File: 1497182050829.png (461.17 KB, 613x305, where in the world is mike tow…)

No. 333727 for Mike Towers, a notorious cow on the con scene, also features some in Sindy's thread:
>>>/snow/272285Claims to fame:
>runs AnimeLeague, a cringey weebfest forums, and equally cringey cons which feature cosplay slave auctions, deplorable hygiene and public makeouts between obeasts in cat ears>advertised his cons as MCM-affiliated events on the MCM facebook page and subsequently received a lifetime ban from all MCM events in the UK>has recently been accused of date rape and grooming underage girls, with evidence apparently being given to the police>public clashes with MCM resident shitposter Obayed Khan, leading to Michael samefagging constantly on /cgl/ claiming that Obayed is a paedophile himself and threatening to 'see him at mcm' (which he is banned from)>has used to cgl to try and spread rumours that Kita is cancelled and the MCM heads are under investigation for grooming and child abuseThere's a whole lot of milk here. Will add archive references next post
No. 333739
>>333737Congratz for getting yourself banned ahead of time.
On another note, got some screenshots should probably post here to get a visual idea of the drama, since this is an image board after all?
No. 333796
File: 1497195151946.jpg (156.19 KB, 1136x852, 19074757_286241005179775_52474…)

Screenshots have come in, starting with material related to him grooming underage girls, shagging underage girls, and generally being a colossal creepy piece of shit
No. 333802
File: 1497195415412.png (188.64 KB, 488x592, venueblacklist.PNG)

>>333800After all this came out and these screenshots did the rounds, AL events started haemorraging guests and venues, so Mike started using a proxy to try and book venues who weren't too keen on hosting a volatile, drama-crazy paedophile. Despite this, he insists that his scabby glorified weeaboo orgies are doing better than ever.
No. 333803
File: 1497195545281.png (62.7 KB, 494x578, obayed harassment.PNG)

>>333802Mike responded to the furore by developing a serious vendetta against Obayed, who had been posting the screenshots all over the place and trying to get people to boycott his events. This may have involved illegally sharing data from AL attendee databases, but as anons on /cgl/ said, he could have just looked it up.
No. 333804
File: 1497195619395.jpg (131.58 KB, 706x1065, 1497100424392.jpg)

>>333803Chatlogs have also been leaked proving that Mike has been trying to spread rumours about Obayed and others on /cgl/ to take the focus off himself and his kiddie fiddling.
No. 333806
File: 1497196390953.png (949.5 KB, 1028x834, obayed didn't attend.png)

>>333804After sending Obayed messages saying he and his friends would 'see him at MCM' (the event from which he had a lifetime ban), Mike completely pussied out and claimed Obayed hadn't attended because he was scared of him. Obayed was at the event all weekend posting selfies constantly. No. 333807
File: 1497196598428.png (271.26 KB, 604x496, cgl posts.png)

>>333806Of course Mike couldn't resist taking to /cgl/ to spread his bullshit further.
No. 333814
File: 1497197256626.png (709.87 KB, 488x608, al girls.png)

The latest episode in the saga- Mike tries to start up an Anime League Suicide Girls/Cosplay Deviants ripoff called 'AL Girls'. None of the models will be paid and most of them are absolute fucking munters. Sindy Pop applied, but got rejected- this is presumably why she has now publicly 'dumped' Towers. Pic features some of the highlights, truly the cream of the weeaboo conslut crop.
No. 333833
>>333828I don't know all this fully, but I know who she is. She did reply to thread saying she has never met Towers and she was 16 however it got deleted and I never grabbed any of the comments or even the status itself stupidly. What I do know is the person who put up the original status had a thing for her and was jealous of her and MT being whatever they were (a creepy sub Dom thing? Idk what the fuck they were).
While I can't say for sure about everything that's gone, there are a lot of paedo rumours about Towers, it does seem a bit odd the person who posted the status that kicked it all off had a thing for her as well as being fired from AL.
I'm not saying Towers is innocent or guilty but everything around the original status doesn't fully add up. If Towers has done this he DOES need to face concequences, but the original poster did this all out of jealously and anger. If it's true why was it covered up so long by the person who leaked it?
No. 333838
>>333834It wouldn't surprise me if the whistleblower was in on it. He admitted about knowing for a long time but used a lame excuse about not having evidence. He just happened to fine and have evidence the second he got fired? All way too suspect if you ask me
>>333835If that's so why is he still allowed to be around kids and run his events? I've asked a lawyer fag friend of mine about this and he's advised that even if they are gathering evidence and investigated the events would still be closed down for public safety until its concluded. It's a serious accusation and public safety would be paramount so he wouldn't be allowed to carry on as normal.
No. 333842
>>333838Because different police forces handle things differently? There's paperwork, and if it's a local police force they don't have the same administrative rights as the likes of the NCA, they have to jump through hoops to get stuff like that filed through those courts.
You asked a lawyer friend, I asked a police friend who has contact with other forces and they all work differently. Plus, the case number people have seen is legitimate, confirmed by same police friend.
No. 333858
>>333842Oh no I asked a simple question how dare I think for myself! Typical angry response to asking a question, I don't blindly believe everything posted on an Anonymous image board.
not that it's difficult to get a crime reference number or anything
No. 333910
>>333896I mean no one can really blame them for not wanting to talk about it, there is a common theme where they all got threatened by Mike or intimidated by him
not to talk, that they would be made out to be crazy, and many have said this also, so no wonder they dont want to publicly talk about it, especially when there is still so much support for the fucking creep.
No. 333919
>>333896I mean no one can give you a crime reference number because no one knows who you are. What, do you expect it to be posted on here so everyone and their dog can see it? Not a hope.
Also, this "the original girl said she never met Towers" thing has no concrete evidence either, just someone further up the thread claiming they saw her say it, with no screenshots or anything.
No. 333946
>>333919I mean it could also be that the anon who said that
gasp wasnt her?! God forbid someone pretend to be someone on an anonymous site?!
No. 333948
>>333908If I'm honest with you, I can't really give my name here for personal reasons (one reason being probably getting shit from MT for it, and to if this drama gets back to my work). I have asked the original poster but his stance was the police won't let me give it out. Go figure.
Oh I know this won't be the case for all the women, but I know for a fact one of the women who came public was lying. I know her best friend and she told me the story of the night she spoke about as she was there, and she never had sex in the 3 some he tried to plan but is obviously telling everyone he sexually abused her. Shit like that does annoy me because it can ruin genuine victims.
No. 333985
>>333948So, you dont want to give yourself away over MT fears, yet expect others to give their name away and you think they dont have similar fears? Wow , shut up , the double standards are proof you dont deserve to see proof the others have because your just gonna fuck it up anyway.
Also who is this girl then? Name her and we can clear it up, because if you dont, youre just making baseless claims.
God are you an idiot?
No. 333998
File: 1497215789481.jpg (106.95 KB, 720x765, 1497100501070[1].jpg)

The fact that he thinks he's being so smart is so fucking cringe
No. 333999
File: 1497215920816.jpg (14.91 KB, 720x352, original[1].jpg)

>>333998Congratulations, Mike. You stayed in your basement posting on 4chan about Obayed being "Paranoid" while Obayed had a great weekend with his friends at MCM.
What's the next step in your master plan??
No. 334007
>>333998It's quit evidently Sindy who leaked these.
Obayed got them just as she denounces her support and friendship of Towers, on one of the caps, the blurred out name begins with S and is around letters long plus the inability to spell "weird" and the use of lel add up to Chindy being the leak
No. 334016
>>334007One problem with that;
The leak came out a while before Chindy cut her ties with Towers.
No. 334025
>>334007If it was Sindy, there'd be more than just "weird" spelt wrong, and she doesn't use lel?
Plus, plenty of female names that begin with S and are around 5 letters long.
No. 334371
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No. 334375
File: 1497279605574.png (432.47 KB, 1272x720, Untitled.png)

>>333999"Hosting this con, with no attendees!"
No. 334434
>>334422Comment was made on a public shared post?
No. 334486
>>334482No other names are blocked out, anon cropped picture for relevant comment they wanted to show?
You really are THE fuck nugget, are you slow in the head?
No. 334566
File: 1497302023519.png (29.19 KB, 498x271, 4475647.png)

I know it's just a pair of glasses, but joking and being fine about one of his friends stealing an attendees lost property? And the fact someone else said his friend was messing with bags, which means more than just a pair of glasses could've been stolen.
How very fitting for a paedophile to be friends with a thief.
No. 334567
>>334566This does not surprise me.
At ALcon 2011 I lost my purse /fanny pack , and after 2 days of looking found a member of staff wearing it (no mistake it was mine, it had a patch sewn into it that had my mum made me) I reported it to Redhat and Mike before the masquerade on the Saturday I believe, and was basically laughed at and told to "keep a better eye on my belongings"
No. 334568
>>334525English, you need to learn it.
Illiterate moron
No. 334581
>>334525How can you smell online? How can you smell faggotry which doesn't have a smell?
Retarded anon is retarded
No. 334680
>>334566I'd actually be interested to see the person whose belongings those were go after him for theft. Then AL can advertise they allow theft at their conventions.
>>334567At that response from them, anon, I'd have phoned the police, or at least threatened to, over it. Doesn't matter how small, it's your property and they took it and were refusing to return it.
No. 334905
File: 1497351367858.jpeg (51.3 KB, 597x552, image.jpeg)

