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No. 71554
The most Specialest of all snowflakes,
Beckie0, Aka Rebecca Brown is a top tier snowflake I've usually kept to myself as a little treat to rage at.
Youtube: Most recent youtube video she describes herself as being #
triggered by Christmas.
As well as generally being a top tier spazzlord she's also used her "fame" abuse and harass "Lost lovers" basically men that she's currently mooning over.
In addition to this her top viewed videos are those of her taking a picture every day for
insert time here She does this over and over again due to clickbait on facebook giving her views and thus money.
I have met her twice in Person, stories I will save for later on in the thread.
ITT: Beckie0 and Similar Thread.
No. 71556
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>>71554In person she smells really bad, usually of period blood which she seems to be on perpetually, though she uses a mooncup I don't think she's learned how to wash.
Both Times I met her was in a non youtube environment yet she still speaks as though she's speaking to a Camera rather than a person.
Beckie0 has a problem with young males, stating that she prefers older men due to maturity, the only young males she's ever come into contact with were in her university halls of residence where they partied every weekend and listened to loud music
Pic related
No. 71562
>>71556Her disease while real and serious, defines her. Everything to do with Trichotillomania, is related to her, other with the disease are overshadowed by her,other people's coping mechanisms such as brushing ones hair rather than pulling it out is a
trigger to her and she will shame them for it.
She has a small yet loyal following beyond the "HURR DURR DIS R ME photo errrryyday" Videos that will comply with most thing she says.
This ties into the men she is currently mooning over, who 90% of the time have to disapear off the face of the internet just to get away from her and her minions, video related.
This guy was especially unlucky as he had shitty poetry written for him as well.
No. 71568

>>71563A friend of mine works with her at Lush and often tells tales of how much of a drain she is on her floor and how little work she actually gets done.
She will take constant breaks in order to instagram etc to "Promote the Brand" Lush doesn't need any fucking promoting it's already huge.
On many occasions she will get a whole group of her fans to come into the store and distract her, this is often met with hostility from the other employees who can't have a group of 7-10 14 year olds blocking an entire corner of the store, they never buy anything and just prevent other people from buying anything.
She's of course had other jobs while studying ( her education is another fun subject) such as the hard breadline job of being a warden at a stadium and other events, 3 hours a day maximum at 7.45 an hour as I recall. Oh God what a hard life, she described these jobs in person as "beneath her " as she has skills that are better put elsewhere. Why the fuck she considers pretending to cry when she sees someone with nice hair is beyond me.
For her being able to use cool lingo is skill to be reckoned with, I recall her saying the word "Vinester" I.e someone that uses Vine, which seemed to give her more pleasure than when a hipster at her uni once got drunk enough to want to fuck her.
I believe he later had to switch course and University due to her harassing him.
Video Related, It makes me want to rip my nipples off.
No. 71574
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>>71568Now in person, she in nigh on completely unaware of anyone else's feelings or unable to interpret their intentions,
I will actually try to find a related video in a bit,
Her interpretations of others actions are either always innocent or completely paranoid, I remember her mentioning the infamous boys of her uni halls. How they invited her to their parties and the like, she always declined as she feared they would rape her as they were so immature and not quote "real men".
Yet when in an actual environment where such a thing was 1000% possible it'd be fine by her because the man that was chatting her up was 25+ and had a beard and glasses.
I've never had the dispeasure of meeting anyone more removed from society and Logical though than her.
When in private conversation with someone her age who at this point is not offering her a drink, inviting her to a fun activity or
triggering her by having normal hair, she in unable to talk about anything other than basic tumblr popular TV shows. Dr.Who being one of these things.
She also claims to be learning French and has been claiming this for many years now however she is incapable of saying anything beyond "What is your name? Would you like to go to the cinema?"
She today is still of the firm belief that a "man" will come and rescue her from her many
triggers. It's always going to be a man despite her fear of them.
Also Pic Related, she's a fucking sjw idiot who "ZOMGZ THER R OTHUR CUNTRIES WHER PPLZ DIED :'("
No. 71575
>>71574She also has a alter ego, Jennifer, it's her in a wig.
That she talks to herself with on special Vlogs.
Her alter ego is far more socially normal and is able to do things.
If I were her i'd kill myself as Beckie an Just be Jennifer. Can it really be that hard?
