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No. 887134
previous thread
>>>/ot/864401Obligatory disclaimers:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 887624
>>887455You’re right
nonny they have pretty much colonized rock music and now they’re trying to do that with other genres.
No. 887639
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Lana Del Rey is Jordan Peterson's long lost daughter.
No. 887968
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"Minimalist" clean cut bags always look cheap and like they're made of plastic, no matter the price tag.
No. 888106
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>>888076Same. But people who find him hot are weird.
No. 888152
>>888089Ah such disappointment.
Arabella is still fun to sing along with.
No. 888154
>>888106I remember seeing this suicide squad animated feature and low-key shipping King Shark with killer frost?
They had a weirdly good chemistry in that movie
No. 888549
>>888449Don t anorexics
also puke their guts out
No. 888574
>>888377Bulimia is sometimes a little glamorized, I see rich/pretty/skinny female characters on TV and movies with it pretty often. Though that may be because it's a lot easier to visually convey bulimia than anorexia.
But yeah it's absolutely disgusting in reality, I'd rather be fat than bulimic. The thought of permanent damage to my teeth freaks me out.
No. 888679
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I think Chick Fil A is based. I wish there was one of these where I live.
No. 889774
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Lugosi was the best Dracula
No. 889955
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trannies help erase gender and thats a good thing(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 890330
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Women with this kind of aesthetic (bone straight hair, lip fillers, strong jaws, big obvious fake lashes, heavy contouring/bronzer) look rough and almost mannish to me. It's weird that they put so much effort into looking feminine with the surgery and long fake nails and stuff, and it all just comes out so…hard-looking.
Danielle Bregoli has the same kind of look. It's just not pretty.
No. 890432
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>>890353I generally try to not judge a book by its cover, but every single e-girl I’ve met has been an awful person straight out of that Ramona Flowers incel song, and the style itself rubs me the wrong way. The pigtails, the overuse of pastel colors, the BDSM chokers, the thigh highs - it’s not even a legitimate subculture, it’s an internet meme identity akin to “femboys”, a Frankenstein’s monster of anime tropes, pornsick coomer fetish wear, and all the worst aspects of 2000s scene culture (minus the cool stuff) rolled into one. Maybe I’m biased because my
abusive ex dressed like this (I’m a lesbian, jannies pls don’t ban me) but I can’t fucking wait for this style to die out.
No. 890445
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>>890396I’ve noticed that trad goth makeup is starting to become trendy in the last few months and as a trad goth I honestly hate it, I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve started a conversation with someone because I liked their makeup/clothes and then realized that had zero interest whatsoever in actual goth music, literature, or films.
No. 891693
>>891507Just yesterday I tried to check on the feminist scene in my country and two of them (one
TERF and one libfem) are unironically attacking each others breasts, like libfem has a bigger rack and thinks that puts her on a higher moral standing but the
TERF lady is just as much of a sperg that attacks the libfem for using push-up bras and ended up posting her own breasts. This is why we can't have nice things.
No. 892747
>>892737Physical punishment isn't needed if you raise your kid with compassion responsibilities and boundaries. Beating is lazy and shitty parenting.
And you weren't bullied as a child were you?
No. 893256
>>893020I think he's decent namely at crafting atmosphere as an anon said and he can write some compelling characters.
Though from what I heard there's a reason his most famous work are his 80s books and it's not just because of the movie/ screen adaptations
No. 893295
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>>893292samefag and he can't write female characters for shit
No. 893374
>>893366the one that really
triggers my almonds is "oppositional defiant disorder". Who in their right mind wouldn't defiantly oppose this clown world?
No. 893556
>>893020Yeah his descriptions are annoying like here
>>893295 >>893300
and lets not forget about the super weird child orgy in "IT". I still have a soft spot for Carrie and Misery though.
No. 894656
>>894463Tell that to literally everyone in my country so they stop screeching about it and blowing smoke in my face indoors.
Good fucking god fuck Greece, bitch can't draw a decent breath these days.
No. 895763
>>895754I have never actually interacted with a trans woman on a one or one and all of the trans guys ( one detransed and is just a lesbian as far as I know and the ones I lost contact with I have no idea ) were really sweet and nerdy winch suited me fine and I'm still friends with 2 of them.
I guess it's a bit like a gay best friend type of deal if there gay/ straight?
No. 895769
>>895764Oh I see, that does sound annoying, I did meet some of them when I was under aged but they never acted edgy or mean to me. I do sort of hope that my first friend detrans or if they do I wouldn't be shocked, but the second one is quite a bit older and nearing their 30s so a bit less likely but who knows, either ways I wish them well.
I'm still cackling being a tranny magnet but at least it hasn't fucked me up yet and I gained good chat buddies
No. 895774
nonnie, trans people in general seem to be quite full of annoying issues and don’t seem like the best people to befriend, being trans is like a redflag to me because like, they hate themselves to the point of wanting to be the other sex and are probably so deep into the gender fandom that they make it their personality. That can’t be healthy.
And I have talked with a few trannies before finding this site and kind of believing in what they preach, but putting trannynism aside, they were insufferable, always being a
victim, always trying to be the center of the group and constantly hoping to get babied by everyone.
It’s really tiresome.
No. 895777
>>895771I meant comphet as in " I feel forced to perform feminity or if I'm naturally feminine that I must be with a man and any attempt I make to be with a man has been like walking on glass and I barf if I try to have sex with a man or refuse to but I'm still compelled to do it because of shame or societal pressure "
If a woman feels like this she's a certified lesbo to me even if they may not be good star. A bisexual may still feel pleasure being with a guy but in my personal experience it will always feel a bit depressing or restricting and now I'm sorry of looking foward to potencially having a life long female partner.
No. 895799
>>895789To be fair how you are treated as a woman can be defined by what kind of sexuality you identify with so I can understand it being a big deal as you are figuring yourself out. I do think a masterdoc directed at lesbian and one for bi girls could be useful. Both have a right to have resources directed solely for them rather then having both sexualities muddled. I am not a lesbian, I'm not interested in dating man; it may change or not but doesn't undermine my feelings for girls or the fact I can see them romantically and sexually as well as platonically. I want to be proud of sexuality withot being a male gaze porny thing or a lesser straight / lesbian person.
>>895791 You do have a point. I don't know if I see Trans stuff going away any time soon but I could even see big pharma pushing alternative means that Don't involve transition as it is now. I only think transition as is would only really benefit serious cases that can't seem to be able to stave off dysphoria even with many conventional types of therapy/ physchiatric help.i could see resistance from TRA folk but who knows
No. 895807
>>895805Doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. They said they refuse to treat it, which is just objectively wrong because the current recommended treatment is to transition which is all I said. Not going to go back and forth about your personal theories on why that is/whether that should be the case etc which I said nothing about.
>>895806Again, no one said anything about the results. Idk why you spergs always have to try and start some pointless debate. Regardless of what you think, that is the treatment. They are doing the treatment. Therefore they are “treating” it.
No. 895808
>>895749Is this really unpopular here? I think anons on lolcow generally favor FTMs over MTFs for obvious reasons, FTMs are still female and not a bunch of creepy incel men in dresses preying on young lesbians.
One of my best friends is a trans man and the only person I use "preferred pronouns" for, mostly out of an old habit as I met him before peaking. However I still don't consider him a man. He still has his female socialization to the point the people who haven't been able to clock him based on his looks start suspecting it out sooner or later due to how he behaves. But despite this I still love and respect him as a friend because he's a good person. Terfs don't hate individual trans people (except the horrorcow status AGPs) and realize there's a a brainwashing ideology behind them, they instead hate the movement for tricking broken people into transitioning instead of fixing the societal issues that lead people to mutilating their bodies and spouting misogynist agenda.
No. 895811
>>895808Given how some anons responded they Don't particularly fancy or had the best experience with male trans so yeah.
But you sort of share my feelings. I feel more pity then anything especially for Trans man.
I also respect all the pronouns of my friends so I'm sort of in the same boat as You, anon. I'm more then happy to drop light GC talking points if they are in doubts but otherwise it's usually a thing they have to figure out for themselves unless you are slick enough to argue with em lol
No. 895846
>>895828I'm detrans FTMTF & indeed I did realize my "dysphoria" was my 'tism and OCD acting up. When I stopped disociating and realized what I did to myself, it felt like waking from a bad dream - I think a lot of people in transition succumb to the sunk cost fallacy, even when they realize transition isn't fixing their problems.
Since the informed consent model has been pushed, there is going to be a lot more of detrans people like me. The old "gatekeeping" model was strict for a reason. It helped ensure only the most gender dysphoric transsexuals had access to HRT and surgery, which are huge medical commitments.
The self-ID, informed consent model is frankly horrifying, as someone who saw the inside of it. "Dysphoria" is being pushed in the same way as "hysteria" used to be pushed in medicine. It is a real form of distress, but the reasons for it need to be analyzed, and it isn't something that can be solved with this one-size fits all gender transition shit. Online communities are also rabid and they don't like to hear dissenting opinions, even when it's trans people discussing medical complications.
I still have trans friends and it's hard to hate them as individuals. A lot of them are like me. Just depressed and lost. I hate the medical system. I hate how gender nonconformity and homosexuality are being pathologized and medicalized. It's fucking sad.
No. 895851
>>895846Took the words out of my mouth, I'm sorry you and your friends have/ are going through it.
I hope for the sake of our friends that they find happiness
No. 895864
>>895859While posting on lolcow is not a red flag for being drama thirsty?
Some of you, I swear…
No. 895875
>>895859Or it's just nostalgia for a TV series you enjoyed back when you were 16. I don't know anyone who takes GG more seriously than as a fun trash show letalone has a personality that reflects it.
Anyway those of us with culture and taste are more into The OC.
No. 895917
>>895915Same. Both from them themselves and the people who say that. Tbh I feel like I can explain it, but not in a way that doesn’t sound like…
problematic in various ways.
No. 895980
>>895917>>895947Beyond the age
and race difference I really dislike couples that flaunt their relationship on social media like that.
No. 896001
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If you don’t like mixing your food, maybe it’s time for you to go back to preschool like the big baby you are, mixing food makes everything taste better than when you eat everything separately.
No. 896056
>>895808This is kinda how I feel too. Im bi (Leaning towards women and wasn't even attracted to men till I was 18 so everybody knew me as a lesbian before then) and was HEAVY involved in my local lbgt+ community growing up. I would cape for all the gender specials (cus almost every single friend of mine was lesbian/gay/bi/trans/ace/nb) but 2 years ago I had to distance myself because of how much they coddled transwomen. I have not met a single transwoman who even remotely tried to act like a woman. The one tranny I did kinda believe it with was my ex. He wanted to get back with me (he's bi) tho but after I rejected him he started spreading all types of rumors about me being born a man like he was kek. He would mimic shit I told him in confidence about my rape when he announced on fb the SA he went thru (I'm glad he spoke up about it but he verbatim used language I used to talk about my own sexual abuse) it made me feel like he didn't give a fuck what happened to me he just wanted to study a real woman's emotions and how we describe our trauma. 2 other
TW I know of are RAPISTS. One raped a former friend of mine in HS (tranny was 21 friend was 15) but since my former friend is bi and is trying to normalize what happened to him (blaming himself I guess? He says he doesn't care he was raped and still fucks said tranny) people in my group were COOL with this fucking weirdo. It made me sick. The less vile trannies I've met (some who are considered "good"by others) are extremely sexist and homophobic (some of them racist). It blows my mind how we are supposed to see these creatures as female when they are almost even more fucking masculine than macho men. Transfemininity is a bullshit concept it's just a diff form of
toxic masculinity. Painting a mask on ur face to look female and being obsessed with talking over "cis" (even in my TRA days I never fucking used this retarded word) women and dominating our spaces is literally as fucking male as it gets. Because women don't need to put in the effort to look like women and we sure as fuck aren't insecure about BEING women cus we just ARE. Minus 2 fujos turned transmen I know most transmen I've been friends with are literally trying to escape their sex based oppression (most were dykes before transing) while literally every single transwoman I met was a gay male who was jealous of women and had a straight guy fetish or a straight man who watched way too much fucking porn. Bi trannies I've met were a combo of the 2 (wanting to fuck their ideal woman and also be her). All of them think being a woman is "easy" though. I do view misogynistic and homophobic TIFs as traitors I guess u could say. But most TIFs I know aren't trying to correctively rape gay men. While it seems every TIM I've met wants to break somebody's boundaries and get rid of women's rights alltogether
No. 896093
>>896077that's not an unpopular onion here but I still feel worried for the prostitutes, men kill each other over small grievances, I'd be worried about getting killed
If I was gonna rob a scumbag due I'd like to have a male partner to help me if things get hairy or maybe I'd carry a gun and just kill them all
No. 896290
>>896096At this point, I don’t really care, like, so what if they somehow manage to get real-looking vaginas? They’re not women and they will never be women, and if a moid wants to delude himself into thinking he’s dating a real woman, then that’s his problem, not ours.
