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No. 1360109

Elaine Gertler Miller is an 18 year old aspiring model & commodity trader who resides in London. A tory who flaunts her family’s (questionable) wealth on social media and brags about attending Westminster School, an expensive and prestigious London boarding school. Elaine is a self proclaimed “hacktivist” who is on a mission to cancel cancel culture after clips from a livestream were posted on twitter in which Elaine says she wanted to nuke Chinatown. There’s little information on Elaine before May 2020. She says she was a “controversial internet troll” previous to all her online activity disappearing. Elaine says her parents use their wealth and influence to have hackers & police remove photos and videos of her after the Chinatown incident. Elaine flip flops between having a friend who died from online bullying to herself being the target and bullied until she attempted suicide. She also believes anyone who talks about her, shares info from her public social media accounts or shares DMs have broken British terrorism statutes. She uses multiple alt accounts & sock accounts to threaten people with hacking, criminal prosecution and legal action but always ends up outing herself because she can’t stand not being the center of attention. Even though her whole schtick is canceling cancel culture, Elaine tries to cancel lots of things, including but not limited to this site, kiwifarm (she refers to KF as kiwi leaks), Josh Moon/Null, Britton Bully Club, Diane Awesomelaser, Chinatown & pollution.

@inplie (deactivated)
@magixela (deactivated)
@saskia_collins (deactivated)

@E21877775 (deactivated)
@cassidy09020696 (deactivated)
@stella61531332 (deactivated)


Previously on Real Housewives of BPD:

Feb 2021, shortly after starting a new Instagram account, Elaine joins an engagement pod with infamous lolcow Lillee Jean. She starts to contact Lillee Jean’s critics, suicide baiting on Lillee’s behalf >>>/pt/821551

March 18th livestream with Lillee Jean. The stream was uploaded to Lillee’s Instagram account & Youtube but removed shortly after the farms started discussing Elaine. Elaine says her parents had the stream taken down >>>/pt/826076

She’s an anarchist >>>/pt/826107

Anyone participating in cancel culture should receive life in prison >>>/pt/826192

Elaine’s modeling agency is a scammy “pay to play” agency which had to change names from TMA Talent Management to Buzz Talent after receiving bad reviews online >>>/pt/826197 >>>/pt/826201

Trading company Elaine lists as her employer on her resume is also a scam >>>/pt/826228

Chinatown livestream is found on twitter:

>Joe: I'm not gonna lie, I wish they could just square up Chinatown and blow it up.

>Elaine: I was gonna say that! Joe, you're more politically correct than I am because I was thinking about saying "nuke" but then I was like…. >>>/pt/826432

The police are removing the clip and she’s not racist, she just hates pollution >>>/pt/826437

Deleting Instagram account after getting called out by numerous people she was contacting and threatening >>>/pt/826592 She never deletes the account

Discovers lolcow and says farmhands have given her anons’ identities and we’ll all be arrested >>>/pt/828142

England, in it’s entirety, is coming for the farms >>/pt/828098

Josh Moon/Null runs lolcow. Her proof? Null’s lolcow thread >>>/pt/828152

Elaine’s suing the farm for £10,000 >>>/pt/828146

At Elaine’s request, Westminster School is contacting YouTube commentary channels for commenting on internet drama >>>/pt/828098

Wealthy anons notice Elaine’s designer items look like bad knockoffs which is strange for someone who has enough money to wipe the internet every few months >>>/pt/828184

In a message exchange with commentary channel Diane Awesomelaser, Elaine says she going to bring down lolcow & kiwi leaks (KF) by putting a virus on the sites >>>/pt/828317

New Milk:

Elaine was sexually harassed for being an internet troll >>1191418

Elaine’s fake fan/hater accounts are discovered >>1191474 >>1191476 >>1191478 >>1191479

Not-Elaine make her first appearance, calling farmers pathetic because she was just joking about blowing up a crowded place when she was 14 >>1191751

Elaine says she’s a minor >>1191784

Elaine retcons 14 year old joking story and now says the girl in the Chinatown video is a girl named Monica, not-Elaine >>1191824

Elaine doxxes herself and makes rape threats >>1191928

Elaine pretends to a bullied classmate >>1191935

Elaine has been calling the cyber police since 2019 >>1192762

Elaine called the CIA on farmers for doxxing someone under the age of 21 >>1192782

Elaine attacks random Josh Moon, not the correct Joshua Connor Moon >>1192828

You may be trolls but I’m a coder >>1192837

Diane Awesomelaser’s twitter cult catch wind of gullible Elaine and troll her into doxxing numerous Lillee Jean white knights >>1192996 >>1193019 >>1193028 >>1193049

Culminating in the revelation of Diane’s real name, Ana L Beads >>1194237

Elaine still can’t figure out Josh Moon doesn’t run lolcow >>1195930 >>1196548

Elaine contacts Null over his white nationalist, pedo-infested board, lolcow.farm >>1196811

Elaine thinks Null was sued over a thread posted on lolcow because she can’t read >>1196822

Elaine bothers Null enough to get herself a KF thread >>1196850

Elaine shares passport on her Instagram account as proof she’s a minor >>1196890

Immediately gets called out as shooped. Elaine deletes it & claims not-Elaine posted it >>1196934 >>1196984

Irritated with an alleged minor contacting him, Null emails Elaine’s mom >> 1197038

Not-Elaine says she watched a non-existent livestream so people will stop contacting her parents >>1197319

Elaine’s dad confirms farmers’ suspicions that Elaine is indeed retarded >>1197492

Pics from Elaine’s private Instagram account get leaked >> 1197797 she starts removing followers, trying to find the leaker >>1197942

Connor/Queck says he had to have Elaine removed from his property by the police >>1198035

Queck gets a poorly constructed vendetta thread in snow >>1300569

Elaine offers info on Lillee Jean’s fake pedo boyfriend to KF’ers if they remove Elaine’s thread >>1201356

Really leaning into the fake hacker persona >>1218940

After applying for an admin position & getting rejected, Elaine starts her work doxxing lolcow’s real owner…first up, Regina, hot blue haired mexican admin >>1290278 >>1290288

Elaine’s hacker alt is discovered on twitter. Broadcasts her diabolical plans to ruin the farms >>1312802

According to Elaine, this embarrassing alt is totally Not-Elaine >>1312862

Beginning her complicated mating ritual with admin-sama, Elaine only pretended to be stupid and shared fake doxxes as a tease. Now has admin-chan’s for reals dox. Time’s up for Ines, the slim, Muslim-Canadian lesbian admin>>1312862

Elaine’s calls 911, in Canada, to report admin is a Muslim and one of those gays >>1328624

Elaine decides a random art twitter account is every anon posting on lolcow, threatens subpoenas >>1328626

Another vendetta thread appears on random art twitter account >>1313033

Elaine begins her favorite pastime: necroing threads, spamming gore & spamming cp. Succeeds in getting her thread pinned >>1328686

Admin out Elaine’s self posts in meta >>1329075

Elaine still can’t integrate >>1329171

Ethnicity : Muslim >>1329350

Elaine seems fixated on admin-sama’s sexuality : lesbian >>1329491

Elaine says she’s created a new image board, not run by illegal lesbians, gossipgirl.net. Posts about it in /meta/. It’s all a lie, just another ploy to get admin-sama’s attention >>1329703 >>1330502

Elaine posts as McGill University Tech Support and says someone emailed admin-sama’s school, warning them of their hot lesbian muslim student >>1330606

Immediately gets outted as Elaine gayops >>1330611

Elaine still tries to salvage the McGill Tech Support plot line >>1330650

More love letters from Elaine to admin-sama >>1331467

Laur Trueman, Lillee Jean’s unhinged stage mom, sent the email to McGill says not-Elaine >>1331486

Elaine has a soft spot for Kiwifarm, unlike us white nationalist pedo lesbians, they have self awareness and dicks which Elaine can ride >>1331703

Elaine was only retard-sitting Lillee Jean >>1331759

Finally listening to anons and taking a break from the internet >>1331772

Just kidding. she’s back spamming more gore & cp after a few days >>1333873

The hacker called Zero, Not-Elaine, starts targeting random twitter users, accusing them of posting on lcf >>1339931 >>1340134 >>1340456

But Zero also wants to fuck admin-sama >>1340687

An Instagram account appears, offering money in exchange for info on Muslim, lesbian college students. What could go wrong?! >>1343476

Elaine starts tweeting at unrelated McGill students >>1344029

Elaine has a scrote create an admin-sama thread on Kiwifarm. Included is an April Fool’s Day post, which Elaine takes serious >>1355222

Admin reveals Elaine’s nefarious plan to pit numerous message boards against each other and have them take each other out >>1355384

Elaine gets a restraining order against admin-sama >>1355778

Elaine created the evidence used in admin-sama’s dox >> 1357083

On the rebound from admin-sama, Elaine sets her beady eyes on her next board-running lover, Null >>1358632

Null confirms admin-sama’s KFvsLCFvs420chan reveal >>1359161

Elaine doesn’t take Null’s rejection well and says he’s been brainwashed by the hot lesbian troons on lcf >>1358803

Elaine doesn’t need admin or null. She’ll just use socks to thirst post about herself on Kiwifarm >>1359487

With her board vs board thunderdome plans destroyed, Elaine starts to lay the groundwork for her next story…obsessive scrote hacked her accounts and catfished everyone >>1359683

It’s stupid and immediately gets torn apart by anons >>1359728 >>1359730 >>1359756

Elaine is sorry for being fucking psycho for the last 6 months, she was stressed about exams. She’s learned a lesson and will take a break >>1359767

Just kidding, she’s back and doesn’t want a 2nd thread >>1359812

What’s next for not-Elaine? Will admin-sama break up with her liberal white gf and confess her undying love for Elaine? Will Null get over his hatred of skinny women and British people, finally realizing the hacking coder of his dreams was right in front of him the entire time? Will Elaine finally shut the fuck up and stop spamming gore & cp?

First Thread >>1191408

No. 1360137

Beautiful summary of the adventures of Elaine and her alter kek

No. 1360152

Really goes to show you, some temporary negative attention from men really isnt worth it

No. 1360164

7 days ago, some sperg made a joke tinfoil about Elaine and Josh, using the word homunculi. Really makes you think.

No. 1360178

i don’t think elaine is funny enough for that

No. 1360292

I also don't think she's creative enough to come up with anything like that. She probably saw the homunculus post and included it into her disgusting kiwipost.

No. 1360380

Thank you based Admines-chan for the pinned thread.

No. 1360439

For people who think either of her parents are rich(don't involve family members)

No. 1360453

Nice integration Elaine

No. 1360472

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She hasn’t stopped fucking around online. She was responding on kf last night. The scrote who posted admin-Chan’s thread was telling farmers his relationship with Elaine got personal and he could ruin her. God I hope she wasn’t dumb enough to send one someone nudes.

No. 1360475

Hi Elaine, we know you're just trying to set the stage for another game of "that wasn't me, someone has it out for me I swear". Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No. 1360517

Kinda funny to see the differences between the way she approaches a majority female site vs a majority male site. On another note, its hard to tell what is and isnt her anymore. Its obviously not mentally healthy either way to get as involved as she has. Youre not going to become their based edgy meme girl, elaine. Wouldnt you rather start turning things around now for future you instead of continuing to add more cringe to your resume that you'll look back on and regret when they stop giving you attention? You can stop it at any time

No. 1360538

Thing of it is I don't believe she is capable of stopping. So many people have, often in rather kind terms, tried to explain that if she were to stop it really would all more or less be forgotten fairly quickly. But I don't think she can stop, literally incapable I mean.

No. 1360638


I'm the guy who posted all the shit about her irl you thick sod. This anonymous shit is bs(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1360639

Fuck me, the admins on here are absolute morons, the anon who said she was rich. I can assure you she's not, UK companies house is open to the public.

No. 1360661

From the limited posts I've seen screenshotted I can't tell if rectalsalad or Elaine has the lower IQ. Match made in heaven honestly

No. 1360786

Jesus, Elaine, please look at the Sh0eonhead threads. Is that how you want to turn out? Is THAT who you want to be? They're going to stop giving you based edgy meme girl points and then you'll end up like Sh0e as soon as the next retard from lolcow comes along

No. 1360792


I mean there is, since I'm the guy who went to her house to confront her parents about 18 months ago, and Elaine doesn't like the fact I went there.

Hell, if you find any of her old posts you can match up her skylights and roof, to the address on there.

No. 1360810

no one cares. fuck off scrote

No. 1360814

>I'm the guy who went to her house

What are you expecting a gold star or something?

No. 1360819


Clearly you do when you're getting pressed over ppl sharing where she lives, if you want to believe she's rich the go for it bud; you're not gonna get in her good books or pants for defending her

No. 1360824

Are you the quack guy who for whatever reason just wouldn't get a KF mod to verify him? That was frustrating to read. Also, fuck off scrote

No. 1360825

There’s a suspicious account on kiwifarms sharing messages from Elaine in which Elaine claims this guy sexually assaulted her. Now he shows up here sharing her address? Smells like more Elaine gayops, anons.

No. 1360852

elaine’s still trying to make obsessive scrote catfished us a thing.

No. 1360883

We don't care if she's truly rich or not, that's the least insane thing she lies about. We know from the shit she shows off that she has a very lower class understanding of what "luxury goods" are and what wealth looks like. We don't care beyond that. We also don't want to find her address, this site doesn't dox. We're not here to make people feel unsafe by releasing their address, we just want to talk shit.

I'm curious about her social life, does she have irl friends, what do her peers think about her? If you have anything about that, that's something you could post.

No. 1360886

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I was agreeing with this kiwi til the edit. These "I know Elaine irl" characters are so retarded, I almost believe them, but not really.

No. 1360891


she doesn't have any friends, her parents are too busy with their architecture company to care about what she does in her own time.

The closest Elaine has came to make friends was when she use to spend every day on insta live being racist towards every minority with other racists lol

No. 1360892

Personally I think it's a mix of overwhelmingly Elaine's sockpuppets and a few assholes she's gathered on KF and irl who are somehow even more retarded than she is and think it's entertaining to join her shitposting. As for her irl buds, I wouldn't be surprised if she regularly texted them about her threads and actively provoked them into posting because she wants us to look like we're directly trying to cause harm. Too bad even her henchboys are instantly recognisable as from her social circle due to them sharing 12 IQ points between everyone.

No. 1360926

She most definitely doesn't have real life friends. I think she's a NEET since she's been here religiously for months.

No. 1360935


Wish there was a way to see her time spent on here and KF lmfao

No. 1360941

I’d kill for a creepshow art-style exposing of all her posts, I want to confirm some of my suspicions lol

No. 1360942

Admins probably don't care to do it because she's too obvious anyway. What are the posts you're curious about? I want to see the LSA vs LC shitstirring too, anons never posted screenshots.

No. 1360971

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It’s not very subtle kek. Here’s an example from yesterday’s schizo elaine posting hours

No. 1360973

Samefag, the lsa stuff is basically in the same format, sometimes with some random accusations thrown at the mods and admin(post screenshots)

No. 1361060

>Personally I think it's a mix of overwhelmingly Elaine's sockpuppets
it's 100% her sockpuppets. remember - she was originally associated with lillee jean and laur (who have hundreds of them). probably where she got the idea.

No. 1361074

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the scrotes are catching & leave sock emojis on her profiles kek

No. 1361089


I'd say there's a good 5 or so accounts she has that have only just popped up defending her and attacking anyone sharing info about her.(emoji)

No. 1361172

Lmao how can anyone read posts like this and not see it's blatantly Elaine talking to herself masturbating at the idea of any scrap of attention? Honestly wish this tard would an hero already

No. 1361205


Chill it Elaine

No. 1361249

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Elaine is now claiming she's the OP of her KF thread, of course.

No. 1361250

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Also from the London scrote, apparently Elaine and the other dude file reports back and forth for fun and games instead of growing up.

No. 1361311

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She posted dox of this random dude, tried to personal army the weens in her own thread, and then announced she's leaving (again). How long do we give it this time? I say she'll be back tomorrow

No. 1361411

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She can’t stay away from the farms for even a day lol.

No. 1361455

lol she really believed me that Null hates the british and now she is doubling down on NOT being british. I was just trolling you, Elaine. Null is only tsundere about the British because he is mostly british himself (he posted his 23andme a while ago). The whole "I hate the british" is just a joke, like the whole "I love Israel" thing. In fact I think he probably has a thing for british ladies and that's why he's overcompensating so much. Now she's ruined her chances of their britbong-amerimutt love-hate romance forever by insisting that she is not british. So sad for poor Elaine, kek.

No. 1361484

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Now she’s saying the girl in the Chinatown video is her but the audio is edited kek What happened to Monica?

No. 1361487

> she really believed me
And who are you?
If we actually believe these people are real and not just Elaine's socks, they manage to be more retarded than her

No. 1361502


The optics are much worse if she’s a foreigner joking about blowing up crowded places. Whatever you say, not-British not-Elaine.

No. 1361515

Imagine denouncing your nationality to try and impress fucking Null of all people

No. 1361523

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>Logging off indefinitely

Lasted 3 hours kek

No. 1361525

Why are you so close with Elaine and fucking Null you weirdo

No. 1361534

Most people know this about Null, lol.

No. 1361536

I thought Null had a thing for fat Hungarian women.

No. 1361538

but she said connor created her thread and admitted to it >>>/meta/26990

No. 1361543


Don't believe anything she says about other people

No. 1361546

We don't, we're just pointing out her inconsistencies. We know she lies about everything and can't keep track of her own lies, but we can. Now please stop shitting up the thread.

No. 1361634

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lmao… imagine being such a clown that NULL of all people not only rejects you, but pities you.

No. 1361681

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No. 1361730

You sound like a stan tho

No. 1361831

Null is very fuckable and has stans

No. 1361842

File: 1636063659705.gif (1.31 MB, 319x219, download.gif)

>openly admitting this on lolcow.farm outside of the "unconventional male attraction thread"
It is a bold move, let's see how it plays out for you, Anon.

No. 1361844

If his penis worked I'd shoot my shot with him

No. 1361849

Never saw his face until now (not familiar with KF) and he looks like a puppy child/jack septiceye

No. 1361850

Get help please. Or some standards. God this is embarrassing

No. 1361863

Stop derailing about Null.

No. 1361864

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anon love yourself pls(derailing)

No. 1361888

The thread OP has his face in it lol what do you expect(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1361892

This could really all be solved if her parents would cut off her internet access. Her parents really need to step in at this point, its just kinda getting sad. Even null pities her

No. 1361938


Would only happen if her parents cared about her, and if that happened..Lol let's not joke that aint happening

No. 1361992

s just liking stuff in the background while her sockpuppets do all the talking(ban evasion)

No. 1362132

119kg of pure love nonny
God bless you(derailing)

No. 1362136

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she’s saying she’s not British but forgot she shared her British passport kek

No. 1362146

He's down to 114kg judging by his post from this morning. Still a plump little cherub.

Farmhands seething about Noolposting is funny when you literally let his pic be in the OP. I mean, Elaine does actually want to fuck Null and has been actively trying to get on his good side, it's not even that far off-topic (also everyone saged).(Null has his own thread)

No. 1362147

i love how in the middle of all this autism, the cuckAdmins still have time to ban people for random stuff("random stuff")

No. 1362148

You don't understand, she was only born and raised in England, but shes "ethnically" russian!! Despite her parents having German and English last names. She only says shes russian because Nool is a Slavboo and lives in eastern Europe.

No. 1362161

I think she was born in Russia? Said so on KF

No. 1362165

It must be true if Elaine Gertler Miller says so.

No. 1362180

No she wasn't. And being born in Russia would still not make her ethnically a Russian. Her parents aren't Russian. She also doesn't look like an ethnic Russian, especially if you take out her blue contacts. She just looks entirely British, maybe half Jewish from her mothers side.

No. 1362194

She probably also felt like it would help her image as an elite haxxer since there's been so much talk of Russian hackers over the years

No. 1362250

living for elaine's latest attempt at convincing the internet she is indeed not who she was proven to be! now with extra balcan and israeli heritage.

she doesn't even look eastern european in the slightest. she'd be better off making herself out to be french, what with her name and all.

No. 1362261

I don’t disbelieve her being Russian and Israeli as she has no reason to lie about that. I do disbelieve her being Jewish, me thinks she’s using it to try and suggest hate crimes have been committed against her.

No. 1362263


Dig deep enough and youll find her parents birth records, both born here from British parents.

Elaines nothing special other than autistic(do not involve family members)

No. 1362268

anon, pathological liars don't need reasons to lie. They just do it.

No. 1362286

She went to jcoss a Jewish school(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1362296


That's the one. You could File an article 15 and you can get access to her full school records.. she's given us her passport so it's not that hard(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1362457

And why would I do that? I already know she's dumb

No. 1362719

Elaine is really fighting for her life, huh?

No. 1362737

File: 1636168907813.png (249.34 KB, 1748x722, Screenshot 2021-11-06 at 04.21…)

She's still on a roll. Can't stop won't stop

No. 1362890

>>1362737 She's still going, thought she was leaving the site

No. 1362905

>I don’t even believe BPD is a real mental health disorder
Her self-denial is off the charts kek

No. 1362933

I'm still so perplexed by her stubborn insistence on making a complete fool of herself on the internet for everyone to see.

She objectively still can lay low and get a life but she probably won't cave in to the evuhl cancel cultcha boolies. I didn't know being KiwiFarm's resident cow and clown was such a thrilling dayjob.

I tried having some pity for Cowlaine but I just can't anymore.

No. 1363083

You could ask the same about all lolcows and attentionwhores. They don't care if the attention they get is positive or negative, as long as people are talking about them.

No. 1363723

File: 1636306731960.png (57.06 KB, 1255x446, broken record.png)

Guess who got bored, remembered she has a thread here and showed up on /meta/ to bitch about it.
As usual, she can't change the script.

She won't be the only KF's resident cow, there's another one who doesn't leave the site (@DocHoliday1977 aka Pam). I don't think she's planning on having a life, she continues playing up the hacker persona and she's dumber than a rock. It's only a matter of time until she crosses the path of some deranged scrote.

No. 1364385

File: 1636373732157.jpeg (915.38 KB, 1170x2059, 3E4AF7CD-D725-4E6F-9476-F0F0F0…)

kek at Elaine liking tweets about Kiwifarm being a white nationalist site from June

No. 1364513

I bet you anything that once she sees you posted this she will go off in an attempt to call liking those tweets a "psyop"

No. 1364695

I thought she had 3 based and psyops pilled cousins working at cloudflare, why haven't they given her lolcow's origin IP yet so she can bruteforce the admin panel with kali linux and trigger Admines-chan's dead woman's switch?

No. 1365086

for someone who claims to want their thread to die, she sure is doing everything in her power to keep it going.

No. 1365137

yeah, weird. you'd think she'd remember she has a brain and just go undercover.

No. 1365834

Show your cock, Elaine.

No. 1366425

Holy shit, Elaine got a second thread. Mazel tov, you mad cow.

No. 1366574

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No. 1366632

File: 1636612129225.jpg (72.8 KB, 822x207, Screenshot_20211111-062645_Sam…)

Come on Elaine, if you're going to lie at least keep your stories straight. What happened to this account being admines-chan?

No. 1366673

Did u not check the thread on KF? She has like 5 accounts apparently

No. 1366693

Considering the thread still hasn't been moved out of the proving grounds, and I'm not autistic enough to sign up for an account just to read her thread, no.

No. 1366750

File: 1636636088706.jpeg (280.79 KB, 1170x477, 692C342E-E504-4556-B3C1-86723E…)

>making the internet a batter place

No. 1366776

nonnie no one cares about grammar and I’m starting to think that’s not even her account

No. 1366804

>when will she lolsuit
Maybe after you finish up yours with "Harrison" the totally real cyber lawyer from the last thread, Elaine

No. 1366953

Elaine is british and I would not have sex with her.(no1curr)

No. 1366960

Farmhand is fat and I would not have sex with her.(no1curr)

No. 1367037

you're fat, banned and no one wants to have sex with you(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1367043

Anon is mad and I would not have sex with her.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1367624

File: 1636725853567.jpeg (917.46 KB, 1170x1840, 381E4C49-4A5A-4BE9-8A60-79396C…)

Elaine’s mad admin know she’s spamming gore & cp

No. 1367668

By god, is she really trying to argue that a tracking bad actors through cookies is a bad thing? A l33t h@x0r like Elaine should know that this is common practice for catching serial ToS violators. Even Wikipedia does it.

No. 1367701

>they even track MINORS with cookies!!!!!
as does every single fucking website on the internet, kek

No. 1367880

File: 1636760294252.png (10.87 MB, 1170x2532, 2F18CE62-1C82-4D6E-899F-973D56…)

elaine posted this in the lolcow discord(self posting )

No. 1367886


Did she draw this in glittery lip gloss

No. 1367887

elaine put the ketchup back where you found it

No. 1367893

elaine has a stalker on the lolcow discord. The user has cow emojis and goes by elaines biggest fan. It might be elaine but that user is obsessed and she’s annoying.(samefagging )

No. 1367898

lmao it’s probably some kiwifag trolling. stalker is a stretch.

No. 1367928

Probably some fat low IQ tranny. I have no idea who gives a shit this much lol.

No. 1367929

And we should care why?

No. 1367961

Sure. lol
Elaine can't stop seeking attention from KF scrotes or Kirtaner orbiters. Good luck shaking them off.

No. 1367988

It's a random person trolling her. Get a grip.

No. 1368040

are you elaine?

No. 1368415

No. 1368421

File: 1636847767741.jpg (544.86 KB, 1178x2108, nc-3.jpg)

No. 1368423

File: 1636847834489.png (313.3 KB, 1190x1142, Screenshot 2021-11-14 at 00.57…)

Bonus: Internet Genius Elaine

No. 1368424

File: 1636847973566.png (144.2 KB, 1170x488, Screenshot 2021-11-14 at 00.59…)

LOLCOW.FARM: Now featuring over a thousand doxxes, defamatory paragraphs & harassment content

No. 1368446

>My family are best friends with cloudflare ceos
>Actually hello cloudflare please respond to my sockpuppet tweets???
>Also super elite haxxor who can't navigate twitter settings btw

No. 1368465

There’s no evidence this account is Elaine, it also goes on about a completely unrelated site. I really doubt it’s her as it just seems more general activism involved, I reckon they may know Elaine but this user should have their own thread

No. 1368470

>obsessed with lolcow and "ines"
>grandiose bluffing
>has that tumblr (which nobody except for Elaine cared about) as the header
>simping for Null and Kirtaner
>uses "meanie" and cocktail glass emoji constantly
>harassment campaign against Onision Regina

Please learn how to larp more effectively

No. 1369294

File: 1636982318427.png (467.3 KB, 1080x971, Screenshot_20211115-081522.png)

Still begging for an audience with Null-sama

No. 1369323

lol, everyone knows how much Null loves it when people try to tell him they could run his site better than him. Especially some dumb britbong bitch. She is really begging to get banned.

No. 1369492

File: 1637007914979.png (210.48 KB, 1012x1226, Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 14.21…)

Big Brain Elaine is also in the lolcord lecturing about how lolcow has too many subdomains (for nefarious illegal reasons, of course) draining admin's funds, once again demonstrating her IT expertise

No. 1369802

all I want for christmas is for elaine to gain enough braincells to comprehend how fucking stupid she really is

No. 1370110

File: 1637110711570.jpg (2.26 MB, 2358x5474, namecheap.jpg)

Elaine's been trying to get the domain suspended. I made a compilation of their responses to her vs how quick they work when it comes to actual issues.

No. 1370123

>sorry for misunderstanding what you were asking, am ESL
"Retard" is not a language, Elaine.

No. 1370142

Elaine's fucking wild, man

No. 1370302

File: 1637151138280.jpeg (683.47 KB, 1170x1369, B4CDD4B9-EF61-4747-B351-EF47C1…)

Elaine commented on a secret Santa post with her likes & dislikes. She did not disappoint.

>Likes: Anything AI related

>Dislikes: most of the police, censorship, libertarians, SJWs, injustice

No. 1370317

Yeah she absolutely lurked kiwifarms for years, that’s why she sent an email to Null talking about lolcow stuff in the beginning lol.

No. 1370321

elaine called it kiwileaks for months kek

No. 1370339

lol why is there a porn star among the dislikes?Elaine really comes off as at least 5 years younger than what she actually is

No. 1370341

Amazing that she lurked for that long and couldn't gather that it wasn't called "kiwi leaks" until recently, never change Elaine

No. 1370375


She's so embarrassing, she wants so hard to be liked by them.

No. 1370582

dislikes the police force but uses them when she got "sexually harassed" ok

No. 1371067

File: 1637255899904.png (27.45 KB, 300x261, thumb_laughing-meme-transparen…)

>@E21877775 (deactivated)
>@cassidy09020696 (deactivated)
>@stella61531332 (deactivated)
A story in twitter handles

No. 1371445

File: 1637290254568.jpeg (433 KB, 1170x1047, EF47AB85-0CA3-42D9-AEE7-352BB4…)


>just responding

Did Elaine tell them admin was an ethnic muslim lesbian in a relationship with a woman? Shocked they wouldn’t take action.

No. 1371577


How do you have access to the internet and not know that 'muslim' is not an ethnicity?

No. 1371593

Nta but how do you have access to these threads and not know that’s something Elaine said? >>1329350 It’s even linked in this thread’s fucking OP

No. 1371614

That new icon is really… special

No. 1372374

don't scroll down, someone is spamming porn so be careful

No. 1372872

File: 1637478261177.jpeg (43.84 KB, 640x567, 3948653F-4A33-401A-B1E5-77F7BF…)

Elaine sent me this photo of her at an anarchist protest in England. She told me to post it here. I don’t know how to prove to you guys that this is her, but here it is.
The mask is an amazing touch.

No. 1372940

she left off school shooters, furries and troons.

No. 1372952


That could be anyone, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

No. 1372978

Believe me or don’t fren but that’s her.

