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No. 7479

Rejoice! Another round of festivities is upon us!

To celebrate a year full of rich, creamy milk ending, we'll host the lolcow awards 2018!

You can now submit your nominations.

> best milk
> favorite cow
> worst cow
> Horrorcow
> best troll
> worst troll
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Once we have a good amount of nominations, a poll will be posted for everyone to vote.


No. 7484

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> best milk
Tractorgate or Dolly Mattel's blog deletion

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Taylor Dean for her animal neglect

> Horrorcow

The zoofurries.

> best troll

Emziotic? That one pettuber who posted about herself and Taylor before being exposed.

> worst troll

Onision's asskisser, Becca? The one who was here calling herself an ana and dissing Plainey.

> best comeback

Onision. The milk was drying up until he bulldozed the wetlands.

> biggest plot twist

Momokun's Japan trip providing zero milk.

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Have to give it to the Momokun artists and meme makers. They brought their A game this year.

No. 7485

>Dolly Mattel's blog deletion
>best milk
it's been a sad, low-dairy year

No. 7486

I only follow a few cows so I may be unaware of other things. I did forget about Mira and her massive scamming though.

And I think I messed up cows on worst troll. I meant Booty whose name seems to be Megan, not Becca. It's hard to tell them all apart.

No. 7487

> best milk
Dolly's blog being deleted/tumblr banning porn

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Lola Tyrell

> worst troll

Lola self posting

> biggest plot twist

Jillian being straight (sarcasm obvs)

No. 7488

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> best milk
Brittany Venti's bf's meltdown
Grimes/Elongated Muskrat/Azealia beef
The Mars Argo/Tits lolsuit
the Shoe0nhead video
the confetti club's antics (hilarious as always)
Nemu's entire life
Soren's fake suicide and new narrative
xxxtentacleporn found dead in miami
Logan paul filming that guy who an hero'd

> favorite cow

Idk, Shoe0nhead? She was consistently milky throughout the whole year. As was the confetti club.
>inb4 some cow with a thread full of vendetta chans wins it like shay, anisa, pnp, etc.

> worst troll

the insecure racists from /ot/

> worst cow

That crazy tranny heckler who turned out to be a shit eating pedo and a literal rapist (I think his name was like andy deir?)

> Horrorcow

Obvi the zoosadists, maybe nemu and soren too

> best comeback

Soren coming out of hiding to drop the revised trauma narrative on us with more bullshit than ever
fucking Mira's spergout

> biggest plot twist

Amanda Seyfried was board-tan the whole time :O

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

That shoe0nhead pretty princess points pic

No. 7489

Favourite Cow has to be Pixie and her always providing confetti flock of losers

No. 7490

> best milk
momokun’s sexual assault outing
> favorite cow
> worst cow
> Horrorcow
zoosadists, duh
> best troll
> worst troll
dasha lmfao
> best comeback
Usagi kou
> biggest plot twist
KM viciously pulling a 180 on miranda and the $15k “gift”
> best UGC
Literally anything from momo’s thread tbh

No. 7491

> best milk
Tractorgate, shaynas fupa being identified on Twitter and revealed, dashas sperging being outed– was that this year?

> favorite cow

sorry I always get a solid laugh out of shayna.

> worst cow

Soren, titanic

> Horrorcow

The zoosadists or menu

> best troll

Fucking emzotic thinking she pulled a fast one and not realising ALL her posts here would be outed. Fantastic

> worst troll

..also emzotic for the reason above

> best comeback

Onision fucking bulldozing the environment right when shit was getting bland

> biggest plot twist

Amanda seyfried is the sole creator of the celebricow thread

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Shaynas threads are full of good ones if you exclude the retards who just post boring caps of her on cam for 30 posts in a row. Cyr holding dasha as a poodle. Various from onions thread. Hard to choose just one

No. 7492

>best milk
I wish Tractorgate happened today. It should definitely be "Most Anticipated Milk" though. Other than that, Moo's sexual assault could be close second. Vicky Shingles and Review anon are worth a mention lol.
>favorite cow
>worst cow
TND. She physically enrages me.
Moo sure looks the part.
>best troll
>worst troll
Other Megan, BootySlayer. Bitch tried to apply to be a farmhand recently.
>best comeback
Mira scamming the fuck out of that autistic Norwegian ex-stan. Though I'm not surprised anymore.
>biggest plot twist
Amanda Seyfried left me kinda dumbfounded.
>best user submitted content
Always had a soft spot for artfags in the Onion threads.

No. 7493

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> best milk
KM milk, tractorgate (idc if it's delayed)and
Greg getting outed for yelling at his kids by Maya

> favorite cow

Greg and Lainey

> worst cow

Taylor Dean and Mira

> Horrorcow

the zoofurries and nemu.

> best troll

Amanda Seyfried

> worst troll

RxBootyslayer (also known as other megan)

> best comeback

Raven coming back from the dead

> biggest plot twist

Other megan applying as a farmhand and KM turning on Mira

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

No. 7495

Can Amy and Tammy Slaton count as horrorcows even if they don't get that much traction on here?

No. 7496

> best milk
#1 When #MomokunIsCancelled took off after one of her sponsors asked for her victims to come forward.
#2 Tanacon

> favorite cow

#1 Momokun was consistently fun to follow here
#2 Onion and Lainey have great peaks, too

> Horrorcow


> best troll

Vix from the Onion threads. She infiltrated Onion's heart and ghosted him. It was pretty anti-climatic, but gotta give her props for the long con.

