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No. 799550
>>799462Jw Why did pnp get locked in the first place?
I miss talking about her
No. 800717
>>800714And last month she resurrected the spectre of
muh super rare mitochondrial disease.
No. 800719
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>>800714The AV fistula that's not an AV fistula. She has been insisting by logic more twisted than what she had done that it's somehow not really an AVF.
In case you are unfamiliar with them, she has no business having one. It comes with significant risk to her life.
No. 800871
>>800714Fucking hell she's ballooned.
also an AV Fistula isn't "trendy", it's an easy way to bleed out though if she doesn't take very special care. I've never heard of anyone not on long term hemodialysis getting one of those. But yay, another unnecessary surgery for Munchie Queen Jaq!
And that dilly-on-demand is going to lead to another constipation drama, I just know it.
No. 800909
>>800907At least that ROA is. Dilaudid is prescribed for non-terminal illnesses.
When injected IV or IM it has 95% bioavailability. When taken orally only around 25%. The pills can be easily prepared for injection, though. Is she enough of an addict to do that if she is given a pill script when she's discharged?
No. 801021
>>800907Dilaudid is a very common pain med used in hospitals and ERs. Probably because IV the dose is pretty small.
Person who brought up Jaq forgot to mention she finally admitted to being on opioids. What happened was she started doing medical marijuana and it really helped her (her words). She started eating orally a lot more and obviously gained a lot of weight. Well her pain management doctor didn't like that and threatened to kick her off her opioids if she didn't stop the MMJ. She chose MMJ and her pain management doctor kicked her off. I'm assuming she was on liquid oxycodone, but I'm not sure. Not trying to shame her but she always used to act like she was above this yet has likely been on opioids for years.
She also complained that the MMJ she gets isn't strong enough and she has the most potent stuff from various companies. Claiming she doesn't get high, at all, from any of it.
And she alluded to taking Adderall/amphetamines for her narcolepsy during this whole MMJ / opioid thing.
Plus all the videos of her high as balls on ketamine… kek Jaquie sorry girl but you're not special. You're just another lame ass who loves to get high from attention and drugs.
No. 801065
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No. 801079
>>801065This was posted about 90 minutes ago. I grabbed the screenshot from r/illnessfakers.
She has had near constant abdominal distension throughout the last year. The emptying procedure [video related] she underwent last June was not completely successful.
The IV Dilaudid, Ativan, Benadryl, and Zofran cocktail she has been on during the last week would have prevented her from feeling the pain of what was happening.
No. 801081
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She and Janiece ended their friendship around a year ago.
No. 801084
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>>801083samefag but she might actually be on her way out.
No. 801086
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No. 801094
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No. 801097
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>>801094She's dead. From her brother's facebook. Looks like it was a freak accident.
Sad, they'd just bought a house. Her life was a comedy down to dying just days after completing a major life milestone. RIP Jaquie.
No. 801098
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>>801094He lives in England which is why he states 6am.
No. 801103
>>801102She also had a little help from Dr QMB.
In one of her recent videos she stated that she spent 100 days inpatient in 2018.
No. 801104
>>801099she munched her way to her death. the amount of doctor shopping she did was appalling. speaks more about the fractured medical record system in the us. she used doctors who would willing give what you wanted as long as their pockets were lined nicely. dr qmb must have had some pretty sweet vacays secured just from her alone.
she absolutely faked a bunch of stuff and she absolutely had a drug problem. death doesnt erase what she did in life. she died a malingerer and thats the tragic part. her death was largely unavoidable until it hit critical and then it was too late. her actions sped up her passing
No. 801109
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No. 801111
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>>801083In her 4/19 vlog she posted a shot of her distended abdomen (which she insisted was "not constipation") but it seems likely that the constant opioids she took left her continually constipated or slowed her bowels significantly which isn't without long-term consequences. She was even on a pain pump during this hospital stay.
No. 801112
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No. 801114
>>801112>>801113boy she really rode the mcas train hard and it was all for nothing. it turns out her chronic constipation that she was too special to deal with was the actual culprit.
she was warned to get rid of the feeding tube. a weakened bowel along with the constipating effects of her opioid addiction was what did her in.
judd seemed like a decent but slow guy, the only reason i feel bad for the him is because they just closed on that house and now he has a funeral and figuring out what to do with all of her stuff on his plate.
No. 801115
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>she was warned to get rid of the feeding tube. Here's an observant post from KF about that, referring to her video from March 17th in which she runs a feed after having relied solely on oral nutrition for months after embracing MMJ. No. 801116
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Here's a post from 2 days before she died, sitting on the hospital floor with a MRSA infection on her leg.
No. 801117
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Her mom has posted about her death.
No. 801142
In this GI update video from September she rationalized keeping her J tube primarily for medications because taking them orally didn't work. Her abdomen continued to be painfully distended which she attributed to MCAS.
Also worth noting, she was on IV and oral antibiotics and corticosteroids every other month during the last year, maybe more. She was tested for SIBO as a result. Around the time of her disimpaction procedure
>>801079 she had visible side effects from corticosteroids.
No. 801150
>>801141Can he bankroll a malpractice suit or suits?