Even Sindy is annoyed at the theft of attendees stuff.
Although, I don't actually know if Towers' friend was staff or an attendee, and I don't know which would be worse. A staff member stealing from an attendee, or an attendee being able to get into a staff only area to steal other attendees stuff.
No. 334927
>>334923That doesn't surprise me tbh. Although at that I would've moved away, then phoned the police and explained that the organiser also threatened you when you wanted to phone the first time.
Honestly it might be wise to make a PSA saying that if you lose stuff at their events, to expect it to be stolen by staff members or their friends, and advise people that if it happens, to phone the police…
No. 335008
>>334989It might happen at other events, sure, but I doubt it's staff or friends of staff doing it at those events, let alone having the organiser essentially bragging about it.
We can blame Mike for this because he even says someone came and complained about the guy rummaging through bags yet he did nothing about it.
No. 335081
>>335078you must have serious autism.
please seek help.
>>335126Redhat has actually been spoken about the past while because there's evidence of him helping Mike.
Sit down new fag, you clearly know nothing.
No. 335134
>>335131No, anon is a newfag for being so retarded when this is common knowledge and has been since early May.
Seriously , this is laughable now.
No. 335151
>>335078literally no one gives a shit where Obayed lives
what, are you expecting people to go round to his house and kick up a childish fuss? Piss off and grow up.
No. 335177
>>335161That one wasnt so , anon indeed pay to get the address as other one that was posted was from a completely different source
No. 335179
>>335138Who is
triggered apart from the retarded anon?
Sorry kiddo, you sound salty, take a break and come back.
Also it will be easy to tell when Mike posts, and if you paid attention to prev boards you would know why
No. 335397
File: 1497433099910.png (18.51 KB, 669x327, img_9686.png)

If we wanna play by those rules, fine.
The difference is Mike's address is actually semi-relevant to this thread, and isn't just a vendetta post against Obayed. And his address is also pretty public on the companies house website.
No. 335402
>>335397Lol doesn't bother me I'm still not Towers you paranoid fuck. You are right that address is also semi relivent to this thread.
Towers is really not the only person who posts here or believes this should be here :)
No. 335408
>>335402I never said you were Towers, seems you're the paranoid one assuming everyone is calling you Towers.
But go on, where in that post did it say you were Towers?
No. 335411
>>335402Anon, no one is paranoid bar you, we really dont care about Obayed address being posted, and if you think that if you keep spamming the thread with it, it would get deleted? Sorry these threads aint like that.
Also cry more its cute
>>335397Yes thank you, now to forward to many people who have wanted this
No. 335412
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No. 335413
>>335397I also have his mothers details, and brothers details who he lives with.
Want me to post those? I mean if Mike thinks hes smart, he really doesn't know anything.
I mean im pretty sure I can even get his bank details to post publicly.
His security isnt that great, and I have a great source and partner on the inside.
No. 335414
>>335402Pretty sure everyone else wants this to be here, or is this mike and Al staff "Winning on FOUR CHAN" again?
How laughable , it really is like a mid life crisis.
No. 335426
>>335424Tit for tat, an eye for an eye.
Mike can only blame himself for it to be honest, if he didn't want this backlash he shouldn't have been a slimy little cunt who thinks hes winning the Internet
No. 335433
>>335424Do you have any proof of him sending people after Obayed and calling him racist?
And personally I wouldn't post Mikes other family details, they didn't ask for a paedo as a relative, this isn't their fight.
No. 335434
>>335433There was proof in the other britfag threads anon, so yes this isnt baseless claims.
Also Mike went for Obayeds family, so is it not fair game? I would say so.
No. 335439
File: 1497443114936.jpg (127.21 KB, 720x1115, IMG_3210.JPG)

>>335433Here's a screenshot of Mike bragging about it and saying how he plans to get the police involved next.
No. 335446
File: 1497443799923.png (164.86 KB, 640x951, IMG_2959.PNG)

I'm willing to bet good money this one was Sindy Pop
No. 335457
>>335445See now to prove that you have to actually be inside his mind. Or have him admit to it.
The first would be easier but creepier.
No. 335485
File: 1497452765154.jpg (132.77 KB, 540x960, IMG_3212.JPG)

Back on topic with Towers and AL, has everyone seen this monstrosity making the rounds in FB groups AL usually spam in?
No. 335789
>>335721Can confirm, cases like these take time to investigate. For reference, a non related case of a young person defrauding a charity took almost 4 months from the first news report of them being investigated, to the second news report confirming they'd been charged.
Can imagine it takes a lot longer for this kind of case due to the sensitive nature of it, and how many victims there are. But hey, because information isn't public, it isn't happening, right?
No. 335954
File: 1497550997776.jpg (75.22 KB, 920x640, IMG_4203.JPG)

No. 335965
File: 1497553015360.png (554.3 KB, 680x622, it was me obayed.png)

>>335954>>335964have one of my contributions
No. 336553
>>335965You had to spoil it by posting Obayed.
Funny as hell though, and I would gag if it was Towers.
No. 336591
File: 1497640929671.png (255.24 KB, 720x1280, kitacap1.png)

Fresh milk, get it while it's hot. Sindy leaked screencaps showing where the accusations about Kita came from, not that it's any surprise really.
No. 337075
>>336714In the eyes of the law what he said doesn't make him a paedo. It's close to the bone and could/would be concerning but still not illegal. If she has actual audience of anyone actually underage she needs to present it or shut the fuck up.
If anything her saying she isn't going probably helps then more than hurts them haha
No. 338833
File: 1498035353084.png (55.77 KB, 639x738, IMG_4233.PNG)

ALcon is doing sooooooooo well. Kek
No. 339628
File: 1498168026896.png (162.89 KB, 566x227, IMG_4251.PNG)

>>338833Thats less than most small conventions…… Didn't Mike have a hate boner for D-Con? Well they're doing well than this pile of steaming shite, and they have maybe 1/3 of the space ALcon does
No. 339759
File: 1498180409273.jpg (46.81 KB, 750x281, 1498068540577.jpg)

Ok, so here are the losers who are winning 4chan and are 'hosting' LAGC next week. I only know of 2 others: the other guy and orange girl. So someone please help me, who are these other people/victims?
No. 339947
>>339759Heather and Courtney are attention whores of the biggest degree.
Courtney is a drama monger who will sleep with anything that moves, they both always wanted to be cosfamous
No. 339966
>>339759the majority of these are pretty average, normal looking people
than you have Mike who is a creepy beast and is absolutely highlighted when placed alongside normal looking individuals, christ.
No. 340016
File: 1498229106593.png (289.23 KB, 500x412, aj.png)

>>339966I know the other guy is the one who spammed the LoL UK Facebook account. I understand that he is also the guy who will be 'replacing' Baker.
No. 340075
>>340016But this guy was charged for assaulting his ex ?
And Baker didnt sleep with loads of people…….. Is he salty Baker got more pussy than him? Hes vile , no wonder he is single and taking sides with Mike, undesirables stick together after all
No. 340081
>>340016Oh AJ. Only reason you got the job in the first place is because Baker bailed honey, and no one else wanted to live up to him.
Youre a pasty white boy who cant rap, and cant even mix beats and bars.
You're going to crash and burn, and I wouldn't personally boast about an achievement that i only got because i was handed it by default, you didnt really work towards this lad, did you? Hilarious
No. 340215
>>340075In all fairness Baker is a massive drama llama and it's because he's constantly slipping his cock in crazy.
Baker slept with most of the female cosplay guests and most of the staff. He was much better than Towers at it.
No. 340520
>>340215Maybe because Baker is nicer and more attractive than Mike? You cant be salty he slept with guests who willingly slept with him, I dont see what the big issue with that is?
And agree with anon, at least Baker was with those of legal age and was consensual between both.
No. 340522
>>340482He was abusive and manipulative , stopped her from seeing family and friends, stopped her from seeing doctors and used her mental health as a control for her.
Ill try and get some screen shots of the conversation between them.
Hes a sick vile abusive man, its why hes been single since, she made a lot of people aware what he was like.
No. 341032
>>340835>>340522I thought all that was common knowledge? Its not really big or new news, everyone knows what he is like, and knows what happened , and why hes also
barred from certain clubs and venues in his area.
No. 341091
>>340506Not salty just pointing out that Baker likes sticking his dick in crazy then sleeping with other crazy until it blows up in his face in a shower of drama.
They maybe consenting but it's not much better when you're his friend and constantly having to deal with fall out.
No. 341823
File: 1498514079192.jpg (21.21 KB, 809x102, alnoholdingback.jpg)

wow just wow
No. 341868
>>341768Yeah Baker milk is certainly relavent. All this would never have kicked off if Baker wasn't fired and hadn't been green eye'd Towers was going after a girl he liked.
While spilling the beans was good, his motives were not and it should be questioned freely why it took him so long. The lack of evidence argument is weak as he's always had it. Being fired was
trigger as if he had left at the end of the year like originally planned without being fired he'd never have done this
No. 342070
>>341913I don't see what's not calm about that post? They were just asking if they had those screenshots by now. But
>>341924 is right, it is the same as every other bit of evidence asked for.
The potential of screenshots is brought up but are never delivered. There's seldom any solid proof in here.
No. 342204
File: 1498581285281.png (56.46 KB, 1137x535, alcgl1.PNG)

Jesus christ Andre's antics on /cgl/. How did he even make it to adulthood without being mercy-killed by his own parents? The cringe is physically painful.
No. 342226
>>341924So because you dont see it, it is bullshit?
What a world you live in.
No. 342479
File: 1498611771875.png (109.94 KB, 1440x843, 20170628_013313.png)

Imagine seeking validation by allowing yourself to be voted for in the awards of your own organisation. Infuckingcredible
No. 342557
File: 1498627371493.png (31.69 KB, 720x291, Screenshot_2017-06-28-06-20-21…)

I can post the chat that happened she's given me permission
>>342397>>342396 No. 342612
File: 1498644880677.jpeg (50.11 KB, 640x1136, received_1575724835771974.jpeg)

No. 342655
File: 1498659166364.jpeg (58.18 KB, 640x1136, received_1575752145769243.jpeg)

No. 342657
File: 1498659188241.jpeg (56.12 KB, 640x1136, received_1575760715768386.jpeg)

No. 342677
>>342675Either way it'll be interesting to see how this pans out - even if they're not underage as you say (despite the 17-year-old being a bit of a suspicious issue imo) it's still quite obviously an excuse for Towers to stroke both his ego and some unsuspecting cosplay girl
Will definitely be keeping a close eye on this
No. 342933
>>342701First a 17-year-old, now a 15-year-old…
I can believe the 17, but without proof, 15 doesn't exist.
No. 342989
File: 1498694814869.jpg (123.73 KB, 722x802, IMG_3395.JPG)

