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No. 1980603
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No. 1980605
Nice thread pic. Thanks nonna!
>>1980588Ah yes, spoken like a true and honest wimin
No. 1980607
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Repost but i found it funny that despite trying their best to act like a woman they always hate like a man lol, they are nothing but coombrained adults with their puppy dog fetish
No. 1980622
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How much of a pick-me do you have to be to go along with this perversion?(lurk more, this is a repost)
No. 1980646
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>>1980600Great threadpic, nonna!
No. 1980673
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nonnas look at this tranny that I found on MAL… topkek guess he friend requests random people for attention, as you can see in his comments + friend list
No. 1980680
>>1980673What a weird platform to choose to put your filtered to hell and back selfies with booty pic included…? Is this common? I have never actually used MAL so.
Also just wanna know who this man thinks he’s fooling. Face blind autists?
No. 1980681
>>1980657You're talking like a troon
>>1980680I was thinking the same thing. Like myanimelist? Really?
No. 1980682
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Loving the man legs
No. 1980689
>>1980685Oh my God I replied to the wrong comment lol I ment to put
>>1980639My bad, Nonna
No. 1980696
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fell down a depraved rabbit hole on preddit (shocking, I know) and found this horror show: 44 year old bald man who ~discovered~ he's trans thanks to transformation porn and the pornsick obsession with lactating. this guy has made it clear he went on hormones to fulfill his fetishistic desires only then to accept he was Ackshully Truly Trans. claims to have a child already but insists on wanting another, aka an infant. comments talking about wanting to adopt a baby which surely can't be motivated by his fucking lactating moob fetish. I'm horrified
No. 1980707
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>>1980696>simulate pregnancy>a virtual baby>my body thinks it's pregnant nowthis literally made me shudder, his post history is batshit crazy. the wanting to have a child thing is disgusting because it's so obvious that he's going to use that poor innocent soul for his depraved fetish purposes. can you believe that men like this walk amongst us? picrel is him btw kek.
No. 1980744
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from r/lesbianfashionadvice, somebody is mad ugly attention-seeking tims are getting downvoted….
No. 1980757
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>>1980707It’s kinda terrifying that even my worst nightmares cannot compete with what real existing men will come up with using their selfish, pornsick minds and twisted desires.
No. 1980789
>Usually straight>J Edgar HooverLmao
No. 1980794
>>1980792>his past gf and current one are menSo his past
bf, then
No. 1980815
>>1980607Women don't want sperm in their mouths? Yeah THEY'RE the weird ones
>>1980744What?? Is he claiming to be asexual but doesn't want to quit getting boners? For what?? I knew the zoomer fake-gays were incorrectly usurping the asexual term from aces, but I didn't realize it was trannies too
>>1980787Seriously! I'm honestly glad these creeps are preemptively taking themselves off the sex market now, just for the sake of het women lol. Suits em right
No. 1980816
>>1980757Let’s simplify this chart: misogynist and narcissistic self-hating gay men, narcissistic misogynistic AGPs/pedophiles/autopedophiles (conventionally attractive), and finally narcissistic misogynistic AGPs/pedophiles/autopedophiles (ugly, and mentally retarded) and notice there is not one mention of autism.
Did Zach make this chart, is that why this nobody is including himself as an example of a model drag queen? Lol at the dig at ariel pink, but he’s definitely a pervert of some kind, hope he sees it and moves even more to the right. Kanye exposed as a chaser. Philo tube has had ffs and is on hrt, he should be right next to contra so they can smooch.
