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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 2003406

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/1991983

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny:7 (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-130:

Thread #131: >>>/snow/1987643
Thread #132: >>>/snow/1995251

No. 2003415

Thread #111: >>>/snow/1834336
Thread #112: >>>/snow/1851300
Thread #113: >>>/snow/1851929
Thread #114: >>>/snow/1861724
Thread #115: >>>/snow/1872396
Thread #116: >>>/snow/1879658
Thread #117: >>>/snow/1888313
Thread #118: >>>/snow/1895295
Thread #119: >>>/snow/1904264
Thread #120: >>>/snow/1911973
Thread #121: >>>/snow/1917235
Thread #122: >>>/snow/1924452
Thread #123: >>>/snow/1932085
Thread #124: >>>/snow/1940552
Thread #125: >>>/snow/1947937
Thread #126: >>>/snow/1953751
Thread #127: >>>/snow/1961046
Thread #128: >>>/snow/1968391
Thread #129: >>>/snow/1974223
Thread #130: >>>/snow/1980600

No. 2003437

Newfags, please stop making new threads and failing at updating the links.

No. 2003457

OP here. First, I'm not a newfag. Second, the last thread only had the link for the past few threads. Take a xanax.

No. 2003465

>Previous threads 1-130:
Lol learn to read, they were already there
>current /ot/ gender ideology general thread >>>/ot/2037097
Adding this as well since you forgot to update the link

No. 2003469

Thanks nonnie

No. 2003470

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Enough infighting, let's get into the milk, shall we? I wanted to share this guy named Robin Urlove, gross mtf troon obsessed with posting before and after pics. He says that "he's a woman because he had boobs." And that he wishes he could secretly feed his childhood self estrogen.

No. 2003476

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Lmao, I kinda hate it when lolcow has trained me to spot a troon instantly on the internet. Tell me why when I was researching how to style a pencil skirt for my corporate job, found a Quora thread, the first picture was this and I instantly knew it was a dirty tranny with a fetish before even looking at the user.

No. 2003477

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No. 2003481

>these skirts are more for show, and not necessarily very practical
No shit stupid troon. I hate transplainers

No. 2003485

Anytime a troon talks about their childhood self, it's a red flag that they're going to become a pedophile (as if the trooning out wasn't enough of a red flag).

No. 2003507

His hips and breasts look fake asf, Jesus Christ. This is fetishistic and completely a romanticized depiction of the female body that trannies will say makes them female. I just want to shake some of these assholes and tell them having fake tits does not make you a woman.

No. 2003511

I'm pretty sure that's a woman. Those are just product photos taken from a random website.

No. 2003515

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Troon supports pedophile, color me shocked

No. 2003518

Why can’t we report these accounts? Quora is not an adult site. I hate kink acceptance and how every space online is now a fetishist space. Amazon reviews, hobby forums, public social media spaces that have an all ages audience. These freaks had their xxx spaces all throughout the 90s, why can’t they stay in their containment zones? I think all fetishes have an exposure or exhibition component to them since the fetishist is compelled to force everyone to interact with them and their compulsion.

No. 2003519

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Based father

No. 2003520

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No. 2003521

Great comeback, son. Also who the fuck initiates a conversation and then says "If you don't like it don't talk to me"? You started it, you retard! First-graders have better memory than this guy.

No. 2003524

the passive aggressive giggling makes me want to punch a wall

No. 2003526

>Gay I can understand trans never
Dad is a real one

No. 2003529

Does anybody else notice how many sissies/trannies/crossdressers use quora? I've only used it a few times, but I always see some tranny giving their two cents about women' fashion or some other bullshit they should shut up about.

No. 2003533

his pfp looks nothing like him

No. 2003534

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filtered pic vs the reality

No. 2003540

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remember: this is what every man behind a lain profile picture looks like irl

No. 2003545

This compilation is fantastic. I can’t even decide which of his takes are the most retarded and/or disgusting

No. 2003547

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All fashion subreddits are useless these day, what even is their obsession with "goth" girls anyway? He's not even dressed goth here more like some unwashed egirl

No. 2003550

reddit is utterly unusable because of troons infesting every single subreddit and shoehorning their retarded fetish into everything. i had to unsubscribe from the curly hair sub because troons wouldn't stop posting before and after pictures and begging for asspats.

No. 2003553

>what even is their obsession with "goth" girls anyway?

I’ll break it down for you, nonna:
>socially outcast guy romanticizes/fetishizes ~alt~ goth girl as his female counterpart
>he develops AGP
>he LARPs as the girl he desires but can’t obtain
>euphoria boner

No. 2003555

no way, ninja from die antwoord also transitioned!

No. 2003556

I love how his dad said "gay I can understand"

No. 2003560

It’s funny how many grown ass men post screenshots of them being immature cunts to their parents and getting told off for it just so they can get reassured about how ~abusive~ their parents totally are from equally as mentally ill trannies on xitter. When it’s teens pulling this shit, it makes me feel sad because it’s obviously a gender cult tactic to make them isolate themselves from their families, but somehow I can’t find as much sympathy for these adult moids who never learned how to give grace or compassion to the people who have supported them the most

No. 2003564

Wouldn't do it on reddit, but if you're on a discord with a couple of these freaks then posts of their "fits" are a great excuse to mercilessly tear them down under the guise of being helpful.
You really have to wonder how responsible filters are for the meteoric rise in this shit, the timelines correspond pretty well. How many of these guys would still be doing this if they were interacting with each other in real life and not seeing each other(and themselves) through a screen?

No. 2003565

Once I saw a 15 yr old on TikTok saying he was trans and that his "close group of older trans friends" aka pedophiles had led him to troon out. I feel so sad that this stuff happens.

No. 2003567

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Robin Urlove looking oh so feminine

No. 2003570

I wish this was true but most of these moids don't have the self awareness to realize how bad they look compared to the women they're skinwalking because they filter everything through their fetish lens. Lots of AGPs literally think they look better and are better versions of the women they skinwalk. If they had more self awareness maybe they wouldn't troon out as openly

No. 2003571

Literally posts a photo in a full latex neon outfit
>this isn't very practical
No it's not, and it's also hideous and looks like fetish wear. Why would you give that as an example of how to style a pencil skirt when 90% of women trying to style them are probably thinking of workwear like the nona above?

No. 2003573

> I love like a lesbian
What does that mean?

No. 2003574

He literally looks like a transphobic caricature

No. 2003575

Ugh yes I was just looking something up on quora recently and there were like 5 separate long replies to the same post from different accounts that were all clearly the same man describing some fetish sex encounter he had in slightly different words, each one more long and graphic than the next. I didn't go on quora to hear about your fetish orgy experience dude and it was like a majority of the replies to the question

No. 2003576

It means he's one of those guys who loved to joke about how 'I'm a lesbian in a male body' because he wanted access to the only small group of women he feels like he can never have access to, but now he thinks he's one of them.

I'm assuming possibly wrongly that the 'they' partner whose underwear he's stealing is a female partner, and I wonder why he is proud enough of this to post it on twitter but has to wait for his 'partner' to leave the house before he steals 'their' underwear and wears it around? If the partner is some kind of TIF I'd expect 'them' to be supportive of the man's gross fetish larp since they're dating but apparently the underwear stealing is a bit much

No. 2003598

it amazes me how faceblind autistic men can be. his outfit lacks jewelry, makeup, hair, volume, clothes texture, etc. things that can make the fit "goth", BUT it has fetish wear such as the choker and whatever he has on his legs.

No. 2003624

Good threadpic op. Really horrid. I hate it

No. 2003626

It's not just faceblindness it's fashion-blindness too, nothing about the outfit is goth

No. 2003645

What's up with TIMs and their obessesion with this Lain girl?

No. 2003650

it's not even autistic troons, nona. Normies will call any woman wearing edgy black clothes "goth" now.

No. 2003651

she's a socially awkward 14 year old anime girl, basically the perfect uwu loli waifu for these disgusting moids.

No. 2003655

Sad. Maybe it's just my old old age of being a young millennial showing but when I was growing up absolutely no one would associate 'goth' with a bikini plus some spiky fetish jewelry and nerd glasses. Lol he isn't even wearing goth makeup and has a regular middle aged male computer programmer haircut.

No. 2003666

This is why I don’t believe any adult TIMs when they say their parents are abusive. Their idea of abuse is a parent saying “I don’t care if you’re gay but you’re not a woman”. Anything but unquestioning agreement and subservience is “abuse” to these people.

No. 2003680

Utterly miserable the way that moids have taken over Lain and its fandom. Sorry for weeb crimes but any actual discussion about the show is now taken over by trannoids declaring that she is their femcel schizoposting totes transfem queen! I hate them so much

No. 2003681

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New Vegas prostitute looking ass

No. 2003682

kek holy shit

No. 2003693

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She/They Discord Mod

No. 2003695

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YWNBHM (You Will Never Be Hatsune Miku)

No. 2003705

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I left that subreddit after seeing that exact post lmao, I wanted a place to talk about actual goth fashion but it's mostly just alt egirls
My favorite one is this dude, a TIM of course, who just wore a black shirt.

No. 2003708

God the troon in the OP image looks so nauseating. His tongue looks like an uncooked hotdog.

No. 2003710

Holy shit why didn't god give me 1/100th of the delusional self esteem your average hideous obese neanderthal looking moid has? Nonnas just imagine proudly posting yourself in a canadian tuxedo in the goth fashion subreddit lmao

No. 2003711

This is a rhetorical question, but it's really telling how he approached his dad the same way porn sick incel creeps approach women. He somehow managed to deliver the "hey beautiful" to "fuck you ugly bitch I don't want you anyway" to his own father lol

No. 2003713

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the comments are always so funny to me. it's so obvious that people can't think of anything to say so they find the most pointless things to compliment them on.
>i love how you have two arms and two legs. it works in an unexpected way. rock on and keep being you!!!

No. 2003722

You realize trump is a pedo too, tardwife?

No. 2003725

I'm glad someone else mentioned his tongue, he looks absolutely disgusting

No. 2003727

I didn't pick up on this but you're spot on. Somehow moids always devolve into seething rage and protestations about how you need to get the hell away from them but not before they're done talking the second they don't get their way after seeking 'support' or 'connection' a second earlier. Except the seeking support or connection is usually some creepy declaration about how he wants to fuck you, or, in this case, fuck himself.

No. 2003729

>finds the most inane desperate thing to compliment him on
>oh that was not intentional at all, I wasn't actually thinking about how to put an outfit together only cooming

No. 2003731

Kek horse piss estrogen doesn’t do shit, it makes sense why there aren’t as any vocal MtF detrooners because you can literally just quit taking cross-sex hormones and go on about your life.

No. 2003741

Are there even any vocal detrans men who haven’t had their dick inverted? That seems to be the point where the regret truly sets in.

No. 2003743

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Why are trannies so opposed to trying to blend in with normal people? I’ve never seen a demographic more determined to make their fetish known to the general public

No. 2003744

Nope, all the vocal detrans men I’ve seen (TullipR, Walt Heyer) already had their dick cut off, which makes sense.

No. 2003747

Because their whole identity (being trans) IS their kink nonna. Some are just extra mentally ill about it and have to include their pedo or zoo tendencies too.

No. 2003755

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Meet r/Charlotte-in-hiding
>married father of two young children announces to his wife that he will be trooning out right after her second pregnancy
>(many such cases)
>spams his reddit with highly sexualized photoshoots of himself in BDSM gear and schoolgirl outfits, as well as creepy FaceApp edits that look nothing like him
>with his degeneracy on full display, his wife threatens divorce
>he threatens suicide after his wife holds her ground against his manipulation fails
>(many such cases)

No. 2003756

File: 1718215056995.jpg (2.08 MB, 4068x2297, part 2.JPG)

>his post history

No. 2003757

File: 1718215202795.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 4040x2058, NSFL!!! part 3.JPG)

>his post history: NSFL edition

No. 2003758

Blech, his poor wife. Reminds me of that Stephonknee Wolscht troon who left seven kids and their mom to go age play.

No. 2003760

>I hoped she would support my [fetish] so I could be happy again
>said one month after the birth of his child
what a whiny victim complex having moid, his kids will be better off without him

No. 2003767

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No. 2003775

i will never understand how moids find this shit attractive. i wish faggots like this didn't have so much retarded undeserved confidence.

No. 2003781

AGP is a helluva drug

No. 2003788

The big lie they all tell themselves is they will "reap the benefits" of "being a woman" when they get rid of their dick and balls. So they don't de-trans until after they have taken the ultimate step and realize that no matter what level of mutilation they commit YWNBAW. The other crabs in the bucket keep them from seeing the light until its too late.

No. 2003791

Either he is watching here or the wife found his reddit because these are deleted. Hope it's the latter, because he seems to be trying to crowdsource how to leave her with the most money possible. Thankfully the wife seems to be in the better position financially. Idiot seems to just let her take care of all of the finances and household stuff.

No. 2003794

Once they cut their dicks off there's nowhere to go from there. No more hope that now they'll finally be happy as a real girl. No more fetish milestones to fulfil. Just most likely debilitating pain, physical deterioration and a lifestyle of having to dilate your open wound 3x a day while you smell like a dying animal. I'm not surprised that's the point most of them stop keeping it up.

No. 2003797

If he's watching here I have a message for him: YWNBAW capiche? Go take a xanax and get a job

No. 2003798

>I knew I was trans before I married my wife and proceeded to have two babies with her
>Now that she is busy with a toddler and an infant I am going to pursue my sexual fetish
>I love my daughters so much but my sexual fetish is still more important
Boy the scrote concept of 'love' sure is interesting

No. 2003800

Being trans is a form of exhibitionism.

No. 2003805


No. 2003828

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No. 2003829

I hope she gets her two daughters away from that creep.

No. 2003830

I hope that person is trolling bc those things don’t go together at all

No. 2003831

>I know the skirt is work inappropriate which is why I wore it for Linkedin headshots
Very rational behaviour.

No. 2003833

At least the wife has the sense to keep her daughters away from the father when he starts publicly displaying his fetish

No. 2003834

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Here’s the professional headshot lol

No. 2003836

Wow he looks absolutely psychotic. Troons always have the most deranged 1000 yard stare even if they've put some effort into looking semi-normal like this one.

No. 2003840

The stockings look so fetishy. I wonder if he is skinwalking a particular woman or just has a “sexy office worker” fetish.

No. 2003841

Brown shoes, brown leather/pleather skirt in a different shade of brown, black jacket and shirt (that part is ok but not with brown) and illfitting stockings with the tops visible.
Honestly have never seen this combination on a human (brown is ok when paired with cream or white, but with black it just looks like he didn't have matching skirt/shoes, enforced by the fact even the skirt and shoes don't match) so I suspect his inspo was an anime or cartoon character. That or he just raided the thrift store for any vaguely officey clothing and is intentionally halfassing it to see how far he can push his tranny identity card.

No. 2003845

Linebacker shoulders busting out of that shirt, this is why men and women's clothing has different sewing patterns.
I will give him credit for not passing in the slightest, thus giving people a heads up before they invite him to interview.

No. 2003846

I think brown with black can look good if it's a grungy look like a brown motorcycle jacket in a real nice leather with black garments underneath but the cheap mismatched PVC temu miniskirt with the camel shoes is horrible. The top part is fine but why wear a miniskirt to take photos where only the top half will be visible if not to do this (have weird fetish photos of you in an inappropriate workwear outfit)? Definitely some kind of sexy office worker/secretary fetish.

No. 2003848

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I clicked this from the front page because I thought it was Daniel Radcliffe in drag.

No. 2003852

>1m and 3y
>posting on self.suicidewatch
>suicide baiting after your wife just gave birth 1 month ago
>recovery for childbirth is 3 months of bleeding, and the first few months of childcare are famously extremely difficult and exhausting
Every tranny is a narc, change my mind

No. 2003854

No one's gonna change your mind nonna they are all exactly the same.

No. 2003856

File: 1718231646524.jpeg (103.6 KB, 750x855, IMG_0405.jpeg)

I wonder how many TIFs would peak if they went on /lgbt/ and discovered how their “sisters” really think of them. It’s telling that all the pooner comics like picrel are drawn by TIMs. Some of them made me chuckle but something like this is so obviously projection, I’ve never seen a TIF act like this towards straight women. Seen plenty of TIMs treat lesbians this way though. They have a genuinely psychotic hatred of the female form borne out of jealousy. Look at the way they draw all the pooners with exaggerated female features and talk about how they’re superior to women because they don’t have “stinky fish pockets” or whatever the fuck. It makes me understand why there have been so many serial killers with a cross-dressing fetish(wrong thread)

No. 2003857

Is that Elle Deran?

No. 2003859

Kek nona my sides

The total lack of empathy is telling. His wife literally just gave birth. I bet all the comments are coddling him and insulting her? He also writes like he's a 20 something when he's 35. Insane. Looking quickly at his profile, he replied to almost every comment. Dude is terminally online instead of taking care of his kids. He needs to plug off internet, Jesus.

No. 2003860

I thought pooner comics were revealed to be made by a tif?

No. 2003861

Let's be real pretty much no woman under the age of 50 would wear stockings in a workwear setting at all.

Most women's delusions about TIM solidarity with them would be gone in an instant if they took 15-30 minute to read any TIM forum. I used to play a game with my friends of going on the front page of r/MtF and counting how many of the first 100 posts were about different types of fetish/harassment content, seething jealousy/hatred toward 'cis women', I stole my mom's/sister's underwear and that's when my egg cracked, help how to come out to my wife now that she is pregnant/we have a newborn, or help am I an egg if I watch sissy hypno/am obsessed with futa hentai? it was always like 90% of them

No. 2003862

These are mostly drawn by tifs, tims don't have the empathy to recognize their insecurities or the artistic talent to depict them.

No. 2003865

I've noticed it's not just right after their wives give birth, but commonly when they give birth to daughters.

No. 2003866

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tifs already are on /tttt/. they just hate themselves too much to get angry about tims hating them

No. 2003871

He looks like he just came off the rez lol

No. 2003874

I feel so bad for the wife. You can tell she has to deal with this insane man in closed quarters, so, rather than outright calling him a pervert, a madman, a misogynist, she has to paint herself as a bad person, calling herself "vindictive". I bet she's actually a great person who just had to say all this shit to keep him from hurting her or her daughters.

No. 2003884

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Brown + Black is ok if the brown is reddish and dark but this looks like he smeared feces on his body. This is so hilariously terrible when you compare it to women on tiktok who try their hand at 'office siren' style. Cheap pencil skirt, shitty shirt because why bother with that when you can put your nylon bands on display? It looks like the kind of shit women wear in softcore 'arrr sexy secretary' erotic photography. It's inept, awkward, sluggish, unimaginative (people who dress weird or 'bad' can still have interesting ideas). AGP style embodies this sluggishness you often find in male coomers, their brains are hazy, they're barely there, they grab onto the first 'feminine' piece that titillates them and hold onto it weakly, not knowing where or how to put it on. Every time i see an AGP fit i picture picrel, holding crumpled lingerie close to his chest and mulling over simple stimuli: 'leather = sexy' 'pink = girl' 'heels = sexy' 'bangs = reminds me of Sandra from 3rd grade'.
Not thinking of cut, fabric, comfort or any of the thing men and women into fashion care about, or maybe what they care about when they're not trying to coom on an identitarian astral plane.

No. 2003887

This is how I feel when I see trannies attempt to emulate goth styles

No. 2003888

this isn't me racebaiting at all, but I've noticed white TiMs specifically have a particular look to their face and overall facial structure that looks very copy pasted that immediately gives them away. and this is even without the shitty makeup application

No. 2003890

Most of them just have autism face.

No. 2003891

>a particular look to their face
Yes, it's called "broken X chromosome".

No. 2003896

File: 1718239298179.png (355.55 KB, 708x542, GP3iyarXgAANGaA.png)

Imagine this thing as your nurse

No. 2003897

File: 1718239447478.jpg (141.63 KB, 1138x1707, moid.jpg)

Kek I was just about to post him. Here's the final shot of his weird little outfit, looking hard faced and manly as fuck.

No. 2003898

Guys like this really think they're being subtle, as if anyone with half a brain can't tell their entire existence revolves around porn. Silky mini skirt and stockings is the "secretary uniform" in porn only. Nobody wears a tiny silk mini skirt to work. Every woman in every office job I've ever had has worn black pants and a blouse or tunic top and/or cardigan. They brainwash themselves into thinking they're women by endlessly jerking off to sissy porn and their only reference for what to wear to work is secretary porn.

No. 2003906

>tranny with a nurse fetish

No. 2003919

It's not even a silk mini skirt nonna it's pleather.

I have worn skirts to the office because I don't wear pants but they're longer (past the knee) and looser skirts in normal non-fetish fabrics. I do see some young fashiony women who work in cutesy like fashion/marketing type jobs wearing short skirts and blouses but they're way more lowkey and work-appropriate than this.

No. 2003922

Sage for nonmilk but anyone else's tumblr dash filled with people complaining about TIMs getting deactivated enmasse today? Kek

No. 2003924

I can't get over how scary his eyes look. They're always so telling.

No. 2003925

Imagine making an outfit with an all-black top half that could potentially match with a hundred different bottoms and managing to find the absolute worst option. Male fashion sense is amazing, the only thought process must've been "I saw a hot woman wear this once and it makes me horny"

No. 2003927

Yeah if he had worn any non-fetish fabric black, grey or even tan bottom like pants an appropriate skirt or even black jeans this would have looked like a normal work outfit.

No. 2003942

I would miraculously recover instantly, leap out of bed and check myself out of hospital because who knows what coomer fetishy thing he will do to you. I know you don't need to be trans to be a sex pest in hospital setting (the stats are dire) but it's basically guaranteed here. He's a self identified fetishist. At best your unconscious pre/post/during surgery nudes will end up on 4chan.

No. 2003947

Chances are you'd wake up full of semen and estrogen pills in a fetish costume with your nudes posted on the dark web on some website like fuckedupsurgeryporn4u.net

No. 2003951

There is no doubt in my mind that she was quoting him with that "vindictive" comment.
He's going on and on about what a horrible person she is then when she tries to distance herself from someone who openly hates her that's also the wrong response! Troons demand nothing short of adoration and fawning at all times.

