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No. 2436002

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.


No. 2436003

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hook ups are for losers

No. 2436203

I bet they wouldn't do a thing if Luigi had murdered a bunch of women and girls like other scrotes.

No. 2436341

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This made me laugh for some reason.

No. 2436366

They are a combination of obsesssive hatred, which is not that common on lc besides pulltard threads, and Reddit mentality (transphobia being the worst sin imaginable, excessive blogposting, prefacing posts with 'I'm a smoll autistic/asexual bean', shit humor). They also feel the need to brag about how much better they are than a cow, then you look at their profiles and 90% of activity is their snark sub of choice, sometimes multiple posts per day. Their choice of people is really boring too, usually some mildly annoying celebrities like Meghan Markle or Hilaria Baldwin or washed-up influencers.

Fundie snark seems to be moderated more strictly, still a lot of moralfagging, fanfictions and unecessary blogs. Some of the people posted there are entertaining though, like Girl Defined and their family.

No. 2436370

I’m thinking of reinstating my fetlife account from my pick me days just to bait moids and trannies into giving me personal info and then posting it on this sub to see what happens.

No. 2438003

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What in the tranfiction lol, what does transphobia have anything to do with it, who would break up over something like that, and what woman would find anal pleasurable while the man doesn't? In what universe would the woman suggest it over the moid?

No. 2438012

so, he thinks anal is about violating an asshole with a penis. and he's okay doing that to his gf but not the other way around. interesting.

No. 2438022

Any man who says something like that is lying. There was a man I was interested in who I straight up asked if he has ever done anal, because honestly it's not something I can compromise on like I will fully lose attraction to someone if they have done it. It grosses me out so much and I knew a woman who got a nasty antibiotic resistant UTI from her new boyfriend who had previously had anal sex with his ex, the bacteria was living in his penis from it months after they broke up. Foul. Anyway, the man bragged to me that yes he had anal sex before and when I was immediately grossed out and turned off he tried to play it off as "she begged me to do it, I didn't enjoy it very much and only did it because she was so adamant!" Bullshit

No. 2438025

Yeah I've has friends who claimed their bfs "accidentally" put it in the wrong hole and I was like you don't accidentally force your penis into an asshole

No. 2438042

> because honestly it's not something I can compromise on like I will fully lose attraction to someone if they have done it
Based nonna. Your asshole is forever grateful to you I bet kek.

No. 2438044

No woman enjoys anal any more than PIV. Anal is strictly for men with death grip syndrome.

No. 2438047

> I knew a woman who got a nasty antibiotic resistant UTI from her new boyfriend who had previously had anal sex with his ex, the bacteria was living in his penis from it months after they broke up
I’m horrified. I have a thing about contamination and germs so this would be my absolute worst nightmare. Please tell me she broke up with him

No. 2438048

made the mistake of complaining about men blatantly not respecting my boundaries in dating on reddit and somehow i am the bad guy for complaining and should be thankful for the attention and i am overeating. I feel so gashlit right now like are they implying that i should take this behaviour

No. 2438068

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Subreddit combo from hell

No. 2438079

the moid grovelling takes the cake, they're truly such pathetic duplicitous creatures

Don't let them gaslight you nona. Anecdotal but someone i know IRL gives crappy relationship advice on reddit very authoritatively but is woefully unqualified to advise anyone on anything due to being retarded. That is your average redditor. Your boundaries are valid and you never have to be thankful to anyone for anything if you don't feel like it, and you shouldn't ever take anyone's shit

No. 2438084

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The reddit post is a video of a guy sniffing a loli in public and some people defend it

No. 2438086

Now that the 2014 Eglin Airforce Base fiasco is out in the open I really don't understand how anyone even let's reddit posts effect their view on anything.

No. 2438091

Why is reddit then still so heavily one sided politically? I think their tranny mod circle has more power

No. 2438098

What does reddit have to do with it? I looked up the incident but I didn't see reddit mentioned anywhere.

No. 2438113

I assume nonnie is talking about the time reddit posted on their blog how the "most reddit obsessed location" was the Eglin Airforce Base
Confirming a ton of content on reddit was viewed/posted by officials or manipulated

No. 2438156

Because the goal of reddit is to push a false idea of what the general public thinks.

What it confirms isn't that reddit posts are mostly manipulated or posted by officials, what it confirms is that what you are reading isn't likely human made at all.
Eglin airforce base is definitely not the only institution with 100,000 bots dedicated to reddit posts.

No. 2438157

I really hate how woc fawning over white moids has given them an inflated sense of self-worth. They think we are all so easy, and unfortunately many black women enable this because they don't value themselves and think they are undesirable.

No. 2439032

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found on reddit and i guess it is not exactly the redditors fault but fuck the standards are in hell

No. 2439035

Ain't it funny how women dating the same guy is such a common phenomenon but I've hardly ever seen scrotes be in the same situation with one women even in my pickme years

No. 2439160

Were incels seething in the comments?

No. 2439327

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Troon thinks his body looks like that of a photoshopped e-girl, the delusion is so good

No. 2439330

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>suicide watch
kek that took me out

No. 2439462

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I have absolutely no sympathy for moids with "BPD exes". I'm willing to bet a whole lottery she didn't even have BPD because moids have been using that as the new female hysteria buzzword recently. Even if she was an actual BPDemon, I still don't care. You purposely sought out a mentally ill woman and decided to dick her down and create an attachment instead of leaving her alone and now you're reaping what you sow.
Only female victims of BPD abuse are valid. I fucking wish my abyoos symptoms were just "her pussy and mouth are so wet and hot".

No. 2439474

Men unironically love crazy, hypersexual women like this because sex is more important to them than love, romance, compatibility, or basically any other trait you can think of. Sex and access to sex is the entire foundation on which they build their self esteem on. The more sex a man has, the more he believes he is loved, and therefore it doesn't matter how much a woman loves and cares for a man if another woman offers him more sex

No. 2439479

that's a female on testosterone nonny.. she literally said it herself.. it's in the screenshot

No. 2439486

At the same time, they unconsciously know their desire for sex is shameful which is why they cope by acting like they're superior Chads once they realise their dicks don't work anymore. "Grippy sock girlfriend" "grippy socks grippy pussy" I want moids fucking dead jfc.
I'm pretty sure a symptom of having any attachment-based disorders is poor boundaries too. I feel sooo much sympathy for the moid who left his abyoosive ex because she stopped letting him beat her in bed for once

No. 2439641

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How big of a loser do you have to be to have your biggest accomplishment be tipping poorly/not tipping?

No. 2439650

I started doing tarot readings on Reddit. Yes I know, why? Because it’s fun to snoop on people. There was one I did where this woman was constantly talking about wanting to be pregnant and my cards really said the truth but then they said “no, we really have a strong marriage” but then uses the words “we” when describing something that would only include her, it was just overall weird. Am I wrong for believing these people lie about their relationships???

No. 2439651

What's weird is the comment says "this will be my body type after top surgery" implying the user is getting bolt-ons? Maybe someone can go to their profile and confirm.

No. 2439708

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This just in: all troons are passable as women kek. You can't convince me that anyone actually believes that. Not trans people, not libfems. Just a straight up lie lmao.

No. 2439731

>twans wimmins need safe spaces more than real women-
Then go make those spaces, you annoying faggots! They never want to do the work, they ONLY want to leech off everyone else. It's HER time and HER money, she can make a gym exclusive to black women with no pets or children if she wants to!

No. 2439786

Usually men justify it as 'women only dating chad'.

No. 2439788

A troon only space? Sounds good to me!

