File: 1521982010922.jpg (7.76 KB, 296x170, contra.jpg)

No. 537938
29y.o transbian sjw who gathered fame with videos such as ''TERFs'', ''What the alt right fears'', ''Is Trump racist?''… Is prone to twitter meltdowns. He has called out Kiwifarms in one of his videos despite having a mere 9 page thread.
ig: No. 537968
>>537958Wow, uh… I don't at the moment, but I think the video could've been reposted somewhere on tumblr. That sucks, I really loved her videos… The video was basically him thinking that a vagina's only use is to be penetrated, therefore a neovagina is no different from a real one and Robbie fucking White of all people calling him out on his retardation.
>>537960He didn't make it, a radfem did. I'm willing to bet it got mass reported by troons.
No. 538150
This was an unfortunate transformation. (OP image)
>>537942Yep…why is he insane now? Wth happened in between?
>>537968A nice feminine, not manly at all opinion he has there.
No. 538404
This comment thread is appallingly stupid: can these dudes even think this way? I don’t get it.
Highlight: “being an actual lesbian or bi woman must be a blue balling nightmare”.
No. 538533
>>538502Fuck I didnt know about shaun. Also shoeonhead loves to suck contra's dick, and contra was moaning about anti-feminists so it seemed strange he would be so friendly with her, well until this thread showed what hes really like.
No. 538630
File: 1522076251345.png (52.35 KB, 453x450, feminine dick.PNG)

>>538556>>538556it means if you have a vagina, you better learn to love the female dick like nick or you can't LARP with our online group of narcissistic pseudo-marxist individualists
No. 538637
File: 1522077163947.png (12.62 KB, 438x127, sdfd.PNG)

Example of 'transphobic' declarations for males: derogatory tone, swearing, etc. Women? Literally just saying you're a lesbian earns you the ire of hontrapoints. "Because I'm a lesbian" is super transphobic. Nick is so clearly homophobic. His "HRT made me magically so attracted to the dick, because THE DUMB LADY HORMONES make you NATURALLY LOVE THE DICK!", is all clearly a cover for the fact that he was too insecure/hung up to admit his secret passion for the penis.
No. 538641
File: 1522077937879.png (22.51 KB, 435x215, vxc.PNG)

His sexuality is 'girly' now after a few rounds of mare piss, ladies. Please be sure to accept this openly fetishistic conservative chauvinism as truly radical, subversive thought.
No. 538704
File: 1522084434779.png (219.55 KB, 695x835, EXj4ZtS.png)

>>538637contra sure likes to yell over lesbians
No. 538719
File: 1522087551320.jpg (115.73 KB, 900x1125, DXCWTW6WsAAQv41.jpg)

>>538704The irony behind this is that trans activists claim that women are getting feminism wrong all the time. Contra himself complains about "exclusionary" feminists.
No. 538797
File: 1522096587257.jpeg (46.01 KB, 639x342, buffalobill.jpeg)

I swear to god, contra has always reminded me of buffalo bill. He/she seems crazy enough to skin women and wear their scalps.
Also, from Contra's interview with Chelsea Manning, apperantly Chelsea is running for maryland senate seat. I pray to any deity that exists for Chelsea to lose miserably. Also, in the video Contra says that "when you are trans and have any platform at all it's common for people to say you have it because you are trans"….like honey…your whole fame came from you constantly parading around the fact that your are trans and talking about your trans sexuality…
No. 538832
>>538816>close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely.Sooo…allow the country to fill with criminals who are guaranteed to have free travel and go unpunished for every crime! How idyllic. Chelsea for president!!
(the hospitals better be free to fix all the knife and gunshot wounds inflicted by the released inmates)
No. 538849
>>538404Aren't most of the commenters mtf trannies? The same ones who say they're basically the same as biological females and their male socialization doesn't matter?
this is why terfs exist and are very often lesbians. the lesbian mtf trans are almost exclusively predatory creeps.
No. 538881
>>538832Bradley proudly punched his female superior in the face while in the military and specifically had hatred for females and females he perceived to be "dykes". These violent, pseudo radical men that advocate for no prisons keep their abuse and violent habits in mind, I'm sure.
Cute how these "leftist" men take unapologetically (AFAIK, Bradley has never addressed or apologized for his weird hatred toward females, specifically lesbians) abusive men happily into their arms, while Contra's fanbase shits their pants and disavows him over him having mimosas with wig0nhead. She's a detestable cow, but hardly as controversial as a violent male with abusive tendencies toward females should be.
"who was recently released from prison, struck his female superior, Jihrleah Showman, leaving a welt on her face. According to Showman, “He had punched me in the face, unprovoked, and displayed an uncontrollable behavior that was deemed untrustworthy at the time.” This incident is reported to be one of several violent outbursts which led to Manning’s demotion from Specialist to Private.
(01:45:18 PM) bradass87: i punched a dyke in the phace…
(01:45:43 PM) bradass87: half the S2 shop was at least bi
(01:45:57 PM) you know this personal-like? ; )
(01:46:05 PM) bradass87: it was all female
(01:46:46 PM) bradass87: i got sick of these dykes and their drama… it was worse than “The L Word”…" No. 539435
>>539323>>539350Honestly though he just doesn't like being white but at the same time uses weird white girl stereotypes to pretend to be the 'muh oppressed' gender
>>538797This. He will still state "My name is Natalie. I have always been called Natalie" so to complain about his fame coming from being a tranny is laughable
Just come to terms with the fact and move on, you're only halfway popular because you wear a dress
If you still made videos as a man then more people would kick the shit out of the statements made in your videos
No. 543531
File: 1522616739282.png (298.39 KB, 528x336, stalin.png)

He came up with a new character. Transethnic womanface is so progressive.
No. 546533
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>Reading threads about yourself
Tinfoil but maybe this means Contra has read the thread here. Kiwifarms has been mentioned in one of their vids after all
No. 546665
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>>546647>probably this is all going to end in a lot of cosmetic surgerythat doesn't look likely, anon
No. 546686
>>546665wow, he's so stupid. maybe it's just me, but your internal voice of self-loathing is usually the right one. this asshole got into Berklee and Northwestern and he can't figure out that literally NOTHING that these pander-happy twitter leftists clamouring to cater to any bepenised bra-wearers say is going to be sincere? lmao.
it's just about having the ability to ignore your likely accurate criticisms, as painful as they may be, enough to not shoot yourself in the face out of embarrassment, until you can fix whatever it is that bothers you. nick, you look a mess. like a Whitesnake band member that took one too many Quaaludes and everyone is avoiding telling him that he's been walking around with literal shit smeared on his face, for fear of
triggering a drug-fulled bitch-fest. no different. you just have started mainlining estradiol, and use slightly less pleather fetishwear in your female cosplay now, in an attempt to come off less like the gross fetishist you are. still a bad parody like 90% of the other porn-inspired trannies.
No. 553100
File: 1523497937896.jpg (54.2 KB, 734x471, nyksciphi.JPG)

>>538797Contra is just the type of person to hurry along and wear shoeonhead's torn out remains on a lacefront
much woman, very female dick
No. 601240
File: 1528063047690.png (89.27 KB, 640x680, bisexual.png)

He's now claiming that his sexual orientation has changed. He used to be a straight man. Now he's claiming to be a bisexual woman which is typical for AGP. See here:
>>538621 No. 601310
File: 1528067377153.jpg (14.53 MB, 851x423, OsfpjZZ.jpg)

No. 601349
>>600881Just saw the video last and the lack of self-awareness never seems to astound me anymore. It's obviously a nudge at Blaire and Riley Dennis and Riley is a moron. Blaire can be annoying but at least she is not delusional as she has said over and over she knows she's a male and will always be one. People like Riley seriously think that transwoman are the same as biological women. I mean do these people hear themselves?
And only Right-wingers point out biological reality? Bullshit. I'm a leftist and I've been spouting this stuff for years, much to the point it cost me friends because I didn't bend over backwards and accept everything the LGBT tried to push.
No. 601572
>>600881I haven't watched him in awhile. How long has his voice been like this? It's super distracting. Couldn't make it past the first few minutes.
I know imitating the opposite sex can be difficult and all, that's not his fault, but he'd be better off using his natural voice.
No. 601876
>>601572She's been doing this for awhile now ever since she came out as trans. I remember she said she hated how she sounded and has been taking voice training classes but uh… Yeah, it doesn't sound good or natural at all and she's best sticking with her normal voice because unfortunately she's never going to sound feminine at all. It really is distracting and it makes it hard to listen to her at times.
>>601695Oh I wasn't implying that Contra was as bad or delusional as Riley lol Riley and Zinnia Jones are like the extreme end of no return. And I think you're right that if anything, Contra's latest video just showcases her own insecurities. I can admit that I think Contra has a pretty nice sense of fashion but whenever I see her, my mind does not register "Woman" at all.
No. 601919
File: 1528141422869.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1332, IMG_20180604_154312.png)

That man body is sad :(
No. 601923
File: 1528141849917.png (53.12 KB, 469x372, sexy.png)

>>601919He looks absolutely repulsive. Imagine being such a narcissist that you can say things like pic related and think you're genuinely beautiful while looking like that.
No. 601951
>>601919This is why he'll never pass. He has basically no hips, extremely broad shoulders, and a very masculine face. The only reason people are validating his feelings is because he's a man and everyone knows it.
>>601923Another straw man. No transwoman could ever trick a lesbian.
No. 601986
>>601876agreed, she comes off like a parody of herself
>>601937you've misread the stats, which are based on small sampling … and 'even in Iran''? wtf? are you OK, anon?
No. 602270
File: 1528183984903.png (170.98 KB, 1440x622, 20180605_022253.png)

I'm so confused.
No. 602400
File: 1528212684411.png (1.64 MB, 1056x1145, IMG_20180605_113013.png)

He looks like a hot ass mess. His hair is so shitty, he sucks at makeup and has the biggest hands. How fucking deluded are his fans to think he's even remotely Feminine??
No. 602432
>I have a dick and like using it, however, I am a woman and you have to call me that what the fuck
No. 602518
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No. 602519
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No. 602524
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>>602270>>602519Did he remove this sticky note recently
No. 603262
>>603198I was wondering about that. I mean, I don't go around asking friends and colleagues what their sex life and experiences are compared to mine, but I assumed that the idea that women don't have much of a libido or that they only have orgasms when the planets are aligned is more of a stereotype than the reality, or even the majority of cases.
It might be weird, but this kind of statement for some reason is more likely to make me feel irritation towards trans women than someone who acknowledges that their experience is very limited in time and fundamentally different by that of most biological women. I have yet to understand whether Contra's rant about the female penis was a parody or if it's what she really thinks is normal. But then again, in the video where she mentions it she said that trans women still have orgasms, whereas that tweet seems to suggest that, at least in her case, that's not true.
No. 603390
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Contra manages to make a woman's suicide about himself. Women mean absolutely nothing to him. Our only purpose is to validate him.
No. 603845
>>601919Well yeah, she was a skinny dude and I don't think the hormones are going to give her the curves she wants to have unless you put on weight. And even then, she'll never have a body similar to that of a biological woman.
>>601926I have to agree with
>>601933 The voice still sounds like a gay guy giving an impression. When I hear about these voice training things, I close my eyes and get a feel for the voice if it sounds like that of a woman or a man and when I did it for her, she still sounds like a guy unlike say YouTuber PrincesJoules (I think her name is?) She sounds completely womanly to my ears.
>>601951Of course not lol
>>602270Sure they do Contra because of course they would. Transwomen are NOT women and they do things that a normal woman is not meant to do (have a penis and pleasure themselves with it).
>>602400She has a good fashion sense, I'll give her that but yeah, she has a long way to go with makeup and hair.
>>602824Which is ridiculous because women do have a libido and can crave and desire sex just as much as men. The whole "Women don't care about sex" shtick is an outdated concept lol
No. 603917
>>602519that's actually pretty sad
I wonder is it because HRT? She has to little testosterone to have libido?
I know that I sound like stan, but this tweet made me feel sorry for her. I would be put off from anything sexual, if I had a dick
No. 607256
File: 1528692743827.png (149.28 KB, 1268x622, zzxwym6.png)

Contra's Twitter has been a mess the past couple of days. Can't cap it all but here's a taste.
>>603390Distasteful. Probably wasn't purposely self-centered or anything, but yeah, distasteful.
No. 607847
File: 1528749018557.jpg (26.83 KB, 412x550, right-guard-women-xtreme-fresh…)

>>607256Those sweat comments were so stupid. Contra seems to think only men can need extra strength deodorant and that women can just use something weak and barely. Take a closer look at the women's deodorant selection next time you are in the beauty aisle Contra.
In the corset tweets s/he is comparing a synthetic and close fitting corset that has been left sitting unwashed with a loose fitting (presumably cotton) t-shirt. These are not hormonal changes Contra, but bacteria growing where the sweat cannot as easily evaporate, causing you to stink. Synthetic materials are not porous like natural ones. I guarantee if you wear the corset again you will be just as sweaty as before.
How the fuck did Contra even get accepted to a PhD program when s/he can't even do basic research.
No. 607861
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>>607847Other tweets for context.
No. 607899
File: 1528751305644.png (82.03 KB, 881x540, contra2.png)

Looking through some of Contra's older tweets, this sounds like a straight up woman fetish.
No. 608644
>>607256Dude what the fuck is going on with her. I can't help but wonder if the HRT is fucking with her brain. And that comment about "toothy vaginas". Is she serious? I have never heard of hetero men saying that about why they wouldn't date a transwoman. I seriously hope she's just joking.
>>607899Yeah well tough news for her. She'll never look like a female so she needs to just accept it.
No. 609334
>>607256It's interesting, because the thing that I consistently find is that trans women in particular smell "wrong". I don't know how to put it, I noticed it the first time when we had a (post-op) trans woman posing for our art class and during breaks she would walk around looking at our progress, as models often do. She wore a bathrobe for convenience, and I just couldn't help but notice. I also noticed it with a couple of friends, but initially wrote it off as maybe they didn't shower and just used some deodorant or something, though after noticing it a few more times I started wondering: either everyone doesn't shower, or the smell is just weird.
I agree that men in general smell a lot stronger and really can't go a shower without smelling like onion and armpit soup, but I don't think HRT gives the same "Female Sensation™" Contra is after. It's a bit like vaginas: you can kind of mimic it, but it's still not like the real thing.
No. 611987
File: 1529108509002.png (772.81 KB, 875x809, contra.png)

Women wearing make-up and nice clothes = ornamental
That is just straight up insulting. Women are not objects regardless of how they dress.
No. 612019
File: 1529111261546.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1408x5896, BE7721FF-7AE5-42C4-9038-B0A4C8…)

>>612003It took me a while, sorry about that. This is the full thread of post op regret, with images. You can only see it in one of the pictures but it’s pretty bad in all of them.
No. 612049
>>611987the ‘futch look’
fuck off hontra
No. 612134
>>611987could he be any more obvious that this is just some weird cosplay experiment to him? he has zero understanding of what he is trying to emulate, and it's fucking weird.
>>612040it is confusing, it is sjw-y, and you should be ashamed of yourself. this is 'demisexual' all over again. fuck off with this ridiculous noise.
No. 612351
>>612313it's the stench of unbridled, untreated NPD, swamp-ass, and dehydrated jizz. their narcissism seeps out through their pores. the male entitlement miasma makes them the perfect walking billboard for male cluster Bs that need to be avoided at all costs.
>>612210he doesnt need any of that. i'm lowkey excited for him to botch himself though. he has admitted time and time again that he's AGP while attacking lesbians and feminists. kind of can't wait for him to end up with an overly dissected wannabe disney princess proboscis and a chronic case of rhinorrhea.
No. 612442
>>612040I understand what you meant, anon, and it did not sound sjw-y to me. These are all terms that organically grew in the lesbian community and have their specific meanings there, but most lesbians will recognize that the terms never 100% apply to anyone and might use them tongue in cheek or just as a convenient identifier.
It's kind of off-putting when "queer" straights or TiMs appropriate them and actually take them more seriously as labels as they are in the lesbian community.
No. 612622
>>612351Speaking of narcissism someone at KF recently posted an old video response to Contra. Basically he said 99.9999% of humanity is hideous and annoying to be around. Very different from the image he currently projects.
Looks like that stank attitude is finally catching up to him in the form of self hate.
No. 612623
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No. 612631
>>612210TIL only men have big noses
at least he has some self awareness about his futile ambitions kek
No. 612643
>>612623I find it disturbing that he is actually going to transition without having seen a therapist at all (only internet hormones and then pressuring doctors for prescription), especially as he has been diagnosed with several mental illnesses before. And then on top of that, is now regarded as having authority on gender and women's issues.
Seriously, does why does no one else seem to realise this?
No. 612748
>>612643I mean, anyone who could come up with that "not insane" segment and then place it in the middle of an otherwise calm and reasonable video DOES seem like someone who needs prescribing pills of some variety.
Also not helping the case for transgender people at all there contra. Literally becoming Norman bates for lulz in your own videos.
No. 612799
>>612019This is truly horrifying. I feel so bad for this person. I'm an outlier in this thread in that I don't think that trans people are necessarily fetishists or whatever. To be honest the ones I've met have seemed pretty normal but that's besides the point.
I really don't think trans ppl should get any irreversible surgeries… It seems like such a bad decision. Facial feminization surgery feels like a slap in the face to cis women as well because there are lots of us that have ""masculine features"" and we're still women.
I used to be very "pro trans" but after lurking here I can't really say that anymore… Saged for blogpost
No. 612826
>>612806Ah, sorry thanks for clearing that up.
That's how it comes across a lot of the time with all the slurs and stuff.
No. 613437
File: 1529261169351.jpg (116.08 KB, 872x536, Psychiatry01.jpg)