> worst troll

#1 Bootyslayer from the Onionflakes threads
#2 Dasha when she was exposed

> best comeback

The government for starting the Onion's tractorgate at the last second after a stale few months

> biggest plot twist

Not really followed here on lolcow, but PurpleKecleon ghosted everyone after being exposed for her and her husband's predatory behaviors. Months later, she came back announcing a divorce… but only after her, her husband, and her boyfriend all changed their real names to their furry OC names.

No. 7497

> best milk
The KM dumps in the Randa thread. Tractorgate is still ongoing, so we can look forward to the Avaroes doing community service in the New Year

> favorite cow

Randa is my new favorite. I love waking up to fresh milk on the daily.

> worst cow

Taylor Dean, I usually hide the threads because it's just too depressing to hear about those animals.

> Horrorcow

Zoosadists, obvs.

> best troll

Anons concerned about tongs in the Lola thread.

> worst troll

HiIamASociopath or whoever everyone in tempcow thought was Onion. So much time was spent I'm speculation that farmhands told everyone to STFU about it

> best comeback

Shiena getting arrested, making the news, and being deported cannot be forgotten. This is especially true now that she returned to social media while pretending that none of this happened.

> biggest plot twist

Dasha being outed for self-posting.

…Though, the dox being accurate on Woof was pretty big too. Especially when KF made that and the ice-cream shop seem like a big nothingburger.

I also think there should be a special category for minor plot twists. A lot of anons were skeptical when Himeka said that she was going to be getting plastic surgery with Kitty. Joke's on us, because she did and the results are awful.

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

The Onions thread pics. There are always talented anons submitting art.

No. 7498

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> best milk

Amanda Seyfried

> favorite cow

Amanda Seyfried

> worst cow

Amanda Seyfried

> Horrorcow

Amanda Seyfried

> best troll

Amanda Seyfried

> worst troll

Amanda Seyfried

> best comeback

Amanda Seyfried

> biggest plot twist

Amanda Seyfried

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Amanda Seyfried

No. 7500

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> best milk
Mars Argo's lawsuit against tits and poppy. It was such a big dump of info at once and confirmed everyone's suspicions about him.
> favorite cow
sh0e. she's just rage inducing enough to be consistently entertaining, but not bad enough to think about at all once I've closed her thread.
> worst cow
taylor dean.
> Horrorcow
> best troll
> worst troll
any and all males who post on /g/ and /ot/
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
finding out sh0eonhead had been a lolcow mod early in the site's history and OG admin-sama partially started the site so june could track who was bad mouthing her.
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
shoe and mayu's PPPs.

It doesn't really fit into any of the above categories, but I would like to give a special mention to the video of Titanic Sinclair getting beaten up.

No. 7501

> best milk
Shiena getting arrested and deported, making it to normal news
Momokun sexual assault scandal, making her forever a meme, kamikazed her "career" and the calves jump ship
KM dumps in Miranda's thread

> favorite cow

Momokun, predictable yet milky as always, milk's a bit scarce as of late but still incoming and there's no sign of drying up completely.

> worst cow

TND, the way she neglects her animals just makes me angry

> Horrorcow


> best troll

I can't see anyone topping Vix from last year, so not going to nominate anyone.

> worst troll

Poopbeck, any Onionflakes that came to lolcow anyway, they get outed so fast and is just annoying

> best comeback

Woof tracking down a zoosadist through the ice cream shop lead, causing the KF admin to come here and kick up a fuss, three cheers for Woof!

> biggest plot twist

Dasha being outed as the anon trashtalking Mina through one and a half threads

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Momokun edits by various anons, I know the base material is top tier already but the edits just bring out their full potential.

I don't think Vix can count since the main milk happened during Christmas of 2017, she really is the best troll though.

No. 7502

> best milk
Tractorgate with Onision.

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Margaret Palermo. She seems to do fuck all but sperg in her goshiwon, put pins into her Venus voodoo doll & pretend to be Jewish.

> Horrorcow

Goodlord,how does she think any of her horrific pics could be used as spank material? Absolutely horrific and makes you want to gouge out your eyeballs.

> best troll

Farmers subbed to Onision's patreon. Lainey's Twitter leak was fantastic.

> worst troll

Dasha's self-posts.

> best comeback

Onision with Tractorgate. 'Twas glorious.

> biggest plot twist

Mira's sugardaddy dropping the deets.

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Artanon who made the collage of Onision sitting on the Tractor. VERY close Runner up is the
Artanon who regularly posts such golden masterpieces as the 'Lainey is it obvious>' drawing. They actually deserve special recognition for providing some of the most hilarious cartoons on Gurgle's thread.

No. 7503

> best milk
Mira/KM drama
>favorite cow
Onision and Lainey
>worst cow
> Horrorcow
The troons from the gender critical thread

No. 7504

> best milk
Venti's ex's spaz out and Tractorgate
> favorite cow
> worst cow
> Horrorcow
Zoosadists and Trannies
> best troll
Brittany Venti. Rob revealing kissless virgin Shoe's dick sucking, the infamous "shoot me in the face if i ever show cleav" line, and Shoe's fans thinking Venti was some all powerful being were some great moments as a result of those videos.
> worst troll
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
Shoe confirming the rumors she was a lolcow mod.
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
Mayu's pretty princess points

No. 7505

>best milk
Tractorgate for sure.

>favorite cow

Holly Brown. What a waste of space. Following her downward spiral has been a true source of joy.

>worst cow

Soren or TND. Both make me outrageously angry.


