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No. 1932087
Hope I did this correctly
Previous thread :
>>>/snow/1924452 No. 1932137
File: 1700675047826.jpg (256.31 KB, 1080x762, Screenshot_20231122_184448_Chr…)

The retardation continues
No. 1932143
>>>/snow/1932033I could understand applying in spite of the question if it only listed the standard pronouns as options, but are you really so desperate that you're willing to apply to a job that volunteers neopronoun options upon application? The job market really is in complete shambles.
>>>/snow/1932037Telling people your pronouns are "hu/hu" sounds like literally telling people to laugh at you kek.
No. 1932146
>>1931994>Anime girls-drawn/written/designed by men
>porn-created for and by men
>cool female protagonists in video games-(sadly) again, mostly written/designed by men
No. 1932153
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Kek don't they realise they sound like Buffalo Bill?
No. 1932161
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>>1932153oh his brain is so cooked
No. 1932166
>>1932137It's so fucking autistic how they try to make their lives into the goddamn woman olympics with their poor wives, over the weirdest shit like this. The worse your ability to tolerate cold, the more of a woman you are, right guise?? Guarantee this man was making fun of those "air conditioning is sexist" ragebait articles from 10 years ago or so.
They make it sound like as soon as they start taking HRT, their lives become this unlivable hell of "period cramps," endlessly sobbing from cute dog pictures, being too weak to lift anything, and apparently being frozen at normal temperatures. Maybe these aren't signs of womanhood and it turns out that taking cross-sex hormones is just really bad for your health??
No. 1932183
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I think that trannie has been featured previously. You just know he got a boner from forcing a poor woman to pat him down. So vile and repulsive.
No. 1932186
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>>1932143>>>/snow/1932037>hu/huI would choose those pronouns just to have my own personal remake of the Who's On First? routine.
>Anon has joined our company today, let's welcome her!>Hu.>Anon!>Yes, hu is Anon. >She's the new lady starting today…>HU!>I'VE JUST TOLD YOU No. 1932187
File: 1700680391110.jpeg (631.93 KB, 750x1294, 7D8746CE-412A-4E09-B1CB-0F4AB6…)

TIMs love to put women down whenever they get the opportunity.
No. 1932188
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Kek this one is so fucking wild. It's a textbook seething trannie bingo
>Definitely did something to make his coworkers uncomfortable to get himself fired yet he's the victim
>Bashes other girls for "being older" yeah right dude kek
>Trannies in the comments advise vendetta, despite the fact that it would put the women working there at risk
You just know dude was creeping on his coworkers and they are definitely not "older". Even if they were, it wouldn't justify him being a creep. If he was making really making money to his jerk of a boss, I'm sure the jerk would have pocketted the money - I see no reason for him to fire the trannie.
No. 1932189
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No. 1932210
>>1932188>"my pimp sees me as a product"Wtf did he expect? Prostitution literally
is selling yourself as a product. This is why the vast majority of prostitutes only do "sex work" because they were desperate, coerced, or outright forced to, and it's also why almost all of them want to
stop being prostitutes. I bet none of the actual women at that brothel were working there anywhere near as willingly as he was.
No. 1932212
>>1932029They ignore women they don't consider fuckable, and this is the result ig.
>>1932037Who? Hu!
>>1932025Literally just man face/head with weirdly-spaced bolt-ons. Also KEK that he 'keeps people guessing'. Sir, I don't need to 'guess' what your chromosomes are…
>>1932085Yeees my screencap (with
nonny's amazing editing) made the post image. Day made lol.
No. 1932218
File: 1700683234114.mp4 (8 MB, theneonrequiem - 1725419690871…)

Not a troon technically (he's an AGP 'activist' and doesn't identify as trans), but it's still fun watching a based gay guy verbally curbstomp him for being a total creep.
No. 1932235
>>1932225Here's the full vid
nonny! He didn't hold back kek.
The gay guy doesn't have vids on his own channel, but he's on Twitter @theneonrequiem (which is where I saw the clip version).
>>1932229The Buffalo Bill bit slayed me lmao.
No. 1932258
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>>1932218this is so refreshing
sage for non-milk, but hsts tim on reddit discovers homosexuality. it’s ironic because when tras realize that lesbians exclusively date normal women and tifs all the time while still identifying as lesbians, that’s transphobia
No. 1932295
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>>1932272I suppose we have now established that with the trannie cult,
TERF = biological women who won't pander to mentally ill men in dresses. So, these "
TERF" were probably talking about actual stats, not the made up ones from the trannie delulu world. Picrel found on ovarit (I think) breaking down actual numbers of assault on women vs trannies in the UK. Glad to report trannies are safe. If that's any indication of trannies' safety worldwide, the only man in the room of that WN can indeed take a seat back and seethe in silence, and accept that the whole world doesn't revolve around his precious self for two sec. Mayhaps the 200 actual women can have priority over a male in Women's Network meeting?
No. 1932304
File: 1700689096960.png (46 KB, 604x462, antiwomen.png)

Won't someone think in poor moids feels when gay moids are misogynists???
No. 1932311
>>1932187Like this faggot wouldn't kill to be able to have a baby the way any "ugly" cis woman can. A stone butch lesbian is a woman no matter how "masc" she is by virtue of being born with a uterus. An HSTS that trooned as a kid is just a lifelong medical patient.
>>1932190I'd be curious to see candids of this one. Botched HSTSes who LARP as Regina George never actually look like their doctored photos and videos.
No. 1932323
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A museum is reclassifying Elagabalus as a "trans woman" because of some of his documented fetish behaviours. tbf he would have identified as trans today probably, because he was a huge pervert and hated women.
>clearing out the brothels so he could become the prostitute and prostituting himself in the streets
he wanted to be a sex object and that's what women were to him
>dressed in women's clothes sometimes
>one piece of text where he says "call me not Lord, for I am a Lady"
the context was he asked to be brought men with huge penises and this was his response to one of them (again he wanted to be a sex object for them)
he also raped women in public and threw orgies every night
No. 1932386
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but its not a fetish, right?
No. 1932472
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>>1932183I love when reddit trannies say they pass because if you click their profiles and scroll down you almost always find a selfie showing they do not in fact pass.
No. 1932511
>>1932472i like how he went from "trying women's clothing for the first time!1" while sporting a beard, to "i pass" in 15 days. and how
retarded do you have to be to come to the conclusion that you pass because someone saw your ID indicating male but still called you "ma'am" upon noticing the AGP gear?? he literally got clocked as a tranny! idgi. male logic
No. 1932521
>>1932218thank you
nonnie. this creep always bugged me (his book isn't even that informative, i can't figure how he keeps worming his way into serious discussions). there's this subset of AGP moids who will go as far as LARPing as feminists to indulge in their emasculation fetish, to be the one inferior man in an assembly of manhating women. i'm tired of willfully naive GCs/feminists not seeing it for what it is. He was condescending during the entire video but that one line shut him up because it is terribly true.
No. 1932666
>>1932452Nonna, I already linked his social here!
>>1932235>>1932410Yeah I'm familiar with him, I've like to see him in more things.
>>1932521Yeah, agreed. The video happened because he went to an anti-gender ideology event in his dress, and many TERFs/GCs on Twitter weren't happy, but a detrans girl started cussing people out in the comments to defend him. Mess.
No. 1932673
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>>1932323saw this on tiktok and all of the comments are complaining that the video misgendered her. lmao
heres the link if anyone wants
No. 1932675
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No. 1932691
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wtf happened here
No. 1932692
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>why don’t my female coworkers want to use the changing room with me???
No. 1932699
File: 1700766700524.png (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 1622x2048, slutty_princessxxx.png)

>"My wife left me"
I wonder why!
No. 1932700
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No. 1932703
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>>1932323You can't use modern terms to refer to people in the past because it wouldn't apply to them as things were different back then and they're dead. If "being a trans woman" is what TIFs and TIMs claim it is, aka gender is something only an individual can choose, how can you say a dead person is trans? How can you choose for him?
Please don't let history and science in general be bastardized by politics. It reminds me how in the past the church was against science because it was "against the will of god". That's what's happening right now, with people trying to change the turn of events in order to feel validated. Their bias clouds their judgement and sets science back. It annoys me.
>>1932673Who the fuck cares about misgendering? He's gone. He can't hear you. And since when does a single museum making a decision mean that everyone else should agree with it? Does that make them authority in all history ever? It's a single museum not all museums in the world.
No. 1932707
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>>1932691Lmao did they not realise they need to change accounts between each reply…?
>>1932697Once more (vidrel) for the archive. It's peak TRA to take what a lesbian did and change it to a tranny (who wasn't even a tranny).
No. 1932749
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No. 1932760
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To no one's surprise, it was all TIMs.
No. 1932777
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>>1932760ugh this horse furry TIM is a nightmare. could not be more of a degenerate if he tried.
No. 1932781
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Because women get to be sluts and sex workers!: No. 1932785
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>>1932777Punchable face
Literally looking like Lord Farquaad
No. 1932812
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>>1932803>>1932777another one of him being revolting
No. 1932834
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I fucking hate them but this post is full of tranny cope. Anna is just armenian kek she doesn't look like a man.
No. 1932861
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wtf is that chin?
No. 1932915
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>>1932803>>1932786>>1932760what the hell of type of TIMs are these, like do they pretend to be "bimbo animals" and except to be taken seriously?
No. 1932956
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No. 1933096
File: 1700849958180.jpg (90.93 KB, 1446x1062, F_trnRUbwAAzM8n.jpg)

Theyre so disgusting and coom brained jesus
"Masturbating like a girl" by fondling your PENIS lol
No. 1933110
File: 1700851517796.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1284x2272, IMG_9665.jpeg)

It’s always so awkward to see men talking amongst themselves in lesbian spaces.
No. 1933114
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LMAO the jokes just make themselves
No. 1933118
>>1933019Anime or porn, or anime porn.
>>1933081My thinking with it has always been that, because I'm a woman myself, random women's bodies don't have the same 'novelty' to me as they would to a heterosexual man. Plus, again as a woman myself, I wouldn't want to objectify other women like that.
No. 1933124
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No woman with a face (and body) like that would be a successful model. Yuck.
No. 1933159
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Baeddelist MtF on Twitter who has an entire account dedicated solely to shit talking FtMs
No. 1933179
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>prison gay transbian
No. 1933184
>>1933179Feeling almost sorry for that
victim tranny rn.
No. 1933223
>>1933194I have never EVER come accross any credible story of a so called "cis" woman over a trannie. Plenty of evidence of the contrary (the ape in them is always present). Yet of course they are seething and want to beat up and kill women, not the other males actually killing them.
>>1933179Nonna, it's a shame the message got cut at the border. KEK at this nightmare tranny, as someone else said, you would almost feel sorry for the other tranny.
>too ugly for cis girls/hate other trannies/acknowledges they all look like freaks and are disgustingly uglySo much insight, fucking kek, so rare for a tranny to be this self-aware. Dude…just be a normal average gross dude. It will always be better than being a weird disgusting troon freak.
No. 1933236
File: 1700870750010.png (1.77 MB, 1284x3665, IMG_9676.png)

Remember when we didn’t take men who said this kind of shit seriously and could rightfully tell them off or at least mock them behind their backs for being fetishizing assholes?
No. 1933317
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>>1933286The majority is TIMs
No. 1933330
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>>1933096Troons and diapers. Name a more iconic duo.
>>1933110Luckily someone archived it before mods removed it. Gotta protect the troonbians: No. 1933334
File: 1700892552221.jpg (318.28 KB, 1079x1113, Screenshot_20231125_120727_Chr…)

Holy shit this failed nashville copycat is so DEMENTED
Even though it's daily fail the story seems legit based on the court documents No. 1933338
File: 1700893295656.png (2.01 MB, 1622x1741, ArcaneOverride.png)

So you castrated yourself so you could march with women. My take from this at least kek.
No. 1933341
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But don't call them transvestites!: No. 1933373
>>1933341>>8 years old and masturbating
I really hope he's lying for fetish reasons
No. 1933378
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>>1933338He looks so fucking gross I'm gonna barf. Like, so very ugly. Honest to god, never seen someone with a face so strange and disgusting.
>>1933334Holy fucking shit he's beyond deranged. Interesting that he got arrested, so many trannies are advocating violence, hope they are on some sort of terror watchlist
No. 1933380
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Also, based comments as usual with Dailymail
No. 1933401
>>1933378He talks about raping little girls in the women's room, then pulling their intestines out of their vaginas, which is a way women have been murdered irl in shitholes like Latin America and India.
He was initially arrested, but released on a $0 bail in Oct, I think.
Fuck this guy, he LOOKS like he smells like stale cigarette smoke and wet carpet, and keeps his porn connection in the living room where everyone can see it. He looks like a true crime video thumbnail. He looks like that uncle you're not allowed to be alone with. Everything bad and stinky in the world is this absolute scrote.
No. 1933416
it reminds me of that story about the troon being jealous that his college roommate passed better so he swapped his roommates estorgen for testosterone
No. 1933417
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>>1933334Weird that they didn’t include a photo of him, and only Audrey Hale pictures. Picrel is the Alf-looking pedo
No. 1933420
>>1933415kek someone pointed it out in the comments of the article too.
>>1933417he looks so repulsive, no surprise. I guess porn-fried moid could never be with any women so now he's just a full-fledged tranny pedo. What a life.
No. 1933425
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>>1933334>>1933417Once again, trannies and racism go together like 5 and 6.
No. 1933435
File: 1700911846300.png (311.16 KB, 1111x835, Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 11-28…)

>>1933231 >>1933179I gotchu
nonny, clearer cap attached.
Important cropped context:
>go around telling every patron in the cafe she’s a trannyAlso first reply:
>queen shit>you did the right thing>what would be even better is if you chose a better time to out her but that would require you to bide your time like a situation that would cause physical harmThey even go psycho on each other…
No. 1933438
>>1933236They say they wanted to 'love women in a gay way', Tiffanies say they wanted to 'date men as a man'…
I miss when people hated us (gays) tbh, it was better than this weird obsessive lunacy.
No. 1933449
>>1933341Do they know girls and women don’t do these things to get off? This is a purely male phenomenon.
>>1933373This is the only part that isn’t strange to me. Children do masturbate sometimes, but usually don’t understand what they’re doing, only that it feels good. Not trying to sound gross or weird, it is just a reality of kids if you have them or have been around them for extended periods. However, I wouldn’t doubt that some of these men specifically were exposed to porn use early on, especially since that seems to be happening to boys earlier and earlier.
No. 1933451
>>1933435batshit insane motherfucker,needs to be euthanized
and they tell it's le ebil trves who make people hate tims, of course not tims themselves
No. 1933453
>>1933435>pepsi with milk is malebrainedkek
but yeah this post alone is why i literally will never, ever interact with mtf dudes. it's misogyny classic mixed with extreme hatred of self and the world. it's like approaching an animal with rabies. leave it to someone with a gun to shoot it or put it down
No. 1933455
File: 1700915492746.png (436.21 KB, 605x651, mtffashion.png)

>just trying to be me
sir, you are neither a cat nor a girl
No. 1933528
>>1933520it pisses me off that they're comparing him to audrey hale, calling him a "copycat" of her just because he admired what she did. she was unspeakably evil but this is a grown man threatening to
rape and murder children in the most explicit terms. he is openly a pedophile predator. it's a uniquely male sickness that should be reported in its own right instead of being buried among pictures of audrey.
No. 1933542
>I've had extreme monthly mood swingsAverage aggressive MALE behaviour.
>marching until the end despite my feet being in agony (I have fibromyalgia)You literally don't, fibromyalgia isn't real. But I guess that cuts into the munchie-lady-LARP. Your feet hurt because you're a morbidly obese basement-dwelling moid who barely gets 300 steps on an average day.
Going to the women's march was probably the most exercise he'd had in years and his cankles couldn't handle it.
No. 1933576
File: 1700937825678.jpeg (227.69 KB, 1000x1749, mtf.jpeg)

we don't know how good we have it, according to men
No. 1933584
There were so many posts in the last thread like
>>1931564 and
>>1926246 along the lines of, "a male friend of mine got SRS even though I warned him not to!" "A transbian friend of mine is getting surgery to get his penis cut off, I'm trying to convince him not to" WHY? Are you stealth handmaidens? That's the best possible outcome for rapey straight TIMs, why would you - if you're gender critical enough to be in this thread - trying to dissuade that? What is wrong with you? And why are you friends with male perverts? I had a friend who trooned out and immediately stopped talking to him, because that told me what kind of person he was. I can't imagine continuing to interact with a straight male pervert who wants to rape lesbians and going to the length of trying to dissuade him from cutting his dick off. Handmaiden behaviour.
No. 1933614
File: 1700941921649.png (1.54 MB, 816x1410, Screenshots_2023-11-25-22-48-4…)

Has anyone talked about this specific tiktok troon? Goes by Adora. All he does is sit on tiktok lives in little girl clothes and getting the same three people to glaze his precious identity kek. Someone actually started sobbing over their friend being trans and not knowing how to "help"on that live once, I wish I'd recorded it.
No. 1933648
File: 1700946477093.png (1.88 MB, 1400x1556, magic.png)

