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No. 754044
A thread to continue to discuss pro-anas, wannarexics and attention seeking mental health/recovery "warriors".
previous thread:
>>>/snow/697266 No. 754086
File: 1545794838452.png (831.1 KB, 750x1334, 9919959E-7F0F-45FB-8DFA-CA4B45…)

I think she’s officially hit the weight where she needs to stop photoshopping. If it wasn’t obvious before it is now. Amy’s whole world is shaken now that she’s been posted on illnessfakers. People are on to her eating disorder and munch munch munching! Does anyone think she’ll come out and say she has bulimia or ed behaviors? Or is she in to deep with the lies. She could say that the ed gave her gp but most ppl return to normal motility when they recover and she also has EDS which apparently can cause stuff like GP. she also has the munchie holy trinity anyway of EDS, Dysautonomia and MCAS so it be hard for her to explain away every condition. Once she gains weight I’m wondering what her next moves will be, hopefully she gets the line out and doesn’t continue with infusions Bc y’all know she’ll be bloodletting again. I really hope when the Tpn is done they yank it, but Ik she’s going to angle for pots saline infusions
No. 754107
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No. 754211
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Smorven’s story posts from a few days ago.
(For those that were asking earlier in prev thread; she has always been for at least the last 2/3 yrs, on a type of section called a community treatment order which basically means if she doesn’t engage with her treatment plan at hope she can be recalled to hospital for enforced treatment under the mental health act. She is in a private psych unit on a specialist ed ward (still all funded by NHS) and she is still claiming there is absolutely nothing wrong with her and everyone is making a big mistake…. she now claims all her weight loss/difficulty eating stems from her extremely severe GP (claims can only tolerate liquids) and her self harm and headbanging and manipulating staff and family is all her Autism and not actually the BPD she was diagnosed with when she first ended up in the system !
No. 754215
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>>754211More recent smorven posts. Interestingly she always posts way more and takes suggestive sickly selfies with medical equipment when shes in hospital but never normally posts when shes home
No. 754225
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>>754211Smorvens awful and repetitive claim she’s absolutely fine (personally i think she really does want to appear as if she doesn’t have any insight because it ensures/makes it far more likely that care and treatment will be enforced on her but she can rant about how awfully the world is treating her)
No. 754396
File: 1545879623478.png (1.44 MB, 1614x588, Kelsey.png)

>But that means that that I’m going to have to start being a bit more strict on what I eat. The last thing I want is to be a fat lump in a swimsuit sitting on the beach.
Kelsey is a very sick girl, and even though she photoshops a lot of her photos (to a ridiculous degree) she is still super spoopy, but these captions make it harder and harder to feel bad for her, the attention seeking here is so obvious, yet her fans just feed straight into it.
No. 754553
>>754498Oh yeah I understand why she photoshops her photos, eating disordered people are notorious attention seekers. I just don't understand how her followers don't realize it, the shit these people comment and the way they excuse the attention seeking behavior of these anas is making them so much worse. How many of these anas do you think would be in treatment or recovered right now if not for their idiotic followers.
Not excusing the insta anas or saying they aren't idiots too, fwi.
No. 754621
>>754588I think some people do notice the shoops, but how on earth do you call her out on it? It's obvious something is wrong, and sometimes people are just plain bad at confrontation especially if they have an EDs or mental health issues themselves. I think this is where anonymous hatred and bullying via sarahah and tellonym thrive. People too chickenshit to say how they feel, yet they put their anger somewhere so it's interacting with the cow (or just plain ED sufferer) behind the background and making situations worse. (though sometimes it's with merits, some cows do block you for trying to burst some sort of public bubble they're creating).
>>754571 can you screenshot anything from them at all? VK requires an account.
I do wonder if she can see at all how bad her photoshops are at all. As with art, sometimes you can come back to a piece and realise "holy crap, what did i do? that's all wrong" after taking a break. Not exactly the same thing but could a waning in mental state affect the way they perceive the shit-shop too? They might think it looks healthy.. "sort of"? or am i off the mark?
No. 754716
File: 1545942409114.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1337x623, nh01.png)

>>754621This is all the page is. S/he comments on noteable spoops from ig and I don't think they realise she's one of the vk pervs. Pretty sure her latest profile is all screen grabs from hardcore skinny fetish videos, but not 100% sure (99% though).
No. 755786
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Uhm what… is she saying she has five years to live Bc of a google search?
No. 755822
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>>755786Yep apparently that’s exactly what she’s saying. This is just embarrassing kek
No. 756128
File: 1546133475535.png (Spoiler Image,829 KB, 1048x778, dR8z6d1.png)

here's one actually pandering to the VK fetishists
No. 756202
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>>756134This girl is friends with Nina Hansen
>>754571and Markus Pfennig, who fetishizes Eugenia
>>>/snow/756016 No. 756258
File: 1546149219222.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.88 KB, 592x513, g.JPG)

>>756202They're all in a big old skinny fetish circle, including big old Henry Roth.
TW TW TW Henry Roth nude body check
No. 756260
File: 1546149555650.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.16 KB, 696x573, bleck.JPG)

>>756258While on the subject of pro ana VKers, there's one called Nina Hamilton (friends with the others). She (if it's a she) posts kids who need a good feed. is one of the sickest things I've seen on their pro ana fap sessions.
No. 756497
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>>756317Vk doesn't really care about pro ana stuff. I think it's because it's a Russian site and I've known of other Russian based sites that allow far worse things (ie pedo shit) and don't do anything about it. Pfennig and the Hansen woman have had profile's deleted for breaking ToS but they only make a new one.
>>756410The fact it's so public is disturbing as well. (Not to mention why is that little girl so underweight??)
>>756386This bugs me. I hate when snowflakes think that ~nobody understands muh struggle~. I read this and can relate but I don't take a pic of myself crying and post about it. Experiencing PTSD, depression, anorexia, anxiety, personality disorder ALL AT ONCE is … what happens. To everyone. They're all mixed together yet she won't try to recover because she thinks there's too much going on? Sounds like excuses. Yeah, she's sick, but she's in a hell of a fortunate position having a mother who waits on her 24/7, free accommodation and the offer of treatment (which some would kill for) that she won't take because ~too much going on~.
No. 756536
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>>756386kek literally just came here to post this, she’s one the worst imo. pic related - doesnt feel ‘able’ to try something as simple as breathing exercises yet manages to go shopping every day
No. 756574
>>756536Controlling breathing's THE thing that helps stops full blown panic attacks. Personal blog but from experience relaxation tapes (yeah I'm old) and breathing exercises were the thing that eventually helped/still help with anxiety attacks. Helps A LOT.
Doesn't see she's ill enough yet wants people to know she's iller than they think, Huh.
>>756570It's the grossest page I've seen on vk tbh. Bonespo is bad, but when they're posting kids it's a whole new disgusting level.
No. 756610
>>756608Even if they can't remove the content (with vk being Russian based) at least they've got it logged and they'll look into it.
>>756609Not the anon who mentioned it but google Hailey Burns. She was missing for a year when she ran away to be with an "ana coach" she met on mpa.
No. 756611
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>>754230>>754211 Scene from near the start of the film on Netflix called Bird Box.- remind you of anyone?
No. 756955
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>>756133She's popular in this … community.
No. 757053
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Who does she think she is kidding?
No. 757055
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>>757053Her knee to foot is longer than my entire leg…apparently.
Spoopy new year, guize! Hope it's a better one for milk.
No. 757154
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Nourisht0flourish continues to post increasingly disgusting pictures of her food with hairs on the plate, dead insects in the background, filthy surroundings.
And how is this a huge challenge when she exclusively posts junk food ?
No. 757155
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No. 757156
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Honestly, if she really eats what she posts then how is a slice of cake a huge challenge compared to this garbage plate??
No. 757188
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>>757172On the post she has even photoshoped her hand, all it does is make her look arthritic
No. 757693
>>757413It really isn't. It's a weirdo thing. I've never seen or heard of anyone having crumpets and baked beans in my entire life. This is some next level shit.
>>757619I hate that this made me laugh out loud.
No. 758058
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Damn what is it with all these anachans and their bendy floors/wardrobes/ mirrors. It's almost like they're so skinny that everything is sucked into their black hole thigh gaps.
No. 758069
>>758067Sorry its kelsey.ed or kelsey.xx.00
She is now
No. 758636
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I don’t understand how no one is noticing. Especially here where you can tell her upper half is not emaciated or as deathly thin as she making her legs out to be. Like those shoulders would be pointy and boney and same with her collar bones. Like it’s worrisome to me that her followers could be that stupid
No. 758654
>>758636I'm p sure most of them know but don't say anything. It's like when Aly was pulling her pint parties shit but nobody said anything, or if they did they'd get blocked. I even think a lot of them humour her because it's sick fun.
She's private so I can't see her other pics, but yeah, that's a healthy face, good skin, good teeth. Looks like she woke up from a really good sleep.
No. 758668
File: 1546557850410.png (Spoiler Image,4.4 MB, 1125x2436, 9603862B-C259-444F-9BD7-9E128C…)

Bella please brush your fucking teeth
No. 758985
>>758968i can translate her posts/stories but she speaks too fast for me lol
but basically she writes(? maybe copies and quotes) these long ass poetic captions never addressing her disorder at all and promotes other russian spoops
she's apparently 5'6" and 'walks a lot' to get as skinny as she is, and posts pics with pizza with comments saying she obviously never eats it. her followers all just say stuff like 'body goals' in russian with the occasional question about anorexia but she doesnt really reply
No. 759120
>>758968(russian fag is here)
I've been following her for nearly a year, and she always denies having ED. When someone asks her how did she lose weight her answer is always the same: "my body burns more calories than I eat", she says she never starved herself and never was on a diet, just "simply changed her lifestyle and lost some weight". She posts her before/after photos sometimes, but deletes it anyway later on.
To sum up she's just a spoiled kid who lives in small town in Siberia and makes her parents buy her stuff, while her flat is not in the best condition. I mean, why would you make your parents buy you an iPhone X (this shit is really expensive for an average russian salary) and live in post Soviet Union trashy flat?
Besides wasting parents' money on brands and being spoopy she doesn't seem milky at all. And she is underage (17), don't forget bout it.
No. 759188
>>757154Is she eating moldy fruit again?
She’s so gross, but seems convinced she’s genuinely better than anyone or everyone. How do you get a superiority complex when you live like such a pig you gotta take photos hanging out the window?
No. 759466
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the way she’s posing… i’m so confused.
No. 759608
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>>759188She’s disgusting. Here she is mushing up her raw salmon. Also she has been going on about how she won the lottery - that’s why she’s 20 or so and does nothing except live like a filthy bitch.
No. 759668
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>>758648asking for a phone
No. 759696
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>>759668Adding more onto her wishlist. Come on guys, you know you want to buy her a brand new laptop lol
No. 759711
>>759696Fucking hell I'm in such a state. I necked all my valium way before my next script is due and I can't cope with my shitty life. I've no one to phone and the Samaritans even told me to stop bothering them
cough cough I don't deserve little gifts but if I COULD AFFORD SOME FUCKING CIGS maybe I'd hold on a while longer. They remind me of my dead grandmother who was the only person who ever loved me.
No. 759811
>>758881Who the hell would photoshop the size of the eyes to an almost alien-version size?
Literally Generation stupid on Instagram that nobody seems to call out her amateur shoop…
No. 759869
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If this story from Morven isn't the most ironic thing, i don't know what is. She's literally doing all the same things as everyone else on the ed "recovery" community
No. 759961
>>759869Sure morvy, and your XL men’s jumpers worn with stockings aren’t so everyone sees your skeletal knees and thinks uwu smol bean so sick. Needs more reference to unbearable torture and dreadful dreadful sadness.
Surely it takes work to be more pretentious than an entire intro to psych class, she could stop slamming her face into walls to get out of meals and a person who’s not so unbearably miserable.
No. 759966
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So that's where the lottery money is going
No. 759984
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>>759968I assume you were talking about these split ends?
No. 759999
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>>759992Lmao her lipstick was looking particularly bizarre and tbh I would expect nothing less from someone who chooses live amongst piles of filth ??
No. 760430
File: 1546883525268.png (2.26 MB, 1222x1849, IMG_9902.PNG)

does she seriously think people are buying the idea that her leg is smaller than her arm? (deleted and re-uploaded bc my dumb ass forgot to crop out my user pic)
No. 760493
>>760380She sure as hell doesn't look it. Though it's not necessarily a problem since the rules state not to discuss anyone under 16.
>>760430What the hell am I looking at? This instantly reminded me of The Rake from a creepypasta.
No. 760646
File: 1546906414451.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190107-180608.jpg)

Is Becky @tinyboosteps just using an insane amount of photoshop on her posts, or is this water retention? Despite her twiglike legs that she proudly displays in her outfit posts, her leg looks pretty… normal? here
No. 760781
>>760646She looks spoopier than she is because her legs are long and she wears black tights. She's a spoop but not as much as you'd think. It really is the fact her legs are longer than most people her height and black tights are very slimming. She wears short skirts so her legs are nlwhat your eyes are drawn to.
When she isn't wearing tights her legs don't look as thin.
No. 760941
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>>760781I noticed she also stands super far away from her mirror when she takes outfit photos. She's a spoop no doubt but she does go out of her way to make herself look thinner.
I assume it helps her case when begging
No. 760951
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Pretty sure nobody wants your disgusting second hand vape
No. 760962
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>>760941Looks like some mug bought her that candle from her wishlist. Appropriately named.
What's self care about lighting a fucking candle? In my household it's called trying to cut the utility bills down.
Also, how is aplying makeup every day and getting a new ootd together not self care? I mean, who the fuck can be arsed doing that most days (depressed anons, amirite?)
No. 760968
>>760962Make up and outfit could be just routine, I still did things like that even when I was at my lowest.
Self care is different for everyone
No. 761026
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And more wishlist stuff. Deffo Ash tier now.
No. 761028
File: 1546973068001.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-08-18-41-32…)

