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File: 1635035890110.jpg (73.49 KB, 1024x1024, lucy_airhead_airways__colored_…)

No. 166120

Post weird, gross, and stupid fetishes here so we don't clog the bad art thread. SPOILER anything upsetting or NSFW.

No. 167196

>three days later
>no posts

No. 184469

File: 1644048174119.jpeg (Spoiler Image,158.64 KB, 560x420, E57F595F-D1F3-494F-BF33-97B0B6…)

So we gonna actually start using this thread or…?

No. 184471

I sure hope so because I'm tired of checking the bad art thread to be greeted with fellatrix and hyper futa shit. Needs a containment thread for sure. I don't know why people were so against it

No. 184483

Me neither, anons got mad at this thread and ignored it for whatever reason and immediately started posting fetish art in the bad art thread anyway, nonsensical

No. 184484

File: 1644061123677.jpg (Spoiler Image,645.38 KB, 850x1917, whatthefuck.jpg)

same idk what the big deal was.even if the fetish abominations are intriguing,not everyone wants to see them

what the hell is this supposed to be?her limps are amputated and have nipples on their ends and she has extra nipple limps that work as legs/feet??

here's my contribution.dunno if it fits enough for this thread but it's fucked up enough.it's a headcanon about how smurfs reproduce in case anyone wants to avoid it kek

No. 184486

File: 1644062011832.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.89 MB, 3840x3840, 579049CF-73AD-4222-9D8E-7E6999…)

I guess it’s because if we used this one regularly it’d keep showing up on the front page and nobody else wants to see this shit. As long as this is all spoilered I don’t see an issue tho, still better than clogging the art thread.

No. 184514

File: 1644073485789.jpg (Spoiler Image,844.75 KB, 1023x1200, Futa Gyaru confess.jpg)

Thank fuck there's a thread for this crap and it's finally being used. I've wanted to share this abomination since forever. Ignore the cringe caption that was edited in (or not, it's so stupid it's hilarious).
I refuse to believe anyone would seriously make this as fap material. It's so fucking dumb.

>average fetish art by a male

This looked so normal and pretty well-drawn until the image loaded below the face kek

No. 184605

This pic makes me want to a-log

No. 185015

File: 1644246244619.gif (Spoiler Image,8.08 MB, 1096x1100, 2C935CA6-DE9D-42CF-B279-6EAD37…)

Reason 2453366533 why I hate deviantart

No. 185016

they allow THIS on deviantart now??

No. 185017

Kek wtf is this??

No. 185018

File: 1644248086724.jpeg (Spoiler Image,229.25 KB, 1000x719, you ever just.jpeg)

It's disgusting, but the legwarmer on the penis made me kek. I'll give the scrote a point for creativity

No. 185112


i bet it has like 1k favorites

No. 185213

He wants to suck it

No. 185949

File: 1644621848954.png (Spoiler Image,292.86 KB, 846x891, strangerthings hopper.png)

captioned: Y'all if I get crucified for this one, just know the coochie drew it, not me

No. 185951

File: 1644621900520.png (Spoiler Image,417 KB, 955x942, s.png)

this has 500+ likes on twitter

No. 185964

shidding on the haters

No. 330086

File: 1698229600442.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.28 MB, 3000x3551, Roku6enashi-147074270656582042…)

necroing to share this masterpiece

No. 330091

Who's the artist?

No. 330114

No. 330116

i hate that i immediately recognized it as rokudenashi

No. 330127

she was asking about the mpreg smurfs…

No. 330249

File: 1698275187440.jpg (Spoiler Image,828.65 KB, 2048x2235, Tumblr_l_229029680883515.jpg)

No. 330252

File: 1698275656735.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.38 KB, 827x644, reagan_ridley_revenge__by_macr…)

Footfags are so retarded imagine obsessing over fictional characters feet instead of actually having a life btw this artists draws foot fetish art of underage characters too

No. 330259

File: 1698280436324.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.57 KB, 900x1272, 13.jpg)

I love hate this artist
I like how he paints the skin and the level of detail in some drawings, but at the same time I'm desperate at how hard-core fetishist he is.
but well it shows that it's just a porn comedy

No. 330264

oh oops, it's hard to tell with all the spoiler images. but tbh rokudenashi would probably draw mpreg smurfs too.

No. 330269

File: 1698282980071.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.34 KB, 774x1032, barbie_girl_in_a_voracious_wor…)

Not even Barbie is safe from vore garbage seriously…wtf is this?

No. 330271

File: 1698283093086.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.29 KB, 885x903, muriel_by_alt_ninja25_dewa5qp-…)

They got Muriel too ,just how autistic can these vore artists get?

No. 330277

File: 1698286263122.jpg (630.08 KB, 4096x2304, Roku6enashi-127126385760910950…)

same anon he's one of my favourites artists by skill alone i laugh my ass off at his fucked weird use of his skills

No. 330428

File: 1698360405554.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.04 MB, 1455x1364, Tumblr_l_436167810438572.jpg)

Partycoffin is seething right now

No. 330429

File: 1698361584799.png (361.48 KB, 736x1169, Untitled14_20231026190631.png)

What am I looking at

No. 330437

kek is that saitama? why does he have poorly drawn hair

No. 330441

i think it's supposed to be a female edit lol, notice the breast

No. 330610

File: 1698434731082.png (689.66 KB, 1200x686, 1692634660.aquajack_comsale.pn…)

This same greasy degenerate draws inflation art of Sofia The First & diaper pound puppies art.absolutely disgusting.

No. 330618

File: 1698436779784.png (1.28 MB, 3236x2476, 2816550_tradicon666_giantess-t…)

No. 330619

File: 1698437033151.png (Spoiler Image,566.94 KB, 1280x1280, 1230369_ech0chamber_countryhum…)

I can feel the sheer autism from this

No. 330652

File: 1698444226172.jpg (247.78 KB, 1360x1860, i keep laughing looking at thi…)

I've had this saved for so long, so happy I can show it to the world. I will never understand why this is a fetish. Why is this arousing? How do you fuck a flattened person

No. 330656

File: 1698445195039.jpg (Spoiler Image,154.66 KB, 1280x597, 1667628219.dlrowdog_ケーキmatome.…)

Found this on Furaffinity,are all japanese fetish artists like this???wtf

No. 330657

File: 1698445386521.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 2200x1700, EeiqvUNVoAAOcq5.jpeg)

It gets worse…

No. 330667

idk man but when i think about shit like this i i feel great about my own sexual desires that i think are weird. thank god i am not THIS far removed from humanity

No. 330801

File: 1698507125542.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.16 KB, 1032x774, yukari_tanizaki_with_a_muscula…)

TERF queen Minamo

No. 330810

File: 1698509797455.jpg (142.4 KB, 969x825, daphne_and_samus_fart_on_champ…)

this one cracks me up, it's so fucking baffling. From the fucking weird tilted panelling, to it being, i assume, lupin husbandos. This is some bizarre stuff and i wish i could interview these people and ask them about how they developed such an specific fetish.

No. 330906

File: 1698527668263.jpg (370.38 KB, 1408x2048, F5Q4Yq0XIAAnjkZ.jpg)

No. 330981

File: 1698539561578.jpeg (Spoiler Image,138.51 KB, 900x666, Eaf9zF4UcAEBcAR.jpeg)

You know what's even more fucked up?Nonnas? This is obese fetish art of a real life person…Alexa Bliss & Nia Jax.why the fuck would anyone even draw this in the first place?!?

No. 330983

File: 1698539819470.png (Spoiler Image,38.76 KB, 450x623, FpxSpHmWAAMhLYB.png)

He's so unsexy & ugly,I don't get the appeal.cant believe there's vore art of him

No. 330985

File: 1698540078676.png (Spoiler Image,74.38 KB, 1483x829, F8_3WHLXIAALqdC.png)

Ew why

No. 330990

its TIFs and gay men who want to fuck him. its always their fault…

No. 331031

File: 1698556229348.jpeg (Spoiler Image,435.5 KB, 1902x2048, F0EcZVXWcAExDWB.jpeg)

Steddie shippers are uniquely insane, they're basically the same type of whackos who used to ship Klance. According to the OP, it's an "MTF!Steve/FTM!Monster!Eddie," with oviposition. They're not even the characters they're supposed to be fanart of anymore, might as well just draw weird porn of tranny OCs at that point.

No. 331033

i hate men but when i see art like this i never know if i hate tif art or tim art more

No. 331034

>TiF art or TiM art
Tranny art is vile in general, even when it isn't NSFW. They're a bunch of mentally ill autists with a million paraphilias, it's to be expected.

No. 331036

This person probably popped his first boner reading Flat Stanley and it was all downhill from there.

No. 331051

How did an entire generation of fangirls get memed into thinking trannies are sexy??? It truly boggles my mind. Like how do so many of them see a male character and think “He’s cute. You know what would make him even hotter? Turning him into a mentally ill Frankenstein’s monster with chest scars and a vagina or hormone moobs.” I don’t get it. Even the most terminally online girls a decade ago just drew male characters fucking each other and that was it. What is going on? I don’t know what’s worse: if they are all doing it for attention and social clout and it’s all an act, or they actually seriously find that stuff arousing. You can’t even write this stuff off as a niche fetish anymore. This is like the fandom standard now. It seriously is what slash shipping used to be. I can understand the appeal of slash shipping, it’s easy. Hot guyx2 wow. But what the hell is this? I can’t understand the appeal at all. Sorry to rant, but I swear if I see one more piece of fanart with top surgery scars, I’m going to snap.

No. 331087

No. 331259

File: 1698615784898.png (1.45 MB, 1574x1829, 14086f1917955235d76a.png)

No. 331274

for awhile, i was "okay" with trannies sexually and even into them. but nowadays when i see a tranny i just instantly think about how much they must stink and how mentally unstable and obnoxious they must be. so i don't think it's hot anymore. i will admit that sometimes i'm into "guy with a pussy" art that isn't a tranny, just some guy born with a pussy cuz that's a fun idea in fiction.

No. 331303

File: 1698631072033.jpg (Spoiler Image,367.06 KB, 1925x1726, Untitled.jpg)

how about this? it's leon/krauser… allegedlyy (i still censored dick just in case)

No. 331304

File: 1698631106370.png (Spoiler Image,112.82 KB, 346x544, e4770cc69b2c405c3326c6d8381e6a…)

this is what krauser looks like btw

No. 331306

File: 1698631303613.png (Spoiler Image,220.92 KB, 579x834, Screenshot 2023-10-29 190018.p…)

utterly deranged artist

No. 331313

Sometimes I think my sexual tastes are completely unconventional in every way but then I see shit like this and realize I'm normal

No. 331384

File: 1698684453067.png (Spoiler Image,358.32 KB, 1387x1168, 1689521020.jusosleep_218_sin_t…)


No. 331385

File: 1698684485125.jpeg (Spoiler Image,401.71 KB, 1885x2150, FtH6gfNWcAE0DNh.jpeg)

No. 331387

File: 1698684651228.png (Spoiler Image,2.94 MB, 1807x2039, 1692540809.resivirus_166862342…)

Why would they draw poor Mike Wazowski like this???

No. 331404

File: 1698689600838.jpg (150.58 KB, 1404x2048, EngrdfBXUAIApPW.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 331405

File: 1698689731218.jpg (120.78 KB, 1147x1200, EfWCsUMU4AAf5Id.jpg)

No. 331453

File: 1698701634346.jpeg (67.42 KB, 900x740, F5B54heXkAAMAcU.jpeg)

There's something about this "artist" that gives me zoophile vibes I don't know why

No. 331456

File: 1698701660757.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.73 KB, 900x523, Fz8zaEQXwAAYt5q.jpeg)

No. 334224

File: 1699495477353.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.78 KB, 828x671, ruby_reference_sheet__sfw__by_…)

6 balloon tits for this abomination?

No. 334362

File: 1699561300026.png (Spoiler Image,541.08 KB, 890x466, lolll.png)

This Japanese artist just does gifs of girls being electrocuted and their skeletons. Oof.

No. 334363

File: 1699561324063.png (Spoiler Image,561.36 KB, 800x1131, wat.png)

I also found out about petrification fetish recently. ?!?!?!?!?

No. 334753

File: 1699677248615.png (78.04 KB, 256x256, m399v4r7br301.png)

I saw a fucked up kissing fetish animation from Fur affinity (I was looking for kissing references on Google) where a realistic looking feral horse kisses a man who then turns into a horse while still kissing the horse with a lot of drool…what the fuck is wrong with furries I don't think I want other anons to see the monstrosity i saw it was so disgustingly detailed

No. 335269

File: 1699844890205.png (Spoiler Image,864.68 KB, 1080x2295, Screenshot_20231112-210840~2.p…)

Found this on Etsy, someone (probably some worthless greasy manchild) wants this as a custom plush ew it costs almost $200

No. 336029

File: 1700142505826.png (Spoiler Image,2.98 MB, 2500x3500, 1482864_ber00_charlie-hazbin-h…)

Can't browse newgrounds without shit like this showing up

No. 337042

File: 1700450209444.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.35 KB, 1198x1382, F_FWCLxbAAAbZJb.jpg)

hot mlm porn

No. 337044

File: 1700451002938.jpg (196.56 KB, 540x1480, lana_s_family_on_mother_s_day_…)

This retarded moid has an eye popping fetish which I didn't even know existed until now.what the fuck is wrong with men?

No. 337052

anything in the world you can think of that involves a female body, there's a man out there who is 100% devoted to and obsessed with it. men need to be put in concentration camps until they can prove they aren't retarded.

No. 339396

File: 1701544649998.png (481.59 KB, 954x355, Screenshot 2023-12-02 111731.p…)

literally was just trying to find a pic of shiny fennekin cuz its pretty and stumbled across this fucking retard, i hate men, why are they so fucking braindead? how is this sexy? why do they want to have sex with animals so much?

No. 339493

there is another eye popping retard?! this has to be another guy, i remember the other one was waaay more skilled

No. 339962

File: 1701775330781.png (1.55 MB, 1280x960, fe9M7Ii.png)

There is so much retarded Sonic fetish art out there.

No. 339967

wtf is even fetishized here? giant cheeks? these images are so bizarre.
also notice how every time you stumble upon such individuals their entire galleries are nothing but uncanny fetish art. are deviantart coomers so autistic that they cannot post about literally anything other than their bizarrely specific fetishes?
what woman would even want this

No. 339986

>implying femdom is for women

No. 339992

i know but sissy shit is like the most egregious example of that

No. 340229

File: 1701891392098.png (Spoiler Image,232.31 KB, 375x442, _com__dommy_and_sissy_movie_ni…)


No. 340230

File: 1701891491071.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.39 KB, 640x905, jaiden-breast-expansión-2-by-a…)

Why can't retarded males leave JaidenAnimations alone?the semi realism in this creeps me out it's very much hideously grotesque and uncanny.

No. 340348

File: 1701928660189.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.11 KB, 393x2030, debt_1___story___by_lemonxchan…)

I don't want to know what this skin wearing/flesh wearing fetish is all about,it's so disgustingly disturbing that only a psychopathic murderer would have.this artist is also a pedo.this is completely accessible without a mature filter on DeviantArt btw.

No. 340350

Horrible but I can't help but laugh that the moid who drew this doesn't know what nipples look like. The only 2 he actually drew are obscured by mist or green???

No. 340354

ugh i despise this, i hate it when they draw "woman" only content but i hate it even more when they do this sort of stuff with a man, it's such an obvious psycho tranny fantasy

No. 340355

File: 1701929587733.png (Spoiler Image,882.37 KB, 2254x1000, 1619033824.blackshirtboy_occai…)

I hate TFfags so much
In their commission info says they won't draw any underage characters even though he drew Shinji turning into a woman and a man turning into Sailor Moon…eww.

No. 340357

The male brain is not only defective but primitive,that's why they always have such fuck up kinks and see nothing wrong with having them.

No. 340359

this is AI 100%

No. 340634

File: 1702025497107.png (644.67 KB, 1024x745, ijxeAtO.png)

No. 340635

Lol, I can't even. How does ANYONE find this sexy?

No. 340636

Oh shit. Body positivity was a mistake. Let's go back to shaming anyone who isn't conventionally attractive, PLEASE.

No. 340971

File: 1702177669720.jpg (81.56 KB, 828x531, mommy_long_legs_by_albatroswar…)


No. 340973

File: 1702178019571.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.73 KB, 941x1200, F84OdSNXkAAi0Fs.jpg)

This popped up even with SafeSearch on.

No. 340974

File: 1702178294350.jpeg (Spoiler Image,70.86 KB, 850x687, 9af3ce2236e0ef1bbd7ee9339387ea…)

This also counts as bad art because this is just horribly drawn too.her boobs look like two giant eyeballs,the badly drawn legs and feet..I could go on.

No. 341012

File: 1702191558535.png (1.22 MB, 1024x2048, Jack_Krauser__28RE4R_29_Render…)

anon you dumbass, it's not that they made him fat, that's an extremely male character they turned into a disgusting troon.

No. 341135

File: 1702245379844.jpg (295.65 KB, 1280x854, 1381003815.riproarrex_scoobydo…)

Only a zoophile would find this attractive

No. 341136

There are people attracted to scooby doo?????

No. 341137

i wouldn't find Scooby-Doo attractive not even if i was a desperate porn rotted moid and they gijinka him into a 90000 years old balloon boobs waifu

No. 341174

File: 1702260134399.png (326.95 KB, 696x1000, 1642449334.badroy_01_nonsm.png)


No. 341194

File: 1702264156702.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.51 MB, 3579x1915, 1517059296.half-dude_big_girls…)

I despise everything about this

No. 341200

>it's literally a car
>still needs to have boobs
men are SO retarded

No. 341202

No. 341955

File: 1702499061151.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 1500x1122, 67i8mq.png)

They got grimace too

No. 341957

File: 1702499940112.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.59 KB, 828x481, aynocorrinda11_request__5_by_f…)

Wtf is this insanity?