No. 1933654
>>1933648>>1933614Those tragic eyebrows
The second tranny is especially repulsive with his small manly lips, textured skin and gigantic chin. He didn't look good as a moid but at least he did not look like an outright freak. Who the fuck wears purple lipstick? Like, with a face like this, you can't pull it off. How is that not obvious?
No. 1933661
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>>1933658Samefag sorry, prime retardation on this topic right there
No. 1933684
File: 1700952738660.jpeg (618.7 KB, 1290x1457, IMG_4032.jpeg)

why tf is femcelgrippysockjail and other self proclaimed ‘crazy’ women groups infested with tranners?? I saw the word moid and other stuff like that mentioned so I thought maybe not but it’s full of porn addicted TIMs. The lack of self awareness is insane
No. 1933686
>>1933684Basically assume that any female dedicated sub is infested with trannies. I saw a sub - can't remember what but something about female health on Reddit. The first mod I encountered had a weird/
sus name. Checked the profile and sure enough, it's a trannie. I noped out of there so fast. They are everywhere on Reddit.
No. 1933687
>>1933684its reddit, what did you expect.
Femcel basically became another porn term to moids, so ofcourse a
femcel group is going to attract trannies.
No. 1933690
File: 1700954221268.png (44.26 KB, 429x471, poll.png)

>>1933684kek most of the men aren't even pretending. so less than 25% are even women according to this, probably much less. men lurking and fetishising "crazy" chicks, what a surprise. a lot of the content is psycho-sexual so it figures.
No. 1933702
File: 1700955726358.jpeg (461.21 KB, 1415x2266, 76FBFA12-9BB2-4DE0-8F65-A2DDA4…)

>”being unfunny is the most gender affirming trait i have”
No. 1933705
>>1933690samefag but the mod is a degenerate troon who also runs porn sub, anime girl sub and promotes r/BimboLobotomyClinic in the sidebar. it's one of the most gross male subreddits imaginable.
>>1933702classic transcel behaviour
No. 1933715
>>1933713I mean, I wouldn’t trust any poll like anon’s pic related.
>>1933690Because some moids love to say that they’re actually real women.
No. 1933718
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No. 1933760
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Can't wait to see all the lawsuits a few years from now from all the retarded trannies. Pumping your body full of the wrong hormones will guarantee cheer damage to your body.
No. 1933761
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I've never ever heard of being tested for periods prior to surgery. He's not even trying, kek. So fucking retarded.
No. 1933764
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What a fucking retard. He definitely gave himself gynaecomastia, she was stating the facts, but let's burn the evil witch that dishes out the science facts. The whole post reeks of double-digit IQ energy. That trannie is a nightmare.
No. 1933766
File: 1700970215467.jpg (468.7 KB, 2880x2880, 20231126_044133.jpg)

>I pass pretty well
>I'm 1.85m
>Definitely did not disclose he was trans
>"He wants to make out"
Dude, you're a full grown-ass freakishly tall gigantic dude. You're not 14 in middle school ffs.
>Guy on tinder wants to meet
Congrats, you are both gay
No. 1933769
>>1933761>>1933764What type of check ups are they going to where having periods or not matter so much?
Answer: they're lyingAlso UTIs and breast cancer effect moids too (albeit one comes from being dirty and the other is rarer) so it makes no sense for the "transphobic" medical staff (who are both women too) to not provide care for it. Transfiction at its finest.
No. 1933771
File: 1700972782009.jpeg (246.88 KB, 828x1015, IMG_9504.jpeg)

kek how long before the husband troons out and destroys his marriage?
No. 1933811
>>1933584I don't think all troons are rapey scrotes. They all have some degree of sexism but those of them who aren't rapists are depressed, mentally ill or gay. I'm not going to pretend the whole trans shit isn't a cult that's managing to gaslight both its followers and those who support it and like all cults not everyone who fell for it is a rapist.
Honestly I also find genital mutilation horrifying so I don't blame those nonas for being worried, it's basically a ticket to suicide and their friends are so deep into their cult shit they think it's not. Feeling bad about it is normal human behaviour not being a handmaiden or an oversensitive woman still suffering from female socialization.
Also being critical of gender ideology doesn't mean you're going to be okay with it. In fact I would argue that most people who are GC are against unnecessary and unethical grotesque surgeries like dick mutilation. I've read enough from detrans men to be absolutely horrified by it, that kind of thing should simply not be done in a humane society and the more it's allowed to exist the more other women will have to suffer under gender ideology.
I want to be clear: I'm not defending troons who play stupid games and win shitty prizes. I'm just saying that pretending to support it or being happy that these idiots castrate themselves is part of the problem. Ideologically it also influences the lives of those women who are still inside the cult and further gives everyone the idea that the vagina is just a hole you can make.
I don't know how some posters just think that these things don't hold power over women. An Aiden can and will believe they can opt out of having a vagina and part of it is seeing how much Roxy actually totes wanted to get one ripped into himself.
The rapists trannies also are not going to get rotpockets, they keep their dick intact and are absolutely happy about it.
No. 1933831
>>1933771Kek, no women would ever write like that or talk like that, so many clues to the larping:
>My lady friend>Women you barely seem to know asks about your sex life : sure jantran>Snaps out of the blueKek, he's not even trying.
No. 1933836
File: 1700992269709.jpg (62.66 KB, 900x491, 25d50b8c-6b2f-5bde-9885-9eb9f0…)

Stolen from ovarit. As a millennial I can absolutely say than an angel gets its wings every time a porn addicted scrote turns 40 unmarried and childless, troon or not troon. If they dated at all, they left a trail of emotionally devastated women. And then they want a family once they're old and bald.
No. 1933868
File: 1701002886852.jpeg (298.52 KB, 992x1314, rosie duffield.jpeg)

Rosie Duffield (labour MP) has been omitted from the Labour Party’s approved list of candidates to stand at the next general election, for liking a Graham Linehan tweet in picrel. The executive committee deemed it "antisemitic". The third photo in picrel is one of the many photos from Nazi germany showing cross-dressing german soldiers. Eddie Izzard seems to think he would be personally targeted for doing the same thing. No. 1933876
>>1933684i noticed this too.
i think this primarily comes from the fetishization of mentally ill women, and so, mentally ill men/troons want to eroticize and fetishize themselves in the most scrotelike way possible. because yandere gf is so hot amirite guys-i mean gals?
i scrolled over it a few months back and felt immediately repulsed. you can so obviously tell its a bunch of overweight tryhard faggots trying to attract a guy who thinks 'crazy women are so hot'. they deserve one another though so idgaf. just another cesspit of males masquerading (badly) as women.
(redditspacing) No. 1933877
>>1933236What the fuck does "loving women in a
gay way" even mean?
No. 1934028
File: 1701032634079.mp4 (15.01 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_729688117324095825…)

mad tranny
No. 1934070
>>1933868She's openly a
TERF and is one of the only ones defending women's rights. This is a total stitch-up, wtf.
No. 1934173
>>1934169I get you. What I'm saying is that it's getting pushed hard by the algorhythm.
I'd love to hear someone tear it down ngl, I never got to read a post criticizing it just regular posts saying it's (rightfully) retarded.
No. 1934189
File: 1701059930526.jpg (153.14 KB, 763x708, Tumblr_l_322811817795448.jpg)

Trans delusion dump incoming
No. 1934190
File: 1701060005064.jpg (699.84 KB, 786x816, Tumblr_l_323007630391308.jpg)

>>1934189With the way he is talking about himself you would think he looked like a Victoria's Secret angel but he just fucking looks like this kek
No. 1934193
File: 1701060726175.jpg (86.46 KB, 756x490, Tumblr_l_323015103505342.jpg)

>>1934190And here he admits it's just because he lost weight. There's more to this thread of him jerking over his Transsexual Succubus Transformation if anyone wants to see
No. 1934204
File: 1701064113461.jpeg (807.32 KB, 750x1280, 01EF1295-2138-4A0A-876C-5AE0ED…)

Sorry nonas if he’s already been posted but “paper-mario-wiki” recently trooned out and he looks so ugly kek
No. 1934242
File: 1701075502242.png (2.39 MB, 1378x1204, 600DDA8D-4929-416F-8D5F-A9FD6D…)

>>1934204guy used to say he was gay. why do they always suddenly become "lesbians"?
No. 1934251
File: 1701076675700.png (335.17 KB, 816x1026, Screenshots_2023-11-27-12-16-5…)

god forbid you install subway surfers and they make you play as jake! so oppressed!
No. 1934259
File: 1701078302766.jpg (211.04 KB, 1401x1154, F_53UsUbAAAHHqt.jpg)

Giving your dying grandpa a mental breakdown because you HAVE to bring your fetish to thanksgiving
No. 1934263
File: 1701080022990.jpg (540.22 KB, 991x1594, Screenshot_20231127-015609_Fac…)

A handmaiden's candid story of being sexually harassed by a TIM. During the story, she even feels the need to specify that she thought he was "beautiful" in order stand her ground as a handmaiden and prevent being labeled a terf. After being harassed, she didn't want to say anything because she's afraid she'll be labeled as discriminatory. So depressing to see women scared into compliancy.
No. 1934265
>>1934259This is so sad. The part about how it's the first and only time he's ever seen his grandpa cry shows that his grandpa cares about him, granted Gramps probably should have shown it more growing up. But men need to support eachothers masculinity more. It's okay to cry and it's okay to be a man.
>Is there a way to get him to accept me before he dies?What a disgusting a self centered thing to say. He's more concerned about making his dying grandpa play along "before he dies", rather than trying to make his final days happy, calm, and comfortable.
No. 1934266
>>1934259Everything about this story is so heartbreaking, but it's a complete whoosh. Starting to actually hate male autists.
>>1934242It's so gd unhealthy to live in the fantasy world where you see yourself as a cute, slender anime gorl when you're a hiking behemoth. I'm of the exceedingly generous belief that most people can look good, even if they're not attractive, by being realistic and dressing and grooming themselves in a way that suits them and brings out their positive attributes.
These low-effort fagets live in a fantasy world that exists only online instead of using the millions of free articles explaining how to find your colors, how to shape your brows and hair for your face shape, how to find clothes that fit. But that would take effort, so they live vicariously through the internet and vapid, empty praise from people who feel sorry for them. It's so stupid, I can't stand it. Most of them wouldn't have even trooned out if they had an actual offline hobby and had learned how to shape the reddit neckbeards they all had pre-pandemic.
No. 1934273
File: 1701082449469.jpg (125.38 KB, 1392x783, michelle-blessent-1392x783.jpg)

Oh look, another one.
>A trans-identified male from Bloomington, Illinois, is facing trial on eight counts of sexually abusing a child under the age of 13. Michelle Blessent, born James, was charged with five counts of predatory sexual assault earlier this year but is now facing three more in light of new evidence.
No. 1934282
>>1934273I saw a thing on the BBC a couple years ago wondering why there's a sudden increase in female pedos, but weirdly, they only named two. All these graphs and numbers about how much of a mystery it is, but they only featured two cases, and they were just regular women acting on behalf of men they met online.
It's almost like there's a new subset of women being included in these statistics, and, hear me out on this… they have male offending behavior.
I can only assume that criminologists and sociologists are working feverishly to uncover the secret behind this phenomenon.
(redditspacing) No. 1934283
>>1934259>this isnt what i fought forhas me fuckin dying. poor gramps though. people really treat dementia sufferers like stupid animals, of course your grandson who you watched grow up and have fond though hazy memories of showing up as disgusting hulking 35y/o tranny is going to shock the bejesus out of you as a poor 90 something year old fuck. such a cruel and nightmarish deception to subject someone already going through one of the most harrowing illnesses imaginable to.
>>1934265the first principle of the tranny
or more generally the autistic moid arguably any moid is always pure selfishness.
No. 1934286
>>1934189>>1934190the level of delusion is insane
>dont have the same nosehe does
>feet and hands shrankimpossible to loose length, he must mean width-wise and this would be from weight loss, also interesting that he hides his hands behind his head and hides the raised foot behind the leg
>pelvis rotatedthe moid changed his posture
>skin changeslooks the same in the pictures but maybe he just adopted skincare unlike most other moids
>thinner nailsmalnutrition, overusing polish or acrylics
>neck narrowedyeah its called loosing some fucking weight
>shoulders narrowedyeah loosing weight also again funny how the shoulders are covered by a loose cardigan
>BLOSSOMED breast growthsome gynocomastia, has not 'blossomed'
>NEW FACEweight loss
No. 1934300
File: 1701091271801.webm (4.03 MB, 720x1280, 03790134.webm)

thought you might find this funny, nonnas.
No. 1934317
>>1933876When will mods learn what reddit spacing is?
Reddit spacing is not leaving one space between some paragraphs, it's leaving two spaces after the number of the post you're quoting or after a short paragraph. That's because (apparently) you need to press enter twice to leave a single space in reddit formatting. It's a term user by 4chan tinfoils who don't realize 70% of their userbase posts on reddit even if they don't use retarded post formatting choices.
If you're forcing imageboard users to throw away spacing altogether, you know nothing of imageboard culture.
Most people who make long posts use spacing. Why aren't you slapping the wrist of every user who does? There's not even a rule on spacing.
I refuse it to call it reddit spacing because that's not what it is.
(take it to /meta/) No. 1934369
File: 1701098225977.jpeg (178.89 KB, 1536x850, rapestats.jpeg)

>>1934282Yup, it's massively skewing our crime stats.
No. 1934381
>>1934380nta but it says there:
>derived from: His Majesty's Prison Service Data I would assume that's the source
No. 1934383
File: 1701101092641.jpg (Spoiler Image,335.03 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20231127_080334_Red…)

got a vaginaplasty and still requests to be called HE/HIM. then mental illness is absurd
No. 1934384
File: 1701101150164.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.18 KB, 1079x1742, Screenshot_20231127_080341_Red…)

>>1934383and here's his (rot pocket)
No. 1934385
File: 1701101215847.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.95 KB, 1080x1423, Screenshot_20231127_080347_Red…)

>>1934384and the healing which he considers to be going well WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE. I honestly feel like it's akin to nazi surgical experimentation
No. 1934395
File: 1701103690954.png (Spoiler Image,610.97 KB, 1080x810, NSFL.png)

>>1934385Holy shit, I went to the original post and saw you left out how his rot pocket fucking exploded. I am truly shocked, hopefully this isn't too graphic to post here. All nonas be very wary of unspoilering. It's crazy he talks about it like it's just a normal thing that happens and there are commenters acting like it's no biggie. Never seen anything like this, is it common? Original post is here. No. 1934406
File: 1701106335129.mp4 (6.2 MB, 576x1024, lyft.mp4)

Lyft has a new feature Women+ Connect that "matches women and nonbinary drivers with more women and nonbinary riders" which is meant to be safer, despite allowing men. Vidrel is one of the promo vids with a HSTS passenger. it's so cringe and insulting.
No. 1934413
File: 1701107157805.jpeg (912.56 KB, 3508x2480, IMG_9513.jpeg)

there are hundreds of posts like this on /mtf. troons sexualize teenage girls so much because of all the underage hentai and “barely legal” porn they consume. they have no idea what it’s like to be a girl or a women. you are not a “slutty goth” girl, you are an ugly middle aged man! even goth teenage girls do NOT act like this
No. 1934415
File: 1701107371555.jpeg (2.73 MB, 3400x3400, k1CpjA8.jpeg)

>>1934406This is genuinely one of the most insulting and stereotypical things I've ever seen, I literally can't believe this is a real ad made in current year. Reminds me of this scene from the office, picrel.
Literally just makes it sound like they're pandering exclusively to troons so they can sexually harrass female drivers. If it were marketed to cis women, it would be an ad emphasizing that you can get a rideshare without fearing getting raped or assaulted. This makes it look like they're simply offering you the choice to drive in the lavender-scented makeupmobile instead of the stinky man cave on wheels.
No. 1934417
nonny! Yes, that and ONS (main data collection for the UK) is the source.
>>1934383I'm definitely seeing more of these guys who are open about just being men who want ''vaginas''. And we still can't call it a fetish LOL.
>>1934385Nazi doctors did the first child 'sex change' (forcibly ofc), so yes, it very much is like that.
No. 1934418
File: 1701107461775.jpg (457.31 KB, 1101x2487, ov7lryHQ1D1vfecm0o_1280.jpg)

>>1934406every time I have to read about "women drivers" for cabs, I am reminded of Bojack Horseman and how the cab business with the same base idea turns into "sexy women drivers for everyone". Also, I'm sure that Bojack would be massively woke and annoying if it was airing now.
No. 1934422
File: 1701107747693.jpg (500.51 KB, 1533x1010,…)

OP dates a man who calls her taking basic care of her daughter "feeding the enemy" and wonders why her daughter doesn't like or respect her.
No. 1934424
File: 1701107857385.jpeg (332.36 KB, 991x647, 40AF79C9-CE28-473D-B1B9-68BF18…)