The general consensus on IF is hope that Judd and her parents do not question whether her treatments were unnecessary to spare their feelings.
I hope that they do question everything and thusly unravel the lies of her physical illnesses, the truths of her mental illnesses and drug addiction, and how they led to her death.
While Jaquie had agency, her decisions were driven by her mental illnesses and addiction. The physicians who provided her unnecessary treatments and drugs absolutely enabled and exploited her (and her father's wallet).
>>801142Also worth noting, she requested, and received with no push back, general anaesthesia for some dozen procedures during the last 18 months, the majority of which are ordinarily outpatient. Not only did this take an immeasurable toll on her health, it was an egregious transgression of standard of care.
No. 801160
>>801107This is also the video in which she talks about running down the hall to the nurse while unable to breathe and being told to return to her room and administer her own Epipen. She doesn't question why the nurse did not assist her with her life threatening emergency.
She emphasizes her need for an unnamed liquid narcotic pain med at home because MMJ does nothing for her pain. But she cannot give up MMJ in exchange for pain meds because it enables her to eat and be off tube feeds. She has a new pain management doctor who will allow her to have both. Her anxiety over the situation speaks to her addiction.
Her baseline is using 4 to 5 doses of said narcotic a week.
No. 801193
>>800719>It comes with significant risk to her life.Heh.
Two feeding tubes, ports, this abomination… What would have been next, trepanation to cure her alleged narcolepsy? We'll never know. This was as much as her body could take. And holy shit, it was a whole lot of cutting up and drugs it withstood.
No. 801282
>>801275She doctor shopped until she got what she wanted.
To obtain that cursed tube that killed her, she went to three gastro specialists who refused her before finally the fourth agreed to do the job.
Same with pain specialists, she cycles through them. She dumped the last one because the doc refused to give Jaq opiates and weed at the same time.
She changed GP's multiple times too, even having to drive inconveniently far from her place for what should be routine appointments because she couldn't find anyone nowhere near her who would indulge her dangerous requests.
She went to serious lengths to find those corrupt money grabbing doctors that did her bidding. So no, not everyone gave her what she wanted for profit.
No. 801312
We didn't refer to her concierge physician as Dr Quackmoneybags for nothing. I'll dig up my posts about him and repost them here later tonight.
Also see my reply
>>801150 No. 801314
>>801312while i understand people want justice and sue all of the doctors she had ever seen, dr qmb is the one who deserves to be straight fucking pillaged. multiple reports of just shoving unnecessary shit at people and dropping them if the patient didnt want it.
it sucks a rando er doc had the misfortune to deal with her but in the end, qmb facilitated her actions to be top munchie qween.
No. 801317
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The illnessfakers subreddit is absolutely retarded. In one post everyone's going "she's trying to kill herself", "she's gonna die soon", then literally in the next post she's dead and everyone's so shocked and remorseful for rightfully calling her out. Now they're trying to backpedal as if she hadn't dug her own grave. Just because she died young doesn't mean she wasn't an OTT, drug seeking doctor shopper that inspired and helped other unscrewed attention seekers to do the same. They're trying to say they're better than LC and KF even though they all originated from here kek.
No. 801319
>>801317half of the comments are thanking her for letting them join in on her adventure! and the other is moaning about being in tears for hours.
these two faced bitches just saw themselves in a mirror and they want to scrub all posts about her because of feelings. they probably dont want to be associated with shittalking a dead girl.
No. 801365
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>>801363lel. it definitely could have been a contributing factor. her intestine were weakened from being fucking butchered repeatedly and probably being stuffed full of waste because despite her so serious gastroparesis, she still ate massive amounts of junk.
big image warning but this is really the best guestimate of what went down
No. 801381
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←—- MFW I heard about it.
No. 801391
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Well this didn't age well.
r/illnessfakers and r/malingering are now competing for virtue signaling points. Which sub will erect a memorial in her honor first?
>>801365And for years she has been taking multiple meds that reduce motility.
No. 801394
>>801388its been said before, but her drug addiction was a contributing factor as well. she was hooked up to the pump so the initial pain that could have signified something really wrong was diminished. any kind of abnormal blood pressure or pulse could have resulted from the shock could be attributed to her pots diagnosis. the steroids she was on could have reduced fever, any nausea could have been chalked up to her gp diagnosis.
all of that is speculation but jaquie was never okay with a simple "muggle" answer to common issues
>>801391thats a top shelf kek
No. 801402
>>801321It is very shocking and sad she died. She was legitimately extremely sick…but not sick with the stuff she claimed. She was horribly sick with mental illness and it's crazy that she was able to do all this stuff to herself. Jaquie was annoying as fuck yeah, totally. But damn, I can't help but feel bad. How are we supposed to stop people like her? Factitious disorder is a hell of a drug, especially when combined with other drugs sadkek
I always had this theory she was trying to get her intestines to stop working. Not her small intestine but her large intestine. Because there's a "use it or lose it" thing that goes with using a feeding tube. I feel like her goal would be to get an ostomy bag because that's super serious and sickly.
No. 801403
>>801402Aaah, enter the colostomy bag - The Purple Heart medal for distinguished munching.
