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No. 2365279

No. 2365298

your did it

No. 2365300

(infight bait)

No. 2365309

Great, another one of these threads. I can't wait to see the hundredth newfag reeing about getting a (vain bitch) redtext in the GIOYC thread.

No. 2366626

File: 1737868621478.png (555.08 KB, 828x1348, muh bait.png)

kumbaya my lord

No. 2368065

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Imagine using a site moderated by IQ 60 underage ESLs. Couldn't be me.

No. 2368068

Hide the thread if you don't like it.

No. 2368114

I get banned every 1-2 days. I stopped caring long ago.

No. 2368118

All those autism jokes weren't jokes after all.

No. 2368136

KEK this is such clear sarcasm it might as well have a tone indicator on it. Maybe we should start using them so the poor autistic mods don't get confused?

No. 2368177

This one was just sad bc it was so obvious

No. 2368229

If it wasnt infight bait that got you it should've been typing like a retard

No. 2368952

No. 2370801

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No. 2371070

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No. 2371277

you should be banned for posting a well deserved ban in the retarded ban thread, retard

No. 2371678

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Dumbest ban I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life.

No. 2371695

Mundane Shit is not a chatroom. It's for posting about mundane events that happen in our daily lives. Retards need to learn how to post in appropriate threads.

No. 2371701

Nta but are you brain dead? The thread is literally for dumb and random thoughts. What about that post is indicative of nonna trying to create chatroom culture? How the fuck was that derailing or off topic in a thread about random thoughts?

No. 2371703

Lc is quite literally a giant and segregated chatroom.

No. 2371706

It really isn't about random thoughts. It's always been about mundane events that we experienced in our daily lives. If you want to make a "dumb and random thoughts" thread, feel free to. Or you could just use Dumbass Shit for that.
And I'm the Easter Bunny.

No. 2371707

And then do what, retard? Do what? Just post their shit and then stare at the wall for hour? Nobody is claiming or assuming this website is a chatroom you fucking empty soulless husk, you literally operate like a bot saying the same fucking damn thing over and over again with no straying off your script don’t you. People use lolcow to talk to each other. Welcome to the internet you fucking retarded robot does your creator need to do an update on you or something?(infighting)

No. 2371710

This is why autistic people who have nothing better to do then use the internet either need to be institutionalized or euthanized, you literally can’t function. You can’t think further than what your animal brain is telling and instructing you to do which is why these conversations are just going in circles, because you have no soul, no intelligence, a literal vegetable able to somehow type up words on a screen. You’re a false mimicry of what we call human. Just stop.(infighting)

No. 2371711

Yeah I'm a robot. Beep boop bop. Anyway, Mundane Shit was never about sharing random passing thoughts and that ban is deserved. I'm happy farmhands are finally cleaning it up and starting to be stricter about derailing in that thread.

No. 2371712

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Then maybe farmers need to agree on what the thread is for before a mod pulls this retarded shit again

No. 2371715

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No. 2371719


That's not the OP kek. Some shitsperg added the "thoughts" part in for thread #25 and it took until #31 to be fixed. Nice try though retards.

No. 2371724

1. Why are you so passionate about this
2. Doesn’t matter. If nonnas have been engaging in two consecutive threads that allow for thoughts, they’re not going to get reading the thread rules/description before posting in new ones. Can you make yourself a tea and calm down.

No. 2371725

You’re retarded. Then the mod should have closed the thread itself.

No. 2371726

None of you know what derailing is.

No. 2371727

You are one because you don’t react, don’t emote, talk in a serious tone and are seriously trying to minimod people about a thread that people use to socialize. People use this website to socialize, surprise! I know that’s hard for you to come to terms with since it’s very fucking clear you’re sociopathic and can’t feel anything because you’re a soulless husk who’s only purpose is to act like a bot, but people do whatever the fuck they want and don’t have to listen to you. People will continue to enjoy themselves and you will stay mad, angry, miserable and trying to ruin people’s fun until you die.(infighting)

No. 2371728

Idk why anons are so mad lol. In every thread, if you post something that doesn't adhere to the thread topic/rules then you get a ban. It's like going in the career thread to gossip about celebrities or going in the GIOYC thread and replying to people, then getting mad when you catch a ban.