Tbh, this is just a way to make it easier to discard the males that are not worth of our time, if he praises trannies, to the trash he goes.
No. 896484
>>896449Honestly it may be a reason why I think blondes of either gender can look ethereal as I like anything coded feminine it seems. I still like red head girls and strawberry blondes a twinge better
Also my dad's a blonde with blue eyes but I don't want Freud smiling from the after life but quick side not lol
No. 896518
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>>896507I'm "brown" as well, I don't know what you might consider feminine or masculine but in my experience white men tended to have the bodies I'm attracted too, actual muscles, well proportionated bodies and no Moobs with guts coming out, facial hair that wasn't just a patchy mess and also height was a factor
99% of the men I see daily are just "pudgy" their bodies are a crime against nature, all of them are so horribly unfit, so can you really blame after seeing these types of men every day
No. 896521
>>896505Hispanic men are mama’s boys who just want to get coddled, they cheat and gaslight you to the point in which you either act crazy or go crazy.
T.Hispanic woman living in Hispanic country.
No. 896534
>>896531I think even that's the case, the maxim of your best isn't always enough should still apply.
Just because a parent "tried" it doesn't mean the consequences of their actions get to be swept under a rug
No. 896545
>>896531I see both extremes happening. Childless people can spend alot of time blaming their own parents for their shortcomings while also knowing they'll never personally get a taste of what the challanges and pressures of parenthood are like. Then the example you gave aswell.. like other anon said even when it is 'our best' it isn't always enough and it's ok to say when it was lacking.
My dad at the grand old age of 70 mentioned to me lately that he questions his parenting choices.. I never thought this day would come where he'd see that huge mistakes were made. He's old though and frail so I weirdly just brushed it off. Guess I'll save it for my therapist lol
No. 896574
>>896537Women of other races also hot different because I'm a disaster around women anon lol
Though there's not many Asians in general in my third world African country so point taken
No. 896609
>>896599Better safe then sorry as they say. My sister was parentified and will unlikely to have children and I'm most likely going to settle with a woman if given the chance so neither of us are having kids anyhow. Both of us had a
abusive mom
No. 896664
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I like Courtney love more than Kurt Cobain. Her music is better and it’s punk rock to have so many songs written about you/being referenced in songs.
Did she kill Kurt? Meh I don’t care tbh
No. 896709
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>>896664scrotes who love love nirvana are annoying as fuck. they usually hate courtney love cause shes ugly to them and blame her of everything for the past 30 years. kurt was a diagnosed mentally ill drugaddict, but ive seen nirvanafags arguee that he was actually
super happy and his bipolar disorder would have been cured if courney wasnt there or some shit.
im not saying courtneys a good person. she has done plenty of shit things, shes a damn drugaddict. but scrotes dont dislike her for being a dick, they dislike her cause she doesnt look like what their dicks want her to look like. rock n roll scrotes are usually rapists or pedos but nooo courney is worse cause she was a junkie dating a junkie and ofc the female junkie is the real bad guy when theyre both shit parents.
spoiler: kurts killer
No. 896730
>>896646I'm not the brown/ South Asian? Anon. I'm actually white even if mom's mixed.
Though I am Asian manlet anon I'm afraid lol
No. 896736
>>896734I don't really discriminate with race in a sense when it comes to finding men and women of other ethnicities sexually attractive 9r aesthetically pleasing.
I still would probably take on a eureopeon guy.
I'm not the Anon that's not into Scandi/ slav? guys either
No. 896751
>>896736oh sorry, I thought she was you, but again is she's reading I'll gladly take your place
>>896737Its a literal death penalty to leave Islam here, I will be murdered by the state and 30 years ago I would have been raped before being executed, cause its illegal to execute a virgin woman in Islam, so Islamic jurists had a nifty solution, I get "married" to an official, then get raped and then I get executed
I would rather be a woman in Mexico or Brazil then here, any time an some western first world radfem spouts that all men are just as bad and there's no point in me trying to escape cause I wouldn't be escaping to patriarchy it makes me literally seethe
you cannot understand or comprehend that is Islamic patriarchy and how fundemtally awful it is compared to every other religion or culture on the planet
No. 896761
>>896751damn anon I'm so sorry, I hope that you can leave that hellhole and start somewhere new, where you are treated as the human being you are and that all your dreams come true.
seriously, with all that afgahnistan jazz these days, I wish that we get the women out of there, the men can marry, rape and kill themselves then.
No. 896765
>>896751It's ok anon, a image board can get confusing
Nope. I'm not even from an Islamic state or part of Islamic Africa ( I'm from a Catholic country; not to dox myself since I doubt many people of my country go here) and I still think those kind of comments are tone deaf and I'm relatively privileged, but still hasn't shielded me from the horrors of moids because my mom's family is the equivalent of the American Ratchet. Shit load of misogyny and abuse a lot coming from the women of my family as many anons can attest
I pray that you are ever in a position to leave though
No. 896812
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There is nothing wrong with big noses/noses with prominent bridges and I think people shouldn't get plastic surgery to reduce their size or to reduce the bridge. Big noses are more unique and societal preferences change over time so what's the point?
No. 897109
>>896765I know what you mean, western radfems really do make it seem like that Sweden is just as bad as the Sindh region of Pakistan, where thousands of young non-Muslims are raped and forced into marriages with Muslim men and again once your a Muslim you can't legally leave the religion
I don't like using the term privileged but western radfems have always been privileged and don't offer any realistic solutions for us suffering in the third world
"just organize and be violent, show men your not weak" we get beaten with sticks and get stones thrown at us when we try something, we literally get beaten publicly
No. 897116
>>897109it's ok they are too busy arguing with and making fun of trooners and justifying women doing horrible sick things because "men do worse" to actually help other women. Fake activism.
Most feminist women don't involve themselves with actual charity to help women in need or to change the world for women in 3rd world countries that are pressured by extreme misogyny. Feminist activism is dead, nobody does shit for women, not even other women.
Join any tumblr rad fem group and you will see what sort of people they are. Most of them are rich white girls that spend all their time arguing with troons and lib fems on the internet and if you dare suggest them they should involve themselves practically in changing women's lives they will immediately suspect you are a troon or scrote.
No. 897128
>>897121I hate you, you literally ignored the entire point of my post which is very sad and dramatic to post this stupid shit because subconsciously you feel called out and attacked because you fit the exact description of what I posted and instead of reflecting on yourself, your actions and beliefs you have to indirectly attack me. Just like a pornsick scrote that hears that the porn industry is
abusive and cannot bring himself to question himself since he is too proud to admit something he is doing is wrong or hypocritical, he just attacks you.
No. 897132
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>>897128Oh tsundere-chan, you're so easy to bait.
No. 897207
>>897164I did not say that, I just commented on the lack of female solidarity and on the lack of actual real activism and action to improve women's rights and status in society coming from white 1st world rich women that parade themselves online as feminists. Which is a very sad and real issue in our society. While you are arguing and making fun of troons women in islam get beaten and have 0 rights. I'm not even trolling, how could I be trolling regarding such horrible social issue regarding women's rights and well being? There's nothing funny about women getting beaten, raped, having no rights and other women that are in good life positions call themselves "feminists" and do nothing to improve the world for women in bad positions. I think that we all have the collective duty of improving the world for oppressed ones and that duty should become even stronger when you associate yourself with a movement for human's rights such as feminism. I think you are projecting your sociopathy on me or you are simply too stupid to understand the horrible issue I'm commenting on if you think this is "trolling". Or maybe you simply cannot accept that you are not a feminist, but someone egoistical that has associated themselves with feminism for their own well being and not to fight for the rights of oppressed women.
I live in a third world country and I tried to get involved with the women's shelter, I gave them 200 euros that I literally made off prostituting myself on the internet. The shelter takes care of women with children that are beaten and raped and stalked by their ex husbands and many of them end up getting killed because police in my country is very misogynistic and if you were raped and report it there's a chance the men working in police will make fun of you or ask you if you want to have sex with them too(it has happened). But guess what I found out the woman that runs the shelter has become extremely rich off of it and takes like a 30% not needed commission from the donations. She has 3 expensive cars 3 apartments, 1 huge house and goes on vacations non stop while she posts feminist propaganda on Facebook. The group is also full of women that just post male hate and whine and refuse to actually go work at the shelter or donate although they are rich and have time. In our world it has become impossible to even help others because most of these charities are ran by capitalistic hypocritical pigs.
Our world is collapsing and people egoistically associate themselves and profit off movements made for human's rights. Change the world or shut the fuck up. We live in a present where everyone talks talks talks and argues but nobody does anything, we need PRAXIS not only words and theory. We live in a world with more activism towards abandoned and hurt animals than towards humans
No. 897288
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>>897274I'm neither shitting on lolcow while excessively posting on it nor am I a feminist like confused anon seems to think everyone on here is, because we hate men and tranners. I still try to help the women around me though.
No. 897304
>>897300I was surprised at how some countries see "birthday cake" as a type of cake. Here most kids get chocolate cake for their birthday, with a yogurt/vanilla cake (which is closer to what we understand as birthday cake I guess) in backup for kids who don't like chocolate.
In my family we always had tiramisu or apple cobbler.
No. 897315
>>897307I hope you know anyone could also say "Skellies can just eat more of their favorite foods/snacks, what are they whining about? It's so easy to gain weight, you gain weight just by having an extra portion or a snack. Literally eerything is high calorie, sugary and designed to make us fat. There's no excuse, they're just whining and humble-bragging".
You need to increase your appetite beyond what's normal for you in order to gain weight, and you need to decrease your appetite beyond what's normal for you in order to lose weight. Neither are easy, though both are ultimately doable (and you've probably seen more fat people complain because of addiction, learned helplessness and poor education).
I've been both overweight and underweight, and I don't get why this is so hard to accept. It's really simple. Even if you can't imagine being on either end, have some empathy.
No. 897317
>>897307I agree that losing weight is easy for the most part. I lost 10 kg recently and the neighbor stopped to ask me what was my method and I told her I ate the same, just less, and did like 4 hours of cardio a week, and she was disappointed I didn't discover a new secret to weight loss other than CICO.
But saying to "put down the fork" to people coping with trauma and addiction is like saying "just get happy" to a clinically depressed person.
No. 897326
>>897307Losing weight is literally so easy
for me, its easier than gaining weight
for me.
I literally do nothing, while to gain weight
I have to do something.
There, fixed it for Katie Hopkins over here.
No. 897382
are true in many cases, it's a fact that for some people losing fat is easier than for some. However the differences are fairly minor, a beastly deathfat can't really blame muh genetics for their 7000kcal intake of grease and sugar making them morbidly obese. But sometimes someone who's trying to desperately lose that last 10 pounds to be inside a healthy BMI range can, and likewise someone who keeps bordering on being underweight despite eating plenty might also have a genetic issue. It's all relative.
No. 897393
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>>897384I had to google who she is because I'm an ESL-chan and I refuse to believe she's 46, this person looks at least 20 years older than that. wtf??? does she have a drug addiction or something?
No. 897404
>>897310>>897377There werent any fatties with thyroid diseases making then unable to lose weight in concentration camps tho
And I have hypothyroidism and insulin resistance lmao and I'm slim. Just stop eating
>>897315Yeah? Skellies just need to eat more and more calorie dense foods, whats your point?
No. 897474
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>>897384I am incredibly impressed by what she achieved but most people who are fatties began as fatties in childhood and have fucked metabolisms, they're never going to lose weight and keep it off at the same rate she did.
>>897393Pic related explains it pretty well.
No. 897499
>>897430This is what I have trouble with. I want to lose weight since I'm getting a little too chubby for my taste, but I'm afraid of becoming too obsessive about counting calories and weighing myself if I start doing that again. I know it's something I'm vulnerable to because I've struggled with disordered eating before. I never want to go back to obsessing about food and my body like that ever again. It was all I thought about and it made my life miserable.
I need to keep track of my eating and weight loss without it instantly becoming the main focus of my day, and I don't really know how.
No. 897505
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just bumping the thread cause some scrote posted NSFW image that at least for once seems to not be CP
No. 897575
>>897499I guess all I can advise is to go to a nutritionist and strive for food that feels delicious and is healthy. Some people avoid scales and measure themselves with tape to resist the urge to binge-restrain
I heard the term intuitive eating being thrown around so may be you can look into it? Maybe stressing less about calories and getting in tune with what your body needs will stave off disordered eating patterns if you allow yourself some wiggle room in your diet?
I'm not you nona and I'm only planning of taking dietary measures out of the house.
