fallen for obvious trad-bait but you can still see a lot of the replies)
No. 1372038
>>1371982I really think it's one of those things like with Greg and Shoe where Greg went along with the Dom stuff at Shoe's behest.
I doubt Robyn and Meathead have as fucked up a relationship as the aforementioned two, but I'm pretty sure that all the "traditional" elements in their marriage are are things that Robyn insists on as part of her larp. And Meathead shrugs and goes along with it and then responds the same way that Slavic men have been dealing with their wives for millennia: by getting drunk.
It's not that Meathead appears to be any kind of catch, it's just that… neither is Robyn. I mean, I can't even imagine what that poor guy has to deal with everyday when he gets home from work.
Pettibone, Midwest and even Lauren I could see taking on the subordinate role in their relationships if they wanted to. But Robyn? No way. She just isn't wired that way.
No. 1374719
>>1371222If she wants 10 kids and a trad life so bad, why can't she find a man who will be with her and give her that? Is she that "low value", or are the options for men that meager? In either case, it's looking bleak, so what's even the point of all this?
Her scrote is literally wasting her "prime" years, probably jacking off to porn. All she does is cry on Twitter about it, and by the time she's 30, the men she simps for on Twitter will be making fun of her for hitting The Wall. Who chooses this life??
No. 1374968
>>1374719I seriously think tradthots should go after MGTOWs and vice versa. They have the exact same beliefs and nobody else could stand being in a relationship with either one of them.
It's one thing for a woman to be unable to find a man who treats her well, can support himself and meets her minimum looks requirement. But tradthots are literally unable to get commitment from porn addicted, unattractive, unhygenic, NEETs who want a wife that will voluntarily take on a sort of mothering, but still subservient, role. Tradthots are exactly what these men want and yet tradthots are unable to get even these extremely low value men.
It truly is amazing. It's like some kind of scientific marvel.
No. 1375553
>>1375023you can show interest in a man without being a pickme
you just tell him you’ve picked him
No. 1375630
>>1375553If the guy is hot, he won't pick you if you don't simp for him. Even Emily Ratajkowski has to simp for her man.
What percentage of guys are hot? Like 10%? Supply and demand.
No. 1375773
>>1375728You think you can get a guy who looks like Henry Cavill or Adam Driver to simp for you? Unless you look like Gal Gadot or Dua Lipa, no way. Probably not even then.
>you don't have to simp for a man they simp for you if they're not broken from casual sexany guy that looks like Henry Cavill is "broken from casual sex"
No. 1376105
>>1376081>They had to make a driver containment thread on /m/ because bitches like me were tired of seeing his ugly ass incel looking ratface everywhere.that kinda proves my point. Millenial women worship Driver, even on a board that generally prefers the exact opposite kind of guy. Of course there are always gonna be exceptions. The only reason you are angry about this is because other women don't agree with your bullshit tastes.
>Just because you want to lick the shit out of his asshole doesn't mean all of us do.I'm not into guys, so, unlike you, I can be objective on this subject
>Get some standards.He's over 6'1" with shoulders wider than most NFL players. He has the best hair quality in Hollywood and his eye area may even be better than Cavill's. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. Go fap to your creepy plastic looking KPop idols
No. 1376219
>>1375773This is so retarded. Tradthots aren’t simping for Henry Cavill or Adam Driver, they’re simping for ugly, misogynistic terminally online scrotes (and the men you mentioned are just ugly rich scrotes and not worth simping for either but I digress.) If you’re a woman and you have to simp for literal bottom-of-the-barrel sperg men, you’re absolutely doing something wrong. So stop derailing.
>>1375630Being nice to your husband isn’t “simping”, you absolute dipshit.
>>1376105Lmao at the Driverfag chimping out! 10/10 copypasta.
No. 1376232
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True tradthots know that this is the peak male physique.
No. 1376233
>>1376219>This is so retarded. Tradthots aren’t simping for Henry Cavill or Adam Driver, they’re simping for ugly, misogynistic terminally online scrotes (and the men you mentioned are just ugly rich scrotes and not worth simping for either but I digress.) If you’re a woman and you have to simp for literal bottom-of-the-barrel sperg men, you’re absolutely doing something wrong. So stop derailing.That's my point. Tradthots are pathetic because they simp for the lowest quality men on the planet.
>Being nice to your husband isn’t “simping”, you absolute dipshit.Except we aren't talking about some normie husband, we are talking about men with elite looks. Those men don't just want you to "be nice", they want full scale simping. Why do you think Kylie Jenner has gone for some normie guy when she could have any Chad she wanted? Because she knows that she'd have to simp for a Chad and she doesn't want to.
No. 1376235
>>1376232When tradthots say "dad bod", they actually mean morbidly obese like Vaush or Preg. It's just an excuse for bottom of the barrel men.
But the culture wide praise of the dad bod isn't just some patriarchal conspiracy either. Most women hate the gym bods that Hollywood promote. Women want guys who are built like a young Jack Nicholson, not guys built like Chris Hemsworth. Except for women who are really into fitness, they are the only women who actually like the gym bod.
inb4 Farmers try to say that Jack couldn't have had anyone he wanted back when he was 30
No. 1376271
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>>1376256I knew I wasn't the only one with good taste!
No. 1376326
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>>1375773>Henry Cavill or Adam Driver Two ugly bitches
Why worry ? Fix you're taste
Problems = disappear
No. 1376336
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>>1376235>"inb4 Farmers try to say that Jack couldn't have had anyone he wanted back when he was 30"Same weird spacing and phrasing as
>>1376068>imagine thinking Driver couldn't have any woman he wanted.Which brings me to
>>1376105>I'm not into guys, So, help me to see why a self-proclaimed lesbian is getting angry and trying to talk to straight women about what they do/should find attractive, calling it "objective". Are you actually a scrote who's simply "not making his phallus known" (most plausible theory - males on the internet are obsessed with insisting ugly moids are actually hot. Next you'll be telling me the average young woman wants to fuck a man in his late 40s to early 50s year old man over a 25 year old one lol) or a bisexual in denial (who has the most rancid taste in men)?
No. 1376356
>>1376336>So, help me to see why a self-proclaimed lesbian is getting angry I'm not angry, I'm frustrated. It really isn't even about Driver, Cavill or Jack. I can't stand Cavill and don't really care about Driver (Jack is awesome, though). I was just trying to say that hot guys expect you to simp for them and if you don't, they will find someone who will. It's not even a debatable point.
The whole reason I even brought it up was to make the point about how pathetic tradthots are: if you want to simp, at least simp for hot guys, not for MGTOWs
>Next you'll be telling me the average young woman wants to fuck a man in his late 40s to early 50s year old man over a 25 year old one lol)No, that would be something that MGTOWs say, I would never say that. There may be some damaged girls out there with a fetish for old guys, but it's definitely not the norm. I'm just pointing out that most women will simp for a super attractive man. Farmers wouldn't, but most would. Definitely most women would simp for Driver or a young Jack.
No. 1376365
>>1376356I don't see most women simping for men, attractive or not, but I'm not American so that might be why. Isn't it the same damaged girls and tradthots who endlessly simp? Seems unrealistic for the vast majority, especially since most of the men you mentioned are far from "super attractive" in the first place
>>1376360It's more than one anon laughing at the Driverfag spergout lol, I only just joined and started reading. If just commenting on this is "derailing and infighting", the anon you're trying to back up has been doing the most for 2 days straight
No. 1376377
>>1376374Especially in the US, land of seed oils, premature balding and Impossible burgers
>>1376370>living off their looksThey're actors, not models lmao. Standards for men in Hollywood aren't that high
No. 1376427
>>1376378>Also what the fuck does "good eye area" mean eye area I've ever seen on a man is a young Tom Cruise. Best I've ever seen on a woman is Dua Lipa.
>AD does not have a strong jawline, he has the opposite of thatCorrect. AD has everything going for him except for his truly awful lower third. However, it's not really about how objectively attractive the guy is or isn't, it's about the way that women in the 25-40 y/o age bracket thirst for him even more than Gen X women thirsted for Brad and Tom. This is simply a fact and it's why I used Driver as an example. Keep in mind that Brad (who I never thought was handsome, btw) and Tom were heartthrobs back when height wasn't considered that important, whereas it's the most important thing for Millenial women. It will be interesting to see what attributes Zoomer women end up preferring.
>They're actors, not models lmaoYeah, because Driver and Cavill are known for their Gary Oldmanesque acting abilities ::sarc::
They are cast because they give Millenial women feels, period. Millenial women don't like the Pitt/Cruise model type looks.
No. 1376434
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>>1376427>pic related is the best female eye area you've ever seenIs this a serious post?
No. 1376443
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>>1376427>Adam driver is famous for his looks>Millenial women don't like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise>young Tom Cruise has the best eyesI'm sorry I have to break this to you as you clearly take your role as Woman Understander very seriously but you are extremely wrong and retarded
No. 1376459
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>>1376427>"Millennial women thirst for AD harder than any man in history, he could have any woman in the world, I know this as a Woman Expert™">Actual straight women disagree>"N-NNOOOO YOU MUST WANT TO SUCK THIS NASTY RATFACE KING'S COCK AND NOT HAVE ACTUAL STANDARDS REEEEE"Also, I was born in the 90's and still vaguely remember the Brad Pitt craze. I can definitely assure you women went WAY crazier for Pitt than for AD. Get your larping male zoomer ass out of here.
No. 1376473
>>1376443::post pic of the most beautiful eye area in human history and thinks it disproves my point::
I don't know what your eye area is like, but your eyesight is obviously trash
>Millenial women don't like Brad Pitt and Tom CruiseWell Brad Pitt simply was never attractive in the first place. Gen X women liked men like Pitt and Matt LeBlanc but Millenial women realized that Gen X women couldn't judge looks for shit. Neither Pitt or LeBlanc were ever handsome. Cruise was handsome but other than his eye area and hair, he wasn't as good looking as he was made out to be. Also he would be too short for Millenial women. Don't get me wrong, Millenail woman would date and marry Tom Cruise, but they would fantasize about Driver. It's just a completely different type of attraction.
>>1376434Yes. Dua Lipa's eye area is perfection. She has become a multi millionaire off her eye area. Are you fucking retarded?
>>1376451Thank you! Somebody gets it. Everything I have said here wouldn't be remotely controversial anywhere else.
>>1376459>Also, I was born in the 90's and still vaguely remember the Brad Pitt crazeIf you were born in the 90's, you do not remember the peak of the Brad Pitt craze, which happened at around like 1996.
>I can definitely assure you women went WAY crazier for Pitt than for ADNo they did not. The media went more crazy for Brad but actual women went more crazy for Driver. If there had been lolcow in the 90s, there wouldn't have been a need to silo Brad Pitt thirsting in it's own thread as has proved necessary for Driver
This is all a bunch of derailing bullshit anyway. I don't care who anyone else is attracted to, the point I was making was that tradthots are pathetic for simping for MGTOWs. If they want to simp, they should simp for desirable men.
No. 1376482
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>>1376473>Millenial women would fantasize about this thingStop trying to gaslight my fucking eyes
If your only point was "Tradthots should at least simp for attractive men", you didn't need to name names and try to defend them. You're like a shill, fucking quit
No. 1376485
>>1376482Ntayrt but you're the one who seems
triggered to hell and back by names. It didn't warrant such a retarded reaction and that's why its gotten to this point.
No. 1376492
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>>1376473>>1376427You posted this blog where it says that inward-slanted eyes are the most ideal, and then you swoon over Dua Lipa's eyes even though they're slightly outward-slanted. So which one is true?
