File: 1447452661928.jpg (31.02 KB, 400x300, tumblr_nso2ybaywW1ub2c1ko2_400…)

No. 58507
File: 1447454287143.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.8 KB, 640x430, tub girl.jpg)

No one cares about your boring tumblr drama
You faggots need to be perma banned
No. 58520
>>58512>>58518Delete this photo off of your blog and that will prove you are not Eboni.
Otherwise, you can fuck off with your self posts.
No. 58525
File: 1447454987303.gif (3.04 MB, 640x357, giphy.gif)

>>58524So, you will go on Tumblr to message Eboni but you won't just delete that fucking post?
Okaaaay, whatever you say "Kristen".
No. 58526
>>58525she deserves to have this post made about her, she is scum, she plays on her drug addictions and posts gore to intentionally
trigger people, i admit ive done bad stuff in my time but this girl is just UGHHH i hate her
No. 58529
File: 1447455176548.png (12.19 KB, 564x223, 2.png)

>>58526You are so pathetic, Eboni.
Self posting on lolcow while also sending yourself asks on Tumblr. How sad it must be to need attention this bad.
>>sage all around No. 58535
No. 58536
File: 1447455491903.png (Spoiler Image,240.49 KB, 558x455, 2.png)

>>58530kristen didn't make this thread. the person who is claiming to be "kristen" won't even prove they are her by deleting a post from kristen's blog but will log on to send "Luna" (real name Eboni) messages about lolcow. it's so fake, not to mention Eboni has steadily updating her blog all day long. She just reblogged this photo of a dead baby lol. aint it cute? (:
No. 58543
File: 1447455790697.gif (788.73 KB, 500x278, giphy (1).gif)

>>58534I just wanted to say that I follow Kristen's instagram and she posted a photo of herself earlier today, so to the person who keeps saying they're her, post another photo on your account real fast. I will turn on your post notifications so you can post it then delete it and i will still be able to view it.
If you don't do this, then "Kristen" has to be Eboni and we can all abandon this thread lmao.
>me waiting. No. 58557
>>58555 SHES BANNED FROM THIS WEBSITE THE ADMINS EVEN SAID SO. she was banned for being underage and for self posting and to my knowledge she always uses the exact same IP from liverpool
its fine that you think im eboni bc fuck knows what would happen if you found out my true identity
No. 58563
>>58557You should use a trip code if you plan to go by A* (this way you won't be inpersonated)
Just before you post, enter A*#123 into the name field.
After you do this, your name will become a very set of digits, check out my name for example.
No. 58570
>>58498The worst part about these self post/personal vendetta threads is that there are NEVER ANY FUCKING LINKS.
>>58569Because they are Eboni and she knows that she cant post while using a certain IP, so she figured out a way to evade the ban like the skeezeball she is.
No. 58573
File: 1447457485375.png (22.27 KB, 689x163, drugs.PNG)

part 1
No. 58575
File: 1447457510207.png (34.22 KB, 663x267, drugs 2.PNG)

part 2
No. 58576
File: 1447457547612.png (20.78 KB, 673x135, drugs 3.PNG)

>>58574 how do i prove that to you?
No. 58577
File: 1447457581036.png (1.32 MB, 1122x1192, 32.png)

>>58572Eboni you purposely sent yourself asks about drugs and filled your blog with what you consider "edgy" before making another thread about yourself.
>>i need to follow more gore blogskek try not to cut yourself on all that edge hun
No. 58594
File: 1447458234528.png (5.48 KB, 254x141, nowhosethatlolnotmeeeehsorandu…)

Yes it's totally ~*LIBBY*~
No. 58595
File: 1447458285181.png (45.38 KB, 542x508, 32.png)

>>58576I love how A
stops posting at 6:34pm and then Eboni replies to this self sent ask at 6:36pm and then A starts posting again at 3:38
>>58585And Eboni wants us to believe that she didn't make this thread hahah
No. 58604
I love this
No. 58608
File: 1447458679036.jpg (73.76 KB, 627x463, image.jpg)

what has become of us
No. 58614
File: 1447458934018.jpg (20.73 KB, 200x200, image.jpg)

>hacked into lolcow
>I just want to be part of the lolcow community!!!!1
>this girl deserves a thread!!!1 she's so ugly and fat!!!1
I can't even keep track of all the cancer in this thread
No. 58619
>>58611Lmao yeah fucking right
Who tf has "bags" of ketamine just chillin
You've never seen any of those drugs in your life you lying piece of shit self posting faggot
Please kill yourself
No. 58620
File: 1447459531408.png (1.65 MB, 1062x1184, 32.png)

