File: 1614265512959.png (74.31 KB, 680x480, 1600992275397.png)

No. 139494
Previous thread
>>903678chan thread is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims be a csa survivor, sexual assault
victim, bisexual, and have 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked among her local community because of how much drama she causes and her tendency to lie. She started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both
toxic like her. She tries way too hard to come off as a hard hoodrat from the ghetto, when in reality she's a scary wannabe valley girl suburbanite.
Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody, Kuronekoknaifu, Ruru-chan, Kuro Hime
Real Name: Mikaila Jones
Notable Things
- Doesn't believe in bathing everyday and only bathes twice a week
- Doesnt like the smell of clean clothes
- Refuses to clean room unless forced
- Tends to smell terribly because of poor hygiene
- Tried to get a girl doxxed by using tumblr simply because she didn't like what she said
- Posts her nudes on 4chan's /b/
- Constantly looks for SDs on /soc/
- Tried selling nudes on FetLife while in a relationship with ex-boyfriend, Adam P.
- Cheated on every single one of her boyfriends
- Continually starts shit with Amina
- Tried to play tough guy by picking a fight with Taylor online, only to actively avoid her irl, out of fear.
- Claims to dislike lolicon and ddlg while actively posting both on her blogs
- Only started to claim mental illness when she got into menhera
- Made multiple threads about Taylor and Amina on here
- Whiteknights herself and Himeka/Angela very often
- Tried to get her threads on this site shut down by threatening suicide
- Got dumped by her boyfriend for lying and cheating. Claims he was
abusive and racist after he dumped her.
- Tried to manipulate him into staying with her by faking a suicide attempt.
- It's been revealed her mother enables her shit behavior and knows she's had pedophiles for boyfriends. Despite this, Micky continues to claim her mom is
- Has no mental illnesses but claims to have them as way to avoid taking responsibility for being shitty.
-Tried to sell nudes and get a sugar daddy despite having a boyfriend.
-Posted on her Twitter about how she would be happy if Amina died
-Claimed to have "tea" on Amina after being outed on Amina's Facebook for all the shit she's done to her.
-Former friend outed Micky's cheating to her current ex-boyfriend.
-Was riding on the digital artist bandwagon with trash artwork.
-Trying to sell her low quality lewd videos for way more than they're worth.
-Currently trying really hard to prove shes bisexual despite constantly talking only about dick
-Had her friends attack a mental ill girl until they deleted their page.
- Moved out of her parents place to mooch off someone else.
- Recently revealed that she double crossed her now ex-friend, Emi, by sleeping with Emi's, at the time, boyfriend behind her back and bragging on Discord about it.
- She was also outed as being physically absuive towards her mother, as she was bragging to Emi about it.
- After being exposed, Micky hid out on Discord and changed her personality again.
-She has made a new Instagram and changed her name on Facebook to accommodate her new friends that don't know about her shitty ways.
-After essentially scamming people on her ManyVids, she deleted it and her NSFW Twitter.
-Now trying to act wholesome and shit since the release of Animal Crossing.
-Has a new boyfriend and so far has not cheated on him.
Social MediaTwitter: deleted deleted currentAmino: status unknown
currentPULL: inactiveManyVids: deletedKo-fi: deleted?Make sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree. No. 139668
File: 1614446697700.png (252.25 KB, 597x653, wheresyerfakebf.png)

>>139533Probably every time she goes against what she's touting (all men are trash blah blah) she deletes it, like I guarantee this will get deleted too. If her job makes it so she can't afford this, she needs to get a better job.
Or ask her "amazing boyfriend" she only brings up/shows off when she lurks here or just admit she's only pretending to hate men yet still does shit like this.
No. 139802
File: 1614575343987.png (15.85 KB, 603x168, bs.png)

>>139745Yeah, she's lying about stuff as usual..also as expected:
>>139668She never fails to keep true to her nature lol. I'm pretty a "boyfriend" like this would buy her $35 worth of stuff for her "dream gaming room." She lies about the oddest shit.
No. 140008
File: 1614698281565.jpg (591.58 KB, 1078x1924, Screenshot_20210302-101317_Chr…)

>>139802He's also been cooking for the both of them. I'm sure he's also paying for that apartment too. Same with the car. She's likely just mooching off of him until she finds a proper sugar daddy to leave him for. Then she'll go on and on about how awful this dude was to her, despite clearly spoiling her.
Also looks like she figured out how to adjust the filters in Snow. Nice to know she still reads the threads.
No. 140009
File: 1614698614845.jpg (120.1 KB, 1080x1920, instagram_story_h3llokittyhotg…)

>Lowkey or maybe highkey I had a racist experience when I was taking Japanese class at Oakland community College and it traumatized me and I felt too triggered to try to learn for literally years lol but I think I'm finally over it uwu
This the biggest load bullshit I've ever seen. Micky, jist fucking admit you were too lazy to learn and would rather sit on your ass all day getting high and being sent money by simps for just existing.
No. 140010
File: 1614698666234.jpg (133.29 KB, 1080x1920, instagram_story_h3llokittyhotg…)

>>140009Micky, it's seriously not that hard. You're just too lazy.
No. 140020
File: 1614700097563.jpg (537.23 KB, 972x1778, Screenshot_20210302-104433_Twi…)

This shit here explains why she's always gonna pretend like the fucked up shit she's done before never happened and won't openly apologize for it. Straight up trash thinking she's got here.
It doesn't matter if you're 17, you know better. Which means you need to apologize and do better. Otherwise you'll become a scummy ass adult.
No. 140064
File: 1614718648293.jpg (1.08 MB, 971x2706, Screenshot_20210302-155042_Twi…)

Something about this smells staged. Starting to wonder if the indoor picnic thing was a load of shit too. Like she's doing this to pretend as if her openly going on about hating men has no effect on him and he'll still do nice things for her.
No. 140221
File: 1614796549332.jpg (66.11 KB, 1080x1920, instagram_story_h3llokittyhotg…)

She needs to realize that this post describes her perfectly and that's pretty pathetic.
No. 140222
File: 1614797026343.jpg (51.75 KB, 1079x187, Screenshot_20210303-134151_Ins…)

>>140221She even had the audacity to comment on the post. Micky, nobody has copied you. Everything about you is copied from other girls you claim to hate.
Also, good job on letting people know you have threads here. They get to see how god awful you truly can be. Dumbass.
No. 140270
File: 1614824953458.jpg (82.48 KB, 910x1709, 156704908_428052494933380_4698…)

There's something really off about her face here. What the fuck is she doing to it when editing?
No. 140279
File: 1614834986002.png (706.52 KB, 677x677, big ol eyes.png)

>>140270It looks like she enlarged her eyes like crazy. Like that scene from Spongebob in reverse.
What's interesting is that despite that, her eyes are still wildly far apart.
No. 140594
File: 1615081259846.jpg (113.57 KB, 1079x602, Screenshot_20210306-203723_Twi…)

Stating something factual doesn't make someone a "pick me", Micky. Just admit you're only spouting this bullshit to get simps and clout chase.
No. 140642
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Hasn't Micky copied both of them?
No. 141058
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That's not a fucking traumatic event at all. It's just rude. Also, I highly doubt she's asking any of those questions at all. She was likely the one eating their stuff.
No. 141083
File: 1615583503046.png (13.77 KB, 597x139, dumbasspartofcycle.png)

We're coming up to the part of the cycle where she's 'overly woke' again and basically talking about herself, in this case, why she'll never be a good person lol.
No. 141345
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I feel like this is going to be quite milky. Especially when she eventually fails at it.
No. 141366
>>141345>pretends to be woke/activist>wants to be completely oblivious to newsPick one. kek.
I haven't been in this thread in forever. Good to see this cow is still cycling on through the usual. And she's still living at home too? How old is she now?
No. 141468
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I know there's the whole "abusers can be nice TOO" thing but if you're really trying to convince the internet that your parents are terrible awful people who gave you trauma why share this lol
No. 141470
>>141468Exactly. I highly doubt her mom gave her that anyways considering she was beating her prior to moving out.
She needs to come clean about how shitty she was towards her parents.
No. 141552
File: 1615927735340.png (13.95 KB, 601x138, Thendoit.png)

And yet another example of how she always contradicts what she says. She rather make her own money..but begs constantly, leeching off her spineless boyfriend and pretended she didn't hit up her sugar daddy recently when he "randomly sent me money despite being blocked everywhere."
>>141550Yeah fairly common thot name, unfortunately.
>>141468Yeah, her mother sounds insanely
abusive with the whole gifts and watching tv shows together etc..fucking hell mucky keep your story straight.
No. 141755
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Micky, you really shouldn't be sharing posts like these when you've said absolutely nothing at all about the subject itself. Especially since you're claiming to be a bimbo now.
No. 141757
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>>141755Seriously, does she not see how much of a hypocrite she comes off as when doing this?
No. 141983
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She needs to kill that thought because running your own business so requires similar effort. And we all know she doesn't believe in putting in effort at all.
No. 141995
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Because you know it's edited, Micky. You're not slick.
No. 142367
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Looks like Micky's getting bigger. Also, is her boyfriend a manlet or is she actually as tall as a full grown man?
No. 142383
>>142367>>142368Her bf is absolutely a manlet. He looks a whole 5'5" here.
>>142379She's no taller than 5'8", but she's probably pushing 6ft in some of the shoes she wears.
No. 142457
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Her thumbnail looks gross. Also whatever shop she went to did some pretty shoddy work. Also weird she went and bought colourpop eyeshadow after spending days on complaining about their products.
No. 142520
File: 1616681825801.png (10.43 KB, 600x447, lol.png)

Looks like she said some dumbshit and redid her twitter handle..again.
No. 142544
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>>142520She changed her name on Facebook too. Looks like she's about skinwalk random asian girls and lie about being blasian again.
No. 142605
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>>142521and she's 18+ now lmao
No. 142614
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Explains how her relationship is setup, so she definitely will be assed out if he ever dumps her.
No. 142616
>>142544of course her idol is this creepy uncanny valley monstrosity
micky will complain about girls overediting themselves but its OK if kawaii ugu asians do it
No. 142661
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>>142651She posted these tweets, so looks like we'll be seeing her in I'll fitting ali express lingerie soon.
>>142614Exactly. I feel like it's not even her apartment or car. It's his and she's just lying to flex. Like, the moment he dumps her she's gonna right back in her parents house and being for rides again.
>>142619Wouldn't be surprised if she already song it on her Facebook. Posting Google translated Japanese and shit. Lying that her mom's part Japanese. Lol
No. 142664
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In what way was this girl ever gifted? She was in remedial classes in high school and dropped out of college because it was "too hard". Lol
No. 142665
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She's really going the bimbo route. Guess she's copying Angela now.
No. 142791
File: 1616886087605.jpg (202.95 KB, 1079x793, Screenshot_20210327-190045_Twi…)

There's nothing cool about being an idiot, Micky. It just makes you a laughingstock.
No. 142855
File: 1616964212155.jpg (1.91 MB, 2560x2560, 1556002511401.jpg)

Same chick that will forever post pics like this then blame "the apps"'d think after all this time she'd learn how apps worked.
No. 143120
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Do I even need commentary with this
Micky you WISH you were mixed, tf you on about??
No. 143198
>>142791Im not surprised shes going this route. She has never been smart. I wonder if she will ever try to be “gyaru” again. Her obsession with it as funny. I used to feel sad for her but its been like 4 years since shes a dumb bitch. Her internet personas will forever follow her. Even if she becomes popular she will get dragged for her antics (says shes against sexualization of women but had a lolicon tumblr acc and now shes going with the bimbo route).
I miss her jfashion phase. Now shes just pathetic and self hating to the max because she will never lose weight and get the v line face shape she wants.
No. 143220
>>143195That anon didn't say they were? Are you illiterate, anon?
Micky has a history of competing and hating on women of any color.
No. 143405
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Pretty sure she's lying about HR not doing shit and left because she's lazy as hell. I'm sure she's definitely not gonna last at that new job either.
>60 days a week
Damn she's fucking retarded.
No. 143621
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sage for no milk but there is a micky 2.0
No. 144106
File: 1617809708041.png (91.66 KB, 337x202, typical.png)

She switched her user name again shortly after posting her.."art."
No. 144300
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Why even mention taking nudes and talk about making an OnlyFans in the first place if you have a boyfriend then? You really shouldn't be picking and choosing when to throw out the boyfriend card.
Honestly, you shouldn't even be doing anything nsfw since you like to cheat once you get into that space. Especially if you truly care about your boyfriend.
No. 144302
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Funny Micky says that when she's caused issues within her own community by doing all three of those things. Of course, she'll never acknowledge that fact and apologize for it. Doing that wouldn't allow her to play victim.
No. 144306
>>144300Forgot to add that she's only openly mentioned her boyfriend in passing once, recently. Pretty sure the amount she's mentioned him could be counted on one hand.
Though I'm sure she does that so her "sugar daddy" won't stop giving her funds.
No. 144320
>>144300For real lol, why even post that you took "fire nudes", what purpose does that solve other than to bait people and give it to your sugar daddy?
>>144306She only mentions him when she lurks here and sees people callin her out on her bs as usual.
No. 144339
>>144320Exactly. If she wasn't lurking here she would never mention him. Lol
She'd honestly be better off on doing makeup tutorials or streaming animal crossing, if she's not really down to do nsfw and deal with the crowd from it.
No. 144341
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Ofc Micky would retweet some toxic shit like this. Then again, this is the same girl who ran away from a fight that she started. I can't be too surprised.
No. 144627
File: 1618014087942.png (429.89 KB, 670x598, callout.png)

>>144589>>144582>>144468at least post the screenshots please this is an imageboard
No. 144628
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>>144599>>144597>>144588Why do you still whiteknight this disgusting smelly ass prostitute self degrading bitch? Go suck on her herpes ridden roast beef slit please
>>144582Told ya, and the cycle continues.
No. 144629
File: 1618014868632.png (236.05 KB, 614x558, callout.png)

>>144628For everyone who still wants to defend mucky, saying she's just another black ethot, wrong. She's still a pedophile. She's still a nasty narcissist. She's still dumb and only has 1 braincell but pretends she's a smart manipulator and scammer.
No. 144633
>>144627the video says she sold a lolita dress with piss on it. And when she had a bad review she just bawwleted it.
Do people really want to defend this disgusting pig?
No. 144634
Funny seeing Micky ignore everything. She's only making it worse for herself.
>>144629Not surprising considering she spammed her CP everywhere. Even after people told her that wasn't ok. Remember, she had a nsfw tumblr while underage.
>>144620Just scroll to the 33:41 mark. She talks about it there.
No. 144647
>>144620i want to hear what she has to say but her trying to hide
trigger words and having an add stroll off rant i cant keep up. to me it sounds like its leas about micky and more about she is mad at the k club admins
No. 144686
>>144661If you actually followed the thread, you'd notice whenever she gets called out you always have herself and a group of people come to her defense and always pretend she's the
victim in every situation.
No. 144689
>>144688Nta, but it's still a group of people. Especially on her Facebook page. That shit is a pure echo chamber.
I'm beginning to think that you haven't really been following this. Until yesterday. Take a moment to read through all the previous threads and you'll see what we mean.
No. 144723
File: 1618069850974.jpg (67.62 KB, 1079x370, Screenshot_20210410-115024_Ins…)

Somebody please, make sure to record that shit. This is gonna be good as fuck if she goes through with it. Lol
No. 144724
File: 1618070027882.jpg (1.09 MB, 2560x2560, 21-04-10-11-53-51-532_deco.jpg)

>>144723Nevermind, the fucking coward ran away again. Lmao
No. 144729
File: 1618075438082.png (249.53 KB, 1152x648, lolbitchran.png)

>>144724Yep, she edited her info and hiding, cycle will forever continue.
No. 144730
File: 1618075608367.jpg (1.25 MB, 2560x1920, 21-04-10-13-25-04-664_deco.jpg)

Micky probably gonna try and manipulate whoever hops in her DM or post about them on Twitter. She ain't slick.
>>144729She's likely about to talk shit about the girl that called her out. So I won't be surprised if that chick gets some hate her way soon. Micky is such a scummy chicken shit.
No. 144739
File: 1618077463300.jpg (766.16 KB, 966x3595, Screenshot_20210410-133436_Sam…)

