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File: 1740764616651.jpg (55.32 KB, 500x500, tumblr_57dced687d1f638a37550d7…)

No. 2423171

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events and thoughts from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>2397894

No. 2423179

Whoever keeps changing the OP so they can post OT stuff itt is weird kek

No. 2423181

i feel upset because i love that tortoise who couldnt make it to the toilet in time i love this awesome image but i feel like i need to leave lolcow because i am an addict.

No. 2423183

OT = ordure tortoise or what?

No. 2423185

That's not even tortoise shit that's just a bath mat

No. 2423186

you enjoy ruining my fun?

No. 2423189

File: 1740765092754.jpeg (809.07 KB, 1125x782, C1CA9386-DC42-4F66-95BB-4974BE…)

Darn I was too slow to make the new thread. Picrel was my choice for tnreadpic.

No. 2423190

That might be tortoise poop, I did not notice it when picking the picture. But sulcata tortoises are forces of destruction and having had mine destroy my bathroom on a mundane Tuesday, I laughed when I saw this pic and decided to use it.

No. 2423191

I'm sorry. I've lost my sense of childlike wonder and imagination.

No. 2423193

Why is he taking FOUR croissants for ONE plate? Some of that better be for some friends.

No. 2423196

Hamsters have big cheek pouches. She will take them so she can save them for later.

No. 2423197

he looks quite rotund, i wouldn't put eating four past him. little fella's got no neck.

No. 2423199

>male hamster
A fat fuck taking more than he can eat
>female hamster
Taking extra for friends, saving some for later
Kek I love you, nonas

No. 2423200

Off topic. Anons keep posting stuff here that fits in other threads and get mad when they're redirected to other threads, so "thoughts" was added back to the OP.

No. 2423203

Croissants are mostly butter and air anyways. I refuse to fat shame the hamster.

No. 2423206

File: 1740765567573.png (291.21 KB, 1200x1420, Era+of+cruelty_e06c52_12298775…)

Stepped waaaay outside of my comfort zone to go join a yoga class that someone invited me to. Drove thirty minutes to get there, but couldn't find parking so I had to park far away. Ended up being three minutes late but when I got there, they had locked the doors and put up a sign that said that class had started and to come back next week.
Let this be a lesson to everyone: Trying is stupid and it's better to stay inside and do what you want all day, because at least then you won't waste a bunch of gas and time. Ignore everyone who tells you to get out and do stuff, they're just haters that can't be happy indoors.

No. 2423216

Samefag. The reason I didn't put this in vents is because one, there's no emotion of anger attached to this, just smug satisfaction that I was right again, and two, this has happened several times so it's become routine.

No. 2423223

That girl Caysseigh is literally the worst.

No. 2423237

File: 1740767125791.jpg (8.88 KB, 199x254, 1000037962.jpg)

I would like to announce that I managed to masturbate successfully while on antidepressants. It took two hours but I managed to do it. I tried to think about a few different men but somehow I could only successfully do it while thinking about my ex who is a piece of human garbage that emotionally abused me but I am still attracted to his body. He is a skinny and malnourished vegan with abs because he exercises like a maniac since he hates himself and his diet consists of bread, vegan yogurt and frozen pizza and I like the fact that I could carry him on my back. He experienced twink death at the age of 26 and now his hairline is receding. I still think about him.

No. 2423238

Happy for you nona. I hope your ex slips on a stray hot wheels car and his spindly little bones shatter though. This just makes me think of how much don't wanna go on antidepressants Id rather be miserable and cooming

No. 2423324

I just remembered being completely obsessed with the barbie of swan lake movie when I was 6 years old. I wanted to dress like Odette so badly on Halloween and they even had a costume at the store. My parents never bought it for me though. I remember seeing the neighbors daughter in the dress and I was so jealous and seething kek

No. 2423326

Kek I love how these moments stick in the back of your brain forever. I still have a little ember of hatred for the girl who stole my wallball in 3rd grade. Natalie…

No. 2423333

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Going out for brunch with my friends tomorrow, been months since I last had a good eggs benedict with salmon! They are also serving pancakes that are inspired by a seasonal treat here that I just know I'm gonna scarf down like there is no tomorrow! Good food and good company, what could be a better start on a saturday? If I get home early I might also bake some protein muffins and enjoy a good book. Maybe I'll finally get some reading done now that my roomie is gonna take back his ps5 to play monter hunter

No. 2423352

I still remember the girl who I hated in preschool that pushed me off the jungle gym. I ended up breaking my arm because of it and she didn’t get in trouble. I still think her bowl cut was hideous and if I saw her today I would tell her as much. Fuck you Megan

No. 2423377

nta but cooming on antidepressants is possible, you just need to wait a little for your body to adjust to them

No. 2423379

File: 1740774675099.jpg (61.11 KB, 536x718, IMG_20250131_040726_014.jpg)

i love this threadpic. i love tortoises

No. 2423386

True I am on antidepressants and hormonal birth control and it is possible. I have to work harder for it since going on antidepressants but nothing much has changed just that I don't want to masturbate as often as before and after I do and have an orgasm I feel much more satisfied - maybe because I feel like I accomplished something kek. Now it is maybe twice per month that I really want to do it. I was already dry while only on birth control and never had an orgasm before while having intercourse with a partner so nothing much has changed tbh and I am much more emotionally stable

No. 2423394

Happy for you! I spontaneously went out to brunch a few days ago and I won a free brunch from the restaurant. God I love brunch.