No. 341995

Men are such bizarre creatures.

No. 342127

File: 1702528533125.png (5.61 MB, 4523x1851, 1649598837.axiomtf_charliemorn…)

Absolutely retarded

No. 342129

Some companies could make an actual terrifying and disturbing horror videogame if they took inspiration from stuff like that

No. 342166

File: 1702551517505.png (691.51 KB, 845x508, balloon fetish turian.PNG)

No. 342964

File: 1702801514895.jpg (Spoiler Image,175.25 KB, 1582x1278, GBGHx8nXwAEdCt5.jpg)

No. 343101

File: 1702859269450.jpg (59.79 KB, 828x633, louanne_s_big_problem_by_skale…)

Turns out that the artist is a greasy,smelly,fatass in irl.

No. 343102

File: 1702859828023.png (452.75 KB, 827x786, funky_feet_by_chujam_dec1ioi-4…)


No. 343864

File: 1703112970628.jpg (170.7 KB, 751x1065, elsa_mask_transformation_by_na…)

Retarded men and their retarded fetishes,how exactly is this supposed to make someone horny???

No. 344645

File: 1703460838466.jpg (Spoiler Image,442.96 KB, 1200x1137, dumb.jpg)

a brain broken by supernormal stimuli

No. 344648

His feet mKe up most of his body weight, and are probably bigger than his dick.

No. 344750

File: 1703532591907.png (2.79 MB, 2600x2600, 114059807_p0.png)

my fucking sides

No. 344761

and still a huge chunk if not most of the fanbase will be tf fetish coomers

No. 344947

File: 1703617615742.jpg (Spoiler Image,209.7 KB, 2048x1529, male characters btw.jpg)

no misgendering

No. 344949

File: 1703617649976.png (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 1995x2000, still male btw.png)

i wonder if they think liking this stuff makes them more masculine

No. 344956

Some of this stuff is genuinely horrifying, I wish some of them would just pursue horror art instead with how insane they are at grotesque details

No. 344957

The lengths some people will go to just to draw a male character with boobs and a vagina and still have the gall to call the character male will never not be funny to me.

No. 344959

I just wonder, do they all learn how to draw grotesque shit for the coom? Or do they all know how to draw grotesque shit but they all just happen to get into disgusting fetishes?

No. 344998

i think it's fat ftm cope, they know they'll never have a masculine muscular body so they try to sexualize their fat by pretending it's just a big bouncy ass and tits

No. 345052

File: 1703643723526.png (3.08 MB, 1687x2184, 1703286034.immelmann_002805_fa…)

The art is bad too

No. 345243

File: 1703729108344.png (Spoiler Image,2.59 MB, 2145x1718, 1699813062.bunearyk_espeoncomm…)

It's very bizarre and gross to see furries sexualize the four legged pokemon animals,I guess anthro art wasn't already bad enough.

No. 345244

File: 1703729295337.png (Spoiler Image,771.21 KB, 1310x980, 1703504672.roppu_20231121skeb-…)

I'll never understand Pokemon fetish art but a lot of it are drawn by obvious zoophiles.

No. 345760

File: 1703958522209.jpg (97.03 KB, 994x814, retard.jpg)

found some fucking retard whose brain is overtaken by the extremely specific fetish of "woman helps kid/teen get through a tight space". men are so fucking retarded i hate them

>Imagine you're a teenage kid, being lifted up so you can crawl through some small shoulder-high opening. In this position, you're giving Ellie an unrestricted view of your rear end, after your head and shoulders disappear inside it. As she hears you make soft, muffled grunts of exertion, she might sneak an opportunity to take in the sight of your delicious curves, mere inches from her face as she holds you aloft; and she might even notice how delightful your natural scent is. Then as you slip through the opening to your hips, she hears more muffled grunts, sees a few meek kicks of your legs, and finally the muffled cry of, "I'm stuck!" The cause would be blatantly obviously, as your prominent rear and developing hips eclipse the opening, unable to fit through it. At this point, social norms are thrown completely out the window, since you both are completly reliant on each other to solve this problem. With the clock ticking in this perilous situation, the only thing for it is for her to plant her palms on those warm, pliant cheeks, spread her thumbs and fingers for a good grip, and start pushing…

>Stuckage is a form of involuntary restraint, with a heavy ass-focus and elements of sensory depravation, struggling, and embarrassment. Essentially, a character must pass completely through some small hole, to solve some critical problem, or to advance the plot. The problem is, the character in question is unable to fit their lower half through said hole; which awkwardly draws the plot's spotlight away from the initial adventure, and focuses it instead upon their ass. Ultimately, the victim would finally become unstuck, but not after copious amounts of pushing and degrading troubleshooting by their helper. For example, manhandling their rear, removing clothing, applying a lubricant (vaseline, lotion, butter, etc) to their hips (and/or to the sides of the opening), providing the stuckee something to pull on (or bringing in another character or two to help on either end), waiting several days (to slim down, let any swelling settle down, to wait for help, etc), or any other concept we might come up with! While popular in pornography, overtly lewd themes do not interest me in these settings. Instead, I am very much here to tap into the emotional experience of the predicament, while leveraging teamwork in a way that friends realistically would. However, I love the embarrassment of the stuckee displaying their bottomless lower half to their helper(s), who must then push against bare skin; consequently spreading their cheeks and incidentally exposing private parts!

No. 345779

she doesnt even look like she's stuck that vent look it could fit both of them pretty easily

No. 345781

one of the creepiest things i've ever read wtf

No. 345782

yeah for some reason the "innocent" fetishes where nothing overtly sexual is happening really freak me out, someone being SO obsessed with it is really scary. serial killer vibes

No. 345942

File: 1704069419263.png (2.48 MB, 2027x1817, 1673386304.two-ton-neko_madam_…)

Prune boobs 2
I can't look up simple Disney stuff without repulsive results from Furaffinity I even saw beastiality art that was not even blurred by Google,fuck you Google Images.

No. 346416

File: 1704329732867.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1200x1275, 1677134010.diggermantg_nickimi…)

What the fuck is this?This is so disgusting and racist why is this a thing?

No. 346484

Why is her uterus in her chest? Moids are mentally ill.

No. 346500

The fucking foot peeking out of the bottom right figure. They look like a troll doll. This artist used to draw normal porn a few years ago and the acceleration to those freaky proportions and grotesque sex acts happened fast. Eating and breathing porn will do that too you IG.

No. 346561

File: 1704405268099.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.75 KB, 1041x1717, 3.JPG)

It’s fucking bionicles

No. 346586


No. 346855

File: 1704521924541.gif (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 636x598, dorse.gif)

I found these things called ''dorse'' . They seem to be some form of super autistic fetish species, and there are thousands of images of female characters transforming into dorses. I have been trying to find where did these things come from to no avail, it's like a creepypasta without an author.

No. 346860

Theyre a /d/ staple, I think the d in dorse comes from /d/ even (I hate that I know this)

No. 346969

This is why all male autists should be aborted how do you even get turned on by this in the first place??

No. 346980

File: 1704592905219.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1242x2130, IMG_2538.jpeg)

If you want a goldmine for this, go on 4chans /d/ board. The catalogue alone has disgusting art

No. 347233

Jfc these are all so weirdly specific. We need to lock these moids up in a zoo and study them.

No. 347479

File: 1704809674748.png (Spoiler Image,455.16 KB, 542x768, ok.png)

found another "sick fuck who gets off on small things being abused" fetishist but this time it's a weird monster

No. 347480

that thing deserves to be beaten to death actually

No. 347488

I expected so much worse when I opened that spoiler, you have no idea kek

No. 347510

lol, yeah it’s pretty ugly but their whole gallery is abuse and molesting of this thing, kinda scary

No. 347802

Wtf, the whole gallery? What's their username?

No. 348009

I feel bad for it, he/she even drew a fucking butthole on it.

No. 348189

File: 1705099274315.jpg (158.2 KB, 850x478, sample_32e5eca082e33f5d3885be9…)

No. 348191

kek please post gallery

No. 348197

Poor Suezo lol… these things do reek of animal abuse.

No. 348203

its basically animal abuse in all but name. its the same as touhou fans who make yukkuri abuse art.

No. 348205

can't find the gallery but i found more by this "artist"
not even gonna post it here because it's vile and like >>348203 said it feels like thinly veiled baby animal abuse


No. 348207

File: 1705106781123.jpg (Spoiler Image,228.73 KB, 1200x845, Fqk-EX3WYAACN7r.jpg)

holy fuck anyone who draws this shit needs to be killed by firing squad

No. 348244

File: 1705117260530.png (Spoiler Image,2.37 MB, 2189x1683, 1694213209.crestdraggy_creeper…)

Creeper doesn't deserve this, how mentally retarded you have to be getting horny to this?.

No. 348245

File: 1705117440413.jpg (97.06 KB, 827x916, king_sized_kinger_by_remvelvet…)

No. 348250

Kek why are autists like that

No. 348252

File: 1705120316134.png (Spoiler Image,374.66 KB, 675x689, wt.png)

Artist on Skeb (japanese art commission website) who seems to only draw characters as inanimate objects like cloth and sofas.

No. 348258

File: 1705122542474.jpg (63.61 KB, 888x900, it-was-all-just-a-matter-of-ti…)

Found another one unfortunately

No. 348263

Usually the divide between fiction and reality is obvious, but I can’t help but shake the feeling that moids who enjoy small creature abuse art are a step shy of those moids who paid for baby monkey torture videos

Why does this make me feel so much pity for a Minecraft character?

No. 348264

i always assume they tortured their pet hamster as a kid. fucking psychos

No. 348269

File: 1705126242129.jpg (163.14 KB, 960x1280, 1477241086.darkzeus_hni_0024.j…)

Why is his foot hairy?

No. 348272

File: 1705126466044.png (815.91 KB, 1213x1280, 1671189971836.png)

No. 348274

imo what makes these particularly disturbing is the way he took pains to render the fear and terror on the creature's face. you can tell he gets off to it

No. 348281

That's supposed to be wrinkly skin texture, but the artist isn't practiced enough to convey that. It tells me that the person who drew it still had time to turn back at the time of making that particular drawing, since the foot texture isn't in 4K HD.

No. 348383

File: 1705166725282.png (415.36 KB, 1280x1201, zbnffEr.png)

apparently quicksand fetish is a thing.

No. 348386

this is some of the most american autism art I've seen outside of 9/11 tributes

No. 348395

Wow. That is actually vile. This person needs to be kept far away from animals and children

No. 348400

The fact that moids will sexually fixate on specific things they see in cartoons as children creeps me out. Like even in elementary school they're gearing up to be unhinged sex weirdos.

No. 348403

>there are two wolves inside of you

No. 348410

I like that the look on her face portrays that she's only mildly annoyed and inconvenienced to be shoulder-deep in quicksand while trying to perform.

No. 348432

>>348272 you should have spoiler it
Anyone who is into this is a damn zoophile,it's fucking repulsive.human vore is already bad enough but feral animal vore is crossing the line.do they find real life animals eating other animals hot too?I'm sure they do.

No. 348438

File: 1705182390684.png (Spoiler Image,294.06 KB, 900x750, full.png)

Spoiler because Haram NSFL

(i mean it)

No. 348442

what the actual fucking hell.

No. 348445

File: 1705184429644.png (273.29 KB, 1920x1719, larr.png)

bronies being a blight on humanity as per usual

No. 348447

Christ I had forgotten about fluffy ponies, that and baby smurfs is the go to example of batshit insane male autism.

No. 348464

there was a debacle about some famous reptile youtuber who was a vorephile, he had a giant anaconda who was purposely kept unhealthy so it would drool constantly because the owner found it "hot", and he was discovered to be feeding inappropriate things to the snake and keeping count of it like puppies and small dogs, and he had a whole deviantart gallery full of edits he made of dogs being eaten by snakes. it was fucking revolting and deranged. i hate men.

No. 348465

holy shit anon do you remember his name?

No. 348471

File: 1705189511537.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.98 KB, 600x888, 22A257FF-FA18-465D-A158-3F0B1A…)

I can’t tell if this is scrote art or a weird joke. I want to kill myself

No. 348472

Probably neither, Japanese women just draw their self inserts like that.

No. 348475

it was just called "reptile channel". huge nsfl warning if you decide to google about him

No. 348487

File: 1705194229483.png (Spoiler Image,4.12 MB, 1860x2630, 1578522425.inkanyamba_just_a_t…)

Furries claim they don't want to fuck animals yet drawn insane realistic shit like this.what is it with snakes and vore? this is disturbing it doesn't help how detailed everything is.

No. 348490

Plenty of cute guys in TWST and this person chose to draw grim this way….why….

No. 348620

What kind of mental illness causes someone to be into vore?

No. 348697

File: 1705282427018.jpeg (Spoiler Image,564.12 KB, 575x789, 1691728634721.jpeg)

NSFL, fluffy pony abuse comics are the worst example of this. Actual disgusting moidslop. Ik it's a hidden board but how the fuck is the /sty/ thread still up? Anyone whos into this, or has been into this needs to be shot on site idc

No. 348742

File: 1705313422302.png (657.43 KB, 1024x665, 7EnQkbW.png)

No. 348744

Topkek this is hilarious. If the giant tits didn't make it so obvious that this is some retards fetish art this would be rad.

No. 348768

i dont disagree with you but
>insanely realistic
nigga thats just a well-rendered kaa from the jungle book cartoon kek

No. 348952

File: 1705362998792.png (Spoiler Image,155.02 KB, 1280x720, 1522431117.topkekm9_city_3b.pn…)

Plane vore is also a fetish among these retarded autists.

No. 349004

File: 1705388119542.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1414x684, v312t.png)

TIMs who take photos of random men (sometimes young boys) and edit them into female bodies.

No. 349137

File: 1705444513797.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.75 KB, 374x543, _cm__no_way_fag_2__vore_eproct…)

Why do they do this to Leon tho?

No. 349203

Kaa from the Jungle Book broke generations of people. I remember seeing so much hypno fetish shit with him on the Internet when I was younger.

No. 349366

That's how it feels to work in customer service.

No. 349396

File: 1705545490647.png (465.23 KB, 1000x1000, 1566065330.da~blueguy_2.png)

No. 349413

I can't believe this made me feel so disguted that I had to hide this dumbass shit.

No. 349476

File: 1705573979139.png (966.98 KB, 720x978, Uaf1Gh6.png)

No. 349503

This one isn't so bad, maybe he likes it platonically.

No. 349506

>feels platonic

No. 349512

What do you have against Pandemonium-san?

No. 349587

I don't think any man who has a flat fetish has realistic expectations on what he is physically capable of in relation to the flattened woman.

No. 350341

File: 1705849815175.png (396.9 KB, 828x1071, 1swpcKB.png)

apparently genie fetishes are a thing,

No. 350343

I actually like genie men tbh.

No. 350365

Why is everything that has existed in cartoons somehow a fetish?

No. 350389

something about this is really hilarious and innocent at least

No. 350511

autism ofc

No. 350674

File: 1705957693698.png (Spoiler Image,874.02 KB, 999x800, HADiiE7.png)


No. 350678

File: 1705957993406.jpeg (Spoiler Image,947.19 KB, 828x920, IMG_0186.jpeg)

Who the actual fuck would ever get something like this permanently on their body? Also, aren’t a few of the princesses minors?

No. 350696

File: 1705960185529.png (623.83 KB, 610x1016, ff0442ef10a59d54bc3886d3d569fe…)

Almost all of the ones pictured here are. The oldest one here is Cinderella (19), and the youngest is Snow White (14). So that's… yeah.

No. 350862

This is hot actually

No. 350879

File: 1706067295682.jpg (156.59 KB, 1024x768, 5e2babf8364b72c444fb5a7a1bc570…)

>MLP shirt
Of course

No. 350880

File: 1706067441446.jpg (29.52 KB, 400x554, kim_kardashian_blueberry_infla…)

Blueberry tf fetishes are hilariously retarded

No. 350881


No. 350883

File: 1706069312629.gif (2.07 MB, 640x640, AB4AA0FC-F5AF-449C-B123-FCFA51…)

What is your logic here anon

No. 351181

File: 1706191255000.jpg (Spoiler Image,161.11 KB, 1280x1555, 40.jpg)

No. 351197

that artist went to jail for being too degenerate

No. 351205

I heard he got sent to a chinese labor camp, I wish every nation had that.

No. 351753

File: 1706416424308.png (Spoiler Image,2.75 MB, 2201x1674, 1686184859.fox0808_birdo_ych_c…)


No. 351754

For real?

No. 352115

File: 1706586024735.jpg (71.11 KB, 750x875, teasing_clawroline_by_killhalo…)

No. 352124

nta but yes, I still remember twitter coomers being so distraught over it, taking about how evil china was

No. 352386

File: 1706703303216.png (Spoiler Image,361.49 KB, 850x850, ShK1Wzs.png)

No. 352389

Kek why.

No. 352596

File: 1706774669908.png (340.73 KB, 719x691, GDxsZ3ibkAA7Q22.png)

I will never understand why moids find absurd-looking prolapsed anus "lips" like picrel hot. Supernormal stimuli, maybe. Couldn't even tell what the hell these were supposed to be until I read the caption.

No. 352628

I thought that was supposed to be Ikuina x Towa fanart at first.

