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No. 2408733

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #34-24:

No. 2408810

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>title ix is next, nonna. the moids have been talking for years about having to defend themselves against "unfounded" sexual harassment and rape charges. they want women out of higher ed altogether. I bet if you looked in Project 2025 there would be a page number dedicated to this and everything
Yes. Picrel (1) is from page 333, they sandwich it in between two paragraphs about trannies. If you don't know about the changes Biden made to Title IX it might sound like a good thing. But here's a good overview:
>Colleges and universities will now revert to the previous Title IX rule, which took effect in summer 2020 during the first Trump administration. Those regulations required colleges to hold live hearings with an opportunity for cross-examination to allow those accused of sexual misconduct to confront their accusers—a provision the Biden rules nixed. Additionally, the 2020 regulations defined sexual harassment more narrowly than the Biden Title IX rule. (2)
Basically, universities would intimidate women who were sexually harassed/assaulted into silence. If a woman wants to report that she was raped then the "due process" in the Trump regulations means that her rapist gets to cross examine her in a live hearing. The Biden changes did away with this, and it did a lot more good for women too (3). All of this has already been reverted back to the Trump changes. They also specify on page 357 that there should be no public listing for schools that exempt themselves for Title IX, making it so that women trying to apply to colleges can't know if their college even follows Title IX.
1. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
2. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/student-aid-policy/2025/01/09/federal-judge-throws-out-bidens-title-ix-overhaul
3. https://nwlc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Biden-Title-IX-Rule-Fact-Sheet-6.12.24-vF.pdf

No. 2409196

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Sorry to be sappy but one of my favorite parts of being American is living in an extremely bio-diverse country. We have every climate. Corn, tomatoes, and potatoes all came from the Americas. Horses came from North America. From what I've seen, the US is actually doing alright as far as our endangered species go, but I fear it will get worse. People don't respect the land. America is obviously very young as a country but the land is old, the Appalachian Mountains are older than trees. Why not preserve the land you live on? I'll never understand.

No. 2409328

Exactly. Continuously bringing up muh bathrooms over and over again while we're talking about a bona fide fascist rule rolling over the entire country purposefully aiming to suppress female rights is suspicious at best, making me wonder if the "radfems" doing this are slip and sliding through the tradfem pipeline and using the bathroom tranny debate as a diversion tactic or a muffler. Meaning that actually they want all the other changes republican MAGAfags are driving for as well, not just the obliteration of troonery. Way too often the case is that when you scratch an ovarit poster, a conservative tradcath bleeds. I woke up to this fact a few years back once "gendercrit activists" started teaming up with right wing podcasters and it's only gotten more and more obvious.

No. 2409333

>radfems" doing this are slip and sliding through the tradfem pipeline and using the bathroom
They're trying to play up "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" angle and it's not working. I even seen an anon here try to convince us Saudi Arabia is better for women because "there's no trannies"

No. 2409449

>slip and sliding through the tradfem pipeline
they are. how many of these women who claim to despise men end up marrying low-level male specimens and bearing their children? they help perpetuate the same cycle that keeps us oppressed and are too cowardly to admit it. they think talking shit about moids and troons makes them based while simultaneously voting for politicians that see us all as nothing more than pussy and incubators

No. 2409519

>Why not preserve the land you live on?
because we must think of the tech billionaires and their quest for lithium!!

No. 2409540

But of course Eugenia gets to reap all the benefits of living in a blue state (Connecticut).

No. 2409549

Why are we chimping out on every country BESIDES Israel? Is it because of Zionist lobbying or Protestant retards or both?
Anyway fuck AIPAC, they’d gladly side with a Zionist Nazi than a proud Jew who’s also an anti Zionist.

No. 2409560

she's also wealthy and lives a very insulated existence. residing in a red state wouldn't impact her too negatively considering she pretty much lives in a bubble and doesn't encounter the same problems that most adult women do

No. 2409562

Hate how bipolar the weather is in Texas. It was in the 80s in February a couple weeks ago and now it's in the 20s/30s again this week. Next week it's going to be in the 70s.

At least the winters are short and soon it's going to be balls hot all the time again. At least that's consistent.

No. 2409565

I'm just going to say it. The severely retarded and mentally ill should not be allowed to vote. There is little to nothing high-functioning going on in this woman's brain, her body is literally struggling just to sustain itself through the abuse it's being put through. This isn't the same as a mostly functional, bright but disturbed woman with an ortho issue. This is an absolutely fried woman in her 30s with severe arrested development and blatant self-destructive tendencies. She can't even make her health great. Look into her dead, empty eyes. There are fish that look more sapient than this.
She should not be driving, she should not be in charge of her own food intake, she should not be voting.

No. 2409609

Why is Alfred so perfect, nonas?

No. 2409629

He’s ugly

No. 2409634

Why is your father a raging faggot?

No. 2409639

Apologize and tell them you think he looks really good anon

No. 2409762

I’m the anon who made the original picmix for the threadpic and it warms my heart someone liked it enough to use it for #35. Thanks nonny

No. 2409779

how bad is shit going to get? I just feel an impending sense of doom tbh

No. 2409789

There have been daily protests around the country against Trump and the new administration, but the news wont cover it. I only hear about it on tiktok MAYBE. It's to the point I don't think protesting will do anything. We need more people like Luigi

No. 2409796

Why is Youtube content getting more and more low-effort? Genuinely what is the point of making a video like this, where you're just reading off content as if people don't know how to read or find content on Reddit themselves? It's like..the reaction videos people make now of reaction videos. Why the fuck would I want to see someone reacting to a reaction video?
I hate MAGA but this is genuinely retarded.

No. 2409799

Yay! NTA but I'm glad she used it, too, and slapped a 5 over the 4 kek. I was hoping somebody would. You did a good job!

No. 2409851

This is incredibly common. I see so many Republicans reap benefits of Democratic policies. especially if they live in a red state that's bordering a blue state, almost all of those motherfuckers will happily take hour or two hour commutes to blue states to reap the benefits of labor laws that they voted to ruin in their own states. At this point we need to make two separate Americas where Republicans can live and deal with what they chose to vote for (and no take-backs) and they can't come over to the blue side

No. 2409865

>Corn, tomatoes, and potatoes
You NAaaaAAaAMe it!!!!

No. 2409907

LOL anon thank you, as I was typing it out I was thinking of this video but I couldn't remember what it was called.

No. 2410006

Of course nonnas! It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the last thread was locked, I would hate for a good picmix to go to waste.

No. 2410313

Its crazy too because dont they just forcibly transition gay people in the middle east??

No. 2410357

She knows that if she was an actual good person she would have died from skelli. She subsists of evil now.

No. 2410362

He is the only version of America that makes me happy right now.

No. 2410368

Too bad Trump is going to let his buddy Muskrat ruin the land with debri from failed space x launches that were totally a success off the backs of the tax payers.

No. 2410502

Remember when so many retards here genuinely believed we would elect a female president? Shit was so fucking funny. I hope the past few months have been a stark reminder of just how misogynistic America is for all of you.

No. 2410783

>Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe was arrested after speaking out at a city council meeting in California in which he compared Donald Trump’s MAGA supporters to N*zis.

wow looks like all these maga and right-wing freaks are not pro free speech after all….

No. 2410799

File: 1740147311864.mp4 (2.56 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@she_luvv.kayy_17400…)

some cops in tuscon tried to arrest a butch lesbian for going to the women's restroom because they thought she was a man/trans….


No. 2410801

They were probably young. Until I saw Hillary lose, I thought America would be willing to elect a female president. It makes sense that they thought Kamala could win. Problem is, Dems keep fielding turds to run, and Dem voters are way more picky than Republican voters.

No. 2410805

>The land with debri
I thought you were talking about the US in general and it was a pun on "the land of the free"

No. 2410806

yep, this was clearly the end result of MAGA clamping down on troon shit. If democrats just put a lid on it we wouldn't be here. But since the main targets will be GNC women, no one will care besides saying "lol just dress and act more feminine". Women's rights will be stripped away in real time, I wouldn't be surprised if we can't vote next election.

No. 2410810

how dumb are they that they cant tell a woman from a troon? I'm from nyc, and we have women that look like this everywhere.

No. 2410813

it's on purpose. they definitely know she's a woman

No. 2410818

I kinda doubt it. Men have much less ability than women to distinguish between the sexes.

No. 2410875

moids are natural cowards. I doubt they would've confronted her if they actually thought she's a fellow moid.
Most videos I've seen of people confronting actual trannies have been women.

No. 2410914

It's absolutely on purpose, anon. This is what they're going for. I hope all the obtuse "radfems" who supported rightwingers for "antitranny policies" are happy now.

No. 2411044

so basically our national parks are now gutted and its only a matter of time until theyre privatized

No. 2411074

this kills me more than anything else

No. 2411077

was watching a news clip yesterday about how the firefighters who were just down in los angeles from washington state, fighting the fires, are now out of a job because of trump. so fucking stupid

No. 2411093

nothing but respect

No. 2411163

Some radfem retard made the call and should be arrested for false flagging because a butch woman looked like a man. Jfc these republican women need to go to the farms instead.

No. 2411257

>radfem retard
>these republican bitches
Can’t you newfags learn to lurk and read when theres a clear difference between tardwives that are gender critical leaning reporting every woman who dares to have short hair and actual radfems that are more likely to look butch or be more gnc themselves?

No. 2411268

NTA but sorry nonnie, once radfems started letting the conservathots in the radfemsphere just to sperg about trannies the radfems and right wingers venn diagram is a circle.

>actual radfems that are more likely to look butch or be more gnc themselves?

Yeah, they're the ones who got bullied out of the community by all the "gendercrits" who felt uncomfortable by all these "troon eggs" around.

No. 2411363

Yeah I want to know what the call was. Most cops are not responding to a call reporting a man in the women's restroom in the first place unless there's an actual assault happening, I feel like we aren't getting the whole truth. An actual man assaulted a woman in the restroom at my workplace but it happened very quickly and he was gone by the time the cops showed up.

No. 2411770

unrelated but i guess all "news" outlets are just default using AI voiceovers now lmao

No. 2411913

>protesters doing an interpretive dance to stick it to Trump
I’m sorry but this is why the Dems lost: retarded, hollow performances to virtue signal one’s wokeness that accomplish nothing at all. It’s embarrassing. Meanwhile Dems with actual power like the governor of Maine are still pushing unpopular policies like allowing men in women’s sports rather than focusing on the issues that affect the average American voter. Even anons in this thread are focused on the bathroom issue. It’s a DISTRACTION. Though personally I couldn’t have asked for a more pleasing distraction kek (yes, you’re allowed to like some of Trump’s policies without liking Trump). Regardless, we already know the Trump admin’s strategy is to “flood the zone.” Dems need to rally around popular issues, not pander to trannies. It’s simple politics, and the Dems have lost it. May this loss be a lesson. When our only political opposition to Trump are out-of-touch jokes, we all lose.

No. 2411919

Years ago i saw a similar video where police were called on a white butch lesbian who literally had huge titties and a feminine voice, i swear that video is literally the repeat of that video. Also in the UK, there were so many women who have the butch lesbian aesthetic but are straight with a husband and kids, also i see studs all the time in Georgia, they never look like men to me, especially since most of the ones i see are always short. I really hate that republican women have contaminated the GC space with their bullshit. And they do all this shit for attention too expecting everyone to clap for them for being retarded.

No. 2411929

dems need their own tea party moment, need to purge all the old fucks in the dnc and replace them with younger further left people.

Otherwise i see nothing really happening, the dem old guard doesnt have any answers and protesting really does nothing

No. 2412108

Anon your post is some comment section of a 2016-esque anti SJW cringe compilation on youtube kind of energy. Dems are out these talking about the upcoming fascist rule and how it's going to ruin literally every socioeconomic class below the 1% and people like you are still so stuck on the "yeah but dems and troons!!!" issue. Also it's not "simple politics", it's literally republicans teaming up with Russia and using endless resources of billionaire money to bruteforce their victory. Wake up.

No. 2412299

I think it might get there. I remember someone saying all of the outcry that’s happening at town halls right now has been similar to when the tea party movement was going on.

No. 2412323

She’s not wrong

No. 2412399

When I was at work yesterday the lunch break turned into everyone sharing their advice for saving money while grocery shopping and it felt a bit unsettling. Like we all have different lifestyle situations (partnered, single, married w/teenage kids etc) but everyone has a similar mindset regarding trying to cut back on expenses. More people are canceling their online subscriptions, trying to find local farms to get meat and produce before summer when we can garden, using freezers for storing large amounts of meat, flour, etc. I personally shop at Aldi go to closeout stores to get really cheap stuff when they have good-ish brands marked down

No. 2412410

Can democrats stop crying about troons having to put their birth sex on their licenses and passports? There are things worth getting worked up about. Dems need to make a concentrated effort to shut the fuck up about trannies forever. If we treated troons like the unimportant non-issue they are and stopped giving then any spotlight we could actually get shit done.

No. 2412417

Aldi is great, but if there's a winco near by I would highly recommend it for their prices

No. 2412423

You would think some schizo would have made another attempt at an assassination by now, or some hacker troons would have done some leet gaymer hacking or something. The fact that there hasn't been anything is making me kind of schizo myself ngl.

No. 2412427

>2016-esque anti SJW cringe compilation
>fascist rule
>republicans teaming up with Russia

I've noticed that a lot of democrats and left-leaning people have this issue where they'd rather blame Russia instead of just admitting that the majority of Americans wanted this. This is democracy at work, it's not a sly trick from the East, it's literally just how democracy works. The republicans won this election because they appealed to more people than the democrats did and more people wanted a republican government than a democrat government. The reason why democrats didn't win isn't because of some Russian fascist conspiracy or because of voter fraud or anything, it's because they didn't run a good campaign, they didn't focus on issues that people cared about, and they cared more about virtue signalling than they did about winning. This anon >>2411913 is correct in her assessment. Troons make up less than 1% of the population, why are the democrats pandering to that 1% instead of working class people, or women, or racial minorities, literally any other group that has a bigger share in our population than 1%?

No. 2412442

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He's so ugly, botched, and dead inside.

No. 2412445

>I've noticed that a lot of democrats and left-leaning people have this issue where they'd rather blame Russia instead of just admitting that the majority of Americans wanted this
No they did not. I live in a red area. There are definitely a lot of retards but a lot of them saw dementia Joe and were scared. They were scared of troon shit, propagandaed into thinking evil migrants are all hiding behind ever corner, didn't like seeing cops demonized. They wanted things to be like pre covid. And forgot all the awful shit about Trump. They missed what felt normal. I really don't buy the average person who would vote for Trump would be ok with Elon or supporting Russia.

No. 2412449

Kek at my job my colleague brought up that she’s considering having another kid soon

No. 2412473

Tbh I can't half blame people for not wanting to wait out their fertile years hoping shit gets any better when it won't be.

No. 2412484

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I miss him. He was the last president worth a shit.

No. 2412511

Trump has been a huge supporter of Russia since his first presidency. It's not like he even wanted to keep it a secret. I know not everyone is super invested in politics but I don't understand how you forget a major fact like that. Everyone who voted for Trump has responsibility for what's going on.

No. 2412522

I don't even get why Trump talking to Russia is bad. Stopping people dying in a pointless war and avoiding WWIII with a nuclear armed country should be common sense.

No. 2412527

A lot of people are still stuck in the cold war mentality and think that Russia is the devil.

No. 2412529

When a bunch of my coworkers at my previous job got knocked up + quit during covid I thought it was a terrible idea then and things have only gotten worse for the middle/low income class. I understand why people want to have families or be a parent but it's just not for me

No. 2412536

i heard he has a botched dick implant. Imagine being a biological scrote and getting TIF surgery.

No. 2412567

It's bad because he's a shitty president and had been bought out by Elon Musk kek. Russia owns America now.

No. 2412569

I can’t imagine bringing a kid into all of this at all tbh. Feels selfish.

No. 2412580

Because he said that Ukraine started the war (they didn't) and he is making shady unknown deals with Putin who is not a good guy.

No. 2412596

Russia isn't the devil, but Putin is. Hope that helps!

No. 2412605

ntayrt but putin is only as strong as his dogs

No. 2412608

>news outlet
>daily mail
Pick one

No. 2412668

Russia viciously attacked a sovereign country because they overthrew a president puppet that was willing to sell the entire country to Russia since the citizens wanted to cut the corruption and aim for a more democratic rule. The war is pointless, but only because Russia is ruled by a sociopathic despot that Trump is fully enabling and is willing to serve Ukraine on a platter for them simply out of spite and because he's getting paid by Russian oligarchs. How in the hell can you support that kind of an outcome?

No. 2412677

>How in the hell can you support that kind of an outcome?
The ayrt never said that she supported anything.
>Russia viciously attacked a sovereign country
Why should the USA involve itself in every war? What has Ukraine done for us recently, besides draining us and our allies of money and weaponry? Why should Americans care whether or not Ukraine remains independent or becomes an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation? The USA is going through enough trouble at home, it doesn't need to involve itself in "pointless" wars halfway across the globe. It's tiresome to pretend that being the global policeman is doing us any good.

No. 2412682

>And forgot all the awful shit about Trump. They missed what felt normal. I really don't buy the average person who would vote for Trump would be ok with Elon or supporting Russia.
NTA, but how does this even contradict what that anon said? Even if Trump’s approval rating drops, like it did at the end of his first term, he still got millions more votes than Kamala this time around. He won the democratic election, which means he has genuine support though we can also recognize how having Musk buying him out helped secure the win. That’s still politics, unfortunately.

No. 2412704

Do you really think Russia is going to give US the rare earth minerals from Ukraine if they take over? Lol, lmao even.

No. 2412711

I never mentioned anything about rare earth minerals, you made that up all on your own.

No. 2412828

Russia shill, bait or sincere amerifag ignorance about what would happen to the US if Europe was given to Russia. I don't even know anymore.

No. 2412853

People didn't want Elon for president. And remember the debate with Joe Biden and Trump? Biden was speaking jibberish barely there. Trump was shit too but in comparison seemed more alive. Blame retarded Dems for putting his worthless old ass in office in the fucking first place. Fuck them. I blame Trumps 2nd win mainly on them. Harris barely had time to campaign. And Trump didn't even win by that much.

No. 2412857

Ukraine got rid of it's nukes in the 90s under the promise of the US protecting them if needed.

No. 2412864

>he still got millions more votes than Kamala this time around. He won the democratic election
It's very obvious that Musk rigged the election. Were you not aware of the stories flagrant voter fraud and intimidation?

No. 2412875

It’s like clockwork. Republicans were saying this exact same thing last election, which led to them storming the capitol because Trump was “robbed.”

No. 2412961

And yet the Democrats didn't do such a thing despite it being obvious thanks to Musk's involvement

No. 2412965

The only semi-cute president

No. 2413179

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No. 2413187

George III was kind of pathetically cute to me. Guy was a legit basket case but married the love of his wife (never took a mistress) and ended up being (ironically) loved for being down to earth/pretty cool to get along with as opposed to his asshole successors

No. 2413195

yeah, it was during his rule that the crown became completely ceremonial, parliament ignored him and he mostly spent time with his family and donated his own money to science and the arts

No. 2413196

No. 2413198

And honestly he's kind of a cutie pie in that painting so it really shows that woman respecters win in life

No. 2413200

Seems like a cool dude tbh

No. 2413204

hamilton is so cringe, this is what liberals really tried presenting as progressive, a good man who, nonetheless, was still powerless in actual affairs was portrayed as a colonizing tyrant, while rich slave owners played by black people rapping were shown as hip and trendy. It was really doomed to fail

No. 2413207

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Must I post the Miku binder image? This is who Hamilton was aimed at.

No. 2413209

WTF are you talking about? The guy who created Hamilton made it big because the music was good and people liked the story. Liberals are people who believe in democracy and hold left wing views. They are not the guy who created hamilton. What are you even trying to accuse "liberals" of failing at as if Hamilton wasn't a smash hit?

No. 2413211

Sounds like someone is jealous of KG3 and his women loving ways, nona

No. 2413212

I just don't hang out with people like this and I've been good. Don't hang out with people you don't like.

No. 2413214

I can't believe that Elon and Trump are firing so many federal workers and no one seems to really be doing anything about it. Why aren't republicans upset about the loss of jobs, isn't that something Trump used to promise everyone? That he'd create more jobs? Then will they fill these positions with morons of their choosing or just get rid of a bunch of programs like Musk wants. It's so overwhelming how much damage is being done.

No. 2413217

Plus the slandering of Aaron Burr is unforgivable.

No. 2413218

Can we have a politisperg general thread so all of these retards can stop shitting up this thread

No. 2413221

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No. 2413222

Very American of you to think American political discussion deserves a general politics

No. 2413225

You sound like a Rebel to me. Report to the Loyalist army post nearest you for rehabilitation and reintroduction into His Royal Majesty's Women Respecting Corps.

No. 2413255

Speaking of American musicals what do you limp wristed faggots think about the Book of Mormon? Is it any good?

No. 2413261

I've only listened to the soundtrack but I liked it. I'd love to see it irl.

No. 2413277

>what do you limp wristed faggots think about the Book of Mormon?
Far less cringe than how tryhard your posting is

No. 2413285

>It was really doomed to fail
You sound like the out of touch moids on /tv/ that claimed the Wicked movie was going to bomb. Which reminds me, I was reading threads in the archive from when the Les Mis movie came out and it was jarring to see how many 4chan users 10+ years ago actually read books or acted in theater versus how fucking stupid all the zoomer posters are now

No. 2413286

No because you’re the only ones who sperg about this shit besides the britbongs (who barely post here anyways because they have lives and when they’re drunk/angry they only come on here to sperg about arabs which is always funny as fuck kek). Can’t even be a burgerfat and have a chill thread, that’s how I know this entire thing is a psyop
>women respecting corps
God shut the fuck up you big ass dork

No. 2413293

if privatizing them protects them from being fucked with/over landscaped then I’m ok with that

No. 2413309

it wont.

No. 2413310

you're so naive nonny. they're going to be milked dry for resources.

No. 2413312

Did you even watch the VP debate?

No. 2413316

when did they say that during the debate…?

No. 2413323

Nona they dont need to tell you they are going to sell all the trees to the highest bidder.

No. 2413327

idk anon i don’t really feel like thats gonna happen, this whole red-wave that’s been going on over the last year is all about taking care of America, so if they choose to privatize them i feel like that would mean that they’re trying to protect them and avoid the current national park owners selling fire wood

No. 2413329

and samfag they also have a lot of other more important stuff to kick out of the way before anything starts happening with the national parks

No. 2413355

I'd like to live in the world you live in but they're selling those lands to the highest bidder. would be genuinely surprised if they did not.

No. 2413392

Have you ever been to a private forest… Nona please.

No. 2413461

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>so if they choose to privatize them i feel like that would mean that they’re trying to protect them

No. 2413474

two zoomers arguing back and forth about shit nobody cares about and shit they don’t even understand themselves circa 2025

No. 2413476

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I think this is the true plan, I read it on someone else but it makes sense to me. The right, online or not was bothered about the "GREAT RESET" the depopulation of the planet, they said covid vaccine was it. I don't believe that but I do believe the plan makes sense and it's probably real based on companies and tech. Recognize some familiar places on the news by Donald here? Observe the overlap on two key points with the fires, CA (more predictable) and Maui (this is interesting)

The plan is, based on Trump's actions, realized or still active, Yarvin's doctrine, Elon's rhetoric, etc, etc. To depopulate the planet with the crisis of a crashing dollar, starving people (this is why you dump CA's water btw) mass unemployment, rioting, division, chaos, there's the plan DOGE/RAGE (RETIRE ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES)
The last aspect of the original plan to me reads as X, use fake news in X updated live to kill people in mass.

Use drones, use the chaos, martial law, rioting, economic depression (this is why Trump is being suicidal with tariffs, he wants the dollar gone, he wants people to fucking die, less targets by the end of it) and disease (this is why they won't do anything) to kill people. Because in their plan it matters not that people are going to be very angry, even across races and political sides past a certain point. They will be dead, you and me, are accounted already as dead. After this you rebuild unhindered by states or rights or whatever. Now you can freely research, experiment on people, advance whatever project they have going on. Socialism for the rich and tech. Extermination and slavery for the rest. This is why they bought Maui, the Great Reset's outwards phase.

They want all dead, USAID, farming, all of that. They want the most amount of people dead with the least effort at first. Then they enslave the rest, organ harvesting, breeding, mass experimentation (neuralink, immortality, cybertech, etc) with no guidelins or whatever. Labor for some. Farmland, that's why they want the farmland, you control the food people will be as automatons while the real AI and automation gets worked on. hard to rebel if you wont get food no matter if youre genociding your own people. The MAGA base is being played as the violent tool to prepare the tools and systems, anyone not hyper rich is going to die at best.
They want a planet for the rich, exterminism, go look it up. China's state might be the only force not fully agreeing with this plan, this why Russia and America are together now. Why the EU has been abandoned (they will return here, they want to control it to do the same extermination but they feel they can take it) China is the focus. The original plan or an adjacent one, Network states has either civil war or chinese takeover.(posted this in 3 threads)

No. 2413477

you sound young and naive yourself if you think private land isn't going to be stripped dry instead of "protected" kek like billionaires are definitely so in tune with nature and are such environmentalists.

No. 2413492

Learn to switch typing styles when you go and infight in another thread kek

No. 2413495

cry about it retard

No. 2413496

Stop fighting, there's the largest genocide in history going on right now. Can't you see it?

No. 2413507

Gamer genocide?

No. 2413522

I believe you, the way they're moving so quickly and being so sinister and how no one is doing anything to stop it makes this all feel really believable. I've had a bad feeling for a long time

No. 2413554

If I have family from an old country aboard, should I consider contingency plans to join them? Inb4 illegal alien sperging. That’s a no we are skilled labor y’all had to buy in bc of the ongoing education crisis kek. It just sucks that I was born here and would like to stay to avoid starting over in what would be to me a whole new culture but I’m getting worried guys. The country in question is not third world but not quite EU levels of first world either

No. 2413571

as long as you speak their language go for it. if you don't you should put an effort in learning it asap. unless you work in some type of english only accepted environment like IT. you will find yourself struggling to get a job if you don't speak the local language, the job market is truly fucked right now and even more so for people who aren't fluent in the local language. trust me, I'm a basically an immigrant to where I moved to live with my family. I had to learn the language to get a job and depending of where you are it's nearly impossible to get a job without local language skills.

No. 2413581

This post here, I am telling you how you might die from it >>2413476
I've gathered more information, 5 years and I finally see the plan come through. I won't lie, I am nervous, I wasn't sure they would push for this to happen so soon, tells me the climate will do worse than expected. This was talked about, Gates was an early adopter. Both sides all along have been the same thing.
There's nothing to be stopped, you can't stop a natural process. BILLIONS will die soon, and then billions more. Maybe dying will be the best outcome compared to the horrors of post cities.
Or maybe I am wrong, I hate to call 1984 but remember the proles? I think that awaits most survivors, an easily controlled people, food, porn, beer, no housing, pods and work, lots of manual (for the machines will do the thinking) work. You can't replace the worker and be cost efficient, you can starve someone and get them to do that work though.

Or it could be this, the Unabomber mentioned the plan or the end point too, a society ruled by machines for machines, control due to the system, runaway system that will never stop. Sterility of civilization and the species.


Charles Koch, Elon Musk, Yarvin, Gates, Bezos, etc. are all planning to kill most so that only the rich and whatever fuckslaves, slaves, workers, etc. survive.

No. 2413592

private forests don’t really exist kek, anyone can visit a forest even if it’s owned elsewhere?

No. 2413594

what genocide are you referring to?

No. 2413597

No1currs, stop using this thread as a twitter thread/tumblr post. People die every single day, who gives a shit it’s just life

No. 2413599

You're going to be made into fuel and you don't care?

No. 2413602

ntayrt but i really dont give a fuck either stop sperging your schizo shit here get a journal ffs

No. 2413607

Idgaf about your nonsense, those peoples fates are sealed

No. 2413608

ntayrt but like what are we supposed to do? You present all these problems but you and the other tinfoils don't come together to figure out a solution to end division among the sheeple.
Anyways, they will have to be more subtle. Imagine engineered people like in brave new world. They will just kill the family and create us in labs. Maybe there will be a savage reservation where the untameables go.

No. 2413610

Ignore them nonna, I think this stuff is really interesting and I think the reason why you're receiving aggression about it is because they're scared and the fact that there is so realistic solution to address this trajectory. At least not one that everyone could be om board with at this point.

Also why did everyone sperg out when I posted the Hamilton video? It was just a fun response to a meme.

No. 2413613

When you say this,
>This was talked about, Gates was an early adopter
What do you mean? An early adopter of what, a controlled apocalypse?

No. 2413623

There are 3 solutions to this problem, a fourth one that I don't know, look, if I am into this I am batshit. Like I am objectively right about the who, the what and the how, etc. but I am still insane and far too open minded, so fuck it I'll include the fourth one at the end.

The first one is the impossible, people, somehow come together and realize (before the last stage of the uhh revolution) that hey, those guys want to kill us and things are bad at this point but not final, say the military disobeys far too much the order kill people, the human spirit or whatever (I really dont hold a lot of optimism for this one because they have been good at division and now social media under their control scary, watch KASH he's your guy to fear when he gets to work on X)

The 2nd one is incompetence, that they fuck up the plan so bad (that's why they have bunkers in NZ and the cruise buying thing, long time away from land) in actual execution that the entire thing comes crashing though, I guess with this one they could rebuild but there fear was that the guard you trust will be the king, not you as an elite. This was the push for AI and automation on weapons btw.

Now for the next 2…
Yeah! His vaccines, sterilization, buying farmland in Patagonia, etc. He was an early adopter. There are some camps of this thing, some I think prefer the humane genocide, others prefer overt genocide, others really get off on killing and raping people (your Epstein camp btw, there was this guy who did some backtracing, interesting dude online)
Did you know the original plan involved keeping one docile race? I think it was some sort of asian ethnicity, I don't remember which one, but yeah as your future workforce population other than some sets of breeding and slaves and whatever for the rest. It's not really a racist thing, it's just utalitarian, though I imagine now there's a proper nazi camp too.

No. 2413636

so how do us poors get to china and when do we get a ccp government issued boyfriend?

No. 2413638

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The other one is what the Unabomber tried, you avoid technological endpoint by avoiding society to even continue on that branch. I don't want to say it but that's like his entire thing was that. Maybe Luigi is a psyop to show some punishment.

The fourth one means that they're either right and "win" or right and lose.
The fourth one is batshit, but it makes sense when you remember you're talking about crazy people in the end, at least a decent half. You see, these guys believe in occultism, religion, rituals, astrology (and I do so too) so there's another in which you can see what they will do based on those branches. It doesn't matter to you that it's real (it is, it actually is I believe in it) but that someone believes it to be true, it influences thought, which causes action. All rituals then become patterns and motivations must be revealed. This is why they have to be so overt, the ones that are, Mars man, MARS = WAR, the goat thing, the bull thing, the why of the X obsession, the overtly christian luciferianism. They force an antichrist and whatever it entails, crypto, datasets based on social media, financial records (see why this was important) to create a digital arbiter of life, you die, you live based on data, whatever. Palantir heh, it's pretty obvious.
The atheist materialist camp doesn't believe in it, the religious and occultist camps do and they work together based on the bet that if one is right it doesn't really hinder the other. By forcing the hand of "god" through mass genocide, totalitarianism, if youre a materialist you still get to do all the horrible things and the other ones if right get to avoid their divine reckoning.

Faking and acting out the apocalypse to see if god is real, if it's real they hope that by doing this and acting out the solution too, they do Kapparot or the other thing to avoid the actual second coming. I know how this sounds but it's a possibility, if not, then it's over but I don't make the plans, I'm just telling you what they think, if they're wrong it turns out those things are real and they die, simple.

No. 2413652

its a fucking luigi faggot of course. the only people that ive seen talk about him irl are gay homosexual faggots. you're probably some random twink thats high as fuck on meth or "TINA" as you queers call it. get aids and fuck off from my website faggot with gaped HPV-riddled asshole(alogging)

No. 2413654

What? No, I just had the idea. I write as I think, I'm much more attracted to uh machines and myself.

No. 2413660

Report and ignore them, it's just a troll. Nonna, in the case that what you're saying is true, what do we do? If these powerful people are really engineering an apocalypse, then who will be safe? I feel like even if we all go live in cabins in the woods or move to a different country, we'll be affected by climate change anyway.

No. 2413661

I just think influences in Russia, certain Middle Eastern countries and members of the US who can be bought and sold like cheap whores have in mind the desire to increase political instability in order to profit from weapons deals and bankrupted real estate markets. It doesn’t have to be something nearly as interesting as the rest of the population being turned into Soylent green or made into hybrid beings. I’m sure there’s some crazy scientist out there more than willing to try but you vastly overestimate their creativity. They can barely keep their companies together you rly think they can work together in this unified way. They’d prefer soldiers in the meanwhile until they can mass produce Boston dynamics dogs. Us dying is just a side effect to these monotonous ends. They’re bottomlessly greedy and needing of external validation in the form of a lifestyle lived in the lap of luxury. Black hole pits in the want for more. They don’t care what happens so long as they maintain their positions even at the cost of the entire world as we currently live it and conventionally have known it. And honestly this disease knows no borders. It just happens to proliferate within a certain income bracket. They’re like a zombie species. Amassed power should be looked at as a form of brain damage and actually there’s continuing research to support this

Also I’m not sure if you believe this but you seem the type. Bill Gates’ support in the vaccine (I’m assuming you mean for COVID) does not mean it causes mortal damage. But according to empirical research the first few mutations of COVID did. Not all individuals have a good reaction to mRNA vaccines it’s true (me being one I did better w Novavax) and COVID is not so severe anymore these days in terms of reducing brain volume that was my key concern but just cuz I had a bad reaction doesn’t mean the research should be scrubbed entirely. It should be improved upon. I wish you would pour all this time and energy into advancing in the sciences. You clearly have a curiosity to learn but come to incomplete conclusions due to not having all the data on hand something higher education could give you. I just wish this country gave any damn at all to educate its citizens. But that’s the whole problem imo(tinfoiling)

No. 2413663

No, this goes way back, I was talking about Gates in Africa. I do believe the plan is that but I am also open to your perspective, this could very well be just greed and behavior for greed and by greed causing this all along. Killing the planet and everyone for cash

No. 2413665

>live in canada
>can't afford to buy a house with a full time job
>politicians don't give a shit about raising the standard of living
>live in us
>can't afford to buy a house with a full time job
>politicians don't give a shit about raising the standard of living
>also the current political association wants to kill women and censor their health
Is it better to live in a blue state, or move to Canada? Federal executive orders will override state laws…

No. 2413674

I don't know, I don't think there's a sure way to be sure than already be rich as fuck by now. I didn't expect this to be so soon.

