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File: 1717047853484.jpg (112.28 KB, 540x699, 1716082965146.jpg)

No. 387673

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )
>Post AI-generated images.

Remember that there are other threads for art feedback ( >>>/m/187240 ), artist salt ( >>>/ot/1724516 ), and shitty comics >>>/m/314190

Previous Thread:

First Pre-Wipe Thread

First Post-Wipe Thread:

No. 387679

but god i love that op art

No. 387680

May God forgive me, but so do I

No. 387725

does anyone have that drawing of deku breastfeeding all might made by atherist/ang? i need to send it to my friend for retarded purposes

No. 387729

File: 1717075541816.jpg (1.81 MB, 1066x1421, Tumblr_l_1480102340892220.jpg)

The OP is exactly the type of bad art that I enjoy kek

No. 387731

this is cute what's wrong with it

No. 387748

No surprise tif art won the vote when a lot of you like it unironically

No. 387752

its art drawn by a woman than a coomer man so yeah ofcourse it did…win the bad art thread kek

No. 387766

My guess would be it's supposed to be anons favorite yaoi couple but if it's ocs it's just a normal drawing from a beginner

No. 387770

File: 1717082954911.jpg (119.47 KB, 600x824, Black_Lagoon.jpg)

Isn't it the 2 characters from black lagoon? I haven't watched it yet but I recognize the purple haired one.

No. 387771

I think it was posted in the Bad Fetish Art thread

No. 387772

I'm honestly thinking of making an Elsie edit of it.

No. 387774

File: 1717084814812.png (Spoiler Image,169.54 KB, 797x907, 1000014962.png)

No. 387777

easily one of the worst arts i ever saw and i had a gore art tumblr when i was young

No. 387781

a coomer would not draw this is all i’m saying

No. 387784

>>387781 yeah, it was drawn by a tif

No. 387793

Undoubtedly a result of coomer influence though, only a moid would've gotten the idea to draw a chest like that in the first place

No. 387796

mandela catalogue jumpscare

No. 387814

File: 1717097133300.jpg (553.35 KB, 2400x1800, 1717046237171473.jpg)

and how the fuck was i supposed to know that's tif art? all i see is two lesbians cuddling
if this is tif art then i'd choose it over something like picrel anyday (just went to /ic/ and grabbed whatever from sexual stylization thread)

No. 387815

Whoever drew this should just give up

No. 387818

it has all the hallmarks of bog standard ugly tumblr tif art kek are you saying lesbians draw the same way?

No. 387841

File: 1717102619439.jpeg (189.91 KB, 1125x1859, Fqm1BPLXoAAQ9Lz.jpeg)

Even Jack In The Box gets tit scars…bleak

No. 387842

Just what the fuck is the point of doing this?!

No. 387869

File: 1717105433896.jpg (81.61 KB, 707x1000, bafkreigpxk5utmjv3wkynaaqjah5m…)

why do the tits look like literal pears?? Kek

No. 387877

>posted by the official Jack in the Box Twitter
What the fuck timeline are we living in

No. 387879

>how the fuck was i supposed to know that's tif art?
your eyeballs

No. 387941

Remove the scars and would ngl

No. 387968

File: 1717145876824.jpg (472.96 KB, 1244x1000, GO0oD_MbkAA_fdT.jpg)

Now what the FUCK is that

No. 387969

He got stung by a bee

No. 387972

looks like that inbred thing in Midsommar

No. 387977

File: 1717151121413.jpg (381.1 KB, 1244x1000, 1717145876824.jpg)

soft randy marsh

No. 387982

Kek. I love you, nonna.

No. 387988

File: 1717154236650.png (1.19 MB, 1074x1400, Screenshot_20240530-133250.png)

idk if this counts but

No. 387997

these are creepy but at the same time I like them. I would probably not want to speak to the person who made them but I would feel compelled to collect them all from a gatcha machine if that were possible.

No. 387998

what's up with the obese yeti with boobs on the top left

No. 387999

Is the one in the bottom right corner holding an ice cream cone?

No. 388003

Little kids with chapped lips be like

No. 388004

When people unironically add vaginas, breasts and penises to handmade dolls it feels so wrong, why would anyone want to own that? Why would a kid play with that at all?

No. 388010

flehmen response

No. 388053

Alternate reality where breasts defy gravity to avoid sagging.

No. 388060

File: 1717177437391.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.98 KB, 750x750, retawrded.jpg)

This, but I raise you sexual plant pots. It makes me irrationally mad to see coomer shit for houseplants and it's everywhere. Etsy and my local houseplant stores are full of it. Picrel is badly done 2D naked bodies, but I've also seen 3D naked body pots and I can't decide which type I hate more.

No. 388062

File: 1717177625387.webp (1006.42 KB, 1500x1500, canwenot.png)

2/2 I know a couple of people that like these 3D pots and their whole" I'm divine feminine mystique ancient fertility goddess stomach rolls!" larp is trite and unconvincing.

No. 388063

I hate things like this so much, I find them tacky and ugly and repulsing

No. 388064

File: 1717178028612.png (Spoiler Image,4.48 MB, 2048x1834, IMG_0464.png)

Guess the characters

No. 388066

Falin what have they done to you..?

No. 388079

Maybe it's because I grew up in a very hippie-ish crunchy area, but I don't care about this sort of stuff one way or the other. Like you said, it's just suburbanites trying to channel ~ancient feminine goddess energy~ or whatever. Cringe but harmless, like plaques that say "Live, Laugh, Love."

No. 388080

File: 1717184470252.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.24 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.4048811441_7cti.jpg)

ntayrt, I see what you mean but this isn't coom at all. it's not sexualized, nothing about it is sexy.
these are so ugly. same with candles and soaps shaped like a female body.
stuff like this reminds me of vulva merchandise that was popular with feminists in mid-late 2010s. I've always found it tacky. call me a prude but I don't want images of genitalia shoved in face, whether it's male or female.

No. 388082

i like this artist and i dont get it either

No. 388084

OMG kek I love this now

No. 388086

this artist honestly has a nice art style and i don't mind depictions of ugly women in art, but i don't understand why she would label this as fanart. she could just focus on original work instead.

No. 388093

that's fucking ugly especially due to the stubble. hooray, female empowerment, vagina! also here's the gross and itchy and sometimes painful response to shaving.

No. 388097

I was gonna ask why was the vulva "saggy" and bubbly but was afraid anons will call me misogynistic or something for not knowing already or for finding it strange. Thank you for explaining what it is. I never shaved so I didn't know this was a thing.

No. 388098

No. 388099

Anon has somehow never seen inner lips peeking out despite it being pretty common and the other post about stubble made her think that it's also an effect of shaving. I guess that's one of the reasons why that kind of artwork is made in the first place

No. 388101

File: 1717194309913.jpg (89.66 KB, 1600x1600, WAX-VULVA-GRP-2.jpg)

I'd buy these vulva candles in a heartbeat if I could

No. 388103

This just gave me an idea. We should have a lolcow craft thread. We can all do crafts of a certain theme and I can finally have somewhere to show my whittles

No. 388104

Yes please

No. 388105

Search the catalog and if there isn't one, make a general anon craft creation thread

No. 388106

File: 1717195263454.jpg (74.37 KB, 792x1200, GA8gyDPW0AART8D.jpg)

there are so many grown women who are incredibly uneducated about female anatomy, its sad. i know misogyny is a big reason why but ffs, if you have access to the internet you pretty much have no excuse to be that clueless. there are thousands of resources available for free online.

anyways im derailing so have some shitty art

No. 388107

the anons itt who unironically have 2015 libfem tumblr taste and feel the need to reply to every post featuring shit like this or tif art with that "corporate-memphis-meets-fatvegfem" style saying they like it are getting annoying

No. 388110

Holy shit that's a long ass torso.

No. 388111

I know one existed at one point but might have been wiped in the site reboot

No. 388112

I know this isn't the point but why is the crotch in your pic shaved on the labia but not anywhere else? Is that a thing people do?

No I get what you mean. It's poorly drawn, so it doesn't look like the minora are protruding out from the majora, like they normally would. It looks more like someone stuck some chewed gum on a Barbie doll.

No. 388129

File: 1717200356965.jpg (116.08 KB, 1200x1546, spong.jpg)

No. 388146

File: 1717205841595.jpg (406.18 KB, 919x1695, tumblr_baadc5ea55c8b9ef8eda642…)

someone is charging $100 for a commission of this quality. i've literally paid $20 (not including a tip i gave) to a japanese artist with 50,000 followers on twitter who gave me an absolutely gorgeous piece of art.
this person is charging $150 for a "full ref sheet."

No. 388148

kek this is insane

No. 388157

File: 1717210996826.jpeg (389.06 KB, 1284x1968, 15F46DB9-6E41-47D7-89DF-26181D…)

Oh ffs

No. 388159

Wow I didn't know bug girl was still around

No. 388163

The dumbest part is how uneven the breasts are

No. 388178

File: 1717215970441.jpg (31.01 KB, 375x535, miguel_s_night_in_by_ticklecon…)

>has terrible art skills
>also has a Patreon
Every damn time kek

No. 388179

The arm is so lazily drawn its bothering me a lot

No. 388180

File: 1717217269466.jpg (421.38 KB, 2048x1450, GOlum-CbsAAZReH.jpg)

i love bad art that has a lot of effort put into it

No. 388182

File: 1717217510815.jpeg (113.87 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5445.jpeg)

No. 388188

>What seems to be the officer, problem?

No. 388209

File: 1717236439352.jpg (44.87 KB, 736x732, 55cef06022196fdcd1607e25db3949…)

this is awesome actually

thread tax some lordosis girlies with hooves for feet

No. 388211

File: 1717236631667.jpeg (209.36 KB, 1040x1200, GOwiVFKWsAEl0_I.jpeg)

This reminded me of this artist

No. 388212

I didn't notice she was sitting at first so I just thought she had mega-wide hips.

Ego. It's ego. I promise you these people have never worked a real job and thought "damn, this is worth two hours of my labor?" or something along those lines while shopping.

I despise this entire account with a passion. Also pretty sure that's not how most boobs look, one of them looks half the size of the other.

No. 388219

This is kinda cute, like a Bratz doll

No. 388222

are those titchop scars on patrick

No. 388223

I keep thinking he has a beer belly.

No. 388224

File: 1717245031286.jpg (119.43 KB, 1080x813, 8pxcvt27nq621.jpg)

No. 388225

I'm developing a theory that people who draw limbs and hands/feet too big or thick have a specific mental problem, I'm just not sure what it is yet. possibly exposure to pornography too soon combined with some deficiency that's more innate.

No. 388233

File: 1717248948846.jpg (1.32 MB, 2048x3027, Tumblr_l_6590773243410.jpg)

No. 388362

Disgustingly grotesque,how does he have almost 100k followers on Twitter? people have such shit taste in art nowadays.

No. 388568

File: 1717370762703.jpg (66.87 KB, 540x491, tumblr_5412a5c7a77cd0049fd6da1…)

Maybe I just don't know the media this is fan art for, but the dude looks rough

No. 388572

File: 1717373584563.jpeg (576.35 KB, 1604x2047, DD6D8851-9DF1-4F28-956B-B0B30D…)

its potemkin from guilty gear, so its decently accurate. that guys artwork sucks though and his nonstop whining that his boring street fighter waifu isn't in the new game instead of male characters he doesn't like is pretty funny ngl.

No. 388573

File: 1717374893600.png (280.85 KB, 491x616, Screenshot 2024-06-02 173432.p…)

it has nothing to do with quality at all, just draw the current pornsick manchild obsession and be sure to draw massive tits, thighs and ass, and get twitter famous

No. 388740

File: 1717435334715.png (783.4 KB, 816x1085, Screenshots_2024-06-03-20-20-5…)

Good at rendering, bad at literally everything else. Is there a reason why so many artists do this? I always see at least three per bad art thread. I don't get it??

No. 388746

T-rex arms

No. 388748

YT tutorials on how to render art to look like Chinese artists' stuff is pretty common, and tend to be mostly shortcuts and the videos don't take too long to watch. However, learning anatomy and figure drawing requires actual skill instead of just "use this tool, and make sure to use warm color here, and don't forget the overlay filter here."

No. 388800

>why is the crotch in your pic shaved on the labia but not anywhere else?
Some women don’t want to be completely shaved but trim/shave the labia area to make (oral) sex easier, or they just prefer the feeling of less hair around the labia area.

No. 388812

File: 1717448907265.png (866.67 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20240603-235455.png)

Here's a pretty easy one, guess the characters

No. 388813


No. 388854

File: 1717461150880.gif (951.29 KB, 498x280, kokomi.gif)

Why is it always the Kokomi artists? She seems to attract a particular demographic of self-proclaimed lesbian 14 year olds who think chewing up a Rei_17 piece and barfing it on the page is enough to get you twitter clout (and it sadly often is)

No. 388858

File: 1717462824731.png (444.46 KB, 1000x1067, c12f8056d20de857907757a88147e5…)

This is incomprehensible,what the hell I am looking at??

No. 389093

File: 1717556236894.jpg (76.63 KB, 894x894, marge_bby_x3_by_saintscoanime_…)

No. 389098

File: 1717556875757.jpg (68.71 KB, 753x1061, amy_by_mushyartz_dfy2r0b-pre.j…)

No. 389126

sorry but they loook like cute dolls and the feet would be good for easily changing their shoes

No. 389133

can't you change shoes easily on a normal doll anyway? no need to defend coomshit nona

No. 389727

File: 1717699185796.png (1.3 MB, 807x815, Screenshots_2024-06-06-21-39-0…)

what do you call tif art that wasn't made by a tif?

No. 389728

This doesn't even resemble tif art.. It's just ugly

No. 389729

This feels like a racist caricature of the female sex >>388211

No. 389731

I don't think you know what TiF art is.

No. 389733

File: 1717699548220.png (1.43 MB, 816x1207, Screenshots_2024-06-06-21-43-1…)

kek, you're right, but it reminded me of a tif from the previous thread. I feel like there's a subgenre of them dedicated to making… Well, this. But this thread isn't for sperging about tif genres when the artist isn't even a tif, so just enjoy this.

No. 389734

>Good at rendering

No. 389735

File: 1717699800888.jpeg (126.47 KB, 898x1000, FWrJb9BXoAA5i2j.jpeg)

No. 389736

This looks like amputee porn wtf

No. 389739

File: 1717700020585.png (623.79 KB, 787x525, Screenshots_2024-06-06-21-52-1…)

…Actually I might be starting to draw a different conclusion here.

No. 389742

They have potential to make cute cartoon illustrations. What a shame they made hotdog coomer art instead.

No. 389825

Ewwww they look like fucking sausages

No. 389930

File: 1717724615226.jpeg (243.68 KB, 1612x2800, GMx1Lo8bsAEKDwv.jpeg)

This is so retarded even the legs look like carrots

No. 389933

File: 1717725396850.jpeg (Spoiler Image,157.14 KB, 2048x1304, GPP8d-AbkAEb7sM.jpeg)

I thought it's a blowup sex doll but no it's supposed to be a human

No. 389934

File: 1717725425417.jpg (48.26 KB, 666x554, 1000018648.jpg)

I hate this reaction meme it looks like shitty fetish art

No. 389935

File: 1717725425557.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.42 KB, 600x898, IMG_7409.jpeg)

Even today he still draws his female characters with stickbug bodies and giant balloon tits.

No. 389940

File: 1717726328485.jpg (45.41 KB, 744x592, il_744x592.6027252733_k3nk.jpg)

I don't have tiktok, can someone confirm this is actually the official jackinthebox tiktok??? Please end me if it's real.
There are like a million of these awful headless female body candles, 3d printed vases, crystals, statues, ect on etsy and shit. I fucking hate them with a seething passion. It removes women's humanity even more. And most times it's some pornified body like this. It's so dehumanizing and women are the ones that seem to love it the most. I hate it.

No. 389958

Why the fuck would someone want to see porn in this art style

No. 389962

No. 389979

File: 1717732170249.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.12 KB, 1080x1350, GPauHO2W4AEeE6i.jpg)

T4T actually straight but call it lesbian furry couple (they look like twins) holding up the sunset lesbian pride flag

No. 389989

balloon animals
is it not??
the wall eyed implants on the tif furry are accurate. and the self harm scares kek

No. 390002

A pedophile made this

No. 390003

kek this is just Russian fujo art

No. 390065

TIF means females who troon out in attempt to be "men," Nona. TIMs are the males who try to be "women." We call them what they are, not what they want to be.

No. 390269

File: 1717795123702.jpg (108.15 KB, 600x933, Egon-Schiele-Liebespaar-1_600.…)

bastardized zoomer egon schiele wannabe

No. 390270

the wide ribcage and narrow hips make it look like a mans body…

No. 390272

I hate this Egon faggot, his work is so unpleasant to look at and the men always have hideous body hair

No. 390276

Why do they have the little girl rape logo on their stomachs? Even the colouring is the same

No. 390326

File: 1717809624461.jpeg (Spoiler Image,498.37 KB, 2048x1857, GLsuMx8XAAA87M9.jpeg)

I checked back on shadman, and his shit is still trash

No. 390337

i thought he went to jail for actual cp?

No. 390338

his art always just screams millenial newgrounds coomer who never improved at all

No. 390339

No he didn't. He was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. No idea where you got that from

No. 390340

i vaguely remember this stream where he broke down after being accused for having cp on his computer (as it was true). but i guess i could be thinking of vaush or someone else

No. 390341

>i vaguely remember this stream where he broke down after being accused for having cp on his computer
Maybe I'm not up to my shadman lore, but I do remember him melting down on twitter after being called a pedophile

No. 390342

Men with anal fixations are high-key gay

No. 390343

Shadman drew a lot of femboy and futa stuff, so chances are he is gay.

No. 390355

he has drawn actual children in his porn so its not out of the realm of possibility he had actual cp too

No. 390358

File: 1717817094329.jpg (104.53 KB, 749x1064, world_s_finest_reporters_by_dn…)

No. 390363

File: 1717818521583.jpg (62.53 KB, 955x575, x-files our town.JPG)

it's not, they're cannibals and the device is to hold the head in place.

