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No. 197446
>FromSoftware, Inc. is a Japanese video game development company founded in November 1986 and a subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation. The company is best known for their Armored Core and Souls series, including the related games Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.
Talk about Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring or any other Fromsoft games you like here! Help each other out, post pics of your protagonists, talk about your favorite pieces of lore, your husbandos, etc.
No. 197599
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Oh yeah I've been waiting for this!
So what's your favourite soulsborne game? Mine is Elden Ring and Bloodborne, not sure which one is better though. I love Bloodborne's Lovecraftian vibes, but at the same time Elden Ring is just so amazing.
No. 197613
>>197599Mine is probably Bloodborne- I really like the atmosphere coupled with the change in combat mechanics. If anyone is interested in the lore there's an analysis called The Paleblood Hunt which I found pretty interesting!
Currently replaying DS3 in anticipation for Elden Ring. I don't have online right now, and for some reason I miss all the 'finger but hole' messages.
No. 197668
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>>197599Sekiro. Kind of makes me feel like an imposter since I know it was a departure from their other titles but the environments are just so pretty and I preferred the faster combat. Bloodborne was fun too but the atmosphere got a little too oppressive for me.
No. 197701
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>>197599DS:PTDE for me, definitely, just because it was my first fromsoft game and it blew me away. i didn't care for the "graphics update" of DSR, i like the old graphics.
but i find it hard to compare to bloodborne, sekiro and ER because they are all so very different and good in their own ways. for me, bloodborne has my favorite overall story and atmosphere, but low replayability. sekiro is gorgeous to look at and explore, but also has low replayability for me. elden ring has a story i don't care much about, but the atmosphere/environment are fantastic, and i cannot wait to replay it once i finish because i love it that much.
ds2 was okay, i don't hate it like most people and replayed it a fair amount. ds3 was also pretty good, but i only replayed it once.
>>197668of course not! all fromsoft fans are
valid and never let a stinky elitist tell you otherwise
No. 197702
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what are your guys' favorite bosses in the games you've played so far? mine:
ds1: four kings
ds2: looking glass knight
ds3: nameless king
bb: gascoigne
sekiro: genichiro
er: not finished but so far, rykard
No. 197850
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>>197783To be fair, most of the other games have branching paths you can choose to take. It isn’t open world, but there are still options. If you can, Demon’s Souls might be a good choice for you because after the first area, you can choose from any other main ones and play through them or move to another as you’d like. I played the remake this year and it was very beautiful, I’m sure the original is still fun too though. Pic related, my DeS waifu.
No. 197851
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>>197702Samefagging to answer these.
DeS: Astraea
DS1: O&S
DS2: Velstadt, Sir Alonne
DS3: Nameless King
BB: Bloodstarved
Sekiro: Never finished it but I plan to after I’m done with ER
ER: Malenia or Mohg
No. 197879
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>>197783i will say the other games are much more "you should do this in this order", but at the same time, you are given the option to go wherever you want even if you're technically underleveled.
No. 197891
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>>197702Sister Friede. That’s boss fight gave me chills.
No. 197919
>>197913Manga wyrm from Elden Ring can kiss my ass in a million places. I also hate any boss in elden ring that is just a stronger version of an enemy X 2. it's so freakin lazy.
Asylum demon in DS1 had me raging.
No. 197938
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Here’s a question for you guys who have played other FS before getting into ER. How do you feel about the addition of things like spirit summons and summoning pools? I personally don’t mind spirit summons, but I don’t like bosses where it’s almost necessary to use them (like for the duo crucible knights, it’s just extremely hard on your own because of their aggression levels). As for the summoning pools, I kind of enjoy them. I like doing summons but sometimes don’t know where I want to go to do it, and this just takes you to any pool you’ve touched in the past where someone needs help. I think it’s a nice mechanic.
No. 197942
>>197919>>197934I think that’s why I hated fire giant so much. I’m a caster who relies on fire and dragon skills mostly, so with the wyrm and tree spirits I could take them down fast. Fire giant is a gimmick boss with a horrible camera that forces you to play a certain way and you can’t see any of his telegraphs. Sucks cuz I like the design and felt bad killing him lorewise but it was such an inexcusably awful fight
Also why are there like 5 different tree spirits? Too much boss repetition in general in this game
>>197938The summon pool is great as are spirit summons. As someone who mostly deals with bosses using casts, I can typically do enough damage but I need time to cast so anything that helps take aggro off me is perfect.
No. 197947
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i rly like the godskin apostle design. i especially love that you can find one in the windmill village. i imagine he has crazy orgies with all the women there as they delightedly peel skin off of men and torture them to death. sounds like a great life, id be one of his sluts.
No. 198024
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I pray to miyazaki for bloodborne remastered, and sekiro dlc. A futile fight but one can only dream.
I also wished they kept the boss fight rematch mechanic from sekiro, it was a damn fucking good addition especially since i reckon ER is a long ass game, being open world as it is.
No. 198081
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>>197702DS3: Champion Gundyr, Dancer of the Boreal Valley & Pontiff Sulyvahn
Bloodborne: Father Gascoigne & Ludwig
Elden Ring: not yet finished but so far Godrick and Radahn and maybe Rennala. I also like to fight the dragons as well, even though I first was a bit bored with them.
No. 198082
>>197913Bloodborne: ROM.
DS3: Dragonslayer Armor. Fuck that guy.
Elden Ring: Commander Niall's two summon knights were a pain in the ass so I
cheesed the fight. Also Rykard was really painful
No. 198085
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>>197702DeS: False King Allant, bosses were definitely not the game's strongest point but he was a great climax and I think he's kinda hot
DS: O&S, the one moment when I fell in love with the game
DS2: Nashandra, she's cool looking, otherwise I didn't care about the game
BB: Ludwig, fave boss fight ever in any game, I've already sperged about him in a video game in the old /m/ but I could go on for hours
DS3: a toss between Sulyvahn, the Nameless King and Sister Friede, the game was kinda redundant but it had some great moments
I suck at Sekiro and I haven't reached her yet but I love the Corrupted Monk, she's very me-core.
>>197913I fucking hate Laurence, reusing the first boss's model for a 20$ DLC is by itself cheap as fuck but he is way too hard, even the Orphan is more fair.
Btw am I the only one who has almost zero interest in Elden Ring? None of the trailers managed to grab my attention and from what I've seen it uses the same gimmicks as DS games in its narration and characters. I feel like FromSoftware is pigeonholing itself with the same formula and is going backwards after Sekiro. I wish they'd make another weird survival horror game, even a AAA remake of Kuon could be interesting thanks to the speculation around the game.
No. 198102
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>>198085Oh yeah Kuon remake would slap!
And Elden Ring has a lot of same stuff as previous games (so much it could be called Dark Souls 4, kek) but it being open world helps a lot. I see how people wouldn't want to try it out, even though I personally like the game.
No. 198104
>>198081Rennala’s fight was sort of tedious but it was so beautiful imo, both parts. She kind of has Bayo vibes lol
>>198082I have to admit Dragonslayer Armor kind of sucks but his music slaps really hard.
No. 198107
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>>198024I haven't play Sekiro yet but i hear lots of good things about the mechanics of that game. I feel as if Miyazaki dropped the ball with ER. The fights can feel chunkly sometimes and the hit boxes can be weird. I honestly still think BB had the best mechanics from all the souls games i've played.
Micolash was my favorite fight in BB.
No. 198123
>>197702Bloodborne:Ludwig, lady maria & gehrman
Sekiro:all of them lmao except the fucking headless
No. 198125
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>>198106I’m glad that she still sticks around after at least. I feel so bad for her.
>>198107nayrt but yeah I agree w you. I enjoy ER but I have so many gripes about it too. I feel like there are a lot of things that could have been implemented better and it still has classic FS jank that I think should have been worked out by now.
No. 198157
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>>198106i felt sad for greyoll (dragon mother, who you kill by killing off her injured babies) and the fire giant (even though i absolutely hated his fight)
>>198125lol this pic
>>198108>>198131boy wait til you get to the damn haligtree. too many annoying enemies, and a shitty boss fight to top it off (sorry malenia). i rushed the whole area because i don't care for the lore of miquella and malenia and just wanted to do it for completion.
anyone else choosing to go lord of frenzy? i hate this round of gods and demigods and their stupid bougie golden order worship. i cant wait to kill it all No. 198167
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>>198157Yeah. I got to the Haligtree area yesterday and it's… bad.
Don't know which ending I'd like to have yet. I spent too much time getting to the Three Fingers (damnable platforming) anyway so maybe I'll get that ending kek
No. 198227
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Big knights!
No. 198228
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Big knight dick!
No. 198264
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Killed dog boyfriend so I’m sad. Ranni ending is not worth it. At least his clothes smell like him.
No. 198771
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has anyone else seen the "let me solo her" guy? it's some dude who solos malenia naked with a jar on his head. it's funny and has achieved meme status, but something else i find funny is how much impotent rage it creates in a certain type of dude who seems upset that someone is getting more attention than them
reminds me of how insecure dudes tend to get instantly triggered by varre because it reminds them they have no gf and are angry about it, while normal people / women love varre.
No. 198780
>>198771I'm hoping I'll meet the legend when I'm going to get my ass whooped by Malenia.
Kek are some dudes really getting
triggered by Varré? Seriously they need to go outside and touch grace ffs
No. 198791
>>198788Not only is he having fun, he's extremely helpful for both new and veteran players. ER seems to have brought out the worst in the
toxic community. I barely ask for help because you still get the 'well, he was easy for me.' and 'get gud' crowd chanting at you. fuck em
No. 198793
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>>198771>>198780>>198788Scrotes are mad as hell about Let Me Solo Her. I’m in a FS group on FB that’s really big and every hour there is a new post by a man whining about how they’re not getting attention. And yea, they HATE Varré, which I think is hilarious compounded with the fact that a lot of girls love him. I’ve seen some of them say they killed him because he called them “maidenless” then get upset because they can’t get the permanent invasion item. It’s comedy.
No. 198795
>>198771the whole thing is kinda lame
all the redditors praise him like he's some kind of marvel superhero character and draw fanart and shit its not that funny or anything
No. 198796
>meme statusblegh.
No. 198799
>>198798Also, samefag. Wasn’t implying you are new, just a reason it might be more
toxic this time around. I also had to have help on some bosses through either spirit summons or real people.
No. 198801
>>198798You're all good. I played D1,D2 and bloodborne. I got too frustrated at the very beginning of DS3 and gave up. I actually forgot ER was out until my buddy who played DS2 with me reminded me. My biggest issue is that the game isnt getting critiqued as it should.
Enemy mobs, endless AOE attacks and magic spamming and hits through walls. I got hit so many times over 100 meters away by a dude with a crossbow or a lobster while i was on a platform. Half the time I didnt know what hit me.
But yeah, shit has gotten
toxic due to the new players having ER being their very first DS game.
>>198797I like Malenia as a character design, but yes,we cant have nice things because all men do is pornify everything. I remember when no one really did that shit for DS or BB, even with doll and fire maidens. But for some reason ER is getting so many scrotes. I think it's a combo or porny scrotes and mtf trannies. Also, i was on the ER reddit and saw Vamps posted. She's such an annoying person. Between her and Jnig and other costhots hoping on, ER is the worst fandom yet.
No. 198825
>>198771There's a part of the community that believes the fromsoft games aren't for "normies" and everything around "let me solo her" is the epitome of norminess. Not the player nor what he does, but the coverage: it started as a reddit post, every single gaming publication has an article about it, the guy got interviewed, he even has a wikipedia article ( ). Same thing as "the cake is a lie", more or less
No. 198865
>>198801I feel like with the release of ER, the day has come where it's well and truly normie. Apparently its popularity is bigger than Skyrim at the moment and that means a flood of newcomers and all kinds of irritating people here to ruin the comfy From mood. W/e I guess it's my time to finally become an invader - except, oh wait, no fun convenants, less phantoms, less everything!
I really don't know how to feel about ER, I can't say I love it, I really can't, and I keep thinking they need a SOTF-style overhaul to polish it up.
No. 198885
>>198865I hate the lack of covenants, especially when there are characters who seem like they would lead them. Ones like Gurranq or even Dung Eater who you have to go return items to just feel like covenant leaders. I miss being a sunbro and a mad phantom.
>>198879Why would they get mad about that? He's canonically supposed to have the body of a child because of his curse. Even the statues in the Haligtree depict him as such. Men are so weird.
No. 198985
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>>198979I’d honestly rather watch people like the dude in question who just show good and impressive gameplay w no commentary than listen to endless amounts of manchildren whining about the dude in question. That gets old much faster to me. Even watching streamers who primarily focus on Soulsborne is more interesting because it at least gives me ideas and hope that I can learn to be better. The people hating on him are literally offering nothing.
No. 199005
>>198994We have a guy like that on the sekiro fandom, his yt channel is ONGBAL. Anyway, guy is a fucking master at sekiro and i've literally never seen hate thrown his way, not even from the elitist weebs that plague the sekiro fandom.
I don't know why elden ring fans are being loudly salty about a guy who has mastered one boss (maybe he has mastered more but his entire shtick is just being awesome at beating malenia if i'm not mistaken)
No. 199010
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Who is your favorite NPC, besides Solaire? Who is your least favorite? What boss do you wish you could've interacted with as an NPC?
No. 199025
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The pornification of everything is really really making me annoyed. Picrel.
I decided to have a little break from playing ER, because in Ordina Liturgical Town I just felt so tired. Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love this game but at ~200hrs in I'm really fed up with some shit this game throws at you. I also grinded a lot by killing the sleeping Albinaurics because I felt I didn't do as much damage as I should've done. And yes I get games get harder in later stages but still.
No. 199055
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>>199010I’m just going with original DS chars for this since you mentioned Solaire. I wish we could have interacted with Artorias or Ornstein as NPCs, even if it was on their deathbeds after their fights. I also wish that Ciaran and Gough had boss fights though, one together might have even been cool if you could fight Ciaran while Gough fires off from his tower. I really like the four knights of Gwyn lol.
As far as actual NPCs, I’m a filthy Lautrec enjoyed. He’s shitty but I enjoy that when it’s fictional men.
No. 199056
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>>199025Same about the sexualization. It’s just really fucking tiresome because every time we get an interesting female character scrotes have to try and ruin her that way. I finally finished the game a couple days ago and near the end, as much as I enjoyed it, I was just getting tired and ready to be done. I had fun with a couple of the endgame bosses but I’m sort of glad it’s over now. Feel like I can finally look at spoilers and just enjoy exploring leisurely. I believe in you and good luck.
No. 199060
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Can't stop thinking about him, nonnies
No. 199064
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>>199056Thank you anon. I'll manage, having breaks really helps.
>>199060Blaidd is husbando material. Who wouldn't want a tall, loyal knight who can really fuck shit up with his huge ass sword?
I died many times to him. No. 199065
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>>199064That pixel art of him is so gorgeous. Saw it the other day and couldn’t stop staring. He has a lovely voice too.
No. 199141
>>199060i hate that they took guts desgin and slapped a dead bloody wolfs head that looks like its had a stroke and is already rotting.
the devs making him do a cringe cookie crisp "AWOOO" ruined him for me, but I suppose furries like anything.
No. 199162
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>>199060he is cute. not into him sexually but i understand it now. i also hate furries but i think it's based that furries have absolutely spammed the elden ring tags on porn sites with as much blaidd porn as there is ranni porn. i hope it makes scrotes mad.
>>199010fave - least fave:
ds1: patches - lautrec bc duh
ds2: p8 AND cr8 - the annoying bitchy blacksmith forgot his name
ds3: leonhard - the firekeeper because she's insanely boring
bloodborne: eileen - gehrman bc hes a creep
sekiro: wolf - kuro, annoying child
elden ring: varre - melina, annoying boring waifubait
No. 199299
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>>198885On every art of Miquella on reddit, there's at least 10 comments about 'but he's a male child!!1! Too girly!' 'isn't he a guy?' 'miquella looks like a girl in this why'
No. 199305
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>>199299Bonus pedo comments. Peak reddit "humor" . 'unalloyedussy' jesus christ
No. 199310
>>199299I think some of these people must not have even played the game. There are statues of the character everywhere in Haligtree and the tree in Malenia’s boss room is also supposed to look like Miquella. He just looks like a little kid with long hair, I don’t understand their whining.
>>199305Men really have no shame about anything. The way this kind of language has become so commonplace is so gross to me. I don’t really get up in arms over the Mohg/Miquella storyline because whatever, weird gross shit was expected with GRRM and Miyazaki, but it gets so annoying seeing dudebros act like the only brain they have is in their dick.
No. 199516
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>>199511>i don't really get the "he looks like a child thing" Uh haven't you seen all the statues and intro art? He's a small child with long blond hair, he's literally cursed with eternal childhood.
Art of him with Melanie is pre-coccoon of course. What's there not to get?
No. 199550
>>199516That’s not what he looks like anymore… ?? What’s not to get? He won’t look like that when he inevitably comes out of the egg. Statues are not current reality, you know that right?
>>199533I’m sure we’ll get DLC of him where he basically looks like Orphan of Kos and probably fights like him too.
No. 199551
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No. 199587
>>199550>>199550The art of him is before he went into the cocoon. Usually with Malenia. It's the only canon depiction of him we have. So yeah he looks like a child in the art. Are you having a stroke? You sound like those scrotes that get
triggered that people draw him pretty.
No. 199614
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>>199609This is what Miquella looks like. Sorry, pedo.
No. 199644
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i want to see rogier get MOLESTED!
No. 199675
>>197702i can't pick favorites but these are the bosses i always look forward to fighting
ds1: gwyn, bed of chaos(unironically), artorias
ds2: pursuer and ivory king
ds3: nameless king and gael
bb: ebrietas and gehrman
er: radahn, godfrey and mohgwyn
still trying to finish sekiro (castle genichiro is still kicking my ass) and never played des sadly
No. 199680
>>199677when i first played ds1, bed of chaos felt unique to what i had fought leading up to lost izalith. i love the platforming and how it felt like a puzzle. (bc i had 0 clue what to do vs the boss) and i could take my sweet time. satisfying in the end for sure
so tldr, nostalgia. looking back i can see why the community dislike it but it does make me feel some joy when i play and fight bed to this day.
No. 199716
>>199677I've never got why people raged so much about BoC, yeah it's a bad level design and they were originally planning a more traditional fight, but it dies in three hits that don't reset after death and the path from the bonfire is pretty short iirc. The second asylum demon is way worse because you have to hurt yourself to reach it unless you waste a spell or a ring slot.
Speaking of cut content I keep wondering what they were originally planning to do with Bloodborne, it was supposed to be some kind of sequel to Demon's Souls and there was more focus on Pthumeru/Cainhurst. The final game is still a masterpiece and doesn't suffer from cut content like DS2, but it seemed to go in a more traditional gothic horror way.
No. 199764
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>>199716it feels like a meme tbh, just one of those generic and stereotypical things people parrot like pInWhEeL sO eZ (like yes he is but we don't need to have a discussion about it anymore let alone the jokes about him being the hardest boss) or giantdad or havelmom or whatever sort of shit
No. 199772
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astonished and endlessly entertained by how retarded men are
No. 199880
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>>199772I hate scrotoids.
No. 199916
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No more talking about worthless 3D, talk more about souls cuties.
No. 199934
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>>199772It’s hilarious how much they hate Varré. I hope the fact that he’s popular with women makes them seethe further.
No. 199936
>>199772Kek, I don't even play any of these games but it's so entertaining to watch pathetic worthless scrotes seethe this hard at an attractive fictional man that lives rent free in their heads only because he poked fun at losers once. I might even end up playing it thanks to it and this thread tbh.
Is that the artist that draws the coomer comics?
No. 199939
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>>199936Varré wasn't even referring to not having a woman in his dialogue, which makes it funnier.
>>199936Yes, including the ones with dismemberment, rape, cucholding and death (all in one). He actually made another version of that image sometime afterwards and replaced Varré with a random tarnished because he's that obsessed
No. 199941
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>>199939they are absolutely obsessed wtf lol
No. 199946
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>>199772Wish they kept his "go die in a ditch" line in the released game. It was hilarious how much he pissed off the moids during the network test
No. 199949
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I haven't even bought the game yet but I was spoiled with his lambkin lines here and I've been obsessed. I can't wait to hear Blaidd's voice everyone keeps talking about, I assume it's like Vilhem's from DS3 hhhhhhh
No. 199958
File: 1650765751128.jpg (532.38 KB, 1240x1754, tumblr_336770de5d770d020563623…)