Here is Nyk a year ago in the comment section under the Psychiatry video saying meds aren't the solution because a lot of psychiatric afflictions are situational. What the fuck happened to this guy in the mean time that he went from being anti-psychotropics after a lifetime of being forced by his parents to take prescription drugs and his later prescription drug abuse as an adult, to taking all the blue pills at once and deciding he was going to give up and become a lifelong HRT addict?
"I certainly think the situational aspect of mood disorders is overlooked way too much by psychiatry. In my own case, most of my major depressions happened in response to breakups, unemployment, etc. So it's a little questionable to dive straight into meds when there are clearly life events that lead to these things. A lot of modern life is lonely and depressing, and meds aren't really the solution to that either.?" do you go from "meds aren't the solution" to self-medicating yourself into transness? Was there a breakup? I know he was jobless at the time and doing Youtube fulltime, but what the hell prompted this 360 degree turn? Something must have happened in mid 2017, that he is not talking about, that pushed him over the edge.
No. 613688
File: 1529278359415.jpg (142.26 KB, 948x480, NykPianoLessonsWebsite.jpg)

>>613508No, that was not Northwestern. It was at Georgetown University that Nyk majored in philosophy and psychology. Nyk comes from a long line of psychology professors, all at that school. He did a Livestream about this once, one of the many he deleted to cover up his past, where he admitted that he only got into Georgetown "because of nepotism and my dad was a teacher there", then began slagging off women from poor backgrounds who actually had to earn their scholarships to get into that school, calling them "status climbers". He seems very intimidated by educated women, which is interesting because his mom is a medic.
No. 613738
>>613688He seemed very classist in this video
>>613475 as well, talking of "lower classes". Amazing that everyone has managed to swallow his SJW schtick.
No. 614287
>>613699 Say what you will, I think Nick was a beautiful boy, one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. Sure he's lanky and nerdy and awkward, "all sharp elbows and knees, beware" as Katharine Hepburn says about her tall body in The Aviator, but he had that smile that cuts right through Antarctic ice, and those wide open eyes with that intense look that burns through you a forest fire, well doesn't that make you smile. I saw the HRT exstinguish that fire in his eyes overtime. His eyes are empty now, there is nothing there anymore. When people describe Nick as an empty husk of his former self, that's what they are referring to, that fire going out. Whenever he posts selfies now he usually has that downcast gaze, he would say it's because he wants to show off his eye shadow but to me he just looks sad and defeated, like he cannot bare to show his eyes and prefers to hide his empty stare behind all the make up and the eyelashes. Even in the selfies with others where he does look up, he tends to look listless and barely able to smile. Seeing Nick smile and being genuinely happy is a beautiful thing that I do not see anymore. And I hate, hate, HATE his trannie voice, he sounds like he's literally draining the life out of himself. I hate listening to that fake strained pained voice of his. Someone compared his trannie voice to "nails on a chalkboard" and that's exactly what it is. It's the sound of pain.
No. 614333
>>614287is this copypasta? wtf am i reading? anon, are you drunk?
>Seeing Nick smile and being genuinely happy is a beautiful thing that I do not see anymore.beautiful thing? he was always an asshole. he's definitely more miserable now, but he was never some timeless man-beauty with a heart of gold and a 1000 watt smile. he was an elitist, sexist, classist, faux-lefty metrosexual dickbag that thought himself special for little reason. now he's just more sad than he used to be because most men look like shit and are expected to look like shit, so it was easier to be a comparative 'knockout' with little effort, but now that he's trying to 'become a woman', he realizes he's never going to be hot like his competition, lel.
No. 614693
Some recent livestream Contra was in. It starts at 22:00.
I can never get over the new voice and girlish giggles.
No. 614724
>>614693"radical leftist"
Contra, you've got to be joking.
No. 615523
>>615224Thanks for the link! I didn't think I could make it through because of Nick's grating troon voice, but towards the end he starts getting upset and completely loses the voice lel.
The interviewer is very good and Nick does not come away good in this one.
No. 615563
>>615224wew lad. Contra really loses it when asked about valid "TERF" points that he doesn't have a good argument for and when narcissism is mentioned.
He repeatedly uses "TERF" but then complains "tranny" is a slur. "TERF" doesn't even make sense. Gender and sex is one of the major points of radical feminism these days and all radical feminists support trans men for being born female. By using "TERF" it shows that Contra doesn't even know what he is arguing against and excludes trans men (which always happens to those female born).
He's very naive to women's issues if he thinks that allowing bigger and stronger male born people (at any point in the transition) into women's toilets is fine.
He admits at the end that he feels rejected for women not automatically accepting him.
No. 615572
>>615563Also, glad to see someone put Contra on the spot about these issues. I asked Contra's friends hbomberguy and Shaun about the same radfem issues on their curiouscat accounts and neither of them answered me, even though I pointed out how ignoring these issues is very male privilege-y. It's weird how their whole gang seem to be mostly sane about current issues, making detailed videos exploring a point but then when it comes to gender/sex it's all
Sage for blogpost.
No. 616194
>>612000Okay after seeing
>>612019 post, just fucking disgusting. Okay, so it is a thing apparently because woof, that was just unpleasant, so glad I wasn't eating when I saw that.
>>612045I get you. There's already a word for people who blend both masculinity and femininity. "Androgyny", "Androgynous". Seriously why the fuck do these people keep making up these new terms that already have been established?
>>612203>lesbian tumblr meme>tumblrGreat, that all makes sense. It has to come from the attention whore site, I should've known lol
>>612413Exactly, surgery can only do so much. Blaire still looks like a guy whenever you see her at different angles. She may look feminine from a distance but I notice if you start at her face for too long, you start seeing the male features. Same with Riley "everything is transphobic" Dennis, she still looks like a straight up dude. It's not going to be any different for Contra.
>>612450For real, nothing but vanity and they'll never be satisfied.
>>612796Because most of his friends are SJWs. For all we know, they may secretly think Contra is being stupid but they don't want to say anything for fear of being labeled "transphobic" or some shit.
>>612799Exactly. Be trans but going to the extreme end is just asking for trouble. I think the reason why many think a lot of trans people are fetishists is because most of them always go for that glam, pornstar, Kim K. look and in their opinion, that's the full extent of being a woman which is obviously so wrong. However I have met one trans person IRL who I feel is the real deal as she doesn't care about looking like some sexed up porn kitten and there are some on Youtube who are the same and it's enough to where I can see that not all trans people are the same and covet that porn image.
>>615224Oooh… This is gonna be good lol I'll be sure to watch it when I have more time, I've gotta see this. Thanks for the link!
>>615903Good because if this person is really grilling him and getting down to the hard questions and points and Contra can't handle them, it just shows how shallow he really is when it comes to this side of the political bend.
No. 616259
>>612643Here is a full list of the psychotropic medications from the Psychiatry video that Nick claims he has been on since the age of 8:
1) Adderall
2) Ritalin
3) Zoloft
4) Wellbutrin
5) Abilify
6) Ambien
7) Lamictal
8) Seroquel
9) Klonopin
I looked up some of these drugs on Wikipedia and several have some scary side effects and some others are known to cause forms of sexual dysfunction as a side effect. Keep in mind that he was on some these drugs as a teen and as a preteen when his sexuality was still in development. He of course will deny that his still developing brain might have been affected by the drugs he was put on, just as he denies that puberty blockers might affect a developing brain.
No. 616278
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>>612643 Paying close attention to the personal story Nick tells in this Psychiatry video, you can tell that he harbours a lot of quiet resentment towards his parents and especially towards his mother for putting him on psychotropics at such a young age. He says at one point that poor families just let their kids fail, but since he was from a rich family he was not allowed to just fail living up to his parent's expectations. He essentially blames his parents for kickstarting his lifelong dependency on drugs as a coping mechanism, and his moving from one drug to the next through his life. I suspect that going trans was a way for Nick to throw the towel and declare himself a failure without upsetting his parents, who must've expected him to be a certain person and to behave a certain way. By going trans he not only conclusively rejects whatever his parents expected of him, he also provides his parents with a neat, easy-to-swallow narrative for everything that has happened between them in the past. It's like he wants them to think: "Oh, THAT's why Nick was so crazy all these years, it was because he was a woman trapped in the body of a man, NOW his crazy behaviour all these years, it all makes sense looking back knowing he's trans!". That way he can just sweep everything under the carpet and never have to mention it again, so that he won't have to confront his parents about what they did to him and maybe make them question their blind belief in the validity of drugging unruly kids. By going trans Nick becomes a medically, legally and socially sanctioned drug user for the rest of his life, but a drug user who is celebrated by society for his "bravery" in transitioning and whose continued access to drugs is guaranteed. No one will question Nick's continued reliance on drugs as long as it is seen as part of his being trans.
No. 618521
>>616415 Nick wrote an essay about this when he was a young atheist, saying:
"Like many others in my generation, I was nebulously “spiritual, not religious.” In my childhood and early adolescence, I had attended extremely boring (and decidedly not very spiritual) Presbyterian services for 15 years.". I also remember a comment on Youtube where Nick said that he never received any proper sex-ed until the age of 20, and that the public school he went to in Virginia as a kid provided "abstinence only" sex-ed. Doesn't sound to me like Nick grew up in the kind of environment where being gay would have been considered normal or OK, quite the opposite. In the Psychiatry video he claims that his parents put him on drugs because he spent too much time "playing with himself" in the shower as a kid. Sounds to me like a totally backwards reactionary Christian environment where even normal healthy childhood exploration of one's own own body was considered pathological.
No. 619551
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No. 620052
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No. 620291
>>619377 When you've screwed up your own child by drugging the life out of them when they were a teen and a tween and their brain was still developing, potentially having caused irreparable damage and a livelong prescription drug addiction, you gotta pull some strings to make up for the damage you've caused them. Remember what Nick said in the Psychiatry video, when you are from a rich family you are not allowed to just fail. Rich parents with university connections will pull whatever strings they can to cover up the damage they've caused to their drugged up kids. "No son of mine is a drug addicted alcoholic dropout narcissist. I drugged the daylights out of mah boy because I didn't like the idea of him playing with himself in the shower, but MY good wholesome Presbyterian son is going to be a professor like dad, and like grandad was before that.". When your rich
controlling parents have planned out your life for you, I guess becoming an addict and then going trans is a kind of desperate rebellion against that.
No. 620332
>>620294 said, that is some pretty deep stuff and it seems very plausible to someone like Contra.
No. 620752
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No. 620773
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>>620752this ella dude looks like onision
No. 620837
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>>601919>nobody has pointed out the shitty photoshoppingHe looks like he tried to turn himself into a storefront mannequin
No. 620841
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No. 620843
>>620837I wonder how many of his viewers realise that the pink light isn’t some stylistic choice, but him trying to look better. Dita von Teese always uses a pink light in her shows as it is the nost flattering. helps that he has it half dark.
No. 621117
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>>621074Come on, there is a little Lizzie Grant in there, before she became Lana.
No. 621218

>>620767The reason why Nyk was trannie-chasing Ella and Miss London around VidCon is because these are two up-and-coming young transwomen Youtubers who are fans of Blaire White and sometimes adopt and adapt her arguments because they both see Blaire as a positive trans role model. They both have their own personalities of course, Miss London is funny and spunky in a way Nyk surely envies, and Ella has that cinematic sensibility that made Nyk so popular when he started ContraPoints v. 2.0 having scenes with a cinematic look. Nyk sees both of them as competition. He also worries about Blaire's influence on the next generation of transwomen, who will surely grow up to hate extremists like Nyk for wrecking the trans community with their devisive bullshit. Blaire did a Livestream a while back together with Miss London where she was very candid about her dysphoria during her transition. Nyk must've watched it and gotten really jelly, because it was the kind of emotionally honest and candid Livestream that he himself wanted to have with Blaire, but which will never happen now that he and Theryn dumped Blaire from the Vancouver event and Blaire realized just what a fucker Nyk is. Nyk figured that Blaire trusts these younger transgirls in a way she will never trust his weirdo ass, so he now wants to use Ella and Miss London to help dig up shit about Blaire. If it were a 30 year old man chatting up to 18 year old girls at VidCon to find out shit about a woman who said no to him, people might have raised an eyebrow at this venturing into Onision territory, but because it's a bunch of trannies no one says anything. This is why Nyk is trans-LARPing, so he can get away with exactly this kind of shit. Miss London has been active on Youtube for over a year but Nyk only began following her on Twitter after the Livestream and after he saw her tweet at Arielle Scarcella, who is a lesbian Youtuber who is a friend of Blaire's, who has been dogpiled by Nyk's and Theryn's followers for imagined transphobia after doing a colab with Blaire and a bunch of other non-political transpeople.
No. 621228