No. 71579
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This is her "art"
This is actually 128 times better than some of the fan art she gets made of her.
No. 71580
What really irks me is that her entire youtube career is built on her inability to do "normal" things which is something she continues to talk about to this day. Yet on Instagram she is perfectly able to do Normal things.
Either she's deluded her fans into thinking she's a broken person, or she' deluded herself into thinking she's a broken person.
She is also a Hoarder,
I can't wait for some titty pics to come out sometime. No. 71585
>>71581She goes to NYC a lot, this related to her finding that man that she wrote that poem thing about.
That's where her youtube money goes basically, NYC and Wigs, She lives and studies in the UK.
No. 71595
>>71588There's just too much to talk about…
have some milk on her being
triggered by hairy men.
srsly though yeah, strange thing is she barely wears them in public unless it's for a photo opportunity or a video. She doesn't wear them at work either,
I remember her deleting videos because she wanted to do a wig review and the amount of Negative feedback (20 or so comments so not much in the real world) was too much for her to handle.
I am looking for more udders to milk atm, these shall include mutual friends that can be persuaded to be sqeezed.
No. 71597
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>>71554This is some good milk:
>Be 2014,>Be Beckie0>Need money>Have idea to make an IndieGOGO campaign for a documentary I will never make>
>Get way more money than needed, >Spend money on Documentary that a year later is still not made. >Spend the rest of the money on shit and a trip to new york.Pic related.
Crowd funding never ceases to amaze me.
I'm serious if you give the money from indiegogo to come through at the end of september 2014 we actually see a deviation from the normal "Hello I am speaking to my room" type of vlogs she usually makes and we see her buying a lot more things including the trip to NYC…
The Film is still not made either and has had a single update and that was after she got the money.
No. 71601
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Just to show the age of her little minions I am going to post some 10/10 fan art that she gets and ACTUALLY FUCKING SHARES with the world.
Here we see Potato Brown teh baldest of youtube.
No. 71603
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No. 71604
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Is this what centrefold means?
No. 71606
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Are you local?
No. 71608
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The people that drew these for her are the same people that "donated" money to her indieGOGO scampaign… Knowing the age of 90% of her fanbase she went ahead anyway.
No. 71617
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Is she visually challenged or something?
No. 71625
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She reminds me of a young Yvette Fielding (not a compliment) but sometimes reminds me of Lauren Harries.
No. 71792
>>71786Those are the people who she took money from for her fake documentary, well their parents money, She's filling young minds with Garbage like being
triggered by Dr.Who. All the while making money from it.
No. 71945

>>71810Idk if this is self posting. I can't see why she'd hawk for more youtube followers unless she's going for the 500k tacky youtube plaque they get sent.
She's annoying as hell. Her mannerisms/way of speaking makes me think it's an audition tape for Panorama.
She's also one of those under 25s who're so opinionated I could poke their eyes out with a fork.
This video in particular pisses me off. Surely she's realised by now that people either say things that're "unhelpful" because they haven't experienced your problem so they don't understand what they're saying is "unhelpful" to you. That or the fact that people can just be cunts in general.
I was seeing shrinks before she was even born, but I don't expect ANYONE to pander to my illness. I don't even TELL people about it because, yeah, my illness doesn't define me. Fuck off with your "
triggering" shit. One of her "unhelpful" comments is DEAL WITH IT, but if you want to get by DO IT.
Next post is by me n all.
No. 71946
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BeckyZero, dear, in the adult world there are no safe spaces.
No. 71957
>>71945>>71946This is OP, Not selfpost Bekiezero,
>>71808Look at the dates of her youtube, we see a huge rise in spending post the completion of the Indie GOGO campaign, The rewards were bullshit either way not really value for money unless you actually get to see the finished product which more than a year later we have not seen,
We also see a decline in purchases videos as well as trip videos as the IndieGOGO money presumably ran dry,
We do though see a rise in Her baking things, something that gets views, but requires less money while also being impressive to 12 year olds.
We should really wait and see if the docu actually ever gets made, or when she will next starts a "gib moni plox" campaign and then see the results of that. Then we will know her intentions for certain so I can see why you may not believe what i'm saying as there is only one piece of evidence for it.
No. 71981
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This is some good milk, OP.
Her triggers trigger my triggers.