>>199949blaidd does sound really cute, made me like him a lot even though i initially was like "Who cares about this stupid furry". also his armor is really nice and he's SUPER TALL which helps
No. 199970
File: 1650769477413.jpg (92.81 KB, 1093x681, FQTzOL4aIAI41FY.jpg)

>>199962Nobody likes Seluvis… (other than me and that one artist who husbandos him)
No. 199973
File: 1650771424805.jpg (222.67 KB, 938x635, Untitled.jpg)

kinda horny tbh
No. 199974
File: 1650772802055.png (1.06 MB, 923x1101, f201ccdd594b_brigandine…)

>>199972You mean Hamfoot? I love their art (and their writings) assuming it's not trannyshit, which it usually isnt.
No. 199977
File: 1650774275717.png (1.22 MB, 887x1066, f76924dfb7c9_plumes.png)

>>199976I even edited some of their art to de-trannify it. I'd say I'm proud. (literally just took a dick from one of their other works, copied and pasted it onto the tranny art and did minimal cleanup work)
No. 199978
>>199974>>199976no hamfoot is totally based minus the trannyshit like many good artists who are sadly blinded by their mental illness and think other people want to see mutated genitals
No. 199981
>>199946They fr changed that line? It was the best fucking part! Is it really gone forever or can you still
trigger it?
No. 199983
>>199982oh well, RIP
It was such a classy way of saying "lmao bitchless, kys" and i will forever treasure it
No. 199984
File: 1650781183185.jpeg (155.58 KB, 600x637, DEE89123-79A4-4D62-A001-1598A2…)

>>199983Agreed. It should have stayed!
No. 200075
File: 1650818554140.png (718.31 KB, 711x1090, 1650761622093.png)

>>199982>A couple weeks ago the removed the line “You have the sweetest scream, my Lambkin,”what the fuck?? i heard that maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago bc i finished the game recently. why the hell would they remove that it was so good?
No. 200131
File: 1650832950254.jpg (510.02 KB, 1376x1808, FQhnukDaQAE4qQv.jpg)

any miquella/mohg loving fujos here? i haven't gotten to mohg yet (i actually rage uninstalled after dying to mobs in caelid lmao) but i plan to pick it up again in the summer
No. 200139
File: 1650834102269.png (4.31 MB, 1280x1642, CD779630-00F5-4923-A10E-48B3EC…)

>>200131I’m ok with it. I prefer Varré’s obsession he has for Mohg though (and the strange sort of love triangle that it makes). His desperate devotion is hot. I’ve seen a surprising amount of people enjoying Miquella x Mohg though and of course all the discourse that follows. I’m old so that kind of thing doesn’t really bother me. There’s a lot of good content for it out there, esp from JP fujos.
No. 200141
>>200131i don't find little boys attractive so no. i'd prefer mohg/the gross thing in the egg that miquella is now.
>>200132femboys are disgusting
>>200139i agree i dont ship mohg and varre fucking but i love an obsessed character
No. 200143
File: 1650834996191.jpg (554.86 KB, 1862x2048, s.jpg)

who is your NUMBER ONE fromsoft husbando, anons? the one who you'd choose above all others?
mine is picrel. he always sticks out to me because ds1 was my first and he's the first person you meet to be really genuinely nice to you. it takes a lot of strength to not be a piece of shit in lordran.
i also prefer when artists draw him as sort of builtfat, so muscular but with a soft belly. so cute.
No. 200144
File: 1650835068177.png (889.61 KB, 800x805, FFPN4qnaUAAhJxl.png)

>>200139jp/krn fujos are definitely based. western ones barely exist these days – the fandom over here is totally chock full of normies and troons and worse.
>>200141>the gross thing in the egg that miquella is nowwell ackshully there's no confirmation that he looks like that; it's a generic corpse model used throughout the game.
i kind of hope he's some kind of butterfly (moth?) monstrosity. but still in a cute way like my husbando gwyndolin
>femboys are disgustingeach to their own i guess!
No. 200148
File: 1650835273125.jpg (272.7 KB, 880x737, tumblr_o6vi7dEtXA1qhksomo1_128…)

>>200145solaire will never love you
No. 200150
File: 1650835388350.jpeg (195.16 KB, 800x788, EA19887D-338B-4D59-9BB4-FA9C59…)

>>200143Is that Sleepy’s art? It’s always really good for FS boys, and I like a Solaire with a bit of belly too. I think my favorite husbando is NK but mainly because of all the people who draw him really hot and give him a fun personality before he betrayed Gwyn. I’d like to party with him and Ornstein.
No. 200152
File: 1650835468810.jpeg (264.06 KB, 1000x1400, DEF7E41D-A6E6-4885-B85D-2353B2…)

>>200151Me too nona. One of my fav FS boys of all time.
No. 200156
File: 1650835676580.jpeg (30.43 KB, 720x727, ddc.jpeg)

>>200152helps that his fight is spectacular too. totally worthy of being the firstborn. for all of ds3's flaws, i'm so glad we finally got that bit of canon wrapped up.
im also gross and enjoy his corpse form, but i can take him either way
>>200155confirmed for never looking at juicy gymbro bodies
No. 200158
File: 1650835856377.jpeg (146.06 KB, 1024x724, 4C09C3EC-544E-48EA-9147-E7A1C6…)

>>200156Yeah, honestly wouldn’t say no to his corpse form either. Wouldn’t say no if he had replaced giant Gwynevere either.
No. 200159
File: 1650835986029.png (769.38 KB, 773x899, FQt41yQVIAA-DXi.png)

>>200149i never said i wanted him to look like a ten year old (i'd prefer a bishonen/another femboy like lothric or gwyn or something), but even in the art of mohg stealing him his arm is much longer than a child's arm, so one can guess he was in the process of getting an adult body…if he doesn't have it already. data miners have also found deleted assets for what was meant to be a miquella model, in game, so.
if i find the reddit post that highlighted the fact that the model for his corpse was reused elsewhere (multiple times) i'll definitely share it here.
No. 200164
File: 1650836576352.jpg (131.44 KB, 1400x908, FQ60ceEVEAAqFBB.jpg) here's one of them. i'm kind of the opinion that it was just a lazy-quick solution/you weren't ever meant to see inside of the cocoon. makes sense when you realize tons of content was cut out for release or straight up removed/left unfinished/etc., imo.
>>200160the only "people" mad are westerners, to be fair
No. 200166
File: 1650836680335.jpg (784.09 KB, 3548x3000, gezuma_ on twitter.jpg)

>>200131I like it although I find the discourse in the western fandom to be exhausting. Japanese and Korean fans are way more chill. Varré/Mohg is also good
No. 200181
File: 1650838778486.jpg (512.56 KB, 2048x1258, FQQfNO2UcAIfcrS.jpg)

>>200166>>200170exactly, video game gods aren't real people. hope a dlc is released in the future so we can get a more accurate look at whatever's going on with miquella.
kind of hope there'll be weird time bullshit and mohg will make a reappearance too, but it's whatever
No. 200184
File: 1650839231802.png (672.8 KB, 900x451, tumblr_nm5l5h9NEd1rn9ge0o9_r1_…)

>>200143It's gotta be Navlaan for me.
No. 200186
File: 1650839304302.jpg (509.64 KB, 1126x1916, FQA84c3aAAIqN-5.jpg)

>>200183the artist is @NNg3107
No. 200190
File: 1650840015959.jpg (110.58 KB, 564x773, bf469de4ea6f25a88d9e5d21b088ba…)

>>200143Solaire will always be #1 in my heart
>>200181Same! The amount of cut content involving Miquella and Malenia is kind of depressing. I wonder what happened during the game's development that caused them to axe Miquella's ending and focus more on Ranni
No. 200191
File: 1650840099728.jpg (187.13 KB, 1280x758, tumblr_pn0s5qqJGC1r94fjeo1_128…)

>>200184based ds2 enjoyer
>>200188based truther, stop whining
No. 200206
File: 1650842807060.jpg (112.91 KB, 745x492, Untitled.jpg)

i really love the raging wolf set and the fact they chose it as the "default" tarnished, fromsoft always knocks it out of the park with the protag gear but this one is especially good. it will look great as a statue.
No. 200208
File: 1650843274704.png (1.06 MB, 800x1124, E81849AC-78AE-4C3B-AC9A-5FBCB5…)

>>200206It looks really nice. I find it interesting though that they used the Fingerprint Armor (Vyke’s set) on the cover, since he was apparently on track to become Elden Lord before us.
No. 200210
File: 1650843801750.jpg (73.72 KB, 680x680, EWuGwf_WAAY3WMM.jpg)

>>200184Darklurker is actually the #1 character who's stood out to me the most all these years later but Navlaan wins by having actual characterization. It's a shame he's such an extremely obscure character in-game and in all of Soulsborne bc his design is absolutely beautiful.
>>200191>That fic where Pate mocks Creighton by acting like he's proposing when giving back the ring, puts it on his ring finger and tears his lips on the thorns while kissing itDS2 enjoyers unite.
No. 200211
File: 1650843934608.jpg (459.74 KB, 2254x2063, FN0b7kEVsAAJ6kK.jpg)

>>200192i think i'd like ranni a lot more if my view of her wasn't tainted by scrotes. i've seen one too many coomer images of her (which is really odd to me because isn't her body like, a doll's body?)
>>200190maybe miquella's stuff was harder to implement? i get the vibe he was meant to be a secret boss. afaik you don't actually fight ranni – her larping as her mom aside
No. 200213
File: 1650844627657.jpeg (209.1 KB, 1152x2048, 6B06FCCC-465E-475C-8614-486A46…)

>>200211Yeah. The scrotes turning her into an hourglass sex doll is just tiring to see day in and day out. I think I could deal with seeing Ranni porn if it was on model at least.
No. 200215
File: 1650844850318.png (1.77 MB, 1220x1419, Miquella.png)

>>200211There's content in the files that was cut from the game involving Miquella and his association with dreams. It'll probably end up as a DLC. At least, I hope so. Him, Malenia and the Haligtree are my favorite parts of the game, and some of the most interesting pieces of the story. It would be a shame if they never expanded on it.
And yes there is an unfortunate amount of off-model art of Ranni.
No. 200217
File: 1650846001472.jpg (750.89 KB, 922x1356, tumblr_1b9cebe0cc7c188530217fa…)

>>200211>i think i'd like ranni a lot more if my view of her wasn't tainted by scrotessame. i like her concept a lot. i try to just pay attention to her in canon instead of fandom.
i also just pretend she has no interest in men.
No. 200228
File: 1650849840327.jpg (404.27 KB, 2048x1152, 1650847654072.jpg)

for the mohgfags
No. 200235
File: 1650851771746.png (85.48 KB, 662x419, Capture.PNG)

>>200211Yeah I'm assuming it was harder to implement or they switched to Ranni for waifu bait. There's datamined dialogue that suggests that they had planned a Ranni-esque ending for Miquella where you would become Elden Lord in his name
>>200213God the sex doll jokes are so tiresome. I know scrotes will stick their dicks into anything but she is literally a mannequin
No. 200272
File: 1650863958371.png (2.77 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (369).png)

>>200228good shit
my tarnished looks just like that btw now i feel kind of lame (i know this doesn't show his face but this message made me lol)
No. 200273
File: 1650864047380.jpg (450.83 KB, 1448x2048, FQvjZplXwAQHePA.jpg)

>>200235>robbed of a miquella malewife endingreeeee
No. 200280
File: 1650867447875.jpg (80.16 KB, 1000x600, 5850439247231.jpg)

>>200143The transition from pure sweetheart to psychotic murderer really does it for me
No. 200285
File: 1650868535616.jpg (91.29 KB, 900x613, ht8myikokqx71.jpg)

I want to have violent SEX with Rogier. I want to crush him with repeated blunt force. I want to break him down on a cellular level. I want to flatten his dick. I want him to apologize to me for provoking me. His feeble voice and sweet soft demeanor as I defile him will make me want to defile him even more. I want to bite into his flesh. I want to eat him. I want to choke him until he turns all red and starts drooling. I am getting cute-aggression but also horny. Rogier…
No. 200288
File: 1650868922942.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.85 KB, 1472x1274, FRHYVscaMAAT4Z4.jpg)

>>200075>filenameThanks for saving what I posted there, anon…
No. 200293
File: 1650871118243.jpg (370.88 KB, 1696x2203, FRHxLoTaQAYoEfw.jpg)

>>200292Cut voice lines imply it was planned for you to talk to Mohg without fighting. No. 200294
File: 1650871377237.jpeg (249.96 KB, 1444x2048, 9585A0C3-3833-4111-A6D8-C42352…)

I want to marry varre, and instead of wedding rings, we chop each other’s fingers off.
Also, am I the only one who feels there’s something missing to his quest? After he gives us the item that teleports us to mohg’s area, he tells us to wait when the time is right. He then leaves the game. I wish we had a lord of blood ending. To the mohgwyn dynasty with love!
(Sorry for double post I choose the wrong picture the first time)
>>200293Don’t break my heart nonna. Has anyone tried to mod it back? Thanks for the info
No. 200320
File: 1650885718301.png (11.47 KB, 200x200, EDDA63DF-CFE0-4CF3-9D5E-ED224F…)

>>200319Nayrt, but I thought he was injecting you with blood, but it also seems people thinks he cuts your finger off because of the item you get. It looks like there is just blood put under the nail to look at the item though.
No. 200321
File: 1650885761401.png (Spoiler Image,748.42 KB, 1068x1400, 97711151_p2.png)

>>200319Unsure. I imagine it as something like this.
No. 200342
>>200285same! god he's cute
>>200319people say he cuts your finger off but you'd assume your player model would reflect that since miyazaki is big on details (eyes changing color based on actions, you can get permanent burn scars if you go for a certain ending that stay for the rest of your playthrough etc)
>>200320>>200321it's most likely these
>>200294his quest feels cut as fuck. why are we forced to invade and kill him? why are we forced to kill mohg? i thought it was going to be a special ending too. all of it ends pretty abruptly and without much choice.
No. 200404
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>>200143Surprised no one has mentioned him as their husbando yet
No. 200406
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>>200404I like Artorias but I like Ornstein more, especially when people draw him as a bishie.
No. 200476
File: 1650913294373.jpg (1.33 MB, 1276x836, 1594789773589.jpg)

>>200280Based. Alfred is perfect.
No. 200575
File: 1650926664176.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1082x748, 4832098403297.png)

>>200476I felt myself converting to the whole eroguro movement after experiencing his questline (intestines/blood/man tiddy warning for the sensitive nonies)
No. 200583
File: 1650928633478.jpg (365.21 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_8dedf71a44208a25eb4bf4a…)

>>200404artorias is gorgeous but if we're talking husband material, my fave knight of gwyn has to be gough
totally not due to a size diff fetish or anything
(i want him to frot his dick against my entire body)
No. 200597
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>>199934Good that they made him kinda hot under his mask
No. 200629
File: 1650944641282.jpg (167.69 KB, 1000x786, 17-19-24-__ludwig_the_accursed…)

>>200143Ludwig. Either human or horse-monster, he is still a sweetheart.
No. 200640
File: 1650948026460.jpg (205.05 KB, 1400x1000, tumblr_d8a1271a7fe284c487dd4d0…)

