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No. 2408733

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #34-24:

No. 2408810

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>title ix is next, nonna. the moids have been talking for years about having to defend themselves against "unfounded" sexual harassment and rape charges. they want women out of higher ed altogether. I bet if you looked in Project 2025 there would be a page number dedicated to this and everything
Yes. Picrel (1) is from page 333, they sandwich it in between two paragraphs about trannies. If you don't know about the changes Biden made to Title IX it might sound like a good thing. But here's a good overview:
>Colleges and universities will now revert to the previous Title IX rule, which took effect in summer 2020 during the first Trump administration. Those regulations required colleges to hold live hearings with an opportunity for cross-examination to allow those accused of sexual misconduct to confront their accusers—a provision the Biden rules nixed. Additionally, the 2020 regulations defined sexual harassment more narrowly than the Biden Title IX rule. (2)
Basically, universities would intimidate women who were sexually harassed/assaulted into silence. If a woman wants to report that she was raped then the "due process" in the Trump regulations means that her rapist gets to cross examine her in a live hearing. The Biden changes did away with this, and it did a lot more good for women too (3). All of this has already been reverted back to the Trump changes. They also specify on page 357 that there should be no public listing for schools that exempt themselves for Title IX, making it so that women trying to apply to colleges can't know if their college even follows Title IX.
1. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
2. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/student-aid-policy/2025/01/09/federal-judge-throws-out-bidens-title-ix-overhaul
3. https://nwlc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Biden-Title-IX-Rule-Fact-Sheet-6.12.24-vF.pdf

No. 2409196

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Sorry to be sappy but one of my favorite parts of being American is living in an extremely bio-diverse country. We have every climate. Corn, tomatoes, and potatoes all came from the Americas. Horses came from North America. From what I've seen, the US is actually doing alright as far as our endangered species go, but I fear it will get worse. People don't respect the land. America is obviously very young as a country but the land is old, the Appalachian Mountains are older than trees. Why not preserve the land you live on? I'll never understand.

No. 2409328

Exactly. Continuously bringing up muh bathrooms over and over again while we're talking about a bona fide fascist rule rolling over the entire country purposefully aiming to suppress female rights is suspicious at best, making me wonder if the "radfems" doing this are slip and sliding through the tradfem pipeline and using the bathroom tranny debate as a diversion tactic or a muffler. Meaning that actually they want all the other changes republican MAGAfags are driving for as well, not just the obliteration of troonery. Way too often the case is that when you scratch an ovarit poster, a conservative tradcath bleeds. I woke up to this fact a few years back once "gendercrit activists" started teaming up with right wing podcasters and it's only gotten more and more obvious.

No. 2409333

>radfems" doing this are slip and sliding through the tradfem pipeline and using the bathroom
They're trying to play up "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" angle and it's not working. I even seen an anon here try to convince us Saudi Arabia is better for women because "there's no trannies"

No. 2409449

>slip and sliding through the tradfem pipeline
they are. how many of these women who claim to despise men end up marrying low-level male specimens and bearing their children? they help perpetuate the same cycle that keeps us oppressed and are too cowardly to admit it. they think talking shit about moids and troons makes them based while simultaneously voting for politicians that see us all as nothing more than pussy and incubators

No. 2409519

>Why not preserve the land you live on?
because we must think of the tech billionaires and their quest for lithium!!

No. 2409540

But of course Eugenia gets to reap all the benefits of living in a blue state (Connecticut).

No. 2409549

Why are we chimping out on every country BESIDES Israel? Is it because of Zionist lobbying or Protestant retards or both?
Anyway fuck AIPAC, they’d gladly side with a Zionist Nazi than a proud Jew who’s also an anti Zionist.

No. 2409560

she's also wealthy and lives a very insulated existence. residing in a red state wouldn't impact her too negatively considering she pretty much lives in a bubble and doesn't encounter the same problems that most adult women do

No. 2409562

Hate how bipolar the weather is in Texas. It was in the 80s in February a couple weeks ago and now it's in the 20s/30s again this week. Next week it's going to be in the 70s.

At least the winters are short and soon it's going to be balls hot all the time again. At least that's consistent.

