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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 2012701

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2037097

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny:7 (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-130:

Thread #131: >>>/snow/1987643
Thread #132: >>>/snow/1995251
Thread #133: >>>/snow/2003406

No. 2012707

kekk love the threadpic

No. 2012720

File: 1720478175187.png (1.21 MB, 1079x1635, Screenshot_20240708_153510_X.p…)

ok but why is he being held hmm? i dont think japan will just detain people unless they've committed a crime…

No. 2012721

File: 1720478270939.jpg (190.7 KB, 642x1389, 20240708_153515.jpg)

heres the full pic

No. 2012724

I really hope it's just a drug charge (Japan is strict about those) and not because he harmed a woman.

No. 2012726

The whining about medication being withheld makes me wonder if he had drugs or prescriptions that are illegal in Japan. Prisons don't just deny you your life saving medication for fun- maybe his HRT doesn't have a proper prescription. Maybe he's carrying around psych drugs that aren't approved by their medical system. Maybe I'm reading into this too much and he did something as retarded as getting on the women's subway car. Who knows. Trannies are never innocent.

No. 2012729

when he said "life saving medication" the first thing I thought was that he's being denied hrt lol

No. 2012732

thank the lord I don't have to see that disgusting tongue in the previous op anymore.

No. 2012735

Best thread pic we've had in a while. Thank you, nona

That's definitely his HRT, kek.

That agressively scroty-looking jaw kek. What did he do is the real question. And why do they need random people to call? Isn't it enough that one person gives the alert? I don't know much about Japan, but they don't seem to be a country that would randomly detain you for no reason. I hope he didn't assault a woman.
Sane kek. Absolutely hated it.

No. 2012736

File: 1720480645824.png (272.35 KB, 1080x702, Screenshot_20240708_161512_X.p…)

apparently he had some public fight with his dad while vacationing in japan. i like how this dumbass is trying to say that getting in a physical altercation in public in a foreign country only gets you in trouble if youre a tranny

No. 2012740

so what im reading here is that this bpd-kun tranny is on a psychiatric hold almost certainly for threatening to kill himself and the hospital is trying to make him take antipsychotics or other sedatives and not providing his illegal bathtub estrogen. all in all: lmao and kek.

No. 2012741

hes not in a prison, he is in a public psychiatric hospital, lol. definitely not as simple as situation as this tweet >>2012736 is making out

No. 2012749

God, you and me both. Hated seeing the last thread and skipped the whole thing because of that pic

No. 2012873

>visibly trans
More like visibly insane and threat to society.

No. 2012940

File: 1720535733041.jpeg (713.07 KB, 1693x1592, 6CCA5766-540C-466D-9264-08869F…)

troon checklist
>understanding of female self-lubrication comes from hentai
>humblebrags about his ~female orgasm~
>reddit posts were written with one hand

No. 2012942

I will never not rage at them claiming they have periods and pmdd…this dumbass couldn’t even get the basic biology of periods happening once a month not once a week. If this wet broccoli opened a damn biology book he’d also know that hormones fluctuate throughout the month, they drop and rise unlike his constant same level of horse piss.

Also if you’re leaking that much from your dick see a damn doctor, you’re not wet, you’re dying.

No. 2012950

I feel sick. What is he wet with?! Genuine question. I assure you sir, your nothing like a cis woman.

No. 2012952

File: 1720538555667.jpg (518.42 KB, 1125x1384, tumblr_8db4f248c7fdf306073f1ce…)

No. 2012954

Stunning and brave

No. 2012955

Room temp IQ art. Completely boring uninspired sculpture that just exists to show acorn dong with the word “WOMAN” underneath

No. 2012957

File: 1720539250601.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1853, Screenshot_20240709-113121.png)

No. 2012958

File: 1720539293794.png (411.31 KB, 1080x955, Screenshot_20240709-113029.png)

No. 2012966

>administration should know better than to place someone in a facility around males which would make them “feel unsafe”
So should every “frightened” male get to live and room with female prisoners for their own comfort? Men in prison attack and rape one another constantly, every weaker male is rightfully afraid and at risk. Why does the fear only count if you decide to grow your hair into a ponytail and go by another name, things which you can change in a few minutes?

No. 2012986

File: 1720544966940.jpeg (1.18 MB, 2999x3999, 1A53E07A-AA7B-42F0-BB10-812391…)

Tranny admits he posts in female dominated imageboards, doesn’t realize that is maximum scrotoid behavior and proves his male socialization.

To any tranny that hate reads these threads: you will never be a woman. Kill yourself.

No. 2012990

File: 1720545485673.png (31.08 KB, 423x120, 3V0PdgR.png)

found in the wild on discord, he literally has a mustache kek

No. 2012991

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No. 2012992

Great, maybe he will stop being a fucking fatass and a waste of space and resources.

No. 2012994

File: 1720546236187.jpg (1.64 MB, 1920x2560, 24-07-08-11-53-23-937_deco.jpg)

These men are so delusional

No. 2012995

Jesus Christ now I see why most of them don't even try to get bangs, that's disastrous.

No. 2013012

The manliest face I've ever seen. It's always comical superposed with their pornified idea of a woman and their male body that no amount of surgery can hide.

>Hottest woman on the planet walking around in fetish gear

They cannot help being male kek. They truly aren't aware woman don't tie their worth to their appearance? That is a uniquely male thing to do. And the usual mysogyny that a pair of tits and makeup = wimin!

No. 2013023

They always think throwing on a shein corset, random “goth” hot topic crap and some fetish gear makes them automatically sexy and more womanly than women wearing a tshirt.(sage your shit)

No. 2013027

Holy crap. The thinning hair and ayy lmao moid facial structure is pathetic. The horrible makeup application really ties this together.

No. 2013030

File: 1720555083105.png (4.09 MB, 1879x2724, Untitled29_20240709155608.png)

also his mlp comics are drawn with the talent of and humor of a band kid deviantart retard

No. 2013051

>rightful chris-chan and weird al comparisons tick him the fuck off
>"check out how fucking good I look"
>"I'm hot shit and I deserve to acknowledge that!!!!!"
Reality hurts so much, doesn't it? He should've stayed a weird, fat brony.

No. 2013063

>The Chris-chan phenotype kek

No. 2013064

>FEMALE orgasms are full bodied and removed from their genitals!
>MALE orgasms are when the penis cums and it feels good!
I could not even read past this retarded way of thinking. May every tranny 41% swiftly.

No. 2013066

I thought chris chan had his own thread.

No. 2013069

File: 1720560667606.png (556.34 KB, 596x1004, image.png)

poor mom.

No. 2013071

>just like I always fantasized.
I hate men so much, it's unreal.

No. 2013074

Someone needs to go there with a sledgehammer.

No. 2013075

Kek, chris is a stunning sexy tranny too, it's a compliment clearly!

No. 2013078

I thought the same. If I lived there I'd destroy that thing without a care of the consequences.

No. 2013091

File: 1720565436584.jpeg (91.81 KB, 828x397, IMG_6583.jpeg)

Troon blogger comes out against beastiality/incest kink. Unsurprisingly, he’s now getting callouts & even people saying they don’t believe he’s actually ~transfem~

No. 2013094

rev up the ywnbaw banners!

No. 2013097

File: 1720566177129.mp4 (3.57 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@hashtagcassie_17205…)


No. 2013098

> men being absolutely shocked and bewildered that "females" can simply coexist

No. 2013099

File: 1720566616840.png (311.81 KB, 720x700, Screenshot_20240705-214027~2.p…)

No. 2013102

OP of that tweet should just walk under any bridge where junkies like to squat, the long-haired rat man of his dreams would happily ruin his life for free.

No. 2013104

>Tfw the police in glorious Nippon don't let you assault your father in public

No. 2013106

>having sex
This was actually a rape wasn't it

No. 2013107

See Crystalcafe, this is what happens when you allow troons on your board.

No. 2013109

Well the drawings cute at least

No. 2013110

Ikr, we should crop/steal it

No. 2013111

I think it'd be a cute banner, but idk if it'll be allowed because soyjaks are banned

No. 2013112

File: 1720568003009.gif (451.29 KB, 500x385, man hate.gif)

Honestly him using Marceline as his pfp is what offends me the most. AGPs have completely ruined the whole concept of being a SSA alt girl with their creepy voyeurism. It's so obvious that they just view women as porn categories, and that "goth" and "lesbian" are their favorite tags on pornhub. Makes me want to vomit.

No. 2013113

>bragging about PMDD

No. 2013114

It deadass looks like used a crayola marker as both eyeliner and lipstick. And that he used his non-dominant hand to apply it.

No. 2013116

It's sweat from his self-induced hormonal imbalance and lack of hygiene.
Boo fucking hoo. I bet his parents didn't feel very safe being bludgeoned to death, either. Imagine how unsafe the women in that facility felt being housed with a man that beat his parents to death.
Why would he assume it was someone hoping to sexually assault him and not just someone hoping to murder a sexual deviant? I thought they felt "unsafe" at all times? Wishful thinking?

No. 2013117

I love his autistic ass explaining to the other person that comparing TiMs to CWC is offensive. Duh you retard, the person clearly said it to insult you. Also kek at
>I get this comment a lot
To be fair though, he doesn't look like CWC. He looks like if CWC and Gabe Newell had a tranny lovechild.

No. 2013119

I think it's cringe and sucky. Why are grown ass women eating spiral lollipops like children from the 1800s? Why are they drinking from a children's teaset? What the hell is going on with that weird attempt at the GnR logo? This seems like a moid drew it, frankly.

No. 2013122

they aren't "grown ass women", that's soylita… yes i used to spend a lot of time on there…(sage your shit)

No. 2013124

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No. 2013125

Like the other anon said, it's soylita. The other girls are her variants, so they're technically soy "lolis"

No. 2013126

I like it

No. 2013128


No. 2013133

it sounds totally fake, and for the mother's sake I hope it's just his fantasy. Why would anyone be sending around pictures of him crossdressing unless it was him sending the pictures? which if it did happen, does that mean he sent the pictures to his mother?

No. 2013141

How do these creatures pretend they know our biology when they don't even know what a period is or how women "get wet"

No. 2013144

>omg I feel totally unsafe just like you real wommanz ~~~
Don't air tags only work at a certain distance anyways?

No. 2013159

File: 1720573793005.jpg (107.48 KB, 1170x1195, GR-nUU4XEAACAmF.jpg)

we need a kikkomi version

No. 2013166

I actually haven’t heard of dykebreaking, sounds like a pornsick male thing

No. 2013167

File: 1720577489829.jpg (234.9 KB, 1232x1022, ew.JPG)

How many of these are complete lies he used to cope? lmfao how could a male body even self lubricate

No. 2013174

trannies love their shein/aliexpress "goth" garbage

No. 2013180

>I've passed as cis during a pelvic exam
is he not telling his doctors that he's trans? what kind of obgyn would even look at a rot pocket and think it's a vagina? is his obgyn checking his prostate?
>I can take a fist
nobody asked
>it self lubricates, cleans itself, and has the correct microbiome
what's his source for all this
>normal vaginal muscles
>but mine are STRONGER
lmao can't even pretend to be a woman he has to be a woman with an ultra strong vagina
>doesn't tell people he's sleeping with that he's a tranny
assuming they can't tell, that's rape. He's admitting to rape.
>nothing feels out of place
how would he know
how many of the "women" he's been sleeping with are tims

No. 2013183

>fantasizing about committing corrective rape
Justgirlythings amirite fellow women?

No. 2013185

Actually disgusting. Shit like this just reminds me that not only are trannies so distinctly moids, they’re the lowest kind of moid

No. 2013190

My guess is they mistake pus leaking/oozing wound sores as discharge kek. Reminds me of how incels on 4chan and such genuinely think that vaginal discharge is the same bodily fluid as pus and refer to it as such kek. Trannies are so stereotypically male and incel in everything they think and do.

No. 2013194

>my inside out dick rotpocket is self cleaning and smells and tastes great!
>I can take a whole fist if I want!
>it’s not a piercing! it’s a vagina! it’s totally not an artificial lifelong wound that closes up if I don’t dilate it, aka exactly like a piercing

No. 2013214

File: 1720590066117.png (11.93 MB, 2408x3808, um.png)

worst thing ive seen in a while, nonas

No. 2013216

This person is a biological woman who’s obsessed with trannies.
Look up their username on Twitter.(sage your shit)

No. 2013221

File: 1720590808457.jpeg (869.26 KB, 1125x1349, 55007893-9D64-465D-8D70-239BCD…)

Idk if anyone has heard of this but a 14 year old TiM was killed after meeting a man over fucking grinder. I don’t hate this kid and if anything I feel bad for this kid but I’m just posting to say fuck the lgbtq for pushing this trans shit and this hookup culture shit onto children. Like ofc it’s already bad this kid has been most likely groomed into this perverted sissification shit but he was on fucking grinder to top it off. Fuck that piece of shit who killed and claimed to have raped him and fuck every single pedofilic faggot who groomed him and lead him to to his death.


No. 2013223

Ngl I feel bad for underage tims, I think most of them (alongside underage "femboys") are grooming victims

No. 2013228

And like clockwork they'll blame women wanting their safe spaces.

And shit a 14 yo on grindr? Wtf?

No. 2013229

File: 1720593966252.jpg (255.55 KB, 1080x1920, 1000029200.jpg)


No. 2013230

File: 1720594018339.jpg (330.4 KB, 1080x1920, 1000029199.jpg)


Get your eye bleach ready

No. 2013231

>And shit a 14 yo on grindr? Wtf?
Having traumatic first sexual experiences at young ages is treated like a badge of honor. Just another grooming tactic to get their hands on vulnerable kids.

No. 2013232

File: 1720594788522.webp (34.33 KB, 475x356, jpYACplO9HrOX35_e8jawBysR6HpLA…)

Any "self-lubrication" is likely shit from a perforation connecting their axe wound to their poop chute. Not to promote scrote farms, but there is an entire dedicated thread with plenty of examples (primarily from Reddit) of frankenvag.

No. 2013233

he looks like hes going to strangle her

No. 2013234

go on, spoonfeed me the link.(retard)

No. 2013235

Trans ideology made a 14 year old boy think meeting up with creepy men for validation hookups is normal. I bet the man who did it was also trans himself tbh

No. 2013237

why would terfs do this?

No. 2013238

I need to alog so bad you have no fucking idea

No. 2013242

>"express my true self"
what this means to normal people: being gender non-conforming, coming out as homosexual, pursuing their own interests/careers instead of what's been pushed on them by their parents and society.
what this means to troons: revealing your fetish like a deranged mass-scale e-exhibitionist

No. 2013245

it probably is, the way he emphasizes "exposure" and everyone supposedly knowing he's a sissy feels like it's ripped from a sissy public humiliation fantasy

No. 2013255

File: 1720603748055.jpeg (450.92 KB, 828x1299, IMG_5928.jpeg)

Theyre such fucking caricatures. Also
>im a second wave feminist at work, fighting men to get taken seriously
Stfu stfu stfu

No. 2013256

I saw a lot of posts about this the other day but didn't SS sorry, a lot of these guys are trying to say this is a hate crime and another reason why they aren't safe… A child met a pedo on the internet and was murdered by them, it's not a hate crime. Pretending to be older than you are and meeting strangers online is a fucking stupid idea

No. 2013268

>Autistic moid thinks other men don’t take him seriously because he’s a woman
>Other men definitely just think he’s an autistic faggot
Many such cases

No. 2013280

This is why kids shouldn't be given phones like candy.

No. 2013282

>hottest woman on earth
>literally a man
congrats you're a faggot

No. 2013284

disgusting, very very disrespectful…

No. 2013285

The tumblrinas constantly call him a “hot woman” and he looks like a man with long hair. He doesn’t even look like a TIM. I don’t know how they can stomach lying this much.

No. 2013286

>we’ve all heard of dykebreaking
We sure as hell haven’t. I’m not a porn-addled moid and I don’t know what it is but it sounds rapey and homophobic.

No. 2013287

Cope: The Post

No. 2013289

No. 2013293

Kek I hope trannies take this serious instead of the obvious larp it is. They might actually kill themselves by bleeding out.

No. 2013315

File: 1720624812223.jpg (188.53 KB, 662x1280, tumblr_42e488731c449ce95da3833…)

My first troon seen in the wild kek, stumbled upon him on a second hand marketplace sub. If the picture didn't give it away, the caption might have. 1/2

No. 2013316

File: 1720624840212.jpg (216.02 KB, 848x1280, tumblr_41a02255a953e4e54f73d1b…)

No. 2013327

That masculine chin/jaw is killing me

No. 2013340

What is that with troons ALWAYS having dirty mirrors? He has a decent room (for a man), but the mirror?

No. 2013341

File: 1720631700273.png (1018.85 KB, 631x1046, hot tgirl dyke.png)

"Hot tgirl dyke" is a strange way to spell "dad at the bbq"

No. 2013344

File: 1720631966845.png (Spoiler Image,354.19 KB, 993x822, raphe line.png)

Don't open this spoiler while eating. It's not a photo but it is disgusting.

No. 2013346

This poor kid was definitely being abused in some way long before this happened.
To be fair, I'm sure the fact he was a TIM did play a part in him being targeted. But not for the reasons the troons want to think. His killer saw a vulnerable mentally ill child who would be easy to manipulate.

No. 2013351

>and he spanked my ass
>and the picture determined… THAT was a lie!

No. 2013360

File: 1720636491463.png (700.59 KB, 769x775, jumpscare.png)

New nightmare unlocked.

No. 2013366

because at the end of the day it's ethot cosplay, I've yet to see a troon dressing as a normal, everyday woman but jeans and t shirts don't give them the euphoria, I guess. Their clothes are plastic garbage because deep down they all know it's a costume.

No. 2013376

haus of decline???

No. 2013416

File: 1720647388121.png (1.13 MB, 1021x1396, 24107.png)

sorry to break it to you nonna, but there are troons who do that, they're just far far rarer than the shein agp skinwalkers.

its mostly because:
a. they need at least two or three feminine/androgynous features to pass since they can't rely on heavy clown insta thot/e-girl makeup or fetish gear (ie. no neanderthal browbones, no gigachad jawlines, needs to be skinny, below avg. male height, have slightly wider hips or narrower shoulders)
b. they need a shit load of money and a whole team of good plastic surgeons to get as close as possible to a "feminine" body and face, and even then they need to be very lucky in the above category to have a chance
c. a normal style requires far more grooming and upkeep than coomer styles do, from actually learning makeup and fashion to the constant surgeries they'll need to have, which 99.99% of males, even the non-mentally ill ones, simply haven't been socialized into like women have
d. they need to be at least somewhat well adjusted, or at least know how to fake it, because being someone who is into mommy dommy puppy play coomer shit and e-begs on twitter for groceries destroys the whole image. they also need to unlearn at least some masculine mannerisms and learn some feminine ones, which doesn't interest them, unless the feminine mannerisms come from porn.

picrel are two examples closest to this that i found, especially the second one, i remember seeing a bunch of his selfies on reddit a few years ago and he's one of the only ones who looks like he actually tries to put in some amount of effort into this.

No. 2013428

File: 1720652669370.gif (730.04 KB, 498x370, no-you-aint-sandy-cheeks.gif)

>I am a second wave feminist

No. 2013429

>14 year old on Grindr
This is the parents' fault. No normal 14 year old does this shit. Seconding the anons saying that the kid was probably being abused long before this.

Also, it's a moidlet. That's why this is a news story. If it were a girl the same age (especially a non-white girl) it wouldn't have made the news. That's the real problem: young women are raped and/or murdered by straight moids every damn day, but a moidlet is murdered by another moid and suddenly people are mad at fags specifically, as if male violence as a whole isn't the problem.

No. 2013431

This sort of shit ruins my day more than the gross posts tbh. I can’t put my finger on why.

No. 2013435

Luckily the DA released a statement saying that the state wouldn't be pursuing hate crime charges. The killer was openly gay, and while plenty of gay moids dislike troons, this guy actively sought this kid out for sex. Either the killer knew the kid was underage and intended to kill him after sex to avoid statutory rape charges, or something happened during their meeting that made the older guy decide to kill the kid. Maybe the boy refused to have sex or maybe he revealed his age after sex, and then shit got violent. Who knows. But there's no way in hell this is a hate crime.

It's also really suspicious that the parents waited almost three days to report the kid missing. He's almost certainly young enough for an Amber alert. If he was supposed to walk home at 9:30 (which is retarded, why is a child walking home alone at night) wouldn't his parents have been worried by 3:40 am, the time the kid entered the killer's car? These parents are asleep at the fucking wheel if their kid is wandering around outside at 3:00 am and meeting men on Grindr.

No. 2013436

The second one is filtered nonnie please, it doesn't even have the same eyeshape anymore kek.

No. 2013438

The "even doctors can't tell" lie always floors me. The number of people who spread and believe it really tells you how abysmal sex ed is right now. An OBGYN is going to notice that there's no cervix! The purpose of a fucking pelvic exam is to check your cervix! Not to mention that your goddamn doctor should be aware of your surgical history. If any gyn in the history of humanity has ever said this to a troon (which I doubt), they're lying to flatter him. Not to mention that troon wounds never, ever have correct looking labia minor. I've yet to see one that has.

No. 2013439

This post kind of makes me want to get a concealed carry ngl.

No. 2013467

Do it, if women are legally allowed to own guns they should.

No. 2013473

They "pass" because they filter their photos to hell and back.

No. 2013475

File: 1720663587627.mp4 (3.33 MB, 480x760, ssstwitter.com_1720572343845.m…)

#tranny 1090490450 mansplaining what a woman is

No. 2013485

File: 1720665414149.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1086x579, angrydildo.png)

No. 2013500

File: 1720670545784.jpg (23.54 KB, 576x577, Socially-Awesome-Awkward-Pengu…)

>cis and trans women are the same thing
>we need words to differentiate between cis and trans women because they're not the same thing

No. 2013515

Do troons not realise our vaginal fluids/flora aren’t just something you can develop after flipping a dick inside out. The lubrication they experience is from their colon, not a vaginal tract. It is essentially an empty ditch.

No. 2013529

So if cis just means biological then why can’t we just say biological woman or just woman since trans is the separating label. Angry ass fag, I can feel his moid rage even on mute.

No. 2013541

File: 1720686189138.jpeg (1.16 MB, 3442x2696, IMG_9069.jpeg)

He has another tweet that’s gone viral because he said he literally takes pills everyday to prevent HIV lmao

At this point I assume anyone with “girl” “fem” “mommy” etc in their twitter handle is absolutely a troon.

No. 2013549

The skin of a women

No. 2013560

istg the tranny community (and a good chunk of the lgbt community) are full of dorks coming up with dorky ass terms for the most retarded things that the average person is never gonna give a fuck about.
thanks for confirming biological women. no person will say cis irl and get taken seriously.

No. 2013644

elphaba deserves her own thread, she's pure insanity!! she's ALWAYS out in the Manchester gay village and throws tantrums over being denied access from clubs because she has scabies. she is scaryyyyy irl and nasty online.(integrate)

No. 2013660

File: 1720712509247.jpg (28.21 KB, 567x323, FASD_Slide1_600x305.jpg)

I know nonas claim cows have FAS constantly, but in this case…

No. 2013667


No. 2013674

File: 1720716726533.png (80.45 KB, 807x979, sdfdsfd.png)

lord, this askAGP reddit is something else. reading the posts on there confirms they stare at normal women like serial killers when they so much as pass them at the grocery store just like trans women that they're somehow different/better than. (although, it looks like many of the members identify as both MtF and AGP which is… kek)
it's almost like the entire problem boils down to having a fetishistic view of women as objects, and you can't just be excluded from that by identifying as a gay man instead of a trans woman trying to invade our spaces… you still have the same pornrotted ideals.

No. 2013676

lol good news, fuck trannies(i accidentally cut myself while trying to ban this post)

No. 2013685

File: 1720719685794.jpeg (133.22 KB, 1080x1124, IMG_3432.jpeg)

Trannies can’t be feminists anyways but we need to start hitting retarded libfems with this whenever they start spouting their bs kek

No. 2013692

stay bleeding(ban evasion)

No. 2013697

File: 1720724027212.png (242.48 KB, 828x787, afab.png)

I love when troons push this rhetoric because it just makes them look so utterly delusional

No. 2013699

File: 1720724150847.jpg (345.63 KB, 1080x1138, 1000017955.jpg)

I'm both horrified such a subreddit exists and somewhat happy it does. Trannies documenting themselves transparently. Thank them for proving most of them are just freaky agps.
>Women in sport
>I want to be her while she's getting fucked
Fuck both of them. Leave us the fuck alone. It's so unnerving. Note how he uses passive language 'getting fucked'. Women having sex in their porn-rotted brains are always degraded, objects, receiving, passive. It speaks volume of the pornrot.
Adding picrel too. Barf. What else is there to say. Seeing women like objects to be fucked or used or leered at, just like true and honist wimin, amiright? And this one is also bizarre, like he's talking about wearing some woman's skin. Argh.

No. 2013706

>the female club

No. 2013707

File: 1720725572116.jpg (124.4 KB, 1438x1036, 1613010858693.jpg)

>as a trans woman i belong to the female club

No. 2013714

>I want to be her while she's getting fucked
My god I wish these freaks would all just commit 41%. I hate them so much it's unreal. How can any libfem retard read the stuff actual tims write and still support them? What kind of mental gymnastics do they do to say that this is normal female behavior.

No. 2013742

>"Please don't use AMAB and male/AFAB and female interchangeably. . ."
>redditard proceeds to use woman (gender) and female (sex) interchangeably
why are they so fucking oblivious??

No. 2013748

File: 1720732826390.mp4 (3.32 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_sfm22956mW1zz8bj5.mp4)

No. 2013749


long-winded boring trans activist loves the sound of his own voice(this is an imageboard)

No. 2013751

The whole point of trans is wanting to be something you’re not. This is a goal you can only achieve by spending money. They’re living life in “pay to win” mode. If I were a little more invested in tankie literature I could shit out an essay about this

No. 2013753

File: 1720733592494.jpeg (310.15 KB, 828x828, IMG_5940.jpeg)

>moid doesnt realize hes retarded and incompetent
>”must be misogyny!”