>>58611Dude I just realized something.
Eboni is obsessed over this sickups/Aimee girl on Tumblr. They supposedly live near each other or something and I recall Eboni bitching about her on eceleb confession blogs waaaaaay back when but I really don't know much about the drama between the two girls.
Just just look at the name the OP is using.
The first initial of that sickups girl's name. Looks like Eboni is subtly trying to make it seem like she is sickups… and (Eboni) somebody already (self) posted in Ember's thread just a little bit ago, saying she "suspect it might be her"
>>58559Man, the level of cringe with this girl… Eboni just stop. You will NEVER be as pretty, talented, or as thin as Aimee. No matter how fucking hard you try.
No. 58621
File: 1447459837492.png (1.15 MB, 986x1142, 32.png)

>>58620Example number one of Eboni copying Aimee.
No. 58627
File: 1447461619109.png (400.17 KB, 1404x554, 32.png)

>>58620Okay so all I know now is that Eboni started dating Aimee's ex boyfriend but idk if that was before or after Eboni started to obsess over the girl.
Probably after tbh.
>>screenshots are from eboni's ask.fm No. 58632
File: 1447462832960.png (37.43 KB, 559x607, l.png)

this reminds me of how ember reacted when she was caught self posting on lolcow
No. 58633
File: 1447462867252.png (40.74 KB, 170x252, w0t.png)

cute fake party story
No. 58635
>>58632lmao, this is hilarious.
how old is she again? please don't tell me she's over 16. how embarrassing.
No. 58638
>>58636The Admin will not check your IP on demand.
Also, it's funny because I can tell it is you in this post because of your utter lack of punctuation.
No. 58768
File: 1447465512624.png (841.66 KB, 906x988, l.png)

>>58621Eboni has been going off about how her SSRIs make her "shaky" and now I see why she has been saying that lmfao. She loves copying Aimee.
No. 58769
File: 1447465547876.jpg (238.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-13-17-44-07…)

…..ok eboni
No. 58772
>>58633You can't mistake the look and feel of crystal meth.
And it is very very rare in the uk so that means incredibly fucking expensive so no one would leave it out.
No. 58776
>>58651Okay, thank you. So far to me from what I've caught on to… She's posted a thread about herself? She's 17… so why is she on this site…? She's currently live blogging a suicide (While posting on here)…? She knows Ember..?
(is my newfag status revealing enough?)
No. 58780
File: 1447466281091.png (38.96 KB, 561x365, 12.png)

Eboni also self submits to this blog (you can tell it's her because no one else refers to her as "Luna" rofl) and I was just gonna post these links you all can see the shit she says about herself, when I found this message (the screenshot) lmfao.
There wouldn't be any confessions of her on that blog if she wasn't the one sending them.
No. 58783
>>58780Careful, don't cut yourself on that edge.
But honestly this girl is so nuts and attention-whorey. I actually talked to her a few times on tumblr before all this shit happened and i literally did not know she had this kind of crazy in her.
No. 58815
File: 1447474609838.png (8.52 KB, 501x198, sickups.png)

She wants to be sickups so bad lmao.
No. 58816
>>58815Neither of these people are relevant.
Both those are your basic tumblr "idkhowtohtml" themes.
No. 58818
>>58817You don't have to green text shit you're replying to 2 lines, who the fuck cares about this shit.
I'm guessing you're the bitch who's being copied, because nobody else would give 2 fucks.
No. 58846
>>58817>>58620>>58621The second I mentioned how obsessed Eboni is with Aimee/sickups, the threads OP (went by kristen then A) immediately stopped posting here and then Eboni starting posting all this suicidal guilt trippy bs on her blog. Odd, right? (lol)
and I still have no idea what her deal is with sickups but from I can tell, Eboni is just a jealous fatty.
Us discussing this fact is probably making her feel all sorts of negative ways.
No. 58855
File: 1447481872480.png (521.23 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1447481568290.png)

>>58815Eboni posted the bottom screenshot the day after sickups posted the top screenshot
No. 58860
>>58859Abloo abloo
Go back to swimming in the ocean you fat whale
No. 58863
File: 1447483938223.png (721.7 KB, 799x599, lolselfharm.png)

>>58858Looks like she self harms about as much as she does drugs. at all that self harm on her arms.
No. 58864
>>58859Stfu and stop shit posting you whiny baby. Nobody here thinks you created this thread because we all know your incoherent and autistic structure of expressing yourself. You also already blew it with your fag ass truth blog friends, so if this were to actually blow you in your face, w/e they already hate your pathetic fat ass.
This isn't tumblr where you fucking regards scream IP at the top of your lungs over every damn little thing someone does. You're all too fucking stupid to be internet sleuths. Nobody is interested in you nor helping you maintain your innocence. Please fuck off.
No. 58871
>>58866We literally don't give a shit if you started this thread or not
Fuck the hell off to the nearest macdonalds lardball
No. 58873
File: 1447485544833.jpg (17.68 KB, 275x206, image.jpg)