Yet another freebie for the sponge. She's totally gonna leach as much as she possibly can. Man, that wishlist is gonna be ridiculous soon, watch.
No. 761154
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someone has to tell her to stop asking for stuff.
No. 761194
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>>761154£37. Nobody bought me the Marlboro Red and those things literally keep me alive!
No. 761727
File: 1547072153029.png (1.19 MB, 720x1146, Screenshot_2019-01-09-14-07-37…)

Most cows in this thread are unfortunate looking, but this girl is ugly as sin. Even if she wore better make up or were a normal weight she would still be ugly. If she weren't a spoop she would be completely irrelevant
No. 761739
>>7617271) who is she?
2) why is she a cow?
3) what's her milk?
4) be more specific
No. 761868
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Spaceship went private, I’m not a follower but can anyone that still does follow her provide any insight into this? Did she make a long wordy pseudo intellectual post about why she’s no longer publicly craving internet attention?
No. 761877
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>>761868Seems like she’s started some sort of end of life Instagram lmao
No. 761879
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>>761877And the first post
No. 761892
>>761877>>761879Oh my this has potential for some serious milk, kek! So is this all based on the fact that she’s going to die like I’m confused. I looked into this “dream foundation” and the front internet page says “Giving life to final Dreams”
“Serving terminally-ill adults and their families by providing end-of-life Dreams that offer inspiration, comfort and closure.”
So now she’s terminally ill even though based on the treatment she doesn’t even have severe aplastic anemia and medfags I think have mentioned that usually the treatment is different and she looks like she is receiving tx for a simple and less serious iron deficiency that could result from AN. Anyway this is outrageous and the account photo is the dream foundation logo. Looks like she’s going down the path of milking handouts. How f
cked up and narcissistic do u have to be to actually take away opportunity away from an actually terminally ill person.. this is fcked up and cringe on so many levels.
No. 761914
File: 1547087721536.jpeg (2.03 MB, 3046x3046, E44C1ACB-71D4-45CD-8DD7-F1E07A…)

>>761868These are her current story posts leading up to her goin private. Holy shit has she lost it or what
No. 761969
>>761932Yes she is def on her parents insurance. Thanks to Obamacare children can stay on their parents insurance until age 26. Oh the irony that she loves trump. She lives at home and her parents seemingly financially support her 100%. They would totally pay if she was dying
>>76194721 I believe
No. 762034
File: 1547096526075.jpeg (80.88 KB, 734x259, 9A47B5ED-EF97-47F5-9C79-FC8A5A…)

very difficult situation, one they could not have prepared for -> having to pay 490 dolars?
No. 762036
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Nothing makes sense. Without treatment she will die, but the post says her parents are in fact gonna pay her apointments, so even if her “aplastic anemia” is real she is not dying
No. 762047
>>762036Age also takes your life in time lol. This is so OTT it’s amazing.
Wait the big question who is running this new account? It’s not supposed to be Natalia as it’s in third person, but who in their right mind believes her “I’m dying” stunt
No. 762053
>>762047It’s definitely Natalia, kek.
Rip Nat
No. 762128
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>>761914Top marks to this follower for commenting this (on spaceship's last post).
No. 762138
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Becky is even begging for gifts from J.K.Rowling now ??
No. 762157
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>>762138Did you see she wrote to Ma Windsor to tell her about her MI ~struggles~? As if that reptilian gives a fuck about a pauper in Bolton.
No. 762218
File: 1547134937355.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-10-15-38-13…)

>>761194Stop beating round the bush Becky and just point blank beg for the freaking game. Some sucker will fall for it I'm sure
No. 762272
>>762267Not that anon but yes, they have been posted. Scroll up.
>>761877>>761879The first set was 16 hours ago, the second set 15 hours ago.
No. 762283
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>>761914Well that didn't take long
No. 762288
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>>762284Also on the other account (supposedly not spaceship, yea right..)
No. 762301
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when will somebody call her out on this shit?
No. 762305
>>762284Makes up dramatic story about being on the verge of death and her parents abandoning her to die alone.
Ah yes exactly how I remember schizophrenia. The bpd really jumped out
No. 762355
>>762301Hand sew your little embroidery patches, Becky? Just a suggestion.
My, my, what a materialistic world we live in with begging for dumb shit on wishlists and gofuckme.
How do they have the balls to ask others to spend their cash on sending them free things? If boosteps was actually showing any signs of doing anything to improve her ED then fine, but seems like she wants rewards for breaking down in Aldi and museums. Good that she gets to pose for fun pics before the breakdowns though.
No. 762363
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>>762352She does it on twitter as well, although less of an audience there.
No. 762420
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>>762321talks in 3rd person but it the creator of the campaign. top kek.
No. 762552
File: 1547176342536.jpeg (435.08 KB, 750x983, 5A235DA2-7C7A-44BE-9C25-5B527D…)

Genuine ?
No. 762714
File: 1547206415627.jpeg (Spoiler Image,488.11 KB, 1125x2139, 1C6ED858-F034-4E9D-889E-952129…)

Mmmmm thanks babe for zooming in on old bits of skanky food stuck to your plate… is that a bit of broccoli I spy?
No. 762726
>>762714God her food looks so gross and she's so fucking disordered, her life revolves around food. What the hell else does she do?
Every time I see her grotty plates and nails it makes me feel physically ill. And almost nobody calls her out. One girl commented on how she eats things semi-frozen and kindly asked if it was disordered and she went off on a caption. It's clearly not something you do when you eat normally, neither is arranging food, taking multiple photos and videos that NO-ONE wants to see and doing whatever the hell she does with the plates she eats off (probably wipes them with a skanky cloth and eats her next meal without washing them properly lol).
Anyway rant over, the recovery community is mostly fucked and she's one of the worst imo.
No. 762741
File: 1547215418683.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.09 KB, 1080x1510, IMG_20190111_140236.jpg)

>>762726I think I was sick a little seeing this close up. Seriously eww!
No. 762754
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>>762321“not accepting funds” anymore. so does she just get to run away with almost $300? There’s no mention of her special insta that’s being run for her on spaceship anymore.
No. 762766
File: 1547221772550.jpg (207.32 KB, 1078x1726, Screenshot_20190112-024453_1.j…)

Paris's instagram story, why though
No. 762844
>>762754Idk how gofuckme works because I'm not a scrounger, but do you think she's shitting her pants because too many people are on to it being a scam? Does gofuckme prosecute scams?
Another naive question - do they ask for proof that someone who wants cash actually has the illness they say they do?
No. 762850
>>762844gofundme will shut down a campaign if it is reported as fraudulent for the following reasons:
+Breaking the law
+Lying or being misleading about your identity as a campaign organizer or your relationship to the beneficiary of the funds
+Posting misleading statements in the campaign description
+Not delivering funds to the stated beneficiary
+Not using funds for their stated purpose
Not sure if she was expressly breaking their rules and would qualify as fraud but it is possible.
No. 762910
File: 1547243026456.jpeg (191.9 KB, 750x1216, 0046537F-92D6-491D-BC45-D370F5…)

she has no shame
No. 762917
>>762714Oh god she doesn’t even wash her plates. Low key want her to do a room tour, she could be dirtier than Luna and Lurch.
How do you reach a point where not cleaning anything becomes so normal you show it off proudly?
>>762766Thank god someone has left her eternal pity party. Jesus Paris how long do you expect anyone to tolerate you and your moping and your creepy little demotivational print-outs for your dinner plate?
No. 762995
>>762990Don't need to ask you anything thanks.
Just checking out IP addresses, don't need your permission thanks!!!!
So go ahead and pipe down while I do my work 🙌🏼🖕🏽
No. 763005
>>762995LOL you’re so full of shit
Stop lying, you’re just embarrassing yourself. You better hope admin doesn’t remove your anonymity kek
No. 763019
File: 1547256116875.jpeg (210.51 KB, 750x1116, DC179CE1-F161-4DB5-B34C-7F7BA7…)

They’re both awful but rlly, Spaceship?
No. 763020
File: 1547256159235.jpeg (248.76 KB, 750x1136, 4FA59B4D-6DAC-41F2-9565-75143F…)

Sorry here’s the photo she commented on
No. 763107
>>763019to be frank, she isnt wrong, just not the right person to deliver that message. a lot of these ~ana qweens~ just go around shops taking spoopy body checks or complaining about mom and dad and doctors caring about them or taking crying selfies.
>>762993that gave me the big kek
No. 763130
File: 1547266721965.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190112-151743.png)

Someone's lurking
No. 763206
>>763107Yeah, her mum's almost 60 and looks done in. She doesn't need Becky's crap at her age.
>>763130Crying photos will never cease to amuse me. More so when snot is involved.
No. 763256
>>763249Does anyone know if Paris has ever actually been in an ED /IP ? Or had a ng tube?
If she was as sick as she makes out by now she would either be dead or been sectioned .
No. 763297
File: 1547313766635.jpg (49.73 KB, 960x958, 49209724_10213277882318674_838…)

>>763293Found her fb. She's trans now or it's an alter or something.
No. 763305
>>763292These people really get to me, some of us really need and beg for help but we can't get it (or you get a glimpse of help and then the whole hospital team has to move because funding dropped from the hospital and now they're just a medical side or what not) and cling to self help books that do jack all – years pass and it's such a waste of life.
Granted these people are also wasting life, but they're wasting life not getting anywhere and it feels like they need to be a part of the system in a sick way. I shouldn't rant, but i am sick of it. There's people who the NHS could help and then there's these people who use it to their own means for attention and to play into their own sickness.
I hope these people manage to move forward one day, then at least the time and money in the NHS and the lives lost due to them taking up space meant at least - something. But it doesn't feel like that's going to be the case.
No. 763308
File: 1547315281469.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-12-17-45-59…)

>>762910Another freebie. No wonder her wishlist keeps growing. People need to stop encouraging her. Also it's interesting she says about getting hate for it. Lurker maybe?
No. 763313
>>763312>they/themShe fell back on the anorexia for medical attention then.
>>763308She's basically getting rewards for lounging around not bothering to recover. What a fucked up world. What a shitty item to put on a wishlist.
No. 763322
>>763314my exact thoughts. what's the opposite gender of neutral.
also i love how these cows try to make chronic diseases and syndromes into a collectathon.
No. 763396
File: 1547327829340.jpg (290.62 KB, 1080x1784, IMG_20190112_211523.jpg)

>>763308Ghost in my pocket has joined the band wagon with an Amazon wishlist, including sachets of baby food…I mean, seriously?
No. 763428
>>763397She's had her wishist link in her bio section for a century! Well, a month before her birthday. What does she mean she only knows how to put it up now?
Sorry, Ash but I can't swipe. I look at insta on a laptop so I can't buy your cutsie, nonsensical items for you.
On the subject, why do they want utter trash? Like if Becky put fucking protein bars on hers I'd be more likely to send some, or some shit to help get her dumb self healthier, but they want fucking childish wall fairy plaques and baby food.
No. 763568
>>763355>>763305>>763272>>763266There is no way Paris would pass a mental health act assessment - everything about her is "sectionable".
I can't understand why her mum doesn't do something.or why Beat haven't taken down her IG and offered her help.
No. 763601
>>763568What can you do when she runs away and throws herself off a bridge rather than do therapy?
Paris has adamantly chosen to be a lost cause. She can complain about not getting sympathy for being wheelchair bound but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s wasted four years of opportunities to avoid the wheelchair. She’s chosen to not attend appointments, not to go inpatient and get refed, not to go to CBT or DBT like she clearly needs.
NHS is right to quit spending on her. There’s people willing to stop killing themselves and prioritising them over people like Paris is the only way to help them.
No. 763663
File: 1547385468201.jpg (38.23 KB, 316x550, send me shit.JPG)

>>763608But she must heal her bones to do her lovely dance.
In other news, queen of scrounge is even accepting cast offs no. It's getting desperate, guize.
No. 763667
File: 1547388417957.png (181.89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190113-133839.png)

Ashley is back, (ashleyshalleat)
No. 763691
>>763684She needs to take it to a talent show on tv!
This is really bizarre to me.
No. 763711
File: 1547396519238.jpg (27.08 KB, 640x145, scrounge.JPG)

>>763704Don't think so. Thinking of tweeting here something though.
No. 763732
File: 1547399198386.jpg (46.61 KB, 442x784, HOgThiIWoE8.jpg)

I was looking at the scrounger's list of who she's following and it reminded me to ask if any of you follow Emily the Skeleton? All I know is she's pro ED and a prime fap figure for the VK skinny fetishists.
As for who she's following it's like a cast list for this thread - Bella, kelsey, smorven, Ash, secret livez, solostinmymind, nina hansen the VK perv, sassii. She follows a lot of really shit telly celebrities and FOUR model agencies.
No. 763737
File: 1547399905690.jpeg (269.93 KB, 1920x1080, 818C9733-706E-435B-A84E-B6C9C9…)

>>757156All I’m seeing is Pepe tbh
I’m absolutely revolted by what I’m seeing.
No. 763803
>>763667holy shit, only yesterday I wondered what happened to that girl.
That youtube channel seems kinda fishy though. What if somebody saved all her terrible instagram videos back then and is now uploading them alongside sad music, pretending to be her?
No. 765010
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No. 765031
File: 1547495055287.jpg (244.13 KB, 1080x1178, IMG_20190114_194144.jpg)

