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No. 2436002
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
>>2327835>>2227690>>2104812>>2020501>>1937421>>1837807>>1730346 No. 2436003
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hook ups are for losers
No. 2436341
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This made me laugh for some reason.
No. 2436366
>>2434002 They are a combination of obsesssive hatred, which is not that common on lc besides pulltard threads, and Reddit mentality (transphobia being the worst sin imaginable, excessive blogposting, prefacing posts with 'I'm a smoll autistic/asexual bean', shit humor). They also feel the need to brag about how much better they are than a cow, then you look at their profiles and 90% of activity is their snark sub of choice, sometimes multiple posts per day. Their choice of people is really boring too, usually some mildly annoying celebrities like Meghan Markle or Hilaria Baldwin or washed-up influencers.
>>2435804Fundie snark seems to be moderated more strictly, still a lot of moralfagging, fanfictions and unecessary blogs. Some of the people posted there are entertaining though, like Girl Defined and their family.
No. 2438003
File: 1741596074124.jpg (Spoiler Image,361.16 KB, 1080x1350, 1000002075.jpg)

What in the tranfiction lol, what does transphobia have anything to do with it, who would break up over something like that, and what woman would find anal pleasurable while the man doesn't? In what universe would the woman suggest it over the moid?
No. 2438068
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Subreddit combo from hell
No. 2438079
>>2438022the moid grovelling takes the cake, they're truly such pathetic duplicitous creatures
>>2438048Don't let them gaslight you nona. Anecdotal but someone i know IRL gives crappy relationship advice on reddit very authoritatively but is woefully unqualified to advise anyone on anything due to being retarded. That is your average redditor. Your boundaries are
valid and you never have to be thankful to anyone for anything if you don't feel like it, and you shouldn't ever take anyone's shit
No. 2438113
>>2438098I assume
nonnie is talking about the time reddit posted on their blog how the "most reddit obsessed location" was the Eglin Airforce Base
Confirming a ton of content on reddit was viewed/posted by officials or manipulated
No. 2438156
>>2438091Because the goal of reddit is to push a false idea of what the general public thinks.
>>2438113What it confirms isn't that reddit posts are mostly manipulated or posted by officials, what it confirms is that what you are reading isn't likely human made at all.
Eglin airforce base is definitely not the only institution with 100,000 bots dedicated to reddit posts.
No. 2438157
>>2436003I really hate how
woc fawning over white moids has given them an inflated sense of self-worth. They think we are all so easy, and unfortunately many black women enable this because they don't value themselves and think they are undesirable.
No. 2439032
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found on reddit and i guess it is not exactly the redditors fault but fuck the standards are in hell
No. 2439327
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Troon thinks his body looks like that of a photoshopped e-girl, the delusion is so good
No. 2439330
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>>2438068>suicide watchkek that took me out
No. 2439462
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I have absolutely no sympathy for moids with "BPD exes". I'm willing to bet a whole lottery she didn't even have BPD because moids have been using that as the new female hysteria buzzword recently. Even if she was an actual BPDemon, I still don't care. You purposely sought out a mentally ill woman and decided to dick her down and create an attachment instead of leaving her alone and now you're reaping what you sow.
Only female victims of BPD abuse are valid. I fucking wish my abyoos symptoms were just "her pussy and mouth are so wet and hot".
No. 2439479
>>2439327that's a female on testosterone
nonny.. she literally said it herself.. it's in the screenshot
No. 2439486
>>2439474At the same time, they unconsciously know their desire for sex is shameful which is why they cope by acting like they're superior Chads once they realise their dicks don't work anymore. "Grippy sock girlfriend" "grippy socks grippy pussy" I want moids fucking dead jfc.
I'm pretty sure a symptom of having any attachment-based disorders is poor boundaries too. I feel sooo much sympathy for the moid who left his abyoosive ex because she stopped letting him beat her in bed for once
No. 2439641
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How big of a loser do you have to be to have your biggest accomplishment be tipping poorly/not tipping?
No. 2439708
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This just in: all troons are passable as women kek. You can't convince me that anyone actually believes that. Not trans people, not libfems. Just a straight up lie lmao.
No. 2439915
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>>2439708literally this image
No. 2439935
>>2439708“You can’t stop us”
Wooo the rapist in him jumped out.
No. 2439949
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It’s because you look like you are on the verge of trooning out , a gendie yourself , unemployed or you are bi scrote. I’d kill myself if only trannies approached me.