No. 390375

I made one, here you go nonny >>>/m/390374

No. 390387

shadman has drawn just straight-up gay stuff without any femboy shit included, he's def gay

No. 390421

File: 1717838325906.jpg (78.85 KB, 900x805, 1a105a5b725e9ddf11f87c0dd74275…)

No. 390427

File: 1717841017462.png (801.44 KB, 778x611, 1566757534799.png)

made me gag out loud

No. 390506

File: 1717860764373.jpg (745.68 KB, 4089x2805, [24-04-14] 1779460475107029249…)

why the fuck are the hips so big

No. 390513

he's an omega

No. 390514

an omega faggot

No. 390518

He's a distant relative of Boyega

No. 390556

how else you expect him to give birth anon

No. 390565

like it's sheer aesthetic and cute

No. 390569

I am very sorry to inform you that the moid who drew the image not only jacked off to it, but also to that episode of the X-Files
Like a million, billion times

No. 390616

File: 1717883212142.jpeg (128.19 KB, 825x1200, F227cjLaEAEKcOF.jpeg)

Where's her waist?I can't believe this no talent,dumbass coomer on Twitter has nearly 200,000 followers.

No. 390617

His belle delphine obsession is pathological at this point. Genuinely gives off stalker vibes

No. 390618

File: 1717883604548.webp (211.68 KB, 929x992, 5350687_375336_saltynoodles2_t…)

Another retarded coomer Twitter artist who keeps getting worse at drawing.

No. 390619

why the fuck is she standing like a mannequin? it looks so retarded. being a coom artist literally rots your brain

No. 390627

Very dystopian when coomers see a fucking animatronic from Five Nights At Freddys and turn it into this

No. 390628

cuz she is a mannequin(/doll/robot/whatever), those are ball-joint lines, dude's retardism is a doll-fetish

No. 390629

Is he actually obsessed with her or just trying to recapture the kind of engagement he had back when she was at the height of her popularity

No. 390639

Oh I hate that. It's so weird to me to have a mannequin fetish as well as a fat thigh/boob fetish (mannequins don't gain weight?) and then to give the mannequin a weird cartoon face like that and also to draw those extremely human looking knees on top of everything. also, the mannequin has a navel piercing. also, the attempt at sexy long thick legs looks terrible when combined with the too short arms. hope this man dies.

No. 390641

i though he was over belle when she did porn. I guess he's a massive simp. If i were belle i would put a restraining order against him.

No. 390647

I think he's just too scared to draw other stuff again, because of previous drama

No. 390649

"Other things" being IRL human children and "previous drama" being legal threats from child actor's agents and parents

No. 390652

File: 1717888953137.png (118.3 KB, 500x338, tumblr_n3pi4hCoSO1r6y7elo1_500…)

No. 390655


looks like one of those shitty tattoos on a unemployed guy wearing a wife beater

No. 390660

File: 1717889564721.png (22.84 KB, 157x108, IMG_35556.png)

almost thought this was the actual face

No. 390661

File: 1717889684090.jpg (62.44 KB, 400x500, tumblr_8ca541867c328435eceefa5…)

They're so fugly man…

No. 390666

I hate the way so many people draw smirks as just a tilted mouth.

No. 390672

File: 1717890566094.jpg (59.97 KB, 1024x753, 93729647282ae47e99eabaed72f5ee…)

I will never understand people's insistence on drawing Homestuck characters (especially these two) so hideously. It feels intentional.

No. 390673

Drawing hideous people is woke and the modern Homestuck fandom is 99% trannies and gendies.

No. 390674

File: 1717890746811.jpg (578.01 KB, 2000x2000, tumblr_346e75923bea8cdb59a3217…)

I will never get some homestuck fans' seeing dave strider as black when hes a texan white boy(shitty sprite edit)

No. 390675

Why do coomers try to be funny and make normie little meme comics

No. 390679

it's because he likes rap music

No. 390689

this goes hard

No. 390744

The entire shtick for the striders was the fact that they were white dudes into rap and Japanese shit. I don’t know how anyone can miss this simple joke.

No. 390755

File: 1717927359361.mp4 (277.89 KB, 1080x1920, ZWZnPWV5SnhaVjluY205MWNITWlPaU…)

No. 390798

love stuff like this

No. 390799

did he even interact with eridan literally at all in the comic lol

No. 390819

File: 1717953463446.png (949.98 KB, 897x900, LNFSoJY.png)

No. 390820

What in the AI monstrosity?

No. 390822

this would be a great op picture for the Unpopular Opinions thread kek

No. 390836

File: 1717956622549.jpeg (73.55 KB, 1200x829, 0de63bc7-0fb2-424b-811e-c61f5c…)

WHY DO THEY MAKE THEM SO HIDEOUS. Free my boy Dave he did nothing wrong!!

No. 390895

File: 1717964413104.png (2.47 MB, 2048x1403, 77y3ktx.png)

No. 390914

Why is the author of fma in the background?

No. 390952

is that Chris Mclean

No. 390953

is that a bisexual palestine flag

No. 390978

Because they're ugly and they self-insert as him, and/or they get social justice brownie points for headcanoning characters with as many marginalized identities as possible. Also, Dave said "nigga" on his blog once, so making him black is a good way for the people who stan him to gloss over that and continue pretending that he's a perfect enlightened cinnamon roll. It's pretty obvious that he was envisioned as white, though; the author portrait in the SBAHJ book is a photo of a white cosplayer, and all of the kids Terezi draws sunglasses and sends to Dave on are white and blond. That's before you get into the usual stuff people point out in the comic, most notably the bit where John literally calls Bro white.

No. 390979

File: 1717979722012.jpg (963.87 KB, 1666x2048, tumblr_f3aaa629de60604dbfc3d5c…)

im tired

No. 390985

Is this Arashi? Damn, I'm sorry nonna

No. 390987

funny as hell considering he is super obnoxious about skin lightening creams, poor guy will never escape the trannywashing.

No. 390989

Not me reading "kill yourself" in the miniature.

No. 390990

No. 390995

what i wouldnt do to take this faggot off that game, he sucks dick

No. 391011


No. 391018

They're sucking in their stomachs so hard.

No. 391022

lmfao anon

No. 391036

File: 1717997279234.jpg (548.21 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_c79d951bba8e262cd6f711f…)

It's polyamorous flag
Art tax btw

No. 391071

Each of these is awful in its own unique way, but the first one, jfc. His hair looks like some kind of bonnet, and there are no values, so you can't see any of his facial features. Plus he's cross-eyed. Finally the artist chose to put the flags on top of the drawings instead of next to them. How old is this person, 14?

No. 391103

OP is 22 and this art is from 2023

No. 391261

File: 1718062111907.jpg (Spoiler Image,571.24 KB, 750x1000, 1668094724351.jpg)

(spoiler this)

No. 391266

File: 1718063726885.png (117.26 KB, 919x1825, IMG_0147.png)

No. 391268

Birdie used to be a massive lolcow back in the day, I’m shocked she doesn’t have a thread here

No. 391269

She was a minor when shit was going down and completely fell off when she was becoming an adult. I remember her simping for various animation meme populars who didn't give a fuck about her and drawing porn of them fucking her fursona back then.

No. 391270

The average Serennedy ship art. I've so much worse that this one almost looks cute.

No. 391302

jfc the philipines cant have shit, not even their own flag

No. 391328

Iirc she has a KF thread.

No. 391379

File: 1718090871354.png (446.31 KB, 1100x900, tumblr_64abb72d51d3ac6e4e824ac…)

I don't understand how anyone can see the original character and think "he's gay/trans"

No. 391381

they think like "he's hot but straight cis men are bigots so he must be trans so i'm woke and queer and special"

No. 391410

File: 1718100698939.jpeg (661.08 KB, 1491x2048, 5x7Zrzt.jpeg)

No. 391415

garfield meets minecraft meets… ddlc????

No. 391416

The faces are bad sometimes but it's a lovely concept. I'll copy it maybe kek

No. 391427

this is cute anon, artist needs to work on technicals but the poses are very dynamic and the outfits are super fun

No. 391488

Ah, I just noticed the tranny pin next to the lesbian pin on the pink drawing. What a waste.

No. 391504

File: 1718123492895.png (53.61 KB, 968x2048, IMG_0148.png)

No. 391544

The pins really do ruin this entire project. I appreciated this before because the artist seemed to come from a genuine place with how much research she put into accurately drawing all these cultural outfits, but it's all just for internet brownie points and asspats.

No. 391596

File: 1718139158681.png (321.4 KB, 1280x1596, tumblr_f52cad89fb01ed84239223e…)

No. 391620

File: 1718155355998.jpg (82.33 KB, 824x970, doodle__by_thedekumancer_dgpfx…)

This artist who's literally an ugly neckbeard can't draw for shit lol what is that left hand.

No. 391621

File: 1718155446286.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.37 KB, 792x1009, korsica_by_thedekumancer_dhkpo…)

It's really funny he has a Patreon when all of his poorly drawn garbage looks like this kek

No. 391657

>755 paid members
Holy shit with that quality I expected 50 at most

No. 391710

File: 1718196735655.jpeg (504.2 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_2038.jpeg)

I thought I was immune to yaoi anatomy by now but this made me burst out laughing

No. 391863

File: 1718223864551.jpeg (276.43 KB, 900x1895, GCpIOcMWAAA-hQn.jpeg)

No. 391864

File: 1718223922389.png (70.2 KB, 586x1258, GIA_5bCXIAAcv2N.png)

Horrible proportions aside,she's shaped like a penis.

No. 391878

Ew the face.
1. Boobs aren't a mile apart 2. Ew the fucking cheek view. Scrotes are retarded for jerking to this and for making it.

kek the chin vs the neck, i keep seeing art like that recently it pisses me off

wtf is up with the sausage thighs and peg legs?

No. 391909

File: 1718227158026.jpeg (213.15 KB, 1022x1246, IMG_4972.jpeg)

Another case of good rendering, bad anatomy

No. 391910

I like this actually, event if they're intentionally ugly it works

No. 391911

The faces are awkward and the flag pins are cringe, but these are otherwise decent drawings.

No. 391913

Yeah I like it too.

No. 391916

What is this even supposed to be fanart of? Also
>Spit tastes like bubblegum

No. 391920

Gonna take a wild guess and say it's Shaggy.

No. 391921

File: 1718228553172.jpg (26 KB, 424x640, 1000032080.jpg)

My very wild guess is Gendo Ikari.

No. 391924

File: 1718228751569.webp (63.72 KB, 642x580, 9EB94987-F7C1-4544-8276-17E036…)

nta but its postal dude, thats why the character is being called "bimbo dude"

No. 392033

File: 1718270991108.jpg (147.62 KB, 850x1229, __ichinose_kotomi_clannad_draw…)


No. 392035

this is good

No. 392046

File: 1718275455881.jpg (163.87 KB, 1200x1200, b0orrh3iqxs41.jpg)

No. 392121

File: 1718302862994.jpg (455.6 KB, 1200x1867, saumya-singh-gray-fullbuster5.…)

No. 392169

File: 1718316362342.jpeg (195.08 KB, 1067x1788, GPUtKCtaoAAEK1p.jpeg)

It is based in an AI monstrosity.

No. 392222

File: 1718328318197.png (166.41 KB, 598x522, Screenshot.png)

>queer as in Free Palestine

No. 392293

File: 1718347274651.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1284x1259, IMG_2808.jpeg)


No. 392294

Nta and no offense but the AI one looks better lmfao

No. 392296

File: 1718347726562.png (490.65 KB, 1080x1920, th-png.png)

No. 392314

I think I know a South Park fanart when I see one… except I have no idea who this is supposed to be.

No. 392316

Noiz from dramatical murder

No. 392320

When you've processed all the Sakimichan rendering tutorials before learning anatomy.

No. 392321

Game grumps?

No. 392336

File: 1718364299481.png (644.8 KB, 720x1022, Screenshot_20240614-041944-414…)

What do you even call this art style?

I kinda like it

No. 392340

File: 1718366041884.jpg (768.93 KB, 1392x2039, Tumblr_l_3514937339891.jpg)

No. 392366

People need to stop being afraid of looking up hand references

No. 392394

File: 1718387231655.png (2.23 MB, 2997x1944, IMG_4422.png)

isn’t this artist like 40?

No. 392409

>typical lolishit anime style
>the artist is 40

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.

No. 392413

isn this from the kiwifarms pickme?

No. 392431

File: 1718392513359.png (212.42 KB, 635x725, d6uoMKx.png)

Why is tif art so…tif-y?

No. 392446

File: 1718393969402.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 2257x2878, what.png)

made me laugh irl at how retarded the boobs are

No. 392447

They're narcissists who draw their favorite characters as ugly as they are to feel better about themselves.

No. 392448

Or just literally looking at their non-dominant hand while they're drawing.

No. 392461

why is the skin fur but then theres also thick black human body hair on top of it?

No. 392515

Now this is classic ugly DA art

No. 392527

File: 1718416304343.jpg (84.15 KB, 800x1000, gojo_jujutsu_kaisen_by_turnerc…)

This is supposed to be Gojo lol

No. 392528

File: 1718416357683.jpg (49.78 KB, 1029x776, hazbin_hotel_lute_by_facuwu696…)

No. 392531

File: 1718416883042.jpg (124.62 KB, 800x1000, loona_pov_by_turnercreations_a…)

All Helluva Boss & Hazbin fanarts look badly drawn to me,just like the shows kek.

No. 392533

File: 1718417029346.jpg (70.76 KB, 913x875, vaggie_by_nonoise666_by_nonois…)

No. 392534

File: 1718417140741.jpg (92.35 KB, 846x945, cindy_s_reminder_by_joeywaggon…)


No. 392564

This is so adult cartoon youtuber who fell off coded

No. 392577

I think the person was attempting to draw some kind of monkey furry.

No. 392599

I'm at the point where I was pleasantly surprised he didn't have mastectomy scars.

No. 392659

File: 1718481640446.png (Spoiler Image,286.93 KB, 655x613, imagen_2024-06-15_170008197.pn…)

nsfl chibi
repost because I forgot to spoiler. I'm retarded

No. 392672

File: 1718488453776.png (1.78 MB, 1458x1280, CZSdUPn.png)

at least it's honest

No. 392744

File: 1718508177400.jpeg (588.87 KB, 1490x2048, IMG_2074.jpeg)

Danmei needs to be gatekept harder from westerners

No. 392745

Say it supports the CCP or something like that and hope they'd believe it and leave it alone.

No. 392746

I hate danmei, but damn i cant even laugh at this, it's just pure western brainrot.

No. 392752

not to play devil's advocate but mpreg is very common in cfujo circles

No. 392753

and cuntboy

No. 392763

File: 1718522682555.jpg (171.27 KB, 828x1154, tumblr_e263df8a46e237ca82422bf…)

the mpreg is not that bad, even the asians do it. but holy shit, the drawins are so ugly and look nothing like the characters.
danmei may have the problem of all characters being asians with long black hair, but at least they are all drawn pretty

No. 392789

File: 1718535796876.jpeg (749.5 KB, 1434x2048, IMG_2090.jpeg)

Idc about mpreg, it’s the nasty art styles and untagged switching that would be disdained in those spaces

No. 392791

File: 1718536147760.jpeg (282.89 KB, 1228x1509, IMG_2087.jpeg)

And the whole drawing asian features as offensive as possible shitshow

No. 392793

File: 1718536910237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.04 KB, 1024x751, IMG_2091.jpeg)

Sorry for the spam I should’ve posted this instead, it’s one of the worst I’ve seen sweet jesus

No. 392794

I dont understand what order im supposed to read this in or what it even means

No. 392795

this is cute

No. 392811

>Whats next?
death i hope

No. 392813

File: 1718539752467.jpg (71.81 KB, 851x851, 247470987_606926070544264_7991…)

This gives bentheloony vibes

No. 392857

I'm super late to respond to this, but I actually like these. Like imagine these characters in a picture book. Like a witch character who made her seem very beautiful, but one of these is her true form. I might be biased since I like body horror and horror characters, but I want this artist to make a picture book.

No. 392879

Samefag I'm >>392857 maybe I don't want that picture book anymore. I regret not scrolling more, fucking hell. I wanted a cute yet creepy book like old picture books for children were not whatever this shit is.

No. 392903

>What do you even call this art style?

No. 392918

File: 1718569061981.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.45 KB, 720x720, 1000015325.jpg)

No. 392931

File: 1718575059586.jpg (163 KB, 720x899, 2e156eef10d0df18ccf5be828cec80…)

ugly ass sammyfendi knockoff

No. 393256

File: 1718661389022.png (1.13 MB, 878x1064, Screenshot_20240617-145343~3.p…)

I'm sorry but this made me laugh

No. 393258

The artist's serious expression is killing me kek

No. 393259

negg(back to /pol/)

No. 393262

I admire her effort she put into that…but no.

No. 393265

File: 1718664566247.png (324.55 KB, 563x1000, 1648816033.harnny_diane_thebad…)

No. 393267

I wish every time someone talks to me about annoying shit I could just say "Wait a sec, I gotta shit out an egg" and then they'd be so weirded out they just leave.

No. 393268

File: 1718664687960.png (290.26 KB, 1356x2065, 2899130_arizonathevixen_diane-…)

This is so disgusting and ugly,what the hell is that body??is she melting??

No. 393271

this is based idc

No. 393273

male sexuality can be so strange

No. 393298

looking closely at the obvious png on his pec made me realize that he's missing a nipple

No. 393313

File: 1718680010034.jpg (119.29 KB, 850x1059, __lucifer_morningstar_hazbin_h…)

No. 393314

File: 1718680042337.jpg (109.07 KB, 850x670, __charlie_morningstar_hazbin_h…)

No. 393316

File: 1718681076661.png (1.79 MB, 1280x1568, IMG_2025.png)

No. 393318

Samefag,I just realized her body is copy and pasted then flipped lol that's so lazy.

No. 393352

This type of stuff usually stays on deviantart.
Yuck. Can't say anything or else I'll alog
The hair is so cute. Coom ruins yet another cute artstyle, tune in for more at 5.

No. 393367

File: 1718713152621.jpeg (Spoiler Image,620.64 KB, 828x774, IMG_0665.jpeg)

My favorite “bad” artist. I don’t care that her skills are wanting when she produces such bangers like this dick version of the rat king.

No. 393370

File: 1718714649452.png (Spoiler Image,3.84 MB, 2394x1750, Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 08.43…)

I looked her up and she's kinda based

No. 393373

The main issue with this is that horrible tangent going on with the legs. I get that tangents can sometimes be hard to catch but jfc.