No. 71984
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She likes to pretend to play in the big leagues, theres a relatively large youtuber called Carrie who is pretty cool, she's also a stage actor and moves in ponds far to big for BeckieZero to comprehend.
She needs to learn her place.
No. 71987
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The name of her "bf" man thing who cut her off, was for the internet "boofle" she named a plushy dog after him.
This "boofle" was a much older man who was married. Apparently his wife made him cut contact with her, she has spoken numerous times about kissing him, being in bed with him etc.
Yet she still tries to contact him, often in the most desperate of ways, by going to New york to find him.
"I want to share my life with you"- lel
No. 71989
How tiring it must be, to be such a neurotic person, who can't deal with the adult world because it's beneath her. I've know a girl, who I used to be friends with; a more stable BeckieZero more or less. Her entire identity is her illness, it's completely consumed her. Depression and anxiety is an inherent part of her personality. Rather than dealing with it, finding a way out - she only complains. The world must change not her. This is how darling Rebecca is. I think what she need to do is detach herself from such things, stop identify too much with her illness. Move on, focus on the present, don't overthink too much. Trust me, I have my depressive, neurotic moments, but I get my shit together. I'm a young adult. I don't want to miss out on the world because I was focuses on being triggered by fucking Christmas carols. I mean, it just reeks of special snowflake syndrome.
No. 71990
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No. 71994
>>71987Direct quote from her talking about wanting wrinkledick
"Older people/men.
I cannot connect to people my age. We don’t have anything in common other than Doctor Who and/or Depression. I mean that whole heartedly. No music tastes/tv shows/books… there is NOTHING. They may connect to me, but I cannot.
When I was 5, I would play with the 11 year olds. When I was 12 I had a breakdown because I couldn’t cope being stuck with the same class of 12 year olds in school (which we continued to be in for 6 years). I connected more with the teachers than I did my school mates. When I was at College, I isolated myself from everyone. Whilst they were all screaming on the coach in the morning, talking about sex or skins, I was sitting on my own, headphones in, doing college work. Whilst classmates went to parties and got drunk with hangovers, I was making videos, painting or working. I never stopped working.
I don’t feel I can connect to younger people than myself at all either. Sure I can give advice but at times I don’t feel comfortable being an older sister. I’m not a good role model and instead of lying to the younger generation about how wonderful life is and “it’s good to be you ”(like others I could mention) - I tell life how it is :(. I’m probably a bringer of upset to younger people than a beacon of happiness.
I cannot have any intimate relationships with people my age. I feel like I’m being intimate with siblings which feels extremely uncomfortable. I guess once you’ve had a fling with a man much older than yourself, you can never go back. Young men can be rather immature at times. In my experience, sex is a focal point and that is never a good place to start.
Seeing films or photographs of men my age is so peculiar. I look at them and think “gosh, I’m far too old for them, they are far too young for me”. One Direction are a ½ years younger than I and they look like brothers not “crushes” as society would expect me to see them as. I look towards men in their 30’s/40’s now. I’m serious. Hey, I’m 21 now, the age gap isn’t that big.
(I’ve said before about how I look for minds and not for bodies, I still hold onto that belief… but an older mind is much more suited to me.)
There is something about an older man that is so special. They have life experience, they can protect you (not that a woman needs protecting!), they are more likely to be in a stable situation with finances, they are more likely to have a career, they appear to have greater knowledge about the world - which can be the most fascinating thing!
I need to find an older man… not a young'un. At this rate I’m going to be a cat lady forever watching reruns of TNG with Picard or staring into the eyes of David Tennant on Doctor Who.
(I’m sure I’ve written about this before)."
No. 72151
>>71957After some Googling, it turned out some version of the film was presented at her college back in Nov 2014 ( I would assume it was finished, if not close to being finished for internet viewing by then. FYI, she renamed the documentary Treasure Trove and was posting completed snippets of it on Instagram/Tumblr in June of 2015.'s a Grad Film, so whether or not she's allowed to post it online is up to the college. My friend did a Journalism Masters in which she made a documentary, but wasn't allowed to post hers online (e.g. a public Youtube/Vimeo) until it was marked/she got her final results. Maybe that was Rebecca's excuse? According to this tweet (, she graduated at the end of June so that excuse wouldn't be valid now.