No. 2423416

Brunch is the best! There was a period where my friends and I would meet up for brunch a lot, to the point the husband of one of them started calling us "the brunch bunch" kek

No. 2423485

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Well. I just finished the show I was watching and once again I feel a void inside of me.

No. 2423513

I think I have a cold. I already feel a whole lot better than before but my nose getting clogged and dripping is so annoying

No. 2423526

ive had 3 hydration IVs this month, started drinking Gatorade every day, i already carry my water bottle everywhere but i still feel dehydrated as hell what gives

No. 2423538

Idk what Gatorade is but if it has caffeine in it, it makes you pee a lot and actually dehydrate you.

No. 2423569

>Idk what Gatorade is
empower yourself

No. 2423581

Do you think this was a weirder experience for the tortoise or for the horse

No. 2423588

I need 20 minutes of intense head to cum but it's worth it

No. 2423633

Have you gotten your blood work checked? That sounds like early stage diabetes or kidney failure.

No. 2423691

File: 1740786552548.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 2814x2787, 1000005189.jpg)

ive been keeping track of the days on my work calendar with stickers instead of crossing stuff out like i used to and its so fuckin cute. spoiler for personal pic

No. 2423698

This is really cute anon. I can never stick with a calendar even though I would be better off if I did. Maybe I should try this.

No. 2423701

I love your calendar nonny, it's very pretty!

No. 2423702

So cute nona. Me encanta!

No. 2423706

I'm gonna try to wear more dresses and skirts this summer. I have a number of really pretty ones in my wardrobe that are waiting for their chance, but since I rarely wear them I always feel like some sort of…impostor(?) wearing them and like my friends are gonna judge me. The whole reason I stopped wearing them is because of how much I hate my body so I always think they look off on me, I'm normal weight with a slightly wider body type so I keep comparing how the clothes fit on models and my really thin friends. But this summer I'm gonna do my best to learn to kick this negative habit!

No. 2423707

I love cute shit like this nonna, thanks for the inspo nona! Gonna do the same with my calendars from now on

No. 2423709

No. 2423745

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My roommate came home in the middle of the night and accidentally woke me up. Usually I just go back to sleep when that happens because I find those little "home" sounds comforting, but this time I was just about to fall asleep and it startled me enough that I'm now too awake to fall asleep.

No. 2423753

Go back to sleep, I'll keep watch over you

No. 2423775

My friend is very kind to me. She's very sweet and innocent. I wish I could protect her from the horrors of the world.

No. 2423837

Why is Windows forcing me to update to Windows 11. The current one works fine.

No. 2424093

Had a friend growing up who was allergic to peanuts and I accidentally fed her peanuts on several occasions. One time she was sleeping over at my house and she somehow puked in her own hair. I remember my mom washing her hair out in the sink at like one in the morning. Sorry mom.

No. 2424098

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Gatorade is a sports drink that's like if someone melted a popsicle and diluted it with water from a garden hose. Idk how burger athletes drink so much of it, it's yucky.

No. 2424099

Do you not see the poop to the right of the bath mat

No. 2424100

idk why but i have not been able to stop watching this tom cruise oprah interview lately, its obvious that he was on coke or something but wow. i wish i could feel this way.

No. 2424110

>but wow. i wish i could feel this way.
lmao but same, god same

No. 2424112

it's giving "i can't take her anywhere"

No. 2424129

Powerade is better

No. 2424144

yesss, love me that blue one. Hits so good with a spicy mccchicken

No. 2424150

Came to the conclusion, after some deep thought, that being alone without a relationship is a good idea. For me. I wanna do some pretty lame stuff with my look and I kinda don't wanna be challenged on it. If me and my dog wanna wear matching shirt and overalls, I'm going to do so with flare and a smile. Not really interested in changing it up to meet someone else's tastes. Compromise? Fuck that. Me and my lil' fella are gonna go to the park and share shredded carrots under the shade of tree on a good day.
Maybe decorate my room with stupid shit. Really embrace the freedom of it all instead of seeing it as a negative.

No. 2424158

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I am dropping out of college to focus full time on neeting and drawing. I made up my mind. I am telling my mom tomorrow when she comes back from a vacation, she will beat me.

No. 2424169

I’m sorry nonny, I feel for you. Just do the right thing, I hope you do, and that you feel better. Neeting isn’t good,

No. 2424170

>Neeting isn’t good
It will always be better than being a wagey. I wont miss college.

No. 2424204

I wish I had at least one coworker that could match my freak so I can have someone to talk about some wild shit with instead of being surrounded by normies that gives me a weird look and tell me to stop listening to "those weird podcasts".

No. 2424218

i mean if you can make actual substantial money then thats great but its still good to take even 2 classes just so you get out of the house and have something to fall back on

No. 2424219

Yes, but how will you survive?