No. 2371729

>g-g-guys some shitsperg added it
Your male brain glows, your unwashed ass to mirror a man’s unwashed ass to make you seem cool and not like other girls is showing. Wash yourself and then come back to this thread with better arguments(scrotefoiling)

No. 2371730

How the fuck is lc not a chatroom? I get if this was posted in unpopular opinions or /g/, but it wasn’t kek.

No. 2371731

1) If you think I'm being passionate about it by typing a few sentences, then I don't know what to say. I'd say replies like >>2371710 and >>2371707 and >>2371727 are much more passionate.

2) Anons that were around before thread #25 know what the thread is for. Shitspergs that want to turn every thread into Dumbass Shit love to derail every thread and turn them into chatrooms, so they tried to do that with Mundane Shit but it's not working.

Derailing means causing a thread to go dramatically off-topic, often intentionally. Derailing is off-topic and distracting. Posting random thoughts in the thread meant for talking about mundane ordinary events in our lives is off-topic and it distracts from the original point of the thread.

I have no idea why they got so passionate. The newfags lately have been extra sensitive to the suggestion that they integrate instead of expecting everyone to bend to their will.

No. 2371732

Newfags who can't handle that the reason why this site is good in the first place is because threads have rules/a purpose
nta but you sound mental

No. 2371733

Except this is mundane, where multiple previous threads invited people to share thoughts. Don’t reinvent the thread and expect people to catch the rules in the fine print.

No. 2371734

Please calm down

No. 2371735

Because there’s bitter and annoying people who don’t how to properly troll/bait to get laughs so now their strategy has moved from actually trying to be funny trolls to being incredibly insufferable and applying imaginary rules to threads that were entirely lax to begin with. They know they don’t make any sense, we should really just stop entertaining their shit

No. 2371737

The thoughts thing was a recent change to the thread OP, if anything that would be reinventing the thread

No. 2371738

Anon's posts have been calm, the newfags freaking out because threads having rules and posting ban screenshots seem upset

No. 2371739

>Newfags who can't handle that the reason why this site is good in the first place is because threads have rules/a purpose
Exactly! It's so frustrating, lol. It's like they think the site is one big Discord server. It really doesn't work that way, we have lots of unique different threads for a reason and it's important that everyone keeps their posts to appropriate threads.

>Don't reinvent the thread
Sort of like how one retard changed the original OP to make the thread into a chatroom, so then it had to be changed back to what it originally was?

No. 2371741

Farmhands pls give us dumbass shit back.

No. 2371743

Then don’t ban a nonna that is probably just confused because mods didn’t do their job and close previous threads. If they must, ban them for like 15 minutes and just warn them.

No. 2371744

The website was never good. People who use imageboards aren’t known to be bootlickers and constantly go against the rules because it’s fun to. You can stop trying to pretend that you were an oldfag because you aren’t, we know what this shit is, it’s not a fancy corporate website where the cabal of mods take shit really seriously because the internet is super serious. If you really want lolcow to be taken seriously I think something needs to be evaluated about yourself instead of making up imaginary rules about a board that’s meant for off topic socializing, what the fuck is wrong with your retarded brain? Is it hard for you think?(infighting)

No. 2371746

No. 2371747

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No. 2371748

Nta, idk if you realize this but mods only enforce rules according to the thread OP (they've made this clear in the husbando thread for example). They wouldn't close a thread because of a change made to the OP, they've never done that.

No. 2371749

>It's fun to break the rules!
You lot are so weird.

No. 2371750

Now unsage it

No. 2371751

Posting one slightly off topic post in a catch all thread is not derailing. Derailing is if there’s a several hundred post argument about religion in a vg thread or similar. None of you have used imageboards other than this one, and that includes the mods.

No. 2371752

I like rules. Rules keep trannies away from me

No. 2371754

How are you shitspergs still upset about the autosage? Like, being so for real. You all can just find it via the catalog and keep the thread open. It really is the biggest non-issue.

No. 2371755

So let me get this straight (genuinely); if a nonna wasn’t around for the very original creation of a thread and only began participating and later ones, they’re held responsible for not following the original rules, even though thread creators can’t adhere to them and therefore throw everyone off? Sounds retarded.

No. 2371756

>reports you for troonfoiling

No. 2371757

Oh of course it's you.