No. 352630

File: 1706800117691.png (403.58 KB, 720x1244, 8XhgPWb.png)

No. 352672

That's Larry for Sally Face isn't it…

No. 353130

File: 1706935075915.jpg (112.47 KB, 540x764, tumblr_e5bc6d878f0c33aecd66694…)

Did he swallow a car tire?

No. 353200

File: 1706979085469.jpg (18.52 KB, 735x329, b9d11e549593c9d527e61b44b86b1b…)

I checked out this guy's nhentai gallery out of morbid curiosity and vomit inducing isn't the word. I couldn't stare at any of it for too long because it made me so, so fucking sick. I can't even begin to fathom how porn rotted his brain is. Literally nothing can rival this, not even dorses. No amount of labor would've ever been enough, he needs to be euthanized.

No. 353208

Scrotes like this deserve to be flayed alive. I used to believe no one could possibly be worse than Jun Hayami, and since then, I have been proven wrong several times. There is no hope.

No. 354142

File: 1707258944496.jpg (434.4 KB, 828x824, df611ep-3e6ed458-b3c0-413e-a06…)

I cannot grasp this one at all

No. 354533

File: 1707410836598.jpg (136.7 KB, 1015x787, marynn_locks_brigitte_by_loenr…)

Wtf is even happening here?

No. 354534

another day in the unpopular opinions thread

No. 354552

File: 1707418752373.png (Spoiler Image,487.32 KB, 603x626, Screen_Shot_2023-07-06_at_10.2…)

No. 354651

File: 1707452651027.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 1997x1969, 1707164942270810.png)

don't even know what to say. highly nsfw

No. 354654

omfg anon, u had me laughing out loud

No. 354658

I've scrolled past this like three times and only now am I beginning to realize that it's some kind of… wedgie fetish? Not sure how it turned her butt backwards, but I think that's what it's supposed to be.

No. 354660

The man who drew this needs to be put in glass box and studied like Hannibal Lecter.

No. 354662

This is somehow more gross and unsettling than guro. I think it’s the attempt to make everything seem cute and sexy except there’s bizarrely detailed cartoon physics. It’s a bunch of pretty and shiny and clean anime bitches with their gigantic veiny eyes exploding out of their heads.

No. 354696

Anyone have a link with info about this? I love a happy ending.
I don't know what you're referring to, but I feel like I will regret it if I google the name to find out.

No. 354969

File: 1707603819969.png (Spoiler Image,2.96 MB, 2484x1484, 1685203188.sokz_kuromirender.p…)

What the fuck

No. 356662

File: 1708126839421.jpg (355.46 KB, 1280x1280, 1000008165.jpg)

No. 356664

File: 1708127218961.png (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 1000008164.png)

No. 356672

spoiler this shit
also it looks like ai tbh

No. 356686

They were both made in 2015 so sorry, this was thought up and drawn by a human being. Moid sexuality can just be that bizarre.

No. 356765

And it's rendermaxxed to hell too what the fuck.

Why can't male coomers use their precious time to find a cancer cure or something.

No. 356766

Bruh, I just realized the countries' flag printed on the suits. Artist is probably a race fetishist too eeeeew.

No. 357013

File: 1708292362702.jpg (28.01 KB, 828x465, adopt_10__sold_____by_cailauni…)

Why do people unironically buy coomer garbage like this?why willing waste your money on something like this?shaped like a god damn heart.

No. 357030

File: 1708297945031.jpg (Spoiler Image,344.26 KB, 2048x1610, wtf.jpg)

i love women but we are a different type of cringe
tranny kim kitsuragi being fucked by werewolf harry du bois

No. 357037

What's even supposed to be going on here? Is the alien cutting off their oxygen supply?

No. 357039

Paraphilias cluster, and autists are way more likely to have fetishes than non-autists. Autistic women are also way more likely to get roped into the troon cult. The sum of all that is that TiFs draw some of the most bizarre porn of any female artist. Hence weird shit like beastiality tranny ABO of disco elysium and tranny oviposition pregnancy porn of Stranger Things. Autistic troons collect fetishes like Pokémon cards.

No. 357041

KEK WHAT THE FUCK?????? Just how does one turn them into that??? Kek lmao wtf??? This is hilarious. What the fuck?

No. 357043

it makes me laugh how the werewolf has eyelashes, he looks like those yassified normie memes

No. 357046

File: 1708303039585.jpg (206.68 KB, 1280x906, tf2__tentaspy_vs_tentascout_by…)

it makes me think of the way so many women draw weird fantasy AUs of characters turning them into mermaids or whatever. so bizarre and unappealing yet it always happens
tentaspy comes to mind

No. 357058

I wish there were some way of knowing what the rate of teratophilia is among women. So many tawdry romances about vampires, werewolves, aliens, etc. are made for (and often by) women. I think it's a reflection of how women are socialized to see the good in people and overlook superficial flaws, a thought process that unfortunately causes a lot of women to settle for worthless moids who don't deserve them. It's the same reason why so many horse girl stories involve the main character befriending the ~untameable wild horse~. A lot of women just like the idea of being the only one who understands the guy they're into. I think women are also averse to risk-taking, so instead we just fantasize about risky scenarios like dating a werewolf or mothman or whatever to satisfy a desire for thrills.

No. 357095

What exogenous testosterone does to female sexuality

No. 357154

imagine this being your take away from de kek what is wrong with these mfs

No. 357323

File: 1708437976951.jpg (Spoiler Image,752.08 KB, 1998x1879, 116198428_p0.jpg)

Apparently degenerate genderswap pedo incest art is her whole thing. The period fetish might be new though.

No. 357329

is that gojo?

No. 357354

File: 1708453012998.jpg (393.6 KB, 1846x2048, F8gCQHuWEAAkEOF.jpg)

Why Killua and Illumi out of all characters? kek what the fuck

No. 357394

File: 1708468359005.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 2009x1981, 116198428_p1.jpg)

Nah, like >>357354 said, it's female!Killua from HxH. She says in her comments that she just loves drawing fucked up stuff, and ig these two ticked enough of her kink/aesthetic boxes…?
I've seen her stuff before on Twitter; the gendies were swooning over it despite being fragile woke types because it was tranny-adjacent enough for their liking ig, kek.

No. 357812

is this supposed to be "cis" female Killua or tif Killua? At this point you can't even tell anymore with gendies

No. 357913

File: 1708655837882.png (655.75 KB, 1275x1650, 3397714_gooeyblob_human-disgui…)

No. 357914

File: 1708655871516.webp (Spoiler Image,193.88 KB, 1097x840, 5471261_510057_s-l-b_untitled-…)


No. 357923

File: 1708657882856.png (Spoiler Image,286.65 KB, 591x627, Screenshot 2024-02-22 191338.p…)

weird tbh

No. 358251

File: 1708806546643.png (1019.2 KB, 770x1295, OGROLC7.png)

Troon brain-rot degeneracy could be it's own separate thread.

No. 358306

File: 1708836663585.png (Spoiler Image,2.15 MB, 1790x2489, 1694296348.sapphiix_finches_fa…)

The worst thing I've seen today,furries are mentally fucked.the semi realistic animal face makes it worse.

No. 358308

What the fuck. This atrocity actually made me laugh

No. 358639

File: 1708985458233.jpg (Spoiler Image,234.55 KB, 2048x1566, 329482309482.jpg)

The craziest part is that this and the pic related were drawn by a woman

No. 358660

… was she paid to draw this or is this what she enjoys drawing?

No. 358766

kind of odd that the hyper/exaggeration doesnt actually extend to the vulva, just the mons is inflated. i dont think ive ever seen that before.

No. 358924

File: 1709083894589.webp (Spoiler Image,428.41 KB, 850x1084, 5469056_507481_nessvii_lemon-m…)

This is supposed to be Lemon Meringue from Strawberry Shortcake.why can't these low IQ,autistic,depraved moids stop ruining everything?

No. 358934

She enjoys it. Porn addiction, not even once.

No. 358935

File: 1709090534677.webp (Spoiler Image,133.09 KB, 764x637, iu_658690_10397628.webp)

Disgustingly bad, aside from it being nasty the commission sheet is incomprehensible I can barely tell what's going on with their bodies not that I want to know.

No. 358981

Not the japanese eating sushi juice in a pouch kekk

No. 359491

File: 1709289312856.jpg (76.07 KB, 720x558, Screenshot_20240301_133646.jpg)

Chloroform does not deserve this.

No. 359512

File: 1709301313653.png (72.29 KB, 327x236, IMG_9360.png)

No characters are safe. shit popped up when searching general terms

No. 359515

File: 1709302882368.png (8.16 KB, 287x312, 1505683372093.png)

This sickfuck probably traced a baby or a very young child's feet for this.

No. 359574

File: 1709324536729.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.99 KB, 1000x1300, just plain rancid.jpg)

I personally cannot stand this anteater ass face moids love to draw. it's disgusting. i literally have no idea how they find it hot, but i wouldn't be surprised if it's derivative of the dorse faces, or if the dorse faces are derived from this stupid ass anteater face.

This artist is pretty lulzy and apparently has a history of spazzing out on people for making art like hers. I had to look up who this was to confirm if it was who i thought it was and it seems like her art has really deteriorated over the recent months.

No. 359598

File: 1709342619751.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.17 KB, 828x953, voracious_marceline_by_blackou…)

I hate vore artists so much.

No. 359605

I don't understand what the hell is what in that photo, there's so much distracting shit

No. 359759

File: 1709422283291.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.79 KB, 800x800, Hd2dc8c796c5d45cfa34b9cdbd6b54…)

Casually found this atrocity on AliExpress

No. 359762

File: 1709423109539.png (Spoiler Image,846.51 KB, 1050x1532, Screenshot_20240302-174104~2.p…)

Absolutely disgusting,this retarded scrote is also an animator on Planet Dolan.almost 200,000 followers on Twitter.

No. 359767

Jesus fucking Christ I wasn't expecting that

No. 359781

File: 1709436590860.jpg (Spoiler Image,741.41 KB, 800x1200, 1347262_transmorpherdds_bcc-32…)

Typical tranny fetish

No. 359782

Imaging wasting your energy ,time and life rendering and modeling this, couldn't be me.

No. 359830

File: 1709451767520.jpg (769.95 KB, 1700x2161, tumblr_bfea22b489e43f456cfb12c…)

It's more horror than hideous, but I find it very offputting.

No. 359831

File: 1709452185763.jpg (679.96 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_b8b328696f99bb0b9ce25ab…)

Why is TiF fanart tagged under Attack on Titan?

No. 359931

Comedy gold, holt shit

No. 359932

This level of period fetishism has to be the work of a TiM. I refuse to believe otherwise.

No. 360161

File: 1709582338223.jpeg (238.23 KB, 652x782, a3a27d782f0a274d3e39_small.jpe…)

I thought her shoulders were boobs at first

No. 360163

File: 1709582696277.jpg (215.52 KB, 1535x2048, F-gMyGTXoAAP9ew.jpg_large.jpg)

This is so fucking ugly.the colors,the anatomy,the huge,badly drawn manly feet.

No. 360180

File: 1709587064978.jpg (Spoiler Image,578.75 KB, 1024x1024, imagine being male.jpg)

lol(spoiler this and please no ai art)

No. 360212

File: 1709599320742.jpg (23.09 KB, 375x485, keep_calm_waddle_on_by_cowcat4…)

Cowcat moved onto fucking AOT now? Her DB mpreg art was notorious for being used in jumpscares.

No. 360455

File: 1709690729410.png (Spoiler Image,77.06 KB, 1280x411, 1545676631.featherhead_horsefa…)

I always get a feeling furries who draw feral animals like this are actually Zoophiles,how could you possibly find this sexually attractive??it's literally just an extremely obese animal they need mental help.

No. 360457

Kek I can't help but imagine people like this getting off whenever they watch one of those anti factory farming documentaries. I will never comprehend fetishes like this.

No. 360468

>Quite the hands on man. Not a homosexual myself… but wow.

No. 360599

File: 1709784282942.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1333x1200, 2522540_spacefur_adoptable-lim…)

This is the worst thing I've seen today,so fucking nasty who would be retarded enough to buy this ugly monstrosity?

No. 360602

The neon colors, bizarre anatomy, and ugly patterns here legitimately caused this image to hurt my eyes.

No. 360603

File: 1709784969533.jpg (183.59 KB, 1020x904, 5195177_181459_oviidraws_untit…)

Gosh this is so retarded and terribly drawn this scrotes entire gallery is filled with trash like this.

No. 360609

His signature looks like a hairy mole

No. 360614

File: 1709791682752.jpeg (136.95 KB, 877x1200, GEfhCdgW4AEFCoL.jpeg)

I'm so tired

No. 360659

how tf can anyone actually find this fugly cartoony style sexy

No. 360714

They look like saggy ballsacks instead of boobs lel typical moids

No. 360715

File: 1709841848962.jpg (48.33 KB, 720x771, a52.jpg)

Extremely cursed

No. 360717

File: 1709841917948.gif (928.08 KB, 540x221, transparent fat pony.gif)

kek this is hilarious, reminds of this retarded gif

No. 360720

Lol what awful anatomy and couldn't even walk properly. Also shouldn't the udders be between the hind legs like that one MLP coom OC?

No. 360739

Nah, this is based. This was most likely concocted by an omegaverse-addicted fujo. It gets a pass.

No. 360759

File: 1709868116591.jpg (75.81 KB, 749x1174, shoe_ride_by_greenmatcha_dfi64…)

No. 360760

File: 1709868144443.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.75 KB, 827x496, tricks_and_treats_by_titantigr…)

I don't even want to know what this is…found on DA

No. 360770

LMAOOOOO how broken does your brain have to be to be aroused by the subject of, idk, "being a microscopic person on the mouthparts of a cockroach while it eats food" holy shit

No. 360789

Confirmed being male is being born disabled.

No. 360857

File: 1709907080177.jpg (104.97 KB, 900x638, extra_spain_by_prisonsuit_rabb…)


No. 361220

File: 1710031336738.webp (Spoiler Image,341.23 KB, 1014x909, 5514531_561470_fancyblue_untit…)

A pregnant duck?I fucking hate men I think it's supposed to be that mom duck from that shitty illumination movie Migration seriously this is just poorly drawn and gross.

No. 361236

File: 1710035546415.png (492.38 KB, 999x999, 38011643-be7c-4872-8175-116978…)

Where is her nose???her horns look like Hershey chocolate kisses

No. 361243

Is this fucking spamano from hetalia holy kek

No. 362166

File: 1710287866094.webp (Spoiler Image,279.89 KB, 900x1024, 5418542_451077_jinti_untitled-…)

I cannot even comprehend what I'm looking at

No. 362167

File: 1710288079509.webp (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 2318x3988, 5510510_556638_jongraveart_tig…)

Retarded scrote with his nasty retarded art.this is too grotesque.

No. 362172

The fuck are these proportions? She looks like some kind of monkey with a ballhead

No. 362190

File: 1710299331581.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.22 KB, 700x302, sailor_loon_by_rubberfrills_df…)

This is one of the most weirdest most retarded transformations I've ever seen so far.men truly are a plague.basically it's someone transforming into an inanimate balloon with Sailor moon on it.

No. 362191

I wish autistic moids weren't allowed online, they could do hard labor in camps so society could completely forget about them.

No. 362212

File: 1710308400559.jpg (314.03 KB, 1080x1725, 2k5nxhJ.jpg)

Coomer draws "tomboys"

No. 362485

File: 1710399504093.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.2 KB, 1024x924, GHd56I_a8AAh_Me.jpg)

Surprisingly not by a tif, but rather a gay moid into drawing men with huge boobs

No. 362486

Kek what the fuck???? Pure brain damage

No. 362542

File: 1710433569475.png (2.41 MB, 2670x1502, n2rXCWy.png)

No. 362979

File: 1710569359731.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.33 KB, 700x491, FBtw5EdXEAEllfT.jpeg)

Can someone please, please explain to me why are scrotes obsessed with everything being big? Like balloon sized muscles/boobs/ass, giant cocks, even giant people. I see it so often in both straight and gay male porn. I can't understand, is there a psychoanalysis for this deviancy?

No. 362994

Supernormal stimulus. They're obsessed with things being bigger because 'it's better'. That's literally all there is to it, their conception of beauty is "this acorn is big and shiny".

No. 363001

It's like those beetles mating with glass bottles instead of female beetles. I'd say they're a bit brain-damaged.

No. 363002


No. 363003

how many autistic fetishes have been triggered by this cartoon? I loved Totally Spies as a kid and I never saw anything weird about it until I went online and neither did other girls I knew who grew up watching it. It's quite disturbing, was this show intentional fetish bait or are so many moids so deranged that they cannot watch a show with female characters without cooming over every aspect of it? (see also MLP as probably the most infamous case)

No. 363009

Super late, but female ('cis') afaik.
'Art like hers'? Like period fetish sex-swap art or the quasi Powerpuff Girls style?

No. 363479

File: 1710732056108.webp (Spoiler Image,919.41 KB, 2000x2400, 5149559_121916_oddbuffet_digit…)

Pomni eye ball licking this artist also draws Bee movie porn.how revolting

No. 363518

most of these are just
>women with hobbies are tomboys!

No. 363566

is the butthole-looking thing in her stomach supposed to be a colostomy bag port?

No. 363568

it's supposed to be a nipple i think

No. 363570

woman or "woman"?

No. 363664

If these are "tomboys" then all of us are tom-men kek. Also this scrote doesn't know what "phenotype" means.

I think the male interest in Totally Spies mostly boils down to "stereotypical hot girls getting into situations". TS is like a weird crossover between regular western cartoon and old scrote anime, in a way (even though it's said to have been inspired by Charlie's Angels, with the creators being french there's no way they didn't ogle at the girls in Cat's Eye). Spergs get their weird fetishes from typical cartoon animal shows often and then apply it to human female charaters that they find hot, but since TS has typical cartoon things happening to anime-y girls, it spares them the effort of having to imagine their own fetish content. If you don't have their disease though, it's just cartoon gags with a cool fancy girl makeover.