The doc about her got posted to the Kei Club group. Wonder how far out this will reach.
No. 144744
>>144723>I would like to do a livestream with youJesus fucking christ this is pure harassment
Like "let me make you uncomfortable and harass you live", she's definetely special ed tier kek
No. 144748
>>144743Yeah, you're missing a lot of context and what happens. This is just how it looks when she's "quiet" compared to when she's full on wilding out so you can imagine why someone states what they state about her and her defenders.
For example this is the same girl that shutdown her "passion project" and discord server because other girls in it were getting more attention than she was SW wise.
No. 144761
>>144744It's like she doesn't care about looking guilty as hell.
>>144751That's why the girl is asking for more info. She's making a doc with updated info and what not. So we might see some shit we haven't posted about yet.
No. 144763
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Her boyfriend is highkey a fucking idiotic simp. I can't imagine wanting to defend someone wbo has evidence of being abusive, manipulative, lying, and a pedo. Just how down bad is this chump?
No. 144764
File: 1618089149201.jpg (127.67 KB, 1079x980, Screenshot_20210410-171152_Ins…)

Locked her Instagram account. Lol
No. 144786
>>144774True, if she was truly "changed" she wouldn't delete shit, just face that some people don't like her and move on.
I told ya'll she was the same girl. I warned you about the cycle. But you were like "nuhhh poor micky she's so boring now" well here's proof you don't need defending her anymore.
No. 144850
File: 1618156328188.jpg (1004.83 KB, 960x3230, Screenshot_20210411-114308_Doc…)

So the new document did have much in regards to Micky. The skirt incident was posted and the DMs between OP of the doc and Micky.
The conversation is way more than enough proof to me that she's never changing. She might get worse honestly.
Also, I hope someone else makes a better, far more detailed document. There are all these threads with info. The earlier ones have archived links in them too. It would likely make more people speak up on shit that happened that wasn't documented here too.
No. 144857
>>144850>>144852>>144853>>144854"But but anon, she's changed, she's a new person! She's for real this time!"
Lmao. Holy god why is it so hard to just own up for being a shitty person, you'll get 100x more likable probably actual support showing initiative in being a better person.
No. 144859
File: 1618158115993.jpg (864.49 KB, 972x3230, Screenshot_20210411-121536_Doc…)

Gonna post the skirt incident now. It's mainly just the DM. Micky acts the same there too.
>>144857Seriously, all she has to do is acknowledge all that's she done to others and sincerely apologize for it. That "trauma" shit can stay personal. Nobody needs to know it. Even though it's all mostly bullshit to excuse her behavior and avoid growing.
No. 144860
>>144854Mucky: "I do not condone graphic material involving children."
Also Mucky: "I'm going to pedobait, my tumblr is full of pedo material and I dress like an underage asian school girl during my virtualpetzz days."
No. 144861
File: 1618158257243.jpg (406.66 KB, 972x2512, Screenshot_20210411-121617_Doc…)

>>144859>>144858What's even wilder is that she let a pedo into the group she was modding and blocked people told her about it. She's gross af.
No. 144862
File: 1618158379693.jpg (398.28 KB, 967x2386, Screenshot_20210411-121640_Doc…)

>>144861>>144859>>144860Don't forget she went on 4chan and posted her own CP several times too. With time stamps! I swear she's vile.
No. 144870
File: 1618159419570.jpg (114.32 KB, 1079x744, Screenshot_20210411-115552_Sam…)

>>144763What's with her manlet simp need to get in a physical altercation with women? Also, why isn't questioning his partner about her pedo behavior and her
abusive acts towards her mother?? Dude has bis priorities fucked up.
No. 144872
File: 1618159865459.jpg (763.56 KB, 1063x1639, Screenshot_20210411-124821_Dep…)

>>144871For real. Oh, I found the seller Micky originally bought that skirt from and the seller even says it's a Medium. So Micky knew, she was just in the mood to scam.
Also, didn't she scam people on her Kawaii Black Girls page with a contest and never gave the winner anything she listed?
No. 144883
>>144763>>144870It looks like her simp deleted his status. Doesn't change the fact he wants to beat up women for pointing out his girlfriend is a fucking
abusive pedo.
Also makes me wonder if he's been looking at these threads. If so, dude, you need stop defending Micky and dump her. You're only making yourself look stupid. Oh, and get tested.
No. 144892
>>144883This lol.
Xavier, my guy..I know you're entranced by her bellybutton level tits and fake personality, she's not worth it. The fact you deleted your status proves you know the blowback will be real. There's a reason you didn't "land a catch" and rather reeled in what no one else rightfully wanted.
Mucky, just admit you're a piece of shit, move on and people will like you more.
No. 144920
File: 1618179230081.jpg (174.83 KB, 1079x661, Screenshot_20210411-155621_Sam…)

>>144739They still haven't turned on the comments, which comes off as cowardly. People should be able to vent about Micky's dumb ass.
No. 144976
File: 1618242974051.jpg (123.39 KB, 1080x548, Screenshot_20210412-115523_Twi…)

So it looks like she's still posting on her Twitter. Wonder what else she's tweeted while protected. Also makes me wonder if she has a secret Facebook or Tumblr that she's using right now.
No. 145128
File: 1618324596425.jpg (157.83 KB, 1079x720, Screenshot_20210413-103254_Sam…)

What's up with this Callie chick? Is she like best friends with Micky? Cause she been absolutely silent and the mods in Kei Club won't turn comments on for Micky's post without her saying anything.
Also, has Micky mentioned anything about recent events on her Insta or Twitter? Or is she still ignoring it all?
No. 145129
File: 1618324649978.png (11.55 KB, 603x125, muckymindsetlol.png)

>>144996Easier to ignore and pretend you're safe.
>>145128She has not, she's going on like nothing happened and retweeting stuff like this.
No. 145373
File: 1618446874631.jpg (190.33 KB, 828x1472, 173254024_1763179803890737_775…)

So her Twitter and Instagram are public again. Her Facebook is still gone though. Likely using a different account now.
No. 145601
File: 1618587798092.jpg (111.6 KB, 1079x548, Screenshot_20210416-114252_Twi…)

Yeah, I highly doubt that, Micky. You waste all your money on bullshit and leave bills in other people's names.
No. 145670
File: 1618631028230.jpg (405 KB, 1079x2075, Screenshot_20210416-234209_Sam…)

I wonder what made her share this to her Instagram story. Especially when we all know she the one who skinwalks others.
No. 145686
File: 1618669388405.png (16.78 KB, 601x197, dumbbitch.png)

She says this..while telling her followers to spam people she hate and discords and lolcow with gore hentai and literally roleplay as a asian middleschooler in most of her porn.
No. 145688
File: 1618670345592.jpg (583.65 KB, 1080x1796, Screenshot_20210417-103604_Twi…)

Here Micky goes with the lies again! She neglects telling her followers how she lied to everyone about her age. She also still neglects to speak on how she sent some the people she told this lie, CP. Knowing that it's illegal.
No. 145689
File: 1618670690023.jpg (521.86 KB, 1079x1587, Screenshot_20210417-104050_Twi…)>>145688This never happened either. In fact, she was the one doing the slut shaming and still lying about her age. This was also when she was trying to get the other actual adults around her to bully Amina. Including one of the other maids.
But I'm sure if she admitted to any of that, she wouldn't be able to get any
victim points. She'd had to own up to being a piece of shit from the beginning, and that's not her thing.
No. 145690
File: 1618671016324.jpg (154.33 KB, 1079x722, Screenshot_20210417-104633_Twi…)

Micky, you do not have CPTSD. At all. Stop using others illnesses and trauma as your own to fry absolve yourself from the bullshit you've done.
Also, you sat on fat, smelly ass and made fun of someone experiencing a miscarriage, someone else who experienced rape/sexual assault, and another being bullied into near suicide. So don't speak this bullshit now.
No. 145733
File: 1618696627403.jpg (199.46 KB, 1079x789, Screenshot_20210417-175534_Twi…)

>>145690And now she's back to suddenly having bipolar disorder
and BPD. Lol The bullshit never ends with her.
No. 145765
File: 1618711993618.jpg (1.42 MB, 2560x1920, 21-04-17-22-10-14-149_deco.jpg)

>>145760She trying really hard to push the whole "I'm soooo mental ill omg" bit so people won't try to hold her accountable for anything. Oh, and for TikTok clout. Which will definitely blow up in her face. No. 145965
File: 1618838565047.png (15.28 KB, 600x161, dumbassbitch.png)

Of course she defends Titty Twitch Streamers because she wants to be one. She's always flipflop on her "morals" because she's the one who leaks her own nudes and still passing them out to this day.
No. 145982
File: 1618847185905.jpg (655.99 KB, 1079x1745, Screenshot_20210419-062112_Twi…)

Sorry, accidentally deleted the post.
>>145965But yeah, it's not surprising she wants to be one. She gonna be crushed when her shit get shutdown though because she's not a thin white girl. The Twitch mods seem to simp for those girls. Micky is fat black chick. She also has zero personality so even if she managed to avoid a ban or deletion, she wouldn't get many views. Hell, she's likely to get bombarded by all the people who have read that document and want answers.
No. 146003
File: 1618866033020.jpg (130.03 KB, 1079x666, Screenshot_20210419-165701_Twi…)

Micky's just trying to poorly cover her tracks and manipulate people into thinking the accounts she listed on there prior weren't hers. She's not slick at all.
No. 146004
File: 1618866645889.jpg (307.7 KB, 1078x1666, Screenshot_20210419-170405_Sam…)

Somebody else made a post about Micky on Facebook now. It's mostly what's talked about in the document.
No. 146005
File: 1618866908770.jpg (244.2 KB, 972x2355, Screenshot_20210419-170333_Sam…)

>>146004Here's a comment about how Micky tried to claim that the person was lying about having an eating disorder.
I censored the name of OP and the person commenting so Micky wouldn't try to sick her simp on them or stalk them herself to subtweet.
No. 146006
File: 1618867192708.png (32.41 KB, 601x367, missedthepoint.png)

No surprise this dumb bitch missed the point, and "pokimane" being labeled a wholesome streamer is fucking hilarious in its own right.
No. 146053
File: 1618916861275.jpg (887.52 KB, 1078x1836, Screenshot_20210420-070352_Ins…)

Them doing this is gonna blow up in their faces once they find out about all the bullshit Micky's been involved in.
No. 146054
File: 1618916939917.jpg (889.18 KB, 1078x1803, Screenshot_20210420-070507_Ins…)

>>146053Seriously, there are far better and less
toxic people they could have reached out to do this with.
No. 146555
File: 1619144289577.jpg (154.16 KB, 1080x1920, 176130220_153801243333459_1216…)

Micky, you knew damn well what was going to happen and posted it anyway. Just admit you live off of drama and causing unnecessary issues.
No. 146723
>>146565If she would be honest with herself about her size she could easily just buy plus size clothes on ThreadUp or some shit like that. That's an ethical way that isn't too pricy.
Honestly though, why the fuck does this matter to her? She blows her more Demonia shoes and overpriced poorly made shit on AliExpress. She really shouldn't be talking at all.
No. 147113
File: 1619390067323.jpg (142.1 KB, 1080x1920, 177067200_324522072351750_6308…)

Micky needs to realize that physical thrift stores exists. If you're poor, you can deadass hit up a local thrift store and so fucking for so little. Especially if you pay attention to any sales happening. Hell, shopping in clearance at stores at the mall ain't too bad either. Shit, you can even hit up people you know and see if they're willing to donate some clothes. It's not hard at all. Micky just doesn't want to face that fact because she's shit at shopping smart and taking care of her clothes.
No. 147893
File: 1619751937194.jpg (585.43 KB, 1079x1531, Screenshot_20210429-230350_Twi…)

Micky, you know damn well you ain't built like Sonico, at all.
No. 147934
File: 1619765793325.jpg (27.23 KB, 551x662, Td9jON8.jpg)

>>147905This delusional bitch is built like legs go all the way up Griffin
No. 147983
File: 1619789944204.png (Spoiler Image,278.85 KB, 402x395, flatasstits.png)

>>147979Least she isn't wrong about the tits..except even on the sonico model it still has a semblance of a shape..mucky is just a fridge with tits. Bonus, she seems to have deleted the tweet lol.
No. 148494
File: 1620068837769.jpg (172.05 KB, 1079x853, Screenshot_20210502-132409_Twi…)

I wonder how awful her streams are gonna be this time around.
No. 148784
File: 1620241328799.jpeg (159.54 KB, 540x960, BF04803F-6382-433A-83E1-447A9E…)

Micky has been removed from kei club and the group will now be deleted.
No. 149094
File: 1620396691589.jpg (388.96 KB, 1079x1904, Screenshot_20210507-100927_Twi…) wonder how long this will last and which of her bf's "friends" she'll end up cheating on him with.
No. 149096
File: 1620397205500.jpg (Spoiler Image,746.84 KB, 971x1815, Screenshot_20210507-101524_Twi…)

>>149094She looks so stiff and awkward. The granny glasses with the drag makeup doesn't help either. No. 149158
File: 1620418753363.jpg (202.55 KB, 1079x788, Screenshot_20210507-161655_Twi…) she goes again pushing that child abuse lie. Guess she's looking to start the cycle over soon than we thought.
No. 149324
File: 1620538394347.jpg (702.41 KB, 972x1825, Screenshot_20210509-013004_Twi…)

Micky is now bandwagoning being a fae to gain followers. It's insulting how little effort she put in when compared to some of fhe girls she's retweeted. Makes it real obvious how little she genuinely cares about it and how she was just looking for an easy way to gain followers.
No. 149331
>>149324its not an easy way to gain followers
she is a bandwagon hoe. she does whatever is trendy whatever everyone else is doing.
No. 149345
>>149324Everyone else is putting out effort into their stuff for Fae Day and the results look amazing
Meanwhile this hog is doesn’t even try at all and looks like a sloppy mess
No. 149373
File: 1620595667978.jpg (151.38 KB, 1079x727, Screenshot_20210509-172647_Twi…) bye. If you honestly loved your mama you wouldn't have abused her and then bragged about it like it's cute.
No. 149388
>>149377"Fuck you mood" lol..Don't like being called out on your BS?
>>149386My head is fine, thank you lol.
>>149383That she did. She always circles back to abuse when she has nothing else going on in her life.
No. 149913
File: 1620943948623.jpg (414.1 KB, 1079x1081, Screenshot_20210513-180325_Twi…)

>You cannot bait pedophiles
Chris Hansen would certainly disagree with that statement. The amount of gross ass pedos he's tricked by getting a 19 or 20 something decoy to slap on a wig and a baby voice is astounding.
No. 150034
File: 1621024151801.jpg (274.32 KB, 1079x991, Screenshot_20210514-162750_Twi…)

>>149971Exactly and here she neglects, as always, to mention that she was the one approaching grown men and lying about being an adult to spread her CP more. Even in /soc/ and /b/ on 4chan.
No. 150037
>>149913>>150034The men who go after older looking teens are more interested in taking advantage of their lack of experience rather than the fact they "look young", still pedophiles absolutely, but a different breed. The pedos who specifically go after "barely legal loli" types are still pedos just skirting the line. They actively seek out girls who look underage. Pandering by wearing children's clothes, underwear, ageplaying, etc. is obviously pedo-baiting.
Micky is out here buddying up with girls like Shayna and Himeka/Angela too. Angela straight up admitted to being a pedo? Shayna constantly does disturbing ageplay clips? Like, you really aren't fooling anyone Micky, birds of a feather.
No. 150083
File: 1621048715328.png (114.96 KB, 587x480, 111.png)

she pretends she doesn't shut people up when she gets asked where her things come from lmao
No. 150084
File: 1621048761868.png (19.64 KB, 599x178, 111.png)

>nobody talks about the good things you did
because she never does anything that might be considered "good"
No. 150610
File: 1621302992337.jpg (Spoiler Image,445.15 KB, 1079x1680, Screenshot_20210517-215232_Twi…)

Guess she's trying to appeal to the edgy crowd. Wonder who she stole this idea from. No. 150735
File: 1621378750303.jpg (158.91 KB, 1079x753, Screenshot_20210518-185631_Twi…)'s coming off as very, very try hard with all of this. I really wonder who she's copying because she didn't talk about any of this before nor did it seem like she cared.
No. 152700
File: 1621956297653.jpg (399.43 KB, 1079x1833, Screenshot_20210525-112308_Sam…)