>>620855 Anti-SJWs love Nyk because he is the most disgusting disturbing nightmare of a leftwing person they can trot out before their audiences, who overwhelmingly already hate transsexuals and consider them disgusting monstroids, to prove that the leftwing is just a bunch of alcoholic junkie freaks like Nyk, because look at who they follow and subscribe to, this here reeeee freak. Nyk is mostly harmless to them, which he is cos he knows better than to get in their faces, and therefore they think Nyk is mostly funny to watch, more like a comedic parody of the left. They will never bring out someone from the left who is presentable, and really knows and has their shit together. Only the most shitty caricature of an SJW snowflake they can find who is willing to come on their show, and that's Nyk. What better way to instantly discredit the left before a single word has been uttered than to drag out someone like Nyk? Nyk of course will say that this "respectability politics" and will retreat into his bubble where he is worshipped, but the fact is that he's the most picture perfect leftwing freak that an anti-left pundit could wish for. They want their audiences to think that the left is a bunch of Nyks.
No. 621638
>>620855Don't forget Riley Dennis lol But yeah you're right, she'll most likely drop them when her far left audience bitch about it.
>>621117But it's funny because with the right lighting and angling, Ella does look a little like this woman only with red longer hair.
>>621218Oh right, I almost forgot about that livestream between Blaire and Miss London (it was very nice, very civil). I think you may be right on the money. While I'm not the biggest fan of London as she's a bit too loud for my taste, she does have this good energy for those who like that and she speaks common sense most of the time. And Ella is just witty in such a charming way and also, speaks common sense. These two are examples of positive upcoming transwomen and since Blaire is a big influence on them, this might be making Contra jealous and so she's trying to play nice to keep relevant but she'll more than likely dispose of them when her audience starts bringing it up. So far most of the transwomen on the left are just… Kinda out there with Contra, Riley, and Zinnia leading the helms of that circus so it's no wonder London and Ella are gaining traction.
>>621228I've mingled a bit in the anti sphere and I'm a leftist myself and I've surprisingly had a mostly positive venture as most of the people were nice and didn't hate trans people, just the "Non-binary", other gender snowflakes or at the most, just dislike people like Riley and Zinnia.
But in saying that, there definitely can be an echo chamber among the super conservative ones who think all the left are pretty much what you said and it's pretty annoying if I had to be honest. Not all of us are batshit insane lol
No. 621842
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>>616415 This is from his "erotic history" in the AGP video, where Nick compares trying to have penetrative hetero sex with women to "getting the poison out" and having to dissociate while having penetrative sex, that sounds to me like typical Christian "abstinence only" sex-ed about sex being a "poisoning" or a heinous defilement of the sacred "pure" body. Either that, or he was already closeted gay back then and was forcing himself to have straight sex with women despite not really wanting to, hence the dissociation.
But instead of saying "I though sex with women was dirty because I went to an abstinence only Christian school where sex was presented as a poisoning the body" or "I didn't want to have sex with women, I was forcing myself to do it because I thought that's what was expected from me and I was too ashamed to admit I wanted to have sex with men", he presents his dislike of penetrative hetero sex as evidence of his being trans.
No. 621845
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>>616415 There is also this other part in the AGP video where Nick says that he was "physically inept" as a child, which I guess is Nick's way of saying that he was kinda "sissy" or stereotypically gay as a boy. Now that he's trans he would reinterpret this as evidence that he already had that "girly clumsiness" as a kid, and that this is supposedly proof of his being transgender at an early age. But isn't it far more likely that Nick was clumsy as a kid because of all the psychiatric drugs his parents had put him on? Which is the more likely explanation here?
For those of you studying philosophy go ahead look this up (which Nick was too busy getting drunk to look up and read at Northwestern), a boy being physically inept is no proof of someone being trans: No. 621853
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>>616415 Nick was put on medication supposedly for "spending too much time in the bathroom doing they-dared-not-imagine-what" and "spending too much time styling my hair", which to me sounds like an 8 year old gay boy playing gay hair salon in the shower, if he had come out as gay he would have been stigmatized, pathologized and drugged even more by his Christian parents, so he kept it secret. This would also explain the OCD, because closeted gay men are known to constantly check themselves, check their hand gestures, check their voice pitch, etc, so that they don't express gay behaviours that might give them away. Now that Nick is trans he can freely post on Twitter about having anal sex with men on Tinder hookups, he also tweets that this anal sex is the only kind of sex he is currently interested in despite coming out as bisexual, but then he can rationalize it saying that he is having anal sex with men "as a transwoman", so "it is not gay sex, technically, but straight sex, because those men think they are having anal sex with a cis woman" (or so Nick hopes). I think Nick was waiting to burst out of the closet and have gay anal sex his whole life. Nick rationalizing his current anal sexlife with Tinder men - claiming that it's the estrogen that turned him into a bisexual who goes on to have anal sex with men exclusively - is such a copout, it has homophobia written all over it.
No. 621878
>>621228Ah, so she's a useful idiot then. That works for me. Lol.
>>621638I used to be left myself but have drifted towards the center over the past few years due to the far left being allowed to dominate the narrative. In my experiences I've found it to be the same. As a troon it's nice to have voices besides the cautionary tales you mentioned above. Lol.
No. 622298
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>>621941 Ever since Nick began HRT and began having sex again it's been anal sex. It's all a matter of public record, he disclosed everything on Twitter about how he enjoys being the bottom/insertive partner to these Tinder hookups. But he is having anal sex as a transwoman so in Nick's mind that's not gay sex, it's a woman having anal sex for lack of an actual vagina (which is bullshit because born women usually do not resort to having anal sex as a replacement when they don't feel like using their vagina). In one of the deleted Gamestreams (back when he was playing Pokemon Blue) he said that he already enjoyed anal sex pre-transitioning as a straight guy, only back then it was anal sex with a woman pegging him with a strap-on. He also alluded to this in one of the ContraPoints videos, saying that if he had a studio as his disposal, he would be making videos of himself "getting pegged by a giant woman in a lizard mask", and in another video ("Everyone's a Little Bit Racist Sometimes") complaining about the hashtag #butthurt because getting it up the ass is a positive thing in his mind so he doesn't like the idea of someone getting "rekt" being a metaphor for anal rape. There was also the story that his friend Dick Coughlan told in yet another Livestream (that Nick has since deleted) about Nick getting drunk and trying to stick a bottle up his ass during one of the Blogtalk Livestreams where he would openly masturbate (for those of you wondering how Nick really feels about his "pendulous nuisance"…). Nick has always been into his ass, but he is trying to make it seem like he discovered his love of anal sex only yesterday as a transwoman. It's pretty obvious he has always wanted to have anal sex, and that he first experimented by asking women to peg him because he didn't have the nerve to ask for anal sex from men as a man, obviously because of his internalized homophobia. I think it's really sad and pathetic that Nick wasted his life away being so conflicted about anal sex because of his internalized homophobia, when he himself now admits that people will line up around the block to accomodate him. In his crazy mind he of course thinks it is because Tinder hookups want to have anal sex with him as a transwoman, when it's far more likely these hookups are just horny people who would have assfuqd him anyway. Why does he have to go and make things so complicated?
No. 623007
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>>622514Ah, but Nyk likes condoms for his "pendulous nuisance". He went back into his timeline and deleted these two tweets because nowadays the word "condom" brings out the gender dysphoria he doesn't have and has never been diagnosed with.
Obviously he deleted these tweets because someone reading them might conclude that someone who a mere two years ago didn't mind using condoms probably doesn't mind using his dick either, and probably doesn't mind having sex with a vagina either. Nyk believes that this latest deletion spree (yet another one, one of many over the years) will render his statements about being dysphoric about his dick and wanting to have bottom GRS as soon as possible more believable and less delusional. It's like he is trying to erase any evidence that he once really did have a dick, that he was using condoms and that he was enjoying having penetrative sex. These deletions are part of the make-belief narrative he trying to put out.
No. 623012
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>>622514 The mere fact that he went back and deleted his tweets about condoms shows that he is trying to retroactively manufacture a narrative. Please do not give me any bullshit about how the mere word "condom" supposedly brings out the dysphoria he doesn't have and has never been diagnosed with. He deleted these tweets to cover up his trackrecord. A trackrecord that abundantly shows he was NEVER dysphoric about his dick and was perfectly happy to engage in penetrative sex using an "animal intestine" condom.
No. 623030
>>623007Is he really that thick?
Condoms have a poor (comparative) failure rate, most are made of a common allergen (latex), some contain a spermicide (nonoxynol-9) that can make HIV transmission higher, they can slip off if not sized correctly, have holes poked in, tear, upset vaginal balance, can get stuck inside, can break down if used with the wrong type of lube (petroleum jelly)…
Doctors do not recommend them for a monogamous couple's sole birth control. Also, if the couple wishes to avoid condoms, their only choices are vasectomy or female contraception. It's very unfair that women be forced to carry the majority of contraction, especially considering how awful most female centered contraception methods are (nausea, depression, mood swings, internal bleeding AND more).
No. 623042
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>>622977Oh yeah, very feminine, I see women stick their crotch into other women's faces in public places with non-consenting strangers walking by being forced to watch it, I see that all the time.
No. 623048
Speaking of Northwestern, here is Nyk talking to his friend Oliver/PhilosophyTube about being a PhD student teaching undergrads at Northwestern:
N: "When you are a professor or whatever, your class is so submissive to you. It's, like, hilarious. It depends on where you are teaching, of course, but a lot of students I've had, oh my gosh, they suck up to you, just how desperate they are… "
O: "If you were a grad student, you would have been teaching in classes."
N: "Yeah yeah, because undergraduates are desperate for grades. Especially the really ambitious ones, who want to get into med school or whatever, they'll just walk into your office and they just, like, "professor, is there anything I can do to improve my grades?". And you are like, OMG!"
No. 623149
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>>623055Ikr? And this spoiled snob somehow managed to convince everyone that he's some #woke socialist feminist. Amazing.
Anyway looks like he'll be speaking at some event soon.
No. 623643
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>>623149This lionization and veneration of Nyk on the left is only possible with the collusion of the old Atheist guys who knew him and followed him back in the day. They know this is all fake but are keeping quiet about it, and their silent makes it possible. There is a guy on Youtube, whose alias I will not mention, but he has backups of all of Nyk's old videos, Livestreams, everything. He has been asked repeatedly to make a compilation or to just make this stuff available, but he hates Nyk so much that he refuses to feed into his narcissism by uploading it, so Nyk can exploit it for more drama. Nyk was a fan of TJ, that's how he started out in the Youtube Atheist community and is still TJ's ideological offspring. The idea that being an exhibitionist weirdo not giving a fuck about anyone else is cool and edgy originated from the Youtube Atheists. Nyk has divested himself from Youtube Atheism (he can dump them now that he no longer needs them), but he has certainly not divested himself from that aspect of it. These old fans will now occasionally post on 4chan shaking their heads at his demise, or pop in and out of his comment section to let him know how perplexed they are. He always ignores them because he no longer needs to court them now that he's a big lefty Youtuber, and also because he knows that they are the keepers of his secrets. These guys know that Nyk is not trans and that this is all a LARP. These guys have seen the Blogtv Livestreams where Nyk would pull it out, they know exactly what Dick Coughlan was referring to when he brought up the Livestream with Nyk and the bottle (Nyk remembers it too, because he laughed and sheeply responded with "I was a good cam girl back then."). They know that Nyk has never had a problem with his dick, that he was into his ass, that he is an exhibitionist and that he would use any opportunity to bring up sex, he would post Youtube videos with titles such as "Eating Women", "Lesbians Are God's Chosen People", etc and other videos about being a manslut sleeping around. It was pretty clear from his behaviour at the Ohio Gathering that Nyk doesn't care about consent or people's comfort levels, but people would allow Nyk to get away with it because they thought it was cute and disarming that such a young man was so sexually forthcoming, and for some people (men and women) it was libidinal to watch a pretty androgynous boy who was sexually uninhibited. No one is willing to talk about this lack of sexual inhibition actually being the result of Nyk's polypharmacy and his being diagnosed with bipolar disorder at one point, which led to fullblown exhibitionistic narcissism. The old Youtube Atheism guys could come out and talk about "Crackergate" (look at one up on Youtube for a laugh) and other pointless drama Nyk was wasting everyone's time with. I don't know why they don't, it's like almost they sadistically enjoy watching Nyk's downward spiral from a safe distance, so they can come out later and say: "This was a long time in the making, he had it coming.".
No. 623657
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This is a typical example of a comment on 4chan from someone who was around at the time:
"You don't know the half of it.
She had a nervous breakdown after one too many drunken streams then quit academia. Someone pushing 30 thinking it's cool to be an alcoholic edgelord is kinda sad."
The stuff you will not be reading in Current Affairs, Boing Boing and VICE.
No. 623692
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>>622939I have had enough of people claiming that Nyk has gender dysphoria. Nyk does not have a gender dysphoria diagnosis and he was not diagnosed before his HRT. Nyk has a million different problem and gender dysphoria is not one of them. (And if it were it would be the last of his worries). Nyk told the whole story in his Livestream with Milo Steward, in the AGP video, in private Livestreams, he was cadit about it himself. He self-diagnosed, uploaded that stupid video titled "Gender Dysphoria" that is not about gender dysphoria at all and was only meant to fool everyone, ordered HRT from the internet, took that for a month, then went into an informed consent clinic in Baltimore and demanded prescription HRT as "harm minimization" which means he was essentially threatening to self-harm with the internet HRT he had ordered if the informed consent clinic did not agree to give him prescription HRT. He admitted he COERCED his doctors into giving him HRT through the harm minimization protocol without getting a gender dysphoria diagnosis or a referral for HRT first. FFS stop claiming that Nyk has gender dysphoria, you are just going along with his LARP like his doctors do. At least those doctors are getting payed to play along. And stop claiming Nyk became an addict and an alcoholic because of the gender dysphoria he doesn't have, and use this to justify his selfish refusal to go sober. Nyk was already an addict long before he decided to trans-LARP. Nyk is trying to associate himself with the trans community because that community is already full of drug addicts and narcissists like him and he has correctly deduced that pretending to be trans is the most socially acceptable way to get away with narcissism and drug abuse. Nyk is using trans as a dodge.
No. 623696
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>>622939Here is the catch, the thing no one noticed about Nyk's Gender Dysphoria video. Do you know who this "Dr Lydgate" is? Go look it up right now. It is not Nyk's doctor, so much is certain, because he was never diagnosed. It is just a fictional character from an ABC series based on Alice In Wonderland.
"After Alice is admitted into the asylum, Dr. Lydgate interviews her about her claims of traveling to Wonderland and falling in love with a genie. During the conversation, Alice repeatedly lapses into a daze and doesn't respond, although she does make weak admissions to those recollections as lies. Dr. Lydgate does not believe Alice because she still calls out for her lost love in her sleep, and he instead offers her a medical solution that will take away all her pain. After she gives her consent to the procedure, Dr. Lydgate begins making the necessary preparations and later encounters Alice in the hallway as she is fleeing from the asylum. He hastily tries to stop her from going, but is stunned into silence upon seeing a talking rabbit. Recalling his disbelief in her "delusions", Alice smugly asks if he, too, is seeing things."
Why did Nyk put a thank you to a fictional character at the end of the Gender Dysphoria video (more specifically, the fictional doctor who after wanting to cure Alice of her delusions eventually colludes in letting Alice escape from the asylum with the rabbit he initially assumed was just a delusion of hers)? TO LET YOU KNOW HE IS FUCKING WITH YOU and has not been diagnosed by a real doctor. Nyk wants a doctor who will let him escape from the asylum with the rabbit (this is why, when he talks about transitioning in his tweet, he calls it an "escape"), not a doctor who will cure him of his delusions. Damn, all these people watch these ContraPoints videos and don't even notice how Nyk is just fucking with them and letting them know he is doing so.
No. 623750
>>623692A lot of trans people (and "sex workers") suffer from mental illness. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, many of them say they have depression, are suicidal, etc. I hate that society has made it acceptable to coddle and praise their self harm and self mutilation. These people need serious help.
Look at the case of Nyk: OCD and whatever else he was diagnosed with resulted in medication and therapy. Gender dysphoria, however is encouraged and he is prescribed medication that will harm his body. WTF?
No. 624198
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>>623011Nyk is into petites brunettes with androgynous features, that's why he's into Blaire, Natalie Portman, this girl, it's a type of woman Nyk is into, but in his spare sober moments he has to know he can't pull it off. When he began the HRT last summer he bought a large Heart poster on ebay that he showed off during a Livestream. He said: "This is the height of femininity", and I think he would like to look like Nancy Wilson from Heart as a more realistic goal for him as a tall blond girlman. Though knowing how much he loves Stevie Nicks, another tall blonde, I kinda like the idea of Nyk walking into his LA plastic surgeon's office with a poster of Stevie Nicks saying "doctor, please me make look like this!", and then the LA surgeon, who has probably operated on Stevie Nicks' face himself, trying not to laugh.
No. 624202
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>>624198>into Natalie PortmanWait a second… did he name himself after Natalie Portman? I know Natalie is close to Nicholas, but so are names like Nicole and Natasha.
No. 624253
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I find it frankly hilarious that an atheist who purports to be against cultural appropriation and attacks everyone else for being racist/white supremacist/natsees would give themselves a Jewish name meaning "the gift from God", LMAO! Maybe it's subconsciously meant to reflect his narcissistic Messiah complex?
No. 624269
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>>624268I love the serendipity of Natalie Portman in that Black Swan thumbnail appearing to turn away from Nyk's Butlerian eye-gouging witch claws on Instagram right above. It's the
perfect juxtaposition.
No. 624273
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>>624202i knew butler was dumb as hell, but she didn't actually say that, did she??? also kek at that nail shape, yikes. that nail tech shouldn't be allowed to touch acrylic powder. they look like fucking boats and he's showing them off.
>>624198he seems very impulsive. also, obviously delusional. ann was and still is very feminine in the face, so he's positively delulu if he thinks he could ever get close to pic related. plus, even at his most waifish he has always had a manly frame. no matter how much he lives on alcohol alone and avoids eating, he'll always have a hulking dude bod
No. 624296
>>624273>i knew butler was dumb as hell, but she didn't actually say that, did she???nah it's from a dragqueen. except the original lyrics weren't even all that bad
"If you're not wearing nails
You're not doing drag" No. 624317

>>624279Stevie Nicks talking about her addictions and how these affected her looks: "Geez, could you have just laid of the brandy, and the coke, and the pot, so you didn't look like your eyes were swimming in water? Everybody else thought you looked beautiful but that's cos everybody else was stoned. You didn't look beautiful. You looked high and unattractive. So unattractive. And I went to a plastic surgeon and he said, you have a really big hole in your nose and it's very dangerous."
What Nyk doesn't understand is that when you're an addict getting surgery to cover up the visible effects of living a junkie lifestyle (under the guise of turning yourself into a 20 year old woman, which in Nys' case is just a bullshit excuse he made up to get a shitload of surgery), you are just going to look like a junkie who has had surgery. There is no shortcut to looking youthful and healthy when you're not actually living a healthy lifestyle. That's the truth and he doesn't want to know it.
No. 624320
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>>624304That's Ann Wilson, one of the Heart sisters. Nyk could not possibly pull off an Ann. I think Nyk would like to pull off a Nancy. Still an unlikely goal.
No. 624363
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>>624198I'm just amused that this is supposedly the height of femininity while the men around that time looked exactly the same
No. 624545
>>624464>but since 9/11 gender expression has become more regimented and binaryu wot m8
Ironically, before he decided to be trans, he was a great example of gender non-conforming. Now he is just a trans sheep. Pre-trans he was defying gender norms, wearing a leather corset and having long hair, yet still clearly being a man. Now for some reason he's decided that only women can do that so to continue exploring flamboyant dress he has to become "she" and reinforce tired old gender tropes.
No. 625726
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>>616415 A few words about Nicks family (NO doxxing, just some general observations to help people understand some things). Nick's family are not exceptionally rich and are just a bunch of upper middle class normies, mostly doctors, lawyers, IT people, teachers, etc. One glance at these people and you can tell that Nick has always been the black sheep of the family and the odd one out. Looking at their timelines it's like they have expunged all pictures of Nick, like they have erased him completely from their lives as if he never existed. It's kinda sad to realize that he's alone with his demons. I suppose this is why he takes to Twitter to rant to the masses, because he has no one in his family to talk to or relate to. He must've driven them crazy over the years with his various episodes, constantly reinventing himself, relapsing, recovering, rinse, repeat, they are probably just tired of his drama. Nick's mom is very Christian. One of Nick's family elders in fact is a Greek-Orthodox priest, which might surprise you because Italians are supposed to be Catholic and not Orthodox but there you go. Nick became an atheist to rebel against his religious family background, and he has been rebelling against his background ever since. His mom is also a member of something called The Johns Hopkins Club. Note that the Gender Dysphoria video was shot at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, which Nick cleverly renamed "Beverly Mantle Gender Clinic" after Beverly Mantle, a derranged gynecologist character from Cronenberg's horror movie Dead Ringers, one of Nick's favourite horror movies which he has mentioned during Livestreams. you know anything about the history of transsexualism the name Johns Hopkins should ring a bell. I don't know if it was Nick's mom who arranged for Nick to shoot the "conversion therapy" scene from the Gender Dysphoria videoat Johns Hopkins, but it's possible that the reference to "Dr Lydgate" at the end of the video is a veiled reference to Nick's mom, thanking her for making the shoot at the Johns Hopkins hospital possible through her connections at the aforementioned Club. It's kinda interesting that someone who was put on psychiatric drugs from the age of 8 onwards, whose mom is a member of the Johns Hopkins Club, that this person would come out as transgender, no? I am sure it's all just a coincidence.
No. 625771
>>624545>>624464I'm not sure it has anything to do with 9/11 but for sure gender expression has become more binary. I would say it started already in the 90s with grunge as one of the last rearing up and simultaneous phasing out of gender play in mainstream culture. Emo had a short stint in the late 2000s as did the "metrosexual" trend, but those were also widely derided.
tbh I am so tired of this era when it comes to this, so if this is what's going on in Contra's head I'm feeling him. It's a damn shame he can't be brave enough to be the (most likely gay) gender-nonconforming man he would like to be, and instead drugs himself up more to be a second-rate tranny.
No. 625875

