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No. 2409906

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2409909

started getting worried nobody was gonna make the next one, pls forgive if i fucked it up

No. 2409949

Looks good to me, OP.
I literally don't watch anime anymore because it's all male fanservice. Are they blind, retarded, or both?

No. 2409951

Looks correct to me, anon! Good job!

No. 2409982

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this is so corny

No. 2409985

Is the word tomboy means nothing nowadays?

No. 2410003

Difference is the lolicon bitches are often victims of online grooming and are trying to pander to males in the first place

No. 2410045

File: 1740093630019.jpg (888.19 KB, 1106x3769, belladonna.jpg)

>all this because some women in the qrts said Belladonna of Sadness isn’t feminist
Fans need to chill. The women disagreeing with her in QRTs had max 30 likes and whiteknights arguing with them, while someone agreeing with her got 300+ likes.

I don’t think women are wrong to consider it pornographic. And if women resonated with it, fine. But anime feminists need to take a hard look at themselves when it’s both female fans and a bunch of male fans arguing with women over the feminist integrity of a film in an erotic trilogy made by men. Or maybe they don’t realize because all the male fans are “trans lesbians” kek

No. 2410049

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The tim fans in question by the way, not hard to spot at all kek

No. 2410052

Isn’t this the girl who larped as a muslim lesbian in a sexual relationship with her father.

No. 2410062

Horrible combination of words. Every day I read terrible phrases on this site.

No. 2410113

KEK what

No. 2410119

Its always an Anthy pfp.

No. 2410239

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???why are my fellow lolcow nonas trying to get me to hate belladonna of sadness just because a bunch of retarded men with misogyny fetishes choose to be obsessed with it…?? god, this is just like when you guys dragged the absolute shit out of toradora, like it wasn’t one of the better female written animes/light novel series about romantic relationships and how people make assumptions about your overall character over physical traits you can’t control

No. 2410244

Did you even read the anons post that you’re replying to

No. 2410249

I love belladonna of sadness but don’t pretend it was meant to be feminist lmfao. Also that’s not the point of the post.

No. 2410255

I think that trying to discuss any sort of entertainment, especially anime, as "well written" or "feminist" is a recipe for disaster.
Not to say that there isn't, but its dying on a hill for no reason.
If something is considered bad it will be bad no matter what the content actually is about.

No. 2410258

Toradora literally sucks ASS, there gotta be better light novels out there lmao what an awful example

No. 2410264

Why is she making a whole ass thread on "feminist" anime anyway? Who gives a shit? It's anime for fucks sake, it's inherently awful and full of harmful tropes

No. 2410266

The most feminist anime is Hybrid child because I horny cried when I watched it.

No. 2410293

tbh i have never actually thought on whether or not the media i consume could be considered feminist in the slightest, anon, so i have no real opinion, but i do believe that if belladonna of sadness was created by americans or europeans it totally would’ve been considered a “feminist classic” akin to that retarded ass i spit on your grave movie or carrie
>Also that’s not the point of the post
irrelevant! i have many opinions to share
>I think that trying to discuss any sort of entertainment, especially anime, as "well written" or "feminist" is a recipe for disaster
true, this is ultimately retarded in the end
>If something is considered bad it will be bad no matter what the content actually is about
this is only for the people who’re obsessed with going along with the bandwagon, nona, male internet addicts have started calling them npcs, like they actually have original thoughts themselves kek
fuck you, the anime is s-tier, you can tell that a woman wrote it because the characters have emotional intelligence when a majority of anime/manga comes off as being written by a group of autist males and are, kys(infighting)

No. 2410309

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>fuck you, the anime is s-tier
NTA but get on my level pleb.

No. 2410310

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>Not bisexual incel

No. 2410311

i hate when trannies don't disclose they're trans. like you happen to meet someone and they seem cool, like we like the same things and and they have a sense of humor! but then it turns out they're a tranny and things aren't the same anymore and you don't see that person the same way and maybe you want to take a step back. to make this more on topic, it's like the weird girls on fandom are going fucking extinct because they don't want to be girls anymore or they're males wanting to be those girls… i just want to gush over stuff with like-minded girls!

No. 2410314

What are you into nonna

No. 2410316

If you couldn’t clock them before you talked to them then you’re fucked

No. 2410317

they never stopped being girls. it's a retarded cult but the fact they're in it is because they're weirdo girls.

No. 2410320

nta but I think she means that tifs don't outright say they are tifs when she meets them. most tifs don't put any effort into passing and are just quirky geeks to outsiders

No. 2410322

I've never met a tranny that's passed. I hate to train a mtf a few years back and I still ruminate the pig ignorant shit he would nonchalantly say and I had to reprimand him for wearing Halloween tights as legweg when we worked in a chemical lab

No. 2410324

It sucks how full of troons literally every fandom is. It's seriously unavoidable. Thankfully most of what I like is extremely female, fandom TIFs are annoying but sometimes make decent art and fanfiction if you can ignore the trans headcanons, and they behave like women. fandom TIMs are always coomers.

No. 2410326

Oh I thought she was talking about TIMs

No. 2410327

One of my fav anime series has a lot of discourse (in Japanese but also Korean for some reason) about whether it's "feminist with brutal, bordering on fetishistic, male character treatment and well written, complicated female characters" or "misogynistic with coombait waifuslop loli female characters and literally me incel power fantasy male characters".
It's always either one extreme or the other.

No. 2410330

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I really feel this. Whenever I see a "female" artist of creator displaying really atypical interests, I do a search of their profiles with terms like "trans" to see if they're a troon or not.
The death of "weird girls" online really does feel like a shame. I remembered how much I admired Katie Tiedritch when I was a kid on DA, a woman who presented herself as nerdy, frumpy and boyish in a funny way.

I'm pretty sure she means people online not disclosing they're trans, everyone can tell irl lol.

No. 2410338

i think i'm the one odd out in this site because i'm mostly into westernslop instead of weebslop lol. at least i'm not into the gendie magnets like su, toh and undertale.

it's a bit harder over text and with the anonymity social media offers. there are many younger tims that trooned out because of autism and interner usage since a young age rather than porn (or so i'd like to believe), so unless they reveal it i could go months without knowing. others are just so obvious that one can only imagine how well they "pass" irl.

i know but it's so defeating to know a girl doesn't want to identify as one for whatever reason. what happened to those old school slogans of girl power and girls can do anything etc etc? i'm proud of my womanhood and outspoken about feminism (still crypto kek) so i don't want to associate with that kind of girl.

No. 2410340

you're both right.
i'm so tired of retards who think all the media they like has to perfectly reflect their views. 2014 tumblr tier discourse.

No. 2410343

Hi yuripedo

No. 2410346

I'm mainly a fujo and they're a brother/sister ship.

No. 2410356

>writes down “autism” on pad

No. 2410365

This happened to me. A chubby woman I met a few weeks ago and I clicked and she was into girly fashion. Next thing I know she found my IG (We spoke only on discord) and her profile said she was trans he/him. literally where?? I had to remove her. I'm done with tifs. 110 %

No. 2410501

>maybe you consider any depiction of rape as pornographic because that's all you see it as.
Libfems always have the same talking points. I genuinely don't get why they looove defending rape scenes of women to this extent. I remember a similar discourse that had happened a few years back where these bitches had ganged up with neckbeards to whiteknight the way Miura had drawn Casca's rape scene in shitserk. I don't care if I am a pearlclutcher prude with 0 media literacy but no amount of convincing can make me see artistic depictions of rape as something 3deep5u.

No. 2410514

Autism is right, you're fighting with someone over a drawing LMAO

No. 2410917

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This fandom is so fucked man. The things the moids in it do is jarring.

No. 2410935

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You should provide a translation in the screencap next time

No. 2410936

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My apologies. The one provided by the site seemed really weird. Thanks for covering my ass though.

No. 2410942

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horrifying, those are serial killer eyes. gives me the same vibes I get from the carpet sample fursuit

No. 2410989

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nonnas, what is going on in pic rel?

No. 2411017

Am I officially ageing out of fandoms? What language is this?

No. 2411030

mental illness

No. 2411033

Is this just gen alpha speak for liking pairings that are morally wrong or grey? The darkship shit reminds me of dead dove don’t eat fics where most of the time it was edgy and crazy on purpose to shock the reader

No. 2411035

Are they both esl wtf

No. 2411039

This might be it? We're getting old…

No. 2411047

from what i can see
>proship = ship anything incest lolisho etc
>comship = the its complicated status on facebook
>darkship - basically the dubcon tag on AO3
>lightship - I like my romance ~spicy~ aka a booktoker

No. 2411050

I've mostly seen comship used for ships that are toxic but not outright abusive/"proship" or the person just doesn't want to admit they're a proshipper so they apply that category to their OTP

No. 2411075

Where was I fighting

No. 2411128

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No. 2411155

I misread lightshipper as lightsaber

No. 2411177

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Jesus Christ this really is star wars ass shipping now

No. 2411184

this is such a first world problem, fandom people lived without stupid lightship labels back in the day just fine

No. 2411191

Well now you have to choose if you’re a dark invader or Luke solo
The secret third class is the mpreg slut obi wan.

No. 2411261

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No. 2411286

No. 2411417


No. 2411422

No. 2411468

I haven't seen Katie Tiedritch mentioned in like ten years and the first thing I did was to check if she hasn't trooned out or went into some weirdo right winger pipeline. Thankfully neither happened. She was one of my generation's "weird girls" and Awkward Zombie was the funniest shit in 2009.

No. 2411474

>Have you ever heard the tragedy of Yume Plagueis the comshipper?

No. 2411557

it's not a story the antis would tell you

No. 2411664

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Seeing this a lot lately in the LADS community too.

No. 2411677

Why do women make themselves seem dumber than they actually are? Is this one most girl gamers stick to easy games or don't bother branching out? I'm tired of feeling like a freak, nonnas.

No. 2411681

Do you think she saw a comment from a retarded troon and didn't realize it?

No. 2411685

Ngl this is shameful but when I found out they were going to add an interactive map, my thought was "great, people are going to say women need it because they're too stupid to find everything themselves." "Using this makes me weak."
Then I saw men that play going "thats neat, this is what I needed" confidently and I got mad at myself.

No. 2411697

Idk but it annoys me so much, especially in gaming circles

No. 2411995

Is it fair to just say you don't give a shit what women ship? Will we ever reach that point anymore or not really?

No. 2412004

IN is meant to be a comfy game ofcourse the devs are going to make it as comfy and easy as possible. I play it while drinking a cup of tea. Moid central Pokemon is also an easy as fuck game and no one ever says anything about it despite most of its playerbase being zoophilic scrotes.

No. 2412051

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holy fuck these tiktok alphas hate fun

No. 2412069

So does it have to be full canon or is one sided in the clear

No. 2412267

But most canon ships are ass?

No. 2412306

these are the same ppl you see in the pintrest comments under some sasunaru pic goin "umm why are they kissing??" like its babys first day on the internet

No. 2412313

Abby is gonna need counselling when she stumbles upon AO3.

No. 2412315

File: 1740236459379.jpg (58.7 KB, 850x486, __super_sonico_nitroplus_drawn…)

there is so much of them, pinterest comments are so terrible. Those are the same people who complain about why is a gooner character is made for gooners like Super Sonico

No. 2412316

I love comments like that, it's like seeing a baby take its first steps.

No. 2412324

I love how everyone except a handful of delusional animecore tards knows that Sonico was coombait and had no problem saying it, but Hoyo just stuck some cow ears on a near-identical design and Xitter fell over themselves to defend it kek

No. 2412338

Her boobs aren't nearly as massive as sonicos but the vibes are still there. I hate it.

No. 2412357

I don't care if people make comments against gooner shit because moid pandering art should be questioned and shamed until women can make the same quality of degenerate garbage without being criticized.

No. 2412398

File: 1740240353293.png (233.19 KB, 599x520, brave_Yo6HsJPE3D.png)

Why the fuck are fakebians and handmaidens shilling this garbage? It's just a back skirt attached to some 3D blowup doll in lingerie.

No. 2412458

I wish we had widespread husbando content like this but noo, it's too "gay" and "niche' and "won't make money" and the handmaidens won't be praised by scrotes for liking it so they won't

No. 2412591

I hate this flavor of "yesss mommy step on me!!" from straight handmaiden types. It's so performative when they are clearly attracted to men.

No. 2412601

It would've been pretty if it weren't so needlessly coomerish.

No. 2412635

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Only if you engage with shitty media

No. 2412638


No. 2412877

>moids are seething about LADS
>posting that bdsm banner to prove how degen content for women is
>fujo content has been magnitudes more degenerate for decades, occasionally rivaling that of moid porn even
>crickets from moids

I thought yaoi was super threatening and objectifying? Why does any mild as fuck self insert content, from twilight to LADS, always produce more seethe than the most degenerate "moid objectifying" yaoi with the most deranged slut outfits possible?

How come LADS is roooining socoooooiety and obliterating birth rates across time and space but nucani consistently produces negative fucks from anyone except maybe three and a half /a/ losers?

No. 2412882

Gacha is more popular than VNs so it's better known, this isn't rocket science.
>nucani consistently produces negative fucks from anyone except maybe three and a half /a/ losers?
Also far more niche than LADS.

No. 2412901

Because men are literally retarded and LADs is pretty mainstream. Nucani would get the same treatment if it weren't for the fact it's pretty niche and not as readily available in the app store compared to LADs. Don't be foolish though there's plenty of moids who seethe at the existence of yaoi but not to same fervor as troons and their yuri handmaiden brigade. The only men I see sperging about yaoi are moments away from trooning out.

No. 2412903

Because a game unashamedly catered to straight women , where the characters are eye candy and are loving partners makes the scrotes feel insecure kek.

No. 2412906

It's only because BL is more niche and basically invisible to the public eye. You're overestimating the kind of man who would get mad at LADS if you think that they even know the difference between otome and BL. There were anti-LADS posts with thousands of likes calling it a game for fujoshi.
It's also common for uninformed outsiders to think BL is for gay men, I see negative comments from men on m/m fanworks lamenting that a series they like has been been taken over by gays. It probably doesn't register that something like nucani is for women even if they're aware of it. Doesn't help that BL content is often sold as 'queer media' in the west.

No. 2412908

LADS fell under the radar for a year before it dethroned mihoyo coomer games and it caught the attention of internet grifters like that greasy assmongoloid. If nucani even showed in the top 5 highest grossing mobile gacha rank it would def make men seethe, but its extremely niche so they dont know about it.

No. 2412910

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This. You would have expected to the mafia leader to be a kind of Christian Grey but he's sweet and soft to MC and listen to her ramblings about crows and kittens, something that a moid would tell her to stfu.

No. 2412911

>commenting on m/m fan works

No. 2412912

I hate shounen shit period but hetshit shounenfags are the worst genre of shounenfag.

No. 2412918

I mean commenting as in remarking on. Like when a man finds out about the existence of fujo fandoms for CoD or LoTR or whatever and thinks it's gay men making that stuff.

No. 2412922

To be fair women being into super scrotey stuff like CoD and LoTR is kinda surprising.

No. 2412923

Actually, assmongold thought LADS was for gay men too. Its so freaky that men think women are incapable of having sexual desires, the way scrotes react to stuff like LADS is very eye opening

No. 2412925

You can't be serious. Any moid will know about yaoi just by being a shounenshit fan, or even a fan of anything that has men in it. Not specifically yaoi gachas, but yaoi as a thing, along with all its tropes.

Even before LADS female wish fulfillment always triggered more penile outrage with complaints of muh male objectification.

No. 2412939

Most bl go under the radar and while LaDS got noticably high quality 3d animation, NuCarni is just a yaoi skin on top of an average ero gacha game. Nobody really pays attention to that level of gacha, even then it took a good while for men to notice LaDS, its actually pretty ridiculous that it wasn't until the period tracker when an Olympic medalist became known as a player.
Hell, pretty sure most fujo here don't know what trending shows get fujobait or read much bl out there other than the classics, stuff that gets shilled everywhere, and old stuff.

No. 2412941

>Olympic medalist became known as a player.
who's this giga stacy

No. 2412948

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No. 2412950

She is the queen I long to be

No. 2412951

awww its so fucking sweet they sent her all that stuff

No. 2412952

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No. 2412956

Holy based

No. 2412957

Never thought I would simp for a gamedev, but holy shit. Moids stay coping and seething as Activision rapes them in every hole, meanwhile Infold loves and cherishes their every consoomer. Even cash grab gachas by women are better and more ethical.

No. 2412964

>fujo content has been magnitudes more degenerate for decades, occasionally rivaling that of moid porn even
>occasionally rivaling that of moid porn even
No such thing. Not even BL cannibalism will come close to moid porn degeneracy

No. 2412967

Fujoshit is consumed from the cuckchair while in LADS the moid is your boyfriend, thus directly competing with the seething 3DPD. BL "replaces" no one. That's why yaoi isn't threatening to moids, never was, and never will be.(fujosperging outside of containment)

No. 2412970

As long as retarded yumes and fujos fight each other, neither is a threat to men, just a pathetic show for men to laugh at.

No. 2412971

> Fujoshit is consumed from the cuckchair
Please not this again

No. 2412972

Women can never be a threat to men in the first place.

No. 2412975

No shit. Still a million times closer than the mellow and vanilla as fuck tropes of LADS, and yet LADS is the one that chaps their asses.

Isn't one of the big pros of BL being able to enjoy vile degrading shit without having to watch it being done to a woman?

No. 2412978

Maybe madonna but that's kind of it

No. 2412979

Is that really the excuse for constantly trying to bring up this stupid fight outside the containment thread? Shoo, go back there.

No. 2412981

A yume/fujo/hime alliance is the only way to defeat the moid menace

No. 2412983

>Crickets from moids
What the fuck are you talking about, they've been screaming and crying and vomiting about fujo content for literally decades.

No. 2412988

File: 1740265671838.webp (549.19 KB, 1280x3167, IMG_3860.webp)

Moids get so upset over yaoi that they compare it to looney tunes

No. 2412995

Yumes are starting to get the same treatment fujos have been getting for a long time by moids.

No. 2412997

>three and a half /a/ autists dunking on equally autistic women is just like normie moids acting like LADS is literal apocalypse

No. 2412998

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>Isn't one of the big pros of BL being able to enjoy vile degrading shit without having to watch it being done to a woman?
Yes. A large driving force in the popularity of BL is that it’s an escape for women who are under strict gender roles and expectations. Interestingly, in western fandoms if you ask what the appeal is women typically talk about it being a way for them to explore their “gender identity”.

No. 2413000

I'm shipping Looney tunes antifujo with nona antifujo

No. 2413001

Normie moids don't care, it's gachashit moids freaking the fuck out.

No. 2413002

Seriously. We as fujos have been dealing with moid tantrums since the 80's, they were literally seething so hard they came up with lolicon porn to scare fujos out of Comiket via its shock value. It's become the background noise of our lives. Scrotoids malding over the content we create and consume is just another Tuesday for us. Yumes were just given a game with lewd content that surpassed multiple waifushit gachas and now they have to face what we've been dealing with for forever.

No. 2413003

I think the Looney tunes antifujo was famicom who's a pretty well known personalityfag over there who's obsessed with Hamtaro.

No. 2413004

And they somehow see it as a way to blame women who like things they don't. There's something very sad in that.

No. 2413006

Asian fujos are certainly refreshing because they don't cope like western fujos. They're content admitting BL is a crutch to bypass feelings of inadequacy.

No. 2413014

where is the lewd content? LADS is a sanitized game by most otome standards, it just has well rendered suggestive scenes. i love both BL and otome so i don't know why everyone has to moo at each other when women are getting enjoyment from both (except the retards who feel too guilty to like BL because of muh homophobia and troon out kek)

No. 2413015

>Fujos are hivemind
Being a fujo is pretty much the default for female otakus over there, I'm pretty sure every single one doesn't feel inadequate.

No. 2413016

>Nerd admitting entertainment is for escapism
>Yume use this to dunk on women despite being in the exact same position, if not worse.
Everyone can read through husbando dedication thread.

No. 2413017

From other nerdy speds, sure. No one in the real world gives three dry fucks about BL or mooloomoo shipping despite their disproportionate popularity. It's more of a silly South Park tier comic relief to normie moids than anything.

No. 2413018

Lewd doesn't mean pornography, anon. The content in LADS is undeniably classifying as "lewd" because it goes beyond suggestive. There's no shame in admitting it.

No one in the real world is sperging about LADS ruining women either, what's your point?

No. 2413022

How in the world is this even remotely a fair statement? Yumes should get over it too because no IRL normies will ever care about LADS.

No. 2413032

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What the hell is this pathetic need for competition?
It's not like some fujos don't also have husbandos or don't also ship, or as if there's no husbandofags that read bl and are fujo on the side.
Internet incels out there are bitching over LaDS, yes. They're also trying to boycott Kingdom Come Deliverence 2 over the game having a bl route.

No. 2413039

Same energy as moids bitching about magic tree babies

No. 2413042

You can't be real. Podcels crying about LADS is much more proximal to the mainstream than fat weeb on fat weeb violence on a Mongolian embroidery forum.

No. 2413049

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No. 2413054

Podcels talk shit about women in general. The backlash against LADS isn't anything new. You should see the bullshit romance authors and their female readers go through

No. 2413061

>see women enjoying thing that's not directed at them specifically
>unable to empathize with women's needs and desires
>constructs internal reality where women enjoying thing is a threat to them personally because they can't fathom a woman who isn't focused on them and their needs 24/7 (unresolved mommy issues)
>can't say this out loud, too much of an egotist
>"akshually women playing otome games are responsible for [insert bad thing here] and the fall of western society"
>posts on Twitter/reddit with loli avatar and waifu faggotry in his likes
>mission accomplished
>angrily goons until next time women dare to enjoy thing

No. 2413070

Etc, etc, never once thinking to look inside themselves to see what the real issue is

No. 2413073

Men give us so much power over them it's insane. I swear, just replace Jewish people with women and you've covered every breed of male conspiracy theorist.

No. 2413075

KEK you're right, every woman is a Jezebel trying to sow chaos and division in these men's minds.

No. 2413081

This is a furfag TIF who thinks that posting cute animals makes her look like a man and is currently crashing out on /ot/ btw. Report and ignore.

No. 2413082

Poor thing, she's retarded.

No. 2413083

My point exactly. Even literallywho grocery store isle romance slop is more anally injuring than BL.

No. 2413085

If women honestly had the kind of power and influence those retards think we do, they'd be dragged to the beta cuck gulag so fucking fast

No. 2413090

But all men are incels whether they have sex or not.

No. 2413092

If that's true, can you make a post in /meta/ kek

No. 2413095

>someone's not nice to fujos
>blackpilled pooner immediately materializes ITT
sasuga(sperging about fujos in multiple threads)

No. 2413096

>I'm not an incel, I'm a coping incel

No. 2413105

This is definitely something the spamming antifujo would say.

No. 2413106

Yes yes, all fujos are TIFs, and all the buzzwords in the yume dictionary. Do you have a new argument? This isn't the designated fujo fight thread

No. 2413109

>Even literallywho grocery store isle romance slop is more anally injuring than BL.
Antifujo reads yume romances about women getting anally injured more than anything in bl? That's crazy but I believe it.

No. 2413115

I think you misinterpreted their post kek

No. 2413120

I read it right but I also read it right.

No. 2413140

I feel such an intense hate for anyone who misuses the word yume.

No. 2413146

Take it out on the spammer that's giving it a bad name.

No. 2413162

I kinda miss when barely anyone even knew the word existed

No. 2413171

Gugungu gal nmi
(I still don’t know that word exists)

No. 2413172

File: 1740272147009.jpg (238.73 KB, 1080x808, eggman what the fuck.jpg)

I think we need to force children to play outside more often

No. 2413199

I miss YOI…

No. 2413202

File: 1740273222183.jpg (102.29 KB, 586x588, 6268853257535.JPG)

No. 2413215

Chonky astarion

No. 2413219

I like him better than unmodded kek

No. 2413226

>fujo immediately fantasizing about female receptive anal sex
Completely expected actually(ban evasion)

No. 2413228

Still would over the average moid.