No. 393377

KEK holy based please post more

No. 393393

kek she is a true gigastacy.

No. 393394

First comment under the post already missing the point

No. 393406

Don't compare a radfem to the art here.

No. 393410

no shes right… penis is unhealthy + bad for vagina…

No. 393418

A major part of the point is that these metaphors excusing one behavior over the other are retarded and full of holes in their logic and not applicable to real human beings, so unless that comment is a joke they missed the point. The qtip metaphor is just as dumb as the lock one, she’s retorting to retardation with retardation to make a point. It’s not literal.

No. 393422

Her art would sell really well for the right collector, not even joking

No. 393435

this isn't bad art, whatsoever. i guess it might look "bad" to people who are used to rendermaxxed anime garbage, but this is extremely typical for feminist art.

No. 393444

Come on it’s bad, her anatomy is atrocious.
Still love it though and find it really fun. Now I really want to see the feminist art you mentioned. Bored of all the shit coomer and gendie art and would love a palate cleanser of better subject matter.

No. 393450

>this is extremely typical for feminist art.
You're right, and as nice as the messages behind their pieces might be most of them belong itt too kekkk

No. 393454

File: 1718739233980.png (Spoiler Image,857.73 KB, 1290x1298, IMG_3286.png)

Go back to 2X if you want a political circlejerk. This thread is for bad art and her paintings belong here regardless of the meaning behind them.

No. 393464

I agree it's ugly but it's still based af I love her. Don't mind her being posted here at all though the anatomy is fucked lol

No. 393468

i'm so glad i'm not as retarded as you.

No. 393472

My favorite detail is that the babies are all in various stages of fetal development.

No. 393476

File: 1718740710786.webp (Spoiler Image,30.58 KB, 443x427, IMG_3287.webp)

Read the fucking OP
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique
Just because she is “based” by making surface-level social commentary and is supposedly a radfem doesn’t mean the paintings don’t suck. I bet you’re the same anon who wouldn’t stop dickriding Maxine Harlow earlier. It’s people like you who ruined these threads. This is not your personal echo-chamber.

No. 393483

File: 1718741558032.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1634x2048, IMG_4270.jpeg)

you think it's bad art. other anons are allowed to disagree with your assessment.
bust like i can think picrel is bad art bc of the hideous misshapen spring allergy faces and others are entitled to think it doesn't qualify bc it's technically competent.

No. 393484

>bc it’s technically competent
No it’s not.

No. 393490

Nta, but it seems more like some anon didn’t want to see her sacred cow (radfem) in the bad art thread since it’s thrown in with art of coomers and other degenerates.

No. 393491

How come when something like >>391863
(Which is actually decent on a technical level) is posted no one bats an eye, but when Laetitia Ky or Maxine Harlow (two people with poor artistic skills but both happen to have “based opinions”)get posted anons immediately jump to defend the from being posted. It’s almost as if the actual art itself doesn’t matter and anons only care about idolizing people who agree with them politically. This thread is for laughing at bad art regardless of who made it.

No. 393493

It's embarrassing how anons flip out every time one of their 'rightthink' artists gets posted

No. 393498

File: 1718743883779.png (2.75 MB, 1920x1546, bad art.png)

it's more embarrassing to sound like one of those contrarian libertarian types who scoff at influential works because "i could draw better than that". this thread should be for all-around cringe, shitty art that has no value, but also doesn't include clearly beginner artists because that's like laughing at a child for not having technical skill.

No. 393501

Sorry your favorite perfect goddess queen got posted. Her paintings still suck though, both on a technical and artistic level.

No. 393506

File: 1718744848085.jpeg (81.74 KB, 501x668, IMG_0666.jpeg)

I don’t know why your trippin so hard when most nonnies have expressed fondness and support for her art. And even if we were seriously ragging on her, don’t you think she’s got thick skin? Especially for what she advocates for?

Fuck even Jesus, mascot of one of the worlds biggest religions and arguably big deal for western society, gets done dirty all the time. Who cares.

No. 393507

Is >>393476 an influential work

No. 393508

i love this, its so surreal

No. 393509

How I’m getting up to those pearly gates to see >>393506

No. 393514

YES IT IS LITERALLY SO DEEP AND PERFECT AND THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PAINTING IN ART HISTORY!!!1! When the final rapture comes and all moids are sent to hell for the unforgivable sin of being born with the wrong chromosomes we will ascend to the heavens, lifted into the sky by our boob-wings.

No. 393515

>When the final rapture comes and all moids are sent to hell for the unforgivable sin of being born with the wrong chromosomes we will ascend to the heavens, lifted into the sky by our boob-wings.
this but unironically…

No. 393517

AMEN SISTER! Blessed be the ovaries

No. 393522

Retard thinking being good at anatomy = good art

No. 393536

KEK that baby

No. 393543

Sorry nonna, can’t hear all the way down there when I’m doing some sick loopy loos with my boob wings.

No. 393554

File: 1718756501164.png (3.11 MB, 2048x2779, IMG_4271.png)

anyway post actual bad art. guess who this is

No. 393562

whats this style of art called? i love it

No. 393567

keith haring was a pedophile faggot and his art was shit i’m glad he died of aids(bait)

No. 393570

damn, you're so edgy and cool.

No. 393582

I find her art has a Frida Kahlo quality to it. I prefer her hair art, through.

No. 393587

File: 1718768281701.png (486.76 KB, 1731x973, ksaSID.png)

Kek is this the fucking Snow Miser and Heat Miser from the old Rankin Bass movies?
Thread tax

No. 393618

Some anons will eternally have lowbrow taste, better just accept it than to argue with retards.

No. 393775

File: 1718822216293.jpg (367.88 KB, 1400x1400, lol.jpg)

waardenburg syndrome terezi

No. 393779

The green one looks like it's sucking out the other one's soul kek

No. 393783

furry tranny art is always next level revolting

No. 393791

File: 1718825650437.jpg (442.06 KB, 2048x2048, Tumblr_l_790311176496067.jpg)

Impressively bad even by TiF art standards.

No. 393792

Classic case of "interesting concept, shit execution." Bad art can have some good qualities but still be bad on the whole.

No. 393793

Fucking gigastacy, I hope and pray she discovers this site

No. 393807

I thought this was a TIM parody holy shite

No. 393811

pop art, similar stuff was popular in the 80s/90s

No. 393833

File: 1718834505644.jpg (343.73 KB, 2480x1993, media_GODoLOiWoAA8eUC.jpg)

No. 393842

don't diss my girl i like her art

No. 393851

Looks normal to me. What's the problem?

No. 393872

the character is so ugly she did her best

No. 393877

at least it’s accurate

No. 393922

File: 1718885934077.jpg (66.85 KB, 774x1032, renga_as_a_t4t_relationship_by…)

No. 393924

I love butch4butch wlw, uwu.

No. 394096

File: 1718933391891.jpg (186.83 KB, 1280x1280, future_human_sona__zalman_by_x…)

No. 394100

> top surgery
It’s a fantasy creature and it had to have t breasts amputated? No wonder they’re all so delusional they don’t understand what fantasies are.

No. 394109

File: 1718936115625.jpg (102.05 KB, 768x1024, cf7f2278fc663bc9456eafb520f5d2…)

Weird legs

No. 394133

kek i never thought id see TIF all tomorrow's fanart

No. 394139

File: 1718940680055.jpg (90.97 KB, 750x750, 1000009683.jpg)

This was made by the same artist anon posted kek

No. 394146

File: 1718941808584.jpg (61.54 KB, 768x768, tumblr_0721affb85d0081ceb5341c…)

It's just so lazy. Still, I'd rather see stuff like this than the more grotesquely detailed tif art.

No. 394147

Idk why, but I associate this style with flipaclip animation memes from 2018

No. 394150

>What's the problem?
Girl, you being blind is a problem. Both of those are awful.

No. 394153

File: 1718944968596.webp (32.38 KB, 400x400, old-caption-contest-pictures-v…)

No. 394156

Wtf am I even looking at

No. 394162

File: 1718948965839.jpeg (245.41 KB, 652x854, d585bf3b270f3bdb6509_small.jpe…)

This is why furries shouldn't draw humans.the funny thing is that this artist only draws furry girls with big boobs.

No. 394176

oh my god

No. 394177

what does her furry art look like?

No. 394180

why did we, as a society, start making the nose a completely different color from the face even when the character isn't sick or crying
The on-model one is really nice. At risk of sounding uncultured, who is the character?
kek the small little eyes making the mouth look huge. Literally just erase some of the hair to make room. Or do what they did with kirumi tojo.

No. 394185

mental illinois

No. 394189

this would be fine in flat 2D without the gross rendering

No. 394190

When did the different coloured nose thing pop up in art? I accredit it to Tumblr, but was it a thing before then? I hate it so fucking much it actually makes me angry when I see it.

No. 394192

the purpose of these ugly art styles is to romanticize conventionally unattractive traits that people (read : the women drawing these) are insecure about. The nose is one of the body parts that women most frequently have complexes over, along with bad skin/skin issues that often make the nose red or textured. It evolved from here. There is a direct correlation with trooning so I'd say it became common at the same time as pronouns in bio, early 2010s.

No. 394198

File: 1718960967576.png (226.06 KB, 600x600, Villager_SSBU.png)

I blame Animal Crossing

No. 394200

File: 1718962070016.jpg (173.88 KB, 1024x768, fef424655d8ea960a7a3d21fa0f36e…)

No. 394206

File: 1718965268032.jpg (25.81 KB, 474x632, OIP.jpg)

No. 394209

wrong thread this is based

No. 394212

hard as fuck
>the anvil
what the fuck is going on. real art makes you wonder what the artist meant by this.

No. 394215

I second other anon, it came from animal crossing and it then being associated with wholesome and homely characters

No. 394218

File: 1718972843041.webp (318.58 KB, 736x1116, malcolm-liepke--untitled-1.web…)

It's been a stylistic choice for a long time, I found this extreme example from 1990 when looking up a thread on reddit about a possible source. But as far as I can tell noses and cheeks have always gotten a red tint in illustrations, especially the ones for children, because it looks cute and they do get red

No. 394221

I drew them for a bit because when going from anime to more realistic, you need to draw lines to draw a nose. Well that’s really easy to make look ugly so a red tint in a general shape of the nose was the solution.

No. 394223

this goes hard as fuck what are you talking about

No. 394238

it's to do with the colour zones of the face and concentration of blood vessels closer to the surface of the skin in the nose, which are especially obvious with pale skin tones. It then gets exaggerated for stylistic reasons and because it can help to add interest/variation to the centre of the face and contrast with other parts (also it can help add life or vigour to a subject). This also goes for adding 'blush' (or darkening) to knees and elbows and fingertips, or including perma-blush on faces in cartoony designs (first example that jumps to mind is new she-ra)– it's adding elements of realistic rendering into more stylised/flat art.

The problem with 'tumblr red nose' is the same with any legitimate aspect of art, it's being done by people who are just copying something without understanding it and who think muh style can only be found through excessively exaggerating something they picked up elsewhere that actually knew what it was doing (eg animal crossing and gravity falls both have subtler uses of coloured noses and were big on tumblr). Then yeah, there's also the weird 'make it ugly' crowd, but they still picked up these traits either directly from tutorials or through fandom/site osmosis.

No. 394240

I thought its gigantic nose was a set of eyes at first and that the character was high. How can you show it your retarded flags if it has no eyes to see them with?

No. 394259

File: 1718987363517.jpg (148.37 KB, 670x400, fatcat.jpg)

Why does this have to appear when I search for pics of cats sitting. Incredible

No. 394337

delete this

No. 394365

None of these are even that bad

The giant boobs are the only problem

No. 394373

nayrt but holy shit can't you just ignore posts you don't agree with and post something instead. there are nitpickers like you in every thread and i never get what you hope to accomplish

No. 394384

c'mon, a 14 year old probably made this one. it's not that bad when you consider that. i still kinda hate the trend of huge arms though.

No. 394503

File: 1719082322009.png (1 MB, 1080x1920, C4KzEsk.png)

No. 394522

File: 1719088476350.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.44 KB, 1024x1449, 1716656188304781.jpg)

very nsfw but i just hate the subject matter. why would you put the cat there

No. 394540

File: 1719092937469.png (855.7 KB, 1280x1394, IMG_4537.png)

Found on KF

No. 394541

File: 1719092976531.png (603.03 KB, 1280x719, IMG_4534.png)


More from the same artist

No. 394542

this screams fakeboi

No. 394543

File: 1719093352735.jpg (121.67 KB, 1200x675, EtOgPLsXUAI3uWV.jpg)

Is this mayday and zuke??

No. 394549

File: 1719095615055.jpeg (88.17 KB, 1280x720, 07AFD2B2-9F4C-43F0-BD39-5B06CC…)

its because she squats down to pet a cat in her time out animation, but men are creeps so they make it weird.

No. 394618

Mediocre but not terrible.

No. 394690

that foot is fucking broken and her head doesn't look like it belongs on her body. why do moids

No. 394738

File: 1719161624403.jpeg (106.46 KB, 1408x1994, IMG_3299.jpeg)


No. 394742

No. 394766

File: 1719168450740.jpg (70.78 KB, 735x921, 7a4ba90a663cc0aa8ad770bef43463…)

No. 394769

that's nasty of you, anon.

No. 394773

Nah, if you decide to post your drawings to the internet you can’t expect any special treatment. Besides the drawing sucks ass.

No. 394792

>her shitty request got ignored again

No. 394827

File: 1719180822757.png (1.7 MB, 1408x1994, fixed.png)

Fuck it I was bored so I decided to fix it

No. 394969

File: 1719250334819.png (Spoiler Image,389.51 KB, 837x1030, zAO6rDj.png)

Tif bara art is so ugly.

No. 394975

Is this someone you guys know irl?
Wrt the drawing itself, whoever painted this should try to use references before trying to paint from imagination. Pick a photo with strong contrast, turn it b&w and try to copy, focusing on shapes of light and shadow, proportions and angles.

No. 394976

Ntas but that's an art of an anon in the art request thread. Someone didn't like it and decided to post it here, which could discourage that anon who drew it from ever drawing or participating in threads here ever again. It's just insensitive and rude. And also fuel for infighting.

No. 394978

Oh that's awful!

No. 394985

File: 1719254661978.jpg (148.63 KB, 480x1000, bafkreif6gxrslrznjylj2ruy2fkd2…)

No. 394986

being polite is a thing kek…special treatment =/= someone being bare minimum polite. also pyw i bet you’re shite at drawing

No. 394987

ngl if i was the requester I'd be pretty disappointed…

No. 394989

That looks like beginner art to me. It should't be in this thread.
>this thread should be for all-around cringe, shitty art that has no value, but also doesn't include clearly beginner artists because that's like laughing at a child for not having technical skill.

No. 395008

File: 1719261223239.jpg (174.68 KB, 800x1422, HD-wallpaper-oriony-girl-anime…)

Looks like nemu

No. 395013

>thread about shitting on bad art on a website made for shitting on and making fun of people
>noooo you can’t post that one!! That’s so mean and awful!!!!
Maybe don’t post anything to begin with if you demand people be polite and need a hugbox.
Already did >>394827 I’m not a pro either but you’re lying if you say the original is not objectively worse.

No. 395015

>needlessly be fat cunt
>”please don’t needlessly be a fat cunt”
you will go bald within the year(infighting)

No. 395017

also the og has soul whereas you just made a boring pretty girl pic x

No. 395019

newfag bitches like you are ruining this thread

No. 395020

Dogpiling isn’t going to make the original drawing any less ugly, but go on if it makes you feel better.(infighting)

No. 395022

>also the og has soul
ntayrt but why do people say this every time someone draws a downs syndrome looking character kek. someone said something similar about the original version of the AIR anime, it's like when someone calls an ugly style "unique"

No. 395024

stop trying to start an infight retard. i can't imagine being this pathetically desperate for attention.

No. 395033

eugh this feels like bordering on bestiality

No. 395037

i thought the same thing. like how can you even find it erotic with a cats head smushed up against her cooter like that

No. 395043

>>395008 I really like this one, not bad imo

No. 395053

i remember that artist, he was a massive cow and throws temper tantrums when people tell him his art is repetitive

No. 395058

I believe the soul meme came directly from chris chan's autistic rants about asperchu being soulless digital slop unlike his true and honest tarditional crayola art, he specifically said the shitiness and smudges gave it soul

No. 395068

Lol calm down

No. 395078

Kek he has the mastectomy scars but those pecs look like tits. Realistic botched top surgery uwu

No. 395082

so generic it looks like aislop

No. 395105

I will never understand the tif stupidity of drawing scars on the chest but still leaving big """pecs""". So the oc didn't have a boob cut, just had a bad pectoral implant then?

No. 395128

I was going to say the exact same thing.

No. 395142

Bless you nonna

No. 395143

What the fuck is the story behind this one?

No. 395148

neopets caption contest, pictures that people add captions to and the best captions win

No. 395150

i think its not meant to, moids are just so fucking retarded they cannot think of anything unless it relates to sex

No. 395153

I see this nonnas art all over lc, she just needs to spend more time on proportions aside from trying to rendermaxx so hard, her limbs and eyes are a mess

No. 395174

her art is normal for a beginner who's trying to use a more painterly style. You can hide shit anatomy behind cell-shading and abstraction, but trying to paint forms reveals every mistake you make and looks way uglier than anime shit with similarly bad anatomy.

No. 395187

It looks like she's about to take a poop on that poor cat

No. 395199

leave her alone already

No. 395213

Nta but that wasn't even a rude post? Sure, it was a little snarky, but anon gave genuine advice.

No. 395331

File: 1719347916703.jpg (296.75 KB, 2000x1492, bafkreieui7tgvos56y4itzfpym45l…)

No. 395332

what my husbando body pillow sees when I come home from work

No. 395413

She needs to learn how to sketch before she jumps into digital painting.

No. 395414

Holy shit I remembered seeing this on Neopets as a kid

No. 395416

Wait…it’s official art?

No. 395418

If I remember right… yeah, it was. This was one of the reeeeeeally early caption contests, too.

No. 395419

File: 1719367045391.gif (38.34 KB, 400x399, 8rl827vbv2xc1.gif)

I'm the anon who initially posted it, and yeah, it's official art kek. Early Neopets caption contest art hits that specific type of 'bad art' I enjoy the most; it's so charming, yet utterly baffling, and I love it.