No. 2424265

Honestly, if you aren't taking advantage of internships and other undergrad-exclusive programs, college isn't really worth it anymore anyway. You can't live on your parents' dime forever, but it's okay to do so for a little while to figure out where you're going in life and reevaluate your options. You can also go back and finish your degree at a later time if you so choose.

Part of why being a wagie sucks is that people don't feel any kind of personal meaning in the work they do. I used to hate my job until I began working at non-profits. I hope you eventually find something that speaks to you in the same way, maybe through your artwork.

No. 2424268

I like Propel, especially the watermelon flavor one.

No. 2424283

Anime was a mistake(wrong thread)

No. 2424289

Mom's wallet then suicide when she dies.
Something that made me decide to drop college is finding out that a person with my degree makes the same amount a wallmart wagey makes in the USA. Like whats even the point…

No. 2424292

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I just remembered that my ex had to use an orthopedic cushion at age 27 and he started to go bald. He would look like the oldest 27 year old martyr while sitting grumpy on his orthopedic throne while he was venting about his knee pain and would talk down to me because I ofc was always the one that wasn't good enough or working hard enough kek

No. 2424295

I don't understand why any of you put up with that. I'd have him in fetal position with his own dick in his mouth like locked in the closet for weeks until he learned to behave like a normal human being. Women who put up with negging STAND UP

No. 2424346

>mom's wallet
not dad's wallet? shame

No. 2424352

Who tf is the nona who keeps coming in here and giving nonas crazy diagnoses. Someone will have such a mundane issue and all of a sudden you're on your death bed.

No. 2424364

I downloaded that finch app to give myself some motivation to complete small tasks today. Feels kind of pathetic but I hope it works.

No. 2424377

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No. 2424382

advanced scrotefoiling

No. 2424384

File: 1740837181518.jpg (176.22 KB, 1500x1500, 7162QSM5TxS.jpg)

thinking about whether i should bring this to college tomorrow, bc morale and friendship or whatever but its so yummy i don't want it to run out since it was expensive too

No. 2424388

pls share but i dont want the cherry ones

No. 2424404

I played MKDD for forty minutes before turning it off again because I'm too bad at it and it's no fun playing if it's not my uncles version where he achieved everything already.

No. 2424419

I want to bake but I'm not at home and I just hate rummaging around other's kitchens to find ingredients and having them hovering around saying "oh that looks yummy!" or whatever takes me out of the zen of baking that I so crave and appreciate. For me baking is a solo sport.

No. 2424421

you can tell apart the flavours? amazing, it's all just sour sweet to me

No. 2424432

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Sometimes I want to shave my head and just wear wigs. I don't hate my hair or anything, I actually think my hair is really prettyeven when it's damaged, I just want to have everything, be everyone and do anything.

No. 2424447

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I wish I could get a pixie again, it was so much fun and very practical, cutest look I ever had. I could wash my hair at any moment and it would dry super fast, and as the curls were closer to my scalp it looked hydrated and bouncy all the time. That hairstyle made every outfit look unique and cute. God I miss it. Too bad I live at Tangamandapio and society bullies any woman who doesn't burn her curls into a long silk press, literally no fun allowed. I still remember people looking at me weird, insulting me or asking me if I was sick like??

And my texture changed so much since then, I used to have curly hair but it turned wavy. I bet a pixie would look absolutely gorgeous with this hair texture reeeee

No. 2424513

please do it please do it please do it

No. 2424543

Don't you feel bad spending your mom's money indefinitely like that? Obviously she loves you, but at a certain point it's taking advantage of her.

No. 2424610

I went to the gym yesterday and went too hard on the hip abductions so now my ass and hips hurt.

No. 2424624

oh kek i just realized, all the cherry ones were on one side and i just never got to them

No. 2424652

Do it nonna.
I love this haircut on curly women.

No. 2424667

you didn't save me any non-cherry ones…….

No. 2424683

Hair thread: >>>/g/369903
Food thread: >>>/ot/1949746

Mundane Shit is about mundane eventst

No. 2424702

Isn't it usually a good thing if the muscles hurt a little after a workout?

No. 2424709

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I'm not religious but I can't help but turn to god in those moments when I get hit with the period shits ten minutes from home and I have to pray to every higher power imaginable as the struggle keeps getting harder the closer to home I get.(belongs tmi thread )

No. 2424715

File: 1740854806446.jpg (90.12 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

I just found out that my leopard gecko, who I assumed was a dude, is actually a female. The first and only FTM I will ever support.

No. 2424716

She was never a man she was always a woman. Don't insult her by calling her a troon and don't upload pictures with that hate symbol.

No. 2424720

If that was true, then why didn't HE ever correct me all the times I referred to him with male terms? Look anon, I don't like it either but unfortunately I have to accept my child for who he is. Now if he was a MTF then that would be a different situation…..

No. 2424721

you mistook the sex of your own pet and then further insult it by calling it trans? ew, the gecko deserves better

No. 2424724

>Deleted the post to change "male" to "dude."
>Still refers to women as "female"

No. 2424726

File: 1740855455276.jpg (25.24 KB, 561x366, 20230104_154200.jpg)

worked with my bitchy coworker for the first time today and it was as bad as i expected. i've worked with more experienced specialists before and none of them were as entitled as her. i'll have to work with her two times a week this month ughhhh fml i hope she goes on vacation

No. 2424729

Who knew female geckos were women.

