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No. 2327835
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
>>2227690>>2104812>>2020501>>1937421>>1837807>>1730346 No. 2327848
File: 1735719453773.png (631.19 KB, 1080x2870, 1000018753.png)

Starting off with a RedPillWomen post
No. 2327852
>>2327848Story has to be fake, been together for about 4 years and just glosses over him going to
prison last year
No. 2327870
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No. 2327996
>>2327870Scrotes, especially working class scrotes, like to delude themselves into thinking that they will be the fantasy rich top 10% scrote that fucks lots of women when in reality if that was true, then all these men wouldn't be having a "loneliness epidemic" of primarily middle aged scrotes. They just lie to each other and delude themselves, which media inflates their ego too. "Yo bro just keep grinding, the babes will be all over you" sorry, no amount of grinding long term will get you in that place. You'll hit the wall and become more bitter, listen to podcast bros who scam you with crypto and shit, but don't worry. As they fleece you, they will scapegoat women and sing the praises of males (like you!) to keep you coming back for your fix of delusion and cope.
The biggest red pill is literally walking outside and touching grass and realizing life isn't a fucking replica of some redditor's analysis of it
No. 2328090
File: 1735745388715.png (410.89 KB, 924x3142, right.png)

I can't believe how people are falling on this Wattpad fic. Didn't they learn nothing after the TIF Korean forced to marry a successful moid?
No. 2328636
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I always wonder whats being left out when i see post #17188273627277 of this nature. Wtf are you doing that causes everyone to hate you? I doubt it's your so called "introversion".
No. 2330195
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What is it with all these stories of men tampering with their wives' food?? This isn't the first time I see a post on Reddit about some poor woman who found out her husband was doing disgusting shit to her food. I hope to God this is just ragebait or some weird fetish fanfiction because I don't want to believe this actually happened.
No. 2330288
>>2330261I carry a jagged boot knife with me and have a violent temper. I kind of wish a scrote would try to set
me on fire. Even if he succeeded, adrenaline is crazy. I'd make an example out of him and put a great big smile on his face, for everyone to see, for the rest of his life
No. 2330584
>>2330288I don't know how to say this to you the nice way, Scrappy Doo, but you wouldn't survive. The only way you're going to take down a man is if he doesn't know you're attacking him, or he's elderly or disabled. I think you have movie fantasies in your head. Do you think the millions of women who've been raped or brutalized don't also have fight or flight instincts? You'd be more likely to be a
victim of murder.
No. 2330861
File: 1735916499555.jpg (471.48 KB, 1080x1856, IMG_20250103_155300.jpg)

Based mom gave me a good chuckle
No. 2330951
>>2330865Starvation mode is misunderstood by a lot of people. It has more to do with the metabolic processes the body undergoes shifting to accommodate energy needs as glycogen and fat stores become depleted. I think what you're referring to is a declined metabolism. As they lose weight, their caloric needs drop, so they require less calories to maintain their weight. There are also different components to weight, for example if they eat carbs and salt, they'll hold more water weight, whereas if they eschew carbs and have inadequate salt, they'll be more dehydrated. If they start having digestive issues, they could also be chronically constipated. Weight plateaus despite caloric shortage can only be short-lived and due to shifts in water/fecal weight, and if they have organ failure, the water weight could be increased as well. As long as they stay below maintenance calories, they'll pass the plateau and continue losing weight.
No. 2331037
File: 1735927057024.jpeg (358.92 KB, 763x1280, IMG_0690.jpeg)

You can tell by the comments that the average redditor is an ugly fattie kek. They got so salty.
No. 2331045
>>2331037He sounds like
he wants to fuck Mike, kek
No. 2331071
>>2331057I forgot that there are fatties here too kek.
Attractiveness goes both way retard.
No. 2331079
>>2331037No woman is "too ugly" for any moid. Even the most gorgeous Chad on Earth has some kind of problem that makes him miserable to be in a heterosexual relationship with, like porn addiction, bad hygiene, being bad at sex, being financially irresponsible, having retarded politics, being unwilling to do housework or care for children, having bald genes, aging like shit, etc. An ugly woman is going to pretty much remain at the same level of ugliness throughout her entire life, whereas an attractive moid usually looks like shit before he even reaches forty. This homo needs to mind his own goddamn business and stop seething about seeing an ugly Stacy win.
No. 2331090
>>2331079But the Stacy doesn’t win in reality. Sometimes you just have to be realistic kek. Where are all these ugly women with out of league scrotes look wise then?
There are levels, few men are attractive generally though, that’s very much true though.
No. 2331278
File: 1735937402040.jpeg (129.93 KB, 800x1154, 20180503-cavill.jpeg)

>>2330604Specially the "He looks like a short Henry Cavill". Right, and I look like the Queen of England.
No. 2331434
>>2331121I’d be scared that they would overpower me all the same and steal the knife, that or you might end up hurting yourself while trying to stab the bastard. What’s worse than a scrote? A scrote with a knife.
In a high panic situation, where you’re scared for your life you won’t be able to think clearly and grab the knife properly. You’d rather have a chance to flee, maybe deodorant and a lighter kek.
Anyway I wish females could spit acid or something , it’s really not fair.
No. 2331615
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No. 2331618
File: 1735950431072.gif (6.37 MB, 540x595, 1000000256.gif)

>>2331278Truly proof that hgh will obliterate your looks and expand your skull like rising dough. So many men think hgh is the answer and all it does is blow their skulls out like Sam Hyde.
No. 2331620
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That transbian poster was going on about muh cis women but OP is trans.
No. 2331658
>>2331644I'm serious. Dont advertise this to women or pretend it's a good idea. You need a gun and you need to be far enough away that you can fire without it being ripped from your hands. I don't even think its funny to meme about this because there's a reason women are taught to maime in the groin and
run the fuck away.
No. 2331671
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>>2331615>>2331620Kek so two autistic straight men tried to be prison gay and it didn't go so well, who'da thunk
No. 2332342
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No. 2332344
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Please be fake.
No. 2333095
File: 1736031286243.png (1.39 MB, 2048x2048, valuable-attorneywhere.png)

>Dana subreddit owner gets exposed for being as retarded as Dana
>account deleted
No. 2333543
File: 1736051425998.jpeg (775.87 KB, 1170x1308, IMG_9344.jpeg)

An instance of scrotes wanting to be catered to again. I don’t intend for people to discuss about subliminals here because I know it’s a controversial subject, but I just found this post particularly annoying (even if it’s only supposed to be a “meme”) because it reeks of “what about meee?” male entitlement and the OP is wanting subliminal creators (which most are female) to make more subliminals for men.
No. 2333577
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No. 2333623
>>2333377 said, and I'll add that I don't hate anas as a group but it is a strange coincidence that every single one I've met has been an insufferable bitch obsessed with bodychecking and pointing out how fat every woman is around her (men never got this treatment ofc). It gets tiring listening to someone repeating how smol of a bean they are ad nauseam.
No. 2333633
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>>2333543Do men even listen to subliminal outside of sissy hypno porn audios? Like, that's genuinely the only form of subliminal for men I can think of that exists. It's not like there isn't subliminals for wanting masculine features of whatever the fuck, pic related as an example, so what exactly do they want? What would a "male" subliminal be? Would it just be some rugged guy saying "you have a big penis, your ex secretly wants you, woman want to fuck you" over and over?
No. 2333642
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>>2333595It's extremely obnoxious! Yes, thank you for oh so generously stooping down to women's interests
Of course, so many of them HAVE to bring up how masculine and secure they are, because God forbid a guy expresses anything feminine in a way that can't be turned into a joke
Not as if they ever have anything substantial to add to discussions if they left their manhood out of it
No. 2333657
File: 1736058227040.png (265.16 KB, 945x845, Bq5fnfe.png)

Okay wait. If I'm reading between the lines correctly, people in r/subliminal were thinking that listening to a youtube video would change the color of their eyes?
No. 2333670
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How common is is for tifs to detransition once they realize T wont magically turn them into the “softboi” they think it will? No. 2334379
File: 1736112846847.png (250.84 KB, 1080x1007, 50105-15243.png)

>>2333803>>2333657>>2333633A lot of moids listen to these fetish furry subliminals too.why am I not surprised?I have even seen one subliminal to get cow utters ew
No. 2334576
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need nonas’ takes on this
No. 2334578
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>>2334576the full post is batshit insane
No. 2334593
>>2334578>>2334580My verdict is:
abusive moid who gets off on controlling and humiliating his gf. Troon out possible.
No. 2334597
>>2334580So baby autismo has been lied to by his family regarding the ingredients of his safe food and the sister is mad her spot got blown up.
How did this infant masquerading as a man go through life without asking if there was tomato in fucking stew!? How much does he hate his girlfriend that he thinks she’d intentionally sabotage a recipe she spent money on when she’s clearly concerned about their budgetary constraints but is willing to go the extra mile to work out and make his favorite food?
She needs to stop mixing money, split bills 50/50 and work on an exit plan if her child mind infantfriend can’t get a grip. She didn’t invent the fucking recipe, she tried to work within his disability and like a fucking child be cried about it when reality was revealed to him. Is she sure he’s not actually retarded? This would be quiet the way to find out this whole time she’s been dating someone with brain damage.
No. 2334620
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>>2334576On r/amitheangel their response to this post is to defend the honour of the autistic boyfriend. Honestly I can’t stand that sub, I thought it’d be a fun place to laugh at blatantly fake reddit stories, but they’re more interested in moralfagging over them instead. No. 2334657
>>2334580this man is not simply autistic, he is retarded. walking out of the restaurant after learning his ~favorite stew~ has
always contained a food he's labeled "not safe" OP should have left him that very nignt, you cant fix stupid.
No. 2334662
>>2333797>Munchsnark>Illnessfakers>FakedisordercringeThe idea of BPDfags seething and malding at
other, less skinny BPDfags is making me kek so hard.
No. 2334908
>>2334716it has nothing to do with autism and everything to do with maleness. this is literally how the average male behaves. his girlfriend has to be his mommy cook and clean up after him and also pay most of the bills to not be a "golddigger". There is no way a woman even an autistic one can find a partner who babies her like this. but I bet you do these things for your hubby, stupid bitch.
So if you have to abandon a baby you better abandon the male ones.
No. 2335066
>>2334662That’s all they do. I like to go to the proana scumbags thread and laugh at the people in there for the same reason
>she was only IP for 2 weeks in 4 years? She’s fake! I was IP for 7 weeks in 2 years!!!!!They’ll take a normal ass pic and be accused of bodychecking because the ex-anas-current-fatty-chans will seethe about visible collar bones or something.
No. 2335960
>>2334580Okay so
>emotional and possibly physical incest going on with her sperg boyfriend and his sister >spending her own money on a male>sincerely thinks through all of this bullshit that she’s the asshole>clearly has zero backbone >there’s 90% chance it’s a fake story Give him the Amber Heard fist combo please, stop asking strangers who are likely always on the side of a worthless person aka “the disenfranchised” which never means women or minority women but people who match the Reddit userbase which are pretentious retards and pedophiles. Women cuck themselves by asking a website full of pedophiles what they think about her obviously shitty boyfriend, hit his ass already and stop crying
No. 2336313
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Another retarded male weeb spotted.what a waste of oxygen all of them are.
No. 2336322
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Shayna mentioned this in passing and I looked it up. What the fuck is going on in youtube subliminal land
No. 2336833
>>2336062I would just dump him in a home. It makes 0 difference to these retards who is looking after them. I’m
>>2336830There was one nonverbal violent retard that came to our home, his mother looked after him for 25 years as a single parent. He beat her until he dislocated shoulders and fractured her eye socket. He was barely upset to see her go. During her first visit, he refused to acknowledge her and it’s like he no longer cared. He cared more about chocolate biscuits than his own mother, I swear. There’s just no point keeping them. Dump them at the nearest available home and never look back.
No. 2336882
>>2336095I hate to say that it's because they let it happen, but I think that's the truth. My cousin's son had a few hitting "accidents" within a few months of each other, and after they realized it was intentional he was grounded and lost all his everything for a whole month. And that stopped it for good.
>>2336833> It makes 0 difference to these retards who is looking after them. I agree. Which is what makes it so tragic to see whole families dedicate their whole lives to caring for one super scrote who won't care at all after they're gone. It's honestly tragic. And they would all be horribly offended if you pointed out that he really doesn't GAF about them as persons. They also are filthy and ruin living spaces, which is one thing people never ever talk about.
No. 2337374
>>2337121This is so, so embarrassing. Just the thought of dating a man who has even read about these is enough to make me
femcel for life. I don't understand why the women in that subreddit don't break up with these useless gooner moids already. We are so fucked.
No. 2337399
>>2336322Imagine putting up with an unemployed,
abusive, and schizo-sissy to "make a marriage work."
I want to find this woman and tell her that even if she's 0/10 hideous that life is better single than whatever the fuck this is. Hope it's just fiction.
No. 2337672
>>2337121Apparently there are videos which play random sound effects so the Bambi hypnosis can be "
triggered" in everyday life, so imagine listening to the AI read this script while glassbreak.mp4 and stock door opening sound effects rape your eardrums. Very erotic and not at all retarded kek
No. 2337688
>>2337374why be
femcel when you can be femfull (lesbianism)
No. 2337715
>>2333642Nta but holy shit, you are so right. They think that it makes the female-associated interest more
valid by associating themselves as men with it because women and our interests fundamentally don’t matter. But a man likes it? Approved!!!!
No. 2337815
File: 1736289412511.png (Spoiler Image,160.87 KB, 1201x743, 44ZOSEc.png)