No. 2413231

finally a LADS guy in my league so i don't have to be a fencesitting shipcuck anymore

No. 2413253

It's a reply nonnie

No. 2413275

Humanity is doomed

No. 2413298

Ship carpenters in ye olde days be like

No. 2413300

File: 1740278006478.png (168.61 KB, 1583x348, 74839374859038.PNG)

vergilfag is the only true yumejo on lcf and every other husbandofag is irony poisoned

No. 2413305

I was in public when I read that and I blushed like a nun. I wish I liked anyone as much as she likes vergil.

No. 2413537

File: 1740284771221.jpeg (354.3 KB, 1284x1932, IMG_4734.jpeg)

Not sure if this is too loose to be deemed fandom discourse but the “yume ” (everyone is too wuss to say selfship) community should be dismantled lmao.https://x.com/seaweedddd_/status/1892812166337876065?s=46

No. 2413545

File: 1740284975262.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1284x2234, IMG_4735.jpeg)

Knew the person op is talking about to be a weirdo as she is a personal cow of mine but didn’t know how far that extended.Surprised she wasn’t called out earlier for other shit.

No. 2413579

File: 1740286634136.gif (291.57 KB, 200x136, 200w (1).gif)

>Not liking both
>Not making members of your boyharem kiss

No. 2413615

This is incredible.

No. 2413669

File: 1740291817765.png (221.56 KB, 601x603, ntr.PNG)

No. 2413716

>everyone is too wuss to say selfship
ot but it feels like everyone is too wuss to say waifu/husbando more than anything kek I've seen these types call the words waifu/husbando racist cause they mock japanese accents or some shit
I hate seeing waifuism becoming mainstream like this among zoomies who see it as nothing more than a trend to be quirky as a waifufag myself

No. 2413742

We need to go back to using terms like OTP and NOTP. You interact with people who like your OTPs and you do not interact with people who like your NOTPs. Simple.

No. 2413743

You're right, but they'll call you a boomer and a pedo if you say it.

No. 2413744

I love how the anime community gets so outraged over NTR (or even just perceived NTR) and not, like, the numerous depictions of pedophilia.

No. 2413746


No. 2413758

Can't have shit because depending on your NOTPs and OTPs or how many you have, you'll get called any -ism and -phobic under the sun. Until all the annoying little speds in fandom stop throwing their temper tantrums and stop pretending shipping is any form of meaningful activism that won't happen.

No. 2413760

>Boothills bullets
That's what I'm gonna use to kill myself after reading this schizophrenia.

No. 2413770

Don’t these grown men realise how autistic they look caring this much about cartoons for 12 year old Japanese boys in the first place let alone sperging over what 15 year old girls are doing on TikTok haha holy shit

No. 2413774

I love how NTR sells like hotcakes despite their "outrage". Classic case of post-coom onset of morality.

No. 2413787

I knew plenty of men (and women) into ntr. The ones making a show out of it are usually a minority who can't get over Stacy "cucking" him for Chad. It's why you see so many spergs getting anal over taken anime girls. She was for me, they think. But she was never for them, she's a Japanese cartoon character. tbh, as somebody who does mind some forms of ntr, it's funny seeing these guys call women cheating whores for liking this genre.

No. 2413848

NTR can be an interesting topic to explore in some cases when it's not overtly male targeted, but men are incapable of reading fiction without a direct self-insert/wish-fulfillment factor.
In the same sense that they're incapable of shipping genuinely because there's no true appreciation for the characters involved.

No. 2413849

I had a conversation with my troon mutual about why we both like yaoi (don't ask, her art is good enough not to block and I can ignore it for the most part). She kept getting frustrated because I gave her the exact reason in your picrel. Yaoi is fun precisely because I am not a part of it: that's the whole point. I can be a silent voyeur who looks as sloppy and dull as I want. I don't have to look pretty, or see otome women looking glammed up for their bfs. For just a moment, I can actively think about how hot men are without the male gaze constantly hovering in the bg; a rare respite from the constant mirror being shoved in front of womens' faces. Needless to say, my friend kept chimping out because her narrative was one of self-insertion and gender exploration, kek. All bullshit, of course. I know that she agrees with me deepdown by the way she phrases herself, as if 'escaping womanhood' is a sign of le special troonism and not just a normal desire to have under the patriarchy. I can see the cracks showing, though; I'll get her to peak someday.

No. 2413851

Cool, that makes weeb moids pedos, rapists AND cheating whores.

No. 2413852

File: 1740313396700.jpg (543.18 KB, 1280x1837, content.jpg)

Looked up sauce and I'm already disappointed kek

No. 2413859

So you're both inventing different hoops to jump through because you can't just want to fuck a guy without also feeling like you need to turn yourselves into objects. Wew(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2413866

No. 2413874

> you can't just want to fuck a guy without also feeling like you need to turn yourselves into objects
> feeling like YOU need to objectify yourself
Nona, it's not women who dehumanise ourselves or other women in relationships, but men. I get that you're trying to have your 'fujo gotcha' moment, but genuinely believing that the male gaze is self-inflicted is an incredibly retarded and anti-feminist view to hold unless your live under a rock and/or are utterly obtuse.

No. 2413876

>What the hell is this pathetic need for competition
The first game was loved by gamergate tards for being about traditional white straight people when it was in development and then when it was just released, I assume that's why these fans feel betrayed? I haven't played these games at all so I don't have an opinion on them.

No. 2413881

catering to male gaze is self inflicted, this is a weak infantilizing take

No. 2413885

But… They're cartoons. How can they objectify you kek?

No. 2413970

File: 1740322821948.jpeg (34.48 KB, 739x415, IMG_9712.jpeg)

Don’t play dumb. It’s not about your husbandos, it’s about the fact that every otome girl still looks like a pretty little dress up doll because yumes are brainwashed by the patriarchy to think they have to look beautiful and pristine at all times in order to be deemed approachable by a decent looking guy. No thank you. Let me enjoy my hot yaoi slop in bra and pyjama pants.

No. 2413978

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No. 2414026

>Stacy "cucking" him for Chad.
Aren't the men in NTR usually ugly bastards though

No. 2414027

On this site? People post about how cartoons are objectifying here every other minute.
Have you seen the Genshin Impact thread? The ugly character d3sign thread? So much of it is "This coombait cartoon game is objectifying women, I feel uncomfortable that a cartoon looks like this"

No. 2414034

Not necessarily, nowadays men read shoujo and rant about how the female lead having more than one love interest is cucking the guy, and call female love interests that accept that they're not going to win "cuck queens".
The manga Rent A Girlfriend became a joke when the mc fantasized about getting cucked by a guy wearing a beret and getting a boner in a public pool.

No. 2414037

Yes, that was her whole point dipshit. I don't want to look at big tiddy moe waifus in porn because it's a reminder of the absurd standards women are held to. I'd rather just look at two hot guys, it's not that deep.

No. 2414039

No. 2414043

>Let me enjoy my hot yaoi slop in bra and pyjama pants.
I personally like Donald Ducking it. Just a tee shirt and socks so my pussy can get some fresh air

No. 2414055

Completely unrelated, these fandom elder retards are starting to get on my nerves. Why are they always nostalgic for the most cancerous gendie shipwar period of Tumblr too? At least be nostalgic for the superwholock era or something.

No. 2414067

> So much of it is "This coombait cartoon game is objectifying women, I feel uncomfortable that a cartoon looks like this"
I literally cannot see what’s wrong about that statement unless you’re a porn addicted scrote.

> Elders
> Nostalgic for gendie wars
Nona… you must be at least 18+ to post here.

No. 2414072

I thought I wouldn’t mind older women into fandom stuff, but the ones I’ve met were even more annoyingly libfem and discourse obsessed than most zoomers I know lol. There was a 40-something fanfic writer I knew who needed to turn every conversation into a rant about puriteens and constantly talk up how mad she is gonna make people by shipping incest. She didn’t even engage with the work on any meaningful level besides wanting to make porn of it. She also took it insanely personally whenever someone said they hated men or hated penises, and invited her moid to the fanworks server full of only women.

No. 2414075

Didn't mean to sound like I was judging, just that there's so much of it on the site that going "how can you feel objectified by cartoons" here just seems bizarre.

No. 2414085

File: 1740327148801.jpeg (917.62 KB, 1638x2048, 1666734541041.jpeg)

Do you want otome protags to look like this or something? I'd rather look at a normal and cute MC if I'm gonna play 50 hours of an otome

No. 2414087

>Do you want otome protags to look like this or something?
Pretty sure she just wants to read yaoi without retards sperging about it.

No. 2414089

Both men and women prefer to play as cute, hot and pretty people, muh patriarchy has nothing to do with it.

No. 2414095

why do you think yumes are retarded enough to want to look like little girls without a hint of irony? there are tifs consuming yaoi that go full retard and troon out so its not a matter of le problematic media vs. another. just use your brain while cooming then you won't become a tranny or an autopedophile kek

No. 2414097

Don't get me wrong I fucking hate playing as over-sexualized female characters like in Street Fighter but your average otomate MC is absolutely not sexualized and is just a generic looking anime girl. Wanting an uggo MC feels like Tumblr inclusive TIF shit

No. 2414099

Personally the need for things to be cute and pretty is one of the reasons that lets yaoi stand out.
I'll read harem, isekai, yuri, seinen, josei, shounen, even crossdressing, everything because random manga is a curiosity to me.
Most genres stay in a generally cute box, the characters and artstyle are meant to be appealing to the audience first and foremost.
On the spectrum of genre experimentation, yaoi is able to go farther out with artstyles and characters due to being so apart from the viewer. Things don't have to be as nice or as cute. It's one of the reasons why seinen is one of genres to give space for fujoshi artists.
I think there's nothing wrong with having a space for cute, and being able to leave that and read about people that are not you.

No. 2414118

Nona, I know you jest, but when I think of a fandom elder I think of a very specific type of person.

>I thought I wouldn’t mind older women into fandom stuff, but the ones I’ve met were even more annoyingly libfem and discourse obsessed than most zoomers I know lol.
>anon, remember when fandom was GOOD?! i've been guzzling tranny cock and calling teenage girls hitler for wanting to see attractive men fuck since the 2010s!
That's because they're a bunch of cowardly asskissers. I've since understood that unless I'm dealing with a true pepperidge farm oldfag, fandom elders are always going to be libfemmed as shit. They're out of touch deadweights with often no idea why they're considered as such. They always think everything is a conservative or TERF boogeyman.

No. 2414131

File: 1740329630659.jpg (271.69 KB, 1079x1074, eroge vs otoge.jpg)

>men prefer to play as hot people
Nta but lol, lmao even. Most male self-inserts are painfully average and unremarkable looks-wise, while female self-inserts are super qt and can easily outshine every other waifubait character from moidslop.

No. 2414141

Anon wasn't asking for ugly protagonists, though. I don't know how you guys got that impression.

No. 2414143

omg kek the third guy

No. 2414193

I prefer the creativity on the bottom over the same re-hashed slop on top. I feel like if it were reversed, anons would be upset that moids get variety and women get lazy designs.

No. 2414206

No we wouldn’t. Are you lost? Women want to see hot men, no one cares whether female characters are pretty enough unless you want to fuck them.

No. 2414207

maybe if they had good designs but they are so overdesigned it hurts to see them. A think a good inbetween would be like a female version of Araragi.

No. 2414219

File: 1740333637554.jpg (53.58 KB, 600x338, Olympia.Soiree.600.2919134.jpg)

And each those games have plenty of hot men who have nice designs, no one is taking that away by putting effort into the MCs design as well. If Byakuya looked like an average copy and paste eroge protag she would look out of place in this world and it'd seems like the artist and companies were scrimping by and didn't care. Which, unfortunately is something that happens a lot in women's media

No. 2414223

The moid looks like a generic male self insert, wow

No. 2414225

If no one cared they wouldn't design the female characters like that. They're made pretty because the majority of the female consumer base doesn't want their self insert character to look ugly or boring.
Men's self insert characters look plain because men cannot even imagine making an effort on their appearance and style, and they're fine with being mediocre.

No. 2414226

Sorry, but that is just pure cope. The woman in your picrel is wearing ‘sexy’ thigh-highs and looks like your typical overdesigned waifu next to that nothingburger brunette isekai protagonist male. If you hadn’t told me otherwise, I’d have assumed this was a harem game for incels.

No. 2414228

File: 1740333992658.png (1.31 MB, 1332x1872, Rikuu.png)

I picked him because I liked his route. This better? Also something tells me that none of you people actually play otoge.

No. 2414235

File: 1740334405932.jpg (88.1 KB, 478x680, FwpTrdUXsAAFzSi.jpg)

Honestly it really doesn't look that different.

No. 2414238

File: 1740334661813.jpeg (105.7 KB, 827x478, Yosuga.jpeg)

>Olympia soiree looks like a harem game for incels
Schizo behavior. If a moid played any console otoge he'd get BTFO worse than the damage LADS is doing on the male psyche
>Mushoku Tensei
You're really posting loli anime and grasping at straws now

No. 2414240

…because the girls are both blonde and have brown in their outfits? NTA but this is a massive reach kek

No. 2414241

>grasping at straws
Grasping at what? Anon said "If you hadn’t told me otherwise, I’d have assumed this was a harem game for incels." and yeah, the pic really doesn't look out of place when put next to the others. That's all.

No. 2414245

You don't see the elf loli gremlin creature in that pic and you don't know the meaning of grasping at straws. I don't think there's any hope for you.

No. 2414256

Kek, this is what's getting anons itt to clutch their pearls? I can tell from the character designs and art style alone that it's not moidslop.

No. 2414258

Anon… the show is loli incel shit, but in the picture that's just perspective, the pov is coming from slightly above, you see how you can see the top of the books?
The character is the same size as the otome protagonists.

No. 2414260

The whole thread is clutching at pearls and trying to use moralfagging to criticize other women for not liking what they like, then clutching at pearls and trying to moralize why they should be able to be left alone and like what they like.
It's very stupid, isn't it?

No. 2414261

Everyone is so weirdly entrenched in their autistic defensiveness of whatever they like that they're just grasping at straws looking for excuses to moralfag at people they disagree with. Female on female violence smh

No. 2414262

File: 1740335704321.jpg (114.32 KB, 664x1200, EuYUjIuXMAcqoi1.jpg)

But is your gross loli character the average size of a human mother?

No. 2414268

This is a weird post, why the picture? Why specifically a mother?
Anyway, googling it and looking at the AI result, she's an inch or two shorter than the average adult Japanese female height.

No. 2414272

It's a reference to this video.

No. 2414275

>She doesn't know about the Dylan Guptill sonic autist tier list video
Nobody actually cares about the height of that character

No. 2414277

I see. Tbh I don't understand Sonic's fanbase and I stay clear of it. It's basically just blue Mario to me.

No. 2414278

I honestly think a lot of nonas in this thread don’t ever interact with fandom or weeby media outside of what they see in this thread or what appears on their Twitter TL lol.

No. 2414292

What annoys me more about otome MC discourse are the performative MC fuckers and the people whining whenever an otome MC does anything they consider "rude" or "dumb."

No. 2414299

A lot of posters complain about anime way more than they watch it. And I'm also tired of nonas shitflinging over otome games when their only exposure to them is seeing a TMGS reference in a show they watched 10 years ago or something. They come up with an idea of what the games are like and start weird ass arguments based on that.

No. 2414320

>And I'm also tired of nonas shitflinging over otome games
This and the shitflinging over bl when their only exposure are a03 fanfics and mha tiktok videos.

No. 2414323

Yeah unfortunately no matter the demographic females will have more revealing designs than males because this world is SHIT. She also apparently only wears underwear under the skirt. God forbid women don't wear humiliating clothin. But hey at least the men are attractive.

This is a different matter than playing as a MC who the LI's can actually be attracted to. Just because male sexuality is deficient and they don't care if they're attractive to an attractive woman doesn't mean I have to not care if the attractive man finds me/MC attractive.

No. 2414329

Performative MCfuckers and people screeching about wanting yuri routes with random female side characters are extremely annoying but to be fair I've played a lot of games that had this happen
>Don't do x, it's dangerous
>Okay! does x and doesn't tell anyone and gets into danger
Although I think that can just be chalked up to needing action to happen in the story and being a little lazy about the setup.

No. 2414337

Exactly, there's a difference between an annoying girlboss MC the English speakking fandom simps for no matter how well written she actually is, and the MC being a complete moron for no reason that is actually addressed except to be plot device.

No. 2414339

File: 1740338831930.webp (127.14 KB, 1024x1327, 9.webp)

>humiliating clothing, only wears underwear under the skirt

No. 2414348

>annoying girlboss MC
People are always cheering for or complaining about MCs like this but I've literally never seen one in otome.

No. 2414349

Don't forget people who think every BL is killing stalking

No. 2414352

File: 1740339121667.png (208.39 KB, 600x640, change up the art style and he…)

I think it's just a running thing with male protagonists in general since BLge also usually have pretty 'basic' looking protagonists.

No. 2414353

If you actually play the game she appears to only wear underwear under the skirt. And I'm not going to be brainwashed into thinking that wearing a skirt that can show panties is somehow empowering especially when men don't do it (without being lusted by other males and call femboy kek)

No. 2414358

Does the game have upskirt shots outside of NSFW scenes? Otherwise I'm really not sure why this is a problem.

No. 2414360

I played this two years ago and genuinely don't remember this happening, which part? But it's not like we ever see an upskirt pantyshot

No. 2414361

Even if tempest, cupid parasite, psychedelica of the ashen hawk, basically any MC that has a personality you like or can fight.

>>2414352 This guy is boring looking design-wise but that doesn't mean he's not handsome. Meanwhile galge MC's aren't ugly, they're just not attractive

No it's just that there's an attempted rape scene and a guy feels her up and instantly accesses her underwear.

No. 2414363

File: 1740339469797.png (441.08 KB, 540x1049, gHfiAaU_4QGAK7PcLayEHs_M-sPMBJ…)

To be fair some galge have attractive protagonists, just more in a 'moe' way.

No. 2414368

Yeah I guess to be fair, many otome LI's look like that. I'm just saying he's not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "attractive." It also doesn't help that women's clothing is generally more revealing and interesting than men's.

No. 2414369

Unpopular opinion: I love the way male characters drawn in moe styles look. I wish there was more content that focused on cute male characters in styles like this.

No. 2414371

I don't find the art style "sexy" but I do like it and think it's cute.

No. 2414373

File: 1740339816549.png (2.42 MB, 1200x1696, c9ae3328008ba00f182744b13f9380…)

That's true, I think when people think of 'attractive' though they automatically associate it with 'bishounen' but moe characters by design are also meant to be attractive.
It's not super uncommon to see in BL manga.

No. 2414383

Same. So much joseimuke has artstyles for guys that aren't moeblob enough for me.

No. 2414400

File: 1740340612513.png (192.44 KB, 268x384, zhomi4368.png)

I feel like it shows up a fair amount in Eva doujins, have you tried there?

No. 2414401

whats the source nonny? looks cute

No. 2414402

No. 2414404

i got excited just for it to be trapshit…

No. 2414413

File: 1740340942261.jpg (59.86 KB, 600x422, found pic rel while browsing.j…)

Yeaaa I guess that's the one catch for a lot of male moeblob characters like that.
It's a bit easier to also just browse through MFC's BL merch until you find a series with an art style that you like.

No. 2414419

Sorry for semi-blogging but I think people who say AoT is pro-fascist without having seen or read it gotta get put down. Why are we in 2025 still seeing gendies be like "DNI if you like AoT!" because some Tumblr blog in 2016 told them it was pro-fascism because there are themes of racism despite the writing constantly telling you war is bad and war is just a temporary band-aid and the genocidal retard is not painted in a good light and his followers are also insane? Where is the pro-fascism?

No. 2414426

Tumblr automatically thinks that depicting something means you're in support of it, there's a reason why a comedy anime like hetalia is treated the same as AOT in that sense (and also south park kek)

No. 2414440

Killing the entire world was still the solution for their country to not get exterminated. It's also not the shitty MC's fault that they didn't think to be friendly with countries that are sympathetic to them

No. 2414449

This is something I've noticed when people discuss the attractiveness of characters (female ones, more specifically) in games - it's always extremes. Why must I choose between a sickly cute young woman, a prostitute or a goblin for a protagonist? Do people not look at women anymore? Why can't we have female characters who look normal, on the cuter/hotter side if needs be?

No. 2414450

They think that the BL route is "DEI" or something, which is weird because I thought conservatives stopped caring about gay people.

No. 2414456

the author likes japanese imperialism and you cant deny hes a deutschboo (if it werent apparent enough) but faggots not reading aot because it has themes of fascism are retarded

No. 2414465

Yeah, I didn't mean dumb like the lazy writing in your example. More like the MC is a bit naive or ditzy and she gets a lot of shit for being dumb. Or if she has a backbone or banters with an LI, people call her rude or a bitch despite being sweet overall.
Though this isn't something exclusive to otome. It just rubs me the wrong way when people nitpick the hell out of female leads in women's media, not because of bad writing but because she isn't acting like the perfect being.

No. 2414481

>not reading shounenshit

No. 2414486

File: 1740343807068.gif (14.84 MB, 498x498, IMG_0131.gif)

There’s a certain type of nona who keeps posting their niche, personal favourite media in this thread under the guise of introducing a non-existent discourse just to see what nonas think of their current hyperfixation before inevitably chimping out when nonas snub their irrelevant show/game. If you want to create a discussion about a personal passion then take it to /m/. This thread is for munching popcorn over actual fandom slapfights occurring elsewhere on the internet.

No. 2414502

File: 1740344118099.webp (12.82 KB, 600x460, peppa-pig-park-4column_700x500…)

Hey nonas what do you think of the latest season of Peppa Pig

No. 2414505

Posting niche interests will 90% of the time get anons pissy over some weird nitpick. /m/ isn't much better, just checking through the front page thteads there's stuff about Madoka.

No. 2414506

To be fair scrotes think that anything less than 2 airbrushed coomer archetypes = ugly and DEI

No. 2414508

File: 1740344257098.png (1.14 MB, 540x960, z8fg8duwt5r61.png)

Call me back in when they get to the Peppa sword arc

No. 2414512

I appreciate them being more ambitious with the plots (multi-episode arcs were a welcome change) but they need to ditch the narrator, he adds nothing to the story. I'm still annoyed that they dropped the subplot about Madame Gazelle being a vampire.

No. 2414568

>some Tumblr blog in 2016 told them it was pro-fascism
There were already arguments like this in 2013 when the first season of the anime wasn't over just yet. I found it shocking because the story barely started, everything was ambiguous in the manga and the anime and it wasn't obvious yet where the story would go yet some insane haters and fans were arguing that the author was a certified nazi.

No. 2414582

I'm so sick of the retards in /m/ who act like Madoka Magica is some deranged lolicon anime and have to bring up the Gen Urobuchi and Saya no Uta every single time

No. 2414623

It's not lolicon but it is misogynist. Only females can be megucas because they're "more emotional" kek

No. 2414642

we need more ikemen magical boys

No. 2414648

They did the same thing with touhou a while back too.

No. 2414682

have you been in that community at all? next youre going to say that troonpedo anime like onimai is also totes wholesome

No. 2414683

Its like the same 2 spergs

No. 2414686

Damn you just reminded me that it was deemed "problematic" to watch AoT in the past kek, the masses moved on from that quickly

No. 2414692

Tokisada is so cute!

No. 2414696

No, I'm not going to say that. And the moral spergs tried to say that the original touhou games themselves were disgusting, not the community.

No. 2414697

they were infighting in the awful character designs thread not even 2 hours ago and brought it here kek

No. 2414699

>brought it here
Nah, wasn't involved. Just making a point that anons will nitpick everything.

