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No. 337153
Previous thread >>2790028chan thread: Summary:Micky is a disgusting piece of shit who blames her local community for all her failings. Depsite the fact she's hated by the same local community because of how much drama she caused and her tendency to lie. She at one point, started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both
toxic like her. She viciously bullied her ex groomer other former
victim after said
victim tried to warn her about him being an
abusive pedo. She's used suicide as a threat, just so she can get her way. She has lied about being hospitalized and how her stay went. She's bragged about beating her mom. Slept with her former best friend's
abusive partner and lied to the former friend claiming she was "hacked". She also pretends to be tough online but hides often irl.
Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Kumicky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody, Kuronekoknaifu, Ruru-chan, Kuro Hime
Real Name: Mikaila
Social MediaTwitter: (most of her other pages can be found through a link in her bio)Instagram: (SFW) (NSFW)PULL: inactive
Make sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree.(shit thread) No. 337158
Users of this thread should read last thread starting here
>>>/w/337104 for current discussion and big tinfoil debunking related to this cow's milk
(sage your shit) No. 337163
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She really has some deep rooted self hate issues because why does she feel that "cuck scenarios" and "stealing people's partners" are solely in black dominant genres like r&b and rap? That's something that can be heard in any genre. One Dolly Parton's biggest hits is both things and that's country.
No. 337173
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I'm really confused who she's trying to impress with these lies when it comes to her and exercising. The girl is still rocking a dad bod beer gut and flabby limbs, yet, we're supposed to believe she's lifting super heavy and doing 100 reps for for all her upper body exercises? Bullshit.
No. 337175
>>337173Yeah when she post some real non edited results I will eat crow and give her props
Till then she is just talking to talk.
No. 337200
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No. 337229
>>337200When you post about stuff like this, you are responsible for keeping up progress to show later. Usually, this is a way to keep yourself motivated but since it is her I can also say she might be posting in response to the things said here.
Hoping its the earlier rather than later.
No. 337230
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She always tells on herself with these posts. If she really wanted to change and "prove people wrong" she would have done that awhile ago. She doesn't geniunely care about changing, she just wants to look appealing solely for her social media.
>>337200All her pics show is that her stomach has gotten bigger over the years. She also seems to forget that people have seen her outside of her edited pics and videos. Not to mention people who have tagged her in pictures on Instagram. The only people she's fooling with this are gullible idiots and herself.
>>337212She definitely delusional. It's likely because she gets compliments from simps on her nsfw pages. Which if she had any sense, she would know they were only complimenting her to see more her nudes and sex vids.
No. 337257
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She’s definitely been lurking the thread . Would not be surprised if she was the anon detailing because she did the same thing, came in here and pretended to be an anon when she made that doc filled with lies about cinnagirl and afrosappho last year
No. 337258
Reference to last post when Micky derailed in here
>>313434Also here is the main doc since it was not added to her summary
>>314416 No. 337267
>>337259Was thinking the same. Its taken out of context and extremely contorted to fit their 'milk'.
>>337258The doc was made by a known cowtipper and ex friend who has been stalking micky on any social media she makes no matter how obscure and reposting the doc. Don't defend retarded farmers.
No. 337283
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>>337259>>337267Ffs, actual read what's posted in the threads. this was from a story on her Insta
>>337066That aside, she posted picrel on her Facebook. Not a soul wanted to be her. But it was clear she wanted to be nearly every girl she tried to ruin. I feel like Emi still regrets befriending her.
No. 337289
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I find it hilarious Micky couldn't pick up on the fact this person was telling her to give up on making NSFW content and get a real job.
No. 337385
>>337372I can't see his face to call him ugly but he is short.
Weird she would lighten his complexion.
No. 337445
>>337444nope. all we know is that she’s finding her life because she doesn’t work.
>>337442>stick to the cowstop minimodding newfag
(post proof) No. 337672
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Not sure why she's saying that or sharing this when there's evidence of her friendship falling apart because she's fucking toxic. Like, did she really forget she bragged about fucking someone's abuser? This kind of shit is why I feel like Micky hasn't truly changed and it's all just a show for likes and follows on social media. Can't even keep up with her own bullshit.
No. 337720
>>337672Is there proof of this? She
could’ve been lying
(sage your shit) No. 337738
>>337720Who lying?
I hope you do not mean Emi lied
No. 337827
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Not sure why she put that caption when she's ran off most of the time anyone's been direct with her when they had an issue with her. Especially when she's the one that caused said issues. Only to come back and play victim for a bit and then pretend to be some badass until the next issue she causes.
No. 340161
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Was taking a peep over on her Facebook page and saw this post. I honestly think it's really disgusting she's using someone's death a prop to once again try and gain sympathy for her made up story. Especially when she knows mostly everyone in community didn't want her trying to be a figurehead when she was a known bully. I still don't understand why she pushes this innocent victim narrative every so often. I especially don't understand why she did it with the death of someone she barely knew.