No. 2371758


No. 2371759

That post was made in the most recent mundane shit thread. There's no "thoughts" in the thread OP.

No. 2371760

Well umm ackthually posting ban screenshots is what this thread is for!

No. 2371761

Stop being weirdly personal and familiar with anon

No. 2371762

I will after ‘anon’ stops posting in an extremely identifiable way

No. 2371763

samefag but I don't want to read about people's thoughts or dreams either and I appreciate the "mini-mod" (anon aware of mundane thread's diary-poster hijacking history)

No. 2371764

I agree but kek why are you replying in my place?

No. 2371766

Thread #25 was made in October. That's the thread where some rando added the "thoughts" to the OP. For the previous 24 threads, beginning in 2021, the thread OP was about sharing mundane events in your life. So, for the past 3 years the thread has had a clear and concise topic. Just because some rando tried to change the topic of the thread 3 months ago doesn't mean that the entire thread topic should be changed.

Ah yes, using punctuation is oh so familiar.

No. 2371767

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This is how it should be imo

No. 2371768

Anon, you're not me…

No. 2371770

Doesn’t matter, the thread rules keep changing and it’s not insane for someone to not read the rules of a long existing thread every time a new one is created. The mod could have posted saying to mind the rules, as thoughts were never allowed but were for two threads in a row. Why are people dying on this hill of the OP thread not allowing thoughts.

No. 2371771

That would require taking Abilify and admitting that there are mental issues.

No. 2371772

Threads 29 and 30 literally allowed thoughts… are you okay?

No. 2371773

Sorry mb

Multiple people have recognized you, you’re the one who coined ‘shitpsergs’ (super clever btw) and also wouldn’t shut up calling everyone ‘campers’ in meta. You have a weird grasp of the English language as well and don’t use common phrases properly. The most identifiable part though is how you defend the mods for everything, even if the mods themselves admit they did wrong.

No. 2371774

Oh my fucking god, can you all stop overreacting to everything anon says. It's not kRaZy if she misses a thread in her replies and she doesn't need to calm down. It comes off moid-toned and like you're gaslighting her, over a stupid thread/word

No. 2371776

>the thread rules keep changing and it’s not insane for someone to not read the rules of a long existing thread
Ok? If they're not aware then the ban would make them aware. That's what they're for. I think the issue here is just that you guys are taking bans too personally like they're a personal attack.

No. 2371777

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No. 2371779

Why are you seething on behalf of another nonna? It’s almost like… nah I’ll keep it to myself.

No. 2371780

Because I'm a reactionary nonna so it's clear to me you guys are being disingenuous to make her feel crazy. I don't like it

No. 2371781

Yeah, thread #25-#30 had the "thoughts" added to the OP but it was corrected in #31. There was a 3 and a half month period in the last 3 years when "thoughts" was present in the OP. It's silly to pretend the "thoughts" addition wasn't an attempt to turn the thread into a chatroom.

I don't know whether to laugh or be worried for your mental health.

No. 2371782

It’s not about that though.. the ban explanation was dumb. Nowhere did it say that thoughts aren’t allowed as mundane and to refer to the OP. If I was nonna and didn’t know that I would be confused.

No. 2371784

If you get a ban for something like that, it's pretty obvious that you should re-read through thread OP or rules? I think you just want to be hand-held

No. 2371785

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No. 2371786

Don't worry, I don't feel crazy lol. It's more funny that bans on LC can have such a strong effect on people to make them behave so aggressively and passionately. They keep projecting onto me, but that's typical with these kinds of posters.

Anon, red texts aren't always the same as ban messages. For all we know, the farmhand really could have said "this is for mundane events only" in the ban message. Besides, things don't always need to be clearly stated, sometimes anons have to learn on their own.

No. 2371787

Can you make an I love jannies thread and fuck off you’re kind of derailing our thread

No. 2371788

Please stop being an obvious samefagger, it’s sad.

No. 2371789

I wonder why people are so giddy about trannies being their moderators and defend them… makes you really want to side eye them honestly

No. 2371790

Uh oh you’re crazy, samefags aren’t real. Meds now.