Looks like Micky changed her name again. It's back to Kumicky Moon. Wonder if she did that to try and hide from any criticism. It also looks like her simp deleted his Facebook. Guess he realized talking about beating up women for his abusive pedo gf wasn't a good look.
No. 152808
File: 1621999396084.jpg (500.13 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20210525-231335_Twi…) really needs to put some actual effort into her pics. Especially if she wants make good money from this.
>he was getting huge backlashReally? All I saw was his friends agreeing and laughing with him. You got any screenshots?
No. 152924
File: 1622050887783.jpg (376.57 KB, 1079x1351, Screenshot_20210526-134059_Twi…)

This is going to be an awful video
No. 152963
File: 1622062039828.png (1.47 KB, 306x57, oldname.png)

Looks like she's definitely trying to get her old Sex Work and Old names going again.
No. 153029
File: 1622092143952.jpg (329.54 KB, 968x2406, Screenshot_20210527-005822_Twi…) really sharing a bullshit tweet like it's facts. Why am I not surprised?
>>152974>The least she can do is be a drama slut and own it.She'll never do that because then she can't play
victim and get people to try and hate the people she doesn't like.
No. 153177
File: 1622153257028.jpg (250.08 KB, 1079x987, Screenshot_20210527-180200_Twi…) need her to understand that people with a smoking fetish like to watch and support those who solely smoke cigarettes and/or cigars. Also, it seems to be filled with leather daddies and leather mommies and shit like that. She's way out her element with that shit.
No. 153359
>>153255I mean, this
is the same girl that admitted to not liking the smell of clean clothes, cried when her parents made her clean her room, smokes using dirty ass bong water, and sold clothes that has piss stains on them and smelled awful. Don't be shook now and don't expect her to properly bathe herself anytime soon.
No. 153411
>>152700>>152710She always goes heavy into SW when she's single. We sure the manlet is still in the picture?
>>153177Is she using OF? Watch her get banned for posting smoking vids and clips. kek
No. 153543
File: 1622362253600.jpg (Spoiler Image,481.59 KB, 1079x1741, Screenshot_20210530-040239_Twi…) we go again with this shit. She's trying to the hardcore kinksters' money. Doubt it'll work though.
No. 153582
File: 1622390064011.jpg (212.8 KB, 1079x783, Screenshot_20210530-114836_Twi…)'m calling bullshit on this considering we know she doesn't do any general up keep with her clothes and how shitty she was to the last person who purchased from her.
No. 153584
File: 1622390400255.jpg (311.64 KB, 1079x1105, Screenshot_20210530-115054_Twi…) really can't imagine letting someone as unskilled as Micky, braid my hair. Especially if it's going to be box braids. She needs to focus on doing her own hair and practicing various styles that way before trying to take on clients. Box braids take too damn long (and be pretty expensive depending on size and length) for someone to be giving you janky ass braids for woke points and clout.
No. 153627
abusive boyfriend doesn't support my sex work!! buy my musty porn so I can leave him!!" saga coming soon
No. 153717
File: 1622485490661.jpeg (102.92 KB, 1080x1920, download (1).jpeg)

Micky posted to her story and I find it hilarious that she thinks this applies to her in any way, shape or form.
No. 154335
File: 1622773096432.jpg (82.16 KB, 1080x1920, instagram_story_h3llokittyhotg…)

That hairstyle looks better on her than her braids. Also, good lord, she is poorly built. I wonder if she would look better if she started dressing in way that fits her body type.
No. 154925
File: 1623088470272.png (18.65 KB, 598x316,…)

This chick really thinks she's at a point someone would buy these, let alone "forget" about a an insanely popular market. We get it, you're trying to weasel into fetish markets to later bitch about men who approach you, just be real and say you want to sell your nasty underwear lol.
No. 154951
File: 1623102568846.jpg (346.02 KB, 1079x899, Screenshot_20210607-174213_Twi…)
>calls self a music elitist
>"happy hardcore" (why the air quotes? The genre is older than her)
>calls Eurobeat "ddr music"
>refers to Aqua as "bubblegum dance" and not just EuropopIf she's gonna play the elitist card she could at least say the correct genres. She would also realize that DDR has songs from various genres. Also, the tattoo idea is cringe as hell.
No. 154952
File: 1623103359180.jpg (854.7 KB, 1079x1926, Screenshot_20210607-180042_Chr…)

Looks like Micky found a new vict–oops–I mean friend. Wonder how long this will last. Lol
No. 154971
File: 1623117722960.jpg (602.19 KB, 1079x1803, Screenshot_20210607-175546_Ins…)

She looks like a whole dumpy drag queen in this tiktok. Goddamn.
No. 155219
File: 1623283681047.jpg (680.6 KB, 1079x1772, Screenshot_20210608-213940_Ins…)

God her tik toks are awful.
>>155173Which is wild bc most of time the girl is prettier than her. Also can't wait for her to start skinwalking this chick and then sleep with whatever partner that girl has. Gonna be a wild ride.
No. 155222
File: 1623283907086.jpg (148.62 KB, 1079x727, Screenshot_20210608-215656_Twi…)

Yet, you're not too shy to show yourself pretend to get off with a kitchen knife and show your gross naked body to strangers? Sure, Micky.
No. 155449
File: 1623362947682.jpg (456.8 KB, 1079x1503, Screenshot_20210610-180744_Twi…)

>bpd bipolar anthem
I'm really gonna need her to understand that being wishy-washy is not the same as having a personality disorder or being bipolar. Nor are those two conditions similar.
No. 155679
File: 1623563166327.jpg (251.13 KB, 1079x914, Screenshot_20210612-182228_Twi…)

If that happens, I hope they immediately ban Micky.
No. 156547
File: 1624116317745.jpg (520.33 KB, 1079x1592, Screenshot_20210619-110734_Twi…) seems to be completely ignoring the fact these girls are also flashing their coochie at potentially underage viewers. Not to mention one girl doing straight up weird fetish shit by farting into the microphone. That shit is trifling and should only be on 18+ sites. Not shit like Twitch.
Though, I'm sure Micky is defending this fuckery because she wants to make money the same way.
No. 157150
File: 1624556449781.jpg (635.07 KB, 1079x1786, Screenshot_20210623-211611_Twi…)

She needs to realize that black alt people have also worn cyber locs. So her post is pointless.
No. 158088
File: 1625088760053.jpg (316.04 KB, 1079x1055, Screenshot_20210630-172839_Twi…)

No. 158363
>>158088She sure as hell acts like Trisha….
Come to think of it, they do really kinda look similar….
No. 158426
File: 1625258416676.jpg (111.36 KB, 640x1138, 1nCnNd4ozD.jpg)

I wonder what made her do that. Is she about to copy someone?
No. 158427
File: 1625258870298.jpg (452.38 KB, 1080x1615, Screenshot_20210702-164457_Twi…)

Pretty sure anyone caught using any form of drugs can be banned. Xan included.
No. 159789
File: 1625864536296.png (1.75 MB, 1165x2048, twitch.png)

No. 160088
File: 1626010837742.jpg (783.36 KB, 1080x1830, Screenshot_20210711-091958_Twi…)

What's the point of her editing her face when she knows she's going to be streaming?
Also, her stream was really dull. She comes across as someone who's genuinely boring and dull to talk to irl and so she compensates by making her appearance very "eccentric".
No. 160556
File: 1626139015240.png (23.15 KB, 598x341, Porn Saga Continues.png)

Looks like some people have been inflating her ego and she's gonna try selling her crusty lewds or nudes again. Wonder who the simps are
No. 160592
File: 1626150800993.jpg (227.95 KB, 1079x1045, Screenshot_20210713-002620_Twi…)

Weird she quoted this tweet when most of her pics are heavily edited.
>>160557This reads like she's gonna give up on doing "sex work" soon. Lol
>>160580Yeah, that outfit looked like it didn't really fit. Gave her a bloated look. She also said that the apartment is hers and so is the car. Though, I highly doubt that. I'm pretty sure that both of those things belong to her boyfriend. It's gonna be hilarious seeing her explain why she doesn't have the car and apartment anymore when they finally breakup.
No. 160596
File: 1626151149841.jpg (Spoiler Image,755.59 KB, 1079x2160, Screenshot_20210713-003520_Twi…)

God, this clip was cringe. Also, it's hilarious seeing her with the typical Snow filter dorito chin.
I can already see Patreon not working out for her. Especially since her content is cringe, dull, and low quality.
No. 160597
>>160594Don't forget her lying about her boyfriend either being
abusive or cheating on her. Or both.
No. 160710
File: 1626202441838.jpg (1 MB, 965x3268, Screenshot_20210713-144902_Twi…)

Micky intruding on a subject that has nothing to do with her because she needs "oppression points" and asspats is annoying. Also, funny how she seems to suddenly forget that she purposely always has her chest pushed up and out. Even when she was underage, which was fucking creepy as all fuck. Pretty sure if she wore clothes that fit, covered her chest, and didn't push this whole "teehee hypersexual bimbo" nonsense, she wouldn't have to deal with any issues.
No. 160978
File: 1626314714598.jpg (284.03 KB, 1079x1098, Screenshot_20210714-215709_Twi…) she would say any of this when she's bullied and harassed mostly girls. All of which stemmed from her being weirdly jealous of them. Which was likely because they got attention that she feels only she should be getting. Of course, if she were to actually admit any of that, she would lose the attention she craves, so she's just gonna stay playing the
victim and lying to her idiot followers.
No. 160980
File: 1626314888748.jpg (629.96 KB, 1079x1419, Screenshot_20210714-215746_Twi…)

I wonder if she'll sperg about being a "victim" on this stream because of the previously tweet.
No. 161041
File: 1626347844155.jpg (153.7 KB, 1079x749, Screenshot_20210715-013643_Twi…)

>>161015Seems she completely forgot about that. I'm sure she'll suddenly remember once she checks here again as usual.
Pic unrelated, but I wonder why she made this tweet. Trying to garner some asspats for an upcoming lie? I feel like that's what's about to happen and she's about to wrongfully drag someone's name through the mud.
No. 161048
>>161015Remember anon, she's NEVER at fault and can do no wrong. Just like how its MEN who are evil and FORCED her to post her nudes on 4chan and spread them everywhere and how she stuck pens in her ass because she didn't want to and how she signed up for numerous sugerbaby and nude sharing sites because of men and having trust issues with other women!
>>161021Okay micky lol.
>>161041Outside of her streams not going well who knows with this chick.
No. 161167
File: 1626389805692.jpg (869.85 KB, 971x2108, Screenshot_20210715-185221_Twi…)

Micky can't talk shit when most of her dates consist of sitting a low quality fast food joint, stuffing her face with food or just shopping. Like, girl, you don't have any right to judge at all.
No. 161173
File: 1626390620685.jpeg (213.3 KB, 1125x992, 1558241301082.jpeg)

>>161015anon you don't understand it was like an irl hentai to her
No. 161199
>>161173Sometimes I wish people would show her shit like this when she plays
No. 161201
File: 1626403041948.jpg (935.31 KB, 967x2999, Screenshot_20210715-223333_Twi…)

Was checking to see if anyone else made an attempt to alert people to how shit Micky is and found out the girl who called her out a few months back was contacted by Micky. Micky lied and said she wanted talk with her over the phone about everything then blocked her the day the chat was supposed to happen. What fucking slimeball.
No. 161427
File: 1626468526454.jpg (556.01 KB, 969x2149, Screenshot_20210716-164414_Twi…), typical out of context screenshot from Micky. Gotta build up them
victim points before the fall, yeah?
No. 161435
File: 1626470831371.jpeg (Spoiler Image,409.51 KB, 2048x2048, E5kgX7JWQAIh8x1.jpeg)

Big booty? Sure Jan.
No. 161463
File: 1626478522251.png (10.45 KB, 597x97, Nooneislyingmucky.png)

>>161427Exactly what she's doing, because she seen the post here calling her out, also this.
Ironic she posts this after someone posts about her bs earlier today.
No. 161492
File: 1626482102312.jpg (320.86 KB, 1080x1178, Screenshot_20210716-203014_Twi…)

>>161427Lol She deleted the tweet. Anyone gonna bite the bullet and watch her stream?
No. 161538
>>161537>>161535Just because you're simping hard for her now that she's selling nudes again doesn't mean you need to defend her. She's proven she is NOT changing and WILL NOT CHANGE.
What cow has 17 threads if they were a good person? What cow is constantly called out because they don't and will not ever change? This isn't the place for white knighting, you clearly are someone new buying her nudes or fell for her bullshit, literally go back and read the last 16 threads and educate yourself.
No. 161619
>>161542I'm 99% that this was either her boyfriend or herself. Pathetic either way.
>>161511Just know she does this for 3 fucking hours.
>>161508>she's a poor entertainerHard agree. Her audience had to be the ones to carry on conversation because all she was doing was talking about Animal Crossing and decorating. Would have been better if she talked about other random shit. Also, it shouldn't be 3 hours long. It's not enough action or talking for all that.
No. 161736
File: 1626542897955.jpg (387.36 KB, 1080x1113, Screenshot_20210717-132604_Twi…)

>>161726Not surprising considering she posted picrel. Funny she thinks posting CP, threatening suicide, doxxing, harassment, and bullying are "simple mistakes". Those are far from it, though. They're genuinely all illegal.
No. 161746
>>161740Says the dumbass who is anonymous.
>>161741If this is her really her boyfriend,he's just as gross for defending her despite their being multiple threads with archived links and screenshots. Like, we don't need to bullshit. She makes an ass of herself on her own.
No. 161865
File: 1626559881536.jpeg (311.55 KB, 827x1356, 379BC9D4-3821-4741-AC85-18DE0D…)

Guessing it’s micky or her bestie spamming
No. 162148
>>162124It was the pedo ex. He fingered her at a McDonald's they were eating at. She made a tweet about it. I think it's posted in the first or second thread.
>>162126>>162127The pic of her eating fries in the McDonald's was different dude. She didn't have sex with that guy, but I do remember her trying to label him as a pedo for being friends with her and talking shit about his daughter on one of her old Facebook accounts. She got shittied on by the whole local community for it.
No. 162258
File: 1626624832875.jpg (1.42 MB, 2560x1920, 21-07-18-12-08-09-949_deco.jpg)

>>161865God, she looks so busted. Like, even compared to her friend. She's looking like a middle aged compulsive smoker lady who gambles away her paychecks at the local casino.
No. 162400
File: 1626649811385.jpg (31.65 KB, 800x176, 1425635489078.jpg)

>>162124Had to do some digging but I believe you're referring to this tweet.
No. 162409
>>162278She is because that's basically 2 different people in this pic haha.
>>162400Yep that's correct.
No. 162699
File: 1626757023710.jpg (598.46 KB, 971x1921, Screenshot_20210720-005440_Twi…)
>food trauma God, that shit is a spit in the face of people who experience truly traumatic events. People eating your shit maybe aggravating, but it's extremely far from traumatic.
No. 162711
>>162699food insecurity is real and can be common in
abusive situations but Micky literally only ever talks about this scenario with the cake lol. and pretty sure last time the story was her bf made her the cake too? unless oh no, every cake she's ever been given she's never been able to gorge herself on the whole thing all alone
and yeah Micky, when I had a whole leftover birthday cake in the fridge for days sometimes my parents had some. sometimes without asking, shocker. once in a while it was annoying, but please stop acting like you were some battered child because your parents at your birthday cake, when you were the one beating your mother
No. 162742
File: 1626776163104.jpg (555.89 KB, 807x1874, 1597337280709.jpg)

>>162711She had two cakes. Her bf made her one and she gorged herself on that. She was gonna gorged herself on a fucking sheet cake too. It was really far from
abusive, this lard ass was just being grossly greedy.
It's wild she tried to paint this as being forced to starve. Micky could have easily just bought herself a cake. Though, doing that would ruin the ability to get undeserved asspats from her braindead following.
No. 162996
File: 1626875256834.jpg (Spoiler Image,317.4 KB, 2048x2048, what ass lol.jpg)

Her ass is just…so fucking flat lol, she has like no body shape whatsoever. Whoever is buying her crusty nudes must really not know who this chick is.
No. 163081
File: 1626903348090.jpg (852.21 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20210721-142242_Ins…)

I see her manlet bf took cues from Shatna's Fupapa with the dainty gloves
No. 163082
File: 1626903377787.jpg (231.83 KB, 1080x1287, 20210721_142314.jpg)

No. 163131
File: 1626911401349.jpg (50.91 KB, 999x1000, 51lON8OYZmL._AC_UL1000_.jpg)