No. 365260

File: 1711304679615.jpg (302.68 KB, 1080x1715, Nightmarefuel.jpg)

I don't know if this counts as fetish art but I had no idea where else to post this. I found this store on Etsy when looking up handmade plushies. Worse part being they had innocent dolls too, so if you come looking for more of that, you get assaulted by this nightmare fuel. Etsy really should have NSFW warning or something.
>Only 1 left in 10 peoples cart

The store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/YataToyShop

No. 365264

File: 1711304882352.jpg (264.31 KB, 1078x1475, Poorisabelle.jpg)

The only 1 left in 10 carts was meant for this one kek

No. 365267

File: 1711305391564.jpg (515.69 KB, 1080x1330, Wa.jpg)

A more "normal" doll

No. 365285

My man Waluigi looking dapper… that better not be a sex toy.

No. 365312

File: 1711312120631.jpg (98.94 KB, 794x1253, il_794xN.4271152835_rouu.jpg)

I would be terrified to touch anything made by them.

No. 365313

File: 1711312428151.jpg (646.64 KB, 1079x1806, Ewwnasty.jpg)

No. 365375

File: 1711326819053.jpg (108.63 KB, 1518x607, 5468262_506590_thelovelyvocal_…)


No. 365580

File: 1711408696240.jpg (Spoiler Image,177.83 KB, 902x1565, GGmidYraoAAXRdT.jpg)

this drawing, which appears to be a malnourished 9 year old boy forced into a female stripper's outfit, has 6.5k likes on twitter with many professions of love

No. 365587

The artist is an actual pedo so ofcourse he'd draw pedo shit.god I hope the korean police gets on him soon and investigate him since he's so afraid of being found out

No. 365590

I hate mossa so fucking much it's unreal

No. 365603

>he's so afraid of being found out
can we get 4chan or KF to dox him?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 365671

Mossa cannabis artstyle is so fucking ugly and stiff and his colors are always so muddied. He's also incapable of drawing anything but a poker face.

No. 365672

the person who drew this is 10000% a pedophile.

No. 365676

he's a self admitted pedo in his baraag account

No. 365689

Post caps. I had a feeling this guy was a pedo, some of his art just smelled of it

No. 365690

Nonnie, it's a genderbent version of the coomer wojak. He also has lolicon shit on his pixiv fanbox.

No. 365691

Anyone who has a fucking baarag account is a pedophile anyway.

No. 365694

>>>/ot/1668197 this thread has archives on it. be warned it is utterly graphic and vile

No. 365710

Woman as in porn addict TiF
That is her breast
I pray mossa and his audience all die of cancer

No. 365837

File: 1711522483451.mp4 (2.15 MB, 854x480, kz8WOIx.mp4)

peak troon delusion.

No. 366018

Does anyone know whatever happened to that rotted trashtrashtrashtras deviantart account? It got mentioned on here years ago and I'm still so upset and disturbed by its existence I haven't been able to shake it.

No. 366084

File: 1711629426557.jpg (555.97 KB, 1567x2351, 1683843752.footparadiseart_low…)

No comment

No. 366098

are you talking about the person who drew extremely disabled kids?

No. 366111

That’s the one. I know the account got deleted from DA but I really wish they got fully doxxed.

No. 366122

File: 1711637304601.png (321.84 KB, 660x1000, 1370198970.fivel_loreal.png)

No. 366124

dear god why did you make me go lurk for it
it's so fucking weird and its so well drawn too wtf

No. 366125

I honestly do wonder if a woman drew this something about the handwriting makes me think so. But the content is so disgusting I want to believe only a depraved coomer moid created it but idk. For sure should be investigated by the FBI though ngl.

No. 366126

Honestly fuck you guys for reminding me of that fucked up shit im sending viruses to your computers.

No. 366331

this is really cute if you take away the coomer body lol. anthropomorphized l'oreal bottle is an adorable concept
seems like a woman to me. a man would have put more emphasis on giant tits or child pussy
actually same, i thought i had mentally recovered from that shit and then i went to go look at the images again and i feel like i'm going to throw up. i remember actually tearing up and crying a little the first time i saw it. and i've seen the depths of the internet, i've looked in morbid fascination at all kinds of horrible guro galleries and such. there's just something deeply upsetting about someone fantasizing about severely disabled children and obsessing over that sort of thing. making fetish characters out of them. it makes me wonder so much about the artist and their upbringing. someone mentioned that perhaps the artist grew up with many medical problems in a hospital herself? (it was sleuthed out that it's likely to be a woman.) don't click that link if any of this sounds too gross to even read about because it'll test the most iron stomach.

No. 366613

File: 1711836997816.jpg (114.7 KB, 827x1205, 1710083246.samashtommy_sapp4_2…)

I don't get how this couple can draw a circle and think "oh yeah, this is exactly how a full stomach looks like".

No. 366745

File: 1711904648860.png (1.21 MB, 1051x754, 1688726756210.png)

No. 366748

sqrlyjack is a piece of work

No. 367173

File: 1712049585355.jpg (196.09 KB, 1280x1463, tomoko_s_new_life_by_ampu_cute…)

trashtrashtrashtras got me thinking

No. 367174

File: 1712049667762.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.33 KB, 1280x1463, zoe_s_new_life_by_ampu_cute_de…)

No. 367176

File: 1712049985744.jpg (Spoiler Image,209.33 KB, 1280x1463, pov_feeding_zoe_by_ampu_cute_d…)

No. 367181

Disabled fetish art always makes me sick to my stomach but this is reminding me of a case I heard about recently of a disabled girl who was raped by here step father and stopped eating as a result and passed away.

No. 367309

Why are men so fucking evil

No. 367347

This actually made me laugh holy shit. You just KNOW whoever drew this has a fetish for airplane furries.

No. 367711

File: 1712206985263.png (371.65 KB, 1024x448, IMG_10072017_220024_0.png)

No. 367713

These make me so uncomfortable

No. 367744

File: 1712226060219.jpg (42.38 KB, 900x652, ecd77de2d6d8c03c1458a907a5c298…)

Kek they made my favourite character fat and retarded. Hate this

No. 367788

File: 1712248641112.jpg (114.5 KB, 690x1019, big_arm_by_karinto_d1cf1o1-375…)

No. 367800

The older drawings by this guy (gal?) actually made me cry a little. I very much like degen-watching, and i've never cried because of a drawing before, but this got me. Hope you're proud, anon.
Checked his/her DA and there's a mention of a past real-life experience with wheelchairs. Somehow, picturing the user as someone who identifies with horribly disabled and humiliated children doesn't make it any less awful.

No. 367834

Didn't this user mention working with disabled children at some point? If that's true this shit is even creepier.

No. 367924

That's what you get for liking Hetalia

No. 367984

Oh this isn't his work. This is another disabled fetish artist called ampucute or something.

No. 367985

File: 1712309575944.png (251.76 KB, 1080x1762, Screenshot_20240405-022917~2.p…)

There's a whole community for devotism on deviantart

No. 368066

File: 1712343077661.jpg (47.2 KB, 600x583, hetalia america may be stupid.…)

He already is.

No. 368196

File: 1712359740033.jpg (147.17 KB, 796x1003, rumiko_by_045coconutsugar_dgzv…)

The way her body is drawn ruins the entire artwork especially those egg boobs.

No. 368215

I can't help it, it's in my dna
Dang, can't argue with that KEK

No. 368367

File: 1712404556346.jpg (90.86 KB, 751x1024, FGM_uXZXsAIb8f8.jpg)

>Sir, I need that stomach of yours inside my grocery store

No. 368737

File: 1712521395970.png (Spoiler Image,2.55 MB, 3000x3000, whatthefuck.png)

I've never heard of trashtrashtrashtras before this thread and I am absolutely boggled it's so disgusting and disturbing I just need to see more, By the writing I think it's a woman and I need to pick at her mind I need to know why
image tax (quad amputee TIF Link by deviantart user bbeebbug, You have been warned)

No. 368744

File: 1712524644344.jpg (69.76 KB, 763x1048, reading_with_daughter_by_nolim…)

I wonder how many tifs are apart of this community. My tinfoil is that the men who like these drawings are pedos and the women have some kind of vulnerability fetish. And maybe also pedos kek.

I found this image which is pretty innocent. But the art style gives me lolicon vibes.

No. 368746

Why is she am amputee, wtf?

No. 368747

one phenomenon I've always been fascinated by is extremely degenerate porn and fetish art drawn in a tumblr/Steven Universe art style of all things
trashtrashtrashtras was definitely an insane TIF imo

No. 368748

Because that's the fetish lol. Missing limbs or drooling retards.

No. 368753

I want to kill myself

No. 369039

My tinfoil is that the women/tifs into this shit feel subhuman (because of autism/parent abuse/being touch starved) and self-insert as the amputee/disabled child that needs to be cared for and that nobody hates.

No. 369352

File: 1712687393661.jpg (125.51 KB, 1024x780, daimu_akutsu___keeping_his_pro…)

No. 370507

File: 1713065518577.jpg (882.91 KB, 2150x1600, lesson_1_by_rikugan-d8bx40a.jp…)

No. 370580

>self-insert as the amputee/disabled child that needs to be cared for and that nobody hates.
Doubt genuine amputees would like to be seen like that. Kinda feel bad for them.

No. 370582

Eeeewww. Fuck, now I'm paranoid if there are legitimate nurses out there who enter the medical field just to fulfill this fetish.

No. 370589

There's a surprising amount of female devotees out there. So I wouldn't really be surprised.

No. 370593

Not really surprised. We are socialized to be nurturing and caring. Still creepy though.

No. 370767

File: 1713138432224.png (4.37 KB, 284x56, Screenshot 2024-04-14 164521.p…)

how are these retarded moids not aware they're gay? you put a cock on a woman and have "her" fuck the ass of another "woman" with a cock. you're gay

No. 370803

This dude has been doing this for probably two decades or longer now. I'll give him credit, he's got dedication. The saddest part is, as far as moids with fatty fetishes go, his art is relatively benign.

No. 370860

….dude? i gotta say, im surprised. i thought that was for sure the work of an aspergic woman with eating disorder tendencies

No. 370865

Hilarious, i also think it's funny how probably the whole futa thing started because moids were uncomfortable with naked men in their porn but now thirsting over huge dicks on women and anal is a staple of the pornrotted moid career.

No. 370911

I'm doubting more and more that sexuality for most moids has that much to do with biological sex but with aesthetics and tropes, often framed around domination and submission dichotomies. For all the "female sexuality is fluid male sexuality is rigid" pop-psych pseudoscience it's actually male sexuality that is highly fluid and malleable, the usual male projection.

No. 370931

When I think I've seen everything….

No. 370954

No. 371443


How does an attraction to this shit actually form? If, when he was young, he watched a documentary about life with cerebral palsy, got bricked up and then had this as a fetish for his life, what was the spark that made the rotten mental connection between paralysis and sex? I'm asking this question more broadly than just this paralysis fetish. I've seen people say "supernormal stimuli" which is interesting but that doesn't answer the question of how it actually first began, as in why there was a first person to open the doors to there being a paralysis fetish.

No. 371448

it does kinda make sense in a way, disabled people are very vulnerable and moids tend to prey on women like that. you can imagine it's just taken to an extreme by someone who is mentally ill, they're attracted to the idea of someone who is completely "helpless" and dependent on them

No. 371766

File: 1713446944886.jpg (Spoiler Image,284.01 KB, 1000x1346, 7f010514be20a787088a47b7f7b398…)

Warning for gore/guro. Something weird I found on a Korean website.

No. 371767

File: 1713446992368.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.66 KB, 952x1984, 03297142c6139a6ddd7ac4c473c79e…)

No. 371769

violent fetish aside, this is so fucking ugly. honestly more offended at how ugly it is. bad taste all around.

No. 371777

Yeah it's got that ugly 2000s/early 2010s cartoon porn art style

No. 371896

File: 1713498754394.png (Spoiler Image,448.36 KB, 576x386, 768968.png)

Apparently a tranny made these

No. 371897

File: 1713498793825.png (Spoiler Image,307.25 KB, 576x347, 78996789.png)

No. 371929

they're never beating out the groomer accusations

No. 371981

File: 1713523093517.png (40.77 KB, 156x291, tinfoilelsie.png)

the pedophile porn psyop is real

No. 372226

File: 1713593090799.jpg (Spoiler Image,376.27 KB, 700x680, 1304713905021.jpg)

I think this is by the same artist who made that vomit image. Gore warning

No. 372228

this isn't that bad by pixiv standards

No. 372388

why they have the need to draw porn stuff with the shima luan character

No. 372445

where the hell did you even find these?

No. 372536

Kiwifarms, taken from a zoophile website

No. 372537

File: 1713697693195.jpeg (147.36 KB, 1170x1159, GLR5GlTbcAA3lFN.jpeg)

A Japanese guy with a fetish for forced feminization…and haircutting apparently..?(please keep ai art in the containment thread)

No. 372538

File: 1713697781000.jpeg (141.26 KB, 1024x1024, GG2o6U7bgAAW1hp.jpeg)

No. 372540

File: 1713698481792.jpeg (128.63 KB, 1024x1024, GLRrEhIaIAA0NND.jpeg)

No. 372543

Kek she looks like a ballsack.

No. 372552

File: 1713705837487.png (1.33 MB, 900x1280, zGxvR0j.png)

No. 372557

Funnily enough, the comic panel that picture is based on also looks like disgusting fetish porn

No. 373023

File: 1713838607918.jpg (508.86 KB, 2991x1365, 1654775886943.jpg)

No. 374738

File: 1714357621298.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.56 MB, 7640x5500, 113669323_p2.jpg)

Hate when this happens.

No. 374743

This is beyond my comprehension

No. 374772

File: 1714367822249.jpeg (402.5 KB, 2793x3747, FWSNBy_WQAMutRH.jpeg)

No. 374781

I would say it's just a joke, but I've seen things like this way too many times to be just a joke.

No. 374996

Nah, I'm almost certain he is a Britbong man. He's been at it for a lot longer than the troonism fad took off online too. However, there is always a possibility.
This is peak moid art.

No. 376694

File: 1714914914422.jpg (172.21 KB, 720x1431, 6uedunwcj61.jpg)

No. 377426

File: 1715159918599.png (664.4 KB, 1584x881, 1714510911910.png)

No. 378191

File: 1715341748796.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240411-203942.jpg)

Someone put this on my dashboard and I just…is this a fetish for ugliness?? It's the most hideous thing I've ever seen but it seems like it's meant to be sexy. Barf.

No. 378192

I kinda like it. It's ugly, but it's interesting to look at.

No. 378217

So these are the people that pay to look at cows like shayna naked.

No. 378270

File: 1715350323545.jpeg (1.21 MB, 921x1354, IMG_0336.jpeg)

I don’t think this is meant to be erotic, the artists bio says she was inspired by the likes of Crumb. I like some of her art tbh. it does remind me of Shayna though kek

No. 378642

File: 1715397459792.png (3.05 MB, 2103x1752, 1715078697.felixd57_gummigoo.p…)

No. 378650

I would guess that they're inspired by old garbage pail kids cards

No. 378654

Nah I like this, I miss seeing female artists who would have fun drawing themselves looking weird and ugly.

No. 378657

the bowsette brainrot persists

No. 378671

i like this weirdly enough

No. 378726

File: 1715410633283.jpg (108.88 KB, 755x1417, Untitled.jpg)

ive unwillingly seen so much of this fucking thing and its absolutely hilarious when compared to the source

No. 382033

File: 1715728183544.png (2.97 MB, 1570x2346, 1712918363.lzenfryl_duo.png)

I'm cringing so hard right now.

No. 382190

This is okay.

No. 382752

File: 1715894725913.png (664.95 KB, 1096x1477, dgmc0du-693d038c-9f4b-463f-8e6…)

No. 382804

I can't tell what I'm looking at. I see what I think are breasts but then idk.

No. 382806

File: 1715909997894.jpeg (75.63 KB, 640x697, Eww1.jpeg)

I want to alog

No. 383414

>inspired by Crumb
This is the art equivalent to being a female fan of R. Kelly.

No. 384799

File: 1716268330835.jpg (Spoiler Image,828.67 KB, 1398x1980, killingmyself.jpg)

Damn i've finally found those posts, i wanted to rant about this. Usually i don't like western fanart but i like how this artist draws Krauser's face because it's very accurate and realistic without adding heavy colors…if it wouldn't be for the absolute disgusting way everything else is drawn. At least i'm not too hurt by seeing tif-ification because there's worse but…who even is the audience for this? Such a shame.

No. 386559

File: 1716715071085.jpg (Spoiler Image,290.77 KB, 1574x2048, 6082831 - Ikea portal_opst SCP…)

made me burst out laughing but it's retarded
>roblox porn

No. 386560

this artist is really talented but sadly obsessed with her disgusting trannyshit

No. 386702

Sage but tbh, it’s a gross mixture of both. The coomer retards exaggerate that every single episode has a fetish. No normal watcher or even someone who is chronically online would think that. Because episodes like “Evil Valentine’s Day” with the cute pool boy is pretty normal. But yeah since the creators and some writers are also moids, there is the sad objectification of the girls. That’s the reality everything males touch or make gets ruined. Besides all that, it is still my favorite childhood cartoon.

No. 386715

psst sage goes in the email field

No. 386730

Everything in this thread repulses me, but this one makes me sad. We can tell the artist could be using that skill for good.