No. 2371793

Not everyone that disagrees with you is samefagging.
You went aggro that someone was banned for derailing a thread, because to you derailing isn't a big deal, and you like to break rules anyway because it's fun for you, but when someone derails "your" thread, you get even more aggro. It just doesn't make sense.

No. 2371795

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No. 2371797

retards that chimp out when they get banned are a cancer on this website

No. 2371799

KEKKKKEK anon you're such a retard, I love you

No. 2371800

Posting a reply isn’t ’going aggro’

No. 2371801

Thank you nonna, it’s my first millisecond on earth. I didn’t know someone who disagrees with me isn’t the other person who also disagrees with me. Thank you for your contribution. To show my gratitude, come over and suck a singular titty. Voucher ends soon.

No. 2371802

You aren't fooling anyone, why don't you go back to CC to cry about "shitspergs".(infighting)

No. 2371803

And posting a reply isn't "seething" either.

No. 2371806

The people claiming that the anon banned in mundane shit thread was derailing the thread while actually derailing this thread is so funny.

No. 2371807

I never said it was. Though this thread is for posting bans not WKing the mods so if you respect the rules so much maybe go away.

No. 2371811

it wouldn't have been a huge derail if half the replies weren't challenging anon to prove that she isn't lying or crazy. I definitely get OTT when moids do that to me

No. 2371813

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Whatever you say kiddo

No. 2371814

Tbf that’s also pretty standard banter, it doesn’t mean anything and taking it as a serious ‘challenge’ to your mental health is silly.

No. 2371815

Lying about what kek

No. 2371816

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is this the samefag tinfoil again? I'm whiteknight anon. My lady and I have posted at the same time because we are so in tune, in the fight against injustice

No. 2371817

This is hilarious

No. 2371820

I don't think I went OTT, lol. I don't know why certain types of anons think that if I, or other anons, type a few sentences that means we're going bananas. It's easy for me to type a few words. If anything, I feel like >>2371744 or >>2371710 are crazy.

No. 2371825

You’re all crazy, and it’s time for all of you to go to sleep.

No. 2371826

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i love you, too

No. 2372035

>Ermm. How come you guys like having fun instead of following the rules and being good on this super duper serious imageboard? You must be sociopaths.

No. 2372078

I was banned 6 hours for this kek. I hadn't been on the MS thread since #29 and didn't think about reading the rules. I thought maybe the rules had changed. A 30 minute ban would have been enough for an honest mistake.

No. 2372125

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No. 2372147

can't even babble on a gossip board these days

No. 2372406

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No. 2372411

deserved bans

No. 2372475

bro we get it you think every ban in this thread is justified because it came from the jannies (swt)

No. 2372484

>jannies (swt)

No. 2372487

Kekkk indeed may the admin (pbut) be fruitful in their goal to root out newfags inshallah

No. 2372500

peace be upon trannies?

No. 2372504

>Peace be upon them
Since I dunno if theres one or two admins. I only wish chaos and curses upon troons though

No. 2372505

p(eanut) but(tter)

No. 2372524

What does swt mean?

No. 2372530

i read it as saweetie in my head.

No. 2374339

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For real?

No. 2374872

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One of the mods loves to a-log women who draw/write porn (wishes prison time upon them) and if you call it out you get a ban for 'infighting'. Notice how the asshole was careful to delete her (his?) own posts that would be too incriminating if left alone.
>>>/ot/2374255(ban evasion)

No. 2374905

Get a job.

No. 2374941

You're getting banned because you're right and the tranny janny can't take it

No. 2374944

it was zoosadist guro of a small kitten pokémon getting its head set on fire and pissing itself before dying, not regular porn

No. 2375516

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Is this not mundane? Nonna did nothing wrong

No. 2375527

i agree but maybe they wanted it in tmi?

No. 2375955

Mod autism strikes again.

No. 2375959

based mod discriminating against shitters

No. 2375965

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Mods should be ashamed of whiteknighting rapefugees.

No. 2375966

Fuck off, Farmhand. Your kind is the worst userbase of this site.

No. 2375968

i know it's hard to believe i'm not a janitard, but some of us are real haters.

No. 2376729

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Autism should prevent one from being a mod.

