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No. 319720
What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!
Current/Upcoming streams: logs: threads
>>>/m/194814>>>/m/263786>>>/m/297793>>>/m/324507 No. 319724
>>319723I totally agree, and I was glad to see that he got something of a sub boost through the Palworld stream (which finally pushed Goldbullet down below him as the least-subbed member of Armis, kek).
It just goes to show that he's not only a great addition for existing fans, but also capable of snagging fans from the normie sphere. Dude is just a great streamer and I'm looking forward to seeing him go far.
No. 319727
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Idk if it's just me but I hate these thick outline type emotes. They're so fucking ugly and unappealing. Every emote artist uses the same bases so every vtuber and their mama has emotes that look exactly like this.
No. 319733
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>>319721I found a few pics of Calli that might be usable for a new thread in a few months, I'll post them here.
No. 319735
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>>319734That's it! Don't wanna spam too much.
No. 319740
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>>319738I'm a woman who used to keep up with franchises like Hypnosis Mic and a bit of Paradox Live (and often searching yt for any anime music videos of any type) as my pick of easy and casual junk food media in between other things, but either they go into inactive periods or I simply got bored. I was casually aware of those clips of corpo male vtubers and watched them now and then, over a period of time I had seen a lot of Tempus clips. I browsed around for a good while, and honestly I didn't really like what I saw of Niji outside of a few select things: Doppio, Vanta's social/conversation skill (not really his games though), and a bit of Fulgur's content and game choices. Ren made a good impression in terms of being nice and not coomer-y, but eh.
Tempus I found much easier to get into with casual watching and I got in deeper once Armis debuted and I saw how well Jurard, Ruze, and Octavio got along and bantered like they've already been used to it for a good while. I think it was their Apex commentary that was one of the early big hooks. I have very little watch time with any female vtubers besides having listened to several Amiya Aranha vods (since I like learning about retro games) after she was recommended here a long while ago because I mostly want to look at anime boys, so idk much at all about them.
No. 319741
>>319738A lot of them are just people that play video games with an anime avatar.
Not all of them do that boyfriend/girlfriend experience thing.
No. 319742
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>>319732He posts shorts singing in Japanese, so I'm not sure about his English lol
No. 319743
>>319742Yeah his voice and design are nice but
>BrokEN>speaks (probably) Indo in the introduction videoso he probably won't even stream in English
No. 319745
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>>319738I'm a straight woman who mostly watches female vtubers, so I'll give my perspective.
I think vtubing is just another medium, like anime, video games, whatever.
Like, I'd say video games have been historically riddled with sexism and terrible communities, but are there still gems with awesome female characters, or games that don't even have human characters at all? Yes.
Same thing with anime. Every season, there's harem garbage, with lolis, little sisters, 13 year olds with huge boobs. However, there's a lot of great anime that have little or no sexuality, and well-written stories with beautiful artwork.
If anything, I think vtubing could be liberating for female streamers, depending on the streamer herself. Maybe a girl who's chubby or ugly irl and would be shy and harassed as a 'facestreamer' can become an excellent entertainer who sings and plays games for hours because she doesn't have to expose her real self.
You could argue that women could just stream without any camera or model, but I like the experience of becoming attached to these 'characters', their designs, their goofy lore.
Tldr: Vtubing encompasses a lot of types of personalities and content. Not every female streamer is lolibaiting like Gawr Gura or coombaiting like Shylily. I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea but it's not that farfetched that some of us would enjoy it, especially when we already love gaming or anime.
No. 319746
>>319738Females liking cute cartoon avatars just isn't that hard to grasp imo
And it's a medium that allows women to play games and stream, have endless customization options, be completely anonymous, not have to be disriminated for weight, age, appearance etc
No. 319757
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>>319752>the discussion here is way more pacifici love talking about the ocean
No. 319765
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I hate to sound like your typical sapling, but I really missed my oshi so much! I coped hard by watching a bunch of Stars (Bettel and Hakka) while she was gone but there's really nobody I find more engaging to watch both in gameplay and conversation. I'm glad she's back…!
No. 319767
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I'll miss this fairy.
No. 319768
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>>319748I take it back, putting a shirt on did so much for him.
No. 319773
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>>319771I hope she doesn't get the bimbofication treatment every vshojo member gets, it would be very gross and unfitting for Pomu. I do hate that every terminated and graduated member ends up in there because I can't stand their company image and how extra coomery every talent becomes, it's like a black hole sucking up the talents. Wouldn't be surprised if Mel also joins their JP branch eventually
No. 319776
>>319774>>319775I can also confirm that she's not an ex-ID or KR member as those were my primarily watched branches. No idea where that notion formed.
>>319773The outright poaching of established vtubers only for them to become react content trash is just sad. I don't respect the "brand".
No. 319778
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sage for intrusive thought
I've been following Hololive for a few years. But I feel like we haven't really seen a 'top' Holo graduate yet, aside from Coco, who helped trailblaze the EN vtubing sphere. It was sad, but she immediately came back as Kson.
But I'm morbidly curious about what it'll be like if someone like Pekora, Marine, or Korone graduates.
I'd add Gura but meh, she's more of a figurehead at this point.
Off topic, I was a bit surprised to see Kobo is the 6th most subscribed Holo. I knew she was well-liked, but I didn't know she beats out most of the company. I guess it's partially english buff.
No. 319781
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I had no idea there's a vtuber thread on this website again.. damn I've been missing out. Last I remember there being one was like 3 years ago and it got locked because some downie was throwing a fit over Kiara 24/7, not just on this website either. Anyway, thank god, now I don't have to browse that other board (outside of dedicated general sometimes), dingo love!
No. 319782
>>319780Who is it? I've noticed her a lot in ENstars' comments but I didn't know she also welcomes herself into JP streamers' chat
>>319781He's an autist but I appreciate this guy for sticking with StarsEN. Looked like the most chaotic at first but turned out to be an anchor
No. 319783
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Hi nonas I'm not a vtuber watcher, but I'm sort of interested in them so I hope it's ok if I ask some questions here.
1. What kind of vtuber(s) do you watch?
2. What makes you like a new vtuber? Design? The content?
3. Speaking of design, what kind of designs are you drawn to? I've seen a lot of people (who don't watch vtubers) call vtubers ugly and overdesigned but I've always found them quite charming and cute. What is the design discussion like within the community?
4. Interesting details about vtubers that aren't known to non-watchers? (I saw people in here mention graduation for example, idk what that means in this context)
5. What are put-offs that would make you instantly stop watching a vtuber even if everything else matches what you normally love to watch? (for example ugly design, annoying voice, political opinions, playing bad games, pandering of some kind…)
6. Who would you say are the most popular vtubers?
No. 319784
>>319783>1. What kind of vtuber(s) do you watch?I tend to watch almost only girls, I enjoy just chatting streams usually, but also karaoke and games I already like.
>2. What makes you like a new vtuber? Design? The content?I'm usually drawn in because of the design, initially but a number of factors contribute to me staying, is she female friendly? Does she pander to males openly? Is her personality vibrant?
>3. Speaking of design, what kind of designs are you drawn to? I've seen a lot of people (who don't watch vtubers) call vtubers ugly and overdesigned but I've always found them quite charming and cute. What is the design discussion like within the community?I'm an artist myself, so I have an harsh eye for designs, they have to be interesting at least for me. I tend to judge an indie by their choices in design, because that gives away a bit about the streamer's personality itself and I don't lose time with tasteless people lol.
>4. Interesting details about vtubers that aren't known to non-watchers? (I saw people in here mention graduation for example, idk what that means in this context)Graduation and debut are both terms from the idol industry, graduation is leaving the group/activities, debut is well, debutting.
>5. What are put-offs that would make you instantly stop watching a vtuber even if everything else matches what you normally love to watch? (for example ugly design, annoying voice, political opinions, playing bad games, pandering of some kind…)Pandering to males by being a pickme and being overtly sexual. I don't think there's anything wrong with being sexual itself (unless it's pickmerism) but I'm just not interested in people constantly talking about their boobs. I'm also a fairly good judge of character, if I sense someone being a bitch behind the scenes or being stuckup I walk away.
>6. Who would you say are the most popular vtubers?Hololive girls are the most popular for sure, then idk, maybe VShojo but it's not everyone's cup of tea (I don't like them either). Japanese Hololive is bigger for sure, my favorite vtuber among the big names is Houshou Marine.
No. 319785
>>319783>1. What kind of vtuber(s) do you watch?I watch a lot of indies. When I watch company vtubers, I typically only watch them when they're in collabs. I watch indie men, but company women. Not sure why.
>2. What makes you like a new vtuber? Design? The content?Personality! Design matters only if they're absolutely ugly, but I'm not too picky. Just make me laugh.
>3. Speaking of design, what kind of designs are you drawn to? I've seen a lot of people (who don't watch vtubers) call vtubers ugly and overdesigned but I've always found them quite charming and cute. What is the design discussion like within the community?Simple and recognizable designs. I don't like overdesigned ones, and I am drawn to ones with a unique style. Especially if the VTuber says they drew it themselves.
>4. Interesting details about vtubers that aren't known to non-watchers? (I saw people in here mention graduation for example, idk what that means in this context)Majority of VTubers are about grifting, especially on Twitter. If you want to get into VTubers, find one who seems genuine and has a love for streaming, not a love for views.
>5. What are put-offs that would make you instantly stop watching a vtuber even if everything else matches what you normally love to watch? (for example ugly design, annoying voice, political opinions, playing bad games, pandering of some kind…)Baiting for followers. Constantly making follower goals and egging people on. I mean the "1000 retweets and I'll reveal my neck" type of VTubers.
>6. Who would you say are the most popular vtubers?As others said, the Hololive girls, both JP and EN, being number one. NijiEN Luxiem is popular in the East. NijiJP is even more popular in the East.
No. 319787
>>319786I think most the popular high-profile corpo streamers (Mori, Kiara, Pomu, and so on) are in their mid 20s to early 30s. After all, a lot of them had already been streaming for a few years before being recruited to a corpo. Also, seems like a fair amount of popular female vtubers had some kind of past trying out the aidoru lifestyle in Japan (Pomu and Kiara, I believe.)
I'll also mention that to start being an indie vtuber, you generally need a little bit of funds, so I guess either having an adult person job or having rich parents.
No. 319790
>>319784>>319785Thanks for answering! Could you post pics of the designs you do like? Perhaps even examples of what you think is bad
>>319786This is kinda interesting and it gave me some further questions. Are the real identities of vtubers usually secret? And it's just accepted that these people act as their character, so adults playing a teenager is fully accepted and so on?
I actually had an acquaintance/friend of a friend who got into being a vtuber a few years ago (from already having a franchise based following online) and she just fully advertized it with her usual stuff that had her face on it. I never actually watched her though, her vtuber avatar seemed very male-pandering to say the least and that just doesn't interest me personally. She also portrays a race/culture she's not from in a sexy manner, that sort of thing usually brings backlash but I don't think there's been any for her. Is that typically the case, people just see it as a character that anyone can voice?
No. 319792
>>319790Although I don't know much myself, every case I've read about where the person behind a character gets replaced there's been huge fan backlash. But obviously it's not seen as a big deal at all if that one person has had 2-3 different characters/avatars as a vtuber they've been through because of company moving reasons or personal reasons like changing image or audiences. There's often no "writer" behind a vtuber character except for that one person who was performing it so it's almost like a deep instinct where people don't want to see that mind swapped out at all, only brought to a final conclusion (graduation) if that person has to leave for whatever reason. One of the most infamous cases was with one of the early popular groups that made skits like Kizuna Ai, Game Club Project. They were kinda like the natural next step (within vtubers) to the already existing culture where some anime voice actors are pretty idol-like with fanbases of their own beyond their anime characters that buy up their personal merch. The Game Club Project members voice acted for comedy videos written by other people and that was a main part of their channel growth on youtube, but they were also expected to perform as their characters on streams and interact like that and so they'd be the ones doing the mental work for the characters many hours on stream. When it was found out the original VAs were replaced the fan backlash was unanimously negative and the company abandoned the whole thing.
There's always some kind of loose or vague narrative to a vtuber, especially with a group environment that's consistent and has frequent interactions. So I guess it's reflexive that a major interruption in that by trying to switch out the person feels way too jarring to accept
No. 319794
>>319789Exactly why he's an autist, grew up in Australia so online that he didn't learn to speak English properly. That doesn't bother me as much as his tendency to end his random sentences with yo but I can stand it because he's not as coomer as the others
>>319793I only saw Kenmochi's rap battle video with him but didn't catch onto the fact that it's Fuma. Glad he's doing fine now. Kinda wish JPstars could do more collabs with big names outside of Hololive
No. 319795
>>319733>>319734>>319735I love how Mori seems to be liked here. I'm tired of /vt/
/cbdct/ specifically constantly bitching about literally anything she does or doesn't.
No. 319802
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>>319801Ntayrt but I disagree. Yeah, some crazies come in sometimes, but I've learned about a lot of good female vtubers from this thread. Seeing other anons post about their oshis is wholesome to me. Pretty sure I read the entire last thread and I don't remember the
terf rant, unless it was deleted before I could read it.
Post for the Kiara anons, I haven't watched her in a while but I love her knight outfit.
No. 319803
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>>319802I love her knight outfit. It's a shame that Cover doesn't really allow hair/eye color changes in outfits (outside of that one time Rushia did it), because I think this design could really have been elevated by toning the saturation of her hair down a little or something. Sort of like what Elira's done before.
God the boob exposure in this outfit is so unfortunate because I do genuinely think it's beautiful outside of that No. 319807
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Any Asian nonnas here who want a good laugh should check out the other site's Tempus page whenever pictures of Axel or Altare get posted. It's so funny when the girls there lose it talking about how they can't believe somebody with an angelic KPop face like Axel's swears like a sailor, but when you open the link it's the most generic Asian man you've ever seen.
Not racebait, I'm Asian and I'm just amused by it.
No. 319815
>>319814Ntayrt but isn't it more of a gag/skit on Marine's behalf, and the majority of her content is pretty normal, just her occasional lewd joke gets clipped?
That's what I've heard anyways, that a lot of hololive JP (hell, even hololive EN) gets portrayed out-of-context in clips, especially when you can't speak the language.
If you have a 3 hour stream and you have 2 minutes of thirsting over an attractive character or whatever, that's the 2 minutes that's gonna be clipped.
I'd love to hear from a Marine fan though. I do like her singing a lot, and I like that it's an open secret that she's at least 30. I don't speak JP though so I can't make a fair assessment.
No. 319816
>>319815Yeah, Marine's think (as well as Koyori's, although Koyori is a lot more unicorn-pandering) is tongue-in-cheek burikko. It makes sense that it flies over Western fans heads, but most of it isn't meant to be taken seriously. And she's got a lot of merits as a person that make her worthing of making her your oshi, even if you're not into that. Her social skill, willingness to be drop everything for the other girls, and drive to finish massice projects, is unparallelled.
>>319813IDK, I used to like her, and you're being fair in your opinion that you can't look past it, but I think she's had one of the most distinct and drastic positive character arcs in EN. She went from being an asshole who was drunk on her own ability/not processing sudden success well to somebody who is a pillar of not only the branch but also the company. She's shown many times that she's acquired a lot of humility over the years, and she's even admitted openly to and apologized for being a douche to Kiara early on because she superficially didn't value her friendship and skills. I think it takes a lot to admit to your flaws so publically and change as much as she has, so it's easy for me to get behind her now. She's actually earned it where a lot of people would have instead double downed on being an asshole or folded into themselves.
No. 319820
>>319814I know you might know Marine from clips and I understand where you might come from, but Marine is actually very entertaining while not making sexual remarks. As other Nonna said, it's all a gag, she flirts with chat, chat rejects her and tell her to get an husband.
She's extremely passionate, works on lots of projects outside YouTube.
Half of her audience is actually female, you should give her a chance.
No. 319825
>>319824Management put them in a weird situation here, but it was unprofessional of FWMC to stay silent the way they did. Even Koyori told her gachis recently that there's a difference between interacting with/acknowledging men in a professional capacity for the sake of her career vs cultivating personal relationships with them. And I say this as one of the Ruffian nonnas defending the dogs to death in the last thread.
Making at least some sort of neutral comment, if not a positive, "Oh, nice!" comment would have been fine, and nobody could justifiably have gone berserk on them for that. Staying silent the way they did made a negative statement and I'm probably going to dial back how much of them I watch from now on.
No. 319827
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>>319826Simple and memorable, works really well as a base for other outfits. She's the peak of vtuber design for me, although I'm not sure a vtuber of her scale with her design is possible anymore, with how overdesigned things have gotten by way of market saturation.
No. 319828
>>319826i agree with
>>319827 also, gura
No. 319829
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>>319824This is going to sound mean, but I hate this kind of pick-meism so much that I hope all of it backfires and blows up in their faces.
No. 319831
>>319739>I've been to /vt/ a few times and there's zero discussion of male tubersI'm so late, but you obviously don't know where to look.
I'd say 50% of /nijien/ discussion is fujoposting about cute make chuubas, same or more for /mans/. Even more for /stars/. I think a survey made in the board in 21 or 22 said that that about 40 to 45% of the users were women.
No. 319832
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>>319826Seto Kazuya. Love the spooky theme, colors and art style. Plus the model made by the artist himself.
No. 319835
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At what point do you find yourself unable to enjoy a medium you once loved because of the fanbase? Shit like above is one of the reasons I stopped watching a lot of the holo girls if not most vtubers both jp and western. There's been a gradual enshitification of vtubers as a medium as the once "vocal minority" of unicorns is now the predominant culture, even when applied to vtubers who aren't "idols." I dont understand how anyone is supposed to look the other way and pretend like nothing is wrong when the space you enjoy your hobby in is infested with insufferable moids who now have heavy influence over the creator's content and the market. And if they're not a unicorn then theyre an annoying leddit-humored chode, a casual coomer, a vapid aspuring indietuber leech, or a rare insufferable lesbian unicorn.
No. 319837
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>>319824I cannot understand why women might like FWMC. I tried several times but I just find them so annoying, constantly talking like toddlers. I still prefer Mococo over Fuwawa.
>>319826I like this stupid bitch design. I don’t watch her and don’t plan to, but I enjoy her design.
No. 319839
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Anyone here /aokun/? I lost interest in Vs like two or three years ago but a friend keeps sending me her streams and I think I've been charmed right back into watching them, but Ao-kun specifically. I'll become her yume at this rate.
No. 319841
>>319835I'm having a tough time following Hololive lately, I can't get into Advent as much as Council and Myth, the FWMC moment being an example of why, they don't feel like human beings I want to care about as much as the other gens did with the pandering. Can't deal with the absolute barrage of Palworld tweets and streams either, it's a dogshit looking game and all of the mems are obsessed with it tweeting about it every single minute. I miss Ame and the effort she put into making memorable 3D collabs for EN.
Fell off kurosanji too for obvious reasons. So I wouldn't say it's the fanbase's fault, but the way things are going
No. 319842
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>>319826Not only her design, but she’s the reason I’m grinding JP reps
No. 319846
>>319835Seeing this whole debaucle unfold was so stupid that I decided to just cut off my casual watching of other Holopro and solely watch my oshi's personal streams. This is getting ridiculous.
>>319843It's idol stuff like the other anon said, but Vesper made it a lot worse when he was having his menhera arcs and would openly antagonize these guys by dragging unrelated girls in like the time he raided into Kiara's stream. Like, it shouldn't have been an issue for him to raid his senpai in the first place, don't get me wrong, but he knew what he was doing when he did it.
No. 319849
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>>319783Had to delete and repost because I forgot to greentext the questions!
>1. What kind of vtuber(s) do you watch?Not my oshi, as of last weekend…
That aside, I have a preference for chuubas that have a passion/respect for otaku hobbies, are laidback and/or goofy, have a gap moe aspect, or have good kayfabe. The ones I watched the most after Pomu were Amelia, Salome, Shien, and Korone. I'm also subbed to Mumei, Fubuki, Pina Pengin, Risu, and Roberu, but I don't watch them nearly as frequently as the others.
I haven't properly watched anyone from ReGLOSS yet, but Raden was very cute in the clips I've watched of her! I'm also very intrigued by Ao's design and character description.
>2. What makes you like a new vtuber? Design? The content?Content. Designs are important to a degree, but it's never what makes me stay, and it wont make me leave, either. I didn't like Pomu's model for the longest time (the design and the art style). I still think Amelia's art style is butt ugly, and yet I'd consider her 2nd in line of my most-watched.
>3. Speaking of design, what kind of designs are you drawn to?Korone and Risu are the first that come to mind for models that simultaneously have the kind of art style + character design that I like.
As far as designs go, I love cutesy comfy clothing, whether it's loungewear or something fit for cold weather. Moesode, sweaters, fur trims, big boots, round silhouettes, etc. Especially when paired with warm and neutral color schemes, namely brown and red.
I also find it cute when models have a little "mascot" on them, like Lize or Machita from Niji, just because it gives off a fun 00's anime type of energy. It seems like a very niche design choice, though.
>5. What are put-offs that would make you instantly stop watching a vtuber even if everything else matches what you normally love to watch?Coomer stuff (ironic or otherwise), and trying too hard to be funny (especially with gross or edgy jokes).
No. 319850
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No. 319853
>>319835>"vocal minority" of unicorns is now the predominant cultureNot necessarily, the 60-100 people from number thread on /vt/ are just very dedicated with their astroturfing and roping in trolls and similar "unicorns" from unrelated generals. It's pretty obvious with how they post comments under the expo vid and immediately like them en masse. Same for other stuff where they raid tweets and clips. Even knowing that I stopprd watching girls and unfollowed most of them on all platforms save Bae and couple of IDs. Not interested in them and their fanbases, it genuinely has gotten out of hand (and tbf I do have less time nowadays). It's gotten to the point where even normies are like "can you pls stop this shit" and even /jp/ posters are baffled.
Anyway, what surprises me is how Fuwamoco are fine with being used to shit not only on stars, but other holos too. I would've expected them to tell others not to harass other Cover talents and to stop associating with them if they do attack other members. Maybe that's the kind of people they are and they're happy with those aggressive incels as their fans that constantly attack others, no clue, but it's surprising nonetheless that not even managers have told them to say anything. It wouldn't be anything new either.
No. 319856
>>319853Even if they were uncomfortable, what is done is done and saying something afterwards would mean acknowledge what they did in the first place and the fact that it was a calculated move.
In my opinion, it was a stupid move to stay completely silent in the first place, not even an “oohh” or “woow” as they usually do when they don’t know what to say. Everything about the twins is fabricated artificially, but this one was a strategically stupid move imo.
No. 319857
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Any anon aware of the MafuMafu & ALLEDGELY Rushia/Mikeneko situation? No. 319860
>>319857All threads on this get deleted on vt but I got this link Rushia/Mikeneko I put my money on the truth if not 100%, a good chunk.