Zoosadists & nemu.

>best user submitted content

Anyone who makes OPs on /pt/. You guys are too fucking funny.

No. 7506

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> best milk
Amanda Seyfried

> favorite cow

Amanda Seyfried

> worst cow

Amanda Seyfried

> Horrorcow

Amanda Seyfried's hands

> best troll

Amanda Seyfried

> worst troll

Amanda Seyfried

> best comeback

Amanda Seyfried

> biggest plot twist

Amanda Seyfried

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Amanda Seyfried

No. 7507

im surprised but also glad that taylor is most people's worst cow; she is absolutely horrendous

No. 7508

i love you whores.

No. 7509

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> best milk

> favorite cow


> worst cow


> Horrorcow


> best troll


> worst troll

Gore/CP spammers in /ot/

> best comeback


> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Shuwu comics

No. 7511

> best milk
Shiena being arrested and detained in Japan and deported.

I mean, #MomokunisCancelled and the KM leaks were milky. But Shiena getting onto the news with her arrest and conviction were fucking ice cream in comparison.

No. 7512

> best milk
Vicky's kidnapping saga via notice note at the taxi company next to the tattoo shack.

> favorite cow

Vicky Shingles

> worst cow

Taylor Dean and her boyfriend

> Horrorcow

Taylor Dean and her boyfriend

> best troll

Admins outing of Booty's antics

> worst troll

Shitty newfag farmers talking endlessly about how they're fat but not as embarrassing as a cosplayer as momokun

> best comeback

Onision bulldozing the wetlands. Momokun, Vicky, the Josh & Ryan & Fat bin Morticia were leading the race until the big green tractor made an appearance.

> biggest plot twist

Muslim Mira and paypiggy ratting her out for the 46k worth of donations to be his gf

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Shoe0nhead pretty princess points

No. 7513

Ok here goes mine

> best milk

Anisas discord leak
Anisa vs vegan gains shitshow
The whole shuwu video brittany made
Pear fax contento cuck where they revealed all the Milk
The whole onion patreon saga
The momokun harassment scandal

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Dolly Mattel she is disgusting

> best troll

Brittany Venti
That vix girl

> worst troll

The anisa fans

> best user submitted content

>>7493 that image always makes me laugh lul 1…2 Shane dawson Will never notice you

No. 7514


Woof was the zoosadist.

No. 7515

> best milk
Nemu. Her thread went from "omg remember this girl? I love her" to "Actually this bitch is nuts" and helped many into realizing how disgusting she is, lc and kiwifarms started compiling and archiving her art spreading her nastiness and then her bf came in and doxxed her
> favorite cow

No. 7516

> best milk
Even though she is dry right now (and not likely to stay that way since she’s a fuckup) Mariah was the Millkiest by far this year.

> favorite cow

Mariah or Dolly. Truly cannot even begin with those two walking participation trophies

> worst cow

I felt like Pixie was boring as hell lately.

> Horrorcow

Margo continues to be horrible in every aspect

> best comeback

Shiena getting arrested and plastered on national ducking television, jailed, and deported.

> biggest plot twist

Sere having ANOTHER fucking kid

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

The first image posted of Moo/Simpsons had way too much precious effort put in to a cow

No. 7517

> best milk

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Taylor Nicole Dean

> Horrorcow


> best troll


> worst troll

Gir the Alien Goldfish / Placebo

> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

The Ice Cream Shop Dox

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)


No. 7518


>worst troll

Dasha selfposting

>best comeback


>biggest plot twist

GG / plaaastic did not actually kill herself

>best submitted content

I genuienly love the anon(s) who did the Aly fanart

No. 7519

Actually, scrap onion boy as best comeback, shiena being arrested was more of a surprise

No. 7520

>best milk
brittany venti vs 4chad + her vs shuwu;

>favorite cow

shay and momo

>worst cow


>best comeback


>biggest plot twist

dasha's psycho meltdown and posting revenge porn in mina's thread;
shane dawson becoming a cow

No. 7521

> best milk
Raven coming back, fupa being outed and Vicky & Review anon

> favorite cow


> worst cow

TND and tuna

> horrorcow


> best troll

Vicky being "kidnapped"

> worst troll


> best comeback

Tumblr going SFW

> biggest plot twist

Fupa blowing his own cover and being outed

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Definitely the anons who make the threads, and transcripts of videos.

No. 7522

>Best Milk
Kiki's Room 8 scene & MoooMoo being exposed for sexual harassment
>Favorite cow
Onion & Plainey
>Worst cow
>Best Troll
Amanda Seyfried
>Worst troll
>Best Comeback
Mira's scam
>Biggest Plot Twist
Amanda Seyfried creating lolcow

No. 7526

>best milk
Tractorgate if it actually amounts to something (inshallah), otherwise Shiena getting deported or Miranda going full ISIS bride
>favorite cow
The Onions have gotten pretty boring aside from the Tractorgate thing, so maybe Vicky? Shayna? If Miranda actually ends up moving to a shitty Muslim country then she might take on that role.
>worst cow
In terms of boringness? Probably Lorena or Margot at the moment. There are a lot of generally boring cows, but these two disappoint because they've gone dormant in terms of drama-production.
Woof and co hands-down, no contest.
>best troll
Everyone who's leaked private content deserves a shoutout. Same goes for the cow artists. Otherwise this has been a bad year for trolling in general.
>worst troll
The gigantic basement-dwelling faggot from Kiwi Farms who decided to derail the Woof thread and make it about him because he was bootyblasted that he wasn't involved in making any progress in the doxing effort and wasn't getting enough attention/praise.
>best comeback
Usagi Kou. She's an OG cosplay cow who made a comeback after roughly a decade.
>biggest plot twist
That Miranda has a fan. What the fuck?
>best user submitted content
All of the info from tractorgate and the pictures that became Onision thread pics. Shayna's thread pics are also pretty incredible.

