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No. 368087
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I want to draw stuff like this but I don't have the balls to go through with it…
No. 368089
>>368087I think most artists have anxieties about sharing artwork especially if its lewd but that is what pseudonyms are for. You get over it quick and if you don't just abandon the profile.
>>368071Similar scenario. My grandmother died recently as well. She had dementia and was very unwell. It was her time. I don't feel sad.
No. 368090
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>>368070It really is, but I hope everything goes well for you anon!
You're never alone in these situations so don't let your anxiety get the best of you!
No. 368091
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I have no drive in life; at least not a traditional one. I don't care about success. If I worked a minimum wage job my entire life, as long as it payed the bills, I'd be content. I don't care about traveling "to find myself." If I was stuck in my home country; I don't think I'd be any less enlightened. I don't care if I "find love;" I've found it more trouble than it's worth. If I get married and/or have kids, great, if not, great too. I don't care about owning a home, just having a place to stay. I don't care about my appearance, as far as other people perceive it, like weight or make up. I still take care of myself, and I love nice clothes, but I can also do without. As long as I am learning: usually reading about subjects that interest me, or creating art, I'm always content, if not happy. I have 0 friendships IRL and I don't care. I'm not anti-social or bitter either. I'm very extroverted, I just find there's a certain point I can no longer relate to others, and our relationships eventually fizzle. The other person just stops talking to me out of the blue and I move on.
Also, I can never understand people who constantly have problems and complain about them without making an effort. If you're an adult, you have no obligations to anyone, or any thing. If someone is a toxic piece of shit, or something isn't making you happy just fucking cut it out of your life. I'm referring to drama of course. Some things are harder to escape like a serious addiction or an abuser (for obvious psychological and safety reasons). It seems most people have self-made idiotic problems and it's part of the reason I just spend my life in my room reading/on the web, or hiking in nature. People often strip me of my joy and try to tear me down. I did let it for a while, but then I realized I am an autistic fuck and I like being that way. I don't know why I ever tried to change myself.
No. 368094
>>368091a strangely good post
bravo anon
No. 368408
idk if this is okay to post here since it's possibly child sexual assault. I'm not even sure myself because I was so young and I still don't remember anything explicitly sexual happening. but I only realized recently (in the past year or so) and it's been weighing on my mind every day and creeps me the fuck out. I can't talk to anyone about it IRL, and I'm not sure I trust my therapist enough to open up to her about it.
My dad was hella emotionally/verbally abusive to my whole family including me throughout my entire childhood. I've been able to recognize it as abuse since I was 12 because he would irrationally accuse me of attacking him when I wasn't even speaking, so I learned to laugh most of it off. It terrified me when I was a toddler/young girl though.
In the past year or so though, I've started to have flashbacks to him being (accidentally?) physically abusive and possibly sexually as well. It's hard for me to determine because I'm only just regaining the memories and I was so young that I had no concept of sex at all, or pleasure from doing fucked up shit.
He used to come into my room to say goodnight and almost every night he would "crush" me, by getting fully on top of me and putting all of his weight on me. I was between like 3 and 6 during most of what I remember. I would scream and thrash and try to shove him off, making it very clear every time that I did not enjoy it, but of course he was so much stronger and heavier that I would pretty much just have to wait for him to get off of me. He seemed to think that it was funny/that I was exaggerating and really enjoyed it or something. I don't even know. Then he would blow in my ear (yes like that thing men do to women they are dating. like blowing warm air in my ear) and it would make me relax, because it was a natural reaction to a pleasant sensation. I have no idea if he just did it because he liked to feel me relax underneath him, or if he was getting some gross satisfaction from it or what.
One night he came in to "crush" me and I tried to fight him off, but he pushed all the air out of my lungs and I couldn't breathe. He was like 6'1 and at least 200 pounds and I was younger than 6 (I don't remember the exact age but I remember that house and how old I was when we moved in/out so it was somewhere between 3 and 6.) I had to lie there silently with tears streaming down my face, scared for my life, until he finally got off of me. He realized I was crying and gasping for air and he apologized profusely. I could tell he really felt bad about it and I just kept saying "I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe." and crying. It was awful. I don't remember if he ever "crushed" me after that.
Just writing this is making my whole body shake really badly. It makes me suspicious that I have repressed even worse memories that my body remembers even though my brain doesn't. Every time I think about this kind of stuff he did to me, I get uncontrollable convulsions.
Within the past month I sent him an email telling him I didn't want to talk to/see him again for a while as I go to therapy and try to process and heal from the shit he put me through throughout my whole childhood. He was very apologetic and agreed to give me space (which is a huge deal as ten years ago he would have just screamed and guilt tripped me for it.) So I'm hoping I can remember the things I shoved down into my subconscious. This was the first thing that popped into my mind completely out of the blue one day, and it makes me really nervous that it's just like a "starter" memory before I can recall even worse stuff. I'm not sure I want to remember. It's so complicated because I just can't know his motivations or why/how he enjoyed it. It honestly sickens me to think about. I hope that was the worst it ever got. I have three older sisters (am baby) and I'm terrified to bring it up to them in case it ever happened to them too. Or worse, that I was the only one going through it.
Sorry for long post. I've never told anyone this before and it all kind of just spilled out as I can't keep it all in anymore.
No. 368540
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I used to read lots of romantic Oblivion fanfiction as a youngster. I liked stuff about Lucien Lachance, Janus Hassildor, Vicente Valtieri, and the Adoring Fan.
No. 368546
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>>368543Lots and lots of autism I think. At least in my teens I upgraded to Dragon Age boys. That is until Skyrim came out and I went through a Cicero phase.
No. 368691
>>368682Tell me these are at least guys you've known and are familiar?
Can't imagine rewarding randos with sex when you actually don't like them anyway, just seems how should I put it, hateful on yourself?
No. 368721
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I have a little plushie of a sleeping dog. I hold it to my boob and pretend it's a baby nursing. It's incredibly calming and I do it every day. I don't know what's wrong with me, but it's so relaxing that the weirdness doesn't stop me.
No. 368735
I wouldn't mind it if I had a boyfriend who had a foot fetish, although everyone is disgusted by that. Imagine him washing your feet and then carrying you like a princess to bed so your feet don't get dirty again and then doing idk whatever he wants to. Except if he likes dirty feet in which case I take everything back, that's disgusting.
>>368546Alistair was my first husbando and I never finished the game so that nobody would die and they all still happily sit in their little camp in my save (except for Morrigan because nobody likes her)
No. 368750
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i still think about the anon who was sperging about how people should dress up when going outside and the example photo that she posted that looked like a low budget school play gnome costume/snufkin cosplay.
No. 368760
>>368091I love this post.. sometimes it really annoys me how some people just can't understand that some of us just don't care about being liked by everyone or being around lots of people
Being happy on your own/with only a few friends is ok
being happy where you are is ok too
No. 368815
>>368634A similar thing happened to me. My grandma was the only one in my family who was kind to me and my sister, even though the rest of my father's side hates our guts because they hate our mother (idiotic family feuds started since our birth, I don't care about those fucktards). When she was dying we went to see her one last time. The aunts, uncles and cousins were there and I can't describe the look of sheer hate in their eyes when they saw us. Still, we sent them away from the room and said goodbye to our grandma. She was also the first death close to me I've ever experienced, and yes, it was hard. But at least I don't have the regret of not having seen her to say goodbye.
Go see her
No. 369082
>>369052>>369055Yeah, I get what you guys mean. It's very different saying things on the internet vs being face to face with an individual. I work at a store that sells women's clothing and the other day a woman and her TiM friend were shopping around and trying on stuff. I felt weirdly… guilty? even though obviously I didn't say or do anything rude and just treated them like I would any other customer. (It's retail, I get paid minimum wage to be here and hate every second of my life, I don't care if you're a dude in a dress as long as you're not being a fucking prick)
Like the other anons said, I guess I'm not too concerned with individual transgender people so much as the larger vocal online community which has so many creepy/predatory/mentally fucked people enabling each other. If you're transgender and just want to do your thing, whatever, live your life and I'll live mine.
No. 369214
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At my old job, there was a boy a year or two younger than me that would do certain stuff to watch me be flustered and(or) because he thought I was cute. He wasn't there for long either because he went to uni on the other side of the country.
Anyway, it would be really subtle things because everyone else was around and could plainly see us. Some of the things he did was standing way too close behind me on purpose when I wasn't paying attention so that I would back up into his chest (he would be facing me too and not even move when he saw me backing up), stand really close so that my face was was right next to his when I wasn't paying attention, clean things right next to me forever while standing behind me so that his face was near my neck and shoulder, and grab my hand or put his hand under mine when I had to hand stuff over to him. He knew I was obviously flustered too and even told me to calm down once.
I liked every bit of it. But only because I'm so touched starved, lonely, and of course mentally ill. I wasn't even attracted to him. I just liked that a guy possibly displayed interest in me and wasn't repulsed to be doing those things with me since I haven't really gotten that kind of attention in my life. (God I sound retarded)
He could have even caught on that I liked it for all I know.
I want more of it - being physically close to a man.
And please don't respond telling me to just hook up with some scumbag on tinder or something, I will never feel comfortable doing that or even uploading pictures of my face online.
God I hate my stunted, weird ass.
No. 369240
>>368094>>368145>>368317>>368320>>368322>>368393>>368760I'm happy you guys enjoyed my post, and am glad there's others out there who relate. Honestly, I thought no one was going to reply, or if they did, it was going to be something edgy. I wasn't expecting this kind of a reaction at all.
>>368721You're not alone anon, I did this when I was younger, but with my favorite teddybear. I still do it in a way, before I fall asleep. I hold a pillow tight to my chest and imagine a guy sucking on my breast while I stroke his hair and cradle him like a child. I mean this in a completely innocent, non-sexual way, it doesn't turn me on. Does this make sense at all?
>>369214I don't think there's anything wrong with you anon, I know what you're talking about. I love subtle displays of interest, but when guys are blatant, it repulses me. I want to have an innocent relationship with someone, but it's slim-to-none in this Tinder culture. I hate being told to hook up with someone to get rid of my needs for affection, because that would accomplish the opposite. I don't experience attraction instantaneously like most people do, where they swipe right on a photo like, "Yep, I'd fuck them." It takes a LONG time for me to warm up to a person where their touch actually sets a spark under me. Any rando who touches me, no matter how objectively attractive, is no different than your teacher handing you homework or a stranger tapping your shoulder to get your attention. When I say I want touched, I mean I want someone who I'm close friends with and feel intense affection for, or someone who shows simultaneously sweet, but persistent interest, like the guy you described.
No. 369934
>>369908Lmao, because of the texture on the gloves I hope?
Anyway, I wouldn't even consider that too cringe.
First thing I ever masturbated with was the
grippy part on my toothbrush then I graduated to using the
ribbed handle on my hairbrush and then the lulziest most desperate thing was a
plastic samurai sword that I won from a carnival. I told some online friend about that last one and they've given me shit for it since kek.
No. 369994
>>369981having kids itself is not a "gold standard" at all. you don't need money or a job or any sort of success to do it, just a willingness to open your legs and a working reproductive system.
I think owning a home (on top of having a family and a career) is the real gold standard these days.
No. 370000
>>369981>parents are obese and trashy Which is the result of having kids, not the determining factor to have them.
People eat convenient, cheaper, and shittier foods because a family is expensive and time consuming. Parents are often exhausted and so self care and grooming that they did when they were single goes out the window.
Basically the parents have to be selfless for the sake of their children's care and can result in neglect of themselves.
People think it's some meme that your life is over when you have children, but let's just say it never goes back and can change for the worse.
Watching young parents suffer And struggle has been a great birth control for me. They're not getting their youth back.
No. 370018
>>370000lets be real, a lot of this comes from both people having children when they cannot 100% afford them, and women having to do 100% of the childcare. imagine you're a new mother, and you have a job, and you have to take care of the chores around the house, a newborn, and cook for your piece of shit husband. cooking homemade nutritious food isn't going to be high on that list.
i know people who stayed thin and put together after having a kid, and people that didn't, and the ones that didn't are lacking in support or money.
No. 370151
>>370144I was looking through reviews of wigs and half of them were trannies lmao. Some girls would post their bf in a wig as a joke, but trannies were so obvious with their complete lack of style and hygiene.
On the other hand, I think I’ve seen few men pretending to be girls by taking online photos and being like “this skirt is too short teehee, I guess I’ll flash boys in the summer!”, followed by pictures of girl in skirt that was selling and then a picture of obviously other girl, in other skirt flashing her butt.
No. 370581
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I'm obsessive an I don't know how to stop it. Meditation and "distracting" myself work for small periods of time, but any break of "headpsace" in between, I can't stop ruminating on a single object. This time, it's a person, one of whom I "can't have." I don't want to posses this person and I respect them, but I can't stop repeating our conversations in my head, and finding a new way to get upset from a different light, over and over again. I'm driving myself crazy. I, quite literally, want to throw my head into a wall to make it stop. My brain feels like scrambled eggs; it talks like a chattering monkey on adderall from the time I get up, until I go to bed.
Also, I'm in a permanent state of dissociation. Most people who describe it have a period where everything returns to normal. Mine doesn't. I'm always numb, unfocused, and out-of-body. I can't feel much when I'm touched, or touch something. I can barely muster fake emotions to share when people are talking because my body won't release any hormones to make me feel something and respond naturally. I'm having schizoid reactions to everything around me, when I am not actually schizoid. I want it to stop. I've tried everything, but the only thing that works is temporary distractions like my job or going grocery shopping. If my mind isn't occupied at all times, I go batshit, when I used to never be like this and could spend months at a time alone in my bedroom without leaving the house.
No. 370698
>>370684Making some sort of art project (be it visual or text or music etc) could be a constructive and healing way to channel it.
Kinda related, I saw my grandma in her deathbed… cancer. She was barely conscious, high as fuck on whatever they give them to ease the last hours. It never leaves my mind and is the first thing I see in my mind's eye when I think of her. I resent that it somehow replaced all the fond memories. I can't remember a time she wasn't sick…
No. 370710
>>370698i think thats the part about it that sucks so much. people always want a last goodbye at a funeral or on their deathbed but that has ruined my mothers image in my head. my memories that immediately surface are her hooked up to tubes or mortician makeup. i hate it. im so sorry you have to deal the with same..
i think that thats something i should explore. i used to paint a lot and be into digital art before she passed but i have just sort of let passions drop off because im emotionally repressed about it.
thanks anon. its morbid camaraderie but it means a lot
No. 370746
I love and appreciate the dedicated anon(s) posting in the dress up thread. The variety is incredible.
No. 370784
>>370698>>370710I don't know if it helps, but when my sister died I was in the same boat but I stumbled across a death positive youtuber that helped get me out of a bad spiral with death obsession.
It's Caitlin Doughty (Ask A Mortician), I read both her books and it really just helped pull everything back together for me.
No. 370937
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when I see the minus next to threads I don't like every shaygnar one
No. 370960
>>370950its p amusing if you can get past the vagina spergging and all the sex work anons complaining about her making money despite low effort work.
the liveblogging of streams are annoying too.
No. 371440
>>370710I much preferred having my cousin die of a sudden heart attack overseas and being unable to travel to go to his funeral. I can't stand funerals, it feels like they're not really for me. My mourning is private and I definitely don't want to see people in their deathbeds. That's just something I learned by going to some funerals to "say goodbye". Not for me. I process better in my own way. RIP grandma, grandpa 2 years after, some friends, and my cousin.
Wishing you the best in your healing process anon.
No. 371685
>>371440thanks bby. i completely agree with you though. it seems more like a disservice to the deceased to parade them around after the fact. but thats all my opinion.
ive already let my spouse know that i would rather not have a viewing for myself and be sent off to be turned into fertilizer and plant a tree with me.
>>371678thats weird as shit but boy im having a hearty kek. you do you boo. did you just come across them unintentionally or purposely go out and get them?
No. 371689
>>371678You're not alone. I've actually sampled all my pet's foods and they definitely weren't palatable but hipster pet food/treat is totally tasty.
Since it's a "confession" here are the things I've tried
>canned cat food, various flavors including chicken hearts in gravy -these all taste like gravy or fishy>budgie mix, seeds and weird colored pellets that i don't know the content of -they just taste like those seeds people put in smoothies and shit, pretty good>various flake and pellet based fish food and freezedried bloodworms - fishy or tasteless>all sorts of dog and cat kibble - not umami but somehow meatlike, its gross and has a lingering, strong aftertaste>homemade mammal treats and other hipster pet treats - these are all really good and can double as human snacksIdk animals make food sound so yummy with their teeth and tongues I guess, I always felt compelled to try em.
Not actually a confession tbh bc I share my animal food reviews with people if it comes up in convo lel
No. 371690
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>>371689diff anon but I swear that the milk drop snacks for cats/puppies are just shitty white chocolate buttons
No. 371717
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Whenever I smell apples I suddenly hunger for an apple.
No. 371718
>>371717but apples don't have a smell
>>371689tbh if something was disgusting to me i wouldn't want to feed it to my cat but maybe pets' tastebuds are different?
No. 371721
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>>371718You've never smelled apples before anon??? Apple smell is delicious!
No. 371735
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>>371724Oh my god yes! Some apples don't though, I always found delicious varieties always lacked in both smell and flavor.
Mcintosh and fuji are my favorites. Where I'm from we make apple cider with em during the fall and I can always smell the apples when they start to get really ripe. Mmm.
No. 371847
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I just love farmers so much that it's affecting my real life.
I've always felt too normie for weebs but also too weeby for normies. I thought I was the only one like this but during these past 3 years here on the farm I feel like I've found people like me. You girls are seriously the best. A lot of us share the same experiences, interests and thoughts.