No. 2376840

>O-oh my FREAKING gosh anon, this is SO freaking funny!!! What the actual heck!?!???!!!!?!?!?!?!? That is CRAZY, oh em freaking GEE!!!!
the mod was right. if you type like a fucking redditor sperg in the manner of the poster in the pic you should be banned for life actually. it’s autistic as fuck

No. 2376900

Agree with the mod here

No. 2376919

Are you saying you don't shit?

No. 2376982

Nta but that level of pooping is not mudane

No. 2377523

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Triggered lesbian mod gets mad at nona for 'getting lesbian sex wrong'.

No. 2377530

This could be read as bait, not retarded.

No. 2377540

No, it couldn't.

No. 2377548

Is it really that hard to go to another thread or go to /pol/ to whine about refugees? They/you were banned bc of derailing, not because of your views, you self-victimizing dork.

No. 2377558

There isn’t a single thread you can whine about this because mentioning it counts as racebait. Same with mentioning the animal abuse problems in China.

No. 2377652

>Same with mentioning the animal abuse problems in China.
go be an activist somewhere else. This isn't twitter or your ig story.

No. 2377655

Activism is not forbidden by the rules. Next you'll start malding at the boycott thread >>>/ot/1281779
You sound like a shill for Big Corpo.

No. 2377659

Nta but I think politsperging isn't allowed

No. 2377670

File: 1738500611973.jpg (93.76 KB, 604x361, rule.jpg)

Stop talking out of your ass.
If something triggers you, just stop engaging with it. Can't be that hard for a person over 18.

No. 2377685

Have you never seen the politsperging bans before?

No. 2377903

Lol I bet you don’t even have an idea of what this site should be for. I bet to you the ideal would be screenshots of social media updates and nothing else. Maybe a janny praise thread.

No. 2378061

>Lol I bet you don’t even have an idea of what this site should be for.
Not sjw central that's for sure.

No. 2378102

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nta but I don't want to see politsperging. It's annoying. Every idiot on reddit thinks they're some grassroots MLK Jr. but it's always the same tired shit everyone's heard a million times, from a million other people/picrel. Honestly the most interesting politsperging is in the tinfoil thread because it isn't just some anon larping as a xitter-tard politician and parroting the same things they heard obnoxious political pundits on yt say. If I ever felt like I was actually being informed and not watching a self-indulgent performance, I might feel differently about it

No. 2378166

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There is no such a rule.

No. 2379355

Actually suggesting terrorism in a non-satirical manner is obviously going to get a ban.

No. 2379361

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No. 2379373

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No. 2379424

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You mean you will stop banning people for adding '/s' to their posts, pinky promise? /s

No. 2379771

/s is some unintegrated tumblr-twitter style posting. It should always be banned.

No. 2379797

it originated on message boards though not on those sites.

No. 2380231

File: 1738612782286.jpg (34.3 KB, 471x341, 5465476.jpg)

Yep, a notorious troll and a groomer is an LC mod. No surprises here.
>>>/ot/2379390(ban evasion)

No. 2380264

and how do you know this is definitely a farmhand schizochan?

No. 2380428

>Your ban will not expire
>Presses her VPN button and comes back with a schizophrenic vengeance
Jfc. I can't wait until the VPN ban is permanent so that we don't have to deal with retards like you anymore. /ot/ is being ruined by actual speds with no lives that treat LC like their personal litter box.
Because she forgot to take her Abilify today so her bedroom walls are telling her the truth now.

No. 2380454

Laughed out loud at this anon you killed me

No. 2380458

Nta but that post did not warrant a permaban at all.

No. 2380466

Permabans are usually dished out to repeat offenders that are too stupid to cloak their device type or delete their cookies. Some anons like to think that farmhands can only see our IPs but it's much more than that.

No. 2380493

this is a schizo baitposter who ban evades, not just the one offhand comment. she posted that screencap screeching about evil lesbo groomer farmhands in 3 separate threads already

No. 2380496

It did?

No. 2381274

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No. 2381439

I keep hearing this.. can they see our pics? What is much more.

No. 2382470

>Device type
>Device name

So, they can see your device type. This means that they can see whether you're posting on an Acer Laptop, a Mac, a Google Pixel phone, etc.. They can also see device name, so if you have your device's name set to anything besides the generic option they can see that. They can see your IP address, obviously. They can also see your browser, so Firefox, or Brave, or whatever it is that you're using to access LC.

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