No. 2003959

You can tell he’s a rapist just from his face. I wonder how many comatose women and helpless old ladies hes diddled(sage non-milk)

No. 2003964

Kek his own shoulders extending past the blazer's padded shoulders.
And here you can see that the sleeves are too short.

No. 2003967

File: 1718256204461.png (127.77 KB, 467x600, 4773F28B-8CDC-445E-B2A0-A318A7…)

I hate trannies so much it’s unreal

No. 2003971

File: 1718257569394.png (727.72 KB, 498x939, futa_fat-ale.png)

Ran across this grotesque creature on instagram
>named after a gun
>"MILF coded dog dyke"
>massive T4T tattoo
>botched moobjob?
His entire IG page is a horrorshow too

No. 2003974

File: 1718258130303.png (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 934x854, futafattattoos.png)

More of his god awful scratcher tattoos
> "doll-dyke" knuckle tattoos
>massive thigh piece of two troons having sex while one shoots himself in the head?
>giant tittied anime girl in a pup mask with a gun
>a very scribbled killdozer tramp stamp

No. 2003978

File: 1718258953290.png (2.88 MB, 1501x875, 023023032340.png)

and finally him before he trooned out compared to now. This is like an aggy tier decline.

No. 2003980

I'm actively fatshaming in my head rn

No. 2003981

This is ancient milk, I remember this being posted at least five years ago.

No. 2003982

He transitioned from the Linkin Park trailer trash to the Waffle House trailer trash.

No. 2003983

I love when troons infight like this

No. 2004000

File: 1718265046348.jpg (3.53 MB, 1076x10569, whining.jpg)

Yes. I don't think it's been discussed in depth in this thread, but the TL;DR is that they're all freaking out about being "banned for nothing" when all they do is post NSFW and then cry about being oppressed. They see it as a larger continuation of picrel (written by one of them) which happened a few months ago.

I'll try to find a more recent post of them acting like there's a genocide going on over the last week, but what's really happening is that people are mass reporting them for posting NSFW and it's working.

No. 2004003

troons can never win, they hate each other too much to ever truly be unified

No. 2004005

i miss when men like this were just thrown into mental institutions and then forgotten about

No. 2004007

are you a fellow swede-anon nona? that would make me so happy

No. 2004010

Picrel is exactly who I pictured was posting on the tif thread the other night saying stuff like “women love being raped.” They try so hard to fit in with le edgy bros club but it always just comes off as an insecure mentally ill women, even when hiding behind a keyboard it’s beyond obvious kek

No. 2004017

File: 1718272635448.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.68 KB, 600x800, goofyahhanime.jpg)

The office lady look is a common trope in anime too nona, with the pencil skirt and stockings, but they usually wear them with white shirt and black miniskirt
I spoileres because idk if you nonas consider erotic

No. 2004023

File: 1718275708095.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.81 KB, 1125x815, image22.jpg)

hey wait, i remember this post. pretty much every story on this post is a half-truth/leaves out important info so that the troons look like innocent little victims.

easiest example i can give right now is picrel from the april 15th callout, which zebrabyopn3 defended with something like "my mutual is a csa victim and was trauma venting when they posted this, stop pedojacketing trans women"

No. 2004024

Barf that was definitely his inspiration. But even here the colours make sense like wtf did he do on his outfit? Also as another nona said, his linebacker shoulders are way too large and he's built like a fridge so it cannot fit anyway on his very male frame.

Nightmare fuel. Absolute horror.

No. 2004026

File: 1718276331761.png (137.42 KB, 504x1195, toonimal defence.png)

samefaggging to say that he also explicitly defended chris chan and toonimals


No. 2004030

this is how a lot of TIFs detransition- the ones that use tttt rarely last because seeing what males really think of them combined with wanting to be a pornified version of them is peakfuel

No. 2004031

KEK the way i recognise half of those URLs specifically from my blocklist because they are so insufferably ANOOOOOYING

No. 2004033

Holy giant hands

No. 2004038

The first one made me laugh because what the fuck lmao

No. 2004046

How can this at all be a reaction to CSA, he was never a 10 year old girl to be eaten out (feel sick even typing this) so it only alludes to him being the one eating. Their obsession with little girls is the most disgustingly obvious pedo shit I’ve ever seen online. Why do they think they are so untouchable by being trans to openly claim you only are good at sex if you’ve abused a child. And then they think they are closer to women not men? These people are hardly human. Sometimes I hope Hell is real.

No. 2004048

It's not hard to get peaked when you're an avid /TTT/ user, at least for TIFs, TIMs are more retarded.
There's a lot of doomerism in that community because they recognize they'll never be the sex they want to, but they still believe in fem and male brains and that dysphoria is permanent.
I was one of those doomer repper pooners before I peaked lol, you see the AGPs say the most wildly misogynistic and dehumanizing things about women but you filter them out because in your brain you aren't a woman, they aren't talking about you.
Shitty place, you need to be a retard who enjoys constant suffering to last there.

No. 2004050


No. 2004051

i know it's a losing battle to try to think rationally here, but why would anyone support ANY GROUP 'no exception'? i support women, but i don't support any woman without exception, no questions asked. why would anyone support a person just because they fit into some larger group? this doesn't even make sense.

No. 2004054

>>2004049 exactly, it doesn't make a bit of sense, because it's a true cult mentality. If , in fact, you actually cared about the reputation of your "group", you would work to expose and condemn people in your circle who commit heinous acts or indulge in grotesque fantasies at every turn.

No. 2004070

File: 1718292052225.jpeg (867.51 KB, 1125x1711, IMG_2237.jpeg)

Even if they fully support Tim’s identity his music career will never take off at this rate.

No. 2004080

who is this?

No. 2004081

Kim Petras

No. 2004112

ngl guys even as a cis woman i've always seen the classic button up shirt with pencil skirt and stockings as cute and super stylish and worn it to job interviews (just a more appropriate knee length than this illustration ofc). idk this is all just getting a bit strange. i know i'm not the only girl who was like eager to wear this to an office setting because the look is cute and tastefully sexy. you feel productive mature and powerful. the novelty wears off fast lol but this is all somewhat normal to me. even the black and brown combo is not great but not hideous.

No. 2004114

File: 1718301270674.jpg (138.61 KB, 1024x1024, 20240613_195334.jpg)

Had to check what he's up to and wow. Petras is giving a whole new meaning to 'brick'. I never understand why troons insist on starving themselves when it kills their chances of looking womanly. I know EDs are common with gay men but still kek, aren't they supposed to be better at passing?

No. 2004115

>cis woman

No. 2004117

He's gotta be on ozempic right? This is some dramatic weightloss from since I last searched him

No. 2004118

Samefag and NTA, sorry. Yeah nona i agree, i love cute/sexy officewear but the point is TiMs just do it in a way that's blatantly AGP. Women take inspiration from sexy cliches all the time but they most often spin it in a way that shows their personal sense of style. The only area where women will dress like AGPs is shit-tier cosplays because they're simply reflecting a straight male sense of 'feminine fashion', and don't mind wearing fetish clothing that only looks good in 2D. AGPs operate exactly like this but in daily life

No. 2004123

It's not just AGP, it's also how those clothes simply can't look good on a man's frame. They are built like apes. It just can't work. And I agree, women will do something that's sexy perhaps but understated, not blatantly porn-inspired.

No. 2004124

Is it wrong to hope moids like this actually kill themselves? That or change their name and completely disappear. He's right, his daughters won't remember him, and his wife will be better off. Once you've posted shit like >>2003757 there's just basically no going back to being a normal person again.

No. 2004132

The double chin was hiding his Lego head shape. kek

No. 2004134

File: 1718304085523.jpg (440.96 KB, 1242x1463, er32jdnr4r5d1.jpg)

Saw picrel, barely looked at the face, but clocked him from the tiktok speak, use of "sapphic," and trying to police what women are allowed to like.

No. 2004135

Tranny projection. What song is he referring to?

No. 2004137

Pink Triangle by Weezer (i assume, maybe its something else)

No. 2004143

I've seen a few, but I can't remember their names. If you look up interviews with detrans men on youtube should be able to can find them quite easily.
I think it's usually the men who are autists and truly believe their "dysphoria" will be cured if they do it who end up detransing after they realized it didn't work, to the average AGP the cooming is too important to cut the dick off.

No. 2004144

moidhands wrote this…

No. 2004147

Wtf does that second one even say? "Mamwetotal destroy"?

No. 2004148

minecraft steve jawline

No. 2004153

File: 1718306491530.jpg (289.43 KB, 1080x1078, pinktriangle.jpg)

Kek why is he malding when this is literally what all AGP troons do except they don't leave the lesbians alone when they get rejected? Bro is projecting hard.

No. 2004160

If some tranny had written this song, they'd celebrate it as a queer anthem and dox the girl.

I've actually seen troons say that Rivers is a closeted MtF…

No. 2004168

>Cuomo's hobbies include computer programming. He took the CS50 course and maintains a GitHub profile and a Discord server.
Uh oh.

No. 2004172

I've seen this screencap throughout the mtf threads and there's no way this is real, Bushman of the Kalahari my ass.

No. 2004176

I see what you mean but good luck wearing that in an office full of men.

No. 2004178

File: 1718309766545.jpeg (767.46 KB, 1125x1837, IMG_1828.jpeg)

This fucking tranny is disgusting, self IDed “MAP”

No. 2004179

File: 1718309813235.jpeg (841.22 KB, 1125x2029, IMG_1829.jpeg)

(unsaged no context)

No. 2004189

give me the strength to not alog

No. 2004200

button up and pencil skirt is sexy and professional, i agree, but not a PLEATHER skirt anon, come on.
>even the black and brown combo is not great but not hideous.
is a very very bad take, it looks terrible… discordant and ugly

No. 2004203

Doesn't Rivers also have an obsession with Asian women?

No. 2004204

File: 1718315414533.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.49 KB, 1080x1909, jumpscare_.jpg)

nona …

No. 2004206

File: 1718315631543.jpeg (645.44 KB, 750x3951, IMG_7368.jpeg)

why don’t they cast emma watson as herself and phallosophy tube as jk rowling? kek

No. 2004209

What a pathetic play. Love how no woman wants to star in it and how they all probably want to star in the new Harry Potter TV series lol.

No. 2004210

Hey I know it's summer and school's out but you don't have to say cis woman here. It's just woman

No. 2004212

File: 1718316735183.jpg (24.32 KB, 500x206, 10697658695_a83210f4d3.jpg)

I like how this began as a post about troons getting "unfairly" banned and then devolved into a spergout about how Homestuck is racist and it's transphobic to dislike it. Topkek at the bit where they imply that Hussie is trans by calling Homestuck "trans people's art."

No. 2004215

>fetish for Asian women, sexually obsessed with 18 likely younger year old Japanese girl and jerks off to her innocent fan letter to him
>nerdy guy who couldn’t get girls and still harbours insecurity about it, when the opportunity arises with his fame he acts like a cocky manwhore
>lesbian girl is “off limits”, whines and sulks that he can’t have her despite plenty of hetero women being available to him
>still tries desperately to be hip with zoomers despite his old age
Makes sense. The guy from neutral milk hotel also seems like the type to troon out kek

No. 2004216

>play set to perform in august
>every woman with a scrap of intelligence turning it down
Will they even be able to perform it? It would be hilarious if they're forced to cast men in all the roles and make it even more of a mockery.

No. 2004217

>”cis woman”
>feel mature and powerful

No. 2004219

the fringe is going to be so insufferable this year. it's always had a lot of drag and genderqueer stuff but lately it's been totally taken over by trans bs and there's already been at least one show about how much of a cunt JK Rowling is a few years ago, no one fucking cares. i hope they can't cast anyone. it's meant to be playing at one of the larger, more formal theatres so i hope it fails entirely.

No. 2004231

No sadly

Rejected by 90 actresses.. Beautiful. They should cast TiMs as women so it can be a glorious male-only production about correct feminism

'Howdy fellow sapphics ?! I soooo hate when men are erm, pushy and whiny .. Incel .. Racist .. Sexis- wait, misogynist men right?? Erm anyways where are the beautiful sexed up lesbians?'

No. 2004233

>as a cis woman

Gee, what tipped you off?

No. 2004235

So let's get this right…a bunch of mysoginistic men have written a play to try and tear apart a woman on her critical views of an ideology. And of course the only reason actresses are turning down the role is…because of Rowling somehow? All 90 actresses are auditioning for her series? What?
It couldn't be a more male reaction. "Huh, can't figure out why no women wants to star in our shitty play where two men put down one women on her opinions. How mysterious. Probably because they are bullied by the industry".

No. 2004269

hussie has been doing a "clowngender" nonbinary bit for the past like 8 years now, which means they have to respect clowns transfem genderweird status. some take this more seriously than others
kekkkkkk i cant wait for the reviews of this i hope they do get someone to fill the role, itd be so fucking funny

No. 2004285

this is just modern day producers.

No. 2004295

>hussie has been doing a "clowngender" nonbinary bit
How autistic does someone even have to BE to take him seriously on that. He does shit like that "ironically" all the time, it was just a gimmick to promote his visual novel about clowns.

No. 2004305

>Pet Groomer
Well, the second word is probably accurate.

No. 2004308

File: 1718346015049.jpeg (260.46 KB, 1290x1071, IMG_4537.jpeg)

This TIM has an incest fetish btw and constantly posts nothing but loli siscon garbage. Why are these freaks now getting so bold as to be openly pro pedophilia on this website? Total Transbian Death.

No. 2004309

File: 1718346315478.jpeg (464.1 KB, 1170x2270, IMG_5681.jpeg)

Don’t understand how they have the audacity to be so misogynistic and call women “fat bitches” when they have the face and body of an unattractive man. Rat face who also edits all of their photos

No. 2004311

charge your phone, 'non-non

No. 2004312

File: 1718347382932.jpeg (302.09 KB, 1290x1008, IMG_4538.jpeg)

He also has a link in his pinned post (his name is “Kaede” btw, how much do you wanna bet that he’s white?) and he writes actual legit child pornography. Incest too, of course. This man is an actual pedophile.

No. 2004348

File: 1718365036008.png (858.21 KB, 1448x1124, Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 12.34…)

happy for you burgers!

No. 2004350

is he implying he will rape his little sister after she hits puberty ? God please tell me this isn't what it means

No. 2004353

Because trannies are a group of degenerates in one way or another, with varying levels. If it’s not the pornsickness anymore then it’s the paraphilia. If it’s not just that, then it's the sexism (especially against women) and homophobia (especially against lesbians). If it’s not that then it’s promoting rape culture like going to dates ’stealth’ on an unsuspecting partner or pressuring people to date them claiming it’s no different than dating people of a different race/body type/hair color (it’s not the same thing). If it's not those things, then it’s grooming minors into doing hrt and life threatening surgeries. If it’s not that, then it’s denying middle-school biology no matter what the scenario may be. If it’s not that, then it’s falsely claiming others for violence for verbal substantial critcism. If it’s not that, then it’s advocating for the destuction of women and children's safety laws with legislations, mob violence and threats. If it’s not that, then it’s grifting and mooching. And if it’s not that, then it’s all of the other unchecked mental illnesses they refuse to work on that led them down this destructive path.
Many of these traits, actions, and behaviors tend to constantly overlap with trannies. Therefore, in their broken minds, if one goes down, no matter how messed up that one single person is, it’s like a degenerate domino effect: they will eventually all go down.

No. 2004354

File: 1718366538503.png (72.3 KB, 527x473, Difference-between-Male-and-Fe…)

amazing news. absolutely hilarious that they even created a trans category for them to compete in, but are still having a fit over not being able to compete against women who regardless of whether the troon has or hasnt begun male puberty will always be at a physical disadvantage in most sports is HILARIOUS. just another display of them showing their true colours, they dont just want to be us but be 'better' than us. there's no coincidence that they post and fetishise about how they want to be 'kinkier', 'sluttier', win more, and be more attractive and smarter than the 'inferior' female. anyone who is falling for the propaganda that estrogen turns your muscle into jelly and makes you fat therefore = weak/weaker than a "AFAB" (insane term) is incredibly naive. do people seem to forget that a male skeleton and its structures are not even comparable to a woman, and as a result women in sports injure themselves at a much higher rate. of course there are activities such as ballet and gymnastics which women have an advantage over, but for endurance and high impact sports there is no doubt it is boys and men who hold an advantage. it goes both ways, if a TIF took testosterone and did weight lifting or soccer she would still be at a disadvantage, hormones cant reverse body composition including the structure of the skeleton itself.

No. 2004356

Apparently it even starts at birth. Male babies have significantly more muscle mass at birth, and female babies, more fat. Boys go through a mini puberty when they are very young. So the differences are only exacerbated by puberty, not triggered by it. It shouldn't even be taken into account whether they went through it or not, there is evidence that males retain a massive advantage over females regardless of puberty.

No. 2004359

File: 1718368362334.jpeg (393.6 KB, 750x924, IMG_1236.jpeg)

>allowing XYs into a subreddit that’s supposed to be for XX people

The people-pleasing nature of women is going to kill us all.

No. 2004362

are the jannies of that sub actually women? troons love to run women's subreddits.

No. 2004370

iirc i remember hearing half of the mods of twox are moids

No. 2004408

File: 1718379735285.png (7.23 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5508.png)

random troon I found on the petite fashion subreddit. stalked this guys profile and gagged. someone come and collect their crusty grandad.

No. 2004409

File: 1718379841957.png (36.24 KB, 426x453, Screenshot 2024-06-141.png)

No. 2004410

File: 1718379926887.png (7.89 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5509.png)

samefag. he was of course attention whoring in loads of subs, and all the comments are sucking up to him, so stunning and brave etc. sorry but i can’t get over how creepy he looks, literal serial killer face

No. 2004411

File: 1718380159445.png (85.76 KB, 646x808, Screenshot 2024-06-142.png)

heres a post i found
>just following orders
Truly a Transtallnacht to remember

No. 2004412

I came here from the landing page and wasn’t sure what horrors to expect but of course it’s a damn troon. The face looks like he cut it off his mother or some shit - buffalo bill vibes

No. 2004413

File: 1718380211547.jpg (152.07 KB, 843x1225, tumblr_2173bd19810b22b9c90e18a…)

No. 2004415

File: 1718380464679.png (39.55 KB, 659x440, Screenshot 2024-06-143.png)

Another one here saying you should just ignore untagged NSFW or you're a cop

No. 2004422

File: 1718382699801.jpg (111.59 KB, 822x1200, GDQPzzXXsAAKNAz.jpg)

Idk if his new "killed 'n wearing a woman's skin" look is better or worse than his regular Mr AGP Monopoly self.

No. 2004423

I can't stand this old fuck! I unsubbed from /r/petitefashionadvice a while ago because of him. All males have ruined the makeup and fashion subs. It's all nothing but ass kissing and tranny-pandering now.

No. 2004424

>transmascs on t long enough need to worry about prostate cancer
Hold the fuck up. They think they grow a prostate on T??? The medical industry is fucking evil for doing these things to people who clearly don't understand physical reality. Evil.

No. 2004429

Ah, little german boy ist is ein Tränengenders! No more lederhosen, only dich sucken!

No. 2004432

>even after she hits puberty
got some bad news for you

No. 2004437

File: 1718386128816.png (119.34 KB, 982x866, real women don't do this.PNG)

"Voice passing" pisses me off uniquely… "okay, women sound like shrill harpies to you"

No. 2004475

File: 1718392998466.jpeg (1018.56 KB, 1170x1714, IMG_9550.jpeg)

Exactly. I don’t personally follow makeup subs because I can’t do make up but I’m so fucking pissed especially with r/lesbianfashionadvice. It’s honestly become a game of spot the troon. Luckily most posts are downvoted but some don’t dress like little girls and they “pass” as butches even though their beard shadow is visible.
It’s not a fashion or makeup sub but it makes me so angry that /flexinlesbian is filled with moids. I’m embarrassed to say this but occasionally the moids fool me and I just see masculine muscular women. You can tell after a few seconds but man I’m pissed off. Still there’s a bunch of real women and it has helped me with my own fitness journey. Picrel is a tranny who at first glance appears to be a woman who worked out really hard but no it’s just a testosterone ridden male.

No. 2004476

File: 1718393107027.jpg (Spoiler Image,804.79 KB, 2560x1959, UMEptfNoUFU.jpg)

I'm sorry for offtop (probably) but what the fuck are these proportions. Troons would be jealous kek.

No. 2004477

They have to keep posting that once a month because tims keep getting downvoted to oblivion. It’s fun to watch

No. 2004478

>Picrel is a tranny who at first glance appears to be a woman who worked out really hard
You need your damn eyes checked.

No. 2004479

>Picrel is a tranny who at first glance appears to be a woman who worked out really hard
fam are you joking?

No. 2004483

It’s not just the fashion and make up subs. They have taken over the autisminwomen and aspergirls subs which is infuriating. They are so incredibly clockable because they have never masked a day in their lives.

No. 2004499

tims really trying to be leanbeefpatty now

No. 2004500

Holy run-on sentence, Batman. How can they pretend that they have periods when they can't even use a period in a sentence

No. 2004501

it's probably a scrote, they seem notoriously bad at identifying women. not to mention how many self-proclaimed straight men find drag queens attracted and none of those guys pass. It's truly telling that men are more attracted to artifice and other men in heavy makeup rather than like actual women who don't wear makeup and who don't try to mark themselves as women by performing femininity

No. 2004504

A lot of scrotes have been mindfucked by porn and other media to be attracted to the 'trappings' of femininity and especially like bimbo stereotypes or other porn stereotypes, to the point they have no natural sexuality left and instead of being attracted to natural sexed features of female human beings they are attracted to the male submissiveness signaling they themselves invented and pushed on women. This is why so many 'straight' men are pseudobisexual and love femboy/trap shit.