No. 2439845

>tWaNs wOmEn nEeD a SaFe SpAcE
Okay, good! Go create your own gym for only trannies and leave us the fuck alone

No. 2439866

as if these faggots go to the gym lol just a bunch of keyboard warriors getting angry over nothing.

No. 2439880

To be fair she's not wrong, I've seen women who look like that irl, so the downvotes are interesting. There are a lot of catty women on reddit on beauty subs.

No. 2439885

What advice do they give?

No. 2439915

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literally this image

No. 2439918

Women can look like that yes but social media + these comments giving off the impression that ALL women look like this can definitely cause a huge influx of body issues and unrealistic standards. It's basically the modern version of already underweight women thinking they're fat because they surround themselves and are brainwashed to believe everyone is more underweight than them

No. 2439923

Tipping poorly is a coward move, if they were serious they wouldn't bother doing it at all.

No. 2439924

>I don't give a shit you're being put into literal slavery!
>Muh fat ass NEEDS you to give me my 10th diet coke refill before I scarf down this 10 lb plate of donuts and noodles
I can't imagine anything more American than caring more about if your pop was refilled or not more than the fact the employee is being held an immigrant slave forced to survive on only tips

No. 2439930

My issue isn't the tipping (although it's strange this sub takes a weird pride in tipping poorly), it's more so about how they seem to use service workers as emotional punching bags, and then blame tipping on it

No. 2439935

“You can’t stop us”
Wooo the rapist in him jumped out.

No. 2439937

They wouldn’t feel like women if they were surrounded by other males, they need other women.

No. 2439949

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It’s because you look like you are on the verge of trooning out , a gendie yourself , unemployed or you are bi scrote. I’d kill myself if only trannies approached me.

No. 2439971

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The comments on her instagram are crazy. The way they dismiss her experience with sexual assault is disgusting. Her igs nataleebarnett_ if you want to go read the comments yourself.

No. 2439977

Kekkkkk you can tell he's secretly devastated and/or fuming because he's talking about it like this
>I'm getting so much attention from trannies lately! Hahaha that sure is WACKY! Can you all please tell me which part of my profile is attracting them so I can maybe possibly definitely remove it?

No. 2440258

>turns out everyone thinks i'm just a fucking catch lol
>only get approached by trans women
the fucking cope lmaooo

No. 2440358

redditors are so autistic about making very specific subs it's funny. in no other place you'd find a community dedicated to not liking tipping.

No. 2440427

Oh look, the troons are equating sex differences with racial differences to make their delusions look more valuable again.

No. 2440457

post caps

No. 2441398

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Why is reddit so pro-pedophilia lately tf.

No. 2441401

A pro-pedophilia stance is becoming more common on the internet in general

No. 2441428

What the fuck

No. 2441433

If someone said this to me I would find a way to ruin their life. I don't even know if reporting this freak to the FBI would do anything. God I want to alog.

No. 2441447

It's the fucking playboi carti sub no one there is being for real

No. 2441455

It's all ironic until it isn't

No. 2441537

Always was pro pedophilia

No. 2441550

The account was made yesterday and it only has those 2 posts. I think that's a troll nona.

No. 2441591

It's a joke. Unfunny but that subreddit is for stupid shit like this

No. 2441835

Lmao immediately banned from fauxmoi on the nataleebfitness post for asking about Muslim women. Lol when their two favorite token causes contradict, they just immediately silence any questions. Not surprised tho. You’ll get banned even for just saying something nice about Taylor swift. Bunch of fat homely women, like deppwives, who frequent that place. I know that’s not very feminist of me but you know it’s true. It’s always hideous women who the men they love to defend so much would never touch with a ten foot pole. They think their pathetic groveling will earn them approval. It’s precisely that kind of pathetic woman I hate so much that I can’t call myself a proper feminist. They deserve whatever happens to them.

No. 2441844

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Reddit apparently has two different job markets, one where great jobs are infinite and everyone can get one, and the other where everyone is applying for months on end, not hearing back, and if you do it's to shitty low paying positions

No. 2441849

I don't know who nataleebfitness is, what's the context?

No. 2441854

Lady who opened the female only gym in London

No. 2441857

Can I ask what muslim women have to do with her or her gym? Sorry, just not sure what's going on, if there was more arguing I missed.

No. 2441870

Nta but Muslims believe it's more halal to have segregated gender spaces (female only gyms, buses, taxis, etc). It's the biggest reason why women in Muslim countries are even allowed to work in the first place to allow the female-only spaces to exist

No. 2441898

Trannies are just going to insert themselves in and fetishise hijabis and Muslim female oppression and whatever else they love to stick their cocks in

No. 2443467

Reddit is a kind of bad representation of the job market, just like it's not a great representation of the general public's opinion. You can't see the people commenting but if you met them in real life you'd start to realize the problem.

No. 2443561

Late response but my ex wrote a post about me on that subreddit when I'm not a bippie nor was I ever close to being diagnosed as one, so yeah I'd take a lot of those posts with a grain of salt.

No. 2443696

This. I remember when people were getting suspicious at the amount of people claiming to make 300k+ yearly in income/data subreddits, it turned out there was "manifestation" groups photoshopping and lying about income because they thought they can manifest it that way

No. 2443721

To be fair a lot of Reddit users are male STEM nerds, so that explains the incomes. Or at least they were the majority when the site was new.
(coincidentally it also explains why the userbase is so annoying)

No. 2443744

There's good money in stem but not THAT much. Given, only like 10-20% of Americans make more than 100k, and barely 1% make what reddit users are claiming, yet all these people can somehow come out of the woodwork to fight on reddit 24/7?

No. 2443790

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i only use it because i love this game a lot and the fanbase is very small, but i seriously give up trying to use the subreddit for my favorite game, every fucking post is "im trans and i like this game!!!" "this character is trans male!" and "these two characters who hate eachother, and have female love interests, are actually gay(canon)". oh my god, does anybody want to actually discuss the fucking game? or do we just want to have tranny validation circlejerks constantly and have fujos discussing their schlickfuel? can you post actual fanworks and discussions? im losing my mind. shit like this is why people become transphobic

No. 2443800

The transification of fandom is truly abysmal

No. 2443806

I cant imagine being so insecure you need to constantly make unrelated topics about you and how badly you need validation from others or youll literally go insane and kill yourself, theyre genuinely the most narcissistic and fragile group of people ive ever witnessed

No. 2443860

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in what universe do men think bordering on obesity can be considered handsome

No. 2443862

This is one of the things I don't like about tall scrotes. They seem to think being tall is an excuse to be a fat fuck because, "well I'm bigger and I'm a man so more food for me".

No. 2444032

I keep getting shadowbanned on that fuckass website everytime I make an account. I want to use the Advice-related subreddits. What the hell do I do?

No. 2444061

There's something so painfully American about wanting us to feel bad for him, then proceeding to write a whole novel over his refills (?) but then dismissing exploited workers as "not my problem"

No. 2444069

I'm sure he deludes himself that it's all muscle. Plus, he's one of the slimmer redditors, being only borderline obese.

No. 2445144

Just found a subreddit called r/incestisntwrong and there's even a flair where they can whine about "incestphobia". All the stories are either weirdos who fuck their sisters or groomers/groomees of parental incest kek.

No. 2445148

Post the caps

No. 2445154

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Here's one

No. 2445156

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Me use big words and big sentences to sound smort

No. 2445157

Gay homo gay larp

No. 2445158

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Boymom 2.0

No. 2445161

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And this one
Yeah that one felt like a weird ddlg/ddlb larp to me.