No. 2409565

I'm just going to say it. The severely retarded and mentally ill should not be allowed to vote. There is little to nothing high-functioning going on in this woman's brain, her body is literally struggling just to sustain itself through the abuse it's being put through. This isn't the same as a mostly functional, bright but disturbed woman with an ortho issue. This is an absolutely fried woman in her 30s with severe arrested development and blatant self-destructive tendencies. She can't even make her health great. Look into her dead, empty eyes. There are fish that look more sapient than this.
She should not be driving, she should not be in charge of her own food intake, she should not be voting.

No. 2409609

Why is Alfred so perfect, nonas?

No. 2409629

He’s ugly

No. 2409634

Why is your father a raging faggot?

No. 2409639

Apologize and tell them you think he looks really good anon

No. 2409762

I’m the anon who made the original picmix for the threadpic and it warms my heart someone liked it enough to use it for #35. Thanks nonny

No. 2409779

how bad is shit going to get? I just feel an impending sense of doom tbh

No. 2409789

There have been daily protests around the country against Trump and the new administration, but the news wont cover it. I only hear about it on tiktok MAYBE. It's to the point I don't think protesting will do anything. We need more people like Luigi

No. 2409796

Why is Youtube content getting more and more low-effort? Genuinely what is the point of making a video like this, where you're just reading off content as if people don't know how to read or find content on Reddit themselves? It's like..the reaction videos people make now of reaction videos. Why the fuck would I want to see someone reacting to a reaction video?
I hate MAGA but this is genuinely retarded.

No. 2409799

Yay! NTA but I'm glad she used it, too, and slapped a 5 over the 4 kek. I was hoping somebody would. You did a good job!

No. 2409851

This is incredibly common. I see so many Republicans reap benefits of Democratic policies. especially if they live in a red state that's bordering a blue state, almost all of those motherfuckers will happily take hour or two hour commutes to blue states to reap the benefits of labor laws that they voted to ruin in their own states. At this point we need to make two separate Americas where Republicans can live and deal with what they chose to vote for (and no take-backs) and they can't come over to the blue side

No. 2409865

>Corn, tomatoes, and potatoes
You NAaaaAAaAMe it!!!!

No. 2409907

LOL anon thank you, as I was typing it out I was thinking of this video but I couldn't remember what it was called.

No. 2410006

Of course nonnas! It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the last thread was locked, I would hate for a good picmix to go to waste.

No. 2410313

Its crazy too because dont they just forcibly transition gay people in the middle east??

No. 2410357

She knows that if she was an actual good person she would have died from skelli. She subsists of evil now.

No. 2410362

He is the only version of America that makes me happy right now.

No. 2410368

Too bad Trump is going to let his buddy Muskrat ruin the land with debri from failed space x launches that were totally a success off the backs of the tax payers.

No. 2410502

Remember when so many retards here genuinely believed we would elect a female president? Shit was so fucking funny. I hope the past few months have been a stark reminder of just how misogynistic America is for all of you.

No. 2410783

>Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe was arrested after speaking out at a city council meeting in California in which he compared Donald Trump’s MAGA supporters to N*zis.

wow looks like all these maga and right-wing freaks are not pro free speech after all….

No. 2410799

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some cops in tuscon tried to arrest a butch lesbian for going to the women's restroom because they thought she was a man/trans….


No. 2410801

They were probably young. Until I saw Hillary lose, I thought America would be willing to elect a female president. It makes sense that they thought Kamala could win. Problem is, Dems keep fielding turds to run, and Dem voters are way more picky than Republican voters.

No. 2410805

>The land with debri
I thought you were talking about the US in general and it was a pun on "the land of the free"

No. 2410806

yep, this was clearly the end result of MAGA clamping down on troon shit. If democrats just put a lid on it we wouldn't be here. But since the main targets will be GNC women, no one will care besides saying "lol just dress and act more feminine". Women's rights will be stripped away in real time, I wouldn't be surprised if we can't vote next election.

No. 2410810

how dumb are they that they cant tell a woman from a troon? I'm from nyc, and we have women that look like this everywhere.

No. 2410813

it's on purpose. they definitely know she's a woman

No. 2410818

I kinda doubt it. Men have much less ability than women to distinguish between the sexes.

No. 2410875

moids are natural cowards. I doubt they would've confronted her if they actually thought she's a fellow moid.
Most videos I've seen of people confronting actual trannies have been women.

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