>>1934395>>1934385jfc I’ve seen some bad rot pockets on here, but these pics are particular heinous
No. 1934432
File: 1701108894724.png (129.03 KB, 1465x869, Screenshot (17).png)

The Brianna Ghey murder trial started today. For those nonnas who have forgot Ghey was the 16 year old TiM that was found dead in a British park back in February. Two teens, a boy and girl, are on trial. It appears that Ghey wasn't murdered for being trans but rather because he was easy to lure into a trap. These 2 teens are murderous sociopaths who had planned to kill 6 other people as well as Ghey. In fact the female defendant, referred to as X in the recap, was dumbstruck by Ghey and called him pretty. The female defendant also used she/her pronouns whereas the male defendant called Ghey "it"
Here's the link to the recap. The male defendant is referred to as Y and the other children mentioned are referred to with single letters as well. No. 1934437
>>1934422God there are so many red flags in this post
>calling normal teenage behavior (ignoring/disliking parents) "hate" and "bigotry">court-ordered therapy>weird lesbophobic comment about her daughter dating her best friend>dad wants to alienate her from her family, friends, therapist, and church community>fear about the girl going "back into care">implication that the girl will be out on her ass at 18These monsters are abusing what is likely their foster daughter. It sounds like this girl is already so fragile and unstable already, I can't imagine how hard it must have been to have her father figure become an overt fetishist and start resenting his legal and moral duty to care for her.
No. 1934454
File: 1701111069021.png (413.96 KB, 848x1034, Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 18.50…)

lol and lmao
No. 1934455
File: 1701111083283.png (417.19 KB, 816x879, Screenshots_2023-11-27-12-26-2…)

why do they always project onto this particular anime girl
No. 1934456
>>1934454kek the delusion
No. 1934466
File: 1701111795876.png (492.57 KB, 816x1543, Screenshots_2023-11-27-22-01-5…)

i opened this meme and already knew what the comments would be, of course they're kinksters
No. 1934499
File: 1701116313916.png (802.43 KB, 810x2790, iamafabbecauseisaidso.png)

TIM claims he's AFAB because "he says so": No. 1934517
File: 1701118403705.jpg (13.99 KB, 236x225, 1579058427071.jpg)

>>1934395Why would anyone, anywhere, EVER post this shit online? What possesses people to think this is anything but the most horrific, disgusting thing anybody could possibly do to themselves? If THIS is what you need to be happy then I'm sorry you are just mentally ill beyond anything I can possibly comprehend. And they wonder why people hate trans people, it's because they want to normalize THIS fucking insanity.
No. 1934520
File: 1701118745918.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.48 KB, 862x1024, wp5743481-3676939271.jpg)

>>1934461Where is this character from? I only know the Menhera-chan in picrel. Spoilered for being completely irrelevant to the thread.
No. 1934522
File: 1701118949165.jpg (66.64 KB, 933x753, 1662870135969457.jpg)

>>1934406I hate, hate, hate that in [current year] we are no longer allowed to have spaces that are only for women. Troons can have their exclusionary spaces, of course, but normal women can't because that might hurt the feelings of a middle-aged man in a dress. You can't even say that cis-women exclusive spaces have a safety purpose without some deranged psychopath that thinks being a woman means going "HEEY GUUUURL" 24/7 chiming in and talking about how bad trans people have it, and that's why men need to be allowed into women's shelters. Absolute fucking clown world.
No. 1934529
>>1934310>"If the men find out we can shapeshift, they're going to tell the church." -Jahkara SmithNot only did this white man steal this joke from a woman of color who told the original joke
six years ago and has openly spoken about how she doesn't want her content stolen, but he butchered the delivery. What makes this more offensive is that the original joke wasn't about being cool or aspirational, it was explicitly about misogynistic beauty standards, and how women are socially pressured into constant self-policing and self-objectifying for the benefit of men. He quite literally fetishwashed a joke about women's experiences with internalized misogyny.
No. 1934541
File: 1701121779449.gif (315.26 KB, 400x224, bjh.gif)

>>1934418kek I thought of that episode too. "it started out as a safe space for women. then it became a safe space for women
and men. now it's a safe…..ish space for women and a
really safe space for men to look at women."
No. 1934554
>>1934484>>1934473i agree. a random man off the street has a better chance of being less creepy than any man who goes out of his way to demand access to women's spaces. that is predator behaviour right away. even with the HSTS types - they are misogynists with a paraphilia / mental illness but we're meant to feel "safer"?
>women want women-only services to feel saferbut I guess men's feelings is more important. so instead we get a service that not only caters to and encourages delusional fetishist men, but frames this option to partake in their fetish as a service
for us. it's more important that we get yassified car journeys that stroke TIM's egos.
No. 1934565
File: 1701124486029.jpg (1.63 MB, 810x4322, Screenshot_20231127-144728_Red…)

>>1934499Holy shit, his reddit bio:
>"My kinks & Fetishes: CNC, piss, petplay, Misogynophilia (misogyny is sexually arousing), objectification, etc." No. 1934575
File: 1701124851614.png (207.27 KB, 581x588, Porsgrunn.png)

A TIM has murdered a TIF in Norway.
They were a couple and the media is reporting it as "Young Woman Charged with Murder in Porsgrunn" instead of yet another man killing his girlfriend.
Their trans identities were confirmed by public register but not much else is known yet No. 1934597
watch this man slowly skinwalk his wife. and of course he starts (or restarts) his transition after she gives birth to their child.
No. 1934608
File: 1701128408400.png (38.69 KB, 570x176, Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 23.39…)

>>1934597one of the comments kek
No. 1934609
File: 1701128413139.png (344.9 KB, 585x634, notafetish.png)

Not a fetish at all guys.
No. 1934610
File: 1701128497789.png (955.6 KB, 704x940, Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 23.39…)

>>1934597serial killer eyes
No. 1934611
File: 1701128532812.jpg (156.14 KB, 2000x1250, edna-mode1-2000.jpg)

>>1934114I was waiting for it to get to the point, until I heard "we" in reference to trans women, and turned it off. I thought this was an actual look at how troons demonstrate a TON of the same rhetoric and misogyny as incels do, that being a woman boils down to looks and clothing and being as fuckable and sexy as possible, but nope it's just another troon throwing a pity-party about how hard being a troon is, and of course the reference material is fucking manga and anime LIKE IT ALWAYS IS.
I have to admit I was fooled by the voice at first, but then I never guessed Linda Belcher in Bob's Burgers or Edna Mode were voiced by men either, so I probably am just bad at identifying voices.
No. 1934613
File: 1701128655053.png (Spoiler Image,764.45 KB, 709x867, jesse.PNG)

>>1934413KEK I thought this was a troon I know personally, picrel. Why do they all look like this?
Spoiler for the hentai shirt
No. 1934617
File: 1701129424687.jpeg (41.68 KB, 540x720, gugd7lj8vgi61.jpeg)

>>1934611i couldn't get through it either. i wonder why this guy can empathise so much with misogynistic incel AGPs?
No. 1934622
File: 1701129997865.png (313.45 KB, 366x557, screenshot 2023.png)

>>1934597samefag to share a screenshot of another video she posted of her husband. the clown feet are hurting my sides
>can you, a woman, imagine how unsafe i, a man, feel going outside?? No. 1934626
File: 1701130471426.jpg (145.11 KB, 1600x800, 1569195160275.jpg)

>>1934617Holy shit he actually looks like the protag of the manga from the video. Seeing yourself as a badass edgy coolguy martial arts master from a manga like most weebs do is cringe enough, but seeing yourself in the loser that gets isekai'd into a highschool girl's body is so, so, so much worse on so many fucking levels. I hate this planet.
No. 1934629
File: 1701130819110.jpeg (564.9 KB, 960x1710, IMG_9124.jpeg)

i need something permanent to happen to this oxygen stealing faggot
No. 1934633
>>1934611i tried listening to the thing the whole way through.
only interesting part is that he correctly identifies the incel-to-trans pipeline that exists, which most people are too scared to talk about/consider too niche to mention. If the similarities being pointed out were being made by a woman, they'd immediately be attacked as a hateful, twansphobic
TERF. Since the author here is a TIM, though, they get algorithm boosted.
We live in hell.
There's a point in the video in which the guy talks about his own experience getting transbrained, tho, and it's only remarkable for how textbook of an example of AGP fodder it is. The comment section ate it up, they're so many men down there going 'omg she's just like me fr' and none of them realize they're only exposing themselves as people with untreated childhood trauma and self-esteem complexes.
No. 1934765
File: 1701170156815.png (1.11 MB, 816x1305, Screenshots_2023-11-28-14-13-4…)

They've gone full mask off now, either that or this is just god awful satire kek
No. 1934772
>>1934702Imagine being a gyno and having to shove your fingers/tools into a delusional man's ass to search for cervix cancer, or doing an ultrasound to find ovaries on a man. Bleak.
Also of sex is a construct then how are they trans in any way?
No. 1934787
File: 1701179082891.jpeg (162.52 KB, 828x842, IMG_4105.jpeg)

>>1934242His switch from “gay” to “lesbian” was so easy because was e-dating a tif for the longest. I guess he wants women that actually call themselves women now.
No. 1934949
File: 1701206662871.jpg (112.55 KB, 1200x1200, GABho8BWEAALntb.jpg)

get these creeps out
No. 1934962
File: 1701207387873.jpg (1.87 MB, 1920x2560, 23-11-28-21-35-23-367_deco.jpg)

Tranny is mad that he can't watch women try on bras at Victoria's Secret
No. 1934964
File: 1701207410028.jpeg (86.02 KB, 961x577, C1DDB1BE-58EC-456D-B77C-3076CF…)

critical support to ftms cheating on their mtf boyfriends
No. 1934966
File: 1701207634766.png (364.81 KB, 2277x1742, male.png)

>family estranged from troon
>invite him to wedding out of politeness, clearly do not want him to go
>want man to stop being delusional and attention-seeking for a single day
>waaaaah waaaaaah memememe MY FEELINGS
I bet they're going to be relieved when he doesn't go.
No. 1934972
File: 1701208497675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,166.71 KB, 750x782, microdragon.jpeg)

>>1934962i went to see if Victoria Secret responded and someone based replied with picrel (spoiler for ugly nude troon) i really hope the customer service person who speaks to him saw the photo. they'll probably send him a free bra and create a new troon-coddling changing room system anyway.
No. 1935008
File: 1701212704868.mp4 (3.28 MB, 1280x720, german mp.mp4)

this is a german green party politician "Tessa" Ganserer, showing his bra to an official committee. imagine a woman doing this. her professional career would be over.
No. 1935009
File: 1701212778931.jpeg (123.52 KB, 1456x1048, ganserer.jpeg)

>>1935008samefag to show him before transition. cos it makes me kek
No. 1935015
File: 1701213527865.png (1.38 MB, 940x1392, Clipboard03.png)

not a fetish though
No. 1935022
File: 1701214409434.jpg (9.44 KB, 220x217, 220px-PSM_V36_D704_Facial_expr…)

>>1935015I don't even hide my disdain when I see this shit anymore. I'm not afraid of their public chimpouts anymore, I crave them, and would love to see Cumshirt peak an entire walmart by shrieking at some poor woman looking at him twice.
No. 1935032
i practice a particular lip snarl and nose crinkle that i use whenever i see a tranny in public so i can maximize ruining their self-esteem. the looks on their faces is hilarious, especially when you can tell they think they were passing/"slaying"
No. 1935045
>>1935032Hellll yeah. They always obsess about it on reddit afterward but irl they can't deal with it. They don't have the mastery of microexpressions we do, their male rage and entitlement gives them zero poise or subtlety.
"Why are you screaming?"
No. 1935049
File: 1701218391103.png (540.92 KB, 553x628, reddit.png)

>>1935015a fetishist who competes in women's races. gross.
No. 1935060
File: 1701219687645.jpeg (627.12 KB, 1000x2248, pronoun meltdown.jpeg)

this one really made me laugh but it was rambly as fuck so i tried my best to condense it
>TIM goes to a yoga class
>gets he/him'd by the male instructor
>the instructor apologies but in a way that was too bro-y for TIM's taste (fist bumping)
>got called "man" earlier that day too, even though his "tits were on full display and full face of make up"
>starts crying in class
>instructor tries to amend his "faux pas" by calling him they instead
>TIM cries even harder
>instructor fist bumps him again
>TIM makes such a fuss over it that he makes the instructor cry
>instructor profusely apologises and writes him a sorry message but TIM is of course ungracious about it because he's a narc.
No. 1935112
File: 1701230044829.mp4 (3.15 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.App 730328678263900087…)

>authentic women that we are
No. 1935125
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Slightly OT but I saw this video on instagram and had to share!
No. 1935132
>>1935088almost any troon on tiktok has an account with like 500+ videos alone if them making video responses to comments and basically sending an army to attack them
the worse ones are basically the ones who bait the opponent into saying something that can be taken out of context, then use that one comment to run around and scream "LOOK HOW TWANSPHOBIC THEY ARE REE" banking on the fact no one would be bothered to go back and read the entire argument of them instigating everything
No. 1935160
>>1935109Omg yes! Pics! Also, I want those ears.
I used to work at a pawn shop, and every once in a while a furry troon would come in. Long, greasy hair, lanky body, disgustingly like… cigarette smoke stained homemade fox tail and ears. They looked grimy like when you go into somebody's house and the walls are covered with this yellow, gray staining. He smelled like mildew, body odor, and stale cigarette smoke. I'd talk to him sometimes bc it was my first time experiencing this in the wild and he was like experiencing cwc organically, observing this insane example of humanity.
No. 1935221
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>>1934962>>1934972VS made a statement a while back that they weren’t going to be woke (in marketing) anymore. Sad to see that didn’t apply to customer service.
No. 1935292
>>1935280You get me. As fucking disgusting as all this is, I hope he gets his green card and then drops that rapist and calls him out.
>>1935256I saw the thread it was brilliant. People weren't having none of the trannies shit. I'm so glad people notice how truly, and utterly fucked up this entire relationship is. I pray he's just using the dude for the green card and money.
>>1935262I didn't even know he was a virgin, how much fucking worse. In every conversation he talks about still suffering, still feeling weird, having trouble not thinking about him actually being a fucking man bc he can't get it up if he does.. That's conversion therapy with actual rape and sexual coercion. It's mental. And you can see how manipulative the HSTS constantly is, how damn aggressive. Asks random friends he just met this night why he won't eat their rot pocket out anymore?
Dude better scam the fuck out of that tranny and get what he's owed.
No. 1935305
>>1933488most men aren't original, if they're on the internet then spamming gore is pretty much all they do if they're not in a position to send cp.
>>1935221how did putting a tranny or plus sized model on the VS runway result in actual women no longer buying their shitty, overpriced lingerie? Most women I know bought it cause it was one of like two options pre-internet or cause they just like mall shopping. I'm pretty sure no normie woman or girl even knows what's up on their runway and those who are that into fashion probably knew of better options to begin with. Sure there was an article or two back in the day, but I'd argue most women buying lingerie there only did it due to a lack of options so they sucked it up like most do about walmart. This sounds like a cope to explain away the inevitable demise of their company.
>>1935262>He was a virginfuck me that's so evil. I'm guessing the show's "therapists" are helping to gaslight the guy too? If nothing else I hope this guy gets the green card and helps peak people in a greater good sort of way cause this is outright horrific but also the legitimate future trannies want. Including the ones that keep their dicks and "top" as oxymoronic as that is for a tranny. It'd be one thing if they were still a subsect of the gay community, but the ones growing up now honestly want and expect straight men like this guy and are validated on this nonsense
No. 1935344
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>>1934028who he? me make he new lols pet
No. 1935346
>>1934972This sicko would've washed out the instant he realized you're required to attend class in business professional, no fetish wear allowed. The women in suits would absolutely crush his ego and little shrivelled estrogen balls, and do it with a polite smile on their tastefully, natural made up faces.
I would not allow this freak anywhere near dead bodies.
No. 1935351
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can't believe we were supposed to buy this 20 year old man as a 15 year old school girl character on Doctor Who. even considering the character was written as trans, we are still looking at a grown man trying to look like a young girl. it's so absurd.
No. 1935372
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No. 1935425
"Delulu is not a solulu" indeed. He went from a high pitched voice to someone's voice after smoking 50 cigarette packs.
No. 1935438
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this tranny is claiming he's intersex now
No. 1935456
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>just shut up and sit down while we ruin everything for women.
No. 1935457
File: 1701310499727.png (Spoiler Image,573.61 KB, 748x996, men 2.png)