No. 2445228

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>somebody who lives defining their life by hatred and disgust
Do they think we spend all day seething about incestuous relationships? I just think "that's horrible" and then I go on with my life. The only people I know of that do that are people who were victims of incestuous sexual abuse and don't like people making light of it. I really hope these are all people fetish larping. Also

No. 2445403

Would bet actual money this is a moid larping

No. 2445487

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>wife and husband split finances 50/50
>Husband ends up making double, but still going 50/50 despite his wife making a lot less
>Wife ends up having to pay for most family medical issues, takes off work to act as a family caregiver, but also admits to spending for vacations and such
>Husband saves up almost 2 million
>When they retire, wife suggests they find a cheaper home they can afford, but he doesn't want to find another house and suggest they live separately or she work until she dies
>Comments accuse her of being a selfish gold digger and everything else under the sun despite literally splitting bills even when he made way more
50/50 women lose again. Imagine splitting bills with a man when he makes double and STILL getting accused of being a gold digger. All that for nothing in return


No. 2445560

I mean I hate tipping culture. I think gratuity should be included in the bill/tipping jobs should have higher wages like most other countries. I've worked tipping jobs and all it does is add unnecessary stress for both the worker and the customer. Also it makes people naturally bigoted because you are more likely to get higher tips from specific demographics.
The truth is I haven't gone to a tipping establishment in over half a decade, and when I did I tipped incredibly high, but still hated myself for it because I knew I was contributing to a shitty system of skirting financial compensation for employees

No. 2445587

>he created a spreadsheet showing how much each potential retirement home would cost me in terms of "additional working years"
Really goes to show how little respect he has for her, and how little he cares about her happiness and comfort. He probably put more effort into that spreadsheet as a "gotcha!" than in the entirety of their relationship. Going 50/50 with a man is such a bad decision, he was the only one who benefited from this. I hope she divorces this soulless moid.

No. 2445622

This is the way. Huge difference between hating tipping and not servicing tipped places and hating tipping but demanding free labor and hating the employees anyway

No. 2445648

In the comments she also hinted to doing all the housework. Only on reddit could a woman split a mans bills and allow him to save money so he gets richer, do all of his housework and food so he can save on bills, just for him to want to dump her to live in a nice house in Florida without her so he can "punish" her for going on vacations, and people will defend him for it. Women are worse than slaves sometimes

No. 2445652

He obviously didn't love her if he would do this to her, especially at their old age. Is this a marriage or a business partnership?

No. 2445657

If my dad did this to my mother I would fucking kill him.

No. 2445689

She should divorce him and take half his fucking money is what she should do.

No. 2445700

This is a tranny LARPing. I suspect that whole sub has an overrepresentation of trannies in "found families".

No. 2445702

and you know damn well he's gonna play victim even though he could've just easily been a better husband while they were married

No. 2445714

That should be obvious to anyone. The fact that anons keep posting tranny-larping-as-whatever-degenerate-thing stories, makes me think it's bait. Even reddit women can tell when a scrote is writing fanfic and most of those are troons themselves

No. 2445852

Men like to post as women in order to share fables about life that teach the lessons they want to, because they know that if they phrased the same idea as a "BY YOUR LOGIC–" thought experiment, it would be a stupid idea that's full of holes, while if they say "this really happened to me, and it could happen to you too," it has power to scare women into submission. The man who wrote this fakepost wanted to communicate the moral that independent women lose out. Note that the structure of the story is malebrained logic along the lines of "equal rights means equal lefts." If you want to keep your finances separate when it comes to bills and income (a normal thing that people do, especially early in a relationship), then your lifelong husband will want to keep your finances separate during the process of buying a house to retire together, because that would simply be logically consistent (an insane thing that doesn't make sense–if he wanted to divorce her, he would; if they were poly and he wanted to dump her for a different woman, he would–it would never come down to a technicality about splitting finances). A reasonable woman might come off as unhappy, passive aggressive, suspicious about this insanity, or at least be angry about how unfair this is. The man writing this can't bring himself to play the part long enough to make her even a little bit reasonable or sympathetic, or show her side of the story–her only feelings about this situation are that she fucked up by doing something illogical because of a deluded desire for independence.
>At the time, it seemed logical - I wanted to be independent and never wanted to "ask my husband for money."
>I thought we were being modern and practical.
The character only blames herself because the male writing this hates the female character he's writing and doesn't want her to be even a little bit reasonable. He portrays her interest in being independent as a thoughtless and foolish attempt to be "modern" (i.e., just brainlessly following trends for the sake of appearance) even though independence is incredibly important for survival. Real women want independence so they can escape abuse/cheating/bad relationships, or continue to support themselves after a breakup or death of a longtime partner. The fact that he doesn't mention this means either he's avoiding it because it admits that women have very good reasons to worry about independence, or he's simply too retarded to even know the reasons in the first place.
I rate this AITA manfiction a C+ because the premise is too retarded to believe but also so retarded that I laughed a little.

No. 2445878

Probably it. The "annual girls trips and nice clothes" gave it away. First of all, someone realistically in this situation wouldn't admit that, secondly women barely vacation, it's already hard enough making female friends as an adult, nevermind ones that are able to vacation, and even less so every year

No. 2445937

You can feel the moid hands seething as they type that entire paragraph kek. Notice the difference between "saving aggressively and living relatively frugally" with no details about buying electronics, video games, fishing/hunting trips, or anything, only a nice saintly summary of a man who's only ever made really smart investment choices, vs. the author's indulgent AWFL PMC career that was, like, soooo fulfilling and financially impractical, and the way she stupidly blows her money on girls' trips and nice clothes. They're a childless couple on the verge of retirement, but the post doesn't mention a single thing that they do together, only her annoying female spending vices designed to trigger Red Scare pod listeners and twitter trads. I feel like the moid who wrote this might be a teenager with no relationship experience because it feels like he wanted to tell the story of a smart man who invests just like the memes tell him to and retires happily vs. a dumb, horrible woman who's left with nothing, but forgot to make it sound like they interacted at all during their 30 year marriage.

No. 2446244

It definitely hits the two core self-unaware scrote points:
Women are poorer because women make dumb decisions.
Women make dumb decisions because men put them in exploitative work mule positions in the name of "love".

No. 2446785

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I fucking hate men

No. 2446819

>masculine trait
>Oh this normal, pubescent trait found on all women who are physically developing as they normally would? The sex trait that is biologically meant to help prevent STIs? Yeah, it's masculine because only males have hair.
Males are so retarded, yet they say and type all these retarded things like they know what the fuck they're even talking about. It's almost amazing that they were able to convince women for the longest time that they are intellectually superior.

No. 2446828

>doesn't have a joint bank account

No. 2446841

>body hair
>a sign of age
it grows during puberty and many of us have had body hair on our arms and legs since we were little kids wtf

No. 2446844

I think what nona meant is that darker, thicker body hair is usually a product of puberty in women. Of course we had body hair as kids but it wasn't as noticeable on a lot of girls.

No. 2446897

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The fake stories are getting hilarious

No. 2446921

I got bored and I asked AI to write an AITA post about “a man who is addicted to having sex with his car but can’t understand why his fiancé is pissed” and this is what it came up with. It added so much detail. Coming up with fake Reddit stories to push an agenda takes so little effort it’s scary.

AITA for Having an “Intimate Relationship” with My Car Despite My Fiancée’s Protests?

Okay, hear me out because I don’t think I’m in the wrong here, but my fiancée (28F) is acting like I committed some horrible betrayal. I (30M) have a deep emotional and physical connection to my car, a 2016 Dodge Challenger. I’ve always been into cars, but with this one, it’s different. I don’t just drive it—I love it.