No. 898070
>>897824I don't encourage gold digging cuz it can too often be dangerous for women. But literally men are just mad they're too poor to even be glanced at by very polished hyperfeminine women. Successful gold diggers are glamorous, crafty (intelligent) and motivated. Rich fucks obviously don't give a damn that these women love the money above all. It's poorfag men who piss and cry since their Irish Springs selves feel entitled to Chanel scented pussy.
Middle class men who lose their assets during divorce taken to call themselves
victim of hypergamy are pathetic as fuck. Bitch, your wife digging for salt???
No. 898075
>>897824I think gold digging is dangerous and objectifying and it teaches men they can buy women with money and it's generally harmful to women. There's men that get a taste of gold diggers in their first world countries and then they go to 3rd world countries and look for desperate women that are satisfied with way less than western woman are satisfied with. It breeds misogyny and commodification of women.
You can pick a beautiful and well off man without being a gold digger. There's no justification for gold digging. Most gold diggers are also prostitutes and they are notorious for enablig and putting up with old ugly scrotes just because they are rich. It just plays into the male fetish and is overall harmful to all women.
No. 898081
>>898070This. It's like reeeee gold diggers are evil, then as soon as a guy gets rich
>hmmmm, time to find a harem of super hot models half my ageMen only have a problem with gold diggers until they can afford them. But aside from the minority of rich men who deal with actual gold diggers, the men who complain are just average income moids who resent their wife (and kids) getting any share of 'his' money that he earned while she ran his household and raised his children. Not only do they have no gold to dig, the woman is usually completely entitled to that money in any fair system.
No. 898131
>>898075This. Gold digging is never respectable. Being dependent on men's money is not respectable. Having to literally prostitute yourself to a bunch of disgusting moids is not respectable because that's what it is, prostitution, no matter how you try to twist it around. I know it's tempting to think that it's based as fuck to make a man spend money on you but you're setting yourself up to be trapped in a dangerous situation that can turn bad really fast and only giving men what they want. They
know you're after the money and they're essentially paying you for degrading yourself for them.
And of course in addition to being pathetic, it's also harmful to all women as a class. As long as men know they can buy a woman, more young women will rely on that to survive instead of progressing in life in a dignified way, such as earning her own income to lead a life of freedom.
No. 898152
>>898072I agree with you, but being rich doesn't exclude moids from being ugly and stupid. I think women as a whole should be filtering for kind, generous, confident, and attractive men, not just looking at money. But as long as we have women being taught to have the worst self-esteem possible and settle for aloof or
abusive men that will never happen.
No. 898179
>>898169men are such morons and liars about muh foreign countries lol
>muh american women get offended at sexist jokesbut then move to japan where tipping, being fat, not knowing how to use chopsticks properly, is all offensive
>muh american women are gold diggers but then go to poor asian countries and persuade random women to depend on them for money
>muh american women are whores who are ugly without makeup unlike my beautiful pure russian/japanese/ polish/ filipina womenanyone who knows any women that live in those countries… kek
No. 898210
>>898179You hit the nail right on the head. Also add Eastern European women… men still like to say they are submissive housewives unlike
greedy American women. Lol k! Good luck with that!
No. 898218
>>898190but women enabling it does not make it better, very many women in modern society enable men and literally take women's rights back by 2000 years by getting naked on the internet and perpetuating this social idea that women are commodity that can be bought with money. Each individual's action contributes to the collective outcome. Gold digger is not very different from prostitute. And a lot of them accept being with fat ugly and entitled men that give them money and are rich and even the pretty ones end up being
abusive. Perpetuating this role of women in society is bad for the entire collective of women. Stop saying scrotes gonna scrote when a lot of women contribute to the opression of women actively. If we don't take action, they're gonna keep on abusing us and using us. Men would like for women to be gold diggers more than they would like women being lawyers, doctors, artists and so on because they want us to depend on them. If scrotes are
abusive that does not mean we have to enable it.
No. 898363
>>898346Yeah I don't see any mainstream radfems 'demonizing' SAHMs, they just rightfully bring up the very possible consequences and how the patriarchy relates to it and influences our choices.
No matter what people say about feminism brainwashing women to not want children, having kids and getting married is the norm and you will be judged and questioned and demonized worse for not doing it. There are many hardships and difficulties in motherhood and homemaking but social stigma has gotta be the least of them by far, I can't take them seriously feeling victimised when they're taking the most socially sanctioned life path in existence.
No. 898496
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These specific nose rings look like boogers dripping down your nose. It looks ugly on anyone (picrel).
No. 898595
>>898520Yeah, same with Korea, a minority of English speaking radfems online isn't a good picture of the average Korean woman
I don't know why anons don't get this, they can keep on saying that Korean women are based and Pinkpileed when its like a couple thousand people online at most
No. 898744
>>898730She was canceled during her "let's approach and talk it out with the redpill guys" saga first (and dating
>>898718 ), then she catered less to troon sensibilities and tweeted something about hating Trump which made 4chan troons and /pol/fags fall out of love with her. I don't know who her audience is now since she's not sensitive enough for twitter sexposi/troonhuggers and she's not a tradwife bait either. I think she probably mainly works offline now.
No. 898773
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Mashed potatoes are not a side dish, they’re a dip for your food.
No. 898823
>>898774You can dip your delicious food in the mashed potatoes to make it even more delicious. It’s not that difficult, anon, come on, join us.
>>898791You get it.
No. 898867
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>>898773Yes I dip the banger in the mash
No. 898923
>>898847You don’t get it,
because mashed potatoes are basic, you can turn them into anything you want, they end up becoming the ultimate dip because you can add anything, like blue cheese or some really nice basil.
You just don’t experiment that much, anon, maybe try following your heart instead of tiktok recipes.
No. 899186
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>>898590Yeah, there’s something sim like about him. he looks uncanny valley to me
No. 899222
>>899216I feel like people forget that everyone has a diverse personality regardless of attractiveness. Although contrary to that people who are legitimately attractive tend to be more easy going and less
toxic and I assume due to less insecurity. I've seen unattractive people have amazing personalities though, I guess it's all about how you view yourself. Not to mention some people will draw attention to their looks by acting out or being narcs which usually gets them called ugly and then they body shame other people and so on
No. 899342
>>899216Ugly people are insecure and usually have a
victim complex.
No. 899372
>>899366!!! they are literally all horrible!! I hate the notion of people saying oh so and so race of men is worse then THIS race of man (9/10 they are claiming its a white man that just so happens to be the best
eyeroll)like no. go into a corner of the internet dominated by x race of men and you will see that they all have the same fucking talking points. they all suck and are evil some groups just have the "privilege" of acting on their evil deeds and getting away with it. I dont care if his name is Doug, Deshawn, Deji, or Daichi…all are misogynistic freaks who if they had it their way would own at least 100 sex slaves each and most of them being children probably. It's my life's purpose to shut down any claim of men suck but
insert race men are the best option it just sets women up for false hope and failure.
No. 899377
>>899362>>899366No one is saying that white men are perfect, we are all aware they can be awful but the reason certain
WOC fetishize white men is cause we've experienced a level of misogyny thats on a level you'd go mad if you had to deal with, with excessive femicide, open domestic abuse, an epidemic of child marriages and inbreeding
>>899372Please don't do this, I have heard the whole "the west is just as bad" argument from liberal feminists' way too many times, I would pretend to a Christian my entire life rather then live in my country, I would prefer right wing Christian patriarchy over Islamic patriarchy
because it is much much worse, to pretend that it's equal is insulting to those who suffer under Islam
I ask you, would you trade places with me in Pakistan ? a nation where you will be killed for leaving Islam, a nation where you are not allowed to criticize the religion or you will be killed
No. 899380
>>899363Huh, I'm from a non-white country and pretty much every here also has thin lips, its a more caucasoid trait rather then white people trait
like Arabs, Indians all have thin lips
No. 899386
>>899366 and I am black myself. It’s very reductive to act like what you’re saying is the only reason
woc here fetishise white men. I think it’s
very obvious the original anon was talking about black men/moc in the west and not saying “the west is just as bad”. I also think you know that full well, and were just foaming at the mouth to be like “Pakistani anon here” as you always are.
>a nation where you will be killed for leaving Islam, a nation where you are not allowed to criticize the religion or you will be killedLiterally has nothing to do with anything. Please get a blog or something instead of derailing every thread.
No. 899419
>>899391thank you i keep forgetting that i have to expressly state this is from an american standpoint because people can't read between the lines lol. Anyway it's just weird to me how white men are still so pedestalized in every country to the point of if you say anything disparaging about them even a
nonnie from a middle eastern country will protect them . Its terrifying how much power they have and how no one seems to see that the reason why they think white men are the best men (they arent none are) is because they've been brainwashed and conditioned to believe so. People also like to forget that dudes from america (white and otherwise) join the military, go to these middle eastern and or "third world countries" (i hate that term) and enact some of the most grotesque and violent acts on the women that live there and then get rewarded with medals of honor and shit. Listen American men are doing nasty shit too they just put on a military uniform before doing it.
No. 899423
>>899390Instead of dunking on western women maybe start a "hating islamic men" trend. Don't misdirect your anger onto ppl that have nothing to do with your struggles.
Whether or not certain men are just as bad doesn't matter, they all have the y chromosome that makes them mentally retarded and dangerous if given enough freedom. If the taliban came to america, white men would just lay down and accept it bc it gives them an auto female slave. They only really sort of contain their depravity because they outsource it with porn/going to poor countries to enact their depravity. And because they're still seen as the "top dog" in the world so they have more to lose if they let it all out. I've read tons of black men straight up write that they don't care about hiding their depravity because they have no status/assets to lose.
No. 899431
>>899420the accuracy of this! when i tell you i get more nice gestures, warm smiles and compliments when i put time into my appearance vs if i wear no makeup and baggy clothes people will either ignore my existence completely or are rude.
>>899423>>899423thank you!!! like i was saying before all men in every race have the exact same talking points. They all just want women to be their slaves. I will never try to discredit the atrocities that happen to islamic women/women in poorer countries. But like seriously, men in the west are becoming more and more radicalized by the day and it's literally ALL of them!! They all have this grudge against women because we have more rights in this country (america) then we ever have, women having autonomy was cute on paper for like the first 10 years but we are in real time starting to see just how much it makes men seethe with jealousy, rage, and feelings of inadequacy. They no longer have the same authority their forefathers did. They no longer get to go to war every 4 years and rape women in poorer countries to get their rocks off as much, can't flaunt their wealth because most women already have their shit together and if they don't are on their way to. They have nothing but their little circle jerk forums, misogynistic youtube channels, and shitty video games/anime. Girls with each passing generation are starting to see just how unfortunate the male gender is and the only thing they have over us is their disgusting levels of testosterone and authority, The more women gain equal rights the more men retaliate by shooting up schools, writing stupid manifestos, hitting women and shit.
No. 899481
>>899453People who think like this should be transported back to the 50s.
We're in 2021 and bitches are still crying about being seen as ugly and how people treat them like they're "invisible" when they aren't dolled up like that's all there is to life. Get a fucking talent, learn some skills, go to school, value yourself for something other than your looks because they're the first thing to go. Who cares if scrotes don't treat you special when you're wearing no makeup and baggy sweatpants? If you want to make money of your looks so bad go be a sex worker and let women with standards and self esteem get actual jobs and careers. Being "ugly" is not a death sentence. You don't have to be dolled up everytime you leave your house.
No. 899500
>>899489I actually find it more relaxing to be "invisible". I don't like being cat called, patronized,harassed or offered "a job" just because of my looks. Blending into the background is much safer and more convenient for a woman to actually be able to move around in peace. And they make women who wear makeup and doll themselves up all the time because it's actually their preference look bad too. That's where stupid men get the "you guys only do xyz for attention" argument from.
Work on your self esteem instead of slathering your face in makeup, forcing yourself into your Sunday best on a Tuesday target trip and spending hours on your hair ladies. I promise you'll feel better and the fear of judgement from strangers will go away. My mom's in her late 50s and hasn't figured it out. Makes me sad until she tries to push that shit on me.
No. 899512
>>899502Yep. I'll definitely be wearing my masks for a good long while. Even after I'm eventually forced to be vaccinated. I don't like people up in my face, plus I'm always breaking the fuck out no matter what I do so I can hide my ugly under the mask.