No. 2414717

The Touhou fandom is huge and whatever you make of it. You can avoid people making degenerate porn and focus on pretty soundtrack arrangements and nice fanart

No. 2415020

No. 2415025

File: 1740359412398.jpg (203.6 KB, 1080x1657, GkaV86kXcAE9G-T.jpg)

This situation is really funny and makes me wish there was a yume cringe thread but there's this one lesbian who tries to look like vi and claims that caitlyn is her waifu, people are mad at her over smashing a funko pop someone sent her of mel? lol.. apparently she sexually harassed caitlyn cosplayers too. I've never watched arcane but this situation is just bizzare and funny to me

No. 2415028

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No. 2415031

You know how the Scandinavians made it a standard to abort protential babies that are detected to have down syndrome? I wonder when autism is gonna be next.

No. 2415032

>purchases Funko Pops
>admits to this publicly
There's something in the water…

No. 2415035

autism can't be identified that way, and what is currently considered under the autism spectrum umbrella is probably going to be split up into multiple diagnoses in the future.

No. 2415036

The moment they isolate the tism gene, I can begin work on my anti normie gas.

No. 2415038

File: 1740359994245.png (182.8 KB, 586x465, kdfhdjsak.png)

samefag, here's the tweet of the woman ("he/him") claiming this coomer sexually harassed her. I believe her
By 2050, 1 out of every 3 americans will have a caitlyn body pillow

No. 2415044

I have only played eosd but ZUN's art never came off as pedoshit to me. He designs his characters like they're from grandma's antique doll collection, there's zero sexualization done on his part. Meguca has so many suggestive official art, literally the 1st op has a sequence where her dress turns into a lingerie and it is played off as a joke. I don't get why some anons here get super defensive over it. I like Urobutcher's other shows like psycho pass but so many elements in Madoka make me incredibly uncomfortable.

No. 2415055

File: 1740360621762.webp (22.79 KB, 324x500, s-l960.webp)

yeah exatly, I love how many characters wear bloomers and don't have an pantsu to upskirt And yeah so many uwu qweer women/girls shill for madoka but forget there are official body pillows of the girls.

No. 2415058

File: 1740360783307.png (938.06 KB, 1644x1092, 679ebetweom81.png)

There's official body pillows (or other lewd merch) for most anime, doesn't mean that Madoka isn't a god tier show.

No. 2415062

Topkek at the idea that the quality of a show is inversely proportional to how many official dakimakuras there are

No. 2415064

Someone should summon that one anon who is weirdly protective of Mel

No. 2415065

No. 2415066

If he were a buff bishie he'd be perfect because I love his character/personality

No. 2415067

I’m very conflicted on Madoka. I think it’s a great story with a beautiful musical score but goddamn if the pedobait animation & official art doesn’t skeeve me the fuck out. It’s hard to think of any anime/manga that doesn’t skeeve me out though, it’s a rotten industry.

No. 2415069

File: 1740361159442.jpeg (2.5 MB, 1500x2254, 861533.jpeg)

Not really what I was implying but the idea is funny so I'm gonna run with it.
I kinda considered getting one but they were kinda expensive and dakis are big

No. 2415073

>when you ordered a kiki toy but you got a bouba toy instead

No. 2415083

It's so weird to see cute guys like this that I think this is cute and somehow not sinister like the Madoka pillow.

No. 2415086

File: 1740361635573.jpg (79.55 KB, 404x600, 543008-4f80e.jpg)

Anon, they're VERY obviously both meant for fanservice and you gotta be coping hard to not realize that.

No. 2415099

Some anon is gonna see this and completely flip a tit

No. 2415101

It's not even the only pillow of them that they did kek.
I kinda wonder if some Reigen yumes bought this and then taped over the Mob side or something

No. 2415105

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Nta but its nowhere as bad as Meguca?? Show me an official daki of a 14 year old male character from a popular anime where his asscheeks are out.

No. 2415108

You made that an exceedingly narrow request kek

No. 2415109

File: 1740362338217.png (688.3 KB, 923x838, W2yxKri.png)

slight derail but it's sending me that this bitch's moid larp name is KEITH. I know the soft boy tif names like kai and ari and noah are a cliche but "southern boomer dad who loves to rub dirt on his face and call himself an anime girl" tack is also pretty funny
yeah, if women want to enjoy madoka then that's whatever but I don't see how you can watch the shows and not pick up on the subtle themes about how girls are pure and then become corrupted when they get older and madoka's working mother is a bad thing and how it's obvious the writing is not just "dark and edgy subversion" but "pervert man is getting off on watching these young teens be tortured ala made in abyss." you guys know that the writer gen urobuchi made a more explicitly pedophilic "horror eroge" called Saya no Uta, right? kind of provides more support to the fact that he's a pedophile who gets on child torture

No. 2415111

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Does Kirito count

No. 2415112

I hate Madoka because troons and goons decided to use it and invade the magical girl genre and praise its skin deep trope subversions.

No. 2415114

lmfao why did they make the Mob bodypillow sluttier than Reigen's? jesus christ the pedophilia knows no limits

No. 2415117

Look at like, any merch of Ciel kek.
I hate this retarded ass argument, mahou shoujo had been doing moidshit since the 70s with cutie honey and the vast majority of mahou shoujo in the 2000s were shit like moetan but because Madoka is popular it gets all the blame.
Because he's the uke? Idk I don't watch mob psycho.

No. 2415119

They're the same body pillow, just one side is Reigen and one side is Mob.

No. 2415120

>cutie honey
Leave her out of this

No. 2415123

With Kirito they tried handwaving it off as being older than he is because of video game time logic or some shit because of how long he was in Underworld. I don't know, SAO sucks.

No. 2415124

Anon that shit is way more moidy than Madoka could ever hope to be.
It's fine if you like it but don't act like it isn't scroteshit.

No. 2415128

>posting re: cutie honey

No. 2415130

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There’s literally a scene in this anime of her twin sister rubbing her nipples kek
Does AOT guy count

No. 2415133

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>inb4 cutie honey F fans haven’t actually watched the anime and deny this happened

No. 2415136

>inb4 you haven’t watched it either and that’s not even her biological sister (they’re artificial humans)

No. 2415140

I dropped the show kek
I don’t really see how that takes away from my main point of this franchise being moidy even in the series for girls though.

No. 2415142

You can like media even if they don’t align with your views. Shocking I know.

No. 2415144

SAO was painfully bad, I only made it a few episodes in. Absolute dogshit show with the most boring Gary Stu character I’ve ever seen, jesus

No. 2415145

I absolutely agree with that, I just think Madoka being considered ‘the moid mahou shoujo’ is really retarded since for one it aimed for a gender neutral audience and two moidy mahou shoujo were a thing faaaar before it.

No. 2415146

You gotta admit though the fujobait love interest just being Kirito but blonde is pretty funny.

No. 2415150

Bobble-head proportions. I wonder why the right moid was so popular among yumes?

No. 2415153

I think both were more popular with fujos

No. 2415160

it's just the way this particular art was drawn that sucks he doesn't usually look like this

No. 2415162

Nta but I agree, plenty scrotified mahoushoujo came before Madoka but it gets the lion’s share of the blame because of its popularity. Not to absolve it of its problems of course. As I mentioned above I have complicated feelings towards it.

No. 2415165

"girls are more emotional" isn't a god tier theme, the point is it's not surprising a show like this written by a misogynist has suggestive body pillows of girls in a state of undress

Aaand here come the shotacons

No. 2415174

>"girls are more emotional" isn't a god tier theme
Eh, the phrasing isn’t great but girls going through puberty (the average age of a magical girl) are when women are at their most emotional (and obviously we can’t have mahou shounen because that’s not how the genre it’s a deconstruction of is set up)

It’s one sort of questionable element in an otherwise fantastic anime so I’m willing to give it a pass on that one.

No. 2415186

Old nonna here. Trust me when I say that those types were run out of communities when they were your age, too. I notice they deliberately target younger fan groups in order to dominate the conversation instead of sticking to their peers or reading the room. They were some of the originators of the first fandom-based callouts/mobs on Livejournal and Geocities. They always adopt some caustic politics to bring in and hold over everyone in a bid to be the group alpha.

No. 2415187

A charitable read of it could say that the massive hormonal and body changes that girls go through in puberty, combined with an oppressive world hostile to girls & women (if that’s what they were going for with the 2 scrotes on the train that Sayaka nukes + witches being histoircally burned) makes them ideal prey for the incubators.

Ofc then it’s combined with all the gross and completely unnecessarily sexualised shots of 14 year old girls in the show, purely for an adult male audience, which is what gives me a feeling of unease and cognitive dissonance.

No. 2415188

God I need this

No. 2415192

It doesn't make sense because teenage boys are also emotional and this fact makes it plainly obvious that the writer was desperately trying to find a way to justify girls only for his edgy deconstruction.

The scrotes on a train could have been an opportunity for concrete feminist commentary but in the end it just fueled Sayaka's arc about her weird obsession about being a hero of justice and how she hates the world now or something (and yes it's "the world," she makes no distinction between men and women like a typical libfem)

Every newer installment strays further and further from any pro-woman them and more into fanservicing scrotes

No. 2415193

>It doesn't make sense because teenage boys are also emotional
Yeah but this is a MAHOU SHOUJO deconstruction anime.

No. 2415197

That doesn't help the sexism allegations.
Why is this man so obsessed with "deconstructing" mahou shoujo in the first place. And why "becuz girlz r emotional" for such a "logical" species to make that decision?

This is also on top of the other illogical edgelord bait such as middle schoolers who have never once thouoght about where your soul is located to be like "omg we're zombies" at your "soul" being placed in a gem…

No. 2415201

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Because why not? It's not like it was the first time there was a mahou shoujo anime with elements that deconstucted the genre anyway so I don't see the issue with it. The vast majority of mahou shoujo anime is either coomslop or low quality monster of the week series so I really see no issue with wanting to take the base concept and make it into a series for an adult audience.
I don't see you bitching about Evangelion being a deconstruction of mecha kek.

No. 2415220

>being an insane, shameless lesbian yume on tiktok
kinda based

No. 2415222

Nayrt but Evangelion is some of the most overrated slop I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching. “Deep” and “philosophical” my ass.

No. 2415225

I think the OG series+EOE is fantastic but rebuild is one of the worst things I've ever watched.

No. 2415228

Weebs get so triggered when you point out that Evangelion wasn't that good

No. 2415233

>It's not like it was the first time there was a mahou shoujo anime with elements that deconstucted the genre anyway
exactly. Princess tutu was tasteful and not a misogynistic mess.

At least Evangelion didn't spawn 20 coomerbait anime shitting on mecha
At least it's not Berserk or Vinland Saga

No. 2415237

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>exactly. Princess tutu was tasteful and not a misogynistic mess.
I mean the endings are ultimately fairly similar in their conclusion
>Madoka sacrifices herself to end the circle of suffering for magical girls, becomes a god and everyone forgets her except Homura
>Ahiru sacrifices herself for the prince so he can ultimately save the world from the raven, becomes a duck again and everyone forgets her except Fakir
I love both of these shows dearly and they're both in my top 5 but I don't see how one is better than the other in that sense.
>At least Evangelion didn't spawn 20 coomerbait anime shitting on mecha
Yes it fucking did retard, you just don't know about them because they were all forgetten about due to being like 15+ years old.(learn2reply)

No. 2415245

File: 1740369105746.png (157.87 KB, 460x259, aEgd6VO_460s.png)

Well except for Franxx obviously because that shit isn't that old, definitely furthers the point of Eva having 10000 coom shows that tried to repeat it.

No. 2415249

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I don’t comprehend the psychology of shotacon. I understand finding the them cute, but I don’t know how some view it as a sexual preference. Closest explanation I could find is autopedophilia.

No. 2415250

They have sexy legs, just look at Alois.
Also the whole loss of innocence thing with an older man x shota.

No. 2415252

she wouldn't have to be this cringe and embarrassing if she had a healthier outlet for her sexual expression than a league of legends waifu. I could have saved her

No. 2415255

File: 1740369662499.webp (33.63 KB, 365x783, 5268621579526.WEBP)

Why would a presumably heterosexual female be attracted to a character that is meant to be a pseudo-woman if not for autopedophilia?

No. 2415258

I'm bi
Like I said though I think a lot of it is more about the forbidden fruit/loss of innocence motif which makes shota appealing to a lot of fujos as this theme is pretty common in BL itself and it's just an exaggerated form of it.

No. 2415263

You're drinking too much fandom gendie kool-aid if you think a shota is meant to be a woman

No. 2415269

File: 1740370235870.jpeg (22.71 KB, 324x375, 468568.jpeg)

Did you make a judgement based on one character? Agreeing with AYRT that's it's likely to be an innocence thing, there's stuff like picrel which is a exemplification of a perversion of innocence.

No. 2415271

This manga was so fucking good.

No. 2415276

I’m not a gendie. Many BL media depicts the uke as the “stand-in” for females (see omega verse). Additionally, young boys were considered pseudo-women in ancient societies.
That still does not explain attraction at the visual level.(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2415277

Please, just go to one of the fujo discourse threads before this one gets shit up by this "pseudo-woman" garbage again.

No. 2415278

>Additionally, young boys were considered pseudo-women in ancient societies.
This is lolcow not greece
>That still does not explain attraction at the visual level.
Literally said in my first post that most of them have sexy legs. A lot of the time the dynamic is more important than physical apperance though which is the same for shota characters.

No. 2415279

>most of them have sexy legs
So… pseudo-women? Kek.(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2415282

Dudes can also have sexy legs, especially in stylized anime art styles.

No. 2415283

nta but do you think only women can have sexy legs or something. little boys are not women

No. 2415285

It might be women projecting their fears/anxieties of rape onto a male, though it’s still odd because most fujos already do this with adult characters, so idk why it needs to be a kid

No. 2415286

It’s simple to rule that out, but I’m trying to find the root cause of why shotacon exists as a fetish. What is it about barely-pubescent male characters and loss of innocence that attracts fujoshi?

No. 2415288

AT can apply to male characters too, I hate shota pairings myself so avoid it but I feel like you're being retarded or purposefully obtuse.

No. 2415290

>little boys are not women
Then why do shota resemble irl women rather than irl little boys?(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2415292

It's already been explained to you like 5 times, a common theme in BL is loss of innocence and an exaggerated form of that would be with an older man and a young boy.
It's basically the BL equivalent of girls into coquette stuff like lolita, it's pretty much a staple of media made for women.

No. 2415295

I'm not a fujo (hate men including 2d ones…) but I really think shotas in yaoi are for self insert. a friend loves sebaciel and I swear she self inserts as ciel. there's no way the fujos feel attraction towards ciel, it has to be a very small percentage.

No. 2415296

File: 1740371514423.jpg (154.74 KB, 736x795, 1000005008.jpg)

Most shotas are just sized down bishies

No. 2415297

Do these look like women to you?

No. 2415299

explain to me why fujos loved cosplaying this kid back in the days if he's designed for the female gaze instead of being a self insert.(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2415302

He has a cute design and cosplay is fun. If women cosplay any character does that mean that character is a female self insert?

No. 2415303

have you ever seen real boys in real life? they're never this soft and rounded. yaoi shotas look like tifs who are too short if anything, which makes sense why there are so many "gay" tifs.(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2415304

they don’t. anime characters barely even resemble real life people in the first place. real women don’t look or act like anime characters. >>2415299
do you think bakugo is some pseudo woman self insert just because women cosplay him. women cosplay literally anything

No. 2415306

>romanticized grooming as a staple of media made for women
Why is that so? Or will explaining why be too blackpilling?
They certainly don’t look resemble real boys, yet still maintain a neoteny found in women.(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2415307

File: 1740371860851.png (536.85 KB, 511x800, throwback-to-this-iconic-momen…)

>You can get another girl or if you're super lucky a guy to cosplay Sebastian and larp your OTP with you
>It's easier for a girl to crossplay a shota over any other type of male character due to most children looking androgynous
>He wears Ouji and lolita inspired clothing which is very appealing to girls

No. 2415308

bakugo is not a character made by fujos to fujos. it's a character from shounen slop made for adolescent moids.

No. 2415309

Isn't Ciel 12? When the anime was airing it was pretty popular with young teens, to me it seems plausible that a young teenage girl would be attracted to Ciel because they would be close in age. Crossplay also isn't indicative of attraction anyway, chicks would cosplay as Ciel because they liked him (for whatever reason) and because it was easier for them to make for a convincing Ciel than trying to cosplay the adult characters.

No. 2415311

That's kinda just what anime characters look like though? even a lot of male self inserts look like that >>2414363

No. 2415312

I think being convincing wasnt really the main focus of teenaged cosplayers back then because they would also cosplay characters like the hetalia ones which are much taller and manlier than them.

No. 2415315

I think people are trying to make this too complicated. It's common for kids/teenagers to find older people/characters attractive. Most people don't suddenly become attracted to other people over the age of 18 on their own 18th birthdays. So these age gap pairings are just sublimation.

it was probably a bonus

No. 2415316

>age gap pairings are just sublimation
Doesn’t explain why these fantasies persist onto adulthood without the presence of autopedophilia.

No. 2415318

>Shotas look nothing like real children and are actually psuedo women
>But it's still autopedophilia
Anon you can only have one

No. 2415319

I guess age gap pairings persisting in adulthood is a clear sign of being mentally stunted in some type of way. so does autopedophilia.

No. 2415323

what part of self inserting as a little kid being fucking weird is hard to understand? you do you, you're a woman and I know women won't go out and rape little boys even if they're shotafag degenerates, but people are still allowed to find it gross.

No. 2415325

Both statements validate the other. An autopedophiliac woman imagining herself as a boy child in a sexual relationship with a grown man.

No. 2415326

Ok but you were arguing that shotas are actually psuedo women so going by your logic it cannot ALSO be autopedophilia.
>but people are still allowed to find it gross.
No one was saying that you're not allowed to?

No. 2415328

that would just be actual pedophilia and not autopedo
but he’s popular with them. you really missed my point there

No. 2415330

I think they just get hung up on their youth fantasies. Like people who retain school uniform fetishes or fetishes for teachers even after they graduated high school. Those early teenage years are when hormones and emotions are at their highest so maybe things can imprint more easily. Then these people get older and their hormones and emotions are more even keel so their fantasies focus on a time period when everything was more exciting.

Do elderly people have sexual fantasies that reflect their actual age or do they also regress to imagining themselves/their self inserts as being more youthful? If it is the latter then I think my theory is probably correct.

No. 2415331

Their argument though is that shotas are actually women, so going by their logic wouldn't it just be regular self inserting?

No. 2415332

When did fandoms start to get so obsessed with BDSM? And I don't mean for fanfics or fanart. Like retards fighting over a character being "canonically" a dom or some nonsense like that.

No. 2415333

Always been a thing, I think people just didn't say sub and dom as much then and just had characters whipping the shit out of each other.

No. 2415335

No one's saying it's normal but shotas aren't women stand ins. They look like any other bishounen, just smaller. Female shotacons seem to be into the innocence and androgyny of shota characters, the whole moe thing. If shotas were women why would there be content like >>2415058 are those women wanting to have body pillows of their self inserts?

No. 2415338

I'm gonna assume the moment where everyone started performing being some type of different gender or having some speshul sexuality. because originally the male gay community had very close ties with BDSM (see classic gay art like tom of finland for example) so it kinda comes with being a gay moid but nowadays it just means you're not like the other straight people if you like BDSM. the people who insist kink is LGBT are more at blame than gay moids in my opinion but that's where it came from.

No. 2415339

So, you would argue shotacon is straight-up female pedophilia instead?

No. 2415341

depends of your reason for consuming shotacon, if you do self insert, most likely. moids who consume it often do it for autopedophilia and/or size difference fetish and I can't imagine it being too different for women.

No. 2415343

NTA but shotas don't look or act enough like real little boys to count imo.

No. 2415345

With the example of Black Butler I can buy that Ciel was used as a stand-in by female readers bc they were attracted to Sebastian and the two formed the story's focal relationship. With Hanako-kun I don't think he works as a stand-in because iirc there's a strong focus on his relationship with a female character so the attraction is more likely to be towards Hanako himself.

Maybe there are female readers who self insert as him because they like Nene? Do lesbian/bi fans ever self insert as male characters to pair with female characters? I'm wondering now.

No. 2415346

File: 1740373511256.jpg (Spoiler Image,241.39 KB, 774x1066, go nagai with kekko kamen cosp…)

>he's a pedophile who gets on child torture
I feel most Japanese creators, especially males, are extremely sick in the head. This is why I can enjoy their shows to an extent, but I do not feel offended if some anon points out the coom aspects. Like, there is one cutiehoneyfag who keeps malding when anybody does not like that show, but it is hard for me to feel this strongly about it when the creator is a complete degen.

No. 2415347

I heard some theories were shotacon was popularized in BL as “revenge” against lolicon, rather than genuinely-occurring attraction.
Then what is their closest real-life inspiration?

No. 2415349

>Then what is their closest real-life inspiration?
Early on (is in like stuff from the 70s) a lot of their looks were inspired by Bjorn Andresen but for the majority of BL it's not inspired by any real life equivalent, just already existing uke character tropes (innocent, tsundere, quiet, etc)

No. 2415350

More likely than them being psudeo-women. Imo I think it being legitimate pedophilia depends on how the shota is presented or who's making it. Many anime characters ages could be changed without changing their design at all, I wouldn't call a woman a pedophile for liking the Ouran characters and I don't think those characters look too different from Ciel or the blonde one besides height. As I said they're just moe bishounen

No. 2415351

I do feel like a huge hypocrite for liking anime sometimes, being someone who criticised a lot of sexualization (especially of minors) in anime. since many of the anime I like are also revered by lolicons (think of 2000s slice of life like lucky star or azumanga or some comedy shows like milky holmes), I like because they're funny and have cute designs but it is what it is. it's better to know and see the flaws and everything for what it is than to be completely in denial like a lot of anime fans are. if someone tells me the shows I like are for disgusting creeps I have to agree with them.

No. 2415352

>Bjorn Andresen
Was Germaine Greer a shotacon?

No. 2415353

I think it depends on the characterization even more than the design. As you said, anime designs are too stylized to accurately reflect age. Western animation doesn't get brought up enough, most Western animation has really squished proportions that can make figuring out ages difficult. Kim Possible really doesn't look much different from her mom or Shego, for instance.

No. 2415354

Who? There’s multiple anons on this board who like that show iirc

No. 2415355

I'll be honest, I know jack shit about Bjorn other than him inspiring Gilbert Cocteau and jumping off a cliff in that shitty midsommar movie kek.

No. 2415356

>29 year old in an 11 year old's body
Is this trope in the clear or nah.

No. 2415357

it is kinda weird but female shotacons get a pass from me so idc

No. 2415359

Good enough for me

No. 2415361

as long as you make men seethe for not being adequate enough looking at the art you do or enjoy, you do you, queen

No. 2415363

Moids love shotas though

No. 2415364

At the end of the day it comes down to this for me
>Shota is fine since women don't fuck kids
>Loli is not fine since men do fuck kids
>Incest is fine because fucking your siblings went out of style a long time ago
>Furries are not fine because they regularly fuck animals
Moids love SELF INSERTING as shotas in /ss/
/ss/ is separate from shota because shota being gay and for women is the default.

No. 2415365

>nowadays it just means you're not like the other straight people if you like BDSM
This explains so much. It's still really weird to see people talk about vanilla het couples and act like they're in some kind of D/S relationship in canon.

No. 2415366

>fucking your siblings went out of style a long time ago

No. 2415367

There's a difference between consensual sex between siblings and moids raping their little sisters.

No. 2415369

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No. 2415370

File: 1740374832147.jpg (52.43 KB, 976x549, 5278426962573.JPG)

>consensual sex between siblings

No. 2415371

moids like very different shota than women do, they don't like shit like ciel but they like shit like shota who double as traps like old bridget, or gay moids that like muscle shota. i think for a lot of women the appeal of a shota is a bit like a dress up doll, they like them in cute clothes and scenarios for the most part.

No. 2415372

I personally find these designations very boring because they're putting characters in boxes. it's way more fun and exciting when you don't really know what to expect from the characters. once again straight people can't stop being boring even when they're trying their best to be speshul.

No. 2415373

You're acting like I'm defending it happening irl kek, shit is so rare that I don't even think it's bothering to debate over.