No. 1376496
>>1376485I wasn't even part of the original autistic argument or rants, so no. I'm just sick of ugly scrote defense. "No shut up stop calling rat man and the human brick ugly, this is lolcow spergery reee" and actual
triggered ranting for days now, no discussion of tradthots in sight, just because we don't all share your husbando. Pick hotter men for your examples next time. Do you think anyone would've said shit if you said, idk, Lucky Blue Smith or literally any other male model who actually has zoomers and millenial simps? Then again, I know someone would come to fight about that too because not everyone will agree. The best thing is to name no one. Just say hot men, hot celebrity men or whatever. This shit didn't need to happen
>"I said Ntayrt"Don't care didn't ask
No. 1376502
>>13764921. I meant Dua when she is fully made up, like in the "Levitating" video. They make her eyes look more cat like with makeup
2. It clearly says in on the blog that cat like eyes are not as important for women as they are for men
3. You could make the case that Gal Gadot and Taylor Swift have superior eye area to Dua (without her makeup at least; with makeup she blows them both away)
4. I'll admit that I didn't notice Dua's negative canthal tilt until seeing this pic. I'm used to seeing her with makeup. Still ATG eye area, though.
(derailing) No. 1376510
>>1376473Brad Pitt craze might have started in 1996 but definitely didn't end there. I remember when Mr and Mrs Smith came out and women everywhere were losing their shit over him. I remember the Johnny Depp craze too which was definitely not just the media hyping him up. I don't find either of those men attractive but I can at least admit they have some conventional appeal, AD does not. Well he's tall I guess, but a lot of men are tall. Some even have faces that aren't painful to look at.
>Anon who is trying to shill AD is the same anon who uses MGTOW as some kind of umbrella term for any conservative/read/misogynist manWhy am I not shocked. Stop trying to derail the thread with your bullshit, no one cares about "MGTOWs" or how much you want to worship Adam Driver's cock.
No. 1376513
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>>1376502>I'm used to seeing her with makeup. In that photo she was still wearing substantial makeup, just not this super-heavy stage makeup like she does in videos.
The kind of makeup you're talking about is called winged eyeliner. You can see in pic related that Dua's actual eyes aren't very "cat-like", it's just a lot of eyeliner forming the "wing" part and making the outer corner appear much higher than it actually is.
It's crazy how easily moids fall for these simple visual tricks.
No. 1376528
>>1376510>Anon who is trying to shill AD is the same anon who uses MGTOW as some kind of umbrella term for any conservative/read/misogynist manThey are synonymous, yes.
>Stop trying to derail the thread with your bullshit, no one cares about "MGTOWs" Tradthot and MGTOW ideology are literally exactly the same. It wasn't me who posted the Undead Chronic video here. Actually, this all started because I was expressing confusion about why Tradthots were so attracted to MGTOWs. If Tradthots didn't thirst for MGTOWs, I wouldn't have said anything in the first place.
Also, I don't give a fuck about Adam Driver. I only used him as an example of a man that Millenial women find attractive. You guys are mostly Zoomers so of course you aren't going to like him, just like Millenial women wouldn't like Brad Pitt.
No. 1376558
>>1376547Was going to delete and repost because of a grammatical error but I guess Im too late. Anyway.
Tradthots don't want men who don't want to financially support them or marry them, aka MGTOWs. They want conservative men who will financially support them. Not the same thing as a MGTOW.
>on Middle Eastern social media that MGTOW is used as shorthand for "red pilled anti-feminism".Well they're using it wrong. I've seen Indians in social media use gay and transgender interchangeably. They're probably just ESL and misunderstanding the term. Also, being "redpilled" or anti feminist isn't inherently trad or conservative either. You are so goddamn confused.
No. 1376577
>>1376567>>1376570I voted for Trump 2x. I haven't said anything about the conservative/liberal divide. MGTOW and the redpill have nothing to do with politics so I really don't know where all this is coming from.
In my opinion, any man who believes in the redpill is a MGTOW and any woman who believes in the redpill is a tradthot.
No. 1376578
>>1376577Wasn't it you who said that conservative and MGTOW are synonymous in
>>1376528 ?
No. 1376582
>>1376578it was written as "conservative/read/misogynist" so I assumed that anon was referring to right wing misogyny as opposed to left wing misogyny. They manifest differently. Really I meant that male redpilled misogyny (which is inherently right wing) is synonymous with MGTOW.
I don't consider pro lifers to necessarily be redpilled, few of them likely even know what the redpill is. Conservatives who are big on larping traditionalism, however, I would say are at least redpill/MGTOW adjacent.
No. 1376591
>>1376584Women trade their youth, beauty, fidelity and submission to men in exchange for men's protection and commitment (but not necessarily fidelity). The redpill used to also require that a man provide for his wife but that seems to have been dropped in favor of the "Chechan model" where the woman does all the housework and child rearing IN ADDITION to making all the money.
"Modern" women are no longer fulfilling their end of the bargain: instead of serving and giving children to a normie man, they are going out to get fucked by Chad until they hit "the Wall" at which point they try to land a sucker to leach off his "betabux". This plan can't work, however, because all the men who spent their 20s and 30s building their own fortune and business empire now no longer want these women who had rejected them earlier.
That's the redpill.
No. 1376931
>>1376577>I haven't said anything about the conservative/liberal divide. MGTOW and the redpill have nothing to do with politics so I really don't know where all this is coming from.>In my opinion, any man who believes in the redpill is a MGTOW and any woman who believes in the redpill is a tradthot.Okay, now I get why you keep calling all men who are misogynistic or conservative MGTOWs, because you don't even seem to understand what a tradthot is in the first place. According to you, being a tradthot has nothing to do with politics. Not really true. Tradthots are called TRADthots because they are larping as conservative (i.e. trad) women who have "traditional" values to get validation/attention/money/love from conservative men. A lot of them will claim to be "redpilled" but that term doesn't have a concrete meaning and it's not the basis of being trad. In other words being "redpilled" and being trad are not synonymous (the "redpill" is not about conserving traditional values). There are lots of "redpilled" thots like Tara Babcock and Indigo White who straight up make porn. Pickmes and "redpilled" but not trad. MGTOW means "Men Going Their Own Way" i.e. without women. Not "Men Going To Marry Redpilled/Trad Women". Do they actually practice what they preach and "go their own way"? No, they just spend an eternity bitching and moaning about women and/or harassing us. But they're still not the men that tradthots pander to, as you have repeatedly stated in this thread. In fact there are even conservative men who think that MGTOWs are pathetic.
Also, I just realized you're the same anon who started shitting up the thread a few weeks ago by saying "tradthots aren't a thing anymore, zoomer women don't have the same lust for misogynistic men that millennials do" see
>>1366373 and
>>1366002 then you came here to shill Adam Driver. Was your goal all along just to shit up this entire thread with bullshit derailing again and again? Job well done.
No. 1377043
>>1376931>because you don't even seem to understand what a tradthot is in the first placeOr anons here don't understand that what a tradthot is has changed substantially from what it was in 2016
>Tradthots are called TRADthots because they are larping as conservative (i.e. trad) women who have "traditional" values to get validation/attention/money/love from conservative menEvie Magazine is not trying to appeal to "conservative" men. Most normie conservative men would be totally grossed out by Evie Magazine, Mrs. Midwest or Robyn. Insofar as conservative men are misogynist, it is based on apathy/inconsideration as opposed to outright malice ala MGTOWs/tradthots
>But they're still not the men that tradthots pander toSure they are. Who do you think Evie Magazine is targeted towards? Who is Midwest's and Robyn's content targeted towards? And before you try to tell me "normie conservative men", I suggest you read the comments that they get
>tradthots aren't a thing anymore, zoomer women don't have the same lust for misogynistic men that millennials do"And I stand by that. The 2016 style tradthot has no next generation. This thread inspired me to see if I could find any Zoomer tradthots on Twitter and all I could find were: 1. Zoomer girls who were obsessed with crappy crappy homemade clothing, bible quotes and "monarchism" 2. Zoomer girls who had adopted 4chan style meme misogyny without much pretense at traditionalism 3. some really bizarre kink accounts
Only the first group can be described as trad and I don't think it would be accurate to call them tradthots. 2016 Lauren is like the prototypical tradthot and I don't see any Zoomer girls like that.
>then you came here to shill Adam DriverI didn't shill for Adam Driver. I'm not attracted to him, or any man for that matter. I picked him because I have seen countless farmers express extreme thirst for him the past. If I had known he was so unpopular with the anons ITT I would have picked someone else
>Was your goal all along just to shit up this entire thread with bullshit derailing again and again?If I was derailing, I would have been sanctioned by the mods (that Dua Lipa thing doesn't count). That I haven't shows that most people silently agree with what I have been saying re tradthots and MGTOWs having the same ideology. And the reason they agree with me is because I am so indisputably correct so all anyone can do is nitpick the margins of my argument.
(derailing) No. 1377493
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ew Brittany Pettibone named her son Reinhard. Is it still common name to use in Germany or Austria? The first thing that comes to my mind is Reinhard Heydrich. Thats such a disgusting choice of name. Someone in the comments even said that it brings memories of him.
No. 1377642
>>1377043MGTOW and tradthots have similar ideologies but MGTOW just hates all women and would probably go on a shooting spree if they saw how MMW or any other dependent tradthot. Also MMW straight up said that being in a marriage is stable if there wasn't a prenup and you get alimony/life support if he dies or cheats or something. Most MGTOWs would have a heart attack at the but I honestly have to get it to Caitlyn for encouraging women to have financial reliability in a situation where they are most vurnerable and she also encourages women to leave if he cheats or becomes
abusiveMGTOW just believes all women are evil by nature, to the point of attacking women who stand up for MGTOW, tradthots value women if they're the "right woman" but also try to push women into the direction they believe is right. The only thing MGTOW and tradthots have in common is that they hate "modern western" women like they're the antichrist coming to curse the world because they make themselves useful in other ways outside of being a baby machine and maid
No. 1377764
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>>1303579I love how you cherry picked Pashtuns with blonde hair and blue eyes when thats actually not even that common. It exists yes but most afghans have dark hair and dark eyes..
No. 1377766
>>1304889Masha Allah, the sister is beautiful. Are you mad Ahmed wouldn't take you as second wife,
No. 1378073
>>1378055I've only seen MGTOWs attack her. Most of her far-right fans have congratulated her and wished her a large family.
MGTOWs weren't paying her bills anyway, why would their input even matter? She can still build a career and bank on anti-immigration, pro-family, pro-male stuff.
No. 1378473
>>1378074Sellner isn't a tradthot. Neither is Mikhaela Peterson, for that matter. They are both just right wing, young women who are somewhat attractive.
To be a tradthot, one must either be hardcore into 1950's housewife larping (MMW) or at least into praising said larping (Lauren, Robyn)
>Mgtows sub/follow and love tradthots like Brittnay because her kind love to shit on women as much as themSellner really isn't anti woman. She's just boring.
No. 1378754
>>1378728>They're obsessed with "traditional femininity" (read: quiet and submissive)Lauren and Robyn are quiet and submissive?!? Not hardly. Can you imagine what their husbands have to put up with?
>Brittany has several videos complaining about how modern women are too masculine because society is forcing them to be too dominant/independent etc.She said this? Women were much tougher and more "masculine" back in the day. Can you imagine a female movie star today who had the dominant presence of an Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Barbara Stanwyck or Lauren Bacall? Women are much more submissive/childlike today then they were in the past.
If Brittany really said that then I agree that she is a tradthot but I still don't dislike her like I do Southern.