>>200600he IS such a badass. "now watch see how gough hunts dragons" oh SIR. also i think sex with him would be really fun like i said. just imagine a cock as big as your body, giving it all the love you can WITH your entire body. and then he picks you up and just puts your lower half in his mouth and makes you orgasm from his tongue. it would be so awesome. i love him
No. 200647
>>200131I like some of the art where it looks like a darker, tragic Totsukuni no Shoujo but for a bunch of reasons I don't believe Miquella looks like a child and I really don't enjoy the art that gets hornier and is basically pedarasty.
>fujoI was of the opinion that fujos are alright but then I saw this post
No. 200650
>>200647correction: I don't believe he looks like a child
currently, if Mohg got his way and popped a conscious Miquella out of that egg he would look all deformed and nasty.
No. 200680
File: 1650965947987.jpeg (39.03 KB, 614x767, 1F7229A4-EB30-4693-A63E-61B34F…)

>>200647The Miquella in the intro cutscene always looked like picrel to me, I didn’t even realize he was meant to be a child kek
No. 200771
File: 1650991718084.jpg (2.8 MB, 2000x3108, FRRKoi0aMAA6r1X.jpg)

twink miquella will win
No. 200800
File: 1650995269719.jpg (14.9 KB, 600x431, 76e.jpg)

>>200771Sigh, I just feel bad for you, you clearly suffer from some extreme fujo brain rot to think that a character who look like a little boy with long hair to be paired up with a giant monster, like christ idk how one even reaches that point where you think this is alright and sexy
I know I'm not gonna ever change your mind but you could at least spoiler your images, cause I don't wanna see childlike character in sexual positions
No. 200809
File: 1650996084700.png (197.64 KB, 557x565, face_shot.png)

>>200803well still looks like a child, you really wanna convince me that this is an adult man
No. 200834
File: 1650999252498.png (717.09 KB, 613x899, FQJp17HaIAYoID9.png)

he's a literal god who invented magic in his setting and has lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. why are you guys so autistic
No. 200837
File: 1650999432623.png (75.35 KB, 185x185, durr.png)

>>200703>>200703this is what porn sickness, sure you not even 1/100th as bad as the usual scrote but you are fucked up and suffer from an addiction
>>200834are you really using "she looks like a 9 year old but she's actually a 5000 year old dragon" excuse, like seriously
>>200836>>200835y'all should start dating loli and trap-fags, cause you all use 90% of the same rhetoric
No. 200841
File: 1650999644206.jpeg (132.15 KB, 2047x1152, A86F6AF0-8AEA-4161-9D92-DAE23A…)

>>200833i got you queen, disgusting pedo trapfags gtfo
No. 200846
File: 1651000080967.png (709.92 KB, 899x899, FQt41yRUcAAQ1RS.png)

>>200844the only people "shitting up the thread" are you retards who can't ignore posts you dislike. e.g. we would not have be having this discussion if you knew how to be an adult, and keep scrolling past images that personally offend you, or engage in ESL-tier spergs like this
>>200800anyway this will be my last reply (personally) to complainerfags – i'm also not going to stop talking about or posting miquella, so…have fun seething, i guess!
No. 200847
File: 1651000088744.jpeg (158.08 KB, 2048x1962, E0EC2DB1-0E69-4B9F-AAE1-C4430D…)

>>200842Shut up there are plenty of arguments against pedophilia don’t act like a retard
No. 200860
File: 1651001937406.jpeg (252.33 KB, 1000x1400, 3F8646CD-0BC6-4593-98BF-A50685…)

This thread is becoming insufferable.
No. 200863
File: 1651002849588.jpg (92.85 KB, 590x590, human_male_anatomy_00_590x590_…)

>>200860off topic but I feel like people who make comics like this have never interacted with a muscular human(man or woman) even in their lives, its really telling
No. 200864
File: 1651003112045.jpeg (123.17 KB, 1000x1031, 7D8A6C10-E121-469D-94E1-CEFEC2…)

>>200863He’s literally wearing a chest plate idk what to tell you. Here’s another from that artist, seems fine to me.
No. 200875
>>200850and why does that suddenly make her pornsick, twitterfag? I don't understand. you act like she's spamming literal shota porn. it's fluffy ship art unlike the stuff featuring the older male characters.
>>200861this, that "pro vs anti" crap has no place here. it does seem to be only those 2 twitterfag anons.
No. 200906
File: 1651008873964.png (6.41 KB, 335x187, varre.png)

>bunch of retards arguing shit that has been talked about to death
>im just slowly scrolling through my varre folder which has recently surpassed 700 images
feels good
No. 200907
nonny please spam some varre art and cleanse this thread of its spergy chimpouts i beg of you
No. 200912
File: 1651009609329.jpg (838.57 KB, 1500x1142, tl.jpg)

"Bloodstained white gown of the war surgeons who were effectively mercy killers. Of the surgeons that were abducted by the Lord of Blood none were able to tame the accursed blood. None but Varré, that is; though he was an exception."
No. 200956
File: 1651015222947.jpg (465.42 KB, 2048x1900, 1649804947526.jpg)

>>199772he is so based. moids will never understand the urge to
help him find true love by holding him closely and intimately No. 200976
File: 1651017018481.jpg (284.57 KB, 1213x1017, 3722248 - Crestfallen_Merchant…)

i wanna violate the crestfallen merchant and his big fat hairy ass
No. 200978
File: 1651017461946.jpg (482.15 KB, 1667x1200, 20220422_111524.jpg)

My true love is for the D sibs.
No. 200979
File: 1651017547441.jpg (236.49 KB, 1397x2048, FQyj7KpUYAISEr7.jpg)

>>200978i just sort of stumbled on d's brother in nokstella, gave him a piece of armor or something and then he disappeared?
No. 200980
File: 1651017551318.jpg (175.99 KB, 941x1500, 20220323_002627.jpg)

>>200978Glad to see Fromsoft continues to deliver on the cursed twins who share a soul. Delicious.
No. 200998
File: 1651018347329.jpg (80.63 KB, 840x936, E-F7GmoVQAUdkFP.jpg)

these two are another good ship westerners seethe over. like all (most) fromsoft characters, i wish there was more content involving them. a lorebook or something.
No. 201002
File: 1651018736330.jpg (112.21 KB, 977x648, Screenshot_20220426-211329_Chr…)

>>200998Based Lothric twins enjoyer. They were also my favorite part of DS3. Underrated ship.
No. 201009
File: 1651019217280.jpeg (228.65 KB, 790x1200, 1724FECB-A89F-43A4-988B-07AA31…)

>>200978Yessssss. I know other nonnies don’t like Lautrec but I love that D’s armor has a similar vibe.
No. 201020
File: 1651019801084.jpg (172.53 KB, 1365x1005, IMG_20200803_214012.jpg)

>>201017Thanks for the fic rec nona, will definitely read. It's sad how little content there is for the Lothric twins, it's the same for the D twins so far. They're really underrated, their boss fight in DS3 is really good and tragic.
No. 201022
File: 1651019830227.jpg (Spoiler Image,549.14 KB, 1097x1525, IMG_20200803_214055.jpg)

>>201020Also this artist has really good fromsoft art.
No. 201029
File: 1651021211322.jpeg (106.04 KB, 1280x1280, EDDF78B7-EEB4-4C96-BA6A-D9D029…)

>>201022Oh damn, very nice.
No. 201035
File: 1651022333626.jpeg (131.18 KB, 899x740, 5E2CB38B-4FC5-424E-A15A-A68BFC…)

>>201032At least she’s posting some content instead of just whining.
No. 201036
File: 1651022822707.jpg (33.06 KB, 450x450, grumpy-cat-copywriting-450x450…)

>>201032Idk what's going on in this thread but
>nothing wrong with incest if they're consenting adults No. 201048
File: 1651025878427.jpg (1.09 MB, 2048x1638, FKhShdlagAA-v9b.jpg)

man the p2p connection in this game sucks ass
No. 201049
File: 1651025994102.jpg (247.59 KB, 1426x2044, 20220426_230630.jpg)

>>201044Artist is Norasame, @3m_0l on twitter.
No. 201062
File: 1651027478843.jpeg (159.81 KB, 1070x1305, 1D168C70-EA9B-4B76-849E-695873…)

>>201043I’m a woman and no, I won’t. I’m not derailing when I’m actively posting things that are on topic. If you don’t like it then just leave the thread.
No. 201066
File: 1651028372768.jpg (108.51 KB, 1005x628, Screenshot_20220426-235835_Gal…)

>>201058First are the D twins from Elden Ring, second are the Lothric twins from Dark souls 3.
No. 201068
File: 1651028947167.jpg (1.19 MB, 2000x1979, 20220422_104618.jpg)

>>201067I don't know of any ship terms, but searching the character names together on pixiv is always a good bet.
No. 201071
>>201067The Japanese Pixiv Encyclopedia probably has a list of ship tags.
Also, sage your posts if you're not contributing anything, newfriend.
No. 201073
File: 1651031146405.jpg (347.17 KB, 1200x619, 鲤里lily on pixiv.jpg)

Love this horrible little man. I want to bully him
No. 201076
File: 1651032107122.png (272.3 KB, 870x573, tumblr_ogolkuOgrz1qhksomo1_128…)

big fan of these two too, even though content for them is rarer than anything else.
>>201067here's an account: from here, just poke through likes/rts/etc.
No. 201091
File: 1651037384621.jpg (101.5 KB, 645x481, 111.jpg)

>>201086he is literally cursed to look like a little boy, plus his twin sister was a tall and built woman so If he was allowed to grow old, he'd likely be a tall man at least
No. 201132
File: 1651042828087.jpeg (27.11 KB, 393x457, E4F28E89-AB68-46A6-9413-633FA5…)

>>200906Don’t tease us nonna. Be a good tarnished and upload the file somewhere.
No. 201134
File: 1651042897744.jpeg (331.57 KB, 1252x1636, 5D5D952C-4B47-48D2-AABD-E96A79…)

>>201126Good morning lambkins!
No. 201155
File: 1651044006081.png (19 MB, 3333x2950, livingjars.png)

Picrel is blessed.
No. 201160
>>200841I thought Rogier was a blonde for some reason but this is fine too
>>200860I miss NK and remember dying to him multiple times deliberately after long fights because I didn't want to kill him and have to wait until the next NG cycle to see him again
No. 201163
File: 1651044282573.jpg (647.28 KB, 2048x1874, 1650577902312.jpg)

why is everyone in this thread so thirsty
No. 201214
File: 1651047024801.jpg (279.12 KB, 1300x1854, FRR9U1XVgAE7qem.jpg)

>>201163the existence of the characters in your pic dont help.Especially imposter isofeka.
No. 201218
File: 1651047346969.jpg (109.78 KB, 850x1414, sample-a0376ddedd46764e32bb023…)

>>201163how could we not be??
No. 201235
File: 1651048727663.jpg (442.6 KB, 2048x1518, FRSp1NIVUAEScs0.jpg)

I love this genre of fromsoft male. Other than these two I know of no others
Kaathe doesn't count, he's ugly Would Annalise count?
>>201221Exactly, even their crazier characters, Alfred and, to a lesser extent, Solaire, don't come across as
toxic. The voices are a massive part of why I find them so attractive. Vilhelm being the only exception. I love knights loyal to their ladies, but his voice is too gravely for my tastes.
No. 201238
File: 1651048835966.jpg (482.57 KB, 1462x2048, FRRKHhbVUAE1gZ4.jpg)

Hope none of you mind the Leonard/Varre spam
No. 201244
File: 1651049374142.jpg (174.83 KB, 1201x1695, FQhRvhLVkAQrYQU.jpg)

>>201243Ask and ye shall receive.
No. 201247
File: 1651049567550.jpg (129.31 KB, 875x1539, FRSp1NJVcAEap18.jpg)

No. 201248
File: 1651049691421.jpg (86.29 KB, 839x839, FQinlyvUYAE63Re.jpg)

And that's it. For now, at least. Hopefully I'll find more.
No. 201252
File: 1651050770878.png (5.19 MB, 2657x1693, feedmemore.png)

>>201248thank you nonna, please share more if you find some, I need it
No. 201258
File: 1651051317315.jpg (543.33 KB, 1746x2510, FRLkv9qaUAEm5bT.jpg)

>>201252Don't mention it.
I love that insatiable fat fuck No. 201285
File: 1651055529314.jpeg (561.12 KB, 1277x2048, FQYot1taQAEyMFR.jpeg)

>>201235>Other than these two I know of no othersdoujun?
it makes me blush when he calls you "my dear shinobi" so softly. No. 201290
File: 1651056155583.jpeg (141.19 KB, 890x641, 80085AB0-BE49-462D-8C61-AFF333…)

>>201076I majorly misfired with what I was replying to so let me try again (it’s too early). I love them too, and all the Gwyn kids. I think NK seems like he would have been really fun and a good brother before he fucked off to Archdragon Peak. But good for him. And good for Ornstein too. Gwyn sucks but I could talk about his firstborn son all day.
>>201235>>201238>>201244>>201247>>201248Idk why they’re being drawn together but I love both of them so I’m very here for it.
No. 201292
File: 1651056360789.jpeg (118.35 KB, 650x727, 85FC6BB6-4D2A-4C16-9107-7D3D46…)

>>201290And I want to say NKstein is a very good ship with a lot of good art.
No. 201294
File: 1651056413104.jpeg (116.38 KB, 752x753, A42806DA-2A11-4E2C-B6CE-2F3D22…)

>>201293Ok I’m done for now!
No. 201331
File: 1651063000570.jpeg (113.65 KB, 790x720, 0362D7A5-E356-4682-B2B9-AF40FA…)

>>201325Yeah but obviously some people do want to see it or can just scroll past if they don’t like it. I don’t think you’re the spokesperson for the entire thread, and no one has shared any purely sexual content of the characters. Suggestive, sure, but again, who cares. I personally have no attachments to this ship but I also would rather just scroll past the pics I don’t like instead of throwing a fit every time it comes up. You are just goading them on by doing that and I’m starting to think you just enjoy the chaos.
No. 201333
File: 1651063180158.jpg (420.61 KB, 1534x2048, FRTtiMSXsAAS3aa.jpg)

>>201285Haven't played sekiro yet, unfortunately. But he seems to be my type. I'll keep an eye on him.
I can't stop replaying bloodborne>>201290I assume they're being drawn together since they both fill the fromsoft archtype of being the suave, and mysterious npc who urges you to kill and invade by offering you their games multiplayer invasion item. They both meet a grisly end. Both also show a deep devotion to their Goddess/lord.
>>201292Agreed. I'm always a sucker for loyalty and forbidden love due to class differences.
No. 201334
File: 1651063183257.jpg (1.23 MB, 1818x2048, 1651000640251.jpg)

knights in distress
No. 201335
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>>201325Hide the thread and leave.
No. 201337
File: 1651063263117.png (1.11 MB, 1030x1500, EfAlkkJUYAA6AtD.png)

>>200143its forever solaire for me as well, though ive had leonhard on my mind for so long too.
built for falling desperately in love with you and forsaking his vows to rosaria to serve you. and also for femdom No. 201340
File: 1651063348874.jpg (250.55 KB, 800x730, c10.jpg)

>>201335we aren't going to stop calling you out if you post art of child/adult ships, pedo. staying right here.
No. 201341
File: 1651063367941.jpg (411.57 KB, 2048x1698, 20220426_210522.jpg)

For me, it's Varré/Mogh/Miquella unrequited love triangle.
No. 201344
File: 1651063559484.jpg (332.82 KB, 1765x1565, 20220329_203102.jpg)

>>201340No worries. Hope you enjoy the art nonna.
No. 201346
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>>201235>I love this genre of fromsoft male.closely followed by the "lying true bastard"
No. 201347
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No. 201348
File: 1651063895748.png (5.48 MB, 1500x2206, 4F6CA51F-2026-41F1-93E5-8785F2…)

>>201346That FS char trope is one of my favorites. I’m really into men with smooth voices who are locked in cages that you willingly let out knowing it’s a bad idea. Bonus points if they use a shotel or two.
No. 201353
File: 1651064303637.jpg (36.77 KB, 313x382, 1642718161142.jpg)

I sure wonder how your Sex Simulator 2017 sessions are going, scrote. You're a disgrace and disgusting fuck who has no respect for women's privacy or boundaries. Fuck off
No. 201358
File: 1651064835747.png (495.42 KB, 699x432, ChjfzJDWkAAdtFH.png)

>>201357i fucking knew scrotes were ITT. i fucking told you guys. imagine pretending it's okay to post this sort of shit and act like it's a woman who's enjoying ruining a female space, esp for a game like this which notoriously has a bunch of stinky elitist dudebros in it.
(derailing) No. 201359
File: 1651064866012.jpg (84.88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>201355agreed nona, i miss yurt. this is so autistic ill never be able to say it anywhere else but i also hate how his redesign removed the leather straps from his pauldrons. it makes no sense. theyre just stuck there with glue now
No. 201360
File: 1651064946146.jpg (125.97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>201359let me be autistic with you because even tho i appreciate all the work that went into des remake, i prefer the old graphics and aesthetic. it just… is so much of its era.
No. 201361
File: 1651064973502.jpg (148.02 KB, 900x600, EZzRVZfXkAEJVe0.jpg)

Whose side are you on? pate saying pied-à-terre with that sultry voice extends my lifespan everytime. he can manipulate me anyday
No. 201362
File: 1651065051877.jpg (280.42 KB, 2000x1731, FQ0jeJ7XEAMX49U.jpg)

random drama unrelated to this thread is brought in for no reason, time to post fromsoft boys
No. 201363
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>>201361man. i really love them both. i always just let them fight to the death for my amusement rather than picking a side tho
No. 201365
File: 1651065113996.jpg (106.63 KB, 1280x853, cb28e15ed83d2c8de2a5ef4d4581d0…)