This might sound weird to some people, but I find my car very attractive, and over time, I’ve developed a more… intimate relationship with it. I’ll spare the details, but yes, I sometimes engage in activities with my car. It’s not hurting anyone, and it’s something that brings me comfort and joy.

My fiancée found out a few days ago when she came home early and caught me in the garage. I was, uh… expressing my love for the car. She freaked out, started yelling about how I was “cheating” on her and that it was “disgusting.” I tried to explain that it’s not like I prefer my car over her—it’s just a different kind of love. I have plenty of affection for her, and this doesn’t change anything about our relationship.

She wasn’t having it. She called me a freak and said she couldn’t believe she was planning to marry someone who “sticks his d* in a tailpipe.” (For the record, that’s not how it works.) She packed a bag and went to her sister’s house, saying she needed time to think.

Now, she’s barely responding to my messages, and when she does, she just calls me gross and tells me to get help. But I don’t think I need help—this isn’t an addiction, it’s just something I enjoy. I’m not hurting anyone, and it’s not like I’ve been unfaithful with another person. I don’t understand why she’s reacting this way.

So, AITA for my relationship with my car? Or is my fiancée being unreasonable?(ai slop/off-topic)

No. 2446923

File: 1742120717887.jpeg (82.05 KB, 1170x355, IMG_1325.jpeg)

I tried it again. This is all I wrote and this is what it came up with:
“My ‘Tradwife’ Sister Humiliated Me at a Family Dinner, and Now Everyone Thinks She’s Right”

I (32F) have always been the independent, career-driven, feminist type. I have a great job, my own apartment, and I’m proud of the life I’ve built for myself. My younger sister (29F), on the other hand, has fully embraced the “tradwife” lifestyle—she got married at 24, stays home to take care of her husband and kids, and preaches about traditional gender roles like it’s the 1950s. We’ve always been close, but we don’t see eye to eye on much.

Well, last weekend, we had a big family dinner at our parents’ house. At some point, the conversation turned to relationships and marriage. My sister started going off about how she’s so “fulfilled” being a wife and mother, how modern feminism “lies” to women, and how so many career women end up lonely and unhappy. I tried to brush it off, but then she turned directly to me and said:

“You work so hard, but for what? To come home to an empty apartment? To eat takeout alone while scrolling through dating apps? That’s not empowerment, that’s just sad.”

The whole room went silent. Even my parents, who usually take my side, just awkwardly looked down at their plates. I was completely caught off guard and mumbled something about being happy with my life, but she just smirked and said, “If you say so.”

After dinner, my mom pulled me aside and told me my sister “didn’t mean to be hurtful” and that maybe I should consider settling down because “there’s nothing wrong with wanting a family.” Now, I feel like my entire family secretly agrees with her, and I’m just the pathetic older sister who chose the wrong path.

I am happy with my life… right? So why does this hurt so much?

Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How do you handle family members who act like your choices are mistakes?(ai slop/off-topic)

No. 2446924

>(For the record, that's not how it works)

No. 2446945

>She called me a freak and said she couldn’t believe she was planning to marry someone who “sticks his d* in a tailpipe.” (For the record, that’s not how it works.)
lmao the AI came up with a good one for this.

No. 2447114

I honestly believe this one. Recently a lot of tiktoks and youtube videos of older women are popping up who finally get divorced and talk about the many mistakes they made and the way they let a moid treat them for way too long. Going 50/50 financially while obviously still being 100/0 on housework and child rearing is one of the biggest mistakes of modern western feminism. So many of these moms are only middle-aged yet already drained of all life because they're just muling away 24/7. Actress Gabrielle Union also recently talked about how stupid she was for at first going 50/50 with her billionaire athlete husband and then getting stressed out because of bills for their mansions. It's so much easier for moids to earn lots of money (even my dumbest male classmates somehow ended up as lawyers), let them pay.

No. 2447356

If hair is masculine, why don't women shave their heads too?

No. 2447971

File: 1742176885564.webp (39.53 KB, 780x506, this-is-legitimately-the-funni…)

This exchange gave me a hearty kek

No. 2448156

File: 1742187608718.webp (9.61 KB, 256x256, profileIcon_3bn5qunl4jme1.png)

No. 2448159

is he using faceapp? i dont understand moid's obession with height. I would pick a cute manlet over a 6ft tall ogre.

No. 2448186

Very clearly not a real picture

No. 2448362

can moids let go of the 2010s justin bieber haircut, it makes them look retarded

No. 2448870

File: 1742239176206.png (426.55 KB, 783x1351, ugh.png)

why do redditors always try to give pedos a chance? How can anyone believe AI CP can be a healthy ‘outlet’ the fuck?

No. 2448872

But they’ll crucify a woman who cheats on her husband kek.

No. 2448876

The way the studies prove that it’s the opposite, pedos escalate, they get to a point where they feel the urge to have the real thing. I wish we could advocate for the death of these retards , even the non offending ones, I don’t care, they all view cp anyway. A non offending pedophiles is a dead one.

No. 2448877

>Give us our child porn, or we'll rape your daughters. (jk, we'll still rape them)
This is the entire argument.

No. 2448878

And where does he think that the AI will learn? It comes from real content, made through the abuse and rape of literal children. These people need to die.

No. 2448889

Sometimes I feel bad for AI. Poor little computer has to look at millions of images of CP to spit out coom slop for redditors.

No. 2448908

can you post the study that moid linked in his comment? I wanna see, I'm curious if it even supports his claim or if he just typed random words into pubmed and got a study with a convincing title

No. 2448913

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No. 2448957

Wow that's even worse than expected. I assumed this would be for shit like lolicon, while horrible it doesn't typically involve the abuse of an actual child, but no it appears to be about actual CSEM

No. 2448979

People gonna be pissed hearing this, but despite common thinking, studies have shown that removing a pedophiles' penis and testicles actually satiates their desires and makes the world a more bearable place to live in

No. 2449071

File: 1742243338272.png (162.8 KB, 1350x434, retard.png)

this retard probably only read the first two sentences of the introduction and called it a day because if you read just a little further this article literally says the opposite of his point.
https://www.academia.edu/download/39274569/54e2d2c30cf2c3e7d2d4a2ff.pdf here's a link to the full article if anyone wants to read it. i haven't looked past the intro yet but i'm guessing none of helps his case whatsoever

No. 2449267

The argument is so fucking retarded, literally everyone knows the more you jack off to a kind of porn the more intrigued by it you become. It's not like being hungry, you don't just get satiated, porn is a drug. It's like the opiate epidemic, patients who got prescribed opiates end up being heroin users, they aren't born heroin users and if you just give them enough opiates they'll never turn to heroin. They hoist these titles around "b b but muh non-offending!" Literally the only reason they're non-offending is because they havent had the opportunity, and the second they actually succeed in normalizing this deviancy it's off to the races. I need to stop but pedophile redditors are the most disingenuous creeps

No. 2449272

File: 1742248291017.png (597.03 KB, 1000x812, fhkjds.png)

samefag, i read through the article and at no point did it ever claim that viewing child porn decreases the likelihood to offend, in fact it claims the opposite. basically the more cp you view the more likely you're going to want to see more intense stuff until eventually you actually want to molest someone.
also the article states that having fellow pedos sucking each other's dicks and comforting one another about being pedos leads to increased likelihood of these people to offend irl. so having a bunch of people sharing ai cp with one another in some little network or whatever is only going to make them worse not better.
i'm sure you all know this shit already but god that scrote is just so blatantly wrong and the fact that some people are willing to give his nonsense the time of day is horrific and infuriating

saw you post while i was writing this, just wanted to say that you're totally right and he is very retarded

No. 2449331

File: 1742250644120.png (447.67 KB, 762x963, redditreads.png)

I grabbed the relevant sections with relevant passages highlighted and spliced it together in paint. What a fucking moron.