No. 2013754

It’s not misogyny for your coworkers to not want to see a man in a dress. These type of men seriously need to be institutionalized

No. 2013764

>very clearly a self centered piece of shit who doesnt care about women

No. 2013768

File: 1720736828222.jpg (177.45 KB, 1616x1392, GL1BhJwXQAAJvtg.jpg)

sometimes i wonder if these men are trolling

surely they can't be as stupid as they sincerely sound

(pic related lol)

No. 2013769

File: 1720736863955.gif (438.91 KB, 600x750, ezgif-3-21dacc723c.gif)

(unsaged retard)

No. 2013770

File: 1720737307456.jpeg (308.49 KB, 1284x656, IMG_1356.jpeg)

Female chasers are not a thing. Next.

No. 2013772

Moids are so nasty. I’m so glad I’m not a slave to my sex drive.

No. 2013773

They do exist but they chase TIFs not TIMs lol.

No. 2013774

what a delusional moid

those "cis guys" are fetishists just the same as he is(sage your shit)

No. 2013775

I don’t get it. I don’t understand how it’s acceptable for us to be afraid of men unless the man in question says he’s a woman, even if he’s enacting the same exact predatory behavior as ever other man. It’s the weirdest kind of cognitive dissonance.

No. 2013795

I haven’t read through the thread yet so idk if this has been talked about, but has anyone heard about the recent murder of Pauly Likens? He was a 14 year old who was brutally killed and dismembered by a man he met on a gay dating app, and the trans community are yet again (like with Nex) using the death of this poor child in their activist debates and calling it a transgender hate crime(lurk more)

No. 2013799

No because he's a child who was groomed by a pedo on Grindr. We don't need to discuss minors murdered by normal pedos.

No. 2013817

The show euphoria probably played a role as well

No. 2013825

File: 1720746909252.png (361.35 KB, 775x871, Screenshot_20240711_211429.png)

here's what he looks like, plus additional autism just from scrolling his post history

No. 2013826

The OP pic makes me kind of sad now that Shelley Duvall died today

No. 2013850

don't imagine the smell

No. 2013851

File: 1720750130851.png (1.33 MB, 1152x1352, Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 10.08…)


No. 2013853

I know I shouldn’t laugh but that seven head has me cackling(sage your shit)

No. 2013854

jesus this is horrifying poor boy

No. 2013857

men like this wouldn't know what misogyny is even if it tit slapped them across the face

No. 2013858

File: 1720751585008.png (15.5 KB, 900x105, father.png)

Sounds like the guy was just looking for some desperate dude to kill instead of actually wanting to date them.

Also from the same article.

No. 2013862

But we must remember it is actually the mean unwomen terfs who don’t want to fuck tims who are committing the real crimes that hurt transwomen. This murderer could be an egg who has internalized transmisogyny so maybe he just expressed his valid feminine rage!

No. 2013866

Oh well

No. 2013869

Jesus, that’s so fucked up. Nobody deserves that.

No. 2013886

Oh no. Anyway.

No. 2013893

sad. that's someone's kid. it must be so awful and embarrassing for the family to hear their kid was likely porn addicted and certainly groomed. no sane child is on dating apps and trying to hook up with adults. if his parents got him help instead of affirming the fetish this wouldn't have happened and they could have a living and healthy kid. this is what happens when you fail your kids.

No. 2013902

yeah, reading this article is pretty depressing. It says he died from "sharp blunt force trauma" to his head, so he was certainly beaten to death with something very hard-possibly a nearby big rock, unless he brought some sort of weapon like a crowbar or something with him. It also says that the young boy met with this man next to a lake, late that evening. Any adult knows already what a terrible idea it is to go and meet a stranger at night next to a lake-that's as horror movie setup as it gets. This kid was failed in so many different ways. He had 0 awareness of danger. Ironically, if this were actually a little girl, she would have been lectured a million times by now to never do anything like this, but his parents might have skipped that talk thinking a little boy would never find himself in this situation. Little boys are always given waaay more freedom and trust than little girls.

Them allowing him to dress as a girl and be chronically online is what costed him his life. No little kid knows anything about grindr from nowhere. He was clearly porn addicted. Sad. And even more sad that somehow, women and "terfs" will be to blame, instead of the kids parents. Little girls used to get lured away and killed like this all the time, but as others have said, since its a little boy, now its outrageous. Men always want to be women until they start to get treated/murdered like one.

No. 2013905

That hairline at 15 is BLEAK

No. 2013918

Any man who claims to be a woman is automatically 200% more creepy to me, the gay ones may be an exception though depending on their behavior.

No. 2013924

Yeah it's awful. I suspect this kid is actually a gay boy. Meeting older men in secret, this is what gay teens do when they are not in environments where safeguarding them is a priority. It's extremely common. Usually it stems from being in the closet and/or in a homophobic environment. It's bleak because even 'acceptance' of his trans identity didn't provide him with some kind of guidance.

No. 2013927

Damn roughest looking 15 year old

No. 2013928

File: 1720770864388.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4045.png)

A long post coming out as basically a faggot

No. 2013936

That sounds more like tranny fiction, kek.

No. 2013948

The comments on this video are so refreshing, ofc the troon is panicking they didn’t get the circle jerk they wanted from epic terf own. I wish I could send this women a fruit basket

No. 2013949

just in, no woman ever played portal before. they all only play stardew valley, and not even correctly!

No. 2013952

I really appreciate the women like Sonya who do this because I am too scared

No. 2013954

I don't have a tiktok account, please post a sc of the comments nonna!

No. 2013955

File: 1720777255466.png (286.57 KB, 597x517, kikomi.png)

The replies talking about how "cis women steal everything" kek, ironic. Kikomi is happening, biotrans is happening, it's happening.

No. 2013956

File: 1720777349594.png (15.98 KB, 321x166, kikomireply.png)

samefag but one reply that stuck out to me because it's so ironic, considering the havoc they've caused for women and lgb

No. 2013957

File: 1720778096531.jpeg (750.26 KB, 911x1475, BBEE4B4E-4766-4616-A6D0-C770A8…)

If this man was a drawing it would be called a transphobic caricature

No. 2013958

File: 1720778410446.png (965.26 KB, 1176x3368, sonya_epic_win.png)

Anything for you nonnie.

No. 2013960

What was up with all his copied replied comments to these girls too btw? Saying something along the lines of “tell that to the cis men priests” I didn’t understand his “gotcha” at all.

No. 2013962

Good for her, keep kikomimaxxing.

No. 2013976

This is the literal definition of 'seethe and cope'. He hates not passing, he wouldn't have filmed a whole video raging about how he akshually loves being called a tranny moid otherwise. The funniest part is that he passes more than 99% of his fellow AGP hons and is still so incredibly clockable. Let's hope that this will be seen by his fellow TIMs and pushes them further into reality.
He was just a kid, what a nightmare. Yeah, I know he'd have grown up to be a serial rapist like the other TIMs, but a 14 year old needs guidance from their parents and teachers. He was failed so badly by them, holy shit. I wonder if he was SA'd himself, or had some sort of trauma from being gay/bi.

No. 2013977

File: 1720784658224.jpg (574.12 KB, 922x1335, average trans date.jpg)

Lol. Love t4t violence

No. 2013981

honestly, this sounds REALLY sex-pesty compared to even the horniest moid, but I'm not a professional moid-handler so what would i know
If this is real, I actually feel bad for the troon

No. 2013983

Little girls experience this daily on social media and chatting apps. Better him than making a woman or girl put up with it

No. 2014007

Oh, please. This is blatant coom material. There’s a reason why he’s posting about this in graphic detail while also gloating about being a “victim of misogyny” in another post, on the lesbian subreddit of all places. He could have blocked the freak troon like women know to do, but he continued to engage because it makes him feel ~objectified~ like a real woman. No need to feel sympathy, it’s just his coombrained degeneracy showing

No. 2014010

Hopefuel ♥

No. 2014016

It’s a child you incel retard. Revelling in a child’s death makes us just as bad as the creep groomers which got off to making him dress as a girl. His devices should be seized and investigated, whoever encouraged him to go onto grinder and “explore his sexuality” is just as guilty for murder as the closeted fag moid that beat him to death.

No. 2014019

File: 1720795809799.mp4 (1.98 MB, 480x754, ssstwitter.com_1720795588975.m…)

Ultimately, regardless of how many troons are brutally murdered by other males, troons will always vilify WOMEN. They would rather shame, silence, and demonize women for peacefully standing up for ourselves than the actual psychotic faggots who kill them.

No. 2014020

nobody convinced him, male sexuality convinced him. gay teens are so horny they will take huge risks to get some ugly old dick

No. 2014023

If you lurked more, you’d notice a pattern of teenagers getting groomed by the trans cult and hypersexualized since the onset of puberty, since this entire movement is driven by adult pedo gooners that make autistic outcasted kids feel special and desired. I’m tired of anons diluting this thread with non-milk like the likens case.

No. 2014025

This is actually one of the biggest issues with trannies and woke culture in general. You can't be a masculine woman, style wise or body wise or face wise, you can't be a man with long hair or skinny body or a more feminine style, because people will assume you're gay or a tranny. This whole fiasco set us back way more than ever before. I have a masculine body because of genetics and I got called a tranny on the streets numerous times. I have male friends who are straight and simply have long hair and they got called gay and trannies as well. You can't be a masculine woman or a feminine man anymore unless you are gay or a tranny, according to society, because of all of this bullshit.

No. 2014026

that's because they're afraid of men. they aren't afraid of us and perceive us as easier targets to intimidate and harass into silence.

No. 2014030

File: 1720798483110.png (3.69 MB, 1284x3326, IMG_1376.png)

Oh cool they made a man a mod of a lesbian fashion sub

No. 2014042

>positive comments only please

No. 2014044

He doesn’t even know how to dress himself and he’s a mod on a fashion sub. Looks ugly as shit. Typical

No. 2014046

>-1 score
kek, tempted to go downvote him so it drops even more.

No. 2014049

I’m just catching up on this thread so apologies for necroing this post, but this kind of shit just annoys the fuck out of me. These men want to be so women so bad but have no idea how women work physically, emotionally, or any way at all. What woman walks around just soaking wet all the time? He describes it as like a SWAMP just like a “cis woman”. What kind of retardation is this. Do some men go tranny because they have had zero interaction with women sexually? And all body orgasms that aren’t in the genitals? I feel orgasms in my genitals, like wtf do they think happens when women cum? This is a log material and I hate it.

No. 2014052

never trust any troon who wears some variant of thigh-high socks. Ever.

No. 2014064

next thread pic please

No. 2014065

holy shit this pissed me off, even for this thread. where is this from?

No. 2014066

>Do some men go tranny because they have had zero interaction with women sexually?
Absolutely. See this post from the last thread, too >>2011206

No. 2014072

video is somewhat old, he ended up leaving tiktok because of the backlash lol

No. 2014075

>normal pedo
That's an oxymoron

No. 2014085

I know anons here like to try to one-up each other with manhate, but this is plainly retarded. This happened because the boy's parents had their heads up their asses. They didn't know what apps he was using, they enabled his gender nonsense, and they apparently didn't teach him that climbing into a stranger's car in the middle of the night is a great way to get murdered. A normal gay moid his age would have just jerked off at home.

No. 2014095

Oh boo fucking hoo. The way these middle class white, hulking heterosexual moids have never actually faced any sort of serious danger in their lives until they willingly chose this larp, and they're still probably not ever in any sort of real danger. No shit people are going to call them out on how degenerate and gross they are. The fucking cheesy stock Disney music slop is a nice touch, truly makes me feel for his stunning and brave struggle to just be his true and honest self. Fucking Christ the histrionics with these assholes.

No. 2014101

Sorry but I don’t care, if he’d grown up a bit more as a straight male he would have been a rapey porn addict like all normal straight men, and if he’d grown up more as a full tranny adult hon he would have just continued the cycle of abuse by preying on younger boys in the trans community. Men are awful I don’t see why I should feel bad when they get killed by other awful men.

No. 2014104

Stating the truth about males is not being edgy. Statistically he would have grown up to rape another woman or boy anyway, I don’t give a fuck about male suicide either for that matter. Less pedos, rapists, criminals and coomers in the world the better.

No. 2014106

File: 1720813988001.jpg (87.2 KB, 600x549, edgelord spotted.JPG)

I deleted because I didn’t want to instigate, but here I’ll post again since that failed.

Honestly, take it to 2X. Your seething over a dead 14 y/o has nothing to do with making fun of troon cows and it’s just pretty cringe.

No. 2014107

Is that not just teenagers in general though

No. 2014115

There is truly such a thing as a male autistic face. It's always so easy to see it's insane.

He looks like that gross hulking tranny who is always gorging on food (Nick Contino?). They always have the same tragic hairline, oily skin, greasy hair and retarded face. Why can't they just get therapy…it's so grotesque to hear him speak.

No. 2014119

The parents referred to him as their "son" to police. My brother trooned out at in his teens but got therapy after our parents caught him travelling to another county to stay at a 30+ year old man's house. There was nothing indicating this before he was caught accidentally.(blog)

No. 2014123

Fair enough, but my point about his lack of self-preservation still stands. When I was 14, I would not have arranged to meet a strange man in a park in the middle of the night, because my parents taught me about the dangers of rapists and murderers. Most kids know not to do that.

I think Grindr is to blame as well. I looked around, and there are a lot of posts on Reddit complaining about how many minors there are on there compared to Tinder. That's a huge moderation problem. This is isn't the first time a minor was killed by someone he met on Grindr, and it won't be the last if the media keeps obfuscating that the killer met the victim there in favor of calling it a "hate crime."(derailing)

No. 2014127

>”cis” women spread misinformation
The spaces where this supposedly happens are filled with screencaps and videos of the words these men willingly choose to put online. Where is the misinformation exactly? We’re just listening to trans voices like they told us to.

No. 2014171

okay and? you are presumably a woman and think differently than males. some of us are working from our own personal experiences of gay men we've known as teens who engaged in risky behavior, parental guidance be damned (and then later grew up to regret it!). myspace was the grindr of its time, this jeffrey dahmer chicken hawk issue is for the gay community to contend with, women's resources are drained. plus you are making the classic female mistake of casting your own positive traits on others whether or not there is evidence to support that this person was just like you. the original poster wanted to drum up sympathy for a baby gayoid fucking around and finding out when some of us are burnt out on male predation because it is so fucking common and want to reserve it for those more deserving, like women and girls who are not on apps searching to be abused to sexually self-harm while not getting finger-wagged to "do better" by those still struggling with libfem tendencies.(derailing)

No. 2014172

Thank goodness for this Italian mama.

No. 2014175

>brand deals and job offers
lol what shein?

No. 2014179

File: 1720829589370.mp4 (4.54 MB, 576x1024, faggotwithnovariesmadeitsoicou…)

I wonder why "fem presenting people" is being pointed out… These degenerate moids literally try to groom young girls into being self-objectifying porn addicts. Not to mention the faggot (@rip.and.claire) running this account is a trans"bian" with an incest game avi. Everyone is calling young girls "puritan" in the comments for not wanting to be objectified. i hate this psyop
Me too, kind of crazy how she ended up being in the threadpic right before she died.

No. 2014180

File: 1720829874555.jpg (522.75 KB, 1711x2185, GSIBerdWMAA7hJU.jpg)

we can spot your neanderthal skull from a mile away

No. 2014181

why'd trannies have to ruin roller skating too?

No. 2014184

File: 1720830099863.png (49.82 KB, 815x422, you're a man.png)

trannies are obsessed with reproduction. That's why they're after our uterus, vaginas and breast milk.

No. 2014205

File: 1720833199722.png (486.53 KB, 598x938, videogame.png)

>TFW videogames kill TIMs like Isekai trucks kill people.

No. 2014206

"But is not a fetish!", they cry. "I'll volunteer for these poor ladies!", TRA maidens cry.

No. 2014278

bc quadskating is getting popular w girls and they aren't content with pushing every last rational skater out of rollerderby. Fuck each of them individually for that. ttd.

No. 2014297

As a millennial, bless the zoomer girls and women who are standing up to this bullshit. I’m sorry my gen helped contribute to it. I hope more and more women wake up and become as “sex negative” as they want to stay safe.

No. 2014314

the cope is real with this one. how does playing a video game have anything to do with some random troon that got killed? KEKK

No. 2014315

Someone's mad women don't want anything to do with his weird nasty kinks.

No. 2014318

This kid was sleeping with adults and probably worse.

No. 2014321

The game has literally nothing to do with why those teens murdered him. The teens even said they murdered him because they wanted to kill someone they didn’t even acknowledge the trans part other than they knew he was lonely. True crime has probably influenced their motives more than JK barely hating on troons

No. 2014322

wasnt this troon so coddled by the school staff that he was known to be a creepy bully who would bully actual girls and turn up to school in short skirts and skimpy egirl wear?( which isnt even allowed in Britain) and the killers confirmed they didnt target him because he was a troon just because he was a easy target

No. 2014324

Evidence of that? I tried looking it up(lurk more)

No. 2014341

Weird blog but I was actually at the school about a week later coincidentally, I wouldn't say it seemed like that, there was a small shrine set up and a lot of children had left sympathetic notes and drawings. Mood was quite glum but it seemed like a nice school too, lots of people were wearing own clothes/stuff you wouldn't usually get away with

No. 2014353

File: 1720878855458.png (45.43 KB, 675x198, comments.png)

There was a teacher who was lamenting his style. Extremely weird for an adult to comment on a dead kid's style as something that was to be missed and remembered.
The killers also called him "she" so it definitely was not a hate crime.

No. 2014358

another day another male accusing JK of killing trannies

No. 2014365

File: 1720882321637.jpg (63.22 KB, 854x321, 527i536.JPG)

>"She had a real flare (sic) for fashion"
>"Her nails matched her phone case"
>"Customising her school uniform"

Their dress code is strict as hell. It also clearly states no nail polish at all. They even have a rule that says hoodies will be confiscated. It's so obvious the headteacher fetishised him and gave him special treatment. I guarantee any non-troon doing this same shit would have been in trouble for it. I couldn't even wear my skirt half an inch higher than the rules when I was in a similarly strict school without getting bitched at.

No. 2014376

File: 1720886898215.jpg (320.35 KB, 1080x700, IMG_20240713_170545.jpg)

You can literally Google and see pictures of students in their own clothes it's not hard, stop trying to play detective. Schools have different rules for upper years classes which at 16, you are

No. 2014384

File: 1720890933285.jpg (223.5 KB, 1080x1244, Screenshot_20240713_054738_Chr…)

funniest shit i've seen in a while

No. 2014387

If you're spending $875 on your appearance every month and you don't work as a model or something like that, you are an insane person

No. 2014389

Once more showing how fucking stereotypical they are of what it means to be a woman, such a fetish for these freaks
>imagine you're trans and start off alone
So like literally any adult? Buying new underwear once a year is common regardless of age, but you wouldn't have that habit as a gross moid

No. 2014390

I was about to point this out, kek. He isn't a lesbian and he clearly doesn't even know how to dress himself, yet he's modding a lesbian fashion sub. Fuck Preddit.

No. 2014391

The hair metal guys behind him look more feminine kek

No. 2014399

That's weird, I've never bought a "tuckitup" and I'm still a woman. I don't even get my hair or nails done or use makeup, and people still know I'm female. Isn't that weird? Anyone else relate? How much are you all spending on tuckitups?

No. 2014402

I need a kikomi informercial on tuckitups.

No. 2014409

(are women doomed?)

No. 2014410

troon has to be a self-sufficient adult without logging into gofundme challenge (impossible)
also the way this person types just really angers me for some reason

No. 2014414

$200 a month? A year? Total? This is retarded.
Also a pack of underwear is like $20 you don't need to buy Victoria secret lace $40 each panties but that's besides the point I guess we are supposed to bankroll expensive fetishwear. How bout set up a godundme for a job interview outfit and office wear

No. 2014422

File: 1720899449706.jpeg (366.52 KB, 750x811, 0B4333A6-97AA-42B0-B6E2-4A183F…)

Trannies are so fucking stupid, I love how you can tell they interact with zero women from shit like this alone

No. 2014425

kek and we are supposed to accept that they are just like us

No. 2014433

>"Why am I getting clocked?!"

No. 2014435

You forgot
> loli avatar

No. 2014453

Lucky star is pretty popular with animecore girls, that’s the only skinwalking he did correctly

No. 2014460

File: 1720906192519.png (1.77 MB, 813x1448, AtTuaab.png)

No. 2014461

True, but loli pfp's are still a coin flip when you encounter them in the wild kek

No. 2014469

File: 1720910432596.jpg (2.01 KB, 64x64, Tumblr_l_553243371345129.jpg)

>get haircut at the local barber/hairdresser once a month (ten bucks at most)
>clip and file my nails every week (free)
>have never regularly worn makeup, no reason to own or buy any (free)
>buy affordable and comfortable clothing in the unisex/mens' section, probably get less in a year than this motherfucker wants to buy in a month
>already own enough jewelry to switch things when necessary (free)
>caring about what your underwear looks like as long as it does its job
>need nothing to hide any kind of dick because i'm female (free)
>still a woman (for free!)
>it's literally this easy and no amount of money spent will ever turn him into a woman(blog)

No. 2014470

What ever happened to kikomi-chan anyway?

No. 2014471

>be born with a clit (free)
feels good man

No. 2014476

I think she stopped using lolcow

No. 2014487

File: 1720914378830.jpeg (248.01 KB, 1179x479, IMG_8622.jpeg)


No. 2014503

$400 every month or two for makeup, clothes and accessories? This isn't how to be woman, it's how to be a hoarder. I guess I'm not a woman if I don't own 217 eyeshadow palettes? All these men do is consume.

No. 2014524

it wouldn't matter even if she was 350yo

No. 2014530

File: 1720924907728.png (458.38 KB, 831x1039, eww.png)

Aw thats sad

No. 2014535

The girl who killed him didn’t even miss gender him in her own diary entries, they were planning on killing some other boy but changed the target to Briana because he didn’t have as many friends. Anyone who says it’s a hate crime just wants the troon murder statistics to reflect that of women. Women get killed for being women. This troon got killed because he was mentally ill and a psycho could recognise that

No. 2014542

Wasn't that tranny who got murdered also following a bunch of sissification and porn accounts too?(sage your shit)

No. 2014544

Most high maintenance girls these days use press ons and do their own hair, waxing etc. like it’s actually seen as cool to buy cheap nails and drug store makeup. Troons just love over consumption.

Also women still need to buy bras, clothing etc. not to mention it’s normal to not wear makeup or do your nails hair. Just delusional

No. 2014558

File: 1720937735778.jpg (164.35 KB, 753x1707, passoid.jpg)

i really know the girl on the right, post had hundreds of troons seething und dilating because they genuinely can't comprehend a woman knowing what a passoid is but joking, saying they were going to decapitate her and genuinely acting like its cultural appropriation kekk

"gentrification" of hon next, it will break them

No. 2014560


No. 2014561

this is like snotty teen boys finding out some girls too have a treehouse

No. 2014564

lol we should start calling ourselves "hons" whenever we feel insecure, they'd DIE. I don't care what they say, they want to invade out spaces? we invade theirs.

No. 2014565

but how else could he be a woman if no spinny skirt?

No. 2014566

File: 1720939692754.jpeg (280.65 KB, 1179x1353, IMG_6197.jpeg)

Sorry for shitty mobile screenshot but I’m so distraught. How dare this troon use this beautiful poem (written by a woman) about the cruelty of humans towards animals and make it towards himself. He forgot the part about “being small” in the poem, doesn’t apply to him at all

No. 2014580

No way they just pulled a yoko ono LMFAO

No. 2014601

File: 1720963795237.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.27 KB, 834x625, 20200518_075711-2.jpg)

I burst out laughing when I saw this amazing designer vag and wanted to share. Gynecologist could never guess it wasn't real.

No. 2014602

Come on mod-chan, it was funny.

No. 2014606

It looks like some crater on Mars.

No. 2014608

File: 1720965244772.gif (3.02 MB, 640x480, squidward-laughing.gif)

All of that and still will never be a woman kek

No. 2014609

This is the worst I've ever seen. Almost makes me feel bad.

No. 2014610

File: 1720965503633.jpg (170.57 KB, 1024x639, dsc_0033.jpg)

No. 2014612

This actually gave me a fear response.

No. 2014626

File: 1720968062766.jpg (2.02 MB, 1920x2560, 24-07-14-15-37-38-682_deco.jpg)

Another man who doesn't understand anything about female arousal

No. 2014630

Absolutely disgusting agp coomer freak.

No. 2014640

I was going to say it looks like the excess neck flap I cut off the turkey breast before I put it in the slow cooker. Grim.

>"After I started taking medicine that totally fucks with my hormones, I get heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, uncontrollable drooling, I lose my eyesight and sometimes have seizures. This is female arousal, probably."
At least we know he has a high chance of dying, and his fellow troons will continue to encourage it.

No. 2014650

These kinds of posts are what encourages other men to become troons. 11k likes on this dumb shit.

No. 2014665

Men calling their genitals “she” is revolting

No. 2014667

All symptoms of estrogen dominance, although the eye sight is probably from lack of progesterone.

No. 2014669

Posts like this always make me feel happy they’ll never know what female arousal or orgasm actually feels like.

No. 2014672

We have to start convincing them to get the chop, telling them they'll only achieve true female orgasm once they have mutilated themselves. They'll learn an important lesson.

No. 2014679

Konata is not a loli but it was very popular with male millennial weebs

No. 2014694

Right, go to the Middle East so you can have your surgery.

No. 2014695

Imagine paying $4000 to sound like a cigarette addict.

No. 2014704

At least it kinda worked…? His voice went from ‘obvious tranny’ to ‘emphysema patient of unknown gender’.

No. 2014718

Should be called emasculation surgeries. Nothing to do with feminization.

No. 2014724

Even worse, he actually said 20k. Unreal. The things you could do with that money, Christ.

No. 2014728

File: 1720988012354.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 1080x2196, Screenshot_20240714-211238-064…)


No. 2014730

File: 1720988248081.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1790, Screenshot_20240714-211638.png)

No. 2014732

File: 1720988395598.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1716, Screenshot_20240714-211839.png)

No. 2014738

honfidence is a helluva drug

No. 2014740

>the squished up penis visible through the fabric

No. 2014743

forgive me for blog/TMI but i own this same bra and it feels unholy now.
also kek at the 'cissues' poster in the background (whatever that means??)