No. 2415374

moids also like faceless shotas which are basically like the faceless men in hentai which hilariously always have adult sized (or sometimes really big) dicks but with small bodies to make the big tiddy woman look bigger.

No. 2415375

When I was younger (13-14) I said I liked "shotas" because I saw men shorter than me as safe/kinder to me. I got called a pedophile by men even though I never actually liked shotas, I just liked men who were shorter than me and didn't know the term for it. It was odd, because the men who called me pedophiles got caught having actual grown male friends who were flirting with minors or had allegations themselves.

No. 2415376

We’re still allowed to find certain fetishes weird without being accused of moralfaggotry though.

No. 2415378

when men attack women for being fujos or call them pedophiles for liking shotas or more feminine adjacent men (like the guys from genshin i.e.) it's almost always a projection from them being degenerate and pornsick and hating themselves for it.

No. 2415380

Literally no one said you aren't, if you go into a thread and start derailing it though people also have the right to tell you to fuck off somewhere else kek.

No. 2415383

I wonder why. I remember a lot of them seething whenever male celebrities (like timothee) became popular and they started coping and started saying shit like "birth control makes women like feminine men/fags". I never took BC and still liked "pretty" men. In Japan, the men are expected to be clean or look neat, so I don't understand why they get so angry at women not liking roidpigs/dadbods or men with beards/men who look old.

No. 2415384

Has anyone considered that perhaps the reason shotacon is so prevalent is yaoi is because the authors were molested as children? Also incest and large age gaps in m/f shoujo/josei are common in Japan too. Maybe their brains are just fried from taking so much sexual abuse in a society that hates women's rights. I feel like the general accepting attitude towards being a pedophile help much, so many female victims of csa internalize it and fetishize it. If your throw a rock in the pond of Japanese women's literature you will scrape a depiction of pedophilia

No. 2415386

Well I was never molested and I like shota

No. 2415387


No. 2415392

I will say, a lot of moids like to use the idea of Japan having low sexual abuse due to "muh personal freedom decreases sexual abuse" when in reality, most cases are not convicted (I believe 80-90%), so a lot of those who undergo CSA/rape, do not bother speaking up about it. I remember reading somewhere that Abe has specifically changed the data to make Japan look better as well. They just denied an emmy winning movie based off the sexual abuse in Japan.. If Japan can easily ignore their past crimes with other countries, I do not understand why moids like to use Japan as a reasoning to excuse their perversions as a gotcha for how it can decrease rates, when in reality, sexual abuse is terrible there, it just is very ignored.

No. 2415395

Moids do this a lot, they pretend that Sweden has the highest rate when in reality they just have the best set up method
>Other countries don't count marital rape as rape while Sweden does
>Other countries don't count forced oral penetration as rape while Sweden does
>Other countries just ignore molestation all the time while Sweden includes it in their stats
etc etc

No. 2415397

Reminds me of picrel kek (just replace the retarded nuspeak "queerbait" with "fujobait") The bait in SAO is definitely of the "block of cheese under a box propped up by a stick" variety kek

No. 2415400

Not arguing that other magical girl shit isn't moid pandering but Madoka was seriously latched onto by modern basement dwellers, especially in the west. I doubt most of those troons don't even know about cutie honey but they sure do like their 12 year old lesbians

No. 2415401

File: 1740376261843.png (58.86 KB, 624x625, dumbasses.png)

I swear to Christ /ot/ newfags have zero ability to identify and ignore bait. Then you act all shocked that your threads go to shit.

No. 2415402

It really is crazy how retarded they are at statistics. Statistics works well with them when it comes to races, but when you mention anything about other factors, they start spouting out how you can't trust all research.

No. 2415408

Plus every incident counts as its own individual stat, if a moid rapes a woman 3 times in the same night it counts as 3 separate rapes.

No. 2415410

I think we should all pitch in and make a chart with what mental illnesses correspond with certain fetishes. Anons give me your diagnoses and your bookmarked tags.

No. 2415412

adhd and I dont read or watch porn, just coerce my moid into giving me head and make him cum in 30s as reward.

No. 2415413

Autism = Everything

No. 2415414

Conduct that study in a /g/ thread please tyvm

No. 2415416

Cunt this is a fandom discourse thread go overshare about your 3DPD post-wall hog on /g/

No. 2415417

File: 1740376940650.png (63.9 KB, 238x736, smug oberon dancing.png)

>Closest I have is pic

No. 2415420

No I need the autists not the normies (the we’re fat migration will skew the results)

No. 2415422

If you ever find it, please link it, I would love to use this in arguments with weebs I see online who use it as a gotcha for their coomerism.

No. 2415424

but I still admire 2D men for making men feel inadequate, ugly and objectified, keep at it sisters

No. 2415425

Her face scares me, no soul in those eyes

No. 2415427

NTA but look up Sexual Violence and Gender Inequality in Japan by Machiko Osawa if you want some stats.
Yeah but there's amputee fetishists over there whose data you're not collecting.

No. 2415428

Same but with uniforms as well.

No. 2415431

I'd be willing to make a few educated guesses
>BPD associated with DDLG, BDSM
>Autism associated with furries, object fucking
>Depression associated with humiliation kink, bloodplay

No. 2415432

File: 1740377298322.webp (30.87 KB, 640x601, 89yjrm05fzv71.webp)

This is the closest I can think of, though it's political.

No. 2415433

What about schizophrenia

No. 2415434

File: 1740377340994.jpg (192.62 KB, 1396x1336, FTOQad1XoAATmDC.jpg)

Here's another one for mental illnesses for political spectrum.

No. 2415436

Monster fucking, oviposition, handholding

No. 2415437

>Rightoid women into scat
What does it mean

No. 2415439

Im a lesbian with autism and adhd and i REALLY like feet

No. 2415440

NTA, it depends on what type of schizophrenia. I've seen schizo women with scat, vore, rubber, belly button, guro and vomit fetishes.

No. 2415441

Schizo women are a rich tapestry

No. 2415442

Based. Favorite kind?

No. 2415444

this just gave me a flashback to when i made one of these at age 12 for some godforsaken reason

No. 2415446

someone make a google form kek. Also include sexual orientation and make sure you can pick multiple options at once cuz of comorbidity

No. 2415447

I had to put a whole shit ton of stuff in the NO zone since pretty much all furry+poop stuff went there.

No. 2415449

If you pick moid as your gender it should electrocute you through your keyboard though Oops spoilers

No. 2415451

Interestingly ime schizotypal women tend to be more into gore stuff like woundfucking and necrophilia in one instance.
Good idea nona.

No. 2415455

I would take “women” with a grain of salt since this is a poll done by aella

No. 2415458

A bit basic but I love formal military uniforms.

No. 2415459

Nah military uniforms are real nice

No. 2415469

>aella poll
Literally worthless data due to selection bias

No. 2415470

The fuck is cock warming

No. 2415471

I think the one on men is more realistic tbh.

No. 2415472

>There's a difference between moids raping their sisters and moids raping their sisters

No. 2415473

I think it's just having a dick in you but not fucking???

No. 2415474

It's like spooning/cuddling but there's a dick in the hole invovled.

No. 2415477

Keeping it in without movement/friction

No. 2415478

Imagine it as like, two guys just got done fucking and instead of taking it out he just keeps it in there and they start cuddling.

No. 2415479

Based yaoi explanation

No. 2415480

That sounds dumb and lame

No. 2415485

Sometimes the guy just gets sleepy but is too lazy to take it out of the asshole bro.

No. 2415493

Just make the uke fart it out

No. 2415494

I don't want fucking farts in my yaoi that's disgusting.

No. 2415497

Sorry. Semes can only burp and ukes can only fart.

No. 2415498

Nonna just because I like them to be smelly neets doesn't mean I want them to do shit like fart and burp.

No. 2415502

File: 1740381259118.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.22 KB, 214x300, 4263262252489.JPG)

>I want them to do shit
They will soon don’t worry.

No. 2415503

Dude I already got PTSD from RN9 you don't need to remind me of the shits.

No. 2415535

Ewww on a mfin toilet?!

No. 2415563

No. 2415567

So the shota baiter finally moved on from shitting up /m/ threads and is now targeting this one?

No. 2415601

File: 1740391788509.jpg (60.18 KB, 680x622, 1000008619.jpg)

The lads love interests are 23-28 years old. How are these idiots gonna complain about adults discussing adult relationships gtfo kek

No. 2415676

I like manlets

No. 2415700

Can these freaking kids leave this fandom? I don't want snot nosed brats whining about women aged 21-30 talking about adult crap. Seriously, I'm tired of kids shitting up communities with their puritan moralfagging.

No. 2415709

Adhd and OCD, I feel like one of the few women who likes giant hunky men kek.

No. 2415723

youre in a adult space where youre not supposed to be, can parent fucking monitor their children better?

No. 2415757

File: 1740399732933.jpg (24.9 KB, 373x510, 1740067592367.jpg)

her face kek

No. 2415789

Comparing touhou games to shit like onimai is such a stretch kek. I've played a couple and I don't recall them having fanservice and troon shit in them. While onimai is just totally unwatchable unless you're a coomer. Just because the fanbases for both have shitty males (like every single weeb fanbase for something with cute girls) doesn't put them on the same level in terms of what they are at all.
It's because they hate that women can have any preferences or standards just in general. The bc makes you love pretty boys meme is a massive cope for their belief that muh ugly masculinity is always what every single woman prefers naturally, even though anytime media garners a large female following it tends to be because there are pretty boys in it, not roidpigs they love to pretend are what women actually like.

No. 2415795

I have feeling so old lately because people like this piss me right off. They need to find something better to do than bother women into LADS.

No. 2415798

Aren't the touhou games extremely chaste? I can't speak for other types of media, but I'm pretty sure each character only has 1 single sprite and it's always wearing a big poofy dress.

No. 2415804

File: 1740402016370.jpg (72.85 KB, 850x596, __kageyama_ritsu_mob_psycho_10…)

what website is this?

No. 2415805

Kids today are more illiterate than ever. They don't think for themselves , read or write. All they do is scroll social media. These parents failed them. I see so many kids who only use online speak and meme slang because they aren't educated at all in their home.

No. 2415807

No. 2415817

All official touhou material is super tame with no sexual stuff whatsoever and ZUN doesn't like sexualizing his characters in the first place, I'm reminded of that one time where ZUN and his wife were playing gartic phone on a stream, he was asked to draw Kasen stuck in a wall with her ass sticking out and he just drew a really goofy-looking Kasen with a literal wall for an ass instead.

No. 2415831

zun called his characters lolis before. I love touhou but hes an otaku moid who used to recommend people to play eroges and the pc98 version of touhou has sprites traced from a Rance game.

No. 2415834

That's disappointing. At least he keeps it out of the official franchise, I guess.

No. 2415841

thats probably because he cant draw for shit

No. 2415870

>pc98 version of touhou has sprites traced from a Rance game

No. 2415880

File: 1740403962399.jpg (32.59 KB, 500x218, nuzxuz7kfp851.jpg)

No. 2415883

Still wouldn't put his games on the same level as Onimai and other media where the degenerate shit is front and center rather than confined to fan material and whatever the author said. I could make a normie play one of the Touhou games regardless of what Zun himself does or says because there isn't anything that would raise eyebrows in it, but I couldn't let them watch Onimai because they would instantly notice all the lolicon and fanservice shit in the show itself and drop it.

No. 2415884

True, but that doesnt change the fact both onimai and touhou are aimed towards the same kind of otaku. Plus, they are different mediums. Touhou is a shmup done by a person who cant draw and onimai is fully animated. The characters from onimai themselves arent sexualized(except for the gyaru) but put in motion, the animatiors draw them in very sexual poses and scenarios.

No. 2415900


No. 2415901

I think they both target otaku but at the same time Touhou definitely has a much broader appeal and can easily be enjoyed even if you're not a degenerate. While for Onimai I've not seen it have a single fan that wasn't a tranny or a porn addicted lolicon basically.

No. 2415906

>It's because they hate that women can have any preferences or standards just in general.
Every time some progressive libfem cuck talks about male body positivity, I want to alog so bad. No one wants to see a fat moid in a thong but these freaks will screech to high heavens about muh beauty at every size memes.

No. 2415907

It has a fair amount of female fans in Japan. They did a collab with sanrio very recently.

No. 2415913

it's all trannies.

No. 2415925

They're retarded because men would tear any ugly and fat woman to shreds and they call it woke if a female character doesn't look like a blowup doll. Even when they sexualize "fat" female characters they're usually not even actually fat and just have big boobs and thighs or something.
Yeah I've seen a few myself.

No. 2415927

To be fair they're not gonna get accurate data for this one because rightoids don't believe in mental illness kek

No. 2415934

No. 2415971

Please tell me the name idk how to reverse image search

No. 2415991

maybe her maturity is on the same level as the shota so adult men are too intimidating for her, kek

No. 2416033

Better than shitting on the floor

No. 2416041

They need to bring back Club Penguin so we have somewhere to quarantine all the children again

No. 2416097

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No. 2416118

omg stop saying that Cutie Honey is Shoujo when she was never intended for girls anyway!! This is the second time you've said that, are you stupid? It was published in a SHONEN magazine, created by Go Nagai. How could anyone with a working brain think she belongs to the same category with Sailor Moon or Wedding Peach? Did you even read it?

No. 2416135

How do you not know how to reverse image search. How old are you?

No. 2416136

Was about to say that explains why so much of the fanbase is illiterate and weirdly misogynistic, but then a lot of those players have 20-30+ in their bios kek

No. 2416158

Fuck you for letting me know this exists.

No. 2416321

Someone one twitter said this screencap is from a tiktok thread where girls as young as 9 were playing! They were even trying to get some "minors into LADS" group going which sounds like a grooming diaster waiting to happen.

No. 2416324

I'll bet the entire £5 in my pocket that a scrote is behind this "group."

No. 2416338

Cope and post here >>>/g/437064

No. 2416393

What the actual hell? That is legit disgusting.

No. 2416437

that comment section ffs

No. 2416525

I never said it was? You can be a mahou shoujo without being a shoujo manga character

No. 2416540

You’re just as annoying as them. Go back to twitter.

No. 2416544

nice way to out yourself as being one of those underaged fans

No. 2416549

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No. 2416553

Go argue with some 14 year old gendie over some hoyoslop ship

No. 2416560

euthanize every Japanese moid

No. 2416561

what the hell does this mean

No. 2416563

its a lolishit comic about a child being raped by a old moid

No. 2416567

How is this so normalized over there

No. 2416568

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No. 2416576

WTF is going on in top right

No. 2416579

low conviction rates for rapists yet you can get jailed for calling a moid retarded, the rate of stalkers and gropers should be evidence enough, japan has a disgusting child rape culture.

No. 2416584

Men are so demented

No. 2416605

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No. 2416656

lolicons always justify their fantasies by saying they are kept in the realm of 2d, but their depictions of these "2d girls" sometimes look creepily realistic.

No. 2416658

What would they jail you for? Discrimination? Cause these pedos use freedom of expression as justification for their pedo tendencies

No. 2416666

it means I consume media that doesn't have lolishotashit, retard

No. 2416692

Defamation kek you cant call a moid a faggot because it hurts their feefees so you get jailed and fined child rape on the other hand? Community service and nothing else also most child rape cases are done by fathers and the child has to prove they got raped with evidence so theres also a stigma of reporting and making it complicated for the child to do so, so imagine the devastation the child feels even if they do report it and the rapist goes free

No. 2416760

Can't stand the kind of retard that spouts "don't like don't read" while not tagging their shit properly or at all.

No. 2416764

I over tag my shit kek because I 100% believe in don't like don't read. Most people don't look at tags or just filter out the ones they hate.

No. 2416770

I appreciate your over tagging, nonna.

No. 2416782

Same. We have to be the change we want to see in the world.

No. 2416941

File: 1740437134946.png (1.25 MB, 1284x1709, Screenshot.png)

A lot of moid weebs are really mad at this woman in the quotes. I thought their pedoshit was totes welcome and seen differently in japan?

No. 2416968

File: 1740437990925.jpeg (78.8 KB, 977x781, IMG_9441.jpeg)

Moids so desperately want Japan to be some safe haven for pedophile scum like them where the women cannot say no. It's why they shove the "THERE'S ACKKKSHUALLLLYYY NO RAPE IN JAPAN" statistics up everyone's ass and deny the fact that women are often ostracized from society for opening up about sexual assault or the fact that there needs to be a loud ass noise on moid's cameras because they can't stop taking pics of little girls' underwear. They're so in denial about Japanese women IRL not being their oh so perfect waifus that every Japanese woman who says "hey, there's a rape and pedophilia problem here" gets moids seething that she's ackshually a white western feminazi!!111!

No. 2416979

Ngl I don't trust anybody who says they're Japanese but speak in English. There's too many that do it as a weird race play "Japanese women totally like this" sort of thing.
This case is okay though.

No. 2416989


you gotta look at the rest of the account in most cases, i already believed her but went to her twitter to check the replies and almost all of her other posts are in japanese. i get you about the weird race play though. there's too many people who can't be fucking normal about japan

No. 2416994

File: 1740438675459.gif (975.77 KB, 500x214, mesleeping.gif)

>Troons thinking they can be magical gurls
>Kyuubey making their wish come true, but the curse is forever listening to voices telling them "you're a middle aged man with a porn fetish, not an innocent girl who needed any help".

No. 2417000

I die a little inside whenever people try to use japan's phony statistics as a gotcha

No. 2417001

Oh my god kill me I can't tag properly.

It doesn't help that the show says that girlz r emotional. "Emotional men are now girls" resonates with troons

No. 2417003

There are Japanese people out there who can easily communicate in English even if the average Japanese person has a hard time learning the language, and there are tools like google translate and deepl that keep getting better and better as well, so I don't see how it's unbelievable. It's not like we're talking about mombot endlessly sperging about American culture wars. And even then some people out there are hardcore ameriboos so even mombot could be Japanese.

No. 2417006


You made me remember this Japanese couple: The woman is obvious an autistic woman fixated in knees and young boys. At first they wrote "shota" in her bio, but it seems westerns told her that "shota" means boys porn, not just young boys.

No. 2417014

This. I see this behavior a lot from men and worse, pick me women. There are so many anti fujo women who really think women liking BL = sexualizing gay men irl. shut the fuck up

No. 2417017

He looks better after Mappa gives him a glow up in season 3. Everyone is bobble headed in season 1 and 2.

No. 2417018

File: 1740439584574.jpg (100.19 KB, 686x386, 3168426852689.JPG)

>shota being gay and for women is the default
A gay pedophile made Boku no Piko for other gay pedophiles.

No. 2417019

Is she really a shotafag? I dont see any shotas in her artwork

No. 2417021

She calls to any younger boy she draws a "shota", but not a kid, more like a teen or something.

No. 2417022

He's a trapfag and mostly draws straight shota shit tbh.

No. 2417024

Isn't Pico nonbinary?

No. 2417028

Pico is a shota who gets fucked an adult male and two other shota boys in that series.

No. 2417032

No. 2417033

I know that, not to sure but I remember that someone asked that guy if Pico was a boy or a girl and he didn't say boy but instead answered with "Pico is Pico."

No. 2417038

you're joking, right?

No. 2417041

Boku no pico takes place in a "normal" real world right? so there should be no magic fuckery to make genderless humans. "Nonbinary" isn't real and Pico is male. Jesus christ never thought I'd argue about a gay pedophile anime

No. 2417052

File: 1740440477757.png (132.84 KB, 960x466, 1000020264.png)

What does this mean

No. 2417054

You didn't have to.

No. 2417056

>Imagine if children prostituted their child bodies to adult black men aged 40-70.

No. 2417062

1) i don't want to and 2) it already happens

No. 2417063

>Minors are consumed sexually on a daily basis in this country. It makes me want to die
Me too sis

No. 2417076

Speaking of shit that happens in Japan, they have "SK cafes" where adult men can pay for "dates" with school girls.

No. 2417088

>Posts about how women and girls shouldn't be sexually harassed
Wow, checkmate. That totally disproves her entire point and completely shuts that feminazi down. How about you go goon to furry loli scat until your mom comes home and tosses your piss bottles?

No. 2417095

>obama of proship twitter
Don't even bother trying to understand, they're too far gone

No. 2417223

You’re actually braindead if you think boku no pico is the default for shota
Shota is by default a genre by and for women, deal with it.

No. 2417235

Why is there so much oneeshota then? Men love self inserting as little boys.

Even then the amount of women into cartoon little boys is concerningly high.

No. 2417237

Why would Obama say this

No. 2417241

File: 1740444633113.png (99.41 KB, 594x544, wat.PNG)

Speaking of which, kek.

No. 2417245

NTA but men like bara but you wouldn't consider that BL, different genres for different genders. And it's not like men haven't lifted things from women before, look at the inspiration for loli art styles.

No. 2417249

kinda hot ngl, imagining how he must have felt

No. 2417252

women didn't sexualize the little girls though. And are you saying men took oneeshota from women? lmao. Men must be very degenerate if they took things like this and made them even worse

No. 2417253

nta but the oneeshotas are for self inserters. No oneeshota self insert looks as overly designed as Ciel or Hanako kun.

No. 2417254

BL shit is one thing, but Hanako-kun isn't even BL right? And he's not sexualized at at is he? :/(emoticon)

No. 2417261

2-he has an official body pillow

No. 2417270


No. 2417279

>tfw shotacon isn’t the feminist win you think it is and actually a byproduct of japan’s overall pedophiliac society

No. 2417280

He gets bdsm roped in the first op.

No. 2417283

Hanako’s natural state is sexual

No. 2417285

I know, men sexualised the girls in shoujo and that turned into lolicon. Though yes, men make everything more perverse.

No. 2417287

File: 1740446154839.jpg (81.21 KB, 735x611, 1000131299.jpg)

Idk, nonna, what do you think? I think the manga has beautiful art but let's be real.

No. 2417293

Nene is so lucky…

No. 2417305

nta but where did anon say anything about it being feminist?

No. 2417317

Like upthread, if Hanako was a buff bishie he would be perfect

No. 2417322


No. 2417329

Ah, a fat fucker I see

No. 2417340

File: 1740447834108.jpg (171.98 KB, 1380x764, Examples.jpg)

I think it's easy to tell shota (female audience) apart from shota (male audience).
Setting aside muscle shota, shota for guys tend to be more feminine while shota for women are more boyish.

No. 2417345

I like them all except the blue hair

No. 2417347

I really hate that creature on the left

No. 2417348

Anons want to fuck these things…?

No. 2417350

wtf no, his appeal is that he's creepy-cute. If he was buff he would be a run of the mill abusive love interest you see on the dozen on stuff for women.

No. 2417352

File: 1740448326245.jpg (323.62 KB, 1080x1218, 1000131305.jpg)

No. 2417358

Haha, nonny is into fatties

No. 2417359

Not the first one.
The second one is popular with both sexes, but I feel like it slightly leans male.
The last two yes.

No. 2417364

ngl I'm not even anti-shota but I can't imagine liking mob when reigen is right there

No. 2417365

Is that Shadman

No. 2417367

File: 1740448706750.webp (127.99 KB, 755x1074, 349B88E4-6071-49A6-983B-63CB00…)

I love jshk but the yugi twins are definitely meant to appeal to a certain demographic.

No. 2417379

I hate that blue faggot so much

No. 2417381

reigen is super boring

No. 2417389

To be fair the shota from the elusive samurai seems popular with both moids and fujos.

No. 2417393

File: 1740449893457.png (125.15 KB, 256x500, Hacka_3.png)

Tbh looking back, I should have used pic related

No. 2417397

Or like any trap shota

No. 2417401

We live in the dark ages of character design.

No. 2417404

stfu pedo

this is the only one that seems sexual because why else would you make a kid say that.


This isn't sexual though

I saw it, it wasn't sexual. The mob psycho one was more sexual.

No. 2417405

oh wait nevermind I just saw where the shadow hand is going.

No. 2417406

>I saw it, it wasn't sexual.
who do you think bodypillows are for….

No. 2417408

Is there a non-sexual context where you can grab someone and bite their ear?