The problem is, I have such a hard time having fun with my irl friends now. I always compare them to you girls here. I catch myself thinking "if I had a friend like the farmers on lolcow we could wear cute outfits together, watch Nana, play animal crossing and talk shit about men". Instead I'm stuck with conversations about how cool Shane Dawson is, how their boyfriends treat them like shit and facebook memes. The few weeb friends I have just talk about Jimin's lips uwu and are generally waaay too autistic.
I just want a farmer friend irl
No. 371852
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>>371847>tfw have farmer friendsWhile I don't think they really spend a lot of time here, they're really no different than the average gull
No. 371867
>>371850I tend to avoid threads that attracts too much sperging but overall, the farmers on /ot/ and /g/ don't feel that psycho in my opinion. In all honesty, we all have problems, even my normie friends can act like total nutcases. Being a salty bitch isn't exclusive to lolcow
>>371852ah do you mean seagulls anon? They seem nice but /cgl/ has so much damn infighting going on that I feel less of a community feeling there compared to lolcow. Also I don't wear any harajuku fashion so overall I feel like I can't participate in their friend finder threads
No. 371868
>>371847We have a friend finder thread you can use, anon. You said you were here for 3 years but just in case you could have missed the thread
>>371850>A lot of the girls here have some weird af problems anonEveryone does, even irl to be honest. As long as you don't befriend some creepy bpd stalker or pedo or something here, I don't see what's so bad about wanting to be friends with the girls here.
No. 371889
>>371847You're idealizing anons because you're only thinking of the posts you like
That anon you saw make a witty comment about men is probably the same anon in another thread who said she thinks all anime fans are paedophiles by default, or has no sense of what makes an outfit cute.
It's actually the thing I like about anonymous boards though, in one thread everyone is telling me to literally kill myself because of my shitposts, but in another my posts are useful advice or emotional support. We can simultaneously be each others best friends and enemies without even knowing it, I wish people could do this irl
No. 372048
>>371868NTA, I'm kind of scared to make friends with farmers in case they try to blackmail me for posting here. There are people I saw in the friend finder who seemed nice/chill, I just don't like the idea of them knowing which posts I make either lol.
I've got a probably reasonable fear that someone here who seems normal might actually be a bitch, even though I'm not really and I've talked to kind people in threads here.
No. 372131
>>372103You may already know this, but I certainly didn't until my dad told me.
The film is based on a short story by Annie Proulx. It's even more heart-wrenching than the film.
You can read it here, if you dare.'m a little confused bc google says this is a 305-page book, but I'm pretty sure the linked article is the full story. I'm too lazy to look into it rn though.
Personally this was extra sad for me bc my dad is gay and hid it away for most of his life. He grew up in the American south in the 50's. He never had a partner
who was murdered but the existential sadness I feel for him is intense. He's living openly now though and despite the pain and disruption it caused my mother and my siblings, I'm happy he's free now. Sorry for the absolute blog post.
No. 372264
>>372103that movie really did it to us all… I feel you, anon.
>>372142you can nude model for art classes
No. 373362
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I like to draw for fun, but I ONLY draw pretty girls, usually from the torso up with large doe eyes and SOMETIMES pretty boys, and stupid memes.
No. 373671
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In HS I was a reverse Shoe/Lainey and lied about my height being several inches taller than it actually was, and wore heels or tall boots almost every day and dressed in monochrome for a ~lengthening~ effect. On my driver's permit is has my height as 3inches taller than it actually is, lel.
No. 373693
>>373679I don't know if this is ironic or not, but I don't think it will be a huge deal. I think most people can't tell much difference between 5 and 5'3, though whenever this permit expires I'll definitely be sure to correct this.
>>373684I think that's a little paranoid anon. I'm not a man at all, I just like Touhou. I could understand where you were coming from if the picture was sexualized, or worse the creepy "innocent" kind of sexualized, but at least to me the image is just cute and normal.
>>373685ty anon! next year I will have it sorted out and live an honest life!
No. 373723
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No. 373727
>>373693Nothing ironic about lying on your id. That shit is extremely important and you sound too sheltered to know why.
>>373713Sounded like that to me too, what a weird thing to lie about.
No. 373916
>>373727They were a teen, teenagers are retards and do dumb shit all the time
It’s not like they had malicious intent or were too ‘sheltered’ to know better, kids lack foresight. And anon probably had their first ID done at 16 which isn’t exactly peak maturity
No. 373924
>>373742I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m pretty sure most people lie about their weight. So why is height is any different?
But if it’s really bothering you, maybe contact the DMV? It might take forever but it might be worth it.
No. 373936
>>373924The details you missed were
>first license>high school>anon speaking in past tenseI think the problem has been resolved, anon is just reflecting on how it isn't uncommon for teenagers to lie about that shit.
No. 374014
>>372103this was cowboy bebop for me. Reading this and people agreeing with you was hella comforting.
thanks girls.
No. 374171
>>374160I can somewhat relate to this. There was a new coworker at my job who was a ~not like the other gurlz~ type and only talked to the boys but would ignore the girls, she clearly wasn't shy at didn't have a problem socializing when spoken to. She was pretty below average in looks and weeby. All she would talk about was Dragonball Z for some reason and try to explain what memes were to the older women who worked there (cringe) and had an ugly decoden phonecase like it was 2005. I never spoke to her because I clearly didn't fuck with her but she would do a bunch of very specific little things to copy me and I was fucking creeped out down to carrying a pocket knife in her right back pocket like I did because I had to open boxes when stocking. Thing is she was new and never stocked shit….
At one point I was being stalked by one of my uber drivers who kept coming into my job looking for me so after that she tried claiming one of the (literally retarded) employees of the store was trying to kidnap her and hit on her.
No. 374328
>>374160 I get you. After reading your posts, I realized the girls I've had failed relationships are uglies. Not every ugly girl I've known is like that, but sure the majority were huge creeps, it makes you aware. Is sad how beauty standards affect socialization to such extent..if it wasn't like that below average people would have more tolerable personalities.
I tend to get along with other average girls and cuties. I specially love to hang around with beautiful people. Mostly because so many of them have healthy self esteems and are self assured. Those traits are comfy to me.
No. 374336
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>>374241I understand you so much rn anon. I searched for something comparable for human consumption for years after I ate the hamster food. Closest I found were some hippy dippy company called “berg bites” and they taste almost the exact same. #petfoodeatersunite
No. 374823
>>374816An easy way to finding out whether you're a sociopath or not is:
If you're wondering whether you are one and are scared of being one, you are
not a sociopath. Sociopaths don't see sociopathy as something bad.
>>374333They all want actual women to be jealous of them so badly when really all their senses should tell them that actual women who leave the house looking like them would be put down mercilessly by men.
No. 374831
>>374825idk, never been diagnosed.
like on other hand i'm pissed off at them since they spend so much time making me feel awful and they did it knowingly, like the things they said weren't just some mistake but now i just keep thinking that if they're not crazy they must feel awful and panicked about it and i don't want that happen either, whoever this person is.
No. 377663
>>377587I feel the exact same way, and was actually going to confess this before I read your reply. I guess the only thing is, I'm straight? maybe. I find men sexually attractive, but they are utterly impossible to get close to. Women, I've had romantic feelings for, but outside of wanting to kiss or caress her, my physical feelings end there. It's a horrible limbo. Anytime I feel emotionally close to a guy, he puts me on the backburner to pursue women he finds more physically attractive, but still asking for a fwb from me (which I will never do). I know if I pursue a lesbian woman, she will want to go further physically, and I'm not sure I'll be able to enjoy it enough to make her happy as well. Fuck me.
No. 377868
>>377759keeping him in a relationship with someone who doesn't want/love him is more unfair than dumping him, I think. Break up with him and let him find someone who
wants to be with him, you will both be happier in the long run. Otherwise you might start to resent him later and it'll get even worse.
No. 380233
>>380230I feel you. I feel you so much. I have this every time I ride trains/metro. The only way to cope with it for me turned out to be closing my eyes at the exact moment the train will "hit" me if I stepped forward and hearing the crunching sound, seeing what a mess I would be making and how everyone would be late everywhere.
Somehow this helps.
No. 380322
>>380230>>380233 reading. I have a friend who's a train operator, tells me that it'd be a bad choice because a) For the local metro it'd have a ~40% of working and b) Ruins the world a little bit more. Stay safe Anons.
On topic, I have this great fear that I'm never going to have a job that pays decently, has a manageable commute, and doesn't eat my soul.
No. 381713
I kind of look forward to the eventual death of my grandparents.
I kind of hate most posters on this website but I don't know of any better alternatives so here I stay.
>>371798lmao same. And I used to be kind of vocal about my dislike of kpop too. Hoping it's just a phase.
>>373362I think that's pretty common.
No. 381728
>>381721I feel like I'm walking on eggshells most of the time in order to avoid starting an infight and get unjustly banned/warned when it's just the other side overreacting. I don't know if this is true but I feel like this place was a lot less uptight in its earlier days as I've only been served warns/bans beginning from the past year or so.
And also I just don't share the perspectives of LC's consensus on so many topics.
No. 381873
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I know 6 different men who are cheating on their girlfriends/wives but I can't tell anyone because it's all with me
No. 381901
>>381888Yeah I have two jobs and never sleep, it's usually at work or after, it kinda helps some of them work with me
I'm just in one of those "I've slept with too many guys with girlfriends I'm afraid to become one" type things
No. 381958
>>381912sorry anon, but its really sex-addict anon who comes on to these guys in relationships.
>>381873you do know there are single men in the world, dont you think it would be a little better for them and the women they are with if you stopped fucking around with guys in relationships?
No. 381959
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>>381721Not that anon but this post
>>381873 sums it up pretty well. I don't expect all the people here to be mentally sound but yikes
I gotta get off this website
No. 381975
>>381955You're not wrong, I just stopped caring about myself tbh
>>381958Yeah but it's there job to say no and they always come onto me, yeah sure I'm scum whatever but their relationship isn't my problem since whores like me will always exist but it's their job to stay loyal, not mine
No. 381986
>>381958>its really sex-addict anon who comes on to these guys in relationships.She wasn't the one who broke her commitment to be in a loyal relationship, they did. They are the only ones accountable for cheating.
Her only responsibility is to get help for her sex addiction. Bitch sounds like she's really hit rock bottom.
No. 382073
>>382049its shitty from both sides anon sorry. the males you have been with of course are responsible for their own actions, but if you had prior knowledge of them being with someone else, that makes you just as guilty and a part of the statistic that all men are cheaters.
how do you think the women in their lives would feel if they knew? and on top of just finding out that their beau is unfaithful but that the woman they were with knew and clearly didnt gaf enough to keep her pussy in check. you arent responsible for them but you are in full control of you unless you know, they forced you, then thats a whole other scenario altogether.
i frankly dont care that people have casual sex, get yours, but its fucking scummy to willingly engage with people in relationships.
No. 382117
>>382113You should look into some kind of counselling, anon. Not respecting yourself and others just means that nobody will respect you either and that will just lead you into a black hole when it hits you.
Everyone I've ever met who is willing to play second fiddle and be the side piece has had low self esteem and tbh you don't really sound like an exception.
Don't you think you're worth more than just an easy lay for scummy men?
No. 382140
>>382113lmao how can you be so confident but have so little self-esteem? serious question. im actually in awe
just make sure to get tested and make them wrap it up.
No. 382152
>>382140>>382140Yeah they're clean I always check their records at least, I'm just very careless with myself tbh
>>382117That's fine, I guess it's just my carelessness, just nothing feels real to me anymore
No. 382192
>>382181It's okay anon, a lot of people would have laughed at my personal failures and pettiness if I were dumb enough to overshare about it online too.
In fact I think it happened a little for me during the MySpace era from about 2007-2010, but I was fortunate enough to start snapping out of my attention whore phase when I realized I had fake friends and everyone laughed behind my back.
No. 382205
>>382198Are you going to continue to date him though?
No offense anon, but it's pretty doomed, and regardless if you admit it or not it will always remain on your conscience. That's a heady burden to bear in a relationship.
Can't speak for you, but when I cheated on my bf little did I know that I did it for a reason (unlike men who cheat just because puss is offered), and I kept silent as well but wound up breaking off the relationship a couple years later. For the same reasons that caused me to cheat. It's just a waste of your time to be with someone who makes you want to cheat as opposed to being with someone whom you'd never want to betray in that way. I don't know your exact circumstances, I just know cheating is a bad indicator and not such an innocent mistake.
No. 382221
I've had the same crush for fourteen years now and he hasn't seen or thought about me for half of those. He doesn't like me and we'll never talk again but I still can't get over it.
>>382201Haha, nice. I named a fish after a girl I wanted to be friends with in middle school. Then I told her about it once, which was a mistake. I think it'll work out okay for you - it's not like he has a reason to be offended.
>>382217Same, basically every gossip forum has some sort of legacy or inactive thread mechanism.
No. 382258
>>382242>things happenI mean you made the choice to cheat on him, it didn't just happen to you magically.
Cheaters are so disgusting.
No. 382262
>>382242>we've just been in a relationship for a while and things happen? that's the only excuse I can giveYou shouldn't be giving yourself an excuse. You fucked up and damaged the relationship (whether he knows it yet or not.) You're clearly not content with him if "we've been together for a while and things happen" sounds to you like a
valid excuse to be unfaithful. makes it seem like you're bored and looking for fulfillment from other people. That's a big problem for the relationship, whatever your motivation. Even if it was a "one-time thing", it's still a big betrayal. If "things happen" now, they can "happen" again.
Is there any way he could find out from someone else? if there's any chance of that, you should just bite the bullet and confess, or it'll be 100x worse if he learns from someone else. Then it's betrayal and lying.
No. 382314
>>382261agreed, i can understand cheating for reasons that have to do with emotional issues, being neglected, feeling like your relationship is over and that he's already moving onto someone else, etc, i think there are definitely some reasons why cheating is more acceptable, but yikes, this really is malethink, and to not think it's not a problem and like people are entitled to taking advantage of other people's sexual health. luckily for anon's bf, it's unlikely that she should pass anything to him considering transmission is more difficult from female to male, but it's still super shitty. worse yet knowing that the bf is 'great'.
>>382302no, life isn't black and white, but there are more understandable reasons to cheat. she obviously does not feel bad about it at all. there's a serious problem with betraying your partner for no reason and sleeping in the same bed with them knowing you've betrayed their trust for no reason and continually lying to them as if it's nbd. i can understand if she had issues with him or had mental health problems, or the relationship was already terribly rocky, etc, but there's no reason for this unless she's high or drunk? there are a series of steps that give you plenty of time to go back from before actually fucking someone else. though, ultimately, if she does want to fuck other people this much, she really should just let him go so he can be happy with someone else that doesn't play it fast and loose with his health and trust.
No. 382322
>>382306Cheating is only bad from a cultural standpoint, similar to how not long ago, pre-martial sex was considered the devil and anyone who dare do it ruined forever and will never be salvaged, women showing ankles is considered evil and slutty, even a woman going to a man's house was considered wrong and unmoralistic, for all we know in a couple of years from now cheating won't even be a thing unless there's a marriage involved and people will just look back at us and scratch their heads as to why faithfulness or unfaithfulness was so big and made to be such a big deal
Now before you are quick to attack me, explain to me how having romantic and sexual relationships with multiple people, if it wasn't embedded in our culture to be faithful, is wrong, assuming the sex is safe of course
If you can't find a legitimate reason as to why it's as wrong and evil as you're trying to make it out to be, then you are proving my point
No. 382327
>>382322It's wrong because people enter a relationship under the condition that their partner be faithful. If they don't want or need that condition, they make a different agreement and THEN fucking someone else is ok. Keeping promises is an ethical concept even kids understand so I'm not sure how you're struggling with it.
It will stay wrong until people change their mind about what they will accept in a partner, until then you either stay single or seek an open relationship.
No. 382339
>>382327So the issue is the broken promise, not the actual fucking
People break promises all the time, petty ones, hell you probably even broke a few yourself, humans simply aren't meant to be monogamous, socialization is a weird thing, yes it sucks yeah the person is going to be upset but IMO relationship business should just remain between the people in the relationship until there is abuse
No. 382356
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Sometimes I read the “do I pass” threads on /tttt/ of trannies telling other undeniable trannies they pass. It makes me giggle. Strange world over there
No. 382376
>>382374- the vast majority of people don’t want multiple partners, they want to be sexually exclusive and have one true partner that they can be completely open with and not have to deal with feelings of jealousy/inadequacy
- if being to sleep around and be promiscuous is of such great importance to you and think that those that are monogamous are idiots that don’t understand true human nature then either a) stay within your enlightened poly community, or b) stay single and sleep around as the majority of the world doesn’t agree with your niche viewpoint and are perfectly content eventually settling down and not break each others trust in each other
- you also ignore that a big part of monogamous relationships is having a stable family unit, pregnancy lasts 9 months, infancy 4 years, and dependency a minimum of 16 years. Yeah, most people would want to form a monogamous family so the kids all have the same parents and so that parenting decisions can be made unanimously without the input of non-parental figures
No. 382377
>>382376Again, all of these revolve around culture rather than fact, which is my point
Think of cultures and civilizations where the thought of monogamy vs polygamy didn't even pop into people's heads
The only issue with cheating is breaking trust and lying, but even then in that case there's people who lie and break others trust all the time and it's not as blown out of proportion as cheating is
No. 382404
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>>382322Jealousy is a normal human reaction and monogamy is a normal human disposition, it has jackshit to do with the idea that "showing ankles is bad".
Have a (You) though
No. 382469
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>>382322oh look, I found a comic just for you, anon!
No. 382798
I hate my sister's husband so much. He makes constant misogynistic and racist jokes to our faces. He sends "funny" videos that usually include some naked, fat woman dancing or just gross fetish videos that he thinks are hilarious to our family's group chat that is normally used for sending vacation pictures and similar events. We ended up creating a new group chat without him, which he of course got upset by when he found out.