>In fact some right wing women are unabashedly outspoken or even aggressive (Tomi Lahren, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham for example)I would say that Tomi comes very close to being a tradthot. Her in Sellner are probably on the same level, now that I think about it.
No. 1379588
>>1379404Tradthot Proper: Lauren
Larping Tradthot: Mrs. Midwest
Redpill Tradthot: Robyn
Fauxllectual Tradthot: Margerita
Mikhaela is a thot but no trad. She doesn't fit any of the 4 categories.
No. 1380293
>>1379588I agree that Mikhaila (probably going to call her Micky from here on out because Mikhaila is too damn long) isn't a tradthot.
Not sure which Lauren you're talking about. Lauren Southern? Because she's also the larping type. So is Ben Shapiro's sister. If anything Mr Midwest seems a lot more genuine in her "trad"ness to me than the others.
No. 1380416
>>1380293>Not sure which Lauren you're talking about. Lauren Southern? Because she's also the larping typeLauren talks but she doesn't larp. She always liked to dress provocatively and has never tried to play the role of submissive homemaker. She has always been unapologetically career oriented.
>So is Ben Shapiro's sister.Abigail Shapiro has never bashed women or pretended that she is a submissive homemaker. She's more of a conservathot than a tradthot.
No. 1380429
>>1380416>Lauren talks but she doesn't larp. She always liked to dress provocatively and has never tried to play the role of submissive homemaker. She has always been unapologetically career oriented.Well you still never said what Lauren you're talking about as there are at least 3, but I'm assuming you mean Southern. And yeah that was my point, she has always been a huge hypocrite. But you called her "tradthot proper" which implies she's a "proper" tradthot. I thought that would mean she was actually traditional, unless I'm misunderstanding you.
>Abigail Shapiro has never bashed women or pretended that she is a submissive homemaker. She's more of a conservathot than a tradthot.Beg to differ. She, like Brittany, is obsessed with how women behave, whining about how modern women dress and act etc. Has a bunch of videos trying to tell women how to dress/behave and that they need to become mothers. All of this obsession with women acting "classic" despite having her nudes leaked on the internet.
No. 1380442
>>1380429>Well you still never said what Lauren you're talking about as there are at least 3What Lauren tradthot is there besides Southern and Chen?
>But you called her "tradthot proper" which implies she's a "proper" tradthot.To me, 2016 Southern was the epitome of what people think of when they think tradthot, so that's why I described her as "Tradthot Proper".
>Beg to differ. She, like Brittany, is obsessed with how women behave, whining about how modern women dress and act etc. Has a bunch of videos trying to tell women how to dress/behave and that they need to become mothers.I'm not going to lie to you, I've never really bothered to watch any of Brittany's or Shapiro's content. They are just too boring. In Shapiro's case, her content is clearly targeted towards women so I don't think you could call her a tradthot. Sellner I agree you could maybe call a "Tradthot Lite" but she has always dressed and behaved more modestly than Lauren and never has engaged in the MGTOW pandering of Southern and Chen.
No. 1380662
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>I dream of a life, in a land long ago.
>The pictures from blurry cameras pressed between pages of old books that talk about real romance and real conquests.
>With all my dreaming I have turned myself into a homesick anachronism.
She says while posing for a photo, subtly lifting her skirt to better hug her ass, so that she can later upload it to Instagram and Twitter.
This is just pure virtue signalling LARP for conservative online scrotes. Actually "trad" people don't make 15 Tweets a day (this is exactly how many she's made yesterday LMAO). All these people who "hate modernity" and salivate at pre-industrial history while spering on social media are walking contradictions.
No. 1380778
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>>1380732LARPing as a feminine trad-waifu, as usual.
Imagine putting on this dress and a diadem just to have a "trad" Instagram photoshoot in your Toronto suburban front yard.
No. 1380988
>>1380732Trying to tell all male followers that she prefers being "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen uwu"
>>1380778>that descWho the fuck cares about how disney writes characters? Shes bored as hell in that modern suburban neighborhood
No. 1381030
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>>1380995Arwen apparently
No. 1381179
>>1380778>>1381030Lol but they changed Arwen's character in the movie to give her a bigger role and make her a stronger character. Arwen was virtually non-existent in the books (I think she was mentioned two or three times total in the main trilogy, and a little bit more in the appendix). Galadriel and Eowyn were less ~traditionally feminine uwu~ and had bigger (but still very small) parts in that book. Most old stories don't have "feminine role models" they literally have just all men as main characters.
This woman is daft as hell. Tired of traditionalists trying to rewrite history and act like ~traditional femininity~ was praised and held up on a pedestal (it wasn't usually).
No. 1381459
>>1381179>This woman is daft as hell.This
is the woman who dropped out of her neuroscience PhD program so she could fingerpaint and larp as a dainty, virginal tradwife online, after being very public about her fiance dumping her and having an abortion. Critical thinking is not her strong suit.
No. 1381580
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<- Pic related is the cringiest piece of self-fan-fiction I've ever read. Keep in mind that the author is a 26 years old woman who claims to be purveyor of high-brow classical literature.
No. 1381752
>>1381580it’s a great legend about how important it is for women to be strong and assertive and able to defeat men in battle
what does this spineless worm take away from it?
No. 1382157
>>1381869pickmes got no spine
Vasilissa Mikulichna defeated the King’s warriors in single combat and tricked the King himself to rescue her husband
plus she was the most beautiful woman in all of Rus
this uggums wants to lay about and have a nanny
No. 1382578
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>>1381752>>1382157>>1381869She posted the story of Vasilissa - a brave, strong, capable woman - but later admitted that she basically gets a panic attack before stepping on an escalator.
It's like she can't decide who she wants to be: the badass warrior princess, or the UwU smol cute damsel in distress.
No. 1382950
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>>1371380Yeah another girl in the trad orbit made this thread taking about how she broke up with her bf, is going to college and leaving her family to pursue a corporate job, something that they would totally crucify any other women for, but it’s ok for her to do it because it’s totally what god wants.
I mean good for her that she’s going out and living her life instead of pursuing some weird LARP but why can’t they make the next logical step and realise their reasons for wanting to put off starting a family are the exact same as any other woman’s?
>>1382578Her lack of critical thinking skills and delusions of grandeur always made me suspect she might be brain damaged but this just confirms it. I’ve known a lot of uncoordinated people in my life but none who found it mentally taxing to step onto an escalator, that’s a sign of sever cognitive dysfunction.
Maybe she’s trying to make a point about how she’s too trad for such new-fangled inventions, her body won’t even let her step onto an escalator!
No. 1383184
>>1382911Are you sure it doesn't just make her an attention whore?
>>1382950>Yeah another girl in the trad orbit made this thread taking about how she broke up with her bf, is going to college and leaving her family to pursue a corporate job, something that they would totally crucify any other women for, but it’s ok for her to do it because it’s totally what god wants.Nah, the new gen of tradthots doesn't believe that women shouldn't have careers.
No. 1384513
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Can't really expect a childless tradthot with dwindling ovarian reserve to fully comprehend how difficult and expensive it is to raise children. She has to be a grifter, right? There's no fucking way she actually means the shit she says.
No. 1384721
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>>1384532>>1384597>>1384513But the richest people are having the fewest children, while the poorest people are having the most. Maybe it's not actually that prohibitvely expensive?
No. 1384734
>>1384725Families who make 35-50 k/yr aren't living in poverty, they can afford contraception, but they're still having way more children than rich people who make 150k+.
Also - if poor people with children are getting "free money" from the government, doesn't that weaken your argument about parenthood being too expensive?
No. 1385482
Are we seriously having a discussion about wether or not it’s expensive to raise children? Obviously it’s expensive it’s literally a whole new person to maintain, that’s why you get benefits for it. Of course you can do it more cheaply if you’re thrifty, but to completely deny that it’s a significant financial drain is just stupid.
>>1384721 it’s partly cultural, but also the reason those families are poorer is because they have more children. having kids often means you need to take less hours at work (sometimes even become a single-income household), can’t get as good job opportunities bc a lot of high paying jobs require flexibility, both in terms of hours and being able to move, which is more difficult to do if your kids are settled in a school etc. Also if you have kids early you probably aren’t going to college, which has a huge impact too.
Like if you don’t think that a couple with 3 kids doesn’t have a greater financial burden than a childless couple of the same age group you are seriously retarded
No. 1385551
>>1385547No, Millenials start at 80, I believe. Initially they were saying 85, then they said 82 and then finally they settled on 80.
I think it should be Boomers: 45-65; Gen X: 65-85; Millenials: 85-2005; Zoomers: 2005-2025. But that ship has sailed.
No. 1385633
>>1385482>Like if you don’t think that a couple with 3 kids doesn’t have a greater financial burden than a childless couple of the same age group you are seriously retardedOf course I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that this additional financial burden is seriously overstated.
A child doesn't have to pay for its' own accomodation (rent/mortgage), doesn't pay student loan because education is free until age 18, and all civilised countries offer various benefits (tax breaks, food stamps, cheaper healthcare insurance, cash subsidies etc.) for families to offset the remaining expenses.
No. 1385656
>>1385633Children don't pay for their own accommodation because parents do? Try go to a landlord and say: I'll take this two bedroom but only pay for one because the bedroom it's for my child.
How dense are you anon?
No. 1385733
>>1385633the average cost of raising a child in the US is $15,000/ year, depending on age. obviously there are ways to raise a child for much less, but they are predicated on factors like having a support system that can help you, your child not having any special needs etc. even then a lot of people would rather wait a few years and have extra financial security rather than raise a child on a super-strict budget.
I honestly don't know how you've come to the conclusion being entirely responsible for the care of a person can in any way not be a significant financial decision. yes a lot of poor families have children, but a lot of children also live in poverty, so that's not exactly proving anything
No. 1385737
>>1385656Who said that?
>>1385652NTA but I have 1 kids at 22, kids aren't as expensive as most people will make you believe. I have a two bedroom apartment in a suburban area that's just less than 800 a month with a pet fee and the apartment also has a pool, tennis court, playground, library, etc for recreation with my child. It's also not income restricted since I know someone will pull that card. We easily survive off my husbands 20/hr income, he has really good income that doesn't have any copays and he got a 2000 sign on bonus which we used to furnish the apartment. He also has been unemployed for months and doesn't have any certifications or anything for those who are going to pull the "well not everyone can spend thousands on a degree!!" Card. A lot of baby stuff was given to us by family and pass downs which is normal for my family regardless of financial situation so don't pull the "you're living off your family!" Card just because they gave me passed down baby stuff.
Anyway budget is a big part, couponing, eating cheap and healthy, etc. I also save money on new clothes by sewing scraps and stuff and have made my own maternity clothes. We drive one car together which the insurance is 90/a month, the issue is that a lot of people tend to overspend and want to live bougie without looking into other possible options for large expenses or they just have a man that's broke and lazy and that's how they came to the conclusion they can't afford anything. My grandpa worked three jobs to help 4 kids survive on a farm and wouldn't let my grandma work until all of them were in school, men today will barely look into picking up extra shifts or consider upgrading their job in order to help their kids and wife
No. 1385740
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>>1385735Room sharing isn't a thing? Bunk beds? It's not that hard kek. You can easily fit a family of four in a 2 bedroom apartment 2 per room. Even putting 4 kids in a room would be possible comfortably
>>1385734This is a stretch and unrelated. Nobody was saying it was absolutely perfect back in the day but it's just mind-boggling to me at least that you can't understand how people would have been able to survive decades ago. People aren't supporting women getting raped simply for saying it's not that hard financially to take care of kids what is wrong with you
No. 1385744
>>1385739The birthrate was high because birth control was hard if not impossible to get, and abortion was highly restriced. Marital rape was also perfectly legal, and with women made artificially dependent on men for financial support, men could do whatever they wanted to their wives.