Men who are more offline and normal are usually attracted to GNC women who don't wear makeup or have short hair/practical clothes just as much as they are to bimbo-fied women or 'alt' e-girl type women or whatever, but since most moids now are pornsick they are just 'attracted to' porn stereotypes not women. That's how you know it's a retarded cope and lie when men say they are into teenage girls because they're 'naturally' attracted to signs of good health and fertility lmao. They aren't attracted to anything natural at all just artifice invented by other moids to 'mark' women as subservient and sexually available.

No. 2004505

like no offense but this looks like a gay guy who lost his mind and had some kind of late life crisis and just decided to stop caring. so weird to like LARP as a woman. performing femininity in a strange way and posing like a little girl is weird but not in the same way that doing that stuff while pretending to be a woman is.

I wonder if he's had ffs. Why would you want to do that to yourself at this age?

No. 2004508

The porn stereotype thing is definitely true but I think men can be conditioned via sexualized presentations of women in like mainstream Hollywood movies that aren't porn, too. scrotes born in the 1930s reported themselves as being most attracted to women who look like movie stars from the '40s and '50s. so there's definitely some kind of conditioning effect going on like the more of a certain type of representation or look that you are exposed to the more your mind is going to default to that as a thing to fetishize. It just creates insecurity in women, too. as if the vast majority of plastic surgery isn't being done on women in the West already.

No. 2004509

No doubt, porn is just the most obvious way that men are conditioned to dehumanize women and see them as a set of unrelated attributes for male consumption, but other media can definitely do it too although the conditioning is less strong if men don't coom to it. Same with instagram/other social media and the proliferation of filters, even men who aren't cooming to random girls' selfies are starting to see that as normal and the standard of attractiveness.

No. 2004512

>how to style a pencil skirt for my corporate job
>retarded tranny posts literal latex porn outfit

No. 2004514

>a play

No. 2004516

I know and I am deeply embarrassed. A glance at the hands and it’s definitely a Tim. Im used to Tims being fat or extremely skinny and cosplaying teenagers, little girls, and bimbos. i didnt expect them to be physically fit and wearing fairly normal gym clothes. Of course they are though because it’s Reddit and tims are disease.

Yeah. With the rise of creators like LeanBeefPatty and Paryssbryanne muscular women have become more desired. I feel like it’s easier for Tims to gymmax to “pass” and lean into looking muscular instead of trying to be feminine and dainty. It’s truly a terrible time to like ripped women.(sage your shit)

No. 2004517

File: 1718398981449.jpeg (435.8 KB, 750x1115, IMG_7421.jpeg)

>i wish art/media depicted grotesquely hideous men as cute
how do you depict ugliness as beauty? the most jarring thing about trannies is that they’re unattractive men cosplaying as the women they find attractive. they’re the definition of a mockery.

No. 2004518

Yeah they're not 'depicted as ugly,' the problem is if they're depicted accurately everyone recognizes they are ugly. Simple.

No. 2004526

File: 1718399494831.jpeg (171.65 KB, 750x447, IMG_7422.jpeg)

stop comparing yourselves to black women, most trannies are ugly white men.

No. 2004529

Lmao insane cope. Beautiful black women are beautiful by nature and everyone can see that. If these people see depictions of what troons actually look like and start screeching that it's some psyop to make them look ugly maybe they should take a step back and accept it's just because they are ugly.

No. 2004533

File: 1718400447326.jpeg (802.75 KB, 897x1146, IMG_9565.jpeg)

I can’t believe they don’t know about this beautiful, non passing, transbian representation from my hero academia. Long hair, full lips, and beard shadow just like any beautiful woman should have. Personality is feminine and it talks like a woman too! The mangaka would be such an ally if he had not made it a villain

No. 2004535

File: 1718400610493.png (260.13 KB, 1074x1230, 1000001384.png)

intellectual enrichment

No. 2004540

File: 1718401350512.png (564.3 KB, 900x720, New Project.png)

trannies (tifs at least) do seem to like this character

No. 2004544

ofc they do. Tifs like looking like neckbeards for some inexplicable reason. they must think that looking like a basic dudebro is masc-aligned. they're always obsessing over every tiny thing they do

No. 2004546

these men are so weird for wanting unappealing male features to be portrayed as "feminine beauty".
The first step is to acknowledge that you aren't and will never be a woman. Then you maybe might see how weird larping as a stereotype seems.

as far as cosplay goes, there have always been men who cosplay as oversexualized fem characters b/c that shit plagues east asian media. if men do it in a way that self aware, it highlights how stupid it is for women to wear humiliating costumes. if you do it b/c you get off to the humiliation (i..e see it as feminizing yourself) you're gonna weird people out.

No. 2004561

It mildly amuses me how they deviate from character design and give him eyebrows in two of the images.(sage your shit)

No. 2004562

>if misogyny is such a big deal, why don’t women transition into men?
brilliant, i’ll call myself aiden (he/him) and instantly get male privilege! thank you, terminally online scrote, for mansplaining the solution to all of women’s problems and achieving world peace.

No. 2004572

>How intimidated do you think the trans women on this site feel
Literally not at all, considering that you guys constantly start shit and break the rules. If this is their idea of walking on eggshells, I'd hate to see how they act the rest of the time.

No. 2004592

74??? a lot of moids are dead by that age. you'd think the ones still alive wouldn't be consumed by their fetish anymore but no. pornsickness til death.

>not to mention how many self-proclaimed straight men find drag queens attracted and none of those guys pass.
sorry but these men are just gay or lying. drag queens don't even have porn level makeup and outfits, they straight up look like men in clown facepaint. it's true that social media, porn etc. have conditioned men to be attracted to hyperfemininity and/or bimbo shit, but they're also extremely picky about women's faces and bodies due to that. the most popular e-thots are popular because they show off their bodies, not just their makeup. troons wish people were attracted to gender only - and that's what they claim all the time - but it's evidently false. even the "appeal" of futa/traps for porn addicts is a female body and face but with male genitals, not just a random guy wearing eyeshadow and a dress.

No. 2004608

I mean, David Carradine was like 72 when he died jerking off. A moid's degeneracy persists even when he gets so old his dick barely works. Hell, Stephen Hawking cheated on his wife and went to Epstein's pedo island despite being almost completely paralyzed. Moids are just fucked up like that.

No. 2004610

I mean, they are a deluded bunch so it makes sense.

No. 2004623

Oh god, what an OP pic. Blumpkins are already nasty as fuck, moids truly keep innovating in how terrible humanity can be.

No. 2004625

His face looks like he tried to use a filter on it kek.

No. 2004626

File: 1718418669673.jpg (342.3 KB, 2927x1175, GPs8B2BXgAApiQ0.jpg)

C'mon why'd they have to hire the most punchable troon in history

No. 2004629

File: 1718419309742.png (328.65 KB, 401x618, closeup.png)

No. 2004632

He tried to conceal his male features with this pose but forgot the big ass hand kek

No. 2004656

that troon looks like terry bogard, scary.(sage your shit)

No. 2004670

No. 2004679

Ew I think he was the face of their pride campaign last year too. Sex pests will always be celebrated and rewarded in society it seems

No. 2004686

File: 1718435805819.png (506.55 KB, 894x848, img_7684.png)

one of my favorite accounts is run by a toonn(this is not milk)

No. 2004700

File: 1718438913780.png (9.09 MB, 1200x7041, TIMSvsblackwomen.png)

lmao cope

No. 2004702

File: 1718439583943.jpg (181.99 KB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-2051554706-2048x20…)

This tranny got recommended to me on youtube shorts more than once, he's famous on tiktok for recreating top model's walks while speaking with a weird breathy "sexy" voice and it's funny how he struggles to "recreate" a woman's natural gait. The makeup and filter are the only things that mask how massive his bones are, and his face is clearly a man's even if he began transitioning as a child. Oh and he can be a model for women's fashion runways while looking like this. He calls himself Britney Manson (of course).

No. 2004704

what happened to his chest? did he take out implants? i'm confused

No. 2004705


No. 2004709

File: 1718441294647.png (175.32 KB, 1114x670, Britney ManSon.png)

the details of his career are bit absurd to me, they seem exaggerated and seem more like something out of a feel-good chick flick or teen magazine than real life, it's only the part about his TT account that's believable.

No. 2004711

File: 1718441529311.png (46.54 KB, 1111x210, personal life.png)

your teacher and classmates in Russia believe you don't deserve to live because you're a homosexual and GNC which is why you pwned them by ruining your life and giving yourself a reason to get euthanized.

No. 2004712

File: 1718442056290.png (102.93 KB, 1012x559, OMGthisisSOcringe!.png)

criticizes the falsified stories of models by model scouts then comes up with his own kek

No. 2004717

File: 1718444793353.png (863.8 KB, 1989x740, Russia's Top Model.png)

He competed in Russia's Top Model or You are a Top Model back in 2021, under the name 'Nika Kraush' and made to only 12th place with Tina Tova coming in first.

No. 2004719

File: 1718445738492.jpeg (123.05 KB, 959x487, IMG_2554.jpeg)

honestly the jokes write themselves.

(tme refers to anyone born female - trans misogyny exempt. a loaded bullshit word that further feeds trannies’ self victimization complex)

No. 2004720

File: 1718445824876.jpeg (751.17 KB, 1170x2010, IMG_2555.jpeg)

holy shit it gets even worse

No. 2004721

I feel like he wrote this himself kek, or maybe it was one of his followers. Like sure, they let a random 12 year old they caught sneaking work for them, they even call him the very next day! The fanfictions trannies write about themselves istg

No. 2004722

File: 1718446028594.png (94.36 KB, 957x735, Screenshot 2024-06-15 153425.p…)

he quit after coming in bottom three twice too

No. 2004723

File: 1718446615110.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.01 KB, 624x960, 59792494_1145722482267090_8789…)

he probably had to since they look like this, spoiler for NSFL

No. 2004725

No. 2004727

File: 1718447207069.png (602.99 KB, 910x502, Screenshot 2024-06-15 155633.p…)

he's probably had it done in 2021, same date as this post, where you can hear him speak in Russian without any voice enhancements or ~exotic~ accent to cover up, https://www.instagram.com/dr.maria_egorova/reel/CS7Ds5KKJYi/

No. 2004729

File: 1718447528951.mp4 (17.11 MB, saveinsta-cam (1).mp4)

No. 2004730

File: 1718448364029.png (82.83 KB, 1177x450, formerfatty.png)

he's a former fatty too kekekeke

No. 2004731

File: 1718448404150.webp (45.46 KB, 800x1000, 196709668-217302970228197-4437…)

him on the show

No. 2004733

second part to the video that can't downloaded https://www.instagram.com/p/CTAS5rSqZlj/

No. 2004734

File: 1718449490782.mp4 (13.89 MB, saveinsta-cam (2) (1) (1).mp4)

third part

No. 2004735

File: 1718449527739.png (Spoiler Image,227.52 KB, 567x454, oof.png)

truly the face of regret

No. 2004739

File: 1718450572635.png (406.33 KB, 745x807, NikaKraush.png)

him freaking out over being called his old name https://m.vk.com/wall-140560054_488934?lang=en

No. 2004741

You would think that a company wouldn't hire someone who said that "little girls are kinky", but troons are above everyone I guess

No. 2004742

File: 1718450919312.png (114.87 KB, 919x594, Screenshot 2024-06-15 165455.p…)

the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is making him deny his background, even in his Wikipedia page there was an edit war over how Russian he is, constantly switching b/w being Estonian, Russian-Estonian, plain Russian, or being a Russia born Estonian

No. 2004744

is женьшеней slang for trannies in Russian or smtg?

No. 2004745

i don't think he's Estonian at all, in most modeling websites you find his profile in or IG posts, it does not mention him being Estonian.

No. 2004746

samefag forgot to mention, most of these websites are Russian too

No. 2004755

His face without all the makeup and lighting is so moidy holy shit, how is he allowed to be a model

No. 2004759

kek you just know when he actually hurts himself hes not going to have his whiney voice locked and loaded ready to go, itll be a loud and deep 'fuck' and 'shit'.

No. 2004760

he has the roughest, most masculine, comically oversized, dry and veiny hands nonna.. you can tell with that alone

No. 2004761

pic could be about a random german person talking about a kommissar during russian occupation

No. 2004770

They really don’t get it, do they. Hm. I wonder why women are often miserable and why true feminism decenters men? It’s a fucking mystery, better let men who want to be women into the club, even though they will never understand the systemic oppression women experience on the basis of being female.

No. 2004779

Why is Mr. Monopoly troon using a filter over his face instead of just shaving his moustache off, it looks terrifying, I thought there was blood trickling from his mouth.

No. 2004794

He looks immediately like a man. Like how could you be fooled, nona? His gigantic paws alone are all you needed to see…

No. 2004809

File: 1718469872515.jpeg (840.86 KB, 1170x1129, IMG_9579.jpeg)

not very milky just another post ranting about trannies being in lesbian subreddits. look at this balding land whale with his little hand hearts trying to look cute. 2 handmaidens in the comments and one quiet rebellion against affirming troon delusions. he also posts a bunch in r/bdsmsapphic because ofc he does. surprisingly he hasnt posted photos of himself in lingerie or anything degenerate but I’m sure it will come.

No. 2004820

>is in reality, a fat balding degenerate ginger

No. 2004822

File: 1718472307287.png (83.4 KB, 495x700, IMG_6445.png)

Men are very susceptible to something called supernormal stimuli. It’s a well recorded phenomenon in many animal species. Men who fall for drag queens and TIMs are like beetles trying to mate with a shiny glass bottle instead of a female beetle.

No. 2004830

File: 1718473682772.png (194.23 KB, 2880x820, Screen Shot 2024-06-15 at 11.4…)


Subreddit stats tells me that most of the people in the lesbians subreddits aren't even lesbians… can't we have ANYTHING ANYMORE!!

No. 2004833

File: 1718474120895.png (80.16 KB, 657x483, Ekran görüntüsü 2024-06-15 205…)

i actually loled when i saw this

No. 2004835

File: 1718474853126.png (79.87 KB, 683x493, Screenshot 2024-06-151.png)

main character syndrome

No. 2004836

So it's a midlife crisis that's resolved by using cross-sex hormones, wearing women's clothes and changing your name. Back then it was a sport's car.

No. 2004838

File: 1718475281314.png (398.28 KB, 1050x1800, pedophile1.png)

(1/2) browsed r/mtf for exactly 3:40 minutes and found an AGP pedophile who is very obviously trying to find CP communities on reddit
>admits he wants to transition from anime porn and actually believes he will get massive anime boobs without surgery
>justifies his enjoyment of things "morally wrong" because people like violent movies and video games
>posts onto r/guro complaining about the rules. when a moderator responds to him, he specifically complains about how he feels discriminated against because he has real life fantasies of the fucked up porn he is into
>also complains that he isn't allowed to post loli and tries saying its just an "extra petite body type"
>for some reason, his father is crying over the death of his friend in the other room. instead of comforting his father, he continues posting on porn subreddits
>is trying to find a subreddit without any rules. when he is warned by a commenter that these subreddits get banned for posting CP, he decides he'll post his loli porn anyways even if he gets banned

No. 2004839

File: 1718475329203.png (85.14 KB, 748x1122, pedophile2.png)

No. 2004841

Why can't men just disappear? I knew I was right when I felt uncomfortable with reddit when it appeared on the internet, it was ominous as fuck, it's a breeding ground for the most degenerate fuckers disguised as a normie site, I hate it.

No. 2004842

>man i am so fuckin tired of how anything that is ours, anything that is just ours, we have to immediately be reminded that we can have nothing to ourselves
zero fucking self awareness

No. 2004846

File: 1718476682368.png (20.26 KB, 595x160, Screenshot_20240615_143726.png)

why the fuck does a sub like this even exist

No. 2004848

The fact that his own father is crying and he's annoyed it keeps him from asking for sleazy porn subreddits makes me think the world would objectively be better off without people like this in it

No. 2004851

wow he's sooo close. soooo close. just another millimeter and he'd be there

No. 2004852

Men not realizing that by nature most of them are disposable and the best thing they can do is get a good job to help their families with/hope some average woman will tolerate them for long enough to want to provide security for her. So they decide to chemically and physically castrate themselves not to fulfil their biological imperative as disposable members of the human race making themselves even more useless and a nuisance to everyone in the process

No. 2004853

>frotting is exclusively done by transfems
Uh no? It was a gay man thing first, obviously. Do they seriously think that men didn't think of rubbing their dongs together until they threw on dresses? Give me a fucking break.

No. 2004855

The problem is that reddit is in fact one of the best internet social media platforms for finding answers to banal but specific questions, finding info about shit like diseases that hasn't gone through the google filter, or finding random entertaining videos/photos of badly designed bathrooms or sinks or whatever completely autistic thing you have an interest in. There's a subreddit for basically everything and I still use reddit to look for info on shit like PCOS and endometriosis treatments that you basically can't find anywhere else.

But on the other hand the vast overwhelming majority of reddit is just there to post porn and scrotal depravity and even the 'normal' subs are largely populated by accounts that are engaging in extreme degeneracy most of the time they're on reddit so it feels awful to use the website at all for anything.

No. 2004858

File: 1718480144568.jpeg (642.06 KB, 828x743, IMG_5742.jpeg)

Jfc three of them are hideous troons. I don’t get how ugg was just crazy popular for thin women wearing low rise jeans and mini platforms and now theyre showing off these jumbo eraser loafers worn by trolls.

No. 2004860

Who the fuck even wears Uggs anymore

No. 2004861

extremely hilarious thing to have a gripe about since this fucking freak is into incest. but yeah sure get mad at normal sexual relationships that normal people have, but call people 'twansphobic' when they find it weird that you keep publicly posting about incest + pedophilia (seen here >>2004720 )

No. 2004863

Lots of people in my cold climate place wear them in the winter because they're warm/comfortable but they usually just wear the regular sheepskin lined shoes or their sheep earmuffs or whatever not this weird fashion clothing shit. Who is going to wear these ugly clothes modeled by a literal pedo anyway?

No. 2004864

Pedos and other freaks into incest and whatever always try to make themselves seem more pathetic, pitiable and 'relatable' by peppering in complaints about how their 'normal'ish sexual proclivities are also under attack, it's like how NAMBLA pedos tried to claim people don't like them because they're gay and not because they're an actual pedo group.

No. 2004867

File: 1718481572664.jpg (15.76 KB, 250x334, 5246528-5ad34b88731807b2f43b8f…)

>Truly no limits
>So into porn he doesn't comfort his dad
>Into anime and cartoon porn
>Weird furry speech
Sounds like he's heading into the EPI/gooner route

No. 2004869

idk if any of you are following the 'teammate demands an apology' thing but i'm so rooting for paula scanlan. made a twitter post asking who was going to apologize for making them undress 18 times a week around lia and is getting some real HEAT for it in the media.

>“The university was gaslighting and fearmongering women to validate the feelings and identity of a male,” Scanlan said. “My teammates and I were forced to undress in the presence of Lia, a six-foot-four tall biological male, fully intact with male genitalia, 18 times per week. Some girls opted to change in bathroom stalls, and others used the family bathroom to avoid this.”

god i hope this sports thing brings about the end of the TRAs because it's so blatantly illustrated by this situation.
TIMs like to say their presence in women's bathrooms or locker rooms doesn't harm or bother anybody, but clearly if girls were trying to change in private when they didn't before, it DID make them uncomfortable. They wouldn't protest to the administration out of fear of repercussion, but they went to lengths to avoid being in a co-ed changing room. I can only imagine how awkward it must have been waiting in line for a single stall or bathroom, everyone there in silent agreement that it was too fucking weird to undress around 'Lia', nobody capable of saying it publicly without becoming a whipping post for the news/social media.

Letting men, however they present themselves, into women's-only spaces causes discomfort to the women. Whenever we do this, we are saying that the comfort of a single man's identity is more of a priority than that of the women around him. The people who think this isn't a big deal aren't affirming trans rights, they are affirming the fucking patriarchy.

No. 2004874

I think you're slightly incorrect anon, from what I recall Paula and some other girls on the team did in fact send a letter to administration or someone at the university (signed by most of the team) asking for the locker room situation to change, but they were ignored/rapped on the knuckles for it and a fake letter was released to the media claiming to be signed by them that said the opposite. I think I'm not imagining this but it was a few years ago and I remember finding it hard to google the actual letter even back then because the fake letter was circulating in the media.

As for the rest of your post I do think the sports thing might be what peaks a majority of normies. Not only are normie Americans and Europeans often really into sports as a hobby but I think most people can relate more to the 'changing in a swimming room bathroom with a bepenised moid' hypothetical better than they can relate to why it would be bad to have a troon in a regular bathroom with stalls where no one gets fully undressed.

Whenever troons start malding about 'no differences between trans women and cis womens athleticism' I just want to post that video of Lia Thomas finishing a swimming heat fully 40-something seconds before the next competitor lmao. But then you realize it's not just a problem in the competition context but in the training context where these young girls have to get naked in front of a coomer moid whose instagram is all BDSM sissy shit and threatening 'TERFs' with swords and you realize how truly awful this must have been for those girls, many of whom had to stay on the swim team because they got into the university on sports scholarships.

No. 2004878

uggos more like

No. 2004898

File: 1718488611074.png (950.32 KB, 1080x1605, rYtydNB.png)

No. 2004901

>explain how I look like this
The Y chromosome contains the SRY gene, which triggers the development of testes in an embryo, which then leads to male physical characteristics and secondary sexual traits. Genetic variations can also lead to unattractive features, and delusional personality disorders. Hope that helps!

No. 2004903

his side profile is genuinely paleolithic

No. 2004905

I laughed out loud nonna kek thanks for this

No. 2004907

it's giving ancient greek statue which isn't hideous tbh it's just not girly. the country so obsessed with the male form that much of the most famous art of women was modeled by dudes

No. 2004908

like just embrace being androgenous it looks good it's fine(integrate)

No. 2004912

>isn't hideous
I don't recall any of the greek lady statues having a big caveman ridge brow but OK nonna.

No. 2004923

File: 1718496422091.png (26.31 KB, 598x310, screenshot.png)

This moid knows that's a lie because they always go to lesbians or women to be "sisters".