He moans and chews loudly while he eats. He's obese and has sleep apnea, so he needs one of those machines to help him breathe during the night, but only laughs it off and calls himself "indestructible" when the doctor has told him that his condition is so bad it's a miracle he's not dead already.
Because he's overweight, he's always sweaty, always grunting and gurgling and making disgusting noises. My sister is overweight too, but since they now have a child together she has taken steps to lose weight and make sure to feed the kid healthy meals and encourage him to try new things, even if she doesn't like the taste herself.
Meanwhile her husband will sit at the other side of the table during family dinners making gagging noises and pretend to throw up whenever his kid eats a vegetable, which of course the kid who is barely 2 years old picks up on and then refuses to eat. And when both my sister, our older sister AND our mother tells him to stop, he will say "it's just a joke" and "this is what happens when there's only women in a family, you all turn into humourless cows".
That's another thing. My mother threw our abusive dad out of the house years ago and started building a strong community of only women around herself after being alienated from us for so long. It's the best thing that ever happened to our family and we're all very close. Going on trips together, planning parties together and always supporting each other. I'm pretty sure that he feels threatened by the fact that there's all these women who will tell him to shut the fuck up when he's being rude, because his own mother spoiled and is still spoiling the crap out of him.
My mother has straight up said that if he doesn't better himself, she's gonna bring my sister and her child home to live with her, because she doesn't want her grandchild to grow up with a father calling his mother a 'bitch' to her face during family dinners, or just generally turn him into an awful person.
What infuriated me the most was that our mother confessed to me that she sees a lot of our dad's early abusive behaviour in my sister's husband. She's spent all these years healing from the trauma, only to watch her own daughter possibly about to go through the same thing.
His only redeeming qualities might be that he works very hard at his job and have moments of being more genuine and affectionate with my sister. Sad thing though, our dad also had his nicer moments, but it didn't stop him from tearing apart our family and sowing fear and tension that it took years to repair.
No. 382815
>>382797>>382795I mean I know that. I said in my post I know they don’t want friendship I just got so lonely and desperate I guess.
My post might make more “sense” if I add some more context though: I’ve been depressed for a while but since I’ve experienced a rape last year and some other sexual assaults/harassment I’ve started sometimes feeling really depressed and fucked up and like I deserve bad things to happen to me so I almost purposely go out of my way to put myself in danger. I’ve gone out for walks late at night in dark places, I’ve hung out in places where I’ve been sexually harassed before at night, sometimes getting myself drunk before I do so. Sometimes I fantasize about getting kidnapped and raped and murdered. I'm addicted now to the thrill of that kind of behaviour.
No. 382873
My boyfriend emotionally abuses me. When he gets angry with me, he insults me, he tells me horrible things and convinces me that I deserve it. What hurts me the most, is when he decides not to talk to me to punish me.
And I know, I know that I deserve someone better, that I could be with any other person in the world, I know that no one deserves to be treated as he treats me, but for some reason, I have learned to live thinking this is what I deserve.
My parents were alcoholics since I was little. Currently, my mother is dead and my father does not even live in the same city where I live and we barely have contact. Having to keep those secrets for years (until they divorced, when I was a teenager), only made me want to fit in every way possible. I let people use me, friends to ignore me, convincing me that if I did not, I would be alone.
I ended up having a group of friends for whom I am always the second option, a family that ignores me because they have better things to think about than me, and the few people who care about me … I'm ashamed to have to tell them everything I'm going through, because the truth (and this is my confession), is that I love him very much.
When we are well, when there is no discussion, he is the best person I could imagine and I know that at those moments he loves me and cares for me (he is a very distant and cold person with other people but me). He shows me in all possible ways and has done things for me that even people who have known me for more than 20 years have not done or would do. I know it will sound as if I'm defending him, I wish there were more reasons to be this bad, I wish I could say that he is a horrible person and that he deserves to be left alone, but the truth is that he has problems containing his anger, he has problems managing his emotions. And I end up paying for it.
That's the problem. Maybe there are three discussions a month, not even many, but the things he says are repeated over and over in my head and I can not stop crying for days.
It's as if all these years I tried to convince myself that I deserve to be loved, that I deserve to have people by my side, and then all those people, who are supposed to love me and take care of me, repeat how lonely I am I because I am useless, that nobody supports me, that I am a disgust of person.
That, along with the fact that my friends ignore me, they never have time to see me, they never ask me how I am, it makes my head not convince me otherwise.
I know what people will probably tell me, to seek help, to get out of all this, that it is better to be alone, but sometimes it is not so easy to leave everything behind. If I lose him, the only person who stays by my side (despite the arguments), I have nothing. I do not have a job, I do not have a house, I do not have anyone to turn to. I'm stuck in something that I've searched for myself and I regret a lot of living my life like that. There are days where I just do not want to continue with all this.
My life is a shit since I have use of reason and this is just a bump in the road, something that makes me think in days like I could end it all.
No. 382874
>>382873>My parents were alcoholics since I was little. Currently, my mother is dead and my father does not even live in the same city where I live and we barely have contact.
holy shit anon, are you me? this is my exact situation.
you do deserve to be loved and supported. you deserve to be dating someone who makes the effort to control their temper and not use you as their punching bag. you are a whole person with as much right to be happy as him, he shouldn't be taking his stress out on you and then expecting you to just forgive and forget it.
No. 383144
>>383089Guess that's everybody since anime is so normal now. This type of extreme thinking is cringier than your average anime fan and makes you sound like an edgy 18 year old who just got out of their weeb phase.
Sorry, but this meme is just so played out lol.
No. 383148
>>383143i used to shoplift food to feed my family when we were in a huge money pit. i stopped as soon as things were better. i know its nice to get things just because you wanted them and there be no financial repercussions but man its really not worth it. too much stress and then the possibility of spending a night in jail for some makeup or a t shirt is lame af
makes me think back to a couple years ago when the tumblr shoplifting dox was going on, omg it was great.
No. 383347
>>383332Same boat, man. I didn't think a relapse would look like this, but here I am.
Take care of yourself the best you can, and be as safe as possible.
No. 383449
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>>383144Wow you are really
triggered. Only children and maladjusted weirdos like anime.
No. 383457
>>383449Not all only children! I never liked anime. (I am perhaps a little
No. 383552
>>383537I really like it too. But as
>>383541mentioned, I can’t cum from it but I enjoy how it feels. Orgasm isn’t the most important part of sex for me but it is for a lot of other people
No. 383562
>>383552Why are orgasms generally not important for women, but it's just expected that a man always gets to orgasm?
I've always found that women who say that are coping hard with the reality of their sex lives.
No. 383563
>>383562I used to say I didn't care about having an orgasm until I met my current bf who's a great lay and makes me cum during 99% of our sex session.
Ultimately it was just a cope because I couldn't imagine being with someone who took the time to make me cum every single time we had sex.
No. 383579
>>383575>Imagine if cunnilingus were as commonly expected as fellatio.I think it’s becoming that way imo I see a lot more dudes being really into it. And if you’re not into it you get made fun of.
Honestly, if you’re into women and don’t eat pussy, you’re a fucking coward.
Which leads me to the confession that my gay ass really wants to get a girlfriend and eat her out.>>383520Don’t give up hope anon, try to look into why you eat the way that you do and how to cope with it. I have a problem with binge eating, but what really helped me was writing down why I wanted to binge and my urge would immediately stop. You can do it anon, I believe in youuu!
No. 383601
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I want a Japanese character tattoo and I’m scared of fucking up
No. 383607
>>383562>>383575>>383586>women who say that are coping hard with the reality of their sex lives>it’s so obviously wrong and any woman who masturbates knows thisIt feels kind of shitty when people say this because I’ve never even come remotely close to orgasm despite my husband and I having tried practically every trick in the book. He loves giving cunnilingus and using toys on me but I never feel any pleasure. Masturbation doesn’t do anything for me either. Neither does penetration, but at least with penetrative sex one of us is enjoying it so it doesn’t feel like a complete waste of time.
It’s not something I ever talk about with anyone else yet I still feel guilty like I’m somehow hurting other women by perpetuating the idea that female orgasm is super elusive. But it’s true for me…
No. 383622
>>383562I'm not coping with my sex life. Orgasm does not feel that special to me, no more special than the other aspects of sex. I enjoy the physical closeness, emotional comfort far more… Orgasm comes like #3 on my list. It is actually annoying to have stimulation down there, and I don't like my partner touching me while we are engaged. No one else needs to have the same expectations of sex as I do.
You are jumping to a pretty big conclusion by labeling people who don't like the same things you do.
Orgasm absolutely is elusive for me and that has nothing to do with my partner.
No. 383627
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I think it's very cheap to go after Thomas Kinkade's art and I LIKE HIS ART.
There's nothing wrong with this and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be draped in the comfort of a nice, calming cottage scene. Just because it's commercialized and his art is woven into 12 x 12 throws owned by every other family in the Midwest does not mean it isn't enjoyable or nice art and it's very cheap to go after it. It's like shitting on Bieber. It's just too easy, and Bieber is a talented young man who does make good tunes. I think it's very pathetic to go after such generally enjoyable and light-hearted media.
No. 383791
>>383790>DXMNot to
trigger anything, but how is this high enjoyable for you? When I abused it, I would get nauseous in the most unpleasant way imaginable for hours and itch like a madwoman.
Will agree that benadryl knocked me out like a rock though.
No. 383793
>>383791I abuse Delsym which is basically pure dxm, the only really awful part is drinking it down since it's got a plasticy feel. After that I'm just sorta.. drugged out, I used to be addicted to opiates so I guess it reminds me of that? And then I lay down and it just feels like.. floating through space with a blanket.
It's really not all that great but like I said, I'm a very impulsive person and I sort of.. robotically go and down it. I need to go back to a rehab program but I'm desperately searching for a job and I'm hoping that'll help end my urges, or just the way I act out on them.
No. 384185
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I fucking LOVE getting kissed on the cheek
Mouth kisses are overrated
No. 384307
>>383603Stop that! Self harming with sex is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. You're not disgusting for doing it, but you are harming yourself which isn't ok. You have the rest of your life ahead of you, don't spend it being cruel to yourself. If you can, try seeing a LGB friendly therapist. It will help loads even if it feels silly at first.
Love you Anon, I hope you feel better soon.
Heart eyes No. 384374
>>383688They definitely are. Nothing cringier than being this upset over media lol. Seems like my post really
triggered them too so you know I hit the nail on the head.
No. 384402
>>384346the internet has taught us that we have no worth unless we can humble brag on instagram or facebook and come up with a witty comment about it on twitter. but thats all bullshit. if youre happy then cool, you do you.
turns out, being 'average' is actually kind of nice.
No. 384462
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I made a thread and it was going great at first but now after multiple threads, it's kind of gone done hill and there's obvious underaged/normie posters everywhere
and don't get me started on the cow tipping
At this point I regret making the thread
No. 385112
>>385106Seconding this.
Most robots are selfish autists and narcissists. They lack empathy, they think only in tunnel vision of what benefits or doesn't benefit themselves. I wouldn't recommend getting yourself too involved thinking that they've changed much at all over several years.
I think it's okay to have a curiosity of what they're up to on the grounds of being 4chan cows, but don't expect much.
No. 385320
>>385287>I feel like my life has been too easy, so I don't sympathize with people who were bullied. Nor do I sympathize with minority advocacy groups like ones for Asians, atheists, or women.It's fine, great even, to not have been bullied and that you felt comfortable and accepted.
Now, I think you should check that lack of empathy as it's not required to have been
victim of the same stuff to sympathize for other person's pain.
No. 385372
>>385368Thing is I don't have to try, I'll always end up in a situation where I'm alone with a man and end up fucking him
It will start by doing things such as training new employees, carpooling, or my roommate will bring one or two over to fix something
Mind you this is how it starts, once I've fucked them I'll voluntarily start having them come over and whatnot, however I only give them a call back out of my own freewill and if they were good or not, I've definitely been a ghost to some who just sucked at it
No. 385643
>>385372I hope you know you are known as the town whore in all those guys group chats and they share photos of you and discuss your physical flaws in great detail
Love yourself anon. Buy some sex toys instead
No. 385704
>>385367I don't see how it's your problem.
A man's infidelity isn't your responsibility.
You should stop because these men are dangerous sociopaths and liars. If they can lie to their 'loved' ones, they can lie to you too about…oh say, like raging STDs.
That's why you should hate them and feel bad for fucking them, because they are inherently hateful men.
No. 386400
>>385643guys don't nitpick looks, females do
are you aware you're on a female dominated board?
No. 386430
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>>386400Funny you mention
No. 386435
I'm afraid of becoming a pedophile.
Since I was 12 years old, I always had this sense of being responsible for younger kids. I always tried to become someone they admired, some sort of "role model". Not to all kids, but only for the quirky/shy ones, because they reminded me of my younger self, who had a lot of respect for teenagers and older kids (in my mind, they always seemed to be from another planet and I kinda wished to have a bond with one of them). I guess having two younger brothers also played a good part on that side of me.
Growing up (16-18 years old) the satisfaction I got of "being admired" didn't go away. I even started to develop a "motherly" feeling for cute younger kids. Bonus points if they were shy and introverted.
I don't know, but if I can get an smile out of these kids, I feel so proud and happy. I don't really feel atracted to them, I hate shotacon or lolicon and find that shit very disgusting and disturbing. But I can't help the urge of wanting to adopt a cute shy kid whenever I meet one… I want to isolate them from society so they won't become a teen/adult with shitty morals and idelogies. I want to take them to Disneyland, to watch nice movies with them, to teach them things, to help them achieve their dreams or some romantic shit idk.
I've been told this is just nature (like, maybe my womb wants to make a baby of something, ha) but I'm not sure. There's this kid who takes music lessons an hour just before mine (he may be 10 years old), and since I cheered for him on a concert we had and he smiled at me, I've been trying to make him smile again everytime we meet (that is, the ten seconds he takes to leave the classroom and look briefly in my direction befores he goes downstairs). I think I've never heard his voice, he's really really quiet and calm. Wish I could talk to him a bit.
Btw, I'm 19 now, and I just hope this situation doesn't become a fetish of some sort when I reach adulthood…
No. 386438
>>386435>jump straight to pedophilia>but my feelings aren't sexual! ever! gross!Hmm, smells like a bluff. You wouldn't jump to that conclusion if it didn't ever veer into that territory.
What you detailed otherwise just sounds very maternal/caring, the sort of nature perhaps a teacher should have (although you should know boundaries ofc and not get carried away). Just more dedicated to children's wellbeing than the average adult, if it hadn't been for the pedoshit I'd swear my mother could have written it haha.
But don't lie to yourself. If you've thought of fucked up shit get help.
No. 386439
>>386435How did you write all that and not once mention whether or not you are sexually attracted to children? That's what a pedo is, if you aren't then wtf are you rambling on about?
Unless you're lying to yourself, you just sound like a weirdo who finds kids cute. Get a grip.
No. 386509
>>386491I feel the same anon, I don't know what it is, I really do try but even in pretending to care about certain women's issue (for example: society pressures to look good) generally I can hear the fakeness in my voice. I do like being friends with other girls, I just magnify their flaws. Even with media, I find it waaaay easier to hate female characters/celebrities/strangers on tv. And I automatically dismiss everything made by women. I am trying to rewire my brain (because I know logically it's dumb) but it's actually relieving knowing someone else is the same. I feel extra bad because everyone thinks I'm a super good feminist irl (I do believe women should have equal rights as men).
[Sorry I keep deleting becaus of errors in typing].
No. 386543
>>386509This is self hate, surely.
>>386392>his cum is like battery acidI lol'd, sorry Anon. Make him eat some fruit
No. 386749
>>386746Were you raised religious or in a more traditional culture? that would help explain it.
I know what its like anon but we have to make a good life for ourselves somehow.
No. 386756
>>386749Not even, my mother married multiple times…but she did shame both sexes for being promiscuous (ONS and FWBS) regularly in our discussions during my teens. She also questioned my clothes when I was younger a few times which, although minor, may have stuck with me. Always felt gross about it. On top of actually falling for some weird purityfag rhetoric online maybe it stuck together.
How have you coped with these feelings? Might not be the right thread to ask in. But I feel like even if I lose my virginity in a LTR and we break up I'll be "used." It's awful.
No. 386761
>>386756Reading women's history and getting more acquainted with feminism helped me, personally. And I don't mean the soft corporate feminism that sells you empowering yogurt and complains about trivial things. Learning about the history of prostitution and knowing people involved in it was very moving, I met some very kind hearted people and read about women thrust into horrible circumstances. The emphasis on purity and virginity is hypocritical and inconsistent. Virginity can only be valued at the expense of others, you can't be a person that is good and equitable to others while pedestalizing virginity. In a sense I thought of it as a reflection of the sort of person I wanted to be and how I wanted to relate to others.
It also helps to look at the sort of men who are gaga over virgins, so much of their professed preference comes from a point of hate and misogyny. By contrast men who didn't care seemed better adjusted.
No. 386779
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>>386746>I feel real sad that I wasn't born a bi man instead. I could've just become a bear and fucked a bunch of bottoms without having to worry about societal judgement/having to keep my virginity.Or pregnancy
BUT to kind of piggyback off your post, it really makes me see why fujo fakebois do what they do. Men in general can be as slutty as they want and no one bats an eye and as a woman you have to worry about all kinds of shit. If you pose as a man, you don't have to worry about societal judgment and have the advantage of hiding behind trans rights people then you're pretty much supported and free from that judgement.
Idk if this has already been said in the fakeboi thread but yeah.
No. 386930
>>386914Stop dreaming about writing that book and just start working on it. Dreaming about it won't make you a writer but you clearly have things you want to say.
