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No. 864288
>>>/ot/855799Blog post away nonnies
No. 864306
We need more angles.
>>864303Venting sexual urges counts too.
No. 864313
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>>864303I nominate this cute pic.
No. 864332
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>>864315That's why I like it!
No. 864429
>>864423Just bite the bullet and get rogaine anon. Or you could shave it and wear wigs?
I had the same issue, pls don't brush and floss too hard, and a soft bristle brush helps. Swishing a cup of hot water with some salt helps calm my gums. Maybe try a "natural" toothpaste, those usually have less irritants. I like ones with some activated charcoal to kill germs.
No. 864443
>>864435ah i'm not, i'm average leaning on the underweight side. regardless of your weight, if it's something you want to do i would still encourage you to do it, but i understand if you have any hangups about what type of people/attention you might attract. you could try shaving + a wig like others have suggested too
(sort of unrelated tangent) there's this one sims youtuber i watch and she's a lovely woman, she has PCOS and she's pretty overweight and her hair fell out so she had to shave it. she wore wigs for ages but then she made a "coming out" video about her PCOS and how she doesn't want to wear wigs anymore and just be free. it made me cry tbh, i hate how women feel so disgusted with themselves if they don't have hair but i'm sure it was even harder on her because it wasn't a choice, it just all fell out.
No. 864456
>>864429Agreeing with this. I used to always feel sick after using toothpaste. I now use one that doesn't contain flouride or sodium lauryl sulphate. It contains salvadora persica, which is also known as the Indian toothbrush tree. I've never had complaints from my dentist, I don't think they ever realised that I stopped using normal toothpaste.
>>864443I know who you're talking about. It's a shame she stopped doing sims videos as she was one of the few simtubers I could stand to watch for than five minutes. I'm guessing she got sick of the abuse from some parts of the community.
No. 864459
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my household is kinda fucked up bc my parents kind of stopped paying attention to their kids. and my younger siblings keep coming to me for reassurance that everything is going to be okay; i'm really jovial and i'm working on being lighthearted for the sake of them. it works well and it keeps my household tranquil. i'm really freaked out. i want to go to therapy but the last time i did my dad hijacked my session and told my therapist about his abuse of me in my early childhood, without my permission, in front of me, and has never said the word "abuse" to me again after that. it's been about a year since my last session. i may pay for it myself so i can be assured he will have no involvement on my progress. it will be done without him.
No. 864463
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I feel like I’ve been cheated out of a life of being a tiny little bulb of divine light with no physical form and no ties to this world just floating aimlessly somewhere gazing at the multiple skies. I feel like if I were that I could have a chance to evolve into something else that currently wasn’t me, I could’ve been perfect. There are parts of me that know there is no way I belong here and there’s nothing that can convince me otherwise. I’m not supposed to be a human this has to be my punishment.
No. 864468
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>>864466lets free ourselves anon
No. 864486
>>864472I feel this. It was like when I found a private chat by accident and they were all supportive of each other but then someone screen grabs of me venting to a friend and they invalidated me. Saying I didn’t really have [disorder] , that they had it worse than me so I could t possibly have it since it didn’t match THEIR experience, etc and they would label me as “
toxic” for expressing how I felt.
No. 864487
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For (~five) years I've had regular dreams about this one male friend I had a crush on in high school. There's not much redeeming about him and I've no clue what he's like now, only where he is working. I hate having this looming feeling that I will see him again, that I want to. I miss him. I don't know why I yearn for this guy so much when I haven't seen him in years and it'd be bad for me. He was honestly kinda nasty (had many issues) and I don't know why I want(ed) him so much. Maybe in part it's because he showed interest in me and was pretty bold with flirting. I mainly think because we had chemistry. Anyway I will probably never see him again and that will be good for me whether I like it or not. I'm not going to do anything to see him or even look him up, ever.
No. 864492
>>864490Yes, thank you anonna. I am curious why my mind keeps dredging this up. I thought it may be because I'm subconsciously lonely and want romance, but I dreamed of this person even when I was in a relationship with someone else. So, I think it involves something unresolved inside me with this person. I guess it could be as simple as being worried about him and wanting him to be OK. Still, I don't know how to resolve that because I logically know I shouldn't see him or think of him too much. It wouldn't be so excruciating if it hadn't been 5 years.
Sorry for the rambling. I'm just venting because this is hard to hold inside even hiding from myself because I don't know what else to do with it.
No. 864526
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>>864309I hate the gross oily look the OP. Not sexy.
>>864303Angry babushkas ftw
No. 864566
>>864560Idk but it does make me want to vent:
Tfw no oiled up tongan bf
So sad
No. 864597
>>864568what's wrong with staying at your parents, anon?
>>864583You have to be the one to make it better and take control, anon. No one else will
No. 864651
>>864629Anon, you're making a much bigger thing out of the situation than it is. (Been there btw) First of all, even if you write it and send it to them, it's gonna take them days or even weeks to process and review it, so you have even more time to prepare for the interview.
If you get rejected, it doesn't mean they reject
you as a person. You're the only person who can define your self-worth. People get rejected for all kinds of reasons, maybe they pick someone else because that other person has experience in this field already and doesn't need to be trained and it's more convenient. Maybe they pick someone else because that person has some sort of disability and the company gets tax credit for them (or however they say it in English, I'm ESL). It is possible that they already decided that they are going to recruit internally to save money and they just put up the ad because they are obliged to. It could be a million of reasons. Most of the time though they are looking for people who are personable and would fit in the office culture.
You need to shift your mindset from being a
victim of your surroundings and think of yourself as someone who has choices. Because you absolutely do. You have the choice of not applying for the job and stay at home with your
abusive parents or you can apply for the job (or any other position), get it, and move out from your parents' home to your own place. And if you do get a job, it's gonna be YOUR accomplishment only, not your dad's or your mom's. And if they make you feel like it is theirs, they are wrong.
Do the job application for yourself, not because your parents push you to do it.
No. 864692
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im in the car waiting for my bf to get out of court except i dont know that he'll get out of court bc he may go to jail for six months due to probation violations im SCARED
No. 864715
>>864699I hope you find peace with them
And I hope to one day rest my head on a woman's extra broad shoulder it sounds so nice
No. 864721
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Men's shallowness annoys me more and more as time goes on. Happy to whinge about foreigners all day long, until it's a young, not completely busted female then they're fawning. "Most Welcome!" "You're the immigrant this country needs!" All this girl did was list a few things she saw on holiday. "I liked your roundabouts and squirrels." GREEN CARD this laydee!
No. 864774
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ugh why is my mother being so annoying and passive aggressive now? out of the millions of times I’ve helped her with the groceries and with other stuff around the house she acts like me not seeing her texts to help her with her groceries means I’m lazy, meanwhile my useless ass brothers get to sit inside and do fucking nothing. she always has to ask me and my sister because we’re the only ones who try to help her, god I absolutely fucking hate this world and this life and men especially
No. 864786
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I'm sick (hopefully not covid again) and I spent my whole day just playing dishonored 2 on ps4… I know I can't really do much or anything else but I still feel kinda shitty about it. I'm too tired/infectious to go out, I don't feel like drawing or reading a book and I didn't talk to anyone but my parents today.
I wish I had a partner that would take care of me and bring me some soup and chill with me hah
At least the game was fun. The designs are awesome.
No. 864792
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>>864788The concept art of this game is really pretty. And there's a lot of in-game art (like paintings on walls) in similar style too.
No. 864807
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We renovated the bathroom and now the shower is just a corner seperated by a glass wall. For some reason the fact that the tiles in the shower and rest of the bathroom are the same and in no way seperated disgust me, I just can't step on them, it's wet floor. The fact that I know how disgusting my brother and mother are doesn't help.
No. 864808
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I'm so, so tired of putting up with my high-maintenance friend and her neuroses. I want to go no-contact with her so badly but she's so deeply woven into my friend group that it would make things awkward for everyone else (who I dearly love), and I feel like the only way I can get out is to move away. That's in the cards for the future, but not for a while.
I'm sorry that I'm such a terrible friend because I have my own life and interests that don't revolve around you, and I'm not a trained therapist who know just what to say when you're having a mental health situation I can't relate to, and I can't read your mind and know when not to share a relevant story about my day because then I'm "changing the subject" from your latest impulse buy and "making you feel devalued". Stop vagueposting on Twitter and get professional help like an adult. Your friends are not your therapists.
No. 864811
>>864774>meanwhile my useless ass brothers get to sit inside and do fucking nothing. she always has to ask me and my sister because we’re the only ones who try to help herThis pisses me off so much. I do everything my mom asks yet when I don't want to do one thing (like vaccuming twice a week… Why??) she freaks out and calls me lazy ungrateful etc. I'm sorry, did you have me just to unload your housework on and boss someone around? Also makes up random useless chores just to make me as miserable and tired as her.
Nothing made me hate men more than being expected to do all this extra work while they get to sit on their ass playing videogames and screaming for a plate.
No. 864812
>>864807Can you put a bath mat down to create some separation?
Idk if that's yours but that bathroom is gorgeous.
No. 864816
>>864812I wish, ours is a lot smaller and has a washing machine instead of a bathrub lol
The mat is actually a really good idea, thanks!
No. 864917
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God how to deal with a mother that's basically a compulsive liar and never listen to you when you ask for an honest conversation
No. 864946
I have nothing in my life and I just got fired from my job. I'm so ill honestly. I can barely open my mouth and my muscles are tight all around my jaw because of My TMJ. I have such a huge array of symptoms caused by it; facial pain, muscle tightness, limited mouth mobility, crooked smile, teeth pushing into each other, affects my posture, affects my equilibrium.
I have a wide array of skills I would like to believe. I'm well read in psychology, medicine, sociology, philosophy and intellectually curious but my psychological trauma and physical illnesses make it nearly impossible for me to keep a job and I think in order to keep a job you do not even necessarily need to be skillful or intellectually curious or creative, you just need to be good and obedient and good at completing tasks. I think that in our world deep thinking and real creativity is a curse.
For the past 10 years I have put in so much effort, yet I have recieved very little pay-off. For the past 10 years I have been waiting for this nightmare named "my life" to end. I'm counting the time literally, just starring at the imaginary hourglass waiting for the time to pass. Such a horrible life, waiting for time to pass you by so you can die.
I have always wanted to love life, but loving life is not something completely internal, it is something influenced by external factors. If you live in a war zone, if you live in poverty, if your parents are very ill or pressured by a bad environment even as a child you will start becoming conscious of the pressures of life. We are not to remain unaffected by them.
My feelings are justified, my hatred is justified, my despair is justified, my jealousy is justified. I've been looked down upon by people that have had much more than me their entire life and that have put in less effort than me to get the things they have. I am filled with empathy and sensitivity, but only for those truly in pain. I've seen pain and I know what it is and there are objective characteristics to it. I cry in my mind at the sight of the homeless people I see passing by on the street, as I do know nobody would have wanted to end up in such position. As I do know that the phenomenology of the life of such individuals is completely messed up. The little factors that have been adding up to create the totality of those individual's life have been messed up. Even if one thing in your life would have been different the entire outcome of your life would have been different. If your parents were ill, if you were poor, if you were born in a third world country the outcome of your life would have been completely different. Most people take it for granted, most people don't have an outwards perspective over their life.
I cannot have empathy for bitches born in first world countries with functioning parents that create the most insane nitpicks about their lifes. My empathy is limited for those that are in need and truly suffering. For those that have had a shit draw at life, shit luck. Many times I have been labeled as being narcissistic by narcissistic bitches themselves, if I criticize one aspect of their life or choices, if I have an objective take over their life they immediately think I must be a narcissist, but ironically only a narcissist would accuse another of narcissism over a criticism with no awareness that they might be the narcissist. I have very much awareness, I constantly question myself and see myself from an outwards perspective, I question myself too much. I have been too good with people. It's time to stop and be good with myself
No matter how bad my suffering will get I will never commit suicide. I will never harm this body. There is no point for me to harm this beautiful body that was given to me by nature just because society is shit, just because I have been abused, just because I have been given a shitty chance at life. Just because I have been blamed when it was not my fault.
My life will from now on be dedicated to art, creation and freedom. This is freedom. I say whatever I want when I want how I want it. I dont care for diplomacy. I care for the truth.
No. 864956
>>864868Anon.. you used to have sex and be partners, he claims to still be attracted to you, now you still talk daily, consider him your closest person, rely on him for emotional support and expect his gf to be okay with it?
Considering how you speak about his gf (calling her possessive and jealous), I think he did a good thing to cut you off. I don't think there's any person (that's not a total cuck) that would be okay with this.
No. 864973
>>864901>>864876They started like 1 month ago and he told me about her past relationships and her behavior etc so I also doubt that it'll last, but I'm disappointed and I want nothing else other than occasional fucks if he ever comes back.
>>864883>I doubt his gf is a psychoYeah, I don't think she is a psycho nor a bad person, I could just tell her about the things he said but I worry that somehow this could strenghten their relationship because she seems very needy lol.
If he just used me or not I guess that doesn't matter anymore…
No. 864986
>>864973You're clearly not over him with how you shit on his new gf kek
He's just being respectful towards her, let him go.
No. 865010
>>864868would you want your new boyfriend sniffing around his ex?
It's cool you guys didn't have a bad breakup but you need to respect his relationship. His new girlfriend, imo has every reason to not want y'all to talk. You'd still fuck each other or at least flirt.
No. 865053
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I'm 26 and I've never been in a relationship, never had sex etc. I hate this feeling like it's time for me to settle down because later it may be too late to find a man who isn't a complete loser that couldn't find anyone in his prime. I met a guy, he's 28, he's good with money, I'm semi attracted to him despite the fact he's below me in terms of looks, but eh, despite being very smart he seems like he lacks emotional intelligence and I feel like he doesn't have enough empathy, I shared with him some painful memories about my dead mother and he didn't really say anything. I'm telling myself that we've only been on one date and maybe I should give him more time. I don't know. I'm scared that if I won't take him I'm not gonna get another chance. I met him at work, I don't have any friends so I don't know where could I find another potential partner. I feel so miserable. It's so weird because when I'm with him I want to leave after like 2 hours and I can't imagine living with a man, sharing one house with him etc. But when I'm without him I think about him most of the time, I want to hug him etc. Maybe I'm just attracted to my idealized image of him, not his actual self? It's so pathetic I can't figure this out but this is my lack of experience and autism speaking
No. 865101
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I fucking hate this heat wave. after work I want to stay inside because if I sit outside I get tons of mosquito bites. Let me sleep until October I need that crisp cool autumn weather now
No. 865222
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I can slowly feel myself slipping into another depressive episode and I hate it. It feels like there's nothing I can do about it. I've tried everything. My life has just been kicking my ass extra hard lately for no reason. Nothing has changed, but I feel 10x worse.
No. 865223
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I miss her so much. I will never forgive scrotes for harassing her, she was so cute and had such a cute and unique fashion sense. Watching her ASMRs always makes me feel comfy. Now same thing is happening to a cute Vtuber i follow that became decently famous on 4chan. I swear men are the reasons why we can't have anything good.
No. 865270
>>865267NO! She was just sitting on the edge of my bed staring out the window in the dark. She's weird towards everyone and I'm wondering if she's autistic or something.
I will talk with her calmly and just explain personal space and boundaries
No. 865278
Anon from
>>860986 back with an update.
This punk came to my house AGAIN while I was home by myself. By this time we had our doorbell cam installed so I was feeling a bit more brave. It was about 5 or 6pm. So this broheim knocks with that stupid familiar tone again. He suspiciously didn't ring the doorcam bell–fortunately it records when it detects a person regardless. I go out to answer and this idiot pretends he forgot he'd been there before, he could barely remember what company he said he represented and he did NOT look legit with his polo and some lanyard with no visible company logos. Anyway he could tell I wasn't a fucking fool and high-tailed it pretty quickly with his bullshit excuse, I told him we were already covered and that I was cooking dinner so I couldn't chat.
Husband saw me interact with this dude via the surveillance app and texted me to say good job. Well yeah? This was supposed to have been your job!
I'm reviewing the cam footage. When I exit the frame and close the door, this guy walks away but then turns back to my house looking at his phone and giving another take or two. Almost like he couldn't believe I answered the door and not my husband.
Hopefully he's gone for good.
No. 865313
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I know no1curr, but for fuck’s sake, this guy is so fucking annoying. I swear I fucking have no idea of how my brother is friends with this retard.
>starts talking about retarded politics shit
>in a fucking trip
>when there’s other stuff to talk about
>because my brother doesn’t want to listen to rancheras
I hate it here.
