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No. 2448520

Hey nonnas, I love lolcow and I'm working in the car sales right now to stack some money up. I'm learning lots of ins and outs of buying a car and want to help my NEET sisters since graduating NEETdom and getting a "real job." The car industry is crazy and I got this job to help my mom and sister buy cars in the future, too. I'm at my 3 month anniversary and I feel like I've aged 2 years, so I thought this could be fun and help some women.

Any nonnas buying a car soon? Anyone with a high APR loan wanting to lower the interest? Questions about re-financing or trading in a vehicle? How to get the best trade-in price? Current state of the car industry?

>car industry circa 1980s and 1990s is booming

>starts to decline with rise of internet
>2008 recession
>2020 computer chip shortage
>used car shortage
>people need cars
>fuck yeah
>jack up price 100% to make 100% profit and double price of car
>people have huge loans on cars not worth that much
>me, having to tell them they actually owe $20,000 worth nothing now
>them, realizing the only way out of a $30,000 loan on a car worth $10,000 is to crash the thing in a blazing fire(recreating thread multiple times)

No. 2448528

Hell yeah. I don't have advice but I also work in car sales industry (not in sales). Are you an F&I? No advice other than share a funny story cause it's funny at times.

No. 2448531

Sorry, I do not need advice *

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