No. 2413676

Im thinking australia is the best. The further away you are from ground zero, the better.

No. 2413678

Australia is full of trannies

No. 2413682

>One in 10 Australian men report having sexual interactions with under-18s, study finds
Granted, this could be true for American men as well.

No. 2413684

You act like I didn't know men exist in Australia

No. 2413685

>”They said the rate of offending was consistent with other studies worldwide.”
Men are bad wherever you go.

No. 2413695

It doesn't matter how quality of a woman it is. American men just hate women, and will always choose whatever the alternative is. I imagine if there was ever some crazy situation where both dems and reps had a female candidate, men would just vote independent or some shit instead.

No. 2413697

Hillary could have won if she campaigned harder in swing states. She was retarded. She won the popular vote.

No. 2413698

I meant it was doomed to fail at aging well

No. 2413773

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It's a cleansing. They want to destroy every single governmental branch and create their own to replace them. Like destroy FBI, create your own bureau of intelligence that serves your political needs and wants instead of being a bipartisan organization.

How on earth do you think privatizing national parks would protect them from being landscaped when it's the exact opposite? Picrel.

No. 2413812

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He's literally so fucking ugly he should be ashamed of himself

No. 2413813

We have a whole thread on /snow/ for Elon Musk. This shit doesn't belong in the Amerifags thread.

No. 2413816

As if this isn't currently a huge portion of the entire plight of America rn

No. 2413850


No. 2413877

Why blame dems for the actions of republicans?

No. 2413887

You could just ask the question

No. 2413946

All they had to do is not force Clinton through as nominee in 2016 and all of this could have been avoided. That is the part that is their fault.

No. 2413993

No. 2414018

I'm still baffled that Musk tanked Twitter and people thought it would be a good idea to put this guy in charge of a spending budget.

No. 2414073

Hard disagree.

No. 2414317

Yeah, I don't get the weird "stop discussing American politics in the America thread!!" when the Euro thread doesn't have this issue. No one gives af about birds or what you had for dinner, go make a bird thread or post in the mundane shit thread for that kek. While it's true this thread gets its share of baiters and derailers, the shit going down right now that is wrecking everything America was founded upon in no small part is very significant and relevant to everyday life here.

No. 2414344

God I wish I had the privilege of just talking cozy things about state birds and foods instead of worrying over the chaos of a fascist rule enforced by autistic techbros who are looking to ruin EVERYONE'S lives except the very 0.0001%.

No. 2414463

For real. Sure would be nice if I didn't have to worry about the welfare of my vulnerable loved ones, whether the water wars are going to kick off soon, whether i'll be able to vote in a free election, the halting of medical research that could save lives, and returning to a time that rivals the middle ages and 1800s in terms of abject poverty, ignorance, and despair.

No. 2414680

>the water wars
this is the biggest nothingburger. there is never going to be "water wars." we already have the technology to transform salt water into fresh water for human consumption or irrigation. no country will go to war over water because wars cost a lot more than building desalination plants.
saying "elon musk is ugly" has nothing to do with american politics.

No. 2414688

I was under the impression the war of water would be between states.

No. 2414702

in what world would that make sense? really think about it for 5 minutes.

No. 2415019

Can anyone explain why the fuck federal funding is being cut so heavily and what it's going to be used for? Are we actually just going to be sending more arms to Israel with that money? Wtf is going on

No. 2415040

I'm happy that there are more gen zers who are getting into political comentarty

No. 2415041

Probably not war but definitely legal battles over water rights between states, needed for Californian agriculture and to keep dumbass desert cities full of golf courses.

No. 2415046

Why would that matter once more desalination plants open their doors and begin operations? We have a near infinite supply of water to desalinate. The idea that water needs to be conserved or that fresh water is running out is an alarmist and reactionary perspective.

No. 2415050

Said plants haven't opened yet and are, right now, super expensive. It'll be a non issue in the grand scheme of things but it takes time.

No. 2415054

You can barely spell. Stay in school instead of obsessively politisperging all day about imaginary people in your head(infighting)

No. 2415056

stop shilling your own video here.

No. 2415059

One word is misspelled because it was a typo. You have never had a typo? Trump lovers act like they care about politicsperging when in reality they just don't want anyone talking bad about their party. Troon talk is also political talk.


I knew you'd say that because all you boring tradcaths want to do is talk about how much you love american trees in this thread. She's not the only one. Go make your man a sandwich now.(infighting)

No. 2415060

>go make your man a sandwich
go make a youtube video that matters lol
oh wait. no youtube videos matter.(infighting)

No. 2415076

why is it boring, or even a "bad" thing, to appreciate nature? not every focus has to be on the miserable (subjectively i guess) political climate kek. we cant preserve something as miraculous as nature, and there is no issue in being grateful or in awe over the landscape. if that makes me "trad" i better get to sucking cock!

No. 2415084

"Oh I just love the american trees, we need to protect nature. I'm gonna miss the parks."

"To0 bad our president is defunding all conservation programs"

"Stop talking about fucking politics"

It's the amerifag thread and you're not a farmhand. If you don't like people bringing up politics, ignore those posts. As long as it concerns America then it's permitted.

No. 2415088

Tradcath with depression. How sad.

No. 2415158

australia has the worst housing market ever right now are you insane

No. 2415177

Yep ausfag here too. You won’t be able to afford a house in any of the big cities if you’re not a millionaire. Average worker can only buy in smaller places with crime, bad services and no jobs. Housing stress is the worst it’s ever been and it get worse every year

No. 2415238

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discussion that began to take off in r/fednews and actually has a point- let the fed workers speak for themselves- but of course it was immediately nuked from orbit by the mods (Part 1)

No. 2415241

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part 2

No. 2415404

Reddit mods are so retarded. I'm glad to see more people speaking out about drag queens ruining the democrat movement, but it's bleak as hell that the thread got nuked just for this. They're not even being transphobic they're just right

No. 2415421

Related but I honestly think the decay of support of LGB people is directly related to who people see speaking for them. With social media, you see all these freaks and degenerates claiming to speak for the community as a whole (and are often the loudest too) whereas I think most people, regardless of the issue, respond best to those who look and act like actual human beings instead of gendies. If you think back to gay rights movements in the mid-late 20th century, you'll see a deliberate choice to exclude drag queens, kinksters, and all other trash optics. Heck, NAMBLA wanted to march in pride parades or during protests and they were told to fuck off, regardless of if they were gay or not. If you want to sway your average Joe's mind, make them see your point of view, you have to curate your presence and present yourself as just another person they could see themselves interacting with on a day to day basis.

No. 2415574

At this point I'm baffled by how the richest man whispering into the president's ear can pull nazi salutes, put a bunch of 20-year old incels in charge of highly sensitive data he shouldn't even have access to and continuously lie and openly spread misinformation while the president himself is repeating blatant Russian rhetoric and nobody even cares but it's the random drag queen that gets everyone riled up for the crime of being cringe. I'm so tired, the western society is so fucked beyond salvation and it's not because of ~le gays~.

No. 2415775

yeah because gen z making vlog style videos will surely do something about all this

No. 2416127

>I honestly think the decay of support of LGB people is directly related to who people see speaking for them
That's objectively true. Support for gay marriage was won thanks to media characterizing LGB (and T) people as 'just like the rest of us'. Unfortunately with the rising popularity of social media, the most deranged of the community were also apparently the most likely to position themselves as spokespeople for the wider community and tanked support with the help of propaganda outlets like libsoftiktok who merely needed to boost these people to the right audiences in order to turn people against their causes. The same thing happened with anti-racism/pro-minority and more recently disability activism as well. Unfortunately nothing will change unless these communities collectively rebuke the cluster Bs at the front of their movements and stop giving them attention, but that will probably never happen.

No. 2416198

>Support for gay marriage was won thanks to media characterizing LGB (and T) people as 'just like the rest of us'.
A bald faced lie, gay people were cute mascots at best (Queer eye) or fall guys of a buttrape/bulldyke joke at worst. Gays have been trying to do the "just like the rest of us" narrative since the original pride parade where they specifically requested people to dress in their sunday best to make an impression on the straights yet they still were thought of as sick degenerates. People acting as if homophobes wouldn't pull one mentally ill corner case and successfully weaponize it against the remaining 99.999999% of us is pathetic bootlicking.

No. 2416323

I never said that homophobia was eradicated, I said that support for gay marriage was won as such. Support for gay marriage strongly increased in the late 00's and early 10's, which necessarily means that the number of people opposed to it decreased.

No. 2416664

Violent homophobes continued to be homophobes regardless but the general public definitely had a change in perspective. Gay people weren't strange creatures you only see in San Francisco; they were Tom on your bowling team or Lindsey who works at the library with troubled teens. It's like how desegregation eventually lead to wider (if not total) acceptance of black people. When you live and work alongside each other, you learn that, generally speaking, insert minority/subculture group have the same desires, needs, hopes, and dreams as you do. They become less stereotypes and more fellow humans.

No. 2416667

kek what is this whitewashing of faggots, are you forgetting your history? gay men are just like troons.

No. 2416925

The point is that gay people constantly self-flagellating about how they need to be more "straight-passing" and "normal" does nothing because right wing drones will always dig up one ragebait troon and use it as an example to prove how all of them alphabet folks are sick degenerates and it's their own fault they get ostracized for being weirdos. The general public never had a favorable opinion, it was always "as long as I don't have to see them" at best. They know the perverts are a fringe group and most of them are just pornsick spicy straights but they don't care because it gives them an excuse to hate on all gay people. Conservatives knew this and that's why they worked that angle so hard. Democrats naively thought that if they just "behaved" they would be accepted. The exact same thing happened to racial minorities and women. If those damn bitches just stopped with their manhating feminism we wouldn't have to roll back on DEI safeguards and abortion rights!

No. 2416961

We have the technology to give everyone health care and housing. We have the technology to make owning a car optional instead of mandatory for participation in society. We have the technology to end use of oil and coal as energy sources. If it's not profitable for the oligarchs, it won't happen.

No. 2416969

the moment we kill all men (aside from a handful of the most beautiful, least misogynistic men who will be segregated into breeding camps) will be the moment a true utopia can finally come to fruition

No. 2417009

As a lesbian, the drag queen movement made it 100 times worse for us. Over eccentric gays or whatever, and i doubt you can tell a lesbian in the wild if you see them, but the over sexualized hyper sexual gays and drag queens are ruining it for the entire movement. Trannies included in all this. It's degenerate men that make our speech silent. If you go to a women's rights protests and see more men there, dressed up in heels, wigs and makeup, tf are you going to think? it's a joke. this is why we lost to trump
We never wanted to be normal. We just wanted to be left alone and have the same rights to marriage, not getting fired from a job for being gay, etc. Troonary and drag queen bullshit made it harder to be taken seriously because a lot of people can now equate gay = degens. Women (lesbians or bi) do not deserve this shit.

No. 2417025

Didn't gay men want to lower the age of consent until lesbians and other women said umm fuck no??

No. 2417093

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Genuinely I think that the reason why we see so much rightoid retardation nowadays is because of the gamergate fiasco. It makes me so angry that all this shit started because moids got mad that women asked for less revealing video game outfits back in 2016, it's so stupid

No. 2417101

Unrelated but damn Jotaro is looking the finest he's ever been

No. 2417353

Gamergate in a nutshell

No. 2417464

They still think you’re a gross dyke. Just express your attraction to women a little too hard.

No. 2417491

he's 17(bait)

No. 2417496

He looks like an adult and is based off adult bodybuilders

No. 2417498

Uh oh here comes Tiktok

No. 2417504

"she's really mature for her age"

No. 2417510

Go back

No. 2417515

Araki could have made him 18+ easily with that design but he wanted a high schooler as a protagonist to get more readers. It’s not like lolishit.

No. 2417521

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>if you call this man attractive you are a pedophile
Topkek, these zoomer newfags.

No. 2417526

He’s still ugly though

No. 2417540

I swear the whole time line shifted in 2016, when we lost Harambe. Gamer gate sucked so much. Men have everything catered to them and still want bikini armor for every female character.

No. 2417543

No one is here to give you sanctimonious brownie points, retard

No. 2417561

What triggered gamergate was Anita Sarkeesian having sex with multiple journalists in exchange for good reviews. She was a lolcow and a scammer that made money by radicalizing young men that previously had no interest in politics. If she hadn't picked a fight with /v/, it's unlikely that Trump would have won the 2016 election.

That time period is a huge part of the history of LC. moot banned PT threads which would lead to the creation of LC and Ian's interest in LC was mintoring Shoe0nHead threads. Shoe0nHead herself became known as a cow for commentary on gamergate. So did other cows like Laurelai Bailey, Britney Venti, Destiny and Sargon.

No. 2417611

>Trump winning is actually the fault of one woman
Do you ever read your posts aloud before you hit enter?

No. 2417614

That wasn’t Anita Sarkeesian, that was Zoë Quinn.

No. 2417619

i also got them confused. anita was the idiot who ruined the female gaming industry by getting them worked up about moid media instead of encouraging them to create media for us.

No. 2417626

Oh shut the fuck up. Anita made the most basic, milquetoast observations about coombait characters in games and people acted like she was this radical feminazi. I bet you’ve never even watched any of her videos.

No. 2417630

>Brittany Venti
What an odd rewrite of history.
Brittany started out as a Twitch troll that used to scream and pretend to get upset on camera. She self-posted her Twitch all over 4chan and particularly on r9k. She did not start out with commentary, although I'm sure she would like everyone to forget this most embarrassing part of her past.

No. 2417650

Incel shit was always there, but the gamergate situation brought it to the mainstream, we even have guys involved in gamergate in the white house. I wish I could go back in time to stop it, politics and social media would be so much more normal

No. 2417654

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>Brittany started out as a Twitch troll that used to scream and pretend to get upset on camera
That was so fucking annoying. It's like picrel, forget her name I just typed "annoying youtuber" kek

No. 2417655

It's true. Steve Bannon even admitted that Gamergate was his influence for Trump's 2016 campaign. It was the opening battle in the culture wars that have been raging ever since and set up what would come later. A significant impact of gamergate that is often missed, is that it was probably the first mass peaking on troons. This would go on to push GC and radfem thought into the wider internet.

Both Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn were pro-troon libfems that never cared about feminism, their intent was to profit from the outrage. I don't understand why anyone would bother defending them.

You're right. My bad.

I was referring to her gaining cow status. I don't remember her becoming a recognizable cow until she involved herself in politics. I might be wrong though, I never paid much attention to /r9k/ because it always seemed pathetic and it was over ten years ago.

No. 2417661

Too lazy to tag but gamergate was acthully started because of Zoe’s jilted ex who worked up an army of fellow fuggos to go after her out of spite.

No. 2417668

>I don't remember her becoming a recognizable cow
You're misremembering. She was an annoying cow circa 2016 on 4chan and tons of people disliked her.

No. 2417670

I was one of the people who legitimately thought she was retarded. It's kind of like Peter Coffin not having a sex doll that she "isn't"

No. 2417671

I don't think she's misremembering. I think she's too young to remember what really happened and she's trying to give us a lecture on something we were actually around for.

No. 2417684

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Gamergate started in 2014 and I remember her being considered a cow on LC which also would have been around 2014-2016.

I was on 4chan and LC at the time. Not remembering the exact details of an /r9k/ attention whore is hardly discrediting.

No. 2417724

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Gamergate was a weird time to be terminally online. I think the biggest, lasting change is that suddenly a portion of the population that was uninvolved with politics suddenly cared because video games. Also in my attempt to find a pic of that girl mascot 4chan had I instead found picrel which gave me a chuckle.

No. 2417732

was gonna put this in 2020's predictions but since it's being discussed here I expect a reverse gamergate because of people in the shitlon/thiel crowd. everyone who was involved in gamergate is old now. and zoomers hate shitlon, they hate him alot. If they don't hate him they think he's a cornball. shitlon attaches himself to the culture of 4chinz in like 2013 (see: kekimus maximus or what fucking ever). Zoomers see that and think it's corny. They make fun of the 40 somethings on xitter who screech "THEY TUK OUR GAMEZ FROM US!!" because they're dorks. Zoomers will eventually get tired of the internet monopolization done by the autistic billionaires, i can already see it happening with the "soy right" shit. They hate artificial intelligence too. I expect zoomers to powerlevel who uses the internet the least or whatever, kind of a pendulum shift of the culture of the pandemic. Plus radical feminism is becoming mildly popular among girls online but they'll take a while to peak. If you want to look at what's actually going to happen to younger zoomers politically too, don't look at the cool kids. Look at what kind of subcultures form whether it be in real life or on the internet.
I expect younger zoomers (like 2006-2012) to be more lefty than their older counterparts. Especially the females. 2010 babies will be turning 15 this year. They literally grew up during the trump era, trump was still a thing during the biden era and you'll see alot of complaints of them being "tired of him". Alot of their parents have fallen into magatard culture too, lots of cultures within the youth tend to form on the basis of "what pisses mommy and daddy off the most". Gamergate is an interesting phenomenon to analyze but I honestly think alot of people overlook the pandemic as a cultural phenomenon, they really only look at the isolation aspect of it. It changed the game for good.

No. 2417737

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>be more lefty
kekkk well you almost had me there anon, god bless you

No. 2417747

>Zoomers hate artificial intelligence
I don’t think this is true. They might say they do, but gen alpha/younger zoomers literally use AI all the time to cheat in school. I use to tutor middle schoolers and high schoolers and I saw it all the time. They would even admit to it and show me how they did it. Unfortunately, perhaps because of the pandemic mixed with screen addition, teens today are legitimately developmentally stunted and unable to read or research themselves, so they rely on AI to cheat rather than develop these skills.

No. 2417756

Yes, they do use it to cheat! That's exactly why I said not to look at the "cool kids". I said to expect powerscaling among them on whoever uses the least of it. Once it starts to bite back on them that's when I expect their hatred of it (as they mainly hate it culturally, artistically now) to legitimatize. I've already seen the powerscaling begin among college aged zoomers though "I am superior to you because I don't rely on AI" is a common rhetoric
blah blah blah political pendulum blah blah blah
But seriously, you'd be surprised to see how uncool rightoidism is becoming among them. even the edgelords who are rightoids themselves. they don't like the figureheads

No. 2417766

First ayrt, I kinda see what you’re saying but I think as long as younger generations continue to be addicted to technology, technocrats like muskrat will continue to fill their pockets. That’s why technocrats are here to stay, and it’ll matter less and less what dissenters say because the plutocracy can literally buy both media and politicians. Even if zoomers virtue signal online about how they hate figureheads, can they resist fueling them with their money and attention (clicks)? I don’t think so tbh.

No. 2417773

I do agree with this although I am a bit more optimistic considering other factors. But I'll use bsky as an example. I noticed alot of them would argue that they didn't want to use it because it wasn't "engaging" enough for them, or that it was too calm or whatever compared to xitter. despite claiming to hate shitlon. Many of them have xitter blue too to make a quick buck off of content. Alot of them also claim that tiktok is important for news?? which is absolutely retarded. They're absolutely addicted to social media. But like I said, I do think there's a large possibility of them snapping out of it once it bites them in the ass. I can see a few situations where they will snap out of it and they wont snap out of it, HOWEVER I'll probably samefag and sperg about that later considering this is a topic I am very interested in. However, one requirement that is needed for them to snap out of their social media addictions would be an organic cultural movement away from it, kind of like how there was with a movement towards vine and musically. i agree with you though, i think they have a genuine dislike towards technocrats but are so addicted to social media that they can't put their money where their mouth is

No. 2417780

>I noticed alot of them would argue that they didn't want to use it because it wasn't "engaging" enough for them, or that it was too calm or whatever compared to xitter.
Technology Connections talks about this in this video, you can tell at parts he's clearly referencing how algorithms and the people who control them are using their influence to shape policy how they think it should be shaped. I feel like it really explains a lot about how and why the world and more specifically our country are the way they are today, hyper-polarized and hyper-retarded that is. I wanted to ask though,
>But like I said, I do think there's a large possibility of them snapping out of it once it bites them in the ass. I can see a few situations where they will snap out of it and they wont snap out of it
Please sperg to me because I need hopefuel on this. Full disclosure I'm a filthy zoomer and I don't know, some days I don't feel any optimism for people my age and younger abandoning our dopamine addicting platforms. Even people who are older (especially much older, like boomers and up) are addicted to social media. I'm basically the only person I know who uses forums like this, and I still browse way too much mainstream social media (reddit, youtube). It's rough out here
I think if zoomers would just let go of the left-right paradigm then we could rise above retardation. Like if we could all just forget our bubbles of politics and become more discerning and do our own research then we wouldn't be so easily bought by fat autists like Elon Musk. As it stands, I'm not sure that will happen. Sometimes it feels like curiosity and critical thought, especially of the youth (being more malleable) is being intentionally degraded and destroyed

No. 2417805

So men have no agency in where they place their attention.
“Stupid 14 year old Emmett till getting white people worked up” I only use this example because I can’t think of another victim of an oppressor group but basically You are retarded.

No. 2417934

17 is legal in Japan. Not every country has the same AOC laws

No. 2417968

This. No amount of kowtowing and pointing the finger at trannies will make them see you any less of a degenerate, they might be somewhat cordial but they will always throw you under the bus given the chance and see you as a disgusting sex predator who will rape them and turn their kids gay too. Conservatives made the common man hate Haitian immigrants based on lies about them eating pets and they ADMITTED to lying about it, what makes you think they would ever give the benefit of the doubt to gay people if they "just behaved"?

No. 2417999

Farmers are incredibly conformist. I don’t know how it used to be but every criticism about a cow comes from the fact that they stray from the straight and narrow. It’s embarrassing

No. 2418001

Pinning Trump winning on Sarkeesian and Quinn is pure insanity and retarded revisionism when the main reason was actual fucking white supremacists entering the movement. If you want to pin Trump's victory on someone from the Gamergate era, you'd be better off pointing your finger at Milo Yiannopolous. He's still around and campaigning for Trump. He openly stated that he hated video games, saw them as slop for the feeble minded but was willing to milk the movement to make Breitbart more profitable. And even Sargon of Akkad, despite him being a huge fucking fat loser he still caused a lot of damage that he continues to do to this day with his cringe manosphere podcast.

Yet people always sperg about Zoe Quinn fucking game journalists and Anita Sarkeesian making shit videos about punching women in GTA when neither of them would've ever entered the mainstream consciousness if it wasn't for bona fide neonazis branding them as the antichrist for all white straight men and teaching them all about their strategies that would later become the alt right playbook such as doublespeak and gish galloping. It was about gaming journalism for a hot second in the very beginning when the movement was still a slapfight amongst nerds and hipsters, but it blew up in everyone's face when right wing grifters saw an opportunity and nobody ever fucking talks about that because even at the dawn of fascism people would still rather accuse "the left" of fucking up rather than resist the enemy of all of society. Source: I'm an oldfag who actually was there, keeping my finger on the pulse when it all happened.

No. 2418007

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holy cringe. Idc if lolcow only has 5 users, i will never become a female 4chan user.

No. 2418008

Samefag because I forgot to mention that Richard Spencer, an ACTUAL NEO NAZI in every sense of the word as in an open ethnonationalist white supremacist, was a huge supporter of Gamergate. It feels so fucking petty to even in 2025 keep going on about how Anita ruined the western society with her feminism 101 videos when people like this were involved. Even some of the original prolific pro-Gamergate people left the movement when these nutjobs started flooding in because they saw the writing on the wall about the people co-opting the movement. If it hadn't been Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, it would've been someone else.

No. 2418017

This website is filled with unironic conservatives nowadays. I am surprised lesbians would want to converse with the trads I've seen here. Some shit I read makes me want to a-log but I digress.

No. 2418047

So what if the violent homophobes stay violent homophobes? When your trying to get people on your side, you go after the fence sitters, not the people who are already against you. Most people being accepting of gay people is good enough.

No. 2418061

What part of the "common man" term don't you understand? Thinking that the wide public, living in a society where being gay was classified as a mental illness up until the 80's, people will just accept us with no doubt in their mind if we just "acted normal" is the lie conservatives have always tried to sell. 99% of gay people and gay rights activists still "look and act normal" and they're the people the general public interact with, but they see one ragebait tranny tiktok and immediately sperg the fuck out about how the gays have gone too far. Yet if their lesbian sister gets her feelings hurt they just tell her "well you're not one of THOSE people". It's the exact same thing what men to do women, undermine all feminists and women in general by bringing up fringe shit like period painting like that's all feminists ever do but then say to their girlfriends "don't worry babe, you're not one of THOSE manhating feminazis". They'll still sympathize more with said "violent homophobes" as in "yeah they probably shouldn't have beat that blue haired lesbian up but you know you really can't blame them for being so annoyed at all this woke shit".

No. 2418079

>ADMITTED to lying about it
Do you have a link about that, because I saw actual photos of Haitians eating park animals and dogs so I don't understand how it could be a lie.

No. 2418081

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>neither of them would've ever entered the mainstream consciousness if it wasn't for bona fide neonazis branding them as the antichrist
AYRT. I agree with you because that is exactly my point. Zoe Quinn going after 4chan was the catalyst for the radicalization of /v/. Previously gamers didn't want to be involved in politics and didn't care. Because of her places like /v/ became politically active and this opened the board to infiltration by /pol/. moot banned gamergate and tried to remove the more extreme elements from /pol/ but all this did was drive out these people to other sites such as reddit, twitter and 8ch, which further allowed them to spread their ideology. The whole situation attracted grifters on both sides like flies to shit, which then brought gamergate to mainstream attention.

No. 2418082

Takes you two fucking seconds to google "haitians eating animals debunked". JD Vance literally admitted to making it up and those videos were of completely unrelated incidents of clearly mentally ill people doing stuff people cooked up on meth do.
>"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do," he told CNN.
That's HIS WORDS regarding the situation. Republicans just make up shit as they go and feel absolutely no remorse about it.

Like this is what will truly be the downfall of the west. Not woke shit. It's that people will believe every bombastic stupid claim no matter how fantastical it is with minimal fact checking because that would ruin the show for them, it's much more entertaining and stimulating to get offended and grab the pitchforks than calm down and check the sources. Social media needs to be destroyed for good.

No. 2418099

Remember when we made fun of boomers on fb for falling for obvious fake news? Now in the year of our lord 2025 we have zoomers falling for obvious AI ragebait on tiktok/ig/x. Fact checking shit you see online really isn’t that hard. Sorry to be aggro at you, but I wish anons weren’t such gullible retards.

No. 2418100

Ntayrt but boomers fall for obvious fake news because they come from a world where the news was never fake. Zoomers fall for obvious fake news because they don't have critical thinking skills because the vast majority are functionally retarded.

No. 2418103

>they come from a world where the news was never fake
Wow this is even more naive
There was never such a world

No. 2418118

Anita just pointed out valid sexism and critiqued some games and men lost their minds. It was insane. They were all violent rapeapes about it. I still remember when they were putting up posters about Anita and gamergate during AX.

No. 2418137

Please say you're baiting I am this close to losing faith in this generation

No. 2418143

2024 will probably be the last election zoomers even bother voting in at all. Yeah sure, Elon is starting to fall out of favor with the zoomer crowd but that will just lead to a sense of hopelessness when it comes to politics. At the end of the day, Trump won because the Democrat's messaging was even more retarded than his. They're not going to learn anything from this and they will continue to demand blind loyalty rather than even offer crumbs of policy change.
Once Trump is gone and the narratives of "fascism taking over the government" just magically disappear, voting numbers will dissolve. If Trump never ran in 2016 even that election would have shown a rapid fall off in voter turnout

No. 2418149

if we've come to this level on fucking lolcor of all places I've lost all faith in womankind jfc (I lost faith in men a long time ago)

No. 2418153

The news in the 70s and 80s had more journalistic integrity than anything post 2001

No. 2418159

Journalists were always morons but if they ever had integrity is was definitely not during the time when Watergate was going down.

No. 2418165

Bleak, but I’m inclined to agree. I’m a zoomer myself, albeit in my mid twenties, and I feel like most political organizing is completely useless and zoomers don’t really understand the game of politics. For instance, I was briefly involved with Democratic Socialists of America, but I soon realized it was filled with social outcasts who need a forum to virtue signal in order to feel a sense of belonging that they otherwise would not have. Rather than organize in meaningful ways when an unelected billionaire is gutting our government’s regulatory capacity and purging political dissenters, DSA is hosting weekly happy hour socials for ghoulish trannies to discuss the Trans Genocide and being Excluded from Women’s Bathrooms because the general public now understands the Dems went too far with that BS and the lefties are too retarded to drop it. I now work in law, and I’ve realized the center-left gen X corporate attorneys actually do more to challenge Trump and Elon in court than any Marxist zoomer, and they have real results to show for it. I guess I’ve become disillusioned in our polarized politics. Extremism is harmful because as lefties go further left, rightoids will go further right, voting turnout will drop, and we’ll all be divided and easily controlled by our technocrat overlords.

No. 2418179

>center-left gen X corporate attorneys actually do more to challenge Trump and Elon in court than any Marxist zoomer, and they have real results to show for it.
Okay, you lost it here.
The judicial branch is by far the most cucked part of our government and they failed the hardest at combating Trump. A lot of the people getting fired from DOGE audits are lawyers for various agencies.

No. 2418180

it's honestly insane to me how these far left trannies co-opted the entire democratic party. the right is also just very good at marketing and now dems are completely branded as this pro-tranny, child mutilation / pro-illegal immigration and open borders.
biden made is so easy for them though being a senile old man. didn't matter what the right said, it always sticks to the dems.

No. 2418187

she's right though. the courts and civil liberties attorneys are really all we have left at this point until the mid-terms. besides the free press which has also been long under attack.

No. 2418188

The democratic party was not co-opted by trannies. They lost because liberals and the center-"left" (who have ALL the power within the party) are useless losers, not because of some monolith of powerless lefties that nobody paid attention to at all. Those people might be retards but they are not who's interest the democrats represented. It was center liberals. That's who lost.

No. 2418189

Ayrt, the courts have overturned a bunch of Trump’s Executive Orders that everyone was freaking out about, including the federal funding freeze and end to birthright citizenship. Also DOGE targeting federal attorneys doesn’t affect corporate attorneys who take on pro bono work, which is what I’m referring to. I get hourly updates about the kind of work they do. I think there’s plenty to hate about corporate lawyers, but this field is currently the hosting the strongest opposition to Trump. And finally, although Trump stacked the Supreme Court in his previous presidency, most of these cases are settled in lower courts which have not been politically captured by Trump’s lackeys because he does not appoint judges to those courts.

No. 2418195

i heard even though the courts have frozen and overturned funding orders, the federal government still hasn't dispersed funds that were allocated to contractors. trump admin is just ignoring the court orders

No. 2418197

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NTA if you actually pay attention to what voters care about (sorry for the repost picrel) you’ll see far-left policies simply aren’t popular. If you want to win an election, you need to win the center/independent voters/swing states. That’s how politics work. When the Dems started pandering to trannies instead of using common sense, they alienated a lot of voters.

No. 2418199

the center-left is out of touch BECAUSE they thought social issues like tranny shit was more important to its base than economic issues. they don't care about the working class because they are truly elites.

No. 2418200

Plenty of funds are still being withheld, but legal complaints take a while to process and enforce. I think the judicial process is working as it normally does, which is slowly.

No. 2418203

my concern is that the courts have no method of enforcing rulings. what exactly do they have? trump now has the FBI completely under his control. local law enforcement loves him. the military is fully his.

No. 2418208

FBI and military don’t enforce these kinds of laws, don’t worry. Mainly what I’m seeing is the courts blocking the implementation of Trump’s executive orders in their respective states on due process grounds. The key here is that it’s happening at the state level though.

No. 2418214

>When the Dems started pandering to trannies
Never happened so it couldn't be that.
The "center-left" is out of touch because they are demanding people have loyalty for a regime that does absolutely fucking nothing for the average citizen rather than supporting even the mildest of reform. Trannies are an issue that primarily gets pushed by the private sector and the media. The dems are too pro-tranny, and that's shit but it's also a position they barely give thought to.

No. 2418221

>Dems pandering to trannies never happened so it couldn't be that.
>The dems are too pro-tranny
You’re literally contradicting yourself here kek. What are you even talking about?

No. 2418225

>I get hourly updates about the kind of work they do
How do we get these updates? because I would like to wake up to news that doesn't piss me off and depress me for once

No. 2418226

No I am not contradicting myself.
I agree that trannies should be opposed but the dems were not pandering to them, nor is that why they lost.

No. 2418230

Read the chart again. Kamala pandering to trannies too hard was the #3 most common reason given for not voting for her. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, but you’re upset because leftist ideology is being criticized. You should be able to criticize elements within your own ideological group if you want to be able to make any progress.

No. 2418234

Nta but Kamala barely even addressed trannies at all, what are you talking about? The one time she was asked about trans issues she gave a half-hearted middle of the road response like “we’ll let the law decide.”