>>625771 Agreed. Who is a mainstream gender non-conforming role model for feminine boys in this day and age? Just type the term "androgynous artists" into Google Images, almost all the examples that pop up are pre 9/11. Also, look at what happened to Trevor Moran, a gay androgynous artist on Youtube. His audience tried to pressure him into going trans and he only barely escaped giving into that pressure. You can only be a mainstream genderbender if you present yourself either as a drag queen or you have to go binary and you become trans. You cannot be a gender non-conforming man as your own person with your own unique expression. You cannot have a Prince in this day and age, or a Marilyn Manson or a Boy George or a David Bowie. All of them would have been pushed to transition in this day and age. Look at Eddie Izzard, he was gender non-conforming for decades yet he too gave up and went trans. Someone like Alan Cumming wouldn't even have a acting career in this day and age, he would've been considered boring and insignificant by todays sensationalistic bullshit standards. Adam Lambert is considered outrageously androgynous only for wearing guyliner, he would've been considerd just a guy with eyeliner pre 9/11. There is a lot of gender experimentation, sure, but it's all in the fringes. To go mainstream, you have to either go trans or go drag, and drag nowadays is just looked as a in between stop on your way to trans. You are not allowed to be your own man expressing feminine aspects while remaining a man. Go to the trannie subs on reddit and look at how they shit allover crossdressing men. There has never been so much hostility towards and pressure on feminine men to transition. It is worse than ever before to be a man expressing your feminine side and especially if you are gay or closeted gay like Nyk, because gays only want straight passing partners, so femininity is even despised in the gay scene itself. Even the gay scene has become more rigidly binary and anti-faerie.
No. 627377
>>608644 The remark in his tweet about "toothy vaginas" is in reference to a comment that has been posted elsewhere on this site (which can only mean one thing, he is masochistically reading along with everything posted here):
>>>/ot/228894This was a response to someone posting a medical picture of the interior of a neovagina that was busy fusing shut. Anon thought that the cavity trying to fuse shut looked like there were teeth growing out of the neovaginal lining.
No. 627442
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>>627377jeez anon, those photos are not safe for life
No. 628050

>>627442 Tell that to Nyk who got upset at Blaire White for lecturing him that a neovagina is just a wound that you have to dilate daily to keep from closing. Nyk apparently doesn't even know the internal anatomy of a real vagina to now the difference, yet he claims he wants one. Those are the pictures Nyk doesn't want to see because it might be too sobering. Though I have to point out, Nyk said in one of the Livestreams that he doesn't necessarily want a neovagina, he said he doesn't want anything, that he wants it to be "smooth" down there. There is an indie horror movie
American Mary that came out in 2014 that was directed by these twin sisters, it that had a character who is human Barbie Doll - exactly the kind of person you would see featured on that Barcroft TV channel on Youtube that competes with VICE and has profiled a whole slew of these people ("I’m A Living Art Doll", "The Real Life Kawaii Princess", "I’ve Spent $60,000 Turning Into An Elf"). This human Barbie goes to see the protagonist of the film, a med student who is given the nickname of "Bloody Mary" by her clients for being one of the few doctors willing to perform underground surgeries for the mob and people in the body modification scene. The human Barbie asks Bloody Mary to remove her nipples and to cauterize her vagina so that she no longer has a vagina but nothing in order to better resemble a sexless Barbie doll. I have long wondered if Nyk has seen
American Mary. Maybe he wants to get a neovagina only to have it fuse shut so that he can be smooth and sexless?
No. 628209

>>601331 I found the pre-transition stream where Nick said he was straight, that he had never given a blowjob, but that he was wondering about how straight he really was because of his interest in anal sex. This is from January of 2017, a mere 6 months before he started HRT:
"What is my sexual orientation? Well, the honest truth is that I am pretty much straight. I mean, people assume that I am gonna be gay because of the crossdressing thing, but it's actually a misconception that crossdressers are mostly gay. In my experience, actually, people who crossdress not as drag queens but for their own enjoyment are more often straight. And… I don't know. Sometimes I wonder how straight I am, because I do have like weird, like, fff… I don't know, I don't share a lot of the interests that regular straight guys have. I mean, being gay would be a good thing for me, I think, because gay men like me. But, I don't know, I just can't deal with dicks. I wish I could, but I just can't. I don't know. I just don't know what to do with a dick. I HAVE NEVER GIVEN A BLOWJOB. It's not that I am against it, like morally. I just don't know that I am up for it. I don't know. Maybe I just need the right motivation. Because, I put a raw octapus in my mouth [for the Psychiatry video, a month before this video], that was pretty terrible. I could probably put a dick in my mouth. I just need, the right time has to come. … The comments are just gonna be about dicks for the next hour."
There you have it, "I am pretty much straight, I can't deal with dicks, I've never given a blowjob.". A year later he is on Twitter bragging about having anal sex and giving blowjobs to flacid transwomen on Tinder hookups, and he expects us to believe that he magically developed an appetite for anal sex and blowjobs only because of the HRT. How do people believe this crap? He is obviously self-loathing gay homophobe who most likely wanted to have anal sex and do blowjobs his whole life, who was asking women to peg him because he didn't have the nerve to ask men for anal sex, but who STILL cannot accept the idea of having sex with men as a man so he LARPs that he's a woman to somehow justify his desire for anal sex and blowjobs to himself.
No. 628215
>>622298Jesus that's a lot to take in LOL But hearing all this, all I'm seeing is a deeply repressed bisexual who couldn't handle being thought of as "gay" and thus, hid that portion of himself by only getting pegged by women which eventually became not enough and thus, transitioned to accept him homosexuality tendencies because in his mind, it's not gay if the person getting it looks feminine which is just laughable.
Agree, why do these kinds of people make things more complicated than it needs to be. It's 2018 people, no one cares if you're bisexual or gay anymore (at least not most people anyway).
>>622514I hope for his sake that he's using condoms.
>>625771Very true. As someone who also dresses in GNC ways, despite not really liking Contra even back then, I admired him for wearing what I assumed he liked wearing. I thought that was so neat and it was great to see another person doing that. I even felt the same way about Riley Dennis back when I discovered her in 2014. Granted I didn't watch all her video, I only watched one ("Can men be feminine") and it was just so nice to see more guys breaking the masculine shackle. But then they become trans and it just paints a very concerning thing to me as a GNC person. It makes it sound like those of us who are GNCing are just trans in denial and I just don't like that assumption…
>>625875Thanks for sharing this, I really liked this video because he was real and didn't pull any punches. And this is why I try to be myself being a GNC. I'm not a drag queen and I'm not trans. I want to show people that it's okay for guys to be feminine and androgynous just like how some women can be masculine. My personal hero was Pete Burns from Dead or Alive. He was a feminine man and he owned it. I still remember in an interview he did around I believe 2009 (I'm not entirely sure, it was the late 00s though) and how he made it very clear he was not transgender. He's just "Pete", a guy who loves looking the way he wants and I had so much more respect for him because I had a fear he too would jump on the trans train. And as someone who has been asked if I'm going to transition just because of how dress, Pete Burn's interview was something I needed to hear at the time because it felt like many feminine men were just going trans and it made me feel like something must've been wrong with me. So people like Pete Burns and Prince are such big inspirations to me and show that it's okay to be a feminine, androgynous man despite what some naysayers say. And it's too bad Contra couldn't do the same, as insufferable as he is.
>>628050LOL That's quite the assumption but since this is Contra, it could be possible lol
No. 628622
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From Nick's last pre-transition Gamestream. The Pokemon Blue game he was playing prompted him to choose between being a boy or a girl for the game, he blinked twice at the prompt, shouted "triggered!" and then burst out laughing. I haven't Nick laugh that free and spontaneously in ages. Fuck trans, fuck dysphoria, fuck Youtube, fuck homophobia, fuck polypharmancy and fuck that POISON HRT for killing this in him.
No. 629014
>>628631 "He has always been a pervert". Sure, but what do you expect from someone from a conservative Christian family who who has internalized the idea that it's wrong to play hairdresser in the bathroom when you're 8 or that it's "sick" to play with yourself in the shower as an 8 year old? And then is essentially punished by his parents for this behaviour by being dragged to a shrink, being made to confess everything (ie, he is made to feel like he has no right to privacy or bodily autonomy) and then given drugs to snuff out this innocuous behaviour? Such a person is going to interpret any spontaneous bodily expression/proto-sexual expression in themselves as potentially crazy/sick/punishable and will be drawn to the "taboo" or "fetish" aspect of sex more than anything else. Add to this his Christian abstinence-only sex ed and you have a clusterfuck of sexual confusion and repression creating a lifetime of perversion. Anyone who grows up thinking that it's crazy or wrong to play with yourself or to play with your hair in the shower as a kid is going to be sexually fucked up or a "pervert" for life. There is of course no way of knowing for certain if Nyk would have been happily gay/bi/straight if his sexual development wasn't already warped by his parents' psychomedical interventions - several of the drugs he was put on affect sexual functioning as a noted side effect of such drugs, and recall that he was put on these drugs as a teen/tween whose sexuality was still developing. But Nyk's statements in the AGP video about not wanting to have penetrative sex with women, how he dissociated while doing it and how he associated it with "poison" all sound to me like he was forcing himself to have sex with women without really wanting to, and it frankly makes sense that he drifted into fetishism because it was a way for him to explore the gay aspects of himself in a heterosexual or "safe" context (asking women to peg him, or allowing them to feminize him because "it brought out aspects of myself that I like" as he tweeted). I know that Nyk had sex with transwomen before he decided to get on hormones (he has tweeted about this and also mentioned it on a stream, it's a matter of public record), and that he now kinda dances around this fact when he talks about his pre-HRT sexual experiences with transwomen, the fact that he first had sex with transwomen as a "straight" man and not as a "transbian", and definitely not as a result of HRT magically "altering" his sexual orientation like he now wants everyone to believe. If Nyk got into the idea of sex with traps because he fetishized transwomen, I still think that was a way for him to explore gay sex in what seemed like a "safe" context, ie without being confronted too overtly with the fact that he was having sex with men, just like asking his girlfriends to peg him was before that, it was a "safe" way to explore an aspect of gay sex. I don't think it is at all coincidental that the kind of sex Nyk tweets about now - and, most importantly, attributes to the HRT - is homosexual (blowjobs and anal sex).
Consider this for example: when Nyk identified as a straight man on Youtube on his Nykytyne2 channel, he made sure to mention his love of breasts in his Youtube profile as a hint to his audience that he's straight and not gay (many people wondered back then). Do you ever see Nyk tweeting about enjoying transwomen's breasts now? Or his own breasts? Never. This "straight" man, who previously announced himself to be such a lover of women's breasts, interestingly has no breast eroticism at all now that he has a pair of his own, and he doesn't seem to be very interested in other transwomen's breasts either! (Contrast that to the generally strong eroticism of born women, both straight and lesbian, when it comes to their breasts). IMO this is more proof that the trans-LARP is just an excuse for Nyk to have gay sex, but a "safe" kind of gay sex, ie without coming out as gay and with the very convenient option of blaming everything he does on the HRT.
No. 629132
>>621218>>621228You should keep in mind that Blaire is less of a positive model than you'd think, and is probably worthy of a thread if she doesn't already have one. Blaires issue is that she's essentially a cuck slave to her audience at this point, and in some interviews you can clearly see how soul crushing it is for her to be around people who don't think of her as a woman.
Her videos initially started out decently enough in an amateur way, with her seeming to seriously believe in the talking points she was pushing and having serious passion about the issues of free speech and such and how the far left tends to shut that down. Over time though, she's devolved into clickbait that's purpose geared to appeal to her mostly right/alt right audience. There was a point at which she could have turned things around in the way Theryn did, but that point has passed long, long ago. It's a fucking pain too, because initially she claimed to have libertarian type views but who knows what she actually believes at this point, cause she sure as shit wouldn't say it for fear of hurting the audience. I just want one damn libertarian and trans person who makes videos that I can related to.
No. 629443
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>>628631 I have read so many comments online from transwomen who are not buying into Nyk's transition at all. "He doesn't know how transwomen live", they know it's a LARP. I think these transwomen who have dealt with chasers their whole lives, they might have enjoyed it at first but they just got sick of these guys after a while, I think they can tell a chaser when they see one. Their comments usually have nothing to do with Nyk passing or not. It's like these transwomen can pick up the bad vibes and the bad chemistry, they can tell there is something wrong. They write about Nyk giving them "the creeps", as if they can tell he's not genuine and is a chaser-wolf in trans-sheep's clothing, a fox in their hen house. I suspect that even if Nyk got all the surgery in the world and become the most passing transwoman Barbie doll ever, these transwomen would still perceive him as a creep because surgery does not take away the bad vibes and the bad chemistry, a misanthropic narcissistic personality will always creep out from behind the most "perfect" mask.
No. 629477
>>629459 Too many to post, from all over the net. Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Youtube, other boards, from people all across the political spectrum. For example, go through the comments here here and here Half the comments are Nyk's fans defending Nyk's transLARP, the other half are right-leaning LGBT people saying they don't buy it, do not perceive Nyk as a woman, that they were attacked by his fans for misgendering him, etc.
No. 629490
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>>539441 He is not a leftist. He is one of those live fast die harder/"My politics are filth & eat shit" accelerationists who believe that only by everyone becoming more capitalist than a globalist capitalism will somehow collapse under its own weight, that if men become more womanly than a women sexism will magically collapse, with everyone becoming global nomads nationalism will collapse, etc. and then we will have the Zeitgeist utopia of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism. But if he really believes that accelerationist bullshit and since he doesn't like fascism, why then doesn't he advocate that everyone become more fascist than a fascist in hopes of fascism likewise collapsing on itself? If he really believes in accelerationism he should be celebrating people like Donald Trump, Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos as accelerationist icons. No. 629520
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>>629132 "she could have turned things around in the way Theryn did", the only reason Theryn turned things around is because she is lonely, she is in love with Nyk with whom she identifies because of their mutual snob elitism (upper-middle class narcissistic misanathropic classic music snobs from uptight Christian families, Theryn fears mostly non-white foreigners like her best friend Lauren Southern, whereas Nyk is more of an egalitarian elitist and only hates 99.99999% of all of you hideous fugly monkeys) and she desperately wanted to bring Nyk to Canada to do that transbian Livestream with him where they made out on the couch and alluded to blowing eachother ("Theryn sucks", "Natalie sucks harder and faster"), while parading her American SJW side-bitch for everyone including her Korean NO CUCK fiance. I can honestly see no other motivation for that highly controversial speaking gig at the UBC. I also suspect the reason Theryn booted Blaire from the bill at the very last minute, much to Blaire's surprise, was so Blaire would not be the annoying "third wheel" to Theryn's public making out with Nyk. Theryn knew that only way to bring Nyk to Canada was to have a come-to-Jesus/come-to-Nyk moment where she pretended to renounce everything she said before and retire from Youtube in shame to prove her devotion to Nyk. As for Nyk, Theryn was his first public catch as a chaser turned transLARPer, a great opportunity for Nyk to prove that he's a #trutransbian and then he did with Theryn what he probably originally meant to do with Blaire, which is converting rightwing trannies into SJWs one "harder and faster suck" at a time, or so Theryn claimed on that Livestream.
No. 629563
>>629520Why are you still calling them a "she"? Gtfo you trooon.
Also Theryn sucked Blaire's cock until recently but only quit because Blaire made fun of him on his Shapiro stream.
No. 629589
>>629574 There is no blow-by-blow account.
Only a blowjob-by-blowjob account.
No. 629772
>>629762Which is funny because male posters aren't even allowed on this site
Troons, fuck off
No. 630323
>>629874 This channer trannie said they had, ask them how they know
>>629443 Personally, Theryn strikes me as exactly the kind of trannie who would brag to everyone and anyone who would listen about having gamed a big SJW Youtuber for a side-bitch. That's because Theryn has a very public trackrecord getting into bed with big famous Youtubers and making her business with them public.
No. 630329
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>>612622 This video puts an end to any discussion as to the kind of person Nyk really is versus this larger than life avatar that he has created in this "Natalie" woman he wants to become. Nyk is just a vain shallow egocentric narcissistic misanthrope who only sees ugliness in other people. 99.9999% of his personality is hideous to look at and no drug, no surgery, NOTHING is going to fix someone who is so fundamentally contemptuous and misanthropic. He wants people to think that he is transitioning because of self-loathing but Nyk is not self loathing. Nyk is in love with himself and is completely full of himself. He feels that he deserves to transition because he is so fucking awesome and becoming this "Natalie" Barbie doll is going to be his reward at the end, the cherry on the shitcake, the crown of his self-creation. When the fact is that he will just become a hating judgemental arrogant monster of a woman, emotionally stunted and numbed drowning in a sea of drugs, incapable of seeing the goodness in others.
No. 630564
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But Nick, I thought you had always been a girl…?
No. 630571
>>630564guess being a girl = performing stereotypically feminine activities in a way that men find attractive
til i'm not female
No. 630585
>>630571Yep, he just confirmed that his entire concept of womanhood is based on sexist stereotypes. Typical tranny shit.
Very weird that he refered to himself and women as a girls too… he's a 30 y/o man.
No. 630603
>>630564>>630564None of this even makes any sense.
>>630585Pretty much
No. 631086
>>629132Blaire has a thread here but I can understand what you mean. When I discovered Blaire back in 2015, I thought she was a breath of fresh air because most of the trans people I came across on YouTube were just… Either depressing or "Die cis scum" people. Blaire was just what I needed to see because I knew there were decent, normal trans people out there. And this isn't to say that the depressed ones were bad, I totally understand why they are depressed but sometimes it's good to run into positivity you know?
But yeah Blaire has since become more of a slave to her viewers. Not all her viewers are right-leaning conservatives or full on Alt-Right nationalists but it's obvious the /pol crowd found her and use her as their representation.
I'm glad that she hasn't changed her view on "non-binary" because it really is ridiculous but it's clear that sometimes she does clickbait and not be 100% truthful in some of her recent videos. The biggest drawpoint for me was when she talked about her opinions on the Trump administration's work so far and how she conveniently left out the Trump vs Kim Jong-Un incident. I mean yeah, it wasn't as big as the Syrian Missile thing but the thing Hillary Clinton got criticism for was her No Fly Zone and how she'd only goad other countries but yet Trump is kinda doing that and yet it's not wrong when he does it? It's just hypocrisy.
But uh yeah, back on Contrapoints. In comparison to Blaire, she's just a nutjob who seems to only be losing her mind as she continues her HRT and I doubt that the majority would ever take her seriously.
>>629443It just makes sense because before she started transitioning, she seemed relatively level-headed albeit condescending at worse. She just came across as a dude who liked looking feminine (and there's nothing wrong with that, it was actually kinda endearing). But when you look at her posts, they just scream of red flags of a Autogynephilia. That it's more of a fetish for her if anything. The few trans people I do know don't act anything like her…
>>629520Reading all that was just hilarious, seems like a plot to drama comedy but I mean hey, this could be true lol
>>629762Ella is an interesting one. She looks quite pretty in videos but after seeing her photo in the ShoeOnHead thread where they met up at Vidcon, she definitely looks different off camera.
>>630585Well remember, she said the epitome of femininity was "Press on nails" lol (I know she was most likely joking but still lol)
No. 634036
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No. 634037
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No. 634039
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No. 634233
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>>631415Straight/Bisexual MTF trannies are autogynephiles because they're aroused by the thought of being women, homosexual MTF trannies transition to attract male sexual partners. At least get Blanchard's theories right.
No. 634360
>>634258No, their parents either can’t stand the idea of having a gay child or think that only girls/boys can like girl/boy things.
Transitioning children is just the new gay conversion.
No. 636931
>>635696Wtf, I can't believe I actually truly liked him and his content just a few months ago. What happened? Can hormones lower your IQ or something?? Why won't he stop taliking about how much he is into penises? Why does he act like a parody of not even a woman but of a human being in general?
Damn, Natalie, I bet you read every single thread on every single image board on the internet, get it together. Maybe all of it is just an internet persona and he's not like that irl, but even if it is just a character or something it's not funny or entertaining, just annoyingly cringy.
No. 638958
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>only men can make dick jokes
wow, really breaking down that gender division contra. why do trans people always have such rigid ideas of male and female? then complain that no one accepts them in a dress.
No. 641386
>>634235You know considering how contra only finds herself attractive, that's totally accurate lol
"Would you fuck me?"
"I'd fuck me"
"I'd fuck me hard…"
No. 642854
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Contra deleted his tweets but looks like he was talking about us.
No. 642857
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Also did some damage control about being fake trans.
No. 642861
>>642854i like harris' stuff so much. (imo he's much more talented than nick, i can't believe ppl even fall for contra's overly stylized, unnecessarily pretentious vids)
why does he have to be a fucking chauvinistic cockbag on this issue? why are men on the left such complete fucking failures?
No. 642898
>>642861Because they think TERFs only hate trans people and do nothing else. They don’t even know what they are arguing against. Their points always centre around TERF = bad and nothing more.
Funny that for all their reply videos to right wing channels, none of them have done a direct TERF reply video. Guess you can’t argue against facts.
No. 643114
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>>642854Going off this tweet, I think Contra was talking about some subreddit and not us.
No. 643367
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No. 643408
>>643367so he's saying to separate them into "attracted to men" or "attracted to women". the common experience isn't being attracted to men or women though, it's being shunned by straight people.
trans really does need to leave LGB. despite being a small minority, trans have taken over LGB spaces and shout ridiculous demands (accept lesbian penis!).
LGB was about accepting who you are. trans is about accepting who I am. the two are incompatible.
No. 643670
>>642861Apparently Harris ditched some friend because she admitted to him that she got sexually assaulted by one of his best friends. He's just another woman hating pig who masquerades as a feminist to get woke points.
Basically these lefty pseudo-intellectual self righteous youtubers have got themselves an all boys club and if you're a woman who speaks against their ideas/behaviour then you're a bad mean evil lady and to defend yourself is just 'not up for discussion'.
Seriously these people are complete tossers, they're so narcissistic and devoid of self-criticism.
No. 644534
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>>643748>>643716>>643681>>643670>>642914>>642861>>642854've spent my whole life placating my own feelings and life for rapists because that's what good girls do
#well fuck you I'm not a girl and I'm not going to take it anymore.
No. 644561
>>644534thanks, harris is a fuckhead, and i really hope he's exposed for this pathetic display of predictable misogyny, but wew, dat cognitive dissonance
>exposes him on women's day but "isn't a woman">harris says he's a feminist so why doesnt he care??? (but i'm totes a guy and women aren't harrassed and targeted based on sex!)like, obviously this needed to come out, and i'm glad she's doing it, but how can you have these experiences and write all this shit and still try to pretend your gender dogma means anything at fucking all? if anything, it just gives asshole men like harris an excuse to handwave away predatory men that are obviously still targeting women by ignoring the fact that they're female/women
also, how many fucking times do transmen need to be assaulted, groomed, and raped, before they realize their 'identity' matters fuckall? for fuck's sake, cherno biko raped a transman. wearing a bowtie doesn't erase your oppression, just as wearing a skirt doesn't make men oppressed, either
No. 648717
>>537962I came across this dude a while back, and honestly, he makes a lot of good arguments. I dont agree with everything he says, but it has spurred me to do personal research into feminist topics.(I'm a male traditionalist liberal, who, admittedly, is prone to not really examining all sides)
His transformation was surprising, but idk, these people usually have their quirks, I expect nothing less
(male here) No. 656558
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No. 656580
>>643224 >>643377 He lies. Of course he reads reddit, lolcow, KF, everything anyone posts about him anywhere on the internet. Why the fuck did he make a new video joking about dicks and about wanting bottom surgery? Because he read the previous posts here about how he went from saying that he was straight and has "never given a blowjob" to now pretending he only developed an appetite for Tinder-dick because of HRT, which is such obvious bullshit. He has always wanted dick, he was just too much of a self-hating homophobe to admit it to himself because of his repressive Christian upbringing.
>>643376 Yet he lacks the courage and self-reflection to talk about that. He made a first step in that Psychiatry video, but that too was too superficial and noncommittal to really get to the root of the matter. He is a coward who wants to absolve his normie parents for what they did to him, because otherwise he would have to critically examine the actual nature of his relationship to them, and the fact is that he is now completely estranged from his normie family, and this is largely their own fault for not accepting the fact that he was different as a child and wanting to correct or at least suppress him with drugs. This drugging away of his "gay" behaviour too was arguably a medicalized form of conversion therapy, but he doesn't want to see it for what it was. Instead, he wants to make up excuses to to retroactively absolve everyone and sweep everything under the carpet. It is typical male cowardice, this refusal to see things for what they really were and to really honestly deal with familial repression in these upper middle-class white conservative Christian families that will happily drug the fuck out of their kids to uphold public appearances of being a normal and well-adjusted.
No. 657812