how woman-ly of him
No. 1935501
>>1934780>>1934782>>1934597I worry about a lot of things i my future but never did I think I'd have to worry about a man being a sissy and ruining at chance at normalcy,
especially if he is a white guy.
Aside from bisexuality and lefty politics, what are other ways I can sue to avoid this from ever happening to me?
No. 1935518
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>>1935516I like that the first top comments are bringing up the fact that women's league for sports are put up not just for opportunity for women but also from the social pressure and consequences they'd face and win against the opposite sex. Tims always cling on to stereotypes which is ironic considering theyre transiting to the gender they degrade and hate to the core.
No. 1935528
>>1935526Hence we have the trannyplaining from them about our periods, illness and more.
Uh no, thanks.
No. 1935534
>>1935518Anyone else notice trannies have the same exact reply every time to this? And it makes them look like they can't read or understand because nowhere does Riley say that women don't want trannies because we're dumber.
Where's the funny Mr. Comedian? Go back to posting about how your family cut you off after wearing dresses.
No. 1935651
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>>1935516>>1935518>>1935526Feel like non-athletic competitive pursuits need sex segregation even more than sports do. The guys who play sports are way less likely to troon out than the ones into chess or videogames. Trannies have been allowed into women's sports leagues forever and it's only just now becoming an issue because of sheer quantity, but trannies have been ruining women's esports leagues for as long as they've been a thing. It used to be just one or two narcissists joining every event just to stomp, but now they're practically tranny leagues. There was a women's streetfighter tournament a few months ago where 7 of the top 8 were trannies, it's farcical.
I wouldn't even mind them so much if they were all HSTS, but you can't join a girlgamer discord anymore without getting talked over by "lesbians" who think an anime avatar and pronouns mean they can't be creeps.
No. 1935655
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No. 1935667
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>>1935651yeah, it's not all about ability. even with things like picrel, it's not that the male artists are more talented, it's that males make up most of these industries. i don't give a shit about the brit awards but it's a funny example of what happens when you remove the women's categories. when there are three times the amount of men in the top 100 then the odds are against a woman being nominated.
when men are overrepresented in esports and so are trannies (8-10% apparently, compared to the supposed 1% overall population) and women are underrepresented (despite being half the population and almost half the gaming population) then the same thing is gonna happen. paired with how they've been socialised and encouraged, socially and women have been alienated and mocked for doing the exact same thing. of course TIMs aren't gonna empathise. I've heard the most loyal and adoring handmaiden gamers complain about how many TIMs are on their gaming discord or stack or whatever.
No. 1935684
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>>1935651>Feel like non-athletic competitive pursuits need sex segregation even more than sports doSeriously, any "women's" team in a nerdy hobby like gaming, tabletop games or RP games like D&D, or TCG's are completely infested with trannies. I could never join any local communities because you're forced to accept them or else you get banned from competing
No. 1935688
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>>1935674nta but she has said that women have "legitimate concerns" about trans rights and that trans talking points shouldn't be a priority during debates in the elections. but doesn't mean she is a full-blown
TERF, she is just seeing which way the wind is blowing. she would still cheer on trannies if she thought it won her a place in the white house (but it just so happens she knows it won't). picrel of her visiting Contrapoints' house, because it makes me laugh to look at him towering over hilary and chelsea with his limp wrist.
No. 1935719
>>1935688Yeah, Hilary isn't a
TERF but she is a career politician. She's criticized the Democratic party for pandering to niche idpol issues like trans rights that only impact a few people, instead of focusing on larger issues that impact the whole population like education, jobs, health care, abortion etc. The Republicans are amassing large coalitions of different factions to overturn Roe and roll back women's rights while the Democrats are bogged down debating "what is a woman?" and other irrelevant bullshit. She's 100% right imo /burgerfag
No. 1935737
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>>1935518>>1935651>>1935684In the case of chess, it's a matter of numbers and misogyny. Even in my shitty third world nation, there are still 9000 registered male chess players, while the number of female players is around 500. More men compete against each other, gaining more experience and it's in general harder for women to progress. That's why almost all the female grandmasters tend to be Russian, as Russians in general play chess far more. The same applies to gaming, where there are probably way more men into games like League of Legends than women. However, Pokemon is a strange case because the majority of the casual player base tends to be women and children, while the hardcore pro-players obsessed with meta are autistic men.
No. 1935750
File: 1701366086648.png (164.78 KB, 1080x748, Screenshot_20231130-144120-338…)

Today on "Things that never happened" also it's always a girl being weird to them never a moid
No. 1935767
>>1935750>always a girlyes,
girl - not even a grown woman in their fantasies.
such a ridiculous made up scenario, trying to make a young woman sound creepy whilst only managing to reveal himself to be the creep.
No. 1935782
File: 1701373765331.png (1.27 MB, 1280x961, agp.png)’s schizo journal is making the rounds on twitter, and I’m seeing in real time the new cope for the AGP phenomenon. It’s now “feminist theory”.
There’s a difference between a woman struggling her whole life with misogyny and objectification which was forced on her. A woman, who should be expected to tackle and overcome the damage men have done to her self image.
Compared to a male who perpetuates misogyny, sees women’s mistreatment, and finds it so titillating that he wants to experience it himself.
“A woman is a hole to be raped” said by a radfem is a critique on misogyny and the male mindset with the implication that it should be addressed and opposed.
“A woman is a hole to be raped” is a phrase that could also be found in sissy caption porn.
It’s literally because of males and their fixation on dehumanizing women that feminists talk about this at all. Hunter and men like him is the source of this misogyny not a critique of it.
No. 1935826
File: 1701378933387.mp4 (14.29 MB, 1080x1920, Troon-Has-Complete-MELTDOWN-Ov…)

Tranny flips out over being misgendered, while his handmaiden panics in fear of his moid rage.
No. 1935833
>>1935782this is so depressing. Hunter being male, witnesses how men treat women negatively and is
attracted to that (fetishising) and says this is a reason for his transition. The narcissism and lack of empathy where you can witness accounts of women being raped and abused and coming away wishing it was you… And then comparing your cruel fetish to the trauma some women experience where they also desire abuse because of how they've been raised/treated in the past. It's sick to point to those traumatised woman and say that makes it OK for a man to say the same thing.
Is there any other possible example where the oppressor class can pretend to be the oppressed class, and even state they are sexually aroused by the idea of the oppression, and that be OK? (rhetorical question obviously - we know the answer is no).
No. 1935885
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>>1935826pure unadulterated seethe over the fact that he cannot physically assault a woman for saying a word
No. 1935900
>>1935885After crushing the bottle, it looked like his hands were literally shaking with rage?? The handmaiden is acting like an abused wife desperately trying to placate her violent,
abusive husband.
No. 1935903
>>1935833This is exactly what none of these libfems are mentioning. It’s the fact he’s an outsider identifying into an oppressed class of people because the idea of being oppressed arouses him. Yes, many women experience internalized misogyny and have incorrectly assigned their value through a male lens, it’s quite literally what you’re instructed to do as a female. But it’s something else entirely when a male perpetrator of this misogyny wants to embody it himself.
Imagine a white person racially transitioning into an oppressed minority group and saying they get pleasure and affirmation through racism. No one would have sympathy for them. Yet people are willingly accepting the categorization of women as lessers to affirm someone’s identity (and even calling it profound), ironically, because they’ve been conditioned to do just that their entire lives.
>>1935893One branch of very malignant libfeminism I have noticed is not even the rejection or recontextualization (ie, ‘empowerment’) of objectification… it’s the admission that women are in fact objects and lessers and their objective is to somehow convince men to respect that. I see it most commonly in bdsm/cnc/sex-pozzy spaces, where the idea of women’s submission is their natural role and it’s men’s responsibility to handle it with grace and discretion. That same rhetoric is leaking into more mainstream libfeminism. Acceptable feminism is becoming more and more male-serving every year that goes by.
No. 1935913
File: 1701392062554.jpg (885.44 KB, 1074x2347, Screenshot_20231130_195326_Red…)

Tranny posting on r/insaneparents. Nonna's, what would one say to a deluded tranny bringing up the medical degree argument?
No. 1935918
>>1935910I neglected to mention tifs in my analysis and I do agree, when mainstream feminism supports the idea that male/female is akin to subject/object (since biology is necessarily thrown out the window to make sense of transexualism). Women who reject the idea that they are lessers are encouraged to believe that they are, in fact, men. The only way to escape being an object in a society that has redefined women as a class of objects is to become a man.
It’s easier to become a man and be perceived the way you want to be perceived (a human being), than it is to confront the depressing reality that you’re fighting an uphill battle to be seen as a human being in a society where women are deemed to be things.
I wonder where all of this will lead. Sometimes I think it’s just the nature of men to dehumanize women and, since they largely govern society, there will always be an eternal struggle for women to break free from it. Many women just aren’t strong enough to confront it and just end up playing by their rules. It is unfair that women are subjected to this treatment, and I believe that in a vacuum, no woman would inherently view herself as lesser. It takes a lifetime of conditioning.
I wish the best for women, and it makes me incredibly sad that they are so mentally abused they can listen to agp screeds about desiring to be caniballized and raped as “radically feminist”.
No. 1935923
>>1935885kek this pic rules, should be a part of a threadpic collage
>>1935913KEK drs are literally forced on pain of termination by medical institutions (universities, hospitals) to be "trans affirming". drs involved directly with/specialising in "trans healthcare" profit immensely and often are tied to pharma corps. his doctors misgender him at drinks with their colleagues i guarantee it
No. 1935934
File: 1701395525895.jpg (397.87 KB, 1670x848, US holocaust memorial museum.j…)

>>1935826Sigh. Please don't let troons rewrite history when it comes to the Holocaust as well, please.
No. 1935940
>>1935253I used to like watching 90 Day Fiance as a guilty pleasure, but I can’t even bring myself to watch this season due to that disturbing pedophile HSTS. By his own math that guy was underage when he started grooming him, changed his name, and brought him to another country under false pretenses. Coming from a conservative culture, I’m sure the kid was very sheltered and had no idea what a troon was. I’m amazed troons aren’t protesting this show because it makes them look so
abusive & predatory, then again they’re probably online grooming teenagers as we speak.
No. 1935941
>>1935918I like the way you write
nonnie, you articulate yourself very well and the points you make are A+
No. 1935942
>>1935938Libfems are just bargaining, because over nearly a century of feminist theory hasn’t fundamentally changed the male species. They didn’t go through the cycle themselves but the movement itself has, and they embody the current iteration of it. It’s like an
abusive relationship, actually, it literally is. You’ll never get men to respect you so it’s easier trying to reframe your abuse.
Your husband beats you and uses you and that will never end no matter how you behave, so their solution is to somehow rationalize it as not really abuse, in fact, it’s even empowering.
It’s easier for them to see a male philosophizing his misogynistic fetishes (be they AGP, ‘cnc’, or any other of the million flavors of male debauchery at the expense of women) as “radical feminism” than it is to admit that misogyny is a problem and seemingly endemic to males.
I understand it. It’s like confronting a brick wall, and it’s demoralizing. It’s better to trick yourself like you have an iota of control and pretend like submitting to male mistreatment as your own decision.
No. 1935956
>>1935893Being “eaten by men” is no longer seen as the issue insofar as men desire to eat you. It’s seen as an issue if you react negatively towards it. It has become implicit, you are an object to be consumed, the pathology has become your rejection of this premise. It is not “feminist” any longer to critique men who desire to objectify and consume, it’s not “feminist” to critique women who willingly submit themselves to inferior treatment.
This issue for modern libfems is the refusal to be consumed, the issue for libfems is anger over the idea you are expected to be consumed. The “feminist” solution they present is “empowerment”. To submit to consumption by somehow “claiming” it. By convincing yourself that existing for the titillation of men, to form yourself into an object of male desire, was
actually your own decision. You are “feminist” when you play male games, so long as you come up with a 12 paragraph caveat over how your life has improved because of it. The footnote here is the only permissible “feminist theory” allowed before accusations of unjust misandry start flying.
The women who choose not to partake in their own sexualization are, at best, written off as making a neutral, free choice. So long as they don’t rock the boat, so long as they shut up about any uncomfortable reason why they came to that decision. You’re only allowed to not participate in male games if your decision not to do so was as simple and reductive as a coin flip.
In the end, the male perspective is prioritized, as it has always been. Libfems twist their brains every which way to rationalize male pandering as female liberation. They’re spinning their minds hard now that male degeneracy and misogyny has increased in visibility and unashamedness exponentially in the internet age. For every braindead gooner and rabid misogynist (and TiMs are often an ungodly combination of both), there’s a libfem narrative fabricating a regurgitatation of everything they say with either a “girlboss”, “divine feminine” sticker slapped over it.
I just falsely believed that AGP ruminations on cannibalism and rape would be too extreme and unpalatable to be reframed as “feminist”. I thought they would be self-aware enough to ignore such a blatant, evil interpretation of womanhood. But no. I sadly expect to see sissy-porn captions being spread like Dworkin quote infographs in the near future.
No. 1935988
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skinwalker moment
No. 1935989
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so cute!
No. 1936023
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There were 30 murders of "trans-people" in the US btw, more then half of them were related to sex-work issues.
No. 1936044
>>1935782I thought I was going crazy seeing all those handmaidens cape for that misogynistic faggot and trying to paint it as a true and honest radical feminist. Like, girls, he's totally more of a feminist than us! As for the ones who said they related so much to this, they missed the point entirely.
Let's keep in mind though that no one outside of internet bubbles would see this and not think this was a schizo rambling about their weird fixations on femininity.
No. 1936045
>>1936023>White American polyam AGP who claims he works as a writer>"I am lucky, I almost perished on the climb too."How overdramatic. I doubt this man has ever had any actual problems, beyond narcissistic injury
so no real problems at all.
No. 1936068
File: 1701428636045.jpg (76.14 KB, 633x474, We are never making it out.jpg)

>>1935782One of the responses defending Shaffer’s misogyny fetish.
Troon handmaidens are becoming indistinguishable from incels at this point. How long have radfems been saying the gendie shit is regressive and reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes? Modern feminism is just incel apologia.
No. 1936085
>>1936070A transwoman said she wanted to be raped and eaten and she’s sooo
valid because cis women love rape too! Because yaoi and 50 shades of grey.
Sometimes I wish women were as ruthless as males when it comes to policing embarrassing behavior. Normal males get their manly-man-card revoked if they so much as look at a woman without utter contempt. Yet here women are prostrating and calling themselves less than animals so a fetishistic troon feels validated.
>>1936071They’re just like incels in that they believe radfems are an amalgamation of every type of woman they hate, regardless of whether it aligns with reality or even makes logical sense.
Replace radfem accusations with feminazi accusations, give them anime girl pfps, and take the words “internalized” and “empowering” out of their vocabulary and they become indistinguishable from incels.
No. 1936098
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>>1935917looks like the last update was police and social services being notified. the police say he is not breaking any law and they won't intervene.
i was also wondering about melody wiseheart (the 50 year old TIM who swam against 13 year old girls) and someone posted this picture. I've blurred the girls faces but they all look 10-15yo wtf. it looks like he is the coach but he isn't. anyway, apparently he has gone AWOL now and hasn't turned up for any further races.
No. 1936100
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>>1936068in what world is noncon popular? i consume a lot of female aimed romance and this type of content is niche-niche-niche, there's stuff that's a bit eyebrow raising in terms of content (looking at you toma cage kun from amnesia and rhysand from acotar) but only the freakiest weirdos are reading actual rape sex scenes, in fact the women who like "dark romance" always whine about how they are ostracized by other romance readers.
No. 1936111
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>>1935782 bunch of trannies on twitter are relating to this schizo's misogynistic fetish rant.
No. 1936113
File: 1701438673969.gif (1.25 MB, 300x100, 79.gif)

sorry it's kind of OT but this is my favorite banner i've ever seen on here lmao
No. 1936118
>>1936111>incredibly annoyed that in order to be a "real man" I needed to adhere to patriarchal and misogynist standards always with the "failed man" complex. how about just be a man and don't treat women like shit?
but instead they still see women as the very thing they claim they are challenging. so much so that they think putting on heels and lipstick MAKES them a woman. and their desire to be seen as that is because they see women as weak and vulnerable little sex objects. they have no idea how fucking strong women have to be in this world. how much energy that takes and how much pressure we face. they think they can just let go of all these pathetic male egoisms of what it means to be a man and enjoy a life of twirly skirts and girly giggles. and then think that is some kind of feminist act. holy shit.
it also annoys me because they are complaining about a harmful gender stereotype (masculinity = "real man") but then shove female gender stereotypes in our face, whilst experiencing none of the oppressive reality it creates for women.
No. 1936119
>>1935956thank you nona, reading your comments was like a soothing sane tonic after looking at that tweet
>>1936114jfc i hadn't spotted that
No. 1936121
>>1936100I think noncon and other misogynistic/
abusive "fetishes" are sadly popular in erotic/romantic material made by and for women, but I don't think it's because women naturally desire to be raped. There's a lot of scientific speculation on this topic, and iirc the general consensus is that it's likely that women who fetishize things like being raped or abused are doing so as a method of coping with the constant threat of male violence. There's no decided upon explanation on how this operates, but the primary explanation I see is that the psychology of it is similar to the psychology of self-depreciation. That is to say, it's a self-destructive attempt to reduce what they belive to be inevitable suffering by taking some level of agency over it.
This obviously doesn't apply to TIMs, though, because they don't face misogyny unless they
choose to, and even then it's not actual misogyny because they have no "gyn" to "mis". It's just a farce that they can opt out of at any time.
No. 1936132
>>1936127I love how all the cope replies/qrts to this are purposefully misunderstanding, like, "What, because there's no tall cis women?"
It's not because he's tall and you know it.
No. 1936158
>>1935425They have voice feminization surgery now? Between this, hrt, breast implants, grs, ffs, bbls the medical industrial complex is making bank off of troons. A few years ago I saw a Forbes article that said a trans person will spend up to $150k facilitating their transition. I'm starting to think it's more than that.
On the new voice his just sounds more hoarse. Just like ffs there's either no change or it gets worse.
No. 1936173
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No outrage of the race-switching as long as its a troon doing it
No. 1936182
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>>1936173>white man mocks and fetishises black women >"no white supremacy on my profile thanks!"it's too late, man
No. 1936216
>>1936121You're completely right but it's also nice to keep in mind that most women with a so-called "rape kink" are really just into the concept of ravishment rather than actual rape (that is, the man being so horny that he's rough). If you think about it it would be impossible for a woman to have a rape kink because a woman's sexual fantasy (not talking about intrusive thoughts from trauma here) is always wanted and she's always in control in her scenarios, and that makes it not rape. No woman is getting off to actual rape.
On the other hand rape kink is extremely harmful when it comes to males, because males are actually imagining and getting off to someone not consenting, because they're the rapists in their fantasies. And seeing as they're so attracted by real violence and death, chances are most of them really want to hurt their partner.
No. 1936218
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>>1935782This reminded me a lot of Andrea Long Chu's "females". It's what happens when you cross sissy porn with the scum manifesto through a filter of academic pretentiousness. This is not at all an exaggeration. Chu was an academic with an sissy porn addiction and fascination with Valerie Solanas' SCUM Manifesto. Specifically, the end part where men are forced to dress as drag queens and serve women. He expands on those aspects in his book. Now, I haven't read the book, but the excerpts really spoke for themselves. There's one excerpt I saw on Twitter that imagines a utopia where boys are locked in chastity at birth and girls are given strap-ons to have sex with boys. this book won a Pulitzer Prize btw.
No. 1936222
>>1936218I read one fucking sentence "at the center of sissy porn lies the asshole, a universal kind of vagina through which femaleness can be accessed"
So femaleness, a reproductive classification, isn't about our actual genitals, it's purely about penetration and giving sexual pleasure. I'm not going to read anymore cause I'm already about to a-log
No. 1936257
File: 1701463438925.jpg (Spoiler Image,598.9 KB, 810x1586, Screenshot_20231201-070241_Red…)