>>201361Neither, they're both annoying, I let them fight each other and then kill the survivor
No. 201366
File: 1651065230056.png (3.03 MB, 1280x1667, 62B71CBE-9E14-4CA3-93CA-1AD79D…)

>>201360Nayrt and I think the remake was beautiful but something about it felt kind of soulless if that makes sense.
No. 201372
File: 1651065474030.jpg (223.93 KB, 850x800, FQZDT9_XsAowACl.jpg)

>>201364pate brainwashing creighton into a submissive and needy little bitch!
No. 201376
File: 1651065663884.jpg (56.98 KB, 640x640, tumblr_e1187a38cf7f4497064cd5b…)

>>201366it does make sense, i just feel like a contrarian jerk if i say it. i have a fondness for old graphics like this, and i enjoy seeing how much they pushed limitations of the engine they were using for the time. i feel the same about ds1. never installed any graphics mods, for i love the old aesthetic too much. i enjoy seeing the original vision the designers had.
No. 201377
File: 1651065700883.png (346.2 KB, 800x1017, 0c2bf18b5bf081e6f56828774f0a84…)

>>201372Creighton might've been the dumber of the two but at least he was interesting enough to bring back for the third game
No. 201378
File: 1651065773919.jpg (312.87 KB, 1280x960, 10706940_p0.jpg)

>>201359You're not being autisitc nona, this is a
valid complaint! Also, what's with the unnecessary designs to his helmet and chest plate? They went out of their way downgrading my mans.
>>201360Same. As much as I low-key support gatekeeping, I'm glad the beauty of demon soul's lives on. Even if some parts of the art direction took a hit. Especially the music. Don't get me started on that.
No. 201385
>>201363>>201365So you both picked the lover's spat route? Based.
>>201364He's so low-iq. In a cute way, of course. Makes you want to spoil him a bit.
>>201377The world couldn't handle Pate's sexiness in more than one game. They even had to nerf Creighton by not giving him voice lines.
No. 201387
File: 1651066594215.png (213.09 KB, 500x342, 1503226685265.png)

>>201382More like:
>men giving unsolicited adviceHow are they not embarrassed
No. 201388
>>201377Wdym, Pate is in DS3
>>201382Men be like
looks up exact values for every stat that some other guy came up with to minmax perfectly then tries to give any advice>>201385Who am I to get between two dramatic boyfriends?
No. 201393
File: 1651067107572.png (727.18 KB, 1272x1121, tumblr_d0b1bcf6374767d6e33910a…)

What are your favorite ships, nonnas? Picrel is one of mine but it's baffling that the few fanfics that exist for them are all trannyshit
No. 201395
File: 1651067414298.jpeg (168.02 KB, 1000x1400, BECDF8C1-FBFE-4969-AADD-4DC04B…)

>>201393I wonder if people are just turned off by the size difference? I think it is a very cute ship though. I’m the nkstein anon so I’m gonna sneak another pic of them in here. I just love Ornstein’s devotion to NK. I really like this pic bc it’s nice to imagine them starting to fall for one another while Orn is still a silver knight.
No. 201396
File: 1651067442276.jpg (132.34 KB, 747x2048, FRN_ekIVUAAy_hT.jpg)

>>201376You're a real one nona. I saw some dude bros on twitter complaining about bloodborne's graphics saying they're outdated. I'm convinced people who refuse to play a game due to "dated" graphics are the same people who refuse to watch b&w movies.
No. 201401
File: 1651067901478.jpg (2.45 MB, 2040x2640, FLSYExAUUAA6gZG.jpg)

>>201393Literally made for each other. I always summon solaire before gwyn's. Your ship is so cute anon.
No. 201403
>>201009First thing i thought when I met D, was he reminded me of Lautrec (the armor)
I wear it all the time, so as long as i get it back, i will give it to his brother.
No. 201408
>>201396They're insane. BB still holds up imo. Especially the school in that game. it still has such an eerie, terrifying feel.
>>201394I accidentally let Fia
kill D. Should I give his armor to his brother and take revenge? i just want Rogier to be happy No. 201432
File: 1651071590071.jpeg (54.4 KB, 640x541, oji_harem-Silver-Knight-(DS)-D…)

>>201423hes a 4chan moid who tried getting into a female-only server by faking a voice recording. his posting style is very distinctive.
No. 201441
File: 1651073135604.jpg (19.36 KB, 400x400, 557ea07ba5ee32ec52541469c4080e…)

What are your thoughts on this guy? Do you watch/like his videos?
No. 201443
File: 1651073279552.jpg (280.56 KB, 1131x934, 95620525_p2.jpg)

holy shit I didn't come into this thread for moid drama. at least post Fromsoft images when you're arguing.
No. 201452
File: 1651073776576.png (791.37 KB, 600x845, 1612586979754.png)

>>201290>gwyn (moon) hiding behind gwyn (sun)very cute.
>>201393mohg/miquella, gwyndolin/nameless king, most recently rennala/marika (there's surprisingly a lot of good content for them), the lothric twins…soulsgames are like the most anti-shipping thing ever but my heart finds a way.
No. 201455
>>201393>trannyshit Gross. Why? Sorry for you nona I hate when a rareship is overtaken with tranners.
Anyway, my fave ships are: P8Cr8, Patches/Chosen Undead, Solaire/Chosen Undead, Velstadt/Raime, Malenia/any woman tbh, and now Varre/Leonhard. Wew lad
No. 201462
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>>201455>velstadt/raimeA nona of taste.
No. 201464
File: 1651075202379.jpg (232.12 KB, 1280x1791, based.jpg)

>>201455Honestly, Onion Man's the furthest thing from a bishie, so I really have no idea why they would choose to trans him
No. 201476
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>>201472kek true. nonnies I wish I could go to Catarina and have a beer and some soup with the onions.
No. 201480
>>200294I'm the anon who posted this, I then left cause I got busy and posted these:
>>201132>>201134this and the leonhard and varre drawings, yurt, asked the anons who they sided with (cause I notice most people choose creighton and not pate so I'm curious to see the opinions here) and the soliare/chosen undead pic since I liked how if we try hard enough he can be saved in the end. A rare thing for fromsoft npc questlines. I never once mentioned rape as it makes me uncomfortable and sounds sick to say in front of others (as you never know who might be hurt by it or not). Not a fujofag, tho the art nkstein anon posted was well made.I'm really sorry if I made anyone uncomfortable, the finger-chop comment was too far. I also never used discord in my life as I can't trust that place.If you guys don't like varre or soliare I won't mention them (soliare is popular with everyone but I thought scrotes hated varre?)
My apologiez again, because I know I'm derailing but some anons said they felt uncomfortable. I promise not to respond again unless on-topic.
No. 201488
>>201480Don't worry, it wasn't your fault, people thought you were a 4chan moid who also posts in this thread about Varre. He actually admitted that he uses the thread here
>>201356 so now you know it's true, but the accusation wasn't meant for you. You can continue posting about those characters.
>I thought scrotes hated varrePeople say it's a gay moid which would explain it, and if he really posts on 4chan /y/ about Varre, it's probably true since that place is full of fags who hate women.
No. 201506
File: 1651080357302.jpeg (76.8 KB, 350x515, 7C8C436B-223B-4E05-8F86-203201…)

>>201488I thought /y/ was at least 50% female, every woman into fandom I know goes there to find ship art every once in awhile.
No. 201511
File: 1651081126089.png (780.74 KB, 922x1015, 85904385043856.png)

Love how female fans simply had to know the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst had long silver hair and took that as a cue to make him a gorgeous vampire-esque god kek
No. 201550
>>201506>>201548This is why we need lolcow so bad. Crazy that a fujo board would be taken over by hateful gays and most likely aidens
Anyway wanna play Elden Ring together?
No. 201556
File: 1651087757528.jpg (65.59 KB, 540x372, tumblr_odm7z5AQfH1rs0igg_540.j…)

>>201393Another one of mine is Greirat and Patches. Also, there was this amazing semi-dubcon fic involving Patches and Lautrec that I read years ago and still beat myself up for not saving because it was gone when I went to read it for the fifth time in like three days. I don't remember the author or the fic's name so I can't even look it up on wayback machine, sad
No. 201562
File: 1651088489354.png (349.82 KB, 536x550, 66838D2D-4D99-4F74-9401-F627A2…)

>>201556Yesss Patches and Greirat is really cute. Greirat is so adorable in general. He is a moid I could love with no regrets other than if he accidentally got himself killed I’d never forgive myself.
No. 201599
File: 1651102783108.png (27.06 KB, 129x172, proper_bow.png)

>>201235>>201238>>201244>>201247>>201248ive been thinking about this shit all fucking day. i NEED more varre/leonhard content. i dont use twitter so i cant find anything. please help and post more please please plase
No. 201600
File: 1651103237150.jpg (462.5 KB, 1536x2048, FQiKG7TagAIdLbq.jpg)

>>201599i found some cosplay of it nona.
No. 201757
File: 1651142387121.jpeg (357.88 KB, 1536x2048, FQywHLPVEAYSoMa.jpeg)

whats your favorite weapon in the games nonnas?
No. 201764
File: 1651145072939.jpg (139.73 KB, 1357x1920, 32fdf0d3543fb1008c300c2278fdd9…)

>>201757Bare fists. Jk, I love the longsword, the claymore and the flamberge in DS3, it sucks that the drop rate on the flamberge is so bad though. I'm pretty basic in my taste. If we're talking about aesthetics only, Onyx blade.
No. 201767
File: 1651145500811.jpeg (86.04 KB, 632x544, 256DF8BA-B1E5-46C2-9390-AE2089…)

>>201757this angry little thing kek, although the longsword is my go-to
No. 201784
File: 1651152601637.gif (1.51 MB, 540x235, tumblr_nwylqgyOz21rn9ge0o2_540…)

>>201757ds1: the claymore. i know it's basic but it was what carried me through my first pt so i have a fondness for it. i also love how it sits rested across the shoulder. however, the dragon tooth is also absurd and amazing.
ds2: notched whip
ds3: fume ultra greatsword
bloodborne: blade of mercy! those were amazing. i also think the saw cleaver just looks cool
sekiro: n/a? but i abused the purple umbrella a lot
elden ring: been using godslayer's greatsword and i really like that
No. 201790
File: 1651153583964.jpeg (736.48 KB, 1284x678, 6E74F9C0-DC17-4CC4-BB45-FCC075…)

>>201757I love heavier weapons, and rn I’ve been enjoying Ghiza’s Wheel and the Beastclaw Greathammer. In past games I’ve kind of alternated between UGS, hammers, and greataxes (and Logarius Wheel in BB). Idk I just think they’re neat and I don’t mind being slow for the damage output. Someday I will try a dex build when I replay a game, maybe in ER or BB. I never have because I like my str weapons too much.
No. 201793
File: 1651154079981.gif (1.14 MB, 408x474, tumblr_nohue5xPEc1qenj0wo1_500…)

>>201790i hate dex too and cant imagine using only dex. in ER i used dex weapons solely to clean up after my spells because i was going hardcore faith and arcane and that was my main damage. dex just tends to work better with a spell-based character
No. 201795
File: 1651154279981.jpeg (67.53 KB, 685x791, 2FC4CCCB-0C8D-4610-B158-EEF918…)

>>201793Nice! I’ve also done a lot of faith and arcane stuff. I think they treated faith really well in this game with the diversity of things you can use that aren’t just healing miracles and lightning spear. And I don’t necessarily hate dex weapons or anything, I’m just more into the unga bunga. It’s always fun to be summoned and show us to just smash things to death. Pic rel, just me.
No. 201806
File: 1651156928840.png (543.97 KB, 625x899, E575C3BC-B921-4A51-8D6E-9A0383…)

Who is your least fav char in any of these games? I want to hear them get roasted. Does anyone actually like Seluvis btw? The only good thing about him imo is when he dies, his robes are kind of nice to have.
No. 201809
File: 1651157969325.jpg (15.11 KB, 385x217, d_twin_brother_npcs_elden_ring…)

>>201806hate his incel ass, his brother is sexier
No. 201813
>>201806I hate Priscilla. I hate how the game built her up to be “an abomination” and she’s just some anime child with a tail. I hate her fans. She’s a boring fucking boss with a boring fucking design.
I also hate Gwyndolin because he’s a whiny little faggot bitch.
No. 201814
File: 1651158772935.jpg (28.8 KB, 300x415, petrus-of-thorolund.jpg)

>>201806This fat fuck, he makes me think of those inbred looking Amish guys
No. 201818
File: 1651159604171.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1284x1317, 5F239772-184C-43BE-87DF-7FBD60…)

>>201814Literally one of the ugliest and most unlikeable characters on the planet. Honestly, most faith teachers suck and it makes me kind of sad. Irina was boring but kind I guess, her quest was not very interesting though and I feel like they could have done more with it. Brother Corhyn seemed to have the most going on and I enjoyed his questline and
seeing how he became frustrated with Goldmask and disillusioned with everything. I don’t even remember who the faith teacher was in DS2. I know it’s a meme to hate on that game but I just found a lot of it not very memorable. I’m sorry DS2 nonas. I liked some of the boss fights a lot if that makes up for it. Raime and Alonne were really cool, even if they weren’t in the base game.
No. 201821
File: 1651160075864.jpeg (244.59 KB, 640x531, 5E23E0F5-FA31-42F0-9917-CBE509…)

This is the funniest comment I’ve seen on lc in awhile lmao
No. 201823
>>201818Hell, DS2 was the first one I played and thus will always hold a special place in my heart but even I'll admit that it's the worst Soulsborne game, janky and the graphics look like shit
>Raime and Alonne were really cool, even if they weren’t in the base gameFeel free to disagree but I'd say that in every game the best bosses were always in the DLC
No. 201827
>>201823Typically the best bosses are DLC yeah, but like, Nameless King.
Also Placidusax. Holy shit.
No. 201829
>>201795>i'm an INT/DEX buildKek it's so true though
>>201784I was a pyro in DS1 and str build in DS2. For BB, i was all about that saw cleaver. It was so sexy once you get the hang of it.
No. 201835
File: 1651161921718.gif (2 MB, 540x200, tumblr_oo16rxyFLb1unxlj8o2_540…)

You win $100 if you beat one boss without taking any damage, what boss are you picking?
No. 201870
File: 1651166349305.jpg (212.03 KB, 606x764, 20220426_210110.jpg)

>>201809How dare you. He's cute.
No. 201874
File: 1651166974075.png (4.61 MB, 2480x1307, unknown.png)

>>201870he is, and i hate it. he shouldnt be.
No. 201888
File: 1651169158283.jpg (70.31 KB, 540x436, alonnemybeloved.jpg)

>>201883One of my life goals is to beat Alonne without taking damage to get his special death animation, but the run up to him is so fucking annoying. They seriously couldn't put a bonfire close by so you don't have to run through that annoying ass area all the time
No. 201931
>>201757Saw cleaver
>>201806Honestly fuck brador. He does nothing but whine and be a smug punkass from inside his cell
No. 201972
File: 1651182643871.jpg (457.26 KB, 1841x2048, FQ-8JolXEAMbouo.jpg)

twin princes
lady maria
Happened once by some miracle:
Ludwig (first try at ng+ and no hit)
Happened only cause I my build was op:
Artorias (I had an op magic build while using the tin crystal staff and gwyndolin's crown and magic damage rings)
No. 201991
File: 1651188897813.jpg (164.41 KB, 1149x926, FRc-gVAVUAAPSIc.jpg)

No. 201992
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No. 202159
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No. 202164
File: 1651241246749.jpeg (184.55 KB, 750x1200, 29CDA99A-FB7D-4FE6-856E-760630…)

Rya is so cute. I would take her to get a Happy Meal too. I though Volcano Manor was interesting and I still can’t stop laughing at Rykard’s voice line delivery.
No. 202175
File: 1651246069173.gif (8.2 MB, 540x400, tumblr_19c04d876408c313fa9fd65…)

Just came across some disgusting porn of Malenia and that solo guy while looking up fanart of her and I wish anyone who draws that shit a very pleasant scarlet rot in their dickhole
No. 202176
File: 1651246304612.png (1.39 MB, 1051x1024, BEFF5EA7-4D28-417B-8A75-1E5E24…)

>>202175I hate seeing porn of Malenia or even her draw in like that awful coomer bimbo style. She is such a cool character and has a very beautiful design and fighting style (especially in her second phase imo). I hate when they take a muscular, lithe and graceful woman and turn her into that run of the mill pornified shape and just keep talking about her “scarlet rotussy” or whatever, like their dicks aren’t infested with god knows what. By the way, does anyone else like her little lore stuff with Cleanrot Knight Finlay? I’m in love, it’s so tragic and sweet.
No. 202179
File: 1651246762216.jpeg (458.53 KB, 1000x1053, E74BD3F0-5062-4426-9175-8EA6AA…)

>>202175>>202176In my headcanon Malenia is fully lesbian and she would vaporize any of the stupid faggy coomer type moids who dared made themselves visible to her, and not in a sexy way, just fucking dead and forgotten about.
I do like Malenia/Finlay and I have started to like the pairing of Malenia/Gwynevere due to this artist.
No. 202196
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How are we feeling about the Malenia vs. Radhan discourse that's been happening since the game was released, and the overblown hatred for Malenia in general? Retarded moids acting like Malenia is an irredeemably evil bitch while their fave is a wholesome saint who just loves his ~horsey~ and has done nothing wrong, ever
No. 202201
>>202196I like Radahn more, so i'm biased. I think that Radahn is a really cool character who outstood a huge battle, despite the odds to help hold up the stars.
And Leonard is adorable.
No. 202205
File: 1651250462745.png (1.24 MB, 850x1133, unknown.png)