No. 2439971
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>>2439708The comments on her instagram are crazy. The way they dismiss her experience with sexual assault is disgusting. Her igs nataleebarnett_ if you want to go read the comments yourself.
No. 2441398
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Why is reddit so pro-pedophilia lately tf.
No. 2441844
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>>2439641Reddit apparently has two different job markets, one where great jobs are infinite and everyone can get one, and the other where everyone is applying for months on end, not hearing back, and if you do it's to shitty low paying positions
No. 2443721
>>2443696To be fair a lot of Reddit users are male STEM nerds, so that explains the incomes. Or at least they were the majority when the site was new.
(coincidentally it also explains why the userbase is so annoying)
No. 2443790
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i only use it because i love this game a lot and the fanbase is very small, but i seriously give up trying to use the subreddit for my favorite game, every fucking post is "im trans and i like this game!!!" "this character is trans male!" and "these two characters who hate eachother, and have female love interests, are actually gay(canon)". oh my god, does anybody want to actually discuss the fucking game? or do we just want to have tranny validation circlejerks constantly and have fujos discussing their schlickfuel? can you post actual fanworks and discussions? im losing my mind. shit like this is why people become transphobic
No. 2443860
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in what universe do men think bordering on obesity can be considered handsome
No. 2445156
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>>2445154Me use big words and big sentences to sound smort
No. 2445161
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And this one
>>2445157Yeah that one felt like a weird ddlg/ddlb larp to me.
No. 2445228
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>>2445161>somebody who lives defining their life by hatred and disgustDo they think we spend all day seething about incestuous relationships? I just think "that's horrible" and then I go on with my life. The only people I know of that do that are people who were
victims of incestuous sexual abuse and don't like people making light of it. I really hope these are all people fetish larping. Also
>daughter-wife No. 2445487
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>wife and husband split finances 50/50>Husband ends up making double, but still going 50/50 despite his wife making a lot less>Wife ends up having to pay for most family medical issues, takes off work to act as a family caregiver, but also admits to spending for vacations and such>Husband saves up almost 2 million>When they retire, wife suggests they find a cheaper home they can afford, but he doesn't want to find another house and suggest they live separately or she work until she dies>Comments accuse her of being a selfish gold digger and everything else under the sun despite literally splitting bills even when he made way more50/50 women lose again. Imagine splitting bills with a man when he makes double and STILL getting accused of being a gold digger. All that for nothing in return No. 2445560
>>2439641I mean I hate tipping culture. I think gratuity should be included in the bill/tipping jobs should have higher wages like most other countries. I've worked tipping jobs and all it does is add unnecessary stress for both the worker and the customer. Also it makes people naturally bigoted because you are more likely to get higher tips from specific demographics.
The truth is I haven't gone to a tipping establishment in over half a decade, and when I did I tipped incredibly high, but still hated myself for it because I knew I was contributing to a shitty system of skirting financial compensation for employees
No. 2445702
>>2445689and you know damn well he's gonna play
victim even though he could've just easily been a better husband while they were married
No. 2445852
>>2445487Men like to post as women in order to share fables about life that teach the lessons they want to, because they know that if they phrased the same idea as a "BY YOUR LOGIC–" thought experiment, it would be a stupid idea that's full of holes, while if they say "this really happened to me, and it could happen to you too," it has power to scare women into submission. The man who wrote this fakepost wanted to communicate the moral that independent women lose out. Note that the structure of the story is malebrained logic along the lines of "equal rights means equal lefts." If you want to keep your finances separate when it comes to bills and income (a normal thing that people do, especially early in a relationship), then your lifelong husband will want to keep your finances separate during the process of buying a house to retire together, because that would simply be logically consistent (an insane thing that doesn't make sense–if he wanted to divorce her, he would; if they were poly and he wanted to dump her for a different woman, he would–it would never come down to a technicality about splitting finances). A reasonable woman might come off as unhappy, passive aggressive, suspicious about this insanity, or at least be angry about how unfair this is. The man writing this can't bring himself to play the part long enough to make her even a little bit reasonable or sympathetic, or show her side of the story–her only feelings about this situation are that she fucked up by doing something illogical because of a deluded desire for independence.
