File: 1697915091124.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1554, 1697851417986.png)

No. 1917252
File: 1697916577566.jpg (179.73 KB, 1080x1132, F89yT78XUAECQWW.jpg)

No. 1917260
File: 1697917873361.png (86.12 KB, 544x432, Kek.png)

Not even the theybies want their narcisistic asses
No. 1917263
File: 1697918040493.png (76.22 KB, 552x407, Troon chimps out.png)

A dainty girly fragile girl encounters the ebil cis female and chimps out in a gay bar kek
No. 1917270
>>1917257>real artkek
>>1917263another threat of violence, where are the moids that take the "woman" larp to the fullest and beat themselves into complete submission, as patriarchy dictates? never seen them. even in tranny spaces it's always only the tims that are allowed to be violent.
No. 1917279
File: 1697920282702.png (12.39 KB, 601x157, stealth.png)

lmao at the concept of "stealth". I thought at first it meant they were in the closet and boymode or whatever. No way in hell any of them are fooling anyone. They are so retarded and delusional that they really think people avoiding the elephant in the room means they actually pass. What are the best ways to burst their bubble without outing yourself as a terf and making them chimpout? I am afraid "misgendering" them will cause a gamestop "it's ma'am" freakout. What about innocently asking them if they are trans?
No. 1917283
>>1917279That will also get you a freak out tbh, the best way to make them feel like shit is to ignore their asses and live your best life. Mostly because if you talk to them and try to pretend that they’re the opposite sex, they will think that they “pass”; if you make fun of them or call them trannies and shit, they will freak out and create a “karensona” by turning your mild and quick interaction into this evil crusade against trannies.
If you have a big group of friends, maybe you could make fun of the moid in a dress, since those are very violent beasts, but they also know how to pick their fights so maybe they wouldn’t try to harm you.
No. 1917286
File: 1697920882299.jpg (183.48 KB, 1080x1350, XX.jpg)

just doodled up some cringe vent art
No. 1917288
File: 1697920988848.jpeg (144.88 KB, 900x1000, good lord.jpeg)

sage for mini rant. this has always bothered me so much. their creepy obsession with "good girl"
it's something women hate because it's infantilising and condescending, but they wouldn't know anything about what women experience. it's paedophilic and weird, especially for a grown MAN to want to hear this jfc. and you know it's sexual for them, the only context where someone would say "good girl" to a man in a dress is to cater to his fetish. it's absolutely revolting and makes my skin crawl every time i see them sperging over these words.
>when another woman pats you on the head and says good girl
wtaf no women would ever do this to another woman, unless it was a mother to her female child or as an actual joke to a friend. i'm guessing this is another TIM or a handmaiden working overtime to appease him.
No. 1917311
File: 1697922509191.png (584.26 KB, 604x655, maid-dragon-ep9-praise.png)

>>1917288If a moid is talking about wanting head pats, that means he's a lolicon or he has a mommy fetish (or both kek). He's fantasizing about being treated like an underage anime girl. Picrel, I remember first seeing 'head pat' memes whenever that pedo dragon show aired.
No. 1917317
>>1917260>I recently realized that I have sex-related abandonment issuesTheir levels of incel moidness are off the charts.
>>1917288>>1917311Yeah, it's 100% an anime thing. They're so transparent.
No. 1917323
File: 1697923879963.jpg (42.47 KB, 600x422, 40x9fwceoibz.jpg)

>>1917288Whenever you see posts like this on troon or "lesbian" subs, it's picrel.
No. 1917339
>>1917331thank you. also want to add to that jennifer bilek's blog which focuses more on big pharma, corporations and specific people profiting from the push of gender ideology and transhumanism, from a feminist angle. the pinned article about the pritzker family is a must-read.
No. 1917355
>>1917338Around the time Kristin's husband trooned out, she started identifying as a she/theyfab and said she wanted to dress more masculine. I thought it was her way of passively-aggressively telling her husband to fuck off because he skinwalks her and he's a troonsbian. Since her 'coming out' video she has only made one video about being nonbinary and she never mentions being nonbinary on any social media (even though she mentions being bi and gay every other minute).
Her videos with Brian come off as very performative and I don't think she's in a happy relationship with him but she won't leave because she's too insecure.
No. 1917366
>>1917260>>1917355Your man sucks ass now? There are only two options in the 2020s: They/Them pronoun Time or Open The Relationship.
No. 1917377
>>1917259why doesn't he make any effort to make his voice sound feminine?
why is he wearing a fancy looking velvet robe with like weird girl-aged looking hair pins?
and why the choker? who wears chokers at his age, let alone at his weight?
he sounds like any other autistic man in how he talks, not even like any feminine cadence or anything
>says he's gay>is married to a womanwhat a fucking trainwreck
>describes his therapy as not sufficientwhat does he need therapy for, dude needs a treadmill or a bicycle and it'd do far more than having some poor handmaiden therapist blow smoke up his ass for 50 minutes
>larp name is Briedude is so fat he can't even pick a name without thinking of food
>being hurt by your partner lying to you and trooning out is VIOLENCE>buying a purse means you are a woman>dude characterizes his wife saying he took her clothes as "weird" when trannies do it all the time>man was leaning 100% on the woman while not supporting her at allit's depressing that people like this exist, and consider their current situation to be something worth celebrating. i really hope she can wake up before wasting too much more time
No. 1917384
File: 1697930831422.png (138.91 KB, 555x498, lesbian action group australia…)

sorry if this was already posted in the last thread. australian lesbians are forbidden from not including TIMs in their events.
>The verdict read: “The commissioner submits that the word ‘sex’ is not a biological concept referring to whether a person at birth had male or female physical traits. Nor is it a binary concept, limited to the ‘male’ or ‘female’ sex."
bleak af.
No. 1917392
>>1917339i don't really think it's a good site to have a link to, while she has a few good points (like that making lifelong medical patients is an insane thing to do), it reeks of conservatism, anti-feminism and pro-natalism with its obsessive fixation on sexual dimorphism as
a good thing instead of what women are shamed for and our weaknesses, being knocked up is a weakness and a curse and not a blessing, no matter the tradthot copes.
and it uses tifs and not tims as "shock" to provoke pro-breeder (mammary glands are used for breastfeeding only) mentality, that a woman is somehow "mutilated" if she has her breasts removed (wonder what she has to say about breast cancer patients?), just because she will never be able to breastfeed anymore.
also, lots of "muh childrun, think about da childrun" - common tradcon manipulation tactic.
this is certainly not how trannyism should be fought, you will only attract trad "allies" and not normal people.
No. 1917405
File: 1697932607286.gif (2.59 MB, 360x202, Troons.gif)

The hardest reality for them to swallow.
No. 1917407
>>1917405um aktshually "DNA" is a colonialist eurocentric phrase and doesn't really mean anything in reality, because native peoples of colour have been oppressed because of so-called "DNA" which is a totally arbitrary concept made up by white men to solidify their white superiority in fake "science" using the "scientific method" (another tool of white supremacy) and "rigorous peer reviewed studies".
If you cite DNA then you are literally a neonazi white sumpremacist who is actively murdering brown people, so think twice about that before defining "women" based on things like "biology" or "reality", bigot
No. 1917409
>>1917392interesting. i didn't get that vibe as strongly from her. i think it's a good resource but understand how your points could be off-putting. this is another good overview (although it does reference jennifer's research)
i do think pointing out who is profiting from all of this is super important but it's not discussed as much. and it answers a big part of WHY we are where we are. anyway, don't want to derail.
No. 1917433
>>1917384Why the fuck did the group even ask for "permission" in the first place? They're associated with the LGB alliance, troons should implicitly know that the event isn't for them in the first place. Also, it's fucking ridiculous that any minority advocacy organization can be persecuted for "discrimination." In my opinion, it's permissible for minority-based organizations to restrict membership to those with that status. What do these women have to do to have their needs met if they aren't allowed to refer to sex or gender? Call themselves Lesbians-born-with-uteruses Action Group?
Burgerland is backwards as hell in many ways, but a ruling like this would never have happened here. That's why American trannies have deputized themselves as vigilantes and just get people fired or dox them instead.
No. 1917437
File: 1697937466774.jpeg (649.4 KB, 1345x859, IMG_3139.jpeg)

Lunatic berates his employees and starts sobbing over a picture of his daughter. Why you may ask? PMS of course.
No. 1917453
File: 1697940318901.jpeg (120.55 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1128.jpeg)

>>1917279When the troon Wendy’s employee rants about “being misgendered,” don’t forget to reply:
No. 1917457
File: 1697940869190.jpg (231.91 KB, 1080x846, Screenshot_20231021-195448_Chr…)

Just two men pretending to have periods together. Totally sane!: No. 1917462
File: 1697941404756.png (1.68 MB, 1302x1435, 648763598.png)

>>1917437I scrolled through this guy's post history and not surprisingly he's a degenerate self-hating faggot who started out into cuckoldry and chastity. He looks like an ex-military giga-hon, so I assumed he'd be an AGP transbian, but it seems like he might actually be HSTS. All his posts are about thirsting over men and he claims the only woman he's attracted to is his wife, who he lives vicariously through as he watches her fuck other men. Imagine being the daughter. How mortifying.
No. 1917473
>>1917260Sounds like he wants to be pegged every night and refuses PIV as well as any kind of foreplay or pleasure for her.
And discussing college is
definitely on the same level of emotionally devastating as someone attempting to change every facet of their appearane, name, behaviour, and the way you are supposed to treat them (penalty of being cancelled, fired, or worse if you get this wrong btw), overnight, what a great comparison!!
No. 1917495
File: 1697947389353.jpg (250.62 KB, 1080x798, Screenshot_20231021-234229_Red…)

>Vehemently deny male socialization>Find misogyny and sexual harassment euphoric and validatingPick one troons: No. 1917518
>>1917484>>1917437How many times do these retards need to be told that a woman's estrogen is at its
lowest and her testosterone at its highest at the onset of menstruation (i.e. when PMS would occur.) The
testosterone, or more accurately a higher amount of a hormone the system is not used to, is causing the mood problems. This is why you don't indefinitely dump a ton of one sex's hormone into a body of the opposite sex.
No. 1917519
>>1917495Unless he's a super plastic HSTS, this is pure tranfiction. Honestly vile that he's likely
fantasizing about being sexually harassed.
No. 1917530
>>1917495finding pornsick degeneracy from fellow moids validating is the most male thing conveivable
It's extremely weird for someone to cross that kind of boundary to begin with. not being repulsed by this kind of thing shows us how male lapses in judgment continue to fuel STI pandemics among them. tragic
No. 1917542
File: 1697959332640.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x2289, IMG_9986.jpeg)

>>1917519He is not. Picrel is him also, not adding the pic but his nipples are just two giant brown circles
No. 1917586
>>1917577Most rational, sane tranny.
>Eastern European Imagine my shock, all Slavic moids are violent Neanderthals.
No. 1917600
>>1917339Seconded. Extremely useful for charting the big money behind the whole movement (BlackRock, the Pritzker, etc).
>>1917392>pro-breeder mentalityWhat's this language choice
>>1917433>troons should implicitly know that the event isn't for them in the first placeCome on, they LIVE for forcing their way into places they're not wanted lol. Most likely they kicked a TiM out and he sued, so it went to court (that's what happened in Ireland).
No. 1917651
>>1917407Don't give them ideas nonna this is 100% something they would start claiming if it came from one of their "thinkers". The whole "science is a tool of white supremacy" is already something that some actually say.
>>1917462He's happy when his wife has sex with other men because he doesn't have to "pretend to be something he isn't" yet she was worried about him not being attracted to her anymore upon taking estrogen? How isn't she aware that he's gay by now??
No. 1917657
File: 1697982278835.jpg (36.98 KB, 680x373, F9C8FubWkAExEJM.jpg)

Its not your parents genes fault youre lazy and eat too much, these people always try to blame something else than themselves for literally anything. Also why the fuck would estrogen make you thinner? If anything its gonna give you more moobs
No. 1917683
>>1917249Thanks nonna, can we get back in the op?
No. 1917713
File: 1697989504089.jpeg (110.81 KB, 1000x563, KQED.jpeg)

KQED published a sympathetic piece on a TIM 'Syiaah Skylit' (Johnathan Robertson), in prison for armed robbery. he was also accused of rape in the woman's prison he was moved to, but still remains the
>"Skylit is a slight 5 feet, 5 inches tall with a big, dimpled smile. As a teen and living as a boy, she was bullied for being a flashy dresser, for the way she carried herself."see picrel lol
>KQED argue that its common for female inmates to lie about sexual assault and rape, and that TIM inmates are often the target.>They also argue that female inmates have approached TIMs for sex, and falsely accuse them of rape if their advances are rejected.the propaganda and bending over backwards to make it seem like TIMs in women's prisons are delicate little flowers who need protecting from evil
terf inmates (who try to rape THEM) and prison guards. good lord. No. 1917731
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No. 1917732
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This moid typing like a 13 year old on msn in 2007
No. 1917744
File: 1697993053925.jpg (291.99 KB, 1465x1892, F87L23fbYAAgbHH.jpg)

You do not. Next
No. 1917748
>>1917263 >I feel like I can’t please my partner in any way, shape, or formYou said it, buddy.
>>1917260Oh no, the scrote felt objectified. Be still my heart… you know he jerked off about it the second he got back to his parents house later that night.
No. 1917761
File: 1697994991481.jpeg (747.67 KB, 1200x1239, IMG_6921.jpeg)

>electrolysis is like bdsm!
Everything is a fetish to them.
No. 1917765
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>>1917731I looked this up for the source and ended up on his subreddit… but the whole thing is just devoted to mocking him kek. Found more material right at the top.
No. 1917779
File: 1697997404279.jpg (242.21 KB, 1079x1485, F9DkbduXYAAVE8V.jpg)

This gotta be a troll, are you transitioning into an 80 year old grandma?
No. 1917781
>>1917744Discussion time: why are they so obsessed on "passing"? Don't they understand this means they KNOW they're not women?
The whole culture of "passing" digusts me. First, because it has them pretty much admit they're not women (or men, in transmen's case). "To pass as"….. "to look like something you're not". They keep using this term, constantly, thus outing themselves as knowing they're not the other sex.
Second: because focusing so much on "passing" means that what's important to them is not being the other sex, but LOOKING like the other sex. They don't want to be women (or men, if transmen). They just want to deceive everyone. What's important is not being, what's imporant is appearing.
Bunch of insufferable idiots.
No. 1917831
File: 1698006424565.jpg (242.8 KB, 1080x1403, F9CyWEPXUAAD77J.jpg)

Yes you are embarrasing to be seen around and your wife needs to gtfo
No. 1917841
>>1917713"According to the Bureau of Prisons (BoP), almost 50% of trans-identified male federal inmates are in custody for sex offenses, compared to just 11% of the general male population. In California, 33.8% of trans-identified males seeking transfer to women’s prisons are registered sex offenders.”
But they want to welcome these rape-apes into women's prisons with no challenge? No documented dysphoria, nothing. Just a request was enough to get them into women's prison.
No. 1917843
>>1917815Most trannies don't want to give up their male privilege, they know if they don't change anything about their face they can "boymode" and live safely in society (despite all the screeching about muh trans genocide) it seems like only gay guys with boyfriends will go as far as lipfillers/actually trying to pass. The straight ones are always ten minutes away from passing as a straight male since all they do is throw on a wig and bad 90s fashion to "girlmode", most don't get srs either but that might be why very male looking ones get seemingly pointless srs
>>1917761Men stop involving unconsenting strange women in your fetishes challenge (impossible)
No. 1917866
File: 1698010983345.png (702.91 KB, 984x750, IMG_6403.png)

Apparently 18-month-old BABIES can “identify as trans” now. How the hell does anyone NOT see this as grooming? When I was little I wanted to hang out with the Ninja Turtles and be a Ninja Turtle. Somehow, for some reason, my parents and teachers didn’t bend over backwards to tell me that I was born as a ninja turtle and tell everyone else to treat me like one for the rest of our lives. Maybe I’m just a mean, bitter TERF because I’m missing out on my Ninja Turtlephoria. Absolute clownery
No. 1917868
>>1917841TRAs will insist that the majority of those cases are the result of wrongful incarnation or bigotry. They'll use the classic "peeing in public is counted as indecent exposure" MRA point, as well as bringing up actual instances of prejudice in law enforcement, such as sodomy laws being used against consenting gay men, masquerade laws being used against gay and GNC people, and even comparing it to disproportionate arrests of
POC. They'd freeze up if they knew how many of these TIMs were arrested for things like rape or possession of CP, though.
No. 1917882
File: 1698012273961.jpeg (1007.76 KB, 1170x1822, IMG_6402.jpeg)