>sometimes I intentionally make myself uglier so I don't get the fake "nice" treatment from scrotes or I don't get sexualized/objectified because it literally makes me mentally break from how degrading it is and it gives me flash back of sexual abuse/grooming I had to endure and all the scrotes that did it to me when I was underaged would approach me with compliments about my looks or being overly nice to me.This is the part they don't wanna talk about. Most of the attention you get from looking good in public is negative and predatory. I was 18-19 waiting for the bus one time when a man drove past me, saw me, reversed his car and got out to try and hit on me. Another time I decided to be ~cute~ and wear this wig I had dyed outside to the bank instead of my usual unbrushed ponytail (again, I'm walking to the bank as an errand, I'm not gonna spend more than 5 minutes getting ready). Got followed to the bank by one guy, followed to my fucking apartment by another because he just
had to have my number.
If this is the type of attention some of y'all are whining about not getting when you dress bummy then… your life must be bleak. Keep all of the attention, all of judgemental opinions, all of the "you never know who you could run into on the street" ass memes. I don't want any of it. I want scrotes the fuck outta my face. If I want a job I'll dress nicely for an interview and if I only get hired off my looks I'm quiting as soon as possible because that's definitely not a workplace environment that I want to be in.
No. 899530
>>899515Your hijabi friends are being cat called because they're hijabi and men are gross. They're fetishizing those women. And yes, simply dressing casually isn't making yourself ugly. Making yourself "ugly" is dressing and conducting yourself in a way that is completely opposite of what society seems attractive. Women who purposely dress to offend the male gaze, instead of trying to avoid it like hijabi women, women that get cat called because of their perceived innocence and submission to men.
Male harassment is about power as much as it is attraction, sometimes even more. Women can't do shit about the power tripping of scrotes, but we can try to avoid the male gaze by dressing in ways that offend it. Sometimes that also backfires because scrotes are gonna scrote and some of them get personally offended you aren't trying to please them visually and harass you in different ways. All in all, it's a losing battle we're fighting, and women who dress for the male gaze and the attention it brings because of their unresolved daddy issues/low self esteem just make it harder for the rest of us to even cope.
No. 899540
>>899530>simply dressing casually isn't making yourself ugly. Making yourself "ugly" is dressing and conducting yourself in a way that is completely opposite of what society seems attractive.Kek now I'm imagining a scenario where I'm wearing a mask, sunglasses, a giant bonnet, four layers of sweaters and cargo pants with rain boots to see if
that will get men to fuck off. Made me laugh at least. Sad we have to go to such extremes because I do like looking nice for myself but doing weirder shit might not be such a bad idea
No. 899548
>>899540You'll probably
trigger one of the scrotes who gets offended when women don't dress nice. But he'll probably post about it on some incel forum/Facebook if he's a normie coomer instead of actually ruin your day by talking to you so this
might be the winning strategy.
No. 899549
>>899530*Deems attractive
No. 899557
>>899552Exactly, pretty women who don't have skills/$ are just easy prey for traffickers and abusers. Beauty is a multiplier not an addition, if you're mentally ill then
abusive scrotes will swarm, if you're pretty and rich then it's very hard to fuck up your life.
No. 899558
>>899530So much of the “feminism” on this site is so surface level and useless and honestly misogynistic
>Male harassment is about power as much as it is attraction, sometimes even more. Women can't do shit about the power tripping of scrotes, but we can try to avoid the male gaze by dressing in ways that offend it.If it’s about power, which I agree with, do you not therefore think men would also very much desire to undermine this supposed defiant act of “avoiding” the male gaze? I don’t understand why you think this is something that can not be/is not frequently fetishised as well? It very obviously is and I don’t think you’re superiority complex over it is warranted.
Also, If you’re actively dressing to try and “offend” the “male gaze”, you’re still dressing for the male gaze one way or another and it still centres the thoughts and opinions of men.
Also the “male gaze” is a cinematic term, it doesn’t make sense to say real life women are doing things “for the male gaze” and the way you are using it shows that you do not actually engage with any feminist theory outside of tiktok which is where this current mass misunderstanding of this term seems to be have originated.
No. 899574
>>899558I think you're just a salty pick me honestly kek you're coping, if you pick your nose and don't brush your hair you're not doing it for the male gaze and it's not a cinematic term and actually most women are doing what they're doing for men, an extremely small portion of women disillusioned with men start doing things only for themselves. I assure you that 80% of the girls on this website were pick me's before getting radicalized. Women are pick me's by default, get angry at me or call me a scrote, I don't care and it's true.
Since our childhood we are groomed by society into doing everything we do for men, into becoming pretty for them, competing with other women for them, accepting them watching porn and cheating on us and treating us like shit. Most women, the average woman is fine with her boyfriend watching porn and she puts on this costume everyday just to satisfy men. Men even get off when other men find their girlfriends pretty because to them women are just accessories that they're showing off to the world, the prettier she is the better.
And no I am not one of those feminists that think we should ban makeup or pretty clothes, but the truth is that dressing sexy and so on will increase the chances of being sexualized/harassed because men are fucking entitled and yes it might happen either way but what I said is that it increases the chances and the reasons of why men approach you/cat call you and so on.
(not even the anon you are replying to)
No. 899577
>>899558Did you ignore the part of my post that said
>Sometimes that also backfires because scrotes are gonna scrote and some of them get personally offended you aren't trying to please them visually and harass you in different ways.Or are you mad that you're one of the women that dresses up for attention and to be "treated nice".
And yes, if you dress a certain way to attract or avoid or offend the male gaze, you're still dressing for others. That's very true. But if you dress in a certain way for your own personal comfort, I'm all for that. I just know that no matter what a woman does a scrote is going to find some way to fuck with her. Pick your poison I guess.
The male gaze is a very real thing for people who live outside of the internet. That's what cat calling, being followed to your house, being followed on the street, men cursing at you because you don't respond positively to their cat calls and general harassment come from. The male gaze. The male desire for conquest and power. Male entitlement to the bodies of women they don't know.
>>899552>Pretty privilege ain't shit. Looks are fucking fleeting and a pretty, dumb bitch is just that. A pretty, and dumb bitch. If you aren't born into money or smart enough to make your looks work for you (outside of sexwork which is an entirely different story) you're just going to end up a baby momma or something like that. And then your looks won't even matter as much because the men you want to appeal to aren't interested anymore.
No. 899598
>>899574Not going to keep going back and forth on this so this will be my last post. Bare in mind this whole conversation requires us to just blindly accept the premise that women doing something to be seen as desirable sexually to men is inherently harmful/a moral failure/ evidence of “daddy issues” which is obviously very contentious in and of itself.
1. It is a cinematic term. This isn’t a controversial or debated idea either, no one feminist critic disagrees with this or uses it any other way. At least like, read even just the Wikipedia page or something for a term before you talk about it. It is not used in regards to real life women, and would make no sense if you actually know anything about what the term means and have actually read any feminist literature about the male gaze.
2. Not brushing your hair has is not a feminist act of resistance by any definition and will likely just make your own life harder unless you’re trying to get dreads or something. Neither is picking your nose.
3. It’s not a “radical” position that women can just choose to not be sexualised and objectified by making the right clothing choices.
4. There is no actual evidence that dressing “sexily” increases your chance of being harassed or assaulted and this idea literally stems from the sexist myth rape
victims are asking for it and from a desire to get women to act/dress modestly and to be chaste. People on this website often exclusively focus on women being “groomed by society their whole life” to act explicitly sexual but seem to never acknowledge the long history of how female sexuality is demonised, how chasity and modesty are seen as virtuous etc which are ideas that are still very present today
>>899577>The male gaze. The male desire for conquest and power. Male entitlement to the bodies of women they don't know.That isn’t what “male gaze” means, by any feminist definition in any literature ever. I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about so can’t really respond.
>>899583No one is saying it’s a “meme” or “isn’t a real thing”. I’m saying it’s a specific term with an extensive history that has an actual meaning and it isn’t the one you’re using. It is a term with a meaning that refers exclusively to cinema, and is only ever used in that context in all academia and feminist writing. This is just objectively true and not like, my opinion. It’s embarrassing to be older than like a 15 year old on tiktok and not know this.
No. 899605
>>899585Thisssss, before I acted like I don't see anyone else around me in public, men would literally run into me or expect me to move out of their way when they're walking towards me. But now in public I basically act like a male, I keep my head up, eyes forward focused on nothing, no eye contact with anyone, act like I own my space because I do. Also wearing headphones in public even if I'm not listening to anything, people see that and assume I'm not paying attention to my surroundings so they move the fuck out of my way.
I hate that men think we need to move out of the way for them, rude ass fuckers. Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm less of a person.
No. 899617
>>899598fuck you bitch kill yourself honestly you ignored all my points just so you can use your pretentious ass vocabulary and try to intellectually dominate me, your arguments are not better, just your words. If it's not the male gaze then reformulate it, but I don't know what term to use for "satisfying men with your looks and putting in effort into your looks to satisfy men". I don't know where the fuck you live but just put on very pretty and sexy clothes and you will see what happens.
And stop acting like women's issues are actually getting researched in the academical field you sound like an obnoxious redditor, that thinks they're smart because "muh wikipedia article". I read a lot bitch, but not all truths can be found in science and literature, maybe, take a look around you and try using your own brain and reasoning skills to see truths. Of course, women don't get sexualized because they want it, but as simple as that is dressing in a certain manner will increase the chances of one getting sexualized . The average woman also does 50% of the things she's doing for men.
I want to slap you in the head with all the "feminist books" you have read, you are as useless as a modern liberal leftist reading Karl Marx. Books are for nothing if you don't naturally have good reasoning skills.
And you are literally accusing me of something I have not said or implied. You're acting as if I'm shaming women that are getting raped and saying it is their fault.
Saying that dressing provocatively will increase the chances of you getting objectified is just like saying dropping acid will increase the chances of you developing psychosis, it is not a certainty, but an increase in the possiblity.
No. 899618
>>899598I'm glad you're not going to continue to make yourself look like an idiot.
>Bare in mind this whole conversation requires us to just blindly accept the premise that women doing something to be seen as desirable sexually to men is inherently harmful/a moral failure/ evidence of “daddy issues” which is obviously very contentious in and of itself. Who the fuck said that it's inherently harmful to want to be desired and sexually attractive to men? Most women are straight so of course they're going to want to be desired by men. The bad comes in when the attention is UNWANTED. The bad comes from women who feel the NEED to present themselves a certain way for attention, at all times. That's where shit gets
toxic. Women who feel the need to be objects of male attention and affection, and men who think all women feel this need at all times and get offended when they find out that this isn't always the case. The bad also comes from judgemental assholes of both genders condemning, shaming and labeling people because of their fashion choices. "Mini skirt means slut who wants it, hoodie and baggy pants is a dyke who I must harass".
I'm not even going to get into you trying to accuse the rest of us if
victim blaming. Because we're all smart enough here on to realize clothing does not equal consent.
No. 899640
>>899617100% hate those types of "I read 100 feminist texts and use big words" useless fucking feminists. My ultra religious traditional grandma is more feminist than these types. She helped some women escape their
abusive husbands, not sat on her ass in an air conditioned room talking holier than thou on the internet.
No. 899648
>>899598Ok anon, we believe that you're the superior student of feminist theory. Now will you stop trying to recast casual conversation about unwanted male attention as rigorous debate just so you can flash your credentials?
If you're not going to cite a specific piece of writing, no one cares if you think that someone's using a term wrong or referring to an outdated concept - it's a literal anonymous imageboard, everyone's just loosely trying to get their point across. This isn't twitter, you can't just allude to a totally real, evidentially supported, universally reconciled group of feminist works that say that the other poster is a retard and expect people to believe you. Your condescension isn't fooling anyone into thinking you know what you're talking about.
Even if women who dress to avoid male attention are technically thinking about men when they do so, it obviously isn't of the same magnitude as actively catering to men's desires. It feels reductive to call both behaviors "male-centering", when most anons were describing something closer to putting on sunscreen before going out. Does taking pragmatic measures to protect yourself from the sun mean that you're "centering" the sun in your thought processes?
No. 899649
>>899634I'm also black and 99.9% of the time im in a hoodie, sweatpants or leggings and I've never had to deal with being followed/kicked out of a store for my dress.
I have, however, been sexually harassed when I dresses outside of my norm and "looked nice".
Do you live in the bible belt or something
No. 899653
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>>899617Nta but calm down wtf, your post really reads like a copypasta/a-log.
No. 899655
>>899628I'm not going to sympathize with the type of woman that dresses "nice" so men treat her "better". Go be insecure somewhere else. It's not the end of the world to be invisible, you're not that important.
My sympathy is reserved for women who are being abused by scrotes. Women who have to dress a certain way or else men feel like they can physically or mentally abuse them, women who feel the effects of misandry everyday outside if dudes ignoring them. Y'all weak bitches who blame your lack of progress or love on your looks can go somewhere.