>>656554 This guy accusses Nyk's fans of turning him into a trannie. That is simply not true and is really unfair towards Nyk's fans, many of whom are sincerely concerned about him. Nyk became a trannie because he was and is a trannie chaser by his own public admission, who figured out that he had better chances with trannies if he became a trannie himself and infiltrated their community. Nyk admitted on Livestreams that he had sexual experiences with transwomen before he began HRT, and I always wondered whether this was in the context of prostitution because Nyk aggressively defends prostitution in his videos, and I cannot imagine a transwoman volunteering to fuck Nyk - unless they are depressed and lonely like Theryn, who admitted that his claims about being bisexual are bullshit and that he's just a gay boy who has never actually had sex with a woman. Nyk transitioned barely a month after Blaire whooped his ass during their Livestream debate where she was far better informed than Nyk. Several people have pointed out in comments since that Nyk on the one hand attacks Blaire while at the same time trying to become Blaire. I think that Blaire saying no to him despite him lusting after her was the
trigger for Nyk to transition. If he could not get the trannie he would become the trannie himself, if only to save his ass from embarassment because he knew all the trannies would be watching Blaire's debate with this silly chaser with the pink wig who attempted to chide a transwoman on neovaginas being open wounds while having no fucking clue about anything. At one point during that debate Blaire shot back at Nyk, "Do you know what dysphoria is like? It's a bitch!". I think it's significant that it was after this debate that Nyk came out with the Gender Dysphoria video, suggesting that this video was a response to Blaire shooting that question at him - which she obviously only did not pose as a literal question but as a rhetorical question or an expression of exasperation because it was apparent that Nyk was just regurgitating SJW talking points and was completely uninformated about anything, and was just using the Livestream as an excuse to get close and person with this transwoman he was lusting after even despite being put off by her politics - because he wants his lust and his politics to align, apparently and can't stand it when they don't.
So we have a video from Nyk that is really a response to Blaire without directly addressing her. Instead of coming out and saying: "I made this video in response to Blaire asking me if I knew what GD is like. Here is why I think I know what dysphoria is like.", he pretends that the video was not prompted by Blaire's. All in all, Nyk's GD video was meant as a desperate attempt to convince Blaire that "I am one of you! I am just like you Blaire! I know what GD is like! Look, I too have GD just like you do! Blaire, I am for real!".
But of course, this video is not about Gender Dysphoria at all, it's about his narcissism, and he is so delusional he thinks no one can tell the difference just because he takes a stupid tick-box approach to Gender Dysphoria in his video: "Do you fear male pattern baldness and losing your hair? (Check.) Do you fear getting wrinkles? (Check.) Do you dislike bodyhair and obsessively groom yourself like a little parrot bird pulling out all its feathers in frustration at living in a guilded cage? (Check.) Do you lust after yourself, are you completely obsessed with yourself and fantasize about going on a date with yourself instead of your actual date? (Check.) Do you stare at yourself in the mirror asking yourself if you would fuck yourself? (Check.) Are you no longer able to have sex with women because you only date younger women -because women your own age will definitely not put up with your bullshit, only naive young people will- and end up envying your younger dates for their youthful looks? (Check.) Do you lie to women and tell them you can't have sex with them because "it makes me feel like a man", rather than telling them the truth, which is that you are growing older, that you date them for being younger, that you envy their youthful looks so much that you can't even begin to hatefuck them because you are so consumed by envy and jealousy? (Check) If you answered more than one of these questions with a yes, then you must be trans!". That's the stupid tick-box approach he takes in his GD video, and that's why that video comes across as false and untrue, a narcissist misinterpreting some cherry-picked symptoms of his narcissism to misrepresent these as supposed evidence of gender dysphoria.
No. 658629
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>>656554 As for the other question posted in this video, what will you do if Nyk detransitions, Nyk will never detransition because that would mean admitting being wrong and that's something this narcissist who still believes he is smarter than everyone else will never admit. If he did he would not delete all of his old videos under the false pretext of being dysphoric about them in order to cover up his past. I he ever detransitioned I imagine he would just delete everything to cover up having ever been trans (like he did with his Nykytyne2 videos and his old ContraPoints videos), he would then withdraw his Patreon savings and disappear on the next train/boat/flight out of town, like, byeeee suckers! That's what sociopaths do when their lies catch up with them, for example cult leaders when they realize that people are figuring out their fraud, they just up and disappear leaving their cult following behind confused and wondering what happened.
No. 659944
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>>658774 STFU, there is plenty of milk.
No. 664240
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I can't believe Theryn dumped this guy Louis for Nick. I can understand having a trannie as your fuckbuddy to spice up your gay marriage every now and then, lots of gay couples are in open marriages like that where they agree to have casual affairs on the side every now and then, but WTF Theryn, you dumped the Korean guy and cancelled your wedding plans for someone like Nick? What a dumbass.
No. 664250
>>664240>>663870>>663869Who tf are any of these guys and what do they have to do with nick?
>>658774 was right and I'm starting to think
you're a tranny orbiter or a chaser or something. That would explain why you care about this petty shit and why you're using she/her pronouns for any one of these busted hons.
Only bump this thread for his narcoid meltdowns, newfag
No. 664260
>>663869London comes off as a massive cunt in all this. Posting a friend's deleted tweet to publically call them out, getting butthurt when she dumps your arse and then doing live stream where she and Ella brag they're gonna do a takedown video of Blaire and somehow her orbiters think she did nothing wrong. Blaire's copycat claim was probably uncalled for (but not necessarily wrong) but fuck London. Good job alienating someone with a channel 20 times your size and the free exposure that comes with being their friend.
>>664250Contra was photographed with London and Ella recently and just like Shoe and Theryn before then they a more conservative friend under the bus. Just sayin'.
No. 664287
>>664260Okay, who cares? This has basically nothing to do with him. Go make a thread about those other guys if you want to talk about them or post about it in the youtuber thread. Also, don't call TIMs gendered insults aimed at women like "cunt," they consider it validating.
The newfaggotry and pettiness itt seriously does smell like troons gossiping about eachother. No one else would give a shit about this, let alone give enough of a shit about it to bump the thread with walls of text on the (ot) subject, furiously respecting le pronouns throughout. Like, not even female handmaidens.
No. 664655
>>664240Oh wait, so it wasn't a joke? She actually left her fiance for Contra? Just… Mind-blown lol I honestly don't think Contra would ever go for an actual relationship with her, he seems to self-absorbed to do so.
>>664260I want to stay on topic and I think that the stuff involving Blaire, London, and Ella should be said on Blaire's thread as like
>>664287 said, it doesn't really have anything to do with Contra.
No. 665068
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Are they seriously supporting James Gun after he was outed as going to a pedo party?
Also, Contra officiated Lindsay's wedding?
No. 665123
>>665105Pedophilia themed party. No idea if actual pedos were there but still pretty icky. Seems like the sort of thing someone with dark humor would suggest as a theme. But actually doing it? Wtf?
Wouldn't be surprised if Contra and Lindsay were OK with adding kink and pedophilia to a LGBT+
No. 666226
>>664287 GTFO snowflake, you're on a forum called LOLCOWS, what did you expect to find here but faggotry, pettiness, gossip, LOL
>>612019 about a trannie's botched surgery, more LOL
>>622514 about the prospect of someone having unprotected anal sex catching AIDS, etc etc? Quit bumping this thread with your crybaby whining.
No. 666244
>>666228>>666226I said to only bump the thread for
his narcoid meltdowns, not yours, sperg.
No. 667185
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>>602209 Speaking of handmaidens, in the last Livestream there was one of Nick's handmaidens, this woman "Annoyance" who manages the chat while Nick gets drunk/high, who was telling Nick's subscribers in the chat that she too broke up with her lesbian girlfriend, then she demanded to speak to Nick about this because apparently he had something to do with it. More breakups and abandoned wedding plans because of Nick?
No. 667186
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>>602209 Here's the part where Nick and Theryn were talking about getting bottom surgery. Annoyance joins in saying that she (lesbian cis woman) hates her vagina and wants "a robo-vagina" (vaginoplasty) like transwomen do because of bottom surgery. Then the other chat moderator, zombiedrea, joins in saying she wants vaginoplasty too. Totally no social contagion happening here.
No. 667189
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>>602209 "I'm lonely and single and not as gorgeous as Natalie is.". I want to mutilate my vagina too, because social contagion is totally not a thing amonst queer women who hang out with trannies and end up being brainwashed by the trannie culture of BDD and surgery addiction.
No. 667522
>>667105lmao he sounds like a gay Mickey Mouse. It's hilarious.
>>667462Handmaidens are all about internalized misogyny and that's why they love to lick tranny boots. They honest to god believe they're the inferior gender and socializing with all the woman-hating groups who tell you that men are better than women even at being women isn't making it better.
No. 667572
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>>667105LOL. Of course he would sympathise with incels. Relevant bit is from 17:00 to 31:20
No. 667634
>>667606>>667606I mean he looks fine as he is but he doesnt look female. He never will and that's the case for the vast majority of male trans people. This is why he'll whinge and moan about TERFs (never debate them of course, cause they'd wipe the floor with him) and spout his high and mighty hot takes on what women are (it's definitely not biology) - because there is no way he will ever make to his desired standard of appearance. He wants to be a dainty beautiful little female - it's never going to happen. Plastic surgery can only go so far when it's up against a 30 year man who is at least 6 foot tall.
I don't have an issue with most transsexuals who just quietly go by their lives and get the surgery and don't demand everyone drop everything in their lives to cater to their delusions. But I really despise people like contra and Riley Dennis - they're just rich, white, self obsessed western dudes crying about being rejected by women and then throwing thousands and thousands of dollars into paltry attempts at making themselves look more feminine.
No. 668251
>>668140probably. i'd bet on it. between the day drinking, drugs, and DVT risk associated w estrogen, yeah
i think he's too narcissistic to kill himself, but he'll probably take some kind of uppers for his kinky poly sex sessions or something and it'll combine hideously w his estrace or whatever the fuck they take
No. 668797
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>>668599 He claims that there are 2500 other trannie chasers like himself in Baltimore. Nyk outsmarted the other chasers and beat the competition by trooning out and getting the chasers to chase him, which is genius really. But he is not going to swipe through and actually show your their faces like Onision would do, because you can basically guess what 99.99999% of them panty sniffers in Baltimore look like.
No. 668799
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>>668140 Troons are a death cult themselves, they leave hate comments such as this under the Youtube videos of older trannies telling them there is no point in being alive after 50. Link for those who want to read it in context No. 668815
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>>668799From what basis are his arguments coming from?
Is it purely anecdotal? Because I could say the opposite knowing people in my life.
It feels like they fetishize and distort women's earlier years (obviously this guy wanted to say below 20 as well…) without asking a single woman what those years were actually like for them. Not every woman's teenage and young adult years are filled with endless worrying and creating twitter posts about what to wear or what knee-highs look best…
It's also as if women have varied and unique experiences just like men do. But no no, it's easier just to fetishize about "youth" and superficial physical appearance than to think about that.
No. 668841
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>>668840 Here is William (aka "Bill") Nicholas' Tinder profile.
No. 668844
>>668826This, that anons newfaggotry is so annoying. They never sage either.
>>668843>>668841You need to learn how to fucking sage too. Both of you need to integrate and stop getting
triggered when people tell you how stupid you look.
No. 668913
>>668896Two people (you and the anon she was talking about) are very clearly the most frequent posters ITT. Your posting styles are incredibly obnoxious and we can always tell when a post is made by one of you.
btw LEARN HOW TO FUCKING SAGE, jfc… You dickheads bump the thread with infighting or other non-milky posts every 2 hours.
No. 668921
>>668843Okay salt-chan calm down. There's nothing wrong with a long post, just learn to fucking format.
>>668896Only someone who has never used an imageboard before this one doesn't line break after post number, because it greentexts the text after it on every other imageboard. It's as bad a faux pas as typing your email in or putting sage in the wrong field.
You might want to try out using sage yourself, it's fun I promise.
>>668896Samefagging is against the rules.
No. 671611
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>>668840Someone posted a screenshot of his profile on /r/Destiny 4 months ago, but it's not really that interesting.
No. 674873
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>>674696Nyk is a white, straight (at least mostly straight, pseudobisexual?), man raised in a middle - upper middle class household whose daddy helped him land spots in prestigious universities. The only injustice he's ever faced in his life is his parents fucking him up on psychiatric meds since he was a kid.
Also can transwomen ever make a point without making it out like they have it so much harder than real women? As if society considers a woman's testimony more valuable than a trans person's. People like Nyk wouldn't have nearly as big of a platform if that were even remotely true.
Also if it were true, women would be allowed to criticize transwomen's bullshit without becoming social justice pariahs.
No. 675627
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So close Contra. You know you were not born a woman. Now just admit that putting on a dress and mutilating your body does not make you turn into a woman.
No. 675731
>>675627It's truly amazing how he can still deny his autogynephilia at this point.
He's never felt a desire to transition until the last couple of years. He still considers his past self a man and not a closeted transwomen. It's had a direct impact on his sexuality. And he literally admits that gender for him is performative - literally admitting that's he's just playing dress up as a woman and doesn't think of it as being his inherent state of being.
I just can't believe we're actually expected to recognize this creep as a woman when it's clear as day that this is all just him actualizing a fetish. It's gonna be hilarious years from now, if he actually goes through with the surgeries, when he regrets ruining his face/body and sterilizing himself just for a big game of play-pretend.
No. 676308
>>676287Wikipedia says that 2/3rds of them are done for functional reasons, and that it is mostly done as a form of genital mutilation (muslims and africans)
Sorry for OT but I have a large labia and I have heard nothing but compliments from guys on it
No. 676634
why the hell does he have a wiki entry? he's not
that well known No. 676663
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No. 676719
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>>676634The people editing his wiki are completely delusional
No. 677319
>>677115It's not hard to come to that assessment when he says stuff like "99% of the population is ugly and annoying"
Wasn't really a reference to the skit in particular, just to Contra as a person in general
No. 677716
>>676622>/int/>not that badWew lad. Men are responsible for 99% of the world's problems.
You sound like a man
No. 678403
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a man trying his best dressing as a woman, crying about another deluded man who's trying his best to dress as a woman
our world is fucked up sisters.
No. 678458
>>678370>>678363you are literally all the same. take your retarded trucum blogposts back to tumblr and get out.
double get out if you're MTF because men aren't allowed to post here.
No. 678531
what's happening with theryn and nick?
No. 678784
>>678755>only women who were born femalewtf? those
are the only women. if you were born male, you are a man and men are not welcome here. there's indication of that in the rules, dumbshit.
No. 679517
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nick admitting he never felt his 'tranness' was inherent and that he wasnt a 'trans child'.
of course not, nick, because that shit isn't real, number one, and number two, you're a perv.
No. 684776
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No. 684777
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No. 684778
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No. 684796
>>684778has contra ever actually sat down by himself and reflected upon about fucking anything or does he only ever "try to sort out thoughts" in public or on twitter?
i swear most of these people would figure a lot about their conflicts if they talked to themselves in private for at least a half hour every couple days.
No. 684908
>>684778oh my god I CANT with this voice, it's getting so mfuch fucking worse over time, holy hairy balls he's losing it
>>684796honestly, almost all people would benefit from this, but ESPECIALLY nick. holy shit.
No. 685097
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No. 685098
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No. 689878
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No. 689880
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No. 690054
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>>690008its funny bc its probably true