>>319858Not necessarily “planned in advance” per say, but probably they have discussed to completely ignore HoloStars altogether… I don’t know, it’s too weird.
(screenshots are needed on an imageboard) No. 319862
>>319857Man not to sympathize with a moid too hard here but the guy really has the worst luck with women. Wasn't he a shut-in for a long time before Soraru "saved" him because he was severely stalked and harrassed by a female fan?
I wonder if Kson knew about the reality of the situation or if Mikeneko gave her a onesided lie when Kson helped her get back on her feet by bringing her into Vshojo.
No. 319871
>>319869I saw a couple on JP love live twitter get married a month after meeting, then the girl announced she got pregnant. They broke up, and then there was something about her threatening to kill him or their baby, but the details escape me. This is absolutely unsurprising, though, yeah.
>>319863Mikeneko is fucking psychotic and I'd never support a BPD cow, but I love it when moids get abused and their shit dealt to them, so she was pretty based for that, at least. I know nothing about mafumafu other than that he makes shitty, whiny music, but there's no information that would ever make me take his side (or either side, really).
No. 319872
>>319871He makes garbage music and is using this sob story to gain back the fans he lost with their dating rumors. Typical moid acting like the
No. 319874
>>319873Isnt that the point? She was ALWAYS a menhera and he went in the relationship knowing that, enjoyed the sex and now wants to cry
victim when it no longer feels worth the effort. Moids date BPDettes until they get sick of putting up with it. Rushia never hid how mentally ill she was.
No. 319882
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One of the only professional BPD vtuber ever (I miss her so much, man).
No. 319886
>>319874I don't know enough about either of them to have a strong stance on the situation, but I think you hit the nail on the head about men wanting sex with BPD women until it's inconvenient.
spoilered because this is somewhat derailing but
Men love the idea of 'crazy' women based on what they see on TV or anime. They think it's gonna be crazy sex, cute clingy behavior, whatever. But once that 'crazy' woman actually does something that inconveniences him, e.g. 'I don't like you watching porn 18 times a week, I don't like that you let that female coworker flirt with you, I don't like you out drinking until 3 AM' suddenly her mental illness that was a fetish a few weeks ago is a huge nuisance and he's gaslighting her out the wazoo. No. 319887
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>>319857You can tell e-celebs are becoming actual celebs because they’re having marriages that don’t even last a full year.
No. 319888
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No. 319890
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I used to get ads for this company's male wave auditions on Twitter all the time and now they're finally debuting the livers. Is anybody considering checking out these moids or know anything about who they could be?
No. 319894

First Stage Production's first EN wave
Gale Galleon
>drinks on stream>voice acting>roguelike games>calm and collected, seems like a pretty experienced streamer>has a cute parrot on his shoulder but it doesn't make a soundCassian Floros
>calm>can't tell if he's actually older than others or if it's just an elf gag>speaks German, French, Japanese and a dialect of Chinese>fps games, gacha>voice acting and singing>Overdose civerLucien Lunaris
>very soft spoken>Spanish speaker>artist and singer>Pokemon, LOL>Akuma No Ko coverZander Netherbrand
>soft spoken again>British>long story games and ttrpgs>asmr and zatsudans>yume panderingRosco Graves
>finally an energetic guy>Spanish speaker>latina apparently but uses black American slangs (he said finna…) so he's either a faggot or just a zoomer>rpgs, dnd "im a gamer did you know im a gamer i game btw">video editor>had an original rap section>>319891Are you camping this thread just to promote that site filled with trannies and moids?
No. 319895
>>319894What is this paranoia kek, it's the doxx site,
nonnie asked for a doxx. You didn't even provide the information she would have gone there for.
No. 319896
>>319861Did he send her a voice message on Discord? I seem to recall something about a male voice.>>351724 kek
>>319886>>319874Reminds me of the Ike statement I read before. I wanna hear her side cz I seriously doubt his POV.
I've had guys try to spin things in ways to make their exes look more unstable than they are. This is just another one. I'm willing to bet he did that (talking in her stream) on purpose, knowing she was streaming and she did GFE.
BTW, has anyone seen her be actually GFE beyond “You're not watching other vtubers, right?!” She always seemed headstrong and dumb, like Finana, from the clips I saw.
>>319807 Lol someone said it. He's cute enough. But the level of horny is not justified. I still go there to watch though. It's funny.
>>319875 Says who? The ex that says she's "falsely blaming him" for it. This board runs on US laws. Hurting someone's reputation isn't enough for you to be believed. Men (especially Asian ones) are better at playing
victim. People can be talented and generally nice while being awful partners. People can also do that thing where they only care about their own pets.
All I see is a bunch of people upset about their favourite Utaite being emotionally hurt. He wasn't a kid. He was almost 30 when that started, just like her. He's crying foul behind an uwu image now, when she's actually making progress in her career. I've only seen clips, but I agree with the gachis. He's ruining her career.
No. 319899
>>319898I've heard that a lot. I'm asking if anyone has clips/examples cz all I've seen is, “You're not watching other Vtubers, are you?” or something tho that effect. About the same as Marine (and it didn't seem much like GFE to me, even with marriage applications). Is that moid logic? Did I miss the relevant streams? So if you have something leftover, please send it my way. She always seemed pretty chill to me.
And I've heard one MafuMafu song. Typical menhera Vocaloid stuff. I heard he did BFE as well, so they seemed like a match made in heaven. The fact that his announcement came right after she got a job opportunity and seemed to be moving forward is kinda
sus. This is the second time I'm watching a male Utaite make an announcement about his ex where it looks like he thought issuing a statement first would cause her problems. I'm not impressed. I'm sure his fans are, though.
No. 319900
>>319899AYRT, to be honest? Yeah, I went looking after this to find what I "remember" about her being super GFE and I'm just not seeing it. A lot of the so-called evidence comes from the same period of often misrepresentative clips that still plagues other talents like Marine to this day.
The only real sticking points I can really find about her lean more into her making stupid impulsive choices, like the things that got her fired from Cover or her suing Delutaya/Mana Aloe on what now seem to be false libel charges. Like, sure she's menhera, but it doesn't seem any worse than Mafumafu, except that the latter has influential male friends and a rabid yume fanbase, which is seen more as a pro than a con when a male is doing it. And the timing is definitely
If a JP speaking nonna can speak to the contrary, by all means do, but I'm convinced to at least be neutral here.
No. 319903
>>319900AYRT. I'm not surprised. She was definitely menhera, but here's to hoping she'll get better (she's an Asian woman. There's no choice.)
>>319902This is even crazier in context of MafuMafu's statement. think her statement is in response to his. I knew he sounded
sus. He said — based on chatlogs — he wasn't rude to her (or whatever moral harassment means) on Discord. Not Line.
I think he's using the other dude to harass her, but that's just me. (I don't like him. He assigned malicious intent to all her actions. I think he was projecting.) She's kinda impulsive and dumb, but not evil. Which would explain the shotgun wedding and divorce.
(this is an imageboard) No. 319904
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I don't speak JP or closely follow either of the talents. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual truth is somewhere in the middle.
Sounds like Mikeneko was being insane from the beginning, asking for 24/7 monitoring and being honest right off the bat that she distrusts men and feels they will cheat on her. However, Mafumafu seemingly easily went along with it, maybe due to some combination of pity, wanting the BPD pussy, or thinking he could 'fix' her.
Not that Mikeneko's actions were okay, but sounds like she was pretty upfront with her trauma and crazy behaviors. And when you upset an unstable woman, lo and behold, she rushes out of the hotel upset, texts flirtatiously with other men, and such.
Tldr: I wouldn't be surprised if neither of them were great people. She probably did in fact have crazy behaviors, but was honest about it from the start. He decided to go along with her behaviors, for whatever reason, then got upset when it became an inconvenience.
kek @ this fanart
No. 319908
>>319906Hard agree. If it was two sisters chilling, nerding out over anime, and having fun, I'd be so down. But out of all of the pet peeves I have for vtubers, uwu voices is generally a hard no for me, and damn do they go all-in on the uwu voices.
Having a character voice is one thing - I think it's totally fine if a streamer talks a little more energetically or expressively on camera. But the slurring the words together, the baby talk, making English sound like a second language despite them being white Canadian? No thanks.
They also seem like they lean into the twincest/sexy aspect, at least in terms of the artwork they like and repost. I've seen some anons defend this with 'oh of course there's twincest, being twins has always been their selling point', but I've 100% seen sibling-run youtube channels that don't feature twincest. In fact, I think the vast majority of sibling channels.
No offense to anons who like them, I believe that they are very hardworking and passionate about anime. But I need more fem tubers who speak in a normal pitch…
Hopefully no anon here is delulu enough to say 'oh that's their natural voices' but there's clips of them in their past life speaking in much more normal english. No. 319910
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>>319908samefag but another intrusive thought/complaint on their voices, don't read Fuwamoco anons:
why does Mococo grunt like that, 'un un, uh huh, mm', it will always sound to me like she's constipated on the toilet No. 319911
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>>319908>They also seem like they lean into the twincest/sexy aspect, at least in terms of the artwork they like and repost. I've seen some anons defend this with 'oh of course there's twincest, being twins has always been their selling point', but I've 100% seen sibling-run youtube channels that don't feature twincest. In fact, I think the vast majority of sibling channels. Godddd why. I know the majority of vtubers WILL egg on their fans acting like absolute degenerates (I'm primarily a holofag so I know this first-hand) & Japan is huge on incest, but, seriously? I really wanted FWMC to be good, they sounded so promising. Sibling characters tend to attract shimaidonfags, too, which is just even more terrible.
No. 319916
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What’s one design you wish belonged to an actual fictional character instead of a vtuber? For me, I choose Millie’s design.
No. 319920
>>319916The list of interesting vtuber designs that are wasted on streamers with zero kayfabe is endless lol.
That being said, I do like that StarsEN at least builds lore by having all of its members be part of the same narrative universe, regardless of whether any individual plays heavily into their character or not.
No. 319922
>>319905AYRT. Sexism is stronger in Asia. Women are usually blamed for divorces, getting raped. For example, there was a case in Jp long ago about a woman being forced to quit from local elected office cz she talked about getting sexually assaulted. If mfmf implied that she got raped and impregnated from that, it's dishonourable to HER. Women talking about that stuff are considered
Meanwhile, he's on social media crying about what a
victim he is. And people are treating him with kiddie gloves.
There's also reports of women being told they “seduced” the perpetrators of sexual assault in Korea. There's whole YouTube video from foreign women. (It's not much better in other places.) And there's that Ike who accused his ex of similar stuff to what MafuMafu is doing rn, (right after 5 years, when his sexual crimes would have expired under Swedish law). The page on nyfco is full of CN & KR gachis implying it was all the ex's fault cz there's no police case. She was also menhera, but definitely didn't do everything he implied. (Both dudes are salty about wanting money, really.) From what I gather, Mfmf wants his ring back and Rushia wants the urn with her hamster's ashes.
Songs like “Not All Men” hit particularly hard in Asia. Women are pick-mes and grey situations like this one are used to crush a woman's image, which hurts her career prospects. Her ex manufactured a whole affair. Her coworkers will not step forward cz they mainly pander to males. Even Vshojo.
In most breakup situations, women are expected to grow and improve but men are coddled. Her wording is already a lot more neutral than his. I doubt the truth is in the middle. It's probably much closer to her statement than his. She admits her role. He's just saying that he didn't do anything according to Discord logs, but he left out Line.
“oh I didn't stab her with that knife, but ignore the bloody one”.
And most news channels are eating it up “it's Rushia, so she must actually be menhera yandere.” The Jurard ryona
nonnie here is probably a perfectly sane person irl.
I wonder if the coverage from female channels will be different. I've almost never seen a woman win those drama scandals on YT. All she said was that she didn't neglect her cat and that the previous cases are already settled, so it's not fair to bring them up now. It doesn't get more middle ground than that.
No. 319923
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>>319900AYRT. I think both their fanbases are gachis.
Old thread: think their fanbases are a lot more menhera than them. I can't be sure if there was actual BFE/GFE or if the fans decided it was that.
No. 319928
>>319903Lmao I can't believe I used to like that fucktard. Imagine being in your 30s, pandering to obsessive highschool girl yumes (even after you got stalked) and then acting like the
victim of an
abusive relationship with your wife. I get this is lolcow so we're all used to hating dudes but it's so funny how BS this dude's statement is. And I agree with the other nonnas that he has multiple famous male friends (btw it's funny he went to Korekore, after knowing how his friends were harassed by him) while Mikeneko has everyone against her.
No. 319931
>>319824Even in previous announcements where they showed something with Holostars, no-male talents like Miko still reacted with "oooh" or clap.
I do find FWMC to be rude here especially since Sora once said that it's very rude to just say I don't know about them because of their gender, especially in an official stream.
No. 319932
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>>319916>Kuzuha>Kanae>Pippa>Artemis>Matara (if only it were less coomer)There's others that I like the design of more than their content, but I'm still fond of their personalities. I can't stand the ones I listed above and at least wish their nice designs went to better streamers.
Also I loved Sana's design dearly and I'm sad it didn't get a lot of use.
No. 319936
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>>319916Alternatively, this is more of my personal taste but I think she's super cute including the artstyle. The company though kek
No. 319938
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>>319922Nayrt, I believe you, but I'd avoid putting things like 'she's Asian' and then not explaining, I don't want you to get the banhammer for 'racebaiting'
nonnie lol.
>>319933I feel like I'm one of the only ones who's always liked Sana's art! It gives me 90s or 2000s anime + oil painting vibes.
No. 319940
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>friends in group chat where we talk about weeb shit bring up mfmf/rushia a few days ago
>now that the info on rushia is out, i would expect them to be more sympathetic towards her
>one of them calls her a crazy bitch
>i don't want to argue with her or post links to correct her because i just know my manhater side would slip out and i'd seem insane in front of all of them for siding with someone on whom they clearly have such strong opinions
No. 319942
>>319940Talking about how he literally decided to not give back Mikeneko's dead hamster's ashes when they broke up, even after a lawyer got involved, and took them to his own home might make them more sympathetic. Or the fact that he sued her and his conditions were that she 1) Has to quit her streaming career (mind you, she's had an online presence since 2011), 2) Can't use and post on social media ever again, 3) Have to pay 1million JPY and 4) Have to submit a public apology saying she's sorry and did wrong, that requires approval by him personally.
I used to be a fan of his but this whole ordeal made me realise how much a menhera fuckboy he is and how patient Mikeneko is. Imagine going around for years saying you're asexual and just don't wanna date to appease your followers of highschool girls, all while you're married at the same time. Then, when it gets found out you messaged her, you decide to backpedal and say the one you're supposed to love is actually a stalker who just has one sided feelings for you, that you would totally never reciprocate so your yumes don't get upset, and in the end your actual wife gets harassed for YEARS all while you're still selling out your concerts. And then some random article saying you're married pops out of nowhere just after your ex wife is thriving and managed to get a VA career after everything that's been done to her, and now you reveal, whoops I've been married this whole time! But don't worry, she was actually an evil witch and to prove how evil she is, you go onto Japanese DramaAlert and start crying about how you were abused. Lol. lmao even.
No. 319945
>>319941Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I just had a bad first impression with them forever ago and then rolled with it kek. Up to this point, Kuzuha has had an "obnoxious" image in my mind and Kanae has had a "condescending" image in my mind. The former can be fun in big collabs but I still never really enjoy the latter (and sadly, I prefer his design between the two of them by a long mile).
>unless you just dislike their game choiceThat, at least, is definitely why I've never thought twice about my aversion to them.
No. 319946
>>319945Even as someone who loves both of them, I can sadly see why you would have those impressions, the translated clips and the things more casual fans say about them definitely portray them in the wrong way, to say at the least. Kuzuha tends to act bratty and annoying but he knows where the line is and he is actually pretty considerate of his collab partners. To give an example, when he was put into a team with a lot of people he didn't know (during Valorant Vsai) he behaved really politely until they got more comfortable as a team and he only started to banter with them after that. When he collabed for the first time with Kanae he stayed super quiet because he didn't want to say anything that could potentially upset his fans.
Kanae isn't condescending at all, he tends to be kind to everyone and will usually try to make sure other people are having a good time before he himself is. He has a ton of connections (even outside of Niji) and everyone has a positive image of him, whether it's online or behind the scenes. Even if you think him being nice and kind is an 'act' he has somehow managed to keep up for over 5 years of daily streams, I don't think everyone would speak of him so well if there wasn't truth to it. He does mess with people often but he'll pretty much never do anything that's not ok with the other person.
I'll admit to being a bit biased but as someone that dislikes plenty of male vtubers, I think both of Chronoir are as respectful and professional as it gets, and they're pretty hardworking too. Being filtered by their fps spam is understandable, although they still put out plenty of other kinds of content, especially on their shared channel. Shame about the translated clips situation, but plenty of vtubers (especially jp ones) have that problem.
No. 319953
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>>319938I disliked it at first because I'm a fan of Pako as an artist and felt like her model was a bad example of his work. But it really grew on me with time, especially since her warm personality helped endear me to it.
No. 319956
>>319954Manifestelle blocks all comments from men (on YT). There must be a filter somewhere, cz I doubt she finds them manually.
I'm not sure it exists for chat, but you gotta look around your settings. Or you can ban certain words in chat.
No. 319957
>>319908>Hopefully no anon here is delulu enough to say 'oh that's their natural voices' but there's clips of them in their past life speaking in much more normal english.I'm officially delulu, anon. That's what I get for not looking up past lives.
>>319940“I don't care if you disagree but if my friend was dating a guy like him, I'd tell her to dump him.”
I think it's undisputed that she has his ring and he has her urn. One of those things is of high monetary value, the other is priceless.
>one of them calls her a crazy bitchYeah. She is one. “I would be too if my ex was holding the ashes of my beloved pet hostage. And he was into crazy. He's not a kid. That's not man hating.” (This is from a covert man hater. You got this!)
How open you wanna be is up to you. I definitely wouldn't care for Discord hobby groups, but I'm pretty open with some Discord friends. Of course, this place is the best for man hating. It's so peaceful out here. You can say whatever comes to mind as long as it's legal in US.
No. 319965
>>319961Mother fucker. x2
No. 319966
>>319962Agreed. I don't understand JP, so I can't call myself a true 'fan' of any of Holo JP outside of clips. However, while Korone's voice is a bit high-pitched and energetic, I wouldn't call it childish per se, at least not to my westernized ear. Some women really do have high-pitched voices, and that's fine. However, I dislike how FWMC purposefully slur/trip over their words together in a googoo-gaga fashion.
It's possible I have lower standards for Korone since I don't understand JP. But you can definitely hear the forced baby thing with Luna despite the language barrier.
Hell, listen to this clip of FWMC past life from 2 years ago. There's still some of the baby thing going on, but their English is much clearer and easier to understand, imo. (Still a lot of dumb baby noises tho.)
No. 319967
>Does it even have to be legal?I don't think so. If it's something you wouldn't wanna hear about a woman, then it's probably
sus. So make it into a joke.
>Let's be honest, some of the shit Bettel's fans say they want to do to him is way more illegal and unhinged than any man hater could come up with.Kek. Tell me more. Have you met the Jurard ryona nonna yet?
BTW: type “sage” in the email field to sage posts.
No. 319970
>>319967Sage isn't mandatory in /m/
Jurard's fanbase is really into ryona, but Bettel's fanbase founded ryona in Holostars. I've seen essays about how they want to dismember him while he's conscious.
No. 319973
>>319968I'm lucky enough to usually have 10+ ccv on youtube, and tbh, things haven't been too bad for me. I guess I'm lucky that I found a few mods who are willing to crack down on nonsense for me, and I try to make it pretty clear that it's okay to like or be attracted to my character, but my streams and discord aren't the place for explicit lewd behavior.
If you're in the 10+ range, do you have some mods and rules in place? Or do you only have a few ccv and they happen to be sex pests? Regardless, sorry it's happening to you.
>>319971Just curious, so it gives off the vibe more of her having a legitimate but odd accent, or does it give off the vibe of her putting on a super strong character voice?
I don't mind accents or even speech impediments, but for some vtubers, it's clear they're trying to sound a certain way (aka anime lolis.)
No. 319975
>>319974NTA and I mean I do agree with you, vtubing would not be what it is today without the old Nico Nico Douga Ryuuseiguns and Vocaloid boom of yesteryear, but
>I hate how everything is oversexualized and how lolicon/shotacon is so normalizedIs a sensible and common complaint that many women have about the vtubing industry, even the most otaku-est of otaku women within it.
No. 319976
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I decided to try out watching Flayon because he seemed up my alley. But the first stream I watched, Goldbullet ends up joining in somehow and won't shut up. Urgh, his vocal fry…
I'm probably extra biased against GB because he sounds like a sex pest from what I've heard here.
But for .5 seconds it made me understand why 4chan is schizo about random men joining in collabs kek.
No. 319977
>>319974Does she really sound like a normie to you? You'd have to be blind to not see the sad state of vtubing as a hobby nowadays, at least in the mainstream.
>>319968I understand your frustration, but I hope you don't give up. There need to be people who add diversity to the pool otherwise we'll really just end up with only coomerbait vtubers across the board. The medium is full of untapped potential.
>>319973I'd say it's half half, she does have a unique accent that I think is natural to her, but she's also an innately goofy person which results in her making all of the ridiculous noises she does. It doesn't come off annoying to me though because she's more like a kid's cartoon character to me than a hypermoe anime girl.
>>319976KEK Honestly, I'd love to see where Goldbullet's career goes. He's so oddly isolationist in comparison to his genmates, too.
No. 319980
>>319979Yeah, there's really just nobody quite like Korone, and that's what you want to see in a Holo talent (I feel like this about Pekora and Suisei too). She's just innately the way she is, striving for a personally set standard rather than the popularity of the mainstream, and that's why she doesn't burn out.
I like Ollie, but she's emblematic to me of the other chuubas who make being loud and chaotic their brand in a forced way. People keep framing it as some sort of sad thing, and her process of getting here is a little bittersweet, but I'm glad she's shifted her persona away from something inauthentic that was draining her. Kayfabe is great, but it's only sustainable when there's something real in it.
No. 319981
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>>319973It's a legitimate accent, just very distinct. It's a mix of Kansai-ben and an undisclosed rural accent from one of her parents. IIRC, she actually tones it down when she streams, but you can hear it get unintentionally stronger after the periods when she's done extended stays with relatives.
No. 319984
>>319982Originally because I wanted to read untranslated
doujin manga and fan comics which then evolved into wanting to read jp fanfiction. Similarly to the other anon, listening to vtubers helps with listening and comprehension and teaches me new words and phrases.
No. 319985
>>319983>>319984I'll keep up my studies, it'd be awesome to listen to JP vtubers someday!