>At the time, it seemed logical - I wanted to be independent and never wanted to "ask my husband for money.">I thought we were being modern and practical.The character only blames herself because the male writing this hates the female character he's writing and doesn't want her to be even a little bit reasonable. He portrays her interest in being independent as a thoughtless and foolish attempt to be "modern" (i.e., just brainlessly following trends for the sake of appearance) even though independence is incredibly important for survival. Real women want independence so they can escape abuse/cheating/bad relationships, or continue to support themselves after a breakup or death of a longtime partner. The fact that he doesn't mention this means either he's avoiding it because it admits that women have very good reasons to worry about independence, or he's simply too retarded to even know the reasons in the first place.
I rate this AITA manfiction a C+ because the premise is too retarded to believe but also so retarded that I laughed a little.
No. 2445937
>>2445878You can feel the moid hands seething as they type that entire paragraph kek. Notice the difference between "saving aggressively and living relatively frugally" with no details about buying electronics, video games, fishing/hunting trips, or anything, only a nice saintly summary of a man who's only ever made really smart investment choices, vs. the author's indulgent AWFL PMC career that was, like, soooo fulfilling and financially impractical, and the way she stupidly blows her money on girls' trips and nice clothes. They're a childless couple on the verge of retirement, but the post doesn't mention a single thing that they do together, only her annoying female spending vices designed to
trigger Red Scare pod listeners and twitter trads. I feel like the moid who wrote this might be a teenager with no relationship experience because it feels like he wanted to tell the story of a smart man who invests just like the memes tell him to and retires happily vs. a dumb, horrible woman who's left with nothing, but forgot to make it sound like they interacted at all during their 30 year marriage.
No. 2446244
>>2445937It definitely hits the two core self-unaware scrote points:
Women are poorer because women make dumb decisions.
Women make dumb decisions because men put them in exploitative work mule positions in the name of "love".
No. 2446785
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I fucking hate men
No. 2446819
>>2446785>masculine trait>Oh this normal, pubescent trait found on all women who are physically developing as they normally would? The sex trait that is biologically meant to help prevent STIs? Yeah, it's masculine because only males have hair.Males are so retarded, yet they say and type all these retarded things like they
know what the fuck they're even talking about. It's almost amazing that they were able to convince women for the longest time that they are intellectually superior.
No. 2446897
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The fake stories are getting hilarious
No. 2446921
I got bored and I asked AI to write an AITA post about “a man who is addicted to having sex with his car but can’t understand why his fiancé is pissed” and this is what it came up with. It added so much detail. Coming up with fake Reddit stories to push an agenda takes so little effort it’s scary.
AITA for Having an “Intimate Relationship” with My Car Despite My Fiancée’s Protests?
Okay, hear me out because I don’t think I’m in the wrong here, but my fiancée (28F) is acting like I committed some horrible betrayal. I (30M) have a deep emotional and physical connection to my car, a 2016 Dodge Challenger. I’ve always been into cars, but with this one, it’s different. I don’t just drive it—I love it.
This might sound weird to some people, but I find my car very attractive, and over time, I’ve developed a more… intimate relationship with it. I’ll spare the details, but yes, I sometimes engage in activities with my car. It’s not hurting anyone, and it’s something that brings me comfort and joy.
My fiancée found out a few days ago when she came home early and caught me in the garage. I was, uh… expressing my love for the car. She freaked out, started yelling about how I was “cheating” on her and that it was “disgusting.” I tried to explain that it’s not like I prefer my car over her—it’s just a different kind of love. I have plenty of affection for her, and this doesn’t change anything about our relationship.
She wasn’t having it. She called me a freak and said she couldn’t believe she was planning to marry someone who “sticks his d* in a tailpipe.” (For the record, that’s not how it works.) She packed a bag and went to her sister’s house, saying she needed time to think.
Now, she’s barely responding to my messages, and when she does, she just calls me gross and tells me to get help. But I don’t think I need help—this isn’t an addiction, it’s just something I enjoy. I’m not hurting anyone, and it’s not like I’ve been unfaithful with another person. I don’t understand why she’s reacting this way.
So, AITA for my relationship with my car? Or is my fiancée being unreasonable?(ai slop/off-topic)
No. 2446923
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>>2446921I tried it again. This is all I wrote and this is what it came up with:
“My ‘Tradwife’ Sister Humiliated Me at a Family Dinner, and Now Everyone Thinks She’s Right”
I (32F) have always been the independent, career-driven, feminist type. I have a great job, my own apartment, and I’m proud of the life I’ve built for myself. My younger sister (29F), on the other hand, has fully embraced the “tradwife” lifestyle—she got married at 24, stays home to take care of her husband and kids, and preaches about traditional gender roles like it’s the 1950s. We’ve always been close, but we don’t see eye to eye on much.