No. 395420

Holy shit I sent the pic when it was posted to my friend who played the game recently for a bit and she said “is that official art? Looks like it lol” but I brushed it off as a joke because no way. I love it

No. 395440

I remember that stupid robot too kek. Wasn't he in the Battledome, too? Aaagh the good old janky days of Neopets, when looping Flash animations were considered the height of comedy.

No. 395469

>guy on left has 6 fingers
>wire whisks and the pot on the bottom left
Yeah, this is AI too

No. 395472

File: 1719383469369.jpg (134.09 KB, 1080x1215, 74enx1shu1la1.jpg)

No. 395474

People who draw things like this need to be forcefully signed up for human product testing

No. 395572

File: 1719417229335.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 1536x2048, Tumblr_l_1329743437955604.jpg)

What. Is this.

No. 395575

File: 1719417540451.jpg (41.01 KB, 640x480, 1000020300.jpg)

Because of the colors I genuinely thought for one second it was TIF art of this random ass Spiderman villain.

No. 395577

KEK nonita
but really who even likes this shit

No. 395582

File: 1719421697496.jpg (769.01 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240626-140648_Fir…)

What's wrong with yaoi lately?

No. 395583

File: 1719421807311.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1080x2925, Screenshot_20240626_140918.jpg)

No. 395584

the plastic surgery craze in korea leaks into their yaoiboy preferences too

No. 395585

a waste of quality paper and inks

No. 395591

ok this one looks exactly like that radfem artists work in the last thread, I thought it was hers until I saw the chop scars

No. 395622

the hyper feminine faces with the roidpig body combo never ceases to make me laugh

No. 395626

what is this from?

No. 395649

I like how Korean yaoi and Japanese yaoi each have their own flavors of bad anatomy

No. 395666

Don't call this Poorean shit yaoi

No. 395668

I wish I could say webtoons were a mistake but I can remember this ugly yassified shit existing even 15 years ago in our ink and paper print manhwa

No. 395710

File: 1719458980567.jpg (183.81 KB, 894x894, adamu_peresu__muscle_kid__by_a…)

Autism muscles

No. 395711

manhwa artists draw full lips how diversity art olympians draw them on black people

No. 395744

Adam Driver?

No. 395753

File: 1719472132643.jpeg (204.33 KB, 1462x2048, FvJGHPVagAEzvdK.jpeg)

guess the school

No. 395933

File: 1719523350459.jpg (293.95 KB, 1440x1646, froggy.yume_1711392268_3331722…)

All of their art looks like this

No. 395934

looks like a cartoon beaver went to town on his neck

No. 395986

File: 1719534566482.jpg (146.77 KB, 774x1032, ashley_s_future__by_demonvace2…)

So there's this autistic retard with almost 1k followers on DA who only draws anthro Eeveelution and it's all ugly and badly drawn

No. 395987

post more please i don't believe this is serious it has to be ragebait

No. 395993

File: 1719535925179.jpg (187.45 KB, 1080x1019, 436208635_291459457370431_3043…)

Oh nonnie

No. 396015

File: 1719546583350.jpg (79.17 KB, 827x762, nyah_by_spritermx_dgz1e8g-414w…)

No. 396035

That style and those prices…this has got to be a teenager.

No. 396041

File: 1719552716281.png (765.23 KB, 1198x900, Screenshot 2024-06-27 222808.p…)

>so what's artfight like?

No. 396044

This looks like it stinks. Also, why do people draw dark skinned characters with literally grey teeth and sclera? Feels racist kek

No. 396047

i thought trashtrashtras made a comeback

No. 396050

File: 1719554965669.png (1.61 MB, 2884x3299, pdf file.png)

the symbol, do you think it was on purpose?

I don't know but it feels racist

No. 396060

i don't think it was intentional actually, not all people are aware of those pedo symbols (like i only learned about it here, on lc). Offtop, but i also have a fear that some detail i'll use in my art actually means something degenerate because you never know

No. 396073

File: 1719565464598.jpeg (483.41 KB, 1284x1341, 7FF57ACA-F799-4072-9E0B-B6F890…)


Their IG handle is froggy.yume

No. 396090

i love posts like this, this is pure bad art

No. 396092

I want to snap that neck like a dry branch

No. 396121

File: 1719590725516.png (1.22 MB, 3859x2422, XauBMP48AxrqAaRQXfxrDt3PstejCZ…)

>>396041 more artfight. gonna dump these here so I don't go insane.
How the fuck is this character supposed to be Circassian and Ukrainian?

No. 396128

Looks racist tbh
Would love to see more artfight finds kek

No. 396148

Lmao faces on his knees
Left iis feeling uneasy and right is resigned Doraemon

No. 396149

File: 1719597851973.png (140.68 KB, 2000x1600, tronic.png)

No. 396152

File: 1719598071759.jpg (101.71 KB, 225x320, 35-1718873316.jpg)

No. 396157

File: 1719599728246.jpeg (21.77 KB, 300x300, IMG_4181.jpeg)

No. 396168

This is so ugly it's offensive.

No. 396183

i know calarts when i see it
I'm legit convinced that most if not all male artists have nothing good to offer the world anymore. No creativity, no soul, just retarded coom fuel.
poor knowledge of color theory
hopefully not but the way this character is drawn puts me on high alert (either way its ugly)
betty spaghetti proportions
She? With that full beard? PCOS, troon, or racism? (I'm placing my bets on troon)

No. 396190

I know a guy that looks like this irl, he's polyamorous and fucks trannies

No. 396191

Rooting for xer

No. 396221

Just looks like Blackbeard from OFMD as an obese tranny. I don't know how Artfight works, are you required to draw other peoples' shitty characters?

No. 396238

File: 1719630302546.jpg (58.42 KB, 735x902, 1000012339.jpg)

I hate this and I hate the amount of edits it has. Why is it popular

No. 396240

Oh God, they're both so deformed, the roidpig's proportions are all over the place and the tikThot has noodle arms.

No. 396244

Retarded small waists and giant butts make women look like spiders

No. 396245

it's a transfem according to the bio kekk

No. 396276

File: 1719647253654.png (1.44 MB, 2380x2809, ZDVv7koVdtpyrGmdLJW6zhaWjga400…)

Speaking of Artfight…

No. 396279

where are its nipples
kek of course

No. 396282

How is it that tifs have both the ugliest hairstyles irl and also on their fictional OCs?

No. 396300

File: 1719662852489.png (968.1 KB, 867x859, 35478116_d3s6TtGerW9cqyC.png)

>500+ images on toyhouse starting in 2021
Insane. At least there's soul I guess. Funny how you can watch him hit the wall as the old man brainrot sets in

No. 396305

You draw other people’s characters to get points for your team. It’s full of children and TIFs, as you would expect, but I honestly think it’s a really cool idea, and there are so many people doing it that you can still find good characters/artists if you look for them.

No. 396342

what if someone hypothetically went on there and started drawing all these ugly ass characters pretty/chadified

No. 396344

Kek I wanna see fix or “respectful redesign” fanart and the creators reaction so much

No. 396345

I drew a redesign of this one last night but I don't want to post it in case I get recognized

No. 396349

i would pay good money to see the anon who makes these amazing chad edits in the chadification thread unleashed upon tif OCs

No. 396351

guy has 2 right hands lmao

No. 396353

why even mention it then

No. 396361

File: 1719681034992.jpg (66.08 KB, 735x964, 1000012350.jpg)

No. 396364

File: 1719681769101.jpg (58.71 KB, 550x978, 1000012353.jpg)

the thigh gap kekk

No. 396366

aah yes, the human twelve-packs muscles..

No. 396368

And yet she still loves him. So beautiful

No. 396373

God save my nation from being used for diversity points we've suffered enough

No. 396407

File: 1719693753475.png (351.24 KB, 585x619, lookslikeapotato.png)

newfag but found this atrocity on tumblr. the "REBLOG DONT LIKE" shit is hilarious to me paired with this racial caricature shit

No. 396409

it looks like the thing from that miike snow music video mixed with bigfoot

No. 396410

I didn't expect Ukrainians to be used as diversity by these types of creatures too, they usually see any sort of eastern european as being "too white". Unless you're Circassian in which case 1. based 2. I'm sorry this is your only representation

No. 396413

This is offensively ugly

No. 396424

tranny mario??

No. 396430

File: 1719699386950.png (100.96 KB, 546x637, Screenshot 2024-06-29 150032.p…)

kek nonna

No. 396431

I would like this just to get blocked by this weirdo

No. 396433

this could almost pass for a Nazi propaganda of what 'inferior Slavs' are like

No. 396438

File: 1719702681696.jpg (41.73 KB, 660x440, pri_60974474.jpg)

he looks like he ate bees

No. 396439

File: 1719703084578.png (298.98 KB, 498x500, 8cwL4z1.png)

I remember when this picture was satire, tumblr has literally looped around and is drawing this shit unironically lmao.

No. 396442

you sound neurotic and jealous with how passionate you are with your replies

No. 396446

KEK i absolutely love the copy and pasted ear

No. 396479

Yeah…i'd kindly take the block instead.

No. 396498

im growing tired of these run of the mill tif drawings. when you see one youve seen them all, do tifs even like their own kind's drawings? i guess not since the media they genuinely like and make this deformed fanart of looks so vastly different from what they actually draw.

No. 396512

File: 1719716845314.jpg (86.01 KB, 750x1147, karen_2_1_by_dymitr3_dh08oxs-3…)

The boobs look so stupid and out of place she's a robot for pete sakes doesn't even look like the character from the show anymore.

No. 396520

Sleep paralysis demon in Korea:

No. 396521

File: 1719719740319.jpeg (99.18 KB, 1080x1442, received_7628259550633310.jpeg)

This is killing me

No. 396523

Wtf kek. Next thread pic please

No. 396552

is that fucking cecil from welcome to night vale

No. 396560

??? is this because they suspect people give them pity likes but find their art too ugly for their blog kek

No. 396561

File: 1719728928809.png (41.7 KB, 608x455, what.png)

Checked her replies and she's doing this on her art posts. Is this a list of people who liked the post that she's blocked? That's fucking weird

No. 396563

File: 1719730013638.png (1.47 MB, 781x763, ugemfo.PNG)

I know this is a late response but I actually love this artist, she's a lesbian and just makes cute little crochet lesbians at the park and stuff. Yeah she's a handmaiden but I like that her art features a lot of different women's bodies too, and that it's purposefully made without the male gaze in mind (and cute in an ugly way). A lot of her stuff is just women being in love.

No. 396576

no, it's just a list of people who were asked to be tagged whenever the artist is posting something new. Idk, but I only see taglists under the ugliest art ever.

No. 396596

File: 1719747164488.png (395.02 KB, 401x453, Screenshot 2024-06-30 042823.p…)

no words

No. 396626

kek it looks like kevin spacey

No. 396668

I have never heard of that, and I'm even more confused that so many people asked to be tagged on that fugly art. Thanks for the explanation tho

No. 396674

File: 1719775541631.jpg (130.43 KB, 899x705, 3548201.jpg)

I feel kind of bad posting this here because its uncanniness is almost kind of endearing

No. 396675

That is so fucking cute omg

No. 396684

File: 1719776944145.png (909.44 KB, 725x1024, duh.PNG)

When you rendermax too hard and the ponies start tweaking

No. 396686

Sirenix Rainbow Dash

No. 396692

File: 1719778311677.jpg (999.2 KB, 2048x1232, Tumblr_l_588699110747616.jpg)

What in the fresh multilimbed hell am I looking at here

No. 396700

File: 1719780507499.jpeg (117.85 KB, 1080x1072, received_1014807789526475.jpeg)

No. 396704

This is cute I like it

No. 396705

No. 396725

this is awesome

No. 396741

File: 1719791616634.jpg (47.06 KB, 750x443, 1000010433.jpg)

Immediately recognized this artist when I saw the pic. This tard overrenders most of his art, and he's been drawing applejack since the show started. That's some dedicated autism

No. 396754

File: 1719795970646.jpg (49.66 KB, 564x752, af148b44c03795fa9e3bf060fb8707…)

No. 396759

This isn’t AI?

No. 396760

>and he's been drawing applejack since the show started. That's some dedicated autism

No. 396764

Escher female ribcage syndrome

No. 396765

File: 1719799440506.jpeg (79.2 KB, 444x690, IMG_5038.jpeg)

Ken Penders core

No. 396774

File: 1719802040808.jpg (48.63 KB, 669x350, ceci_by_hellonearth_iii_df8sw5…)

I hate this art style

No. 396785

this is the guy with the weird racial stereotype OCs right?

No. 396814

…Is this supposed to be a horror scene or an orgy?

No. 396832

this looks like ai fail. damn its creepy

No. 396874

isn't this the same artist who drew these "punk corrupts normie partner" comics? also blue pubes kek

No. 396881

File: 1719847064762.jpg (249.38 KB, 2000x2132, v8CCXV7.jpg)

The bizarreness of this and the way the laurel is poking Applejack eyeball gives it an AI vibe, but the hands are too correctly drawn for it to be AI. The faces remind me of picrel.

No. 396907

File: 1719856002321.jpeg (217.29 KB, 1604x2048, FE6H9gDWQAUct8I.jpeg)

Yeah that's him, his whole account is weird

No. 396923

I like how he creates characters based on subcultures he's clearly familiar with and knows about but I'm so fucking tired of the same faced squared headed cunts he draws, his need to constantly pipe in his fat self insert is also annoying and pathetic.

No. 396924

Unfortunately neither, the description said it was a pack of werewolves lounging about on a hot summer day

No. 396926

wtf do this mean

No. 396949

It shows how the relationship progresses if the white guy becomes a hotep or if the black woman becomes a white supremacist.

Both couples would be absolutely insufferable to be around.

No. 396967

this dude's art is so fucking ugly and bad

No. 396969

It's Harry, a character from silent hill

No. 396971

I love this one kek
This feels very fetishy for some reason but the normie couple underneath the weird ones made me kek

No. 396981

File: 1719874452842.png (1.61 MB, 1200x1100, 2368076.png)

> and he's been drawing applejack since the show started.
based best girl enjoyer.
His art is so close to being real good, but he always fills it with unnecessary details.

No. 396984

File: 1719874679952.jpeg (107.23 KB, 900x867, FSJCMiWXsAYEVun.jpeg)

I think he has some kind of ws fetish

No. 396987

If it weren't for the weird knee on the front leg (that's not even how horse legs work) this would be really nice.

I used to buy into the meme that AJ was the lamest pony, but I recently rewatched the show for the first time in over a decade, and AJ is pretty alright. I honestly find myself disliking Pinkie way more, it's incredible how something can be funny/endearing when you're a kid but profoundly annoying when you're an adult.

No. 397028

File: 1719885228194.webp (719.63 KB, 810x1138, 5556031_610237_fragomatesh_unt…)

Coomers and their lame coomshit

No. 397072

I guarantee this fucker has a PC full of porn of this pony. The way he draws her is clearly so fetishy, it feels gross.

No. 397108

File: 1719915819189.jpeg (1.73 MB, 4096x4015, vmwYvV4.jpeg)

i had to see this monstrosity, now you do too

No. 397109

It's always amusing seeing TIFfanies trying to emulate the barafags they want to be a part of.

No. 397116

So the character got a boob chop at a butcher and now is taking alprazolam to cope with not having a small chest because being fat is actually the reason why the character trooned out in the first place.

No. 397119

File: 1719921238653.png (6.27 MB, 4096x4015, NOMOREPIGGIEGANDA.png)

The amount of editing i did on this was soul crushing..

No. 397123

this faggot needs to be sentenced to 7 years of hard labour on an isolated island

No. 397125

File: 1719925317293.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1453x1220, 2C1F1C62-1954-4DB4-98D1-7A048E…)

And he’s STILL fat

No. 397129

File: 1719927996753.jpg (109.11 KB, 828x1209, 1000012467.jpg)

It looks like there are giant welts on her breasts and thighs

The variety of characters he has makes his stuff more interesting than the average coom artist, but a coom artist is still a coom artis at the end of the day

No. 397130

No. 397141

File: 1719933409863.jpg (320.65 KB, 1208x1220, Picsart_24-07-02_12-11-37-567.…)

Not anymore

No. 397142

I feel like the noses and mouths were traced off of photographs and the eyes were just ripped directly from mlp itself.
KEK nonna

No. 397144

File: 1719935133753.jpg (495.33 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_pxtpp9aUiO1yuu7m0o2_r1_…)

Smile For Me is to tifs what a lamp is to moths. Makes sense when the characters look like picrel. Not atrocious but just non-human and ugly-ish enough for an Ayden to lust after without her crushing self-hatred making her feel insecure.

No. 397145

File: 1719935680710.jpg (1.64 MB, 4096x3308, 20240702_175214.jpg)

Who even enjoys looking at this shit?

No. 397146

pretty sure its ugly on purpose

No. 397147

I feel like this could almost be charming. It just goes too far

No. 397148

i do actually these look ugly in the good way

No. 397149

File: 1719937101370.jpg (315.25 KB, 1526x2048, 1000004130.jpg)

>Just slapping miku, bandaged ass and tits to pyramid head
I fucking hate this low effort popular keyword art

No. 397150

There is only one acceptable way to make sexy Pyramid Head art and this isn't it.

No. 397154

File: 1719939667574.jpg (67.38 KB, 1154x517, d8sz5je2n2j81.jpg)

I saw this in the wild

There is no acceptable way to make sexy Pyramid Head. 2006 Silent Hill's Pyramid Head entire concept was was stupid. The actor walking around with his ass out for no sensible reason was funny behind the scenes trivia though.

No. 397155

does she only have one titty?

No. 397156

>there is no acceptable way to make sexy Pyramid Head
The original PH is super hot imo, you need to be a monsterfucker to appreciate him though.

No. 397159

her breasts are obviously stylized. nitpicking here gets so retarded

No. 397160

She has both her torso is facing the camera

I wonder what they'll do for the remake. I'm avoiding spoilers but now I'm painfully curious about whether they'll stay faithful to his original design or go Dead by Daylight route.

I hate his ass, but James should have been the DBD character since they chose Pyramid Head. He's his personal Demon and only relevant to him. Heather should have been with Memory of Alessa or Mirror Heather if they wanted to make sense. I do get why they chose Heather though.