No. 2014756

File: 1720993501336.jpg (81.85 KB, 468x869, article-2057720-0EAA3C30000005…)

It's hilarious how ugly scrotes look when they wear women's clothes while women in men's clothes look cute af kek
They will always be an incomplete hideous version of the XX.

No. 2014758

Kek we literally can't stop mogging them, no wonder they're always chimping out

No. 2014766

I agree with your point, Nonnie, but your pictured example is not really fair. Most of us genetic women come up way short in comparison to Amber as well.

No. 2014767

He looks like he’s tying to skinwalk Jaclyn Glenn

No. 2014770

Amber Heard is simply thin and blonde in picrel which is something any woman can achieve for free unlike troons who gotta spend thousands of dollars and still look like ugly mutilated men kek

No. 2014801

>any woman can go blonde
>for free
Damn nona are you a fucking chameleon kek? Still a good point, it's easier for a woman to get a suit that fits (thats the real difference, even a large woman in a fitted suit looks leagues better than any tranny) than it is for any moid to pass

No. 2014985

File: 1721031980342.jpg (1.75 MB, 2560x1663, 24-07-15-09-21-11-033_deco.jpg)

Pure copium

No. 2014986

typed with one hand and the other holding his anal prolapse shut

No. 2014987

Kek this gotta be a troll.

No. 2014996

Gay men are seething about women hard.

No. 2015000

>born to lie
troll or not his username checks out

No. 2015001

Gay men are vile. He's definitely trolling and writing this up with one hand lmao.

No. 2015002

>is in touch with people performing fgm bc it fascinates him
I want to puke in my mouth what a porn sick asshole

No. 2015003

Absolutely vile. And his entire post history is like this. I can't tell if he's just a very elaborate troll or genuinely mentally ill

No. 2015016

Oh you know he thinks he’s smart for this one kek

No. 2015022

Talking about medieval scholars and priests as an argument why our vaginas smell and are dirty, kek, that's absolutely the source I would go for for actual scientific information in today's world. Must be hard to know that he will have to clean his perfect butchered hole for the rest of his life.

No. 2015030

no faggots are just like this
thesaurus dot com in the next tab over kek
i wonder what his precious medieval scholars would say about him fileting his cock and punching a hole in his taint

No. 2015037

this reads like fanfic but if it's real holy fuck that poor maid. he's making her put vinegar up her vag AND convincing her to get labioplasty because she's unattractive to males? this shit is why i don't trust hsts troons (and gay men in general), hope he 41% himself

No. 2015042

based. this is part of why i find the "femboy" (nauseating to type moid pornspeak) cope so hilarious. they see butches or even slightly more andro presenting women and seethe so hard because they can't ever pull off gnc fashion. men look revolting in women's attire no matter how hard they edit themselves. the only passably cute femboys always end up being real women larping too kek

No. 2015048

Eh, men like this are doing our work for us. No sane person can read this and come away from it without a negative opinion on faggots kek

No. 2015062

Holy shit, that is one rabid self-hating gay scrote kek.

No. 2015067

Good points. They’re also old school w the mindset that they need to put in the effort. I might be in the minority but I’m actually okay w these kinds. I believe gender dysphoria is a real disorder so some are ultimately affected but I don’t believe most of these ppl have it. In fact the messaging is shifting towards not needing that diagnosis to transition. I’d kek but what a shitshow

No. 2015076

File: 1721054414679.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1179x2324, IMG_4013.jpeg)

Don’t think this was posted yet and sorry if it was but that one who flashed his bolt ons at the White House has been accused of DV and SA by 5 of his exes who are fakebois. Rose Montoya

No. 2015096

Funny thing is, that newer replies say that they assume a terf behind this disgusting gay moid, because it's what terfs do to make troons look bad, as if they can't do this all by just existing.
I've read the other posts of that guy and he hates women so much, it's unreal, I wouldn't want to be near him and I wonder what his "job" is that he has seen so many vaginas.

No. 2015100

File: 1721058247991.jpg (80 KB, 866x1390, britney-manson-walks-the-runwa…)

What about this revolting troon called "Britney manson" he's a russian tranny that claims to be a "super model" kek
>tried to kill himself 3 times
>makes videos of himself cat walking in the street in high heels with glasses on to film other people's reaction
>copes and seethes about getting mogged by other actual female models on tiktok

No. 2015101

File: 1721058823690.jpg (82.53 KB, 1200x600, landscape-1484654642-90ssuperm…)

Those big ass scrote hands tho kek he can starve himself as much he wants but he will always look like a man especially next to actual super models

No. 2015107

i hate gay men

No. 2015108

probably a gynecologist

No. 2015110

No actual woman would be allowed on a runway with skin that damaged. The world handles troons with kid gloves.

No. 2015113

This is probably a troll, but vaginas are described as self-cleaning because that's literally what they do. They have to be in order to reduce the pathogens the cervix is exposed to. That's why they have an acidic ph of four. The phrase is also a way of discouraging women from douching, which can fuck up the natural ph level and damage the internal tissue of the vagina.

No. 2015116

Does he think we have to douche our period blood out or we just stay bloody forever? What a coping retard. I hope this is a troll or bait somehow, because the part about fgm makes me sick.

No. 2015117

I'm pretty sure it's a troll. The user has been banned.

No. 2015119

>purposefully sceduled his lectures at the same time as Hegel's to compete with him, only 5 students show up so Schopenhauer ragequits his job at that university
>shoves a woman down the stairs because she was loud, is forced to pay her compensation for the rest of her life
>mommy issues, his mother wrote in a letter to him: "You are unbearable and burdensome, and very hard to live with; all your good qualities are overshadowed by your conceit, and made useless to the world simply because you cannot restrain your propensity to pick holes in other people."
>died alone, left his fortune to his dog
kek I bet the only time he saw a vagina was when he was born out of one.

No. 2015244

File: 1721085696688.jpg (57.01 KB, 640x534, mods-why-isnt-this-person-bann…)

This guy was kinda insane

No. 2015245

File: 1721085723009.jpg (151.49 KB, 775x1200, GSh4i5gWUAAZhi1.jpg)

No. 2015246

I wish this was getty so i could say "getty doesn't lie" KEK. But anyways, how do people think these twinks pass? i bet if he got moob implants twitter gremlins would be all over him. He's obviously anorexic

No. 2015247

>It's a designer pussy
A lot of trannies talk about their rot pocket this way and it just shows how deeply male and mysoginistic their whole ideology is. It's commodified female simili- body parts for sale…barf.

No. 2015261

>you can let a man cum in your [flesh wound] without risking getting HIV
does he really believe this? and how many women even have to worry about getting HIV in the first place? that's more of a gay man problem

No. 2015279

File: 1721090651744.jpg (286.19 KB, 1080x1872, Screenshot_20240716-084141_Red…)

No. 2015280

File: 1721091047257.jpg (221.63 KB, 1080x1284, Screenshot_20240716-084206_Red…)

No. 2015283

The poor woman who bought that dress after that sweaty moid put it back

No. 2015290

File: 1721093319966.png (1.53 MB, 1880x1296, LOL.png)


No. 2015295

What a bunch of cope. So many of these assume that the women he thinks he's "competing" with have periods and have already had children. Hormonal birth control can allow you to "skip" periods, and typically if a woman has children, she's already in a long-term relationship. Not to mention that there are plenty of women who still have sex and masturbate on their period anyway.

There's a ton of medical shit he either doesn't understand, or thinks that is exclusive to normal vaginas when they can also happen to troon stink ditches (fistula, prolapse, yeast infection.) Troons are at way higher HIV risk than women, and the female pelvic floor is actually much thicker and stronger than that of a male. Fistulas are a relatively common complication of SRS.

No. 2015316

this poem gets me every time. troons making it about themselves is so ridiculous, like everything they do

kek, interesting. thanks for sharing anon

his first mistake was to think that he's in competition with women at all. faggots can get so obsessed and snarky about vaginas when it should be the least of their problems. no male on earth can leave women alone apparently.

No. 2015320

>hons will overtake women in the future
but I thought troons' existence wasn't taking away our womanhood? TRA is repackaged MRA change my mind challenge (impossible)
>anything women can do men can do better, including having a pussy
you can mansplain vaginas to us all you want but ultimately we're the reference photo you show to your surgeon to emulate

>dehumanizing and objectifying shit about being "used" as a fuckhole for moids

the sub he's posting in makes it clear he's HSTS but thinking women don't have sex on their periods just confirms how he really doesn't have the experience with actual vaginas to be making this post to begin with
>attempts to attribute his negativity towards periods as feminist but ends up spewing the typical "eww the blood and healthy female body functions I don't experience are gross" sexism
they're so obsessed with periods but they're so inconsistent lmao like don't TRAs want us to delude ourselves into believing trannies can experience periods too which one is it sir
>celebrate castration as if it's the only way to sterilize yourself which is important because it's all about the coom
um women with tied tubes exist and their worth isn't defined by fulfilling pornsick moids' creampie fantasies like gtfo with that misogynistic bullshit
>degenerate doesn't use protection
clockable male sexual deviancy
>admits frankenpeens look botched in a cope about their appearance
the photographic evidence of what troons consider the best possible surgical outcomes speaks for itself meanwhile we're all over here with our Georgia O'Keefe's laughing our asses off
>gay moid ranting about his hatred of the natural scent of vaginas and his resentment that they're self-cleaning organs, what a shocker
yeah bro, I'm sure the rancid anal secretions seeping into your festering wound totally don't reek like rotten diarrhea and unwashed necrotic flesh the way that people who've encountered stink ditches have repeatedly reported
>dunking on modern obstetric advancements for some reason, presumably because he thinks women should suffer needlessly during labor
well tranny moids can't give birth so yeah this is just a self-own on all the muh womb transplant propaganda tbh
>MTF troons can't get female cancers and don't have the anatomy to require a gynecologist, checkmate
prostate cancer, penile cancer, and testicular cancer called and said you're male and you will never be a woman
>body-shaming postpartum moms about scarring from necessary medical interventions because he's under the impression most vaginas are permanently disfigured from childbirth as if women's bodies aren't designed explicitly with that function in mind
does he even understand what prolapse is? and how is he seeing all these mothers' vaginas if he's sleeping with fellow males? if this is his argument can he admit that a healthy vagina would run circles around his poor imitation? sounds like someone is mad that straight moids don't want hons
>axe wounds have the strongest gorilla grip for moid pleasure
I'm not doing my kegels for moids' benefit anyway because I don't center them in my life but vaginas are a muscle by definition and they exhibit muscular contractions upon arousal whereas rearranged saggy ballsacks and inverted dicks are composed of often-flaccid erectile tissue and loose skin without musculature so this is delusional, blatantly untrue, and easily debunked by anecdotes of men who have had sex with both women and trannies
>jealously seething "cis bitches are loose" cope
see point above but in addition this male-brained dick-measuring contest is so funny because in this very thread troons were bragging about being able to be fisted and the next they're pretending like we haven't seen the photos of their disgusting rot pockets that look like the gaping hole of an uncooked turkey

>don't worry about if real vaginas are "allegedly" different

written within a lengthy post about exactly how inferior he thinks real vaginas are as a very biased post-op HSTS
>no disrespect but female bodies are fucked up
again the irony is lost on this uneducated chauvinist
>women who struggle with incontinence due to horrific injuries from extreme sexual assault and sadistically violent rape are just like trannies who enthusiastically consent to mutilating their genitals with unnecessary state-funded surgeries
it always makes me want to a-log when troons seek to capitalize off the suffering of marginalized women but it's especially heinous to do so about something as tragic as the sexual war crimes committed against women in subsaharan Africa fuck this piece of shit

No. 2015341

It’s designer pussy yet not a single surgeon has ever posted results that actually look good/natural. Only deluded accounts from troons who refuse to show proof of their “pretty pussy”

No. 2015347


don't tell me this moid is a fucking gynecologist or some shit. imagine his female patients finding all of these posts after trusting him to take a look at their vulvas to see if there's anything medically concerning like cervical cancer and it turns out he's a porn sick retard who's talking shit about their smells. this is why i think gynecology should be an exclusively female profession. also, it's crazy but there's way too many cases of gay scrotes being weirdly obsessed with women and how much they focus on our bodies.

No. 2015359

looks like a thalidomide baby with those stubby arms.

No. 2015368

File: 1721114840758.png (66.52 KB, 257x219, 1624618129568.png)

>an SRS vagina can be better than a cis vagina as long as the surgeon does a good job
>the fate of your sex life lies in the hands of a butcher who only cares about you so long as you have money

No. 2015371

i genuinely can't tell if this is a troll or a very self-hating misogynistic bpd homo man who grew up on Playboy

No. 2015396

Kekkk, this is what happens when you're a bitter gay man with vagina envy, and you buy into the lie that you can "become" a woman if you give yourself hormone problems, get surgery and chop off your cock. You end up writing fanfiction on Reddit, getting off to stories of FGM on little girls from third world countries out of testerical rage, and seeking gender euphoria from historical misogyny.
This is why I don't view HSTS trannies as pitiful little allies or whatever, by the way. They're just as psychotic and hateful as AGPs. Those of you who go to bat for them as a collective every thread because they're "just gay men" are falling for the same "gay men can't be misogynistic" bullshit libfems do.

No. 2015399

File: 1721122172700.gif (83.71 KB, 200x113, 200w.gif)

Kek i read this in the Mr. Slave voice. This is clearly just some dahmer sandwich who thinks the only thing that makes a female, a female, is getting fucked. I'll bet you he absolutely seethes over lesbians too, knowing they're still women without having relations with moids + we're still women while being gnc (most of the time, apologies fems). It's interesting seeing these fags genuinely believing that they're involved in female competition too, they think women are barbies so of course they call themselves "dolls". I don't understand how these fags think women care about these things, we don't. Every non-peaked straight and bi woman i've talked to just see these fags as gay bestfriend pt 2. It's so funny seeing ""dolls"" cope and try to force themselves into heterosexual female competition.

No. 2015412

Idk if he was mentioned before in previous threads but have you guys ever heard of a tranny named Lila Gibney? He took pics and videos of himself in a wedding of a huge tiktoker couple (Alex and Kouvr) when they had a huge no-camera policy. Typical attention-seeking tranny, it's like they can't live without it kek.

No. 2015413

His full apology, doesn't sound regretful that he ruined someone's wedding. THE ATTENTION HAS TO BE ON ME! ME! ME!

No. 2015429

The self-proclaimed “fascination” with FGM is honestly some serial killer type shit.

No. 2015430

He clearly isn’t intelligent enough for that. The only vaginas he’s seen have probably been from searching out specific cases online to prove his point.

No. 2015431

Such a male rant. Only a male brained idiot would assume the purpose of a vagina is to pleasure a man and reproduce. As long as I take care of myself, my once a year gyno goes great. Now tell me about how you have to insert a metal rod daily so your flesh wound doesn't close up. Oh and raw dog all the hiv dicks. Since it's safe.

No. 2015533

Sure Jan…

No. 2015544

Better not cry if/when you get beaten or killed for not telling people you're trans before taking them home and getting physical.

No. 2015558

File: 1721157200263.mp4 (5.67 MB, 720x1280, tranny (3).mp4)

No. 2015566

They have proven time and time again that they are not allies. If they were allies, they would want women to have sex-based rights, but they put their comfort over women's safety repeatedly. If they were allies, they would want to have a conversation to find a middle ground where both parties could flourish. The way they threaten any critics with violence and rape doesn't make them a woman, even if they wear lipstick and a dress while doing so.

No. 2015570

File: 1721159330213.mp4 (14.96 MB, Do Trans Women Get Their Perio…)

tranny starts bleeding and oozing fluids from his rot pocket and tells his co-workers he's on his period

No. 2015580

File: 1721162636341.png (37.53 KB, 667x142, Screenshot 2024-07-16 134326.p…)

>If they were allies, they would want women to have sex-based rights
Some of them do. Blaire White has repeated talked about the problem of "trans lesbians" and Caitlyn Jenner is vocal about the sports thing.
I hate most trannies but some are okay.

No. 2015588

he sounds like a gay man and has so much makeup on he looks like a drag queen
how could any man think that's a woman

No. 2015590

I thought that was Blaire White, the surgeries and way of speaking are identical.

No. 2015594

File: 1721166784821.png (283.77 KB, 531x527, Screenshot_20240716-164529~2.p…)

Oh? All the exact same things ? Like, when you get raped, getting pregnant and being forced to carry your rape baby if it happened in the wrong state/country? You get debilitating/life threatening medical problems that Drs can't even help you with, even if they cared (which they don't), because due to misogyny, we literally haven't even studied the female body enough to fully understand it?? You make a pittance working harder than any man while also taking full run of the household for no additional compensation?? DO YOU GET YOUR OWN BODY AND LIVED EXPERIENCE MANSPLAINED TO YOU, BECAUSE UHM ACKTUALLY…??

No. 2015595

Did you ever consider that I'm a woman, just like you, only even more oppressed and have it even harder ??? MRA "men do it better/have it harder" tier fucking logikkk.

No. 2015599

File: 1721167903946.jpg (7.59 KB, 250x220, 1damss.jpg)

No. 2015601

>born a male
>put on a dress and started telling people to call him "she" into adulthood
>i have the same experiences as a woman but akshually worse
kek this scrote will never be a woman and he needs to kill himself.

No. 2015624

Easy. Because feminism is for women and you are not one. Hope that clears things up.

No. 2015658

>no underwear
>touching people food

No. 2015661

This is so funny because they think they're being supportive but they're just saying "look, we're men in dresses just like you!".

No. 2015667

Nona bffr….

No. 2015671

File: 1721178464614.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.24 KB, 1140x1110, 1583392152946.jpg)

>dahmer sandwich

No. 2015672

wait he thnks you can't get aids in a rot pocket? you can get aids if you have an open cut on your arm and someone with aids spits on it, wtf, it doesn't have to be genital-to-genital

No. 2015688

Lmao even Mr. Slave is classier than that post, anon.

No. 2015689

Found this video and omg the last tim is so entitled. "I'm skinwalking as a woman, treat me as such!"

>an SRS vagina can be better than a cis vagina as long as the surgeon does a good job

No surgeon does a good job and even then, is not the same.

No. 2015716

gay men just have no standards for literally any aspect of their lives. people with any regard for their lives should care about contracting hiv, nona.

No. 2015723

Tranny understanding of female biology is straight outta 4chan virgin incel threads. It really is such a clear reminder (along with every cell in their body) that they’re completely, irrefutably male and always will be kek.

No. 2015724

>trannies try not to sound like a deranged bitter misogynistic incel challenge: impossible mode

No. 2015725

>every single cis woman gets abused and cheated on and dumped for someone younger by their man
This isn’t true kek but even if it was it would say far more about how men are evil psychopaths than anything to do with women. Not surprised that a moid delusional enough to believe he’s a woman is also delusional enough to just make up an entire fake worldview too.

No. 2015727

File: 1721193421308.png (7.75 MB, 1988x2580, GSPlmCiagAI0kgR.png)

Why don't any of these faggots know how to dress themselves? Also I know FAS is a meme around here but this guy seriously looks like he has FAS.

No. 2015735

Clearly they do if drug companies can make a killing selling PreP. At this point you /pol/ tourists aren't even insulting fags in ways that make sense.

No. 2015741

Holy shit, I cant hover over it to reveal the image for more than 1 second because it makes my stomach drop. >>2014610
LMAO I chuckled irl
I hate gay men

No. 2015742

>Click video
>Hears voice
He knew lol

No. 2015770

Homophobic bi moids sleeping with troons and pretending they didn't know they were troons all along, more news at 7

No. 2015771

Sorry for blog, but this guy is freaking me out because he's so similar to my troon ex-friend who ended up litreally stalking me when I couldn't stand his TRA views anymore (defending literal rapists because they were "poor twanswomen who are victims" when a female friend had just been raped recently). The unwashed filthy long hair, the glasses, the "calmly but smugly" explaining why he as a man knows better what a woman is, the autism, the delusion you can tell goes all the way down to this mans roots… they're all the same, it's so scary.

No. 2015785

File: 1721211993520.png (1.18 MB, 1073x2611, screenshot.png)

Fucking boohoo. Imagine having such a handmaiden friend and still throwing a fit because MUH DYSPHORIA.

No. 2015788

Can't get over the fact that all women have to do to trigger the absolute fuck out of trannies is to simply exist.
Like that's literally it!

No. 2015791

>"i can't be friends with cis women anymore"
HOW STRANGE that you can't be friends with this very specific definable group, because they are just too different from you and don't understand your innate lived experience. Weird how you hyper-focus on their bodies and natural voices that you don't have and which are SO fundamentally different from yours that it makes you want to cry, because you know you can never be like them. Almost like you are like biologically totally different kinds of people, belonging to different definable groups. Weird huh.

No. 2015796

File: 1721217417830.jpg (211.32 KB, 1188x454, scarytranny.jpg)

>nothing risque
>crop and leggings
Nobody wants to look at your moose knuckle and moid gut, that's why that women covered her eyes

No. 2015802

>Some dumbass thought it would be funny to flip the gender switch in the character creator
Trannies always use these videogamey words and it makes them sound SO chronically online. "Wah wah someone made a mistake!! I was supposed to be this and that!!" there's no such thing. No one was supposed to be anything. Everything and everyone just is. No one flipped anything you fucking dipshit. You have a male body, and a part of that body is a male brain. They can only ever come up with stupid woo woo bullshit to justify their existences but none of their theories is rooted in reality. They REALLY need to touch grass.

No. 2015805

nonnies why do you keep falling for obvious bait.. please stop

No. 2015810

If you read it as satire of troon logic, it's really fucking funny. The Schopenhaeur name-drop made me laugh out loud

No. 2015814

and then everybody clapped

No. 2015820

that poor woman having to be subjected to such a horrific sight
harassing people has never been so brave and progressive

No. 2015850

it's deranged even for a troll

No. 2015908

File: 1721238386448.jpeg (536.35 KB, 828x1355, IMG_6075.jpeg)

>starts growing man boobs
>”can i legally sexually harass people now?”
>”sadly no because discrimination”

No. 2015911

>air these girls out
God are troons creepy

No. 2015915

it's a fetish. the whole retched movement

No. 2015917

Not a single womanly sentence in the original post kek

No. 2015918

I think I know who posted this, should I say?

No. 2015919

do it, nona

No. 2015933

This Quora account:
Speaks Italian, dislikes religion, Reddit mentions having a PhD that touches upon medicine, talks about having sex with married men

https://archive.ph/GUzq2 "On your dad’s cock"
https://archive.ph/KbxWs Italian
https://archive.ph/qObBg anti religion
https://archive.ph/t90ZT PhD in chemistry

No. 2015957

Holy shit what a great find. Thank you nona.
He looks so much better than "cis" women that he used a picture of young Carla Bruni as his Quora profile pic. He sounds psychotic and like he's terminally online.

No. 2015971

File: 1721248558359.png (201.33 KB, 545x388, EhuN4VhX0AEEnR9.png)

No. 2015987

This honestly reads like someone toggling between having schizo meltdowns and writing wank fantasies. At one point he mentions having sex with "thousands of men," which seems unlikely given how often post-op troons complain about being undateable (chasers want cock, and normie men want biological children). I think in reality this guy is probably just some random post-twink-death hon in his thirties who works at Denny's or something. In one of his Quora answers, he literally links to the vagina spergout >>2015245 posted, so I think you're right that it's the same guy.

No. 2016003

I say this as someone who isn’t even religious, but it annoys me how a lot of them make fun of religious people but then believe their own brand of make believe bullshit.

No. 2016004

No woman talks this way

No. 2016014

A lot of gender critical women have said this, it is a religion. It has all the hallmarks of a religious cult. It's simply wild.

No. 2016020

>There's no point having tits if I can't oogle them at all times
So womanly

No. 2016021

>My chest is slowly losing the ability to pass as a mans chest.

Way to say "I'm getting fat so they look like manboobs".

Yeah, most of us really enjoy oggle them according to TIMS.

No. 2016076

File: 1721272354354.jpg (138.67 KB, 1125x1144, GSloWLnbIAYnuW8.jpg)

These dumbass politicians I swear

No. 2016087

File: 1721275173492.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.91 KB, 606x1179, BodyOdor.jpg)

looks like he posted his ugly face mixed in all his schizo postings

No. 2016117

How is still getting to compete in your own sex's category discrimination exactly?

No. 2016124

File: 1721282264951.png (Spoiler Image,4.59 MB, 2394x1197, untitled4.png)

what a freak

No. 2016125

File: 1721282304346.png (75.55 KB, 1027x635, 34fa.png)

I was wondering why no one posted this lmaoo. Of course he looks that way.
Anyway, you can also tell this isn't "a terf baiting" by the post history.

No. 2016126

File: 1721282387555.png (100.87 KB, 826x812, 34fb.png)

No. 2016129

File: 1721282696832.png (31.85 KB, 928x318, 34fc.png)

Highly personal word vomit, complaints about interpersonal interactions, etc.

No. 2016130

File: 1721282772924.jpeg (171.21 KB, 739x1600, J0OXWAK.jpeg)

This is the message from his friend

No. 2016131

I mean they're a POS but if I ever end up fucking them I don't wanna know lmao(sage your shit)

No. 2016132

yeah it's cringe but the poem is too nigga(sage your shit)

No. 2016133

File: 1721283073224.png (38.73 KB, 1032x290, 34fd.png)

Angry at the few people who wouldn't clock a troon not wanting to be raped by deception.

No. 2016134

File: 1721283197642.png (72.99 KB, 1013x567, 34fe.png)

A fetishizing man complaining about being fetishized by other men.

No. 2016135

File: 1721283907640.png (723.43 KB, 1354x841, 345.png)

No. 2016142

File: 1721285124702.png (105.03 KB, 747x787, sed.png)

Samefag, this whole Quora account seems to be his jack-off fantasies and psychosis. He lies about a lot. Here, he's pretending to not be a tranny, but a 52 year old woman with "lots of gay friends" who attracts men at the supermarket with "her pher-hormones". The post goes on to bloviate about what he calls "vagina sewage", hypertrophic scars, "octopus-shaped" vaginas, etc and how men "worship" them. I'm pretty sure his goal here was to get replies attacking this fictional, vagina-obsessed middle-aged homophobic straight woman on Quora so he can tell himself "Look! See! Everyone HATES older women and thinks real women's vaginas are disgusting! I AM better than real women!", but it doesn't even show up in the list of answers when you click on the question, kek.