>>202196it feels like scrotes are assmad about how malenia won the fight against him. i don't think the discussion surrounding her would be as it is if she were a male character. her use of the rot against him would be lauded as "smart" or "badass" instead of criticized.
No. 202209
File: 1651250803826.jpg (2.4 MB, 2117x1080, pe2ntu074br81.jpg)

>>202196I haven't yet beaten the game and haven't even fought her yet so I personally like Radahn more because he's
hot cool and also because I like horses so… But the 'rivalry' between these characters in moids' heads is so silly honestly.
No. 202210
File: 1651250869389.png (3.1 MB, 999x1773, sheisperfect.png)

I love her
No. 202212
File: 1651251251444.jpg (264.98 KB, 1000x1072, __tarnished_malenia_blade_of_m…)

I can save her
No. 202217
File: 1651256143283.png (2.01 MB, 1280x1851, tumblr_c2e2b03aa1288108c943044…)

>>202198he sounds like a faggot
i feel like men also hate her because she's such a tough boss.
then again i guess it's weird that lady maria didn't see this level of moid vitriol? unless she did.
No. 202261
File: 1651263057180.jpg (82.66 KB, 1024x838, Eb_yvbgUcAAutpi.jpg)

you will post your favorite fromsoft lady NOW
No. 202266
File: 1651263793134.png (436.47 KB, 450x600, C5A3347F-85DA-43E9-8A19-2D109D…)

>>202261I know she isn’t very interesting and is kind of old now, but I love Astraea and her lore. I like a lot of the more badass women too, but idk nonnies. She just has a special place in my heart. Her theme is also fucking incredible.
No. 202273
File: 1651264714785.jpg (32.89 KB, 329x500, sweetshalquoir.jpg)

>>202261She is literally immortal and adorable as hell, I mean just look at this little fluff ball
No. 202293
File: 1651271939826.jpg (1.47 MB, 4096x2659, FPRBJbrWUAEprxm.jpg)

>>202179Based Headcanon nonna. Malenia and Lady Maria are canon lesbians, and are living happily ever after with their wives Finlay and Adeline, respectively.
>>202182Scrotes aren't genuinely attracted to women. They have an aneurysm when they see hair on women's arms, legs, etc. I saw scrotes call Malenia's body "a man's body". As though men could ever dream to have such a beautiful strong body. I think fromsoft did a great job with her. She has a graceful amazonian figure. One earned through hardwork and training.
>>202196I'm convinced it's mad cause bad moid rage. I recall Sister Friede recieving vitriolic hate. Not as much as Malenia, of course. Also, a healthy dose of moid latent faggotry.
>>202208They'd also call her scarlet rot "a wise strategic choice".
No. 202295
File: 1651272455900.jpg (2.81 MB, 3277x4096, FNaqXjEXoAYP5i9.jpg)

>>202261Incoming Rennala spam
No. 202296
File: 1651272489982.jpg (1.3 MB, 982x1625, FOtAZEYUYAo-U1G.jpg)

No. 202297
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No. 202298
File: 1651272591918.jpg (307.98 KB, 1463x2048, FRFY9M7WYAELIzR.jpg)

No. 202301
File: 1651272795096.jpg (576.54 KB, 1204x1200, anato-finnstark-web-petit.jpg)

No. 202303
File: 1651272855194.jpg (2.58 MB, 2410x2647, FRWFI_maIAA0nXQ (1).jpg)

Marika is Radagon
No. 202305
File: 1651272932084.jpg (498.73 KB, 1000x1418, 1649091329846.jpg)

No. 202306
File: 1651273148422.jpg (692.38 KB, 2560x1440, 20220313175850_1.jpg)

I love her headpiece
No. 202307
File: 1651273360305.jpg (403.56 KB, 2560x1440, 20220314214758_1.jpg)

okay that's it for now. Don't wanna spam too much.
No. 202311
>>202219When Malenia released her scarlet rot while fighting Radahn, she essentially nuked Caelid and infected the entire region with rot, which isn't great. But Radahn isn't innocent either. He participated in the fighting following the Shattering and would have eventually gone to the Haligtree to kill Malenia and Miquella and take their great runes if Malenia hadn't already fought him.
>>202293It's 100% moid rage. I also think they hate Malenia because she doesn't look the stereotypical doll-like Fromsoft waifu.
No. 202362
File: 1651293299346.jpg (113.83 KB, 985x986, 940328493275451.jpg)

>>202261Loved seeing a cool older warrior
>>202273Also a great choice
No. 202405
File: 1651314821187.jpg (454.46 KB, 1239x970, IMG_20201125_085111.jpg)

Beasts all over the shop…
No. 202406
>>202305I never knew how much I liked this until just now, thank you anon. I kept thinking about Radagon's split from Rennala in a conventional way but this is even more interesting.
>>202306It's a heart! (almost)
No. 202437
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>>202405You’ll be one of them, sooner or later.
No. 202438
File: 1651329531647.png (917.63 KB, 782x1200, F5B67DB8-768D-4A0F-AED0-77B03B…)

>>202437I like Gascoigne but I love my manlet Henryk. His hat is very charming.
No. 202455
File: 1651335464002.jpg (100.75 KB, 1000x1444, IMG_20190330_203630.jpg)

>>202438My favorite set from BB is the Choir set. So stylish.
No. 202456
File: 1651335525544.jpg (115.01 KB, 917x655, IMG_20190519_115801.jpg)

Some Alfred for the nonna upthread.
No. 202457
File: 1651335877801.png (124.28 KB, 487x664, 192341.png)

I love them so much nonitas
No. 202458
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No. 202480
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>>202476do it for them nona!
No. 202622
File: 1651376057558.jpg (132.99 KB, 1567x1365, FRg3d6qagAADLGn.jpg)

this is yall
No. 202624
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No. 202634
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No. 202635
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No. 202636
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No. 202644
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praise the sun nonnas, praise the sun!
No. 202646
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Frenzied flame superiority
No. 202694
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>>202646May chaos take the world!!!!!! Finally another nona gets it.
No. 202725
File: 1651424688214.jpg (1.88 MB, 1500x2121, 20220501_134047.jpg)

First for brothers
No. 202737
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Marika Supremacy
No. 202842
File: 1651442348779.jpg (385.78 KB, 1229x2048, FRdSiNTXsAM6SUm.jpg)

>>202646It's really starting to grow on me.
Melina being alive and dying her hair black also helps>>202693Agreed nona, the artist not being a scrote helps.
>>202694Despite getting the frenzied flame ending, I've yet to meet her. How much did I miss out on? She seems lovely.
>>202737At first, I was disapointed with Radagon for abandoning Rennala. Now I can see why.
Hope Marika dumps him for Rennala tho No. 202900
File: 1651451038641.jpg (1.38 MB, 1600x1186, aa.jpg)

this game turned me into a god damn furry
No. 202980
Can some
Nonny redpill me on this
>>202737 and this
>>202205 No. 202994
File: 1651477839271.jpg (237.38 KB, 1284x2048, FRrw5-LUYAALGmg.jpg)

No. 202997
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No. 203012
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>>202744柏銳 (Kashiwa?) on pixiv.
No. 203013
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>>203012 draws a lot of r18 elden ring stuff, mostly fujo-ish.
Spoiler for dick (crab dude)
No. 203021
File: 1651493417566.jpeg (341.19 KB, 1905x1652, 216F5646-AE37-4B5F-9126-0E6AEC…)

>>203012>>203013Ty, much appreciated.
No. 203037
File: 1651501837492.gif (2.24 MB, 445x250, gorgeous view ahead.gif)

You are forced to live out the rest of your life in one area of your own choosing from any of the games, but it cannot be a hub area (Firelink Shrine, Majula, Nexus etc). What area do you choose?
No. 203046
File: 1651504244770.jpeg (310.88 KB, 2048x1152, C8A82B6C-52DB-4693-8170-D857EF…)

>>203037Seems chill. I’d like to have tea with the screaming ladies, admire the snowy landscape, and look at the paintings in the halls.
No. 203275
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>>203226me too nona, me too
No. 203321
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>>203226>>203275same. hes one of the only genuinely kind people in the entire series, who not only helps you but is helpful himself, the embodiment of a chivalrous knight, and it makes his fate all the more sad and horrific. i want to save him
No. 203324
>>203322I dunno, I can see somebody being totally dedicated to the Fair Lady, maxing her convent early on and randomly killing the sunlight maggot, the PT/Silent Hills demo was extremely convoluted yet the first person who solved it randomly
triggered the last puzzle because she was a streamer talking in her mic, anything is possible.
No. 203567
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No. 203582
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No. 203608
File: 1651656270002.gif (7.32 MB, 778x768, e95e93ce0b2c7062b4f6eb18c226da…)

darkroot. i want to go on walks through that place with my frombandos
No. 203623
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best boy
No. 203775
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No. 203821
>>203812Run away then roll into it when she does the break in between attacks
nonnieAlso maybe just summon someone lol
No. 203872
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No. 203898
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No. 203900
File: 1651725050600.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.27 KB, 1978x2048, 1651425709060.jpg)

also here's art of rogier getting a face full of cum for those of you who hate /y/ for some reason(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 203996
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reminder that wolf is very cute
No. 204040
File: 1651761533091.jpeg (210.31 KB, 1280x391, DE0C207D-56C7-4C68-BDED-895D62…)

>>204003You should nona. People will hate on it sometimes for having a lot of DS1 fanservice (which I honestly consider a bonus), but it really is a good game in general. It feels very nice mechanically and has some pretty neat bosses and locations. I always support people finishing this game.
No. 204101
File: 1651785323617.jpg (544.63 KB, 1706x2003, 20220505_174929[1].jpg)

No. 204140
File: 1651814693149.jpg (358.76 KB, 1383x1822, FDBXYcSakAAjnyJ.jpg)

>>203898i read a theory that suggested gwyndolin actually had complete control of aldrich. i don't think it's true but it's a better thought than him being eaten up by some monster
No. 204145
File: 1651819076797.jpg (407.63 KB, 1357x1920, 00159.jpg)

>>201764Is this from one of the art books?
No. 204146
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>>204145More artbook stuff. Idk if people have already seen all this. I really like the motif of the Lumenflowers around the healing church and Maria. They're neat looking.
No. 204254
File: 1651861944355.jpg (334.87 KB, 1129x1761, 20220506_133108.jpg)

>>204239i love duty-bound characters/characters shackling themselves to a terrible fate so he's definitely one of my favorites.
No. 204298
File: 1651881054894.jpg (153.03 KB, 1346x2048, FSBWOhVVcAAg6m8.jpg)

No. 204374
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I hate this coomer bullshit. All the comments are pretending this is 'totally not loli' and calling people who call out this sexualised shit 'the perverted ones for seeing this wholesome fanart as something else'. No. 204438
File: 1651942940980.jpg (2.13 MB, 2836x3007, 20220502_161204.jpg)

>>204427Come on, anon. As far as coomer bullshit concerning Ranni goes, you can pick something better than this low-hanging fruit to complain about.
Now let's get back to waifu and husbandoposting.
No. 204442
File: 1651943541005.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1284x1837, EE5D5CC2-865D-482F-A2EB-827634…)

>>204374I just opened Reddit and was greeted with this fucking shit. Nsfw, spoilered for pregnant naked loli Ranni and a rape joke. What the fuck is wrong with scrotes.
No. 204476
File: 1651955803012.jpg (17.14 KB, 236x353, 1516145534421.jpg)

Valtr is lovely. I definitely would join The League for him.
No. 204492
File: 1651961600896.png (2.48 MB, 1890x647, xuguojun artstation.png)

>>204479The artist is tachiloltachi
No. 204500
>>204476while i 100% agree valtr is hot, i feel like he is too much of a schizo to be a proper husbando
I still would fuck him tho
No. 204518
File: 1651969254603.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.56 KB, 991x989, 1651517104143.jpg)

varre coom
No. 204592
File: 1652017090318.jpg (118.51 KB, 850x1104, m.jpg)

>get pocket Ranni
>"Oh Tarnished I didn't expect anyone to think I'm possessing that doll as well"
>"Well, now I order you to get rid of all monsters inside this area"
>"I do not accept any disobedience btw"
>Your opponent hears muffled threats coming from inside of your pocket
She's such a dork I love her
No. 204598
File: 1652018113231.jpg (143.14 KB, 775x759, EvuYerKVkAgDOeK.jpg)

No. 204600
File: 1652018443770.jpg (292.63 KB, 1782x2048, FJVIP3CVUAAH_IH.jpg)

>>202695solaire with chub makes me absolutely feral. builtfat is the best male body type
i wanna fuck him all day long til we chafe. then cuddle the rest of the day. hhhhhh
No. 204622
File: 1652024605443.jpg (43.71 KB, 724x752, ua0inabimhi81.jpg)

tfw killed Varre but not because I was mad at him but because at some point I was like "ohh I know you can attack him I wonder if I am strong enough now to beat his ass" and wasn't aware that he is now gone for good. I'm not horny for him but his flower weapon is cool and now I have no way to get it I think??
No. 204630
>>204600My head canon for Solaire is also that he's muscular but a bit soft too. I wanna squeeze his chest.
No. 204633
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No. 204650
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miquella's getting such good art
dlc fucking when
No. 204651
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No. 204708
File: 1652056958046.jpg (Spoiler Image,187 KB, 1678x1256, 3642944 - Dark_Souls Dark_Soul…)

vengarl appreciation
No. 204824
File: 1652104663272.jpeg (100.77 KB, 730x899, EE3243E5-F97A-4643-A70C-FC3394…)

Have a good week fromsoft nonas!
No. 204833
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>>204824Aww thanks, you too nonna
No. 204860
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Who's your favorite dragon from the games?
No. 204928
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No. 205078
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>>204928I just got to Mogh. Wish me luck nonnies!
No. 205221
File: 1652240370609.jpg (102.22 KB, 1000x560, EjojQ_CUcAIQkG6.jpg)

No. 205252
File: 1652255479377.jpg (991.02 KB, 811x1387, 1507224484356.jpg)

Bloodborne should come to PC. We don't want to settle for the demake made by a troon. Though I have to commend him and say his game looks neat. It reminds me of Nightmare Creatures which actually was a bad game… but anyway.
No. 205277
File: 1652275997393.png (608.57 KB, 712x820, gross.png)

I hate moids
No. 205287
>>205252Yeah it looks cool but knowing who made it made me never want to touch it.
>>205277Well, I won’t doubt that the man has a micropenis, that’s for sure. As someone who has posted an example of moids being gross in this thread and felt bad about it later, I think we really should stop posting these though. We know scrotes are nasty and porn-addled. Let’s just have a nice space for women who enjoy the games without any maleshit for once.
No. 205290
File: 1652282981368.jpeg (184.46 KB, 1280x960, D9137670-B2A8-437B-9982-BCDE10…)

>>205287Samefagging to add a cute and wholesome pic, Rennala and Radagon with the kids
No. 205346
File: 1652299479520.jpg (1.02 MB, 2836x4096, FSJ40gZXoAAgMkw.jpg)

>>205252I refuse to touch it due to it being made by troon hands.
>>205287Seconded. Don't mean to police anyone, but I'd love to talk abt fromsoft without mentioning degenerate scrotes.
>>205290It's so beautiful anon. Thanks for sharing. Who's the artist?
No. 205353
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No. 205374
>>205125Haha yes. It took a few tries, but as long as i smashed him with bleed before he reached phase 2, it wasn't terrible. I even helped other people win against him on co-op.
I felt like an asshole, but i felt worse if i let him live when Mogh was dead. No. 205493
File: 1652363264808.png (273.49 KB, 640x701, 3293EAE5-3A7A-4084-96C0-6B9EBD…)

>>205374Good job! Have a fashion Mohg as a reward.
No. 205703
File: 1652417170136.jpg (488.92 KB, 546x499, foundyou.jpg)

what do you think of the malenia fight criticisms? she was tough but fun. it feels like men are crying over nothing
No. 205748
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Big man
No. 205773
File: 1652446991090.jpg (1.06 MB, 900x1200, 98048305_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 205774
File: 1652447814548.jpg (277.44 KB, 1390x2048, FSY1mQMVkAIxFnq.jpg)

No. 205786
File: 1652450968558.png (2.06 MB, 1280x903, 7D5B0713-CDD0-4CC3-804A-D2C0A2…)

>>205764I feel this. Usually there is at least one that really draws me in, and this time even the characters I really like just didn’t have great quests. Varré feels like his should have another step imo, Patches’ quest wasn’t even complete before a recent patch, and one part of it doesn’t even lead to anything (the castanets), Rogier/D/Fia was a little more involved but still fell a bit flat and could have been more emotional. Even Ranni’s, while it has a bunch of different moving parts just felt like there should have been a little more with her. I liked a lot of Blaidd’s parts, but I never felt that connected to Ranni since she fell asleep for so long. Oh, and don’t even get me started on Nepheli, who I expected to be a badass only to be one of the most boring personalities in the game. Idk. It might just be that I have nostalgia glasses for some older questlines, but none of these got me as emotional as some ones from the past. And I know FS loves their tropes, but they depend on execution a lot of the time to really pay off (like no offense to D’s brother, but Alfred did it better). Anyway here’s the Varré tax for talking so much.
No. 205832
File: 1652467463130.jpeg (271.29 KB, 780x1098, 816CAEFD-C716-4F66-B039-68C4EC…)