Anyone know if there's a language studying thread in lolcow, I'd honestly love to hear more from you anons but I don't want to derail this thread.
No. 319987
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>>319986oops, sorry for being smooth brained, been up for a long time
here's a cute Korone figure to apologize to thread readers
No. 319988
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>>319970>>319972NTA but I can't help but find it a bit amusing how much they've leaned into the whole pathetic man shtick- it definitely carved him a good niche when he debuted and iirc he's the highest earning male holoEN now. Hell, even his mama is embracing it.
No. 319990
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Do any of you believe him fully in all of this? The truth should be in the middle, but knowing how japanese culture is, R is going to be buried in shame…
No. 319991
>>319990Kek the bias in that screenshot alone, acting like he's some helpless child when he's a man in his thirties who knowingly chose to get involved with a mentally ill woman. Tbh I have never fully believed a moid when he whines and cries about his 'evil crazy ex' and this is no exception, I'm sure she wasn't innocent or anything but he's definitely spinning this to make himself seem like a
victim. Unfortunately in these situations everyone automatically sides with the guy (and that's not exclusive to Japan either) so he'll probably get off scot-free while her career is ruined like he wanted.
No. 319993
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>>319992She's a little more toned down these days, so I'd try giving her another shot and see how you feel. She's just not tryharding as much to be insane enough to stand out. Sperg incoming:
She feels like being "crazy" isn't unique, and has been done to further extents than she can by talents like Haachama. Additionally, she feels she's hit a wall in what she can do as a Holo talent, having already accomplished all of her goals and feeling like she's not of outstanding skill (not exceptionally talented in "hard" skills like art, singing, etc) where she can push even higher.
I think it's mostly that she's burnt out trying to make a character misaligned with her natural self stand out in a sea of talent, and her underappreciating the link she provides between branches with her conversational and linguistic skill. But she seems at peace with things and resolved to just continue onwards at her own pace, as herself.
No. 319994
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>>319988Yeah, Bettel actually earns more than some of the girls, while the rest of the boys IIRC are below them.
I loved his bday illustration that had him in obvious distress in a burning room… I can't find the pic (there are two versions, the distressed one is cropped and visible tho as his twitter banner) or the tweet but Senzaki-mama was very amused by the novelty of the commission.
No. 320001
>>319973I average between 20-30CCV and I have 6 mods, but they're never around. I don't know who else to trust, but part of my problem is that the people who are the most vile in my chat are my regulars and other vtubers who are in my circle, and I am worried that if I ban them they'll cause drama.
>>319977I agree the medium has untapped potential, but in it's present state I feel like it's a mismatch for me. I just wanted to stream without worrying about being shredded to bits for being an ugly woman.
No. 320002
>>320000I think she's cute but the angle of her accidental reveal was the worst possible scenario for a first impression. No one can look good in a thumb boomer low angle.
>>319968I agree that vtubing is for otaku and if you don't like attracting them there is not much you can do about it other than stream without a model. The only suggestion I have to get a completely different audience while vtubing is to pander to vtweeters, tumblrites and gendies getting a western, tumblr styled or furry avatar. I doubt it's what you'd like to hear but I know some people who have a non-otaku chill audience of fellow gendies where mentions of fanservice, sexualization or loli is too
problematic to ever be mentioned. This is the only other somewhat sizable audience for vtubing I've found.
If you can't stand woke gendies either idk what to tell you though, cartoon avatars will attract either type of autism so pick your poison. If you want a normal audience don't do vtubing, just do camless.
No. 320004
>>32000120-30 ccv is pretty good, I wonder if you're a certain
vtuber with braids who's posted here before. If so i should say hi on twitter. For what it's worth, I disagree with the other anons who think vtubing is full of coom and that's simply how it is. Maybe start by finding some new mods, getting them in a discord chat, and clearly explaining your expectations. Godspeed.
No. 320005
>>320003Lines up with her claim that he wanted her to quit Vtubing. Some men prefer women to be dependent on them. And some hate it when their partner (or anyone around them, really) is happy and successful.
>>319990Tldr of that screenshot: “I'm not sure if she actually cheated, but I think she did.” But when she thought he cheated, she didn't pull this bs. He's crazier.
She's not better in that regard cz she did say she thought he was cheating but didn't divorce him anyways. I'm not a huge fan of either, so he looks much more childish by statements alone.
>>319991He's mad that she didn't touch his presents. He's also mad that she didn't return his ring. It's like he can't decide whether to make her appear greedy or not.
This should classify as slander in Japan. He didn't need to do that, but he did. “I fucked your oshi.”
No. 320006
>>319990As a frequent crier, let me tell you a secret: he's not necessarily crying out of sadness.
I cry when I'm angry. Or scared. Crying is sometimes a natural response to increased heartrate.
He's upset. But it's entirely possible that he's upset because she moved on to voice acting.
No. 320007
>>319970AYRT. I need to know where. It seems interesting. If you or
>>319972 have a source, I would greatly appreciate that. For research purposes, of course.
No. 320008
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Anyone else concerned for Selen?
No. 320010
>>320008Anyone know when contract renewals happen in Nijisanji? Is it possible that she has several more months in her contract, but they're going to make her sit it out, as punishment for misbehaving?
Maybe they know it's too desirable for her to graduate and start a new life asap. It might be more detrimental to her fanbase if she's stuck in the niji dungeon for several months.
No. 320013
>>320012I've been thinking about this for so long. How do people even manage? I guess from what I gather Vshojo (and probably Holo) do edit stuff etc but I've heard Scarle talk about needing to hire her own staff to edit the videos. So they probably need to hire editors and prior for projects anyways. When I look at creators who have a team, it makes sense. How are these streamers managing almost daily streams (where they have to be entertaining) and then recording music in top of that?
The must famous streamers I know of stream and talk and are interesting. But they usually don't do extra stuff like songs, karaoke etc. All you find on yt are clips front streams.
Vtubing is probably more draining if you go the idol route and STILL do streams.
Plus, I don't get the point. Fans are still divided into stream watchers, clip watchers and music listeners.
Kyo didn't really do music, but I've seen old videos where he talks about but knowing if he would be fine before he had brain surgery. Tbh, his videos were more fun. I'm not surprised he can't keep all this up. It's much more time consuming than a few videos a week.
No. 320015
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>>319832oh sweet another Seto fan! he actually got a redesign after moving on to NoriPro. It's still spooky but it's more cutesy than his previous one.
No. 320021
>>320011This is really starting to feel like Niji ID and KR's exoduses, just a little more strategically spread out. Will not be shocked if we hear about another not too soon after this.
Vtubers from Niji and Holo can go on breaks. They can go on long breaks or stream sporadically. It's always been an option. Leaving the corpo is just more preferable than riding out whatever issues these livers are experiencing. Like with Sana, she left because of her health issues, and leaving made sense instead of going on hiatus while she recovered, because she wanted to pivot back to focusing on her career as an illustrator. Kyo doesn't have similar prospects, so you have to wonder what pushed the hard separation for him.
No. 320022
>>320021For talents in Hololive who are pulling in $100k+ USD per year, I guess it makes sense to put the rest of your life on hold and go all in on this. A lot of them are probably making money equal to or greater than a fairly educated professional.
I don't know specifically about Kyo's income, but I would suppose a lot of the more mid-tier talents in Niji or small corpos are making more like $10-50k a year in a field that may or may not be popular in another 5 years.
I wonder if at some point it's time to say, "Well, I'm almost 30. I can't live with my parents forever. This isn't retirement or house-buying money. It's time to go back to school and finish that degree."
Blogpost but as someone vtubing, even just a few hours for fun, I'm beginning to realize it does, in fact, take work and time to be a vtuber, especially if you want to be a GOOD one. Streaming itself takes time, but do you want to cover songs? Make music videos? Commission animations? Come up with fun projects to impress your audience? All that stuff takes time and money, and if any of these talents also have a part-time or full-time job, the time spent vtubing or preparing to vtube is time you weren't with family, taking care of yourself by exercising or cooking, touching grass.
Sure, you could just sit your ass down at a PC and stream vidya for 15 hours a week, but that's probably not enough for most fans unless you have a super captivating personality or a cult following, like Gura. Any vtuber worth their salt will be innovating and trying out new technologies and projects that take a lot of work.
No. 320025
>>320023Anon, deep breath, in and out… In and out… It's gonna be okay. It's just vtubers. Not everyone who you dislike or disagree with is a moid. Believe it or not, women aren't a hivemind. I'm not coming for your favorite or saying they're a piece of garbage for not making a million dollars like Gura, and I'm sorry my wording of calling Niji 'mid' upset you.
My whole point is that, yes, Niji has some people making great money like Vox ($1 million+ in superchats) and Mysta (~$600k) or people making money that allows them to comfortably stay at home with family or even purchase a home.
However, I wouldn't apply Vox money or Selen money as a generalizability to all of Niji.
Kyo's total superchats are estimated to be around $80k from Playboard. Not sure if there's a better source, but I'd guess it's similar on other websites.
Not sure how much of that actually goes to the talents, but let's be generous and assume they're making 50% of those superchats (doubt, it's probably less.) Making $40k over a year and a half isn't… a TON for most parts of the USA. Maybe enough to buy a humble home or apartment in a cheap part of the country, and perhaps buy groceries for your family. You could re-invest some of it into a flashy music video or animation. You'd really have to be pinching pennies to set up any kind of retirement fund for your future, if you're a forward-thinking person.
For some people, that might be perfectly fine, especially if the alternative is working a regular minimum-wage job. However, I'd bet that a lot of vtubers are intelligent in their own ways. Clearly they're alright with tech, and have some social skills. If they don't have a college degree, a lot of them could probably do quite well getting one and pursuing a more long-term career.
Alternatively, they could leave Nijisanji and hope to strike it out as an indie or Vshojo, where they'll have much more freedom and probably less of their incomes taken.
Tl;dr: Obviously we can't 100% say the financial situation or life goals of everyone in Nijisanji. The income probably goes a lot further in some countries, like Indonesia. But if you're making $30-50k a year (if you're NOT Luxiem or part of the first few gens that came out during the vtuber boom), is it absolute insanity to say, "You know what, I'm 28, I'm going to go get a college degree"? I don't think so.
No. 320026
>>320023Even the worst performing (in terms of numbers) in NijiEN, Aster, still seems to be doing OK financially. Depending on where they live, everyone in NijiEn has a roughly middle class level of income.
I don't think it's moids, but it does seem like most people in these threads don't follow NijiEn's talents as a whole.
Not defending Niji, all corporate jobs will suck one way or another, but the only Niji grad to be a shock or indicative of deeper misgivings BTS was Pomu since a lot of people (including me) thought she was devoted to Niji and will stick around no matter what.
All the other grads were kind of expected and seemed like they were more influenced by reasons other than the company.
Yugo was crazy menhera and obviously couldn't handle being corpo, but left on good terms with everyone.
Zaion was crazy menhera, but also almost cost them Nintendo perms, possibly put other perms/sponsorships at risk; terminated and left on bad terms with everyone.
Nina had a rocky start fitting in; both in terms of meshing in with some of the other livers as well as the (sub)cultural difference between vtubing as a western indie on twitch vs under a Japanese corpo. But it was all resolved amazingly well, which made her grad bittersweet but still kind of expected.
Mysta is yet another menhera, but had the most financial incentive to stay. People may gripe about the difference in opportunities between the JP and EN livers, but Luxiem is insanely successful and had way more opportunities than most other livers in the company. Despite his financial success, it really looked like his mental health kept getting worse and he didn't seem like he could handle having to be "Mysta". His grad felt overdue if anything.
Kyo definitely has ambitions outside of Niji, and I think anyone who found out about his PL will know it was gonna happen sooner rather than later. It's a bit of a bummer, but I do think he made a good move since he's so young and already has other prospects outside of vtubing.
Like with any career in the entertainment industry, success is fickle. Most online personalities and creators have a hard time maintaining relevance, I can only imagine it'll be even harder as a Vtuber with a significantly nicher audience pool. I feel like it should be expected that a lot of the "mid-sized" corpo vtubers will inevitably leave even if they're currently successful. People who act like it's drama worthy must be young or ignorant to how the world works.
No. 320031
>>320027It's annoying (and kinda sad) to see anons shilling corpos instead of their oshis. You like who you like.
>>320029> 'guilty pleasure' vtubersSpill, anon. I'll share mine.
No. 320032
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Why is every vtuber related space like this! Anyways, Axel and Altare are having their 3D debuts very very soon, which is always fun. Excited to see what they’ve set up for us.
No. 320033
>>320032>Why is every vtuber related space like this! Like what?
No. 320037
>>320035Sorry I just came back from nyfco. I don't want this site to turn into a corpo-shill/hate zone at the cost of creators.
I assume you like your oshi because of their personality, not a corpo tag. Some people cite graduation and a reason to hate ex-corpo vtubers.
No. 320040
>>320039Nayrt, but personally I'm happy for people to shill their favorite vtubers or discuss criticism of ones they dislike. I just don't like the vibe of "you dare question my favorite? You must be a moid from 4chan!!1!"
Simping for a corporation (Hololive/Nijisanji/whoever would never act unfairly! How dare you!) Is pretty cringe tho. They are still companies at the end of the day who ultimately value profit.
No. 320042
>>320039I think anon in
>>320037 is saying they want to discuss individual vtubers, not argue over corpos. They didn't say shilling your oshi is bad. Unless you're referring to another post?
No. 320044
>>320043This. Honestly? Just be calm and have discussions without getting insanely paranoid or aggressive. Which ig is historically a big ask on this site in general but still.
I like the discussions we have about FWMC here, for example. There's definitely strong disagreement but nonnas for the most part don't attack each other and actually lay out the reasons why the channel does/doesn't work for them.
No. 320047
>>320043TA. Yep. I was replying to a post about a pro-niji anon. I like my oshis, and of course it's great that their corpos support them, but companies aren't what I'm here for. I'll follow my oshi unless their personality completely changes after leaving.
I go to the other site and sometimes read the corpo war stuff but seeing it here annoys me.
No. 320060
>>320050I don't think it's surprising, considering where Bettel started out. He's been doing it long enough to know how to avoid controversy. His fans archived his old videos and he's always been funny. Just moved from edgy humour to more PC stuff. It wasn't really bad imo, but enough to get Twitter cancelled for sure. I'm surprised the Vtuber hating commentary channels aren't trying to use old videos of his to hate on all chuubas. They do that with Gura.
Dude's been doing it for about a decade. Being PC is probably his default by now. It also helps that, AFAIK, he's never been coomer. Just edgy.
No. 320063
>>320061He is watchable. But I'm still curious why PLs aren't being used to shittalk chuubas. It's fairly common to bring up stuff from edgy teenage years to try and cancel people. Do they simply not know yet? Did someone try to cancel them using pls and get sued? We may never know…
Maybe no one thought to target the normiest looking chuubas like Bettel.
No. 320064
>>320063>>320063I mean, it's been tried a plenty of times (Vox, Ike, Calli, Nina, the list goes on). It just never gains proper traction because of the nature of the medium. The only time past life really haunts a vtuber is when it's their notably famous vtuber PL haunting them, like Mikeneko. Stuff from your nobody days isn't worth much salt to the average fan. The only people who care about that stuff are the people who already were looking for reasons to hate you (Calli is probably the biggest example of this), and it doesn't spread.
People actually like Bettel so it's plenty easy to divorce anything from his past from his current persona. I've definitely seen his old content brought up a few times, but it's always along the lines of, "I was worried when he debuted but what a delight that he turned out so seiso!"
No. 320067
>>320004>>320016I've never self-posted here because I am very scared of getting some bullshit callout post in the future for going to the "transphobia website", so unfortunately I am not the braided vtuber.
I'm going to have a talk with my mods and hire some new ones. I might just need a small, proper break instead of fake-out hiatuses.
Thank you all for the feedback though. I'm on a crossroads with what I wanna do for vtubing right now, but I do love streaming still…
No. 320068
>>320067FYI anon, don't start 2 new paragraphs between each line, people will get angry at you and tell you to integrate (it's a board culture thing.)
Regardless, let us know how it goes! I like vtubing and I don't think it has to be all coombaiting and putting up with mens' shenanigans.
No. 320069
>>320065You either avoid it like the plague because it ruins your immersion in vtubing, or you respect it as an open secret. The one guy who famously did publicly speak about PL stuff got massively cancelled and booed off of his platform for months.
IDK why you're so persistent in thinking it hasn't been done. Literally just think about the nature of vtubing and its fans and its obvious why it hasn't gained speed.
No. 320073
>>320069>>320070Didn't look to deep into it, tbh. I like what I like, so I didn't know how much was going on. I heard about Sonny getting cancelled, but didn't see the video.
>>320071>Nonna has to either be new to the hobby or new to sites that don't hang you for discussing PLsThe second one. Plus, I haven't seen the clip of the Moist Critical thing. Idk if it just doesn't work for me or in general.
I know some channels are taken down for criticizing Vtubers in general (calling Gura/lolis pedobait), but I haven't seen people go after them based on pl. Even the shitty people whom you'd expect that from. I assumed they either didn't care enough to look over companies took that down.
No. 320075
>>320073On top of what other nonnas have said, I think some other really sour cases of PL things being brought up to the harm of female chuubas (Pomu's underage nudes and Kiara's sexual assault tape) have additionally made open discussion of PLs a no-go.
The guy talked about here
>>320069 that got booed off his platform is a reference to Kiara's case IIRC.
No. 320076
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I wish Hololive merch was more available. It's all so pretty…
No. 320078
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Can somebosy give me a qrd on what Koyori's deal is? I almost never hear about her from English-speaking fans but I've noticed that she's one of the biggest earners in Holo. What makes her successful– is she really talented and worth watching, or is it one of those deals where she just garners lots of oil baron gachis?
No. 320080
>>320078From what I understand of Koyori, she's like the Kiara of JP. Streams consistently, hosts a talk show thingy where she interviews other members. She also worked as a VA and there's a clip of her and a weather girl (Sayaka? The one who was dating/marrying the Wimbledon meme dude and everyone freaked out.) from that one channel that's known for pretty weather girls. Her debut was also nice and fun.
I personally started simping when she said she wanted to kabedon her senpais. It was hard to find her again after that but I figured, “How many pink fluffs could Hololive have?”
Plenty. But she still stands out.
Tldr; she does a lot of collabs, streams consistently and is sussy. What's not to like?
No. 320088
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>>320087They actually have all of the member’s actors listed out on wikitubia! Nagisa’s actor is Ramuda-jyan (or らむだーじゃん).
No. 320092
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>>320091He did a great job but I enjoyed the axelotl slaptstick more than anything else. RIP little guys 300 dead.
No. 320093
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Has this been posted before? If yes, then I apologise. The more I learn about FWMC, the now I like them. They just like me, Frfr., I Love FuwaMoco.
No. 320106
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>>320102I don't know if you glossed over the actual criticisms on them, but I can provide some present-day nitpicks.
>clearly plays into the twincest shtick, look at their choice of fanart>uwu character voice becoming stronger and stronger compared to their past life streaming or videos of them irl, slur words together and nonstop barking and loli noises> targeting unicorns by straight up acting like their male coworkers don't existThe fact is, most people are in two categories: penis havers who get a boner from this, and vagina havers who find it highly artificial and distasteful.
I'm not saying that no one here is allowed to watch them, and I believe that they are hard workers and a handful of anons find them relatable and wonderful. But it's not that farfetched that a lot of anons would be turned off by this behavior, even weeb anons.
No. 320108
>>320107Agreed, FWMC has 600k+ subs (I forget how many), they don't need to shill to the 3 or 4 anons on here who'd like them (no offense anons, I respect your taste in vtubers even though I don't agree.)
>>320103At the end of the day, lolcow is a drama board, and this is the vtuber board. I think most anons on this particular thread avoid the hardcore drama. For me, discussing of past lives is pretty iffy, unless it's well-known, they were already a public entertainer, and/or it's in support of the talent.
No. 320109
>>320106AYRT. I don't go on Twitter and mostly watch clips. And I think MC is cuter, but FW's baby talk has never hit the annoying limits. Yes, the loud collabs with everyone screeching in high pitched voices hit an unpleasant part of the brain.
Considering the fact that there was complete silence for a bit, I was under the impression that the reaction to men was planned. Badly. The comment section on that video was creepy, ngl. But still kinda funny. The worst part was actually that the “protecting our smile” comments were not removed, while others were.
Considering their target demographic, it makes sense. I don't feel filtered yet. I'm not 100% sold, but I do relate.
And I've seen porn with friends. It was funny.
I get why the high pitched voices alone could filter you from watching entirely, though. I think part of my obsession is MC's design.
No. 320116
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Page 1.
No. 320120
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>>320118Selen's PL statements.
No. 320123
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>>320119>bullyingI wonder who
No. 320126
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gee i wonder who could be a bully
No. 320131
>>320117The more you read this the worse it gets. The last paragraph implies that Selen was indeed being bullied, but she deserved it for creating a situation and not kneeling before management.
Honestly they should have gone with 'both parties have mutually agreed to not continue with the contract.'
Also idk how to post Twitter sound files on here but Enna just uploaded a clip of her singing a stupid meme song. Incredibly tone deaf, no pun intended. If I were in Niji and even if I disliked Selen, I'd take a day or two off and at least pretend to be sad.
No. 320133
>>320132It's highly likely its enna
considering her pl being a bully although I'm so glad selen got out! It was clear the company wasn't treating her fairly even though she was the best face the company could have.niji is going to face a shitstorm kek
No. 320134
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Here's the clip anon's
>>320131 talking about
No. 320135
>>320114This sucks, I was hoping they would've came to an agreement so she could at least graduate properly. It's not surprising they had issues regarding dealing with perms and copyright since Japanese laws are crazy strict and litigious about all that. I thinks it's an open secret dealing with all the corporate red tape is an issue for the livers, but to hear that (allegedly) both Selen and other livers may be accusing each other of harassment is sad. We all know that not everyone in a corpo can all be friends, but it's shocking that things were escalating to that level behind the scenes. There's a lot of NijiEN livers I like and enjoy watching, but I'm gonna take a break for a while.
>>320131>>320134Look at the time nonnies, that tweet was hours before the announcement. It looks like no one's posted after the announcement.
No. 320136
>>320133More details on Enna's PL being a bully?
>>320135Agreed, not everyone has to like each other, but if it's turning into bullying and harassment, management should have stepped in. If they can make a mountain out of Selen breaking some rule (putting Nina and Mysta in the video?) they can also make a mountain out of any bullying going on.
No. 320138
>>320137That makes sense but if she outs who it is she can get sued kek,also nijitard already confirmed that the statement was true .i mean even with discussing pl of livers can be a liability since Japanese companies have been known to force anonymous forums to tell them who leaked the info so I dunno how they'll react with lolcow
how holo found out rushia posted anonymously and most pl of livers is on 4chan Japanese defamation laws are retarded.