>>763663Poor girl had to go buy her own game…poor thing
No. 765033
File: 1547495595317.jpg (15.13 KB, 281x65, 0.JPG)

>>765031Things are "diar" and there're money worries and debt yet she uses cash from selling games and buys ANOTHER GAME! Hard times indeed.
No. 765037
File: 1547496852016.png (322.71 KB, 306x532, devastated.png)

She must feel as bad as I did in September when I had my gas cut off. Even the fact she's nice and warm and I'm fucking freezing my tits off must make things even harsher in some way.
No. 765041
The 3DS is backwards compatible.
No. 765048
>>765046Omg there's another one in the pipeline? Seriously?
What a joke-can't get over how brazen she is about duping people out of their money.
Also not to repay her mother or do anything nice for her. Just herself.
No. 765050
File: 1547498834188.jpg (25.82 KB, 460x182, parteh.JPG)

>>765048This one.
Bet some dickhead buys it for her.
No. 765054
>>765050Ffs yeah makes sense now. The more she gets the more ramped up the hinting, scrounging and begging tho. Makes me cringe as it's greed rather than need. Some d
* will get it for her.
No. 765058
>>765050I mean c'mon it's £13.99 her mums a cater and they get a huge payment for that plus she must get disability. Don't tell me they can't afford £13.99.
What went down with her holiday for her mother she got loads of money on the fund website for?
It's all bollocks the 'I'm poor' crap
No. 766032
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No. 766041
>>766032I have the same question, why are you like this, Kelsey? Why are you (poorly) shooping every photo you post of yourself?
It's painfully cringey to see how hard she's trying to keep up appearances here- you can even see her sucking in to make her ribs stand out underneath her tshirt
No. 766046
File: 1547512785791.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1469, IMG_20190115_003742.png)

Guys, i think this is who the channel claiming to be Ashley belongs to, sh was the one who said she was friends with Ashley. They look similar and she posted the lyrics to the song with all the videos of Ashley crying and stuff, ill post a screenshot below. Idk, maybe I'm over thinking, they just look like the girl in the youtube profile picture, and the lyrics…
No. 766125
File: 1547521528130.png (922.57 KB, 615x777, paris.png)

imagine taking a selfie with your friend, and they make this the caption
No. 766179
>>766172Anon you’re not exactly in a Troon hugbox. Nobody is here to defend some autogynophiliacs or insane women.
Jfc Paris, this is the sort of thing a sad 13 year old girl posts, not a woman who’s deliberately rejected opportunities to get better. For a skelly her wallowing puts pigs to shame.
No. 766222
>>766219This milk is more like it lol. Those eyebrows. I don't know which YouTube tutorial she followed but I'm pretty sure she's promoting their pencils. Defo one pencil per brow at least. Fuck.
Also anyone think her suicide is imminent or a cow cry for continued attention. Just think if you want it that bad it's not that hard is it?
Dunno what is her actual issue anyway apart from headbanging head eggs like it's every seasons accessory?
No. 766233
>>766225Yep, that one. I don't fully understand what's going on with her because a week ago she was saying she was under section and now she's back out living at home with her guinea pigs
And holy fuck, yes. Head eggs and sharpie brows are the new must-have combo for any aspiring anorexic
No. 766283
>>766282 Mate…are you lost?
Please learn to sage.
No. 766290
File: 1547571940868.jpg (668.35 KB, 1080x1421, Screenshot_20190116-000430_Ins…)

Yet another 'challenge'for our little warrior.
Seriously, how is this a challenge when she's b/ping kilos of this shit every single day?
No. 766326
File: 1547576492080.png (279.08 KB, 467x650, 1461500800935.png)

Not that we exclude the trans fad ~community~ Why, we even had a wannarexic on this very board in the past. A fine specimen of a him/his/hers w/e
Probably got her penis now she's on "T" (trans slang for artificial "testosterone")
No. 766351
File: 1547578345554.jpg (13.39 KB, 250x88, faulty.JPG)

>my DS is cough faulty cough hint, hint #wishlist
No. 766372
>>766294kek, i’m a cis woman. get back to the past century
>>766318yeah sure that’s why there are so many laws in many countries that recognize them, and also its no longer a disorder acording to DSM-V… don’t extend your sick discriminating views to the rest of people
( No. 766375
>>766372Look, Ms Pronoun, if you aint got anything to contribute to this thread ABOUT ANAS, fuck off.
>>766374She must've had to call the crisis team over her broken Nintendo DS3. She's late posting an update. Probably get a crying pic tho.
No. 766381
>>766375She's given everyone a temp break today from the snot shots. There's still time though
Any farmers getting milk on aimeearchiga87 and her constant obsession with her therapists? Another gofuckme abuser who whinges daily about treatment cutting her off because she stalks them!
No. 766408
>>766381I gotchu pal
She had her gofundme page (for a trip to the middle east for thousands of dollars) taken down a couple of times and wrote lengthy captions making accusations and calling names.
I think she got the cash in the end somehow.
Her most recent post includes her talking about going inpatient again, this time focusing on trauma and it looks like she's gone back to the gym. Still posting a lot of old bodychecks etc
No. 766413
File: 1547585027958.jpg (48.35 KB, 444x568, skylar.JPG)

>>766404It would've been a real break for her mum FOR REAL if she'd not tagged along with her. Wherever she spergs out it's still going to piss her ma off.
>>766409Beat me to it.
Oh, I looked up the ana trans to see how masculine all that "T" had made her. Here she is 2 months ago…
… and this is why it's difficult to take the trans thing seriously. /transchat
No. 766416
File: 1547585129736.jpeg (544.84 KB, 640x1063, 8B60BED1-3410-4AB7-9977-946E06…)

>>766233Anyone wanna answer this tor her?
Branching out from the classic egg!!!!
No. 766459
File: 1547589799676.jpeg (486.13 KB, 1470x2634, 106F26BD-24C5-4E06-8C95-36DA27…)

Mmmm delicious, raw processed meat, Such #foodporn. How are there not more people calling her out for her foul food/living conditions??
No. 766478
File: 1547591429233.jpeg (510.44 KB, 1482x2604, 293CE77B-7C94-4A3E-BB1A-EA4D67…)

I don’t think she’s been posted before but then again she’s probably an anon here. Anyway she’s a cunt. Babe no one gives a fuck about your shiritaki noodles. The true ana queen as she only eats mushrooms and fucking ‘low cal’ noodles, is very keen to tell people she wouldn’t eat x and y in the comments of her strictly junk food posts, oh and wears a ‘nothing tastes better than skinny feels’ bracelet.
No. 766503
>>766478I don't follow this one but notice her in the list of followers of all the cows here. Possibly an anon.
The bracelet sounds wonderful!
No. 766671
File: 1547605708109.png (360.4 KB, 1440x2252, Screenshot_20190115-202428~2.p…)

I thought this was an interesting debate today.
The whole debate with Keemstar talking about Eugenia.
These small nobodys think Keem is actually cancelled they have nonidea.
No. 766684
>>766671So. Fucking. Sick. Of. Cooney.
What makes her so different from a thousand other ana chans? Why all the god damn drama omg smfh pmsl etc
No. 766827
>>766701I think that may be the reason.
Her veil is ripping though. It’s so obvious she’s not “fine”. I recently saw where someone pointed out she lied about wearing wigs, in her “2girl4ever kawaii outfit haul try on!” video, you can see the mesh over her ear.
No. 766835
>>766459Cause she screeches like a banshee for hours about it (her hair and weight)or flat out ignores it (the moldy food and dirty dishes)
Imo she’s never been far enough from a trailer to realise that she’s gross. She may go weeks without contacting someone who bathes daily or washes dishes between use.
>>766684Train wreck in motion. Rubberneckers gonna do their thing and watch her rattle her bones to death. Being on YouTube means more normies see her than would see pro-anas.
No. 766966
File: 1547661310119.jpg (41.32 KB, 409x477, cuticura.JPG)

>>766921I think she geotags random places in the world with every post.
No. 767160
File: 1547685050192.jpg (213.17 KB, 871x1280, thumbnail_IMG_1203.jpg)

I'm very curious about Amy and her TPN. She has said that it was her last resort since her stomach can't function on its own and it couldn't tolerate feeding tubes and the feed formulas. Shouldn't she NOT be eating things like this at all? I see her posting/eating and drinking stuff like this AT LEAST once a week. She even drinks alcohol, which for someone with digestive issues, it should be a complete no-no as you could easily get alcohol poisoning.
No. 767178
>>767160Milk products are a huge
trigger for throwing up with gp. But we all know she’s faking it so…
No. 767530
File: 1547803851981.jpg (48.8 KB, 588x477, 0.JPG)

This is either another wish list freebie or she suddenly found the cash to buy these.
Why can't she use those foam ear plugs like normal people - oh yeah, she's ~special~.
No. 767543
File: 1547811312621.png (1.52 MB, 640x1136, 49268434-444B-4C82-BFD7-8A4E8C…)

>>767302What the actual fuck???
No. 767567
>>767547Hahahahaha yes totally agree. She blatantly gets pip and probably esa because she states she incapable of functioning as a human. Mother probably gets carers allowance as she gave up work to look after her full time. That's a hella lot of money stacked there. Why the need to beg Becky and claim you're poor. Total bollocks.
Someone commented rudely recently and she went into meltdown only to beg again a few hours later. Are people actually falling for this?
No. 767592
>>767569Not sure what the benefits fuck up is, but right after Christmas the DWP paid a week of ESA too early ( I get ESA btw). A week later another early payment. I'm a bit stuck myself because it's a long wait til the next proper payment but GUESS WHAT - I didn't overspend and think it was a bonus from the government (as some actually did).
>>767547Exactly what I was going to write about the petrol money. Nice to afford to run a car. Could cut down on coffee at Costa as well and the drive into Manc to go to Primark. She has STACKS of clothes. Unless she shoplifts, she's been spending on those.
File: 1547822630601.jpg (31.92 KB, 306x533, lol.JPG)

No. 767608
File: 1547822897477.png (366.18 KB, 308x513, Untitled.png)

Me YET AGAIN. Just saw this [img] and yeah, it's what happened with me. However I'm grateful for the benefits system. It stops me being homeless with LITERALLY nothing.
Learn to deal with money ffs. Her mum's 60, you'd think she'd know by now.
Ungrateful twat.
No. 767753
>>767719This legit made me spit my tea out ha!!!!
Do you think her mum enables her to stay unwell? A bit like Paris's parents or did they just give up?
No. 767776
>>767753Her mum 100% enables her. She's so ungrateful and does not know how fucking lucky she is to live in the UK where she's supported by the NHS and supported financially. I'm from the UK myself so know how much help she obviously gets. She's making out that they have nothing for the sympathy she craves from her followers, to make out she's struggling in every aspect of her life. Utter lies. It's shameful.
She insults every medical professional that tries to help her, it's disgusting. She's made out her IP stay has given her PTSD so is refusing the hospital treatment she needs. Of course it's not going to be easy, she needs to be sectioned and fed, not to be allowed to leach off of her delusion-encouraging followers.
No. 767806
File: 1547845657597.jpeg (226.44 KB, 748x1129, D9300EBF-FAC9-4D2B-A3A0-C8C1F6…)

Possible new cow. I’m not sure if she starved for a few days to be tubed, or if she actually thinks she’s clearly starved.
No. 767810
File: 1547845907019.jpeg (133.34 KB, 750x1051, 13C9107B-F996-4C72-9595-7334DE…)

Georgia also thinks her set point is 26-27, when she’s clearly overweight already.
No. 767817
File: 1547846402201.jpg (208.88 KB, 540x776, Untitled-14.jpg)

>>767806 she totes wasting away
No. 767831
>>767810How can she claim amenorrhea at an overweight bmi? Why do fatties want anorexia so badly though?
>>767817Much anorexia so starvation wow many bones 45%bodyfat is death
No. 767986
File: 1547862538032.jpeg (265.5 KB, 750x899, 92D57696-2A7F-475B-B569-08AE51…)

After being in the doors of death talking about last wishes, she is back with this BS, nothing about lack of money, being homeless, just crying to her dad for a lock on her door.
No. 767991
File: 1547862829075.jpeg (112.17 KB, 665x527, 185ED6F2-A7E9-423C-AC4A-74C690…)

Someone calls her out about not saying anything about her gofundme, not even thank you, her response:
No. 768125
>>768038It's private. Basically you don't eat 2 meals and bam you get a tube.
insert generous Oprah meme here she was
triggering actual anorexia patients by not eating and her bloods were wack from her purging so she got the trophy tube they all want
No. 768244
File: 1547915889694.png (27.52 KB, 752x304, Untitled.png)

How convenient!
No. 768262
>>768121 she sits and sends herself tells all day long. argues with herself. it's pretty clear lol.
to be honest it would not surprise me if she's the one bringing herself up on lowcow for ~attention.
she's a cow but not an lolcow, idk why she does this
No. 768264
File: 1547920157625.png (923.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-19-17-47-33…)

>>768262How convenient lol…
No. 768276
File: 1547921243753.jpg (99.04 KB, 400x400, sure.jpg)