This is such a textbook male response: No. 1936262
File: 1701464125836.png (136.88 KB, 1765x509, reallynigga.png)

>>1936257>no male gaze>made for queer women>female only space>posting your cock? totally fine :)we are in hell
No. 1936265
File: 1701464509941.jpg (249.96 KB, 1080x838, Screenshot_20231201-090225_Chr…)

TIM believes AGPs transitioning benefits women
No. 1936272
>>1936265>taking themselves out of the potential rapist categoryno?? why would them having a specific paraphilia mean they're not going to rape someone?
>they wouldn't be objectifying other [sic] womenhow is it not objectifying women to think of them as a thing you can put on or become for sexual gratification?
No. 1936278
>>1936218So I have discussed this before, but in fandom spaces, you encounter these 'woke AGP' types a lot. It's honestly mind-boggling to see perhaps the most openly misogynistic and fetishistic types of males who are blatantly open about all their fetishes and kinks, yet they are given essentially an elevated space in fandom simply because of their trans-identity. One thing that is universal with these types of AGP is their hatred against men. However, it is not at all like how women hate men, because their hatred stems from fear and envy against men, which is why so many of their fantasies and fiction involves not just men getting killed, but also humiliated and feminized in some way, as a form of comeuppance against them. Even the most extreme man-hating radfem doesn't have any weird sexual revenge fantasies against men, but for these types of AGP, it's a prerequisite.
No. 1936286
>>1936163I'm switching sides exactly because of that too. Watch our support plummet with the lack of action on the left.
>>1936175Kek at these gorilla hands and giga American dad chin.
>>1936068Wtf is he even saying. No you fucktard Simon, "women" did not all love 50 shades. But sure, shame them for a bit of harmless light BDSM while you enjoy actual rape videos and violent porn. We're the one to be ashamed. FFS. What an absolute abysmal level of retardation.
>>1936182Why the fuck is he mocking black women? Wtf is he even trying to achieve? They should rip him to pieces honestly
No. 1936290
File: 1701468279692.png (456.21 KB, 807x600, paraphilias.png)

>>1936265>taking themselves out of the potential rapist categoryis he trying to suggest TIMs/ AGPs are less likely to be rapists? preaching to the choir here since these threads are basically dedicated to documenting how they
are a threat, but paraphilias are linked to violent behaviour - that used to be a given. so many AGPs that have raped and murdered women (some that have transitioned after prison and some that were cross-dressers before prison) these threads are full of these accounts, but even many of the famous cases of serial killers and rapists have been noted to be AGP or cross dressers.
Serial killers, pedos and rapists who are turned on by wearing women's clothing is so common that it's a meme at this point. if you were to think of a stereotypical creepy unhinged criminal character, you wouldn't be surprised if they were an AGP.
they're just coping and trying to attempt damage control because they know how many people are now aware of what autogynephilia is. so their next move is "yeah so what?"
and I suppose being an AGP = woman but actually
being a woman means nothing in this hell world. womanhood can only be defined by things a man can feel and acquire, but not the things he can't.
No. 1936294
>>1936218i hate this moid so much, i resent that anyone with this blatant of a fetish for misogyny can get work let alone word proclaimed prizes. technically the disgusting "females" didn't win him a pulitzer, his book reviews for various outlets won. knowing he was able to get to where he is today by monetizing his fetish and playing a uwuw trans
victim makes me want to alog though
No. 1936300
File: 1701470134017.jpeg (715.14 KB, 1500x3000, pisstaker.jpeg)

>TIM wins 1st at women's half marathon
>"'Embarrassingly slow. Very out of shape. I'll take the win though."
Riley Gaines calls him out and he responds with this
>"'This is so dumb, I ran a 71-minute half marathon pre-estrogen, less than two weeks after a marathon. For this totally fresh half, I ran 84 minutes. I've become way slower – like 18%, my body is physiologically a woman's body now."
then whines about transphobia. surely he shouldn't be "embarrassed" about being slightly weaker uwu, that should be totally gender euphoric right!? even more disturbing that he is a medical student.
No. 1936311
>>1936257The 2023 equivalent to a guy flashing you on the subway in a trenchcoat, I s2g. At least the trenchcoat flasher guy could get arrested. This guy gets handmaidens seal clapping him and telling him he's so stunning and
valid queen. So glad that degenerate males have been able to crack the code of how to get away with being a disgusting pervert in the age of feminism.
>>1936183Almost as much as TIFs love to call themselves faggots.
No. 1936334
>>1936068Comes across as “Radfems are women who like what libfem dislike”
ironically libfems are the ones that claim “feminism is for men too.” The whole “He hurts me but it’s okay because he was traumatized and I can make him better.” Screams libfem babying of their Nigels.
I hate when they confuse Radfems with right wing women too. Some boomer woman who loved 50s shades in 2012 is not automatically a radfem because she hates gender ideology. So annoying.
No. 1936338
File: 1701473847947.jpg (113.59 KB, 1080x1230, Screenshot_20231201.jpg)

>>1936257Fucking Reddit. He also only posted in this subreddit once before this and this is his most upvoted post. The looming threat of
TERF allegations is apparently enough to get him the attention he wanted. He never says shit like this in any other subreddit, but rushes to shame lesbians for not wanting to see his dick. So brave.
No. 1936346
File: 1701474906696.jpg (352.46 KB, 1536x2048, Alice Caldwell-Kelly.jpg)

The fake muslim tranny has this tattooed on his leg. 'Always a woman' my arse
No. 1936347
File: 1701475003412.jpg (47.38 KB, 1024x576, 1.Cover-Image-1024x576-2.jpg)

>>1936285The left one looks like Rebecca Sugar lol
No. 1936348
File: 1701475028548.png (39.38 KB, 748x358, tranny.png)

>>1936068Tranny pretending to be a woman thinks he can actually speak for us.
No. 1936350
>>1935826You just know he wanted to beat that woman to a bloody pulp because she stood up for herself.
These men are truly dangerous to be this emotionally unstable.
No. 1936370
File: 1701478065702.png (657.28 KB, 1080x2497, Screenshot_20231202-004752-748…)

No. 1936374
File: 1701479056321.png (396.42 KB, 1080x1138, Screenshot_20231202-010404.png)

No. 1936389
File: 1701480917716.png (55.33 KB, 748x452, tranny 2.png)

No. 1936410
>>1936389I'm so sick of seeing nonsensical pseudo woke word salad to 'explain' the existence of women who understand that biological sex is real and exists. It forces completely sane, normal women with sane, normal opinions to waste time and energy defending ourselves over shit we never said or did or thought.
I guess that's their ultimate goal though, women going insane from having to justify believing that men and women are different sexes don't have time to fight for real feminist goals. They have to divert their efforts away to a completely artificial (but still materially damaging and serious) issue that was conveniently invented just as we were almost getting somewhere with feminism. It's fucking infuriating.
No. 1936426
File: 1701488596005.png (11.02 KB, 957x99, scum.png)

>>1936218 Spot on. This type of troon isn't even hard to come by if you look into spaces populated by feminist theory nerds. This has been a thing since Solanas was alive herself. You can easily tell HSTS and AGP Solanas fanboys apart by what they value in her writing (scathing wit or femdom fantasy)
No. 1936451
File: 1701492495175.png (137.44 KB, 664x614, avtr3g2ca.png)

I don't trust straight men with children, so yeah, I don't think in any context troons should be allowed near children and babies.
No. 1936463
>>1936451"TERFs are such meanies because they say making a woman go through a long painful 9 months carrying a child for money even though they're risking serious long term health effects for both the woman and the child and then giving this child to mentally ill men is bad!!!!"
I mean they shouldn't even adopt, especially consider that one TIM that exposes his rot pocket to his foster childern.
No. 1936467
File: 1701493852395.png (737.71 KB, 656x999, scg2g2.png)

The jokes write themselves
No. 1936470
>>1936451I'm fine with barren or gay couples having kids, I just think they should adopt or foster instead of using a woman's body like a purchasable commodity. Trannies should never be allowed around children though, particularly AGPs. No one who thinks shit like
>>1936218 should be allowed within 500 yards of an elementary school.
No. 1936472
>>1936467Trannies have been skin walking Ramona for like a decade now, and it makes so much sense given that she's a manic pixie dream bippie created by a scrote. (She's written a little better in the new show, but that's neither here nor there.) They will
never be Ramona, not only because they're fugly as hell, but also because she's a figment of a male's imagination.
No. 1936475
>>1936452I don't think a single moid would want to adopt a kid to begin with, setting aside how unlikely single males are to be approved in the first place. Straight moids rarely care for their own actual biological children. For instance, women get custody in divorces most of the time because moids seldom seek it. They usually just settle for visitation. That's not the behavior of a group of people who actually want to be around children.
At least with some gay moids, the super femmey ones like the idea of playing house-husband or whatever. But most men are mediocre parents at best, in part because of biology, but mostly because our culture frames selflessness and caring as "girly" (and therefore bad in men's eyes) behaviors.
No. 1936506
File: 1701498780412.png (1.16 MB, 637x960, Mf8u856.png)

>>1936478It's the same reason self flagellating male feminists just give off(excuse the zoomer term) an "ick" feeling, this goes into the "woke" agp I posted about
>>1936278 their hatred of men doesn't stem from any of the actual evil men commit but rather pure jealously against regular men and attractive men especially(the jocks and chads).
No. 1936575
File: 1701511828922.png (1.99 MB, 1622x2825, being-a-woman-is-easier.png)

In today's episode of MRA or TRA: No. 1936581
File: 1701513572118.gif (42.55 KB, 220x165, 1000003352.gif)

>>1936467What a receding hairline does to a moid. He looks like picrel
No. 1936585
>>1936575Oh my fucking god, I'm trying not to alog because of that stupid statement about women's mental health.
Women who do attempt suicide are often looked at as attention seeking hysterical manipulative bitches, and most suicidal women will try to find a way that causes the least amount of harm to others, and ultimately won't attempt because they feel guilty for being so "selfish". Meanwhile men will blow their own brains out in front of their family or take said family and random strangers out with them over the slightest shit and suddenly everyone is oh so sympathetic about it.
No. 1936592
File: 1701518355277.jpg (3.24 MB, 810x8126, Screenshot_20231202-065746_Red…)

Never disappointed whenever I click on a troon's user profile
No. 1936596
File: 1701518977609.png (22.19 KB, 92x104, smirk.png)

>>1936592that AGP smirk tho. for some reason this is the most common type of TIM in the town where I live (50yo+ men trying to dress like little girls, but sexualised of course) so I feel like most women around here are just automatically peaked as a result. Just seeing them IRL and how terrifying and disturbing they are, then realising women and girls have to share intimate spaces with them is enough to peak anyone.
No. 1936608
File: 1701521073408.png (29.06 KB, 678x251, 1701397014458448.png)

are we all exited for the next gender afirming surgery troons will be getting
No. 1936659
>>1936472And you always just know they were the same type of asshole as Scott circa 2012 or whatever. It embarrasses me for them.
>>1936475On this note, is anyone else starting to get highly irritated at how so many men claim oppression now because they don’t usually get custody? MRAs seem to always bring it up despite the fact that most men do the absolute bare minimum for their children and don’t even want to be around them.
No. 1936695
>>1936367Lawsuits are already happen, there's even a law firm been set up just for this. I hope they get sued into oblivion.
>>1936174>>1936466I'm not American so I can't vote any which way, but 'the gender shit' is literally obliterating women's rights and erasing homosexuality, so if it takes a pendulum swing in the other direction to curb it, then I'll take it.
No. 1936699
File: 1701534167431.jpg (305.31 KB, 1550x3150, catgirl.jpg)

Math/gaming youtuber. Judging from his drawings and avatar, he is not just a catgirl but has, in fact, ascended to cat furry. He also owns 3 cats. Dating another troon, of course.
No. 1936706
File: 1701535256029.png (398.53 KB, 800x450, Screenshot23.png)

Great outfit to wear to a presentation
No. 1936712
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my sleep paralysis demon
No. 1936715
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>>1936713Yeah it's no-dong
No. 1936716
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No. 1936738
File: 1701538944952.jpg (84.41 KB, 1281x713, GAVU6vTW0AAqQQl.jpg)

No. 1936745
File: 1701540164433.png (1.47 MB, 1504x1062, a.png)

>>1936715>>1936706Something I always find funny is that no matter how accepting people are of trannies, it's obvious no one actually views them as women, people just know they aren't supposed to criticize them. If trannies got their wish and people actually started treating them like women and holding them to the same standards of presentation none of them could take it.
His clothes do not fit him, he's spilling out of his shorts, his nipples are poking out, and he undoubtedly missed hairs shaving his exposed arms/legs. Even if they fit, these aren't flattering choices for him, he doesn't look put together, and it's ridiculously inappropriate for a work presentation in December. Here are the first two female presenters I found from the same conference for a comparison.
No. 1936757
>>1936738ah yes humanizing fictional creatures this is a very good point indeed.
>someone that defines their identity in relation to the genderassociated with the female sex.
I thought they claimed it was anyone who just claimed to be one? they just keep changing the goalposts with these definitions
No. 1936796
File: 1701545880701.jpeg (717.02 KB, 828x1234, IMG_9696.jpeg)

manitoba is passing a law that covers breast augmentation for mtf individuals and not actual women. the cope in this Reddit thread is pathetic.
No. 1936812
>>1936796Men are dying because they can't get plastic in their moobs to pretend they're women?
I mean having breast augmentation is bad for a woman's body so I wouldn't advocate for women getting them anyways. If it does make a few trannies sick in the process tho..
No. 1936817
>>1936807The only thing we can do is start advocating more loudly and
terf-ing all the women you know.
My co workers are all women and they all hate trannies. We even talk about them behind their backs when we see one and its so freeing seeing that people hate them irl too.
It's just that the people who can do anything about the laws that are written either can't say anything because of the outrage or they are TRA's.
No. 1936840
>>1936374If this scrote had any guts he'd post this question on TwoX or another subreddit with actual females on it. He knows that asking a bunch of males is going to result in all of them gushing about how his fetish is hecking wholesome and
valid. It feels "euphoria inducing" because he doesn't want to be a woman, he wants to be a "fuckhole." Absolutely nauseating.
No. 1936845
>>1936575Men are so pathetic and weak it makes me sick. Wahh wahh no one compliments me! No one wants to hear me moan about my sad feefees! I hate the crushing burden of adult responsibility so much I had to murder my wife and then kill myself!!!
I also hate this line they all repeat that "when women cry for help, it's taken seriously." Since when??? If by "taken seriously" you mean "call her crazy and assissinate her character" then maybe, but in my experience it's the exact opposite. Men act like women cry and get upset over the littlest things, so they don't take us seriously AT ALL. I've had dudes cheat on me and then call ME manipulative because I cried about it. Meanwhile, the whole world is supposed to stop when a man cries because boohoo he's been ~staying strong for so long~ or whatever.
No. 1936846
>>1936257doughy body kek
>>1936346which tranny? i especially hate the muslim converts because im 100% sure its because they fetishize our pain under islam.
>>1936370kek her boyfriend is upset he cant recreate the lesbian porn hes been obsessively and ceaselessly watching. sure girl, a meme will soothe that wound.
>>1936374>>1936840you're absolutely right that he'd get way more criticism on twoX/etc (even though i imagine some brainwashed handmaidens would still defend him). these men come on r/mt"f" not for actual reassurance that will reflect in reality, but coddling and hugboxing. by their 'logic', you pass if you have a permanent 5 oclock shadow and you're definitely oppressed if you fetishize misogyny and
rape. men are retarded creatures.
No. 1936864
>>1936738So his definition of woman is… people who identify with the stereotypes assigned to the female sex. Not only is he implying that trannies are the product of gender roles, but also that the female sex exists. He's clearly not up on his TRA talking points, because according to them it has zero to do with stereotypes, and also anyone who "identifies" as female is and has always been a member of the female sex. Your definition of woman has to include both norm female human beings as well as "butch transbian" AGPs, otherwise it's not woke enough.
A woman is an adult female person. A female is a member of the sex which possesses the physiology associated with the production of large gametes. There's no ambiguity or contradiction there.
No. 1936890
>>1936754>>1936801Not that it's important, since elves and orcs don't actually exist, but plenty of people refer to female characters of fictional human-adjacent species as women. This is because fictional races like those are abstractions of humans. If they have human-like intelligence, female and male sexual dimorphism, physical forms based upon humans (even if only partially), then we can understand them as being abstractions of humans, which means that adult female elves can be understood as "being women" because it is self-evident that that they, as fictional entities, are based upon women.
I understand that trannies might say "it's self-evident that transwomen base themselves upon (what they associate with) women too", but the abstraction argument doesn't work in the context of real life. Think of it this way: You probably wouldn't think twice if someone referred to Pikachu as a mouse, but you'd likely assume someone is either insane or a scammer if they glued a string onto the tail of a hamster and called it a mouse.
No. 1936906
File: 1701558847069.jpg (20.67 KB, 1271x146, b723dhj5.JPG)