No. 2418235

Looking at the chart, the top reason is inflation. The "center left" as you keep calling them blatantly denied that inflation was a problem while touting the economy was the "strongest it's ever been".
The far left wasn't doing that. It was CNN/NBC/Twitter liberals. Even Bernie Sanders (who used to be actually center-left) was calling out the Dems for pushing such retarded rhetoric.

No. 2418236

Just through my work email. My law firm has a major distlist dedicated to documenting and opposing Trump’s EOs. I wouldn’t wish it on you though kek, I still have to read about all the retarded shit Trump and Musk do. And of course, the courts don’t always win against them. Politico is a pretty good source for politics/law/policy news though.

No. 2418239

According to polls Trump won due to economical issues, specifically inflation, not due to the tranny tunnelvision most users here have. That's why Trump's approval rating has plummeted only a few weeks after his administration came to power because people realized he's not going to fix the egg prices. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trumps-approval-rating-slips-americans-worry-about-economy-2025-02-19/

No. 2418242

Kamala’s campaign strategy didn’t involve talking about trannies nonstop because she knew it wouldn’t be popular. However, the Dems still pushed tons of trans legislation under Biden’s presidency, and Kamala was presenting herself as Biden 2.0. Even if this issue wasn’t a central issue on liberal news outlets, it was on conservative outlets. It was the easiest thing in the world for conservative journalists to go “look at these libtards! They can’t even define a woman!” and make the whole party look stupid and out-of-touch. That’s why Trump’s populism has been successful.
I agree that inflation was the biggest issue among voters as the chart says, so I’m not going to disagree there. But that doesn’t mean other issues aren’t relevant as well.

No. 2418251

>That’s how politics work.
A lot of these communist LARPers don't understand how politics work at all. There is no base to stand on for far left politics in this country. The only way that democrats can win an election is by taking a hard center-right stance while still pandering to the working class. The easiest way to do this is by taking harsher stances against illegal immigration.

The majority of Americans can't read above a 6th grade level; more than a third of Americans live pay check to pay check; for the past 100 years, there has never been a presidential election where more than 70% of eligible voters have cast their vote. A party that appeals to scholars and ideologues in ivory towers doesn't resonate with the majority of Americans, and that's why the democrats have such shit results.

No. 2418252

If the democrats came out as anti-tranny while still pushing their retarded apologism for our failing regime they still would have lost.
My point stands no matter how you slice it. Liberals, not "leftists" are to blame for the dems losing.

No. 2418256

If only Americans realized that moderate socialism such as the Nordic model would fix their problems instead of licking billionaire boots in vain hopes of maybe some of that wealth trickling down to them the country would be fixed.

No. 2418261

The democrats did exactly what you said and fucking lost. Western commies are losers, but they are losers because their opposition is the entire status quo. Liberalism IS the status quo and it can't even stand up to the completely empty nihilism that is MAGA.

No. 2418265

>Liberals, not "leftists" are to blame for the dems losing.
Ayrt, I don’t disagree. I know I’ve been a bit aggro which isn’t good for a real discussion, but I wonder if we’re getting caught up in terminology here. I’m the anon talking about how I didn’t think DSA (biggest leftist org in the US) was doing enough other than caping for troons. When I say center-left, I’m not saying that I like establishment/career Dems by any means. I think what I’m most critical of is the infiltration of idpol ideology from the New Left movement into mainstream liberal politics.

No. 2418268

If only. That won't happen though. To achieve class consciousness, the majority of the population would have to read above a 6th grade level. People aren't going to realize jack shit when they're too busy living check to check. Most Americans don't believe that wealth trickles down, what they do believe is that: illegal immigrants are going to steal their jobs - instead of trying to defeat that irrational belief, the democrats would be better off just accepting that the majority of Americans believe it and act accordingly. If the democrats promoted a more radical and severe crackdown on illegal immigration, something even harsher than the republicans plans, they would have performed much better.

No. 2418271

Yeah I also agree that the DSA is a trash alternative. >>2418260 But it's also always been trash. America is at a point where it needs a real left. Without one political involvement as a whole just sort of dies from here. However I am not even sure how you'd build one, because most people claiming to be "the left" are immature adult-children.

No. 2418275

I genuinely don't think so. What republicans did was buy all of mass social media's owners so they could push their rhetoric endlessly so that people would vote republican no matter what because ever since the pandemic everyone's just been stuck scrolling the same three apps day in day out. Musk bought Twitter and Zuck('s public image) made a 180 into a right winger technobro. Democrats were going to lose no matter what because you can't fight that amount of massive info wars power. Kamala even had way harsher policies on immigration than Trump did yet she lost because Americans would rather vote for a senile rapist than a woman for president.

No. 2418276

The Nordic won't fix all our problems at this point. America needs its own theory of how to make social programs work.

No. 2418281

Seeing people talk about the Nordic model always makes me roll my eyes. All together they have less people than Texas and have about 1/10th of the total area of America. The Nordic model won't work here. Like you said, we need our own model.

No. 2418282

I bailed on 4chan to stay here. I used to go there for the small boards (cooking, animals, some female friendly fandoms etc)
but no matter where I went on 4chan the site it was horrible. It was the worst of both worlds: Filled with men and you could get banned for talking shit about trannies.

No. 2418288

I got permabanned from 4chan for saying YWNBAW to some AGP transbian kek. Clearly it hurt some tranny janny’s feelings. Truly ironic when moids can post CP, revenge porn, violent schizo ramblings, simp for Hitler, etc. but you can’t hurt a troon’s feelings.

No. 2418289

Meh, I disagree with this narrative. At the end of the day, Trump was really just exploiting the Dem's desperation to uphold the status-quo. You could argue they had to because they controlled it but I really think if they just approached inflation rhetoric smarter that would have saved them a little bit.

No. 2418290

Please explain why it wouldn't work. Are Americans just genetically coded to be greedy and not caring of their community or something? Because that and local billionaires not wanting to pull their own weight (would be easily fixable by legislation) are the only reasons I ever heard against the idea. It's always been insane to me how Americans will bitch and moan about nordic countries having high taxes and then go ahead and pay $1000 a month in health insurance that doesn't even cover dental or routine surgeries.

No. 2418291

You can go and read a book. I'm not typing a 10 thousand word essay about this topic on LC for you.

No. 2418292

I propose the American model:
You're correct. We have far too many people in America to enact some sort of universal ethical model of governance to ensure a strong middle class. So we have to start reducing the population. But obviously eugenics is cruel and harms women.
I believe we can drop the population almost in half if we just start killing men that aren't nice to women. Greedy men are inherently rude to women so if we kill them or terrorize them into respecting women they will have to set laws in place to help women out. Then later when we find out they bought an underage hooker in thailand we can give him the gas.
Sure, the population will still be high at the end of all that, but not nearly as high, and greedy people will have to choose between risking their lives engaging in their resource hoarding addiction or getting help for it.

No. 2418293

So you have no credible arguments. Many such cases.

No. 2418296

No. There are many credible arguments. Those arguments are too vast to summarize in a post on an anonymous imageboard. You need to read books and actual study things. That's how you gain knowledge. I don't have a responsibility nor desire to educate you.

No. 2418319

I hope VA shit gets cut and repub veteran moids suffer and the civilian maga retards who work for VA are the ones who get the boot from their jobs. Please Trump I am manifesting this.

No. 2418326

>But obviously eugenics is cruel and harms women.
Not true. Women invented eugenics; the only reason eugenics is taboo because men are furious they need women to enact it.

No. 2418337

They won’t care because Biden was doing great with deportation and Trump is doing abysmal numbers while also hurting more kids. Republicans/trumpies don’t actually care about reality even for things they supposedly want. They literally only care that an insufferable rich man tells them that they are so smart and oppressed and he will give them glory. It’s all ego for Trump voters

No. 2418346

I believe that this is what fucks the left over. All of these isms, like racism, sexism, so on and so forth, are weaponized against the working class. If our discussions are limited to arguing about the validity of racist or sexist ideals, and endlessly rehashing the same arguments to appeal to a new crop of people, we can never move on. We are stuck, and although we have rights that have been fought for by those who were victimized by the idpol psyop, the people who benefit from those rights are so foolish, so stupid, that they are easy to control.

This is true. It's not necessarily as simple as "we need to be more literate" but when people are more literate, they feel more comfortable engaging in ideas that are outside of the norm or outside of what's fed to them in the news. They're able to conceive of more complex systems and come to deeper understandings about how their world works on the micro and macro level. But we have been systematically bred and raised to be dumber and dumber. And the stupidity does not just start and stop at book smarts and knowledge of complex systems, the stupidity, above all, stagnates emotional growth. That's why we have stupid old people who think that if they yell at the right person they'll get what they want. That's why people complain endlessly about systems they know nothing about. That's why people are so easy to manipulate - they are made to be agitated, and then they become addicted to the source of agitation and rely on it for information. It's sinister.

No. 2418348

NTA, but it won't work because of culture. There are cultures within America, that have significant population, that do not value work ethic or contributing to the greater good. Even if they only make up ten percent of the population, when you add them to the number of people who are simply unable to pull their own weight (children/elderly/disabled), it creates a drag that is too great to overcome. 10% of population won't contribute due to culture (low estimate, it's probably closer to 15%), 22% is under 18 and shouldn't be expected to contribute, 2% are too disabled to contribute, and 17% are over 65 and either have reduced ability to contribute or physically unable to. This results in 51% of the population needing support and only 49% being able/willing to work.
So normal people look at the people not contributing or helping and think "Why does that guy get to purposely do nothing yet I have to go to work every day?" and it collapses the whole system because the only winning move is then either to cheat the system or not to play at all, leading to further imbalances.

No. 2418359

It's very obvious the conservatives used bots plus Russianbots to control the narrative in social media sites, anon

No. 2418365

>Everything is actually Russia's fault!
Even if Russian bots were used, what was stopping the democrats from hiring Russian bot farms? It's not like the bot farms actually care about politics, they're only in it for the money. It's so tiresome seeing Russia being blamed for every very American problem.

No. 2418381

Our hardcore evangelist segment of the population are really no better than medieval peasants in terms of religious conviction.

No. 2418386

Because the democrats' and Russia's ideals don't align at all? Russia wants the US to fail and they've always seen Trump as a gullible fool who can be swayed with flatter and money, that's why they wanted him in power. There's an entire book written about Trump's connection to the Russian elite written by a former intelligence officer called "Unredacted: Russia, Trump, and the Fight for Democracy".

No. 2418401

File: 1740507716054.jpg (12.53 KB, 271x368, FoundationsGeopolitics.jpg)

Russia, or more accurately the Russian government, are very significantly involved in all of this, and it's not only America that they're pulling this stuff in. Everyone knows that Dems are too pussy with their "we go high, they go low" crap to pull any counter measures even knowing what's going on. Also, i'd like to drop this resource because everyone thinks this started in 2016 because of "TDS" (hate that term getting thrown around anytime someone is rightfully alarmed about what the current admin is doing) when a whole playbook about Russia's aims was written in 1997:

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics"


No. 2418427

Not to pick a fight but it's honestly very American to go straight to the "we have too many people who wouldn't pull their own weight and that's why it wouldn't work" argument rather than "We have an ultraindividualistic mindset that doesn't value safety nets" so this reply is a fairly good demonstration of how deep the "American dream" of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is. If only the US didn't come off from WW2 with almost minimal damage maybe the society would be very different today, since the war made Europe very vigilant of checks and balances and people being treated with respect regardless of their perceived "value" to society. Nobody is made to pick between life-saving medical care or groceries because everyone knows it could happen to anyone.

No. 2418432

Okay Russianbot. Remain ignorant of the fucking shadow shit going on in the background and how Russia has been co-opting our politics for decades by sowing the seeds of political unrest by astroturfing things like fake news, and social movements like BLM. The democrats have zero reason to use Russianbot farms because they don't want the fucking nation to fall into a permanent depression like Russia wants.

No. 2418440

>All of these isms, like racism, sexism, so on and so forth, are weaponized against the working class.
Reads straight out of a leftist scrote's whine session ngl. I assumed you empathized with them when they would blame women radicalizing them because of KAM. Everyone should be aware that idpol includes feminism and the working class who was "victimized" by it, including right-wingers as a whole, now demonstrate they care about it far more the way they are going after certain demographics they believe to be DEI – including women. I understand class consciousness is important, but I will bleed and die on this hill and I'll never buy the psyop that I need to make my politics lukewarm for scrotes lest I'm "dividing the working class" focusing on fake issues like reproductive rights or not wanting to be raped.

No. 2418445

You caught me! I'm actually a Russian working from Putingrad. The Russian government pays me 20 rubles a month to post Russian propaganda on lolcow.farm! You are so smart.

The majority of bot farms are non-partisan. They care only about money. I can hire a bot farm right now based in a non-aligned country like Bangladesh to promote anything that I'd like. Democrats have access to much more funding than I do, so they could hire many more bot farms than I could to promote their party over the other. The democrats keep showing up to gun fights carrying only knives, and then they blame the voters for their losses.

No. 2418467

Anon, those Russian botfarms are not some kind of a Chinese bot ring you pay a few bucks for and they just spam comment sections with nonsense. Jesus christ. They're hybrid warfare. The "Russian bot farms" aren't actually robots in the true sense of the word, but actual living people who are paid to infiltrate spaces with countless sock puppet accounts repeating the rhetoric they want as a coordinated attack. The money we're talking about that goes into these Kremlin troll farms is MASSIVE, they get paid really well for their work.

Now I genuinely don't know if you're baiting, or if you're sincerely just not familiar with the subject at all yet act with the confidence of a fool. As someone from a country that has also sustained high damage from Russian cyber warfare, it's not a simple glowie meme. I suggest starting from this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency

No. 2418482

istg there's always some anon here who gets uppity when you mention Russia's intervening in world politics and starts acting like a retard. I remember it happened in the tinfoil thread or another Amerifag thread and they were suddenly very silent when multiple anons posted evidence.

No. 2418489

Yeah. So why can't the Democrats pay bot farms? Bot farms can be simplistic or advanced. If you've ever had experience in hiring them, you'd know this.
>As someone from a country that has also sustained high damage from Russian cyber warfare
So are you from America or are you just in this thread for shits and giggles?
Believing that the Russian government has more control in America than the American government is silly.

No. 2418490

Moids are 50% of the population. If you alienate 50% of potential voters, you're not winning the election.

No. 2418496

>Believing that the Russian government has more control in America than the American government is silly.
Stinks like shitlon in here kek

No. 2418499

Yes, I am in fact Elon Musk. Anyone that has a view that is different from your own is actually Elon Musk in disguise.

No. 2418500

I don't think they're arguing in good faith. It's either bait or someone who knows it's true but wants to argue for the sake of their stupid pride.

No. 2418506

Yes actually

No. 2418509

The way that you try to gaslight, minimize, and dismiss evidence as if these are "silly little conspiracies", plus your vernacular, is oddly reminiscent of him, I should say. We all know he has little else to do between sucking those thick, meaty, orange toes.

No. 2418513

I don't believe it was women who began alienating the other sex. Once again, it's up to women to drop everything and focus on the greater good while men aren't. You can try sucking dick next election cycle to see if that works but I won't; sorry.

No. 2418515

kek you frens later

No. 2418524

I'm not trying to bait. I'm asking the question - if the Republicans benefit from foreign bot farms, what is stopping the Democrats from investing in foreign bot farms for their own benefit? I don't doubt that Russia tries to interfere in the internal politics of the USA, but I think that that interference is overstated and used as a convenient excuse by certain groups. The Democrats aren't underdogs. They have just as much power, influence, and funding as the Republicans do.

It feels like the Democratic party constantly try to point the finger at everyone else instead of analyzing their own shortcomings and trying to remedy them. Even if you look at this playbook here >>2418401 you can see it was written in 1997. That's 28 years ago, and we've had Democratic presidents for more than half of those 28 years. Don't you think that in those 28 years, they should have came up with a better plan to combat potential Russian interference?

It's not the 90s anymore. The Democratic party needs to rethink their marketing strategies and hire people willing to be cut throat and unethical. They can't keep showing up to gunfights without guns.

Nobody is trying to gaslight anyone. If you think having a discussion is a form of gaslighting, you are sheltered.

Please buy X premium. I need more money for my ketamine. Plese.

No. 2418526

>I'm not trying to bait. I'm asking the question
>Nobody is trying to gaslight anyone
You're very obviously sealioning

No. 2418533

Keep blaming the democrats' losses on Russia then. It's worked out for us so well so far.

No. 2418543

Yeah, there's no point in arguing with someone who's resorting to this. The constant demand for "evidence" but immediate dismissal of everything presented and then trying to appear sincerely "curious" because they're "just asking questions" is a textbook example. It's a waste of time and shouldn't be humored further.

No. 2418547

I never asked for evidence. Even if I did, I don't think a Wikipedia article is good evidence. It's crazy that someone can't point out the shortcomings of the Democratic party without someone assuming they are a Russian bot or Elon Musk. That line of thinking is how we got into this mess to begin with. How can the Democratic party improve if we can't talk about its mistakes or failures?

No. 2418549

you know what's funny right-wing women will watch right-wing men say the most downright psychopathic and inhumane things about women and little girls yet those right-wing women will still vote right-wing.

You are lying to yourself and to everyone around you if you really believe the reason western/1st world moids are leaning more right just because some edgy girls said KAM on twitter or tumblr years ago. The real reason is that they are not getting enough SEX nor landing a partner nor succeeding in education like they were able to decades ago, many boys don't care about studying nor are they able to get a girlfriend and nor are they able to get away with rape as easily as they were able to before metoo so this has caused these men to become very bitter at women because they are mad they cannot own women anymore, go on any right-wing redpill forum/community/video/individual and see their talking points, its all about how they want sex from women and how they want women to be submissive to them and do labor for them.

So no whatever bullshit you are spouting is not the reason, the reason is they can't find and abuse a bangmaid as easily anymore so now they want to destroy everything.

No. 2418551

Seriously, they're still clapping their fins for attention. That sealion won't get any more mackerel from us.

So what's your opinion on Texas BBQ? Have you had it? Oh Mardi Gras is coming up, have you ever had king cake? I'm thinking about making some using a tangzhong milk break recipe!

No. 2418559

Fuck yeah based anons, those stupid libtards are mad they aren't become the meme unlike us and elon musk who are #memegang #bigballs #drug$. God bless US

No. 2418563

this attitude is why we'll never get anywhere

No. 2418570

Them not getting laid has NOTHING to do with women. Have you not SEEN the atrocious creatures that pickmes will cape for? Have you not SEEN the unconventional males thread???
Oppressing women will NOT save these fucking idiots. It wont give them their government mandated bangslave. These fuckers can't even get off their fucking computers let alone leave their house. They are addicted to being online and crying and whining. Incels are their own worst enemies. They cuck themselves. The only way to get those faggots laid is it ban them from looking at a screen for the rest of their lives. And even then most of them will fail anyways because they will get addicted to dirty mags or some shit.

No. 2418572

I'm tired of the narrative of "boys are being left behind in the educational system!" and think it's all women's fault for it. You can't convince a moid to become a teacher unless it's university anyway, and those that do want to teach younger kids, I can't help but to think they're child molesters. Men left teaching because they were being exposed for creeping on children and those who weren't left because the pay lowered, leaving women as the majority of the teaching workforce. Mini moids learn best by the paddle. We should be brought back is corporal punishment to males since most of them can't keep their fake ADHD in check

No. 2418584

ok anon but when i said left out in education i was talking about grades, so failing education in that sense as in barely having a high school diploma. Hope it makes sense now.

No. 2418585

I kind of agree with you but I wouldn’t word it the same way. I would say it like vast majority of Americans are selfish retards who refuse to read a book and are addicted to TikTok with no memory span to speak of and don’t care about anyone or anything beyond
> hehehoohoo clapback funni oop- time for my virtue signal sesh!
Retards is the real reason we lost but democrats need to quit trying to be nice and just post the stupid ass TikTok compilations already. And use a K-pop idol as the mascot.

No. 2418591

>it's honestly very American to go straight to the "we have too many people who wouldn't pull their own weight and that's why it wouldn't work" argument rather than "We have an ultraindividualistic mindset that doesn't value safety nets"
they're the same picture

No. 2418595

Calling out Russian interference in social media in order to sway public opinion isn't ignoring the failures of Democrats. What happened in this election is a multifaceted issue that isn't only the Democrats' fault. Even if the Democrats did everything right according to you, they'd still have lost because of the underhanded shit going on in the Republican party, its the sponsors, and the global stage. You vastly underestimate how utterly stupid the American public is and how they can be influenced by social media. Many have spent years stuck at home due to COVID and WFH and spend time scrolling apps that have been co-opted by bad-faith actors.

This is the last fish you'll get out of me. Go harass dolphins

No. 2418598

>if you really believe the reason western/1st world moids are leaning more right just because some edgy girls said KAM on twitter or tumblr years ago
I wasn’t being edgy, I want them to actually die. Men aren’t “turning right” out of hatred for women btw, if you removed politics they would still hate your guts. Men love the right because it appeals to their biological brutish sensibilities which is to have a wife to abuse and be using as canon fodder in warfare. They also love it because nationalism is just their huge pledge of allegiance to big daddy government, men love serving men and wiping their shit-covered shoes with women. I’m tired of the excuses, tired of the “this is why”, no, this is why. They are right because they hate you. They are left because they hate you. They are whatever they want to be because they don’t care about you, about women, about the world, they are only here to fulfill their selfish goals at all costs and women honestly make this way too personal tbh. It’s always being taken agast at something women bat their eyelashes over and are “morally appalled” with but have a male family member who exhibits these same natural traits who they’ll endlessly defend. I’m tired of the lies. They just hate you and it has nothing to do with which political party they decide to go with for the day.

No. 2418600

Oh sorry for not saying NTA, but I was talking about in general when you mentioned the school part and moids. My bad. Moids still blame women for why their grades are falling though

No. 2418601

That "I am become meme" clip is so fucking soul destroying that I don't even want to crawl under a rock from all the cringe, I want to genuinely see him suffer for not only genuinely ruining the world with his greed, mental illness, dumb luck and apartheid money but also being the walking talking stereotype of a redditoid timetraveling to present from 2014. Like I can not imagine anyone else but a very fringe group of out of touch 40-year old cryptobros thinking this is le epic kekistani shadilay ownage. I feel like losing years off my lifespan just looking at him. This fucking loser paid people to play Elder Scrolls for him to get gamer clout and embarrassed himself even further once outed for it. He's the king of cringe, it's unreal how shameless his spiraling gets each year.

No. 2418614

We have a lot of retarded voters, yeah, but I really don't think that it's the voters' fault, if that makes sense. It's the party's responsibility to run a good campaign, if they don't run a good campaign then they won't win. I always vote Democrat, but it would be insincere of me to pretend that this campaign was anything but a massive failure. Absolving the party of any failures by saying "oh, it doesn't matter what they do because of Russia!" is stupid IMO.

A lot of people overestimate how politically involved the average voter is. For a lot of voters, they don't vote for policy or anything, they vote for their party of choice because it's what everyone else around them is doing or because it's the party they've always voted for. The average Republican-voter has no idea about the far-right Twitter campaigns or the inner workings of the Elon Musk conspiracy. I've noticed that a lot of terminally online people have this idea that everyone else is just as terminally online as they are.

No. 2418616

lol at dax flame being #2, isn't the unfunny joke thing his whole schtick

No. 2418619

i understand what you mean and i do agree that democrats need to be more assertive and meaner if they want to win but i don't understand people like you who try to sweep, deflect or make it look like russians didn't interfere.

There was a article of a huge number of maga accounts getting exposed for doing identity fraud/theft and being traced to russia. That's a pretty big deal. Also during the whole sjw fiasco that started in 2016 there were some fake propaganda videos filmed for example there was this fake video filmed in russia that was created for the western audience which showed women harassing men on the train by throwing water on them and punishing them for manspreading, later the people who were involved in that video came out and said they were actors and that they were payed to be a part of that video. Russian governmental interference is a actual thing that's happening.

No. 2418622

Kek when the incels aren't bitching about not being able to manipulate women into being raped, they will say the most random shit. I saw one yesterday say "women are bad at doing things on their own" and I just immediately thought about how moids are failing college and women are succeeding more overall in both education and career-wise. Gee wonder why they can't get any pussay…

No. 2418636

>Absolving the party of any failures by saying "oh, it doesn't matter what they do because of Russia!" is stupid IMO.
You're being so disingenuous right now. No one here (here as in lolcow dot farm slash ot) is saying that.

No. 2418640

File: 1740514836152.jpg (91.58 KB, 1051x518, hellcountry.jpg)

did this get posted? they're really finding new ways to dehumanize women everyday holy fuck

No. 2418650

Half of this discussion has been about how Russian interference is the sole reason that the Republican party won.

No. 2418653

did any anon see that bill that republicans tried to pass that would stop certain married women from voting? Crazy shit.

No. 2418655

File: 1740515140672.mp4 (291.07 KB, 566x566, 1000020290.mp4)

Vidrel is a real video that was displayed on hacked federal computers and television monitors. The person who did this is unknown(ai outside of containment)

No. 2418659

File: 1740515169203.mp4 (2.29 MB, 854x474, m2-res_474p.mp4)

No. 2418660

I didn’t say Russians didn’t interfere. I can’t confirm or deny if they did, but I would absolutely believe they would do that. But I also know for a fact that I live completely surrounded by these braindead retards who either voted for Trump or didn’t vote. I’m a minority of people in my circles who actually came out to vote Kamala

No. 2418663

And when I say interfere I mean rigging votes/bribes etc. there is definitely Russian social media propaganda but that part just goes back around to absolute retards who addicted to internet. Anyone who walked outside would see that women aren’t hating men and no one ever says man spreading unironically. They choose to let themselves be tricked.

No. 2418669

Said no one in this thread. Please be for real, anon. There are people denying that Russian interference significantly swung the elections (which was not hard to do) in the favor of Republicans because a Trump presidency benefits their geopolitical aims. We are weakened under Trump, if you look at the current chaos going on. It can't even be called an open secret anymore, they are and have been so blatant about it.

No. 2418670

Holy shit that was close, thank god the pilots corrected in time.

No. 2418675

Except that for the majority of the populace seeing (on the internet) is believing and they knew this. They don't have to walk outside and see what's directly in front of them when a narrative is so easily crafted and planted in their heads. This era of humanity is incredibly dumb and conditioned to not to utilize critical thinking.

No. 2418679

>Nobody is saying that Russian interference is the reason why Trump won the election!
>But you can't deny that Russian interference is the reason why Trump won the election!
Read your words aloud before you post them.
This might be hard to believe, but the majority of the population is not scrolling through Twitter for 8 hours a day and being exposed to all the far-right propaganda pieces on there.

No. 2418682

Another great example of this is terminally online "radfems" and Gendercrits who think the troon issue is bigger than it really is, because all the troon bullshit is easily curated and spread online making it seem bigger and more threatening than it actually is, causing them to ally with tradfags. I personally almost never encounter troons IRL and I think the same can be said for most people.

No. 2418684

I said that it had a significant influence as a piece of the bigger picture, because people are dumb, which is why it was effective. It is not the same as saying that it was the sole reason.

No. 2418685

Is this about the SAVE act? Iirc he bill has passed in the house

Is this how we're going to get the government to ban ai? Kek

No. 2418690

What the actual fuck?! That plane on the ground was almost responsible for another avian accident. This is what is terrifying me. A lot of these crashes are happening during after landing. Is no one working FAA anymore??

No. 2418691

You're lucky if you never encounter troons irl. I have to see them every day

No. 2418692

Not sure if you replied to the right post but nta. The capitalists should be punished for this, not the immigrants. Besides where is the line for you on american immigration, do we have to have come over on the mayflower? Be native american? Lol

No. 2418696

Does anyone remember on Election Day when there were multiple bomb threats called in targeting polling stations? I know there were a few in Georgia that were traced back to Russia. Sketchy to say the least.

No. 2418700

remember in 2020 when republicans said that the russians rigged the polling stations so that joe biden could win? it's almost like blaming Russia is a tactic used by both parties.

No. 2418704

My condolences, nona. I should also add that I don't think the outrage over troons is completely unjustified but it seems like something that's more concentrated on the internet and certain areas as opposed to as wide spread irl as we think it is, and because it's so upsetting I think it has a bigger impact. I still don't think it was a bigger issue than all of the bullshit we have to face now and feel like we could've kicked the troons back several pegs again even if they moved forward some. At least life wouldn't completely awful.

No. 2418708

It's almost like Republicans are known for their projection.

No. 2418714

>the bill has passed in the house


i remember that, it's crazy how everyone forgot about that. Conservatives did so many sus things this election season (setting boxes in fire, bomb threats, conservative poll workers getting arrested for messing with ballots, unaccounted votes) it's like everyone has amnesia of october and november.

No. 2418717

To be clear the SAVE act passed the house last year and then stalled in the senate, people are bringing it up again because they're trying to revive it, but the newest version has not passed the house yet and has little chance of becoming law

No. 2418722

Incredible Southwest pilot reaction time. What the actual hell was the tiny plane on the run way doing? It's like it didn't even look to see if another plane was landing. ATC is getting worse and worse.

No. 2418785

You actually need to calm down. If you're denying that people in power don't stoke hatred between sexes and races, classes and other things, you're extremely retarded.
I'm not saying anything other than politicians exacerbate and agitate our hatred towards each other. I'm not saying feminism needs to be watered down for men, you fucking retard.

No. 2418832

I wish leftists weren’t so scared of heckling and disrupting Trump rally shit. They did it to other dems like Bernie and Biden CONSTANTLY to either sperg about Palestine or BLM shit because they know they can get away with it and the dem will just meekly let them yap on. If the worry with disrupting Trump stuff is physical violence wouldn’t it be worth it to do it if you have strong convictions?

No. 2418851

Because Trumpers are batshit insane cultists who hoard guns and hate women.

No. 2418855

Telling me to calm down while you’re frothing is muy triste. But, your original post just talks about the idpol which those on the left partake in, not specifically politicians — unless I’m supposed to draw that conclusion when you called it a psyop. And all I’m doing is reminding those who like to whine about ebil idpol that the feminism they are supposedly serious about enforcing is a part of it.

No. 2418867

File: 1740521858027.gif (382.47 KB, 220x225, IMG_3856.gif)

>muy triste
I’m going to call ICE to have you removed from our thread. English only or back to the hispanola threads with you, stop harassing burgers.

No. 2418870

This. Trumpists will literally kill you for heckling. These are the people who tried to pull a violent takeover on capitol hill.

No. 2418879

File: 1740522193296.jpg (176.5 KB, 736x985, 4f4c5bed8936bb77881b0051126c6b…)

Nta but there are burgers that speak spanish though?

No. 2418883

Spanish shouldn’t be allowed in America unless it’s for business.

No. 2418891

It could be a man tho preferably ex military but the left could never meaningfully organize in this way since we are too obsessed with purity tests. I just wish we had more figures to rally behind that didn’t get constantly shit on for not being ideologically pure enough. Kinda wish Luigi wasn’t sitting in jail rn he would be a decent enough figure to do something like this. Idk I just wish dem voters and lefty nonvoters would stop eating ourselves I wish we were as sheeple seeming as Trump tards who just quickly get smacked into line when they get even the smallest step out of place.

No. 2418894

America has no official language but nonnies who couldn't remember more than two words in another other language/pay attention for five minutes in HS cope and seethe when something unfamiliar comes up. Do French speaking nonnies REEE when someone says "le weekend"? Idts.

Don't tell them about words adopted from other languages into English before the thread really goes downhill.

No. 2418896

los pollos hermanos

No. 2418900

100% agree. Hating other languages just for the sake of it is retarded

No. 2418901

Rightoids literally have a ton of infighting and an obsession with "ideological purity" like constantly infighting about abortion rights not out of concern for women but because some of them don't want to be baby daddies and pay child support while others are closeted homosexuals or rich enough to fly their mistresses to other states to get an abortion. Look at shit like groypers who constantly attack other conservatives for being globalists and not white supremacist enough for them. The only reason Republicans are winning is because they have Zuck, Bezos and Musk in their pockets and subsequently control almost all of the money in the world. If it wasn't for all the tech billionaires funneling their money into campaigning for them and controlling their social media platforms to show anti-left ragebait for the general public, right wingers would be seen the same uncool unempathetic bible thumpers as before.

No. 2418909

The right may infight and have different factions but they pretty much always fall in line when it comes down to things that matter like voting for whatever furthers their party or goes in favor of their narrative. The left doesn’t do this.

No. 2418918

Yeah, this. The right don’t hold their people to near the same standard that the left hold their people too. Remember all the leftists calling Kamala a cop or scrambling to find some other reason to harp on why she’s not a perfect candidate instead of just mobilizing around an imperfect one? Meanwhile, the right will accept literal rapists and pedophiles if it means they get to “trigger the libs.”

No. 2418922

as long as the left continues to cancel each other over every petty thing and infight the right will keep winning. Like the constant infighting between communist-leftists and liberals which many times is started by leftists. Like some of them are too busy in attacking Kamala for not being woke enough instead of…you know not letting trump win.

No. 2418924

kek you're so mad, comrade anon

No. 2418927

Yup the lefts copmala narrative was a huge thing in the 2020 DNC shit I was honestly surprised it carried over into 2024 when most of the claims were so retarded. A lot of critiques of Pete Buttigieg were also retarded but I knew he would never get far since he’s gay lol I do wish they could be more like politicians in the Trump tent in that when you call these people out on anything they just lie and make who ever gave the critique look like a retard and his camp eats it up god please dems need to stop being so soy just start calling Trump and Elon fat

No. 2418928

I’m not reading all of that, I want people to speak English in a country where most people are expected to speak English.