No. 2016144

File: 1721285212852.jpg (38.49 KB, 614x333, 6za33c.jpg)

>I look objectively better than 99% of born females.
>I don't smell like tuna-fish.
>When I interact with people, they see me as as a woman.
>They don't suspect that I am trans.
>Straight men want to penetrate me.

No. 2016151

File: 1721286169148.png (311.09 KB, 920x2432, 0000.png)

More weird TERF-larping. He posted this as copypasta to multiple threads that likely triggered him. This time, his point seems to be that since Vagisil exists, vaginas must inherently be "fishy", disgusting, etc and women who don't believe that are delusional. I do think it's funny to find this after seeing some trannies on Reddit say his unironic spergout here >>2014985 had to be a TERF pretending to be trans to make them look bad. They keep telling on themselves.

No. 2016154

I thought he was going to be some botched hsts, but it almost feels like a transcel instead

No. 2016157

File: 1721288214971.png (290.1 KB, 928x2191, psycho.png)

Scrolling through both the Quora and the Twitter account, I am starting wonder if they're really the same person. He could be using Quora and Reddit for his "real" opinions, but it seems like such a 180. He calls himself a "transfem loser" on twitter with his face showing, but on the Quora account, says shit like…this.

No. 2016162

post typed with one hand on the remote to his vibrator dildo

No. 2016163

Gay/trans dating is what happens when women aren’t the gatekeepers, it’s no wonder pedophilia, aids, recklessly dangerous promiscuity and ridiculously high body counts/risky immediate sexual encounters involving hard drugs are much more damn common in the gay community than the straight one(sage your shit/bait)

No. 2016175

File: 1721291060152.png (3.44 MB, 1889x14013, Katiurra-Beckandbauer-activity…)

Found another account of his, dedicated solely to this 52/53 year old "TERF" LARP and upvoting his own Quora posts.
Only follower on this account is the "Diane Elizabeth Santos" account (which has multiple posts using the same phrases/"my passion flower", claims about "curing" gay men by sitting on their faces, fixation on polyps, bringing up specific skincare products, eg TNS serum).
Reverse image searching the face hasn't pulled up anything except a link to a Quora question about abattoir workers (he replied to a related/similar question under the Diane persona, which leads me to believe he either had the "Katiurra" profile pic as the "Diane" one instead of Carla Brunei at some point, or that he accidentally posted a "Diane" opinion from the "Katiurra" account and didn't delete it quick enough to avoid Google cacheing it). Quora has been a disaster for mentally ill men.

No. 2016179

File: 1721291866587.jpeg (2 MB, 1290x2494, IMG_8863.jpeg)

But theres no correlation between being trans and being assaulted, right?

No. 2016183

Autocorrect, sorry

No. 2016188

File: 1721293811882.jpg (446.61 KB, 1080x2340, 1000014840.jpg)

Just found this absolutely disturbed Tumblr account run by a tranny who spends all his time looking at the Tumblr accounts and discord servers of 14 year old girls supposedly to prove that "terfs groom children."

No. 2016190

> Him
Is this kid actually a TIF or is the troon just misgendering her to prove a retarded point

No. 2016194

With that word count he should just write a novel at this point.

No. 2016214

i don't understand why some women accept to see a male gyno (unless they truly have no choice). i suppose a lot of normie women have no idea how coombrained the average male is, but still.

very good point that should be brought up more often to troons whining about dysphoria

it's hard to draw the line, we're talking about a group of people who think they can change sex kek

No. 2016215

It's not bait, it's a genuinely deranged man who's been doing this for over a year.

No. 2016218

>world's leading transgender health authority has been collaborating with an academic who had fantasies of castrating and sexually enslaving little boys

> Thomas W. Johnson, a professor emeritus at California State University-Chico who has lectured extensively on gender dysphoria and “expanding the transgender umbrella.” Johnson utilized the moniker “Jesus” on the Eunuch Archive and registered with the forum in 2001.

>One notable example is a story titled “Larry,” which is prefaced as being an “original nightmare by Jesus.” The story is written in an imaginary future where the law allows any adult to “sell himself or herself, or any parent to sell a child over the age of 10.”
>Not even halfway into the story, the 10-year-old child is put in chains and iron restraints before being castrated without anesthetic.
>During a physical examination conducted by the narrator, the child is described as “even more beautiful without his clothes.” The narrator is later described as sharing a bed with the boy and “massaging his little genitals.”
>Under his moniker, Johnson also encouraged site members to submit fantasies of castrating children in a dystopian setting wherein eugenics had become enforced by the government. The framework for the fictional world was drafted by a site member who called himself Erik, in a story titled “The Making of the Modern World.”

No. 2016224

File: 1721301892621.jpg (186.44 KB, 731x1125, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-yIGM…)

No. 2016233

most valuable and least degenerate male academic

No. 2016243

He's obviously using this account for creative writing. The only time he was honest was when picking his username kek.

No. 2016252

Who let The Penguin from Batman get into his dead mother’s house to wear her clothes?

No. 2016261

Oh holy shit, I had a few friends that graduated that college, it’s a huge party school. I’ll have to ask if they ever took this fag’s class.

No. 2016264

The latter. As much as I hate gender ideology, I don’t think kids belong in GC spaces, either. Lots of terrible troon surgeries and troons' coomposts get reposted, and I don't think kids should be exposed to that. She's clearly a kid who briefly had a TiF phase and wanted to find somewhere she could complain about gender nonsense.

Frankly, the internet should just be for adults only. I'm tired of dealing with all the nonsense that comes with kids being overly exposed to the internet.

No. 2016265

File: 1721315218080.jpg (981.69 KB, 1076x3535, 1000018203.jpg)

Not exactly milk but just seen this one on ovarit. A very rare slice of sanity. Too rare to not have a look before the thread is cleaned up/nuked


No. 2016271

Inb4 the TIMs see this and start threatening to kill themselves unless the whole site kisses their asses

No. 2016285

Looks like it wasn’t satire

No. 2016286

He was probably a gaycel before transitioning into a trancel

No. 2016297

inb4 TiMs accuse her of weapon-grade misogyny towards them because she’s a man now or whatever

No. 2016302

Can colleges rescind these scholarships now that this person’s online presence has been brought to light much how that redditor who bragged about lying about his personal hardships got kicked out?

No. 2016340

Lmao it's his same writing style. He sent this to himself.

No. 2016342

Typically when people say "we can always tell," the "we" in that sentence means women, sometimes GC women specifically. Moids on the other hand are terrible at clocking HSTS troons and often do need to be told.

No. 2016346

>trans people are exceptionally self-aware
Kek this was like a punchline to the whole post

No. 2016366

Read the shit he wrote and ask yourself how someone with the literacy levels of a self-obsessed brick could manage to get into a college. He's lying, it's part of his larp. He probably gets off on it.

No. 2016427

File: 1721342330434.jpeg (1.38 MB, 5667x2833, IMG_2758.jpeg)

you weren’t being catcalled. everyone can tell you’re a man.

No. 2016428

File: 1721342479606.jpeg (133.04 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2759.jpeg)

found a better pic

No. 2016429

Even if this was true, imagine admitting such a grotesque thing out loud, period, let alone posting your damn face attached to the same account. "Wamman is when man invade your psychic space and threaten your safety and it gives you a ladyboner."

No. 2016432

> Propositioned by a gay guy
> Or more likely just got made fun of by some straight guy
> "Omg everybody I was cancelled!"

No. 2016435

women do not act this way when being catcalled. thanks for confirming tims = agp yet again moids

No. 2016440


How did people not know? Like half his scholarly output is about voluntary castration, seems like way more than a merely “academic” interest even on paper.

No. 2016442

>Sadomasochistic erotica and the sexual response cycle: Insights from the Eunuch Archives
>Characteristics of Males Who Obtained a Voluntary Penectomy
>Differences in the Psychological, Sexual, and Childhood Experiences Among Men with Extreme Interests in Voluntary Castration
>Castration for Pleasure: Exploring Extreme Castration Ideations in Fiction
>Diagnosis and Medical Care of Male Individuals Who Seek Ablation of Their Genitalia without a Desire for Feminization
and the stuff that isn't like that is fucking "children's folklore"
absolutely horrifying

No. 2016456

Fucking ridiculous that the exact same people with weirdos like this in their corner will turn around and try to discredit James Cantor just because of his beliefs on pedophilia (his position is that it can't be cured and that guardrails should be put in place to prevent those individuals from harming children.) Given the choice between someone with a personal fetish for the thing he researches and an ordinary professional with controversial hypotheses, I'd choose the latter.

No. 2016462

File: 1721349703824.png (99.47 KB, 771x850, part 1.png)

This troon was posted awhile back…guess what he's doing now…?

No. 2016474

Why can’t troons get it through their thick skulls that women and men who spend too much time on kiwifarms are not the same as drunk idiot men who take them home.

No. 2016476

Wtf, either he’s a deranged fetishist or a genuine schizophrenic who needs medication for his delusions, or both. Parading a fake stillbirth in a group for grieving mothers is genuinely insane at best and truly evil at worst.

No. 2016486

KEK. His ribcage is more prevalent than his moobs.

No. 2016520

this is definitely one of the most disgusting things i've read in these threads holy shit. i hope this alone peaks these handmaidens who are so quick to be like "it's not a fetish they were born this way!11!!1"

No. 2016522

Are you going to post part 2? What's he doing now? It's been 5 hours nona, what happened kek

No. 2016527

File: 1721370726289.png (312.14 KB, 600x390, Screenshot 2024-07-19 022616.p…)

omfg these motherfuckers stay begging for rent.

No. 2016531

Fat and hasnt started hrt btw, so its literally just some fat ass moid in spandex

No. 2016536

You're not wrong btw. Remove women from the equation and men sink even lower.

No. 2016552

Why is this labeled as bait? This is literally true.

Of course the group that won't have to worry about being pregnant, left a single mom, or honor killed for "muh holy virginity" are going to be much more reckless.

No. 2016564

moids think if they rape lesbians, it'll make them obedient and straight. It's an idea they got from southern slave owners.(sage your shit)

No. 2016576

File: 1721386763358.png (402.08 KB, 504x842, IMG_6078.png)

some troon edited a screenshot of some little boys talking about fortnite and made it about them transitioning, it's since deleted creepy and disturbingly pedophilic

No. 2016578

are we allowed to post troon defending handmaidens here? TRAs fail at comedy

No. 2016581

I know im late on this and I won't sperg too much but I can't also help but blame Euphoria. When I was a teen I was on tumblr and watched Skins religiously, but I think Euphoria is so much worse. It's genuine glamorization of degenerate behaviour directly marketed to that age group. I see "Jules" inspo everywhere, and that character did the very same thing on that show. New Gens seem to have very little self-preservation skills. That and the whole tiktok culture of "don't trust your parents and cut anyone off who disagrees with you, blood doesn't matter".. I can only blame them so much. Even if you're monitoring their phone, kids are fucking crafty.

No. 2016592

The one on the right isn’t a literal child?

No. 2016600

How the hell do you convince yourself you're the better feminist while openly claiming the value of women's opinions hinges entirely on how attractive they are?

No. 2016602

I think they'd fit better in the gender ideology hate thread

No. 2016604

File: 1721396274909.jpeg (132.07 KB, 800x530, 81C7D2A0-5300-433A-91EF-4A1DA9…)

Because they aren’t actually feminists, she’s saying the exact same shit men say about women they don’t like the opinions of since the beginning of time (“you’re ugly anyway”). And of course she would think a man can change into a women, if her idea of a women is based solely on makeup, hair and being penetrated.

No. 2016615

If this is how troons really think women look, then congrats, they all pass

No. 2016626

File: 1721401035531.png (434.38 KB, 721x1500, backpain.png)

"having back pain is internalized misogyny"

No. 2016630

>bigger boobs = more womanly = happier
>youre just jealous
As usual, fucking stupid but also - as if women with large boobs aren’t the most vocal about how much it sucks?? Only men see women as sexual objects so they think we should be happiest like that.

No. 2016631

the way they type like all women are waiting with bated breath for their next decree of troonery is so fucking obnoxious and alog-inducing

No. 2016633

File: 1721404382493.jpeg (1.57 MB, 2482x2560, IMG_6131.jpeg)

They did repost this on r/mtf and it’s exactly what you’d expect
>women are stupid & dont know their own bodies
>i dont trust cis women or trans women who like them
>feeling affirmed by not being listened to and “society telling you you’re being dramatic and crazy” (its women politely telling you the truth and you’re not listening)

No. 2016634

Anyone see that stand up comedian marybethbarone do her little "joke" about TERFS? they make her feel unsafe yet we're all incredibly ugly? I'm not going to link it as I immediately reported it kek plus even hate watches count toward getting that loser more money. Is that all these morons have as an argument? "hurr durr TERFS are ugly"?

No. 2016639

File: 1721405822213.png (400.22 KB, 776x822, bitchwhere.png)

No. 2016641

kek even shayna has more curves

No. 2016659

It always makes me want to alog when they have no idea what terfs even believe. What terfs are trying to preserve “femininity”? I don’t get how you’d even feel comfortable making jokes about your opponent’s position when you don’t even understand it.

No. 2016660

Uhhhhhhh where

No. 2016662

>you dumb women don't know how your own bodies work uwu
Says the male retard who thinks that he has a period despite having no cervix and a level dose of estrogen instead of actual fluctuations.

No. 2016665

File: 1721410433870.jpg (93.73 KB, 804x760, no change lmfao.jpg)

what changed? nothing?

No. 2016666

Took him 3 months to move from the bedroom to the bathroom(sage your shit)

No. 2016667

he sounds like a lot of current academics honestly. all that's required is the capacity to write reams of bullshit in a narrow focus and never tire of it.

No. 2016668

Moid is cranky someone interrupted his coom fantasy with logic. In other news, it's a hot day in hell and bears shit in the woods.

No. 2016670

Scroll up literally a tiny bit you lazy ass, someone just posted it.

No. 2016671

File: 1721410918523.png (268.34 KB, 526x777, Plank.png)

No. 2016672

Nta but you're not wrong. I mean look at the caliber of retards Columbia journalism school keeps churning out.

No. 2016705

he has false eyelashes on in the new photo obvi

No. 2016754

Men won't experience back pain like Women do..

he thinks the tight waistband from his pants is from having curves lol

No. 2016756

Education may have been lacking but we're taught about periods from our mothers. soo there's no one better to have the talk then your own mom.

No. 2016777

I like how it's OK for them to say "I don't trust women", "I don't feel comfortable around women", "I have had too many bad experiences with women". But if we say the same thing about troons or even males, it's hate speech and generalization.

Yes, all the messages pushed in Euphoria are crazy. The chubby girl starts loving herself doing porn; they say that a minor can be ""in control"" while having sex with an adult (Maddy's first time); that women want to date bad, rough men and not nice guys etc etc. And they sexualized all the high school age characters to oblivion and found any excuse to show Cassie (Sydney Sweeney) naked. Gross. Jules the troon is just the cherry on top.

No. 2016832

Most likely his tif wife.

No. 2016853

File: 1721456986603.jpg (828.89 KB, 1080x2340, 1000021372.jpg)

I keep seeing this dude in this facebooo group and all of the comments are handmaidens telling him how amazing he looks. it's fucking disgusting and giving pedo vibes

No. 2016854

File: 1721457027099.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2340, 1000021374.jpg)

No. 2016855

File: 1721457273819.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x2340, 1000021375.jpg)

No. 2016858

Now that's schizophrenia if I ever saw it. He needs to be sectioned.

No. 2016860

File: 1721459942659.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.02 KB, 1125x743, IMG_5613.jpeg)

all these autist AGPs are identical to one another! the top middle pic is cropped (you’re welcome) but it’s of this lesbian-fetishizing incel’s nasty old moobs and he just posts it as if that’s what normie women would do?

No. 2016868

don't forget the part where Maddy wanted to get pregnant just because she thinks she'd look good pregnant and also how she looked at porn to learn how to "please" Nate.

No. 2016870

This isn’t a new Steve Carell character?

No. 2016871

File: 1721465593364.jpeg (246.68 KB, 1600x900, 44F66BF2-EF60-466D-B848-DBB1CA…)

No. 2016872

File: 1721466079450.jpeg (294.09 KB, 1125x1906, IMG_5577.jpeg)

>tranny: angrily calls a woman a terf for saying men have penises
>woman: well I’m not a feminist actually so
>tranny: I didn’t call you a feminist and you’re not a feminist, I called you a terf (i.e., feminist) you’re a terf
ffs the HRT is legitimately frying troons’ brains and/or they are the most uneducated reactionaries who just blindly parrot their cult’s buzzwords without comprehending the meaning whatsoever. for as much as they throw the slur around at us, they sure are oblivious to the fact that the ‘f’ in terf literally stands for feminist. it’s infuriating because they’ll call you a terf in the same breath as they obtusely mansplain that you’re not a real feminist for not centering tranny moids. they don’t understand that terfism is inherently feminist, and therefore how using terf as a derogatory insult against women exposes them as the misogynists they are. and then of course they’ll unfoundedly accuse far-right homophobic misogynists of being radfems too because they really can’t fathom any ideological stances outside of their own (they also can’t rationalize that both sides of the political spectrum find TRA offensively nonsensical for different reasons). they all seem so willfully ignorant and blissfully unaware.

>is a guy who loses his dick still a man? of course he is but terfs don’t think so!

what a total mischaracterization of the viewpoints of this argument. he’s got everything backwards and is only proving us right. the way this goes right over his head showcases how they truly are too dumb and misinformed to even discuss these issues with us. if radfems believe TIMs who chop off their dicks are still men, why would we believe that wounded men who lose their dicks are any different? they’re dickless moids either way and dickless moids aren’t women, that’s the whole fucking point. we radfems obviously know that women who’ve had hysterectomies are still women, but can troons explain why they think post-op TIFs are different from women who’ve lost their uteruses due to medical issues? they are not sending their best or brightest, but what can you expect from low-IQ gooners who lack even a basic grasp of biology and subscribe to completely delusional neo-religious beliefs?

No. 2016883


All these old creepy tranvestite coomers are definitely living their best life since they don't have to be gross degenerates in private anymore. Fuck tranny ideology, it only benefits moids.

No. 2016884

lmao he liked me on a dating app once. mortifying(blogposting)

No. 2016894

his display name speaks for itself kek

No. 2016904

>But if we say the same thing about troons or even males, it's hate speech and generalization.
Don’t forget that when women say it, we have a legitimate reason to be afraid of men given most of our experiences and their violent crime rates. When men say it, it’s because a woman said “no” to him or hurt his feefees.

No. 2016905

File: 1721481396871.gif (522.15 KB, 165x165, drake.gif)

Why do all these delulu scrotes look like chris chan? it's funny af

No. 2016906

Speaking of Jules, did you guys see the trailer for the horror movie Hunter Schafer is starring in? They’re playing it like he’s just a female actress, but it’s so off-putting.

No. 2016908

Why do they always pretend to be retarded? But also why are they always so uninformed about the beliefs they disagree with? Idk about other people, but I like to be fully informed about what I’m going up against if I’m going to debate the position in any way, even a casual disagreement. It’s weird how they encourage people to only stay in the echo chamber rather than encouraging others to learn more about other viewpoints and make an informed decision after. I guess we know why though. If people venture out, they’re realize how little sense TRAs actually make with things.

No. 2016914

File: 1721483373050.jpg (105.98 KB, 1067x800, honter.jpg)

On what planet would anyone think this looks like a 17 year old girl? He's almost 26! I get that it's always been a thing in Hollywood to cast older actors as teens but at least they're the same sex. Everything about him reads so male down to that fake squeaky voice (and bolt ons which thankfully aren't present in that trailer at least, guess that's not appropriate for a teenager) I genuinely feel like people are gaslighting themselves into thinking he looks female. Delusional.

No. 2016929

What a terrible casting choice. The movie actually looks really cool. Hunter is a distraction. The attempts of him trying to look worried constantly and smaller ruin the acting. The voice of a small boy coming out of a grown man is strange too. Female leads in horror films are to put the pov in a more vulnerable spot light, so it's strange to see a tall white man with large hands attempt to emulate that.

No. 2016931

more proof that hollywood is run by degen paedophiles

No. 2016936

File: 1721487306368.gif (958.62 KB, 498x429, IMG_0820.gif)

No. 2016937

Kek he is not aging well at all.

No. 2016938

It's going to be harder to put him in true and honest female roles, he's always looked like a Scandinavian metalhead but he's just going to hit twink death in a few years.

No. 2016961

File: 1721491756004.png (367.87 KB, 578x832, honter 1.png)

No. 2016963

File: 1721492418682.png (1.08 MB, 1231x938, 131756.png)

Anyone watching the tennocon? This is a sight

No. 2016967

Kek you nailed it he really does look like if fuckin Skwisgaar from Dethklok was an IRL young man. Looks wasted on this troon tbh

No. 2016975

why not just make the character a feminine guy, to show that it's ok to be a man and still be feminine, and that being feminine doesn't mean a man is any less of a man?

No. 2016984

Is it unhinged that I like it a tiny bit? Because then we finally get to see troons being the victims of fictional violence like >>2016914 and with those fetishistic undertones they usually have. Like finally real women get to escape it for a moment AND those fetishistic straight men who make those movies have to pretend they also find a man being fictionally beaten up is still hot, just because he wears a skirt. Idk it's just a bit funny to me how near-homophobically straight men are, until the second another man pretends to be a woman and their bro-code comes first, at their own expense for once.

No. 2016994


Unmistakably male.

No. 2017015

File: 1721512518293.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1048, IMG_6175.jpeg)

29 and 63…

No. 2017020

Jfc there's so much to unpack here. Being a rough ass 29 doesn't mean you have to go out and date someone's redneck grandpa, for one.

No. 2017021

I like how the thumbnail tries to help him out by cutting off his jaw, but he still just looks like a surfer dude, not a woman.

No. 2017022

14k predators and handmaiden liked that picture…reddit is a fucking hell hole

No. 2017023

File: 1721514301958.jpg (960.53 KB, 1611x2408, look at his shoes.jpg)

There's a gay man that I work with that says that since he doesn't feel like a "Mans man" that he now questioning his gender. This is what we have to deal with…

No. 2017024

Idk if anything it sort of proves the opposite. It wouldn't have been hard to get an actual teenage girl for the role, yet they chose to use a moid who's old enough to rent a car.

No. 2017025

For a second, I thought he was pissing in that box of legos.

No. 2017026

Never has a group of people enforced gender roles as hard as TRAs I swear

No. 2017027

She should've clapped back by asking him what the "f" in terf stands for

No. 2017030

lol he's looking at those legos a little suspiciously..

No. 2017035

Sam Levinson just makes shit he can jerk off to at home and you can't convince me otherwise. Euphoria is just a rip-off of an Israeli show and he's a nepobaby who almost certainly has CP on his computer. I wish he'd fucking choke.

No. 2017047

>mr beast troon outed for engaging in incest loli
>no one is surprised
He’s actively been in Twitter contact with shadbase (someone who draws nsfw content of cartoon children). Yes it’s Mabel and Dipper.

No. 2017055

Somehow the clown shoes still don’t fit? Also I have to admit I’ve worn skimpier clothes myself, but I’d never go to a toy store like that. Why do they think this is day time attire??

No. 2017057

Shadman didn't only draw nsfw of cartoon children, he drew nsfw based on real children like Keemstar's daughter.

No. 2017060

Ayrt. Yikes, this has been my first introduction to the degenerate so was unaware. Unsurprising that troons flock to shads content then, perverts aren’t scared enough to stay in doors these days.

No. 2017061

I hate when we lose cute fags to trannyism

No. 2017081

what's wrong with 29 and 63? I've dated a guy 33 years older than me and it was fine, they're both adults(blog, derailing)

No. 2017111

File: 1721544270632.jpeg (160.49 KB, 1080x1080, 9BED73B2-8C96-441D-93F6-971503…)

No. 2017112

You’re absolutely disgusting

No. 2017135

I watched some of his old videos a long while back and after returning to his channel found out he trooned out and Jesus Christ his "femme voice" makes me ill.

No. 2017144

i watched this trailer with the audio off and it’s still so obvious he’s male from his proportions to his mannerisms. it’s such a loss that hunter is a tranny he would be perfect to play sensitive weird young men or some shit.

No. 2017157

Grandpa husband looks sad in the after one

No. 2017159

What did the AI put on its lip? That’s weird lol

No. 2017161

File: 1721569571651.jpg (45.29 KB, 1080x686, vomit.jpg)


No. 2017178

why are there arrows pointing at those two people

No. 2017180

Kek have fun being a caregiver and changing diapers

No. 2017189

No it doesn’t. It means Hollywood is okay with sexualizing both young boys and young girls in film.

No. 2017193

File: 1721575652682.jpg (99.58 KB, 974x1218, GTBIgQSaQAArU0l.jpg)

Of course its Australia

No. 2017211

Why is the Victorian government so unhinged?? Who are these clowns running the show it's insane

No. 2017217

Old man dick must taste weird, but keep sucking girl it’s ~totally~ not weird he could be your father. #gurlboss

No. 2017222

Muddying female health studies which are already under researched for male happy points, ahh sweet sweet a-log it’s so close…

No. 2017280

only fuckable people are beautiful, such male logic

No. 2017309

He must have a Papaw kink specifically kek

No. 2017312

One of my best online friends is going through the same thing, never felt like a manly man so now he's transitioning. I nearly regret reading here because all I think of are the fetishists and nasty surgeries.

No. 2017341

Women = failed man kek. You need to stop him before it’s too late nonna.

No. 2017378

As a friend I would tell him there's no such thing as a "manly man" just like there's no "womanly woman."