>>768274Must get hella board on her own farm.
No. 768289
>>768267 she doesn't even qualify for this thread so please stop spamming things about someone who is not a cow. after looking through her tells it's clear that
>>768262is onto something as anons phone screen shots are from an Australian phone service. stop posting in here for attention, dude. go listen to your doctors and stop blowing up a thread for cows who actually have milk.
No. 768308
>>768294exactly. also I notice it's a screenshot from insta story of shots from her own phone, but the vibe I get is needing attention.
I think she's bored and trying to get recognition on lolcow and posting herself here.
there's no way she would be recognized enough to be a cow LOL
No. 768310
File: 1547926702584.png (872.73 KB, 1536x1005, EFA3FB43-5277-45DB-80B0-5A1672…)

>>768274Did you really just post yourself here, calling yourself fat, then sending yourself asks pretending you had no idea and victimizing yourself, just for attention?
Eh, guess you really are a cow, congratulations you insufferable munchie wannorexic.
No. 768319
File: 1547927805491.png (434.99 KB, 855x439, Screen Shot 2019-01-20 at 6.54…)

Anybody been keeping tabs on this chick Elzani ? how she claims to be in recovery yet still has that typical anorexic obsession with food to the point were it clearly pisses even her family off. Sniffing her food before eating it, playing with it. She has hardly gained since she started recovery and hasn't made any mental progress as far as I can see No. 768355
>>767806>>767810>>767817Fatorexics are THE WORST. I get that you can have an eating disorder at any weight, but losing your period when your BMI is under 26/27? You're still a fucking fatty at that weight. At least the skellies are actually dying, this tub of lard is just a massive att whore. What a delusional autist.
>>768289How does someone who claim to lose their period with an overweight BMI because of their ~eating disorder~ not qualify?
No. 768378
>>768310Holy shit, I lol'd so bad at this.
I didn't know people were still so thick. I'd understand if she would actually severely underweight and malnutritioned, but considering she is of healthy weight and most likely functions normally within the limits of her delusions, it's incredible she would be dumb enough to leave evidence of selfposting.
Or maybe she did cause she sees lolcow as her only opportunity to gain internet notoriety, and just doesn't think she's considered a cow yet with her delusions alone?
No. 768384
File: 1547931931716.gif (488.12 KB, 240x184, nomnomnom.gif)

>>768372>>768378You have a particular way of posting that makes it obvious that it's you posting, Georgia. I'd tell you to go away, but you'll be put out to pasture soon anyhow.
No. 768402
>>768400I thought this, didn't know how to explain though. If you look at her story posts of her tells, it has her profile pic in the corner, so whoever screenshots that will obviously still have her photo in the corner.
It's still funnily coincidental that she's talking about lolcow, but doesn't mean she's posted all this about herself.
No. 768573
File: 1547957550006.jpeg (158.66 KB, 750x1259, E1A594D9-4B3D-4EDA-95F7-3C89A4…)

Tina’s threatening suicide after trying to stir up drama
No. 768612
File: 1547963079353.png (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 750x1334, D2635446-BE5D-46E5-AE51-4401BF…)

>>768425She’s definetly a wanarexic but attempting after “bullying” on lolcow is pretty ott. I would say she’s worth talking about, the tells that don’t come from herself are pretty hilarious. It’s also hilarious seeing overweight ppl with the ng claiming AN.
Tw photo mentions suicide
No. 768748
File: 1548001095723.jpg (717.1 KB, 1918x1307, IMG_20190120_161016.jpg)

Spaceship reminding everyone of all her money woes again. Making sure to also mention her parents "empire" that they built. I love how it ends of how she hopes to leave an impression on her descendents hahaha…what are you, a fucking martyr. No one idolises you bitch, dream on
No. 768858
>>768842Maybe she doesn’t envy her life but she’s definitely envious of how thin tinyboosteps is. And tbh not whiteknighting tinyboo but she does way more shit than spaceship does. So many people could say the same thing about spaceship, Natalie is this all you want out of life? A pseudo intellectual who bashes her parents that spoil her with a great life? At least tinyboo is grateful (not including her begging for money and things) spaceship is nothing but an egotistical holier than thou a hole. She’s jealous of boos skelly bod and so she attacks her lifestyle. Ridiculous.
>>768748And this, this is just garbage. Maybe your parents don’t want to pay for an expensive unnessesary treatment for basic anemia spaceship… ppl have already debunked her aplastic anemia claims in that she wasn’t exactly receiving the customary treatment or whatever. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a job and is on her parents insurance so as much as she bitches and moans about her parents, they are obviously paying for her tx. My gosh she is deluded.
No. 768890
File: 1548017735854.jpg (21.6 KB, 379x218, 0.JPG)

>>768883Oh, I see. Yeah, spaceship definitely falls into the Ashley camp of parent hater as opposed to the ana chans with mother fixations.
I notice her magically appearing/disappearing sticky out ribcage has receded here. Must've forgotten to inhale and hold.
No. 768933
>>768567On IG but she's kind of subtlety replying to the fact someone mentioned here recently that she's rude and never answers back to her anorexic wannabes when they leave her nice comments. She ignores everyone.
Thought it was strange since there posted after comments here.
Lurker for sure
No. 768946
File: 1548024114304.png (2.01 MB, 1125x2436, 2C52CCDE-39DD-45D1-A3BB-695E90…)

Shoot me if I’ve missed this, but is anyone aware of befreehannah. Danish/English girl. Has claimed DID, sketchy about being inpatient then claiming she’s an au pair at times. When I first found her it’s because she had posted about having chemotherapy and cancer (turned out to be false) always posting attention based things.
No. 769111
File: 1548047347989.png (849.91 KB, 598x589, eatinglul.png)

so Paris is back to posting videos of her eating, this time with dramatic music!
I'd post a gif but I don't really have the time to do that right now, it's the same as all the other eating videos she posted before
No. 769140
>>769111She’s gonna keep doing it until she’s dead. She’s as stagnant as any milk about her is.
Completely incapable of change or growth and expects to be coddled for it.
Paris is fucking boring
No. 769325
>>769278 It pisses me off because asparagus and strawberries aren't cheap in the uk at this time of year, and it's the tax payer funding her. She's a very good example of people who scam the system not to work.
Didn't see her wheelchair in the photo.
No. 769361
File: 1548100056293.jpg (433.96 KB, 1080x1575, IMG_20190121_194635.jpg)

Becky dropping hints again lol
No. 769377
>>769361I wonder what part of her thinks she deserves freebies when she says she thinks she's worthless.
She asked for a makeover on twitter as well. I legit think she thinks she's model material. She even started following model agencies.
The face us a canvas but so is the body, so sort yourself out, scrounging bish.
No. 769424
File: 1548105414709.jpg (438.27 KB, 1080x1730, IMG_20190121_211357.jpg)

I don't want sympathy. I don't want advice… Nah you just want their fucking money hahaha
No. 769461
File: 1548108152829.jpeg (308.08 KB, 750x1209, FFFE0363-037F-4959-B1C4-31A7AB…)

Weekly shop fail
No. 769586
>>769461Tfw you're old enough to remember when thinspo was actual photos of women and not insanely bad shoops.
If anyone is actually anorexic and say, 12 or 13 and a bit gullible, this is so bad for them. The weird thing is, to shoop yourself much thinner suggests you THINK you look like that which means = no anorexia. If she was clinically anorexic she wouldn't see herself as SMALLER than reality. It's just a dumb popularity contest with these people.
No. 769766
File: 1548144795727.jpg (37.34 KB, 1080x276, IMG_20190122_080745.jpg)

>>769461I'm surprised there's not more comments pointing out how bad this has been edited. Bet she must be watching her ig like a hawk to delete them. God her profile is ridiculous.
No. 769778
File: 1548151292334.jpeg (50.62 KB, 610x602, image.jpeg)

She's a weird one- occasionally puts up YouTube videos - when she sounds drunk. And sorry Paris (if you are lurking) - this ana is even thinner and sicker than you .
No. 769782
>>769778I've been wondering how she is (or more honestly, if she's still alive). I subbed to her channel ages ago when she uploaded regularly. I like how she sits there smoking a fag.
Haven't seen her vids for a while, but she used to have a problem with alcohol and it was damaging her liver. P sure she still drinks because yeah, she sounds like she's been on the sauce.
No. 769784
File: 1548153450426.jpg (247.71 KB, 898x989, 20190122_203615.jpg)

Cow tipping, don't do it. We are here to laugh at them not to engage with them
No. 769800
>>769784>>769683you can't sit with us.
>>769367any screen caps or anything? dont think i saw it lol
No. 769924
File: 1548183818960.jpeg (65.49 KB, 750x273, 3C4543D3-4B3B-44B6-AC9F-C704DD…)

I wish someone would call her out in her shameless begging
No. 769937
File: 1548185184610.png (109.18 KB, 1337x623, Untitled.png)

>>769924Sure, some random's going to pay for your holiday. I mean, right after Christmas everyone else is loaded with cash to send someone who isn't giving an iota of her time to recovering to a sunny place. No one else experiences #desperatetimes. We're all rich and want to shower no marks with gifts and holidays!!!
Must be so draining having to avoid discussing why you let your mental and physical self deteriorate day by day without an excuse other than "HOSPITAL GAVE ME PTSD!!!!1"
No. 769966
>>769924it’s the internet equivalent of sitting on a corner. except she’s asking for a holiday for two not a pound.
she has to be an entire other level of delusional to think that she would be medically cleared to go anywhere sunny.
No. 769987
File: 1548192929040.png (330.62 KB, 303x484, can you spare any change.png)

She's complaining her boiler's broke and how hard it is. Lol. I mentioned earlier in the thread how mine's been dead for months. NOW YOU ALL HAVE TO SEND ME FREE DOG STICKERS!!!! (and a phone, a Mario Bros game, a holiday, a new Nintendo DS…)
No. 770039
>>769683man this is a cow cross over for me, an old personal cow. i don't have much milk to bring to the table but i can say
>>769787if she's still claiming she's a social worker it's not true. she used to post photos of her psych ward paper work on tumblr
No. 770074
>>770039Nah, the thing I read about her said ex social worker. I googled her name and it threw up something about a psych unit she attended and she was talking about it.
Definitely meets the cow criteia - ana poses, full on SH gashes, had a gofundme yet posts high end makeup purchases, pics of being on a hospital gurney, etc. How the fuck did she get to be a social worker? Posting confidential paperwork…just wow. Smfh.
No. 770106
File: 1548203822006.jpeg (168.35 KB, 744x1135, 4161FD00-59EB-49BF-8189-FFF63E…)

>>770074>ex social workerHer insta goes back to 2013 and it’s all of her being a professional patient at McLean, a state psych hospital, and another ed program. I’m not sure how she could’ve gotten a degree in social work, or anything else. McLean is clearly her favorite second home
>where girl interrupted was written. No. 770111
>>770106Kek couldn’t just say psych hospital, had to put that girl interrupted was filmed there, smh
>>770074 I definetly agree she meets the cow criteria. Especially since we’ve been discussing cows like tinyboo and others who beg for money. Also the Anachan poses are reminiscent of bekah bending all the way over sticking the but out for that forced thigh gap. Can’t believe no one brought her up, and low and behold she presents herself on a silver platter right here
>>769683 fingers crossed she’s a public account, or at least this anon
>>770106 has access
No. 770120
File: 1548205515682.jpg (62.63 KB, 821x284, b.JPG)

>>770106She had a kickstarter for a book she was writing (release date 2016). I bet that totally happened.>>770114Yeah, we wasn't going to discuss you and agree that dustbin's a POS.
No. 770165
File: 1548209189523.png (Spoiler Image,580.66 KB, 899x578, unknown.png)

>>770074im the anon you replied to. i have known of dustbin since 2016/2015. i have no way to prove the milk currently since i lost track of her but i will dig. she was SUPER popular on tumblr aka her old lurking grounds but it seems she switched to IG since tumblr canned her blogs. she's been in and out of IP for years ontop of being in residential. her biggest reasoning for egging on georgia is that her arm looks like raw chicken from cutting it open. not just her arm either.
one thing i can say from memory is that she seems to get a lot of expensive things but complain about no money so i have always thought she stole stuff. she also had a off and on again bf who's just as mental.
>>770106 from what i know is she went to school for it and finished somehow but obviously she never will have any work. which doesn't make her a real one.
alas sorry for no proof of her past antics but i will try my best to find some. she is milky but it's all been deleted since tumblr deleted for the SH photos.
No. 770180
File: 1548210794917.jpeg (118.63 KB, 750x1334, 53D2FCEB-4888-49F1-98D4-D47251…)

>>770120Looks like she also had a go fund me for all that expensive makeup, products and clothes
No. 770183
File: 1548210963982.jpeg (149.4 KB, 750x1334, 89252861-85CB-4832-AD91-E002D8…)

Overdosed but still managed to dye her hair???? What the heck is this nonsense. Why can’t she just put dyed my hair, like nope must tell everyone I od
No. 770185
File: 1548211099254.jpeg (128.19 KB, 750x1334, DC6D058E-84FD-493B-8B3D-8EE618…)

In addition to the eating disorder does she regularly abuse drugs? What’s wrong with her eyes? Also notice what she commented about her former therapist… very odd
No. 770190
File: 1548211836087.jpeg (406.28 KB, 1936x1936, 7972B4E8-FE29-4657-A67F-08A85C…)