>>163081>>163082kek, the bulk disposable latex gloves to handle his hambeast. very sexy
No. 163170
File: 1626918620232.jpg (628.72 KB, 971x1764, Screenshot_20210721-202042_Twi…), she probably had them turned off so people wouldn't expose her in the comments.
No. 163282
File: 1626975034548.jpeg (524.04 KB, 828x1332, AC73E8EE-5C2B-4E04-BFF1-A2810B…)

>>152924she made her goal, can’t wait to see this shitshow
No. 163750
File: 1627092987834.jpg (667.33 KB, 965x2355, Screenshot_20210723-221155_Twi…)

She could easily work out at home and eat better but no, she rather claim to have an ED. Sickening.
No. 163874
File: 1627146496945.jpg (601.29 KB, 971x2043, Screenshot_20210724-130308_Twi…)

>>163786She also keeps spitting this bullshit about SW being harder because she's black and fat but there's plenty of women like her that are thriving from SW. She just doesn't want to admit to herself that her content is low quality trash compared to others out there. Like, if she truly put some effort into making her shit look presentable and professional, she'd be making plenty of money. Even Himeka is doing better than her. She should stick to regular work.
No. 163880
>>163874Shes probably just mad she's not getting a ton of buyers. It has to do with her SHIT PERSONALITY, LAZINESS AND THE FACT NO ONE LIKES HER. Like there's literally tons of black, and fat and black chicks who do even shit, pegging and vomit porn these days, if they can make a killing it's not the industry.
If anything black chicks are making up a more significant number of onlyfans creators now. Just from reviewing the times she did do sex work:
1. She isn't open to suggestions or custom content (she scams)
2. She's a fucking fridge.
3. She claims she's a "chubby alternate fetish model" but does no fetish content.
4. Her quality is shit, my phone back in 2001 took better pictures and videos and that was the advent of camera phones.
5. She runs away the second she actually starts getting custom requests.
6. She says on twitter she'll never do nude, no one is paying you for underwear pics or lewd cosplay when people offer the full package.
She has to face facts, she's the problem and always will be. I know she lurks here so maybe she'll take the advice to either stop being a shit person (lol never) or MAKE YOUR SHIT PRESENTABLE AND MAYBE PEOPLE WILL WANT TO BUY FROM YOU!
No. 164054
File: 1627227362569.jpg (839.01 KB, 969x2429, Screenshot_20210725-113045_Twi…)

>>164053Like, look at how you're built. You have zero shape to you. You still have a linebacker body. You got fatter, that's it.
No. 164055
File: 1627227509869.jpg (516.71 KB, 1079x1396, Screenshot_20210725-113134_Twi…)

>>164054 highly doubt any one is looking at you for the reason you think, Micky. You're poorly dressed and badly built. People are in awe because of how unfortunate you look.
No. 164058
>>164055Throw in what we seen here:
>>161865>>162258vs heavy filter use, that also should give an idea why someone would turn their head. "What the fuck is this?"
No. 164236
File: 1627315491156.jpg (506.34 KB, 971x2068, Screenshot_20210726-120235_Twi…) she can't twerk nor does she have any rhythm. How embarrassing.
No. 164373
File: 1627377477325.jpeg (154.76 KB, 1125x879, 2FB80D3A-E92D-4E09-931F-04F526…)

>>164236Bless her heart she tried
No. 164489
File: 1627415996522.jpg (427.95 KB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20210727-155650_Twi…)'m 100% sure she already fucked said dude. Probably had a a threesome with him as well. Just wondering how everyone will find out.
No. 164492
File: 1627416200224.jpg (350.49 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_20210727-155731_Twi…) is gonna crash and burn like her last Discord. Can't wait to see what girl she gets jealous of and tries to bully this time around.
No. 164695
>>164682Like last time she'll:
1. Block men when its OBVIOUS you're a dude.
2. She'll shut it down if a girl gets more attention than her, especially cuz unlike mucky, other SWers rather or not their intention, will gladly show off if there's any 18+ or NSFW channels while mucky is "Refusing to do nude or actual sex work" and basically get one upped in every aspect.
3. Bitch and complain men are trash then go back into hiding.
No. 164915
File: 1627567434060.jpg (503.44 KB, 1079x1660, Screenshot_20210729-100122_Twi…) of her to say this when she was one the people who would talk about Dakota. She's also obsessively posted and talked about Amina.
No. 165110
File: 1627660703631.png (39.44 KB, 600x391, Projecting1.png)

Look who's been lurking and got a reminder. So looks like she's probably revving up to play victim incase her simps discover these threads.
No. 165146
>>165110 link to archive
Funny she says that because she got caught using that site herself. She even posted an hour long livestream Amina did. Matter of fact, she was the one who started that thread and posted in it the most until she got caught. Then tried to lie and say it wasn't her.
No. 166055
File: 1628002337032.jpg (716.32 KB, 971x2483, Screenshot_20210803-075430_Twi…) barely puts out decent content and she expects gifts? Fuck that noise. She needs to do better before begging like an idiot.
No. 166074
File: 1628009117464.jpg (264.36 KB, 1079x1152, Screenshot_20210803-075638_Twi…)'s with her response? The responses under OP's original tweet are people being nice and encouraging even if they did misinterpret what was posted.
No. 166094
File: 1628016249463.png (347.29 KB, 598x818, Youhaveabfforshit.png)

>>166055She's still begging, like chill I doubt anyone is buying your content, why would they spoil you?
>>166074Trying to fit in probably lol
No. 166128
File: 1628025238728.jpg (2 MB, 2560x1920, 21-08-03-17-12-19-528_deco.jpg)'re trying waaay too hard and it's coming off as extremely cringe.
No. 166226
File: 1628077957483.png (615.44 KB, 515x920, lookwhoslurking.png)

>>166188It's a "style"
>>166217If its the same manlet that came here to defend her and on FB basically telling people they're the problem, not muckey, yes he's a shitty person. Also look who's been lurking this morning.
No. 166234
File: 1628085196531.jpg (Spoiler Image,765.3 KB, 965x2042, Screenshot_20210804-094944_Twi…) really tried to make it look like she got hips. Girl, that pose and holding a lone butt cheek ain't working for you.
No. 166344
>>166333Yeah, he's only with her because she's quite literally a giant slut. Her sexual deviancy turns him on and makes him feel important and cool for "owning" that.
What a catch Micky
No. 166470
File: 1628261110155.png (28.9 KB, 600x490, shit.png)

I see she dropped the "Fetish model" part of her description, this chick really doesn't know what she's doing. Also I'm pretty sure no one is interested in her dropping her tits to the ground. No. 166635
File: 1628370088411.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 972x3465, Screenshot_20210807-165805_Twi…) wonder how long she'll run this scam before "taking a mental health break" and cheating on her boyfriend.
No. 166637
File: 1628370452524.png (95.9 KB, 356x792, Screenshot 2021-08-07 at 14-05…)

>>166636 have to give this chick 25-35 a month for her crusty low tier content..just to get anything she likely doesn't post on twitter.
No. 166675
>>166637>>166636Someone should compare this to a better nsfw content creator's tier list and see just how bullshit this is.
Also, $35 is pretty fucking high for it to have zero nudity or actual sex. Wonder if any of her braindead simps will take the bait.
No. 166697
>>166691I don't believe that anon is dictating anything, there is however such a thing as value. For example if you kept up with mucky and you see she's gonna sell her shit for $35 that includes 0 actual nudity and her already stating she will never do sex or "close-ups", do you think that's worth it compared to someone who offers way more including actual nudity and NSFW type content for less?
You seem oddly offended by that anon's logical suggestion though.
No. 166705
>>166704>forgot you guys in here hate logical realnessMeanwhile:
>>166675Was pretty logical and real? There's no hate comments, it's just I promise you even horny as fuck men wouldn't pay $35-45 for clothed pictures and "lewd" when they can get MUCH MORE for their money for even less. No one is saying she can't price her shit however much, the point is KNOWING her it's hilarious she's trying to charge that much. She always overpriced her stuff when she used to charge 45 for customs for the same content and had to take "mental health breaks" because she actually got requests.
So calm down, anon, no one is hating on her, we're simply commenting on the patented micky cycle lol.
No. 166743
File: 1628441500667.png (27.76 KB, 599x370, sure.png)

>>166737>>166739Might be why she said on twitter few days ago (now deleted) she chose patreon instead of onlyfans, because people have expectations if you do onlyfans even if you still do dumb shit like this, you ACTUALLY can post more nude/sexual stuff (for now anyway) on OF. She also still talks shit/has low opinion about men as seen here and wonders why she never succeeds at doing this.
No. 166798
>>166387And she’ll continue to get away with it since she switches names more than she does underwear and clothes….
I wish people could just see her for what she is. It’s low entertainment, but I actually kind of feel bad for the people she roped in at first.
No. 166841
File: 1628482068974.jpg (214.62 KB, 1080x1020, Screenshot_20210809-000615_Twi…) course this shit for brains liked that tweet. Really not sure what Emi saw in this shit stain.
No. 166847
File: 1628483121308.png (443.95 KB, 419x434, 3928y4u.png)

>>166635All that editing and she still couldn't bother to hide her sad excuse for edges.
>>166737I fully expect her to post to twitter bout how YT SWers have it sooo easy and that's definitely why her patreon flopped and not because she's trying to charge $35 for mediocre edits of her in the same few skimpy outfits.
No. 166871
>>166850She mentioned in a deleted tweet she didn't want to do Onlyfans or Manyvideos but instead of Patreon, this is because if she does OnlyFans people would expect nudity and/or Sex and she's making it a point on Twitter and Patreon to say: "NO NUDITY or SEX" so she's literally trying to charge people $35 for stuff she posts on Twitter.
>>166869Either browse the net or sub to her subpar patreon lol, I HIGHLY doubt anyone here actually bought and saved her videos the last 2 years.
No. 167050
File: 1628631600222.jpg (456.27 KB, 971x1738, Screenshot_20210810-125836_Twi…)

>>167020Yeah, she not gonna make any coin like this.
No. 167348
File: 1628799776193.jpg (289.84 KB, 1079x1078, Screenshot_20210812-161547_Twi…) once again showing she knows little to nothing about anime and its community. Most, if not all, take magical girl seriously and know it's similar to Shonen. Otherwise the genre would have died off in the 80s.
No. 167474
>>167348Literally no one thinks this…. Like
>>167379 men and women watch it (I’ll admit though, men watching magical schoolgirl animes are a tad sus and I’d put them on a list just in case….)
I swear to god, Micky is such a bad Pick Me
No. 167605
File: 1628943525473.jpg (505.81 KB, 972x1748, Screenshot_20210814-081112_Twi…), people have you blocked to prevent your
toxic, shitty ass from entering, and potentially, ruining their lives. Nobody wants to deal with your bullshit besides brainless simps and other
toxic girls you call "besties".
No. 167619
>>167348Wow what a revolutionary hot take that's factually accurate. Mucky is so intellectual.
Has she ever been actually involved in the anime community? The side that has more to offer than girls dressing up in sailor outfits and cat ears? The side where people discuss things?
No. 167623
>>167348Shes right though. Shoujo ai is always made fun of when shounen is extremely shallow and retarded. Magical girl animes are always shat on if its not sailor moon or madoka. Then again scrotes have the worst taste in anime.
Shoujo ai and josei get the most shit for no reason.
No. 167645
>>167623>shoujo ai>magical girlAnon, those are two completely different genres and both are liked by males. Hell, even some josei and shoujo can attract male fans.If it's well written and animated nicely, it's going to draw people of all kinds.
So again, Micky know shit all about the anime community and what's liked. She bases all her thoughts off former tumblr now Twitter users say. It's already known that crowd talks out their ass all the time.
>>167619Of course not, like I previously said, all she knows is tumblr bullshit and likely skims over wikis for shows that are popular. Otherwise she wouldn't spout this kind of stupidity.
No. 167666
>>167645Magical girl animes are shoujo ai many times and men hate anything that has a big female fandom. There is a lot of misogyny in anime circles and animes catered toward women or young girls are dismissed for no reason. Shounen is still seen as the standard besides half of it being garbage with shitty waifu female characters. I think thats what she meant.
Its the only thing shes ever said that isnt retarded. Other than that, her takes are autistic.
No. 167675
>>167666Nigga, shoujo ai is girl's love/yuri. A whole separate genre. Shoujo ai and magical girl are not same thing. And they aren't hated or dismissed by men. Take this dumbass thought process back to Tumblr.
>There is a lot of misogyny in anime circles and animes catered toward women or young girls are dismissed for no reasonBull-fucking-shit. You and Micky are smoking crack for honestly thinking this is fact.
No. 168147
>>168145Every guy she fucked or messed around with that left her
toxic ass. Every woman that called her out on her bullshit, and of course, Emi.
No. 168359
File: 1629347826309.jpg (186.17 KB, 1079x796, Screenshot_20210819-003413_Twi…)'t she get to this point last time and then freaked out when some rando on her sever got more attention than her? I wonder if she's gonna do that again.
No. 168420
File: 1629384807966.jpg (250.54 KB, 1079x1002, Screenshot_20210819-104818_Twi…) sure she deleted the first tweet, but why is she acting like she's so "traumatized" when was actively defending her ex and telling people for years to fuck off. Like, she knew it was wrong and fucked up, but still proceeded with it. On top of that, bullied and harassed another girl he groomed and physically abused for years because she had the audacity to warn her about this guy. This shit all falls on her. She made the active decision to go through with it all and not listen to anyone, as well as lie about her age for years as well. Not sure why she's trying to garner sympathy now.
No. 168585
>>168569"People dont want to pay up to $35 for my shitty content and already i'm gonna make an excuse."
lol classic micky.
No. 168587
File: 1629458217000.jpg (541.62 KB, 963x2038, Screenshot_20210820-071002_Twi…)

Of course she stupidly believe you can get traumatized by being kissed. This is so insulting to
victims of actual sexual assault. Though, I'm sure she doesn't care. She does what she can to always look like a
>>168585Now all that needs to happen is her cheating, getting exposed, and then "leaving" social media.
No. 168681
File: 1629509528697.jpg (788.35 KB, 972x2714, Screenshot_20210820-211545_Twi…) being totally fake aside, I highly doubt she'd do anything she tweeted. She'd most likely cry on social media about it, call them a bigot and beg for money.
No. 168763
File: 1629564991183.jpg (542.14 KB, 968x1996, Screenshot_20210821-125040_Twi…) bullied her for being fat, the fuck? People only told her that she needed to stop shooping her bodied and stop lying about being slim. She really needs to stop pushing this "helpless
victim" bullshit.
No. 168770
File: 1629567492250.jpg (96.96 KB, 1079x459, Screenshot_20210821-133615_Sam…)

Why is she acting like 18/19 year olds are minors? They're adults, they are fully capable of not drinking, doing drugs, and fucking or not. They don't need to be coddled.
No. 168971
File: 1629698459968.png (458.23 KB, 598x783, trash.png)

>>168918She got it back and immediately posted this trash lol crying over your tiktok being banned because you post this kinda shit, then get it back and go straight back to posting trash like this immediately.
No. 169002
File: 1629712184418.jpg (268.49 KB, 550x972, Screenshot_20210823-054724_Sam…)

>>168971I hope they genuinely ban her soon. Also, wild how her gut sticks out much further than her already non-existent ass does.
No. 169021
File: 1629728136585.png (355.81 KB, 322x521, tf.png)

>>168971The proportions are so funny wtf did she do
No. 169066
>>169021>>169002Part of me wonders if this was a preview from her patreon or something. Back when she did manyvids she always resold custom requests for cheaper and posted full shorter videos on tumblr/twitter to try to lure in more simps despite how she always on her shit about how men are trash in some way.
>The proportions are so funny wtf did she doShe just has NO figure whatsoever. Her tits reach her belly button, she has no ass she's shaped like a 70 year old drag queen.
No. 169089
File: 1629755968596.jpg (519.84 KB, 1079x1849, Screenshot_20210823-175110_Twi…) did she think that it would be ok to post a slight nsfw video on an all ages site that little ass kids frequent??? Sorry, but this bitch a lowkey pedo. I bet if the FBI raided her boyfriend's apartment and took all her devices you'd find CP.
No. 169129
File: 1629772929272.png (25 KB, 601x231, Nah.png)