In fairness, from what I can see, in all of her posts about it (including the Indiegogo thing), she never actually said she'd post it online - unless you've seen posts I haven't which state such, in which case I stand corrected. But just because she had an Indiegogo campaign to help make the film, does not necessarily mean she's obligated to post it online. Sure, it'd be a nice thing to do for those who donated money, but they donated money to help make the film happen - not to see the film. She could very easily get away with not posting it on that technicality.
Tl:Dr - the doc is finished and has been for over a year now. Snippets were posted online in June and nothing since then.
No. 72153
>>72151So the extra money she starts to spend doesn't seem suspicious at all to you?
Thanks for the Info though, that was news to me.
If the Doc has been finished for over a year wouldn't that mean that she was done in something less than two months?
People spend far longer on their work in final year, even without that kind of money. (Source: I used to houseshare with people at Uni studying film)
Also, who the fuck starts an indieGOGO campaign for their grad work? It's not really made clear on the campaign. People put their money into something for a film they were never going to see.
No. 72163
>>72161Because she was in NewYork and that's where it happened.
Or maybe "Boofle" Aka Jim has links to the Muslim Extremism world but In this case I think it's the former.
No. 72165
>>72153She had a job (Lush), had YouTube money and moved back with her parents after the grad film was made (obviously wasn't spending all of money on rent/food/bills anymore). Logically it checks out. Whether that's the reality is another thing but neither you nor I can say for sure as we can only speculate at this point.
On my phone now so I can't link, but I saw instas and posts about her filming in September. Doesn't necessarily mean that when she started. Also if you have nothing else going on (other essays, assignments, exams) you can get a pretty decent grad doc filmed in two months (how do i know? My journalism friend again and she got a distinction - so it's not impossible). Also beckie0 has been messing with film cameras and editing for ten years (sure she overuses the same camera tricks for her ~arty~ shit, but she had a fuckton of experience and knowledge before she even started the course - that would also influence how fast she could get things done re: filming).
Beckie does apparently. But if people donated expecting to see the doc, that's on them for not reading what they were actually paying for. Usually with these crowd funded yokes, the final product would be part of the rewards (e.g. download of the film, link to watch the film once etc.), but in this campaign it wasnt. The money was purely for the making of the film.
No. 72172
>>72165So it was basically just a "Plz gib moni plox" under the the cover of, "I am doing something". Not exactly that great either.
I was commissioned ( and never paid might I add) to do work for an upcoming "game", she was somehow involved as she's featured in the video.
According to other artists that worked on it they were also never paid. No. 72289
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Also Unable to find toilets apparently,
then tells train companies on twitter that she can't find them…
No. 72294
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Compares her condition to cancer, publicly tweets this at CarrieFletcher whom she is desperate to work with. Carrie quite clearly doesn't want to so she BeckieZero just tweets at her constantly. No. 72356
>>72347All the shit she's stirred up in the Trich community though? I left because I got sick of her trying to make it a BeckieZero's Zone.
We had those enablers that kept treating her like a delicate flower if her opinion was made void.
She always had to be the most oppressed, the sickest ( we see a large amount of salt from her when she was feeling better and didn't pull as much) and the most special leader of the gang, when that didn't work she made herself to be the saddest little bunny because her own community began to call her out and was sick of it being a Beckie0 show.
No. 72366
>>72356>the trich communitylmao why is this a thing?
sage because this is a boring vendetta thread
No. 72380
>>72356>muh trich communityyyyok? I'm in the trich community as well, and I highly doubt the rest of the internet gives a shit.
seriously. this thread is probably comprised of one person who has some sort of unhealthy vendetta. let it go lol.
No. 77400
>>77370nope i'm only
>>77368, sorry
No. 77518
>>77370No. I'm
>>77342 and that's my only post in this thread. Fuck off
No. 78094
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>>71554For the longest time, I thought that this was a pic of Margo or something.
This girl looks so wrinkly and old, holy shit, I'm surprised none of you mentioned it.
No. 78132
>>78040Whoa, shit.
But obviously her name isn't Rachel so I'm guessing it's just a catfish pretending to be a 19 year old girl while using her picture.
No. 79784
>>79350She's so fucking annoying… but I find myself agreeing with a lot of what she says in her review. I feel dirty, anons. :(
(Also, am I the only one who thinks Kylo Ren has the most punchable face ever?)