No. 865339
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my friend came into town and took photos of me and our friend group and i look so fucking fat. i’m 5’2” 130 lbs… ive lost a bit of weight since last year but im still 15-20 pounds heavier than i am normally and im really short so it shows. these pictures triggered my body image issues so bad, i was getting to a point where i was feeling better about myself but now i feel like all my progress is erased. my friends are all so hot and for the first time in my life im the fat/ugly one literally ruining the photos. i used to be the hot one lol. my fat distribution is ass, i have a huge stomach that sticks out past my tiny boobs, my face is very round and my thighs and my ass are huge. im going on a beach vacation in two weeks, fuck my life. i was looking forward to it until i saw these photos of me. im going with the same friend and i know she’s gonna take more pictures. fuck this
No. 865340
>>864621Can't you call the city on them for the trash?
We have a 311 site here to report nuisance properties. They might just get fined but it's something.
No. 865343
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FUCK the delta variant man, my country's going back into lockdown over it, I just want LIFE TO GO BACK TO NORMAL
No. 865349
>>865339Calm the fuck down.
>wahh now I'm the ugly friendSounds like you considered someone else to be fulfilling that role before it landed on you, in which case…that's what you get tbh. Did you think you'd be hot forever? Kek
No. 865378
>>865373it's not my fault you're a beached whale getting
triggered because some random feels ugly at half your weight
go have your third dinner or better yet put your head on the curb and wait for traffic if you're such an uptight cunt policing people in vent thread
No. 865390
>>865387>projection No one buys you're a different anon
Also please sage your spergout.
(infighting) No. 865394
>>865390you don't buy it because you're low iq, your shitty attempt at being a bitch didn't work and it was very obvious you're mad at her because you're fatter and 100% the ugly friend, now you're just grasping at straws. literally who cares if she said she feels ugly at 130lbs, i literally cannot imagine how obscenely insecure you are about your weight to need to shit on her.
>saging in /ot/how about you tongue my anus girlie
(infighting) No. 865408
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Seems like there won't be any tonguing of the anus anytime soon.
No. 865443
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Spent all morning trying to find any way to download the PC version of Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari because I want to play an otome with sexy 18+ content but to no avail, I can only find the censored psp and switch version, and I'm incredibly annoyed over it
My google-fu has really gone down the drain, and why does it have to be so hard to find dark otome games with detailed sex scenes? Women want to read raunchy af stuff too that aren't from a male perspective, I want to romance an anime boy AND get a detailed description of how he rails me with his 2D cock
No. 865449
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>>865339>im the fat/ugly one literally ruining the photos. i used to be the hot one lol.Do- do people really think like this? I'm ugly, ugliest of my friend group, but are my friends really looking at our pictures together and thinking about how I'm ruining them? Is this why my best friend from uni didn't make me a bridesmaid? Damn anon you've got me hurting
No. 865509
>>865505Dude don't even bother with this shit. Tell your friend he's not your type and leave it at that.
He probably hit on her first, she thought he was gross, and she thought she'd do him a favour by trying to set him up with you. Your friend clearly thinks he's good enough for you, which makes me think your friend doesn't think very highly of you.
No. 865512
>>864450Omg the first time I watched him I was so shocked by his humour. After watching Casefile for so long (super serious Aussie man - recommended) it was just so jarring seeing this jovial Irish guy making snide comments here and there, it rubbed me the wrong way.
Now I LOVE him. Like you say he doesn't do all the spooky music and deep voiced carefully narrated. It's refreshing. Oh and also he doesn't go on for hours.
No. 865514
>>865508>>865512She thinks we’d get along well because we have the same personalities (introvert). I’m also still a virgin and haven’t had a relationship before. I’ve already told her though I’d like to be with someone more on the extroverted side as I believe opposite attracts in this area.
I feel like she’s just trying to distract herself from her own stuff but In general I think matchmakers get off on trying to set people up and I kinda am getting those vibes from her. I personally think it’s risky playing matchmaker with friends, they’re matching you up with someone they think is on par to you. So for example if you set them up with someone ugly, are you not implying that their ugly as well??
No. 865597
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>>865585Remember that you're taking old advice from this guy. No. 865616
>>865585dont even attempt to use kibbe. Not worth it
No. 865633
>>865624Be strong anon, four months isn't that long in the grand scheme of things.
And if it makes you feel any better, whenever I see a tard scrote like that in public I usually assume his girlfriend is like you, waiting out a lease or for semester to end or something so you can make a clean break. Unless you're humoring him, in which case I'll assume you're soulmates.
I'm curious why you got with him in the first place if he's so cringy? Does his dick vibrate or was this just a quarantine crush that got out of hand?
No. 865642
>>865624Gross. He sounds like the kind of guy that would watch Big Bang Theory. I felt the second hand embarrassment just reading your description of him.
Maybe just tough it out until your lease is up and try to spend the least amount of time around him as you can so you don't blow your brains out.
No. 865652
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>>865633>>865631>>865642I swear he seemed like a normal, well-adjusted man at first. The autism didn't shine through until maybe 9 months into the relationship and by then we had graduated and moved in together.
We became each other's only source of socialization during lockdown since we live in the middle of nowhere, and he's really pulling out all the stops.
I wish I could go on cute dates and see my friends.
>>865637Neither of us can afford to pay two rents, finding a new place is a hassle and I don't live or work in my home state so I can't move back in with my folks either sadly. I wish.
Thanks for letting me vent nonas, I'll try not to rope in the meantime
No. 865680
>>865657Go and buy groceries plus some things you don't need and ask for a receipt then hide the receipt. Then show him the total bill in your account, and he pays you it. Then go back to the store with the hidden receipt and return the things you don't need. My grandma did this to save up money to move out of her
abusive moids place. She used the excuse that receipts confuse her to play the dumb woman and he believed it, but idk if he wants to see the receipt you can just make something else up liek you don't paper it's wasteful for environment.
No. 865698
>>865639Can confirm. Lived in Hong Kong for a while and I was in awe of the straight women I made friends with. Delightfully ruthless and incredibly pinkpilled.
>>865680Holy shit, that's genius. Your grandmother sounds amazing, I hope she had a good life after escaping that moid.
No. 865739
>>865670>you’re right that sentence makes me sound like a huge bitchOwn it.
>i guess i just revealed that i’ve been subconsciously comparing myself to my friendsBased on your infight, it sounds like you look down on anyone you consider uglier or fatter than you and now that you're the fattie in the room, you can't handle it because you think people are thinking as shitty about you as you thought of others.
There could be a few reasons why you're not in the group photos and it might have nothing to do with your weight, but you're projecting because you know you would be judging.
Have yourself a slice of humble pie. It's not even like you gained a fuckton of weight only like 15 pounds like go on a two month diet and go walk, sheesh.
No. 865801
>>865781You could work on your image issues instead of viewing other women as ugly and disgusting just because they're bigger. It would probably help how you feel for situations like these when you accidentally gain weight yourself, so that way you're not also automatically assuming your friends are thinking the worst about you too.
Thinking like that isn't healthy.
No. 865823
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I survived cancer earlier this year and I barely had any time to feel healthy because first I was fatigued afterwards and now I recently have a weird fever that's been going on for days. Yeah going to the hospital tomorrow AGAIN. GOD JUST LET ME BE HEALTHY AND ENJOY LIFE.
No. 865868
>>865839>>865827Thank you nonnies you're so sweet. Seriously, getting kind comments from farmers is touching.
>>865850It could've been me, it's been sneaking up on me as I didn't notice (since I'm already so tired) until I starting taking my temperature.
God how strange. Have the doctors told you what it is, is it covid related?
Hope we all feel better soon nonnies. Health shit is scary.
No. 865869
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>>865857surreptitiously squirt some milk from a water bottle rigged like picrel onto his property
No. 865877
>>865868I still don't know what's wrong, I've had all sorts of tests made. I think it must be because of stress because my temperature was extra high before exams. So I know this is easy to say but try to relax. It might not be a health problem but a mind problem. I'm also really tired all the time.
If you find out anything please post about it, I know it's not nice but I feel sort of happy someone else is in the same situation, I feel like we have something in common
No. 865915
>>865911Is price the only reason why she won’t support you getting regular braces at an orthodontist office? Assuming you’re 18+ with insurance, maybe you can get a job and work something out with an office near you. Local ones are more likely to be able to offer you curated plans that suit your situation.
The Byte imprint isn’t as scary as you think. Me and my friend both did it a few weeks back and even though I fucked one(of 4) of mine up, my representative said my molds came out great and they were accepted. It’s really not that scary. I think you’d be able to do it.
No. 865920
>>865877Hmm, stress doesn't seem unlikely.
Sure, I will post about it ITT if they find out what it is!
No. 865942
>>865897>>865911Are you old enough to get your own braces? If so then you should do that and not depend on mommy. You sound like a brat, it's her money to spend it how she pleases, you should be (somewhat) grateful she's even helping you with something cosmetic like that. I guess sorry she didn't do it earlier?
If you're a minor then sorry but still, tough tits. All you have to do is bite down on some silicone and mail it back to an office. If there's a issue or you fucked up then they'll probably just have you do it again. And besides, if your teeth are truly fucked you'll probably need to get braces eventually anyway. If it's minor then I agree with her, why waste the money when there's a cheaper safe fix? It's not surgery, it's teeth alignment. And again, it's probably minor teeth alignment.
No. 865946
>>865942my parents fucked up and didn't get me braces at a young age too but they tried to fix their mistake by getting them when i was 17
because, you know… normal parents will realise their wrongful or inconsiderate actions toward their children and try to mitigate it in some way
No. 865951
Venlafaxine doesn't do anything good for my mental health, but it kills my appetite without ruining my ability to orgasm, so I asked for the maximum dose and carried on hurting myself. Skinny (insane) legend.
The nurse made me sign an agreement that I would take responsibility for my wellbeing as well as possible and made me agree to certain conditions, like "take care of your wounds, seek medical attention if you need it, go to A+E if you're suicidal" but if you ever actually do that, you're treated like a time waster.
Maybe it could be considered deceitful of me to resist the choice that I know is healthier (i.e. trying mirtazapine or lithium and moving off venlafaxine, a suggestion from my psychiatrist) after agreeing to take responsibility for my health. However, at the same time, I've been pursuing a Do Not Resuscitate order in case I'm found dying by misadventure or suicide, and I was told that my decision would be overruled because I'm not thought to have the capacity to make that choice.
The double standard infuriates me, how can someone who doesn't have capacity to make decisions about her death be considered capable to sign agreements about her life? So I don't feel anything about secretly breaking a contract with the CMHT. I feel nothing but hostility towards the mental health services and I don't know why.
No. 865962
>>865944>>865948Cry me a river brat. Are you old enough to get your own braces or no? Did you NEED them for a medical condition or are your teeth just misaligned? Why are your teeth more important than her getting a condo? It's her money to spend how she wants. If you're so offended tell her to cancel everything and you'll figure something else out. But no, you'd rather bitch on lolcow because it's not bougie enough.
If it's an actual scam tell her to get a refund. If you're so
triggered by her cheaping out on you. Work your ass off and pay your own way, rub it in her face. Don't sit here insulted and then go through with it anyway though, you weak fuck.
No. 865969
>>865953Okay but if Anon is an adult then she should be the one to not have kids.
Unless her teeth are fucked to the point where it's neglect if they aren't fixed, her mom did nothing wrong. You aren't gonna die if your teeth aren't straight. Can you eat?
Are you in pain? Or are your teeth just ugly and you're mad mommy isn't forking up enough cash for you?
Again, if it's an actual medical condition that's constantly negatively impacting your life. I'll apologise and admit my first post was out of place. Your mom is evil if she'd let you suffer. But if the problem is they just look bad, you didn't die and I'm sure even if you're a minor and manage to come up with the money yourself, she'll take you to whatever orthodontist you want.
No. 865980
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No. 865991
Oh god, this scrote is so fucking edgy and stupid, I hate him, he keeps talking useless shit and the gets mad because we don’t accept his views.
He got mad because he started talking about accidents for some reason? And he was like
>well, if I got both of my legs amputated, i would grab a gun and kill the doctor
My brother told him that it was retarded because the doctor wouldn’t be at fault for doing his job on saving the guy’s life after an accident, what did he say?
>well, I would then murder all of my family for approving the procedure being done on me, I would invite all of my family, after getting my legs amputated, for a dinner and then I would shoot them either to kill them or to make them unable to walk again like myself
My brother told him that it was also retarded because it’s not their fault that the guy would’ve gotten his legs amputated because when you’re in an emergency you can’t think by yourself because men are delicate flowers that go apeshit the moment something mildly hurts them and someone else might need to find a quick solution.
Why are men, i didn’t even want to talk because I’m just annoyed, the guy is honestly even disgusting by how tacky he is.
No. 866003
>>865967It's true I need a hug but Anon needs a slap in the face for that. Notice she never answered how old she is. This is a grown woman bitching about mommy not spending enough money on her precious teeth. And again, I'm sure they're just crooked, or she has a slightly bigger overbite than others.
If it was a serious medical condition that negatively impacts her way of life outside of self-esteem issues, her mom's in the wrong.
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I'm looking at 2 people and I hate how they asspat themselves for creating a femboy OC "me challenging gender roles throught my gay art tehee" sick and tired of +23yo acting like tumbltards
No. 866018
>>865942Stuff like telling grown women to boss up and buy their own braces instead of depending on mommy gives you BPD, Don't you know?
Yes, it's a catch all for when a Anon doesn't like your post.
>>865962>>866012 No. 866025
>>866019These posts do, they just said it nicer
>>865950>>865915she's a brat. All she has to do is either bite down on a silicone mold or tell her mom she doesn't want it and that she'll handle her teeth situation herself.
No. 866072
nonnie I’m just being stressy because it’s complicated, I’ll chill and try to work it out with student finance. I hope your studies are going well.
No. 866073
>>866026Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks anon!
>>866022Makes sure she gets her liquids in. Vomitting can dehydrate her. Oatmeal is easy on the stomach. She hasn't hit her head has she?
I hope she recovers quickly!
No. 866106
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I hattteeee when males are pissing outside where everyone can see them and their dicks. Fuck youu I don't need to see that. I'd shoot those on sight if I could
No. 866112
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>>866106wtf anon that happened to me when I was out with my mom last week!!!
It's happened to us twice already, I fucking hate scrotes. My mom went off about how disgusting men are and how much she hates them kek
Home dude literally outside walmart just fucking pissing. Ugh I hope someone told him something.
No. 866119
>>866112It's been happening almost every day to me lately! Legit today I saw at least three guys pissing while I was travelling through the city. Yesterday I saw a guy pissing too. What's happening to the world, don't remember it being
this common before.
No. 866121
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I am getting hours cut from my current job despite begging my boss to give me a min of 30 per week.. I'm so anxious and upset and exhausted. All I want is an adorable mini trash can for my room so i can smile a little bit as i toss away my used receipts or something. fuck
No. 866161
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My body dysmorphia is ruining my life. I can’t enjoy my family holiday because I feel so deformed, around me are all these beautiful long legged hourglass european women and I feel so masculine and disgusting. I cry about my body all the time, obsessive thoughts and I can’t think about anything else. I know logically I’m more than a body but it is so hard to get over this going outside is getting harder snd harder I can’t even look in the mirror fully anymore. Fuck I wish I was beautiful.
No. 866177
>>866161i relate to everything you wrote, especially the feeling masculine part
what went wrong in this timeline that i was born with the most masculine body possible for a biological woman? broad shoulders, small boobs, wide waist, narrow hips, hank hill ass
this is literally suffering
there is literally no escaping this hell because "you are more than your body" is not fully true, your body is apart if you and people WILL think the obvious about it
idc how troonish this sounds i just wish i didn't have a body that could be perceived
No. 866187
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months and not even once in that period of time has he complimented me on my physical looks. He has not even once told me that I look good or pretty or beautiful at any occasion. It sound really embarassing typing that out but I just want to feel pretty once in my life. My parents were abusive , humiliated me, always put me down, called me names and fatshamed me even though I was BMI 19 and made me develop an ED. I am and will never me enough for anybody despite my best efforts. No matter how much I starve or exercise or how much makeup and effort I put into looking good nobody will ever acknowlegde that. I asked him today if he found me pretty to which he replied with ''Yeah, of course you are!!'' and started trying to list features and things he likes about me and began with my hair only to have an awkward fucking 10 second pause trying to list more features of me that he likes while I was laying in his fucking arms. After the 10 fucking second break he awkwardly continued with the moles on my body and one other thing that I don't remember but I think I have never in my life felt so defeated, disappointed and embarassed upon hearing something like that.
When I later on asked my boyfriend on facetime if he finds me pretty he replied with the typical answer being ''Yeah, of course you are!!'' but upon asking why he never says it out outloud he confused me because he ''couldnt explain it''. For him complimenting someone sounds ungenuine, makes him uncomfortable, doesnt feel right to say and sounds weird in ''in his head'', in addition to that he is confused about when and how to say it because ''its just for the moment'' (???).