Much more impressive (because permanent) than just your ordinary IV drip rack on sqeaky wheels.
Just remember to raise your shirt often enough so everybody sees it on Insta.
No. 801404
>>801402well…she did end up losing intestine, just the kind that really difficult to live without. instead fitveganginger got it.
honestly i dont feel bad at all for her passing. illnessfakers may have flipped and started praising her for sharing her adventures but she only ever did more harm than good.
she encouraged people to be more ott. she set other girls up with her medical concierge. look at janice, the only thing she was ever able to get diagnosed for herself was that skin condition. she was a constant inspiration for skinwalkers and cultivated the idea that you should
always question your doctor if they refuse to give you want you want instead of entertaining the idea that the least invasive treatments are for the better (look who is now dead because of that attitude)
and for as much education people claim she has done, she straight refused to accept facts that she didnt like. most recently, her constant bloating was not because of mcas but because she was literally full of shit. her information and education was always to her munchie benefit to make her look the sickest but omg how strong she is pushing through.
No. 801405
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>>801404Our widdle gurwl. Holy Jesus saved her! Just take a look at Anna-chan, she's so very proud about it! And she'll be having a special diet from now on.
No. 801410
>>801405It'll be a real field day for her to smooth her achy bowels with some pseudo-nutritious vegan dogshit that she calls "food".
So all those years of laxative abuse were not in vain, hooray.
No. 801510
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>>801391Not a memorial, but Wacky Jaquie Day will do!
No. 801572
>>801569thats a little ridiculous. plenty of animals regardless of breed can go through periods of mourning. judd has taken care of harlow well and treated the dog more like a dog and not a cutesy show horse. no need to practice holding a wallet and have a grown woman use her has a crutch. surely her janky hips are welcoming the change.
i like to imagine there will be more playing in the yard and running around without having to stand sentinel to jaquies whims. the dog finally gets to be a dog.
No. 801593
>>801317IF is filled with virtue signaling munchies in denial who drone on about "so and so person isn't sick because I actually have this disease and I'M actually the sickest one." They're backpedaling because naively they never expected Junquie to actually die from her egregious and unnecessary medical procedures. They thought by token of her being an "illness faker" it meant no harm could come to her, and I think in a way this is holding up a mirror to them to the fact that the procedures that they "totally, actually NEED" (like feeding tubes, for one, the trendiest of all munchie accessories) could land them in an early grave as well.
But no, IF, you totally NEED it, right? Just remember how much Jac needed it too!
No. 801596
You’ve hit the nail on the fucking head.
If you think IF is bad, go to /r/TrueChronicIllness
It’s a fucking gold mine!!!
No. 801620
>>801595a doctor worth their license wont, but when you combine someone who will doctor shop until they get a yes bolstered with their crowdsourced spoonie knowledge and dr google, they will find someone to give the go ahead.
you can see on their facebook groups and instagram people whining about literally dying going without a port for years. literally dying because they havent eaten food in weeks and passing out 4 times a day but no on call iv saline.
a decent doctor will try the least invasive, least risky treatments first. but when you have an invisible illness, no one can appreciate it if isnt visible. how else could you become popular on social media and have your gofundme blow up or have articles written about you?
No. 801638
>>801593Not to whiteknight IF posters, but people have in the past expressed lots of concern on there for Jaquie and another person in particular causing themselves irreparable damage or inadvertently killing themselves in the quest to be The Most Sick.
The turnaround from scorn to canonising her is pretty nauseating though.
No. 801646
>>801638a bunch of people have the idea that the sub is there to help the people they posted about. similar to hi cow and insert i have x and this is what its really like. hence why they have/had so many posts complaining about the need to stop talking about someone because their mental health and how the sub will be blamed if they an hero or bs misgendering.
jaquies obit was found on this site btw No. 801664
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Kate Farms… fuckssakes. Vultures.
No. 801694
>>801664Ah yes the Kate Farms whose drink she got sent pallets of for free for being an "illness influencer" (such a thing should never exist smh) but never drank because she didn't need them.
I half expect this to be a sarcastic farmer tbh.
No. 801697
>>801638Tins Dao / ”Anelise”
One of my fave “new” munchies, after Kadee died, Jacquie died, the rest closed their accounts (bring back Jonzieeeee).
I migrated from here to the illness fakers sub but fuck it sucks. “Approved topics only” too much blogging, too much “well actually that’s not true not all cluster B people….”
No. 801815
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No. 801999
>>801844From what it sounds like it was an emergent situation, she probably wouldn’t have known she was gonna die.
I feel sorry for Jaq’s family but it’s classic “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” tbh it was gonna happen to one of these munchies sooner or later. My money had been on Aubs before she sorted her shit out.
No. 802038
>>802034May the Fourth?
As in Star Wars Day? I hope Judd had a hand in that, one last dig.
No. 802063
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Which one of you mothers did that. Just show some decency for chrissakes.
No. 802190
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No. 802192
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So Jan made a "condolence wishlist" that's just giftcards.
No. 802206
>>802192lmao shes honoring jaquie by continuing her munching in her name.