No. 320141
>>320140Samefag, I'm not even a hardcore Niji follower, but it's not like it's just Selen's POV vs. Niji staff POV. There's months of many livers, even the most dedicated ones, feeling upset and frustrated with the staff.
If something like this happened in Holo, people would still be sad and frustrated, but I think people would move on quicker because Holo has a better track record, at least publicly. See: Yozora Mel's termination a few weeks ago.
However, the tides are already against Niji, based on everything we know.
No. 320142
>>320139>>320117 Read the last part nijitards confirmed it was the livers while selen vaguely said it was "from within" not outing it was her genmates these retards saying they dont want a witch hunt literally gave a hint who to hunt down
also didn't one of the livers pretended to have a anti group chat stream? plus the previous scandal with zaoin? Doesn't help since if I recall she also stated she had problems with management and gen mates.selen was probably under a nda so it's likely she'll never out who it is but who knows maybe it'll leak,I mean people being happy selen being terminated should tell you how people feel with niji kek
No. 320144
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>there's a chance my oshi bullied another egotistical menhera shutin into leaving
No. 320145
>>320144>assuming enna isn't one too Kek
>>320143I mean that was to be expected of zoomer vtuber weeb fans and nijisanji reputation was already in the gutter so this just gave them a reason to reee over nijisanji. I don't watch selen that much either but you can't deny the shitty job management did if they were smart they should've taken the holo route .
No. 320146
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>Pomu has talked about issues with management
>Nina has talked about issues with management
>Selen has talked about issues with management
I wonder who the common denominator might be…
Tbh idc if Nijisanji says "oh she broke rules #407 and 591", it's clear this has been an ongoing problem for years and this was just the boiling point. Selen was probably facing more frustration due to being a streamer who actually tries to set up special events, rather than just showing up to game a few times a week. Of course they'll cite Muh Contract and how Selen broke it in an attempt to get the first word in before she spills more details, but tbh I think that's maybe 10% of the story at most.
No. 320147
>>320146This is basically how Facebook treats moderators from overseas who need visas. “You broke this one minor rule like no smoking, so I won't take any action against you if you work 80 hours this week.”
I'm not surprised though. Many contracts are designed so it's nearly impossible to not cause any breach at all.
>>320117She has a lawyer already. I'm relieved. This is just, “Her lawyer
won't let us get our way.”
>>320142I thought you meant it was from her genmates Rosemi and Petra. Other livers, right? Did she ever say, “genmates”?
>Secret GC stream.Millie did. It was implied that dragged others into it. I think she got stealth suspended.
No. 320148
>>320143This board runs on US laws. Karoshi is bad. Workplace harassment is bad. Abusing positions of power to coerce employees into doing what you want is also bad.
Selen seems to be suing her employer currently. I think it's gonna be like Sayu: if there's no statement from either party about the proceedings, either no lawsuit happened or it's currently in court. We'll see how it goes.
No. 320152
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>'was being harassed by other affiliated Livers due to mismanagement […] while refusing to acknowledge her responsibility for violating the Activity rules'
Are we all gonna gloss over Niji casually throwing their talents under the bus for bullying, or is this somehow Selen's fault, too? Legitimately interested in hearing a take from one of the 'but the contract' posters in this thread.
Everyone is on a witchhunt and pointing fingers at every Niji member, but that's the only thing you could expect from adding that in a public statement. Is this supposed to make Niji look good?
also sorry janitors I'm stupid and accidentally made this a new thread instead of a reply before realizing and deleting it, pls forgive
No. 320154
>>320153I doubt she or any other liver knew since they were all tweeting normally.
Meloco literally made a tweet about learning the word shart about an hour before the announcement. If she ends up taking a break like some of the other livers, I think it's kind of hilarious that would be her last tweet for a while.
No. 320161
>>320123>>320126If it's these two it would explain why Rosemi but not Petra out of her genmates responded to her tweet.
The saddest part of Selen's drama to me has been the way her BPD has been weaponized against her by people in the know. She was an incredibly productive and stable liver and when people first found out about it from her PL, the general consensus was that you never would have guessed. But now that she looks bad for the company (WITH more obviously justifiable reasons than any other ex-EN liver) so many suddenly think she's just an irrational BPD woman intentionally producing drama where there is none. It makes me so sad.
INB4 somebody calls me BPD, I'm not. I just understand that the weaponization of BPD diagnoses (which is, btw, very overdiagnosed in ignorance of the many real reasons deteriorating women's mental health) is a feminist issue.
No. 320164
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She could literally take a fat shit live on Nijisanji's personal youtube account and I would STILL support her over that company.
No. 320166
>>320165For what it's worth, Selen mentioned internal bullying, keeping it vague enough that no one had solid evidence to suspect the tubers themselves being bullies, as opposed to a manager or staff member.
However, it's Niji themselves who confirm that it is their own talents doing the bullying, in an official letter.
Possibly hot take: it's not Selen's job to defend Nijisanji from Nijisanji.
Nijisanji made an official letter saying 'yeah some of our talent are bullies', and now Nijisanji is under fire for saying 'yeah some of our talents are bullies.'
Who coulda thunk.
But seriously, Selen mentioned going to sleep 6 hours ago, so she could very well be asleep or staying off the internet for a few hours. Nijisanji can protect Nijisanji by doing actual damage control, like, hours ago.
No. 320167
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>>320165I think seeing three livers leave within the span of a little over a month and thinking that things are over is a little unrealistic.
I get that the Dragoons are annoying, but the good outweighed the bad. There's no way Niji was planning on announcing Selen's terminatiom before Kyo's graduation, it's likely their hand was forced by all of the outcry. Even her mama spoke publicly on the issue. And I'm glad that she was released sooner than later so that she can get back to business.
Management needs a huge overhaul. In addition to more than one Selen artist coming out of the woodwork to say that Selen paid them out of pocket after management was truant on payment, an ex-employee of Niji who left for Holo said that livers excluding management from projects was the norm due to management severely underpaying commissions. Citing an instance where a liver paid $500 out of pocket for something that management only wanted to pay $20 for as an example. This isn't a, "They need to wrangle talents better" situation, it's a, "They need to do their jobs" situation.
No. 320168
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>>320166I've seen some speculation that Niji is deflecting blame to talents to mask their own culpability, but who knows what the truth is. Both situations are bad.
No. 320169
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>>320167How do they keep goofing on something this simple, lol
No. 320170
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>>320164I've never been a dragoon, but I've been hardcore defending her on this board today, because the pro-corpo stuff just isn't working for me, when we've had various vtubers speak out against niji. If she can not only come out unscathed, but also spill some details on niji, I might just be a dragoon (or whatever Dokibird's fans are called.)
>>320161Yeah, I'm a little confused at everyone who's going 'oh typical BPD behavior' in this thread… Has Selen ever done anything wrong in her several years of Nijisanji before this? From what I understand, she did a great job promoting the company and planning events despite management pushback.
I wonder if this is a death by 1,000 papercuts scenario - for years Selen puts up with lack of response from managers, events being cancelled, big collaborations being lost, then the 1 time she rebels by tweeting 'Oh no management privated my video' it's 'Aha! I knew she was an insane BPD contract breaker!'
No. 320173
>>320166>bullyingare we even sure she's corroborating correctly? one time that guy rpr called her a boosted bitch on apex and she got so
triggered she logged off and didn't collab with him for weeks
No. 320176
>>320166I'm still not sure why the company was even that detailed in the statement versus something short. Rep damage to the ones remaining at Niji would still possibly hurt the revenue in like a cold logical money way, right? Were they trying to beat Doki to the punch somehow by stating the harrassment situation outright instead of being caught in a stance where they have to be reactive on the fly to the things she could say?
>>320175But more than once the company has contributed to unstable situations that lead to this kind of sudden publicly viewable surprise, isn't becoming open to the vultures simply the natural consequences? And regardless of how many stick to their convictions it's actually better if people can easily make the decision to drop a vtuber or a company at the drop of a hat if they don't like something. Keeps an entertainment company from getting too relaxed. The main unfair thing is if Kyo's graduation gets tied in since that simply seems like him still being young and seeing more engaging opportunities somewhere else
No. 320177
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>>320175Don't listen to what 99% of indie vtubers are saying, there's way too much "W-why won't Hololive accept me, I've been drawing anime since 2008 and I like vidya, I only have 2 ccv but I'd be perfect…" (am indie vtuber kek.)
But actually, I was hoping to get more into Niji a few weeks ago, especially after a lot of anons recommended Selen. Now, I don't want to watch any of niji, even if some of the individual talents are wonderful. It feels like it's only a matter of time before they all (fairly enough) reincarnate into Vshojo, and I just don't wanna be brought along for the emotional rollercoaster ride. In Hololive or hell, even Phase Connect and other smaller groups, most the talents seem pretty happy and seem like they stay for years, even if their output slows down.
I don't like the whole graduation thing, even when there's a good chance they'll reincarnate 6 months later. I'm fragile…
No. 320178
>>320176They've never been good at PR so who knows.
>>320175Boycotting doesn't work because of oshi culture but it does stop growth with people refraining from new or expanded interest, like
>>320177. The continued floundering of Holostars with its ideal audience by association with Holo is an example of this in action. The general flatlining of growth with each new generation of EN itself is similar.
No. 320179
>>320170Other than a few obvious bait posts, this thread has been the most sane compared to other sites so far. NYFCO is full of Niji stan's weaponizing her BPD against her and 4chan's full of anti-Niji tribalists using it to shit on other livers. As someone who's a fan of a lot of the NijiEN livers including Selen, but not the company, there's not many places to vent anonymously without feeling my braincells dying lmao.
She's fumbled before with perm issues and was a bit unprofessional in how she aired her grievances like with the Fall Guys tournament IIRC, but she's also done a shit ton for the branch as well as for fans of the branch. She's mentioned how she's been given the newer managers to help them train because she's largely self-sufficient, so I hate seeing people say she's always been irresponsible when it clearly isn't always the case. Her even doing so many big events just showcases how incompetent the NijiEN management is if anything since she shouldn't have had to pick up the slack.
No. 320181
>>320175There's 100% bullying amongst immature adults, including workplaces and graduate schools. Idk exactly what it looks like for a majority online company like Niji, but I've definitely seen grown ass adults do stuff like: loudly whispering about the
victim to a friend in a work setting, making ugly faces during
victim's work presentations, purposefully leaving people out of important emails, and so on.
Not sure your age, and I truly hope you never face it, but some adults act like stupid teenagers their whole lives. You'll find it among a select few even in the most prestigious settings.Bullying might look a little different in an online setting, but it could honestly be anything. Giving Selen nicknames she doesn't want, leaving her out of important collabs and groupchats, making 'jokes' about her sensitive spots, and so on.
No. 320187
Oops, my post about adults bullying was meant for
>>320180 who was wondering about adults bullying not
>>320175my bad.
No. 320189
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Indie vtuber twitter is generally pretty distasteful and unprofessional.
Naturally, today, there'll be a lot of clout chasing and virtue signaling, but even on a good day, you can expect
>"why won't this 2,000 follower indie collab with 25 follower me, they only care about numbers waaah (it's definitely not a numbers game for me)"
>"I decided I'm okay with only having 100 followers and 3 ccv. I-I can't sell my soul to a corpo like these other losers (but I'll keep applying every month)"
>nitpicking and scolding their 3 viewers for minor things
(This isn't directed at any vtuber nonnies here though kek, there are definitely diamonds in the rough in indie vtubers. That's usually how you get into a corpo after all.)
No. 320190
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>>320189':^) Akshually you guys I applied for Nijisanji wave 1, but I'm so glad I got rejected because-'
samefag but I had to use this gif(unintegrated retard) No. 320197
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From Pomu.
No. 320198
>>320183Depends on the corpo. There's too much content on YT for it to be hard, but I think I won't be watching any Vtubers for a while. Except Doki's stream. IDC about boycott, but I don't wanna watch.
>>320186I liked Nina, Pomu and Elira. Also, some vtubers from other corpos. Calling everyone who dislikes Niji mangement a holofag is incorrect. Akshually, we're more likely to be VShojofags at this point.
>>320176They don't want a repeat of the Sayu situation. I feel like the first few weeks after going to old identity is where you expect ranting the most and they wanna be more pitiful than Selen. Which is hard when you've seen things like “Annual report says EN isn't making money cz they need more Vtubers.” and it's not even profits, usually. It's profitability, which is dumb af.
>>320135In this case, there's a clip of her mentioning that she did, in fact, personally DM the producer to ask for permission. And she told him to email her mangement. I think that's what the workflow thingy in
>>320116 means. She was expected to wait for management to come through but the producer (Ryan Higa, I think) didn't know there was an email to reply to. She mentioned asking him to reply.
They're actively lying about the music related stuff, AFAIK. If they wanted to be specific, they could've mentioned the specific parties like they mentioned specific Rule (which they didn't actually tell us what it was. Do they want Selen to do it and violate NDA?)
>>320161Because of zuttomos? It's funny because at one point other Livers were being rude to Petra.
“Kouhais come and they're very respectful and then they're ‘What if we just… Stop?’”
I've seen psych DX being used to discredit petite a lot. Even non-psychiatric disabilities are used to try to deletimize people. It's ableism.
>>320192I don't think she is one, but she's known Enna and Millie for 15 years or so. People assume her not being able to cut off IRL friends means she's actively enabling them.
>>320179I know exactly what you mean. After organizing possibly hundreds of projects, people are shitting on her for maybe 2-3 mistakes she made. I'm not really into corpo Stan's. I like Selen. I'm gonna miss her design, but she'll still be her.
No. 320205
>>320199AYRT. Seconded. All of it.
Hopefully she can Collab with them as Doki and slowly ease into Holo.
Hololive would probably look at past behaviour before letting her in. She was kick-ass and she hasn't breached NDA yet. She also gets asking with a lot of Holo girls. Plus, it would be really nice to have more Holo girls who aren't extremely high pitched.
No. 320208
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I'm so happy for her!
No. 320209
>>320207He did.
I am also reminded of the video, that I can't find right now, where Nina talks about how she was excluded from an Ethyria group chat when she first joined. Ethyria warmed up to her over time, but knowing that was the precedent they set…
No. 320212
>>320200Moid vtubers are truly only good for letting me forget that ugly moid mugs exist in real life.
>the comments praising his looks in the most backwards way possiblekek, I can't decide if it's moids trying to be quirky and nice by using the weirdest ass compliments or if it's women coping that their oshi is ugly and fat
No. 320215
>>320209>>320211Nonnies, he never followed them to begin with. Ethyria has been through some stuff as a whole including Nina, remember the "bitch catalogue"? They've admitted they all misunderstood each other and have since resolved their issues and have been on good terms since. They've even hinted at meeting up recently.
Let's not fall for 4chan tier rrats and bait. Anything anyone says is going to be baseless accusations and speculation at this point.
No. 320216
>>320214Is that their actual ages, or just their character ages?
I figured they could be older, but they were just trying to avoid the "teehee eternally 17" thing a lot of vtubers have to play into.
No. 320223
>>320151It is that hard when we know for a fact that nijiEN management is useless at best, working against you at worst. It is also known that the 'talent manager' for EN is very likely some random nepo hire that doesn't have any qualifications. The current rrat is that since he is still under UMG contract, he didn't let Pomu have her once in her lifetime opportunity because it was with a different record label.
Also why would you take the Japanese version of the letter as the main one when we're talking about an EN talent? the English one is the main one.
>>320152It's insane honestly. The only reason other niji talents are being harassed right now is because of their own statement. Selen's words just made people assume it was management bullying her.
>>320160>>320162Luna also very likely left niji because of bullying.
>>320165That was never going to work and you know it. Also how do you know many of them aren't miserable when EN is seemingly dropping talents like hot coal? It's barely the second month of the year and they already lost 3.
No. 320224
>>320215Was there anything genuinely concerning in the Bitch Catalogue? I watched a few of the videos linked and it seemed like an oversensitive child who thought their siblings making fun of them was abuse. That's like saying Enna's jokes about killing Nina were genuine death threats. IMO, they were funny.
Maybe I missed something though. Any links?
Excluding Nina from Discord calls is even worse in the context of Millie once saying (this is in an old Collab with Luca) that if she (Millie) joined a Discord call and someone just leaves, she wonders if she did something wrong.
“At least say Bye!”
I think Millie knows how things look and is particularly aware of how people feel, so if she chooses to ignore everyone's feelings but her own, that's not a good look. It means either she only recognised and cares about her own feelings or she understands others but didn't care. I'm assuming she's not malicious.
Niji got what they wanted with their employees fighting instead of them. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw Livers under the bus on purpose.
Also: what, exactly, is bait here? We like Doki and want her to move forward. Not ones gonna start a bitch catalogue for Millie. Or whoever the bullies turn out to be. We have other priorities, like breaking Vtuber CCV records for Doki stream.
No. 320226

Interesting. According to Cy Yu (who is a VA that has multiple roles in anime and Hoyo, so his claims of having gottrn far in the audition process are probable), while an unspecified other agency, presumably Holo, asked him to prioritize work with them over his VA career if he joined, when interviewing with Niji, he was rejected full stop because they wanted him to quit voice acting outside of affliation with Niji completely.
I already knew that Holo permits PL activity after a certain time period, but the information that Niji EN so strongly prohibits it was new to me. Ironic considering that Niji EN livers are on average more likely to need the supplemental income or suffer from favoritism when it comes to opportunities.
Not to say that this applies to all branches or all types of other work, given examples like Sukoya Kana, Harusaki Air, and most of the exID branch being confirmed to have day jobs,but it does sound like entertainment type jobs are banned.
No. 320228
>>320226I'm not sure how popular this theory is, but I thinks it's at least somewhat commonly speculated they can't use their voice for other projects unless it's as their Niji persona.
All the livers who started being active on PL accounts or made alts have never used their voice as far as I'm aware. I think the only exception was when Enna was credited as her PL in a song by her friend, but she got in trouble for it and hasn't done it since.
No. 320229
>>320228Man IG that makes sense, but if I was a creator whose only marketable skillset was voice-based entertainment (as opposed to being able to transition into another career path if things go south) I'd definitely skip Niji. Your finances would bank way too much on popularity that isn't even guaranteed.
Although at least for women, IDT anybody that could go to Holo would go to Niji? Pomu gets used as an example a lot, but Niji did take a risk hiring her and it made sense that Holo didn't because she'd only been streaming for a brief time when her PL graduated.
No. 320236
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The fact that they had to publish an investor statement because the optics of firing Selen were so bad is laughable. Source in link No. 320238
>>320224AYRT, sorry, should've explained myself better! There's absolutely nothing noteworthy in the bitch catalog, but it used to be brought up elsewhere to villianize Nina. The RPR unfollowing Enna & Millie is just false 4chan bait and shouldn't be taken seriously the same way the bitch catalogue shouldn't be taken seriously.
The other 3 Ethyria members were friends before joining and didn't intentionally leave her out, but also didn't make an effort to include her. It seems like it was a situation where they kept making small mistakes and misunderstanding each other. They cleared up their misunderstandings and made up a long time ago at this point.
Millie seems like she can be kind of sensitive and reactionary, but I don't think she's malicious.
I'm rooting for Selen/Doki too, and not to be a numberfag, but I hope she finally reaches the 1mil milestone!
Also, if anyone happens to be reading this right now, Pomu's live on Twitter doing a GRWM and it's really comfy!
No. 320241
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Either she's a culprit or she's legit retarded.
No. 320247
>>320244They actually do it more. There's info in fleshtuber circles about women voluntarily going on Redpill podcasts and then getting an increase in OnlyFans revenue.
Men literally try to neg women into sex. (Video attached).
>>320227Yes, they would. Not because of standards (they still would fuck the women they insult in a heartbeat), but because they're more like gossipy old ladies than ACTUAL gossipy old ladies.
>>320213I think it depends. Women don't follow other women for looks, but personality (I project). A
sus/GFE dude is different. If he was hot, I bet a lot of the men would've hated him cz they'd assume he got laid. He's mid, so he's probably “friends” with them (trying to screw then when they're vulnerable). The few unicorns are fine for now cz they don't think he has a chance with the oshis. You want honest opinions? Try reddit, 4ch etc.
No. 320249
>>320248AYRT. Thank you! So is yours, clearly.
I'm in the no dating zone, but if you WANT to date, her advice is reasonable. There's also BurbNBoughie. (I just don't recommend depending on moids. I don't trust them). I'm sure there's another thread for that though.
Manifestelle works hard at the theory portion (Theory: most men are assholes but there's a good one out there, so be picky). Abba & Preach just go and expose other men on the OF women thing (Men are assholes because they don't think you'll fuck them but they want to. And they hate the guy who may have a chance.)
Everyone seems to think he's dating Mika, so they're not worried.
No. 320250
>>320246>>320243>>320241all fairness to the screenshots leaked, she liked every comment there
even ones basically saying to let 2434 burn just to let her members know she read them
No. 320252
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Still not convinced it's real, but leaks have come out alleging that Aster is responsible for harrassment in NijiEN as well, not in the Selen situation but of the female livers from Iluna onwards. Supposed route of these leaks is from Scarle>Luca>one of his mods.
No. 320258
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Idk if this is the right thread but like. Is the money really worth it.
No. 320274
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I was initially happy for Doki's return but all of this feel somewhat meanspirited. Former corporate vtuber mask-off moment I know I know but it's not like any other former niji or holo members were any better. At the end of the day, they're still a human being and can be just as flawed as anyone else. This might be the push to put me off of vtubers forever.
No. 320276
>>320267She's always been a bit of a number-fag, but she also always did something big to give back to her fans whenever she would hit a milestone.
I don't think she's any different this stream compared to any other stream. Or maybe I just have rose colored glasses on since I'm glad she's back lol.
>>320272>>320273Yeah, I don't think anyone here will care if she has a boyfriend. I think this is the last place on Earth that'll care if they don't abide by the idol and gachikoi culture present in Holo.
No. 320278
>>320276Yeah agreed, she's always been a numberfag because she approaches this from a serious career angle. I don't think there's anything wrong with that as long as the chuuba isn't manipulative about it/fails to actually produce content deserving of the numbers.
An example of a negative numberfag to me would be Magni. He delivered good content while he was active as a Stars member, but would get menhera over numbers + he actually said in a Lando stream late last year that he was disappointed in the lack of loyalty from his magmite fanbase postgrad. His numberfaggery also negatively impacts his content because he can't stick to one thing and keeps doing lowhanging coomery shit for easy clicks.
Doki OTOH has a consistent brand and grinds on it while also innovating and bringing benefit to others.
No. 320292
>>320288It's a vtuber. You pay her to play a character. Get a grip.
And frankly if you pay her enough money to be upset about her behavior, you should probably reinvest that money in improving yourself, lowlife.