>>1917880Seriously. Jesus Christ
No. 1917884
>>1917880>>1917877holy shit. i don't even want to post this photo here cos it's disturbing but look at this from his instagram: the overarched back and sexualised expression. kids don't just act like this, it's learned. think about what kind of people they're taking these photos for… huge huge red flags.
No. 1917887
>>1917884Those pictures are foul. There's also a hyper slow-motion video of him jumping in a bouncy castle in a little dress, and at the end his underwear is fully exposed.
Paedophilia is without a doubt a huge part of this movement; when you look at the fiction those freaks at The Eunuch Archives were posting, the central fetish was chemically (or literally) castrating children so they remained prepubescent forever, and then sexually abusing them when they were fully dependent on them (and also incapable of experiencing sexual desire/pleasure of their own).
No. 1917894
File: 1698013134177.png (Spoiler Image,902.84 KB, 1091x800, Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 16-33…)

>>1917889Reduxx covered it all here: has had members from there (many are senior academics etc) speaking at their events, and they had them consult on a new 'eunuch gender' identity. It's really fucked up.
>>1917885I ran into a kid like that in the wild. Doing only fans, and he looks like a 12 year old girl with a little boy's penis. Comments all saying how perfect he is.
No. 1917906
File: 1698015201757.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.4 MB, 1034x576, 13 year old boy Drag Queen per…)

>>1917896It's giving me flashbacks of the 13 year 'drag queen' boy who was dancing at events. They were trying to defend it then too.
(Probably been linked/posted before, but another mirror doesn't hurt.)
>>1917890I'll report too,
No. 1917938
File: 1698020179235.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1211, 5C119F5A-AB49-4ABC-9EED-EB16AC…)

this pic genuinely frightens me
No. 1917944
>>1917866Kids don't pose like that with their parents, when I was that age it's just dad with his hand over your shoulder while you smile at the camera not whatever that is, and the fact he doesn't seem uncomfortable about it makes me believe something is going on. Also why is he posing with the dad and not the mom?
>>1917906I've seen people twist themselves in pretzels to justify this as "it's not sexual! You see more skin at the beach!" And I fucking hate the deliberate ignorance. It's just a tactic to avoid addressing this because somehow attacking THIS is the same as attacking the gender stuff as a whole. Ridiculous
No. 1917947
>>1917259Everytime I hear about their relationship, it's against my will.
Honestly I can't see any self respecting woman electing to stay with someone so… gross. How can you see your husband skinwalking you this hard and not be creeped out by it?
No. 1917948
>>1917940The look on the father’s face says it all to me. He’s smug as fuck bc he is getting off on trooning out his child and
almost definitely is molesting this poor kid it’s Liev Schreiber vibes.
No. 1918021
File: 1698035271849.jpeg (601.05 KB, 828x2106, IMG_3562.jpeg)

A local tranny punk band
No. 1918023
File: 1698035713863.png (1.51 MB, 1622x1502, oktroomer.png)

Remember, it's hate speech to call them groomers!: No. 1918026
>>1917279Maybe they didn’t say anything to avoid being assaulted by the troon? I literally am a “
TERF”, yet at my college i “respect” the obvious trannie’s pronouns irl so i don’t get murdered by the most aggressive subspecies of male.
No. 1918064
File: 1698047638138.png (288 KB, 848x676, sure.png)

This happened in the UK this summer.
>two "women" sexually assault teenage boy in broad daylight
>those heights
No. 1918103
File: 1698056647994.png (4.23 MB, 2212x1480, aggro.png)

troons trying to police our brain waves now
No. 1918111
File: 1698058857076.png (245.74 KB, 507x312, men.png)

>>1918103to anyone who doesn't already know (or hasn't guessed) @feminist is run by two men in picrel>you need to stop thinking>you need to go furtherwe've gone far enough. glad to see there are women calling this out in the comments, even if they're being met with even more gaslighting
No. 1918112
File: 1698058904003.jpg (299.56 KB, 1389x1356, F867dw_bQAAnmD4.jpg)

You are right, you are inferior to real women because you are not one. The math isnt hard. Grow the fuck up and get a life not dedicated to coom
No. 1918123
File: 1698062004019.mp4 (Spoiler Image,9.41 MB, 576x1024,

>>1917924Same. Only one mainstream news outlet picked up the story, and it was quite a while after Reduxx broke it. And yeah, it's not hidden at all; there are a few 'preview' stories on the website that you can look at before signing up, and the peado shit is right there.
>>1917940Current mainstream leftists are a joke. Absolutely zero ethics, logic or morality as long as it fits into the 'woke' agenda.
>>1917944This is what I'm saying. There's just no 'line' anymore. The little boy (who started age 8 and is being coached by a known predator, btw) is ~in drag or ~trans or whatever, so the transparent exploitation is totally fine.
Added the other vid I have of them (performing at a concert) for archival purposes.
>>1918035I read something about a lot of peados being 'in place' from the last major attempt to push this shit (80s?), though I can't remember the source.
No. 1918132
>>1918112At least this one kind of realises what male socialisation means and doesn't just go 'i'm a woman so that means i was obviously socialised as one!'
The bar is in hell though.
No. 1918133
File: 1698064057543.jpeg (457.73 KB, 1170x858, IMG_0998.jpeg)

i fucking hate this man and also hate the way faggots online try to insert him into every indie women discussion when his music is mediocre af. like we as a society wouldn’t let a woman get away with such shit music and be considered cool and hip. He also puts down women at first opportunity in such troon fashion. Like, only a scrote would type something like this. “Having body hair on your genitals makes you manlike so that means men are women” suuuure boy.(repost; lurk more)
No. 1918139
File: 1698064445320.png (45.88 KB, 393x185, amanda abbington.png)

>>1918123the fact people can't even push back on the sexualisation of children, because it's "transphobic" is one of the biggest peaking elements. i think a lot of people are understandably uncomfortable watching something like the video you posted, and become isolated for feeling this way. i know someone who was bullied out of their organisation for raising safeguarding concerns around a trans child. literally the only person looking out for this child's welfare being labelled the villain.
also on the subject of that particular video, Amanda Abbington (actress from Sherlock and Mr Selfridge) complained about it (picrel) and has been getting dogpiled ever since. she is currently on Strictly Come Dancing and TRAs are trying to get her kicked off. i'm sure if most people could see that video they would understand her concern, but the narrative that she is hateful is already set in place, so less and less people are going to speak up when they see child abuse.
No. 1918142
File: 1698065270326.png (484.02 KB, 294x693, lol..PNG)

>>1918021such a #sexy womyn
No. 1918151
>>1918021Ok ladiesput your answers in!
How much do you want to bet one or all of them have:
A)Talked to an underage girl
B) Was a psysical/emotional abuser in a relationship
C) Committed a sex crime
D)All of the above beacuse let's be real, punk scotes are a plague
the one second left in actually looks like a woman but whatever No. 1918158
File: 1698070975861.png (118.42 KB, 720x895, Screenshot_20231018-053826~2.p…)

I couldn't help but laugh while reading this but than I went to his profile and his photos make it even more humorous for me kek
No. 1918159
File: 1698071056426.png (607.46 KB, 655x640, groomers.png)

>>1918151all of them except for the one female (the one with the mullet i assume is a TIF or NB), who was probably the recipient of such behaviour.
picrel and the other men really want to be the "punk girl" and idolise these 70s and 80s bands but don't realise that women in punk were deliberately rejecting femininity and gender stereotypes. but this TIM cannot hide his fetish, he doesn't even try.
No. 1918164
>>1918021Top right in pic #1 is the handmaiden, right?
I feel mildly sorry for the one holding the PBR in pic #2 because of his "if only you knew how bad things really are" facial expression. Like he just wants to play in a punk band and is low key uncomfortable with being in a group called The Groomers even though he can't admit it.
No. 1918197
File: 1698079092614.jpg (1.39 MB, 1440x4683, Screenshot_20231015_075231_Fir…)

No. 1918224
>>1918197It is so creepy that they describe women as both being overgrown children
and being sex-addicted. Also his own post disproves his idea that males are fully-fledged humans and that women are the sex-addicts and not moids. Again, it's all just projection. Hope he kills himself.
No. 1918226
>men are superior in every sense, the world only exists because of men!>completely porn addicted and coom brained, could probably not survive a day without masturbatingthey all need to kill themselves asap
No. 1918253
File: 1698085299751.png (72.24 KB, 144x277, hopeless male.png)

>>1918198>in his 30s. checks all the boxes for being a narcissist and sociopath porn addictnoooo it's the women who are sex obsessed sociopaths who need to grow up!
No. 1918262
File: 1698086163973.jpg (365.9 KB, 1469x2048, F9ItFjXX0AAPlE1.jpg)

The truth always slips out in moments of anger
No. 1918282
>>1918198>>1918197Men are unironically so much drama and for the most retarded reasons KEK
The fact that so many of them actively try and sabotage other moids is also so petty.
No. 1918288
>>1917436 seeing this happen to a friend of mine, and it’s wild
she’s choosing getting laid over her spouse & kid
No. 1918308
File: 1698091849928.jpeg (154.88 KB, 800x800, failed men.jpeg)

>incel teenager looks into limb lengthening surgery
>2 weeks later considers just trooning out instead because short man = woman
No. 1918310
>>1918308Since when is 5ft8 something to get a complex about? Men are destroying themselves on the internet with their porn addictions and red pill
victim mentality.
No. 1918316
File: 1698092305036.png (68.01 KB, 211x244, 1651706043557.png)

>>1918310fucking this… 5'8 is literally fucking fine holy shit you do not have to be 7'5 ffs
what did the comments say? I hope they called him a retard
No. 1918318
File: 1698092421039.png (29.68 KB, 561x111, average height .png)

>>1918310he is literally one inch shorter than the average man in the US. but i guess because he isn't a 6 ft 5 chad with naturally bulging muscles, he will have to troon out.
>>1918316the comments are telling him to try being a femboy first. "if you can't handle being a femboy then you can't handle being a woman."
No. 1918319
>>1918318can a
nonnie with a reddit account give him a reality check?
(cowtipping request) No. 1918323
File: 1698093381848.png (32.1 KB, 870x362, cringe.png)

I joined the Pokemon Infinite Fusion server to download the game and, surprise surprise, it was full of troons. I highly doubt there is a single actual woman in it, and if there is one she probably is trans too.
Unsurprisingly the emote for their she/her role (a cringe ass concept to begin with) is the troon pokemon sylveon.
No other group of people has been erased from nerd communities as much as women (unless they make the scrotes coom of course).
No. 1918325
File: 1698093484440.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1620x1275, E14F5DBB-09C5-4049-8E2D-4C2896…)

>>1918289Reminds me of how men always claim women are hysterical and unprofessional, meanwhile female doctors have less patient deaths than males, and moids are so irrational and overemotional they crash planes into mountains killing hundreds of people in their suicide attempt and try to shut off the engines mid flight.
No. 1918339
File: 1698095173963.jpg (84.93 KB, 500x578, DqhEULRXgAAAo-p~2.jpg)

>>1918129There were articles proudly saying 'Kink should be at Pride, and I want my kids to see it'. They've decided Kink=LGBT (which is offensive af), and therefore it has to be defended in just the same way smh.
>>1918139Nah the loonies say that their 'identity' isn't predicated on good behaviour and must always be respected. Just look at the shit with Chris Chan (picrel).
>>1918139Ugh. It's always like that; I remember Julie Bindel talking about a female aid worker who was ostracised for objecting to her male colleagues paying child prostitutes for sex- they called her 'whorephobic'.
No. 1918340
File: 1698095214280.jpeg (561.11 KB, 828x2321, IMG_3569.jpeg)

Female lifeguard, totally jealous of overweight tranny and his hot 6’6 blue eyed Viking boyfriend, looks under his skirt and touches his dick
No. 1918378
File: 1698099292807.png (230.4 KB, 590x485, amanda.png)

>woman says she "feels like a woman" again whilst being on dancing show, after feeling invisible during her middle age
>man wonders why he can't say the same thing without it sounding like he has a fetish
because you are a fucking MAN. why is it so hard to understand? jfc
it's funny to me because although i find the wording "feel like a woman" a bit cringe (thank you Shania Twain for that) it's a reference to a woman's sexuality and being in touch with herself as a sexual being - that sex being female. a woman. but TIMs will use this saying as proof that it's a feeling they can own, and we're just "gatekeeping" it. of course he thinks it means she just loves twirling around in a pretty spinny dress and sparkles teehee and that makes her feel like a woman.
No. 1918384
File: 1698100519358.jpg (482.25 KB, 533x1122, we all gotta get les fucked up…)

This self-described very fat trans woman feels shamed for not having a big enough girl dick. Comments include this gem:
>One of the best things about coming out as trans is connecting with a whole group of people who are unashamed to talk about their dicks.
No. 1918436
File: 1698109032450.png (107.46 KB, 1056x368, Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 01.56…)

wtf is going on any more
No. 1918446
>>1918262Wow, a trans widow
er instead of a trans widow. Even gay men are having to deal with trannies ruining their marriages now.
No. 1918452
File: 1698111593685.jpg (53.3 KB, 900x602, fd5a290bc0c76e7c2dda7ac5f3cf44…)

>>1918197Committing 90% of violent crimes is totally the behavior of a rational, logical group of people. Super stable to seethe with anger and jizz in your pants every time you see a random woman on the street, then go home to your goon cave and cry on 4chan about how you want someone to love you and take care of you. Holy projection, Batman.
No. 1918465
File: 1698113350983.png (1.7 MB, 1579x891, backstreet1.png)

Japanese portrayals of tims doesnt seem to trigger the western lgbtq cult… i wonder why and how
No. 1918484
>>1918021from the caption:
> The Groomers! Valorie, Britt, Jynx, and Valerie.Valorie is the blond guy and Valerie is the pbr guy. Kek You just know that there's simmering hatred over them having the same name. I bet that's why Mr. Valerie looks so dour, Mr. Valorie probably calls the shots in that band and is a real bastard about it.
No. 1918485
File: 1698115621923.jpg (456.67 KB, 1600x1600, cul-keke-palmer.jpg)

>>1918471Do they understand how many women have PCOS, a lot of which don't even know that they have it? I'd say it's likely so they can say that men who fuck women with PCOS might as well be fucking troons so same thing right? At the same time it only ever seems to be to strip women of their femininity who shouldn't be feeling dysphoric in the first place. I guess rewriting biology to suit their comfort is okay until it's time to rewrite biology to make women with PCOS feel bad
No. 1918507
File: 1698120698987.jpg (38.88 KB, 519x680, FnMDGC2aAAAQXxq.jpg)

>>1918197>women>sex addictedLiterally telling on himself that the only time he engages with any female driven content is porn. Of course the rest of the post does this in more explicit ternms too.
>narcissisticGranted some women are narcs, it's not a word i'd use to describe a collective of people who definitely have
problematic people pleasing issues.
They really need to start putting lethal doses in titty skittles. I find it hilarious men feel the need to throw around the men invented everything excuse for their supposed claim of superiority when most modern men are utterly useless and waste their admittedly superior physiology (in reference to their strength and ability to build muscle) being morbidly obese or skinny fat. Most men today contribute absolutely nothing of value to this earth, they don't fight their little wars like they used (at least in the west), they aren't breadwinners or providers or fathers and if they, they can't be arsed to do the bare minimum. Any moid trying to take the efforts of the 1% of men and women who have changed the world for the better deserves to feel the wrath of god for failing to use their life in any meaningful capacity.
No. 1918515
>>1918436i love how they paint women gettin put in the second place of importance over the research (despite how
valid and whoever retard is conducting the research is) of a disease that’s literally named after a female specific body part as something progressive when it’s the exact opposite. Also the fact that there isn’t a proper solution for PCOS shows me how little they care about women in the medical field
No. 1918529
File: 1698125785075.jpg (1.18 MB, 3464x3464, mindfuck.jpg)