No. 386742

File: 1716760416644.jpeg (672.04 KB, 1150x1642, BF2C2DB9-11A9-4D9A-87A5-E8B6F2…)

I swear these bitches are allergic to attractive males

No. 386777

File: 1716770220256.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.24 MB, 3118x2659, 63e1b43680154f97.jpg)

No. 386782

My god that is foul, how do people even find this shit arousing

No. 386801

kek there's something extra gross about it being drawn in traditional media too. this is on a piece of paper in someone's house. most likely her parent's house.

No. 386802

File: 1716775098444.jpg (85.8 KB, 750x1000, bafkreifb22ogiyddbca2v5rievjrn…)

I thought it wasn't nasty diaper fur art until I looked closer at it

No. 386810

I'm actually not opposed to this type of fanart because it makes me laugh when I think about the actors stumbling upon this shit

No. 386812

When fetish artists leave a character's face as on model and cartoony but the rest of the body has a massive ghetto booty or other fucked up proportions it is so uncanny and disgusting. How can you find this arousing?

No. 386841

File: 1716782133672.png (121.55 KB, 1280x1062, 1556064112.thrasher_tlkpawlick…)

I don't get the whole paws obsession furries have especially when it's a fetish for a lot of them.it doesn't bother them that only ANIMALS have them?It's absolutely zoophilic and repulsive.

No. 386854

ugh spoiler these

No. 387167

File: 1716868598572.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.22 KB, 1000x983, bafkreigryovs2oy5c2pum75v2aqsb…)

What am I even looking at?

No. 387916

File: 1717124421964.jpg (57.82 KB, 828x460, mothers_day___mama_whitney_and…)

Everything about this is so disgustingly ugly and horrible almost 10k watchers on Deviantart.putrid.

No. 387929

I hate that I know what fetish this is. These men literally get off to exposing children to porn as young as possible to become addicted. There's apparently a whole genre of edited artwork with these pedo captions. I've been online for half my life and seen all kinds of degen shit, but this is almost worse because it's a call to action instead of a bunch of coomers in their own bubble.

No. 387933

File: 1717133478041.png (248.36 KB, 1080x843, Screenshot_20240530-200558~2.p…)

I've known about epi for a while, and as someone who's also way too online, it's honestly imo close to being one of the most evil fetishes out there. The entirety of the "gooner" community is a cesspool of pedophilia. That's why I hate retarded normies who ended up making the term another word for masturbation

No. 388048

real punks would kick the heads in of all these pedophiles

No. 388171

>>387933 that shouldn't even be called a fetish, these people are pure evil and grooming children. Wtf

No. 388231

are they fantasizing about EPI or actually doing it to children over the internet? It's a gross fetish for sure. I think it's disturbing because it would be very easy to actually do over the internet and not get in trouble for it. Even if they said they weren't actually doing it I'm not sure I'd believe them.

No. 388337

Well, from what I've seen some do spam and target porn to children on places like tiktok/YouTube discord and Roblox. Usually by using children's media like fornite or fnaf

No. 388582

File: 1717380802930.png (2.46 MB, 2492x1479, 1677570729.dommerik_emiliopatt…)

This is so dumb

No. 388589

Daily reminder to abort any male fetuses, kek.

No. 388608

File: 1717392398291.png (925.8 KB, 1800x2600, IMG_5589.png)

Quarantine was harsh on Elsie

No. 388622

This image makes no sense. What direction is the transformation supposed to be occurring in? Either guy character spontaneously generates a cigarette, gets hypnotized and turns into Selma; or Selma takes a drag of her cigarette(nothing about this is out of the ordinary for her character) and it hypnotizes her(what kind of smoker suddenly suffers abnormal effects from a frequent habit? It makes no sense.), triggering a transformation. I've looked at enough of these transformation images to know that there's a logic to them, it's:
>character interacts with an object they wouldn't normally
>character gradually begins to transform into a character related to said object

No. 388839

File: 1717453874434.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.4 KB, 374x509, she_who_melted_it_dealt_it_by_…)

From Deviantart

No. 388888


No. 389390

I think it's this one:
>Either guy character spontaneously generates a cigarette, gets hypnotized and turns into Selma

>character interacts with an object they wouldn't normally

The necklace he wears looks out of place and never changes, so that may be the object

No. 389453

File: 1717642362211.jpg (65.53 KB, 524x1000, bafkreicd4ozw5zymzzimkhxpdnlbs…)

This shit looks like a giant inflamed pimple lmao

No. 389873

File: 1717711901997.jpeg (132.57 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2306.jpeg)

When scotes say they want "society"(women they think are hot)to care about their feelings, this is what they mean.

No. 389878

I don't get why this animator attracted so many weirdos

No. 389896

I hate men 3000% more now

No. 389899

"Goth" girls attract those autist from deviant art & twitter that never shut the fuck up and want the world to know about how they want a goth gf.

No. 389914

Is there a watchdog group monitoring and documenting these people? They need to be reported to the FBI. “Pedopunk,” disgusting.

No. 390491

File: 1717856478710.jpg (127.85 KB, 1280x1189, masaharu_kaito___big_aniki_by_…)

Why do I find straggot foot fetish art repulsive but faggot foot fetish art unintentionally hilarious

No. 390855

File: 1717958621890.png (948.87 KB, 1088x960, EpzxJ8Z.png)

No. 390880

moids will turn literally any show with female characters in it into coom shit and make weird fetishes in it no matter what it is, it's sadly not specific to shows with fetish bait content in it

No. 391099


No. 391101

Kek I love gay art like this where absurdly giant muscle guys are just out and about town

No. 391111

KEK were these made in GTA??

No. 391121

Those look like Yakuza/Judgement characters

No. 391161

yes they are
Kaito would not do that to Higashi wtf

No. 391232

I NEED to know how this fetish is developed. What is the catalyst event for such stuff? I don't think I've seen cartoons do this when I was a kid or I could have glanced over those moments/not paid enough attention.

No. 391316

File: 1718076775928.png (Spoiler Image,738.96 KB, 827x1170, 1000015210.png)

I… I have no words for this.

No. 391366

File: 1718087394872.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.65 KB, 1200x532, d5r310k-13ebb337-f78e-40a5-bf5…)

from what i can understand (i did a bunch of digging into transformation kink since i find it extremely retarded and weird how widespread it is so i also had to know) most of it stems from people who watched disney's pinocchio and were highly affected by the scene where all the kids turn into donkeys. if not that movie specifically then any other piece of children's media where a "forced" transformation happens. from what i can understand, the fetish encapsulates a bdsm-like desire to be "trapped" against one's will into a different form, similar to bondage gear. often the new form will be seen as an object to be used/consumed, or sexy in some way, unlike their original form, which causes arousal in the same way becoming an "object" in bondage play works for people into that. there's just something especially autistic and unnerving about transformation fetish, i guess because it's so similar to wanting to be turned into a bondage doll, except little-kid-ified. people into this particular fetish are always socially stunted and have yet to grow up into an adult who explores their desire to be "forcefully turned into a sexualized object" in a more age-appropriate way.

No. 391430

File: 1718104663436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,602.85 KB, 1780x1969, Vxa3O8a.jpeg)

i hate gay moids

No. 391453

autistic but what bothers me the most about this is the unrealistic penis lengths. fat men penises retreat into their bodies giving them all micropenises.

No. 391500

File: 1718123048436.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.03 KB, 1509x530, yikes.jpg)

Nta, but explained like this makes sense, so it's technically within the BDSM fetish umbrella. That's so weird, I would not have guessed that. I wonder if the same people might have vore fetishes for the eating aspect then.

No. 391501

File: 1718123057110.png (Spoiler Image,172.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2711.png)

Diaper warning

No. 391508

but why though

No. 391535

Being gay is a fetish now? I swear this shithole gets worse by the minute.

No. 391536

File: 1718127393120.png (Spoiler Image,4.68 MB, 2713x1358, 1709088439.gildedmantis_2024_g…)

Disgusting Ftm oc ref

No. 391538

File: 1718127472414.png (Spoiler Image,1.99 MB, 1920x1920, 1709009764.gildedmantis_godryu…)

Ftm oc performing an abortion on herself

No. 391540

LMFAO oh god I can't breathe

No. 391549

This is why I hate tifs

No. 391552

Oh, the fetish that's one step away from necrophilia, how brave and valid of them to stand up for corpse-attracted people!

No. 391557

That's what you take issue with in this image?

No. 391559

it literally says snuff right below it

No. 391586

weirdly, this is not the first time i've seen a tif with abortion fetish. i remember seeing not art, but writings of a tif who had an obsessive kink for violent abortions specifically performed on tifs who were experiencing gender dysphoria. it's very creepy.

No. 391600

File: 1718140315242.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.35 KB, 453x248, e959m1txfpi51.jpg)

A classic

No. 391640

File: 1718163376844.jpg (Spoiler Image,240.29 KB, 1280x800, 1649807585.soniagreene___[fgo]…)

Gorillas with anime girl hair doing the ahegao face

No. 391641

File: 1718163464377.jpg (Spoiler Image,219.01 KB, 1280x853, 1653911373.soniagreene___000_l…)

More cuz its funny

No. 391683

Hope this degenerate is banned from working in zoos.

No. 391684


No. 391692

genuinely laughed out loud i love the belly scratching its so ridiculous that someone is getting a boner over this

No. 391993

File: 1718256683185.jpeg (Spoiler Image,487.77 KB, 2149x3035, IMG_7483.jpeg)

The nipple placement

No. 391997

>Hope this degenerate is banned from zoos.

No. 391998

>Breeding/pregnancy fetish
Every goddamn time.

No. 392000

This super tame and not even poorly drawn, ffs.

No. 392186

I'm so glad I'm not a man or a tranny

No. 392191

im more interested in the little weed of armpit hair

No. 392203

Im curious as to why he came all over his surfskateboard

No. 392213

kek what the hell, I'm wondering the same thing.

No. 392491

File: 1718406538457.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.49 KB, 850x1133, __kusakabe_misao_lucky_star_dr…)

I can't even tell what's going on tbh

No. 392492


No. 392507

File: 1718411986713.jpg (186.42 KB, 1280x1223, 1655311724.mexxedman_shrekhypn…)

No. 392518

shrek hypno fetish?

No. 392526

File: 1718416204502.jpg (100.13 KB, 827x638, ship_in_the_bottle_by_kisparli…)

Found this on Deviantart,it's some shitty giantess fetish.

No. 392545

Thought she was an amputee for a sec.

No. 392557

File: 1718426901137.jpg (114.01 KB, 1200x1200, GKGXGEbXUAABcgH.jpg)

This artist who's a disgusting, worthless retard also drew Luz from The Owl House farting.

No. 392628

I don't even know what this is about but it looks like the plot of a horror movie.

No. 393086

File: 1718620915068.jpg (172.28 KB, 2048x1815, GQK3zmuWAAAAIBV.jpg)

Surprisingly not amputee art

No. 393603

File: 1718774635397.jpeg (32.07 KB, 225x225, IMG_3029.jpeg)

I just wanted to show my nigel my favorite paper mario companion…

No. 393605

File: 1718774774573.jpeg (538.8 KB, 684x1238, IMG_3030.jpeg)

Samefag. These results are from google. Apparently some retarded scrote has a fetish for the krabby patty vault visual gag from SpongeBob? Why is male autism so vastly inferior to female autism I don’t get it

No. 393609

oh nonna, I love paper mario too

No. 393611

Godspeed nonny, hope you are enjoying the TTYD remake. Mwah mwah kill all coomers who draw Bow with realistic feet etc

No. 393612

She's my favorite companion too. Why do males do this shit.

No. 393815

This is so funny to me

No. 394098

File: 1718934327420.png (Spoiler Image,258.59 KB, 540x493, 05b792954f091c6596b9a1be27d4f7…)

Cat girl gets eaten out while in mud

No. 394101

File: 1718934853135.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.51 KB, 944x768, SPOILER_1188656_-_Bart_Simpson…)

Bart and Marge incest

No. 394102

File: 1718935249193.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 2000x1599, roids.jpg)

Hypertitted girls and some hypermuscled guy

No. 394104

File: 1718935548626.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.39 MB, 2512x3494, 76279179_p0.jpg)

saggy tits long ass nipples

No. 394106

File: 1718935762429.png (Spoiler Image,351.84 KB, 700x900, 293sNx9.png)

No. 394107

File: 1718935982633.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1920x3659, 8ec9649817e77f8429d37ab2143504…)


No. 394112

I love you tetrapod-chan

No. 394118

File: 1718937676224.png (48.91 KB, 203x184, carlos.png)

Now that's what I call dikes gone wild

No. 394188

kek kawaii tetrapod chan
this has to be that horse autist autogynephile with the hyper-titted fursuit right

No. 394563

Is Marge dead?

No. 394564

Only on the inside.

No. 394566

File: 1719100156514.jpeg (Spoiler Image,466.16 KB, 1536x2048, FWwVw2kXoAAg2iD.jpeg)

I forgot about that fursuit

No. 394772

File: 1719170587477.png (Spoiler Image,2.44 MB, 1162x1872, thekidsaintokay.png)

No. 394774

The Qu's most macabre creation

No. 394777

i love you fellow all tomorrows anon

No. 394791

I hope trump makes furries illegal.

No. 394840

Doing that could cause another civil war

No. 394914

File: 1719216808549.jpeg (Spoiler Image,571.5 KB, 1638x2048, GM3B3o8akAAhbsN.jpeg)

to think i almost followed this scrote

nona you are weak this is not even gross it's just gay
just parasites
this is so sad. he can't even jerk off with his tiny t-rex hands

No. 394957

File: 1719246106575.jpg (429.48 KB, 4093x2894, 1000014309.jpg)

No. 394963


No. 394983

File: 1719254059715.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.09 KB, 1000x828, bafkreid4gddoebeh4tibywb6tkqcr…)

This is badly drawn and disgusting it also feels racist…

No. 394984

File: 1719254624402.jpg (309.46 KB, 1893x2000, bafkreig4x7hhx26myih3qixke2mdz…)

Can these retarded coomers stop lewding shit for 5 minutes?

No. 394988

File: 1719255023303.png (1.47 MB, 2048x1455, JxZ4npw.png)

No. 394990

The babies are so… why did she feel the need to draw them? Makes me feel odd

No. 395016

No. 395025

File: 1719264550548.webp (Spoiler Image,770.53 KB, 947x1200, vomit.jpg)

Everything about this is nauseating, but the backstory being written in Papyrus font really is the cherry on top of the shit sundae.

No. 395039

are these meant to be acrylic chains?

No. 395079

kek why is male sexuality so retarded

No. 395090

What happens if a woman going into the woman's bathroom and says "SUCK SUCK SUCK", is the ball sucker ghost going to vanish forever? What is she gonna suck on then? CHeckmate

No. 395115

The way NSFW artist depict black women always feel vaguely racist

No. 395121

You'd think an idiot with a cube fetish could learn how to draw PERSPECTIVE better

No. 395250

hate to break it to you nonnies, but there is a whole niche of manga that revolves around charaters, typically hentai bitches or lolisho, who get molested by their own tentacle haunted underwear. i had the misfortune of coming accross this shit, it's fucking revolting. i implore none of you look that up, it's the expected coomer brainrot, but with this horrifying body invasion aspect

No. 395275

File: 1719338906270.jpg (126.07 KB, 1080x1175, FB_IMG_1719338196384.jpg)

Found this nasty garbage on Facebook,men are so pathetically weak and retarded.

No. 395280

you could make a movie about a piece of sentient fried chicken, say it's a female piece of sentient fried chicken, and men would be drawing porn of it with huge boobs within hours. imagine being a slave to boobs. just big lumps of fat that you're willing to start wars over. moids are so fucking useless.

No. 395281

the spanish text makes this 10 times cringier

No. 395340

File: 1719349504659.jpg (72.57 KB, 800x800, 5a623e9b-25f7-441e-a59f-17e96b…)

Maya Hawke has a sexy voice imo but I don't understand how someone can beat their meat to a character who looks like a novelty stress toy.

No. 395344

File: 1719350848696.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.28 KB, 934x1200, GIHv2SQWIAAsejN.jpg)

I can't believe this is Embarrassment from Inside Out,still ugly as hell though and ew the armpit sweat.

No. 395375

>she doesn't know about the chickenfucker

No. 395651

Great, now we have both types of cancer to round everything out.

No. 396003

File: 1719541548632.jpg (83.35 KB, 827x766, tubby__by_sonson_sensei_dhd99z…)

This is repulsive

No. 396004

Thank you for giving me a reason to kill myself.

No. 396008

No. 396109

this looks like doja cat

No. 396237

Don't give her any ideas for future outfits

No. 396526

File: 1719722500735.jpeg (Spoiler Image,435.79 KB, 800x1181, dacd722b1b132e86b3b9058d1e9bf7…)

Joker/Harley in the SVTFOE style

No. 396527

File: 1719722588310.png (Spoiler Image,845.19 KB, 1200x900, lusciousnet_6bed77371d518d07dc…)

Poor pikachu

No. 396528

File: 1719722628419.png (Spoiler Image,738.6 KB, 1042x984, 1592509548339.png)

Miku /d/orse

No. 396529

File: 1719722887824.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.57 KB, 1250x950, 1517883753.dari-dario_comissio…)

Nicole Watterson spanking diaper wearing Gumball

No. 396530

File: 1719722979548.png (Spoiler Image,3.34 MB, 2272x2480, lafrugele-528904-klo4.png)

Moid coomers loove these characters

No. 396532

File: 1719723164646.png (Spoiler Image,771.47 KB, 1280x1280, 2230051 - The-Cog airplane ina…)

No. 396533

File: 1719723248047.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.16 KB, 850x1070, sample_e391a9b14e91c4143cf0b84…)

Congratulations Nick and Judy

No. 396535

How did the Dorse thing even start?