No. 320293
>>320290>>320291>>320292I said my piece, no amount of shame from totally not 4chan and it's self-proclaimed holier-than-thou users is making me change my mentality. You approach life the way you want to, I'll keep going my way.
When shit hits the fan for her I'll be back to laugh.
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>>320255Daydreaming about actually handholding with Ao-kun…
>>320276I agree with you, she's one of the few that deserve to numberfag, and she returned it to the fans so much she made no profit last year apparently. Pretty sure she meant she didn't save much after spending on her bills and projects but it's still so much to be spending given how much she was making.
On that topic, why's nijisanji not linking livers up with sponsors for big events when her one man manager claims he can? Niji has a long list of sponsors waiting to be given a chance.
No. 320297
>>320296Ao-kun would be the gentlest and cutest girlfriend… I just know that at the end of a bad day she'd make me feel instantly better with her goofy ikemen charm.
Cover cooked so hard with this model+casting combo.
No. 320298
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I think the cutest thing about Doki's persona is that the concept came from a childhood OC. Seeing the shitty teen art is so, "she's just like me FR"
No. 320300
>>320299Yes, exactly!
It made me so happy when she debuted because she fills a similar voice/personality niche to Ange Katarina from Niji, who I also used to yume for… Except Ao-kun is less of a coomer and plays a lot more heavily into the "'GFE' for girls" angle. Plus the added bonus that I love all of ReGloss.
Watching her interactions with Raden and Ririka has me kicking my feet and giggling from both comedy and yume feelings.
She's everything I've ever wanted in a chuuba and I feel so fulfilled watching her… Cheers to good taste, nonna!
No. 320301
>>320300Cheers to you too,
nonny! I don't think she's had a collab or an interaction I didn't like yet (perhaps that's on me because I'm so gachikoi for her right now, lol). I used to think the whole "tries to seem cool but is a lovable loser" wasn't my thing but it turns out that I just wanted to see it on an actual ikemen girl and not a guy or the usual feminine girls who have done it before. Ao-kun seems like she's supposed to cater to women so much that I can't even imagine what a man might like about her. Thank you for making me insane, Cover.
No. 320307
>>320306The negativity does not need to be directed at Selen. I'm happy all of this shit is in her favor.
But yeah I agree that I'm tired of everything surrounding the situation. I'm a whore for vtuber drama and love to read the stupid shit that comes out of the scene, but in this case? I'm tapping out and checking back every month or so to see what's new, I don't need to be in the thick of it.
Vtubing has really attracted some of the worst subsets of online culture to its ranks and the ugliness really came out in spades here. Niji's current deterioration and Selen's excellent transition to indiehood are well and fun, but 90% of the people throwing their two cents into the convo are modern tabloid suckling lowlife trash. And that's coming from me.
No. 320309
>>320254>redistributed multiple times to result in the variance in qualitynot necessarily, you can easily lower the image quality while saving as a JPG in, which results in authentic artifacting. i doubt it's an uncommon function for other image-editing programs
(that being said i still believe they're real atm, i'm just having an "erm ackshyually" moment here)
No. 320310
>>320309AYRT, thank you, nonna! Good to know.
And yeah, Aster's track record as a ugly moid whose claim to fame was pretending to be an oversexualized anime woman in VRchat lends credence to whiny sexpest tumors.
No. 320311
>Aster's track record as a ugly moid whose claim to fame was pretending to be an oversexualized anime woman in VRchatWasn't that Luca?
Assuming it's real, I'd like to point out its Scale we're talking about. People-pleaser, scared of offending anyone, zero boundaries Scarle. Idk how common it is to be in VCs but getting talked over and ignored is annoying. My solution has been to just text and tag people. Scarle presumably asked him why he's quiet. And he told her. With no tact. It's not her fault he gets talked over. It's like being in a Live Chat.
I haven't seen much of him so I can't say how coomer he is, but those messages (assuming they're genuine) look like a regular argument between friends. And he's the whiny childish one.
I kinda forget he even existed. Him having the guts to bully Selen? Doubtful. He's definitely a scapegoat at best. Tbh, I wouldn't be too surprised if he leaked it himself to finally get some attention.
No. 320317
>>320313I seriously hope you don’t actually behave like this pathetic imbecile. Adults have no obligation on coddling other adults behaving like little kids.
Yes, Scarle is a pushover but he’s emotionally manipulating her and god knows how long has this been.
On Luca’s topic: No. 320319
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>>320311I don't think you read the texts or the post because it was specifically stated that he's NOT involved in the Selen situation but rather the harrassment of women from Iluna-onwards. And yes, I know about both of them, but when has a woman being too nice ever been a justification for a man to persistently pester her and take advantage of that?
>>320313You can see him getting pissed at her for not responding to him after only 10 minutes. It's not "ghosting", it's him being a controlling asshole.
It's insane to me that both of you are so overeager to defend a moid that you barely even looked at the post. Is picrel really that worth it?
No. 320320
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>>320319Especially when he went around larping as this in his PL?
No. 320325
>>320324I think it's a case of them both being weird people, it's been known for a while that she was partially upset because she funded the start of his vtuber career. Which, yeah, I'd be upset about too given how things turned out, but she shouldn't have been giving so much money to a guy that much younger than her.
If everything here is true, though, I do agree that Luca is the worse one.
Anybody have QRD on what she's referring to when she talks about people excusing poor behavior from him on account of his upbringing?
No. 320327
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Double-posting to add, but Raziel herself seems like a cow as well, or at the very least an e-thot beggar. I could care less if Luca turns out to be a creep because I can't even be bothered to watch him, but everyone involved trying to further push against Niji is all annoying as well. Is it just normal for vtubers to be constantly riding drama waves for attention? In Raziel's own screenshot, she's clearly acting obsessive. I would not have shared this if I were her. No. 320329
>>320327>Is it just normal for vtubers to be constantly riding drama waves for attention?Yes
>>320318How could you do this… At least duel us for her hand in marriage… I can't believe you'd deprive the rest of us of her funny old man voice…
No. 320331
>>320319Oh. I didn't read all the posts and I don't see Aster much so thanks for the tldr. I thought it was Luca because he does a convincing girl voice. I didn't think he was in a position to harass Selen. My point wasn't about defending him, but that it's normal to get talked over by others (usually males) in VC and it's not something that Scarle can fix individually. That's typical moid behaviour: take it out on the person who gives a shit. That's an explanation based on experience, not a defense. It's common and frustrating and NOT her fault. And then there's my desire for Scarle to stop giving a shit, but she's too sweet for that so that's just wishful thinking. She can't make him feel better, and she should stop trying because it's not her job.
I didn't notice how fast he got whiny, so thanks for pointing that out.
>>320316Not pl.
No. 320336
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Servile butler Bettel talking about his mangled limbs in the new Valentine's VP is really doing something for me. I'm so glad Cover understands and plays into the feeling of wanting to attack incompetent men.
No. 320338
>>320337No, the it showing her in a call with Luca and the images are artefacted the way they are makes it more likely that these are caps of a screenshare with Luca. It's generally presumed that the leak got outside of Niji through him.
Updates on the situation:
>Aster and Scarle had an unscheduled impromptu collab today>Later today, Scarle held a members-only stream where she talked about how difficult today was for unspecified reaons. The general vibe of the chat was reassurance that her fans would stick with her whether she stayed in Niji or not.Events are open to interpretation.
No. 320340
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>>320335Agreed. I'm just of the opinion that he genuinely isn't at fault for much other than taking advantage of her free time and friendship. All that's been confirmed about Raziel is
>met Luca when he was underage and she was married>paid for him to get a model to join her egyptian themed vtuber family>left her husband for him when Luca became an adult>became a mod for him when he joined nijisanjiAnd all other information beyond that is basically what we already knew about her/Mizuchi. Despite the sketchy account, they have a lot of screenshots of their relationship.
No. 320343
>>320342If he was 17, meh, it's a bit creepy.
If he was in fact 18 like she claims, then sure, an 18 year old + a 24 year old is a bit dubious and may have some power imbalances, but I wouldn't call it 'grooming.' It's like a college freshman dating someone in grad school.
I just feel like calling literally everything 'grooming' dilutes the meaning of the word and will make people take actual predators less seriously.
>>320340Hold up, does she have 'Java' rated as 5 hearts and her own husband rated as 4 stars? I don't know how much of this is literal and how much of it is ~lore~ but kek.
I read her first few tweets but there was one super long wall of text yesterday that I can't make myself sit through.
As usual with these scenarios, I bet the truth is somewhere in the middle. I can believe that Luca had someone doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes, and I can also believe that this woman may be troubled and terminally online.
No. 320345
>>320338Isn't Aster PL famously a bpd-chan famously hard to get along with a lowkey
abusive and unstable?
Idk, the whole "best-friends" stream followed by a crying members only feels like Scarle was pressured into saving face for Aster and the company. She strikes me as the type to assume blame for stuff other people did so she probably thinks she's the problem not the
No. 320349
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>>320347Most of these comments are gone now
or deleted kek but god the forcefullness and the drama of being friends is giving me second hand embarrassment..they're not helping the rrats..
No. 320350
>>320344We get it, you don't like men, but some of us laugh as cows regardless of gender. And Raziel, just like every other vtuber, is a huge cow. In this case, I agree with
>>320343 where it's not grooming but creepy and weird.
No. 320352
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I love shiny spicy so much
No. 320354
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>>320348I think a lot of them are good finds for various reasons, but Bettel and Ruze are tied for best recruits in terms of talent as character streamers to me. I love it when they interact, I hope they collab more when Bettel's better.
From the sound of things, Ruze was actually scouted as opposed to applying of his own initiative, which gives me a lot of confidence in the hiring staff.
(Sperging but Octavio and Hakka are also up there IMO when you consider the full idol-streamer package. Is it just me or is Octavio one of the best vocal hires in EN?)
No. 320355
>>320352ShinySpicy LOVE
I may not oshi either of them but I respect the way these two relatively young talents (compared to the rest of their branch) really endured and became good daisenpai of StarsEN. Looking forward to celebrating Leader's 3D this weekend!
I need more Jurard Altare content for the casual Jurard abuse. No. 320357
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>>320093>his profileFWMC moid post, typical
No. 320358
>>320357Bro you can go fucking anywhere and there’s everyone’s PL, what is their drama? /vt/ right now is people shittalking enna, scarle, etc. and twitter has people disregarding that Niji is an awful company and defense forcing them. Its almost like anywhere you go is cancer and you need to just not take it seriously and you just picked women to hate.
(Sorry for double post forgot to sage)
No. 320359
People need to stop being deeply offended just because something critical is said about their oshi. I'll defend to death your right to have any oshi, but if they're doing uwuspeak, promoting lolicon, or stirring up drama, am I gonna roast them? Yes. Are you still a free woman who's allowed to watch them? Yes.
For what it's worth, I'm not interested in shit-talking other womens' appearances, especially vtubers, and I don't think other anons on this thread are. No one likes that K9kuro gets a free pass for being soft but female vtubers like Ollie are torn into for leaked photos.
If anons come here just to stir up nonsense, like
>>320293 getting upset over Shiori potentially having a boyfriend, they get banned. Alogging is insta ban anywhere on this website.
Imma be honest, this thread is pretty civil for the internet imo and people who are acting like dumbasses get called out.
No. 320364
>>320363For real
4chan: “i want to bully scarle the way aster did”
Lolcow: “fuwamoco are pickmes”
No. 320366
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Not really related to any of the drama going on, but what are peoples opinion on Watame?
No. 320370
>>320357As opposed to the rape fantasy threads on the male site with a vtuber dedicated board that will get 100s of affirmative replies in a matter of hours with the exception of the few replies calling the chuuba a fat cunt?
And people wonder why I hate and fear men. Not or,
No. 320371
>>320366Her voice is calming (and her laugh is soft, she's really pleasant to listen to) and the highlights I've seen from her streams were always comfy, but I don't think I could tune in and watch a whole stream of hers. Cute sheep, though. I like her design.
>not related to any of the drama going onGood, honestly. It's getting tiring, so it's nice to talk about regular chuuba-related things that aren't just drama.
No. 320374
>>320366fun woman who really keeps up the act and adores her funny faces, maybe has the same issue as selen and a lot of vtubers (but on a smaller scale) where she spends way too much money on her song and other commissions
also draws a lot of ire for being very emotional and adoring her fans while still being in a long term relationship but frankly if mukkun left her or hasn't put a ring on her yet after ~8+ years I'd be liable to harm him myself
also I find it really fun when she plays a game shes not into and just reads chat for 8 hours while walking in circles or playing minigames
No. 320376
>>320375I have a weird soft spot for eroge because
I grew up terminally online from age 10 or so and started playing eroge at like 12.But also, as an adult now, I do have a lot of problems with it, mostly that it's centered around high school or younger girls. Adult women are attractive, and it's weird that anime pretends they're not.
I'm assuming this is related to Fuwamoco, since usually eroge discourse in this thread is related to FWMC.
I'll say what I always say: It's FWMC's right to be adult women and enjoy those kinds of games. It's anons right on this thread to enjoy FWMC and their love of eroge. It's also my right to find it odd and cringeworthy that two 30+ year old Canadian twins are barking, speaking incomprehensible Engrish, and pretending men don't exist for pay online.
Now I better not see any tweets going 'omg noooz they insulted my precious aidoru incest twins!!!1 E-bullies!' I think this is the most mild and polite criticism of Fuwamoco you could find on the interwebs.
No. 320377
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>>320375Let me guess next you're gonna say fanservice in anime is just part of the culture therefore above criticism.
Playing eroge because you're a coomer is one thing, using it to farm engagement is not only giga cringe, it fosters a chat full of cumbrain retards who are incapable of shutting up about their piss and shit kink for 5 seconds, ruining the atmosphere for everyone. There's a reason why coombaiting tubers all eventually backpedaled and complain about brand risk and oversexualization from their viewer base.
Now go back.
No. 320383
>>320375This isn't even remotely a good comparison. Fuwamoco are deep into the eroge culture, they've posted about nukige many times before. I don't at all think it's a crime or anything, but its an extremely cringe thing to do with your sibling that doesn't compare to watching Euphoria or whatever together.
>>320376Well said, this is exactly how I feel about it.
No. 320387
>>320384It's my pet peeve when anons accuse everyone of being a moid, but goddamn, if you really think a reply like this is cool and edgy and you have nothing more to contribute to the conversation, you're probably on the wrong website.
I'm sorry it hurts your fee-fees when anons have
valid criticism of Fuwamoco, but I don't think they're ever going to have sex with you.
No. 320392
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>>320389Who's your oshi, nonna? Fingers crossed!
>>320390I think their characters do play really well off of each other! The way you describe it reminds me of how well he gets on with Jurard as well.
Bettel also just seems to like Ruze a lot lol. Something about them having the same obscure taste in music and such.
No. 320395
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I hope Bettel dies live on stream when his 3D comes. At the very least they should utilize the trapdoor of death trick they've used in past 3D Holo streams.
No. 320396
>>320394True, I just wish the random moids and others from /vt/ would just stay there. At least proper discussion can be had here at times.
>>320389I don't watch a lot of holoboys, but for some reason Axel and Altare's 3D's are winning me over. They're so cute, are they worth getting into?
No. 320399
>>320396I feel you, nonna. Just continue to have our discussions to promote a better thread.
>AltareSo cringe he bends back around into being good, whether you're into that or not depends on you, but it grows on most people. Yandere but in a goofy way. THE daisenpai of StarsEN that everybody respects for a reason. I don't watch a ton of him (sorry his voice filters me), so maybe the ShinySpicy anon can shill him better.
>AxelIncredibly unseiso man who says whatever comes to mind, so a lot of his VODs get deleted (aka not the best if you're the dedicated viewer type but can't make it to his streams). Socially well-adjusted and mentally very healthy so his degen moments don't rub me the wrong way the way a lot of male vtuber's do. Not much fanservice, closer to the brotuber end of the spectrum out of StarsEN. I mostly tune into his zatsus because he frequently shows a very insightful and mature perspective on life despite his age. Just a solidly nice guy. His fans call him aniki for a reason.
Neither are weird baity coomers IMO, they're solid streamers who have trusted the process through a rough start and endured to get where they are now. Interesting info is that they actually didn't have much syndergy at debut, and you can really tell they got close through working hard together post-MagNoir graduation.
Also worth noting that both of them are extremely straight, so if you're a fujochan (no judgement), you'll have to use your imagination.
No. 320400
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>>320388But snailtare 3D debut when?
No. 320401
>>320397The DARVO song.
“Why am I apologizing?” idk bro. Maybe because you were living with another woman?
Between the lyrics and the comments on the original vehemently denying that he did it to get clout off his ex-wife's new VA job, it's giving “it's me. Hi. I'm the problem it's me”.
The song is actually pretty decent if you don't know the story. All I can hear is “I'm being gaslit. I don't even know what I did wrong! DOESN'T ANYONE WANT ME TO BE HAPPY?” but I'm biased.
Sounds like DARVO to me.
No. 320403
>>320396I hate to say this but as someone who's been following StarsEN since the HQ debuts I don't really watch either. Altare I guess is fine but I get filtered hard by his voice and generally cringe demeanor. Some people like those things, so if you do or at least have a higher cringe tolerance give him a try.
Axel though is a tragedy, I love his singing and personality but he's just not a good streamer. His schedules are erratic, he hardly ever streams anything interesting, he makes big enough mistakes often enough that rather than "cute" or "funny" it just becomes frustrating, people have been saying that he has a lot of potential since he debuted because everyone likes him and wants him to be good but if anything he's gotten worse over time. At least at first he had the enthusiasm and the early HQ unity, nowadays he'll spend entire weeks doing nothing but 2 hour long guerrilla of some boring game not even he cares about, but then he'll show up in an 8 hour long League of Legends session in some random Japanese woman's twitch channel without mentioning it anywhere, so even if you're Axel starved enough to want to watch that you're probably not gonna know it's happening.
No. 320405
>>320402Who's defending her? No one here likes “uwu I'll kms” men (or women, for that matter) cz most of us are sick of that kind of behaviour. There's only so much of self-victimization one can deal with, especially when the supposed pain gets commercialized. What I see is a dude who's profiting off his ex. And I don't begrudge him that. He's making bank. Good for him. But I'm not in the target demographic of children who will blindly believe his side and/or try to ruin her career “for him”.
The court case will pan out how it pans out, but most of us will still dislike him. Because we've seen enough salty dudes trying to ruin anything positive their in their ex's life.
No. 320406
>>320404>>320404AYRT ikr? It gets better afterwards. 2:05 “gaslight in the background” and “murky aquarium” like the cat bowl. I wonder if she'll sue again. I could learn JP for this milk.
>If Mikeneko's a menhera, he straight up needs to be institutionalised.Kek. Put that in a song,
I wish Mikeneko was making original stuff as well. Her anime is okay, but we don't hear her personal rants. Imagine both of them constantly releasing songs about each other. The lawsuits!
No. 320409
>>320398I prefer watching indies who are more laid back and don't bait a lot, more just casual gamers who just so happen to be vtubers. Of corporate vtubers, I watched only Enna, Pomu, and Kyo. A lot of the men put me off for some reason because they try too hard to be "attractive" or do too much fujobait. But I'll check out some of the holoboys like
>>320399 said!
No. 320410
>>320403I think this is a little harsh. He's improved a lot and as for the current state of his channel, he's always made clear that during the stretches he spends in Japan, streaming takes a backseat. It does make him hard to kamioshi though as I think consistency is key if you want a lot of fans who show up for everything you do.
>>320409Most of StarsEN actually sounds up your alley in that case, I'd just avoid Flayon and Goldbullet. Given your taste, though, I think the other members might be more your speed. I respect ShinySpicy but unfortunately I agree with the nonna above that the later members are better as streamers and I don't find myself watching those two a ton. Bettel probably has the most blanket appeal, but he's currently gone due to an ongoing health issue.
Energywise, you may enjoy Hakka?
No. 320416
Thank you for the recommendations sisters!
Since I only have one niji oshi left I may as well leave this sinking ship.>>320412>hairy bara modelWhy are men so obsessed with destroying their appeal? Does he think his main audience is gay men? I thought maybe he wouldn't be like that because of him calling himself a fudanshi, but gay moids really are all the same.
No. 320418
>>320401>>320408and he’s done the op for Pokémon, detective Conan, berserk , etc……amongs others, as well as officially collaborated with Disney and had produced lazulight’s debut song so not sure why he would go through all this effort just to get clout of his ex’s minor va role
yknow, considering he’s also had a minor va role himself and he’s already friends with amatsuki who’s done multiple va roles and ono yuuki who’s ono yuuki
No. 320419
>>320418>>320408Read the full sentence.
“The comments (on the video) denying that he did it to get clout off his ex's job”
>It's probably ecchi so it's not a big dealIsekai Onsen Paradise IS Ecchi, but that is still progress. One thing shitty people don't like is you moving on with life and doing better, which she seems to be doing now.
Being successful doesn't make you less likely to be petty and vengeful. If anything, it facilitates that.
No. 320421
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>>320412Never watched Fulgur and not really planning to based on what I've heard.
But white-haired man + robotic arms is hot, why mess with perfection??
>>320420>buddy>body pillowAt worst, you're not female, and at best, you haven't integrated…
No. 320424
>>320412A lot of western moids seem to let fame get to their head and they end up thinking that they're actually funny and entertaining, so they end up having too much pride to even bother trying to act like a cute anime boy as they think they're now ''above'' it. I've seen this happen multiple times and it usually happens gradually because their fans don't ever give them shit when they start being obnoxiously gross.
>It just feels more and more like vtubing is just streaming without showing your faceThis is also true, there's too many people that just want to hop on the trend without actually wanting to appeal to vtuber fans and they tend to look down on them and vtuber culture in general, even though that's supposed to be their audience.
No. 320427
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>>320425All vtubers drop the act eventually except for Pio-chan.
No. 320429
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>>320427>>320428They can never be him
No. 320430
>>320429I can't find it but the tweet exchange that was like
>Hex: I'm in love with you. Parasocial.>Doppio: I'm afraid of you. Paranormal.Cracked me up. I love piochan
No. 320432
>>320417did he actually lose viewership or talk about it when he went back to being an orc?
nonnie mentioned before that magni bitched about his viewers not sticking around when they realized his pl is a coombrained dipshit, but i don't think anyone's talked much about him.
No. 320438
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>>320429>>320430I've never wanted to see inside someone's brain so much. Everyone says he's the same off stream too. I don't think anyone could keep up with this act for so long anyway lol
No. 320442
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What do you Nonnies think of Coqui? I really like her design but somehow there's something that ticks me off. It might just be an accent thing.
What do you think?
No. 320445
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Dokibird playing Neopets later. I probably won't catch it live but I wanna watch the vod, sounds super cute and nostalgic.
I don't even care if she's cashing in on her graduation and subsequent new merch or superchats. I feel like she actually takes vtubing seriously, and deserves the money.