No. 2017379

File: 1721613203107.png (964.84 KB, 846x766, Rape crisis centre’s boss plac…)


This tranny supporting another tranny who is/was being charged with sexual assault at a rape crisis centre. Fucking hell

No. 2017390

oh of fucking course when they finally decide to take women into consideration when furthering medicine THEY STILL ONLY STUDY MALES

No. 2017407

File: 1721619034338.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20240721-202722~2.p…)

A tranny pedo pandering (the character he's cosplaying is from some loli artist)

No. 2017408

No. 2017421

His giant head and shapeless body make him look like a Pez dispenser.

No. 2017423

uhhhh just FYI to anyone clicking this link, it's a direct link to their media/image page on twitter and it's like 90% dick pics/videos

No. 2017440

File: 1721636445672.png (106.61 KB, 720x512, Transmaxxing.png)

No. 2017442

>>2016906 >>2016914
Cute, looks like a a fatter Kurt Cobain.(baiting)

No. 2017443

Samefag. Just visited the same post and saw that he deleted it, lmaooo.

No. 2017494

File: 1721654554489.jpeg (23.37 KB, 717x428, images - 2024-07-22T232045.396…)

Mr beasts token troon friend Chris has been outted for all this weird loli tweets, owning artwork made from his friend who is a known loli ""artisit"". Are we even surprised this creep likes little kids?

No. 2017506

File: 1721657871224.jpg (45.14 KB, 680x326, chris sister 2.jpg)

There's also this tweet by his alleged sister. People looked into that account before it was locked and it had very old tweets about the Tyson family meaning it's probably really his sister.

No. 2017510

it's already been discussed and I feel like I'm in the minority here when I say loli shouldn't be the forefront of this cancelation but his association with Shad or evidence piled of him being inappropriate reffering to actual children. As degenerate as lolicon may be, it's faulty to connect it to child predation directly.

tldr: what I'm say is unless someone already had repeated pedophilic thoughts and behavior beforehand, then it can't be the direct cause for why they're the way they are. I don't deny it could make it worst since they'd be projecting their attraction to those drawings. Do not misconstruct this as me defending lolicon, I'm just sperging out on psychology

No. 2017511

>Told my friend the tranny is going to turn out to be a degenerate
>“but nonnie, Mr Beast wouldn’t surround himself with those kind of people!”
>proven right again
>friend openly peaking, “you keep being right about trans women, how do you never miss?”

They keep telling on themselves and I’m seeing irl the handmaidens are all getting really tired. I feel so bad for his sister, I hope she doesn’t get too many death threats. Fucking disgusting, was this the one that was married with kids before he transitioned?

No. 2017512

NTA but it’s now coming out that he was talking to a 13/14 year old boy when he was 20+ so I assume that will really come to the forefront of his cancellation. Linked video kinda sucks but the original video being discussed is 43 minutes. Hopefully another commentary channel makes a more concise presentation.

In summary, Chris (aged 20) started talking to a minor who won some prize from Mr Beast. They had inappropriate texts (“jokes” about Chris’ loli addiction, flirty tweets and snapchats) and eventually the minor met with Chris and Carl in the woods?

No. 2017517

File: 1721660842296.png (481.81 KB, 974x654, loli shadman drawing.png)

i hate when people claim mr beast is such a wholesome chungus uwu cinnamon roll just because he has money and throws it at poor people to make content he benefits from. Hes a scrote and all scrotes are degen, here is him staring right at the shadman loli drawing that the tranny hanged as a centerpiece on his nasty living room.

No. 2017533

File: 1721663925245.jpg (250.9 KB, 1080x1250, nasty.jpg)

no comment

No. 2017536

Just a woke version of when men say "if i were a girl i'd have sex all the time" fuckin porn addicts

No. 2017547

File: 1721666490221.jpg (244.69 KB, 1536x1536, 1000042259.jpg)

Yes, and he's grooming his son too, picrel. I feel bad for his wife. I hope she can get her child away from him.
Chris being a lolicon and hanging out irl with pedos like Goonclown is old news and I don't understand why it took a year for this to hit the mainstream (him grooming a 13 year old is new information though >>2017512
). At least people are finding out about it now.

No. 2017565

to be charitable to him, he does look like he's disgusted by it

No. 2017566

I'm relieved Chris' degeneracy being exposed will at least prevent MrBeast's young fans from going down the same path and I hope this peaks more people, because this situation couldn't check more boxes
>Currently grooming his son into becoming a tranny
>Left his wife to pursue his AGP
He's like a walking stereotype

No. 2017567

sure, so disgusted of it hes friends with someone that has it in his living room and constantly tweets about lolis

No. 2017568

yeah he definitely looks weirded out if i’m to be totally real

No. 2017581

I immediately smelled the autism. I wish they could get hyperfixated with idk, public transportation as they used to do a leave the fashion communities alone. The channel desc is also creepy

No. 2017582

This is like an open invitation to turn the inquiry into a fetish literature anthology. Blog but i recall looking at complaints of abuse in workplaces (nothing to do with women) and there was this blatant feminization fanfiction thrown in the middle of it, complete with extremely detailed sexual scenes and a typical porn setup. I feel bad for the people who'll have to seriously examine Lilith's 100k words period pain smut
Troons' reactions are interesting.
>He's setting us back decades!
It's like they collectively know what they are and that they welcome an alarmingly high number of pedos. It's not about pushing back against a specific stereotype and bringing out stats and studies to counter it or explain it, but lamenting the fact that people have eyes and ears. Looking closely at figures about troons would expose their insanely high rate of jail time for sexual offenses and is useless anyways, because every sane person who comes in contact with TiMs realizes they're a bunch of mentally ill fetishists. Tyson just peaked so many people by simply being an average TiM.

No. 2017608

File: 1721683406063.png (1.26 MB, 1080x2471, Screenshot_20240722-222223-742…)

Oh ffs

No. 2017610

> Just to pre-empt the comments
Kek I love it when you can tell the mods are panicking

No. 2017615

translation: we know he looks fucking ridiculous and is obviously a man, which is why we're pre-empting, but if you dare acknowledge it you will be banned permanently, bigot.

No. 2017620

This Wadhwa guy makes my blood absolutely boil. manipulative gaslighter, extremely dark person. glad he's finally facing some repercussions and the tide is turning on this shit

No. 2017621

File: 1721684595702.png (48.71 KB, 747x280, 1721673660251.png)

Sorry if these were already posted, but here are some screenshots of Chris Tyson's reddit comments

No. 2017622

File: 1721684643741.png (44.56 KB, 807x443, 1721673729502.png)

No. 2017623

File: 1721684686185.png (41.35 KB, 887x373, 1721673835504.png)

Shadman obsession

No. 2017625

File: 1721684762868.png (69.59 KB, 1273x359, 1721674027941.png)

No. 2017626

File: 1721684815542.png (64.01 KB, 1108x404, 1721674134427.png)

No. 2017627

File: 1721684885009.png (10.32 KB, 917x99, 1721675771593.png)

No. 2017628

File: 1721684955562.png (47.38 KB, 1011x549, 1721675329334.png)

He has a scat fetish(?)

No. 2017629

Who the fuck would write something like this

No. 2017630

File: 1721685012430.png (23.33 KB, 639x286, 1721674420333.png)


No. 2017631

Can Ireland stop making men with Rankin & Bass noses?
This was the most inevitable reveal.

No. 2017632

a porn addict

i wonder if this is why his wife left him

No. 2017634

File: 1721685292101.png (980.21 KB, 1050x933, shad chris.png)

btw that's referencing Shadman's porn of Violet (a 14 year old)

No. 2017635

File: 1721685306444.jpg (74.54 KB, 634x869, chris tyson and son.jpg)

this sick fuck also has a 4 year old, i hope the kid's mom has full custody of him

No. 2017636

>all his other posts are porn with dick out
>posts in lesbian fashion sub with clear fetish and we’re just supposed to be okay with it

No. 2017637

Thankfully the downvotes and sparse pity replies speak for themselves

No. 2017638

Not surprising. He always came across very creepy even before he trooned out.

No. 2017639

not Adam Savage!

No. 2017642

normies dismiss anything from the other farms as lies because kiwifarms is le evil

No. 2017643

literally what the fuck did he mean by this

No. 2017644

I watched the last Hunger Games movie in theater last year and cringed every time this troon appeared onscreen. No amount of costume tricks, makeup, lighting and clever Hollywood angles can convince anyone with a working pair of eyes this faggot is a woman. He was roughly the same height as the actor playing the male lead and whenever they stood next to each other, it was obvious their heads were the same sizes, not even counting Hunter's massive schnoz. His voice sounds nothing like a woman. I have no idea why he's pushed so much.

I'm so glad to see this faggot finally getting dragged. All of this shit was already public and archived on KF and other places, but normies have a delayed reaction to everything, as usual.

No. 2017646

Do you have the one where he says that his roommate (MrBeast) buys high karma reddit accounts and then posts his content on r/videos???

No. 2017649

File: 1721688166990.png (465.58 KB, 680x777, buddya.png)

brought to you by the other farms. an r/trans mod concerned about the sound of him peeing not being feminine enough

No. 2017654

This skeeves me out imagining some tranny retard listening to me urinating to feel gender envy. Why are they like this

No. 2017655

File: 1721689637120.jpg (190.13 KB, 888x899, IMG_20240722_120922.jpg)

every time i see pictures of Hunter's new movie he literally looks like a man with a bob

No. 2017657

That's it, nonnies, I'm gonna just a-log myself, I'm done

No. 2017658

He would've had a brighter career as a linebacker

No. 2017659

What the fuck is he on about? I can hear it when the neighbor scrote upstairs pisses it's so damn loud, moids piss way louder than women. Also something something men fetishize everything we do but it's too depressing to even mention.

No. 2017660

File: 1721690723791.png (1.1 MB, 801x1141, no words.png)

The same tards who hired him are also investigating him so I don't have much hope.

No. 2017661

>scat/pee fetish
I know this is beating a dead horse but men are so fucked up istg

No. 2017663

>All that puberty blocking and early HRT
>Any plastic surgery he wants
>Still has that asscrack forehead moids and pitbulls have

No. 2017664

File: 1721691239877.jpg (132.29 KB, 1044x1360, strabismus.jpg)

No. 2017669

when you try to have a conversation with an agp but your cleavage is slightly showing

No. 2017678

probably someone complaining about "teen love", i.e. being in love with a peer as a teenager, and him making a "joke" by saying you can always experience "teen love" by dating a 14 year old because even if you're like 40 there will always be 14 year olds to date, and so you could have "teen love" by dating a teenager as an adult

No. 2017684

Thats just how most businesses operate. They tolerate people who disgust them as long as they remain useful.

No. 2017686

so he has some sort of HRT-induced urinary tract weakness and a shrivelled up dick which cannot produce a normal stream of urine and somehow he thinks flaying the dick will solve that, great logic

No. 2017694

Shitbulls live in your head rent free jfc(off-topic)

No. 2017695

Remember that he's allowed in women's restrooms now and is probably beating off to the woman taking a dump in the stall next to him.

No. 2017696

I know you're joking, but Adam Savage actually is a TRA.

No. 2017698

File: 1721703694314.jpg (470.58 KB, 2048x1152, GTDE4CBXAAAmePc.jpg)

find the woman

No. 2017700

This one is easy, nonna, it's that one woman on the back with the Asian moid.

No. 2017703

fuck, that's really disappointing. I'd love to see him apply his scientific rigor to test the myth of whether men can be women, and if he comes to the honest conclusion or fabricates a bunch of mental gymnastics to defend it

No. 2017712

and in typical tranny chaser fashion, he raped his sister when they were younger

No. 2017713

you cant just say that and not elaborate

No. 2017714

is the one wearing a green hat a tif?

No. 2017716

I see they have the girl wear shoulder padding to try not make his shoulders look as wide in comparison. But failing. He’s got exceptionally broad shoulders. Kek

No. 2017732

File: 1721715016091.png (28.83 KB, 920x359, hezadpats.PNG)

He raped his 7 years old sister Anon, don't put any man on a pedestal.

Here's some coomerism delusion to compensate the off-topic spergery.

No. 2017743

post reciepts

No. 2017749

late but anyone have other angle screenshots of this stream?

No. 2017752

Paraphilias cluster, thats how so many troons and gay men are pedos

No. 2017754

it's in the mrbeast tipping pizza guys 10K video at around the 9:24 mark

No. 2017763

File: 1721728738504.jpeg (764.02 KB, 2579x1371, IMG_6224.jpeg)

I haaate all the troons defending chris tyson at the first chance just cause he’s a poor uwu trans woman being unfairly called a pedo. So fucking pathetic and shameful

No. 2017774

>this kid who was groomed is now a MATURE 20 year old MAN and he says he wasn't groomed
>therefore, a child wasn't abused
grooming isn't the only kind of abuse, and honestly in a situation like this the victim is likely to defend the abuser either way. The tranny also totally sidesteps the lolicon and shadman and sexual comments to a minor business, as if "disproving" grooming allegations is enough to exonerate him totally

No. 2017780

He looks like the average 90s dudebro

No. 2017790

Apparently these coomer fantasies about cuddling aren't too far off from reality since nonnas here cuddle with their friends too

No. 2017798

So many people have been cancelled over far less. CallMeCarson comes to mind for sexting a 17 year old when he was 19. They hypothetically would’ve been 1-2 years apart in high school and the pearl clutchers were acting like he was a pedo for it. Fortunately Mr Beast’s fan base mostly consists of children and their parents, not trannies. I don’t think Chris and Jimmy can just ignore this and get away with it.

No. 2017807

do these perverts know what hush money is

No. 2017808

Oh these twitterfags are in for a harsh reality check once the angry parents start commenting kek

No. 2017812

He knew this was going to happen. His wife also knows some stuff about him as well so keep a look out on what’s revealed in the next few weeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was forced to not speak about him beyond a few surface-level social media posts with too much niceties and platitudes about how he handles their kid. Not only is he a sexual degenerate but he turned into a tranny because it would soften the blow of his sexpest behavior, he knows they are a protected minority that can practically get away with anything nowadays. He’s not a retard, he’s highly calculated and probably way more than Me Beast. He was also likely cheating on his wife, that’s when they start to troon to escape accountability for their actions kek

No. 2017818

File: 1721743017497.jpg (170.73 KB, 1080x1673, 1000042292.jpg)

Chris was caught groomimg another 14 year old and he spread revenge pornography of Jennette McCurdy. He's such a disgusting faggot, I need him in prison now.

No. 2017829

>the shadman stuff what do we do about that
>i don't know i'm just a dumb bitch on the internet
Dumb faggot on the internet more like. I hate these fuckers, it's so obvious how they have no sympathy for the victim whenever the perpetrator is a TIM because they're all preoccupied with trying to save the trans image. Says a lot about trannies really

No. 2017849

Mr beasts whole audience is ipad kids. The amount of children he likley talked to is definitely more than two. Mr beast is going to have to do some damage control at this point.

No. 2017888

File: 1721760554089.mp4 (1.75 MB, 720x1316, 6213581-35c30e9d6f6339db308a70…)

And another groomee has come out. This one, if real, is undeniably grooming. Textbook, really.

No. 2017890

With troons when it rains it pours.

No. 2017891

Gen Alpha really is fucked.

No. 2017896

File: 1721761930794.jpg (1.19 MB, 1079x1910, Screenshot_20240723_161151_Tik…)

what gets me about the Honter Schaeffer and Alex Honsani craze is they both look like mid anorexic white boy clones. there's nothing even remotely pretty about either of them even with make up, editing and surgeries to the max; yet every handmaiden (including some "nonas" who might just be troons) act like theyre the second coming of Megan Fox and drop dead gorgeous it girls. all these trannies would get absolutely torn apart if they were actual women with those features, they'd get called manly mid ana-chans in desperate need of a nose job every single day. but because they have a shenis, everyones dick is rock hard. I don't even think they would've made hot gay twinks, but I'm also in the minority who thinks leo dicaprio was mid in titanic so maybe twinks aren't my thing

No. 2017897

>I meant I love playing Minecraft with you
This whole chat log is so insidious and disgusting. A grown adult man shouldn't be messaging and playing with kids, especially if they're fans. I'm glad the kid didn't accept some expensive gift and just said playing a game is fine. I hate this filthy useless pedo and hope plenty of people peak from his actions.

No. 2017898

Glad he asked the kid how old he was in messages. Dumb fucker deserves to get his life ruined.

No. 2017899

as much as i want to be optimistic people on twitter are already sticking their heads in the sand and we're going to hear the never ending "thats already been disproven" because they refuse to look at the new evidence. it happens every time.

No. 2017900

File: 1721763650751.png (123.7 KB, 864x293, Screenshot_20240723-123928.png)

No. 2017901

I don't think it's just him being trans that have people being weird, I think it's because he's so close to a huge content creator. They don't care if Kris being a pedo makes the trans community look bad, so many left leaning people had no issue jumping on Keffals back and/or ignoring all the heat he was bringing for years.
It's so weird how some are reacting to this.

No. 2017902

So he admits it all. You'd think he'd be like, "NO i didn't talk to minors!" he has a very powerful friend, I saw papa guts weird audience saying it was all "Jokes" and bitching about a video they watched not being "good enough". Kris just admits it all. So Ludwig can go ahead and make that video, they all can.

No. 2017908

>"I apologize IF I've offended anyone"
Why are they always such experts at narcissistic manipulation tactics? Straight out of the abusive moid playbook.

No. 2017912

Wow! A quarter-life crisis narc tranny exposed for being a creep with children and gooning to drawn child rape? Color me surprised!

No. 2017914

He didn't admit or deny it, he didn't address it. This is called spin

No. 2017920

>focusing on his family
I hope he doesn't mean his son

No. 2017921

how does he even have that little leg muscle?? like does he ever walk? i walk like an hour a day and my thighs have bigger muscles than that. They look so sinewy and male, a woman would never have legs that look like that, even an anachan/model

No. 2017928

File: 1721769314798.jpg (222.88 KB, 1678x820, Screenshot 2024-07-23 171237.j…)

Seeing a lot about Chris Tyson so decided to look up his personal channel. First of all, a pathetic amount of subs for someone who's featured in literally the biggest youtube channel on the planet. All his videos have this disgusting airbrushed and shooped monstrosity in the thumbnail. Compared to his thumbnails with his actual face it's laughable. Porn, not even once.

No. 2017933

Lmao those really don't look anything like him

No. 2017936

The difference is women aren’t fetishizing girly uwu cuddle time with friends. Usually it’s just sitting super close or gently holding while watching a movie or something.

No. 2017948

was thinking the same if they were women with those features people would gaf especially with hunter shafer and the fake sapphics who drool over him they only like him for being penised and looking like a twink andro boy(sage your shit)

No. 2017960

File: 1721774434424.png (78.33 KB, 907x532, L.png)

No. 2017961

kek. I hope this peaks many people, although my hopes aren't high

No. 2017967

File: 1721774786103.png (20.49 KB, 579x191, 1.PNG)

No. 2017972

File: 1721774951369.png (24.76 KB, 578x239, 2.PNG)

im posting these to show all the "Known" people talking about this. May not peak but his ass is grass kek.

No. 2017974

File: 1721775228936.png (43.11 KB, 636x293, dailymail.PNG)

No. 2017987

File: 1721775947768.jpg (14.94 KB, 531x265, keem2.JPG)

Most troons still scream how this isn't so bad actually, but it seems like they will soon have to shift to "well just because she's a creep doesn't mean transphobia is ok" and how akshually the media and youtubers are the bad ones for even daring to speak about a troon being a pedo, because it makes them all look bad.

No. 2017988

File: 1721776317626.jpg (128.02 KB, 924x1594, r9byinkbglcb1.jpg)

kek he really does look skeletal even compared to other anachan models. I'm guessing their fat is distributed slightly better since they're women, but males are so rectangle shaped and curveless that he straight up looks like a corpse.

No. 2017996

Wow, i had no idea Consani was a troon, but i only ever saw him in low res GIFs. Schafer is appealing because he has a mix of masculinized and soft features. If he somehow looked less male i don't think he would be as popular with handmaidens, it's pretty hypocritical. So it's funny to see Schafer hailed as the ultimate passing/attractive troon by desperate chasers and TiMs. They see women fawn over the modern equivalent of Bjorn Andresen and see it as a win when 99% of troons couldn't be further from the pretty blonde male actor archetype
Dylan Mulvaney phenotype

No. 2018058

Kek at Keemstar calling Kris "he." I'm sure there were plenty of retards shitting their diapers in the QRTs about it.

No. 2018059

>I suggest you block yourself before you get added to my block list
he said, adjusting his fedora

No. 2018061

its some damn good make up that can hide his moidness

No. 2018062

>he turned into a tranny because it would soften the blow of his sexpest behavior
This is the precedent Bruce Jenner's troonout set. He was probably always an AGP, but he realized that the best time to "come out" was right after killing someone with his car. It's incredible how similar trooning out is to being a born-again Christian, where the personally is suddenly absolved of their prior sins.

No. 2018063

lmao he had to lose every ounce of fat so that his hip bones would stick out like that and give the illusion of not having a whole fridge as a waist

No. 2018065

He's even more of a skelly than Dylan or Honter. This guy probably has some kind of drug problem on top of an eating disorder tbh.

No. 2018071

He doesn't deserve mental health after grooming kids. Insert alog here.

No. 2018085

>muh mental health is so bad after I gooned and groomed children waah
It takes all in me not to alog this fucker. Fuck this troon and I hope his children never meet him

No. 2018101

>i had no idea Consani was a troon, but i only ever saw him in low res GIFs
lmao nona, are you me? now im ashamed that i didnt know before thinking he was a funny girl who happened to be a model and warming up to that. i learned that he was a tim here in the farms, which is weird because youd expect his stan twitter fans to mention that aspect and make that his selling point.

No. 2018117

You’re not alone I’m learning this for the first time too

No. 2018119

That's disgusting.

No. 2018121

I genuinely cannot believe this guy is in content children are consuming, it reminds me of how many minecraft youtubers ended up being pedophiles. The internet is really a cesspit for children

No. 2018169

How is it being hidden at all? His face is pure moid.

No. 2018175

File: 1721823474794.jpeg (761.19 KB, 828x1792, IMG_2980.jpeg)

(sage your shit)

No. 2018176

File: 1721823493624.gif (12.37 MB, 498x376, 24b9ea16ed88bed3188a4e6f6bea50…)

what a shit "apology"
oh we're in for a treat, i can't wait

No. 2018200

File: 1721828531694.png (908.74 KB, 739x890, like clockwork.PNG)

I'm not even trying to clock them, the retarded hobbies does it for me every time

No. 2018204

File: 1721830345050.png (679.29 KB, 742x885, rNMBJa8.png)

tras are concerned that a paedophile was misgendered, more than the fact that the predator was grooming a child and sending them porn

No. 2018205

SunnyV2 is a sperg but they're going to seethe eternally at him because he was right kek

No. 2018206

Picrel just looks like Jeffrey Star.

No. 2018207

thankfully he has no contact with his wife and son

No. 2018208

I got tired of looking for female friends in male dominated hobbies, every ''woman'' is a troon. I am pretty sure other women like me just larp as moids nowadays. Troons ruin everything for women.

No. 2018219

I feel like we go through this retarded song and dance every time a TiM commits a sex crime. CWC is the obvious example. Sex crimes, particularly rape and CSA, are so male. Over 90% of the perpetrators are male, and the few females there are usually had a male accomplice they were going along with. I think normies are fully entitled to revoke their use of "she/her" when a TiM commits a sex crime.

No. 2018221

I believe you, but do you have a source for that?

No. 2018224

You'd think after all of the dragging online for shit apologies, people would have learned at this point that the word "if" does not belong in an apology.

No. 2018228

File: 1721834507355.jpg (707.71 KB, 1079x1761, 1000018368.jpg)

So much to unpack here

The highlight is him ripping off his wig and swearing at a black woman. Insane

No. 2018233

>You're a black woman calling the cops on a twans womenz!1!1!
So obnoxious.

No. 2018234

Why are they literally ALL racist? Do they really believe that twitter "muh intersectionality" memes give WOC an obligation to defend them? Disgusting pos.

No. 2018237

The “martyr” bag is so ironic. He wants to be a minority so badly.

No. 2018238

File: 1721836662467.jpg (22.3 KB, 640x480, 1000000620.jpg)

> rips wig off for no reason
> the manlet stomp to the car
> everybody from a based Stacy jogger to a guy in fucking confederate flag shorts stops to gawk at the lunatic
There's just…so much to digest.

No. 2018248

when he said that she "attacked" him because he was better looking …lol

No. 2018250

>you’re jealous because I look better than you
Is he wearing a bra with nipples on it?

No. 2018251

File: 1721839704811.png (31.15 KB, 887x282, Screenshot 2024-07-24 094703.p…)

can someone explain the appeal of this to me? Or why anyone would write this?

No. 2018253

Sexual gratification

No. 2018254

samefag, for any curious nonnies, you can find it for free at transreads.org

No. 2018266

KEKKKK somehow it wasn't that noticeable in Euphoria
he would be such a cute boy though

No. 2018271

File: 1721842030313.png (26.58 KB, 506x189, Screenshot 2024-07-24 102559.p…)

barely a few pages in and I can't choose from one of many exceptional quotes

No. 2018279

He thinks he looks better than her because he's a racist and insecure moid (see his comments about "the hood") also yes I'm pretty sure he spent $60 on that hideous Skims nipple bra kek

No. 2018281

File: 1721842769338.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 1284x2165, IMG_1570.jpeg)

Guess who is posting again! This time he’s being actively hostile and really showing his male in the comments.


No. 2018282

File: 1721842943596.png (9.79 KB, 658x119, Screenshot 2024-07-24 104154.p…)

kek is this one of you nonnies

No. 2018287

Honter, Alex, and Manson, the Unholy Trinity of HSTS with blonde popstar skinwalking addiction

No. 2018289

a rope

No. 2018290

and the twist is that the transwoman is merely the previous male in boob plates and a wig.

No. 2018294

i was thinking barbed wire

No. 2018317

louis theroux 3 weeks on estrogen

No. 2018341

cleavage nipple

No. 2018345

File: 1721850860799.jpg (257.1 KB, 1080x1081, happy-portland-pride-v0-yovpks…)

just got permabanned from that sub for telling him to wear a noose kek. found this stunning sapphic couple while i was there(cow tipping)

No. 2018353

His girlfriend (wife?) is a classical feminine beauty, round and delicate, while he looks like some ogre peasant with a flower crown. Really jarring. I know most of these women are spicy straights or trapped in a marriage but some are bisexual. How can they be happy with this shitty facsimile?