Well, last weekend, we had a big family dinner at our parents’ house. At some point, the conversation turned to relationships and marriage. My sister started going off about how she’s so “fulfilled” being a wife and mother, how modern feminism “lies” to women, and how so many career women end up lonely and unhappy. I tried to brush it off, but then she turned directly to me and said:
“You work so hard, but for what? To come home to an empty apartment? To eat takeout alone while scrolling through dating apps? That’s not empowerment, that’s just sad.”
The whole room went silent. Even my parents, who usually take my side, just awkwardly looked down at their plates. I was completely caught off guard and mumbled something about being happy with my life, but she just smirked and said, “If you say so.”
After dinner, my mom pulled me aside and told me my sister “didn’t mean to be hurtful” and that maybe I should consider settling down because “there’s nothing wrong with wanting a family.” Now, I feel like my entire family secretly agrees with her, and I’m just the pathetic older sister who chose the wrong path.
I am happy with my life… right? So why does this hurt so much?
Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How do you handle family members who act like your choices are mistakes?
(ai slop/off-topic) No. 2447971
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This exchange gave me a hearty kek
No. 2448870
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why do redditors always try to give pedos a chance? How can anyone believe AI CP can be a healthy ‘outlet’ the fuck?
No. 2449071
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>>2448913this retard probably only read the first two sentences of the introduction and called it a day because if you read just a little further this article literally says the opposite of his point. here's a link to the full article if anyone wants to read it. i haven't looked past the intro yet but i'm guessing none of helps his case whatsoever
No. 2449272
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>>2449071samefag, i read through the article and at no point did it ever claim that viewing child porn decreases the likelihood to offend, in fact it claims the opposite. basically the more cp you view the more likely you're going to want to see more intense stuff until eventually you actually want to molest someone.
also the article states that having fellow pedos sucking each other's dicks and comforting one another about being pedos leads to increased likelihood of these people to offend irl. so having a bunch of people sharing ai cp with one another in some little network or whatever is only going to make them worse not better.
i'm sure you all know this shit already but god that scrote is just so blatantly wrong and the fact that some people are willing to give his nonsense the time of day is horrific and infuriating
>>2449267saw you post while i was writing this, just wanted to say that you're totally right and he is very retarded
No. 2449331
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>>2449071>>2449272I grabbed the relevant sections with relevant passages highlighted and spliced it together in paint. What a fucking moron.
No. 2449740
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>>2448870what's even worse is I think this poster is a woman. At least, they are active in a women's prepper group.
No. 2450052
>>2448362i think its cute desu as long as its not helmetlike like coconut head. the fugliest moid hairstyles are the curly numale mullet and the hitler youth back and sides shit, bar none.
>>2449860there literally is close to a cure and yet moids refuse to take it (finesteride) for some reason. i only know gay moids who do and i dont understand why
No. 2450171
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r/everydaymisandry is fucking hilarious
No. 2450173
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>>2450172Ah yes India, a misandrist feminist paradise
No. 2450175
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Peddit. This wasn't even a weeb subreddit either.
No. 2450189
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They are such bitch babies, holy shit
No. 2450515
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The dangers of ya fiction
No. 2451271
>>2451179Ai slop answer but this is what I predicted
>In 2023, the female labor force participation rate in India was 37%, a significant increase from previous years, and the government is aiming to further increase this number to 70% by 2047 to achieve a $30 trillion economy. They experimented with giving women control of a weekly allowance for the household and the studies confirmed indian women aren't retarded and even realistic about the degeneracy of their scrotes (allocating a sum for prostitutes and alcohol, instead of the inverse when the entire allowance were spent on those things via the moid). They are better and more diligent workers, especially when they have children so the gov. is probably still interested in maintaining the family unit over there, esp. bc they need to create new factory workers, to replace the violent/rapey ones keeping women from participating in the workforce
No. 2451346
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>>2451343>uglybitch666You capped a tif called "arsenicandjoy" and cut off the rest. Probably time for bed anon
No. 2451524
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>I'm struggling to afford food and am a COVID break from being homeless
>Obviously, sell a potential income maker/housing if you were to lose your current place to move to an area 2x as expensive as the rent you can't even afford! How romantic would that be?