She's probably back to buying followers again, she literally offers nothing no one would flood to her for. No. 169131
File: 1629773993710.jpg (300.25 KB, 1079x1140, Screenshot_20210823-224925_Twi…) fuck is she even going on about?
>>169129She 100% bought a bunch of followers. She's probably about to buy some more tonight or tomorrow. She's not slick.
No. 169133
>>169130"I say it's men, there could definitely be gross people of any gender but it's definitely men."
Gee, mucky, I wonder why no one wants to support your shitty lewd selling? Women ain't buying your shit or subbing to Onlyfans/Patreon/Fansly.
No. 169144
>>168772That's…not a good thing,
No. 169224
>>169193And of course, she deleted the tweet lmao
Micky, you dumbass, you were literally trying to show off your puss puss and pretend to give a bj then you upload the vid on an app where minors frequent at and I’m pretty sure you have some of them following you. How is it this hard for you to comprehend?
No. 169396
File: 1629901899116.jpg (369.25 KB, 1080x1442, Screenshot_20210825-102804_Twi…), so she's one of the ones that believe in "talking white/talking black" . That's such an ignorant mindset to have. Guess that would explain why she always tries to sound like she's from the hood. Woke racism is wild.
No. 169463
File: 1629928815058.png (24.55 KB, 598x218, refrigeratorlookingwhore.png)

Nothing milky, but I love the dynamic of her trying to get simps, pander to simps then brag about her boyfriend fucking her, like you even know how sex work works? You don't have a base that wants to pay to see you fuck.
No. 169465
File: 1629929078831.jpg (299.07 KB, 1080x1170, Screenshot_20210825-173337_Twi…) that she's trying to claim it's a coworker when, knowing her track record, it's definitely her.
No. 169497
File: 1629939456489.jpg (377 KB, 1080x1127, Screenshot_20210825-203929_Twi…)

Like fucking clockwork
No. 169639
File: 1630015499136.jpg (645.37 KB, 1080x1911, Screenshot_20210826-175641_Twi…)

Why does she feel the need to keep posting shit like this on Tik Tok? She does realize it's full of underage users, right?? Fucking pedo.
>>169600I remember her saying on one of her old twitter accounts that she only bathes twice a week and that she hates the smell of clean laundry. Pair that with the fact she sold soiled, smelly clothes to people on Depop and didn't see a problem with it.
>>169614Exactly, she's highly fake. The only reason none of her followers catch on is bc she keeps changing her name. Plus, there isn't any proper videos about her on YouTube. At least if a video was out there, people would call her out more often.
No. 169640
File: 1630015546852.jpg (713.79 KB, 1077x1918, Screenshot_20210826-175722_Twi…)

>>169639Also, again, her body is very unfortunate.
No. 169765
File: 1630113679641.jpg (1.02 MB, 971x1684, Screenshot_20210827-212011_Tik…)

>>169743When I searched for her profile her page popped up. Her page only gets views when she says something out of line or has someone better looking in them. Picrel
No. 169766
File: 1630113856036.jpg (961.12 KB, 970x4595, Screenshot_20210827-204347_Tik…)

>>169765Also, it's nice to know other people find her bullshit weird.
No. 169776
File: 1630122719147.jpg (436.43 KB, 971x2126, Screenshot_20210827-234618_Tik…)

>>169767I feel like she's one more fucked TikTok away from being called out.
No. 169777
File: 1630122847664.jpg (991.45 KB, 1080x2002, Screenshot_20210827-234704_Tik…)

>>169767Also it's an insult to Koda Kumi that she even dares to call this gross shit "erokawa". It's nothing more than typical trailer trash looks and a wannabe hoodrat attitude.
No. 169782
>>169781$12 a month for basic low quality pics.
$25 a month for vids and probably old custom requests she made for people before running away before that she charged $50+ for.
No. 169822
File: 1630170184717.png (30 KB, 597x297, Yourejustworthless.png)

>>169765>>169766>>169767>>169776She is
so salty about being called out, holy shit lol
No. 169830
File: 1630173107543.jpg (147.44 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20210828-132447_Twi…) can't believe she wants to start a "movement" just so she can show off her coochie to minors. She's really not helping her case. Sis, you're a pedo.
No. 169837
File: 1630181233945.jpg (1.35 MB, 1920x2560, realfuckingsus.jpg)

Looked at her following on her NSFW Twitter and she's definitely buying followers. Hell, if you look at some of the accounts, they're either dead accounts, new accounts with just numbers in the name, or locked accounts that are likely both. She likely does this with her Instagram and main Twitter page too. Would explain why there's no major YouTube video or TikTok call out post about her. Her popularity is faked.
No. 169847
File: 1630192855584.jpg (1.56 MB, 2560x1920, 21-08-28-19-16-46-574_deco.jpg)

Spot the difference lol
No. 170097
File: 1630368803569.jpg (1.53 MB, 1920x2560, 21-08-30-17-59-25-161_deco.jpg)

She really loves to try and catfish people.
No. 170120
File: 1630387149563.jpg (459 KB, 1080x1574, Screenshot_20210831-011224_Chr…)

I'm lost on why she even has a Fansly if she's just gonna post vids and pics of herself on her Twitter.
No. 170160
File: 1630420679391.png (10.95 KB, 598x98, Askyerbf.png) lurk here, so ill say this as nice as possible: Ask your fucking boyfriend to spoil you. You are not hot enough nor have a good enough personality to be spoiled by anyone.
No. 170169
>>170158Oh, ok. Well, looks like she failed on Fansly too. Lol Not surprising considering she's got a following mostly made up of bots and dead accounts on her Twitter pages.
>>170160Knowing that her followers are mostly bots and dead accounts makes this so much more hilarious. Like,she'd have a better chance of getting something from her Facebook friends at this point. Speaking of, I wonder what she's been posting on her Facebook outside of what's visible to non-friends.
No. 170256
File: 1630472961394.jpg (1.56 MB, 1920x2560, 21-08-31-21-51-18-896_deco.jpg)

>>170205She keeps thinking that she fits a medium. In reality she's like an X-Large. Funnily enough, the store she bought this from offers plus sizes.
Oh, here's a side by side of a model wearing said skirt vs Micky wearing it. She looks sloppy.
No. 170357
File: 1630533533501.png (Spoiler Image,751.29 KB, 598x864, Still no ass.png)

She also seem to be feeling herself a bit too much despite begging to be spoiled. has no ass and I guarantee she drops this crusty video under the category no one subs at.
No. 170470
File: 1630601438261.png (28.09 KB, 601x263, Neverhappenedfridgelady.png)

On today's episode of things that never happened, does she need to lie about this shit, no one likes you, wants your crusty content and no one is buying wishlist items for you, you have a boyfriend, ask him. If it did happen he probably blocked her after discovering these topics lol.
No. 170533
File: 1630619645447.jpg (263.01 KB, 1080x935, Screenshot_20210902-174838_Twi…) fact she would lie and say people are using her to clout chase when 99% of her followers are bots and bots utilizing dead accounts is highly hilarious. The 1% that are real are mainly girls far more popular than her in the sex work community. So not sure why she felt the need to tweet this.
>>170470>he probably blocked her after discovering these topics lol.I guarantee you that's what happened. Probably someone he knew let him know what's up.
No. 170555
File: 1630630681598.jpg (247.5 KB, 1080x934, Screenshot_20210902-205259_Twi…)

>>170533Whole tweet smells like bullshit.
No. 170872
File: 1630853128127.jpg (304.63 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20210905-104249_Twi…) highly doubt they're saying that considering she's still as fat and grimy as she was when she initially left.
No. 170873
File: 1630853385968.jpg (248.79 KB, 1080x925, Screenshot_20210905-104341_Twi…) like how she's trying to explain away not wearing properly fitting clothes by claiming it's some kind of "fetish". Micky, just admit you see yourself as thin and buy ill-fitting clothes for that reason.
>>170872Also, why is she still pushing this trauma bullshit. Everyone who knew her and family knows she was spoiled and did what she wanted. The only time she didn't get what she wanted is when her parents finally realized that they raised a shit child and tried, and failed, to fix the damage.
No. 171002
File: 1630942540781.jpg (1.41 MB, 1920x2560, 21-09-06-08-25-17-852_deco.jpg)

I feel like if she would stop editing herself, the real her wouldn't come across as so damn dumpy.
No. 171252
File: 1631110432929.png (11.22 KB, 598x98, Noonewantstoseeliteralpornofyo…) like she's about to start posting B/G content lol, can't wait to see how shitty this is compared to someone, you know actually talented.
No. 171344
File: 1631155965505.jpg (Spoiler Image,281.5 KB, 971x1747, Screenshot_20210908-225043_Chr…)

>>171343 wants $35 for this cheap looking shit. She's out her fucking mind.
No. 171396
>>171348She is charging that much for people who don't subscribe. If she was charging her fans that much it would say Pay $x OR Subscribe and pay $y
Still…. stay mooing girl. No one is paying that.
No. 171431
File: 1631225317958.jpg (386.88 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20210909-180653_Chr…)

>>171349Yeah, it's down by $2 and $5, respectively. Which isn't much of a drop. I think she's just trying to cheat people out of their money.
No. 171598
File: 1631334406800.jpg (1.55 MB, 2560x2560, 21-09-11-00-25-13-264_deco.jpg)

I feel like she's wearing these glasses to try and make her nose look smaller. Doesn't really work that well when she's live streaming.
No. 171599
File: 1631334539977.jpg (616.24 KB, 972x1716, Screenshot_20210911-000740_Twi…)

>>171598Also, her streams are absolutely boring as all fuck still. You'd think she'd be able to engage the small audience she has but no, she's awful at it. She should honestly just stick to showing off her smelly, dieased pussy for money.
No. 171667
File: 1631397213968.png (27.01 KB, 598x257, Juststop.png)

>>171603And on cue, WITHOUT FAIL. will forever blame mental health when things dont go her way instead of owning up to her shittiness in ANY regard.
No. 171850
File: 1631516912200.jpg (139.39 KB, 1080x730, Screenshot_20210913-013408_Twi…) only tweeted this because she knows nobody wants to watch her boring ass streams.
No. 171882
File: 1631530777408.png (204.58 KB, 515x921, Noonecared.png)

>>171850Correct, on IG she stated something else.
No. 172134
File: 1631656933479.jpg (669.18 KB, 971x2077, Screenshot_20210914-174650_Twi…) hilarious. Also, doesn't she get tired of tweeting shit out to mostly bots? She must be really lonely.
No. 172222
File: 1631712501784.jpg (228.35 KB, 1080x974, Screenshot_20210915-021217_Twi…)

Is she just now getting her license? If so, that means she lied about having it previously. Meaning her manlet simp was driving her everywhere still. This probably means that she really is living in his apartment and is lying that it's hers. She really using someone else's shit to make herself seem more put together. Tragic.
No. 172239
>>172222I think she's had it, she just wants to play into this dumb girl aesthetic, which is hilarious because she always insists and tries to talk like she's the smartest person in the room.
so which is it mickey - are men terrible for oversexualizing because you're actually Really Smart? or are you a helpwess bimbo who shouldn't even be driving? you can't call yourself stupid and then act insulted when people think that, y'know, you're stupid
No. 173268
File: 1632112602051.jpg (260.17 KB, 1080x1118, Screenshot_20210919-174815_Twi…)

Sure, Jan.
No. 173270
File: 1632112650844.jpg (521.42 KB, 971x1717, Screenshot_20210919-174943_Twi…)

>>173268 She lies about dumb shit.
No. 173410
>>173270All the guys who:
>Abused her>Mistreated her>Molested her>Talked shit about herShe really is a nobody lol, if she has so many people "simping" for her, she shouldn't have to beg people to spoil her or sign up for her crusty "porn"
No. 173503
File: 1632173846639.jpg (163.37 KB, 1080x804, Screenshot_20210920-173210_Twi…)

>slim thick Does she not see her body? She's not capable of being built that way unless she get surgery.
>>173410She wouldn't need to use bots to inflate her numbers either.
>>173437Wild how she seems to forget that.
No. 174132
File: 1632510077353.jpg (418.65 KB, 971x1692, Screenshot_20210924-024342_Twi…)

Can't wait for this to fall apart again.
No. 174638
File: 1632799340117.jpg (382.3 KB, 1080x1547, Screenshot_20210927-231809_Twi…)

>>174634Yup. That or it's her playing pretend as usual.
Also why is she looking for a sugar daddy when she has a boyfriend? He let her drive his car and stink up his apartment.
No. 174825
File: 1632889021628.jpg (590.21 KB, 966x2058, Screenshot_20210929-001222_Twi…) god, here she goes again with this lying and bullshit. Micky, you have a documented history of being a liar, an abuser and a bully. Of fucking course no one is gonna waste their time feeding into your bullshit. Also, you've been documented screenshoting and mocking people constantly. Many who have done nothing to you. Don't try and play
victim for whiteknights now.
No. 174949
File: 1632951185007.jpg (Spoiler Image,634.18 KB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20210929-013835_Twi…)

>>174886Exactly. She really just looking for some asspats and whiteknights.
Also, she's back to posting old lewds.
No. 174984
File: 1632964863976.jpeg (267.65 KB, 584x613, 87AEA3E6-AC19-4DA5-9C9D-0E5FD4…)

This does not spark joy.
No. 175397
File: 1633207820562.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2004, Screenshot_20211002-144339_Tik…)

She says all this but she was, and likely still is, the one out here bullying other girls who alt and acting like they weren't good enough or just copying her. So not sure why she's posting shit like this.
No. 176422
File: 1633748577155.jpg (154.95 KB, 1080x973, Screenshot_20211003-221321_Twi…)

Micky, you shouldn't be proud to proclaim you're a cowardly shit starter.
No. 176460
>>176459NTA but..
>Post anything other than supporting or kissing her ass>Expects it to not get deletedWe know she lurks here and sends her white knights here, she'll get the message and people who search her up will find history SHE can't delete.
No. 176463
File: 1633791837322.jpg (1.32 MB, 2560x1920, 21-10-09-11-01-17-772_deco.jpg)

She posted a new selfie on Instagram. Pretty sure she edited it.
No. 176464
File: 1633792522086.jpg (631.51 KB, 1078x1593, Screenshot_20211008-003158_Ins…)

>>176463Also learned she did a shoot with some small brand.
No. 176501
File: 1633833182319.jpg (298.45 KB, 1080x1200, Screenshot_20211009-222939_Twi…)'s sickening that she
still feels the need to lie about her parents being
abusive. I wonder if they know she posts shit like this.
>>176498If you did that she'd probably try and blame an ex or one of the girls she's bullied/harassed over the decade.
No. 176536
>>176501Trying to gain simps basically lol
>If you did that she'd probably try and blame an ex or one of the girls she's bullied/harassed over the decade.Most likely! Like every update on her fansly so far has been content she sold to people as customs back in manyvids days and she's reselling to people for cheaper like an anon said in last thread she'd do.
This chick is pathetic.
No. 176574
>>176541>you guys are fucking gayAre you a scrote? what is this kek
Cowtipping is against the rules, but hey at least you know how to sage I guess.
No. 176575
File: 1633913827619.png (352.59 KB, 600x824, Not sexy.png)

>>176541This confirms it it's wk or mucky.
This scrote aside, she's retweeting/posting stuff she sells to her simps on Fansly with literally the only difference being (sometimes) no censorship and SLIGHTLY longer.'ll give her credit for not running away yet because she hid long enough from her last bullshit that some people were in a fap drought or something.
No. 176697
File: 1634008972077.jpg (841.98 KB, 971x1837, Screenshot_20211011-231706_Ins…)

I just know this shit is going to be boring as all fuck.
No. 176825
File: 1634084443219.jpg (233.72 KB, 1080x964, Screenshot_20211012-201423_Twi…)

Is she not aware that cbd edibles exist? Like, for someone that's into drugs, she's surely ignorant.
Speaking of that, is it weird to y'all that she claims to be afraid of taking pills but says nothing about that when taking Molly.
No. 177065
File: 1634239944221.png (21.97 KB, 598x240, Stop lying.png)

Here this dumbass go lying about things yet again just to try to get noticed. No. 177269
File: 1634409483390.jpg (192.15 KB, 1080x969, Screenshot_20211014-201006_Twi…)

She has a job and a fansly. Why is she still e-begging for shit?
No. 177418
File: 1634508140034.jpg (552.54 KB, 972x1913, Screenshot_20211017-175659_Twi…) dumbass is always spouting some false bullshit. Micky, gyaru is genuinely about giving a middle finger to asian beauty standards. It has
always been that way. And yes, while B-Gyaru is inspired by black culture (mainly hip hop) other substyles are not inspired from that. Hell, one sub style is based on the japanese mountain witch.
I swear, I wish people like her would stfu when it comes to cultures they're not natively a part of. It reminds me of that drawing someone made where the white girl has her hands over the black girl's mouth and speaks for her.
No. 177484
File: 1634557148056.jpg (1008.8 KB, 1080x2002, Screenshot_20211018-023544_Tik…)