>>205825So true. On the topic of FS comics, have you all read the ones by qizeaqfile? He is a moid, but I like the artwork and his dedication to some of the lore. I think his comics are on webtoons, but I can’t remember them all right now. There is this one, a Lady Maria one, a Yhorm one, and one that’s more nsfw about Alva and Zoey, maybe more but I don’t recall off the top of my head. I just find them pretty nice for a fan-made comic.
No. 205923
>>205825Oh the first bloodborne comics were also kinda sucky.
There were 4 issues, i personally think issue 2 is actually kinda good, but the rest sucked major ass (uninteresting plot lines, too much vagueness done wrong, too much headcanon stuff etc)
I haven't read the newer ones, i fear it's probably more of the same
No. 205934
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No. 206002
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>>205832I found them to be kinda ehhh. I admire his dedication but I feel like Dark Souls and Bloodborne just aren't the type of games that translate over well to other media, like comics. The magic of those games comes from exploring the world and piecing the story together yourself through small snippets of information, with a lot of it left to your own imagination
No. 206089
File: 1652558374622.jpeg (145.94 KB, 1200x675, E5155906-0923-4273-9289-92B41C…)

>>206002Ayrt. I don’t necessarily disagree with you, especially since the games are kind of meant for you to interpret things as you want. I do at least like seeing how some artists interpret events we don’t get to see but just have a little information on. Of course it’s just one person’s take on events, you’re quite right that part of the fun is making your own.
No. 206350
>>205764>>205764Compared to bloodborne and DS1, I really couldn't get into these quest lines as much. I liked Millicent's and Varre's and that's kinda it.
I accidentally
killed Rogier by speaking to him before doing the blood stain thing.. sigh. But i did give D's brother the armor so i can try the Fia's questline.
No. 206501
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No. 206503
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No. 206504
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No. 206630
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for d twin fans
No. 206640
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I wish there was more non-coomer art for the Dancer. Her design is so beautiful
No. 206641
>>206640Is she from DS3? Her design looks interesting
No. 206679
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>>206640Another badass female character that men just won’t stop sexualizing. Hearing jokes about her ass gets old. She’s so cool though, and I enjoy the lore with her and Vordt.
No. 206686
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>>206679Yep. Friede is another good example of that. Though at this point you could say there probably isn't a single female character who doesn't get sexualized.
But I looove the depiction of Dancer in the upper left corner of your pic, it's so menacing
No. 206793
>>206679EVERY Outrider knight has a fat ass, even the ones assumed male. Sulyvahn is a freak. Coomers want to pretend fromsoft isn’t gay af.
>>206693I don’t want it either. Give us a new IP. We don’t need the Dark Souls treatment for Bloodborne.
No. 206872
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>>206793I think the Bloodhound Knights are kind of hot lol, they remind me of the Dancer and Outrider Knights. There is very little lore, so who knows what sex they are supposed to be. I wish there was more about them in the game.
No. 206885
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Morgott needs a hug
No. 206914
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>>206872Their animations are exactly like the Outrider Knights. I'm not sure whether I'm okay with that or not, FS reusing animations, because it makes everything easier when I realise I'm just fighting the contents of Lothric Castle with whacky stats.
>>206640pic related is my favorite fanart of the character, it highlights the tragedy the Pontiff forced on her (and on Vordt too I think) and I love that cleverness with their dual weapons.
No. 206954
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>>206872>>206914the centipede guys in sekiro are similar. i don't mind it really, because the idea of a "feral" knight or warrior crawling around is so creepy and uniquely fromsoft, it's iconic.
No. 207046
>>206679>literally covered head to toe in armorI dont get it. Men are brainless monkeys. She looks gorgeous. i love her design.
>>206693BB is one of my favorite games next to DS1. I think a sequel to BB would be pointless except to pander to the Elden Ring crowd. I wanted to like Elden ring, but it really does feel so off compared to the earlier fromsoft games. I think BB wrapped things up fine. there is literally no need for a sequel. Miyazaki should focus on a different formula and story at this point. ER was a bust imo.
No. 207300
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>>206998Not the ones in sekiro lmfao
No. 207305
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Radagon and Elden Beast can kiss my fucking ass. Took me 10+ hours to beat Melania without summons but I don’t feel like I’m getting any better at this fight even after the same amount of time.
No. 207352
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No. 207363
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Made me think of the scrotes who hate him.
No. 207402
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>>207363men are too fragile for their own good tbh
No. 207449
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>>207363they're such crybabies. anyone who paid a shred of attention to the lore would know that "maidenless" isn't synonymous with "lol no bitches" but it's really hard to tell the people who are joking about it from the people who are seriously upset over it. oh well, varre gets nicer fanart than their waifus.
also interesting how no one screeches about trying to kill melina for calling them maidenless. it's just ooga booga moid rage
No. 207523
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>>207363Anyone who unironically gets angry over a video game character calling them names needs to go outside and touch some grass
No. 207578
>>207523Nice art
Do you nonnies think we would give more coherent and finished quest lines without George R. R. Martin's involvement?
No. 207708
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>>207578No? If I recall correctly, GRRM actually didn't do that much. He just helped with some of the worldbuilding, which would have happened during pre-production. He had nothing to do with all the content cut/shuffled around during the game's development
>>207690I believe in you nona, don't give up! Radagon and Elden Beast kind of suck as bosses. I don't know why Fromsoft decided to lump them together without you being able to save your progress. They both deal holy damage so try to build defensively around that
No. 207715
>>207703She used anime moves, it felt so stupid. All of the bosses feel that way. Either their movesets are the same as previous bosses, they spam moves, or they have one move that kills you instantly even with high vigor. The delayed swings that make no sense are annoying, too.
>>207690It makes me sad because in previous games strength was a viable build, but it's just too slow to use for bosses now unless you want to just do jump attacks. If you have a dex/bleed weapon, you will do a lot better because you can attack faster and bleed is OP.
No. 207785
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No. 207786
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I kinda want to read some Godfrey x Marika x Radagon smut
No. 207789
>>207715i really enjoyed some of the bosses, but too many are like "why the fuck did you design it this way?" fire giant also comes to mind. he's not that difficult, you can literally stand in some spots and not take any damage from him, but the fact that he rolls 50 miles away constantly and you can't even see his windups from where you're supposed to be hitting him is SUCH bad boss fight design.
anyway malenia's fight is cringe, just summon people for it to help you, it's honestly not worth expending effort on.
No. 207816
>>207715Delayed swings were fun in DS3 when they did it with Nameless King because it felt new and different. But now it feels like every other boss does it and some of the timing is an absurdly long wait. Idk what they were thinking with that.
>>207785They are so hot.
No. 208393
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i hate fighting them but they are cute
No. 208475
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No. 208479
File: 1653269948219.png (990.2 KB, 679x563, 3.png)

rya is so cute
No. 208491
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ranni is so pretty
No. 208508
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>>208475Can someone translate?
No. 208541
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>>208508Try using Google Lens on it
No. 208557
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More hot art of this guy pls
No. 208607
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>>208557ugh yes please I need it so bad
No. 208621
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>>208620based and beautiful
No. 208761
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>>208675That Tarnished of yours needs to do more squats
No. 209050
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No. 209113
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Tail worship
No. 209544
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No. 209545
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No. 209691
>>206949>>206964I was one of the people defending FS from those who were 'calling them out' about recycling animations, I really don't care if they reuse stuff like opening doors but the overuse was why I made that post. Elphael is one of my favourite places, it's beautiful, but when the soldier enemies are exactly like Lothric and it's another end game castle area, those are the things that robs ER a little of its replay value for me.
Then again I didn't even notice the Asylum demons/stray demon/erdtree avatars movesets so maybe I just have a problem with repeated humanoid enemies.
No. 209990
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hot fresh delicious solaire just dropped for us sunny boi enjoyers nsfw link
No. 210187
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>>210109it hurts that hes not real. i have not wanted to kiss and fuck and cuddle a fictional character so hard ever
No. 210959
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How would you feel about Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring getting made into a movie or a TV series?
No. 211336
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>>211169Kek, I actually liked the 2006 Silent Hill movie and thought it was decent for what it was. But yeah, I agree with the anons above that Sekiro is realistically the only one that could be made into a movie while staying mostly faithful to the game. Like I would love to see an Old Hunters miniseries or a movie epic about Anor Londo before everything went to shit there but I do not trust them to not fuck it up spectacularly. I feel like a lot of the iconic armor sets would end up looking either horrible or completely unrecognizable because a lot of the designs don't translate well into real life
No. 212138
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i very much enjoy art of seluvis being humiliated
No. 212244
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>>212178i do nonna! its so much fun. wish it was easier to find other people to do this with, playing a co-op run with ocs who have some kind of relationship between them sounds so cute.
this is my gary stu acastius, more or less during the events of ds1 he was a noble cleric sent out by the way of white in thorolund to link the fire, was presumed successful and sainted, but his soul wasnt actually strong enough to do it. so then he ends up an unkindled in ds3. No. 212260
>>212178I love doing it because these games have such good character writing and I adore the "you're in a group of people who could do everything you've done, you just did it first" thing it has going with your character.
My Elden Ring lass is blind in one eye (to fit all the eye motif in the game) but I love that her legacy is being built while we play, similarly to Roderika we didn't have a name for ourselves. In contrast with characters like Gideon who are well known.
No. 212325
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>>212178>>212281i rp the npcs against ocs cuz im a loser
No. 212328
>>212325Then we can be losers together
nonnie. Praise the cringe.
No. 213431
>>212244I think you got that Fromsoft style backstory down, lol. Love that way you linked him across two games and gave the boi some nice fashion. I've been trying to make a character who was a Spear of the Church back in its prime and is one of the last few people left still fighting for Filianore. And maybe something about a lover that unfortunately among the ranks of the Ringed Knights.
>>212325What's wrong with that?
>>212658I agree. Being a canon purist and whatnot is a restriction that just ends up punishing people if they're just making OCs for themselves. It's not like our roleplays or notes are going to be seen by anyone but ourselves and maybe two other people. I used to hate 'cringe' but it's people's personal hobby, I'm unlikely to see someone else's reader x Blaidd writing that they made purely for their own fun.
No. 213490
>>212325 and was mostly just poking fun at myself. i love rping. it's basically collaborative fanfic
No. 216227
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>>215893ps4 for all three might be the best. the online servers for pc have been down for a couple of months now.
No. 216416
>>215893I agree with PS4 unless you can magically procure a PS5 because even though DeS og was an experience, the remake is really pretty. And tbh
nonnie, I have a copy of DS remastered on Switch and I do like being able to take it anywhere. The online community isn’t as inactive as you would think either, there is at least a dedicated discord server for it though I left because it was obviously filled with scrotes. Just saying though, in case you like playing online. The only weird thing to me was the sound being kind of strange but it was still worth it when it was on sale.
No. 221653
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big boys
No. 221654
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No. 222057
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No. 222207
>>222161One Who Craves Souls, it's poignant and perfect to conclude the game. I agree, Demon's Souls has an amazing atmosphere and the soundtrack reflects the bleakness and drabness of this world suspended in the demonic fog, this is why the remake is shit, it tried way too hard ti be bombastic and grandiloquent à la DSIII.
Btw when I listened to Univers Zéro's album 1313 I was extremely surprised by how similar it sounded to DeS's OST, same instruments, same atmosphere. I wouldn't be surprised if Shunsuke Kida was influenced by weird 70s music but finding information on the guy is impossible.
No. 222296
>>222161Shit, that's a hard one. I like literally 99% of Bloodborne's OST
But sekiro has some top tier bangers too
Bloodborne top 3: Ebrietas, Ludwig and Maria's OST
Sekiro: Demon of hatred, lady butterfly and apparitions OST
Other games' soundtracks have yet to grow on me i guess
No. 225124
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No. 225144
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Who is your favorite level up lady? I love the Maiden in Black, but I think DS3 Firekeeper and the Doll have the best designs. I’m a bit sad about Melina in ER because even though she had a bigger role in the story, she still felt like bland waifubait to me. I liked her cutscene after the Frenzied Flame ending, but no idea if it will come to mean anything in DLCs. Do you think we will ever get a male character in this role? Would you want one?
No. 225148
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>>225144I don't have a favorite but a male firekeeper would be incredibly based. And make him look like a hot man, not some gross femboy. I want to see scrote tears. Pic unrelated
No. 225164
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>>225148I agree. Male firekeeper (or what ever the new leveling up person will be called in the next installment) would be BASED
No. 225171
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>>225164In fact I want it to be not just a man but someone Varre-esque, someone who will insult males to their faces and call them maidenless while, ideally, being submissive to female characters. That way if moids rage and kill him (after 20 failed attempts where they get their asses beat), they aren't able to level up anymore and have fucked themselves over because of their fragile egos. But Fromsoft are cowards so this will never happen
No. 225181
>>225144The Doll is my fave! Love her design, especially her clothes, she's so cute.
>>225148>not some gross femboyThat's what's so depressing. Fromsoft probably would make him a gross femboy, fucking cowards.
>>225171>someone Varre-esque who will insult males to their faces and call them maidenless while being submissive to female charactersoh
nonny this is so based of you… if only this would come true…
No. 225330
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ok anons, now post your favorite armor sets from each game
elden ring was really tough bc i like pretty much every set, so i had to put two
No. 225397
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>>225330A fellow Henryk’s set enjoyer. Always loved that one. Night’s Calvary is one of the best in ER I think. I’ll have to put together a proper favorites later.
>>225339That would have been awesome. I feel like his quest needed another step or something. A lot of the questlines in this game were just fucked up or weird. Patches for instance, feels incomplete because of the castanets thing you can’t do anything with. The stuff with Nepheli Loux and that group felt weird and abrupt. I will say most of the things with Fia and D and Ranni’s questlines were better but idk. A lot felt incomplete or didn’t make sense.
Sorry for reddit spacing, but just thinking about all that, does anyone else miss covenants? The game seems so set up for them with how you can give certain items to certain characters, and some of the NPCs just feel like covenant leaders. Varré made me think of it, but NPCs like Gurranq and Dung Eater felt that way too. I realize the latter have reasons for receiving their items, but I really miss having covenants and there are so many different factions in this game it would have been fun. Even the ring system feels bland without them.
No. 225403
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>>225397Yeah I miss covenants too. There could've been such nice rewards and perks too if ER had them. Truly a missed opportunity. I guess they scrapped them because the game already is large as hell, but still.
No. 225411
File: 1659104522921.png (1.13 MB, 736x736, image.png)

What's your favorite ending (any game), nonnas? Frenzied Flame looks really neat, ngl. I also like the End of Fire from DS3, the way it fades to black and then the Firekeeper's voice comes from the darkness, asking if you can still hear her.
No. 225601
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>>225171It's too bad we couldn't fuck Varre or something. Honestly, the part where he jabs your finger is so weirdly intimate and sexual, especially for Fromsoft games which are severely lacking in anything sexual; it felt bizarrely erotic.
No. 225729
>>225330Ds1: silver knight set
Ds3: literally fatorias or any build similar to that lmfao
Bloodborne: tomb prospector set
>>225411I guess all my favorite endings for all games are the ones where there is less tragic stuff happening. Most of them are the "secret" endings where you somehow break the cycle of shitty-ness that consumes the world. What can i say, i'm a sucker for happy endings
No. 225762
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i can't get over the fact that Radagon walks around with a butt cleavage
No. 225839
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radagon culo
No. 226101
>>225418I don't like her either but why 'hate'?
>>225601I feel like in true FS fashion they must have cut the Blood Cult stuff heavily from the game. You're FORCED to use the item against his wishes to progress the quest that results in what feels like a failure. I'm always kind of unhappy about the way FS handles this stuff no matter how much development time they get.
No. 226219
File: 1659442296985.png (2.27 MB, 1748x2480, nk.png)