No. 899686
>>899665>No I lived in a suburban majority white area most of my life so that could’ve been why. Sorry to say it but that's definitely why. Being black and daring to dress casually? Clearly a nefarious character who is up to no good. I'm sorry you experienced this, and this is also why I'll always go hard for normalizing women in casual, comfortable clothing with no makeup on. The assumptions, accusations, and frankly trauma you experience when you dare to step outside of societies perfectly manicured standards. This doesn't mean that a woman (or man) can't hold themselves to a higher standard appearance wise, (because that's what makes them happy, not for reasons like you and a lot of the women in my life have… Trauma.). I feel as long as you're not stinky or flashing anyone people should just be able to wear what the fuck they want.
Ideally no one would be bothered about how they dress and only the people that know them personally would comment or approach them based on looks alone (and not in a harassing/weird way) but, we don't live in a perfect world. I get this, but can we all at least acknowledge that men approach women they're attracted too more often than they approach women that don't catch their eye? And that when men approach women in a dominating, intimidating fashion like cat calling, women
usually don't like it?
Hell, even if you're nice 9/10
I don't want to hear it.
No. 899690
>>899453>That's literally what you said thoughNo I didn't.
>you're implying This is the crux of the problem, you read into something I didn't say and you've misrepresented my point.
>ugly women are doomed to be worthless I did not say this. I did not even say that everyone thinks this. I said mainstream society perpetuates giving attractive people more advantages than disadvantages. Do you think this is a lie?
>ignoring the fact that proving yourself intellectually, financially, or as a solid member of your community all increase the esteem with which society views youAgain, the point is: An attractive person doesn't have to "prove themselves" as much to that degree, and if they want to have intellectual or financial pursuits, then opportunities are given to them easier. For some reason, you blew over all that.
>There are plenty of highly respected women who aren't prettyI didn't say there weren't, I said it's harder.
>crying about how only hotties get to be instagram famousWay to exaggerate what I was saying, again. Sounds like you're the crier and made it personal for some reason.
No. 899700
>>899692are you gonna report me to the mods because my typing style is
triggering to you? Also, I'm not a feminist so I'm not a hypocrite. I'm just calling out retards.
This website went so fucking soft y'all are getting worse than the tumblrinas of 2014
No. 899718
>>899690I genuinely can't tell if you're being dense on purpose. Do you genuinely not understand how, given the propositions that 1) beauty determines the worth of a woman and 2) ugly women have no beauty, it follows that ugly women have no worth?
If what you meant to say was "actually beauty isn't the only factor by which a woman's value is determined but rather a dominant metric among a myriad of other qualities that are often intrinsically tied to attractiveness", that's what you should have said. No one here reads minds, how the am I supposed to know that you meant to convey a whole host of things that you didn't fucking mention?
No. 899725
>>899702Do you know where you are? Do you know this website was created for bitches to be bitches and bitch about other bitches that post embarrassing pictures of themselves for money and clout?
>>899713No it's called having a shit mod staff that will ban you for reddit type posting but can't seem to keep up whenever a random scrote randomly decides to post CP and gore on /ot/ and /g/. But sure glad double spacing on lolcow is the problem.
>>899714At least not everyone is crying because I said the "b" word.
>>899717Apeshit? I'm not even mad.
No. 899730
>>899718>beauty determines the worth of a womanPatriarchy says this. Most societies are patriarchal. Why are you denying this? I, and others, don't personally believe this. As I've said numerous times by now. I made an observation of how things are and it has extremely upset you.
>ugly women have no beautyI did not say this and repeatedly accusing me of having said this over and over will not make it true.
I said what I said and you can take it or fucking leave it but you're wasting your keystrokes.
No. 899733
>>899717>integrateYou need to stop using "integrate" when you're just doing typical peer pressure. Not everyone is insecure enough and desperate for approval to fall for it.
Integrate means not using reddit spacing, yes. Integrate does not mean become one with the hivemind.
No. 899742
>>899731It's really sad when you accuse someone saying something you disagree with as being from
x group. Just stop replying when you run out of shit to say.
This shit is why I normally just lurk, some nonnies are almost as bad as the cows posted on here
No. 899747
>>899733""She"" was literally writting in all caps/reddit spacing while also being a tryhard
>>899742Get out
No. 899755
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>>899724>>899727I'm so sorry nonnas, I think I accidentally started this by saying that unattractive women can still be socially respected and now everyone's mad. Please take this cat-shaped cake as an apology for the current state of this thread.
No. 899758
>>899749I know anons get angry sometimes but the combination of "bitch/femoids" with their deranged attitude in their replies is really suspicious
No. 899759
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>>899617Welcome back, once again.
No. 899763
>>899743I'm not male but idk about the high test femoid poster. You guys are dumb. Calling someone a bitch for being on some weak shit
>I-I have to dress a certain way or else I'll be ~invisible~ and I hate pretty bitchesMakes you male? Stop being paranoid and assuming everything you don't like is because the poster is male. Go outside and touch grass
No. 899769
>>899763Are you going to ignore
>>899617this or what? lmao that's a man
No. 899771
>>899762To be clear I'm not the same anon pulling aggro by calling everyone bitches, I just wanted to call that anon a femoid. Guess I didn't realize apparently that's incel nomenclature.
Forgive me nonitas for I have sinned.
No. 899774
>>899653I'm delivering truth through comedy.
1.You have no right of telling me to "calm down". I know "calm down" is a real term but if you actually READ literature you'd know specialists and PhD graduates in board culture look down on this "calm down" phrasing. It is only used by tiktok users. If you actually read LITERATURE on how to use imageboards you'd know that.
2. It is not that I am a-logging, you simply just do not understand. You see, I am a superior imageboard user and I have actually researched on how to use imageboards by reading a lot of books on imageboard manuals and analysis literature on imageboard behaviors. Acting offensive and even passive aggressive towards other imageboard users that disagree with you to the point where you are even inciting them to suicide is to be expected from an imageboard user.
3. That reaction image you posted of some wine is just not what a fellow imageboard user would do. You see, after I have thoroughly read literature of specialty on imageboards I can tell you a veritable imageboard user would post pepe, not a picture of a wine bottle.
4. There is no actual evidence to your claims. Where is the Wikipedia article or the author that supports these claims of me "a-logging" or having to "calm down"?
inspiration by
>>899598 No. 899783
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>>899766Samefag but,
>There are plenty of threads filled to the brim with derailing and infighting, and as long as it's saged I don't see a
No. 899795
>>899788To me, even if they're fictional, they're still men therefore lesbians won't be attracted to them.
Though you could argue it depends on how serious someone views fictional characters.
No. 899811
>>899803what you want to say is that he looks like an underaged boy not like a woman
>>899808they have cocks and fuck each other in the ass, that's not very lesbian of them
No. 899824
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>>899811My theory? The first people were women and men were a genetical defect, like retards. The first boy born was albino and this imprinted in womens subconscious. Lesbians are closer to the original female existance so those subconscious pretty boy albino led to a trend of lesbians liking albino pretty boys.
Anyway anon not everything is deep, lesbians like pretty boys bc they're like butches and nice personalities. As for the dicking down, idk most of the albino pretty boy liking lesbians I know just read fanfic exploring his character, or like to gush about him like he's a son.
No. 899826
>>899617Honestly anon, stop trying to associate yourself with labels such as ''feminist'' or ''radfem'' or whatever. If you want to help women, go ahead and do it out of the goodness of your heart.
People are inherently selfish and like to virtue signal online. Stick to helping people around your community in the ways that you can. As someone that was involved with radical feminism since 2016 The radfem community online is a joke and is full of borderline femcels and catfights and constant hypocrisy. Focus on what you can do as an individual instead of circlejerking the same arguments online.
No. 899831
>>899799If you derive enjoyment from watching a woman fuck her life up you're not exactly a nice feminist either. I guess you're slightly less bad than the regular posters so, congrats?
>Makes me wonder why there are any feminists here in the first place because of this reason. Because people keep cow tipping and bringing in Twitter retards who just hate one person in particular but have managed to convince themselves that they're somehow morally superior to oldfags and people who recognize what this website was created for.
No. 899851
>>899829yeah i also think there is the appeal of not being objectified yourself. a lot of women are used to it with porny shit about naked women everywhere in media pandering to scrotes and they like that the men are the objectified ones in yaoi. Not only lesbians are into it, it is women in general who only want to see the men. There are preferences ofc not every woman likes the same kind of stuff but there are a lot of yaoi shippers just look in any kind of fandom.
>>899830I think it is more about wanting to see the characters together and not self-inserting with yaoi. When there is a woman on woman romance for the lesbians or an otome type situation for the straight women you will find one of the characters hot and then self-insert into the other one I guess. There are also people who don't want to self-insert at all and might find it uncomfortable. We shouldn't judge each others preferences they are all very female.
No. 899852
>>899826I'm not radfem, I'm not in any social group for it because most communities turn into circle jerks and my opinions are very versatile and I hate feeling censored or punished for speaking my mind. I have helped a lot of people in my life (particularly women).Coming across radical feminist points has helped find more value in myself. It's very easy to lose yourself as a woman in a world that tells you getting naked for men is empowering and feminist or that I should focus my being around pleasing men. I don't like all of these online labels because they are used by the wrong people and they loser their meaning, just like words do too, but that doesn't mean you cannot find valuable lessons in a lot of these ideologies. I think some rad fem points are good in any woman's life universally.
>being against porn and not accepting porn sick moids and being aware of the abuse inside of the industry>learning how to value yourself (but not in the fake wokeist sense of showing your titties to strangers)>not accepting abusive men in your lifeWomen are socialized into accepting all of those listed above by default.
>helping other women and supporting their effortsI never said I was feminist in my post though, or in any other post I've made.
No. 899940
>>899893nta but I think it makes sense that most cows here are women, and it's not really a misogyny thing. Other anons are right when they say that cows aren't being nitpicked because they're morally reprehensible; this is pretty obvious, because it's not like dictators and mass murderers get threads. What actually makes someone a cow that people want to criticize is just being infuriatingly annoying, particularly in a way that's subtle enough to make voicing your complaints seem overly petty or salty when you're not anonymous.
That's the reason lolcow users mostly talk about other women - you have to have a certain proximity to someone to know when they're discreetly being manipulative, self aggrandizing, or playing the
victim, and it makes sense that the site's female userbase has this relationship with more women than men. The apparent vehemence of the criticisms has to do with the site acting as an outlet for a lot of pent-up annoyance, and I wouldn't assume that farmers think this way about most women (or even cows, people say a lot of things when they're irritated). It's a lot like bitching about your parents - most people complain more about their parents than they do about hitler, but that doesn't mean that they think their parents are worse than hitler.
No. 899942
>>899937Idk I'm on mobile and it gets hard to read my own posts as I comment unless I space out my sentences. Sorry that's so
triggering to you guys but its literally the most autistic complaint I think I've ever seen.
No. 899957
>>899950good for you. It's still a retarded thing to get butt flustered over.
>>899945After you m'lady
>>899948Do you guys think everyone that says things you don't like is the same person?
No. 899971
>>899952nta but possibly in the sense that the song got a very negative reception when it first came out and as a result still kinda gets put down, even though the big butt trend it helped to popularize is widely accepted now. I definitely remember some pretty hilariously serious discussion at the time about how the skinny bitches part of the song was deeply
problematic lol
No. 900009
>>900000The lyrics aren't there to add listening value, they're there to fit the current buzzword trends and as a way to attach specific phrases to the music that quickly identify the song so that you remember it and and can sing it, and they are written to be sung by a marketed personality which adds more brand value to the product.
The music industry isn't about music it's about marketing
No. 900016
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Madoka isn't for males.
No. 900043
>>900034NTA but instead I say madoka
shouldn't be for males. fuck it
No. 900051
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In a way worrying over whether something is "for men" is its own way of obsessing over men and letting them rule your brain. I used to be like that until I recognized it's basically a form of neurosis. and there are tons of women creators enjoying these things for themselves… pic probably not related
No. 900081
>>900075>For example people always say LotR is a guy thing but all of the LotR fans I've ever met were women. They really think they can gatekeep one of the most successful, influential and mainstream works of all time just because they can't imagine a hot stacey doing it lmao. That's their metric for judging how likely it is that a woman would enjoy something, whether it fits the image of a stereotypical cute girl that rejected guys like him in high school.
Ironically it just proves how little they know about the subject to begin with. There are so many retards who think anime is for men, do they realize Japanese women have been creating, consuming and driving manga/anime subcultures for decades? Chances are they know what josei, shoujo etc is but still completely forget Japanese women because, as always, they've zeroed in on imaginary Stacey's tastes as representative of all women.