>>1918514>Tifs with PCOS often get groomed into trooning out because "even your body knew you were a man".True. And then TRAs say things like picrel in some roundabout attempt to prove a point. It's like they want to give every woman gender dysphoria. I've been seeing this rhetoric parroted a LOT lately. Literally no
TERF says this, they are just making things up at this point in attempt to distract and mindfuck people.
No. 1918564
>>1918529Post-menopausal women don't menstruate and at no point in history have they ever not been considered women. Girls aren't women yet and can menstruate, even before that they're of course still female.
"Only females can menstruate" does not equal "every female menstruates". The female kids they cruelly groomed into sterilization through puberty blockers and wrong harmful hormones won't menstruate, just another example.
No. 1918584
>>1918582>so I can say "oh so you're a woman now?"don't give them ideas nona kek
my response to "oh so a woman who has had a hysterectomy is no longer a woman?" after the obvious "no one is saying that" is that ONLY women can get hysterectomies. only women can be menopausal. only women can have gyencological or congenital conditions that make their ovaries, uterus or vaginas absent or non-functional. only women can lose their period.
>>1918436whilst there does seem to be some validity to this (research is finding that PCOS may merely effect the ovaries and not be closely tied as previously thought) it still effects women in a very different way. infertility, pain, depression vs … male pattern baldness. I worry about the merging of conditions, women's symptoms are overlooked enough as it is. and i can't help but feel like there is a deliberate agenda to blur the lines between men and women through reframing of these conditions. there was also talk of "male menopause" (andropause) which thankfully everyone shot down, but the fact they even tried to make it a thing is the problem.
No. 1918589
>>1918584pfffff I didn't think of how affirming that could be even though I just called them deluded kek nice catch nona. unironically that would probably "affirm" some coomer right into euphoria.
and there definitely is a deliberate agenda not only to blur the lines but get us all medicalized. I'm thankful I've only heard of "andropause" rn because it's so absurd if it was considered real I think we were living in that giant rat utopia experiment.
I know men didn't get birth control cause awww poor babies too many side effect like HEADACHES, but seriously at 15 my friends were handed BC for their "acne" or "hormones" with 0 tests and no side effects stated. that was over a decade ago and there's been 0 progress on male bc? it's cause they're coomers who don't want it, and now they are the ones throwing around "breeders" "breedable" "getting bred" talking about each other as XY's. and now claiming to have pcos?
No. 1918590
>>1918584>>1918589It seems the most concerning thing isn't just blur the lines etc but eradicate any mention of women from medical literature, and it has already happened. Just go to any NHS page about a female problem and you'll see the deluded use of "chest feeders", "uterus haver" etc. It's bonkers. As you said, women are overlooked enough as is in the medical field, but nothing would make a tranny happier than to never read the word "woman" again in a medical setting except if it's used to designate
them which is the ultimate hypocrisy kek.
No. 1918592
>>1918590bongland nonita?
TERF island really is a misnomer when it's the opposite. what there's JK rowling compared to every india willowguy and rapist inmate in a female prison.
the NHS sounds like an absolute clusterfuck of a letdown before all the troon shit. the first I heard about HRT shortages was when my poor mum couldn't get her normal dosage because of the uptick in troons literally taking it recreationally.
the fact they're replacing the words now with "uterus-haver" and "chest-feeder" when the general population doesn't believe it or is too scared to speak up makes me so scared ngl. if it can happen in great crown bongland what's gonna happen to the rest of the commonwealth? don't look at canada or australia and nz they don't count!!!
so sick of it. bogun kids here saying uwu when they should be riding a tractor. I spit.
No. 1918595
File: 1698145412650.jpeg (225.09 KB, 828x1092, IMG_3385.jpeg)

I think it so funny how troons give themselves away every single time they put their hands on their “hips”, since they don’t actually have any and so they put their hands so far down and it just looks hilariously male. Pic related, he looks like an uncanny valley plastic surgery mess which screams troon already but the male stance is so fucking funny. Plus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen bolt-ons this ugly?
No. 1918597
File: 1698146221759.png (61 KB, 317x428, sapphic guilt.png)

he knows he is a creep. and he is 100% thinking more than "omg she is hot" to feel that sense of shame. some of my favourite replies
>I don’t feel guilty, because I recognise it as Gender Envy and given that I am Demisexual, I am pretty sure it’s not objectifying.
>Hanging out on lesbian and Sapphic subreddits really helped me with that worry. Helped me to see how other women were expressing their attraction, and there's a fair amount that would probably fall under the "male gaze-y" description
women lusting after other women is male-gaze-y now.
>I know what you mean, I still worry that I like women in a "guy way" and not in a sapphic way
so mentally ill. their brains are so broken.
No. 1918613
>>1918595Pictures like that one are crazy, of course we can see through moids’ shit because we’re not thinking about cooming every waking hour of our lives, but the moment the average moid sees that thing, he will have a pavlovian response because: skin = coom.
Like, at first you think “what is going on here?” And then you begin to notice how the bolt ons are just situated weirdly, how his manly pectorals are just right there, how he has weird as fuck proportions, where his hands are situated in the same way that an old man puts them when he looks at the fish swimming on a lake, how forced everything is because he’s trying to hide his manly features really hard, specially his flapping huge ass shoulders and shovel hands. It’s crazy.
No. 1918615
File: 1698151475465.jpg (105.65 KB, 1080x881, F9KAt40W4AAhV0s.jpg)

Fucking disgusting, he immediately had to compare it to cum these people make me want to barf
Also blood coming out sounds totally normal and totally not worth going to the doctor to, instead go directly to reddit to brag about your cum nips
No. 1918617
>>1918615i'm going to hurl
>sweet saltyso he actually tasted it. of course he did.
No. 1918621
File: 1698152878642.png (937.8 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20231024-104647.png)

Casting a man to play a girl who is bullied for getting her first period, how disgusting
No. 1918625
>>1918621But obviously wimmins aren't the most oppressed by religion anymore so Carrie must now be about a heckin
valid stunning and brave twansgurl getting her revenge against da ebil turfs!!!
Stephen King, I know you are all about getting your money and that's fair, but don't let them butcher Carrie like that.
No. 1918637
>>1918197>I love being a man men built everythingthe ratio of men who "built things" to subhuman apes? don't ask about that silly foid, it's totally worth it
me personally? no I haven't built or invented anything but I still deserve to take credit by proxy
>men are full-fledged humans, w-women are the narcissistic, sex-obsessed shallow rib peoplelike all moids can't control himself around women, sense of morality entirely contingent on not having an erection at the time, needs women and resents that he does, would rather die than not coom
>women think only with emotioncutting off my cock because of special gender feelings is so ~logical and rational~ obviously
etc etc they're all the same, I feel silly for even responding
No. 1918645
File: 1698157807740.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.1 KB, 857x1017, 1694051210567.jpg)

>>1918621Lmao that's the picture his FAN chose? Where he looks male af? Handmaidens are so delusional.
>>1918595Oof, those are definitely bad. I've seen worse though (picrel).
No. 1918648
File: 1698158238070.png (Spoiler Image,155.81 KB, 262x371, hunter.png)

>>1918645on the subject of hunter and terrible moob jobs, a reminder of his hexagonal bolt ons
No. 1918656
>>1918648the image for ants you posted shows off his 5 oclock shadow gloriously. nice psyop antics nona!! (the psyop where we photoshop them to look worse instead of blaming themselves for "not passing" by their own retarded rules)
the bolt ons look painful, and as another nona pointed out earlier men have no organic waist to put their hands on so they put them way lower down on their hips??
these faggots who emulate women and are the biggest misogynists can't figure out where hips are? you didn't try and skinwalk your mother and sister enough by now?they're all so cringe I can't believe they've taken over society.
No. 1918669
File: 1698159897111.jpg (35.69 KB, 284x286, ew.jpg)

>>1918645…leting these freaks in the lgb movement was a mistake
No. 1918690
File: 1698161607230.jpeg (441.83 KB, 1283x2060, IMG_6433.jpeg)

what will happen when they find out that this is all psychosomatic and they’re just misogynists?
No. 1918691
File: 1698161707813.jpeg (377.09 KB, 1283x1518, IMG_6434.jpeg)

>>1918690also, this dudes superman chin cracks me up
No. 1918696
>>1918690These retarded scrotes don't realize that the reason women do this is that they are socialized to be people pleasers. When someone shoves a photo of their ugly baby in your face you're supposed to go "aww how cute," otherwise you're seen as a bitter bitch. Also notice how they're still calling the purportedly feminine behavior "very embarrassing" and "absurd" - even when they're appropriating female stereotypes they still feel the need to communicate to their fellow moids that they find that behavior inappropriate and bad. Also, I never understood the "my ovaries are exploding" language, it always seemed like gross coomer breeding fetish talk.
>>1918691Wtf, it looks like his chin was photoshopped onto a normal man's face lmaooo. Also why are his eyebrows 6 miles long. Also his smile does not reach his eyes AT ALL, it's literally scary to me. Looks like a chimpanzee begging for its life by baring its teeth. Also
>muscle mommyBARF
No. 1918702
File: 1698163284268.png (35.16 KB, 665x291, Screenshot 2023-10-24 115944.p…)

I find it fascinating that people now assume that MtF trannies are attracted to women. It used to be that normies assumed mtfs were just harmless gays. It must sting bc no one just tacitly assumes a real woman is a lesbian unless she's very obviously butch or something. Glad to see people are waking up?
No. 1918716
>>1918705sry, nonna, if you don't want to eat a baby alive because it's so damn cute the first moment you see one, you aren't a woman. We don't make the rules here. If men say that crying, being too weak to open a jar, finding things overwhelming cute, wearing spinning skirts, enjoying being sexualised and eating a bucket of ice cream while on your period, as that's the only real symptom of PMS, is what makes a woman a woman, we have to accept that and behave like that. Please try to act like a real woman in the future.
No. 1918727
File: 1698166640396.jpg (247.12 KB, 1080x966, Screenshot_20231024-095256_Chr…)

>>1918625Don't count on it, Stephen King is a virtue signaling moron who had a public spat with JK Rowling. He claims to believe that trans women are women. He never took the time to understand what her opinion even was, shown by his quote saying "or whatever problem she has with it". None of these TRAs have ever taken the time to fully listen to or understand a woman's point of view.
He then goes on to say "if she believes those things, she has a right to". But could you imagine if a woman said that? She would be instantly labeled a threat.
No. 1918734
>>1918727>JKR blocks him on social media"Jo canceled me"
and that creepy gaslighting language that we're all so used to. making out like she is a crazy conspiracy theorist for mainstream, grounded-in-reality views.
No. 1918736
File: 1698167881029.jpeg (478.87 KB, 1284x1153, 25A032BB-CE9D-4526-A663-EA5496…)

>>1918731Yes, you were wrong. In his book ‘It’, King wrote about an orgy between Beverly and the other kids in the sewer. Also, I can’t remember where it happened in the book, but he was describing her nipples too. His excuse was that it was a plot point. I don’t trust a moid that writes pedo fodder to be supportive of women. He’s in line with predator troons.
No. 1918741
>>1918621And here I thought they couldn't butcher Carrie anymore like with that horrendous 2013 movie, I was wrong
I hope they really don't do it, even that awful remake is barely 10 years old
No. 1918742
File: 1698168400096.png (232.61 KB, 738x568, fucker.png)

I know this is a TIF but my god, they always make everything about themselves, even other people's death. Sakurai Atsushi wasn't a tranny, bro was just androgynous and at most a fag/bi. Let the dude RIP
No. 1918753
>>1918736King is a freakin weirdo. Authors like him and GRR Martin (Game of Thrones) are creeps.
>>1918727Not a man mansplaining to Jo what she truly thinks and distorting her words. OMG. Males will be males no matter what huh.
No. 1918770
>>1918753Having read both authors: King never really struck me as a creep. He certainly had a religious upbringing (who didn't in USA? asking as a foreigner), but he never felt like a creep. And yes, even when he writes about that weird stuff. I like writing weird unsettling stuff too: I'm not a creep either.
Martin, however, struck me as a full incel creep from the beginning. He's like one of those weirdo Reddit moids, except he's blessed with being good at writing.
Both are good writers anyway. I've got to be honest.
Still, King actually writes women really well, so much I used to often wonder if sometimes it was his wife actually coming up with the idea.
No. 1918795
File: 1698176016894.jpg (508.84 KB, 1920x1920, F1NnZWUAAAWzW.jpg)

>>1917866It's literally picrel.
No. 1918800
File: 1698177288221.png (262.63 KB, 600x1024, Screenshot_2023-10-24-15-41-10…)

>>1917743It was NPR that helped me discover Cat Bohannon's new book, Eve. They did an interview about her book beginning of this month and both women (Cat and the interviewer) were super based on the "I can't overtly say I'm sick of penis havers taking over women's spaces but seriously fuck men". I'm only about halfway through, but it's very informative about the differences between xx and xy bodies and how a person is socialized is the main reason for "gender" (she talks about sex vs gender). Definitely give it a read to give yourself good scientific basis behind the reasons why TIM's are sexist.
Here's where I downloaded it No. 1918802
File: 1698177388857.png (196.41 KB, 600x1024, Screenshot_2023-10-24-15-33-33…)

>>1918800Love footnote 41 about how synced periods are a myth
No. 1918804
File: 1698178451574.jpeg (390.54 KB, 828x953, IMG_4578.jpeg)

“trans rage coded” kekkkk
No. 1918813
File: 1698180180449.gif (441.24 KB, 320x173, 4dd78ee755ae704f776cc09c1d9b4e…)

I couldn't care less about Stephen King being a pervert and all the despicable things he may have written. However, Carrie meant the world to me as a bullying victim with religious parents. I still watch the movie every few months, and if they hand over that story, which resonated with me and countless women, to a damn troon, It would be my 13th reason.(unsaged movie blog)
No. 1918826
File: 1698182581442.jpg (323.54 KB, 1080x1128, Screenshot_20231024_232223_Chr…)

Or maybe people see a deranged man in a dress and don't want to poke the bear kek
No. 1918855
>>1918800If she hasn't publicly dismissed trans ideology and just circled around the topic, I won't trust her to lecture me on biology.
and this
>>1918802 just confirms she might just be a libfem.
No. 1918873
>>1918862they really make it out like:
>pops a few estrogen pills>world around them suddenly turns into a happy magical cartoon world where everything is pink and unicorns are real>everyone is suddenly nice to them because they're a girl!>easy mode unlocked uwu>this must be what all women experiencemeanwhile people either feel sorry for them (oh no poor autistic tranny needs to be coddled) or are scared to be seen as transphobic.
No. 1918896
File: 1698195383865.jpg (287.45 KB, 1728x1544, l23kj423;.jpg)

>>1918894what if he knows what it means and is using it correctly
No. 1918900
File: 1698196189426.jpg (846.11 KB, 1079x2289, Screenshot_20231024_210840_Ins…)

I hope the "terfs" do show up, in hoardes. If any of you brave Nonna's are in the area and would like to show support.
No. 1918909
File: 1698197402150.png (246.23 KB, 640x480, furret & wigglytuff.png)

>>1918323Excuse the autism, but the emote in the she/her role looks like a fusion between Furret and Wigglytuff. Still hate that troons have overtaken Sylveon though.
No. 1919034
File: 1698232312758.png (356.85 KB, 670x841, 7EA7CB09-8819-4CB8-9BAC-60DD0F…)

Japanese yuri mangaka, author of I’m in Love With the Villainess outs himself as a tranny.
…why are tranny authors always coasting off the most popular things they see no matter what country they’re from?
No. 1919053
>>1919040Yeah her period is what
triggers her powers anyway iirc
No. 1919056
>>1918900So dude is pretending to behead someone, poses with a knife and a replica of their head, and then…nothing happens ?
It boggles the mind the reach the troons seem to have in entertainment. Why the fuck? How the fuck?
No. 1919059
File: 1698234933909.png (178.17 KB, 682x1080, 1687115162-2306b-19-015-q-wegf…)

I'm honestly surprised that Dan Shive hasn't trooned out yet. Cause he ticks every box. He had an anime-inspired webcomic from the 2010s that served as nothing more than a vessel for his personal fetishes (which, is still ongoing). Not only does he excessively fetishize lesbians, but it seems like every female character in his series is either confirmed to be a lesbian or has engaged in one-off bisexual relationships, but two of his three main male characters are basically bi-gender and switch between male and female (which I thought was weird even as a kid). But he insists that his work has nothing to do with transgender themes and that he doesn't want to transition.
No. 1919070
File: 1698236564936.jpeg (77.57 KB, 750x256, IMG_7670.jpeg)

Nothing makes me want to a-log more than pro-life troons. This one, a minor politics Twitter e-celeb from Turkey is especially grating.
No. 1919071
File: 1698236639419.jpg (141.28 KB, 1062x468, Screenshot_2023-10-25-14-23-31…)

I'll always be amused by troons sighing about the relative lack of female chasers. They keep fawning about the concept, how it should be encouraged as if they could will them into existence. It's just another flavor of male whining about how female sexuality is inconvenient and why-aren't-women-horny-like-i-am.
>>1919047it is infested, but they're relatively easy to avoid. They're just really vocal, when actually the female to male ratio is close to 50/50)
No. 1919074
File: 1698237580838.webm (6.72 MB, 720x1280, spinnyX3.webm)

Torso molded by testosterone? Check
Jawline angled at 90°? Check
Unwashed humongous feet? Check
Room resembling your average backrooms level? Check
Skirt? Check
Clothes autistically paired with said skirt? Check
The result? Total obliteration of nonnas' sides across the farmlands
No. 1919078
>>1919074KEK my sides I'm dead. Thank you nonna. That description was gold
The video is worst than the promise kek. This absolutely empty, autistic stare, unforgiving beer-belly and total absence of grace in his moves…this is tragic
No. 1919080
File: 1698238725260.jpeg (18.73 KB, 288x175, IMG_7671.jpeg)