Her outfits are so godawful. Especially this one. Dirty looking leggings, crusty ass bra showing, cheap collar, and an ill-fitting top. Nothing about this is erokawa or just generally kawaii. She showed two other "outfits" in this tiktok but this one was the worst of the three.
No. 177509
File: 1634569088951.jpg (470.18 KB, 1080x1377, Screenshot_20211018-105624_Twi…)

>>177418Why does she keep saying "substyles"? It's only one substyle like that and it's based off of Hip Hop culture.
No. 177542
File: 1634585045818.jpg (277.07 KB, 1080x1022, Screenshot_20211018-152225_Twi…) lolita community does their best to not be associated with weird fetish shit, yet her goes Micky trying to do just that.
No. 177593
File: 1634610936801.jpg (950.94 KB, 1080x2002, Screenshot_20211018-222526_Tik…) also posted this tiktok. Which is hilarious considering she ran away, crying, from the last two times she was "tested" and told to square up.
>>177545 No. 177595
File: 1634611174569.jpg (1.35 MB, 2560x1920, 21-10-18-22-37-31-004_deco.jpg)

I think it's stupid of her to use a heavy filter, when you can easily scroll down and see her real face.
No. 177955
File: 1634821790298.jpg (557.04 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20211021-020336_Twi…)

She posted more old content. What's the point of making a fansly if all you're gonna do is post the same shit everyone's already seen?
No. 177956
File: 1634821987718.png (32.62 KB, 598x297, Dumbslut.png)

>>177955Here's the best part, anon. posts this just before reposting old cntent, and on her fansly she's posting stuff "she'll never do again", it sounds like she's back to her manyvids days when she gets ONE request she goes into "my mental health uwu" to get out of doing it.
No. 177960
File: 1634822621711.jpg (1.19 MB, 970x4402, Screenshot_20211021-092158_Twi…)

>>177509 course Micky keeps trying to use B-Gyaru as evidence. Lol
>using fandom wikiThat shit is not accurate. Also, why is she using a dead style to try and justify her shitty post? I swear I don't understand her need to be "lowkey" racist.
>>177956Yeah she's about to end her little scam soon. Probably mad she's not getting the money she wants. Lol
No. 177987
File: 1634834401369.jpeg (109 KB, 1122x1106, 3EFAC529-B6E0-47DD-B416-094C95…)

>>177960this bitch really used a fandom wiki to back up her stupid claim omfg
No. 178134
File: 1634898650971.png (28.69 KB, 798x144, Mymentalhealthuwu.png)

So this idiot talks about her mental health and she won't want to do custom content or do content in general because people actually request content and fetish content and "stuff I used to do I will no longer do" is out of her comfort zone, then she talks about doing shit like this, like why not just say you want to do the shit you want to do and not care about other people's requests or even feedback, like anything else? I know you lurk here, you'd be far more likable when you stop thinking you're a delicate princess that deserves everything.
No. 178274
File: 1634978417101.jpg (822.18 KB, 1080x1751, Screenshot_20211022-173324_Twi…) is this pastel goth or a witch? Micky really need to work on her styling. Also, why post this to nsfw Twitter? None of the coomers there care about this.
No. 178346
File: 1635011750896.jpg (364.7 KB, 1080x1398, Screenshot_20211023-135022_Twi…) she posted this video to Twitter. You can see how crusty her panties look during the cowgirl part of the clip. How is this sexy to anyone?
No. 178494
File: 1635094899170.png (45.46 KB, 601x506, Whataboutfemalesimps.png)

>>177961Yep, was called. like she lost her simps/no one is buying her shit or spoiling her like she expected. Face it, mucky, no one cares for you or your low quality tier content. Funny how she wants to do SW that she knows women ain't schlicking to yet she wants to talk shit about her client base and the only way to communicate with her, as a male, would be to talk about sanrio or fakass gyaru culture shit.
No. 178558
File: 1635125313367.jpg (503.88 KB, 1080x1383, Screenshot_20211024-210053_Twi…)

Damn she's pushing those filters to their limits.
>>178494It's wild she calling people broke when she's on twitter constantly begging for people to buy shit or give her money.
No. 178584
File: 1635136921728.jpg (1.46 MB, 2560x1920, 21-10-24-21-30-13-729_deco.jpg)

>>178558I wonder why she's editing her eye color.
No. 178749
File: 1635224916170.jpg (451.97 KB, 1080x1508, Screenshot_20211026-010356_Twi…) so now that job at the bakery is shitty, despite her saying she loved it there? Wild. Also, this makes her calling her simps broke even more hilarious.
No. 178892
File: 1635302312679.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 2560x1920, lolthefuck.jpg)

Her tits are so god damn saggy. This is what she's trying to pander to simps and wonders why she no longer has any outside of the people tossing her bucks on fansly.
>>178772I believe her Forever21 saga she lasted about a year, since then she's been hopping jobs citing her mental health uwu and everyone hates her and how her boss ONLY lets the white people take breaks etc.
No. 178893
File: 1635302312914.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.49 KB, 2560x1920, 369zwi39qiv71.jpg)

>>178364fuckin flapjack ass titties
they're going to be down to her knees by the time she's 30
No. 179119
File: 1635429796245.jpg (687.83 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20211027-115617_Twi…)

Christ she is so dumpy. Also, when will she buy some proper fitting clothes? This ill-fitting shit makes her look worse.
No. 180004
File: 1635869958827.jpg (283 KB, 1080x1114, Screenshot_20211102-104007_Twi…) in the actual fuck is she going on about? I swear she goes out her way to be a
victim in some form.
No. 180327
File: 1636028368591.jpg (106.87 KB, 390x453, Screenshot_20211104-081749_Twi…)

She streamed on her Twitch yesterday. Same old boring shit as usual. No. 180524
File: 1636112078178.png (24.6 KB, 600x277, Fuck off.png)

>>180327So boring she has to keep making up shit when she doesn't get enough attention. No. 180527
>>180524I wonder what girl she's stalking now that's making her pretend she's autistic.
Also it's funny she's claiming to be special needs when she spent all that time awhile ago claiming she wasn't and didn't get put in special ed classes.
No. 180812
File: 1636297185535.jpg (230.15 KB, 1007x1801, Screenshot_20211107-095307_Goo…)

So in the comments of this tiktok
>>169777 she posted picrel as a response to someone. She acts like it's some type of gotcha when it's not.
No. 181089
File: 1636435186101.jpg (510.54 KB, 1080x1727, Screenshot_20211109-001706_Twi…) girls comes up with the dumbest lies. Micky, if you're truly have trauma from someone buying you shit, it would be like that for friends and family as well. Not just your boyfriend.
No. 181148
>>181089This shit..doesn't even make sense. No wonder she gets butthurt when no one buys her shit. She really loves playing
victim for absolutely no reason.
No. 181924
File: 1636777370542.jpg (415.51 KB, 961x1911, Screenshot_20211112-232114_Twi…)

No. 181925
File: 1636777467695.jpg (124.6 KB, 1191x984, 20211112_232117.jpg)

>>181924Pretty shit prizes considering how repetitive her content is
No. 181926
File: 1636777523587.jpg (784.46 KB, 970x2037, Screenshot_20211112-231853_Twi…)

Anybody gonna bite the bullet and watch?
No. 182150
File: 1636865881094.jpg (235.75 KB, 1080x932, Screenshot_20211113-235353_Twi…)

>>181976's also weird she begs for stuff and still make tweets like picrel. Pretty sure whatever these dudes are saying is not that serious and if it's that annoying she could easily block them and move on.
No. 182151
File: 1636865977945.jpg (146.34 KB, 1080x721, Screenshot_20211113-235323_Twi…) bullshit she spews for attention. Ain't no way she didn’t realize she was following Da Baby. Whole tweet was unnecessary and dumb.
No. 182202
File: 1636909090085.png (18.02 KB, 1316x96, Here we go again lol.png)

>>182186I haven't been to her discord in awhile because it's boring as fuck and she only posts content she sells on fansly anyway but looks like we're about to enter the next phase of her cycle.
No. 182241
File: 1636931653809.jpg (572.72 KB, 971x1717, Screenshot_20211114-180545_Twi…), this kind of weirdo shit is not cute at all. Should have learned your lesson when that one girl you stalked and fantasized about called you out.
No. 182245
>>182242This bitch is really just on a man hate streak right now lol. MANY women have done that, including the ones she follow that went from
problematic to loved.
No. 183274
File: 1637252456891.jpg (765.33 KB, 970x2253, Screenshot_20211118-111822_Ins…)

This doesn't look gyaru at all to me, but I will say the color looks nice on her.
No. 183279
File: 1637254488165.jpg (624.86 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20211118-114755_Twi…) sure why she's posting vomiting emojis when she initially uploaded these to nsfw pages. Ones she lied about her age on. That left specifically was on her old nsfw tumblr she shouldn't have had back when she was with that Anthony guy iirc.
No. 183283
File: 1637255362369.jpg (120.27 KB, 1080x493, Screenshot_20211118-114924_Chr…)

>>183279Also curious as to how she found them so quickly.
No. 183318
File: 1637260863197.jpg (123.49 KB, 1080x454, Screenshot_20211118-115125_Chr…)

>>183283Like, the account has been on reddit for six years but only just now started using her pics. Makes you wonder.
>>183310Can't wait to see who she claims the catfish to be this time. Had a friend of mine get blamed last time.
No. 183326
File: 1637261797086.jpg (44.13 KB, 1080x2115, Screenshot_20211118-135434_Twi…)

>>183279And just like that, she deleted the tweet. Hilarious.
No. 183327
File: 1637261896980.jpg (153.69 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20211118-135417_Twi…), you are the only personal
ruining it. You ruin it for yourself by being a liar, manipulator, and just overall gross and unnecessary.
No. 183328
>>183327This is the same musky bitch who “wanted to be sexy and still be surrounded by shit that reminds then of their childhood”
Mickey you are gross people; fuck off
No. 183565
File: 1637324714333.png (383.9 KB, 638x770, mk.png)

>>183279>the account claiming to be Japanese and Jamaican>that "Puppi" camgirl from >>>/snow/1370147 claiming to be the exact same mixHmm
No. 183585
>>183583>>183584Wasn't dumpy just talking about people ruining shit by being creepy or whatever…so the dumbass posts not only lolicon but LITERALLY infamous lolicon shit?
>>183565No surprises here..
No. 183623
>>183565Wouldn't be surprised if Micky is copying that puppi chick. You know she has a hard on for copying and bullying girls darker than her. Lol Also, people from her local comm say she use to claim to be half chinese.
>>183595>>183583>>183584>>183594Not too surprising considering she openly defended lolicon material on her main Twitter awhile back.
>>183590>>183586Now, this kind of shit would likely get her some hate on twitter. Especially considering how this can easily be mistaken for cp.
No. 183785
File: 1637444749192.jpg (932.37 KB, 968x2339, Screenshot_20211120-024849_Twi…)

I wonder how this is gonna turn out. Do y'all think anyone is going to show up?
No. 183791
>>182242Shes right. A woman would never be able to do that. Women get cancelled for everything. Cancel culture doesnt work on men lol also people would be too
triggered at women with dark humor.
No. 183815
File: 1637456885135.jpeg (208.57 KB, 828x554, 4B6649D3-318B-4B43-916F-F5A7B1…)

>>183785Her dumbass is late to her own stream
Ducking embarrassing lmao
No. 183831
File: 1637467757592.jpg (714.16 KB, 971x1709, Screenshot_20211120-230744_Twi…)

>>183815She should have said all this during the stream instead of posting it to Twitter. Or post in the chat if she really felt the need to text it.
No. 184248
File: 1637684146118.jpg (446.88 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20211123-111010_Twi…)

>>183318She goes on and on about this fake catfish. I wonder who she sent her simp after this time.
>>184198Now that you mentioned it, she does look a bit longer.
No. 184309
File: 1637710138159.jpg (678.57 KB, 970x2379, Screenshot_20211123-111041_Twi…)

>>184248God, there's more.
No. 184352
File: 1637731984832.jpg (400.15 KB, 1080x1472, Screenshot_20211123-230638_Twi…)

And then she wonders why nobody wants to buy her shit.
No. 184532
File: 1637872543190.jpg (443.11 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20211125-153405_Twi…)

>>184396She's definitely gonna lose more followers and money tweeting this dumb shit.
No. 184572
File: 1637899715740.jpg (1.86 MB, 2560x1920, 21-11-25-23-05-37-227_deco.jpg)

>>184535From yesterday. She then posted a bunch of old pictures in her nasty old bedroom and at Walmart. Micky your "trauma" didn't make you lurk around Walmart, and your outfits weren't cute then and aren't cute now.
No. 184620
File: 1637952941380.png (Spoiler Image,600.67 KB, 598x618, Absolute Garbage.png)

Her attitude aside, no wonder she lost her simp(s) that actually paid for stuff, you can get better content literally anyone else for free.
No. 184685
>>184620>Her attitude asidecan actually attest to it, it happened to me.
Not a scrote.I don't want to say the details because she lurks. But it was funny. She said some weird shit.
No. 184725
File: 1638035188825.jpg (299.94 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20211127-124253_Twi…)

I highly doubt this hearkened considering she ran away from two fights and in one of those she apparently looked like she was about to cry when approached. Not sure why she keeps trying to come off as tough. When she's just a scary, musty loser.
No. 184913
File: 1638145801149.jpg (503.57 KB, 965x2401, Screenshot_20211128-192630_Twi…) thinks it's because she's black. Lol I'm 100% sure she was doing something quite sexual and the audio had something fucked up in it.
No. 185027
File: 1638226926412.jpg (195.32 KB, 1080x802, Screenshot_20211129-094355_Twi…)

They probably used her pics as fatspo.
No. 185049
File: 1638256009659.jpg (557.38 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20211130-010227_Twi…)

Funny seeing her tweet picrel after tweeting this
>>184532 No. 185082
File: 1638294180770.png (28.1 KB, 598x369, whatthefuck.png)

Sperging more shit she's read from 1 person somewhere ignoring the obvious holes in that theory. It's hilarious because the fanbase of modern MLP is largely men who purely get off to pony shit.
No. 185304
File: 1638411043294.jpg (947.85 KB, 972x2959, Screenshot_20211201-210925_Twi…)'m pretty sure this bullshit. She always tries to make all her relationships seem like a work of fiction. Lol
No. 185305
File: 1638411187117.jpg (417.27 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_20211201-210839_Twi…)

>>185304 here she goes lying for sympathy. Especially with the therapy shit considering she still acts the same way. I'm pretty sure she's about to cheat on this dude.
No. 185307
File: 1638411937138.jpg (48.62 KB, 945x414, Lol Therapy my ass.jpg)

>>185305This is the same girl that says this shit and immediately deletes it.
No. 185436
File: 1638479584019.jpg (Spoiler Image,469.55 KB, 1080x1189, Screenshot_20211202-092041_Twi…) posted this clip on her other Twitter and good lord, her ass is flat. Dude barely had anything to grab. Lol
No. 185497
File: 1638538730066.jpg (247.16 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20211202-232654_Twi…) is the last person who should be saying this. Girl has spent most of her time being completely delusional.
No. 185700
File: 1638651752373.jpg (374.57 KB, 1080x1267, Screenshot_20211204-155814_Twi…) sure they don't force any to try and make someone buy the card. Also, credit cards are for building credit. The thing that helps you get a decent car, place, and a loan if you need it. Anyways, I'm sure Micky is lying again and she really could have just said she's broke and has no simps to buy her shit.
No. 185985
File: 1638810157538.jpg (584.33 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_20211206-120121_Twi…)

So did she just abandon the other Discord server she has?
No. 186690
File: 1639091867160.jpg (1.66 MB, 1920x2560, 21-12-09-14-38-41-309_deco.jpg)

>>186687Care to give us screenshots or at least some more details about how she was when you spoke with her.
>>186667It might have been the lips. Though, they do kinda look similar when Micky isn't hiding behind Snow filters, picrel. That said, at least Trisha has some sense of style and makeup.
No. 186701
File: 1639095794900.jpeg (98.2 KB, 1100x825, FA51F8DE-CB1B-44F0-ADA9-EC30DD…)