No. 900153
>>899617Male gaze was coined to describe male photography/cinematography. The "gaze" part is literal, in a movie shot by a man, you are looking at what the man is looking at. It's not complicated. Internet feminists have bastardized the term to the point that it has no definition, like they've done with a hundred other terms, like "objectification" or "emotional labor". Male gaze is whatever might be done by women or to women or about women that might be directed at pleasing or placating men sexual or otherwise or both sexual and otherwise at the same time. The concept as you use it is soup. It might "feel" like it describes something real and you can articulate how you feel about what it might describe, but your interpretation is entirely subjective, and only maybe sort of vaguely accurate.
Like how emotional labor originally meant how a waitress has to be nice to a rude customer, but then someone will say she asked her husband to take the trash out and he didn't do it, which made her do the "emotional labor" of feeling upset(I read a blogpost that actually said this).
The reason basing your ideas and thinking in formal theory and clearly understood terms with firm definitions is because otherwise conversation turns into an incomprehensible flame war where nobody has any idea what anybody is actually talking about.
I can read every single one of these posts about women dressing pretty and have no idea what the "feminist" course of action should be, or even what the options being presented are. This is why feminism has basically died as a social force, again. Nobody knows what they're supposed to do or think.
No. 900219
>>900131I grew up in 3rd world so all the kids consume whatever is available. Boys and girls read the same manga and watched the same anime. It was comfy tbh, to be 8 and arguing with classmates about who would win in a fight or who should win the heroine. Not a lot people had home computers so everyone used net cafes which all had the same 5 online Korean games installed lol. Well I suppose not a lot of women played Counter Strike. Tbh I think because nerd culture enters our country kind of late so men didn’t get to claim the interest first so they weren’t as
toxic to women in the community. Everyone is kinda just equally excited about that stuff. It’s different now sadly.
No. 900248
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Kuromi and My melody as a ship is retarded because Kuromi would have a one-sided crush for My melody who is just kind to everyone.
The whole “uwu goth gf and soft gf” trope might be kind of cute at times, but it doesn’t go well with my melody and Kuromi, like, it’s like falling in love with a classmate at uni because she talks with you from time to time, it’s kind of pathetic.
I also feel the same about Madoka and Homura, Homura likes Madoka because she’s kind, but Madoka is just nice and likes to make sure everyone is having a good time, it’s almost shitty as a ship because Homura is kind of pushing the kindness and naivety that Madoka has so she can get her taco wet.
No. 900293
>>900248Wasn't Kuromi super mean on my melody? Only watch first season because they never dubbed the rest but she was kind of mean lol.
Though visually they look cute and I'm a sucker for black and pink personally as a color combo and that's kind of enough. Shippers Don't need a lot to latch onto a ship especially if they visually just look good together as shallow as it sounds
( though also reminds me of bubbline visually with the black and pink combo- weirdly I don't like the ship in a canonic sense and only lole fan depictions)
No. 900308
>>900301People ship the sun and moon as lesbians. Sanrio somehow isn't as weird.
It's still fucking weird lol
No. 900310
>>900153A small nitpick: in utilization, male gaze isn't confined to just photography/cinematography but rather can be used to describe how male creatorship influences all kinds of media (including non-visual forms, like literature). There's certainly a history of using the phrase in analyzing film, but the application of male gaze to other types of media is pretty well attested to these days.
The anon you're replying to sounds a little deranged, but I think context is important here. She was responding to someone who was being overtly patronizing and making oblique claims about male gaze being a concept used solely in the domain of cinematography, all without providing any actual explanation of or source for their understanding of the term. If this person did have a substantial piece of knowledge that everyone else was lacking, it's pretty clear that they weren't making an honest attempt to share it but rather wielding its existence as a cudgel to win an online slapfight.
I think this instinct to bemoan the ignorance of other feminists is one of the biggest existential threats to the whole movement. Lolcow is actually an interesting experiment in this regard, because it brings people from many different countries and walks of life together in an anonymized format. What we've seen when it comes to discussion of feminism is pretty dispiriting - condescension, impatience, and hairsplitting tend to rule the day. This isn't a good sign, because how are feminists going to share their ideas with politically oppressed and impoverished women from the third world when they can't even peaceably bridge the gaps between themselves and other feminist-leaning women on the anglo internet? If it's a sad truth that many women are denied educational opportunities, is it really feminist to criticize other women in an international anonymous forum for being ignorant?
Sorry for feminist sperg, it's just depressing. If you know of any scholastic material that's relevant to a current discussion, just share it! In my experience, the response is usually better than you'd expect.
No. 900339
I'm highly unimpressed by JK Rowling's TERFness, I know most people are probably into it because it triggers the fuck out of trannies rather than because of her opinions, but it just rubs me the wrong way that what pushed her over the edge was some article raising awareness to how difficult it is to deal with menstruation during the pandemic. Among all the things TRAs do, what ticks you off is someone trying to be helpful on female reproductive health? Especially when so many TRAs themselves try to shut down any mention of it. Ok, saying "people who menstruate" might be stupid, but it makes sense for a text of that nature to go out of the way to try to be inclusive. She deserves to be mocked for saying "I've ignored porn tweeted at children", first, WTF, second, yeah that sounds like some strawman to anyone less familiar with how degenerate troons can be and what she is bothered with is something way less criminal to say the least. Also, she fucking pandered to the woke crowd by trying to be inclusive in the laziest way possible, oh dumbledore is gay? Cool, what a shame that is never actually state and is utterly irrelevant, and we all know Hermione was originally white, does she think people are stupid?
No. 900371
>>900339She isn't even a
terf, all she did was saying biological sex is real.
No. 900396
>>900371if she was a
terf and cared about women’s rights she would use all of her harry potter clout and wealth to donate to women’s shelters or do anything that was proactive rather than sitting her ass on twitter and kissing up. she’s still a woman and no doubt she’s been affected by patriarchal forces because she’s getting more of a backlash while I’ve seen men who have more power than her say and have done much much worse things but she’s still an ivory tower elitist, she has the ability to talk about the truth without the consequences of financial loss and becoming a tumblr radfem who blogs about random crap all day anonymously. she will always have the advantages that normal women will never have, and she will never use her own power to empower women like us. she seems like a nice person but I don’t think she’s ready to realize that yet
No. 900400
>>900343>>900371To be clearer, I know she's not really a
terf (I think very few people could actually be called one), nor trying to be one. I used the word because that is what she gets called and because I have no respect for it. I think it is super stupid for someone to unironically call her one and think she is based and like her because of it. Some people seem to forget that she proceeded to validate "trans women" shortly after (even if she remained adamant about biological sex), even tho the ones who should be the primary "
victims" of her tweet were TIFs, but they are super low caste in the queer hierarchy so who cares, I dunno if she ever addressed them at all
No. 900434
>>900382In which sense is it overrated?
Because if you’re talking about handholding as a romantic gesture, It’s extremely underrated.
But if you’re talking about it as something you can just do with a friend so you feel reassured or you just don’t get lost, yeah, it’s overrated because the nuance gets lost and everyone goes apeshit because you’re holding hands with another woman.
No. 900450
>>899948Whenever I see a schizo-sounding post I CTRL+F the following:
>rad fem>pick me>third/3rd world>first/1st worldAnd sure enough, whenever I come across one of those words it's a reddit-spaced, psychotic mess written by the same BPD-chan who's been hanging around here for weeks now. What a coincidence!
No. 900462
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put it on your heads you mouth breathing retards
No. 900533
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>>900529stop derailing the thread just because someone disagreed with your friend. Point still stands. A lot of women dress for men and wearing certain attire can increase the possibility of you getting harassed.
No. 900554
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>>900527Anon please. I'm not sure if you're aware, but just googling your spelling errors all point to third world ex-camgirl turned to twitch streamer and other personal info, over the span of 7 months of posting, together with your usual statements. Like, just take a break. It's just an imageboard, you can drop out at any time.
No. 900561
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>>900538So why didn't
>>899598 source any academical papers? She just said "woaahh I've read theory" "woahh my Wikipedia page" "woahh source source" without citing any actual source. I could state the same, I've read feminist theory and I've seen the phenomenon of performative feminity explained which could be correlated to the "male gaze". Also, feminism is not a science, it's very hard to support your opinion as being the factual and correct one when feminism is not even a science, we are not discussing maths or quantum physics. Plus not everything is to be found in books especially when it comes to such a niche subject as feminism. Feminist literature is pretty much dead and what has been written so far has nothing to do with Sociological study. Anyone could become a feminist writer. You cannot tell me you want "research" about something most people don't think about such as "Does wearing certain type of attire increase the possibility of you getting sexually harassed?" which was my premise and which is actual an observale empirical truth. This would be a sociological study. I can do it for you tomorrow, doing sociological studies is very easy. I will dress myself in booty shorts, wear a pink wig and a very short and tight crop top and heels and I will pass by groups of men. Then, I will walk on the street dressed in normal clothing. In the end I will compare the results. When did I get cat called more? When I was dressed in normal clothing or when I was dressed very provocatively.
You also have to consider science or academical studies are not everything and you cannot find all truths there plus "psychology" and "sociology" are hardly to be considered sciences. Don't forget you're on lolcow, stop finding any excuse to gasligt me, nobody posts academical sources here in the unpopular opinion thread. You didn't post them either, although you redeemed yourself as the "superior feminist theory consoomer" "superior opinion holder". You did not even use any sort of argumentation technique. Everything you did was say "I'm smarter than you because I read and therefore my opinion is incorrect and yours is not" exactly what a redditor scrote would do.
>>900554That's not me. Thank you for making fun of me for being a literal child sexual trafficking
victim you radfem, then you're going to make fun of me for being "mysoginistic" because I say "pick me" when you're literally making fun of me for being abused by men my entire life and being poor. Very feminist of you. Those posts are not mine, take your meds.
No. 900565
>>900561>Those posts are not mine, take your meds.>Thank you for making fun of me for [exactly what was mentioned in said posts]???
Either way, is there a reason why you gave up the thing with the website blocker?
No. 901365
>>901230Literally anything geared towards teen girls is immediately shat on by the masses. I don't think any girls considered it to be a work of art (just cheesy, fun entertainment) so why did boomer men and pick-mes feel the need to critique it like a work of art?
You'll notice that cheesy films for men like John Wick or Die Hard are never criticised and are just accepted for what they are, cheesy films.
No. 901382
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Pitbulls are misunderstood and demonized. You guys are just overemotional and overestimate the ""danger"" they pose
No. 901395
>>900131When you're really young usually video games and anime appeal to both groups, then for older kids it's literally just the marketing that's different, video games are video games, and there are so many different successful shonen and shojo manga that anyone who actually likes manga will try reading both at some point.
Speaking of which, I remember having a copy of either Minnie Magazine or W.I.T.C.H. Magazine from the late 90s or the very early 2000s about how video games are also for girls and all the recommendations were mainstream games that appealed to everyone, like Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Pokemon, Kirby, Metroid, etc. based on the cutesy aesthetics or the cool female protagonists. I can't believe an old magazine for little girls was more open minded than today's game journalists and parents.
No. 901418
>>901382It's always the bad owner's fault, never the dog's. All of these supposed "dangerous" breeds are usually owned by lazy scrotes who think they look cool but don't bother training them or people who get them as "guard dogs" and leave them outside 24/7 with no positive interaction with humans, no shit they're going to attack someone when they've never been socialised properly.
I hate that dogs are put down for their owner's shitty behaviour, I wish we could put down humans instead.
No. 901469
>>901230I really wanted to believe this anon, I really did. I spent my teen years hating on twilight because I was a dumb nlog. I decided to go watch it for the second time a few months ago, I watched the first movie when it came out and I didn't remember anything. I couldn't get through it. It was so hard to watch. The soundtrack is absolutely banging, but the movie is just so painfully cringe and not in a good way. I can see how someone that used to like it can watch it now with nostalgia goggles on but the movie is so awkward.
I don't criticize things because they're "for girls" anymore and I think I matured a lot as a person. I enjoy cheesy stuff and I don't feel ashamed to say it. But twilight is where I have to draw my line kek
No. 901504
nonny. twilight was bad, the only people who shill it as some misunderstood work of genius now are the same people who say that criticising taylor swift or beyonce is ~internalised misogyny~
No. 901510
>>901372Why do you always come back to try and shill asexuality? it doesn't exist, get over it
>>901382Anywas, good thing shitbulls are prohibited in my country.
No. 901524
>>901523this you
>>901520? maybe being terminally online is not good for your worldview
No. 901537
>>901509that sounds like youre conflating online dating with a long distance relationship. theres a big difference between meeting a stranger online and communicating primarily over text versus being in a relationship with far away, the latter requiring frequent video chatting and meeting IRL regularly with plans for the future.
An LDR without
>solid plans for a future together>frequent, consistent face to face communication (not text)>IRL chemistryprobably won't work out
No. 901553
>>901537>that sounds like youre conflating online dating with a long distance relationship. Exactly, I was confused. The first one is not a real relationship, the second one is a challenge to an existing relationship.