No. 2417409

File: 1740450932386.jpg (43.12 KB, 893x1500, 51mKrKQuTHL.jpg)

Is this sexual? Some things are just a regular object with Character™ on it

No. 2417410

yeah I retracted my statement, that is a very pedo artwork.

No. 2417411

i wish i was as delusional as you are nonny

No. 2417415

Your spacing is what lowers the rent in this thread

No. 2417420

Does it really matter? In the end you're a fucking weirdo if they help get your rocks off. You don't see them as "small men" like so many retards like to claim

No. 2417421

Mob psycho was more sexual?

No. 2417423

>You don't see them as "small men" like so many retards like to claim
How do you know? how come men are allowed to like womanlets and not women? not everyone wants a gigachad 6ft daddy dom alpha wolf male with prey eyes, some of us just like cute guys.

No. 2417426

File: 1740451603484.webp (20.95 KB, 345x512, 864009217.jpg.jpg)

Like this one.

No. 2417428

File: 1740451712441.jpg (34.2 KB, 256x299, 106080.jpg)

Yes nonnie men are still not allowed to like little girls. If you like Ciel Phantomhive you like little boys, they have child proportions. Go simp for Tokisada from Olympia Soiree instead if you like "cute guys"

No. 2417432

isnt he underage too? wiki says 17

No. 2417434

>otome nona is forcing her stuff again

No. 2417437

"Underage" isn't shota. Todoroki from MHA isn't a shota, he's 15, still handsome.

Yes everybody is supposed to like the same shitty BL from 200X.

No. 2417441

>"Underage" isn't shota
whats the difference? both are illegal and will get you on the sex registry anyways. Why is a woman liking a 15yo okay but liking a 14yo not okay? why is it only fiction when its a 15yo and not a 14yo. Either be against the sexualization of all fictional minors or stop moralfagging.

No. 2417444

What the absolute fuck is with the increasing amount of lolishit defenders on here???

No. 2417445

Oh god damnit are you fucking kidding me?

No. 2417448

File: 1740452327154.jpeg (42.19 KB, 739x415, 6966ovtu.jpeg)

He's not built like a adult either…

No. 2417449

Wow because I accept one taboo thing means I have to accept every single other thing under the sun?
All that matters to me is if the PNG registers as mature. It's appearance, not age.

But if you can look me in the eye and truly tell me that Ciel is a man and not a child to you, then… good for you (still weird in my opinion). But the point is, I don't think you do, sounds like massive copium. Also funny how you suddenly brought up real life. The argument has always been if you're attracted to children or not, not if it's legal to be attracted to PNG's.
There's sexual dimorphism. He's clearly not a child

No. 2417455

>All that matters to me is if the PNG registers as mature.
kek isnt this what legit groomers say?

No. 2417456

File: 1740452705422.png (4.45 MB, 4047x1249, typesofshota.png)

Wanted to give a go at a chart that showcases the different types of shotacons.

No. 2417457

Should I be concerned? Anon cornered me and said this to me privately, away from the group

No. 2417460

File: 1740452778949.webp (30.45 KB, 474x381, 6262698425842.WEBP)


No. 2417461

That's not what dimorphism means at all. He is also proportioned differently from non roid pig adults in MHA, and there are shota characters with similar proportions. I dislike shota myself but you seem like a hypocrite, no?

No. 2417462

Are you in a relationship with everyone you find attractive?

So you have to be a roidpig to be an adult? Also no. There are very clearly little boy characters in that anime. Like the kid with hat horns.

No. 2417463

she seems like the type to be into generic angsty guys with dark twisted pasts(their dog died or some shit) like sasuke. The most weeby normalfag white girl taste ever.

No. 2417465

>Are you in a relationship with everyone you find attractive?
The hell does that have to do with my post.

No. 2417466

Reread what I said. Use a ruler this time.
Kek, homunculus100 is the perfect representative.

No. 2417467

Please stop using my beloved Tokisada for your sperging in this thread, I get spooked seeing him in here

No. 2417469

>brings up the younger genki guy from an otome game
>"s-she likes edgy tumblr sasuke boys!"
pick one

No. 2417471

File: 1740453036633.gif (3.69 MB, 480x270, why.gif)

Kek. I chose that one specifically because it was adapted in the first anime op and spawned countless of molestation fan theories. The series is pretty questionable as a whole, especially early on.

No. 2417472

High school age guys are huge. Are you grooming them for finding them attractive? Hopefully you'd say no. So how the hell do you groom a PNG?

No. 2417474

Well now that I look at the actual animation, it's not really provocative, just disturbing. Still questionable to draw a child in that situation, but in the end it's not that bad.

No. 2417475

>So how the hell do you groom a PNG?
i dont know anon, you tell me since you are the one that cannot differentiate fiction from reality unless its convenient for you

No. 2417477

Hey retard, the point is that YOU are attracted to children and that being attracted to children is always wrong. Finding a 17 year old attractive isn't because they are not children. (Socially, they are in this society, but that has nothing to do with base attraction).

No. 2417478

>anyway liking 17yos is fine

No. 2417481

I also slide my hand towards the crotches of family and friends while I lean in to bite their ear against their will.

No. 2417482

17 year olds don't have child proportions nonnie

No. 2417483

Actually well adjusted adult women don't find 17 year old boys attractive either. Do some introspective thinking, either that or you're under the age of 20 and need to grow out of it.

No. 2417486

uh… yes they do. Humans dont stop growing until they are at least 18.

No. 2417490

I cant believe you are an actual pedo attracted to 3DPD highschoolers lecturing anons over cartoon anime guys what the actual fuck.

No. 2417493

Kek do you think there's only a single person ITT who likes otoge?

No. 2417494

i can't stand him or the other characters of this shit they all look obnoxious and punchable

No. 2417499

File: 1740453915387.png (2.99 MB, 1148x2973, Ilya (1).png)

Yes because you associate them with immature high schoolers. If everyone were in the same life stage past 16, there would be no problem.
Brain doesn't stop maturing until 25, stop being attracted to 24 year olds you pedo they're literal children
Ok so once they're 18 its suddenly ok to find them attractive? Meanwhile child proportions are child proportions. Next you'll tell me it's okay for me to lust over this girl because "SHE'S 18"

No. 2417501

I like to think that the majority of posts are made by one woman with contradictimg thoughts and way too much time on her hands.

No. 2417503

shut the fuck up pedophile you already admitted to liking irl high school boys. You dont get to take any moral highground you are just a pedophile projecting.

No. 2417505

She is clearly trying to overcompensate hard for liking 3dpd underaged boys

No. 2417509

Did you know high schoolers can be 18? Therefore it's suddenly OK now right because it's age not appearance?

No. 2417511

She genuinely sound like coping pedoscrotes. I swear i have heard the exact same arguments in that pedo documentary ''are all men pedophiles'' done by that frenchoid manlet.

No. 2417512

This started because I brought up a "17 year old" PNG, and someone decided to say "b-BUT REAL LIFE!!!" So I bit.

No. 2417513

>Discussing weebshit in the weebshit thread is forcing your stuff on nonas

No. 2417514

next she'll start citing age of consent in the 1700s.

just get over it. socially and legally acceptable are always going to trump whatever pseudoscience you spew from your mouth.

No. 2417516

How did this go from lolishota discussion to Todorokifags = pedos

No. 2417517

That brain study was debunked a long time ago but your physical body, especially for men, takes a while to mature fully and I'm guessing you've never met a high school aged boy with a full time job because shocker they act the same. It's like they were small children 5 years ago or something.
>Next you'll tell me it's okay for me to lust over this girl because "SHE'S 18"
Is that not what you're doing?
You're fine with lusting 15 to 17 years olds as you've previously stated.

No. 2417519

>Did you know high schoolers can be 18?
And how do you met high schoolers in high school? hmm… you are clearly projecting hard. There is a difference between an 18yo high schooler still in high school and an 18yo in college. It would be weird af to met an 18yo during high school, like how the fuck do you lives even cross paths??

No. 2417520

Because this exact thing is unironically the state of most fandom spaces on Twitter, Tumblr, TikTok, etc.

No. 2417522

File: 1740454442235.png (1.18 MB, 1116x1504, 4167326783267.png)

Who cares about anons wanting to fuck shounenslop moids when there are lolifags on this website

No. 2417523

i read it as ''strangle me with her flat tits''

No. 2417524

You need to finish high school first ESLchan

No. 2417525

Todorokifag started it and she's not making herself look good kek

No. 2417527

anon is a womanchild with arrested development. anyone who likes boys under 18 is dumb as fuck, especially girls who are the same age as them. even in high school i knew boys were sex crazed monkeys

No. 2417528

Farmhands protect them, what are we supposed to do

No. 2417530

But then you wont like me anymore uguu

No. 2417531

Gotcha. The 18 year old loli is okay. Don't want to hear another word out of you fags about lolishit then
>Is that not what you're doing?
Literally the entire thread I"ve been saying appearance over age, and then some retards told me that means we should be in a romantic relationship with every highschooler.
There's mental attraction too, especially for romance. Nobody's going to find a lack of responsibilities attractive in the end. I'm saying, if every social factor was removed, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference with a 21 yo physically. So no matter how old Ciel is, he's still a child.

No. 2417532

mokou is canonically an adult, anon.

No. 2417533

samefag but
>Straight Woman Shotafag: The characters tend to lean more into being teenagers in highscool, have fully developed bodies, and lean muscle. More of a focus on looking like mature bishounens so the characters could easily pass for being young adults rather than children. Mostly used in yaoi or yume fantasy. Rarely will it ever be an actual child character. Characrers tend to look cute and boyish. Least likely to be an actual pedophile or have tendencies.
>Batshit Bi-Het TIF Shotafag: More of a focus on being a grotesque, fetishistic as possible because of either a appetite for attention, porn induced brainrot, or trauma (latter is least likely the cause). Smut isn't drawn to titilate but to disturb. The character can lean towards being a teen, but more likely than not will be younger or actively stylized to look younger and cuter. Mostly used in age gap yaoi related or angst related stuff. Somehow less unnerving the the next two. Less likely to have pedophilic tendencies rather than being a full blown pedo.
>Gay Male Shotafag: Characters are likely to lean towards being middle schoolers or young teenagers. Despite looking like children they will either be roided out or obese fatasses. Art style tends to focus on making the characters look rough, gross and boyish, rather than cutesy and innocent because of homo tendencies. Extremely unnerving despite its surface level innocence of depicting masculine boyish memories because of its realism from the artist drawing from his own experiences as a child. You will rarely see any "moe fetishes" like crossdressing. Most likely to be an actual pedophile.
>"Straight" Male Shotafag: Either drawn for straight shota self-insert, by a homo in denail, by a proud shotafag homo who prefers cutesy looking characters, by an agp tranny who gets off to being turned into a little girl, or because he got tired of jerking off to lolishit and need a penis to spice stuff up. The younger the better. Characters are drawn as feminine as physically possible to the point that they look like little girls. Heavy focus on being as moe and cutesy as possible with lots of crossdressing. Likely to be an actual pedophile.
I think it's important to have nuance when it comes to this kind of art. They're all undoubtably bad and morally dubious, but there's a clear difference from someone who wants Nagito Komeada and some guy who wants to fuck Nobita from Doraemon.

No. 2417534

>Literally the entire thread I"ve been saying appearance over age
but todoroki looks underage, the otome slop guy you posted looks underage too

No. 2417535

You're gross.

No. 2417536

are… are you calling nagito a shota…?

No. 2417537

Komaeda is not a shota

No. 2417539

Isn't Nagito in highscool?

No. 2417541

She’s drawn like a little girl and ZUN is a known lolicon.

No. 2417544

File: 1740454744005.jpg (23.74 KB, 396x360, 1322794874002.jpg)

No. 2417545

Plenty of 20+ year olds look underage…? What?
for the last time you retards. Highschool=/= shota

god damn it flood detector

No. 2417546

age is literally the deciding factor because maturity is a personal thing so age acts as a baseline. there's no issue with liking characters who aren't contextually children, whether it's maturity wise or lifestyle wise. there is a difference between a 1000 year old loli character who runs a multi million dollar corporation and one in middle school.

No. 2417548

>for the last time you retards. Highschool=/= shota
My bad but you get what I mean.

No. 2417549

I'm saying you still physically like children if you like the 1000 year old loli business manager.

No. 2417550

File: 1740454853632.jpg (83.3 KB, 735x738, 2e4e03fa1a7f3b40a3ab4c3d3e9670…)

>weebshit thread
mfw as the sole non weeb reader of this thread

No. 2417551

>there is a difference between a 1000 year old loli character who runs a multi million dollar corporation and one in middle school.
Great now the lolifags are here

No. 2417552

So let me get it straight, liking 15yos is fine because thats when men are mature enough for you? so if hanako was 15 would that be okay then? i dont get your schizo logic.

No. 2417553

pedos aren't attracted to body types, it's the power dynamic. there's a big difference between mokou and remilia as far as characterization, despite both not being underage technically.

No. 2417554

File: 1740454933118.jpg (65.79 KB, 750x422, 24-yoshinobu-gakuganji-jujutsu…)

>Plenty of 20+ year olds look underage…? What?
Another filthy lie from anon

No. 2417555

No dumbass, if you don't look like a child it's fine to be sexually attracted to you. If you don't look like a child AND you are in the same life stage, you'd be attractive for an IRL relationship.

No. 2417556

that's a separate issue entirely.

No. 2417557

but both hanako and todoroki look like children. They dont have the mature sexual characteristics of moids. They both have soft round faces and skinny builds and are hairless.

No. 2417558

Yes, we hit the wall at 20. It's over

No. 2417562

Anime. It's anime.

No. 2417563

please don't argue about bodytypes in fucking anime of all things. anime has 30 year olds who look 10 and 13 year olds who look identical to their 40 year old mothers.

No. 2417564

Children are andrgynous. If you put Hanako in a dress he'd look like a girl. If you put Todoroki in a dress, he would look weird (if this were real life, not if you're some troon sympathizing mangaka who draws trannies the same as girls)

No. 2417565

File: 1740455098893.png (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, image-asset-700809571.png)

There's bridge and poker on fridays and saturdays

No. 2417566

shota is based

No. 2417567

>pedos aren't attracted to body types
Explain where the “delicious flat chest” meme comes from then

No. 2417568

File: 1740455199993.jpg (108.61 KB, 850x1168, sample_0772165854ae6dc39dae2d3…)

>f you put Hanako in a dress he'd look like a girl. If you put Todoroki in a dress, he would look weird
what the fuck does this have to do with everything said before

No. 2417570

Who is your fave?

No. 2417572

explain where the "airbags" meme comes from then. explain why thad's waifu was kotonoha from school days then.

No. 2417573

Why does he have breasts

No. 2417574

He looks like a cute girl!

No. 2417575

Did you completely forget to read my qualifier or what? Also he's drawn with smaller shoulders here lmao.

No. 2417576

Do you know what non-exclusive pedophilia is

No. 2417577

>thad's waifu was kotonoha from school days then
oh wow i am glad there is an /a/ oldfag still among us, i thought they all left as soon as the swarm of tiktok zoomies invaded

No. 2417579

Why are you over 30 on the fandom discourse thread

No. 2417580

can you decide if you are going to base your argument of whats allowed and what isnt in real life facts or animu logic? because real children dont look androgynous(those trooned children still look like men) and in anime all characters look androgynous because they are mostly samefaced blobs

No. 2417581

Idc about shotas but lolifags need the gulag

No. 2417582

Padding ig. A horrible recent trend is to add it to crossdressing.

No. 2417583

The state of my life should be a warning for all the zoomies reading.

No. 2417584

There are a large number of lolis with huge breasts, anon. lolicons and shotacons are pedos who are attracted to the idea that the characters are children vs looks which is more difficult to gauge in anime than in real life. pedos are attracted to the age of children not the look, it's a pathology not a harmless fetish.

No. 2417588

NTA, fuck off. Who do you think made fandom spaces in the first place? It wasn't your lot.

No. 2417589

File: 1740455513401.jpg (202.65 KB, 1600x871, 71tbMiSzeoL._RI_-3110782418.jp…)

>where am i?
>there is my grandson
>why are the words moving so quickly
>you're upsetting me

No. 2417591

love you bae. too bad this convo is shit because zoomers don't understand nuance and think everything is black and white.

No. 2417592

Again… depends if we're talking about the same thing. Pretty sure a 7 year old would be fairly androgynous, even a 10 year old. Also, the anime logic doesn't help either. They're even more blob-like. Todoroki despite this, is unambiguously defined.

No. 2417594

this gives me hope zoomers will all kill themselves by age 27.(bait)

No. 2417595

Fuck you for inventing fandom in the first place. Media enjoyment should be two to five people max.

No. 2417597

but anon, women and their hormones be crazy amirite?

No. 2417598

More misogyny disguised as "so deep". Next.

No. 2417599

I am talking about cartoons and you are talking about 3DPD and how you want to fuck high school boys.

No. 2417600

seriously. any women who enjoys madoka is an instant red flag.

No. 2417601

Some retard was the one who brought up grooming IRL in a discussion about cartoons. Was that you?

No. 2417602

It wasn't my lot either, also a lot of zoomies are nearly 30, how are you guys coping?

No. 2417604

zoomers ruined it with your inability to enjoy anything without the need to virtue signal.

No. 2417605

File: 1740455754779.jpg (38.94 KB, 552x518, 1687597296368293.jpg)

Hahaha right?

No. 2417606

reminds me of those rooms on the consoomerism thread

No. 2417607

You’re that bitch from junkuchan aren’t you(infighting/derailing)

No. 2417608

File: 1740455806714.png (330.96 KB, 1395x1395, anonarino.png)

>please i
>i don't remember where i am
>i only want to see the hot lolis photographs(personalityfagging/avatarfagging)

No. 2417610

I think it's fine to find the Witch scenes pretty cool.
The ost too.

No. 2417612

No, and you better not be the bitch feuding with her.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2417613

Nope, anon is the one that was crying about children and then brought up a 17yo character. Then she proceeded to moralfag about how liking some underage characters is fine but not others, then she started talking about how fucking 3DPD high schoolers is fine.(infighting)

No. 2417615

>doesn't mean that Madoka isn't a god tier show
>god tier show
It's garbage

No. 2417616

i know one of these zoomer retards who argues with everyone on the site and posts it on discord is in here.

No. 2417617

File: 1740456019119.jpg (42.39 KB, 563x637, 1644226173823.jpg)

I know he's been posted a million times itt already but hanako is such a qt. I love his slightly devilish personality. Also been a kagamine len fan since ancient history

No. 2417618

If i said he was 19 you wouldn't bat an eye. But if I said Hanako was 20 he'd be one of those 2000 year old loishota shit.

No. 2417621

20yo moids dont look like that either. No 20yo scrote is babyfaced with a small nose huge eyes and other neotanous physical attributes. Its almost like animu doesnt translate to irl.

No. 2417622

Based taste

No. 2417623

That's because moids IRL have shit genetics from millennia of forcing their worthless genes on women. Tokisada still does not have child proportions, his head is not too big for his body.

No. 2417624

>hags vs. zoomers fighting over cartoons
I love Twitter.com

No. 2417625

Oh great, we have some retarded discordfag drama kek. I’m on the hidden board and plenty of anons say “zoomies,” so clearly there is some kind of private beef going on.

No. 2417627

File: 1740456289848.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.51 KB, 700x450, 5633e22aeeee97f1fd837e9088d50e…)

I think it would irl translate to lemurs but they would be smoother than this one

No. 2417628

>his head is not too big for his body.
yeah and thats what makes it uncanny as fuck. As an artist it hurts to see a cute face being pasted into an ugly lanky body. Its like an artist nightmare. He's got a smaller face than the protagonist yet has a huge tall body. Its horrible. Its a shame they dont have the ovaries to give us a qte manlet.

No. 2417631

File: 1740456384382.jpeg (202.18 KB, 1000x1000, 4106A4F5-3E50-46F0-9E63-8E16C4…)

You stop being into weeb shit once you hit the big 2-0. That’s why everything is set in high school, it’s the only age range that matters. It’s also why this discussion doesn’t make sense since everyone is under 20?

No. 2417633

It's drunk anon vs oldfag anon
So who watches the anime about 25+ year olds?

No. 2417635

Huh? Being a manlet does not mean your head should be too big for your shoulders to the point you look like a child.

No. 2417636

File: 1740456504170.jpg (30.96 KB, 311x600, archieandrews-860872611.jpg)

Meanwhile in the west
>I vaguely resemble a man

No. 2417639

but he's not a manlet he's taller than the mc. If you re-arranged the proportions and made him shorter he would be cute. It just looks like they pasted a shota head onto a bishie body.

No. 2417640


No. 2417642

Those are also for high schoolers. Showing 25+ characters is meant to be educational, like a career fair but for losers.

No. 2417643

Most isekai has 18+m and up age for mcs.

No. 2417645

That anon was saying that his head not being too big for his body is why he's unattractive, and also that he should be a manlet… which is just lol. I was saying he can be shorter without his head being too big for his body and thus looking like a child. 5 foot women do not have giant heads

No. 2417648

its anime its not real life, everyone has gigantic bobbleheads

No. 2417649

is every anime character drawn as chibi at all times? their bodies tend to be fairly analogous to IRL when drawn normally. This whole time I've been talking about body, not face

No. 2417657

File: 1740457289057.png (207.38 KB, 356x328, todoroki.png)

Thats not how proportions work. Anime proportions dont translate to irl. Todoroki has the proportions of an irl 10yo child.

No. 2417662

i'm about 6 heads tall because i have a bobblehead but i don't look like a child. these are never accurate imo.

No. 2417667

Oh… kek

No. 2417669

File: 1740457761430.png (1.26 MB, 1328x1897, Shinobu_anime.png)

also, this is an adult woman. There's a lot of mangaka that like to give their characters uncanny stocky legs which makes them look… short, but not like children

No. 2417672

if a male character looked like this you would call it a child

No. 2417674

>This is literally a child and the Archie comics are a poor representation of polycule dynamics

No. 2417676

that's literally what that todoroki image looks like but he doesn't look shota.

No. 2417677

File: 1740458055972.jpg (328.02 KB, 999x1537, Archie80thAnniversary_ArchiesW…)

In the future Archie always marries one of them, they don't continue living as degenerate polypigs into their 20s and 30s

No. 2417678

>thats what that todoroki image looks like
lol no, get your eyes checked because she has a 6 head proportion whereas todoroki has a 7 head proportion.

No. 2417679

it's because he's viewed from an angle unlike in the diagram, jesus

No. 2417685

She's drawn weirdly. She looks compressed. The 6 head proportion looks normal. It's anime bullshit. God I hate the KnY artstyle

No. 2417686

>This is heteronormative toxic erasure of queer polycule dynamics also ew why are you depicting a character who was a minor in the source material "aged up" and getting married you bigot

No. 2417687

>The 6 head proportion looks normal
hanako kun has a 6 head proportion but he looks like a child to you. So which is it?

No. 2417689

that's not what I meant. The 6 head proportion, the normal child proportion, does not look compressed, because it's realistic. But in that specific shinobu image, it looks like a normal adult proportion, but compressed, with stocky legs. It's weird and uncanny.

No. 2417690

kek what? thats not how proportions work. Yet again you are making mental gymnastics to defend the shit you like while calling the stuff you dont like pedoshit, even thought its the exact same shit.

No. 2417691

Someone should check the proportions of popular waifu characters like Makima, Nico Robin, or that girl from Dress up Darling and compare them to this

No. 2417693

nico robin is really tall, but the others do tend to have 7-6 heads proportion. if you watch ANY video of a japanese person teaching you how to draw animu, they will tell you over and over how you must keep the proportions around 6 heads.

No. 2417701

File: 1740459168810.png (127.75 KB, 480x400, Npc_zoom_3040219000_01.png)

Uhhh that's how manga works though. Next you're going to tell me Lelouch is 25+ for having long, lanky legs. Shinobu here is viewed at an angle, and female. She's not drawn consistently in the first place. Also, todoroki is at an angle too.