>>1919072My favourite thing about him is that the troon identity doesn’t even make sense in light of his conservative religious views. Given that he converted to Protestantism while being raised atheist in a country where less than 0.1% of the population is Protestant I’d guess he just has a terminal need for attention.
No. 1919102
File: 1698242507124.png (281.67 KB, 528x232, WTF WTF WTF.png)

>>1917731this is terrifying. raw body horror type of terrifying.
No. 1919118
>>1918597>my cis girl friends will talk about women's ass and titties like men doLies.
>>1918809Do you have any source/stats showing that trooning out is more promoted in conservative/homophobic families than others in Western countries?
No. 1919158
>>1919070honestly even a lot of pro-choice women oppose the idea that abortions are only "ok actually" in the case of a disabled fetus. because it implies abortion of a healthy baby is wrong in some way. the combination of restricting and putting moral judgement on womens abortions while also promoting woman's abortions when the fetus has downs is very controlling of womens autonomy with a dash of eugenics. which together is very right wing.
the pro-choice argument goes that if abortion is freely accessible and the mother chooses to abort for any reason including disability that's fine. but if abortion is restricted or shamed and only allowed or morally correct when the fetus has down's syndrome, that's misogynistic. the quote tweet seems to be agreeing with the pro-choice sentiment
No. 1919179
>>1918795Retarded right-wing bait. This isn't /pol/. The vast majority of surrogate users
and MBP parents trooning their kids are straight couples.
No. 1919218
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(sage this shit)
No. 1919272
>>1919251Probably all of them, knowing just how out of touch male writers tend to be with female-oriented stuff.
When I think of Kirara manga, which is often associated with yuri, it is very obvious to me that most of the better stuff is written by women, and what I’ve actually liked from the moid authors usually overlaps with other genres strongly.
(learn to sage) No. 1919274
File: 1698266861364.jpg (472.71 KB, 1079x2115, Screenshot_20231025_224635_Chr…)

>Biological sex is on a spectrum
My fucking world, with this level of delusion, this is a lost cause. We truly live in a post-truth reality
No. 1919301
File: 1698270057668.png (103.04 KB, 568x410, in this house we trust the sci…)

>>1919274>sex is on a spectrumunfortunately this idea is everywhere now, including in the latest issue of Scientific American.
see highlighted text in picrel from know they're a complete joke but people do see them as an authority, and they're not the only ones pushing this ""science""
No. 1919350
File: 1698278526036.png (486.74 KB, 654x512, japan trans laws.png)

Japan has now welcomed self ID. surgery/sterilisation is no longer required.
No. 1919397
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>>1919350surely this wont make the train molestation cases worse now would it! wow wonder what will happen to this already misogynistic country where womens mental health and rape cases arent taken seriously but you want to troon out? thats ok? fucking clown world
No. 1919403
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>>1919360>>1919397>>1919350It just means troons aren’t forcibly sterilized. Still an L, but idk why nona is saying they’re doing self-ID now
>Legal gender change in Japan requires a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, being at least 18 years of age, being unmarried and having no underage children.>It also requires the person to have no functional reproductive glands. And it requires that the person's genitals resemble "those of the opposite gender.">The court stopped short of issuing a decision on that last requirement, and requested a lower court to give the issue additional deliberation.It was based to have them sterilized, but it could only last so long because it was a “human rights violation”
No. 1919415
>>1919350Troons are mentally ill. Mental health care is piss-poor in Japan. How this is not then being seen as mental illness is beyond me.
Japan has become really retarded over the last few years.
No. 1919450
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We don't call them rapehonbians for nothing: No. 1919454
File: 1698300101696.jpg (566.36 KB, 1080x2209, Screenshot_20231025_230047_Red…)

right because that's what being a woman is, just being desired by men. what the fuck is this delusion they all have
No. 1919457
File: 1698300834635.jpeg (86.97 KB, 534x885, BA0D6D4A-02DA-4E1E-B296-50A625…)

Scrotes will never be our allies on the tranny issue, even straight men are all tranny porn addicts. Mens definition of a woman is anything they find sexy and fuckable. A bimbofied bogged tranny is more of a woman than an ugly or overweight cis ‘dog’ in their eyes, It’s always some damaged teenage boy with cheap surgery and a creepy predatory pigjuice scrote chaser.
No. 1919458
>>1919457I remember my right wing, Christian bf admitting he had a tranny porn phase in his youth, a year into our relationship, but that he’d managed to overcome it. He got
triggered when I told him it was disgusting and his defense was ‘Well, every man is intrigued by trannies, I was only being honest’ I wanted to vomit and broke up with him on the spot.
No. 1919480
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This is too hilarious kek: No. 1919482
>>1919454Literally everything he listed at the bottom are things he can experience as a man.
He can be beautiful, just take care of yourself physically and try working the fuck out. Being the object of a man's desire, just join tinder. Men have incredibly low standards and you'll find one to objectify and desire you. Having kids, YOU ALREADY HAVE THREE. Less pressure to do all the providing, have you tried talking to your wife about it? Or about ANY of this for that matter? Experiencing physical intimacy with a female body, YOU HAVE A WIFE. Appreciate HER body for the autonomous woman she is instead of fantasizing about switching brains with her as if she's something to try on. Fucking FREAK. This is why I'm terrified to ever marry, no man can be trusted.
No. 1919490
File: 1698308327860.png (1.6 MB, 810x3117, meatypaws.png)

Those meaty paws, lmao
No. 1919498
>>1919403Ah ok
nonnie, that doesn't sound as bad. apologies for the sensationalism, i should have looked into it more. I guess the fear is they are moving towards self ID but glad it's not the case… yet. human rights orgs are always moving the goal post on trans issues.
No. 1919499
>>1919482yes to all this anon but omfg !!!! I want to absolutely rip their eyes out when they have the nerves of talking about "less pressure to provide" EXCUSE ME ??? a/ most women do work and provide
even though they work for free at least a month a year with wage gap AND b/ WE ARE THE MAIN PROVIDERS IN THE HOUSE !!!! Emotional workload, cleaning up, cooking, taking care of the kids, taking care of your fucking man-child, impact on our career because pregnancies ??? PARDON ??? This is STILL not an equal world for us !!! OMFG I'm so irate when men dare to talk about us playing life on easy mode which just proves they have no fucking idea what being a woman is truly like !!!! You're not the one being sexually harassed by a stranger at night on a deserted parking lot with heavy grocery bags in hands because your fucking provider couldn't be home in time to pick up the fucking slack! You're not the one fearing for your literal fucking life when said stranger insists heavily to get your number when you are obviously not interested and busy, and just want to go home safely to your family. and of course, trannies will
never experience any of the above or understand it because they are still MALES ! I fucking hate scrotes. They just will never get it. Rant over, sorry about that
No. 1919511
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>>1918826Gigahon in the comments believes he passes 99% to 100% of the time
No. 1919526
>>1919512Why is his skin looking so gross like orange peel all over ? what's wrong with him, barf. I love how these fucktards will cry about how this surgery is "totally not a fetish" and "life-saving" kek and then they take these types of pictures, but a woman who is actually suffering from any related problems with her breasts can't get the same free treatment. Of course the fucking males get it for free.
>>1919490autistic dead-looking eyes : check
>>1919511kek, again, that magical unearned male confidence, endlessly fascinating. Repeat after me, nonnies : I'll never lack confidence in y own appearance again
No. 1919528
>>1919454>>1919482Not only are those experiences not exclusive to womanhood, they're not inherent to womanhood, either. They're not even things women naturally want or aspire to. He literally just described womanhood as being a glorified fuckdoll and broodmare for men. Where does that leave women who don't want to fuck men, don't want to partner with men, don't want male attention, don't want kids, don't care about fashion, don't care about "looking good" by modern conventional standards, aren't attractive (no shame, beauty isn't a virtue), aren't popular/well-liked, and so on? Are they no longer considered women, because they don't match this man's idea of what a woman is or "should be"? It's all just so misogynistic.
No. 1919554
>>1919350I talked about this in a previous thread, but they basically got pressured by iirc the USA to do so or else they wouldn't continue to ally/negotiate w/them. Japanese women are speaking up, which is great, but hearing Japanese moids use 'misgendering' spoken in Engrish is agonising.
>>1919403Yeah but they're being pushed to/considering removing the requirement for surgery too. Also not sure how one can have 'no functional reproductive glands' and not be sterilised…?
>>1919450>granted they're all trans womenLmao. Would be nice if they'd just keep to themselves.
No. 1919556
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>>1919472Yeah it was some tranny saying it ofc. But also, it's literally just recycled MRA rhetoric (picrel, sorry for ant size). That's all any of this is.
No. 1919570
>>1919559Even when they are married, they still think of us as objects. See
>>1919454 for reference. The dude is married with kids but women to him are just coom objects…their brains really are fried with porn.
No. 1919593
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>>1919394kek underrated comment
No. 1919643
>>1919480kekk nonna my sides, i cannot stop laughing at this for some reason
>Your new stick-figure family decal has arrived!>TRANSGENDER FUCK>"That's literally a picture of a girl with a mustache"hhahah
No. 1919652
File: 1698332694488.mp4 (2.09 MB, 624x352, it crowd roy lipstick.mp4)

>>1919642kek this is exactly what i think too, and i've witnessed it before. makes me think of vidrel - a scene from IT crowd where Roy doesn't realise he is wearing lipstick and gets stared at and catcalled by men who are taking the piss out of him.
i can totally imagine a car full of young lads shouting out sarcastic obscenities at a tranny walking on the street and the TIM taking it as a compliment, because they're that deluded. that is if they haven't made the entire thing up in the first place.
No. 1919692
kek the blonde guy looks more mannish than his "before" pic. 2 men giving their pre-transition photos a funeral before the blonde guy gets ffs surgery, which he is having as we speak. the levels of narcissism displayed here is unreal.
No. 1919731
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>>1919652Yup, pretty much this. Even better knowing the show's written by a bestselling transphobe kek.
No. 1919738
>>1919731He should've called it "
TERF Crowd" kek
No. 1919740
File: 1698342892820.jpg (132.01 KB, 1242x1135, muhbras.jpg)

Shamelessly stolen from Ovarit, troon wonders why real women hate bras while he loves wearing them
No. 1919748
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>>1919740Plus this troon making a weird comment about feminism
No. 1919784
File: 1698345364737.jpeg (Spoiler Image,10.97 KB, 270x160, vampire.jpeg)

>>1919490oh my god he literally looks like the main vampire in 30 days of night fucking KEK MY SIDES
No. 1919789
>>1919748Honestly I think it's because most bras are uncomfy. I used to shell out for the fancy VC ones and those things were always awful but as a teen I thought more expensive = better and also didn't know how to size a wire bra. Now I just wear a comfy loose sports bra and I love them, just a little support so they don't bounce and no wire to dig inside
>>1919748Borderline schizophrenic ravings wtf are they even talking about
No. 1919801
>>1919789Hear hear nonna. Wires digging into your breasts are the worst. I had a few which kept getting the wires loose and cut me under the boob, horrible.
>>1919740They truly can't wrap their head around the fact that we are not walking fetishes.
No. 1919806
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>>1919740Eugh, what the hell, I’m looking at this guys profile and it’s so gross. Posting about wearing his mother’s underwear, “sissy porn”, castration, wearing diapers… It’s incredible how many TIMs are like this. A lot of his posts are just gross fetish shit which I will not subject you to but the “i wore panties to cope with stress” is making me laugh.
No. 1919819
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>>1919813It uh.. gets to serial killer levels. I think he may need to be locked away from society.
No. 1919822
>>1919819>now she loves when I need to relax and we have a girls day togetherthis gave me flashbacks to being in an
abusive relationship and absolutely relishing the moments where he was relaxed, because it gave me a break and i knew things were safe. this troon thinks it means she is accepting his identity but she is probably just terrified and exhausted and feels trapped. i hope she leaves for good asap. this guy is a ticking time bomb.
No. 1919832
File: 1698350223947.jpeg (104.03 KB, 1000x500, pedo swimmer.jpeg)

i am about to vomit
50 year old man was allowed to compete in a swimming race with 13 year old girls (and use the female changing room) in canada No. 1919849
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>>1919838>>1919837i think the swimming club's excuse is that there was no age limit, and that it just so happened all the girls were teenagers except for the 50 year old TIM. and he is registered as female legally and in the swimming club registration.
>real name Nicholas J. Cepeda>picrel is him with his wife>professor at York university / phd in psychologyit just boggles my mind that not only would a grown man find it appropriate for himself to race and change with those young girls, if he were not a pedo but that the parents and other adults at that race allowed it to happen… we've really lost the ability to point out obvious dodgy behaviour
No. 1919860
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>>1919849samefag posting screenshots of an interview of him and his wife in 2014
>took balletof course he did. i'm sure there were plenty of 13 year old girls in that class too.
No. 1919868
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>>1919819Soooooo….what ???? Wtf??? He rages and is violent with his wife unless he is allowed to dress as a woman ?? Anyone feels like he's forcing her to take part or else ?? Terrifying. Certifiable tranny insanity.
>>1919832People on Reddit have started reacting and did not disappoint kek. But some were pointing out that no "serious" media had reported on that story aside from the PM and Infowars. So I dug a little bit and found "Melody Wiseheart" (fucking kek my sides ouch) official swimming profile here : No. 1919871
>>1919860>Pink=girlBut transgenderism totally isn't based on sexist, unnatural, and overly-restrictive gender stereotypes. Also lol there are literally people alive right now who are
decades older than the entirely manufactured idea that "pink is a girl's color", which was introduced in the west in the 1940s at the earliest.
No. 1919874
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Found the above comment on his YouTube video and had to check and kek yeah brutal
No. 1919892
>>1919874kek even his score under his old name, before he trooned out is low, so it can't just be "transphobia". there are people saying he made them feel uncomfortable.
>>1919868ugh when you look at the swim team, it lists their year of birth. everyone else is 2000s and he is 1973
No. 1919896
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>>1919892Fucking gross yikes. He could be a grandad. The grandad of these girls actually
>>1919892>kek even his score under his old name, before he trooned out is lowKek, no surprise.
>>1919891Some chosen commentaries in picrel, here it is : No. 1919897
>>1919894nooooooo why does it look dirty ??
Somebody bleach my eyes please
No. 1919904
>>1919649You can literally see the shitty incision around his nipple
But yeah, it's perfectly acceptable for moids to get implants to larp as women, at least it's understandable when a woman lies about having implants because it's typically taboo or she's regarded as unattractive for it. Most people attracted to troons like implants
No. 1919909
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>>1919832samefag found a parent complain about him back in May (she was replying to a riley gaines tweet about girls boycotting races with TIMs)
No. 1919941
>>1919928As someone said in that thread, scrote will pervert anything nice and wholesome. Tights are nice, with a dress in winter or skirt or whatever. A nice bra that hold everything in place is nice, it looks cute, I'm happy, or it doesn't but is comfy and functional, it's great. But with these fucking animals, it all turns to ashes. It suddenly becomes something weird, disgusting, a fetish etc. That's when reality hits that for most scrotes, we are just sexual objects here to satisfy their porn-fried brains.
No. 1919946
File: 1698364456520.jpg (204.03 KB, 717x1266, MTXX_MH20231027_105058043.jpg)

>small Asian woman in uber
>inappropriate personal question from the man driving her
>please wont somebody think of the troons?!
I wonder what it's like to be constantly engaging in the victim Olympics like this?
No. 1919947
File: 1698364938501.jpg (1.93 MB, 4096x3072, Crymoar.jpg)

>>1919946The comment section is as expected
No. 1919962
File: 1698367819020.jpg (49.34 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_1507313641916_11…)