In my unpopular opinion.
No. 901715
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>>901709Maybe you don't understand how music works for others. I can think most vividly when listening to music. Music is very stimulating for a lot of people.
No. 901810
>>901532I think you severely underestimate the amount of lovely dumbasses on this website
>>901759Jesus confirmed for being a creepy narc
No. 902042
>>901973I dislike fag because of the 4chan/scrote connection.
My unpopular opinion is that I don't mind
No. 902047
>>901947My favorite is when I told pretty friends about how their male is shifty/
abusive and they just go "stop trying to sabotage me/stop being jealous" or some other weird shit. When their male eventually revelaed themselves they either ghosted me or came looking for "it's not your fault there there" comfort.
No. 902055
>>901973>I understand that nonnie/nonny is board cultureI don't think it is in a broad sense, before only recently here I saw the word "
nonnie" very often on livejournal but nowhere else.
No. 902057
nonny sounds twitterfag'ish. I don't like it but it's been rubbing off on me and I've used it once or twice when I'm being nice with anons on here. "Sis" on the otherhand…
I want to bitch-slap whoever uses it to another dimension. No. 902059
>>901973I like nonna, but I don’t love
nonnie or nonita because I think they sound a little precious. I think -fag, -anon, and -chan all work well in different situations and should all be used. Komaedafag sounds better than komaedachan, and schizochan is preferable to schizofag.
No. 902118
>>902105I wouldn't bank on it anon. Even the most pessimistic forecasts predict relatively few effects for first-worlders within the next half century.
>>902070This might be optimistic, but I think it's likely that we'll see massive reforms to the elder care sector in the next ten years. People are living longer and are more healthy and lucid in their later years now, so it'd hard to imagine that they won't be pulling hard legislatively for better funded and accommodated elder care facilities. Boomers have proven themselves to be a much more reliable voting bloc than younger generations, so I think they'll get the resources that they need.
I don't think this is going to make life any easier for young working people though kek.
No. 902128
>>902118Compared to my grandmas generation ppl are way unhealthier and just get Alzheimer's or some stuff for years before dying, idk what you mean by more lucid in their later years, it's the opposite. Even though they live long quality of life went down.
There's already skyrocketing rates of cancer and autoimmune diseases in young ppl, and our IQ levels have started to go down too. I wouldn't be optimistic tbh.
No. 902158
>>902128 rising rate of old-age cognitive impairment is kind of a misconception, mostly related to the fact that a greater number of people are living into their 70s and 80s in general. The linked study is relatively limited, but it concludes that Alzheimer's and dementia incidence rates have actually fallen slightly in the US within the last few decades. Idk about overall quality of life, but the fact that there's a huge number of boomers overall combined with their likely being at least slightly less senile than the previous generation means that boomers are going to have a lot of power to vote in policies that benefit the elderly.
In a lot of ways, I think this is actually a good thing. A lot of the retirement/social security/pension schemes we currently have are not designed to accommodate the modern lifespan, and most countries are going to have to eventually deal with populations that are becoming increasingly senior-heavy. The changes that need to be made aren't necessarily going to be popular, but in the long term they're necessary unless everyone agrees to start letting the elderly roam the streets or something.
No. 902211
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Call me insane, but People shouldn’t have sex unless they can afford a baby (or at least enough for an abortion). Sex isn’t a need. Exercise some self constraint
No. 902676
>>902643>>902645>>902657Based, the artstyle is so unnattractive too. IDK how you can stan those generic animu 3D models. Get some taste
>>902675>>902663fat bihet (mostly straight) girls
No. 902689
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>>902657Seriously who is attracted to this?
No. 902729
>>902718>Getting a clumsy rub here and there while using a strap isn't generally going to do much for you.I didn't mean that, but stimulation from the pressure from the base of the dildo pressing against your clit. A huge thing is also getting a strap-on that sits at the right spot. Too many harnesses are high up and sit on the mons pubis, which of course is going to feel like fucking nothing for the woman.
Dunno, maybe I'm just sensitive but it's always felt really good for me. I've orgasmed from it a couple times (which is more than my boyfriend has from pegging, kek) and if I don't he always finishes me off after. I think pegging is only crap if the guy pushes an unwilling woman into it. If the woman pushes for it first it's way better. Like all fetishes.
No. 902738
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>>902643I actually like the game's character illustrations, I think they're very well made and some character designs are pretty, but yeah the models are generic. Are some of them really lifted from other stuff?
No. 902743
>>902729>I didn't mean that, but stimulation from the pressure from the base of the dildo pressing against your clitNo that's pretty much what I was talking about too, that or toys with the womans stim in mind. Like I said I've spent a fortune on em and then at one point I had a job where I got toys for free in exchange for reviewing them so I had a fair go at most of the options out there. I just think it's similar to say taking turns giving oral… one person is being given way more pleasure during the act so taking turns being pleased is more ideal than trying to say get equal pleasure from strap on play, again just generally. Of course there's always exceptions who can get off on things where the average woman wouldn't get even close.
But I think if a guy is receiving that he should be aware that you are owed your turn in getting his full concentration on getting you off too. Too many of those toys try and make out like you'll reach heights that you just won't. As long as you get your turn too that's what matters.
No. 902971
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It's impossible to be overweight and happy at the same time. They're just coping like pic related.
No. 903521
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>>903506I will have you know that I'm actually a patrician shellfish enjoyer and that my blood is coursing with powerful marine minerals
No. 903897
>>903882This reeks of edgy obese 12 yr old who thinks being mentally ill is sexy. Take a bath
nonnie Nigel isn't gonna simp because you told lolcow you like seeing guts
No. 904166
>All takes on gore are wrong lolThe correct take is that it's horrible when flashed and that's it. Also
victim blaming people for being affected is disgusting
No. 904168
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Bulbasaur is the best Gen1 starter for the sole reason of being the only cute Pokémon in every evolution stage.
No. 904177
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>>904168All grass starters are the superior starter in each gen. The Chikorita evolution line is adorable
No. 904179
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>>904177This is making me want to restart Crystal
No. 904181
>>904166To reword then, what I meant
> People here will tell you off either way so it's as if no reaction to it is seen as correctI'm not commenting on whether the gore poster is right or wrong because of course they are wrong. I'm talking about anons telling others off for reacting strongly. I'm purely saying it's stupid to berate people for how they react to seeing it.
No. 904205
>>904179Replaying crystal a couple months ago was the only good video game experience I've had in five years. Got a 3DS off ebay for like $70 (the purple and red colors are cheapest idk why), and crystal is $10 on the virtual console store. Worth it over emulating imo, can play in bed and not be distracted by other stuff on the computer. And the wireless works fully for multiplayer etc. It's actually an insane contrast how much more beautiful, more fast-paced, more difficult and spookier crystal is than any game from DPPt onward.
You can't play emerald on the VC yet and I genuinely think it's because they know everyone would start playing it and stop buying the new crapass games. Best way to play emerald is a GBA micro/SP (idk price but probably not much, I have two slightly beat SPs just from randomly finding them at thrift stores) plus a GBA flashcart (like $10 max). It's also 100% legal to download the emerald ROM and use a flashcart if you ever owned a copy of emerald btw.
No. 904209
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I don't want to start the anya taylor-joy sperging again, but I hate the overly feminine, almost draggy way that she's been styled lately. She looks unique in a good way when done up correctly, but the mermaid hair and conventional starlet clothing choices make her look like a russian oligarch with a genetic defect.
No. 904302
>>904297You sound like my bf's family lol. We've been together 10 years and even own some property together but because we're not married or have kids they're like "hm doesn't seem like a real relationship to me." Also common law??
On the other hand I have a coworker in a 10+ yes relationship who still only sees his gf on the weekend and they're not even long distance but they seem happy and sweet shrug shrug.
No. 904318
>>904297I don't want engagement or kids or tbh to even live together full time but then I'm divorced so that's my reason. Imo the concept of marriage loses its magic once you already have one marriage fail on you. Divorced people can approach dating like that sometimes.
Younger people who want kids though.. I kinda get what you mean alright. More often it's men stringing partners along and buying time while keeping options open.
No. 904323
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>>904209Is that unpopular? I haven't seen anyone say she looks good lately at all let alone specifically her styling. The blonde doesn't suit her and neither does being so gaunt. The only look I've liked on her recently is this,
No. 904337
>>904321Nta but I had a moment years ago where it hit me that expecting a romantic relationship to last forever maybe shouldnt be the goal we all seem to strive for. I know so many people who go on to hate their objectively ok exes just because shit ended and it ripped apart their dreams to be retired together… dreams they thought up at like 20. They admittedly look back on decent relationships with all this resentment tainting it. I almost think it's nutty to approach relationships with 'forever together' as the expectation. What else in life is expected to last forever?
Kids obviously complicate it but even when you have kids, splitting is often healthier than staying together if you've any type of real conflict going on.
My first relationship was 4 years long, 3 1/2 of them good and I hate that for ages I couldnt just appreciate that for what it was worth. It was temporary but I should still value it as a good relationship and not a total fail or waste just because it had to end. I hate the rush to try and snap up your forever partner.
No. 904349
>>904337I got married at 20 and divorced 6 years later when my ex started being a whiny, slovenly incel and insulting my family for the pettiest reasons. I'm kinda glad I got it out of the way because people don't nag me about marriage and finding The One anymore. I've been in other relationships after but eventually I just get bored when the guy stops trying. And they
all stop trying after a while.
>>904342So why haven't you considered the opposite? Why does marriage have to be the end goal for everyone?
No. 904353
>>904324still better than the pro-life teens, those exist too.
Recently I was reading comments on a news article on the abortion law in Texas (am not from the US) and there were all these men in the comments saying how women indeed shouldn't be allowed to have abortion including when raped. And I thought I was living in a progressive, open-minded first world country ffs. There's literally men walking amongst me who firmly believe that after going through the traumatizing experience of getting raped, I should still birth the baby of my rapist. Disgusting and deeply unsettling.
No. 904368
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>>901382A kady from a small town I grew up in and I had on Facebook would make posts about how “pibbles are just so misunderstood” One of her dogs mauled her 3 year old daughters face. Thankfully the little girl is ok. I think it’s sorta ironic.
Picrel is her new dog I like how it has to wear that thing makes it look even more like a snarling poorly trainedbeast. I can’t believe she got another huge dog. And she still defends pitbulls
No. 904379
>>904376sorry the opposite
- you want to procreate= not narc
-you don't want to= narc
Giving birth to a little clone of yourself is the most narc shit ever
No. 904381
>>904375I'm happily married and expecting but sorry to hear you failed at life and being a woman. Sucks to be ugly.
>>904376Don't care about the planet and my genes are not shitty, it's called winning at life.
No. 904386
Two based ladies here
No. 904387
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the childfree spergs have arrived…
No. 904391
>>904342Ayrt and yeah I get wanting to be exclusive, I'm definitely not talking about people experimenting. I don't know why you thought that tbh.
I just think there's alot of pressure on the whole 'forever' thing. We've all had relationships where we talk about how you'll always love them.. and then a year later they're gone and the love is too. Long term is a nice aim because it's worth building something together. Forever is (for me personally) a high aim that I don't know if I want to chase.
No. 904428
>>904401Nta but I love how you keep replying to people by exclaiming
> jesus !Reminds me of a song
No. 904436
>>904401Sounds like a cope from a woman who is terrified of having children, or has no purpose in life outside of birthing children.
Hopefully if she has a girl they have other aspirations and life goals than birthing a child, unlike her momma.
No. 904451
>>904429Anons are kind of unbearable when they start fighting about having kids tbh. I just start ignoring the posts.
>>904434Tomato haters are so immature. I could literally eat a tomato with nothing but salt. They are so refreshing, what is there to not like?
I don't like salsa though lol No. 904475
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Begging you not to respond to the retarded scrote. They've had the same shitty "muh genes" bait a month or two ago, but mixed in some sperging about lesbians.
No. 904609
>>904557teens ARE kids
so no don't fuck them
No. 904628
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>>904618my parents grew heirloom tomatoes when i was growing up and i never understood the tomato hate until i moved out and started seeing the nasty pale “tomatoes” they tend to use in restaurants and fast food. no wonder people hate them. good ones i can eat like a fucking peach though.
No. 904998
>>904993Nta but that’s a dumbass cope. Insulin and Inhalers are things that some people just actually need because otherwise an illness will kill them.
Do you really need to take heroin before going out, otherwise some unnamed illness will kill you?
Of course not, but idiots take such hard drugs because they stimulate their already fried brains, and if they’re from a first world country and have enough money for therapy but prefer taking Xanax, then they’re just retarded and whatever happens to them isn’t exactly a tragedy.