>>58869Deja if you even put half the energy into working out as you do on trying to whore yourself out for scraps of attention online, you'd be a lot fitter.
No. 58877
>>58863oh my fucking god
this pathetic cunt
No. 58884
>>58880Hey man I feel you. I so desperately want to feel normal but I have so many friends that pull this stupid card and are fine all the time. Its so tiring.
No. 58902
File: 1447508739820.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 2048x1099, PhotoGrid_1447508521781-1.png)

This dumb bitch made herself another thread and proceeded to cover her arm in (fake) cuts because of it kek. What an attention whore, 10 points to whoever can find the source for her *~self harm~* photo.
No. 58907
>>58866>I literally want no attention, to be talked about, or be in this community or the truth blog community anymore Haha wow. No one was paying your ugly ass any attention until you started to self post about yourself
>>32689Do you really expect us to just
stop ragging on your cringey ass behavior everytime you make an appearance here? Your thread is dead for a reason. No one gives a shit about you yet you keep coming back, rambling on about yourself. It was immediately figured out you didn't make this thread and OP even confirmed it
>>58545 so why did you still feel the need to post so damn much about your IP? Oh thats right, you love being talked about.
No. 58916
>>58778ehy… amoxicillin could kill if given to the wrong person! So it's edgy!
no i've got an allergy to penicillin and other -cillin antibiotics and could die if I took these, but I still think it's funny as hell that she's trying to pass these off as "edgy" meds… unless they're edgy because they're a treatment for her VD or smth.
No. 58919
hi this is Luna, im having to use my mothers computer to type this message, i did NOT make this thread, this thread has cause me much distress since ive been told about it, im begging the admins to take it down, i know i shouldnt post this as i am underage but this is the ONLY post i will be making in this thread, whoever made this, i hope you're happy, i was 3 months clean of self harm until last night, be proud, i literally need stitches
No. 58922
>>58919>>58919UM when you were first "told about it" you didn't get upset at all. You continued to reblog photos, answer asks, and shit and the second someone pointed out your creepy obsession with Aimee/sickups, you started talking about how you were going to kill yourself lmfao.
But it isn't like I believe you didn't make this thread because you did hahaha.
No. 58938
>>58925You obviously look nothing like her because she is actually skinny and you outweigh her by 50lbs, at LEAST, but that's besides the point. You literally copy her style of writing, bought shit from that doll artist just like she did, dated the same guy she dated, and takes photos just like hers and even uses the same caption as her.
You're fucking weird. Don't you know her IRL?
No. 58945
File: 1447516201229.png (700.32 KB, 1817x1456, PhotoGrid_1447515552163-1.png)

Here's the shit Eboni was posting while she was apperently punching herself and slicing her arm up KeK.
And I believe that is her in that photo with the cut up arm and if she really did do that to herself because of a thread that SHE MADE FOR HERSELF then someone call me an ambulance because I am going to die from laughter.
The attention whoring is strong with this one.
No. 58951
File: 1447516849734.png (1.54 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1447516783274.png)

ahahahahaha bish where
No. 58956
>>58919>>58928>>58925LMAOOO what happened to "she's banned I swear ask an admin"
way to out yourself eboni
Is it possible for anyone to be any more try hard and pathetic? Like genuinely curious because I am embarrassed for you right now
How do you have so little going on in your life that you feel the need to seek attention like this
No. 58969
>>58965He said this about you though lmfao
>avoid this girl, she is a a Harlot and the worst kind off lying, repulsive, cheating fucking slag!Awww what a cute daddy you have n.n He treats you sooooo good, doesn't he? You repulsive, cheating whore.
No. 58970
>>58968You literally already made 2 threads about yourself and you really think we will believe that you didn't make this one?
Never gonna happen.
No. 58974
File: 1447520295970.png (819.22 KB, 1955x1587, PhotoGrid_1447520092282-1.png)