>>1919894This is monster world and I am not enjoying myself.
No. 1919964
>>1919954I suspect troons are simply 99% terminally online so will brigade anything even remotely connected to their agenda
>>1919952I think every woman can sympathise and understand what it's like to have a depraved driver leering at you. We've all heard stories of girl getting assaulted and raped by an Uber driver. But of course it's all about the trannies.
No. 1919965
>>1919947“ That's a slippery slope too, cuz trans people
have been killed for being trans” yeah because women aren’t know for being at a high risk of getting raped, killed, then raped again before getting ditched on the side of the road?
No. 1919969
>>1919965Was listening to some true crime podcast and heard the horrific story of a case in France where
a woman's car was attacked by a bunch of men, she was dragged out of it, raped, assaulted and her body burnt and dumped It's the second such case I heard like that, in between litteral children getting assaulted, women being routinely assaulted and killed everyday, or vanishing off the surface of the earth (and there's usually an incel scrote in the picture). That's just standard everywhere for women, which is deeply fucked up. Troons are nowhere near these statistics.
No. 1920011
>>1919498JP here. The sterilization requirement was definitely dropped due to pressure about human rights. I cant see the surgery requirement being dropped. Most politicians don’t want to be the one to say it however.
If self ID was adopted, it might severely impact public baths and onsens, many of which are still struggling after covid. The news would have a field day with all the “penis in the women’s baths” reports though kek.
No. 1920025
>>1919528we don't count as women, that's why those freaks try to push us out
they're wiggers with political clout and they will fail
No. 1920051
>>1918837I have a horrible feeling they will invert it into the girls making fun of him for having a penis, which…is unrealistic as hell. In all the real world cases of locker room drama at schools, the girls who are opposed to the troon flaunting his dick just avoid him because they are uncomfortable or they privately complain to their parents who then reach out to the principal etc. I've literally never heard of case of girls actively bullying a troon, especially not physically and especially not in the literal locker room. But I could see them portraying it that way regardless because the hip thing is to turn troons into innocent little
victims and martyrs.
No. 1920092
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>>1919638it’s funny because his previous post was a kek-worthy suicide bait literally about how he’s actually a lazy piece of shit and his wife is ambitious, intelligent, and hard working. he’s literally just trying to flesh out a woe-is-me troon origin story via reddit posts
No. 1920093
>>1920051Typical male not understanding the cryptic and silent nature of female interpersonal relationships. They absolutely did not do that to him, only another retard male would believe it.
T. bullied schoolgirl, kek
No. 1920101
Can't believe no one has posted this!
There was a debate last night between a TIM and Helen Joyce. The TIM was drunk and even pissed off her own side.
Can't say im surprised…. No. 1920114
File: 1698399943733.jpeg (51.08 KB, 744x333, IMG_3433.jpeg)

>>1920101>HEAVY breathing the entire time>snacks lips each time he downs wine>is drunk>wearing fishnets and flashes his ballsack/ass halfway through the panel pic related >can’t stop his sexist adlibs such as how Helen “talks too much” even though he won’t shut the hell up and allow her to speak uninterrupted >glares at Helen and even ~subtly~ gives the middle finger to the audience at one point pic related>talks about how he fucks men with his “feminine penis” and how men fuck him and how everyone sexualizes him lmao>won’t stop insisting everyone else in the world calls him ma’am or miss, despite clearing looking like a man in a dressSometimes you don’t even have to do or say anything, they just make themselves look bad by showing up and being their “true selves” . That being said, Helen Joyce did amazing as per usual and has a lot more patience than I.
No. 1920187
File: 1698418811268.png (106.75 KB, 622x424, trustmebro.png)

How we nonnies will ever recover knowing that tranny is "better" and "hotter" than us all? Kekkk
No. 1920196
File: 1698419818353.png (65.51 KB, 758x404, pcos.png)

>>1920158ayrt. recent research has suggested that it's a genetic condition that disrupts hormones in both women and men. the female manifestation is worse and effects the ovaries, which is why it was considered an ovarian syndrome. I personally have polycystic ovaries but do not have the
syndrome (or any of the symptoms) so I can definitely see how the two are not necessarily linked.
but some positives if this turns out to be true 1) the condition will get taken WAY more seriously (because it makes men bald, which is far more important to research than women's health..) and 2) troons can no longer conflate PCOS with transgenderism, because it's something that effects both sexes.
No. 1920214
File: 1698423288846.png (212.77 KB, 590x720, Screenshot 2023-10-27 090439.p…)

"She/they" swallowed like 30 acid tabs yesterday, last activity was liking a tweet 2 minutes after the video was posted
No. 1920215
File: 1698423330781.mp4 (1.56 MB, 720x1280, dedgrllastacidtrip.mp4)

No. 1920274
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No. 1920289
File: 1698433106570.png (291.75 KB, 694x500, GQ.png)

GQ just posted picrel and it's the insane narcissistic drivel you'd expect
>dollwtf? i clearly don't lurk here enough because i've not come across them referring to themselves as dolls yet (even though it's obvious that's how they perceive women). very creepy. he uses the word throughout the article.
some of these rules
>"Don’t lead a woman on in any relationship—but you’ll need to be extra sure about your intentions with trans girls">"Reinforce her femininity. Don’t assume that she relates to male interests just because of her assignment at birth">gross details about tops and bottoms and prostate = "g-spot">"Deal with your own masculinity." "This doesn’t mean you should be ready to brawl, but you should be man enough to stand up for your woman.">Discuss if you want kids "many a doll has, under the advice of their endocrinologist, frozen sperm from before beginning their medical transition, and surrogacy is increasingly popular in the queer community." No. 1920302
>>1920289>wtf? i clearly don't lurk here enough because i've not come across them referring to themselves as dolls yet (even though it's obvious that's how they perceive women). very creepy. he uses the word throughout the article.Damn you anon for making me look into this. I'd never heard the term either, despite being steeped in GC politics for years, so I looked into it.'Doll' is not a term used online much, it is mostly used in trans!twitter. It comes from 80s black drag/trans ball culture in NYC and is still mostly used offline. It's supposed to mean a 'straight' hyper feminine trans woman.
Nicky Alcenat is a black gay man who spent his childhood in California and moved close to NYC, in the 2000s, around his freshman year of high school and was obsessed with being feminine and fashion and having 'girlfriends'. So no wonder he fell in with the type of troons who use 'doll.' He had an article in Vogue in May about how his love for high heels helped him with his 'transgender womanhood' and admitted to wearing his mothers shoes as a boy, but we all know he wore more than that. And there is another article from him in April on some site called Guest of Guest about the bars he goes to meet guys. So looks like he managed to worm his way into the magazine scene in NYC this year.
No. 1920312
>>1920289a bunch of twitter trannies use "doll" in their handle to mean hsts troon. it basically means
toxic mimic of a porn stereotype that wants to prey on straight guys
No. 1920322
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>>1920101thank god for the sanity in the comments
No. 1920346
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On the rare occasion, I find the strangest twitter accounts. I don't know if this person is a chaser and/or a tranny, but the typing style and tweets about protecting trannies and commenting about how divine they are makes him sound like one. It's all so disgusting.
No. 1920349
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hari nef, is that you?
No. 1920368
File: 1698442589494.mp4 (1.06 MB, 320x568, pedoman.mp4)

Caption: "my biggest fantasy had come true - I was on show as an ultra sissy baby girl for all to see only a few miles from where I live."
>calls himself Baby Julie
>likes to ask women who work in shops to help him, declaring himself a "sissy girl", including asking them to fit him for a bra.
>he stealthily videos these interactions and posts them online. he thinks a lot of these women are "so nice!" to him but if you listen to the recordings these woman are just shit-scared and trying to placate him.
and yes, of course he is wearing a nappy/diaper underneath that dress, which he exposed and took photos of in public.
TRAs have created a boundary-free playground for these men to impose their fetishes on anyone, and people have to smile and cater to them. not that many years ago, you'd be able to call security on this guy without issue.
No. 1920491
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I am so sick of these fucking males.
No. 1920573
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>>1920532NTAYRT but his account is zhoesty; hes since deleted the tweet, but i managed to find a screen recording of someone scrolling through the comments (ive reposted it now without the obnoxious zoomer bullshit playing in the background). its pretty fast tho.
link to the same tranny in the video replying to the deleted comment: No. 1920599
File: 1698465556601.jpg (Spoiler Image,736.46 KB, 810x1822, Screenshot_20231027-233229_Chr…)

>"and if I could fuck myself I absolutely would":Totally not a fetish!: No. 1920648
>>1920491Maybe if scrotes didn't make the fandoms for those things so
toxic, women would be more willing to share their interest in those things. The fanbase for metal was more 60-40 male-female in the eighties, but as the genre splintered and changed, so did the fanbase. Prospects aren't much better for straight women who like metal: metalhead scrotes these days are all either coomers, redditfags, or future/current troons. They're undatable for the same reasons most other types of scrote are. Men suck to begin with, but the internet ruined what few redeeming qualities they once had. At least guys in the seventies or whatever just beat off to softcore nudie mags and vanilla (by today's standards) porn tapes. Now it seems like every male has a bunch of bizarre fetishes he acquired from constantly looking at hardcore porn on the internet. And that's before you even factor in shit like video game addiction, extremist groups online, parasocial relationships, etc.
No. 1920673
File: 1698484957194.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1170x1878, IMG_1928.jpeg)

i’m genuinely crying. mf looks like a blow up sex doll w all the facetune but he forgot to fix his hairy moid arms.
No. 1920675
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>>1920214I don't know how these prison gays can post pictures of themselves destroying their lives (on top of showing the only other people willing to touch them with a pole are other desperate troons) publicly and think they're cool for it. They're so painfully cluster B, I can't imagine the dose of antidepressants their parents have to be on to live with the fact this is the son they sacrificed their freedom and finances to raise. What is the blood even for?
If they think no employer or random online actor can ever trace it back to them when they'll snap out of it, try (and fail) to DFE and all try to get jobs, they're in for a speedy 41%.
No. 1920677
File: 1698486329532.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.62 KB, 741x900, F9ThEO8XsAA-QVm.jpg)

This "transformation" took you a whole year my guy?
No. 1920712
File: 1698491969380.png (38.26 KB, 577x183, don't fetishise us but DO indu…)

>>1920711>Was there really a need for this?the answer is always no,
nonnie. but the article does talk about chasers too. he almost sounds like he is bragging when he says it's the 4th most searched thing on porn hub. they claim they don't want to be fetishised but expect a man to indulge them in THEIR fetish of pretending to be a woman.
No. 1920714
File: 1698493412593.jpg (89.8 KB, 900x830, 0a7ld1wy5nub1.jpg)

Anyone watch 90 day fiance and caught that trans woman misleading some Moldovan dude years ago? Had been intimate multiple times, until the Tim finally admitted he was trans. (there seems to be some parts of the conversation where Moldovan was explaining all this missing. I do wonder what he said in those..) Moldovan had a melt down, packed his shit and left. His friends dropped him when he tried to talk to them about it. Took him 3 years to work on that by mediation and shit, because he wasn't sure what it meant about him. But Tim kept sending memes and staying in contact and now like a decade later he wants to give it another try. Dude still looks like a fucking dude, just absolutely mangled by surgeries. I have no idea why I watch trash in the background
No. 1920727
File: 1698496002503.jpeg (50.07 KB, 640x637, IMG_1086.jpeg)

bump, don’t scroll nonnies cp on front page. Wish I didn’t stumble onto it and see that as I’m scarred/triggered right now. Hopefully this means no one else will have to either…
No. 1920732
File: 1698497087342.mp4 (1.33 MB, 640x360, mafs.mp4)

>>1920714i love TLC trash but haven't caught up on this one yet. sounds very selfish of the troon to get back in contact when he knows he fucked that guy up mentally/emotionally. but thats how narcissists are.
there is a TIM on uk's Married At First Sight who told the groom he was trans
after they got married. but the groom was "pansexual" and said it was cool. however, he couldn't say he fancied the TIM kek (see vidrel) and it's clear he would have just preferred a non-deluded gay man.
they're so bogpilled though holy shit. i looked up that 90 day fiance guy and he can barely move his face it's so creepy. regardless of your sexuality, how can you be attracted to this? and how can you not know they are trans?
No. 1920780
>>1920758I always wonder if they post shit they just happen to have, or if they look for the most upsetting sewerslVt tier child harm to prove their point about how gosh darn mean roasties are
Male boards don't get this, it's here and the other female only board that get scat and cp spam. I wish we could ask reduxx or something to cover it but you know that would just result in a deluge of moids doing it
No. 1920889
>>1920839Somehow I never realised they do the same
spam cp and gore routine outside of imageboards, which only serves to prove people right in being cautious since the injured party is the one sending the horrible content. Like way to remove the last sliver of sympathy anyone might have.
Sorry to nonnies who saw that.
No. 1920964
>>1918158Lol at pretending that HER isn’t just another tranny hugbox. I’m sure some actual lesbians were talking about something normal and he came in and started sperging about girldick and got butt hurt when they told him to STFU.
The platform literally has sections for TIFs and TIMs for godsake. The final straw that made me delete the app was some tranny intern sending out a push notification that was just “this app doesn’t like TERFs” so I took his advice and now the miserable trannies around me have one less actual woman creep on.
No. 1921004
File: 1698539664317.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x2109, IMG_6402.jpeg)

this self harming camwhore tranny on twitter claims to have cut his finger off due to mental illness kek. the filthy fucking mirror really adds flavor to the overall stench of this one.
No. 1921056
>>1919403Considering how SRS are usually botched horror shows. Diminishing the demand for them maybe is a positive for human rights.
Also, the protections for wives and children against being turned into a transwidow or transorphan looks very good.
No. 1921110
File: 1698559135737.jpeg (342.44 KB, 1164x1036, IMG_2514.jpeg)

ugly couple discovers hair dye.
No. 1921132
File: 1698562450047.jpg (2.65 MB, 4096x2304, Spot the agp.jpg)

Found this cretin looking for attention on a 90's nostalgia page. They really do all have the same flavour of degenerate don't they?
No. 1921162
>>1920964>The final straw that made me delete the app was some tranny intern sending out a push notification that was just “this app doesn’t like TERFs”That is actually hilarious to receive as a push notification, every time you see that shit you know a woman offended a specific male by saying she doesn't like dick or male periods aren't thing. The word is meaningless now, I don't even think normies read
TERF as a negative anymore because 99% of public trannies are openly (as in their last ten Tweets will contain this content, you don't even have to dig) fetishists, sex offenders and pedophiles and it makes it difficult to sympathise.
No. 1921166
>>1918222Considering some mass shooters have
less deranged things than this on their feeds than this I think you're right.
Fucking hours spent every day on his fetishes and seething hatred of women, revolting psycho behaviour.
No. 1921198
File: 1698592201668.jpg (2.56 MB, 4096x3072, 23-10-29-10-04-42-057_deco.jpg)

Joined a discord server for a friend and fucking ew. Disgusting scrote. Time to leave this server.
No. 1921204
>>1921198>don't mind giving people something to look atyes, we know you enjoy forcing your fetish onto other people. that was already evident, without having to explicitly talk about your intentions. fucking gross.
did anyone respond to this or is this kind of thing just normalised now?
No. 1921248
I'm so fucking bothered. Sage for blogpost venting. I've peaked, but I'm still quiet about it, and not in a way where I hate all of them. It's probably going to happen soon though.
I still have a trans friend. Someone I've known for 5+ years now and I feel awful to just drop them. I've tried to help here and there with they tiniest tips on how to pass better, just girl things no one told me, but suggestions are almost always met with a complaint about having to put forth some effort. Basically any effort on his part is too much.
Yesterday's was kind of the final straw and I'm not going to do it any more. I said you can make the scent of body sprays and perfumes last longer if you put your lotion on first. The response? "That sounds like too much effort."
BITCH. IT IS NOT EVEN THE BARE MINIMUM. No new tasks, you should already be wearing moisturizer and fragrance if you want to appear & smell feminine.. you just change the order of operations ever so slightly but I guess he can't even do that because he's not doing it at all.
I had to try so fucking hard to not just blurt out, "are you SURE you want to be a woman???" Because if everything, even LOTION, is too much effort, idk what else to say. Pretty women put forth effort to look and smell nice. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
All I could say was, "smelling like a woman takes a tiny bit of effort and there's no way around it."
No more easy help here. I cannot help if deep down you know you're not a woman and you don't want to be one.(blog)
No. 1921258
nonnie, you know how there’s /snow/ and /pt/? Put /2X/ in your browser, your vent is welcome there!
No. 1921298
>>1921248I sympathize with your plight
nonnie but you really need to untangle your perception of womanhood from gendered expectations society has. Being a woman has nothing to do with moisturizer or perfume but everything to do with the XX chromosomes you’re either born with or not. To conflate the two like you’re doing is just falling
victim to the same rhetoric trannies use.
You sound really frustrated with what you have to go through to be perceived as worthy in society as a woman but let me assure you that going out and about with no makeup and just enough hygiene to not be stinky is really freeing and doesn’t make you less of a woman or have any less value. Anyone who tells you otherwise can shove it.
No. 1921389
>>1921361Tbf I never wear perfume in my life and I don't lotion my body unless it's dry. Why is it unhygienic if a woman doesn't wear perfume but normal if a man doesn't, is there additional requirements to being "clean" as a woman?
Her version of femaninity is hyperperformative and honestly the tranny is right, that does sound fucking exhausting
No. 1921401
>>1921389Rubbing lotion on your body every so often and spritzing a bottle a couple times is exhausting to you?? Wtf?
Wearing perfume is not about performing anything. It's not mandatory. Maybe some people just like to smell nice for long periods of time???? I do??? I wear my perfume because I like the smell. It smells expensive, and that makes me happy because I earned it. I couldn't give two shits what anyone else thinks about it, but I certainly don't mind being told I smell nice. It makes me feel good.
I'm legitimately amazed some people here are gonna get so fucking heated about liking to wear fragrance. Holy shit. Get a grip.
>>1921390Nobody cares what your disgusting drooling moid enjoys.
(infighting) No. 1921414
File: 1698625487467.png (672.05 KB, 594x838, 852e1b96096feeb9c53b4ae0a6b290…)

no, you're still an annoying gay male like the rest
No. 1921458
File: 1698633430988.jpg (698.2 KB, 810x2019, Screenshot_20231029-215900_Red…)