Of course it also was less of a financial burden to have kids back in the day, since it was much easier to afford college education/homes/cars than it is now. the birthrate is dropping like a rock specifically because of how prohibitively expensive it is to have a family.
No. 1385746
>>1385744>the birthrate is dropping like a rock specifically because of how prohibitively expensive it is to have a family.Absoutely not. I've already posted data showing that the richest families are having fewer children than poor or middle-class. Those with over $200,000 a year are literally having the fewest of all groups.
The reason why the birthrates are declining is because people don't WANT to have children. Not because they can't afford it.
No. 1385752
>>1385746Rich people have always had fewer kids than poor. Poor people had many kids a long time ago because the death rate for infants was high, and you needed many hands to run a farm.
Rich people are vain, they let nannies raise their few children, and certain wealthy women and queens never even nursed their own children, they regulated that duty to wet nurses. Rich men would get sexually satisfied by mistresses and prostitutes and wouldn’t need to rely on their wives for sexual satisfaction, and they were vain. They didn’t want their wives to die in childbirth or become incapacitated and unable to do the entertaining duties expected of a wealthy or noble woman.
No. 1385762
>>1385759I don't have to but it's a good way to save money and I enjoy doing it, what's the issue?
>>1385760Who's encouraging people to have kids while being financially constrained? Food stamps are an option if that's what you need to do and WIC is quite fast if you have kids, if food stamps would be the only way for you to eat then obviously don't have kids but all we're saying that it's not impossible to be a happy family even if you don't have much
No. 1385767
>>1385745NTA (and they seem like a piece of shit tbh, I agree its not an insult, its pretty impressive you do that, honestly) but for a lot of people, taking the time to learn to do all that (yes, including cooking, including even so much as knowing what a healthy meal consists of) is simply not possible for a variety of reasons.
I dont mean this condescendingly anon but you sound like a sort of noble lower income person, smart, with your head in the right place, learned a bunch of useful skills at an early age. I dont think thats really the norm
No. 1385769
>>1385765I never said it's a bad thing. Everyone is free to do what they want with their lives. I just don't like it when people say
> having children is prohibitively expensive!as an excuse for the fact that they simply don't care much for having children in the first place. You don't need an excuse for that. Just say "I don't wanna have kids" and get it over with.
No. 1385770
>>1385765It's not a bad thing, neither is giving up comforts to have a family. It's all just a matter of choice. And people saying "it's not that expensive to have kids as some people make it seem" does not translate too "all poor people need to start pushing out babies now!". If you're not seriously poor you can easily support a family comfortably, I know this because I'm the anon who has a kid on my husband's 20/hour income. Mocking me for cooking my own food and making my own clothes isn't proving anything either
Don't lie to women, don't lie to them and tell them it costs thousands a month per child when it obviously doesn't and that figure you literally have to put effort into in order to make
No. 1385776
>>1385770We get that you're coping hard, but most people simply don't want to be a 22 year-old mom living in an apartment on $20/hr. Your lifestyle isn't enviable, and most people will(rightly) want to commit to obligations like marriage and child-rearing
after their brains are finished developing. There's a reason intelligent people have fewer children and put off having them until their 30's, y'know?
No. 1385791
>>1385781>It's only the most educated women (not men) in the West who have fewer children, something like half are childless by the end of their reproductive years, because of delay not because they don't want them on avg.Having childen and getting married is overwhelmingly more negative for women than it is for men, so of course intelligent women are going to want to either delay having kids or eschew the idea entirely. There's a reason unmarries, childless women live longer, healthier, happier lives.
>I agree 22 is not ideal, Then why try to give life advice when you're clearly not the most adept at making good life choices? This is like getting diet advice from an obese person.
>but no one needs to wait until they're mid to late 30s like most women do today in order to be a good parent and provide properly.Average age of first birth for women in the US is 26, but in most first world countries is around 29-31.
>Anon is right that it doesn't need to cost a fortune and the convo is all wrong re needs vs wants. There's a lot of fear mongering re child-raising, especially in America.Raising a child
well absolutely does cost a fortune, which is why people are putting off having them until later, and having fewer when they do. There are plenty of dumb fundies who have 5+ kids they support on one salary while the mom stays home and beats them, we know it's possible to do so, we just want better for our own children.
No. 1385826
>>1384513She'll say this shit and end up vague posting after her pregnancy on how tired she is when raising just 1 baby like mrs midwest.
Also her jab at healthcare is hilarious. If anything happens during pregnancy you know she'll be at the door of the closet hospital. Vargs wife experienced pre eclampsia.
Wonder how long it'll take before her to begin praising women who died during childbirth for rejecting medical intervention because health care is evil
No. 1385834
>>1385776How many times do I emphasize choice for you to understand? It's not the life for most people and that's fine but age plays a big factor in raising children and claiming children cost a fortune is just a lie
>>1385784Mocking people for making things at home for kids makes you sound shitty tbh + I got braces in my teens on insurance when my parents were on one income (my dad only made 30/hr I believe) Also now there's cheaper options like smile direct if you're still unable to afford braces. If your only argument is that you assume there's absolutely no alternative option for paying for anything then you've got nothing
No. 1385842
>>1384513Let’s just get the thread back on track and come together to make fun of how one of Meg’s big money saving tips is “don’t take your baby to the hospital”
In fairness to her your childcare costs will decrease significantly if your baby dies of whooping cough
No. 1385847
>>1385843Because you're fucking
triggered reeing at anons for hours because they said having a child was expensive and started backtracking and trying to not seem retarded.
No. 1385855
>>1385852Because you seem like a
triggered trad.
No. 1385858
>>1385854Show me where I said children are expensive. Are you able to develop an argument using things I've actually said?
>>1385855How? My entire argument isn't that kids aren't as expensive as people make them seem. Where in the world did you get "make women pop out babies and be housewives" out of any of that?
No. 1385862
>>1385857But if I was privileged or something, you would preach about how I don't understand how much children actually cost. When I'm on a budget, living comfortably and happily with kids, preaching about something I have first-hand experiences with, suddenly "I'm unable to give life advice"?
No. 1385864
>>1385858>Show me evidence!Definitely a RW moid.
>>1385862Trad-chan, please stop shitting up the thread with seething and post actual trad milk instead of caping for yourself out of embarrassment/the need to convert.
No. 1385868
>>1384721Rich people not having kids = kids not being actually expensive? Extremely flawed logic, anon. It's way more complicated than that.
It's 100 percent true that wealth inversely correlates with fertility. The richest are indeed having the fewest children. But this has to do less with the (expensive? inexpensive? it's for the
nonny reading this to decide!) cost of childrearing and more with other factors. Wealth also positively correlates with high IQ – small note: this is one of those details that is individually unreliable, but great when talking about large swathes of people – and high IQ has been shown in research to be positively related to successful use of contraception, meaning that women who are not retarded tend to be the ones who are extremely careful and conscientious about not getting pregnant. There's been research suggesting that higher IQ women are the ones who are more likely to get an abortion in case of unwanted pregnancy. You'll find that these factors are all brought up when people ask shit like, "Why are there no Einsteins anymore? What's with the decline in geniuses? Why's everyone's IQ so low?" Well, a part of it (not all of it, of course) has to do with the fact that the women you want to be having children are exactly the type of women who are not….having children. Of course, the entire matter is way, way more nuanced than that.
There's also the relationship between economic status and contraception, which goes back to the point regarding wealth and fertility. Birth control just isn't as accessible to poor women. Note that I'm trying to keep all of this within strictly American parameters – if we'd expand our talk to the third-world, your suggestion would be even faulty; poorer families have a shit ton of children because they need to bodies for labor. They have kids not because they don't cost much money, kek, but because they can bring in money.
tl;dr it's not as simple as we think it is.
No. 1385870
>>1385864You claimed I said kids are expensive, I want to know where I said that. No amount of "but you're a moid" can back you up
You're also the one fighting back, putting words in my mouth then crying bloody murder once I ask for you to show me where I said that. Take your own advice
>>1385865Strawmanning would be claiming you said something that you didn't, you just seem upset for whatever reason, if I had more money, lived with my parents, etc you'd use that against me, but you have nothing but the fact I'm young and a mom who's income is under 45k a year, which is exactly the people we are talking about and why I'm telling people, from personal experience, that children aren't that expensive
No. 1385878
>>1385874NTA but you seem way more
triggered than the anon you're replying too, she never said having kids is expensive and nothing she said was moid-like, I also traced back the argument and she specifically encourages women to make their own choices just be more responsible and honest, I don't have kids so I can't really say how much they actually cost but if she really is a 22 yr old mom living on one income then she's in the right spot to be discussing this, definitely not you, on top of that she's been calm and you're the one who started sperging first
mocking her for making clothes and food, claiming she encouraged teen pregnancy, claiming she said things she's never said, etc, all just screams to me like you're bitter and
triggered over the fact she's happy and content without needing a lot of materialistic things in her life, stop seething and get over it
No. 1385892
>>1385883bitch I just got here too, don't even play that I know your typing style and see you on lolcow getting
triggered over nothing extremely often
No. 1385899
>>1385889>Can we just move on.Anon, people have been saying to post milk and not have a shitfit because anons said having kids were expensive.
>>1385892Mental illness confirmed.
No. 1385935
>>1385737This anon keeps saying “kids” even though they have one kid
> NTA but I have 1 kids at 22That’s not how mothers IRL talk. They’d just say they have one kid.
No. 1385941
>>1385742>>1385776>>1385791>>1385857>Hey guys, I'm a rich woman and I think having kids is not that expensiveLMAO you're literally rich! Of course it's not expensive for you!
>Hey guys, I'm a poor woman and I think having kids is not that expensiveLMAO you're literally poor! You shouldn't be giving life advice to anyone!
This is your brain on r/childfree.
No. 1385957
>>1385955Get your
triggered bitter ass out
No. 1385966
>>138596020 an hour is a little bit more than 40k a year, that's a perfectly reasonable salary to live on if you live in a cheap area. Treating that as barely scraping just seems like you're irresponsible with money
>>1385963>Baiting to try to start a completely irrelevant argument Wtfff
No. 1385977
>>1385971Does it ever occur to you that people are happier like this? I moved out at 20 after graduating of course I don't own a home, it's called saving up, who is even able to buy a house freshly after leaving home? 40k is perfectly fine and gives me more than enough
>>1385974I'm in an oddly specific area but I'm in a suburb of a major city in the midwest
monthly income is about 3200/monthly, after rent is 2400, diapers, toys, clothes, insurance, groceries, subscription services, etc all leave me with about 1600 each month which I put 600 of in savings and 1000 is used for rec such as movies, zoo, fabric etc and sometimes I'll send 200 or so to my parents to help with bills. I'm quite frugal so obviously I don't burn through 1k a month on just fun stuff
No. 1386040
>>1385791>There's a reason unmarries, childless women live longer, healthier, happier lives.Cope and sneed.>Results:>In fathers with one, two, three or more children suicide rate was 54%, 64% and 59% lower, respectively (compared with non‐fathers), whereas in mothers was 70%, 83% and 93% lower, respectively (compared with non‐mothers).>Conclusion:>A protective effect of parenthood on suicide is likely in both men and women. No. 1386042
>>1386040>>1386033Anon hasn't lmao.
>Why don't you stop replying and just let me win reee!Please just post milk and stop pretending to be multiple anons. It's abvious you're sitting on the thread.
No. 1386102
>>1386042It's obvious you just want the last word since you will repeadly bait and insult long after I stopped replying then get offended when I reply back. Sorry we don't live in a fantasy land where you can freely talk shit without being told anything back.