This comparison really showcases the anachan poses. look at the difference between her arms and legs on the left, an obvious candid, Vs. the right a clearly staged, Anachan posed photo. Those hulk shoulders remind me of another girl a few threads back who would pose the same way to show off the collar bones but just looked beefy instead kek, I looked back and tried to find her but I couldn’t, enjoy this hilarious hulk instead.
No. 770203
>>770193It’s not a self post… I thought we were introducing a new cow smh. Plus the mods can check my IP address with the one where dustbinflower self posts her own account name and they’ll know it’s not a self post from her, and is another user posting kek! Don’t derail the thread and make room for more milk. Your probably a follower of dustbin trying to get us off her as a topic anyway.
>>770195She’s boring as heck now, does lives on insta, has a care taker, shes full munchie
No. 770214
File: 1548213833298.jpeg (172.6 KB, 750x1334, AC3D78E6-6514-4256-8213-C35D35…)

130 dollar palette yet she needs a go fund me and a Kickstarter, this is rediculous she has so much expensive makeup posted in photos and yet she begs for money… how can u brag about having money and then ask for money on the same account kek!
No. 770218
File: 1548214423302.jpeg (123.79 KB, 750x1334, FB5BBE35-2961-4B4F-93DB-4A889D…)

The most honest caption spaceships ever posted
No. 770221
File: 1548214696038.png (14.06 KB, 554x245, Capture.PNG)

>>770210first post is an anon about lolcow. nice.
No. 770224
File: 1548214962227.png (29.14 KB, 544x547, she will never learn.PNG)

here's the post the self post is taking about
>>769683she's already changed her url
>>770183i'm p sure she does drugs often. kpin is a benzo called kolonipin i believe? not her first overdose on it
No. 770300
>>770274Who cares?
She’s a self posting autist, and wants to be famous to 200 odd bitchy strangers so badly she’s begging them. There’s no milk.
No. 770610
File: 1548276690460.jpg (106.41 KB, 621x681, scroungewatch.JPG)

No. 770625
>>770610the fact that she's getting away with this kind of behaviour is insane
she's so manipulative and subtle in her asking for things (begging) eg. by talking about how gifts from followers make her suicidal thoughts lessen
No. 770931
File: 1548297316707.png (650.87 KB, 750x1334, 5F31B31D-ED13-4C8D-A4FD-F80364…)

so sooper sick and speshul. The sickest most frail and dainty icu patient…. smh
No. 770942
File: 1548298699557.jpg (1007.25 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190124-125249_Ins…)

Guess who got her tube taken away??
No. 770947
File: 1548298787137.jpg (959.35 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190124-125256_Ins…)

No. 770958
>>770947It’s going to be quite a while before she starves to death kek.
>>770942Took you off feeds Bc you claimed on your story that you gained weight Georgia! Your overweight so the goal is for u to lose lbs not gain lol, ugh smh. She is so deluded
No. 770965
>>770958Kek all the kek in the world.
But srlsly. A tantrum because her tube got removed?
No. 771012
File: 1548308659779.jpeg (135.38 KB, 750x1334, 3B9CF52A-4193-4BA2-AB1A-9CA611…)

>>770316Kek at the cover pic - so sick much ill lol.
Well apparently she gets paid… is that by the government or what? There’s no way she could work a job when she’s a full time patient, managing a sooper successful tumblr blog and insta account.
>>770300Obviously ppl care Bc they are posting about her, there’s plenty of milk and that’s already been discussed by others if you’d scroll up but since your so intent on getting us off dustbin here’s your proof
>>770074>>770120>>770106Along with every other screenshot of her insta that’s been posted. She’s ott, attention seeking, abusing the healthcare system and probably leaching off the government while begging for money on the same account she posts pictures of expensive high end makeup so please, stop derailing and ignoring the obvious milk. Take your dustbin boner elsewhere.
No. 771030
File: 1548312481750.jpg (777.03 KB, 1080x2082, 20190124_164723.jpg)

Didn't last long
No. 771084
File: 1548333335791.jpg (318.56 KB, 1080x1297, IMG_20190124_123253.jpg)

>>771026"I haven't mentioned Amazon in ages…" No you just not-so-subtly hint it at any given opportunity lol
No. 771097
>>771088Too soon,anon. Too soon.
>>769924Never asks…
Posts calling people out sometimes have the opposite effect and they use it for pity and more free shit. I really did benefit from knowing the Mario Bros game exists though. Helped my mental health enormously.
No. 771196
File: 1548355104157.jpeg (181.14 KB, 750x1115, F23AB6DF-4391-42D1-A2A0-482E20…)

>>771012I agree, I think she’s an ott attention whore. And apparently a manipulative, spiteful brat too. How dare her therapist go on vacation or have a life.
No. 771221
File: 1548358358380.jpg (461.91 KB, 1080x1696, IMG_20190124_193048.jpg)

>>771084Dropping more hints
No. 771230
>>770185That's what happens when you OD
>>770183>>770180>>770165The gofoundme page is from 2017. She doesn't strike me as milky, unless you like to watch somebody trying to kill themselve.
No. 771232
>>771221We'll ask if there's any way we can get cold weather funding.
Bahahaha, good luck with that. You don't get extra until it's been below zero for two (maybe three) consecutive nights and then EVERYONE on benefits gets it, not one super spoopy snowflake.
Perhaps she could wear those sweaters going moldy on vinted.
No. 771380
Autosaged. See
>>>/meta/8261 for more info.
No. 771496
File: 1548414217871.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-25-10-40-12…)

>>771221It's hilarious she says she never mentions her wishlist, yet basically every post has obvious hints.
There was no need to even mention a fucking heated blanket here Becky, but you already know that.
I get the feeling she's trying to tap into her followers sub conscious, like some sort of derren brown shit.
No. 771568
File: 1548431149090.jpg (4.4 KB, 300x168, dez.jpg)

>>771496The blanket's gone from her wishlist.
No. 771573
File: 1548431921629.jpeg (134.11 KB, 750x830, AFEF96CF-721E-4859-BDCE-6D8AEE…)

Wipe your fucking nose jesus christ no one wants to see your pity photos stop self wallowing in your own snotty shit & make an attempt to feel better instead of posting these pathetic posts on social media.
Like the idea that she clicks upload, and actually sees her photo again before uploading it and thinking hmmm yes thIs WiLl hElP gIvE mE pItY
No. 771581
>>771576>>771573It raises all kinds of questions about society to me (strokes chin). At what point was it desirable to be seen as so weak you want a world of strangers to see your snotty cry face? I totally get how opening up about feelings is important and I encourage it, but this … THIS…I don't get.
This question
>>771576 I ask myself all the time when I see these people on instagram. If they have therapy, they take NOTHING from it.
No. 771633
>>771626Fucking hell, anon, that's some Twin Peaks shit there.
> I realised she sent this girl hateWho sent what girl?
>uses it as a backupBackup what?
>she out on her story that someone had some way logged in to the account and done it when it was clearly just her covering it upI'm confused.
No. 771665
File: 1548443622201.jpeg (833.91 KB, 1125x2003, 11C09243-C745-40D1-B9DD-B90CDA…)

People aren’t posting her here because she’s anorexic. People are posting her because she’s attention seeking and money grabbing. If anything she should use what’s shared here to actually change herself/faults.
No. 771688
File: 1548446374900.jpg (125.55 KB, 400x321, childish hole commhnity.jpg)

too much malnourished brain slush
No. 771934
>>771665>>770610Did you see a while back her mother forked out for her to go to hypnotherapy twice (even though claiming ptsd) something that if you did in fact have this, you would never contemplate. But of course Becky bailed on it and wasted her mums caregivers allowance on a waste of an excuse that she is. Hence the fact they are poor.
If you can afford that shit you can get a £15 electric blanket at b&m love or a second hand one on fucking eBay.
She makes me want to shoot myself in the head.
No. 772002
>>771934If no one with PTSD would ever consider hypnotherapy, why is PTSD listed as one of the most common disorders hypnotherapy deals with?
At least come with real milk
No. 772011
>>772002Um If you have ptsd where it apparently stops you having any input from any kind of services what so ever then I find it hard to believe you'd willingly go to hypnotherapy where you end up exploring what happened.
She's already said she can't be anywhere or do anything that even mentions it anon.
Do your research!!!!
No. 772017
>>772011I wonder if the hypnotist made her eat a raw onion like they do on telly.
If she's expecting a big, cosy electric blanket I don't think that's what the one on amazon is. I had one like that and it was just a small, thin heated pad about a third the length if a single bed.
Maybe she bought it herself seeing hw she got paid on Thursday. Niw her mum can have the hot water bottles instead of shivering while enabling her daughters self-centred behaviour.
No. 772040
File: 1548510254664.jpg (268.3 KB, 720x944, 20190126_134320.jpg)

No. 772106
File: 1548526019416.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190126-120154.png)

Pregnant (again after her recent abortion) and fasting non-stop even though she is going to be having this one to term and giving it up for adoption. This is fucked up honestly
No. 772383
>>772379Australia's public mental health system is a fucking joke. Can't blame anyone for going private.
Private has an upstream approach.
Public has a downstream approach.
No. 772431
>>772180God when you think it couldn't get worse..that would be so tragic. I assumed she said "themselves" as it's probably too early to know the sex or she just doesn't want to know.
Her recent post showing a whole tray of weed her friend gave her makes me feel physically sick. (Not against weed at all…I smoke myself). But if you're truly doing this along with everything else, just get the poor thing aborted. Shit man.
No. 772520
File: 1548614538006.jpg (888.65 KB, 1920x1575, IMG_20190127_184038.jpg)

Kelsey's daily Photoshop failure for everyone
No. 772525
>>772520That pose on the right where they stick their arse out always gets me. I stand like that when I'm desperate for a pee.
The colours in her room would drive me crazy. Nice aqua or w/ever that is, but walls of it, no.
Anyway, just saying I wish some of these people weren't private. I'm glad they are (kinda) but maybe they choose to be so they don't get deleted.
There's a story in the news in the UK at the mo about a teen girl who an heroed after looking at self harm on social media. I reckon it's going to put pressure on ig to do more about getting accounts closed down. No. 772608
File: 1548626581042.jpg (1.04 MB, 1500x1500, pt2019_01_27_22_02_15.jpg)

Good to see she's gaining. But seriously, why bother photoshoping if you're not going to make it the same?
No. 772681
>>772608They are the same….
black is a slimming colour so obvs she'd look smaller on the left it's an illusion…
No. 772728
File: 1548645450415.png (15.96 MB, 3087x3087, F79060D1-8FD3-41FC-B772-5038FC…)

Someone with a thigh gap about the same size as Kelseys supposed one. This is what someone would actually look like. I’m so sick of Kelsey’s desperate and obvious photo editing.
No. 772841
>>772731She can and she has been. There is 17 QuEDS criteria and you only have to meet ONE. Weight loss, refeeding risk, low systolic BP, postural drop >20, tachy or bradycardia, postural tachycardia, high or low body temp, any arrhythmias on ECG, low BSL, low Na, low K, low phosphate, low mgs04, low eGFR or a 25% drop within 1 week, low albumin, elevated liver enzymes, neutropenia or BMI <12 or a certain % of body weight lost in a certain time.
Weight is not the sole indicator and all that does is adds to people thinking they aren't sick enough to get help.
No. 772900
>>772856She was first posted here three years ago and still hasn't got out of the wanna be the sickest mindset. She's a bragger and even though not particularly milky, she loves the attention.
Full length store mirrors plus insta plus anas. Moths to a flame. She's always been pro ana.
No. 772931
File: 1548701223250.jpg (42.71 KB, 630x429, baleet.JPG)

This knocked me sick tbh. "Sexual content". ASH. SEXUAL.
No. 773230
File: 1548781296507.jpg (189.69 KB, 1080x1065, healingtillie.jpg)

It really grinds my gears when people claim to be recovered and then remain obsessed with how thin they were.
That they act like that's recovery is what does it for me.
No. 773254
>>773230also when people claim to be recovered and then post something like this as an 'after' shot
she still looks really sick and it's clear she's obsessed with her physique
No. 773616
File: 1548841434214.png (268.39 KB, 468x861, wannarexia.PNG)

don't fucking cowtip she'll go private or something ffs
No. 773628
File: 1548855224378.jpeg (253.5 KB, 750x1042, D109C389-1DA1-4D71-8CFF-5FD4DE…)

>>773616>despite much protest forced to be tubedYea fucking right. She was upset and told the dietician she wasn’t going to eat when they tried to take away her precious tube.
No. 773782
File: 1548901756561.jpeg (192.33 KB, 637x915, 4135EE80-B8B5-4AC0-BB8D-A34644…)

>>749179>>749325I got a follow request from this girl a couple weeks ago and I KNEW she looked familiar. Went through this thread and previous thread trying to see if I could find her, low and behold: it’s the girl who somehow still hasn’t moved on from wannarexic era circa early 2000’s when forcing your collar bones out somehow wasn’t an obvious wannarexic pose. Please can someone explain to me how a person with an apparently normal IQ could possibly think every single person with working eyes doesn’t see right through this bullshit? Fucking kek
No. 773856
File: 1548934543164.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-31-11-33-44…)

No. 773964
File: 1548962908407.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-31-19-25-02…)

ps. here's a picture of the game on 3ds…y'know, the consol I own…and the game I don't
No. 773985
>>773890We're not. She's a banned subject even if this thread's on autosage.
>>773964Yeah but she's
triggered by the death of an absolute bitch she was in hospital with who was horrible to her and died just now. Even in her death she's being the shittiest person alive making poor Becky feel so bad. Fuck her grieving family and fuck thinking part of the girl's (alleged) shitty behaviour was part of her illness. Buy poor Becky Spyro to take her mind of it.
No. 774473
File: 1549123382415.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-02-02-15-59-05…)