No. 1373046

>cringe guy fawkes mask
>sign about cloudflare and cyberbullying
>hair and built seem about right
Idk Anon, I can believe it. Who the fuck else would make a sign like that? You can also tell from the overwhelming sense of depression this picture emits that it was taken in Englad.

No. 1373133

Doesn't matter who that is. That aint Cloudflare's offices.

No. 1373246

Elaine made an appearance at the beginning of townhall to let us know she had our IP addresses and that she is forwarding them to the police

No. 1373249


It is not unusual to see people wear the mask protesting against something in London. She lives in London so it is probably is her.

No. 1373642

Is she still on with her american LARP? Don't most Brits spell it 'paedophile'?

No. 1373761

Paedophile is the correct spelling, pedophiles have a foot fetish.

No. 1373805

That's podophilia

No. 1373988

File: 1637618028059.jpg (2.01 MB, 972x6216, Screenshot_20211122-165148_Chr…)

She couldn't be more of a fucking dunce right now. She can't even admit to half the things that she's done, making up aliases for herself and saying "Well, ehm, i only did half of it". Be a man, Elaine. Be honest with people and admit your wrongdoings. You've been flagged time and time again, harassing users and spamming meta.

At least she admitted to spamming "some" gore. "Some".

No. 1374055

She admitted to spamming meta

No. 1374064

Lies. She doesn't know when to stop.

No. 1374075

She used to go by Elaine April on Instagram and told Lillee Jean in their live that she prefers to be called April rather than Elaine. Now “April” is one of her friends from 4chan who runs the silenttruthhere account?

Her brain must be so scrambled, it has to be draining to keep having to come up with these insane lies

No. 1374098

I don’t think this is that weird. I’m in a server with 5 people all called Kay
I’m guessing April called herself April because Elaine did & was originally zero? I think that’s what she’s trying to say

No. 1374170

File: 1637636379165.png (54.52 KB, 620x368, Screenshot 2021-11-22 9.56.08 …)

Guess she forgot about this tweet kek

No. 1374183

Elaine has so many sockpuppet accounts. She is lieing so Null and co can accept her. She is so desperate for this to go away because her schemes didn't work. She cannot stop unless she throws away her internet access.

No. 1374193

She admitted to having access to that account and it being set up by two people. I’m guessing the co owner posted that tweet

No. 1374194

File: 1637638951870.jpg (255.59 KB, 996x1742, zero.jpg)

>April/Zero is one of my friends
>Who is Zero

No. 1374195

It looks like she was just tryna protect zero here. I wonder who zero is as Elaine looks like she’s simping hard. Is Zero reversal ? I’m confused. I’m guessing Zero is Kirtaner

No. 1374196

What is the point of "admitting" to your bullshit when you're just gonna come and deny it all in third person

No. 1374198

Fact checking

No. 1374199

idk if i was trying to protect someone i'd deflect and not double down and demand evidence so that everyone else sees it too

No. 1374201

Idk , maybe she’s just mentally ill

No. 1374210

File: 1637640354867.jpg (197.91 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20211122-230450_Chr…)

Ahahaha this is good. Can't wait until 3 weeks later when she claims her KF account was hacked.

No. 1374225

I can’t wait to see ur post history

No. 1374299

File: 1637653110363.png (396.1 KB, 675x675, 1635286800540.png)

she will not leave this hacker LARP go will she? she is literally admitting multiple times that shes too stupid to actually hack anything, then goes back to saying she totally hacked us anons many times, then back to saying the fake admin dox was "what cows told her".
>I did dox a bunch of people who used the site but nothing was really done with the data, it was more just to see if it was possible or for fun.
How? You literally admit to being too fucking stupid to find gore on the internet. You said all the "dox" shit were things other people sent you. Why are you trying to sound intimidating? You cant fucking hack anonymous users how many times do we have to tell you? You cant be some internet savy hacker and then say you are internet inept.

She keeps saying she “trolled” us but legit all she did was post copy-astas, a picture of a raid can, use the twitter no one follows or reacts to, like, who was trolled here? Only people fooled were your parents who wasted money on giving you an education for you to end up on this stupid hellsite.

No. 1374407

She's definitely only "owning up" to things because admin is revealing her post history. Nice going, retard

No. 1374413

She was sending threatening emails to people from fake law enforcement emails? I’m guessing someone finally reported her and she’s running to the scrotes for help & sympathy.

No. 1374430

I can't believe all of her insane posts are under her real name with her face attached. It started with just a shitty lolcow thread and she stubbornly charged ahead until we got to this. Incredible

No. 1374464


I love how now she's getting indignant that the kiwi scrotes are calling her unhinged like her 8 month long spergfest isn't documented and organized for all to see

No. 1374466

my bet is she's going to claim Admin blackmailed her into taking the fall for whatever

No. 1374642

File: 1637699983300.jpeg (734.67 KB, 1170x1525, 9ED447EF-03DF-471D-B730-0C223C…)

You’re clearly psycho, Elaine. Don’t get mad at the scrotes for trying to label your very public psychotic breakdown. You’re wading in a pit of misogynistic assholes. You don’t get to clutch your pearls when they behave exactly as everyone told you they’d behave.

No. 1374644

Does she think BPD and bipolar are the same kek

No. 1374649

Idk if she has BPD, but she clearly is mentally ill in some way, otherwise she would have stopped posting long ago. Whatever type of mental illness she has is definitely caused by the parents substituting love and attention with money. My guess would be she has ODD (just like Null UwU) and sociopathy since she can post CP and gore without being affected by it.

No. 1374661

>Im always a consistent monotonous level of depression & seethe.
Elaine, 99% of your behavior reads as manic episodes, wtf are you on about?

No. 1374740

File: 1637704613108.jpeg (529.14 KB, 1170x1826, D742E90F-1D21-4C17-85AA-04649A…)

She’s been informed BPD means borderline personality disorder. She believes it’s made up by sjw’s as an excuse for being cunts to their boyfriends.

No. 1375214


1. Elaine pretends she was hacked

2. Elaine pretends she was actually forced to do this by admin or there would be some bad consequence, like blackmail or something

3. Elaine tries to blame her behavior on mental illness. She's already pretending that she isn't aware of what BPD is or that it couldn't possibly be BPD, making it likely more and more people are going to call her BPD since she's such a strong opponent of it. Then at the end she's going to be like
> "Oh you guys were all right… I guess it really was mental illness causing me to act this way. Guess I'm not responsible for my own actions"
(my fave and most likely to happen)

It's clear she will do anything to avoid any sort of responsibility since she's already lying about what happened for her name's sake, even though everyone can see her mental illness. My theory all along has been that she is purposefully acting out like this and sperging specifically so people can call her mentally ill, so that she can fall back on the mental illness. I don't think she's mentally ill at all, I think she's a foolish girl that dug a hole and kept digging because what else is she gonna do? I genuinely don't think she's "elite" hacker material either. She got a couple of people to give her advice and help her. She speaks exactly like someone repeating information given to them.

No. 1375249

Nta but you're retarded anon. Jesus christ lol

No. 1375251

>I could come up with a least 10 ways to monetise the site

Hey lainey, how about you come up with a way to monetize your parents business? kek.

No. 1375324

She's setting her confession up the same way she always does; she admits to some softball shit like basic internet trolling/harassment, but keeps up the lie of how other people insisted on the Regina dox and she merely followed their lead. She's going to pull the same thing when she finally accepts she was wrong about the Ines Rabiey dox and swear up and down someone conned her into it even though she's the one making up brand new evidence to support whatever mental illness this is.

No. 1375441

It probably has more to do with admin saying they’re going to expose her post history during the town hall. She wants to start a narrative she’s working with a group. When it comes out she’s the one calling Lillee Jean a fat disgusting troglodyte and making violent rape threats against various other cows…she can blame April or Zero or Katana.

No. 1375448

She's been using her various groups as shields the entire time, the real harassment was always blamed on her sockpuppets or the various 'groups' she was trying to suck up to, which backfired especially badly when she had ED faggots spam up her KF threads. She namedrops without hesitation when making up anecdotes to illustrate her "dox" to paint people as snitches when it's all invented by her.

No. 1375620

File: 1637828967400.jpg (150.36 KB, 1581x362, mh27.JPG)

Elaine only confessed on kiwifarms because after trying to add me on an alt (routine behavior), I humored her and told her that if she really did confess to every single thing she's done to me or others, I would delete her thread. This is definitely a first and I have never actually offered to delete anyone's thread before. I will admit there are circumstances where threads are deleted for being spam or vendetta threads on random individuals, and I have taken it upon myself to delete threads dating back to 2015 because there were actual child abuse victims involved. However, we all know Elaine meets none of this criteria. I also knew that Elaine wouldn't actually confess to everything she had done. Here is the tl;dr on what the conversation went like:
>pls delete my thread i'm an innocent child
>you want me to confess? what? what do I say?
>I'm on a lot of xanax I black out and don't remember I'm not a liar
You know, the usual Elaineisms. Anyways here is the full email of the M13 email Elaine references in her apology, I have cropped out the doxxes from the original email. Keep the following in mind; when I initially got this email, I confronted Elaine about it, and she said her ex boyfriend was behind it (what boyfriend sis) and then tried to place the blame on 420chan. I guess Elaine didn't know that trying to convince me that 420chan was a hacker organization was fucking stupid. You're all free to analyze the headache inducing writing style Elaine uses when she RPs as Mr. Robot. List of things Elaine didn't mention in her confession:
>in her kiwi thread she denied ever sending this email but would later come to say that I had emailed her parents despite the fact that I only ever forwarded this very email to her parents.
>harassing random discord members thinking it would get her thread taken down
>entertaining kirtaner and giving him attention because of their vendettas against nool
>her weird rants about wanting to murder me to others
>no mention of the rape threats posted on the board and in dms with others
>trying to employ people to DDoS or attack the site using, scripts, because Elaine isn't a skid, she's the real deal
>fabricating evidence to doxx some random woman, which she still denies
Anyways I'm really disappointed that Elaine didn't in her confession, even think to apologize to the random woman she doxxed and made a thread of on ED hours prior to demanding me to delete her thread. She made no mentions of the random people in discord she harassed, or the family members or random people she had doxxed for no reason at all. No mention of the other flakes involved in her failed psyops. Guess who the other 5 takedown requests were?

Hint: they all have greasy thin hair

No. 1375634

Get her Ines-San!

No. 1375670

>We’re fucked off so
how professional and not like elaine at all! my god she seeps autism

No. 1375673

So that's why she ran to /meta/ to alert you to her new post on kiwi so fast, lol

No. 1375684

>Guess who the other 5 takedown requests were?
Elaine got 2 threads here and the other ones are from Lillee Jean and Laur, but that's way more than 5 threads.
I maybe be dumb, but I don't get who else is involved on LC?

No. 1375690

>I have cropped out the doxxes from the original email
Wait… what dox?

No. 1375696

Can someone explain to not britbongs what M13 & MH27 are? I can’t find anything by searching. Are they like CIA? Was Elaine posing as a police officer?

No. 1375704

File: 1637849833802.jpeg (754.64 KB, 1170x1903, 0937B058-B0F5-418E-944A-C73C70…)

>weaponized autism

Elaine’s ED account is the usual amount of cringe

No. 1375711

She probably intended it to be "thread" as a collective for a person instead of individual pages. Lillee Jean should be on the list, her mom probably promised Elaine 3 months of welfare checks if she got Lillee's page banned.

No. 1375712

File: 1637850759538.png (498.9 KB, 1732x1518, Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 15.27…)

She's really doubling down on the dox while simultaneously begging for admin's forgiveness. She couldn't even lay low for like 1 week to make it seem the slightest bit genuine? God her retardation is unmatched. She totes witnessed Ines outing herself on a group call, but weeks from now she'll be crying about how someone tricked her into believing the Ines dox and she was just going along with it.

No. 1375735

Weeks from now? She already said farmhands fed her bogus info in her confessions of a teenage drama queen >>1373988

No. 1375736

I'd love to know what series of unlikely events could possibly happen for Elaine to correctly dox admin, she's just not a very bright person

No. 1375751

pretty sure they were just random discord users that had personal info attached to their profiles

No. 1375781

gEnIuS h4ck3r that couldn't doxx one single person successfully.
She's LJ and Laur level of retarded.

No. 1375790

I bet some random person claimed to be a farmhand and she bought it. The same way she bought someone random claiming to be null was totally really Null.

No. 1375832

She went to people's discord profiles in the LC discord, clicked on their linked accounts and then followed their names/googled them and found their name/address/number. A simple child could do it so I'm not sure why she is acting like it was l337 levels.

No. 1375869

File: 1637875118926.png (169.28 KB, 1200x1236, Untitled.png)


No. 1375875

she’ll never be kween kiwi now

No. 1375946

the way she obsessively uses kiwi to get simps is gross. if youre gonna be a stupid pick me whatever, but at least most of them just use twitter. she legit goes to a place for absolute male degenerates and begs for people to like her. its so pathetic and retarded that even null of all people has to tell his kiwis shes a fucking idiot. i hate null but im glad at least hes not following her shit. the kiwis who simp her are the weakest link in society.

No. 1376124

I assume Null has seen a lot of Elaines try to be the Kiwifarms e-girl over the years. She's not exactly an original attention whore.

No. 1376169

File: 1637931119990.jpg (53.29 KB, 375x669, take meds.jpg)

Elaine's in the Discord again.

No. 1376176

File: 1637933711006.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1170x2160, 66E8F14B-7D23-4AE3-B843-E31074…)

>I didn’t actually send rape threats
her post history will prove otherwise

No. 1376177

do you have any proof this is Elaine?

No. 1376192

File: 1637937585759.jpeg (778.56 KB, 1170x1382, F06352AA-CFF9-44F4-8506-0E5FF4…)

fucking pathetic

No. 1376196

Pretended to have never heard of Elaine and then proceeded to bitch about how Elaine was treated because everyone was afraid of her. Lied about being a teenager and first time user. Generally acted like every other Elaine sock puppet ever.

No. 1376210

kek, finding out Null sends her e-mails to a friend to read and laugh at must have stung.

No. 1376225

She did not even find their names. She thought some chicks Twitter handle name was her real name. It was an anime/weeb characters full name. Which she thought was the real power word of that person.

No. 1376264

File: 1637949878756.jpeg (32.58 KB, 643x222, 2747649-62ed366d34875eadd72b78…)

Begging for upvotes in KF DMs

No. 1376267

No. 1376269

Elaine has been banned from Kiwifarms, kek.

No. 1376273

caps? context?
honestly thats great cause she has to be seething hardcore.

No. 1376276

Got any caps? Not even KF's resident schizo cows were banned lol if true, good job, Elaine.
Brace for the incoming gore + nonsensical bait & seethe posts.

No. 1376277

File: 1637952889012.png (576.08 KB, 1284x2778, F57762AF-8304-4D27-9A3E-129B09…)

Elaine has been banned from kiwi farms(Stop this.)

No. 1376282

Why are you still talking in 3rd person even when posting screenshots of your logged in accounts

No. 1376283

Homegirl sent it to me in a DM, I’m not her

No. 1376284

'Bout damn time. Now where will she go?

No. 1376287

You can't send DMs when you're banned.

No. 1376288

She is probably making a sock account as we speak.

No. 1376290

>Distribution of child pornography
Wait, what?

No. 1376293

Null found out that she has been posting CP and gore on lolcow.farm in an effort to get the site taken down for "hosting CP".(post proof)

No. 1376301

It was on pisscord homie(this is pathetic)

No. 1376306

File: 1637955373362.png (304.42 KB, 792x1356, simps.png)

Are you one of Elaine's Kiwifarms simps who have gay discords with her where you call her your queen? You have to be pretty pathetic to simp for a BPD britbong.

No. 1376375

Null himself says so right here in this screenshot I posted earlier, shitmods. >>1375869 Maybe try reading the thread before handing out bans you drooling mongloids.(that's not proof, retard)

No. 1376379

It says in her ban message that she was banned for distributing childporn, right after Null found out she distributed childporn, which I posted proof of. Wow, big mysterie why he was banned.

Keep handing out childish bans because you can't read.(ban evasion)

No. 1376380

How did he "find out". Him simply saying that she posted the cp without any actual facts, (screenshots of her admitting it, someone else saying that they gave it to her) to back it up is not "proof". First of all, how would she have gotten that type of cp without someone giving it to her? Don't say deep web because she's not even intelligent enough to properly doxx people, she just uses google. Admin never said she posted cp either, I'm pretty sure they'd know from her post history. This is all circumstantial.

Before you all say "omg shut up Elaine!!" I'm not Elaine, and I don't trust some retarded scrote that obviously benefits from the drama of this all. I need more than just Null saying she posted it.

No. 1376382

File: 1637961959408.png (214.62 KB, 3260x1376, Untitled.png)

Once more for the slow mods in the back. Keep banning me because I pointed out you gave me a ban for no reason tho, you immature brat.

No. 1376383

That's really not proof tho. Everyone here has been saying she's been posting cp but just because Josh says it we're supposed to believe it? How does he know it? Has he even shared evidence? No?

No. 1376386

Yeah, all I've seen was speculation that she was spamming cp here, but that was never confirmed and the more sensible explanation was that it was some bot that targets image boards. So either Null knows something we don't or he was just fed up with Elaine and used that as an excuse, or maybe even taking a piss because she keeps being retarded about "fighting cp"

No. 1376387

She has been trying to take down lolcow.farm for "hosting CP" and curiously at the same time someone has been posting CP on the site. People have been speculating that it is Elaine doing it for a while now. Elaine also has a thread on Kiwifarms where her antics are being discussed. I don't know if there is any direct evidence Null has that we don't have, but what I said is still true, his reason for banning her is that he believes she posted CP here. Idk how the fuck I deserve to be banned for this very obvious deduction.

No. 1376389

It's proof that that is why she got banned from Kiwifarms, which is the only claim I made to begin with. Are you retarded? I never claimed she posted CP, I said she got banned from KF because Null believes she posted it. I didn't say anything false.

No. 1376391

>but what I said is still true, his reason for banning her is that he believes she posted CP here
That's actually not what you said nonny. You said:
>Null found out that she has been posting CP and gore on lolcow.farm in an effort to get the site taken down for "hosting CP".
implying that she actually did. You never said "Null believes". You said "He found out". Are you ESL or did you just use the wrong phrase? Because when you "find out" something, that means it's actually true. When you "believe" something, it's a suspicion but not actually true.

Just stop throwing a tantrum and lashing out at everybody because YOU said it that way, it's embarrassing for you.

No. 1376394

>Null found out she did a thing
Ok whatever.

No. 1376395

thank you for actually understanding what I was trying to say. Like, I'm all for accusing Elaine of the dumb shit we know she's done but cp accusations are pretty serious (which is why on some forums, you get permabanned for even calling someone a pedo) and if there's no evidence of her fessing up or someone coming forward and saying they gave her access to it, then I really don't think that specific accusation should be spread yet. I don't give a fuck about her and I definitely believe she spammed gore, threatened, harassed, etc but I don't think she's smart enough to get that stuff on her own let alone post it without it being traced to her.

No. 1376398

You are literally retarded if that is your take-away from what I said. All I did was connect the dots from a day earlier because people were asking why she got banned. I didn't claim she posted CP at any point. You just can't admit you have butterfingers on the ban-button.(ban-evading sperg)

No. 1376401

I don't think Elaine posted CP just based on my assumption that even someone as "above the law" as her knows that CP charges will absolutely ruin her life in a much more real way than some shitposting and threatening behavior that she made sure to try to enlist other people for half of the time. Just a few days ago she was asking around for people to send Ines "trojans", she's not stupid enough to do that herself. Weird of Null to just go with that unless he's going to come out and confirm that it wasn't just hearsay.

No. 1376402

The cp was being spammed simultaneously to the gore she’s admitted to spamming. You’re correct that she’s too stupid to cover her tracks. They’ll eventually be hard evidence it was Elaine. They are serious accusations to make and I suspect Null wouldn’t make them without some sort of evidence. Guess everyone else will just have to wait until Elaine is arrested or admin reveal her post history.

No. 1376405

You are being way too optimistic if you think Elaine is capable of realizing that her actions might have real life consequences. She is exactly the kind of retarded edgy kid that posts CP and thinks nothing of it. She already admitted to the gore, which she also previously denied. Her entire plan to take down lolcow.farm is to get admin in trouble with authorities and hosting companies for "hosting cp" a plan she originally thought of because she is supposedly underaged in the previous threadpic where a sliver of her bra is visible. She since has been calling admin a pedophile. Now someone is posting actual CP to further the narrative, hm I wonder who.

No. 1376408

Some of the gore she was spamming was of toddlers. Kids aren’t off limits to Elaine.

No. 1376456

Okay someone posted cp. Do we know it was Elaine? No. That's all everyone has been saying. You have a problem since you can't let it go and can't stop obsessing over the idea of Elaine herself posting cp. Nobody knows for sure without evidence and everyone here has been bringing up facts as to why she wouldn't be capable of posting it herself.

No. 1376461

You’re retarded. She’s retarded. I’m in a discord watching retards. Chill out bro you sound like one of Null’s chink mods. Real fuckin retard hours

No. 1376463

>I’m too retarded to post cp

No. 1376474

> everyone here has been bringing up facts as to why she wouldn't be capable of posting it herself.

you’re the only one saying this, not-Elaine

No. 1376480

There's been two other anons here on the last hour that have said this besides me. calm down kek.

No. 1376486

Guys see. Elaine even admits she’s too retarded to post cp

No. 1376518

>anyone that doesn't agree with me sperging and my obsession with cp is Elaine
alright anon. when you take your pills today be sure to drink plenty of water too, mmkay?

No. 1376523

There’s a new voice recording posted on Elaine’s KF thread. I don’t know how to link or I would. She’s freaking out over Null banning her and says she’s being unfairly targeted because she’s friends with everyone. Whoever she’s talking to tells her he knows who started the rumor (I’m assuming about her posting cp)and she flips her shit. She sounds like someone who just realized they got caught.

No. 1376562

No. 1376569

I hate cliffhangers, I guess we'll have to wait to see who Elaine is going to literally kill (and lol at her saying Null could be the one spamming cp)

No. 1376571

Elaine needs to get some lolcow therapy and learn to love herself. She's only destroying her own mind by freaking out as much as she is, poor dear needs to stop digging her own grave.

No. 1376575

She has accidentally admitted to it in the past. You forget she has memory problems and will fess up to things and then later claim she never did.

No. 1376580

File: 1637976902990.webm (2.5 MB, 320x240, manic elaine.webm)

>she is calling her lawyer
>bitching about Null banning her
>some dude just saying "yeah"
>she's been a suicide bomber online (the chinatown incident?) because she's covering for everyone else (???)
>she's defended Null
>Elaine, our hero, has been defending lowcow.farm as well
>420chan was going to attack us all
>she's the most loyal
>they're not appreciative of her mediation skills
>Elaine is not manipulative, she's just friendly
>she doesn't know who's spamming stuff here
>dude says that he knows who's behind it
>she supposedly knows who this mysterious spammer is
>Elaine says she knows where he lives and she's gonna kill him

No. 1376586

Elaine is hot. 8+/10 becky. Every morning I wake up and jack my dick to the clip of Anuscabbage and Elaine fucking on the RV.
I kinda feel cucked when I watch it … but I don't care. I dream all day about that sweet sweet Elaine-brand pussy.
Y'all ever had half-breed poon? It's delightful … I prefer it served "al forno" (that means oven-ready for you plebs)
and when I make cummies? I want to put them in Elaine's tummy.
Yes, Yes … I realize Carl and Baked Alaska have already had a slice…. but if I had to choose between their sloppy seconds and dirty thirds?
I'd be happy to take mouldy fourths. (Or I guess it would be "schwifty fifths amirite boys?)
Damn baby doll. hmu. I got what u need.
Unlike @shawnphase I could actually hit it if I wanted. I ain't a fucking incel (like some people we know).(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1376587

File: 1637978263848.gif (1.18 MB, 366x366, spin (1).gif)

No. 1376590

>lolcow dot farm
I am def just a random poster on lolcow.farm! All posters on lolcow.farm calls it lolcow.farm, xoxo -not elaine

No. 1376592

File: 1637978622829.gif (260.64 KB, 507x495, flex 2.gif)

Stop talking.

No. 1376594

Holy shit I just realized that idiot was using lolcow.farm. Literally nobody that's a regular user here, calls it lolcow.farm.

No. 1376599

I posted the webm and wrote it like that because she always says "lolcow farm" whenever she refers to this place. Just thought it was funny, calm down.

No. 1376600

File: 1637979066927.png (1.73 MB, 1936x1158, Screenshot (444).png)

10/10 would make cummies. wish i was in discord with her :(
I want elaine to touch my lil peepee(moid)

No. 1376603

Does anyone know what she was "mediating"?

No. 1376612

Nothing. I think that's just Elainespeak for: "I was making shit up and trying to turn them into my personal army."

No. 1376649

>To be fair you need a really high dose of autism to talk about Elaine
Wow, 2016 called and want their retarded aged meme back, moid

No. 1376686

kek this dude got dementia and keeps posting the same thing

No. 1376692

To know that the moids posting are both fat/boney and ugly makes me feel a little warmer in my heart. Keep struggling, boo ♥ you'll never be a productive member of society

No. 1376722

imagine being a male and so useless to society this is what you have to do on a Friday night to get your dick hard kek

No. 1376731

File: 1637982446034.jpg (18.18 KB, 327x280, closeup-portrait-beautiful-you…)

They're so predictable, we already know the next thing they're going to do is post someone else's dick because theirs is too much of a chode to post it. Am I right, eenie weenie reading this?

No. 1376733

No. 1376744

File: 1637982671340.gif (394.58 KB, 224x224, 1636694638680.gif)

>when they post cock exactly as I ordered them too

No. 1376747

men are so fucking dumb they fall for literally anything

No. 1376761

I do know one thing tho, these fucking bozos would never post their balls now would they? no cause they're faggots that save other guys' dicks to share

No. 1376775

Shoutout to the other farmhand who got it ahead of me.

No. 1376779

It’s over balless bros

No. 1376782

Thank you farmhands. Jfc

No. 1376788

Scrotes being scrotes. Ignore and report

No. 1376793

Elaine thinks this is funny, until her post history is revealed.

No. 1376807

The best part is all of this is tied to her legal name. Woohoo! She will go down in elite cYbEr haxxor history

No. 1376808

But what good are all the simps in the world when Josh calls you a pedo and bans you

No. 1376816

File: 1637983926423.gif (526.67 KB, 337x437, unnamed.gif)

>elaine's manic audio is posted
>said she's totally protecting everyone from 420chan or whatever
>all of a sudden her thread is being trashed
Every single time she gets triggered this happens. Bitch can't be subtle, so this time she got a couple simps to shitpost for her.

No. 1376822

File: 1637984114990.jpg (26.22 KB, 250x411, 2749682-d0aa6843de694b47b21c0d…)

It really wasn't Elaine, she's been telling the truth all along. It was definitely her evil twin Elle!!!!

No. 1376826

kekkk(idiot laughing at scrotes' jokes )

No. 1376958

File: 1638008689584.jpg (15.58 KB, 408x406, 1634935379175.jpg)

>be Elaine
>try to become Kiwifarms Kween
>hang out with incel Kiwifarmers in their gay discords
>they record everything you say
>they snitch behind your back to Null and get you banned
>you still talk to them

she really has a room temperature IQ (in celsius)

No. 1377017

>Fugg this!!
>I will give the cops my IP
>I have defended lolcow.farm
This is gold

No. 1377020

The greatest part about this is everyone on lolcow.farm told her this would happen. Im feeling conflicted about celebrating a bunch of scrotes trolling a literal retard though.

No. 1377032

Elaine could have just helped extract milk from Lillee Jean when she had the opportunity and then she would have come much much closer to achieving whatever based anon board e-girl thing she's aiming for. At least then she'd have been actually helpful to both Lolcow and Kiwifarms at the same time. Literally could have gained scrote approval by being a spy, but she is literally too much of a sperg to have conceived this plan.
I hope she figures this out and livens up the Lillee thread with some milk or some shit

No. 1377034

Never feel bad when a pick-me gets their wish and gets picked-on.

No. 1377726

File: 1638136778329.jpg (593.64 KB, 1172x1403, Untitled-3.jpg)

I really want to know where she gets her hacker inspiration from, she's too young to have witnessed Anonymous when they were relevant, same goes for the "hackers sustain themselves on coffee" meme. Current day hacker types are all about amphetamines.

Also, Elaine, shut up. Your setup is 1 iPhone and not even a single computer.

No. 1377759

>I really want to know where she gets her hacker inspiration from
Mr Robot and discord scrotes.

No. 1377802

File: 1638144320117.gif (552.68 KB, 250x177, ezgif-7-366660c11d37.gif)

omw to save my queen(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1377862

File: 1638148448352.webm (2.93 MB, 640x360, omw kween.webm)

I'm not a scrote. I'm a prince. And I'm coming to mah queen's rescue

>scrote btw

No. 1377865

File: 1638148697761.gif (6.29 MB, 600x458, ezgif.com-gif-maker(10).gif)

elaine telling her simps to fuck up her thread again(sage)

No. 1377866

File: 1638148965766.gif (663.35 KB, 335x335, BE88D24D-0D33-4A62-8802-90504A…)


No. 1377868

File: 1638149048516.gif (1.19 MB, 600x338, gif.gif)

@anuscabbage12 bought Elaine Miller a $5000 rolex earlier this week(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1377879

File: 1638150242251.jpeg (143.19 KB, 936x728, 1637632297918.jpeg)

>Elaine: "When people have more than 1-2 threads then it's clearly justified and they deserve it, I don't because I'm too obscure"
>Also Elaine: continues to send scrotes to fill up her thread so she'll get a 3rd one sooner

Absolute genius. Never stop, Elaine the brain

No. 1378152

File: 1638194134386.png (137.28 KB, 1520x788, Untitled.png)

They are not from Elaine for once, they are from lolcow.org and it is Admin's fault they even know this place exists, because she continuously encouraged them to post in the Kiwifarms thread and even went as far as to advertise lolcow.org here in a banner on every page. All because they also have a hateboner for Null and Admin thought she could turn these spastic scrotes into her own personal army. She even has her own account over there. She's just as much of a pick-me retard as Elaine, which makes their fighting even funnier to me.