I'm also not the person posting links/statistics
No. 1386166
>>1386162This person is arguing in bad faith. They ran out of things to say, so they will now claim that no one cares, insinuate you're a moid, accuse you of pretending to be multiple people, suggest you're a bad mother, or just spam "cope" - basically say any stupid shit in hopes that you will become tired/frustrated and leave the conversation so they can have the last word.
I've seen it before. I'm just letting you know what's happening so you don't take it personally.
No. 1386184
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>>1386173They're… Funny? What's funny about people being mom's and not being rich? You sound unhinged, do you just walk past random women in Walmart with their kids and burst out laughing over their "terrible lifestyle choices"? Just say you hate mom's and go.
Picrel. It's a terrible human being who makes laughably awful lifestyle choices
No. 1386318
>>1386306Holy shit you’re fucking retarded. Anon just said having kids when financially strained is unrealistic for a lot of women.
>Have money to raise child and send to school if you want kids != hate mothers.How about you hate women who can’t or don’t want kids if this is how you’re logic works. Tradfage-chan, get a grip.
No. 1386322
>>1386040>Cope and sneed.At least
try to fit in, moid.
>>1386147>Heh, I'm sure you're barely scraping by with a kid on a 20 dollar/hour salary :-)No one was saying this, we were telling her she was wrong that kids don't cost a lot of money.
>Sorry sweetie, it's a fact that childless women live longer happier lives :-)>Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, says that while men benefit from being married, women generally don't. No. 1386423
>>1386395Get off the cross, mommyblogger. Jesus christ, what a massive
victim complex you tardwives have.
No. 1386507
>>1386490bruh most of the thread was dunking on people like
lauren southern but smooth brained tardwife mom has been shittint it up with her blogposting and calling everyone bitter when they don't agree with her, the only derailing comes from tards like you. dilate
No. 1386686
>>1384597I don’t know how you could possibly come to this conclusion based on what I said. Yeah, you can have a kid when you’re working class and surviving only on government assistance, and then watch that kid grow up in a state of poverty or extremely simple means. It affects their education, their IQ, their future job prospects, their health, their mortality rate, their likelihood to live a life of crime, etc. “Have you ever seen a family from the hood or a trailer park???” <- are you retarded?
>>1384721You’re joking right?
No. 1386693
>>1386686Don't worry anon. Tradfag chan has just come to preach to women about her ideology. She's even lied about us being meanie childfree women.
>Last 2 tradthots threads have all been about hating mothers, calling mothers "breeders" "sows" and "bangmaids" for their "nigels". Just admit you're antinatalists who hate women who date men and have kids. This thread hasn't been about "tradthots" for months.She hasn't even read the past threads, just sees something that mocks the barefoot and pregnant and trad lifestyle and got
triggered. Users haven't even used the language she claims in this thread, just mocked the idea that women are only meant to be mothers and not whatever they want.
No. 1386719
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>>1386693>she hasn't read the threadActually I have and it is full of lovely comment such as picrel. But sure, you are all just normal women and mothers who just don't like the dang "tradthots" whatever that means at this point. Meanwhile calling mothers the dirtiest most misogynistic names that I don't even hear from men.
(infighting) No. 1386979
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marg locked her account after getting too much attention from this. I don't follow her or anyone who would admit to following her either so it must've really gotten around. anyone following who can keep us posted?
No. 1387010
>>1386719You need to get over yourself, and fast. I can’t imagine a child being subjected to the kind of mental gymnastics you’re spewing right now. Most everyone in this thread is only criticizing tradthots and some of the stupid things they say. Most of us do not hate mothers or women who choose to live traditional, homemaker lives. At least some of us would love to be mothers one day and have kids and yeah, being a housewife in the first years of those children’s lives would be nice. Is that enough clarification for you or are you really this retarded?
It’s like we can’t make a thread calling out horrible takes and larpers without someone accusing us of aTtAcKiNg mothers.
No. 1387073
>>1387059>>1387061FDS standards =
> he needs to be a male feminist who treats you as an equal partner, but he also has to pay for all your dates and dinners together> he needs to make a lot of money, but he can't spend a lot of time at work (because that would be neglect)> he needs to be very physically attractive and sexually skilled, but he can't be a fuckboy/manslutAKA a walking contradiction. Such creatures are waaay less than 1%. If they even exist at all.
No. 1387123
>>1387080They themselves compromise on things that they shouldn't compromise on, but then they tell their users to not compromise on things that they should. It's nowhere near as bad as the manosphere but it's probably the closest thing there is for women.
>>1387100most white women also have never had a man to take care of them. A lot of women want a man to help take care of the kids, but women in general don't want to be "taken care of" by a man.
No. 1387138
>>1387123white women do suffer and have no shortage of bad male partner stories but the black community is unique, over 90% of African american males do not earn over 60k a year, less then half have a high school education, record rates of unemployment and mass incarnation
no one history has been told to settle much as black women
No. 1387207
>>1387123>It's nowhere near as bad as the manosphere but it's probably the closest thing there is for women.It really is the women's version of MGTOW - a community of people who were used or rejected, who are now coping by hating on the other sex online and claiming to have these super high standards.
I'd pay money to watch a reality show with 5 FDS gals and 5 MGTOW dudes living in one house.
No. 1387484
>>1387470Most people feel an emotional affinity to their closest family members, even if they're being annoying.
Also a child is full of potential, and… it's hard to describe, but taking care of one feels like "building" or "developing" something for the future. I imagine it's a similar feeling as people who embark on long-term passion projects. It's amazing to see a dirty little shit slowly turning into a full-fledged individual week after week. It also helps that the child genuinely loves you back.
It's not that people enjoy changing dirty nappies. No - they love spending time with their childen DESPITE the dirty nappies.
No. 1387583
>>1387573People living alone without their parents is a relatively recent phenomenon.
Back before industry became widespread, society was agricultural and most people were tied to LAND, so they were living in multi-generational housing with their parents and grandparents, which obviously made child-rearing much easier.
No. 1387647
>>1387568This is a straw man. It's not about a woman spending time with her small children, it's about how much time she spends with them. Seeing the kids in mornings and nights and on the weekends is plenty if you have any idea how emotionally draining childcare is.
The women (and men) who voluntarily stay at home with their kids are stupid.
No. 1388029
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Found this on an MRA video, tardthot really thought these incels would praise her.
No. 1388042
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>>1388029samefag, but she just kept commenting and the same incel kept replying kek.
No. 1388083
>>1388056I don't think I'm better than anyone, man or woman. I am not criticizing women who stay voluntarily stay at home with their kids. John Lennon chose to stay at home to raise one of his sons while he used Yoko's free labor to run his business and I'm okay with that too.
It's fine for anyone, man or woman, to enjoy spending all day, everyday with their small children. It's just that those people are terminally weird and they probably have something wrong with their brains because spending time with little kids is hell on earth.
Anons here are choosing to interpret this as some kind of r/childfree attack. I'm pro children and pro parent. I have nieces and nephews and I have so much respect and admiration for parents, especially mothers. And I think being a stay at home parent is the world's hardest job, no hyperbole. All I did was give my opinion and point out that anyone who doesn't feel the same way I do about childcare is retarded.
No. 1388090
>>1388042Link to the vid?
that's a MGTOW, not an incel. Incels are really hostile to religion.
I deal with a lot of fundamentalist Christians in online debates and they all think the redpilled, "Biblical submission" thing is a joke. Even Martin Luther, certainly no feminist, was incensed by what he saw as the low status given to women in Islam.
No. 1388173
>>1388151Your thinly-veiled seething over childfree women is very telling, especially since neither the anon you're replying to nor anyone else making the same argument has mentioned being childfree. We get it, you're incredibly defensive over your poor life choices and feel unfulfilled compared to other young women your age. You made your bed, so try and make peace with it while other 22 year olds enjoy the vacations and nice clothes you spend your time pretending you don't want.
>>1388117I think this is a woman, just a deeply insecure one. A get the feeling a lot of trad and trad-adjacent women embrace the lifestyle since they're not particularly intelligent or ambitious, if not being outright dumb. It's easy to accept life as a tardwife when you wouldn't be much good at anything other than sweeping floors and baking casseroles anyways. Trad men are retarded too, they're just too narcissistic to admit it; this is why they all "work" at the family business or have multiple failed business ventures under their belt, kek
No. 1388174
>>1388173You repeatedly referred to stay-at-home-wives as "stupid", "something wrong with their brains", "TARDwives" etc.
If anyone is seething in this thread, it's you honey.
No. 1388182
>>1388174That wasn’t me. I would never use the term “childfree”. I am childless, not childfree.
I don’t think you’ve made bad life choices or anything like the other anon apparently does and I genuinely admire the work you do.
However, I do resent your implication that any parent who doesn’t want to stay at home with their kids full time doesn’t love them.
No. 1388212
>>1388173I don't even have kids yet, but I do plan to have them. As to 90% of all human beings. You're fucking weird for thinking that children are this horrible burden and that everyone who has them is jealous of people who don't. Everyone assumes you are childfree cause you type literally exactly the same shit that is posted on /r/childfree every single day.
>muh money>muh annoying screaming kids>muh missing out on TIME FOR MEEEEE>OMG who would ever want to make sacrifices or do something that doesn't directly benefit themselves??? SO WEIRD! You'd really feel right at home there, maybe it's time for you to make a reddit account instead of derailing this thread.
No. 1388324
>>1388304It's been that single anon seething across the site and samefagging themselves. Thinks saying women can do whatever they want, have kids or not, and that some people want kids but its expensive, is hating women and reeing about radfems because this site is a radfem site in her mind. Anon literally thinks they've come to champion their tard ideology against the feminazis kek.
Here's why they started shit fitting for the unaware:
Original point that began tradfag anons coping and seething:
>Can't really expect a childless tradthot with dwindling ovarian reserve to fully comprehend how difficult and expensive it is to raise children. She has to be a grifter, right? There's no fucking way she actually means the shit she says.Tradfag anons reply:
>But the richest people are having the fewest children, while the poorest people are having the most. Maybe it's not actually that prohibitvely expensive?And anons reply on why that's not the case:
>They get free money (social program benefits) and have less access to contraceptives, moronFollowed by many attempts by tradfag to prove its not expensive as anons claim, which are not believed, tradfag admitting to being a 22 year old mother (tbh doubtful, seems like a moid, only moids seethe this much on Mongolian basketweaving forum), posting statistics about muh falling birth-rate, coping about anons hating mothers for not agreeing with anon, women for not agreeing with anon, lying claiming we call women breeders like incels because we are not agreeing with tradfag, etc.
>inb4 that's not just me samefaggingWeird that it's only ever been like this since tradfag first appeared and we've never had reeing about the topic of women having kids/not/being expensive before. It's pretty obvious.
And so began the eternal seethe which shall ring us in the new year.
No. 1388333
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>there can not possibly be more than one anon on lolcow who thinks I am retarded! It's not true! You're all the same tradthot!
No. 1388477
>>1388141He's saying he already sews his own clothes to save money, implying he knows how making garments works.
Moids can't even pretend to be like women, they're so fucking clueless and abrasive their moidness is too apparent.
No. 1388945
>>1388324Yeah I think it's safe to say there's at least on tradtard in this thread, and that he's most likely the one upthread who was posting wheatfields a few months ago. You can tell because he's not even necessarily upset over women who choose not to have children, just women who put off having them until later so they can develop their careers, become financailly stable, and enjoy their youth. That's probably why he's seething so hard over anons correctly pointing out that children are expensive and time-consuming and reduces this worry down to the vapid desire for Bali vacations and designer clothes, and why he dismisses the idea that less money and personal time is a big deal that actual parents openly say they struggle with(see
>>1388212). He's a childless tardmoid who never plans on lifting a finger towards childcare if he does unfortunately breed, so these concerns never even occur to him.