Also, hanako is still unambigiously a child

Flood detector I'm sorry forgive me

No. 2417708

File: 1740459412019.jpg (173.94 KB, 900x1271, mk23z4vkyuwb1.jpg)

Dress up darling girl seemed pretty leggy

No. 2417710

Lelouch has a 8 head proportion though. I dont think you understand how proportions works…they are relative to the head.
>Also, hanako is still unambigiously a child
he looks the same as shinobu yet you dont see shinobu as a child. And again, you are conflicting reality with fiction when its convenient to you but go back to ''b-but thats just manga'' to excuse yourself when it doesnt suit your anime=reality theory.

No. 2417726

Why were people defending lolicon earlier?

No. 2417730

People like touhou ig

No. 2417742

File: 1740461582930.jpg (22.54 KB, 350x351, DD6o2xSU0AEMd_i.jpg)

The bar is in hell, jfc

No. 2417752

Just once it would be nice to have an iteration of this thread that isn't derailed by either the lolishota infight or the yaoi infight

No. 2417755

File: 1740462121771.jpg (620.89 KB, 1170x910, 192729742.jpg)

The amount of the people agreeing with this really explains a lot

No. 2417765

File: 1740462454888.png (49.94 KB, 201x279, 665465.png)

Would this mean that Charlie Brown is a fetus

No. 2417769

he's a chibi

No. 2417786

Lmfao I love you nonna

No. 2417787

File: 1740464413962.jpg (13.54 KB, 247x264, 1531703320128.jpg)

I'm analyzing this like it's high literature

No. 2417791

Welcome back, Vladimir Nabokov

No. 2417793

It's literally chatgpt slop.

No. 2417798

Retard, its a parody of Lolita. No wonder this thread is so retarded when it cannot recognize excerpts of one of the most popular novels of all time. Please watch less animu and hollywood slop and open a book.

No. 2417802

File: 1740465936544.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1290x1347, IMG_6581.jpeg)

I feel good about myself since I don’t like shotas so I don’t have to justify my fetishes to strangers on the internet.

No. 2417807

Shotafags are the most opressed class. Not even normie middle aged moms and teen sinto darktok daddydom slop go through the same scrutiny.

No. 2417808

I like shota and I don't feel the need to justify myself, I'm just enjoying this shitfest.

No. 2417812

File: 1740466419540.jpeg (77.79 KB, 532x532, 0DE5CDDA-7ED2-47A9-8182-BB81DD…)

I looked and looked at him, and I knew, as clearly as I know that I will die, that I loved him more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth. He was only the dead-leaf echo of the youth from long ago - but I loved him, this shota. He could fade and wither - I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of his face.

No. 2417813

I don't like shota, but I do like poking moralfags. I do wish the mental illness and subsequent fetish survey gets created so we can have a good look at the demographics.

No. 2417814

No. 2417815

Someone could make one of those anonymous surveys. It would be interesting.

No. 2417816

Imagine looking at any sexual depiction of a child and not feeling creeped out

No. 2417818

If children looked like that i would be scared shitless of them. Imagine half your face being huge, rainbow colored eyes with non existent noses and huge mouths. Terrifying.

No. 2417820

I don’t have strong opinions one way or the other, but have the wherewithal to recognize that arguing about it online is a lost cause. That said, this conversation has been enjoyable to read.

No. 2417824

Kek that's what I was referring to as the 'high literature' nona

No. 2417825

How dare you crop Yashiro

No. 2417826

I feel like most of the moralfags themselves are closet shotacons projecting on others.

No. 2417827

File: 1740467242714.png (98 KB, 240x240, hanako.png)

Hanako, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Ha-nah-ko: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Ha. Nah. Ko.
He was Amane, plain Amane, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. He was Yugi-san in slacks. He was Amane-kun at school. He was Yugi Amane on the dotted line. But in my arms he was always Hanako.

No. 2417829

He’s ugly. At least go after Ciel or something.

No. 2417830


No. 2417831

File: 1740467422263.jpeg (262.37 KB, 1842x1271, 01E0ED4A-9C74-40E8-B290-69EA3B…)

I am gomen. There were surprisingly few official pics of Hanako as a cat boy which felt like an essential element to the post. If it makes you feel better Kou also got cropped.

No. 2417835

File: 1740467641664.jpg (207.55 KB, 850x1239, meguca official art_.jpg)

Bweh I am not a shotafag, but I feel like anons ITT and the average weeb in general tend to overreact to shota characters, even if they're wrapped in 10 layers of burka, while loli characters get a free pass. Which is wild to me because loli is way more common in normalfag weebshit. Like, hoyoslop has playable loli characters but no playable shotas. It's just weird how shota gets so much more hate when it's not even half as prevalent as loli stuff.

No. 2417838

I don't care one way or another for shota, but I do like it when a character is shown as one or turns into one.

No. 2417839

File: 1740467983859.webp (62.72 KB, 640x500, 1F1D4AFE-3111-4AA8-B726-299F0A…)

>It's just weird how shota gets so much more hate when it's not even half as prevalent as loli stuff.
It’s not that weird when you think about how characters like Ciel and Hanako are suppose to appeal to women. Anything like that is by nature going to be policed and critiqued more than anything aimed at men.

No. 2417841

And both of it is disgusting pedoshit

No. 2417842

File: 1740468395344.jpg (Spoiler Image,190.68 KB, 512x728, d507bb10-aca3-4b5b-922d-feb9d5…)

The shota that appeals to women feels like an endangered species more every day. I'm mostly just mad this manga is dead, it was so wholesome

No. 2417846

They're still around, pretty sure the trend has been stuck on the ninja show, Gegege, and the shota from Orb.

No. 2417850

File: 1740470047269.jpg (232.07 KB, 1450x2048, FekG7L8aAAEkbGd.jpg)

Shota is a body type not an age, Ouma is a shota but Komaeda is not.

No. 2417851

what's with the influx of boomers/millennials who a-log "zoomers" on here? go to the nursing home grandmas(derailing/bait)

No. 2417853

Bad taste, Hanako's cute as fuck.

No. 2417857

there is no difference between loli and shota you guys are just straight

No. 2417859

Loli's straight by default and has a puss
Shota's gay by default and has a dick

No. 2417862

i meant morally

No. 2417864

File: 1740471137899.png (434.93 KB, 768x798, F904427A-E622-4C35-9C4F-FE20F6…)

Ntayrt but I feel like a lot of his charm is in his personality rather than his character design. Aida has a tendency to draw the Yugi twins like gremlins which is fitting for them kek

No. 2417866

There's literally a scene where an adult woman masturbates with a dog toy and the third ova has a trap. Men were always the intended audience.

No. 2417868

That's my point, boku no pico is a rare exception that's made for moids.
As a series it's closer to trap stuff over regular shota anyway with Pico and Coco getting mistaken for girls all the time anyway.

No. 2417870

I like Hanako and naughty mischievous shotas, but my favorite kind of shotas are the pure innocent ones.

No. 2417871


No. 2417872

>rather than his character desig
He needs to wear shorts instead of pants and he's 10/10

No. 2417873

I don't give two fucks about Vtubers but Kazuya Seto is cute as shit Hanako expy.

No. 2417878

File: 1740472572967.webp (397.76 KB, 1373x2015, 497CC820-0A6C-4933-9FCC-3AA62B…)

>needs shorts
You’re in luck, his official idol outfit design has shorts.

No. 2417885

File: 1740473298690.webp (99.76 KB, 1200x1200, 8556162C-BA6D-453E-857B-F73B5F…)

Same. My boy is the purest of all

No. 2417886

honestly dont remember if it had bullshit because i watched it in like 2014 but the gekidan inu curry art style kinda carried it. they do the coolest shit

No. 2417894

File: 1740474248759.jpg (386.66 KB, 699x943, Asahina.Wataru.full.1604406.jp…)

This boy also is so cute.

No. 2417904

File: 1740474928474.jpg (102.91 KB, 800x459, cg4.jpg)

I already remembered, that character is from the otome game "Brothers Conflict".

No. 2417911

We could make a thread about lolishota debates but honestly, this board is cancerous enough.

No. 2417916

File: 1740477491862.png (1.09 MB, 3504x2464, Settei.png)

As a fan of Gegege no Kitaro, the 2007 version(picrel) will always and forever have my heart. It feels like he was designed with 'moe' first and foremost in mind. He feels very sweet and sincere in his quest to take care of human-youkai relations.

The 2018 version didn't appeal to me as much. I still like the show, and it's fun that they're trying to play up Mizuki's OG mood, but Kitaro looks a bit too much like a baby bobblehead. I get that they're trying to play up the 'strange' aspect, but it feels like they sacrificed some moe to get there.

No. 2417941

God, no. We do not need yet another infight over anime porn but this time with an extra explosive dash of pedocope and twitterfag anti vs. pro debate. It would be nuclear levels of retarded shit flinging. We have too many threads, mods give us our otaku board goddamn it.

No. 2417964

Oh ok so it doesn't register as human to you? Really? You apparently can't even identify what you're looking at? How do you even watch cartoons?

No. 2417969

Why does most anime feature teenagers when the median age for Japan is 49? Are there many teens in Japan?
t. Thirdiefag

No. 2417974

So if I give a torso ultra shortened uncanny legs, it has child proportions? You do know there's more that goes into play then heads right?
Also did I ever say anime=reality? all I said was, if it registers as a child to you and you are attracted to it, you're attracted to children. And I've been pointing out that there's no way you people see Hanako as a "short man" lmao.

No. 2417976

Something something wish fulfillment something something work culture is hell

No. 2417977

Shounen is the most popular genre and is shared worldwide the most.
Naroukei novels tend to have older main characters but they also tend to be low quality and get low quality adaptions so nobody really gives a shit.

No. 2417980

Did you miss the "girls are emotional" reasoning for them being all girls?

No. 2417988

Looking it up for this season, it's honestly more balanced than you'd expect. The only issue is that most of the shows featuring adults aren't going to be popular.
People like the flashiest of Shounen Jump. They don't want to see Headhunted in Another World guy strike business deals with orcs.

No. 2417992

Most manga and anime are for a teenage and young adult audience so that's why. And adults can relate to the teenage characters because they were teenagers too before. It's like asking why American teen movies have teenage main characters and why half of the scenes take place in a high school.

No. 2417995

westerners seem to forget the average japanese adult is much shorter and they have more neotenous features. surely not on anime levels but as a tall white woman I tower over some asian people and can understand why everyone is so short in anime.

No. 2418005

This reminds me of all the classmates I had in university who went to Japan on an exchange program for a year and they couldn't buy clothes their size because they were all way taller than the Japanese average. Everyone was prepared though and bought everything they needed before going there or online from international brands like Zara and H&M. Same thing with the few ones who went to Korea instead. It's the kind of small detail that's easy to forget or not realize until it affects you directly or you see it irl I guess.

No. 2418021

File: 1740487662954.png (163.41 KB, 400x400, Look at this baby faced nippon…)

>they have more neotenous features
They're short yes but they arent baby faced? this is such a weird thing to point out.

No. 2418022

If you really think every single woman that watched Madoka must be a lolicon or something you're delusional kek. It's one of the most mainstream magical girl shows and most women just watched it because it was popular, liked the show and moved on. They weren't specifically looking for the sexualized beach art or prodding into what the creator did before. I watched it when I was 15 myself because it was at the height of its popularity at the time.

No. 2418023

being shorter, having shorter limbs, bigger head, bigger forehead, rounder eyes, etc. are all neotenous features nonna.

No. 2418024

File: 1740487873651.webp (24.04 KB, 200x196, toe-cutters-silly-bin-discord-…)

thanks, it was a good read

No. 2418025

File: 1740487898541.jpg (7.42 KB, 275x235, 1740438906361.jpg)

really? most of them are just plain ugly(racebait)

No. 2418026

nobody's saying they're lolicons, just that they're delusional for not seeing the misogyny of the edgelord writer

No. 2418028

why is Homura so pear-shaped here?

No. 2418032

That design choice just makes her small loli shoulders stand out more
Huh? People hate on lolishit all the time. Why do we have to discuss lolishit ad nauseum? Because discussing shotashit hurts people's feelings?

No. 2418034

Nona you're in a thread where spergs are saying seeing little boys sexually isnt pedophilic and they're actually just short men despite them acting like children,why do you think they'll admit it?

No. 2418035

Based and same

No. 2418037

Damn, I went to sleep and you guys are still going?

No. 2418041

there should be lolishotafags vs anti-lolishota discourse thread at this point

No. 2418042

Did anyone screenshot this before it was deleted? I want to laugh

No. 2418056

We've had over 100 reports from this thread in the last 12 hours and we are still working on going back through this mess and banning everyone involved. Any further derailing, infighting or loli/shota sperging after this post will get a lengthy ban. Report and ignore rulebreaking posts.

No. 2418057

Why did it take you 12 hours to respond?

No. 2418063

>Police not responding to gunshots in the ghetto until most of the smoke clears

No. 2418064

we need to fire guns more often in this place so it doesn't get gentrified.

No. 2418069

>100 reports in the last 12 hours
>We are still working on it!

So then everyone is right when they say that the site is sometimes unmoderated for up to 12 hours a day? This could have been nipped in the bud 12 hours ago had there been farmhands active and doing the job they signed up to do. If you don't have enough moderators, THEN OPEN APPLICATIONS.

Inb4 "take it to /meta/," no, because nobody responds in /meta/. That redtext is just your way of saying "shut up."

No. 2418071

Does anyone else have a hard time articulating they don't like this character without someone assuming you're a bigot?

No. 2418074

you don't have to elaborate on anything, saying "I don't like" something is enough

No. 2418075

Which one? And dw I often have the same opinions but I can't think of one rfom the top of my head

No. 2418076

File: 1740490880485.png (114.18 KB, 287x348, SaberFateGrandOrder.png)

Why is everything a trans allegory nowadays?

No. 2418078

File: 1740491101415.png (33.82 KB, 1303x282, Screenshot 2025-02-25 084353.p…)

No. 2418084

From my experience, the 'trans allegory' crowd are so self-absorbed to the point that they cannot conceive of something as mundane as a character eg struggling with their identity on any level as being a common experience and not unique to themselves/their unique little club. It's just them projecting their neuroses and hang-ups (such as adhering to pretty strict gender stereotypes and seeing anything outside of those as aberrant and therefore trans) onto everything and claiming ownership of ordinary experiences and concepts in order to feel special and important. Sometimes it's also about the angst factor of the implied backstory too, similar to how some fans used to apply homosexuality to characters in like the 2000s or whatever, but I think you see this more in the handmaiden group than from trannies themselves. Oh and also there's the whole 'applying their fetishes to everything they like' part too kek

No. 2418088

I finished watching Pantheon (cartoon on Netflix) recently but there's like no place to discuss it.
I get the same feelings about old shows/books that I stumble into, it's amazing but no one to really discuss it with.
Anyway, Maddie is a giga-Stacy and Mist is a perma-Becky

No. 2418089

File: 1740492458772.jpeg (79.37 KB, 640x740, IMG_4529.jpeg)

Nonas how do you handle being one of the only people in a fandom who understands your favorite character properly? Everything is so plagued with morality and politics that even people who seem normal and chill have to publicly take certain stances so they dont get harassed. We’re all just here to have fun, why does it need to be so serious? Fandoms feel really lonely nowadays

No. 2418090

I abuse the shit out of the block button and stay in my own corner

No. 2418091

Yeah I block very regularly but sometimes it feels like you block one and then 3 more retards pop up

No. 2418093

That's fair, I'm only speaking from experience on less active sites like Tumblr. I bet Twitter/Bluesky is worse. To be honest I'd love to just jump ship on all social media and make a personal site where I can be the only retard there.

No. 2418101

That thing on the far left is disgusting. wtf

No. 2418107

I wish I wasn't such a bitch with html and css to make a site too.

No. 2418108

This is literally what zoomers do now. They want LPs and read wikis. Almost none of them are involved in the actual fandom. Gatekeeping became less of a thing when zoomers got involved. Millennials need to bring that shit back

No. 2418110

Use sites like freecodecamp and referencing off other people's sites to practice html/css. Your code doesnt even need to be optimized, it can be as mangled as shit and still be functionable.
When starting out try mimicking simpler layouts like https://koilwood.neocities.org/ and https://seafare.neocities.org/.
Modern HTML/CSS is easier than ever to get into and all it takes is practice and a hands-on approach to learn.
Apologies if this is getting OT, feel free to move it to the smallweb thread if you have any more questions.

No. 2418112

I argue endlessly online because I'm the only one who understands her

No. 2418113

Wouldn't that just be a blog?

No. 2418119

My favorite character filters themselves for the most part. English is still pretty bad but the Japanese/Korean female side is alright, albeit loud about their tastes.

No. 2418124

There's a western cartoon thread on /m/

No. 2418129

She took too much ambien and overslept

No. 2418133

I gently weep while I create as in-character content as I can, all while the people in the character's mini-fandom who wildly misinterpret them the most comment on how much they love my 'interpretation' so much and wish there was more fanart like it or that it was canon. fucking monkey's paw shit I hate it here lmao

No. 2418136

Because troons have to appropriate everything female and/or gnc as theirs.

No. 2418142

saber does have a weird subplot of having merlin give her a dick so mordred could be born, it used to be a joke but troons are retarded and took it as fact. japan ruins everything still hate what they did to Florence nightingale

No. 2418144

Katie Tiedritch is one of the few tomboys from back in the day that haven't trooned out. She's super progressive though, but one of the few progressive non feminine women that still want to identify as a woman so she gets a pass from me.

No. 2418146

>She's super progressive though,
she is? news to me, cause like all of her comics are non-political

No. 2418163

I don't like how entitled "younger" fans are these days. I say younger but mean people who became nerds recently so it's not about age or generations per se. When JJK was on going I remember seeing some fans calling the author lazy or incompetent for drawing drafts when he was very sick, and the chapters were all better in the complete volumes but what these idiots don't seem to get is that if JJK were released a few decades later it would have been botched, there wouldn't have been any long breaks but Gege would have permanently ruined his health instead, and we would have had one more forced arc that nobody would like, like with YYH. If it were like another way older WSJ manga I'm thinking of that's still on hiatus we would have had entire chapters missing because Gege would have lost the pages in the train on his way home and would have remade the chapters several years later for another volume because he would have been too sick to draw them all as quickly, and several panels would be empty in the magazine and the finalized volumes with handwritten notes like "the previous page hurt my wrist lol"

No. 2418207

Her father is an infamous blue wave boomer lib on twitter lol

No. 2418211

that one also has a tranny so i'm glad i stopped reading it

No. 2418267

I don't know if you're talking about Kirara or Uraume or both at the same time but at least it looks like they're both really gay for specific male characters instead of realistic AGP men for the sake of inclusivity so I can just pretend they're not troons until Gege says something about it.

No. 2418304

File: 1740503173133.jpg (35.32 KB, 445x604, 1464850669331.jpg)

Anyone with an adapted work, where the show or movie changes the characters so much people think your interpretation is fanon

No. 2418307

> having merlin give her a dick so mordred could be born
That's so retarded
>could have just had Mordred as the nephew/niece not Arthur's child like in the older works
>could have just made Morgan Le Fay a man/crossdresser
The Fate series is fucking a waste of potential, should have stuck to being porn bullshit

No. 2418448

File: 1740509566096.jpg (833.56 KB, 1085x1821, __allister_pokemon_and_1_more_…)

Also him too. Ghost shotas are cute(continuing shota derail after farmhand warning)

No. 2418450

It's always the same with otaku moids. When they can't jerk it off they have to bake tranny-tier 5deep4me philosophy that ends up being completely retarded once dismantled.

No. 2418461

The worst part about modern fandom is fart huffing video essays about movies for toddlers like vidrel. I hate how these manchildren grifters infested a genre i used to like. The fact that this shit has more views than some of Final Girl Digital videos that are legit essays about genuinely interesting and deep movies is absolutely blackpilling. People nowadays hate fun, they are stupid and have null interest in facts and history but they want to feel intelligent and deep so they make and consoom this type of faux intellectual pretentious garbage. I dont have anything against manchildren screaming at bad children films, the nostalgia critic is one of my favourite youtubers to this day, but what i despise is trying to over analyze something thats made so even toddlers who sniff glue can understand it and buy mcd toys of it.

No. 2418483

File: 1740510903866.png (360.89 KB, 1197x746, 54wj9M6.png)

I recently started seeing wokies claiming that rae is also trans because she was male in the original comic but was turned female in the show adaptation

No. 2418486

There’s something to be said about these weirdos obsessed with children tv, children’s stuff, down to trying to groom children on the interne and in their schools. Hmmm it’s almost like these degens who’ve made their entire lives one huge fetish parade are trying to get children to join and participate in it! But oh no that’s so offensive, homophobic, transphobic to heavily suggest. Hetties are massively guilty of this but there truly is something to be said about these freaks and it’s the result of shutting down the asylums and letting the crazies and old men breed and here is the genetic disaster that’s already here and ready to get worse. Not only brainrotten from the bad genetics but brain rotten from the bad parenting, early porn exposure, living in a predatory culture that seeks to destroy childhood innocence and now we have these cesspools of undesirables walking around. God bless this world seriously

No. 2418501

No. 2418502

Genderswapping is not even a new thing. I was just talking about how I was glad they genderswapped Stormfront for The Boys, because she's a more interesting character and challenger to Homelander because of it. If genderswapping is done right, the character becomes better because of it. These retards cannot fathom that though.

No. 2418503

This hurts. Try to explain whats different and nobody believes yoi or cares. Try to rec the real not shit version and nobody feels like reading.

No. 2418508

Not to glaze the entirety of Western animation, but not all of them pander to retards. Sadly, they have to because of this bullshit stigma of animation being for children. If more shows had earnest content you see in other mediums, you wouldn't have troons infesting their tendrils into everything.

No. 2418512

i just knew this video will be dogshit when i first saw it in my recommendation

No. 2418517

Please nonny, for every Coraline and Prince of Egypt you have 50 Shrek movies. Good movies for children in the west, especially post pixar, are extremely rare.

No. 2418523

what about return of oz? or the adventure of mark twain there are good movies out there

No. 2418540

shrek movies are actually good though

No. 2418548

You have clearly never seen a Shrek film in your life

No. 2418569

>trying to bait with Shrek
I thought I would never see this but here we are

No. 2418577

You will not meme me into seeing shrek as anything but a mid movie with fart jokes. Watch something from cartoon saloon or something instead of cringe cgi shit.

No. 2418583

>uncultured tard
If you pay closer attention to the movie, you will figure out Shrek is much more than just fart jokes.

No. 2418593

File: 1740513839451.gif (1.31 MB, 320x180, d6yfyo.gif)

>Somenonnie once told me the world is gonna bait me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
i was looking kind of dumb with the reply and my post
Instead i got banned by the farmhand Hey now, you're an retard.Get your bait on, go reply
Hey now, you're a sperg star
Get the show on, get banned
And all that redtexts is gold
Only shootin' cows break the milk

No. 2418612

File: 1740514303941.png (126.61 KB, 697x631, baaaw.png)

Why are Gakupo fans surprised that Gackt was shilling Trump kek.

No. 2418631

Nona does not understands the nuance of the onion metaphor and it shows

No. 2418633

File: 1740514769353.png (1.28 MB, 1297x772, the singular dead end fan.png)

Reminds me of this channel where her entire thing is just vids like this.
It's like the female autism version of dogseatingdogs6 screaming at family guy.

No. 2418641

She doesn't have layers.

No. 2418701

File: 1740516461800.jpeg (96.03 KB, 450x642, 6227828288282.jpeg)

If only you'd something like Sharktale instead kek. There are a lot of great animated movies for children, and even more so in Europe. I do agree that's there a lot of shit, especially those weird flea market/half price video store rental movies like picrel but these types are prevalent in every other genre in the west.

No. 2418713

File: 1740516779169.jpg (146.86 KB, 736x699, 430e252e3e6e8c1f5b8aa4b9f821e2…)

You zoomies should be arrested for crimes against humanity

No. 2418725

File: 1740517189807.jpg (149.45 KB, 800x1200, pvpoHSUkjERCTk0V8BYa9MLknsA-40…)

I'm probably older than you and I didn't really get it either. Smash Mouth, seriously? He looks like a failed flubber anthology project

No. 2418727

I fucking hate Robin Williams and all his movies.