Just because:

>worst user submitted content

That massive angry screed on Vick's most recent thread, all BPD posters, and every conversation about Taylor R. that has not taken place as a direct result of Kiki.

No. 7528

Not that anybody cares but by BPD posters I meant the posts where BPD posters discuss BPD in a thinly-veiled attempt to talk about themselves, sorry for the confusion

No. 7530

>best milk

>favourite cow


>worst cow




>best troll

guess Booty for trolling Gergles without him getting it

>worst troll

julia herself

No. 7535

>worst user submitted content
I nominate the anon who used to spam those terrible shoops in the pnp thread

No. 7537

That's a good one. Almost everyone who tries to 'fix' a cow's appearance using shoop is creating terrible content. They were generally a little bit higher-quality when this place was mostly composed of seagulls but now the practice is more or less universally cringe-inducing.

No. 7548

> best milk
Shiena's arrest
> favorite cow
> worst cow
> Horrorcow
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
Momokun turning to camming, Mira becoming Allah warrior
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

No. 7552

>Best milk
Momokun sexual harrassment accusations, Tractorgate, Cheese's viking burial

>Favourite cow

Momokun, Onision, Raven

>Worst cow

Dolly Mattel, Mira (both boring and disgusting)

>Horror cow

Taylor Nicole Dean, Raven (for dead and mistreated pets)

No. 7553

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> best milk
Tractorgate, Dolly's blog being deleted
> favorite cow
Pixie, Dolly, Taylor Dean
> worst cow
Probably Taylor, because god when she got the chimera snake a little part of me died inside (like all her pets)
> Horrorcow
> best troll
Britanni Venti, she's a fucking legend
> worst troll
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
Everyone who has made videos, thread pictures, collages, video-reuploads; that takes a lot of excess time and effort and we all appreciate it.

No. 7554

>best milk moomoo sexual harassment complaints, shiena's arrest

>worst troll amanda seyfield's vendetta sperg

No. 7561

Are the troll categories for the cows themselves or those who trolled them or those who trolled us?


>Gir the Alien Goldfish / Placebo

I nominated her because she nearly became a cow herself. She trolled Raven all over social media and samefagged here and on KF where she made such a scene that she got called out by Null and doxxed.

No. 7563

> Best milk
Tractorgate, Mira/KM leaks, Fupapa being outed

> Favorite cow


> Worst cow

Moomoo, Pixie and Tuna, sadly (actually, I missed the good ol' big areolas days)

> Horrorcow

Woof and the Zoosadists

> Best troll

Rav…umh… I mean "Library friends"!

> Worst troll


>Best comeback

Raven (from the Josh saga to the gofundme funeral scam…)

> Best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Art-anons in the Onions are super funny and talented
Shayna OP pics (the cryptid one was hilarious)
Doodle-anon who made the Tuna's art parody
Also, the transcript anons are precious.

> Worst user submitted content

The blogging/armchairing/nipticking fags

No. 7569

>best milk
Momokun's sexual assault scandal, Momokun's various shoops

>favorite cow



Zoosadists investigation

>best troll


>worst troll

Ana-chans and racist anons in /ot/

>best comeback, biggest plot twist

Mira's + her sugardaddy dropping receipts

No. 7570

>best milk
Momokun's sexual assault scandal, Momokun's various shoops

>favorite cow



Zoosadists investigation

>best troll


>worst troll

Ana-chans and racist anons in /ot/

>best comeback, biggest plot twist

Mira's + her sugardaddy dropping receipts

No. 7572

> worst cow
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
The Onision art always cracks me up

No. 7574

> best milk
for me, the soundclout universe, ppl die there
> favorite cow
the soundclout universe, Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann, Toopoor&Spooky, Coconuts the Angel & Kevin Pouya, Fat Nick and his paid girlfriend, Cassidy/Hotelshrimp, the fucking ghost of Lil Peep that never leaves, xxxdead etc
> worst cow
TND & Johnny Craig abusing and neglecting animals
> Horrorcow
Tyler Gross-o
Fat Nick
> best troll
Toopoor/Layla, anons fall for it all the time
> worst troll
Dasha the anonymous person teehee
men tbh
> best comeback
Tyler Grosso's porsche (just kidding, it gets replaced)
the never-leaving presence of Lil Peep kept alive by his deluded peepettes and the lulzy scene
> biggest plot twist
Dasha's spectacular outing
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
Pixielocks/Jillian Vessey thread

No. 7576

> favorite cow

No. 7577

> favorite cow

No. 7581

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

No. 7585

> best milk
the end of Laura's Leech career

> favorite cow

Momokun because she fucked up so many times

> Horrorcow


> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Onions on date

No. 7586

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> best milk
Dasha and emzotic being outed for self posting

> favorite cow

I miss pt so much, nostalgia.
But weirdly Wylona shares a special place in my heart, shame she doesn’t have a thread here bc her being imprisoned in Singapore shit jail for drugs for a whole year was quality milk, seeing her send letters to others trying to control her IG from behind bars.
But favorite cow now would be Lola tyrell for prez 2018

> worst cow


> Horrorcow

Kero and the zoo crew, cheers to outing woof!