No. 320446
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Mori raising money for cats. Can't wait to hear how she's actually a bad person and grifter for doing this.
No. 320454
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>>320453omg sorry to laugh at a serious situation but kek
No. 320456
>>320453JFYI, i'm done watching it and it's weird how they were forced make this announcement because of her.
>teehee i'll move on from my past>drops a big accusationWhy would njsnj, ignore the situation and release that doc anyway?
No. 320457
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Big if true. I don't think this scorched earth tactic is making anyone but Niji upper management feel good.
No. 320461
>>320453Sigh. This is so stupid, truly. I could care less about Vox and Ike yapping (which they shouldn’t, this is a legal issue they need to let the company and it’s lawyers speak to and handle), but I’m pretty disappointed that Elira is caught up in this, whether management forced her (and Vox and Ike) to do this or they all truly decided to do this themselves. I always thought of her having a pretty good head on her shoulders but…
Anyways, they are not hired to be legal spokespeople for the company and discuss ongoing legal issues at any length, this is literally not their job. So, I see this and it’s like “Yeah, sure y’all. But seriously, legally, shut the fuck up.”
And here I was thinking that maybe this week be peaceful lol. Also to drop this video while Doki/Selen was streaming is wild and very obviously calculated. :/
(:/) No. 320463
>>320453If Elira wasn't forced to do this…
Jesus Christ, I can't believe that stupid Elira rrat is starting to sound real, especially because if her and Millie's adresses are in the document, it implies they are the ones behind the bullying. This is Wactor levels of retarded
No. 320472
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Medium-sized indie graduates a few days ago, then ungraduates today… HMM… sounds like she dodged a bullet.
No. 320476
also holy hell wtf. yes selen is clearly a crazy bitch, but mother of fuck
on a 'professional' account? is an image board. post caps) No. 320477
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>>320476This was posted on February 6th. Did you link the right tweet? Cause I don’t see what you’re talking about.
No. 320478
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the 'an attempt' part
probably just trying to throw shade, but at least go for that level of edge on an alt or something
No. 320484
>>320453Someone mentioned Elira is currently in Japan on a work visa and can't decline “suggestions” to prove her dedication to the company.
The screenshots at 4:43 look fake, especially if that's Discord. They could've kept the date but chose to write that on top.
5:23 The outfit contest thing has been brought up before. OMFG. They gave permissions and then withdrew.
I think they choose the British dude cz they want yumes to side with them and do extra PR. Ike and Vox have significant fanbases in China (and other Asian countries with white fever, like Korea) and AFAIK, significant funding comes from Chinese investors. I guess they took the joke about insulting a lunar dragon at Lunar New Year very seriously. Looks like they're trying to make it into a popularity contest. Some KR fans were pissed about Chinese NY instead of Lunar NY.
You know what's sad? In her videos (intro and outro) Vox is always there as a supportive figure. Like a best friend or maybe even more. Many Dragoons put up with him despite knowing his PL stuff because Selen liked him. Same with Ike. At least she wasn't stupid. Glad she recorded stuff when she did.
It could also be to provoke fans to dig deeper into the PLs of the 3 for harassment purposes.
>>320480Some people think he's speaking in English to show he cares, but I think he just doesn't want the JP fans to fully get what's happening. Someone mentioned a lot of information about Nijisanji never being translated to English, so it's only available in Japanese.
I wouldn't be surprised if they started deleting comments, turned comments off or private the 2 videos.
No. 320485
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>>320458They chose to do this and I’m pretty sure they’re (the livers) are showing a united front. Parasocial fans and your typical /vt/ tripling down on the mental gymnastics. I don’t like Vox, but how can you defend Doki when she used that recording in her legal defense? Exposing Enna, Millie, and Elira’s address? For a legal case that only benefits yourself, Doki?No one leaked anything to be clear because no one can fucking think. Good job Doki on cultivating the internet’s parasocial pissbabies.
Doki is naive and ignorant. Overcome with emotion and can’t stop herself from ruining her every connection. Also her manager needs to STFU if he doesn’t want to hurt her case. I can’t wait for her wackass case to be thrown out. Can’t trust Doki as far as you can throw her. Had her chance to leave on good terms but she clung to Niji for as long as she could.
No. 320488
>>320466Because they felt betrayed by Selen Doki that they had to speak up. You’re so close to coming to that conclusion idk how you didn’t think about that. Whatever she included in that doc was serious enough for them to speak up voluntarily. Vox especially because she recorded him and submitted that recording. She’s not sorry for what she did; she’s sorry it came out to the public that she recorded it. She cannot be trusted by anyone or she’ll use it against you one day.
Sucks that she felt so emotionally tortured she felt she needed to attempt something drastic and go to the hospital. Maybe she should’ve stayed under watch for longer and stay away from the internet. Self inflicted mess (in many ways) by an unstable youth.
Also Doki is dumb as hell to think that the evidence she submitted wouldn’t be shared when she included personal info. It’s within corporate protocol to do an internal investigation. She’s Zaoin with extra steps.
No. 320490
>>320487Then where’s the doc? Show if it was leaked. They talked about it WITH legal approval. You just hate Vox, which good for you. She’s been exposed at throwing her coworkers and friends under the bus. You have have no idea how law works. You don’t even know in WHAT country this legal case is happening in.
I don’t give two shits about big corpo, but the mental gymnastics being done is crazy
No. 320491
>>320488Go back. You sound underaged. When implicated in serious accusations, the wrongest move you can do is run your mouth. No one would even know who were in the doc if they didn’t admit that themselves. Did you even watch the stream. It’s hilarious if you think they volunteered to commit career suicide live.
>>320490Wtf are you talking about? Soooo you don’t even know what’s going on stfu. The doc was leaked to the livers not the public dumb shit. It was supposed to be between selens lawyer and the company’s.
No. 320492
>>320491Elira even says she volunteered her channel to do the stream on. They’re doing this because what Selen Doki has done HAS hurt them personally. You don’t even know what else was included. Ike was vague because they said all they could legally, with approval. Something Selen Doki couldn’t wait for.
They didn’t “leak” anything by talking about the evidence that was related to them and could potentially hurt them. Like stalkers who think they’re the bullies and go harass them at their address
Selen Doki actual lolcow
No. 320493
>>320488>she included personal infoWhich is what?? Their flesh names and contact informations? You don’t think selen’s info is on that very same paper? Claims of misconduct isn’t “personal info” kek
This is the equivalence of going through your moid’s phone, finding out he’s cheating, and he DARVO’s you with the “you violated my privacy waaaah”. Even that scenario has more leg to stand on.
No. 320498
>>320488>Whatever she included in that doc was serious enough for them to speak up voluntarilyAre we 100% on the voluntary part in the first place? And why? It's a terrible move to do this right after a drastic termination even in a completely cold logic way. Versus battling it out in private or in a legal way where no one on the outside would know anything without someone saying something like what happened today.
On some vague level I kind of understand using "the popular kids" to try to alleviate the brunt of the damage across the rep of the company for everyone else's sakes but look at what the results are with the flames reignited again against them.
No. 320501
>>320494Based and ble55555ed post
>>320495>muh rushiaGO BACK
No. 320502
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>>320500Seems like niji pr team found the farms kekkk.
(hi cow) No. 320507
>>320499I doubt niji will. Niji En? Sure but other niji branch's? Don't think so in japan they can shut up a liver real quick by threatening with defamation
wasn't there a liver who tried to kill herself but wasn't allowed to disclose it because she was being harassed by a manager?? niji won't die but they have no sympathy in the western sphere now
No. 320525
>>320519Not every anon you don't like is the same person you retarded newfag. I don't even know who you're referring to
>>320520I'm talking about the public meltdowns they had, not this situation. Anon I replied to was talking about the general lack of mental stability in both
No. 320528
>>320526Wish we got a lawyer's comment on all this but I guess they can't know how it'll go without having actual documents. Selen vs Niji court watchalong when
>>320527It's too obvious, just stop
No. 320541
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>>320539nonnie is right after all it isnt like she said not to
dig for any truths now did she
retard No. 320546
>>320542This thread would die if we only talked about sunshine and rainbows kek
>>320543Nyfco is struggling that's why
No. 320549
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I'm defending selen because she's a girlboss. You're defending niji because you want to have sex with vox. We are not the same.
No. 320555
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At some point they just need to stop.
No. 320557
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mori beam
No. 320559
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>>320555Can't make this shit up…
No. 320560
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No. 320561
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>>320560pls don't an hero
No. 320566
>>320565Why are you acting like she was forced to say
anything she could've stayed silent like Scarle? Are you seriously trying to convince us she was totally innocent?
she was alluded to bully others in the zaoin termination too>>320560>>320561Even if this Eliza pl it wouldn't matter,these retards acting like they don't know how rabid vtuber fans are? Why backtrack now?
No. 320576
>>320566It's called a company sponsored work visa. Elira is in Japan. Is it the same for Scarle?
And what exactly did she do where she was alluded to bullying Zaion? I thought that was because Hex complained.
>>320567So, are you saying the other bullies are Vox and Ike? I don't think it's the Livers, but during the Ethyria collab, they were making jokes about the Apex Predator.
>>320475>>320515I think employment issues would go to jp courts. They have a long and terms and conditions page for applications. But she's not a jp citizen so they can't shut her up. Afaik, if they yap, she can sue them under jp laws but she's got the right to yap outside of NDA breaking. She hasn't though. At most, they could sue to have those statements blocked in Japan. They're gonna lose their overseas cash cows, except the Vox and Ike yumes. Some of them might even leave if it's a choice between them and Doki, considering how fast the Live Chat reactions changed.
I thought they would try to turn it into a Chinese girl catfight w/Enna or Petra (or even maker it an international fight with Millie/Reimu), but it makes sense to use white men as meat shields instead. This isn't actually for EN speakers. It's for people who follow Niji only and don't want outside info, like the yumes currently here.
Note that she still hasn't named a single person or designation, just a
toxic workplace environment. Niji is building a narrative and we'll find out more only when things go to court.
>>320531Is that even possible? I'd say we wait till it's confirmed because Doki never said anything at all.
>>320570KarOSHI culture. They can make a lot of suggestions that aren't really suggestions.
No. 320586
>>320548Fixed that for you, nonna.
Izuru really has such a nice sound.
No. 320588
>>320585Please! This is usually the only sane public place to discuss vtubers despite the occassional retarded takes.
The fact that anybody is taking this sudden disproportionate influx of takes usually only acceptable on the Nina page of nyfco seriously is mind boggling
Anyways, linking my own chuuba music to add on to
>>320586 . Shiori may not by any means be a great or experienced singer, but I thought she made a really good song choice for her first solo cover, it really suited her. Reminds me of how Fauna's Cute na Kanojo was a similarly good fit for a typically inexperienced vocalist. I still feel bad for Shiori that this cover sort of flopped due to the upload mishap.
No. 320592
>>320590AYRT that's understandable, liking the people behind the covers does a lot for me. It's why I losten to the majority of vtuber covers, otherwise I'd just seek out the best possible cover of a song/the originals.
And same, I actually wish talents who didn't specialize in music would release more covers, Fauna included. Not to be too much of an autist about 'muh idol culture' but Holo really should, as an idol company, require talents to do some minimum quota of music per year. I feel like there are some talents that really underutilize covers resources.
No. 320593
>>320579I agree, I'm waiting for actual evidence against selen other than 'she has BPD, she's totes insane you guys I swear, trust me bro', 'she broke the rules' or 'she tried to commit suicide (therefore she can't be a hard worker or good vtuber)'
Until I hear a more nuanced take against her, I'm going to assume the naysayers are vox simps and/or underaged.
No. 320594
>>320591Genuinely confused what about ANY of this is DOXXING??? Of course paperworks have parties’ names and contacts on them?? They were never meant to see the light of day. Do these retards expect people to interact with coworkers as anime characters and euphemisms IRL? The most bewildering part is self-reporting themselves as the investigated parties in question then claiming breach of privacy wtf. No matter how you look at it, management just threw those idiots to the crowd like
>Here are your bullies, attack them, not us! How did those guys even agree to that social suicide? How can they be threatened by termination when the inevitable decimation of their rep means they’ll get discarded anyway, if not immediately then soon. Wtf all around.
No. 320598
>>320591AYRT, I don't think it's actual doxxing, either. I'm just telling the anon claiming that Millie and Enna weren't mentioned that Elira did indeed mention them, and gave the context in which she mentioned them. Because HER implication was that she had to come forward because she was sooo scared they were going to get doxxed by Selen otherwise, as stupid of an extrapolation as that is to make from a legal document that's obviously going to have their information on it. You need to learn to backread more than one or two posts in a chain.
>>320596You're right maybe Selen was just listing her very bestest friends in the company kek, get real
No. 320601
>>320594AYRT. Weird vtuber logic, I think. I heard about Elira being in Japan, so she's kinda stuck. Idk and idc about the other 2. I still think it's management (or someone from Ethyria) but I'm fine with never knowing. I wanna occasionally watch my oshi without caring about her ex-employer and their BS. I'm so glad there probably won't be these two on her channel in any capacity.
I think there trying to do with Hex vs Sayu thing again but Vox vs Doki. The thing is, people like Doki more. She's done so much as Selen that only (some of) the CN yumes who pay for paywalled 18+ rp would go after her. I'm curious about the voice call now,
nonnie. I bet he was shitty to her.
No. 320604
>>320579I don't get how these moids don't understand that the issue lies in the company itself not handling anything properly and letting a
toxic work environment fester. Selen could be the devil incarnate and it really doesn't even matter, it's Anycolor that is supposed to handle it professionally and instead they're just posting things the public does not need to know like a bitter ex.
No. 320605
>>320604This. Even in the Zaion situation, while I've qlways thought that she was not a good person who made obvious mistakes, Nijisanji made stupid choices and inadverdently confirmed things that led to a loss of faith in their word. It's just that Niji was lucky enough that Zaion was unlikeable and most chose to dogpile her instead of hearing her side of the story. I wouldn't be surprised if that situation made EN management cocky and led them to think they could handle Selen's situationthe same way.
No. 320611
>>320606The way each sentence gets more schizophrenic. Could have stopped typing after the first one.
1/ they aren’t friends, they’re coworkers and some are her tormentors. Privately litigating your workplace grievances isn’t throwing anyone under the bus, unless by“the bus” you mean accountability and justice.
2/ everyone isn’t in “agreeance” ESL-chan, besides those implicated who basically committed career sudoku. Everyone else doesn’t dare to touch the poop beyond being forced to like a few company tweets.
3/ “she lied before” just like you’re lying now. If she made all of this up with no good evidence, why is the CEO of kusosanji himself groveling for forgiveness? One (1) menhera gaijin vs. a multi million dollar company, tensai desu ka?
4/ wash your mouth, it smells like cocks
(infighting) No. 320612
>>320610Obviously. They are angry
femcels who are jealous of Doki's success
(baiting) No. 320613
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Did any of you watch Ao-kun's "learning Korean with Kanade" stream yesterday? I love their dynamic so much, Kanade enables Ao-kun's loser flirt side a lot and I love to see it. Especially when she starts to beg her for something…
for the love of god if you lot get this thread killed and we have no place to discuss Ao-kun I'm single-handedly going to make your lives hell
No. 320615
File: 1707862198823.jpg (871.65 KB, 4096x4096, mozu_xxxu-1755990445103133008.…)

>>320614 the filename looks like it could be the numeric part of a twitter link, try putting it in with any username, it'll redirect to the original post. I usually save them like that. And thank you. I need to spread the Ao-kun gospel, she has a hold over me like no one else.
No. 320617
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Dokibird sucks. It was very rude that she personally held a gun to Vox, Elira, and Ike's heads and made them read a poorly written PR speech that cost them a lot of fans and respect. That was very un-pog of her.
No. 320619
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Cannot wait, knowing the jester, at least some part of this stream is going to be premium entertainment.
No. 320620
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>>320619Senzaki mama always delivers when it comes to her son, praying she works her magic again. (artist in picrel unrelated)
No. 320622
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Last week:
>Unconfirmed Scarle and Aster drama, discord leaks allegedly involve Scarle being harrassed by Aster
>Soon after, unscheduled impromptu collab between Scarle and Aster occurs, confirming Niji and the livers are aware of the allegations
>Night of same day, Scarle cries in her membership stream and references how hard the day was and that hopefully "they" (unspecified) will be satisfied with this for a while
>Scarle likes "kurosanji" comment on youtube after last night's debaucle, not an instance of the vtuber indiscriminately liking every comment
>Notably is one of the couple livers who does not retweet Elira's announcement in solidarity
>Scarle completely misses her scheduled members stream today
>Scarle is now 3 hours late for her scheduled regular stream
>Still no comment from her regarding her absence as of now
Very likely looking at another shadow suspension
No. 320623
>>320622Further information:
>chat/comments now disabled>her mods have been removedThe most charitable guess here is that Niji is expecting and taking precautions against another incident like Doki's where they failed to remove Selen's mods and the mods openly promoted her PL channel.
No. 320624
>>320622>>320623Tbh I think she might be crumbling under the pressure and taking a short unplanned break herself. Afaik she has a full time internship that takes up almost all her time outside of streaming at night. And if the leaks are true then she's the type to feel scared by confrontation so dealing with pr crisis will be too much for her. She's probably having her own breakdown behind the scenes, even if she's not planning on graduating. I feel like her audience would actually follow her to her pl because her content is not attached to the Nijisanji name or environment.
Also before anyone brings up that she has "Ill be back soon" in her pl bios, she had those since her pl hiatus notices, they're not new.
No. 320625
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Fulgur's pl clarifying the situation, yeap seems she's taking a break on her own.
No. 320626
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>>320625And why he's posting it on pl. Big bro fulgur moment amidst the chaos
No. 320628
>>320627Finally someone with a brain. I’m convinced through all the noise that Doki Selen menhera’d her way through to sewer slide if she previously thought just a warning meant termination. Weaponizing her ignorance and lawyered up, so of course her fat ass would be terminated.
She should’ve just left earlier and got Vox to graduate with her but now we’re stuck with him around. She must have liked Niji enough to stay for that long. Now she’s friendless and no one worth two shits will ever collab with her
("sewer slide", unintegrated newfag with vendetta) No. 320629
>>320628Idk man, I'm still waiting for some solid evidence against Selen other than "she has BPD", "she attempted suicide" or that 3 members of this company well-known for managing its talents with respect and wisdom made a 15 minute video against her with definitely no coercion involved.
Can someone who's anti-Selen explain why other Niji talents have been graduating left and right? Even before Pomu there was still a high turnover of top talents when compared to Hololive, like Nina and Mysta. These are people who seemed like they had good relationships in the company and clearly still want to stream.
The small number of talents who willingly left Hololive seem like they had good reasons (Sana simply did not want to vtube anymore, Coco was probably tired after the Taiwan debacle and wanted more freedom.)
No. 320630
>>320628Huffing some major copium there if you think she he A. has no friends and B. will not get any noteable collabs.
Like Niji EN get to collab a lot with anyone of note outside of their own little group without jumping through major hoops. And this has been confirmed by Kiara who has complained on multiple occasions how fucking hard it is to get Nijisanji to budge and allow her to collab with Pomu.
No. 320633
>>320629People just want to move on and it could’ve also been content related. Niji and even Holo have been more restrictive than VShoujo when it comes to freedom of what people want to do. Like Kuro Mysta having a face reveal and streaming whatever the fuck he wants when he feels like it. Nina was probably similar, especially since she’s doing whatever she wants under VShojo with less rigid restrictions. Pomu went back to school, Mika wanted to do other stuff and hasn’t redebut, Zaoin is stupid fuck. Yugo wanted to do his music on his own terms, and now is happily doing that.
Coco immediately became Kson in VShojo so same story. Other holo girls might just be too stupid to do any other job or so unpopular that no one would give two shits about them if they left.
I’m sure a lot of livers were pissed after failed AR live which we’ll never know why. Doki Selen just jealous of “favoritism” whatever the fuck that was. Skill issue. Now she can do whatever the fuck she wants, she was just too coward to leave. I was a dragoon, but I can smell a twisted bitch when I see one. Like an inexperienced person at their first job. She could’ve left when she wanted, but she was a little bitch and pussied out every single time. How do you expect to not get fired after serving a lawsuit AND revealing you’ve been recording everyone so that you can win moneybucks for your legal case.
No. 320634
>>320629>Mysta, Nina, Selen, PomuNiji takes a healthy percentage of their income. The top-earners bail because they figure they have enough clout to transfer their fanbase to a new indie endeavor and not lose that percentage of their income.
The ones that don't bail either don't earn enough for the cut to really bother them, or they don't think they'll be able to carry over enough to a new "life" to justify it. It's all business, more than anything.
Also, any rumors about Niji "sponsoring" visas is all made up. Petra's LinkedIn shows the company she's interning at and it has no relation to Niji or vtubing in the slightest.
No. 320641
>>320640That we know of. There’s probably more but they legally can’t speak on it. But if she included their addresses in the lawsuit for something mundane and those addresses get out to the public somehow, Selen Doki will be liable for anything that happens to them. Like if they’re stalked or attacked.
Selen Doki must be quaking since all of her nefarious deeds are known by her coworkers. She never intended for them to find out, which is so stupid if you’re suing your employer and listing coworkers in it.
No. 320644
>>320631Crime #1 was posting a video with cute art of Nina and Mysta, when niji members are unpersoned after graduation. If you dare leave the Niji Family™ your legacy no longer exists.
Crime #2 was… uh… not only being a woman, but being a woman with MENTAL ILLNESS.
Crime #3 was she upset Vox, and a lot of fangirls want to touch Vox PP. Therefore Selen is clearly in the wrong.
Check and mate, Selen fans. Selen in shambles.
No. 320653
>>320650I agree aswell..that does seem weird to keep unless vox was harassing her? She states it was a test for a collab event but why would that make vox state that he's hurt and afraid? Alluding that she blackmailing him?
seems like he probably said something he shouldn't have? Or he was bullying her either way not good or was it to make vox back off by threatening to release a voice recording he doesn't know the context of? So basically bluffing? I already knew we wouldn't get any confirmations on anything legal unless the court case (if it happens) is made public..nijisanji's reputation is the gutter though I'd be impressed if they manage to make a Comeback or maybe they'll change some of their policies
No. 320654
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>>320648>I wanted to be hopeful for the future and never interact with that past again>uses her njsnj oshi mark>calls her fanbase dragoons>baits dramafags and shills her merch for 2.5 hrs>practically only tells people to not harass anyone at the very end of the stream>all this vaguepostingdo nonnas really?