Why and how does it even make you uncomfortable and makes you feel weird to compliment me (especially on a special occasion like a date) when you keep asking me to suck your dick or do other things with you? He basically confirmed with his statement that he finds me ugly as fuck. I constantly compliment him in regards of his looks and personality, saying how handsome, pretty, adorable, caring and loving he is while he can't even do the same for me? I truly think that he is lying to me and just thinks that I am ugly but doesnt want to admit it because everytime we kiss he constantly closes his eyes, doesnt bother to question why its uncomfortable for me to let him see me without makeup and my glasses , doesnt really try to say something against me having plastic surgery and everytime I bring up an insecurity he just says that its unnecessary and this part of me looks ''normal''. We have a great relationship but this whole lookwise thing makes me feel so fucking unwanted and ugly it actually makes me want to kill myself so bad. Am I really that fucking hideous and ugly? Can I feel pretty and enough for once?
No. 866193
>>866187Dump him, you're only hurting yourself by being with someone who isn't enthusiastically smitten with you. I remember having a bf like that and trying to get affectionate words from him was like blood from a stone, and looking back it was like why the fuck did I bother? Did I think I could argue him into finding me attractive? Did I think he would suddenly appreciate me if I stuck around?
It doesn't mean you're hideous or ugly, everyone has different tastes and men are pornsick so their judgement is skewed. And maybe he genuinely does like the way you look but isn't good with compliments. Either way, you're hurting and you're only gonna hurt worse if you don't dump him. He won't change.
No. 866202
>>866187Sounds like you're his placeholder until someone he does find attractive comes along. Dump.
How great could this relationship honestly be? You can converse with a friend, vent your secrets on lolcow, and blow a guy's dick with his eyes shut from Tinder.
If this guy isn't offering you intimacy and support then there's no point.
No. 866203
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>>866187Either he’s not that attracted to you or he’s emotionally immature. Either way, kick him to the curb.
No. 866208
>>865995I think he honestly thinks that makes him cool or something, it’s honestly so cringy, I’m not a normie because, come on, I’m here.
But at least there’s a moment in which the cringe has to be kept locked somewhere until it dissipates like smoke.
>>865997If he wasn’t 27 years old, I would just laugh it off and probably tell him that he’s being cringe, but no, he just embraces it and thinks he’s funny and cool.
He’s honestly a cow, I wish he posted his ramblings on the internet because it would be just hilarious, good thing is that I got a decent memory and can’t help but remember the stuff he keeps talking about from when he peaked in high school as if that was a great thing.
No. 866216
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i've become relatively wealthy in the past few years and i don't know why it's a rich people thing to flex with fancy cars, clothing and bags. most people don't know i have this much, i used to be trailer park-tier poor but i live the same as i used to because i miss the comfy home of my mother when i was a kid even though we had no space.
i don't get why people get big mansions with a gorillion rooms, they seem so cold and empty compared to my cosy little place. back in the day i used to clean people's homes and some of them had ridiculously big mcmansions that were clearly just a flex. i don't have anything to prove to anyone and i don't understand why it's even a thing. i just have money in savings, investments and land. i'm not a millionaire or anything, but i'm doing well.
i'd spend it all just to keep my parents and myself alive and happy forever.
No. 866220
>>866216Based, I feel the same as you. I just want a comfy house, delicious nutritious food, health, and to be happy. I dislike when people get luxury shit just to flex.
How did you become well off?
No. 866232
>>865987Oh anon the people working on the SFE lines are complete fucking retards who don't know a single thing about their own services. I'm dealing with something similar right now and I'm still waiting on a response on my application for now. Have you sent off the application yet? That would be more productive than waiting for one of these retards to give you another wishy washy answer.
AFAIK from my enquiring, since you studied previously but left the degree incomplete, what you're left entitled to is (previous course length years + 1) - (how many years studied), so for example I did a 4-year sandwich Biochem course for 2 years, so in the end, for my new degree, I'm entitled to (4+1)- (2) = 3 years of tuition funding. You said that you have evidence of your illness, so I'm almost certain that you could even get full funding if you provide that evidence and apply for the disability grant (which I didn't) which will take care of the money side of things, but that's all done during the application process. The only part I can't help with the "residing in UK" part since it sounds like you live in Scotland/Wales/Ireland(?), so I have no experience there anon, sorry.
No. 866255
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>>866216My rich-person dream in life is to have a small quaint cottage that’s really well built. Maybe not quite as tiny is picrel but same idea.
No. 866383
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Woke up randomly at 3am today only for my brain to be like "hey your dad's dead and you'll never be able to talk to him again". Great. Thank you brain.
I know grief is a long process but this random thought popup shit annoys me
No. 866389
>>866242kind of a mood. my fiance makes about 2.5x the amount i do, and i make a very good wage. but my work is soul sucking and every week that goes by makes me want to quit and just leech off of him. it’s like the option is right there dangling above me, but i turn a blind eye and keep wageslaving lmao.
partially because i would hate
asking for permission to buy something i want. i’m stubborn and i want nice things, both for myself and as gifts for others. i mean if you find someone rich rich he’ll probably just give you a card and you can do whatever, but that’s a pipe dream (for me, who is committed and happy aside from work).
i will not quit until i have enough piled up in savings and 401k to support myself and maybe my parents in their old age, which for me will be around my 40s. but fuck my job and fuck that i sell >1/3 of my day 5 days a week to live comfortably.
No. 866439
>>866438Summerfags + covid + twitterfags
Yea, it's gotten pretty bad in the last few months
No. 866441
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Even after a decade of diligently wearing my retainers, my bottom teeth are getting crowded and there's a chance I have to get braces again before it gets worse. I also look comically young for my age. I hate them so much holy shit
No. 866458
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I feel like I'm actually starting to properly feel depression but I'm honestly not sure. No matter how much I try to get out there and meet people I feel like I'm the odd one out and most of the time I feel ignored. even when I'm with my friends I feel like that or they're sexualising me.
I'm feeling like there's something missing in my life. Maybe it could be having a partner but I don't know if that would make a difference to this feeling. When I did have a bf I was able to have someone to talk to and meet up with without feeling like I'm being sexualised or left out. I felt less insecure about how I look but since being single for nearly 2 years and I feel like I'm not good enough…
If it wasn't for work today I would curl up and cry in bed or try to sleep away this feeling.
No. 866480
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I managed to be blessed by the rng gods and get this without having to buy devil points, and I can’t fucking use it in the dance off. My game freezes whenever I try to use it on any level and mix of other cards, so now I’m pissed I can’t see the little animation they have to go with it during battles. I wanna see Mammon basking in summer vibes reeeeee
No. 866492
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>>866480Don't worry queen I got you.
No. 866493
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>>866492Bless you based fellow sheep girl. May the rng gods shower you in all the ultra rare plus cards of your favs
No. 866494
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>bought clothing online
>doesn't fit well
At least it was dirt cheap but seriously,I didn't even notice the texture on one of the pants in the pictures. The size is also off despite them having a size chart in cm. First time I bought something like this and tbh the last, might be even better that way so I don't get addicted lol
No. 866502
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I've been running a self-sustaining business the last few years and these dumb ass bitches keep asking me why their business isn't as successful
Maybe stop reselling shitty aliexpress earrings, it's embarrassing and get a real fucking job
No. 866510
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>>866502kek reminds me of picrel.
No. 866541
>>866502I'm going to be a pissy little cunt about this because I have so many accounts in my "community" on Insta that sell this shit and have mad amounts of followers. Meanwhile I'm pouring my everything into making detailed as fuck art dolls and I have a very small audience. Part of it is luck, part of it is the fact that their product is effortless so they can post more often and then the algorithm treats them well. I feel bitter for complaining, but I just work so fucking hard.
And while I'm here in the vent thread, I've done a few art trades with my dolls and every one that I've done has been completely unsatisfactory. I chose to trade with these people because I thought they were skilled and creative. I put a lot of work, stress and originality into the shit I made for them. I made sure each one was perfect and unique to their personality. I made sure there wasn't anything out of place. Then these bitches send me dolls with broken faces, dolls with tin foil and hot glue sticking out of them, dolls with their limbs sewn on backwards. God I could just punch a baby in the face it makes me so mad. It made me cry like a loser every time because I spent time to make this and money to shit it and you send me this?? They don't respect me OR their craft. It's pathetic. They can all go fuck themselves and I'm tired of interacting with these woke tards anyway.
No. 866552
>>866541I'm so sorry about the trades, that's just awful!
I own three art dolls and they were bloody expensive (understandable for the amount of craft, time and supplies consumed), so I can imagine this can factor into you having a smaller audience (absolutely not implying you should lower your prices)… I'm sure they love your work though, as I cherish the dolls that I own. I'm forever rooting for those artists!!! They are amazing.
No. 866581
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>>866574Obey Me!, a mobile otome
No. 866595
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I really hate when I see thumbnails on videos or picrel with women pretending to shave their faces. you'll look for videos on youtube about face shaving and the thumbnail will be clickbait of a woman with shaving foam and a traditonal razor in her hand only to find the video is about those little dermablading things. it fucking annoys me as a very hairy bitch with a hormone imbalance who has to shave her face daily. I've been baited into clicking so many vids thinking 'oh hey! it's a fellow hairy bitch!' only to find she really isn't! ladies, please stop this hairy cultural appropriation.
No. 866602
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How do I make myself study without taking hour long breaks to do shit all on my phone or pc, wasting my time and feeling bad. Like, I just cannot be away from my phone to study for some really important exams, it's not like I'm doing anything meaningful on my phone. I don't even have any social media, I just dick around on forums and youtube. What do I do? I need my phone for flashcards too so I can't just give it to someone for an alloted time or chuck it away. And when I do chuck my phone away, I still can't concentrate. Judt staring like a drooling retard at my notes. What do I do, anon? I really, really need to fucking study. Like, consider it life.or death shit. I'm gonna cry, how do I make myself just fucking study.
No. 866606
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I have enough of people's logic
>house dirty
>being told to clean the dishes
>house still dirty
>it's somehow my fault now
No. 866634
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Took sick hours today even though I'm not sick. I'm going to relax and have a day at my own pace. Idgaf.
No. 866640
>>866602Set a timer for just 20 minutes and force yourself to study with 100% effort, then have a 10 minute break. Rinse and repeat. If you can, extend your study period to 30 minutes
Are you interested in what you're studying btw? Is it a difficult subject?
No. 866656
>>866455Braces OP here again, we have the same problem of a bottom tooth rotating inwards, so I thought you'd want to know that my dentist got back to me and said I have impacted molars, which is what's causing the crowding and rotation. I have to get them removed
then get braces, or else suffer fucked up teeth + cavities later in life. Hopefully it's not as serious for you, though you might wanna get checked anyway - it's way cheaper to fix a minor tooth problem than a major one, naturally
No. 866699
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Ay, Tone. How come dey all say it's gonna get better when it don't? I'd eat a shotgun barrel if it weren't for da phallic imagery.
No. 866707
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>>866678Kek picrel. You'll hear the voice line sometimes if you have him on your homescreen.
No. 866710
I don't care about money anymore I just want to live my life and speak the truth, I know my life will be ruined for speaking the truth and that I will live in poverty for the rest of my life due to it, but I am tired of pandering nonnies, I am tired of pandering to those that have climbed the social ladder, to those born in first world countries that talk about how sex work is powerful and motivational and liberating when women from my country are abused and trafficked into sex work due to poverty, I'm tired of first worlders and their fake imagined opression points, I'm tired of how they fetishize the sick regime that destroyed the life of my mother and grandparents that is communism. I will speak the truth and beware in our society, speaking the truth is the most dangerous thing one could do. If you speak the truth against those that have climbed the social hierarchy or that are privileged they will wipe your existence off the planet. I know Youtube will literally ban me and mute me for speaking against sex trafficking, fetishization of an authoritarian regime, which is quite ironic because racists, homophobes and mysoginists are allowed and monetized on their platform only because they pander to an already existing niche (the right wingers) and they make money off of it. I don't care about money anymore or being well off or having financial security I might end up being homeless and dying from suicide in a building without electricity like my mother but I will speak the truth
No. 866725
nonny it's an imageboard afterall and it's the internet and society. Society do be
toxic like that and women are no saviour angels. Women opress other women, women groom and sexually traffick other women, use other women for their own interest, bully other women, make other women kill themselves and the list go on. You will never find that pure social group, community where people actual care for one another and speak the truth, we are conditioned to egoism and to narcissism
No. 866745
>>866732i'm not gonna read all that shit but if you think that a few anons nitpicking looks is as bad as what scrotes do to women (revenge porn, harrassment, sending fucking mothers gore of their murdered daughters, the list goes on and on), you are insane as well.
>women are even more cruel to other women, I hate this fucking world forgot to quote, but that was the part of her post I was replying to. Also what the fuck are you doing here if lolcow is so horrifying and you are seeing the truth?
No. 866758
>>866727>that one anon calling the dog retardedI'm not gonna go read a clusterfuck about dog opinions, but seriously? You're offended because someone called a dog retarded? Who's gonna read that, the dog? Will the dog be offended? The owner of that very specific dog will read "retarded" and feel bad?
Who are you offended for in this scenario? Is it just because you don't like to hear someone say a dog is stupid? Get over it.
But sure, surely this opinion about a dog makes us as bad as scrotes. Makes this imageboard as bad as others where child rape, torture porn, and scat are posted.
But sure, throw a tantrum about using "retarded" to describe a dog on the same website where actual humans have worse shit said about them and sometimes actually read it.
This is a fucking joke! Take a break from this place if it so suits you, but stop being dramatic.
No. 866760
>>866745you retarded bitch I am not talking about nitpicking looks I'm talking about women posting in the threads of mentally ill women obviously rooting for their fall, death, self harm. I've literally witnessed a girl die of an overdose and a day before anons where wishing death upon her and when she died everyone was like "yeah whatever another scum lost from earth" that's literally sociopathy. If men rape, kill and so on that is not in any form an excuse for women's sociopathic behaviour or the harm of women. You cannot excuse atrocities with other atrocities, now go masturbate to your fujo porn and cry yourself to sleep because you are not a nipponese girl when you are a white ugly gremlin and starve yourself a bit more. Excuse me for having moral standards and criticizing sociopathy. Why am I still here? Because I found the good stuff like very based opinions, smart posts, anonimity, but that does not mean I should not criticize the wrong things like sociopathy, bullying of mentally ill women and rooting for their death. I did a bit of what you accused me of by wishing harm on you but you are a complete retard and you don't deserve to have the things that you do have and you dont have the right to look down on others like that.
>>866753oh yesss I am a fakeboi for having empathy for another human being, I will cut off my tits now or whatever. I'm also a scrote or a troon for having a different opinion than yours, right?
(infighting) No. 866766
>>866760>Why am I still here? Because I found the good stuff like very based opinions, smart posts, anonimity.Most importantly, because you know that for as much as you bitch about this place it's the best female-friendly imageboard to use.
are you still here? Because 4chan and the like are dogshit and even worse in toxicity and you know it.
Instead of expecting this website to cater to you, just ignore and quit feeding energy into the things you dislike. The so-called bitches who you accuse of ruining things are the same ones contributing to the parts you do like. Also I'd refrain from using the word "retarded" as it's come to light some posters have big sensitive feelings about the use of that word.
No. 866767
>>866720So just go to /ot/, /g/ and /m/ if you hate gossip. Yeah, celebricows is the worst thread on here, so just stay out of it.
I find lolcow actually more nice to women and welcoming than most other social Internet places like YouTube, reddit or Instagram. I feel like lolcow being a female space ruined Internet for me because I don't have to deal with a lot of sexist shit on here. Complaining about women nitpicking women, did you not see scrotes scrutinising every inch of female body and really maliciously hating on women on reddit or YouTube? Fucking kiwifarms? I love how people like you have this selective vision of only seeing bad shit when women do it and then always scream about how women are aktshually much worse and meaner than men.
No. 866782
>>866760You're such a hypocrite kek
Anon wasn't even insulting you.
>you retarded bitch>go masturbate to your fujo porn and cry yourself to sleep because you are not a nipponese girl>you are a white ugly gremlin>starve yourself a bit more>you are a complete retard and you don't deserve to have the things that you do have .