> best troll

Bootyslayer for this reason >>7492

> worst troll

Emzotics “social experiment”

> best comeback

Onion boy fuckin with holy tree law

> biggest plot twist

Mira scamming and failing generally at life/coming out as faux-Muslim for dick

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Soundclout general for compiling so much evidence of pouya and fat nick raping their fans

No. 7587

I’m changing worst troll to that stupid girl on the anti Abby brown fb groups that tried to pretend to be Abby brown and “troll” her

No. 7589

oh shit, Kyle is a good one, true

No. 7590

> best milk
Kyle Nathan Perkins doxx

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Luna or Ariana (plasticandproud) Both consistantly boring.

> Horrorcow

The furries

No. 7591

>best milk
#MooToo for sure. Come on, it can't be anything else. Threads used to max daily.

>favorite cow

Moo and Onion.

>Worst cow



The Pettubers

>best troll

The Amanda Seyfried sperg-chan

>worst troll


>best comeback

Usagi Kou

>biggest plot twist

#MooToo again. Nobody would've expected it

>best user submitted content

The edits posted in Onision, Moomoo and Shoe threads.

No. 7593

> best milk
I was gonna say Swamp's leaks but then KM came and dumped it.
> favorite cow
Forever Onision
> worst cow
In the sense of not cow worthy? A lot
In the sense of most horrible being? TND and all pet tubers honestly.
> Horrorcow
> best troll
Anon(s) leaking Onision's content
> worst troll
Amanda Seyfried anon, and every fucking Miranda and her pals posts defending her.
> best comeback
Miranda's KM leaks
> biggest plot twist
See above
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
Every video made by Aldlii, and every art piece in the Onision thread.

No. 7594


> worst cow

>In the sense of not cow worthy?
>In the sense of most horrible being?


No. 7595

lola tyrell for all of them

No. 7596

> best milk
Shiena getting arrested
> favorite cow
> worst cow
> Horrorcow
Nemu, Raven
> best troll
> worst troll
Kyle Perkins
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist

No. 7597

I'm confused too… Which definition of "worst cow" is everyone using?

No. 7598

File: 1544394880776.jpeg (131.56 KB, 1029x1065, god i miss this bitch so bad.j…)

> best milk
Brittany Venti's Shoe videos
gender crit threads
Celebricows during the Grimes/AB/Musk saga

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Animal Youtubers

> Horrorcow


> best troll

Tong anons in the Lola threads

> worst troll


> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

David doxing his own fiance in the Nemu thread

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Shoe0nhead comics
Pixielocks edits
Momokun drawings

No. 7602

> best milk
Cant decide
> favorite cow
> worst cow
Micky (both a bad person and truly just the worst)
> Horrorcow
Nemu, hoolyshit
> best troll
Idk, tbh.
> worst troll
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
Emzotic being a troll
> best user submitted content
Idk either

No. 7603

Sorry but I would like to add this as a nomination for user submitted content

No. 7606

File: 1544424443110.jpeg (24.06 KB, 176x263, 20181011_213754-01.jpeg)

> worst cow Katie Marie Smith
aka JoySparkleBS
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

No. 7607

File: 1544424841239.jpg (846 KB, 1920x1080, 20181005_033819.jpg)

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Down with the Sickness

No. 7608

> best milk
Fupapa’s identity being revealed
> favorite cow
Onision and that downward spiral
> worst cow
Honestly Shoe has gotten really boring this year, the terf sperging has gotten old
> Horrorcow
Zoofurries of course. Nightmares.
Luna and Lurch
> best troll
Idk atm
> worst troll
> best comeback
Raven’s return
> biggest plot twist
When it was revealed that Logan, Dorian and his gf were in a poly relationship. That was fucking nuts
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
Onision threads have some amazing artists

No. 7609

not even one of those epic edits posted in the joy thread was actually good

No. 7611

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

JoySparkleBS Video

No. 7613

Don't even start infighting in this thread. It's a nomination, not the actual voting.

No. 7614

May I ask if there is a limit on
User submitted content? Thanks

No. 7615

submit only what you consider the best of the entire year and post the links to the individual posts instead of the media itself. there is no fixed limit, but we will leave out no-effort creations like this >>7606. Cropping a photo and applying a one-click filter isn't exactly best of 2018 material.

No. 7616


Sorted. Thanks for replying anon.

No. 7618

> best milk
Maya leaks, tractorgate
Dasha posting

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Delete the thread about the deformed babies, feel sick every time I have to hide that thread

> Horrorcow

whoever everyone else hates

> best troll

Everyone who leaks Onion content

> worst troll

Vicky shingles being kidnapped
Kelly Eden exploiting her dead cousin
Sam for not exposing more about onion

> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

Dasha being outed
Sarah dumping Lainey

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

The sims 2 edit of the Onions and Sarah

No. 7619

>best milk
I hate Taylor Dean but the milk flowed. Honorable mention to Jennifer Dean.

>favorite cow

The pink hair chick Leda. She's the only cow I can think of that I don't hate and she published a book this year. Good for her.

> worst cow

Kelly Eden

> Horrorcow

Shayna Clifford (Everytime I see screenshots of her pressing her infected foot calluses into her infected pussy I can't help but to think what a horror cow she is)

> best troll

Taylor R. being married to some old Asian dude the whole time. (I think this was exposed/confirmed this year?)

> worst troll


>Best (worst) comeback

Logan coming back to steal Dorian's bitch after having already stolen his mom.