No. 1980875
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>>1980757>non-fetishist crossdressers>F1NN5STER>usually heterosexual>not transsexualaged like milk
>>1980788he's agp, picrel
No. 1980894
>>1980872I can't believe I watched this crap. Anyway here are some of the statements that I found worth noting compared to the dozen other troon videos
>Around the 14-minute mark he presents this strange logic where he says "TERFs" only try to appeal to 'white cis heterosexual middle-class petty bourgeoisie people' and no one else. It's ridiculous, like he wants to claim that 'TERFs' are both this mass movement, but their populism is also super narrow. he then goes on a tangent about how middle-class people are prone to radicalization, claiming that shop owners and nuclear families are simply afraid of losing their class status and want to blame queer people for it. Instead, they should join the progressive force that will eventually happen.>At 23-24 minute he goes another tangent begins about how you shouldn't care about certain groups committing mass crimes and the media only cared about Jessica Yaniv because they wanted to make trans people seem people bad and no other reason, he then claims reddux spreads propaganda and that he knew 3 community leaders who were reported by them.>At 32 minutes, he says canadians are stupid for blaming any issues on immigration and thinks they should stand against the ruling classes>At 37 minutes, he makes a sarcastic joke about JK Rowling being a bad writer, and then adds in Helen Joyce as well>At 39 minutes, he repeats the joke, this time with Sheila Jeffreys and Kara Dansky>At 42 minutes, he criticizes a Jewish gender critical feminist who wrote some previous piece about how Jews are overrepresented in certain industries and run media >At 50 minutes, he seems genuinely confused why "poc's' and white canadians were supporting an anti-trans protest>At 1 hour, he says that banning HRT for minors will lead to deaths and suicides(including his own)>AT 1 hour and 4 minutes, he takes a clip of Helen Joyce, who talks about how many people who received trans medical mutations might suffer from lifelong ailments, and how we should work to reduce that and he compares that to eugenics. Then, he goes on a rant about how "TERFs will never win" because reactionaries and fascists will always lose against progress and just a few seconds after this "queers will survive the genocide" rant, he spends the next 5 minutes shilling for Nebula and also shills for Jesse Gender and philosophy troon's Nebula originals. No. 1980899
>>1980870No and they really show how young or sheltered they are. The 80s were full of guys that'd dress womans clothes and wear makeup and have long hair and these same guys are either speaking against troonism or ignoring it.
It is funny they think they are counterculture and so punk but they conform with gender stereotypes worse than most people and actually enforce these beliefs. They don't go against anything if it's popular enough, their opinions are all mainstream and approved by the media, "right side of history" and all, as if fighting for something were easy and the "right side" always had approval of the masses. They never touched a history book, it seems. They want to be revolutionaries but there is nothing revolutionary about their way of thinking once you go past the surface.
I just find it bizarre these are the people who really believe they are going against the Man… when in reality, they are the Man.
No. 1980903
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>>1980749That was the joke I was making,
No. 1980909
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>>1980899Makes me wonder why they're trying to claim Cobain specifically and not all of the other rock stars out there who were ten times as "femme" as him. Is it because Cobain was seen as a more "legit" artist than the hair rock guys? Is he just more hip? Help me understand, because if a male celebrity dressed like picrel today, everyone would start squawking about how he's an egg.
No. 1980916
>>1980908The gay moids I know are just as awful, if not worse Nona. Spend some time talking to and being around actual gay men and you will find that they don't care about anyone's boundaries and that they will not make any effort to hide that misogyny (by saying that women smell like tuna) and the fact that they think that being a woman is some kind of fetish that gets them moid attention like agps do. Gay moids have sexualized dragsonas for a reason.