No. 690342
>>689880My God, his eyebrows look absolutely disgusting. All his makeup looks are sad at best.
I used to be a fan of his, until I saw how he exploited his fans in his livestreams, and eventually ended up playing into the parasocial desires of his followers … Disappointing.
No. 690401
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>>689878I've never felt compelled to draw a cow before but this image is so interesting
No. 691329
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old pic but i noticed he has a lot of wrap dresses like this and it gives me schadenfreude because they're really only flattering on women with relatively wide hips compared to their waist and at least fairly big boobs. otherwise, if you have no hips or bust, wrap dresses highlight that in the worst way. a drag queen could probably figure that out.
No. 692152
>>692108Why does Contra try to pull the narrative of the less friendly character being the one who says the "good" points? The commie with a catgirl fetish is sooo relatable!
It was like that with the Blaire parody too, Contra made the buzzkill with no friends turn out to be the hero of his video.
No. 696634
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>>692108Funny thing I noticed, that Philosophy Tube guy always commenting and flirting on Hontra's videos looks a good deal like pre-transition Hontra.
No. 699462
>>699461keep in mind mtf trannies are male too.
and if you are actually female, yet you still like hontra, clearly you are a retard.
No. 699468
>>699465well, it's certainly not here since male posters get b& on sight
ty for outing yourself, hon! maybe you'll fit in on /tttt/ or cc, there are more guys like you there.
No. 699505
>>699465no one cares about your feelings, hon. men aren't allowed here so get lost.
>>692108he just sits in his room with his mood lights and larps as strawmen in these busted wigs. that's honestly really sad.
No. 699526
>>699516He's nuanced compared to most SJWs. Look at his older videos (before he transitioned). Even his second to last video showed a good degree of empathy compared to most SJWs.
>>699519I'm a straight lesbian (female.) Only some of them like Contra. I don't want to fuck trannies, but I don't hate them.
No. 699549
>>699526i thought you said you were MtF though?
and most of us dont hate trannies, we just recognize theyre wrong, and point and laugh at their delusion and desperate attempts to be "better women" than actual women. as if its a contest, as if anyone chooses their sex, or is 100% happy with the gender stereotypes put on their gender.
No. 699576
>>699559>>699557lel sorry the way you phrased it sounded like they clocked you over the internet.
also, you know this is a gossip site for internet personalities, and contras a literal eceleb. criticism and pettiness is all part of the fun
No. 700462
>>699526>look at his older videos (before he transitioned) you mean his wiped BlogTV videos where he casually played lesbian smut and tranny porn "for the lulz"? true voice of male feminists
No. 700876
>>696658yes lmao and that bookshelf is rather small for someone trying to appear "cultivated" and academic
>>699451some of his vids are good but it quickly becomes so cringey. He's full of milk as well with his constant reminders of his perverted sexual life. No one cares abour your catgirl fetish, nick.
No. 701831
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It bothers me that even his radfem strawman character is getting a slutty instathot makeover like all his other "characters". He now refuses to be on screen without being slathered in makeup like a prostitute.
not pictured : the grating vocal change that, of course, has happened as well
No. 701862
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>>701859I can't make heads or tails of what this tweet is supposed to mean.
No. 701887
>>701862>>701866I don't actually see anything wrong with this tweet, link for context?
Women face (certain aspects of) misogyny because they are perceived as members of the female sex class, not because of their gender identity.
No. 702080
>>701887Sorry this is so long but…
It's not necessarily wrong on its own, but his overall line of thinking is wrong. He's kinda right in the sense of yes, it does not matter how a woman "identifies". If she is perceived by others to be a woman, then she is subjected to misogyny because the world at large does not care about how women perceive their gender.
However, the problem with that thinking is that it would mean that transwomen are subjected to misogyny as well, as long as they are perceived to be women. Which…eh I'm kinda iffy on. Firstly, they are rarely ever genuinely perceived as women. And even id they pass, men might say misogynistic things to them or treat them as they would an actual woman, but personally I do not think that means transwomen actually
experience misogyny truly.
For example, I'm white but I guess some of my features are somewhat ethnically ambiguous. So, when I was a kid, some of the other kids would make fun of me and call me racial slurs pertaining to the race they thought I was. Does that mean I experienced racism in the same way an actual member of that race would? imo, no. I'd actually find it kinda funny that they actually thought I was Asian or Native American or whatever. Would an actual Asian or Native American person find it so funny? There was a certain degree of separation from it for me that wouldn't be there for them.
If someone is attacking your race, and you actually are that race, you'll take it a lot more personally than someone who is not. And it would have a greater impact on the way you feel about yourself and relate to others of the race that is attacking you.
I feel like that applies to the divide between real women and transwomen as well. They will never understand girlhood, or the effects of misogyny on even the most basic thoughts and behaviors of ours. They were never raised with female socialization. They were never brought up with the belief that the world views them as inherently inferior and only existing to serve the needs of the other sex.
They're just putting on an elaborate act. And it doesn't matter how convincing a part they play, they will never be the real thing.
No. 702096
>>702080You're acting like people who discriminate against others are saying anything valid. Discrimination has little to do with how someone perceives themselves and more to do with how others perceive them.
I think TiMs will never experience girlhood, nor will they ever understand how misogyny affects other women but they are indeed experiencing misogyny if men are treating them like shit because they assume they are women.
To add, your narrow views of who can and can't
really feel certain discrimination is just wrong. Especially in regards to racism and your personal anecdote about it makes it sound worse!
No. 702102
>>702095this is exactly what makes you incorrect.
i agree with
>>702096 with how discrimination works. like, look at it the other way. historically, women who pretended to be men were treated like men, of course it's going to work the other way.
does that mean that all mtfs experience it? no. does that mean they are going to understand it the same way as we do? of course not. but a man who thinks a mtf is a real woman is going to treat them the same as they would a real woman. the misogyny is how the man is treating them, not how the mtf or woman feels about it.
i personally don't care about being called a cunt, but does that mean it's not misogyny? no, that's stupid.
No. 702109
>>702096>>702102I don't think that the discriminatory things are valid. I guess I think people will experience them differently based on whether or not they truly belong to the group being discriminated against.
I have to disagree that transwomen experience misogyny. They more so…witness it I guess?
Do you really think a cis woman and a transwomen are going to be affected in the same exact way by the same misogynistic sentiment coming from a man?
I probably shouldn't have brought up the race comparison, but it was the best example I could think of to try to explain what I mean. I personally do not feel that I
experienced racism. I witnessed it being targeted at me, but I don't think that's the same experience as someone who actually is of the targeted race being attacked for who they are.
Maybe the misunderstanding comes from what we mean by experiencing something.
No. 702112
>>702109i literally said they aren't going to experience it the same way, but the misogyny isn't about how they experience it, it's about what it's intended to do.
a man treating someone he thinks is a woman like shit because he thinks they're a woman is misogyny, it doesn't matter how you think the person experiencing it feels.
ffs, stop this unsaged blogging.
No. 702122
>>702112Sorry for not sageing but I'm genuinely confused as to what the disagreement is. I agree that men can act in a misogynistic way towards transwomen, but because they are male they cannot truly experience it as misogyny. So when they claim that we should join forces because we're all women and we all face misogyny, I don't think that's entirely accurate. I guess my main gripe is that they try to frame misogyny as a shared experience between us but I think the experiences are made too different by pre-existing conceptions of self to be comparable.
I don't understand why you're angry about me saying this? I swear I'm not trying to be combative.
>>702114I agree that much of the oppression against transwomen is straight up homophobia, especially considering how many of them are very feminine gay men.
Like my previous thoughts with misogyny, I don't think the straight ones are experiencing homophobia exactly like the gay ones are though
No. 702123
>>702114that's fine, but anon is still fucking wrong about how she's categorizing misogyny/racism as a personal experience rather than something with, you know, a real definition.
good for her that she didn't feel that bad being called slurs, but that's not how like 99% of the world feels about anything.
No. 702126
>>702123It wasn't so much about me feeling bad about the experience, so much as whether someone could categorize me as a victim of racism.
I don't think that racism and sexism are confined to personal anecdotes, but I do think that since they exist as large scale hierarchies, certain people are not going to be able to experience certain things. I do not think a man can experience misogyny. And I do not think that I as a white person can experience anti-Asian or anti-Native American racism.
No. 702128
>>702122>main gripe is that they try to frame misogyny as a shared experience between usthis i agree with, but the rest of what you are saying makes you sound like a fucking moron.
>>702126that's not what you said though, you're describing systemic discrimination, which, you know is fine.
the issue though is you're acting like the intent of the insult doesn't constitute discrimination.
if someone calls you a dyke as a homophobic insult, and you're not a lesbian, it won't affect you the same way, sure, but it was most definitely intended to be a homophobic insult. it doesn't stop being that simply because it doesn't actually apply to whoever is being insulted.
No. 702130
>>702128I'm not disagreeing with you though! Sorry, I'm not expressing myself as well as I'm trying to.
If someone calls you a dyke and you're not a lesbian, I do agree that their intent is homophobic and they are being homophobic by saying that to you.
However, if that person who is being called a dyke then tried to use that as an example of them experiencing homophobia, I'd question that a little because I don't think that's really an "experience" they can have as a straight person. They got a little glimpse into what homophobia is like for gay people but it's not the same imo.
And I'd definitely side eye them for using that as justification to call themselves gay or a part of the gay community for experiencing that like transwomen try to do with their "experiences" of misogyny
No. 702334
>>702080>There was a certain degree of separation from it for me that wouldn't be there for them.this. if you get called a dyke and shoved around because you have a buzzcut and a flannel, but you're straight, you've obviously really suffered abuse, and even discriminatory abuse, but it doesn't have the sting of being abused for something that you really are and can't change. it's not going to wreck your self worth and confidence the way it would if it was about something that truly applies to you. "they hate me because i look like X" will never be as bad as "they hate me because i'm X and they all think X is a disgusting thing to be."
passing troons can be hurt by misogyny in some ways but it's a case of mistaken identity and deep down they know it. they can distance themselves from it, even if they don't consciously see the distance. they never have to worry that maybe the pricks are right and they really are the inferior sex, they're not going to be ashamed of their female body because of what people project onto it, they never have to feel embarrassed or afraid to exist as a woman and they don't have to draw attention to it if they don't want to. the things they like about femininity they freely chose, and the things they dislike, they can safely hide away.
feeling completely defeated and sad about being a woman AND being proud of it and truly rising above the bullshit are both things that contra will never understand.
No. 703925
>>702112The man treating someone he thinks is a woman but isn't like shit because of that is a case of him (the aggressor) being misogynistic, but th victim is NOT experiencing misogyny. I think that's what other anons are saying too.
But as someone else said, as if they pass well enough to be mistaken for women 99% of the time. Which bring up another thing- as straight TIMs are making up more and more of the trans population- straight trans women are attacked on the basis of homophobia in a similar way. Aggressors will be homophobic towards them but they will not and cannot experience homophobia.
It's kind of like if I poked fun of someone for, I don't know, being a redhead because the light made their brown hair look red for a second. My attack would be misdirected, and they might be offended that I attacked them at all but it wouldn't be the same as if they were an actual redhead.
No. 714569
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sage for no milk but I've been thinking about making a version of this meme but with Contra "the virgin AGP hon" instead of shoe "the virgin anti-feminist", I have some ideas for the text but I'm open to any suggestions
No. 725921
>>725914it's not going to be long until he starts doing that, though. he's becoming less of a popular youtube. his peak was when he first announced being trans. once the fame dies down he'll do whatever he can to try to stay relevant, including going after women.
take a good look at his twitter. every few retweets are aimed at women-only groups.
No. 725930
>>725922anon are you retarded? also please sage. read the thread.
do you need posts to refer to as well?
>>674873 >>623643
>>700462 No. 725975
I was bored so I counted how many names he showed in his credits to get an estimate how much he's earning. He has 5,554 patrons.
There are five patron tiers, $2, $5, $10, $15 and $20. I'm assuming the $20 patrons are shown in his credits first under "Patrons", displaying 10 names per frame. $10 patrons are shown after that, displaying 40 patron names per frame.
>$20 or more per month>You get all the other rewards plus your name featured more prominently in the credits.92 pay more than $20/month - at least $1840.
>$10 or more per month>You get everything in the $2 and $5 levels, plus immortality in the credits of each new video.2143 pay more than $10/month - at least $21430.
This leaves us with 3319 people who pay less than $10/month and are probably in the $2 or $5 tier. I don't think many people pledge less than $2/month, as this wouldn't get you any benefits. So let's just assume those 3319 people all pay at least $2/month - $6638.
This makes a total of
at least $30k per month,
at least $360k per year. Probably more like $400k-450k. Yeah. A ridiculous amount. He's the 37th most popular creator on Patreon according to What the fuck does he do with all this money? And why isn't he more transparent about how much he earns, especially since he's supposedly a leftist? (The leftist podcast 'Chapo Trap House' for example have their very large patreon income of over $100k/month public.)
At this point he could employ other people to help him make more videos, which I doubt he does. This guy seriously earns more than $30k for making one 20-40 minute video per month. I bet he's going to blow all the money on surgeries. He's already had lip fillers (I think) and said he wants to get FFS (>>612210). A guy with unlimited funds desperately wanting to look like an attractive woman. This is probably going to end bad y'all.
By the way, to be in Hbomberguy's or Shaun's credits you only have to pay $5/video, or $5/month to be in PhilosophyTubes credit's. He really doesn't have to charge so much.
No. 726069
>>725975How he makes that much money from his weird, unfunny videos….
I watched a video linked in another thread and h3h3 make around 20k+ PER podcast (2x a week)
Everyone needs to stop paying these drongos
No. 726111
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>>725588those eyes, jesus christ.
No. 727247
Old video but it gives some insight into his psychology
>I was always pretty progressive on race issues, but it took me a while to warm up to feminism
>At my lowest point, I uploaded a YouTube video called 'Questions for Feminists'. It was a condescending and disingenuous Gotcha! type video that I'm now thoroughly ashamed of… Actually my real low point was when I got suspended from YouTube for uploading pornography to troll radical feminists. Oopsie doodle!Posting porn to pwn the feminazis, how very male of him.
No. 732799
File: 1542323188437.png (3.43 MB, 300x766, outfit.png) commissioned these from the nail artist for Ru Paul's drag race, meaning that CP probably spent around $100 on a pair of custom made, stick on nails for 1-time use for a video.
The dress he wore in the video was designed by Roberto Cavalli. I can't find a link to the exact dress, but even on the OutNet (discount retail) a RC dress is $600-1000. A newer one is anywhere from $1500-3000.
Honestly, I have never seen a left-leaning Youtuber spend money so brazeningly. But it makes sense because he makes at least 250,000 a year now.
Anyone else find it funny how he used a nail artist for drag queens?
No. 732893
>>732817>He got a forehead lowering/reduction surgery to lower his hairlineHis face is still way too long.
I can't bear to watch this. Not even a minute in and he claims that womanhood is an "established cultural role". How are leftists falling for this guy?
No. 732903
>>732893I think it was a graft he got so it'll take a few months for the hair to grow?
but I agree, its his midface thats the main problem. don't know how to fix that (it is kind of hard)
No. 733947
>>733692i think its mostly 45+ year old women who want to be sexy cougars that dress in roberto cavalli shit… like nigela lawson tier i think. like
>>733768 said they look good in it, in a trashy-tacky kind of way. but not for people like contra
No. 733949
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here is a post from contra, is complaining about the rumours spread about him after the "aesthetic" video, because people think he takes on a performative view of gender. ie. his own trans followers are eating him alive.
No. 735081
>>735078KEK how?? You think Nick paid Andrew Marantz a few thousand for this article?
A majority of his videos don't even get pass the 500k mark. While other Youtubers can easily get 1m views in under a few hours.
No. 735199