No. 2418937

The communist vs leftist thing really reminds me of the red brown alliance pre ww2 and during. It makes me think of how at the beginning of the war a bunch of American communist party members would protest America getting involved in Europe but the second their precious USSR got invaded they completely changed their tune lol very molatov Ribbentrop pact vibes

No. 2418940

>waaah I'm not going to read 3 sentences in English bc I hate when ppl don't speak English

No. 2418941

>Republicans talk literal shit and throw accusations left and right, defamation and slander/libel without a care
>Democrat congressman calls Elon Musk a dick on CNN
>Also the White House, full of criminals and rapists: DEAR MR. CONGRESSMAN, WE ARE GOING TO SUE YOU FOR THREATENING THE LIFE OF MR. MUSK.

This is why Democrats were meek faggots in the past. Because any time one of them stooped to the level of conservitards, said assholes start shitting themselves and say the Democrat is wrong for attacking their character. I'm glad to see some of the younger ones are attacking back in such a manner. I wish they had done it sooner, but now's not the time for formalities. When your president is a convicted felon, all decorum has been lost

No. 2418942

The Department of Education being shut down will create more retards like you undoubtedly

No. 2418949

Yes, someone has to constantly remind them that the thing they're dismissing because "it's only faggots and wokescold blacks/rapist migrants that are gonna feel it" will actually impact them because low and behold racism, homophobia, sexism and xenophobia are either all fought or they all prevail. There's no magic world where these lame straight wonderbreads ascend without the rest of us.

No. 2418952

I don't get people who get in a tizzy about someone speaking another language. Especially when it's two people talking to each other in their own language some random retard will come up and be like "UGH WHY DON'T YOU SPEAK AMERICAN" like you just sound stupid and self centered

No. 2418965

I completely agree. The way so many dems were pearl clutching over Biden pardoning his family was such an eye roll. If Trump had done the same thing the narrative would be UM HE HAD TO DO THAT OR ELSE THE DEEP STATE WOULD WEAPONIZE THE DOJ AGAINST TRUMP AND HIS POOR FAMILY!!! And even when dems do cuck out to wokedcold shit and repeat culture war positions it’s not like it ever gains them favor.

No. 2418968

Because they are in the amerifag thread thinking that it's the MAGA thread. They think they can come in here and be fucking awful to their fellow woman because god forbid she not be a straight white wonderbread future WASP. They are conservatives who come here to be bigoted with other women. They don't have principles.

No. 2418970

You sure it isn’t because of the spanish-speaking American hating migrants they had to shut down the schools for to have them live in there? Kek

No. 2418974

File: 1740525152168.jpg (70.6 KB, 1080x460, Screenshot_20250225_171143_Fir…)

I don't remember where I first heard it but here

No. 2418978

Where did you read that kek, facebook? Truth social?

No. 2418980

NTA. Most americans hate you because you're retarded and have nothing to really show for yourself besides not being brown. How sad. Poor butterface ignorant American girl.

No. 2418987

They need to go back to the playbooks of LBJ and just say whatever the hell you want, even if it makes Republicans cry. If anything, making them cry should be their goal. It's no different with how conservatives are happy as long as they "own the libs"

No. 2418991

>America has no official language
It's English.

No. 2418994

Don't take the MAGA bait

No. 2418996

The news you clearly don’t read.
If you hate America and “butterfaced American women” so much then why are you here? Because you know I’m right. Go back (to where you came from)
I hope that orange fatty makes it official just to make these idiots cry

No. 2418997

It's dumb, but we actually don't have an official language, just a primary language used. Most people in American speak both English and Spanish though.

No. 2418999

>most people
I really doubt that.

No. 2419000

I wrote >>2418980 but not the other two. Frankly it pisses me off when people talk shit about immigrants because I know so many immigrants who are just normal people and have done nothing that deserves the hatred and vitriol that people give them. Xenophobia is a disease of the mentally ill and retarded.

No. 2419001

Nah, learn spanish.

No. 2419004

Hilariously ahistorical take.

No. 2419010

Most people here speak English and they’ve been speaking English here since the creation of this country. Stop and go back to your threads, shoo

No. 2419015

Nonitas! Make like Nuestra Stacy y Reina, Isabel de Castilla and take back our land! Spanish Inquisition 2.0!!!

No. 2419017

I don’t know why jannies would want to ban common sense. Everybody in this country had to learn English, you should learn English. I don’t know why you people are so shocked that people are annoyed at your kind like seriously? Talking shit about America but having no choice to stay here because the moid cartel has destroyed your countries kek

No. 2419026

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No. 2419027

It's practical to learn English here, for sure. I'm not going to become emotional about it if someone doesn't, though

No. 2419034

Sorry your subpar education left you monolingual anon. It must be very hard feeling left out and stupid when people are speaking other languages around you. A tip: if someone is not speaking English they probably aren't talking to you so mind your own business.

No. 2419038

File: 1740526246456.jpeg (67.47 KB, 736x733, IMG_1177.jpeg)

>talking shit about americans
I told you this thread was being occupied by people who aren’t American kek, the amount of libshits in this thread crying about a country they don’t even live in feels very soydish indeed but I know Latin America is infected with so many of those types as well.

No. 2419041

Kek Oli London is jumping with joy

No. 2419042

Someone can be Swedish and live in America

No. 2419045

>Im Swedish
I'm going to need to see some papers that allow you to be in the Americafag thread

No. 2419046

I'm born here and so is my family. You seem to identify with being ugly and uncultured. That's a class difference, baby. It has nothing to do with being American. Go back to the boonies.

No. 2419051

The dems need to be more small tent rather than big tent. They should actively excuse anyone that cucks out to woke scolding type shit. I know so many people that are otherwise left when it comes to social issues (abortion, gay people, weed, free college and healthcare) that just because they hate being told their racist over some small thing started turning to the right and either didn’t vote this election or voted for Trump but kept it quiet. It’s so retarded but it’s way more common than you’d think but these people I think could be won back over to the dem side. We really do need another moderate yet charismatic and kind of threatening LBJ type figure lol it does make me kek how much boomers hated Jimmy Carter because he dared to tell them to consume less electricity and water when he is such a milquetoast figure same with Biden the fact that either of these guys could spawn such hatred and contempt is just lolsy….
I did love last year when dems started calling maga weird for wearing ear bandages after the Trump assassination and the magats got so pearl clutchy and offended. They should have kept that up in a smart way maybe should have even called magats gay for worshipping another man so hard as if they’re Justin Bieber fans lol

No. 2419053

They have already done that. They can't control millions of regular citizens posting dumbshit online who get called democrats

No. 2419054

Ewww imagine thinking you could roleplay ICE and we'd all kek.

No. 2419055

NTA but are you new here? We always give eurofags are hard time here. It’s our American obligation.

No. 2419058

>Why did boomers hate Jimmy Carter? all he did was shame middle class Americans for their standard of living while spoiling Wallstreet absolutely rotten!

No. 2419060

Kekkk it’s been literal Eurofags shitting up this thread for months, no wonder

No. 2419062

They really should've called the maga women cheaters for wearing JD Vance sperm cups and the men either fags or cucks for doing the same. But actually keep up with it, not say it once and keep the woke-scold talking points.

You know, maybe we really do need an LBJ type of Dem so we can take the moids into war and cull the weak men

No. 2419063

File: 1740526950382.webp (17.93 KB, 250x426, swede.WEBP)

Hetalia Sweden looks kind of like Hetalia America though so I guess you can stay

No. 2419064

>swedish and calling itself swedish but your family was born here??????
Cow behavior

No. 2419065

The "weak men" would all be exempt from the draft on the basis of their dysgenic demeanors, genuine retardation, and obvious psychopathy. You'd be more likely to cull the healthy specimens, which is what happened in WWI and WWII.

No. 2419067

100% agree nonna. I also would like a charismatic dem politician to rise up and tell trannies to shut the fuck up forever

No. 2419074

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No. 2419082

Yes but not in Vietnam, which was LBJ's doing. They all had to fucking go unless they were truly that dysgenic or were faggy enough to cut their thumbs off to avoid the draft.

I have a feeling it'll have to be a southern Democrat for that to happen. Is California's Newsome crazy enough to silence trannies?

No. 2419084

Yes, it's a fast food place from breaking bad.

No. 2419085

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The charges against the woman who was dragged out of a town hall by plainclothes scrotes have been dropped! The security company even lost their business license kek

No. 2419086

It’s so annoying how Trump got such softball questions during election season and the harder questions were directed at Biden and Kamala lol when reporters asked Biden if there’s any worry about his mind not being sharp he should have just called the reporter a fucking retard for asking something so bad faith lol never forget 2020 Biden when he told some guy ‘listen here, fat’ that still makes me kek

No. 2419089

This is the kind of logic behind every decision in my life to be honest

No. 2419090

You can stay, swede.

No. 2419094

Good. That video was hard to watch. The fact that everyone but like one woman just stood there and did nothing. It just goes to show as long as you as labeled a 'nazi' or 'commie' people will watch this happen to you in America.

No. 2419096

needs to go further. The committee needs to be investigated

No. 2419097

The repulsive sheriff was crying how he's getting death threats too, kek. He denied he did anything but there's footage of him speaking to her and trying to lift her from her seat. Also people are calling into question his disability, benefit queen checks he's getting

No. 2419100

They won’t, they keep shitting this thread up.

No. 2419104

Hope you find a nice moid that doesn't backhand you daily in that sweet tradwife lifestyle, maganonnie. Hope that whyte supremacy works out for you.

No. 2419107

>thinking dems are going to tell trannies to shut up
>isn’t even a conspiracy theorist
>isn’t mystical in the slightest
>a literal bot still banking into the two-party system like a pig heaving for slop
You will never see things like me, you will never be observant like me, you’ll never see through the mask like me. You get lead like a puppet on string and are so easy to rile up, I bet Trump is having fun pissing you retards off and that’s why he acts the way he does.(bait)

No. 2419111

And that’s why you morons lose all the fucking time and people can’t stand you. You think just because a person has common sense they’re automatically a MAGAfag. It’s no wonder people voted for that man back in office, people are tired of your childish crap. For once I fully believe in moids that some women truly need to have their rights and their voice fully restricted, you’re like a yapping chihuahua that never shuts the fuck up.(bait)

No. 2419113

Donald Trump hardly remembers his own name, let alone know what he's doing is pissing off people.

No. 2419115

Shouldn’t you be making dinner rn? Surprised your man lets you have this much internet time.

No. 2419118

I'm gonna tell on her husband! Maybe he'll put her back in the cage for disobeying him

No. 2419120

I’m chilling about to eat food not being a tradfag while you’re trying to strategize all the ways to make fucking males less embarrassing for yourself through politics. Lame

No. 2419123

Do…do you seriously think this is all one person arguing with themselves

No. 2419124

kek jag älskar att vara här(bait)

No. 2419125

They’re projecting their mental illness thinking only one person is using this thread. They need to go back to /snow/, it’s like their brains have been destroyed by years of trying to predict cow behavior and trying to turn strangers into cows that they have some sort of disease now.

No. 2419127

>literal swede posting here
Jannies don’t give a fuck anymore kekkkk. I’ve been saying for months this thread is only active because the foreigners abandoned their threads and came here. It’s why all of those foreign threads suspiciously became quiet, hm

No. 2419129

Yes I know that you are arguing with yourself that is why I'm scared of you because of your instability(infighting)

No. 2419131

Stop replying to me. You ARE me.

No. 2419133

Ja, även jag, det är roligt men ibland är det repetitivt(bait)

No. 2419136

This shit is killing me KEK

No. 2419139

nyart do i exist? am i real

No. 2419148

File: 1740529136232.jpg (216.84 KB, 1600x1067, dallas metropolen.jpg)

jag önskar att de skulle diskutera Lana eller Texas oftare. min dröm i livet är att besöka Texas och se den härliga metropolen Dallas!

No. 2419161

I wish Gavin Newsome wasn’t so soy and that he didn’t have the association of overseeing the decay of California. If he could somehow get a personality transplant he honestly could save the Dems. He looks chadly compared to most republicans and he is charismatic enough plus he’s not an old man.

No. 2419175

It’s so retarded for anons to complain about America having different languages be so integrated in certain communities when it’s taught in schools constantly about how much of a melting pot it is here when the country was first being developed. In certain states the first to colonize were mostly Euro countries and they still maintain that culture to this day. Some cities have signs in German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and still have communities that speak modified versions of those languages like Creole, Texas German, and Pennsylvanian Dutch. It’s why some states wave other countries flags and their own to show who they were controlled under before being annexed into the US

No. 2419182

The Hawaii flag is so cringe those teaboo freaks

No. 2419229

No. 2419274

I know you’re probably just mad about trannies or whatever but how is it dehumanizing women specifically for both men and women in that blurb to be replaced with “person”, not to mention “husband” being replaced with “spouse” allows room for lesbians

No. 2419276

uh no i didnt just think that, are you projecting?

No. 2419337

because this takes more than two brain cells to realize. I congratulate you on this one and feel sorry for whatever redneck hack house a lot of other people ITT went to school in.

No. 2419364

Whatever happened to Vivek? Was it really as simple as him saying non-asian people need to step up when it comes to parenting and education to get him ousted?

No. 2419369

My family comes from Pennsylvania Dutch country and I find it so fascinating, it's a shame a lot of the local unique cultures are dying out since they're in more rural and small town areas that are getting drained. Folk art like hex signs are beautiful and interesting. Too bad most people either don't know about it or think it's basically just Dwight from the Office and write it all off.
I've learned a bit about Creole from visiting New Orleans (what a unique city) but don't know anything about Texas German… it'd be cool to hear from other amerinonnies about stuff like that.

No. 2419382

Oh no i’m not projecting i’m just retarded and hadn’t read the screenshot you posted correctly and my interpretation of it was wrong (I thought the statute was just saying that the sperm recipient is the legal parent) so i assumed you were angry about the change from “woman” to “person being inseminated” and not “hey let’s deny a mother legal motherhood”. Sorry nona…

No. 2419389

File: 1740540515969.jpeg (132.84 KB, 640x640, EenjnEr.jpeg)

jag har besökt Dallas och lyssnat på Veronica Maggios låt medan jag var där. jag rekommenderar det! det finns flera museer och en trevlig djurpark i Dallas också! (förlåt om det finns misstag jag försöker lära mig svenska. jag kan bara hitta andra människor som pratar svenska i iowa och minnesota och inte där jag bor så jag får inte prata svenska ofta förutom till mig själv)

No. 2419409

oh its fine i was just confused lol

No. 2419429


No. 2419436

File: 1740543131272.jpg (325.65 KB, 1706x1953, GTFO SWEDES.JPG)

No. 2419743

>An Ameriboo who's disappointed we don't talk about Lana Del Rey and Texas Roadhouse more
That's awesome actually lmaooo

No. 2419910

It was more than just that. I think it was also the optics of him as an Indian saying that Indians with H1B visas are basically more deserving of tech jobs than Americans, especially considering that there's not even a shortage of American tech workers (who are getting laid off). The backlash was deserved imo, but I also don't think his statement was completely wrong regarding education in this country. The thing though is that he aligns himself with the party of retards that is literally anti-education kek. The Republican party is the epitome of everything that he criticized regarding the culture of anti-intellectualism in the US (being obsessed with defunding public schools and vocally being against higher education). Honestly that might've been another factor in the backlash against him from Republicans since that made them feel attacked lol.

No. 2419969

>cheese on top of lettuce

No. 2420554

>far left policies
>look inside
>voters just don't like idpol
>rest is just inflation shit
Kek it's moreso putting idpol/troon shit over the economy. Gay people made alot of progress while they were fixing the economy after a recession in the 2010's, nobody in the majority of the population thought they were valuing gay rights too much despite gay marriage being pretty "far left" at the time. Even majority of dem voters don't like trannies. I'd argue trannydom isn't even a left issue, many "new right" faggots love troons. especially thieltards. Trannies are their own disease. If you look further down you'd see that voters did not give a fuck about if kamala harris was too pro-abortion or if she was too pro vax, or too-pro palestine or whatever.

No. 2420632

how tf do i get out of this failing country and into china? we need artisan/craftsman visas now!

No. 2420680

If you think Chinese people want your arts and crafts girl…

No. 2420700

File: 1740616925656.jpg (232.88 KB, 1280x853, kw9b25469jle1.jpg)

Always amazes me how many people insist Trump's alpha when shit like this happens all the time. This is possibly the most pathetic beta photo of a president ever. Imagine being this useless and disregarded in front of your own cabinet lackeys. Utter and total cuckoldry. And he's being cucked by a nerdy little drug and surgery addicted illegal African immigrant of all things. Kek.

No. 2420703

Why does it look like Elon has no teeth and Trump is on his phone

No. 2420709

Elon looks like he's been using more recently to try to lose weight since everyone calls him a gross fatty. Stabbing himself with that ozempic like it's heroin

No. 2420719

He’s playing Angry Birds under the table

No. 2420737

More likely he's just wearing a corset again

No. 2420751

both may be true

No. 2420755

Nah this is different, I think he's lost a little weight from this current drug binge

No. 2420758

Yes. Of his cabinet members. Who are supposed to subservient to him. Not nodding along to and clapping for President Musk while he sulks in the corner. It's even more hilarious on video too if you find it. You get to see Musk's fat jowls flopping about as he yaps and fidgets while Trump just sits there like a good little boy.

No. 2420876

If only. Lock the doors.

No. 2421223

Enjoy your gutter oil.

No. 2421234

Bet you the idiot in the Flexjet is a white guy and not a DEI hire.

No. 2421518

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No. 2421534

Is that Macron? All these old haggots look the same to me

No. 2421560

I for one am proud of us as a country for electing an illegal immigrant as President for the first time

No. 2421578

I just found out Asian women are the only group in America to experience domestic abuse more in an interracial pairing than a same race one (it's the white moids). I have nothing snarky to say, we all know by now that Asian moids suck too (at least the ones in Asian countries). I just think that's crazy.

No. 2421580

asian women have horrible perverted stereotypes about them worse than any other race of women i think. besides maybe latinas. i feel bad for them having to deal with that shit

No. 2421629

I’m pretty sure this is also true for Native American women

No. 2421727

Hardly surprising. How many of those 'relationships' are just gross old moids and sex trafficked south east asian girls?

No. 2422200

File: 1740704050137.png (783.32 KB, 790x738, NOOOOOOOOOOOO.PNG)

Joann is the only decent craft store in my area. This fucking sucks.

No. 2422211

I wonder why now? Is it competition with Aliexpress and other sites where you can order fabric/crafting materials for pennies? If so, why not a few years ago?

No. 2422215

Wow this is actually extremely upsetting to me

No. 2422218

No, they were bought by venture capitalists. Once they were owned, those business men then purposely destroyed them because it resulted in them getting larger and more profit immediately, compared to if they had run successfully as a business. If I remember correctly, it was the same company that also caused Party City to self destruct and be sold off.

No. 2422220

File: 1740704886261.png (210.01 KB, 1170x851, Rickroll 3025.png)

The official United States House Judiciary GOP twitter account has decided to use this whole Epstein Files event as an opportunity to make a rickroll joke

No. 2422229

Is the person running this account 50? this is so outdated

No. 2422231

Yeah, in my area there's a bunch of shitty Michael's with barely any fabric and one awful Hobby Lobby but I don't give those faggots my money. Joann is the only place with a wide selection of fabrics, trims, embroidery stuff, zippers, things of that nature. I'm fucking pissed.

No. 2422257

This happens over and over and over. They're not satisfied with merely destroying our restaurants and craft stores for an extra yacht either. They're even doing it to our hospitals and nursing homes now. It's so infuriating.

No. 2422265

that hair looking crispy, goddamn.

No. 2422273

I don't understand what the true end goal of it is. Destroy all companies for quick profit but then what? No companies would be left, is that the goal?

No. 2422277

That's okay, it'll end in guillotine.

No. 2422283

I thought it was only going to be 200 stores, but knowing it's all of them is so upsetting. I'm going to the one nearest me to see what they have. I'm going to miss seeing the older ladies who worked there. it's so sad.

No. 2422285

There is no end goal. Only the now. A lot of these slash and burn business tactics are old 80s favorites from the rocking Regan days where the economy was never ever going to fail and cocaine would snow down upon them for the rest of time.

No. 2422296

hobby lobby is also run by insane protestants who try to steal artifacts so yeah fuck them.

No. 2422311

>it was the same company that also caused Party City to self destruct and be sold off
I completely forgot that Party City is also dying

No. 2422316

I live in a region that still has some textile companies selling fabric but the community is sad because Joann's had good employees and was more consistent in its stock (as opposed to these other businesses doing close out/end of run fabrics)

No. 2422323

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It’s really sad. There’s been talk in the mundane shit thread about how difficult it is to buy yarn and fabric online. So much of the experience is tactile, you really need to feel the product before you purchase it. JoAnn’s made some dumb business decisions recently but nothing that should have led them to completely closing up shop. So many areas are going to be without a craft store now with no real replacement, it sucks.

No. 2422367

gonna fill the employment gaps in my resume with party city and Joann’s now

No. 2422582

Fucking great. I'm so bummed.

No. 2422774

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No. 2422778

dude is in for a rude awakening

No. 2422783

No buy this and boycott that…does anyone else just not use Amazon/Walmart/Target already? You'd think most Americans would start shaking and crying if they were told they couldn't spend money for one day.

No. 2422827

File: 1740747797031.jpeg (207.51 KB, 1125x2129, IMG_5587.jpeg)

Nonnas be careful before moving to any of these cities and make sure your job is able to cover your expenses. In southern cities minimum wage can be as low as $7 and won’t have as many worker’s rights.

No. 2422830

Why is LA on this list?

No. 2422833

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i live in one of them

No. 2422837

sage for nitpick, but it's $7.25. Most of the larger cities will bump the lowest pay up to get people to apply at all, you don't normally see $7.25 outside of rural areas and smaller towns
However, pretty much all of the South is "at-will" meaning they can fire you for any reason. If it's not for documented reasons that justify your firing, make sure to file for unemployment (just because they can fire you doesn't mean they aren't required to pay unemployment - they have to if they can't justify your firing). Apply a second time if you are denied the first time.

No. 2422838

I knew a rich doctor who's wife got banned from physically going to Target because every time she went with the children, she would buy them a fifty dollar toy a piece, and she would go 2-3 times a week. So instead he made her buy all her shit online.

No. 2422844

Where I live breaks aren’t required so companies don’t have to enforce it lmao.

No. 2422845

A stupid point to make, because number two naturally springs from number one. When you have a shared cultural identity based on heritage and tradition, you already share ideals and have an innate sense of duty.
Meanwhile, a culture based only on number two is unstable and lasts only one to two generations at most.

No. 2422884

Not surprised to see my city on that list. All the infrastructure construction projects are limping along years behind schedule because the labor force is fleeing back to Mexico for better opportunities for themselves and their kids. It's actually driving up retail/service wages because businesses can't rely on illegal immigrants to live with a boot on their necks anymore… but the Americans that live here either moved here to follow a tech job or grew up here and can barely read or write in the only language they speak, never show up on time, show up to work drunk, etc. It's common to see people living in a house with a gaping hole in the floor and a tarp over a missing window or broken roof they can't afford to fix because of their $2k+/mo car payment.

The crime rate is insane, shootings are so common they don't even make the English news (telemundo covers them though lol), the interstate gets backed up for miles every day just because someone's clapped out shit box suddenly gave up on them. I've met very few people here who have ever visited another state, and they mostly think lawlessness and shit infrastructure is normal for America kek. It's so bad that it's a relief to cross the border because even though Mexican drivers are super aggressive, the roads are better and I'm not having to swerve around car bumpers and blocks of concrete and furniture sitting in the middle of the highway all the time.

No. 2422981

So is everyone going to forget how a few Swedes infiltrated this thread or no, unless it was a bunch of retardsusing Google translate

No. 2422991

Swedes aren't real, nona.

No. 2422998

I mean, yeah? It wasn't that memorable.

No. 2423004

any of u all doing the economic blackout today?

No. 2423006

They are and they’re bunch of autistic gnomes who love to get on their high horse about everything
So I guess nobody gives a damn that the America thread is being used by foreigners instead of the actual citizens

No. 2423008

Is that where you just don’t buy anything?

No. 2423011

yeah i think its focused on the big businesses only tho. small local shops are fine

No. 2423017

America isn't built on shared ideals or blood/soil.
It's built on force in service of an ideologically empty elite.

No. 2423021

>most nations built on #1
Yeah like the country he and his parasitic upper caste people come from, India kek. He’s basically bragging that American’s and their undefinable weakened nation is what made it possible for those people to conquer America from the inside out, along with the Chinese. That dude is constantly just saying the quiet part out loud. Also the “elites” are rootless and don’t come in white skin.

No. 2423077

Let me guess Houston

No. 2423080

Does anyone have families that are incapable of having challenging conversations about what is going on in our country?? I cannot tell if this is normal or not. Me my mom and my sis all agree, we hate trump and maga. But when i try to tell my sister she might have to get a passport now or she wont be able to vote as a married woman i get no response. If I try to talk to my mom about having an escape plan, in case violence/ disappearances start getting real, she goes awol at the notion of fleeing our country. If I try to talk to her about going to her financial advisor and figure out how to channel her investments into things that can withstand massive economic instability… Im just saying its like hitting a wall lately. But I'm not expecting big action or decisions, just TALK about these things. To reach some kind of shared consensus on solutions, ideas, just brainwstorm scenarios that are increasingly likely..

Is anybody dealing with this shit lately?

No. 2423083

its okay you can go to the christofascist hobby lobby

No. 2423093

Yep. Nobody wants to even entertain the possibility of tragedy. Everyone is trapped inside their echo chamber bubbles or they're numbing the stress some other way (drugs, alcohol). Try to connect genuinely and they push you away. It's crazy. What social media has done to this fucking country lmfao.

No. 2423141

I am not gonna lie. I can't really take the notion that the country is going to collapse even remotely seriously either. Our decline is so tightly controlled that there just isn't any chance that something crazy happens. I mean, sure, something environmental could possibly cascade it but politically, there's nothing. This country survived worse leadership than Trump and it survived more chaotic geopolitics than the world's current state. Things are gonna get worse, but dooms day shit was a gift in 2008 and it's a gift now.

No. 2423144

Turning autocorrect back on was a mistake

No. 2423145

thank goodness i got groceries and gas yesterday…was going to run to joanns but they probably have nothing left at this point

No. 2423156

Me either. It's pretty obvious that a lot of the people itt with TDS are very young or weren't really paying attention to stuff in 2016.

No. 2423165

You should still protect your finances and investments in times of economic instability. If you can shift your portfolio to investments capable of surviving economic disaster it will still be serious peace of mind.

No. 2423166

I do this most days because I grew up poor

No. 2423167

Me i dont have anything, but my mother has 300k riding out this "dooms day shit"

I'm not gonna just tell her to buckle up.

No. 2423173

File: 1740764625988.jpg (142.4 KB, 1080x567, msnbc-host-reveals-1-trick-wor…)

Also why does orange fascist insist on putting so much of that damn garbage on his face? How does someone that rich not get someone to fix his nigthmarishly blended makeup after all this time? How has this gone on so long i would genuinely like to know(wrong thread)

No. 2423177

>This country survived worse leadership than Trump
You do realize that
a.) The majority of people posting here did not live under these "worse" leaders and the people who did are dying off of old age, and
b.) People are so wrapped up in consumerism and convenience that the lifestyle of anyone under the age of 35 is vastly different compared to how people lived before the 1970s

No. 2423192

>The majority of people posting here did not live under these "worse" leaders
Bush Jr. was only 2 decades ago.

No. 2423198

You reminded me of a core memory of when i used to be obsessed with playing a flash game of where you played as George Bush Jr. post presidency selling hot dogs out of a food truck. I also recall people joking about how he was illiterate and retarded and i must have been 8 years old at the time thinking it was hilarious, kek.

No. 2423209

I can't even hate baby bush despite growing up under his presidency. Guy just seems like he was muddling his way through, day by day, and left all the big decisions to the real powers behind the throne. Now he's retired to his monkey man palace in Texas and paints shitty portraits.

No. 2423210

Me too anon. I wish I could get the hell out of there but it's hard to save on such a low wage.

No. 2423224

very confused on the idea of tds, or that people here are being emotional and over-dramatic, and would like you or someone older than me (i'm 25, not a baby but i didn't really pay attention to politics until i could vote in 2017) or otherwise more politically in tune to confirm that past presidents:
>gutted the government as trump is (firing millions of federal employees, planning on dismantling the department of education, down-sizing shit like medicaid and food stamps)
>had a large, violent, racist and moidy cult e.g. maga and the heritage foundation
>pardoned rapist serial killers like gallagher and called them "heroes"
>had all the media under their control
>had a sociopathic manchild with his dick in our treasury (same manchild who threw up a nazi salute twice? you're telling me people in us government have done that before on live television?)
>put idiots like rfk jr. in charge of our nation's health
i mean tell if i'm wrong but all this insistence that trump is a big nothingburger and we're all dumb and deranged for being worried or scared feels like crazy gaslighting. also

>This country survived worse leadership than Trump

millions of people did not, have you forgotten covid?

No. 2423233

COVID would have killed people regardless of who was president. It was a pandemic, it didn't care about a person's politics.
>i'm 25, not a baby
KEK. Wait until you're 35 and then see what you think about 25 year olds.
>we're all dumb and deranged for being worried or scared
Research countries that have actually undergone civil war and bloody conflict. Compare your life to someone your age in one of those countries. America has one of the best qualities of life in the world. One president isn't going to change that. It comes off as deranged as dumb because once you live long enough, you start seeing the same patterns. People were freaking out just as much with Dubya back then.

No. 2423235

You both have such wildly different frames of reference.

No. 2423241

>other people in other countries are getting blown apart by bombs so you're crazy for being depressed over not being able to afford groceries a house an independent life or any human experience past going to work and coming home!!
okay, you sure showed me

No. 2423244

File: 1740767457577.png (121.51 KB, 500x372, tumblr_b6c972dc75ce417b73d64fd…)

Yes, I feel like such a consumerist retard because of how much I wanted to buy shit earlier though. I managed to not buy my fatass coffee and snacks today. I wonder if this blackout will do anything substantial.

No. 2423247

Theres an economic blackout today?

No. 2423248

Covid would have killed less people if actual confinement was handled right and we were allowed to isolate from each other. Too many people screamed in my face at work during that time about not wanting to wearing a mask and no one took covid seriously unless it personally affected them. I hated the way people acted. It goes to show that if society were to collapse, so many would turn into 'everyone for themselves' mentality.

No. 2423249

Yeah, no big companies like Target, walmart, amazon, etc. Just dont buy from them.

No. 2423253

Does that mean no whole foods too since its technically an amazon company

No. 2423254

No. 2423255

This is a cultural phenomenon and no matter who was in charge, it would have played out the exact same way as it did.
It seems like you're blaming your personal problems on the government so you don't have to take responsibility for them. When I was 25, I had to coupon and go to the food bank. When I was 25, I couldn't afford to own a home and I had to rent with roommates. When I was 25, I couldn't afford to travel the globe and go to concerts every weekend. Most of my friends in my age group were in the same boat as I was, besides those with wealthy families. I didn't blame the government for my position in life. You have a really abnormal view of what life "should" be like and it's divorced from the reality of what life is actually like. A lot of working class youth, specifically Gen Z, are in denial about their economic class and that denial fucks them up and makes them bitter and jaded. You aren't going to change reality by denying it. You can only change yourself once you accept reality.

No. 2423256

>>2423224 I am only 2 years older than you.
The religious right was WAY more powerful in this country 20 years ago than they are now. The evangelicals (who notoriously beat their kids for not supporting Bush) were far and away more rabid and dangerous than the MAGA cult. Also, the invasion of the Middle East alone is a far worse decision than anything Trump did.
Also the pandemic is a great example to bring up because the entire government was showing laughable incompetence in response to covid. Trump was a retard about it, but nobody was going to be "save a million lives" intelligent about it. Biden sure as fuck wasn't.

No. 2423257

Yes. That's my one problem store because I like getting their marked down food kek

No. 2423259

I wish my local store would mark down more. Their bakery stuff is so much better than a regular supermarket's.

No. 2423263

Nta but kek what, poverty is definitely a government issue.

No. 2423265

Where in my post did I mention poverty?

No. 2423269

>Where in my post that I talk about depending on a food bank did I mention poverty?

No. 2423275

The crazy part is thinking it's all Trumps fault or that his major opposition has any interest in making that situation better.

No. 2423277

If you think only the destitute use food banks, I don't know what to tell you. Food banks are there for anyone that needs help with food, not just the impoverished. You should know this.

No. 2423278

>No-no I wasn't a poorfag!! I was just temporarily embarrassed!

No. 2423281

No. 2423282

The impression I got from volunteering at one to stay out of prison was that indeed, poor people are the only ones who use them, yes.

No. 2423285

There is a difference between low-income working class people and people in poverty. Not every poor person is in poverty. In my city, there are multiple food banks that service low-income members of the community, specifically single mothers and the elderly. I used to go to the food bank once a month to top up on essential foodstuffs.

No. 2423286

i really hate this intellectually dishonest way of arguing, just eat shit

No. 2423287

I'm sharing my opinion and life experience. I don't have to "eat shit" if my opinion doesn't conform to your world view.

No. 2423288

Why else would you need help with food if you're not poor? Do you think rich Stacies and Chads regularly go to food banks because they spent their entire paycheck on, like, fake tan and hair bleach? Like what is your thought process here.

No. 2423289

someone is upset that she lives with her parents kek

No. 2423290

I never said that I'm not poor. There is a difference between being low-income and being impoverished. You wouldn't know because you have little life experience.

No. 2423291

>I never mentioned poverty
>I never said I wasn't poor
Goldfish brain in action

No. 2423292

literally. zoomers want to be coddled and live a life of luxury to the point that they shun all struggle and hardship in favor of leaching off mommy and daddy into their 40s and then blame trump for the state of their life

No. 2423296

i don't think kamala would do any of this kek, also you're dumb if you don't see prices going up and up due to his tariffs.