>>2337121I don't actually understand what these files are though because
>>2336322 said he abused his wife, lost his ability to control his anger (yelled/hit her?), forced himself on her sexually (raped her?) and I don't understand what any of that has to do with being a bimbo with big boobs and no brain. I found this article (picrel because it's an imageboard, but it's basically what you would expect) that said that this one rapist man used sexual hypnosis to rape women. Why is it that listening to the hypnosis files makes women not want to fight back against rape, but the exact same files make men commit rape?
No. 2337827
>>2337283This anon is trying to say that if she goes to Thailand but looked like a white man (for some reason) she would be drowning in pussy. Then anon tried to subtly neg the thread by saying that white women are too ugly to get laid
in fucking Thailand and that she agrees but "coitus" isn't the reason she's going to Thailand. That is what her issue is, trying to avoid the well-known plague of random men "reminding" (because anon didn't disagree) that white women are too ugly to be fucked by thai moids.
This after another anon posted bambi hypno script
No. 2338138
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No. 2338465
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No. 2338468
>>2338465I thought the glasses it was holding was a fucking
gun at first kekekek
No. 2338579
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No. 2338624
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No. 2338786
>>2338764What…? Is this a thing? Did you guys get pats on the head when you were children? Because I didn't… my mom would come up to me and run her fingers through my hair or put her hand on my shoulder. But she didn't literally pat my head, neither did anyone in my family for that matter.
>>2338768But why…
No. 2338915
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>>2338786Like another anona said, it's an anime thing, and usually associated with loli. I remember when I was a big weeb I used to see shit like "lolis aren't for lewding they're for headpats!" Or some shit like that. God I feel old. It's just trannies trying to be cute and looking like pedophiles instead.
Also when I was googling "headpats" to find a gif, the first webpage result was a post from actuallesbians asking if it was a real thing kek.
No. 2339270
File: 1736378749862.png (66.02 KB, 926x527, reddcuck.png)

I'm from burgerland and have always seen strip clubs as cheating. What is cheating to libcuck redditors? Is it that since strippers are being paid, they're not technically "another person" but they're instead a "service"?
Because on one hand, sending a kissy face to a coworker is seen as cheating on reddit. But having a woman grinding on a married man almost/fully naked and making him extremely aroused isn't?
No. 2339301
>>2339282Neither do women either, apparently. You're allowed to call it "disrespectful" but NEVER call it cheating, and if you divorce over it you're overreacting.
Somehow, it's not "emotional" (although I consider intense feelings of sexual arousal to be as strong as an emotion, so I guess 'not love') but since moids are apparently able to compartmentalize sexual vs emotional feelings, shouldn't any casual sex the man has be 'not cheating' to redditors?
No. 2339602
>>2339270>>2338597IDK if reddit created a specific kind of very rude, obtuse neckbeard (and XX soul neckbeard), or if they all just migrated to reddit on their own. You can honestly tell on other sites when somebody has clocked in a million hours on reddit.
>>2338624This woman is naive as hell. Men are ALWAYS at a club, strip club, or bar because of a friend acting crazy. The truth is that somebody who knows them both spotted him partying, and he didn't want to risk the other man telling her first.
No. 2341134
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Imagine a scrote making more sense than you. In the comments she specifies that her kink is CNC.
No. 2341474
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>>2341249>>2341247>>2340039do YOU see where you are nonna? kek read the room
No. 2341554
>>2337283Late but I'm in the same boat. I'm interested in staying in Thailand for a longer time period and it's really hard to find any info or content about it that's not by sexpests. Worst thing is, it actually seems as if the streets there really are full of white (and black) old moids, I'd hate to be around them, even just seeing them walking with their "girlsfriends" makes me want to puke.
Recently, this rhetoric is also popping up about western women in other asian countries, they really try to gaslight you when in reality there is no way of finding out how true or wrong this is because there are much less female expats in general and many have no interest in dating anyway. Moids and their degenerate and violent behavior are the reason foreigners are disliked in those countries, nobody cares (or even knows) how feminist western women are.
Plus many of the most famous female thai celebrities are half-white, tall and have a sexy/cool styling, the average thai isn't into tiny "submissive" teengirls or ladyboys.
No. 2342928
File: 1736633829421.jpeg (112.1 KB, 1170x503, IMG_0767.jpeg)

“Faggot pedos are welcome with other straight pedos now” kek
No. 2342940
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(1/2) Lovely defense of the famous French slime named Serge Gainsbourg. For context, France Gall was a French singer who came out with a song at age 18 called “Les Sucettes”, or “Lollipops”, which written by the much-older Serge Gainsbourg. He later bragged about how “daring” it was. It being writing a song about sucking dick. According to Wikipedia, this is how France Gall actually felt about it:
>Gall had said that she did not understand the song's subtext when she recorded it at age 18. By Gall's account, she did not realize until later why the filming of the clip attracted so many visitors to the set. She was then extremely upset – "mortified, hiding herself away for weeks, refusing to face anyone". Gall said that she had sung Gainsbourg's songs "with an innocence of which I'm proud" and "was pained to then learn that he had turned the situation to his advantage, mocking me." In a 2001 television interview, Gall said that she had felt "betrayed by the adults around me" afterwards.
No. 2342945
File: 1736634363879.jpeg (177.62 KB, 750x890, IMG_2957.jpeg)

(2/2) Lemon Incest is a song he recorded and filmed the music video with his 12-year-old daughter Charlotte Gainsbourg. The music video is literally them lying on a bed together half naked. And then he produced a short film a few years later with him and 14-year-old Charlotte called Charlotte For Ever about a father (Serge) being sexually attracted to his daughter Charlotte (Charlotte). Didn’t even change her name. Very artful.
No. 2342971
>>2342940>>2342945Scrotoids that defend the massive amounts of male musicians who sublimate their fucked up sex stuff into their art refuse to either confront their own disgusting sexuality or don't notice that if a guy wanted to write lyrics for shock value, he would write about things other than women and girls being raped. You would think that they would try to attack every precious thing that would Riley people up. But yeah, Serges art just so happens to exploit innocent women because it's 'funny' and '''harmless''', besides, he didn't ACTUALLY have sex with his own daughter, just sang about wanting to and posed suggestively half-naked in a music video with her. So it's not creepy actually. He's just pushing your buttons. That's all he wants to do, just trust me brah.
I hate pedophile culture so much.
No. 2344425
File: 1736728996821.jpg (896.69 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20250112-184235_Red…)

Average redditor sleepover bag. And yes, it's a tranny.
No. 2344893
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I have no clue which thread this best belongs in but I figured this one was the safest bet.
No. 2345329
>>2344893They do realize being geisha is just being a trophy prostitute? Or do they think its different because its "
No. 2345379
>>2340039I went to strip clubs a couple times (not with a moid and while I was single) and had similar experience. the strippers and bartenders were nice but the bottle girls were rude. sometimes the moids would get stoked and buy me drinks and want to bro out over the strippers. one of them let me lick her boob when I asked if there was something she'd let me do that she wouldn't let one of the men do. one was aggressive about getting me to touch her, like grab my hands to put them on her boobs.
was bicurious and didn't want to "work through it" with a person, lead a lesbian on, etc.
No. 2345380
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>>2339602Redditors have always been that way. I found the site back in 2012 as a young teen and it was the same pic related types back then.
No. 2345841
File: 1736804938596.jpeg (619.48 KB, 1170x2009, IMG_0793.jpeg)

And who makes up this system kek , I never take any feminist sub on reddit seriously, apart from one, since they always put makes at the forefront and completely dismiss women kek.
No. 2346038
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No. 2346045
File: 1736812084678.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x1885, 87B6FAE0-4DB0-4F8B-A32F-32D1A3…)

>>2345250I thought it was too when I first found it. If it is ragebait they’re in it for the long haul since the account is almost a year old and fairly innocuous outside being a naive and dumb kid.
No. 2346169
File: 1736817258076.jpeg (199.68 KB, 1420x1050, 8EFFFEC0-1970-437B-B217-4DEFD6…)

“Women speaking out about being raped and abused in Hollywood, faggots most affected”
No. 2346701
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>But muh heckin roles reversed!
No. 2346709
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>>2346701should've gone full Jodi on him
No. 2346719
File: 1736892128792.png (374.48 KB, 1038x1284, Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 2.01.…)

I initially refused to believe this was real but the OP seems equally flabbergasted. There's a lot here but the rundown is this: a 42-year-old scrote told his wife that he and his brother-in-law intended to go on a "gaycation" where a bunch of dudes have an orgy in Ibiza "but it doesn't count because nobody is actually gay" and that he needed to "surrender himself mind, body and soul" to the gaycation. Acting like this is a completely normal thing that "all men do". Spoiler alert, it turns out that the brother in law is into sissy hypno porn, too. Holy shit.
The only good thing to come from this is that the OP kicked him out of the house, told her sister-in-law about it as well as his mother while he cried. No. 2346723
File: 1736892313239.jpeg (417.86 KB, 1170x1257, IMG_0798.jpeg)