>>1936257pic from under one of his other nude spam posts. so many women out there thinking they're married to straight men when they're really married to closeted gay men trawling reddit for tranny dick in their ass. men are so foul.
No. 1936911
File: 1701560206355.jpg (94.74 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg)

>>1936846Alice Caldwell-Kelly
the dude on the left, apparently he got a hair transplant and that's why he was pretending to be a Muslim to hide his surgery.
No. 1936914
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No. 1936915
File: 1701560634142.jpg (25.93 KB, 480x556, bc63d2626292457d950a4838e4f050…)

>>1936218>>1936222sage for OT and rant, but I hate when men compare their assholes to women's vaginas, An asshole is merely a functional organ for eliminating liquid waste from the body, whereas a vagina is fundamental to the existence of every human being, past and future. Comparing your asshole to a vagina is not only insulting but also deeply offensive to all women and humankind.
No. 1936919
File: 1701561261371.jpg (96.73 KB, 614x426, ummm.jpg)

sage for nothing new but just wanted to compare Chris Tyson from MrBeast a few years ago to what he looks like in the video released today. I just love knowing that females are a cheap costume you can put on at any point when you're going through hard times as a man. Will this shit ever end?
No. 1936923
File: 1701561810284.png (1.59 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2023-12-03-00h03m42s57…)

>>1936708>>1936844I just finished it! Mostly it was good, stupid fun. Not the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and there's some things I'd change, but generally I really enjoyed it and it was very clear on the message that men in women's sports is unfair, absurd, and unsafe. It also got surprisingly heartfelt on the issue towards the end, and (only admitting this because I'm anon, y'all can make fun of me) a couple of the scenes got me right in the feels.
Also it was very cool to see Riley Gaines' cameo.
No. 1936927
>>1936914Just when I thought the erasure of women from language couldn't get more offensive, Teen Vogue goes and combines it with the standard "I swear anal will feel good for you too" bullshit that creepy moids
who only want to do anal because women don't naturally get pleasure from it say to coerce women into trying it.
No. 1936933
>>1936914Does this phrase even makes sense? Because it sounds dumb being a "non-prostate owner", at least "uterus-haver" makes sense even though it's retarded, now how can I own something I don't have? Sounds like it's incomplete. Maybe I'm the dumb one but that is driving me nuts.
>because you have a vaginaHuh, how do they know that? I thought sex was a spectrum. How do they know I don't have dick and balls? Because I'm a "non-prostate owner"? Since when is not having a prostate tied with not having a dick?
Worse, how do Teen Vogue knows their readers have a vagina? What makes them assume that? Forget the Bermuda Triangle, that's a fucking mystery right there.
No. 1937034
File: 1701581851315.png (1.28 MB, 1568x1098, absolutely terrifying.png)

found this disgusting creature posting in r/lolita and knew it was a man from his typing style and icon. he is a 39 year old unhinged troon who makes cringeworthy reddit blogposts frequently since he started hrt. of course he has zero sense of fashion, appears to not brush/groom his hair, and goes to fetish events. he also complains nobody will date him and that he has no friends. dude acts like he is posting for an audience but nobody likes/comments on anything of his kek and his posts all read as emotionless and flat. his reddit name is meadowco if you want to have a laugh at his autistic blogposts or be jumpscared by his disheveled appearance.
No. 1937035
File: 1701581911186.png (999.45 KB, 1518x1280, this man should not be allowed…)

>>1937034he also works as a teacher for little children because of fucking course.
No. 1937038
File: 1701582276583.png (577.21 KB, 755x902, Screenshot.png)

what's the difference?
No. 1937039
>>1937035>Openly degenerate moid teaching preschoolers>School system fully supports his misogynistic coomer LARPSometimes it takes a lot of strength not to a-log. This leniency towards paraphilic and narcissistic men
will result in increased rates of child abuse.
No. 1937042
File: 1701582343312.png (2.42 MB, 990x1237, chris.png)

>>1936919Not as bad as this outfit
No. 1937048
>>1937038He shaved his beard, put on eyeliner, and learned to crop his selfies to hide his giant head and man chest. None of these "changes" are meaningful, nor are they caused by supplementary estrogen.
>>1937045I think it might be the same cheap wig in a different color kek.
No. 1937080
File: 1701587476004.webm (3.77 MB, 480x852, poor dress.webm)

that poor dress
No. 1937138
>>1936919Men checking out of manhood
after marrying a woman and having a child with her will always be insidious to me. There are so many years between meeting, dating, proposing, planning marriage, planning kids, pregnancy, birth, childcare and becoming a father you had fucking hundreds of days and opportunities to rethink your manhood at every point in that process. Yet you go through it all and then publicly become a deviant and pretend you were a "woman" all along despite the decades of life as a man, and many life milestones crossed before suddenly deciding to check out of manhood. Scum, all of them.
No. 1937208
File: 1701613171853.jpg (564.28 KB, 1196x1046, PxwNy7e.jpg)

>>1936472Someone has, unintentionally, drawn Ramona as Kikomi
Sage for obvious reasons
No. 1937279
File: 1701622277481.png (142.06 KB, 394x288, GreatScotts.png)

>>1937138yup men found out turning into a tranny is the easiest way to get rid of your responsibilities.
No. 1937280
File: 1701622399416.jpg (205.48 KB, 704x1280, GAXRAyKasAA0LGu.jpg)

Try not to throw up challenge
No. 1937285
File: 1701622898091.jpeg (254.46 KB, 1170x525, IMG_1880.jpeg)

>>1937035Even better (worse) here is him replying to the post of a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD asking in a goth subreddit about wearing a dog collar style choker (and wether it would be inappropriate).
He isnt even goth in any way it seems? Why is he interacting with teenagers on a goth subreddit? Gross. No. 1937299
>>1935826"It leaves more trans people dying"
It would be awesome if it would be actually true. Not directly dying as a person but dying as trans and realize how much of a scam that is.
No. 1937318
File: 1701626732831.png (584.35 KB, 970x884, Screen Shot 2023-12-03 at 10.0…)

Kek, he's right. Lady Ballers looks dumb but I also kind of want to see it No. 1937445
>>1937042Hideous outfit, hideous car.
>>1937080Love how the plus-size mannequin is both skinnier and curvier than him, lmao.
No. 1937447
>>1937432ayrt i'm not american either but I can see that in the same videos + posts where he bashes trannies, he will also bash feminism, including radical feminism. he has way more in common with a TRA than with a GC feminist, like
>>1937415 said - they're two sides of the same horrid coin.
No. 1937456
File: 1701641359806.jpeg (54.85 KB, 584x680, hanson.jpeg)

i looked at this guys profile and you could literally see the timeline of
>him just being a normal guy
>photo of his newborn child
>next fucking photo is him wearing a pink wig
>immediate decline into degeneracy
it's staggering how common this is. seriously wtf? as if carrying a child is not terrifying enough without having to worry about your boyfriend/husband trooning out
No. 1937469
File: 1701642745098.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.96 KB, 552x828, 1517456735207.jpg)

>>1937456the dirt under the fingernails
(spoiler that shit) No. 1937543
File: 1701655034878.png (55.19 KB, 904x235, KEKW.png)

Google my bro slipped up
No. 1937613
File: 1701664398240.png (72.76 KB, 724x536, Screenshot.png)

Based Japanese people
No. 1937705
>>1935942very well said, so true and so bleak
>>1936389>again again again please remember that terfs totally see us as women! everyone sees us as women even the transphobes who say they don't!! please don't think otherwise! nobody actually disagrees with us!trannies' funniest cope to date.
>>1936890very good explanation nonna
No. 1937707
>>1937530I agree nonna. I don't agree with MW on most other things, but like he said, I'd rather 'join hands on this issue and go back to fighting each other later'. He wants kids to not be sterilised and mutilated, I want kids to not be sterilised and mutilated. I'm not gunna shun the help just because I wouldn't support him on other issues. This film and WIAW? are gunna do far more to help the cause than I ever could, and that's my priority, not political purity.
>>1937613LOL that's one of biggest manga publishers/anime distributors. There's no chance these weebs are gunna drop them.
No. 1937709
File: 1701687818354.jpeg (127.98 KB, 720x1092, A06F3D5C-4852-46FB-A2E1-302FE9…)

Poor granny is probably too scared to divorce her moid husband who’s now a bald “flourishing polyamorous transbian”
No. 1937749
File: 1701694908575.jpeg (419.31 KB, 1170x1258, 4982E5F9-302B-4A5A-958E-098F71…)

God, the retardation of a mentally ill man is something to be studied
No. 1937776
>>1937713>it was my understanding that both sides are shityep, that's what we're saying. and liberals get shit on all the time in this thread too… so not sure why you think there is a bias. unfortunately it needs to be pointed out that conservitard men who just happen to be anti-tranny aren't "on our side" when it comes to being gender critical. their views are closer to libtard TRAs.
>>1937738>they're helpingagree to disagree. if anything i think he is just fanning a backlash, making it a left vs right issue and eliciting sympathy for trannies because of that approach. people like him are just preaching to their own choir and not peaking anyone outside it, mostly turning people off from what I can tell because they now think gender critical = gender traditional.
do get the point you're trying to make, that it's ok to join forces on a single issue - and I don't disagree with that in itself but i'm also not gonna applaud a man for this low-bar shock jock shit that i think does more harm than good.
Riley Gaines (who also a cameo in that film i believe?) is someone who is actually making real changes and inspiring women to peak across the political spectrum, as a contrast.
No. 1937830
File: 1701708519772.jpg (368.54 KB, 1224x1284,…)

A tranny in a mental health group I'm in was kicked out of a sober house for making people uncomfortable. Sorry if this is too bloggy, but it surprised me in a good way and I wanted to share. A ray of hope nonnas, some women's spaces still aren't allowing these people in. Picrel his meltdown. Pics on the right is his "little alter" typing, and his problems with pissing himself in his sleep. I feel bad for him, but I'm glad the women's safety was prioritized.
No. 1937834
>why should transphobes feelings take priority?>tranny talks about pissing the bed and then crytypes like a retard Bro if you wanna kill yourself so bad do it
No. 1937862
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>>1937830Same guy. See, this wouldn't happen if trannies were banned from these places by default… but this "never happens", right?
No. 1937868
>>1937783Many years ago I had a TIM friend who was taking estrogen, and he started having pain in his chest. So he made a doctor’s appointment for the pain, but told me he didn’t plan to tell the doctor he was on estrogen because he was afraid of “muh transphobia” and “muh hatecrimes”. At the time I was still a handmaiden attempting to be supportive, and this was one of the things that led to me eventually peaking - things just didn’t add up. Like, he was determined enough to alter his body (and trusting enough of the medical establishment) to take a drug, but when that drug was most likely causing him pain, he couldn’t be honest with a doctor about it? Maybe he was worried the doctor would tell him to quit the estrogen, and then he’d have to sacrifice his dream of becoming a big titty anime waifu to get some pain relief.
Moids, and especially tranny moids, are retarded when it comes to their health. It’s probably a good thing that the trans fad is weeding so many weak moids out of the gene pool. Part of me feels bad that so many depressed mentally ill men are being led astray by this cult that memes them into cutting their own balls and dicks off, but also fuck them - if I told the troons in my life (a coworker and a family member) not to cut their dicks off they’d just call me a
TERF and a bigot.
(blog) No. 1937872
>>1937749can i identify as a 70 year old?
i know i dont fit the definition
but it represents the triumph of human desire over definitions
i deserve my state pension, its my human right
No. 1937904
File: 1701717695171.jpeg (229.88 KB, 828x1116, IMG_9588.jpeg)

top comment is, of course, just straight up misogyny
No. 1937909
>>1936919chris is a personal favorite cow of mine, even if he doesn’t sperg on socials as much as other cows. he was young, rich, married to a beautiful wife, and had a healthy son, living the american dream, and yet he lost most of it to the coom. sure, he still has his career, but for how long? he’s a ticking time bomb. he went from a country, decently attractive american dude that appeals to mr beast’s mainstream audience to an ugly tim that will never pass, regardless of how much he can afford to spend. massive kek
No. 1937922
>>1937904Based friend.
No amount of costuming and body language can imitate a real friendship between two women.
No. 1937953
>>1937925>it's easier to pretend to be a happy anime girl than a sad manFunny how troons also believe real-life women live happy anime girl lives, so let's become transgirls to live life on easy mode, never have to work for anything, get tons of free stuff from men, and have your fee-fees taken seriously. Now, for real, my ability to feel empathy for troons died years ago. Even HSTS moids don't get my empathy anymore, they're usually just as misogynistic as AGPs, invade female-only spaces just the same, appropriate lesbianism just the same, and then go cry to women when they realize they have completely killed their ability to feel sexual pleasure and no man will take care of their suffering. (So now evil TERFs aren't that bad anymore, huh?) That is, they never leave the trans ship out of empathy for women, but only when they're thinking about themselves, just as they were doing when they were trying to be us. Fuck them all. Let them cope alone and take it like a man.
No. 1937960
>>1937953>>1937946Nonnies you don't understand, he was just a poor wittle 30 year old boy. He just wasn't mature enough to understand the surgeries he strong-armed them into having to provide and that he signed every waiver for would ruin his coom. He has the BPD and couldn't possibly make that kind of decision, that makes him a
victim. Not just a
victim, but a double
victim because he was trans and now he's detrans, that makes him a triple
victim so he deserves all of your sympathy. You're going be feeling really sorry when he stops getting attention for this and retransitions or jumps on another bandwagon and becomes a quadruple
Funny how him and Isaac are the exact same person on different sides of the planet.
No. 1937975
File: 1701727919479.jpg (766.36 KB, 1080x2225, Screenshot_20231204_231208_Chr…)