No. 2423297

'Ate libtards
'Ate reuplicucks
Love TERFs.
Simple as.

No. 2423298

The point you seem to be missing, is that the potential for upward momentum is already pretty much totally gone. Yeah, you can live a relatively safe life in America as a poorfag. What if I don't wanna be a poorfag? The opportunities to not be were plentiful in the 1960s when the boomers were young, scarce in the 2000s when early millennials were young, and our economy is now 100% deterministic and ONLY the things you have no control over decide who gets to own a house and who gets to still be collecting a wage when they're 70.

No. 2423299

exactly, room for growth is shrinking and we risk returning to america's racist hateful roots. that's the problem here, shitty people are even more emboldened than usual

No. 2423302

Again, poverty doesn't mean low-income. The poverty rate right now is something like 12%, whereas anywhere from 35-45% of people are working class. I'm working class and I come from a low-income family. I was still able to move out of my parents' house at 20. I was still living independently and paying my way in the world even though I was working class. And now, even though I own a home, I'm still working class.

Meanwhile we have 25 year olds like >>2423241 who are whining that they still live with their parents and that they can't afford food. If they can't afford food, why don't they go to a food bank? Is it because they think that the food bank is beneath them? If they want to live independently, why don't they? Is it because they want to live outside of their means in an area with high COL and they don't want roommates?

Unfortunately, we don't live in a utopian paradise where poverty can be eliminated overnight. You live in a fantasy world if you think there is less opportunity in this country now than there was in the 1960s.

No. 2423308

No, I live in reality. The industries that were practically talent scouting certain types of college graduates are now gatekept heavily. Unions were stronger, our domestic industrial infrastructure was FAR bigger, companies training employees was a much bigger thing, starting a business was a FAR more stable prospect, and I could go on and on before even mentioning immigration.

No. 2423309

>durr just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and be happy being miserable!! it's normal!!!!
okay, retard

No. 2423312

I was going to but today was the only day in my schdule I could get my car repairs done.

No. 2423315

>You live in a fantasy world if you think there is less opportunity in this country now than there was in the 1960s.
Pretty ballsy to say this as our president is actively firing thousands of employed adults.

No. 2423322

+ the DEI being rolled back. But y'know, land of opportunity n' shit.

No. 2423325

Women couldn't get a credit card without approval of their husbands or fathers until 1971.

No. 2423327

Life without a credit score was still viable until the 1990s.

No. 2423328

it took until 1974 for Boston to desegregate its school busing system

No. 2423334

And present day desegregated busses haul kids off to public schools where they're lucky if they learn to read by the time people my age were starting multiplication. Your point?

No. 2423336

my point is you sound ignorant

No. 2423337

The USA is less racist, less sexist, less homophobic, and less xenophobic now than it was in the 1960s. There is more opportunity now for anyone in these categories than there was in the 1960s. In the 1960s, I could work as: a maid, a secretary, a teacher, and a nurse. That's pretty much it. I don't know why we're pretending like the 1960s were a better time for us than the current day.

No. 2423351

>poverty doesn't mean low-income
I swear you can only read retardation like this in the burger thread. I'm so sorry nonnas kek.(learn2reply)

No. 2423354

>t. middle class

No. 2423356

I fucking wish

No. 2423358

>f you can shift your portfolio to investments capable of surviving economic disaster
Like what?

No. 2423359

File: 1740773946757.png (90.47 KB, 784x358, poverty.png)

It is really not that difficult to grasp.

No. 2423369

All that is true and yet child labor is still more common now than it was back then.

No. 2423378

I don't think this is true.

No. 2423381

In America it's true. I am surprised it it's not mentioned in these threads more as to why republicans are so evil. Red state governors are all pushing for loosened restrictions on child labor as we speak. This isn't even news, it started like 10 months ago.

No. 2423385

You're right that Republicans are pushing for child labor (objectively demonic) and I did find some articles that child labor violations have trended up since 2015, which tracks because it feels like businesses are only getting slimier. But I haven't seen anything comparing child labor in the 1960s vs now. Is there a specific source I can look at?

No. 2423387

What did you do that threatened you with prison? Was it drugs? My brother was stupid and took the fall for a bunch of girls in his car who were carrying drugs, and the judge made him join the military.
In car anyone was wondering was the American justice system was like.

No. 2423388

File: 1740775062667.png (57.95 KB, 916x485, child labor rates.png)

>In America, it's true.
Except it isn't. Child labor rates are lower now than they were in the early 2000s, and they're lower now than they were in the 1960s.

No. 2423397

Yes and my friends are too. My sister keeps asking me like "do restaurants count" yes "does Joanns count" yes kek
Just don't pay joking

No. 2423408

Reported crime stats are meaningless. If the government is pushing for it now, it's happening now.

No. 2423410

No, it was a tresspassing charge. The building was abandoned, we were all outside and the cop looked more annoyed that he was bothered with this than he was at us for being there. I got a 36 hours community service slap.

No. 2423431

There's a lot of kids in my state, mostly South American and Asian immigrants, who are under the table employed by the meat packing industry. It's even tacitly supported by local school districts because the companies have such a tight grip on the economy in those places.

No. 2423440

Statistics don't prove anything because anon said they're loosening the restrictions. As in, in preparation to do more child labor, so obviously statistics wouldn't reflect this yet? especially one from 3 years ago

No. 2423443

nta but are we supposed to trust an anon on an ib over the department of labor? kek

No. 2423452

Nta but there still needs to be more of a basis for the specific claim that there are more children laboring now than there were in the 1960s. Obviously child labor does happen but why would it be happening more now versus in the 60s specifically?

No. 2423474

Theres hundreds of threads about it on Twitter

No. 2423541

Covid was so fucking bad, literally gutted a bunch of institutions dedicated to dealing with pandemics before it happened. Delayed vaccines. told people to inject lysol. he’s such a fucking retard

No. 2423553

File: 1740781640112.jpeg (410.95 KB, 2300x1453, IMG_5234.jpeg)

Loosely speaking of education, I wanna talk about this graph. Personally I think screen addiction (both in students and parents)is the main reason for the downfall.

No. 2423557

File: 1740781773560.png (75.08 KB, 992x690, IMG_5236.png)

Picrel. It started at the same time that social media outlets began switching from a timeline-based format to an algorithm-based one. Crazy that what would have been just a decently smart student in 2000 is now the smartest person in the room in 2025.

No. 2423562

Why are all datapoints converging to 0 in 2014?

No. 2423563

Read the title of the graph and you might find out.

No. 2423570


No. 2423574

Buy gold

No. 2423576

Oh this is really interesting. I graduated in 2014 and am in grad school right now. I have to interact with students who are undergrads or recently graduated from an undergrad program fairly frequently. I’ve been slightly appalled at their standards for work but just wanted to will myself into believing they were bad apples, however this graph would explain a lot. I feel vindicated.

No. 2423579

Actual Russian asset Trump this is crazy lol. The way he kept sperging out about “PUTIN AND I BOTH SUFFERED DURING RUSSIAGATE!!!” Like an actual autist. Where did this talking point even come from that Putin suffered like? Did Putin say that to him while Trump was on his knees sucking him off?

No. 2423584

Another angle. Trump's here denying being aligned with Putin after yelling at Zelenskyy to make a deal with the guy.

No. 2423585

Does anyone have the clip from earlier when a reporter asked Trump about the Baltics and Trump had an actual retard moment and just glitched out and said”uh…. The Baltics….. that’s a rough neighborhood yeah” fucking omega kek there’s a 100% chance he has no idea what or where the Baltics are and was almost certainly thinking of the Balkans. If Biden had such a retard moment the pearl clutching would be out of this world.

No. 2423591

File: 1740783376499.jpeg (64 KB, 680x387, Ghv76FrWUAAGOlf.jpeg)

I saw a small clip of this, this is humiliating. Trump is not built for this kind of shit AT ALL and I can't help but feel Kamala unironically would have done a better job and even charmed him. Tim Waltz would have probably made him laugh and lightened the mood. I feel sick.
Rough neighbourhood KEK. omg i can't believe this retard is president. Makes me want to die.

No. 2423599

Not the Ukrainian parasite getting angry at him kek

No. 2423630

Why would the president of the United States have to charm Ukraine? They're beggars who need our help to survive. I wish Russia wasn't eating them, but they should be begging us on their knees if they want our help. We have no other reason to be involving ourselves in this except as charity.

No. 2423636

File: 1740785226073.png (1.34 MB, 1170x770, img-2025-02-28-23-26-12.png)

>>2423570(wrong thread)

No. 2423638

I'm glad someone finally stood up to Zelenskyy. Ukraine should not be a forever war. Let Russia have the Russian-majority portions of Ukraine and let Ukraine keep the Ukrainian-majority portions. It's the easiest solution in the world.

No. 2423647

You know damn well why that can’t let that happen, people are profiting from this bullshit that we clearly don’t know of (yet kek)

No. 2423648

They all sound so fucking pathetic. These men are presidents of countries involved in wars and sound like high schoolers fighting over drama on TikTok. Fuck all of us I guess.

No. 2423649

Which oblast are you posting this from comrade? I agree! We should let Putin keep Ukraine and when he goes for Moldova, Poland and the Baltics he can have those too. I love the glistening strings of Putins cum that shine on Trumps chin. Delightful!
lol I miss the ip ban so much.(infight bait)

No. 2423651

There should be an IQ threshold for people who watch events like those, with a quiz or exam to have people see if they comprehend anything they watched and add a written section. You and 99% of the this thread would fail immediately

No. 2423656

Imagine getting that upset and seething over other people’s opinions kek. You miss the IP ban because you love your little retarded circlejerk echo-chamber where nothing that hints at your little pea brain to start attacking enters your space. You’re have the psychological makeup of a shitbull when a child walks into it’s vicinity(infighting)

No. 2423661

Most normal dog hate thread user detected.

No. 2423662

Not everyone that you disagree with is a Russian. Also, it was a VPN ban not an IP ban.

No. 2423663

This sounds like a chatgpt written comment with the prompt being to sound like a lolcow response kek

No. 2423665

Kek it does but everyone talks the same here because they spend so much time reading infights all days and then just use the same insults eventually.

No. 2423667

We’re literally all forced to speak the same way (I know newfags don’t get the concept of integration) so I don’t get your point

No. 2423674

>like high schoolers fighting over drama on TikTok.
But it's exactly what I'd expect from TV clowns

No. 2423679

No. 2423683

File: 1740786407573.jpeg (753.44 KB, 1125x1934, IMG_7890.jpeg)

I really feel like something bad's going to happen because so many people are losing their jobs in the US government and army. We already had one troon try to blow up a Tesla dealership so who knows what all the angry discharged military TIMs are going to do

No. 2423699

zelenskyy could do the funniest thing ever and delete all the 'thank you' posts and then post a full frontal nude on twitter. after seeing him get blasted today it would be the only powermove he could make. just post dick and log off

No. 2423710

and our own president and vp would fail that test so wtf is even your point

No. 2423712

Do you truly believe that I'm a Russian agent, or is because scrote foiling is forbidden, Russian foiling is the only vice you have left?(infight bait)

No. 2423717

Why is that funny to you? If this is the country you live in, are you not afraid by what is happening? Is it not giving you an instinctive feeling of doom in your stomach?

No. 2423720

why would a Ukrainian be in the amerifag thread on lolcow

No. 2423735

That's not what I meant. If you think trumps disrespectful reality TV behavior is in any way trivial and not foreshadowing an imminent collapse you might just be retarded

No. 2423747

NTA, but comrade nonushka, we know about the female sleeper agents.

No. 2423752

Why is he always dressed like shit though

No. 2423758

solidarity with his people. doesn't want to dress up while everybody's fighting and getting blown up and losing everything

No. 2423761

Have you fucking seen Elon musk walking around when he looks like a scientist tried to grow a dyke out of a potato in a petri dish? Donald Trump literally has a vagina under his chin. JD Vance wears smokey eyeliner

No. 2423764

Are you being serious right now? MTG's boyfriend isn't someone to empathize with

No. 2423767

Magic the gathering

No. 2423770

That was so inappropriate. Who the fuck cares about how the guy dresses. Implying Americans care about that too is so fucking stupid.

No. 2423771

Margorie Taylor Green, but yes why not. Anon sounds like someone who's searching for the Black Lotus card

No. 2423777

The climate is done for, these retards are going to worsen the already beyond fucked. Plants and CO2 consumption already peaked, oh fuck haha its so fucked up now,

No. 2423796

The take that GWB is a worse president than Trump, which is debatable, is completely based on his first term. And idk if you realized this sweaty but it's a little different this time.

No one thinks about how much we are a slave to the concept of credit reports when they are such a recent invention like basically as old as the functional internet or The Simpsons. I hate this country so much.

No. 2423797

I think that anytime I see her name.

No. 2423808

since we're talking about opportunity of the decades. I actually miss the late 2000's. This is coming from a lesbian too. things actually felt hopeful back then. The late 2010's is when everything got fucked up.
Discrimination against females is bad, there is no reason to give women less opportunity than males even if said thing they're being ostracized from isn't as important as anything else. one form of discrimination always leads to another form

No. 2423817

No. 2423819

>I actually miss the late 2000's. This is coming from a lesbian too. things actually felt hopeful back then
Nah, I remember everyone laughing at the occupy wall street protestors

No. 2423840

The billionaires controlled the media to make people laugh at them. They knew it was time to distract the unwashed masses by astroturfing race issues

No. 2423851

ayrt, no i am not afraid nor do i have a feeling of doom. i feel hopeful and i want zelenskyy to post his meat on twitter. stop giving into 24/7 news cycles dictating your mood and fears so much nona and think about how cool it would be if he said fuck it im gluing googly eyes on it and uploading.

No. 2423853

This is a Russian bot Report it now

No. 2423858

that hurts my feelings nona lets take your meds and get you to bed

No. 2423868

I am an old hag and you're right and anyone who claims otherwise is coping.
>but but but W bad >>2423192
Yes. And Trump is worse. Many of y'all young folks here still don't understand how and why W sucked so much. He didn't just wake up one day and decide to be the worst president ever. We got the 2008 financial crisis because of decades of lax regulations. The whole Trump schtick is we should go back to even less regulation. CFPB, the agency literally established in response to the 2008 financial crisis is being gutted right now. They're even going after the FDIC next! You know, the agency established in response to the Great Depression. Hurricane Katrina was bad because civic infrastructure failed. And here we are again, firing engineers who would be monitoring and repairing those structures while also firing people who monitor the weather itself too just for the hell of it. We got 9/11 because W disregarded Clinton's warning about rising tensions in the middle east and our domestic and foreign intelligence agencies sucked at communicating with each other. Trump obviously will never listen to whatever warning he received from Biden about threats facing the US. Musk is chainsawing at the intelligence agencies too, mass firings of new hires and any agent who even breathed near the Trump investigations. Further, Trump is also out there antagonizing literally every single country except Russia and Israel. Because it's not bad enough that middle easterners hate us, the Canadians and Ukrainians ought to be incentivized to consider terrorism too. Post 9/11, the media and most Americans, particularly conservatives, were positively frothing at the mouth a war. People who were against it were shouted down and silenced. Our media's even more captured by conservative interests and less critical. Modern conservatives are even less likely to go against whatever new dogma established by Trump.
Yes it's not as bad as the worst parts of W's administration yet. But literally everything that lead us down those dark paths, Trump is repeating. And with even shittier people in the administration. Like Cheney sucked ass but at least he's American and had at least a tiny bit of vested interest in the country. Musk is dumber, more evil, and not even from here.

No. 2423984

File: 1740801071198.png (302.02 KB, 1008x842, economicpolicyuncertainty.png)

Since we're all posting graphs now, here's another one

No. 2424084

holy fuck trump and vance are so goddamn embarrassing. ive never been so embarrassed by a politician in my life. how the fuck do you treat someone like that?? like reality tv?

No. 2424091

Starting to wonder how likely it is Zelenskyy will "kill himself" in 2025 (don't arrest me btw just tin hatting)

No. 2424116

After seeing how Trumpy and that closeted boyfucker Vance treated the Ukrainian version of George Washington I can confidently say that America is done, fucking over, there's no coming back from this sort of loss of not just prestige and trustworthiness but basic human decency.

No. 2424123

>Who the fuck cares about how the guy dresses
Narcissists who existence is entirely built on just maintaining a shitty, superficial appearance with no actual substance. It reminds me of my boomer dad (Who, coincidentally is also MAGA) bragging to people about how he is immediately able to tell what the work ethic of young employees will be based on well shined their shoes are. I can't make this up. There two-facedness knows no bounds. "The good old boys" club is full of assholes that unironically think a straight tie and firm handshake is more important than saving thousands of people from being killed.

No. 2424133

im fucking scared, this and climate change have me considering to end it

No. 2424135

File: 1740809405796.jpg (56.13 KB, 600x877, e7e633e80acb217b1269a58a714a8a…)

>Anon, please put on the clothes your mother and I bought for you next time we go out. You'll be 40 this month and it's time to think about getting a job. You promised after we bought you this console-
>Fuck you dad, maga-fascist! Only capitalists shop at walmart anyways

No. 2424136

So, do I move to Mexico now or wait it out a bit more?

No. 2424153

Don't do it nona. Lolcor anons are already an endangered species due to low reproduction

No. 2424154

Cows produce farmers more often than not anon

No. 2424156

Famously a reliable source of information

No. 2424157

I'm not planning on moving, but I'm jealous that Mexico gets to have a cool, sensible president

No. 2424159

Accidentally, yeah. Had a long shift at work kek so I had no time to do any shopping

No. 2424166

The person in your photo is a Walmart shopper. Your greentext is making fun of someone "woke". You clearly don't have an understanding of either type of person. You are a clueless or deliberately obtuse Euro.

No. 2424180

File: 1740811696780.gif (181.23 KB, 220x171, whoosh-woosh-3040509289.gif)

No. 2424194

Nonna don’t, be strong, await the future!

No. 2424222

You are poor.

No. 2424232

At this point, NATO should just expel us. If Europe can't bring Ukraine into NATO, they should form a separate alliance with a new Article 5. If that fat retard Trump wants to act so tough I don't see why Europe shouldn't just undermine him and treat him like the Putin dick suck he is. Trump loves to shizoramble about how he has "the cards" it would unironically be based and hilarious if Europe just took those cards and kicked all our military bases out kek like if MAGA wants America first so bad force them into it make Trump look like the tard he is. If Europe cucks out to trump at a time like this and just hopes and prays they can ride this Trump 2 term out that only makes him look good but if they just think ahead a tiny bit and kick us out than it's like damn… idk I'm doom rambling.

No. 2424267

bringing shitbulls out of nowhere, are dog hate thread posters all just 50 year old trumpie moms from facebook and schizos?

No. 2424327

Oh please enlighten me you dumb 300 IQ bitch. Tell me how meaningful this was, arguing about cards, suits, saying "thank you", not knowing what the baltics are, or insulting other presidents. Trump is an old fuck who thinks playing with flash cards means he's cognitive enough to run a country, Vance sounds and looks like an insecure faggot and let's not forget that Zelenskyy was a fucking comedian making nazi jokes. These people are sending people to war.

No. 2424431

bruh why would you do that? trump and his team are already talking about drone striking mexico

No. 2424616

>If Europe can't bring Ukraine into NATO, they should form a separate alliance
Lol some of you are so young. The reason this war started to begin with is because Ukraine wanted to join NATO. When Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan gave up their nuclear arsenal in the mid 90s, the deal was that certain countries like the USA & Russia would protect them. Part of the deal was that NATO wouldn't move closer to Russia. Ukraine broke that deal so that gave Russia the pretence to invade them. Had Ukraine not wanted to join NATO, Russia would have never had the political justification to launch a large scale invasion. Since Ukraine broke that deal, the USA and other countries also have no political basis for supporting Ukraine either.

No. 2424633

It's also not based in reality because that anon has no idea how bad things are in Europe.

The combined armies of the UK and all the countries of the EU is still smaller than the Russian army and none of these armies have enough equipment because it's already been sent to Ukraine. Europe can not replace the tanks, IFVs and artillery because it lacks the industrial capacity to do so. There's also no will to fight in Europe because no one wants to die for the elites that turned their countries into shit holes.

No. 2424637

I honestly forgot and had to pick up some food for dinner between my underpaid wagie job and underpaid gig job. Stores were mostly empty and I feel like employees fucking hated me for being there but I'm not on social media like that and also HELLO I am mega poor like you if not moreso with almost definitely less social capital and I need some fucking vegetables so I can poop, go fuck yourself for giving me a dirty look.

No. 2424798

Honestly this wouldn't even be so bad if most areas had small businesses that could supply the good that Joann does. I hope the closing of more big stores like this will wake people up to the fact that it is far better to depend on smaller, more numerous stores over a few goat conglomerates

No. 2425608

File: 1740893615430.mp4 (2.93 MB, 480x480, m2-res_480p.mp4)

Now two women have been dragged out of a town hall while Republicans cheer.

No. 2426112

File: 1740939804969.png (1.02 MB, 1170x1263, 80 year old stoners….png)

Is anyone else grossed out by the constant marijuana advertisements on US twitter now? I know myself and other nonnies have said this before but I do feel like making recreational marijuana legal was a mistake and has made our culture fatter, lazier, and stupider.

No. 2426120

I saw this from the front page and thought it was a Tommy Chong line of spicy pickles

No. 2426123

Kek don’t give him ideas, next thing you know we’re gonna start seeing ads for THC laced hot pickles

No. 2426329

File: 1740948452237.jpg (256.46 KB, 1486x1043, ca-times.brightspotcdn.jpg)

sirhan sirhan was kind of cute.. wish you didnt get mindraped into killing RFK, king

No. 2426372

couldn't you have planned ahead and bought the food the day before? being poor is no excuse.

No. 2426406

Exactly what the honorary moids voted for but at least we owned the troons, right? It's not like women are second to last on the totem pole in their eyes. Nah.

No. 2426503

I didn't buy anything anyway but FYI the guy who ran it was previously arrested and had to register as a sex offender in CT

No. 2426505

Zoomers and boomers are obsessed with weed, unfortunately.

No. 2426758

File: 1740982212739.png (1.14 MB, 1036x1084, Screen Shot 2025-03-02 at 10.0…)

here we go

No. 2426851

You obviously don't live in a state where it's been normally integrated into the economy and not a big deal. Why are you still on twitter getting offended over ads for boomer stoners? Americans being fat and "lazy" likely has more to do with our crap food system and plastic in everything than legal weed, use your head please.

No. 2426964

File: 1741005072847.jpeg (466.07 KB, 750x762, IMG_3920.jpeg)

Nature is healing

No. 2426967

How does that not interfere with state laws?

No. 2426979

Because the states aren’t in Latin America they’re in America.

No. 2426990

so are they just going to focus on non-issues rather than the cost of living and jobs and shit?

No. 2427018

I am laughing so hard that S. Carolina has gone up in flames. I mean i feel sad for all the cats that got caught up in it, but wow, no fema, no federal firefighters S carolina is fucked and they mostly voted for orange turd

No. 2427025

Yup. And racists idiots seem to be fine with that. Fucking hell. I want a competent leader so badly

No. 2427030

English only speakers are dumb anyway. Imagine being too lazy to learn Spanish when every other country in the world speaks multiple languages. But yes, go on and be racist and dumb. They go hand in hand.

No. 2427032

To be fair I think you need at iq of 70 or lower to live in Tucson.

No. 2427062

Has this moron done a single thing that actually matters to people so far? All he can do is rename bodies of water and crap like this

No. 2427079

Not a single damn thing, and it's only March. I hate that we have to suffer through another few years of this shit. I hate it so much. I hope the dems come back spiteful and ready to win because their passive bullshit lost us this term.
Didn't he also humiliate the present of Ukraine recently by asking why he didnt wear a suit to their meeting? I am so embarrassed to be an American right now.

No. 2427138

We're not having a real election every again. Unless there's a violent revolt, the Conservitards won and are here to stay.

No. 2427148

This is very funny to me because why Spanish? Why not Mandarin? 1.1 billion people Mandarin, only 600 million speak Spanish. Sounds like Spantards should start brushing up on tonal inflections, not English speakers brushing up on Spanish.

No. 2427170

No kidding. At the rate China is colonizing the third world, Spanish speaking retards should be studying the language of their new masters. Bitching and moaning about English won't save you.

No. 2427184

Nah, we will have another election. This kind of doom saying isn't happening, anon.

No. 2427225

But what about Tejanos, Creoles and Cajuns who have been speaking Spanish and French in America for over 200 years? What about Native Americans that have their own language?

No. 2427228

What makes you think that? Trump and FElon have been on record pretty much admitting this election was tampered with.

No. 2427232

A hilariously large size of the United States used to be Mexico less than 200 years ago. Those small town people aren't going to stop talking Spanish or their Native languages because the big city speaks English.

No. 2427235

It's also been 200 years. I live in an area of the US that used to be Mexico, and everyone here speaks English kek. Even in the Navajo Nation, the biggest reservation still existing, they speak English and are actually struggling to keep knowledge of their native language alive.

No. 2427242

do you think Trump will stop the midterms from happening next year?

No. 2427247

>are actually struggling to keep knowledge of their native language alive.
Why are you saying this like it's a good thing

No. 2427248

It's not. I meant it in response to that nona saying that small town people "aren't going to stop speaking their Native languages." They already have, and it's sad. Though apparently there has been a minor revival in some native languages recently

No. 2427250

>People used to do something differently 200 years ago
Take a second to reread that sentence nona kek

No. 2427262

He probably won't stop them but they will be rigged again to make it look like he won again.

No. 2427296

Not saying you're a guntard but this example perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy and retardation by rightoids. "It's been 250 years, the official language is 'Murican" yet scream about the second amendment and how the language applies and makes sense for 2025 and nothing needs to be changed when put against the context of time. I hate cherry-picking retards.

No. 2427345

>a guntard
a what? kek

No. 2427394

men want legalized child porn like their wakanda, Japan

No. 2427395

they used the already latent hatred from Latinos to do that. I blame Latinos for Trump. If they hated gays and high tech, they're always welcome to stay back in their "machismo heaven"

No. 2427514

File: 1741040046169.gif (190.01 KB, 400x272, eagle.gif)

I’m so tired of the cost of living crisis. I want to live on my own away from my parents. I can’t do that because of the economy and it’s gonna never improve now because of Trump. I make 6000 dollars a month and I can’t afford to rent anywhere. It shouldn’t be this way. 6000 should be a good pay but I barely have 400 left after my living expenses. I try to stick to my budget but some months it’s hard. I’m so sick of living with my parents. My parents treat me unfairly and now they’re asking me to start paying them rent even though they never asked before. I don’t know why their generation is so selfish and expects their children to pay them for living at home. I want to get out of here because I can’t deal with living in this country anymore. I want to be free

No. 2427523

this has gotta be bait how on earth does 6k not cover your costs? especially not paying rent?

No. 2427529

No, 6000 does cover all my living expenses but I'm only left with 400 dollars at the end of the month. I put the 400 towards my bills or my saving account. Plus it's 6000 before taxes but after taxes it's more like $4800 a month. The cost of living crisis isn't a joke

No. 2427545

You mean after taxes+health insurance+retirement+etc right? Otherwise you need to check your 24 cuz your federal withholding is way too high.
t. My gross income is less than 6k but ~5200 is what hits my bank account.

No. 2427546

24 -> w4
Not gonna delete and repost, takes for fucking ever to do that.

No. 2427549

Yeah that's what I mean. I only have 4800 after my health insurance and retirement plan and taxes. It's crazy that even with $4800 a month I still can't afford a place to live on my own without having to give up my lifestyle

No. 2427554

Suck it up, you can't live a $1.2k a week lifestyle and be surprised Pikachu face that you can't afford to move out. I can't imagine having the option to make that much and not pay rent and only save $400 a month.

No. 2427555

>$4800 a month after taxes/insurance
>not paying rent
>$400 left for expenses, $4400 missing??
Nta, and I don't mean to be mean, but wtf are you spending your money on? What does your budget look like? You said you don't even pay rent, so where is the missing $4.4k going? You're in the 65th percentile of earners in the US, well above the median salary. Even if you live in an HCOL area, you should still have more money left over since you live at home

No. 2427556

what the fuck is your lifestyle

No. 2427563

How is it my fault that the economy is the way it is? I've already cut down on so much of my expenses before I used to have only $100 left after my expenses but I've got a lot better and now I stick to my budget 100% every month. How am I supposed to live on my own when I have to spend almost 450 dollars on food per week?? Everything has gotten so much more expensive now it's impossible for anybody to move up in the world
It goes towards food, transportation, travel, and living expenses. I dont spend unnecessarily the only thing that I sometimes over indulge in is my figurine collection but I still spend less than $200 on that per month

No. 2427564

File: 1741042664984.jpeg (117 KB, 1170x1354, IMG_7313.jpeg)

Lmfao what the fuck

No. 2427565

Nona is this a candles situation? Do you need an intervention?

No. 2427569

File: 1741042872755.gif (501.06 KB, 275x151, 1531643105218.gif)

>$450 on food every WEEK

No. 2427571

File: 1741042978045.jpg (30.07 KB, 474x355, th-2222442848.jpg)

Nona, be honest… Are you an elephant?

No. 2427572

It's not like this at all. I'll even post my monthly budget if anons here think that they know more about my finances then me
How is it my fault that restaurants costs so much? Am I supposed to not eat just to live on my own?

No. 2427573

$450 is like my budget for 6 months, wtf. Stop shopping at Whole Foods and Erewhon anon. I usually understand people's complaints about the economy, but I do also think you have a budgeting problem.

No. 2427574

File: 1741043108276.jpg (105.51 KB, 1024x765, tumblr_obx0q5hzmC1qbpiy2o1_128…)

Please post your monthly budget

No. 2427576

You don't need to order takeout/delivery everyday. Eating out is a luxury
Doesn't cost $4400 a month. Take public transportation or learn to drive
Is a luxury. Why are you traveling and then complaining about money
>living expenses
Buying random shit like figurines, clothes you don't need, subscription services, etc. doesn't count towards living expenses. Living expenses only cover basic things you need to survive. Thinks you NEED, not WANT.
I now think you're trolling kek. But if you're not, the economy isn't the reason why you're bad at managing your money.

No. 2427588

Maybe anon lives in a mansion and has too many moid slaves that shes forced to pay minimum wage.

No. 2427589

I don't travel every month, I never said that. I put away money every month to fund my travel. I only go to sakura, momo, holiday matsuri, colossal, and dragon. I have to buy airfare and pay for hotels when I go to cons plus my food expenses and my cosplay too
>You don't need to order takeout/delivery everyday
I dont eat out everyday. I cook my own meals once or twice a week. My mom cooks all the meals in our house but she doesnt respect my eating preferences and so I have to order out a lot so that I can eat food that I like. A lot of the time she's cooking in the kitchen when I want to cook, so I can't use it at the same time as her, so that's why I have to use DoorDash.
>Buying random shit like figurines, clothes you don't need, subscription services, etc. doesn't count towards living expenses
I never said that. I only spend 100-200 per month usually on my figures and they have a lot of collectors value too so it's more of an investment not a purchase. I need to pay for certain subscriptions like Prime and Apple Music but those are negligible costs
>Transportation doesn't cost $4400 a month. Take public transportation or learn to drive
I guess where you live Uber is a lot cheaper? I can't use the bus where I live because the closest stop is a 10 minute walk from my house and a lot of the year the weather is too bad to walk that far

No. 2427591

File: 1741044017980.jpg (143.39 KB, 1170x1454, 1734478478714.jpg)

Nona I know you're trolling now but keep flexing on all us poor weeaboo beckies
>only goes to 6 cons a year
>mom pays for all her groceries but nona is too autistic to eat vegetables so she orders fast food every day
>my anime figures are an investment
>10 minutes is too far to walk, can't ask obviously loving parents to transport her
Wtf do you do to earn 6k a month if you're like this?

No. 2427601

She makes it all from capital gains off of her figure investments kek

No. 2427602

If I see your ass at colossalcon I'm going to shake you upside down and collect the coins that fall out from your pockets.

No. 2427607

cook everyday you fat.

No. 2427611

feet pics. the ones featuring Minions socks has a 15% price increase.

No. 2427614

Bait from 2016

No. 2427620

File: 1741045070808.png (77.02 KB, 527x422, monthly breakdown.png)

I do eat vegetables. I go to 5 cons a year not 6. I only do 6-8 cosplays a year. I work in programming so I work from home so the only time I need to take Uber anyway is to go out with my friends or to go to the nail salon. I don't ask my parents to drive me because they have jobs too, and that's why I don't understand why they want me to pay rent. It's not fair for me because it's their mortgage. I dont know why you are blaming me for stuff that I dont have control over. I know that I shouldn't be spending so much on figures but its my hobby and it helps my mental health and I don't spend more than $200 on them per month
I dont know why everyone itt is trying to make me out to be a villain. There is a cost of living crisis in this country. I make $6000 before taxes a month I should be able to live my life style while living on my own in my own place

No. 2427629

>There is a cost of living crisis in this country
But anon, you have to understand that you complaining about the COL with your poor spending habits and $6k, is like someone that makes $1m buying 20 Bentleys and eating at luxury restaurants every month and then complaining when they can't pay bills. A lot of people dream of even making what you make.

No. 2427633

Its not like that at all. I dont have poor spending habits. Im 29 and I work really hard. I should be able to spend how I want to spend while having an apartment on my own. It's not my fault that the price of rent has skyrocketed and it's not my fault that there's a housing crisis. I don't know what you want me to say?? Sorry I didn't buy a house 20 years ago. This stupid "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" crap doesn't help anyone

No. 2427636

>$72,000/year programming
You must be as bad at your job as you are at your finances

No. 2427643

5 cons a year is a lot from what i have seen on cgl, especially if it's out of state. Cosplay isn't cheap either unless you are reusing some, idk if people do that.