No. 320656
>>320654>>320655Any theory about not actually wanting to move on falls appart on the fact that every single piece of information we have from the bullying is from Nijisanji shooting themselves on the foot at every step of this whole thing forcing her to have to release a statement
Zaion doing and Niji going the scorched earth path just to spite each other doesn't mean Selen has to take their invitation to a mud fight
No. 320659
>>320658I fully except niji to release another statement that backfires on them lol
It'd be hilarious if they tried to address the normie youtubers that got involved
>(allegedly) has some kind of PR team, lawyersThe Riku video was actually a competent PR statement tbh, it addresses the investors (which let's be real, niji only cares about them) and tells fans they are doing something™ about the management issues
Too bad JP's PR efforts were utterly fucked by EN's side releasing that black screen video
No. 320662
>>320660Then let the court deal with it? The place it's supposed to be dealt in????
Why does she have to fucking join to the shitflinging contest just because Zaion and Niji decided to drop all pretense of professionalism?
No. 320665
>>320656I get that nonnas love to suck her off as some sort of incredibly professional based and pinkpilled girlboss but to act like she is not using the whole "i used to be a niji liver1!!1" as a way to shoot up her career is insane.
>I saw my dad crying for the first timewasn't this the guy who supposedly abused and stealed from her? I don't think it's hard to accept both parties are in the wrong.
No. 320667
>>320663That's the irony isn't it. All she wanted was the graduate at the end of January and the only reason this is happening is because someone at Niji corpo has a stick up their ass and decided that wasn't allowed.
>>320664We don't know, but I'm thinking it's the latter. Based on her post just now, she mentions that all communication had to be translated/done in Japanese. I'm going out on a limb and say that is a big reason why she has a lawyer. They clearly don't have a single decent English speaking corpo employee.
>>320665Do you really think she somehow planned this evil scheme as a way to get popular as Doki?
No. 320668
>>320664It's obvious in retrospect when the NijiEN livers became aware of the legal litigation and accusations Selen was filing.
Hence stuff like Enna's pre-emptive member stream where she told her fans to not risk their mental wellbeing defending her.
Selen's supporters twisted it into being her admitting culpability, but the equally
valid viewpoint is that she knew ahead of time the shitshow that Selen just filed legally (naming Enna aka Shannon's apartment address in North York on Dundas Street), and wanted to protect her fans from trying to fight with the rabid mob.
No. 320670
>>320664So far she and her lawyer seem to be on the defensive, if her last tweet is to be believed at face value Nijisanji probably decided to fire her at some point after getting some actual legal help and decided to go ahead with the termination after the lawyer sent the docs Vox saw (either that or they actually wrote that termination letter in 2 hours)
So my personal guess is there were only legal threats back and fort at least until the trio's 15 min statement where they confessed to read documents they presumably shouldn't have read because Nijisanji is desperately trying to bait Doki into make the same mistakes Zaion did when the livers that casually also considered a friend did a similar thing to her
No. 320673
>>320672Sounds like confirmations bias to me ngl
The only thing that I find weird to bring up is her dad crying which yeah, would be pity-baiting or would just be to state the stress she is still going through
Buuuut, neither of those make too much sense because the reality is that most people including big normie youtubers who not even knew what a vtuber was until a couple hours ago are already on her side and she and her lawyer would have to be blind not to see it
No. 320674
>>320671Legally "Doki" doesn't pose much threat, tbh. In Canada (unlike the USA), the law dictates much lower caps and precedent for the damages that can be awarded. There aren't those "$5 Million awarded in damages" cases in Canada like in the States.
The panic is obviously that Doki is mentally unwell and is acting irrationally, including writing out the full address and legal names of the other vtubers in the documents she intends to file legally. People throw around the word "private" but if she actually files this in a Canadian court, these documents will become part of public record, and can be viewed by the public. So, obviously there is an implicit threat there, whether "Doki" is aware or not.
No. 320675
>>320616They simply can't resist her charm, and that's a good thing.
She did a great job in ReGLOSS VD cover, too. They honestly all did.
No. 320679
>>320557I nominate either this picture, or a picture of Ao-kun for the next thread pic. There'll probably be plenty of drama to discuss, but we could use some positive vibes, too.
I hope someday I speak enough jp that I feel like I can follow Regloss, they seem cool.
No. 320681
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>>320680See you later, nonna!
No. 320684
>>320681This man gave a kiss on today's stream and I felt it down there. I thought he was a brotuber, does he do lowkey fanservice all the time or?
On that topic I feel sad when I see vtubers stream at their night time on Valentine's day even though I'm lonely as hell too kek I just assume they all have partners behind the scenes
No. 320688
How bad will this drama ruin my chances of making it into niji?
Or should I prepare an audition for hololive instead kek>>320680Godspeed nonna. The moids at /vt/ are coming here because their board is being infiltrated by dramafags and hololive fans who are trying to make this a company war. I like learning about the drama from an unbiased side, but people make assumptions about who your oshi is depending on what you post here. I hope this all ends by next month.
No. 320689
>>320688You'll debut in Hololive in 3 years kek at first I thought Niji would make it out of it alive because usually they stay silent after the announcement and everything calms down but with how retarded EN management has been I'm not sure if they're gonna keep debuting waves like nothing happened. Some indie graduated only to un-graduate very shortly after while Niji was losing its shit on twitter. No proof she was in Niji but this might be happening, either talents being dismissed or leaving themselves. If you make it in don't forget us nonna
Btw Niji only debuted 6 people in 2022. Only one of them is really struggling financially. Wonder if they have a plan on the debuts this year, seeing as the dude that led EN in 2023 got fired
No. 320692
>>320687No, he's shockingly soft and sweet in menshi. There's a big gap.
>>320688If they decide to keep hiring, it'll probably improve them. I think a lot of people are going to be looking to either wait for Holo or join smaller corpos after this.
All this being said, I hope Niji doesn't completely exit the Western market. As much as I like Holo, it's really no good for any major company to go uncontested, and no other small corpo has really risen to rival their reach yet. Yes, Vshojo exists, but it's not a direct a competitor in terms of content, culture, and platform the way Niji is.
No. 320693
>>320674>The panic is obviously that Doki is mentally unwell and is acting irrationally, I think you misspelled Niju management. Doki calmly ending her stream when Niji decided to drag her name at the same timeslot as her first gaming stream, and then waiting 2 days to properly formulate her rebuttal to the claims is not the behavior of a person acting out of mentally unwell panic. Furthermore, unlike Niji, she didn't post a laundry list of grievances or make personal attacks in that rebuttal. You also have to remember that all allegedly underhanded and "manipulative" information she's given out was given in clarification to biased claims on Niji's part.
People like you really just fully discredit individuals with any degree of known mental illness based on your own biases without looking at the facts at hand or what might be causing the distress on their part. I really feel bad for anybody in your life who relies on you for support… Or maybe you don't have anybody like that, for good reason. Although I doubt you're aware that you're the cause.
(infighting) No. 320694
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>>320685Yeah, I'm just his pet alright.
No. 320697
>>320660it’s because no one gave a shit about zaion lol
>>320677literally nobody is defending vox on this thread he is very much hated on here you are fighting invisible enemies
>>320688i feel like niji might just nuke the entire en branch after all the drama back to back and the international legal problems
No. 320698
>>320686Icy? How is this guy icy? From what I've seen, he seems generally nice. C'mon nonna, not being a coomer doesn't make you icy.
>>320692So he spits in our mouth sweetly? Cooties are cooties, nonna.
No. 320709
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I want to support this girl because I respect the grind but why does she have to be like this? She was a cc for women in her pl, still talks a lot about husbandos and otomes afaik, but she's always baiting supas like this.
No. 320711
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Altare's laugh is so cute
No. 320712
File: 1707978574434.jpg (169.59 KB, 850x1360, __hiodoshi_ao_hololive_and_1_m…)

>>320709>baiting supasThere's your answer. She makes very good money despite her numbersn and this is one of the reasons.
>>320679I second Ao-kun if we can find a good yume picture of her since she's had vocal nonnas in this thread lately.
Also I want to bait in more female fans for her. But the picture you're referring to is a good pick for Mori if we can't get that, since finding a chaste pic of her was the reason she wasn't used for this thread.
No. 320713
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>>320712Not proposing this one because I don't think it's make a good threadpic but this kind of yume-pandering art that emphasizes her ikemen charm is so good
Totally not imagining this as my girlfriend Ao-kun staying the night… No. 320714
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>>320712How about Aokun kabedon?
No. 320718
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Honestly? I'm way more into all of the ReGloss girls in a gay way than I've ever been for the main branch and it's really surprising me that I feel this way. Their branding is only ever so slightly different but it's really working for me.
No. 320719
>>320718I've seen ppl say they remind them of Bocchi the Rock. I can kinda see it tbh, like they have that close-knit band feel, but in a bantering way instead of yuri-baiting. Even when they mention skinship, it's in the same way you would do when you're messing around with your friends.
I only really like micomet (I love their antics), so having a whole group with fun group dynamics and banter has really drawn me into them.
No. 320721
>>320699I see clips and parts of streams from you guys, so he's always seemed sweet. He's barely even tsun. I can't get through entire vods to find the fanservice, but I'm curious now.
>>320684Please spoonfeed me the timestamp, nonna.
No. 320727
>>320726He's a decent guy but he's just not super affectionate with his fans. These nonnas who admit they're not even his viewers trying to assert otherwise are ???
>>320724Stop lol, I'll be real, knowing she's in her late 20s doing her voice/character makes her hard for me to watch, although I think it's part of why she's a stable talent. Her zoomer larp is secretly the most admirable kayfabe in Advent, forget FWMC. I do like her though.
No. 320728
File: 1707993961378.webm (103.25 KB, 720x776, SkullU02357-171091266871301367…)

>>320713helping Ao-kun dry her hair while she makes kissy faces at (You)God, I love our girlfriend.
No. 320729
>>320728Ahh, perfect art!
Throwing the towel over her eyes to hide how flustered her goofy flirting makes (You)I promise I'll stop after this one kek
No. 320731
I think everyone interprets icy differently. The animated video proves he's very warm. As in, hot enough to fry.
>>320727I'm around her age and I like her, age and all. She's cute. And too old to care about being cringe. They've decided to pursue this as a career. May she be cringe and be free!
It could be cringe if done irl, but it's online, so it's fine.
No. 320732
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>>320729Right, there's only so much yumeposting I can do before I start getting embarrassed, kek. But very good thoughts, I appreciate them.
No. 320733
>>320359Understandable. I kinda like Ollie's face more than her design. I think she's a bit over designed. Anyone who's trying to yeah talk her based on her face can go fuck themselves. She's cute.
>>320732So we really need to stop? She's so cute though. And she's into secuhara.
No. 320735
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>>320733If the others don't mind, we could very well turn this into a himechan haven. I know I wouldn't mind.
That aside, I feel bad about overtly sexualising Ao-kun, especially after hearing how she was previously treated by girls and women. I mainly like her for her funny personality and commitment to her character.
and because I'm gay, but I try to be respectful about it>>320734Banchou CUTE!
No. 320737
>>320736I don't consider myself a hard-core fan. I'm a fan. I like it. But I do respect the people who say you can't be a hardcore fan without keeping up with VODS, at least. Clippers are doing this as a hobby.
I like clips. Full streams are hard to keep up with.
>>320735I don't mind either.
I'm ace. I thought we were all kidding. What happened to Ao-kun in the past? I heard she didn't have female friends. I don't know the details.
No. 320738
>>320735Well with how she acts it feels like she wants women to want her tho so I wouldn't feel too bad about it. Especially now that her ikemen image broke into tiny pieces.
I think it's okay as long as you're not going yandere over it. That seems to have been the real problem with her previous experiences.
No. 320740
>>320739She's a content creator. I didn't think anyone was actually yume. I think she's cool and I wish her female friends, because she doesn't seem to have many.
Lesbians are real. Crushes on creators are real. But I took it as seriously as the Bettel ryona nonnas. (Not at all). She's cute and will make a great partner when she wants to, but not to any of us.
I guess I should mention that what a lot of people read as yuri-baiting, I see as female friendship because I'd do a lot of that stuff with my female friends.
No. 320746
I had nothing better to do today and somehow I'm amazed that out of all gossip platforms, including vt, that nyfco currently has the worst comments I've seen in my life. There's so many comments talking about how Selen attempted suicide for attention and worse. By all measures I'm an oldfag and it's been a long time since I've seen this level of vitriol.
>>320736I know words here and there so I can't quite follow along, but my favorite JP talent has tons of translated clips and even longer videos so I lucked out. Otherwise I'm an enjoyer of covers so sometimes it's purely based on how much I like how they sing.
No. 320749
>>320738Fair enough. It's personally still uncomfortable, even though I wouldn't mind having horny, deranged yumes if I were in her place. There's a real woman behind her at the end of the day and I don't want to make whoever that is uncomfortable.
>>320741>(like Cinnabar from PTN)Holy sex. Why don't they ever pander more to lesbians, I'd eat her up if she weren't from an Arknights clone. Not really fond of games like that.
But to stay on topic, Ao-kun's oversized suit adds to her goofy charm desu, it's cute. I'm excited to see what kind of alternate costumes she'll get. One thing that would seriously make me mald is if they were to give her a feminine outfit/hairstyle; everything else is free game.
No. 320750
>>320737>I'm ace. I thought we were all kiddingWeird assumption
>>320740>I took it as seriously as the Bettel ryonaHere to inform you that at least one of the Ao yume nonnas is the same as one of the Bettel/Jurard ryona nonnas and I am if anything more serious about the ryona than I am about being yume for Ao
No. 320753
>>320749(PTN isn't an Arknights clone, the only similarity is they're both tower defense. I play both and they are completely different, I def recommend)
On topic tho, I would actually mald so hard if they give her a feminine outfit. I also hope she doesn't end up like the other livers who initially started out as cool characters who force feminize themselves later on like Okayu, Flare, etc.
I don't think it'll happen with Ao-kun because she has her comedic talent to fall back on and can get fans from that instead of going the GFE route. All of the times she's gained more viewers has been after doing some comedic genius streams like the entire MK tournament.
No. 320754
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I can't believe Maria is getting hate from Selen supporters because she's releasing a cover with Pomu in it. Covers take a long time to be approved, and Selen fans out of all people should know this well. Is it wrong to think that it's performative?
No. 320756
>>320754They don’t care about Selen. It’s all tourists and dramatubers
The rest of NijiEN seems to be coming back to regular streaming schedules
No. 320757
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No. 320758
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Thoughts on this rrat theorizing that Elira acted as a manager for NijiEN? I’ll post a summary of it but you can view the full text here: No. 320764
>>320762Wouldn't be surprised, seeing as every ID and KR member who didn't speak Japanese left when the merger happened. Their lack of bilingualism was never named as the reason for their graduations, but they probably knew that with their previous management being eradicated, communication with their new JP management was going to get significantly more difficult.
Like you, though, I don't think the majority of the rrat outside of stuff like this is true.
No. 320767
>>320754This is definitely performative. Most people just watch Doki streams at this point.
Everyone understood from the screenshots that she wanted to leave and probably just didn't have the time and patience to fight for the cover to be made public again. It's one thing if you only do covers like Maria does, it's another when you're used to being in fight mode to get stuff done. We don't know how long it took Maria to get approval. Doki was planning to quit anyways, so the backlash didn't matter. It's like Mika on her graduation stream: “What are they gonna do? Fire me?”
No. 320768
>>320762It's also the pay they're offering people who could make significantly more as translators. There's a chance they didn't actually pay Shu or Elira. These companies run on the backs of free labour from fans (artwork for thumbnails & schedules, clips, and fan translations of stuff etc.), so it wouldn't be surprising if they expected the same from their employees. Mysta did say it was like being indie but with extra steps.
I think the actual bureaucracy is frustrating enough. Most people already know that JP company stuff moves at snail's pace.
>>320766Which would be exacerbated by lack of Japanese skills. Not being able to communicate is part of the incompetence. It is true that most people there have friends who speak Japanese and will help them translate.
No. 320770

>>320767Maria mentioned in a random segment during her Dave the Diver video that sometimes the process can take months. She didn’t give a full explanation of the process, but it’s the most transparent I’ve seen of the approvals of covers within NijiEN
At 2:28:58 for reasons why there are delays. There’s more steps than she talks about
- she forgets to send confirmation to the staff
- the artist or the person she’s commissioning work from gets sick and needs extra time
- the art needs to be fully approved and then you can post it (2:30:55)
- rarer cases is when she gets sick and can’t record
- all steps need to be approved in order to post. for a previous cover, it took 3 months because her original artist ghosted her. so she found a new artist, get new approval for the new art and then also get approval for the video
- the part that takes the longest is the actual copyright for the song (2:32:32)
- unless it’s a holiday, staff can’t be working everyday. they usually respond within a day otherwise
- karaokes also require approval
No. 320771
Enna claims to be a virgin to appeal to her
femcel audience But Enna has dated and moved in for more than a year with multiple boyfriends and fakes being a
femcel for viewer engagement Enna craves BWC and fucked Kyo during their offcollab actually got drunk with Kyo during the offcollab and he carried her to bed. is something she left out of the original details, and Kyo told the story many months later
>>320753I'm not into games like that in general, but thank you.
If anything, I hope they continue the GFE for women thing she has going on. I might even consider buying merch if they give her handsome costumes and designs in the future for sure.
Side note, there's something so cute about how bad she is at video games. I want to play games together and teach her. Damn you, cover.
No. 320778
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I love my autistic midget oshi. I wish she would calm down with the ADHD stroke-inducing sound effects, but i love her humor and personality otherwise.
No. 320780
>>320775in her defense, her lore vid makes it obvious that she's ESL and doesn't seem to have a good grasp on inflection. i can imagine that might add a layer of difficulty to keeping up a voice
it definitely is still annoying though kek
No. 320781
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>>320763I don't know about that but I still don't like her model, it makes her look dopey and weird which I guess works well enough when she's being the butt of the joke but her look in the initial Regloss promo art (and pic related, the same design drawn by her mama when she debuted) looked so good and immediately became my favorite Holo design only for her actual model to have a permanent Binky from Arthur facial expression
No. 320782
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Any thoughts on this bigass schizo post? It's too long for me to screenshot the whole thing: No. 320785
When posting in the thread, follow the rules and board etiquette. failing to integrate will be banned.
No. 320787
i am really bummed we don't have a place to talk about chuubas normally now, so much that i almost mistyped "sage" as "sad"
>>320782This document was made by the nijien, I mean mostly luxiem and notcyx or however that's spelled, fans organizing at the doxx site, nyfco.
I would not really believe in it objectively because it was made with the intent of them saving their husbandos reputation. Heck they are even organizing a secret discord and brigading vt.
They are doing a kpop-like organized fan PR campaign and trying to mass post this link in every social media, forum, and board possible. That alone makes me doubt the impartiality of those contents.
No. 320790
>>320781I've noticed this trend where the artwork looks really simpable but the Vtuber model, not so much. The strangers have their own expressions that don't already go with the concept art. Plus, they need to be comedians to do well financially.
>>320751Drop the name, nonna. I wanna find her music.
(sage your shit) No. 320793
>>320758I think this is from Raziel. The bunny says it around 42:51. The rrat only video got privated or taken down, I think.
47:25 gurrat intro
49:40 Raziel (Luca's ex mod) supposedly confirmed some of this.
>>320770Makes sense. NA creators like LilyPichu wouldn't care to cause copyright issues, so it makes sense she'd say, “Fuck it.” She was leaving anyways.
No. 320794
>>320782I get the point of this document, but, like I always say:
Let's imagine that Selen is actually batshit insane. She's a menace to her coworkers, she tweets and releases things without prior communication, she has everyone's address on file.
Is it the company's responsibility to:
A. End things as tidily as possible. 'We regret to announce Selen is no longer part of Nijisanji. We wish her luck.' Keep the public and other livers outside of the drama. Lawyers communicate with lawyers and people directly involved only.
B. Drag the public and livers into the drama. Release a termination announcement with a long list of Selen's misdeeds, and announce that Selen was struggling with bullying from other livers. This makes the public angry, so you send 3 of your (theoretically innocent) talents onto a livestream, where they further explain their misgivings with Selen. This (shocked pikachu face) pisses the public off even more. Now people are analyzing every tweet, every interaction Selen had with anyone on video, every mildly shady joke a liver ever made.
Could the truth be somewhere in the middle? Sure. But if Selen is LE BPD UNHINGED OVERWEIGHT PSYCHO, why is a multi-million dollar company with a PR team and lawyers making the situation worse with every move they make? Who does the responsibility fall on at some point?
No. 320798
>>320782This is pretty much just trying to slander Selen the same way Niji tried to slander Zaion
>Look, our livers are talking bad about her too including her friends and she has a mental illness therefore everything she says must be bullshitIt dramatically ignores that all the bad PR and gossiping that is going on against Nijisanji right now was caused by Nijisanji themselves so even if Selen was in fact a menhera it would change literally nothing about why Nijisanji, Elira, Vox and Ike have a terrible reputation right now
(sage your shit) No. 320799
>>320792nta but regarding the money she invested I think people are more astounded Niji clearly doesn't give a fuck about EN doing anything to be more popular. Multiple artists have come forward about how Selen ended up paying them herself out of her own pocket because Niji couldn't bother doing anything in a timely manner or deciding their art was now worth $20 (I swear I've seen a mention of that number specifically but I don't know where).
I wish I saw more people bringing up the collaborations discrepancy in discussions. Out of all NijiEN girls, Elira has by far the most of them which is odd no matter how you look at it. She is neither the most popular member nor the one that one thinks of when thinking about NijiEN girls. Honestly it's the main reason I believe the rrat regarding Elira being management at least for some time. That and we now know that both Selen and Pomu have gotten collaborations/opportunities denied by management.
No. 320802
>>320799Maybe Elira is the favorite because she's fluent in Japanese? But yeah, regardless it is weird how much she's favored in merch when Pomu was much more popular and iconic than her.
About nijisanji not caring about investing on EN, I'm more and more inclined to believe the rrat that the only reason nijien was launched was to appease investors pestering niji about not having global expansion plans, clearly they care way more about the JP branch and don't really bother understanding the western public.
No. 320813
>>320809She's good, not fluent though.
Elira is like native level.
No. 320819
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From a comment under a grand rrat video (NGL, it was surprising to watch Elira and Ike in the Luxor Collab/sponsorship):
1) Even though vtubing is still a niche and people can know each other here and there, the fact that Elira, Millie and Enna have been close friends for years before Niji is afaik unique, at least in corps.
2) One thing people aren't talking about enough is how Lilypichu gave Selen permisson to cover the song in august 2022, almost A YEAR AND A HALF before she posted the cover song on her channel. Sure, these things take time to make, but this is glacial pace, meaning Selen was definitely stonewalled. And that wasn't the only time.
3) It's hard to confirm if Elira is in fact a mastermind pulling the strings in Niji EN, but if you believe Sayu, Selen, the artists and other people who have worked in/with Niji, management is indeed chaos and for a successful branch like that to work daily someone (or a group of people) would have to take the reins. Naturally, since the talents are already doing most of the stuff themselves, it's not a leap in logic to think some would step up to that position, probably someone older (Elira) or bigger (Vox). In the absence of management, a hierarchy of livers could form.