No. 341202
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Unsurprisingly, she's back to giving herself random conditions. I guess pretend to be a victim of bullying isn't working in her favor anymore.
No. 341552
>>341539Samefag but here is an example of what she's talking about. This google retard slinks around trying to ruin milk by doing this.
>>>/w/310296 they did this on geo too.
No. 341595
>>337153>>341552I don't think thats proof only ONE person is doing this. id argue its a small group of people. its the internet, the doc has been shared around. Other than for milk purposes i don't really care because micky was already disliked by her local community for being an annoying cunt and pushed it during the isshocon fiasco and its coalesnced into people finally getting tired of her. she can figure out how to rectify that on her own.
>>341591if shes dumb enough to argue with a bot then thats hilarious
No. 341637
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Honestly, I would not be surprised if it's just her bullshitting for sympathy follows and likes. She even posted this nonsense on her Facebook. She says all this as if her life is completely together. If she's gonna pray for anyone, it should be praying for herself, and herself alone. All her supposed "enemies" have better lives than her and didn't have to cause drama to get it.
No. 341786
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She posted this on her Facebook but most of this describes her almost perfectly. It's also wild that she forgot she's posted about others on here before. Hell, she just recently tried to ruin someone by lying about them being friends with her pedo ex and never apologized for it. Weird she tries to find any way to curb any responsibility for her actions and act like she's better than anyone else.
No. 341797
>>341786So its nothing new compared to
>>341637>>340161>>337827She just regurgitates the same spiel every time. We don't need to read it every time with new wording to know shes still a hypocrite.
No. 341859
>>341837That’s literally the opposite of what I said. I said that I (the person who made the latest google doc which is one of the ones being mass sent) is NOT being done by me. I tried to say the same thing back when she went to Las Vegas when someone did the same thing. It’s a completely different lolcow person doing it. Every time I try to say that the mod deletes it and then someone else comments the exact opposite of what I said. If you catch this message before it’s deleted you see it happen like clock work.
Again “I” - The google doc fag am NOT the one spamming micky’s folllowers. I also did not say “I” was here to create an “army”. I said that there’s a lot of people in the local community who uses this platform as a way to hold her accountable.
It’s really not that hard to understand what I’m saying.
(learn2integrate) No. 341861
>>341859 >I said that there’s a lot of people in the local community who uses this platform as a way to hold her accountable. Why would the local community need the site as a way to hold her accountable? It's clear from the Isshocon incident everyone is well aware of who she is and wants nothing to do with her.
>>341842What would she be moving on from because she keeps finding reasons to mention this site or she eventually causes some unnecessary drama. She needs to work on mentally maturing regardless of the threads exists. She's damn near 30.
No. 341863
>>341859Stop outting yourself. We don't care. This website again is not to be used as your personal army.
>>341861Move on to new milk. How will we ever get new milk when she keeps being bothered by anon above your post? All we have to do is stop interfering, anons need to stop interacting with her and people she knows or cons. Maybe then she'll have new milk to yalk about instead of talking about lolcow and googlefag daily.
No. 341864
>>341863>All we have to do is stop interferingI don't bother her nor her followers, that's stupid as fuck. It's obvious google docfag won't stop and
>>341859 won't stop either regardless of if they can post or not. Honestly, she was still going on about the thread prior to them, and even if they fuck off, she's eventually gonna bring it up again along with the bs sob story. She's like any other cow here. I tend to just ignore the thread for awhile until I remember she exists and check it. Probably the best you can do.
No. 342328
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Micky is really out here trying to revise her history. Time and time again it had been pointed out she's lying about everything. I really want to know why she keeps doing this over and over. Especially when evidence of the contrary exists. She's not gonna honestly grow if she keeps doing this.
No. 342339
>>342328This is just like
>>341637 and
>>340161 Its nothing new from her. Sage your shit.
No. 342377
>>342361I think she only posted that one because Isshocon is coming up and she's still mad she's banned. Then again, she'll likely keep doing this, so probably not. We all know she likes the sympathy and attention.
>>342368That one she calls her former local community predators enablers and says she finally got rid of them and Amina off all her social media pages. Which is weird because if they were such a big issue, why the hell was she just a-ok, Amina aside, with them in the first place?
No. 342412
>>342406>She's mentioned when she was 15 that her and her friends, probably Amina I guessShe was never friends with Amina. She bullied Amina for quite some time when Amina tried to warn her about her pedo ex. Even others tried to tell her she shouldn't be with him and she was being groomed. She brushed it off. It's in the older threads.
>Did you forget about being told it's okay to send nudes while underage?No one was ok with that either and she had he pages reported. Not sure why you're whiteknighting Micky and consigning her lies. Especially when all evidence against what she says is sitting in her old threads.