No. 2004924

File: 1718496447938.jpg (42.49 KB, 540x338, tumblr.jpg)


No. 2004927

ancient greek man statues, presumably is what nonna was referring to

No. 2004952

I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $500

No. 2004954

>no women want to be involved in a play with the word cunt in the title
Gee how strange, I can’t imagine why

No. 2004964

Jfc does he have no frontal lobe? Horrifying

No. 2004972

Why is it always trannies and not L's or G's?

No. 2004974

File: 1718503428878.jpg (99.32 KB, 717x866, pukes.jpg)

Women secretly being terfs ftw.

No. 2004977

File: 1718503735026.jpg (155.91 KB, 1283x1881, GQHf7H6WoAA4y32.jpg)

No. 2004983

“teen daughter” “scattering clothes all over HER room” what this insinuates is terrifying.

No. 2004985

Recognized the background and instantly knew this creature lives in Seattle, stay safe out there ladies(sage your shit)

No. 2005003

>recovering from a long term relationship
My moneys on him trooning out on his wife and kids

No. 2005006

Whoever said that to him at a party was wildly accurate beyond their own belief of gender. Maybe if trannies really thought about what a man is (biology+early male socialisation) then they would understand that their issue isn’t how others see them, but their own shitty personalities. A lot of them would be happy if they put half the effort into bettering their pornsick minds instead of buying little girls underwear and pestering lesbians.

No. 2005010

it's a battle field in the area i live in in seattle. I see hulking AGPS and troons in the amazon skirt and striped socks everytime i leave the house. im a stacy and love to watch them seethe

No. 2005016

File: 1718511758355.jpeg (201.27 KB, 750x735, IMG_1415.jpeg)

No words

This troon is 6’3 btw

No. 2005017

What the fuck

No. 2005022

File: 1718513867581.jpg (160.17 KB, 1280x1144, 1280px-7525_-_Piraeus_Arch._Mu…)

This is exactly what I was going to say.

We know what she meant. She's still wrong. Statues of young Greek men did not have that hideous brow ridge. That's a Neanderthal trait historically more common the further North you go in Europe, because that's where Neanderthals lived and cross-bred with humans before they went extinct.

No. 2005023

I hope the TiF reports his ass to HR, that's not even remotely acceptable to say to a coworker. Strip away the gender nonsense, and it's literally a moid drawing attention to a female coworkers injury and "joking" that he inflicted it on her during violent sex.

No. 2005028

that's assuming that any of this actually happened outside of his pornsick mind lol

No. 2005031

He’s not joking. The joke is that the other coworkers think he’s joking when really he punched her during sex.

No. 2005033

>girl at work had a black eye and i kept joking around w/ ppl, saying "see that? i gave it to her." then i'd mime hitting her in the face, & she just had to stand there quietly vibrating, bc she alone knew that it wasnt a joke & that i had 100% punched her in the face during sex.
moids kys

No. 2005034

File: 1718517555042.png (102.72 KB, 796x646, wretchedmoid.png)

the scrote's now defending himself with "hurr durr yall not freaky like me yall have boring basick seggs"

No. 2005040

a good majority of comments are not only defending him but also wishing to be the "tboy" or "tgirl" in this situation, and the only criticism accepted is that of the "kink" itself since there's no risk management in punching someone in the face.

No. 2005046

File: 1718520537594.png (110.84 KB, 675x687, Ekran görüntüsü 2024-06-16 094…)

continuation to this
i find it so funny that even troons cant decide what their problems are, is everyone rejecting your sex request? is it the cotton ceiling? or is everyone wanting to fuck you and it just tires you how much literally everyone is attracted to you?
its like acting like a woman isnt enough anymore and they have to appropriate the ways only women are oppressed to feel like rEal wymEn

No. 2005054

File: 1718523439990.jpeg (83.69 KB, 600x799, IMG_6089.jpeg)


this troon and his fiance (the one who’s wearing glasses) were recently arrested in seattle for abusing their 1 month old baby. they only got caught cause they were annoyed with the baby crying and took it to the hospital. that’s when the doctors realized the baby had a broken leg and two broken ribs.

i’ll never understand why these people thought it was a good idea to have this baby when the dad is a narcisstic moid and the mom is one of those non-binary dumbasses that claims she’s got multiple personalities. i already have a feeling this troon will claim he was too mentally ill to understand what he was doing or some shit smfh

No. 2005086

This isn’t uncommon for regular domestic abusers to do when they’re confident that no one is going to call them out on it or help their victim. It’s a classic abusive moid power move. But since they’re trans, they’re totally subverting gender roles somehow.

No. 2005113

If this was my dad I would just end it all

No. 2005122

File: 1718544667849.png (36.11 KB, 809x228, k2ZLKcM.png)

Actual events aside, imagine how anyone else at that job is perceiving this. Before you get to the end of the tweet, it's already a super awkward and creepy thing to do even if you don't suspect it could be true. Can't imagine why his coworkers don't love him!

No. 2005125

The second half is literally just him lifting talking points from lesbians despite it not making sense in his situation. Literally who in their right mind is disappointed when troons decide to exclusively date other troons? It's the best case scenario, because they aren't involving normal women in their nonsense.

No. 2005146

>If transwomen aren't women, explain how I look like this?
Like a male? Y chromosome and clear neanderthal ascendence too. You're welcome

No. 2005158

File: 1718552157731.jpg (336.29 KB, 1080x1760, 1000006670.jpg)

No. 2005159

File: 1718552224733.mp4 (1.09 MB, 720x1280, nighainaskirt.mp4)


No. 2005160

NB TiMs and TiFs are a special kind of gendie because they really do expect others to look at an obvious man in a dress or vaguely masculine alt girl and just either ask for pronouns or use they by default as if again, it isn't obvious. what do you want people to use instead of sir or ma'am exactly?

No. 2005162

>"if that request angers you, it has more to do with you"
How about people who believe in the religious concept of non-binary instead stop to think about why it angers them to have strangers refer to them as what they physically are, in a fully neutral manner at that.

No. 2005163

>the baby had a broken leg and two broken ribs.
they couldn't even make it a single fucking month before seriously injuring the baby

No. 2005173

the elder homos didn't get immunocompromised for this.

No. 2005189

These MF’s are the ones enforcing gender roles, we are literally going backwards oh my god.

No. 2005190

File: 1718559730699.png (425.41 KB, 1210x1584, Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 13.38…)

the comments on this actually aren't bad. there's a mix but mostly just people being normal about it, even people supportive to enbyism. like what does the jackson00 guy expect? everyone is living in reality except for him.

No. 2005226

File: 1718569577665.jpg (203.5 KB, 872x1090, Screenshot_20240616_132412_Gho…)

No. 2005241

mind you they only do this when someone is visibly gnc. they want us to not gender them as anything until asked even though the normal reaction would be that's a guy in a skirt (or thats he's gay) regardless. I hate the notion that any man or woman who is visibly gnc needs to have their pronouns asked about as if they can't just be non-conforming in peace. and even if they are a delulu gendie, their personal feelings don't matter, only others perceptions of them do.

No. 2005245

At least the baby didn't have to be stuck with them for longer than a month.

No. 2005246

Woman is when ugly ill-fitting blouse from H&M.

No. 2005252

>That's a Neanderthal trait historically more common the further North you go in Europe
That's not true. Neaderthals weren't in Northern Europe at all. And the whole planet, including Africa, has some neaderthal admixture but East Asians have the most. Neaderthal admixture has no impact on appearance being in such tiny amounts. Also prominent brow ridges and sloped foreheads are obviously more common in the Mediterranean and MENA than Northern Europe, as anyone with experience in either can easily say.(derailing)

No. 2005253

late but yes, in russian woman is женщина and женьшень sounds like a male form of a word woman and also means ginseng, kek

No. 2005262

File: 1718574948467.jpg (716.76 KB, 1440x1800, 1000006684.jpg)

I found another TiM who complains about the dreaded "TME's" from that threads qrts and he has quit a lot of opinions on them

No. 2005268

I had a coworker (not a TiM but still a violent misogynist) like this and can confirm that no one thought he was joking. Someone will probably slip the tif a pamphlet about abusive relationships and the hr department will have a conversation with this abusive chimp where he will most likely reveal his true colors and get fired. These things get noticed and reported for any nonnas about to take the black pill.

No. 2005282

File: 1718578275282.jpeg (54.35 KB, 602x283, 2EEC7868-8EBE-484A-B936-83B1A7…)

>Neanderthals weren’t in northern europe at all
Then how come Northern Europeans have 2% Neanderthal dna on average which is pretty high?(derailing)

No. 2005287

bro it says right here that even southern europe has more neanderthal dna than northern europe. enough of this lol it's so off topic but even this graph says europe middle of the road compared to other continents with northern europe having slightly less percentage than the south. its fine lol the 45 degree forehead slope are my people i think it's iconic(derailing)

No. 2005295

>I as a women have never felt safe anywhere so who cares if young girls feel unsafe in the bathroom
The comments are a joke, just when I was starting to believe not everyone was retarded

No. 2005318

This kind of argument pisses me off so much. Men will disregard no-entry signs and cast off any kind of human decency towards women, and apparently the right answer to this is NOT "punish them and continue to fight for your rights anyway," but rather, "just give in and let them into our spaces so they can violate us wayyy easier".

No. 2005319

File: 1718585826527.jpeg (180.98 KB, 683x1124, IMG_4587.jpeg)

troonoids making everything about themselves as usual (for context that painting is detailing the horrors of going through sexual assault)

No. 2005335

Why are they so fucking awful and narcissistic(sage your shit)

No. 2005356

Just the average moid trying to insert himself where he doesn't belong, kind of ironic if you think about it, considering the illustrations are about rape.

No. 2005383

File: 1718600991337.jpg (222.41 KB, 774x679, female privilege.jpg)

pickle_luvr_69 blames women for his transition, saying that women talking too much shit about men made him not want to be a man. He claims his main motivation to transition was to no longer be seen as a threat, that he has gained "female social privilege", and is now "living life on easy mode". His post history indicates that he's 6'5" with a wide build (and yes, he posted pictures of himself), so idk how the fuck he thinks he's totally feminine and non-threatening now.

No. 2005387

kek i bet the responses are angry as hell that he said the quiet part out loud like this

No. 2005388

Nasty and evil

No. 2005391

I don't even understand what he's saying here. Is his point that
TiFs are lying (?) about being lesbians to seduce TERFs? That's a kind of a crappy thing to do, but at the end of the day, TiFs are still female and lesbians are attracted to females. While I'm sure sexual assault happens between biological women (especially ones on T), it's pretty negligible compared to the assaults perpetrated by males. A woman on steroids just isn't as much of a threat as a man with a fetish. Not to mention, most TiFs these days are dweeby Aidens who are attracted exclusively to men.

No. 2005402

It’s just more male projection and DARVO. He’s saying TIFs, who are men, pretend to be lesbians to infiltrate female spaces and hurt and rape TERFs. Now who do we know who are actually men who actually pretend to be lesbians to actually infiltrate female spaces to hurt women? Every time a man accuses women of something ridiculous like this, he’s really confessing his own actions and desires.

No. 2005416

Incel to trancel pipeline never fails kek.

No. 2005431

I believe it says 'Make Total Destroy', probably a reference to the Pat the Bunny song.

No. 2005443

File: 1718625208071.png (9.24 MB, 2608x5552, (Detesta)ble.png)

>unemployed man streams himself on tiktok stretching an open wound
I've seen Adora posted on here before but recently he has been called out for streaming on tiktok whilst making OF 'content' of him dilating his rotting cock wound. If you dont know him he streams twice daily spewing transbian nonsence under the guise of open debate, often saying its a safe space for children.

No. 2005446

This one makes me want to a-log especially bad

No. 2005447

Male privilege in action.

No. 2005458

>getting female social privilege is easily the most life changing thing to ever happen to me. i now feel like im living life on easy mode.
Correction, you are getting troon social privilege. Privilege to do and say essentially anything without consequence because putting you in your place or disagreeing with you would be transphobic in 2024. Females don't enjoy those privileges, almost the opposite, actually. It's so male to have this mindset that women have it on easy mode, you can tell that the ONLY social interaction he's had with women has been from afar observing them in school…

>now that im trans and know what its like to live as a woman, I 100% get why women are afraid of basically all men in public.

kek you're living as a troon not a woman. men are only acting odd to you because they know why you are doing this, for the coom, for the incel delusions, for the skinwalk, for the privilege (the privilege of being a troon, not a woman lol). its all so hilarious considering he's whining about how women saying this about men made him want to troon out in fear of being rejected socially; considering the fact that going by his post, he didn't even get rejected, he just became a doomer and decided it was over for him. who knows how different this would've ended if he had interacted with women enough in a normal way to see that yes, women are afraid of men, but that doesn't mean that most women don't want to converse or date a man…

No. 2005469

>Stephen Hawking cheated on his wife and went to Epstein's pedo island
what the fuck


No. 2005490

File: 1718640081117.jpeg (491.92 KB, 1125x1179, IMG_2776.jpeg)

Handm-aidens are so tragic

No. 2005492

File: 1718640528061.jpeg (747.69 KB, 866x1003, F8D5DDCF-C055-48CF-8BCC-2CE187…)

>women are sex objects, so if men see me as a sex object that means I’m a woman!
>I can’t spell Birkin but I think coomers jerking off to me is a luxury experience!(lurk more, reposted)

No. 2005496

I’m pretty sure 95% of all humans would be afraid of a 6’5” hulking autistic dude in a dress, not just “cis women.” He found the only way to make himself scarier.

No. 2005498

Delusion troon thinks he looks like the goddess Aubrey Hepburn. It genuinely filled me with rage to put images of her next to a disgusting troon.(failed transvestigation)

No. 2005500

>social murder
this is what narcissists actually think like
he is telling on himself so hard
>even if it's for that
is he talking about pedophilia? weird that it's common enough that he can be so vague and yet communicate what he means by context

No. 2005504

I think it would be great if 100% of porn was t-porn and no real women were ever harmed in the porn industry ever again and it was all just men larping instead

No. 2005510

Damn and I wanted a pair of Uggs for winter. Time to put them on my 'do not buy' list. Ffs stop plastering troons in ads

No. 2005511

ive noticed handmaidens love to compare troons to beautiful actresses in their coddling and say things like 'omg you look like angelia jolie' when we should only be comparing them to other men(sage your shit)

No. 2005512

ack i forgot to sage my bad

No. 2005517

File: 1718644579516.jpg (367.76 KB, 1080x1461, 1000011913.jpg)

I don't know what to say because I know I'll start A-logging. So I'll just let this speak for itself.

No. 2005519


No. 2005520

Beautifully said, nonnie.

No. 2005526

imagine being so stupid that you read a book about the female body, and then get confused and upset when there's no details about how penises work

No. 2005529

good lord this is a perfect example of the psycho thousand yard male troon gaze. his body looks absolutely hilarious in that

No. 2005537

kek i recognize this guy, he looks like he uses literal sharpie on his eyebrows(failed transvestigation)

No. 2005538

He looks like a schidzo

No. 2005539

I’m so curious about what book this is because I started to read “Eve” by Cat Bohannon & stopped on page 4 when she started saying BS about trans shit in a footnote. It’s specifically a book on the female body & couldn’t even go a few pages without mentioning troons. Author is a Columbia grad, so… typical for their lot.

No. 2005566

Scrolling through her profile I don’t think this is a tranny just a special needs woman. She has a very female facial structure and no posts on tranny subreddits

No. 2005567

Definitely not a tranny based on the non-fetishy posts about periods etc.

No. 2005574

File: 1718653964402.jpeg (1.14 MB, 2316x3088, reddit - prettyork.jpeg)

second AYRT, i think you're right, i feel kinda bad for posting her now. in the defense of the other nona and i, she wears some really awful TiM-level wigs in her other pics, too

here's a bombshell from the front page of r/mtfbutch, as penance

No. 2005587

unfathomable levels of cope. I see pretty black women every day meanwhile most troons barely pass as human

No. 2005594

the illustrations were also drawn by a man. hell world.

No. 2005596

I swear, some of you have face blindness. This poor woman looks nothing like a man. I really don't understand how it isn't obvious to you.

No. 2005634

File: 1718663394413.webp (38.65 KB, 640x798, 0B875CBD-3BC1-41E6-A764-E01CEF…)

Here’s the tranny btw

No. 2005656

That’s just Miranda cosgrove(sage your shit)

No. 2005657


No. 2005664

How dare you

No. 2005665

he looks a LOT like elliot rodgers

No. 2005689

Jfc any updates? Also what's the -can get pregnant screenshot at the bottom from?

No. 2005692

Ironically I'm sure Elliot Rodger wished he were as tall and masculine as this guy, and this guy wishes he had Rodger's effeminate features and short stature. The grass is always greener huh.

No. 2005711

File: 1718685968829.jpeg (91.13 KB, 828x266, IMG_5987.jpeg)

Must not alog… must not alog…

No. 2005716

Does anyone have a theory why so disproportionately many (but not all) Tims and tifs gain enormous amounts of weight after starting the processs?

No. 2005719

Not a theory — it’s mainly due to hormonal issues. Much like how women on birth control gain weight. Im sure there’s a nona who can better explain than me though.

No. 2005720

Men are so desperate to be seen as victims kek, pathetic

No. 2005722

I think it's because suppressing testosterone in males and adding estrogen can lower metabolism and decrease muscle mass, and in the ftm case increasing testosterone increases appetite. The weight gain is probably mostly due to the delusion that the hormones will give them the body they want without any additional work though, so they just let themselves go.

No. 2005724

File: 1718692260441.jpeg (746.87 KB, 1170x1272, IMG_5149.jpeg)

>read description
“This sounds like it was made by a tranny”
>it is

No. 2005725

File: 1718692528161.png (570.25 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_5151.png)

The degenerate moid creator, who also made the queen a tranny because of course

No. 2005734

File: 1718695718449.jpeg (813.82 KB, 1170x1955, 96E1A6FE-3DEE-400C-AAA0-F857F0…)

AYRT, I realise now I cut off the screen shot weirdly to fit in the full text said “Men can get pregnant” he usually puts his shitty takes on display as bait.
As for an update: Adora has deleted/been banned on TikTok and his subreddit is full of hate from his community (picrel) also looking back on the sub he was getting hate months ago as well for using the trans community as a way to make money (shocker). I hope this has peaked his orbiting handmaidens into realising all troons are creepy narcs.

No. 2005735

>maybe he got banned for dilating on live stream, but maybe people just hate trans women
Yes, it was the silly bigots fault for not appreciating trans joy.

No. 2005739

File: 1718697907578.png (82.27 KB, 750x563, 157368-3.png)

from the wiki entry on the game
>Anthropy designed Mighty Jill Off to feature "dykes and perverts" to make up for "the distinct lack of real dyke characters and dyke desire in games". She argued that while "supposed dykes" are seen in commercials, these characters are "written and drawn by men".
Hilarious. The game also looks like it was made in a day as someone's first project, but the wikipedia entry is as long as if it were a real game, and the guy who made it would have been in his mid to late twenties at that point.

No. 2005743


Of course the main character looks like a little girl too

No. 2005747

UghghhHhhHHhh I hate how fucking troon loving Chicago is

No. 2005762

Jesus, this is what the game really looks like? I thought it was a screenshot of some obscure NES game that inspired it. The music and controls seem like shit too.

No. 2005766

Is that troon that troon streamer"adora_bunny" on Twitch?

No. 2005768

The way the main character of the game has the same haircut and is clearly meant to be the creator, compared with the actual real life photo… kek

No. 2005781

it’s so bad i’m visually assaulted by failed men almost everytime i leave the house and if i don’t actually see one it’s their horrible “a transsexual peed here” graffiti

No. 2005782

fellow chi-nonna I always ALWAYS cancel their creep bathroom graffiti out with my handy metallic jumbo sharpie. Fucking loathsome and foul creatures and they’re everywhere in the city besides like Gold Coast/Old Town at least from what I’ve seen

No. 2005794

I leave it but add "the masculine urge to mark your territory" with a doodle of a wiener and piss droplets

No. 2005803

i don’t think so but god i wish that troon would disappear from streaming too. pervert ass mfer

No. 2005810

Men are giving themselves estrogen dominance and breaking their thyroid, women on t probably are too because t aromatizes into estrogen. Also a huge sudden blast of hormones are triggering latent thyroid conditions and autoimmune disorders. MTF trannies suddenly getting autoimmune disorders when previously it was rare in males is beginning to be seen as evidence that women struggle with autoimmune disorders because of their hormone profile.

No. 2005829

the amount of unoriginal troons who go for the corny Miss Anthropy pun name is absurd

No. 2005830

I never thought of bringing a sharpie with me for graffiti improvement purposes but now the seed is planted, thanks nona

No. 2005838

“Real dyke desires” you mean your desires after watching lesbian porn made for men kek
Scrolling through /g/ I know there are some degenerate lesbinonnas but just looking at that art and reading the game description i immediately knew a tranny made it somehow. Something about the art style looking like some newgrounds cartoon fetish porn animation. It’s like with bayonetta, yes it’s sexualized coomshit made for men but you can still tell a woman made the designs. This just has mentally ill tranny written all over it.

No. 2005845

It's the focus on an object (a boot in this case) that betrays his AGP. The most degen lesbian would at least somewhat develop the romance or relation between the MC and her domme. But this has autosexual moid written all over it: ooo ooo aa aa headpats, bondage and whatever piece of clothing makes me hard

No. 2005855

File: 1718735041304.jpeg (586.45 KB, 750x1098, IMG_3522.jpeg)

No. 2005857

File: 1718735048587.jpeg (514.22 KB, 1170x1169, 480A6E5D-11C2-440B-82F6-E27816…)

The tranny from Mr Beast videos, Chris Tyson, was caught making pedo comments in the past.

No. 2005858

This was ages ago tho

Troon freak also had a fucking Shadman print in his living room. Total Moid Death.