>>1980777They are so deluded and mentally ill that they create these convoluted lists that mean nothing. In reality what difference is there between chris-chan and kim petras besides their sexuality? They're both delusional and they're both desperate to appear feminine. Keep in mind that these weirdos don't even like plantered and his job wasn't to side with the feminist crit – it's to provide "clinical help" to delusional, perverse creeps and potentially help them become more well-adjusted and that includes changing the culture and the world so it accepts them. He has a history of basically telling gender criticals that they are ridiculous for expecting that men will stay out of female spaces. He has mocked the idea that women have a right to single sex spaces because he doesn't see that as feasible, i.e. delusional moids don't care about women's boundaries. Being delusional and obsessed with gendered presentations and gender conformity will never be woke. And it will never be healthy for anyone and I don't care what any of the begendered think. They spend inordinate amounts of time crying like a bunch of little bitches about repressing in their circlejerk communities and how hard it is for them and how they spend years doing that.They're not repressing shit besides their disgusting fetish/irrationality and the desire to force the disgusting fetish on everyone. Only feeling comfortable with your homosexuality if you pretend that you're a woman isn't going to fix anything. and if you're looking at any historical transsexuals, that's basically the commonality between most of them. Being jealous of women and being so desperate to be with men as a homophobic gay that you're willing to fuck your health for it. BUt wHaT tHeY nEeD is AcCepTanCe. say the quack "specialists" laughing all the way to the bank. Except that in many cases, if you give these people a critical framework or feminism or whatever to work with they do end up finding ways of coping with their mental illness that don't doesn't involve bodily modification. But suggesting as much to the completely deluded mentally ill Losers is just twanzfobik conversion therapy. They're so fucking stupid it's just mind boggling. The more of them remove themselves from the gene pool the better because them bringing more selfish and annoying idiots to this world will not help anyone.
No. 1980930
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>>1980909apologies for deleting & reposting so many times, i can't get my thoughts together as i am beyond retarded. final time rephrasing myself.
there's a few reasons. prime example being this journal entry (picrel) where he discusses lactation, playing with dolls, relentless bullying in the form of sexual harassment, some weird stuff about extreme sexualization of women, and being afraid to touch his own genitalia. he also wore dresses on several occasions.
i'm not going to lie- in combination with all of this, him being an avid moid "feminist" (predator), and the current "queer" agenda, he probably would have trooned out eventually if he was still alive. he had the same obsessively odd, twisted, fetishy, idea of women that i've seen many other troons talk about when describing their "egg cracking". i absolutely would not be shocked even the slightest if it came to light that kurt stole his mothers bra/underwear for sexual purposes.
they also claim that "been a son" is about himself, but imo its about his sister or women in general.
(derailing) No. 1980941
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>>1980903the poor cat has seen some shit
No. 1980943
>>1980930samefag, but its like… how do i describe this. in the moid's attempt to empathize with the struggles of females (male feminist– this is inverted with incel trannies, with hatred replacing empathy), combined with their inherit hypersexuality (which pornography only worsens), they become absolutely obsessed with women to the point of it being this like fucked up, twisted fetish. add being bullied by peers they perceive to be "actual men" ontop of this and they also develop an extreme insecurity with their own sex ("failed male" as they describe themselves). their brains become so fucking broken that they start thinking in similar ways to that journal entry, or that schizo ramble hunter schafer posted, or the hundreds of other similar posts i've read in these threads. they forever spiral down the tranny pipeline until they actually troon out or kill themselves because they're too incompetent to just get some damn mental help/therapy.
anyway. my entire point is that kurt ticked all the boxes and i absolutely believe he would've trooned out if the current "queer"/tranny agenda had existed in the 90s. i still think its retarded of them to try to claim someone that's dead, but whatever. i get it, i guess.
(sorry for armchairing, just wanted to elaborate on my thoughts.)
No. 1980959
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>>1980909i think its just because kurt is considered cool by gen z and he's dead. they love to crop pics like this as proof and don't acknowledge the fact that dave and krist are also in dresses (and it was for a magazine shoot) but theyre still around and are men so it never comes up. if anyone who actually knew him contradicted them they'd get called a transphobe.
(derailing) No. 1980967
>>1980955oh god, i didn't even really think about his involvement with the west coast punk scene. he absolutely would've fallen in line with the queer theory bullshit they're plagued by.
>>1980965>manipulated and raped a severely developmentally disabled high schoolernever knew about this. absolutely vile. i'm glad i've always had a hatred for this man my entire life, and it started out completely unfounded. you just know when it comes to these predators.