>Excuse me for having moral standards and criticizing sociopathy>I'm a fakeboi for having empathy for another human being No. 866783
>>866700my calculations are extremely rough but by 45 i'm shooting for >2.1 mil simply in money i set aside, and by that time (on my same salary) i would also have >2 mil in 401k. for me that combined is about the base level where i'd feel ok with just fucking off from work, assuming i pay off whatever debts i inevitably accrue with my regular ol' checking account (read: non-savings) $ over time.
if i factor in that i'll probably be switching jobs semi-regularly to take a pay bump and a new title (fucking tech man), i'll probably have slightly less than a mil more in both accounts.
but that amount of money is actually pretty excessive and i think just shooting for around 3 mil will leave room for most people in case something goes wrong. of course take into account your location (my area is extremely low cost of living for the USA), if you have a partner you can either rely on or need to support, if you'll buy a house, etc etc etc. best of luck anon, sorry idk how helpful that was because it's very specific
No. 866858
>>866758No no anon, whenever that poster says the dog is retarded, they get exaaactly the type of sperg-out that you just wrote, except from a multitude of other anons. That's what's bleak, is that the anon is doing it for attention to elicit a response.
Imagine a thread with walls of text exactly like yours 15 times in a row over basically nothing. It's embarrassing for all involved.
No. 866897
>>866858>a thread with walls of text exactly like yoursI don't think you know what a wall of text is, that's what's embarrassing
No. 866938
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>>866897>>866858Tear down this wall!
No. 866962
this might be a little long, i’m sorry i’m advance! anyways, i’m living with my bf and his family. his sister recently got a girlfriend and she’s been staying here every day since they first got together. tbh, i was excited about having another woman in the house at first. my excitement faded quickly. since she’s been here, she’s broken the bathroom door off its hinges (someone broke the doorknob and threw it away so i guess she was trying to close the door and the hinges just gave up), has clogged the shower drain multiple times with her hair (she doesn’t clean it out, which is why i’m bitching), clogs the toilet multiple times a week (she doesn’t plunge it), eats all of the food in the fridge and doesn’t restock it, cooks then leaves dirty dishes everywhere, snores so fucking loud i can hear it from the next room, doesn’t dry herself off in the shower and covers the entire bathroom floor in water, etc. i could go on, i really could. my bf’s family is already pretty messy as is, she’s done nothing but add onto the pre-existing filth in this house. it’s so annoying. i can’t imagine being an adult and completely wrecking another person’s house and not even making the slightest bit of effort to undo some of your damage. she has her own apartment and a job, yet she’s staying here and destroying the house and eating all the food. she contributes nothing. my boyfriend’s family gave me such a hard time when i moved in here (even though i was and still am extremely unproblematic, i keep to myself and clean up after myself) but she can literally break things and no one even bats an eyelash. i really hate her and i want her to leave. i’m tired of cleaning up after this woman.
No. 867135
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There's nothing worse than two shy people going on a date. I had my first date with a guy who's pretty shy, we spent a few hours together and it was a mess; long periods of silence with sudden remarks about random shit from me or him. I feel so boring. I wish I knew how to talk to people, especially when I'm attracted to them. The funniest thing is he invited me for another date. I have no idea why. I want to go but I don't want to experience this cringe feeling again. At one point he literally said "say something" and I was just staring at him like an autist. I feel like I already said every interesting thing I had to say on our first date and I don't know what to talk about. I just want to hug him tbh
No. 867142
>>867119Do you have a good resource for info on lifting? Also are your gains mostly arms/abs?
Good for you anon, you inspire me. Hope your bf gets swole too.
No. 867161
>>867142my arms grow fast/easy, so i mostly ignore them for back/shoulders and focus on lower body. i got baby abs (two pack, to sometimes 4) since i do not like doing abs enough for a full 8 pack.
a good beginner source is SoHeeFit, her IG has a lot of good tips, and also a good way to find other legit sources (and GirlsWhoPowerLift too, for inspo and other personal trainers)
science-wise, youtube can be a legit source. Greg Douccette old vids are simple practical advice,and Jeff Nippard has good science focus technical spergs
for actual routine,Strong Curves or Glute Lab by Bret Contreras is what i do (second book has more technical info and methods, both solid AF, mixes bodybuilding and powerlifting).
its a really fun and empowering hobby. i can pick up men more than double my weight, and can squat my skelly bf's weight.
No. 867220
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The shit that goes on on /cgl/ makes me thankful that the mods here are actually active. With that said even the damn lolita thread here gets so messy
No. 867224
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I was not aware that "shoplifting girls" was a porn category.
No. 867248
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I’m tired of caring about responsible critical media consumption. I don’t want to think about the intrinsic moral character of stupid TV shows. I want to put on some dumb entertainment and just enjoy it for once. Being a very online “leftist” in college made me really bitter about pop culture and while I’m still bitter about it, I think it would be nice to put on an episode of “Ghost Whisperer” or whatever without wondering if the show really played into non-feminist ideas or whatever. I just want to enjoy things again. I want to retire from being a smart critically-minded anti-consumerist and become a regular woman who listens to true crime podcasts and reads mediocre books and listens to NPR. How do I make my brain smooth like that
No. 867254
Update to
>>856260, he was active for several days after I sent the message & he never opened it, then promptly deleted me. Pretending it doesn’t hurt a little, but it hurts a lot. We were literal best friends from ages 3-12 at least. I feel like trash.
No. 867287
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>>867254Ugh… I was so close to this person through my formative years. I hate feeling this way.
No. 867288
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>>867282do you really care about anon internet attention? thats actually p sad if true. free yourself from those trappings, do what you want just purely because you want to, not because you want accolades.
No. 867289
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>>867269thank you nonna. my feelings are also exacerbated because he asked to meet casually (him and his gf, me and my bf) and while i initially considered it to extend an olive branch and rebuild bridges… i just have a history of letting people in too easily and forgiving too quickly, plus his gf might feel weird about it (rightfully so) and i'm just literally going insane. he even offered to help me with new job opportunities because he has connects. i wonder is it for me, or is it for his own conscience?
i don't want wearing my heart on my sleeve to somehow royally fuck things up. i'm so confused and overwhelmed
>>867285i bet he would be happy to teach you nonna. otherwise i'd recommend trying a course on udemy or something similar, having a lesson structure will help
No. 867298
>>867287wait, are you trying to insert yourself in their drama just because you knew them at one point? you admit yourself that its been like 8 years since you had connection with them. id block you too considering you said what you did in that screenshot you were stupid enough to post. almost two week and despite being really close years ago you were ghosted and you respond with what you did.
you sound like bargain bin bpd chick from high school that people will use for years to come as an example for whom to avoid.
(infighing) No. 867329
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I keep fucking up at work and my boss is already pissed as it is and I fucked up a few days ago already. I'm just sad and tired at this point.
No. 867335
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>>867329We all mess up sometimes. Don't give up, nonna.
No. 867353
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>>864288>see questionable video on social media involving a child >only a handful of people questioning it>all replies calling them pedos because “why would you think that?!?”I get people are naive and want to ignore that horrific things can happen to children, but why call clearly innocent people pedos for questioning a suspect video? I don’t want to get too much into the video but it definitely was jarring to see when scrolling and felt off and the people questioning it were all regular women. Their comments weren’t even bad, more along the lines of “hey this might not be okay”. I don’t get it anons.
(Reported the video btw)
No. 867364
>>867353thank you for reporting it nona
back when I used to consume porn via tumblr (yes I was a degenerate) I came across one that had literal
cp tumblr didn't have a report button then, I closed the window and looked up how to report it (it said you had to email the link to or something) I went back to report it and I couldn't find it. I have always felt terrible for not reporting it
No. 867393
Fucking female fat distribution and muscle vs fat gain and loss. I've been working out and getting stronger, and I haven't changed my diet (I wasn't putting on weight), and yet my body doesn't look any shapelier. I can tell I've progressed, by limit on workouts has more than doubled! And I haven't really gained weight, so I'm replacing fat with muscle, right? So why are my ass, thighs, and stomach not even the slightest bit more toned?! I'm doing exercises specifically for shaping those areas!
And god help me, no one is of any help. I won't ask anachans or anything, I don't want to be thin, I'd like to be fit, healthy, and curvy! But when I ask normies, it's "lol idk", and when I ask athletes, they take me asking how to lose gut/thigh mass as a request on how to lose weight, total! Yes, I know cardio is how you get skinny, but that's not what I want! Fuck!
No. 867398
samefagging, but
>>867394>replying to a 5 year old post… i saw something similar happen in the bad art thread a while back, why does this keep happening? I don't even know how to reply to a post in one thread from another thread, how do you do that on accident? or was it on purpose?
No. 867399
>>867393>I haven't changed my dietWell there's your problem. How do you expect output to change with no change in input?
>>867395This. You really need to pay attention to your macros if you're serious about getting in shape.
No. 867401
>>867396Idk if this applies to you or not, but I'm thankful for when people without mental illnesses or
abusive upbringings go on the defensive towards responses like that. There's nothing quite like living through your brain and or family trying to harm or even kill you, moving past that, then seeing people who never lived through things like that both fetishizing the pain (self-id people on tumblr and twitter) and blaming the most heinous crimes to have ever happened on that suffering. It's like being told you are a sociopathic, sadistic murderer, or that you "should" be. So, if you're mentally well and never experienced abuse, thank you. And, if not, I'm sorry, you're right to be upset, and you're not alone.
No. 867408
I resent anybody who douses themselves in the LUSH bodysprays with the trigger.
For one, they smell weird. Anybody who wears them smells "off". If people compliment you on how your LUSH stuff smells, it's just so that they can find out what exactly it is that's giving them such a headache and stinking out the room.
Second, those particular "body sprays" are so incomprehensibly strong, the sillage and longevity is like a nuclear bomb. They're stupidly intense, like one spray is worth four of your average EDP spritzes. Total overkill.
These two factors combined make wearing those sprays in public spaces an antisocial act. The other day I got on the bus and was hit full in the face by this fetid cloud of a strange, syrupy scent. It wasn't the nice kind of sweet; it smelt the way that rotting things can smell sweet. I get travel sick anyway and it took everything I have not to empty my guts all over the floor. I know it was Let the Good Times Roll because I've smelt it before. It doesn't smell like popcorn, despite what the fanciful blurbs and fangirlish reviews say. It smells like sugary bin juice and liquorice. Also WHY does everyone within 20 metres of you need to smell you, you fucking narc?
Even one that's tolerable as a soap (Honey I Washed the Kids) is absolutely nauseating as a trigger spray. The citrus in it really rakes at your nose and the sweetness again is slightly foul. A woman at work wears it, and keeps saying smugly that people can smell her everywhere she goes, even long after she leaves a room. Is she too dense to understand that it's thought to be inconsiderate to wear very intense, niche perfumes in professional settings? Besides which, I once walked behind a tramp in Paris and the stench of piss rolled off of him, it was possible to smell him from metres away even in the open air, which just goes to show that sillage isn't always a good thing.
Even Dirty, which is supposed to be one of their better, fresher scents, can be stomach-turning due to the sheer strength of the spray.
I genuinely believe these scents should be nuked for public betterment. The only perfumes LUSH has done that are worth a damn are the Turmeric Latte EDP as a passable dupe for Tom Ford's Tobacco Vanille and the Vanillary solid perfume tin.
If you want a sweet and relatively convincing gourmand, get the Al Rehab Choco Musk oil roller. It's gorgeous, smells less artificial, is more affordable, and the sillage and longevity is good without turning you into a walking biohazard. You musty LUSHies are welcome.
No. 867415
>>867408This is what everyone thought of that one co-worker doused in pear-scented body spray.
She came to visit after changing jobs once, one woman said what we all thought "I knew it was you long before you came in as I was hit with the characteristic pear smell". I think the idiot took the jab as a compliment.
No. 867425
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I hate how we are conditioned to accept that our boyfriends/husbands will keep watching porn, hentai, oogling other women, have intimate ''friendships'' with other women while males would never accept the same behaviour from us. If sexual deviance is an innate part of male nature, they should just die already because all women on earth would be better off
No. 867426
>>867413The perfume note of tobacco is not the same as the smell of cigarettes, if that's what you're thinking.
It refers to the moist, shredded pipe tobacco before it's lit.
No. 867429
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>>867413I found perfumes with even weirder notes on Etsy like picrel. I mean who wouldn't want to smell like rotten foliage and dank earth…
No. 867453
>>867429I blame LUSH, Demeter/Library of Fragrance, and shitty YA fiction/AO3 for this phenomenon. You know exactly the kind of writing I mean.
"Mary Sue-chan," breathed Nagito "your scent… It's intoxicating…" He took another huff of your mousey brown hair and shudders wracked through his body. "You smell like the charged air right before a thunderstorm, the earth on a freshly-turned grave, the aridity of the forest right before the fire…!" A familiar gasping, cracking laugh began to punctuate his speech and for a moment he was breathless, swaying on the spot, dizzy and intoxicated.
"Nagito-kun… I don't know how you see me, but I'm just a boring average girl! I have no defining features, positive or otherwise, which would attract the attention of anybody! Let alone all the Tumblr sexymen in this fictional universe… Why would you even be interested in me? I'm clumsy and talentless and those are literally the only traits that give me any depth or character whatsoever-"
Nagito gently pressed his quivering, chapped lips to your own to quiet you, and whispered against your skin. "No, Mary Sue-chan… You may be awkward, unpopular, talentless trash with self-esteem issues, but in this fanfiction, I appear to be totally cool with that. Also you are very kawaii and sugoi." Another shiver ran through his frail, damp body. "Oh, Mary Sue-chan! You smell like danger… You smell just like me…"(If you saw me trying to fix the formatting issues, no you didn't.)
No. 867485
>>867475>>867478incoming revenge porn moid lol
willingly taking nudes or doing fucking porn with your bf is braindead low IQ shit
No. 867493
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>decide to go to lolcow
>see , what I assume to be, cp immediately on the front page
did we have another raid again?
No. 867494
>>867491I don't need to tell you how old I am and I'm not being naive. You don't know me or my fiance. Why would I take anything you say to heart?
>>867492I won't, because it won't happen. Enjoy your sad, lonely, paranoid lives, losers.
No. 867496
>>867494your bf was pornsick when he met you and you do porn with him in order to stop him from watching others. he was never cured, he just found another means. normal dudes can jack off without staring at some form of porn.
you're stupid for accommodating something so ridiculous like this when it has such a high chance of biting you directly in the ass, and i doubt he respects you very much to even ask you something like this in the first place (if you offered yourself you're even stupider than i thought).
No. 867497
>>867493No, just that one moid.
Cute girl in pic is cute.
No. 867504
>>867430>Also we make our own little porn movies and pics and that's what he looks at.If you really think that's all he watches, and that that's enough for him, you don't get why men like porn.
I think you know this on some level, though. If this was the "solution", it just sounds like your main concern with porn was feelings of inadequacy, and this is how you were pacified.
No. 867505
>>867488Nudes aren't as risky but straight up filming or having pics of you having sex could ruin your (but not his) career… I wouldn't want anyone to have this kind of power over me, not even someone I trust (and you're naive if you think even a perfect relationship can't get bitter).
And considering you take those pics on phone, it's probably saved up on cloud or some online backup that you might not even know about. Someone might get access into this.
(Repost) to add that even if you turn off your data/wifi while taking pics, it just syncs up after you connect lol. If he's making a show out of turning off WiFi it's quite sketchy bc everyone knows it syncs up after reconnecting.
No. 867512
>>867430don't know you or your partner, but you really sound naive as fuck. may peace be with you
No. 867538
>>867298Definitely wasn’t trying to insert myself into anything - I have no desire to talk about what happened/is happening with his dad/family, I just brought it up as context for why I’ve been hesitant to reach out, which makes me feel guilty bc it’s not my ex-friend’s fault his dad is a nonce.
I wanted to send a nice message and possibly catch up because he’s been popping up on my “people you may know” for months with a few mutual friends and it feels weird just ignoring his existence completely knowing that we literally walked to school together & went over to one another’s houses every day for 10+ years and now we just don’t talk at all. I don’t know.I didn’t have ill intentions but now I just feel stupid for reaching out at all and even more stupid for messaging him again. I dunno. I’m giving up and just trying to pretend this didn’t happen because I feel rly fucking stupid now.
> you sound like bargain bin bpd chick from high school that people will use for years to come as an example for whom to avoid.thanks anon, I’ll internalize that one
No. 867550
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My bf and I were talking about billionaires and how Bezos could solve so many world problems if he wanted, and he pointed out that it’s what his wife is doing; donating billions everywhere, and still has exorbitant amounts of money so far. I said JK Rowling lost billionaire status due to philanthropy as well, and he said, “but isn’t she a TERF?” I lost my mind. Literally responded with “that word doesn’t mean anything.” We had a good discussion about it, but Jesus Christ, how horrible is it that the good work she does and believes in is disregarded bc deranged Twitter users called her a TERF, and no one actually looks at the generally reasonable things she has to say. Much less the disgusting, misogynistic things that Twitter AGPs send to her and validate bc “TERFs” are somehow subhuman. Retards everywhere.