The JDANKS420 shit is their MO.

No. 1378159

Her thread was dead for a day and as soon as there was a new post, spammers appeared. The lolcow discord was "raided" at the exact same time by Elaine whiteknights who just happened to find the invite in a raid incitement thread on 4chan, but sure, that was probably just a coincidence.

No. 1378203

Nice false flag, fellow lolcow.farm anon.

No. 1378209

Name another group of people obsessed with JDANKS420. A homeless man who gets like 3 views on his streams.

No. 1378225

Elaine offers everyone she sucks up to invites to her "based" discord server full of these idiots. She tried to recruit a personal army in all kinds of different communities that talk about lolcows, but only managed to assemble a crew of the most bottom-tier trash. It's her crew. If she's trying to hide it, she should stop inviting farmers to get a first-hand look at the shitshow. She's not only too stupid to cover her tracks, she actively works against herself.

No. 1378231

This. One of her alts that's totally a real person who is not Elaine is named Elliot like the Mr Robot protagonist, she's so fucking bad at being subtle

No. 1378240

Me too lmao
Anuscabbage, who made the Ines Rabiey KF thread, is also in her server and VC circlejerks. She tries to cover up for her shit by blaming it on other people, but she needs attention so badly she'll invite everyone into the groups where she plans that stuff. It's embarrassing

No. 1378243

Post caps then

No. 1378265

File: 1638210044814.png (788.08 KB, 1284x2778, image0 (5).png)

Elaine sharing her police troubles in the Jdanks channel. Need more?

No. 1378271

Yeah? Post all you have if its funny or interesting.

No. 1378275

File: 1638211482387.png (467.79 KB, 908x976, image0 (6).png)

The rest of her $100% true story

No. 1378282

>'elaine has nothing to do with this, only a few select people even care about jdanks'
>documented instances of elaine blogposting about her plight in a jdanks server
amazing how she and her gang of goons sabotage her own plans at every turn. simply incredible. i love her brand of stupidity

No. 1378295

File: 1638212792785.png (484.25 KB, 2222x552, Screenshot 2021-11-29 at 20.05…)

The Ines "dox" has officially been declared bullshit on KF, will be left to rot in Prospering Grounds and will never be validated by becoming a public thread. After this and her KF ban, I predict the next phase will be a fake suicide with questionable and vague "proof"

No. 1378302

File: 1638213257031.gif (1.73 MB, 240x135, ezgif.com-gif-makerj.gif)

According to her, the next phase will be to sue Null for saying that she distributed cp in her Kiwi Farms ban notice. Whether or not she can put together a convincing case while on coke remains to be seen.(integrate)

No. 1378305

>implying she's actually on coke
it's not drugs, just mental illness

No. 1378315

Oh right, just like how she was gonna sue lolcow but she couldn't afford a lawyer because of her financially abusive parents, but in >>1378265 she claimed to have scrounged one up within a few hours overnight.

No. 1378331

It's not slander because it was not public until Elaine made it public. Also good luck suing someone in a different country.

No. 1378336

>Your honor, Joshua Moon privately accused me of sharing CP, which is totally different from me dedicating my life to publicly accusing a random Canadian woman of running an irl child porn ring

No. 1378344

>>She even has her own account over there

You mean the Regina account set up by the scrote who was banned from KF for trying the same shit over there? Ok, not-Elaine.

No. 1378363

File: 1638218581650.jpeg (410.83 KB, 1170x1199, 58248D84-6DD9-4EC8-8BB4-B9E83C…)

>they don’t do interviews at that station

Was she at the right station because google says they do? Elaine, the master intel gatherer, went to the wrong police station because she thinks this is a gayop and she isn’t taking it serious.

No. 1378365

If she does try to sue Null (we know she won't), that'll be fucking hilarious. She has been openly bragging about crimes she claims to have committed against him including "hacking his email and servers" and getting him subpoeanad by China or whatever it was. It's all obviously untrue, but does she really want to open that can of worms in front of a judge? Let's also not forget that before she fixated on Ines, she already tried to frame Null for CP. She did it first and publicly. He did it privately and based on her own admittance of spamming toddler gore on LC.

No. 1378377

>implying any of this actually happened and she didn't just google the closest police station and made up the rest

No. 1378380

Don't forget she tried to forge a fake passport presenting herself as underage so she could frame people for exploitation of minors. I'd love to see how she'd argue herself out of that one

No. 1378382

File: 1638219706119.png (597.52 KB, 1500x1884, admin.png)

No. This is her account:

She didn't sign up as "possiblymexican", they changed her name to that to make fun of her. Regina is Spookybones.

No. 1378386

File: 1638219968720.png (25.36 KB, 589x294, 1632097736332.png)

has anyone kept track of how many times we were subpoenad/how many times admin has been arrested according to Elaine?

No. 1378391

she also accused numerous Lillee Jean whiteknight’s of being pedophiles on her Instagram stories kek

No. 1378395

File: 1638220646064.jpeg (181.61 KB, 828x1316, 1616764051923.jpeg)

ah yes the 4chan deepweb pedophiles

No. 1378396

I’ve seen these screenshots before but I’ve never read the exchange. Elaine a card carrying member of anonymous not understanding online anonymity is priceless.

No. 1378906

Lolcow spams JDANKS just to annoy their own staff. Elaine was invited there to be thrown into the Tard cage. She hasn't gone there but one of her simps is pretending to be her on Onionfarms of all places.

She's scrapping the bottom of the barrel for troops now ladies.

No. 1378920

Moids on lolcow.org are literally the lowest form of moid that exists. Imagine a Kiwifarms scrote, but worse and with more autism and homosexuality.

No. 1378992

haha julay bear computer faaaaarrrt(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1379096

kek aren't they kiwifarm rejects?

No. 1379173

File: 1638300217659.jpeg (488.64 KB, 1170x606, 1B81868F-8326-4819-8126-6C2D2C…)

These guys really respect Elaine kek

No. 1379199

File: 1638302055148.jpeg (425.55 KB, 1170x883, 7C3ABE78-32B6-4190-A3FB-9DF671…)

Kiwi Kween of Incorrect Doxxes celebrates twitter’s new policy on maliciously sharing media & information on private users

No. 1379272

Yes, they all got banned from Kiwifarms and it is not shocking to anyone as to why that happened, so they made their own Kiwifarms, except the only users are pants-shitting autists.

>private individuals
I'd say Elaine is a public figure by now, thanks to her constant attention whoring.

No. 1379568

File: 1638313668973.jpeg (268.44 KB, 962x1599, 5DCE975F-7FD2-47B2-A260-9ACDCB…)

Same account. She’s so stupid.

No. 1379663

She acts like this doesn't apply to her?

No. 1380483

File: 1638366210527.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2221, 0B7EFD4F-8597-48CD-8418-BFC107…)

her simp army is defecting

No. 1380512

>She views my like queck.
What? God Elaine's simps are even more low IQ than her. This dude can't manage to write a single legible sentence.

No. 1380520

IIRC Queck is the Kiwifarms handle of some posh twat who visited Elaine's thread on the other farms to talk shit about her.

No. 1380576

Proving once again that he didn't write the Ines thread, he just posted it for Elaine

No. 1380622

File: 1638377162445.png (200.22 KB, 293x523, sussy.png)

Alroight lads
Oi've got me gamer feul
Toime to make me thread I will(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1380633

discord scrotes, if you must post here, at least bring milk. hope you recorded some more of her sperging

No. 1380659

File: 1638380036085.jpeg (38.38 KB, 567x565, 1624028418019.jpeg)

God she is so… british looking.

No. 1380734

I think they're trying to bring milk. I'm pretty sure she's holding drugs kek

No. 1380871

That looks fake asf , it looks like she’s holding mints or stones of something. Drugs don’t look like that, bitch can’t stop lying

No. 1380953

there's a reason drugs in crystal form is called rocks

No. 1380959

It doesn’t look like crystals though. It looks like crushed up breath mints kek

No. 1380968

File: 1638394699164.png (687.79 KB, 1100x1116, Screenshot 2021-12-01 at 22.37…)

The vial looked odd so I googled around and found this. She probably saw it (it was on places like ladbible too) and got an idea for her larp kek

No. 1380983

lol my prerolls come in containers like that. Did she buy a joint and just stuff it with altoids?

On a serious note, Lainey shouldn’t mix stimulants with your juul. Even though a stroke would explain a lot of your behavior.

No. 1380984

Those containers are also used for mints and weed and sometimes earring holders, they’re everywhere, she probably got them from mint packets. I’ve never heard of ketamine being sold in containers and not bags, that’s weird. There is no way she has an eco friendly drug dealer supplying her ketamine in plastic containers.

No. 1380986

I wouldn't be surprised if Elaine does drugs. She seems like the kind of girl who watched Skins and now thinks being a trashfire of a person is actually cool and edgy.

No. 1380997

Skins inspiration might be true (fits with her obsession with other outdated basic yet edgy teen shows like gossip girl) but I doubt she's ever touched a drug in her life

No. 1381034

She better not be wasting money on drugs when she needs to save to sue KF

No. 1381588

Holy shit I saw her at Costa

No. 1381641

The only drug that really looks like is crack. And the black thing in her hand looks kinda like a burnt up crackpipe. I'm sure whatever's in the container is fake, but good job Lainey. People are sure to take you waaaay more seriously as a crackhead. It would honestly explain a lot. Too bad she's just retarded.

No. 1381781

File: 1638421724513.gif (191.37 KB, 234x505, elaine gunny.gif)

No. 1381785

File: 1638421804139.gif (192.34 KB, 234x505, elaine gunny 2.gif)

This version is better idiot

im a pedophile(namefag)

No. 1381786

Take a note from Elaine here and suck on a gun barrel, scrote

No. 1381787

Woaah she is so crazy she is like the joker

No. 1381817

I’ve gotten ket in vials exactly like that. It really depends on your source. Plus she’s British so I wouldn’t be surprised if she does it, isn’t it super popular over there?

No. 1381941

Can you please fuck off back to Kiwifarms or your weird Elaine simp discord? Seriously. I know you want to make Elaine your new IP2 thot KWEEN so you can make fun gifs of her to spam in chat and talk about how much you want to fuck her (you never will), but why the fuck are you over here? You have a thread on her on Kiwifarms. Nobody wants to see your Elaine gifs. Nobody needs your fucking non-contributions to this thread. You don't understand the site culture and you at like the most embarrassing newfags. You are cringe. Your orbitting of this british slag is utterly pathetic. Kill yourselves.

No. 1381988

File: 1638446214107.jpeg (735.83 KB, 1170x1808, B3C49EB8-BC8C-498E-AFF1-80A0D6…)

elaine trying to recruit a new simp army from edtwt. it’s not going well

No. 1381990

Is there a particular reason why this ugly, unfunny cunt's thread has to be stickied?

No. 1381999

this was brought up many times, there are only 2 threads, go read them instead of asking to be spoonfed

No. 1382003

Seriously? Lol, she must have seen Ambrose's fangirls were much more disruptive than her KF rejects

No. 1382007

the edtwt acct she’s talking to is 16. inserting yourself in to drama with emotionally fragile minors is a brilliant plan after being accused of posting cp. who’s the predator now, elaine

It’s in the OP, anon
>> Elaine begins her favorite pastime: necroing threads, spamming gore & spamming cp. Succeeds in getting her thread pinned

No. 1382010

Who would win? Who would be manipulated?
Elaine with her retarded tactics or malnourished tweens with a twisted worldview?

No. 1382016

they’ll cancel elaine once they find all the troon hate she’s been spewing on boards.

No. 1382122

File: 1638459538625.png (441.13 KB, 830x420, download.png)


beep boop boop

ai output = 'stop talking'(autism)

No. 1382284

File: 1638464539628.png (690.28 KB, 610x821, gfd.png)

This is Elaine's gun btw. A Umarex Colt.45 'blued' Peacemaker pellet gun, available for purchase from about a hundred airsoft and pellet gun sites.

No. 1382285

nobody gives a fuck about her cringey edgelord selfies

No. 1382397

Went there again, can confirm she works at Costa. Will get a picture next time

No. 1382438

speak for yourself nonnie, i am enjoying these prime autismo pics

No. 1382440


No. 1382884

It's a pinned thread

No. 1382887

Still makes it annoying for people who want to use the "hide saged posts" feature to just read milk

No. 1382926

Take a video next time. and which costa?

No. 1382938

Do not post which Costa she works at. That's incredible sick. I hate Elaine but don't post her place of work so the stupid spamming scrotes go visit her.

No. 1382961

Don't worry, it violates the board rules anyways.

No. 1383040

I highly doubt any of the anons following this thread would do this. We know Elaine is joking with kiwifags (and numerous other kf reject sites) about literally raping her. It’s most likely Elaine posting herself, fabricating more evidence to prove ladychan is evil.

No. 1383045

This, the unsaged updateposting without bringing milk is a dead newfag giveaway, it's either Elaine dropping misinfo or a Kiwi who's scared of looking too invested in her thread

No. 1383113

Hi Elaine.(hi cow)

No. 1383235

Its Empresa and those other incels from KF. They are obsessed with all women livestreamrs from IP2 and trying to groom Elaine into becoming one.

No. 1383521

Lately Elaine has started saying that her Dad owns Walmart and this website. No idea why

No. 1383523

i thlammed my penuth in the car door(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1383771

File: 1638557005174.gif (972.96 KB, 218x480, elaine stroking gun.gif)

Elaine gave her top simps a show the other night, after lubing up her toy gun with baby oil for a whole minute. The boys were glued to this.

No. 1383782

File: 1638557519724.webm (10.24 MB, 640x360, yzoq67.webm)

You can post webms here, here you go. Thanks for attempting to bring milk, but we're not really that interested in her camwhoring. If you post funny things she said, crazy lies, her plans to take down lolcow and so on, you'll get more responses.

Also stop namefagging, you're not on KF

No. 1383802

post screenshots, this is an imageboard

No. 1383815

>complains for months about her OP having a picture of her where you can see a sliver of her bra
>tries to have lolcow.farm shut down with cringe gayops over it
>gets 1 minute of attention from scrotes and immediately becomes a whore for them

Utterly pathetic, kek. Please don't post the nudes once she inevitably starts her camshows. Also eat shit an die Empresa, you are one of the worst KF posters and a disgusting simp.

No. 1383822

Damn, [she] has really big hands.

No. 1383824

Kek I was just going to say something about the sliver-of-bra showing thing.
Also, is there some universal law that every Lainey has to be an uggo footface? Jeez

No. 1383850

Marfan syndrome

No. 1384446

File: 1638599425181.jpg (43.36 KB, 644x567, elaine if only you knew.jpg)

She had a good plan the other day to try to email Null a trojan virus disguised as deets on Vordark lol

I missed recording it but she went on to say that this might only work if she could get "someone like Nick Rekieta" to sent it.

No. 1384470

There’s no evidence this was about Null though , it could have been about anyone

No. 1384564

The male voice says "then Null would definitely open it" in the recording.

No. 1384631

File: 1638617875465.jpg (30.46 KB, 700x555, a5ZqyjL_700b.jpg)

Null is totally going to open Vordrak-info.exe and get epically BTFO'd by the hacker queen.

No. 1384822

Good job. You tricked a literal retard.

No. 1384826

You retards really don’t seem to appreciate this discord simp who has dropped deets about Elaine fucking kiwi scrotes to get a thread made, Elaine doing cocaine on livestream, Elaine lying about owning a gun, Elaine putting on cam whore show for simps on discord in exchange for them raiding this thread, Elaine fumbling her way through pretending to hack Null, etc.
Some nigga keeps jumping in here to leak the stupid shit she does on discord and y’all are abrasive towards them for no fucking reason other than to be catty towards a leaker. Fuck off and let some simp scrote faggot drop the deets so I can laugh FFS
Tired of this shit

No. 1384827

File: 1638634254229.webm (1.55 MB, 6dai3b.webm)

She's so funny, she always tries to make other people do the dirty work. She had some flakes from the egirl threads call up Regina's work too, didn't even do it herself

No. 1384835

>Elaine fucking kiwi scrotes to get a thread made
Where's that story then? Kiwi tourists just need to drop their actual milk rather than trickling vague statements and gifs.

No. 1384849

Is Elaine really so retarded that she doesn't think these things will get leaked? One one hand… yeah she is probably that retarded (I mean she thinks she can send Null a trojan). But I honestly think that she is probably in on it and posting shit herself as well. She would have seen by now that scrotes are leaking shit from the discord, so why would she keep telling them shit and make more cringe plans with them? In the end her only goal is to get attention and I think she is just trying to come up with retarded shit that gives her attention. I doubt these are things that "only the baste infiltrating scrotes" are able to get, it's shit she would have posted herself anyways.

No. 1384855

Elaine is honestly so low IQ that she can not even tell that this autistic scrote talking to her is just fucking with her. I mean anyone who does not have mega-autism can hear his half-assed attempts at flattery "Oh yeah you are so busy" and tell that he's being disingenuous. But not Elaine, because she is a proper retard. She is probably so retarded that she will eventually get caught committing a crime since she constantly keeps planning criminal activity and publicly admitting to it. Just so you know Elaine, sending someone a trojan is a crime and mommy and daddy can only bail you out so many times before the bobbies will throw you in the looney bin you belong in.

No. 1384869

Sorry that scrotes like you have the inability to use their words and provide actual milk. Instead males just drop a retarded, useless, pixelated screencap and think we're gonna worship you for it. Post milk or get fucking lost.
>y’all are abrasive towards them
rightfully so, they're males.

No. 1384872

This is what I'm saying. A gif of her jerking off a gun isn't anything interesting. We know she's retarded everyone. We know she does dumb shit. Give us angle, backstory, a reason why she's doing it and who she's doing it for. It's a gossip forum, not /b/ where you can post pics and speculate about what's going on. provide milk.

No. 1384878

File: 1638639613080.png (200.54 KB, 876x952, empresa.png)

They think it's interesting because it makes their microween pp hard to gaze upon a female doing something vaguely sexual and they don't get that it's not interesting to women.

Seems that we won't get anymore updates since Empresa is scared Null will ban him for fucking with a lolcow for content off-site (against KF rules). Look at him pretend like it's not him posting here, kek.

No. 1384886

File: 1638640163762.jpg (Spoiler Image,13.6 KB, 480x548, 1627930361470.jpg)

lead by example.

No. 1384895

It's 50/50. She thinks the people she talks to are truly her friends (or will be soon) and they're just acting mean because it's their ~culture~. She regularly flips her shit when something gets leaked, then follows up with misinfo and spam to get it buried. She does see these leaks as setbacks and they make her insecure, but even when she can tell someone isn't on her side, she's too desperate for attention to let go and continues to try and suck up to them. She thinks she can play everybody else and manipulate them into doing her bidding, getting some of her ~based and cringepilled~ shit leaked is just them being cheeky.

No. 1384921

She really is BPD, kek. I bet she has zero friends in real life because she drove them all off. The only people who will ever tolerate her are scrotes who think she is an easy lay. Then they will also leave her when they got what they want.

No. 1384931

She does not have irl friends, she spends her entire waking hours on Discord, she even has her loud cringe calls about hacking the fbi while she's out in coffeeshops. She lied about police coming to her house so many times but she never even thought to make up some friends kek

No. 1386231

Some kiwi farms scrote is posting info about her family on her thread now. Chimpout inevitable.

No. 1386255

I don’t know why they keep posting her uncle when so many sources including the cow herself have made it clear it’s bullshit. It’s low to dox people that aren’t her parents.

No. 1386270

lol her dad is not white, he looks middle-eastern or jewish

Hey Elaine, your "uncle" looks just like you! The resemblance is really uncanny when compared to your KF profile pic. He certainly doesn't look "russian" like you claim, kek.

No. 1386275

Anons keep saying this dumb shit about Russians. I don't think she's part Russian either btw, but they vary in appearance and can look like a European from pretty much anywhere. There's no "look".

No. 1386281

They absolutely have a look. Every ethnicity has a look. I know it is hard to understand for Amerimutts because you are all mixed, but as a European I can definitely tell apart French/Italians/Germans/Polish just by looking at them. Slavs and Mediterranean/Middle eastern people absolutely look very different form each other. Of course you have people living in counties that don't look like that ethnicity, but that's because they are immigrants or children of immigrants. There is no way that man in the video could be ethnically Russian.

No. 1386302

the slav look is just fetal alcohol syndrome because they drink so much

No. 1386413

Actually a lot of them have really big noses, this is because they live in a cold climate and the air has more time to warm up before it enters the lung if it has to go through a big long nose first. At least that is a plausible explanation I once read. They do drink a lot, which is why their big noses are often red.

No. 1386452

They look inbred and dumb. Americans think they're hot because they never travel.

No. 1386458

> I know it is hard to understand
Yeah, the lot of you look the same but it's ok cause it's irrelevant

No. 1386483

File: 1638811863312.png (60.54 KB, 771x188, Untitled.png)

No. 1386492

Nta look I know slavs are ugly but it's not worth derailing. The men are fucked and for some reason the women are either a ugly or they're pretty enough to torment foreign men with no grey area in between. Elaine is neither and it's not relevant anway

No. 1386502

Germany: founded in 1871, comprised of plenty different populations from south to north and west to east
Internet expert:"as a European I can definitely identify Germans by looking at them" #bavarianindependcenow

No. 1386561

So the Miller who is married to a Gertler and posts about his daughter Elaine is not Elaine Gertler-Miller’s dad, he’s her uncle. Lol ok

No. 1386628

File: 1638823838338.jpg (2.11 MB, 971x4677, elaine sperg.jpg)

She's posting on onionfarms now kek

No. 1386635

kek stay licking null's asshole, elaine. he doesn't want you.

No. 1386655

>Armpit Cream is a farmhand at lolcow farm

No. 1386660

Yeah somehow I don't think he appreciates being seen as some sort of charity case by a teenage BPD thot who thinks she can solve all the issues he's been dealing with for years in 10 minutes. I think he was just looking for an excuse to get rid of her because she's been annoying him in DMs every day which he said he doesn't even read, kek. She has such a delusional sense of self importance.

No. 1386665

File: 1638825993443.webm (13.59 MB, 1280x828, zero.webm)

>I'm not Zero you guys, Zero is my hacker friend, I have no idea who Zero is, Zero is a scary hacker, Zero is Kirtaner, Zero is my prolapsed asshole

No. 1386667

If you told her that Oprah was a janny here she'd believe you

No. 1386704

I mean, she's probably just being schizo and scrotes are lying to her, but then again I'd also not be surprised if Admin let the lolcow.org/Onionfarms scrotes into her bed because they bond over their shared hatred for Null. She did advertise their site and is actively talking to them on it. Making one of them a mod here seems a bit far out there still… Well guess we will never know.

No. 1386713

You're reading too much into that advertisement. It's just a running gag.
>KF's ban message sends their undesirables here
>PULL closes, admin redirects them to KF calling it our "sister site" another obvious joke Elaine took at face value for a while
>KF implodes, admin links splinter site to be cheeky

No. 1386724

Thats what I thought until she actively started posting there to dox former farmhands discord IDs because they were shit-talking her on KF.

No. 1386734

Go away Tesco, you are literally the only one who gives two flying fucks and is so autistic they take everything seriously.

What's next, Zero is her evil identical twin sister?

No. 1386740

>dox discord IDs
kekkk no this is just more Elaine shittery

No. 1386741

Zero is Monica, the Not-Elaine from the Chinatown video. It all makes sense now

No. 1386765

Elaine thinks the FBI has jurisdiction in Canada?

No. 1386798

File: 1638834261742.jpg (425.76 KB, 2947x2046, hate.jpg)

Some poor soul: "Why do you hate lolcow so much"

No. 1386883

She already has more alters than Jill

No. 1386922

I pity Elaine for being an attention seeking whore, if she has any good milk over on the onion I'll post it.

No. 1386929

File: 1638848406394.png (1.16 MB, 942x703, simon gertler.png)

No. 1386930

File: 1638848444862.png (2.15 MB, 2212x1303, Screenshot (1061).png)

No. 1386932

File: 1638848504042.png (35.15 KB, 135x226, naughty gurl.png)

Listen, shit for brains. Last time I was in the hospital, Elaine Miller gave me her cell phone number and told me to call her from the hospital. She also let me list her as my emergency contact on the intake forms. She gave me support and advice the likes of which nobody would dare ask anybody on KF for. She knows my real identity and I trust her explicitly. She didn't have to, and I certainly wasn't paying her a damn thing to do so.

So, yes, she's my friend. Much in the same vein as this idiotic conspiracy theory, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and are just pulling shit out of your ass to appear edgy.

Elaine Miller apparently hasn't declared Zoom haram yet. She undoubtedly should, but she hasn't. I can't make her. Deal with it.

This would make so much more sense if Dick asked IMC to come on, and Elaine Miller agreed. That would have been weird because Elaine Miller repudiated IMC pretty thoroughly. She hasn't (yet) for Zoom.

For the last time, Elaine Miller doesn't chose to not interact with people based on just what other people say. Mostly because she knows that people divide up into their own little cliques and doesn't want any part of it.

No. 1386945

The Pillsbury Dough Boy himself admitted that he was the milkiest cow on the site without a thread. I enjoy reading some threads over there and I'm not going to apologize for it. Camgirls are boring.
Nobody was doxxed but I understand the sentiment. If I was Null, I would be embarrassed if it came out I made up baseless rumors to satisfy some femcel's personal vendetta.
Anyway though, it's been extremely entertaining to see the sudden shift towards Elaine. You know, the stark difference compared to when the peanut gallery actually believed they had doxxed me. Cute.

No. 1386972

This must be one of the most embarrassing things I've ever read. The way she starts it like a love letter then patronizes Null, the self importance and lack of self awareness. It's so nice to not make a fool of myself on the internet like that.

No. 1386998

So wise. So classy. Oh to be Elaine.

No. 1387038

>I have archives of nudes of children posted to lolcow that the police asked me to provide them.
>I have never possessed CP

Elaine.. you know that under UK law that means you possess CP, right?

No. 1387049

She said she has archives of threads and by U.K. law if police requests something then it’s not possession? You’re scraping the barrel here

No. 1387062

Stop being dense. Why is she keeping the archives if the police have them? Surely she wouldn't need any of the archives once she's handed them over to the police?

It's obvious she's made archives in the hopes the police will take her reports seriously, and then she'll be able to give them the "evidence".

But the police haven't taken her seriously and all she has done is willingly downloaded CP. If she's used an archiving website she's even stupider, as that could be classed as distribution.

No. 1387131

Yeah I completely understand that you cozy up with scrotes because you all hate the same other scrote, you just have so much in common and let's be fair, you have always been a bit of a pick-me. Just sucks you didn't get picked by any of them and they made fun of you instead when you posted there and changed your name to possiblymexican. I found it pretty entertaining as well. How's the search for your replacement going btw?

>I would be embarrassed if it came out I made up baseless rumors

Don't you run a gossip site?

No. 1387139

Ok, not-Elaine

No. 1387154

File: 1638885161431.jpeg (4.25 MB, 4032x3024, 3929D3B1-A148-49B6-A039-7E5AE7…)

The average house in London is £750,000, an example of a very modest home in London picrel. Unless Elaine’s parents literally live in a council estate (unlikely) then she is most likely from a very wealthy background.

Anyone making under £35k in London basically has to live in a 2 bed flat with 5 other people or go on government assistance.

Please stop infighting about her parents wealth, they’re clearly well off.

Source: Londoner

No. 1387158

Lol did you take a picture of your computer screen

No. 1387159

I tried for half an hour googling how to take a screenshot on this stupid new windows computer. Any help would be appreicated.

No. 1387160


prt sc -> open paint -> ctrl+V

No. 1387161

Wow. You are really retarded elaine

No. 1387162

I-I'm not Elaine… i'm just explaining how income to housing ratio would make it impossible for her folks to not be rich.

No. 1387165

Not posting dox or her parents company filings.but, her family lives in a house approx worth 900k-1million. Her parents have multiple companies and are probably making up to half a million a year. I don't believe they're making more than that. That is quite a bit but definitely just puts them in upper middle class in London. Not posting the area she lives in, but she does not live in a posh neighbourhood. It's one of the types that will be in a "best areas to have a family in"-lis. Not terribly posh.

She can keep on claiming her parents aren't who both farms think, but the genealogy/family tree for the family is online for anyone who cares enough to sleuth.

Her dad is 62 and her mum is 60. It's no wonder she's so slow, she's the result of expired spam and eggs.

No. 1387168

In Feb 2019, her parents paid £855k for the house. It's in a good area, but it's "modest". Source: rightmove and info that was redacted.

No. 1387178

>It's no wonder she's so slow, she's the result of expired spam and eggs.
Interesting but unsurprising. Tho I'd still like a deeper, more technical explanation as to why she comes off as literally retarded. Which, by the way, is why I doubt any supposed dox by her, I haven't read the Adimines, the lesbian Muslim, thread cause I don't have a KF account and couldn't bother to make one, so maybe there's something of value there, but I doubt because Elaine lacks any common sense and at the same time she's not "book smart" either, her manipulation skills are only effective on terminally online scrotes who are also manipulating her, I just don't see how someone like that could dox anyone. If I were to believe that I might as well believe she knows how to turn KF into a super profitable website in less than 30 minutes.

No. 1387182

yeah it's still technically and legally considered possession of CP when the police have it but they have the defence of needing to deal with it to fight crime. She should take her computer to the police because it has cp on it and let them deal with it and see if the Pete Townshend defence will work for her.

No. 1387184

she might be an interesting example of a sped with rich enough parents for top quality special ed at a fancy school.