No. 2005869

I actually really thing the art and character is sooo cute but the plot is beyond retarded. How does that represent "dyke love". It's like if I made the most fem brained fujo yaoi and claimed it represented the "gay male" experience

No. 2005896

do it nona. it's only fair

No. 2005939

So culty

No. 2005942

I saw him give a talk on his games a decade ago. There was an autobiographical one about taking estrogen. I literally only remember a segment about "sensitive nipples" and finally passing enough to have the door held open for him.(sage your shit)

No. 2005967

>trans barbie fiancé
lol these guys are so delusional

No. 2005999

I just know it hurt his feelings when the bf’s reaction was “I know” to him being trans. As if he genuinely thinks he passes in the slightest.

No. 2006046

wow he and gigi gorgeous could be twins ngl

No. 2006072

File: 1718775744862.jpg (179.19 KB, 1067x1200, 5045b59be87611691633ac8c0c2482…)

>the most fem brained fujo yaoi and claimed it represented the "gay male" experience
Kek you mean like this?

No. 2006073

File: 1718775881924.jpg (189.49 KB, 1080x1346, 1000027936.jpg)

Nice fried hair sir

No. 2006074

File: 1718775934787.jpg (113.64 KB, 1080x1440, 1000027628.jpg)

No. 2006075

File: 1718775978021.jpg (250.09 KB, 1080x1441, 1000027938.jpg)

Troons sure love posting their bathroom photos

No. 2006076

File: 1718776035528.jpg (175.72 KB, 1080x1920, 1000027937.jpg)

No. 2006077

File: 1718776135748.jpg (188.94 KB, 1080x1080, 1000027955.jpg)

What a manchild and this guy made his gf propose to him. Yuck

No. 2006085

Nah, Alice Oseman already did it. Lol.

No. 2006093

and he got away with it because he's a troon, ew

No. 2006099

Proof that no amount of bolt-on, even gigantic, can erase your maleness. He looks every bit like a gay moid, even with his inflatable horrors on his chest.

No. 2006105

File: 1718788624879.jpeg (535.92 KB, 828x1134, IMG_1407.jpeg)

saging because this is really stupid. but why the fuck are troons so bad at names? this dude is from brazil and used to go by "lolla" and now goes by fucking "malea" lmfao.
they're all the same too, he wants to make music and shit and wanted to be an egirl and kept doing everything so his insta got popular. he gave himself the last name of a dead 4chan egirl he orbited "horan". they're so repetitive that its really boring.

No. 2006106

i'm annoyed that the alt "dude" is a TIF but then i realized how based it was bc it's literally just a webcomic about a GNC girl with her own harem of cute boys younger than her, just need to edit out the titchop scars kek.

No. 2006121

Wow you can tell his friend/gf has been bleaching and dying her hair (most likely for longer) but it looks so much healthier then the troons. I saw this thing saying “men will rarely ask women for help” (in reference to keeping women safe, a man who’s broken down on the side of the road won’t ask a women for help so you know it’s a trap if you get flagged down) so I wonder if that weird mindset is why it’s a common thing for troons to fry their hair, wear terrible makeup and dress in that same retarded way, because they refuse to actually listen to the women around them or the countless beauty tutorials online. Instead they just copy from other deluded troons.

No. 2006131

This one is so jarring. It’s like he’s trying to skinwalk some college girl who was nice to him in a Starbucks once.

No. 2006139

File: 1718804725466.jpeg (686.57 KB, 1199x1368, IMG_0930.jpeg)

There’s a fun thread on r/feminism rn where this one tim has been camping out responding with things like this and reporting anyone who dare speak on the female experience. Women keep making really good points about the oppression and pain we experience based on biological reality and this dude keeps responding to all of them twiddling his thumbs or threatening to report while only providing endless “what about me” retorts. I wanted to post more of his responses but I don’t have time to cap more, so here’s the link if you want to be equally horrified and entertained since he’s been getting downvoted to oblivion.


No. 2006144

Medically this is so stupid. It’s not even in the realm of remote possibility for males simply because it’s worked on females. Talk about the concept of “walking wombs”: they don’t work in a vacuum. You can’t put a womb into a male body and have a viable pregnancy. Pregnancy is much more complicated than simply shoving a womb into someone’s abdominal cavity, and artificial hormone injection doesn’t even begin to cover it, good god.

No. 2006149

>little medical research into female reproductive health
>forced pregnancy
>men punishing women for not being able to give them children
>societal pressures of motherhood being our only duty
>feminism has nothing to do with vaginas

No. 2006151

There are SO many things in a woman's body which are impacted by (and impact) our reproductive system, from bone structure to weight distribution to blood flow to our autoimmunity. If sticking a womb inside someone's pelvic region was all it took, you'd never hear about women struggling with infertility again kek. They're so stupid.

No. 2006157

EW @ his manorexia on full display…and someone proposed to him??

No. 2006159

File: 1718811025060.png (149.12 KB, 762x1560, removed.png)

What an enlightening thread. Love the diversity of ideas allowed on Reddit.com!

No. 2006161

same here nonnie, its so bizarre, everything from the shirt and shorts, shoes, watch, to even the phone case and mirror selfie pose reminds me of the oh so detestable white blonde college girl that goes to frat parties that men mock but can't get, i bet he's going to get a Stanley, putting keychains on his car keys probably gives him ~gender euphoria~ too.

No. 2006164

This one looks like the real-life version of an anime gag character who exists for grossout jokes kek

No. 2006172

File: 1718814045517.jpeg (704.99 KB, 1170x1249, 57705753-D2B9-428E-9E8F-3DA7D1…)

One of the only non deleted comments calling them what they are.
>we are women we don’t need your permission
Then why do you beg for it so much? Why do you cry when someone sir’s you? If you don’t need our permission why is your fragile reality so dependent on others affirmations? YWNBAW

No. 2006173

It really, really feels like i'm looking at a shaved pale chimp pretending to be a human female. What are his socials? Can't believe a woman proposed to this, his very existence is a refutation of incelism

No. 2006174

>You will never accept reality
Says the man parading in a skirt calling himself a woman. Kek. They truly have no self-awareness

No. 2006177

>none of us need your permission
of course they aren't interested in our permission when they can just barge into female spaces and make demands that women and girls are expected to oblige

No. 2006186

The mods have annihilated the comment section. Love how there can never be any dissenting thoughts from women ever, even in a fucking feminism sub.

No. 2006211

his neck is thicker than his thighs wtf is this photo

No. 2006244

File: 1718832449343.jpg (322.07 KB, 818x1371, Screenshot_20240619_172425_Red…)

Found another good one. They're gonna kick the women out of feminism!

No. 2006263

>feminism will kick you out
These are the same dudes who think feminism is about equality between the sexes and that it’s for men too

No. 2006265

No. 2006278

of course he has a smug anime loli profile pic - even before reading anything he types, that outs him as a creepy scrote right away.

No. 2006309

the latex gives it away. moids for some reason are obsessed with latex or anything that makes women look like blowup dolls

No. 2006311

based. hope they continue downvoting

No. 2006314

File: 1718852704851.png (1.45 MB, 1125x1476, special.png)

why is he trying to look like boo from monsters ink

id beat this up if i saw this at the skate park


No. 2006315

KEK nonna

No. 2006319

File: 1718854600466.jpg (149.48 KB, 900x1200, GQcqkDeWAAApGi3.jpg)

Please hire Mandia pls it'll be so funny to see him on stage trying to act.

No. 2006339

he looks like the old car from cars but in human form.

No. 2006351

File: 1718865101298.jpeg (249.38 KB, 750x617, IMG_7562.jpeg)

why does every post in this sub read like poorly written fanfic?

No. 2006352

>distrusting men for seeing that you are a man
KEK just take the dress off and institutionalize yourself nigga(sage your shit)

No. 2006376

Why do they always specify what they were wearing, like it’s going to prevent them from being seen as a man either way

No. 2006378

The projection in this one is hard, kek. As if it weren't trannies brigading, harassing, making women lose their jobs, threatening them with rape and death, attacking them physically in the streets, intimidating them, dragging them through trials. I've yet to see any woman do any of that to trannies. Cope and seethe, Mandia, women don't want to play in a show that sole purpose is insulting a woman. It's not that unfathomable. Any actual woman can understand that.

No. 2006379

File: 1718884625273.jpg (88.03 KB, 1080x333, 1000017163.jpg)

Samefag sorry but this one was too damn funny kek

No. 2006383

Why wouldn’t a women want to be in our play? Maybe it’s us?…no it must somehow still be women’s fault

No. 2006424

This shit looks like the exact Unity tutorial I'm learning right now, fucking low-effort motherfucker

No. 2006488

>"She" argued that while "supposed dykes" are seen in commercials, these characters are "written and drawn by men".
They're still written and drawn by men in this case, kek.

No. 2006491

It's true, you can look it up.

No. 2006492

File: 1718922619946.png (47.58 KB, 740x384, not about me.png)

No. 2006496

File: 1718923459431.png (523.1 KB, 491x798, 3716011671.png)

Your daily dose of delusionally high self-esteem from a man who thinks that because he gets off on himself he must be a supermodel

No. 2006498

Columbia is a factory that turns rich kids into retards.

No. 2006502

lmfao this tranny is the one who makes those mlp comics. I'm surprised he hasn't posted anything sexual with the pones yet (or just in general, you know how it is with bronies), until I saw his face I thought he was a tif just based on his humour and all. That massive fucking gut though, kek.

No. 2006512

Fucking kek omg you nonnas kill me

No. 2006519

Has he done anything weird? I always felt gross vibes from him

No. 2006525

Why does he literally look like Chris Chan in the first pic KEKKK

No. 2006530

Whenever male autists try to look "cool/badass" or smug they all make that same face

No. 2006534

corporations and TRAs have truly turned pride into a meaningless DEI retard parade.

No. 2006568

because they’re fetishistic transvestites.

No. 2006578

Those are the ones where Rainbow Dash acts like a moid and lives in squalor, right? Which is retarded, because in the show she lives in a gorgeous, pristine mansion with rainbow fountains.

No. 2006600

File: 1718954076852.jpeg (530.67 KB, 1011x1073, IMG_4603.jpeg)

What mlp were you watching? She lives in a normal house, albeit it’s in cloudsdale— but she’s heavily portrayed as a butch lesbian stud who acts like a 13 year old boy.

No. 2006605

File: 1718956139636.png (364.07 KB, 1000x563, Pinkie_Pie_outside_Dash's_home…)

this is her house anon. shes masc but her crib is more tasteful + gorgeous than raritys. respect…

No. 2006607

I don't mean to derail but I love the mlp talk. Love u nonnies

No. 2006611

File: 1718960489141.jpeg (257.33 KB, 2425x1352, IMG_4605.jpeg)

You know what, my bad! I was think of her parents house/ childhood home lmfao. So yeah, I agree nonnie. Those comics always had a strange air to them.

No. 2006620

kek genius

right?! it's crazy

wasn't doubting you nonna, it's just.. even him.. there is truly no hope for men

No. 2006661

this was like an insulin shot for my terminal manhating syndrome thank you dearest reddit troon
take the kiddie pigtails off (ew, btw) and you've got a rejected despicable me villain.

No. 2006663

File: 1718980961807.png (2.99 MB, 1440x2776, 1718978681875.png)

Someone posted this person on cc asking if it could be a tranny. I'm almost positive it is because of her (his?) voice and fake looking breasts. What do you think?

No. 2006664

He was posted in one of older mtf threads, I think there were even some older photos of him, but I'm not sure. It is a 100% trannoid.

No. 2006666

He's a man it was discussed on LC before

No. 2006669

It always sends me how they open their eyes wide to hide the reality that they have ugly, beady male eyes.

No. 2006688

File: 1718986233646.jpeg (203.09 KB, 446x708, horrified.jpeg)

god that ass and bolt-ons are terrifying

No. 2006703

Kek I came here to post this when I saw this on my dashboard. He looks repulsive.

No. 2006713

File: 1718991101211.jpg (172.45 KB, 1080x637, Screenshot_20240621_132939_Red…)

Sorry if I'm samefagging but I'm tweaking over this. This troon got 35 THOUSAND DOLLARS. I hate this country. There's people fucking starving and god knows what kink shit the troon will end up spending it on.

No. 2006716

It's shit like this that makes me feel more thankful to be a burgerfag

No. 2006736

File: 1718997845790.png (261.36 KB, 561x869, Screenshot (275).png)

Holy shit you and everyone replying to you are fucking retarded. This is a picture of a real woman from some obscure fetish latexware company.

Also you didn't even finish the answer. This is the rest of his reply; he even says he prefers the latter. You purposely misrepresenting a post and accusing a biological woman of being a man just makes us all look like stupid conspiracy theorists. Accusing anyone of not "looking" like a real woman makes us no better than dumb fuck conservative men. Let me be clear that I know OP is a cross dresser, but this is not a picture of him. I have a feeling you're a troon or a man trying to stir up shit to prove something to somebody. Learn to use google lense people, it's a great tool.

No. 2006737

you're the retard because everyone is talking about the quora poster in the screenshot, the self-identified "closet crossdresser, starting to come out!", and not the model in the image

No. 2006739

No. 2006745

Yeah and that was the only post where someone said the model looked male. Everyone else was just talking about the fetish/BDSM outfit.

No. 2006751

File: 1719002278434.png (74.31 KB, 428x792, Screenshot 2024-06-211.png)

the mantrums continue

No. 2006753

He's now claiming he's going to sue anyone who exposes him as male

No. 2006755

File: 1719002808992.png (50.34 KB, 1080x407, Screenshot_20240621-134540~2.p…)

No. 2006757

They treat it like it’s a g*nocide, like bro just make a new account on tumblr or something LOL.(learn2integrate)

No. 2006761

Nobody views your doughy asses as “sexual beings” and you probably got reported/nuked for being offensively ugly

No. 2006765

File: 1719005094934.jpeg (1.03 MB, 828x3000, Untitled1_20240621171246.jpeg)

TIMs are beleaguered self-sacrificing saints and if you’re lucky enough to know any you have to worship them extra hard and insist on giving them whatever they want because these poor Mother Teresas won’t ever put themselves first.

TME people don’t understand or care about this because of their easy mode lives with the pussy pass.

No. 2006769

Lmao I love that theh keep acting like these people died, its fucking tumblr not active service. Like they have no life, friends or family outside of the internet. Microblogging is seriouz businezz!

No. 2006773

File: 1719007037077.jpg (26.11 KB, 360x270, AVGN.jpg)

When did the Angry Video Game Nerd troon out?

No. 2006775

File: 1719007266512.png (57.99 KB, 672x428, Screenshot_729.png)

Lmao the delusional moids in the comments are desperately hanging on to their last threads of heterosexuality

No. 2006778

he's desperately trying to whiteknight himself in the comments it's so pathetic. it also gives him away as definitely being a male - seething moids often accuse unattractive women or women they don't like of being men and most of those women simply ignore the false accusations. they know they are women regardless of what some irrelevant angry scrotes in their comment section say and don't waste their time whining about it, after all it's not like being called a man magically turns their 2X chromosomes into XY kek.

No. 2006788

Interesting choice of username from this dude

No. 2006789

>trans heaven
That sounds like absolute hell lol

No. 2006802

Don’t say that… James is cute….

No. 2006812

I’m scared to ask what they consider to be their “bush”

No. 2006817

God the term “tme” is so stupid, they would have an aneurism if anyone referred to them as female oppression exempt. Difference is Trans misogyny is about as real as what’s going on in their heads. People hate you because you are setting women’s rights and safety back not because they can’t help but be misogynistic to anything in a skirt.

No. 2006821

>lasting impact on my family
Surely family would know if you’re female or not? Retard.

No. 2006840

>Sex without the expectation of reciprocity
????? Is he going around offering to suck his friend's dicks? What a malebrained thing to offer alongside help such as a home-cooked meal.

No. 2006874

File: 1719038555008.png (133.99 KB, 695x502, math_autist.png)

Some math wiz calculated the probability of Brynn being an actual woman.

No. 2006903

File: 1719048496585.mp4 (15.09 MB, 720x1280, 13OsFQdpka3sKbKB.mp4)

oh troonada

No. 2006905

I hate the obese handmaiden smiling.

I woulda pepper sprayed these people, so glad I don’t live in Canada.

No. 2006909

File: 1719051864874.png (639.71 KB, 1080x1733, 1000018944.png)

oh, a testosterone problem?

No. 2006912

File: 1719054010310.png (36.24 KB, 977x170, Screenshot_20240622_065943.png)

No. 2006926

Imagine doing all this math to figure out something you can tell just by looking at him. Moids are retarded.

No. 2006928


No. 2006930

I thought this too. Like imagine your female friend is going through a hard time and you’re like “I’ll bring you a pot pie and then eat you out. Don’t worry, you don’t have to return the favor.” Weird as fuck and she’d likely be horrified. Is this tranny-specific behavior or a moid thing in general?

No. 2006935

kek why are they always so absurdly tall?

No. 2006944

It shows how porn/male brained they are, women don’t think kind gestures for their friends is sexual favours, it’s doing some housework or offering a supportive listening ear. I’ve never once looked at another friend and been like “I’ll rub your pussy for you and do your dishes okay uwu” such weird predatory behaviour.

No. 2006950

Anonette, he's a balding overweight man in his 40's. Get better taste. He's for sure better looking than that ugly troon though, I'll give him that

No. 2006956

if a man uses his advantage in autism to arrive at the truth im not going to disparage that. that math will probably help other moids more than "its obvious" ever would

No. 2006962

>be older woman
>out shopping
>see what looks like a couple and their daughter near the baby supplies
>make a harmless, joking comment to them to drum up small talk
>the mother suddenly gets angry
>starts taking off her rings
>"my DAUGHTER is taking care of my granddaughter, SHE does not babysit unlike your useless sack of shit husband"
>what the fuck
>woman attempts to beat the shit out of you, "daughter" tries holding her back while laughing
>walk away confused, pay for your shit at the register
>never step foot into a walmart again

No. 2006981

File: 1719075063380.png (379.91 KB, 1170x1630, oh my god shut the fuck up.png)

why do men even open their mouths

No. 2006982

yeah to them it's basically cosplay, I don't even get offended at them claiming to be women because it's like a child wearing a wig and saying they're goku, I've yet to see a troon wearing casual women clothes, why can't they all shower tho

No. 2006983

File: 1719075194364.png (174.12 KB, 1170x911, dudes be like .png)

KEK this man is attempting to gaslight his minor followers into thinking that they’re somehow incognizant for not bowing down to men cosplaying as women..bending over backwards w his balls in a knot trying to make this sound agreeeable

No. 2006991

File: 1719075608452.png (293.79 KB, 1170x1078, man trying to say he’s a woman…)

>people calling me out for being grossly mentally ill in public is misogyny!!
no, sir. misogyny is the hatred of women, non-mentally ill people are confronting you for indecently exposing your AGP fetish publicly spaces and expecting to be treated like a real woman. that’s not misogyny. that’s you being confronted with the reality that no, you’re not a woman, and you’ll never be seen as one!

No. 2006993

it is easy to hate moids in dresses because they are males with fetishes or profoundly mentally ill gay men who would rather erase their sexuality and pander to degenerates than just be themselves, and both of these cases hate women one way or another. It's very hard to be "truly intersectional in your feminism" because you would need to do olympic grade mental gymnastics to justify a scrote making a mockery of women in every way possible and praise them for it.

No. 2006994

Oh my god, not a TRANNY saying other people are using capitalism to define themselves aesthetically, the irony is off the fucking charts, the whole queer identity is based on buying products to display who you think you are

No. 2006995

Even if you couldn't clock him off of appearance for whatever reason, his behavior and interests are so fucking male. A woman who is conservative enough to serve in the military and has an extensive collection of guns would sooner blow her brains out than post thirst traps playing into moids specific fantasies

No. 2007002

massive kek
omg do none of them hear how ridiculous they sound when they say this? Troons will never experience misogyny because the material conditions of a man pretending to be a woman (whether he succeeds in passing or not) and an actual woman will never be the same. I liked the word transmisogyny better when I thought it was a word to talk about when men mistake them for actual women and treat them as such.

No. 2007003

File: 1719079571082.jpeg (962.71 KB, 4095x2304, 1D51F7F2-81A7-4876-8BC4-CFD038…)

Facebook algorithm dropped this platonic ideal of a troid on my feed, to the sorrow of my eyeballs. Of note are how he’s obviously skinwalking whoever his high school crush was a decade and a half ago, the fried hair, shitty makeup and of course the delusional interpretation of himself in his ebegging icon.
“Whenever I’m pretty” god I hate these fucking degenerates and their scrotal idea of womanhood.

I was surprised to see some fed up comments/laugh reacts among the ass kissing.

No. 2007007

Imagine being so out of touch with a group of women you try (and fail) to skinwalk that you would make such a fuss over…. women using bag charms lmaooo. Maybe it might appeal to his male armchair antifags using the word capitalism every five seconds for every topic but not to women especially when they are more pressuring issues to be addressed such as losers like him asserting themselves being ’more feminist than women’. Also kek at him talking about aliexpress as if 99% of those heart chokers and sailor skirts haven’t been bought out by his agp ilk for the past several years. Hell, I bet money he has one lying around his hovel kek

No. 2007008

>mfw full on pcos and still short
Goddamn the testosterone gods really hated me huh
They way they make up stories sounds so fanfiction-y, it's charming

No. 2007018

File: 1719085068540.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 809x1496, gross.png)

I don't care if I'm pearl-clutching or get banned for this but I just reported most of this dude's community posts, straight up thirst traps on youtube. These perverts can do shit like this but normal content creators have to walk on eggshells.(spoiler this)

No. 2007019

i just got jumpscared please spoiler this shit

No. 2007026

the fact that 2 million men are cooming to this. Bleak.

No. 2007027

File: 1719086443742.jpeg (242.62 KB, 827x1279, IMG_8572.jpeg)

>seemingly successful man
>suddenly troons out for whatever retarded reason
>its a sharp decline from there on out, now he is nothing but insufferable and gross and the things that once made him interesting are eclipsed by the fact he’s a disgusting tranny
>the only people supporting him are troons and tras

Many such cases

No. 2007029

Especially knowing how many women are sexually harassed and assaulted in the military. Male privilege something for trannies…

They love to skin walk women's legit talking points about mysogyny. No men see them as women, they'll never experience any of it. Trannies sure love to pretend and mansplain it kek.