Eboni you have the best daddy ever!!!!! am so jealous
>Go die you stupid bitch, you literally make your self out to be so innocent, my friends are dirt, you didnt seem to mind when you where fucking them.
>I couldnt care less, you where messaging me telling me you loved me today, sort it out man, make up your mind, and stop chatting shit about me as well, i have all the reasons to think your a cunt, yet you act like you did fuck all! unbelievable really mate
No. 58977
File: 1447520991075.png (1.34 MB, 2048x1067, PhotoGrid_1447520835644-1.png)

hahahahah ahahahaha I would feel bad for Eboni if this didn't crack me up so much.
She cheated on this guy so he went off and called her a shit ton of names and is only dating her to get his dick wet. Damn Eboni, you live one sad life hahahahah. Please post more photos of your cuts!
>Get a load of her hunky daddy lmfao
No. 58979
>>58974Damn Eboni, you let his friends run a train on you?
You nasty and he nasty for going after their sloppy seconds.
No. 58986
File: 1447521605590.jpg (28.17 KB, 600x600, 10991119_10200212007180414_639…)

>>58977>>58976oh what a daddy!1!!!!one!! i can see why he makes you so drippy ^n^ probs delivers the best cummies a baby bear could Eva dream 4 !! !!! eboni u lucky little pixie!!1!
No. 58990
File: 1447522047774.jpg (38.99 KB, 800x600, 24643_3780090918350_1224789341…)

No. 58997
File: 1447522402404.png (873.94 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-11-14-12-30-33…)

>>58627OHHH so Sid, Aimee's ex boyfriend, used to be friends with Billy until Eboni decided to fuck Sid and Billy at the same time hahahah. This is really starting to come together now.
>pic related - these 2 were friends until they both gave Eboni a good ol' poke No. 58999
File: 1447522679537.png (732.15 KB, 938x1525, Screenshot_2015-11-14-12-34-29…)

>>58998Yeah but it's all an act. She is only acting like this because of Aimee. She is jealous of her so Eb is copying every fucking thing she does while also sending her anon hate.
>i can't get enough of eboni's sexy daddy No. 59039
>>59036im sane, im sane, im sane
so sane, im sane
No. 59041
File: 1447527185724.png (1.9 MB, 1813x1558,…)

>>59036What do you have against Aimee/Willow?
You keep throwing underhanded shade at her but copy everything she does.
No. 59047
>>59014THEN STOP REPLYING JESUS CHRISTTTTT. the only reason it keeps getting bumped is because you keep popping in to defend yourself JUST GO
Is this so hard to understand??????
No. 59049
File: 1447527823328.png (1.18 MB, 2048x1453, PhotoGrid_1447527360462-1.png)

>>59045Here's another example of you (Eboni) copying Aimee.
Her old facebook profile picture is Eboni's current Tumblr icon.
No. 59062
File: 1447528394845.gif (197.12 KB, 300x100, banner3.gif)

This thread is a hot mess.
Here, "Luna," this is UUUU.
No. 59066
I don't think anyone is pretending to be you but if you don't use a trip code, you're a fucking idiot.
No. 59068
File: 1447528965115.png (8.46 KB, 499x191, spewyy.png)

Here's your free pass to keep acting like this, Eboni.
PS: Has anyone noticed the parallels between Luna Lee Skwisgaar and Luna Labelle? I think there's something genuinely fucked with any girl that calls themselves "Luna".
No. 59087
File: 1447530294598.jpg (86.58 KB, 536x600, image.jpg)

Dear Eboni/Luna/Whatever,
I know you're going to reply to me in whatever unintelligible fake "mentally ill" text speak your decided to adopt, but I really hope you listen to me.
I've been in your situation before. Not exactly, but I've been a self-harmer (on a level you couldn't comprehend) and I've covered it up with drugs. I've cheated before as well. I'm not trying to be judge mental, but what you're doing is completely disgusting. You do realize that you are just trying to draw attention to yourself, right? That all of this, every single thing, would go away if you just deleted your tumblr, made your Facebook private, and stepped off the internet?
I really think you need to do something more meaningful in your life than pretend to be something that you're not on the internet for attention. You need to get out, go to school, read books, learn a language, get a job, just do something constructive that allows you to grow, instead of wasting away on your blog.
You can grow. Your mental illness doesn't have to control you. Whatever you're doing, it has to stop, it's exceedingly embarrassing and unhealthy.
Get off tumblr. Go outside. Read a book not written for teenagers. And please, stop doing this to yourself.
No. 59100
>>59087I agree with all of this except with what you said about Eboni being mentally ill.
She isn't. It's all an act. I 100% guarantee it. Even her boyfriend confirmed she is a "repulsive liar".
No. 59101
>>59095Dude there are a lot of people who are trying to give you good advice and who don't want you to end up an embarrassing trainwreck here like???
This isn't good for you, Luna. Like just seriously this shit doesn't bother us, we're just watching you being a mess. But you're the one who ends up with the bad feelings in the end. This is so self destructive argh.
No. 59103
File: 1447530935203.jpg (67.07 KB, 600x1063, 61633LFpDXL.jpg)