Why do I feel like this is just a porn addict virgin scrote and not a woman kek.
No. 2346724
>>2346720The blonde her was so gorgeous on her. I usually think that natural hair is always better, but blonde Jodi really looks beautiful.
I know that she ultimately killed the scrote for leaving her and not for being a pedo since she was pandering and playing into it so I avoid over-idolizing her, but at least she killed a pedo, let’s look at the silver lining here kek.
No. 2346727
>>2346701Scrotes will bring a woman to exhaustion and desperation and then play
victim. I bet he’ll also call her a crazy ex.
She should have hired some thugs to beat him up black and blue.
No. 2346750
>>2346701I fucking hate the way redditors have zero nuance. "Muh muh roles reversed!" A woman slapping a man is not even on the same plane as a man hitting a woman half his size and muscle mass. A man hitting a woman is dangerous, a woman hitting a man can't do shit. It's like if your child slaps you, you can't be like "my son physically abused me!" You were never in physical danger with him. Its not even similar to a man slapping you. Whatever that always pissed me off.
Also that scrote is absolutely going to use this as his "trauma" to ingratiate himself to some poor unsuspecting girl down the road.
No. 2346826
File: 1736896147911.jpeg (63.12 KB, 448x120, IMG_0382.jpeg)

40 fucking years old and can’t say the word rape. Even the women who post on reddit are spineless shits.
No. 2347083
File: 1736912267552.jpeg (314.49 KB, 1151x741, IMG_8750.jpeg)

Did people really form their identity around Gaiman’s work?
No. 2347086
File: 1736912410825.jpeg (364.93 KB, 1170x905, IMG_8775.jpeg)

>>2347083Every book related subreddit has been annoying and somehow jkr gets dog pilled on
No. 2347427
File: 1736946010110.png (241.82 KB, 640x275, IMG_0816.png)

The new measure were probably implemented because homeless scrotes were harassing women, I bet.
No. 2347429
>>2347086“The rest of us” and they were the first to say that the
victims were
TERF liars kek.
No. 2347527
File: 1736951682500.jpg (865.81 KB, 1080x1729, Picsart_25-01-15_09-33-26-962.…)

This is depressing
No. 2347925
>>2347920sameanon as above also wanted to add: "We need to be more cOmPaAsSioNaTe as human beings"
Well, yes! Where's the compassion for all of the frightened women who have to deal with a schizo male screaming that he wants to kill you? Being a "marginalized" male is like living on free play mode I guess and the rules of society don't apply to them.
No. 2348170
File: 1736985521131.png (831.13 KB, 1007x1276, Screenshot_20250115-165341.png)

The urge to post ywnbaw on posts like this is overwhelming. Congrats, you transitioned from fat bald moid to chubby bald moid in a wig. Brave and stunning.
No. 2348236
>>2348231literally that's all troons.
Porn addicted AGPs are the absolute worst.
No. 2348252
>>2346701 Slap across the face is perfectly fine for a woman to do to a man who she just discovered cheated on her (no, it's not okay for a man, who is way stronger and statistically more dangerous to hit a woman for any reason). The pedo shit deserves a hammer. But I understand that wouldn't be worth it because the woman who got cheated on doesn't deserve prison time.
She should figure out who the girls parents are and let them know her near 30 year old shithead boyfriend is sexting their daughter. Then give them all his info and do whatever you can in your power to get that scrote behind bars and on a sex offenders registry.
No. 2348270
>>2348170I get that some women do have narrow hips compared to most and that it's probably the excuse this trannoid is gonna attempt to use to justify himself, but holy fuck, this is so obviously and blatantly male that there is no biological explanation for a woman to ever be built like this. He's built like a slim Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove. Women with narrower hips don't look like
This is just male and wig.
No. 2348442
File: 1737000897265.jpeg (262.62 KB, 1125x1366, IMG_6300.jpeg)

what is this sub?
No. 2350050
File: 1737099075352.jpeg (731.17 KB, 1179x2263, IMG_9115.jpeg)

Coomers on Reddit genuinely have the most unhinged justifications for their coomerism lmao
No. 2350732
File: 1737137302347.png (117.05 KB, 1351x651, video games.png)

Reddit moids are unbelievable.
No. 2351630
File: 1737179190747.jpg (128.86 KB, 1170x826, bc282370-342c-5070-b8a9-2cd8cf…)

I checked his website and yeah it's about what you'd expect
No. 2351724
>>2330865Your metabolism consumes an ammount of energy just by doing nothing, exercise increases this ammount.
There is no preservation mode, if you intake no calories your body breaks itself down to sustain homeostasis fats first, musclerature next, if the energy requirements are not met, you fucking die.
No. 2352472
File: 1737233076135.jpeg (481.84 KB, 1170x1540, IMG_0862.jpeg)

OF propaganda back at it again kek
No. 2352494
>>2352472I'm surprised the top comment is actually saying the truth, that she will be making far less than minimum wage for selling herself. Usually I see retards on reddit going "oh so you'll be making millions huh!!" No bitch, most women (even those who are very conventionally beautiful and sexy) don't even make $300 a month
unless they are already famous/an influencer.
No. 2354886
File: 1737341748232.jpeg (142.7 KB, 451x800, 1736442198225.jpeg)

Imagine killing yourself over interracial couples
No. 2354989
File: 1737347354185.png (268.73 KB, 1080x746, 1000019092.png)

>bf has baby mama
Why is he even your boyfriend the lack of standards is astounding
No. 2356333
File: 1737407578832.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.59 KB, 633x828, screenshot456662341002.jpg)

There's an article in the German subreddit linked where they discuss if children sex dolls should be banned (no caps because it's not in English anyway). Top comments of moids and handmaidens:
> "it's just a fantasy, so orwellian to police this!"
> "so are they gonna ban pocket pussies too now since they are innies like little girls are?"
> "uhm yes an orgasm is the biggest reward your brain can give you, but trust me this will totally keep them from raping IRL kids instead of desensitizing them"
> "imagine if the world told you you could never have sex with women again, this is how pedos feel in this world, so sad"
> "muh consent, who cares what happens as long as there is consent"
> "we shouldn't ban things just because some find it personally offensive"
I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, Germany is always in the top 3 by user number in every online pedo ring leak. Every single comment that shows some common sense is below 0. I fucking hate redditors, but German ones the most, they are so smug. Only thing keeping me sane is knowing that IRL population most likely still wants to kill pedos, but redditors always gotta have their own "enlightened, progressive" opinions.
No. 2359403
Hey so i feel so sick and disgusted seeing this that i can't even post the screencaps of what she showed but this woman's boyfriend insta feed is filled with…provocative things about children. She saw this and instead of immediately breaking up with him or getting the law involved she instead posted in the ''am i overreacting'' subreddit by asking people is she is overreacting by being shocked by what she saw. most of the comments are normal and sane and telling her her bf is a creep which is rare for reddit.
No. 2359427
File: 1737541187823.png (157.6 KB, 1875x1470, 0717606F-335C-4859-A120-D6C6FD…)

>>2356535I know soyjaks are banned but this is just so accurate
No. 2359455
File: 1737543123459.jpeg (594.42 KB, 1170x1958, IMG_0886.jpeg)

And that’s why you leave those faggots alone
No. 2362754
File: 1737689697214.png (74.3 KB, 1129x296, Screenshot 2025-01-23 9.33.36 …)

I hate how much Redditors hate women. Fuck these shits. I hope these women are safe during their meeting and some retarded redditor doesn't shoot them up.
No. 2363169
>>2362754>I hope these women are safeThey certainly don’t hope you’re safe nonna. Republican women hate you, you’re nothing but a breeding sow to them, they would rather have you bleed to death during labour than abort a dead foetus inside you. They want 16 year old girls to become broodmares. They want to take away women’s right to divorce their
abusive husbands.
No. 2363503
File: 1737736323945.jpg (60.75 KB, 540x664, oi94o4WtSl1trf0z6o1_540.jpg)

>>2363169>Republican women hate you, you’re nothing but a breeding sow to themI am begging everyone here to read Right Wing Woman.
I don't agree with Republican women, but I know for a fact that they don't view women as "breeding sows."
>>2363443Sex solidarity nonna, it's what we need and I'm glad to see others practicing it. The funny thing is, although I regularly see republican men discussing Jewish people, I've only ever seen one republican woman doing so. I would theorize that in the same way that democratic women accept pornography and trannies when voting for Democrats, that republican women accept Jewish hatred when voting for republicans.
No. 2363770
File: 1737745251195.png (843.77 KB, 1166x1650, ytOiqQb.png)

>r/dykeconversion is ending cause trump got elected
No. 2363884
>>2362754>>2363846"half of all American women" is quite the broad brush to paint with. Them being women doesn't excuse them from holding bigoted or
toxic views. They are often nasty at their core, even if you can agree on some things here and there. Sorry, but if someone's a fucking nazi, their being female doesn't negate that. They are the
victim blamers, rape apologists, handmaids ready to sell us out when it's convenient for them. They love keeping gross moids in power because they could never respect a female president. They might hate troons, but only because it goes against what they consider Godly. I'm not saying I wish bodily harm on them but they sure as hell don't give a damn about women as a whole.
No. 2363890
>>2363884you also hold bigoted and
toxic views against the other side. people vote for a number of different reasons. reupublican woman aren't all nazis. you want to throw half of women under the bus, so how are you different?
No. 2364094
>>2363890What bigoted and
toxic views?
No. 2365176
>>2364834>The right is exploiting women's fears, to encourage you vote against your best interests>"repackaged memes">In 2025 its muh immigrantsAt least for my specific demographic/nationality, they're a HUGE economical and social strain on every country they land in, as well as very dangerous on average (organized drug related crime across several countries, etc) I would know because I
literally came from the same place and had to witness their bullshit long before. It's not a meme or propaganda.
No. 2366281
File: 1737855939348.png (45.85 KB, 1259x208, Screenshot 2025-01-25 7.43.35 …)

I hate redditor teachers so much. Hope Trump fires them all.(bait)
No. 2366347
>>2362754>>2366326I don't think any of that excuses espousing Hitler and nazism, though. What does that have to do with being raised Republican, unless you're saying that connection is inevitable? Troon shit isn't so big of an issue that we have to essentially vote our bodily autonomy away and give oligarchs complete control of everything, it is not an equivalent exchange in the least. These moids do not have our best interests at heart and only care about troon shit because they see it as ungodly, gross, and gay. In fact, these right wing women could give two shits about lesbian women and their rights to begin with. Troonshit isn't being pushed by officials so much as it is a general social contagion sparked by a variety of things such as the enforcement of gender roles, the patriarchal system, social media, porn, etc. Moids are gonna moid whether they're right or left wing, that's generally a problem related to their inherent defects on account of being male more than it's related to political ideology.
No. 2366353
>>2366342Nice strawmanning. I'd rather take a shot every time a rightoid victimizes herself on account of being called out for being a literal nazi POS or sympathizer as witnessed in this post
No. 2366631
>>2365769Posting an Aella troid diagram in the
Reddit Hate Thread in earnest… fascinating.
No. 2366790
>>2366728While I don't wish violence upon strangers, it's ironic that nazis, who often wish the violent eradication of non-whites, are the potential
victims here.
No. 2368204
File: 1737987000566.jpg (155.28 KB, 962x870, Screenshot 2025-01-27 144619.j…)

please have some dignity ffs
No. 2368246
File: 1737990379219.jpg (22.79 KB, 600x338, 1000013171.jpg)