No. 2007030

His face is so scary looking wtf… all of the heavily filtered troons like this one and that tunnel one look like uncanny valley marionette dolls or something

No. 2007049

File: 1719091662160.jpg (1.03 MB, 2640x2794, agp.jpg)

hey thanks for reminding me about him

No. 2007051

File: 1719091794198.png (250.42 KB, 736x680, waah.png)

i admit this would be pretty funny if he didn't start whining about muh transness

No. 2007052

File: 1719091869347.jpg (354.05 KB, 1536x2048, ugly man.jpg)

excuse me if this was posted before but his stare is terrifying

No. 2007053

Trannies, even when putting on their best femimistface, still have their misogynistic mindset intact from the stereotype of how only men are ‘practical’ and spend money ’wisely’ unlike ’those women' who are ’wasteful’ and 'frivolous' whenever they focus on their self worth and happiness without seeking male approval. Whenever women do talk about capitalism it’s usually about tackling on the the beauty, sex and or medical industry for the predation and exploitation of women and of course these trannies will never go against those industries; they rely on them for fetish fuel. Never forget, trannies need young women to be either sexually or handmaidenly available to them at their beck and call (which is why they creep on tumblr, tiktok and the like). How could those young women focus on his ’girldick’ when they are amongst themselves focusing on their female centric hobbies and trends that these men cannot either comprehend or find arousing? That tranny could care less about capitalism (his agp would collapse without it) or feigned pleading for women's individuality (he is absent of it since he is a follower by defualt of his fetishistic concepts of womanhood). He just craves undeserved attention and unwarranted adoration for being the entitled man he'll always be. Those 'jane birkin bag charms' aka women's self-happiness gets in his way of his narcissism and reminds him that HWNBAW.

No. 2007056

File: 1719092116206.jpeg (832.07 KB, 1155x800, CBE26C63-F6CB-426F-854C-38915B…)

I’ve said this before but he looks ECACTLY like this photo of buffalo bill. They’re so similar it’s uncanny. I think he’s going to kill someone

No. 2007067

Exactly what I was thinking. Resting skin suit face.

No. 2007069

Where? When?

No. 2007070

>Bragging about reporting cows
Deliver me from these newfags

No. 2007074

Oh fuck off you miserable loser.(infighting)

No. 2007076

Absolutely rich coming from a troon who enriches pharmaceutical companies by voluntarily becoming a lifelong patient and who get "euphoria" from consumerist crap like bolt-on tits and spinny skirts. He is the human equivalent to an ugly purse with fifty cheap keychains on it.

No. 2007079

Read the rules, fuckwit. If you cowtip and they get banned, they can't post milk.

No. 2007080

>muh rules
ok bootlicking faggot.(ban evasion)

No. 2007092

I’m not one to support touching the poo but if it takes away some of this man’s income then good.

No. 2007094

File: 1719097155457.jpeg (365.69 KB, 750x1343, IMG_7599.jpeg)


No. 2007099

This is so blatant. I actually hate this moid so much it's unreal. So many TIMs are so blatant with their misogyny but the brainwashed handmaidens will STILL defend them.
Some of his old comics were funny, when he started focusing on drawing boners in every comic I unfollowed, now he's trooned out. It's crazy how they all follow the same path.

No. 2007101

Remember there's probably millions of "straight" men jerking off to this guy with bolt ons

No. 2007105

Why can't these men see themselves for what they are, pathetic failed men who want to 'stick it to' women by taking advantage of what they see as a cushy woman's rule like being a stay at home mom/wife? No you aren't perpetuating patriarchal norms by wanting to be a moid who stays at home cooming while your wife goes out to work and supports you, it's even worse than that, you're a man who wants to completely stop contributing to the relationship while a woman does everything for you.

No. 2007121

>Resting skin suit face

No. 2007123

File: 1719100160162.jpg (4.2 MB, 4000x3000, 20240622_163222.jpg)

Tranny in my hometown. Biggest male in his friend group kek.

No. 2007124

File: 1719100306084.png (282.69 KB, 998x1040, troonhause.png)

God I hate this guy. After he came out, he made a podcast about how much his dad means to him and how much it hurts that he disapproves of him now, which would have been at least kinda sad if you ignore the part where he's pretending to be a woman, but he's just so annoying. He's like if the most annoying boy in your class grew up, but didn't mature and kept the exact same humour with no improvements. I couldn't even get to the 20 minute mark.

No. 2007125

File: 1719100657223.gif (233.11 KB, 1482x1043, 765.ThePleasureButton.gif)

Samefag, he's also lacking in self-awareness, see picrel. Some of his comics do have good jokes but probably around 75% of them (both before and after he started cranking it in dresses) are about sex, penises, being depressed, or jerking off while you're depressed.


No. 2007127

Ahh yes the Birkin bag which was designed over 40 years ago is fast fashion and how dare anyone wish to customise it with a keychain. How many skater skirts and knee high socks have they ordered from shein again?

No. 2007130

File: 1719102108192.jpeg (533.91 KB, 1170x1518, BBD1EA14-35C6-456B-904B-DF698C…)

I was lurking on his yt videos and found this hilarious comment.
>I’ve never heard of a women with autism
Yeah and you technically still haven’t. I won’t get into the shit all you nonnas already know regarding the diagnosis gap of autism between genders. However I’m glad those of us women with ASD have finally gotten our representation. Through err…a man?

No. 2007144

File: 1719105841201.jpg (130.31 KB, 735x505, giraud_blueberry_stardom94.jpg)

Porn really does stunt mens' growth, remember when they were touted as the best comic artists of all time?

No. 2007150

He's one of the many AGP troons LARPing as a faggy coquette boy on that side of twitter. Seems like they realized that redditspeak and lolicon pfps are too blatant, so they move onto more normie imagery. Very strange, they always betray their true nature with an extensive knowledge of heterosexual fetish, their awkward use of gay slang and superficial doelet posts (kind of like how troons will affect a fagcent to make their voice 'pass'). If you look into their profiles it's nothing but miles of sperging about feminism, infighting, inserting themselves in women's business, bitter jealousy, the usual. I see them as the younger version of RW moids who LARP as 'submissive blonde housewives' so they can get attention as a 'woman' and describe their fetishistic fantasies in great detail. One such troon got exposed as an AGP recently, he was pretending to be a true and honest HSTS and would attack pervert troons, but then it came out that he was an engineer or something (kek) and a transbian in his youth

KEK they never, ever are convincing.

Very well said.

No. 2007152

File: 1719107522462.png (358.84 KB, 717x506, troonmanhunt.png)


I like how they call him "her" but they still use the word "manhunt", KEK

No. 2007161

Screwing the gender crime statistics one sperg out at a time

No. 2007163

File: 1719109013598.png (535.52 KB, 936x419, utahkiller.png)

The psyop is strong for them to be using this flattering pic of him to trick us. The new york post included pics of what he actually look likes.

No. 2007168

this fucking video was recommended to me as well

No. 2007169

KEK some moid treating adding keychains and shit to a bag like its a new thing just reveals how out of touch moids are from real women. Every other girl I know has been slapping keychains and buttons on their bags since middleschool, and itabags just get more and more popular among normies, the "birkenify" trend is just a natural extension of shit real women have been doing forever.(sage your shit)

No. 2007175

At least they used “trans woman” instead of woman, they did that once I think a few threads ago with a TiM I don’t exactly remember if he killed a person or dog but they used “woman” with him and that whole thing was fucked up.
As expected his parents and brother didn’t agree to his agp fetish and he thought murder was a justifiable reaction, the article is horrifying with him also bragging on how even his extended family is afraid of him. I feel bad for his family especially his brother who has to live with his parents dead from his degen brother.

No. 2007176

File: 1719110954490.jpg (46.92 KB, 1200x826, main-image.jpg)

This shit has been around since at LEAST the New Kingdom in Egypt. But again, moids wouldn't actually know anything about art history. (Picrel is a hedgehog amulet)

No. 2007177

File: 1719111676945.jpg (177.25 KB, 1474x1276, Capture.JPG)

No. 2007178

File: 1719111752843.jpeg (243.54 KB, 828x1123, IMG_8573.jpeg)

It’s something others are noticing

No. 2007179

File: 1719111784048.jpg (77.71 KB, 465x531, familyportrait.jpg)

His family is very proud of him

No. 2007180

File: 1719112275191.jpeg (152.41 KB, 960x940, 08C98A2C-2723-4D51-B046-2E5635…)

Jesus Christ between him than that other Brynn Woods (military TiM) what the fuck is with the psycho eyes where you see the white on top of the iris. And why do people not see that these people are deranged by eye language alone, are there no survival instincts with these people?

No. 2007181

he looks like that one character from One Piece kek

No. 2007183

>My wife married me before we trooned out, but I force her to call us "lesbians" and I want to sit around all day jerking off and playing vidya while she earns an actual living.
The comments make me so angry. It's a bunch of handmaids and troons telling him to plan to steal more of the wife's assets if she tries to divorce him, because being "SAH" (an unemployed deadbeat) means that he'll "need" more of his wife's money in a divorce.

No. 2007185

File: 1719113629138.jpg (158.39 KB, 646x1052, Weirdo.jpg)

Watching moids thrist after this person makes me kek, there's multiple comments saying he looks better than this actress. There's ones saying he looks "softer".
I bet if 95% of them knew what this person was they'd still want to fuck him. There's another red headed scrote who does wood carvings, who also has his huge implants and man jaw as the focus. They are made in a factory.
sorry for phone posting

No. 2007186

File: 1719113771434.png (490.35 KB, 748x622, troon.png)

No. 2007187

File: 1719113954916.jpg (79.13 KB, 1170x674, GQq6o57XEAAzxFj.jpg)

There is nothing "authentic" or "realistic"about living as a tranny.

No. 2007188

File: 1719113955303.jpg (93.53 KB, 670x994, Screenshot_20240622-232419_You…)

I blocked out the other drooling thristers, not to protect them but nobody wants to see their retarded comments. I seriously think he has bots. Every post is about "staying strong brothers!". There's no way a person claiming to be a woman being this graphic & in a hobby such as guns full of men, would get 100% nice comments.
Not even them nitpicking or anything. I'm a low brained youtube shorts enjoyer and even if a pretty woman is all covered up, she gets men mad at her for something in the comments.
It's so transparent.

No. 2007189

A "couple of other things" would be lots and lots of filters.

No. 2007190

File: 1719114091779.png (636.25 KB, 748x771, not fair.png)

No. 2007191

modern kabuki

No. 2007192

File: 1719114557480.png (519.17 KB, 801x799, 5.png)

Kris looks like that peter griffin meme

No. 2007195

Bryce looks distinguished and her hair doesn't look like a cheap wig, for one. Iirc an anon in a previous thread found his previous aliases where he posted more candids, and he looks mannish as hell.

No. 2007196

File: 1719115260451.png (263.08 KB, 667x1128, DBD_Website_Ch31_Character_Pag…)

its worse nonnie, he's skinwalking a dbd character lmao

No. 2007197

File: 1719115394413.jpeg (92.13 KB, 394x679, IMG_3261.jpeg)

>Is consent really justified here?
sage for stolen milk from the other farms(repost)

No. 2007198

His eyes look really fucked up. Like they're turning downwards and inwards, as opposed to Bryce's, which are level and correct.

No. 2007199

Literal rectangle. Nonnas, never feel insecure about yourselves kek

No. 2007201

The cope of thinking it's solely because it's "made of penis skin," and not because it's full of smeg and fecal bacteria. His boyfriend was a hell of lot less likely to get e-coli from eating out normal women, that's why. He's honestly lucky he hasn't already gotten a uti from putting his dick in a rot pocket.

No. 2007202

File: 1719115880027.png (213.75 KB, 351x600, image_2024-06-23_051042006.png)


No. 2007203

Death to moids

No. 2007204

File: 1719116130541.png (2.99 MB, 1828x1040, 1713011094669.png)

Samefag, found picrel from a previous thread. The moids claiming he's not a troon are coping hard, just like with the tunnel faggot.

No. 2007206

the most unfortunate build

No. 2007207

Lmao he literally lives off of social security/disability, where the fuck is he going to find the money to sue an anonymous YouTuber? What lawyer in their right mind would pursue a defamation claim that could easily be dispelled with a FOIA of his military records? If it's true (which it clearly is), they have no case. I think he's also lying about the purple heart, for the record.

No. 2007208

A woman is a person whose physiology is associated with the production of large gametes. It's not a feeling, a costume, a set of behaviors, or a lifestyle. It is an innate, biological reality.

No. 2007210

How do people like this have so much money for guns and cameras and things alike? Do they pay for the surgeries too? I’m not American so I don’t know how it works but I just can’t believe this is allowed.

No. 2007212

They really need to just go to a different goddamn website. Hang out with the pedophiles on Mastadon.

No. 2007213

Porn in his case. Probably also credit card debt.

No. 2007230

spot on nonna

No. 2007233

File: 1719123748383.png (3.24 MB, 1441x1848, image (3).png)

>After he came out, he made a podcast about how much his dad means to him and how much it hurts that he disapproves of him now
You forgot the best part of the podcast where he implies that his autistic father is sexually attracted to him because of troonphobia. I hate this faggot too and his comics keep showing up on my FYP. I would block or mute but then I would miss out on his meltdowns kek.
He's so scary.

No. 2007255

They can't admit it because they'd have to admit they've been cooming to a tranny all this time.

That video on his youtube of him hacking a female ballistics dummy to bits with a sword and then shoving his grimy fingers into it is incredibly disturbing.

No. 2007256

his shorts go halfway beyond his torso KEK

No. 2007273

The moid nipples poking through kek

No. 2007283

He is 100% skinwalking his actress crush (or rather a pornified version of her who shares his interests) and gets off from being compared to her


No. 2007286

how do these fuckers define "living as a woman" to begin with? do they have to be reminded the word man and woman wouldn't exist without male and female? but apparently adopting woman to a set list of stereotypes one can opt into is the more progressive approach

No. 2007289

File: 1719144231710.jpg (949.5 KB, 1079x2703, Screenshot_20240623_150120_Chr…)

kek he's been getting progressively more annoying ever since he trooned out

No. 2007294

File: 1719145064856.jpg (389.49 KB, 1080x1634, pioneeers.jpg)

One of these things is not like the others

No. 2007299

>no suzanne ciani
had to make sure mr. walter had his spot with the females though!

No. 2007301

File: 1719146398563.jpeg (42.57 KB, 309x250, IMG_8581.jpeg)

How long has he been pretending to be a woman now? Just a few months right? And it’s already this bad lmao. It’s almost impressive just how fast he managed to ruin everything just by trooning out.

No. 2007316

Jumpscare-ass face, holy shit. He looks like a caricature.

No. 2007323

is this edited? i remember him being ugly but not that ugly holy shit

No. 2007325

he's really living up to his username, how self-fulfilling.

No. 2007326

File: 1719152830165.jpeg (436.8 KB, 1441x1848, GIjn_BuXwAAZFag.jpeg)

samefag, went looking for the source of this picture but he deleted the original tweet, all that's left of it is this joker edit which means the image >>2007233 posted is unaltered. thank you nona for spreading his ugly mug lost media

No. 2007327

i’m almost positive that they’d throw out a defamation case because someone said they’re transgender so it’s a waste of money either way kek. he might actually have to pay the defendant back for all their legal fees

No. 2007330

File: 1719154356989.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.61 KB, 517x800, 5B5FB3B5-6243-48B9-865A-2F883B…)

So that means he edits a vulva onto his onlyfans pics, which makes sense because they’re all weirdly blurry and over-edited. Spoiler for one of said onlyfans pics.

No. 2007331

>three counts of aggravated murder
OT, but why is it three and not two? Is it because he tried to kill his brother too? Sorry, I just didn’t understand how this works.

No. 2007333

File: 1719155194412.jpeg (162.19 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_1917.jpeg)

Usopp?? Kek nonna

No. 2007334

File: 1719155288154.jpg (142.76 KB, 1080x1054, W4EWPHVFXqE.jpg)

I really like the edgy TikTok girls. Kek.

No. 2007335

97k likes, tiktok girls have saved us before and will save us again

No. 2007341

Faggot troon moid can't take criticism, more at 11

No. 2007373

File: 1719163825577.png (352.47 KB, 1342x1176, Screen Shot 2024-06-23 at 1.25…)

picrel is from r/safespaceforwoman (overrun with tims, to no one's surprise). woman posts about how she met her ex-husband when she was 19 and he was 36, and now that they're divorced he's 50 and dating a 22 year old. tim in the comments can totally relate, as a victim of "toxic masculinity" at the hands of a tif 13 years his junior.

No. 2007376

File: 1719164667932.jpg (395.93 KB, 1039x917, 1000041177.jpg)

AYRT, it's still up on his Twitter. He keeps posting selfies because his coombrained followers yasslit him into thinking he looks good.

No. 2007377

Eh, Rivers is super weird tbf, but he's not being pushy toward the girl in the song, just lamenting over her being gay. That's common for people gay or straight. Besides, it's about a real woman and she wasn't even gay, it was a miscommunication. Criticize Weezer all you want but at least do some research

No. 2007378

I love how he's so condescending and skeptical about the tif's transition.
Only a tim could get away with saying something ike that.

No. 2007390

>32 year old "mentoring" (grooming) a teenager into bdsm "petplay" and kink stuff
>32 year old gets involved the teenager's life and has the teenager end relationships the 32 year old doesn't like
>teenager eventually has been groomed enough by this guy to want to "be his pet"
>32 year old had a moment of clarity that he might be doing something bad and backs out
>teenager gets upset because they're a teenager
>teehee it was so validating getting abused by a big strong man who was actually teenage girl when i was a man in my thirties who groomed her into kink teehee
what the fuck
how does he recognize that a 19 year old shouldn't date someone in their mid-late twenties, but then thinks it's ok for his 32 year old ass to be teaching them about deviant sex
like what the fuck

No. 2007401

Holy crap,what an extremely punchable face he has.maybe get another job?bozo

No. 2007403

The nerve of this moid to go on and on about this predatory 19 y/o girl for three full paragraphs before hastily linking it back to the original problem and then making sure to mention how he helped his uwu "girlfriends" (likely other fully adult troids) escape older men… How the fuck did he manage to make it about himself and still blame a woman while attempting to denounce men?

No. 2007415

File: 1719170498408.jpeg (186.22 KB, 828x1259, FDBA2645-9576-4C31-9B54-803B41…)

I don’t understand the mental pathology of handmaidens. What am I looking at? Two codependent narcs? He’s such a poor specimen of a man as both a male and a female it’s embarrassing.

No. 2007425

File: 1719171676623.jpg (159.73 KB, 959x360, 1000017297.jpg)

R/Safespaceforwoman (kek) was founded by a tranny, no? Wasn't that the subreddit created by a tranny after the man Vs bear discussion in one of these "female" subreddit overran by trannies? And he proposed that space (and of course handmaidens fell all over themselves to join, which is just a massive kek moment)?

No. 2007427

They think dating a troon makes them look virtuous, like they're giving food to a starving child. Also, it allows straight women to call themselves lesbians. I used to work with a woman who had an AGP boyfriend and she would bring up "my trans girlfriend!1!" constantly.

No. 2007428

Straight women have been brainwashed into having abysmally low standards.

No. 2007429

Threadpic material

No. 2007431

Lmao he tried to edit a vulva on himself but because he's a retarded moid it looks completely wrong. It's blurry, crooked, too low, and the lips aren't parted the way they would be when the legs are positioned like that. It's like he stole the pussy from an image of a woman in a completely different pose. What a psycho.

No. 2007433

He read a story about a creepy old man going after a young girl then shared how he too is a creepy man that goes for young girls, but just in a totes gender euphoric way
Imagine spending hours of your life photoshopping other peoples genitalia onto yourself…

No. 2007437

>He read a story about a creepy old man going after a young girl then shared how he too is a creepy man that goes for young girls
It is amazing the consistency with which troons will see/hear a story about a woman being abused by a moid and go 'oh, yes, I relate to this' and immediately put himself in the position of the moid in the story. Same thing happened with the man v bear discourse.

>Imagine spending hours of your life photoshopping other peoples genitalia onto yourself…

Isn't this pretty much just the digital version of normal troon behaviour? Most of what TIMs do is just slapping (superficial female/female associated) imagery on themselves and then cooming to it.

No. 2007441

>leading me on
>teehee misogyny hot!
It's pretty amazing how they can twist the most dull, banal, disgusting situation (older man enjoying sexual contact with a young woman in secrecy but not committing) into an AGPfuel narrative. This is 100% him bragging about his sexual exploit. There was no reason for him to bring this up since he's the older one, but he probably enjoys telling everyone he did it without pushback. I can only hope his penis/rotpocket gets devoured from the inside by flesh-eating bugs at this point

No. 2007444

They just bring up themselves being the predator because they're so braindead they instinctively relate to the predator/moid in these stories anon, and are so self-absorbed they've typed out a whole screed before they realize they're relating to the wrong person in the story.

No. 2007447

His heavily filtered face with sanpaku eyes is so scary Jesus christ moid sexuality is fucked

No. 2007450

File: 1719175742341.jpeg (46.82 KB, 736x438, IMG_5189.jpeg)

How does this guy manage to resemble buffalo bill and jack nicholson’s joker at the same time

No. 2007489

File: 1719182289393.png (92.67 KB, 498x1141, t4t tumblr post.png)

clocked a tumblr troon because he was commenting nasty shit on an unrelated post. Found this reblogged on his page. t4t couple helps their handmaiden friend out by letting her stay over. Both of them get so worked up about her being hot and interrupting their coom party that they start fucking each other every time she's not present.