> biggest plot twist

Shayna's Fupapa being exposed as an Oklahoma call center worker. I was honestly shocked with that one.

No. 7623


Please define "worst" >>7594

No. 7624

> best milk
Shayna moving in with Kyle Perkins and doing everything but thriving

> favorite cow


No. 7625

>biggest plot twist

Late entry! SPECK HAS A BABY!

No. 7626

> best milk
Shayna moving with fupapa and all those horrific photoshoots and porn videos with the sadistic agency

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Margo was boring as hell

> Horrorcow

Zoosadists and the troons on the gender critical threads

> best troll

Britanni Venti

> worst troll


> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

Plaaastic not being dead lol also FUCKING SHUWU BEING A FORMER LOLCOW ADMIN.

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

this >>7488

No. 7631

>best milk
momokun starts camming

No. 7634

Worst cow can mean the most infuriating one, the most disappointing one, the one you hate to follow the most, and so on.

No. 7635

> best milk
Kanadajin3 swindling a fan out of 46000 dollars
Nemu's thread

> favorite cow

Onision & Laineybot for producing milk for over 10 years with no end in sight
Poppy and Titanic feuding with everyone and everything

> worst cow


> Horrorcow


> best troll

Dasha, the lengths she went to are impressive

> worst troll

all the selfposters in the Onision Flakes thread leaking each other's nudes and shit

> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

Plaaastic rising from the dead after being mourned by Vietnamese media for almost a year, forcibly outed by a hacker
Tumblr banning NSFW content

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

The Onision threads, not just for the drawings but mainly for the extent users go to to archive material. Onision and Lainey put out videos, streams and Patreon content across a good dozen of social media accounts with varying levels of privacy and Farmers have managed to infiltrate every bit and mirror every video, every stream, transcribe videos, and so on. I haven't seen any cow being documented to this extent on lolcow.

No. 7638

I only follow a few threads and only a couple are really milky. so my answers are a bit bland.

> best milk

-Moo’s sexual harassment scandal.
-Vicky’s kidnapping story to get out of tattooing someone and stealing their deposit money. Anon coming forward after getting scammed by icky.
-Shayna/Dolly moving to bum-fuck Oklahoma in a 70k Hick-mansion with her internet tumblr boyfriend.
-Moo’s short-lived but embarrassing camversity stint.
> favorite cow
Vicky & Momokun
> worst cow
Shayna/dolly and her teenage girlfriend, Fupa.
> Horrorcow
Those dog raping pedophiles in the zoosadists thread.
> best troll
> worst troll
Any cam girl in the Shayna threads that have to constantly talk about how often they shower.
> best comeback
Vicky milk has been on the rise after a slow year.
> biggest plot twist
-Fupa being outted as dead beat dad of 3 working at a call center.
-Moo’s japan trip offered barely any milk and anons were grasping at literally anything to get their milk fix.
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
Momokun threads are always gold.

No. 7639

> best milk
Definitely Mars Argo getting back at Tinydick Sinclair and Poppy through her lawsuit. Just felt vindicating, you know?

> favorite cow

Can't decide between momokun and shuwu, both are generally fun to follow

> worst cow

Margo, kind of wish she would leave her daughter alone forever instead of… everything she does to her instead. I'd also be fine with saying Titanic here for similar reasons, both are abusive narcissists (not to armchair etc)

> Horrorcow

I guess I'll go with the zoosadists but honestly I'm too disturbed by that term/the content of other posts to look for it myself. What's been said is enough for me man. Out of threads I've actually read, probably nemu I can't get over the puke in tupperware I guess

> best troll

tumblr banning NSFW content

> worst troll

hugless virgins in /g/ that talk about sexually assaulting women for replies, and I guess also the anons replying to them

> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

Dasha reveal imo, reveals are honestly one of my favorite events, always feels like a blessing 10/10

> best user submitted content

see vid in >>7585 still incredible

No. 7643

> best milk
Shiena being arrested and deported

> favorite cow

Dolly Mattel/Shaynar

> worst cow

Taylor Nicole Dean

> Horrorcow


> best troll

Britney Venti

> worst troll


> best comeback

Sorry can't think of one!

> biggest plot twist

Emzotic being a farmer

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Any of dolly mattels photo edits, they were great!

No. 7644

> best milk
MooMoo sexually assaulting people

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Titanic Sinclair

> Horrorcow


> best troll

Amanda Seyfield anon

> worst troll

Also Amanda Seyfield anon

> best comeback

Onion Tractorgate

> biggest plot twist

Tumblr NSFW ban

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Pixielocks video anon

No. 7646

> best milk
Raven's couchland saga, KM leaks, titanic sinclair lawsuit

> favorite cow


> worst cow

all the animal abusing scumbags: TND, Pettubers, Raven, zoosadists… FUCK THEM

> Horrorcow


> best troll

Amanda Seyfried

> worst troll


> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

Mars argo suing titanic

> best user submitted content

whoever made this >>7581 and the transcription anon in Raven thread.

No. 7648

hey has no one heard of littleprincecosplay/littlepaladincosplay aka keith? he's gotta be my favorite cow. only relevant for like a week tho but snowthesaltqueen, teamdrv3, zettai_kibou, and a few others posted about the things he did on instagram shortly before onicon in hopes of warning people who were going to the con. the shit he did was worse than momokun imo but there isn't as much proof of what he did, just screenshots and testimonies that seem to stay pretty consistent throughout. as for best milk, gotta hand it to yanderedev and momokun.