>>2368241Probably means the rare time they go on a date or most likely go to a family function she dresses appropriately and others in attendance are complimentary towards her so he can't gaslight her into seeing herself as unattractive so he makes doubles down it's only on occasion his wife looks pretty. My ex use to say similar and would even make comment about the amount of make up I would wear. I don't even wear a lot of make up meanwhile ex has a whole hair transplant and let me tell you that asshole was situational pretty. When his hair wasn't done cause it was still thinning and sparse in areas he looked like the montage of gollum being more affected by the malice of the one ring.
No. 2368311
File: 1737993888167.jpg (909.77 KB, 1080x2340, 1000013253.jpg)

>>2368204Something about the mod's comment rubs me the wrong way. Starts off kind of brushing aside the comment the husband made, then calls her old looking. She's really not aged much beyond 42… and I'm not of the personal opinion that a woman looking older necessarily looks bad, as long as she doesn't look rough. Also I checked a couple other posts and this mod is so mean in response to women, theres bitter undertones, and then the men he starts off with stuff like "you're an attractive guy, just gain some muscle mass and you're gold". I feel like he mostly uses this sub to insult women under the guise of "help"
No. 2370225
File: 1738107235152.png (152.55 KB, 964x762, PD4VV8Y.png)

God I don't even think the original story is bad whether it's fake or not but it's fucking killing me how, without reading the comments, it's obvious that this guy got backlash for tricking her into cuddling with him so he lied in an EDIT EDIT update about how she totally tried to trick him back.
No. 2370229
>>2368311She’s pretty, she’s just relaxed and with no make up.
Scrotes will do anything to put down women out of their league. I can bet a McFlurry that he has a beer belly and he’s balding kek.
No. 2370364
File: 1738111921048.jpg (Spoiler Image,178.79 KB, 720x1124, 203248399292392.jpg)

I don't even know what I'm looking at. Why are people so stupid and disgusting.
No. 2370870
File: 1738154587893.jpeg (571.83 KB, 1179x1087, IMG_0186.jpeg)

No. 2371012
File: 1738166609714.jpeg (462.46 KB, 1170x1440, IMG_1014.jpeg)

I just want to type “die stupid retard”
No. 2371023
>>2371012The comments are basically just retards dumping their emotional needs on women.
>I am solely attracted to women emotionally but love sex with menYou’re not a fucking lesbian, get out.
Women are better people than scrotes, but it still doesn’t make you a lesbian. I’m so pissed off nonnas.
No. 2371024
File: 1738167696310.jpeg (435.22 KB, 1167x1317, IMG_1015.jpeg)

>>2371023You are just a faggot. This is why I hate bi scrotes too. All these retards expect women to shoulder their needs and play mommy, but don’t hold scrotes to the same standards.
No. 2371029
>>2371012honestly I kind of understand her. As a bi myself, I like men physically but a lot are misogynistic and dumb so dating them is lackluster. I like sex with women though.
>>2371023OP calls herself bi though
No. 2371039
>>2371024I never said I was, weirdo. I said "kind of" understand. the sex thing is probably because she actually likes penises, it's not something you can recreate in a same sex relationship
>>2371032bi moid makes sense actually. I'm guessing he does all that degenerate gay sex shit you can't recreate with women
basically, if you actually really love interacting with penis, but also want to be treated like a person, you get get like this
No. 2371051
File: 1738168712384.png (238.98 KB, 1543x1137, Screenshot 2025-01-29 113623.p…)

Moid sees a prostitute, has some modicum of regret for it. Pickmes and other degenerate moids coddle him in the comments
No. 2371068
>>2371046Nta but no one is wondering this and no one said this kek. Yall project so hard every time this is brought up when bi women didn't disrespect your preference for other lesbians in the first place. I'm sorry bi women
trigger your pschosexual insecurities but no one cares aside from you and other bitter clams
(bait) No. 2371069
>>2371060Pieces of shit in the comments saying that whether one has seen a prostitute or not is personal and doesn't have to be shared with future partners.
I fucking hate men.
No. 2372960
File: 1738262455928.jpg (112.69 KB, 720x985, 1000032076.jpg)

>finds cute niche subreddit of generation 3 my little pony.
>Moids hate that gen because it can't be sexualized, I love it even more.
>Girls share their collection, their favorite movies, merch, everything is pretty.
>Picrel pops up today
>I'm leaving
No. 2374074
File: 1738301811429.jpeg (128.29 KB, 1301x499, IMG_4237.jpeg)

Fucking retard on Reddit pretends that men are not misogynistic and say worse shit about women constantly
No. 2375512
File: 1738363198594.jpeg (725.47 KB, 1179x1644, IMG_0381.jpeg)

No. 2375618
File: 1738367183008.jpeg (341.8 KB, 1170x1570, IMG_1075.jpeg)

Careful or you’ll choke on that dick handmaiden kek
No. 2375636
>>2375618L, is for the lovely girls I see
G, is for the faggot moids, oh please
B, is very, very, sextraordinary
T…let's all ignore those, mentally ill AGP boys
No. 2375681
>>2375636I wish that one girl who made
terf songs would come back and sing this
No. 2375842
File: 1738382507952.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1284x1357, IMG_3493.jpeg)

>>2375618Went on a deep dive about this person. But shes recently started dating a TIM (from what I’ve seen maybe a month or two?) who’s been married in the past and lives in another country. It’s OP’s first relationship ever, she was raised Christian. She’s in her 30s and gives relationship advice all the time on Reddit. OP plans on moving to him soon, wants kids, and the TIM proposed for her to be a stay at home mom. She also believes that bisexuals and lesbians are “equally gay”, and she used to ID as bi before COVID. Also has a story where for some reason three of her female friends kissed her during New Years’ Eve. They don’t make these people anywhere else kek.
No. 2375986
File: 1738395857182.jpeg (275.66 KB, 1420x1051, IMG_4247.jpeg)

Dumb fucking pick mes doing the “not all men” schtick on a post about abortion being banned in all states. I swear to Christ these fucking handmaidens make me sick
No. 2376226
File: 1738418088422.png (1.72 MB, 2170x1947, IMG_5143.png)

>>2375618Some of these comments are insane. Apparently bending over backwards for men is a “very lesbian thing to do”.
No. 2377610
File: 1738494347646.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.35 KB, 824x1200, GioYcapXYAAe4b9.jpg)

reminder that this could be your nigel's alt
No. 2377614
>>2377610What hurts the most isn't even this post itself. It's that normie women en masse can look at shit like this and STILL say, "Oh, but not all men though. I'm sure MOST guys are okay!" No matter how
hard it's made so fucking clear that men fucking
hate women, women just cannot effectively grasp a fucking clue.
No. 2377651
>>2377610I'm at the point where I don't even feel disgust or sadness reading this shit anymore. I just save it so I can figure out when and how to launch it back at males when they act up.
No matter how much evil I can devise to write, draw or even just imagine, a man has done (and been) worse.
No. 2379660
File: 1738597540621.png (Spoiler Image,55.43 KB, 1023x424, Screenshot (45).png)

This is troon fetish fiction and he's getting coddled in the comments for it.
No. 2380877
File: 1738637425475.png (52.18 KB, 938x510, bqRBwJe.png)

Reddit leftists in a nutshell
No. 2380906
>>2380877I wouldn't be so unsure if the users behind those comments were underage.
Hard to believe anyone above 18 would think porn for minors is okay unless they are groomers or need an audience to exploit for it.
No. 2380939
File: 1738641114925.jpg (339.35 KB, 720x1236, 1000000515.jpg)

Loss of words
No. 2382333
File: 1738707513059.jpeg (786.92 KB, 1170x1356, IMG_4359.jpeg)

>>2381632She made an update saying she did take a picture. She should post it everywhere and then divorce the pedo piece of shit.
No. 2383038
File: 1738748923226.png (495.54 KB, 784x792, IMG_1122.png)

Reddit men try explain why more white men are becoming right wing
No. 2383044
>>2383041The way these retards don’t even embrace equality and empathy kek.
If you are good solely because you think that it will get you pussy then you aren’t good.
>>2383038It’s just a bunch of morons blaming women
>you should thank the heavens that I’m not like Harvey Weinstein And? Do you want a standing ovation too? This is what I mean when I say that there are no “good” men, because the good ones stay silent at the end of the day and benefit from the narrative that there are bad men.!
No. 2383050
File: 1738749670380.jpeg (509.17 KB, 1170x1646, IMG_0615.jpeg)

How can I stop seeing this ad? Every time I browse Reddit I see it 5 or 6 times. I’ve blocked the account, reported it, everything.
No. 2383164
>>2383117agreed. women are also lonely so it’s so stupid when it’s focused on.
actual inability to find a romantic partner targets similar demographics on both sides, insufferable or unappealing people, it’s not a gender thing. it’s just something men clutch at to further bolster ‘meninism’ and the narrative that feminists are out with pitchforks ruining mens lives. it sucks because i wish we were ruining their lives, but the ‘male loneliness epidemic’ is always self inflicted
No. 2383178
File: 1738760348946.png (137.73 KB, 723x659, redditban.PNG)

Reddit is currently doing a NSFW purge for any Porn/Drug related content. No. 2383180
File: 1738760465649.webp (47.03 KB, 1080x1130, 886323568564456665.webp)

>>2383178Rip userbase kek.
No. 2383183
File: 1738760535995.png (13.18 KB, 735x204, chrome_u2zbpgAAMC.png)

No. 2383184
File: 1738760661307.jpeg (126.23 KB, 1243x533, IMG_4254.jpeg)

I fucking hate men
No. 2383189
File: 1738760940971.png (286.97 KB, 828x1005, friedland sub.png)

No. 2383191
File: 1738761208681.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 1000123788.gif)

>>2383178Inb4 mass moid suicide
No. 2383195
File: 1738761402711.png (72.87 KB, 1071x970, Screenshot_2025-02-05-14-15-31…)

they're coming for the trannies too
No. 2384227
File: 1738806856791.png (2.27 MB, 1290x1962, IMG_5228.png)

I saw this screencap on another site, but god men are so disgusting.
No. 2384235
File: 1738807118161.png (674.99 KB, 715x1071, 1000006314.png)

>>2384227Kek he manifested harem pants with the sheer power of autism
No. 2384408
File: 1738818864465.jpeg (805.78 KB, 1170x2270, IMG_1171.jpeg)

>>2382333thought about this post when i saw this on r/trashy. men are beyond sick, they’re a disease.
No. 2384597
>>2384558He's getting off on the fact a
child is going to touch his body fluids. It's pedo.
No. 2385033
>>2383038>men look at the dating statsMaybe they should start looking at the crime stats
>women don't give men enough empathy for being lonelyMen have never made fun of cat ladies/old maids/spinsters
>women aren't pampering men enough that's why they're right wingLike men were less right wing back when women were basically forced to be doting housewives
I was expecting this to post to have downvotes when I got to the bottom but I forgot reddit is mostly retarded pedofile "liberal" males anymore
No. 2386276
File: 1738918794104.png (718.83 KB, 1234x1952, MyKsdax.png)