>>59092Mental illness is not an excuse. You can literally do anything you want to. You have four limbs, two eyes, you can hear, you can speak, you can obviously interpret the world around you. Stop using mental illness as an excuse to not get better. That's not how the world works.
You would be a whole lot better if you got off the internet. Do you think you're the only one who wants to die? Almost everyone I know has wanted to die at some point. Most of the people I know still do. But you know what? They keep going. I keep going. Because if you were born with the ability to live a meaningful life, you fucking do it.
Please read this book. It helped me be less of a self-absorbed teenie cunt. Maybe it will help you. Read more books and delete your tumblr.
>>59100I think she is a compulsive liar or a compulsive attention seeker, so I that's why I say she's mentally ill.
No. 59104
>>59099I follow her and she seriously I'd mentally ill. Like she was brutally raped as a small child and it fucking shows but anyways, Eboni is also copying her too. It's disturbing.
She is pretending to act like a girl who was raped by a grown man when she was a toddler.
No. 59109
>>59092Different anon, but I'm also going to try to be nice here instead of just taking the piss out of you (although it's so fucking easy and tempting because of all of your flailing around here). IMO, your parents should send you to some sort of inpatient or residential psych facility for a while so you wouldn't have access to the internet, you'd have to go to groups and learn coping skills, and you'd be focused on developing yourself as a person. I don't know what mental illness(es) and/or factitious disorder(s) you do or don't have, but your "crazy" attention-seeking behavior is going to become increasingly unacceptable the older you get, and it's going to get harder and harder for you to sort out your life. I've known women in their 30s who still act like "psycho" emo middle-schoolers, and that shit ain't cute. Step away from the internet and breathe in some fresh air. I know you probably don't want to, but I can almost promise you that it would benefit you to detach yourself from the internet, especially social networking sites. Read some books. Work on yourself.
>>59103You posted this while I was typing, and I agree 100%.
No. 59110
>>59107go deeper
these look fake
No. 59111
No. 59115
>>59107You will get no sympathy nor pity here with those. No one gives a shit. You must not understand 'chan-culture'; people are just going to ridicule you and tell you to cut deeper, because you're being an obnoxious attention whore by posting 'babby's first self harm' pictures on here.
Just fucking stop, you piece of shit.
No. 59116
>>59106No but you are imitating someone who was raped as a toddler.
>>59107I seriously thought "the real luna labelle" was trolling until I saw this post. You are really something wiv all your baby talk and pretend head voices.
No. 59120
>>59114>>59118Oh, shut up. You're a liar and an attention seeker and no one is going to care that you're pretending to hurt yourself.
If you're going to kill yourself, at least set up a livestream so we can laugh at your pathetic attempt.
No. 59125
>>59119You should be in an in-patient facility.
No. 59126
File: 1447531362899.gif (3.85 MB, 200x200, 200w.gif)

>>59117imagine how much attention you would get if you killed yourself
No. 59127
>>59121i was literally about to ask haha
this is so embarrassing but at the same time i can't look away
No. 59129
File: 1447531457116.gif (205.79 KB, 500x500, 1421879366949.gif)

>>59124Lol, do it faggot.
No. 59142
>>59133Sorry, but we aren't faggots with tumblrs so you can't pull that card.
I thought you were ~~overdosing~~?
No. 59152
>>59151>the real luna labelle >21 minutes ago give it 20 mins!!! i took about 30 trammies now, bye, will miss t=da ppl who actually supported me
So… how are you still typing and coherent? Oh yeah, that's right– It's because you're a fucking liar.
No. 59156
>>59147Yah tbh your eyebrows got a lot better from the last time i saw u
I think ember's terrible eyebrows are contagious.
No. 59157
>>59154>might call an ambulanceThen you don't want to die, you just want attention from an anonymous website.
Stop pretending. We all know you're not serious.
No. 59162
>>59158Oh I see, you told another person about your fake suicide attempt and then denied help when they offered it because you
know you didn't actually do anything to yourself.
Fuck off and die.
No. 59168
>>59164I love you anon, perfect.
>>59163Yeah fucking right.
No. 59179
>>59175i had friends who said that too. they'd take pictures of the pills they'd allegedly overdose on, and then they'd type gibberish, log off for a few hours, and then come back on and say "i'm okay."
it's all fake, dude.
No. 59206
File: 1447536337042.png (125.11 KB, 618x624, Skärmavbild 2015-11-14 kl. 22…)

nothing suprising. this is from before
>>59180 No. 59207
File: 1447536427212.png (327.24 KB, 629x578, Skärmavbild 2015-11-14 kl. 22…)