No. 2418728

Implying Shrek wasn't a massive zoomer meme.

No. 2418730

No. 2418734

File: 1740517393632.png (256.95 KB, 1189x391, almost 3k shrek crt.png)

Real question is was it zoomers or milennials buying the CRTs

No. 2418736

There are younger millennials who like dorky things that make me feel second hand embarrassment, like Hot Topic trash/Jack Skellington and bands like Simple Plan. They seem to really love Shrek

No. 2418749

Kirara has a "pre transition" bonus sketch

No. 2418759

Kekkk, they absolutely don’t care if it’s cartoon little girls, sure they complain about it a little bit but a cartoon little boy? A little pixelated shitlet moid? All of their warm female compassion momma bear instincts that’s only designated for nigels immediately activates when a shota sperg posts something they don’t like. I swear on my life women wouldn’t feel the drive or need to save their little sisters, nieces, if a man was preying on them right in front of them but a little moidlet getting sodomized by another man is enough to activate their male loving almonds. Disgusting(ignoring a farmhand warning)

No. 2418771

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I know, and this sketch as well as Panda insisting that Kirara is a guy without anyone trying to contradict him makes me believe Gege was just trying to fuck around and have an excuse to draw two guys groping each other's ass in the shonen jump and get away with it, the same way he made Yuji play pachinko canon despite originally not being allowed to. Uraume's case is weirder since he's a man who specifically asked to possess a woman's body when reincarnated and we don't know why, if Gege had to announce that only one character is a brave and stunning transwoman it would Uraume imo. Even normie fans were joking that Sukuna is a chaser when we learned that Uraume was a man all along.

No. 2418847

sorry for ot but i hate aella so much wdym the correlations were "pretty small" but also "pretty significant" like were they or weren't they significant

No. 2419069

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So this is bullshit?(not sure if this fits but given fanfiction and fetishes, maybe it does?)

No. 2419073

>futa as gender-neutral

No. 2419080

>Women like horror
>Men like furries
Sounds pretty accurate

No. 2419081

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I love the Adventures of Mark Twain so much.

No. 2419087

This is bleak. Why are women so cucked.

No. 2419091

Was about to say the same thing.

No. 2419102

Send your husbando to the guillotine

No. 2419105

So many of these are freaking weird. Some women like FUTA? Executions? Like head chopping? Jfc.

No. 2419110

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I'm thinking with futa that maybe they classed stuff like abo under futa?
I can 100% see some women being into the head chopping though. Guro is a girly fetish.

No. 2419114

>pedophilia and teens are the highest amongst men
>all the weird horror gore shit at the bottom is preferred by trannies
holy shit this is bleak, kill all men

No. 2419119

The horror shit is preferred by women actually.

No. 2419126

There's something funny about "executions" being close to "pedophilia." One explains the other kek

No. 2419128

Am I broken for just not liking horror outside of slasher and psychological stuff?

No. 2419134

no, the triangle means its liked by trannies identifying as women.

No. 2419140

Whoops! My bad.

No. 2419142

Made me realize there's no squares for women, weird.

No. 2419147

I'd guess it'd be yaoi and daddy dom for top women picks?

No. 2419154

Daddy Dom billionaire Alpha Male Roided bullshit is a fucking plague and needs to be eradicated

No. 2419160

It's cringy as fuck but I can't deny that it's fucking everywhere with women.

No. 2419163

>trannies like:
>animal transformations
>body horror
>creepy crawlies

Sounds about right. I bet the creepy crawlies were all aidens

No. 2419165

If I was into that shit I'd never leave my house because I'd be reading poor quality romance books all day kek. Sadly I have the weirdest taste and hate that kind of stuff

No. 2419169

I think it's cringy as fuck with real life people and het romance, but I don't really mind when it shows up in yaoi I'll be honest…

No. 2419171

It’s pretty interesting and tracks with those I know. I wonder how many of these fetishes were introduced to them by participating in the furry community? No self-identified furry has a normal relationship with sexuality as far as I can tell. Is it the type of person attracted to it or is it the result of it?

No. 2419194

>I don't really mind when it shows up in yaoi I'll be honest…
Same honestly. I'm super picky with het romance but not so much with BL kek.

No. 2419207

So you're into submissive skellie bl or…?

No. 2419280

came in to skim the thread and kek you're all retarded(no u)

No. 2419284

>white people
I get what it's implying, but it's still funny.

No. 2419286

It's always amusing when you're present on the thread discussion is normal, but as soon as you leave for a few days suddenly there's 100+ post arguments and numerous reports.

No. 2419288

you were clearly the tight grip we needed around the neck of our collective retardation, nona

No. 2419306

Pretty weird how recently I realized that a lot of women like guro. Fortunately, it's not the "he's suffering in pain uwu" like moids, but just "artistic, consensual" gore.

No. 2419309

>image from Dramatical Murder

No. 2419315

You need a lobotomy asap

No. 2419318

Look I don't consume BL, I don't know everything about it, and as such I consider whatever goes on in there some kind of aberration.
It's more worthwhile to compare what the female does to the male in femgaze vs what the male does to the female in malegaze shit.

No. 2419373

Same. If i was a man i would spend all day rotting in my room reading isekai shit and daydreaming about my endless sea of waifus. But sadly i was born female so my only options are 50yo daddy dom ceo billionaire with prey eyes who wants to beat me or boring walled moid like in those lifetime movies.

No. 2419378

>saber does have a weird subplot of having merlin give her a dick so mordred could be born
Didn't this get retconned in favor of Mordred being made from a blood sample that Morgan took from Artoria? At least that's what I remember.

No. 2419398

I only read nightingale's role in the FGO singularity but she wasn't bad at all in there? Her outfit is designed tastefully too, all ascensions

No. 2419439

>monster high gen 3 is very queer and disabled
ten years ago this would've come very differently

No. 2419652

I ain't homophobic or whatever but why does nay girl property turn into a rainbow parade but make male aimed stuff is mostly intact? There's still gay shit mind you but not to the degree of making frankie a pansexual NB dating her rival.

No. 2419659

Boys gave the adults concussions when they threw back the toy and screamed when they tried adding a girl character.

No. 2419666

Underrated post kek

No. 2419668

But not a single girl raised a finger over the hostile take over of troons and gendiespecials turning their childhood into vehicles to groom children? That is legitimately fucked.

No. 2419671

Women back down and gaslight themselves into believing that it's the natural state of things.
It was never something for women to begin with, it was actually a moid thing from the start, or it was a gendie tif thing all along.

No. 2419673

because gendies are obsessed with themselves and 'i am concerned when not about me?'

No. 2419678

They did but instead they got harassed doxxed and sent rape and death threats by troons and their handmaidens

No. 2419679

Why do women have to be so cucked to let their homies get overrun by freaks whilst men can tell women to fuck off and it works? As somebody who wants to make women aimed content, I'm scared of troons ruining the community I made and turning it into their personal kink den.

No. 2419683

File: 1740565669180.jpeg (Spoiler Image,30.08 KB, 479x640, scroteshit.jpeg)

They dressed a war hero like this

No. 2419686

Fuck this so much. Who in their right mind would put a historical figure in this?

No. 2419687

Who is that supposed to be?

No. 2419690

Florence Nightingale (Halloween rave)

No. 2419694


Oh Wow, I would never have guessed that, no similarity to the historical person, should have made just a new character at that point for the coomer slop gacha.

No. 2419709

Fate's whole gimmick is reimagining historical figures but that didn't stop them from putting flat out non-historical characters in it so…

No. 2419713

Pretty sure all the characters are historical figures. Or something, I never watched fate but I heard it's trickier than just "the historical figure got teleported." Like an almagamation of the memes surrounding history or something.
I don't know, Edison is a furry and the Voyager probe is the Little Prince.

No. 2419714

>putting generic anime girl #1625252 in a skimpy Outfit

Yeah ok.

No. 2419745

File: 1740571415985.webp (288.16 KB, 512x724, S103_Stage4.webp)

>Edison is a furry
Oh wow, you weren't kidding. Apparently the head is the MGM Lion and he's empowered by all the US presidents

No. 2419781

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Hey at least the normal version looks like this.

No. 2419784

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I'm still mad about what they did to Strawberry Shortcake

No. 2419788

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This looks like clip art. What did they do to her?!

No. 2419792

2003 ver looked so cute, it's a crime what they did to her

No. 2419797

I don't mind picrel's designs, but plum puddin is absolutely unrecognizable. She looks more like an alphys human au design than a strawberry shortcake character. they also made her a moid again, bleak.

No. 2419799

This broke my heart as a kid.

I was at the time in an abusive situation, where 'you're a big girl now, act your age' was being used to force me to not show or have emotions, or ask for outside help. I identified heavily with being a child, and toys based around being an adult bored me.

I loved the fact that she was a child! A little girl, like me! Who climbed trees and had jeans because jeans were sturdy!

And then the reboot came, and all that magic just went away.

Remember, girls. You're fertile as soon as you learn to read, childhood is just not for you. Playing is a boys' thing! You have fashion to wear.

No. 2419807

I feel that people interested in gore will only devolve further into fetishes related to scat and other 'shit'.

No. 2419810

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>more and more people are calling out "the everyone is bi" bullshit of fandomtards
the world is healing

No. 2419814

More fans need to start bullying people who go into fandoms yet clearly never read, watch, or play the source material. Whoever kept saying gatekeeping is always terrible for spaces was clearly someone who got personally called got and rightfully embarrassed for sticking their mouth into something they didn't understand.

No. 2419815

Most female guro artists seem to only go as far as piss and vomitting.

No. 2419819

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Shit like this not being horribly frowned upon is so weird to me? Like at least read the wiki or watch someone else play the game. Worst part is the franchise mention in picrel is EXTREMELY short (4 games and a few drama CDs), so they didn't even put forth minimal effort. The entire post made me want to puke.

No. 2419821

samefag 4 GBA games, mind you. Nit even modern tech, so they had to limit the amount of content in each game.

No. 2419824

>uh, uh, guyz! Please don't get mad at me for talking about something I don't know shit about!
If this bitch isn't a minor, good lord.

No. 2419835

Then why are they a fan? There should at least be a world where if you haven't watched, played, or heard something you are not a fan. There's literal wikis happy to go over the whole ass lore but they still refuse to read. I fucking hate this era.

No. 2419836

I'd say the vast majority of the (western) Mega Man fandom doesn't actually know shit about the games, because they're just too hard, boohoo. At most you'll be lucky they read the wiki.
Hell, I've seen some people who only watched the modern cartoon (the one where Wily is an ugly ginger schoolboy), that think they're better than the people who actually play the games. Go figure.

No. 2419837

Real. Sage bc very specific and don’t wanna be cringe but as a lifelong COD fan I at first welcomed the trend of girls liking ghost edits on TikTok bc it pissed off the gross dudebros that usually populate the fandom. And yeah, don’t get me wrong, I like them too.

But then I couldn’t sift through a tumblr tag without seeing a mind numbing and buzzword heavy post analysis on the characters when they’ve never even played the games and got pretty much every single detail about them wrong whilst getting up in arms if anyone wrote a piece of fanfic that made them anything but reminiscent of a booktok MC. Some even dared to criticise people that had played the games or read the comics etc in some weird mental gymnastics.

People applying their ‘everything needs to be uwuified’ takes on a game series that is notoriously meant to be just cool action slop was hilarious but also gave me herpies.

shit games I know but they have a special place in my heart bc the only time my brothers and I ever got to spend proper time together was playing them kek

No. 2419840

saging as well but as a halo girl, I'm at least fortunate enough to barely see this happen. But then again, I haven't been active with the game since four or maybe five.

No. 2419843

I understood the "gatekeeping isn!t nice" arguments before, when I was a teenager and not everyone had a computer to pirate everything and you could offically only get physical copies of video games so you regularly had these "are you a real Final Fantasy fan if you haven't played the original untranslated FF3 game and you can't find a second hand copy of FF7 to play because everyone moved to the PS2?" or "if you haven't spent money on merchs you're a fake fan because you don't support creators enough" arguments in forums. Now it's almost only used to mean "if you have the ability to read books/play games/watch episodes yourself effortlessly and for free or cheap and you choose not to but claim to be a fan after checking the series/game's tvtropes page you're valid, don't listen to the haters!" and it's especially the case with video games and people who watch streamers on twitch or youtube.

No. 2419845

How is watching a show that hard for people? It's not like streaming sites are hard to find and some of the piracy ones have more shows there than most streaming services. You have to be computer literate to not know where to look. I watched shows and movies I wouldn't otherwise have known about if it weren't for the sites that let you stream and torrent shit for free. Nowadays younger zoomers and older alpha kids have zero clue on how to pirate unless you feed them a bowl of easily digestible passive slop. Video games I can at least understand. They take up space, run like ass if you're not a pc hardcore builder, and often times feel like a worthless time sink. Still stupid when they claim to be fans though.

No. 2419850

>How is watching a show that hard for people?
You already said it, normies and younger people don't know how to pirate shows or even just watch them on illegal streaming sites for free, or they refuse to do it because it's "bad". But other arguments I've also seen were "I have ADHD are you ableist?" or "the show it too long I don't want to watch all of it so I skipped scenes/episodes/arcs to watch what I know from memes" or "my friend was liveblogging the show/game/books on twitter so it's as if I experienced the thing myself"

No. 2419856

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Full post for maxed out clownery. Surprised nobody actually called them out in the duration of this being up. I already hate this artist because they recolor the more popular characters to have the Wrong Skincolor, but I'll save that for my own tism rambles some other time.

They're a tif at the very least it seems. He/They flavored. Judging from their art style, gonna spitball maybe 18 years old.

No. 2419868

This is lolcow, just say "she"

No. 2419872

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>I don't know 90% of the games lore BUT-
then zip it. why are you talking? Seriously, I don't get people like this. Either be interested in the game and lore, or don't. Either do your research or AT LEAST watch a gameplay, or leave the fandom alone. I don't understand these limp dicked fake fans crawling from nowhere to ramble about things they don't even care to research. Why talk so much about something if you don't even care enough about it to know what you're talking about?

No. 2419875

If you dont play the games, you dont get an opinion. That's all gen z do now is watch an LP or read a wiki. Nah, fuck that. At least emulate the games.

No. 2419878

I was old enough to remember the 1990s version. I still think 2003 and 2009 was her last cute look. they ruined her after that.

No. 2419970

Wasn't it implied that Johnny got fucked by Daken?

No. 2419975

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Saw this discourse on twitter yesterday, the book in question is based on a IRL case that happened in the authors hometown and the relationship is not glorified

No. 2419976

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He’s bi for Peter

No. 2419978

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then when she was told this, she proceeded to sperg tf out. guess how old this person is 28

No. 2419984

I hate women like this so much.

No. 2419988

They're actually retarded. I have no faith in the average woman who thinks choking is normal during sex.

No. 2419996

>like wdym?!
That feeling is called "curiosity". Typically, this is the part where non-braindead people who aren't afraid of accidentally reading no-no naughty wrongthink would read the book to find out what the author means.

No. 2420010

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I've actually read tampa and it's very clear just a mediocre rip-off of lolita. I wouldn't consider it 'good', but it clearly shows the main character is an awful, petty person who sleeps with teenage boys because she's deeply insecure about herself and thinks fucking teenage boys is the only way for her to have control

No. 2420014

bunda becky

No. 2420020

>the main character is an awful, petty person who sleeps with teenage boys because she's deeply insecure about herself and thinks fucking teenage boys is the only way for her to have control
Is the author lowkey a farmer? kek

No. 2420026

I hate what comics have become. this is so forced and gross

No. 2420029

I’ve also read it and agree. It was fine for what it is and I think Lolita but with reversed genders could be interesting in the right hands. I just don’t really think it’s this book. The premise carries it rather than the writing tbh.

No. 2420030

>happened irl in her town
>who sleeps with teenage boys
is this based off the case where a married teacher groomed and raped a 11 year old boy and then had children with him at 60?

No. 2420034

This is cute

No. 2420035

Holy sex

No. 2420038

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No. 2420039

It’s based off of Debra Lafave’s case. You’re thinking of Mary Kay Letourneau I believe.

No. 2420040

Nah it's hot, the more fujobait in comics the better.

No. 2420043

>it's very clearly just a mediocre rip-off of lolita.
This is exactly what I thought when I read the summary. Rule 63 Lolita.

No. 2420049

>too pretty for prison
Why is this such a common line of defense in these cases? Brittany Zamora was another pedophile teacher whose lawyer made the same argument. Thankfully, Zamora actually went to prison.

No. 2420056

Especially given that literally all the women in the Rogue's Gallery are bisexual. Why is it suddenly only a problem now that male characters are given the same treatment?

No. 2420057

It seems to be the female version of when college moids rape a classmate and have 'their whole life ahead of them!' excuse (a whole life of rape)

No. 2420058

same reason the use the "hes young and has a full life ahead of him" for rich white moids also because they know pedophiles arent treated well in jails.

No. 2420070

The first one is the one I think of when I hear "strawberry shortcake" even though I was born after that design was used. If you asked me to draw her from memory before I looked at this image, I would've given her a big puffy light pink hat like she had in the 80s.

No. 2420092

Combine manchildren unwilling to read/watch shit for adults with the profitability of three hour Breadtube slop about idpol and this is what you get.

No. 2420104

The popularity of "choking" and "receiving pain" among women makes me so angry at our society. This is not a fetish women organically acquire, it's 100% something they've been psyoped into.

However, I kek'd heartily at some of the fetishes marked with triangles, indicating that trannies were the top consumers:

No. 2420148

i will never forget lindsay ellis for creating this genre of videos

No. 2420237

Are they crying because a book with dark themes exist? Why not go cry about the thousands of moid rape fantasy books out there

No. 2420297

Because dark themes caused by women = bad, but caused by men = good, to these types.

No. 2421477

People are just weird with gay and bi men because the thought of it makes them feel objectified which is what men hate the most.
I generally wonder what women truly like under all that psy-op degeneracy? I even question what I truly because society tells women what to believe.

No. 2421563

>Cunnilingus having an even ratio of men and women.

Heh, seeing that made me pretty happy ngl

No. 2421792

It probably went down the same way it does in every female fandom. Some women started to accept troons into their spaces out of pity, and now everyone is self-gaslighting in order to pander to trannies because they are crybabies.
On the bright side, doll collecting communities are not as tainted as other fandoms, there's fags and FTMs on every corner but they're way less annoying

No. 2421860

I believe some of the other data points for women, like that they enjoy toys and watching other masturbate regardless of sex, would probably exist in the absence of the normalization of sexual violence. I think because we're socialized to be more invested in the emotions of others, we get something out of seeing others' pleasure. Tattoos and piercings also makes a lot of sense for women to enjoy, since it's an expression of uniqueness and individuality, as well as being "edgy," in a relatively safe way. Gay men and masculinity are pretty straight forward for straight women, too, for the same reason lesbians and femininity are popular with straight men.

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that cunnilingus is equally popular with both sexes. Rapeplay and "dubcon" being relatively unpopular also gives me hope, because it puts to bed the incel meme that "zomg literally all women want to be raped."

No. 2421866

Not gonna lie, I thought the tweet was referring to it eimage not the plot until the rest of the tweets

No. 2421958

Never like how each new design the less curly her hair gets. Still I got a soft spot for the 09' version though. But 80s will always be my favorite.

No. 2421959

>Enjoy some niche media like a book, game, older anime, etc. that doesn't really have a big fandom
>Find cool fanartist or someone who regularly posts about said piece of media in a creative and interesting way
>Xyz thing is a queer metaphor
>Blah blah character is trans
Every single goddamn time.

No. 2421964

I'm proud to be a regular fan artist for a dead niche fandom that doesn't do the queer shit

No. 2421970

I feel like I'm a fan of nothing. I just watch something and move on with my day.

No. 2421975

You are doing the Lord's work nona

No. 2421978

The worst is when I think I've found a cool woman talking about this niche thing and its just a troon moid
I've become like this too and tbh I miss being deep into a specific fandom or that hooked feeling of hyperfixation

No. 2421982

What I mean is I'm just not "obsessed" if that makes any sense? I can enjoy something sure but if you ask me the deeper themes of something my brain just short circuits. I seem to only fixate on non-fandom not like some fotm anime or show.

No. 2421999

>enjoy niche fandom
>find cool fanartist
>they randomly retweet a tranny crime article and start terfposting
Sometimes there's nice surprises.

No. 2422013

lmao based

No. 2422025

i've seen more tifs than tims in doll collecting because duh, female-dominated hobby. and it also requires creativity for things like customizing and restyling that tims don't have. if the doll collecting fandom was a farm, mhfags would be the cows because holy shit they're so stupid. they kinda put me off the franchise even though i love some of the dolls like g3 drac.

>I've found a cool woman talking about this niche thing and its just a troon moid
fuck, this. i feel like i shouldn't be having things in common with a tim, like please go fap to loli vns leave the things i like alone?

No. 2422042

Kek I don’t miss them at all. Then again mine were always toxic bc I knew my faves were shit, but I’d still go to fucking war over Snape, Shinji, Eren etc on tumblr. It felt kind of like having a bf that all your friends hate bc he’s trash and you know they’re right

No. 2422075

Watching a LP isn't the same as reading a wiki or just absorbing the content off of memes and tiktok. You could watch an entire game from start to finish on youtube and I don't think that's an issue unless you've claimed you played it yourself. Especially if it's a story heavy game.
I'm glad the stuff I like doesn't have many western fans so I don't have to see this shit.

No. 2422093

This, what's wrong with lps? Some people don't have the money or time to play or pirate games. If I've watched hours of footage of the game and know the plot and characters from the source how is it any different from the knowledge youd get just playing it other than the fact I didn't press the buttons?

No. 2422151

so you have time to watch someone ELSE play the game, but not the time to go play it yourself? what you're getting is a secondhand experience with your initial opinions on the game being influenced by whichever deformed youtuber personality is doing the lp.

No. 2422155

We appreciate you.

No. 2422158

Watching an LP is not the same as playing the game yourself and it never will be.

No. 2422161

You don't get the same feeling from watching an LP. it doesn't matter how many hours you put into it. Your decisions are not yours. Your exploration is not yours. If you dont have the time or resources to play the game yourself, it isnt the same. Find a way to emulate at it at least.

No. 2422163

Yes, I can watch a video at almost any time but I have to set aside time and money to buy and play a game. I'm capable of having to own opinion on what I'm seeing on screen, and there are no commentary play throughs. Either way it's more convenient and I understand the story just as much as someone who played it firsthand.

No. 2422172

God knows you're not hitting up the no commentary 8hr longplay, be real.

No. 2422179

Unless the game is open world that doesn't really matter and I can just find someone who made the choices I would. I'm not claiming it's the same as playing the game in the experience but when it comes to participating in fandom I dont need to have played it to have the same understanding or come to my own conclusions.
I have before, but some guy saying his opinion on the side doesn't change much.

No. 2422184

NTA but I did that a lot when I was younger with story-driven games because I had no money. I think the annoying LP people are the ones who just let whatever streamer or letsplayer they watched influence their opinion on the game and parrot forced memes and shit up the fandom repeating whatever dumb thing Markimoo said back and forth.

No. 2422193

nta, but I don't know how anyone can listen to shitty lets plays

No. 2422203

I personally use LPs as a screening method for games that I want to buy. Seeing it in motion, being played by someone who's not a dev or a journalist is helpful, especially if they post system stats and point out any bugs they encounter. I usually don't watch them play it all the way through, just enough to see if I'll like it or not and then I either add it to the wishlist or forget about the game entirely. The problem is that a lot of lets players are essentially institutions in and of themselves so it's now less like watching a friend try a game out and more like an unfunny idiot selling you Gamer Sups

No. 2422224

I'll be honest and say I've watched long 100% LPs of Danganronpa 1 and 2 before they were on Steam and when I just had a very shitty laptop. I understand if people watch LPs if they actually can't pirate or purchase the game, especially teens. I don't understand it if someone has access to playing the game or pirating. I especially don't understand people who don't watch shows. A standard 12 episode anime is 4 hours of watch time? I'm not talking about expecting someone to watch every episode of Doctor Who either kek

No. 2422245

Real ones remember reading Danganronpa translations on Something Awful and the subsequent shitstorm that followed all the new site traffic and spoiler banner ad.