No. 1981012
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rot boy summer
No. 1981053
>>1980930Wasn't it literally in his journals that he would steal his mother's underwear because he thought it was scandalous, but seemingly never got caught cause he would put things back perfectly? I just read his journals a few months ago, that's why it's on my mind. If I can find a sc I'll post it.
>>1981007Yep. Kurt was a fucking sick weirdo. The stuff in his journals is revolting. It's terrible, but maybe he was right in saying that his child would be better off without him. Didn't even make good music either, he wrote in his journals about how he lowkey ripped off Melvins, and when he got with Courtney, she helped him in composing too. Coincidentally some of Nirvana also sounds like Hole. Go figure.
No. 1981055
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>>1981014the yellow discharge is unfortunately what happens in some of these create-a-cavity surgeries. It never stops it's always leaking a little bit of fluid if they use part of the colon tissue and that's why these guys need to use pads pretty much all the time.
No. 1981064
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Is it possible to die from cringe? Some lucky audience members are about to find out!
No. 1981097
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Oh no.(sage your shit/ancient milk)
No. 1981112
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what's up with this subset of troon that types in those most annoying pseud way possible kek.
also this guy is probably going to get exposed for grooming someone someday
No. 1981156
>>1981097Jesus fucking christ
And his family is just letting him do this, encouraging it I'm sure. I'd punch a motherfucker so quick for even suggesting such disgusting behavior
No. 1981162
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this fucking idiot got 4 revisions, just for a gross micropenis.
No. 1981189
>>1981162Wtf am I even looking at. Was a micropenis the goal…?
>>1981168Is it the HIV+ one who is a granny maybe? Looked old enough (though mainly because he looked like a homeless addict).
No. 1981196
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He's baaaaack
>A football team with FIVE trans-identified male players is dominating a women's league in Australia.>Reduxx can now confirm that one of players is Riley Dennis, a trans activist YouTuber previously accused of injuring female players on another team.(
No. 1981234
>>1981230Hilarious how you speak of some dude you never met and know nothing about, as if he was an acquaitenance you had.
How about both sides stop trying to speak for a dead person?
(derailing/infighting) No. 1981259
>>1981162looks just like the real thing!
how do the surgeons get away with fucking mutilating patients like this
No. 1981292
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Based dog
No. 1981315
>>1981296this. i hate these moids so much. they know that famous men especially get away with being accused of raping sexual misconduct all the goddamn time, they just worry that they personally might not be as lucky as the more egregious degenerates with more money and fame than them. traumatizing and victimizing women is practically part of being a famous scrote. Eli Elrick is an admitted rapist and he is still getting media work. + wasn't James Charles accused of being creepy towards minors by the miners themselves like not that many years ago? pretty sure that did nothing but end some crappy affiliate deal with morphe and some other company. He's still making $$$ off of content afaik.
It's legitimately scummy to look at what happens in so many cases and still think that false accusations or allegations come out of fucking nowhere. there's usually been countless cases of
victims not comming forward before someone decides to risk their reputation, safety and mental health to do it.
No. 1981370
>>1980894I watched the video through King Critical's commentary because I just cannot watch videos from these halfwits uninterrupted with no interruptions of sanity peppered in. I found it very very retarded when he said that terfs are the ones who try to silence trans people when that is just not true at all and that it's them who take measures to try to silence anyone who speaks against their stupid ideology through means of doxxing, assaulting, threatening assault, etc.
It baffles me how any sane person can watch this man and think he is making intelligent arguments for why men can be women.
No. 1981412
>>1981097Suicidal breastfeeding women can't take their antidepressants because it might hurt the baby, but this guy can shoot himself up with an untested combination of drugs and feed it to an infant and it's fine? Medical misogyny knows no bounds.
Also, why the fuck is the grandma breastfeeding the child? I would never let my mother breastfeed my child even if such a thing was humanly possible.