Though the biggest tell was the seething over women waiting until their 30's to have kids, that's one of their most autistically obsessed-over talking points. They harangue any woman who isn't a married mother of 4 by age 23, since they know their only chance of getting a wife is to impregnate a young, naive woman and keep her trapped by constant pregnancies and financial dependency.
No. 1389690
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Not only is our Strong Traditional Warrior Princess petrified of escalators (
>>1382578 ), but now highways as well.
Normally I wouldn't care - people have all kinds of irrational fears - but this is very rich coming from the woman who constantly raves on about mental/spiritual strength.
No. 1389877
>>1389690 she had a concussion a while ago, which could explain her lack of coordination and fear of escalators
>>1382578. Doesn't make her takes less dumb though.
No. 1389885
>>1388561No woman has any difficulty spotting a troon and their crude immigration of us is insulting.
Males are borderline retarded and can't clock trannies with accuracy because they see long hair+boobs and their monkey brain takes over.
>>1389081Moids have this idea that making everything yourself is cheaper and more ~wholesome~. Everything, not just sewing. Wanna knit a sweater? Be prepared to sink 70 dollars and 20 hours of your time. Not very efficient, dumbass moid.
Sewing garments to completion is also very time consuming, especially if you're making many clothes for multiple growing children. These moids have no idea how much work goes into crafting and housekeeping. No wonder they think being a housewife is "easy mode" and never respect their wife's efforts.
No. 1390119
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I like whoever said this to Margarita kek, you'll never be an honorary aryan Marge.
No. 1390435
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>>1390372I believe she is. Didn’t know she dumped her son in Vancouver.
One thing I learned is Lauren’s sister is a twitch thot. Very trad very slavic very uwu
No. 1391099
>>1391026I agree,
nonnie! Based as fuck.
No. 1391895
>>1391825There is def some trad stuff in the NT. Also, Christians do follow the OT, they just believe that the 613 OT laws are obsolete.
Whether you like Christianity or not, it can't be squared with tradism. I think the pagan larp trads are more realistic than the Christian larp trads. And whatever happened to the "white Sharia" thing?
No. 1391903
>>1388187>Logically it should be cheaper to make your own clothesWhy? An individual hobbyist will be less skilled and less efficient than a professional seamstress in a factory who's already made hundreds of identical pieces and you're also missing out on economies of scale.
Sure, you're not paying for the labour but basically every part of the process is done by people from third world shitholes who are paid far less than the legal minimum wage in whatever country you're probably from.
No. 1392350
>>1392204I don't like Lauren either but if you have seen her debate with Roosh, she says that she has never claimed to be trad herself and wasn't telling other women to be trad, just that she thought it was a good and healthy lifestyle for some people.
It seems like a lot of people accuse Lauren of advocating things that were promoted by people she was affiliated with but were never actually pushed by Lauren herself.
No. 1392674
>>1392611She was well known for giving the best blowjobs in Hollywood before she married, a fact which is even acknowledged by her biographer.
Abby Shapiro, Ben Shapiro's horse-faced, troon-looking sister, compared her to Madonna using Nancy as an example of a wholesome, self-respecting woman, apparently not knowing anything about Nancy or her past.
No. 1393118

>>1392438I dunno, man.
1:14:37 Lauren starts: says that she's just talking about statistics and that people who say she claims to be trad are misrepresenting her; Roosh responds by saying that regardless of what Lauren has actually said, she is knowingly creating a situation where her simps are thinking that Lauren is their ideal trad waifu; Lauren responds by saying that Roosh is backtracking and that her videos without her on screen do as well as the ones with her on; Roosh responds by essentially conceding defeat and changing the subject; Brittney jumps in, calling Roosh a coward and a hypocrite and pointing out how Roosh makes an exception for Laura Loomer; Roosh says that Loomer is one of the rare women who has something meaningful to contribute and that Loomer is honest about what she is; Lauren goes on a bizarre rant about how the pics of her being slutty were just the result of the "Marxist Hell" she was indoctrinated in but that she is
trying to be more trad; Brittney jumps back in saying that Loomer is simply a thot who couldn't make it cause she was too ugly; Lauren says that her supporters aren't simps and that she is largely appreciated for her work, not because she is an attractive young woman; the host asks Lauren if she lives up to the standards she promotes and she says that for the most part she does; Roosh says that the people donating to Lauren are fantasizing about her and Lauren is not having it, insisting that she is loved for her work; Roosh starts blatantly trolling and saying that his patreons are all alphas; Lauren calls for peace and says that they all have a lot to contribute; Lauren responds to the accusation that she has a team of men generating her content by saying that most of the stuff she puts out is by her and that she had friends who help her edit
so… I dunno. Lauren is not very likable, that's for sure. You think that being put up against Roosh would have made her look good in comparison, at least, but it really didn't.
No. 1393803
>>1387073You have to kinda read between the lines with FDS. Their non negotiables aren't that bad: he's gotta be at least 5'10; he's gotta have at least an average dick size; he has to make enough money to support himself; he's gotta be willing to go down on you and be at least serviceable at it; he has to treat you decently; he has to be faithful; he has to be age appropriate
that's pretty much it. They'll compromise on fitness, looks, balding, hygiene, sloth and pretty much anything else not on the top list. The problem, obviously, is that I'm not sure there are that many men that meet even those relatively low standards.
>>1393231It's a combo of her arrogance and the fact that she just isn't very bright. Lauren doesn't come off as stupid, but she kinda is. The best way to think of her is as a popular girl who never grew up.
No. 1394305
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>yes I am of middling wealth, fat, bald, ugly, and emotionally distant but you better raise my incel spawn or else you'll never be happy
The male ego is so large even when they admit they are dogshit they STILL believe women need them. We can make our own money and raise chad's sperm bank babies without having an ugly manchild leech in our lives draining us physically and mentally. Kill yourself scrote.
>Why cant any of your brains fit in any kind of nuance?
Were you not just a few minutes ago writing doomsday scenarios about "old cat ladies" if they don't become some internet coomer's tradwife? If "nuance" is tying yourself down with some jobber scrote then you can take your "nuance" and shove it up your ass. You're not going to use scrote pilpul to talk women down into settling for your sorry ass. Sorry, you're a tough sell no matter how hard you push your reddit "logical centrist" arguments.
No. 1394317
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Hundreds of millions of men are cooming themselves into passivity with porn and consumerism. You will die alone as a bitter virgin. You will never convince a woman to think your inferior seed is of any value, and you will be rejected at every turn, no matter how much rhetoric you employ to try and convince women to believe in your own incorrectly assessed worth. Your violent fantasies of overpowering and enslaving women will also prove to be unsuccessful. Not only are you an inept corn-fed coward, but no one will be there to take your side.
Chad will not save you. With modern technology and infrastructure, the failedmale underclass is no longer necessary to keep society running. You will not be offered an easy ride though life at the expensive of women so you can continue to serve chad by dying in his wars and toiling in his factories. Everyone is waiting for you to gracelessly pass on, and no one will ever miss you.
The most hope you have to feel a little bit of value in this world is to troon out. It will be empty and short-lived, but at least you can have a taste of what life could have been like if you weren't born as a failed XY parasite.
No. 1394402
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>>1391135>>1391541Lauren's sister looks pretty gay to me. I wonder what Lauren thinks with her muh tradwife male pandering VaLuEs.
No. 1394404
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No. 1394698
>>1394692Idk about the statistics, but it's certainly
fashionable to dress in an androgynous/genderqueer way. That said, neither of the women posted read as even that to me, they just look like normal mall-shoppers. I feel like this only reads as lesbain to someone who's severely out of touch
No. 1397246
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Kaitlin Bennett is having a kid… poor kid
No. 1397727
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Marg further airing her stupidity showing that in addition to clearly being ignorant to how incredibly
toxic some of the cosmetics used by historical women (lead face powder anyone?) she also has no idea how skin works (hint; I doesn’t work like that)
>>1397266imho a tradthot having a baby is always milk, in the rare occasion that they actually are a good and attentive mum, they still go into it with such a weird, twisted view of what “traditional motherhood” will be like they inevitably either end up disillusioned and resentful or coping hard to cling onto their idealised worldview
No. 1397761
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>>1397758Noooo you can't say that! Every mother is unhappy and miserable and wishes she was childfree like me!
No. 1397818
>>1397758I haven't kept up too much on what Lauren's like as a mom, but i do remebmer that whole debacle with her dressing her child as a communist gulag guard (?) for halloween
>>1363129 i feel like if you deny your child the chance to properly participate in a holiday because you need to use them as a prop for your dumbass political grift then you probably aren't that great of a mother
>>1397761 are you replying to the right comment
nonnie? that response doesn't make a lot of sense
No. 1397966
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>>1397943Where tf do you live? I think I have heard every single man I know say something along the lines of "I prefer women natural without make-up" at some point in time. The issue is that they don't even know what make-up looks like. They see a woman with natural make-up and think that's what no make-up looks like. Then they see a woman with red lipstick, blue eyeshadow and huge false lashes and think "that's make-up, I don't like that". I can not tell how many times men have asked me if I was sick or tired when not wearing make-up and I just say "I'm just not wearing any make-up today" and they say "You wear make-up usually???" Men are retarded, but almost all of them think this way, which is why pick-mes signal about not wearing-make up while they still wear mascara or foundation or curl their lashes.
No. 1398012
>>1397966I've never heard a man say anything about makeup, but I don't date men so I wouldn't know
I think that most people agree that mascara by itself doesn't count as makeup. Neither does curling your lashes.
No. 1398071
>>1398064I'm the anon and I have asked other people and it does seem that there is a consensus that mascara is indeed a type of makeup. I still don't consider it makeup though, whether it technically is or not. Makeup means lipstick, eyeshadow, concealer, foundation and blush. Mascara and eyeliner don't count, imo.
>Men are retarded, but almost all of them think this way, which is why pick-mes signal about not wearing-make up while they still wear mascara or foundation or curl their lashes.But how is it pickmeism when every woman knows that claiming to be makeup free doesn't impress men? It would be like a man trying to impress a woman by bringing up his bench press. Women don't care about that shit. A man bragging about his lifts is flexing on other men. Margarita is trying to flex on other women, not to impress men. A true pickme isn't really interested in intra female competition.
No. 1398078
>>1398071I don't really see why it matters that some people agree with you, but mascara and eyeliner are makeup and using them is wearing makeup. I only really use mascara and eyeliner and while I'd say I don't wear
a lot of makeup, I am still wearing makeup. I don't see the point in pretending otherwise.
Beyond that, pickmes have to compete with other women for male attention, so trying to flex on other women doesn't make one not a pick me. Some pickmes brag about not wearing makeup, some brag about the opposite with the "unlike other girls, I
love looking good for my man" thing, its less about specifics and more about the motivation.
No. 1398247
>>1398071>I don’t consider it makeupbut it literally is makeup, it’s sold in the makeup section, it meets the definition of makeup
you probably don’t consider yourself a tard either
No. 1398368
>>1397818Ho lee fuck. You think a 1 year old understands their costume and is denied opportunities? And that’s abuse?
I think we’ve found the end boss cow
No. 1398595
>>1397730The original “muh natural face pickmeism” anon here. Sorry anons I didn’t mean to start a fight about wearing makeup and shit on this thread lol.