No. 2422247

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>stop threatening each other over this bs
Is this seriously a thing? And over the ugliest designed cookie?

No. 2422250

The children in that fandom are Uniquely Special. I had never grimaced so hard glancing at a wiki before that.

No. 2422252

I yearn for the prarie revival era of the late 70s that influenced her first design

No. 2422254

kid fandoms are the funniest shit ever

No. 2422259

Yes, agreed! Holly Hobbie, Strawberry Shortcake, they were are so cute!

No. 2422267

be inspired by genshin get genshin fandom

No. 2422279

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We need more otomes and mangas with chubby and plain looking women. As an ugly and fat girl in the process of losing weight, I used to like to insert myself as a perfect waifu, but it's getting boring now.

No. 2422280

hey to be fair cookie run was far far before genshin, even if they ended up with the same braindead child fandoms

No. 2422287

Technically Love Revo on the DS has you as an unattractive/fat MC but part of the point of that game is to lose the weight before your husbando will accept you

No. 2422288

When you're just watching it you can fast forward or skip the annoying grinding and running back and forth and only focus on the story. Saves a lot of time.
I just don't have the patience for JRPG's these days. And most of the time the story isn't worth it.

No. 2422289

No. 2422291

To be fair danganronpa is mostly a vn, the gameplay aspects are only during trials and are piss easy. I feel like its fine if people watch LPs of those types of games

No. 2422302

Imo if you don't think a game is worth playing you can't really consider yourself a fan of it.
I can say I like Dark Souls, that I find it interesting but until I finish the games, I wouldn't call myself a fan.

No. 2422303

There's some really cool LPs out there where they get their hands on exclusive developer commentary, are able to uncover secrets in the code, or play it in some novel way you wouldn't want to replicate yourself because it takes too much autism. I prefer screenshot LPs personally, especially of older games and RPGs.

No. 2422313

Yeah, you can be a fan of the lore, but honestly without playing the game, you will never experience how insane it is. I know I became more of a fan of Dark souls 1,2, 3 and Bloodborne once I got through them. My urge to explore was just intense in BB especially.

No. 2422321

also nta but I watch LPs sometimes and I don't get how people can stand to watch commentary playthroughs, it's like going to the movie theatre and hearing some rando talk and try to make jokes the whole time. Unless I've already played/watched the game beforehand, I have a very low tolerance for that

No. 2422322


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2422324

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Kind of makes me sad that in Kiss Him Not Me, the MC ended up with the fag in the green sweater rather than the lesbian, who liked her even when she was fat. All of the others were shallow and only noticed her when she lost weight. I guess that's conservative-ass Japan for you, though.

No. 2422327

The guy she ended up with also liked her when she was a fattie though, the other 3 dudes were scum
Tbh I remember hating the mc herself when I read this manga kek

No. 2422329

I thought the green sweater guy was too autistic to notice her change.

No. 2422333

why would a manga for straight women end up in yurislop

No. 2422351

Idk, why would a conversation about manga end in bait?

No. 2422359

how is it bait to point out a shoujo manga ending in yurislop would be retarded? imagine if madoka ended up with meguka marrying the violinist guy. Its like you are so coombrained you dont understand target audiences.

No. 2422398

Why can't people post fun thoughts? Goddamn.

No. 2422412

>I feel like I'm a fan of nothing. I just watch something and move on with my day.
is it strange to be an artist who's more of a fanart appreciator than a maker? I guess I just never really got the point of making fanart for myself but this is exceedingly uncommon especially since I'm not new to fandom. I get involved, I read, I play, I watch, I even write theory posts, but for some reason fanart doesn't do it for me. Genuine question because I never really got my disconnect please share your love of being in a fandom and making fanart with me nonas

No. 2422416

Why? She was cute

No. 2422419

its not a fun thought, its a retarded one. Yuritards are always self inserting into things that isnt made for them.

No. 2422448

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>Yuritards are always self inserting into things that isnt made for them.
Nta but chill out. It’s not attacking your straight romances to point out the moids in that manga (except one) were shallow unappealing assholes. Even readers felt the same. It’s natural for people to find characters who genuinely love the heroine more appealing.
Plus, the lesbian was literally designed to appeal to women(picrel), not whatever assumption you made because you saw the word lesbian. Handsome women have appeared in straight romance manga to tease the heroine tons of times before. Are you gonna get mad at female fans who find them more charming even when that’s how the mangaka designed them?

No. 2422458

dont bother, its a baiter

No. 2422463

Because she was a fucking retard

No. 2422472

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Okay while we're in the Fandom thread, can somebody please tell me why zoomers are acting autistic about 'I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream'? Why does it have to be THIS? How did they even find this?

No. 2422478

It's a creepy story capable of disturbing people across generations and Harlan Ellison's voice work in the game is meme-worthy. And maybe some Youtuber made a video out of it, idk.

No. 2422479

Ive loved the original short story for years and this is so weird kek. I haven't played the game yet even though I've owned it forever. I wonder why they're latching onto it, did some TikToker make a popular video or something?

No. 2422482

TikTok, I imagine. Trying to discuss this game got my zoomer acquaintance so mad that she sent me a passive aggressive text via her boyfriend's phone.

No. 2422484

Why was she mad?

No. 2422489

>people talking over movies
I also like MST3K and Rifftrax which are exactly that, lol.
The LP-ers I follow have a similar style.

No. 2422490

it blew up because people pointed out that Mouthwashing was based off of it.

No. 2422494

mouthwashing and the ultra kill update probably
>ultra kill update?
mc is a robot who wants to scream but has no mouth

No. 2422496

>the lesbian was literally designed to appeal to women
if you gay, this is like moids saying astolfo isnt gay because his balls are feminine or some cancer

No. 2422497

>stupid ass muh mouthwashing
oh yeah, of course. You know what? It was probably also that dumbass digital circus shit too. I heard that trannoid creator used IHNMAIMS as the inspiration too.

No. 2422498

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Straight up butchery

No. 2422500

Can you say more. How is mouthwashing based off of IHNMAIMS.

No. 2422501

I hate when zoomers get into anything. They dont know how to just appreciate a game or story for what it is. They're all braindead autists.

No. 2422507

can we ban the word silly from tiktok alphas

No. 2422509

It's petty, but I agree. They always act so fucking retarded about things. It's like a fly landing on some nice food.

No. 2422511

Because I wanted to discuss it with her and wasn't respectful enough when she got basic facts about the game, original short story, and author wrong. Not even things you could really argue about or that were up for interpretation either, things like when it was published, how hardware limitations of the time probably influenced certain parts of the shipped game, that sort of thing. She also blew up at me when I suggested that she speak to her professor and ask her for more time to work on a project when she was having personal problems but that was apparently a step too far and her professor should've 'just known' that she was struggling and accommodated her without any communication on the zoomer's end whatsoever.

No. 2422515

this is what im talking about when i say some shit should not even have a fandom. how tf can someone be in a fandom for a short story or a game that can be beat in an hour and take every thing about it so seriously?

No. 2422528

IHNMAIMS has way more content than Mouthwashing and is actually horrifying. Still doesn’t mean it needs a fandom full of edgelord gendies though. Kek whats next they’re gonna have Benny with gay pride flag edits while glossing over the fact he killed the men he slept with and is doomed to be a literal hulking rape ape because of it?

No. 2422530

It got popular because AMs speech was trending as an audio on tiktok. It was before mouthwashing was made

No. 2422535

That's just terrible. She's so cute in the first two versions, especially the original.

No. 2422536

Kek you're right, I completely forgot about that. I should have known.
Not to mention it gave the moid who developed it a huge ego. God knows the last thing we need is some idiot being convinced the bare minimum writing in his mediocre project is the work of a genius.

No. 2422542

Ayrt is either baiting or sperging about a manga she's never read.

No. 2422543

This Manga made me angry with myself because I still fall for generic shoujo romance tropes hook line and sinker like I'm 14 again kek

No. 2422544

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What the fuck

No. 2422545

yeah fuck this, ss died after 2009

No. 2422546

>BREAKING NEWS: Newly Discovered 'Trans Berry' fruit has resulted in the deaths of 41% of its consumers.

No. 2422547

This is literal children grooming shit. I hate this

No. 2422548

I was the same way for a long time. I had a period for about a decade when I only drew OC content. I drew fanrt when I was younger, but I quit after realizing it just felt like I was piggybacking off the works of popular series. I realized I wasn't drawing out of love of the series itself, I was doing it because the series gave me subject matters to draw.
Drawing OC content generally felt a lot more satisfying because I would have full control of the characters and they were wholly mine.
I only recently started drawing fanart again because I found a series I got obsessed with that had very little fanworks, so I felt like I had to pay tribute to it.

No. 2422549

Kek the tranny is twice their height. Aren't Strawberry Shortcake and Co. supposed to be adult-ish? They fall into that 70s/80s living independently and have jobs but still learn lessons about friendship thing that FiM did.

No. 2422552

>naming the trans character after the most phallic looking fruit
>making him a hulking beast compared to the other women
Hah. But no seriously, they couldn't at least make him a goddamn fruit? Who the fuck cares?

No. 2422554

No kids are fucking watching this it's just desperate plea for attention like every tranny in a kids cartoon

No. 2422560

Ntayrt but as much as I tell myself this shit i know there's kids being indoctrinated on this trash to think they need to feel like a girl in order to be one. Gag me with a spoon.

No. 2422597

You're the people we should have been gatekeeping before it got out of hand.

No. 2422602

But why.

No. 2422700

Video games aren't only about the story or characters, the main point is the gameplay unless maybe we're talking about VNs and adventure games like Ace Attorney or Dangan Ronpa. And even for these games I tried to watch some playthroughs on youtube to see if I didn't miss anything and it's very annoying, whoever is playing is usually reading very slowly for the audience, also missing a lot of optional scenes or dialogues, giving their personal opinions like they're facts which will be repeated everywhere online by fans of the youtuber, etc. The more choices and customization you ha e in a game the worst it gets. I could watch someone playing a mainline pokemon game but it's not nearly close to playing it myself and making up my own team, finding rare or shiny pokemon by chance early in the game that youtubers won't find because they'll find other rare pokemon instead, then you have the multiplayer aspect of some games that can't be replicated, etc. Solving puzzles or beating a hard boss by yourself without checking a guide isn't the same thing as watching someone else do it as well.

No. 2422707

What if you watch a no commentary LP

No. 2422717

You're still not playing yourself so what's the point? Unless you're talking about the adventure games I listed then no, the youtubers still read way too slowly or still miss things. Even worse when they try to have a perfect playthrough with no mistake because sometimes you can miss bad endings or specific lines that are sometimes really funny.

No. 2422741

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>45 minutes of complaining about pilot crew not making the cut for the actual Amazon Prime production and replaced with professionals fit for the platform's standards as if it was her decision to be made
Videos like this are a stark reminder to me never to get famous as a woman without hiding my identity. Vivziepop is like the most run of the mill personality with minimal controversy while moids in the animation industry run rampant with rape and pedo scandals yet people just can't stop seething and malding over her because she made a self-indulgent, successful show that's made for old school deviantart fujos like herself.

No. 2422747

Even her actual "bad" traits (being a passive aggressive faghag) are so mild compared to SEVERAL other, much worse people who are allowed to go completely unquestioned. I don't understand how she invokes such strong feelings in people. It just reeks of jealousy because her sparkledogs got a TV show and theirs didn't.

No. 2422753

>It just reeks of jealousy because her sparkledogs got a TV show and theirs didn't.
The massive amounts of smug "redesigns" people have done for both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are a pretty good indicator of this. They encapsulate the "why do her shitty sparkledogs get to be on TV, I could do it so much better!" spirit perfectly.

No. 2422786

I feel like it's subconscious misogyny guiding their actions. They'll find any reason to hate on vizie but never male creators grooming kids and harassing women. And to put more insult to injury, they're worshiping digital circus as a far better show despite it's creator past fetish content and other disturbing content.

No. 2422799

The point was never that LPs are the same as playing games or that watching LPs made you a real gamer it was that someone who watches LPs can have the same understanding of the games plot and characters and participate in fandom just fine. I don't care if I'm not getting the real vidya experience.

No. 2422826

NTA but if you're watching a LP by some douchey streamer guy then your experience story and characters gets filtered by him and his commentary on it. Also the gameplay is essential with games like action RPGs when interaction is one of the elements used to create atmosphere and plot points. I watch playthroughs of games that I'm not interested in enough to play or pay for myself but I really can't argue that I'm getting the "real" experiment out of them, even in JRPGs a lot of interesting stuff about the characters and the world is hidden inside quests and secrets that you have to find yourself and LPs skip them.

No. 2422857

>it was that someone who watches LPs can have the same understanding of the games plot and characters
And my point, which you missed, was that the main point of a video game is the gameplay and not the characters or story. Especially when all these elements are intertwined and can't be fully separated so you can misunderstand the story by not playing the game yourself and watching some random guy do it and miss half of the content.

>and participate in fandom just fine

lmfao so if I want to talk about gameplay with someone about a game we both like what will that person say if they just watched someone else play it? Like about our favorite or least favorite stages, dungeons or chapters, how hard the boss fights are, where the best weapons are hidden, how many shiny pokemon you caught, etc? Besides "this character is my husbando" I mean.

No. 2422870

Nta but this video discuss Viv treating her employees badly,her animators getting paid peanuts and throwing the voice actors that made her show popular in the first place under the bus. Those are things worthy of criticism imo, unlike fetishizing gay men and writing a fag getting raped. Tbh I mostly dislike how misogynistic her writing is, but it appeal to old-school fujoshis I suppose.

No. 2422877

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I agree, after changing some of my opinion recently. If a person truly cares about a game, they would play it. Gameplays can give newcomers an insight, but there's no amount of Wiki Fandom pages, TV Tropes "analyses", and random YouTube faggots that can ever really educate people like directly engaging with the source material. I wouldn't even say already knowing the lore is a good excuse to not actually play the game yourself, because if a game truly matters so much, you would still play it to have the lore and the mechanics merge for the full experience.

No. 2422922

Thank you anons. There is absolutely nothing worse than getting excited over a game and wanting to discuss it and then the person doesnt play it. I had the same issue with a cosplayer i ran into who was doing something from a fandom I loved, but she didnt play the games, she only looked the character design. It's the worst kind of actual fake gamer girl bs.

No. 2422928

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They've always been considered children even in the 80s storybooks where they are clearly tiny elf/fairy kids with absent parents but that troon shits vile

No. 2422939

I hope they're retarded enough to say "Serving bundt" so angry parents can report the fuck out of the show

No. 2422940

Kek are you watching retards LP Reading Rainbow because who reads the text on the screen out loud?

No. 2422943

No comment on the animator's pay, that sucks, but I feel like Brandon Rogers is mostly at fault for the misogynistic writing. While she's still partly to blame for approving it/not reigning him in, the project without him on it (Hazbin) is substantially better than HB.
>Those are things worthy of criticism imo, unlike fetishizing gay men and writing a fag getting raped.
Yeah I also don't give one single iota of a fuck about this kek, I'd much rather see this flavour of cringe passion project get funded than the Gooseworx tranny's ugly slop.

No. 2422956

>serving bundt
Genuine laugh out of me

No. 2423070

The worst thing she’s ever done was making a fugly as sin show. Who gives a shit

No. 2423081

noticing a trend where moralfags and callout posters typically go after women while men do worse all the time

No. 2423107

Women are easier targets and are more likely to roll over and apologize in a big public way

No. 2423123

Why must women be pushovers while men can waltz in, rape a women, and leave scot free. I thought metoo would finally put this light but we've gone back to moralfagging women and their fictional habits.

No. 2423228

I have never liked anything Vivziepop makes (because it's just not to my tastes, I'm simply indifferent to it) but I have huge appreciation for her for not doing this. At least to my knowledge she has never kowtowed to people trying to cancel her.

No. 2423230

ot but i just had a big flashback to this bitch who was claiming amber heard to be "cashing in" on the metoo shit. women are women's worst enemy sometimes

No. 2423231

It's 100% jealousy, even other indie animators are weirdly catty and mean to her like the lackadaisy people.

No. 2423240

Vivzie got lucky with her sparkle dog 2009 dA era OC cartoon, and other spergs are jealous of her success and are now out for blood. Her fans seem to be genuinely engaged in her work and obviously funnel her a lot of cash. It's not my thing but good on her for landing a once in a lifetime gig and a cash cow franchise.

No. 2423264

>women are women's worst enemy sometimes
Not women but "pickmes" are

No. 2423293

Why are you trying so hard to get validation from strangers on the internet

No. 2423446

I'm neutral with that controversy but sometimes I can't help but find anti-heard people to be so retarded.

No. 2423461

"got lucky" is underselling her sheer devotion to her fujoism and obnoxious (i say this neutrally, i like her work kek) style. she's been doing comics and animations for years!

No. 2423498

jayvik faggots are legit unbearable with how much of a superiority complex they have towards het shippers while viktor is drawn with a pussy nearly every other picture I see, probably because he's a self insert. Full offense but I prefer straight women more than spineless spicy straight women kek

No. 2423525

Same kek, I hadn't thought of this anime in ages, but the lesbian cosplayer had SO much more in common with the MC:
>Both nerdy
>Both into cosplay and animanga
>Both fujos
>Loved her even as a fatty when the moids didn't
Because she was included as a love interest in the first place? Also, the entire premise is that she's a fujo who wants to see the boys kiss eachother instead of being with her. Makes a lot more sense that she'd end up with another fujo than your typical boring shoujoslop.

No. 2423781

didn't one of the guys also love her before she lost weight?

Also piggybacking off of this to voice how tired I am of people hailing romantic love as the ultimate form of love. Fatasses aren't everyone's type, doesn't mean you are unworthy of love in the form of friendship. That only means the male LI and the lesbo also would fuck fatties not that they "love" her no matter what.

No. 2423799

Wasnt she a feeder though? But I agree I never understood why she had to end up moids she had no chemistry with rather than her theres a amberlyn joke here

No. 2423814

After seeing what other indie animators make, i started respecting her. She managed to make something genuinely unique whereas everyone else is trying to make boring SOL crap(lsmark, daftpina) or magical girl rip offs. Good for her for making something genuinely cringe and free in a sea of irony poisoned media.

No. 2423843

This x100. Viv is absolutely a cow, but in an industry absolutely full of cows. Yet for some reason, her minor transgressions are what people choose to fixate on. How many moids in western animation have been outed as sexual predators at this point? Chris Savino, Kyle Carrozza, Skyler Page, John K, etc. Yet the worst thing people can say about Viv is that she sucks to work for because she's a catty overgrown teenager.

I don't like the slop she makes, I think it's cringe and tryhard. But I also don't think she deserves the level of autistic hatred she gets, especially compared to her male contemporaries. At the very least, I'd like people to hold moid directors/creators to the same standard.

No. 2423860

Pick mes are women

No. 2423874

People are so afraid to just admit that they find something cringey instead of trying to justify why they don't like something. It's so clear that people don't like Viv or her shows because they think she's cringey or something.

No. 2423901

>and other spergs are jealous of her success and are now out for blood
Not everything has to do with jealousy, she's very unlikable and obnoxious and hates everything that has to do with criticism with her shitty cartoons. Also she's in her 30s and acts like a teenage sperg herself whenever someone dares to call her out even for the most smallest things.

No. 2424027

Vivzie is cringe, and spergs are jealous of her because she's problematic. That's mostly it. The only real issue I have with her is being a faghag who lets Brandon shit all over her already poor script and keep using gay male characters to undermine female characters. If at any point those two think I am going to side with Stolas over Octavia they are absolutely out of their minds. Hazbin is so much better already by simply just not letting that moid into the writer's room.

>She managed to make something genuinely unique whereas everyone else is trying to make boring SOL crap(lsmark, daftpina) or magical girl rip offs.
I'm so tired of irony poisoned shit that I'm starting to enjoy earnest cringe. I don't know if creators are so out of touch that they haven't realized the magical girl deconstruction is already old news even in Japan, or if they just think subversion for the sake of subversion makes them epic and revolutionary. That style's cute or whatever but non earnest insecure concepts are an instant skip for me.

No. 2424042

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>non earnest insecure concepts are an instant skip for me.
Same, the only reason why i keep coming back to anime is for weird and earnest concepts that would never be taken seriously in the west. Why are westerns so afraid of being genuine? the only western VN i can think of that isnt trying to mock the medium and ''deconstruct it'' is Katawa Shoujo''. I cant get into most western animation because of that(and the gendie shit), the only western cartoon made in the last 15 years that feels genuine is Primal.

No. 2424045

I wish you all would stop excusing vivzie by claiming that only brandon is responsible for the poor writing. yes, he makes a lot of the awful and really annoying jokes, but the actual story direction is primarily driven by her. the amazon writing team on hazbin, had to basically force her to focus less on the gay romance, limiting it to just one episode

No. 2424048

>had to basically force her to focus less on the gay romance

No. 2424053

Vivzie did nothing wrong except live out her sincere cringe fujo dream

No. 2424061

She's pretty based for that and still identifying as a woman when she's surrounded by gendies. She still has to larp as bi to placate the tifs who accused her of fetishizing gay man though, which is a shame.

No. 2424064

Late but

>BPD, ED (diagnosed)

>Autism (undiagnosed but extremely likely)

>sibling incest, bonus points if dubcon/violent

>period blood
>female scat

No. 2424071

female scat shinning through the spoiler makes it so fucking menacing

No. 2424073

who cares. reminds me of moids who hate on Kim Kardashian, even though they'd give up their first born for the opportunity to sleep with her if she offered.
Vivzie is laughing to the bank while they make their autistic hour long video rants about her lol

No. 2424076

Go take a shower sperg

No. 2424078

troons infested western fandom. if youre not teaching yourself preschool japanese or using niche sites for fandom, you'll be exposed to lgbtq+ shit all day

No. 2424079

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Why is it bad when Vivzie adds her self indulgent fetishes but not when moids do it? i have never seen people criticize male writers for adding manic pixie dream girls falling for the gary stu mc or adding their weird fetishes into everything they make(tarantino). Personally, i am in favour of artists writing whatever the fuck they want, even if it means adding their self indulgent fetishes onto it .Its their story afterall and its my choice if i want to support them or not, so i dont understand why everyone is so pissed off at vivzie's fujo tendencies, just dont watch her show.

No. 2424081

Who gives a fuck, her show is ugly (and so is she)

No. 2424082


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2424086

I've been making fun of her from day 1 in the western animation thread for being a shit writer, trust me I'm not going to die on the cross for her. If anything that should tell you how low standards are if she has a cancerous tumor attached to her (brandon) and all she has to do is be shamelessly cringe and collect on her infinite money glitch. You probably have the same complaints of her writing as I do. Let's agree to disagree.

>the only western VN i can think of that isnt trying to mock the medium and ''deconstruct it'' is Katawa Shoujo''.
I've been using this argument for 10 years and there's still only one example of a game I can use. Bleak. Anime VN self hate literally hit people like deadly super aids. At best I only see mild recovery from little otome VN games here and there, but everyone else is too scared to do it. I don't know why.

No. 2424087

then dont watch it

No. 2424095

>I don't know why
Western culture breeds insecurity like months to a flame. Even after cringe culture's death, people would rather make subversive dating sim comedies than a earnest attempt at a good romance story. honestly as a aspiring vn dev this does concern me. If you want people to play a VN, as in people one the west, it has to be some form of parody, horror, or subversive fps to get folks on their seats. It's mind numbing to see so many great projects get look down on because how dare they lack gameplay or something…

No. 2424101

I've read a couple that were decent and earnest. Only issue is that they have the gendie options for (you) despite the protagonist being written as woman.

No. 2424184

Do people really care that much about gameplay in VNs? Isn't the medium chiefly about the story with minimal gameplay elements?

No. 2424197

it's not western culture

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