No. 2427645

You’re really committing to the bit, aren’t you lol

No. 2427650

>I only go to like six conventions
>I spend all my money on anime figures but it's an investment!
>My mom cooks but I buy delivery food because I'm a nitpicky child
You have no idea how good you have it nonna

No. 2427652

I don't shop at Whole Foods, my mom and dad do all the grocery shopping. The whole reason why I have to order DoorDash so often is because if I ask them to pick me up something from the grocery store either they get the wrong brand or they forget.
Its my hobby and I deserve to be able to engage with my hobby. Why do rich people think that poor people have to grind all day every day and aren't allowed to have fun with their hobbies?
The "bit" is my fucking life you insensitive asshole. Why the fuck did this thread get filled with baiters and trolls and now we can't even discuss the cost of living crisis without fucking assholes talking down to you and making it seem like you're ungrateful and bad with money I fucking hate this place some times

No. 2427660

No offense, but you gotta be realistic here. If you want to move out you have to make sacrifices. This means, unless it's a allergy, eat what your parents buy you, don't cosplay and go to cons, etc.

No. 2427663

How am I supposed to move out when theres a housing crisis, a cost of living crisis, and everything keeps getting more expensive? Once my parents start making me pay rent its gonna be even harder for me to save up money to move out. I don't know why I should be responsible for THEIR mortgage, I'm their daughter and they don't ask my sister or my brother to pay for their mortgage. Only me because I still live here, and it's not my fault because every rental place is out of my budget

No. 2427664

>Why do rich people think that poor people have to grind all day every day and aren't allowed to have fun with their hobbies?
I understand that inflation sucks and all but you're not poor, you're retarded with money. Assuming this isn't bait, get a grip kek

No. 2427667

By saving what you can. It's going to hurt, it's going be depressing, and it's going to be hard but you can do it. Once you do, you'll be much happier and smarter for it. Think about things that can be cut out so that you can save. For example, from your posts, you can cut out door-dash and going to conventions to save money.

No. 2427668

That anon makes almost twice what the average American does… I am actually confused why she would call herself poor unless it’s bait or she lives in someplace like NYC or SF and is unwilling to move. Which… is still a lifestyle choice she’s making.

No. 2427671

If I was rich, then I'd be able to find a place to rent and move out finally. Im 29, Im probably older then you and I have way more experience with finances then you do. Why does everyone think that pulling yourself up by the boot straps works? Obviously theres a huge problem with the cost of living and the housing market and I cant fix those things
But Im already saving for my next Japan trip. I dont think Id be able to save up for both things especially once I start having to give my parents $50 a month. I could cut down on DoorDash and only get it once a day if I ordered more food for lunch and then saved some food for dinner. I might cancel my Netflix subscription too because I already have Hulu Disney+ and Prime.

No. 2427672

Nona, I'll make you a deal. Pay me $500 monthly, and I'll find room in your budget that will maintain your current lifestyle, live on your own, and have money left over.

No. 2427676

The thing that puzzles me is nonna keeps complaining about not being able to move out, while justifying her spending on figures, anime cons, COSPLAYS FOR EACH CONVENTION, and prefers to get an Uber instead of walking for ten minutes to get the bus. And she's a 29-year-old.
Just cutting all those expenses by half would make such a difference.

No. 2427679

Assuming this isn't bait at all.
>Don't go on your Japan trip, save that money for a deposit and or financial cushion for your apartment.
>Stop DoorDashing or GrubHub completely, eat what your parents buy you. Unless you're allergic, just grow up and eat what they get you.
>Cancel all of your subscriptions to save money, learn to pirate and stream from things like NovaFork, Wco, and GogoAnime.
>Focus on gaining more independence by getting your license so that you can put your money into financing a vehicle to take you to places so that you can buy groceries and go to your apartment. Alternatively, buy some pepper spray, and walk ten minutes to your bus-stop.

No. 2427681

>start paying $50 a month
>saving for next Japan trip
>netflix and hulu subs

Why do people keep falling for this ridiculous bait?

No. 2427684

File: 1741047894954.png (343.45 KB, 589x521, 88e.png)

I'm sure that anon is a troll and she thinks that people with low income are actually just bad with money, so she made up this ridiculous story. This whole thing is like the old avocado toast meme.

No. 2427688

There is no doubt of this in my mind. It's run its course. Next.

No. 2427690

Everyone is making fun of you because you're coming off as an entitled, spoiled brat. I say this lovingly, nona. You make more than enough to live on your own, you just refuse to spend your money wisely. Everything you posted in >>2427589 doesn't justify your finances.
Delete your doordash/ubereats/whatever accounts. If you can't eat what your mom makes, cook all of your meals. Make a budget for groceries, $100-$150/month is more than enough for one person. If you want, you could even combine groceries with your parents to reduce costs. Plan out your meals every week and stick with it. You don't need to pay for subscriptions. Learn to pirate. I'm not even going to touch on the cope that your figurines are an investment, or stupid shit like flying to six conventions a year.
>I can't use the bus because the closest stop is a 10 minute walk
Oh good heavens! A 10 minute walk! The horror! You're being ridiculous. 10 minutes is nothing and the weather isn't an excuse either. If you don't want to take the bus, learn to drive. You make thousands of dollars a month. You can use them to pay for driving lessons or have your parents teach you. The amount you make in a month is more than enough to buy a decent used car.

>I should be able to spend how I want to spend while having an apartment of my own
That's not how it works, and that's not how it ever worked unless you're super rich. Even boomers, who lived in a golden age of prosperity, had to live frugally to afford their first homes. There is a cost of living crisis, but you make enough where you're cushioned financially from it. At this point, 'cost of living crisis' is just a buzzword you use to justify your poor financial decisions. Anyway, you should be glad your parents are charging you rent. Maybe you'll learn to manage your finances better now that you'll only be able to afford 5 cons a year, instead of 6.

I'm 98% certain it's bait but I've also seen zoomers/zillenials that genuinely spend like OP and act like the economy is the reason why they can't move out

No. 2427694

>Don't go on your Japan trip
I only go once every 3 years. Its worth it for the cultural experience.
>eat what your parents buy you
Its not that easy. They dont respect my eating preferences at all. For example for dinner last night my mom made chicken and corn on the cob but she used dark meat even though I only like white meat, so I still ate the corn but I door dashed Popeyes for the chicken
>Cancel all of your subscriptions to save money
I spend less then $150 per month on subscriptions. Even if I cancelled all of them it wouldn't be enough to live on my own
>getting your license. Plus, some subscriptions are good to have like my UberX subscription saves me money on my UberEats and my rides, so if I cancelled I'd be spending a lot more
Driving school costs money and so does cars. Why are you pretending like its my fault that we're so car dependent? There should be better public transport options so I wouldnt have to use Uber so much
Your all probably republicans so I dont give a crap. Sorry that you cant admit that Trump caused a cost of living crisis with his tariff plans and butchering our economy. Your probably the same ones that used to bait about how much you hated Kamala a few months back. Keep pretending like capitalism works when most of us dont even have enough to afford a 2 bedroom apartment. Whatever Im done posting here you people are all victimblamers and I dont give a crap enough to defend myself against republicans

No. 2427697

Kek I was gonna say that but thought it might be too mean/engaging with the troll. Maybe she's a junior?

No. 2427700

>they don't ask my sister or my brother to pay for their mortgage. Only me because I still live here
Boo get better material

No. 2427703

Pretty sure this is bait, but I'll bite & give some blogging/perspective of how ridiculous this sounds to the rest of us in the working class. I am also 29. I take home around 1,600 a month. I work in the restaurant industry, I know it's not great money, but cooking & food is truly one of my biggest passions. I lived with my mom for a few years before recently moving in with my boyfriend. I still helped her with bills & was able to treat myself occasionally to what I prioritized, but saved over 20k in a few years. Currently, I have around $300-400 left over after food, rent, healthcare, cat supplies & gas. Those are my only monthly costs. I also live in a very HCOL area that is only rising. It is possible, I promise. You just have to be realistic & actually put in the work. Your parents asking for $50 a month is NOTHING. Learn to budget, there is no reason to be living a life of luxury if you can't build savings.
I'm also a pescatartian, so I understand food restrictions & healthy food being expensive, but be smart. I do save money on food from my job, but still. It's not as difficult as you're making it out to be.

No. 2427704

The Democratic Party is so goddamn retarded it makes me seethe so bad why the hell are the propping up Walz now everyone over 65 in that organization should be forcibly retired and deported

No. 2427714

>I only go once every 3 years. Its worth it for the cultural experience.
No it isn't if you want to actually build a savings account. Skip the trip, save that money and build yourself enough savings to actually move out with.
>They dont respect my eating preferences at all.
Too fucking bad. Are you allergic? If you're not, then suck it the fuck up buttercup. If you want to save money, this means making decisions between needs and wants. You don't NEED to order UberEats, you can eat your parents food if you're actually hungry. You WANT to eat Popeyes.
>I spend less then $150 per month on subscriptions. Even if I cancelled all of them it wouldn't be enough to live on my own
Not the point, that money that you would've otherwise spent on subscription, UberEatsX, etc. will add up to your savings overtime and allow you to grow a safety net and financial cushion that you can use to finance things that are more important like moving out or your own car. If you want to actually gain independence you have to make sacrifice and save what you can.
>Driving school costs money and so does cars.
It does, but it's a necessary expense that can open the door to a world of possibilities. You might get a chance at a higher paying job that requires you to commute, and if you move out how will you be able to move around?
>There should be better public transport options so I wouldnt have to use Uber so much
Or you could take the fucking bus.

No. 2427726

Quit taking the bait, it stopped being funny like 3 posts ago.

No. 2427729

Okay, I'll stop.

No. 2427748

>she used dark meat
I thought the eating preference was going to be you being vegetarian, not something small like dark meat chicken? Dark meat chicken is good, there's nothing wrong with it. You just sound picky

No. 2427820

A bit late but the footage of the Jan 6 rioter being shot and killed during a traffic stop in January was released a few days ago. He says "I'm going to shoot myself" before pulling a gun and then the police officer shoots him. I don't know if Youtube embeds can be spoiled but while he is shot in the video, it's all blurred so you don't see him die. He was previously convicted of domestic violence because he tried to strangle his wife so no big loss.

No. 2427837

File: 1741058116718.webp (9.08 KB, 320x320, bb0d6043-1941-485a-81e3-051ee5…)

>you're all probably Republicans

No. 2427840

Y'all really spent 3 hours giving an obvious troll financial advice.

No. 2427846

Yall will call anything you don't personally believe bait & then indirectly take it anyway by complaining about it.

No. 2427849

In their defense /ot/ has been really slow

No. 2427852

website is pretty shit lately I think all the oldfags are quitting due to general degradation of board culture over time and new posters only care about infighting and baiting which isn't fun forever so they eventually quit too

No. 2427853

Nta but some of you are stupid as fuck like truly just unbelievably fucking stupid

No. 2427854

It’s cuz the euro anons are busy istg. Not even hating, it’s popping when they have days off.

No. 2427865

Site has a lot of traction during times off, thanksgiving, Christmas, new years. It’s bound to be slow for a while. That’s why so much psycho bullshit was happening for a while, it was during holidays.

No. 2427880

To be fair, it was kind of funny at first. I'll take finance trolls over the usual racebait and infighting any day

No. 2427905

I still can't believe all those faggots were pardoned. Good riddance.

No. 2427954

More trumpfags dying for the cause. Stupidest shitheads in the universe.

No. 2428003

American understanding of the Ukraine war is so depressing. I cannot believe I see Americans defending Putin and shitting on Zelensky.

No. 2428021

>Americans don't know anything about a war happening half-way across the world that doesn't involve them in anyway!
Why would Americans care about Ukraine? We don't care about the former Soviet Union.

No. 2428026

>doesn't involve them in anyway
Kek nta but how old are you?

No. 2428031

>I cannot believe I see Americans defending Putin and shitting on Zelensky.
So I'm guessing you have opinions on the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the OUN, Ruthenia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

No. 2428035

I'm not gonna pretend like Ukraine is of any use to the USA. Should Russia take them, then we'll just have to trade with Russia and not Ukraine, which we were already doing before the war anyway. Ukraine has no unique exports that other countries don't already supply to us. What is the point of destabilizing Europe for Ukraine's sake? Nobody gave a fuck when Russia invaded Georgia, because Georgia is a nothingburger just like Ukraine. Sorry to all the Ukrainians and Georgians out there, just being real - we really don't care about you because you're on a different continent.

No. 2428037

Sorry, but did you think the US and Russia became besties after the cold war ended?? How do you think america would be affected by seeing an adversarial government gain increased manpower, resources and influence? It's a similar reason why they will go out of their way to protect Taiwan from China. Trump and Vance were completely retarded for squandering the trade agreement with Ukraine, they literally had something to offer and they blew it because Daddy Putin has him by the bussy. It doesn't make them look bad just in front of Ukraine, it makes them looks bad to their European allies who feel threatened by war. That's my very simple understanding of the matter anyways.

No. 2428045

It's 2025. Russia and the USA should be friends now. Why not? Let Russia take Ukraine, let China take Taiwan, it's theirs to begin with anyway. Our job isn't to be the world police. Our job isn't to defend the rights of random territories across the globe. Let them figure out their own shit. We live in the new world, it's separated from all that old world bullshit by two huge oceans.
Who is using that word in 2025? Especially on lolcow? It's from 2015, let's leave it in the 2010s.

No. 2428052

File: 1741072520868.png (1.18 MB, 1140x872, Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 23.37…)

You know what anon… never mind. I'll let you be dumb in peace.

No. 2428053

Thank you

No. 2428056

File: 1741072967140.jpg (110.71 KB, 800x894, 65432.jpg)

I agree with that nona. She explains things in a way I understand and tells it like it is. You are the anon who is dumb

No. 2428093

sad samefag

No. 2428123

File: 1741079628743.png (309.14 KB, 864x1419, 1000044869.png)

anyone with investments (in an IRA or otherwise): are you changing things up at all? if so, what? Are you temporarily moving stuff from an aggressive growth portfolio to something more stable?

I don't have that much in there bc I'm fighting in court to recoup the large amount my ex stole from my retirement (yes). This means I am very frustrated with the current stock market crash and worried it will go much lower. Currently invested in a general index fund.

I also wanted to share a link with you nonas. I spoke to a financial advisor from this service for about an hour: https://www.savvyladies.org/
It was completely free and the woman helped me with questions I had about this year's tax filing and some other questions. I think many nonas would benefit from a free chat with someone even if they aren't in the hell I'm in. You can apply online and briefly describe your questions (be very brief, I typed way too much & had to delete most of it). In a few days you get an email matching you with an advisor and she will set up a time with you. The session can be over the phone or via video conference. I guess you can choose email as well but idk if that's as good for something like this.

Anyway I appreciated this service a lot and it wasn't one of the first results when I was searching for help so I thought to share it here.

No. 2428127

Cool, Lolcow has Kremlin bots too I see.

No. 2428131

The thing that really, really gets me about MAGAtards and the majority of the American public in general is that they have absolutely no principles or values. They've lived a hedonistic lifestyle with little to no inconveniences for 70 years simply because the US emerged as a victor from WW2 without having to spend years rebuilding their infrastructure and people, having been protected by the oceans around them. So they never had to really give a shit about pretty much anything, they never had to think about actions having consequences because there were none, they never had to develop the same sense of community and appreciation for equality, peace and stability that Europe did after being ravaged by war and dictatorships, they never had to develop any interest for the outside world because their leaders just threw more cheap gasoline bones and entertainment for them to gnaw on so that they would never realize what a dystopian country they really live in, and how much international relationships really affect their daily lives. Maybe Trump plummeting their country into isolation, fascism and recession will do good for them and they'll learn not to take peace and prosperity provided by other countries for granted.

No. 2428140

Yeah everyone who disagrees with you is a bot.

No. 2428173

File: 1741087719229.png (344.46 KB, 768x703, sarmat.png)

>everyone that wants to avoid WWIII and doesn't think that yet another eurotard border war is worth being vaporized by a Sarmat RS-28 ICBM is in fact a Russian bot

No. 2428175

Thank you for the recommendation and advice! I'm so sorry about your pos ex. I love when there are legitimate resources for women.
I honestly don't know what I should do with my retirement, it's not super big or anything, but I've noticed that it's barely growing these days. It was doing much better last year and it does make me anxious. I was just thinking about putting more into it too, until I checked it again yesterday and noticed how pathetic it's looking.

No. 2428197

>Thinking Russia, a country held together by tape and glue, would ever actually launch an intercontinental nuke
Bet that Putin shoe tasted real good

No. 2428202

Russia is a literally factual terrorist state that sponsors global terror to advance the interests of a weak state. You are an ignorant moron.

No. 2428207

Dumb bitch, they've threatened nukes for 3 years now. It's a scare tactic for retards that don't keep up with geopolitics and don't understand that Russia is factually losing lmfao. Putin isn't interested in stopping with Ukraine btw. Appeasement doesn't work and Putin had and has his hands in Africa and Syria deliberately stoking migrant crises by inventing and supporting migrant crises to specifically create the conditions your idiot brain is attuned to. Brexit was a huge failure based on this and supported almost exclusively by Russia and Trump and his anti-American actions are the same. Same for his goals of trying to destroy NATO.You can't work beyond first order thinking and it's sad. You're very myopic and global issues always affect us.

No. 2428219

I bet people like them will look back at the atrocities of WW2, specifically shit like Holocaust, and ask why nobody did anything but proudly cheer at how the US troops liberated everyone. All the while forgetting that the only reason US stepped in was when the axis powers were at their doorstop, and afterwards recruited a ton of high ranking nazi officials for their own governmental jobs to profit from the unethical research they did while during the war 2/3th of Americans believed that the Jews deserved their fate and 72% didn't want to take in Jewish refugees from Europe. The American spirit truly is to just say "I don't care, doesn't concern me" while the neighborhood is on fire and only react when their own yard starts burning. And then complain when they can't borrow sugar from their impoverished neighbors anymore and call them selfish.

No. 2428224

100%, anon. It's pathetic and predictable, especially when given the information age means terrorist states are utilizing tech to subvert democracy. It's lunacy to pretend it's not an issue when every single Western democracy is facing attacks from illiberal forces (specifically Russia and China).

No. 2428263

I'm holding the stuff in my IRA (all index funds/ETFs) out of laziness with the expectation that the market will eventually rise over time again (if it doesn't then something has gone wrong enough where I won't be retiring lol). However, I liquidated my brokerage account when the deepseek news started gaining steam, though I'll be using that money for a downpayment.

The market will probably tank some more and perhaps remain sideways for another year or so before another bull run starts. However, if your time horizon is decades-long then it really doesn't matter that much- somebody who put 50k into index funds the day before the 1970's crash would have had more than enough money to retire on by 2010.
If I were to do something with my retirement money now, it would be:
>liquidate everything
>wait for the market to go sideways
>invest it all in index funds/ETFs after the market is stable for a while or there are early signs of recovery
Trying to time it so that you maximize your profit with this strategy isn't super important because, again, you're looking at a decades-long time horizon. Of course, I'm not a professional. I hope your ex gets attacked by a candiru.

No. 2428322

Samefag but if you want to make guaranteed money while the stock market is shitting the bed then bonds and treasury bills are the way to go. There are lots of resources out there on bond laddering.

No. 2428371

Trump and musk want to default…

No. 2428470

File: 1741107574671.png (50.93 KB, 1188x832, russian_gains.png)

>they've threatened nukes for 3 years now
It's a threat Russia is fully capable of acting on.

>Russia is factually losing lmfao

>Russian forces gained 4,168 square kilometres (1,609 square miles) of Ukrainian land in 2024, according to geolocated evidence collected by the Washington, DC-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
>The final battle for the small Donbas town of Velyka Novosilka dragged on for six days, though the outcome was obvious long before that. Things became critical early in the new year, when Russian troops took over villages immediately to its north-east and west, pinching the Ukrainian defenders on three sides.
>Russia’s renewed campaign against Ukrainian energy has resulted in frequent blackouts across the embattled nation.
>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently claimed that Moscow destroyed half of the country’s electricity-generating capacity since late March.
>Russia hammered Ukrainian energy facilities in a massive aerial attack on Friday that President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said was one of the largest yet on the ailing grid and evidence of why Kyiv needed more Western support before any peace with Russia.
>Unspecified equipment at thermal power plants sustained serious damage, according to DTEK, Ukraine's biggest private power provider, which has been battered by the strikes since Russia's February 2022 invasion.
>For the next five months, waves of Russian missiles and drones struck Ukraine’s civilian energy infrastructure on an almost daily basis.
>Ukraine has lost many of its most important thermal power plants and key hydroelectric plants. Major cities including Kharkiv and Odesa have experienced periodic blackouts and prolonged disruption to energy supplies. Experts believe it will take years to repair damaged facilities and replace equipment.
>It seems as though the next goal for Russians in the Donbas is to take the strategic rail town, Pokrovsk, which would seriously inhibit Ukraine’s ability to resupply its forces in the region. Encirclement of this strategic city is likely as Ukraine has likely lost Selydove this week, a city which is only about 20 miles south of Pokrovsk.
>Vincent Tourret, says that Ukraine is losing ground due to Russia’s use of powerful guided missiles, and Ukraine’s lack of fortifications in the region. According to Tourret, “Ukraine’s defenses are more and more battered, the terrain is more and more favorable for Russian offensives and, on top of that, the Russians have a better impact, the three factors combine to explain the increase in Russian gains.”
>These losses, combined with reports that Ukrainian forces are overstretched, and the fact that North Korean soldiers are now present in the conflict do not bode well for Kyiv. Additionally, Ukraine is suffering from a lack of manpower, as well as low morale among its existing soldiers.
Russia is winning the war, I don't see how anyone can deny this. It isn't about being pro-Putin, pro-Trump, pro-Ukraine or anything else. The longer the war continues, the worse the outcome will be for Ukraine.

No. 2428490

Yeah but half their moids are dead now

No. 2428492

trump is probably aiding ruzzia. americans voted for this.

No. 2428508

I don't think cost-of-living chan is being a troll; I think she is quite used to coming from a family that took care of her needs and now she needs some lessons in adulthood.

I own a home. I was not able to save enough to purchase it until I was considerably older, and even then, I had the barest minimum. Lenders do not make it easy for single women to buy homes - all my married friends sailed through the process, even if they didn't have a lot of money, but, for me, getting a mortgage was absolutely awful. There were times when I really did not think it was going to happen for me.

If you want to own a home, you have to learn how to make sacrifices. I bought just enough home that I could afford, which means I don't live in the best neighborhood (although I am happy where I live). I use coupons at the supermarket, I buy a lot of groceries at Walmart and Aldi, and I rarely eat out; if I do, I use apps and get the cheapest options. Furniture is expensive so, aside from a few things like my sofa and bed, a lot of my furniture and home goods are secondhand or from discount stores. I need to do a lot of work in my house so I am basically taking the project room by room. Owning a home means you have to do projects long-term and you need to weigh whether or not something is worth updating, or whether you can live with it as-is.

I think a lot of people romanticize the idea of owning a home. Don't get me wrong, I love my home and the day I walked in and knew it was mine was one of the best days of my life. But you also have to learn how to sacrifice if that's what you really want. Aside from your mortagage and taxes, you have to cover all repairs, insurance, and maintenance. Sometimes you think you've done well and maintained everything, and then a disaster happens that you didn't expect and it's thousands of dollars out of your pocket. It takes a lot of hardship and sacrifice, and if you're single you don't have a spouse to help you pay for it, which means either asking Bank of Mom and Dad or taking out a loan.

I think any nonna wanting to buy a home needs to take a serious and honest look at her finances and ask herself what she is willing to sacrifice. I would not buy a home right now anyway, personally, but even if there is a market correction or you move to a place with a cheaper cost of living, owning a home is a long-term goal. Renting may be more expensive in the immediate future but it's also a way to teach yourself how to manage your life independently and learn to make the sacrifices necessary for home ownership.

No. 2428520

You are the stupidest person here.

No. 2428525

Did Russia commit the holocaust or did Europeans commit the holocaust? IIRC it was Europeans that did the holocaust. America certainly did not commit the holocaust.

No. 2428527

you sound like a gen-xer who doesn't realize that you had everything handed to you. your experience isn't even close to accurate if you did buy a home in the last 15 years.

No. 2428542

It's obvious that this thread is filled with upper class Gen X. Telling us to just work harder as if that will get us anywhere in Trump's America. We aren't allowed to have hobbies, or travel, or eat out, or club, or anything fun… nope, we have to work work work.

No. 2428564

I don't think you have the right to call someone else an idiot when you believe every piece of Western propaganda fed to you

No. 2428566

You're a moron. After 3 years they've largely only held their gains and increased them slightly despite having sacrificed 700-800,000 soldiers, not even including the north Koreans who were pulled out because all of them were dying, compared to 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Largely stagnating front lines combined with sanctions and a buckling economy is defeat. They are so desperate for "peace" because they need to rearm and are sending DONKEYS for soldier transport. You're a simpleton who doesn't understand they are warping stats through cherry picking and ignoring context, frankly. They have mostly just maintained ground. We already know they are battering Ukrainian civilians and have not let up for years because THEY BREAK THE CEASEFIRES. THERE IS NO PEACE TO BE FOUND. THE ONLY SOLUTION TO CREATE PEACE IS DEFEAT. Are you five years old and don't understand the fact that appeasement doesn't work with people who have repeatedly broken CEASEFIRES?

No. 2428567

No. 2428569

You're a thoughtless tool unable to answer the most basic moral question of our time that has massive consequences for Europe and our own stability. Please learn or stfu.

No. 2428570

File: 1741114405860.jpg (27.94 KB, 540x500, illness.jpg)

No. 2428571

Learn with context about the war and its implications for the rest of the world before speaking

No. 2428579

File: 1741114944971.png (27.1 KB, 725x296, russian-casualties.png)

>having sacrificed 700-800,000 soldiers
Here's the casualty figures from a pro-Ukraine source
>Today marks the third anniversary of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine—and three years of our ongoing quest to reveal the true cost of this war. We are counting Russian casualties using two methods: by meticulously collecting and verifying data on each individual Russian KIA serviceman in our database, which now exceeds 95,000 names, and by estimating a broader figure that we believe reflects the true number of dead—over 165,000 in total.

>not even including the north Koreans who were pulled out because all of them were dying

>South Korean intelligence claimed that the DPRK lost about 300 people killed and 2,700 wounded in the fighting. The total number of North Korean troops on Russian territory was estimated at 12,000.


The west is incapable of defeating Russia and any attempt by the west to defeat Russia would not only fail, it would end in mutual nuclear annihilation.

No. 2428582

You're talking to people that still think we're the dominant global power kek, there's no use

No. 2428586

I don't understand why liberals want a forever war, didn't enough people die already ? And we all know Ukraine is not winning this. I wonder if so american dgaf only because it's happenning so far away.

No. 2428592

Ukraine would be winning the war if western forces weren't dragging their feet for years trying to avoid giving proper artillery aid to them but Russia constantly threatening with nukes made it impossible. So if Ukraine falls, they'll move on to the next country in three years and invade. If anyone intervenes, they'll threaten with nukes. And the next country falls. And they'll proceed to the next one. And it goes on and on. At what point are they made to stop? When another Pearl Harbor or 9/11 happens?

No. 2428595

>I wonder if so american dgaf
If you're gonna use the Amerifag thread can you learn English better?
Get some new material

No. 2428607

They're not upper class Gen Xrs, they're retarded zoomer moids from kiwifarms who simply get all their talking points from upper class Gen X youtubers because their actual dad walked out on them.

No. 2428612

I don't believe Russia wants to attack any other country. They've had major tensions with Ukraine for a long time far more than with any other neighboring country

No. 2428643

best part of war. Hope the MAGAts follow their lead and send all our dumb zoomer moids to fight Mexican cartels too.

No. 2428646

you are retarded

No. 2428651

File: 1741119040929.jpeg (169.84 KB, 1125x780, 33253965-8545-464A-8967-C9D14B…)

Happy Mardi Gras to nonnys who celebrate!

No. 2428652

She's saying that she made sacrifices to buy a house and comparing it to the troll or severely ignorant anon who makes 6k a month and still can't afford rent, kek. That anon needs a wake up call (presuming she wasn't a troll). House anon was just trying to help with suggestions, I'm surprised at the needlessly hostile replies.

No. 2428659

No. 2428673

According to NATO intelligence they had literal plans to take over Kiev in 7 days and then cross the border to the Baltics and Finland but they were foiled because Ukraine didn't fall. Those plans have never been fully given up. That's why people are saying that Ukraine is standing between Europe and Russia.

No. 2428675


No. 2428682

Pretty much as believable as Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction"

No. 2428684

Not at all. These are not at all the same things.

No. 2428686

No, it isn't. Russia has continuously been conducting hybrid warfare against the Baltics and Finland, latest way being deliberately cutting undersea cables via their shadow fleet. Continuous DDOS attacks happen all the time too. They're testing their infrastructure's weak points.

No. 2428688

nta but yeah i agree, it's just like all those factories in iraq that were producing the weapons of mass destruction. so obviously real

No. 2428689

If Putin doesn't want to invade, why are Russian ships cutting cables to the Baltics and Finland over and over??

No. 2428691

Ty, you got to it first. Thank you.

No. 2428692

Добрый вечер Кремль

No. 2428693

If you're not a kiwifarms moid, you're especially stupid and incapable of long term thinking, for a woman

No. 2428698

I wouldn't be surprised. These people don't realize most of their money goes towards influence ops which is why their military operations are pathetic given the image they project

No. 2428705

File: 1741120671267.png (152.5 KB, 1088x519, everyone that disagrees is rus…)

No. 2428708

Yass I love mardi gras kek, I was just about to come to this thread to say has anyone else noticed that most normies aren’t really posting about it on social media this year? I haven’t seen anyone posting about their doings, or even seen tourists stumbling around drunkenly outside IRL

No. 2428710

Yes, because they spend a disproportionate amt on influence ops. Also, it's not flattering that anyone should be so uninformed that they fall for propaganda enough to repeat the lies they spread

No. 2428726

If you don't want to be called a Russian bot then stop parroting Russian bot rhetoric.

No. 2428753

I’m out of state because of school and no one knows what the fuck it is here. I agree that it seems a bit more subdued this year, maybe because it’s later than usual or because people aren’t traveling as much? Not sure. Glad another nona celebrates though!

No. 2428760

>US must be smarter because it has a pretigious university that is almost entirely made up of kids with rich parents or thirdies on international scholarships
Makes sense

No. 2428761

Think some places have cancelled due to weather

No. 2428765

Tbf Putin and all of the politicians and oligarchs send their children to western unis because they do know they are better than their shithole both to be educated by and to live in

No. 2428783

Nta and don't gaf about the rest of the bait/discussion you're all having but people from the third world can be very intelligent, I've met many people who came from thirdworld countries who were leagues ahead of me and my American peers in college

No. 2428792

They tend to send their kids to ones because graduating from a western uni gives you better job prospects. I don't think it's necessarily because of higher quality education. Western unis certainly can afford better research grants, which will attract higher quality professors, although if a professor is primarily there for research and from a non-western uni themselves then their skill with teaching is still a toss-up.

No. 2428873

File: 1741127161391.png (1.64 MB, 1170x1091, jadie vants.png)

As much as I adore the Alfred threadpic motif I’d love it if we had some fat JD Vance edit threadpics in the future

No. 2428900

No. 2428904

File: 1741128919990.jpeg (168.53 KB, 1070x1605, Gk7FVThX0AET7nH.jpeg)

kek yes I agree, I was laughing at them all last night

No. 2428910

File: 1741129202469.png (1.07 MB, 1170x1138, emo JD .png)

Vance would probably feel so special if he came on lolcurr one day and found himself as one of the threadpics keekk

No. 2428914

LOLOLOL!!! This is awesome sauce xD Le JD Vance is so RANDOM!! Lets make this thread the Vance Thread ^_^(^_^)

No. 2428916

You can go one thread without seeing your husbando.

No. 2428918

I can't wait for your ban.

No. 2428920

I tried to learn mandarin. Its hard to learn. Motherfuckers don't have an alphabet and tonal inflection is crucial

No. 2428923

They're right. This level of cringe exdee memel0rd shit is embarrassing. You literally have the personalities of redditors.

No. 2428928

File: 1741130398605.png (3.28 MB, 1170x1385, u .png)

You don’t need to be mean about it nonny

No. 2428931

I'm so sorry I thought edits of him looking like a fatty mcfat fat has offended your sensibilities so badly.

No. 2428935

absolutely not. i would summon ten thousand baiters so the thread would instantly fill up.

No. 2428942

Wow epic memeage. Take my updoot

No. 2428952

There's literally motherfuckers going "yass" ITT.

No. 2428964

Thanks, nona, I am pretty sure I'll do the same. You're right, I guess I was overthinking it. I'm going to just have to wait for crypto to go back up as well. I don't have a lot in there, because I took profits on one altcoin earlier. But enough that I hope it goes back up (dw I only invested in major coins or real projects, no meme shit).

Thanks, I hope ny ex pays me a huge settlement and then something horrible happens to him. (Don't want to catch a ban here for alogging.) I can't wait to go public about it all, but I can't yet. The story is absolutely nuts and tbh I still fear for my life. The depth of evil in a man should not be underestimated.

No. 2428973

thanks nona, I am happy the link helped someone. I wouldn't be shy if you or anyone else thinks a finances chat could be helpful.

I would definitely leave your money in your IRA, as another nona suggested. I am just considering whether to later invest it differently within the IRA, focusing on different blends (more European stocks, for instance - my index fund is heavy on US stocks). For right now I'll see if the market in general improves.