No. 396537

File: 1719723863143.png (1.69 MB, 1800x1800, waffle.png)


No. 396540

File: 1719724124924.jpg (Spoiler Image,383.85 KB, 850x1102, sample_bcb83909a129f7052586092…)

Nobody reading allat

No. 396546

Imagine being the person who drew this. Can't even fathom how pornbrained and sad they must be.

No. 396550

Is this supposed to be homestuck?

No. 396551

as my eyes slowly parsed this picture, only 45 second into staring did I notice the symbol on the shirt. I hadn't made it to the face yet, so I was like, please don't let there be sunglasses. and then there were.
I want to go back in time and post this on 2013 tumblr in the relevant tags and just see what sort of reaction it would cause. Because I genuinely have no idea.

No. 396577

File: 1719737698611.jpg (Spoiler Image,511.4 KB, 1280x990, aeromorph frotting.jpg)

kek you reminded me i had this saved

No. 396579

seriously its so baffling, how the fuck do you get to this from a funney 2010s webcomic about kids playing a game… kms

No. 396585

what the fuck? why does pikachu have a neovag?

No. 396638

File: 1719763768803.jpeg (3.29 MB, 5760x3840, IMG_4028.jpeg)

I think it’s a reference to this Pikachu bouncy castle

No. 396641

Why does every Brazilian moid jack off to this

No. 396647

File: 1719766215409.jpg (50.93 KB, 640x480, bf4.jpg)

I think its this one actually

No. 396679

File: 1719776544955.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.56 KB, 1463x2048, 2d13f8a9d3361fd75c08b128d5a587…)

TIL: dickneck.
I can't stop laughing at picrel. Truely, men's purpose in life is to be retarded and amuse women.

No. 396680

File: 1719776648053.png (Spoiler Image,185.63 KB, 1000x1000, 68d9b6171f6f8f715af4e463114dd0…)

Honorable mention

No. 396693

can she like… fuck herself? what.

No. 396801

Lol wtf, what moid ever thought of this and find it hot? Reminds me of the Krasue.

No. 396810

File: 1719819347983.jpg (Spoiler Image,881.03 KB, 964x967, Tumblr_l_597461841703387.jpg)

It's very rare that art can make me feel physically nauseated. Disgusting filled diaper warning

No. 396838

File: 1719828763251.png (Spoiler Image,2.02 MB, 1670x940, Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 11-06…)

This person's Pixiv account is nothing but pages and pages of this.

No. 396839

Unsurprisingly, the “artist” is a troon

No. 396858

File: 1719840003189.png (Spoiler Image,4.26 MB, 1952x2048, GNVRz3YXYAE_BAi.png)

I guess tame by this thread standards but this art style makes it seem like it smells bad

No. 396872

File: 1719843989334.png (2.15 MB, 2893x1929, 810JlM5.png)

No. 396879

File: 1719846638987.jpg (59.81 KB, 392x500, 3508439399_fab030ceed.jpg)

Leave it to autists to write a novel on their coom fanart

No. 396882

…at least they're an equal opportunity executioner, I guess? Also I'm pretty sure these are being made in fucking MMD of all things kek

No. 396963

Why do they always draw dicks so disgusting?

No. 397653

If it was male-only I could have assumed de/g/enerate

No. 397922

File: 1720151985395.gif (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 577x474, tumblr_nth7wkTvbm1qbszi2o1_500…)

Yt just reminded me of this old gif(loli gore )

No. 397926

File: 1720153299901.jpg (1.83 MB, 2048x2048, daddy fazbear.jpg)

his gentle gaze

No. 397928

is this by our resident dadfucker who draws very similar art but with sans?

No. 397932

This might be the fetish art but it doesn't mean it gives you a pass to post shota or loli porn

No. 397933

i don't think it's supposed to be loli or shota. it's just a chibi guy from another one of those retarded ballhead series that aidens like

No. 397997

I remember being traumatized by this scrolling on 4chan when I was underage. Ugh that's depressing.

No. 398067

average seattle resident

No. 398087

that's not what chibi is. words have meanings.

No. 398511

File: 1720327998663.jpg (301.49 KB, 1280x1128, tumblr_nb6r14a4RD1tk530yo2_r2_…)


No. 399264

File: 1720509112282.jpeg (Spoiler Image,220.83 KB, 1280x1190, 60398434af82d4438c04c055a63523…)

lol wut

No. 399265

File: 1720509135282.png (Spoiler Image,565.46 KB, 999x1280, 15f7ae5e895c4d30d59aa56f7c64c6…)

No. 399266

File: 1720509164460.png (Spoiler Image,607.81 KB, 1166x1280, 5aabad2e7af7cc1c5eaf218ea54d8c…)

No. 399652

and they say god doesnt punish twice…

No. 399867

File: 1720629399520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,22.93 KB, 480x640, HOLY_SHIT,_KEK.jpeg)

It's not art—but it was too ridiculous to not share it.

No. 399874

>>399867 gosh, what a jump scare… This is disgusting.

No. 399882

i know we say this too often but men are insane

No. 400040

That's a new one

No. 400041

File: 1720651242845.png (248.27 KB, 543x412, 1000004493.png)

It's super late at night and I just had to muster all my strength not to wake the whole house with my kekking, imagine having a male brain lmaoooo

No. 400116

filename took the words out of my mouth, nothing more can be said about this kekkk scrotes are legit disabled

No. 400146

File: 1720660029094.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.11 KB, 832x1018, b094880a894f6220d0b334d2dd33ba…)

Bleaching is such a gross fetish.

No. 400148

File: 1720660269642.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.51 KB, 850x1511, sample-3212052b8e818adcd85fb0e…)

No. 400150

File: 1720660620260.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.8 KB, 850x1308, sample-23328eb6f9b629f5edde313…)

No. 400154

I misread this as the trap character just wanting to pee not the pov character kek.

No. 400155

does this person mainly draw furry porn? they literally gave her anthro legs and hind paws in the phone picture, it looks so weird

No. 400206

File: 1720673441884.jpg (546.12 KB, 1200x1200, ea9f5d4f0e2ce5749bcfd8c290d575…)

I'll admit this made me laugh

No. 400207

Moids are so unfunny

No. 400211

Scrotes go neurotic over the idea of getting cucked by their "competitors" and need to out-cuck one another to compensate. They're apes.

No. 400247

Bleaching fags and muh BBC BNWO should just have hot, homosexual sex with each other and leave the women alone.

Now that I think about it, this would be a good plot for a BL doujin.

No. 400506

Well, there's a yaoi tag on bleachboruu

No. 400533

File: 1720737493603.jpg (Spoiler Image,459.45 KB, 2000x2750, 1718604440332680.jpg)

Oh shit

No. 400647

File: 1720756147488.mp4 (Spoiler Image,7.88 MB, 1920x1080, Rub Mah Teatas-1080p-hls.mp4)

No. 400655

twiprin zelda is such a stacy

No. 401025

>a literal booru dedicated to bleaching

why are men

No. 401026

Disgusting. But Twilight Princess's response is too funny.

No. 401905

File: 1721069563178.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1005.05 KB, 867x1200, IMG_1871.jpeg)

Apparently there's a fetish for eating a woman's placenta, maybe varg would like it

No. 401910

damn, 5th zelda needs to eat more fiber kek

No. 401949

All men should die. Also warning for other anons: this image is WAY worse than you think it is.

No. 401954

How does someone even develop a fetish this weirdly specific

No. 401962

This one is funny because he actually bothered to give them a different poo texture that I guess is meant to match their personality.

No. 402018

File: 1721101115325.gif (3.85 MB, 873x516, dcq2ooo-741e872d-56b0-4311-962…)

It's 3D but still fetish garbage looks nothing like Asuka.

No. 402019

File: 1721102775908.png (68.65 KB, 840x231, Screenshot 2024-07-15 210606.p…)

afro fetish… ?

No. 402020

File: 1721102845792.png (1.01 MB, 1843x874, Screenshot 2024-07-15 210648.p…)


No. 402021

I guess it appeals to the inflation crowd? Also this reminds me of the fact that there's a haircutting fetish

No. 402023

every day i thank god i wasnt born male and that despite the internet induced brainrot my weirdest fetish is feet

No. 402040

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen

No. 402042

File: 1721112092066.jpg (120.55 KB, 1280x1263, 1556516021.thebigroundguy_afro…)

No. 402043

This will be the last thing I see before I sleep tonight lmfao

No. 402050

ngl she looks comfy

No. 402053

she looks like a yassified fluffly pony

No. 402159

I sent the pic to a friend and she theorized that it might come from the cartoon gag where if characters get electrocuted or their hair gets wet it might poof into an afro. So I wonder if it comes from that, since so many bad fetishes start off as cartoon gags

No. 402366

File: 1721172930226.jpg (115.3 KB, 894x894, catra_vs_shadow_weaver__boxing…)

Why is boxing fetish a thing?are men really this mentally retarded?this was a commission btw their entire gallery is filled with this shit they commissioned from other artists.

No. 402372

I imagine it stems from the same male obsession with 'catfights'

No. 402388

Kek I was looking at male ryona art earlier and a good chunk of it was boxing/wrestling related.

No. 402533

Most likely a subtype of ryona.

No. 402690

I know exactly who this person is kek, they've tried to commission me with this shit before

No. 402878

File: 1721281101391.jpg (761.95 KB, 1567x2351, 1721176412.footparadiseart_low…)

fur affinity is too easy

No. 402899

I wonder if this anon >>402023 saved your picrel kek

No. 402955

No, i have standards.

No. 402958

File: 1721304619301.jpg (Spoiler Image,75 KB, 828x552, not_on_the_sidelines__rosa_vs_…)

There was a guy who was banned from a local anime con for years for humping a body pillow on stage during a performance and he was posting about it all over social media. I looked at his deviantart and it's literally nothing but thousands of pics of boxing fetish stuff, mostly nsfw. He still jokes about the body pillow thing online as well and edits memes of it. He was known for being a creep at cons too. This was the first time I had even heard of boxing fetishes

No. 403593

File: 1721436309019.jpeg (Spoiler Image,34.81 KB, 450x527, e6f703d4-10df-4cd2-9f12-03324c…)

No. 403599

This is AI.

No. 403835

File: 1721505256341.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.25 KB, 850x1016, sample_cb92998429562f7ddb8ee53…)

No. 403836

File: 1721505353683.jpeg (Spoiler Image,97.57 KB, 850x1290, f906c69cc9a8bd7ae61d7efe2b45d0…)

No. 403854

fags in denial

No. 403856

Even the tits look like balls. Imagining some crusty moid lovingly detailing the dick for hours. Nobody loves cock more than moids tbh.

No. 403884

Porn is such a doozy for scrotes, isn't it? Can't imagine fucking up my sexuality to the point that is considered sexy.

No. 403913

This is the first time I've seen a magic ball-tattoo instead of a magic womb-tattoo, so points for originality I guess.

No. 403914

Why does the dong have a whale-tail spoiler on it

No. 403934

File: 1721535591065.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.16 KB, 850x1111, sample_e855d29c49be6751ef9eadc…)

I don't even know where to begin with this.

No. 403953

File: 1721544844741.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 2000x1600, 0.jpg)

fetish art of a ftm being forcibly impregnated and having her womb stabbed out

as furries!

No. 403987

File: 1721554898885.png (1.92 MB, 1242x1518, SES0uzM.png)

No. 404014

Kek wtf man…

No. 404049

This is what manhwa roidpigs look like to me kek

No. 404145

KEKKK same. Fuck manhwa and all their fugly little faggots

No. 404362

File: 1721699530642.jpeg (157.41 KB, 1409x2048, GSIdBmBaUAEoI0-.jpeg)

Footfags ruin everything

No. 404366

HID come the fuck on anon where was the spoiler

No. 404375

File: 1721709136748.jpg (139.29 KB, 488x667, kids vs wizards.jpg)

why does it look like this movie

No. 404376

i miss that era of ugly animated films with such wildly inconsistent characters they looked like they're from completely different movies.

No. 404508

File: 1721748372646.jpg (1.27 MB, 8905x1700, dgbgzsx-99baa767-7266-4211-982…)

this seems innocent at first, but this person has commissioned certain amount of art with this subject, which is called specifically age progression

No. 404509

You're telling me that there's people out there feeling hot and bothered over the sole idea of the time passing?

No. 404515

I do that at work ayyyy wocka wocka

No. 404517

File: 1721750175429.png (380.69 KB, 1024x369, TS2_Aging.png)


No. 404709

all of their galleries are like that, non ironically

No. 405488

File: 1722113851099.jpeg (Spoiler Image,125.36 KB, 900x810, GLLiI28bAAA6BsH.jpeg)

Not surprising some sick possible zoophile drew this.fucking nasty what is wrong with furries who draw this trash

No. 405489

Looks like an onion

No. 406013

File: 1722285458333.png (Spoiler Image,18.74 KB, 1160x1060, cd3078759b3c1bf0.png)

No. 406043

It's lost to time

No. 406052

File: 1722295410742.jpeg (Spoiler Image,131.47 KB, 1063x862, IMG_5566.jpeg)

No. 406173

File: 1722356029114.jpg (Spoiler Image,314.49 KB, 827x1170, 1000016602.jpg)


No. 406181

What compels someone, anyone, to make this?

No. 406800

File: 1722604204684.jpg (189.56 KB, 1280x1069, 1722590547108302.jpg)

Genuinely speechless

No. 406801

File: 1722604552005.jpg (322.11 KB, 1079x899, 1000019516.jpg)

No. 406807

Some of these things are so comically bizarre that I can't even begin to conceptualize how a person can find them erotic.

No. 406808

No. 406810

amazing, i needed another reason to be neurotic and wary today

No. 406824

File: 1722612307930.png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 1306x895, alastor.png)

so they're just letting anybody post now? how is this bleaching? just bc there's a white roidpig? or is the color red some type of indicator for this stuff

No. 406826

File: 1722612677407.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.22 KB, 850x1073, sample-b78e021c9e210320e3e9f3b…)

what in god's name am i looking at?

No. 406827

i want to gouge my eyes out

No. 406829

File: 1722613378596.png (262.52 KB, 436x484, angeldust.png)

i don't know what's funnier, that there's just a hazbin hotel autist with a bleaching fetish out there, or that they think Angel would be picky about cock

No. 406830

File: 1722614384785.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.48 KB, 850x927, sample-64ac3a08c18109b0a491725…)

this is such pretty art for an absolute nightmare of a site why

No. 406836

This "artist" is who Car Seat Headrest's Twin Fantasy album is about, I'm not kidding.

No. 406845

Why is it so soft and tender? Lol.

No. 406847

who made this?

No. 406852

>so they're just letting anybody post now?
That's how Boorus work anon. I don't know why you're expecting quality control from a Booru dedicated to race fetishism.

No. 406854

Holy shit, sauce?

No. 406855

If you ignore the context, this is honestly a really beautiful drawing

No. 406858

last one is some stacy shit

No. 406864

i don't think the artist making it made it with the exact intention of having it posted in a site dedicated to white cock so it's fine to think it's pretty, it said the artist is zluu but i couldn't find them, and google image search brings up nothing

No. 406865

It's not even a secret, I don't know how more people don't know about this. The "artist" is "Cate" Wurtz, he even is credited on the album for providing illustrations.

No. 406866

File: 1722626063573.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 2953x2079, E1_0O_PVkAI440n.jpeg)

another name they go by is zluu–u, i found this acc reposting some stuff https://twitter.com/ZLUUUUUU/status/1396103071785123846/photo/1

No. 406868

File: 1722626209186.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.24 KB, 476x252, 57149492_p2_master1200.jpg)

i found a pixiv acc and the source of the art, and you'll never believe the inspo, https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/57149492

No. 406871

No. 406872

File: 1722626428498.png (1.16 MB, 770x1032, b23dad83ae14d3292bf932eeccdf6f…)

never listened to car seat headrest in my life because i hate furries
but lol this guy looks exactly how i pictured. beautiful dainty woman

No. 406875

>>406866 uuuuh, I love this, so gorgeous…

No. 406877

File: 1722628944930.jpg (Spoiler Image,397.38 KB, 827x1170, 1000016682.jpg)

I haven't blocked this artist yet due morbid curiosity, she's so crazy, I love (hate) it.

No. 406878

File: 1722629948021.jpg (39.58 KB, 720x720, 7a5d235bbf3dd2958b3c40576cc86b…)

No. 406879

Female characters making that kinda gross vulgar face when they suck a penis in hentai (degradation aspect) got fetishized and then gurofags took over it and turned them into nightmare-inducing dick-sucking horse things which still has the degradation aspect present

No. 406880

Post more, I need to see more of this crazy shite

No. 406881


No. 406882

File: 1722631340858.png (Spoiler Image,3.74 MB, 1414x2000, 1000016684.png)

gore warning.

>My art is an exploration of horror, eroticism and my own fears and traumas regarding my own experience of living as a dysphoric trans guy with tokophobia (fear of pregnancy).

From her website

No. 406883

>tokophobia (fear of pregnancy).
I feel like this shouldnt even be a phobia as it assumes that the fear of it is abnormal when it's not every woman fears pregnancy it's natural and very needed

No. 406884

I block this bitch and her disgusting art on every form of social media, can someone buy me lolcor premium so I can block her here too

No. 406885

i posted this >>403953 awhile back. it's the same thing almost, but the ftm in question wants to harm other ftms. such a freakish fetish.