No. 867579
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>>867475>he isn't some smelly moid>he only watches the porn he has me make with him>which definitely isn’t going to wind up online or shown to anyone else ever because we’re getting ~married~ in a year>”Enjoy your sad, lonely, paranoid lives, losers”Sometimes I wonder how many psychological studies are being done on lc at any given time because it’s a goldmine for silent observations kek
No. 867582
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>>864288Am i just retarded or why the hell have i not seen any lolcow implosion on the new cwc news?
No. 867585
>>867563 and yes I would
No. 867665
>>867634>>867634I feel horrible for you, anon. Having a pickme friend is heartbreaking.
Instead of slamming your head against a wall, you should slam hers or his instead.
I would recommend throwing articles at her and stuff, but these types of people usually just eyeroll and say that things will be fine.
No. 867696
>>867642>>867663>>867665I really appreciate the support, thanks. The changes I’ve noticed in her after her starting to date for the first time has been a huge point of stress for me for reasons I can’t even understand myself. It’s not the first pickme behaviour I’ve seen from her and probably won’t be the last unfortunately. Just want her to be okay.
>>867663You’re totally right and even before talking to her I had to tell myself not to get mad if she doesn’t change her mind. Just had to get it off my chest to absolve any guilt that would arise had I said nothing. But she’s on her own now because this kind of stress over someone’s well being, who’s more preoccupied with whether a guy likes her or not, is not healthy for me.
No. 867704
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>>867694The text messages from Chris definitely make it sound like he did (from the KF thread).
No. 867717
>>867704That's fucking horrible. Scrotes are so fucked up, revolting.
And screw all those people whining how people are too mean to Chris because he's mentally ill. Mentally ill scrotes are even worse, they deserve no sympathy. Raping his own mother, what a monster.
No. 867825
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I know getting a therapist is my responsibility but it's really hard having to leave messages just for them to never call back.
No. 867836
>>867830Climate change will be a banger to deal with as society in-fights itself into the ground. I wonder if globalization will collapse before society does, or alongside it.
Same, anon. Wishing you well.
No. 867846
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i want to a-log chris chan and im tired of twitter “lgbt” woketards commenting on peoples tweets responding to the situation with a
like chris chan was ever actually a woman ever. why on earth would you want a degenerate associated with you? shut the fuck up
No. 867853
>>867846lol someone posted a screenshot in the lc discord of some twittertard saying "don't look at the chris chan stuff it's got a lot of heckin misgendering. she's going to hell!"
as if they themselves aren't going to hell for being a troon but ok
No. 867916
>>867846Chris Chan literally turned into a 'woman', because he admittedly wants to date lesbians.
He literally said that he will go back to being a man once he finds
a girlfriend,later starting a family.
Woketards are idiots
No. 867918
>>867914it was about this youtube channel that seemed to just be a regular edgy alternate reality game sort of thing. they'd post a ton of weird, scrambly videos with weird imagery and stuff that caught the attention of a few boards on 4chan. the 4chan users found out that this weird organisation had a discord server (the only truly lolworthy part of this tbh), and joined it. the people in the discord server were adamant that this wasn't just some ARG, but was actually totally real.
later on, a few months after they were 'found' by 4chan, three videos were uploaded in a short span - all three videos included grown men screaming and shouting at children that were obviously under massive amounts of stress, begging for the man shouting at them to 'stop'. very long story short - while nobody knows where two of these videos came from, it was discovered that one of the videos (which was 2 mins long) was actually a slightly distorted, cropped clip from a CP video found on a CP site on the darkweb. the original video is over 30 mins long and is obviously absolutely horrific. the channel then deleted fucking everything and disappeared, and it's likely that they simply found the clip on 4chan and reuploaded it to their channel just to be edgy and didn't know where it was from, but nobody is sure.
the video didn't warn for any of this before I started watching it and (not to sound like I'm straight from twt) the topics are super upsetting for me, so I've been feeling generally ill since I watched that. it's not a fun time for me rn!
No. 867919
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Men talking about their big dicks at urinals and how they enjoy checking out other men. It's unlocked a new insecurity. My ex was closeted and cheated on me with a man. He would always go for steams and talk about the cool men he got talking to. I hate him. Men are so primitive.
No. 867921
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>>867913My day has legitimately and unironically been ruined. Kill all men.
No. 867995
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I have no words for what chris chan did. I feel so disgusted, I want to throw up.
No. 867997
>>867993I was about to post this kek
He is demonic
No. 868019
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>>867995I can't believe he's not only a tranny but also a motherfucker now. How did he go from making Sonic-Pokemon-Crossover comics to this.
God protect any woman who has to raise an autist son.
No. 868029
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>>868019>God protect any woman who has to raise an autist son.My thoughts when I read… this.
Just… imagine having dementia and being fucked by your autistic son.
I'm aborting all male fetuses if I ever get pregnant.
No. 868038
>>868029This is fucking kafkaesque and the worst part is that this was probably the only way it could've gone. People were calling it years ago and it became reality. Once you re-read those text messages and realize that Barbara was telling him to stop it's even more horrifying. Barbs kept contributing to his extreme Oedipus complex by never weaning him off from her teat, sheltering him from the world, literally accompanying him as his prom date and getting jealous when he had female friends. It was building up to this for all those years and I legitimately hope that the authorities will become involved once and for all and put Chris in a home.
Another main takeaway from this saga is the neverending narcissism of trannies and TRAs in general. You have a man with a fucking wiki detailing his perversions and externalized insanity raping his incapacitated, almost 90-year old mother and the one thing you're concerned is people using the "correct pronouns". It shows how devoid of empathy and self awareness they really are.
No. 868072
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>>864288I’m so tired anons. Is there any hope for the future?
No. 868088
>>868074You aren't a dumb bitch and you aren't a waste of space. I would have broken over all that stuff, too, and I'm always considering self harming for bullshit reasons, like not sleeping enough or living in a shithole. There is so much stuff in your life that is wrong at the moment and you are allowed to feel bad and react to that feeling. Yes, self harm is not the right answer, but sometimes we don't know any other way out of it.
Maybe talk to your bf about it? Tell him how you feel at the moment and that it was a reaction that you didn't want it to happen but it happend and you learned from it. Next time you might talk to him and he might be helping you?
Hope you are getting through this and remember that one relapse in years means nothing, people smoke for years, quit for years and then relapse one time to quit for years or forever again, that's the same with self harm. You can do it and I hope your bf is at your side, supporting you, not acting like a bitch.
No. 868095
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>>867587What the everliving fuck. It’s so much worse than I ever expected. I have no words.
No. 868096
>>868074He's mad at you and giving you the silent treatment instead of consoling you and trying to figure out what's wrong?
Males are fucking useless.
No. 868103
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>>867995elfin didn’t lie, she was right. there was absolutely nothing light-hearted about this beast who would have been rightfully smothered and never born through family planning and eugenics, he’s an absolute shame to his family. if this turns out to be a full case, that woman is going to be shipped off to some god awful elderly home where she’ll experience more abuse and neglect from nurses who used to be your high school drama queens turned sociopaths. none of this could have never been prevented, only very few autists who are actually autistic lead arguably normal lives through controlled support systems. no one should have autism because this is what autism really is, no regard for what’s right or wrong, no regard for boundaries and no regard for empathy at all. feeling bad does not equal empathy or compassion, guilt can be entirely selfish and one-dimensional
No. 868164
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Please lets have a discussion about this. I just can't believe she's being serious here.
No. 868168
>>868164Or parents can monitor their kids access to the internet better and block all porn sites.
There is no such thing as hold friendly porn and I'm just going to assume she's a pedo for even thinking about this.
No. 868182
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Me right now but in the usa as I wait for a delicious dinner. I don’t deserve anything.
No. 868188
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>>868174I know it’s been posted already but…
No. 868197
She raped her mother with
her external male sex organ.
She used
her penis, an organ that exists solely to eliminate waste and deposit sperm, and penetrated
her frail, 80+ year old physically and mentally incapacitated mother’s vaginal canal for the purpose of sexual gratification.
She, a physical, social and cultural male woman, is a sexually violent, dangerous individual.
Have I respected
her pronouns correctly?
No. 868208
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>>868200>>868185samefag but do you expect an autist who types lolcow like this to give an absolute shit about this site? they’re all owned, choked, and gagged by daddy kiwifarms it’s so pathetic.
No. 868248
>>868085>>868096yeah… idk why men are so broken brained. it’s like this with basically every scrote, too. i guess it’s just macho emotional retardation from a lifetime of being out of touch with their feelings.
completely off topic but i only ever had 1 ex who was understanding of my mental health and self harm issue—but it turned out he was still living with his ex and was kind of a burnout. literally if it’s not one massive red flag, it’s another. being a straight woman is tragic comedy.
i took a nap after posting and when i woke up he told me to go make him dinner. he’s literally NEVER “ordered” me to do anything before, so why now of all times when i’m obviously feeling bad? we always just do things for each other out of thoughtfulness or ask nicely. so why now????
fun quotes:
>”so are you going to wear long sleeves all summer, or what?”>”scars are trashy”>”your job isn’t that bad. people would kill to have your job.”>”you’re supposed to take care of yourself for the people you love”i’m not even sad anymore i’m just silently raging
>>868088thank you for your kind comment and for sharing with me nonna, i wish you the best and that we can both completely recover from self harm. reading this really brought me back to earth. i really felt like i was insane but you’re right, things are immensely stressful and i just reacted to it the way i knew how
trying not to beat myself up over it. i’m just going to keep to myself and do my own stuff because bf is being ridiculous. i think he’s taking my self harm as a personal sleight (slight? idk English) the way men tend to do. like by seeing that i hurt myself, he is scared and angry that i was actually not okay all along, implying to him that he is failing as a man. i feel like men frame things that way a lot.
No. 868258
>>868248Dumb that zero empathy piece of shit.
>>868249Your bf is probably a repeat customer of said tranny prostitute
No. 868271
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The amount of moids on KF victim blaming chris chan's mom, humiliating her further, making horrible comments about her makes me want to an hero. Absolutely no empathy for any woman they don't want to stick their dick into no matter how victimized she was
No. 868273
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>>868272KF also defended chris' ''free speech'' rights when he made nude drawings of the girl in the picture against her consent and distributed them online. Honestly although he's retarded i think there are more
victims No. 868307
I don't know what to do about this situation, I hate that I can't really do anything but watch as my friend is undoubtedly going to get really hurt.
>Friend broke up with her long-term boyfriend last year
>Boyfriend had he stopped pulling his weight in the relationship because of his depression and she has had enough of him refusing to get help no matter what she tried.
>A couple of months later she starts dating someone she met through an online game she's been playing for a couple of years
>Everyone kinda rolls their eyes since despite her only having been in healthy long-term relationships she's never single for more than a couple of months
>Learns that guy lives in America
>We live in Scandinavia
>Tries to carefully ask her if she is sure he isn't a fetishist since I know American men has a habit fetishising women specifically from our country and have experienced it myself a few times while playing online
>"Haha Anon, that's so funny! Our long-time guild friends has had the same concerns since he's previously dated women from our country! I'm sure it's just a coincidence"
>Immediately see red flags but decide to not push the issue further
>I decide to let her live in her rose-tinted fantasy with him, seeing it more like a phase she'll get over
>She starts selling stuff so she can afford visiting him once the pandemic calms down because she doesn't have a job
>Uhm, friendorino, shouldn't HE be the one to visit YOU?
>"He's too busy with his job so it's going to be hard for him to have enough time"
>Homeboy can take a vacation though, right?
>"He also helps his uncle a lot with renovating his restaurant since it has to be closed temporarily due to the pandemic"
>…uhuh. Decides to not push it further again.
>I stop asking questions for a while, maybe the dude isn't as sketchy as she accidentally makes him out to be. I'll support her happiness, even if I don't believe in the relationship
>She starts talking about possibly moving over there in the future since he conveniently can't despite having a job that is applicable all over the world.
>She keeps making excuses
>Now she's been dating this guy for almost a year and I decided to ask again
>So WHY again isn't he the one coming over here instead of letting a lone, small single woman go across the world to HIM?
>"His uncle still needs a lot of help with renovating the restaurant"
>Still? It's been a year
>"Yeah there has been a lot of issues"
>Is he at least paying for half your ticket?
>"Nono, he's gonna be paying for my food and accommodations though"
>But you're his girlfriend and you're gonna stay at HIS place as his guest, of course he's gonna be paying for accommodations.
>"Exactly uwu" obviously somehow taking my critical statement as me agreeing with her.
>Realize now that there is no way to reach her and make her understand how insane all this is and have now given up
I can only see this ending in two ways: 1. He gets cold feet when she gets a chance to book tickets, since he has conveniently never met any of his online girlfriends. 2. He'll break up with her once she's back from visiting him. And what makes it even more frustrating is that I KNOW she knows better and I know she would have asked me the same questions if the roles had been reversed.
No. 868331
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>>868322i'm rooting for you and your baby, anon, i hope it's nothing serious
No. 868336
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>>868334unrelated but gatsby lowkey deserved it
No. 868344
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I have too much pride and absolutely no tolerance for mediocre ugly moids so I can’t ever just get into a relationship with some loser just to be in one. But I’m still terribly lonely. Being surrounded by happy couples with really nice dudes just makes things so much worse, at least being around awful couples would make me feel better because I’m not dealing with that.
Instead I just feel like “They were younger/ more likable / more attractive / better at socializing than you are, that’s why they found someone nice and you shouldn’t expect to.”
Feeling sorry for myself gave me insomnia, haven’t slept more than an hour and I’m about to get up and make shrimp tom yum at 3 am.
No. 868353
>>868334Yea, that's rough shit.
Depends on what your situation is but what helped me is to remind myself why he's an ex, convince myself he doesn't care so why should I and go do something else when the urge hits.
No. 868380
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I want to have home alone moments again! I want to cook nice things for myself and not share.
No. 868390
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How do I stop being so sensitive and getting upset after any kind of confrontation. I always do my best to avoid it, like between family members. I just had words with my sister, even though we are really close but I know it’s normal. I am sooooo sensitive and get tearful after. Why am I so lame? Am I an autist? Why do I care and fret so much?
No. 868423
>>868401Who cares. Most men are just going to treat you like crap anyway
>It was established they liked me but I had to close the gap or whatever.Then they didn't actually like you. I used to think it was romantic and cute for the woman to ask out the guy and initiate things but quickly learned that if a guy doesn't go out of his way to be with you, he doesn't actually give a shit.
No. 868429
>>868401I understand, I don't want dickpics from random scrotes and I know men will go for anything so it's not a compliment but sometimes I feel left out of conversations about that stuff because I don't have any stories to contribute and I want to know why
I'm at least average in attractiveness but I make a conscious effort to not pander to men in my social media posts, my body or face isn't often the focus of my photos and I don't act like a nlog. Girls tend to call fashionable but maybe I give off an asexual vibe kek
No. 868430
>>868423>if a guy doesn't go out of his way to be with you, he doesn't actually give a shitThat's like your opinion man
Don't give her a complex just because of your own personal experiences, they're not universal
No. 868437
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i got up early specifically to get chicken mini's from chickfila with their little mini hashbrowns and i look in the bag and they forgot the hashbrowns smh also i'm annoyed because my period is a week late even though i haven't had sex
No. 868464
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>>868449>>868454Omg same for me, anons… it's been 40 days since my last one and I'm also not sexually active. I'm usually so regular!
No. 868470
>>868453Maybe you give off intimidating/don't mess with me vibes. It really has nothing to do whether or not you're attractive, but whether or not you'd be easy enough to take advantage of.
>>868457>excuse, excuse, excuseThere are gentle, kind ways to get to know someone and ask them out instead of just fucking giving up.
>Would you still say he's not really interested?Of course he's "interested" now, because most men are opportunistic and you handed yourself to him on a platter. Hopefully he is going above and beyond for you to prove that he actually deserves you instead of being a lukewarm loser, because he is incredibly lucky that you'd ask him out.
>>868466Tinder is retarded anyway, don't look there for an actual boyfriend. At least sign up for a proper dating site or something.
No. 868495
>>868401lol my only social media (instagram) is private and it has zero pictures
if i got dm's from random people in my situation it would count as a superpower
consider how many followers you have, how public your account is, your pictures, etc
No. 868505
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I always scroll by and forget that the half naked dude is the vent thread. Anyway.
My mother keeps making comments about my life choices and it's pissing me off so fucking much. Like about my lack of social network and friends or that I should 'go and study something…like, anything'. She's a boomer and she's got this simplistic, starry eyed way of thinking that education equals superiority and if someone's at a university studying something, anything from basket weaving to culinary arts (and she literally told me to get a degree in Gender Studies because she heard that it must be interesting) then they are superior to others and doing something right with their lives. I was stupid once and got a bachelor's degree in humanities but getting another useless one according to my mother 'will show my potential employers how hardworking I am'. Sure. And she literally is surprised when I tell her that an acquaintance of mine works at a call center even though she's got a master's degree. Is anyone else's boomer parents are this idealistic??