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>>735078Has he finally stopped pretending to be a woman? Can't believe people buy him as a socialist or a woman when he looks like a second-rate drag queen.
Also does this dress
>>733322 remind anyone else of Kero's fursuit?
No. 735208
>>735199I will never got over how absolutely awful trannies dress.
It's either always some 'kawaii' look with striped thigh highs, an ill fitting skirt and 'cutesy' accessories (if they watch too much anime) or some 'sexy' secretary look with tight dresses that show off their men bodies and crusty make up (if they watch too much porn).
Even if these people were able to pass more successfully on a physical level their clothing styles would still always give them away kek.
No. 735709
>>735591Bizarre-ass flex, bragging about all the money he's poured into mutilating himself.
>>735567I mean. I think what a lot of FtMs don't understand is that women can wear literally anything. This isn't the fifties, we wear things other than dresses and red acrylic nails.
I would be interested to see someone do a study of how trans people view women vs. how cis people view women, because to me it seems like trans peoples'view of femininity is comparatively more stereotypical and narrow-minded. I mean, you get tomboyish fujoshi thinking not being an instahoe makes them boys, and beta guys thinking not being a gym rat makes them women.
No. 736194
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yup, this is how a real womun looks like, totally not a weirdo pervert
No. 736195
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>>736194i just can't fucking believe it
No. 736197
>>736194>>736195Why do such extreme drag queen make up if you're trying to look like a woman?
It just makes him look more manly.
No. 736215
>>735078>Then, around 2014, “they started posting videos about how feminism is cancer and Black Lives Matter is going to destroy us all. Before you know it, some of them became straight-up Fascist sympathizers. I was, like, ‘What is happening? Is no one else seeing this?’ I wasn’t living as a woman yet—I wasn’t even really a feminist yet—but I knew enough to be alarmed.”Yeah Nick, you were so "alarmed" that you posted hardcore porn to YouTube to troll the feminazis.
What a fuckin liar.
No. 736235
>>735078KEK Contra, stop trying to act like the savior of marginalized groups. You ain't done shit, you're a nobody to us.
You're just providing pity porn for upper middle class white kids who think they can change the world by using us like accessories and saying edgy woke shit to "own" the right wingers.
He loves throwing around the word facist when there's left wingers who are fascists as well. It's not exclusive to one side.
Literally half of this stuff he's bragging accomplishing about never happened. Big whoop, you broke 1 million views on ONE video.
No. 736361
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No. 736876
>>736661Haha, that wasn’t my intention but that makes it funnier
I just saw the pic somewhere and it reminded me of just how male these mtf youtubers look outside of their videos when they’re sitting next to women in normal lighting
No. 742422
>>742408>climate change denying retardsi see none. the one "denying" it states they're open for scientific evidence that proves it's real since all they know is they've been surrounded by climate change deniers their whole life.
tbh, this video was shit. contra only focuses on climate change deniers rather than climate change itself. it just screams, "I'm better than the deniers because…. I don't deny it's real." like, congrats contra, do you want asspats?
No. 742456
He can't be fucking serious
No. 746100
>>742422>asspatsDefinite KFer here
I once saw a guy use the word "asspats" four times in one paragraph there
As for global warming KF notoriously despises environmentalists, especially in the political threads. Contra's video itself is still very weak
No. 757164
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I'm aware that i follow natalie but how do we feel about this look ladies
No. 757265
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Hontra was somewhat recently on the leftist podcast Chapo Trap House (E 264). His voice was so grating and he continued to defend incels.
Why couldn’t the people hosting Chapo Trap House pick a different lefty youtuber. Like someone more exciting. I suppose hontra is so popular because he posts so much compared to his lefty buddies.
No. 766074
>>736361I'm sorry whut? I hope "she's" being sarcastic becauuse there is nothing in that photo that screams "looks like a real woman". "Her" nose is a dead give away, just look at that bridge. I know we're all born with features we can't change without surgery but I'm just being honest here that "She" doesn't pass and "her" friends who tell "her" otherwise are just lying.
>>739357I have to agree. "I'm so smart" smugness aside, he wasn't a bad looking good. He was decent looking but had a gross personality.
>>742373But isn't that the irony with Drag too that the queens look like circus clowns and they don't mind it because they know they're not real women nor are they trying to be?
>>757134Yeah that's pretty much why I avoid LGBT spaces where I live because I remember going to one local event and while it went okay, I can tell that some of the people there were SJWs and it would only be a matter of time before I say the wrong thing and get dogpiled on.
No. 767212
>>767201This video was awful, and the fact that I saw commenters calling his arguments “air-tight” was disheartening.
It was literally just,
>transwomen are women(already wrong)
>so it’s not gay!and then him going on about how the fact that his dick is permanently flaccid and hormonally-imbalanced makes it somehow “feminine.”
I hope someone makes a takedown video.
No. 767271
>>767201I can't get past that collar with 'Contra' on it. If that's not narcissistic fetishism…
He cites porn stats, goes on a tangent about how he tucks his penis, and then really tries to make the assertion that "My penis is flaccid and my cum is clear so I'm a woman uwu"
Nah man.
No. 767546
>>767201Christ, it doesn't even seem like he wants to be seen as a normal funcioning woman in a society, he just talks about his fetish of wanting to be penetrated all the ways by straight and only straight men particularly.
And why nobody talks about how traps are obviously bisexual, because some people are attracted to them because they like features of both sexes on one person?? Is it so hard to accept even for a goddamn thirty year old person who has a masters degree in philosophy?
Also the fact that he feels the need to broadcast to thousands of people about his flacid small penis and spermless semen and that he percieves it as a good and feminine thing frustrates me furiously.
Maybe he's actually doing all of this for money, as he hasn't got any surgeries yet, but it has become hard to believe that, he really seems that insufferable.
No. 768987
>>767546someone on kiwi has a theory that he's not really trans (in the sense that doesn't really experience disphoria) but is just doing this for money and is porbably a closeted gay man instead, and I agree with them. I used to be a fan, actually but the more I see of him the more I realize he's just BS and doesn't believe most of what he says. Even he himself has openly said that in many of his videos or streams when he agree that it's all about the propagand and the feels over facts or whatever. I think it's very obvious he hasn't got any FFS yet or the nose job he said he would: because he knows he isn't for real and ina few years will probably go back to being a regular cis dude (closeted or not remains to be seen) and he is not stupid enough to permanently mutilate himself just to keep up this delusion. There's also o way in hell he'd ever get the sex surgery.
He got the hair grafts as more of a youth thing (which is his real obsession and dismorphia) and probably what
triggered this whole early mid life crisis thing, as he himself admits in his dysphoria video, which as pointed out by the kiwi farms poster is nothing about gender dysphoria but about his fear and obsession with aging.
No. 769124
>>768992I got it off his subreddit lol
I guess it’s good that they love him in all forms, though the rest of the time they go off about how ~beautiful~ and ~feminine~ he is…so either they are in the hugbox or really delusional
No. 770290
>>767546>Straight and only straight men particularlyOh honey, I can assure you no straight guys are fucking Contra nor "traps". These men are just bisexual and in denial. Here's what I want to know after reading some of the comments on that video. Even if the person is not straight just because he likes feminine looking males, why is that a big deal? It really isn't and it's just funny how a lot of these deluded fools try to play mental gymnastics to justify their attraction to femininity even if it comes in males.
>>767734The sooner he comes out of the closet, the healing for him can begin lol.
>>768722Considering how much money people throw at him to make these vapid videos, he probably thinks he's set for life.
>>768987Yeah I also remember gay YouTuber Prince of Queens talking about this as well thin king that Contra only transitioned (and I use that in the loosest way possible) because of fan demand. I just have a feeling Contra is just raking in all this money and stashing it away and then when he hits his 40s, he's going to make some grand video where he talks about de-transitioning, slowly disappear from the internet and live a life of luxury with all the money suckers donated to him.
>>769124>Beautiful and FeminineReminds me of the "Stunning and Brave" comments towards Caitlyn Jenner kek
No. 774478
>>774475kek anon i think you're on the wrong forum.
>Contrapoints has at least tried his hand at talking about raceand he thinks he's entitled to be the voice of a non-white person because he's a #progressive leftist?
also your radfem theory is a strawman.
No. 774504
>>774500feminism's focus isn't about race. that's taking away the focus of the entire movement. race issues are for racial movements, not feminism. kek. feminism is about women's issues. if you want to discuss race, don't go looking into feminism for your help.
yes, there's feminist issues in different countries, but it's not because of race. it's because of cultural expectations.
i'm saying this as a non-white person, intersectional feminism is a curse. it only brings in virtue signallers who just want to get off on having a pity party about women with darker skin in third world countries.
No. 774514
>>774510literally none of that has to do with feminism except for the pornographers part, which is a cultural thing. lmao.
please go "tip your hat off to" contra somewhere else, he's done nothing for feminism or race.
No. 774522
>>774513Why has no radfem addressed race in any major public way? YouTube? FeministCurrent? Reddit GC? JEWISH MALE PORNOGRAPHERS SHOULD BE FLASHING NEWS to you psychos but you all want to look the other way even when presented with evidence. I'm telling ya contra has at least addressed black crime and jq.
>>774514Anon, who or what creates culture? The different races. You Dumbfuck.
(racebaiting) No. 774776
>>774522>>774510What do you even mean by addressing race? I can't tell if you're annoyed that radfems don't acknowledge that men face racial oppression or if you're annoyed that they don't single out specific races for their particular brand of misogyny.
I've seen several radfems acknowledge that certain men face oppression on the axis of race, but none of them face it on the axis of sex. They acknowledge that racism exists, they just don't think it excuses misogyny.
You seem to be annoyed that radfems don't consider men's racial oppression, but then go on to cite examples of misogyny carried out by particular races of men. Like what do you mean about Jewish pornographers? Are you expecting radfems to call that out as a Jew-specific form of misogyny, or are you expecting them to justify it or say it's not as bad as a non-Jew doing it because Jews faced oppression? You won't see them do either because neither of those options make sense. Too many pornographers are non-Jewish for it to be a Jew specific issue. And even if 99% of them were, so what? Just because you've been oppressed in some capacity doesn't mean you have a free license to oppress somebody else.
What exactly are you wanting radfems to say about race?
No. 775374
>>774500I don't understand from where you're pulling this race thing? On radfem blogs, books, media in general, radfems talk about gender/sex/mysoginy etc because radical feminism is about those subjects and not about race. I'm a radfem and I have specific racial views that I'm not affraid to discuss and that are probably different from another's radfem views on race.
It's like saying "ugh this geologist isnt brave enough to talk about neurology!"
No. 775548
>>775374>>775374I think i understand where op is coming from. A problem with radfems is that theyre usually not intersectional (in the original sense of the word) and their analysis is therefore short sighted when it touches on woc and how theirs struggles and experiences differs from white women.
In my country the stereotype of radfem is that theyre all white feminists who think their experinces are the universal experiences of all woman . But Sex opprression isnt this univeral abstract thing .
Thats why i prefer black feminism its usually more complex and sharp.
Feminism should be both gender critical and intersectional.
(derailing) No. 775644
>>775606what? I'm relatively new to this thread, that was my second post and I have never talked about jews or blacks. I know a lot of you tards probably come from pol and that's why you think it's hilarious the notion that black feminism is smarter, more complex and nuanced than radfem but if you actually read the texts you'll know it's true. If there's something I can't stand is the feminism of white upper middle class women who think their experiences is THE female experience. Btw i'm not even black, nor white either but there are many of your types in my country, unfortunately>>775606
any way, the point was that OP was right, despite gender critical being CORRECT, redfem's achiles hill and why they'll never thrive is that they refuse/are not able to incorporate race analysis. On the other hand a lot of intersectional feminism's fail is that it caters to gender identity nonsense.
i'm actually really curious about Nik's video about gender critical feminism, i think it might be wroth it because i have seen him say in streams that he actually agrees with some of the arguments from GCs, i think if he did somehting like what he did with The esthetics, with portraying both sides fairly, it might be a good video, unfortunately i really doubt he will and will probably have lots of strawmen instead. All his fans and platform is about pandering to the trans agenda and i doubt he'd jeopardize his monies by being too critical
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No. 811355
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what did contra even do?
from the front, looks like nothing. even the nose looks the same from the front. i guess the eyebrows look more botoxy and "surprised"
from the side (pic related) the nose looks more piggish? but the jaw looks the same. also picked the most unflattering before and the most flattering after.
No. 811358
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It was never about the face, it was about "her" body. She won't pass with any face attached to this skull/body combo. Waste of money.
No. 811394
>>811332i didn't watch the video but did he actually say that? if so, then why did he go and get surgery?
>>811355it looks like he got his adam's apple shaved down, is that possible? the chin now looks more pronounced lol
No. 811415
>>811402He's a man who fetishizes femininty, it makes sense that he would in turn believe that women who forgo anything he deems "feminine' to be deliberately doing so in order to send a message.
It's extra stupid because in my experience both men and women treat you with more respect and take you more seriously if you wear makeup, style your hair and dress effeminately. That's the societal ideal of a "professional woman". Being bare faced and dressed androgynously or in masculine clothing is often seen as low class and only appropriate for "unattractive" blue collar women.
No. 811483
>>811393actual woman in stem here, most stem women don't wear makeup because they are your stereotypical nerds, I don't think half of the girls in my group even know how to do makeup
This whole video comes off as incredibly self-obsessed , holy shit how do you even talk about your looks for 30min+
No. 811505
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>>811502I thought he was friends with Nostalgia Chick.
No. 811666
>>811340Most likely $45k-$50k
>>811355 >>811358
Contra's passing but they're things that FFS can't fix. I don't know what she could do to get her to cis-passing but I think/hope that Contra knows that. I just don't want her to go crazy in a few years and kill herself over it. Not even someone as insufferable as Contrapoints deserves that fate.
No. 811752
>>811727Not to defend contra but he is most likely going to get VFS next and a BBL after to better balance out his 21 inch across shoulders and baritone voice. Honestly this is going to make him even more uncanny valley though lol.
I wonder how hard Hontra seeths that he will never be Nikita or Gigi.
No. 811793
>>811666>Contra's passing I don't know where you are, but here in reality, Contra is not passing.
>>811750They were interesting topics but uninteresting videos. He was always an intellectual lightweight and a shitty producer. Now they're both uninteresting topics and uninteresting videos. I don't think his previous work did that much Youtube legwork for the left. He has always been embarrassing.
No. 811797
>>811782It's a fat transfer to your ass and hips that's mostly gotten by actual women and not trannies
and vfs is vocal surgery that trannies think will make them sound like women.
>6'2 They are over a foot taller than me if I saw them in the changeroom at the gym I'd be terrified.
No. 812108
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30 minute video!? Does he say anything worthwhile or is it all just a rant about how surgery and makeup make him a woman?
No. 812176
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>>812170nta but 3 inches is a pretty decent difference. a guy that's 5'11 vs 6'2 is pretty sizable. a woman that's 5'4 vs 5'7 is a large difference. it's a decent difference visually.
No. 835015
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Hontra is under fire on sjw tumblr for selling lizard people themed t-shirt with the caption "David Icke was right". People say it's antisemitic and while it's obvious Hontra is doing it ironicly, Hontra also condemned ironic use of racism in the past so it makes him a hypocrite.
I personally think it's bullshit and in no way a proof that he's an antisemite BUT I'm really really happy that a part of his audience is turning against him. Lately, many (leftie) people tried to cancel him and although everytime it was over some stupid shit, I really hope he's gonna end up actually cancelled.
No. 835056
>>622929>>835015but why are they saying its antisemitic idont get it???
isnt it just a reference to the reptilians??
No. 850506
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Hontra and Theryn putting on their best act. These poses look uncomfortable.
No. 857871
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>>857866Comments are particularly exceptional on this one.
No. 857962
>>857912…what the