Day 206 I wish people were legally responsible for being financially accountable when they give terrible advice that ends up hurting the person
No. 2451541
>>2451539They'll probably say some stupid shit like "just use the money from the car" not realizing most car trade ins are a complete scam and it's damn near impossible to sell independently. Most car dealerships will barely offer a grand or so even if you have a fairly normal middle class car just to sell it for 15k. The next argument would be roommates, which
would be fair, but she's also a young woman, nearly all people seeking roommates are male and even so - most Americans are extremely deranged and completely incapable of cohabitating
No. 2451703
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No. 2451866
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giving your credit card info to a moid, what could go wrong???
No. 2451896
>>2451884he runs to mommy to fix his problems, he claims anxiety when she confronts him, and in the comments she says she works 55 hours a week and he drives uber a couple hours a day. she’s almost just as retarded for even dating this child, let alone being engaged to him.
>>2451892it’s not even a joint account. it’s a card with just her as the lender. she gave him access to a credit line he’s not even responsible for. how fucking dumb could you be?
No. 2452100
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Men and their porn! Hate how normalized it is to talk about it openly.
No. 2453081
>>2449267It doesn’t take a genius to know, stimulating this depraved behavior and addiction makes them worse till there is no turning back.
They should get professional help or just off themselves.
No. 2454407
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I've been browsing r/starseeds and it's both hilarious and kind of horrifying. I've fascinated by subreddist that aren't just filled with porn or political rants and instead just completely mentally deluded people who blindly accept collective delusions without questioning them No. 2454425
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>>2454407I bet we should start with the troons and then hug all pedos. Also we share a hivemind, so age of consent is a silly concept too. This is why you don't have to be spiritual or religious to see that aliens are actually demonic forces sent to destroy humanity
No. 2454730
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No. 2455352
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Comments calling the husband a coward are getting 100s of downvotes.
I know this is a fake story but peoples reactions to it are very real.
No. 2455375
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>>2455352The way women is in quotations… what is that supposed to mean? KEK.
No. 2455466
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>>2454407I love ufo/alien subs for schizoposting. Tho it gets repetitive at some point.
No. 2456836
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What causes this? Fantasies about being masculine and receiving asspats? Women are taught that their value is only in their appearance while men think they'll receive accolade and power from grandiosity?? Idk
No. 2456863
>>2455352he 100% hates her and will discard her once she is no longer useful to him, the type of man who would leave if ur terminally ill.
And i say this because i had a very similar experience like this but instead of a partner it was a ''close'' friend who just watched and did nothing and didn't care when another girl put her hands on me for no reason. That friend later ended up being a user and
No. 2456897
>>2456836I'm with
>>2456878I've never dreamed of being injured by it but I've had scenarios in my head play out how I'd save my coworkers if someone came in with a gun kek.
No. 2457004
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So obscure and petty but topkek. The scrotal urge to derail completely unrelated conversations with self-pity
No. 2457067
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Commented that girl needs to kill her bf with a porn addiction and the retard mod responded with this KEK
No. 2457072
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>>2457067This was the OP btw, genuinely hope this moid gets a bullet through the skull
No. 2457090
Anyone else trying to quit using Reddit? I'm re-reading "You Should Quit Reddit" by Jacob Desforges for motivation. I've managed to quit a ton of other sites gradually and I no longer have a Reddit account but it feels like quitting completely will mean I have nothing to read online any more. Google is useless these days so I can't even find new sites. All I've have left is news sites and I want to limit them too.
I was looking for alternatives and it seems like Ovarit just announced it's closing: No. 2457200
>>2457126This is what I’m wondering, there’s an active STEM group too.
It’s a shame to just throw it away like that and also suspicious.
No. 2457301
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Interesting happenings in the proshipper subreddit…
No. 2457309
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>>2457301>Paraphilia pride flags Doesn't stuff like this destroy their "I only support it in fiction" thing?
No. 2457416
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>>2457301>folks from different kink communities stepping up and acting as nurses for the sickAh yes I'm sure we're all familiar with the many historical accounts of heterosexual piss pigs and foot fetishists working in hospitals to support gay men.
No. 2457549
>>2457547Oh, no, I've read that this is a thing reddit does. It counteracts with an upvote to stop the post from getting sent to hell, and then it removes the auto-votes later.