Also I'm working as hard as I can on my lack of friendships (signing up to Meetups…well, I haven't actually gone to one yet, but the effort counts for something right, and I also hung out with an ex-coworker of mine despite my social anxiety) and she just…disregards it. Like if I'm not having a house party with 65 people every weekend than I'm dead lonely right??
Ah fuck all
No. 868522
>>868509oh, I feel you. Have a boomer mother myself and she pushed me into studying, even though I wanted to do something else, now I'm old, didn't finish my degree and I'm unemployed. Still she goes on and on about how she wasn't allowed to study and if I would have finished I would have the perfect life now and more money than I could count and when I tell her that others who finished their degree are working in shitty jobs with less money than she had from a half time job I'm lying, because no one who ever went to university is poor or has a shitty job.
I wish she would grow up, but that will never happen.
If she could, she would make me move back home and find a husband, friends and job for me.
No. 868523
>>868509Awh Anon, she just wants the best for you but doesn't understand times aren't the same as when she was your age.
Don't worry too hard about the friends. You should focus on finding out what you really like to do, and do it. It can be anything, art, programming, advanced underwater basket weaving, whatever.
She just wants to see you happy and successful but doesn't know how to get you there. Maybe start small with a part time job somewhere? You'll get out of the house and interacting with the same group of people everyday might lead to a friendship or two. Don't waste more money on a degree you won't use though.
No. 868587
>>868583I kinda get it though. I have a similar type of feeling in the pit of my stomach. Chris was a harmless retard and then he raped his 80 yr old mother. It's fucking sickening. For some ppl Chris was their first lolcow and its nostalgic.
I mean tell him to stop being such a
nonnie and take a shower
No. 868592
>>868575I'm sorry
nonny. Same thing happened to me and I was thinking about this literally a few minutes ago myself because I had to stop looking through an archive of vogue shots full of forced lesbianism. These are heterosexual women made to be nude, straddle, tongue kiss and lick each other's body parts for fashion houses and perfume brands. WTF. They try their best to hide it but it's obvious they're disgusted and often upset. Rampant sexualization is bad enough, that's just straight up
No. 868624
>>868621It was a explicit real life picture of what appeared to be a toddler, I reported it but don't want to check if it's still there or not
I don't care about drawings but seeing firsthand people abuse children like that just makes me sick. Men are truly evil
No. 868680
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My mom seriously thinks I'm being "mean and controlling" for asking her to please stop yelling slurs at the television for a few minutes because I'm on the phone with my employer. I'm in my own bedroom with the door shut and she's still loud enough to be heard.
No. 868695
>>868579Ew drop him before you're stuck to him legally anon. If he doesn't feel disgusted by his past and is still hanging around the guy that not only reminds him of it, but still takes part in it today then he hasn't actually changed. He'll stay clean and hooker-free for now but down the line when you guys are deep into the marriage, he'll go back to his old habits on a night out with his old bud. Then he'll keep it going for a while until he gets too lazy to hide it properly and god knows how much of your life you'd have wasted with him by that point. Unless they completely remove themselves from that type of life/influence then they almost never truly change. Why would you marry someone who doesn't feel disgusted at the thought of fucking a hooker?
>But am I wrong tho for feeling uncomfortable?Come on, anon. Imagine your response if someone else asked this given the context. Don't be stupid.
No. 868744
>>868695The thing is tho he doesn't really hang around this guy anymore. This happened when they were literally teenagers and he was abusing drugs heavily because of home life stuff( mom was addicted to meth and a whore etc etc)
He has a career and hasn't touched the stuff in ages also he is ashamed about what he did. He says he did it at the time because he thought he had to as some passage into manhood but is adamant that he knows better now that his brain has matured. This friend of his is always pestering him to hang out and get drunk and he always turns him down but they do hang out like once a year because they are childhood friends. I should really give him the benefit of a doubt because he is a genuine and good guy but he cannot let go of this loser friend because childhood bond bullshit and he has an abandonment complex. I just feel so out of sorts about it
No. 868761
>>868744Sounds complex, anon. I guess it's all down to how good control your fiancé has and how much you trust him because it sounds like that friend isn't going anywhere.
Not that you're wrong for worrying about it, but it'll probably only put a strain on the relationship if you keep openly stating it since he will feel like you don't trust him. As long as it's clear that you dislike that friend and you don't want him around, the rest is down to your man and how he handles being around the guy. Keep an eye on his behaviour anytime after they go out
No. 868800
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I complain so much to my friend about stupid shit in my life I feel so sorry yet I continue
No. 868801
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I love this site, and there are very intelligent ladies here, but sometimes I worry that some of you are genuinely mentally unwell. It can't be healthy to fixate on a stranger's apolitical, bigotry-free content or hobbies, to the point of shitting up a thread and causing off-topic discourse, just because you don't like it or have preconceptions about it. I'm not asking anyone to like anything they don't already like, just maybe consider putting the phone down? Take a breather. Get some fresh air. Call a loved one. Maybe make some tea or hot chocolate for yourself. Not everyone is trying to hurt you, or other people, for that matter.
Sorry, mods, if this is too pointed. This GAN cat is for you.
No. 868802
My best friend is becoming polarised, I think. We're all vaccinated and for it, but he couldn't see the viewpoint of people who didn't want to get vaccinated, just kept reiterating that they're selfish and want people to die. I said I had a friend who's a caring person but are worried about the long term effects so won't get it, and he straight up said "they're not a caring person then". Like straight up said more or less, if they conflict with my beliefs they can't be a good person.
Like he used to be the level headed neutral party in our friend group. Not that the others are better. They'll focus on and discuss whatever hot topics are in the media, parroting whatever the majority opinion is, then let it fade away as soon as the new headline is in. It's a bit sickening because there are a lot of things that should be discussed, but they just do not care if it's not the "cool" thing to talk about. And if I say anything or give solid proof that goes against the standard narrative I'm straight up ignored in the chat, just completely dismissed. I'm definitely squarely in the left/liberal side of things, it's not like i'm the edgy right winger of the group, I just want to have some fucking nuance.
No. 868813
>>868810I'll say it was spurred by a recent thread derail, but I wouldn't have said it if this had been the first, or even the second time. This has happened multiple times, with multiple different topics, on multiple different threads. I don't think it's one person, but I do think there's some consistency when a certain topic
triggers it. Stay safe, dears.
No. 868830
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I feel like the only redeeming quality I have is being somewhat pretty, and even then maybe a 7/10 at most in the face. My body is pretty unattractive. (Womanlet, skinnyfat) Plus I'm in my late 20s, so It's all down hill from here. I'm incredibly untalented and any skills I attempt to pick up, I'm absolutely terrible at. No education, only wagecuck work experience. Pushed everyone away and spending more and more time in solitary, somehow don't feel 'right' being around people. Feels like my mental state is slowly going in decline, even though life is relatively okay otherwise. Feeling somewhat empty and hollow.
No. 868878
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I hate people who turn up to the cinema late. I have friends who turn up to the cinema itself 15 minutes after the official start time because they trust that at that point there's still 15 minutes of adverts + trailers to go. Often they time it ok, but inevitably the queues take forever because everyone in front wants stale nachos and dirty-water dogs, and to spice things up, the cinema decided to play fewer adverts. Who knows how The Favourite and 1914 start? Not me. Because my friends were late. Friends I no longer go see movies with.
This evening I saw The Suicide Squad and a couple came in after the movie started, couldn't find their seats, and had to use their phone torches. When they found their seats (right in front of mine) they took forever to sit the fuck down, and didn't even try to appear apologetic it was during the big fight scene at the start so a lot going on Why do people think their time is so valuable that getting there on time and just sitting, getting comfy for a bit isn't worth it to not spoil the cinematic experience for everyone else. Also, if you're already late, why not spend an extra minute to look at the seating chart before you go in so you can sit down as quickly as possible.
No. 868905
>>868887NTA but you can't see why it would be hurtful to find out retroactively that someone was less than impressed with your body at some point? I don't think her bf is at fault or that he had bad intentions, logically people lose weight to look better and affirming that is the obvious compliment to make. But that doesn't change the way you feel knowing that maybe he wasn't that attracted to you before or might have judged your body negatively. And if you gain weight again you'll know for sure it will lower his attraction to you.
Some people are thick skinned about stuff like that, but personally I'd spiral into thoughts of him being grossed out by my body or not enjoying sex before or whatever. I'd be upset and insulted and honestly I doubt I'd want to be with him, even if I didn't blame him for it.
No. 868918
>>868905I'm op and you put into words that "weird" feeling I got but couldn't describe, thanks. I genuinely don't think he meant it as negging or anything harmful. I'll probably talk to him about it later and clear the air a bit.
>>868887I wouldn't have worded it that way personally, but I'm also a bit sensitive about my weight because it's something I've struggled with for most of my life. If he used those same words to compliment my hairstyle or something, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. I can't fault him for not knowing he hit a sore spot though.
No. 868951
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I need a new flat like right now. Living in this shithole the past few years has made me so angry, depressed and tired. Everyone around me is fucking loud 24/7 and everyone is smoking and I can’t even open the windows to get some fresh air, because it smells like an old dirty pub.
Looking for a new flat is hell, I’m unemployed at the moment, most flats are too expensive or in another shitty huge housing complex in this city, they don’t want me as a tenant and they just don’t answer, not even a “Sry, we are arseholes and we don’t care because you are poor”. How I hate being ignored, I don’t want a long answer, just a “No, you don’t fit” would be enough.
It doesn’t even matter that the state would cover the whole rent, that I don’t have debts and always payed my rent on time all the years before, there are just enough rich people around for me not having any possibilities and I’m female in my thirties, oh no, I could get pregnant and then there would be a child, what a bullshit.
It’s so tiring, even in my dreams I’m looking for a new flat and sometimes I just want to give up and cry for a week or two. I need to get out of here soon, this living situation is dragging me down and not helping my mental or physical health. I need more room to work on things and some silence to be able to learn. And I can’t even leave this city as I will be starting school soon, if I could I would have left to start somewhere new a long time ago…
I just want to live somewhere safe, cosy and nice, with a garden, fresh air and silence.
No. 868962
>>868955Your mentality is the main thing holding you back Anon. We have the same comparing ourselves to other issue. Don't think about who's doing better or worse, just think about you.
Your best is good enough! Because it's your best. And guess what? Everyday it will get better. I'm sure you don't believe me but remember please. Your best is good enough because it's your best.
Even if you fail a class or a test or have to drop out, you did your fuckin best and a lot of people can't honestly say that
No. 868965
>>868872He was with you because he loved you for more than your looks. Now you improved yourself and he's overjoyed.
Like another Anon said if the shoe was on the other foot you'd probably say similar things. It's a great thing when a person takes steps to better their health. He's just a stupid male who didn't phrase it right probably lol.
No. 868984
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women who try to look like 12 year old boys are psychopaths
No. 868992
>>868789lmao i put this in the wrong thread and my vent in the wrong thread, my bad
nonny>>868790i actually shilled for several of my friends but seethe harder ig
>>868795>>868823sorry anons i can’t be much help because it was a complete stroke of luck. i’m an average artist but i drew something for free for a small industry guy and he want crazy for it and i landed a contract gig with more to come. anybody who says you have to be an incredible artist to get an industry job (at least in the west) is exaggerating, it’s survivorship bias that makes it seem like every pro artist is a savant and connections really help land you the job. and finish your pieces even if they don’t come out amazing. they don’t have to be incredible but decent enough complete pieces are what got me hired, not sketches
will stop derailing now
No. 869085
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weird semi raised red/brown spot on the inside? of my labia majora feels raw and every time i look it up vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia/vulvar cancer comes up. i've had it for a long time and thought it was just a mole or something since it seems to have not changed much and i'm prone to a shitton of moles. hoping to god it isn't anything serious, i'm only 20!!! i feel so gross talking about it, but i think i need to make an appointment with my derm.
No. 869175
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a weird and creepy scrote stole my phone more or less as soon as i entered a bar last night as part of some scheme to hit on me. wish i'd just come out and told him to give me back my fuckin phone instead of pretending to look for it
No. 869185
I just had a shouting argument with my dad, I'm just fucking done. We were watching Olympics and out of nowhere he start going 'why doesn't LGBT include heterosexuals, we're such an oppressed class nowadays' and 'homosexuals are preffered, have a lot of privileges over hererosexuals' and shit like that. The fuck honestly, he's a white guy in his 50s that had privileges all his life. He's this type of guy - his parents were commies in a past communist regime, so he never got educated and still landed a great job, never learnt to cook or do any chores and instead is nasty to my mom all the time, watches porn in his free time on TV and forgets to turn it off so I've walked in on it many times, calls female athletes fat while he never exercises, can't even pay for a meal because he's too shy and mom has to do that and so on.
Gays can't even get married where I'm from. He said 'why do minorities get all the privileges', 'gays aren't oppressed in any countries, only maybe in Saudi and LGBT shouldn't have any space here'. I'm honestly waiting for him to whip out 'women are a privileged class' any day, he's going down some old-guy altright political pipeline.
I called this opinion absolutely stupid and some other things, got pretty heated and angry, he started shouting how I shouldn't ever act like this towards him. I'm an adult, late 20s, you don't get to tell me I'm disobedient like a fucking kid. I never felt like I should respect someone just because they're older or related when they're being assholes.
I just don't get how old men who obviously had really comfy and easy lives can act like they are oppressed just because there are institutions not centering around them, what a fucking victim complex. Old men are whiny babies that can't even feed themselves yet think they are special enough to own the universe.
No. 869194
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It's my grandma's birthday but this year around she said that she doesn't want to celebrate. I respect that and didn't plan to go to her today but my mum called me if I go to my grandma and I said "no", but now my mum is upset that I do not go to the non existing party.
On the top of that, my entire fam has a long ass family fight going, so even if someone shows up, it will be nothing but verbal fights and I do not want to be part of that either. Idk, everybody said that they won't come because my grandma doesn't want to but it is a problem when I say that I won't go there. Kinda reminds me when it's my birthday, which I don't celebrate since years because I fucking hate it, but my mum insist EVERY year to celebrate it because she wants to and gets upset about this as well because she wants to do something ugh.
No. 869268
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I’m honestly tired, traveling is fun and all but it’s really stressful and I just want to go back home and sleep hoping for something to kill me as I dream of something nice.
Stupid ass oversold tickets and stupid ass road trips with annoying ass people, traveling should be fun, but a bunch of minor inconveniences are seriously turning this into something that makes me want to kms.
I’m also sick of my dad going full retard and throwing tantrums, I don’t get it, maybe it’s that stupid bitch again who is trying to get him to divorce my mother again, and tbh, I don’t even care anymore, it’s like whenever something is decent, some shit has to happen to balance the good stuff that happens so we’re not too happy.
Like, we overcame two deaths in a row and here we are again with a dumbass family quarrel. I feel like I die inside when I have to write text messages individually because everyone is pissed off with everyone else, also, my dad’s side of the family is retarded, my mom’s side tries to be friendly and stuff, but they’re just so fucking dense and annoying, they also just want my mom to give them money 24/7 because they somehow feel like they deserve it when they just spend the money on dumbass shit like parties and beer.
I just want to die, I’m tired, nothing makes sense and I won’t graduate from university until who knows when because my university sucks ass and they expect me to do three separate internships in three years with fucking covid fucking up my dumbass third world country, also, I have like three different courses that I need to take but they won’t open them at the same time so it sucks ass.
I feel like I will never graduate and like I will never be able to become independent, I will never be able to learn how to drive nor I will be ever able to be on my own so I can relax.
I don’t want to be my brother’s babysitter anymore, he’s an old ass 27 years old man, he can do shit for himself, I don’t want to travel with some small ass luggage for two, I don’t want to talk to his dumbass friend anymore.
I hope something kills me today, just like every day, I’m not fit for being alive, i would be a great compost material for some trees or something, I’ve been feeling like this for many years and I feel like I will never be cured from whatever I have, maybe I’m just depressed but undiagnosed or maybe it’s my autism acting up.
Nothing makes me actually happy for long enough and anything makes me want to die.
I’m just so tired.
No. 869368
>>869260>My parents aren't genetically close at all, and I often wonder if my dad intentionally seeked that out.Most people seek that out, anon.
Anyway there’s probably some kind of DNA testing service that could potentially get some kind of answer about lineage.
No. 869381
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This was the first weekend I had home alone in a long time, and I was looking forward to some sexual self-exploration without having to worry about staying quiet or stealth cleaning my toys, but I was just too tired all weekend and had zero sex drive.