You guys, looks like they're catching up, kek
If you don't like the dick, you're a terf. Are we good?
No. 1938003
File: 1701732195709.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1500x3000, poulton .jpeg)

lmao the state of the green party
No. 1938024
>>1937975theyre not catching up, that rapey rhetoric has been trending more and more all the way since around 2014 and shortly after gay marriage got many leftists were thrilled to finally be able to stop pretending they didn't hate gays lesbians and bis
t. lesbian that watched it all happen in real time
No. 1938031
>>1938024>theyre not catching upNah…you think?
>>1938003That has got to be the apex of autistic tranny form. What in the ever loving fuck is that thing and why is it staring at us with serial killer eyes
No. 1938056
File: 1701738739547.jpeg (Spoiler Image,687.56 KB, 3222x2417, IMG_8620.jpeg)

local face-tuning photoshopping self-proclaimed “transsexual” just posted these today. he’s a manager at starbucks and used to be a music teacher at an elementary school, but on a podcast interview he said that he was called down to the principal’s office 1-3 times every week for either a) wearing revealing clothes or b) students finding his social media which he made 0 effort to keep private. he definitely doesn’t live in los angeles idk why he uses that as his location
also, i think that scar on one of his bolt-ons was from having it fixed because he was walking around with one deflated boob for like a year kek
No. 1938088
>>1938056>he’s a manager at starbuckswhy do they always work on Starbucks (when they're not basement programmers, of course) kek?
>>1937960I swear these coomers get off on being poor little
victims, they're so obsessed with this
>Funny how him and Isaac are the exact same person on different sides of the planet.Is Isaac that goth, dark-haired very pale guy who trooned out, then became detrans and "team
terf", they started shitting on feminism, then said he was going to kill himself on his youtube channel, then trooned out again, then became detrans again and found a "secret religion"? That mf is one of the most manipulative and narc troons I've seen on yt kek fucking psycho
No. 1938089
>>1932188>he thinks i’m a producta pimp not respecting prostitutes? say it aint so!
>>1937975>are a lot of lesbians terfsyes. stay away from us
No. 1938092
>>1937975This person is 16, a tranny and on reddit.
He's fucked up for life.
No. 1938102
>>1937975>sorry that it sounded like I generalized lesbiansI've seen similar discourse quite often recently, mostly on lesbian subreddits, like people (even actual lesbians) proudly saying "it's a misconception and lesbophobia that the lgbtq community keeps saying we're transphobic, we're actually not, lesbians are the most accepting of trans people" as if it were a good thing. To begin with, this "lesbians are the most accepting of trans people" thing always comes when people are talking about twanswomen, but the actual research that revealed lesbians are "the most likely to date a trans person" also revealed that many lesbians seem to be open to date TIFs - not TIMs, which is, according to kweerdos, twansphobic bc "transmen are men" but in fact that's very common for lesbians who like butch women since it's hard to find butch women who do not identify as transmen nowadays (speaking for myself, I had a crush in one for a whole fucking year and now she's a "he/him", she's not on T yet and I'm still attracted to her but I don't date gendies, which has been hard since that was the 3rd time in a row that happened - sorry for blogposting kek) but no one mentions this key point when saying that lesbians are accepting of trans people. And finally, why the fuck people, including lesbians, still find it offensive the "generalization" that "all lesbians are TERFs"? FFS that's the truth. Female homosexuality does not include dicks, it's inherently "transphobic" and troons can go fuck themselves already and leave us alone
No. 1938114
File: 1701745156696.jpeg (Spoiler Image,760.94 KB, 1818x1818, IMG_8411.jpeg)

>>1938085ayrt, yeah exactly lmao he looks so male in person. attaching picrel because i want to speed about him now
> had a long term girlfriend, talks shit about her every chance he can get > deflated tit. he ignored everyone asking about it during the time but kept posting photos of it like this > he calls the third picrel a “before and after” but he definitely still looks like the left for the most part, just with long natural hair now. he had ffs but it did nothing> is very religious, loves to shoehorn that in any chance he can get > always causing drama in every social media sphere he’s in. the other male trannies hate him because he seems to be the old school hsts type. they’ve even accused him of being a cissie “infiltrator” because of how much facetune he uses on his photos and how male his opinions are kek No. 1938253
File: 1701773698908.png (2.45 MB, 2048x2068, MeZSnHM.png)

These are all by a 30 year old man who draws diaperfur porn.
No. 1938254
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No. 1938255
File: 1701773752101.png (2.63 MB, 2048x2068, MdPavhU.png)

No. 1938264
>>1938255this is great actually, an honest representation of the situation.
>"omg look!! real life transphobes!"transphobes in real life are so rare, trannies are actually excited to see them. they're not scared and they are craving the confrontation.
>transphobes are peacefully protesting and sharing their concernstransphobes are not violent or hateful, just worried about children being indoctrinated at school
>ha ha ha ha hatrannies are just laughing, again not scared, knowing they've won because schools and governments promote gender ideology so they're not an oppressed minority
No. 1938270
>>1938255i thought these were anti-TRA comics until i saw who made them kek. i remember this creep. these particular comics would work better as a sarcastic gender critical comic
>the sad look on the parents faces whilst they laugh at them for caring about their childrenit's like he wants us to sympathise with the "transphobes"
No. 1938314
File: 1701786063648.png (206.89 KB, 681x631, bleak.png)

>>1937613Sorry to report that the publisher is halting the release and translation of this book due to backlash and the fact that "it may threaten the rights of transgender people". Whether it be backlash from the Japanese or google translated rants from western trannies I'm not sure. We're never making it out of the trenches if even a country like Japan will bow down to tranny nonsense. No. 1938324
File: 1701787940541.jpg (220.98 KB, 1200x700, ortiepiquante.jpg)

>>1938254>marie-ortieKEK this retarded moid literally named himself "marie nettle/urtica"
No. 1938325
File: 1701788256012.png (Spoiler Image,1.93 MB, 696x3196, 853.png)

>>1938296saged for old milk and spoilered for gross diaper fetish art but here you go. there is more if you google Sophie Labelle callout
No. 1938338
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The dude in the video goes on to day how he never could do his boyfriend's makeup right and this was the final look.
No. 1938360
File: 1701793894958.png (102.88 KB, 659x1464, screencapture-news-yahoo-co-jp…)

>>1938314The top comment on the article is the typical Japanese "we should consider both sides" waffle, but in general, the highest-voted comments are questioning the decision to stop the publication. A commenter also expressed hope that another publishing house might pick up the translation, so it might still be a possibility.
No. 1938370
>>1938350You aren't wrong at all.
>>1938360Anyone pushing to get books banned are so evil. There are literal movie and story plots about how pushing to get art and books banned if the first thing a tyrant does to control others. Trannys want to hide all the facts about their agenda because in the end, biology and societal gender norms is a real thing. trannydom cannot fathom that a man liking pink still makes him a man or a woman into sport cars still makes her a woman.
No. 1938413
File: 1701801406629.png (3.41 MB, 2550x1051, Screenshot_20231205_193227_Chr…)

These clothes are either his mother's or his victim's. Serial killer vibes all over with this one.
No. 1938414
File: 1701801497004.mp4 (13.58 MB, 480x902, 5529168-dd0720da938504b302895c…)

and on another episode of troons bothering service workers. pizza guy is incredibly based for not going along with his bs kek
No. 1938418
>>1938413i know buffalo bill gets posted all the time here but GAH DAMN this one really deserves it
>>1938414did this white boy seriously post himself harassing immigrant small business owners and think he looks good for it?
No. 1938426
>>1932187How is it a problem faggot, such a faggot take, thinking you can insult a woman by saying that she's "thick", they're hot. You're a sex toy. Cope.
I am sorry for libfems that kiss their std ridden asses, I truly am.
No. 1938436
File: 1701803553060.jpg (244.46 KB, 835x774, Screenshot_20231205_141042_Sam…)

The best part about trannies is how hypersensitive they are. You don't even need to be overtly mean to hurt their feefees.
No. 1938476
File: 1701806892203.png (884.62 KB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_20231205-200506.png)

The thing that never happens happened again!
Link: No. 1938481
>>1938414>I’m girl because purse, long hair, nailsEvery single time. They all think this is what makes a woman. Retarded troon. He looks like every other extra gay scrote in NYC.
The worker seemed very confused and I bet this piece of shit just went for easy pickings (immigrant worker not fluent in English) so he could get views on TikTok arguing with “a ReAl TrAnSpHoBe”.
>take a guess!!!Also, I find it hilarious that TRAs preach “ask for pronouns”, and then you have these delusional troids that think you should just know because they totes “pass”.
No. 1938504
File: 1701810326946.jpg (755.56 KB, 810x2437, Screenshot_20231205-134521_Chr…)

TIM formally came out immediately after his female friend asked him not to bring up the topic of sexual abuse because it's a sensitive issue for women: No. 1938536
>>1938504he's 100% leaving something out, why would she specifically ask him to not bring up sexual abuse out of the blue? in my experience with my roleplaying games, you just generally don't bring up sexual violence unless players are made aware of it beforehand, and if you're a player you generally would not bring it up unless it was explicitly said to be ok since there's a sort of general consensus to not touch that subject unprovoked. What probably happened is that he brought up sexual abuse, and then in response to that she asked him to not bring it up again.
>dysphoria was so great as a tranny and SA victim that he had to come out 30 minutes after she asked him to not bring up SAso he didn't feel any shame or guilt over having made someone uncomfortable? if I had said something that would prompt someone to ask me to just not talk about sexual abuse I would probably be so ashamed/guilty I would just leave the group or something to avoid hurting them again. I cannot imagine instead pivoting to declaring something that is guaranteed (in most d&d groups) to get you overwhelming fawning and praise
revolting behavior
No. 1938544
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No. 1938587
>>1938544absolutely horrifying. child abuse.
>this baby>their presencejust the way he talks about it even is so weird and disconnected. this makes me so sad for that child and whoever the mother is/was.
No. 1938645
File: 1701825178784.png (60.99 KB, 891x494, this.png)

>>1938476trannies are dangerous online and in person. Do we really want this kind of scum in our safe spaces?
No. 1938648
>>1938645So he's a fucking pedo who was in charge of babies. How the fuck
These people should never be allowed close to any children or babies.
No. 1938654
File: 1701826186480.png (357.68 KB, 748x876, (@libsoftiktok) _ X.png)

How dare they
No. 1938659
>>1938314Every white MTF i know wants to move to japan, they see it as some sort of fairytale land where they can be complete assholes and bully people into their agenda because they won’t fight back/not be confrontational.
It’s pretty bleak. I wonder how Japanese women feel about this?
Cause trust me-there’s gonna be more and more coming. I’m saying every single white “lesbian” tim that i know personally or tangentially is going through immigration steps right now. I think only one of them is moving elsewhere, but the rest to japan. It’s nuts and honestly kinda scary.
No. 1938733
>>1938728Do you know what the word
"unintentionally" means anon?
>>1938654This looks like a Neanderthal was transported to the present day, given hair dye and makeup and told to figure it out with no instructions.
No. 1938743
File: 1701837090253.jpg (438.2 KB, 1706x934, no fucking way.jpg)

>>1938544he's HIV positive. how am i not supposed to a-log
No. 1938744
File: 1701837423242.png (153.75 KB, 1189x1048, 屏幕截图 2023-12-05 233749.png)

>>1935015anons… i also have the cum shirt (but in green)
No. 1938752
>>1938544this is the direct result of the milk tranny i bet you anything. this mfer transitioned because he coincidentally learned he could produce "milk" while his presumably much younger wife was pregnant and he raced to do so. And many doctors helped
>>1938743>monthly testbut it's not something you can detect going into danger territory if it's dangerous the moment it's detectable right? it seems more like you'd just find out after if you did poison the kid. He doesn't mention prep which is worrying here.
Also I bet it's not a coincidence that the kid was delivered at the same hospital the breast feeding fetishist works out.
No. 1938754
>>1938504>"I said "Not All Men" because I am a man and I'm not like that">"I'm a victim of sexual abuse, too, so I understand women's trauma">Came out as trans and a SA victim specifically so that he could avoid accountability for violating at least one woman's consentThe amount of misogynists who believe themselves to be misogynistic is vanishingly small, and the majority of sexual offenders will maintain their innocence, even if they acknowledge that they were forceful. Just as well, I'm sure that most women have met at least one man in their lives who has responded to women establishing boundaries regarding the topic of sexual violence with a sudden admission of having been the
victim of sexual violence himself—almost certainly at the hands of another male—with absolutely no regard for the social or biological context that makes the comparison between female sexual trauma and male sexual trauma deeply insensitive. He has no guilt for his violation of a woman's consent, and believes that her attempt at establishing boundaries was an infraction against him. He is
precisely like other men.
>>1938680Alternatively, they've successfully been gaslit into a state of confusion and self-doubt, or recognize that they can now no longer speak out against his creepy behavior because he will promptly accuse them of transphobia if they do.
>>1938684>>1938711IMO it's less that men like this "hate men", and more that they hate that being recognized as part of the male collective contextualizes their own behaviors in such a way that justifies a great deal of negative reactions women have had towards them.
No. 1938783
File: 1701841424479.jpg (Spoiler Image,749.04 KB, 1080x2400, MTXX_MH20231206_153038143.jpg)

>>1938782Oh whoops I didn't even think too, I'll repost
No. 1938813
>>1938744>Like my sister's that I used to try on in secret as a childTranny get through one paragraph without a red flag challenge (impossible)
Also cissies don't avoid tights, they just are better for cold climes and also are very liable to snag so they end up getting expensive. Hence most women preferring leggings these days.
Trannies only wear them for 20 minutes indoors for euphoria boner purposes so they don't actually realise tights are inconvenient for daily wear.
No. 1938815
>>1938544The weird thing is I bet babies know instinctually who is mom and who is dad, they know that is an old male with an ugly face that is trying to shove his manboob in its mouth like the absolute pedo he is.
His wife has made several very bad choices (marrying him and then having a baby with him, not divorcing him as soon as he transitioned, and finally going along with all this public depravity)
No. 1938816
>>1938783>lives in australia>missed one opportunity to wear a swimsuit during the summer>didn't swim for the rest of the australian summerwut
also that mismatched underwear set isn't his "swimsuit" is it? I figure not but it is a tim after all
No. 1938821
>>1938711>who transition not just bc they're AGPs but also because they hate men and feel ashamed for being men bc of the mass destruction their own sex causes everywhereThis thread has endless documentation that trannies have absolutely no issue with male behaviour and simply want to continue it in female spaces. There is zero effort to actually behave like a woman, or even a gentleman. So don't fall for that one nonna, they most definitely relate to and see themselves as male. Including the worst males.
"Not all men" simply is a phrase to excuse male violence and depravity as being outlier behaviour when it is the standard.
No. 1938822
>>1938743I did not think this could get worse but it got fucking worse.
How the hell was this signed off on? How did this get doctor approval?
If you have a virus which is transferred through bodily fluids you should not be feeding fucking bodily fluids to a baby, especially in a situation like this where it's completely unnecessary. Someone needs to write a new law to cover this covert pedophilia combined with covert intentional HIV transmission. All this fucker needs to do is "forget" to take his meds and now this poor kid has AIDS.
No. 1938832
>>1938821MTFs are anything but man hating. They're motivated by two things:
a) psychological defense, i.e. trying to resolve the indisputable vileness of males and being male;
b) novel strategy for continued social parasitism, i.e. finding a social context in which male pursuit of sexual opportunity is beyond reproach (which is, ironically, the kind of peak male behavior that transcends species)
"Lesbian" trancels do not exist in theocratic or deeply misogynistic societies where men have these things anyway. They're exclusively a first world liberal democracy phenomenon. There's nothing to adapt to there. There's a reason why you'll never find a "lesbian" troon who objects to cismoid advocacy or inclusion in feminism in any meaningful capacity, because every last one of them knows he's a cismoid too, representing the exact same interest group.
No. 1938837
>>1938832I love the tone of this post where you sound like a scientist talking about a strange species of insect.
The last paragraph is such a great point. In more oppressive societies you only have gay transexuals, sleeping with men. Only in cultures with a sliver of feminism do men use this tactic as a war strategy to try and undermine women's freedom
No. 1938839
File: 1701859803870.mp4 (3.21 MB, 640x360, Abolish The Left (1).mp4)

Surprised this freak hasn't trooned out yet(he's enby of course)
No. 1938870
File: 1701867233442.jpg (397.89 KB, 1075x1598, Screenshot_20231206-205105_Red…)

I cant help but linger on the side comments the tim made about someone with no boobs is simply a man, knowing that OP (his sister) doesnt have boobs or curvy hips. And is insecure about it.
No. 1938880
>>1938869Yeah, a female doctor totally told you that a barely open wound made out of a skinned inverted penis is the same as a nomal vagina with internal structure, nerves and muscles that just had the uterus attached to it removed.
This moid probably thinks that hysterectomies involve the vagina and cervix, and after the operation they're the same as the external plastic surgery they get to their penises. Absolutely delusional.
No. 1938883
File: 1701871143443.png (121.96 KB, 625x605, DjZ48cC.png)

>>1938839we already talked about this in the previous thread, but men are way too obsessed with being "good males" or whatever they label themselves, are often super creeps with some kind of fetish most of the time.
No. 1939016
>>1938869>Are trans vaginas clockable by cis lesbians?Lemme break it to you motherfucker: lesbians don't need to see your inverted penis to realize you're a fucking moid. We do love women, we are women, we know women. We'll always be able to tell who's a woman and who's not irl. The truth is everywhere: in your smell, in your height, in your hips, in your voice, in your skin, in your hands and feet, in your lips, in your eyes, in your skeleton. A moid will never pass as a woman irl. Moobs will never be female breasts. An open wound made from penis flesh will never be a vagina, never even close to being just as sophisticated and having the same smell. And that's why you'll never be a woman coomer, and no homosexual woman will ever want to fuck you. No need to waste your time asking your tranny bros if you can fuck a lesbian without the need to tell her that you're a fuckin troon. Now go cope in hell, subhuman.
No. 1939089
>>1938988Was about to post this. Surreal to see them in the wild speaking on something other than trans rights.
Victim number one but also knows better and also on a high horse about being in academia (kek). Why did he come on this show if his plan was to say "well actually I know what I'm doing and I need a little treat once in a while."?
Also kek at the divorce. 100% happened because he trooned out and the wife couldn't handle both a humanities major and a troon.
No. 1939091
File: 1701899327200.png (1.19 MB, 1055x1524, Screenshot 2023-12-06 214716.p…)

no jack, this card isn't valid on this planet
No. 1939096
File: 1701900389366.png (336.8 KB, 500x597, unclejack.png)