No. 2424734

He's already getting the best. I just scheduled his double masectomy.
Jokes aside though, are troon pets really a thing people do? I feel like I've never come across it.

No. 2424737

Yes and tbh I do enjoy the soreness but now I'm debating whether or not I want to do cardio today

No. 2424739

Samefag, I enjoy the soreness because it makes me feel acomplished. I didnt realize how weird that sounded until I posted kek

No. 2424768

I'm watching the first episode of Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, and I'm realizing that what I thought mormon people were like is wrong kek

No. 2424773

No. 2424776

Saying I'm watching a TV show is mundane anon. Plus, I'm not actually really saying anything about the show itself in that post.

No. 2424783

The most shocking thing to me was their soda drinking habits. Genuinely that much sugar is sinful on a soul deep level.

No. 2424788

File: 1740858409297.jpg (110.1 KB, 975x1300, 36442472-female-nerd-at-the-la…)

Shut the fuck up you mini modding ass bitch GODDAMN

No. 2424791

my post wasn't about the food itself it was about me thinking about if i should share it, dumbass

No. 2424818

My dad's a deadbeat
those are the risks you take when you have a child tbh. I dont feel bad because i was her choice in the first place. Its like getting a puppy then getting angry you have to take care of it for the rest of your life.

No. 2424827

You are genuinely retarded and you're lucky your mother's a doormat

No. 2424865

What's interesting is that Mormons are supposed to avoid caffeine… but the Church of Latter Day Saints also own huge shares in Coca Cola.

No. 2424873

The Coca Cola corporation produces caffeinated beverages as well as non-caffeinated beverages.

No. 2424879

File: 1740862129209.png (48.91 KB, 1582x220, mormon.PNG)

I hate how the reason that mormons can't drink coffee is because the women were tired of cleaning up nasty tobacco spit after the moids had their meetings so they retaliated by banning the "substances" that women liked during their meetings: coffee and tea.

No. 2424920

>wah wah how dare you not want to be a wagey cagey slave for the rest of your life
not my problem, hope this teaches you not to bring children onto this world unless you are rich

No. 2424966

File: 1740866286677.jpg (63.26 KB, 736x736, 1000133716.jpg)

So I was home alone for a while and I did what everyone does whenever we get some privacy I sang for a while the thing is that my ear has been plugged/clogged for almost two years at this point, and that made my ear feel less plugged/clogged?? How?? Should I do that more often then? Will this help me cure that shit?

No. 2424972

File: 1740866636873.jpg (375.61 KB, 2560x2560, 81b2B68+5tL.jpg)

nona… you need pic rel. likely you have a huge thing of earwax in your ear if you arent having pain with it just the plug/ clog feeling. warm water and one of these, if it still doesnt come out with just water you can get wax dissolving drops. its easy

No. 2424977

I went to the ER recently and while I was waiting for my paperwork one of the nurse was bored and cleaned out my ears. I had big chunks of hardened wax. It felt so good after. I had the same issues as you.

No. 2425004

Does this happen if you don't clean your ears with qtips? Honestly kind of wish I could have this happen to me because it feels so relieving but it never has and my ears are fine. So how do you do it.

No. 2425009

I have very leaky ears even if I clean them almost daily. I usually clean them with a soft cloth after showering. I sometimes use a qtip when there's too much build up. The nurse suggested I get them clean at a clinic once or twice a year or try this >>2424972.

No. 2425011

I'm mad about how much money I spent on books I could have just got from the library this whole time. I don't know why but after being a kid the concept of using the library just disappeared from my mind until recently. Before anyone says just pirate I prefer trying to find an official copy first then use piracy as a last resort.

No. 2425017

I usually clean my ears daily with q-tips and peroxide, tbh, this happened after I got an hyper-mega-uber-strong flu that made me half deaf for a few days, in theory I mostly have mucus on the inside.
I've tried washing my nose and such and I feel some relief/can hear better but it's still weirdly clogged/plugged.

No. 2425034

You're probably causing an overproduction of ear wax cleaning your ears this often

No. 2425053

File: 1740869804333.jpg (32.76 KB, 736x1055, 1000133749.jpg)

I'm fucked.

No. 2425056

I just followed a stretch tutorial on youtube, and it really felt awful on my arms. I was straining them the whole time. Maybe I have short arms or something.

No. 2425057

If you have tmj that can also contribute to the clogged feeling. I’ve had tmj forever but suddenly started dealing with the clogged ear symptom and had no clue tmj could cause it. It might be worth looking into if it’s not a wax or mucus problem

No. 2425065

Twitter is so shit I'm getting ads for Cheech and Chong marijuana. I don't smoke.

No. 2425227

Got mcdonalds. They didn't have mcflurrys so they gave me a strawberry smoothie instead. Gooooooooooooooood I'm pissed. Not reallying on them for mcflurrys anymore, I'll just buy cookies and cream ice cream.

No. 2425232

Standing on business.

No. 2425247

i had such a cute patient interaction today. this lady was so sweet and she completed the joke i was making unexpectedly it totally brightened up my entire day. i forgive her for making me gag from the poop disaster but that wasn't her fault either.