No. 869393
>>869381sorry unrelated to your post but
>slut in theory but never in practicewhenever I see people saying this like it's some quirk of theirs, I just think that it's normal
No. 869405
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>>868505Mother and co has struck again. She and her boomer friends usually have a 2-3 hour Skyping session on the weekends and this time, the topic was - you guessed it - what I should do with my life. Her friend said that physical therapy would suit me perfectly because 'I have a nice figure' and 'I'm empathic', which is funny because I literally failed biochemistry in high school. Her husband thinks I should apply to National Intelligence. And my mother told me all this as if their opinion was superior to everyone else's including my own. It is all so fucking infuriating to me.
I literally cannot wrap my head around being old and having this mindset of 'yes, let's sit around and decide for this person we literally barely know anything about - who's LITERALLY A GROWN-ASS ADULT!!!! although unemployed - what she should do with herself because we clearly know better than her!!!!'. I can't. I fucking can't.
Explanation: I think it makes me this (obviously irrationally) angry because I used to be a people pleaser with low self-esteem and super poor boundaries and I used to think that everyone else knows me better than myself and I should do whatever they say, they are always right and I'm always wrong because I'm stupid. Then there was also a lot of guilt about wanting to do things in my own way or even voicing my opinion because everyone elses's is obviously superior to mine and then why say anything? And why do anything when other people are wiser and they can decide what you should do with your life instead of you?? But as I grew older I realized that literally noone can know you better than yourself and it's irrational to plan your life according to someone else's opinions based on their
idea of you
No. 869414
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>>869386thought you bizznaches were talking about synthetic marijuana
No. 869438
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I didnt go to work todaqy because I've been having stupid insomnia and it fucking sucks. I have to be standing up on my job all day and I just didn't had it in me, it hurts my back but I don't like complaining. Someone validate me pplease, I feel like shit, maybe I'm even a bit sleep deprived and sweating. But for me its so stupid to not go to work for something so little. I alwaqys prefer overachieving and perfection. Im an idiot and I just want chips with salsa and sleep.
No. 869486
>>869442I'm in my early 30s and still dressing in altfash and liking weebshit. Due to being a lesbian having kids is pretty unlikely so I can't conform to the mommy trope even if I wanted to. I used to fear turning older because I had internalized the common scenario of a switch going off and suddenly I'm forced to give up everything and dress only in cardigans and mom jeans for the rest of my days, but in the end the reality is that I have a stable job, money, good friends and enough experience to perform well in my hobbies. I'm not an insecure, unstable, broke as fuck 20-year old still largely depending on my parents and struggling with trying to make something out of myself. Even when I miss my wild young adult days I'm still reminded of how miserable life was. Literally the only thing that I had better back then was having a slightly better skin that stayed fresh even after falling asleep with a face full of cheap makeup.
In my opinion the anons here calling 30-year olds "middle aged" and having a spergfit over a 35-year old putting on a short skirt instead of grannycore outfits are either anons in their early 20's who still haven't realized that they're going to hit that presumptive wall in just a few short years or anons in their late 20's trying to cope with their own aging and attempting to gain a sense of superiority because "at least they know their place" unlike this withering hag they're totally not jealous of.
Or scrotes. No. 869498
>>869442I agree but it’s hard, we’re supposed to be going forward overall but we’ve started making it worse and worse, being bombarded with the wall shit from jealous scrotes, and other females both younger and older trying to make us feel insecure. My mother told me how much she hated turning 30, “playfully” calling me old bitch as soon as I turned 27 etc so by the time 30 came I was ready to have a breakdown.
I mostly try to ignore the scrotes and appear confident and dress how I like and treat younger women respectfully, since I feel like if I set a good example, they’re more likely to see being 30 as a good thing.
It’s what helped me anyway, I started making friends with awesome women ages 35-39 and now I don’t fear my thirties nearly as much. I know I look good too—not that I’m delusional and think I still look like an uwu loli but I’ve got no wrinkles, my skin is clear and glowing, and I remain slim (though honestly not having kids helps, I think having kids takes some people from 25 to 45 in one year)
No. 869500
>>869442It's worse when you consider how many on here will also admit their teens were basically a write off because of agoraphobia/anxiety/bullying or some other type of mental health shit or a bad home life. They didn't have fun then either.
If you're old enough to make your own decisions and young enough to be fit and able bodied then.. live a little. Your 'good years' should be decades long not 2 or 3 years.
No. 869511
>>869442I don't let it bother me.
Those 19 year olds are gonna get a wake up call when they wake up one day at 30 and realize their life didn't end immediately too.
No. 869524
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It's so tiring seeing people complaining about a man being tricked by a gold diggers and then I take a look at the woman using them and it's always some bimbo with tons of plastic surgery, 7 lbs of makeup and wears designer clothes….and it's like no shit?of course shes a gold digger it shouldnt be a surprise to scrotes and pickmes. The only reason the scrote got tricked in the first place because they're shallow as fuck. If they dont want to get used for money then they should go for average or homely girls or stfu. Rich scrotes act like average looking women are mutants and then want to cry victim when they get scammed by escorts.
Pic related is 29 year old model under fire because she got pregnant by a 20 year old nba player and people think shes using him. This is what made me rant.
No. 869527
>>869507Thanks, I feel justified. I mean, he'll cancel any plans on his own to keep his schedule open for me, but this scenario has me questioning. I can't tell where an acceptable baseline is for what to expect tbh.
>>869515Rude but true.
Funnily enough, I can't tell if you're telling me this because I'm overthinking it so much that I need a better hobby, or because this guy i'm dating is a shit and I have no self respect because I can't see it.
I've recently figured out i'm codependent and do become pathetic in relationships. Taking this guy's behavior at face value and unchangeable for me to accept or reject instead of overcommunicating with him in the hopes he'll change his ways while letting my boundaries erode is a big step forward for me so I'd thank you to be NICE.
No. 869529
>>869524Scrotes think hot women should come for free, that’s what all the movies / animes told them. 10/10 model looks, but she doesn’t know she’s beautiful and acts like the girl next door.
Being hot is fucking expensive and takes maintenance. Time to work out, relaxing lifestyle no stress, plenty of sleep, quality food, then add hair, nails, makeup and cute clothes on top of that.
No. 869538
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>>869529Yeah. It's pretty obvious that a scrote who looks like this would get no access to a woman like this for free. You'll always see some pickme or scrote crying about gold digging but ignore the fact he would never date this woman if she didnt look like this. And then people want to bring up that fact that's shes 29 and a lot older, yet they have no issue with scrotes that age taking advantage of younger women.
No. 869547
>>869527>I can't tell where an acceptable baseline is for what to expectI have felt the same way in the past, and it's always because I felt like I was being selfish and unreasonable expecting a guy to drop everything for me constantly. And maybe I am, but idc anymore, I came to the realization I'm happy in a relationship only if a guy devotes himself completely to me. I'm not staying with some milquetoast faggot who makes me unhappy when I can just be happier single. It's really up to you to decide what's acceptable or not, even if you think other people may judge you as selfish or unreasonable. Bitch it's your relationship! You deserve to have a man who brings happiness to your life or he can get the fuck out. I have to say this mindset worked for me at least so far, since I met someone who meets my standards and have been dating them for a few months.
> Taking this guy's behavior at face value and unchangeable for me to accept or reject instead of overcommunicating with him in the hopes he'll change his ways while letting my boundaries erode is a big step forward for meThis is how you do it.
No. 869548
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>>869534It sounds like he made you feel like utter garbage, don’t reward him for that. Sending him nudes is a big flashing sign that says “Thank you for being a dick to me, here’s your reward boobs.”
I know right now you care a him a lot and when things aren’t going well, reaching for the attention of something or someone familiar is really tempting but please don’t do it. It’s emotional self-harm.
I feel a little femcel-ish when I say this but being single can really hurt, especially if you’re already feeling isolated. Your friends and family are either not suitable or preoccupied with their own partners and can’t understand how it feels to have to face everything alone, being nobody’s #1 priority and not having anyone to hang onto when you’re collapsing. I wish I had better practical advice to give you, but your feelings are totally reasonable. I promise you’ll feel worse if you do try begging for his attention.
No. 869554
>>869534Grow some hair on your pussy and learn to love yourself, homey doesn't give a fuck about you outside of sex and nudes.
Seeking validation from men sends you down a very dark path. Trust me, I'm trying to find my way off it
No. 869559
>>869450And they make me sick at this point. Like, you know you hate your fucking life.. who are you fronting for? No one cares that you're married and miserable.
>>869486Stuff like this makes me happy. But I don't see why if a woman becomes a mother she has to drop all her hobbies and dress like a 1987 church wife. As long as it's not all hanging out and you're not into weird shit, live your life. Your kids won't grow up to be fucked in the head if you're a weeb but they will if you repress that side of you, since you end up taking it out on them because again, you're fucking miserable. I'd rather have a goofy "immature" mom instead of what lolcow thinks a mom has to be like.
>>869500Exactly. Most of our teens were shit. We didn't know what we liked, we couldn't go do it anyway, and we were going through puberty. And then when you hit your 20s, you're still a dumbass trying to figure yourself out. 30 is usually when you start to get comfortable with who you are, you have a career most likely and your own place, it's time to live it up. Not give up for a life of mom jeans 2 sizes too big. And it's only online I see this bullshit. Women irl, especially nowadays seem to just do what they want.
>>869498>My mother told me how much she hated turning 30, “playfully” calling me old bitch as soon as I turned 27 etc so by the time 30 came I was ready to have a breakdown. Sorry but your mom is a pathetic pickme for this. She hated turning 30 for what? Did she get married too young or something? 30 isn't even old unless you're on some Luna slater/shaynus shit. The average 30 year old doesn't look like a busted fucking piece of shit. There's not much difference between a 30 year old and a 25 year old, why does society act like there is other than scrotes? And even they realize it, because men don't flip the fuck out like women do.
No. 869565
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>>869562Happy birthday
nonny! I'm just a stranger but I wish you the best. I wish your stomachache gets better too.
No. 869570
>>869564Science books can be daunting sometimes a first read without notes is good then go back, usually if the writer is competent, they'll keep expanding on points as you go.
I like getting science topics in my area of study that are written like novels. Like a conversational tone thst expands and goes back to previous ideas.
No. 869576
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>>869565thank you.. i hope you have a great day/night
No. 869619
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I liked the series, but overall I find characters like Linda insufferable and I don't understand how people are drawn to her other than the fact she's pretty. She's openly selfish and people still bend over backwards for her. Fanny is still just as bad for being jealous of her obviously chaotic life, but I think because I have people in my life like Linda the series overall pissed me off so much.
No. 869629
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Haven't left my house for anything but walks since May 2020. Going back to university in September and I'm bricking it, I miss my old outgoing personality even if it was only switched on around other people. Nowadays I can't even pretend anymore. I hope I make some friends anyway.
No. 869665
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>>869640ayrt, yeah im still on this site because i have nothing better to do rn, but nonna i love you very much i hope you have a blessed day please look at this cat
No. 869666
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>>869647I think it's because the ages of late 20s to early 40s hit much closer to home for them. Being 50+ is so far away from where they are that they don't relate to these women in an "I'll be like that in a couple years" kind of way. A 35 year old looking and feeling good while disregarding societal norms seems to evoke a jealous reaction. Like how dare that woman have fun doing whatever she likes, while I restrict myself to adhere to social expectations because I feel like I have to despite being younger.
It's just a guess but that's basically how I felt when I was more of a pickme and also miserable. Women who were just a little older, heavier or uglier than me seemed to enjoy life more and that felt unfair - after all, I was putting so much effort into looking young, slim and pretty because that was supposed to be the key to happiness.
I think many women who look down on women who are a bit older do so out of that same insecurity. It doesn't apply to women 25+ years older because they just can't imagine themselves at that age yet.
No. 869682
>>869672>>869671>pic related, the first pic is normal… boobs are supposed to not fold over apparentlyYep, according to the thoroughly scientific pencil/pinch test, which google shows is posted by a plastic surgery business that clearly has absolutely no financial incentive to tell as many women as possible that they need a breast lift/augmentation.
The majority of women do not have breasts like those on the left, and scummy companies and surgeons online will always try their hardest to convince the world otherwise, because they benefit off women's insecurities. You'll notice that the more time you spend with other women irl, the more ridiculous internet notions about what a body should look like seem.
No. 869709
>>869672Thanks, plastic surgeons, for telling women that big boobs are supposed to be antigravity cones with absilutely no contact with the skin beneath them. For the record, 2 and 5 are probably the most attractive, but 3, 4, and 6 are probably very common because I imagine they're very productive for breastfeeding, so more evolutionarily viable. Pretty much #1 is both implausible and impractical; I very much doubt that anyone naturally has the perkiness of small breasts but the weight of big breasts, as pictured there. If they do, they are likely extremely rare, or the person in question is very young, and still developing. God, I hate every single demon in the beauty industry.
No. 869731
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>>869717Uhh I feel bad for you but what exactly did you expect to happen living with a transbian?
No. 869733
>>869717Why the fuck would you live with a tranny at all, much less a AGP?
Especially when you're a lesbian? I'm surprised you didn't say he's sexually assaulted or raped you. Please get out, get safe, I'm begging you.
No. 869799
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I'm having pain and an uncomfortable feeling that very much feels like it's my heart. I've had chest pain like that happen a bunch of times over the past weeks seemingly at random intervals. Every time I feel it my heart's also beating way too fast.
I'm really worried that I'll turn out to have some undiagnosed heart issue and just drop dead one day or have a heart attack out of nowhere. I told my doctor about it and asked for a checkup on my heart. He sent me home telling me I seemed healthy so there was no need for a checkup, and that maybe I'm just worrying too much.
So I guess you're making it up and being a drama queen unless you're on deaths door coughing up blood and seizing? What the fuck is the problem with just doing a basic checkup if I have regular chest pains? I'm not a munchie in the least, the last time I went to the doctors for any reason was 3 years ago, it's not like I show up with a different vague complaint every other week. This is not the first time he's refused to take me seriously and do anything either. Almost a decade ago I saw him maybe five times over the course of two months about extreme insomnia that had abruptly started and legit drove me insane barely ever getting more than an hour of sleep for so long. What did the fucker do? Tell me I should try reading a book before bed. No tests, no further inquiry, no temporary medication, nothing.
I would change doctors but from what I've heard many people have the same type of experience with other doctors in my area.
No. 869803
>>869800Thank you anon. He didn't run any tests at all. The only pattern I can discern is that the pain usually happens when I'm sedentary, but that could also just be because I happen to be sedentary most of the time.
I'll try going back and asking for the cardiologist. It sucks that my regular doctor has to approve that first, but I'm going to try and be more unrelenting this time.
No. 869815
I had to cancel my online therapy today and I’m just irritated as fuck because trying to get help when you have a job/depression/anxiety/executive dysfunction is impossible. The online therapy was nice but it’s way too expensive and since I’ve been working every day I don’t have time to chat someone about my feefees. So I’m just stuck thinking about it while at work and seething because if I want to pay for therapy I have to work so much that I don’t even have time to relax/reflect on anything. It’s a stupid cycle.
>>869003 took me out though. I’ll never see Monsters Inc the same.
No. 869820
I don't know if this classifies as a vent, but it feels like a good idea to post this here, anyway, in light of the self-critical body image stuff.
The amount of women I have personally met in my life who I would consider unattractive could be counted on one hand. Otherwise, every possible type of woman has been attractive to me. Thin, plus size, muscular, big boobs, small boobs, round chin, square chin, long hair, short hair, dark hair, light hair, curly hair, wavy hair, straight hair, smooth skin, skin with moles, skin with acne, skin with cellulite, light skin, dark skin, small brows, bushy brows, perfect teeth, crooked teeth, white teeth, stained teeth, hairy, clean-shaven, thin waist, big waist, big ass, small ass, thick legs, thin legs, long legs, short legs, big feet, small feet, tall, short, clean, messy, young, old, wrinkly, dressed up, dressed down, etc. It really, truly doesn't matter.
Maybe it's because I'm autistic, maybe it's because I'm a lesbian, maybe it's both, but I never picked up on like 90% of the things that women here mention being insecure about. I had my own insecurities, as all women in this shitty patriarchy clown world we live in do, but they tended to be the bigger, more noticeable things, like fatty body parts, non-pornstar-like vulva and nipple stuff, and facial features that don't look like the Scandinavian ideal, or whatever. But I had no fucking clue what nasolabial folds were, or to what extent self-hate about having functioning human skin with pores and all that went. It's so ingrained in some of you ladies, that the second you see another woman, you've already pulled out the mental scalpel to dissect what parts of her aren't perfect. It's an effort that the vast majority of you would never point at a man. I'm asking you to love yourself and your fellow woman, despite the odds. Appearance isn't everything, anyhow, but I'm sure a good deal of you could see yourselves and other women as more beautiful than not, if you truly pushed yourself to. It may take quite a bit of effort, because how much our society tears women down to make them more complacent consumers and subservient to men, but it would be a step forward, I think. Loving and admiring each other, as women, is deeply progressive and revolutionary. I think it's what our feminist foremothers would gave wanted for us.