>>1939091>LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP>your membership can be changed to a different identity at any timekek. as if this piece of paper could be any less meaningless. this is him in picrel btw
>"bout to go to eye doc" yeah his eyes definitely need fixing if he thinks this is a good look
No. 1939116
>>1938711thanks nonna. it feels like the TIM version of how TIFs think that since they're not like the other girls it must make them a male or a they/them, except in this case TIMs think they're not male because they perceive themselves as not as misogynistic as the other guys. Almost every guy I know who's been the type to be a big 'feminist' ally has shown interest in trooning out at some point
>>1938754I do agree with this too though, I don't think they actually hate men (otherwise they'd recognize their own misogyny), they just hate the idea of having to be associated with men as a group yes since they think they're different
No. 1939120
File: 1701902000321.png (1.74 MB, 1080x2119, Screenshot_20231206-223241-969…)

imagine walking into the bathroom and seeing this
No. 1939145
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No. 1939146
File: 1701905889270.jpeg (241.8 KB, 960x845, IMG_9251.jpeg)

>>1932085this tranny is on one today
>cervixpiercer No. 1939156
File: 1701907593367.jpg (344.13 KB, 1046x898, tranny.jpg)

This remembrance is about Women stop adding trannies and "other" people to this list. How fucking awful gawd.
No. 1939158
File: 1701907718809.png (781.6 KB, 1440x883, Screenshot.png)

>>1939156and another smart idea from the land of Canada.
No. 1939163
File: 1701908550355.png (592.82 KB, 746x777, s.png)

But, of course.
No. 1939191
File: 1701912329662.png (20.62 KB, 769x147, Screenshot.png)

Course he doesn't understand he's not a woman.
No. 1939196
>>1939193>Second, this notion that trans girls have an overall competitive advantage in sports also implies that every single cisgender woman is physically inferior, which feeds into sexist stereotypesit's not a sexist stereotype to say that males are biologically different to females in a way that offers advantages in physical competitions
that's also not the point, even if transwomen were just the same in terms of performance as women, women have a right to their own spaces and competitions. If a TIM wants to face off against women, he can just join a coed competition.
>and pits women against each otherthis is so fucking dishonest when they mean it pits women against men who wear dresses
>In other words, where states enacted hostile policies to bully trans students, we see fewer girls total playing school sports. this probably has more to do with the fact that the places where trannies are legislated against are normally conservative, and in conservative areas girls are dissuaded from pursuing "masculine" hobbies such as sports, rather than what it seems like they're saying is that anti-tranny legislation means less girls play sports? that doesn't even follow logically
>Lie #3: Cisgender girls shouldn’t have to share locker rooms or bathrooms with trans girls. >First, it’s important to note that nondiscrimination laws protecting trans people in these kinds of facilities have been around for a long time, with no increase in safety risks in public restrooms and other gender-segregated facilities, according to a UCLA study.i.e. because there haven't been enough physical assaults or sexual assaults, it's totally fine to dismiss the discomfort of women who feel too afraid to say anything because they didn't file a complaint
just because they aren't assaulting women doesn't mean their presence isn't harmful and again even if it was neutral it still doesn't entitle men to women's spaces. women need to be able to have their own spaces full stop, without having to justify why. this is infuriating
>Lie #4: Excluding trans athletes “protects” women and girls. >First off, this statement erases the fact that trans women and girls are women and girls> No. 1939210
>>1939196>>In other words, where states enacted hostile policies to bully trans students, we see fewer girls total playing school sports. They likely stopped playing
because of the trannies overrunning their sport. No girl wants to have her kneecap broken and damaged beyond repair because an overweight 30 year old gross tranny dude decided he was a girl and to play against a little 14 years old, destroying her leg.
No. 1939212
>>1939156Women should boycott it. I hope they do, even though of course crazy trannies will assault them for this audacity (at an event remembering
victims of malw violence), should they chose to do so.
No. 1939223
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No. 1939225
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No. 1939229
>>1939225So what’s really happening is the sister and wife tried to be supportive since they’re obviously lesbians and then SIL has finally peaked and basically called him out.
SIL is right, if you want to be a woman, act like one, oh wait they cant because they only act like a fetish caricature of a woman.
No. 1939272
>>1939208>>1939211As someone who has some vague knowledge about RP and D&D, I can see a few possibilities:
>His character's backstory included a history with surviving sexual violence (least offensive)>His character's backstory included a history with committing sexual violence on others>He RP'd his character being violated in-game>He RP'd his character threatening sexual violence in-game>He RP'd his character committing sexual violence in-game>He's the DM and included sexual violence as part of the plot (most offensive)Whichever one it is, it would be made significantly more troubling if he wrote detailed parts of the sexual violence, involved player characters in the violence, or didn't communicate with the other players about what he was planning on doing ahead of time. Idk about the first two, but the last one is extremely likely IMO. A lot of men who are into RP genuinely care more about "spoiling" their precious plots than they do about consent, even if they've been outright
told the content they want to use is upsetting for one or more of the people involved in the group.
No. 1939298
>>1939158>>1939164>>1939167Is there really zero backlash about this?? How come they keep doing it? This is so fucking disrespectful, these aren't even their own stupid tranny events about "feminism", but memorials for actual
victims of feminicide ffs
>>1939193>once and for all>we know unequivocally I
hate when people act like they hold the Truth (tm) about something, especially when it's completely subjective or straight up lies. I don't know if this is a renown organization at all but they should stfu with their bs or at least make it clear that this is their own religious belief
No. 1939311
>>1939299Honestly? Good. Maybe it's time for them to die if they're not willing to wake the fuck up.
>>1939225Funny how their word salad is always hard to follow but they always have the thinnest skin kek. If there is one thing I enjoy, it's secretly messing with trannies head at work by saying the most
triggering shit knowing they will seethe and I'll get away with it. Based SIL, it's enough she's tolerating a rape ape in her own home.
>>1939120"Oops! Apologies, sir, I thought I was in the women's bathroom".
No. 1939338
File: 1701958175039.png (120.44 KB, 1080x411, markup_1000003611.png)

YouTuber with sexual assault allegations troons out
No. 1939340
File: 1701958555732.jpg (6.24 KB, 301x167, download.jpeg-2.jpg)

>>1939338>picrel: most naturally feminine AGP of all time award winner Yeah, don't worry Kwite, we can tell
No. 1939371
File: 1701965847252.jpeg (183.7 KB, 1138x1009, 8C723E74-97A3-4040-90F9-2AE1CC…)

Sad autistic tranny with a crush projects themselves on to object of affection. They’re always trying to groom anyone autistic and popular for acceptance, they’re like a virus consoling everyone they can into the tranny borg.
No. 1939385
File: 1701968168125.jpeg (1.12 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_7389.jpeg)

the absolute fakest story or biggest cope? you decide
No. 1939389
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>>1939193Do they think we don't know about sexual dimorphism? This is some emperor's new clothes shit, they're just gaslighting people at this point.
No. 1939392
>>1939191I doubt anyone troons out
solely to win sports, but it's definitely a nice perk for these AGPs that they're applauded for injuring women and get to whip their dicks out in front of their female teammates in the locker rooms. That's quintessentially male behavior: getting joy out of the fact that they're forcing their will on others and threatening women into being conciliatory towards them.
No. 1939401
File: 1701969405567.jpeg (385.18 KB, 1284x2042, IMG_7374.jpeg)

more disgusting role playing from these men
No. 1939408
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>>1939401“sadie” is particularly creepy
No. 1939436
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MtF 4tranner posted this:'s his post history: No. 1939446
File: 1701974567784.jpeg (95.7 KB, 828x522, 21DF8F61-6477-42EB-B650-37DDE4…)

i love how this is always the conclusion they will always arrive at. they DESERVE their femininity. they deserve all of the carefulness and dainty things men have fetishized and culturally implemented in our societal and psychological fabric. they truly think that can be replicated if they zoom their features more averagely “female”. they are not a brand of feminism but the same repetitive male fantasy.
No. 1939475
File: 1701977413416.png (358.36 KB, 748x715, s1.png)

Is an inhuman lack of self-awareness inherent in transgenderism? I cannot think of anything more vapid and embarrassing than being a living meme, yet they are content to adopt an artifical pre-fabricated "personality" type and live it out to its conclusion. These are automatons.
No. 1939476
File: 1701977492927.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.81 KB, 400x400, s2.jpg)

The above entity in all its glory.
No. 1939485
File: 1701978260103.jpg (479.26 KB, 1640x2360, GAeYdEMaoAAc8Vh.jpg)

Imagine having just a third of the misplaced confidence these crusty troons have
No. 1939554
File: 1701986421869.mp4 (4.79 MB, 1556x720, ssstwitter.com_1701986353929.m…)

>>1939158what a pompous jerk
No. 1939608
>>1939338idk who he is but how can people deny it's a trend/social contagion at this point? so many people "coming out" and they're not even afraid to admit that they just want to use the trans label even if they don't know why/how. one way that the troon craze might end is that at some point so many people will be troons that it won't be special anymore kek like "ok you're a troon so what? so is everyone else!!"
>>1939445kek perfect nonna
No. 1939674
File: 1702004024471.jpeg (550.7 KB, 750x2481, IMG_3257.jpeg)

the world would be a much better place without this piece of trash, i’d say i hope he kills himself, but he won’t because he’s clearly a narcissist.
No. 1939681
>>1939663No thx, we have enough
toxic scrotes in the native community, we don't need the kooky mashup of male feminists and rapey foreigners
(derailing with racebait) No. 1939685
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>>1938988Nonnie I just saw this episode! Unsurprising that one of the most entitled guests on the show was a tranny. It’s insane he wants to be some sort of educator. I hate hate hate that troons are getting higher up within the workforce. How can anyone genuinely be expected to listen to like tranny medical professionals, bankers, or social workers? At their very core they are delusional
No. 1939689
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No. 1939697
File: 1702007252675.gif (3.81 MB, 498x280, troll.gif)

>>1934028Reminds me of this episode. Every troll in the world enjoys what they do.
No. 1939725
File: 1702016189989.png (755.07 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20231208-031557.png)

Why is fucking Honter in everything now? I'm so tired of seeing his face and every time I see him I remember his creepy mind map
No. 1939727
File: 1702016595313.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.14 KB, 828x1303, IMG_4264.jpeg)

The picture following the post lmao, sometimes you just have to laugh.
(A warning before you unspoiler: gross naked troon)
No. 1939743
File: 1702018549781.jpg (413.16 KB, 1080x1958, MTXX_MH20231208_165438965.jpg)

Generally I believe I'm a nice and caring person but looking at subreddits of TiMs is almost a cathartic release of negative energy. I wonder what that says about me as a person. I wish I didn't have this side of me.
No. 1939748
>>1939719ntayrt but it's from catdog
>>1939727his nipples are bigger than his peen, wtf? how does that even happen
No. 1939751
File: 1702019193169.jpg (521.67 KB, 1053x1914, MTXX_MH20231208_170728648.jpg)

This one is just fucking weird
No. 1939755
>>1939743It says nothing, think about it, at least we're not making fun of rape and abuse
victims like the average tranny does.
No. 1939759
>>1939485>didn't even iron it before wearing it for photos>still has wrinkles from its original packagingIf his obvious box chest wasn't bad enough, he's clocking himself with his male lack of clothing care knowledge.
>>1939523The manosphere does not communicate what are the best lingerie stores because "lol caring about women is gay"/"nooo don't ruin the ~mystique~ of hot girls" or some other chudbrain yapping, so moids only know the most basic mallcore shit because it's what they see at shopping malls, which they incorrectly assume is the highest form of fashion.
Not only does Victoria fucking suck, it also shows how out of touch they are with the times because VS has long moved away from trying to be spicy and kinky to trying to sell more traditional sleepwear, while still overcharging for mid-products and reselling other brands for higher prices.
No. 1939862
File: 1702025415010.png (820.92 KB, 1044x1582, MvhfSrS.png)

Absolutely fucking unreal there was even a debate about books like this in children's schools. No. 1940038
File: 1702038703040.png (303.92 KB, 769x587, cope.png)

what's with troon cope always falling under two categories: projection or recalling children and old people not clocking them. old people will call you sir for just having short hair kek
No. 1940067
File: 1702045663303.jpeg (298.86 KB, 1290x885, IMG_4584.jpeg)

YouTuber who got rape allegations (which later turned out to not be true, though he’s still a bit of a weirdo sometimes). Ironic because the TIF who accused him of this also accused him of hecking twansphobia. 45k likes though, yikes. TIFs losing their shit in the replies
No. 1940074
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As if we needed any more evidence that TRAs are misogynists: No. 1940124
>>1940094Every time I'm reminded of that image by a new reply, I'm haunted by how similar his dick and nipples look. It's genuinely disgusting.
>>1940101Ew wtf? I didn't even notice that. This goes beyond even the level of squalor I expect from men.
No. 1940144
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>>1940074>tfw no shitstained dick from a faggot They consider each other fuck toys, no wonder they use sex as an insult
No. 1940163
>>1940119It's a classic case of moid projection
nonnie. Men find it offensive when women don't want to fuck them so they believe this applies to women as well.
No. 1940165
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No woman would be allowed to model looking like this. The lips are prosthetics, I'm talking about the crotch and the torso.
No. 1940167
>>1938157Do you mean Gorlock? He's the one in the threadpic!
>>1938314Ffs, this makes me so mad. But I posted before a talk from a Japanese woman who said this kind of cancelling and silencing in aid of the tranny cult is already a thing there, so not that surprised ig.
>>1938367You should be able to get it in the usual places! Book on Amazon, audio book on Audible, etc.
No. 1940171
>>1939163trannies love cycling because of the tight uniforms and groin attention
Also I hate white sissies the most, fucking freak
No. 1940181
File: 1702067167171.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x7710, IMG_8689.jpeg)

it’s mind-boggling how consistently trannies make themselves out to be victims even when there is ample evidence that they’re 1000% the problem. and yet, their fellow males will always take what they say at face value. here we have an especially degenerate troon that’s claiming his ex-wife and her new husband are harassing him. what he just so happens to leave out is that the last name is his ex-wife’s maiden name. in fact, he only posted about changing his name ~200 days ago, after they were already divorced long enough for her to find a new man and remarry.
>public posts about me being a monster working in a hospital to prey on my victims
also in picrel is a comment from him saying he regularly wears a buttplug during his 12-hour shifts at work. imagine that not only is your doctor a tranny, but he’s currently got a buttplug stuffed in his asshole and he’s also most likely on meth. it would be funny if it wasn’t genuinely scary. i’m glad his ex-wife was able to leave him and i hope she’s able to find peace and happiness far, far away from this worthless freak
No. 1940223
File: 1702074733088.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.84 MB, 6399x10221, bathroomtranny.jpg)

>>1940181imagine this thing taking your maiden name, refusing to change it when you get divorced, and accusing you of harassing him
No. 1940239
>>1940236for reference, that is his own buttplug he has put in his own mouth
and of COURSE the pic is taken in a public, presumably woman's, bathroom
No. 1940324
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I hate TIMS I hate TIMS I hate TIMS I hate TIMS I hate TIMS I hate TIMS
No. 1940328
File: 1702088568119.png (1.59 MB, 1620x948, Screenshot21.png)

>>1939768Kristen looks like she's getting sadder and sadder
No. 1940379
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>>1939458I have this ancient screenshot
No. 1940430
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cope. seethe. dilate.
No. 1940495
>>1940181>I'm afraid of becoming something worse than this monster I'm painted asHis ex wife is warning the hospital of his disgusting antics and being a potential danger to patients, and his response is "watch out or I'll make it come true, and even worse"
That alone should be grounds to fire him.
No. 1940498
>>1940324ugh is this from that kawaiibossbaby guy? came across one of his images when i saw he was the mod for the subreddit mentioned here
>>1933684 he also mods r/sloppytopcicus and posts on r/bimbolobotomyclinic. the coom sickness is unreal.
No. 1940512
File: 1702133149296.png (3.91 MB, 2360x2323, internetcatalliance.png)

TIM who larps as an anorexic woman and believes he "cispasses"
No. 1940538
>>1939156>all victims of violencethen whats the fucking point of having a memorial for indigenous women if they’re just gonna include everyone? Not exactly “highlighting
woc” if they include every moid who got into a barfight once
>>1940512ugly anachan (anakun?) troons are tragic. Looking like an androgynous twink model is their once chance at being somewhat attractive (at least until male aging catches them) but they couldnt even manage that
No. 1940540
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>>1940326kek can’t believe they’re retarded enough to use their full names on their social media
No. 1940549
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Delusional to think this but okay