Aim to write a page a day of utter shit, it gets the ball rolling so on your off days you can edit it down.
I won't lie, most people don't care about this stuff or what your suggestions for society are, but people like articles and books by sex workers so that might give you an in if you ever get it finished.
No. 387069
>>386914I would love to read your book.
>>386930 is right, work every day a little to make your dream come true. I believe in you anon and I want you to be happy.
No. 387177
>>386435You sound like you were neglected. Obviously seeking some form of validation. Like you’re acting out the stuff your inner child wishes that adults could have done for you. Or something.
>>386914Are you shayna? How is entertaining gross assholes for hours on end less exhausting than taking car hop orders. Stop having self-defeating thinking. You can get a vanilla job if you truly want to, but I bet you won’t because you think you’re too good for minimum wage.
>>387158Don’t get mad at westerners. Get mad at men.
No. 387303
>>387177I know most users on here are from 'murica or not poor fag countries but can you please not assume anyone posting on here is American or from a country where you can actually survive working a minimum wage job? You don't even know my circumstance yet you assumed I declined the opportunity to work a minimum wage job and be able to support myself working that job for camwhoring. I worked minimum wage jobs before and I could definitely not afford living on 300 euros per month, I used to live in a shared apartment and I would pay 160 for my rent and utilities but I could just not get by with the remaining money for the rest of the month, I would end up shoplifting because I didn't have money for food. I tried working in call centers a couple of times for a better pay, around 450 euros but I got fired from 3 call center jobs because I was just not fit for that sort of job for some reason. I could save up some money and try to move to a country with a better economy but I'm just scared and I feel stuck and worthless.
This is the drama I'm talking about, a lot of women from troubled backgrounds or a lot of women from less developed countries end up doing this kind of work and it destroys them. I'm not talking about American young and attention obsessed sluts like Shayna that think sex work is the next best thing after the discovery of fire.
No. 387361
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A few years ago a girl in my neighborhood suddenly died in her early 20's of a heart attack. she used to be such a mean cunt to me along with some other girls. sometimes when i think about her sudden death, i can't help but smile and be happy about it. i usually hope that any person that is or has bullied me or treated me horrible for no reason dies. Lately I've been fantasizing about the day my dad finally dies.
I know it's not normal or healthy.
No. 387384
>>387372Don't feel bad… some people view staying in a relationship when you're not interested 5eva in as the worse thing to do.
You shouldn't have to continue your relationship if you feel it's draining you of your energy. If you'd be happier spending your time alone, then that's you queue to leave. She sounds like she's not a good fit for you anyway.
No. 387446
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I've had this on my mind for a while now, but I haven't really told my friends about it because then they'd just question my drive and what exactly I am going for nowadays.
I have been wanting to enlist in the Army for a while now, but after a discussion with my dad who is a Marines veteran and my grandpa who is a Vietnam veteran, I am really starting to question if it is really worth it.
I want to go in as an engineer, and I know military doesn't exactly equal marching around and holding a gun just to get shot in the face. I scored really high on my ASVAB, and combined with my friend thinking women can't really thrive in the military (he thinks it's because of "sexual conflicts"), but also because I am constantly now thinking about if I really want to serve America.
I know what I'm thinking is likely retarded, but it's been on my mind so often that it actually distracts me while I am occupied. It's shit.
No. 387461
so i don’t really talk about this a lot amongst friends because it’s known that i’m fairly close with my mom, and no one in my family would believe, but when i was around 4-10, my mother was very abusive towards me. my sister is about 12 years older than me, so by the time i was old enough to realize i was being abused, my sister was out of the house and i was alone. i have very vivid memories of my mother lashing out if i did something she percieved as wrong, almost breaking down several of my bedroom doors throughout my childhood, and plenty of intimidation tactics were prevelant throughout most of my memories. i have spoken about some things with my mother, but she always accuses me of fabricating the memories or “making her the bad guy, and yes she’s obviously the worst mother ever.” i have extreme trauma as a result of my childhood and an official diagnosis of bpd /because/ of the abuse, but none of it matters because my mom “did everything she could for me” and i won’t deny that she did the best a single mom could do, but i was still abused. i still have cptsd because of the events, i still flinch if she moves too fast or raises her voice too loudly. she raised me in a way (and she actually admits this) so i would grow to be dependent on her, i.e she does a lot for me and i don’t really know how to do much for myself because the skills weren’t introduced to me as a kid, so i’m very behind my peers. i’m struggling to get better and get over my past, but i still live with her and many things still easily set her off. the intimidation tactics are still there, the yelling and walking on egg shells if she’s in a bad mood are still there, it’s like nothing has changed from my childhood. i don’t know what to do or how to move on with my life, because if i try to gain closure from it by talking with her, the guilting comes back and i’m just “blaming her for all my problems.” she compares the abuse she did to me to the abuse her father did to her, and how she forgave him and the good outweighed the bad. she always omits the part where she didn’t speak to him for over a decade and never had anything nice to say about him my entire childhood. i’m on mobile soi can’t really read through all i’ve written, but i hope it’s not too jumbled.
tldr; i love my mother although she abused me, and i’m trying to forgive her but she’s very similar to the mother that physically and verbally abused me most of my life and i’m not sure how to let go.
No. 387473
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>>387446Please for the love of god listen to
You want to die or participate in a pointless war just so the elites can laugh and buy another house on an island somewhere?
Please do anything else other than fight for any country, unless your immediate life is in danger in your actual home country (ie you are being literally invaded). To fight for and line the pockets of the psychopaths at the top in a fake war would be such a waste of your life.
Make a real effort to impact the relationships and community around you.
No. 387513
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I like the baby shark song and listen to it between albums. I usually mostly listen to indie/punk. I'm 23.
[For context I heard it at my baby cousin's]
No. 387523
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Sometimes when I'm listening to music, or rather out of the blue at all, I'll think about my stepdad eventually dying and I start to have a crying fit. I love him so much, I can't picture this gay earth without him in it.
No. 387532
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>>387513lmao, me too anon
i listen to it with my younger sister so that it seems like i'm forced to listen to it because of her, but secretly i love it
No. 387549
>>387523Weird, I'm the opposite.
Sometimes I feel kind of relief when I think about by my parents dying.
No. 387578
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Sometimes i wish to travel back in time (maybe 1996 or 2005) and release any popular song from later years so I profit first on someone's idea.
No. 387642
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i unironically love listening to basic ass edm and monstercat even though i never leave the house, let alone go to raves and shit. it's just ear candy i guess
No. 388048
I follow a girl who I was good friends with, but after a fallout she basically bullied me and trashed my name in the small town we lived in (I have since moved), even going so far as to posting about me on her tumblr and her instagram accounts that all had me blocked so I only knew what she was saying from third parties. About a year ago, two years after all of her horrible acts happened, we “made peace”, but I really just try to stay on her good side so I can follow her very public account where she posts about all of her problems and really just makes a spectacle of herself. She makes me feel so much better about myself considering we have very similar pasts/traumas, but I’ve been trying to better myself while she’s been steadily getting worse. She’s absolutely delusional and believes she’s a better person than she was, and doesn’t even admit to the countless years she spent telling anyone she didn’t like to kill themselves. I’m close with someone who was also bullied by her, and we talk shit about her and make fun of her regularly, and the screenshots I have of her account are plentiful. If she had more followers, there would easily by a thread on her, and I have so much dirt on her.
No. 388945
>>388532Slightly related but
I like watching videos of guys getting nasty with animals.I have no desires to act upon such things myself but I kind of fucking hate that I get off to that.
No. 388958
>>388945You mean like those zoosadists? They should all go to jail.
WTF anons.
No. 388961
>>388953This. I've seen a lot of times guys dumping their already quite younger gfs for even younger ones.
There's no point in talking about it as lots of girls and women will continue to think like that but it's an ugly way of thinking and overall just petty AND it doesn't guarantee that you won't be replaced by a newer and younger woman when you expire, so to speak. In fact, imo it's a red flag when the guy seems to have preference for women under 25 despite already being in his 30s or older.
I thought the same when I was 18 and I think the same now at the age of 26. I detest guys that are way out of my age range hitting on me, irl or on dating apps. It's just yuck.
No. 388974
>>388966It's a well known meme, and 80% of furries are white based off of convention data.
No. 389129
>>389123Doujins hardly ever become super expensive, a lot aren't online just because not that many copies were printed to begin with. The series they are based on might have died in popularity too if you got the stuff years ago. Personally I find selling books to be a big pain in the ass in general because the shipping cost is high but the actual books aren't worth that much.
>>389125Don't know enough Japanese, too undisciplined to learn
No. 389628
I want to date an older man not only because I'm into that, but also to spite my parents, particularly my father.
I know this is the definition of daddy issues, but he never had time for me, had extremely high expections (e.g. school-wise), is a control freak, treats my sister like a literal princess who can do no wrong, yet still demands physical affection like a "good morning"-hug + kiss from me. I always have to be nice to him, constantly smiling, otherwise I get "you're ungrateful, you don't even love me anymore, there's nothing uglier than girls who make sour expressions like you, blah blah".
Maybe if I had an older bf, he would finally realize that he did something wrong and would also be too disgusted to still want to cuddle me like a little child lol (which I've always hated, even as a kid).
But getting one is harder than it seems…
No. 389823
>>389816I'm not sure if this has inspired me to try harder to shed those extra 20 lbs or stop dating men.
Please come and personally murder me anon, I'm too much of a coward to kys myself.
No. 389877
>>389873shes a vegetarian and has been for years, she just had a craving for meat today.
im aware that i need to fix my relationship with food, but thanks anyhow
>>389874ah youre right, it does feel like im trying to keep my moneys worth when i eat, too, but its not realistic.
i started freezing stuff in portions to help remedy that concern so i wouldnt have to worry about throwing money away on perishables. So now theres at least healthier stuff to prepare instead of junk that i wont have to worry about wasting for a while
and thanks anon! i can do it, just have to get it together
No. 390102
>>390090That's awful anon, jobs where you work with customers should be more lenient with attendance for illness and infections, and it's a shame that they're not. Its honestly a health hazard
My job won't even take doctors excuses so if ones of us gets sick then we all get sick, and who knows how many customers do too.
No. 390165
I am in an abusive relationship.
You know it’s bad when even his MOTHER says so and attacks him for it. I absolutely love him but I know it is unhealthy. The other thing keeping me here is that we are slowly making strides in the right direction. He does acknowledge when he’s done wrong, and corrects behaviors, usually…
I give him a lot of chances, and I forgive him because I know he is suffering. He was abused physically, mentally and sexually as a child and never got help for it. He is loyal to me, does his best to make me happy, and is a very hard worker with goals and aspirations. He is my best friend and I am his. But he gets irrationally angry over stupid things (me forgetting to flip laundry, not hanging up his things right away, me doing something clumsy/stupid) like tonight I ordered us takeout and didn’t ask for what he wanted and picked stuff he didn’t like. He literally screamed and threw his phone at the wall, when I tried to tell him that it was still what he liked just not the same thing, he chased me around and threw me to the ground, screaming in my face to shut up. But then we go months without instances like this and he apologized profusely afterwards. However I am completely enabling his behavior by staying, that telling him his behavior is ultimately permissible.
It is a confession, because I am aware he is abusive but I don’t want to leave him. I love him very much and I know he’s a good person, just very tortured.
No. 390172
>>390165He’s not a good person. There are plenty of more tortured people who don’t abuse. He
is going to kill you one day if you don’t leave. Who cares if you love him. Try loving him from very,
very far away
No. 390176
>>390175>if we keep working at itAnon, you cannot save him or help him, I'm sure he went through a lot and all but he's a threat to your physical and emotional well-being and maybe in one of those times when he can't control himself and pushes you into the ground he could actually kill you by "accident".
He's the one that needs to sort his problems out, you don't have any moral responsibility to help someone that can cause you damage. Most people do not change, let alone change quickly enough, is he even going to therapy? Anger management? Taking meds?
I'm sure you are a very caring and loving person that believes in the best of other people but that may put you in danger, would you feel ok if a friend of yours was living in the same situation as you?
No. 390177
>>390165Anon, you cannot fix this man who abuses you. You're not his therapist or his parent. He's not your boyfriend, he's your
abuser. He's manipulating you into feeling sympathy. Someone who truly loves you wouldn't throw you around during their moments of anger.
My boyfriend gets irrationally angry sometimes, but he'd never lay a hand on me. He'd punch a concrete wall a million times and he still wouldn't hit me. Find another person. There's someone way better out there who won't hurt you.
No. 390188
>>390176No, and no, and if it were a friend I would be uncomfortable. We’ve been together for awhile and these
abusive behaviors came out about two years ago. It was very bad with fighting happening almost weekly, but now (and for the last 8 months or so) we very rarely fight and seldom does he ever act the way he did tonight. He used to be a lot more physical (he has thrown heavy things like his wooden-soled dress shoes at me, grabbed me by the face, arm, hair, etc) but mainly threatened to do worse. He is also 2 years younger than me and I do believe that he can change (as I did) with age as he matures. He is only 20 and even though he is extremely intelligent (graduated college 2 yrs early and had a full ride) he is very emotionally stunted. This makes therapy especially hard (we have tried it) because he will only share with people he respects, and it is hard for him to respect anyone he sees as less intelligent than himself. He doesn’t see himself as the smartest person alive but also doesn’t listen to people he judges as less intelligent than himself.
>>390181Well, this is kinda where I’m at now. We’ve been together for almost 5 years and have lived together for 2. He is the person I want a life with, I do want to have children with him, I want to experience all of life with the good side of him… but I know this side of him is there, and it’s not separate from him, that’s who he is. Again I believe that if someone is aware of their behavior and are willing to change they can most certainly do it. I know I have.
No. 390206
>>390188>doesn’t listen to people he judges as less intelligent than himselfhe sounds insufferable and btw, considering you want to have kids with him and all I should note that my dad was verbally
abusive and prone to anger outbursts and one of the things I don't think I'll ever really be able to forgive my mother about is that she decided to keep living with him despite how awlful it was for me to grow up with a crazy hoarding explosive man-child.
So if you want to stay with him, ok, but don't make a child grow up in that kind of scary environment.
If his explosions scare you, just imagine if you were 10 times smaller than him.
No. 390252
>>390188I don't think you seem to understand the gravity of your situation. Your boyfriend's actions have already proven he's dangerous. With my
abusive ex, it seemed like there were periods of peace and improvement but the
abusive behavior never went away. It's typical of the cycle of abuse. My
abuser was also extremely intelligent (breezed through with a near-perfect GPA as a double major in one of the best universities in the country) but emotionally stunted which is actually an incredibly dangerous combination of personality traits in an
abuser. He knew how to exploit my weaknesses and I have no doubts that your boyfriend does the same to you. Someone like that would rather exploit your empathy and love towards them rather than seek the professional help they truly need since that takes actual effort.
No. 390267
>>390206I think the disregard/disrespect/ignoring of people """"""less intelligent""""" is a really bad sign if anon wants to have kids with this guy
Add violence into it and you have a violent father who ignores and disrespects his kids! Just enjoy your time together and move on when it is appropriate
>>390188 No. 390268
>>390165>I know he’s a good person, just very tortured.Anyone who throws the phone at the wall and flips out because he didn't like your takeout choices is not a
uwu tortured soul anon, you have been memed into staying with an
abusive man baby because you think he's
deep I won't even comment on the fact that he is chimping out about things he could perfectly well do himself since he is so intelligent an' all, like laundry and ordering a fucking takeaway
No. 390271
>>390175>he does change behaviors
>threw you to the ground and screamed in your faceI see…no change here? Abusing you
less often is not a change, it's restraint. Abusing you once a year is still abuse. Now you will always remember being horribly attacked just because you ordered takeaway. Every time he does something like this you will get a new horrible memory and association.
With your next boyfriend, because this is no father - you will still remember how he threw you to the ground and screamed in your face. Btw my father did something similar to my mother. He absolutely has no respect for us and absolutely wants/wanted us dead. If you think this guy loves you, you are very wrong. Sorry Anon (sorry for samefag, I'm reading in reverse order)
No. 390273
>>390165>>390188This has to be bait. I refuse to believe any woman would be so stupid as to think her
abusive tardraging manchild bf is just a ~tortured soul~
No. 390281
>>390273This is unfortunately a very common thing in
abusive relationships.
I had a family member recently tell me she had to yell at her coworker for a few hours because she felt like going back to her
abusive relationship, like immediately after they just got done going to court because her "drunk" husband locked her in a room for 3 hours straight to rape her as their children were screaming on the other side of the door and heard it all happening. She told my family member "He's in therapy right now so he's going to stop drinking." Even the judge in court asked her, "You're not going back to him, right?"
No. 390293
>>390281Jesus…I think (well I know) that abuse rewires our brains/brains of
victims, but it's still staggering how much someone's survival instincts could be eroded over time.
No. 390348
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>>390345>fucking military dudesit was bad enough before finding out they were in the military, but this is simply irredeemable. truly, staring at the walls is a better option than fucking military men, holy shit
No. 390361
>>390360>I’ve put it in a jarHolly shit anon, I'm so sorry but that made me laugh.
You did what you needed to do, I hope you feel better.
No. 390392
>>390360Ummm if the sac coming out and you being bloody and pain is so traumatizing, how do you figure birth would be the better option? Im glad you girls decide to get abortions but the way you delude yourselves afterward about the alternative is wild. Giving birth is way, way, more dangerous, more bloody, way more lethal, comes with way more consequences, etc.
Just get an IUD and be done with all of this. I really feel like people want abortion to be a bigger deal than it is. Obviously its not easy but the alternative is worse in every possible way.