No. 397162

Reminds me of Psychonauts

No. 397168

i really find this sweetsomehow

No. 397201

File: 1719951663718.png (1.24 MB, 1961x2341, MEYCJYQtKFjdJTlVMpol2DvzeEVssf…)

from artfight

No. 397223

Honestly I'd really like to train an AI solely off of TIF art just to see the hideous results. Maybe even make a tumblr account to post all the slop and see how well it does.

Does TIM art exist or is that just synonymous with coomer art? Actually, I would also like to see the horrific anatomy from coomer-trained AI and how well that does on twitter.

ai-bro lurkers please fulfill my twisted fantasy for me i'd spend countless hours making increasingly bizarre pictures

No. 397229

Viziepop was a mistake, I go to an artschool and after helluva boss came out I witnessed how all the retarded girls started morphing their artsyles into this crap

No. 397271

I've seen this shit everywhere on tumblr being reblogged by tifs and I never understood wtf it was until today

No. 397272

this shit is image reaction worthy kek

No. 397279

No. 397317

File: 1719994063821.jpeg (203.17 KB, 825x1160, VAuqTtSic4SqxFkCSOpJXHApVjpUbp…)

character of one of my followers on artfight

No. 397318

File: 1719994770105.png (189.49 KB, 706x989, ew.png)

why do all the ugliest ocs have huge rat nests of hair. contributing my own uggo with hideous hair (all stink of tif style too)

No. 397321

something something art is a reflection of the self
the fucked up leg on yours is sending me kekk

No. 397339

she's built like a gearstick

i really wish female stylization could be something other than "exaggerated hips/breasts/lips" while men get to be hideous zig-zag creatures it's so boring

No. 397365

I can't even make out what this is supposed to be. How do you even draw for someone with art/characters like this and make it aesthetically pleasing?

No. 397380

File: 1720025102296.jpg (948.28 KB, 1959x2048, 474600290194889.jpg)

Look how they massacred my boys and girl…

No. 397381

File: 1720025756425.png (463.42 KB, 1258x980, A7BHVe8P23giTRmvYSmfQE5YA6678K…)

Tif mutilation white creature from artfight
she once posted an irl self harm photo to her toyhouse years ago

No. 397383

I hate OCs that are just characters from something but slightly different

No. 397384

File: 1720026338362.jpeg (66.9 KB, 480x640, klurf.jpeg)

The head reminds me of Shmorky's klurfs

No. 397385

That's what I always wonder too. It seems genuinely untranslatable to any style that isn't very similar to it

No. 397386

This is just Angeldust from Hazbin

No. 397387

They look white
>chest hair makes a "boob" shape
Why even bother with that detail if it got the tit chop? Why do tifs scream from the high heavens that they are male but still feminize themselves/their characters? Retards

No. 397388

If you told me that these are drawings made of white cosplayers I would believe you.

No. 397389

>cut your tits off
>wind up using your chest fur to mimic tits

fictional tifs are just as sad as real ones

No. 397393

That's just the spider whore from helluva boss, is there something with TIFs that makes them incapable of being creative?

No. 397394

File: 1720028704841.jpeg (850.6 KB, 1170x1300, IMG_1994.jpeg)

There is so much garbage tif art on tumblr and it’s exhausting to have to sift through the sheer amount of it to find decent art. You can’t search any media tag without having to go through piles of it. Giant noses, bean mouths, too much body hair, binders or top scars, etc. I’d really like to find an art site that doesn’t have this issue, but I genuinely can’t think of one. Insta and DA use posts for ai training, Tumblr is a rotting trans cesspool, Twitter is active but it’s populated by the most annoying degens and pedofags on the planet. Are there any decent art sites left atp?

No. 397397

Without "pedofags and degens"? No, sites like that never existed in the first place.

No. 397398

Ugh is that Harvey from Stardew Valley? I married him in game.

No. 397399

this feels like it was made by a 14 year old

No. 397402

File: 1720031742307.jpg (93.55 KB, 953x931, kitten.jpg)


No. 397403

File: 1720031901132.png (338.18 KB, 1080x2260, icc.png)

from /ic/
>Drew this for a /i/ thread about drawing simple things. Is it me or did i do something poor with my drawing? (not counting the simple anatomy and amount of lines drawn)
>Sure the female character's ass is thick and juicy, but the problem is…she doesn't look pretty feminine.

No. 397405

average zillennial couple

No. 397406

>extra playful/fluffy behaviours in heat
of course, what half-assed ref sheet would be complete without a random horny aside

No. 397412

Unfortunately yes
The only place I can think of with less of these freaks might be Art Station, but from the little I know about it, it’s mostly used by industry professionals. I know there’s never been a site without annoying degens using it, just really sucks that there isn’t anywhere for artists that are normal people making things for fun and not always catering towards trannies. I’d do some deeds for a place without various troon circle jerks policing art for inclusivity points or cluttering tags with hairy mutilated stargender ocs.

No. 397418

why does he talk like a discord mod

No. 397420

'thick and juicy' It looks like 2 bread buns. Ffs how pornrotted do you have to be

No. 397431

Samefagging, is 4chan down or something? I need to see for myself if ic is really chock-full of coomshit, but my wifi has always been abysmal

No. 397432

I have no idea, this creature surprisingly got decent quality attacks so I might just use those as a ref instead
>mom can we get angel dust?
>We have Angel Dust at home
Angel Dust at home:

No. 397435

I feel bad for finding these cute

No. 397441

you do know the one who made these was a diaperfur pedo troon?

No. 397450

File: 1720040908019.jpg (58.93 KB, 705x960, FB_IMG_1720034218724.jpg)

I don't know why Facebook keeps recommending me garbage like this

No. 397462

Lois? Spin around

No. 397463

Shaped like the result of a botched surgery kek

No. 397474

Yeah? Why do you think I said I feel bad?

No. 397477

File: 1720046051334.png (Spoiler Image,310.86 KB, 2048x1083, GF7Wa1SWIAADNqN.png)

Whatever this disgraceful abomination is

No. 397479

>i really wish female stylization could be something other than "exaggerated hips/breasts/lips" while men get to be hideous zig-zag creatures it's so boring
And yet >>397477 gets called a disgraceful abomination. The duailty of lolcor

No. 397485

Kek is that not just differently shaped breasts and hips?

No. 397490

File: 1720049341799.png (Spoiler Image,18.49 KB, 178x144, gdfjhisjslk.PNG)

There's so much potential in the faces but wtf are those bodies. wtf is this

No. 397491

>how many internet induced fetishes do you want in your character

No. 397492

those are still coomery anon, half of them have their tits out and porny names like bimbo and milf

No. 397504

I hate to say that this has potential, even with the bunch of boobs and butts, but it reeks of moid and it's obviously all about coom. An actual thinking person (a woman) could make this look nice and it would be fun to read.

No. 397505

can’t stand newgrounds historyfags

No. 397506

way more than half, it's nearly all except for four

No. 397509

File: 1720053567699.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 1600x1582, whyiseveryonesomeantome.png)

looks exactly like that one meme, kek. picrel

No. 397522

Lol drawing pimples on them

No. 397533

Lol the op is brazilian, br artists are either coomerish or brainwashed by gender I hate it here (I am brazilian myself so I can say this, it's not racebait lol)

No. 397535

File: 1720061956854.jpeg (72.09 KB, 391x783, images - 2024-07-03T235829.073…)

Reminds me when Hans Stonetoss did his worse version of this

No. 397537

lmao i always forget his name is so goofy

No. 397600

>moid art from /ic/
Yeah, this tracks.

No. 397602

The Punic one apparently has severe scoliosis

Don't be obtuse, the issue is clearly with the fact that it's something a moid drew to wank to. No one is complaining about the variety, which would be refreshing if it weren't for all of the other issues.

No. 397704

I don't actually mind the tits being out, if you turned the coombrain down by 30% I'd love it
It's similar to the HellOnEarth guy were they have actually creative ideas, do their research on them, but in the end are actually incapable of not turning it into a porn thing

No. 397728

File: 1720113121462.jpg (721.78 KB, 3000x1688, crippiechan.jpg)

i know this is coomer shit but i hate pickme artists like alice vu with a passion because im the retard who bought her course thinking it'd be worth anything dont be me and pirate that shit or learn from the artists she's copying

No. 397866

that's me talking anon

No. 397876

File: 1720134956833.png (191.94 KB, 318x286, Screenshot 2024-07-04 161520.p…)

…holding but also not-holding the jellyfish?

No. 397877

the drawing makes no sense, there's something off with it that I can't point out besides the coomer proportions

No. 397880

File: 1720136385854.png (Spoiler Image,345.95 KB, 497x436, AI.png)

Shit like >>397876 this is a dead AI giveaway. You can see it here too, her leg and hip starts at her bellybutton. It's either fully AI or she uses AI to generate it then fixes it up after.

No. 397881

File: 1720136665844.jpg (1003.07 KB, 1536x2048, tumblr_2d1cc012d749aa0c58f3064…)

The menhera tag on tumblr is like a goldmine of outsider art by teenagers who have no artistic training but an abundance of angst that they need to put out into the world somehow. It's unpolished, rough and edgy with way too much anime influence, but somehow endearing. OP image is also from the menhera tag.

No. 397882

don't hate her, hate the fags who are undoubtedly giving her money to "draw" this crap (or ai generate it, whatever, scrotes are retarded)
there's a lot of weird skin folds on top of the boobs defying gravity

No. 397884

File: 1720137423023.jpg (488.14 KB, 1520x2048, tumblr_9d509142ca47cd00d13920d…)

here are a few more from the tag

No. 397885

File: 1720137472217.jpg (773.76 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_070dd0d5afed43147c55304…)

No. 397886

File: 1720137505317.jpg (534.84 KB, 1536x1536, tumblr_e93569d7aea09dbde3483c4…)

No. 397887

File: 1720137547541.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 2048x1997, tumblr_213dff2f3d5e2350d8f141d…)

No. 397892

I genuinely love art like this, it's honest and reminds me of old deviantart, at least it's better than drawing a fictional character saying "trans rights" or shoving other vapid political shit for likes and calling it art like people do nowadays

No. 397896

same, i find it cute. it reminds me of when i was a preteen.

No. 397900

File: 1720141957573.jpg (170.06 KB, 606x719, 1610088308368.jpg)

that's why i liked glamfur so much as a kid i think. pure preteen/teen girly vibes

No. 397904

I love female autism.

No. 397906

File: 1720143961015.jpeg (104.04 KB, 400x240, zlCfzTBgfoMJdXAUaU.jpeg)

From the miiverse

No. 397911

No. 397912

File: 1720147731211.jpg (80.37 KB, 1080x1329, FB_IMG_1720066614542.jpg)

Every jackass coomer I've seen is into Disgust from Inside Out now

No. 397917

File: 1720150589811.jpg (115.24 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

No. 397919

kek is that a tap coming out of its head? gregory berrycone moment

No. 397920

soulful and very cute

No. 397923

I can't believe Tearzah is still influencing people's art

No. 397924

File: 1720153190488.jpg (50.8 KB, 500x500, rest in piece.jpg)

kek you reminded me of vent art, found some choice picks

No. 397925

File: 1720153229668.jpg (444.51 KB, 1764x2048, rip.jpg)

No. 397927

File: 1720153473092.jpg (259.99 KB, 870x1357, lol.jpg)

angel plz

No. 397931

File: 1720154095537.jpg (698.75 KB, 1666x1644, tumblr_4d7a232400bc73411d73205…)

i found a cool artist in the tag

No. 397934

Just like invader Zim porn, will humanity ever evolve aesthetically?

No. 397935

File: 1720155270862.png (1.4 MB, 1659x2048, tumblr_b597452c5acac6b3b2bea61…)

My newest favorite tag on tumblr, thank you nona

No. 397951

The most obvious is the girl on the right has a broken spine and a gigantic long torso.

No. 397957

File: 1720162133793.png (57.01 KB, 177x146, Screenshot 2024-07-04 234729.p…)

this weird bow that seems to just be sitting on her thigh. (and clipping into the net skirt thingy?)

No. 397961

that bow is part of her bikini and its not clipping lmao the white thing is supposed to represent a camera lense

No. 397964

>that bow is part of her bikini
where the fuck is the strap then? it does seem to be just sitting on top plus those weird faces,its a common ai art mistake

No. 397995

anons needs to stop calling generic slop AI. AI isnt capable of making something this intricate yet.

No. 398007

File: 1720181322862.jpeg (Spoiler Image,507.18 KB, 1542x2048, GJCS-Pla4AAPD2S.jpeg)

It doesn't have the AI style, to me it looks like a normal fuck up for a coomer artist to make. She probably doesn't have the fundies to draw a body in this perspective because she's used to standing pin-ups. She probably also doesn't have the skills to draw someone grab a jellyfish or it's a placeholder for a dick if she makes patreon only versions

No. 398045

cute and cool, i love the moths

No. 398193

who thinks this is hot, this looks retarded kek

No. 398247

File: 1720245606776.jpg (496.12 KB, 1638x2048, [24-06-12] 1800776375756042471…)

i really like this guy's art, but those yaoi hands made me laugh

No. 398248

File: 1720245958041.png (17.85 KB, 256x139, Untitled.png)

men don't care about anything as long as BOOOOOOOOBS BOOBAAAAAA!!!!

No. 398317

File: 1720273527489.png (2 MB, 4000x2069, 82549045_Qzx5v8bT3GdOLnZ(1).pn…)

Trans Fortress

No. 398319

tf2 revamped for the modern day demographic. Now with quadruple the amount of self harm scars!

No. 398321

Tf2chan would have flayed this artist alive

No. 398332

File: 1720280147335.png (77.63 KB, 124x490, Screenshot 2024-07-06 083456.p…)

spongebob? what happened to you?!

No. 398335

the tif scout looks incredibly racist

No. 398340

wow deadlock's concept art looks great kek

No. 398342

oh fuck off

No. 398373

File: 1720289132401.jpg (878.48 KB, 1729x2018, en92wk1sB2oD7nbQnEBkL5s2YMTAqz…)

the face you make when you smell something real bad

No. 398390

I can't believe I understood this reference

No. 398392

This looks like a bunch of people who belong in prison. Except for the one on the far right, that one looks like a teenage girl.

No. 398394

This seems like a great way to get stung in the eye. She honestly looks like a retard who just found a jellyfish and doesn't know what it is.

No. 398398

I don't think it's pure AI, but I think it may be AI that she retouched or painted over.

No. 398403

File: 1720294937281.jpg (664.05 KB, 553x544, 9gtwg9ss77ka1.jpg)

i like how none of them have any silhouette

No. 398458

File: 1720307277784.jpg (477.1 KB, 608x1080, FZPHwRpXwAE0lhC.jpg)

No. 398464


No. 398467

Are the teams supposed to represent two different types of autism?

No. 398475

File: 1720312725084.jpeg (73.54 KB, 602x803, main-qimg-39ecd5e5240751c7d0f5…)

Lola Cruddy

No. 398476

File: 1720313912959.png (107.88 KB, 339x246, Untitled.png)

lmao and the self harm scars on spy… eek
is blu medic supposed to be gottmik?

No. 398510

That blue sniper looks like some sissyfication bullshit, also, what does that half grey trans flag mean?

No. 398521

File: 1720334043360.jpg (545.77 KB, 512x800, Tumblr_l_809031030339943.jpg)

This cover nauseates me for some reason. Is it the neck? It has to be the neck.
The contents of the book itself also sound terrible since the characters are described with words like "smol" or "cinammon roll". There should be a bad writing thread on here, I'd read this mess to post caps.

No. 398522

File: 1720334069704.jpg (621.55 KB, 1400x1773, Tumblr_l_809091049578131.jpg)

No. 398525

>british cherokee
>black catalan-america
weak. my soldier headcanon is inuit, lithuanian romani, and fijian. yes he looks 100% sub-saharan african and is also muslim (hijabi). will add more as think of new obscure ethnic groups

but for real, there's nothing progressive about slapping a bunch of random labels onto a character for diversity points. wow, you are doing so much for the demographic of intersex gay male bdsm slave self-harming one-legged seychellois out there. the people who make these would never write a story about or even make a character who is an average seychellois. the concept of a character redesign with labels is inherently retarded anyway. what's the point of adding identity labels to a lineup of characters that you'll never develop further? it just shows that you view and use these labels as an aesthetic signifier and a virtue signal above all else. your pinkie pie redesign is bigender adhd indigenous australian the same way that she's wearing fugly fucking overalls and has rosacea blush.

No. 398526

the hands are killing me. he has no palms and no wrists just fingers attached to his forearms
we should definitely make a bad writing thread to go with bad art, between fanfic and the drivel that gets published nowaday there's so much out there

No. 398536

I'm late to this, but this was drawn by an actual woman. It's funny to see anons debate on how it would look drawn by one

No. 398613

File: 1720365037347.png (123.5 KB, 440x745, 1000010822.png)

>buck teeth

No. 398622

File: 1720366483628.jpg (129.08 KB, 1080x641, tumblr_fa13f70e8e8f940d40d25c0…)

>>398317 Can I get the @ of artist/op? I cannot find on google image search
tf2 is set in the 50-60s, so this makes some sense

Anyways thread tax

No. 398624

nonna how the actual fuck do you stumble upon something like this

No. 398636

this is a master piece, ti doesnt belong here

No. 398660

I was looking at tumblr and this jumpscared me lmao

No. 398667

File: 1720374279263.jpg (123.86 KB, 850x1231, 1000012582.jpg)

No. 398671

I kind of love it. Moar

No. 398749

people who draw stuff like this understand that two people of the same race can hang out together, right? even the worlds most diverse group of friends or coworkers is not the fuckin model UN

No. 398755

File: 1720387427205.jpg (193.13 KB, 2000x1389, bafkreibvwwqevokfuiwbn4jhdfhpz…)

The proportions are so goofy and stupid,big boobs + muscles never looks good also the pencil neck.

No. 398756

Those boobs legitimately, unironically look like a naked nutsack KEK

No. 398763

funniest thing about their obsession with ugliness is that it wouldn't hold water irl. you offer the tif that drew this a pick between someone hot and some he/she/xe fatty with autism and a missing leg and she's 100% going for the hottie

No. 398798

>what's the point of adding identity labels to a lineup of characters that you'll never develop further? it just shows that you view and use these labels as an aesthetic signifier and a virtue signal above all else.