Of course, if anything drastic starts to happen (you never know these days), we need to get the money out. Don't forget it's there if Vance decided women can't have retirement funds or something.

No. 2429044

Girl… You seem nice but seriously grow up.

No. 2429048

>My mom cooks all the meals in our house but she doesnt respect my eating preferences and so I have to order out a lot so that I can eat food that I like
I can't explain it but this is terminal levels of Redditism.

No. 2429085

Idk if I should post in this thread or YT hate thread but this shit makes me want to kill myself. I'm not watching it but I fucking hate these worthless youtube podcast scrotes so fucking much.

No. 2429105

File: 1741137084056.png (25.6 KB, 1297x120, lol.png)

No. 2429121

>as a woman
>as a black person
>as a gay person
Ok kek

No. 2429154

Livestream with democrat senators for the state of the union tonight

No. 2429162

NTA not to sound like a know it all nona but we’ve been saying yas on LC for many years now

No. 2429178

File: 1741140646771.png (411.17 KB, 589x550, avg celebricow anon.png)

Don't use "we" when you mean "you."

No. 2429186

Well I say we because I’ve seen a multitude of other posts with the word yas or some variation of it included and I know there are several thousand other users on this website so since I don’t have a specific number of how many individual posters have said yass in their post it made the most sense to just say “we”

No. 2429195

I feel sad for the donkeys

No. 2429198

Same but the Ukrainians arent indiscriminately killing them, thankfully, unlike the way Russia hunts down children and pets with drones

No. 2429211

With the stock market dropping is this a good time to buy more shares if I don’t need a return anytime soon?

No. 2429212

Definitely, it might not be the best time to buy yet. Wait another few months, maybe sometime in summer would be better.

No. 2429237

Makes sense, I was just reading that bear markets historically last ~13 months so summer would be around the middle of that. Trump has such a history of walking shit back like the last tariffs against China were for all of a week so I will probably invest in graduating increments

No. 2429280

I mean this is literally a screenshot of another anon repeating a common meme/creepypasta. Really showing your age here, that or how tapped out of internet culture you are.

No. 2429282

well at least i know the difference between a creepypasta and a copypasta, dumbass.

No. 2429572

Very confused by the Real ID roll out, will I not be able to board a domestic flight at all without it even if I have a valid passport? Also my state lists it as optional but the federal rollout seems very very mandatory, would I just be grounded if I flew to state where it’s mandatory? I’m also confused because I’m a permanent resident rather than a citizen so my passport is foreign

No. 2429641

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Sorry if posted already

No. 2429652

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Ron DeSantis being based?
>Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday that Andrew and Tristan Tate, the influencer brothers who face charges in Romania of human trafficking and sexual intercourse with a minor, were not welcome in the state.
>The brothers left Romania on a private flight and landed Thursday at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport after a travel ban was lifted. Andrew and Tristan Tate are dual citizens of the United States and the U.K.
>After landing in Florida, Andrew Tate gave brief remarks to the media.
>"We live in a democratic society where it’s innocent until proven guilty, and I think my brother and I are largely misunderstood. There’s a lot of opinions about us that go around on the internet. We’ve yet to be convicted of any crime in our lives ever. We have no criminal record anywhere on the planet," he said.
>McBride said in a separate statement that the Tate brothers had filed the defamation suit against those who had accused them of human trafficking. He said once prosecutors allowed the pair to leave the country, they did so legally.
>"Andrew and Tristan plan to return to Romania at the end of March to meet with the prosecutor before returning to the United States," the statement reads. "They feel secure in America for several reasons, the primary one being that Donald Trump is the President. As a result, they are excited to call America their home again."

No. 2429656

Getting rid of NOAA/NWS workers is so fucking stupid it’s unbelievable to me.

No. 2429660

Not sure where in the US you are, but if you have a license it might already be a Real ID since they started rolling this out back in 2005. You can use this site and scroll down to the map where you can find your state and verify if your id is a Real ID or not: https://www.dhs.gov/real-id

No. 2429701

Why can't scrotes kill these apes instead of blowing up children

No. 2429714

>western propaganda
So we should listen to anti-western propaganda instead? Get out if you hate america so much.

No. 2429744

Should everyone have just bought the propaganda and cheered as napalm was dropped on children in Vietnam?

No. 2429766

This kek

No. 2429816

nta but that's quite a jump to a strawman. You should be vigilant and aware of all kinds of propaganda because the anti-west, "DEMOCRACY BAD" shit is also propaganda by opposing authoritarian governments trying to advance their own agenda. It's not the black and white issue they want you to believe it is, they do a lot of optics pretending they give a fuck about the global south when they're exploiting them for their own ends. Don't be a useful idiot.

No. 2430162

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Just did taxes. Nigel and I made $55k gross last year, how is our federal tax bill $2.5k? That's over half a month of gross income. Fucking ludicrous. And that on top of all the local sales taxes being nearly 10%. What do I get for that? Roads that flood every time it rains, a sidewall puncture in a brand new tire from a massive pothole, stray dogs attacking my chickens, and unaffordable healthcare. Ugggghhhhhhhhh

No. 2430251

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Found an new OP pic for you, Amerifats!

No. 2430281

damn nonna with everything you listed you might as well be my neighbor. the potholes in my city are so bad that i'm afraid to drive down some streets lest i fuck up my car, it either floods or knocks the power out whenever it rains, and the stray dogs are out of control. i had to scare away a fucking coyote the other morning

No. 2430397

Ntayrt but I agree. It's so stupid that they expect us to be able to live on our own when there's no apartments that you can afford on minimum wage. If she was making 6000 a month and still can't afford an apartment, then what's the point of me trying to get one since I only make 3500 a month? We're gonna be stuck with our parents forever and it sucks.

No. 2430428

Nta but did you read any of her posts? She can't afford an apartment because she orders takeout everyday, flies to 5 cons a year, ubers everywhere instead of taking public transportation or learning how to drive, and spends her money on frivolous shit like Netflix/Disney+/Hulu/Prime and anime figurines. She spends 20k a year on takeout and 40.9k on "living expenses" and "miscellaneous expenses" >>2427620 (whatever that means, considering she lives at home for free). Anyway I'm 99.9% sure she's a troll, because she was having a meltdown over her parents wanting to charge her $50 a month in rent. Don't let a troll get you down

No. 2430443

Found another Gen Xer that wants us to live to work and work to die

No. 2430447

Do retarded zoomers really think lolcow.farm is being overrun by 50 year old moms? Kek

No. 2430466

Just did taxes. Nigel and I made $55k gross last year, how is our federal tax bill $2.5k? That's over half a month of gross income. Fucking ludicrous. And that on top of all the local sales taxes being nearly 10%. What do I get for that? Roads that flood every time it rains, a sidewall puncture in a brand new tire from a massive pothole, stray dogs attacking my chickens, and unaffordable healthcare. Ugggghhhhhhhhh

No. 2430468

You already posted this?

No. 2430491

File: 1741214352203.jpeg (Spoiler Image,937.78 KB, 1170x1645, IMG_4575.jpeg)

I’m only mentioning this because of Doordash-chan from two days ago but to any retarded nonas, please contact your local Vocational Rehabilitation office before the DOE is shut down, they will pay for your tuition and books for school, driving lessons, etc if you have ADHD or anxiety or anything that is technically a disability. I never thought I would be able to drive but I just got my license a month ago
He’s just trying to undermine Trump and start beef with him probably, he knows the personality transplant is never happening so he’d rather make sly digs that don’t matter

No. 2430566

I'm a sped and had no idea about this. Thank you for sharing nona, I'll reach out and see if they can help with some of my costs.

No. 2430611

Could you explain this Vocational Rehabilitation process to me? I looked it up and my local one only has two options; Business Enterprise Program and Traumatic Brain Injury. How did you apply for yours? Were there more options? Looking for help learning to drive.

No. 2430664

go take a trip to a bakery and get yourself a cookie to feel good about that

No. 2430748

Thanks for the info nonna. Unfortunately my state charges a bit extra for real id so I didn’t get it last time I renewed, will probably pick one up just to be safe. God I can feel my soul leaving my body already at the thought of going back to the dmv

No. 2430752

Trump tax cuts aren’t great for the upper classes either my parents only paid $1800 less this time around

No. 2430765

It’s no problem!! I didn’t even know they existed until I registered with disability services for my 2nd degree and the counselor at my college told me about VR, I think they avoid telling everyone about it because it’s easy to game the system and they don’t want people who aren’t in need to solicit their services
It depends what state you’re in, for me personally I’m in FL and when I started receiving services you needed a referral but the “referral” could literally just be a self-referral IE you filling out the form they have on their website and then bringing it to your local office, they take a while to process it (when I started, they were switching to a new system so I waited 6 weeks, from what I’ve heard it’s supposed to be 3-4 weeks) and then contact you to schedule an intake appointment. If you aren’t diagnosed with anything, they have services that they can refer you do & they cover for testing, if you are diagnosed with anything you need it in a letter with a letterhead from your current psychiatrist/doctor/etc. That’s just how it works in FL though, my sister also receives services from VR but in a different county entirely and that’s how it worked for her too. IDK how useful this specifically will be for you if you’re in a different state

No. 2430779

Oops. I blame the site, I got an error the first time and then later when I opened the browser the text was still in the box

No. 2430781

kekkk tell me you're overweight without telling me you're overweight. i'm guessing you're at least 25 pounds overweight.

No. 2430793

Nta but that comeback is pathetic. Do better.

No. 2430872

Thank you for sharing this nona! I’m passing it along to my brother who’s had a hard time with driving. I really hope it helps him.

No. 2430958

Are you joking nonnie? I fought tooth and nail in my FL university despite having a full list of documented illnesses and they refused me over 4 separate hearings/appeals…Did I just need to go to a gov department after all? I've struggled for fucking nothing?

No. 2431020

nta, i live in a state where its been integrated into the economy and isn’t seen as a big deal compared to how it was treated in the 00’s but, even as someone who’s smoked weed for several years..seeing advertisements for weed brands and watching pot smoking become normalized i can attest that it has been a net negative for our society.
> Americans being fat and "lazy" likely has more to do with our crap food system and plastic in everything than legal weed, use your head please.
i cant speak for OP but two things can be true at once, anon. everybody being high on pot is just as unhealthy as everyone’s water being laced with plastic.

No. 2431025

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coming across billboards for dispensaries opening when i’m driving home and getting targeted ads for weed brands that are owned by aging comedians is the type of shit that made me realize just how pathetic weed smoking is and was whats influenced me to stop

No. 2431036

Nta but I also live in a legalized (recreational) state and fully agree. I agree with the principle of legalizing weed, I don't think people should go to jail for smoking it. And I'm sure there's some people who can just do it in moderation. But the people I know who are stoners waste all their money on it and/or become completely retarded while high. At some point it's kind of like gambling to me, it's just a way to separate people from their money and mollify them with dumb shit. And this is a nitpick but it smells so gross

No. 2431052

ntayrt but i'm in the camp that weed should be decriminalized, but it should never have been legalized to the extent that it has been. the amount of kids that are hooked on 35% distillate-infused crap now is depressing. when i was growing up we thought 10% thc was high grade. the gov shouldnt be making money off addicts.

No. 2431053

I also live in a state where it's legalized and my main problem with it is that every single time I go out or drive anywhere, you will get hit with the smell of weed MULTIPLE times on your drive. I can't believe everyone thinks it's okay to drive high. I can barely read while high let alone drive. And these fuckers never get pulled over. I used to love the smell of weed but now I smell it every single day and I cannot stand it anymore.

No. 2431063

>every single time I go out or drive anywhere, you will get hit with the smell of weed MULTIPLE times on your drive.
I hate this so much, and it's incredibly common. Stoners are some of the dumbest and smelliest people around. I have to make sure the A/C buttons are on the right settings so that I don't get that shitty smell in my car.

No. 2431068

i don’t think adults should go to jail for smoking it, but i do think people should go absolutely to jail for selling it to children, driving while stoned, being out in public while high and causing mayhem

No. 2431069

Someone smoked weed in the bathroom by the gym at my college and it made me so mad because the fucking smell just lingers without any ventilation

No. 2431078

agree. there's tons of new evidence that it is physically addictive and causes a lot of issues. we're being used as guinea pigs.

No. 2431089

What kind of mayhem do stoners cause out in public?

No. 2431117

Aww I hope it helps him too!! I think the way they handle driving lessons is that they’re partnered with specific local driving schools (the one I went through offered a specialized “defensive driving courses for individuals with disabilities” course, which was what i was assigned) and give them a voucher/waiver for you to get your allotted hours of lessons. Just make sure your brother knows to talk about how his disabilities causing his inability to drive are holding him back from gainful employment as vocational rehabilitation’s purpose is to rehabilitate one’s ability to have a sustained vocation
unfortunately it seems like that may be the case…… did you go to a private school? I’ve gone to 2 different public community colleges and 1 public university and at one I got formal disability services (basic generic “extra time + extended due dates”) despite having no documentation (i wasn’t actually diagnosed yet and didn’t understand you aren’t supposed to just walk into a disability services office with no formal diagnosis) just because they took it at face value, and at the other two there was a very established and formalized disability service where you met with an advisor who exclusively worked with the disability services office and went over your medical paperwork and why you felt you needed services with you on a Zoom call and offered you a list of services you were eligible for based on symptoms you described. Granted all of these schools are in the Miami metropolitan area, so maybe it’s a regional thing?

No. 2431127

Nta, but I live in a sort of white trash area and I've definitely seen stoners being retarded in public. One time a friend of mine told me his coworker just took a hit on his weed vape mid meeting with his boss. In her office. He said she just stared at him kek. It's not like everyone who smokes weed goes out of control with it but a lot of people just can't regulate themselves and act dumb as fuck while high/addicted.

No. 2431138

ayrt, i’ve seen druggies sperging out in public and having mental breakdowns, screaming, crying, shitting and pissing on the ground. and even much like >>2431127 said, normal people on drugs act very weird too. one time the cashier at the grocery store just stared at me instead of verbally telling me with words that something was free kek…i have no way of knowing if she was high but, occam’s razor says she likely was

No. 2431146

This reminds me about what irritates me about stoners. They always seem to want to get high in inappropriate situations, and then they're too high and get all scared and awkward and it just ruins the vibe for everybody. Like how do you keep making this mistake? I would get so annoyed when visiting friends and they'd get stoned and have to like, take a 4 hour nap because they got sleepy and anxious or something. Like just… don't smoke lmfao or smoke only a small amount.

No. 2431149

The idea of getting high around other people stresses me out, I can't imagine wanting to do it in public. Maybe it's because I take edibles and don't smoke or vape, I wouldn't know if that makes a difference.

No. 2431152

Taking edibles gave me a really bad uncontrollable high and freaked me out. Smoking was definitely a better experience for me. They are different

No. 2431154

I had a roommate who was a big stoner. It went from an occasional thing to smoking two bowls a day just to function and coincided with her increasingly unhinged behavior. Once she became super paranoid while high and hid under her bed because she swore cops were going to break into our apartment at any moment. She also developed a cyst in her throat that obstructed her airway when she laid down. I just don’t understand the attraction to weed outside of just straight up addiction. It’s so fucking gross and can really fuck you up.

No. 2431165

I think there’s a lot of overlap with the type of person who finds it fun to be super stoned in public being mostly being college kids or like developmentally arrested to around that age, both of which are already annoying at their baseline. In New York at least mostly it’s just the smell that’s insufferable, especially when it’s hot out. Otherwise they just kinda stare or take too long at the register

No. 2431172

Should be Ivan x Alfred instead

No. 2431178

You're the only real one.

No. 2431206

What’s with all the sperging over egg prices lately, I thought they were just high more so because of the bird flu going around than any economic whatever. Also I could’ve sworn the old go to index food was a gallon of milk

No. 2431282

>Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the US after English
Not for long kek. Loving the fact that ICE raids are happening everywhere, even in "sanctuaries," but they do need to ramp it up and do even more.

No. 2431283

California says hi.

No. 2431488

Bird flu is spreading like crazy because it's not being prevented or tracked federally. It wouldn't have been this bad and wasn't under Dem control because it was being monitored and controlled without only having to force states to track, limiting cooperation and efficiency

No. 2431569

corporate greed is also a factor. corporations will always use times of legitimate crisis as an excuse to escalate prices because they know many people will continue to buy their products if they consider them a household necessity. they are careful to make things stupidly expensive but not outright unaffordable

No. 2431596

I mean I do agree but we are seeing literally up to a million chickens culled in a single state, routinely. Like it's really, really bad precisely because of the trump administration. We saw the same thing during COVID. There were 700k+ excess deaths for a reason. The game plan is to pretend it doesn't exist and do nothing to prevent the spread. Thank God some states are semi competent to pick up what these satanic pieces of shit are doing, but it could easily be far better controlled and contained. This is abnormal and insane.

No. 2431604

i agree with you and i wasn't trying to say that bird flu isn't a genuine threat that is being mishandled by our administration, just that corporations will capitalize on shortages and epidemics by draining as much money as they possibly can from citizens while claiming that it's only because of a situation beyond their control

No. 2431841

Funny when retards relish at working people getting harassed and then cry when the same moids that hate 'illegals' make women's lives shit

No. 2431842

Enjoy paying $75 for a package of strawberries in a few years I guess.

No. 2431850

pretty much. their "plan" was to just close walmart at night, shut down gyms an only let people eat outside just for everyone to stand around with their thumb up their ass wondering why everyone is still getting COVID. If you're gonna have a lockdown, you better have a fucking lockdown. close down everything, actually WAVE rent and other bills so that way people aren't just gonna become homeless when all this is over, forbid travel, etc. All lockdown accomplished was destroying mom and pops and condensing all the shoppers to daytime

No. 2431902

yes!! i really miss crappy ditch weed. i miss picking out seeds and stems and saving them in a little container. i miss having a dealer. i miss "hehe look what i got guys, shitty weed to make us a little goofy"
now you will get turbo blasted from one hit and scared for your life.

No. 2431934

I know that children have had access to smoking and drugs and alcohol for several decades now, in the 50’s and 60’s little kids were smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol from the age of 5 (my dad told me he started smoking/drinking when he was like 7), in the 70’s and 80’s it was drinking alcohol and smoking pot, the 90’s and 00’s MDMA, acid, and psychedelics became more popular and easier to access amongst middle and high schoolers, but now ever since the 10’s it’s been common for 14 year olds to be on fentanyl and adderall. I actually don’t think I’d have a problem with it if we did return to being the type of country where smoking and selling weed results in getting arrested. How normalized drug usage has become is just astounding and needs to change

No. 2431954

You can get skank weed anywhere, it's just cheaper than the pure strains with all the unnecessary crap removed, so you don't have to smoke as much

No. 2431958

This same argument was used to try to prevent slavery from becoming illegal.
>Oh, you won't let us exploit humans in order to keep agricultural profits high? Enjoy paying $75 for a pound of cotton.

No. 2432058

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No. 2432122

Wtf rare Newsom W? What made him break away with the rest of the Dems? Is he still thinking of running for POTUS? Because a good chunk of the country would rather die than vote for a Californian

No. 2432123

kek I was literally about to post this. Honestly I'm surprised since he teamed up with Scott Wiener before to let troons into women's prisons, but still this is surprisingly based of him nonetheless.

No. 2432324

Ok? First of all, the strawberries won't be $75 because Americans will go pick them for a higher wage than Latinos. They'll be $75 because almost no farms will be growing them at all, because Americans are spoiled and will not do that work for any wage. We have seen this every single time a state dependent on agriculture threatens illegal immigrants and thousands of them flee the state immediately. (And prison labor is frequently used to replace them, with hilariously shitty results, so "b-b-but exploitation" doesn't make sense anyway.) Second, you are jumping to the wrong conclusion about what I want to happen. I would prefer another amnesty, followed by a massive overhaul of our immigration rules to allow migrant farm and construction workers to come here legally, go home at the end of the season, and then return for the next one, which is what most of them would prefer to do anyway.

No. 2432384

He is a man so he probably has a chance.

No. 2432427

I would just like to say: All the ICE raids and other shit is for show, they've only actually deported a few dozen people out of millions. The goal was never to actually get illegal immigrants out of America, it was to scare them into accepting the inhumane treatment they get from the corporations that illegally employ them, because they know if they speak up or try to get citizenship or do anything other than just be good cheap labor then they will be deported. Americans everywhere are falling for it because we are stupid ass country that's both made of immigrants and hateful of immigrants, but I guarantee that most people would agree the only illegal immigrants that need deported are the ones who are violent or running drugs, not people who are just providing for their family who deserve a living wage and good treatment

No. 2432536

Kinda miss when monoculture was still a thing, feels like politics and the occasional celebrity stunt like Drake vs. Kendrick are the only topics left

No. 2432683

This. I sometimes get exhausted thinking just how either incapable of Trump supporters are of seeing all this, or simply how evil they are for wanting to ruin the country over their retarded pride demanding scorched earth just so that the people they don't like suffer too.

No. 2432688

File: 1741336197484.webp (153.48 KB, 824x1099, 1000045029.webp)

Have we considered child labor? Kids love pick-your-own farms.

No. 2432705

Well, the republicans are currently busy with getting rid of child labor laws so we're heading there.

No. 2432707

I hope more dems follow this, the shitlibs are already pushing back though.

No. 2432714

So are we recessed yet or…? Feels like every major outlet has been declaring we’re on the verge of one for the past 4 years

No. 2432725

Interesting. Loves dangerous-ass illegals and gives them all kinds of free shit (food, housing, healthcare) but hates trannies?

No. 2432728

>working people
They're called felons. I'd rather have people working here who didn't commit a major crime to get here, came here based on merit, and actually have skills to offer the labor force, thanks.

No. 2432784

Only a yuppie would think it's a "major crime" to hop a fence kek

No. 2432834

Let's start with Elon Musk and Melania Trump. They both lied on their paperwork to enter the country, which is the exact same "crime" almost every illegal immigrant commits when they overstay a valid tourist visa. Until those two are deported, I don't want to hear a single thing from any magatard about illegal immigrants.

No. 2432839

Kek exactly, so many middle class white immigrants pull strings and lie on their paperwork, give birth to anchor babies and do basically every single thing brown immigrants do but nobody gives a shit about that. It's racism, plain and square.

No. 2432862

They aren't felons because entering or even overstaying your visa is not a felony, it's only a civil offense.

No. 2433068

Republicucks will bitch about crime and morals but not understand or accept that laws are mere suggestions for their ruling class daddies that their pathetic asses worship and sacrifice their children to.

No. 2433131

File: 1741372095269.jpeg (293.62 KB, 1206x2622, aky9dizlzane1.jpeg)

google have bent the knee

No. 2433154

I guess those values don't sell anymore.. Can't wait to see altright shirts at target kek

No. 2433155

let me guess, one of the more upvoted responses is about how it will literally kill troon failmales to have it removed

No. 2433173

File: 1741374581175.jpeg (477.01 KB, 1170x1317, IMG_8897.jpeg)

>tfw putin dicksucker russian oligarch has anchor baby, traffics women, helped trump rig an election, evades sanctions, and still never ends up in prison himself

>New Jersey Resident Olga Shriki Arrested for Her Role in Facilitating Illicit Travel by Deripaska’s Girlfriend and in Real Estate Transactions

>Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the unsealing of an Indictment charging OLEG VLADIMIROVICH DERIPASKA, a/k/a “Oleg Mukhamedshin,” and NATALIA MIKHAYLOVNA BARDAKOVA, a/k/a “Natalya Mikhaylovna Bardakova,” citizens of the Russian Federation (“Russia”), and OLGA SHRIKI, a New Jersey resident and naturalized U.S. Citizen, with conspiring to violate United States sanctions imposed on DERIPASKA and one of DERIPASKA’s corporate entities, “Basic Element.”
>SHRIKI is further charged with obstruction of justice based on her deletion of electronic records relating to her participation in DERIPASKA’s sanctions evasion scheme following receipt of a Grand Jury subpoena requiring the production of those records. BARDAKOVA and is charged in one count with making false statements to agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
>Additionally, EKATERINA OLEGOVNA VORONINA, a/k/a “Ekaterina Lobanova,” is also charged with making false statements to agents of the Department of Homeland Security at the time of VORONINA’s attempted entry into the United States for the purpose of giving birth to DERIPASKA’s child. SHRIKI was arrested this morning.

No. 2433231

$50 they're gonna start celebrating international men's day instead

No. 2433548

Honestly I'm not surprised because of all the drama with California women's prisons and troons, he's probably aware of some awful shit and is tired of their behavior

No. 2433869

File: 1741404052545.png (125.67 KB, 3000x1690, IMG_9651.png)

List of words Trump is trying to ban from federal documents. Thanks to every pseudo-gender critical soccer mom and homocon who voted for Trump because he “won’t erase women.” Teenage girls will bleed to death after being forced to carry their rapist’s child, but hey, at least you won’t have to put your pronoun signature in your email anymore. Hope it was worth it.

No. 2433872

File: 1741404147757.jpeg (236.02 KB, 1636x1091, IMG_9652.jpeg)

Samefag. More expansive list

No. 2433875

>clean energy
>climate crisis
>climate science

No. 2433876

our country is sliding backwards into something very scary and literally no one will stand up for us. every day i debate if it's better here in a blue state or if canada would be better

No. 2433889

File: 1741405257000.png (1.08 MB, 1238x1084, new yorkes.png)

NYC is very strange..why does there need to be 4 whole foods within less than a mile of each other??

No. 2433910

you know why

No. 2433915

kek nona there's 8.25 MILLION people living in NYC, you think one grocery store is enough for them?

No. 2433922

I'm laughing so hard as someone from Harlem. Does anon think NYC is only like 30,000 people? People live everywhere, especially in manhattan, so we have the convenience of all our grocery stores and bodegas.

No. 2433923

This was apparently a skit.

No. 2433929

Sometimes, I randomly remember that NYC doesn't have any Walmarts

No. 2433933

Theres like 6 million people living in my city and for some reason we only get two whole foods??!

No. 2434060

File: 1741413678979.png (165.73 KB, 1526x892, womens day but only women in s…)

No its ok nonnies they’re still celebrating Womens day but only women in STEM

No. 2434991

Have any of you nonas ever been pickpocketed in our big cities? Like the Euro style pickpocketed not straight up mugged lol like getting your phone snatched from you and not noticing it until it was too late

No. 2434995

>Okay we can celebrate women but ONLY women in STEM because those are the only jobs that matter
gotta love STEMfags, man.

No. 2434998

File: 1741432820669.png (439.57 KB, 720x947, Screenshot_20250307-114255~2.p…)

No. 2435049

Nope, never in Miami, Manhattan, LA, DC or San Diego. I did get my phone stolen out of my pocket while at a concert in a smaller city from some little asshole girl though, kek.

No. 2435906

Same even in high density cities in the east coast I’ve never thought twice about putting my phone in my back pocket. When I was traveling in Italy tho I had to force myself to remember that back pockets are a no no.

No. 2435912

If women would stop capping for trannies, maybe we make progress. I want women to unite so badly.

No. 2435969

Curious about the number of traffic accidents that happen, on average, in day in other nonnie's counties. Today there were 25. What about you all? Higher or lower? I check the dispatch reporting site or equivalent.

No. 2436061

I counted any reported with "crash" for today and it's been 79

No. 2436069

I checked my state highway patrol's website and there were none in the county I live in and the one I go to work in, today or yesterday

No. 2436084

he needs to get popped like a pimple

No. 2436096

File: 1741496996995.jpg (34.99 KB, 755x797, 1000020596.jpg)

>'female' and 'women' are on the list

No. 2436098

Nope, it's more violent and less sneaky here, kek. I know multiple people who have been mugged at gunpoint here in mid-large sized cities but I've only heard firsthand accounts of people getting pickpocketed in Europe, like the touristy areas in Paris and Rome

No. 2436101

It's hard to not get blackpilled. I don't think Canada is doing much better, but I try to keep my head out of their news unless spoonfed by Canadian friends (they don't want to talk about it).

No. 2436252

>MAGAfag pickmes surprised that DEI initiatives included actual women as well

No. 2436304

Where's that nona who was shipping Newsome with Angelina Jolie? I wonder how she's doing.

No. 2436305

I refuse to PAY to pick my own fruit and so should you.

No. 2436592

File: 1741540298435.jpg (54.62 KB, 558x680, 677e74c62744b20c669901ee9636ca…)

Did the whole Luigi thing make anyone else feel like revolution just isn't really possible in America? All that happened was that people turned him into white boy of the month, insurance companies didn't really suffer and they will continue fucking over people. I guess I'm hypocritical because I also haven't done anything, but I guess it's still just a bit disheartening. Everything stays the same.

No. 2436596

Yep. Nobody's coming to save the US and it's time to accept that now. It's only going to get worse and worse, we're far from reaching the rock bottom. But instead of going into defeatism, people need to organize and start getting into local politics NOW when there are still remnants of democracy available before they get snuffed out as well.

No. 2436610

at least 100 a day but its also socal so its expected

No. 2436907

I've never been mugged or pickpocketed but my city isn't coastal or in Texas so that might be why.

No. 2437154

I don't really know what revolution in America would look like, which is ironic because the country was founded on it. It feels like everything is so different in the modern world, once upon a time people went on strike and beat the shit out of scabs. There are a few obstacles to any sort of revolution imo and they're big. 1. Most people have not felt actual physical consequences yet and while a lot of people are talking about it on social media, well, it's just talk so far. In 2008 there was a massive recession and a lot of people were fucked over, at which point Republicans lost the mandate of heaven. Time will tell if the same thing will happen this cycle. 2. People are increasingly isolated, no one is socializing especially not in real life. What's crazy is that by torpedoing the main social medias through their retardation, Musk and Zuck may be the ones who "solve" this problem by getting us all off their teat. When people are isolated they can't empathize, they can't pool resources and intelligence, they can't compare each other's situations. If we all stay stuck at home on our devices, we'll never see that poor libs and poor cons have way more in common than we do with the rich, and that there are way more of us than there are of them. 3. Even if we were able to unite, the fucks who control the nation work tirelessly to divide us. I don't know about you but consensus was pretty clear in the few moments after the UHC shooting. Every single person in this country has been fucked over by health insurance. But then media dug their claws in and did what they do best, make it left vs right instead of America vs 1%, and sensationalize the whole thing into being about the "white boy of the month" so people would stop talking and stop commiserating about their common experiences with being disabled, maimed, tortured, and murdered by people like Brian Thompson. It was a goddamn circus, the perp walk was comical. All I can say is that we know at least ONE insurance CEO suffered, and we know that it's actually a huge chunk, one might even say the majority of people that are fed up with how we're treated. If I was being optimistic I would say sure it looks like baby steps, but it's a leap compared to where we once were. People have to learn how to walk before we learn how to run.

No. 2437319

>revolution isn't really possible in America
Yeah, no duh. The majority of people can't read above the 6th grade level. Writings by Marx are above the 6th grade level. Revolution depends on very specific material conditions. These material conditions are not yet present in the USA, and maybe they never will be. The living standard here is high, people have good jobs and good houses, people can afford to eat well and spend their money on luxuries, there's a level of liberty and freedom that many countries do not experience, and more. Americans aren't ready to suffer from war. We haven't had to suffer from war on our territory in over a century. Most people won't suffer for any cause. More importantly than all that is that a revolution depends on solidarity. There is no solidarity in this country. Once you accept that, it becomes a lot easier to focus on actual things that matter instead of daydreaming about a glorious revolution that will never come.

Now that I'm in my 30s, I've realized that I don't have a responsibility to overthrow the government. I don't care what happens outside my county. I focus my efforts here, for the benefit of the people around me. I raise money for impoverished children, I run food drives, I knit hats and mittens for the homeless, I'm involved in municipal politics and I write letters to federal representatives, etc.. You say you don't do anything, so why dream of a revolution? Is it an excuse to do nothing? It's not difficult to engage with democracy and exercise your rights.

The whole pseudo-revolutionary mindset is so juvenile and immature. I remember being sucked up in that when I was in my late teens and early 20s. I think a lot of people were. There is not going to be a revolution in our country. There is not going to be a civil war. There is not going to be a coup d'état. The county is going to continue chugging along like it always has. That's a good thing. The doomer mindset needs to stop, it's not cute and it's not good for anything.

No. 2437385

NTA but this very American mindset of thinking that what happens outside of your country's borders will never affect your status quo is specifically what will lead into your democracy collapsing. You can keep knitting hats for the homeless but thinking that the bad things will go away on their own if you just comply and never get worse is poisonous. The pillars protecting the common people will come down by either letting the billionaires turn it into a dystopian oligarchy, or a revolution of the people. It's entirely your choice which one will have the most optimistic outcome. The US is speedrunning its transformation into exactly what Russia is and this isn't even fearmongering but it's literally 1:1 to how it happened to them.

No. 2437390

Okay, so what do you do then? What difference do you make?

Also, I said county, not country.

No. 2437399

>You say you don't do anything
I do help in my community, but what I mean by "doing nothing" is that I don't take action that would negatively impact big corporations in an extreme way. Volunteering and helping the less fortunate isn't the same. And I'm not a doomer, I do believe there's some hope. If I was a doomer, I probably wouldn't even care. And only caring about what happens in your county is dumb. What happens outside of your county is still going to affect you even if you put your hands over your eyes and go "la la la".

No. 2437401

Get into local politics. Not necessarily by becoming a politician yourself, but attending every event you possibly can in person, write letters to your local legislators, tell them what you want. That's literally what a lot of alt right fucks did. It all starts from grassroots levels and they're human who will be swayed by enough harassment and bugging and taking their time. You don't know how much time you have left until all democratic ways of acting will be taken away in one form or another so the time to act is now.

No. 2437411

people dont read anymore so dont take it personally

No. 2437416

The fact that you're getting pissy about me wanting my whole country to be better rather than just the tiny part I live in is ridiculous kek.

No. 2437444

People that couldn’t even be bothered to vote somehow thinking that they’re going to be able to pull off a revolution, will never not be funny to me.