No. 2425256

There's only one thing I like at McDonald's and it's the frozen Coke. Three times so far, I've gone through the drive-thru just to find out after ordering and paying that they were out of the Coke flavor slushies. Why the fuck didn't you tell me that before I paid, assholes? It's basically a scam. I'm basically forced to pay for a nasty cherry slushie I don't want and then have to give to one of my coworkers. Assholes.

No. 2425258

>brighten my day and have poop disasters
I work with animals and I have the same experience

No. 2425270

i'm sad my pup is getting older but he's also gotten so sweet and cuddly. Like if he hears me sitting down on the couch he'll come running to cuddle up and he'll tuck his head behind my back.

No. 2425286

Old pets are the best tbh. They just want to loaf around and be petted.

No. 2425289

Mormons are quickly becoming the new Catholics, where they have a shit-zillion absurdly stringent rules, but don't actually follow the majority of them. The rules exist purely as a pretext to judge other people in the religion kek.

No. 2425296

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This happened with my leopard gecko, but in the opposite direction. You can't really tell what sex they are until they're around eight months old, so I basically just took a guess at mine's sex for the sake of picking a name and picked female. Sure enough, he not only grew up to be male, but also unusually large (which is weird, because he was not advertised by the breeder as being an extra large morph). My friends all have female leos and he's so much bigger than them, like almost double the size. (Picrel not mine)

No. 2425312

File: 1740885289309.jpg (209.04 KB, 850x1200, 1675859917405.jpg)

I am going to drink a coffee then draw all night.

No. 2425320

File: 1740885521588.jpg (2.57 MB, 1968x2624, 1000001872.jpg)

Your guy must have some giant genes in him! Maybe the breeder didn't think he inherited the genes for it. I think giant leos are awesome, they give me the same feeling as looking at a really big plushie.

No. 2425330

What are you thinking of drawing, nona?

No. 2425345

File: 1740885980657.jpeg (763.54 KB, 1125x1054, 14C4CC1F-DFFD-44A0-86C7-40CC29…)

Jealous. I have to get up early and work on my assignment due tomorrow. I’d rather draw.

No. 2425353

This is going to be me starting from next week. I am enjoying my time before i am forced to stop neeting. God i hate being poor.

No. 2425376

I want to work on my figure drawing and construction. I struggle a lot with it.

No. 2425501

He's also really docile and does great with handling. He just sits calmly in my hand and lets me pet his head with my finger.

No. 2425611

This threadpic just made me laugh so fucking hard, what the hell

No. 2425627

I need to know if the tortoise bugged the fuck out and broke their actual bathroom, or if it was a decorative toilet for guests KEK

No. 2425632

Ordered a bunch of oversize t-shirts with cute prints. Figured since I am completely unable to curb my life-long hatred for my body I might as well lean into covering it up. Maybe I'll also start wearing a paper bag over my face, who knows!

No. 2425635

You should wear super long fake eyelashes so they stick out of the eyehole cutouts kek

No. 2425642

Of course! How else am I gonna signal to the world that I'm a woman? I should put a bow on the bag too, just in case plebs are too afraid to look me in the eye holes

No. 2425712

>hit it off with a Guatemalan woman at a concert
>try to use my very mediocre castellano skills
>switch to japanese midsentence because the pronunciations are kinda similar
I was very drunk in this moment tbf but it was so embarrassing.

No. 2425766

I'm sorry anon, idk how mcdonald's is always out of SOMETHING. It's been hours and I'm still seething about the smoothie. I tried to convinceyself that it was good but the banana flavor was simply too strong.

No. 2425860

Warming up my hedgehog.

No. 2425864

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Please post pics if you're comfortable with it, I love hedgehogs. I've thought about getting one.

No. 2425900

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I love my cat but he's so gross. He constantly sucks on his paws whenever he's not in the mood to play and then his mouth starts drooling while he cries at me to hold him. He's ridiculously clingy and follows me everywhere. I think it’s because I’m the only one in the house who tolerates him enough to hold him. I can never get him to stop, he'll suck on one paw, wipe it on my clothes, suck on the other one, and wipe it on my clothes again. Then I have to change because I end up smelling like cat food, dry saliva, and occasionally poop because he doesn’t bother to clean his ass properly after pooping. If I don’t hold him, he’ll chase his brothers and choke them with his paw while still sucking on it. I don’t know how to make him stop. I thought about using garlic-infused oil but then I remembered it’s toxic to cats and I definitely don’t want to risk that. I tried cone collars but he would just jump around like crazy and crie non-stop so that didn’t work either. Right now he’s outside my room banging on the door while his brothers chirp to each other. Not picrel but he is a ginger and sometimes sits with his tongue out

No. 2425921

Maybe he is just stupid and baby-like.

No. 2425941

I almost cried reading this I miss my cat so bad

No. 2425955

Sounds like he was separated from his mother too soon or rejected by her, and now you’re mommy to him.