EXACTLY nonna. You said it better than I ever could.

No. 398832

File: 1720413954860.jpg (100.71 KB, 1080x1018, IMG_20240708_013747_510.jpg)

Why TIFs always get the bara bait characters to transwash lol that's not a fucking woman

No. 398854

Once it was "draw a girl call it a boy", now it's "draw a wholeass man and give him titchop scars and call it a heckin trans man".

No. 398864

this just made me imagine pre-op gumshoe with huge ass badonkadonks

No. 398897

This would be cute if it wasn't an fatty ftm

No. 398903

fat men cant be cute

No. 398908

File: 1720459098466.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240411-203942.jpg)

I can't remember if I've posted this before but I came across it again while cleaning out my phone gallery & god damn it is just so unbelievably hideous

No. 398909

There's just…so much going on here.

No. 398913

Yes, it's been posted.

No. 398917

You jest, but drawing "pre-op" male characters with giant tits is the latest trend. I remember seeing art of Leon Kennedy (not genderbent, specifically trans) with tits recently.

No. 398930

File: 1720462898776.png (491.04 KB, 768x1024, 95FuA8gMFIkIo0jZKpNteJoB9nZyxr…)

More artfight: this is supposed to be a succubus character

No. 398931

This character should be malnourished because it really only generates disgust on the average person rather than arousal.

No. 398944

Spoiler this shit

No. 398945

A lot of tifs draw cute, well made art and it breaks my heart to see every time. Game communities centered around yaoi are being ruined en-masse by trans ideology.

No. 398949

why live

No. 399002

File: 1720479658751.jpg (144.99 KB, 725x1024, sghsfhjkd.jpg)

No. 399003

KEKKKK I knew this had reaction pic energy

No. 399139

could have been a hot roidstacy. sad.

No. 399140

File: 1720487615782.png (Spoiler Image,997.67 KB, 1280x1508, pictures you can smell.png)

Was it this, nona? I hate this artist and her tranny pandering art so much. (Reposted because I forgot to spoiler, sorry kek)

No. 399177

this is just based genderbend to me. death of the author i say

No. 399349

File: 1720535221213.jpg (647.51 KB, 2048x1448, tumblr_4996c06df2cee5d452c5f20…)

Always the weirdest fucking shit showing up on the Tumblr radar

No. 399367

This looks like they tried to combine TIF art style with yaoi art style.

No. 399369

Nta but I really looked up to this artist and then she started exclusively drawing these retarded tranny pieces. Truly a fucking waste of talent. She recently posted about her having her tits out (but she's not a woman ofc) at pride.

No. 399373

>Nta but I really looked up to this artist
why? her art is ugly

No. 399423

No. 399426

i dont draw, but i can still criticize ugly art when i see it. If its because she draws leon, there are way better leon husbandofags out there.

No. 399492

They keep getting memed on for always trooning the skinny manlet twinks for self insert reasons so now they troon big bara characters as well as a cope to delude themselves that TIFs too can totally look like that

No. 399517

File: 1720556938710.png (298.14 KB, 929x492, Screenshot 2024-07-09 132725.p…)

a 9 year old on ms paint could produce something of the same quality

No. 399653

File: 1720563616903.jpg (180.34 KB, 1280x1195, fake_dating_sim___a_date_with_…)

He looks like Carol from jimmy neutron

No. 399654

he looks like bling bling boy

No. 399661

File: 1720564181384.jpg (219.62 KB, 1500x1600, Ev0iUJnXMAUlOs4.jpg)

You reminded me of my favourite Twitter artist. I'll never understand what it is about Dragon Ball that makes women draw them like this.

No. 399749

I noticed a pattern regarding this. When they are really early in transition, they always self insert into random twinks and femboys. Later on when the T effects start and make them fat and hairy, suddenly they want to make ugliest possible ocs and self insert into "baras". Reminds of this tif who was self inserting into some ugly moid from disco elysium and was posted in tif threads years ago. It is as though they know how ugly T makes them kek.

No. 399762

File: 1720606750542.png (128.36 KB, 274x635, Screenshot 2024-07-10 031818.p…)

No. 399770

Giving giant boobs and asses on women is the male version of TIFs making their characters as ugly as possible

No. 399772

No. 399773

I'm laughing so hard at this

No. 399774

>"Little meow meow, I'm gonna take a shit, now's not the time!"

No. 399796

File: 1720615222131.jpg (610.21 KB, 3309x4096, 1000017146.jpg)

the hair curls are so deeply upsetting to me.

No. 399797

kek i think ive seen this artist in these threads before, I think the nice rendering is a way to mask the… bizarre at best choices. Many such cases.

No. 399799

File: 1720616653216.jpg (532.6 KB, 2678x4096, Fja8fOUaUAMb3-7.jpg)

this artist is really good but his stylistic choices are concerning

No. 399800

File: 1720617181182.png (235.43 KB, 540x342, Screenshot 2024-07-10 061150.p…)

What's with the cheek-snout?

No. 399801

Artist is too used to drawing vaginas and porny shit he now can't render hair curls.

No. 399805

File: 1720619175007.png (1.58 MB, 963x821, Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 9.45.…)

No. 399806

File: 1720619225739.png (1.43 MB, 650x1061, Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 9.46.…)

No. 399833

This is scary but damn how do I render like that

No. 399835

go copy pigeon666 like they’re doing

No. 399838

Lel the hair is what happens when you only learn how to render clothes folds

No. 399857

File: 1720628160557.jpg (1.11 MB, 3185x3185, Roku6enashi-128307544565143552…)

nah hes copying rokudenashi's soft rendering

No. 399859

Kek jumpscare

No. 399861

File: 1720628472561.png (982.64 KB, 2011x2623, IMG_6722.png)

god what is it with furfags and columbine

No. 399883

File: 1720632433967.gif (1.44 MB, 480x360, MjLrK5.gif)

What am I even looking at

No. 399919

File: 1720638674207.png (315.23 KB, 633x511, Screenshot 2024-07-10 121011.p…)

No. 399923

This is legit scary wtf

No. 399925

There's no way this isn't AI

No. 399930

File: 1720641042784.jpeg (47.68 KB, 1067x800, IMG_4855.jpeg)

same energy

No. 399945

this is haunting. right out of a nightmare i mustve had 15 years ago

No. 400012

I don't play resident evil so this is just a qt butch to me

No. 400038

Looking at this causes me physical pain and I can't explain why

No. 400111

File: 1720657425549.png (64.73 KB, 406x476, wat de fug.png)

actually laughed

No. 400128

I almost chocked laughing, wtf is this

No. 400132

File: 1720658496024.jpg (Spoiler Image,582.22 KB, 4096x2304, Roku6enashi-128307544328582348…)

this is the whole piece btw
god i wish anons would stop accusing everything of being AI. The drawing is from 2019. Its just genuine homosexual barafag autism. He recently nuked everything and left and it wouldnt surprise if it was because of dumb comments like this.

No. 400138

KEKKKK Jesus christ

No. 400143

I wish I could have degenerate hyper rendered fetish art autism

No. 400149

to be fair it does look like AI the way the metal hands and arms are melting with his flesh. is the creature supposed to be made of some kinda of liquid metal or what?

No. 400153

its not melting into his skin the arms just are shaped like that

No. 400168

it's like he accidently hid some of the layers and didn't unhide them before uploading kek

No. 400181

Holy shit how did it get even worse

No. 400195

File: 1720670766561.png (2.59 MB, 1406x1672, Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 00.05…)

uh, no.

No. 400201

Nta but I think it's his skin reflected on the metal arm

No. 400205

I need to inherit this man's and mgong's brainworms

No. 400216

I don’t think so. Maybe I’m not autistic enough to see it but I don’t see it. Oh well it’s not important.

No. 400245

YWNBARA. You have no sense of proportion, you have no knowledge of style. You are an amateur at best twisted by the blur tool and youtube shading tutorials into a crude mockery of authentic art.

No. 400251

I believe the creature is melting into him because its not only the arms. the creatures face is explicately half melted into his face as well.

No. 400262

This is truly one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.

No. 400264

You say that but the nipple milk effect goes crazy

No. 400279

he's literally beloved by barafags, they were all crying on his ehentai page over him deleting his art account

No. 400288

File: 1720706327185.jpg (824.63 KB, 1080x1999, helpt.jpg)

The holes in the shapes kind of give it that AI look at first glance but this really is too much detail for a machine. I couldn't even see the engraving before zooming in

That's what it looks like, his other artwork has normal faces. Or did his style change drastically since he locked the account?

No. 400291

File: 1720706823746.png (210.88 KB, 490x462, barafag autism.png)

he must have legit autism, there is so much fucking detail. If you close in the robot hands near his peccies you can see some spooky eyes too.

No. 400329

I can just tell this is an autistic tif

No. 400421

i don't know what anons are on about, this doesn't look like ai, just severe gay male autism (or schizophrenia tbh)

No. 400433

This. It's not ai, that's years of pure redermaxxing devotion and autism. Yes the robot is blending with the guy, but it's intentional. Is it a horrific subject and concept though? For sure.

No. 400455

I just don't understand why draw his face like that? Does this tard draw all the faces in his art like this?

No. 400551

File: 1720739626709.jpg (71.66 KB, 736x867, 4aea02ad5485f4b469ec607a41678a…)

How does some ugly gay muppet get so many fan girls and fanart?This is Wally Darling btw

No. 400563

rokudenashi is great lmao

No. 400590

File: 1720744569455.jpg (964.21 KB, 4096x4096, Roku6enashi-147530400506066944…)

No. 400619

I'm assuming is because the arg originated on tumblr

No. 400805

The fucking liquify tool hair are sending me, kek

No. 400840

File: 1720796502056.png (118.97 KB, 298x414, Screenshot 2024-07-12 075733.p…)

this is from last year but it made me kek so
(apologies in advance if this was in a prev thread)

No. 400841

File: 1720796528802.png (168.92 KB, 298x300, Screenshot 2024-07-12 080001.p…)

samefag, for context this is the og

No. 400845

I'd rather read this than whatever the fuck >>400840 has going on. Just because you're on the hate train for something mediocre doesn't mean you're any better yourself. Sit tf down.

No. 400847

NTAYRT but I think she meant "you will never be a real artist" but I also read it as you will never be bara and laughed my ass off.

No. 400853

oh kek thats kinda petty though because he's a really good artist, just with a retarded subject matter but if i had his skill i would draw nothing but my weird fetishes too so who am i to judge

No. 400858

File: 1720798328405.jpg (849.96 KB, 2000x1000, tumblr_7aa5dbc2110b144ff535983…)

My first instinct was that that's a joke but the rambling on the post convinced me that this is genuine. This persons style has somewhat of a dogisagaesque look

No. 400871

I would love to play a horror video game in this art style, it's genuinely terrifying.

No. 400956

File: 1720819192761.jpg (52.1 KB, 600x849, takagi_san_by_rafaeldgart_ddv2…)

No. 400959

File: 1720821099029.jpg (372.48 KB, 1200x898, tumblr_c4aa895527fe589c795e6ca…)

No. 400961

File: 1720821193771.jpg (432.04 KB, 1184x1671, tumblr_5f3252f14b1cdce6f431814…)

No. 400963

would be hot w/o the stupid tattoo

No. 400977

No. 400984

what the fuck

No. 400985

Flawed but soulful

No. 400987

Somehow manages to have a dream chin and no chin at the same time

No. 401004

I looked at it for 5 minutes and deciphered this:
Butch women are women
Witch scum

No. 401005

File: 1720838172725.png (215.33 KB, 1669x1669, 73574147_4TR60Uj96dOg2Kt.png)


No. 401007

Nyan Neko sugar girl vibes

No. 401012

kek these are from that witch retard who said all American and Israeli women deserve to be raped and is an admitted diagnosed psychopath.

No. 401013

File: 1720842502570.jpg (412.07 KB, 1024x1024, 45199529_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 401015

File: 1720843103906.jpeg (205.07 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_2410.jpeg)

I sometimes like this artist’s other stuff but I guess this is an example of an artist’s weaknesses (in this case proportion) coming to bite them in the ass kek

No. 401016

File: 1720843333541.jpg (184.6 KB, 849x1080, messmer.jpg)

Nah, Messmer actually has proportions like that in game. If anything, the artist made his head too big

No. 401027

if i was rich, I’d buy this and hang it up in my house and make all my guests give their thoughts on this, lmao

No. 401028

Beautiful woman, with hilarious art

No. 401070

Male bonding, the painting.

No. 401139

File: 1720893356004.jpg (218.26 KB, 1283x1526, radfem-artist-laetitia-ky-v0-w…)

I'm late to this, but her hair art is allot better

No. 401142

File: 1720893535908.png (871.6 KB, 979x1015, Screenshot_20240713-105811~2.p…)

No. 401169

keep vendettaposting in every thread, nobody believes you

No. 401176

This is the ideal male body type to me, tall and skinny.

No. 401250

Fucking based queen

No. 401351

File: 1720946067147.jpeg (637.98 KB, 1847x1736, UeaWpB6.jpeg)

No. 401365

Agreed, still fucking love her paintings tho kek

No. 401475

Credit to TiF/SJW art, they capture the genuine ugliness of irl moids

No. 401480

File: 1720980222109.jpeg (343.8 KB, 2048x2048, FfoHhTbWAAIc97M.jpeg)

I've always hated the fridge bodies with tiny heads this person draws. Shit taste all around.


No. 401789

File: 1721043960273.png (2.54 MB, 1079x1350, S77E6W4.png)

No. 401801

kieran nooo

No. 401870

File: 1721062968948.png (181.58 KB, 260x282, Screenshot 2024-07-15 095231.p…)

Finally I know I'm not the only one. These faces and expressions and everyone having a sore upper lip pisses me off so bad. It's just too disney/sims 4 and i hate both of those things. Also it's boring and I've seen it a million times, I could not distinguish between any of the artists who do this.
Maybe nitpicky but the girl on the right looks like she has two really large teeth. Like a cartoon chipmunk. Go back, theodore.
But tbf I wouldn't hate to see a cartoon or something in this style because it's a lot better than most cartoon slop on the current scene. Man, you can excuse a lot of stuff if you just make it a cartoon… Or maybe I just have low standards for toons.

No. 401875

The nonexistent philtrums kek

No. 401880

The Limbus/Project Moon stuff was especially ugly but I guess that's why none of it has been archived kek

No. 401888

shes so fucking based and whoever first posted her here trying to call her art bad should feel like windowlicking retard

No. 401903

File: 1721069004786.jpg (227.75 KB, 1033x850, Untitled.jpg)

people who draw stuff like this should be tied to a car and dragged in the street i think

No. 401950

I was about to say, the retarded expressions coupled with the mouth and nose being so close together are what ruin this.

No. 401994

File: 1721089574504.jpg (226.78 KB, 2048x1152, F7iK6Z1XsAEPyC6.jpg)

you can be a senior concept artist at a company and still draw fucking fucked up proportions like this

No. 401995

concept art is soulless anyways

No. 401998

anon please, maybe on twitter but concept art for actual finished video games is often gorgeous

No. 402001

God, this artstyle is so fucking obnoxious. All the expressions has to be 'in your face' absolutely nothing subtle.

No. 402004

nah, its always the same over rendered soulles scifi or fantasy crap

No. 402054

File: 1721118074221.jpg (1.02 MB, 2046x3500, 20240603_095532.jpg)

No. 402060

You do know that concept artists work on literally every kind of media? And they don't have a shared style, what their work ends up looking like depends on the individual.

No. 402072

I was wondering where her mouth was so I opened the image and said "oh no" aloud

No. 402084

You don't know what concept art is.

No. 402315

File: 1721167706634.jpeg (Spoiler Image,290.71 KB, 2048x1792, Clf1RFf.jpeg)

Everyone's favorite ugly ass vampire

No. 402328

i dont know whats worse, the feet, the benis or the face

No. 402333

yes, i do. I have many concept artists friends and even they hate that they cant have their own unique styles because the industry just wants generic photobashed slop.
they all have to adapt to the industry standards, so they end up with the same copy pasted style

No. 402369

File: 1721173092236.png (2.76 MB, 1737x2122, 1688639743.somniumfox_fanart_d…)

No. 402429

imagine the shape of the butt cheek closest to the camera. You can see it on both the left and right size of the leg in totally different heights…

No. 402432

late reply, but idk what you're talking about. the artist is a cow that recently blew up on tumblr for being unhinged so of course many people know about her. What other threads did people post about her in? I kind of want to see kek

No. 402443

File: 1721183327866.webp (28.39 KB, 721x865, 11593680807.jpg)

No. 402507

this looks more accurate to the character model than any other fanart ive seen
me at a party

No. 402510

File: 1721202344912.jpg (124.25 KB, 1281x878, Untitled-1.jpg)

anon ur post made me laugh so hard i tried to visualize it

No. 402527

Gotta love those big soulful eyes and playful smile. It made me kek out loud

No. 402659

File: 1721237158219.jpg (714.54 KB, 1638x2048, tumblr_f56871fc9324dc4ee109b2f…)

I don't know how to explain it, but it's repulsive to see when artists draw faces as this. everything is way too exaggerated

No. 402660

Not even with my hypermobility I can do this pose, what the fuck was the "artist" smoking?

No. 402804

File: 1721261881348.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1458, hideousness.png)

All of these Vivziepop OCS are really ugly and badly made.

No. 402818

Those hands are pretty bad looking

No. 402822

The wings are so lazy. I hate every part of this.

No. 402824

Pure autism

No. 402900

The BG being a photo stolen from google is my favorite part

No. 403118

File: 1721336007870.jpg (74.67 KB, 828x629, mavis_dracula_by_foxyart_illus…)

This is so bad

No. 403122

File: 1721336260116.jpg (114.62 KB, 745x1154, cheerleader_kim_possible_by_di…)

All of it is terrible especially the thighs

No. 403123

Those legs would be SO skinny the moment she stood normally kek

No. 403125

File: 1721336437050.jpg (91.58 KB, 762x1049, raven_playing_with_portals__sf…)


No. 403126


No. 403127

So much wrong here

No. 403129

For once, I'm actually praying that something is AI. Unfortunately, no AI would screw up this badly. Total coomer death

No. 403130

Playing with portals? So she's going to grab a bird?