No. 2437456

I vote in both general and local elections.

No. 2437987

> I knit hats and mittens for the homeless
This is such a virtue signal and absolutely useless too. Can't believe somebody in their 30s is so lacking in self-awareness and common sense.

No. 2437991

I'm cringing so hard at the unironic commies on lolcow rn kek

No. 2437996

IA like wow I'm sure those handmade mittens are saving so many fingies meanwhile from actually being around homeless people I know there are almost always places they can go to get hats, gloves, and hand warmers and they would probably appreciate you fighting for legislation and funding that keeps these resources going. I have seen shelters and low income housing forgo basics like soap and paper towels and bathrooms and kitchens since January because of impulsive firings and budget cuts. Organizations that make meaningful change getting defunded for safety, staff and basic human sanitation but thank god nona is out here knitting.

No. 2438015

Nope, for some reason that's a very European thing. Violence is much more American kek. I know people who have been carjacked and mugged… the only people I know who have been pickpocketed were on a vacation in Europe. I wonder why this is? Why are European thieves more sneaky and American thieves are just straight up violent?

No. 2438019

Oh yeah, the alt right is in power because they wrote letters. Nothing to do with the billions of dollars in funding and bribery from Russia and Elon Musk kek

No. 2438052

Giving mittens to homeless people in winter is "virtue signalling" now? Kekkkkk
Me too lol it's throwing me back to freshmen year of college

No. 2438141

Because Europe spent 500 years exporting all its criminals and retards to colonies. Idk why we want to act like only dogs can be bred for violent temperament.

No. 2438146

Well, if those homeless weren't bridge burning pieces of shit addicts who thought they could do whatever they wanted their whole life and not have any consequences, maybe they could have toilet paper like normal people. But hey, I know it's super hard to not start using meth or heroin, it's not like there's been PSAs about the dangers of it that detail the consequences for the past fifty years.

No. 2438151

I'm the anon she was replying to. I knit mittens and hats for elderly women that have become homeless due to the cost of living crisis in my county. I also donate some to single mothers with young children that would otherwise be unable to purchase winter clothes due to financial constraints. It's wacky that the pseudo-revolutionaries think that constitutes "virtue signalling," but I guess illiterate people struggle with the meanings of words.

No. 2438154

>doing charity is virtue signalling and/or communism

No. 2438155

Kekk I saw anons say you were up your own ass last night but I didn't jump in because I didn't want to start an infight. (And I was sleepy.)
But where does >>2437996 think many of those spare mittens and hats are coming from? I promise you the average person isn't stopping by walmart and buying up 10 pairs of mittens to drop off at the homeless shelter at the end of their week. If you go to any charity organizing a mitten drive, the #1 ask is money, and the next best thing are handmade items.
Which you already know, kek. I think so many people make hats, it's very nice of you to make mittens, esp because I know a lot of knitters are afraid to make them since they seem so complex. May I ask what yarn you use?

No. 2438163

>If I was being optimistic I would say sure it looks like baby steps, but it's a leap compared to where we once were. People have to learn how to walk before we learn how to run.
This is a nice way to look at it actually. Maybe what we're seeing with Luigi is just the start.
Think social media has just made it so that nothing is taken seriously. Everything is a new meme. People can't do anything because they see everything as a joke and the new hot topic of the day. Plus, like you said, media divides us even further. Idk how these issues can be fixed, but it does make me sad. I haven't lost hope on Americans though.

No. 2438229

I agree with you homeless people are a lost cause, fuck em.

No. 2438365

File: 1741625112443.jpeg (143.82 KB, 1039x693, download.jpeg)

I cannot be the only nonny here to find this man irrevocably attractive. And yes, I do in fact hate myself.

No. 2438368

Would hate fuck.

No. 2438370

autopedos scare me

No. 2438397

I think the euro thieves are more sneaky since Americans value personal space a lot more we are inherently more antsy when someone is in close distance to us or if someone randomly tries to distract us on a street while their buddy runs up behind us to grab our wallet. Also the threat that the person you are trying to pickpocket might have a firearm.

No. 2438405

File: 1741627259043.png (1.54 MB, 1170x1952, true retardation .png)

>The “iconic” BLM plaza
It was up for less than five years kek, I don’t think I’d go as far as calling that “iconic”

No. 2438409

He looks like the president from monsters vs aliens or darkest timeline Steven Colbert kek

No. 2438411

Probably because the American criminals have guns to "defend themselves" if they're caught, European ones don't.

No. 2438416

File: 1741627980197.jpg (79.44 KB, 600x400, KUhVmgU09DPCy88KOXEEQReCpXvGAU…)

Kinda giving me Matthew Broderick as Cooter Burger in 30 Rock vibes

No. 2438418

Europeans are not so fat so their fingers are much lankier and flexible. They are able to maneuver their fingers into the pocket unsuspectingly. They are also so light that their feet don't make much sound on the pavement nor does it shake the earth beneath. They are like weasels and we are like beavers.

No. 2438419

Beavers are awesome so I'm ok with this

No. 2438420

Yeah because elderly women who get priced out of homes and abandoned by their families or women who have experienced DV are degenerate shitbags that don't deserve to be able to wash their hands because oligarch billionaires want to gut the country.
>But where does >>2437996 think many of those spare mittens and hats are coming from? I promise you the average person isn't stopping by walmart and buying up 10 pairs of mittens to drop off at the homeless shelter at the end of their week
Literally nonprofits buy and receive donations like this all of the time. You're confirming that by referencing the most frequently requested items. Unless you're in a rural bumfuck nowhere area, there are plenty of places to get free resources like gloves and mittens. All of you have so little experience with the actual reality of being impoverished and want to pat yourself on the back for being morally righteous for checks notes doing a hobby to make something that is mass produced and frequently donated already. Like ok Mckayleigh, congrats on saving the world.

No. 2438431

>nonprofits buy and receive donations like this all of the time
Yeah… they receive donations… like when someone knits clothing items… and donates it… What is not clicking for you?

No. 2438433

Aren’t most pickpockets in Europe gypsies? At least that’s what I’ve been told kek idk if it’s just typical eurogypsy hysteria

No. 2438434

The common conception of a homeless person is a filthy tweaker begging for cash on the side of the road or a disgusting old man shitting on a park bench or something because they're the most visible/annoying/disruptive. Nobody thinks of a single mother and her kids couch surfing between friends' houses because her husband's an abusive piece of shit or an elderly couple who lost their savings and now have to live in their car.

No. 2438436

Yeah, you're right. I think there's a big difference between the homeless and addicts that don't have homes, if that makes sense
No I think regular Europeans do it too. I would if I was European anyway

No. 2438439

There's people who can reintegrate into society (the temporarily homeless), and there's people who can't (the chronically homeless). Having worked in a field with a lot of exposure to people at their lowest point, you can tell pretty quickly who's going to turn their lives around and who's probably going to end up in a ditch, and it's really fucking sad.

No. 2438450

Nta but out of curiosity, how do you tell the difference? Is there any way to help the chronically homeless? I've never worked in any of these fields (and I truly appreciate you for doing this work) but I have a friend who takes care of the mentally disabled, and he said something similar once, that some of them could reintegrate on some level but some just can't. Is the difference in your job also severity of mental illness, or something else? Some kind of level of intrinsic willpower I guess

No. 2438461

Ntayrt but there's two views of addiction. The one usually favored by leftists is: "Addiction is a mental illness, it can be treated with adequate therapeutic intervention, and the addict is not to blame for their mental illness." The one usually favored by rightists is: "Addiction is a moral failing. Addiction can be beat through willpower. Addicts are to blame for their poor choices."

I think the more grounded view is a mix of both. There are some people that are suffering from addiction and if they're given the proper treatment and intervention, they can bounce back and beat it. For others, they actually love being addicted and they'll never stop. For example, some crackheads love crack. They love it more than life itself. They will always want to smoke crack, they will always be thinking of crack, because crack is their favorite thing in the world. They don't want to beat their addiction, they'll never want to beat it. For a lot of people with the former view, it's difficult to reconcile these types of addicts with their viewpoint. For the people with the latter view, these types of addicts strengthen their viewpoint.

We all live in a free country. If someone wants to kill themselves through addiction, they're free to do so. It only becomes a problem when their addiction begins to beget crime or social deviancy that impacts innocent bystanders.

No. 2438487

One ex-addict I knew was a typical crazy homeless person (meth + fent) but suffered a brain injury while living on the streets I think he got hit by a car or something. He attributes his TBI to being able to get sober because he has memory issues and I guess remembers very little from his addict life. He said without the accident he 100% would have never gotten sober even after he received a plethora of resources he just didn’t want to follow any rules and liked roughing it.

No. 2438645

I unironically believe the only way to change things is civil war, but it won't happen because the internet turned everyone into self-indulgent escapist retards

No. 2438794

>Why are European thieves more sneaky and American thieves are just straight up violent?
It starts with the letter n(racebait)

No. 2438812

maybe she enjoys knitting and is good at it? I don't see any reason to shit on her for donating items that keep people warm in the winter.

No. 2438813

There was a guy on feb 21st who shot up a ceos house and wasn't caught. I just want CEOs to have the same fear of being gunned down as american schoolchildren

No. 2438859

File: 1741647953903.png (297.67 KB, 761x490, Screenshot_20250310-190228~3.p…)

I literally said to my roomate an hour before the right screenshot “he's dropping the ‘and or a country‘ comment to set up a Ukrarine propaganda bit” and who could've guessed I was correct. He’s so fucking ugly and pathetic.

No. 2438861

I'm not shitting on them for making something, I'm questioning why be so self aggrandizing over knitting. Like say anon knits 10 pairs of gloves this winter. Cool. They are literally mass produced and available at every major retailer, they are often donated in large amounts direct from vendors or generous people. It's like acting like you really did something to end hunger by donating a can to a canned food drive. Most donated gloves/hats/scarves etc. aren't handmade because it's not the 1800s and we have the technology. If that anon wants to feel like a saint who is fighting homelessness with their casual hobby, ok lol.

No. 2438875

Nta but this feels like such a non issue who cares

No. 2438890

Why are democrats so buckbroken by trannies it's unironically making my brain hurt watching them fold themselves inward for fucking troons and backstab women.

No. 2439049

Years and years of social media poisoning I guess. At least the youngest of them I can understand, there's been a concerted effort to normalize trannyism for over a decade and it has worked on a lot of them. But the older ones, I just don't get it. Maybe in their minds they needed a next big thing after same sex marriage and trans rights seemed like the next step, and they just won't let go. A lot of progressives have become completely reactionary on the issue and will treat you like you're an insane conspiracist/Nazi if you disagree with TIMs in sports. It's fuckin weird, like they can't fathom that someone could be Dem and not fully agree with the party line

No. 2439056

a ton of suburban women also bleat on about their trans kids. the liberal media publishes a ton of heart-tugging pieces about little trans kids who will totally commit suicide if they can't have immediate access to hormones. it doesn't help that there's a ton of adult trannies and tifs who cry to the media about making sure kids troon out as soon as possible. those techniques work on a lot of people, especially women who want to appear friendly and sympathetic to gay men (lesbians usually don't figure in) because their only perception of gay men is drag race and modern family

No. 2439112

i cannot believe these fucking retards are in charge of the goddamn country kill me now
i don't even think i'm gonna live to see the next presidency, i'ma kms with alcoholism at this rate because i just need something to make me pass out at night instead of staying up worrying about what tomorrow's gonna bring

No. 2439551

Nonny, remember nothing ever happens, calm down.

No. 2440094

Another day, another protest about palestine and shit.
We are never getting universal healthcare

No. 2440100

Weird how quiet this thread has been over the past day especially with all this shit going on. Kinda crashing out a little because my student loans are fucked and the income based repayment plan is probably gone forever just as I was going to apply.

No. 2440109

Tuesday through Thursday will have certain threads quiet during American "days" because everyone is at work, and Amerifags is definitely one of those threads.

No. 2440125

Go start a protest about universal healthcare then. Except you have no plans on starting it. But you’re going to grumble when you see your peers actually get up and do shit when they care about something.

No. 2440126

Why not Monday and Friday though? Especially Monday

No. 2440145

Because Mondays and Fridays are the most common days for people to have off, both from calling in and via their regular schedules. So Tuesday through Thursday just has the most amount of people working at the same time in general.
And then of course Saturdays and Sundays are the true "dead" days for the site, because those days have the most amount of people not working at the same time, so farmers are doing weekend activities or out with friends/family.

No. 2440203

I just feel burnt out as fuck

No. 2440318

File: 1741742368435.png (351.59 KB, 786x624, tesla_pricing.png)

I'm one of the usual posters in this thread and college is kinda kicking my ass right now, so I haven't had time. Here's something funny I saw today, DEI for Elon kek. I'm surprised the Tesla boycott is having such an effect that they're having Trump blatantly advertise for them but I guess it actually makes sense. The more Teslas are vandalized and the brand reputation crashes, the more Tesla owners sell them off (and libs are more likely to own an EV in the first place), which is less sales for Elon when the company is already bleeding. I think Trump's whole "illegal boycott" dumbfuckery and trying to advertise to their base is really funny. I do not see cons buying EVs after decades of smearing them as soyboy cars and glorifying big ass trucks. You can't roll coal in a Cybertruck kek

No. 2440319

File: 1741742444507.jpeg (113.61 KB, 549x554, illegal_boycott.jpeg)

Samefag this is what I'm referring to by "illegal boycott"

No. 2440323

We're reaching levels of late stage capitalism I thought would only exist in satirical and dystopian media.

No. 2440325

Consumer boycotts are one of the defining regulators of capitalism. For all the right spergs about the free market, consumers choosing to not spend their money on a product is a weird thing to consider 'illegal.'

No. 2440415

Nona what the fuck is the end goal for the palestine shit? As an american, the best you can hope for is for America to stop giving israel money. The palestine israel conflict is just more overseas bullshit that doesn't actually affect Americans like going into medical debt. No one gives a shit about their own country, they just want to cry for other countries and act as if our own isn't becoming a third world shithole.

No. 2440416


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2440787

That's because it's illegal when it harms Musk. Even though all they are doing is not buying Elon's shitty EVs, it hurts him, so it's illegal

No. 2440962

File: 1741796332073.png (227.72 KB, 1080x1429, 1000020673.png)

WTF is going on in Tennessee. Hopefully this doesn't pass in the house over there, feel bad for Tennessee nonnas
>Doctors in Tennessee may soon be able to deny certain treatments over their personal beliefs.
>The "Medical Ethics Defense Act" passed the State Senate last week. It would give medical professionals and health care providers legal protection for refusing care or treatment that goes against their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs.
>Examples include a pharmacist who has a religious objection to filling prescriptions for birth control.

No. 2440967

not a amerifag but this is literally against the Hippocratic oath doctors take

No. 2440975

>red state being a third world shithole again

No. 2440977

i'm still angry about the election fuck

No. 2441008

Isnt tennesee a red neck/hillbilly state? Doubt this will actually get passed but if it does theres gonna be a lot more openly anti-vaxxers
I dont know if this helps nona but a poll thingy to impeach trump got 250k signs. i know that thats not enough to actually impeach a sitting president, so take it with a grain of salt
People are more focused on protesting ICE and lgbt nonsense in the streets (which ultimately accomplishes nothing other than a few press headlines) than the disparity between the top 1% and the middle class. America is too lost to be saved.

No. 2441012

I live under a rock. When will these go into effect? I still see a lot of schools ask for pronouns and other gender nonsense. I also remember seeing "Birthing person" at the doctors office.

No. 2441017

Wait, Theyre gonna ban the world black? What are they gonna be called then? There isnt even anything woke about the word black either. I think trump is going too far.

No. 2441021

Obviously African-American

No. 2441031

I hope they ban that, too. And "of African descent". Then, when black people are forced to call themselves "American" with no other qualifiers, and it becomes predominantly associated with black people, he'll freak out. But it's too late. He cannot undo what has come to pass.

No. 2441036

Some of these are literally just words? How tf you going to refer to crime statistics for example if you ban the word victim

No. 2441040

Stabee, shootee, lynchee, and rapee. Our administrative documents' collective literary level is going to take a nosedive kek.

No. 2441136

nta but most of it is rooted in stroking their (protestors) own ego so they can feel like they're standing for something even though they can actually do nothing. I understand people who have friends and family there being super invested, but if people actually cared what happened to Palestine they wouldn't have voted third party, voted for Trump, or withheld their vote ensuring a Trump win. Harris wasn't great on Palestine but at least she had a shred of empathy and wasn't intent on gleefully glassing the entire place into a parking lot/resort. I think she could have been reasoned with to get a better deal for Palestinians. My personal opinion is that fighting for Palestine to be returned at this point seems to be a lost cause. It doesn't mean Israelis or anyone else should get it, but the Palestinian people carry within them the history and cultural traditions that are getting obliterated as long as they're in harm's way. They need to gather themselves, carry everything with them and cut their losses to relocate and rebuild somewhere else. However, I can't say where they should go. I know other countries aren't as keen on taking in refugees and it's not such a simple matter. Isn't there anywhere else where they can rebuild and call it their own? New Palestine or something?

No. 2441148

Can't they just relocate to another muslim shithole that fits within their theocratic beliefs? like go be a refugee in Iran or Afghanistan idk why they always want to seek refuge with us western devils

No. 2441890

That sucks, I go to Tennessee because the doctors are better than where I live and there's never any specialists near me.

No. 2442215

The issue is that no one wants them after several notable chimpouts by muslim Palestinian diaspora. They're literally the cause of the Lebanese civil war from the 80s. They were expelled in the 90s from Kuwait because those retards supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, thinking Daddy Saddam would give them land and support for a new Palestine. A Palestinian nationalist assassinated the Jordanian king in the 50s. In the 70s a Palestinian assassinated the prime minister of Jordan in Egypt. Egypt was humiliated by this action.

All the muslim counties in MENA are all "We stand by Palestine~ Death to Israel~" But are extremely wary to take them in because of their penchant for assassinations and insurrections

No. 2442851

I work at a farming supplies/hardware store and my price change workload has quadrupled over the past few weeks. Pretty much everything in the store made of metal is going up 10-50% in price. Meanwhile we are selling out of baby chickens within an hour of them being delivered every single day. Last year we would have chicks so long that we'd mark them down to $1 each to get rid of them. We are selling 5-10 "starter kits" for raising chickens every day too. Meanwhile the frivolous bullshit like home decor that usually goes really fast is not moving at all. It's kind of crazy.

No. 2443585

I just watched vidrel and wtf…nonnas, I'll admit that when this stuff was initially reported on I didn't quite understand the significance of the inspector generals being fired tbh I didn't know what they were but this shit is fucking nefarious. What the actual fuck is wrong with MAGAts. How could you even defend this? What's even worse is that I remember some liberals were downplaying this too, like Jon Stewart. Also, funnily enough, I just looked up the Wikipedia page for the Office of the Inspector General and it straight up says
>each office includes an inspector general (or IG) and employees charged with identifying, auditing, and investigating fraud, waste, abuse, embezzlement and mismanagement of any kind within the executive department.
>the first Office of Inspector General was established by act of Congress in 1976[1] under the Department of Health and Human Services to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid, and more than 100 other departmental programs
Meanwhile we're supposed to believe that retarded ass DOGE is necessary when there were people already overseeing that stuff

No. 2443661

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Something good happened for once.

>Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says a bill that would criminalize AI-generated child pornography is an important step in keeping up with advances in technology and eliminating loopholes in the law.

>Senate Bill 20 creates a new state felony offense for the possession or promotion of obscene visual material that appears to depict a child younger than 18 years old, regardless of whether the depiction is of an actual child, cartoon or animation, or an image created using AI or other computer software.

This can potentially be the start of the ban on lolicon in the U.S.


No. 2443695

I wish it would ban all ai porn.

No. 2443758

If the take it down act gets passed that could also happen.

No. 2443836

so how do you actually make revolution happen?

No. 2443841

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It's just incomprehensible that this has been allowed to go on as long as it has. It isn't even a psyop, they really do placate Americans with high fructose and sugar + social media so you're too locked in to screens and tired/malnourished to feel anger.

Take notes from the french. People are too afraid and the police brutality would result in a lot of death, though

No. 2443948

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>they really do placate Americans with high fructose and sugar + social media so you're too locked in to screens and tired/malnourished to feel anger.
You're right, we should make America healthy again! Then, we should address the education problem.

Kek the left has finally gotten exactly what you wanted, an oppressive rightwing government that openly states it's goals as antithetical to your worldview, and all you can do is deface teslas and cry on Bluesky. How do you start a revolution? Not by posting on lolcow, I can tell you that much!

No. 2444057

More Luigis.

No. 2444115

I was thinking about how its probably better than Americans are complacent… if anything happened, they will declare martial law and really start aggressively passing horrible policy (more than now).

but I think about 18 months into this administration is about when things will really start popping off.

No. 2444143

With thousands of people dying. Especially in a country where police departments are given access to live ammunition and tanks.

No. 2444155

>that pic
Stay seething, Babylon Bee

No. 2444204

kek based picture. Nona did you burn the teslas? I'm proud of you!

No. 2444269

This but it would take a lot of them who are actually willing to die for the greater good in the process. Most Americans are not that selfless.

No. 2444552

So what we’ve got to do is round up all the actively or even passively suicidal people and convince them to die for a good cause.

No. 2444562

idk all you need to do is tell the suicidal edgelords to murder ceos instead of kids. The little psychos end up braining themselves afterwards anyways. Why not go out in a unique way, since in this day in age no one really remembers any of the school shooters. We talk about them for like an hour tops, make fun of their cringe manifesto, and then move onto a story about a tranny shitting in front of a rape shelter or smth. If an incel shot up a ceo and wrote a manifesto about Elon Musk cucking him I would find that to be not only based but probably closer to the truth than "I cant get laid because chad!"

No. 2444569

If you're both so eager for violence, why not offer yourselves up as revolutionaries and descend on your local police departments?(baiting)

No. 2444581

unfortunately most edgelords are too retarded and cowardly to take on anyone except literal school children

No. 2444607

Kind of like you? Because it's not like you're doing anything except being an edgelord online.(bait)

No. 2444643

Eurofags in this thread encouraging an American civil war are evil

No. 2444726

>This can potentially be the start of the ban on lolicon in the U.S.
In that case the US needs to be abolished. All censorship is evil.(baiting)

No. 2444729

Is this retardation or a joke? You can never know in these parts…

No. 2444765

>You're right, we should make America healthy again!
>Then, we should address the education problem.
Sure hope you’re not implying Trump or his worm-brained friend are doing either of those things. You people are retarded, but surely you can’t be that retarded.

No. 2445053

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There they go, repealing the will of the people again. Of course congress gets sick leave and makes way more than min wage but why would their filthy constituents ever get those same benefits. I want to say I hate living here but that would be a lie. I just hate our faggy representatives (and yes my rep is in green of course). I want to give him a call but I don't even know what I'd say other than cuss him out

No. 2445104

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Well, looks like we don’t have to worry about him anymore!

No. 2445129

>obscene visual material
Couldn't this potentially ban most anime and manga distribution, since most tend to have students as MCs.

No. 2445140

I am willing to one day give up my high school BL manga if it means loli criminalization

No. 2445664

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Living in the south sucks more and more everyday…..what the fuck

No. 2445676

My guess: flordia?
I remember traveling down there and it was porning down raining for 30 minutes and then suddenly, clear skies. Dont know how you people live

No. 2445697

This one is actually from Missouri last night but the storm is probably going to leak into north Florida for a bit. Alabama is getting flattened though, the storm is basically going to sit on them all day and into tomorrow.

No. 2445764

it feels like a tsunami wave that we can all see coming but it's too late to stop or run from.
i hope i'm wrong but i always hope that and so often it feels like what people told me was anxiety or paranoia turned out to be a justified prediction.

even if trump/musk both get bonked by a brick tomorrow, the zeitgeist has shifted. we still have to deal with all the people who fell for this shit and nobody knows how to 'bring them back' into the realm of normalcy.

No. 2446015

Can't afford health insurance this year. I can afford my regular Dr visits and prescriptions without health insurance and my car insurance covers medical care for accidents, which is the most likely reason I would ever end up needing emergency care. Second most likely would be a work related injury, and coverage for that is free at work. For everything else, it's a 9 hour drive to the border. Only have to last one year like this while I scrape my pennies together to move to Mexico permanently. I just hope it won't be too late to get out then.

No. 2446290

I’m annoyed at people saying to draw or key swastikas on teslas and all the videos of people doing it being white men. My nigel’s parents are black and hispanic and own a tesla car (no idea what model it’s small though not a truck) and I’m imagining some random white moid calling them nazis for it. They voted for biden but I’m sure they’d blame them for trump winning anyways

No. 2446300

Most tesla owners are liberal leaning anyways, that's the crazy part of all of this.

No. 2446379

There are non tesla owners with trump and maga stickers on their cars so I don’t understand the logic of targeting by brand at all. Also I had a brain fart, they voted for biden and then kamala but my point is the same

No. 2447286


With the cybertrucks the timeline works out so it's a little too late to claim to have "not known" about Elon's fuckery so idgaf about people vandalizing those.

Regular teslas I do feel bad for the drivers, though. Probably just some regular guy lol

No. 2447289

Literally everyone I know who owns a Tesla voted blue.

No. 2447412

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I feel like maryland has the best state flag. Its so hideous that it actually mogs in a smug way. the rest of the state flags are the same unrecognizable painting/stamp that was made in the 1800s over a navy blue background. maybe texas is second place because the simplified american flag with just one star is badass.

No. 2447432

I always thought California's was funny. "Bears, and that's all you need to know."
Also Alabama's. "Don't come here."

No. 2447433

I kind of like the commie feel of the Arizona state flag. Like it's under a soviet dictatorship.
New Mexico is cool too, and I like the fuck you nature of Hawaii proudly displaying the flag of America's enemy.

No. 2447436

i like new mexico and south carolina. maryland is pretty funny. what the hell is going on with ohio?

No. 2447442

Didn't understand the assignment, tried to design pennant flag. Realized too late, had to turn in what they had.
(Personally, the New Mexico flag reminds me if like. Corporate Tex-Mex and southwest themed shopping centers.)

No. 2447458


No. 2447500

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it honestly seems counterintuitive to me. elon's a nazi, yes, but we really don't need swastikas and nazi iconography being flaunted all over the states.
arizona mentioned! kek, i love it for that reason too. all the state 48 shirts that a small business here sells are so funny.

No. 2447517

I really like Mississippi's new state flag. The magnolia is so pretty and the flag seems really refined and elegant for such a shitty state

No. 2447569

>california bear going to utah to eat all the delicious honey straight from the hive

No. 2447645

No. 2447774

>I kind of like the commie feel of the Arizona state flag. Like it's under a soviet dictatorship.
I kinda see it kek. When i imagine the average arizonian, i think of a laidback redneck with a heavy tan, so i guess the warm color palette fits
>nature of Hawaii proudly displaying the flag of America's enemy.
>what the hell is going on with ohio?
Apparently, It was designed to be worn as a cape. they were trying a bit too hard to be unique imo but still fits
Based blue crab nona

No. 2447780

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Samefag, Also I would like to add that the worst US state flag is inarguably new york, one of the most traveled us states but nobody uses their flag since its so unremarkable. they could have done so much better & desperately need a redesign.

No. 2447786

the ones with the state names are so blah
>M O N T A N A

No. 2447790

I think Rhode Island’s is the worst but nobody likes RI anyway.

No. 2447804

Wyoming got so close to being great… though when I’ve been in Wyoming gas stations their state-branded tchotchkes will often just leave the seal out lol. Also shoutout to Oregon for being the only state with a different motif on the back of the flag.

No. 2447808

Washington is the best because it's just Washington

No. 2447812

I kinda like Minnesota's cause it's so basic looking and the blues are nice

No. 2448191

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Holy based texas

No. 2448200

I hope this affects movies too. Hollywood scrotes get away with too much.

No. 2448208

They recently changed my state's flag and I fucking hate it now, it looks so corporate Utah

No. 2449208

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No. 2449215

This is so retarded. How does this harm the children?

No. 2449216

While banning loli is based on its own, this all just feels like a psyop to cover up and distract from the rampant pedophilia in the republican party. Not that the dems can't be pedos but something about this just seems really off to me

No. 2449223

Apparently the school board told her "Everybody is welcome here" is a political opinion and not "based in reality"

No. 2449233

I agree with that principal. It's just a political statement because schools are very locked down and you can't get in them easily so it's an untrue statement. It's not like anyone can go in, so literally no one except pre-approved students of a certain age and zip code are welcome, and even then, if you're a 5th grader, you're not allowed to go to another 5th grade room if you don't like your teacher.

No. 2449235

The Republicans doing the exact thing they've been claiming about the democrats is hilarious. Here is our iron-willed totally serious political party getting assmad at generic classroom wall art.

No. 2449236

Don't be retarded.

No. 2449241

Don't make broad statements that are both untrue and politically motivated.

No. 2449245

Autistic bait

No. 2449248

You could have just replied with a succinct "I'm autistic" and it would have sufficed.(infight/bait)

No. 2449311

I hated living in Arizona, but it unironically has the best state flag of all 50. The state I live in now is vastly superior in so many ways, but the state flag is LAME and I am salty.

AZ has a cool state bird (the Cactus Wren) and I desperately wish my chosen home state leaned more into location-specific state symbols because THERE ARE SO MANY that would be better than what we have.

Also, the nation is on fire and I don't know what to do except pull a Luigi and get thrown in prison. I have written and called my local and state politicians and fucking NOBODY has any answers for why some douchebag can ignore the courts with no repercussions. It's like the entire fucking country was working on the honor system and now that we have someone who doesn't give a shit about honor, there's no real way to enforce anything.

No. 2449406

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Very interesting stuff, any thoughts nonnies? I just bought a house and a ton of the paperwork was through Docusign, it says in the ToS that anyone else using it to sign your name is a crime. Was it really Dr Jill or Kamala signing everything? Remember how Biden's withdrawal from the race had a different signature from other White House document releases?

No. 2449462

All Republicans aren't a monolith just saying.

No. 2449474

Newfag, you're on the autism site.

No. 2449517

The autopen has been in use since the 50s or 60s, possibly earlier. A president needs to sign hundreds, if not thousands of documents, so they are nain common use. Trump has used one before, too. The real narrative here is that Trump's people are trying to imply that Biden didn't know what he gave permission to sign because he was senile. Good luck to them. Trump seems to think his butt buddies on the Supreme Court will back him up, but I find that unlikely. This whole thing is retarded.

No. 2449524

Also, Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive stroke while he was President and his wife basically served in his stead, signed all sorts of documents and even helped to pass legislation. Reagan had Alzheimer's through most of his presidency. I'm sure Eleanor Roosevelt also "assisted" FDR a ton, especially toward the end when everyone noticed he looked terrible. The people whose pardons are being questioned have even been like FAFO to Trump.

No. 2449656

How far reaching will this be? Like are they gonna ban Madoka Magica or just hentai shit? If they wanted to actually help the problem they’d raise the age required to be in porn from 18 to 21, but of course they won’t fucking do that cause they’re the ones who fuck kids.

No. 2449819

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I don't think it's going to effect anime, manga, or even hentai. This is an extension of existing obscenity laws to prevent defenses from people making AI generated deepfakes of existing or non-existing people. Since AI generations are technically not real they don't want them using "cartoon" as a defense. But drawings in general still have protections under obscenity laws if they don't look realistic. I wish they'd just ban AI altogether.

Anyway, I think this is all a smokescreen since the other bills passed along with this one were more about getting rid of anything gay or troonish in schools. And they're also trying to get rid of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department which would abolish protections of parks and wildlife preserves, so they can profit off the land and resources instead.

No. 2450036

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>Trump's people are trying to imply that Biden didn't know what he gave permission to sign because he was senile
I mean, isn't that what Special Counsel Hur said during the documents investigation? That Biden was too old to testify on his own behalf? If Trump and his folks force Biden to testify that he granted permission to use the autopen, will he be able to defend himself?

No. 2450552

It bans the bible and quran.

No. 2450682

He said nothing like that. He said that, sometimes, Biden appeared to him that he was a bit unfocused and had some issues recollecting specific dates. But, from the example Hur used, it seemed like Biden was using the date of the death of his son Beau to help him remember things that happened around that time. TBH if you've been through a huge trauma, it can be hard to remember things around that time. I lost three family members within a year and I have trouble remembering what else happened for years around that time and I'm less than half of Biden's age.

If they think Biden was senile while he was president, hold a hearing and interrogate him. Trump's been faking his medical records for years. All of this is another attempt by Trump to call attention away from his own cognitive decline, just like investigating Hunter and Ashley and all the Biden family drama was an attempt to call attention away from Trump's own loser, crooked spawn.

No. 2450872

Autopen has been used for decades. Trump is just mad there are people he can't hold as political prisoners as leverage towards democrats and just because he wants to be a dick. Biden needs a second like most old people, but he was a good president and not juat comparative to trump. Now comparatively to trump, biden wasn't wearing diapers, successfully did the WH cognitive tests, and Trump has fallen multiple times as well and continues to break multiple laws. Biden didn't break any laws, yet he's painted as a villian for some reason.

No. 2450901

Based if true

No. 2451065

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Thoughts on the JFK assassination files released today?

No. 2451164

Fake, Edited, And Gay.

No. 2451671

Everything was already released. Trump released some of it during his first term and then Biden released the rest. Same with the Epstein papers.

The real leak you should be waiting for is the second volume of Jack Smith's report. It actually can legally be released, but the DOJ has explicitly said they are not releasing it. Why? Because it details all of Trump's crimes with the classified documents he stole. Jack Smith said he had Trump dead to rights on RICO charges, enough to put him under a federal prison.

No. 2451672


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2452109

As expected nothing direct. Who did it? Just say it or who cares.

No. 2452399

New thread here:

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