People are still turning a blind eye to Towers and all the AL shenanigans because weebs want to go to cons. Pedo accusations aside, people are forgetting all of this drama started because Towers was caught holding onto charity money raised at AL events.
I recently found a screenshot from the original post where we found out what he was spending the charity money on…
No. 343322
>>343304I have a handful of friends who I know saw the call out post because I shared it and they even liked it, who are still attending AL conventions, and one of the girls even wanted to be part of AL Girls.
I'm half tempted to purge them at this point because everyone else I know is refusing to have anything to do with it.
No. 343380
>>342989I've rung the charity and they confirmed all money was paid and agreed time frames it seems a bit odd.
This one seems a bit of a dead horse, we need to concentrate on these paedo claims and get him nailed
No. 344144
>>344105Yeah your reassurance with no actual proof really relaxes me. All of a sudden all is the well in the world as your word is fact. Thanks Anon you thundetcunt provide some actual proof or fuck off.
>>344116Apparently 3 people were arrested for having a knife. It wasn't a real knife but they wouldn't give it up so boom security rang the police.
No. 344182
>>344178I'm not there myself, apparently the guys have been let off and are back in the event.
Fridays of LAGC are never busy it's Saturday and Sundays that are packed
No. 344445
>>343350I've seen way too many people who know exactly what's happening just dismissing it as "drama" and continuing to support Towers and his events anyway… how blind and stupid do you have to be to actually
want to give a known pedophile their money? Baffles me sometimes
No. 344459
>>344445How stupid do you have to be to follow the letter of the law, innocent until proven guilty. Internet witch hunts unfortunately do not count, sorry if that comes as a bit of a shock to you. The average person with an actual brain will be looking at this and see what comes out from the police if this "is" true.
I was on board with originally but the more time that goes by with fuck all happening and no actual evidence otherwise presented I call bullshit on bakers claims and question more and more why he only did this after his sacking. If you add it all up it seems more and more likely he did this for own gain.
No. 344503
File: 1498926584892.jpg (277.5 KB, 2048x1152, DDqI6c1W0AAhXTy.jpg)

WOW found this on twitter this is the main hall at 4pm it looks like people stayed away.
No. 344506
File: 1498926877875.jpg (33.72 KB, 750x272, lagc1.jpg)

>>344503wow people who are there are bitching about it
No. 344656
File: 1498944608615.png (114.82 KB, 331x268, desperatebs.png)

Okay so shit be getting desperate now. This came up on my FB page.
No. 345184
>>344749His FB going down wasn't just false, they were 'alternative facts'.
In fact, I think Towers and Trump share a lot of characteristics: Narcissism, huge ego, misogyny, the unbreakable belief that he is untouchable, and trolling on social media.
No. 345253
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No. 345375
File: 1499062685789.jpg (47.97 KB, 516x499, IMG_4851.JPG)

I feel this is how mike should treat all conversations from now on
No. 345431
>>345415He deactivated it for a few hours for some space and time away from people. Literally just posted a status about that.
Said about doing it again for the same reason, for a few days this time.
Why so thirsty about knowing why he's deactivating though, anon? It's not like it's your business, he deactivated for a few hours for his own reasons should be good enough for you.
No. 345439
File: 1499082747214.png (1.3 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_2243.PNG)

Sindy seems vengeful
No. 345440
File: 1499082766281.png (824.18 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2244.PNG)

No. 345934
File: 1499146962974.png (2.63 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5311.PNG)

>>345530This is mike newest "pet".
No. 346160
>>346141Not denying that, just simply pointing out he's also a fucking tool.
Calm down Anon no one is telling you Towers isn't a target anymore. Sorry I
triggered you :(
No. 346162
>>346160Seems you're the
triggered one if you're getting that vibe from
>>346141Projecting much?
No. 346527
>>346160……How is that
triggered? Anon educate yourself in the word.
Also youre on a Towers thread, hes clearly still relevant when there is an investigation
No. 346653
File: 1499261728157.jpg (235.05 KB, 749x1081, IMG_2252.JPG)

Anyone able to give a bit more information on these claims?
Her thread is a mess.
No. 346658
>>346655sage for samefag
but to add i'm not saying nothing happened at all, i didn't go to the same panels as her i only saw her whilst wandering the con floor and I never spoke to her directly. I just don't see anything that could have happened considering the amount of times i saw her alone. i'm 50/50 on this.
No. 346662
>>346655>>346658Have to agree. Don't like her, but she was mostly alone or with a small group of what looked like people 18+ (you can never really tell without asking I suppose). Saw her at a few panels, she was alone then too.
Probably just AL supporters (or Towers or Duggan themselves) trying to make her out to be the "bad guy paedo" instead of Towers. My bet is on Duggan himself, honestly, but who knows even?
No. 346673
>>346662Even if I didn't see her at the con I don't think i would even believe this. Sindy is all kinds of dumb and messed up but even she has her limits. If mike is seriously spreading this it just makes himself seem even worse.
There is actual proof of him trying to chat up minors and his declining con, what would he even get out of this?
No. 346737
>>346662>>346539But there has been people who have SAT in the SAME ROOM while one of the girls phoned up? I can personally vouch that I have seen evidence too, these thirsty anons who want to know everything but dont wanna loose their anonymity .
Also i hate both as much, but the claims she was creeping on a little boy was true, i spoke to him and then we both went to security. Wait for the post incoming or she might ignore it all.
No. 346844
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No. 346873
she got booted off her other two accounts
No. 346887
>>346873I soon realised that from a quick google after I'd posted that.
However my point stands true still. If what she is claiming about solicitors letters posted out to people to silence them, then Baker has lied about the police telling him to remove everything.
No. 347274
>>347257TBH I was thinking the same thing she spent so much time defending Towers to all of a sudden be up Obayeds arse after disliking him. As much as I want to accept the shit she's done it's really hard to trust her and her motives.
I also find it ironic how Obayeds best buds with her after all the abuse he gave her. But then I don't like Obayed for his double standards so it's hard to give a neutral opinion of him.
No. 348189
File: 1499479154332.jpeg (113.07 KB, 597x871, image.jpeg)

Dumping this here in the off chance it gets deleted by morning.
Of course, all the girls are crazy exes, it would seem, and Mel is seemingly with him on that, probably to get in his pants,
No. 348193
File: 1499479218881.jpeg (124.56 KB, 590x886, image.jpeg)

Also showed this one to my mate and they said maybe he was planning on moving to Ireland to become a priest because kiddy fiddling seems more ok over there,
No. 350268
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No. 351969
File: 1499977288090.png (332.18 KB, 431x646, LAGC RAVE.png)

>>345934Took this screenshot of a video I took at the rave Saturday night. (it wont let me post the vid) Is this her?
No. 355445
>>355432I'm just waiting for the shitty maid cafe to start churning out some quality cringe….
I mean if it gets any worse than what they've put out already…
No. 356182
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No. 356458
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No. 357308
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No. 357793
File: 1500771583636.png (1.26 MB, 955x930, insertsarcasmhere.png)

>>357638Yes. We are. We are so so thirsty.
No. 361898
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No. 361899
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No. 362788
File: 1501310119385.png (171.05 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5480.PNG)