No. 2007491

File: 1719182385010.jpg (829.11 KB, 1536x2048, tumblr_6e0d72ab86e0324933c1537…)

picrel is the poster

No. 2007493

>Admits to himself and his moid both staring at their unsuspecting platonic friend 'like a piece of meat' at all times
Why are troon men like this? They're even less capable of seeming like non-predators than normal moids. You'd think LARPing as women would lead to them occasionally stopping and thinking before they type out how predatory and misogynistic they are but no, they actually are even more brazen about it and then expect everyone to validate them as 'women.'

No. 2007495

>two prison gays get uncontrollably horny at the mere presence of a real woman
>degenerate gets turned on by being acknowledged for staying well-hydrated
why are they all attention-starved weirdos?

No. 2007496

>degenerate gets turned on by being acknowledged for staying well-hydrated
While this is disgusting I always ask myself why women do this. Like why is this (apparently 30+ year old) woman acting all cutesy with some moid and praising him for drinking water like he's a toddler? God I wish handmaidens would stop playing into these men's infantilization fantasies.

No. 2007497

The friend needs to get the hell away from them, stat.

No. 2007501

File: 1719184028993.webp (40.4 KB, 800x600, habsburgs.jpg)

uncanny. hope this woman watches her back around these two disgusting men. yikes.

No. 2007503

What are the chances that this is not real and it's just him making up a fantasy about some straight girl he barely knows? Tumblr can't purge these troons fast enough.

No. 2007508

File: 1719185818337.jpeg (139.86 KB, 550x312, IMG_7366.jpeg)

The male baldness is making me kek

No. 2007510

The front of being a woman (for idiots) presumes that this would give them insight, but all it does is shield them from criticism. I think for a lot of incels, they saw that a lot of lib tumblr feminism praised women for being sexually provocative and shamed men for the same. They just call themselves women and then they can say anything they want and even get praised for it (within these online communities, at least)

No. 2007513

File: 1719186871658.png (61.99 KB, 486x723, Screenshot 2024-06-24 074944.p…)

I thought about this too. These are the comments. I bet it's true enough that they are foaming at the mouth for some normal person staying there acting friendly. They're sick.

No. 2007514

Ew I hate these disgusting moids.
>I expect women to all look at me like a piece of meat
>It would be so hot to have a woman who isn't attracted to my 'gender' walking around being an unwitting victim of my fantasies
>I want to do that too but try to 'turn'/correctively rape the straight woman I'm pretending to be a selfless benefactor of when she's in a rough financial situation and has nowhere to run

No. 2007516

Why is he using the word “bisexual” as a synonym for “sexual predator”?

No. 2007518

>tfw your houseguest asks for a glass of water

No. 2007522

Because subconsciously he knows he and his 'girlfriend' are two straight men who lust after women but he wants to keep insisting that he's sexually attracted to his boyfriend likeforreal and is in denial about the fact they're both so suddenly and constantly horny because they're prison gays finally interacting with a woman for the first time in ages.

No. 2007524

holy shit, thats terrifying(sage your shit)

No. 2007532

Genuinely report worthy

No. 2007537

File: 1719193342573.jpg (294.4 KB, 1284x1729, GQtVVvzaEAANVpH.jpg)

No. 2007541

File: 1719194279570.jpg (571.03 KB, 1290x1739, GQwJ79iWkAEMbfG.jpg)

joker tranny

No. 2007544

>gray hairs
>mouth too big for face
>jank teeth
>5 oclock shadow
>norwood 3 arriving
I can’t yell FAGGOT any louder.

No. 2007547

is this at a war memorial? what the fuck is wrong with him

No. 2007548

Women his age don't do that photoshoot shit. And a woman with a face even half that bad wouldn't either. And if she did, it would go viral for everyone to laugh.

No. 2007549

File: 1719196002027.jpeg (Spoiler Image,39.4 KB, 360x203, 1718585192601.jpeg)

He kinda looks like putin

No. 2007552

i don't know how they manage to convince themselves that they sound totally like an SSA woman, when this sounds like absolute degenerate male locker room talk, like getting a kick out of the target not realizing their coombrained thoughts, "staring at her like a piece of meat", getting turned on by comfortable at-home clothing, you could switch the text of these posts and that of leaked screenshots of male friend group chats with each other.
>friend praises "girlfriend" for drinking water
more like she felt so unsafe being around two animals and made up random conversation and humor to feel at ease.

No. 2007553

They really give us pure glimpses into the minds of men and wonder why women are distancing ourselves from moids entirely. I would never in my life consider thinking or talking about a straight, platonic friend staying over like this, and I’m a lesbian.

No. 2007554

File: 1719197712518.png (88.73 KB, 829x742, degen.png)

here is this retard defending himself, its so funny, what sex is that again that manages to fall for their friends(specifically those not attracted to them) because they're both retarded with low EQ and sexualize everything and then makes a big deal about said friends not fucking them? even more so, doesn't even try to avoid fantasizing about fucking them and putting distance between themselves.

No. 2007555

i'm a straight woman but considering just dating women tbh men will literally fetishize females existing(sage your shit)

No. 2007556

samefag, its obvious how sexuality conversion/sexual experimentation/malleable sexuality is part of his fetish, why does he fixate on her being straight so much, even if she was a lesbian sleeping with these degenerates is still up to her?

No. 2007560

File: 1719198881992.jpg (Spoiler Image,810.08 KB, 2463x1411, Untitled.jpg)

lord grant every woman the confidence of a troon, he's got an OF that advertises under queermarquis on reddit, utilizing poses in every photo and sucking in his stomach and still looking like a fridge.
(spoilered for NSFL)

No. 2007562

No, moid, it doesn't feel good when your friends sexualize you. But you haven't had to deal with that. Like most womens problems.

No. 2007564

Yes it would literally feel so violating and horrifying to know people were acting like this around me/writing this stuff about me if I thought I was just being helped out by a couple of friends. I can't imagine many situations more horrifying and violating than this. The fact he can't even see the difference between 'finding someone attractive' and using them as a fetish object 24/7 around your (and their, at the moment) home just shows how little humanity TIMs have.

No. 2007568

This is a perfect example of how moids use the transbian/trans label to dodge people calling out their predatory behaviour. Ogles and acts creepy towards a woman visiting his house, people are rightfully weirded out and then calls them the bigots for “perpetuating the predatory lesbian stereotype”. I hope this peaks some tumblr handmaidens but I doubt it tbh

No. 2007577

The critique was retarded too so who really gives a fuck.

No. 2007590

Holy shit, his face is nightmare fuel.

No. 2007591

Britbongers stay losing, your government fucking hates you

No. 2007595

Ah it certainly helps peaking. It's not just one thing, it's a bunch of little things and they're probably seeing that kind of crap every day. There is only so much bullshit you can make excuses to, then when it's enough they might find this place and never go back at being a handmaiden kek troons ruin their own movement because men will be men, and they can't fucking shut up to save their lives.

No. 2007625

>>2007547 yeah this ghoul is from Melbourne unsurprisingly

No. 2007651

how i wish it was that easy nonna. if you can date women you're not straight. there is only lifelong celibacy for the rest of us..

nta but it's true that if the text is just describing the picture instead of adding something, it feels like the author is explaining his joke. the text from the last panel at least is useless, obviously he needs the money and from his face we can understand that he is perplexed.

No. 2007653

>i still blocked them because lol
i really hope she finds out one way or another

No. 2007669

File: 1719231252102.jpeg (644 KB, 1284x1222, IMG_6143.jpeg)

He can’t even pretend to be unbothered lmao they could never ever ever make me hate her

No. 2007677

File: 1719231983622.jpeg (191.75 KB, 1170x1187, 4552C6B5-92DE-45B2-9D71-DA1720…)

With the coming election there is such a temptation to vote reform for their stance on keeping gender ideology out of schools and Farage promising to protect women’s rights and spaces. I’m between reform and green.

No. 2007683

File: 1719233146734.jpg (49.81 KB, 800x449, wan pi.jpg)

NTA I was thinking that he looks like Brook

No. 2007685

sorry nonnie, >>2007333 is far more accurate kek

No. 2007686

>I got a crazy anon
>I blocked them
You can't block anons on Tumblr, you can only disable anonymous messages. Way to give his own lie kek

No. 2007696

You can, though? It's a badly implemented system but it blocks a person from ever sending you anons again and you can't unblock them from doing it anyhow. You don't even know who has been blocked. Someone did testing on this a few years back.

No. 2007698

They're equally retarded. Well no, Arca a bit more because he's a moid. Still.
>not a woman on a spiritual, mental, or cognitive level
Fuck off.

No. 2007700


No. 2007706

They put male behavior on display even more than most normal men. I used to have no idea how depraved scrotes actually were until seeing what these guys post online.

No. 2007749

File: 1719244808329.jpeg (919.37 KB, 1170x2010, IMG_2704.jpeg)

>anime girl pfp

No. 2007750

File: 1719244932380.jpeg (346.16 KB, 1170x2131, IMG_2705.jpeg)

what he looks like btw
this quentin tarantino and cro-magnon lovechild wants to lecture us about the state of feminism and misogyny. i have to laugh

No. 2007752

"female" these people are out of their fucking minds

No. 2007759

lol arca hasn't made good music since 2012, guess trying to convince everyone you are a woman is a 24/7 job

men can't even get it right when they are mocking female culture or trying to steal it

No. 2007765

The mental gymnastics they go through to explain why people are more suspicious of a man in cat ears and a maid outfit vs a woman in pants with a practical haircut. Kek.

No. 2007777

>they could never ever ever make me hate her
Right? I kek'd at design school extremist, he was a rich fag with an edgy look before and after his trans larp. Nothing changed. I know she wants to double down on her earlier anti-troon posts but can't because her platform is already compromised

>arca hasn't made good music since 2012

It's wild how many TiMs look a lot like random male celebs or deformed versions of male relatives, and nothing like their female relatives. Is it a hyper-male thing?

No. 2007793

are the crime stats that show "transwomen" commit crime at the same rate as other men a bigoted trope too?

No. 2007797

File: 1719253573959.jpg (138.97 KB, 1125x1042, 448910835_788238363447848_6846…)

This is laughable,what do you all think of this?

No. 2007804

Gerard way finally trooned out

No. 2007810

i think it rustled your jimmies(bait)

No. 2007815

File: 1719255652412.jpeg (1022.25 KB, 1655x1433, IMG_5805.jpeg)

This freak rape ape that wants someone to roleplay his “break that terf” porn with him.
> I am keenly aware of the things they think and say — trans women are all hideous rapists
You are. Theres no excuse to having this shit in your head or sharing it.

No. 2007816

troons simply existing isn’t the problem. if they’d exist and shut the fuck up and stop trying to get into our spaces and wearing our skin, no one would give a shit about them. but forcing everyone to look at them and give a shit about them is precisely the point.

No. 2007817

he looks like a cross between robert smith and hitler

No. 2007821

> tall, trans, and beautiful
yeah that’s fanfiction alright

No. 2007822

holy shit imagine being such a chromosomal failure you want to prove your imaginary adversary right
i'd be laughing at this retardation but it's a man with a rape fantasy, fucking horrifying

No. 2007840

>sexual assault is horrible and indefensible as well as a tragedy
>but it's ok to say it's hot
>transphobia is NOT a joke and will not be tolerated
really shows where his priorities are
his description of the rest of the story is horrific too, who the fuck thinks like this or finds it hot.

No. 2007842

This is written like shit kek.

No. 2007845

>trans women aren’t rapists
>I want to rape you until you agree with me
Who knew men could be so brave and stunning.

No. 2007847

>subverting and punishing it
i actually hate you

No. 2007851

Its crazy how if you go on a tim's twitter theres ALWAYS atleast a few posts about self harming, drug abuse, suicide ideation/attempts. Its just funny how they try to make their lives seem so happy but theyre never actually happy, just the same miserable personality disordered men with long hair and horsepiss manboobs

No. 2007852

A moid calling himself a fujoshi feels like stolen valor

No. 2007858

File: 1719263868462.png (2.05 MB, 1080x2026, 1000016251.png)

Scary lily from tiktok made a video copying Miss Rachel teaching babies what transgender means

No. 2007859

Genuinely terrifying.

No. 2007860

MtFs are actually more likely to commit sex crimes than the average moid. I'm too lazy to find the infographic, but half of the MtFs currently in prison are serving time for sex crimes.

No. 2007864

>Brand new account
>Post only has 3 votes
I smell a self-post/bait. If this troon gets off on raping "TERFs," he probably also gets off on our negative reactions to his tranfiction.

No. 2007865

It's weird that he keeps posting it because mods keep deleting it. Either it's bait or an especially dedicated rape ape

No. 2007884

I don’t think it’s bait, just a throwaway account like a lot of the ones posting in that sub are. The rest of the post is describing his ftm ocs and trying to make this sound like an academic gender exploration lol. Only a pornsick male writes like this

No. 2007890

>why else would a man debase himself like that if not for fetishistic reasons
Asked and answered, tranny.

No. 2007891

File: 1719268568212.jpeg (251.2 KB, 1227x758, Jill.jpeg)

took about a week for it to come out that "Jill" is based on a woman he abused.

No. 2007914

Wtf… I knew there was something so weird and sleazy about the whole “slut” thing, seemed so moidish. Why not say “slave” or “pet” or something instead? And of course twitter is praising that shitty retarded game because a troon.. ahem “lesbian” made it. Of course the tranny character is his self insert too kek

No. 2007918

It was only a matter of time because any time a troon gets attention online they seem to be exposed for being an abusive degenerate freak. Because that’s literally all of them kek.

No. 2007930

File: 1719274444615.png (1.38 MB, 1563x1248, wjfrbkeoijnjbfhgs.png)

>noone knows I'm trans until I talk
Suuure they don't know. The delusion kek. They just don't want you doing a "ITS MAAM" in the salon.
he looks like he belongs in "the hills have eyes".

No. 2007957

File: 1719281454841.jpg (67.74 KB, 1200x669, GQw4zQEXAAAWmQD.jpg)

>barely talks
she doesn't want to smell your stinky moid feet

No. 2007980

File: 1719285815015.png (134.69 KB, 1077x952, Screenshot 2024-06-25 061242.p…)

Checked in on this one again. Reblogging how no one understands their perspective and is unfair. Posting about how mean everyone is to trans women. What blows me away is that he frames this criticism against his perverse actions as validation of his identity, joking that while those who disagree with him are transphobes who insist he is a man are treating him how he assumes they would treat a woman. They are sick. Bonus post among these others of him joking about a lactation kink. Fuck this guy.

No. 2007986

File: 1719286703542.jpeg (66.74 KB, 1200x630, IMG_0511.jpeg)

sex doesn’t exist? then why transition at all? isn’t this the man who tried to get rid of women’s crisis centers?

No. 2007998

Looks like a sidewalk in Chicago

No. 2007999

Kek that user asking the question has to be trolling them.

No. 2008012

I have never seen uglier trannies. These two should compete in a who has the most punchable face contest.

No. 2008018

Even if this is ragebait. Rape fantasists deserve death. It’s honestly horrific how weirdos genuinely do write weird “corrective”/rape fanfics all the time and people applaud because “trans rights”. Truly sickening.

No. 2008020

But they aren’t groomers or weird pedos lmao. Every day people like this are allowed online is another day humanity suffers

No. 2008057

File: 1719305366329.jpeg (538.57 KB, 828x1442, IMG_5818.jpeg)

I went to his blog too and this fucking post…
>next time youre sucking her dick youre going to eat her out
Trans girls are so special that actually women have to put more effort into sucking dick! And your reward is a fully grown man holding himself and shrieking!

No. 2008061

they'll never drop this "full-body orgasm" larp will they

No. 2008075

man discovers gender roles suck, becomes pretentious they/them. i am so tired nonnies

No. 2008076

Gotta love how males expect women to give them intermittent deepthroats. Suck your own fucking dick you nasty faggot.
>Turns into a soprano
Sure, he totally won't make some gross guttural man ape sounds, he'll become just like the animes girls in porn!

No. 2008082

he reminds me of chris chan(sage your shit)

No. 2008100

It's like someone sat down and tried to write the most AGP-sounding coompost they possibly could.

No. 2008101

File: 1719321720767.jpeg (125.95 KB, 1170x827, IMG_2714.jpeg)

No. 2008103

>treat a tim right and eat "her" out today!
id rather rope
>the entire second paragraph
made me lose my appetite the way he describes sucking the worst tasting part of a dick like an "ice pop". what is with AGPs comparing genitals to food?

No. 2008106

>Nigel Farage
>Protect women's rights and spaces

No. 2008113

Genuine question. Why are AGPs always so hideous? It feels like at least HSTS are usually okay-ish looking twinks before trooning, but AGPs are always the ugliest men on the face of the planet. I have never seen one that was objectively attractive.

No. 2008114

If they were actually attractive they probably wouldn't have become sexually frustrated coomer NEETs who spend all their time and mental energy obsessing over the weirdest porn possible, they'd have a hobby and a girlfriend.

No. 2008137

So they must notice that their weird fetish communities are completely void of any actual women right? How does everything give them dysphoria except that?

No. 2008139

Agps troon out bc they are basement dwelling porn addicts, hsts troon out bc they are feminine gay failmales. Gays are way more ruthless and appearance obsessed. Agps know they can shame women into accepting their lack of effort, hsts know fags will never let them get away with minimal effoet

No. 2008142

Maybe they find it hard to cum because they have chemically castrated themselves through HRT…no must be women not sucking their girl cocks right.
He’s the only one to have a hard stance about keeping troons in line. Even if he doesn’t do anything for women, at least we know he won’t do anything for troons to have a legal upper hand. Comparatively labour wants to “modernise and reform” transgender rights. Should we just vote for labour under the same idea of “well they won’t actually do it anyway” come on now. That state of UK politics is a joke and we have to pick the least rotten egg to chew on.

No. 2008175

>turns into a soprano and starts hugging [her]self like [her] grip strength is the only thing stopping [her] from shaking apart
You know, like the big titty anime girls do in hentai. XYs are so pathetically degenerate.

No. 2008179

It's a crossdressing fetish on steroids (and horsepiss) and simply wearing female coded clothing and smearing on some makeup gives them a boner and that's all it takes. It's nothing but coom. HSTS have to put in more of an effort because they want to trick het men.

No. 2008202

not to be foul but i'm pretty sure if you tongue the underside of anyones dick they're gonna like it. switching it up like described is just standard practice it's how het coupes do it it's how gay men go down on each other. literally any dude would cum from this technique lol

No. 2008203

What does it have to do with oral sex on women anyway? Is it routine to tongue the underside of a 'cis' woman's dick?

No. 2008231

Keep in mind this is what they expect all lesbians to do for them on command, or else we’re evil transphobic TERFs who deserve death

No. 2008241

I'm far from an expert kek but isn't the underside of the dick the most sensitive part anyway?

No. 2008243

They will never know a lesbian orgasm and it makes them crazy enough to write paragraphs of delusional cope like this. I’d kek but it’s all too frustrating atp.

No. 2008259

File: 1719359590503.png (63.14 KB, 761x792, lol.png)

I hope these aren't actually women.

No. 2008268

File: 1719360482073.jpg (313.27 KB, 1080x933, IMG_20240626_010456.jpg)

Like what?

No. 2008269

whats the context of this?

No. 2008271

>hugging herself like her grip strength is the only thing stopping her from shaking apart
Like that they referenced something statistically men have much stronger/more of, grip strength, in their post about what a delicate lady they are when their balls are getting sucked

No. 2008282

File: 1719364289293.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x2068, IMG_1533.jpeg)

Some tranny derailed a thread to make it about themselves and insisted minors don’t get surgery because it’s expensive.

No. 2008306

"give me X or I will kill myself" isn't the need for X being life threatening, it's an emotional manipulation tactic

No. 2008307

>claim is parents are giving SRS to cis children
I don't know the context of the other person's comments but isn't the argument being that trans identified minors are getting surgeries not regular children dysphoric or otherwise? and he can claim it doesn't happen all he wants but there are surgeons that will perform titchops or stinkditches on under 18s with parental consent. you can literally Google this and find news witn some cases of it happening. I doubt it only happens in cases of extreme dysphoria, and if that was the case like he claims, it still wouldn't be the correct thing to do. sorry to go off but the concept of "trans children" is so chilling to me. children suffering from sex dysphoria need geuine healthcare, not affirmation that they're the opposite sex and can be it with the help of cross sex hormones stunting their natal puberty, and uneeded cosmetic surgeries. It is 100% child abuse

No. 2008310

File: 1719372614329.png (957.59 KB, 692x5518, screencapture-reuters-investig…)

>I doubt it only happens in cases of extreme dysphoria
yep, and that's why a lot of these "gender affirming" clinics are being shut down in the west (UK/Scandinavia, we're getting close to it in the US). they sign off & mainline children that display even the most mild symptoms of "gender dysphoria" into surgery. it's actually insane that we allow this to happen.

from a 2022 reuter's article:
>The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021. Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.

No. 2008326

File: 1719377806295.jpeg (103.66 KB, 750x557, IMG_3685.jpeg)

The most dumbest shit I’ve seen today posted by a TiM. You can generally remove tattoos with laser and come back just fine.

No. 2008341

File: 1719383665716.jpeg (784.74 KB, 1170x1603, IMG_8100.jpeg)

Tranny cope

No. 2008380

>but the concept of "trans children" is so chilling to me
It was to me as well.

I was also pretty disgusted on how women vehemently chimed in to defend the tranny. Would make more sense if they were trannies as well, but they just seemed to be unhinged women.

No. 2008390

File: 1719400314440.png (296.87 KB, 901x766, IMG_7683.png)

Anyone else get pedo vibes from this

No. 2008391

Why does anyone believe that photos on Internet represent any sort of reality? This isn’t 2011. Everyone has access to facetune and photoshop and trannies use photo editing apps like a crutch. They wouldn’t pass otherwise

No. 2008397

>Persistent prejudice and discrimination

They keep peddling that line everywhere but fuck, just where??? They have all the rights they could possibly ask for, including beating up woman physically without ever being arrested for it, taking away opportunities from female athletes, doing all the Frankenstein surgeries they wish without having to pay for most of it, and displaying their fetishes in public for all to see. They can invade woman's spaces, prison, restroom, hospital wards and rape without consequences. They can witch-hunt any woman who dissent and make her lose her job.
Exactly what discriminations are they facing and what rights do they not have??