No. 2449344

kek and yet you’d be banned for replying with that

No. 2449728

what would you prefer? genuinely asking because it looks just short to me. i like shoulder length hair on men when it isn't thinning of course, but when its short what are the options?? pic rel is better than that shit they do when they shave the sides blegh.

No. 2449740

File: 1742270195778.jpeg (799.28 KB, 1206x1895, IMG_1678.jpeg)

what's even worse is I think this poster is a woman. At least, they are active in a women's prepper group.

No. 2449743

>sign of age
What the fuck? I started growing it when I was 10. You're telling me a man is turned off by it because he thinks only older women grow it???

No. 2449746

reading this made me lose braincells. how can scrotes be this stupid and unaware about social and sexual dynamics in the year of our lord 2025 is beyond me.

No. 2449747

>pedophiles who should be reported

No. 2449750

It could be a troon, but there's a weird minority of women who are very sympathetic towards pedophiles. I've seen them write books/articles saying the harm of csa is overexaggted, or that we have to be nicer to pedos

No. 2449753

I'm talking about him not understanding (or pretending to not understand) the real reason why women are "mean" to pornstars for "setting standards for women".

No. 2449755

The post are 15 years old

No. 2449757

how can scrotes be this stupid and unaware about social and sexual dynamics in the year of our lord 2010

No. 2449758

Sometimes scrotes post things they want women to see and react to. It's always something about how males are all pedophiles and we have no value to them, even though they spend all their time thinking of covert ways to infiltrate women's groups and annoy them

No. 2449760

kek like everytime some new bullshit AI girlfriend comes out men are like "it's so over for women!!!" like we give a shit and they're not the ones constantly malding about us

No. 2449762

I would be happy if lc never addressed moids, other than in containment threads. The "I'm such a loser bc I can't have a pedo bf" posts are from males too and shit up every complaint/vent thread but you can pretty much assume any poster claiming to be a woman on reddit is male or a tranny

No. 2449860

>hair is masculine

Well if moids cared so much about masculinity they’d find a cure for baldies

No. 2450052

i think its cute desu as long as its not helmetlike like coconut head. the fugliest moid hairstyles are the curly numale mullet and the hitler youth back and sides shit, bar none.
there literally is close to a cure and yet moids refuse to take it (finesteride) for some reason. i only know gay moids who do and i dont understand why

No. 2450171

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r/everydaymisandry is fucking hilarious

No. 2450172

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No. 2450173

File: 1742304825707.jpg (179.79 KB, 718x1578, misandry 3.jpg)

Ah yes India, a misandrist feminist paradise

No. 2450175

File: 1742304959366.jpg (170.66 KB, 2400x702, Picsart_25-03-17_18-34-46-567.…)

Peddit. This wasn't even a weeb subreddit either.

No. 2450189

File: 1742305693432.png (43.29 KB, 803x578, t swift.PNG)

They are such bitch babies, holy shit

No. 2450192

Aren't a lot of R*dditors from India? Not surprised these has a lot of updoots.

No. 2450194

>Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift
Like women don't have to listen to the most over-sexualized misogynistic music about fucking bitches and having a big dick while working wagie jobs.

No. 2450195

Anyone else look around those "bad (insert social hobby here) stories" sub reddits and immediately feel all the people posting there must be fucking insufferable? If someone's immediate reaction to any slight is to post it to Reddit, they're just guaranteed to be a shitty person. I don't care what the other person did. And that's assuming the poster isn't just stretching the truth to make themselves look good.

No. 2450244


i called out the mods for the capital of my country's subreddit being absolutely biased about content being posted (big following). They haven't been answering me at that point for MONTHS and once the post went up it got removed and I finally got an answer in mod mail but they were very immature. Maybe the site isn't so worth it after all, but for the people who hold voices for others you'd think they'd be better. I have way too much faith in people.

No. 2450261

From what I know, Indian women can only divorce for adultery, severe abuse and a few other insanely cruel things. If they're so scared of divorce, why can't they stop cheating and beating then?

No. 2450482

Lol, it's always about money with these materialistic faggots, moids are whining they have to do or contribute anything at all.

No. 2450515

File: 1742320823479.png (274.43 KB, 729x937, c8vU7Ma.png)

The dangers of ya fiction

No. 2450537

kek and they get butthurt when it backfires, janitor ai is used largely by women and every now and then there is a score crying over how women prefer ai husbandos now

No. 2450704

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No. 2450708

No. 2450776

Someone should show these whiny manchildren malesuffering.

No. 2450852

The most misogynistic countries ban women from education and from being in public etc., they allow child brides and if a girl tries to escape an arranged marriage she gets honor killed. The most misandrist countries have… a high number of rape accusations. Men truly live on easy mode.

No. 2450879

wow moids have literally 0 problems, what a bunch of whiny fags

No. 2450890

They kinda sound like the Zoomer burgers in the Trump thread kek

No. 2450893

"Women are born with pain built in. It's our physical destiny. Period pains, sore boobs, child birth, you know. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives. Men don't. They have to seek it out."

No. 2451179

>India having laws to protect women
>”its misandry”
jfc do they think places like Afghanistan where women are banned from leaving their homes and talking are balanced then?

No. 2451262

Moids will literally not stop cheating if their life depends on it. With murders left and right over cheating or even in countries that kill men for cheating they can't stop. Actual ape-brain

No. 2451271

Ai slop answer but this is what I predicted
>In 2023, the female labor force participation rate in India was 37%, a significant increase from previous years, and the government is aiming to further increase this number to 70% by 2047 to achieve a $30 trillion economy.
They experimented with giving women control of a weekly allowance for the household and the studies confirmed indian women aren't retarded and even realistic about the degeneracy of their scrotes (allocating a sum for prostitutes and alcohol, instead of the inverse when the entire allowance were spent on those things via the moid). They are better and more diligent workers, especially when they have children so the gov. is probably still interested in maintaining the family unit over there, esp. bc they need to create new factory workers, to replace the violent/rapey ones keeping women from participating in the workforce

No. 2451343

File: 1742370519325.png (Spoiler Image,81.36 KB, 1380x378, summer2014.png)

No. 2451346

File: 1742371253653.jpg (150.16 KB, 700x523, frikaanse-stierkikker.jpg)

You capped a tif called "arsenicandjoy" and cut off the rest. Probably time for bed anon

No. 2451405

>allocating a sum for prostitutes and alcohol
Kek Indian men just seem more and more disgusting with everything I read about them

No. 2451477

Women are superior in literally every country in the world, never listen to moids.