No. 80770
>>80106"You don't have to watch"
Oh gee thanks Zer0 !
The only XP she has was that 50+ married Jim guy and she has a phobia of bodily fluids. I mean how can you do it with no fluids?
She's also a christfag at heart as it's taught her "morality" the hoe don't kno shit
I think there was a comment somewhere ( can't find it) on youtube of someone suggesting she use a strapon as there wouldn't be any fluids (gallons and gallons of cum). She responded with some "I can't deal with this right now" Bullshit.
No. 82536
>>71554haha wow I am so glad I stumbled across this thread. I was literally just thinking "I should make a thread about Beckie0 but no one will probably give a shit because she's only a lolcow in the trichotillomania support group on facebook".. but now it's obvious that she's pretty awful everywhere.
I have to deal with her being god fucking awful in the trich support group on facebook constantly. She almost DAILY makes a give-me-asspats post in the group and then when ANYONE comments anything other than "omg becky ur so brave and famous ty for being a hero" she flips the fuck out and says she's being attacks. And when I say every comment, I mean EVERY comment. She even goes to OTHER people's posts (that have nothing to do with her) to be like "OMG YOU'RE ATTACKING ME :("
Having trichotillomania is bad enough, and she thinks she's the "celebrity spokesperson" for trich. It's nauseating, and it makes me even MORE ashamed to have trich.
No. 82557
>>71994This chick is fucking retarded
Not only can most people relate to her 'im a loner/i liked adults better in school muuuuuuh' but how does she fail to realize that older men that sleep with younger women are generally immature and ultimately unfulfilled. If he's looking to relive his 20's, it's because he didn't learn anything in his 20's. Why want a man who actively avoids growth? Only to dismiss younger men who have actual potential to grow up? You'd think she'd notice the big hole in her logic leaking of daddy issues.
No. 83476
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>>82557She's also retarded for being unable so socialise with people her own age.
The only times she tries is when she want to use them to get views through colabs etc. No one in the London/UK YT community likes her. And the reason for that is that she is unable to make any form of conversation other than about herself and how bad she has it. She used be invited to meetups but she was just basically this meme> Pic related.
Source: I am in that community
No. 84287
>>72289Wait is she too anxious to ask train conductors where the toilet is, but she can publicly tweet the rail company? I know there are staff on the train because they come around every once in a while to check your ticket or sell you a cup of tea, so why tweet the rail company? idgi. Also I don't get using toilets on trains. It always seems like a better idea to just hold it in unless you're on a very long trip.
>>80106Yeah this is dumb. I've been living with trich since I was 12 and haven't experienced half of what she's going on about, and am getting kind of bothered with friends sending me her videos thinking it'll help when she really doesn't seem to know much and is just trying to be the most special, because it means that people without trich are seeing everyone with as the same as her I think.
No. 84408
>>82557Hello Fellow Tritchy,
Yeah I get what you mean with the whole "Look at her video What an INSPIre!!!"
I dealt with my condition through CBT and pretty much consider myself "cured" it can come up again during stressful times but I have learned experience and the NHS how to cope with that.
She's a fucking terrible person for making twelvies think that that's the way to cope with it, I mean thinking back to when I was 12, had her and her videos been around back then… Shit son that could have royally fucked me up.
I fucking hate her and everything about her.
No. 93351
>>77304I always had a strange vibe from her - a "John Green book" attitude when a immature teen considers themselves too smart/deep/etc also the way her trich ruled her entire personality is a bore and always made me wonder how she even got work done at lush (if any at all). Once someone comment3d on a video "hey Lush can hire you and pay on products! Lol" and she got
triggered by that
THAT video specially made me fucking angry. She said before shaving her head made her trich worse and she plucked eyebrows and lashes - why the fuck would you do that again! ? I can't science but how shaving your hair off will make the bald patches disappear? You could get em fixed and them get a proper haircut to level it out. This is dumb. And basically a plea for appraisal
>>92133So why even have a TMI video??? Also if anyone wants to hit on you that desperately they'd do it without you procoding "on's and off's"
No. 94417
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How many social media accounts does she need. New "art" ig. I wish I hadn't heard of her here because since then she crops up everywhere and I'm not even looking.
