Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!
Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!
Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!
Last thread
>>>/ot/2442637The "rules" are:
>no racebait You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!>no infightingThis one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!>don't reply to bait This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!>rest of /ot/ board rules applyThey should, but no, they dont>farmhands are always watchingThey only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazyDO NOT ENTER THIS THREAD IF YOU HAVE AN IQ ABOVE 90!
Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!!
(duplicate thread)