No. 390474
>>390392>>390430>>390384>>390382I'm nta but I've had to have 2 abortions in my life: 1 because I was raped when I was 16 and wasn't on bc yet and another a few years later when I had a copper IUD which failed. not defending op but even if you do everything right you can still get pregnant.
op you did the right thing and I know how much it sucks, you will feel better in a few days
No. 390478
>>390477I don't agree, people can choose to do things they don't want to without being pressured or coerced, and without expressing their reluctance. It wouldn't be rape in that case, even if it's not healthy.
However the anon you are replying to must be a scrote. Anon called it rape so she means rape, only a scrote would question that as if pretending to be raped is actually a likely thing to happen.
No. 390608
>>390474OP here. It wasn’t bait, I fell asleep.
Unfortunately I WAS on the pill and he pulled out. We were also tracking my ovulation cycle to avoid having sex at peak fertility, just in case. He’s incredibly potent unfortunately, and has accidentally knocked up every gf he’s had multiple times.
Really love him, but worried being with him means being forced to have a baby? Is this why the other girls left? Lol…
It’s been an emotional roller coaster and I never thought I’d have to abort, let alone twice in one year.
Thanks to all of the supportive anons.
No. 390668
>>390651That was my thinking too, dude doesn't have magic sperm anon's probably not taking her bc correctly. There are things that lessen bc effectiveness such as other medications too.
Honestly she should probably talk to her doctor about her birth control failing to make sure she's on the right type, is using it correctly, and something else she's doing/taking isn't interfering with it's effectiveness so this doesn't happen again.
No. 390803
>>390668Hell, even diarrhea makes your pill ineffective. Enough loose poops and you might end up pregnant. He should get his spermies tested or something because I've never heard of this shit. Magical sperm that makes 99+% effective birth control (assuming she's using correctly) completely ineffective, twice, and after pulling out, OK. I'm sorry but so many of the girls here are delusional or careless wrt their reproductive health, and then they complain about abortions or complain about the possibility of having an abortion and try to act as if carrying the child is the better option for someone that obviously can't even nail BC. Insane. This is the problem with stigmatizing abortion. Idk if anon is like 18 or what but the fact that I've seen multiple anons who don't use BC properly or are just clueless in general, who try to give excuses to not get an abortion or act like early abortion is some huge production, while also downplaying the gravity of giving birth, when they can't even keep from getting pregnant (no, we're not talking about rape), is crazy.
No. 391720
>>391719i don't believe cheating when someone is physically
abusive is bad. what you did isn't bad. i can understand feeling trapped and scared and feeling uncared for. i think more people would sympathize with this than you think. i hope he has gotten a lot better and you don't put up with any more abuse, because that's unacceptable. way more unacceptable than the cheating, and i think cheating is generally horrific.
No. 393176
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Making new friends as an adult is so much fucking work I've given up
No. 393498
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I think about my ex a lot. I'm in the best relationship I have ever been in, it's the happiest I've ever been, with someone I am ecstatic to spend the rest of my life with and grow old with. But I can't stop thinking about my ex and how I can ruin his life and fuck with his relationship/s. It's so damaging, but I am always thinking of ways to fuck with him.
He has removed me on some sites (unfollowed on fb, unfriended on snapchat) but I still try to find ways to remind him that I exist. I am slowly befriending all of his good friends (I have a different connection to them, I'm not just going out of my way), I've become closer with at least two of them, they genuinely like me and want to spend time with me, and I plan to do more socializing later this year with a bigger group of them. They are all realising that my ex is a loser who complains about wanting to die and hating life, which he never acted like when we were together/prior, which still has me curious about.
He's in a new relationship now with a girl I've met before, she's pretty nice, I hope he doesn't fuck her over too though.
I don't want to do this, it's pathetic. But I convince myself it's not because I'm only passively doing bad things. My bf knows I feel that I deserve some sort of "revenge" but not to this extent. It's sad, but I need to tell someone, to confess my sins.
No. 393531
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I'm terrified of people with mental disabilities, whenever I see them in public spaces I get so nervous. I don't hate them or anything, but jesus what a sad existence.
No. 393593
>>393520how is it fucked up? I do talk to my therapist and she says it's a normal way to react to someone who fucked you over. Also get off this thread if you can't handle confessions lol
>>393536I haven't acted on them either, I'm not sure if I can count befriending mutual friends as it, maybe it's just because I'm deluded and think making friends is revenge
No. 393610
>>393520do you know which thread you're on?
>>387592>>388532>>388945these are fucked up, not some idiot hung up on annoying her ex, gtfo.
No. 393714
>>393704I'm only willing to get serious with 4 of the people I am fucking
Love is over used and thrown around, no one has a guarded soul, everyone's definition of love is different. Someone making you happy isn't love, being able to open up to someone isn't love. Being in love is accepting the other is human, accepting their flaws and having it become part of their perfection in your eyes. When you can still your heart out to someone and they will stil hold you and not look at you different. Love is being able to remember them until you die. You never know who you have truly loved until both of you died. It's the cold truth of it, but I am perfectly okay with it, I'm enjoying my life until I choose to end it
No. 393731
I pretend like I'm cool with the sciolosis and the spinal fusion, I make jokes about how perfectly I can do the robot and how my posture is superior to everyone else's, I do all the "right" things like daily PT for the rest of my life and volunteering at the kid's hospital to help cheer up the little ones going through major surgery. My doctor praises me for my recovery, my family says I was so brave and inspiring.
But I'm not okay. I'm pissed. I'm pissed that I have to keep my hair super long because my shoulders are slightly uneven. I'm pissed that I can't do a somersault anymore. I'm pissed that I have random fucking pain and numbness just from walking no matter what I do always will for the rest of my life, despite doing 1-2 hours of PT a day. Oh, I'm pissed that I have to do that as well, it's a fucking chore.
But mostly I'm pissed that I had to give up on the stars, being an astronaut was all I wanted. Even though the chances were miniscule beyond measure as is, this was a total doorslam; an absolute assurance that I am going to die on this rock and will never see space. When this happened, when I found out right as I was entering highschool that everything I'd been working towards since I was 4 was totally out of my reach, I snapped. I didn't see the forest for the trees. Wouldn't even consider a job on the ground, directing the real explorers above. Maybe it's silly but the thought of it makes me want to cry, maybe I'm a pussy, or pathetic, I don't know. I did eventually find a career, I became active in my community and in a few volunteer groups, I bought an older house I love and am hand restoring with my Uncle, I have my friends and my cat and so many fucking things that I should be happy about and I do pretend to be but I'm not.
My confession is that I'm not this strong rock everyone in my life needs me for and seems to think I am. I am weak, so so weak, and childish and angry and I feel like I'm going to explode sometimes.
Then I just drink, like my dad did, and I watch the skies and think of Laniakea and her wonders until I pass out. I'm an ungrateful liar, world, and I'm sorry.
No. 393744
>>393714>You never know who you have truly loved until both of you died???
You will not know anything then because you will be fucking dead.
Well, unless there is an afterlife, but I don't buy that.
No. 393949
>>393935Is it that guy who had the TIF hit on him and whatnot while he was at work, saying he was confused if he was gay (lmao) and decided to date her anyways?
Ha ha ha anon, it's fun stalking people like that.
If you're going to post shit on the public internet domain like that, expect a few eyes on you after.
No. 393955
>>393949Yeah that one
He's made a new post about how he used punch walls while drunk it bad I wanna met him IRL just to see how horrendous he really is
No. 394231
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>>394202>>394190nice try, fugcel
No. 394246
>>393918it wasn't because of anything to do with that. it's because the post was so goddamn affected. like the person did their hardest dramatic sigh and then wrote some words to it
>Then I just drink, like my dad did, and I watch the skies and think of Laniakea and her wonders until I pass ok bitch lmao. post your writing exercises somewhere else
No. 394262
>>394257I can understand that sentiment my grandmother in her last years was in constant pain and suffered from grief
she believed that in death she could be free from the pain and be with her deceased loved one's once again
she died happy believing she would go to heaven
No. 394423
>>393593>>Therapist says it's normal to obsessively butt into someones life who made it clear they do not want you in it just because you want to get back at them.Bullshit that's not normal and your therapist didn't say it was or your therapist doesn't know how to do their job
>>Says you're so in love w current bf the happiest you've ever been>>While at the same time going on some retarded crusade so that your ex would remember you existHoney pick one. You aren't happy if you don't know how to let go.
No. 394491
>>394211Thank you anon. I don't check anymore, but for a while there I was looking at all of the depressing #sadboi posts he was liking, all of the depressing tweets that he would delete short times after. It made me feel better about the hell I went through knowing he is as depressed as I used to be.
I do agree that it's better, it's just a hard switch mentally to go from wanting someone to hurt to not caring how much they hurt you and what they do with their life.
I think like last week an anon confessed to stalking her ex too and yeah the advice is solid: Break all ties everywhere and hold yourself accountable for stalking.
Maybe keep a tally board of "Days since last stalk"
No. 394647
>>393531have a cousin
he's 6'3 and generally well built but he has the mind of a 5 year old
he works whatever job he can get and is a hard worker but still could never live on his own and needs someone to take of him
currently he has a gf
I feel in someway that their relationship is wrong because it seems like a woman being relationship with a child in a man's body
No. 394703
>>394695I feel like much of the board would agree with this lmao. Given the amount of nitpicking.
As long as you don't hate ugly people who have done nothing wrong it's not really an issue. Because not all ugly people are assholes lol.
No. 394713
>>394647No that's fucked and I would feel uncomfortable too. If he's on the same mental level as a child… how would that even be a fulfilling relationship for someone without any mental disabilities? Even if he does look like a "normal" guy… ugh, it's so weird. You really have to wonder what would make someone want to be in a relationship like that.
Also, imagine if the genders were reversed. It's creepy.
No. 395223
>>395222You sound like a psycho.
Shit, now I’m paranoid my friends go through my online shit.
No. 395227
>>394713I don't know either but I feel like she likes having an obvious advantage over him
>>394890I don't wanna say she's normal because she's a 30 year goth and generally very creepy but she seems to have no mental illness
No. 395230
>>395229No, I don't hate men. However, I
do stalk a Reddit user who was posted here in the "people you stalk online" thread.
/u/vcardthrow1 No. 395231
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>>395230I thought you were stalking this guy
No. 395234
>>395232I'm sure loads of people would do it and that doesn't make them psycho, just curious and nosy, but
>Makes me feel like I have an upper hand on her.does indeed sound psycho
No. 395396
When talking about interpersonal issues on the internet, I often deliberately change details that are of little to medium importance, like gender, locations, time frame, number of siblings, number of parents, height, etc because I'm paranoid that the person(s) involved might see.
I'm most iffy about gender, because people don't treat the sexes equally, but it's the only way to feel safe sometimes.
No. 395413
>>395222I do the same thing with some accounts. Ii followed some guy on twitter from college who I usually don't really talk to and he never really noticed I guess because he replies a lot to my stuff. I also found his tumblr and one of his friends' tumblr long ago but it wasn't too interesting. For some people I automatically block them when I find their profiles though.
>>395223Only post things you won't be embarrassed over then. And keep the more personal shit for image boards and forums where you can hide your identity easily. Don't forget that as soon as you post something publicly anyone can see your posts.
No. 395559
>>395557hahahahahhaahhaahah 'taylor' as in onision's wife? if true oh my god, please tell us more!
i'm so sorry for you but please spill some delicious deets
No. 395586
>>395583Same, except in my case they're not Muslims, just spoilt retards who don't know how to wipe their own arse and expect women to do everything for them. Most of them aren't even technically misogynistic for the most part, they're just collectively lazy, whiny, yappy mama's boys who like to have the last word on everything in general.
They're like Italian men except they don't even take care of themselves all that much.
In contrast, the women from my country (Balkans) are usually strong, educated, hard working and independent.
No. 395591
>>395586Also from the balkans but I cannot imagine dating outside of it, I'm aware how they are but as we say domaće je domaće
What ethnicities of men are the best for dating? Americans? They seem like the most open minded
No. 395600
>>395521For me white or maybe asian, because I'm simply not attracted to darker skin tones.
>>395583Since I was very little my parents always made sure to tell me that they're absolutely fine with me dating any ethnicity - as long as they're not muslim. You just hear too many horror stories about women being tricked by them: at first the pretend to be progressive and then slowly start to show their real,
abusive face. I've heard of women who were suddenly no longer allowed to leave the house, getting beating, or even of men trying to marry of their daughters to somebody in his home country… But since the refugee crisis and encountering muslim men myself, I also decided for myself that I woud never want anything to do with them.
>>395586I live in Germany and also noticed that girls who are from the more eastern parts of europe are usually much tougher and more confident than the native girls here. I guess you just learn to not take any shit from your men.
No. 395601
>>395600>You just hear too many horror stories about women being tricked by them: at first the pretend to be progressive and then slowly start to show their real, abusive face.The cases you're talking about sound more extreme than usual though. But from what I understand the Muslims in Germany are different from the ones in France, since there's not the same history of people coming from former colonies in Germany.
Since everyone guess (wrongly) that I'm Muslim I have guys being straight-forward with me when they try to hit on me. Almost all of them ask me if I'm Muslim and they're either disappointed or disgusted when I say no, so I haven't seen the type of guys you're talking about yet.
My family wants me to date a North African man or at least a Muslim one, but they really don't expect me to actually do it. When the conversation comes up they're all pissed off but that's because they don't even know I eat secretly eat pork and I'm a total non-believer instead of just not practicing yet. I've had my big sister yell at me in a restaurant because she absolutely wanted to know if I would circumcise my hypothetical son if I ever have one. Shit was so awkward.
No. 395642
>>395583It's really interesting because my parents don't care about me dating anyone as long as they're not muslim and I'm black.
So it says a lot about perception and the world.
No. 395651
>>395649If that's not too much asked or too personal in which city are you living right now? I'm the anon who talked about not wanting to date guys from my ethnic group because they're almost all Muslims and they want a mom more than they want a gf and I'm French as well (well, sort of). I'm going to guess you're white?
>Veiled women tho I never had a single problem with. None ever did anything nasty like the men do.That's normal, it's because the main reason why you're harassed is because they're men, first of all. From my personal experience the reason why white men don't do this shit as often is because they're more scared of consequences if they do shit like this in public. I'm saying this because we most likely see this problem from a different point of views but don't trust men too much in general. Stay safe.
No. 395659
>>395643as an Indian I agree with you
the vast majority of the Indian male population are all porn sick,misogynistic,racist mama's boys
however certain ethnicities are nicer then others Nagas,Assamese,Baltis,Punabjis,Parsis
however they make up a very small minority
No. 395669
>>395649Not wanting to be sexually harassed does not make you a bad person. Not liking someone because they treat you badly isn't racist. If no one speaks out against what is happening because of the fear of being called racist, then the situation is only going to escalate into what happened in Finland and the UK.
>>395643>>395659I've never had a problem with Indian men. I've never dated one so maybe that's why. I grew up in a very diverse city and I can't recall a negative experience with Indians. They always treated me with respect and never made me feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
No. 395677
>>395669I've never been mistreated by Indian men either, and the ones I've befriended have actually been quite liberal/kind. Although that could be because they're younger and motivated to move to a country that's pretty lefty and egalitarian (leaf) since I don't doubt Inianons claims. One of them even told me about how he really wanted to immigrate here so he can move his gf out of India because it's dangerous for her.
The only South Asian who have made me kind of uncomfortable have been Bangladeshi. One was openly pornsick and a compulsive liar and the others just seemed so angry. Notably those men were all Muslim, too.
No. 395679
>>395669>>395677oh western born Indian men are alright
I'm taking about Indian men in India
No. 395712
>>395632>>395621>I know I’m a disgusting person but so far I didn’t found a way to solve this issue of myself and improve my line of thought. I'm sorry you anons feel this way. I don't think you're a disgusting person especially when it's from personal experience. I don't believe anyone wants to be racist but I think we've all had uncomfortable moments realizing there's repeated patterns of bad experiences with people from specific countries. I hate racebaiting, but its like an uncomfortable truth or an elephant in the room.
I think Americans and PC culture has defined racism to be solely skin colour problem. But places where skin tone is similar (like Asia) racism results from culture clash. A country will have its own standard of ethics and someone's ethnicity will mean knowing the type of society they grew up in and their general upbringing. For countries close to eachother, it's the same way a person from Massachusetts will clash with a person from New York (but you wouldn't call this racism). This is something a lot of Americans overlook when they virtue signal online and make it a black vs white vs brown issue.
No. 395774
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>>395771Ethnically Turkish but French born. Racially I look similar to the actress in pic related I guess, my parents gave me a French name and my family name doesn't sound very foreign, plus they're both atheist so I wasn't raised a Muslim. Combine all of this and most people here assume I'm native Euro. It doesn't bother me but I just don't feel white.
No. 395810
>>395793>everyone can very easily guess I'm not white and I'm often treated like an outsider or a dumbass for it.That's awful, I'm sorry about that. Yeah, a lot of French people are low key racists, they'll be outwardly accepting but hold a lot of prejudice deep down. Out of curiosity, are you Maghrebi?
Je sais pas si on est nombreuses ou si on est juste 3-4 à poster souvent haha>>395807what
No. 395832
>>395814Yes Turkey(western part at least)is considered part of Europe
Its been considered a European power for well over 300 years
No. 395833
>>395814IMO saying Turkey is European would be quite reductive as it's at the crossroads of several cultural regions. Not that being European is bad, I love Europe and it's diversity, but Turkish culture has too many ties to the Near East, Iran and Central Asia, in addition to Mediterranean Europe and the Balkans, to be considered European.
>>395820>I'm the anon who posted about not wanting to date Muslim guys earlier too.I empathize.