I don't like sindy but this actually made me laugh. lel.
No. 364762
>>362968LOL shut up towers.
Nobody belives your bullshit anymore. You know the community hates you and you think accusing others of the same thing will back track from you. Way to prove you're such a great guy.
Rip alcon
No. 365082
>>364762Not RIP ALCon, it was never good.
Fuck ALCon and everyone who's involved in that shitshow.
Also, I'm disappointed in the community. There are a number of people claiming MT abused them, but none of them have gone to the police. -WOW WOW anon, I hear you say, people have gone to the police! Have they really anon? How is it that if 2-3 people have reported him he's not currently under investigation and can no longer book venues? If he has abused you, no more messing about. Report that sick shit.
No. 365435
>>365378>>365378Ah Mike
You never change
In racall you trying to use that excuse in chat for why I was defending you.
When are you going to get it. It doesn't matter who is more hated because what matters is the kind of person you are and what you've done
When will you stop pretending none of its real. It's time to call the doctor Mike.
No. 365449
>>365435Stop spamming your shit and try to sage your posts, cunt-monkey. I would call you a noob, but if you are Sindy then you're already a notorious user of this site
Also, calling it now; Sindy's drunk.
No. 365479
>>365082Hear hear everyone is claiming it's happened but honestly what has come about it? A big fat nothing, people will kick off saying OMG it takes time but I'm sorry it doesn't take this long. Stop crying about it all and actually go to the fucking police.
Even one of Alex Bakers close friend can't confirm Alex went to the police only that "he said he did" and the guys taking his mates word for it. No even Alex's own mates can actually confirm he's gone to the police it's a fucking shit show m8
No. 365523
>>365479Bakers a liar. Nobody's went to the police. When i posted a status confirming this he threw some stupid screenshots at me apparent sent by a police officer. He said for legal reasons he couldn't post it public, but he can happily dish it out in pm? Nah doesn't add up. Why would police even email you… that's against data protection act. He tried to get me to pass my screenshots evidence onto this police girl and I never bothered. Not thick. Towers isn't being investigated because if he was the man would not be allowed to run 14+ conventions. This is his word to me. However there is a lot of evidence of against him being sane enough to run these events really makes me wonder why nobody is reporting it now. This site does a wonderful job of down grading a potential sociopath by sitting on it as "drama the truth is nothing is stopping a bunch of you rallying together and reporting him yourself
This page is full of evidence. Time to grow up or shut up
No. 365580
>>365523So, to clarify, Baker requested for you to pass on screenshots of your evidence last month, some several months after he reported apparently conclusive evidence?
To further clarify, is this the same evidence you posted on youtube, or different?
No. 365824
>>365580Is there a link to this?
Also at MCM Baker confirmed to Jimmy he is bowing out of this Anti Towers drama and will not be getting involved any more. It's amazing what someone will say not to loose their comfy convention job, I see a repeat of his AL days here.
How is it so easy for him to stay away from the Towers drama if he was the one who went to the police in the first place? Seems a little suspect to me….
No. 365875
>>365616>>365580I already explained why I couldn't go to the police. They're just screenshots and he never did anything illigal in chat other than be a complete creeper and feed me lies about other cons. I released them to help people form a better picture of towers. The reason I had to walk away was because I couldn't ignore his creepy behavour and shittalk ingredients nice con organisations.
Plus he pretty much the tend to stich up obayed for rape.
This information is different. I couldn't release it because it could be true. However if it is true people should know. So ill go hunt through my chaTS with baker and save the shot of this officers contact.
Feel free to investigate if it's legit or not
No. 365906
>>365891>>365887>>365885When I said ithat could be true I meant the police contact number
How many fucking times do I have to tell you incoherent retards. He never tried to do anything illigal with me so I had nothing to fucking go on. The evidence my account was closed is on my wall. If you're going to be ungrateful little fucks about it then continue on.
Nothing like watching you thirst-lords turn a legit dangerous man into a lolcow drama board.
Meanwhile towers will walk away Scot free
No. 365923
>>365906Actually, going from your screenshots, what he was doing and saying could be classed as sexual harassment. Which is
gasp illegal. Could've gone to the police over that but you didn't because what, you didn't think it was illegal?
No. 365926
>>365923More like she enjoyed it
I cannot take anything she says seriously as she defended up until someone else at AL took the decision to cancel her bookings over what was let's be fair legit reasons. Ripping off other artists and tracing other work. We don't have to like Towers/AL to agree the evidence was true and they cancelled her table on legit grounds. So now all of a sudden she turns on Towers for not over ruling someone else's decision? Reeks of self importatanfe and someone who doesn't really believe the accusations she's now making but doing it out of spite rather than the greater good. Just piggy backing off the Obayed train.
No. 365989
>>365356Anon please, If someone goes to the police claiming they were raped while underage, the cops bust that fuckers front door in within a week.
Look at some of the togs in the UK scene that were busted in on by the cops because of reports of "inappropriate photos".
No. 365994
>>365933So I agree with you Anon, it looks like nothing is happening. But that was somewhat victim blaming here, maybe there are some girls out there that were abused, if so it's not about them getting '
triggered' as you put it. It's likely they are ashamed. Shit if I had MT's cock in my mouth I would be super unwilling to let anyone know.
If anyone did get abused by him, then they should go to the police. It's illegal if he did that. The police will keep your identity anonymous if you ask (and I get why you would want this), just talk to the police, stop him from doing this again to others.
No. 366009
>>365999yea and i was also involved in the dsame thing and he was arrested within 3 days.
he was held in custody for 9 months until the court trail and including the ID parade. when are you going to stop making excuses for towers.
No. 366011
>>366009Pretty sure there are screenshots of you admitting that story is false but hey, a thing to note, Sindy, is that that was in the Scottish legal system, which is different to the English system.
You've proven time and time again you don't understand the legal system in your own country, so trying to compare yourself to something that happened in a different one makes you seem even more of an idiot
No. 366015
>>366011and yet right in front of you on this chat is another anon confirming they will lift you within 7 days. i dont think YOU understand the legal system my friend. and while were on the subject of the legal system, lets say the messages towers sent me were borderline harassment
A) borderline doesn't really cut it
B) its only harassment if i try to block him and he continues to message me.
and no. there are no screenshots of me admitting its false. there may be s.h of me denying my ex raped me, because that idiot Karli mistook my ex for the pedo i testified in court too.
No. 366034
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>>366015Of course it was Karli. Are you that entwined in your own lies?
No. 366035
>>366015>its only harassment if i try to block him and he continues to message meUh, sexual harassment and normal harassment aren't the same thing. Sexual harassment is "unwanted conduct on the ground of a person's sex or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature and that conduct has the purpose or effect of violating a person's dignity, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them"
His creepy messages, saying he'd have "wild sex" with you, all sexual harassment. But since you think otherwise, and you are oh so knowledgeable about the law, may as well not make him face the consequences of it.
No. 366392
>>366385I was…
If you've been keeping up with my posts you'll know I bought a new pc, that's why I can reply
No. 366486
>>366482Your ISP is your Internet Service Provider. As in Sky, Virgin, TalkTalk you complete and utter retard. The ISP provides the physical service via cabling to your house, the router is not a magical device that generates internet, it just distributes the connection provided externally. You can use any fucking router you want and it wouldn't change the ISP as long as you're paying them to provide it.
Your external IP address is assigned by your router and allocated to all devices using that router.
Each device will have it's own internal IP but that isn't what is used to track your activity online, your external IP is.
That's why, in cases of child pornography being linked to an IP address, EVERY device capable of connecting to the internet is confiscated by the authorities because the External IP address isn't unique to the devices and only points to the location of the devices.
That's why when you're, say IP banned from 4chan, you're still banned on all devices and not just the computer you made the offending post on.
That's why if you take your PC or laptop to a friends house your PC is using the IP address assigned to their router.
MAC addresses don't change and are assigned to individual devices and each one is unique.
Cellphone and roaming IP's are different to static IP's as they refresh frequently.
Honestly Sindy, you should learn to do some research before opening that big mouth of yours so that you can stop embarrassing yourself and proving just how incompetent you are when it comes to anything involving general knowledge.
No. 366489
>>366486>> EVERY device in the householdamendment.
And I speak from experience. A non-tech relative had an unprotected router. Illegal content was purchased on said router. 2 years after said purchase, police appeared and confiscated laptops (including mine which I'd left there), tablets, desktops. You name it, they took it.
And to make this relevant to Mike Towers as it is his thread afterall. This was in 2008. It was only resolved in 2014.
6 years of back and forth between courts, lawyers and police. There was no evidence of any purchases on any device. No ghost data. Nothing. And it still took 6 years to resolve. It was passed from judge to judge, court dates were pushed back as the police realised they didn't have enough evidence for a case but extended investigation in the hope some sort of smoking gun was discovered.
So if a case that has literally 0 evidence can take that long to resolve and take 2 years to actually start investigatory proceedings (As stated, the original purchase was in 2006) then imagine how long it will take a case like Towers which involve numerous victims, spread up and down the country. Each statement has to be vetted and investigated, each witness testimony researched and corroborated. That's multiple jurisdictions, literal weeks of paperwork, phone calls, back and forths. For each. and. every. witness.
Just because he wasn't arrested the day it came out doesn't mean nothing is happening. It could be next year or the year after before any major activity happens towards him.
Learn the court systems and look at prior investigations and their timescales before assuming you know the facts.
No. 366974
also, thought you said you were GIVEN a new PC sindy from a friend? not 'bought'? since we were clearly keeping up with your posts better than you, you can't even keep up with your own lies
No. 367463
>>366974The friend lied to me about numerous things including the graphics card ram and software. In the end I bought 1 from a seller who would repair it if it went wrong.
Why do you keep trying to contact me on this site after literally weeks where I'm not here. Make a fucking anon account number message me on fb if you're so afraid of being banned.
And while we're at it. This is a towers thread. Why is everyone suddenly making it a thread for me
I have a fucking thread take it to that. And no sorry I'm not buying this investigation bullshit. It's been far too long and they absolutely would not be letting him run conventions… even if he's suspected he cannot run conventions or public events
So because if bakers lies
You've all been screaming over literally nothing. And a convention which could be stopped. Won't be stopped.
I'd it going to fucking take a rape before this community does something. I told you I'm not going to the police because my evidence can be seen as biast what with the loyelty shift.
I would have thought Algirl enough to prompt a police call.
No. 367563
>>367463Oh, of COURSE the FRIEND lied to you, also, you came here since your own lolcow is boring and you are (obviously) obsessed with Towers, you came here , so stop trying to play this pathetic victim card you always try and use, and your not going to the police because you have nothing but your own hurt feelings, and you cant join in with the ACTUAL investigation so you can cry its lies, even though there is evidence of people OFFERING YOU the case number and the direct line to the lead investigator, but of course its all lies sindy because you cant join I'm with it, because you were rejected by towers (of all people) because you were too ugly.
inb4 towers/baker/ whoever is the main name this time.
No. 367977
>>367570>>367600Just going to put it out there since the screen shots of my saying no weren't enouget.
Towers is a bald ugly little man that I would never touch without some kind of containment protection on. That's not me being salty. I have standards and he falls way below the line.
There's also the matter of him being old enough to be my uncle or father…
So again
Fuck no. Ew
I came here to inform you idiots your crusade is non existent and to expose that none of you have the balls to report him.
And the 2 are 1 in the same anon. Both are reason why I cannot go
No. 368159
>>367977Towers isnt bald , are you projecting because you have massive bald patches and your only in your 20s? If your going to slag him, make it relevant.
And sweetheart you're the one who threw a hissy fit when you were too ugly for AL girls, please let it go and just move on its really embarassing you think this is justified when no one is laughing with you, laughing at towers.
And there is people actually reporting him, not like your lies and your desperation to jump on the band wagon because you have nothing against him, other than your mad saltyness over the whole thing.
Everyone knows your literally talking pish, just get a grip its not even funny anymore.
USUALLY when someone makes such a fool of themselves its funny for a while, now its just sad and I'm getting second hand embarrassment, oy vey.
No. 368169
>>368159I never applied for Al girls. I didn't feel like getting raped or drugged. Ask the man himself lmao
I checked the application process with duggen but never messaged the b t-man himself about it.
No. 368524
>>368474i didnt feel like gratifying the idiots on my thread with a responce. towers situation is important.
you knwo when i said i didnt belive them i lied to get close to towers? why do you i left the minute he launched algirls. water got to hot, DAnegrzone reached. im out of here. dont feel like being next, btw have some convo shots, bye
No. 368527
>>368524But you just have replied so you're talking shit?
And you were involved for a while after ALgirls started. Your lies really are not fooling anyone, and its just looking pathetic, stop while your ahead with the support you've already scraped together.
No. 368532
>>368529youre actually trying to tell me not to bully poor towers chan,
why are you even this website lmao
No. 368533
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>>368530I'm loving all these lies, its so entertaining when someone eats their own shit and believes it
No. 368759
>>368541Oh , dear. You really believe Obayed with that? You really are slow and retarded if you believe him.
Also your "proof" is a pile of pish, its just you being offended over him mot wanting to bang you and bitching about conventions, what proof is that? That hes a collosul knob? Because we all already know that? The reason why your "proof" isnt being took seriously is because its laughable, and not worth any interest. He didnt try to chat you up (regardless what you think, he didnt. Sorry to burst your bubble) hes bitching about other cons, which we all know, we dont need your half assed evidence, youre not bringing anything new to the table , thats why no one is interested.
>>368545This is word vomit, and yet you wanted to go to Alcon and suck Towers chubby, this is why no one takes you seriously, because you cant even stick to your own resolutions long enough, your a complete joke like that, also for someone who wants it closed down SOOOOO much , you're not even going to the police with "evidence" yet all the other girls are lying, except you?
Youre a laughing stock, nicely put, please continue to splerg, if you have not learned by now why you are not being taken seriously, beat that horse more with a stick to satisfy whatever desperate craving you have for validation.
Dont you have any friends? Poor thing.
No. 368875
>>368759actually i wanted to go to alcon to trade and nothing else. thats why towers removed my table. duggen had said to me come stay in our dorm and i didnt rpely. (instead i booked a fucking hotell)
and yes i agree obayed is pretty usless. obayed could actually have gone to the police when towers started leaking his adress and reporting him to the dwp and even when he threatened him at mcm if not that when he said is DM he would have obayed stitched up for rape (refere to his towers get 9/11d video) but obayed fucked up his chances because he insisted on harassing towers and goading him on facebook. smooth
No. 368877
File: 1502193840234.png (279.88 KB, 444x551, IMG_5481.png)