>we would rather money go to charitythen stop profiting of your bffs death and just have a link up for said charities instead of 200$ lowes gift cards. thats by far more insulting than the mitochondria and cataplexy condolences. what a full on swine.
No. 802316
>>802302>[talking about renal/liver failure] he said she went through something similar in highschoolOh,ffs. This sentence alone ruins any iota of credibility I had towards information her family has put out concerning her death.
And the friend is right, the entire story is so confusing. Suspiciously so. Like some good Christians had a hard time thinking of a way to publicize the emergency and subsequent death of their loved one that hides to what extent it was drug-induced.
No. 802335
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>>802192>>802206>>802280The Condolences Wish List is in Jaquie and Judd's account. Note the Housewarming Wish List that Jaquie had been flogging last month.'t turn this thread into r/IF.
No. 802342
>>802335And? Jan still made it and posted it.
What do you mean don't turn it into IF?
No. 802349
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>>802342He would have had to have given Janiece the log in to the account to create the list.
In a previous post on Patreon she mentioned making a wish list for Judd.
And learn to sage, newfag.
No. 802398
>>802302According to that vid, our Chronical Jaquie realized that things were going southwards pretty quick.
Good. So she knew she fucked up this (last) time.
No. 802443
>>801024If Jaq had been using heavy duty narcotics 4-5 times a week for a long time, maybe even years, it doesn’t make sense that she hadn’t developed tolerance or experienced withdrawals.
Interesting that she didn’t mention the name of her narcotics, especially since she didn’t mind naming a scrub-tier like Tramadol.
I guess she was getting the really good stuff. Oxycodone? Probably Dilaudid.
Btw: Wouldn’t be surprised if Jaq had been sneaky about taking her dilaudid if that is the one.
The doctor would typically write the prescription as to be given orally (drops through the tube.)
Orally Dilaudid has a poor bioavailability, but if Jaq had put those drops in her port instead, it would have been 3-5 times as strong.
(2mg =10mg… Jaq would have figured this out through Dr Google.)
That would have meant that she could have taken it much more often or in much higher dosages. Which is one way of being high every day, despite your doc only giving you a script for 4-5 times a week.
No. 802458
>>802443Yes, we know she was hooked on dilaudid, check the old threads.
She acted like a typical junkie when it came to dilaudid and benadryl, so yeah, she lied about her (ab)use of them.
It is the combo of unnecessary surgery and drug abuse that killed her.
Up nitil her organs started failing, she insisted her distended stomach was because of her autoimmune condition. In reality, she knew that drugs cause her to distend, and she was afraid they'd put her off them, so she lied about it to everyone including doctors. Had she not lied, she might have still been alive.
No. 802537
>>802522They're back. See
No. 802665
>>802458I doubt it was Dilaudid. She probably had oxycodone because it's the most commonly prescribed in pain clinics and outpatient. She only got Dilaudid because she was in the hospital and contrary to popular belief it's one of the most used opioids in emergency medicine and hospitals. They will give even opioid naive people 4mg IV in the ER for a bad infection
like when I had cellulitis in my faceShe also didn't put it into her port. She got liquid opioids to put into her tube, which she showed a few times on camera. And didn't hide it.
>roux-en-y makes her intestines weak>not taking this surgery serious because she never thinks she will die>using oxycodone>starts medical marijuana>starts eating more>can't shit because oxy>giant poops stuck in her system>weakens her weak intestine even more>doesn't realize something is wrong because deluded self>dies No. 802682
>>802665Like I said, no need to speculate, we know she was addicted to dilaudid, it is all documented in previous threads. She claimed nothing else worked for her.
>>442134>>442676>>445761From the first thread (thread #4), where she mentions it.
>>473715From thread #5. I will not link other posts because Ctrl+F "dilaudid" gives 45 results.
Thread #6 has 22 mentions of it, and so on. Just search through the Jaquie threads with that keyword, it is informative, I promise.
No. 802809
>can't shit because oxyAnd Zofran. And corticosteroids. And probably most of all, Benadryl. Video related nicked from the KF thread.
Also being sedentary. She couldn't endure the struggle of walking the hospital hallway to move her bowels ~ cuz muh POTS ~ but she could leap across her living room to watch the dolphins in her backyard.
No. 802813
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Welcome back to the farm!, it's true, MBIresearch. We no longer have to tolerate your draconian rule.
No. 802900
>>802813That doesn't show how they went off on a poster who said sorry. It's deleted now but the really crazy comment where they are paranoid and accuse the poster of spending months working against them is here it's the other mod acting crazy but wow this was a perfectly paranoid rant to make MBI look insane.
No. 802914
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Meanwhile, Tina got sepsis from her PICC line and said she couldn’t handle the ~cyberbullying~ and wouldn’t post for a bit, then posts posed pic right after begging for likes….while having sepsis….
welcome…to the twilight zone
No. 803074
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Anelise has a triple lumen now despite having sepsis last week.
No. 803115
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An update on the Gains Goblin:
Last time we left her, she was shitting orange mucus as a consequence of her purely juice diet
One year later, her colon finally gave up after years of laxative abuse and insane restrictive diet. She had to get an ostomy two weeks ago, where they removed the lower half of her digestive system, and now she shits in a bag.