This is one of the most AGP things I've ever read: No. 1921497
>>1921493True that, sorry fam
Back on topic, y'all ever hear anything from autism advocacy groups about this shit? I remember they used to mention how common it is to have this torturous puberty and not feel connected to your sex, but last I heard that, it was on those Wrong Planet forums and got shut down pretty quick.
No. 1921519
>>1921459this post is so packed with autism it almost reads like satire lol. also wtf is with
>primary school friend whom she just proposed towhat did he mean by that? he calls her his "wife" so they must be married right? or did he mean she invited the friend into their creepy polycule but he just worded it really autistically?
No. 1921537
File: 1698652920222.png (28.21 KB, 401x459, wendy.PNG)

I keep seeing this troon pop up in the subs r/actuallybutch and r/actuallylesbian. Both subs are crypto-terfy and this one is catching on. He spends most of his time calling posters bigots and misogynists and has a bi wife, kek. If you look at a lot of his comments in these subs, they're heavily downvoted. I'll post the pinned comment at the top of his profile in a mo.
No. 1921540
File: 1698653230566.png (69.46 KB, 827x609, wendy4.PNG)

>>1921539ok I'll finish my dump now, he just says a lot of stupid shit.
No. 1921544
>>1921538I agree with parts of this actually
>"passing requires a lack of knowledge of whether or not someone is trans"No matter how good a troon is at mimicking a woman, if you know they're really a man they can NEVER pass to you. Even some (half-peaked) women will say a few HSTS troons pass, some say Blaire White passes for example, but if you know he's a man he simply doesn't pass - because you factually know he isn't a woman. So you don't "think he's a woman" the way passing implies. There isn't a single famous/known trans person who passes, because if they actually passed we wouldn't even know they were trans. Being openly out as trans and passing aren't compatible.
No. 1921559
>>1921401Oh ffs. I don't wear perfume or anything like that, but
nonnie doesn't deserve all this vitriol because she does. Obviously her (hopefully soon ex-) friend would need tips that 'go the extra mile', since he's a whole-ass man. Sorry you got this ott reaction,
>>1921414Isn't top left a homophobic FTM too? Kek.
>>1921459Personally offended by the reference to one of my most beloved anime. And the rest of it is mind-blowingly deranged - it perfectly hits that troon balance of juvenile af and sex obsessed.
No. 1921569
>>1921524I remember reading the original post before that he told the wife thing is an internal joke
But I suspect that a great deal of it is fanfic or they are really pornsick troons.
The part of him guessing the mom's bra size was pretty gross though.
No. 1921580
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No. 1921587
>>1921569Ah, that makes sense nona.
To me it reads more like a turbo autist with little to no experience of social interaction before being accepted/groomed into a troon troupe.
But it could go either way tbh, that level of weird detail can be a sign of fanfic or just massive autism kek.
No. 1921599
>>1921539>"Biological female" is vague and often used by bigots.
> Arguably many transgender women arebiological females. It depends on what biology you're talking about!
why the fuck do so many of them say this unironically? a woman biologically isn't male by very definition. lemme guess he's one of those people who goes "um ackshully, biology is composed of many different things so-". no matter how much horsepiss he takes or cosmetic surgeries he gets, the male body stays male and can't change to female. all "transitioning" does is making them males with pseudo DSDs
No. 1921613
File: 1698672236697.jpg (3.13 MB, 3974x3056, HG.jpg)

So, a Trans comic writer (not the one from the previous thread) named Jadzia Axelrod (because of course) depicted a trans alien in the HawkGirl comics he's writing. This isn't a fantasy equivalent; it's just the human equivalent of a trans person. The creator said something about how transness would exist in outer space as well.
No. 1921617
>>1921608Come on
nonnie… Finding moid lover anon dumb=/='siding' with the handmaiden. It's not two teams.
No. 1921653
File: 1698680410280.jpg (323.17 KB, 1080x1837, Wife.jpg)

It's amusing how easily clockable trannies are. I could tell it's the guy on the right from a glance. The cherry on top is the fact that he calls himself tranny barbie. Wow, no shame.
No. 1921699
File: 1698687098227.png (47.96 KB, 1077x207, vgv.png)

>>1921533Also, weirdly, among women who douche, there's reportedly no significant difference by race
No. 1921701
>>1921559I'm so sick of the way Twitter refugees have decided this is website you go to be really really mean to everyone with no consequences. The most benign posts get hyper-aggressively dogpiled by people getting out all their cryptoterf rage, and it's got all the oldfags snappy and on edge too. I also got what
nonny was trying to say; not that women inherently have to be perfumed, but that troons whine about how exhausting it is to be "amab", but women are expected to do so much more maintenance than men and troons are too lazy and expecting of ass pats to even do step 1 of what is required to be considered a hot girl by most of society. They would snap under the pressure if they were forced for a single week to shower every day, wash and style their hair every day, shave/wax their whole body, do their makeup AND wash it off at the end of the day. Obviously none of these things are inherent to being a woman, nor is a woman who doesn't do them not a woman, but it's still the expectation looming over us and a man would 41% under the constant pressure we had to grow up under. Anyways
nonnie congrats on your peakening, hope the /2X/ girls gave you a better welcome
No. 1921704
File: 1698687965121.png (51.13 KB, 677x492, Screenshot 2023-10-30 134247.p…)

Here we see a local creep momentarily experiencing healthy shame at his desire to overstep boundaries with his female friends and pressure them into unwanted physical contact. Rather than adjust his conduct accordingly, he instead flees to his hugbox so that other creeps can rid him of the uncomfortable feeling of empathizing with women.
No. 1921711
>>1921701>The most benign posts get hyper-aggressively dogpiled by people getting out all their cryptoterf rageNot to derail but actually twitter refugees have spent forever reading tweets from troons saying stuff like "bash a terfs head in with a trans flag baseball bat if they give you side or" so tbh I think it's healthy and justified to let refugees sperg out a bit. It's annoying yeah but if they can't get it put of their system
here, one of the last bastions of the internet where a woman can express these things and have people who understand, then where can they do it?
No. 1921712
>>1921704there's something so interesting in the pattern of posts made on reddit by men and women. most if not all posts made by women on reddit detail some kind of imbalance in which they're the
victim, but they still minimize the problem and blame themselves.
this guy sees himself as a woman and still wants other men to reassure him that its okay to be the sleazy slimeball nice guy because he has an amazon skirt on now (something all women famously wear)
No. 1921731
File: 1698692161586.png (149.87 KB, 500x268, gcautistics.png)

>>1921592>>1921545>>1921497in the UK there is they seem quite organised and have submitted evidence to parliament. there is also Isla Mac who is a gc autism advocate (here she is interviewing another woman who set up a gender critical FB group I'm sure there are others if you search. but a lot of them do seem to be
terf island dwellers. the autism conversation is very different here too, compared to the US.
No. 1921773
>>1921766>>1921752you mean you don't cuddle with all your gal pals whilst you sit around in your underwear on pink fluffy pillows, patting each other's heads and calling each other "good girl"??
i hope he posts an update of his failed attempt at not be a fucking creep
No. 1921837
>the thought of even asking makes me feel like some slimeball "nice guy" trying to get something from themYou're trying to get a boner so yeah, you should feel like a creep. Because you're a creep.
I thought at first maybe he meant hugging but he absolutely thinks women lie around snuggling on each other. Nobody does that. I'll HUG my friends if we're saying goodbye after hanging out or something. Cuddling? They'd think I'd lost my mind.
No. 1922015
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>>1921653Why are they so often polyamorous…
No. 1922045
File: 1698737667376.jpeg (594.03 KB, 1125x1189, IMG_3019.jpeg)

IIRC there are some FFXIV anons here so:
Susan Calloway was canceled by a tranny for liking „transphobic“ and „islamophobic“ posts.
(From what I saw it was posts against puberty blockers for 3 year olds, trannys in women’s sport and hamas terror. Interesting how that is considered hate.)
The tranny who canceled her (but it’s not cancelling bc Susan is a bigot uwu) No. 1922054
File: 1698739811365.jpg (116.79 KB, 1500x1000, fish smelling gay men.jpg)

>>1920714A bit late but one of the 90 fiance spinoffs (other way around? before 90 days?) had a tranny Cleo from Italy/London who said "I'm serving the fish, tehee cos real women vagina smell like fish am I right guiiiis?" and fuck it pisses me off.
Also fuck all handmaidens defending these smelly men.
No. 1922063
>>1922054Reddit adores this tranny just as they worship the 2 faggots with one being 30 years older and hunting for a surrogate like he's online shopping.
The trannies and fags are given the most airtime with the most lukewarm boring events.
No. 1922079
>>1922008They ARE pickmes, lbr.
>>1922045Disgusting. I recently got 'cancelled' for liking a tweet sending condolences for the terror attack too; the woke thought police are really in full-force on that one. What were the comments like on the announcement? I can't deal with looking at that much stupidity rn.
>>1922057Admittedly I didn't make that connection when I first defended her (I'm not the
nonny you're quoting ftr).
No. 1922085
File: 1698748208825.jpeg (203.58 KB, 1125x346, IMG_3023.jpeg)

>>1922079I haven’t looked at all the comments, but there are quite a few calling out how ridiculous the convention and witch-hunters are behaving.
No. 1922102
>>1921752>Do they think we get in cuddle piles or something? If my best friend asked to cuddle I'd think she was fucking nuts. Who cuddles with their friends?He makes the comparison to a SO after that, possibly men think if they transition then all their female friends become their harem and do everything a wife does. Many trannies are poly and there was this bizarre post
>>1921459so I guess it's some anime-addled harem fetish they are expecting to play out as soon as they go by she/her
No. 1922109
File: 1698756074666.png (945.19 KB, 599x599, z.PNG)

>>1922045The reaction to this is just insane to me, is this a generational gap? She didn't even say anything, just liked the wrong posts. I know it's so much of a cliche to invoke 1984, that even jokingly invoking 1984 is now a cliche, but jesus christ. Even if you're trans, even if you have all the "correct" opinions presently, I don't know how you can look at something like this with anything other than dread. How long until you can get in trouble just for viewing too much of the wrong content, or maybe even not enough of the right stuff. Do they really think they'll always be on the right side of everything, especially when half of them openly admit to being misogynists and nazis before cutting their dicks off? Wish a solar flare would hit this planet, the internet was a mistake.
How much of a loser do you have to be anyway to through some ultra minor personality's likes in hopes of finding something objectionable enough to be worth posting about. Do they go through literally anyone's or was he just stalking this woman in particular? How does no one view that as deranged?
No. 1922140
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>>1922045By the power vested in Allag I'm gonna cause another Calamity to wipe out every tranny
No. 1922146
File: 1698759654044.jpeg (761.19 KB, 1125x1842, IMG_3024.jpeg)

>>1922116I don’t know much about FFXIV twitter but looking at that guys page I wonder how he‘s not blocked by the whole community yet.
As to your question about wether he stalked her, my guess is he followed her and her likes popped up on his fy page.
No. 1922167
File: 1698763427699.jpeg (299.25 KB, 1620x980, IMG_4243.jpeg)

They’re always so obsessed with women’s only spas
No. 1922169
File: 1698763638470.png (306.2 KB, 680x383, 1693716414550.png)

>>1922167Grow a fucking spine, Jenny.
And he knows full-well that women will be uncomfortable, it's not like asking one person's permission would change that. Gross.
No. 1922171
>>1921617i mean, unironically calling anon stinky because she doesn't use lotion/perfume is kinda agreeing with the other anon but yeah
No. 1922177
>>1922173Nta but
>"stinky" (see:based neutral scent)She called herself neutral scent
No. 1922235
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No. 1922243
File: 1698778316275.png (621.58 KB, 1768x1178, 1000019054.png)

Sure, you're not into men, kek.
No. 1922273
>>1922243"I want to be fucked in the arse by a rock hard penis but I am 100% NOT GAY, ok? Just getting pounded up the arse by a dick in a totally straight way."
Do these people listen to themselves at all?
No. 1922290
File: 1698788780751.jpeg (819.05 KB, 3222x1611, IMG_7751.jpeg)

holy fucking shit nonnas, strap in for this one. i opened tik tok and the second video on my feed was some random fuck’s “notes app apology” and at first i thought it was a joke so i started reading it. imagine my surprise. of course he deleted the video, so i searched his username and someone took screenshots which i’ll post next
No. 1922291
File: 1698788888931.jpeg (1.55 MB, 2910x4365, IMG_7750.jpeg)

>>1922290thankfully a lot of the comments on his video are saying stuff like “you’ll never be a real woman” LMAO he’s so mad about it too. this is great peaking material - women are just a costume to them, even murdered ones. i hope this man experiences nothing but deep sorrow and pain for the rest of his disgusting existence
No. 1922295
File: 1698789556727.jpeg (288.75 KB, 1170x1563, IMG_7753.jpeg)

>>1922294oh but nonna he’s acknowledging that he did something wrong!! we should all be praising him for the simple act of knowing he did something wrong!
No. 1922299
File: 1698790312305.jpg (499.94 KB, 2448x3264, 20230819_134136.jpg)

I can't believe he thinks he looks feminine…
No. 1922300
>>1922295LOL because the wokeys are well known for being oh so forgiving when someone apologises.
Also, he didn't 'know he did something wrong', he 'KNEW' he was doing something wrong when he did it. Also, 'labia costume'??
No. 1922305
File: 1698791648428.webm (13.23 MB, tiktok video kys.webm)

No. 1922324
File: 1698794392637.mp4 (7.27 MB, 576x1024, tino.mp4)

>>1922305hilarious. i just wish it was longer, i could watch hours of it.
found another video of his where he is approached by young men in masks making fun of him and he has the audacity to confront a young woman about why she didn't STEP IN and defend him kekk. the delusion. he just outs her as a based
>they called me a pedophilethey actually didn't though? he is just projecting that. and he implies she is a liar for saying she didn't hear them say that.
No. 1922333
File: 1698795748104.png (762.35 KB, 974x874, lilly contino merch.png)

>>1922305I was about to alog for similar reasons to
>>1922328 but then I went snooping and he has merch so I had a kek instead
No. 1922353
File: 1698800383903.png (394.54 KB, 546x864, Lilly Contino streaming.png)

>>1922305ohh r/tiktokdrama hates him
No. 1922358
File: 1698801785825.jpeg (252.88 KB, 1125x372, IMG_6353.jpeg)

>>1922353This killed me kek
No. 1922362
File: 1698802680660.png (444.28 KB, 765x746, Lillytino's real name is Nick …)

>>1922305I found out that there is a whole snark subreddit for this idiot moid. The redditors have to respect his pronouns or whatever because reddit ig but they think he is gross, rude, and a grifter. Also I found out that his real name is Nick Contino because he's on a zillion shitty blogs being a glutton for SEO and wework's blog deadnamed him KEK. As a bonus he is a thinly veiled cryptobro. Ryu Games is some kind of mobile game web3.0 grift. No. 1922422
>>1922336Good luck to you
nonnie. I peaked the same way as you, a troon "friend" who'd ask me for advice, and when I'd give him well-intentioned and practical advice, he'd ignore it to launch into pity party suicide baiting. They're emotional vampires
>>1922291This one makes me feel the closest to chimp moid rage I've ever felt. I want to a-log so bad. He knows damn well he wasn't making commentary on anything except his jealousy of pregnant woman
No. 1922438
File: 1698814949913.jpg (647.17 KB, 1080x1762, Screenshot_20231101_030324_Red…)

was looking for art of a cute lesbian ship i like and got jumpscared by this thing. luckily the only one i came across but highly uncomfortable to look at. and yes, pretty much all of the comments is uwu hugboxing, from other moids i assume. nothing is sacred. yes they were written by a man, but i truly doubt this was what toby fox had in mind
No. 1922468
File: 1698819065501.png (319.75 KB, 618x616, boy chat.png)

Surprise surprise, Men who obsess over "Trans kids" are nothing more than pedophiles, who are just drawn to feminized young boys or males who have delayed puberty.
No. 1922472
File: 1698819430346.jpeg (463.27 KB, 1700x854, IMG_3513.jpeg)

moid moment lmfao
No. 1922522
File: 1698829639638.jpg (118.91 KB, 1024x534, martin.jpg)

I don't know if this is suitable for this thread, but tranny kingpin Martin Rothblatt (TiM) has a biotech company that killed its second patient by surgically implanting a genetically modified pigs heart into him.
News article on 20th October:>One month after an experimental procedure to transplant the heart of a genetically modified pig into a patient with end-stage heart disease, doctors say the heart is functioning on its own and shows no signs of rejection.>The pig heart used came from a genetically modified pig from Revivcor, a subsidiary the United Therapeutics Corporation.Follow up 2 weeks later wiki:
>United Therapeutics was founded in 1996 by Martine RothblattHe's some culty freak:
>In 2004, Rothblatt launched the Terasem Movement, a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology. No. 1922531
File: 1698832091162.jpeg (88.41 KB, 750x501, F9yNKB6X0AAzoDm.jpeg)