No. 7649

there's also kuro the wolf as far as horrorcow goes…(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 7650

>worst cow
Gotta be Kelly Eden, she's horrible to her "friends"; her videos are insufferable to watch thru, and acts like she's a gift from God when she's a mediocre, has-never-been, washed-up shut in.

No. 7651


>worst troll

This post.

No. 7659

ou can now submit your nominations.

> best milk

Miranda Isis bride vs KM
> favorite cow

Miranda Isis bride

> worst cow

Even though everything is laughable about her hence my nomination for favorite cow, her vileness earns her too the title of worst cow… MIRANDA ISIS BRIDE
> Horrorcow
> best troll
> worst troll
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

No. 7666

> best milk
moo being outed for sexual harassment

> favorite cow

shaytard, moo

> worst cow

kelly eden, tuna, nicole dollanganger

> Horrorcow

zoosadist thread ofc

> worst troll

mickey's sister lol, victoria murder

> biggest plot twist

the fact that kyle nathan perkins told his ex-wife shay is a "graphic designer"

No. 7667

> best milk
>favorite cow
Still onion after all these years
>worst cow
Joy, I can’t stand her fat face anymore
>horror cow
Littlefawnxo or whatever she was called by the end. So short lived. So scary. I couldn’t look away.
>best troll
Was Vix this year? Otherwise Amberlynn ‘I’m totally sticking to it this time gorl’ Reid
>worst troll
>best comeback
Sticky Vicky! And her pesky stalkers
>biggest plot twist
Dasha posting
>best user submitted content
That picture of Greg on the little tractor saying ‘I’m a big boy’ that fuelled me for days

No. 7671

My vote across the board goes to the most vile, disgusting (but hilariously dumbass) cow who ever lived. Momokunt. But at the same time I don't want her to win in any category because she will see it as some kind of sick validation.

No. 7703

I don't follow enough threads to fill all the categories but oh well

>favorite cow

>worst cow/horror cow
the Zoophile thread
>best comeback
Usagi Kou if her milk is as old as she is
>best troll/biggest plot twist
the NSFW Tumblr purge
>best user submitted content
anyone that makes good art and edits for the threads tbh, but i gotta shoutout Pixielocks video anon in >>7581

No. 7711

OH SHIT Emalee, yes add her to my vote for horrorcow as well >>7598

No. 7724

The super best friends are breaking up and not going to do videos anymore. I ditched game grumps years ago for them, so it’s real sad to see them go now.(no one cares)

No. 7727

> worst cow
Plasticnproud/Ariana McMillan

> Horrorcow

Coco from the soundclout thread
Taylor Nicole Dean

No. 7738

> best milk
Dasha being outed as a creep
> favorite cow
Shoe and "daddy" for their ridiculousness
> worst cow
Taylor Dean
> worst troll

No. 7745

> best milk
KM betrayal & leaks

>favorite cow


> worst cow


> Horrorcow


> best troll

Venti & her vids on shoe

> worst troll

Shoutout to all those robots in the man hate thread

> best comeback


> biggest plot twist

Emzotic insanity

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Whoever first saw shrek/preg & donkey/shoe deserves a sticker

No. 7757

> best milk
Kelly Eden exploiting her dead relative for clout sympathy and monetary gain

No. 7762

> best milk
KM's millions of screenshots of conversations with Kanadajin3.

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Margaret Palermo. She's psychotic and not in a hilarious way.

> worst troll

Kanadajin3 and her sock puppets

> best comeback

Shiena being deported to Canada and acting like she never whored herself out in Japan

> biggest plot twist

KM revealing that he's a Norwegian autist and gave Kanadajin3 $45,000 and didn't even get to see a nude or touch a tit.

No. 7787

>best milk
The video proof that dasha is an actual prostitute

No. 7803

File: 1545472176620.jpg (307.44 KB, 1079x1037, 1530933258910[1].jpg)

> best milk
- The entire cosplay/anime community rallying against Momokun when she was publicly called out for sexual assault and the overflow of memes that came from it

> favorite cow

- Momokun
- Pixie
- Abby Brown (RIP)

> worst cow

- Littlefawnxo/Emalee and Holly, because they both make me irrationally angry.

> Horrorcow

- The zoophiles.

> biggest plot twist

- Pixie's ex's sister playing milkman
- Momo turning to camming
- Abby truly staying off social media

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

No. 7830


>Abby truly staying off social media

Now that you remind me, this!

No. 7859

>worst cow

Throwing it in for Kelly Eden (saw a few other anons add her as well) for:
- milking her cousin's suicide for mental health advocate points, monetary gain, and sympathy
- being a controlling and toxic "friend"
- flirting with taken men
- spitting out poor quality (content-wise) videos in a desperate attempt to save her floundering channel

No. 7894

File: 1545880403190.jpg (602.55 KB, 1024x898, Brain damaged beyotch.jpg)

I nominate myself because I fucked all of your boyfriends and I like trains.

No. 7895

File: 1545904553195.jpg (105.67 KB, 1200x800, 1537765578879.jpg)

> best milk
Brittany Venti vs 4Chad

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Kotakoti, she was formerly one of the best but has since become so boring and forgettable

> Horrorcow


> best troll

Brittany Venti

> worst troll


> best comeback

Grav3yardgirl makes a huge comeback only to fuck it up with Starbucks pettiness.

> biggest plot twist

Shane Dawson finally responds to Onision and threatens to sue.