No. 2386977
File: 1738959298503.png (77.89 KB, 1541x407, Screenshot 2025-02-07 131322.p…)

Most normal reddit user
No. 2386983
File: 1738959451143.jpeg (213.86 KB, 750x520, IMG_3606.jpeg)

I fucking busted out laughing at this fake shit and the retards in the comments literally thought their fake post was real KEKK
>please stop dming me about joining your trump wives support group
my fucking sides
No. 2387623
File: 1738986961360.png (234.57 KB, 720x804, MensRights_post.png)

I don't get it, what does this have to do with men's rights, lol
No. 2387624
>>2387623it's like he was this close to getting the point but his small peanut head couldn't understand it.
Yes men are desired IF they are well groomed, attractive, pre-moid-wall and stable. Unfortunately, the majority of men are not most of those things meaning they are UGLY.
No. 2387974
File: 1739023355365.png (26.72 KB, 752x149, Screenshot 2025-02-08 090116.p…)

why are female-oriented subs so insanely spineless? like yes, I'm sure moids will die on mass if they don't get to speak in a sub dedicated to women. this is twoxpreppers btw
No. 2388422
File: 1739045865065.jpeg (2.35 MB, 3024x4032, k8jtkptf8the1.jpeg)

From r/target. Oversexed scrote humor in the workplace, 2025 edition.
No. 2388428
File: 1739046037713.jpeg (646.68 KB, 1170x1389, IMG_7065.jpeg)

>>2388403Jesus fucking christ
No. 2389789
File: 1739095031571.jpeg (500.66 KB, 1119x1625, IMG_1183.jpeg)

An FWB arrangement shouldn’t last more than some months kek. Someone needs to slap some sense into that woman.
No. 2389835
>>2389807An arrangement like this never works because men aren’t capable of separating anything. Most of the time it’s sex booty calls with no friend benefit kekk.
He’ll leave when he finds a girlfriend that he truly likes and she’ll be blindsided by it.
No. 2390160
File: 1739108647696.png (48.26 KB, 724x440, sedgf#.png)

guess which one is a man?
(its both)
No. 2391696
File: 1739178295658.jpg (361.44 KB, 1080x1599, 1882737272.jpg)

Wtf kek, how has this not been taken down? I wish you could block subreddits, I absolutely despise the teenager communities.
No. 2391936
File: 1739199061201.jpg (125.6 KB, 907x865, Screenshot 2025-02-10 154543.j…)

>haha a pickme said it so it must mean it is true that all women fantasize about being rape. Stupid woman owned.
No. 2391962
>>2391936Men are so stupid and really think women are some hive mind.
>this comic was drawn by a woman, so ALL women must love to be choked and raped in bedfucking hell
No. 2392694
File: 1739231312208.jpg (80.7 KB, 592x882, 654563436.JPG)

>>2392510It was this post, they quoted it with that braindead pickme comic.
No. 2392711
>>2392710I don't think most of them are
actually offended, they just jump at the chance to NLOG kek. They're doing the female version of the "I'm 6'4 btw" meme.
No. 2394602
File: 1739330423626.png (542.97 KB, 945x1845, KDxIujj.png)

The reddit post…
No. 2394603
File: 1739330573176.png (216.42 KB, 824x553, b8xwIWD.png)

>>2394602…and the poetry it's talking about. No, there's no indication that this is a parody account or a joke.
No. 2395908
>>2391962Where the fuck did all of this choking bullshit come from anyway? Zoomers watching too much brainrot porn? I'm an oldfag and back in the day I definitely don't remember this being so normalized, choking and super rough sex was considered pretty extreme and weird. And now I constantly hear stories from younger women talking about their boyfriends choking or being rough with them to the point that it really hurts, and I'm always seeing jokes like "uwu choke me daddy and spit on my face"
I'm not even a prude, but I'm shocked and just baffled at how this became so normalized.
No. 2395981
File: 1739406181084.png (117.4 KB, 1057x629, Screenshot 2025-02-12 at 7.21.…)

what even is there to say except "kek"
No. 2396031
>>2395908too much normalization of bdsm/kink from porn and shitty fanfiction. I feel like it wasn't as big of a joke on the internet when it was just a porn thing? But when choking became more normalized in fanfiction, I started seeing it more and more in nerdy women's fandom spaces before then spreading to normie women's spaces.
It doesn't help that a lot of nerd spaces are filled with terminal pickmes like
>>2391936 who are clearly still bitter that they didn't get enough male attention as a nerdy girl
No. 2397354
File: 1739453709665.jpeg (1.22 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3571.jpeg)

I feel like this belongs here. Just spotted this in the wild.
No. 2397930
File: 1739481797762.png (64.86 KB, 943x551, paddict.png)

Why do porn addicts have Erectile Dysfunction like they're 70 (when fucking an actual woman they're in a relationship with) but sexualize everything like a teen boy?
I thought porn was desensitizing, yet they get jumpy at the glimpse of an attractive woman in public?
No. 2398720
File: 1739517271664.jpeg (83.51 KB, 626x521, IMG_1236.jpeg)

I bet $10 that he’s bald and has a beer gut
No. 2398754
>>2398720I would leave him but not before I slip crisco into every fucking thing that bastard would eat and put some nair into his shampoo bottle.
If he wasn't already a pot bellied baldie which it sounds like he may be. All this focus on what he wants and not what she needs. Blah.
No. 2398814
>>2398751It’s what I’m wondering. Why even live with a shitty bully who can’t even spare a single word of encouragement. If they really cared about your health they would encourage you and maybe even diet together or exercise.
Don’t let yourself be dictated by beer bellied and receding hairline scrotes.
No. 2398939
File: 1739542406645.jpg (214.54 KB, 1080x1201, Screenshot_20250214_150937_com…)

>>2398879At least one of the 4 mods is a moid
No. 2398951
File: 1739543283906.png (128.21 KB, 1066x1254, food thief.png)

>have baby
>after the exhausting process of giving birth one week ago, decide to meal prep so I have easy access to nutrition as I breastfeed around the clock
>husband immediately snarfs down 50% of my food
>ask reddit if I'm wrong to feel hurt about this
>reddit tells me to get over it and go to therapy because I'm micromanaging my husband's diet which is psycho behavior
There were so many YTAs. It's insane how selfish the men of reddit are.
No. 2398957
>>2398887>>2398918Don't forget autistic male "food is fuel" silicon valley type dorks. My bestie's husband is like this to her postpartum. While he is not fat he is UGLY. While he is not bald his body is UNAPPEALING.
I fucking hate him. I had to hold myself back hearing him talk about her getting back to exercising only two weeks after having the baby. Makes me bothered just thinking about his stupid ass.
No. 2398967
>>2398951I love how they're all admitting he is being greedy and thoughtless by consuming her food without asking first aka lacking the big ~*~CoMmUnIcAtIoN~*~ that they are fucking demanding of her in order for her not to be the asshole when her husboob eats everything in sight.
Redditors are fat fucking manchildren and they don't want to be told there are limits, I bet the replies are baldies with square frame glasses and worn out pop culture shirts.
No. 2399398
>>2398951What the fuck those responses shocked me. I feel like reddit is somehow getting more male in recent years. Why is everyone pretending like he literally can't start doing some of the cooking too?
>>2398734You should leave, its already over but you might not see it yet. It's not really about being fat or not, its more that he wants to abuse you and using your weight which is "your fault" is the excuse he can use to justify it. If you lose the weight he'll just use something else to justify being mean to you, like "you don't clean enough" or "you don't dress femanine enough" and so on, the goal post moves because it doesnt actually exist. Literally start planning to leave or accept that it will always be like this and how he treats you isn't actually within your control.
No. 2399831
File: 1739573835423.jpeg (284.22 KB, 1464x761, IMG_4272.jpeg)

I fucking hate men
No. 2399895
File: 1739576233926.png (445.05 KB, 952x661, absolute retardation.png)

This retard put his cold-blooded lizard in the fridge/wine cooler for 12 months. For anyone that doesn't know, brumation is basically reptile hibernation. Geckoes don't usually brumate that long, his probably only did for an entire year because he was literally in a fridge.
No. 2399952
File: 1739578093554.jpg (185.14 KB, 829x922, T56ghI9bx.jpg)

fuck porn rotted redditors
No. 2399967
File: 1739578631386.png (293.81 KB, 1125x1429, F97ggru75.png)

>>2399952samefag, oh no, not the enshittification of porn!
No. 2399988
>>2398951honest to god I would just beat a scrote before I ever even considered running to reddit to vent or ask whether this sort of behavior is acceptable. especially on AITA people are just going to circlejerk your terrible husband and tell you to communicate. what is there to communicate? are men really this fucking retarded that they don't know pregnancy and postpartum/breastfeeding are periods of high energy consumption for women? or is this one of those things where men think it just isn't real (or it's being overblown by women) because they'll never experience it kek
>>2398720even if she did lose weight and become a perfect skinny model her
abusive scrote would find something else to neg her with. sad. same with you
>>2398734 nonnie I hope you're able to leave him
No. 2400088
>>2399831>Even your perfect, handsome, considerate, gentleman, male feminist boyfriend has indubitably made multiple women feel uncomfortable when he was single and lookingSomeone who is genuinely handsome and considerate would by definition not make women uncomfortable to be around, this is a contradictory statement made to make this ugly weirdo feel like he's normal. Also
>indubitably what a fag KEK
No. 2400326
nonnie i’m
>>2399840 and i was also going to
>indubitably No. 2400337
>>2399831>Yeah, it sucks having guys pestering you all the time for a date.As per usual, this is a thinly veiled attempt at calling women ungrateful and crazy for not appreciating all these nice awkward men so deeply infatuated with them. They are so out of touch. All these men want sex not dates, and they're not just ~blabbering about funko pops~, we fucking wish that's the only uncomfortable thing they were doing.
>>2399967Ngl this is genuinely scary. How can the porn addiction go so deep that you think like this and even post it? And all these upvotes? Bleak
No. 2400352
>>2399967>as a consumerkek his brain is cooked, there is no coming back from this bullshit mindset he's memed himself into
>I'm looking for a subreddit of tall brunettes in fishnets with a look of disappointment in their eyeshe sounds like a fucking serial killer
No. 2400700
File: 1739611315434.png (144.82 KB, 1512x516, Screenshot 2025-02-15 at 2.21.…)

Why would you admit this to anyone
No. 2400836
File: 1739625783820.jpeg (912.33 KB, 1179x1976, IMG_0986.jpeg)

>woman says guy she’s been on 3 dates with hasn’t been very flirty or even touched her
>gets reddit moids in the comments saying men are too scared to be cancelled and it’s women’s fault so she needs to initiate
No. 2401300
File: 1739647729171.jpg (764.32 KB, 1080x2518, Collage_20250215_202710.jpg)

Banned within minutes for posting that meme, my first ever post or comment in r/meme
No. 2401403
File: 1739652356572.jpeg (415.25 KB, 1169x1226, IMG_3424.jpeg)

Looked through his posting history and of course it's a tim
No. 2401421
File: 1739652616610.jpeg (104.81 KB, 1170x439, IMG_3425.jpeg)

>>2401403He's a "truscum" (tranny lingo for people who actually believe you need dysphoria to be transgender), made multiple posts about thigh highs causing gender euphoria and posts on "male liberation" subreddits
No. 2401488
File: 1739656402748.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.4 KB, 634x956, 67284553-11709347-image-m-25_1…)