No. 395835
>>395774You know outside of /pol/ and /int/ the vast majority of people I know consider Turks to be white
I have met blonde haired blue eyed Turks in Germany how could pass without much problem only thing about them that was noticeable was that they were a bit smaller in height then the average male German
No. 395857
>>395814No, absolutely not. Most Europeans would tell you that they're not the same and Turkish people also pride themselves in being different from them. Geographically a tiny part of Turkey belongs to Europe, but the vast majority is in Asia and other than that the differences in religion, culture, values,…, simply everyhing is also extremely huge.
Turkey has been trying to join the European Union for ages now as well, but seeing as Erdogan can be pretty much considered a dictator by now, that's not going to happen either.
Looking (or being) white =/= being European.
>>395832Until the late 19th century Turkey was always invading and fighting against various European natios - also with the goal of spreading islam as opposed to christianity which is/was the major religion in those european countries. While there have been wars between European countries as well, Turkey has always clearly been an outsider.
>>395774>I just don't feel white.How does one feel white? I get that you might not feel French or that you don't fit in, but not feeling white? If you really look like the woman in your pic then you simply
are white.
No. 395866
>>395857>Geographically a tiny part of Turkey belongs to Europe, but the vast majority is in Asia and other than that the Yeah but majority of the population lives in that small European part
the Asian part is inhabited by Kurds and other ethnic minorities
>Until the late 19th century Turkey was always invading and fighting against various European natios - also with the goal of spreading islam as opposed to christianity which is/was the major religion in those european countries. While there have been wars between European countries as well, Turkey has always clearly been an outsider.they allied with the French,the British for hundreds of years and Invaded and fought with their Muslims neighbors constantly
No. 395900
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>>395872then whats your response to ethnicties that are "white passing" but not Europeans
like Pashtuns,Khazaks and northern Iranians hell I have known some Tunisians that can pass for white
No. 395938

>>395774It's kinda like saying "What race are Americans?". There are white Americans, black Americans, Native Americans, etc. It's a mixed country. Ethnic Turks are Central Asian (if you wonder what Central Asians look like, vid related is an interview with them) but Turkey's population in its current form is heterogeneous so you're probably one of the white passing Turks like Hazal Kaya. Race isn't really a topic of debate in Turkey, no one goes around saying "I'm white", "I'm Asian", "I'm Middle Eastern", people just say that they are Turkish. If I were you I would say that I'm Turkish living in France. The majority of the country is in Asia, the culture and history is really different than European culture and history. It just feels like people who don't know anything about the country are trying to erase our identity and culture to fit their narrative sometimes. No racebait, just wanted to clear up misconceptions as a trfag.
>>395866Lmao no? Turkey's population is 80 million while the total population in the European lands is only 8 million. Kurdish people mostly live in the southeast.
No. 395966
>>395866I actually googled it, because I couldn't really believe you and less than 3% of Turkey is in Europe, so I highly doubt that it's even possible that nearly everybody lives there.
>they allied with the French, the BritishAnd the Germans allied with Japan, that doesn't need to mean anything.
I'm really curious as to where you're from? I've never heard anybody make that claim before and not only would most Europeans react very strongly if somebody were to suggest that Turkey is European, most Turks would also take offense to that. Religion and the culture it's tied to is such a big factor, even if you aren't Christian yourself, if you happen to live in a European country your life will be shaped by it - same as with Islam in Turkey. That's not something that one can overlook or overcome. Nobody would argue that any South American country could be part of North America - even though they share the same Religion. So why should Turkey, which is so vastly different in about every aspect one could think of, be part of Europe?
No. 395973
>>395966>I actually googled it, because I couldn't really believe you and less than 3% of Turkey is in Europe, so I highly doubt that it's even possible that nearly everybody lives there.but Turkey is an Europe
20% of the population lives in Istanbul
No. 395978
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>>395973Geographically less than 3% of Turkey is in Europe and only a small part of it's population lives there. Istanbul is both in Europe and Asia as well, so not all of those 20% you're talking about live in Europe either.
No. 396090
>>396072It's not really important beyond memes, 4chan /his/ shitposting and bydlo patriotism tbh. If the Byzantines didn't fall and Anatolia remained Orthodox Greek, people would consider Turks as white as Russians, which is for most of history 'nominally white' and 'maybe white'.
I like Turkey and Turkish people tbh.
No. 396136
>>396123As someone who has an ex who was an
abusive cheater, I’m honestly a little jealous that you get to experience that sweet schadenfreude.
No. 396158
>>396133I feel similarly anon, except I'm in college and in my early 20s. I've had this aching awful desire to end my life since I was a kid on and off and it's been hell for me. I kind of keep waiting for fate to put me out of my misery somehow, my lifestyle is pretty unhealthy and I have even felt like I was literally going to die a few times, but nothing ever prevails and I never fucking die. Even tried to OD more severely than usual last year, pills, booze, the whole shebang, and it only resulted in me puking the next morning. I keep wondering why the hell im not dying. I feel hopeless, I have less than a year till my degree is done realistically and I still feel hopeless, like I am going to end up homeless and broke sometime after exiting college and entering the job market. I'm hopeless with my finances and I can already see myself failing before I even start.
I wish I could give advice to say its all going to be okay, but I honestly have been in a funk for a long time with suicidal thoughts myself and I can't see them getting better, I'll always try killing myself again in this vicious cycle and it will probably fail me.
No. 396159
>>396133I was in the same place as you, not that long ago, anon; everything down to the 72 hour hold and feeling more suicidal after from being surrounded by far-gone patients. I empathize with you. It's been a struggle, but I've been making my way out of this mental ditch. My suicidal thoughts came back yesterday, and I was really tempted to act on them this morning, but I'm trying to find anything to hold onto. I might go all-out and move to another state and start over, just to keep pushing forward. I can only advise that you find something positive in your life, appreciate it daily, and make goals that project you into more positive things to also be thankful for. If you have a roof over your head, good food, decent health, mobility, try to think of people who don't have those things, but have made an effort to be happy in spite of that. Whatever your obstacles are, please try to identify them and face the negative emotions they're bringing you, without resorting to suicidal thoughts. They're a form of escapism from whatever is happening in your life that you want to control, but feel helpless against.
This might not be allowed on LC, but I want to make sure you're safe if you do attempt, unlike some of the pro-life assholes on here. People who want to attempt are going to do it regardless of what you say, just like people are going to shoot or stab even when weapons are banned. If you insist on passing, search for the helium method. It's painless, you will pass out before any reflexes may occur. But, before you go, please make a sincere effort to get better first. Get treatment, take medication, get out of the house, pursue a hobby, make decent friends, find a job you don't hate, etc. Then, if you're still not happy, I can understand why you want to go. Don't give up too easily if those things don't pan out at first.
No. 396315
>>396304700 calories is not enough to stay healthy and take in all the nutrients you need. You are harming your internal organs this way.
I recommend you to try My Fitness Pal or a similar calorie counting app that calculates how many calories a day you can consume with your daily activity. This way you will learn how to balance your meals and even how to have an 'unhealthy' meal from time to time.
As an example I eat roughly 1500 calories a day and I enjoy steak, ramen bowls, pasta, sushi, tacos, etc. It is all about moderation and self control. If I had to drop carbs from my diet 100% I would be miserable. I had a problem with overindulging in carby foods but I worked through my issues and learned to slow down my eating and enjoy every bite.
And no, my carby meals are not ridiculous five-star restaurant portions. But they are not american dinner portions either.
Sorry for blog post.
No. 397196
>>397178Here's hoping that I can become like you one day. Oh, mighty farmer, teach me your ways. Grant me your secret knowledge of feasting without bursting my pants.
p.s. I'm really glad for you.
No. 397201
>>397175i'd rather not give a's a small world u know kek
it's definitely not the most insufferable person on tumblr but she managed to push my buttons
No. 397204
>>397178I've had an utter crap diet basically my whole life and always managed to keep my BMI in a healthy range somehow. I think it really depends on your eating habits. When I binge on junk food, it usually makes me feel bloated and gross so I won't really feel that hungry for the rest of the day.
I think with a lot of overweight people the issue is that they'll eat a ton of junk food, in addition to the regular meals they're already eating. Someone might see me eat an entire bag of Doritos in one sitting and think "wtf?" but that's probably one of my only 'meals' for the entire day, so at the end of the day I'm not actually eating in a caloric surplus.
Also, I'm guessing if you lost a lot of weight your stomach probably shrank and now you're used to eating less, especially since you fasted, and what seems like a massive gross binge to you right now might've been just a normal snack to your former self, so maybe you're not really eating as much as you think.
No. 397263
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I'm 30 and for the first time in over 10 years I started burning myself again. I heated up an old crochet needle with a lighter and branded my wrist a couple times. I thought shit like this stopped in your mid 20s. I don't have the best self esteem and I'm not the outgoing person I used to be. Stupid as it sounds my ex boyfriend and the guys after him just drained the best parts of myself and now I keep pieces of myself to myself so I basically don't trust or confide in people around me anymore.
How fucked am will I ever be able to get some of my old self back?
No. 397277
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>>397268I don't drink anymore I just realised booze wasn't fun it was just numbing the shit out of me. I do like the taste of some booze don't get me wrong im not some straight edge lass.
It's morbidly interesting how shitty experiences can snowball and fuck your shit up.
When I was little I had epilepsy and it took forever to figure out what helped me. My folks tried to explain what it was that was wrong to the kids I was friends with and they just turned around and said I was brain damaged.
People then started talking to me as if I was special needs. Saying that I am wondering did the medication I was taking did stunt me somehow because I'm awful at maths and puzzles my mind just stops working at a certain point with that stuff and it's depressing when you can't do any math past long division.
Long story short I was isolated for a long time because people just made fun of me and were fake typical mean girls shit really.
Then I just had an awful relationship with one guy that led to me being assaulted by his friend and having rumours of me being an escort spread through town.
I burn myself to stop my thoughts racing around and being loud.
Simple and dumb but the hiding and treating my burns takes my mind off shit.
No. 397299
>>397263men (not all of them, but uh a lot) go into relationships as sociopaths: to drain resources, emotional energy and anything they can get, then once the woman is tired and depressed they move onto a new one. it's not stupid to acknowledge that. You will replenish and fix and heal, and being wary is fine. Your next interactions will be handled more carefully and you won't let men drain your resources. I'm sorry you resorted to self harm as a way of addressing that. It isn't your fault; they see us as
victims and targets and that's how the interaction pans out.
Also #notallmen but I think the majority of men ride on the coattails of the minority of good ones, knowing we hope they will be like that. Anyway sorry for the rant. You will recover emotionally from this and what happened to you is very normal and not your fault.
No. 397312
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>>397304I'm actually good with time keeping.
The only way I can describe my trouble with math is I get to a certain point and then it just feels like my brain is buffering.
The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.
I don't know since I tend to isolate myself and distrust a majority of people my family say shit like you may be autistic and that really pisses me off. Having nerdy hobbies doesn't help either I guess.
I want to stop hurting myself and right now I'm in control of myself I treat the wounds and look after myself do my job and all that jazz but fucking hell I don't know what set me off.
I'm going to be a sad babydoll girl for a moment and say something cringey…..Maybe I was just broken from the start.
Ugh feel so dirty now.
No. 397396
>>397346I refuse to believe that.
It’s because math is taught incorrectly.
It should be taught like a science : i.e with experiments - and also with group projects - the idea isn’t to add numbers - numbers really only go so far
Advanced theory goes waaaaay beyond calculation of stuff in ways that are hard to explain or even imagine.
Heck I might start with raw theory - as opposed to anything like algebra.
A book on discrete math might be an interesting opportunity to explore more of mathematics without getting lost in basic shit that becomes virtually obselete and kinda useless a year or two into advanced math.
No. 397397
>>397396Also Khan academy is a great resource and the guy gives really good intuitive explanations of stuff.
It will make your public education look like a joke.
No. 397447
>>397416It's been just over a year? Girl, don't beat yourself up over not being back to "normal" after you spent SIX years in an
abusive relationship. If you're 24 that's a fourth of your entire life! I don't think anybody would be back to normal after only a year or so after a traumatic experience, especially one that continued for such a long period of time.
Maybe you might never go back to the life you had before this relationship, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. You can create a new normal for yourself: stronger and happier. It's not easy but if you were strong enough to stay sane for five years while being completely trapped in an
abusive relationship, you're definitely strong enough to get through this.
No. 397458
>>397444I hate it as well, it's become a miracle for me at this point to see anybody who isn't a leftist calling for a violent revolution. Their agenda is too fucking strict. Any wrongthink or opinion that doesn't completely align with theirs is never good enough. They might as well be the fascists they've become to hate so much. Honestly, they seem like cowards, all bark no bite. Intimidation is all they know.
My family taught me pacifism and I see it as a better solution than theirs.
No. 397556
>>397458>My family taught me pacifism and I see it as a better solution than theirs.I don't necessarily agree with pacifism as their are certain situations where violence is necessary however those situations are in the minority and I respect those who are pacifists
>Honestly, they seem like cowards, all bark no bite. Intimidation is all they know.Thats the thing about Chapo they despise everyone in the military and mock them but also call for a violent revolution
I mean even Lenin acknowledged that you can't have proper communist revolution without support of the Armed Forces
No. 397666
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The only thing that inspires me anymore is fantasizing about making a lot of money so I can run a Hard Candy operation in third world countries.
No. 397731
>>397647Their was a post by some dude on reddit I saw a while back about his friend who wanted to start a religion about worshiping nuclear bombs and nuking the entire earth but nothing come of it
I might have joined that religion If it existed
No. 397734
>>397731The Fallout games have a religion like that called The Children of Atom.
I'm definitely down for some atomic annihilation.
No. 397775
>>397773I hope to god this is a troll but I have feeling it isn't
I really should get off this site
No. 397777
>>397773Just when I thought I've seen peak mental illness from farmers.
I wish there was some way to out you so this poor girl could get a restraining order from you ASAP and anyone else would know tk avoid you like the plague, you fucking psycho.
No. 397779
>>397773>tfw you have friends who know you post hereCongrats, you've given a farmer one anxiety.
Guess I'll be wary if they try to give me a dress kek.
No. 397792
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I’ve been dating my bf 3 years in a few weeks and we haven’t had sex. Even though I stay with him like 60% the time.
Oh, can’t forget I’m mid 20s
I hate that I now have to lie to people now so they won’t put me down about it.
I’m pathetic and I hate myself.
No. 397800
>>397792Is your boyfriend asexual or something? If you
need sex in a relationship it may be time to consider if you're okay with this set up for the rest of your life.
No. 397823
>>397799>>397800It’s all me, I’m not even ‘asexual’. I’m just mentally ill, never had sexual trauma or anything. I have panic attacks when I have attempted to do it in the past or I just get freaked out from being touched. Lastly I’ve been on anti depressants/mood stabilizers for so long I a lot of time barely even feel anything down there.
I’m so thankful for my boyfriend to put up with my problems. I’m trying to find therapy, but I constantly feel guilt about this. If I admit anything related to this with my mother she just makes me feel worse by saying what a horrible girlfriend I am.
No. 397834
>>397171>>397626samefag,ending the epic trilogy no one cares about kek
so she responded emitting all my criticism and calling me bitter.also a couple more asks came up after mine with similar content and she was like "wow did i
trigger yall chill".and i sent her a final ask telling her that she is more annoying than the teens she talks shit about and i finally blocked her so i won't see more of her shit on the tags
a grown woman being shitty to teenagers(who get enough shit already)and having a superiority complex towards them and other types of people is some of the shit i cant tolerate
No. 398409
>>398270what is it with the influx of racebaiters? do they just get bored on occasion and come here from /pol/
>>397974i resent my mom for a multitude of reasons but one of them was never really teaching me organization or cooking/"life" skills either anon, she'd just yell at me if i did things wrongly and i often did, but refused to teach me how to do them herself. i may mostly cook out of box meals now but hey, it's something, ive advanced beyond microwaving, i dont think i'm ever going to be a stellar chef, but it's better than spending all my money on junkier food even tho i still feel like i'm terrible at cooking/cleanup
No. 398758
>>397773This was posted on /cgl/, too. You said you bought her Lolita dresses. You were told to get therapy.
You said you were making these posts so that if something happens to her, you may be implicated (thus giving you one more reason not to do it - the risk now that you've posted), but the fact that you haven't stated your location or given any other identifiers (in fact, you've
omitted another dimension of information upon visiting Lolcow…) tells me you do this for attention.
No. 398963
>>397832Thank you, I wrote like a huge ass post about the things that caused it and I can pretty much just say now that it’s everything about shame and guilt when it came to anything ‘sexual’ in life. Plus a lot of sexual harassment I dealt with in high school, I was never assaulted, but it was an everyday thing for me to deal with guys commenting on my body or trying to find ways to touch me since people for the most part thought of me as mute since my anxiety made it hard for me to speak normally. I wish I was bolder in those times and would have said something.
I did elbow a teacher that came up behind me and tried tickling me as he was walking by(wasn’t even his class), but that was panic since most girls at the school were scared of him lol
And my bf, he’s so good to me I sometimes think it can’t even be real. It’s wasted on me, but I am happy with him.
No. 398969
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>>398431Right. At most you may experience a brief moment of panic before passing out (some survivors reporting that in a brief moment, they pulled the bag off their head and vomited). But overall, suicide guides seem to unanimously agree that it's the preferred method for fast and painless suicide. It takes prep though, but once you take your first deep breath you're out for the count shortly after.
Another method that I've seen mentioned is going to Mexico where you can find a particular drug that's literally sold over the counter at certain pet shops for the purpose of euthanizing pets. It works well with humans too, and apparently is also quick and painless. Probably against the rules to give more information but that's a consideration too. I've done lots of research on the topic so these are the two methods I have in mind aside from using a gun. Like anon said, please explore your other options before trying. I'm doing therapy and antidepressants and will give it until the end of the year before I make my decision. Or, maybe earlier if my mind loses its way faster, which is possible considering my mental deterioration. On the bright side of things, if you're on the fence about suicide and try everything, it'll only strengthen your determination to end it all when you realize that you've given it your best shot and there really is no hope.