No. 406891

This shit is beyond messed up. Pathetic, she wastes her life on this crap

No. 406912

File: 1722644281862.jpg (58.24 KB, 828x549, 20_to_60_by_oldageprogression_…)

I've come across this tag before, but i assumed it was standard aging up of underage characters. Truly fascinating. I wonder how much of it is an autist fixation on older women and how much is about degradation and weird pedophilic-adjacent fantasies (age swap)

No. 406913

File: 1722645261603.jpg (97.76 KB, 850x1275, sample-4f8e8b645562401f7241aa0…)

Tame compared to the rest but this one is really terribly drawn.

No. 406917

this one is ai generated right? fuck's sake she looks like yoda

No. 406924

This is horrifying. I wanna throw up. Yuck I wish I didn't click it. This is a woman who despises her body for being female. I get those feelings too but this is extreme mental illness.

No. 406931

No. 406935

if you are going to draw nasty shit at least be a good artist

No. 406942

I've seen an even worse one from her where that thing's boobs were burned, cooked, and eaten while still attatched to the body, she's severely fucked in the head. Almost 30 and still making this shit.

No. 406953

>>406942 how does she even comes up with ideas like this lmao
>>406924 may be right, she must hate being a woman so badly that she spends her time thinking about ways of destroying her body

No. 407001

No. 407003

No. 407019

these are supposed to be horses?

No. 407020

Sometimes euthanasia is the only way to solve this level of self-hatred.

No. 407029

Literally from mass consuming moid guro porn, that's where it comes from.

No. 407040

i like this, but it's so funny to me that she clearly liked the dark horse more and put more effort into his horsey gear

No. 407041

Can you blame her, just look at those luscious locks.

No. 407045

File: 1722701794764.webp (126.53 KB, 640x906, disc-my-dog-becomes-a-human-ch…)

nah, it's like an elaborate humanization of em, like that one manga My Dog Becomes A Human and the specific traits being common with the dog breed, picrel is my fav one, too bad the mangaka gives him a pencil neck most of the time

No. 407054

be right back

No. 407061

nonnie are you back?

No. 407062

So it was never raceplay at all? They're just humanized horse boys? Kek

No. 407067

nonnie, not all art posted on bleachbooru is racebait stuff. i went through their yaoi tag and found lots of non-racebait stuff with zero politically-charged undertones, and a lot of the actual racebait stuff was just art photoshopped with some pro-white(?) symbols and tattoos on a twink's ass, or art photoshopped to have one of the dudes darker, sometimes it didn't even have anything interracial. clearly the only requirement for shit posted on bleachbooru is just to have a white cock in frame(such a gayass fixation) that's why the gay horses were posted and bc scrotes lack taste, they interpret >>406830 as based Aryan chad with Nazi slick back with feminized inferior black boy with bbl

No. 407069

i would bet on my life, that half the users are probably hispanic

No. 407070

as poltards usually are, and the other half are turbomasochist Asian homos

No. 407109

she ded

No. 407181

File: 1722745312987.gif (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1920x1080, dfyluym-8a6a43a7-f2c1-4ac8-902…)

The animation of this is so terrible,what's with the static head & the buttocks moving fluidly?retard didn't even put any effort on this kek.

No. 407182

File: 1722745392182.png (693.17 KB, 827x662, the_gassing_of_loch_pt__1_the_…)

I can't help but laugh at this.its just so painfully retarded.

No. 407190

File: 1722746340166.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 1998x2039, 1000016709.jpg)

I laughed when I saw this

No. 407194

is this same scrote that made that disgusting scat gif, the one with the woman on the beach

No. 407197

That one was iconic

No. 407198

What the fuck is this supposed to be. It looks like a dorse from 4chan. But then what's going on with her penis head. Why is her head a penis but then her face is coming out the top? And then why did her nipples become sand worms from Dune?

No. 407200


No. 407202

File: 1722748438158.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.73 KB, 1024x768, 1000016710.jpg)

Moids are so retarded lmao, what the fuck is this.

No. 407203

i pray to god these people dont reproduce

No. 407300

How can anyone look at this shit and tell me with a straight face that scrotes deserve rights? How could you trust a creature like this to vote?

No. 407305

Why am I supposed to see males as equals when they're clearly inferior low iq subhumans

No. 407356

Ngl bleachboruu is extremely funny to me, I remember reading some of the comments on there and they're really over the top the loli stuff is a little disturbing though.

No. 407357

File: 1722800788310.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.35 KB, 850x1133, sample_d640d9e43ba7488bef5087e…)

i lol'ed at the sperm cells

No. 407359

tbh if you're at the point of finding art like that sexually arousing, your mind is utterly warped and even if you had the chance to have sex (they don't) you wouldn't be able to get aroused

No. 407428

File: 1722819439288.png (Spoiler Image,3.78 MB, 1787x2062, 1711071977.keadonger_camacomm2…)

no thanks

No. 407460

File: 1722829328563.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.59 KB, 850x1202, 1000016749.jpg)

how does someone even develop a fetish like this.

No. 407498

Love how her head is on backwards.

No. 407630

File: 1722909187951.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.29 KB, 850x909, 1000016750.jpg)

I hate this artist and I hope he dies

No. 407635

He drew Shayna accurately though

No. 407639

The fetish is fucking belly buttons??? This is reminding me of that Family Guy episode where the teenagers start having PIE (penis in ear) sex to get around abstinence. How does someone even get involved with this fetish? I guess I can ask that for most of the caps posted itt, but this one is extra weird to me.

No. 407644

No. 407775

File: 1722973470721.jpeg (Spoiler Image,776.26 KB, 1792x2048, GOhQqbgWcAAleCD.jpeg)

posting tranny art itt is cheating atp

No. 407776

File: 1722973636799.jpeg (Spoiler Image,409.01 KB, 2048x1759, GRbeSocbgAAm0sm.jpeg)

No. 407777

File: 1722973743764.jpeg (Spoiler Image,804.13 KB, 2048x1465, GRgb4vGaEAAhjiH.jpeg)

No. 407779

File: 1722973823753.jpeg (Spoiler Image,427.57 KB, 1489x2048, GB-5boGWYAAAtJQ.jpeg)

i'll let you guess whether it's a tif or a tim

repost dropped pic

No. 407785

an xx wrote this

No. 407806

why do these freaks always try to mimic the children illustration style? is it because theyre pedophiles?

No. 407897

Placing my bets on tif, it's too cutesy to be by a moid.

No. 407902

File: 1723016355258.png (587.18 KB, 1080x1080, F9-AKhqXEAAJgC6.png)

surprisingly she's very much aware of 4tran agp culture yet still chooses to pander to them. teefefe on twitter

No. 407903

File: 1723016389694.jpeg (477.88 KB, 2048x1530, GJWqQtOWYAAlwx-.jpeg)

bonus autism

No. 407904

i knew it. aidens are always clockable in writing if not art style. the desire for rape and violence against the self is too strong and she didn't commit to the whole "your dick isn't good enough for me" cuck fetish thing that only moids get.

No. 407906

File: 1723016879512.png (407.09 KB, 645x811, Screenshot 2024-08-07 004700.p…)

this is the kind of bullshit males write

No. 407907

File: 1723017188008.png (214.76 KB, 762x763, 1693523496420828.png)

>an avid hater of /ic/
she needs loomis NGMI

No. 407911

File: 1723019970190.jpg (252.87 KB, 1375x1125, teef.jpg)

yeah this looks like the face who would make these comics..this is public mods no ban

No. 407935

>"your dick isn't good enough for me" cuck fetish thing that only moids get.

I unironically love it when masochistic moids have that fetish, kek.

No. 407943

why did I expect her to be white

No. 407955

they have a really particular autopedophilia, mtfs focus on the body of the child (hence diaperfaggery), ftms focus more on the act of child rape.
oh lord i hate this stupid nigga, blissfully had forgotten he existed. luckily he will be forgotten by all in the fullness of time because his work is boring garbage
im surprised too KEK her work has a real anglo cracker energy

No. 408112

Another lonely woman who soaked in chan culture for far too long. But it also seems like she has a thing for failmale gooners as a terminally masochist woman. Or she's a kikomi. Maybe all three kek, it's funny because she hints at agp culture but it lacks the sarcasm and bite of edgy gay men and self-aware 4tran users who joke about these subjects. Yeah i'm going for kikomi syndrome

No. 408929

File: 1723347748359.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.62 KB, 1015x787, white-man-to-arab-bellydancer-…)

That's it,this is the worst one I've seen.Its from that r/transformation subreddit and this is just repugnant,weirdly racist? & overall horrifying.do not search upside down transformation on Google.

No. 409409

File: 1723488100497.png (2.98 MB, 1614x2283, ubapmth.png)

No. 409412

File: 1723488712627.jpg (7.81 KB, 214x236, images.jpg)

how butt baby probably looks

No. 409416

The last one is hilarious

No. 409443

Why is it that whenever fetish artists draw pregnancy, the character goes immediately from holding a pregnancy test to looking like they're eight months pregnant with twins? The fuck

No. 409465

It's fetish art nona, it doesn't follow logic. Instant pregnancy for maximum coom.

No. 409646


Retard was in such a coom trance he forgot to spellcheck.

No. 409712

Maybe he's a french "person"

No. 409714

Holy shit she unbirthed him kek

No. 409722

File: 1723572967504.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 2296x3613, 1000016879.jpg)

This looks so retarded

No. 409752

File: 1723576980656.png (Spoiler Image,693.24 KB, 858x867, brfvb.png)

Babyalien_on earth the only person I know to sexualize a fucking bottle of hand sanitzer

No. 410863

File: 1723892583026.png (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 1250x1652, male character with the ass of…)


No. 410865

what is going on here

No. 411769

File: 1724169219576.png (Spoiler Image,2.34 MB, 3485x2716, whyyyyy.png)

This is the last thing the twin towers saw

No. 411777

I want to die

No. 411805

File: 1724176166632.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.97 KB, 775x1024, mask_on__on_vacation_by_demon8…)

I was looking for something else and this shit popped up

No. 411807

File: 1724176288122.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.02 KB, 1134x705, mask_on__welcome_to_my_home__b…)

No. 411876

He may have started off sincere, but I think baby alien is doing this shit ironically now. Or maybe he always was, idk.

No. 412263

Is this how kids end up with fetishes?

No. 412277

>>412263 what the fuck, that's so gross, i hate youtube and the person who uploaded this video

No. 412506

this is some elsagate-tier shit

No. 412593

the plane…. has a helicopter propeller?

No. 412597

Unironically the most offensive part of the picture.

No. 413515

File: 1724663399695.jpeg (378.56 KB, 1440x1920, i.jpeg)

No. 413794

File: 1724731203379.jpg (128.28 KB, 900x633, 2573796214797.JPG)

No. 413869

Kek the American flag underwear

No. 413983

File: 1724785182157.png (Spoiler Image,630.03 KB, 1943x1317, 3801900 - A.J. Cobra_(artist) …)

No. 413984

Nasty, porn doesn't belong here.

No. 413985

File: 1724785518446.jpg (193.89 KB, 1200x1200, FW6jDhvWAAEwXfn.jpg)

This is so bad especially the face

No. 414000

File: 1724788287129.png (2.49 MB, 2771x2102, 386b93677a3f6b764824b9921370e2…)


No. 414001

File: 1724788308959.png (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 2337x2415, 73775e770a89cdd8ee0cc63e6b2a66…)

No. 414002

File: 1724788331816.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 3095x2225, 077febd73e33cf946409b6088e525b…)

No. 414003

File: 1724788354435.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 2112x2104, 6955e673c9995d85131cd2db563f6a…)

No. 414005

Now I'm kinda hungry

No. 414321

File: 1724879975357.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 2837x3264, eb38cd7449d35d8c2492ce6826d924…)

Idk why but I google reverse some image posted on meta and got this

No. 414345

File: 1724884383100.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.87 KB, 540x611, tumblr_inline_pfoxynrKuS1qauef…)

>Anon whining in meta that the original image was actually just a drawing of two women
>Actually part of a scrote fetish comic featuring scat as well as dick and balls

fat deku thread tax

No. 414406

File: 1724905001318.jpg (138.65 KB, 1024x764, 3963531379743.JPG)

No. 414409

No. 414414

…It's the hideous fetish art thread anon

No. 414613

File: 1726041951905.webp (196.96 KB, 647x1000, 71RI3yygA5L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

No. 414614

File: 1726042029148.png (197.71 KB, 308x432, nick_vores_josh_from_the_kiwif…)

No. 414615

File: 1726042158546.png (358.15 KB, 1080x1989, Screenshot_20240907-234455~2.p…)

No. 414648

This is amazing.

No. 414649

Nikocado is now skinnier than Josh

No. 414652

Josh gets his revenge by voring Niko

No. 414774

File: 1726089680591.jpg (Spoiler Image,850.46 KB, 2000x3000, poop.jpg)

I dont know what i find funnier. The alien or the autistic walls of text

No. 414777

clumpity clump

No. 414957

i love how true autists have to worldbuild their fetishes like this in order to cum

No. 414975

File: 1726151122439.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 970x578, 98754.png)

Not the wrost thing ever but this person followed me and it wasa bit of whiplash

No. 415283

File: 1726245748537.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.48 KB, 516x649, 105312754_p0_master1200.jpg)

There's a NSFW version too but I will spare your eyes

No. 415301

File: 1726251708009.jpg (Spoiler Image,270.5 KB, 1143x1200, GWC1mhbWYAA15k9.jpg)

No. 415313

hullo? based department?

No. 415318

They better draw her ripping men apart

No. 415349

File: 1726269962235.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.71 KB, 2171x1627, IMG_2088-min.jpeg)


No. 415350

Mmmm grape

No. 415352

i fucking wish i could get this ripped

No. 415421

File: 1726305420424.jpg (234.12 KB, 1200x1200, -your-stature-is-like-that-of-…)

No. 416401

File: 1726699046329.jpeg (205.13 KB, 2048x1189, F1QUT2vaYAA2GLD.jpeg)

You can't be serious with this shit

No. 416402

Ah yes, the most important parts of the female body: the breasts and the tail

No. 417161

File: 1726884888405.jpg (75.44 KB, 828x552, beelzebub_by_valentinefatterqu…)

No. 417269

From the thumbnail I thought this was some kind of alien snake creature.

No. 417762

File: 1727093411978.png (Spoiler Image,7.47 KB, 370x397, GXWyp1sWQAAgemN.png)

mspaint dragonite pussy warning

No. 417764

File: 1727093700561.png (Spoiler Image,4.66 KB, 370x397, GW_aS5DWMAAQ6nP.png)

big boobs haunter

No. 417766

File: 1727093830509.png (Spoiler Image,4.59 KB, 370x397, GPUat-XXMAAMHUq.png)

sableye doggy style
@Richard06131064 on twitter

No. 417836

File: 1727119697234.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 1280x944, commission___pocahontas_from_d…)

Never thought I would ever see fetish art of Pocahontas.my day is ruined.

No. 418145

File: 1727208726368.jpeg (36.5 KB, 600x335, 0720031E-E89D-42E6-B936-E258C4…)

No. 418367

File: 1727282872197.png (1.37 MB, 750x1624, IMG_3585.png)

Kek i found the artist for that Lois meme. The nonas suspicious about it being a fetish were right kek. This was draw 10 years ago

No. 418484

File: 1727309638629.jpg (82.77 KB, 1200x675, 1200-722985754.jpg)

Weird but it's also based off an X Files episode/scene.

No. 418487

looks like cartman's feet in Snow Day

No. 418788

File: 1727437965577.png (399.22 KB, 600x764, H7s6BbM.png)

No. 418878

File: 1727470827033.png (2.82 MB, 1859x2048, s2xPMxc.png)

No. 418880

File: 1727470852476.png (2.18 MB, 1408x1475, wwTcWrS.png)

No. 418921

File: 1727476389724.jpg (85.3 KB, 786x1017, clutch_conundrum_by_pencil_jun…)

Poor Eda

No. 418927

this COD thirst shit is cringe, but it makes moids seethe, so i'm glad it exists

No. 418929

Leave the westaboo yumefags ALONE

No. 419028

File: 1727513055928.jpg (113.36 KB, 640x906, 1674223485073.jpg)

Wrong thread

No. 419067

File: 1727535392520.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.53 KB, 600x800, moomin_body-pillow-dakimakura_…)

i don't know what to say(spoiler this oh god)

No. 419088

This makes me want to a-log

No. 419089

how dare you make me lay eyes on this lmao

No. 419096

Would be fine if the cod dude wasn't so weardly wide. There isn't even any ass to grab, it's just all thighs.

No. 419203

I actually laughed when I unspoilered this ngl. The redtext made me think it was going to be scat fetishism or something.

No. 419267

File: 1727596123916.png (2.01 MB, 2291x3040, Yox0oeR.png)

No. 419337

File: 1727617934889.jpg (Spoiler Image,598.21 KB, 1920x1080, wjsifhsd.jpg)

was looking for something fun to play on steam and found this instead

No. 419339

File: 1727618108718.gif (Spoiler Image,3.72 MB, 600x738, 1_Uncensored.gif)

No. 419344

How the hell is this game even supposed to work, and why do moids find a single disembodied tit sexy to look at

No. 419371

>how is this game even supposed to work
you merge boobs with boobs and they turn into bigger boobs and when you make big enough boobs you get an animated sex scene

No. 419381

need a gay golden kamuy version of this

No. 419382

Autistic men need to get sent to coal mines without any means of escape.

No. 419387

there is probably a bara version of this already gay and straight moids share the same shit taste

No. 419388

No. 419391

nta but this is not de/g/en.

No. 419393

check steam idk

No. 419424

will it be balls insted of boobs?