This comes as a blessing to her though, as she can finally have a life outside of the toilet again!
No. 803116
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So we are again after Jaquie reminded of what the end-game of munching is.
But was losing her colon a wake-up call to Anna, you ask? Of course not! She has the double power of denial coming from both her eating disorder and her factitious illness disorder.
She is continuing to restrict, now eating baby food and (falsely) claiming she has to because of her ostomy. Ostomates do have to avoid fiber, but they don't have to settle eating baby food.
She is still claiming to have that super rare CF mutation that does not affect the lungs, but presents itself with symptoms that conveniently explain away things that are linked to her eating disorder.
No. 803125
>>803115So she finally made herself both "Dada God's eternally sickly widdle precocious girlchild" and found a way to stay skelly without any intervention. No wonder she sounds genuinely happy, her captions generally have a bitterness a d superiority as if she's not a shallow and materialistic cunt who's making herself deliberately miserable.
Could also be lying because who knows with attention whores on the internet.
No. 803126
>>803115and she's still claiming cystic fibrosis!
despite the fact that people with CF usually have to eat way more in order to maintain weight. good job there, anna-chan.
No. 803127
>>803116sorry for samefag but "pills could pass through whole"
gurl what do you think your stomach does?
No. 803140
>>803130were they known by anything else? the name doesn't seem familiar to me
personally i want a catchup on that UK munchie (trans) guy who was self-infantalising to the point of carrying a fuckin teddy bear around with him.
No. 803196
>>803172Robyn seems to have genuinely left the internet and stopped munching. She posted in one of the old munchie threads that she had evaluated her behavior and gotten professional help, and she hasn't reappeared since.
That or she accidentally Jaquied herself.
No. 803290
>>803215I have. That's where I read it first. Lots of people talked about it and how that could've prevented it. But I haven't been able to find an actual reference. The vlog titles aren't much to go on, but I've even watched a good chunk of them om 2x speed. So far zilch.
I like that I can ask here and remain anon though; not sure if I want to ask it there. So if anyone here knows, that'd be great. I NEED to see that vlog, kek.
No. 803298
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No. 803299
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No. 803300
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Why the hell do people post things like this? I immediately think “attention seeking tard”, but we already know Anelise is.
No. 803317
>>803300Jesus fucking Christ I fuckin hate when tumblrina munchies pretend to earthquake type
lhgike thyisc. Then they’ll be like “oh sorry guize I was having an ~episode~/~seizure~/~heart attack~/~panic attack~ while I was posting on my social media! I totally didn’t mean to post that I just
couldn’t control my withering body!”
You unlocked your phone, opened up your app, click to add a story, chose a unique background out of many options, opened a text box up and changed the font color from default black to white, then suddenly had a ~medical emergency~ and typed out some words with random letters thrown in (just enough to understand that SHES GOING TO THE HOSPITAL EVERYONE!!!!1) somehow touching a majority of correct keys on a touch screen, then clicked to post it
and confirmed it before publishing.
Because that definately makes sense and totes works like that. Every time she gets upset or slightest bit stressed, she runs to the ER like she expects them to do something? I remember one time a long time ago she said she goes to the hospital to “get away and take a break” and that she “needed” to go to the hospital bc she needed some “time off” to “relax”.
>thaitss ntogt wohati tthye ER ias foorx No. 803433
>>803186It's been mentioned on KF too
>>801115, but I haven't seen any receipts.
In this video, at 3:00 she talks about administering her new meds through her tube and says that her geneticist recommends keeping her tube for meds.
No. 803442
>>803130>>803193Amanda constantly changed her account names and has had multiple accounts. Check her flair on IF.
>>803366Dani got her tube.
Kate Farms Shill has made several detailed posts about Dani starting with No. 803447
File: 1557380525557.png (642.41 KB, 680x1175, Screenshot_2019-05-08-04-14-11…)

Also joining the tube parade in recent months is Julian.
No. 803725
>>803433O shit, she's repetitive!
This is one of the many vids though in which she gives allll of her reasons for keeping the tube, not commenting on how she was advised to get rid of it and keeps it regardless.
>>803702O right. Maybe that's it? Jaq was spitting out a lot of misinformation, but the commenters on IF/KF etc. don't always check their sources either. Sometimes it's basically people repeating each other just like Jaqs fans did. I've seen a lot of people say it was a doctor who told her to remove it, but not one source. So commenters telling her makes more sense I guess.
No. 803753
>>803300I think Tina Dao / “Anelise” might be genuinely retarded. Her entire Facebook is public and she posts what hospital & room she’s in etc (really begging for a tard from reddit r/illnessfakers to call up and interfere with the milk…), she edits/photoshops/filters her photos to the point where she looks like an actual downy or someone with foetal alcohol syndrome, she claims all this effects her mental health but doesn’t do the one thing to help herself: stop posting.
Conclusion: Tina is genuinely a dumb cunt. I can’t wait for her next infection!