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Anytime anyone spots Maya stalking Shoe or Contra. He's like a Lolcow edition of wheres waldo.

No. 7896

Throwing in one more best milk nomination: Onision challenges Shane Dawson to a fight.

No. 7900

>biggest plot twist

Plaaastic coming back from the grave to beef with her lolcow thread/being caught posting on PULL or Gabriel Zamora exposing Manny MUA. The beauty community had hella milk this year.

No. 7907

> Worst troll

Admin for posting this thread to make us think she is actually invested in this site

No. 7912

> best milk
Mira and her best lackey KM falling out, with KM spilling the beans here that's she's haram af, sending him lingerie pics and bilking him for a living allowance / shoe money to the tune of around $46K while pretending to be his girlfriend and that she would get him into Japanese school.

Honourable mention: Tractorgate. This one is like fine wine but I feel it still has some aging to do. Let's see if it ends up with Greg losing his house, seems likely in 2019. Shooting up Youtube HQ / The County HQ while screaming "it was yaaaard woooork!!!" when.

A lot are citing Moo's harassment scandal but I feel that didn't involve new information as such, it was more a hilarious outcome stemming from her past actions, a publicity storm.

Minor mention: Shiena getting busted, dragged through the media, imprisoned, tried and deported from Japan, then acting like nothing has happened back in Toronto.

> favorite cow

Mira's been really solid. Her persistently stupid selfposting as if she can just hang around being a grammar-challenged whiteknight and no-one will notice, it's really something. Her loyalty to sharia principles while acting like a closet whore is impressive. Stoning when?

> worst cow

Raven. Rip and safe travels to all the pets she's disposed of, 'lost', were killed or sold from her hoard in the last 8 or so months. Fucken gross.

And staying on theme, Taylor Dean, rip to her numerous dead exotics, neglected to death.

> Horrorcow

Zoosadists: Levi, Woof, Kero etc etc. No-one could possibly be as vile. Cheers to Woof losing his job and public reputation in Cuba over some ice cream parlour pics.

> best troll

Dasha. Everything really from her skinwalking to her selfposting. But if I had to cite one thing, it would be the 'impartial, anonymous' video she made slating Edwin while pretending to be British >>>/pt/535521

> worst troll

The "how do you do fellow anons" types who think their evidence-free claims and samefagging are well-blended into the Lola Tyrell thread.

Honourable mention: The 500 and 502 errors. Pls.

> best comeback

Tractorgate. This is Greg back in his finest form, exhibiting his capacity to initiate and entirely fuel his own dramas, and what a fucking liar he is. Enjoy your hundreds of thousands in costs and fines, Gruggles. And we have something else to discuss in the threads now besides Lainey / Eli / Kai looking like a foot.

> biggest plot twist

The reveal of Raven-related "trinity" featuring her son Dorian, Dorian's new wife Isa and Raven's ex-childbride (probably still married lol), Logan. When she left NZ, Dorian and Logan weren't even on speaking terms. Fucking the guy who was married to your abusive mother for five years is some (disgusting) twist.

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

There's no way I can locate the original post where it appeared, sorry, but Aldii's Greg and Lainey date night video as cited here >>7593 reigns supreme for me, and it prompted a reaction video from Greg as well. Aldii's content in general is worth a special mention.

ouch, I'm sad

No. 7919

Found Greg reacting to the Aldii video here: >>>/pt/487936
I'm wondering if the video itself is from the tempcow era?

No. 7929

>worst cow
Taylor Nicole Dean
>favorite cow
>best troll
Emzotic's exposed posting

No. 7930

samefag adding

>worst troll

Mira's hilarious failed sockpuppeting in her thread

No. 7932

>favorite cow


Social Repose

>biggest plot twist

Finding out Taylor R's husband owns a raunchy mens site/escort serivice&they met because Taylor worked for him.

No. 7934

> best milk

> favorite cow

Luna Slater

> worst cow

TND & Jonny

> Horrorcow


> best troll


> worst troll

Lola Tyrell

> biggest plot twist

Emzotic's backstabbing

> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Onision's Olive Garden date

No. 7953

>best milk
has to be dasha for being outed as a prostitute just before christmas via that gross vid of her fingering herself next to a 50 year old man getting his dick sucked

No. 7993

The >best milk is definitely the bloodcalibur cam girl cult

No. 8011

We've collected all the nominations, eliminated some cases of misunderstood categories/unfit nominations, and compiled everything in this survey. Please vote here! The survey closes in 2 weeks.

No. 8012

> best milk
When mods revealed that Dasha/ItsBabyDash/Neuphs has posted on her own board 100+ times
> worst cow
What a piece of shit
> biggest plot twist
After accusing Mina of being a hooker, Dasha is in fact a hooker herself

No. 8015


The link in the red text page header is incorrect.

There is no limit to how many cows you can vote for in each category?

No. 8017

It's up to 3 for me

No. 8018

each section has a limit to how many you can choose

No. 8022

I picked differently but I enjoyed your post

No. 8024

> best milk
Onision IRS and WA state

> favorite cow


> worst cow

Taylor Dean

> best troll


> best comeback

Jennifer Dean

> biggest plot twist

Mina/Dasha sex work situation

No. 8096

Onion boi is best and worst

No. 8097

You need to vote here fam >>8011

No. 8262

When do we see the winners? I've looked but can't see if you have a date to publish the winners.

No. 8266

Sorry for the delay but I can announce winners tomorrow since the previous admin handed me the results. Expect a new meta thread with all the winners.

No. 8288

my body is ready

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