>>186690>>186670Maybe the girl thought of 2011 gyaru Trisha when she scroll on micky
Why is micky so mad? I thought she wanted to be a Trisha paytas.
No. 186728
File: 1639105813407.jpg (890.51 KB, 971x3493, Screenshot_20211209-220710_Twi…) she's really mad about a dumb comment. Also, it seems like she's trying to get people to go and attack this girl bc she's made no effort to cover up her username at all. Typical shitty Micky bullshit. Love to see it.
>Girl…….see a therapistMicky needs to take her own advice.
No. 186780
File: 1639138506760.png (57.46 KB, 1168x252, Lurking Bitch.png)

>>186728>Micky needs to take her own advice.She really does, she also needs to stop lurking here, convo from discord since it was only here she was called out for her pedo-baiting, i.e wearing Asian ELEMENTARY kid backpacks while dressing like a little girl.
No. 186818
File: 1639153678722.png (390.42 KB, 720x1560, Captura de pantalla_20211210-1…)

>>186780>I don't dress like an age player!!!!!Then why is her wishlist full of ddgl shit?
No. 186823
File: 1639153852931.png (190.23 KB, 720x1560, Captura de pantalla_20211210-1…)

>>186821This bitch is really doing some mental gymnastics to pretend she's a person she isn't but she's so transparent
No. 186879
File: 1639163026653.jpg (441.42 KB, 1080x1629, Screenshot_20211210-134401_Twi…)

>>186728>>186645She's still pissing herself over this. Embarrassing.
>>186818She really needs to just be honest with herself and stop it with the mental gymnastics.
No. 186887
>>186879Because she can never be wrong,
YOU will always be wrong and
YOU have to admit to being in the wrong.
No. 187724
File: 1639522413880.jpg (153.97 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20211214-174950_Twi…) of her to say this when she openly admitted to masterbating to thoughts of Amina. Or how she posted pics of her disgusting room and dirty ass bong like it was cute. Or how she sold people musty, piss scented clothes.
Like, I need her to gain some real self-awareness instead of mindlessly tweeting.
No. 187726
File: 1639522906305.png (16.44 KB, 476x146, Youareweirdtoo.png)

>>187724The same bitch that says shit like this.
No. 187727
File: 1639522953561.png (29.3 KB, 676x193, And this.png)

>>187726It's safe to say she doesn't practice what she preaches, ever.
No. 187799
File: 1639560957992.jpg (558.75 KB, 971x1520, Screenshot_20211215-043340_Twi…) she replied to this tweet since for the longest time she was claiming to be "blasian" and posting in Japanese by using google translate.
No. 189156
File: 1639866457788.jpg (242.24 KB, 1080x927, Screenshot_20211218-143321_Twi…)

So she's either at Amazon or Fedex now. Wonder how long that's gonna last.
No. 189541
File: 1640073593424.jpg (195.31 KB, 1080x860, Screenshot_20211221-025252_Twi…)'m guessing she forgot about the times she ran away when someone wanted to fight her. Like they asked her to hit them and she cried. Not sure why she's acting like a tough guy.
No. 189647
File: 1640119697425.jpg (724.12 KB, 972x2387, Screenshot_20211221-154547_Twi…) could have made this point without involving a random person who did nothing wrong. I'm starting to think she has some form of a hateboner for asian women.
No. 189675
>>189647She really things that black people (herself) should be praised for everything they do but she only spouts that because she wants to be included in her wish for all black people to be praised. Too bad there's still thousands of black creators who make better content than her and arent disgusting leeches.
Also gelled hair to the face exists in lots of cultures including white people in the 40s?
It feels so weird and gross that she bases her whole 'visual' personality and interests on and around japanese culture and white people bimbo stuff but then wants to act like no one else is allowed to touch anything from other cultures.
No. 189753
File: 1640191520550.png (Spoiler Image,858.71 KB, 598x855, Noassbellytitties.png)

This chick has no ass..and titties down to her belly. Her body is too tragic for her to have the attitude she does. No. 189920
File: 1640234717625.jpg (619.51 KB, 971x2151, Screenshot_20211222-232936_Twi…) neglects to mention how she wanted people to pay 30 or so for absolutely amateur art. Her shit was not comparable to the art Maple makes. She also neglects to mention that people were politely telling her she should practice more before trying to take commissions. She was the one who started being rude and shouldn't have been shokced when people responded in kind.
Also it's bullshit that she calls it her coping mechanism when she immediately tried to make a profit from when she started doing it.
No. 190337
File: 1640402288879.jpg (861.72 KB, 1439x2087, Screenshot_20211224-221638_Ins…)

also she confirmed she works retail, I wonder if it's amazon like
>>189156 said, or if she's doing shipping for a store like target.
No. 190366
File: 1640420965038.jpg (204.06 KB, 1080x865, Screenshot_20211224-170942_Twi…)

>>190148She's also butthurt about white girls making more money for less effort on nsfw Twitter. Despite there being just as many black girls in the same boat.
No. 190708
File: 1640632830110.jpg (554.19 KB, 970x1902, Screenshot_20211227-141808_Twi…), so what's the point of saying what you said in the quoteretweet then, Micky? She always gets defensive when someone tries to give proper advice. Also, Micky, nobody wants to be friends with a shitty excuse of a human being.
No. 190709
File: 1640633145235.jpg (329.96 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20211227-142124_Twi…), give up the ghost on the mental illness bullshit. All of it was a lie to excuse your shit behavior. Also, your parents are still right; you're lazy and overdramatic. Oh, and let's not forget about how lied about being hospitalized and then used medicine that you alleged was for you as a prop for a dumb ass pic. Miss us with the nonsense.
No. 191234
File: 1640964383483.jpg (964.11 KB, 971x3543, Screenshot_20211231-102219_Chr…) Micky is still going out of her way to falsely accuse people she doesn't like of catfishing as her. I know two people who she accused. One had some random in her inbox on twitter initially digging into her about it. The other was posted here, I think her name was Reina? Micky had the latter harassed by a bunch of people. Over a lie. If you look into it, it's some southeast asian chick who use to post on /soc/.
No. 191733
File: 1641389103259.jpg (806.06 KB, 1080x3429, Merged_document.jpg)

no, micki, you don't have a foot fetish because it would imply you showing your nasty cranky long feet.
Also kek at the futa debate conclusion. She's siding with troon when she ignores most troon want to be futas. I can post the whole debate if you're interested. The only reason I joined this discord was to harvest fresh milk.
No. 191738
>>191733not to sound too SJW but…. the fact that she's SO poorly read and stupid that she doesnt realize that futa isnt trans it's intersex is hilarious to me
When it's weird futa shit they're born with all their bits they dont transition into anything. It's so weird to imply that it's 'fetishizing trans' or whatever when it's as simple as 'scrotes gonna scrote and make weird grotesque shit about female bodies in their jerk off material'
No. 191773
File: 1641406812901.png (38.38 KB, 676x181, Screenshot_20220105_191845.png)

>>191745discord anon, but this time on my pc, micki has a phd in futanology affecting troonie women.
No. 191868
File: 1641483763494.png (36.77 KB, 1169x173, Here we go.png)

Seems she's using a death of…someone named rori as an excuse to slack on her sex work and in this particular example, she's acting like her usual bad bitch (tm) self acting like she's gonna hurt someone lol. She's also complaining about scammers when this bitch herself admits to scamming.
No. 191873
>>191868rori is @roarwi, she was mentioned up here in this thread
>>191234 and also in the “ridiculous photoshoppers” thread in /snow/. she was another black weeb girl, had 50k+ followers and posted “lewd” content with crazy photoshop on her face and body. she died from covid early in december
No. 191963
File: 1641552135816.jpg (1.44 MB, 5363x1946, IMG_20220107_113621.jpg)

>>191868NTA, but also offering my own screenshot to show the whole conversation + bonus her being insufferable with a simp.
No. 191973
>>191963Jesus, she’s such a bitch. Like the guy just says question and she’s being so huffy about it, it isn’t that serious
And why would she even call off work just to grieve over someone she didn’t even know personally? I guess it’s cause Rori passed at an age close to her but jfc….
No. 193921
File: 1642611723027.png (33.38 KB, 741x247, Lol On Cue.png)

Lil old but as expected, she needs her "mental health break" due to that person's death. No. 194968
File: 1643159421925.jpg (633.15 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20220125-200457_Twi…) hope Micky is aware this only works if people are posting or saying things that have zero evidence backing it. Unfortunately for her dumbass, there's threads upon threads of evidence. Not to mention a whole Google doc with evidence. Various people who have their own evidence posted on Facebook or other sites too. So, she's ass out. Especially if the court learned she posted nudes while underage. She'd basically be shooting herself in the foot.
No. 196353
File: 1644026564155.jpg (Spoiler Image,596 KB, 971x1929, Screenshot_20220204-205426_Twi…)

>>195191>>195236An absolute pancake when she's standing
No. 196397
File: 1644088959197.jpg (294.14 KB, 1080x1066, Screenshot_20220205-141922_Twi…)

>>196367Knowing her, she would likely try to sue Amina, and the other two people she claimed catifshed as her. Probably would try to throw Emi and that Gerald dude into the mix. You know how she operates. Always tries to make the innocent people look awful.
>>196368She's trying to befriend another girl, picrel, so maybe her. Unless she's dumb enough to speak ill on the local anime community again.
No. 196979
File: 1644505762085.jpg (501.83 KB, 971x1758, Screenshot_20220210-100212_Twi…) now she's blaming her mustiness on trauma and "society's hair expectations" on why she's musty and smells like period blood. Girl, you're just lazy and fucking gross. Also, a shower cap definitely would have helped keep your hair neat. You just want an excuse to be nasty.
No. 196994
>>196979*So now she's blaming trauma and "society's hair expectations" on why she's musty and smells like period blood.
I did not mean to fuck that sentence up.
No. 197009
>>196979Is she serious??? This bitch just wasted a chunk of her life musty all because she didn’t want to get her hair frizzy.
Well, that’s just how our type of hair works; it literally frizzes at moisture so literally just get a shower cap and even if it does poofs up, just straighten it again. I bet you she probably couldn’t wear her shower caps properly
No. 197063
File: 1644546208757.jpg (1.15 MB, 968x3960, Screenshot_20220210-211800_Twi…) how they just mindlessly believe Micky. Also funny how Micky thinks these threads are warranted despite years of acting like a shitting human being and running away when getting confronted. The thread pic exists for a reason.
No. 197315
File: 1644721570248.jpg (228.91 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot_20220212-220306_Twi…)

>>197063Lol she deleted a tweet. Don't want people to find out how fucked up you are, Micky??
>>197075Make one?
No. 199767
File: 1646672345938.jpg (286.87 KB, 1080x1125, Screenshot_20220307-114613_Twi…) says this, but she spent years harassing Amina, who tried to warn her about dating her former abuser.
No. 200315
File: 1646889264230.jpg (236.85 KB, 1080x928, Screenshot_20220309-202600_Twi…)

I know she's not trying to claim she has PTSD from her exes. Every relationship was basically her cheating and then doing some abusive shit so her partner wouldn't leave. Iirc, she threatened to kill herself so Adam P wouldn't leave her.
No. 200367
File: 1646925748798.png (997.3 KB, 1242x2688, 338421D7-3019-473E-842C-B42E10…)

If I had 2 brain cells left I would lie about roari too. I also wouldn’t have enough brain power to realize Everytime I get an opposing comment I think it’s micky or her followers. Kek
No. 200449
File: 1646964988900.png (2.68 MB, 1242x2688, CC0C9410-41E5-4017-A9DF-7184AA…)

No. 200641
File: 1647067287572.jpg (563.48 KB, 1080x1500, Screenshot_20220310-231344_Twi…)

>>200516Considering she likes tweets like picrel, she's a lost cause. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she starts some drama again.
>>200523Nta, but the only person I know would defend her is her manlet boyfriend. I remember him saying he wanted to fight everyone here.
No. 201704
File: 1647606263612.png (145.7 KB, 1353x341, Lol lmao even.png)

>>201162Yep, she even does slimy shit like this, like it's whatever if you want to buy her content but she offers this discount to her "friends/loyal fans in her discord" then moves all of her actual content to the highest ($40) tier to compensate. The first 3 tiers get stuff you see her post on twitter/reddit, but you have to pay.
No. 201894
File: 1647677782660.jpg (263.04 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20220319-040249_Twi…) says this like she didn't spend her time stalking several different girls she hated and tried to skinwalk them.
No. 204135
File: 1648623433220.jpg (418.91 KB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_20220330-025054_Twi…) is coming from the same girl that literally cried at a room party during Youma when Taylor told her to square up. Then next year at the same damn con, at another room party, ran off when a girl straight up lunged at her after Micky was talking tough to her on Facebook.
Micky, you're legit a scary bitch, why are you capping like this on Twitter?
No. 206634
File: 1649773557081.jpeg (313.95 KB, 828x1407, 37E7E586-2931-4B41-94FA-41C629…)

Haven’t visited the micky thread in a while, but she’s doing her fuckery again. Currently micky is in hiding after being called out by sailorsappho again
No. 206639
>>206634Ahh…yep that explains this
>>206521 lmao.
No. 206659
File: 1649778823384.jpeg (124.2 KB, 828x998, 10D0DD6E-0FD8-4234-8E59-3EAD31…)

There she goes..
her new TikTok after being called out @plushievixen
No. 206661
File: 1649779084015.jpeg (199.6 KB, 828x1002, D7E4B4BB-1687-4ED9-B0FF-F3BA68…)

And she’s quitting yet another job
No. 206699
File: 1649784484363.jpeg (97.11 KB, 828x517, CA25A209-6294-4FDE-9BFE-17FFE1…)

You’re literally about to be 25 mucky
No. 206709
File: 1649785281892.jpeg (433.12 KB, 828x1398, 54978FC4-E370-48A8-B0EC-D2BE93…)

Serious question. Do the lolita community even know about or like micky? I can imagine Lolitas starting a witch hunt over her sexualizing everything, being plus size, and selling undisclosed disgustingly stained clothes. I’ve seen batshit Lolitas on 4chan /CGL and curious if she infamous by Lolitas in thread forms.
No. 206783
>>206709She's popped up in the ita threads before, but that's about it. Though, I feel like if the whole 'piss stained lolita skirt' was brought up in a thread, they'd start going off.
>>206646All it's gonna take at this point is for some big name it catch that vid and discuss it. Then the milk is truly gonna flow.
No. 206859
File: 1649860882085.gif (Spoiler Image,19.75 MB, 382x680, 63A3FD59-FB2C-4963-B3F1-0C50DA…)

No. 207010
File: 1649955914231.jpeg (123.47 KB, 828x281, A76D8033-4B31-4F10-A815-F5C12C…)

She’s lying
No. 207278
File: 1650079631118.jpg (359.91 KB, 1079x1253, Screenshot_20220415-201246_Chr…)

She never gets tired of this same old routine of pretending to be hard whenever someone calls her out on her bullshit despite always running and hiding like the no muscle mass having slab of flab she is lol
No. 207491
File: 1650223823244.jpeg (382.36 KB, 1242x922, 0789DD4C-E10D-4A8D-A0DC-87196F…)

The irony
No. 207709
File: 1650330995178.png (32.16 KB, 598x342, Lol Fucking idiot.png)

>>207708To be fair this is the same idiot crying over anal content and bragging about her boyfriend while in the same breath states she needs a "doordash sugar daddy." Why would you think its anything other than her being a retard?
No. 207785
File: 1650368573555.jpeg (504.24 KB, 1242x2035, BC2385BF-F493-45AA-9FC8-0060D7…)

Did she forget she’s a whole SW? Lol you literally make your money off selling a fantasy.
No. 207887
File: 1650400330855.jpg (1 MB, 972x3227, Screenshot_20220419-162736_Twi…)

It's funny she posted this but turn ed off the comments and made it so only her followers can respond to the tweet she made about this. Picrel
No. 207959
File: 1650432943843.jpg (805.23 KB, 1080x2053, Screenshot_20220420-011554_You…)