>>59206the "goodbye" is a few minutes after this post
>>59180 was posted but then the picture of the face was reblogged quite a few minutes later so she didnt log off or anything.
No. 59215
>>59207Oh lord, please tell me those are all of the pills she took, that would be fucking rich. Are those 2mg Xanax bars? If so, FYI, the acute oral LD50 of Xanax in rats is 331-2171 mg/kg, sooooooooo
I mean, benzos and/or opiates and alcohol = bad mix, but…10 mg of Xanax is NOT going to kill you. Not even close.
Not encouraging anyone to try to OD or anything. Just stating facts.
No. 59292
File: 1447544670669.jpg (13.43 KB, 263x94, aw shucks.JPG)

No. 59316
>>59312I did the same shit. I lied when I said I was following Kristen because I wanted to watch her dumbass try to lie hahah
>>58543Works everytime.
No. 59356
>>59206>>59207>>trammies and xanaxpft okay. As someone who's taken then for years you'd need like 100+ of Tramadol that usually comes in 50 mg pills and the 1mg Xanax you'd need like 50 to OD even slightly.
Tramadol isn't even an opioid, it's a false one they give to addicts to help curve their addiction to ops.
No. 59424
File: 1447558387195.png (621.23 KB, 2048x1064, PhotoGrid_1447556629708-1.png)

Even people Eboni knows in real life calls her bullshit out hahaha.
How humiliating.
No. 59467
>>59456Honey the night this thread was made she live blogged a fake suicide attempt saying, " there's so much blood. " while commenting on here.
it didn't happen. Regardless, what she says it didn't happen. It's attention seeking behavior. She loves this thread don't believe her.
No. 59486
File: 1447583018137.jpg (337.79 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg)

How can a raw vegan still be so fat? Her wannabe """"thinspo"""" poses are so embarrassing. Or maybe it actually works because now I'm motivated to go work out in case my legs get as flabby as hers
No. 59488
File: 1447583405140.jpg (362.82 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg)

No. 59525
>>59522Not ana
Just don't like my legs doughy and soft with no muscle tone
No. 59636
File: 1447638096742.png (537.24 KB, 940x437, Screenshot_2015-11-15-20-38-40…)

Some anon posted in this thread that Eboni should get rid of all of her accounts and then leave the internet for a bit but instead, she deleted her Facebook and asked this chick if anyone gave a shit lmfao
>>Jenna, come on. don't lie to the girl lol noo, Eboni isn't doing none of this shit for attention rofl
No. 59669
>>59517your friend is def doing something wrong if she's raw vegan and gained. i stopped being raw because it was too difficult to get enough calories, do you know what she was
actually eating? o_o
No. 59674
>>59672forgot to add this bit but didnt she used to be called ren/lauren or whatever
what is it with all of ebonis friends changing their names hahah
No. 59680
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um what
No. 59681
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Did Daddy tattoo her?
No. 59682
>>59488"mcket burger"
No. 59684
File: 1447650421404.png (19.59 KB, 659x325, this crazy bitch.PNG)

i cant even read half of this omg what is this crazy bitch
No. 59691
>>59690i myself am from canada so im not aware of this trend haha, sounds like shes trying to become queen of the edge-lords though
im glad you got out of that phase friend ;)
No. 59695
>>59693lmao she's 17
17 trying to act like a mentally ill 7 year old
No. 59699
>>59691I'm this anon
>>59688 and I'm from Canada too. We had them everywhere.
No. 59722
>>59697She just started acting this way a couple months back and stated she was doing it to piss off people on Tumblr.
So, she is just doing this shit for attention but it's just so.. awkward and forced.
No. 59723
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If you want to see how Eboni really acts (when she thinks she is anonymous), just go to her old thread. It is full of posts by her, where she isn't pretending to be like a "7 year old" but instead, shit talks herself for acting like that
>>>/snow/23707 hahaha
>i think she's gorgeous aesthetically tbh, its just her spoiled brat, 7 year old persona i dont likeNo one else likes it either, ya dumbshit.
No. 59725
File: 1447672504561.png (1.48 MB, 1738x1255, PhotoGrid_1447672155177-1.png)