No. 403140

The art of someone who has never seen a human boob in his life

No. 403170

The more I stare the worse it gets

No. 403281

File: 1721368936764.png (750.63 KB, 632x632, image754669962l.png)

It murdered me! What is this?

No. 403407

Kekkk I love this. Excellent reaction image material right here

No. 403512

File: 1721417019914.jpg (289.73 KB, 594x1056, __makinami_mari_illustrious_ne…)

Something about this looks off

No. 403516

The teeny tiny hands and dead stare are sending me

No. 403530

stage 1 of coom brainrot: sense of proportions slowly rotting, dead generic anime face
Actually, that face feels copy-pasted, I feel like I've seen it before and it feels odd with the rest of the piece.

No. 403542

File: 1721424918189.png (1.51 MB, 2048x1152, XhtMpMS.png)

No. 403545

File: 1721426141229.webp (209.69 KB, 1950x2052, RDT_20240718_01442580556347689…)


No. 403554

This isn’t bad from a technical perspective. Post-wall bara psyop is a dime-a-dozen

No. 403567

this is so corny and ugly

No. 403587

>bad art is anything i dont like the subject matter of, regardless of quality

No. 403592

nta but the art in that is atrocious, the faces look like they were chadified by chadification anon.

No. 403613

I'm noticing a pattern of a nonny who would describe a part of a drawing that is badly made and ends the sentence with a "- is sending me" kek
I love you sending nonita

No. 403630

Its unsettling cause they look like uncircumcised dicks

No. 403643

Anon..that's a common internet meme/slang. It's not used by just one anon kek.

No. 403647

her head is completely out of proportion with her body. she's also got rubber bones

No. 403649

The faces are a little weird and the muscles are exaggerated but it's not bad enough to be funny imo. Now this >>403545 is some prime funny-bad art. If I were to curate an exhibition of bad art, it would only consist of drawings that either made me laugh or made me recoil in horror. But that's just me.

No. 403817

File: 1721501882332.jpg (279 KB, 900x1200, 1000020604.jpg)

Why does this show up so high in the google image search??

No. 403840

File: 1721505960452.jpg (1.11 MB, 1450x2048, tumblr_8923345fde1b94f88d57ba5…)

Does tumblr radar have something against art that isn't total shit?

No. 403843

File: 1721506581775.jpg (364.92 KB, 1536x2048, 1721409226.disaryfox473_messen…)

Everything about this is so ugly

No. 403846

I like how this isn't remotely sexy at all
Lo and behold… The damn ass shot. As if it couldn't get worse.

No. 403847

File: 1721507739757.webp (Spoiler Image,50.1 KB, 612x792, f_6693cb82b0408.webp)

Shitty digital painting of a man eating pussy. He looks so earnest I almost can't hate it

No. 403848

Holy FUCK KEK this is something else.

No. 403853

they look exactly like all the filipina women crossplayers i saw back home

No. 403855

They're supposed to be roses, it's not even real hair. Nobody here was young enough to have seen SU?

No. 403857

It's not rendered like roses though, everything in that painting has the same smooth texture which is why it looks so off-putting.

No. 403858

You ever gone outside and seen roses kek

No. 403865

File: 1721511493757.jpg (481.22 KB, 1920x1280, _open__adoptable_liza__auction…)

No. 403868

Adoptable? Don't tell me anyone is paying real money for this shit?

No. 403873

yeah, the execution's not great, but I thought it was obvious that the artist was just trying to render Rose Quartz's large curls like the form of a rose. It's a neat enough idea, but the piece is too dull for that kind of whimsy and they look too slumped and fleshy kek.

No. 403896

Sold for 195$ kek I love adoptable culture

No. 403915

File: 1721527575375.jpg (347.03 KB, 1429x2000, bafkreihk3mvo65ojedhhursmj6ib5…)

No. 403916

File: 1721528051277.jpg (24.11 KB, 499x500, e8d1d3d1a0fd6e0eff593a066b3dd4…)

Wrong thread this is beautiful

No. 403918

Very late but some of the designs are kind of endearing, i like the different body types, reminds me of clone high.

No. 403919

the arm is so fucked up but i kinda like it

No. 403965

File: 1721548589764.jpeg (450.6 KB, 1472x2048, uz8eos7.jpeg)

No. 403973

The subject is awful but this is actually a fairly good Leyendecker study compared to the majority of the ones posted online. There are some weird bits (e.g. with the collar) but I don’t think I would call this ‘bad art’.

No. 403992

File: 1721559433343.png (280.12 KB, 530x797, BuckTheMewtwo.PNG)

No. 404005

File: 1721570393725.jpg (230.94 KB, 1535x2048, 20240721_154540.jpg)

No. 404034

anon, how did you find my fourth grade notebook??

No. 404133


No. 404152

I oddly like this one. isn't this artist from the post your art thread, too?

No. 404156

File: 1721615930195.jpg (455.19 KB, 2000x2000, bafkreiha5bfgqmgrh5qnbsojcmynq…)

Lol who would pay this much for such low quality art???

No. 404158

>Big bobs

No. 404184

the impact sammyfendi had on teenage artists needs to be studied. and even then I think its that one artist that used to draw femme-kakyoin that's made them all want to draw in the same shitty, downtown inspired style

No. 404188

I know I'm late but can anyone help me identifiy this artist? It scratches a specific part of my memory, like I've seen this artist in an old fandom of mine back on dA. The art didn't look like that back then but there's a certain something (I think it's the nose/mouth area specifically) to it that seems familiar.
The wordsalat watermark didn't exactly bear any results, nor did google image search. I can make out the tiniest signature on the shoulder but googling "nawbyon" and "nowbyon" goes nowhere.

No. 404238

Imagine paying 250+ for a half assed comic lmfao

No. 404239

File: 1721664633042.jpg (523.65 KB, 720x1600, 1000012141.jpg)

Found it. It's noydwan on tiktok. Sorry for the shitty screenshot but I dont have tiktok and that was as far as I could go without installing it.

No. 404240

File: 1721664833085.jpg (370.21 KB, 718x1377, 1000012143.jpg)

Samefagging. Here's the instagram page

No. 404246

File: 1721669998100.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.86 KB, 1300x1450, GQ2r1rsWgAAYsr6.jpg)

No. 404285

File: 1721684314859.jpeg (462.33 KB, 2637x1240, download-2.jpeg)

Wonderful pixiv finds

No. 404359

kek you're right it is wonderful

No. 404382

Blast from the past! I didn't expect to see SadoIshi in 2024.

No. 404387

Nonna thank you so much for going through the trouble to find the artist! As it turns out she's way too young to have been in the fandom spaces I was thinking of, let alone dA kek

No. 404483

File: 1721737188330.png (Spoiler Image,118.36 KB, 674x633, Screenshot 2024-07-23 051903.p…)

most skilled ic user

No. 404488

this isnt too bad considering its ic

No. 404613

>autistically detailed pornographic body
>that face

No. 404622

Damn… Where'd he sell it? kek

No. 404632

>typical anime scoliosis
>stubby arms
>borderline hunchback
>the weird hairless shrinkwrapped pussy
>ugly asymmetrical crooked face
Can't wait for the male sex to die out

No. 404640

deviantart, just look up the name and you can see the bids in comments

No. 404678

File: 1721772115530.jpg (102.84 KB, 750x1000, bafkreieilud4n54sybruu323im3ay…)

No. 404687

File: 1721775877268.jpeg (234.81 KB, 1920x1080, GNzleW6WkAEUCeV.jpeg)

This is such an eyesore

No. 404688

File: 1721775932194.jpg (187.98 KB, 1200x1200, GTIRlZRXkAE9hu1.jpg)

No. 404690

I hope any moid who dares draw the ojamajo doremi girls suffers from testicular torsion from now on.

No. 404693

File: 1721779261516.jpg (123.29 KB, 987x1280, IMG_20240724_003948_517.jpg)

No. 404694

File: 1721779341046.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.04 KB, 1280x1273, IMG_20240724_004516_065.jpg)

same artist. surprisingly a woman drew these

No. 404710

moids only get into art to draw hideous anime porn, /ic/ faggots need to be put into labor camps

No. 404792

File: 1721828253590.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.47 KB, 750x979, IMG_1883.jpeg)

ugly as fuck and disgusting

No. 404793

No. 404794

Everything about this piece is so stiff and lifeless and those hands kek.

No. 404836

File: 1721842407032.jpg (710.93 KB, 1920x2485, table-guy-ac36a813-3303-4b65-b…)

This is how you end up drawing when you take inspiration from kevin heart's how to draw manga books

No. 404837

The worst part is that this style legitimately has potential (think sketchy, long-limbed y2k emo art) but it's simply too male.

No. 404846

File: 1721844153393.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1170x1424, IMG_7741.jpeg)

I like the colors but I hate when people draw waists like this

No. 404847

File: 1721844368305.jpeg (69.64 KB, 670x1200, ETGCmPmUYAA3yyo.jpeg)

it always looks so autistic when moids draw small waists with gigantic elephant legs

No. 404856

What's going on with her vulva? Why does her nipple look like it's about to fall off?

No. 404857

You picked the least repulsive one of his drawings though. Literally every drawing he does features mutilated mutated breasts of some sort that can't even be described. The fact that he apparently has a wife and a baby actually worries me.

No. 404858

The skirt part of the dress makes no sense here. The artist should have put Peach in a different outfit, like the suit she uses for raving or something.

No. 404872

What the fuck is it with like fat goth slut Garfield? Why do Tifs like this?

No. 404875

It's the ultimate NLOG meme kek

No. 404876

Don't you mean tims? I've never seen a tif like garfield unless he was drawn as a fat old fuck with zippertits

No. 404881

>have to make sure she has wide hips have to make sure she has wide hips have to make sure this is an art piece that some scrote can wack-a-mole his dick to

No. 404884

>>404846 it would look cute if she wasn't broken like this.

No. 404890

I've personally seen more TiFs who like Garfield. I remember meeting one whose pronoun pin had a picture of Garfield on it kek

No. 404899

nah TIFs love Garfield, he fits into their "just a goofy silly little guy!" larp

No. 404902

File: 1721856241325.png (308.67 KB, 840x135, nic.PNG)

They did my girl Rarity dirty

No. 404903

I saw this on the front page and i just bursted out laughing what the fuck

No. 404911

File: 1721857320622.jpg (132.51 KB, 1200x675, garfieldtif.jpg)

>I've never seen a tif like garfield
frankly don't know how you missed it, picrel is a famous tif youtuber

No. 404912

Is this drawn by different people?

No. 404913

no, the artist just has really bad schizophrenia

No. 404915

File: 1721859304802.jpg (67.69 KB, 614x953, 16574ebb91a4a41a4b61700edbe6d4…)

Love Fluttershy as a manhwa top

No. 404916

Tayrt I meant as in the goth garfield gf shit. I know tifs like him

No. 404917

File: 1721859528270.jpeg (29.77 KB, 594x516, images - 2024-07-25T081823.825…)

NTA but Goth Garfield was a meme in I think 2020 and was made by puppychan, so for tifs by tifs

No. 404921

File: 1721862662633.png (630.36 KB, 1080x655, Screenshot_20240724-160930~2.p…)

No. 404980

File: 1721889819138.jpg (1.02 MB, 2480x3508, FQirSanaQAkgz--.jpg)

there has to be something intensely wrong with your brain to find this hot

No. 404981

File: 1721890224431.png (499.79 KB, 593x859, 1721890198040.png)

No. 405015

File: 1721920398758.jpeg (87.37 KB, 708x900, GTTSCysacAA7pIE.jpeg)

what the..

No. 405017

File: 1721920652081.png (508.28 KB, 650x358, sab.png)

It's what you get when you dress with a full body lycra costume

No. 405020

Hate when my pelvis punctures my lung

No. 405023

>Goth is when big tits and tube top
Coomers have completely destroyed the entire concept of goth fashion

No. 405030

It's okay to be apple shaped.

No. 405031

honestly, its just sad how oversexualized goth women are now. so many e-thots larp and only make it worse for them, and men see goth women as nothing but easy sluts now.

No. 405077

this makes me sad because the artstyle and coloring are so nice, but her boobs are blended into her ribcage, belly button is migrating down her torso, perspective on the crotch area is totally wrong, hips jutting out in an unnatural way, ughhh. how hard is it to just look at a real woman?? theres a trillion images of women online you can reference

No. 405078

This is so ugly

No. 405080

File: 1721934452760.jpg (152.93 KB, 1934x2048, GSEKKJSaIAAzPxt.jpg)

this is not very bad but the top surgeries piss me off

No. 405103

File: 1721945208349.jpg (339.05 KB, 1280x853, 1654292393.gothstoat_commissio…)


No. 405104

File: 1721945277827.jpg (58.68 KB, 430x850, lg (1).jpg)


No. 405105

How did the artist get Lucifer and Lilith to look accurate and then got the other two to look like that?

No. 405109

This has potential to be adorable but the nipples, bulge and zip scars ruin it

No. 405110

The mirror tool was a mistake

No. 405112

final boss of faggotry

No. 405133

KEK the gibbon arm

No. 405193

File: 1722001523040.jpg (Spoiler Image,325.95 KB, 1405x2048, GTWWuAmaAAA3DD0.jpg)

spoiler for coomshit
but i dislike the shading on this

No. 405202

File: 1722010206222.png (779.85 KB, 900x719, GSb9VDeWgAA5W23.png)

No. 405205

Why is this a thing. I actually hate rendermaxxers.

No. 405212

File: 1722014320970.png (46.19 KB, 737x328, nn.png)

The creator of her seems like such a weird guy, he kind of has a "wholesome coomer" image in peoples eyes. And he's always saying she's asexual but then he draws her like that, I just don't believe this is only about aesthetics

No. 405220

This is what sonicoomers think sonico looks like. I actually really like this artist, even if what he draws is coomshit it at least looks nice.

No. 405224

>Udders and top surgery scars
What the hell did the surgery remove, then? Wouldn't a TiF surgery on an ungulate remove the udders? These are the same retards who purport to have an "advanced" understanding of biology

No. 405227

I like the shading, it's really nostalgic

No. 405274

I kinda like it minus the boobs

No. 405281

Even though it’s coomer I can’t say I hate seeing anime women with my body type.

No. 405282

File: 1722034900716.png (14.18 KB, 600x800, 26cf2537-af46-445b-aa11-4c1041…)

No. 405284

File: 1722034929878.jpg (86.82 KB, 983x1000, bafkreidcagt5cfw5o43nmd3xfrbk3…)

No. 405299

you do not have gigantic firm boobs and 0 cellulitis at that weight

No. 405302

No idea why fatties see super sonico type drawings and think "omg she's just like me". This needs to be studied.

No. 405304


No. 405306

She is LITERALLY spreading her ASS CHEEKS. This person is retarded and I hope is never around children

No. 405307

Being fat isn't a body type.

No. 405308

Edition for next thread should be frog leg

No. 405309

He still posts on his main account on instagram @hey4ro and it's all SFW fine art type stuff. He also achieves this kind of render autism traditionally.

No. 405310

are you really trying to humblebrag here, of all places?

No. 405312

she’s “asexual” because he doesn’t want to imagine anyone with his waifu

No. 405321

File: 1722055486323.jpg (588.23 KB, 2016x2048, love lies bleeding.JPG)


No. 405324

File: 1722058767203.jpg (160.74 KB, 831x600, 428580924747.JPG)


No. 405330

You can always tell who is a bl artist

No. 405333

File: 1722061494001.webp (Spoiler Image,32.7 KB, 720x925, 1000019613.jpg)

(spoiler this)

No. 405334

I’m fucking losing it

No. 405335

Weirdly, the only men this artist draws are female characters-turned-futas

No. 405340

Projectile vomiting rn

No. 405342

File: 1722065947404.jpg (379.87 KB, 2048x1975, tumblr_87c4e978c281d5126c0f009…)

i don't even like boone but why the fuck would you draw him like this

No. 405343

File: 1722066321559.jpg (239.23 KB, 1000x1059, 1721934452760.jpg)

this is so cute without the weird internet brainrot shit i had to see what it looked like if it was normal

No. 405344

it's fine

No. 405350

File: 1722068975434.jpeg (459.67 KB, 1583x2048, IMG_3591.jpeg)

No. 405352

I hate when artists make HH Lucifer tall and sexy. The show sucks overall but unfortunately I did end up falling for the charm of a stupid, short version of Satan, so I’m not sure why you would cut out the best parts about him like that.

No. 405358

What’s wrong with this one? It’s competently drawn, the artist just didn’t make him hot.

No. 405360

What's bad about this one?

No. 405362

Overly stylized face makes him look like Phineas

No. 405364

Cause mantels are gross. You just have shit taste.

No. 405372

Zoom in on the face.

No. 405375

This makes me sad because I actually love this version.

No. 405407

File: 1722089927786.jpg (56.85 KB, 466x700, 44b38ee24cd6d03527f5ee0c4522ea…)

No. 405408

The mouth is bizarre.

No. 405446

File: 1722103445928.jpg (288.85 KB, 720x1457, 136 sin título_20240727140229_…)

yeah her mouth position is odd
I don't know if I made her look better or worse

No. 405449

same, him being short makes him gap moe. If he were tall he would be a generic bishie.

No. 405450

>Whore written on his underwear
Disgusting. I hate porn culture.

No. 405490

File: 1722113985771.png (767.13 KB, 1080x2131, r-goodanimememes-strikes-again…)

Shitty art & comic

No. 405494

I don't get the appeal of this type of coom artist, the art style feels too simplified for jerking off and the humor is just overdone anime tropes

No. 405509

File: 1722118707881.png (148.74 KB, 381x542, Peppa Pig.PNG)

No. 405513

Is that Izzzyzzz (or however you spell it)? I though she was just an alt millennial talking about nostalgic internet stuff, but I guess she's a they/them now. Why can't women just have a niche style and not be some flavor of TIF.

No. 405521

File: 1722119852385.png (51.75 KB, 567x860, charlie.png)

No. 405533

That character is canonically a pimp/pornographer so it sort of makes sense. Still ugly art tho.

No. 405542

Get on a treadmill lardass

No. 405545

Worse. Now her mouth is too close to her nose.

No. 405546

Puppychan didn't even come up with this by the way, she stole the idea from another artist.

Calm down bone rattler-chan.