>>2401421I've said it before but the only reason he likes thigh highs is because he's become aroused or jerked off to attractive women who were wearing them and he'll eventually lose interest because they will only remind him of himself and other trannies. If moid preferences had any permanence women would still be getting bolt-ons like picrel but it turns out Pamela Anderson is just a biological female who had a really pretty face and (otherwise) nice body when she was younger, so moids liked her weird fake breasts
No. 2401658
File: 1739665035963.png (1.4 MB, 2599x1331, notautisticjuststupid.png)

This makes me unspeakably angry. This guy's wife spent decades raising children, doing all the housework, and working. He reveals in the comments that he hasn't cooked in 33 years, only helped with chores when asked, and ignored her while she repeatedly told him over ten years that she was miserable and wanted to leave. She finally does once their youngest child turns 18, and naturally the redditor is absolutely shocked, self diagnoses himself as autistic, and gets his retardation excused by hordes of comments saying it was HER fault for not communicating. No. 2401673
File: 1739665678893.png (2.92 MB, 1079x1819, 1000000745.png)

Gigastacy mom
No. 2402613
File: 1739709304466.jpeg (704.51 KB, 1170x1927, IMG_1343.jpeg)

Title is “AITA for being upset that they didn’t tell me they were trans?”
I always find it hilarious how trannies are always on their plight about “muh disclosure”
“I don’t owe you anything!!” To hide behind the fact that the average person doesn’t want to date them, they don’t disclose for safety reasons, but because they know they are going to be rejected most likely.
Op is bi, but I have to find out if he’s a he or if she’s a she and if tranny is a TIM or a TIF or an enby.
No. 2402630
File: 1739710756373.jpeg (329.1 KB, 1169x1582, IMG_1345.jpeg)

“My husbands rapes me everyday”
This woman needs to leave ASAP, she’s in great danger.
Scrotes who want to do anal are faggots and like to hurt women, it has always been my opinion.
No. 2403393
>>2398720She was 179
before the baby. She's just a fatass. Men are trash but don't expect them to be attracted to you no matter what, I certainly won't be attracted to a man no matter what. Things like this is why I question the ideal of being with the same person for decades
No. 2403459
>>2403393So 13 kgs in the span of 11 years, some of them where she was 18-10-20-21 kek?it’s not like she’s 300 kgs and I doubt he didn’t gain weight either.
Attraction is important sure, but when you expect a woman of 29 years to weight the exam same as when she was 18 you are setting yourself up. And unless you are as chiseled as when you were that age you don’t really get to literally berate your partner for having the audacity to age.
No. 2403472
>>2403459I don't know how to break it to you, but aging does not mean you have to become overweight. Christ this world is doomed. I won't advocate for being attracted to fatasses for either sex. Granted she might be 5'8 but I doubt it.
Also… she was 140 at 18. Lmfao. Americans are fucked
No. 2403499
>>2403472Aging does actually correlate with gaining weight, though. I am 116 pounds and 5'8, and I was told by my doctors that I needed to gain weight if I ever want to have children, otherwise health complications would arise. Biologically, women are meant to gain some form of weight in their late 20's-early 30's to prepare for childbirth. Not only this, if you do undergo childbirth, you're expected to gain 20-40 pounds or more depending on your weight. Men actually have way less of an excuse than women due, they are built to hold less fat. Women are meant to store more fat, that's the truth of it. However, statistically, men are 2x more likely to leave women if they gain weight, even though women actually have a reason for it. The reality is, women should be the one that's more selective based off looks, and they should be more critical than men for this exact reason.
No. 2403500
>>2403472you're right that you don't have to let yourself go as you get older but your metabolism does change as you age, especially for women after they have kids
>>2403476I also get frustrated with women who will not help themselves but I have seen enough examples of women with internalized misogyny eventually learn to love themselves and get themselves out of their shit situations. men like the anal rapist are irredeemable and deserve to die
No. 2403508
>>2403500I know this is a very unpopular opinion, but I simply think that if you risk your life to bear a man's child, he should simply not be able to complain whatsoever about your physical attraction, unless it's borderline killing you. That useless sack of shit only spreaded his sperm into you, doesn't have his entire stomach push out to his organs, while you risk blindness, chronic illness, life expectancy, bleeding out, strokes, etc. I genuinely think men should just not fucking complain ever if a woman risks her entire life to give birth to your child. I would agree if this was about women who weren't mothers, but males should genuinely be castrated if they are that fucking vile and selfish to expect a woman who changed their entire body just to be fuckable enough for them.
No. 2403522
>>2403476I think women have a hard time believing that love isn't real to men. It's cognitive dissonance, you see that he hates you but you can't believe it because how could someone you built a life with actually hate you? It's hard to understand on a fundamental level that men don't feel real love. It's always transactional and some people just can't get their brains to compute. I feel sorry for women like her. She knows that she can feel love so she falsely thinks the anal rapist feels it, too. I feel that all women who stay in bad relationships are stuck on this concept. It's too horrible to be true so your mind fucks itself up trying to explain away the evil.
>>2403508I agree.
No. 2403597
>>2403499I agree that women have more reason to have more fat, and men should be less judgy, but this woman was 179 at 29 and 140 fucking pounds at 18. Also, if you're 116 at 5'8 you're underweight no matter what age you are
>>2403508 >>2403500she was a fatass before the baby and gained only 10 pounds after lol
No. 2403602
>>2403410It makes me so sad that we went from based and articulate manifestochan posts to this kind of shit.
You really are a worthless human being.
No. 2403686
File: 1739756760653.png (Spoiler Image,146.59 KB, 954x810, evil.png)

>>2403672NTAYRT. Same with the doghaters, anyone who thinks they take it a bit OTT even whilst still trying to agree with them gets called a pitbull owner kek, it really has to be bait becuase I refuse to believe I'm sharing a site with those schizos
Picrel threadtax, I can't believe this is a normal sub that people frequent. So fucking evil
No. 2404633
File: 1739820393816.jpeg (740.21 KB, 1170x1653, IMG_8076.jpeg)

vindicta and vindictaratecelebs and their hyper specific words for facial features they don't like is so ridiculous to me. what is a maxilla and why are you so fucking obsessed with it
No. 2404646
>>2403807>it's unattractive because you associate it with femininity and weaknessBut it's different when a woman does it. When a man comes up to you you judge him and get to decide if he's worthy or not. Why the fuck should men get to be in the role where he can turn down a woman who is superior to him in every way? It has nothing to do with femininity being inferior, it's the fact that he doesn't know his place is to impress and entertain women and instead thinks it's women's job to impress him. That's why it's repulsive.
>i dont care how much he's into it kekIt matters because most women want their scrote to be an active participant in dating instead of a parasite who contributes absolutely nothing.
No. 2404867
File: 1739826121601.jpeg (625.13 KB, 1170x1504, IMG_8093.jpeg)

>>2404865They'll criticize Jacob LOLordi but not nitpick shit like his catetheal tilt or his maxilla or whatever the way they nitpick women
No. 2405746
File: 1739871400041.jpeg (457.38 KB, 1170x1292, IMG_1383.jpeg)

That’s why you leave faggots and bisexuals scrotes alone. As soon as she found the gay porn she should have dipped the whole situation.
He’ll end up giving her HIV, they can never keep it in their pants, he’s lying.
No. 2405827
File: 1739877970799.jpg (201.54 KB, 1080x2448, 1000000654.jpg)

Wow, men have a lot of free time to make obviously fake conversation screenshots to farm r/nicegirls. There's like a dozen in this post and they're painfully fake and of course painting him as a heroic, selfless, sacrificial single dad and mechanic. No. 2405900
>>2405841>the point is that most men aren't in a position to tun you down, its basic evolutionary biology. men are not sexually selectiveYes, which is why most of them will say "yes" to any woman who approaches them even if they don't approach women themselves. Thus leading to a relationship where you earn yourself a lazy passive failmale who does nothing in the relationship while you mommy him and do everything because you approached him first and made him feel like the pwize. Even men who let women approach them confess that they are too scared to approach women and be rejected, or that they had no interest in her but just went along with her because he had no other options. WHY would you want that?
How do you not see that would lead to a worse outcome almost every time for the woman? A man who shows interest in you will try to impress you and court you, which is the least he can do.
>>2405853You get it.
No. 2406169
File: 1739905921267.png (26.8 KB, 724x220, thathappenedkek.png)

can we stop sperging about scrotes' retarded dating games and focus on hating reddit please
No. 2406404
File: 1739919927250.jpeg (859.96 KB, 1031x1693, IMG_9617.jpeg)

This comment someone made is old as fuck, but it’s still fucking wild and disturbing to see it out on the public internet. Plus the username isn’t helping either.
No. 2406576
>>2406404not all pedos offend but every pedo I've ever encountered online is a raging narcissist
>misuse of the word pedophiliaprobably was talking about ephebophiles being lumped in with pedophiles, which is a nitpick I only ever see made by people who would gladly offend if it was socially acceptable. they're the same evil fuckers who complain about age of consent laws or claim they can't tell when someone is fourteen kek
this pedo is living in lala land anyway, no pedophile offends because he is pushed to it by muh stereotypes and muh evil pedo-paranoid society, he is pushed to it because male sexuality (and especially disordered male sexuality) is boundary-testing by nature. you can see this shit in the anal rapist post above
>>2402630 and all over r/breakingmom and other subs where women vent. many men will push and keep pushing until they're stopped, and it is enabled by society at large. women and children are acceptable collateral in the pursuit of male orgasms
No. 2406925
>>2406576True, not every single pedo offends, but I believe most non-offending ones are just ticking time bombs, or even simply liars. A non-offending pedo (especially a male one) honestly seems kind of laughable to me because men are fucking shit at containing their degeneracy to themselves, they will always have to have an external outlet. Also they’ll say “non-offending”, but probably still watch and have fuck tons of CP. It reminds me of NOMAPs, which nobody likes either.
I just hate how pedos try to gain sympathy from people. If you secretly want to fuck children, no matter how much you try to otherwise “moralize” yourself and make out like you’re such a goody two shoes just because you “haven’t actually offended” and say you “never will”, I will still stay my ass far away from you and hope you’ll do the same with children.
No. 2407515
>>2406929I checked the guy's profile, he admits to jerking off cp. This retard is cranking it to kids and then complaining society doesn't accept him for it…
Also that line "when a pedophile loses respect for themself, that is the one important barrier that keeps him away from the slippery slipe that leads to child abuse". So basically if he commits it, its everyone elses fault. I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason he's "non-offending" is because he hasn't had the opportunity.
No. 2408468
>>2405827Male "SA
victims" especially though. I once seen a man claim "a bunch of female nurses told him at 5 yrs old that men need to defend themselves against assault". Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe male children can get SA'd but I don't believe half of male
victims stories on social media
No. 2408491
>>2407211Honestly to me it seems like a guilty conscience from how overly dramatic and “boo hoo poor me” it is, as in this guy probably DID do something and then overcompensated for it, trying way too hard to make out he’s “one of the good ones”.
There is no such thing as a good pedophile.
No. 2408570
File: 1740015514972.jpeg (448.83 KB, 750x1092, IMG_3754.jpeg)