No. 2425958

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Saw the thumbnail of this video and thought it was a beautiful muscular woman on my feed but I clicked on it and realized it was a dude! I'm so disappointed nonnies(wrong thread)

No. 2425965

Are you sure it's a dude

No. 2425969

I hate when I have to work or do something later in the day and it's just lingering over me. I never know what to do in the earlier part of the day and end up just wasting time. I'd rather have things to do in the morning and get them over with.

No. 2425973

He’s had a fuckton of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures done to feminize his appearance but yeah, very beautiful guy

No. 2425980

>very beautiful guy
He looks like any typical gay guy who is young and he's using a filter. Or this is pre-twink death. I bet he isn't over 25. Why do you guys use or view tiktok if you can't see filters? No wonder I read so many depressing posts here. Imagine living in a world where every pick me and fag who is desperate for attention are "beautiful"

No. 2425986

Disgusting faggot

No. 2426003

Why are faggots so annoying

No. 2426111

Just found a hair in my sandwich, I'm trying to decide if it's a pube or not. I just dropped it too, might be a sign to not eat it.

No. 2426114

don't eat it

No. 2426116

me replying to this this quickly is also a sign, you may not want to waste ingredients/money but you have to be above eating a dropped sandwich with hair in it

No. 2426121

It's OK anon I already threw it out. I was gonna eat it after dropping it though tbh, as unlike me as it is.

No. 2426159

its ok nonnie, we all have our lowest moments, mine is eating my muesli cereal even after i realized there were ants in it that i just picked out because that muesli was expensive and delicious.

No. 2426182

I once accidentally ate ants. Didn’t realize we had a problem and grabbed a cookie off of a plate and ate it. Went back for seconds and saw the ants. Explained why the cookie tasted a bit weird but not awful enough for me to not get seconds.

No. 2426245

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This year I FINALLY remembered to order the annual limited edition tea based on a seasonal pastry in my country, I even ordered two bags! I usually don't care for gimmicky teas and drinks, but I tried this one at my friend's place a couple of years ago and I've been obsessing over the thought of drinking more ever since because it was SO GOOD. So excited!

No. 2426275

Just laughing about the thought that one day in the far future anime will be "ancient art" that they have to study in school

No. 2426282

Decided I'm gonna "work" from home tomorrow. I'm still absolutely exhausted despite a calm weekend, I'm already a little bit ahead of schedule so I'm gonna tell my supervisor I got some really bad period cramps in the morning and just take my sweet time doing what I need on the project the rest of the day.

No. 2426286

I know this feel, luckily though I have Monday and Tuesday free so I can just continue working throughout the weekend and those two days, I need to actually finish some study material and it's kind of a pain in the ass but I have to do this or my boss will get all annoying about it.

No. 2426292

what flavor it is nona?

No. 2426306

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Semla! It's a seasonal pastry here in Sweden, it's a cardamom roll filled with sweetened almond paste and whipped cream. Whenever any place tries to make some sort of drink inspired version of it they just end up tasting weird as fuck, but this tea brand has found the perfect balance in the mix of flavors of almond, cream and cadradmom

No. 2426316

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there's a lake next to my apartment building and sometimes i like to go out and watch the turtles in it. i didn't realize there were so many turtles until a couple of weeks ago but now i make it a point to go past it when im out for walks

No. 2426319

Cinnamon tea sucks. I thought I would like it but it almost made me gag. Sad.

No. 2426323

Yeah I can't imagine pure cinnamon being palatable wtf lol

No. 2426334

I just saw Casey Anthony on social media. I didn't even know she was free.

No. 2426349

>see spider next to me
>try to grab it real quick but it runs off
>decide to go to bed
>bout to sleep when I feel a bite
>the spider came back to fucking bite me
>I swear it looked me dead in the eyes before running away.
I swear that spider came back for revenge, havent seen it since. Not even mad tbh.

No. 2426350

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i drank a whole pot of coffee and gave myself a manicure and pedicure

No. 2426353

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I actually saw a picture of him yesterday. I was arguing with my moid friend aabout wheter it was a woman or a man, and i am glad i won. He's sexy as fuck, why arent straight men like this? also whats his handle

No. 2426355

Omg nonna he's so cute!

No. 2426371

>He's sexy as fuck
I really question farmer's tastes sometimes…

No. 2426373

He has rickets

No. 2426374

the average normie woman dates bald guys who dont wash their ass and you are have a problem with my taste? at least he's fit and has a full head of hair

No. 2426375

The animu grill disease

No. 2426377

He should do a JoJo cosplay.

No. 2426386

Who said I don't have a problem with women who like bald guys that don't wash their ass?

No. 2426387

Faggots make me gag on impulse. I agree with >>2426377 though he'd probably rock a Jojo cosplay

No. 2426389

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Listening to Work Bitch by Britney Spears while I get my steps in

No. 2426391

you were talking about having problems farmers taste, so it kinda implies you dont have a problem with normalfag's women lack of taste

No. 2426392

No that's not what it implies kek, what.

No. 2426395

sure lol

No. 2426431

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Finally ordered new glasses after a very long time of my prescription being fucked up!!! I'm so excited.

No. 2426435

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His shooped thighs look like weiner

No. 2426436

I want to be this cat

No. 2426460

This is great for glute bridges.