No. 399175
>>399006This is exactly it,
>>398965 they are putting their mental health issues on some random girl who - if you are afraid to mention it, most certaintly doesn't want you to do horrible things to her - it's not your poor friend's responsibility to deal with your illness. Get medical treatment. You need to be on sedatives and mood controlling drugs at the very least. None of your thought processes are normal or logical.
No. 399177
>>398969Haven’t done enough research if you don’t mention the easiest way which is detergent suicide or hydrogen sulfide gas. One breath knocks you out and three could kill.
Not giving instructions for obvious reasons.
No. 399326
>>399319Saying you want something in passing because you're depressed is not the same as wanting a horrific, self indulgent sadistic attack to occur to you and "I posted it on an imageboard anonymously? I thought you knew?"
seek psychiatric help. I wish these boards were monitored by the authorities so freaks like you can be tracked down. Leave her alone. seek mental health reparation for yourself.
No. 399328
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>>399319Wish we had a "report to FBI" function.
No. 399356
>>399265It’s not painful unless you don’t die. Since one deep breathe renders you unconscious you won’t feel it in your sleep.
But as other anon said: it’s extremely irresponsible and endangers others.
No. 399363
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I'm the worst cook ever and your typical lazy university student so I often eat frozen pizzas for lunch and dinner and I hate doing dishes so I'll put it on a paper towel instead of a plate and since I don't want to go through the effort of dirtying a knife I just eat the whole pizza without cutting it into slices. One of my biggest fears is that one day one of my roommates will walk into my room and see me eating a whole ass fucking pizza like a goddamn cookie and I'll have no excuse for my feral ways
No. 399369
>>399363anon are you me
don’t worry a lot of my friends are also like this and a lot of people learn because they start spending more time around others
my boyfriend even admits that when I’m not around he’s an animal when it comes to eating and he’s graduated with a nice job and takes good care of his living space
you won’t always be like this is what I’m trying to say but anyways it’s literally nothing to be embarrassed about at this point in time
No. 399376
>>399369Haha thank you for understanding anon I guess it's really not that unexpected at my age
Anyway I'm going to go kill myself now because I just went to take my pizza out of the oven and I dropped it cheese side first and had to clean up molten cheese and sauce off the floor and I have nothing else to eat so I salvaged the pepperoni pieces and put it back on the pathetic pizza crust lmao bon appetit
Almost fucking cried when I dropped it I'm not ready for the adult world goddamn it
No. 399422
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>>399363There's a solution to your problem. Mini pizzas, and just wait a bit for them to stop being so you can stack them on your palm in two mini pizza skyscrapers.
No. 399672
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i'm almost 20 and i still have a really close relationship to my stuffed animals–specifically a group of penguins. they all have distinct names, personalities, and lore, and i converse with them regularly.
i went to online school in my early teens and experienced a few traumas in a short period of time. for some years these penguins were my only friends. i value them as a little family of sorts. my family understands how important they are to me, and they have their own fun talking to them and dressing them up.
i think my penguins were a tool for me to learn how to form real friendships and think about other people's feelings. i'm a fully functioning adult with plenty of irl interaction nowadays, but they're still just as important to me. i worry people will think i'm an ageplayer or something when the truth is i just have the purest love for these little guys. i keep their significance under wraps for the most part, and only my closest loved ones know the extent of my care for them.
No. 399673
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>>399672Anon this is so cute but also really weird because I have a stuffed penguin keychain thing in my car that I've talked to before, particularly during a rough patch about a year ago. It's a tuxedo sam keychain so I call him Sam, it's not the exact one in the pic but very similar. Why are stuffed penguins such good companions?
No. 399680
>>399672Anon I'm the same! I wrote this post
>>396425 9 days ago. Having a stuffed animal around is therapeutic for me. I have a slightly different reason, but I totally feel like the plush is my friend during times of hardship when I have intense symptoms. Some days I have no one to talk to but my plush. I have definitely freaked out before when I've misplaced my plush, I literally had to take another small plush from my collection to keep me calm while out of the house. Even when I go to bed I make sure my plush is on the chair facing towards me.
I have a huge collection of plushes, about 4 bookshelves full and I don't want to get rid of any because they all have a special place in my heart. Whether the fact I got a rare one for a great price, or it was a gift from a friend, or it's one of my favorite characters, I know how I got each one and will never forget. The one I take everywhere with me, I'm so thankful for. She's getting dirty, I just had to choose a white plush, but it's a reminder I'm pushing on through.
No. 399682
>>399672If you're a creative type you could turn their stories into a children's book.
I think it's a common coping mechanism to speak with something that is cute or reminds you of a better time. Take care of your penguin pals anon.
No. 399691
>>399672>>399680For some people they take life saving solace in their pets, imaginary companions and plants, there's nothing wrong with having something other than a human for company. If anything it probably helps facilitate the kind of reflective self-conversation that cognitive behavioral therapy recommends.
Like anything, it's only a problem if it's actually a problem, such as being unable to leave them alone for a day or insisting complete strangers introduce themselves to them.
I'm sentimental and talk to lots of things when I'm alone. I really like the shinto idea of objects having souls, or the belief that the more you energy given to an object the more alive it becomes. I know logically things are just things, but it isn't hurting anyone to be kind to them.
No. 399760
>>399751Skyrim's linear questa and gameplay is what had me tire of it after one playthrough. Waited a few years until I had mods to tailor the game to my tastes. Now it is tolerable. TES6 will probably be yet another downgrade, which is a shame.
Fallout 4's biggest flaw was having a voiced protagonist with so much of their personality already set. It feels so weird for me to do another playthrough because I can't change my character's origins at all. Fallout: New Vegas nailed it with everything.
While I agree with you to some degree I also in turn look down on you for judging people so harshly for liking two games that are objectively ok games. If you want to look down on gamers, look down on those who unironically like Daikatana.
No. 399763
>>399758I do think Skyrim is genuinely bad. I went into it so hyped expecting it to be amazing but it just sucked ass. It’s probably amplified by the fact that I played all the other games and liked them more, even oblivion and arena. But it is just shit, and i don’t see it as an RPG. It made me more mad when they added the morrowind expansion or whatever and totally ruined the armor. they fucked up the dwemer, too. Ripped music straight from morrowind out of laziness, despite that it doesn’t fit the atmosphere.
The main storyline is recycled from Redguard. God I’m going to stop here the whole thing is just trash. Don’t get me started on Fallout 4, either.
Bf at the time of Fallout 4 release pissed me off. I tried to get him into fallout for years, but he only cares when all the drooling dumbasses hype it. Got so caught up in it that he told me about this “Nuka Cola” Quantum that was overpriced which turned out to be some normal blue soda or something in a bottle with a cheap label slapped on. I went to laugh at it but it turned out he told me about it bc he really wanted one and was OTT pissed bc the target employees bought them all and scalped them. Like holy shit dude even my 3 year old brother can see through the plain lollipop in a Spider-Man wrapper bullshit
No. 399765
>>399758They're not bad, they're just not exactly the same as the previous games in the series.
All Bethesda games were terribly glitchy at launch even the old ones.
>>399751You're just an elitist, or let nostalgia cloud your judgement. Not all new mass media is bad.
No. 399766
>>399765Nah, I still play daggerfall and vanilla morrowind and fallout 1, 2, tactics all the time and have fun. they’re objectively shitty.
Tout themselves as RPG but are action adventure. Combat is horrible. I adore and always play mages but the magic in Skyrim is so limited and shitty that I deleted my mage and started over as something else. Boring quests. Less freedom than you think, shit attempt at politics, nothing you do has any affect on anything. The faces look like shit. The voice acting largely sucks. I’ll grant that Fallout 4 is even worse because you
really get no choices there.
No. 399773
>>399766The entire skill and crafting system could be done away with and it wouldn't change the game significantly. Morrowind was fun because it was a genuine challenge and the maps had a purpose (seriously the compass and fast travel ruin the whole point of having a map, it can be done well like in the witcher 3 but skyrim literally navigates itself), the element of exploration was stronger and quests were fun because you got to play detective instead of having everything served to you on a platter. The dialogues were a lot less retarded as well and they didn't recycle lines.
Skyrim got lots of hype because it was a huge deal for its time and not many developers were making any games as open world as this on this scale and with this budget. It wasn't until the witcher 3 that skyrim got knocked down, until then they had released like a million different special/GOTY/legendary editions only to be btfo by a considerably smaller Polish studio. I can see why people thought it was great for its time but skyrim has served its purpose and there's many better titles out there.
No. 399795
>>399673>>399675>>399680>>399691wow, thank y'all for giving me perspective and being so understanding. i didn't know it was as common a coping mechanism as it is! i'm glad i posted, it did good for my heart.
>>399682thank you for bringing this up! i've actually been drafting ideas for a children's book about them. i think the antics that i've assigned to them would translate well to a story. i was inspired after working at build a bear and seeing how genuine a child's love for their stuffed companion is. i'll keep working on it!
No. 400083
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It's been eight years since I read it, but part of me still likes Homestuck.
I hate that I love the characters so much, because everything else about this fucking comic infuriates me.
The guy who writes it has turned into a lazy tool who has all his obnoxious friends write new content because he can't be assed anymore. The fanbase used to be full of cringey cosplaying teenagers and social justice warriors, now the fandom is full of pretentious Reddit neckbeards and social justice warriors. 80% of the fanart now is this stupid social justice crap where everybody is black, albino, or trans. The game was a disappointment and Andrew is a fucking tard who should never be in charge of any large amount of money or business ever again.
God. Why couldn't this just be a normal fucking comic with a normal author and a small fanbase. Why does it need to be this giant nightmare helmed by a fucking autistic cryptid with horrible cringey fans. All this stupid shit has forced me to pretend I hate this comic because I don't want to have to defend myself to people who were alienated by all the fucking baggage involved.
No. 400163
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My mom and sister are a bit weird, they always had the habit of peeping (actually I'm pretty sure my sister picked it up from my mom). When I'm in my room or in the bathroom and I don't close the door completely (so I just close it without involving the handle, so if you press on the door it opens), I will often find her peeping through a narrow space created by opening the door very slightly, or through the keyhole. Yesterday I was in my room and I could hear that she was standing out there, peeping for about 10 minutes straight before leaving.
Because of this, I developed a paranoia where I always feel observed when I'm alone in a room, and I always make sure to close the door and block the keyhole as well.
No. 400167
>>400153I’m irked by just how quickly such an absurd amount of money was raised, especially since the church doesn’t need any donations with its ludicrous amount of wealth.
I don’t expect the billionaires that donated to be charitable towards more worthy causes, them donating to Notre dame wasn’t even a charitable act - it benefits them greatly to have it restored as the biggest donators are luxury fashion labels who reside in France, the state of the countries tourist attractions greatly impacts them.
I agree it’s naive of me to be annoyed by the selfishness and greed of billionaires because it’s honestly on the tin what with them hoarding billions and all, but I still desperately that those with the power to do so would actually help the disenfranchised.
No. 400174
>>400163anon, this sounds creepy as hell.
i thought it was bad enough that my family members would just barge into my bedroom at all times when i lived at home but i would keep my door permanently closed and locked if i were in your situation.
No. 400219
>>400192What do you mean "apply himself"? Do you apply
No. 400249
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last night I dreamt that I made out with Sebastian Stan and gave him head
my brain is blessing me but also taunting me.
No. 400261
>>400174I actually read a Junji Ito short story once that went exactly like this, lol.
My mom threw all the room keys away when my parents moved here, so we've never had the possibility to lock a door.
She also eavesdrop whenever she hears me or my sister talking on the phone or the laptop. I failed a skype interview once because I could hear her standing outside the room behind the door for the whole time and it made me too nervous. Doesn't help that we live in an already small apartment and she's always at home.
>>400197Thanks, anon. I've had the joy to live somewhere else for a period, I had to come back for health reasons but now I'm working to get away again.
No. 400905
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Back during my troon phase I got into an online community and made quite a few friends who were fully convinced I was a cis-male. I never officially got on T or anything but I've always been pretty dykeish regardless and I was young at the time so they believed me. Now that I'm done with that phase of my life and highly regret it, when I approached my online friends about using female pronouns for me now, they were supportive of me for 'coming out' as a transgirl. I never bothered to correct them out of the shame of my initial lie. Now I've met up with a few of them in person and according to them, I "pass so well!", I look and sound "almost exactly like a cis-female". I don't think I'll ever tell them. I'm retarded and will carry this retarded secret to my grave.
No. 400916
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Porn messed up with my expectations for sex. I always get a bit sad when I see nice shiny penises because my bf has a very dry looking one.
No. 400930
>>400927tbh insulting any partner's (male or female) genitals is pretty low. I think I'd also never get over it if someone I trusted to love me insulted my vagina.
It's such an intimate and private part so it's a vulnerable point.
No. 400939
>>400916Is he circumsized? Those are usually more dry.
>>400920I mean I don't imagine anyone can easily get over getting their genitalia graded negatively by their partner.
No. 400960
>>400952Not everyone is a manhate anon?
I mean this site has a pretty wide user base not everyone is going to use that thread?
No. 400963
>>400960I'm not sure if it's better or worse if anons like
>>400920 think it's hilarious that people are hurt by having their partners insult them because they're an asshole rather than have it be a man-hate thing.
If you're that anon, do you think it's funny that a woman would feel hurt if her partner called her vag an ugly roastie? If you think she should just suck it up and get some surgery, idk what to say. We are on lolcow I guess.
No. 400967
>>400960i mean things like
>>400920 >>400927 said are definitely manhate tier.
No. 400981
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when i was a depressed neet, i played dragon age inquisition to completion over 30 times (i stopped counting after 30 cause it was distressing me)
each playthrough was at minimum 45 hours, but usually ended up closer to 130 when i'd do 100% completion runs. i'd just wake up and play until i fell back asleep.
i'm a fully functioning member of society now and i can't really comprehend what happened during those 11 months.
No. 400996
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>>400981I'm currently doing the same thing with BOTW. I'm close to pulling a pic related to try and recapture the feeling of that first play through.
No. 401041
>>400981Aw man, I used to do this too with RE:4
With small breaks in between, it would help distract me from thinking about eating/food in general. Kinda fucked up, but I really love that game.
No. 401089
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I hate gay men who try to be "sassy" and the women who enable them
No. 401130
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I nearly stole a goldfish today because his owner is keeping him in one of those shitty little unfiltered bowls in a hot room. The only reason I didn't steal him was because my boyfriend's mother works for his owner and I don't want to get her fired. I suggested I could take the fish and she could lie to them about it dying (since his companion already died in that shitty bowl) and she thought I was joking. I hate knowing that I could have saved this living thing but I left him to die. I guess I'm just that crazy person who cares too much about animals.
No. 401697
>>401284Take it from a dumb child who ate pennies and quarters (most which also never reappeared) - we will be fine.
Although, I vomited up either a huge ball of chewing gum or my stomach lining at one point in my life. So I don’t recommend swallowing gum.
No. 401759
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Sometimes I think it's fun to find cringy reddit users' real names and real life social media accounts. People are so bad at keeping their "anonymous" reddit accounts and their IRL accounts separate. There is this one user on a subreddit I frequent who is insufferable and so obnoxious. Constantly insulting other people and claiming her comments that are down voted to hell are just her trolling. I looked up her reddit username and basically everything about her came up. Turns out she's a 30-something year old unmarried (funny bc her go to insult is "ur single!!") lawyer. She has a ton of cringy trying-too-hard reviews on yelp too.
Probably creepy of me, but I obviously would never post their information anywhere with malicious intent. I just find it interesting that she is older and has a whole ass career but spends a considerable amount of time complaining, "trolling," and shitting on women 10 years younger than her
No. 401808
>>401803i'm in a sort of same situation as you. it's hard to reach out.
i've been making myself get out of the house more often because i'm having more anxiety than usual, but there's no one i can hang out with besides my boyfriend. how do i make friends? i know if i have more people to connect with i would probably feel much better than i do now.
No. 402188
>>402185I don't hate gay men but sometimes I feel a bit annoyed by them, like they've rejected women even though I know being gay isn't a choice. It's narcissistic of me I guess.
It doesn't make me dislike actual gay men but I notice I'm quicker to turn on them and get annoyed with them when they do something wrong.
No. 402226
>>402185I just hate the way the average gay guy behaves (and butt sex is disgusting too).
If a woman acted and talked like them, she would be getting shit left and right, but for gay men being overly effeminate, sassy, superficial, etc - simply weak and pathetic - is seen as completely acceptable. Why is that? When did this start? I refuse to believe that being gay = immediately behaving that way. They do this on purpose, because they pick it up form tv and other, older gays.
If I was a gay man, then I would want to date a man - and not some annoying, whiny little pussy who dresses shrill, has weird hairstyles, waxed brows and shit.
Same if I was a lesbian, why are so many of them overweight, shorthaired, dress badly and so on - basically picking up all the negative habits men have regarding hygenie and self care.
No. 402231
>>402209Because being hateful towards a demographic is a stupid thing and I don't want to feel negativity targeted at an identity, if I can help it.
>>402226I don't think my aversion has anything to do with mannerism per se. For instance the characters I ended up being grossed out by are totally normal dudes that don't become flamboyant pussies. Maybe I just don't like men that much and seeing them paired up makes it worse.
No. 402253
>>402185Gay men are a big demographic.
I don't like misogynistic or performatively camp gay men but I know there are pretty normal guys out there who are totally fine and just so happen to be gay. But you'll never notice them because in any group, it's the loudest that you see.