No. 804434
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“I cAN’t WeaR mAKEuP”
No. 804436
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>>804434Jaq at a good weight (unflattering angle tho)
No. 804482
>>804387Yeah that was about the G-tube. She lost that one. But on IF/KF there has been a lot of talk right after her death that a doctor had advised her to have the J-tube removed. It's implied this was because she hadn't actually needed it for tube feeds for many months. And apparently she refused.
Going back to her vids, I highly doubt this is true though. Or at least it's not something she shared. In fact, she's going on and on about her her doctors think "it's such a good tool to have" because she still very much needs it for meds, y'all. And if she 'flares', of course.
No. 805217
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Why does it seem like there’s always a pattern with munchies starting with EDS and then claiming gastroparesis? I’ve been following this chick for over a year (@pastelspoons/ and as soon as the attention wears off she always seems to come down with some new rare illness or complication that needs to be treated.
No. 807553
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>>807346>>807346Not the OP, but here:
No. 807920
>>807871IF want to have as many reasons as possible to criticize Janiece so they immediately assumed her picture with Harlow and "Orion"'s comment
>>807631 meant that she was stealing Harlow.
No. 807941
>>807871I know people think Judd is sus, but honestly if you had been through as many 'emergencies' as Jaq had, you're gonna become numb to that shit. Expecting family and friends to cry and tear their hair every time you get admitted for what is usually nothing is ridiculous.
This is like being married to the boy who cried wolf, after a while you're going to see this shit as just another day at the office.
No. 808769
>>807941>>807941Very true. I just hope that he can move on from her crazy (and her death caused by her mental illness), and not replace her with another spoonie warrior.
Or if he does…he clearly has a “type”
No. 809137
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Lets talk more about Julian. When he first popped up in some of AJ's videos, people assumed that Jaq was using him to copy off, mimic symptoms etc (this was soon before she got her "necessary" AFOs for nonexistant foot drop). But as soon as people started suggesting he could be milky himself other posters quickly shot that idea down, and tried to get him to spill on Jaq with no luck. I saved two posts someone linked to though, and they're quite interesting in light of his recent escalation - the feeding tube for "gastroparesis" despite no apparent weight loss.
No. 809223
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This is ridiculous, kek
No. 809384
>>809223poor spoopy tina. her birthday is coming up, just spent time in icu because she is not at all anorexic but because of awful heart problems then left for filming as an extra, then back in the hospital to be put on tpn and left to be in horrible pain because motrin doesnt work for her and she didnt get any sweet iv relief.
my bets are on either hospital staff not catering to her wishes and ignoring her very non existent eating disorder and/or spoonie pain or her family is giving her some cold shoulder and not promising as many asspats for her upcoming bday celebration inpatient.
it could be as simply as she is hurt that peopel arent kissing her ass on instagram that much and cant find a new special way to get attention since she munched to a triple lumen because thats what was all the hospital had in stock.
No. 810924
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From the Phoebe thread, this girl appeared.
>>810864 >>810920
She looks SO familiar. I think she might have been an instagram pro-ana community drama whore back during the Ember Whann threads. Not sure if she ever made a thread appearance. If it is the same person, it's hilarious to see yet another one of those girls graduate to munchie life.
Anyway, thought y'all might be interested, or have people in here who recognize her.
No. 811082
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>>811022Oh don't worry, she has her own laundry list full of the classics.
Says her chair is for EDS. She also has an arm brace she likes to show off in her "stim dance" videos.
Her autistic awakening occuring when her son was diagnosed is… strange. What parent hears "Your child is autistic." and goes, "Oh that makes sense! I must be also be autistic!"?
No. 811111
>>811082Of course she has EDS and POTS. Of course.
Not to mention she went active job to power chair in two years.
No. 811359
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>>810924>>811022She's a real piece of work lemmetellya. I very much wonder if she is mirroring her son's autism.
No. 811399
>>811082OT, but i really like the font on your device lol
wait, you can develop PCOS in your 30s? half of these illnesses combined won't let her have the body she has if it were actually true lmao
No. 811455
>>811399Sometimes people don't get a pcos diagnosis until they try and fail to get pregnant if it's really mild.
I just want to know how she got to 27 without an autism diagnosis if she's stimming as hard as she describes. Wouldn't be surprised if she was exaggerating to steal some of her son's and ex's disability limelight.
No. 811471
> book mefor what?? What does she do aside from make YouTube videos?
I am honestly surprised I've not come across her til now.
No. 811476
>>811455that on top of eds so bad that she needs a wheelchair and crutches out of the blue. they ilke to think that they are special little sick flowers but they all follow the same formula.
>>811471how ableist anon! who wouldnt want a #stimdancer to sperg out at people not donating to their gofundme and not writing annabel lee like articles about them and how brave they are to survive every little tiny occurrence in their life
No. 811521
>>811082It's pretty common for women to never suspect they might have autism (since there hadn't been much research on autism in females until recently), have a child with autism, and then see some of the symptoms they thought were just quirks reflected in their children.
But it's not uncommon for munchies to see that as an opportunity they can take advantage of, too. Being able to observe someone with the disability/illness you want to pretend you have is always a great way to make your lies believable, like cancer-fakers who purposefully befriend people with exactly the same cancer they claim to have.