"I want this life to be as healthy as it can be"…
If you actually gave 2 shits, you wouldn't be poisoning the child with smoke and harming it with your ed behaviours. If you can't give this up, (not saying it's easy) then you shouldn't be choosing to be pregnant.
No. 774731
File: 1549193340155.jpg (828.13 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190203-203057_Ins…)

No. 774773
File: 1549209894436.png (3.42 MB, 1080x1438, IMG_20190203_160231.png)

Kelsey shows her real size? She looks relatively healthy here, not the weird skelly frog shoops like her other pictures
No. 774836
>>774741So disinterested and uninvested I’m getting out of hospital, she’s trying to get picked on.
Hospital is cozy and coddles you and she doesn’t wanna leave. Post self on lolcow>cut self over being on a gossip site>sympathy and extended stay.
Being overweight and avoiding life by wallowing is negativity isn’t milky. It’s a one man show so nurses might coo and pat her head. Gross.
No. 774868
>>774836I agree completely. At this point she's just posting things to screenshot and self post. She keeps getting hospitalized and would keep up just to write in her own ask to post in her stories, along with other things, create hate to cry about, etc. Pathetic. She doesn't even take the help that's given while she's there. I know a lot of people don't, but she's making herself seem beyond help when she's not. Claims to have tachycardia when there's certain healthy cardio that can be done to help her lose weight healthily with tachycardia. She chooses to "starve" and doesn't even appear to lose. Cries about losing too slowly when she's not even trying.
No. 774869
File: 1549240185895.jpg (968.82 KB, 1080x2088, 20190204_102841.jpg)

No. 774870
File: 1549240245813.jpg (252.58 KB, 1080x689, 20190204_102828.jpg)

Samefag. Saw this under one the of she many pics with the tube
No. 774890
File: 1549248207069.jpeg (283.21 KB, 640x924, 5AB76ED2-0150-4726-9073-004F20…)

Kate kusmina on ig “not starve or smth like that”
No. 774897
File: 1549251318079.png (732.21 KB, 750x1334, 0C48CE4E-2DD6-430C-ADA4-1E125D…)

Part 1
A hilarious string of multiple call outs from Georgia’s followers kek looks like we aren’t the only ones who think she’s rediculous
No. 774929
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>>774914I know the answer is “because she’s paying for it” but jfc how many times is she going to lose the tube, throw a massive fucking hissy fit and then get her precious nose hose back. this has to be the most obvious thing in the world to every every doctor there. also, no clothing, no books but don’t worry! she still has a phone and can spend hours taking selfies for when she’s inevitably discharged but needs to remind people how sick she was.
No. 774951
>>774870Saying that it's harder to get off the tube and onto eating real food is complete bullshit. No clinic or hospital would do that if you would actually EAT! (I know from experience)
Being tube fed is not a realistic way to get your nutrition in real life and for your recovery. Obviously there are exceptions (Georgia not being one). But if you can physically eat food then no hospital would give you a tube just for the LOLs…
No. 774969
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No. 774970
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Lies, you love it.
No. 774998
>>774910The photos of food she posts on IG aren't even her own- she just lifts them off other web sites.
Wonder how much she got paid for her story about Lindt chocolates in the daily mail. Maybe Paris should follow her example .
No. 775031
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No. 775057
>>775031Two crying pics in a day.
She's pre-motherhood Crying Emily without the gas huffing.
No. 775103
File: 1549324535690.png (692.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190204-235416.png)

Amy teaching people how to purge cough I mean, vent through the tube
No. 775132
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>>775125Not sure if she self posted her own tellonym but let me just share these hilarious and exaggerated responses she gives “her liver was failing due to malnutrition”……. sure Jan
No. 775134
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>>775132“I refused to eat” meaning that you deliberately chose not to in order to get a tube, kek come on!
No. 775143
>>775132These are hilarious to read. She's actually such a dumb person and comes off so cold and rude and the same to everyone on there. So hypocritical as well. "Water off a ducks back" is how the hate feels to her… Then takes link out of bio. I feel like she sends herself stuff in there to answer too. Part of the reason I believe this is because of all the years on Tumblr. She had Tumblr too and I followed her. Also if I have to see her say "my truth" and shit one more time I will barf.
And you're safe. Australia doesn't have Verizon.
No. 775155
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>>775143“I always end up relapsing into severe restriction” I think she’s going through a binge and a binge cycle, or at lest some useless purging. Not to physique critique but she’s actually a significant bit overweight, surely if this restrict/binge/purge cycle has been going on for years she would be at a significantly lower weight right?! I meant first she’s going anorexia or atypical whatever and then she says purging…. she either is totally lying about it all and is just a binge eater, or she doesn’t purge “well”
No. 775158
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“I couldn’t maintain my weight outside of treatment” Oh my gosh these just keep getting better and better, trying to chronicle the best ones before she deletes telly
No. 775178
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>>775129Ah that’s really rich considering I am doing my residency in a psychiatric hospital with an eating disorder unit. So I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time with this, but I know the DSM inside and out and this is my job day in day out, fasting and restricting are very much so compensatory behaviours and categorized as such. We’ve had many non-purging bulimic patients because they would binge and then not eat for a couple days, or restrict excessively and then binge again a few days later. I’m out right now but when I get home I can gladly take a picture of the page in the DSM
Sorry for minor blog posting but good lord it irritates me when people tell you you’re wrong and they don’t even know what they’re talking about
No. 775203
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>>775178Your psychfag flex and the compensation vs fasting dichotomy doesn’t matter, Georgia does neither of those effectively or even probably at all. The truth is she’s gained weight in and out of treatment Bc like most ppl with BED they have a warped perception of what a lot probably is Bc they are used to stuffing it in, kek! I could almost gaurentee she has BED based on what she puts in her story and her consistently rising weight this op is right
>>775129 that she’s a binger. A true anorexic or even atypical wouldn’t beg for the tube back that made them gain weight in tx when they are already overweight. She is so delusional I honestly wonder if she thinks she’s really this sick dainty frail anachan. Especially with her earlier tellonyms I was just reading through and ppl were like asking her advice on things, as if shed know any successful ana tips
>>775145This is where she asked herself tells to look like an all knowing skelly
No. 775204
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>>775163It doesn’t matter apparently if she gained weight lol, “she was starving to death”! Have some sympathy for this malnourished frail ana kek!
No. 775265
You have no eating disorder, you’re just a munchie.
No. 775268
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No. 775305
>>775296Agreed, plus it’s like with cancer patients - best way to survive malnutrition and death from starvation is to have spare muscle to use as protein source.
Maybe this doctor heard her saying she is not obese and called that psychosis lol. What do we know also about munchies, maybe they are borderline psychotic. After all who with their right minds would subject themselves to unnecessary doctor/hospital visits and unnecessary medical procedures.
No. 775322
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No. 775326
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No. 775330
>>775268yep, looks morbidly obese to me
fatties with BED who think they are frail anachans are always good for a laugh.
No. 775331
File: 1549387778532.gif (1.06 MB, 477x268, huey.gif)

>>775328Mine was projectile.
>>775330The way the back of her leg fat hangs that way confirms morbid obesity (source: common sense)
No. 775338
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No. 775368
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No. 775369
File: 1549398851444.jpg (33.06 KB, 303x297, no time for doing life stuff l…)

>>775368Bedsheet as a rope with which to hang.
Hey, you know Becky's awful cash situation? It's so bad they went to sort it out and had to wait a WHOLE 30 MINUTES before they found out they were at the wrong desk. After ALL THAT TIME they decided to not bother.
Does this bitch ever not complain. I mean, just one post where she isn't complaining?
No. 775384
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No. 775385
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No. 775388
File: 1549402007505.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.09 KB, 720x1139, 20190205_162647.jpg)

No. 775391
>>775388Jesus Christ, thank you for the spoiler.
>>775338I don't get it. If she's a tra s girl, how dies she get periods?
No. 775392
File: 1549402952273.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.9 KB, 720x1234, 20190205_164215.jpg)

No. 775394
>>775388the fuck could her reason for posting that shit possibly be?
what was the caption?
No. 775398
>>775129>>775178Not trying to wk Georgia, but bulimics often remain overweight or a normal weight.
Being overweight does not mean the absence of compensatory behaviours.
No. 775404
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No. 775423
>>775268Yes Georgia.
You’re an Australian size 16+. That’s enormous. You are the exact width of a door. Over 30 inches around your waist. You are obese and your doctors have that in their files despite your claims of starvation.
Skipping some meals and binging to compensate is not bulimia or anorexia despite your creepy wish for either of those.
Are you really surprised that yournkbese body was described as obese? Were you angling for emaciated despite the pannus?
No. 775439
File: 1549411962507.jpg (Spoiler Image,630.63 KB, 1080x1672, 20190206_101158.jpg)

Oh she is intersex. She was born with both male and female organs.
No. 775442
>>775427Probably but let’s be real. She knows she’s fat. She doesn’t see a waif in her back rolls. She just wants to stay in hospital where nothing but navel gazing happens and she gets patted on her back for eating breakfast instead of skipping it to binge five hours later. She wants to be an anorexic because she’s fat and she wants to be picked on here so she can call herself a survivor and join the thousands of other Instagram girls who rest on their fat laurels saying ‘but I was sad once so this is a god like acheivement’
She’s doing the fat girls rendition of MPDG because she’s got nothing else going on. It’s hard to go to uni and get a job but it’s easy to “battle depression” full time in exchange for asskisses. Never mind the millions of people with depression who don’t turn it into a song and dance.
No. 775446
File: 1549412927787.jpg (32.92 KB, 493x173, 00.JPG)

>>775445bollocks, dropped img
No. 775467
>>775404Imagine puking in your own lap and stopping to take a pic before cleaning it up. She has very serious issues. I feel for her growing up intersex but there’s some real serious mental illness going on
>>775423For an “anorexic” she sure doesn’t have an understanding of the BMI chart or mirrors
No. 775547
File: 1549443081823.jpg (174.34 KB, 1072x958, IMG_20190206_084618.jpg)

Surprised she deleted her newer followers (I'm guessing?) with all the attention she was suddenly getting lol. Now changed her insta name to something even more attention-seeking-bullshittery.
No. 775552
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This is pitiful
No. 775560
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No. 775561
File: 1549451038260.jpg (Spoiler Image,382.28 KB, 720x1140, 20190205_162130.jpg)

No. 775624
>>775531"She" doesn't.
No. 775636
>>775624I'm confused, the has tidies, and das a damn peen looking bulge?
Also, don't they remove it so the baby can be classed as one? And she has a damn big peen for an intersex person usually they're lil tiny nub things. But damn I'm no professional so who even knows.
No. 775705
>>775636I think she was born intersex (both sex organs aka penis and ovaries) and her penis was large enough at birth to be considered the primary sex organ so it was not surgically removed. Then in adolescence she realized she identified as female and started hormones to develop breasts and menstruate
>>775560Hi Sami, this is not a pro Ana board. It’s about as anti pro Ana as you can get. Because this is not a pro Ana site, we do not engage in thinspo or fatspo. Also, we were talking about Georgia legs, not yours
No. 775775
>>775422For sure, I was using your response to explain why I was replying to anon claiming BED.
I don't know if Georgia has BED, atypical anorexia, bulimia etc, and I think she's
problematic at best, but I thought it was important to l stress that being fat doesn't mean you don't have a restrictive/compensatory ED.
No. 775783
>>775671I was kidding, that's definitely a dick XD
Although I wouldn't put it past her to make up some willy shit for weirdo attention seeking, along with all the other bullshit she comes out with.
(XD) No. 775790
File: 1549534627178.png (56.14 KB, 654x469, images.png)

There are different levels of being intersexed. If she has periods I'd assume she also has a vaginal opening and thus more hermaphrodite
No. 775813
>>775741The ones we post here are generally shitty people. Beg for money, lie about recovery, fake recovery, etc. They do it continuously and the point of the thread is to keep track of them. Posting some intersex who's a bit (or a lot) ugly is funny, but not the point of the board.
As anon said
>>775749 MPA have discussion of random anorexics with popular accounts. I don't use that site much, but they discuss people like Cooney and occasionally Ash and other known wonky anas.
I'm of the opinion that our intersex person account is a troll. Too few followers and OTT posts in their feed. Next…
No. 776279
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No. 776287
File: 1549661425103.jpeg (262.09 KB, 750x1194, B554C232-58F7-4293-855C-28F3C2…)

Dang girl pick a year of onset already
No. 776308
File: 1549667235504.png (465.2 KB, 1125x2436, 5326A94F-CBCB-42B6-AFF4-4553FF…)

Why does it come up like this when I try to follow Becky?
No. 776342
File: 1549681569388.jpg (337.41 KB, 1080x1727, Screenshot_20190209_140446.jpg)

>>776308Her account is still up
(live photo). I'd say she's blocked you.
Don't worry, a fw cows have blocked me and I haven't interacted except to follow.
No. 776398
File: 1549718540132.jpg (294.13 KB, 1080x1588, IMG_20190209_132050.jpg)

Dropping those hints again
No. 776408
>>776398No heating.
Short skirt.
Thin tights.
No. 776441
File: 1549738635881.jpg (448.41 KB, 1079x1577, IMG_20190209_185455.jpg)

Newest photoshooop failure
No. 776461
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>>776441I can't see her account because it's private, but found this on one of the skinny fetish vk users page. She forgot to do something about the top of her arms.
No. 776676
File: 1549800465454.jpg (1.93 MB, 1242x1864, IMG_1552.jpg)