No. 1981433
>>1981421I think what anon is talking about is how IQ tests generally favor men because they are designed by men and measure things that men find important/logical. The same with how someone from Central Africa who is by all real life measures just as intelligent as someone from Eastern Europe will score lower because the test is culturally biased. They also don't measure EQ with is significantly more important when it comes to how intelligence is seen/works IRL. And is also a place where women tend to test better.
All the video is proving really is that trannies are men and think more like men then an entire room of randomly selected women.
No. 1981438
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new troon HC'd just dropped.
No. 1981448
>>1981370Actual terves are constantly talking about how it was trans-identified people (especially men) who peaked them and how we should #LetThemSpeak so they can peak more people. The only censoring from the gc side is when women try to keep porn and sexual performances out of schools and children’s libraries. Or maybe they consider deleting death and rape threats and blocking the people who make them to be a kind of silencing, too? Not listening to the men who tell you to kys is a human rights violation actually!
>>1981443Wow, that’s a new one. I’ve seen them shutting down actual TIFs for being men with male privilege but not normal women. This is completely ridiculous and guaranteed to peak more people so I hope they keep it up. It’s only a matter of time until the only “women” are males and the rest of us are evil TMEs. And then they’ll try and colonise that too.
No. 1981463
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>>1981434NTAYRT, but IQ tests have nothing to do with rationality. They tend to measure things like spacial awareness which men are better at on average. If you really want to get into the weeds of it, the range of men's IQ tends to have more extremes (both very high and very low), whereas women have a more consistent IQ (i.e. we have far less outright retards). With the above video though, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd skewed things to ensure the tranny won; TRAs never pass up the chance to show how men are 'the best at being women' rme.
No. 1981470
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redditor learns what sexuality is.(wrong thread, there is an FTM thread)
No. 1981484
>>1981434the analysis is
>men developed the IQ test as we know it and it is biased towards mennot "men rational women emotional"
just like acknowledging that men structured society to benefit themselves while putting women at a disadvantage, this is philosophy 101 shit
No. 1981495
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>>1981402All of you fighting about IQ and male brains etc are making us look retarded once again. The girl who won this IQ test thing is a real woman, she's just fat and ugly. She doesn't even sound like a man at all. God I hate the retarded zoomers who shit up this thread and can't actually spot trannies and instead falsely malign real women. Like she doesn't get enough shit. This has got to be mental illness? Seeing the troon menance lurking in every shadow?
For the people who are gonna deny it, picrel is a picture of her as a little girl from her Instagram. She also has pics going back 10 years on there and when she was younger/thinner she was very obviously a real woman. I'm not linking her Instagram here or posting her name bc I don't want there to be any chance this thread turns up in Google searches for her, but the curious can find it by Googling her name, profession and "LA".
No. 1981510
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>>1981498Yeah this thread is actually making me rethink some things, I fell in love with gender abolition and radical feminism for the smart ideas it presented, but seeing people in here, a supposedly radfem space, go back to "fat woman = male", "man logical, woman emotional" is very disappointing.
The more time passes the more I start to see braindead conservative takes being the norm, what's been happening?
No. 1981530
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Vidrel: This guy is so goddamn creepy.
>>1981495>>1981498I didn't watch the video, I was just replying to the unhinged 'SO YOU'RE SAYING WOMEN ARE IRRATIONAL?!?!' comment. Tradthot is when saying IQ tests aren't the be all and end all, ig.
>>1981510Tagging this comment too, as I suspect I wasn't the only one who didn't watch the video. If a tranny won (as the first nonna said), I didn't want to give the video clicks and revenue. So I wouldn't take it as indicative that people here can't tell a woman from a troon.
No. 1981547
>>1981530>>1981540Yeah I see what you mean. The whole skirt grabbing screamed autopedophile to me already, so most likely intentional.