No. 2451524

File: 1742385259822.png (558.2 KB, 1080x1604, 1000000890.png)

>I'm struggling to afford food and am a COVID break from being homeless
>Obviously, sell a potential income maker/housing if you were to lose your current place to move to an area 2x as expensive as the rent you can't even afford! How romantic would that be?
Day 206 I wish people were legally responsible for being financially accountable when they give terrible advice that ends up hurting the person

No. 2451528

Sounds like a boomer. They're sl out of touch they think this is feasible

No. 2451532

The "sell the car" thing pisses me off so badly because it's a tactic homeless shelters use to keep their residents ultra-dependent

No. 2451534

I love how we've all agreed to treat boomers as if they're small children, disregard every single thing they say because it's fucking stupid and they know absolutely nothing about the world

No. 2451539

I hate when people say "Just move teehee!" as if moving isn't incredibly expensive because you often have to pay multiple rents + security deposit upfront not to mention any moving fees or fees from switching contracts. Most poor people can't afford to just move, retard advice

No. 2451541

They'll probably say some stupid shit like "just use the money from the car" not realizing most car trade ins are a complete scam and it's damn near impossible to sell independently. Most car dealerships will barely offer a grand or so even if you have a fairly normal middle class car just to sell it for 15k. The next argument would be roommates, which would be fair, but she's also a young woman, nearly all people seeking roommates are male and even so - most Americans are extremely deranged and completely incapable of cohabitating

No. 2451584

Users on r/tokyo sub are defending the 42 year old man who killed live-streamer Airi Sato.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Tokyo/comments/1jd2awb/scene_of_streamer_mogami_ais_murder_defiled_as/(this is an imageboard)

No. 2451703

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No. 2451712

File: 1742397777434.jpg (184 KB, 1080x843, 09483775.jpg)

No. 2451720

moving in itself adds to the expenses. Horrible advice

No. 2451772

>Maybee he's afraid to ask for you to do his kinks?
I never understood this argument. Maybee there's a reason you're so ashamed and you should do your absolute best to kill that part of yourself?

No. 2451866

File: 1742408379425.png (2.19 MB, 640x5096, IMG_1419.png)

giving your credit card info to a moid, what could go wrong???

No. 2451884

They both sound retarded wtf

No. 2451888

If a 14 year old girl started talking about pregnancy and wanting to pretend to be pregnant, I would be even more concerned. I'd be worried that she was getting groomed by a old scrote or had otherwise been molested in some way.

No. 2451892

>get married to a gachashit moid who's into hoyoslop
>somehow think it's a good idea to have a joint account knowing the moid is into gambling
>suprised he spends 600$ on his fictional waifu
Should've seen this a mile ago

No. 2451896

he runs to mommy to fix his problems, he claims anxiety when she confronts him, and in the comments she says she works 55 hours a week and he drives uber a couple hours a day. she’s almost just as retarded for even dating this child, let alone being engaged to him.

it’s not even a joint account. it’s a card with just her as the lender. she gave him access to a credit line he’s not even responsible for. how fucking dumb could you be?

No. 2451904

according to the OOP he stole it out of her purse

No. 2451975

File: 1742411452428.png (57.09 KB, 477x291, adult.png)

No. 2452100

File: 1742417607658.jpeg (531.73 KB, 1028x871, IMG_7631.jpeg)

Men and their porn! Hate how normalized it is to talk about it openly.

No. 2452135

>Will you please apologize to my mom?
holyshit. they're both braindead

No. 2453013

Anon it says answer my mom….

No. 2453081

It doesn’t take a genius to know, stimulating this depraved behavior and addiction makes them worse till there is no turning back.
They should get professional help or just off themselves.

No. 2453253

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No. 2453520

Ew is this why my bf wants a VR headset so bad?

No. 2453532

nona no man wants VR goggles for anything other than porn use and occasional gaming

No. 2453537

This scrote sounds like a clusterbee himself. I hope she divorces him and tosses him straight to the gutter where he belongs. He can cry to his mommy about it since he's such a useless little manbaby. My guess is that they're both young, this is going to be a hard lesson for her but I hope it cures her of any future stupidity.

No. 2453571

"Seek help" if the guyw as fixable he would have turned back the moment his thoughts started drifting to kids. The fact that he didn't and kept on trucking through proves the "stop shaming muh poor non-offending pedos!" Is a lie to garner sympathy and normalize their behavior so they can get away with it.

No. 2453591

Abusers love playing up the "but I'm so ill!" angle. Like does he want us to all wait around until he already assaults a child (if he didn't already) and then baby him for it? It doesn't help CSA is already hard to prove due to DNA evidence being long gone after the child realizes what happened to them

No. 2454407

File: 1742516113308.png (435.68 KB, 841x841, IMG_0782.png)

I've been browsing r/starseeds and it's both hilarious and kind of horrifying. I've fascinated by subreddist that aren't just filled with porn or political rants and instead just completely mentally deluded people who blindly accept collective delusions without questioning them

No. 2454425

File: 1742516775708.png (205.93 KB, 540x303, alien_fag.png)

I bet we should start with the troons and then hug all pedos. Also we share a hivemind, so age of consent is a silly concept too. This is why you don't have to be spiritual or religious to see that aliens are actually demonic forces sent to destroy humanity

No. 2454516

>My guess is that they're both young
He’s 29. Way too old to be acting like this.

No. 2454580

This is blatantly fake kek

No. 2454730

File: 1742527190204.jpg (45.55 KB, 720x373, Screenshot_20250320-201610_Chr…)

No. 2454740

her post history is based

No. 2454809

This is so fake, I have no idea how anyone can buy into this shit. Epsecially here.

No. 2455352

File: 1742575904970.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1880, IMG_1383.jpeg)

Comments calling the husband a coward are getting 100s of downvotes.
I know this is a fake story but peoples reactions to it are very real.

No. 2455375

File: 1742576440934.jpeg (140.2 KB, 1170x382, IMG_1384.jpeg)

The way women is in quotations… what is that supposed to mean? KEK.

No. 2455379

Trying to no-true-scotsman being a woman kek. Because everyone knows only servile groveling handmaidens are real women!

No. 2455425

Moids are so pathetic and worthless. In male spaces, they cry about how modern society has destroyed masculinity, but they don’t even want to protect their wives from a violent male.

No. 2455448

Poor middle-aged man who started giving his money to her when she was a teenager solely because he was hoping that giving her resources would lead to her eventually fucking him. I feel sooooo bad for men who give their money to sex workers/influencers/pop stars who are usually half their age and then become outraged when they realize that the woman just wanted their resources and nothing more, when they wanted the woman for equally shallow reasons.

No. 2455466

File: 1742578549263.jpg (469.4 KB, 1080x1725, Screenshot_20250321_193402_Red…)

I love ufo/alien subs for schizoposting. Tho it gets repetitive at some point.

No. 2455470

>woman goes through traumatic experience
>understandably upset her husband did nothing and cba to even hug her
>woww clearly the woman is the villian here! clearly she is to blame for mens issues

No. 2455684

Dating men with porn addictions is truly a waste of time. I've had many friends trauma dump to me about their ex bf's porn addiction, some with fart fetishes and taking pills for their broken dick despite being in their 20s. They cannot be fixed

No. 2456836

File: 1742652813036.jpg (152.74 KB, 720x663, 1000000834.jpg)

What causes this? Fantasies about being masculine and receiving asspats? Women are taught that their value is only in their appearance while men think they'll receive accolade and power from grandiosity?? Idk

No. 2456841

If this is even real, what is even the point of being a man and being this useless. He should just rope honestly.

No. 2456849

This is so pathetic considering what happened at the ecole polytechnique, where not a single moid from a class of 50 scrotes and 8 women stood up to help their female classmates who were being targetted for being female by a misogynistic scrote. The audacity of moids to larp as le heros in their minds when they are the ones who commit mass shootings in the first place.

No. 2456854

To them, being a hero means saving children or a dog from a burning building. Saving women they aren't sexually attracted to isn't of interest to them because caring about women holds no merit among the peers (men) they want to impress.