No. 1387187

>Her parents have multiple companies and are probably making up to half a million a year.
Kek no, their abridged financial statements are online, just look at hem.
They barely make enough for them, or to hire staff. They have several companies probably for tax evasion.

Means they borrowed money at the bank and probably have a mortgage on it.

No. 1387188

Dad has always bailed her out of trouble and she has never had to learn normal emotional regulation, she has never been called out for lies as a child. Her lies and emotional regulation are at what seems to be the level of a 10 year old. Shes never formed meaningful relationships, which is why she's now stuck on trying to befriend kiwis, the people who treat her like a Court jester.

She has admitted she doesn't have female friends, and copes by saying it's because she's "too smart" and girls are boys want to fuck her and not them. Both of the people who know her irl said she keeps on offering her body to men and then accuses them of wanting to fuck her.

No. 1387190

I said up to. That was probably at their highest income which was years ago. I doubt that they're making anything near that at the moment. Right now yeah they seem to be not doing that great.

No. 1387197

rich people who are good at playing the system are really good at hiding how wealthy they are, so I wouldn't put too much weight on what you can find out. Maybe they have lots of filthy bitcoin or bars of gold buried somewhere.

No. 1387214

Her parents might have been doing well in the past, but I think they are struggling now.
Elaine owns an helicopter and she never took a picture inside? kek
Do you know how easy it is to go to any events and pretend the jet or the yacht is yours?

The reason I think they are not rich (anymore) is this:
If they were really wealthy, they would have paid google to erase all the shit about mega-retard-elaine who keeps posting under her real name.
Her parent's business are showing on the same page.
They also would have paid to send her to some fancy school/internet rehab for rich useless kid and get her off the damn web.

No. 1387221

If her parents were rich they would have taken her off the internet ages ago for making them look retarded. If they were truly rich, they'd have a full-time tard wrangler/au-pair/maid to make sure Elaine isn't online. Her parents and family would have a lawyer then who would have done what Isabella Jankes family lawyer did, sent a polite pleading letter to admin to take down her thread. Because any good lawyer knows the threads aren't illegal nor do the sites have illegal material. That's the difference, it's obvious ILJ actually has a rich family, because they have attempted to remove her from the internet and their legal representation has been sending polite pleading letters admitting null has the right to keep the threads up and that they can't do much legally speaking but they would appreciate it, instead of retard tier threats.

The difference is astonishing.

No. 1387242

But then would their daughter go online to brag about how very posh she is? (Maybe, cause Elaine is retarded)

No. 1387345

Wealthy people can have permissive or neglectful parents, anon. Her parents may also 'just' be upper-middle SES and pouring most of their money into their mortgage or other luxuries that benefit them directly.

No. 1387631

also some tards are more wrangle-able than others. Fiona got wrangled eventually, but ELJ took a lot longer/just wore herself out.

No. 1390450

File: 1639239834150.png (259.84 KB, 1140x1780, Elaine_News.png)

Elaine continues her gay discord drama with Kiwifarms scrotes. Apparently she even fucked one of them and is sending them nudes.

No. 1390458

KF users: Lolcow is too mean

Also KF users: Sleeping with & making revenge porn of a person with sub-normal IQ for lols and upvotes is based

At least Null is pushing back on it, though

No. 1390486

Oh my God, she actually fucked one of them? Now I feel sorry for her. It's one thing to poke at her for shits and giggles but I wouldn't wish revenge porn on my enemies. I hope this was just some scrote talking shit and she isn't actually about to be railed. She strikes me as someone who has never had relationships (let alone sex) before so this is just cruel

No. 1390490

I agree with you but it sounds real. She broke up with the latest scrote in a discord server yesterday for bragging about it to everyone.

No. 1390498

These people are breaking Kiwifarm's own rules of not messing with cows in real life and making trolling plans. Imo they should all be banned and Null has been way too patient with these tards. I guess they will just come back and make new sock accounts, but he can't expect people to stick to the rules of the site if he does not enforce them. Fucking a lolcow to get her nudes to post on the site is clearly against the rules and if it was Chris or any other male cow he would have banned the users already. But since it is a woman that a lot of simps want to see naked things are being handled more leniently.

Inb4 someone calls me Elaine, I just really do not want to see her sextape and deal with the influx of scrotes coming here looking for it.

No. 1390502

These are the same people donating to Null's monthly upkeep. His swollen hands are kinda tied.

No. 1390506

I really doubt it, the spergs doing this already dislike Null, this is just judging from my lurking chat interactions where they constantly shit on him. They hate him because he jannies their friends for being shitposters. Empresa is also supposedly in an "open relationship" with a prostitute, which I assume means he is just a regular client of a prostitute. I doubt he has money left over to donate to Null.

No. 1390510

File: 1639246829536.jpg (929.92 KB, 1040x1341, kiki-1.jpg)

Elaine conned some idiot into interviewing her


My favourite part is that they used a screenshot of Kiki's insane trollposts to make it look like regular behaviour here. KEK pretty much everyone who gives her the time of day is on her IQ level

No. 1390517

Elaine is like this site's Vordrak, except dumber and less capable. But also British. What is it with Anglos and trying to take sites down by false-flagging CP? Null really is right in hating the British, they are fucking awful.

No. 1390569

Did you get screenshots? What did the scrote say?

No. 1390573

Elaine's orbiters are cows themselves, I hope the revenge porn thing is bullshit for her own good.

No. 1390615

the interviewer asks for evidence of CP on lcf and Elaine says people are always complaining about it in /meta/…that’s her proof

No. 1390631

File: 1639256442741.gif (4.31 MB, 400x224, wendywilliamsclap.gif)

>tfw you point to complaints about yourself as proof

No. 1390638

Yeah that is literally her entire "genius plan".

>spam CP on lolcow.farm

>report lolcow.farm for having CP on it

No. 1390801

my favorite part is that she still somehow doesn't understand that 7 proxies and a VPN might get you past our jannies, and obviously even that didn't work out for her lmao, but for sure not the fucking FBI lmfao
imagine destroying your own future with cp possession and distribution trying to take down a website where you were previously page 7 literallywho
like she literally just won't stop digging; four months ago I had no idea who this bitch was, she really made her own bed here

No. 1391025

Imagine ruining your life for lillee jean

No. 1391051

so how many times has she met up with edgelord internet scrotes? elaine since you're reading this look up bianca devins.
she hasn't ruined her life yet.

No. 1391053

The scrote should definitely go and get tested for whatever British super STD Elaine carries. She seems like the type who gives it up for any man who has even shown interest in her and British men are absolutely vile.

No. 1391094

to think she started off as just another wannabe tiktokker/ig influencer using engagement pods to try gain a following. Lmao

No. 1391117

Anon you have a point. Most Kiwifags are the same breed of spastics as people diagnosed with stage 4 terminal 4chan disease. Elaine should really consider ewhores like Bianca Devins as a cautionary tale. She also tried to be the favourite girl for a bunch of scrotes and she ended up raped and murdered

Elaine gives me permanent virgin vibes. Ik she had BPD, she just seems like such an awkward dork that the idea of her having sex just doesn't seem right. If she actually did have sex with a scrote then I'd ge genuinely surprised

No. 1391143

> Elaine should really consider ewhores like Bianca Devins as a cautionary tale. She also tried to be the favourite girl for a bunch of scrotes and she ended up raped and murdered
If you're going to say vile shit about a murder victim and tell Elaine to google her, you should google her yourself and find out what actually happened. The guy who killed her wasn't an incel from 4chan circles, she's the one who made him get a discord. He was a crazy normalfaggot who killed her after seeing she had a bunch of harmless male orbiters online. She wasn't raped either, your post is giving huge scrote vibes since most people on lolcow wouldn't refer to a 17 year old girl who was murdered as an "ewhore"

No. 1391162

Hard agree on her being a dorky virgin. I think part of why she's such a retard online needing this lowest option scrote validation via things such jacking off a fake gun is because there ain't nobody whose ever wanted to touch her. The way she holds herself is so unsexy and uncoordinated, she reminds me of Shatna trying to twerk or pole dance or whatever the fuck it was. Gangly and awkward like a baby giraffe but with no cuteness

No. 1391176

Not the disgusting anon who called Bianca an ewhore but there's nothing wrong with warning elaine not to meet up with maladjusted men from the internet. And Brandon definitely wasn't a normalfag.

No. 1391178

Bianca Devins used to post her nudes on 4chan for attention and also sold CP of her own friends on Discord. Most of what happened went down on Discord, often frequenting some weird server to sell said CP of herself and her underaged friends, but she still used other sites to post her nudes for attention, mainly 4chan. A scrote shouldn't have felt entitled to her life, no woman deserves to be murdered, but saying she didn't engage with scrotes on 4chan for attention is untrue. She was a huge BPD case just like Elaine and it's the unfortunate truth that scrotes prey on EXACTLY that type of girl, and it's fair to advise Elaine not to meet random online scrotes for sex when she is also an established BPD case because it might make her think twice about doing it. Jesus anon the point is to not engage/have sex with random scrotes because it's dangerous as hell

Brandon was not a normalfag at all. A normalfag doesn't go off the rails and murder a girl for having orbiters

No. 1391182

The scrotes who are using Elaine are about as predatory as the scrotes who used Bianca. They pick out girls like Elaine because they know they're troubled in a way that they can take advantage of. They can easily spot the signs (acting sexual for attention, like Elaine wanking off a gun, like Bianca doing what she did) and they swoop in on it. A kiwiscrote going and actually having sex with Elaine has done that because he knows Elaine doesn't have the sense to say no and is taking advantage. That's dangerous as fuck. Those men are strangers. Let's hope that nothing actually bad happens to Elaine but she is doing dangerous shit fr

No. 1391191

This this this. We can stop derailing about Bianca now, the point has been made. Elaine is playing with fire with guys she probably thinks she's finessing since she's desperate for WKs and people are saying the guy she fucked is Anuscabbage who made the faildox thread for her. But really they're taking advantage of her in a worse way because she's too stupid to realize what's happening and they're already tormenting her with it. I'm surprised it's not on KF yet.

No. 1391206

Null mentioned it in a screenshot itt, are you sure it's not on her Kiwi thread yet? I was hoping this was a weird rumour but if this is an actual confirmed thing then holy fuck. I can't imagine a crote going this far to mess with someone and then not brag about it. He might post in the next few days if he is dumb enough to admit that he's a predator

No. 1391208

You think men would not have sex with a dorky virgin? Cause she is awkward and gangly? Literally the only standard that 99,9% of men have for women is: not fat. She fulfills that. She is also fucking retarded and super easy to con into having sex. She also strikes me as the kind of girl who goes out clubbing a lot and gets sloshed. A typical british "slag". Just judging from the pictures she posts and the people she associates with IRL. I am sure she is far from a virgin.

No. 1391211

>You think men would not have sex with a dorky virgin? Cause she is awkward and gangly? Literally the only standard that 99,9% of men have for women is: not fat. She fulfills that.
Congrats on missing the point, we're shocked she would stoop this low. Gangly awkward or not, she's still leagues above someone who posts on KF under the name of Anuscabbage

No. 1391222

She is fucking retarded. The clip of her talking to that autistic man who is trying to finesse her by giving her the most bland and fake affirmation ever is all the proof you ever need that Elaine will spread her legs for any man who gives her attention and tells her she is a really cool superhacker. Look at her desperately lapping up the attention from incels by jerking off some gun with baby-oil. Doesn't look like it's the first time she has done it. She is also BPD and being promiscuous and practicing unsafe sex with strangers is a very very common symptom of that.

Sorry but if you think Elaine is an innocent virgin with standards I have a bridge to sell you. You can find 50 Elaine's in every London nightclub looking to hop on any dick that offers her cocaine.

No. 1391229

I feel bad for her reading that. She does come off a bit like a dorky girl who has never interacted with scrotes suddenly getting scrote attention and not really having enough experience to know that they're just messing with her. Idk maybe it's just part of me hoping she hasn't actually stooped to fucking a man who guys by the name AnusCabbage who preys on mentally ill teen girls

No. 1391233

I think the Elainecabbage rumor is probably another gay op so that Elaine can continue to push her "this thread is endangering me, look at these men sexually exploiting me" narrative. She loves pulling that card.

No. 1391254

It's not, they were e-dating on discord and he bought a plane ticket to go see her in England to fuck. She broke up with him when she found out that they all made a new discord without her and didn't tell her about it. I wish I could post screenshots but the person who showed it to me said I can't share it cause they are afraid to be found out as a snitch. Gay, I know, you don't have to believe me.

No. 1391259

If he didn't actually fuck her and it's just a rumour then that's a good thing I guess, at least she wasn't actually in danger. While I do believe it is possibly true, I find it strange the scrote who did it isn't bragging in her thread already.

Do we know Cabbage isn't Elaine?

No. 1391262

Do we know exactly when this happened? Obviously recently but how recently. Also kek at the idea that people are ending relationships over Discord drama

No. 1391286

He isn't bragging because she has his full name and address

No. 1391287

Anuscabbage has been a KF user way before Elaine appeared on the scene. I remember he used to make some quality posts in the Ethan Ralph board, but I think that was on his old account? He is definitely not Elaine.

No. 1391311

This, she threatened to put him up on doxbin when she broke up with him in a server kek

No. 1391345

I would kill to be a fly on the wall in that server when this shit went down. I wonder if Lillee Jean knows what the fuck happened to Elaine

No. 1391372

You're making the mistake of thinking that Lillee and Laur give a fuck about anyone not in the immediate Trueman family.

No. 1391393

there is a huge irony coming from the fact that ebil lolcow would never have done her as much damage as kiwifarms has. She has absolutely rekt Ines by letting a circle of scrotes manipulate her into sex. How do we like them apples

No. 1391735

Who wouldn't believe a random anon in the most shitposted thread on the whole site? Your proof that you can't show anyone doesn't sound fake and gay at all and was def worth mentioning

No. 1391762

>he bought a plane ticket to go see her in England to fuck
With all the new rules and constrains to fly to UK, he sure has commitment.

No. 1391767

I realize it is gay to not show proof, you are free to not believe me.

No. 1391851

She did it. She had a meltdown and came to lolcord with one of her Simps issuing threats and melting down yesterday over it. Threatened to dox some farmer over her posting her richfag cars middle console and steering wheel. She got laughed out by all the farmers there. The posts are still to go and read. All because she can't lash back at the kiwis or they'll post her nudes, so she's trying to take it out on farmers.

No. 1391866

Jesus christ, can none of you take screenshots? Image board, nonnies, IMAGE board. You're posting all this with nothing to back it up

No. 1392301

Interesting how she can't prove there's CP being tossed around here after one of these affiliated companies asked about it. I thought Zero was in charge of that on Twitter, Elaine? Oops, I mean "Echo"

No. 1393067

File: 1639534154558.png (138.71 KB, 1192x556, Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 03.03…)

She's starting to look like KT the stalker or that woman who got rabb.it shut down.

No. 1393075

>doxing websites which are full of CP
This is what I don't understand. There is no CP here and if there is, it's reported and taken down. How retarded is she that this is her main argument. You can also argue that Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok, etc. are also full of CP because it's been uploaded at one point in time.

No. 1393093

Hurt, pain, embarrassment and humiliation is what you have caused her. You have given her scars that no one will ever be able to see. I hate you all. You are only making us more powerful.("expect us")

No. 1393096

She pretends this site is a revenge porn and cp haven akin to anon-ib but lolcow doesn't even allow leaked nudes of adult women. KF does. On here, posting or requesting nudes for no reason gets you swiftly banned, the only threads that are "full of nudes" are camgirl threads where anons nitpick styling and content. If there is some obscure 6 year old threads where something slipped through the cracks, then the admins aren't keeping that up out of spite to cater to pedos, we're notoriously anti-porn and not a spank bank.

No. 1393097

>>implying we are Legion anonymous
>>not knowing how to namefag on an image board

Shaking in my boots!

No. 1393208

Who left their 10yo unsupervised on the ipad again, dammit? Stop day drinking and give them something to do besides shit posting to relieve their preteen angstiness.

No. 1393545

File: 1639593326188.jpeg (53.35 KB, 1280x933, anuscuckage.jpeg)

No. 1393582

it's a good thing she lacks self awareness so she can't feel how humiliating this really is. god damn, imagine dating a kiwi scrote that posts in your thread and fucking him only to find out he's been part of group chats you're excluded from because everyone thinks you're a joke, even the guy you tried to pussy whip into your whiteknight.

No. 1393583

There’s no evidence this is Elaine lol this is such a gayop anyone can change their nickname to Elaine on discord scrote

No. 1393595

NTA but any screenshot on lolcow could be shooped. I'm in a server with her and she did have that icon until recently.

No. 1393603

>1 hour
i expected the cope train to arrive sooner

No. 1393847

That's her shtick: Forging her passport DOB to frame boards as pedo that have her old shit posted, so she can gain efame "legend" status as the "kween who canceled lolcow and kf".

No. 1394629

File: 1639683812605.png (1.23 MB, 1592x2732, brilliant_plan.png)

There is more to this story. Apparently some absolute retards ITT felt SO BAD for poor Elaine that they made their own discord with her where they came up with the brilliant plan to team up with Null's enemies to get back at him by calling him a pedophile on Ethan Ralph's show. Ethan Ralph, convicted felon (he went to jail for punching a female cop) who runs a white supremacist podcast and who is currently being charged with release of revenge pornography of his 18 year old babymomma. A real great guy to team up with. Good work.

No. 1394633

Good job bringing this here from KF but you got it all wrong. There is a server for Elaine to talk to farmers, but it has nothing to do with Kiwitards. Elaine herself sent the invite to this tard from the screenshots, he came and sperged at Elaine in VC and got banned. He then messaged members of the server trying to get them on board with his plan and they told him to fuck off.

No. 1394644

>There is a server for Elaine to talk to farmers
Why? You are literally doing what you have been berating Kiwifarms scrotes for doing this entire time. It's just so hilariously hypocritical that you have now made your own simp-server for Elaine. Probably trying to groom her as well, just into a lesbian.

No. 1394726

it is a containment zone for her retardation. she keeps on making alts to join lolcord and then losing her shit, getting her simps to raid it etc

No. 1394780

>Probably trying to groom her as well, just into a lesbian.

No. 1394803

File: 1639693044739.jpg (34.05 KB, 800x522, wat.jpg)

>Probably trying to groom her as well, just into a lesbian.

No. 1394810

tell me you are new to lolcow.farm without telling me you are new to lolcow.farm

No. 1394951

Man, some of yall bitches get so snobby about the dumbest things kek. There's no milk lately, because elaine knows to not rock the boat rn because nobody likes her at this point, besides other braindead oblivious coomers. Some of us want to give advice to her, we know she does read here, but even if she never takes this advice, she needs to know that she looks like a ridiculous stupid clown and is incapable of seeming smart or intelligent to normal people anymore. As cool as it would be if she somehow got a brain or a clue, none of us are actually expecting her to turn her life around. But she doesn't need to let EVERY ASPECT of herself go. Yeah, those screenshots that kiwitard posted aren't the cutest, but they're MILES ahead of where elaine is at now. Are you honestly telling me, if you see someone talk like elaine does in those images, compared to her inability to tell a convincing lie or keep her facts straight, that you would even look twice, or snicker or make fun of them? No. You see people talk like this every day. She wants to stand out but she does it by talking to kiwitards that want to use her, and making really big decisions with her time that don't make any sense, like meeting up with a kiwitard, or letting a kiwitard take nudes of her that are circulating in discord dms that will never make it to null anyway, or her new simp server with only one, dedicated farmhand. If she was just a tiny bit smarter, and spent her time talking to people she went to school with or making real life friends that aren’t kiwitards, then it would make more sense for her to deny allegations that she met up with a kiwitard. But she doesn't have real friends, she doesn't have anyone else to hang out with, and she gets like, 3 people to talk to her on discord. So why is she trying to convince us she didn’t fuck a kiwitard? Who is she trying to impress? Does she think, if she suddenly has more of the image she wants, and pretends that lolcow is a cp ring, that Ines, and the farmies that want to laugh at her will somehow be able to look past stupid, crazy, dumb and boring she is? Does she think that buying lying about not meeting up with a kiwitard will make her have friends, or stop being harassed, or make Ines want to take down her thread? Àll she had to do was stop going on the internet, or at the very least, stop posting. Instead, she can’t stop posting, with horrible ability to tell a convincing lie, the same threat to take down lolcow dot farms, her gross clown eyeliner and dollar bin anonymous mask, and her retarded victim complex she thinks makes her look cute. She's so far gone, the least she can do is post like, 5 percent less. Touch grass more. Not talk to kiwitards anymore that makes her look crazy and like a lolcow. And for the love of God, STOP TELLING UNCONVINCING LIES ELAINE!! Holy shit, do those lies and claims of lawsuit look so unconvincing these days. And you can't even hide that the scooter architect is your dad.
It's just gonna be another few days or weeks until she does something truly lulzy again, but till then, she's gonna show up in some new kiwitards screencaps that make her look crazy, to her boring kiwifarms thread of 5 retarded neckbeard scrotes and 10 farmers listening to her unhinged rant about null or stina in her lesbian conversion simp server, and her saying “based, thank you” to the pharmacist because she doesn’t know how to have a normal human interaction.

No. 1394958

not reading, pls go touch some grass

No. 1394962

File: 1639710236260.gif (2.61 MB, 614x614, ez br.gif)

>Man, some of yall bitches get so snobby about the dumbest things kek. There's no milk lately, because elaine knows to not rock the boat rn because nobody likes her at this point, besides other braindead oblivious coomers. Some of us want to give advice to her, we know she does read here, but even if she never takes this advice, she needs to know that she looks like a ridiculous stupid clown and is incapable of seeming smart or intelligent to normal people anymore. As cool as it would be if she somehow got a brain or a clue, none of us are actually expecting her to turn her life around. But she doesn't need to let EVERY ASPECT of herself go. Yeah, those screenshots that kiwitard posted aren't the cutest, but they're MILES ahead of where elaine is at now. Are you honestly telling me, if you see someone talk like elaine does in those images, compared to her inability to tell a convincing lie or keep her facts straight, that you would even look twice, or snicker or make fun of them? No. You see people talk like this every day. She wants to stand out but she does it by talking to kiwitards that want to use her, and making really big decisions with her time that don't make any sense, like meeting up with a kiwitard, or letting a kiwitard take nudes of her that are circulating in discord dms that will never make it to null anyway, or her new simp server with only one, dedicated farmhand. If she was just a tiny bit smarter, and spent her time talking to people she went to school with or making real life friends that aren’t kiwitards, then it would make more sense for her to deny allegations that she met up with a kiwitard. But she doesn't have real friends, she doesn't have anyone else to hang out with, and she gets like, 3 people to talk to her on discord. So why is she trying to convince us she didn’t fuck a kiwitard? Who is she trying to impress? Does she think, if she suddenly has more of the image she wants, and pretends that lolcow is a cp ring, that Ines, and the farmies that want to laugh at her will somehow be able to look past stupid, crazy, dumb and boring she is? Does she think that buying lying about not meeting up with a kiwitard will make her have friends, or stop being harassed, or make Ines want to take down her thread? Àll she had to do was stop going on the internet, or at the very least, stop posting. Instead, she can’t stop posting, with horrible ability to tell a convincing lie, the same threat to take down lolcow dot farms, her gross clown eyeliner and dollar bin anonymous mask, and her retarded victim complex she thinks makes her look cute. She's so far gone, the least she can do is post like, 5 percent less. Touch grass more. Not talk to kiwitards anymore that makes her look crazy and like a lolcow. And for the love of God, STOP TELLING UNCONVINCING LIES ELAINE!! Holy shit, do those lies and claims of lawsuit look so unconvincing these days. And you can't even hide that the scooter architect is your dad.
>It's just gonna be another few days or weeks until she does something truly lulzy again, but till then, she's gonna show up in some new kiwitards screencaps that make her look crazy, to her boring kiwifarms thread of 5 retarded neckbeard scrotes and 10 farmers listening to her unhinged rant about null or stina in her lesbian conversion simp server, and her saying “based, thank you” to the pharmacist because she doesn’t know how to have a normal human interaction.

Well well well if it isn't "King of /pol/" >>1394633

No. 1395006

Help, Elaine is bragging about her self harm scars on discord.

No. 1395008


No. 1395011

File: 1639713950400.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.21 MB, 3008x2687, 9F3CFBC0-4B72-4553-93A7-25DA86…)

Warning, hairy arms

No. 1395012

Thank you. Any screenshots of the conversation? What server is this?

No. 1395015

If I said would I be able to get more milk later?

Sowwy gals and gays.

No. 1395019

That doesn't look like her. If it is, it wasn't taken in her bedroom

No. 1395020

This is just such a gayop. These photos look like they’re of a literal man, they look like they’re from fucking Twitter, what is it with people coming over here with the most random bullshit and claiming everything is Elaine. touch grass Bryan

No. 1395048

lol fat

No. 1395214

The only thing I know about Bryan Dunn is that he is some #GaymurGate sperg and a closeted homosexual who begs men for their outlines and Null had to send him a cease and desist because he begged him so much for his dickpics. Him being involved with Elaine is weird, does Elaine have a dick?

No. 1395234

Bryann is mad Elaine got to see some kiwi dick and he didn’t

No. 1395256

this chunklord >>1394962 looks like he can't even see his own dick

No. 1395285


No. 1395714

Bryan wants to get some that autistic scoliosis puss(male, namefag)

No. 1395773

Ew, Gator. Probably the only moid who dries up every "puss" In the room when he walks in even faster than his master Ethan Ralph.

No. 1395959


You really believed she was rich in the first place? How delusional were you? No one who’s ‘well off’ would even dare live where Elaine lives(emoji)

No. 1395974

No. 1395975

this person is hilarious

No. 1397173

File: 1639937090640.jpg (54.83 KB, 818x566, IMG_3548.jpg)

Elaine is upset with known pedophile @Empresa for writing a full fledged thread about her on lolcow.org and including a bunch of info on her dad, Simon Miller, who Elaine denies being closely related to. lol(read lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1397191

File: 1639938258591.jpg (4.27 MB, 1581x13121, lco.jpg)

Nice thread ngl, partially copypasted together from here and KF, but it's a really good summary of this saga.

No. 1397204

Thread made by men can never be good, cause it always is way too obvious that they want to fuck any woman they talk about. Empresa especially is a braindead coomer simp who calls the hooker he regularly visits his girlfriend. The thread he made has none of the interesting info on her but plenty of coombait pics for the moids to jerk their tiny gerkins to. 2/10

No. 1397512

>thread made by men can never be good
I agree completely, men are better suited for jobs that require their superior brainpower and strength. The textile industry is more appropriate for women, since it doesn't require any higher level thought or strength of body.(scrote)

No. 1397546

can biden start a war already so you can go die

No. 1397552

Who's biden?

No. 1397553

Elaine is a boring retard with a case of GOTIS even more extreme than anyone on lolcow.farm, how the fuck are any of you fucking idiots even remotely entertained by her? She never does anything interesting, she is a black hole from which no entertainment can escape.

No. 1397554

God you bitches are stupid.

No. 1397555

Check 'em.

No. 1397673

She has her entertaining moments when she pretends to be a superhacker and tries to take down the ebil pedoring known as lolcow.farm. Scrotes can't really get over the fact that she is a butterfaced young women with enough mental issues and low IQ that she might actually fuck them tho. So their penors are constantly taking all the blood from their brains when thinking about her, leading to extremely low effort posts that mostly revolve around wanting to have sex with her. Scrotes can not contribute anything of value to women lolcows, they are too coombrained.

No. 1397703

based. this truth will undoubtedly trigger moid retardation and I love that.

No. 1397711

They should know that we see them for what they are: Elaine's incel simps. And they should feel ashamed for simping for such a 2/10 british slag. Maybe then they will stop shitting up this thread with their non-contributions and cringe gifs.

No. 1397724

>thread made by men can never be good
“and I took that personally”

No. 1397804

I spoke with Elaine a few times. She will believe anything that you tell her and she thinks everyone else is the same. She's just a sad and low IQ lonely girl who sperges to get male attention. She loves being the center of all this attention. It's getting to a point where it's just sad, like I don't pity her at all because if she ignored this, people would stop caring.
She potentially could fix her life if she stopped posting everywhere. Leave all the stupid discords, block KF, LC, LCF, OF - all of it. She should get an actual job working at Poundland or M&S stocking shelves overnight, save up her paychecks, and disappear into obscurity.
She never will, though. That's what makes her such a cow.

No. 1397837

File: 1640024814121.webm (4.01 MB, 19132-8e30baea22748f472d2f52eb…)

From the LCO thread, longer version of this recording

No. 1397843

File: 1640025648890.png (475.43 KB, 584x442, mlady.png)

Found pictures of the moids in this call. Imagine M'Ladying this hard for a schizo bitch like Elaine. "Oh my gawd Elaine, you are like so right, like you are such a hero, you totally took down so many pedophiles, like it is soooo mean of Null to ban you. You are soooo bad-ass!" Sucking her flat ass this hard. I am vomit.

It is funny tho that Elaine things this is some sort of "cyber war" instead of Null just not wanting to engage her attention whore behavior and looking for any excuse to ban her. She could have just never shared her ban message and nobody would have fucking known.

No. 1397846

Not to give the moids in that call too much credit, but how bad is your autism for you to miss that they're laughing at her, not with her? This thread is so full of newfags coming here from KF and LCO to either state the obvious or miss the point. Please desist.

No. 1397854

Lmao. I have been paying attention to this since the very beginning and I know all the faggots in Kiwifarms chat who are talking to her (like Empresa). They also simp for other lolcows (the girls from IP2) and they are not "laughing at her" or "trying to get content" they are literally simping because they want a crumb of pussy like the incel losers they are. And one of them got it, so congrats I guess. But if you think these dudes are some sort of trolls who are trying to get content out of her you are seriously deluded about the nature of men. They are simping. Just read their posts about her on lolcow.org. The entire thread is just "here are pics of her I find hot and uhhh copy+paste some stuff from KF and here" and then the comments "I want smash unga bunga".