No. 2018358

>a-logging on a cow's post
Don't touch the poop, retard

No. 2018361

Holy shit. The contrast between his gangly moid body and her regular body is jarring. This should not be celebrated kek.

No. 2018362

File: 1721854280870.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1179x1443, IMG_6333.jpeg)

Always jarring to see them next to a woman.

No. 2018363

He really does seem like someone who troons out to keep him safe from pedo allegations. So many troons are pedos that they know to defend each other and have each others backs, and that they can do it while pretending it's about being trans.
Men just can't hide their man legs

No. 2018365

>to focus on MY mental health
dickhead you groomed kids, it ain't about how YOU feel. Mr Beast must be seething that his friend was actually a pedo groomer who harmed his brand

No. 2018368

nta but why is this red texted? Isn't it new milk that BBC news report the troon as "she"?
this made me kek out loud. does anyone know why men look so bad in female clothes? it feels like clothes should be "neutral" but any time i see a man in female clothes it ends up looking ridiculous and ugly and i don't know why exactly that is

No. 2018371

you need to sage non-milk

No. 2018373

jenny, no, wtf why

No. 2018378

unfortunately that is her brother

No. 2018385

i thought any new troon info was milky enough?

No. 2018386

wait wtf her brother is skinwalking her??

No. 2018387

It's not new info and of course news outlets are gonna call the man a "she" so it's not milk

No. 2018388

And this was so upvoted too. Like that man is hideous hahahahaha

No. 2018397

I meant during his runway walks.

No. 2018398

File: 1721860253324.png (506.83 KB, 815x1037, moid.png)


Remember when tra's defended TIMs in women's shelters? Give them this.

No. 2018405

File: 1721861369740.png (476.01 KB, 815x940, tard.png)

>every tranny ever as soon as a woman says no

No. 2018417

>she said mine looked better than hers
They really believe the cope lmao

No. 2018424

You forgot
>rips off wig to reveal norwooding

No. 2018448

DAE compare their pussies to other women teehee

No. 2018472

It’s insane to me that they think we do this.

No. 2018480

Yes. Go look at the Breadtube thread, we're not here to spoonfeed you.

No. 2018483

LMFAO. The fact that BBC is covering YouTube drama of all things. He's fuuuuuucked.

No. 2018486

I know a genuine female Transformers autist on Twitter, her name is Ricken and she has done yaoi in the past.

No. 2018488

The obviously modern black bra makes it look trashy tbh.

No. 2018499

There's something incredibly eerie and gross about men wearing women's clothing, especially something like this, while the face is of a clearly male ogre.

No. 2018500

They're not made for men's bodytype in mind for one

No. 2018519

that and the visible underwear makes it just look like lingerie, the unnaturally colored dye job with massive roots makes it even worse

No. 2018538

File: 1721890786036.png (1.66 MB, 1033x1753, IMG_5929.png)

reminds me of picrel

No. 2018540

This one's a tranny? I didn't realize. I never saw the netflix documentary but an interrogation video on youtube. How could I miss it, I thought this was just a very mentally ill woman. No wonder he was so on edge about taking off his hat and revealing his bald head in the interrogation.

No. 2018556

>Yaoi IRL

No. 2018566

File: 1721901992773.png (1.36 MB, 1564x885, nasty belly.PNG)

You can get glimpses of his hulking bod in stupid coomer clothes in her last video, and hear his stupid voice. I fucking hate him. I'm certain he will murder her eventually, I think they live together and he mooches off her constantly.

Picrel from her last video.

No. 2018569

>>2018368 Men often look odd or offputting in women's clothes because they simply do not fit into them properly. A lot of the trannies featured in these threads wear some of the flimsiest, most poorly made items which doesn't help. Also scrawny male chicken legs tend to just look gross in skirts and dresses.

No. 2018570

Roberto Benigni looking faggot lol

No. 2018571

File: 1721903010204.png (41.78 KB, 999x334, in your fucking dreams.png)


No. 2018572

nta, this is so sad and gross

No. 2018578

Imagine only being able to speak 15 words a day because you just got "life-saving" surgery and you're so demented you use most of them to make an unprompted joke about sexual grooming.

No. 2018579

They are far more likely to cause the sexual harm than experience it. Very male attitude to take away from actual problems women encounter daily (without it being really reported on correctly, see how The epidemic of sexual violence in the UK against women and girl have been reported in a passive voice, without explicitly stating sexual violence by males), to try and center males instead.
They are the perpetrators. Them putting on a skirt doesn't change that.

No. 2018589

I knew it was a male from her lastest video. Poor Jenny.

No. 2018593

Thought that was Cody Ko

No. 2018594

Nonna a lot of women do transformers yaoi. A lot of them also troon out.

No. 2018596

I genuinely don’t feel that anyone deserves to be sexually abused, regardless of sex. If this was just a post about how they wished there were more resources for males who have experienced rape, especially as children, I wouldn’t care and would agree. But of course, of course, they have to make a slight at women, framing is as “cis women getting to implicate others in the moral conundrum of causing sexual harm”. The use of the term “getting to” is so disgusting, like it’s a privilege to be able to raped and feel the need to report it, sometimes even at the risk of your further safety. Women had to build ways and places to make it possible for us to report our abuse. They could do that too for their own communities, but why throw women under the bus for something that has caused endless amounts of women severe trauma? It’s disgusting.

No. 2018614

>I genuinely don’t feel that anyone deserves to be sexually abused, regardless of sex.
kek, you dont have the guts so i will say it: moids deserve it.

No. 2018626

Mentally ill faggot.
>serving disney prince-I MEANT PRINCESS
Freudian slip. And despite all the surgery, there's still a hint of maleness in the voice and it sounds like another troon speaking in that annoyingly high cadence.

No. 2018627

I think there were two freudian slips with that Colleen Ballinger joke kek.

No. 2018642

>The use of the term “getting to” is so disgusting
This jumped out at me, too. Reminds me of how troons are eager to be catcalled or mansplained to. They view these things as experiences women get to have rather than annoyances or hardships.

No. 2018670

He made a thousand videos about the moid in this video being 100% straight and treating him like a princess only to turn around and imply that they broke up because his Prince Charming was mad he cut his dick off lol. I would post the TikTok but it’s been such a long time I don’t feel like digging.

No. 2018689

this is just what my british husband sounds like when he whispers…but hey at least the surgeon made bank

No. 2018691

kek anon rankin and bass nose caught me by surprise

No. 2018706

File: 1721936151046.jpeg (61.89 KB, 373x372, IMG_8258.jpeg)

A bad habit of mine is I argue with TIFs on twitter too often so i get to see when they cry about TIMs being misogynistic

No. 2018707

File: 1721936294154.jpeg (85.22 KB, 326x535, IMG_8259.jpeg)

It’s kinda funny seeing a troon calling someone a “creature” like he isn’t the whole freak show. but that aside he’s being downright misogynistic

No. 2018713

Lmao they’re so seethingly jealous of bearded women with PCOS who “don’t even try to pass” and still remain WOMEN

No. 2018714

I bet you that TIM was shocked SHOCKED. Like. What do they expect? A dude who is okay with a penis is clearly not straight. And that's fine. But he's deluding himself if he thinks that a 'straight' man who is okay to go with a troon is doing it because true wuv goes over barriers and he sees the magical woman soul inside of him and thinks he's a real for real woman. No. It's because he is into troons duh.

And that gross way he refers to his voice as 'kunt' is misogynistic but that's no surprise for gay men. They use such derogatory words towards women and yet seethe because they aren't us.

No. 2018715

A woman with hirsuitism or PCOS is still a woman, cope. He's not even lashing out at the same women who clown on him, he's picking on random women with medical conditions.

No. 2018717

Tbh the fact that my mere existence upsets trannies gives me confidence boost. I may have pcos and hirsutism but I will always be a woman and you wil not. Never. Cope, seethe and kys.

No. 2018720

the way that even just his pfp, shaved and covered in makeup, looks more manly than the bearded lady he's posting. no amount of razors and countouring can hide masculine bones.

No. 2018727

You are seen and valid hirsute queen, never stop making trannies seethe & mald

No. 2018742

hairy women are the best kind of women, keep on rockin it sister

No. 2018746

File: 1721942529986.png (631.26 KB, 1133x909, pissqueen.png)

What a surprise that he has a gofundme going on.

No. 2018754

Pay off your own credit card you fuckin bum. Jfc. What sort of people raised these guys to think that others can just bail them out all the time?

No. 2018767

In person these women are still going to sound and move like females.

No. 2018768

>the only ways I could possibly pay this are likely via sexual exploitation or donating plasma
Or, hear me out, you could get a job like everyone else does to pay off debt and survive.

No. 2018770

Not to invoke the wrath of the psyop posters but his boyfriend was out of his league tbh, he's crazy for doing the 1 thing which would make him leave.

No. 2018773

File: 1721946948343.jpg (201.48 KB, 718x1301, Screenshot_20240725-183329_Red…)

Trannies completely invaded female spaces on reddit.

No. 2018775

File: 1721947122052.jpg (176.99 KB, 712x1173, Screenshot_20240725-183801_Red…)

Other tranny

No. 2018776

File: 1721947180146.png (261.65 KB, 1406x1094, Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 4.39.…)

loving the pushback

No. 2018781

File: 1721947698163.jpg (141.05 KB, 720x1486, Screenshot_20240725-184022_Red…)


No. 2018783

File: 1721948007563.jpg (216.75 KB, 720x1403, Screenshot_20240725-185232_Red…)

This is the most popular post in this subreddit.

No. 2018797

File: 1721951649360.png (233.93 KB, 405x323, bogandoffs third brother.png)

>He dumped eet

all that work and he still sounds like a moid.

No. 2018798

His post history is full of him claiming to be NB, but as soon as it's convenient for invading women's spaces he turns into a "trans girl" huh?

No. 2018800

File: 1721951928587.jpeg (810.54 KB, 1179x1714, IMG_0886.jpeg)

Dear god. I cant imagine even handmaidens would be comfortable with this hulking beast being in the bathroom with their daughters. Lies.
And good for those women speaking up on the lesbian fashion sub. Like of course masc people who are born FEMALE would be allowed. Why would a femme person born a MALE also be allowed? It’s getting entirely out of hand and they are not listening to how uncomfortable these women are getting seeing a creepy old man in a dress posting on a sub for LESBIANS. I hope every woman on that sub drops it so fucking fast. Let the post to each other.

No. 2018801

File: 1721952004862.png (22.6 KB, 1050x143, What necklace lesbianfashionad…)

Can't believe he's comparing himself to women with pcos.

No. 2018809

KEK how did he manage to make himself even more masculine looking? i looked at his profile and he has like 50+ nsfw posts of himself in subs about forced feminization, sissy hypnosis and femboys. scary.

No. 2018840

Most men can’t even see a soul in regular women.

No. 2018850

Imagine if a women made a go-fund-me to pay for baby formula, the absolute chaos which would occur on socials dismissing the mother as a dead beat which should have aborted. Yet troons can ask for their bills to be paid with no backlash ??

No. 2018884

I did a little bit of digging, from most recent until he was still with the bf, and this is the only one I found that mentioned getting is dick cut off.

But the creepiest shit is all ones about him wanting to be pregnant.

No. 2018890

it gives shein

No. 2018905

why did he take his wig off? what was he trying to prove?

No. 2018906


+ i can see the skin cancer from here.

No. 2018913

File: 1721973603955.png (2.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5560.png)

I can’t embed because this is from his Instagram account but he posted this very shortly after his bf stopped appearing in his videos.
He claims this isn’t about the boy in his videos, but the comments say he went through bottom surgery while dating him. He initially tried to hide the fact that they broke up and even claimed that he broke up with his Prince Charming because they “grew apart” but was constantly talking about having his baby a few days before.

No. 2018914

File: 1721974171869.jpeg (1.54 MB, 3823x1701, CD40E9A5-7565-4C43-9274-C974CE…)

It's actually the 4th which is still terrible. It pisses me off that half of the top 10 posts of all time are troons. Picrel with the troons and their places in the top 10. Places 7 and 10 are the same man.
Somehow troons say they don’t push women out of women spaces.

No. 2018916

File: 1721974582785.webp (268.6 KB, 2000x2000, sborf2mgmred1.webp)

Mmmh, why are my creep senses tingling?

No. 2018917

File: 1721974617277.png (310.44 KB, 540x537, asian trooner.PNG)


Ah yes. Of course.

No. 2018918

File: 1721974728277.webp (37.73 KB, 640x640, 0vp3803br6bd1.webp)

And constantly obsessed with their moobs, par for the course.

No. 2018921

File: 1721975877358.jpeg (902.82 KB, 1170x2033, 400C5A3C-5177-4378-BDC8-8468D7…)

I'm so fucking sick of this shit. They KNOW they're perverted freaks intruding on us, they do not care. I hope the all rot in hell. Praying for my German nonas, though I know we are also suffering from this shit in Burgerland.

No. 2018926

a lot of german women still wear a swim-bottom anyway
beaches are topless not bottomless for a reason

No. 2018988

If I had a part of my body that I knew would make other people uncomfortable to show, I wouldn’t go out of my way to do experiences that show off said part of my body. Maybe just sit an activity out if you’re that worried, but no women and children MUST see cock

No. 2018991

>mod flair is “bi barbie”
Why do they keep making people who aren’t lesbians mods of lesbian subs. Sorry for OT

No. 2018992

Also samefag but how did they go through this dudes account and see him posting his dick on porn subs and think, yes, we’ll let him post here

No. 2018993

Maybe it’s like when other dudes take off their shirt when they’re about to fight. Idk, moid behavior is weird.

No. 2018997

This! Women have been socialized to think of other people and anticipate how our actions will affect them. Men don’t get a shit and even actively get aroused from making other people (read: women) uncomfortable. No woman wants to see this scrote’s disgusting penis. I hope everyone glares daggers at him and makes him uncomfortable enough to leave.

No. 2019000

Yeah, speaking of, I've been hearing gay guys use the term "cunt/y" for a while now. It shocked me because I was raised to consider that the absolute worst word you can say. I figure it has roots in something misogynistic, at least in the fact that ANYONE - man or woman - is willing to throw around a word that only demeans women. But, what does the slang mean? What are these gay guys trying to convey…? I guess I'm inept and a little too old to understand wtf these new terms are.

No. 2019003

File: 1721998048343.jpg (381.82 KB, 1080x1401, 1000018422.jpg)

Trannies keep peaking women and I hope they continue to infest every subreddit if it means lots of women finally understand how horrible trannies are

No. 2019004

The bottom comment is so based lmao

No. 2019007

File: 1721998653697.jpg (1.11 MB, 1079x4669, 1000018425.jpg)

More. Whoever that woman is, I salute you. She responded to the creep >>2017608 kek

No. 2019009

I'm reading Pen's replies on her profile, seeing her responses to that disgusting troon is super cathartic. God bless her.

No. 2019035

They want to groom lesbians into being their porn fantasy.

No. 2019036

File: 1722002054401.png (43.07 KB, 667x512, Screenshot_20240726_095230.png)

using the spelling in his video, it seems to be a flamer compliment. likely the antonym to "fish", which is so disgusting that both good are bad are framed around degrading women

No. 2019038

They hate and envy women and justify it by saying it’s the same as how they’ve reclaimed faggot and queer for themselves, like they think they are technically women too and can make that choice on our behalf.

No. 2019040

>I haven’t seen any AMAB male people here
>is literally male with his dick out on his user profile
Yes hm where could these pesky males be hiding

No. 2019042

so is this just totally fake? cant find a single article about this

No. 2019043

What fresh hell awaits us? I know it’s rage bait but he’s just so fucking creepy.

No. 2019047

You really need to learn how to look up stuff. The tweet even says the name of the victim and searching her brings up a gofundme that links to an article. Her name isn't in any of the articles.

No. 2019050

File: 1722004535676.jpg (430.58 KB, 1079x1305, Screenshot_20240726_112555_Red…)

Kekkkk god that bihet mod is such a cow
>29 year old jobless full time reddit mod, probably maintained by her geriatric pedo daddydom scrote who she has to larp as a toddler with to get him through erectile dysfunction
>joined because therapist told her to "be more visibly queer" (read: maybe try dating a woman instead of a pedophile scrote for once)

No. 2019056

File: 1722005162693.jpg (625.12 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240726_112739_Red…)

samefag, wow I'm actually surprised this many women are standing up against reddit's scroteness, I assumed most of them were too far gone to even question it. jfc I didn't even know about the mod who sexualized them to her bf, being some sort of boundary crossing sexpest has to be a requirement to be a mod. love how the only thing Trojan whore can say is "b-b-but I'm sapphic!!" still not a lesbian, retard. words have meanings

No. 2019058

>I really want to do what’s best for this community
Then let lesbians have their community back

No. 2019060

I'd love to believe these are women having their eyes opened but both being from day old accounts reeks of cow tipping to be honest.

No. 2019072

they could easily be throwaways, mods always ban women willing to speak up so they probably don't wanna sacrifice their main accs. the most important thing is that they're getting upvotes and trannies are being downvoted sm they have to pretend it's always "TERF brigades from ovarit" kek

No. 2019076

I just got done reading through the meta thread. Trojanwhore really can’t get it into her thick skull that she doesn’t represent lesbians, nor does that retarded transbian mod. They don’t realise that in their weird effort to be inclusive they are actively alienating the community they so desperately claim to be a part of. The word lesbian means nothing anymore, my grandpa could probably identify as one at this point.

No. 2019078

The ginger troon has admitted to reporting "nasty terfs" so I'd like to think its just women within that community who are over the bullshit but dont want their main accounts to be nuked because some bald scrote is seething

No. 2019092

Forever sounding male and condescending. San Francisco's own criptyd.

No. 2019136

Kek I was just about to post the same thing. I don't know if we have a DDLG cows thread, but Trojan would probably fit in on the polyamory thread, or maybe even the croquette thread.

No. 2019137

The troons and powermods drove most of the actual lesbians off the site.

No. 2019140

The fifth one makes me want to vomit. I think it's gross for anyone to stick their tongue put for a selfie, but it's particularly nauseating when troons do it.

No. 2019160

>Gets a new uterus
Yeah? From WHERE “Lilly?” Where does the uterus come from?

No. 2019199

why does he always have to make these videos out in public? not even in a secluded place or something, but always on busy streets or restaurants. he's such a creepy fuck i'm tired of seeing his ugly ape face.

No. 2019211

Esl Rant incoming, sorry. Lolcow officially peaked me on mtf troons. I know they’re mostly online, I encountered them on twitter, tumbler or Reddit before but not so much irl here. I live in a small shithole town In Eastern Europe, I only seen one hon irl - a pathetic thing looking like that mulvaney (sp.?) creature, bodycon dress and a five o clock shadow wearing a very bad wig. My bi sister tried to date him. I met like 3 pooners though and they were all ok and I only felt somewhat sorry for them.
I never knew they were so degenerate (the mtf ones), I genuinely thought they are just mentally ill people who need help, I never knew that it’s just a fetish for them to get off of, to larp as a woman, and cum to that, it’s disgusting and creepy. I also didn’t know about the anime loli pedo shit, it’s honestly disturbing. I know men tend to be vile and I always joke that I pity them for being controlled by their sexual urges, but pretending to be a woman just to satisfy your sexual desires is honestly baffling.
Thank you all for the good work here.
End of rant(blogposting)

No. 2019236

He's a troon which means he will give every possible version of the story except the actual one kek. Under one of his other reels about the breakup, some people joked that his ex bf wanted a real woman, and he commented that he was the one who initiated the breakup. But of course he is also making reels about being broken up with due to genitals kek. He did seem obsessed with his ex, but that was also a lie. Didn't he use him to get his visa though?

That's why I never understood women whining about the use of the term "faggot", the "cultural appropriation" or fetishization of gay males. Fags are so misogynistic without a second thought, not for women as a whole, not even for lesbians, so who cares.

You will get redtexted for blog/newfag but I'm glad you peaked nonna, welcome to the club, although the state of things is truly depressing at times.

No. 2019241

File: 1722046427021.jpeg (211.55 KB, 825x960, IMG_9772.jpeg)

wtf this was at the olympics.

No. 2019242

File: 1722046723520.webp (65.37 KB, 420x680, IMG_9773.webp)

lava is backpedaling on his original statement that the troon isn’t a pedo.

No. 2019244

File: 1722046793891.jpeg (216.75 KB, 828x1410, IMG_7707.jpeg)

Woman is when bad driver, I hate troons so much.

No. 2019246

File: 1722047543355.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.71 KB, 1080x1984, Screenshot_20240726-221934_Red…)

Spoiler for tuberous man tits, but trannies keep telling us to listen to trans voices, so I did. Whenever I go on any trans related subreddit I see slop like this that I cant not see as exhibitionistic and degenerate AGP behaviour.I cant believe the taxes I pay to my cuck government allow troglodytes like this to pump themselves full of horse piss on our dime,to visually and sexually harrass women and children in public, and for people to not be able to speak up about it on the off chance some jessica yaniv ass neet neckbeard who has too much time on his hands to get his panties in a bunch and take it to a human rights tribunal due to the charter of rights and freedoms. Theres no free speech in canada, and the PC mob mentality in large cities is abhorrent 1/3

No. 2019247

File: 1722047575931.jpg (Spoiler Image,233.68 KB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20240726-221919_Red…)

No. 2019248

File: 1722047633181.jpg (444.87 KB, 1080x2039, 20240726_222012.jpg)


But we have to listen to trans voices, ladies! Fuck sake

No. 2019253

god what a waste, he looks like he could've been a cute guy

No. 2019256

I thought it said r/TransBeastTimelines at first
really fitting though.

No. 2019259

File: 1722050081433.png (274.34 KB, 721x920, boobowner.png)

Card carrying boob owner. Sloppily painted (M)ails

No. 2019261

File: 1722050180206.png (248.83 KB, 952x684, trannyangle.png)

Fishing for compliments, the photo angle hides nothing

No. 2019262

File: 1722050221894.png (223.15 KB, 1053x691, attentionwhorerating1.png)

A less flattering image

No. 2019263

File: 1722050309331.png (125.81 KB, 909x850, pwnresponse1.png)

A few of the responses

No. 2019264

File: 1722050369871.png (65.65 KB, 599x726, jdsahlkjfag.png)


No. 2019266

File: 1722050598275.png (130 KB, 1017x474, whytheyskinwalk.png)

No. 2019267

File: 1722050614569.jpg (9.01 KB, 520x282, incels-documentary-shy-boys-ir…)

Looks like advanced from shyboys IRL threw on the "female" face app filter that only trannies use

No. 2019269

Classless and gross? Imagine if they mocked muslims or islams.(sage your shit)

No. 2019274

>autistic moid is unable to see his boyfriend for the raging homosexual that he is

No. 2019276


Exactly. These freaks don't realize that they only exist because we, Western society, allow them to. It's easy to mock a peaceful religion, since elsewhere they would be nuked.

No. 2019293

File: 1722061301697.jpg (161.46 KB, 1080x810, my-boyfriend-at-16-looking-lik…)

Them btw

No. 2019298

File: 1722063434581.jpg (299.15 KB, 1063x1241, IMG_20240727_085551.jpg)

All men are the same

No. 2019301

The troon probably has a pregnancy fetish and wants to live vicariously through OP. I assume the first kid was born either before the guy trooned out or before this lady began seeing him. I honestly hope this is creative writing, because it's infuriating to imagine someone being in this situation and not immediately dumping the guy.

No. 2019302

Nice one kek. He's wearing malepolish.

No. 2019304

If women are such shitty drivers, why do we have lower insurance premiums, assholes? You're not driving like women when you curb your tire three times a week, you're driving like a retard. Maybe look at the fucking road instead of scrolling through Leddit.

No. 2019305

Drag has its own thread nona

No. 2019306

Stopped reading after the overly detailed creepy beat for beat description of a random woman. Jesus Christ, at least hide the fact that you're serial killer levels of obsessed.

No. 2019307

Kek his Nigel just knows what to say to get his dick sucked. You think a fellow moid would know that.

No. 2019330

>bf not attracted to woman
>but attracted to me, a male
>must be because he thinks Im a hotter woman

Kek the male delusion. I bet if he decides to cut off his dick the bf will disappear into thin air.

No. 2019350

For god's sake, how is this not a fetish

No. 2019375

File: 1722087699512.jpeg (134.48 KB, 750x738, B0C9CB3E-36D9-430E-99D0-401CC0…)

the epitome of these situations where troons defending troons

No. 2019376

I guarantee he either keeps really quiet about the tranny shit around his boyfriend or his boyfriend finds him annoying whenever they're not having sex kek

No. 2019377

disgusting freaks. and so out of place too

troon discovers fags aren't attracted to women

No. 2019378

Kek it's funny when they expect the same ~male solidarity~ they've enjoyed their whole lives and then get a much needed reality check

No. 2019379

Why are so many faggots trying to obtain the tranny mastercard? What’s the total gain from it except for a smelly poop wound and financial debt? Grindr already exists kek

No. 2019382

File: 1722088902501.jpg (294.89 KB, 1290x1985, GTWYupVWYAA76vh.jpg)

I thought these people were against banning books?

No. 2019383

File: 1722088956851.png (1.12 MB, 815x936, X.png)


No. 2019384

> Panties obsession
Could he make it any more obvious which type of porn trooned him out kek(sage your shit)

No. 2019386

What woman is going to trade some scrotes actual scrote sweated underwear for her own?

No. 2019387

samefag but I just realized hes probably going to swap them with other ballsack owners, nevermind

No. 2019390

unfortunately the pink ones look really cute, too bad they're damned to a troon trafficking ring now

No. 2019392

He's going to buy them from an OF woman kek

No. 2019394

Clearly the only hurdle is the lack of surgeons doing this Frankenstein shit and not a lack of harvested organs from women, nona duh. Also I should stop being surprised they think the only hormones necessary for pregnancy is a steady stream of horsepiss when in reality medical science doesn't even know all the exact details about the female body during pregnancy since most pregnancy studies have been done with the fetus in focus. But sure, women are just disposable uterus dispensers for trannies with a pregnancy fetish, that's where we need to pool our resources.