Check out these screenshots from her old thread. She confirmed this was all an act back in September. The cringe never ends with this girl
>she wrote a post a while back saying how she was purposely going to act like a child Shows over. We can all go home now. This bitch is nothing more than an overfed troll.
No. 59727
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I love how when Eboni was called a fattie in her other thread (which she made), her immediate reaction was to disagree and then start posting images of herself doing her lil ~*ana*~ poses hahaha.
But she definitely has had a super duper crippling eating disorder for the past 2 years now!! u.u
No. 59728
No. 59730
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Eboni trying to interact with robyn, the girl who's personality she's trying to steal
No. 59731
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>>59681Found this in her tumblr tag lol. Is any part of her actually original?
No. 59732
>>59730I want to message Robyn and let her know because it just grosses me out, knowing Eboni is pretending to be a sick, mentally regressed girl when she was acting completely normal a month ago.
Robyn needs to teach this piece of shit a lesson. Let her know how fucked up she is she lying about this.
No. 59734
File: 1447674978437.png (753.47 KB, 2048x1362, 2015-11-14 23.17.22.png)

I asked Aimee if she knew Eboni and then sent her the link to this thread.
These are her replies.
No. 59735
File: 1447675033695.jpeg (102.86 KB, 640x877, image.jpeg)

>>59732Yeah. I doubt Robyn has ever spoke to her before but there's a chance, I don't know if it's worth it though and we'd just be getting her unecessarily involved. If Robyn doesn't know who she is then let it stay that way. I think Robyn is smart enough to see how much of a twat she is, I've followed Robyn for a while.
also going through her tag still sorry for spamming haha, last one - I see 0 difference and absolutely no contouring???
No. 59736
>>59734Weeeew that's embarrassing… and super creepy…
Honestly I hope Eboni learns from this and starts growing the fuck up and developing a personality of her own soon.
No. 59741
File: 1447676915852.png (257.67 KB, 1080x1375, Screenshot_2015-11-16-07-23-49…)

For once, Eboni is 100% correct.
We will all forget about her and the dumb shit she did but unfortunately for her, there will always be an archive of her creepy behavior. Her threads will continue to exist even if the memory of her fades.
Seriously though, the way she is fetishizing child molestation makes me want to vomit. I wouldn't trust her around children. No telling what she will do to them.
No. 59745
>>59740If she were 13-15, I would agree with you but she will be 18 next year? lmfao I don't care if she is "soul searching", she has been a major attention whore for ages now. She popped up around the same time as Ember but we just never payed any attention to her because we all thought she was just a retarded kid doing dumb stuff for attention. And she was but she has only gotten worse since then.
Though I don't think she actually is worth discussing like Aly/Vic/etc and if Eboni didn't make all of her own threads, I would have never mentioned her. But if she is going to waltz her fat ass into our line of sight, then I might as well rip on her while I have the chance.
I do wish the admin would turn on auto-sage for this thread though. Pretty sure the rest of the lolcow community are sick of seeing Eboni's ugly face.
No. 59747
File: 1447677772397.jpg (186.52 KB, 600x600, Pedo-Bear-Seal-Of-Approval-ped…)

>>59742If only they knew the risk at which they were putting their child.
Eboni, you are the scum of the Earth. God help any child who has to be in your presence.
No. 59750
File: 1447678493735.png (214 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-11-16-07-44-50…)

>>59749You post photos of lolicon (drawings of kids being raped), talk about "kidnapping" fanasties, reblog images of babies and kiddie toys in between porn and other nsfw content, pretend that you are a seven year old child while talking about how your "dada" has sex with you and you seriously want me to believe that you don't fetishize child molestation?????
You are disgusting.
No. 59757
File: 1447679528034.png (3.52 MB, 2048x1806, PhotoGrid_1447679052714-1.png)

>>59749Just look at all of the shit you reblogged.
We all know you are faking all of this
>>59725 since you did confirm it for yourself, so the fact that you're reblogging photos of dead babies and drawings of young children being raped makes me sick to my stomach.
You think people like Robyn and the horrific shit she went through is cute and glamorous???? Do you wish you were molested???? What the fuck is wrong with you. Why are you forcing this shit so hard? Is it Billy? Is he the one who is the pedo, since he likes to have sex with your retarded ass while you pretend to be a 2nd grader? Or do you just get off to the idea of a grown man having sex with a 7 year old?
Like what the fuck is wrong with you two? Why are you both so into diddling 7 year olds?
No. 59762
>>59759Lol no, she said this was all be act. It's FAKE. She is pretending.
Why do we have to keep saying this.
She acts normal on Facebook and in private conversations but on Tumblr and in here, she is just
a lil 7 y/o baby and we are all meanies!!!Nothing happened to her when she was a kid, she is just a pedophilic attention whore who thinks it cute that her
dada diddles her while she acts seven year old.
pukes No. 59768
>>59764Because Eboni self posted here and proceeded flood this thread with comments about how she is a 7 year old lmfao.
She has been the only person to self pist here who also reblogs photos like that and then act the way she did hahahah.
No. 59772
>>59765ffs please don't post your disturbing made up fanasty about you getting touched as a kid. no one cares to read about that shit anyways.
seriously, don't conjure up some disgusting/fake story about molestation. it'll just confirm your pedo status even more.
No. 59778
>>59773>>59776I'm just telling you not to make up some fake story about getting molested bc we know it'll be fake and the fact that you even have a fanasty like that will literally confirm that you are a pedophile.
Just please leaveeee. you're making everyone feel uncomfortable. We all too old for you anyways!! You sick fuck.
No. 59784
File: 1447681002381.jpg (48.43 KB, 600x600, MY-GIRLFRIEND-SAYS-I39M-A-PEDO…)