You are seriously retarded for indulging these moids. They can not enjoy female lolcows the same way that women can. Their dicks always get in the way.

No. 1397991

The “cyber war” is just a front she puts up when talking to anyone from either website, so they keep giving her exactly what she wants, attention.

No. 1398079

You must be one of Elaine's Elites kek. Just because they posted tons of photos doesn't negate the relevant and milky info in the OP on lolcow.org. If all of the discords scrotes were simping why would they have released audio of her sperging out?

You seem like an Elaine simp

No. 1398155

Do you even know what her server was made for?? Do you really think farmers would simp for Elaine? You should get your head checked.

No. 1398266

Just log off.

No. 1398412

None of the info on lolcow.org is new or interesting. It is 90% just pictures you jerked off to and the rest is copy-pasted shit from KF and a bunch of memes. It's a shit thread and you should be ashamed you simping faggot.

No. 1400052

File: 1640269146716.png (695.61 KB, 1080x2040, tommy.png)

Elaine is now talking to another lolcow, granny tranny Tommy Tooter to start some new sort of gayop. Honestly I can not even be arsed to figure out what this is about.

No. 1400056

File: 1640269501785.png (91.04 KB, 1486x402, tommy2.png)

Cows and their lolsuits… when will they learn?

No. 1400058

Tommy Tooter btw, has actually molested a young girl in real life. He never went to jail because he admitted to it after the statue of limitations ran out (he is really fucking old), but he's talked about it openly. And also a dog. So to take down the evil "CP-host lolcow.farm" she is teaming up with an actual pedophile.

No. 1400132

File: 1640274516884.png (191.37 KB, 1170x450, 5de0b35d-77b2-491f-839b-38c030…)

No. 1400142

File: 1640274917081.png (77.85 KB, 639x527, 1591038459405.png)

samefag just wanted to another admission

No. 1400153

Him and "posts CP to own the lolcow.farms" Elaine will get along splendidly.

No. 1400227

God damn I wish Elaine was at least consistent in her CP virtue signaling larp. She just keeps demonstrating to everyone that she doesn't give a single shit about whom or what she aligns herself with as long as she can get what she wants.

No. 1400716

I knew she was posting CP.
Elaine I hope you get locked up, I hope they put you on the sex offenders register and force you to go to therapy with a bunch of actual child molesters. I hope your family disown you. I hope they move you into a shithole neighbourhood and you get targeted by vigilantes. They WILL catch you. They always do. You’re better off just killing yourself now. I would in your position.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE.)

No. 1400719

I don't think they have a sex offender registry in England. They just call it the phone book.

No. 1400721

I know you’re joking but seriously, her life will be fucking ruined if she gets caught. They will put her face all over the newspapers because she’s a rare occurrence of a “female paedophile” and the papers eat that shit up.

No. 1400775

Elaine you got so many warnings for that.
So many anons here and k-farmers -before you managed to have all the scrotes shitting your thread- gave you really good advices and told you to lay low and log off.
Even way before that stupid live you did with LJ, people told you that.
You spent the last 10 months making it so much worse, ruining your own life and no one in the universe could ever do as much damages as you did to yourself.

No. 1400780

All of you anons are getting into such dangerous territory calling this woman a pedophile with no evidence or IP logs. This is a mentally unstable autistic student. It’s getting to the point where the people making up this bullshit are just as, if not more, delusional than this cow. Just like when everyone said she fucked a kiwi farmer and the only evidence was “seemed like something she’d do”
Her thread is dead milk at this point apart from a few schizophrenics like Stina from the lolcow.farm discord who try and bump a thread with claims with no evidence.(Hi Elaine. Bye Elaine.)

No. 1400796

oh nonna… you should do some research lol I agree that people aren’t posting shit here but it’s not due to a lack of milk…. I’d argue it’s even the opposite

No. 1400882

>dead milk

No. 1400895

Ok Elaine. We all know that you’re posting child porn here. You’re a sick fuck. Hope they lock you up.

No. 1400900

File: 1640364986492.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.79 KB, 660x371, dead milk.jpg)

>dead milk

No. 1400945

Nobody called you a pedophile. We called Tommy Tooter a pedophile, because he actually raped an underaged girl. We are just saying that we believe it was you who posted the CP. Not because you get off to it, but because in your smoll smooth brain you thought you could then report the site for "hosting CP" and getting it shut down. Your plan backfired and now you are coming up with some other stupid gayop. All of this would have went away long ago if you could just log off.

No. 1401544

File: 1640451053768.png (240.92 KB, 1808x378, Screenshot 2021-12-25 at 17.50…)

Thought you don't care about rumors

No. 1402271

File: 1640570233501.jpeg (39.79 KB, 500x557, 1637983800439.jpeg)

Elaine is hot. 8+/10 becky. Every morning I wake up and jack my dick to the clip of Anuscabbage and Elaine fucking on the RV.
I kinda feel cucked when I watch it … but I don't care. I dream all day about that sweet sweet Elaine-brand pussy.
Y'all ever had half-breed poon? It's delightful … I prefer it served "al forno" (that means oven-ready for you plebs)
and when I make cummies? I want to put them in Elaine's tummy.
Yes, Yes … I realize Carl and Baked Alaska have already had a slice…. but if I had to choose between their sloppy seconds and dirty thirds?
I'd be happy to take mouldy fourths. (Or I guess it would be "schwifty fifths amirite boys?)
Damn baby doll. hmu. I got what u need.
Unlike @shawnphase I could actually hit it if I wanted. I ain't a fucking incel (like some people we know).(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1402276

File: 1640571191573.gif (2.45 MB, 282x282, 3dgifmaker72474.gif)

Based Elaine WILL take down the pedophile broke dick tranny farms!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1402337

File: 1640583284531.gif (1.08 MB, 355x663, 83E0B353-53EB-4B5C-992B-6D1719…)


No. 1402339

File: 1640583485920.png (81.94 KB, 290x290, DE7DD48C-FB90-4313-BEFC-7EA613…)


No. 1402599

Shitting up the thread with pictures won't hide that you're teaming up with an actual self admitted peadophile Elaine but then again you did threaten to spam CP on here so we all know where you morals are Nonce lover

No. 1402648

It's one of her simps from the e-celebs chat on KF. He has also been spamming the pictures in that chat, I always see it when I read the Gunt board. Probably Vetti since the dog on the card used to be his avatar and he's been banned for being a pedo and running discord gayops. He was in Elaine's simp discord as well with Empresa and the rest.

No. 1403278

What if Elaine farted and everyone had to smell it and the fart was so stinky that there was also poopoo and then she was like "noo I DID NOT make a poo poo in the room" that would be pretty funny.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1403820

File: 1640750205154.jpeg (406.24 KB, 832x887, IMG_8346.jpeg)

We're entering fanart territory now, y'all

No. 1404009

Doesn't look like her at all tbh. Probably cause its missing her big nose, long horseface and british look of constant despair.

No. 1404046

File: 1640771046671.png (392.49 KB, 487x490, egm.png)

Doesn't look like her at all. Elaine's aesthetic is evil stepmom who has just talked to your father and they have agreed to send you to a boarding school in Switzerland.

No. 1404082

Lmfao, Anon. Wow, what an outfit. Looks like she raided her jewish grandmothers closet.

No. 1404205

Now THOSE are man hands.

No. 1404294

My God, it's like Mrs. Claus dominatrix by Kathy McMahon

No. 1404313

I hate when people compare bio women to troons, but if you posted this in the MTF thread and said it was a twink troon using faceapp for a smaller jawline there's nothing that would make me think otherwise

Literally not a single feature

She's legitimately so unfortunate looking/proportioned

No. 1404319


If she had even a slight sense of style she wouldn't look so male but she dresses like a crossdressing coomer

No. 1404375

She looks like an 80's middle aged jewish housewife, who had a bit too much wine before she picked her outfit. The face is her trying to not pass out in order to not end up in rehab again, from all the from bubbling she had.

Elaine has small eyes, strong jaw, thin lips (she overlines them heavily) and a jew nose. This is truly overtly flattering to her.

No. 1404434

She has huge manly man lumberjack's hands.

No. 1404436

Actually those are witch fingers to eat little children and stir cauldrons with.

No. 1404525

they were probably a bit big to begin with but they just look like skelly hands to me the way they look all huge when youre a freakish stick yknow?

No. 1404607

File: 1640828421248.png (169.07 KB, 334x393, horatious.png)

Listen, shit for brains. Last time I was in the hospital, Elaine Miller gave me her cell phone number and told me to call her from the hospital. She also let me list her as my emergency contact on the intake forms. She gave me support and advice the likes of which nobody would dare ask anybody on KF for. She knows my real identity and I trust her explicitly. She didn't have to, and I certainly wasn't paying her a damn thing to do so.

So, yes, she's my friend. Much in the same vein as this idiotic conspiracy theory, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and are just pulling shit out of your ass to appear edgy.

Elaine Miller apparently hasn't declared Zoom haram yet. She undoubtedly should, but she hasn't. I can't make her. Deal with it.

This would make so much more sense if Dick asked IMC to come on, and Elaine Miller agreed. That would have been weird because Elaine Miller repudiated IMC pretty thoroughly. She hasn't (yet) for Zoom.

For the last time, Elaine Miller doesn't chose to not interact with people based on just what other people say. Mostly because she knows that people divide up into their own little cliques and doesn't want any part of it.

No. 1404750

Hi, simp-chan.

No. 1404804

Moids coming here is not new but the Elaine simp moids are extra cringe and embarrassing. Absolute bottom tier.

No. 1404956

>I have no one for me irl, my family has disowned me, all I have in my corner is some mentally ill britbong I met on kiwifarms

No. 1404972

K animeposter. Elaine's simps are the bottom of the barrell even for KF and let's not even get into .org which is full of people who need even more therapy than we do here on .farm. but for real imagine spending hours a day on being both a laineyfag and a ralphfag and hanging out on cringe discords and splinters perpetrating ineffective gayops on an unironically mentally ill teenager. Even the furries and troons have more dignity than THAT.

No. 1404975

Also I will die laughing if Elaine winds up on the final pre-jail saga guntcast or dick show. Even Bella Janke steered clear of those moids whispers of surely we will now take down Joshua Connor moon…please do this…but gently I can only take so much milk

No. 1404996

What absolutely 0 pussy will do to a moid, kek.

No. 1405007

it's persona

No. 1405019

its kawaii-desu-ne pedobait is what it is and the avatar of one bigger speds in that twisted little scene https://www.lolcow.org/threads/haru-okumura.1893/

No. 1405045

it's objectively not pedobait. you look just as autistic as the subjects of this thread, calm down

No. 1405091

Kek, I see .org does not have a rule against vendetta-chans. Pretty dead over there, what happened to your great paradise without daddy Null? It's literally just a dumping ground for petty garbage, acting more womanly then everyone on here combined.

No. 1405956

fr it is one of the sadder places in this sphere it's a cesspit to do nothing but cry over joshua connor moon and make 13yo boy jokes, if Elaine is looking to recruit for her simp army there she's not gonna find their best either

No. 1406161

The site seems to only exist to a-log Null, I assume because these boys are salty over being banned from KF.

No. 1406292

This tbh. I was talking with a friend recently about them. Just imagine having such a shitty online presence but not only do you get banned from KF but can't modulate your behavior in your numerous alts but keep drawing attention to yourself though. And yet somehow it is Josh's fault.

No. 1406362

That clique of people is constantly making alts and spamming KF chat and seething all day, I always see it when I wanna read about Ethanol Ralphs latest escapades. It's funny how moids are 10x more pretty when it comes to drama websites than women. The insult of losing their stickers cuts them so deep they have to dedicate every day of their NEET life to revenge. No wonder they teamed up with Elaine.

No. 1406585

File: 1641083986295.png (694.92 KB, 1284x2778, anuscabbage death threat.PNG)

elaine has been taking screenshots of the kiwi farms scrote who allegedly flew across the pacifc twice to get his chode sucked

this is one she’s been sharing around. it could be fake, but it feels like milk to me

No. 1406614

fucking yikes, this is the anus cabbage guy? was this today?

No. 1406618

Yeah he's sperging out hard again

No. 1406623

Yikes again tbh I hope the glowies get .org, that shit is just a cesspit spiraling out of control. I'm a mature woman who's relatively stable and that message terrifies the shit out of me and Elaine is a lot of things but she's also 20 and vulnerable. I really feel like these people's behavior is escalating.

No. 1406661

I dont even think that nigger even uses dot org(Racebait)

No. 1406698

File: 1641095692659.png (191.39 KB, 741x831, dotorg faggots.png)

did you see the rest of those though nny? Naught, Haru and SIG show up. All these mongoloids are in it up to there ears.

But more fortunate Lainey news is that it looks like (picrel) cabbage is threatening to "come to the UK" implying he's not there and he got the pics from her neighborhood some other way.

Still honestly terrifying. But

>I could create an alt and you'd fall in love with it

had me fucking dying ngl

No. 1406733

The kind of man that would bother with this bint let alone waste the time to murder her… absolutely p a t h e t i c. Enjoy the attention I guess. Coulda just left the rage betas alone but noooo. Absolutely retarded all the way around.

No. 1406862

>be dumb attention whore on the internet
>hang out with pathetic incels losers
>try to manipulate incel losers
>they become obsessed with you because you're the only girl who ever gave them attention
>meet up with obsessive incel stalker irl
>the obsessive stalker kills you

I swear I heard this story somewhere before…

No. 1406895

Bianca at least told scrotes to kill themselves and how pathetic they are

No. 1407093

The anons who posted about Bianca earlier in the thread were right. Elaine obviously doesn't deserve to be murdered by a scrote, and Bianca didn't deserve to be murdered either, but there is a clear danger in doing EXACTLY what both of them did. Everyone knows not to invite weird men from the internet to be a part of your life because everyone is warned that it's extremely dangerous. We are literally told "do not interact with internet men because they might be a creepy psycho who might kidnap/assault/murder you". Stack that on top of the fact we're women, and we spend our lives hearing news stories and rumours and documentaries about women being stalked/assaulted/murdered by weird men they met online.

There is literally 0 reasons why Elaine wouldn't be aware of these dangers like the rest of us. She knows how common all of this is and she did it anyway for validation. Before Anuscabbage we were already pointing out what happened to Bianca, and now she has a creepy stalker scrote sperging out and threatening her life. Thank God theres an entire ocean between them so he won't actually be able to do anything (I doubt he is going to travel all that way) but jesus, if this guy was in the UK, there's no telling what fuck kind of violent fucked up way this could have ended. Saged for sperging

No. 1407114

He's flown out to visit her twice and they've had sex

No. 1407138

I think Elaine is properly retarded, like sub 70 IQ and her parents are neglectful by letting her on the internet even after Null e-mailed them about her behavior and finding out about her thread.

No. 1407166

I don't agree she's actually retarded retarded but she's not very bright (a lot like Isabella Loretta Janke in how she fucks up simple things trying to look impressive too.) But you're right about her parents. I have been wondering about them for a while now, whether they dgaf or have cut her off in one way or another or what. Elaine really needs to be hospitalized and get meds sorted out and be supervised. Probably even in her IRL activites but I'd settle for them lumberjacking her Internet for now. It is a sad case.

No. 1407184

Yes, he has while they were dating. He's less likely to make the effort to fly out and murder or something. It would be different if it was the UK because someone would be more likely to harass her all the time if she was just a car trip away instead of a plane ride. I think she faces a different set if problems (revenge porn, cyber harassment, etc.) Now but at least she isn't in physical danger

Even if her parents dgaf, she still doesn't have an excuse not to know the danger of what she was doing. She didn't need her parents to tell her not to. You and I were both teenage girls at some point too and we know for a fact that news stories, rumours, and actual girls in our peer group had this kind of thing happen to them, it didn't need to come from our parents because it comes from everywhere else. Even schools teach this shit. I'm glad she's safe but this is the most retarded reckless shit I've ever seen anyone do- flying an internet scrote from a forum talking shit about you for sex. It's a miracle that we can say she isn't dead or hurt considering she was sticking her hand in the bees nest

No. 1407194

> . I'm glad she's safe but this is the most retarded reckless shit I've ever seen anyone do- flying an internet scrote from a forum talking shit about you for sex. It's a miracle that we can say she isn't dead or hurt considering she was sticking her hand in the bees nest
not kidding nonnie this is the kind of thing that I feel like an insane person and a degenerate for even knowing about, like imagine trying to explain this to your normiest friend. It's totally unhinged. But you and I were raised with a different understanding of the Internet. We still saw it as it's own place and kind of a red light district. Zoomers barely see the barrier between IRL and OL. Fortunately the vast majority of them are smart enough not to fuck people from literal stalking forums or encourage infamous Internet figuers to rape their mothers, but I have to say I feel like we're seeing caranies in the coal mine of zoomers doing just insane shit in public. I worry for that generation so much. Really glad that E. is not in direct physical danger (anymore?) from this scrote though and we don't have to be debating how dangerous he is versus how much it's a retarded meme. It's not worth even a little risk of the first. People are psycho, terminally online people a special subset of that.

No. 1407200

>she still doesn't have an excuse not to know the danger of what she was doing. She didn't need her parents to tell her not to.
I truly believe that she is low IQ, below 70 is when you need to have social workers or your parents fucking watch after you. Her parents failed her, probably because they both work full time and are probably sick of dealing with all the bullshit she gets into so they just let her play on the internet thinking nothing too bad can happen (boomers are unaware of the dangers of the internet). Same as what happened to Chris Chan. She needs to be put in assisted living.

No. 1407284

Ayrt. Let me ask you this: have you ever actually tried to explain what a lolcow is to a normie person? Have you ever tried to explain what Kiwifarms is? During the Chris Chan shit storm on Twitter when a lot of normie found out about him for the first time, did you have a moment where you (who is aware of Chris and the culture surrounding him) tried to explain who he is, why he is known, and what has been happening?

Because I have had all 3 of those experiences where this kind of shit and the world of normie collided and oh my God I feel and sound like some kind of insane shaman who is establishing contact between two different realms of existence.

Idk now to measure if she is low IQ, but if she is, she still knows not to do this. She is larping as a cyber hacker trying to take down an organisation of what she believes are pedophile harassers targeting her. Now, this is retarded, but it shows that she has an actual concept of internet people being dangerous people trying to harm her. We weren't trying to harm her but she knows/knew people like that existed. And so, she went to forum that is the more sadistic version of us, and while believing that forums were full of harassers and weirdos, still invited a scrote to her house for sex. Even if shes a retard she still was obviously aware of people on the internet who can seek out and harm people. It wasn't us but damn she was right because its fucking scary what the kiwi scrotes are doing to her

No. 1407458

individual in picture is a furry 7th Day Adventist with a catboi gf (male) who was involved in Gamergate shit so about as based as everything else in this saga from your neck of the woods, I see

No. 1407739

You can't bump a pinned thread retard

No. 1407759

Mods are fucking retards for not deleting the attention whore posts.

No. 1408307

weren't kiwiscrotes posting stupid shit at almost the exact same time last night and the night before? what is wrong with people? (men)

No. 1408781

File: 1641336439272.png (196.27 KB, 1436x1180, unknown-69~2.png)

Elaine posted these because he leaked she has a piss and shit fetish and she had a raceplay session with anus in a hotel room where it seems she pissed in a corner and on the sheets of the bed? She also was doing Nazi Jew raceplay with him and he calls her a subhuman kike and that gets her off. I have an assumption now that maybe above threats are part of their Jew in holocaust raceplay that she's repurposing.

Thanks lolcord for the caps

No. 1408783

File: 1641336668868.png (63.6 KB, 656x504, unknown-137~2.png)


She ragequit and had a schizo meltdown on lolcord for this being leaked and tried to deny and walked Back on things that have already been confirmed by her. Allegedly she had a meltdown over anus Leaking and went on a manic rampage to a voice chat with kiwis and they recorded her confirming the piss tales.

Since we all know the same kiwis spam this thread, just hand over the recording please. She also doxxed anus over the leaks in her rage.

No. 1408787

File: 1641336841600.png (286.72 KB, 1510x1188, unknown.png)

She also has a new pedophile she Simps for. Her defence on the lolcord was that he only jacks off to Loli as a joke and his violent rape fantasies towards Kindergarteners are trolling. He only also posts child exploitation material and shared it as a JOKE. This same guy has a profile picture of a little girl getting a cum facial.

All very jokey.

No. 1408812

File: 1641339710573.png (84.86 KB, 516x456, pee.png)

Picrel to piss fetish leaks

No. 1408813

File: 1641339767780.png (174.44 KB, 432x772, pee2.png)

No. 1408816

File: 1641339868828.png (104.26 KB, 436x642, pee3.png)

No. 1408820

w-what the fuck is going on anymore?? Holy crap, this is so funny

No. 1408825

This whole piss thing seems like a gayop and I can’t tell if it came from Elaine for her retarded “lulz” or if anus doing a gayop. Seems a little bit too colluded to be true, also from the lolcord her discord username has two ss, the screenshot shows one s. I’m worried for her to be honest, I wish she’d just log off as having kiwi scrotes run gayops and stalk her should be a warning sign, hope we don’t have another Bianca situation.(Go away Elaine)

No. 1408829

who gayops about pissing yourself..?

No. 1408838

I’m not Elaine lol. I’m just pointing out that it’s very easy to see that rejected men would go to very high levels to embarrass women, including making shit like this up. It’s really not hard to edit old messages with a friend or to photoshop an image I’m not buying it lol.

No. 1408850

yeah, you're repeating her arguments, i'm just gonna go ahead and say you're her lmao

No. 1408856


Did mommy clean your piss sheets or did you sleep with them Elaine ? Don’t you have exams to fail?

No. 1408871

Lmao did you see him admitting to faking everything. Knew it.

No. 1408875

Go away Elaine. Stop trying to blackmail the dude with his dox to deny it. It already got streamed. You're just asking for your nudes to drop.

No. 1408880

Yeah tbh Elaine between the better intentioned kiwis & the nonnies everyone has been warning you that this shit will escalate. You should be hitting the panic button and lumberjacking the internet not trying to run ops. But one of the core lolcow traits is not knowing when to pack it in, take your ball, and go homem

No. 1408966

File: 1641350370276.gif (348.63 KB, 220x150, my-sides-achieved-orbit-laughi…)

>@Piss Princess come back

No. 1409465


Lmao you don't get to pull the evil scrote shtick after you fucked them, pissed yourself, and tried to weaponize them against the Muslim lesbian menace

No. 1410853

File: 1641549788912.png (159.39 KB, 1069x577, complete embarrassment.PNG)

Kiwi scrote confirms that the thread he made for Elaine was a faildox. Publicly apologizes to Ines and her boyfriend.

This is a complete embarrassment, Elaine

No. 1410858

> I want to apologize to that ines and her bf for any repetitional damage
Holy shit does this retard even speak English?

No. 1410867

imagine intentionally setting a crazy bitch like elaine on some poor random canadian

No. 1410873

Men don't have enough blood to use both their brains and their dicks at the same time. Tragic.

No. 1411008

>I thought she would end our relationship if I didn't
poor fella, he did all that and Elaine still cheated on him

No. 1411032

Men love playing captain-save-a-hoe for trashy psycho sloots like Elaine and then are surprised when she has a BPD meltdown and burns their shit to the ground, kek.

No. 1411042

To the surprise of no one. Gonna check KF in hopes that this guy is being bullied as he should be.

No. 1411158

File: 1641584237607.jpg (4.68 KB, 224x224, dox_hair.jpg)

> I knew from the start it was a bad dox
If this fucking scrote actually thinks that writing this halfassed apology is going to help, he should seriously know better. This is a guy who's into IBS stuff I think and made the Kiwi thread on IP2 degeneracy, he knows how the game is played and he knows what happened when someone is doxed. He falsely targed Ines, an innocent third party, for a whiff of puss. Even the kiwiscrotes are on him about it. He's going to get absolutely nuked and deserve it fully.

No. 1411700

File: 1641626020342.png (51.8 KB, 521x339, kiwi elaine harsh truths.png)

Kiwifoid speaking harsh truths to her scrotal sitemates. She's probably one of us.

No. 1411752

>one of us
nice try, scrote.

No. 1412040

File: 1641667774892.jpg (2.01 MB, 1344x8876, Untitled-1.jpg)

Another one of Elaine's lovers popped up in the lolcord a while ago.

This is Internet Hate Machine aka IHM aka the owner of 94chan and the gay new Encyclopedia Dramatica.

From the looks of it and tidbits of drama in the server, IHM and Elaine were in a relationship at the same time as Elaine and Anus (the Invictus referenced in the screenshots). Looked like gay ops at first but judging from old DMs shared in the server it could be real. They are on-off a lot hence the fighting and jealousy. But IHM and Anus didn't know about each other until a few weeks ago.
Sorry for gay screenshot, they start fighting about vague shit at random and it's just as out of context as it looks.

Bonus: Elaine defending pedos, again

No. 1412057

All the screencaps with Elaine always read like such gibberish because everyone involved is such low IQ. Always feel like watching monkeys at the zoo and trying to imagine what they are communicating to each other. I'm gonna need a money>human interpreter for this one.

No. 1412064

why is everyone in Elaine drama incapable of summarizing milk?
what I gathered from being in the discord:

screenshot 1
>Elaine is affectionate with a farmer she formerly tried to dox because she thought she was admin
>IHM gets jealous due to finding out that supposed "friend" Invictus (AnusCabbage12) fucked Elaine IRL
>Elaine reassures her and calls herself IHM's gf

screenshot 2
>Elaine and IHM infighting about IHM calling the FBI on lolcow admin for Elaine
>IHM implies she was just pretending to do that so Elaine would get off her back
>Elaine reees because it's impossible for her to get trolled

screenshot 3
>Elaine baits by playing with the idea of funding Kirtaner's (known pedo and arch enemy of Null) legal battles
>people point out that she's defending a pedo yet again just to own her haters
>Elaine once again makes up some logic that Ines is responsible for pedos being freed if she doesn't take down Elaine's thread

screenshot 4
>IHM and Elaine infighting about whether or not they were truly dating or just larping
>Elaine claims she solved some of IHM's internet issues using her family connections to Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare

screenshot 5
>Elaine is trolling in lolcord while IHM tries to get her attention to fix their crumbled relationship. Elaine ignores her DMs while shitposting in the server. IHM confronts her

none of it makes sense because it's Elaine logic but hopefully this puts it into context

No. 1412085

Thank you, interpreter! I can not believe all of these people are adults and able to vote.

No. 1412149

gayops afoot, the beginning caps from lolcord are legit and anyone can confirm this but the ones supposedly between Elaine and IHM are sus as hell. help me believe in them.

No. 1412152

elaine is the one that posted them

No. 1412208

Sage but you are correct…damn lmao. IHM is probably memeing but should probably explain herself.

No. 1412493

File: 1641699440790.jpeg (120.04 KB, 1052x794, IMG_20211228_132531.jpeg)

more discord stuff shared by IHM.

No. 1412494

File: 1641699458530.jpeg (458.68 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20211228-100412_Dis…)

No. 1412688

Who told Elaine that Kirtaner is in jail? Did he make that up to get her off his ass? Because he's not.

No. 1412813

File: 1641740361637.jpeg (330.86 KB, 1284x1679, Anus Elaine.jpeg)

From KF

No. 1412821

File: 1641741635473.jpg (59.1 KB, 388x708, Screenshot_20220109-095942_Chr…)


Hard to say but Josh-sama seemingly believed her because he, too, is retarded. Anyone can confirm Kirty is not in jail with a glance at social media. My money is on Elaine just making things up for her own inscrutable reasons but who knows.

No. 1412822

Eeeww the cigarette butts.

Seems he's just asking a question, not taking Elaine's word for it.

No. 1412832

she has a prominent hpv-looking situation going on with her thumb. see your GP, Elaine, warts aren't cute

No. 1412835

> Seems he's just asking a question, not taking Elaine's word for it
Yeah but if Elaine and Elaine alone is telling me that a well known player is in jail my first reaction is gonna be skeptical laughter not asking on his thread like it is a serious possibility

Fuck Kirty though. Kirty for prison.

No. 1412839

Personally I find Kirtaner going to jail for something like possession of CP a very likely scenario and not all that "out there" as to that I would immediately assume it was a lie.

No. 1412853

File: 1641744109990.jpg (642.59 KB, 1616x3336, IHM.jpg)

She just did.

No. 1412857

I take your point and him getting locked up is absolutely within the realm of believability but for
>Elaine said it
>not immediately assuming it was a lie

No. 1412867

Different anon but nonnie who gives a fuck? Is it really that important to you the rest of us think Null’s as retarded as you do for this particular instance? Wow, Null asked a question to confirm information he received, how milky!

No. 1412873

File: 1641745679942.jpg (70.36 KB, 760x675, cyzp314uhia41.jpg)

Yfw you realize this is the type of image used to get the coveted Kiwi Marriage Trophy

No. 1412949

File: 1641751396466.png (189.89 KB, 500x494, 1620253254207.png)

>be retarded incel simp
>meet e-girl
>stick dick all the way into crazy
>get involved in all her dumb drama
>she fucks you over in every way possible
>be shocked and surprised
>conclude all women must just be crazy
>learn nothing

Many such cases.

No. 1412958

IHM is a woman. >>1412040

No. 1412962

IHM is an ugly goth girl tho.

No. 1412963

File: 1641751827749.jpg (154.86 KB, 1080x787, Screenshot_20220109-125523_Gal…)

Shawnphase (lolcow and IP2 degenerate) caught out simping. Previously Shawn was an orbiter of Alice, insane bpd ethot and latest addition to the Gunt harem, so checks out.

No. 1412967

She is married and near old enough to be Elaine's mom

No. 1412969

So he/she wanted to be Elaine's lesbian girlfriend? I thought Elaine is straight? Honestly kinda doubt that it's a woman if they are involved in Encyclopedia Dramatica tbh. Do you just take this trannies word for it or what?