No. 2019397

File: 1722090159557.jpg (324.25 KB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_20240727_172019.jpg)

Stumbled upon this freaky thing on Twitter. This one gave me a jump kek

No. 2019398

File: 1722090195114.jpg (166.42 KB, 1170x1818, IMG_20240727_171918.jpg)

No. 2019401

The eyes that should be telling her he would definitely smother her with a pillow while she’s sleeping, while the cops are on their way he’s busy sniffing her panties and wearing them taking pics to upload on r/rateme. I don’t know why straight wives still stay around this kind of derangement especially if they have children, it should be considered a form of child endangerment to have a tranny around your kids even if they are their father.

No. 2019404

File: 1722090534880.jpg (302.36 KB, 1038x1866, IMG_20240727_171927.jpg)

No. 2019408

I never understood this panty obsession, both with moids and TIMs. They love insulting how our pussies smell like tuna but do this shit? When was the last time a woman was caught sniffing her BF's dirty boxers or collecting them? This shit is so male.

No. 2019409

God the descriptions they always give of women they find attractive are so horrifying. It’s legitimately scary what they hyperfocus on or how they remember every article of clothing. I’d be completely freaked out if some stranger moid was focusing that heavily on me or typing out somewhere that my thighs looked soft.

No. 2019410

Yeah she said the child was from a past partner. This man probably also wants to claim ownership over her in some way and chose the pregnancy route. She should have aborted and left the creep yesterday.

No. 2019412

Yuri IRL desu.

No. 2019414

This. “Trading” aka buying them off a woman who gives zero shits about him.

No. 2019419

File: 1722091325565.png (204.67 KB, 777x820, tranny.png)

LOL why do they always have this build.

No. 2019428

gawd the fact that these men buy fake bumps to wear gives me the heebie jeebies.

No. 2019430

This tranny is surprised his gay moid bf doesn't find women attractive LOL?

No. 2019432

File: 1722093240805.jpg (126.37 KB, 1079x1063, GTWgHY4XoAAAIOc.jpg)

Stop telling the truth WAHHH

No. 2019441

I don't get HSTS. Just be an effeminate gay man with your BF and leave us alone. Gay men are literally more accepted than trannies. Why butcher your body for that?

No. 2019442

his face looks like the uncanny make up trend that was going around a few months ago, except his ugly moid features gave him that look naturally lmao trannies try to cope with make up so much only to highlight their male features.

No. 2019443

You couldn't find a better example of sexual dimorphism if you tried. Even in a shitload of makeup, the troon looks like a linebacker in drag, while his barefaced girlfriend looks pretty and delicate.

No. 2019454

They feel intense self-hatred for being gay/GNC and view themselves as failing at being men because of it. They dislike other gay men, so they're desperate to find "straight" guys to date, but they always end up being bisexuals, chasers, or profoundly desperate.

No. 2019455

You can delete the reply and re-post it with sage, you know

No. 2019458

damn, thanks I feel retarded

No. 2019465

Part of me wants them to do it, put a foreign organ into a body that has no way of adjusting to it and let it rot in them.

No. 2019486

Omfg how is that head so gigantic?

No. 2019488

Actual caveman build

No. 2019491

I wish they did, imagine how much bullshit we could clear up if we could actually say the truth

No. 2019508

File: 1722104577714.png (3.32 MB, 2476x1504, dyluna.png)

i am uncomfortable when we are not about me?

No. 2019532

File: 1722109360599.jpg (1.07 MB, 1079x3471, 1000018465.jpg)

Apparently he has done this before kek. I do hope he is identified, he sounds very milky

No. 2019583

i didn’t know they were making another beauty and the beast remake.

No. 2019588

File: 1722114497345.jpeg (314.13 KB, 750x890, IMG_9788.jpeg)

a troon is accusing chris tyson of sexually assaulting him

No. 2019597

You’re right. Men taking videos and masturbating in women’s restrooms is genuinely disgusting and disturbing.

No. 2019598

It’s sad seeing sexual assault happen to anyone, but hopefully the TRAs campaigning for the mr-beast-troons innocence might listen when another troon says he’s a predator.

No. 2019599

Why are scrotes so dick-obsessed

No. 2019603

This is exactly why I changed my mind about honoring pronouns to be nice. It skews perception of what crimes women do

No. 2019609

>describes a woman in the creepiest ways possible that only a man could do

No. 2019616

Ngl after reading it all I feel bad for him even if he’s retarded. Gay moid gets baited and taken advantage of by another gay moid who doesn’t even pretend to see him as a woman. It’s funny how people are screeching about how you can’t misgender Kris and how he’s a real woman when he won’t even do it for other trannies. Betting all of those ugly moids and pickmes in the reply excuse Harvey Weinstein too

No. 2019663

File: 1722122915936.png (40.61 KB, 900x313, nasty.png)

If he did this to his best friend then I hope his son wasn't there in the house during his sexual escapades. Nasty ass.

No. 2019668

File: 1722123392937.png (241.26 KB, 1200x775, chrome_t6ldPlji2L (1).png)

this is the artist that made a shitty webtoon about a troon in high school

No. 2019674

>average of 10k likes per chapter
No hope for women

No. 2019675

Could it possibly be botted? 10k likes per chapter seems like a LOT for a webtoon, especially one which isn't famous.

No. 2019688

File: 1722128235743.png (1.07 MB, 1046x895, edv.png)

Clicked one of them and it's already spreading lies about what HRT can do lol

No. 2019690

>hrt reduces your height
Actually retarded

No. 2019694

>>2019688 lol these retards are so delusional.

No. 2019695

This genuinely spooked me as I scrolled past. It looked like he was eating her with the way he's towering over her and kissing her head. Nightmare fuel.

No. 2019699

hrt also makes you look the same but uglier

No. 2019701

Is this the same troon that used to interact with Shayna?

No. 2019702

Did a nona make a funny edit of this comic or another one? I swear I saw one that looked like this but with actual facts on it lmao.

No. 2019704

File: 1722133405584.jpg (71.9 KB, 736x1120, saturndevouringhisson.jpg)

No. 2019707

File: 1722133626524.jpeg (157.69 KB, 734x655, B47EAC4F-DBB3-4E55-9E6E-EC627D…)

His ‘sexual assault’ is that he did oral repeatedly and didn’t get it in return. Congrats troon, you’re finally a woman kek

No. 2019708

File: 1722133672919.jpg (186.91 KB, 1080x1265, 1000046119.jpg)

I mean, osteoporosis causes height loss, and osteoporosis is caused by high levels of estrogen on men.
I don't get something, so trannies use estrogen so they stop growing beards… but it somehow prevents hairloss? It's retarded logic, the endocrine system just goes
>oh boy! Oh boy! Time to get rid of the undesirable hair!
And isn't just like
>But not the hair of the head! It's important after all!

No. 2019712

File: 1722135466168.jpg (1.37 MB, 4320x3480, 1000005348.jpg)

Wow. Never thought I'd see my favourite local bookshop here. They better not come for this but its obvious why they have.

No. 2019713

>Why butcher your body for that
Like all TiMs it's for sexual reasons. Effeminate men are the least desired in the gay dating scene. Some fem gays come to the conclusion that if gay men don't want them straight men will after feminizing themselves. Unfortunately they just end up with closet cases and chasers. Internalized homophobia also plays a part.

No. 2019728

Can't this also be considered sexual harassment on the "victim" troon's behalf towards Mr beast since he never attempted to stop blowing Chris while he got a phone call tho? trannies and men in general will stretch the definition of sexual assault to benefit them so often yet we're not meant to think he's also a pervert for giving someone a bj while on the phone. He's probably only saying this now because Chris is getting cancelled but I bet giving unreciprocated blowjobs made him feel ~sooo euphoric and womanly~ back then kek

No. 2019738

I'm going to tell you what I already told another anon:
>They feel intense self-hatred for being gay/GNC and view themselves as failing at being men because of it.
Not only do they hate themselves, they hate normal gay men (perhaps out of spite because those guys are happy to be gay) and want to use others' sexualities as a means of validation, so they think trooning out will attract straight men (it doesn't.) Moids also have terrible foresight and often fuck up their entire lives on an impulse.

No. 2019753

the vein in the arm, the slightly raised eye brow but overly whelming blank dad expression, the way hes hoping that outfit gives him a waist. kek

No. 2019763

>oral pleasure

How is that sexual assault? He doesn't say anything about telling chris what he wants, does he expect his partners to read his mind? It doesn't sound like his boundaries were violated, or anything non consensual happened. What if this troon is coming out with this to discredit the other allegations so chris' defenders can point to this bullshit as a way to dismiss all of the people claiming chris was inappropriate with them

No. 2019792

File: 1722161012777.png (14.68 KB, 771x186, lolkeklmao.png)

Hunny your male behaviour is showing.

No. 2019799

File: 1722165215498.png (457.97 KB, 720x1119, Screenshot_20240728-125607-239…)

this post and its top comments.. having long hair = being a woman apparently

No. 2019812

>my dumb lesbian brain explode
Why do they always have to say this type of retarded shit?

No. 2019822

Tbf the pedo troon treated him much like a woman
> I’ll give you a job if you suck my dick
Is like the epitome of male behavior

No. 2019836

oh, he got a job out of it? maybe I missed that part, that is a little messed up if he didn't want to have sex in the first place.

No. 2019844

File: 1722176677008.jpg (121.7 KB, 1080x482, 43244.jpg)

>"bottom dysphoria"
>proceeds to describe the most male thing ever - insecurity over dick size

No. 2019847

Kek I hope more troon on troon sexual assault happens instead of them doing it to women or girls

No. 2019848

File: 1722177268389.png (1.16 MB, 2240x741, fanfiction.png)

more deranged creative writing from his twitter account
note the amount of likes

No. 2019853

Why does every thumbnail look exactly the same kek

No. 2019854

I was not ready for this comparison

No. 2019855

From incest to teacher x student

No. 2019856

Literally all this good this bookstore does, and troons are mad because of one fucking book on their shelves that pertains to the struggles of someone else. They’re no better than fundamentalists who want to ban any book they take issue with.

No. 2019861

What’s that quote? “Women are afraid of being killed, men are afraid of being laughed at”?

They love to fetishize that whole “useless lesbian” meme. It’s so annoying.

No. 2019862

what the actual fuck

No. 2019900

File: 1722183333049.jpeg (570.61 KB, 1676x2048, IMG_3347.jpeg)

chris tysons alleged sister speaks out

No. 2019914

the more that comes about this the more disturbing it gets

No. 2019921

If anyone is surprised by this they must also be surprised when the sun rises in the morning. It's so predictable it may as well be assumed by default.

No. 2019927

The day he trooned out I knew this will happen, my prediction also is that he touches his son inappropriately but that's something we maybe will never get to know. But i'm like 99% sure, it's in his face.

No. 2019935

File: 1722188674442.png (2.48 MB, 2000x2000, M5rtC88.png)

Wonder what the Mr.Beast fujoshi thinks of all of this?

No. 2019937

whats her @? now i am curious

No. 2019939

File: 1722189273002.png (400.9 KB, 921x1060, IMG_3349.png)

It seems that she was initially coping, but now she has come to accept that the accusations were true (although she's still probably a fan of mrbeast)

No. 2019941

Is he jealous of a plushie? Is this is way of LARPing as a woman? The fuck

No. 2019945

What the fuck does that even mean lol. The tranny looks nothing like what he does irl. Tifs truly are something special.

No. 2019946

Lmao he got cucked by a plushie

No. 2019953

queen shit

No. 2019962

hannibal and it's consequences

No. 2019973

File: 1722192761325.png (903.86 KB, 937x633, fictionvreality.png)

I like that in the picture it looks like a man's chest

No. 2019987

File: 1722195342701.png (2.67 MB, 2000x2000, mrbeastyaoi.png)

fixed it for her

No. 2019989

No. 2019995


No. 2020006

File: 1722197389644.png (8.32 MB, 3823x1888, IMG_1693.png)

Saw this guy today who constantly spams his bulge/moose knuckle in lesbian and MtF subs. So gross.

No. 2020010

"Goth" and then its just the most basic black clothing ever….

at least it doesn't look like like the shein factory exploded this time…

No. 2020013

next thread pic

No. 2020019

>what can I do to give more lesbian vibe
Kys and hope you get born again female attracted to women

No. 2020025

Never forget when this was the fandom drama threadpic. I was homicidal for an entire month.

No. 2020048

File: 1722201754367.mp4 (2.05 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@ticcingmusician_172…)

TIMs really hate TIFs

No. 2020056

what a manchild

No. 2020057

id kms if i looked like this lmao fuckk

No. 2020058

You can hear the special needs-ness in his voice kek

No. 2020059

His teeth,the voice,the hair, the manner of speech, Jesus Christ he comes across as one of those incels who choose the transcel life

No. 2020060

File: 1722202740945.jpeg (703.99 KB, 1242x1926, B8AFB211-0F33-4241-A3B3-6A80FB…)

No. 2020061

Ot but she's my biggest guilty pleasure artist

No. 2020062

As a bi woman I'm just seeing a bi moid display exactly why nobody fucking likes them kek

No. 2020072

Okay! You're a man! Congratulations on coming to terms with reality!
Literally every single unwashed bearded sandal-wearing manbun scrote goes through this cycle, except some of them do inhuman amounts of drugs and try to attract a polycule first. It's not a trans thing, it's a narc meltdown fuelled by coom.

No. 2020077

Isn't Chris taller than Beast in real life?

No. 2020078

>edjukate yourself
I'm so tired of this phrase being used by the most uneducated people on the planet.

No. 2020079

Doesn't this guy look like CWC in real life? Incredible how troons always flatter themselves way too much with their art.

No. 2020082

I kind of doubt he's actually into men. It seems more likely that porn addiction broke his dick and now he can only get off on weirdly specific fetishes where the genders of the participants are irrelevant. He strikes me as the kind of guy who'd be into something autistic like vore or inflation.

No. 2020085


greasy behavior

No. 2020086

File: 1722207932531.jpg (190.04 KB, 865x1390, los-angeles-vereinigte-staaten…)

not at all

No. 2020122

File: 1722218057087.jpeg (371.48 KB, 750x2441, IMG_0253.jpeg)

checking their profiles is always a doozy.

No. 2020146

The Kubrick stare joke is too obvious at this point

No. 2020147

Incredible that he's a manlet but he still manages to look like a gorilla when he's dressed as a woman.

No. 2020158


No. 2020164

mental asylum escapee

No. 2020165

Elden ring boss looking ass troon

No. 2020166

How is that not a serial killer dressed as his mother looking for his next victim

No. 2020168

File: 1722238454128.jpeg (48.77 KB, 707x490, image0.jpeg)

YouTube algorithm cursed me with this video featuring one of the worst rat’s nests of hair I’ve seen in a trannoid in recent times. He looks like a fucking homeless crackhead and showed up to a public event like that. Trannies have no fucking shame

No. 2020170

File: 1722240499303.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1290x2209, IMG_3374.jpeg)

he, in fact, has touched his son inappropriately

No. 2020173

not to defend his pedo ass but he's like 180cm tall i wouldn't call that a manlet. compared to literal giant mr beast (6'5/195cm) most people will appear small
thought it was keffals for a second until i remembered he doesn't have that much hair on his head anymore
i lol'ed

No. 2020182

Ugh not Punkitt. Always found that Le Quirky sexist fucker so self-absorbed and self-righteous back on RMN.net. Not surprised it's a TIM considering how fucking awful his personality was even back then.

No. 2020196

this is what happens when a neet crawls out of their hovel, theyre a dime a dozen in the gaming community. extra tard points for being a tranny tbh

No. 2020201

Damn mrbeast has a huge ass head >>2020170
I really hope they won't allow the pedotroon access to this child anymore. I feel bad for the wife and kid

No. 2020206

his shitty mspaint comics keep popping up on my feed on every possible platform i hate being a ponyfag in 2024

No. 2020213

File: 1722257162480.jpg (186.45 KB, 1080x1080, compliment-v0-qwq7zl1jrffd1.jp…)

Holy shit, imagine a troon randomly complementing your looks on the street. Thanks for the sexual harassment, buddy. (This guy has been posted in this thread before, he looks like a neet)

No. 2020232

the power of the youtube algo to make an ulgy fidget spinning nonce the biggest, richest influencer. He's literally called mrbeast.

No. 2020233

Without context, I can still tell a male drew it because of the peekaboo top and the waitress's short skirt that's creasing around the thigh folds

At least he drew his height correctly kek. He must be huge irl

No. 2020247

Are males incapable of understanding the concept of pity compliments or something? Or women giving compliments to keep them from getting upset or angry?

No. 2020250

>What vibes do I give??
Fat, tranny predator

Those Gollum chompers are making me gag. You know he catches fish with his feet and eats them raw in the woods.

No. 2020251

Why does the style reminds me of Killing Stalking? kek

No. 2020255


They're not socialized to do stuff like that, so it doesn't occurr to them.

No. 2020268

>You know he catches fish with his feet and eats them raw in the woods.
LOL that's a terrifying visual. His entire face is gross.

No. 2020273

Only a loser would solely base their security in other peoples praise, and then a double loser would expect everyone else to also need constant praise for validation. I’ll sometimes let a cashier know I like her nails or something, but this weird shelling out of compliments is so transparent. Just say that a women gave you a pity compliment one time and now you’re trying to copy her personality by doing the same to other women.

No. 2020278

love how he drew his uwu girlsona as hulking and towering over the real woman on panel 4 kek

No. 2020279

the pity compliment/mocking attention/backhanded compliment thing is a very feminine social mode, so naturally these scrotoids dont understand that they are being treated like a retard. i want more women to understand that this sort of social subtlty literally only engorges male egos because they are too stupid for a deft touch.
but honestly, even if you were blunt with these moids, they would delude themselves into thinking youre jealous or attracted to them or something. because they dont really believe that we have our own thoughts

No. 2020288

File: 1722274793148.jpg (264.65 KB, 1440x1440, azul2.jpg)

This is how the male pattern with hovering eyeliner looks like btw

No. 2020290

There's also a vod where he's the only one with face cam with 2 dollar troon vtubers bouncing next to him KEK. His voice is so obviously male as well

No. 2020295

How do you mess up eyeliner that badly? It looks like he thought women drew a line somewhere over their eyelids but didn't know where to go from there and gave up. If a woman posted a photo like this, they'd rip her to shreds over how stupid and ugly she looks. Since it's a troon, they get asspats. Bleak.

No. 2020298

Bingo. This is why TIMs legitimately think women believe they're valid or whatever. The only time they caught on was when they kept getting called "hon" I think kek.

No. 2020300

There’s a solo Lillytino thread already, nonnie >>1927025

No. 2020324

File: 1722280170431.jpg (70.23 KB, 400x400, chigyutroon.jpg)

he looks like a chigyu kek no amount of filters kek hide that autist chin

No. 2020340

My workplace’s DEI coordinator always compliments our resident TIM on his hair (even when it looks like a rat’s nest) or clothing (skirts so short that no actual woman would ever wear them in the workplace) whenever she sees him. It’s funny af

No. 2020371

scarier than longlegs

No. 2020378

Virtue-signalling fake-ass hoe. The handmaids who enable this trash purely to make themselves look good infuriate me almost as much as TiFs do. At least TiFs commit to the bit.

No. 2020411

File: 1722298015923.jpg (60.39 KB, 1190x720, ALEX.jpg)

do troons even realize how fucking terrifying they are? i'd shit my pants harder at the sight of this coming towards me at night than at a 7 foot tall grunting gorilla

No. 2020414

File: 1722298608152.mp4 (13.88 MB, 720x1280, bfec28c5577240b8b149aab8386a63…)

>and then everyone clapped

btw why do 75% of moid troons always pick the name elle 🤮(emoji)

No. 2020416

i'll be honest i am an autistic almost 30 year old woman and i didn't know what pity compliments were until reading these threads so hell no do any autistic moids know about them

No. 2020421

What does the U in AuDHD mean, also

No. 2020422

it means Autism-ADHD
but they push the Autism into the ADHD so it becomes AuDHD, I don't really know why
presumably because there's a large overlap, but you don't see them calling themselves Trautists

No. 2020459

Elle is the French female third person pronoun, they might as well just call themselves Her and still won't be a woman.

No. 2020472

File: 1722304900576.png (280.13 KB, 862x562, 56272978.png)

twitter mtf boygrrl spends a year in and out of hospitals for what seems to be mental illness and alcohol/drugs or something, and has a hard time getting another job (in IT of course lol). anyway time for making more bedroom beats be sure to put that on the resume

No. 2020501

File: 1722309752389.jpeg (1.1 MB, 750x4750, IMG_0338.jpeg)

all i see is mutilated women and unwashed crossdressers, nothing to be proud of.

No. 2020521

Autists don't get subtle social cues

No. 2020522

The one in the red coat looks like he is 7 feet tall kekkk

No. 2020523

Literally rapehon harassing women on the streets 

No. 2020536

It's really difficult to read (nice sign-making, retard) but the troon in the red jacket is holding a sign that threatens specific people (mostly women) by name:
>I already took care of Dr. Cass, Ms. Bindel, and JK Rowling this [indecipherable]
>I think I'm going to enjoy finishing you off, most of all Wes Streeting
Wes is the current secretary of health care in the UK, and he's advancing a plan to ban hormone blockers for minors. Dr. Cass was literally just doing the incredibly dry work the government told her to do by collecting existing studies and reviewing them. Julie Bindel and JK Rowling do not work for the government and are simply opining online or in writing. Interesting how these "crimes" are all seen as equivalent. Having a vagina and a negative opinion is apparently as worthy of death as being personally responsible for passing legislation troons hate. It's so transparent that they hold women to a different standard.

They claim that they do this because blockers and hormones prevent suicide, bit there's no data to support that. The actual reason they push it is because they delusionally believe that blockers automatically equal passing better, and they're mad they weren't able to have them as kids. They literally prioritize aesthetics (the ability to "pass") over kids' bone health, IQ, reproductive health, etc., and the suicide shit is a lie to cover for that. When you tell adult troons that HRT increases their risk of stroke, they say that it's "worth it" and that they'd be "dead without it anyway," which is a load of nonsense. They're just looking for people to enable their self-destructive behavior and want it to be normalized even among children. Damaging the integrity of your body solely for "mental health" is deranged behavior, full stop.

No. 2020543

The fuck is his logic? Tipping isn't a thing, therefore waitstaff have no reason to be nice to you? Restaurants still get reviews, bosses still give raises based on performance and attitude. Combine that with pity (for him being a troon, and eating at a restaurant alone), and yeah, the waitress has plenty of incentive to give fake compliments. The defensive bit about tipping just smacks of "the troon doth protest too much." There's no way to know how sincere she was, so why is he trying to preempt a debate about that as if he does?

No. 2020553

Based cashier.

No. 2020559

That wasn't said so far but it's clear it's a completely invented scenario. Absolutely no woman who is working like that is going to randomly engage and give a pity compliment to a 7 ft tall gorilla in a dress. She's just going to do her job and try to avoid him.

No. 2020568

Ah yes, raping us like the straight men they are with the penises they have is definitely going to change our minds and make us go "oh I guess transwomen are normal women just like the rest of us after all :)"

It doesn't get any more mask off than this, lol. They're pornrotted incels.

No. 2020569

>calls himself ""mommy""
>wears dog tags like a homo bottom
Sure thing TIM.

No. 2020628

When you're clearly a man and put on that much makeup to cake your face, you'll get called a drag queen. No brainer kek

No. 2020636

that poster has such a deviantart giantess vore fetish vibe. like the way its written gives me deviantart flashbacks hardcore
normie sleeper handmaidens straight up will tell scary rapehons they look "so cuteee!" or other such disingenuous pitying comments.

No. 2020640

Yeah I have no doubt some handmaiden do that but the drawing here sounds completely invented. Especially considering how much sexual harassment waitresses get on an everyday basis. Trannies love to write trannifictions

No. 2020643

You leave little Alex out of this, nonnie!

No. 2020645

The tif is so cute, I would forever hate troons for brainwashing cute tomboys and lesbians
>Trans cunt
Of course a man would wear that, their hate and envy towards our genitalia are endless

No. 2020655

This was honestly a funny self own

No. 2020656

File: 1722341398904.jpeg (111.61 KB, 558x680, 987cac7e-4935-48c6-8422-4009ad…)

Rejoice, nonas.

No. 2020659

Honestly at least it sounds like he wants a job again and not just gofundme. Why do they all make the same kind of shitty music though?

No. 2020660

They want to be revolutionaries so bad, but for what? They have the same rights as everyone else. This isn’t like the Civil Rights era where ending segregation was a goal or gay rights where people just wanted to get married. I don’t understand.

No. 2020663

>sun-soaked portraits
Why do they always have to wax poetic when describing troon shit, especially when they are being disgusting.

No. 2020725

File: 1722352063374.jpg (72.87 KB, 828x712, 1000042728.jpg)

Pro-incest troon. He said if he had a daughter, he would rape her and he fantasizes about having a sister that he could rape.

No. 2020726

File: 1722352157622.jpg (218.54 KB, 1620x940, 1000042727.jpg)

No. 2020727

File: 1722352343461.jpg (99.64 KB, 1080x1080, 1000042729.jpg)

No. 2020752

Vile perverts. I’m glad tho they bring this shit public, people gotta peak when they see this degeneracy.

No. 2020762

He should try practicing with a barrel of a gun with one finger on the trigger. Would help him tons

No. 2020778

>parent-child incest
>it's ok if they're both adults
does he realize how fucking stupid that sounds
your parent is always your parent no matter what age either of you are

at least he doesn't have any relatives he's abused, hopefully at least considering he doesn't have a sister

No. 2020812

Charlie McDonnell aka Charlieissocoollike from the OG British youtuber days trooned out a few years back and his trooning out is what got me to finally peak. He used to be a sensitive and intelligent guy and it's tragic to see what a dumpy, inarticulate cow he's become. I sat through this entire video and it was nothing but verbal diarrhea from all parties

No. 2020832

File: 1722373145307.jpeg (184.6 KB, 1169x1148, IMG_3273.jpeg)

No. 2020833

As a now mid twenties Britfag I used to watch Charlie when I was younger, i had no clue he trooned out but god does he look rough. He went from a good looking twink to a slightly chubby bellow average woMAN.
Part of my reservations for voting labour this year was their plan to “modernise transgender rights” it makes me so happy that will be just another empty government promise, never thought I’d say this but maybe the tories did something right? And with all the riots and terror attacks happening in Stockport/Leeds/Manchester, Kier has a lot else to be doing even with Twitter pressure from the gendies to revise.

