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The site maintenance is completed but lingering issues are expected, please report any bugs here

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No. 1[Reply]

All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”.
Please read https://lolcow.farm/rules

No. 9087

##spoilered text## => spoilered text

No. 17995

K-idol spam threads to be merged at the next bump limit

No. 47997

Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /m/.

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No. 386254[Reply]

319 posts and 293 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405198

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This is so cute, I love these dumb cats. https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2360838

No. 405199

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No. 405276

File: 1722032296544.png (765.18 KB, 600x900, my-meiker-1722032251024195.png)

No. 405283

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No. 405313

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No. 373122[Reply]

post art for anons to rate, critique, give advice, etc.

343 posts and 77 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405258

File: 1722029866006.jpg (748.08 KB, 3508x2480, [24-07-02] 1807922839930167579…)

thanks nonny looks great. How would you study anatomy? i really want to draw muscles like pic rel but i have no idea where to start.

No. 405271

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Start with the skeleton, it shows where the muscles are wrapped

No. 405275

>Start with the skeleton
sorry for being retarded but how? like doing bone studies separated?

No. 405278

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finding pictures that show the muscle groupings, using references and practicing identifying muscle groupings on reference photos like picrel, what other nona said about studying the bones but basically looking for break downs of particular parts or groups at a time to practice(try studying like heads, necks, arms, torso, shoulders, legs, something specific at first). find muscle groups and breakdowns, copy it, identify it on a reference, look up how the muscles wrap, pull, or rest on the bones underneath. you can also do gestures studies to get general natural looking poses and anatomy which can then can make it easier to break down anatomy to construct your own poses as gesture will give you the more natural shapes of muscles engaged or at rest or squished or what have you.

No. 405280

thank you! i do figure drawing daily, but i will add doing what you said too

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No. 387673[Reply]

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )
>Post AI-generated images.

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No. 405307

Being fat isn't a body type.

No. 405308

Edition for next thread should be frog leg

No. 405309

He still posts on his main account on instagram @hey4ro and it's all SFW fine art type stuff. He also achieves this kind of render autism traditionally.

No. 405310

are you really trying to humblebrag here, of all places?

No. 405312

she’s “asexual” because he doesn’t want to imagine anyone with his waifu

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No. 356605[Reply]

All drama-related discussion go here: >>>/w/319720
Escaped dramafags will get graduated from life

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads
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No. 405235

File: 1722024660302.jpg (96.21 KB, 1626x1357, inugami-korone-f2qw3f0r3njna2c…)

TFW you've finally started learning Japanese but both of your favorite JP vtubers (Sasaki Saku and Inugami Korone) have accents you're not keen to pick up on…
Any nonnas have alternative JP chuuba recommendations? I like chuubas who have a preference for older games, have unique humor, and don't make lewdity a huge selling point. Regularity of streaming doesn't matter since I mostly watch VODs.
Also for JP speaking nonnas– is it actually that bad to listen to a ton of Sasaki and Korone, or am I worrying too much?

No. 405246

I'm not native Japanese but I'm learning too. Korone has a weird mix of Kansai dialect and a thick rural accent. It's not as strong as when she was starting out but if you're listening to her to learn more it's probably not going to help. Not familiar with Sasaki so I can't comment.

No. 405259

Learner here! I love my oshis but they're horrible for learning since their voices are so high/hayakuchi and collabs just overstimulate the shit out of me. Talents whom I find speak pleasantly and do a lot of solo variety gaming content (since I find those streams easiest to follow):
>Lize Helesta
>Oozora Subaru
>Amane Kanata

No. 405288

How is momosuzu nene's japanese for a beginner? Ive always been curious about her

No. 405298

Not familiar with her much but I checked out some of her vods. She does use that kawaii accent where they contract syllables and alter the vowels and I think I hear some actual accent too but I'm not good enough to be certain. But overall parse-able for those who're used to that style of speech IMO.

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No. 385404[Reply]

487 posts and 385 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405293

Me being singled out by the farmhands for being too much of a free thinker

No. 405294

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Average unpopular opinion thread


No. 405295

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No. 405300

Fucking amazing

No. 405301

A real menhera guy tbh.
This is really cute.

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No. 405296[Reply]

Post extremely obscure media you're certain only you and maybe ten other people know about. Lost media discussion works too. Picrel is a Witch's Tale.(check the catalogue before making a new thread)

No. 405297

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No. 199307[Reply]

Post cow pictures here. Real cows, cow illustrations, characters dressed as cows, lolcow related pictures, etc
333 posts and 307 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403969

Interspecies female solidarity, let's go.