No. 2008398

the only ones into femboy shit are pedos so it figures

No. 2008401

Most of the people I know who got HP tattoos identify as trans now.

No. 2008402

File: 1719405243640.png (337.23 KB, 594x684, amhvXX7.png)

>the only ones into femboy shit are pedos so it figures

No. 2008419

Really annoying that the "2 spirit" myth persists when the reality is that it's a bunch of nonsense cooked up by a pair of white gay scholars so they could pretend they were worshipped.

No. 2008422

You can get a tattoo removed or covered. You can't sew your dick back on after chopping it off.

No. 2008461

i have seen a hundred of these by now and every time the only difference is they're making a super faggy expression in the new pic kek

No. 2008481

File: 1719426955521.png (241.47 KB, 1286x819, puke.png)

Got jumpscared by this obese troon in the new RLM video. Fortunately they only included his clip to make fun of him for being smug and obnoxious. He looks kind of familiar, I feel like he's been posted here before. Is this Lindsay Ellis' troon friend "Emily", or do all of these obese perverts just look the same?

No. 2008487

File: 1719427966483.jpeg (400.04 KB, 828x881, IMG_5824.jpeg)

Lovely country to idolize

No. 2008534

Very interesting how troons will happily use the words biological women to describe themselves as sexual fodder for moids but when women use biological to protect our spaces they cry genocide over it.
Absolutely reprehensible.

No. 2008554


That's the ghoul behind the Council of Geeks Youtube channel.

No. 2008559

These stats are insane, 7 million? 20% under fucking 6? 33% incest? I didn't know the Phillipines was such a hellhole, jesus. I know SA is bad eveywhere but this seems on the worse side of things.

No. 2008571

>98% are women

No. 2008592

File: 1719450597338.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1614, IMG_5390.jpeg)

the 5 o clock shadow

No. 2008597

File: 1719451696945.jpeg (264.38 KB, 828x1451, IMG_8689.jpeg)

Bolt-ons just look so strange on the male frame even when they wear pretty dresses. It looks so awkward and I can almost feel the skin stretching and imagine how solid they are (even though I really don’t want to). This guy confirmed he had implants and even a nose job but also applauds “finding his true self and the beauty in him” in his replies lmfao

No. 2008608

Not going to bother with the video, the thumbnail itself is so irritating. I get it when ugly ass incels troon out, but this guy looks handsome enough to have nothing to complain about and has a full head of hair with an immaculate hairline. These kinds of mtfs irritate the fuck out of me.

No. 2008612

Don’t wanna derail too hard but yeah, the philippines is known for its sex tourism and the age of consent being 12. The “feminine men living as women” thing that troon wants to bring back just sounds like pederasty

No. 2008613

I see what you mean, they look like they just stand there and completely lack any kind of movement that even women with implants still manage to retain if they get good ones. I always think about how uncomfortable they have to be and are probably pressing against his lungs in some capacity. He still looks like a twink, not a woman. You can tell he is going to look to rough when he ages.

No. 2008621

They're straight moids used to applying a straight-moid-level of effort into hygiene, appearance, and etiquette, which is to say none at all. Because they think women live life on easy mode, they think that they'll be automatically good at makeup and fashion. They also get off on wearing feminine items no matter how poorly they're worn, they think they look like models after they use their ape fists to apply shitty guyliner with all the grace of a four-year-old. It's almost like the opposite of body dismorphia; they look in the mirror and see a porn star because they confuse their arousal from their fetish with actual confidence in their looks.

No. 2008622

File: 1719454834296.jpg (54.33 KB, 900x513, 1_T7VkPlco0majWUDnzkBNjQ.jpg)

Reminds me of picrel

No. 2008678

File: 1719478053278.mp4 (918.69 KB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1719477905508.m…)

Iranian woman reposted an AGP she found in the wild. I kek'd so hard at the reveal

No. 2008699

thank you for posting this nonna, trannies are always talking out their asses so it's super important on our side to have the data ready.

people just regret tattoos, meanwhile trannies off themselves pre and post surgery kek. "that's very funny actually"

No. 2008714

It looks like that Kevin guy too kek

No. 2008716

Anya Taylor Joy? Anya Taylor Joy doesn’t even look like Anya Taylor Joy

No. 2008720

Same problem with the rest of SEA, Thailand, Cambodia etc. The poverty stricken situation makes it the perfect playground for local and foreign (mostly White m*n) sex pests.(do not self censor)

No. 2008721


Bruh won't he get killed by the moral police for this.

No. 2008746

>farmhands don't understand the meme

No. 2008747

>implying zoomer retardation is a funny meme

No. 2008748

Cope and seethe.(infighting)

No. 2008749

Iran is not fucking Afghanistan, specially in Tehran. Also homos are converted into troons over there so that they can fit in society. Not sure what could happen to this dude outside Tehran though lol.

No. 2008751

there's nothing "pedo" about this to begin with. ss is just reposted art from a shitty femboy gimmick account. original belonging to a Korean artist showing their oc drawn at different ages.

No. 2008763

File: 1719504338453.jpeg (153.28 KB, 900x896, IMG_2140.jpeg)

Troons from outside the EU are apparently trying for asylum based on their troon status and killing themselves when they fail.

No. 2008765

That shit sounds made up from whole cloth by some humanities scholar who thinks every culture except was a progressive LGBT paradise before the evil KKKristian hwytes brainwashed them into thinking that there are only two sexes.

No. 2008768

This may sound callous or like bait but I swear I do not care one bit when I hear a tranny offed themselves. Trooning out is malicious, narcissistic behavior and they do it because they want special treatment, then they're too retarded and useless to deal with the consequences or to accept that no, forcing the world around you to lie that you're a woman/man when you're not doesn't fill the gaping hole where your personality should be.

No. 2008776

Okay but western troons must be seething over giga passoids from Asia and eastern Europe, moids there have a completely different genetics kek

No. 2008779

File: 1719506725213.jpeg (761.79 KB, 750x1253, IMG_2141.jpeg)

Guess you must be an Eastern European or Asian troon coping because they do not pass any better. At most they wear heavier makeup and get more lip filler to match the beauty standard in countries like Ukraine or Russia, but they don’t look any less male.

No. 2008784

I think they might look better because in conservative countries most of them are HSTSs and we know they put more efforts than greasy American transbians kek

No. 2008804

its a cope by American AGPs to delude themselves into thinking the only reason they don't pass is bc of their height and a cope by Asian HSTS because as faggots they love being catty and want to justify the retarded path they've chosen bc hey at least you pass better than fellow american fags.

No. 2008831

File: 1719516646344.jpg (55.27 KB, 925x346, andthenursesclapped.JPG)

This should be on r/thathappened.

No. 2008833

Why do they all insist on getting this horrendous fucking haircut? It does no favours for their male pattern baldness and their horrid androgenized skulls.

No. 2008835

>be endocrinologist
>dealing with delusional troon
>can't stop staring at troon's masculine and hideous features
>i know, i'll crack a joke to relieve some tension! and avoid getting a lawsuit
>"will that be some testo for the hyperfeminine super sexy thick thighs mcgee totally trans man?"
>troon chortles and doesn't realize anything
>now i should imitate a teen girl or twitter homo best i can, how is it that they compliment each other?
>"girl i thought sorry i should've asked you look grotesque gorgeous btw"

No. 2008842

it was the lesbian haircut until the troonacy began, before 2014-2016. it's also the tumblr feminist haircut. a lot of lesbian characters of that era have that hair and you can spot it on some antifeminist comic and memes. just womb envy things.

No. 2008854

So a professional said "Girl I thought…you look gorgeous"? Sure Jan

No. 2008869

"I'll wait for my body to grow" ewwww just ewww I hate when they talk like that. He might looked good in the past but his personality and voice are slimey.. no wonder.

No. 2008880

It’s funny because I don’t know a single lesbian with that haircut anymore. It looks dated, and now only TiMs have it when actual women have moved on to other looks.

No. 2008890

I've never met a lesbian with that haircut. The only women I've ever met with that look were bisexual women trying to be punk/alt/whatever in 2011.

No. 2008894

aren't netherlands very progressive? trannies off themselves all the time because of their 9999 mental illnesses, no amount of affirmation and "trans rights" can save them from eventually doing a flip

No. 2008901

Troons posting about how low a regret rate their butchery has always makes me lol bc if you know anything about medicine the whole thing reeks of astroturfing.
Life saving surgeries usually have something like a 5% regret rate and that’s the lowest they go. Troons claim their regret rate is 1%! It’s like the North Korea elections where 99% of the population totally voted for Kim Jong Un when given the choice.
When this house of cards comes crumbling down I’ll be interested to see what the actual rates are like, probably 100% if I had to guess because destroying your genitals is never a good idea.

No. 2008915

Her ugly husband probably forced her to get that terrible nose job too.

No. 2008925

File: 1719533874815.png (2.31 MB, 1835x1032, twitch.png)

Guess which one doesn't belong. You can't tell amiright?

No. 2008927

File: 1719533904273.png (782.27 KB, 815x906, cheaters.png)

No. 2008968

God they're always such fucking units, what is it with these lia thomas types with mile long arms?

No. 2008999

You know he can't legally stay married to his wife if he actually transitioned, right? There's no such thing as a same sex marriage in Iran so he would have had to divorce her. Looks suspicious tbh. Also no doctor would approve him for transitioning after being married for so long and even fathering a child. I think they're not living in Iran.

No. 2009004

I hate those retarded cat-eared headsets so much.

No. 2009023

Also look how much effort the women put into their backgrounds and lighting compared to the troon. Granted they all have that ugly neon dollar-store-kawaii-Tron aesthetic, but at least they installed some damn lights and shit.

No. 2009024

Kek maybe the AGP gene emerged after someone fucked an orangutan.

No. 2009046

Right? If this was real and a doctor told a girl who wanted to transition to be a boy that she was gorgeous he should be reported, but as always what is usually an uncomfortable and inappropriate situation for women is a fantasy to men.

No. 2009076

>destroying your genitals is never a good idea
And you know, the thing that’s crazy to me is how much of a slave these men already are to their genitals. I can’t imagine being addicted to the coom then ruining my chances of ever actually cooming again. Porn addiction is fascinatingly disgusting.

No. 2009100

File: 1719584695411.png (279.85 KB, 1042x913, IMG_5808.png)


No. 2009103

“I’ve always known I was a girl”

No. 2009110

Funny how trannies constantly kill themselves but every other marginalized group doesn't have such a high suicide rate

No. 2009118

Plus it's dumb, doctors, specially those working with those fucking landmines surely know that it's better to they/them the retards because they all love to act like they're the most hatecrimed people in the world. And if I remember correctly, depending on the country some people can even go to jail because of the [heinous] crime of "misgendering".
So yeah, anyone with some gray matter in the brain can notice that the "wholesome" story was written one handed.

No. 2009151

We are. The Netherlands in general are quite pro trans. So I'm a bit confused that he wasn't granted asylum.

No. 2009160

Because ”trans” is just a label the severely mentally ill cling onto. Correlation =/= causation. It’s almost like there’s an entire youth subculture going on where severely mentally ill and suicidal teens join the trans cult thinking that it will solve all their issues, but it doesn’t. They’re still suicidal and hate themselves like they did before.

No. 2009173

marfan syndrome autists

No. 2009193

File: 1719608230459.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1743, IMG_4206.jpeg)

even with the extensive photo editing, he can’t escape the habsburg jaw.

No. 2009196

File: 1719609466874.jpeg (105.21 KB, 1200x630, IMG_4430.jpeg)

separated at birth?

No. 2009198

oh my fucking god, no wonder he hates women so much.

No. 2009220


Many men shave every day and it takes under 10 minutes to do so. The troon laziness doesn't surprise me. They really hate taking care of their hygiene.
Also funny when they wanna be ~beautiful princesses~ but don't bother taking a shower or brushing their teeth. Women should stop being nice to them and feeding their delusions. So please let's start commenting on their dirty unbrushed hair, crappy makeup, shit stained mirrors and unshaved body parts. They need to get back in the reality.

No. 2009227

gotta face like a shoehorn

No. 2009230

Shout out to the cryptoterf editor who chose that image kek. His face is fucking concave, like when a cartoon character gets hit in the face with a dodgeball.

No. 2009236

File: 1719616172737.jpeg (367.98 KB, 828x571, IMG_5841.jpeg)

Is this troon a lolcow? I got recommended this video and his improvements on a “baby trans” outfit are just removing the striped pedo socks and putting on a trench. He does OF so I’m assuming he bought that trench to expose himself in public.

No. 2009237

All troons are lolcows.

No. 2009250

yes, he's been discussed a lot in these threads, as well as youtuber general. he's dating f1nn5ter, a twitch streamer moid that basically LARPs as a tranny.

No. 2009271

he looks exactly like that other tranny who does resident evil content and also used to be a prostitute

No. 2009301

lol at him blurring his legs because they know they’re a dead giveaway next to his giant fucking hands.

No. 2009314

File: 1719629553579.mp4 (1.15 MB, 480x270, lol.mp4)

New meme psa just dropped

No. 2009317

they're trying so hard to make the troons look femsocialized and ladylike, the troon in the lift wouldn't have that restrained dissappointed sigh, he'd flare his nose and scowl immediately and Mr Butterfingers wouldn't even look at the man who helped him unless he looked like an adequate object for his larp.

No. 2009325

>most of the trannies are not white
>all the evil transphobes are white
>all but one of the charitable people are not white
what did they mean by this

No. 2009333

File: 1719637096188.jpg (40.46 KB, 533x344, chris sister.JPG)

apparently this is the trannies sister. Imagine having this as brother christ.

No. 2009335

This is so typical, they really want to turn it into a racial issue to mask the fact we're talking about middle class creepy white moids. It's like when some advertised their study on brave and stunning 'lesbian' TiMs with an effort to make it racially diverse, they could only find white discord mods. Not a a single one was the coveted shiny pokemon (black HSTS from a poor neighbourhood) kek

I feel so angry on the behalf of AGPs' female relatives. Nightmarish

No. 2009340

Kek my god “you’re ruining this party” text hovering behind some frog-ugly gendergoof is too good. And love how it ends with some enormous pituitary case on a contact sports team with women. If only what we didnt say really did say a lot; troons willfully ignore everything that doesn’t fit into their bent, cum-stinking perception of reality. We say stop breaking womens’ bones and they hear “welcome to the team” anyway.

No. 2009356

>no doctor would approve him for transitioning after being married for so long and even fathering a child.
Idk about Iran but I'm pretty sure if you want to change your sex marker in Japan, you have to be childless in addition to requiring bottom surgery among other things.

No. 2009360

I'm the one who posted the vid but after rewatching it, i think it's AI. That short clip with red pants is especially indicting. Could explain why he's a married straight man claiming to have trooned out, usually they only force gays and lesbians into it. That or he's out of the country. My bad

No. 2009380

File: 1719659403143.jpeg (577.73 KB, 1170x1692, IMG_2753.jpeg)

No. 2009381

File: 1719659451625.jpeg (646.87 KB, 1170x1002, IMG_2755.jpeg)

the beauty in question. every selfie of his is filtered to hell and back

No. 2009382

File: 1719659484764.jpeg (860.17 KB, 1170x1523, IMG_2754.jpeg)

also lol @ his ogre hands

No. 2009386

So fucking gross how these men think that by trooning out they're becoming their ideal "sexy but ditsy" womansona. They're experiencing side effects of being a porn addict and drug abuser aside from their multiple mental illnesses in play. What a life.

No. 2009391

It's kinda sad that many women pick apart other women not performing femininity enough but will coddle and worship ugly trannies that put 0 effort.

No. 2009392

And their excuse is always "uwu this is like a second puberty for me I'm vulnerable". So you're telling me only girls and women shower/wash their hair? They snitch on themselves so much, personal hygiene isn't a "woman" thing, and you can just tell they're smelly men

No. 2009396

File: 1719662224636.jpg (39.26 KB, 1063x598, Dylan-creepyX.jpg)

more like when you "identified" as a male, you treated yourself like one and overestimated your own intelligence and thought yourself better than you actually are but it's only as a part of your woman larp that underestimated your intelligence(and because his overestimation was so high, it actually brings him down to correctly estimating himself) that you realized what a worthless low value absolute retard waste of placenta you are.

No. 2009406

Idk maybe it's like pumping yourself full of way too many synthetic hormones and suppressing others, giving yourself a hormone profile no man or woman naturally has ever, would have deleterious effects on your bodily processes including cognition??

No. 2009408

File: 1719666839237.jpeg (498.47 KB, 1170x1108, IMG_2757.jpeg)

i hate trannies (feat. a pick-me tif)

No. 2009411

They really put the full misogyny of males on display don’t they

No. 2009416

>hurr women suck at driving amirite ladies hehe :3
Trannies really cant lose their sexist fucking dudebro bullshit can they. Another reason they will ALWAYS be men.

Btw, look up which gender actually causes the most crashes and fatal car accidents per year. Cause it definitely aint women!

No. 2009432

he's literally fantasizing about fucking and dating himself what the fuck

No. 2009433

he wasn't even attractive before turning into a tranny

No. 2009434

File: 1719674152346.mp4 (608.25 KB, 320x568, Rw9tojur3RDTRzhh.mp4)

No. 2009435

File: 1719674247056.jpg (108.03 KB, 1283x963, GQ0asW_WkAAZjLb.jpg)

Nope not creepy at all…

No. 2009437

seriously, why do they think they pay more for car insurance as MEN?

No. 2009451

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope and nope. Seethe and cope, YWNBAW.

No. 2009460

gross and nasty moid, 41 now

No. 2009479

File: 1719687074502.jpg (112.21 KB, 608x615, 1000017453.jpg)

Crazy eyes and autistic moid face checks out. Kek, no, you are certainly not taking any of that with a face even a mother couldn't love.

No. 2009494

Bimbofication fantasies are almost a requirement for AGP at this point.
>muh ADHD symptoms
Most ADHD talk nowadays is fake (it's on par with troonism) anyways but notice how women who complain about it usually do it in relation to real-life struggles like keeping up with their children or chores despite working full time. For a troon though it's really just about being a stupid empty sex doll. They're clockable as perverts even in subtext, amazing

No. 2009503

>i've been having a lot less retard issues on testosterone
>i'm seeing a link here
idc anymore death to all spineless pick mes that suck conservative cock indirectly and degenerate males cock directly.

No. 2009510

File: 1719693410263.png (130.4 KB, 1218x632, boygrrl.png)

boygrrl/raithes/"mia" returns online after two month hiatus following accusations of being part of abusive midbie music clique with black winter wells and em0rave, most of the accusations pointing at bww, who has also tried to seemingly soft launch a return on instagram but leaving his twitter skinnytuna untouched.

not super milky but qrd anyway:
>spends all day making shitty beats, messing with linux distros, making unfunny text posts, and other very feminine hobbies
>e-begs for money for mental facility treatment
>seems to be a functional alcoholic
>estranged from family

No. 2009666

File: 1719715880611.jpg (3.61 MB, 2880x2880, 1000017002.jpg)

>see left pic in trans memoir comic book
>no fucking way that's what he looks like
>google name
>right pic

No. 2009679

The fat rolls from the headphones…

No. 2009680

>frog-ugly gendergoof
>enormous pituitary case
>bent, cum-stinking perception of reality

Nonnie this is poetry and I love you

>some people test positive for ADHD at some times of the month but not others

Do these retards even know what ADHD is? "Testing positive" for it? Do they just collect self-diagnosed afflictions without even understanding what they're pretending to have? I'm tired of everyone pretending to have ADHD. Attention seeking munchie shit. Don't they get enough attention for being an ugly tranny?

No. 2009689

>what rights do they not have?
The right to control your perception of them and the right to your bedroom. Troons will not be satisfied till all of society truly views them as true and honest women. And when no one denies their sexual advances.

No. 2009697

dangerously based

No. 2009724

File: 1719729112549.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1024x1037, 1680619230348.png)

No. 2009725

> 2-3/5 white trannies
> 1/2 transphobes: vague/hispanic woman
> 1/2 transphobes: white group (to match the white tranny as family)
> 2/3 pro tranny: non-white individuals
> 1/3 pro tranny vast majority white group
Not to mention:
>only the white tranny rejected by white group
>non-white tranny accepted by white group
It’s a generic diversely casted clip of 5 scenarios and avoids racial implication. Insane to feel persecuted by this.

No. 2009737

Kek, excellent find nona. Next thread pic please

No. 2009745

I truly despise how men have infiltrated roller derby spaces and I know this troon is just standing stiff-kneed in some cheapo skates and there are 230 things wrong with this image but it just reminded me and now I'm mad for my lost sport all over again. Also that BELLYBUTTON.

No. 2009754

Ew those gross fetish flags. His carpet must stink of human excrement.

No. 2009755

Why are they so obsessed with roller derby?

No. 2009761


You just have to laugh

No. 2009764

Me too nonna. I quit because of a troon in my league. I hate them so fucking much and I know it’s bc derby has always attracted counterculture and LESBIANS so that’s why they want to be in it. Plus they get to hit any of us they don’t like! kill em all

No. 2009776

File: 1719750152011.jpeg (241.79 KB, 750x630, IMG_1507.jpeg)

XQC is that you?? kek

No. 2009777

Slavic men are disgusting, might agree on Asians though

No. 2009780

A grown-ass AGP man named bimbofication posting a photo of himself dressed in skimpy clothing under a tweet of a mother posting a photo of her daughter is good peak material. Nasty pedo.

No. 2009797

What is the memoir title? I read these regularly to see gender specials tell on themselves.

No. 2009804

Is he seriously posting his ugly ass grimy picture under a post about a fucking baby?

No. 2009805

File: 1719757609286.png (5.34 MB, 3290x3000, NeatoBurrito Mars.png)

No. 2009806

File: 1719757954026.png (80.26 KB, 789x649, chrome_HDM7p7JK97.png)