Everyone has prejudices, just try to challenge them where you can and try to be fair to everyone, but you don't need to suck up to one type of person because they're gay any more than you have to suck up to a stranger on the street.
No. 402261
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>>402249Creatures like this are the reason all civilizations inevitably collapse. No morals, standards, or limits. Their only goal is to corrupt and destroy.
No. 402282
>>402253I don't mistreat anyone and still have gay friends. Again, I have no moral issue with their sexuality as I don't believe in policing shit like that.
Calling it "hate" is prob the wrong word, it's more disgust at m/m pairings while being able to acknowledge that the pairing isn't actually wrong or immoral.
No. 402290
>>402249Random couples on the street don’t exist to entertain you anon, people tend to become like their partners over time because shock horror when you spend a lot of time with someone they rub off on you.
Your ‘open-mindedness’ should extend to understand that other people don’t exist to visually please you
No. 402293
>>402282I kinda get where you’re coming from anon, I get that same ick factor about m/m pairings and I have no idea why. I’m not homophobic or misandrist, it’s just grotty for whatever reason have you, regardless of what their personalities and appearance are like
Maybe it’s because I know they do anal all the time tbh
No. 402314
>>402301This sounds like bait.
Enjoy wasting your time on someone you don't have anything in common with.
No. 402330
I really like this one cartoon character, and I feel autistic for doing so. I get weirdly happy and excited whenever I see them, I look up playlists dedicated to them, I've read fanfics about them, I like character analysis videos about them, and I unironically would smile if someone bought me a shirt with said character on it.
The worst part is that the fandom for this show is made up chiefly of children, Tumblrites or both. I've already aged past the target audience for this shit, and I have no business enjoying it, but I do, anyway. I'd be less ashamed if it was an anime character, to be honest.
My SO also shames me for it and seems legitimately annoyed about me liking said character, and it's upsetting, because I don't even talk about them at length or anything. Sometimes, she even tries to convince me the character is bad and not worth liking. I laugh it off because I know it's just a cartoon, but it actually makes me a little bit upset. I can't even argue back because I'll look like a spergy fan.
No. 402333
>>402330What show is it at least, anon?
It's the confession thread and we're anonymous, might as well spill.
No. 402348
>>402309And girlfriends aren't just onaholes, maids, and replacement mommies but that doesn't stop most men from treating us as such.
It's hard finding a man worth a shit who has a compatible personality AND is a provider these days. If anon is doing what she needs to survive then that's her business, better than being broke and hard up with someone "likable" when that situation fosters resentment all the same.
t. experience
No. 402437
>>402428getting rid of the ability to post porn killed the platform, which is kind of a pity
i hate it but I hold a strange nostalgia for it, the drama I got involved in with fandom sperging there years ago was truly retarded to its core but there was something endearing about it in hindsight, especially when you venture outside the tumblr blogosphere and realize that other community related drama is typically way less infantile and petty and way more rude and vindictive, tumblr is kind of like the Super Weenie Hut Jr. of the web, sure bad stuff has happened there but most of the shit I dealt with there was so petty in hindsight that it almost makes me laugh that I was weak and childish enough to think it was anything otherwise.
No. 402754
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>>402437>tumblr is kind of like the Super Weenie Hut Jr. of the webKEK ANON that's a great description of it. But I do see what you mean, fighting about ridiculous fandom related things was practically a sport on that site. I did really enjoy the fanart, customizing layouts, stupid AUs, cosplay tutorials and stuff though. I don't know if it's just me or my rose tinted glasses but I think that tumblr had a stronger fandom(?)community than like twitter or insta. It was also easier to be noticed as an artist or anything in general imo. The people on there were also super entertaining, sucks that a lot of them have just kind of disappeared or don't post much.
No. 402807
>>402437>>402754>>402429Tumblr is still alive, guys, lmao. There's even still porn there, I see it all the time. I still use the site for aesthetic images and shit, but now it's actually a little bit tidier and slightly less oversaturated. Also, it's not a good place to get exposure, but it hasn't been since 2015 IMO.
The hype around them banning porn was completely overblown, they basically made that shit up so Apple would take them back. They did some of the work at first in locking porn blogs, but gave up midway through. They're too incompetent to ever pull a full ban off. I feel like a lot of porn bloggers, NSFW artists, etc just ended themselves after hearing the news.
No. 402936
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I actually really like Kelly Eden's fashion sense and style. I love the way she decorated her house and the clothes she wears and her hair. The colors are all so pretty.
I wish I was that creative but everytime I try something, I'm either afraid to take a risk or it just looks like crap because I suck.
No. 402937
>>402936I really like her apartment as well. Some of the decorations are a bit OTT for me but all the painting and furniture is really cute. I would never have the balls to try DIY like that and I respect the effort.
I read that she rents it though? I can't believe that, imagine putting so much effort into your home and getting kicked out by the landlord for one reason or another.
No. 402939
>>402937I know right, that appartment is so pretty. My husband would never….who am I kidding even when I was single I didn't do the trouble…
>I read that she rents it though?oh wow I'd never do that much trouble for a rented appartment either. Oh well at least most furniture is movable and maybe she'll get to stay there forever? (some renters do)
No. 404351
>>404273>>404323I wasn’t popular or anything so I would get paid about $150 for art that would take 6+ hours to make. It wasn’t the greatest rate but it wasn’t as draining as a retail job at least since I can just sit there and take my time on the artwork. I made enough as a nice supplement to what I was already doing and could afford nice things like video games. I was asked by my commissioners to mainly draw super autistic paw/foot porn stuff because for whatever reason, they liked how I drew paws. My art style was line-based and realistic proportions. I just got tired of it after I was asked to draw things like animal harpies/centaurs with realistic animal dongs getting their feet licked by tiny furries or whatever.
A lot of people say it’s easy money but that’s only if you’re really popular and have a huge number of followers. I was only at it for six months and had gotten 500 followers during that time. Had I felt like keeping at it, maybe I could’ve raised the price some more. I feel like I also accidentally pigeonholed myself to a niche fetish and that actually restricted my online reach in some ways. If you’re looking to get into it, just realize that it will still take a bit of effort to do so and that you might want to consider doing some research on what sort of artwork churns out the most money for smaller artists. There is actually a lot of competition for furfag artists and I’ve noticed in particular a whole flood of young female Russian artists on FurAffinity with medium to high skill level trying to get in on the whole thing. If I ever go back into it and remaking an online persona, I’d strongly consider just focusing on vanilla work with a cutesy and appealing style rather than the grotesque, autistic crap I drew.
No. 404742
>>404715I'm not one of the anons pearl clutching over your choices of who to fuck, but one thing you should absolutely never do is rely on men to protect you.
Please get yourself on birth control. Please don't make your life more difficult by becoming pregnant.
No. 404920
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I have an older friend (30) who wears lolita absolutely every single time we go out and I've purposefully stopped hanging out with her as much. She wears super sweet prints and it makes me uncomfortable and annoyed to be stopped and gawked at by strangers. Every ten minutes some weirdo or tourist wants a pic and she hardly ever says no. Whenever we go someplace she's gotta awkwardly explain at least several times what she's wearing while these randos raise eyebrows and pass judgement regardless of how eloquently she says it.
Some people say she must crave to be the center of attention all the time because it's like she can never match the tone of the group and wear something low key. Imo, there's a time and a place to wear lolita when it's pragmatic but sometimes our girls just wanna grab a coffee without being treated like a circus. And because a lot of us just wear something semi-formal or normie when we go out, it really does look like ageplay to outsiders who don't understand why she's dressed so extra for.
I'd never say anything to her face about this because I understand that she does really enjoy it but I can't stand how much attention it draws when I don't wanna worry about strangers mocking and staring at us when I just wanna have a good time with my pals.
No. 405029
>>404989Yeah nah, some of those posts definitely don't care about anon's well being. Example: If you have to apologize because the way you're wording something makes you sound like an incel
>>404457, you're likely not saying something all too helpful nor productive.
No. 405091
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I miss the style of the late 00s/early 10s so much. Dressing ugly and cheap with badly done makeup is so much better than looking like an insta baddie, with brand clothes and perfectly styled hair, makeup and those long ass nails.
Even friends who claim to be broke do stuff like ordering super expensive asian skin care on the internet or they buy foundation worth 30+ bucks - meanwhile back then we all had the same powder for not much more than a euro.
I just can't keep up with nowadays girls, everybody is vegan, goes to the gym, travels to exotic places, has their life perfectly planned out, all while looking like some celebrity.
I know that part of why we glorify the past is because we miss being kids with no responsibilites, but I can't help but think that the standard of beauty was so much lower back then. Nowadays the gap between the "ugly", normal girls and the pretty, popular ones is so much bigger.
I also miss being an ana who's only worry was losing weight and would could browse pro ana blogs with pretty pictures all day long.
Now you might say then why don't you just dress that way etc? Because as childish as it sounds, I want to be one of the popular, fashionable girls…
No. 405108
>>405099You know people can wear/do unconventional things without the main objective being attention (even if it comes as a side effect), right?
I don't wear Lolita, but my clothes are pretty out there. They make me happy, so much so that the stares/comments IRL may be stressful, but I'd honestly rather just deal with them (and maybe even get the chance to meet people who like the same things) than outright stop wearing what I enjoy.
I agree that it's unfair of anon's friend to not recognize that her friends might not want to be looped into it, though.
No. 405139
>>405132Agreed. I think people who function that way are secretly envious or spiteful of anyone who lives their lives without placing other people's opinions at the forefront of everything.
They themselves are so wrapped up in attention as a concept, that they're incapable of comprehending that some people live for anything else. On top of that, they're just lame and bland people who don't enjoy anything
too weird.
Therefore, anything a woman does (because let's face it, it's mostly women that get this "attention-seeker!!1" shit) that isn't normal must actually be for attention.
No. 405149
>>405146Who said it was a conspiracy? It's just life. Compare all the times you've seen a man get called an attention whore for piss-poor reasons to when you've seen a woman get called that.
You can LARP that it's a "both sides" thing all you like, but it'll probably go over better on Reddit or /r9k/.
No. 405158
>>405155You should go back and read your posts where you demand people stop posting anything you deem to be "conspiracy" or "too feminist".
Remember: You replied to me whining that you didn't like what I said, not the other way around. I don't care if you disagree, and that's the long and short of it. You seemed bothered (and still do), so again, I suggest trying Reddit if you can't handle the consensus here.
No. 405167
>>405164Because they're the one who felt bothered enough by the fact that LC has a certain subset of opinions that they had to complain when it wasn't on-topic.
The obvious solution is to find a better site for them and stop hanging around those that they find annoying. Reddit has a variety of subreddits of differing opinions, and would be suitable for someone looking for a specialized space.
No. 405172
>>405167your post wasn't on topic either.
>>405169most of my posts are saged…including the one you quoted. is there something wrong with you?
No. 405173
>>405171Indeed we all have different opinions, but there's no reason to bitch about how the majority on one imageboard in hundreds don't share yours, unless you're specifcially in the vent, annoying or unpopular opinion threads.
If it's so bad you can't help but tell other anons that they should stop expressing such things (not even to you, mind, but just in general, in the middle of a conversation) because you personally find it annoying, it's time to leave for greener pastures.
>>405172>your post wasn't on-topicIt was agreeing with
>>405132 which was in response to the on-topic discussion around
>>404920. So, yes, it was on-topic. Are you new to imageboards or something?
No. 405182
>>405180Dude can you stop fighting with them? Are you autistic? Anons can and
will disagree with you, and it doesn't suddenly make their post off-topic. It seems to me you're the one who's off-topic since you're the who instigated the infighting by insulting people and acting like you're opinion can't be challenged. Take your own advice and go to reddit if you want tons of rules and don't want your opinion challenged. For fucks sake.
>>405179And you too, stop fighting with her, she's not going to accept that you have a differing opinion. You're dense if you think she's even listening to what you said. It takes two to infight even if someone else starts it.
No. 406716
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I'm lowkey jealous of Jojo. Even her unshooped self was and still is cute and she seems to be doing well in Japan.
I wish I had gotten into Jfashion as a teen, now I feel kind of too old (plus it's no longer as popular as it once was).
No. 408676
>>408642I've noticed that too
From Venus to Himezawa, to Mira, to fucking Katie, to Kiki or Kota
they're all manic
No. 408768
>>408739i used to fap to gross non-con body modification stuff. do what
>>408757 said. you'll be fapping to cute happy-sex doujin in no time!
No. 408810
>>408642Unironically daddy issues. None of the people listed here
>>408676 had active father figures in their lives and their mothers were generally shit.
No. 409703
>>409119I think there's something romantic to what you said in a very off way. I'm into grotesque stuff like that too, but definitely accepting it is the first step even if you understand it's a way to cope with the shit life threw at you.
You should definitely talk to your therapist about this, sooner rather than later. Many abuse survivors want to take control of their situation since they've been under the control of others for so long. Your way of coping will lead you down a path of more pain if you aren't careful, so please take this more seriously.
You are important. Your issues are serious.
No. 409800
>>409790>>409784follow up question
Is he shorter then you ?
Is he cute ?
whats your sex like like ?
No. 409819
>>409704NTA but I have the same experiences, whenever I'm having a depressive period and my self-esteem is at its lowest I fantasize about being owned and cherished in a twisted way (not tortured or killed like the other anon though). It's related to when I lose control of my life and spiral into a pit of depression and anxiety I'm hoping for someone stronger to detach me from it by making the decisions and taking away the option of making my own choices. Periodically I'm also the sadistic owner party in my relationship so I guess it also has to do with my abandonment issues.
So this is also why I hid the kinkshaming thread, I'm so ashamed of it and would like to work with my problem instead of being shamed with "disgusting degenerate please neck yourself" takes which only makes it worse. I've never experienced being actually loved and cared for in my life so I have a warped perspective of how mutual relationships actually work.
No. 409845
>>409819Congratulations on unpacking those connections and really looking at why they happen. That's a lot to have done and I hope it gets easier for you.
I get the same when I'm depressed but fortunately I've found a partner that would never take advantage of it, it's really frustrating when I'm at my lowest and even makes me feel rejected that all he wants to do is make sure I'm eating and making my bed, but then when I'm ok again I'm so thankful that he wants to build me up and support me instead of "owning" me and making me into a paraplegic sex slave or whatever.
No. 409873
>>409800No he's not shorter than me, but I find him pretty cute. As a mommy gf I've taught him all the things his mom should have taught him. He can clean and cook like a proper maid. We're obviously in a female led relationship and it's a very healthy dynamic.
About sexual things, I'm always teasing him, even outside the bedroom. I love seeing him get shy and avoid eye contact, but then I reach for his pants and his dick is hard as a rock so I tease him even more. In the bedroom I taught him the importance of giving me pleasure, the first sexual thing he ever did was giving me a long session of oral sex. It felt like a huge power trip for me, having that cute younger and inexperienced guy with his face in between my legs. Sometimes I tie him up too. I love his moaning when I'm having my way with him, he really does moan like a complete slut.
I know it's nothing too hardcore, but it's a mommy female led relationship, not a femdom one.
No. 409883
>>409873>He can clean and cook like a proper maidThat comes across as kinda weird and sexist
why is it feminine for a man to take care of himself and cook for himself
No. 409889
>>409873>he really does moan like a complete slut Ugh, so fucking cringey. How absolutely
slutty of him to express vocal enjoyment. Are doms ever not grotty in the way they describe their partners and sexual experiences
No. 409891
>>409873>It felt like a huge power trip for me, having that cute younger and inexperienced guy with his face in between my legsCan't you spoiler all the TMI shit?
And fucking yikes, why is every single dom, male or woman a weird creepy person?
No. 409942
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>>409873This is an RPing male poster.
No. 410002
>>409873This sounds cute without the >5 year age gap (and if he was shorter and smaller than you…but that's personal preference).
I'm not sure why anons are calling you
abusive when the most you've done is tie him up. Men are also not pressured by society to be in female-lead relationships or extreme femdom ones so it would have to be his taste. It happens to young women and girls because femsub/maledom is the standard, but not to young men.
No. 410359
>>410344I will actually
cause I like it and he likes it
No. 410364
>>410344were both comfortable and we both cum
I'm happy and he's happy thats all that matters
No. 410382
>>410377Why do people act like vanilla is literally just missionary position - vanilla would be anything that doesn’t involve fetishes, which still leaves a huge amount of options on the table. It’s more like always having sandwiches for lunch, you might get a bit adventurous and have a wrap here and there but you’re certainly not severely limited even if you’re just eating sandwiches because of just how many fillings and breads there are
People don’t have to slap each other around to spice up their sex lives either, there are plenty of other kinks which don’t revolve around the degradation and harm of at least one partner
I myself like a bit of bdsm but it really gives me the shits how the majority who practice look down on ~boring~ vanilla sex and go on about how much more fulfilling bdsm sex as though they are the only two possible scenarios in a committed relationship
No. 410406
>>410402It literally means Bondage, discipline (or domination), sadism, and masochism
A woman being on top isn't dominating, disciplining or hurting her partner, she's just having normal sex, just like a men being on top for missionary or doggy style isn't dominating a woman.
No. 410407
>>410396>>410397>>410400Anon asking, and I also see it as vanilla (just with female top, and although I can also into femdom simply being on top would be my preferred thing tbh) but was asking to see if anons arguing that believed otherwise.
>>410402 seems to disagree so who knows. Is there any sex that doesn't have anyone on top? 69 or mutual masturbation I guess? Even missionary has the man doing most of the work/on top/controlling movements.
No. 410682
>>410410Jesus Christ why does their have to be a top and bottom
why can't just two partners love each and have sex
sometimes we do missionary and sometimes reverse cow girl
he eats me out and I suck his dick
their is no top or bottom in this dynamic