No. 869827
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i'm so sick of fatties white knighting and constantly defending fat flakes and fat celebs. body shaming is FUN!! i just know the anons who ree about it look like picrel. gross.
No. 869849
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I had gotten an abortion 3 years ago when I was not in a good place to have a baby with my spouse. Honestly, my spouse and I have grown so much together and I am glad we made that decision because the years in between helped me and him learn more about how to be better people/parents. Earlier this year, we were finally ready to try again. At 7 weeks I miscarried. I felt so much regret, confusion and fear that I had permanently damaged myself from the abortion. My husband and I are trying again, but I cant help the fear and anxiety I have over going through that again. I am so ashamed of this ordeal and I have no one to talk to it about. The doctor said there was no real "reason" for it happening, but I am just so scared and depressed.
No. 869864
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I'm feeling really overstimulated at the moment, between my job in retail that forces me to interact non stop with annoying shitty people, my bf who wants to spend a ton of time with me (and I'm happy about it usually, but not right now) and our parents that we visit almost every weekends, I never get any down time and even when I can get one hour to zone out and do nothing, just knowing that I have my bf around is exhausting to me. I just want to be completely alone for a full week and not have to talk or acknowledge anyone, I'm so exhausted that I rage cried last night because my dog woke me up.
No. 869885
>>869849I would consider joining some sort of support group for women like yourself. Miscarriage is one of the most common traumas in the human race. I deeply sympathize with what you must be going through, and you don't need to go through this alone. The men in your life won't be able to fully understand your feelings, though they will sympathize. This is why a support group could be invaluable to you. Know this: This isn't your fault, pregnancy is very laborious and delicate for all women. Gender reveal parties were invented because of the excitement that the baby lasted long enough to make the distinction. You are not broken, you are not alone, and if your doctor said it was not by any fault of your own, there is a very good chance you will be able to successfully carry a baby, should you still want to. Otherwise, adoption is still an option, and so is going childless, if you prefer. You're okay, take your time to think about what you want.
No. 869927
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I hate having a pronounced dorsal hump. It instantly makes a face look masculine. I have other features that could be considered masculine, and I don't care so much about what people think of those, but my nose is the one thing that makes me entirely lose hope of ever looking conventionally feminine. For years I've tried to convince myself that rhinoplasty isn't worth it and I should ~love my natural features~ but it didn't work, I still want rhinoplasty and would be willing to pay a hefty price.
I don't honestly believe women with large noses who claim they love it and find it beautiful. It's objectively hideous.
No. 869947
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>run into former classmate while visiting home town
>she looks like father time tried to straight up kill her but gave up at the last minute
>has two kids
>on marriage #3 now
>older kid is ten
>we're 26
>meet another former classmate
>has twin girls, both 8
>see scrote neighbor, also a former classmate
>just moved in with his fiancée
>just got a job for the first time
>is 28
>used to gamble and deal drugs
nonnies where the fuck did I grow up
No. 869956
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How the fuck do being an adult works I lost my solidarity something help related to health care simply for being over 21 can't they notify me for shit I wasn't aware of.
No. 869993
i got groomed by a 4chan man both online and irl starting at 14 and lasting for about 5 years, and while it's been 3-4 without him and i was mostly over it it's haunting me a lot the past week
it made me such a degenerate, broken, distrusting, isolated, amoral person (i'm mostly better now) and held me back from developing meaningful friendships and doing my best in school and i'm just… raging for the young girl i used to be.
i haven't expressed these events in depth to anybody, i glossed over them in therapy but didn't include all the nasty details, the rape, and i discount just how much it's fucked me into my adulthood. i should have turned him in but i was violently raped by my next door neighbor at 18 and i'm STILL going through that legal process (if you can even call it that, it's at a complete standstill) so i couldn't pile on more for my own sake
i was such an awesome girl before that, and now i feel like i'm just pretending to not be a disgusting wretch. on the outside i'm pretty successful and fully functioning, but every day is me consciously holding back from having a full mental break. i need to go back to therapy i guess. work meeting in 30 minutes and i just want to break down and cry.
No. 870004
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I’ve been going through my old social media accounts and just nuking everything because I’m so paranoid and oh god why is Reddit so easy to archive. I’ve deleted a lot of comments and posts back from when I was super miserable and angry but some guy has a code where if you plug in anyone’s username you can see everything they’ve ever posted. I didn’t even use reddit a ton I just posted a bunch of sensitive vent information on there like an idiot. I was even complaining about misandry at some point? What the fuck was wrong with me. This was all on a really good username that I have for the rest of my accounts too. The only saving grace I have is that I never posted my face on there thank god.
No. 870033
>>870021im p sure its for display only and not for sale but i dont understand japanese so good luck.
its made by: has other figs that are for sale.
No. 870057
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>minimum wage worker gets physically harassed by crack addict
>instead of someone calling the police two people decide to whip out phone and record it
clown world
No. 870084
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>ywn flirt and fall in love with a tall handsome hunk because the majority of 3dpd moids don't know the first thing about hygiene and self grooming
>the ones that are genetically blessed are narcissistic sluts
Games are good for escapism, but it really depresses me to think about reality
I'm probably going to end up dying alone
No. 870111
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Jesus, this morning I took the bus to work as always, but this morning I had the unfortunate experience that the seat was soaked wet for whatever reason that I honestly do not want to know. So, it was already too late when I've noticed it, so I was doomed to spend my entire work day in those clothes that I had sat down on said wet seat and I felt so gross and icky because of that, that it made my work shift feel like it would never end. When I came home, the first thing I did was taking all my clothes off, throw them into the wash machine and take a long ass shower to get rid of whatever my ass has touched there and the feeling of absolute disgust. The horror, absolutely DISGUSTANG!
No. 870182
>>869666Based observation and I think it's absolutely true. Women are encouraged by the society to be competitive with each other and see all women as threats, just like how young naïve girls dismiss relationship advice from older women warning them of
abusive scrotes as jealousy. It's frustrating and I hope more women are made aware of it so that no girl is memed into poisoning the well they're later going to drink out of themselves.
No. 870247
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I'm so fucking tired of going every day trying to avoid being belittled, laughed at, scolded, told I'm over reacting, being ordered around, or told I'm crazy…
It's not even family or friends it's almost everyone I meet. I enforce boundaries and be confident yet nothing ever changes, I think my face and voice just screams "shit on me!". Seriously thinking of fucking off to the mountains to homestead or some shit. I'm so tired of people.
No. 870309
>>870187I will have to do that soon, too… and I'm afraid of calling people. It's so hard to find a therapist that has a spot open and then he has to fit you. Guess I will find one as soon as I have to move again in a year or two.
Wish you all the luck and don't give up, you can do that.
No. 870411
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It's been 9 months since my last relationship and wow, I'm withering away. I really want a girlfriend super bad and I'm charismatic/confident enough to get one if I put my mind to it, but… idk. I kind of want an online relationship? I don't really know why and I know they're ~not serious~ but still. I also don't know where I'd look since Twitter/Discord is infested with troons and troon supporters.
No. 870414
>>869538She looks younger than this dude and she's 8 years older. Men truly age like absolute milk
>>869672All these breasts are normal. love yourself, anon
No. 870462
>>870409Im still fairly new and I'm wondering if they're safe. I know some of them have shitty side effects
>>870415Yea he's gonna make a doctor's visit and see what his options are. Stopping his meds doesn't sound like a decent option since he needs them to help regulate his mood, unless there are other ones that are less likely to cause this shit. It sucks to have shitty sex but he's still wonderful and I couldn't leave him for something like that
No. 870480
I seriously hate myself so much, I got myself stuck in an abusive relationship with a man over twice my age when I was 21 (now 26 he's now 51) because he promised to look after me he lied about being married with kids, of course. He is an alcoholic and a gambler and squandered every last penny he had, lost his car, house, job, dignity EVERYTHING.
we spent MONTHS living in 2star disgusting hotels that didn't even flush your shit properly. All the while he was getting sicker and sicker, to the point that I had to spend most of 2020 looking after him, bathing him, feeding him. Going out buying bottles of vodka in the middle of the day because he had severe withdrawals.
Sorry about my chaotic writing but the abuse is getting really bad, he kicked me in the stomach tonight and it really hurt, my dog died this morning so I went to my mums and when I got back home he was drunk and starting on me, he pulled this same shit when a family member of mine died and he forced me to give him a blowjob that same night.
I know it's a taboo here but i'm a a fssw it is a matter of having to because it's the only way I can get money, frankly I hate it, I hate every secomd of my life. I can't go see my friends, I can't visit my mum and gran as much as i'd like to, he won't let me join a gym or have any hobbies my whole life is just getting used and abused by men. I'm stuck in the front room of our flat having to piss in bottles because he won't let me use the toilet. I don't know why but tonight has broken me more than any other night recently with him, with my dog dying and having a crappy experience with a john the night before I feel so degraded. The worst part is I can't leave him because he threatens to tell my family that i'm a sex worker. I really just hate men so unbelievably much but especially HIM, I wish I could give his life just to have even another 6months of my dogs life. Yes I'm aware that sounds childish as fuck but idc he's a vile subhuman that only got with me because i'm vulnerable and damaged so i,'m an easy target for men like this, the worst part is that he has two teenage daughters. Maybe it's a good thing he is barely in their lives now.
No. 870499
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>>870480your family is probably going to know some day, one way or the other. might as well have it be now when they can actually help you. or just lie, say he's a liar, whatever. you can lose some dignity in front of your family right now and bounce back or lose all your dignity for the rest of your life. you're literally living a lot of women's worst nightmare like how could any other situation not be a better option? your life is worth a hundred times more than he is, he's lower than trash, walk out forever and never speak to him again.
No. 870534
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This is going to come off as incredibly dramatic, I'm in the middle of a crying session and need to spit all of this out somewhere. I know it's not as bad as it seems right now, I hope I don't come across as too pathetic and self pitying.
Basically, my depression is (kicking my ass)getting worse and worse by the day. I only feel happy if I'm with my boyfriend/any friend but I don't see or hang out with anyone anymore. I've been waiting on a call back to get a therapy appointment set up for two months. I understand, it takes time, but I can see myself getting worse and worse and I don't know how to stop it.
My depression makes me a bitch. I get brooding, self-pitying, immature, snappy/short with people, irritable… I don't have any passion for anything that used to make me happy and excited. I have no hobbies, aspirations, or dreams for my future. In November, when I met my boyfriend, I was so happy and bubbly and excited all the time, and now I feel like a moody bitch all the time. It makes me feel so fucking awful. I hate feeling like I'm not being the best partner I can be for him. I feel hopeless and like my life isn't worth living anymore, like I'm always gonna be a directionless and useless person. I know it's not true. But it's really hard for me to work through this by myself.
I'm getting a med appointment soon, at least, but I really feel like most of my problems could be significantly helped with talk therapy. It's whatever. I just really hope some sort of anti-depressant will make me myself again. I feel like such a degenerate person.
No. 870541
Goddamn I hate everything I cannot do this anymore. I'm a Alto, the deepest female voice, and it's miserable. People don't stop being rude about it, even family, they have said so many horrible things to me, every time someone has the opportunity to insult me they do it: "you sound like a man", "do you smoke?", "Your voice scares me", I'm so fucking sick of it all. My parents tried to sabotage my attempts to train my voice because they think I'm not talented just because I cannot reach high notes, they think that, as a woman i should be able to and i'm just "broken", it feels horrible.
Years ago, they told me that i sounded "forced" (because I sang impossible songs for me, most of them mainstream), so I trained my real voice, now "I sound too deep", it seems that my biggest problem is one that I can't even fix … what the fuck do they want from me? I can't change it, that's how I sound, I'm not an error.
Every time I feel bad I remember all the amazing singers of my type, some of them GNC like me, they inspire me and make me feel better. I wish my parents could understand that my voice is fine just the way it is, it doesn't mean I don't have talent or value. I don't care if it sounds "andro", i like it.
No. 870594
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Shifted my leg in bed and my toe snagged on a hole in my sheet that apparently existed, now I have a huge gash in my sheet and I’ll have to get a new one. Why does this keep happening to me?
No. 870596
>>870480You can't live like this. No one who loves you would want this for you. Your dog and your family would want you to be safe and happy, not abused and degraded.
There is a way out, anon. I promise you have options, but first, you need to get the fuck out of there. I know it's hard, but you're more than capable. You may be damaged, but you're still here and you're still a fucking human (whereas he and those other trash men are not, but they still get to pretend they are - how is that fair?). Fuck his blackmail, he's just jealous you have a family who would give a single shit about you and your whole life ahead of you while he has absolutely fucking nothing. Even at your worst, you will always be 1000x better than him. Please, leave.
No. 870725
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I hate the "he was raised by a single mom so he is more respectful towards women" stereotype in media.
My abusive ex was raised (read: coddled) by his mom and grandma and he was the most sexist piece of shit I have ever come across.
No. 870740
>>870541I have similar problems but on the other end of the spectrum.
More than singing I'm sick of my voice in social setting.
I'm soprano, my voice is high and soft and people sometimes don't take what I say seriously because of it. When I'm with a group of people, they don't even hear me and I just can't outshout them because I don't have the 'edge' in my voice a lot of people do. I try to make my voice deeper but I just sound like a kid pretending to be an adult so it doesn't work.
I can't even properly swear because I sound ridiculous if I do with my voice and people will actually laugh at that. It just sucks.
No. 870762
>>870570>I can sing both songs performed by women and men. Most contraltos are versatile and i think that's a flex, unfortunately my voice is way too low so I'm more comfortable singing tenor range songs, and even some of them are still too high lmao
>>870740Wow that sucks I'm sorry, honestly i think people that disrespect sopranos are weird to say the least, specially men, people shit on my voice but I've heard scrotes saying the grossest shit about sopranos.
No. 870802
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I love Clamp's work a lot but… Why so much incest and pedophilia??
No. 870815
i’ve already posted about this but in brief some dude who stalked and harrassed me in highschool came forward with an apology but the shit he said after is peak white moid stupidity. he won’t shut up about how much money he makes, how much better his gf is than me, and preaches to me like he knows shit about shit (hahaha anon she’s not some 4chan person like you, she makes a ton of money and is so adjusted and normal! you should find someone like that, i’m sooooooo lucky, why don’t you just…. Etc etc etc)
here’s an idea: fuck you! you’re one of the many reasons i’m not well adjusted and not as successful, you asshole. i’m glad your ugly incel ass found someone so you can stop harassing other women. in spite of saying how much you’ve changed, you’re still a tone deaf manchild who can’t read a room. she’s out of your league and i hope she leaves you. i don’t need your fucking advice, and i could literally ruin your life at any moment if i told my story and put you on blast. fuck off thinking you’re so much more grown than me, we’re the same age and you haven’t faced 5% of what i have.
he offered to refer me to jobs and i was receptive at first but now i’m pissed. i don’t need his shitty fucking privilege to make it on my own. go get hit by a car, scrote.
No. 870886
>>870556This! Like men talk about being the logical sex, but when I was a virgin I never fucking looked up porn for guidance. I wasn't stumped when presented with a dick. I understand how good a massage or being rubbed feels. It didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out what would feel nice on a dick.
I lost my virginity and stayed with the same guy for years. We explored each other naturally, no porn shit. Once I had experience with other men the ones that cycled through sex partners rather than growing with one were shit in bed.
No. 870987
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I'm really heartbroken. My (now ex) bf had texted me a while ago that the cameras on his boat picked up a raccoon sneaking on board. Bf is notorious for putting things off so I urged him to go and check on things but he kept brushing it off until a few days later and even then he just stuck his head inside and said "looks good to me."
We went onboard last night to have a few beers and my pup was LOCKED in staring at the floor. An hour later I thought I heard chirping and scratching but he told me I was just hearing the boat brush against the slip. NOPE. A few hours later we hear it again and we argue over what I'm hearing until I finally convince him to open a hatch that leads to the hull of the boat which is underneath a cubbard on the floor. Sure enough we hear shrill nonstop chittering. I pulled up his text from when the racoon broke in….. Nonnies I cried so hard. Its been trapped in the hull for 17 fucking days. My only guess was that it chewed into the bilge pump to access water because wth… Anyway I broke up with him when he said it's too late in the night (9pm) and that he didn't feel like driving 5 minutes to get a carpet cutter and a specific tool to access where it's curled up. Supposedly he's going back today but idek. I just want to cry and I can't get the sounds out of my head
It sounded sooo desperate.