No. 1412975

File: 1641752115960.png (71.03 KB, 606x260, Untitled.png)

So she's an old married woman grooming Elaine to be her girlfriend on discord? I honestly don't believe it lol. That's the kind of shit scrotes make up to get young girls to trust them, especially trannies. "I will be your mommy uwu". Bullshit

No. 1412985

File: 1641752797011.jpeg (77.61 KB, 720x960, ihm.jpeg)

She's been attention whoring and larping as an ebin oldfag for like a decade at this point. I'm only aware of her because of her drama with britbong: https://imgur.com/a/Nx1IN

No. 1412989

So she's married but constantly fucks around with people online? What a lovely person. Bringbong of all people… isn't that the guy who looks like he has too many chromosomes?

No. 1412997

IHM is a vintage lolcow/chatgirl/pickme and 100% female. I'm shocked-but-not-really that she wasn't run off the internet over a decade ago. She needs to stay away from Elaine; she's completely unqualified to give any sort of support given how messy she is.

No. 1412998

File: 1641753784152.jpeg (111.47 KB, 1920x939, britbong.jpeg)

This is the first time I've seen her in like five years, but from what I recall of her past antics, that's accurate. That's a fair description of him. He was mainly known for being a midget crossdresser, making cringeworthy secondlife trolling videos, and being extremely easy to bait into reacting in hilarious ways.

No. 1413011

IHM is a true and honest natal female and has a long enough internet footprint anyone can check this out. She was involved in ancient drama and bullshit as one might expect from a terminally online EDfag. But one might also expect a terminally online EDfag to >do a little trolling. Pretty sure this is all what's going on in these leaked Discords and someone is running around doing gay shit to try to make it stick. Remember Kirtaner and God knows who else is getting sucked into the orbit and this has been going on for months. Elaine will fawn over anyone she thinks has clout and then backstab them when they are not at her immediate beck and call for her gayops. This should not be news anymore.

No. 1413020

Other flakes fucking with Elaine is hardly milk, if this had been a legit relationship then it might have had some funny fallout but since it was fake on both ends (for different reasons) there were no emotional stakes. I'm much more interested in the AnusCabbage courtship.

No. 1413039

Yeah the IHM stuff is a nothingburger I think just people posting out of context caps for (You)s and maybe specifically to fuck with IHM, who knows, being who she is she has her own set of enemies, Kirt among them. I too would rather see more on cabbage and the inevitable leaks coming from poo-touching nonnies as well.

No. 1413112

I really thought Anuscabbage was black all this time, I'm kinda surprised he's white.

No. 1413311

I thought he was yellow like her piss stained sheets

No. 1413479

>anuscabbage is fat and I would not have sex with him
Kek can't believe elaine actually fucked this dude now that I know he's overweight.

No. 1413566

what's with all of the sores on both of their hands?

No. 1413605

Nonna, do you think either one of them showers or has any kind of basic hygiene?

Elaine looks greasy as fuck at all times and anus is a kiwi who fucked her multiple times. Also, Elaine peed the bed and they slept and fucked on the piss.

No. 1413728

What even is the point of this cringe?

No. 1414048

was putting that FAS having molerat in the image necessary I hate seeing this shit every time I go on this board(non-contribution)

No. 1414233

This is the gayest shit I've ever seen.

No. 1414436

She's the subject of the thread so she has to be in the threadpic, anon.

No. 1414462

I think the other anon means Null

No. 1414465

Woah, anon, did you see that joke that just soared over your head? Shit, did it ever fly

No. 1417121


Elaine's Twitter sock is gone. Anyone know if she changed her handle, get banned or deleted it herself?

No. 1417151

File: 1642182538123.jpeg (238.16 KB, 1170x801, 3813294D-A090-452B-B8A6-0A68CB…)

She changed the @

No. 1437948

File: 1644340212049.png (3.17 MB, 1125x1490, the happy couple.png)

So anuscabbage, the kiwiscrote who flew over to London to fuck Elaine, has been doxed on KF. The only surprise to me is that it took so long. There's not a lot of meat (or milk) there, but they got him pretty good it looks like. You need a Kiwi account to see the actual dox (of him and his parents.)

No. 1437949

File: 1644340263709.jpg (164.42 KB, 828x510, anus talks about posting pizza…)

samefag; OTOH there is this which is supposedly him talking about posting CP. It's out of context but if it ties into what was happening here it's certainly interesting.

No. 1437961

You mean Elaine needs attention again so she doxed him. God I hope this doesn't mean we have to see her crusty asshole next. She looks like shit in this pic.

No. 1437968

Maybe, although he still deserves it, but did she really though? Wouldn't she have posted all sorts of depraved shit we all know that he sent her at some point? TBH whether it winds up being attention whoring on her part or no I hope she does. The fact that this scrotulous creature hasn't gotten more, uh, attention for the fact that he literally stuck his dick in a lolcow is pretty shocking to me tbh. I'm sure Lainey has some pretty damning receipts she's holding onto and I also bet he has a degenerate Internet footprint if people really go looking.

No. 1437970

Checked out the dox, it's a literal nothingburger. Just a post written by some cringe anime avatar loser in bold colorful fonts with no information actually linking the user to the person whose pictures they are posting. Just log off already Elaine.

No. 1437971

Kill yourself.

No. 1437981

>Wouldn't she have posted all sorts of depraved shit we all know that he sent her at some point?
No, because then he would immediately know it was you who did this and in turn post your poop encrusted busted asshole all over the internet. You're afraid of that so you think if you once again pretend to be someone else you won't face repercussions for your attention whore actions. You will literally never learn. Everyone knows it's you. Nobody else gives a fuck about Anuscabbage. Most of us already forgot about your pitiful existence.

No. 1437996

File: 1644342598265.png (149.11 KB, 282x372, Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 18.49…)

The dox is poorly presented and burying the lede as usual, but the linked blog checks out and ties it together. https://web.archive.org/web/20160402223900/http://buckingrocketeer.net/about/

The whole thing smells like it was egged on but not executed by Elaine. I bet that explains the suspicious lack of degenerate receipts - most of them would feature Elaine and she's trying to pass this off as an impersonal dox when it's clearly not. Nobody would bother to dox this loser if it wasn't for his sexual escapades with a lolcow and clearly there is evidence of certain degenerate shit floating around, see pissgate and their countless lovers' quarrels:

Which leads me to believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and whoever did this has much worse on him that for some reason they don't want to release, perhaps because it would implicate them just as much as him?

In conclusion, Elaine is the only person who would care to dox this freak while hiding all the evidence that makes him of interest in the first place.

No. 1438003

>In conclusion, Elaine is the only person who would care to dox this freak while hiding all the evidence that makes him of interest in the first place.
So the lack of evidence that it's Elaine suggests it's Elaine. I'm not making fun, that actually makes a certain amount of sense. But according to the dox poster the dox information was sourced from Jack's escapades in Kiwi Discords, which is believable, apparently he's in there drunk off his ass all the time and speaking carelessly. Elaine doesn't need to be involved, and anyone might dox the guy for lulz, clout, or revenge because as you say he had sexual escapades with a lolcow. Who knows. It might even be one of those degenerate incels trying to impress m'lady Elaine, whether at her direction, as a nice surprise, or some good old "who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"

No. 1438011

>It might even be one of those degenerate incels trying to impress m'lady Elaine, whether at her direction, as a nice surprise, or some good old "who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"
That's what I think, especially the latter. It has to be someone who's at least sympathetic towards Elaine or they would have included all the OTT sexual degeneracy that went on between them and was shared in their discords for everyone to see. Even the Elaine's Elite discord full of farmers has more damning receipts than this dox.

No. 1438079

Fuck off Elaine, you are so fucking uninteresting and annoying. Nobody cares.

No. 1438523


Definitely some IP2/orbiter simp. We already know Shawnphase was trying to crawl up her ass and all of her Kiwifarm buddies and import scrote were trying to groom her into the next Alice.

Look at the heroic levels of autism and obsession in this OP that Elaine's jilted lover wrote for Alice. Guy really has a thing for bpd girls with crusty panties and pissy bedsheets.

No. 1441149

I am SO grateful not to have this weird girl’s face at the top of /snow greeting me.

No. 1441189

Wow, I've been out of the loop forever. Elaine found a man desperate enough to sleep with her?

No. 1443110

File: 1644872744294.png (22.85 KB, 855x108, elaine_incog.PNG)

Looks like after doxing anuscabbage, Elaine is looking into another simp's dox this time Incogs (her most loyal simp)was only able to get this small screenshot but feel free to ask sangwich#1337 or any of the others in Elaine's Elites server like (not that) Regina#7604 who helps Elaine with doxing all the time.

No. 1453505

What happened between Elaine and Sandwich?

No. 1453571

you fkin necro, milk or gtfo

No. 1466728

What did Elaine do this time?(sage your shit)

No. 1493970

File: 1649207158576.png (130.64 KB, 860x757, elaine.png)

No. 1493971

File: 1649207217603.png (53.41 KB, 849x288, 890.PNG)

No. 1493973

File: 1649207242054.png (719.81 KB, 720x853, Screenshot_20220405-164840-381…)

No. 1493975

File: 1649207306366.png (153.53 KB, 394x445, chin.png)

Super nice guy Scrote Sheriff sends his regards

No. 1494052

My deduction skills as a detective tell me he has quite possibly never had sex.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1494409

Oh no…the scrotes are having second thoughts after trying to stick their dicks in crazy. Fuck off. Elaine’s your mess now.

No. 1514270

File: 1651167312736.png (114.44 KB, 1218x493, livid.png)

Elaine has been busy this week.

No. 1514281

She's STILL going? I forgot all about Elaine. She hasn't tried to gay ops here in forever. Did she break yo with her kiwimoid yet?

No. 1514501

>her kiwimoid
You'll need to elaborate, I find Elaine to be incredibly boring and don't keep up with her retarded antics.

No. 1514525

Elaine is currently DDoSing lolcow.org. I intend to pursue legal action against her.(namefagging)

No. 1514564

You’ll need to scroll up the thread

No. 1535806

Sage but 2 things of note:

Rachel is gayopping with several other lolcows, read about it here >>>/snow/1535186/

While nobody was looking she seems to have gotten her LCF (but not KF) threads deindexed off Google

No. 1537081


Sounds Rachel negging her newest simp for his country of origin, all may not be well in the lolcow polycule paradise

(For the unaware, Elaine has shacked up with a real nasty piece of work, kiwiscrote again, called Angry Canadian, and they've been doing weird shit with a lolcow named >>>/snow/1535186 Rachel Aliza Leeds Minkin)

No. 1537334

sorry samefag I'm dumb but Elaine negging that is, not Rachel. Rachel is the cow that they are trying to tip in some weird gayops conspiracy to fuck with "Ines".

No. 1537586

No. 1538946

No. 1539690

File: 1653512448213.png (96.09 KB, 328x359, pickmes never prosper.png)

>>1538946 lel I'm glad other people are starting to do this.

If we're just dumping Elaine audio (of which numerous people I suspect have many, many hours) here's her describing her ideal man.


No. 1539716

samefag as (only) >>1539690 here's one more for the road today. In which Elaine describes wanting to do a school shooting with Joshua Conner Moon. https://files.catbox.moe/h30yuz.mp3

No. 1539952

Is no one going to point out that all of these are from at least 6 months ago from the Elaine’s Elite server? I don’t know why anons are tinfoiling about these being related to any current drama when most relate to the anuscabbage12 arc period. I’m confused. I’m sure some anons can confirm as they were there when these were recorded…

No. 1539979

The ones about Josh and wanting an edgelord BF I can confirm were from then, I don't think they were claimed to be otherwise. The one about Canada and the Canadian Nazi guy not being White, I don't think so.

No. 1539982

Why are you releasing old milk? Why didn’t you post these 6 months ago when they actually happened? Which server did the ones regarding the Nazi Canadian happen in? Also Elaine’s Elite?

No. 1539985

Does Elaine's Elite even still exist?

No. 1540006

Seems dead now

No. 1540032

Elaine simping for josh and wanting to date a “blackpilled alt right druggy” isn’t exactly news I’m pretty sure she’s said this herself on moid farms
Dead milk

No. 1540049

nah, the Josh stuff is old news but the "blackpilled alt right druggy" clip seems relevant given the Nazi e-bf she's found herself now (and been hot-miced shit-talking, kek)

No. 1540326

With the blackpilled bf audio it’s like Elaine said that with Michael in mind, does anyone know how long they’ve known each other? Or is this just a coincidence of Elaine trying to find a new moid?

No. 1541108

Not really sure when they first "met" (they were supposedly fixed up by Naught) nor whether the audio was pre- or post- but that regardless of when she said the words that audio she definitely fished her wish. Elaine is apparently unhappy with this getting out (same reason she was shit-talking him for not being white?) so we'll see where it goes. Could be she's disowned him once the crossdressing pics came out or something like that, too. How embarrassing for everyone involved.

No. 1542337

File: 1653724461907.jpg (258.86 KB, 1920x1074, airserbia.jpg)

>Josh milk is stale
If you were in EE you probably remember that she would claim to be talking to him via Snapchat and/or Discord which everyone assumed wasn't him and was probably anuscabbage12.

The thing is, now Elaine has been VCing with this person (and she certainly knows what Josh sounds like) and telling everyone this and has now kicked it up to talking about plans to fly into Tesla International Airport to visit. And not hypothetically, the time frame is a little vague but she's talking about it like it is very much a real thing.

Is she making it all up? Is she getting a long con pulled on her? Will she get stood up? Wind up robbing Josh of his virginity? Or get Bianca'd?

No. 1542344

>>1542337 drop caps to prove you aren't some kiwi moid tranny bumping Elaine's thread because she didn't take your virginity, you schizoid.

No. 1542746

Crazy tranny here, I aint even posted in Elaine's thread cause she boring AF BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


No. 1542886

If this is your last post on this site it's even funnier than your last post on Kiwi, shine on you crazy diamond!

No. 1542902

I would be utterly shocked if it was actually Josh but her getting catfished was definitely going on many months ago and she wouldn't listen to reason. I'd dismiss the idea of her flying out to the airport (whether to get stood up, to ravish Josh, or to get Bianca'd) except for this is a woman who flew out a scrote the quality of anuscabbage to fuck her and she wasn't even as bunny-boilingly obsessed with him as this one.

No. 1543014

Elaine confirmed already it was Jdanks to everyone a while ago, Jdanks impersonated josh on the kiwinull account on discord, Elaine knows it’s a catfish and was distraught about it all over discord, this was 6 months ago but Elaine is retarded enough to have fallen for it
I’m pretty sure she figured out it was Jdanks a few months ago

No. 1543015

Same fag but I’m pretty sure Elaine just wants to believe every Jdanks sock is null, I was in Elaine’s elites and heard her saying she wished she could meet up with null but it was very much hopeless simping after being rejected otherwise there would be caps to prove it. We tried to tell her at the time a few months ago it was Jdanks socking her but I guess she didn’t believe it until Jdanks and the moid army couldn’t resist the urge to cow tip, although I wouldn’t be surprised if lolcow Org had been involved as Elaine was socked a few times by them, she seems less active on discord now after being such a pick me that she became gullible enough to believe any sock account that messaged her.

No. 1543063

I was in EE and I remember the catfishing and people being pretty sure it was anus, this was maybe around the new year but it is a bit of a blur unless I were to really go back. This is the first time I heard about it being JDANKS but why not, I don't know a lot about him but it seems possible and she was in those circles, he and Josh also have some kind of beef I think.

But I think she could easily have gotten catfished multiple times, it's a pretty obvious troll for someone to come up with and if they see someone else getting away with it…who knows, it could be Naught or AC, whoever the scrote du jour is or one of the older ones looking to reinsert himself or get revenge or a new one looking to make his scrotish name by running some long con gayop on Elaine.

But the thing is from everything I hear even the regular scrotes are getting bored with her BS so the only ones that are going to be entertaining her anymore are ones with bad intentions like whoever this turns out to be, because it's really all over but the crying and the inevitable fallout of whoever it is getting exposed. But it makes me sad too.

No. 1543411

AC dumped her for Rachel, Elaine was even pursuing him at one point but AC is over WKing for RALM after failtrolling her. Elaine is so bad at getting attention that a nazi pedophile went after a landwhale over her.

No. 1544671

So I talked to a few people who would know, and the VC thing was sticking with me as weird, but the thing is: Josh uses a voice modulator. Not everyone knows this, but it has failed on stream before and his real voice (kind of nasal, high, and "soy") slipped through at least once, I could find it if needed. So her VCing with someone is less incredible than it sounds. Pretty devious, I'm also being told it is anus together with some scrotes from that whole IBS/IP2 world, and they've been at this for months. Color me unsurprised that people are still gayopping Elaine over this, she is willfully ignorant and would rather believe she is talking to Josh (who's only a fantasy for her anyway) than accept cold hard facts here, but I really hope it does not get to the point where she is flying places, I'm sick of Elaine but that shit isn't even funny.

No. 1545328

But Elaine has anus’s full dox. Surely he wouldn’t be stupid enough to do this knowing she could easily get him fucked over. Also, why would a bunch of streamers give a fuck about some chick who’s thread is dead…
I believe it’s someone but not anus or IP2… too far fetched

No. 1545456

I dunno nonna, I don't think Elaine has anything on anus that wasn't posted on KF (she wasn't actually involved in that dox, the whole story that goes around about how it happene is bogus but I digress) and as far as the IP2 types go, she may not be active in terms of her thread, but she's still around 24/7 on discord. Elaine is terminally online, gullible, and attractive, ideal target for them or anyone to mess with. I'm not totally attached to the idea it's IP2 but I just suspect that some of those types of people might be involved on the basis of anus and jdanks running around. Could be anyone though, really. Anyway I just hope she realizes this is a big ruse but now we're talking sunk cost fallacy in addition to what is she gonna tell everyone who she is bragging to this about? "Oops?"

No. 1547596

File: 1654223118547.png (11.24 KB, 416x126, meet up.PNG)

Rumor in some discords now is Elaine is trying to hook up with Empresa (ip2 orbiter) as long as he unbans a few of her alts.

No. 1547604

Empresa (to be clear, a moid, I was confused initially too) and Elaine were doing a weird flirtation back in like October if not earlier, he was one of her biggest Kiwiscrote orbiters for a while. Count on Elaine for the cast of characters to keep growing.

No. 1547608

Bonus:Cow crossovers keep coming, Elaine was in VC with Ethan Ralph and Andrew Rogers (Tuxlovesyou, recently exposed for molesting his younger sister) and other luminaries. It got leaked (because of course it did) to lolcow dot org. It was nice to hear other people calling her out for falsely accusing people (read: "Ines") of pedophilia, though. Even the scrotal creatures are seeing through her bullshit now. Poor Elaine can't even get picked anymore.

No. 1547684

>his real voice (kind of nasal, high, and "soy") slipped through at least once, I could find it if needed.
Please do anon I'm interested in it.

No. 1548019


The scrote that posted this screencap on .org is the same simp that posted the Anuscabbage dox, aka Cow Poly. He's even thirstier than Empresa which is why he's seething over it.

No. 1548028

First off, whoever is larping as Null under this Greek name needs to cut it out. It's creepy, not funny, Elaine knows you're not Null and you have been in her DMs since before the KF thread. Don't force me to tard wrangle Elaine too my hands are way too full for me not to just focus on you after.

At least Empresa is funny sometimes but even Elaine doesn't deserve the level of disgusting that you're doing. Again, if it was funny I wouldn't care, I don't care about the .org trolling.

Odysseus, you have no milk to show and it's been longer than anyone else has talked to her. Shit or get off the pot.

No. 1548080

I got you, nonna. About 1h12min in, after he plays a clip of Chris-chan talking he starts having audio problems including the voicer mod cutting out. He doesn't realize it for a couple minutes either b/c he's not paying attention to his chat.

This will never be not funny to me because I have heard a lot of people say they like Josh's (modded) voice and I wouldn't go that far but it's not unpleasant to listen to. His regular voice is just like you would expect it to be tbh though and is outright bad enough that would make me not want to listen to his podcast even if it were good.

If it was before her Kiwi thread then is it Anus Cabbage? Didn't he probably find out about her on the KF thread or was it on some retarded Discord then? I thought Elain only came to the attention of the scrotes when she got posted on KF (by "Annie Adderall" who didn't stick around but from the other stuff she posted it's pretty obvious she posts on here too.)

No. 1548088

ayrt but evidence it's Cow Poly? He likes to do a little trolling as far as Ethan Ralph and that whole sphere go but I don't believe he's behind this long-con gayop pretending to be Josh, it's not his style. I know that coming from a random anon it doesn't mean much but I have talked to him and he's alright for a Discord scrote. I don't believe he did/is doing this, Empresa either probably, he was an Elaine simp when this all started not someone who'd troll her. Anus Cabbage is a good candidate if he knew about her at the time, Naught too probably. If it was that long ago Michael/Angry Canadian can probably be ruled out. Or it could be anyone. She interacts with a lot of weird and creepy scrotes.

No. 1548092

Sorry I had a brainfart and meant Anus cabbage.

No. 1548100

Yeah it's probably him. Does anyone know when they started talking? I know it was last year. And you know what I just checked and Elaine's Kiwi thread started in March 2021 which is earlier than I was thinking so it easily could be him if he found out about it there. Elaine just started blowing up with the scrotes a few months after that but no reason he couldn't have seen her pics back then and started the whole saga.

No. 1548114

That's exactly what happened imo, would end up fitting in with most of what's written on her and what she's told me over discord for the past few months. I try not to get involved with too much of this shit if I don't have any milk but this isn't trolling, it's not funny, it's just creep shit that really only enables perverts to creep on a barely legal girl.
Since February is the claim, since I can usually just pick out Elaine's lies it was easy for me to realize that yupp since before the thread. So Anus Cabbage drew her to KFs posing as Null and that's why she has been so obsessed, gullible and just cringey.

No. 1548118

If he was catfishing her as Null while trying (heck, succeeding) to seduce her as himself before visiting her that is a whole new level of creepy. I first heard about the Null stuff after the whole Anus scandal happened but that was also around the time a lot of us started engaging with Elaine with the idea of giving her positive female attention so she'd not be such a demented pickme. As the Kiwis say, "rate me rainbows," that was some optimistic shit but at least we tried tbh. That project is dead now and Elaine seems to have burned her bridges with all or nearly all of the people who were actually trying to help her or at least who weren't outright trolling her from the start. Sad but what can you do. Maybe she will grow out of it eventually.

No. 1548119

He was, which is why I care enough to call him out. It's just wrong imo, makes some of the stuff that she did a lot less funny. Bless you all for trying, I know she's burnt a lot of bridges but I am holding out on the hope that she learns to just stop engaging. She sounded so brokendown over the voice chat that it was one of the rare times I actually get upset about online stuff.
Elaine deserves her image being what it is but no woman(or guy) deserves THIS level of gross on them from some internet loser.

If she keeps doing pickme stuff with scrotes I'm totes washing my hands as well but for now looks like I got the wrangling duty at least in regards to this anus cabbage fellow.

No. 1548130

File: 1654279901366.png (30.9 KB, 626x130, Screenshot_20220603-140715~2.p…)

Stop poly guarding, he said Elaine makes good points. He's a bad man

No. 1548147

elaine was drawn to kf bc twitter people told her josh owns lcf. Its in the first thread. Also lillee jean told elaine about it

No. 1548148

ayrt agree entirely, nobody deserves this, this is Chris-Chan level manipulation of her reality (he was once made to drive many hours to meet a troll "gf" and almost wound up in a bad situation himself, if anus/whoever succeeds in making her travel internationaly it's 10x worse) but the truth is at least for now I think she likes it, she gets to live in her fantasy of getting picked by Josh. Part of it is willful but i think sh's succeeded in deluding herself and unless she gets snapped out of it there's a nonzero chance she will fly to Belgrade. I hope she will have people to dissuade her of this. When I first heard about it for about 10 seconds I thought it was hilarious but then I thought through what it actually would be like and it's not. FWIW I stopped taking to Elaine after she pulled her trick of "doxing" an enemy (woman lolcow Discord who routinely told her truthes she ddn't want to hear) as a random woman she pulled out of her ass. She's incorrigible but also she's really young. When I was young I did dumb shit too. Some do drugs (well OK Elaine does too) and get pregnant, some cut themselves or become anachans, Elaine ruins her life online. 6 months ago people were saying maybe if she cuts this shit out the SEO/online drama aspects be salvageable in a few years, maybe it still will, but time is running out. Scrotes will be messing with her until she logs off and keeps a low profile.

No. 1548157

File: 1654281753491.png (70.26 KB, 1057x245, elaine josh annie.png)

oooh yeah I forgot bout that. Ancient history by now but I just went digging a bit, the sequence of events is interesting.
> 29 March 2021
> 1913 GMT - Elaine emails Josh, complaining about LCF thread
> 1938 GMT - "Annie Adderall" Elaine KF thread drops https://kiwifarms.net/threads/87610/
> 1950 GMT - Josh posts his "take it off the Internet" thread about Elaine's email https://kiwifarms.net/threads/87611/
I'm not saying that one caused the other directly, the timeline is way too scrunched together for that (the OP of her Kiwi thread isn't great but it wasn't whipped together in 25 minutes minus whatever time it would've taken for Annie to hear about it), but it's certainly interesting this all happened around the same time. The fact it all happened in the span of an hour screams offsite gayops.

No. 1548159

ayrt, Somehow I keep running into these unfunny Machiavellian wannabes, I unfortunately agree that she only has the option to go low profile and I agree that she probably does like this kind of attention, which does ultimately make this all harder than it needs to be.
I think at this point I am the only one trying to dissuade her of doing anything dumb, if she doesn't just block the guy and move on she's doomed to a cycle of this bullshit of her own accord.


Thank ya, Elaine ran into me or I never would have heard of her honestly.

Wait so I accidentally just busted open another long gay-op? I am so glad I came here then.

No. 1548165

It's not about you you deranged fucking narcissist go away. Bring milk or nobody cares and stop self posting.

No. 1548177


Holy fuck, get a grip. She absolutely deserves every bit of this. No one is holding a gun to her head and making her associate with any of these people. Not only does she revel in the attention, she actively goes out of her way to draw more attention to herself by going on stream with other cows. She's a racist cokehead pickme that has spent the last year circlejerking on discord with other white supremacists. Countless well-intentioned farmers have tried to tardwrangle her and steer her in the right direction and she has completely ignored them in the pursuit of more NEET dick. Not trying to alog her here because to me she's a run-of-the-mill terminally online BPD crybaby, but she is way less deserving of any sort of defense than countless other people posted here.

No. 1548178

The thing I find weird is that is this person even impersonating Null or is this just a general weird account she’s been talking to because I’m in a lot of servers with her and she’s never actually said she speaks to Null. I reckon she got catfished but it wasn’t by an impersonator, more the other way round, someone pretending to not be themselves, like anus pretending not to be anus, and some random moid who’s new on the scene.

But the thing that doesn’t sit right with me is that everyone seems to have a theory on who it is but there’s no actual proof of this person even existing as an impersonator, let alone anyone who’s behind it.

The lolcow Org moids would not be able to keep it going this long without cow tipping, Jdanks didn’t know who she was until recently and anus dropped off the scene when cow poly doxed him.

It just seems too weird.

There’s no one secretly giggling in servers or on sites, there’s no one taking credit and we all know cow tippers love that, and Elaine has actually been completely silent which makes me think this whole thing is tinfoil and there is no impersonator and people just spread gossip which lead us to here.

No. 1548194

You bring up some good points. The thing is the pseudo-Null account I'm pretty sure has been swearing her to secrecy and being herself she of course spilled the beans but only to a limited number of people, good thing it's leaked out not just because it's milk but because hopefully she can snap out of it. I can vouch for it being a real thing though. If Anus dropped off the scene publicly though that actually to me makes it more likely it's him, let's think that through: he's dropped of publicly because he got bullied too hard due to the dox and everything leaking out about the intercontinental trip, the piss, fucking a lolcow at all, etc. But he is lurking on Discord I haven't talked to him but I have that from a good source. And if he's keeping a low profile it becomes more believable that he's not boasting about it because who will he boast to? The same people who aren't leaking whatever else he is saying. I agree with you on the dotorg scrotes though they are absolute tards not organized enough to do an extended op of any kind. I wouldn't be so surprised if it's more than one person working together though (anus and Naught? It seems like the kind of thing he'd do, after all he did long-term realityfucking on Chris-chan.)

No. 1548203

Elaine never mentioned this null account, she only said she was talking to a new person people are just assuming it’s null because of elaines public simping for him, but really, does anyone actually know if this impersonator exists or even if he’s claimed to be null

No. 1548222

Elaine didn't want me saying anything about that account because it 'has dirt on her', which is why she does not bring it up often.

Anuscabbage has nowhere to giggle about it, is an angry sped and would probably go this long as what else does he have to do?

No. 1548233

Seems convenient. I just think people are tinfoiling about something happening which may have not actually happened lol

No. 1548237

ayrt, Which is totally fair of you to do to be clear. I didn't come bearing milk and I don't plan on leaking my chatlogs over it, simply makes sense to me and had no clue who the person could be when I first posted. If she keeps falling for shit it truly doesn't matter anyways.

No. 1548394

>Elaine didn't want me saying anything about that account because it 'has dirt on her',
So we can add blackmail to the list, great. Various people have been linking stuff on Elaine but this stuff is a bit more tippy top secret and this is probably part of the reason. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't gotten n00dz leaked out because I'm sure she sent them to anus. Weird fuckery is ongoing. I wish I could give more than a 'trust me bro' to the Josh stuff but it is real. Only thing is she's told a select group and I have to respect their privacy as far as leaking actual receipts at this time because any receipts available would point to who the source is. People can take this word of an anon or leave it I guess.
I have a feeling >>1545328 is Elaine tbh as was another post that has since been deleted. It matched times that she was online also.