No. 419425

File: 1727640850023.png (572.33 KB, 609x787, Screenshot 2024-09-29 131343.p…)

men are so gay and embarrassing. this artist has nothing but rope and tickle fetish art

No. 419428

File: 1727641558403.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.7 KB, 707x1000, bafkreic4sbbzrwchcjvfwzfpttdxq…)

This is so fucking bad,the face doesn't even match the realistic body lmao.

No. 419433

i wonder which woman he traced this from and put a loli face over it

No. 419461

File: 1727653948897.jpg (191.03 KB, 850x610, sample_8e2babcb184addd7dabb7bb…)

reminds me of shirou masamune, god that dude has an insanely autistic and gross style. His stupid ass worm girls never fail to make me laugh

No. 419477

File: 1727658856419.jpg (124.68 KB, 749x1552, tfp_vore__tummy_tickles_by_sha…)

I didn't even know Transformers vore existed wtf.how autistic must you be to find this hot?

No. 419479

File: 1727659158815.jpg (1.04 MB, 2482x2539, spidermilkshake-uh-m-me-vore.j…)

Another one unfortunately

No. 419481

File: 1727660705475.jpg (122.13 KB, 734x1000, 81duG4-PCFL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

kek i always forget this guy's name but you made me remember, imagine how unwashed you must be irl to be so obsessed with filth you call one of your porn doujins "greaseberries". he sounds like he has lice. vomit

No. 419484

File: 1727660894523.jpg (6.14 KB, 170x240, images.jpg)

of course

No. 419489

of all the things, what bothers me the most are the nonsensical white socks. It's like when ai gets confused and throws some bullshit in an otherwise normal image

No. 419539

I'm really really sorry to be asking this, but how was this rendered? Ink?

No. 419544

its digital

No. 419568

File: 1727696940587.png (2.89 MB, 1431x4096, hIwBftt.png)

No. 419572

File: 1727697914175.png (1.66 MB, 1356x1695, OspXvDy.png)

No. 419573

File: 1727698009445.jpg (5.83 MB, 4096x2304, 1840_screenshots_slayerg ob su…)

Just found this shit in the Community tab for Source Filmmaker on Steam kek
This kind of autistic pornsick crap is getting so normalized it's insane, nobody bats an eye at the ridiculous anatomy anymore because BOOBA gets moids' dicks hard

This shit is on Steam??
It's Suika game but with gigantic anime breasts. Speaking of which, there's a Touhou fanart image set that this reminded me of. It's extremely retarded. I'll post it here later.
Can't believe this fucker got so much prestige, he's just a run of the mill coomer/hentai artist

No. 419574

Is this Anakin and Obiwan?

No. 419575

kek the man boobs

No. 419576

File: 1727698289861.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.37 MB, 3432x2893, f4d1c58e955902c904fec9708387ff…)

>there's a Touhou fanart image set that this reminded me of. It's extremely retarded.
Here it is

No. 419666

File: 1727719804439.png (1.98 MB, 1582x2048, 74fjXkN.png)

No. 419743

File: 1727740985960.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.14 KB, 1000x821, bafkreibhtf7otrsp75msyeyqkeptg…)

Unspoiler at your own risk because this is fucking nasty.her ass looks like an inflamed liver ew.I hate the disgusting retard who drew this.

No. 419745

File: 1727741448445.jpg (495.68 KB, 850x1177, sample_8160007769ecc31ca7b65e1…)

his art used to be okay before, still coomer but at least his women didnt look like worms with kfc chicken skin

No. 419747

File: 1727741631829.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.24 KB, 1545x2000, bafkreienyiy5zfgps7lnak4pxttrn…)

Only a zoophile would draw something like this.how nauseating.

No. 419792

Why is the literal beardy the one getting the "babygirl" treatment?

No. 419793

What is it about that game attracting so many male autists?

No. 419798

its a game comprised of only women(and one single moid) its basically waifufag heaven, also 70% of the cast are lolis

No. 419800

It's incredible how broken male sexuality is

No. 419866

thought the symbol behind them was black sun for a second

No. 419912

File: 1727812122381.png (Spoiler Image,500.52 KB, 751x768, sumH0GQ.png)

there's so much wrong with this

No. 419924

File: 1727814475159.jpeg (140.96 KB, 797x770, 1642177.jpeg)

Adding to these inflated boob tumors I was reminded that this Sonico figure exists. Would throw it in a fire or have it in a hydraulic press.

No. 419926

File: 1727814598256.jpg (Spoiler Image,451.57 KB, 1080x833, cushion balls.jpg)

Also kek at this post

No. 419928

If I had to guess, it boils down to anakin being taller than obi-wan and obi-wan having a "maternal" role in raising anakin and so the end conclusion is a overly complicated younger-man/older-woman fetish, I was something similar in another series where one of the villains met the hero when they the former was a kid and because thae villain character grew taller and more 'masculine' than the hero, some fans started creating AU stories about the villain secretly pining for the hero and wanting to make him his wife

No. 420020

just casually sitting in non-euclidean space

No. 420029

What is it about being a stank ass that attracts twitter neet trannies? It's not cute or endearing it's NASTY

No. 420031

I remember checking some tranny "puppy girls" Twitter account and it was filled to the brim with "stinky girl" art/tweets. What's up with that? Even other degenerate men from what I've seen aren't into stinky women but idk

No. 420038


Because men are gross and are more likely to like stench. Hence why panty sniffing and foot fetishism is such a 999999% male thing.

No. 420039

>series where one of the villains met the hero when they the former was a kid and because thae villain character grew taller and more 'masculine' than the hero

What series?

No. 420049

shit, I misremembered because it’s been a while, it was some au doujin for cardfight vanguard, between the mc(aichi) and and his rival(kai)

No. 420901

File: 1728102872227.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.03 KB, 828x1104, stenchy_by_objekts_di2e9oh-414…)

No. 420902

File: 1728103680267.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.76 KB, 1024x1024, kuzco_s_gut_groove_by_afraart_…)

Vore is the fetish I despise the most.what makes someone want to draw something like this?And why Kuzco's llama form??? Nasty

No. 421345

File: 1728261664299.jpg (Spoiler Image,980.01 KB, 1280x1413, Tumblr_l_97841704302613.jpg)

No. 421969

File: 1728420152201.jpg (459.95 KB, 2242x1643, 1723993614.vickma_img_8462_jpe…)

Zootopia 2 isn't even out yet and there's already vore art of the snake.I hate furries and vore artists so much.

No. 421974

I didn't know Zootopia 2 was being made until I saw this post

No. 421987

it's so weird to be sexually attracted to a cartoon snake.

No. 421991

Nonna, I hate that I learnt that there's going to be a second movie of Zootopia because you posted this fetish picture of a really fat snake in this thread.

No. 421992

I literally just searched for 'Gary Snake Zootopia'and I shit you not,I saw that gross shit while scrolling down I think i even saw hypno Kaa shit too because of course.nothing is truly safe.

No. 422002

is this how i find out there's gonna be a sequel…

No. 422008

Same, I wasn't aware of Zootopia 2 until I saw that post kek

No. 422013

File: 1728435894411.png (727.92 KB, 1094x540, Screenshot 2024-10-08 180402.p…)

was looking at the plushies from "creep cat toy co" and kinda liked the style and then i saw they have weirdass furry fetish bullshit products too. this is so unsettling.

No. 422068

i swear all animated snakes look exactly the same

No. 422076

Me five, does anyone other than furry coomers even give a shit about zootopia anymore?

No. 422090

Inflatable Zoosadism is so foul of a combination!

No. 422093

Noooo they are the only ones that do cute plushies of my fav animals, now i dont want to support them. Fuck.

No. 422094

File: 1728468811934.jpg (265.63 KB, 1080x2011, 1000070594.jpg)

This isn't subtle at all, how did you never notice?

No. 422095

File: 1728468846570.jpg (51.54 KB, 533x389, blowme2.jpg)

Huh, this is the second time I've seen a furry with an inflatable toy fetish

No. 422097

Nonny, literally all furry conventions have inflatable toy fetish pool parties, this has been a thing since the 00s.

No. 422107

Between them and plushophiles what's with furries and wanting to fuck kiddie toys

No. 422108

>what's with furries and wanting to fuck kiddie toys
most kid's toys are cute animals

No. 422109

Its probably because so many plushies and inflatable toys are shaped after animals. If i am ever having kids i am making sure to only buy floaties in the shapes of donuts and plushies that look like humans so they dont turn out like that.

No. 422110

i like how they tried to edit their boring ass furfag get together to look like a ~wild~ event

No. 422113

Imagine being such a zoophilic coomer you even stick your dick in kiddie toys. At least it's not actual animals, but the again some do do that as well. Furries are truly contemptible.

No. 422189

File: 1728491708827.jpg (Spoiler Image,353.36 KB, 622x1200, 110372331_p0_master1200.jpg)

I hate everything about this

No. 422929

i don't understand that. i love plushies and i love animals. i don't want to have sex with them. i cannot imagine wanting to do that. the furry brain is truly revolting and bizarre.

No. 422937

furries tend to be autistic, i think whatever hyperfixations they have during puberty shapes their sexuality. if they're obsessed with cartoons and plushies they'll incorporate it into their sexual awakening and become degenerates for life

No. 422985

File: 1728644212926.jpg (Spoiler Image,691.73 KB, 1760x2329, drawn by a pickme btw.jpg)

No. 422996

Wtf is that face. And you can easily tell it's a self insert

No. 423111

File: 1728687002626.png (Spoiler Image,884.34 KB, 1353x1455, 1728599014.tallarra_sometreats…)

Here's another

No. 423112

File: 1728687156781.png (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 1336x2757, 1711859119_virmir_hotcakes-tai…)

No. 423115

>melting pool toys
>inflation TF into a pool toy
How do people even end up with such hyper-specific fetishes?

No. 423116

No human being would ever fuck them, that's why.

No. 423124

File: 1728688725276.jpg (46.13 KB, 615x960, FB_IMG_1728679893666.jpg)

Disgusting garbage

No. 423138

Retarded coomer, Ultrabeasts are sexless like any other legendary.

No. 423140

im afraid to google… isnt that some dick thing?

No. 423144

If that was true then orgies wouldn't be common in furry conventions

No. 423154

It's just a pornified woman cockroach by pokemon

No. 423318

File: 1728748694559.png (Spoiler Image,6.09 MB, 2500x3309, zoidberg looking ass.png)

jesus fucking christ

No. 423348

are those.. mouths on her nipples?

No. 423427

File: 1728760814006.jpg (340.52 KB, 1803x2044, 1699814979.sagabel_pomni.jpg)

Whatever this depravity is

No. 423457

I hate how these coomers portray themselves as so cute and innocent

No. 424027

File: 1728877846540.png (1.66 MB, 1273x991, 1678978822.oriannaskunkgirl_sk…)

No. 424028

File: 1728877983467.jpg (595.08 KB, 1276x1968, She screams as she flies throu…)

No. 424031

File: 1728878116390.jpg (562.73 KB, 1423x1481, 1686131074.trainmaster185_max_…)

This is why you don't give autistic people weed.

No. 424034

File: 1728878462928.jpg (982.65 KB, 1636x1274, 1685298555.trainmaster185_max_…)

No. 424035

File: 1728878555737.jpg (Spoiler Image,203.14 KB, 1023x1281, 1719248289.trainmaster185_oven…)

No. 424036

File: 1728878663585.jpg (Spoiler Image,965.74 KB, 1650x1275, Max hanging with Georgy while …)

No. 424040

nah i like planefag stuff its kinda based

No. 424151


No. 424237

File: 1728932620022.jpg (417.61 KB, 2000x1585, bafkreid5qy7vwavgyalqtyy7ursxl…)

Lol what the fuck? $20? What retard would want this?

No. 424238

File: 1728932680279.jpg (141.71 KB, 1280x1280, 1658160675.codythedemonicwerew…)

No. 424241

I'm mainly just surprised that footfags would even be into skinny bird feet.

No. 424653

File: 1729073503417.png (482.85 KB, 1080x799, 1000050980.png)

No. 424654

File: 1729073555266.png (Spoiler Image,973.26 KB, 1080x1062, 1000050978.png)

No. 424661

No. 424663

The fuck…?

No. 424682

why is it so cute kek

No. 424690

Begging for a source

No. 424700

This is some seriously expiremental shit but this person clearly wants to fuck actual nonfurry animals

No. 424704

File: 1729087987624.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 1080x1067, 1000050981.png)

No. 424705

File: 1729088146949.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1080x1056, 1000050977.png)

The dumb ball joints on the horses annoy me so

No. 424803

File: 1729114378713.png (Spoiler Image,526.29 KB, 856x580, Untitled.png)

this one's weird. hard to tell if they're a typical zoofag or if they're representing themself as the abused horse. they have an intense focus on scat and animals.

No. 424819

Aside from the artist obviously wanting to fuck actual animals, do you think them making the legs look like anal beads is part of it too? I think we need to nuke the entire planet.

No. 424823

how is this allowed on instagram of all places

No. 424826

File: 1729124411752.png (Spoiler Image,367.85 KB, 1061x1250, fasttrack37d-Donkey-Underwaer0…)

Not really sure what's going on

No. 424828

Unfortunately a lot of furries are into animal feet not just paws.

No. 424830

File: 1729125395059.gif (136.42 KB, 240x178, 1000073510.gif)

The fact that somebody, probably a community of people even, got so traumatized/surprised by this scene to the point of turning it into a fetish makes me wonder if kids should be even allowed to watch anything at all.

No. 424847

File: 1729129544229.jpg (37.05 KB, 719x894, 1000009739.jpg)

this artist is unfortunately a minor

No. 424887

File: 1729145188957.png (Spoiler Image,78.83 KB, 479x385, 1000051082.png)

No. 424888

So many weird scenes in classic cartoons have contributed to people developing specific fetishes that I really think most of them were made by fellow fetishists. We really should watch and analyze what children watch because fetishists really love to put their degenerate shit into children's media and toys.

No. 424890

but like, autists such as transformationfags will turn anything into a fetish. that donkey transformation scene is horrifying to most kids who watch it. moids especially will fetishize literally anything, you can't just not make things because of that.

No. 424941

File: 1729176370665.png (2.09 MB, 1794x1186, Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 10.45…)

this is so fucking funny, how did he get this into a proper gallery? lmaooo

No. 424943

I'm so scared to ask, but are the legs meant to look like anal beads?

No. 424947

Yep, moids would fetishize shiny noses (actual example that kicked off fetish as a concept) before the internet and before cartoons

No. 424952

Please don’t tell me Rudolph is fetish fuel…

No. 424966

Gay furry moids, not even once

No. 424968

Imagine being invited to an art gallery and this is the shit that's spread in its walls.

No. 424970

If I ever draw/write anything with transformation elements in it I'm going to make sure it just works instantly like "poof!" specifically to avoid attracting these fags kek

No. 424997

It’d be typical. I’ve seen chemical waste at art galleries. They often show literal trash too.

No. 425000

Oh and ftr I saw this guy has ties with Marina Abramovich, a famous satanist feminist weirdo artist who used to starve herself in front of a crowd and let the passerbies hurt her physically (the museum guards stopped them thankfully but her point was being hurt by the viewers).

No. 425004

this looks like something only a minor would draw

No. 425008

File: 1729191095250.jpg (288.34 KB, 829x773, Untitled.jpg)

idk, the more i look at his art the more it seems like this guy is definitely a rape victim or something to that effect. i actually really like his style/colors. the horse creature he uses to represent himself is hideous though. but i wonder if it's meant to be that way, being reduced to a sexual object who gets tortured a lot.

No. 425010

Yeah he gives me big rape victim vibes

No. 425024

yeah this is like, evil. like… evil evil.

No. 425028

It's either some kind of furry/kink themed display at a con, or that's just a random wall he tacked stuff up on and not a gallery.

No. 425031

This is not unusual for contemporary art galleries.
I'm blogging but this is just to make an example: when I was 13 I managed to enter an adults-only room at Tate Modern and in it there was also a video of some guy masturbating while wearing a creepy monster mask.
This is also touted as high-art by the same kinds of galleries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viennese_Actionism
I just noticed his wound looks like a slit, like a bleeding anus.

No. 425035

At this point in my life I don't wonder "how did the deranged furfag get into a gallery" but "how did the deranged furfag get selected among the sea of deranged furfags to get into a gallery"
> I saw this guy has ties with Marina Abramovich
Oh that's how. I should be less surprised with her shit taste.

No. 425589

File: 1729400162764.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1079x2852, Screenshot_20241020_074223_Chr…)

this is just vile wtf.. actually made me sick to my stomach. shotacon snufkin warning unspoiler at your own risk

reposting for the 4th time #LikeARetard because i keep forgetting to spoiler/add a warning/pick the wrong screenshot

No. 425601

So basically it's autistic moidlets who shouldn't be allowed to watch anything at all.

No. 426015

File: 1729544086762.jpg (168.13 KB, 2048x974, GSd5J4IWUAEiFTZ.jpg)

Sucks that this artist draws decently well especially some guys but he makes nasty coom garbage like cuntboys, femboys/traps, and every other moid/tranny fetish. Wasted talent.

No. 426016

File: 1729544165372.jpg (721.82 KB, 4096x1502, GTtL0aYbkAAhN4Z.jpg)

No. 426018

File: 1729544197972.jpg (1.07 MB, 2450x4000, GaWPmzjXQAAWrrN.jpg)

No. 426019

The omurice is adorable.

No. 426023

Imagine how everyone would shit on Light if he was a girl because he's edgy as fuck. I wonder if he would've ended up becoming the ultimate waifu and L the ultimate god who gets to hangout with two girls even if he's a freak.

No. 426024

Sheesh, I get being a ryona-fag, but for snufkin?? This feels illegal, if I was an FBI agent I would put you and the "artist" in jail.