Lurking r/breakingmom makes me laugh a little. You basically wanted to be an overgrown child bearing kids to a man relying on one income, what did you think the consequences would be? Pitiful. This subreddit is like birth control awareness and precautionary takes combined + free entertainment, so glad it exists
No. 2408585
>>2408562they moralfag about pedos all the time on reddit, as if it is bad to be concerned for the safety of children kek
as others have pointed out it is probably that these reddit scrotes are offenders or have thought pretty hard about offending, thus they want to downplay the severity of what they would like to do. or as I've seen it framed, they are poor little
victims of a cruel society that hates male sexuality. boo hoo hoo why do people assume men are creeps? it can't possibly be because men act like creeps
No. 2408643
File: 1740018879294.png (91.76 KB, 844x668, um.png)

A wonderful comment posted in a thread requesting feminist critiques of Disney movies. This person is also claiming that The Little Mermaid is based on the same allegory. "A mermaid wanting to be a woman but not having a voice is trans AF"
No. 2408683
>>2408652Women liking short men is actually more common than moids think. I have a mom and a good friend of mine that actually prefer smaller men. I’ve never seen women talk about height as much as men do.
The thing is tho is that napoleon syndrome is really common among short men and are thus
toxic asf.
No. 2409118
File: 1740031208394.jpg (83.73 KB, 703x627, reddit.jpg)

Autistic moids shit up every semi-decent discussion space for women.
No. 2410260
>>2408570jesus christ anon out of all the shit you could have posted from that sub you post, what… a mom complaining about layoffs?
holy shit you live a sad, miserable existence
No. 2410278
>>2406576>>2406404>>2406925Practically all non-offending pedos consume child porn which in essence is still offending. I recall watching a documentary from the UK that was almost 20 years old and the pedos were bragging about not being afraid and they always gave the argument that "well it's already there so it doesn't matter if i watch it" in regards to consuming child porn. Fast forward to more recent times, i still see pedos using this exact same argument whether it came to a documentary about some pedos in a Florida trailer park or on reddit itself, where posters talk about AI CP being ok despite it relying on actual CP still needing to be produced to fuel the algorithm. When you watch CP, you are still offending because they encourage physical offenders to document their violence against children on camera, and not in a subtle suggestive matter, they often aren't above straight up paying for it or going out of their way to makeup code words to access such material without getting caught. Therefore, non-offending pedos simply do not exist at all, especially since it relies on moids to repress their insatiable male sexual desires, knowing that even moids with "normal" patterns of sexual desire that can very easily be met without harming anyone, still go on to rape people. Obviously this rampant defence has to partially be to the fact that pedophilia afflicts men at a higher proportion compared to women. It guaranteed if they didn't get off to the idea of statutory rape between adult women and a prepubescent boys and if the table were turned in regards to this disparity, they would not be defending such a degenerate proclivity.
No. 2410399
File: 1740113361563.webp (Spoiler Image,77.05 KB, 640x1332, IMG_8915.webp)

Why does reddit allow gore subreddits where you can post peoples loved ones dying brutally, allow bestiality subreddits(its not even furry, just art of straight up animals), and allow that japanese twitter subreddit that only post shit like picrel, but female only subs that dont want trannies cross the line.
No. 2410503
>>2408652I mean there's definitely a subset of women who
are obsessed with it (namely, women who are really tall themselves and don't wanna be taller than their bf). But it's not all or most women like incels always claim, and sure as hell not the shortest women like they also claim.
No. 2411305
>>2410315Speaking of youtube, there was this one video I came across where it basically talked about pedophiles “receiving help”, like it’s some sort of mental disorder, instead of facing persecution, and what do you know, almost everyone in the comments were pedo apologists and defenders, saying how this was a “good thing”, that these people shouldn’t receive hate, yadda yadda yadda…
So yeah, this shit definitely isn’t just on Reddit, I’ve noticed it quite a bit on youtube. I’d say youtube is almost just as bad tbh.
The only help a pedo needs is a bullet to their head, yet you will be called “evil” or “cruel” for saying that.
No. 2412098
File: 1740212992707.jpg (517.9 KB, 1080x1800, 1000001565.jpg)

Yes it's good to positively reinforce little bits of good behaviour and not punish the behaviour you want to see and all but this should only apply to raising little kids and not grown moids. Oh wait.
No. 2412114
>>2412098Her little thought exercise fails to remember that men
don't give you back rubs for doing the dishes. It's about being equal, as a woman you're expected to do housework, there's no "thank you" for doing it. But when your boyfriend does, he gets celebrated. She doesn't argue for boyfriends to start celebrating girlfriends doing those things, she's just upset that women no longer celebrate when men do it. An MRA retard.
No. 2412155
>>2412098>I find this mindset to be bitter, entitled and very toxicHow dramatic can you get kek. This is why nobody takes moids whining about abuse seriously because here they are upvoting (and maybe posting) a post saying that it is "very
toxic" not to praise a man for putting his dirty clothes in the hamper instead of leaving them on the floor, or some other bullshit that qualifies as "bare minimum" from OP's own admission.
No. 2413791
File: 1740306428552.jpg (200.32 KB, 720x906, 1000000691.jpg)

(1/2) men are legitimately so fucking stupid
No. 2413794
File: 1740306555919.jpg (198.22 KB, 720x928, 1000000692.jpg)

>I can't decide if I did the right thingYou were literally in no danger. You're trying to make someone else's horrible experience into some imminent threat against you and how you should be called a hero because the woman could've
gasped shouted rape and set you up or something that would never happen. Men are pointless human beings omg.
No. 2413960
File: 1740322319150.jpg (106.79 KB, 1080x1675, 1000010723.jpg)

redditor women are the biggest fucking degenerates, why the fuck would you openly post this shit publically with your real name and face
No. 2414084
File: 1740327144846.jpg (195.23 KB, 1080x630, 87677667557.jpg)

And then they try to say that women are ridiculous for ending relationships over things like porn usage, KEK
No. 2414106
File: 1740328190599.jpg (188.58 KB, 1080x828, 1000010951.jpg)

id rather my friend talk about their husbandos than brag about getting fucked by ugly reddit moids constantly kek
No. 2414196
File: 1740332682470.jpg (1.68 MB, 1080x5174, Collage_20250223_184043.jpg)

I hate moids and their pseudo intellectual "logical" bs "muh different times/a product of their times" "muh subjectivity" they're so evil
No. 2414660
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The comments on this. Welp, guess all's forgiven with redditors concerning his predatory age gap relationships towards women today because he refused to kiss a thirteen year old a couple decades ago–would have been an immediate and easy choice for most people, but I guess we're giving out gold stars for recognition when a man isn't a pedophile. And you know what? I don't buy he came up with that on his own, I bet his agent is the one who advised him.
No. 2416186
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You can’t control what scrotes think of you, I get it too because I’m also sexualized, but you’re kind of a retard if you keep on going after men who only sexualize you and see you as a walking piece of meat.
No. 2416192
>>2414660Why tf would they even consider casting a 13 year old? That's weird as hell.
>>2414730Seriously. I love Claire in that film
No. 2417079
>>2416898This is such an insane stance to have, especially since there's proof that having big breasts can affect your spine and limits what clothes you can wear.
>>2416186I think she doesn't understand that most scrotes have zero interest with women outside sex because women are trained to see men as capable of being interested in women on a deeper level than that. This should be a learning moment for her, but unfortunately she asked reddit and not us, kek.
No. 2417099
>>2417072when i grew my first boob i thought i was developing cancer kek. didnt help that as soon as that was happening i saw the news talking about young girls with breast cancer.
>>2417085based dad
No. 2417115
>>2416898Blog but I had a weird puberty where I hit it super early like
>>2417072 said, had a "mature" waist + hips before secondary school, but my boobs didn't get much volume until I was in my late teens. I was negged by my pickme friends and their orbiters for being flat chested, but I absolutely empathise with the "other side" (for lack of a better term). Being leered at as a little girl who can't control her body type is
horrible. There's nothing enviable about that.
I hate making typos and playing russian roulette with the flood detector No. 2417152
>>2416186This sounds like a humblebrag. If she were being sincere, she would have just said, "I asked my boyfriend what he thought was special about me, and my body was all he could come up with," not "zomg my boyfriend only loves me because I'm skinny with gigantic boobs."
>>2417100>>2417058Anons, men treat women like trash no matter what our bodies look like. I have average boobs, but I've been bullied for having "no ass" and a big nose. People will find shit to nitpick on a women's body regardless, because men don't respect us and bullying between women is normalized because "muh intrasexual competition." You could be the most perfectly average girl on Earth and someone would still find a way to make you hate yourself.
No. 2417784
>>2417136>>2417163>>2417182Damn. I knew this happened, but I didn't realize how common it was. Mine grew in symmetrically to my recollection, although I was bullied for being a late bloomer. I distinctly being on the bus in fifth grade and another girl saying
>anon, [name of girl in our class] has bigger boobs because she's more mature than you areWhich is so absurd in retrospect. I
am immature even to this day, but that has fuckall to do with my cup size.
No. 2417840
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Cringe. And he didn't even notice.
No. 2417843
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>>2414660Why is his dulap so huge? Does he do picrel to manipulate young women into wasting their youth with him?
No. 2418793
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Why every single rat subreddit has the worst Reddity humour ever? Every single post about male rats all comments will be about their balls, regardless of how cute the rats are or if they’re doing something silly or whatever. Every top comment is the same shit, how can those autistic retards not get tired of the same fucking joke?
No. 2419562
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No. 2419582
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Visited r/ABraThatFits for the first time in a while only to see this pinned post. From what I can tell some moid with a fetish for bras was pretending to need help so unsuspecting women would talk to him, he was rightly called out by some for his history in bra porn subs, and mods decided treat all criticism like transphobia. Bonus comment from a diagnosed AGP troon agreeing it was a fetishist because he would know (and troon's probably in there for the same reason). Sucks that an otherwise helpful sub would allow blatant perverts in the name of "inclusion" and at the cost of vulnerable women
No. 2419614
>>2419562Any man who goes near a lesbian needs to be executed. Hell, any man who goes near a bi woman should be executed too kek.
>>2419611Or she's one of those ultra normie lesbians who's okay with troons. They unfortunately exist.
No. 2419758
>>2418793Ugh I noticed that on instagram too. At least on instagram I'm assuming that there are a lot of people who are seeing pet rats for the first time, so there's a surprise effect. But on rat subreddits people are subscribed to? You'd think they'd stop joking about it at some point.
>>2419582Praying that "fir6987" is a tranny, or there's no more hope for libfems. How brainwashed do you have to be to post "as a woman who appreciates porn and lingerie, there's nothing creepy about a porn/fetish account asking women for advice"
No. 2421265
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No. 2422456
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And they say Gen Alpha scrotoids are supposed to be "better" than zoomer ones?
No. 2423306
File: 1740771558376.png (Spoiler Image,633.31 KB, 904x777, reddit.png)