No. 1548480

Pre supposing this group is correct and just didnt find another random escrote: there are 3 options. 1, Elaine is talking to herself again claiming its null. She has done this before for attetion/clout. 2, Elaine found another scrote and tells people its null. 3, Elaine believes it to be josh either by people tricking her OR elaine is stupid enough to believe some random account she talks to is his like what happend in the first thread

No. 1548714

Why won’t she comment on this? She’s never quiet about drama usually

No. 1548795

I displayed exactly how and why they can't be two Nulls to her, she finally realized she's been set up and now she's in everyone's discords trying to find out who did it instead of just thinking for two seconds that the timeline eliminates most ppl she's accusing.

Elaine's fundamentally retarded.

No. 1548863

Plot twist: it's been Ines this whole time

No. 1548870

The True(and Honest)Master of puppets.

No. 1549086

caps or fuck off

No. 1549110

File: 1654370665081.png (262.6 KB, 812x632, elaine cope.png)

Elaine is coping massively and seething about this thread on Discord. Note the phrasing here. Tinfoiling about anyone I talk to… not "I'm not talking to Josh wtf are you talking about." Two very different things. The Matthew Price shit is her usual half-joking boast that everyone knows she is ful of shit. This is just what she is saying in public though. She is telling her inner circle more about how she is mad about this thread and seems to be waffling about whether "Josh" is real. Unfortunately again no caps and a lot of that happened impromptu in VC anyway. So we shall see how this develops.

No. 1549111

samefag forgot to say the bottom one I kept in there just to show the calibre of scrote she spends time with. "4/10 lolcow pussy" is a direct quote of what Anus said about her after they "broke up" which got repeated by Empresa on his KF profile and sort of became a meme among these idiots.

No. 1549124

File: 1654371907059.png (88.82 KB, 903x720, 1654261856588.png)

From .org, Elaine's on a sperg cruise.

No. 1549129

File: 1654372220434.jpeg (306.32 KB, 1081x1471, 1E859871-B92A-4AF2-8D9B-77A74E…)

Well I guess that’s the answer

No. 1549133

I sincerely hope this is true in the sense that she wised up and isn't talking to the catfish anymore. However also apparently apparently catfisher swore her to secrecy along the lines of Josh wanting to maintain appearances of hating her but make a secret rendezvous. Elaine as usual is unreliable in my eyes anyway.

No. 1549140

elaine cant keep a secret to save her useless life

No. 1549153

elaine we just saw you ask sig if you thought you were being catfished

No. 1549158

File: 1654374249413.png (45.09 KB, 438x414, lolelaine.png)

Elaine y u lyiiiin? I got the whole thing capped, don't make me dump it girl. Stop sperging out, go take a vacation and when ya come back worry about rebuilding your image then.

No. 1549182

Oh but Elaine you are that much of a simp, I am not gonna look to the side while you just lie about things I can easily disprove. You asked me not to deliver milk so at first I didn't but c'mon…
This is manipulative, I'm dumping enough to disprove your points here and washing my hands of you.

Here's an imgur album of the highlights from the last week of her in my DMs.

No. 1549193


Apparently the Catfish sent Elaine some dick pics and she got mad at him when she started to catch on so she sent the dick pic around to several people on Discord. She would presumably know what Anus Cabbage's dick looked like but they could come from anywhere.

She is still coping and trying to pretend nothing happened but looks like we just got some actual receipts.


No. 1549202

Oh shit, whatup UH you a milkmaid now?

No. 1549210

File: 1654377555841.jpg (328.29 KB, 763x3906, tranny-kun brings receipts.jpg)

for posterity

No. 1549211

File: 1654377601397.png (774.33 KB, 1688x1284, Untitled.png)

Upload these to the site, not imgur, idiots.

So someone catfished Elaine pretending to be Null? That's pretty funny. Sorry Elaine, but Null wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire, because you're british.

No. 1549213

not just someone but MANY people apparently lmao

No. 1549214

And that's when it's erect? Must be non-existent otherwise.

No. 1549215

yeah I have a sort of feeling this was a long-term deep cover gayop involving several people one of whom is extremely likely to be anuscabbage12 and naught is looking good for #2, angry canadian was not around when this all kicked off apparently but since he is now a naught lieutenant who knows.

No. 1549217

File: 1654377967194.jpeg (307.44 KB, 1284x1145, C3A6528F-04CB-499B-867B-82FE47…)

From the hugbox EE server lol
What a throw back

No. 1549219

No just the one, up until yesterday she was convinced there were two Nulls and I was like fuck it say there are six Nulls as a joke and she just went with it.
Ty, next time I'll just do a fullscreen of the album like the nonna above you did.
Far as I know it's not Naught, she did meet AC too late and they are still buddy buddy atm so besides the anuscabbage I'm not too sure on whom it would be.
It's an acorndick.

No. 1549223

no anon, she thought she spoke to null on Snapchat too

No. 1549230

Yeah she would talk about the Snapchat Josh a lot in EE months and months ago. We all told her it was definitely not him (and probably Jack Brockett/Anus Cabbage) but her self-delusion was pretty strong. But either whoever it was doubled/tripled/quadrupled his efforts, or someone else got in the same game. My favorite part is the voice modulator. Someone went to the trouble of presumably testing out various ones to see what Josh used so they could string along Elaine in VC. I kinda wanna say it's not funny, and it wouldn't be funny if she went to Serbia, but as long as she's not, it's fucking hilarious.

No. 1549231

File: 1654378283388.jpg (89.79 KB, 500x281, d25.jpg)

Oh she's even dumber than I thought…

No. 1549238

Timing, I find, is the most essential part of comedy.

No. 1549242

elaine has been talking to someone called kiwinull since last year and added him to her snap. Its not jdanks but an old troll of jdanks since the ibs days

No. 1549245

So it is some outsider, not someone we know? Proof? I don't really feel like it is probably some random but someone with an investment in her, but I could be wrong.

No. 1549249

File: 1654379744234.png (12.12 KB, 383x122, imsimpedtoohardandgotsofar.png)

"i NeVuR sImPeD fOr NuLl"
lol okay Elaine.

No. 1549251

So who's gonna post in her KF thread and drop Josh an '@'? I'm not, he hates me and I'm afraid he'll be in one of his moods and ban me.

No. 1549252

Wait one second, I'm collaging the rest of my DMs with Elaine.
Also yeah Null is in a very sour mood so probably nobody should @ him for their own account safety when this gets crossposted.

No. 1549254

File: 1654380124029.png (98.6 KB, 328x359, pickmes_never_prosper.png)

Picrel is all. I hope against hope this serves as some type of a lesson for her.

No. 1549255

Dont much about him other than he impersanates jdanks, and elaine fell for it. Shes also been running around with what ever is left of plategang since last october

No. 1549259

Don't all of them impersonate jdanks?
>Shes also been running around with what ever is left of plategang since last october
She really knows how to pick her scrotes holy shit lmao

No. 1549262

File: 1654380389690.png (174.41 KB, 1061x666, elainecrapcollage.png)

Elaine expressing it's always been about the money and suing Null, ignoring advice in December, and saying liars(whichs shes been proven to be) should be gassed.

No. 1549265

File: 1654380439178.png (130.35 KB, 860x1050, elainnull1.png)

I don't think Elaine wants to talk to Null given that she sued him, or at least was going to.

No. 1549266

File: 1654380468714.png (278.17 KB, 1284x2778, elainenull2.png)

No. 1549267


No. 1549268

File: 1654380640760.png (255.67 KB, 1284x2778, elainenull3.png)

No. 1549272

null already said he doesnt care unless it happens. It wont bc elaine is poor

No. 1549274

Elaine said this was six months ago, the dick pic is some moid called Davido who sent it around on KF around 6 months ago, whoever posted the screenshot is just using some moids penis for the lulz it’s not the catfish’s.
It’s a meme

No. 1549277

File: 1654381044687.png (105.13 KB, 590x674, LlRiI0A.png)

No. 1549278

Tinfoil but I think Elaine is just making shit up like she always does and talking to herself again, there’s no mention of any accounts and it just seems like a tinfoil perpetrated by her alongside Jdanks and lolcow Org, there’s no caps for any of this and it’s just retarded, after what josh said on stream there’s no way they’d be talking, and I don’t believe it’s ac or naught despite what people say because I don’t think they care enough, they seem more intent on Rachel. It’s Elaine talking to herself again

No. 1549279

Sam Fag but this turned out to be Jdanks Elaine already found this out, this old milk she told people 6 months ago, it’s not relevant to today. That account was mentioned 6 months ago and turned out to be Jdanks, and she reeed about it in the hugbox server

No. 1549280

Funniest outcome would be this because that means she did a gayop with them for no real clear goal only to have it blow up and make her look even more retarded than she was starting out.
Lolcows and throwing away their Ws, it's a chronic thing with cows I follow.

No. 1549284

Lolcow uprisings continually undone with receipts who could have seen such a thing occurring?

No. 1549285

kiwinull isnt jdanks but a fake from the ibs days

No. 1549286

This is so retarded because it seems to have happened months ago why does anyone care lol none of this is anything but a meme and it’s been a thing for years why is this even milk ? This is literal cowtipping and it’s boring. Anyone that considers this anything new or interesting should kill themselves

No. 1549289

So she's fallen for kiwinull, jdanks as Null and who else?

The old milk I dropped was just to prove she has a very inconsistent view on Null, the newer logs from June the third of this year(yesterday)are what matter. If it were just the december stuff I'd agree but the fact that she's STILL talking about this stuff and acting like there are two nulls recently is what's funny to me.

No. 1549292

AC impersonating Null on discord, he ended up confessing it was him while crying on voice.

No. 1549293

She’s literally talking to herself to gain attention as usual Anon see through it lol, it’s just her being an attention whore

No. 1549295

hi elaine lmao

No. 1549296

Oh yeah idc if anyone is currently posing as Null and I doubt there is anyone posing as Null. Her posting about it in her private server and sperging so hard about me dumping is funny by itself.
What did she hope to achieve with spreading this? My theory is to give her a reasonable out, which really couldn't occur with how much she loves the attention. I have her main discord blocked and she jumped to one she hadn't in months just to beg me to remove the imgur album I uploaded. It doesn't make her look good.
I don't think it's anything majorly new but it's worthy enough of being added in the first place.

No. 1549300

Not cowtipping if the Cow comes to you, Elaine approached me on two discord accounts, my old Onionfarms account and some other places. I have not initiated contact at any time.

No. 1549304

I'm gonna go ahead and say that is definitely not him based on typing style alone lol

No. 1549306

when Josh mentioned her on stream yesterday she seems to have started seething and questioning things which is where I assume some of these caps came from

No. 1549307

I don’t believe she even fell for it she just wants drama

No. 1549309

do you know the timestamp he mentions her?

No. 1549310

She contacted me in the morning as soon as I was up so it's actually from just before as she believed Streaming Null and Posting Null were two different people and thus the opinion of Streaming Null is what mattered, when the stream occured THEN she stared spazzing out even more on discord as her latest cope was shattered as she realized even if there were two nulls, both hated her.

No. 1549312

Sadly I don't maybe someone else does but it is towards the end, it comes up when he is discussing the TuxLovesYou scandal because Elaine was on a stream with Ethan Ralph and others discussing it.

No. 1549316

got it, it's around 1:15:32. thank you, though

No. 1549318

Lmfao she threatened suicide on you over posting the logs of her believing there were two Nulls? That's hilarious!

No. 1549323

No. 1549324

How do you manage to find the best ways to embarrass people?

No. 1549331

Lurk around embarrassing people really, they do it to themselves.

No. 1549337

>lolcow therapy group
If only it worked. Lol

No. 1549338

Hey Nonnas, how many Nulls are there? Lmao

No. 1549343

Learn to Sage Elaine.

No. 1549344

File: 1654383623949.png (1.51 MB, 5192x2778, 562346783566123456385623645754…)

while everyone's tinfoiling over this retarded josh shit, here's some actual screenshots

No. 1549345

File: 1654383636006.jpg (2.96 MB, 498x280, y3Oa9r9.jpg)

endless nulls

No. 1549350

Deep down, nona, we're all Null.

No. 1549354

wew lass

also the gayopper screwed up almost instantly saying 'milk', Josh hates that word and other cow metaphors for lolcows because idk autism but he does, kiwis will remember the wordfilter

No. 1549358

oh nelly, this just keeps getting better

No. 1549359

File: 1654383930736.jpg (55.04 KB, 780x438, toomanynulls.jpg)

No. 1549360

Did you hack her to get these? I didn’t see these sent around ….

No. 1549364

Elaine you self dumped and you know it lol

No. 1549365

so many words and i don’t even know what was said

No. 1549371

File: 1654384281442.png (137.07 KB, 370x665, trannymilkmaid.png)

Actual screenshots? Nah those were posted earlier.

No. 1549377

But how would Elaine leak conversations with her and a fake null? Which one of you hacked her

No. 1549379

File: 1654384781844.jpg (51.1 KB, 522x540, rareelainenft (2).jpg)

God Elaine you really need to eat by the way, idk how but you managed to get even skinnier.

No. 1549380

File: 1654384857556.jpeg (165.76 KB, 1200x637, 5152789E-2F67-479E-A11B-DFFA40…)

No. 1549383

File: 1654384984150.png (167.88 KB, 860x774, 296-2965084_transparent-wojak-…)

No. 1549393

I'm not gonna link it because it'll give her an opportunity to sperg about muh underage pics but there is an Instagram of hers from what can't be more than a couple of years ago where she is at a healthier weight and actually has some curves, she looks so much better it's not even funny.

No. 1549397

It's exactly that kind of thing why I felt bad for her in the first place and she ended up calling me her therapist.(Not only going to a lolcow therapy group but also using me as a therapist alone is just yikes) I really worry that something happened to her to make her so attention seeking but she does it in such a greasy way that I can't really let her get away with it. I'm hoping(but doubting)that after this she will finally see just how silly she looks doing this sort of nonsense.
She's got to realize that when your only fe(male) friend left is me that you are probably only being humored for your looks, and that is a horrible existence to have. Maybe she has to live through that to learn it, she certainly could stop burning bridges by jumping to threats and bribery though.

No. 1549407

This comment becomes quite interesting after reading up on the dump, Nonna you still here and care to elaborate on this?

No. 1549415

Is there anytime Michael Thurlow isn't a huge faggot? In anything he is involved in he manages to be the most pathetic person in the room each and every time.

No. 1549419

Just don't @ Josh over it, due to Elaine being so uninteresting by herself it's the best content in a while.

No. 1549422

How can I get her to bribe me? Asking for a friend.

No. 1549423

he better say something soon otherwise her delusions will evolve into him secretly proposing or something lmao

No. 1549424

She admitted there’s no account it’s just her being an attention who’re talking to herself

No. 1549426

File: 1654386907846.jpg (76.82 KB, 639x730, elainecallsherfatherdaddy.jpg)

Well first you have to sign up to Onionfarms so you might wanna kill yourself instead and I would understand, from there you have to be unthreatening to her so she completely let's her guard down. Next wait six months until she does something really dumb and finally be willing to delete receipts. Then you too can get Elaine to bribe you with Daddy's money.

No. 1549431

her family doesnt have money. In a discord she bragged about seeking arrangements though

No. 1549432

File: 1654387352772.jpeg (206.12 KB, 1400x727, 1__vVf_AcGJXw0NAr7gYtwKA.jpeg)

There's all kinds of milk in this thread now? What are your gal's favorite? Mine is that Elaine still has not figured out how to sage her posts.

She brags far too much about money to have it, I just think it's funny that even when she brags about having money it's her parents money and not hers.

No. 1549433

Samefagging to insert the word imaginary in front of the word money.

No. 1549442

she said she once made 300 from seeking for a date

No. 1549446

Lol Elaine's family is not poor but her LARP as old money is laughable. If she did she would not speak about money like she does to save her life and would rather go naked than dress like she does (even if in a similar style—you know it when you see it, the outfits don't even need to be pricy.) Even if she was the black sheep, even if she had mental illness, she would not dress and act as she does. And her fake accent is atrocious. She sounds like a low effort American actress aping RP.

No. 1549450

File: 1654388211289.jpg (29.34 KB, 457x352, the-meme-comes-from-a-brazilia…)

Alright last stuff I scraped up from discord was in relation to what I posted above she was trying to get me to help her to dox Regina, I just went along with it to humor her I really don't care about doxing people that don't deserve it imo.

No. 1549451

She slipped in the old discord server on VC, I don't make a note of outing people usually but the soyboy american voice that came out was a bit more believable.

No. 1549452

Lol Elaine's family is not poor but her LARP as old money is laughable. If she did she would not speak about money like she does to save her life and would rather go naked than dress like she does (even if in a similar style—you know it when you see it, the outfits don't even need to be pricy.) Even if she was the black sheep, even if she had mental illness, she would not dress and act as she does. And her fake accent is atrocious. She sounds like a low effort American actress aping RP.

No. 1549454

are you tinfoiling she's a man? lol

No. 1549456

It's been tinfoiled in the Naught server ever since. If I had any recordings of it, I'd just dump it. After threatening suicide to me I really don't care to pull any punches.

No. 1549459

anuscabbage12 literally fucked her though. sure, he could've lied but with all the shit she put him through he'd probably spill that. he did let out the piss fetish

No. 1549462

A guy admitting they fucked a tranny?
Are you suuuuuure?

No. 1549464

nice bait

No. 1549469

File: 1654389415861.jpg (85.36 KB, 1600x900, zckml2s5plpz.jpg)

Bait it may be the point remains in this circle that hardly disproves anything as next to nobody would admit to it after the sex leaked. This being said I truly don't care, I do believe her when she told me she wasn't British today but American instead.(should be clipped in the first dump iirc)

No. 1549472

It's too bad you don't have anything of substance on this, would probably drive off most of her scrote simps.(samefagging)

No. 1549496

Alright who else is using Proton here? Lmfao

No. 1549503

propably the fact she uses seeking arragements will

No. 1549602

File: 1654398195452.jpg (18.22 KB, 344x363, sneakpeak.jpg)

A preview of Elaine's next big lie she will try to push. The lass is a burlington cope factory I swear.

No. 1549622

File: 1654400000580.png (23.11 KB, 217x159, compromised6522.png)

LOL is she taking lessons from Mike Thurlow on making the most transparently bogus claims to try to manage embarrassing situations online?

Her substantially older account is:
838825504265076746 - Compromised#6522

The one she is now trying to claim:
839249915075100672 - Reprehensible#1124

She probably changed the name to "compromised" to claim that that is what happened to her account and somehow all the shit that just went down had nothing to do with her.

Cope, Elaine, lol.

No. 1549678

File: 1654404842861.png (2.18 KB, 318x159, ca_uk.png)

>>>/snow/1546635 I hope I am not being annoying hopping from the Rachel thread but the cow crossover is just too good. Rachel is a newer cow with a very active thread partly because Elaine and Michael (Angry Canadian) were trying to gaslight Rachel into attacking their enemies, but anyway, the thing is as pointed out in Rachel's thread: Michael has been dead silent in defending Elaine, not a peep, but he has been guntguarding Rachel hard. Rachel has got nearly 100lbs on Elaine, by the way, and is a demented Sephiroth-shipping lunatic to make 00s LiveJournal blush. This is who's getting picked over Elaine.

But even better: Audio of Elaine was leaked upthread of her making fun of Canada and casting Michael the Nazi's White ancestry into doubt. Michael being the "blackpilled Nazi bf" that Elaine was set up with by Naught, lolicon admin of OnionFarms.

Odds that Elaine was running her mouth like that because she thought she was about to "do better" and trade up for the one and only Joshua Conner Moon? How silly does she feel now? Will she go crawling back to him? Would he have her? (He's probably happier. He does like big girls. I mean, big. His wife is even bigger than Rachel.)

No. 1549944

Pull up a seat enjoy, idk how much life Elaine has left in her but get ready for some crazy climax from her soon. It's very humorous how they all managed to get together and become more embarrassing then they were apart.
Hopefully the new milkmaid will have more content they drop later. Truly one of the best things about all this is the eternal pick me Elaine getting cast aside by her Nazi bf who "could make OPs on people I hate". It's what she was looking for in a bf after all, Naught being a lover of irony(and small children)set her up with AC, who cannot write an OP to save his life.

No. 1549964

Lotta wild stuff going down, I'm not in direct contact with Elaine so I don't have any clips but she is claiming Erika has hacked her and wrote everything herself. Which is a big load of baloney, but if I point out why she might stop doing it like the two account cope strategy she just dropped.
So it becomes even if she was hacked, the hacker did nothing wrong and she deserved it. No nudes or compromised images were leaked after all, so what does it matter?

Or we could use occams razor and just realize Erika dumped things you told to her and there's zero reason to hack anyone when they willingly bring their milk to you?

Worst thing is she was nice to you, she just wanted you to learn Elaine. Wanted you to get better and now look at yourself? You're spewing your dumbest cope yet and yelling at the few remaining people like they're the enemy.

You regressed Elaine, you were more mature six months ago.

No. 1550001

File: 1654442736716.png (48.57 KB, 742x316, 237894892390412.png)

looks like even the hugbox got tired of her null bullshit lmao

No. 1550002

for someone who claims to be such an infallible hacker, it's really fucking funny to hear she's claiming she was hacked lmao bad opsec, elaine

No. 1550012

Who would win, Elaine and a team of troll scrotes or one zany screen caper?
For real though Elaine has been going on and on about how she's some superthug e-hacker 4chin anomolous and then turns around and cries hack at the first instance of someone harshly calling out her bullshit with proof. Fucking hilarity.

No. 1550564

File: 1654481029770.jpg (283.92 KB, 1170x1874, IMG_20220605_210137_012.jpg)

Leave my siblings alone Elaine.

No. 1550573

File: 1654481535352.jpg (38.04 KB, 355x457, curse you google.jpg)

Samefag, quick google search shows the business you show as an accounting firm Elaine, how you got prostitute from that is beyond me.

No. 1550590

I don't have contact with that person since a while back, I am not airing my siblings in public either. Suffice to say you are just proving that you are harassing my family members.
It's just reinforcing why people do not like you. Goodnight and goodbye Elaine.

No. 1550594

Did you just make a vague suicide threat? Maybe I should call for a wellness check. It isn’t harassment. You instigated this. No one made you dig up 6 months old content to try to collect milk that no one cares about. You reap what you sow. Maybe you should think twice about namefagging and power levelling with your full dox out there. No one made you do this, you put yourself and anyone contacted in this position Blaine. Take responsibility and stop harassing women. At least 90% of the posts here are you.

No. 1550596

>Did you just make a vague suicide threat?
Lol wut?

>At least 90% of the posts here are you.

Tell me you cannot seriously believe that, 15% of the past two days are me lol.

No. 1550599

By the way the person sharing the screenshots and a lot of the forged stuff is Blaine / Erika who has a thread:
They’re known for this kind of behaviour.

No. 1550600

Everyone know he's a lolcow too you dumb slag but you're proving why people like a literally tranny better than you buy your dumb vindictive petty behavior. You're proving everyone who spoke badly of you over the past year+ absolutely right. It is sad because so many people went out of their way to give you second, third, and hundredth chances, out of a basic regard for trying to help you unfuck your life, and instead you deliberately chose to run to the arms of the most degenerate and nasty scrotes available to feed whatever sick fetish is in your head. I hope you get help before you wind up a Bianca case, another dead girl for incels to coom to. You could save them, they could save you, but you won't, because the lot of you are unequipped for life and the living embodiment of the "disaster for the human race" meme.

No. 1550601

Nice breaking your new years resolution. Also all of your "friends" are troons e

No. 1550602

File: 1654484499434.png (1.46 MB, 2568x5556, e-laine b-laine harassment.png)

Elaine's harassment of Blaine's family preserved with personal info redacted for when it gets taken down (rightly) for doxing/involving innocent third parties.

No. 1550603

No one is going to take this down Blaine. It doesn’t violate any rules. All of this is public information. Stop self posting and referring to yourself as “he”. We all know it’s you since there hasn’t been any activity in the last few hours until I mentioned you and BOOM 3 new posts.

No. 1550604

It is a bit annoying that she posted the number, ty.

No. 1550605

Blaine xD stop self posting. Holy shit.

No. 1550606

maybe find irl friends that are women

No. 1550609


No. 1550610

He couldn’t help himself lol

No. 1550613

Meanwhile her Nazi husbando is still gunt guarding Rachel. He won't even come to her defense against le evel trannies, proof positive she was only ever a pet harpy for him to point at people he doesn't like as part of his petty vendettas. This is what happens to pickmes Elaine, they get picked by the wrong one and then they can't even get picked anymore. You're so fucking pathetic.

No. 1550614

micheal prefers she

No. 1550616

Oh fuck you lol

No. 1550625

white pearl necklace and a jgirl 2 save the whute race

No. 1550640

Kinda looks like the unredacted post you did got removed there.

No. 1550644

Elaine can't even dox so had to pick through the bones of Michael's lukewarm shit like a vulture, sad.

No. 1550695

File: 1654494406170.jpg (64.93 KB, 1074x304, elaine weight loss.jpg)

Anyway, on a more serious note, this is what, 7-8 months(?) if that of Elaine pics and the weight loss is incredibly striking. I doubt she is going ana-chan or anything but this is girl who is consuming nothing but cocaine/amphetamines and Internet drama. This is not a sustainable lifestyle. Hopefully this latest incident is either a wakeup call or causes her to spin out hard enough to qualify for some type of involuntary wakeup call. Otherwise she is headed to a very bad place.

No. 1550699

hey now, between the fake null and the tranny brony, surely the guy getting rehab is your shot.

No. 1550714

Elaine has thyroid problems along with a bunch of other health issues, her health issues have always been pretty bad from what I can tell but I’ve been on a group vc before while she’s taken insulin, she also doesn’t believe anorexia or bulimia are real disorders and likens them to gender dysphoria. From what I can tell she is always constantly stressed and banging on about work/studies alongside Internet drama, and I think she lacks the support group to be able to handle the stress but other than sperging out she doesn’t ever really go into detail about anything personal that isn’t also related to the Internet which is interdasting

No. 1550725

Is there anything but Internet drama? Everything I have ever seen her post or seen her in leaks talking about her family seems like fantasy, they seem comfortable upper middle class but reportedly with financial troubles. I have trouble believing that she could have passed classes, even online ones, in the state she seems to have been in, let alone held down a job so would I be right to assume that whatever she did have going on, she doesn't anymore? All the better to be terminally online.

No. 1550757

>Maybe you should think twice about namefagging and power levelling with your full dox out there
The extreme irony of this post, incredible.

No. 1550771

Don't forget these
748766686357880833 - corpsegarland#1447
935348917695037480 - qqqqq#5108

No. 1550845

no one believes you elaine, go eat a pizza

No. 1550860

Elaine you look like an uglier version of Shelley Duvall get over yourself you skank.

No. 1550868


No. 1550918

>Elaine runs around screaming how she will literally kill people, is a super hacker, and has spook agents as family members.
>Trannykun makes shitty jokes and refuses to take anything seriously.

Sorry which one did you say was reaping what they sowed, Elaine right? Elaine deserves to prove she can't dox, can't hack, has no actual connections, has so little money she had to use a free family finding service, and finally that she has extreme narcissism, BPD, and the lowest self worth of anyone imaginable.

Imagine bragging about harassing someone's family members Nonnas, now realize she thought that would make her look cool. She's so autistic she thinks that being a batman villain(Poison HIV) is how you win over the crowd.

No. 1551027

I'm so sorry ladies but Elaine has blocked me and anyone that I have talked to on all her accounts so I have to obvious post and say this here.

Elaine, you texted my twelve year old sister just now. You have been reported to the police, stop now.

No. 1551031

File: 1654532438952.jpg (3.42 KB, 300x300, kekw-emote.jpg)

>She's so autistic she thinks that being a batman villain(Poison HIV) is how you win over the crowd.
Excuse you, she's Harley Quinn to Null's Joker.

No. 1551048

File: 1654533275790.png (172.86 KB, 374x396, laineyquinn.png)

Thanks for the mental image Anon.

No. 1551092

whistleblower#5092 is another one

No. 1551165

I dont think you guys get it. Elaine has 3 jobs and is overworked!

No. 1551171

Her jobs:
1. l33t H4x0r
2. Cleaning up after Michael Thurlow.
3. Selling her nudes to anorexia fetishists.

Sad thing is she obviously doesn't get paid for any of the three jobs she participates in, she does it for attention alone.
Did I guess right?

No. 1551398

Got the ID?

No. 1551403

Ntayrt but,
For whistleblower, pfp is green currently.

No. 1551420

Thank you nonna

No. 1551476

File: 1654554417083.png (35.21 KB, 388x532, elainewaspaidtosuenull.png)

Of course, she doesn't need money, she gets paid to sue null

No. 1551738

I was starting to feel bad for Elaine because she’s gotten herself involved with some real creepy scrotes but then I read this and I’m reminded she’s an insufferable cunt who’s brought all of this upon herself. For fuck’s sake Elaine, log off

No. 1551742

There once was a Briton named Lainey,
Who's Internet posts weren't quite brainy,
Her mum said "Elaine,
I must insist you abstain
Or at least just log in when it's rainy."

No. 1551757

Great art anon, very peppy.

'Trollcow' fits her about as well as calling herself a hacker did, Elaine really manages to evaporate pity as fast as she can.

No. 1551769

There once was an English lass ~ who didnt spend time in class ~ she skipped through school and was made a fool

No. 1551772

for twice she had to repeat ~ now she gets fucked by aloggs ~ when she should have logged off

No. 1552564

Holy fuck Elaine all they did was call you on your bullshit, what the hell is wrong with you? Literally, I do not get it and this can't be explained away with a mental disorder. You're just a spiteful shrew who's wasting away to nothing, you're all cracked out on amphetamines and the flesh is literally melting off of you by the month. You're killing yourself Elaine, at the rate you're going nobody will be upset to see your funeral. I wanted this to end in any other way but you deserve to sink forgotten into the depths of the internet with your only lasting legacy being that you overreacted at every turn, burned every bridge you could and brought your own doom onto yourself.