Look it's Billy! Eboni's daddy (:
No. 60046
>>59795how was it sid who made you "act" young? didn't you just say you "act" this way because of some "childhood trauma"???
>>59790>you people are absolutely fucking disgusting, ive spoken to this girl before, and never once have i said i was raped as a toddler, thats sick and disturbing, ive had my fair share of child hood traumas but nothing compared to that, never accuse me of saying that because i havent, my therapist said my newly found behaviours is a result of not being able to handle criticism and regressing to a child like state, im not trying to be anyone just leave me the fuck alone !!!!!!!!damn seems like ember is better at lying than you lmao
No. 60064
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Isn't weird how Eboni sometimes regresses back to a 7 year old but somehow is able to retain all of her knowledge about computers?
No. 60067
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eboni swears she is dating billy but he told me that she is still his ex
No. 60093
Well, this thread is a mess. I've locked
>>23707 so that this is the only thread about her.
A few things:
- Yes, Eboni (obviously) made this thread and many of the posts in it, just like the previous thread she made about herself. She used Hola VPN this time, to try to mask her IP.
- She sent me several reports and an email regarding the thread, claiming she didn't make it and asking that I delete it. Again, normally I do not reveal private reports, not even necessarily of someone who has previously violated serious rules, but that combined with the blatant attempt at tricking me is so absurd I kind of have no choice.
>i admit whole heartedly that the first thread about me was indeed created by myself but this second thread that was made was made by someone else, and i believe as a minor, i should not be posted about, im 15, soon to be 16 in december, these threads are very distressing to me and im pleeing for them to be removed, they started shit talking about my boyfriend and bringing up old triggering memories of my past, as i said i am very distressed by this, so please if you could, have them deleted, best wishes, luna labelle xIf you're harassing yourself (and also lying about your age), then asking me to delete your own self-harassment, I don't have a ton of sympathy for you.
- I missed numerous posts she made a while ago when I initially revealed which posts were hers. She posted
>>32772 and a lot of the posts in it. She also just made
>>>/pt/204689 today for some reason, and many other posts between the prior exposure and now.
Eboni deleted the thread earlier today, and I wasn't able to fully restore everything. A few pictures are missing and some post numbers are misaligned, so some quotes are wrong and won't link properly, but otherwise all text content was fully recovered.
I'm not actually going to reveal any of her other posts at the moment, partly because they're pretty obvious and easy to spot yourself. But also because she can't seem to keep away from this site.
Eboni, the minimum age to post is 18. Minors posting here adds unnecessary liability for me. If you post on this site again, I will have no choice but to explicitly reveal all of your other posts, as well as contact your mother on Facebook, explain the situation, and ensure she keeps you off of the website.
No. 60101
File: 1447735421402.png (228.77 KB, 500x376, usagi.png)

>>60093>contact your mother on Facebook, explain the situation, and ensure she keeps you off of the websiteOh god someone pls do this and post caps
No. 60117
File: 1447737274716.png (275.07 KB, 1025x505, youdonot.png)

Eboni, you do not have BPD.
No. 60118
File: 1447737347530.png (1.53 KB, 264x31, youdonot2.png)

You also didn't black out and post this thread. ;))
No. 60433
File: 1447822139715.png (109.01 KB, 951x334, Screenshot_2015-11-17-23-47-19…)

kek ok
No. 60795
File: 1447974261127.png (70.56 KB, 1080x493, Screenshot_2015-11-19-18-02-05…)

lol what did you do eboni, show them your blog?
>tfw you realize ember said the same shit when she was 17
No. 74187
Threads about anorexic/ED/wannabe-anorexic people should now all go into one single /snow/ thread. The only exceptions are Ashley and Aly. Ashley's thread will remain in /pt/, and Aly's will remain in /snow/.
Please move all discussion to