>>226118I actually like her design, I thought it was simple but cute, but yeah other than her promising to have revenge on you, she's just your bog standard firekeeper. I wish that for the next installment we got either a male firekeeper or a non humanoid one, I think that would be interesting. I'm honestly tired of the waifubait characters at this point. Is the DLC confirmed?
No. 226246
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>>226219I don’t think confirmed yet. Also
nonnie thank you so much for posting a pic of NK I’ve never seen before. He’s my favorite, do you remember who the artist is? That smile is so cute.
No. 226357
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>>226118ALL firekeepers are gross submissive waifus. they dare to put those bland bitches next to characters like malenia and ranni and marika and nepheli and tanith and rennala and… like every other female character in elden ring.
No. 226914
>>222161tales of old! its so beautifully somber and i adore the strings in it.
>>225411aldia's in ds2, 100%. his dialogue is fantastic.
No. 230603
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reminder that varre is gross, DO NOT kiss him
No. 230634
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i made a nasty little nightfolk! do u guys like his face?
No. 235047
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would you a patches?
No. 236295
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the dark souls 3 servers are back online, nonnies!
No. 236459
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i just love them. i think the designs are weird and beautiful
No. 236743
>>236742how do you WANT to play the game, anon, it kind of sounds like youre just reading a guide on what is the "best" way to play? not sure if that's true but. my first build was shitgarbage and i was bad but i was having a lot of fun regardless.
i also have played every game since dark souls and never worry about parrying or backstabbing. tho i backstabbed a bunch in ER because they made it easier.
No. 237297
>>236754I was a shield bitch (lol) on my first playthrough of DS1, it lasted until i think around the time i went to explore the new londo ruins and kill the boss there. Two-handing your wpn is always preferable when a single blocked hit depletes your whole stamina bar.
In my opinion, if this is your first fromsoft game you should go for a DEX build. (Most) Dex weapons are fast and hard hitting. It might feed into your spammy nature but it will get you through the game lmao.
Or you can go STR build and pick up the best fucking greatsword ever, the Zweihander. Slow, but a great fun indeed.
No. 237400
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No. 237402
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>>237359lol no i dont use /vg/ anymore but whoever's doing that is based. sounds like something i would do. i liked to spam the threads with thirst for male characters and yaoi to piss off the moids.
it seems i am not the only one thirsty for them, especially bendy boi.
No. 239847
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Anyone else have that issue where they are actually super into the Souls lore but for some reason just can't concentrate on it at all while playing? Even on my first playthroughs, I just want to smash shit up and run through areas and I skip through a lot of the NPC dialogue and don't bother reading item descriptions. Every time I think 'this is the one where I'm going to take things slow and really immerse myself' but I just end up doing what I usually do and speed through the game. But I love watching lore videos and reading theories and fanfic and stuff.
No. 242116
>>239847Hell no. I read literally every single line on the screen of every single item, and use the miyazaki-issued magnifying glass item on every game to look up details real close. NPC dialogue i skip only after i've replayed the game like 4 times or more
Sometimes i even cross-reference the different translations with the original script lmao
No. 243945
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what do you hope to see in the dlcs nonas? miquella seems kind of a given, but did you have any other ideas?
No. 246954
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To anyone who's played ER, i pose thee a question:
Is the endgame content really kinda bad? I've seen a lot of people complain that it feels rushed, unfinished, etc. And that FS dropped the ball (there seems to be a lot of complaints regarding the game's mechanics, namely the fact that some attacks are impossible to dodge or that the combat is whack when you compare the player's attacks vs bosses')
Are any of these complaints backed up? Do you feel they are justified? I was looking to buy ER but i was kinda waiting for any DLC to drop first lol
No. 246967
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>>246954hell no. i don't understand any complaints about ER lacking content. if anything it almost has too much. it's kind of overwhelming. also, the repeated bosses/catacombs get kind of old. i would NOT at all call it lacking content or things to do at any point. but then again i'm also comparing it to the games that actually had cut content, so…
for reference, my first playthrough took about 130 hours and now, as i replay, i am finding stuff i missed. it's huge.
No. 247028
>>247026tbh didnt know that character existed til i saw some fanart
No. 247251
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No. 247252
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big wolf
No. 248181
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i grab him
No. 249573
>>248001for you
nonnie! i also recommend epilogue from the ds3 soundtrack
No. 254344
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i find it hilarious that moids aren't sure if they can like Zullie the witch or not, since Zullie doesn't speak nor shows their face at all, they all instantly think Zullie is a tranny just for liking fromsoft games and investigate them in-depth, what a bunch of losers.
No. 254363
>>254359No problem, I hope I didn't come off as "dude just trust me". Out of curiosity I searched for "Zullie the witch gender" a bit and the second result was this reddit thread and somebody is recalling the same anecdote as mine with a bit more details, make of that what you will.
No. 254512
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>>254344i dont think zullie is an actual troon, but he is a guy. that makes me wonder though, what do you nonas think it is about soulsborne that attracts so many trannies? both female and male. i wish i could find more regular women into the games, but maybe its a problem with all fandom in general.
No. 254513
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No. 254514
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Wholesome domestic fluff
No. 255433
>>255124anon… no. i agree with
>>255131. in fromsoft games in particular i play the male because i like his pain noises, it's more pleasing to my ears. you spend too much time on lc.
No. 255818
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>>255652agreed nona! they sound so strange. the male voices as well, the ones in ds were cuter.
No. 256566
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Worst/most annoying enemies in your opinion?
No. 256580
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>>256566they have never made a worse enemy than these fucking things. they're way too fast, aggressive and can kill you instantly. it's everything bad about the combat (too fast and aggro with no breathing room) put into an enemy.
my least favorite bosses are similarly too aggro. i hate the fucking fallingstar beast and the stupid ulcerated tree spirit. i remember in ds1 the only hyper-aggro boss was the sanctuary guardian and that was fine. nowadays too many enemies and bosses are just attackattackattack.
No. 256711
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>>256566Haven't played ER but hands down the giant sharks from Bloodborne, the fact that the recommended strategy to get the Rakuyo is to cheese them says it all.
Also those motherfuckers from DSIII, I think I killed one for the sake of it and that's it.
No. 257310
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>>256580holy fuck agreed, i hate them. i also have a lot of trouble dealing with heide knights in ds2.
No. 257773
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>>257310Speaking of DS2, this enemy is the reason I never go to Frigid Outskirts. Not that there's anything worthwhile there anyway
No. 257775
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>>257773Also this piece of shit. Absolutely demonic
No. 257917
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i wish i wasn't around social media when Elden Ring was new, all that coomer Malenia fanart and letmesoloher memes bored me out so much but i realized that i do actually like her more than i thought
No. 259025
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>>257917>>257957malenia and ranni are both great. moids are irrelevant.
No. 262072
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How you all feelin about this?
No. 262171
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Happy 1000 posts! How did you feel about the ER winning GotY? Do you think it was deserved?
No. 262185
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>>262171I don't care for game awards but I'm not surprised it won. It was well deserved
No. 262406
>>257917>>259025Men almost ruined them for me, but when I finally played the game on my own time, I ended up really enjoying both storylines for the characters.
>>262072Gen z trash. I don't understand how this even happened. No security?
No. 262407
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>>262171A game that brought me so many new waifus definitely deserved to win. I'm actually really happy and thought well deserved.
No. 262730
>>262171Yes, even though I don't truly love ER.
>>262072He has the ugliest accent I've ever heard. I've seen plebbitors defend him because apparently when he was 13 he parroted some shit about Taiwan and Hong Kong, if he wasn't just trolling, just goes to show how weak minded they are to jump to the defence of someone expressing current favorable political viewpoint, it is impossible for some zoomer like him to even comprehend those events on another side of the world.
No. 279084
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Elden Ring DLC was announced! Not much is known aside from the title and that it's currently in development! Is that Miquella on Torrent?
No. 279990
>>279446he is. hoping they look at gwyndolin's success and act accordingly
speaking of gwyndolin and miquella i'm already bleeding from the eyes at all the gendies refusing to call either of them MEN lol. why are they like that
No. 280204
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>>279990ive noticed this too! its so annoying. miquellas own sister calls him a guy, but god forbid a man has long hair and a flowy robe. either way, i hope we see his cute little bug wings in the dlc.
No. 280220
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anyone here played demon's souls? i got an emulator to work, hoo boy am i malding from getting through the first world and then being mobbed and having all my progress wiped
No. 280243
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nonnie! boletaria can be tough, what are you struggling with?
No. 281412
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any nona has a link to scans of Elden Ring's second artbook?
It came out a while ago and i hoped that by now there would be something but i can't find anything aside some little bits
No. 281419
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>>281418OMG nona, i love you so much you can't imagine
No. 289131
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Anyone else decided to play through the entire Armored Core series after ACVI trailer dropped?
I wanted to try it out way before, but knowing that the next game is coming out this year pushed me to play it. I've played through pretty much all of the main entries and I'm currently playing Verdict Day.
It's kinda weird how most fromsoft fans completely ignore the AC games, especially with how good a lot of them are.
No other fromsoft game has got me thinking about its story as much as ACFA did.
No. 289145
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>>289131i definitely plan to play ac6. ive tried emulating some of the older games but alas
i dont have a controller, so it was a bit of a struggle.
No. 289170
>>289145You can play some with m+kb. I know there is a mouse injector for AC1 which seems like it would make the game laughably easy.
As for the best games in the series (4th gen). You should be able to play them with m+kb on rcps3 with some button mapping done.
But I would recommend getting a controller.
Kind of because using a mouse can trivialize the game a bit. There are manually aimed weapons that deal a lot of damage, and with a mouse its very easy to use them and just cheese through the entire game.
No. 289223
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>>289131i don't care about mechs in the slightest, so i never was interested. but i appreciate you mechfags. please post ac content.
No. 289902
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>>289170i had no idea, thanks, anon! i'll look into it.
No. 308370
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i wanna replay elden ring
No. 312862
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>people spend hours upon hours farming for this
Useless ugly ass anasword, don't even remember how it ended up in my inventory. I will take these 1000 runes, than you.
No. 313423
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>>312862is this the thing that's a super rare drop in elden ring? reminds me of the baldur straight sword in dark souls
>>312891i would if i didn't prefer to play solo, sorry for my edginess
No. 313424
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i found someone who ships seluvis and gideon and that's very funny to me
what are you fromsoft ships, anons? my number one is still pate/creighton.
No. 313540
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>>313424pate/creighton is so
GOATed nona. some of my other faves are d/rogier, nepheli/roderika, velstadt/raime and doujun/wolf. i also somewhat crackship leonhard and irina because of that one lordran & beyond comic, it's so beautiful.
>>312891that sounds fun! if more nonnies feel like it then i'd love to.
No. 330268
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like nya
No. 335076
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Anyone else playing AC6? This recent game has been pushing me into getting into the entire series now.
No. 345260
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Everytime i am in the Undead Settlement, it reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle but more grim, i wonder if anyone else gets the same feeling
No. 350547
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february 5th pleeeeeeeeeease
No. 350703
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Wish i had 50k to waste on a male DS3 Fire Keeper mod, i see the vision
>>350547Let's go with February 14th so we spend Valentine's Day properly
No. 356951
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Anyone else sad we haven’t gotten any DLC news lately? I kept thinking we would again by now.
No. 356956
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>>356951Same. I want to see Miquella and
his bare feet so bad. That part of the lore is the most interesting and has so much potential. I need a month where I just play and read lore theories. Fromsoft why… I just hope they still release it during Q1, I can't wait until November or December.
No. 357001
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>>356951extremely sad
but still hoping for that q1 release
No. 357615
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how do you think it will be started anons? i just finished my 3rd pt and have been waiting to begin ng+, afraid i might somehow lock myself out of activating the dlc
No. 357619
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>tfw miquella is hotter than any fanart ever drew
No. 357620
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also this thing makes me think of godwyn?
No. 357625
>>357615So much respect for you,
nonnie. I got up to Miquella's big sister and got my ass owned. By then I was too tired to keep going.
No. 357632
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>>357605I'M SO SAD! I got so busy irl that i didn't even get to finish my NG+ before the DLC came out!
I'm hyped but i'll have to stay away from anything because i won't be able to play it for a long time, ugh, i hope you all can enjoy it!
No. 357654
>>357619That's not Mik, that's some dude named
Messmer. Mik shows up in the last second and has beautiful blondie locks.
No. 357692
>>357654people are speculating that
messmer is some split-off shadow form of miquella since he has the same proportions and says "mother", presumably referring to marika. that or he's just some sibling who got did something so horrible he got banished and erased from their family history.
No. 358047
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>>357605i'm so excited. i can't wait until june.
>>357615>how do you think it will be started anons?miyazaki mentioned in an interview that the cocoon is the entrypoint to the DLC. posting the link for any nonnies that havent read it yet: No. 358125
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>>358047well thank god we know exactly what
triggers it so i can prepare when it's about to drop
No. 359182
So it's my first time playing elden ring, I just bought it for ps4 the other day (along with my ps4) and play offline cus no internet. I played dark souls 2 once on pc and I died to some kind of troll I guess right in the beginning and then gave up to play dragon age… or maybe it was some guy with a bow, idk, it was dark and it was a long time ago. Anyway I know nothing about these games except you have to roll. I rolled a lot.
Dude, what the hell was that spiderman thing that just killed me with an axe or whatever it was holding, I dunno, I think it was red, I just saw red swinging at me. I thought it was fine, yeah enemies at any time but I thought I'd get some soldier boy or maybe some goblins or whatever fantasy common enemy goes, but then I went there to that nice place, wanted to see that statue and that shit came flying out of nowhere and it is my first time with this game so I messed up the controls, I wanted to equip my staff but forgot how and I started running in circles trying to equip it, only to realize as a deadly hit get me that I already had my staff equipped kek. But alright, so that was supposed to happen I guess. Ok so next I meet this masked faggot and he tells me to follow the golden dust or whatever. I was half paying attention because from there I saw this huge guy on a horse, knew it was an enemy right away and masked fella shooed me to go to this place where this guy with a danger name will meet me or something, doesn't seem like I'm about to have some milk and cookies, I'm guessing he wants me to kill it, alright, he told me he was going to help me on my quest, so I pick some flowers on my way, see the horse man, get really close and he doesn't do anything, so I thought, that guy can't be an enemy, I'm right at his horse butt and nothing happened, oh yeah but then he turns around and fight music starts, I know I'm in trouble but I am good this time, now I have my staff and I am rolling expert. So I cast some shitty spell that either doesn't hit or does nothing, I don't know cus when I saw that guy come swinging that huge ass weapon and his horse ready to stomp me to death I just run away or better, rolled my way outta there, could even hear my dragon's dogma pawn telling me how there is no shame in letting some battles go, yeah, got that alright, very important lesson and I am shameless so I keep running. The music suddenly stops and I think I am far enough but nope, the guy swings once at me and I am dead… or maybe more than once, I don't know, it was so fast. So yeah, dead again.
So I thought about going the other way to avoid the horse man because I saw some birds and birds are never bad but then I saw something weird flying nearby, that definitely wasn't a bird, I don't think I should go there now.
So I got some pebbles and saved my game to try again tomorrow, guess I have to deal with that horse man, but he is so fast.. do I really have to fight him? Cus if so I am fucked, I dunno how I managed a minute without dying with him at my ass, my char is so slow even rolling, I just started and wooden chairs were all I was able to kill kek. Anyway, varre guy was really nice but I think he was trying to insult me. Would work better of he called me weak or stupid, what kind of insult is that, he sounds mental and I hope he doesn't try to kill me too. Anyway, had fun, can't wait to die again tomorrow.
No. 359190
>>359182>varre guy was really nice but I think he was trying to insult mehe's not. "maidenless" became a cringey "no bitches" meme due to moids feeling emasculated over a video game, but the concept is that a traveling warrior needs to have a "maiden" (this is a title more than anything) to give them full strength; it is a maiden (melina) who allows you to level up.
"maidens" can be male and won't be referred to as a maiden in that case, the concept is the same. also the people who pair with maidens don't fuck them. you are not dating your maiden. men are retarded.
No. 359417
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>>359354nah dw anon elden ring saves almost constantly in an attempt to stop savescummers. i doubt you lost anything!
No. 359961
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>>359190just wanted to share this interesting bit of lore to accompany it
>>359354show us your tarnished anon
No. 359968
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>>359190Well Varre was trying to insult the player anyway, no matter the meaning of maidenless. In his cut voicelines he even says 'go die in a ditch somewhere' kek and that's why I love him. Also him calling the player his lambkin later.
I can fix him. No. 360197
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>>359961Nothing special, she's got a normal brown eye cus I was going for the short hair but then I put that one and didn't bother to change the side of the scar, I fucked up the skin color though, I thought that was darker. Excuse the shit quality of the pic.
Anyway, fucking patches. He thinks he is teaching me a lesson? I found the map I was looking for thanks to that stupid trick, and I only got stronger, he can't get rid of me and my inclination for taking what isn't mine.
Also I almost defeated margit, seriously, he had just a bit of health, one or two hits of my spell and I'd win, but I rolled to my death. He was flying with that fucking hammer and my skeleton friends were in the process of rising again so I got all the aggro, I easily die from one to three hits to most enemies, margit usually kills me with one hit, so I had to avoid that attack and I successfully did so… only to die from falling.
Imagine that story from his point of view, "I was almost dying then she rolled off the cliff" kek, he's gonna die soon though.
So yeah, I defeated the wolf guy in that cave at the beginning, a pumpkin head, the skeleton on a boat and the tree sentinel. The tree sentinel was harder than the boat skeleton or the wolf guy. Also the white giants, turns out they're not that hard. Whats up with the zombies digging around? What are they looking for? They always run away when I kill one of them, I almost feel bad but then I met aka died to one that casts magic and now I don't feel bad at all. I just don't mess with them cus there is always stronger enemies around and I am dead if I have to fight more than 5 guys at once plus some ass casting magic. Or someone mounted, they always get me if I don't kill them fast.
Oh and I found a guy who wants me to take back his fort but I went there before meeting him (I suppose that's the place) and I almost died at the entrance. Gotta be honest, this sounds like a shit deal but now I have to know whats in there.
Also met a guy who told me to avoid a place that has a dragon… after I went there and died to said dragon that came flying out of nowhere. Guess I should've known… big space, no one but puny enemies, walked right into that trap alright. Hopefully other npcs can warn me of dangers BEFORE I meet said dangers.
No. 360337
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>>360197i love your elden ring diary, anon
No. 360622
I am deeply traumatized. How can I trust anything anymore. That chest did something to my being Patches only wishes he could be able to. I lost about 6k runes to a fucking shooting cockroach in a crystal cave. I thought I was done, I couldn't teleport anywhere, I was about to give up when I found a way out. I thought I was finally safe but then everything was red and poisonous and exploding and catching fire. Then I got my runes back by fighting mages, puny little things, just like me they die in like 2 hits, I was so powerful, but nothing can make me forget the panic I felt of being stuck in a cave with insects shooting me and magic zombie miners. I went to that red place before but not that far, not after some zombies came hug and kiss and infect me with their bullshit. The hell happened there? I don't want to go back so soon.
I defeated Margit but it feels empty after all the horrors I've seen.