So, she lied and said she hasn't defended lolicon, but she had defended recently. She tried to make an excuse as to why it was ok to have people harass a mentally ill girl who left a "mean" comment on her IG. She defended the whole Depop incident and lied and said that the skirt wasn't soiled. She also admitted to remaking her Depop. She then tried to vilify Jojo for calling her out and basically said that she's only doing it because she doesn't have as many followers as Micky.
tl;dr Micky does her typical song and dance of deflection and lying in video form.
Also, picrel. She wonders this, but if she was that pressed, why didn't she make a thread about him? She did it for Amina, Taylor, and other black girls in her comm. Yet, that was too much for her?
No. 207970
>>207960Oh I know, but she's not gonna admit that. If you search 'lolicon' and her username, nothing pops up. She deleted all the incriminating tweets so she can once again be a
victim. It's pathetic as hell.
No. 207985
File: 1650458163636.jpeg (33.66 KB, 1242x303, 60411B9C-0C4B-4AB1-A09A-50E3C5…)

No. 207986
File: 1650458284705.jpeg (74.77 KB, 1242x644, C245E113-7912-44D3-B077-8A722F…)

No. 207994
File: 1650461308318.jpeg (175.03 KB, 828x1320, 46BED784-5516-4A5E-A334-5B86E4…)

No. 208034
File: 1650475772265.jpeg (201.29 KB, 1065x1113, 05B25F21-22CA-453E-8DC8-EAB28E…)

>>207996Are these the ones you’re referring to
No. 208035
File: 1650475831239.jpeg (Spoiler Image,304.3 KB, 1242x789, 2C456219-B8AC-4B48-8997-EDC00B…)

No. 208204
File: 1650544854426.jpeg (1007.48 KB, 1242x1956, 953CFA3A-8186-4827-8B97-BCB1EB…)

Is she pretending to be autistic again? I literally have scars in the inside of my mouth from oral fixation lol
No. 208308
File: 1650575826288.png (33.15 KB, 598x341, Yet you beg for a sugar daddy.…)

She says this, yet begs for a sugar daddy (requires needing to know how much money they have to support you) and she always bring up scenarios that never happen just to talk shit about someone. No. 208309
File: 1650576021666.png (38.22 KB, 598x398, Context.png)

>>208308Context continued. She's just trying to push against the lolicon/school girl stuff she very much enjoys doing to make sure she has an argument when she's called out.
No. 208310
File: 1650576093059.png (71.09 KB, 600x567, Bullshit continued.png)

>>208309Funny how it's never "this person subbed to my tier I actually offer these things." It's always some phantom guy in her trash tier.
No. 208344
File: 1650590973468.png (468.42 KB, 598x622, The Fuck.png)

No wonder she needs a "door dash sugar daddy" if this is what she makes when her "perfect boyfriend" doesn't cook. What even is this lol.
No. 208371
File: 1650600987383.png (4.01 MB, 1242x2688, 9A5BAFDF-BDBE-44B6-A623-55EB55…)

I feel like my IQ went down by a lot reading this. Micky is beyond dumb
No. 208372
File: 1650601071564.png (3.23 MB, 1242x2688, EE4280BD-4705-4E40-80FF-62B145…)

>>208371If she really wants to see how she came off in this conversation. If she comes back to it in a day or 2 and reread everything, she SHOULD see how dumb she sounds but I doubt that lack of self awareness will help her
No. 208374
File: 1650601902645.png (3.12 MB, 1242x2688, 7B4A65E9-EA3E-46F2-B332-2CA80C…)

She completely forgot that in the beginning of the conversation she was happy that she was able to defend herself. I’m loosing brain cells reading this
No. 208376
File: 1650602115645.png (3.82 MB, 1242x2688, 9411348C-9776-4E1C-BDB5-8F53EE…)

>>208374Says it right here in 4K
No. 208783
File: 1650813687960.png (87.41 KB, 598x364, No one believes this.png)

Notice how whenever she gets the tiniest bit of heat on her she busts out fake shit like this? No. 208784
File: 1650813721167.png (21.52 KB, 598x158, Nah.png)

>>208783And this..she's not old enough to be prior to "rickrolling" to even pretend this is true. No. 208858
File: 1650837740543.jpg (Spoiler Image,865.1 KB, 1079x1932, Screenshot_20220424-172856_Twi…) couldn't imagine having to look at this gross shit on the daily. Her manlet and simps have zero standards.
No. 208886
>>208344Where is her kei club callout doc link?
I’m trying to see the whole story.
No. 208972
>>208948Read the rest of the sentence, white knight.
>but claims to have them as way to avoid taking responsibility for being shitty.No matter what she said to you, you are not her friend. She doesn't care for you, so trying to score points here will no benefit you.
No. 209214
File: 1650944821363.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 1200x1600, 1zzf5o27dwu81.jpg)

>>209021the obvious ass shop tho. lmao
No. 209372
File: 1651014889640.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.8 MB, 2560x2560, 22-04-26-19-11-13-382_deco.jpg)

>>209021Her body looks so awful. Even with the editing. She really should focus on getting surgery
No. 209416
File: 1651035144369.png (3.19 MB, 1242x2688, B3687C4A-81ED-4DDF-8759-BC8268…)

Had anyone downloaded and reuploaded her “accountability” video yet? It was removed from her site and she also has taken her site off her Instagram bio. Pretty sure that video is not going to exist for much longer
No. 210339
File: 1651437507218.png (61.14 KB, 599x476, Bitch please.png)

Look at this bitch lying through her teeth/fingers trying to convince another girl who ended up here/pull that it's all BS lol.
I know you lurk here, stay in your lane mucky, you don't want what happened to momokun last month happen to you because you think you're a victim.
No. 210846
File: 1651688562192.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1921, 4DC8F5B8-8AD9-4F1C-A543-599C3A…)

No. 211489
File: 1651969657819.jpeg (192.04 KB, 1242x975, F7DE49FD-ED86-4DB7-BA77-C1AA4C…)

Seen it coming from a mile away. I’m guessing no one had the chance to download the video?
No. 211490
File: 1651969876363.png (4.67 MB, 1242x2688, DAF1415B-1CC0-47FD-86E2-679FA5…)

I’m guessing this is why
No. 212035
>>211983Yeah kinda like when your "bff" set a boundary regarding her
abusive bf and you ignored it, Mucky
No. 213931
File: 1653097204027.jpg (408.73 KB, 1080x1594, Screenshot_20220520-212330_Twi…) that she's begging her followers to buy sd cards when she has a job and whole boyfriend.
No. 214359
File: 1653245413334.png (15.63 KB, 598x118, The Fuck.png)

I don't think this chick knows what Steampunk is or about, but wouldn't surprise me she's trying to find new communities to slink into. Since I know she lurks here, what you're looking for is "Cyberpunk" leaning, steampunk has a very specific look for a reason. E-thots really need to just stick to their lane lol No. 214418
>>214359She's a idiot but you're also technically wrong. Pastel Steampunk has been a thing but because the actual steampunk crowd shun it you dont see it and is also usually relegated to 'cosplay'. Cyberpunk isnt anything like steampunk either nor is it 'pastel' since cyberpunk will usually have neons.
I swear she's done this before though, commenting 'why does no one do this fashion thing' when it's something several people have done but she wants to act like she came up with it somehow. A simple google would help her realize she's wrong.
No. 214471
>>214418Nayrt, but from what I can see most, if not all of "pastel steampunk" is 2d art and the irl stuff just looks like regular steampunk.
All that said, she's definitely looking to leave her toxicity on another community.
No. 215464
File: 1653649786610.jpeg (739.38 KB, 1242x1809, 41B2C1CD-A297-4E7B-8444-946E1B…)

>>204138She literally does this to other people.
No. 218429
File: 1654665431327.jpeg (340.32 KB, 1242x1113, 9A463211-7358-477C-A5EF-422CBA…)

Aren’t they known for hiring a minor to take Lewds for their company ?
No. 218803
File: 1654772698974.jpeg (460.61 KB, 1242x1186, DD02FC11-2B93-49D4-B94F-C80E03…)

Shit talk about hypocrite… she’s admitted to never living in Detroit or living in that type of environment. The whole “inner ghetto girl” persona is really annoying when you see she only hangs out with white people from her area
No. 218805
File: 1654773203014.jpeg (711.95 KB, 1125x2300, EE9C8B8A-2678-46A9-8F83-02DE5B…)

>>218803The white girls she hangs out with in question who are very much suburban
No. 218905
>>218805They are grotesque. And just like Mickey, these other obese tards wear clothes too small for their fat rolls. Those skirts are meant to be worn closer to the hips, but their nasty fupas are so huge they have to pull the skirts over it.
>>218803You don’t got to be “hood” to tell some moid to move out the way or tell him what he did was rude and to wait. She is so dumb.
No. 218997
>>218919“most people” don’t have fupas or anorexia, what a bizarre perception
even in countries where most of the people are overweight (Mexico, US, Canada, UK, etc) most of the fats aren’t fupa-level fat
No. 219122
File: 1654828685790.jpeg (454.77 KB, 1125x2401, D071561C-E76D-49AB-A84E-4A8E9E…)

>>218997sage for nitpicking but it you zoom in on all collectively I’m pretty sure this is fat..
No. 219139
>>218919ok fupa-chan. lets not point out the obvious fat spilling out of their ill-fitting clothes. don’t want to hurt the fee-fees of cheater mickey and her herd. don’t take insults directed at the cows so personally.
>>219069nta but you’re the one looking stupid with all your unsaged posts. just because you have a fupa, doesn’t mean other anons reading this thread do.
No. 219335
File: 1654891886245.jpeg (609.7 KB, 1125x1619, 68C4C079-C6C4-453F-8428-F71B78…)

even the plush bunny has a stain on its ass kek
No. 219434
>>218805Kind of gross of her to wear some shit like that to an all ages event. Like, there's little ass kids there. They don't need to see all of that. Someone needs to step in and teach her fatass how to dress.
>>218803Not surprising considering this is the same loser that outright lied about people being too scared to fight her at Youmacon despite a whole room full of people witness her about to cry because Taylor was gonna beat her up and I think a year later Taylor's friend was a spilt second away from knocking Micky's head off. When it comes to facing actual city dwellers, the girl is scary.
>>218487She's gonna make an excuse for it. Lol
No. 221314
File: 1655663036195.png (117.45 KB, 599x870, Lol nah.png)

It'll always amuse me she tries to act like she knows what she's talking about, even when someone vague posts, as if she's a beacon of taking her own advice. You're not a psychologist, mucky. And before anyone try to defend her, yes some people suffer from trauma of any kind for the rest of their life.
No. 231443
File: 1658454300664.jpg (478.3 KB, 1080x1450, Screenshot_20220721-212210_Twi…)

Micky still out here doing here same old bullshit.
No. 239255
File: 1660273884528.jpg (840.46 KB, 1080x1823, Screenshot_20220811-230811_Sam…)

She's in her mid-20s now and still for the life of her, can't dress properly. Also it wild that after all this time she really hasn't improved as a person.
No. 240762
File: 1660833171485.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x2024, Screenshot_20220818-102335_Tik…)

This is the same girl that was making threads on here and posting them on her Facebook page. She really shouldn't act so high and mighty.
No. 240776
File: 1660835380082.jpg (133.5 KB, 1080x578, Screenshot_20220818-110257_Sam…)

What stuff is she even talking about? This girl spent years bullying someone because they tried to warn her about their
abusive ex. Then she acted big and bad for trying to fight her sickly mother. The hell? Not to mention purposely spreading csem and using suicide as a threat to get what she wanted. She's hella delusional.
>>240764I honestly wish she had gotten properly humbled when she started those fights a few years back.
No. 241761
File: 1661125443246.jpg (Spoiler Image,240.96 KB, 706x1054, 1661125362037.jpg)

Found another nsfw account of hers. She's roleplaying rape… No. 241895
File: 1661200376628.jpg (769.94 KB, 1079x1510, Screenshot_20220818-102932_Tik…)

Looks like she's got a new group to manipulate. Wonder how she's gonna screw these unlucky bastards.
No. 242227
File: 1661343942032.jpeg (397.55 KB, 1125x1532, C282A811-6457-43A6-B9E3-318D98…)

>>242010this girl is milky on her own, I give it a couple weeks before she tries to fuck her scrote boyfriend
No. 242544
File: 1661472904160.jpg (380.97 KB, 1080x1284, Screenshot_20220825-134910_Twi…) guess she forgot about how she was caught on here mocking Taylor, Amina, and random black girls. Or when she made fun of that random mentally ill black girl on her facebook, and then said girl ended up deleting all her pages. Or when made fun of that random girl she accused of catfishing as her. She seems to forgot that all these threads contain proper evidence of her not even being true to her words in the slightest at any point.
>>242435She looks weird as hell on top of that. Like a who from whoville.
No. 243708
File: 1661877270284.jpg (205.83 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20220830-123427_Sam…)

Kinda impressive how the entire Facebook community she has managed to blow up in has no idea she's a lolicon admirer
No. 244504
File: 1662143767430.jpeg (240.42 KB, 1125x1350, 938B212D-F1CF-4AEC-9BA8-E61B53…)

a calf and a cow. So mucky will be at youmacon this year? Oh boy
No. 244957
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>>244436kek seems like it
No. 248686
File: 1663125493257.jpg (790.76 KB, 1080x1663, Screenshot_20220913_230012.jpg)

She's really trying to once again piggyback off the death of another e-thot she barely knew. What is her issue?
No. 248925
File: 1663192580613.jpeg (144.64 KB, 1125x961, 2F2627C1-45B0-42CC-9ABF-7DCA9F…)

mucky has a new friend, I wonder how long it will take for it to turn into another Emi situation
No. 249220
File: 1663267156357.jpg (760.79 KB, 1077x2115, Screenshot_20220915_143256.jpg)

>>243708This girl was excited over a Hot Topic sponsorship. Pretty sure most "alt girls" have gotten that. It's not even any special, just their Kuromi leggings, which she barely shows. She was acting like it was a modeling gig or a tv spot. Lol
No. 249337
File: 1663283345793.jpeg (252.87 KB, 1125x1102, 3C51C177-A4FA-4B35-9B5B-CF6AFC…)

>>249220kek “the” hot topic jfc, her new friends make kuromi their whole aesthetic. ofc the calf she has been hanging with reposted that, then continued to make posts about “bullying”
No. 250441
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No. 258444
File: 1665793169059.jpg (90.97 KB, 1080x452, Screenshot_20221011_220958.jpg)

Wonder how long this is gonna last.
No. 258445
File: 1665793374813.jpg (527.46 KB, 1080x2014, Screenshot_20221011_221223.jpg)

She's definitely lying considering she proudly told her former friend how she tried to beat up her mom. If anything, her parents likely have a healthy relationship and she's just looking to gain sympathy points again.
No. 258446
File: 1665793454503.jpg (480.84 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20221011_224318.jpg)

Micky knows damn well she posted her own nudes. Idk why she keeps running with this stupid lie.
No. 258447
File: 1665793711211.jpg (643.53 KB, 1080x1418, Screenshot_20221011_222938.jpg)

She looks like she lost some weight but she's definitely shaped like a fridge and has no ass.
No. 258985
File: 1665982274498.jpg (273.33 KB, 1080x1480, Screenshot_20221017_004159.jpg)

Micky is acting like being sponsored by Hot Topic is the same as being contracted by a high fashion brand to participate as a runway model for a Fall/Winter '23 show. Lol
No. 258986
File: 1665982297629.jpg (85.83 KB, 1080x654, Screenshot_20221017_004212.jpg)

>>258985Here's the status btw
No. 259138
>>258985which is especially funny cause they didnt even 'scout' her because here
>>243708 she admits she got 'accepted' which means she applied for it
No. 260640
File: 1666524028797.jpg (98.07 KB, 1080x514, Screenshot_20221023_065213.jpg)

This is such a load of horseshit. Nothing has truly changed about this girl. Everyone else who wasted their time on her has at least grown into better people. She seems to be stuck in her endless loop. She's done nothing significantly positive to better the relationship with her local community and just ran off from taking any responsibility for all the bullshit she's caused. She's stagnant.
No. 262726
File: 1667157466400.jpg (958.28 KB, 1079x2304, Screenshot_20221029_045534.jpg)

Here's she goes again with this fucking lie. She spent so much time lying about her age until she wanted people to harass and bully someone she didn't like.
No. 262727
File: 1667157534180.jpg (92.37 KB, 1080x579, Screenshot_20221029_045550.jpg)

>>262726Like, she got excommunicated from the whole community for lying to everyone and causing so much drama yet, she's still pretending to be a
No. 262728
File: 1667157616432.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20221017_143757.jpg)

>>262727She's even pulling this shit on her tik tok
No. 263961
File: 1667531304838.jpeg (225.74 KB, 1125x1490, DAB8BDDA-A1B1-4FFB-82C8-95B9BB…)

pot meet kettle