At least, this is what I've read. If I can find the article again, I'll come back and post it for you.
No. 2457729
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>>2457090This site is an alternative to ovarit No. 2458038
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Came across this comment under a post that was titled “What is considered a red flag but truly isn’t?” in r/dating. It’s old, but still felt the need to show the typical, as per usual instance of a Reddit moid defending porn.
>I don’t even watch porn myself
I honestly don’t believe there is such a thing as a moid who doesn’t watch porn and will never in his whole entire life.
No. 2458142
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Your average leftist man, your average hetero man, your average right man, your average nice guy.
And the funniest thing? They want a medal when they come to the realization that yes, women are human beings and not influence flashlights. Fuck you and your realization, I’m not going to applaud or congratulate you, I hope you die.
Post is super long and a useless rant so I’ll add the most important points nonna.
No. 2458147
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>>2458142This is what all men think, at least the retard was actually truthful. Main reason why I find scrotes repulsive despite my heterosexuality.
Girls get heartbroken and treated like shit, even used for sex only and yet they don’t come and hate men nor see them as a lesser human beings. I’ll never feel any ounce of pity for men, zero.
No. 2458218
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Found this nsfw subreddit called r/traumatizedsluts filled and one of the most recent posts is titled "tell me the worst thing you've done to a girl" which is full of men admitting to raping and abusing women. Crazy how this disgusting shit is allowed up under the guise of "kink". I wish the worst for these people
No. 2458270
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The r/transmuslimas subreddit is a trip, also the guy that posted this also posts on 4tran4 often, not surprised.
No. 2458285
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It's the devils fault I have generic taste in music
No. 2458295
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What a cope
No. 2458297
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>>2458295samefag but this pic is needed
No. 2458309
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>>2458295>r/everydaymisandry>post in question is calling men moidsi doubt you could get away with calling men moids on most subreddits without being banned/downvoted to oblivion so this is probably on a subreddit meant for misandry. do they really think niche places like these represent how everyone thinks? most women irl are pickmes who coddle moids imo. if only calling men moids was actual everyday "misandry" kekkk
No. 2458327
>>2456836Faggot will sit around fantasizing, but is more likely to assault or do nothing than to live a life like Joan of Arc. The average mother in a third world country is more courageous and martryr-like than the average moid.
There are literal female animals more noble and martyristic in their everyday life than the average male.
No. 2459184
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>The poor moids were taught to devalue womens' contributions to literature, let's pity them everyone! Btw based on my own anecdotes, women are never shamed in society for not conforming to the "correct" womanly interests
No. 2459205
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Ladies and gentlewomen, I present to you: Examples of Society's Everyday Pervasive Misandry That Discriminates Against Men!
No. 2459214
>>2459205Better Call Saul ended only three years ago, all my moid friends raved about The Penguin, they have shit like Reacher or new Marvel slop. Most popular current tv shows like Severance or The White Lotus are not really gendered. These retards just want to endlessly complain and simultaneously call women perpetual
No. 2459302
>>2459205Misogyny: women being raped, murdered, and abused and living in fear of men every day
"Misandry": wElL tHeReS nO mOiD fOcUsEd sHoWs oN tV!!! I dOnT wAnNa sEe wOmEn iN tV, oNLy iN pOrN!!1!1
No. 2459380
>>2458218This reads like bad fan fiction. Moids are terrible at creative writing, even their fantasies
>>2459280A 100% male focused show they claim they want would tank in ratings. Moids would complain that there’s no sex, or actresses to sexualize and harass
No. 2459452
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>>2459439I can't believe I'm doing this bc it used to annoy me so much in my housing groups but I guess I've learned a lot about indians since becoming a landless serf in my country. India is insanely diverse. There are horrific regions where child rape/brides are common and regions where you would be ostracized from your entire community (if not murdered by her family members) for suggesting it. It varies in extremity by caste, since dalit and sudra are the lowest and most populous (poorest)
No. 2459462
>>2459452It's diverse for sure, but men playing
victim never stops. Even when men are worshipped and women are treated worse than dogs they still find it in them to play
victim No. 2459554
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Jumpscared on one of the few decent fashion subs. Poor mom is rolling in her grave
No. 2459633
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I don’t believe moids when they say this. There’s loads of stories about police being called on dads who are with their kids and I just don’t believe it. I hate men to death but even I don’t assume every older male with a younger female or children is a pervert.