There is some weird guy that told me to get into the castle through a secret passage and I accepted but I think he's up to something. He looks and talks like he is ready to fuck me bad. But then maybe I am a bad judge of character, I legit thought Patches was going to give me something nice when he told me to open the chest. Still it wasn't as bad as the crystal cave chest, the forest only made me angry, the cave on the other hand was really scary. Lesson learned: never trust an easy chest inside unguarded ruins. Am I still going to open every chest I come across? Already did, but none of them were easy.
I take back what I said before though, birds are indeed bad sometimes. Don't trust birds that big. The birds in the castle have blades for talons, who did that to them? I saw some penguins and they are nice because they are small and just appreciating the view, can't kill them.
Saw a bunch of rock worms and a boss walking on all fours in a purple place. He is not that strong but is very fast, can't take that fight just yet.
Went to the beach and it had a tentacle beast with a beak, faster than I expected it to be, looks like diarrhea with worms. I can see my footprints on the sand, so fun.
One thing I noticed, the enemies are really stupid sometimes. I killed a bunch of guys just by keeping my distance while throwing spell after spell at them and all they did was look at their pals dropping. Must've been the wind I guess.
No. 361934
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This must be annoying but here I am again. I am so late for this game, missed a ton of fun, I'm loving it but none of my friends play it, they gave up at the very beginning.
I am still scared of going to the random caves I come across following the blue light of the creepy statues (I suppose that's what they're for?), so I just mark them on my map to go back later.
I defeated the guy who walks on all fours with the help of a wolf man, real nice. Defeated the dumbass with a bunch of arms and a dragon head. When he started that shit… like, I don't know a word in english I could use here, but in portuguese the word would be apelão. What a fucking loser. Ok I had the help of that girl but I ain't getting her body parts and putting on myself when I lose. Margit was harder, though I died with this guy too from falling once. My biggest enemy, heights… and patches. I met some other guy who sold me that stonesword key cheaper, patches is full of shit and he insults me when I don't buy anything, this guy needs to stop, did he forget I just tried to kill him twice? Nothing is stopping me from going for a third but the goodness of my heart and some self preservation cus I was losing that second fight, so that's how he's still alive kek, I am still totally going to check his bullshit knowing very well I'll probably die a horrible death but I think he should try be a little bit inconspicuous, try not to sound so much like he wants to kill me. Maybe waiting for me to go away before heheheing, but that's just a suggestion. Anyway I went to a beautiful place underground, fought this flying deer, got the spirit archer which is nice, he's got some reach and is harder to kill than my skeleton friends but I still like them a lot cus they rise everytime they fall as long as they don't get hit again, very useful for keeping the aggro off me long enough, the wolves are good too, they helped me getting these skeletons so there is that.
I cleared kenneth's fort and all I got was a stupid knife I can't use. I think I remember him promising a party, where's that? I went to a different fort too and defeated some guy after delivering a message and the girl is fucking dead. All for nothing. I hate those forts. Also met some jar guy who was talking about a party and I am yet to get to any, my life is just swords in the face, would like a party for a change.
Went back to varre and he told me to go to some other place I am still trying to locate, maybe I am going the wrong direction. He sounds insane but I trust him better than patches. If he ever intends on killing me he is not so retarded about it so he's got my respect.
Met the hairy fingers, they need some wax, it's disgusting. Where is the rest of it?
Anyway, the big ass golems are super fun to fight because they are so slow, you can just roll to their backs and shot their asses and most they do is stomp like a little child. But first time I met one I thought it was raining swords, I had no idea these were arrows cus that scared the shit out of me and I didn't go back to that area till some time later when I had not too many runes to lose, and when I finally figured someone was shooting them I was so confused, how that fucker saw me from that far? I know he is big but that's like shooting ants. Seriously looked like it was raining swords.
Btw one thing I absolutely love in this game is the enemy friendly fire, the golem archer on that bridge just killed the others for me. And the ghost giant killing the guards fighting the other ghosts, I don't even waste my time attacking each, I just trigger the giant and make him follow me and then easy runes, no sweat, just have to kill him then and at this point he's lost half of his health cus the others go attacking him too. Got a crab momma kill her crab babies accidentally too, but karma got me, I was later killed by a freaking lobster. It's the crustacean wrath. I hope there are no shrimps, bet they'd be flying like deers.
I am now level 40 and on my way to the raya lucaria academy. I love magic.
No. 362004
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I hope posting fanart I love in here is fine bc here I'm fixin to go
No. 362006
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No. 362007
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No. 362008
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No. 362009
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No. 363454
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i am a furry for maliketh
No. 363455
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random pretty art
No. 363456
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No. 363458
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cool tarnished i found
No. 363552
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Elden ring is one of my favourite games so I decided to finally try dark souls, I beat the first two and had a great time, (especially 1, wonderful experience, 2 was really weird), almost got to the end of 3 and these assholes made me give up for some reason. I played ashes of ariandel and beat sister friede and that just felt like the end to me, i tried to beat these assholes again but i have no fight left in me. I’m going back to elden ring nonas
No. 364235
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Have any nonas done a seamless coop Elden Ring playthrough, especially with a complete noob? What builds have you felt worked out for you?
I somehow got my casual gamer sister to agree to try it out with me. I'm really excited, but I want to make sure she doesn't quit out of frustration and/or boredom. (She plays survival Minecraft so her frustration tolerance is decently high, and she learns pretty quickly. She just isn't very experienced with gaming overall.) I think making her do faith tank with me as some INT build is probably our best bet, but I worry that this might still be too high pressure on her and that she might like to have access to more spells. But if we reversed it, I feel like she might not be able to manage having lots of spells well and that she would die really quickly if she gets aggro or ends up in a bad situation.
I also am not very familiar with Elden Ring builds and items, so my imagination is rather limited.
No. 364249
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>>364235I did
nonnie. If you want her to be on the sidelines more, going semi-healer/faith mage with a sword is a good choice. I played Elden Ring after a really, really long time of not playing fromsoft games and I had fun with that build with the Sword of Night and Flame. I think heavy builds, while extremely fun and op, can be hard for new players because you need to be good at judging distance, attack speed, animations and so on. Going light for better iframes and with a straight sword and some magic to explore fun options will keep a newbie interested and engaged imo.
No. 364289
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>>364249>>364252Thank you! I'll probably have her start mage and see how she likes it, then. I've always been wary of mage, but I think that might come from me trying it for the first time for my first playthrough of DS2, which was also the scholar of the first sin edition. Eeeurgh.
No. 364743
So I am finally at this "festival" and it's a fighting festival of course it is. Radahn had 1/3 of his health when I finally got, surprisingly enough, not one hit killed, it took him three hits, and I was in the middle of chugging a potion and trying to run kek. To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea how I managed that much because I couldn't replicate that, trying again I couldn't last till he got half of his health depleted at least. I don't want to go to that festival anymore, ranni can go fuck herself, I don't care. All these demigods treating me like I am some despicable little thing. I want them all dead. Patches is forgiven even after I got teleported to that lava place, what a nightmare, but I have other people to hate now. This is serious business.
No. 364789
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>>364743hey anon, good news! minor spoiler with no details but just so you're aware:
it's possible to choose an ending that kills the whole world No. 382757
>>382246>>382644uhhh no, radahn is not a "lategame" boss. level 100?? lmao maybe if you don't use any summons
anon, literally just keep summoning people over and over and they'll kill radahn for you. the summon signs will reappear after a minute or so, so just run around on torrent and get in some timely hits of your own while he's distracted with everyone beating his ass. he's MEANT to be fought with all those summons and there's like 7 individuals you can call in.
No. 382943
I called everyone, let them do their thing and then when he was just with a tiny bit of health I greatbowed him and then he's gone!!!!! He never hit me either wtf
But my game might be bugged cus I couldn't find alexander nor patches, didn't even know you could call him before watching this vid
>>382812I could call jerren guy though.
Anyway, will still invest some points on vigor cus I just got it up to 17 and it feels good to not die instantly when you take an arrow in the face.
No. 384279
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>>384258i think it's just more fun to wander around and experience it on my own. all kinds of weird and memorable things happen when you're left to your own devices in these games. like how i did limgrave then got teleported to caelid and finished all of caelid before going to liurnia. it's always funny to talk with people about it and hear them go "what the fuck, you did caelid way too early" etc lmao.
if you find it more fun to look things up and try to experience the game to its fullest on first playthrough that's also fine.
No. 384337
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I only started to play Elden Ring because of Morgott, I'm dreading when I have to fight him.
No. 384401
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>>384337I didn't care for Elden Ring at all (FromSoft pigeonholing themselves) until they revealed picrel for the DLC, he is so my type and I'm ashamed to say I want to play a game for a hot guy. The good thing is that when I'll finally play it it will be completely spoiler free since I haven't watched nor read anything about it.
No. 384528
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Guys I just found a lovely town full of grandmas laughing and dancing and minding their own business, though there is also some random grandmas that start shit for no reason and at the very top there is a loser boss that does some strange thing with his body, feels like lolcow.
No. 384717
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>>384640I don't want to hurt him! Why can't I spare him and we can rule Leyndell together?! Damn Fromsoft and damn my flame of ambition…
No. 385221
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>>385220retreading familiar territory, i guess
also i hate the narration on this trailer. the voice-over on the original trailer was so fucking good i got chills. this one feels more generic. but i'm excited to see this fag messmer, he's hot
No. 385227
>>385221If it's using the same map but earlier at least Caelid should be pretty different.
Also since Messmer has red hair that means he's a Radagon kid. Full power Godwyn is definitely in. Maybe even pre puppet Ranni and pre snake Rykard
No. 385262
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>>385226your opinion is bad
>>385220i want to fight the giant wicker men so bad
No. 385515
>>385226>>385262girls, girls
they're both ugly
(but i appreciate you ugly creature enjoyers)
No. 385542
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>>385540i don't have an elden ring husbando, but my overall fromsoft husbando is my sweet darling solaire
No. 385561
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For me, it's stupid otoutos.
No. 386855
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Killed Morgott
Feels bad man
No. 394088
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>Just started the DLC
>Wandered to the right
>Dead in 30 seconds
Also tried to fight the giant wickermen and got killed even quicker. Love this
No. 394095
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has anyone noticed increased pc requirements for the dlc? i'm still using the same rig from 2 years ago
No. 394908
Got wifi again and finally updated my game. It fixed lots of quests. Thops for example, I couldn't get the other key he wanted, instead got some upgrade stone, went back and there is the key now; that kenneth dude I met when I first started the game, didn't even know there was more to his quest because after I got his fort back he simply disappeared; varre quest that asked me to invade other people when I had no internet, so it was impossible to continue, thankfully I didn't have to invade anyone, I dunno what triggered it, I just talked to him and he let me continue his quest.
I bet seluvis quest is fixed now too but alas he's been dead for a long time now, sellen quest too was very bugged but I managed to finish it somehow.. anyway I just remembered where I found that sellen doll and I guess I'd have killed seluvis if he wasn't already dead.
Went back to get items I missed but I am sure I'm still missing lots of items. Pre patch game is just a bunch of bugs, but the patched version had me walking on air literally, the floor on raya lucaria took some time rendering; I like that I don't have to mark on my map the vendors and npcs anymore and the graphics are better but everything now takes more time to load.
Funny thing was catching up some quests, the shrimp vendor was warning me about the dung eater kek, dude's been dead for some time now. Dung eater was so disgusting but nothing offended me more than his constant "I will kill you" and failing to do so, the fuck were those attacks. All bark, no bite.
I dunno if the patch had something to do with it but I defeated rykard and he was super easy in comparison to pre patch where I couldn't do much to him cus he killed me so fast.. or maybe I just got smarter with him, idk, and then there is the godskin duo which I came close to killing pre patch but can't do much damage now. I think my mimic is not as overpowered as before too, now she looks as pathetic as me lmao, maybe it's time to equip some real armor.
No. 394946
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I’m honestly enjoying the DLC so far. It’s hard, but exploring and finding new locations has been really fun. This is a stupid complaint not relevant to the DLC but ER in general. I feel like the quality of messages people leave these days is so shitty. I’m a souls vet, so I’ve played these games for years, but it used to feel like people left more actually helpful messages. It gets annoying when every other message is “dog” or “try head” because the memes are stupid and dead now. Even “try finger but hole” was dead by the time DS3 came out in 2016. Can moids get better jokes? Also, did people just now learn that rating messages heals the OP? There are so many about healing. I did have to laugh at a response one that said “healing? Try skill” though.
No. 394996
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>>394090i gasped
>>394473you are probably underleveled? i'm playing it on NG+1 and doing fine
>>394946i agree! i have to admit i still laugh at the stupid "but hole" messages, like people leaving them above a drop-down hole and writing "giant but hole" but i have pretty juvenile sense of humor. one new trend i'm noticing is "i want to go home… and then edge" which makes me roll my eyes because lol porn addiction funny. probably the best and most creative message i've seen lately is a message in front of a plate of fruit (just random set dressing) saying "fruit? but i can't take this……"
i think my biggest gripe with the dlc so far is how there's zero indication of the order you're "supposed" to go in. the map is cool and huge but it's severely confusing. i fucking
got to messmer before i found the dancing lion. i guess i'm also sad that
he apparently isn't the final boss? i wanted more focus on him, he's a great character. No. 394999
>>394996145 but my vigor was pretty low. I respected it from 30 to 50 and things seems to be a bit smoother now. I wish the made Larval Tiers craft able or something. I'm dex/int and there's so many str and arc weapons I want to try.
The messages seem more sucky this time alright. So many "try jump" near cliffs, the one time I had to do it I didn't trust any of the messages.
No. 395003
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I saw this today and I think it's one of the funniest usages of the message system
No. 395005
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>>394999i love the trick messages sometimes. this one was before a bunch of breakable items right in front of a cliff, and you almost roll off it. someone else posted a message insulting the other message. i love when they sync up like that.
No. 395006
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and here's the fruit message i mentioned, very creative
No. 395177
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>>395003anon, the exact same thing happened to me kek
No. 395439
>>395218i like it, i'll set it next time i play
>>395438this would be so cute
No. 395828
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>Going back to the main game after spending all week getting my ass kicked in the dlc
No. 396151
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>>396113wait is count ymir supposed to be seen as female? he just looks like a dude with a dorky haircut. afaik it was pretty normal for fancy aristocratic men to dress in "feminine" ways in ye olden medieval times anyway. and no, nobody gives a fuck about that character.
i'm kind of giggling because ensha is suspected to be a trans male and is not spoken about in any way really. mtfs stay seething
No. 396299
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>>396140His ring in DS3 confirms it and I still see people saying he's ambiguous online
No. 396519
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i thought this boss was gonna be cool based on lowres images i saw but up close she looks real dumb. league tier design
No. 396731
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i'm unhappy, anons. the dlc is stunning in many ways but i also kind of ruined it for myself because i didn't want to look up any guides. i had explored less than 40% of the map when i got to messmer, thinking i was going to open it up later. then i get to the final boss area and i still only have about 55% of the map completed. reading online, there's all this dumb shit like "find this one illusory wall" (so easy since people don't put up fake illusory wall messages everywhere), "do an emote in front of this one statue", "go through 2 different catacombs to get here" etc, like god dammit i wish there was more linearity as far as hinting at how to get places. i did all the "main story" too fast, the "dramatic" boss fight where everyone betrays you had zero impact on me, i got my ass kicked too hard at the final areas because i was trying to push through thinking i was doing it in the correct order. i wish i could wipe my memory of the dlc and start it all over, honestly.
No. 396732
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tldr i hate that i essentially got punished for not using a "how to get to this location" guide
No. 398108
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Okay, I killed the final boss of SOTE yesterday. I already knew who it would be because I saw spoilers, but holy fuck I hate it's Radahn being manipulated/brainwashed by that annoying uwu twink. I seriously hate it, it makes really no sense to have that as a boss.
The DLC had some annoying shit going on with the bosses, like all these almost anime-like moves they do and all these bombastic 20 move combos. You can say it's a sKiLl iSsuE but I'm starting to find those annoying. They are not fun.
Of course there were bosses I liked for example: Messmer, Romina & Putrescent Knight and I didn't struggle with any of the bosses too much in the end.
There's still some gaols, caves and world bosses to kill, so the dlc isn't finished yet.
But I'm happy we got some background info about Marika!
No. 398871
>>394946Late but I’m so over soulsborne dudebro misogyny. I got to the part where you
fight Leda and friends, and once I was done and went to
loot the bodies, there was a message by her that said “hole ahead”. So original but also hurr durr raping dead woman so funny. I hate scrotes so much.
No. 398889
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>>398871>>398872I especially hate picrel. I hate all the head "jokes" as well. Moids ruin these games with their unfun humour, toxicity and misogyny.
No. 401132
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No. 401134
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No. 401174
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I love these guys so much, I wish I could dress like that everyday.
No. 401327
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i want to be gangbanged by all the big knights tbh
No. 401328
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>>401184I see most of them as women tbh.
No. 401596
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another cute message i found
No. 403510
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i really need to finish the dlc
No. 403796
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I wish Rellana was more active in the DLC. Maybe have her working with Miquilla's crew and be a boss fight summon.
No. 405210
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>>404870>boob armor for the first time in their seriesNonna please
Scrote will still make porn out of anything anyway No. 405248
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gonna start replaying bloodborne for the first time in years this weekend. yippee
No. 405409
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>>405248Very nice! I was considering a replay soon too. What weapon do you think you’ll go for? What’s your favorite BB boss?
No. 405603
>>405409going to try a full skill build and maining the saw cleaver for now, i was thinking of finally trying a full arcane build but once again i am too lazy.
i think my favorite boss is darkbeast paarl! no particular reason other than it looks really cool
No. 405604
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dropped pic
also, i was thinking about how gehrman says "you can use the doll" and realizing how it doesn't come off as sexual to me at all. he says you can use anything in the dream such as the workshop, and the doll is used for channeling blood echoes… of course scrotes make it "hurr durr he's saying you can fuck the doll because he's totally a pervert and fucks it"
No. 405672
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>>405604I kinda thought he meant it in that way. He gives me creepy old man vibes. Like why would he make it look like Lady Maria and not something neutral otherwise? Maybe I'm cynical but
>We don't have as many tools as we once did, but… You're welcome to use whatever you find. …Even the doll, should it please you…sounds pervy af. I still love the Doll but Gehrman is a creep.
No. 405782
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>>404119elden ring really has the dumbest names of the series and i get them mixed up even now. radahn, radagon, malenia, melina, rennala, rellana, godfrey, godrick, godwyn, blah blah blah
No. 405817
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>>405248same anon here, i beat the bloodstarved beast only seconds away from death and no more antidotes + didn't want to farm, i'm shaking. i love this feeling! forgot how addictive it was since i beat cleric beast and gascoigne really easily
No. 405943
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>>405782Speaking of picrel, I wish Jolan had a bigger role. Her armor reminded me so much of Yurt’s from Demon’s Souls that I hoped she was going to be a murder hobo NPC. Thought that same thing about Ensha tbh. Anyway, I want to wife Jolan.