No. 904999
>>904983>>904993Ya'll need to seriously chill. Clearly I wasn't talking about prescriptions. Was referring to people who say they need cocaine, party drugs, and shit.
And you
>>904978 have bigger issues then even prescriptions could fix. Seriously seek therapy.
No. 905016
>>905013Already said multiple times that's not what I meant. Move on nonita.
>>905012Exactly! Always hypocritical too. They say it's "their choice" and tell you not to judge them but then try to get you join them and question constantly why you don't do xyz. It's annoying as hell.
No. 905183
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>>905165Can't believe the media can still get a rise out of people by peddling genuine 18th century retardation. Who's going to be the one to write the new version of A Modest Proposal?
No. 905274
>>905272i'm pro choice. did you know you can be pro choice and not be a psychotic bitch at the same time that compares babies to parasites?
No. 905284
>>905277yeah, maybe stop spouting anti-choice talking points then. "Guys it's a complex issue" "muh both sides are equally bad"
is it pro-choicers shooting doctors and harassing rape
victims? fuck off
No. 905298
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The cottagecore aesthetic is thinly veiled proana material that glamorizes a fiction reality of what living in the moment is like whilst being perfectly glamed up in an outdoor country setting. There is nothing clean and polished about farm life nor the country side because it's mostly hard work, not white dresses on grass covered with morning dew. It's not being lathered in makeup during sunny days while you eat bread on the ground full of 1000 bugs. It's definitely not full of waif influencers who wear big straw hats and pretend to read a book for their instagram. The fact this aesthetic is being sold to depressed city dwellers is so sad because they just want to live in the moment without feeling distracted by something else. It's only effect is buying more fast fashion and trash rather than making sustainability mainstream.
No. 905302
>>905163I think it depends whenever the person made the assumption based on stereotypes and prejudices or if they had a hunch based on the fact they knew you well as a person so they could tell that you probably weren't straight. It's different to saying " I knew you were a lesbian because you dress butch lol" vs " I always suspected you had a crush on our neighbor so I wasn't terribly shocked to know you were gay."
The latter actually implies they actually know your body language or it was frankly obvious and they'd have to be dumb not to see. If the gay person has experienced the first ofc it's going to be annoying
No. 905306
>>905301you mean the anons screeching how the act of making children is akin to having a bug or parasite in your body DON'T want children? i never would have guessed.
>>905303YOU are the one who doesn't want children. why are you bringing up figurative men? take some responsibility for once in your life
No. 905314
>>905306Nah, It’s retarded, like seriously, rapist won’t get vasectomies even if they know they’re raping women and little girls with the possibility of them getting pregnant.
Should a kid get her tubes tied after she’s born in case a guy wants to rape her?
What if a woman who wants to have kids with her husband gets raped? She should’ve gotten her tubes tied?
You’re retarded and you don’t know the real issues of banning abortions. I hope you never have kids.
No. 905316
>>905307an abortion is a serious thing that women should have the right to, but not take it fucking lightly and act like a psycho like you are being.
>>905314yeah okay of course when you're run into a corner the only thing you can talk about is rape babies… when you know damn well that the general topic isn't about rape babies. get help for real.
No. 905317
>>905306>figurative menThere should be equal responsibility but in reality all the responsibility for preventing pregnancy comes down on women. But we don't create babies without men so figurative how exactly.
>>905298True but did anyone think it was somehow realistic whatsoever? It's called an aesthetic, the name literally says it's visual and not practical.
No. 905330
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Geoffrey is the worst Fresh Prince of Bel-Air character. He's not sassy in a funny way, he's just rude. I like Hillary the most, but I definitely see how that stance is debatable.
No. 905337
>>905316NTA but it is very much about rape babies. You think if there was an exception for rape
victims, that they wouldn’t find a way to make sure as few women as possible would actually get labeled as rape
There are women who get pregnant living with abusers who control them and are only able to even think about abortion when they’ve gotten out. You can not make a decision about abortion law without considering ALL women and how scrotes will twist any loophole for the worst
No. 905366
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Can we please move on, you guys derail and have this argument every thread.
Anyways I have no issues with genderbending characters to make a hetero ship. Unless the person is outwardly being homophobic, I could care less.
No. 905380
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>>905374I know right, also, I actually like the whole “baddie” style, I want to get some acrylics and take a picture with a style kind of like pic related.
No. 905402
>>905374I love long press-ons honestly. Acrylics are alright but I get tired of having the same nails quickly.
>>902663Some of them are. Seeing all the nice male bodies actually motivated me to get into shape and start lifting kek
No. 905412
>>905409This tbh I think it’s all for fun. I think it’s on the same level as “crack ships” where people just do it to mix it up. Or to shitpost.
All the possibilities are fun to explore IMO
No. 905442
>>905432Also, I'm not caping for abortion to be a method of contraception. It's a protective measure in case of accident and can safe women that are in shit situations such as
abusive relantioships or in cases of rape. Just because some women use it to prevent pregnancies doesn't mean it's something to be taken away from those that could use it
No. 905462
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Sometimes I feel that people like Hero Hei or YellowFlash over exaggerate about Japan. I like Japan, their culture, history and media, but it gets kind of tiring having "Based Japan completely destroys cringe Marvel/DC writer!!!" videos so often, when in reality is just japanese people making fun of american wokies on Twitter. Japanese people hate american liberals, but so does a lot of other people, so I don't get why they feel the need to make so many videos about it as if it was something new.
And while the American comic industry is at its lowest point, I think that there should be less praising at the japanese manga industry. Sure, they make more money and there are better mangas than comics, or a least more variety, but the living conditions of the mangakas is insane and sad to watch, not the overly free and based thing that those channels are pretty much trying to sell.
No. 905493
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If you like sprinkles past the age of 9, none of your food takes should be trusted.
No. 905512
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Sprinkle haters are fucking SICK and miserable people. I see sprinkles on a dessert and it instantly makes me happy, I don't see how you can hate these. I can literally taste the pic, ugh
No. 905520
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>>905493It is okay, anon! The sprinkles won't take it personally! Sprinkles make everyone happy!
No. 905531
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>>905434It has been really bad for the past weeks, I wonder if someone from 4chan encouraged raiding here or if it's just the aftermath of the kiwiscrotes from the chris chan threads staying here.
No. 905549
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>>905493Let me introduce you to the best sprinkles
No. 905554
>>905493Wtf that's too much sprinkles you're supposed to
sprinkle them on your food not submerge it in a tub of sprinkles
No. 905555
I find it really dumb when people try to blame "woke politics" or "libtards" etc for manga being more successful than marvel and dc. It's such a retard self-serving take.
Ok retard but have you considered:
-Not everybody wants to read nothing but modern day setting superhero comics for 60+ years
-Characters like spiderman have like 60 different comics between reboots sidestories alternate universes etc, so you basically have to do
homework just to know where to start reading. If you want to read a manga most of the time you just choose the title you want and you pick the first book, EZ
-Manga volumes are just cheaper
Those are some reasons you could remember if you had 2 digit iq, idk why comic fans insist on making it like wokeism is the only imaginable factor.
This is probably not that unpopular here (especially since it's usually moids that do this) but the times that I've seen women go against these types of takes it's usually going "um acshually that's not true comics are doing very well right now, they're not being trumped by manga that's just rightwing propaganda" wich imo comes of as a bit cope and I don't think is right either.
>>905462Youtube keeps triying to recomend hero hei to me but all of his videos have such "libtard feminazis get OWNED by facts and logic" vibes just from the titles I refuse to watch any of them
No. 905606
>>905555Well I appreciate your take and it's pretty reasonable. I kinda dislike how much cape shit choked the American comic book market to a point it seems other types of comics outside of maybe manga can achieve the same type of success and I suspect manga only got big because of waves of weebs and weeb adjacent people boosting up sales.
Just the rambles of a salty anon that grew up on some European/ Belgian stuff
No. 905685
>>905681I'm also sort of confused of if you are doing something that you like that a pick me would do for attention, are you still a pick me?
A lot of people seem to think so.
No. 905703
>>905695Samefag but sorry anon, I have memory issues and I’ve been very stressed and busy lately so that whole post seems like a clusterfuck.
>>905697men just hate anything a woman does so that’s not what I’m talking about, it’s just women are under the false assumption that other women who don’t want to wear makeup and perform femininity must make them a greasy, filthy pick-me who plays video games “with the boyz” or something
No. 905720
>>905703>it’s just women are under the false assumption that other women who don’t want to wear makeup and perform femininity must make them a greasy, filthy pick-me who plays video games “with the boyz” or somethingAnyone who uses the term like that doesn't understand what "pickme" means and is probably conflating it with nlog/tomboy. Pickmes crave male attention like it's oxygen and do whatever they can to get it, which is usually spending tons of money on makeup, hair, high heels, waxing, liposuction, injections, asshole bleaching etc. Often they'll also pretend to have "masculine" interests like gaming, porn, hunting/sports etc. If a woman is to the point where she's "dirty and greasy" and doesn't wear makeup, she most likely doesn't crave male attention that badly.
No. 905782
>>905739Wading through most of this thread was a miserable experience, and I almost gave up hope till I read
>uwu girls and bruh girlsThank you Anon
No. 905867
>>905316this logic has never made any sense to me
>an abortion is a serious thing that women should have the right to, but not take it fucking lightly and act like a psycho like you are being. translation: women should only get an abortion if they have to and if they feel upset about it. its bad and evil if a woman is happy about having an abortion because its killing a baby. therefore, we should punish the women who don't want to be pregnant have a baby….by making them give birth and have a baby
you think you are speaking from a place of empathy but really youre the real child hater her. you want thousands of women to give birth to children they hate, thousands of women and children in
toxic, fucked up situations full of resentment and potential trauma.
No. 905912
>>905867NTA, but this is kind of cringe. Of course the general population won't smile on abortion as a rule, it's not exactly a breeze. Just use a condom or any other form of BC. It's a necessary option for all women, but you don't need to make it out to be a "happy" thing (and like it or not, some people verge on distasteful/edgelord levels when they try too hard). It's just part of life, and it comes with its own complications.
>women should only get an abortion if they have toYeah, as opposed to what, abortions for fun? "Just felt like getting knocked up, that's my kink, but I don't want a baby lol"? "Actually, getting abortions is my kink"? That'd be off-putting to any sane person, anon.
No. 905924
>>905867Because unintentionally getting pregnant and then deciding to have an abortion is a traumatic experience for women. Imagine finding out that you're pregnant when you don't want to be? Imagine if you were in a
abusive relationship and found out you were carrying your abusers child? That in itself is traumatic enough without the prospect of an invasive medical procedure. Even if it's the right choice the entire series of events is a horrible experience.
No. 906125
File: 1631279002662.jpg (58.79 KB, 333x500, 51diUrAeWpL.jpg)

>>906046The artstyle is enough to deter me from reading it, the characters all look like spastic chipmunks, especially the main character.
No. 906147
>>906145samefag, no one could have figured out*
also kek at all that redtext
No. 906190
>>906171>>906173how do you guys even enter that type of conversation? i literally just avoid the topic of trannies as if trannies don't exist because i wish they didn't
No. 906244
File: 1631289815779.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.98 KB, 735x409, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resour…)

PB&Js are fucking trash. I can't keep hiding how I feel about this. I'm so tired of everyone acting like they are the pinnacle of nostalgic childhood food.
No. 906248
>>906162It’s sexist that women can’t hate troons without being called a “
terf” or a “radfem” but men don’t get any labels or names. What kind of bullshit is that? We should all hate troons equally.
No. 906299
>>906297> like…just buy a different brand that does have your shade?I mean, I kind of get that there’s people out there that are not feeling like playing the Russian roulette with makeup with the risk of an allergic reaction.
If you have a brand that doesn’t make your skin go red, then it’s pretty sad when you can’t find the color you want, specially when a brand that gives you allergic reactions has the shade you like.
But it is retarded when people gets mad because there isn’t a nude shade the exact same color of their skin tone as if there wasn’t a hell a bunch of skin tones to replicate.
No. 906322
>>906297eh, it's true that nowadays there are many options, but as someone who's pale as a ghost in a meditarranian country I understand their frustration, before nyx opened here I think there were exactly 0 affordable foundation options for me. It's very annoying though I wouldn't complain about it on social media or boycott the brand or anything
>>906315>lol just get wrinkles and skin cancertanning is bad for you nona
No. 906379
>>906366>tanning saloonI am now picturing rugged cowboys with just a towel around their waist and cowboy hat on their head
It's a pleasant picture
No. 959728
>>901281Anon asexuality isn't some unique orientation, it's just a word used to describe a lack of one. And those straights and gays may also describe themselves as asexual.
>>901517Never seen it before but I can see why that might be annoying.