No. 2456855

it's so funny how you can tell the author thinks that fantasies about going out heroically are a noble thing to have that elevates the male psyche above the cowardly Woman, as opposed to pathetic, narcissistic, and delusional. cool fantasy you have about helping people at your own personal cost! would you EVER sacrifice anything for another person in real life when it's not hypothetical, or are you actually too selfish to sacrifice 15 minutes of video game time to fold laundry for a while? like, it's fine, it's a completely neutral trait, but it's not exactly impressive to daydream about being adored by the public

No. 2456863

he 100% hates her and will discard her once she is no longer useful to him, the type of man who would leave if ur terminally ill.

And i say this because i had a very similar experience like this but instead of a partner it was a ''close'' friend who just watched and did nothing and didn't care when another girl put her hands on me for no reason. That friend later ended up being a user and abusive.

No. 2456875

Women don't have to fantasize about heroically saving people because they're more likely to actually assist people in simple, practical ways in their average lives. When you already have empathy, you don't have to fill the soulless void in yourself with delusions of being revered. All men are faggots.

No. 2456878

I had these fantasies as a child, except I won. Why would I die heroically in the process? I'd win and live, thank you very much. Do men want to be martyrs and whine and suffer kek

No. 2456897

I'm with >>2456878
I've never dreamed of being injured by it but I've had scenarios in my head play out how I'd save my coworkers if someone came in with a gun kek.

No. 2456900

>it's so funny how you can tell the author thinks that fantasies about going out heroically are a noble thing to have that elevates the male psyche above the cowardly Woman, as opposed to pathetic, narcissistic, and delusional.
God you nailed it perfectly. The fake shocked bewilderment that us lowly females aren't noble and pure like them

No. 2456903

I still have recurring dreams that I have to save my family and I'm always successfully. Clearly males are idiots

No. 2456998

Hilarious when in real life men are more likely to leave their entire family in poor and war-torn countries to chase economic benefit in first-world countries

No. 2457004

File: 1742660080971.png (62.61 KB, 720x488, 1000034009.png)

So obscure and petty but topkek. The scrotal urge to derail completely unrelated conversations with self-pity

No. 2457014

Males are so retarded. One of their favourite hobbies are to constantly generalise the female race, grouping us together as some sort of subspecies hivemind, stupid faggots. I know all women have different fantasies (I also fantasise about being a martyr and dying heroically) but this dumbass cannot fathom women having fantasies and uses a couple women he knows as being a sum-up of all 4 billion women.

No. 2457067

File: 1742663645478.png (70.74 KB, 872x510, fat greasy cheeto stained fing…)

Commented that girl needs to kill her bf with a porn addiction and the retard mod responded with this KEK

No. 2457072

File: 1742663792143.png (196.11 KB, 938x946, reddit moment.png)

This was the OP btw, genuinely hope this moid gets a bullet through the skull

No. 2457090

Anyone else trying to quit using Reddit? I'm re-reading "You Should Quit Reddit" by Jacob Desforges for motivation. I've managed to quit a ton of other sites gradually and I no longer have a Reddit account but it feels like quitting completely will mean I have nothing to read online any more. Google is useless these days so I can't even find new sites. All I've have left is news sites and I want to limit them too.

I was looking for alternatives and it seems like Ovarit just announced it's closing: https://ovarit.com/o/Announcements/676340/ovarit-is-closing

No. 2457122

TIL fantasizing about dying is apparently only called "suicidal ideation" when women do it

No. 2457126

Their admin is a retard. She just handed a gigantic win to TRAs. Come the hell on, I'm sure there are other GCs who would be happy to take over for her.

No. 2457200

This is what I’m wondering, there’s an active STEM group too.
It’s a shame to just throw it away like that and also suspicious.

No. 2457301

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Interesting happenings in the proshipper subreddit…

No. 2457309

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>Paraphilia pride flags
Doesn't stuff like this destroy their "I only support it in fiction" thing?

No. 2457323

Wow it's so nice of them to be non binary inclusive in their pedophilia.

No. 2457361

Its terrifying how common these pedophiles are..jesus how do they not get questioned by the FBI on the spot seeing how brazen they are

No. 2457416

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>folks from different kink communities stepping up and acting as nurses for the sick
Ah yes I'm sure we're all familiar with the many historical accounts of heterosexual piss pigs and foot fetishists working in hospitals to support gay men.

No. 2457547

Is anyone "downvoted banned"? It feels like every time I downvote someone, within the matter of minutes they get upvoted even on a thread with literally zero traffic besides me and the other person

No. 2457549

Oh, no, I've read that this is a thing reddit does. It counteracts with an upvote to stop the post from getting sent to hell, and then it removes the auto-votes later.
At least, this is what I've read. If I can find the article again, I'll come back and post it for you.

No. 2457559

There's a reddit apocalypse of people trying to rewrite history as if no one else has access to information but them. They're currently trying to convince people Democrats are the real racists and the KKK supports Biden, and that feminists during history didn't want to work and it was actually men who fought for women's right to work

No. 2457569

>folks from different kink communities stepping up and acting as nurses for the sick
I’m not surprised that trannies are trying to erase the crucial role lesbians played in supporting gay men during the AIDS epidemic, but I am disgusted.

No. 2457579

>being injured heroically
Isn't that what birthing is?

No. 2457585


No. 2457649

I’m so glad that faggot survivor killed himself out of guilt.

No. 2457690

Men love fantasizing about being heroes while hardly doing anything, a scrote rarely stands up for a stranger nor helps kek.

No. 2457691

Without lesbians nothing could ever be there, the LGBTQ was built over their backs and retards don’t have an ounce of respect. I wish lesbians let all the faggots die , because those very same faggots don’t give a damn about the erasure and misogyny that the L receives. Fuck the GBTQ.

No. 2457729

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This site is an alternative to ovarit https://clovenhooves.org/

No. 2457730

Is this for horse girls?

No. 2457731

These faggots would've loved NAMBLA back in the day because of "muh kweer culture". Most lesbians were vehemently opposed to NAMBLA mind you

No. 2457734

No, it's for radfems/gc women.

No. 2457736

Sorry anon, I was joking cause…hooves.

No. 2457812

Horses don't even have cloven hooves though

No. 2457845

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No. 2457925

Hooves in the name makes me think it’s going to be clopclop and cloven because the devil

No. 2458038

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Came across this comment under a post that was titled “What is considered a red flag but truly isn’t?” in r/dating. It’s old, but still felt the need to show the typical, as per usual instance of a Reddit moid defending porn.

>I don’t even watch porn myself

I honestly don’t believe there is such a thing as a moid who doesn’t watch porn and will never in his whole entire life.

No. 2458045

As a bi woman, lesbians have always received the most sympathy and support from me out of the LGBTQ. It’s like lesbians are the redheaded step-child of the group.

No. 2458098

It’s probably some pickme coping about her porn addict bf. Doormats hate women who have boundaries.

No. 2458142

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Your average leftist man, your average hetero man, your average right man, your average nice guy.
And the funniest thing? They want a medal when they come to the realization that yes, women are human beings and not influence flashlights. Fuck you and your realization, I’m not going to applaud or congratulate you, I hope you die.
Post is super long and a useless rant so I’ll add the most important points nonna.

No. 2458147

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This is what all men think, at least the retard was actually truthful. Main reason why I find scrotes repulsive despite my heterosexuality.
Girls get heartbroken and treated like shit, even used for sex only and yet they don’t come and hate men nor see them as a lesser human beings. I’ll never feel any ounce of pity for men, zero.

No. 2458148

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No. 2458150

Maybe so many men are easily recognizable in typing style because of how boring, out of touch, and emotionally bereft every single thing they think and share is.