I kekd so hard
No. 1922575
>>1922291This is so needlessly cruel and nasty, how are you mocking a pregnant murder
victim? What a disgusting, sick fucker he is, tell us again about twans rights and twans genocide while you do this shit.
No. 1922576
File: 1698843360156.png (68.89 KB, 1028x579, Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 13-48…)

>>1922354There is another thread about him where they call all these poor waiters transphobes. It's never a mistake no they hate this dude because of the way he looks. In reality they will hate this dude because he's a prick.
No. 1922624
File: 1698851836744.png (4.47 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4720.png)

Why do they make the terf look more badass?
No. 1922639
>>1922305treating specifically waiters, many who seem foreign, in this rude ass entitled way to prove what a
victim you are of someone who's on their feet all day running around after customers sat on their asses while trying to be polite from muscle memory by saying sir to you is such undeniable macho behaviour. the super progressive bros and handmaidens supporting these men would quickly call a woman a karen for this power playing, feigned victimhood, attention seeking behaviour even if she had a legitimate concern
No. 1922654
terf going against norms to oversexualize yourself on Halloween
No. 1922664
File: 1698858605710.png (2.04 MB, 1674x830, AAAAHHH.png)

These are disgusting FIRST COUSINS who have a youtube podcast called Girl STFU. They are both so obese, globbed on with makeup, and hateful to everyone while still being oh so oppressed. I did not watch all their podcasts but their latest one includes a bunch of fat insults to a 10th grade teacher, and I'm sure a lot of their talk is about wanting to get a bf/dick and not being desired.
No. 1922666
>>1922624Pff I just peeped the ratio on it. Womp womp.
>>1922664Omg, is one of those the one who said they were a 'big fat 10'? Also these two uggos look like clones.
No. 1922676
File: 1698861013692.png (17.57 KB, 441x495, Illustration2.png)

Not trying to derail too much but I've been wanting to create comics based on some of the ridiculous crap I see troons do in this thread. I want to help peak more people. I wanted to do it in a way that references the actual person/article/story though so people can see that this is some real shite. I'm worried however about legal issues that might pop up with doing this. Might not be the best place to ask this but does anyone have suggestions on how to go about making them without facing some kind of defamation lawsuit? I want to fight if not with my voice instead with my art.
No. 1922710
>>1922676don't have advice but i look forward to seeing your comics
nonnie. you've definitely captured the depraved vacant stare.
No. 1922720
File: 1698865697900.jpeg (147.43 KB, 1250x423, Fps5nlNaEAAUJVk.jpeg)

>>1922676Your art is looking stunning and brave,
I think you're fine as long as you don't use full/real names (picrel) and you're not implying they've done something wildly outside of the truth (for defamation to apply, they'd have to prove that you're lying, so if you're spoofing actual news stories…).
No. 1922735
>>1922670>male servers "misgender" him which "feels like a stab in the heart"anonymous
>female server who isn't even interacting with him but was just nearby at the timeTERF. make sure to publicly shame her.
>>1922729she actually is so beautiful, i love her. they especially hate when a woman is effortlessly beautiful whilst wearing GNC clothes. hope she didn't get harassed after this.
No. 1922737
File: 1698867163512.png (2.01 MB, 1768x1965, 1000019162.png)

Primal coom drive activated. Now he's going to steal your underwear and jerk off when you're not home.
No. 1922739
>>1922676Frame it in a way that makes the trannies seethe at each other, not just at you. Discuss the fatphobia rampant in the troon community, where some trans folx (Dylan the Skeleton) get sponsorships so easily where other trans folx (Nikkie tutorials) have to work sooo haaaard for literally decades to be noticed by the heteronormative white cis colonizer AFAB patriarchy. They'll tear each other to shreds over this shit if it's done well, half of them don't know that Dylan is a failed narc theatre kid who's only transitioned for the attention. You'll be peaking troons more than normies though.
If you want to peak normies, make sure to link to all your sources and include screenshots where possible. Troons hate it when you include undeniable evidence that they're AGP rapists driven only by their need to coom.
No. 1922746
File: 1698867803594.jpeg (432.57 KB, 1125x2054, IMG_9575.jpeg)

I’ve blocked this troon so many times and yet he keeps popping up with new accounts
No. 1922755
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>>1922731Sam Brinton, professional, serial luggage thief kek.
No. 1922759
File: 1698869522795.jpg (120.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1000019163.jpg)

>>1922755Such a goofy looking mother fucker.
No. 1922764
>>1922756>>1922676i know you weren't asking for comic ideas but i would love to see a transbian one. most people don't understand that there are creepy straight men who think they are actually lesbians and they make up the majority of the poor twans wymyn that handmaidens support. when these men say "i'm so gay" i guess people think they're a super gay man and that's why they wear dresses, they're harmless!
people are always shocked when i explain that it's literally straight men with a fetish being allowed into women-only spaces. immediate peaking information.
No. 1922767
File: 1698870756857.jpg (633.54 KB, 2627x928, lqj9wo9oqhk71.jpg)

>>1922709It's a good game but it's also fetish,AGP and pedo heaven due to the races and clothes designs.
No. 1922768
File: 1698870810688.jpg (277.44 KB, 675x1200, untitled.jpg)

A husband, wife and son who all trooned out
No. 1922775
>>1922768ugh i thought that was the troon's hand at first
>>1922769KEK why is this so accurate
No. 1922789
File: 1698872018558.jpg (39.72 KB, 640x853, zjtt07oz6qxb1.jpg)

Horrendous cosplay by a troon
No. 1922800
File: 1698873436557.png (279.34 KB, 719x818, F0vgZ6OXgAIq8GP.png)

>>1922305Bitch your hairline is saying this and you don't want people to call you sir.
No. 1922850
File: 1698880680970.jpeg (394.76 KB, 1283x1891, IMG_6564.jpeg)

the delusion is real
No. 1922902
File: 1698888019981.jpg (494.98 KB, 1080x1729, Screenshot_20231101-210314_Chr…)

Ofc his supportive response wasn't good enough for these malignant narcs. I hope he peaks after being told he's "cissplaining": No. 1922904
>>1922746what trannies and twitter people don't get is that it isn't about whether a cow is a good or bad person, but whether they're funny.
>>1919059Reminds me of old-school MtF transformation webcomic Misfile. The creator's dad trooned out and died of a blood clot caused by his estrogen pills, and I always assumed the creator would troon out too but he just never did.
No. 1922922
File: 1698890502640.png (232.98 KB, 340x690, hyur-male-front.png)

>>1922795ok i won't derail but there are bunnyboys and they are slutty and great
No. 1922924
>>1922922Adding to that, female Viera do NOT welcome males in their spaces.
Males and females live apart, coming into contact with each other periodically.[1] Male viera return to the village to collect the male children who reach puberty to teach them the ways of the hunt. Males live alone, serving as solo defenders of the forest from intruders and evil, and only communicate with the females when needing to mate, trade or collect the male adolescents
No. 1922937
File: 1698895251235.jpg (167.83 KB, 871x1280, cathfawr tranny.jpg)

semi-personal cow i hate this military moid
No. 1922942
File: 1698895819097.jpg (59.63 KB, 488x683, EUXctxuXgAE6vud.jpg)

>>1922937loves pretending to be a alt girl in the military. literally any time he takes a picture from an off angle or talks in a different voice his maleness is so obvious
No. 1922948
File: 1698898231972.jpg (518.95 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_20231101-234957_Chr…)

I'm sure this happened
No. 1922959
>>1922948>almost outed myselfdo they really think people don't know they're trans…
>beauty lies in the eye of the beholder>equates looking like a woman and beauty>because unattractive women don't exist>goes on to stress that she's not attractivewhat the fuck is wrong with him
No. 1922964
File: 1698900311559.jpg (486.87 KB, 1080x1547, Screenshot_20231102-003909_Chr…)

Transcel dysphoric over his dating inbox not being flooded
No. 1922980
File: 1698904263545.png (408.27 KB, 1080x1382, finding_my_feet.png)

Feeling sexually entitled to lesbians was his should have known he was a "woman" moment
No. 1922985
File: 1698905734608.jpg (167.37 KB, 1040x603, Screenshot_20231102-140949_Red…)

Kek. As if the hole being surgically modified on a tim is anything but an extra rotten asshole.
No. 1922988
File: 1698907585852.jpg (411.71 KB, 810x1449, Screenshot_20231102-023024_Chr…)

TIM rooted for Johnny Depp during the Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial.
No. 1922995
File: 1698909730664.png (527.24 KB, 1080x2100, SonOfNothing93.png)

Last one from this goldmine of a post. Seeing lesbians fills TIM with jealous rage. Here's the link to the entire post: same TIM also has furry incest and lesbian canabalism fetishes: No. 1923006
File: 1698913292158.gif (42.55 KB, 220x165, 1000003352.gif)

>>1922746Troons who like Sanrio make me sick
No. 1923032
File: 1698922493878.png (887.33 KB, 695x903, image_2023-11-02_215426419.png)

Well, the guy who made the Hotel podcast trooned out
No. 1923067
File: 1698930887927.jpg (13.63 KB, 296x395, 20231031_093541.jpg)

Why they always have to be so freaking weird??
No. 1923078
File: 1698932555270.png (30.22 KB, 991x107, Screenshot_20231102_094026.png)

>>1923033>comes out as a "woman">first thing he does is dress as a hookerhmmm
>>1923071seems likely given his post history
No. 1923085
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>>1923056i think it's because the character he's "cosplaying" also makes this face at some point in movie
No. 1923095
File: 1698938552545.png (329.44 KB, 748x715, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 14-20…)

>>1923087Yeah, here's just one example.
No. 1923097
>>1922948what does it even mean to be "kinda stealthy"? either people know you're a troon or they don't
>>1922966kekkk nonna, perfect
No. 1923198
File: 1698957270380.png (59.77 KB, 205x132, disgust.png)

>>1923191yeah it really
triggers my misophonia. a lot of these troons do with their mouthbreathing whining. i think it's the way they try to purse their lips and think it's "feminine" to push their tongue around as they think about what to say.
No. 1923222
>>1922768Mom can we get Wednesday from Netflix?
No, we have the Wednesday at Reddit.
Wednesday at Reddit:
No. 1923230
File: 1698962978389.webm (16.55 MB, Snaptik.App 729628396974476830…)

scrote mansplains lesbianism. how the fuck can a straight man have comphet? gross
No. 1923236
File: 1698964012625.mp4 (2.46 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_729254214558235367…)

No. 1923251
>>1923230>lesbian love is supposed to be very inclusivelmao
only men think that lesbians are supposed to be attracted to everyone because they can't comprehend a world in which there are women who aren't attracted to them
>common misconception is that lesbianism is just women loving women…
>says it's liberating to not be heteronormative>as a man who is attracted to women>but feels like he has to call himself a woman because men aren't allowed to be feminine>thereby enforcing the heteronormativity he thinks he's defying>the cool thing about lesbians is that gender doesn't matterWHAT
he seems like he'd be a nice person if he could just accept that being a feminine straight guy is ok
No. 1923277
File: 1698971593064.jpg (45.41 KB, 960x828, 1000001827.jpg)

>>1923067Because they're autistic misogynistic moids.
No. 1923290
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No. 1923351
File: 1698983524289.jpg (83.42 KB, 941x888, 1649049351843.jpg)

>>1922305oh my god how is this video two minutes long? i'm 30 seconds in and i'm already so mentally exhausted by this entitled retard.
No. 1923358
File: 1698985221418.png (1.67 MB, 1596x1772, Silentthebun.png)

Imagine having to work with a tranny
No. 1923360
File: 1698986308176.jpg (744.27 KB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230815_190352847.jpg)

this guy goes to anime conventions and invites kids to his discord server
No. 1923367
File: 1698989234215.jpg (646.18 KB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230321_192513487.jpg)

>>1923365he's a professional dishwasher and spends his min wage money going to conventions and recruiting underage kids who attend his panels to his server
No. 1923386
>>1923358The bottom right person looks like they would tearily stab you to death at a moment's notice, the fact they are the same person screenshot above, saying they have been hearing a woman screaming in their head for years (holy shit) and left, threaten their employers makes perfect sense
Trannies stop being terrifying weirdos challenge (impossible) it's interesting that even
with wide social approval and protection in the west, they default to Norman Bates psychology, kinda suggests AGP psychosexual crossdressing is a symptom of severe mental illness, rather than the mental illness being caused by the lack of social approval as they like to claim. (e.g. if only I was allowed into all female children's changing rooms I would finally be happy/if only every stranger I saw called me a beautiful girl I would finally be happy/etc)
No level of coddling and approval will affect the underlying mental illness, which also is not solved by leaning into the delusions.
No. 1923432
>>1923420ayrt I just tend to refer to people in more vague terms, but in this post I mean
they as in the collective gang of AGP Norman Bates types documented in all the many MTF threads, not just the one guy.
No. 1923460
>>1923335Is RTG good on the troon stuff? I stopped watching her and I feel like it was because of her woke/troony views though icr.
>>1923358I've had to work with one this week. It's only over email, but seeing the female name with the most obviously tranny image ever (he has short purple hair and everything) is jarring af. I've just been using a (male) abbreviation of his name, I'm not playing into his fetish.
No. 1923469
>>1923447Ayrt the context clues of me comparing AGPs to serial killers should be enough to help you realise I wasn't putting effort in to gender him correctly, there were two different trannies in the screenshots hence
they while differentiating one of them
The fact we have two 'they are serial killers or at least think the idea is funny' just upthread,
>>1923290>>1922291Like do you think I'm a sympathiser, I just have a writing style where I tend to use vague words like people/they, gotta use those context clues girls. I promise no TRAs are in here making (
valid) comparisons to murderers while gendering them correctly at the same time. But healthy paranoia is good on an anon board so I don't blame ya.
No. 1923471
>>1923293She announced a stream where she would play Hogwarts Legacy. No, seriously, that's why they hate her and write violent fantasies like that.
They also harrassed another Vtuber, Silvervale because of Hogwarts Legacy and even she cried on stream.
No. 1923473
File: 1699013819535.png (816.84 KB, 1173x675, Screen Shot 2023-11-03 at 12.0…)

The delusion is actually incredible. It's actually astonishing how all of them look like this. Greasy unkempt hair, fat boy moobs, a beer belly, huge hands and the most unappealing face known to man.
The fact said troon also replied to the post comparing him to a female figurine saying "YEAH" makes me recoil in disgust. AGP at it's finest.
No. 1923493
>>1923469>Like do you think I'm a sympathiser, I just have a writing style where I tend to use vague words like people/they, gotta use those context clues girls. I promise no TRAs are in here making (valid) comparisons to murderers while gendering them correctly at the same time. But healthy paranoia is good on an anon board so I don't blame ya.nayrt It's none of that. Some people come here after realizing troons are a bunch of degenerates, but they still think they need to respect pronouns, that cis is actually a
valid concept, or it's only those troons over there who are degens, but those troons over here are true trans. Board culture is to remind people that all of that is bullshit. And honestly, you still sound like you're still caught in feeling guilty for calling a troon he: "I won't call him "she", but it's just rude to call him "he", so I'm going to use "they".
No. 1923507
File: 1699019122066.jpg (1.36 MB, 1170x2532, RDT_20231103_13253634431160145…)

Because of a previous post on here, I'm now getting push notifications for this ugly troon's subreddit ('Elphaba', TikTok famous). They all hate him on there though so it's pretty funny.
No. 1923528
>>1923386Honestly I think the 41% suicide rate isn't because they're trans and we aren't coddling them over it, I've always thought it's more a symptoms of a greater issue. I mean correlation doesn't mean causation, transitioning and suicide rates correlate but tbh I feel like even glance at the population whose transitioning… it's not usually the most mentally stable people in the first place. Drug addiction, mental illness, and autism are already wayyyy over represented, and all of those increase likelihood of suicide.
>>1923447Give her a break, I think it's weirder feeling to use pronouns if you recently peaked. It's like using a dirty curse word after your mom's been telling you not to for years
No. 1923529
File: 1699021956905.png (38.9 KB, 532x135, singualr they.png)

>>1923493nta but i believe nona. why would she trip over herself to respect a pronoun (that she knows he doesn't even use)? i've used "they" to refer to strangers before. singular theys are not that uncommon, even if they're incorrect. now that we have the they/them pronoun shit i've become more motivated not to use it but still do out of bad habit sometimes.
No. 1923537
File: 1699024239442.mp4 (5.1 MB, 1080x1920, arkangeljoy_20231024_reel_3220…)