No. 1552626

Doom? No, shes been waitin for my coom. Years long build up of no fap my balls are just ready to bust a nut. At her funeral Ill explode into that whithered husk. Together me and dead lainey will create the antichrist as it spews from her decayed womb(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1552660

Elaine contacted a bunch of people last night to cope and make vague threats to dox people. What a waste of time it is to talk to that girl. She's what the block button is for to be honest, leave her to her scrotes unless she wants to come clean about around a hundred things.
Deadass, she looks about like a rough 35 in the last pic up there. It's sad and I recognize the writing of a few people in here and I don't mean the tranny who tried to do their best for her. But there is burning bridges, there is being left alone with nobody but people with bad intentions (you are here, Elaine) and then there is when even they are sick of your shit (it happens!) and this is an end stage of lolcowdom that is really not even lulzy anymore, and I'm too tuned out of this to be emotionally invested either. I've seen this show before, online and off.

No. 1552713

File: 1654654585226.png (459.09 KB, 820x456, elainebanner3.png)

Submitting a potential image for the next(and hopefully last) Elaine thread, I feel like it represents where she is on her journey.

No. 1553309

Your heart wasn't in this one was it? I can't blame you. So instead I will think of those bars as hidden number 1s to indicate to Elaine there is ONE Null.

No. 1553311

That's why I cropped the Null holding up a finger lol, yeah my heart wasn't in it too much but only two of those Nulls were already transparent anyways. Elaine was one of the few people(in these circles) who didn't care for the longest time about how I was born and it hurts to know that it was all fake just to get me to help her.

No. 1553333

Yaknow I really didn't believe it until I checked this thread out but holy fuck the terf sperging in the Rachel thread feels like a bit much even for here.

Two many Nulls lol, least even in this dark end period of Elaine the posting and streaming Null theory is worth a chuckle.

No. 1553389

Migrating here from the Rachel thread in the hopes of avoiding that trashfire. I bailed on Elaine months ago, it's heartwarming that so many people continued to try and help her and heartbreaking to see her attack the last person to try and help like she did by going after family members.(Which makes me hate the people spazzing about UH even more tbh)

No. 1553401

Great work nonny! Sorry about the idiots in the Rachel thread.

No. 1553447

This post just gave me sympathy for the devil.

No. 1553475

Ikr, as depressing a turn as this took it was a refreshing change from what I had been reading up on. Completely different experience here, bit of witty back and forth, just too bad it's looking like this is the end chapter of the Elaine story. It was only a matter of time with how she conducted herself but I can see why so many people had hope for her. If only she listened once eh? That's what makes a lolcow a lolcow however, they never change and they never listen.

No. 1553520

Elaine has sunk so much lower than I thought she could, incredible.

No. 1553555

Release now, Elaine's almost run dry.

No. 1553906

this is what she's up to now

No. 1553976

Looks like it was someone doing a gayop for her, Elaine is scrambling for more ways to just attack anyone and everyone she can as she goes down in a blaze of angst.

No. 1553980

File: 1654748208770.png (105.62 KB, 1002x529, LhNDi5f.png)

The Erika/Blaine tranny is posting caps on OnionFarms alleging this it is someone he knows, and this person claims that Elaine paid him to do gayops on her behalf. If Elaine really paid him she is possibly getting the least value for her money possible. Very on-brand for Elaine.

No. 1553981

another Elaine Discord account: JaneDoe#5117 962024245456687104 she's spastically running around again

No. 1553988

Elaine did pay me and you all are just jealous women who are trying to protect that tranny faggot Blaine and his friend Spookybones and it goes against your own sites rules.
Fuck you don't give her discord out like that you fat whore.

No. 1554004

janedoe#7115 962024245456687104
qqqqq#5108 935348917695037480
reprehensible#1124 839249915075100672
corpsegarland#1447 748766686357880833
Trollcow#6522 838825504265076746
whistleblower#5092 855140070562332703

No. 1554007

Im going to find you irl and beat the shit out of you in front of your cats(a-log)

No. 1554008

whatever you say megamind

No. 1554013

also Marmalade#9816 881279947119943701 which is in lolcord

No. 1554014

Believe it bitch, I am going to shit on your face as you lie bleeding in a puddle of your own piss

No. 1554016

I'm still not convinced it's not the same tranny, but assuming it's not, Elaine, is this simp a twelve year old incel? Where do you find these people?

No. 1554019

No. 1554022

I'm going to bed Travis, if you continue to shit up this site while I am gone I will release your full name and address on OF. Actually fuck it, I left the Rachel thread so you can post there lol

No. 1554025

Some of these accounts are just random people in lolcord I’m not convinced any account but Trollcow, Reprehensible, whistleblower and QQQQ are her accounts

No. 1554027

If you do I will drive down there and bust your fucking teeth in

No. 1554029

nah thats her

No. 1554039

the janedoe was changed from 5117 to 7115 minutes after it was posted here >>1553981
so I assume that's her, corpsegarland is her

No. 1554064

> the janedoe was changed from 5117 to 7115 minutes after it was posted here
lel she's so bad at this

No. 1554082

She's better than you are lmfao dumb woman

No. 1554085

> he can't even quote properly when defending his fair maiden
scrotes btfo, sad

No. 1554087

pretty dumb move on her part bro

No. 1554088

Whatever you fucking trannies in this topic and the Rachel topic need to fucking knock it off and stop harassing actual women

No. 1554089

Why arent you in the spooky topic bringing dirt on him because you are all trannies and you all defend your own kind

No. 1554097

>starts, I mean copy/pastes a thread, I mean 'topic'
>tells everyone else to bring dirt after samefagging about having lots of dirt
Went off a little half-cocked there Trannyvis

No. 1554099

Women have good reason to hate trannies but scrotes who hate trannies this much are suspicious. Just look at Michael Thurlow. He loved to dox himself a tranny. And what did he wind up being?

No. 1554100

sorry, samefag but-
> Elaine did pay me

No. 1554101

Well yeah because men are better at everything even being women so of course women would be mad but it's up to us men to defend actual women from trannies like you like I'm doing with Elaine and Rachel to you trannies

No. 1554104

File: 1654753684112.png (2.53 KB, 300x168, gamp.png)

> men are better at everything even being women so of course women
Major "fucking females is for poofs" energy

No. 1554107

>white knight
Pick one

No. 1554108

Sorry tranny I'm not gay even though you want me to be so you can suck my dick you sex freak

No. 1554109

You should 41% you tranny

No. 1554112

How many dicks sucked, I mean hours derailing did the $100 from Elaine buy?

No. 1554114

I'm not going away until you trannies leave Rachel and Elaine alone

No. 1554119

So your hourly rate gets lower the more we talk about Rachel and Elaine, good to know.

No. 1554120

She is just going to pay me more if it takes over the time period we agree on so whatever tranny be angry lol

No. 1554121

Receipts or it didn't happen.

No. 1554125

>She is just going to pay me more
Oh you sweet summer transgender child.

No. 1554128

Lol I ain't gotta show you trannies anything except me beating up this Spookybones guy, Blaine and whoever else gets in my way

No. 1554237

*beating off to

No. 1554238

Watch out anon, this l33t haxz0r is dangerous. They'll call you a tranny and seethe and then what will you do.

No. 1554379

Stay in Rachel's thread and your own. Knock it off, you didn't chase me off I'm just not engaging in a trashfire and frankly sick and tired of bending over backwards for internet randoms. If I see you post in here one more time I will dump on OF Travis.
You already tricked most of the ladies in the Rachel thread, why even leave?
This is an Elaine thread so unless you're gonna dump those Paypal reciepts just stay out of the thread you're off topic. Again you got two threads you can shit in, go there.

No. 1554383

Have you even read that thread? A few anons want you to at least finish dumping on Mike.

No. 1554387

The same ones who told me to kill myself I'm sure. I don't give a fuck dude, I'm sick of dealing with it, sick of seeing my birth name. If someone actually wanted it they would have contacted me on AMB, you don't want to know or care to know. Go back to the Rachel thread nonnie, I left like I fucking said so many times.
Nobody approached after, they were content to tell me to kill myself, so frankly the focus of the Rachel thread is bashing trannies so NO I don't even fucking read it. Why the fuck would I?!

No. 1554401

I believe it's traditional to then dilate about it

No. 1554411

Oh fuck off Blaine, you are still here attention seeking and teasing actually interesting content like dumping on your "friend" because…? I'm still not convinced he exists and isn't you trying to walk back your bullshit from the earlier part of yesterday tbh. All this bullshit stems from you and your idiot friends going cow-tipping, let's not forget. Fuck off, 41%, etc. You can only buy so much goodwill with receipts and I think you know this which is why receipts turned to outright fiction yesterday. YWNBAW and thus never welcome here.

No. 1554419

Thanks for proving reason as to why I am not caring about any opinion, fuck off. I did more than enough for you, idc what the fuck you think. Go do a flip.

No. 1554421

You did nothing "for us." You put on a dog and pony show for natal female attention. Your presence here offends many of us. Please leave or suicide but do not remain.

No. 1554427

Stop obvious posting if you're gonna bitch about me doing it.

No. 1554430

No Erika knows no matter how much proof she provides atm idiot Terfs like you will help bury it. It's smart to wait since you're being such a fucking Harpie asshole cat lady.

No. 1554436

WKing for Elaine and Rachel is pretty mid, nonnie. If you're gonna be a woman respecter at least pick women who don't have yeast infections that will make your dick blister.

No. 1554591

Aw c'mon leave the gross talk out of here nonnie lol

No. 1554593

youre in the wrong thread if you dont wanna be grossed out

No. 1554672

File: 1654795871153.png (95.96 KB, 625x674, v7bxPMR.png)

Elaine trying to revive her hugbox server, too bad everyone got fed up with her.

No. 1554675

Elaine grosses me out in a social and human kind of way, not in the way that ruins my breakfast lol.
It's gonna be filled with trolls, scrotes and lurkers trying to cap milk and I am ready to see Elaine go down in flames because of it.

No. 1554687

File: 1654796253139.png (86.42 KB, 357x772, yedS5fl.png)

I'll see if I can deliver more pissmilk from there.

No. 1554718

Thank you for the service nonna.
Oh that bitch, I bet she is planning on taking down 4chan next what an evil genius haxor extrodinare that nobody would ever mock or laugh at.
I love how she just switched to begging people to attack her enemies for her after showing she couldn't dox or hack her way out of a paper bag.

No. 1554754

File: 1654798591680.png (41.64 KB, 966x426, tlZF4Xr.png)

She can never tell when people are making fun of her.

No. 1554758

She should be rewarded, with a padded cell and disability checks that are just enough to keep her fed and out of society.

No. 1554771

she gon flaunt that tugboat money like CWC. maybe she can finally sponsor >>>/snow/1553775

No. 1554803

God that dude was so cringe, I am so glad farmhands flipped his monitor and he was too dumb to get around that.

No. 1554830

File: 1654801797965.png (35.79 KB, 611x440, rW3gAfp.png)

Here's Elaine talking to Null and definitely not herself.

No. 1554831

I can't believe she was trying to call Erika schizo when she is in a discord talking to herself to try and fool others. Thank you nonna!

No. 1554832

File: 1654801911152.png (91.18 KB, 811x891, sqquI8I.png)

This is how she thinks Null speaks.

No. 1554834

File: 1654801999108.png (134.5 KB, 1004x1050, euHYwPU.png)

I had to go through a full folder of captures to find these but nonnas, it was worth it.

No. 1554845

File: 1654802451673.png (3.06 MB, 1125x2436, 2D097453-7C30-43A0-ABC1-8DD783…)

No. 1554849

File: 1654802578404.png (2.81 MB, 1125x2436, C0FFD638-0A5C-4A1F-8AE0-484BA9…)

No. 1554853

Elaine 'I saved CP and think that's Cool' Miller Ladies and Ladies.

No. 1554861

File: 1654803160963.png (1.17 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220609-152254.png)

I knew I remembered that qqqqq account, they first showed up in lolcord pretending to be resident ana-chan kafkaesque#6762. If this was the "null" account she's been corresponding with, whoever it is seems to know the Elaine's Elites lore…

No. 1554862

File: 1654803271820.png (364.47 KB, 1080x1863, Screenshot_20220609-152305.png)

No. 1554864

Yeah because qqqqq is Elaine lmao.

No. 1554866

File: 1654803324004.png (319.82 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20220609-152316.png)

No. 1554867

File: 1654803362440.png (128.63 KB, 1080x711, Screenshot_20220609-152336.png)

No. 1554870

File: 1654803434839.webm (5.36 MB, 1080x1920, elainecringe.webm)

No. 1554873

The cokeypasta lmao

No. 1554874

LOL KAFKA what drugs is Elaine on holy fuck?
Hell I can tell that based on the writing style alone this is hilarious.

No. 1554886

From >>1554004 Elaine changed janedoe#7115 to fuckthisapp#7115 after it was posted itt again 962024245456687104

qqqqq#5108 935348917695037480
reprehensible#1124 839249915075100672
Trollcow#6522 838825504265076746
whistleblower#5092 855140070562332703
corpsegarland#1447 748766686357880833
Marmalade#9816 881279947119943701

No. 1554915

What is this supposed to be? That's not Elaine.

No. 1554919

Keep watching, Elaine cringe is after the first girl

No. 1554923

this is from her Snapchat, she wrote the caption and her take on the trend is immediately after the first girl.

No. 1554926

Oh… eeww. She looks like such a sped.

No. 1554927

Srsly why would she show herself looking like that, especially in direct comparison with an actual cute girl.

No. 1554929

Now I can see why nonnas were tinfoiling about her looking like a tranny, I can see it with the size of those hands alone.

No. 1554958

Honestly with the weight loss and general fucked up appearance I'd believe she has some serious medical issue going on. If it wasn't for the long hair I'd believe I was looking at a cancer patient. Hard drugs are no joke though, could easily be just doing coke all day and not eating or going outside.

No. 1555074

File: 1654813115638.jpg (77.49 KB, 923x815, cn88Do0.jpg)

this is getting better and better

No. 1555109

Better as in like for a horror film yes, I agree.
She was over in the Rachel containment thread playing an Anime Villain and posted Erika's family, shit was kind of funny because the family looks so happy together and we know Elaine is super miserable right now.

No. 1555146

elaine has most likely never done coke in her life and probably snorted baby aspirin with anuscabbage12 when he visited to smash. dude said he felt slow on coke

No. 1555147

Felt slow on coke…heroin?

No. 1555151

I can't speak for the UK but I know in some parts of the US getting coke laced with fentanyl is a big problem which is really weird to me because they have very different effects and people would be able to tell instantly, but it's something that happens and people die from it no less. I don't expect Elaine knows very much about drugs so it's possible she got scammed. I do suspect she talks a lot about coke because it's a "rich person drug" but she abuses a lot of Adderall type pills, less prestigious but equally capable if not more of driving her competely batty and skeletal

No. 1555165

File: 1654820073614.jpg (276.6 KB, 1080x1865, elainespiked.jpg)

No. 1555168

when was this alleged drink-spiking?

No. 1555169

Is that masking tape?
Is this another cry for attention and pity after posting Erika's family members and threatening them?
What happened to wanting to have fun over redemption?
I agree with this >>1555168 I am assuming today due to her wild fucking behavior and being backed into a corner myself though.

No. 1555172

Samefagging, this was so dumb it shocked my brain for a bit but lord above even if true did you fucking spike it yourself? Wtf Elaine.

No. 1555180

File: 1654821085115.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.77 KB, 403x748, KntYPbJ.jpg)

around her easter holidays in italy

No. 1555315

> around her easter holidays in italy
Major X to doubt on the drink-spiking. Getting dehydrated from running around like an insane person + some alcohol and uppers seems like the most likely situation.

No. 1556458

File: 1654897779776.jpeg (585.02 KB, 663x2610, fhJvCcQ.jpeg)

elaine's always catering to kf scrotes, she let this one in her hugbox server some time ago

No. 1556466

who the hell is undefault?

No. 1556471

Asexual Elaine rewards her top simps by cooming with them


No. 1556478

i'm gonna go ahead and assume it was either one of the thousand nulls (elaine) or one of these scrotes >>1556471

No. 1556556


Old but topical milk, Elaine fighting with AnusCabbage and telling him to fuck off, Anus is very drunk and maudlin about wanting to "save" Elaine, note references made to Anus impersonating Null to Elaine way back then (this is Jan 23rd of this year), Elaine says she could detect this immediately but is full of shit, she was telling everyone at the time how she was talking to the true and honest null, so about as accurate as her claims to tell the truth in general.

No. 1556557


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1556605

File: 1654904684323.jpg (468.17 KB, 1242x3603, Y6DTmXN.jpg)

elaine is sperging in hugbox server about this undefault guy getting posted here. he doesn't seem to give a shit though, he just pinged someone else and elaine is pretending the account was deleted when it clearly wasn't

No. 1556609

File: 1654904828868.jpg (370.83 KB, 1242x1333, RjD753X.jpg)

samefag, this is after she deleted everything

No. 1556628

File: 1654906170309.png (441.58 KB, 1200x630, 3pikes.png)

Cross-posting this so I know Elaine sees it.

No. 1556640

You know she's got both threads open 24/7. She's currently spazzing out on Discord trying to figure out who is leaking on her. I think the answer to that question at this point is EVERYBODY.

No. 1556642

File: 1654907028390.png (532.98 KB, 820x456, DHTf9ab.png)

Whaaaaat? Nooooo, I bet she is perfectly calm and only checks this thread occasionally and does not think about it very much, she likes lolcow farms now she just said so LOL

Updated the Banner for the next thread.

No. 1556659

File: 1654907670088.png (6.92 KB, 800x45, 9eVpBjg.png)

>Talk now. You left exif data all over the farms and don't know how to save jpegs.

No. 1556675

excuse me, wtf

No. 1556680


More vintage Elaine/AnusCabbage content in which the star crossed lovers bicker about Elaine talking to kiwiscrotes who doxed Anus's family, and argue and cope about ethics in doxing family members in general.

No. 1556805

File: 1654919829254.jpg (326.69 KB, 1242x3190, Ar31jtB.jpg)

keep trying Elaine

No. 1556833


No. 1556844

is that another alt or one that changed tag? post the id

No. 1556851

it was fuckthisapp#7115 id 962024245456687104

No. 1557547

lol what the fuck is this

No. 1557634

File: 1654984896834.png (7.51 MB, 2880x1800, my sides.png)

>Which of you motherfuckers is Australian and retarded enough to leak your fucking time zone on an image board?
>Bro there are 25 members in this place and I will go through every single fucking one of you.
>[To nobody in particular] Real quiet huh? You’re the only Australian in here. Talk now. You left exif data all over the farms and don’t know how to save jpegs.

No. 1557636

File: 1654985133847.jpg (72.46 KB, 851x805, YX31Fmn.jpg)

don't be rude, nona

No. 1557795

Elite haxxor doesn't know what a vpn is or that people might have a job or alternate sleep schedule that synchs up with a different time zone…

No. 1558293

no one tell her Australia is 9 hours ahead of her, not 15 hours behind

No. 1558295

Or that people can just change their system or forum settings time depending…

No. 1558355

Everyone posting LaineyLeaks in the future needs to change their time to aussie time just for fun

No. 1558930

Kittycatmae is in the hugbox? lmao what a cesspool. That failure is probably the only person there not secretly farming lols

No. 1558931

undefault is some jdanks-adjacent faggot who knows anus cabbage, if Elaine is mucking around with him she's either being taken for a ride or sliding into old habits
lols have been farmed there for damn near a year and there is a lot of content being hoarded I know for a fact people have days of Elaine audio but who wants even to listen to that voice? let alone sped up lol

No. 1558935

please hugboxers drip us some more milk in the next thread

No. 1560826

File: 1655247236985.png (298.11 KB, 375x542, elaineneedsporridge.png)

No. 1564814

After she attacked and deadnamed a tranny Elaine is now on discord claiming to be one and that is why we cannot make fun of her. She has lost it completely, collecting milk.

No. 1564847

She is SPERGING about this in discord, I don't fucking care about Elaine more than just want her to leave me the fuck alone but she just came in swinging about how this MUST be me because I said it would be funny if she was. The longer and angrier she gets about it, the more I believe it, though there isn't proof and I don't want to see her genetalia. That manface is all I need to convince myself.

No. 1564888

Elaine is currently talking about edging in a discord full of men, this milk will be the best!

No. 1564932

File: 1655567774826.jpeg (293.39 KB, 1920x1200, ajpujNr.jpeg)

Lil Elaine edit.

No. 1564960

File: 1655569596082.png (21.23 KB, 566x192, unknown-4.png)

Uh oh new Elaine server just dropped.

No. 1565080

File: 1655576997807.png (37.14 KB, 564x309, unknown-2~2.png)

Nice rules Elaine, nobody is going to follow them lol.

No. 1565186

File: 1655586344991.png (23.92 KB, 415x282, kino3.png)

Elaine is gross.

No. 1565194

File: 1655586734115.png (42.96 KB, 414x874, elaine turning.png)

Elaine just attacking Erika's sister again for someone else dumping on her, never forget Elaine knows she cannot do shit so she will only go after family members to try and win because it's the only thing she can do.
Elaine is a pickme.
Elaine always lies and brags.
Elaine cannot back up her mouth.
Elaine is a skeletal whore that looks like a tranny because she would rather smoke meth than eat a single sandwhich in her life.

No. 1565204

File: 1655588239279.png (78.21 KB, 895x291, josh_sig_supporters_laineyloo.…)

Josh breaks his silence on the impersonation issue but as someone would say he gets the deets wrong.

No. 1565325

File: 1655602093774.jpg (477.01 KB, 1242x1673, c6dNpK2.jpg)

elaine is still throwing a hissy fit in her hugbox server because a catfish boy won't give her attention

No. 1565334

when will she stop being such a pickme, oh my god

No. 1565447

cancelled#6522 was trollcow

No. 1565470

File: 1655620544948.png (933.45 KB, 2560x1440, Uwudles and Elaine 1.png)

I was informed that Uwudles had dumped some Elaine milk that painted some of the ladies here, and the ladies at KF in a bad light as a pick me.
I am the person Elaine let into her account, she has not changed her password since, three parts here.

These are all from Elaine's personal DMs, this is on her for going after so many people and refusing to admit her failures and learn from them. Uwudles knows what she has done to deserve not to be redacted.
We have talks of xanax, booze addiction, purging, bulimia. These people are both unstable and untrustworthy, not sure if Uwudles is talking about Erectile Dysfunction here or not.

No. 1565471

File: 1655620681898.png (865.57 KB, 2560x1440, uwuwdles and elaine 2.png)

Here is both of them admitting they do Meth as well as other uppers. Elaine claims she does cocaine but not meth and both want to be super muscley.

No. 1565472

File: 1655620743281.png (1.1 MB, 1284x2778, 0013.png)

Final piece, some really, really weird stuff they talked about, and gross cooming. Just ridiculous, no wonder they are gayoping together right now.

No. 1565644

>I am the person Elaine let into her account, she has not changed her password since, three parts here.

No, everyone saw these months ago when Elaine first sent them around claiming she was going to trigger Uwuudles into an eating disorder relapse to get revenge for some skim milk leak.

No. 1565693

I do not see how that dispells a thing, but rather makes me ask why others withheld the caps in the first place when it is clearly quality milk. Was it to be hidden from the public view forever?

No. 1565740

File: 1655652257253.png (96.48 KB, 1017x536, elaine server.png)

Oh no nonnas I think I may be leaving exf data all over my post and forgot how to save jpgs.

No. 1565743

>clearly quality milk
Where? Elaine sucking up to yet another nobody she failed to turn into her personal army. You could fill an entire thread with identical screenshots, it's just that they're boring and nobody cares and this is just trying to distract from how she's embarrassed about her crush ignoring her publicly.

No. 1565755

File: 1655653152233.png (217.03 KB, 504x767, elaine server 2.png)

Lainey leaks.

No. 1565763

File: 1655654069257.png (237.32 KB, 475x733, elaine pissy.png)

Oh boy, idk Elaine I actually have a job unlike you. Was so cringe to watch you last night set up your server and have a status claiming you were in a work meeting for four hours. Took you four hours to make 5 channels and 2 tiers of roles.

No. 1565775

File: 1655655347537.png (Spoiler Image,233.77 KB, 472x599, elaine server 3.png)

As everyone knows by now Elaine likes hanging out with gross scrotes but I have spoiled this image as there is nsfw, familiar nsfw, like the scrotes who spammed the site.
Could it be….Elaine is gayoping with people again? pseudo gasp of mock surprise

No. 1565785

File: 1655655758442.png (17.5 KB, 501x205, elaine server 4.png)

More leaky drips with a new plot.

No. 1565822

How does a chatlog from last year prove they're gayoping together right now?

No. 1565952

Imagine blowing your load immediately like you, lmao.

No. 1566090

And Mike can only do it once!

No. 1566094

pee is stored in the balls

No. 1566555

File: 1655707588674.png (13.86 KB, 644x100, elaine is off to serbia!.png)

Damnit, JDANKS420 outfoxed us all! Elaine is off to Serbia, the master manipulator personal army Internet King has won once again!

No. 1566564

File: 1655708628269.png (124.2 KB, 259x355, null picked me.png)

Hello Losers from LCF and that Evil Ines and Erika, I won and you lost, nothing you can say will stop me because guess what?
There were two nulls, and one picked me, see I was the only superhacker smart enough to realize JDANKS420 was actually Streaming Null and he was just being ironic on MATI because he didnt want anyone else winning the prize of finding out that he is the secret Null, his hand in marriage. He asked me to fly to Serbia to marry him so of, course I went because I need attention or I will freak the fuck out like a small little baby pick me cockney whore because that is what I am. I will never learn and I will never change because I won!
One way ticket, I am never going to see you losers again, cope and seethe. I am anonymous, and my best friend Scumhook is giving me Encyclopedia Dramatica! Everyone who is still in my server is officially in on my gay op and I will meet each of you where I DM'd you to meet.

No. 1566616

File: 1655715459008.png (5.99 KB, 129x67, pickme.png)

Say the line Bart.

No. 1566993

File: 1655751164354.png (89.78 KB, 740x606, elaines right, she is dumb.png)

This was passed to me by a super secret blackcap hacker(you can tell she is a black hat as her pfp has one)who is in contact with Elaine, legal troubles for posting to LCF? Paying 500 an hour for a lawyer?
All these lies and more, tonight, on the Elaine show.

No. 1566994

File: 1655751186685.png (119.07 KB, 794x902, black cap hacks her way into a…)

No. 1566995

File: 1655751234071.png (115.65 KB, 680x872, trying to explain to elaine wh…)

Elaine has no clue what a MAC address is.

No. 1566996

File: 1655751277394.png (100.06 KB, 785x845, elaine mac address mix up.png)

She is just the silliest edgelord I have ever seen.

No. 1566998

File: 1655751385373.png (108.34 KB, 507x864, erika and sig, public enemies …)

No. 1567042

File: 1655754261451.png (106.72 KB, 664x610, elaine admits she is not a hac…)

"I do not know anything about what you or Erika can do" Lich Bitch has not really said to be anything but from 8chan, is Elaine maybe admitting she cannot hack, is not an oldfag like she tries to be(lol 20)? Whaaaat?

No. 1567043

File: 1655754359116.png (145.84 KB, 641x886, lol elaine.png)

No. 1567044

File: 1655754413324.png (62.16 KB, 663x426, felted elaine.png)

If you keep Elaine pressed she will crumble to any lie she spits out, pic is proof in the pudding.

No. 1567050

File: 1655754571178.png (64.6 KB, 669x452, desperate.png)

She still hasn't seen that she is being leaked in real time.

No. 1567055

File: 1655754723977.png (115.5 KB, 665x852, im done, still typing....png)

No. 1567058

File: 1655754913004.png (68.41 KB, 534x598, fucking crazy.png)

Elaine made over 100 guesses at who Lich Bitch was and admits it after claiming that using one is a gotcha…

No. 1567073

Well I told her Erika's uncle was in interpol and that is when she stopped typing finally and blocked me. Say you sent death threats without saying it any % challenge completed.

No. 1567084

This is some prime quality raw milk. How does she think anyone believes her she knows shit about computers when she displays her retardedness and lack of understanding of the most simple concepts like that? Keep up with the 1337 h4xx0rz, Elaine.

No. 1567090

Yeah like it's amazing, I am just very lucky with milk, total sped over here and I could press her on this shit. Super surprised that I have to be the one revealing all her lies in public but hey, I guess coddling Elaine is why she is the way she is now so I cannot complain or I wouldn't be getting so many laughs out of her.

No. 1567097

I can't get over "I don't use a Mac I have an HP", holy shit. She must realize how retarded she sounds to anyone who knows the least bit about computers when she won't even learn about the most basic things.

(She doesn't use a Mac because she can't afford one)

Thanks Nona, I can sustain myself just on your milk for months.

No. 1567244

Blaine you literally tell on yourself every single time because no one else calls you Erika. Not that I don't appreciate your work here but fix your opsec.

Elaine please stop with the retarded pedo cope, you literally fucked a cunny spammer and had your fat boyfriend tell everyone all about it, oblivious to how much worse that reflects on you than anyone you associate with.

No. 1567258

Eh? That's not how you can tell I dropped the milk lol, you have schizophrenia if you think I'm every post calling me Erika.
You know it's me cause I make a joke about it clearly being my alt at the start of the drop. Also my reddit post formatting. Don't hi cow me ya pick me.

No. 1567358

File: 1655775616870.jpg (381.69 KB, 1920x1074, elaine3.jpg)

No. 1605117

File: 1659449842977.jpeg (98.86 KB, 1024x708, 1C3FC9A1-A4BC-4769-80E5-834DDF…)


No. 1605513

There is a new thread, what are you doing?

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