When you got no friends so you have to like your own profile picture to make it seem like you do
No. 368882
>>368881Defending Alcon itself =/= defending Towers
They aren't one and the same thing, as much as Towers likes to think they are.
No. 368926
>>368925Pretty sure he said he
might attend to work for Jimmy. Not that he definitely was.
No. 369308
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No. 369585
File: 1502314499308.png (43.06 KB, 403x527, bak.png)

>>368926Baker IS going to Alcon…
No. 369587
>>369585No don't be silly it's lies, clearly those Anon are still lying.
I call bullshit on his reasons there is something behind this. I don't trust his reasons.
No. 369636
>>369635It's clear you're in denial and making up excuses for Baker to some how make what he's doing acceptable.
Anon just accept it Baker has no morals and what he's done speak volumes on the type of person he is.
No. 369640
>>369638I think it's important to realise there
is a difference between Towers and Alcon and other AL events. Go to enjoy them, long as you do, whoever "runs" them (if you could call it that, Towers is barely visible anyway) is utterly irrelevant.
No. 369642
>>369638Plenty of double standards. Baker has just proved he will do anything for money. AL has some how paid him off. He is an actual prostitue.
Well that's not fair I hold prostitures in a higher regard and have more respect for them.
No. 369649
>>369639Is that what he told you? Haha
His boss isn't going to stand for that, he'd lose his job it he did that.
No. 369661
>>369659More likely AL would pay Baker off NOT to attend.
Far more likely scenario is that Bolso, who spend thousands on AL events a year, asked for Baker to be able to attend. AL likely had to agree to it.
Baker is one of Bolso's best sellers and holds a lot of sway with Bolso. Baker also after all supported Alcon for 9 years and has a lot of friends and memories there. He likely influenced that to happen.
Do not underestimate the power of companies over conventions.
No. 369665
>>369664LOL good try but no.
Your logic is terrible why would Xzavier post that. Crikey m8
No. 369674
>>369661This is likely correct, but sadly most people will ignore it as "OMG BAKER GOT PAID OFF" sounds far more exciting and dramatic than "Baker wanted to go Alcon with Bolso to see his friends, so they made it happen."
Sadly a lot of people here can't seem to grow up.
No. 369911
>>369612Also one of the girls involved, and you met be special then huh? Because he didnt say a single thing to the rest, and instead made a post about phoning up the constable again.
And no, he did tell people not to line Towers pocket.
I'm disgusted in him.
No. 369916
>>369911Don't speak so negetively of Senpai!
Baker can do no wrong, don't go Alcon, go Alcon it doesn't matter.
No. 369917
>>369911Got proof of those claims? Forever "pics or it didn't happen" because it is far too easy to just claim things happened without proving it.
Like this. I'm one of the girls involved too and he told me. No proof, no way to tell if I'm lying or not.
No. 369936
>>369931Also samefag because I forgot to add, where's the proof they're actually one of the girls involved, too? Everyone on the thread could claim they're one of the girls involved, doesn't mean it's true.
You're all gullible fools if you're taking every single claim on here that backs your agenda at face value.
No. 369955
>>369917Much support, Very wow.
I can screen shot the group or people in it , if you want?
No. 370130
>>369953nah bakers full of shit.
Come on who here is actually shocked baker made up lies after getting dumped by al. and is now going back and funding this lunatic.
im telling you both these boys love riling up the community. towers cleary enjoyed it based on our chat. he thinks hes so fucking sly and cunning. youre not fucking kira from DN mate
No. 370199
>>370195still cant believe he actually said all that crap like "its ok to be selfish" "i lost my job" and is seriously expecting a suitable result. honestly everyone of the al staff are fucking batshit crazy and anybody who goes, goes knowing this full well.
if anything i feel sorry for baker. hes lied and lies and like a little bitch crawled back to towers begging plz fund me plz. towers already told me in chat hes going to publicly execute baker at alcon if he shows up for his own roast. inb4 towers/baker betray and baker victim mongering
No. 370219
>>370212you mean the same staff who say shit on facebook like
i support alcon because the actions of mike towers arent what were like, he can be bad as long as were not bad, right? and its ok to support mike because were not bad!
No. 370220
>>370206i mean the shots of towers saying the baker roast will go ahead are literally on that obayed video….
or have you not watched that yet mike
did you just hope it would go away. try throwing money at it, that works too
No. 370462
>>370458It was that Heather girl
On one of my alcon staff should be ashamed posts.
I'm buisy today trail through my feed you'll find it
No. 370466
>>370209But they all don't give two shits that Towers is a sex pest. In my books that makes them all scumbags.
I don't care if they are funny or friendly or ha… that one time.. ha ha… this guy… he haha… yournotgunnabelievehedidthis ha ha it was SO funn- NO! Scumbags the lot of them.
They help 'run' that event, they are there with him and they just turn a blind eye to what he does, they are scum.
Also they are incompetent AF. ALcon is a joke, it never runs on time, without drama or well.
No. 371008
>>370583>>370587The general cosplay/convention community here tries to act like it's some great thing (ie. what was promised), but turns out to be something completely retarded.
I'd compare it more to Emmerdale. We expect/are promised old people arguing on farms, but instead we get rich cunts taking drugs and beating up their wives.
No. 372004
Actually, I just had a look myself and the list had been posted. lot of empty "Reserved" spaces but from the looks of it, approximately less than 200 people will be staying in total.
No. 372008
>>372004I think reserves are people who have paid for entry and not accommodation yet as my the block I requested has reserved spaces where my friends are and I know they haven't paid fully.
That's still low numbers though
No. 372015
File: 1502667868951.png (36.98 KB, 1146x307, herewego.png)

>>372004Seems pretty conclusive that only those who have specifically posted to request where they go get allocated at this stage. They don't allocate those who don't bother for another week. Then they do it randomly. From previous years, usually about half of those request, so you're looking at just under 400 staying over if you go with that ratio. I think that was about 550 last year if I recall correctly, so it's down but not massively.
I could be wrong though.
No. 372025
>>372022Looks to me like New Wharf is not available or being used, so they're using Liberty and Bede only.
Having said that New Wharf/Bede are always more popular than Liberty, so that'd suggest that it's a lack of availability of New Wharf over any deliberate decision, otherwise they'd ditch Liberty instead.
No. 372028
>>372026Even last year it was only 500 staying over. Most people either room share without others realising, stay off-site at cheaper lodgings, or are local.
The on-site campus pricing isn't particularly cheap when compared to say staying at a travelodge for three people when booked well in advance. You can get it half the price on site, and indeed AL itself has encouraged it's attendees to stay off-site due to limited on-site accommodation (that 500 last year is hitting their max in the three main accommodation buildings they have afaik).
No. 372301
>>372032i mean i guess this shows you dont give 2 flying fucks about your con if you think any loss is an ok loss. that 1/5, those 100 people are real number of very valued customers, and some of them massive cosplayers within the uk, you honestly think you have come out of this fucking daijobu?
but then you never did care about any single cosplayer. thats why you take advantage of them and have sex with them, thats why you cover up any evidence of wrong doings. thats why you lie to get in to venues. youre a 35 year old man acting like a shady criminal. your mother would be fucking ashamed of you and spit on you if she knew what youve been doing
No. 372451
>>372370I don't think it was Towers his ones are more obvious. Like the one above explaining only 20% loss of fan base and it's not as bad as we though.
If I was Obayed I'd back off. It was clearly Towers
No. 378585
File: 1503583654603.png (731.95 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5545.PNG)

So did she just admit that she is fucking mike? Poor thing. lel
No. 378590
File: 1503583997781.png (48.63 KB, 1242x318, IMG_5537.PNG)

Best thing I have seen all day. lel
No. 378672
File: 1503593060775.png (284.35 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-24-17-36-52…)

She's so desperate to get into his pants shes been spamming Alcon posts nearly every day! lol
No. 378878
File: 1503607681188.png (10.4 KB, 497x129, nochange.png)

Glad to see you can't and won't change from being a dirty groomer of minors then, Mike.
No. 378883
File: 1503608446302.png (387.96 KB, 720x1107, Screenshot_2017-08-24-21-58-23…)