No. 100339
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>>94539After Beckie lost her apartment, all of her hording spilled over into her parent's garage. In her video, she sounded proud that there's no longer any room for the family car.
No. 100340
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>>100339 She's continuing to shave her head. It gives her "street cred" as a Trich spokesperson. But, this will not stop her from ranting about missing her long hair. Several times a year she rants about how seeing long hair on women "
triggers" her.
No. 100347
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>>100339The MISSING CAT DRAMA started when one of her cats didn't come home. Then, we found out that she allows her cats to roam free around the neighborhood. She has a cat-flap on the back door, and lets them come and go as they please. Later, she admitted that she's lost three cats this way, and another was seriously injured. Yet, there's NO sign of remorse, or any indication that Beckie will change her ways.
No. 100351
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>>94539Beckie made about 30 tweets concerning her missing cats - in four days, and it garnered a ton of "attention" and "sympathy". Then, when the comments slowed from well-wishers, she dropped it and moved on to her favorite TV show.
No. 100356
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>>94417 Most of the hording and boxes of stuff in her parent's garage is her "art supplies". She made a video entitled: 'Art, GoT and Tidbits (Nov 25, 2015)' where she admitted her art supplies have taken over her parent's garage. Some of her art is better than others…
No. 100358
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>>100353Life is hard for a snowflake. The car broke down, and her cat "ran away". Beckie exclaims: I'm now "catless" and "carless"!
No. 100360
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>>100353It been proven that indoor cats live longer-healthier lives than outdoor cats. So, why does she let them run loose?
No. 100363
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>>100361I remember when Valentine's Day was approaching, and Beckie decided that she needed a bf. Of course, she never got that bf. But, she took the opportunity to "lash out" at dating sites and the men who contacted her. Snowflakes have it tough.
No. 100366
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>>100361Beckie likes older men, because men her age won't put up the her BS. She claims that kissing and body fluids "disgust" her. Just how does she expect to keep a bf? "Boofle" was a married,TV producer in his 40s, who did a story on Beckie; she immediately fell for him. It was weird. Then, she has several men in their 60s, who send her presents.
No. 100382
obviously a vendetta/sperg who is obsessed with this boring bitch
No. 107024
>>101910 If she accepts the doctor's help, she losses her YT revenue. But, if she REJECTS the help, she can continue with her career as a "self-appointed" Trich spokesperson and "NHS Victim". So, why did Rebecca Brown go to the doctor; was it because see needed material for more YT videos?
- "I went back just to see if things have changed…"
- My GP tried to "refer me" to a psychological doctor.
- "I'm not mentally unwell. I feel fine."
- "I said, 'No', to the anti-depressants and the counseling."
- The doctor put me on a waiting list for CBT, "but I'm NOT going to do it."
- Just because the doctor offered help, "doesn't mean it's help".
- "That was the end of my uncomfortable, upsetting, rushed appointment.
- I left empty-handed."
- "I was left feeling emotionally drained, terribly alone, and so helpless."
- "I went in, and came out with nothing."
- I make these videos "to spread awareness".
No. 108981
>>107032I've heard her complain about people with long hair, short hair, and even people getting their hair cut. It's ALL "
triggering" to Beckie. Yet, she has no problem posting shaving videos to earn revenue. The double standards never cease.
No. 108982
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>>108981I noticed a photo that Beckie posted before Christmas where she claimed to be pulling again; however, the cut pattern seems to be an exact match for an electric razor.
No. 108984
File: 1458625454421.png (293.66 KB, 842x672, Untitled56.png)

>>108982Clearly, Beckie is more concerned with attention seeking and personal promotion. She's even 'fine-tuned' her image, by getting business cards, dropping the 'Beckie0' moniker and changing over to her actual name. It seems she has big plans to be a "mental illness advocate".
No. 109021
>>108982I actually agree?? The edges are rather clean and straight. I thought it would look more patchy and uneven, but idk i don't have trich.
Oh oh becky… I am sorry i have to say this but at this point i feel like her Trich is just an open door to popularity… Like… People TALK about her and she fucking loves it. She seems pretty full off herself anyway… I mean she is literally filming every step she makes.. I know it sounds mean but to me it feels like she loves suffering and she loves people being all over her like "aaah hun we love u omg u are so inspiring omg"
No. 349945
>>337093Join us on GG! We're deep into our fifth thread!