I called out this behavior because the males in the trad or right wing circles are notorious for preferring “natchurally beautiful” women while simultaneously sharing pictures of girls who clearly wear makeup, have visible dark roots or have edited pictures. Some even dictate and give advice on how an ideal women should look: be naturally blond, have long hair, never wear makeup etc etc.
I don’t care if you wear makeup or not. I sometimes do, and sometimes don’t and it doesn’t harm the skin if you double cleanse. But it’s funny when trad thots humble brag about how healthy and glowy uWu their skin looks without makeup when in reality they obviously wear foundation or lipstick and this “I’m not like the other ugly girls who need to put on makeup to cover their flaws” is peek pick me behavior if you ask me. It may not be for you and that’s okay, no need to turn this into infighting.
No. 1398677
>>1398600Anyone can wear makeup if they want. Hell, even a lot of men are starting to. But if you do choose to wear makeup, you lose the right to say makeup is some sort of patriarchal conspiracy. Sorta like the way that farmers say that bdsm is patriarchal but that femdom is
also patriarchal. They can’t both be true
No. 1398763
>>1398751Well anon above was implying that “society” was putting women in a no win situation with makeup. That was what I was responding to.
Having said that, you can make the case that women wearing makeup, doing their nails, wearing heals/feminine clothing and removing body hair are all examples of auto oppression.
No. 1398779
>>1398688Are you retarded? Until recently(though the thought is still disturbingly prevalent), society at large thought that women were literally good for nothing other than producing children. Men had no problem impregnating their wives over and over again, even when it meant her death, because in their eyes that's all she was good for aside from maybe doing chores as well. Get over your
victim complex and spend more time playing with Jayydyn Who Is Your World instead of seething on an anon forum.
No. 1398844
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>>1398771this is a bad example anon because male news reporters wear makeup
No. 1398859

i know people don't usually discuss her here, and this is kind of old milk, but mikhaila peterson got a divorce in november. one of the top comments is criticizing her for being untrad lol. i wonder who will be replacing her husband.
>>1398421>wah wah wah wahthe only problems in this thread is the amount of tradthot twitter rejects coming here to seethe at normal peoples opinions and comment on every single post or reply because they feel accused. no one is fucking defending excessive makeup with their life here, they are just commenting how retarded the "makeup bad" take is coming from trads.
also if the contents of this thread compels you to make moronic noncontributing posts like this then just hide it you daft bitch.
>>1398844it's not a bad example, female news reporters wear visible amounts of makeup whereas men don't. men also don't wear makeup in day to day life but most (young) women do and are expected to in the workplace etc.
>>1398779just ignore the muh sacred motherhood sperg(s), they will literally never stop spamming as soon as someone expresses skepticism towards the notion that women's "purpose" is giving birth and raising a family.
No. 1398956
>>1398859Mikhaila has never claimed to be trad.
Her husband seemed to be a good match for her. Didn't seem like a bad guy or anything. Too bad it didn't work out.
No. 1399115
>>1399106I'm cool with any discussion here given how dead things are with the OG tradthots. I just very strongly disagree the idea that Mik is a tradthot. She's just a thot. Thanks for the reddit thread, though.
Now if you want some actual tradthot milk, check out Robyn's early December twitter where she brags about how she has been perpetually pregnant for the last 2 years. That is some hardcore trad virtue signaling.
No. 1399168
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Hmm I wonder why that is
No. 1399249
>>1398417Domestic labour was far more time-consuming prior to WWII so it was entirely necessary to have an adult in the home whose primary job it was to take care of kids and do the housework, even if they had a gig on the side. Only feminists seem to think of this work as not valuable, just because it didn’t bring in an income. Noble women were not doing housework or childcare either, they were paying unmarried/childless working class girls/women to do that - and there were laws to stop married women working in order to maintain this system. This obviously meant that unmarried mothers, with no income and the responsibility of raising kids/keeping a home, suffered dreadfully. At no point in history before the contemporary period were women expected to provide financially in the same manner as men, but that doesn’t mean they sat around not lifting a finger and never worrying about money either. The feminist response to this is just as extreme as tradwives claiming all women used to luxuriate in domestic bliss prior to 1939.
>>1398617I’m sure you had a point but unfortunately it got lost in your ridiculously hysterical response…
No. 1399284
>>1399249>Only feminists seem to think of this work as not valuable, just because it didn’t bring in an income.We do not see domestic labor as not valuable. It's men who don't value domestic work. They see it as beneath them, and unworthy of note or praise. You cannot bribe your way into any position of power in a patriarchal society with "domestic labor" (because, well, men don't value it).
We advise women not to become servants to scrotes because it ensures us absolutely nothing in life. Women living at the behest of a scrote are subject to his whims no matter how much she cooks, cleans, or gives birth. You can be dumped and have no recourse. When we say you need to earn money as a woman, we mean gaining access to the freedom and security it brings, without being gatekept by any single man for any single reason.
No. 1399304
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>>1399249>and there were laws to stop married women working in order to maintain this systemThe system keeping women completely reliant on males for food/shelter, yes. This is extortion, not male generosity or selfless protection. Married women were beaten, raped, abused, and forced to sacrifice their bodies, dreams, and aspirations for any of their husband's demands. This was socially enforced, or at best, ignored.
This system is in place because the common XY is virtually worthless, and would be terminally rejected by women if left in his natural state. That means 0 chance of his genetic material passing down. In order to mitigate the existential threat of absolute rejection down to the gene level, males simply conspired to force women into becoming their birthing chattel. Women must be stripped of their rights and dignity so your average man has a chance of siring his inferior spawn. Why? Because males are only driven by their egos, no matter how objectively worthless they are. Males are unable to view themselves objectively, and even the detritus of the XY population thinks it's his right to impregnate infinity women. They want to pollute the world with more worthless trash, more copies of themselves to no end and for no greater purpose. They are animals, and the societies they create are the manifestation of their neurosis.
That's your beautiful and noble "tradition", tard. Incel affirmative action. Incels who should have died off generations ago, but continue swarm the planet like roaches and cause all of humanity grief.
No. 1399575
>>1399249>Only feminists seem to think of this work as not valuable, just because it didn’t bring in an income.Men think it isn't valuable. Hence why you'll see them often say that women did nothing throughout history. Though it's not like unpaid drudgery is particularly noble or interesting, either- it's an unfavorable position meant to sap women of their ambition, time, and sense of self while keeping them wholly dependent on men and unable to escape. Women were forced to diminish themselves to prop men up, not matter their talents; Einstein's wife, Mileva Maric, was a brilliant theorietical physicist in her own right and contributed to Einstein's theories as well as checked them, since her mathematical ability far outshone his own. She still had to focus on raising their children and pampering her husband over being a physicist, however, so she's only ever known as "Einstein's wife", if she's even remembered at all. Just Mrs. Someone Else, not her own person.
No one will remember you for wiping baby butts or cooking a nice pot roast. Being a man's bangmaid means being an accessory to him, a side character in your own life story. I understand that you realize this and that's why you're so defensive, but you need to either change your life or learn to cope with what you've made of it.
No. 1399584
>>1399291>Then please bring some actual milk from tradthots once in a whileYou could always contribute some yourself instead of making the same post along the lines of
>>1399208 every week when it's been explained to you half a dozen times why this isn't a thread about "any woman who gets married and has kids."
No. 1399629
>>1399106>After few months of marriage, Mikhaila kicked her husband out of the house. Since Andrey is also on Jordan's payroll, he would visit his ex wife evey day and do the work for her, while also begging to take him back. Meanwhile Mikhaila declared on social media that she and her husband has negotiated separation. While flooding the instagram feed with series of selfies in her underwear, with crawling toddler in the background. >It seems that it's the instagram where she met Andrew Tate, who helped her to prepare and sell her subscription program called "Lion's Lair" - for only 600 dollars per year you could get access to Mikhaila and receive daily advises on how to eat nothing but beef, what a treat. Seriously, google this Andrew Tate's guy- he is even crazier than her. He is british, ex mma fighter and big brother participant, he fled Police from UK to Romania (not sure what was it about- taxes, domestic violence or other offences).>In Romania, he made a living by engaging in human trafficking and selling subscription programs of "how to be a man" while driving rented Porshe. Mikhaila was clearly impressed by him, becasue she left her baby and ex husband in order to hook up with Tate in Romania. She was already planning on moving to Romania and shared those plans via her social media. Apperently it didnt work out between them, because she came back to Canada, declaring that she and Tate are not a couple but he is a good man.what the fuck lmao. i didn't know this.
>It seems she was also pregant with her second child and gave birth this summer, but unlike with the first born, she is hiding the toddler from her social media and pretending it doesnt exist.>It's likely that the 2nd baby was from a different baby daddy than the 1st, which compelled the recent divorce announcement.pretty sure this is not true but she did say in a podcast from january her and andrey were having a second kid. maybe she had an abortion and bailed?
No. 1399705
>>1399208that's literally not the definition. It's people who tout that modern feminism is
toxic while also benefiting from it. they're also generally right leaning and believe in traditional roles for women in the house while simultaneously having careers that proit off male thirst.
No. 1399729
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>>1399629Lmao, I just looked up this Tate guy and he's SUCH a scammer. He has photoshoots with obvious paid escorts and sells overpriced e-courses to help incels pick up women. Mikhaila finally met a bigger grifter than her kek
No. 1399738
>>1399729It's always funny when he comes up because I remember his series of Big Brother. He was a perpetually sweaty balding rageaholic who never made it into the actual Big Brother house.
He kept describing himself as a businessman and when someone would ask any sort of question, he'd sort of offhandedly mumble "uh I own businesses."
No. 1399745
>>1399738Is this the Tate guy that Mikhaila was with that you are talking about? Obvs he's a grifter but he appears to be tall, well built and attractive. And he got a successful and attractive woman in Mikhaila to abandon her husband and child to be with him, so, credit where credit is due… I guess. So is he famous? I've never heard of him.
Tucker sure is looking beat up these days.
No. 1399747
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>>1399745Yes, that's him. He's only famous now in PUA circles and with the sort of moids that follow Mikhaila. At the time he was just another aspiring reality tv personality.
As for attractive, I guess it takes all sorts.
No. 1399767
>>1399747"Attractive" is kind of a loaded term. Pretty much any guy that is young, tall, strong, not balding and doesn't have any obvious facial deformities can fairly be described as "attractive". Also, this Tate fella seems to have a decent enough face aside from the inbred looking ears and pube like facial hair. Even if he doesn't do anything for you, he definitely is more attractive than the median man his age.
And I mean, let's be honest, I doubt Mikhaila abandoned her child due to this guy's killer personality, so she must have seen something in his looks.
>Yes, that's him. He's only famous now in PUA circlesPUA still exists? You gotta be kidding me. There should be a thread on that if those guys really are still out there.
If they ever make a Jordan Peterson movie they should have Jeremy Irons play Peterson and Kirsten Dunst play Mikhaila. James Franco could play this Tate guy.
No. 1399815
>>1397730>>1397814>>1397891> not wearing makeup is a pickme thingExcept it's literally the opposite. A self-assured woman is not ashamed of her natural appearance, and isn't going to put all these expensive chemicals on her face just to appease the male gaze.
Now, you can say "but I don't wear makeup for men!!". Then who are you wearing it for? To flex on other women? That's even worse LMAO. Perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards like a boss.
No. 1399839
>>1399836> except lesbians also wear makeup. My point was about women who exclusively date men, which are still the majority.
> And straight women will wear makeup even when they know there won't be any men around.Yes, I know that some women are subconsciously brainwashed to think that you "should" put on makeup whenever you go outside, like it's simply a fact of life.