No. 405550

>assuming anyone who criticizes fatties is an anachan
go back to twitter

No. 405568

File: 1722132637574.jpg (102.18 KB, 795x1006, pom_schmeat_by_oafworks_dhcitz…)

No. 405569

File: 1722133065214.jpg (60.63 KB, 235x737, Screenshot 2024-07-27 191303.j…)

Sorry, but I saw this right above the American Dad thread and my first thought was "same body type".

No. 405597

File: 1722139272106.jpeg (162.51 KB, 966x1200, GK6Ads_XoAAGthc.jpeg)

This is just ugly and a really bad eyesore.can you believe this artist has over 10,000 followers?

No. 405598

File: 1722139450044.jpeg (259.02 KB, 1600x900, F287PQfaoAAYUHo.jpeg)

Why would anyone pay for such mediocre,shitty,chicken scratch art? I've seen better art made in MS paint.

No. 405606

pedos and furries love giant tits or giant hips/asses no matter your skill level

No. 405607

What the fuck is going on with the chain mail(?) texture kek it's like he drew it as a flat rectangle and scaled it to fit

No. 405611

Walmart brand Vivziepop

No. 405618

File: 1722142461718.jpg (26.94 KB, 496x409, 1444871617508.jpg)

No. 405721

Even though it’s coomer I can’t say I hate seeing anime women with my body type. had to(bait)

No. 405750

File: 1722192494937.png (1.13 MB, 1112x1381, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 2.47.…)

No. 405751

File: 1722192638095.png (3.95 MB, 1927x1380, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 2.47.…)

No. 405752

File: 1722192670893.png (1.37 MB, 1117x1401, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 2.47.…)

No. 405762

Not gonna lie, this one is quite cute.

No. 405772

what's wrong with this one

No. 405777

File: 1722198462011.webp (166.87 KB, 905x1018, 5262185_269664_bakaedar_crimso…)

No. 405780

i used to follow this guy but his art is gettin too coomery for me and i hate getting jumpscared with tits on my feed. i still check his page sometimes, some of it looks nice. at least he puts effort into her design and overall composition. it's relatively tasteful coom but still coom
>he kind of has a "wholesome coomer" image in peoples eyes.
kek true
>I kinda want to make her asexual and panromantic
why are woke scrotes like this

yaoi proportions

No. 405791

Is this not a joke

No. 405798

>assuming anyone who criticizes fatties is an anachan
Yes and most of the time i am right, it's just like the farmers who obsess over thots that always end up being camgirls.

No. 405813

kekkk the nipples

No. 405818

If you look like >>405193 you are obese, go cry into your Twinkies. There is a middle ground between being a hamplanet and being a skeleton.

No. 405826

File: 1722210563975.jpg (152.47 KB, 1242x1087, tumblr_149429575b033641d7cc19b…)

The way you just assume i am obese because i don't foam at the mouth at the mere existence of fatties is kinda skelly anachan of you, desu
Thread tax

No. 405852

Nta but if you think that's an ana thing wait till you hear what healthy, gym-going people irl think kek

No. 405857

I didn't. I said IF you look like the pic. Learn2read.

No. 405915

File: 1722245152125.jpg (599.77 KB, 1080x2274, 20240712_225835.jpg)

from the new shencomix webtoon. he doesn't even try anymore

No. 406006

File: 1722283488424.jpg (91.27 KB, 640x454, tumblr_cc24a850b4b550f49ff5937…)

No. 406008

This is supposed to be the succubus character, right? In that case it kinda makes sense but it's still pretty goofy kek

No. 406009

kek the added "skin texture" makes it look even worse

No. 406010

The nose and mouth read as side-profile but everything else is relatively front facing, ew.
Kek, the Y-front boxers pattern on the crotch.

No. 406025

File: 1722289977051.jpg (267.59 KB, 1473x684, 8735036768d5e7141cc220b9c277c9…)

zoomer slop

No. 406026

File: 1722290002662.jpg (92.93 KB, 736x736, b2851984b335f7590c49bf24dd3724…)

autism 1

No. 406027

File: 1722290038271.jpg (83.46 KB, 736x981, ae8e2d72f84bd51047d58450a159e7…)

autism 2 (this is supposed to be total drama fanart)

No. 406028

File: 1722290094031.jpg (66.44 KB, 564x771, weird.jpg)

No. 406032

What's with this cartoon attracting so many degens?

No. 406047

The amount of female sisters the male protagonist has attracts an assortment of people into incestshit. Also because its a kids cartoon, it attracts autists

No. 406051

Uninterested gf is based, curious why she's based on Gumi though kek

No. 406066

>You called me a daughter
Troon can't even spell right

No. 406095

File: 1722322525193.jpg (152.88 KB, 738x1319, 90769436_p38.jpg)

Goes hard but also why

No. 406096

The art style is easy to replicate with shape tools in MS paint.

No. 406102

Nona that wouldn't look out of place in the Westaboo thread kek

No. 406107

Sorry queen the subject matter is strange but the art is great kek

No. 406110

File: 1722334094335.jpg (3.02 MB, 1668x2388, 90769436_p35.jpg)

No. 406114

File: 1722336242565.jpeg (532.31 KB, 2000x1501, GKu8w42WEAEM9pd.jpeg)

this is just disappointing

No. 406115

I'm going to steal this composition and do non-tranny stuff

No. 406125

Pretty sure it’s just a master study of an already existing painting with a dick slapped on.

No. 406139

File: 1722346743201.jpg (62.38 KB, 1242x1256, 455.jpg)

It's based on this old meme but no idea for Gumi either.

No. 406140

I think they were going for a John William Waterhouse style

No. 406171

I love Japanese fanart of western shows.

No. 406254

i want to create a show only for that lol, love japanese fangirls

No. 406255


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 406264

And the many sisters are just tropes (i.e. porn categories) and the men are drawn to that. There's the goth one (coomer favorite), the tomboy, the bisexual punk, the dumb one, the princess and so on and so forth. It's why men loved MLP. Easily digestible tropey characters that weren't too complex.

No. 406272

File: 1722384200048.png (428.28 KB, 778x1027, nono_by_mackarknezt_dhnymjq-pr…)

No. 406273

File: 1722384312241.jpg (118.27 KB, 774x1032, power_ranger_green_by_da1exnor…)

This pathetic loser of an artist is trying so hard to copy Gash-Gashi's art kek I've seen the rest of their shit on DA.

No. 406305

File: 1722406204891.jpg (306.45 KB, 1372x1620, GTtI2wsbIAAAgth.jpg)

it's ok, but the complete 180 degree owl head turn fucks with me

No. 406334

File: 1722436876914.png (2.23 MB, 1616x2045, 9dmqngN.png)

No. 406337

i love this kek what's the sauce

No. 406357

Self-shipping with zoomer Megamind?

No. 406364

it’s supposed to be roxanne richie

No. 406366

File: 1722452280847.jpg (157.38 KB, 1080x1263, 1000048426.jpg)

>It's supposed to be this character
At this point this person should just admit that the lust for megamind can consume someone quicker than the burning fire of the sun and put another name to the OC.

No. 406373

this really belongs in this thread. genuinely one of the worst drawings i've seen in a long time. i'm shocked by how bad it is

No. 406374

I recognize this artist because soyjak party tried doxxing him kek

No. 406393

No. 406466

I noticed the mouth first but wow, when I zeroed in on the hands I was just flabbergasted
>>399002 is my first pick but I would be pleased with >>397141 too

No. 406502

File: 1722505531795.jpg (686.88 KB, 993x2048, tumblr_504c1d1858892bd5824b375…)

the faces scare me

No. 406617

File: 1722540287740.jpeg (1.48 MB, 3840x2715, IMG_5181.jpeg)

I hate this shit sm

No. 406621

This happened to my friend 2X

No. 406626

Horrifying, this is like psychological gore.

No. 406658

>google artist's handle
>it's a TF/bimbofication fetishist
Not even remotely surprised

No. 406678

File: 1722550039384.jpeg (644.67 KB, 1482x2048, gHy3sQv.jpeg)

No. 406684

I was gonna say this wasn’t bad but then I noticed

No. 406688

Jesus I thought this was the AI thread, I almost said it looked really well done for an AI picture.

No. 406690

File: 1722552766641.jpg (Spoiler Image,413.65 KB, 2420x2536, dghfhgfh.jpg)

This is a "male" character according to the artist. Her profile is literally just endless straight porn (typically involving an obese TiF and a shredded guy) with retarded captions about how gay it is. She also apparently doesn't understand how HRT works, since her comics have dialogue about how "tboys can't get pregnant." Her handle is @1p3p3nis, don't look at it while you're eating.

No. 406693

File: 1722553390323.jpeg (304.45 KB, 1242x1668, GSFd17AXsAE_4LL.jpeg)


No. 406694

File: 1722554006986.jpg (196.91 KB, 1584x2000, bafkreidteuroczmlsbwaw7yphxmjq…)

The more I look at this,the more awful it looks.

No. 406698

I believe that's her boyfriend's account, he draws porn of her.

No. 406700

Tit chop scars on cherubs?? That said, I like the general style and coloring

No. 406714

File: 1722559767205.jpeg (Spoiler Image,316.67 KB, 2048x2048, GTY_d5BW0AAIecx.jpeg)

No. 406715

This reeks of cope and/or fetish.

No. 406716

That makes a lot of sense tbh, although I feel like the "boyfriend" is either a TiF or an expert at pandering to TiFs, since the captions also constantly reiterate that the women pictured are "gay boys." I think the artist might have a breeding fetish, since characters talk about not using birth control a lot during sex.

No. 406718

the artist is a man, drawing his Tif girlfriend. They posted porn they made together. (Like actual porn.)

No. 406720

Scary thing is this type of female artist isn’t that uncommon

No. 406722

>>406714 me, but I wear pajamas and don't "lose" my pen

No. 406726

File: 1722566623560.png (223.9 KB, 462x710, 1722375109626460.png)

The 4tards at /co/ are already lewding the kid characters from Oye Primos.

No. 406728

Why does she have a beer gut

No. 406729

Moids don't know how breasts work kek

No. 406730

Cherubs are babies, they don’t even have tits to chop off. This is so retarded

No. 406731

Yeah, except they don't look like the pic, they look like if you combined Shayna with Holly Brown.

No. 406732

Kek, the girlfriend is claiming that she has a penis. That's an impressively retarded thing to do if you've already posted your pussy online.

No. 406737

>I noticed the mouth first but wow, when I zeroed in on the hands I was just flabbergasted
ayrt and same nona, that's exactly what happened with me. after that i honed in on every single awful detail until i felt taken aback by how shockingly bad it is

No. 406742

Is this artist suggesting that a ESL uneducated alien who is stuck in the penial system despite initially commiting no crime is autistic because that's certainly a choice.

No. 406756

File: 1722575667789.jpg (1.62 MB, 2880x2880, 20240802_081308.jpg)

Guess the character. I call this kind of stuff the racebait art. answer is Stella form winx club

No. 406757

This is just sad. Amazing art ruined by gender obsession. Will it ever end? We'll never go back to normal will we?

No. 406758

File: 1722576011266.jpg (2.12 MB, 2460x3300, 20240802_081853.jpg)

Samefag, more shit by the same fartist. Weird orange one is supposed to be Flora kek, and the pink and yellow haired one is supposed to be Roxy. This screams modern fantasy shit brainrot.

No. 406761

You're so dramatic kek

No. 406806

What is the top right icon suppossed to be?

No. 406831

File: 1722614529866.png (968.08 KB, 800x800, 73OYASX.png)

That anatomy tho

No. 406850

so he is aroace, nonbinary, bisexual..? and trans?

No. 406857

The anatomy is wonky, but if these were OCs or even an AU I think they would be fine. At least the artist didn't make them obese and trans with vitiligo.

No. 406914

File: 1722645362170.jpg (92.63 KB, 464x850, lg.jpg)

>slim arms
>lopsided tits
Lol very wonky

No. 407103

>I love this. Why is it posted in this thread, it's so beauti-
Do you know the artist? I want to see if she has any art pretroon brainrot.

No. 407129

She's @marlowelune on Twitter

No. 407158

File: 1722741696194.jpeg (612.98 KB, 2048x1325, GRB8YFFWgAMU8t-.jpeg)

Holy cow what a completely horrendous eyesore also lol at the trans imp being a lesbian.

No. 407174

They didn't even make her a loli?

No. 407258

kekking so hard at the straight couple being the centrepiece of this faggot parade.

No. 407259

If they wanted to commit to the fat look, why are her arms so dang thin? Fat doesn't distribute that nor does it conveniently go into the ass and tits of a person.
Ofc the troons gay, most of them are these days.

No. 407304

File: 1722777808971.jpg (134.86 KB, 1200x1200, 1200x1200bf-60.jpg)

No. 407308

doesn’t exist, they’re all fat hairy trannies or shit for brains coomer males larping as women

No. 407309

It's a oppai loli and yes it is as gross as it sounds

No. 407310

>Pride fest in hell
Unfortunate implications

No. 407312

they know that’s where they’re going for disobeying god’s laws. art imitates life

No. 407313

>celebrating pride in hell

No. 407315

It was drawn by a straight person, trad-chan

No. 407316

even she knows where they’re going, hell-chan(baiting across multiple threads)

No. 407317

Idk where you came from, but go back.

No. 407322

File: 1722783196695.png (1.17 MB, 1000x1000, d71hy9m-d88c682f-afc8-48f7-adf…)

No. 407364

The tall women pulls it off but it’s so disturbing on the shorter one. Very good line art and a good understanding of color theory, I like the desaturated look

No. 407411

File: 1722815608046.jpg (84.6 KB, 749x986, its_summer__bitch_by_leeleek47…)


No. 407424

File: 1722818940619.jpg (86.6 KB, 744x1094, time_for_klara_by_nottitanskul…)

No. 407438

File: 1722822668836.jpg (480.13 KB, 559x1000, 3446661_sirbanshee_gwen-stacy-…)

>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>incompetent technique
Some Shadman copycat.her entire head is bigger than her torso.

No. 407443

Nonnie if you haven't I implore you to deep dive into Gangreen Gang fangirls on DA and tumblr. They are absolutely insane. There's a sperglord in particular that's obsessed with Snake

No. 407447

File: 1722826241059.jpeg (63.81 KB, 900x411, FTAthjGWIAAGoU5.jpeg)

This horribly drawn racist and disgusting shitty garbage.he is also a pedo.

No. 407450

I ironically "love" this dude. He's an insane sperg and his non loli/baby related art is so gross but funny. I like that he's still angry art some random reddit user

No. 407454

pls post examples in the autism thread

No. 407459

File: 1722828982441.jpg (299.25 KB, 2560x1350, 81ZW69i64JL.jpg)

Is that the chinese rice girl?

No. 407465

File: 1722831717045.jpg (176 KB, 616x612, IMG_4169.JPG)

why do they always make pinkie pie fat and ugly

No. 407469

Why do they make Twilight black either? And Flattershy looks like a TIM or some awkward nerdy fantasy male anime character.

No. 407472

whats his @? his art looks like great value shadman

No. 407488

Twilight technically has the darkest coat palette of all the Main Six, so some translate it to her being literally dark-skinned. I actually like it when fanartists depict her darker skinned since purple fits well with that skintone.

No. 407489

File: 1722847724638.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1483x2048, ''Bust-binding''_corset.jpeg)

The art isn't bad. The nonna who posted this just doesn't like vitiligo Pinkie Pie. Look, if an artwork has stupid, cringey gendie/race shit but has actual effort put unto it then it doesn't belong here.

Picrel is some TIFfany stuff but you can't deny the art is eyecatching.

Cringe (whatever anyone finds cringe is anyway) does not translate to bad art.

No. 407490

read the rules
>bizarre, autistic subject matter

No. 407495

Honestly, this is a really nice illustration. I don't agree with the ideological bent to it, but the typesetting, color use, etc. are all very effective.

No. 407496

Autistic pet peeve, but they didn't even draw the vitiligo correctly. The loss of pigment is mostly symmetrical and occurs around the eyes, fingers, nose, and ears.

No. 407501

File: 1722850523347.jpg (146.85 KB, 720x881, why.jpg)

what have nobara and gojo done to deserve this

No. 407511

followed her for a while because nice historic inspired art before i couldn't take it anymore…

her whole stick is 'uwu victorian gay trans boy', ignoring the fact, that most gnc women back then were lesbian handging around other lesbians.

No. 407540

No woman’s body looks like that, TIFs are so delusional

No. 407563

Eh the fat one looks pretty ladylike to me.

No. 407598

File: 1722893257264.jpeg (Spoiler Image,815.42 KB, 2048x2048, E6E097FE-871D-4554-B353-315F48…)

Sorry forgot to spoiler the first time

No. 407604

>>407598 so gross wtf, why tifs love drawing ugly obese people?

No. 407605

Ew what did she do to the poor cookie?? From classy fox girl to restriction order.

No. 407622

File: 1722906667589.jpg (141.58 KB, 737x1247, disgust_by_14_bis_dhwiw66-375w…)

Looks like Fiona from Shrek lol

No. 407627

File: 1722908539110.jpg (553.61 KB, 900x1160, 37589944_p0.jpg)

Bad anatomy and scrote yuri coomshit by turning hot guys into moeblob titty waifus

No. 407628

The fact that this scrote implies that these two wouldn't have huge ass backs is hilarious.

No. 407631

>The art isn't bad. The nonna who posted this just doesn't like vitiligo Pinkie Pie.
NTA but the other ponies are drawn like TIMs

No. 407636

File: 1722915886669.jpg (233.79 KB, 794x1454, il_794xN.5901305299_qq6l.jpg)


No. 407637

not having moeblob proportions doesn’t mean TIM

No. 407651

Looks like Miss Endive from Chowder wtf

No. 407653

File: 1722927555765.jpg (1.24 MB, 1850x1850, tumblr_3f319741bf062cf199c237b…)

guess the characters (slightly easy if you know the fandom, and also, i'm sorry)

No. 407654

lol that's mean, you know some of us husbando this guy

No. 407655

i do too anon. and i was trying to look up art of him and my night was ruined

No. 407656


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 407659

now i need to know

No. 407668

Roger and Jessica Rabbit.

No. 407679

Benny from FNV and… someone's OC I hope?

No. 407721

new thread >>>/m/407719

No. 407786

I like this, it has a propaganda poster / folk art look.

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