>>776466funnily enough, she-who-must-not-be-named did a post on Kelsey's shoops (see above)
File: 1549802852435.png (533.34 KB, 1242x2208, 816B800E-2102-46E7-A3F6-45BD31…)

replied to her story about how shes growing a child inside of her, and she cant eat 200 calories ect. This is part one.
No. 776681
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Part two.
Someone save this unborn child.
No. 776732
File: 1549815022255.jpg (1.76 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20190210_155949402.jpg)

>>776681So she's still in complete denial that she's even remotely harming the child. All she's taken from the messages is that they were saying that anyone with an ed can't carry a child… literally the whole point flew straight over her thick skull. People with ed's CAN have kids, the point is the majority might actually take a moment to consider what their actions could be doing to effect the well-being and health of the baby they're carrying. I know it's still a mental illness and it's not easy in any way or form, but she's clearly in the mind set that she aims to give the child up once it's born anyway, so whatever happens with it, being born perfectly healthy or not, she's gonna palm off to whoever. Not her problem. Not a single shit given. More concerned about the next time she's gonna get high…because weed is the only thing that helps anxiety or whatever.
No. 776743
>>776732How many months is she? She's massive, but she's talking like she's only first trimester even.
I think she's milky too, but I agree with anon to stop cowtipping.
No. 776757
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>>776743By the size of that bump, she definitely looks further along than that.
No. 776978
File: 1549881411359.jpg (524.54 KB, 1242x1906, IMG_6946.jpg)

Jeez.. smallest I've seen her.
No. 777032
>>777018Unfortunately she can't wear anything less revealing as her BDD is telling her she's a fat blob…such bullshit. How does it even make sense? I honestly don't understand how she complains about having BDD on a daily basis, yet does not wear anything other than the thinnest tights she can find.
As well as the whole boiler breaking-That's fine, wrap up warm in those tights Becky.
No. 777076
File: 1549908138883.jpg (557.89 KB, 1080x1569, IMG_20190211_175947.jpg)

They need a holiday? Bitch, you just had a fucking holiday…for free.
No. 777094
>>777032Amazing how she loves taking multiple selfies a day despite BDD. I don't even have that but only have 2 candids of me from the whole of last year because nobody wants to see that shit.
All Becky's followers are enablers. She does fuck all to get well yet they give her free shit and say there, there. I notice she starts hinting about having no cash the week after she gets her benefits paid. Her next one is a week on Thursday. Expect lots of e-begging!
No. 777142
>>775749How do you visit it?
Sorry I just can't find it
No. 777271
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No. 777273
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No. 777274
>>777271I don't frequent this thread (just saw this pop up in new posts), and I don't see much about her besides what is posted on the Onion thread. Has it been proven yet that she has anorexia?
I can't believe how she looks now. But how come her features aren't Ash-tier? Like she doesn't look like a walking corpse besides her weight? She looks almost as skinny or getting there.
No. 777383
>>777271Please, no, Keep the farm a space space from EC. I'm so sick of her popping up everywhere like she's the only damn spoop on the planet.
No. 777441
>>776978Was wondering when Bella would pop up again. She’s so goddamn dumb. The second treatment starts working she says it’s torture that makes her sicker or says she has refeeding syndrome from some iv saline. Regularly signs herself out of hospital and then publicly claims the hospital refused to help her.
She’s gonna be one of those rambling toothless anorexic women on YouTube in a few years, provided she doesn’t die.
No. 777473
>>777455Lol this is a joke, “what does being a women mean anymore”
Go out and adopt some unwanted babies kek
No. 777731
File: 1550028655553.png (6.1 MB, 2208x1242, FF4FC08E-078D-4179-B308-7AA123…)

Amy has gained some weight…
No. 777756
File: 1550036830718.jpg (507.2 KB, 1080x1665, 20190213_154640.jpg)

She's apparently very happy about weight gain.
>>777731 No. 777765
>>777756Absolutely not a fan of hers but she looks good at that weight.
>>777735Id guess obvious troll got bored of trolling when troll became obvious.
No. 777777
File: 1550049953383.jpeg (296.97 KB, 734x1086, 5ADDAA77-8AD1-4676-85D9-F5CD18…)

Another family member has died. Better post a body check with that caption. Just like the one with her Grandma.
Honestly. Can she think outside of herself for five minutes?
No. 777993
File: 1550106336589.jpg (12.9 KB, 256x83, 000.JPG)

tinyboosteps now wants people to tell her she looks ill because it helps her recognise she's "poorly"
No. 778446
>>777573She's changed it then because she's always going on about her anorexia and bulimia but dunno why she adds in the anorexic part. Clearly she's not!!!! Just been posting saying she needs blood transfusion for bulimia but she's not gonna go lol. Wtf!?
She's huge and has munchausen by proxy for sure
No. 778450
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>>777731>>777756She’s so happy about her weight gain she had to make a video all about when she was underweight, I haven’t watched it but she’s talking about it in her insta story like it was the glory days, and gushing about how ppl already messaged her saying they were crying. Like she feels validated in that she was sooper skinny and “almost died” Bc ppl are sad. Amy u r f*cked up
No. 778482
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holy shoop
No. 778483
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>>778482I wonder how long until Kelsey deletes this comment. Still at a loss as to how no one calls her out for the blatant misuse of the liquify tool
No. 778498
>>777617Bringing that up on this site is totally unnecessary and disrespectful. She legitimately suffered from her mental illnesses and had never been mentioned here until now because there was no milk ever.
Stop polluting this thread with unrelated stuff that you clearly think is gossip-worthy when it is actually a devestation for a lot of people & it doesn’t meet any of the criteria to be discussed here.
No. 778503
>>778498Stop trying to whiteknight, respecting someone when theyre dead means nothing. If you respected them you would have taken this site down.
Annoying that youre defending someone on a site meant to denumanize and witch hunt people,
No. 778504
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No. 778553
>>778456Yes that's the ones have you seen their elephant style dancing videos too. It's like spit the odd one out. Theres literally only one miss piggy on the floor sweating like giant warthog pmfl.
She freely tells people she shits herself too
No. 778558
>>778504>>778513She buys from Zara anyway because the stuff she was selling was from there. If she was singed up as a Zara influencer thing she'd have to wear the stuff they sent her. That's really going to happen.
She needs to discover charity shops. It'd give her something to do ass well.
No. 778562
File: 1550268337733.jpg (319.76 KB, 1080x1002, IMG_20190215_215432.jpg)

>>778513She's just trying to blag more freebies and hopes the more she mentions how much she loves Zara, the more likely they'll magically send her vouchers or free shit.
Seriously, if she ever became an influencer, that would be so fucked up.
No. 778565
>>778562Like she needs more fucking clothes. She wears a different outfit every day.
Those chunky trainers would really accentuate her twig legs though.
No. 778628
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No. 778631
>>778628the way she so shamelessly begs is embarassing
it's no wonder people have a certain view of the lower class/people on benefits when this is the kind of example that's being put out there
No. 778635
>>778631Yeah, it's weird because being working class I was always brought up to have self pride. There's probably always been scroungers like her, but ~these days~ people have no shame about begging. I don't mean people who're really fucking needy and genuinely need a food bank or whatever, but it's all clothes and make up for her and her #hellishlife.
Benefit handouts are poxy if you don't know how to work the system, but you get the basics with it. With her though she thinks Zara clothes, makeup, coffees and Nintendo games are essential. Waste of oxygen.
Strange how she thinks she's model material yet BDD.
No. 778718
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No. 778773
>>778718To quote
>>778726 What's the point of this picture?
It's an average size woman (?) who forgot to put her drawerz on. Her other account is food. She eats burgers, bacon and egg and owns a fitbit. Self post or are you lost?
No. 778794
>>778764Very unfortunate one. I’d say its impressive she has confidence despite having a body of a prepubescent boy, but her pictures scream „i am insecure and want to be desirable, please give me attention”, so nah, not gonna fly.
And you know it, insecure, attention-whoring self-poster. Can’t even sage. Go away. You’re not Interesting.
No. 778847
>>778845Can you sound less obvious, boring, basic fewfag bitch Becky, self-posting for attention, and acting like an idiot when called out?
Moving on to actual milk please.
No. 778884
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What tf even is that
No. 779062
File: 1550463073239.jpg (311.99 KB, 1080x1099, mango.jpg)

She wants asspats for having urges to hurt her baby.
No. 779082
>>779065Ask Paris?
I’m not her photographer.
Probably because she’s a vampire who feeds off attention and it might get questions/pity from followers.
No. 779097
>>779062Isn’t this the girl who made YouTube videos about how much she hated veritas and canopy?
Her reasons for hating treatment were so dumb. She said the patients were in middle school and it felt cliquey. Duh they were 13! She has a serious attitude problem and it’s clear she thinks she’s better than everyone else from her yt channel. Her poor child. Can’t imagine how bad her account was. Ps post caps
No. 779200
File: 1550518047413.jpg (544.63 KB, 1080x1562, IMG_20190218_192325.jpg)

Little miss beggar strikes again. Love how she immediately adds £50 Tommy Hilfiger scarves and £30 Joules wellies to her wishlist. Makes me sick.
No. 779202
>>779200>ignore the bulliesie
>ignore the people who call me out for my outrageous e begging.That's a new level of incredible begging. JFC. Should be a reportable offense.
No. 779205
File: 1550519365918.png (55.52 KB, 610x515, a.png)

She's going to get advice at a monastery.
No. 779210
File: 1550520156001.jpg (605.15 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190219-060158_Ins…)

Tpn weight gain is obvious
No. 779235
File: 1550525972555.jpg (101.41 KB, 1071x630, IMG_20190218_213749.jpg)

>>779200This person offers to send a card and Becky just responds with a like. Either an expensive scarf or nothing bitch.
No. 779242
File: 1550528301718.png (537.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190218-221733.png)

Is she seriously claiming a bmi of 11 here? How stupid is she?!
No. 779273
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No. 779285
>>779242The arms are always a giveaway, imo. And the thighs/hips.
This isn't 5 stone. After physical illness I've looked like this (unintentionally) and was in the lower 6stone (without contorting back) and my arms were like toothpicks (at 5ft 1in). At least she aint wearing those big baggy granny pants favoured by a lot of anas.
Still, good for clickbait, eh.
No. 779323
File: 1550540448532.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190219-014018.png)

She's 5"6
No. 779447
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No. 779451
>>779447M8, you should try having to work and pay rent and bills om top of dealing with mental illness. THAT'S hard.
If I was her mum, I'd go to bed hoping I wouldn't wake up in the morning.
No. 779507
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No. 779553
File: 1550609254380.gif (6.17 KB, 220x161, headbanger.gif)

>>779507HI, BECKY
You also shouldn't be using your account to ASK FOR THINGS because you have VULNERABLE, ILL PEOPLE follow you and it's happened before with others (ie ASHLEY ISSACS) where vulnerable adults have spent cash on her when they can't afford it.
TRIGGER PEOPLE and you know your pictures are POSTED ON THINSPO SITES. You even feature on noblord Onision's video.
You get EVERYTHING done for you. You have a MOTHER. You get a ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD. You have a billion clothes, a phone, all kinds of shit others can't afford.
Your moaning is incessant. YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO'S ILL even though you think you're iller than everyone else. No, we don't deal with it a lot of the time, BUT WE TRY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
All your stupid new agey "therapies" are bullshit. COMPLAINING IS POINTLESS. You're either going to complain and cry for a few years then die or fucking GET SOME GODDAMN HELP and feel better. RECOVER AND GO TO ART COLLEGE.
why do i fucking bother
No. 779729
>>779702The YouTube channel is OnisionSpeaks.
He's just some annoying guy that talks a lot about Eugenia Cooney. The only thing I saw of his regarding tinyboosteps was a screen shot of the sort of people who follow EC and it wasn't about her specifically. Although, correct me if I'm wrong and I've majorly missed something.
No. 779753
File: 1550677101597.jpg (57.49 KB, 749x398, emosmorven.JPG)

>>779751She's been sectioned in hospital for the past 3 and a half months. Still constantly whining on story.
No. 780140
File: 1550735066016.jpeg (223.98 KB, 930x1024, FD429058-DA20-40B5-AE79-1D0CFA…)

Korey is head of her society for dietetics and this is one of there Insta posts. As if this college is allowing it. Don’t they know she is queen spoopy anachan
No. 780200
File: 1550764729774.jpg (114.89 KB, 720x1280, 1984178537088576313_5756744959…)

Another mug bought her shit from her amazon wishlist.
No. 780205
File: 1550765902652.png (520.62 KB, 777x452, 2019-02-21 17.16.00.png)

>>780140What is she trying to tell us with this facial expression?
No. 780206
>>780200“didn’t expect anything”
YES YOU DID. She’s so manipulative, it’s disgusting. These people must be thick as shit
No. 780212
>>780192this. The British girls are such assholes, and I feel like thatmckeegirl has never received the scrutiny she deserves considering what a dramatic angsty cow she really is. Totally agree she is one of the most competitive too.
The less dramatic bitches from the original British crew have mostly tried to pull themselves together to some extent now, which is a good thing really. Makes it easier to see who the raging cows are.
No. 780223
don't be coming at us with this "i'm not expecting anything" shit when you post a direct link to your wishlist
if she wasn't expecting people to check it out, she wouldn't put it out there in the first place
No. 780437
>>780431Even when she was at home she never did anything - and it's not hard if you are that determined/ unhappy-. She always seems to be allowed her phone , charger and a drink -and water and electrics don't go well together.
Three months on an ng and she must have made some physical progress- probably why we don't get body pics of her now.
No. 780448
>>780438Honestly? My best guess is she does it for extra sick points therefore extra attention. She used to be so self-aware, it’s reflected in her old posts. Maybe she realised pretending to be delusional equals more asspats.
TL;DR: Like everything else in her life, she does it for attention.
No. 780453
File: 1550855386072.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1525, IMG_20190222_170904.png)