No. 2458218

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Found this nsfw subreddit called r/traumatizedsluts filled and one of the most recent posts is titled "tell me the worst thing you've done to a girl" which is full of men admitting to raping and abusing women. Crazy how this disgusting shit is allowed up under the guise of "kink". I wish the worst for these people

No. 2458270

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The r/transmuslimas subreddit is a trip, also the guy that posted this also posts on 4tran4 often, not surprised.

No. 2458283

>Found this nsfw subreddit called r/traumatizedsluts
could've ended the post right there and it would still fit this thread

No. 2458284

I'm convinced almost all men have abused women at some point, no exceptions

No. 2458285

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It's the devils fault I have generic taste in music

No. 2458295

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What a cope

No. 2458297

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samefag but this pic is needed

No. 2458298

But it's okay when males fuck dogs, goats, cows, cats, sheep, roadkill etc

No. 2458300

These are all fantasies kek

No. 2458309

File: 1742740847953.gif (261.46 KB, 500x279, 1739072658680905.gif)

>post in question is calling men moids
i doubt you could get away with calling men moids on most subreddits without being banned/downvoted to oblivion so this is probably on a subreddit meant for misandry. do they really think niche places like these represent how everyone thinks? most women irl are pickmes who coddle moids imo. if only calling men moids was actual everyday "misandry" kekkk

No. 2458315

The post in everyday misandry is posting a screenshot from another subreddit and "calling it out", they do that a lot. Most of that subreddit is crying about screencaps from feminist subs kek.

No. 2458327

Faggot will sit around fantasizing, but is more likely to assault or do nothing than to live a life like Joan of Arc. The average mother in a third world country is more courageous and martryr-like than the average moid.
There are literal female animals more noble and martyristic in their everyday life than the average male.

No. 2458402

I was going to post something similar. Yet why are all the most depraved zoophiles men? Huh, really makes the noggin' go a joggin' when you look up moids like kerothewolf, Timothy George Amoroso, and the tranny Hypnotist Sappho.

No. 2458407

I was banned on reddit like a year ago for saying a rapist should be castrated and it still pisses me off to this day

No. 2458698

>Their admin is a retard.
I feel the same. Dumbass fucking Null managed to hang on for much longer though much worse. And so has this site, actually. She should feel some shame for giving up like this.

No. 2459184

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>The poor moids were taught to devalue womens' contributions to literature, let's pity them everyone! Btw based on my own anecdotes, women are never shamed in society for not conforming to the "correct" womanly interests

No. 2459205

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Ladies and gentlewomen, I present to you: Examples of Society's Everyday Pervasive Misandry That Discriminates Against Men!

No. 2459214

Better Call Saul ended only three years ago, all my moid friends raved about The Penguin, they have shit like Reacher or new Marvel slop. Most popular current tv shows like Severance or The White Lotus are not really gendered. These retards just want to endlessly complain and simultaneously call women perpetual victims.

No. 2459279

Saw a post in r/bophousesnark about sophie rain where some brainrot pornfag commented that its 100% ok that piper rockelle is hanging out at the bop house because she's 17 and the bop house members 18-20. Camilla looks like katy perry at 25 and sophie rain got publicly doxxed to be 23. Yes, its totally ok for them to hang out around a kid who's already getting groomed by her mom. Still can't believe these guys are stupid enough to believe anything these girls say on the internet.

No. 2459280

All those shows had prominent female characters and were never even 'made for men', they were popular mainstream shows that both men and women watched. Also I guarantee if The Wire came out now these same men would be bitching about it being too woke and political.

No. 2459302

Misogyny: women being raped, murdered, and abused and living in fear of men every day

"Misandry": wElL tHeReS nO mOiD fOcUsEd sHoWs oN tV!!! I dOnT wAnNa sEe wOmEn iN tV, oNLy iN pOrN!!1!1

No. 2459356

Female characters who tardwrangle their moid counterparts has been a trope forever, too.

No. 2459380

This reads like bad fan fiction. Moids are terrible at creative writing, even their fantasies

A 100% male focused show they claim they want would tank in ratings. Moids would complain that there’s no sex, or actresses to sexualize and harass

No. 2459388

Stuff aimed at women can get good ratings, but it tends to be pidgeonholed in the slice of life and romance genres. People don't shill Young Royals or Heartstopper to moids the way women get scrote trash like Game of Thrones and The Boys rammed down their throats. Moidslop is "for everyone" while things for women are "just" for women.

No. 2459439

This reminds me of how in India, little girls being raped is the norm, little girls are married off to old pedophiles, Indian women have very little access to education and careers, it's extremely dangerous for women to even exist and people will force abort female fetuses, and a bunch of other nightmarish stuff against women but MRAs exist because of divorce and rape accusations

No. 2459452

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I can't believe I'm doing this bc it used to annoy me so much in my housing groups but I guess I've learned a lot about indians since becoming a landless serf in my country. India is insanely diverse. There are horrific regions where child rape/brides are common and regions where you would be ostracized from your entire community (if not murdered by her family members) for suggesting it. It varies in extremity by caste, since dalit and sudra are the lowest and most populous (poorest)

No. 2459462

It's diverse for sure, but men playing victim never stops. Even when men are worshipped and women are treated worse than dogs they still find it in them to play victim

No. 2459554

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Jumpscared on one of the few decent fashion subs. Poor mom is rolling in her grave

No. 2459591

This is why you don’t marry ugly men, no matter how great their personality is. She was an attractive woman and she produced a hideous ogre of a son.

No. 2459593

Do moids not care about how they look at all? He's a solid 1/10 and could easily be a hard 6-7 if he lost a lot of weight and styled himself flatteringly

No. 2459597

>He could be a 7
What drugs are you smoking?

No. 2459616

>Moids would complain there's no sex or actresses
Yeah, even their precious animu knows this because a LOT of male audience franchises are 90% female characters.

No. 2459633

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I don’t believe moids when they say this. There’s loads of stories about police being called on dads who are with their kids and I just don’t believe it. I hate men to death but even I don’t assume every older male with a younger female or children is a pervert.

No. 2459647

Exactly. Trannies are so gross and delusional about what women do. No woman has a fake pregnancy belly just lying around to loan to teenage girls. "But what if the gender was swapped? Checkmate, cishet bigots." No. Nobody does this ever. There is no changing the gender, because it doesn't happen, period. Fetishistic men are the only people who would buy such a thing to use at home.

No. 2459663

I feel like these creeps low-key "get off" on the idea of being mistaken for their daughters partner. I have a pituitary gland issue that causes me to look much younger than I am and literally have been mistaken for my husband's daughter (despite being older than him), no one cares, calls the cops, makes comments, etc. moids love playing victim

No. 2459668

This doesn’t happen. I’ve even had actual boyfriends be mistaken for my dad despite clearly being not old enough to have a daughter in her mid-20s, let alone older male relatives. If it’s an older man most people say nothing or assume father/cousin even if it doesn’t apply.

No. 2459670

It wasn't until I read the second post that I realized they're victimizing themselves. I thought the first one was just embarrassed to be doing "girl" things. Im so tired of them wanting pity as if this even happened. Kiss the worthless scrote ass as if they aren't the gender known for being massive pedos, we have to feel bad for them. Boohoo.

No. 2459673

See this gets me because out of all the things they can self victimize over why do they like the idea of being mistaken for a creepy man preying on their daughter? It almost feels like a weird fantasy or they're even gaslighting people to be afraid of calling them out for being creepy (like they plan to prey on their daughter/young girls when they're older)

No. 2459677

With the amount of incest porn that men watch I wouldn't be shocked

No. 2459741

how do you know this? I'm genuinely interested

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