I'm confused by the "food aversion" diagnosis though. If she has autism, then it would no longer be a
valid diagnosis and just be part of her sensory processing disorder. It's also really difficult to diagnose depression and autism, because depression has to be ruled out first to be able to really consider your autistic symptoms. PTSD would be the same, since you'd need to make the difference between getting
triggered and having a sensory meltdown.
No. 811531
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>>811472If I recall correctly he has muscular dystrophy.
This girl is my favourite personal cow and I'm so glad her shenanigans are finally getting the attention they deserve.
Have her very reasoned and measured response to a minor elective surgery. #intensepain
No. 811532
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She also does that classic munchie thing of blogging her supposed medical emergencies.
Imagine lying there, supposedly sufficiently ill that you need an ambulance, and the thing that springs to mind is instructing your husband to take an action shot of the paramedics treating you for your Insta…
No. 811542
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Convinced she has vascular EDS symptoms on the basis of some small innocuous bruises. Now I wonder why the NHS keeps knocking back her request for genetic testing, hmmm…
No. 811543
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More dramatic vascular bruising with a side order of TRIGGERING hospital rooms.
No. 811656
>>811542vacuum cleaner
>>811543vacuum cleaner with extension head
gg sweetie gg
No. 811678
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Can anyone see the dislocation that's apparently visible here?
No. 811921
>>811678Her collarbones are just uneven, that's it. If you took away the lines she drew there would be nothing noticeable. Also what about that shoulder brace she has? Wearing that would have prevented an actual dislocation.
>>811399Ha thanks, it's Jura Light if anyone cares
No. 812931
>>811521Food aversion is her cover story for her eating disorder. She can trot that out along with the E-Danlos to explain away the massive weight loss in the space of a year. Some of her selfies are definite ana-chan all bones and angles poses.
I must say I do love all her posed "I'm so sad and weak" photos. How many tries does it take her and Liam to get the perfect delicate sick little sparrow pose?
I feel sorry for the child. They are "homeschooling" him now. Which basically means isolating him from the world and copying text from his phone games onto his computer. Very fun. Much learning. Very clever way of trapping Liam a little bit more though.
No. 813479
>>813467Oh god. I had to pause at 33:48 and get the full body cringe shivers out of my system. She talks for another 15 minutes. Jaquie's pain pump couldn't make this any more bearable. How can it keep getting worse? She's giving a speech and calling out the "audience" like she just won an award. Janiece is straight up evil. Bitch crashed a FUNERAL.
>She knew with me you had to peel those layers, I thought of an onion - what's inside the onion? A core, a pit? She was, she was very close to that pit. I've never had anybody that close to my pit. That didn't sound right, sorry guys. >dramatic sigh #12
>Can I get another round of applause? Come on guys.>awkward clapping from the audience>My ego's pretty big
>I totes could never replace Jaquie but I'm gonna try anyway
>Judd…>dramatic sigh #43>I don't want you crying, I don't know why you're crying, stop being a crybaby! Please!>I'm sorry that was brutal.
>If this inappropriate shitty music from a kid's cartoon doesn't cheer you up then you're hollow inside
>tells Judd to stop crying at his wife's funeral a second timeI can't believe she was trying to charge money for this.
No. 813614
>>813467literally speechless
she's a fucking sociopath
No. 813705
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>make sure you get the hospital signs in as clearly as possible but also all the cutesy brand mascots and a clear shot of my tube
No. 813814
>>813705a new cow appears
Who is this? Info?
My first instinct is ana-chan because Lazy Oaf make clothes for stick figures.
No. 814898
Have we seen the latest agony autie transport breakdown? She's screeching at the train station staff, Liam is doing and saying nothing, and poor Frank is there freaking out because his mum is losing it (shouting and screeching) and no one is calming either of them down. Liam just does nothing to keep Frank safe or make him feel secure. It's like they think Frank being upset will make the video even better for the TRAINS ARE CRUEL TO DISABLEDS!!1! angle or something. In reality, it just shows what a shit show he has to put up with all the time. And now they "homeschool" him, he doesn't get a break from it or the chance to be around people who can model how to manage emotions.
I have empathy for people with disabilities but if your disability means you can't travel on public transport without losing your shit, stop taking your poor kid along with you for sympathy points. Let him stay at home with his dad. You can still make dramatic videos and have meltdowns with perfectly angled footage (got to be sure to catch your hands shaking/flicking wink wink) but at least it gives your kid a rest from seeing it over and over.
I do wonder though if Sara ever realises that sharing shit like this means if they ever do break up, Liam has literal video evidence as to why he should have custody. And now I think about it, I wonder if Frank being withdrawn from school has anything to do with teachers/school staff becoming concerned about his home life because of these videos. Lots of parents pull back a bit when school shows concerns instead of engaging e.g change schools, move house, leave the area. They can't leave the area or move house, so they pull him out instead and hope that does the trick to get any involvement stopped before it officially begins.
No. 816979
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Julian posted this on ig two days ago…looks like he saw what happened to jaq and realized that all this munching around isn’t all fun and games.
He doesn’t want to die like his old pal, he just wants all the attention
No. 817776
>>816979Well it wasn't necessary anyway, I mean he had no significant weight loss and was still able to eat. Also note how munchies have way more problems with tubes flipping and falling out that the general population with tubes?