I had to see this so you do too. Keep men out of female-dominated interest and hobby subreddits.
No. 2423512
>>2422318Kek, i don't feel bad for them in that regard. They are constantly trying to project their self-hatred on black people all the time and seethe because nobody cares about their white worship. They were the main ones mad the Anok Yai was nominated for model of the year and that people of all races were rooting for her, simply because she is dark and they waste their time bleaching the hell out of their skin.
>>2422508There was literally a situation that was in the UK where an Indian girl had consensual sex with a black boy on holiday on Dubai. Whilst i think they were 100% wrong to hook up in Dubai, regardless, the mother decided to go to the police and try and have him charged for rape. Instead, he got arrested for statutory rape for a year due to being a couple of months older than him. He was 18, she was 17. Of course i don't really care about these kinds of things regarding moids, but i am more irked by this purely for the reason that her mother sought to punish her daughter for decisions she should be free to make, and now their identities are released and she made the situation far more worse than it could of been all because she didn't want a slutty daughter who wants to sleep with a black boy, which nothing in the world could reverse this btw. I don't have full blown hatred for any group except agps, but they need to stop making their own hatred issues the problems of other people outside their race.
No. 2423523
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Comments under a post about a 31 year old moid dumping his gf for a 19 year old
No. 2423549
>>2423523this is why no self respecting person should use reddit. these are types of morons you are arguing with
>cant even order a wateri want to say this cannot be an adult man but unfortunately we know they actually
are that dumb
No. 2423677
>>2423523>most younger women prefer older menyeah "older" as in 1-3 years older, not over a decade her senior lmao. only maladjusted and socially isolated women unironically go for old fucks who aren't rich
as for the retarded comment chain by Mean-Ad, men who deny there is a level of unhealthy shit in age gap relationships are either predators themselves or very desperately want to be
No. 2423754
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>>2410399kek this subreddit was made in retaliation, to the lesbophobic ones specifically. (so like straight males getting “converted” instead) i wonder how fast it’ll be until it gets banned. some of the posters suck though, posting borderline femdom shit (they’re not males though, just bad posters). there are gems though. It’d be funny if you actually had to discuss feminism through a “misandry kink” subreddit
No. 2423804
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>>2423794Kek. I hope it gets more popular and doesn't get banned. Picrel made me chuckle.
No. 2423807
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>>2423794>>2419562Which one of you anons did this
No. 2425096
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Hit dogs will holler
No. 2425104
>>2425096Nothing about the question seems to imply that women can't be
abusive. This really is a "you like pancakes so you hate waffles" moment. Riled up little punk bitch.
No. 2425164
>>2425096the question wasn't "are men that are into BDSM
abusive?" it was "does this lifestyle attract
abusive men?" and of course a reddit mod actually answered the question with his stupid ass power trip lmao
No. 2425801
>>2421289Kekk I think he's using that flair for the "/ self-image"
>>2425096>Domestic abuse, violence, predatory behaviour (…) none of these things are particular to a single genderOne gender seems a
bit more into it if crime stats around the entire world are anything to go by… I was going to ask, "why did this mod pin his retarded rant" but then realized he's using his big feelings as a justification to lock the thread. Amazing. This is why not everyone can mod, you have to understand that it isn't about you and what you believe in, especially when the bs you spew can be disproved in 10 seconds.
No. 2425885
File: 1740924712968.png (442.7 KB, 1080x2081, 1000000804.png)

Does anyone else suspect r/roastme of being filled with misogynists just using an ""acceptable"" place to take out their anger on women? It use to be light hearted roasts now it feels like walking into an incel forum
No. 2425897
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>>2425893Guarantee "sirhugh66" looks like this
No. 2426335
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so close to getting it but the point still goes right over their heads
No. 2426830
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"humans" "humanity"
No. 2427121
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>>2425893They "roasts" they do for women are interchangeable. Literally any woman is a slut and ugly and also hot but wait 20 years and they've got a boring personality etc etc. Reminds me of that one "amazing" roast they always cite on that sub and it's literally just some dude completely unloading on a woman with zero context.
No. 2427150
>>2423556Yeah because moids have established a system that benefits older and uglier ones, a system that puts women at a financial disadvantage. Males spread propaganda about how looks aren't that important in a scrote and his status and wealth are what really matters. What those women are attracted to is not the moid itself but its ability to provide means of survival to her in this rigged system, while the moids themselves are attracted to the women. But they love to pretend and spread the idea that women aren't also capable of feeling genuine sexual attraction to people and moids alike. Of course if women didn't have to worry about money or about being raped, they would happily go after young and hot males since they are the most ideal mates (it's literally biology!).
Notice how he completely ignored the part about sperm quality and that it's natural to prefer non-rotten sperm.
No. 2427165
>>2423791>>2423792If you don't have an account you can just use the domain. It'll just ask if you're over 18 instead of blocking you entirely.
>>2423807The last two paragraphs really made me kek
No. 2427194
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It's pretty mild but people like this are the reason why modern dating sucks so much. People are just selfish, especially scrotes. In any reddit post, the advice is always to break up even if doesn't involve cheating. But then again, most posts are creative writing projects anyway.
No. 2427888
File: 1741060684396.jpg (461.13 KB, 512x2387, uwu autistic trauma response.j…)

Lord give me the strength not to a-log. I don’t know why I expected redditors to be normal for this one and advise her to at least be very cautious around him. But nope, this was just poor little baby’s trauma response, or autism, or whatever the excuse du jour is. There was some push back from other comments but that didn’t stop the main ones from trying to find any reason why this freak’s behavior isn’t psychopathic. Over 500 upvotes and 4 awards…DEATH to all of them
No. 2427972
>>2427888A wrong punch can kill someone and it would be considered manslaughter. The scrote is a massive retard. He could have pushed the guy away given his size or he could have gone out, it’s on him to manage his
triggers. Escalating that much is too much of a reaction, it’s not like the drunkard was beating him up or threatening his life.
No. 2428178
>>2427334If you want (straight) men to feel at least a tiny bit disgusted by the idea of rape, it has to be done to them by other men. "I want to rape this man with my (female) friends" is literally a fantasy for moids, nothing scary or upsetting.
>>2427937I agree with you but the actual issue with LDR is that it's much easier for the moid to cheat on you/live a double life, so women should be very careful still. Especially if he's surrounded by people like that redditor telling him he should be experimenting and not caring.
No. 2428222
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No. 2429000
>>2427888Female autists just manage to cope with being touch averse and manage to either talk to people or silently seethe but men can't deal with Muh trauma response Muh dispespect!!! without going full tism rage
She needs to leave he is literally dangerous. If he doesn't give a fuck about knocking a guy out over the most minor inconvenience to this extent, he will justify hurting you and your children should you have them
No. 2429269
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The memes were right. If you see this snoo/pfp/avatar, be prepared for the absolute most retarded opinion you've ever heard.
No. 2429919
File: 1741194225344.jpg (565.77 KB, 1080x1559, 1000023154.jpg)

>"She needs free daycare and a higher paid wage at 17 for no real skillset or experience!"
>"Manager BAD for breaking policy and allowing a woman to bring her baby to work when the alternative was disciplinary action for her if she failed to report if she could not!"
No, she needed access to sex ed and an abortion. These people don't operate in reality.
No. 2429992
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And everyone clapped!
No. 2430427
File: 1741211650872.jpg (513.82 KB, 1165x1080, Picsart_25-03-05_16-51-11-139.…)

>Sex thicc butts boobies so funny haha am I right my fellow gamers brb downloading right now!!!
No. 2430521
>>2429919Teen parents are gonna happen whether we like it or not. Things like free/affordable daycare, good wages, etc are to help the child. Trying to punish the children just because their parents made mistakes is retarded
>Inb4 this will just encourage teen parenting!!Funny, where I live say care is free or affordable for private, wages are good, housing is affordable and our rates of teen parents is even lower
No. 2430568
File: 1741218166960.png (909.79 KB, 1490x2586, SCR-20250305-pkus.png)

Found this rare based moid take while going through the r/teachers backlog. Unsurprisingly, the comments are absolutely FLOODED with moid tears, despite this info coming from one of their own for once.
>m-muh prejudiceThey just can’t fathom that some parents value their children’s safety over the feelings of men they barely know. No. 2430580
>>2430568Kek at his edit calling them out for bringing race into it for no reason. White scrotes
always do that whenever they're even vaguely challenged.
No. 2430889
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>>2430568Holy shit the comments are bad. Am I insane, half my teachers WERE male? I thought the guy was refering more to daycare workers.
Lots of "muh women molest kids too!" Go look at the sex offender registry and tell me this isn't a sex based problem.
No. 2431423
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No. 2431427
>>2431423Lesbians bad! Men are being oppressed by evil goldstar pussylicking WHORES wasting themselves and stealing other women from us!
Bait used to be believable. She pegged him? Megakek wtf.
No. 2431455
>>2429992>hehe guys I lost my gf over this game, this game is amazing, had to share!!Kekk obvious cope. Men calling their gf "narcissistic" when their only flaw is being insecure is hilarious
>>2430568Most pedos are males so yes there's a bias against males, that's normal and there's nothing they can ever do about it. It's crazy to ask people to ignore patterns, go against their instincts and knowledge (even though a lot of politically correct bs is exactly that). Men would never put their own life in danger just to make sure no one's feefees are hurt, so why are they asking that of literal children and their parents? And they're teachers/educators? Bleak af.
No. 2431660
>>2430521People don't deserve things for free and good wages with no actual merit behind them. Because all you're doing with that is rewarding the very behaviors (i.e. teen pregnancy) that are detrimental to society. No, teenage pregnancy is not always inevitable. Like the OP says, countries with better education, and birth control and abortion access have significantly less quality of life issues such as teen pregnancy. These countries also have affordable daycare and maternal leave policies for EVERYONE and not just dumbshits making bad choices. Educated teen mothers at least have a pathway to making informed decisions and can achieve opportunities to make above minimum wage.
You're being so foolish to think throwing money at a problem just magically fixes the issue. Because as you've astutely pointed out, there is more nuance to it than just that.
No. 2431915
>>2431866>but prevents things like moms leaving babies in the car for job interviews/workThis is bad parenting and happens at all income levels, not just teenagers.
>prevents things like people bringing their kids to workAlso an issue that happens regardless of income level. Daycare is already free or subsidized for the poor. If they're doing this it is simply poor planning and bad parenting.
Why are you so afraid to say that teenagers do not make good parents and they should receive abortions? A teenager should not be a parent and free resources and money does not make the situation better because they are still children making dumbshit decisions even if you provide them with everything. Money and daycare won't help their immaturity and neglect. The reality is that the money needs to be funneled to education, birth control, and abortion to prevent this problem from occurring in the first place. Giving them free shit is a reactive "solution" which blatantly incentivizes people to be irresponsible and shortsighted.
No. 2432117
>>2431915>This is bad parenting and happens at all income levels, not just teenagers.unfortunately, bad parenting is something we need to prepare for and prevent, CPS isn't doing shit
>Also an issue that happens regardless of income level. definitely not the rich unless they really want to and are allowed to
>Daycare is already free or subsidized for the you know how government programs work? in order to qualify for these you have to already have a job, meaning they aren't going to pay for the first week, how can someone with zero dollars in their bank account pay for that? On top of that you have to jump through hoops to qualify, find a job only available during day-care hoursn (most jobs available in the boonies aren't that) and so on
> Giving them free shit is a reactive "solution" which blatantly incentivizes people to be irresponsible and shortsighted.all I said was to not punish the children just for the parents being poor, jfc
>Why are you so afraid to say that teenagers do not make good parents and they should receive abortionsif anything I said made you think I was afraid to say that you should work on your reading comprehension