Oh my god… the cringe is too much! God help her!
No. 380403
File: 1503782235574.png (521.06 KB, 720x1014, Screenshot_2017-08-26-22-13-54…)

sluttin it up for mike for Alcon I see glad im not goin if they are just going to be all over each other
No. 381138
File: 1503874642762.png (696.44 KB, 720x1230, Screenshot_2017-08-27-23-33-37…)

>my wonderful boys
She made a blog today basically showing off her fuck buddies really needs to get a new hobby…or better taste in men
No. 381516
File: 1503922488125.png (806.92 KB, 830x518, Untitled.png)

>>381138 that 2nd picture tho
No. 381983
>>381743Not if you stick to facts.
i.e saying he's been "accused" of being a pedo instead of "MT is a pedo"
No. 382179
>>382054He can't sue if it's true. Defamation/slander/libel requires the information that can be deemed as damaging to be false before anyone can sue over it. And even if he did sue, the burden of proof is on him to prove your claims are false.
Plus he'd have to pay for a lawyer. Wonder whose pocket that would inevitably come out of…maybe the pocket of those who attend AL events?
No. 382413
File: 1504011421356.jpg (276.12 KB, 1069x1499, Screenshot_20170829-135139.jpg)

No. 382630
>>382179not according to this article
"Burden of proof on the defendant. In the common law of libel, the claimant has the burden only of proving that the statement was made by the defendant, and that it was defamatory. These things are generally relatively easy to prove. The claimant is not required to prove that the statement was false."
No. 382642
>>382630I suppose English law is different from where I'm from. Most places, it's the plantiffs job to prove it's false. But as
>>382626 said, none of Mike's threatened lawsuits have seemingly come to fruition. And he'd still have to pay for a lawyer to sue them.
sage for irrelevant lawfag
No. 382707
>>381743If it's your own thoughts and opinions that you are expressing about AL events, he can't really do anything to get it taken down at all because a couple of other cosplayers have done just that and their videos are just fine.
Imagine if video game devs took legal action against every bad review on youtube about their games.
No. 382791
>>382721If there was a legal case he could sue Bolso.
No, this is about him getting his money for the event.
No. 382868
>>382707Shockingly uninformed
This is happening, search up the hash tag where's the fair use #wtfu content creactors are halving videos pulled because of satirical or critical reviews even though it's a crime
And just because thone cosplayer vids are up doesn't make em safe
No. 383122
>>383027You know it will run, too many ALtards just blindly attend. They don't know what a real event is like, as far as they are aware; pedos, drama, cluster fucking and general inability to human, are what conventions are about.
Poor unenlightened fools.
No. 383175
>>383122Could you please advise on what a real con is?
Inb4 kita/Ame/MCM/sunny which are also a cluster fuck when it comes to time table, running in general, and drama.
I ask because I'd love to attend these real events
No. 384224
>>384205It's basically all on the Brit thread on 4chan.
Rude staff, convention was dead, security was so shit people who didn't pay were walking in without issue, all the stalls were selling bootlegs, staff dropping out last minute, alcohol prices got hiked. Drug dealers galore too.
Not to mention the fact that a lot of negative feedback mentioning rude staff were either deleted or altered to hide the fact staff had verged on misconduct.
And any feedback that mentioned Baker was also deleted.
But again, this was all covered on 4chan
No. 384688
>>384590Some of it was on 4chan, yes, but a lot of it was also relayed to me by friends who went, either by not paying and still turning up and not getting kicked out at all, or who had tickets bought for them by friends.
ALL of that was brought up in the feedback thread, too, before it was either deleted or "amended".
No. 384698
>>384691From what I understand there were drug dealers lurking about everywhere, chasing people. It was posted about in the feedback before it was removed, and Mike asked the postee to repost without that bit in mind.
I should still have the screenshot of it before it was changed, I also posted it on the 4chan thread.
No. 384700
File: 1505087495386.png (151.57 KB, 1169x604, p2.png)

>>384698Samefag, after a quick check, I do still have it.
It is under "Security", the bit that Mike had the postee removed.
No. 384706
>>384700that poor person, fucking christ. i just wanna hug them.
if trashcon is still running next year i am going to be going solely to see just how bad it is
No. 384910
File: 1505135444794.png (117.22 KB, 1166x620, 112.png)

More screenshots of feedback from their own Feedback thread to point out that the truth isn't being bent to exaggerate what was pointed out on 4chan, like
>>384590 is trying to imply.
No. 386075
>>385920wow i forgot the R at the end of your
big fucking deal
just a side note, spelling and grammar are not the same thing.
No. 386316
File: 1505352024595.jpg (15.11 KB, 385x119, IMG_3880.JPG)

>>386286Capital letters? Apostrophes? Full stops? Am I replying to Chindy???
No. 386884
>>386847However, if you read the forum fully anon you will see that he said the 16+ wouldn't be aloud to stay in accommodation.
>>386206Same for you. Mel hasn't just turned 18 she's actually almost 20, not that it makes it any better because there's still a huge age gap, but don't go posting when you haven't got your facts in gear.
No. 386951
>>38688416+ were staying in the dorms back when it was originally 16+ and no one seemed to bat an eye.
>>386845 is right, the DMU would need to pay for a special license to allow anyone under 18 in to the SU where the majority of stuff happens. Even durin the day.
Can you imagine if they didn't get the license and Mike went ahead and made it 16+ anyway?
No. 386969
>>386884Just from looking at her page, says she started high school in 2010 and left in 2016. Unless she was held back a year, she only did up to year 12 before going on to university. So, she'd have been 16 or 17 upon leaving, again unless she was held back.
I mean she could have those years totally wrong, sure, but it's unlikely? As someone who finished high school 4 years ago and is only 22, I don't know where you're pulling this "almost 20" from.
No. 386979
File: 1505479380370.png (257.34 KB, 720x1228, Screenshot_2017-09-15-13-38-10…)

>>386940Here it is and is also on her Fb.
>>386969You didn't take into account college as she would next A Leversion or some kind of qualification to get into University in the first place. It also looked like she changed schools half way through one of her years or something.
No. 386980
File: 1505479420142.png (119.41 KB, 720x1224, Screenshot_2017-09-15-13-28-16…)

No. 386984
>>386980>>386979Also point out it's easy to put down a fake age on Facebook and on the AnimeLeague forum. It isn't really 100% reliable.
If she is 19, maybe she shouldn't tell people attending otherwise?
No. 387552
>>386951Actually, I can. He and his senior team would plead ignorance when found out, and his legion of followers would shrug their shoulders and say "Oh it's just MT being MT", as usual.
This kind of "Oh well" attitude needs to stop.
No. 388140
File: 1505651998161.png (24.16 KB, 208x800, mike.png)

>>387776these come from a credible source.
i know for a fact mike and his staff are reading this, and i know heather will be targeted for this. heather is you are reading this, you need to go to the police…. no matter what he has on you, please go.
blackmail and extortion are serious crimes.
and if he is forcing you to work for him without pay.. that's slave labor
No. 388150
File: 1505655172887.png (34.35 KB, 422x221, ew.png)

Wow you know you're off to a good start in life when sexual predators are fighting over you…
What's the matter mike.. not even gonna defend your underage girlfriend from a guy who hates you
No. 388318
>>388192sadly not. but this person is close friend swith her, she claims she told her this. and the kid isnt a liar. they dont have the mental capacity. if heather did join al girls its possible she was made to do that so that algirls could kick off.
think about it…
No. 388339
>>388329okay mike
first up we have sociopathic tendencies… because you use people to get what you want. even as far as getting sexual pleasure out of them, and have no trouble threatening people for self gain
then we depression, you yourself admitting this would drive anybody to suicide. depression explains many of your unsualy and unlogical behavours. no self worth thus you put no effort in anything you do. you dont improve events you dont take into consideration feedback, even guest feedback from 7 year returning guests.. this explains why you sleep around so much contstantly trying to fill the void in your life with a woman
and then we have the grooming tendencies.. these cause you to see yourself as a young boy aged 19-20. thus explaining why you only go for girls in this age group/. in your mind you are just as young mentally as all your friends.
you need help mike. and by help i mean a prison cell
No. 388351
>>388339I would like to add intense narcissism and a Messiah complex to those three.
>>388348np, we believe you. Well I do anyway. don't bother starting a fight over who's who here, when the real issue is MT.
No. 389076
>>389071Actually, more than maybe. On issues of harassment etc, the police have the right to contact the site admins and get full information including IP addresses.
Make sure you're all on TOR here.
No. 389121
>>389076They have the right to contact them requesting it sure, but lolcow doesn't have to give up anything. They can be served a warrant, sure, still doesn't mean they have to give up anything. If their servers were UK based, sure.
Also, on issues of harassment? Every thread could be considered harassment depending on your outlook. Or the police might view it as petty drama and ignore it because that's basically all it ends up being.
No. 389324
>>389076Okay lemme educate you for a minute.
Lolcow is a US based server and site, so the UK police cannot touch it, they need to get permission from the lolcow site owners (in America which has its own laws which stops our countries police force from searching) and will most likely be told "no" as it always has been.
You a newfag? Or are you just retarded?
No. 389511
File: 1505851344417.png (1.63 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5638.PNG)

Why is Andre posting stuff on Alex Baker ban animeleague account? Unless his trying to stir up some shit.
No. 389609
>>389511Just makes him look even more insecure, really.
But, I am concerned that they have the power to go in and change things without having to ask the user. Like, I get the account is banned and all, but still. Why not just delete it? Why be petty like that?
Think of all the kinds of drama they could start by doing it.
No. 396073
File: 1506898627383.png (14.66 KB, 505x180, thosepoorunfortunatesouls.png)

Wow. I would never guess that BAGC was that popular. Either people are just thirsty for some sweet-ass butt-hurt weeb action (and can't wait for MCM) or this is bullshit.
No. 398040
File: 1507153966176.jpeg (18.35 KB, 214x94, BB66BC78-5B97-4946-A8ED-CEB927…)