No. 2020838

File: 1722373647028.jpeg (265.97 KB, 828x1414, IMG_2219.jpeg)

i’m phone posting so sorry if this sucks. (this reel was posted on the official thesims instagram a day ago)
i usually ignore the tranny shit in the sims, but like wtf? what’s the reason for this. people on the comments are pissed off and that’s good to see people (other women especially) get tired of this trans shit everywhere. i downloaded the vid directly from insta but it was 22 MB so i cant upload it.

No. 2020839

It's wild to me that someone I used to enjoy watching as a teen now absolutely disgusts me with his rampant misogyny. Though I remember I fell off watching him because he started talking about sex and it made me uncomfortable for reasons I didn't understand as a teen… in hindsight I'm glad I had the natural instinct to be put off my a grown man talking to his audience of young teen girls about sex, and that just solidifies the reasons he trooned out, doesn't it. Wondering what scandals he's covering up with this, did he also try to date teens like that Chris/Ava guy?

No. 2020842

they want us to believe a video that has 100k views only gets 400 comments, that are of course all positive… kek they're working overtime deleting shit huh

No. 2020844

I remember that too nonna, it was a strange time in the early 2010s because a lot of British youtubers were asked to talk about sex and relationships by children's charities and looking back I have no idea why anyone thought it was a good idea or why the youtubers went along with it.

Interesting to note that Charlie was close friends with guys like Alex Day who ended up being outed for being sex pests and/or outright abusers during this time. I wonder if that resulted in a lot of trauma for him and had contributed to his trooning out. Despite everything I just don't want to believe he is a sex pest in the same vein as them.

No. 2020858

slightly off topic but i'll never forget when i worked at a warehouse and, during a lunch break, 2 entire tables of men (probably around 8-10 of them) said they would fuck their sister if they had one. not one of them disagreed.
all men are the same and these degenerates having the audacity to proclaim themselves as women while being gassed up by retarded handmaidens makes me feel like i'm losing my damn mind. like i genuinely cannot believe this is the reality we live in right now. absurd.

No. 2020860

the all burberry fit for the nickelodeon kids choice awards. ok fashion plate !

No. 2020900

every time

No. 2020961

Low effort troll or a genuine autist.

No. 2020966

File: 1722398933571.jpeg (280.7 KB, 750x800, IMG_0221.jpeg)

Total autist. He has quite the extensive post history.

No. 2020995

File: 1722408758011.jpeg (Spoiler Image,710.1 KB, 1136x1777, IMG_2328.jpeg)

So I was looking for a video example of a real female orgasm (harder to find than you would think) and ended up coming across a lot of weird fetish posts and subs on Reddit that are unironically autogynephilia. I found the bodyswap sub which is infested by MtFs (and a lot of incest for some reason) and they have a tag for something called “cumlocking.” I had no idea wtf they meant, but apparently it “locks” them in their body swap. The way men describe their theoretical mechanics of having a female body never ceases to amaze me.

No. 2021011

>Despite everything I just don't want to believe he is a sex pest in the same vein as them.
I mean he now thinks HE as a MAN knows better than actual women what a woman is. That he's allowed to invade female spaces just because he feels that he wants to. That a man in a dress IS what a woman is. That already shows he has no respect for women, our safety or boundaries. So him being a sex pest is pretty much guaranteed. You just cannot respect women AND troon out, they are mutually exclusive.

No. 2021020

I don't remember his name but he had a KF thread back in the day, he's a disabled man who's been keeping this up for at least 5 years.

No. 2021021

KEK why are male fetishes so fucking convoluted and retarded???? they literally have fetish lore its baffling

No. 2021040

File: 1722420972324.jpg (53.04 KB, 1080x1738, IMG_00682.jpg)

Linebacker shoulders and zero curves sure is a shape but not a womanly one.

No. 2021042

absolutely unrelated but how does this person have the username thequeergirl. i feel like that shouldve been taken like the second reddit was made

No. 2021060

Right? kek Also, if it even happened, it's obvious that the female cashier was taking the piss by claiming that her pronouns are he/him, and every time you play this game with troons, they get offended because only they are allowed to claim pronouns that obviously don't match with their sex. The irony.


Not only that but if a parent is deviant enough to want to have sex with their adult child, you know he was already grooming (and most likely abusing) his child when they were a minor.

No. 2021074

This is why I no longer have male friends. Even if they don’t say anything and are one of the “good ones”, they’re actually not. They all think like this.

No. 2021093

File: 1722432094809.jpeg (824.47 KB, 1215x1411, D059CA16-1EED-40AD-AF89-A4BB84…)

No. 2021095

File: 1722432124355.jpeg (730.13 KB, 1242x1847, 057F1885-8CD6-4E5C-A19B-65A17F…)

No. 2021102

Women suffering because of troonism, don't know why they think that somehow makes troons look good

No. 2021107

Check his Twitter and you will see he's just another scrote who only talks about sex and tits all the time.

No. 2021119

this sounds like such a fucking lie. i’m sure men would do that but i can’t imagine a woman would call another woman “not a woman” just cause her “vagina doesn’t work/ she can’t have PIV/ use tampons.”

No. 2021138

99% of these cases are really homophobia and this shit happened before the troon craze. It sucks so much but from what i've personally witnessed, women who are assumed to be perverts because they look gay leave or de-escalate because they don't want to make others uncomfortable, unlike troons
KEKKK i lost it at the end

No. 2021177

File: 1722444187677.jpg (535.55 KB, 1079x1605, 1000018598.jpg)

Ah yes, such a wominly woman!
There is so much going on here. Andres, I salute you for potentially peaking more women.
>Andres targeted several women, as well at the Alberta Powerlifting Union (APU), and the CPU, with abuse, death threats, and harassment.
>In his response to the original complaint which led to his suspension, Andres simply said “Fuck the APU.”
>Andres’ conduct included threatening to commit suicide if the APU refused to comply with his demands, lying about having been banned from the female sports category, and bullying and harassing the APU’s executive board.
>Andres had been racist and made her uncomfortable after comparing himself to black women historically forced to use separate drinking fountains than white women. The complainant herself is a black woman.
>Andres also falsely accused the CPU, APU, International Powerlifting Federation (IPF), and sports officials of wanting access to his medical records and to also, bizarrely, “look at the genitals of kids.”

No. 2021183

File: 1722444503948.jpg (372.96 KB, 1080x589, 1000018600.jpg)

Samefag, that was him before he trooned put. He smashed the female record by 200kg…many female competitors retired in protest and then he entered into a male rage, harassing them and making death threats when they complained about him. Just normal things women do…

No. 2021205

As a uk female powerlifter I've dropped out of 3 competitions. I'll just stick to personal records now. Fuck this.(unsaged blogpost)

No. 2021210

File: 1722447936478.webm (2.64 MB, 320x398, 1672835868494.webm)

>woman (april hutchinson) calls a man a man
>2 years suspension
>man issues death threats to her and ruins + makes a mockery of women's sport
>6 month suspension
i remember this guy. vidrel is him confused as to why women bench lifting records are "so bad", and says his son (imagine this being your dad…) could easily beat those records, without a shred of awareness.

No. 2021211

>trans women reassured me that I was a real woman while cis women berated me for having vaginismus
What a fucking liar. A ton of women suffer from this condition and I’ve never seen anyone being mocked for it ever. If anything, women are usually understanding and empathetic.

No. 2021215

What do handmaidens truly gain from making up shit like this to cape for troons? Seriously I don't get it.

No. 2021216


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2021245

I know you got banned for newfag behavior but I just wanted to say based queen. I love female powerlifters. Would be your wife

No. 2021304

bitch what shape? rectangle???

No. 2021330

Why the fuck are you weighing your 45 pound (young teen?) son and making him lift and measuring his metrics? Absolutely deranged borderline abusive parenting

No. 2021331

This troon is SO male-brained he can't even stop himself from being a football dad kek

No. 2021335

File: 1722469484538.jpeg (66.92 KB, 800x450, IMG_6591.jpeg)

No. 2021351

what i wanna know is, why is his teenage son only 45lbs? both my nieces were around 55lbs when they were only 10, and they were SMALL. a teenager being 45lbs sounds dangerous.

No. 2021384

Everyone he's related to needs to file a restraining order, jfc.

No. 2021386

Does anyone have links to the Tiktoks shown in the post?

No. 2021387

>a public forum
Ah yes, my favorite social media platform. I also like to eat at Popular Chain Restaurant and shop at Store That Sells Goods.

No. 2021389

Maybe he meant to say 145?

No. 2021455

Before enlarging the image I thought this was a set of photos from a cosplay convention

No. 2021464

What do you do if an AGP is stalking you and skinwalking you? Have you ever successfully gotten them off your back?(off-topic)

No. 2021493

Vidrel is the bathroom freakout; couldn't find the other two on her account, looks like she deleted them

No. 2021496

Male autism never ceases to amaze kekekek

No. 2021506


Right wing moids are all pro tranny. Makes sense men will always side with a scrote in a skirt over women. Any nonas who think republican moids are gonna help women are delusional.(not saged, no screenshots, triyng to politics derail)

No. 2021507

> Waaah women voted for it
Reminder that these are the same moids who get pissy about #yesallmen kek

No. 2021518

Males hate trannies because they are GNC/homo males but they hate women even more just for being female!(off-topic)

No. 2021529

Is this meant to be shocking to anyone. 4chan is trannies official birthplace, most scrotes troon out due to being woman-hating incels who turned themselves into full fledged enuch faggots. I'm surprised if there's any MRAs/right wing moids left who ARENT pro-tranny, it's literally their perfect ideology in every way.
average scrote cope to avoid taking accountability for their own inferior sex's degeneracy. women were never allowed to vote on whether we wanted to accept misogynistic faggots and rapehons as our sisters.

No. 2021573

While I won't discount the possibility that this is real, she did get a lot of clout for this. I'm almost wondering if she and a friend staged this.

No. 2021574

This just in! Man who think that women are inferior to them becomes a woman after failing to reach their own imposed gender standards. More news at 10…

No. 2021627

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No. 2021680

File: 1722553522505.jpeg (39.25 KB, 710x432, IMG_6259.jpeg)

No. 2021687

File: 1722554506893.png (33.74 KB, 782x289, Screenshot_876.png)

She's not a man, she just juiced and failed a drug test at some point. Then the leader of the International Boxing Organization used this as "proof" that she was actually a man despite not having irregular testosterone levels prior or afterwards.

No. 2021693

File: 1722555033729.jpeg (832.64 KB, 1179x2379, IMG_1010.jpeg)

No. 2021698

File: 1722555826899.webp (41.34 KB, 960x663, IMG_1012.webp)

No. 2021699

Why are they making women go through humiliation rituals?(sage your shit)

No. 2021700

There is literally no actual proof of her having XY chromosomes, the head of the IBA which is a corrupt organization with ties to Putin that is no longer recognized by the IOC said that but the IBA's own written statement is deliberately vague about why they disqualified. She’s a woman with high testosterone

No. 2021701

I haven't been able to find any proof of that other than this one guy saying it. He sounds corrupt as fuck and is really into pushing his/putin's rightwing agenda.
>The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been concerned about the IBA under Kremlev's leadership.[18] Kremlev has ties to Vladimir Putin, has moved much of the IBA's operations from Lausanne, Switzerland to Russia, has spent heavily on apparent self-promotion, and has opposed independent appointment of judges and referees.[18][19] The IOC has also been alarmed by the fact that the IBA's only sponsor is a Russian company (Gazprom) that supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[18] In September 2022, the IBA voted against a presidential election, cementing Kremlev's position as the organization's president.

No. 2021708

File: 1722556938844.jpeg (216.77 KB, 1514x1080, IMG_5750.jpeg)

You’re buying into conservative moids shitting on masculine woman, there’s pictures of her a girl

No. 2021709

source for these pics?

No. 2021713

an Algerian interview

No. 2021718

That is 100% a man. A woman does not sound like a flaming gay guy even on testosterone.

No. 2021719

A male intersex person who was assigned female at birth is still a biological male, regardless of being raised as a girl.

No. 2021720

She’s an intersex woman. Her chromosomes are XY, but their parents decided to raise her as a girl.(sage your shit)

No. 2021721

so tiny dick and parents made the doctor just cut it off??
Freakshow, disgusting.(sage your shit)

No. 2021722

She sounds like a woman with a deep voice to me

No. 2021723

It was normal even 10 years ago. It easier to cut a dick ok and make a vagina than make a deformed dick a functional one.(sage your shit)

No. 2021727

It says that nowhere.

No. 2021733

>clearly tranny voice even for a pcos woman
you can tell the dilator community is on damage control in this thread

No. 2021734

File: 1722561796686.jpeg (113.93 KB, 769x490, E4E89D9A-95D0-4898-9163-C3EA8F…)

there are female intersex conditions that include a Y chromosome. The one she’s speculated to have makes you develop completely female except for non functioning gonads and excess testosterone. Whether she should be allowed to compete is another discussion

No. 2021735

First, there have only been about 100 cases of Swyer syndrome worldwide since 1955, so it's EXTREMELY unlikely he has what you would consider "female XY." Even if he did have Swyer syndrome, he's still biologically male. Swyer syndrome patients don't develop any female secondary sex traits (breasts, widening of pelvis, etc.) and require hormone replacement therapy (ie female hormones) their whole lives. They don't produce female gametes either. The only "female" trait they have is a vulva, because the vulva is what develops if anti-Mullerian hormone isn't present to develop it into the penis. If he has XY chromosomes, he's male.

No. 2021752

File: 1722564240171.png (3.53 MB, 1414x2561, delusional.png)

sure, jan. totally happened

No. 2021755

This is getting kind of off-topic, so we might want to move this discussion to the GC thread in /ot/, but my understanding is that people with Swyer also have uteruses and ovaries (correct me if I'm wrong.) They were born with vaginas, they were socialized as female and experience all the obstacles that come with that, so as far as I'm concerned, they're women. However, they have an unfair advantage and I think something needs to be done to mitigate that.

This is the problem with TRAs glomming into intersex rights. Issues that have very little to do with troons are now having their discussion poisoned by trans discourse. Plenty of women born with uteruses and vaginas fail to develop gametes, but they can still get pregnant and carry children, which definitively separates them from troons, in addition to the obvious piece of being socialized female. There's a huge difference between a person with Swyer syndrome and a whole-ass male who just decided to LARP as a woman later in life. It's really not fair to intersex women that they now have to deal with all the blowback from troons being retarded, because intersex women never did anything wrong.

No. 2021776

Nta, I don't know anything about Swyers syndrome but there is something called androgen insensitivity syndrome, its where an xy persons body basically can't process male hormones. It's actually relatively comment like one in 20,000 or something. Many of them have breasts and look female and don't know they're male until they hit a certain age and dont have periods. I don't think it's fair to call them men since many of them they don't have any idea they're genetically male for the first part of their lives. Some of them actually do look male though. There are a lot of videos about it. Vidrel is someone with said disorder. I agree that competing in sports is another issue though. I also hate trannies trying to claim intersex people's struggles

No. 2021778

File: 1722566770949.png (510.67 KB, 632x627, long.PNG)

couldn't help but laugh when i saw this guy. he literally has double adam's apple.

No. 2021780

File: 1722567476747.png (Spoiler Image,414.07 KB, 2969x1138, PAB_Updates_Banner_Web-pxaoqae…)

samefag, i showed this to my friend and she pointed out that he was wearing a babyfur hat in every single picture. disgusting.

No. 2021797

To answer his question, something that wraps around his neck and hides the majority of his face.

No. 2021825

i think it did happen but he didn't register that these women were just fucking with him lol

No. 2021846

Well said nonna. We look like insane conservatives shouting man at a women who has a chromosome deficiency. It’s really an Olympic committee issue, didn’t Micheal Phelps have some genetic advantage and was still allowed to compete? At least they haven’t allowed any actual troons in.

No. 2021848

i think it did happen but those women thought he was a flamboyant faggot/drag queen out with a platonic girlfriend kek. "dat my bitch" is not something a lesbian would say to another lesbian, ever, but it certainly is something a weird straight woman would say to a flamer.

No. 2021849

kek anon
>chromosome deficiency
made me lol

No. 2021851

From what I could gather that sounds like a man with Swyer syndrome who genuinely believes he is female. Not a tranny. There is no such things as transgender in Algeria. I doubt Algeria in 1999 was well-equipped to deal with such rare cases.
He shouldn't have been allowed to compete though. He also lost his nine last matches against women. But that certainly isn't a tranny, despite all the radfem cows jumping on the bandwagon for their own agenda. He also absolutely looks and sounds male to me. He's been let down by everyone letting him believe he was female when he obviously is not, and he sounds like he genuinely believes it.

Agree with all the above takes.

Agreed except that is not a woman imo. He sounds like he has Swyer syndrome which can only affect males. Knowing Algeria, I assume they found it easier to tell the parents "that's a girl, raise him like one", because they probably wouldn't be equipped to deal with that, especially around 1999 when he was born. But I agree that is not a troon either.

No. 2021854

he just has abnormally long arms and some intersex activists who sympathize with troons say that if we discriminate against their chromosomal/hormonal differences then we should discriminate against men with abnormally long arms etc.
it's not logically sound

No. 2021857

File: 1722592446038.jpg (442.91 KB, 1080x1264, 1000018634.jpg)

Was checking out tips on a 3DS fashion game I'm playing atm and of course a tranny would insert himself there kek. They truly are everywhere.

No. 2021860

Can’t they just watch a YouTube video or something? troons really do everything they can in their power to avoid listening to actual women’s advise. No a decade old children’s game isn’t going to help you learn how to dress non retardedly. Someone just send him the Amazon link to that one skirt and thigh high socks and have it over already

No. 2021862

File: 1722593829829.png (537.99 KB, 732x615, IMG_0352.png)

Kek. Is the good hair in the room with us?

No. 2021864

>should I start paying attention to what all the women in my age group I see in real life tend to do and what trends are appearing in order to learn what’s normal? Normie beauty and style influencers? Go to a mall and see what’s in stores right now?
>no, I should learn Fashion Rules from a Japanese cartoon game from 2008
I think part of why HSTS have so much more success is they actually pay attention to what women do, and have done so their whole lives. There’s no “but how could I possibly know about fashion and makeup without your cis privilege?!” coming from them because they know that’s ridiculous.

No. 2021868

Yeah it’s so stupid because plenty of men appreciate style & could probably put together an outfit for their girlfriend/wife. Or they at least know what they like to see women wearing. And yet for some reason they act like fashion and makeup are inherent to women.

No. 2021885

Women don’t catcall. Lesbians aren’t men and we don’t behave like men, especially since we are aware of how scary catcalling can be. They just make shit up.

No. 2021898

>We look like insane conservatives
Smells like tranny agenda, no one in the thread reacted even slightly conservative, and nonas were very quick to point out the possibilities of chromosomal disorders. Literally every normie outside of LC thought it was a man too because that's how it's being reported, which has the trannies salivating at the opportunity to go "CHECKMATE bigoted cunts!! there's bio women who look like hulking troons and beat women with man strength too!! choke on girldick!!!". This is an extremely rare situation/possible condition, and I don't think anyone is reacting inappropriately considering piss hormone addicted trannies have made it harder for everyone to identify real females with hormonal disorders.

No. 2021913

Damn when did NPH start smoking crack?

No. 2021939

Maybe this story did happen, but all 4 of the people in the story are men since most trannies can't seem to tell the difference between men and lesbians

No. 2021995

Wrong, "nona". I'm center left and even tho he isn't a tranny and truly believes he is female his testosterone is equivalent to other men his age.

No. 2022002

this moid literally has xy chromosomes, testes and testosterone in the male range. get a grip.

No. 2022026

Is there literally any evidence from a source that isn’t entirely mickey mouse bullshit of Khelif having tested as having XY chromosomes? In any event, I don’t think it makes sense to refer to someone who was born with external female anatomy and had every reason to believe they were female for most of their life differently than they have been addressed since childhood. I’m wary not to say they “deserve” to be called she or whatever, because that isn’t the point - I don’t call a TiM “he” as punishment for being an evul tranny or whatever, it’s a value-neutral observation of fact, that they are male. But I do think in such an edge case as an AFAB male, for the sake of conversation, there’s really no point in calling someone something they’ve never had any reason to believe they should be called.

No. 2022031

i will call him what he is. a male. a male that gets his rocks off trying to seriously injure women.(this subject is quarantined in the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2022032

With absolutely no reliable confirmation that this is actually true

No. 2022033

use your eyes retard

No. 2022040

Ew, troons needs to stay away from Style Savvy. They should go learn styling from the cross dressers on Quora.

No. 2022061

File: 1722636439717.png (883.15 KB, 760x1303, IMG_1934.png)

Stole this from Ovarit. Porn subs are allowed to exclude TiMs, but god forbid women want their own spaces.

No. 2022064

the retards on the h3 podcast are mocking the woman who lost, saying the boxer who’s clearly a dude is a woman, and Carini was a crybaby who didn’t even try. it’s so gross, the brain rot of the tranny fan club is like nothing i’ve ever seen, they’re in a fucking cult, unable to think for themselves.(this subject is quarantined in the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2022073

Come on, an ALGERIAN tranny? The only trannies that exist in third world shitholes are groomed HSTS prostitutes. Very likely she's simply just intersex, or she roided so much she permanently looks like that now. Also this is why sports are a joke, it's 99% dependent on winning the genetic lottery plus a bit of hard work and training. Unfortunately, when it comes to female sports some types of intersex women just have an unfair advantage. Just look at athletics, top performers are all intersex black women, you can't get any more peak performance than that (for "female" standards anyway). If intersex people are completely banned from competing it would be the most fair for most women, but everyone is gonna seethe because people with any sort of medical condition like this are treated as if they were downies or something so we mustn't hurt their feelings.(this subject is quarantined in the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2022083

are there any big subreddits who say, "No trans" or just commenters/mods nuking MTf porn?I bet it pisses them off that they can't post their dicks to coomers looking for women. Isn't MTF porn separated on actual porn sites anyway? They only feel it's acceptable because we all know it's mostly men going to porn subs and we must respect their tastes. Meanwhile, Lesbians have to include troons in their love lives.

No. 2022092

I'm from Morocco (right next to Algeria and culturally very similar) and trannies are not accepted in society here. Most are gay dudes as you said and they get beaten up in the streets. It's not Iran where they're okay with troons because at least you're trying to not be gay. There's absolutely no way Algeria would send a tranny to represent them, there would be uproar about it and people calling it a national embarrassment. She's a woman and there was never any question about her sex until a couple of years ago when she beat a Russian and the IBA (which is led by a Russian) DQ'ed her. The IOC by the way said her disqualification is based on nothing. There is zero hard evidence she has XY chromosomes and seeing as she's from a rural part of Algeria I doubt she even knew much about troonism until this controversy. She has talked about how her father didn't want her to do boxing growing up because he thought it wasn't a hobby for girls.
The Italian moaning about getting punched hard during a boxing match and trying to imply a woman is a man instead of admitting she lost a fair fight is a baby. And that anon you replied to is spreading misinformation. I feel sorry for Imane, she's going to get harassed for years to come because this woman was a sore loser and it's already hard for North African women to be taken seriously in sports.(this subject is quarantined in the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2022103

File: 1722644143558.png (137.57 KB, 1100x277, notitle.png)

Where the hell did you get that Swyer syndrome only affects men? These people almost always have functioning female internal organs

No. 2022106

trannies are to blame. no one would be transvestigating anyone if troons weren’t hellbent on impersonating the opposite sex.

No. 2022116

it’s clear at this point that she isn’t trans, but is there any factual proof she’s not intersex? they could easily disprove the allegations with a chromosome test.

No. 2022136

I'm from Algeria trust me if this was a troon she would have been stoned to death in a small village.(sage your shit)

No. 2022198

File: 1722673208428.png (71.19 KB, 550x275, Screenshot 2024-08-03 011737.p…)

in other news, gorgeous women are afraid to say "i think i look nice today" in fear of being called a stuck-up conceited bitch

No. 2022215

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No. 2022228

Contender for next threadpic?

No. 2022229

Not all types of intersex people have abnormal chromosomes, for example you can be 46 XX female but you genetically can't convert testosterone to estrogen so during puberty you start to develop male secondary sex characteristics but you have completely normal chromosomes.
This would require cytogenetic testing plus hormone testing to confirm in addition to chromosomal tests

No. 2022235

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No. 2022246

File: 1722687401621.jpg (35.98 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

uncanny resemblance

No. 2022247

he looks like that retarded dog with the deformed cranium

No. 2022251

Someone should edit out the boobs sitting on the table

No. 2022255

I still prefer the kris tyson one

No. 2022257

No. 2022264

soylitas are basically soyjaks of lolis so nah

No. 2022266

also, they are based off literal children, either way they've been trying to raid lc for months now and I don't want them to have any presence.

No. 2022267

Exactly. I don't care if some nonas think they're "uwu cute" but they're made by shitty 4chan and soyjak party moids. Why should we use their uglyass soy shit?

No. 2022276

Sorry I didn't know the context of the picture or what it represents beyond the parody a nona made. There are many more itt that can be good for the next thread though!

Omg yes great one!

No. 2022299

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No. 2022313

why do I have to live in a timeline where these people exist….

No. 2022322

never apologize for not being terminally online nonnie

No. 2022328

What's wrong with that?

No. 2022334

More proof that these vile tranoids are utter subhumans.I honestly don't know what else to say about this one.beyond reprehensible.

No. 2022343

>sword isn't in the reflection
not sure if he's a bad artist, or subconsciously showing that troons project what they want to see instead of seeing what's actually there

No. 2022347

kek it’s because they’re all autists(learn to sage)

No. 2022348


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No. 2022376

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