I hope he sees a surgeon about it in any case, they have to make sure it's healing internally too.
No. 818482
>>Also note how munchies have way more problems with tubes flipping and falling out that the general population with tubes? Yeah. It just
fell out? Multiple times? How? What? I don't get it.
Also the: "yeah it's scary, but we'll find a way" (paraphrasing here) doesn't really sound like he's expecting to be starving to death. He skipped the nasal tube too, didn't he? And also didn't get one now. So who TF are these doctors who just willy nilly put surgical tubes in their patients?
No. 818735
>>818482In fact, considering most of them have tubes for GP/CIPO, i.e. absent or reduced gastric or gut motility, their rate of flipping should be ~0% and they should generally experience fewer issues, not more.
A wisdom of people providing medical services to notorious ana-chans is that 1) a bumper tube is impossible to lose except on purpose, 2) an intact balloon tube is impossible to lose except by losing inflation, which is what you ought to be trained to maintain as a patient.
No. 818957
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>>818735That's.. interesting. Also horrifying. Although, looking at these pics (the upper row) makes it almost believable that his tube might've come out in some way.
He said he couldn't live without it. Seen other posts where he claimed this as well. But now that he was forced to let the stoma close, they'll just find another way?
OK, that's cool. But then why didn't they do try that
before installing that tube?
I mean I'm not even sure if I can blame the patients entirely here if it appears there's doctors who seem to think a PEG-J or G/J is one of the first lines of treatment for someone with mild or moderate case of the stomach slows.
>>818765>>Remember Aubrey's "the dog pulled my tube out" fiasco?All too well, anon. All too well. I just clutched my non-existent tube.
No. 818960
>>818957Oh, forgot to mention the "you're still hungry" comment. I've heard the opposite as well. Anyone know if this is just something that differs from person to person? Or do patients who
are still hungry differ (in diagnosis, e.g.) in some way from those who
No. 819222
>>819023i remember she was in a really
abusive situation with her husband and father in law so i hope she’s….. you know, alive
No. 819226
>>819071Interested to know why.
I've only ever known Julian as a post-T male. He's had top surgery, has facial hair, doesn't appear t want to be a smol prince with no body hair etc.
No. 822956
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x-posting from KF, user there Kate Farms Shill got these
Jonzie was arrested for heroin possession.
>Alexys D. Jones, 23 arrested 28 November for possession of heroin and criminal tools (a pocket gram scale she admits was used for weighing dope.) Plead guilty to both charges on May 29. Currently living with her mother again in Sandusky. Claims to have been an IV Fentanyl and heroin user and overdosed in November which led to arrest. Still sometimes tags herself at Cleveland Children's Hospital.
No. 822959
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>>822957The rest of the Jonzie leak is medical posts
No. 827361
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UK cow (a rare breed!)
Allergic to the cold as well as the usual lot of munchie illnesses, wears pointless huge masks, obsessed with own illnesses.
No. 827371
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>>827361also appears to have extremely enabling parents, and I call bullshit on both the POTS diagnosis and need for wheelchair seeing this absolute piss take of a photo
No. 833152
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Sydshealing is a potential cow. @anelises.fight (formally ts. Fight) said that Syd had suspected factitious disorder. Now Syd is chasing all the meds.
No. 838803
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@fromthepatientperspective seems like a Dairy Queen™. All the usual smiling hospital shots with various tubes / CRPS, MAL, EDS et al.
No. 870365
>>833287POTS patient here and you are 100% correct. I actually feel worse the longer I am sitting or laying down. Lack of exercise can severely weaken the cardiovascular system.
Saging because of blogpost.
>>870365munchies just cant resist talking about themselves good fucking lord.
there literally has been nothing worthy in the community other than munchies fighting about r/illnessfakers. its become a retarded shitshow of munchies calling each other out, getting
triggered or breaking off to establish a new location to shit talk with the ideal that they are doing gods good work. past admin made the best decision by booting them.
r/illnessfakers turned into r/malingering r/truechronicillness r/ifaftermath (when that chick had an icon they were
triggered over) r/truechronicillness (for when they are fine not being covert with their ott shit) r/illnessfakersfakers (the owner baleeted) and some other retarded break off sub to bitch about munchies on illnessfakers. just recently nina jean (kittenbread, founder of illnessfakers) was outed as dopedodo/sootsprite on kiwifarms-credit to katefarmsshill.
the munchies themselves are boring same old shit ad nauseam but their desperate need to blog and call each other out and cry when they are outed is the best thing to come from this stupid community
No. 874326
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the (reddit) MS discord is a hot den for the kinds of people who list their meds and just talk about symptoms all day. MS is like fibro jfc calm down.
No. 877192
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>>874348Are you kidding? People with MS use wheelchairs lol they're a bunch of drama queens. It's not debilitating Debra, get out of your munchie mobile. MS and fibro are "invisible" because they aren't that serious. No one is gonna DIE from MS but they all act like it.
No. 877250
>>877192I think you misunderstand what MS is.
Are you mixing it up with ME?