No. 403977

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No. 404233

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No. 404234

aw this is so adorable and it could almost be official lc art. should be a banner tbh

No. 405285

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No. 397786[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon thread >>>/m/320917
Animal Crossing thread >>>/m/194143
Cookie Run General Thread >>>/m/220653
Danganronpa thread >>>/m/246630
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General #2 >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft thread >>>/m/197446
Genshin Impact General Thread #15 >>>/m/357977
Kirby Thread >>>/m/237062
Nikki Games General >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Splatoon general #1 >>>/m/247501
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133 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405000

I'm relieved the entire cast is cisgender kek. From the gameplay trailer I was 99% convinced Neve was voiced by a tranny, glad to see an actual woman got the role. Not even mad about the themlet, at least she's also biologically female. Gonna be funny hearing the Qunari's testosterone frog voice (maybe).

No. 405123

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Has anyone kept up with World of Warcraft recently? What are your opinions on the state of the game?

I actually enjoyed Shadowlands quite a bit overall, even though most the criticisms it received were absolutely valid. I felt that it had a good amount of content, progression made sense, there was a good level of challenge, Nathria was a great raid, and many of the zones had interesting environments and NPCs, even though the story was shit and nothing really fit the typical WoW aesthetic.

Despite Dragonflight being a return to the usual on paper, something about it felt sort of… wrong to me, but it's hard for me to put my finger on. It feels a little too manufactured, a little too much like fanfiction, and a little too clunky.

I've been trying to play again during the pre-patch, but that same feeling of wrongness remains and is even stronger, honestly, and I think I have to chalk it up to many little things. UI changes that feel very mobile game-y, abysmal lore and storytelling, very generic zones in a game that typically has wonderful environments, bizarre artistic choices, trivial but time-consuming world content, adding and removing complexity from systems seemingly at random, lack of immersion… I could go on.

I can't believe the amount of praise Dragonflight has gotten, as I don't typically have controversial opinions on games, and I'm struggling to enjoy it like I enjoyed other recent and supposedly shitty expansions.
It doesn't seem like there's anywhere worth posting about WoW anymore though; Reddit and the official forums are slightly different echochambers, and /wowg/ has been unusably filled with avatartrannies for many years now. I'm curious if any nonas here have any more nuanced thoughts on the game that aren't just
>wow is now a terrible game by troons and for troons, and you're a mazed retard if you even consider playing it
>the game is the best it has been since legion/pandaria/(insert expansion), and any and all complaints you have are illegitimate
>the story in Dragonflight is so comfy and cozy and I love the wholesome cultural exploration and fun dragon flying and lgbt rep!

No. 405164

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I hope there aren't any more sudoku in this game. My eyes hurt from staring at these numbers.

No. 405165

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OK now I'm actually excited for 1999.
Though I get why Arthur is British now, but he didn't sound like it at all in Whispers.

No. 405277

Is this Nancy Drew?

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No. 403600[Reply]

The milk is coming from inside the farm edition

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous threads:
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No. 405053

>i feel jealous of women who are into nerd shit shame free
nerd shit is cool now, it's not decades ago where you got shoved in a locker for playing dnd, get with the times.

No. 405058

I can relate to that. I played Pokémon showdown for a while, but I quit after I made a dumb mistake costing me the game and the person I was playing against called me an idiot for it lol. I like the fun of competing but I really don’t enjoy competitive game culture at all. Moids will belittle you and call you thin skinned if you say you don’t like the way you treat them, which makes me avoid getting too into Showdown even though I do think it’s fun.

No. 405066

just make the window small so you can't see the chat and disallow PMs. that's what i do. i love battling but have no interest in interacting with anyone to talk about it on the site.

No. 405072

I find SV ok, I just beat the main game and I started the DLC. It would have been a lot better if not for all these annoying technical issues that made me not even try to play online. But unlike gen 6, 7 and 8 I don't feel like trying to complete the pokedex. It's not because I lack free time or find it difficult and annoying, I just didn't like the game enough to feel like it's worth it. Did anyone manage to complete the pokedex, at least for the main region and not for the pokedex from the DLC? How long did it take?

I'd find her character design so much better if it weren't for her bicolor hair. I really dislike how a lot of characters have bicolor hair in SV in general, it looks dumb or ugly. Except for Larry because it just looks like some older guy who's starting to have white hair little by little.

No. 405122

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I did the dex for the main region, it was pretty easy since it was only 400 pokes. way easier than in older gens where you had to trawl the gts and shit.
it took 80 or so hours which is not that much comapred to older games. i havent tried the dlc or picked it back up at all since i finished the dex bc it's a pretty boring game overall. i usually clock 300-400 hours in pokémon games easily, it's the first timd i get bored this fast with a main series game.

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