Liberate your mind, anon, and your ass will follow.
No. 1399999
>>1399944If you don’t like moids then why do you care sooo much about their warped perception of how women look? I like makeup and other girly stuff and it’s not something I do to please men. You’re just alienating normal everyday women by calling them a pick me because they like to get creative with their looks.
I was the one who called this tradthot a pick me for bragging about her natural (!) looks and I still think she is one. She brags about herself while obviously putting on some makeup, and insinuating that she’s better than girls who use makeup. That’s picime behavior. That said this DOESN’T mean I think every girl who goes out bare faced is a pick me. If you mind your business why should I care. You need to stop imposing your opinions of what women should or should not do on others because that’s typical right wing male behavior
No. 1400019
>>1399999We're on a forum, and I noticed there was an ongoing conversation in which some of y'all were calling makeup-free women pickme's and suggesting that it's anti-feminist, which in my opinion is very silly.
Over the last few years in feminist circles there's been a significant pushback against makeup culture, which is an old tradition that perpetuates unrealistic body standards, and is rooted in the idea that the male body is good enough in its' natural form while women are supposed to look all nice and "sexy" at all times - also including the shaving/waxing of natural body hair which is another big topic.
No. 1400111
>>1399304No one here is jealous of these women. Not only are they pathetic by pandering to failedmale neuroticism, we also get see the immediate rewards they get for it. I have never seen a single male treat any of these trad women with decency or kindness. I see men harass, insult, stalk, and try to ruin the lives of the women who already put themselves second. The male ego is so infinitesimally big, they think other women are jealous of their worst treatment because it's still male attention. You need to assess yourself and your retarded worldview.
No. 1400133
>>1400116Sorry b I'm about to sleep and I often mix up synonyms and antonyms
You know what I mean.
No. 1400135
>>1400019Did you actually read my post anon?
I will summarize it down below :
- I did only call one trad thot a pick me, because she is bragging about her supposedly makeup free face while still putting on some makeup, and shitting on women who do wear makeup. The point is NOT makeup, but putting down other women and “I’m not like the other girls” kind of behavior.
- I did not say anything about any other women who generally avoid makeup or skincare. I left the thread after that one comment which started the shitstorm.
- I don’t dictate my opinions on other women, they can do whatever they like.
- Again, I do not say women who do not wear makeup are pick me’s. Neither are women who do put on makeup.
- Idgaf about Twitter feminist circles to be honest.
Is it that hard to understand?
No. 1400209
>>1398368i'm not saying it's abuse you moron, just that it shows her priorities are not in the right place bc she made what should be a fun, innocent experience for the kid into an excuse to be an attention whore and further her political grift
>>1398859honestly there's always been little differentiation on this thread wrt to who's a trad thot and who's just a conservative grifter, but since there's no other place on the site to talk about the latter i think it's fair game to talk about here. Mikhaila has been featured itt before and is definitely milky enough to have her own thread if anyone cared to keep up with her. the way she seems incapable of separating her business and personal life, constantly hitches herself to the worst possible men, and clearly thinks she's some intellectual giant despite the fact that people only care about her bc she's JP's daughter, it's all ridiculous. also the fact that her dad seems to have a major weak spot for her, (tbh the only endearing thing about him), letting her manage him. But she seems to have been the driving force behind most of the major disasters in his career, pushing both the carnivore diet which had him ridiculed and hallucinating, and the shady detox treatment that put him in a coma.
>>1400019the reason people were calling Marg a pickme is bc she wasn't actually making a salient critique of the makeup industry, she still wears makeup herself. She just bleats on about how the way that she does it is totally ok because it's trad and made of "natural ingredients", despite the fact that lots of traditional cosmetics were made of lead and other
toxic substances, including the kohl that she mentioned. she's a pickme bc she draws arbitrary distinctions to shame other women, while still indulging in those practices herself. can we please give the sperg-outs a rest now
No. 1400362
>>1400209>honestly there's always been little differentiation on this thread wrt to who's a trad thot and who's just a conservative grifter, but since there's no other place on the site to talk about the latter i think it's fair game to talk about here. Mikhaila has been featured itt before and is definitely milky enough to have her own thread if anyone cared to keep up with her.Mikhaila is tradthot adjacent
>I was the one who called this tradthot a pick me for bragging about her natural (!) looks and I still think she is one. She brags about herself while obviously putting on some makeup, and insinuating that she’s better than girls who use makeup. That’s picime behavior.It's not pickme behavior for two reasons: 1. she clearly said it as part of her "eating healthy fixes everything" agenda, not some anti feminist 2. the post was meant as a flex on other women. Marge is much more interested in establishing her superiority over other women then she is in male attention.
If being a stupid, arrogant bitch is all that is needed to qualify a woman is a pickme then there are A LOT of pickmes out there.
No. 1400765
>>1399729LMFAO this CANNOT be real. But hey, only a scrote would fall for this, so I see why it works. Muh tradwaifu harem that I have to pay for.
Also they all have the same bulky ass eyeliner for some reason?
No. 1400923
>>1400715coping? wtf? Just pointing that women don't like the Men's Health physique. That is a gay man thing, not a straight woman thing.
Charleton Heston in Planet of the Apes > Pablo in Narcos > Hairless/overly defined/overly built up, gay inspired, gym bod
No. 1401106
>>1401000That's exactly what I just said you retard. The ideal body for straight women is Peter Steele. The ideal body for gay men is Chris Hemsworth.
>>1401089>How often do you see men like this?Straight men? Rarely. But there are plenty of gay men who have that look. Women need to learn from straight men.
>AKA people who are paid to look goodThey don't look good, though. The gym body is gross.
>There's a pretty wide spectrum between a professional bodybuilding physique and a beer gut.The standard strong but undeveloped slob physique of Pablo or even Paul Rudd is way more attractive to almost all straight women than the gym rat physique of Ryan Gosling. Some women may consider Gosling more attractive overall, but if you showed them a pic of just their bodies with the faces cropped out, they'd pick Pablo.
My point is not that straight women want the dad bod, it's that they will take it over the gay man gym bod.
No. 1401332
>>1400797>How could these stupid moids think infinite sexy women want to be part of a e-misogynist's harem? Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to.
at 6:59 the PUA pupil comes on. You can see exactly what kind of guy these scammers prey on.
No. 1402311
>>1399249A working class woman would most likely be slaving at home AND washing a noble lady's ass for table scraps, probably even nursing her kids like a cow if she's lucky, all while having zero authority at home or outside of it. Such holy work no rich woman would deign to perform, and no high status husband would taint his wife by making her do it, amirite?
Your wangsty mewling contains a spectacular self own in itself - you admit that domestic labor is essential yet always completely unvalued, like any slave labor in any society that depends on it, and then wonder why no one bites. That's a big PR problem. Try to come up with a pitch that's not basically "you should be picking cotton because that's 99% of our economy", maybe someone very retarded will buy whatever L you're trying to sell them on.
No. 1403390
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Why are they standing like that
No. 1403449
>>1400923Pure male cope, not a single woman I know lusts after fucking Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes lmaooo
This whole thread smells like moid retardation lately. I wonder what it could be about this particular topic that compels them to flock to an obscure women’s forum to spew gallons of copium everywhere? Hmm…
No. 1403450
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>>1403390I assume Lauren's sister Jess shooped this. She shoops all her pictures to look weird like that. Very obvious and embarrassing.
No. 1403451
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>>1403450Another shoop of Jess with some other girl. You can tell she really likes the broken-back look.
No. 1403482
>>1403451When your calf is twice as thick as your waist
She belongs on the e-thot shoop horror thread
No. 1403721
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Hate to break up the lez fantasies but she’s been dating this dude for years
No. 1403788
>>1403748I wasn't saying Charleton Heston was attractive, you idiot. No man is attractive to me. I was saying
his body type was what straight women find the most appealing, as opposed to the Chris Hemsworth/GQ/Men's Health physique that the media promotes. That physique appeals to men, not to women.
>how the FUCK do you think you’re qualified to lecture us about which male bodies we prefer I'm saying that you don't like the gym bro look. If you weren't such a contrarian sperg, you would admit as much. Most women prefer the swimmers bod (John Krasinski), some women like the dad bod (Wagner Moura) and some like the twink bod (Kpop guys). But no straight woman wants a guy built like Chris Pratt. That's a gay male fantasy
>>1403868>but have you considered women don't prefer some male body types to othersNo, I haven't. Because it makes no sense. I didn't say women don't care about personality/face/whatever. I said that certain body types are generally seen as more attractive than others. This is also known as "common sense".
>And regardless, women do like muscly men tooNo they do not. They will tolerate it if the muscles are paired with Chris Hemsworth or Henry Cavil's face, but it isn't their first choice. Gym muscles only appeal to men. There are tons of women in powerlifting and crossfit but relatively few in bodybuilding, and there is a reason for that.
No. 1403897
>>1403886>Most guys are hideousBeing truly ugly is astonishingly rare. How often do you see someone as ugly as Howard Stern or the kid from Boy Meets World irl? Probably like once a month. People use the word "ugly" as a synonym for plain. Just cause someone isn't attractive doesn't make them ugly. Most people are attractive when they are young.
>that guy looks like an alien used Sid from Ice Age as basis to try and create a human, shit face, skin and hair with irregular features and rapist eyes.I think he's kinda handsome. Obviously Mikhaila saw something in his looks
No. 1403898
>>1403890The fact you're greentext ""quoting"" me with your own paraphrased version of what I said rather than the actual text is proof you're retarded. Also never seen a straight man namedrop so many male actors, I don't even know who half of these men are.
>There are tons of women in powerlifting and crossfit but relatively few in bodybuilding, and there is a reason for that.Uh because women have a harder time putting on extreme muscle. Also nice
go place/do hobby specifically for sexual reasons moid brain rationale. Your IQ is genuinely room temperature.
No. 1403906
>>1403898>Also nice go place/do hobby specifically for sexual reasons moid brain rationaleFirst of all, I'm not a moid, straight or otherwise. Just because I think you are the most retarded person ever doesn't automatically make me a male. Secondly, I was saying that women don't do bodybuilding because they don't think big muscles are attractive. If they did, then they would want to build big muscles themselves. You of course interpreted it as me saying something completely different because you are utterly retarded.
>I don't even know who half of these men areI'll give you the kid from Boy Meets World but if you aren't familiar with Charleton Heston, Henry Cavil, Howard Stern John Krasinski or the guy from Narcos, you likely live under a rock.
No. 1403912
>>1403906>Secondly, I was saying that women don't do bodybuilding because they don't think big muscles are attractive. Still the same shit rationale, attraction is not why women bodybuild or do any sport, it's a competitive sport ffs. Also means you're here for sexual reasons so I hope you enjoy your only female attention from someone under 50 this month.
>If they did, then they would want to build big muscles themselves. Women don't wear/become the things they find attractive in others, now I'm thinking you're a tranny.
No. 1404736
>>1404655I've never been on crystal cafe and I don't think Jack Nicholson is the most handsome man ever (although he was above average looking when young).
I also definitely never said that women like older men, that is a moid fantasy. I've never heard a straight girl say she likes older guys. I have a heard a few gay guys say it, though.
It was the anon arguing with me who said that women don't care about looks, if anyone is a stealth moid, it's probably her.
No. 1404783
>>1404756What do you mean by "older"? Like 10 years? Very few women want a bigger age gap than that. I literally haven't heard a girl say that she likes older guys since I was in college, when "older" meant like 28.
older men and gym bods are a gay male fantasy, not a straight female one.
inb4 anon says that I'm a moid for pointing out that most women don't want to date guys who are their fathers' age