No. 2426467

I was looking at a site on my phone and it opened the app store to an app literally called "show wifi password". Motherfuckers tried to pull a quick one over my head. And it was just a site to see fast food prices!

No. 2426478

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I was comfy drinking my mint tea and reading some internet drama that became semi viral in my coutry and a guy who i used to be friends with irl and would sex pest me when i was a teen was part of the callout. WHAT THE FUCK. Apparently he raped a tranny and then him and this girl thats being called out drove him to suicide. HOLY SHIT. It was insane scrolling down and being hit with his ugly af mug. He's also apparently a serial rapist. He used to harass me and was obsessed with me, he even put a knife in my throat and told me he wanted to rape me in a car. HOLY FUCKING SHIT NONNIES.

No. 2426481

Get adguard for your phone nona

No. 2426529

I will never understand the tastes of fellow farmers. Never

No. 2426531

Whats your taste then

No. 2426540

Damn that’s scary. You’re lucky I guess? I wonder if he just hadn’t raped anyone yet so he didn’t follow-through on his threat when he knew you, but then he actually did it one day and kept doing it…

No. 2426547

I can't stop thinking about the anon who ate a turtle

No. 2426550

He actually told me about the rape. Which is probably why he deleted his whole side of the chat from facebook(you have to do this manually btw). He didnt told me it was rape, obviously, but he told me he had fucked a guy. He did this, i am pretty sure, because i was a fujo back then and he was trying to get into my pants. Absolutely wild.

No. 2426553

Wait ACTUALLY he didnt delete his side of the conversation. I can actually expose him.

No. 2426560

This week i'm actually gonna do it. I'm gonna stay off social media and stop wasting hours scrolling twitter and instagram and reddit

No. 2426573

No. 2426585

I woke up by the sound of something ”popping” really loudly and then after like 30-60 seconds later another, smaller one. The first one mildly sounded firework and the smaller one sounded like a popper. I looked outside and didn’t see anything but when I saw the (silent) blue lights a minute or two later I immediately got nosy and looked outside. I don’t know what, but something had caught fire up the hill opposite of my apartment. Luckily the fire department is close by here so they were already on it, but because there is a lot of trees on both sides of said road and a parking lot right beneath the one on our side I got REALLY FUCKING NERVOUS while I was watching them put it out. And my cat, like my supportive little hero, sat in my knee the entire time staring at me and purring which help me calm down a bit when I assured myself the firemen had everything under control - cars were calmly passing by and they themselves were pretty casual as they walked around putting it out. The fire seems to be out now but they and the police still have their blue lights on and I don’t have any any blackout draped so I just have to wait it out.

No. 2426594

Okay they turned off the lights now but I’m still a little too wound up to go back to sleep

No. 2426613

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I don’t know why but the more I look at this pic the more it makes me kek something about Trudeau is so funny and then you zoom in on the other people and half of them look so fucking awkward

No. 2426615

what does it feel like to be an honorary homosexual

No. 2426626

I wish my mundane was this exciting.

No. 2426666

It seems that holding your hands in front of you was the key to looking non-awkward in this picture, kek.

No. 2426667

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I was having a normal mundane neet day reading the new chapter for my favourite lolcow universe until i got hit with the realization one of my ex friends who was obsessed with me and tried to slice my throat was a tranny rapist, amazing. This is his mug btw. He became fat since we stopped being friends.

No. 2426673

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Lately I've been thinking that I want a desk that will let me sit cross legged, this desk seriously feels small as fuck. I should get a chair like pic related or something, but I'm pretty sure I would still feel very uncomfortable using this desk.

No. 2426679

I have always wanted one of these chairs so I could sit like bottom left in them. I try to sit like that in a regular desk chair but it makes my knees hurt. If you end up getting it let us know if it's comfortable!

No. 2426690

idk the guy in the bottom left [who?] is making me laugh

No. 2426695

was feeling sad about how stupid and lonely my life is, then watched Manifestelle video's to feel better. it's nice to see a woman openly talk in women's favor, though i disagree with her on some things of course. patriarchy is the ultimate reason my life is so retarded (from a conservative culture), like many women. ugh.

No. 2426699

bachatota drama?

No. 2426836

It's almost 10am and I still haven't really started working yet, probably barely gonna get anything done today and I regret nothing

No. 2426957

I'm going to the store

No. 2426970

What are you buying

No. 2426972

Do any of you also enjoy listening to Josh Johnson standup videos about current events? He's funny without affectation and looks like a kind lesbian which is endearing

No. 2426985

Pizza, ice cream, lemonheads

No. 2427001

This sinusitis is killing me, I have had a headache and tooth pain for 2 days straight and it won't go away.

No. 2427020

That sounds so good

No. 2427049

My instacarter just finished shopping in 3 minutes. She wasn't fucking around.

No. 2427051

I see female instacarters in the store occasionally and I don't think I've ever seen anyone more locked in in my life

No. 2427058

unironically there's probably fashionfags on TT dying to have the style of this cat

No. 2427073

Tried some wax melts that I got months ago and wow, those things are strong. Had to put it out after about 15 mins because my nose is tickling. Perhaps my room is too small.