F to pay respects
No. 406031
>>406008Don't got it myself since he blocked me
sadfaceWhat does the message look like?
No. 413770
>>413559Mmkay, so I've just had a look at this guy's resume, and aside from Bleach and Naruto, who is really going to give a shit about the bit roles this guy has done?
I also noticed he also put up a desperate "pls hire me, i need to pay teh rent!" Facebook video about a month ago.
No. 413883
>>413770There are a few game voices I semi care about, but he's not some big name voice actor, aside from older stuff that is still kind of popular?
Dunno why Mike thinks it's some form of achievement to get these people at his events when MCM had Troy Baker at their convention in Scotland.
No. 413924
>>413883Could be either one, or both, of the following:
1. Because the guy has a big resume (albeit for bit roles in single episodes), that 'apparently' makes him a superstar.
2. All the AL funds were already spent getting Rial.
No. 415041
File: 1509813911092.png (704.76 KB, 1242x2208, 6BA5C0BA-D0C1-4590-A73A-FBF6FD…)

Aw, emo mike lel
No. 415043
File: 1509814156600.png (700.1 KB, 1242x2208, 89F468E8-96E4-4842-A9A2-3BC7E9…)

Mike comment are so funny. Lel
No. 421459
>>419777>>420979I'm inclined to agree. First a rumour of a guy getting fired without anything to back it up and now this?
Deets, or this is officially bullshit.
No. 426199
>>419777Mike is looking for Work? Huh?
Where? lel
No. 426252
File: 1510902441392.jpeg (109.89 KB, 1242x506, 3BC3C8D1-DC3C-4E6D-9DDC-B65FBA…)

Lel, yeah she is!!! Lel
No. 432047
File: 1511665910349.jpeg (555.85 KB, 2198x1165, C89D4B57-23D5-4EAE-A234-8F2BAD…)

Pissed someone else off MT
No. 434583
File: 1511995539468.png (200.57 KB, 540x960, 24251843_1374881529284553_6912…)

No, I will not harass my friends to go to your events
No. 445834
File: 1513531303660.png (981.68 KB, 750x1334, 1486077C-4536-4946-B9AD-263B1D…)

No. 445944
>>445941You've gotta wonder what he's apparently said to the police.
"Help I'm a pedo and people are bullying me for it".
No. 463430
File: 1515249453848.png (3.94 MB, 1242x2208, 9C532966-E5E0-48A9-B566-2FD859…)

If I looked that ugly, I wouldn’t post it on Facebook. Lel!! Kill the beast!!!
No. 469787
File: 1515932409312.jpeg (859.87 KB, 1242x1049, 74C2CBF2-7441-47C9-A4C3-511EE0…)

No. 473603
File: 1516217790228.png (368.97 KB, 499x601, Untitled.png)

Save him. Message the didyouknowgaming page on facebook and tell them all the shit that's gone on so they don't have to suffer lmao.
No. 473745
File: 1516225810070.jpeg (580.54 KB, 1242x718, D17E99AB-F221-4321-893C-2F4F5F…)

No. 473747
File: 1516225861014.jpeg (599.23 KB, 1213x804, 3A257143-9DB2-4A63-BCA8-569041…)

FAT pig!!!
No. 475356
>>473747Sage because semi irrelevant but boy is she gonna do herself harm by trying to lose that much weight in 4 weeks. You shouldn't really lose more than 2lbs per week (you'll obviously lose more when you first start diet/exercise). So, at most she'd healthily lose 10lbs in those 4 weeks. Anything more isn't good for your body (not enough calories for your body to function on, basically).
Hooray for Mike's fatty gf ruining her health even more than just being fat. Shows she didn't even do a lick of research or get a consultation before deciding to lose the weight. What an idiot.
No. 478645
File: 1516695875928.gif (3.09 MB, 450x263, 0355BA39-8A11-4BF9-B0FA-6E8FCA…)

No. 489764
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No. 489765
File: 1517523342142.png (51.95 KB, 721x271, ew2.png)

No. 489766
File: 1517523350497.png (55.68 KB, 531x277, ew3.png)

No. 496849
File: 1518040491952.png (820.19 KB, 2896x2960, 27787417_523832948000493_58027…)

No. 503011
File: 1518647284274.png (39.66 KB, 505x541, Untitled.png)

No. 514905
File: 1519643402348.jpeg (517.9 KB, 1225x1342, 651061A1-2C82-4364-848E-A0EC70…)

No. 541535
File: 1522420587981.png (245.37 KB, 496x698, unknown-12.png)

No. 553164
File: 1523501051726.png (1.41 MB, 1242x2208, AE7B22BB-48DC-4BB1-B0DB-D098BC…)

No. 553360
>>553294Oh come off it. You and baker orchestrated the whole thing. You've said you self Mike numerous times the community is full if idiots, you enjoy nothing else over toying with them. You groom people into thinking al is the only wholesome community, but you constantly treat people within it like shit. You even lost xavier because he dared to run a con back to back with you. You spend actual al funds buying up names so you could drag him through court. Courts you can't afford. This is you all over. You take the alcon profits and spend them on yourself, you pay your staff nothing especially your 12 algirls and great then like shit. Your downright blackmailing them to work for you. And as a result your cons are doing so badly even loyals like Lk are disgusted by the disorganised mess. Your cons are dying Mike. You're going to wind up guestless and bankrupt at every con
And sooner or later people are gona take your assessment to court for fraudulent ticket sales.
Seriously Mike. Enjoy your cons while they last. Cause I predict alcon 2018 will be the last 1. And you have Only Yourself to thank
No. 556138
>>553360I don't know how Mike can blatantly lie about numbers so frequently. I mean, he does know that people will actually be there, right?
I'm on some UK cosplay fb page and there's been a handful of posts from the last AL con. Mostly saying it was nothing special. Small, and crammed, with shitty stalls. This is coming from people who know nothing about the drama.
The fact he STILL goes onto 4chan and this thread to bump and desperately try to grasp some kind of attention.
inb4 Mike doesn't post on 4chan!!! He's too busy with cons!!!11!1.
Who else is going to defend someone to this extent, especially someone like Mike lol.
No. 570103
>>506516Ridiculously fucking late reply but I was selling in the AA and there were no signs anywhere. When I came to set up, even the staff had no idea where we were going.
Not looking forward to BAGC next weekend.
No. 572537
>>571750Ask the bank to pull the funds back. Tell them it was fraudulent advertising because you were unaware of the dodgy buisness dealings and terrible stall holding reputation .
Alcon has a history of not locking dealers rooms at night. And didn't duggen admit before they took stuff from them and kept them?
No. 573616
File: 1525448230782.jpeg (417.49 KB, 1242x294, C4952747-2F11-4B4E-A493-A7F776…)

No. 575373
>>575007This is a narcissist manchild creep with a Messiah/God complex we're talking about here. A guy who believes only HE has the skills to control the UK anime scene.
Yeah it is pretty fucking sad, but people like him will never ever grow up, and carry on with this creepo alter-ego until his 50s, which is even more astonishing.
When one of his harem shows up at his palace door and announces she's pregnant, maybe a dose of reality will hit him. Maybe. Maybe not.
No. 576238
>>575760I've been in the discord and can confirm the people in it are just pissy bitches and unfunny autists. The only things they talk about are maid gio and Ben Collins, who btw I'd a complete fucking cringe lord.
I'll try not to derail but britfag thread isn't worth posting in and it's shit. This is the worst it's been in over 10 years. I used that thread as an information source, but now that you get perma ban just for mentioning drama is fucking aids. That's why the threads dead and boring
No. 577298
>>577143Again, cgl getting all moral and mighty over someone sneaking into a con run by an actual paedophile, for the amount of shit talk people make about Towers it’s fucking rich you jump on your high horse about breaking the law over sneaking into a convention run by the man himself.
>>577266>public tantrum Literally when and where? Like I say I was discussing the meet, nothing more nothing less.
No. 577302
File: 1525851230946.jpg (198.89 KB, 978x801, Screenshot_20180509-083142.jpg)

>>577298Here's your tantrum. And you continue to publicly bitch, whine and sulk about how a group of friends supported their friend over some whiny shitstirring Literally Whos. How about you get over it and go join Sindy's discord, I hear it's a bit more welcoming to the bitter and socially retarded.
No. 578064
>>577266>>577302>>577709Hoe is this a tantrum/disruptive
She made one small minor complaint. .. how fucking insecure do you need to be to get this offended by it. Meets orginize be people like you will allways be bad. And poorly run because of the nature if the meet and the people in the meet.
>>576797First 4chan now here? I thought namefagging was a banable offense on both sites. Why do you care so fucking much who I am or am not. Our complaints are still valid you insecure fuck
No. 578963
>>578064No, Sindypop it is not.
Go away now.
No. 589835
File: 1526861440917.png (1.41 MB, 1242x2208, FF2EC922-0C3E-4422-8B31-A60E09…)

Oh, what is this?
No. 589836
File: 1526861500185.png (618.76 KB, 1242x2208, 5CBBC254-2728-41FC-A13A-4EED00…)

Oh, dear.
No. 589837
File: 1526861563755.png (374.62 KB, 1242x2208, E57B7FAF-A32B-4A90-B915-D0B3A4…)

No. 589839
File: 1526861645972.png (671.01 KB, 1242x2208, 24C24453-D0C9-4A83-A485-F67EDB…)

This is getting interesting.
No. 589842
File: 1526861724067.png (729.16 KB, 1242x2208, 8373F936-DC61-48D6-9609-C84FDB…)

This is just disgusting MT, how could you treat her like that.
No. 604142
File: 1528379244877.png (73.17 KB, 628x488, warning.png)

This is doing the rounds plus a few other "modelling" scams in my community. Apparently this guy is planning meets in my country. I had a feeling the name was familiar.
No. 608694
>>604145Tbh just let them. Al's fucked after last year and given we know nothing will improve for this year's alcon we can safely say that LK will pull out as a guest after this year.
Any fool who joins algirls might aswell be selling her soul to satan at this point. Since every female member who's worked for al has been overworked. Underpayed sexually harassed and literally blackmailed into continuation.
No. 616784
File: 1529594400294.png (28.55 KB, 313x331, 1529336046754.png)

400 attendees, one guest confirmed and less than two months till con lmao
No. 616982
File: 1529607000112.png (92.02 KB, 714x758, Screenshot_20180621-194806.png)