The manly ass way he stands up at the end kek
No. 1923543
>>1923537This was
triggering I’m so glad the one troon at my gym stopped coming. Also I don’t know any woman with a stomach like that who would dare wear that kind of outfit to the gym, trannies stay delusional and shameless. He looks retarded and like a fat preteen boy. Feminizing my ass.
No. 1923576
>>1923537This makes me think of the troon that used to go to the gym I go to.
A 6ft4 guy dressed in femme gym gear and would use the step machine all the time. Its like he didn't want people to stare while knowing we would no matter what.
No. 1923578
>>1923573Being able to differentiate between more color shades has nothing to do with hormones, it depends on the cones in your eyes and they are connected to gene information on the X chromosomes, which is why more women happen to be better at it. But hormones do not give you a second X chromosome.
Pretty sure the balance is also more connected to skeletal differences that do not change if you pump yourself full of cross-sex hormones.
But troons know all about hiGheR BioLogY.
No. 1923598
File: 1699038210641.png (1.52 MB, 824x2589, rowling.png)

terf queen
No. 1923599
File: 1699038227780.jpeg (443.67 KB, 1283x1891, IMG_6574.jpeg)

it’s apparently more womanly to have “squishy bits” than to be fit. i guess a full moustache is also very femme
No. 1923612
File: 1699039667640.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2065.png)

this instagram meme page admin tranny is so beyond delusional . god give me this confidence
No. 1923618
File: 1699040568980.jpg (421.45 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20231103_213508.jpg)

>>1922438>>1923230what is it with trannies and this monster high vest? did they raid some teenage girl clothing aisle together kek
>>1923573>even when I'm sweaty I don't emit a smell anymoreright, because women famously don't sweat and smell like cotton candy and flowers
>>1923612this fat fucking piece of shit hates his (based) mom so much that he recently doxxed her name on his story.
No. 1923625
>>1923573>Women are scientifically proven to have worse balance than menThe first search result on Google "confirms" this, but every other search result says the exact opposite. I even saw at least one result that outright refuted the study that claimed that men have better balance than women. Not that any of that matters to these scrotes, since they're going to be convinced that women are inferior in all things practical no matter what. Thinking of women as "incompetent weaklings who are naturally less capable (than men) in almost every way" is an easy shortcut that loser men use to self-soothe when they come close to realizing how worthless they are. They
need to think of women as "inherently lesser" than them, if they want to maintain their egos.
No. 1923629
File: 1699042267241.png (2.36 MB, 1257x1614, tranny.png)

Karmalita Fox, I found HIS videos talking about women's body image and his so-called "life-coaching" videos which really only consist of 30 minutes of negging women on camera telling them life is going to only be swell for you if you're a woman with a BMI of 18 or 17 (aka prepubscent girl weight). It furthered my own body image issues and almost made me regress back to my eating disorder until it only took a matter of researching this dude's instagram and listening to his whispery tranny voice on Trisha Paytas' podcast to find out that this Karmalita Fox is truly a man.
Always leave it up to a tranny or misogynistic gay man to infiltrate woman's spaces, put on woman-face and become a psy-op to fuck with women's perceptionss of beauty and have us all regress to self-harming ourselves even more.
Even his flat muscular stomach and legs scream out MAN.
These trannies need to just fucking die already.
No. 1923638
>>1923629He looks like an
actual skinwalker, rather than just a metaphorical one.
No. 1923667
>>1923660>b&Why are you censoring the word ban? This is an imageboard, not tiktok.
Anon got banned for being a newfag, unsaged non contribution and heart failure.
(newfag) No. 1923763
File: 1699069754603.jpg (54.45 KB, 458x572, 20231104_044738.jpg)

Someone tell me this is not real, please??
No. 1923765
>>1923763Maybe let’s spoiler the butt baby next time,
No. 1923777
>>1923537This workout is absolutely useless, especially with the weights that light.
What this moid needs is a diet but there’s not much he can do about that unfortunate fat distribution. He’s built like shayna kek
No. 1923792
File: 1699079496363.jpeg (63.83 KB, 669x530, IMG_2239.jpeg)

Why are the troons literally fucking everywhere? I can’t take this torture anymore. I just recently found out that circus cartoon i cannot fucking stop hearing about is run by a fucking troonodon. I can’t go out side without seeing one. I can’t go on the internet. I can’t take Benadryl anymore because i just get nightmares full of troons.
No. 1923797
File: 1699081184633.jpg (712.82 KB, 1755x3120, 1000005220.jpg)

>>1917235>>1923629>>1923652LOL the tranny is practically clocking himself KEK
No. 1923802
File: 1699082182034.png (884.48 KB, 1282x662, weird.png)

>>1923792 jesus fuck yes i was so excited when i've heard the popular circus cartoon was made by a woman and then i saw the troon… also he voices a character that eats the clown girl vomit at one point lmao
No. 1923804
>>1923802>>1923792Nonas this is why you have to do brief research before watching any internet series nowdays.
Also Goosetroon but most of his fetishes into the pilot, which are so prevalent in it you can play a drinking game, for exmple to get you started; forced transformation, vore, lobotomies and many more.
No. 1923840
File: 1699096112443.jpg (Spoiler Image,906.55 KB, 810x2682, Screenshot_20200805-055930_Boo…)

Apparently this troon was a conservative Baptist Mayor somewhere in Alabama who just 41%'d after his double life was exposed: No. 1923853
>>1923618These poor mothers, tbh.
>>1923629Those giant fucking man hands too. The ugly claws are only exaggerating them kek. Sorry this freak nearly got in your head,
>>1923792I feel this
nonny. I'd just like some true escapism free of troon bs. Closest I can get is coming to lolcow and at least escaping them and their handmaidens.
>>1923802>a character that eats the clown girl vomit at one pointThat might be enough lolcow for today
No. 1923880
File: 1699108876259.jpeg (240.13 KB, 587x731, IMG_2990.jpeg)

I always find it hilarious you can clock them for how they talk. Any subreddit dedicated for women they’ll be there but stick out.
Jessica Yaniv moment. His whole account is dedicated to periods. They are very active on actual lesbians too because degenerative male behaviour.
No. 1923894
File: 1699111302873.jpg (55.01 KB, 750x397, 3ac9d763641a110f7dffacc0a25249…)

>>1923573None of this is true, he's just having health issues
No. 1923912
>>1923891chimamanda ngozi is nigerian! otherwise, great findings
nonny, ty
No. 1923916
File: 1699115637133.jpeg (26.19 KB, 700x315, IMG_2246.jpeg)

>>1923887I didn’t really assume it was a troon or anything simply because that similar cringey shitty helluva boss show was made by a real women. If you guys want to watch a good web series that looks beautiful, isn’t made for 13 year old gender specials, and is made by an ACTUAL women, watch Lackadaisy.
No. 1923975
>>1923965on the off chance this isn't bait, this simply isn't true. Men have higher centers of mass and lower peak flexibility, meaning that male gymnastic stunts are considerably less interesting and mostly involve mediocre displays of strength. Men are not "better in anything physical." Women have higher peak endurance and flexibility, men have higher peak sprint speed and strength. Sports developed by and for men, so most modern sports involve things that men are better at - short-term speed, and strength. However, there are a number of sports where women absolutely dominate due to their unique abilities that men tend to be worse at.
For instance, what amazed the world about a world-class male ice skater like Yuzuru Hanyu is that he can do a few of the stunts that women can do. Usually men don't have enough flexibility, and so his performances are unique because he's able to do some of the stuff that's totally normal and average in the women's program.
No. 1923992
File: 1699130562005.png (174.31 KB, 569x365, national troon law centre.png)

>>1923980damn i hadn't noticed the account it was from. bleak reminder that this ideology is embedded in organisations that are meant to be advocating for women's legal sex-based rights. and are mostly funded by big pharma (who profit off men pretending they're women).
i looked at their posts to see the replies and they also posted picrel. which leads to:
filled with the most insane but predictable nonsense. "you can’t support women and be a
TERF at the same time." etc.
but was glad to see most women in the comments shitting on them. i swear i'm seeing much more of this which is reassuring.
No. 1923993
File: 1699130655937.png (34.2 KB, 192x68, respect.png)

>>1923992samefag but just realised the image is using JKR's tweets as examples of transphobia but had to warp the text because there is nothing transphobic there KEK. she is literally saying "i respect trans people" but they had to obscure it so it looks scary and evil
No. 1923996
File: 1699131573541.jpeg (79.54 KB, 828x408, IMG_9337.jpeg)

classic tim on reddit thinks women can’t comprehend philosophy
No. 1924007
File: 1699132811974.png (47.63 KB, 651x565, Screenshot 2023-11-04 171814.p…)

Such an obvious tacit acknowledgment that they transition because they think being a woman is "easier."
No. 1924008
File: 1699133201963.png (154.12 KB, 1080x1321, Screenshot_20231104-172324~2.p…)

Someone please help me figure out why seeing this instantly filled me with rage. Is it because he never noticed how hard it is to be a woman until he all of a sudden wanted to be one? Then how can you claim you've "always been" a female if you literally know nothing about what life is like for one.
No. 1924015
>>1924008It fills me with rage too, nona, because he's fishing for a very specific answer and it's so obvious.
>Is it that bad? Is it really that stressful?He wants other trannies (men) to swoop in and console him that no, being a girl is wonderful and amazing, it's just those bitter feminist killjoys that bitch and moan about how hard their lives are! Being a woman is just a Disney channel movie montage of shopping, doing your makeup, wearing skirts and pushup bras, and giggling with your girlfriends in satin pajamas! Girls are just exaggerating and being hysterical cunts about rape and murder and incest and domestic violence and harrassment and stalking and exploitation and trafficking and being forced to do free labor and dying in childbirth and having legislators debate your right to your own body! The only real problems we face are when we break a nail or when Chad doesn't hold the door open for us!
No. 1924016
>>1924007>why don't you try being a feminine man, Joanne?they don't piece together that "feminine" men are mocked because they're considered to be "acting like women" (ie. women being worth less).
men laughing at you for being "girly" vs actually being a girl and facing sex-based oppression from birth. also funny coming from contrapoints/Nick who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, whining about how hard it is to be him. pathetic.
No. 1924032
File: 1699136256173.png (51.01 KB, 667x448, Screenshot 2023-11-04 181454.p…)

>a man doesn't behave how I want him to
Fine, cool, he's totally entitled to his own opinions and beliefs.
>a woman doesn't behave how I want her to
REEEEE heartless bitch!!!!! It hurts me so badly when I can't simply demand that women validate me and instantly receive the asspats and attention I feel I deserve!
Bonus cringe in the comments:
>Because we reject the masculine and expect to be accepted to the feminine team. The thing is they are conditioned to not readily trust people in general. The result is that we are a strange species that takes time to earn the trust. That’s why I seem to find the best luck with friends who are queer women. The slumber party I was just at last week was all bi or lesbian and they welcomed me in as an undercover operative who just came back home. Like i was infiltrating the guys. That was such a refreshing perspective. My host friend introduced me by saying “this girl is the biggest feminist you can get. She had patriarchy and rejected it, woo!” That pretty much set the tone
No. 1924036
File: 1699136839441.png (183.76 KB, 441x394, creep.png)

>>1924032>slumber partyuh…I looked at the commenter's history and he is a divorced christian guy dating another TIM. why are they going to slumber parties? it's either fantasy fiction or the "bi and lesbian girls" at the slumber party were all men. because grown women do not have slumber parties, especially where they invite strange men. delusional. he has also bragged about this supposed slumber party in other comments kek.
>accepted to the feminine teami hate these fucking retards. there is no "feminine team".
No. 1924037
>>1924032"we're not mocking or making fun of them, they're just ignorant"
Go ahead then, tell me how you define what a woman is without saying long hair, smell like perfume, "spinny skirts" and makeup.
Love how it's fine for men to be mean to them but when it's a woman, it's another reason to hate women. I thought you WERE a woman, so how could you not understand the hate? the entire fucking transgender movement is just a product of misogyny. sorry for my rant, i'm pissed.
No. 1924039
File: 1699137432627.png (39.06 KB, 289x286, perky valley girls.png)

>>1924036samefagging. more from the slumber party guy
No. 1924074
>>1924051>I'll go along for safety but try to keep my interaction with him minimal if possible like
>>1924059 said, in public safety is not a concern but him making her uncomfortable is still a possibility. especially if he's known to be mentally unstable. keep note if he is trying to escalate the friendship or not. if the hangout is awkward and unpleasant maybe it can be your last one.
No. 1924116
>>1924008Oh god what a retard, watch him complain about dysphoria when he doesn’t face the daily harassment women around him had to deal with.
Also it comes off like all his female friends only told him about the downsides of being a woman just to make him not want to transition kek
No. 1924118
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No. 1924122
File: 1699149865462.jpg (332.87 KB, 1076x1646, sexy.jpg)

to have this much confidence…
No. 1924150
>>1924023Good for you
nonnie. I can't stand contrapoints. I'm honestly baffled how anyone can think his bullshit is interesting or smart. The guy never makes a decent argument he makes skits.
No. 1924204
>>1924007"If being a woman is so hard why don't you transition to being a man. Guarantee none of them will do it"
Maybe because you can't change gender? Women have no way out of being women, you fucking mongs?
No. 1924215
File: 1699164168521.mp4 (1.56 MB, 480x800, -hzkZqHNBSLWHbnV.mp4)

Funniest thing I've seen all week.
No. 1924216
File: 1699164402516.jpg (189.64 KB, 1047x761, Untitled.jpg)

ignoring the fact this probably isn't even true, lmao at how easy it is to clock trannies solely by how they talk, and how the only voice of reason/lack of cumbrain reply is a an actual woman.
No. 1924240
>>1924007>"trans-identified men will never be women because it's not possible to change sex">why don't women transition to male if being a man is easier huh? gotcha terfs!!!how are they
this retarded. it's one thing to disagree with someone and another to not even be able to understand their arguments.
No. 1924251
>>1924008Because it's the source of the problem larping as one of the
victims of said problem. The moid is literally mocking the experiences of the entire subreddit and gets applauded for it in the comments. But at least the low amount of upvotew tell the truth. Also
>That one tranny in the comments saying dysphoria is worseI hate men and I hope their pills give them cancer soon.
No. 1924282
>>1924215KEK thank you for posting this I watched it three times can’t stop laughing he’s genuinely so
triggered. Also seeing a man who looks so man-featured doing what he thinks are cutesy feminine expressions is both hilarious and unnerving.
No. 1924286
File: 1699189711978.jpg (812.42 KB, 1079x2091, Stinky.jpg)

>>1923923Already all over the front of Reddit
No. 1924292
>>1924289nta but i went and looked at a few threads and the one or two times his stalking was brought up, it was dismissed because it was "from a right wing source"
the narrative will continue to be that this lovable man was just trying to be his true self but couldn't because people are non-accepting. yes, people are non-accepting of men who go to extremes to indulge in their fantasies, which involve murdering women they know.
also, the fact he shot himself tells me that he would have been extreme enough to carry out the murder of that woman. if he "relieves stress" by imagining murdering women then maybe it's best he isn't alive anymore.
No. 1924298
File: 1699192905395.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 979x1339, 1699069521525.png)

>>1924286Fucking vile sack of excrement. What he did to those women and children is inexcusable.
>only open pic if you want to vomit Yeah this guy looks 100% sane and not like a budding serial killer. I saw a picture of his wife and he was 100% trying to skinwalk her. I won't post her here, she's going through enough.
No. 1924324
File: 1699201217652.jpg (979.78 KB, 1170x2532, RDT_20231105_16101268976587883…)

>>1923507More of this ugly fucker hitting my push notifications.
No. 1924325
>>1924289Imagine being the woman right now who he wrote those stories about. Imagine not only finding out some man you know has written murder fanfic about you, but also that he is now hailed as some tragic
victim, as if you weren't the one that statistically just got saved from being eventually killed by that same man.
No. 1924335
>>1923277Late.but. This is such a self own. Referring to themselves as fairytale things. Insinuating they are playing make believe and forcing everyone to play along or else youre being a transphobic
terf. Kek.
No. 1924344
>>1924286Interesting how the "deadly consequences" of "anti-LGBTQ/
TERF" rhetoric are always self-inflicted. It's always moids offing themselves because they're too craven and weak to face the consequences of giving up their cushy moid lives for the coom. Just goes to show that everything moids say about women is projection.
>They can't take accountability for their own actionsmoids literally blame other people for their choice to kill themselves.
>They're weak-willedgiving up family, job, good reputation in their community, all so they can prance around in public in a bra.
>They're emotionalfantasizing about killing their neighbors out of pure bitter jealously, flying into rages and killing themselves.
>They can't handle stress and adversityoffing themselves because they're too cowardly to face the easily-understood consequences of their own actions.
EVERYTHING moids say about women is projection, and this story is a great example.
No. 1924355
>>1924338That sounds so scary and creepy
Why do these troons always get off to skinwalking?