4) Jealousy is, unfortunately, way too common in entertainment and given how Selen was one of the biggest vtubers in NijiEN (surpassing Elira by 200k subs), how her projects were constantly shut down even with permission, how little she participated in collabs with the other girls (especially people like Elira, Millie, Enna, etc) and how blatantly Nijisanji favors Luxiem, especially Vox, it's not hard to figure out who bullied her and who stood by and watched because the situation suited them.
At the end of the day, vtubing is all about views, about success. If you were in charge and you saw someone brash, who can't even speak japanese to communicate with the higher-ups, who doesn't fit and who you think haven't worked as hard as you do, could you resist doing something about it? It doesn't have to be something big, you don't have to outright antagonize the person. It can be subtle. A delay in permission here, a cancelation of an event there, some bureaucracy in the middle, etc. Just enough to make their channel lose momentum or perhaps even make the person themselves lose their creative drive.
I wouldn't point the finger at Elira, at least not yet. But given how Nijisanji seems hellbent into assassinating Selen/Doki's character and won't let the matter die until they regain control of the narrative, you can bet Selen was being sabotaged for a long time, out of pure spite. Simply because they're still trying to do it.
I guess the only question remaining is: who the hell was managing Nijisanji EN?
No. 320823
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>>>/m/356605General thread for non-retards
No. 320825
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It makes sense. I forgot that LilyPichu gave permissions back in August 2022. I don't want it to be true, because I like Elira, but it makes a lot of sense.
Selen probably didn't want to wait another 16 months for video permissions.
Considering Elira and Ike, who both aren't exactly top performing talent in terms of numbers, were both given sponsorships anyways, it explains why Ike jumped in.
Now Maria has to explain how long it takes to get permissions for everything, but 16+ months is a long time. And for some reason, producer permission sounds sus to me. A lot of (music) artists and companies just hire those on contract these days (including Nijisanji).
No. 320835
>>320824We're all randoms here,
nonnie. We take input because most of us don't kept track of how many sponsors who got. Elira supposedly got 9 sponsors out of the 12 that Lazulight got in 2023.
Sub-wise, she's got over 569K right now while Pomu has over 629K. Finana has 513K. It doesn't make sense for her to get 9 out of 12 of those.
I only paid attention to the Luxor Collab (mechanical pencils) and it didn't make sense to have her and Ike (both blue) when other people and thus more colours could've been included to appeal to more children.
No. 320839
>>320782it reads like a disgruntled vox yume and a corpo shill
and i hate moids are let off more easily than female vtubers ellira might be a bitch but the harassment is just vile,and especially that one line about her father reminds me of the selen "antis" we've been seeing here
No. 320847
>>320844I'm actually surprised by the lack of dating rrats. Personally I don't think she's dating either of them, but if we're going full rrat maybe she's dating someone within NijiJP corpo and that's why she moved to Japan.
>>320846nta but right now almost anything we have is speculation and practically no credible sources.
No. 320874
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>>320844No wonder Vox gets preferential treatment.
(sage your baiting) No. 320902
>>320781I need them to make her this outfit yesterday. She looks so good with the little ponytail too like pls.
Also this video was really cool to see her being so smooth for once. This and the Ririka one at the host club were really eye-opening. Like yeah she can definitely be cool if she wanted to but she goes the comedy route because it's more entertaining I think.
No. 320943
>>320926There are more detailed timelines around but here's the tl;dr
>end of December, Selen uploads the last cup of coffee MV>it gets taken down, allegedly because she didn't get the right permissions>on her Dokibird account she reveals this meant she lost 15k of her own money invested into it>she tries to commit suicide for a 2nd time within a few weeks after this happens>ends up in the hospital, at this time people are told there had been an accident>after she comes back from the hospital, she is done and wants out of Nijisanji>tells management she wants to graduate the 26th of January >they don't reply to this, and after a week she sends a detailed lawyer reviewed document about why she wants out>in her own words, this was made when she was in her darkest place mentally and very very personal>2 hours after she sends this, she is terminated and slandered by Nijisanji with a 3 page termination notice on twitter >this is also how she found out herself>all bets are off now and she goes to her Dokibird account to give her side of the story, but still keeps a lot of things very vague for her and other livers' safety>it's here we find out she tried to commit suicide>after a week, things seemingly begin to calm down a little>Nijisanji decides there wasn't enough drama and 3 livers (Elira, Vox and Ike) hold a black screen stream where they basically just slander Selen/Doki the entire time for some reason>they have apparently been given the confidential document she send in January to read for themselves>Selen/Doki comes out to mention the fact the hospitalization was for a 2nd attempt at this point, and that she is beyond dismayed at the fact her colleagues were given the document. >shitstorm ensues>GUR is made, vox fujos make a document to refute the GUR, others again made a document to refute that documentAnd trust me I'm still leaving a bunch of things out, but I'd argue these were the most important points that happened so far.
No. 320947
>>320943>vox fujosThat's the wrong use of the term "fujo". Fujo is from fujoshi.
In this case it's Vox yumes, the girls that think Vox is basically their bf or friend.
No. 320958
>>320946>>320943Adding to this, the worse part for me is that a lot of them are using Doki's BPD as an insult. The funny thing is, this is from Vox and Ike yumes and they both have issues too. Plus, considering their PLs, this is the second time they are publically trash talking a female ex-coworker. (Ike's ex does count as a coworker, cz they collabed).
Apart from Vox's public melties, he does have C-PTSD and ADHD diagnoses. Ike has Depression and Anxiety. And he's supposedly said on stream that he could have ASD.
Medical issues side, the Niji group is being far more menhera than Doki cz she's consulting a legal team.
They've so far admitted to leaking legal documents outside legal department despite (according to Doki) an agreement not to do so.
>>320955Yep. It's almost sad.
No. 321019
>>321010Define under control. The Rushia thing will happen at least once more after the court case gets settled.
And the Selen thing will pop up at least once after the case is settled as well.
I think we'll be fine.
No. 321050
>>321043Honestly, it just doesn't seem very milky at this point. I didn't closely follow Pomu but she seemed like she matured a lot from whatever her past was.
I have a soft spot for weeby 2000s and 2010 white aidorus who become successful vtubers. Seems like a surprisingly common pipeline.
No. 321053
>>321010It would have already quieted down had the Elira video not happened; the CEO apology and promising an EN re-structure was a great way to apologize while saying she broke rules, got suspended indefinitely and did the thing, and to send her off while still saying they appreciated her.
This is just still going because the Elira/Vox video where they brought out the list of "sins" (just expressing disappointment in corporate rulings when projects died).
>>320955The weirdest part to me is how personally even the talents in this age range seemed to be taking insults to the company. I know it's nijisanji and everyone comes out mentally whipped besides Mayuyu's crazy cool pooner ass, but there is no reason they should take a coworker whining about management like a personal attack.
And it feels awful to see generally nice people (well some of them) put in a situation where they have to decide between their job making 50-200k/year for being fun entertainers 10 hours a week vs. doing the right thing about all of this.
No. 321073
>>321072She's being canceled because she keeps saying stupid shit about the situation. She says Doki was the one to accuse ppl of bullying her but Niji were the ones who ever said anything publicly in the first place. She still has never named any names and has only defended herself atp.
People are mad because she's also acting like it's fine that Niji showed at least the three ppl who made the black screen video legal documents when there was an agreement that only 3 parties would see it. It's just dumb to blame Doki for any of this situation when she lawyered up so she can graduate peacefully and everything post her doing that have been Niji publicly trying to humiliate her on their termination of her.
Nothing daph says holds any ground when Doki didn't do any of the things she claims??? If she had been the one who claimed she got bullied by Elira and the others then sure I can see the argument, but she hasn't so I don't see where those accusations come from.
No. 321089

>>321053>People in that age group taking things personally. I think that's what makes Cover slightly better. The CEO is older than pretty much all idols and isn't in that insecure phase.
In Niji, the CEO was younger than Nina and most people currently there are younger than him. And they're all menhera. Some makes showed similar attitudes in the past as well (See: Calysto/Vox, Xandu/Ike.) Both of them have, on the part, disparaged women they worked/collabed with for no good reason.
Now, some of the best ones are gone and the ones willing to bootlick are left behind. I'll point out that Nina was older than Riku. Till Xsoleil, afaik, she and Pomu were the only ones older than Riku.
And now they're gone. I'm not racebaiting when I say that the age thing matters a lot in Japan. So does nationality. Anycolor actively took resources from EN to give to JP, and I think it was because Riku and/or mangement thought of them as cashcows. At one point, even Nyfco was in flames cz some new JP moids got 3D before even Luxiem, who made the most money at the time.
Cover seems to have tried to learn about the market and grown with it.
Based on what I've heard Riku has a big ego and wants the CEO lifestyle.
The employees know at this point that they need to bootlick the company to get ahead. In the video, Vox is the one having the biggest meltie and we know he's probably said something. I'm willing to bet it was something that would turn his CN yumes against him. The other two weren't okay, but they were definitely not to his level.
That's the flipside to hiring menheras. They get a lot of money from people wanting to fix them, but their menhera is rewarded and reinforced.
BTW: a lawyer reacted to the situation.
No. 321096
>>321073thanks for the spoonfeeding.
>>321092>You don't know anything about the situation, won't watch a video that tries to summarize, and then come here to talk about your ignorance because you're annoyed that 39daph is getting insulted? calm down your are being far to dramatic. i didnt defend her. Only think its funny this is the second time she is involved in some vtuber drama. I sometimes watch her streams because theyre funny, its not that deep.
>>321087>im just gonna assume that its some dipshit dramatuber who makes shit up for views.its even worse, he is a drama vtuber. i just checked and he already made like 10 videos on this selene/doki girl kek
No. 321117
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Watching Shiori's parasocial incels lose it over Rubbertoe and Pending when both her PL accounts have boyfriend histories is quite amusing. Like they're so surprised a cute autistic girl who is chronically online has charmed men besides them in her Hololive days.(sage your shit)
No. 321122
>>321122NTAYRT but I think you need to take a 5,
nonnie. Your spidey sense is going fucking nuts. We have both the Shayna and the camwhores threads currently active, plus a bunch of threads over the years about a variety of degenerate characters. Making fun of gross porn isn't at all unheard of on lolcow, and I really doubt it's entirely moids doing it (not saying there aren't any, though). You can just say you don't want it in this thread if that's how you feel. Chillax.
>>321120Honestly, I doubt there's really much milk in 'lewdtubers' (shudder) aside from how goofily pathetic it is as a concept. If you have a really funny example or someone with exciting lore behind the content, post it spoilered and see what people think. It just might not warrant multiple posts. I can see it getting repetitive, and probably leading to more scrotal allegations levelled against you.
No. 321445
>>321436I don't find the jokes that offensive, but it's weird how often he made the same "white people amirite" joke and forced it onto other people while collabing. The clip that stuck out to me tho is the one where a couple of old people passing by smiled at him, so his first thought was assuming they were racist kek
He announced in his last stream that he's "taking a break" to "self-reflect", but he also said he's doing it because "the world is cruel" in a typical SJW
victim complex fashion. What an insufferable fag
No. 321491
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>>321445Can’t believe he actually re-enacted the meme.
No. 321585
>>321445Honestly I’ve seen plenty of people just like Uki(especially on tiktok.)
It’s fine if he doesn’t like white people, who cares ? And the jokes he makes are the same white people jokes you see unfunny people make on tiktok. But they are ultimately harmless.
It’s the fact that he makes hating straight white people a core part of his personality that makes him so insufferable. Like for the love of god shut up about white people and actually be funny for a second. The old couple thing proved to me he’s constantly bitter and full of hate. His entire personality seems stolen from tiktok .
(sage your shit) No. 321661
>>321659Nina, Mysta, Pomu and Mika all left on their own accord.
Selen and Yuugo were terminated.
(sage your shit) No. 321683
>>321661thanks, i though maybe there was drama with everyone lol
u can tell who's guilty of things and who isnt.. (millie defending niji, vox..)
No. 321689
>>321683I've never watched any of Millie until the recent drama and there's a strong air of suspicion around her now, but I sort of understand where she was coming from back when she tried to say the company really isn't as bad to work under as naysayers say and there's a lot of positives. Ultimately at the end of the day, streaming vidya for a job that makes as much money as it does under Niji (or a 2nd job in some cases) is a luxury chance where the company offers more exposure, audience, and social group consistency than what most indies can ever get normally. For getting the benefits of luxuries in most things, there's some vague general expectation that the ones aiming for it have willingness to sacrifice or put up with certain negatives and work for it.
That said, if the environment inside was particularly socially strained and cold or mean (and maybe underhanded tactics getting involved) despite how much the positives of the company environment relies on people getting along well at least in a professional coworker manner, then the benefits suddenly seem a lot less worth it compared to long term mental strain. And all sympathies go out the window
No. 321758
>>321757>Plus she (the stalker) got outright doxxed and now everybody knows her full legal name and face.qrd?
I mostly only recall people discovering her name thanks to the steam account incident but I always assumed it only ended like that. AFAIK she now has a new account but it's not vtuber related and only spergs about western animation.
No. 321825
I’m a yume Dragoon and admittedly got pretty hostile on twitter and youtube comments, I didn’t watch the black screen stream because I didn’t want to waste time listening to bullshit, until I learned that Doki supposedly kept a voice recording from like January last year…idk I thought I would ride or die with her but as someone who had a menhera friend record private conversations to threaten me, I just couldn’t believe Doki would do something like that…she’s so sweet and full of love and cares about the community so much, I didn’t want to believe it. Usually I would just ignore and move on but it has bothered me so much, so I bit the bullet and tried to listen to the stream, which is hard because Vox’s speech pattern drives me insane, like stop adding so much words to sound mature and shit, I hate that kind of moid the most.
Anyway, so right now what I gathered is that:
>Selen wanted to upload Last Cup of Coffee MV on Christmas
>Staff said song is ok but because graduated livers Nina and Mysta are in the MV she needs perms
>Selen said fuck that and uploaded anyway
>Staff got pissed and privated the MV
>Selen tells people to reupload, which broke the company rules
>She got stressed and committed suicide
>Discharged from hospital by the end of Dec
>Niji asked her to explain on twitter why the MV was privated, Selen said no
>Back and forth between niji and Selen
>Black screen stream said there’s several legal letters from past months as of the stream
>Only known ones are before 26/1 (date Selen wanted to graduate on) and 5/2 (supposed last straw that Niji fired her on the next day over)
>Her graduation request was denied because she broke the rules
>Voice recording is supposedly a test recording of a collab, which she had kept and given to her lawyer as evidence of unfair treatment within company
>According to Vox it was recorded around when AR Live was cancelled, so around Jan 2023
So it wasn’t the song perms that I previously thought was what niji got anal over, that’s the only misunderstanding I’d allow to correct myself over. I still think niji and those three livers are disgusting, and glad Doki got out to fully be herself, but I couldn’t watch her without thinking of that damn voice recording…why did I have to know about it, I could’ve stayed delulu and continued to love her. My alarm was her good morning voicepack, and I had to change it because I just couldn’t face her voice, I’m so sorry for sperging but I don’t know where else to wordvomit. Maybe I’ll get over it myself soon and go back to watching Doki and smiling like a damn idiot each time she laughs or makes cute sounds, or just being cute in general, I’m still going ahead with buying Doki merches, just hoping my yume filters would get fixed soon.(sperging and blogposting about old milk)
No. 321902
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No. 322288
>>322283Sayu aka former nijisanji zaion Lanza has confirmed that she was behind the leaks of the unsigned contract for nijisanji and behind the scene management power politics. The lawyer she leaked it out to kept her confidential until she outright claimed it was her
she's backtracking now it will won't hurt her legally since a unsigned contract is negible in court unless signed.i can find the leaked documents right now but the lawyer covers it in his stream
No. 322494
>>322288This online lawyer is the perfect reason why lawyers are not good PR. Also what kind of name is Andrew Esquire? Lmao
God Sayu is so fucking stupid, and the her stream clips from the lawyer video. The fact that Sayu can run her mouth and show these things a year later and has seen 0 repercussion from ANYCOLOR outside of getting terminated PROVES that they don’t do jack shit.She’s a menhera mess who got consequences for her actions lol dont get soft on this cow
Can’t wait until people who finally get full time jobs and read work contracts to see how milque toast this shit is. Jesus Christ
(sage your shit) No. 322976
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I haven't seen this discussed with much seriousness anywhere else (it was also likely overlooked given all the other drama with NijiEN), but I was wondering what others thought about the sexual abuse allegations against Ike Eveland from a former fan last month.
This was before the infamous black screen video released, so the post came out during a time when general opinions of Ike were still relatively positive. People had been quick to dismiss these allegations as schizo posting, but knowing about Ike’s PL history and his attempts with grooming his underaged fans as an utaite, along with eerily similar accounts from his ex’s (ie. buying plane tickets for women to meet up with him, the cheating, pushiness with sex, medication mood swings) it gave me some pause, despite most people handwaving her as a crazy fan.
>She claims that Ike used his position to coerce her into meeting up for sex and sending him nudes with the promise of him pulling strings to get her into Nijisanji EN and being in a relationship together.>Initially avoided naming Ike outright in her original post, but after being met with criticism and skepticism in the comments, she deleted her post and replaced the entirety of it with the single sentence: "Don’t watch Ike Eveland." before nuking her account soon after.>She was gone before posting any receipts, but she resurfaced under a new account some time after with an update. She had decided to take her evidence to a lawyer and was legally advised to refrain from speaking publicly on it until the case was settled.>Her final words were urging people to be on the lookout for a similar story to hers, as she claims to be in contact with other victims and one of them has plans to independently come forward in the future.I’m still not quite sure what to make of it personally. There’s a particular detail that stuck out to me in her post, which was when she admitted her encounters with him had been consensual and that she was a legal adult when it happened. If this was really a deranged fan making shit up for slander, wouldn’t it benefit the narrative more to claim she was underaged or if it was noncon? I found it peculiar.
I’m aware that judging the validity of allegations like these requires hard evidence, but if what she said about more
victims possibly coming forward in the future is true, I wanted to archive her posts without immediately dismissing them in case there’s any further developments down the line.
Original posts: (Deleted by OP) (Removed by a company mod)
No. 322977
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>>322976Her update post. It seems she intended to leave this up, but it was removed by a mod from the company. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to screencap any of her replies in the comment section of her first post.
(FalseEyeD is mentioned in her post because a user in the previous one had suggested taking her story to him. She reached out to False but did not share her evidence with him yet, as she later backed out and sought actual legal counsel.)
No. 322978
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>>322977Observations from an anon about NijiEN meet-ups (during which the sexual encounters were alleged to have taken place.) The first post was made before Ike was officially named. Many people initially assumed the perpetrator was Luca due to new medication being mentioned, but it was pointed out Ike was also on new medication.
No. 322983
>>322977>She reached out to False but did not share her evidence with him yet, as she later backed out and sought actual legal counsel.Awesome for her. Nothing good comes from speaking with dramafags, Mikeneko’s the prime example.
>>322978>but it was pointed out Ike was also on new medication.Talking publicly about your meds should have never been normalized, fuck this excuse.
No. 323436
12:12 on Reimu
>>322978>>322976Between that and the other supposed groomer that Reimu was
not dating, she sure knows how to pick friends. Either she doesn't care or is extremely oblivious.
One of the main reasons people trusted Ike was because he's been friends with Reimu for quite a bit, even before joining. Between his ex, supposedly other girls that his ex was encouraging to come forward back on the day, and now this, it's hard to believe him.
>>323118It'll take a while to resolve, but this would be the second time Ike is accused of something like this. Even if you don't count it to the criminal extent, there's a pattern of behavior that a lot of people don't want to deal with when looking for chill entertainment.
No. 323951
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>>323940Here’s the thread: else make the lolcow thread of her, easy milk
No. 323970
>>323892I think one of the people below are among those fans.
What's funny is that it could actually be Luca.
No. 325491
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No. 337818
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Not Necroing this thread, posting new milk.
MegalodonVT got banned intentionally to clout chase and has been sperging about Twitch TOS being too vague. Of course she eventually changed her model after people caught on to her dramabaiting
No. 337820
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>>3378193/3 the backtracking kek
No. 337822
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>>337820samefagging but of course she starts sperging about hot tub streamers, just because she panders to scrotes who want the same things but in 2d doesn't make her better kek. At least the bikini streamers stay in their containment zone
No. 337823
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>>337822samefagging again but more vtubers "protesting" against the double standards twitch has for them. I don't care for hot tub streamers but the cognitive dissonance of pandering to scrotes who hate hot tub streamers but are also addicted to hentai and follow ecchi vtubers
No. 338144
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Furuya Mari is back.
Googling the old name takes you to this new name.
No. 338521
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the attention seeking
No. 338522
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>>338521why do their moid fans use
valid rhetoric made by women to defend their coombait. women cannot choose how big their breats are so its
valid for TOS to not ban based on that. Characters designed for a specific purpose are completely different
No. 338597
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Be for real
No. 338599
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>>338597Hilarious how many pickmes genuinely fell for the "lolis are just petite adult women uwu". Every honest lolicon will tell you that lolis are supposed to look like little girls. If they weren't then lolicon memes wouldn't be stuff like "haha I'm going to jail" and the topic of "irl lolis" wouldn't be shit like picrel
No. 338600
>>338521Kek the slenderman proportions.
>>338597Is she retarded? Her half naked photo looks literally nothing like the anime kindergartener. Anime shit has seriously rotted her brain if she thinks she looks the same as a 5 year old whose head is the size of half their body. Her own photo proves her wrong even with the weird angle and it excluding her legs, shoulders, most of her arms, and her whole head.
No. 338601
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>>338597She’s 5’2”, a completely normal height, and we’re supposed to believe her body is like 2 heads tall? She’s so full of it. She keeps claiming that loli characters look the same as petite adult women when they obviously don’t because the gross characters look 2 feet tall. Does she really think that wearing a Hello Kitty shirt makes her 5’2” ass look like her avatar? Seriously, what a delusional creep.
No. 338606
>>338597Now show us the face kek. I wish these pickmes would at least own playing a loli or being into loli shit rather than claiming the sky isn't blue and that their toddlercon model is totally grown up guys!! AND she's inspired by me because i totes look 12 irl!
They want to have their cake and eat it too pandering to degenerates but also being an unproblematic queen when claiming they look like a child in real life makes them even more creepy. No you don't
No. 338659
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>>338621I think she reached a point where she actually thinks she has a kids body. You gotta be really delusional to compare the two pictures next to each other and think they’re remotely similar. She needs a reality check and someone gotta tell her she looks like a grown woman and not an anime loli.
(sage your shit)