>>616784Shock twist, I went to check if any more tickets have sold and it looks like it's actually gone down!! They also changed their guest page to say 40+ guests but no one confirmed except for LK. I'm guessing it's 40 z Listers. At least we have some proof that MT checks this thread and it influences what he does :p
No. 617186
File: 1529615452201.png (17.28 KB, 1708x119, Untitled.png)

More tragedy, ALcon accommodation has gone from filling up 3 halls, to downsizing to two halls last year to now only having accommodation in the quiet block an no party block halls.
No. 628088
File: 1530650010288.jpeg (40.34 KB, 848x848, A47A8C48-6A5E-4871-A7C1-FC63DB…)

Super creepy
No. 672021
In a further twist, it seems AL are so desperate for guests they're trying to intimidate people into guesting for them, and Mel's gone as far as to find someone's Discord server to literally baw at them: "WHY WON'T YOU GUEST AT OUR CONS?!"
Also, apparently there's just under 300 attendees confirmed for AlCon, and even less for accommodation. No. 672026
File: 1535105941149.jpg (63.06 KB, 540x960, AL drama 1.jpg)

EDIT: Link no longer working, will upload the pics one by one
No. 672027
File: 1535105951949.jpg (59.19 KB, 540x960, AL drama 2.jpg)

No. 672028
File: 1535105960539.jpg (55.6 KB, 540x960, AL drama 3.jpg)

No. 672029
File: 1535105978131.jpg (51.3 KB, 540x960, AL drama 4.jpg)

No. 676273
File: 1535633870177.png (554.47 KB, 499x960, AL shambles.png)

Good god the event hasn't even started yet and it already looks disorganised.
No. 676351
File: 1535647090009.jpeg (740.84 KB, 4032x3024, received_325068091387416.jpeg)

in full swing now check how packed it is .
No. 677087
File: 1535717570984.png (171.18 KB, 720x1280, received_337254926818617.png)

you dun fucked up now (1/3)
No. 677088
File: 1535717607530.png (145.08 KB, 720x1280, received_2098813133471825.png)

No. 677089
File: 1535717674883.png (164.54 KB, 720x1280, received_288929951693123.png)

No. 677421
File: 1535754081658.png (1.59 MB, 1280x720, Anime League found dead.png)

No. 678601
File: 1535906614395.jpg (108.79 KB, 624x351, 1506944299990.jpg)

>>678502Still removing comments from the pages and groups?
No. 678770
File: 1535919669030.jpg (29.1 KB, 507x471, rest in pepperoni.jpg)

best con ever
No. 678803
File: 1535921606979.png (641.05 KB, 982x564, AmeCon vs AlCon.png)

Goddamn this tickled me.
No. 679707
File: 1535970061420.jpeg (542.97 KB, 1242x657, B2427C50-EDF1-45B2-B69C-353418…)

No. 680116
>>679932don't have them, sorry. I've got a few pics of alcon looking dead though. I'll post them when I get chance.
>>680035Mel is a fucking idiot, do you have screenshots of her saying that?
No. 680121
File: 1536012946249.png (42.12 KB, 552x676, Mel being a bitch.png)

Mel the internet lumberjack threatening to cut down any negative reviews (literally, all he did was offer feedback)
No. 680129
File: 1536013484468.jpg (79.44 KB, 540x960, Sexual harassment.jpg)

Good god, it keeps getting worse.
No. 680179
>>680155It was andre who made the rape joke, got someone to strip.
who was it who was kreeping on that one girl doing a panel? was that andre too?
No. 680217
File: 1536020287057.jpeg (48.9 KB, 540x960, received_455240084986585.jpeg)

>>680121Hmmmm if she wants to play that card someone want to remind her she has committed the same offence in discord??? Harrassing people
No. 680288 this Mel?
don't like the idea of her being near children if she is affiliated with michael
No. 680661
This is freaking great who went to alcon throwing some serious shade someone send this to Mike
No. 681357
>>680661>>680288use the youtube box when you post youtube links you fucking normies
>>681105watched about 20 mins of it, he's more or less telling all the stuff that has been told on this thread or facebook. Nothing really new.
No. 682262
File: 1536232921816.jpeg (788.95 KB, 1242x2208, 5BCFA368-137B-40AF-94AD-8DCF8A…)

No. 682270
File: 1536234457008.png (38.64 KB, 1278x153, IMG_0974.PNG)

No. 682288
File: 1536237944577.png (85.87 KB, 500x213, From my point of view the jedi…)

>>682005Knowing her, once she gets taken advantage of one too many times she'll jump ship like everyone else, but at the moment, she's got full on Anakin Syndrome, in that she still supports a shitty organisation even though their shitty behaviour is there for all to see.
No. 682500
File: 1536264095592.jpg (76.47 KB, 400x400, Das_Fuhrer_Towers.jpg)

Someone posted another "You should improve your con / Feedback" that wasn't to Tower's Tastes, Nothing wrong with the post nothing saying "Don't Go" just some basic improvements, User Banned and Posts Deleted, Sieg Heils Mein Fuhrer
No. 682558
File: 1536272050082.png (84.94 KB, 1301x386, Grace ripped off.png)

Grace, it's not atrocious luck, you're just getting ripped off. £6 per ticket is daylight robbery. If you can't see AL is a scam then that shit's just natural selection at this point.
No. 682576
File: 1536274705507.png (634.8 KB, 1242x2208, 2C8472A9-A8BC-41ED-AC7F-FA1171…)

No. 682577
File: 1536274731056.png (583.06 KB, 1242x2208, EC82E3C9-7F48-4E84-A327-6DAC0F…)

No. 683668
File: 1536386085631.png (121.61 KB, 1789x550, algirlsmarktwo.png)

Anyone and everyone could just go in the VIP area anyway so this is worthless. This is just another word for their 'crew', only you're given a different and more superior-sounding title.
This might as well be AL Girls Mark Two.
No. 683784
File: 1536415124931.jpg (11.86 KB, 320x337, b77.jpg)

>>683668Crew could go in the VIP Area anyway because Duh Their crew, Crew its access all area's anyway it always has been.
Man-Power TRIGGERED No. 685876
File: 1536676170793.png (16.13 KB, 586x265, Andre Duggan.png)

>>685827From someone who was staffing at AlCon. They're actually speaking to a solicitor due to workplace bullying and Andre sexually harassing them.
No. 686172
>>685876Oh really?
I swear we should start an 4chan about him.
No. 686605
File: 1536771978429.jpg (436.14 KB, 1280x720, andre.jpg)

No. 688341
File: 1536960229937.png (83.68 KB, 606x674, Falcon discourse 1.png)

So Grace decides to weigh in on Lewis Falcon Williams getting the banhammer from all MCM events and goddamn did it backfire
No. 688342
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No. 688343
File: 1536960256910.png (106.77 KB, 592x778, Falcon discourse 3.png)

No. 688344
File: 1536960268036.png (107.09 KB, 574x778, Falcon discourse 4.png)

No. 688345
File: 1536960282732.png (49.74 KB, 560x348, Falcon discourse 5.png)

No. 689099
File: 1537056808019.png (348.38 KB, 592x580, 654d8dd373f5d51a7e983d3bb97e10…)

No. 689400
File: 1537102158026.png (30.21 KB, 128x128, 1519668088488.png)

>>688345>>688344who is this overweight weeb and why does she think she's an idol
No. 689470
>>689460What Idol career? This is the first i've seen of her and she looks like an overweight chav at best?
Fucking hell these weebs go too far, do they even know what it actually means to be an idol? Dressing like a retards and dancing on the stage owned by a known pedo doesn't qualify kek
No. 689515
>>689470Chances are she'll be another one who eventually realises Towers is a shitbag and either leaves or gets kicked out when she becomes too independent for his liking.
Then another weeb will pop along who will white knight Towers, eventually grow too independent or critical towards Towers, get kicked out/leave and rinse and repeat.
No. 689913
File: 1537148287355.jpg (83.25 KB, 540x960, Sindy being sindy.jpg)

>>689774Speaking of Sindy…
Apparently calling out hypocrisy is bullying.
No. 690258
File: 1537201729235.jpeg (366.44 KB, 421x1114, 226F2905-3B08-424A-BF53-484B54…)

Aw, Mel has made towers a new avatar, it look like shit.
No. 690673
File: 1537236331348.png (134.69 KB, 496x339, According to islamic law.png)

Oldie but a goldie
No. 692112
File: 1537388735180.png (602.58 KB, 1242x2208, 4C51BF18-B4B7-479D-A0C8-AE1892…)

Now, this is just sad.
No. 692113
File: 1537388778295.jpeg (157.81 KB, 218x671, 0B84060D-ACD1-4E7A-8BC9-AD9C0E…)

No. 697175
File: 1537947275170.jpg (263.22 KB, 720x1326, 20180926_083418.jpg)

Looks like Andres packed up his maid cafe
No. 699241
>>698829One of the people Mel threatened to "take legal action" against. Considering she doesn't even know my full name, nothing has happened.
Even if she did have my full name, it is just empty threats and she is just saying it to get people to stop telling the truth about AlCon and Mike "fingering minors for hours" Towers.
No. 699341
File: 1538139756993.gif (565.98 KB, 426x212, 419.gif)

>>698829One of the people Mike threatened to take legal action against here. I haven't heard a peep. The guy even knows my real name too. Mebbe he realised that hiring a successful solicitor costs more than it did for him to run Alcon.
No. 699494
>>699453Also, it's worth noting they've got some nerve when it comes to harassment.
Mel in particular is bad when it comes to witness intimidation, and if anyone opens up a legal case against AL, she could be in serious trouble.
No. 700269
File: 1538241039872.png (97.87 KB, 372x343, Screenshot_31.png)

Changed his group page name deleted all trace of him operating as a maid cafe and removed himself from the group, Goodbye Andre
No. 712053
File: 1539462371361.jpeg (63.41 KB, 313x268, 617C5157-78A8-45B3-B325-96B8E2…)

Not a mod anymore. lel