fuck kind of mental gymnastics did you do to reach that conclusion. that isn’t even implied in the video. jesus christ you GC fags have a containment thread for a reason, apparently even basic concepts that have been said ten million times over by people of varying genders must not mean the same thing anymore when A Tran (tm) says it.
No. 858645
>>857866Normally this thread isn't my bandwagon but this last video really fucking did it for me.
It's all about how men's problems are women's responsibility, as usual, and yet it's presented and praised like it's a new idea.
These ex-alt-right douchebros that testify that they are cured by contra surely are just being encouraged to move their shitty attitudes to new parts of the political spectrum. As if we didn't have enough shitty brocialists to begin with. As if they're that much better than MAGA incels.
No. 858671
>It's all about how men's problems are women's responsibilityThe point of the video was that it's up to men to save men.
>These ex-alt-right douchebros that testify that they are cured by contra surely are just being encouraged to move their shitty attitudes to new parts of the political spectrum. That was explicitly stated.
I thought the video sucked overall; those are just odd things to say about it.
No. 864476
>>864452What about Nyk is "mostly reasonable"? Is it the way he denies biology is a thing, or the way he responds to critics by bombarding them with pornography in their DMs?
This was always going to happen to him because super-woke spaces always cannibalize themselves when they get bored. He's done this same shit to others. They survive off of taking comments out of context and then attacking them. Nyk just can't take his own medicine
No. 864521
>>864511Especially at a convention where gender bending and crossplay are encouraged, obviously it’s going to be a space where pronouns are asked. Not just for non binary people but for any “cis” person who just wants to dress up as a girl or guy…
Nyk is revealing how hyper conservative he is with this shit. He wants the world to be super degraded based on gender and women to be hyper feminine. Any man that cross dresses like he does MUST be a woman. He’s really playing his cards.
No. 864853
>>864817He probably went to a sports bar in full glam, the bar was full of wasted people and was dark and dimly lit. Some dude probably wasn’t sure but didn’t want the confrontation, saw a dress and called him her. Was too drunk to bother finding out what he/she/it really was.Thus forever deluding contrapoints into thinking he passes as a woman, when he doesn’t even pass as an ugly woman.
Meanwhile at a con, people probably unironically don’t know whether this is a cross dressing man or a troon, so of course they ask.
No. 866792
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Someone is apparently putting hontra's dox in the CC inboxes of other annoying twitter trannies
No. 880448
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Which one is his gay bf
No. 880682
>>880448If this is my only pic to choose from my bets are on Kyle BrowsHeldHigh hands down
him and his gf radiate uncomfortable poly energy and you know she's been getting some
No. 880989
>>880448Lol, all this work done, still fugly, stil cloakable
Seriousy, when i saw her after ffs on her youtube channel i thought that her face actually looks feminine. Apparently it was just angles/makeup. Silly me
Hontra, your surgeon may be an artist, but you need a miracle worker
No. 913019
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>>912835he was quoting jo freeman some old school feminist activist. come on he has genuine flaws to criticize but you can't even bother to look.
No. 913089
>>913019i know what it's from, it's still ungodly stupid. like here let me just grab the most melodramatic possible quote from an established figure to describe twitter shit solely because i am the
victim of it this time
No. 913482
>>913089He only quotes feminists to either further his own
victim narrative or to mock them. When their writings aren’t useful to his current situation it’s “lel what are they complaining about I’d rather suck dick xDD”
No. 914730
>>913548He only came back because his sucker money (Patreon) was starting to go down. But obviously as
>>914314 pointed out, people are fucking idiots and will kiss his boney man ass just for his self-absorbed whinefest. 2,000 Patreon subscribers, are you kidding me? lol
No. 915618
>>912767I really don't understand why so many breadtubers, and youtube personalities, think heavy drinking is a quirky personality trait. "Haha, I'm so sad, let me just drink straight from this bottle" is the sort of glamorization a teenager would make of alcohol, thinking he's some deep byronic bohemian for drinking heavily. It's not the behavior you'd expect from someone in his 30s.
He's done it in several videos now, substance abuse is a weird way to flex.
No. 932781
>>932763Fixed that for you newfriend.
tldw Natalie fell in love with Theryn (I assume) who did not reciprocate because two trans women dating is an abomination or something, Natalie is now a trans lesbian and is ashamed of it.
No. 932866
>>932781this video just proves how much of narc contra is. he cant go one second without assuming everything is about or relates to him. he cannot see past himself.
at least he addresses he's a huge attention whore, but the way he describes his feelings of emptiness is pure narc.
No. 932928
>>932781LOL I really don't know if I want to watch this ass long video having to hear Contra's grating voice but that's quite the summary. Two "transwomen" dating would just be a gay relationship and something tells me that Theryn is not attracted to other hyper-feminine men (at least looks-wise) so not surprising he didn't reciprocate because Theryn isn't a sexual Autogynephile and his fetish comes from the approval and oogling from masculine or masculine presenting men.
>>932810I've seen some tweets of him pretty much sucking off Contra so a video like this doesn't surprise me. Either he wants to fuck him or he's just trying to praise him to get in to the "Breadtube" sphere.
No. 933038
>>932781If you need to come out several different times over your gender and then several more times over your sexuality and you are in your thirties still figuring it out.. this screams of the identity disturbance that comes along with some personality disorders.
People with no true sense of self like to dress it up as them 'evolving' all the time or they say 'sexuality is fluid' but that ain't it sis. That's just an unstable sense of self and that's what therapy is for
No. 933380
>>537938This dude is such mix of Onision and Kai's personalities, he might as well be their son.
- Narcissistic just like Onision.
- Changes gender and sexuality every 3 mins like Kai.
- Role-playing multiple characters he invented and using their imagined interaction to "win" an argument just like Onision.
- Has a long looong footface just like Kai…
He actually reminded me so much of Onision that I went and took a look at his old Nycytyne2 account. Both of them have been around for a long time, both are degenerates, there must be something there that shows this kindredness, I thought, even though he purged all of his own vids from it. And I was right - there is an Onision video in his "favorites" playlist. And of course it's Greg being his narcissistic exhibitionist, shoving his crotch in camera etc, no wonder fellow narcissistic exhibitionist Contra loved it (It's the "How To Exercise" video. Not gonna link to it cause that's bannable.)
No. 933693
>>932781Honestly, I hope he just gets help. All of this is a fetish to him, he doesn't even love himself, so I doubt he fell in "love" with a transwomen, seeing as he's always fetishized transwomen and women (imo), and that is why he transed in the first place.I feel porn has a lot to do with it to.
I don't know why people look up to an obviously broken self centered person. That person he was in "love with" probably saw that and we all know transwomen don't know how to take rejection esp ones like Nick, so it hurts MORE that not only was he not taken seriously, but he wasn't taken seriously by a fellow transwoman, who I feel he feels are all like him, horny dogs who'll fuck anything and want to be with anyone.
Nothing relationship wise seems to be based upon anything "normal" for him, it's all about sex and how he feels. Getting with a transwoman is natural progression for men like him.
Eventually, he'll either get some help. Or go deeper, aka getting a neo vagina, more surgeries and probably be in a throuple or something.
he's going to keep going because he's bored, he has no personality except for being trans and sex, he has money but he's bitter, depressed and sick in the head.
So I seriously doubt he was in "love". He just has access to transwomen and now that he is one, a sexual high would be to fuck one and be with one.
He knows it's all a fetish and that's why he's always trying to explain it.
Also, Contra's head is extremely small, he's not passing at all to me. In fact, he looks even more like a man because of his huge shoulders and weird face, than ever before. He'll keep getting surgery and I won't be surpised if he starts an only fans for more attention.
No. 972298
>>932781Love the word newfriend instead of newfag. Were not on 4chan
I don't get how left treats her seriously. She's the epitome of capitalist, overconsuming, bourgeoisie pig. In every video, she presents a new set of plastic garbage, made by underpayed workers from east Asia, that will soon end up in an ocean where turtles will choke on it.
Btw new video. Not as bad as others, but still manages to make it about herself
No. 972303
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>doesn't even sage or spoiler
sighs every fucking time. Scrote plz go.
No. 972325
>>972298This is a man. Please stop playing into his delusion that buying some cheap Chinese wigs and a dress makes a man a woman.
Contrapoints is a drunk. He's spoken before about purchasing an entire bag of candy that looked like baby suckers when he was drunk for photoshoots. He constantly buys new shit. He love capitalism because it's the very system that enables him to have a shit load of plastic surgery and then frame it as "brave" and "honest" instead of the acts of an aging narcissist.
It's going to hit him hard at some point that no man wants to be seen with him irl because even with his carefully places lights and props he still looks like a giant man with 0 wasit of hip definition and a face like a horse.
Remember, this was the guy that claimed women in academia don't wear makeup because they have "better than the other girls" mentality, not that you know, they just don't care about or like makeup. You can't change male thought pattens.
No. 972426
>>972325If contra wants to be called "she" i'm going to call her that, i don't care. I'm not her psyhotherapist to cure her from having delusions/transgenderism/whatever. When you call her "he", she will dismiss you as transphobic blah bla blah, and not have to acknowledge your criticism
>It's going to hit him hard at some point that no man wants to be seen with him irl because even with his carefully places lights and props he still looks like a giant man with 0 wasit of hip definition and a face like a horse.Not sure about that, there are a lot of chasers out there. Besides, she's a lesbian now
No. 972591
>>972298It feels like it could've been significantly cut down. I watched it either on 2.5x or 3x speed because it's so long. A basic intro to internet cringe culture could have been done better, maybe by splitting it? I do think the explanations were good and it did make me think of my own views regarding cringe and lolcows.
It's bizarre seeing him talk about cringe for an hour, and about other trans women being cringey, yet say he's a lesbian. The posturing is so unnecessary. Seeing it go from screenshots to the costumes is distracting imo. I watch far too many shit youtube video essays; having fancy backdrops doesn't make your content different from all the new youtube hacks, (though I guess tryhard video essays aren't anything new either).
No. 973784
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Some people on /lgbt/ seem to think Contra is dating/has dated Jenny Nicholson. Thoughts?
No. 973881
>>973784Jenny seems asexual but could be that she purposely does it to avoid showing any of that side of herself to her predominantly thirsty male followers. As for Natalie dating her… maybe. Personalitywise the two don't seem compatible but I could still see it.
The catgirl getup looked really bad in that video. The blush around the eyes emphasized the long face. The floral background look was quite nice thogh.
No. 974672
>>973881I believe Jenny is just really quiet about her personal life both for the reason you cite here and because she’s mentioned having had literal stalkers before.
at any rate, I hiiighly doubt she’s dating Contra. it seems like something that would’ve accidentally come out during Jenny’s sister’s streams
No. 975092
>>974436>he can be very insightful but delusional at the same timeThis honestly explains my fascination with the YouTube channel.
As much as I hate everything that contrapoints represents, I still have watched every single one of the videos. I have a soft spot for leftists who cloak their narcissism in performative self-hate I guess.
No. 1042228
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Bump. Wondering what contra will do now that hes not relevant, looking to be going in the complete degenerate uwu direction.
No. 1042235
>>1042228Damn haven't checked up on him in a while, I'm still waiting for this thread to be bumped for one of these reasons though-
Contra detrans and rallies agaisnt transing out because his dick does not work and it's like a cult.
Or Contra becomes tranny chaser Blaire and goes agaisnt the cult.
I 100% expect him to turn agaisnt breadtube because being trans and the attention he gets for being trans, seems to do a number on his mental.
His eyes are always so empty and sad.
No. 1042237
>>1042228he also looks like shit, I have no idea why troons (and regular people) say that Contra passes. I saw a troon whining on resetera that Contra hates Non-Binary people because he passes and he feels like he belongs in female spaces and some shit about how he feels he's more of a "trans person" because he passes.
He always looked like a dude with long hair and sissy gear on to me.
No. 1042246
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>>1042228I always found agps scary, they look like they're going to kill your or something. Same vibe as picrel.
No. 1324697
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>>1219818tragic to see a guy do this to himself. a handsome man becoming an ugly "woman".
(necro) No. 1810902
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>>1810895major misogynist serial killer vibes.
also his face looks weirder now and his neck is huge.
too long didn't watch: he's an insufferable piece of shit for 2 hours straight, says jkr is dishonest and uses a
victim rhethoric, he of course uses the same rhetoric to promote his hatred of women.
No. 1810906
>>1810902The comparison to Anita Bryant was especially disingenuous. The entire time I was watching the first segment, I was thinking to myself, 'How is this woman and J.K. Rowling being equivocated? They were talking about different issues and their motivations for doing so are wildly different.'
Natalie coaches her audience to associate Rowling with Bryant, then launches into her critique as though they're the same person. The only thing similar is that they've both been vilified and publicly humiliated for stating their opinion (or in Rowling's case, facts). How is this not the most appalling form of misogyny?
I can't believe I was ever dazzled by the costumes and sets that I actually ignored the logical fallacies in Natalie's arguments and gave her the benefit of the doubt before know. She knows what she's fucking doing.
eh, i used pronouns in this tweet. i'm too used to being in the youtube comment section where you have to self-censor. not going to bother rewriting.
No. 1810908
>>1810895I thought it was especially cruel to continuously take jabs at Megan Phelps-Roper for having been indoctrinated by her family in a hate cult. As if she can never be fully "reformed". Dhould we remind hontra that he started his carrer as a new atheist anti feminist youtuber and used to send violent porn to
trigger the mean feminazis ??
No. 1811097
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even his fans are disappointed lmfao
No. 1811354
>>1810895Jesus Christ I’m listening to the the witch trials of jk Rowling podcast and it’s horrifying how much this kid rock looking hon is purposely overlooking and sweeping under the rug. The podcast title is direct and not at all misleading like he’s trying to say. He’s trying to imply it’s duplicitous in nature and refuses to outright admit Rowling is a
victim in all this when literally does.
He’s projecting what he’s doing in the video onto the podcast. I’m just unbelievably pissed that this washed up alcoholic drug addicted tranny is trying to present himself and his movement as reasonable rational people who just want to exist despite desperately making sure to drag down women and all of feminism into their hypocritical degeneracy that’s sole purpose is to make their porn rotted fantasies reality.
No. 1811472
>>1811354that's what drives me crazy with him too. he can't even acknowledge why this is a problem for women. and to him, the only reason JK is speaking out against trans ideology is because she must be a hateful bigot, despite how much she speaks about women's experiences (including her own with domestic violence and rape threats). that podcast was very sensitive and thoughtful to both sides - I was even sympathetic towards the other trans person they spoke to (Noah) who sounded very reasonable and open to debate. I honestly think he was just embarrassed at how badly he came across and tries to make it the host's fault when everyone else on the show (from all sides) managed to put their points across without resorting to tantrums.
he used to actually at least entertain opposing arguments in his earlier videos but now he is straight up dismissing arguments that don't suit him and using emotionally manipulative ploys to "argue" his points.
No. 1814826
>>1810906The whole video was a steaming pile of bullshit. He constantly equates racism and homophobia with transphobia (aka not being retarded enough to think men can become women), brings up an obscure homophobic woman from decades ago and falsely compares JKR to her, condones and incites violence multiple times knowing his audience is deranged, and at the end washes his hands by saying ackshully the devil is the right wing patriarchy, not the women he spent two hours dunking on. William, Nick, whatever you’re called, you are the patriarchy. The reason you talk so much about legitimate social justice causes that have nothing to do with troonism and expect your audience to assume they’re the same is because reality is not on your side, hence the forced teaming. So many bad arguments, so much bad faith, all you do is lie and gaslight. Deny, attack, reverse
victim and offender. It’s textbook manipulation. And what’s the point? No man will ever become a woman, it just doesn’t happen, so this trans bullshit is a house of cards. Misery loves company, and Contra loves money.
No. 1820314
>>1814826>He constantly equates racism and homophobia with transphobiaThat's TRA 101, forced teaming because they have no arguments.
It makes me sick to my stomach that these rich ass tranny moids alway play the
victim. Contrapoints has over 14000 patrons just for being a loud and annoying tranny because his viewers are retarded and think he's a genius social commentator and belongs to an oppressed minority group while the lazy ass is doing a video every few months. Fuck. I hope Philosophytube's skinwalking gets out of control so he goes Buffalo Bill on him kek