No. 2427094

(null)chimpburgers - yawning sneasel - AnOminous "tranny trashing"

No. 2427096

lurk moar, ctomeez@gmail.com

No. 2427114

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bought big time rush concert tickets kek 10 year old me would be proud

No. 2427118

Watching Anora, going in mostly blind.

No. 2427125

Had starbucks from 2 days ago in my room. I am now drinking it. Wish me luck. (I'm gross and IDC)

No. 2427129

Aw, have fun nonnie.

No. 2427142

Did it have dairy in it?

No. 2427153

Cute. I live in the south, so the main turtle species is called cooters (lol), but they're very shy so you have to stand very far away to look at them or else they run away.

No. 2427154

Making some study material for some kids while listening to my favorite work playlist.

No. 2427158

Are you a teacher?

No. 2427164

Ate my breakfast of cheese, now I'll draw.

No. 2427185

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I just want to scarf down handfuls of nuts in one sitting. Peanuts, cashews, macadamia, almonds… and eat many bananas dipped in unholy amounts of creamy peanut butter. what is wrong with me. I eat well. I exercise regularly. I just had a big lunch, soba noodles and veggies with a lot of smoked tempeh and a side of salad with tahini dressing. breakfast was pretty big too. I had over 60g of protein today (which at my weight is enough to maintain muscle).

No. 2427186

Ew. No

No. 2427188

Yeah, but I work for a company that teaches after school. It's quite cozy like this even though I have to make the material myself because I hate the idea of stealing pre-existing stuff.

No. 2427189

No. 2427193

Why are you eating women Tf eat chicken like a normal person

No. 2427201

It honestly sounds like your body wants more protein. What happens if you give it more?

No. 2427229

I wanna have sex

No. 2427230

Ominous comment.

No. 2427255

Praying and hoping I hear back from this job today.

No. 2427257

Highly unusual

No. 2427259

I can finally breathe. I crave the sleep I didn't get for 3 days. Don't wanna refill my water bottle though. Lazy.

No. 2427268

That's a lot of conclusions you jumped to. You sound like a boomer having an aneurysm over tiktok filters. It's a casual comment about his appearance in relation to other guys, not the end of the world.

No. 2427270

60g of protein is way too low if you're actively working out

No. 2427278

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Watched an infographic video during class that was so boring it was probably the first time I've genuinely "nodded off". My eyes felt so heavy and my head physically recoiled back multiple times, it was like the video was never going to end

No. 2427282

Today I saw a teenage boy at the bus station freesyle rapping for his mom. She looked proud, too. Kinda endearing lol.

No. 2427290

Kekkk that's actually very endearing she must be a good mom bless her

No. 2427310

I wish teenage boys did this more often instead of bark at me at bus stops

No. 2427347

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Samefag, they just sent me an offer!!! God I'm so happy, everything feels like it's falling into place.

No. 2427353

Aw, that's cute. I saw a kid on the bus the other day making silly faces at his baby sister to make her laugh.

No. 2427359

Didn't do any work at all today, I just rested and occasionally poked on the laptop so I would still be logged on the work server and went to the store. I spent the rest of the time lying on the couch and watch youtube all day (and booted up the ps5 the moment I was "officially" off work). I usually don't do stuff like that, but I was so exhausted today I wouldn't get anything done anyway.

No. 2427374

You did it! Good job. Are you going to do anything special to celebrate?

No. 2427397

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I was bored so I made a daily fortune reading spread sheet. It'll give you your daily luck level, the lucky color and unlucky color and a 3-spread tarot reading. I might revamp it so that it gives you visual tarot reading with each card rather than text along with changing the lucky color to images of flowers.

No. 2427400

samefag but the arrows represent whether or not the card read is reversed or not.

No. 2427401

Also got a job offer in the past days and it´s gonna be the most money I ever earned I´m so happy. Congrats nonna!

No. 2427408

I'm gonna make a milkshake to treat myself I would've ate it even if I didn't get the offer though kek. It's been my only craving for days. Homemade whipped cream too
Congratulations to you too!

No. 2427534

Nonnies I don't eat fast food and avoid animal products but I am craving taco bell or something. I won't die if i deny myself it but I might enjoy it. It also might fuck up my stomach. Is it even worth it?

No. 2427537

I was feeling nostalgic and decided to watch old videos. I remembered this anime club video from years back, so I watched it again. I didn't even like Haruhi Suzumiya back when I watched it, but man that dance was fun back in the day. As cringe as this video comes across, it's filled with soul and sincerity from their weeb sperging. It was a simpler time.

No. 2427539

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old man kept honking at me to go into oncoming traffic. fuck off wallace, its my life that gets taken if i get into an accident not yours. it sucks to be in a rush but im not risking it if cars keep coming. i wanted to be so petty and hold my horn behind him once we were at a red light together but i got scared.
picrel me and the banner were typing at the same time

No. 2427540

Are you sure it will mess up your stomach? When I was vegetarian, I thought going back to eating meat would make me feel horrible because that's what I saw everyone saying but I was fine. Maybe just order 1 thing to treat yourself.

No. 2427547

i dont think i can be okay eating meat but a quesadilla with the little cheap veggies sounds so good. but i just think ill feel guilt. pretend i bought one for you instead nonnie. ill just make something at home later

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