Another spoop shoop from kelsy
No. 780454
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No. 780457
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No. 780460
File: 1550856865537.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x1794, IMG_A9A50264D7DB-1.jpeg)

it's getting embarrassing at this point..
No. 780461
>>780437Agreed anon. For all we know the staff might be charging her phone for her in the office or something (chargers are usually a BIG no no regardless of obs level) but I remember when she was whining about her 1:1 leaving her unaccompanied, her first thought was to post to insta…don’t mean to generalise but you’d likely be taking that opportunity to do ~something~ if you really were that ‘high risk’. I know of someone who managed to take their own life despite being on close obs, if you want to hurt yourself that badly you’ll find a way to do it.
Tl;dr Morven = full of shit
No. 780471
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No. 780483
>>780471It'd probably help if she used her etsy shop link instead of her amazon wish list on her profile.
Those bracelets though. Who'd even pay the postage for that tat? I notice she bought a top at Primark. She'd probably say, oh it was only £3, but if you're
that strapped for cash, £3 is too much to waste on yet more clothes.
>>780460Her sweater has the magical power of warping her door frame!
No. 780492
>>780486Is it even legal to use Instagram to sell goods? She's also using it to ask for donations. I know she's far, far, faaaar from a successful seller, but it could be seen as a tax dodge if anyone who made stuff sold it on ig.
I hate how she presumes everyone else has loads of disposable cash to buy her things, give her money for free or buy her crappy bracelets. She isn't profiting because people aren't offering her enough cash for them. That's what she's saying.
No. 780504
File: 1550867083392.jpg (35.15 KB, 1008x281, quality.JPG)

I googled it. You need a business account on instagram to sell there. There's a proper shopping bag icon and you check out with paypal or card info so people don't get ripped off.
She sells on of these for a fiver plus p&p!
No. 780598
File: 1550895429944.jpg (1.14 MB, 1242x2205, IMG_2116.jpg)

>>780460apparently people aren't actually sussing that she's shooping the fuck out of herself tho lol
the girl who posted this on her story is recovered so clearly this stuff's actually convincing ppl
No. 780619
File: 1550897128299.jpeg (Spoiler Image,164.59 KB, 749x1210, BBFAF9EC-B1E3-4C6F-82D6-5E1464…)

No. 780622
Being at uni should be the unhealthiest time of your life to appreciate it. Booze, drugs, shit food, lack of sleep - might as well embrace it.
>>780598She probably sent that comment to herself. You can even see where her index finger's not even wrapped around half her leg.
No. 780627
File: 1550899877127.jpeg (201.8 KB, 750x1059, F8AE4A48-9C3B-4898-93D4-719FE0…)

a Swedish girl who likes to show off her bones
No. 780629
File: 1550900218866.jpeg (145.76 KB, 750x1227, 7C45852D-AD3D-4C4B-887D-6C0D6D…)

a Swedish girl who likes to show off her bones
No. 780694
File: 1550941653341.jpeg (107.69 KB, 739x779, 3E4EEF2D-6CF8-4DE5-BF90-0CF29E…)

Gotta show them fresh self harm bruises and cuts. She never takes photos like this so its so obvious.
No. 780741
File: 1550958560142.png (3.33 MB, 1125x2436, 5A5B5EB6-987A-4D2F-B7C0-D2555D…)

A regular basis this girl shares posing pictures in the same positions: slumped over or zoomed into her thigh gap but saying look at her tights. Mmmmhmmm sure. She says how sick she was that she had bedsores from no fat. She’s very thin, but it’s dramatic. Almost daily she whales on about don’t ask her dieting tips or how she got thin. I really doubt there’s anyone that just keeps asking her about it. She seems like she wants to be sickest. Also has that amazon wishlist up and thanks everyone for buying her things. Her name is littleliterarylaura even bc she’s that stuck in ED she needs to be called little.
No. 780747
File: 1550959977388.jpg (281.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190223-221218_Ins…)

No. 780751
>>780747I really can't take these kind of posts seriously when they use emojis.
She should start smoking.
No. 780756
>>780438She’s clinging to hard to the misunderstood genius savant trope that she’s leave claw marks in stone.
She’s so wrapped up in her purple prose and tortured artist schtick because big evil
abusive hospitals keep preventing her from starving herself to dead or filling her pockets with rocks and doing a Virginia Woolf.
She was probably a bit clever as a kid and fell into the “quirky genius” frame of mind on top her her natural narcissism.
Morven doesn’t want to be a boring vain anorexic. She wants to be the special frail clever girl despite behaving like a toddler and writing like hp lovecraft and Jane eyre has a purple baby. romantic sickness like the victorians loved.
No. 780758
>>780457Ugh. She was okay for a hot minute and then kept posting about how she’s planning a relapse and shit like a 14 year old after a breakup.
Absolutely pathetic considering how much shit she gave others for doing the exact same thing. Body checks, old photos to show off how underweight she was, guilt trips and attention seeking galore. Course she makes it about someone insulting her face or weight and not unfollowing because she organises relapses like a birthday party.
No. 780790
>>780430she's confirmed at the priory in glasgow
one of the other british girls there said so in response to a tellonym question
No. 780798
>>780786And she'd be all, "I don't post things just for me, I suggest things that might be helpful to others". Remember when she said that?? Those trainers are fucking awful, so bad suggestion there.
Yeah, I never got sent the Marlboro Red I requested. Probably need to post more crying pics.
No. 780808
>>780797Anyone any milk on fantastamagical?
Twins have done a disappearing act again too?
No. 780853
File: 1550991007578.png (2.43 MB, 962x1753, rawveganollie.PNG)

good to know the raw vegan lifestyle still requires a fair bit of photoshop in order to look "good"
No. 780882
File: 1551008113377.jpeg (167.46 KB, 489x1024, BEFE78EA-7889-45E8-A45F-5EE539…)

Man spoopy korey
No. 780922
>>780790Damn. I’d hate to be with her in any environment, but as it has already been said she would be
toxic in an inpatient setting. Most of the British girls are awful, but I do feel for the ones who want to get on with life and need to be subjected to Morven’s “hysterical meltdowns” and headbanging.
No. 780955
>>780938I don't know if katy has an IG but:>>780946Maria is: @miffysjourney on IG
No. 780959
File: 1551048200733.png (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 750x1334, 0BB9F2D2-6076-4119-A69A-8686C3…)

>>780955Jesus christ wtf legit looks like a creepypasta or some shit
No. 780960
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No. 780963
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No. 780966
File: 1551049138285.jpg (Spoiler Image,260.7 KB, 720x936, 20190224_225441.jpg)

>>780960 the fuck is that?
No. 780970
>>780966I think it's her hand in between her legs.
Still what a fucking thing to post paris, actually no why am i surprised.
Just dance away the calories in the bath
No. 780975
File: 1551051247486.jpg (533.1 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20190224-232312_Ins…)

God paris is irritating
Can she not read???
No. 780976
As for Katy & Maria I feel more sorry for them than anything. They’re so entwined I really think it’d take something drastic for one to consider recovery at this point but you know it’d probably go the other way. They’ve both had a shit load of health problems lately. It’s just no way to live
No. 781089
>>780976>>781072Exactly - i feel sorry for k and m and when you compare them to the drivel people like Paris posts- maybe it's just that they are older. Anorexia is so competitive anyway that to be competing with your twin must be even harder.
I know they have made some pretty harsh comments to people previously on IG ( mainly about BPing ) and upset people but their brains are so not working now.
No. 781116
File: 1551119393385.jpg (325.25 KB, 720x1006, 20190225_182946.jpg)

No. 781125
File: 1551123299441.jpg (32.35 KB, 362x388, glass cleaner and cloth.JPG)

>>781120Oh, come on, anon. She's never been as stressed now she's running her etsy empire.
Banging on about her fucking "stock" is annoying, but at least if people are pressured to give her cash they'll be getting something in return.
She really has no concept of how disgusting her begging is, you know, all the hate.
She really needs to clean that damn mirror. All the toothpaste splashes or whatever…Doesn't look like either of them care much for house cleaning.
No. 781128
File: 1551124456849.jpeg (317.54 KB, 640x996, EDB8635C-3413-451C-94C4-1C848F…)

>>781116£17 for this shit lol. A painted rock. What the fuck is that about? My 5 yr old produces better stuff than this!!! Is she for real?
No. 781206
File: 1551147384239.png (8.9 MB, 1125x2436, A08CED2B-1CE9-4CFE-A3C4-C3229B…)

Is in recovery but hasn’t made any progress in QUITE some time. She maintains this underweight stature & continually posts about how bad her edema is. She’s above getting professional help bc she says she can do it on her own. She can’t. She’s had PLENTY of time. She’s killing her insides day by day as no one is forcing her over her personal comfort spot. It’s ridiculous. She has so many followers & is so unhealthy & commending self recovery but not actually progressing.
No. 781223
>>781132Notice she only eats the inside of the burger? It's 130 calories for a single Big Mac patty and the cheese.
How do you THINK she stays skelly?
No. 781270
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No. 781337
>>781270My brain glitches every time cows interact with one another.
What was reality’s post?
No. 781362
>>781116hey ho guess i'll have to stop the scrounging and actually earn an honest living :(((((((
i swear this chick is like 20?
No. 781364
>>781337Probably an old body check and a caption about how she’s sad and planning a relapse.
>>781206Aside from having reddit suck her off now and then isn’t she pretty quiet? Killing her self sure but not loudly and publicly.
No. 781374
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No. 781377
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No. 781379
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No. 781393
>>781364Don’t worry though guys she’s relapsing for the ~experience~ so she can write a book about it
>>781379All the “atypical anorexics” are ugly in addition to their morbid obesity. I’d hate myself too if I looked like that
>>781374 that shopping though
No. 781460
File: 1551241903199.jpg (366.24 KB, 1080x1778, nnnn.jpg)

>>781422What a fucking train wreck.
No. 781470
>>781467I'm not the person who brought her up, but I'm the person you replied to.
I thought #HAES on the post was rude and milky.
The rest of the posts were, indeed, boring.
No. 781493
>>781470Health at every size isn't just for people who are overweight as a pat on the back. The idea about it is to shift from numbers on a scale as an indication of health. So her having the hashtag really isn't all that milky or rude?
Had a look and she doesn't really seem all that interesting. Though it was kind of amusing how she's got a tattoo as proof that she's at least 18 as people think she's around the age of twelve. I swear emoticons should be banned from the internet though, ana-chans seem to abuse the heck out of them whenever they post to social media.
No. 781507
File: 1551264250678.jpg (363.22 KB, 1080x889, korey1.jpg)

>>781363Well, Korey is posting that shit.
No. 781509
File: 1551265314964.png (78.57 KB, 259x587, 2019-02-27 11.57.58.png)

>>781508And people are finally calling her out for her BS. But there are still enough of her followers who praise her for spreading the idea that you can "recover" while maintaining an emaciated body.
No. 781620
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No. 781621
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No. 781624
>>781620that nurse must have been so confused as to why this chick wanted to film herself getting tubed
thank goodness she had a moment's reprieve from her """"absolute devastation"""" to set up her phone to capture what she's clearly aware is unnecessarily
triggering footage
i'm just—–
No. 781681
>>781517Sorry for coming across as aggressive, I have bad communication skills.
All the chocolate bars I've seen are either 80%+ or sugar free. I don't believe she eats her entire meal anyway.
No. 781686
>>781682i'm pretty sure she'd have gotten a bunch of comments from ~
triggered followers so wouldn't be surprised
No. 781713
File: 1551326221637.jpeg (514.71 KB, 1125x2037, 3076CB3E-6CE0-4018-A8E0-D8C9BA…)

>>781535Pt 1 of her completely unhelpful “awareness”
No. 781769
File: 1551359213310.jpeg (148.97 KB, 567x1007, 878000A4-8D06-48CF-A7B4-23AF2E…)

>>781719Don’t know who you’re looking at but she looks to be a pretty damn healthy weight to me
No. 781775
File: 1551361772224.jpeg (145.38 KB, 750x1099, 0F8ADE3E-1173-4108-A080-C2EF66…)

>>781755It is no coincidence that on the day of the funeral of a much loved person in that community that Emma has made LITERALLY FIFTEEN posts about how she was “moments from death” and the “single most special patient” of 2018.
No. 781778
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No. 781784
File: 1551366997378.jpeg (145.79 KB, 750x480, 62175BA6-0A9A-40B2-9ECE-1DF115…)

What about this milky account, always arguing with anons due to “faking” or trying too hard to have an ed
No. 781789
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No. 781807
>>781778How must the old man feel having to look at those god awful eyelashes when he's awake.
>>781775>close to death>documents it on her phone cameraokay
No. 785320
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@itsemilysara - thoughts..?
No. 791782
File: 1553902075374.jpg (Spoiler Image,588.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190329-162027_Ins…)

Madeleine at it again
No. 1057578
>>775158"my body was starting to shut down"
yeah that doesn't really happen when there's so much more fat it can use as fuel. What can happen is a deficiency in vitamins and electrolytes, especially if she's purging but this can be fixed with supplements easily. There's really no need at all for the tube besides extra attention.
No. 1122992
File: 1609880238752.jpg (99.36 KB, 1080x1807, lolcow.jpg)

been following this one for a while, shows her body more visably on her account, obviously overweight, talks about her anorexia and got a tube cos it makes her special and valid