No. 1981548
>>1981448>Actual terves are constantly talking about how it was trans-identified people (especially men) who peaked them and how we should #LetThemSpeak so they can peak more people. The only censoring from the gc side is when women try to keep porn and sexual performances out of schools and children’s libraries. Or maybe they consider deleting death and rape threats and blocking the people who make them to be a kind of silencing, too? Not listening to the men who tell you to kys is a human rights violation actually!I think it's when we say that trans ideology should not be taught in school and being against drag storyhour maybe? I remember when Texas or Florida banned drag story hour, these people threw a huge fit over that when the truth was that drag as a whole was not cancelled, just having it around children. The adults are still able to partake in it if they choose but yet "OMG TRANSPHOBIA" bullshit.
I didn't think about them considering women blocking and/or deleted death & rape threats was a "silencing" because that would be fucking retarded but I think you're right there as well. Because how dare a woman just ignore their harassment, we must take it because reasons.
No. 1981588
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Nyx Cosmetics posted trans visibility day on Easter in their Instagram account and basically the comments are funny
No. 1981589
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>>1981438He really tried the "if you hate gays, then you're gay too"??? That explains why TIMs are so misogynists: They hate women so much, they are a closeted woman
No. 1981633
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nice clown make up
No. 1981643
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I don’t browse r/sca but I saw this post on my homepage and immediately clocked this troon, which whatever, no surprise, but the fucking audacity of this man to label himself as female when he is not and never will be female. Out of morbid curiosity I looked at his previous posts and of course, it’s what you would expect. Nonnas I am so tired, when will this hell end.
No. 1981645
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>>1981633Has anyone else seen this Troon with his Troon buddies on tiktok live-streaming for donations, for 30 hours straight for gender affirming care? They have apparently 1 mil in donations… how much are they going to pocket ? Troons are so shameless when e-begging. Why is getting a boob job or your dick cut off worth donating to? The people donating are retarded.
No. 1981662
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Barney wanted to Homer to be a TIM to modeling a bikini, for heaven's sake.
No. 1981670
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>>1981645I was watching a bit earlier. The troons he is streaming with is a personal cow of mine alluringskull and his bf max (picrel). Minor milk but alluringskulls trooned out first then a way later max announces HRT and scheduled FFS. A fair amount of people pointed out the coercion to transition and they had some half arsed rebuttal. But now they are a cute lesbian couple kek.
No. 1981712
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This 53 year old man regularly posts on /r/femboy, /r/femboy_irl /r/femboy_memes, /r/puppygirlpetsmart, /r/sillygirlclub and /r/boykisser. Seriously, take a gander in any of those subreddits (particularly the latter three) and just keep in your mind the people posting have a high chance of looking like pic related.
No. 1981718
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The "birthgiver" is really the cherry on top of the way this guy chose to come out to his mother.
No. 1981771
>>1981678Okay so Alluringskulls (Jory) had FFS last may after being out as trans for a few years. His bf max came out as trans in July same year then had FFS only a few months later in October. People obviously clocked onto the almost instant surgery and speculated that Jory was forcing Max to transition. This was their video on the comments of coercion, basically called the commenters racist because questioning a black person is white supremacy obviously.
Side note: these surgeries were all after last years trans visibility TikTok stream where they raised $2m for gender affirming care. So I’m assuming they were paid out of that pot for the two FFS. Also a few really expensive 1st class trips took place after that stream…but surely they wouldn’t be using money they raised for others on themselves right??
No. 1981784
>>1981719Speaking from family experience (sadly), it's more likely that he threatened (implicitly or explicitly) suicide. My family members' son did this when they didn't accept it at first, and now they're terrified to step out of line.
Which is really sad to me because it shows that these parents do love their kids, but just have no idea what to do.
No. 1981795
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Not sure if this was posted before, I came across this recently
No. 1981814
>>1981795They get me so close to losing it when they make these horrendous fake feminist pieces filled with dreams of being exploited or used. It's the worst part of their LARP, when they pretend they know any form of female suffering or like they ever experienced being used and demeaned in their lives to the point of making art about it. At their very core they do not take female issues seriously, it's all just coom fodder and supports a fake
victim personality they've invented. They seriously think women just complain and philosophize then get praise and support for their thoughts. Meanwhile actual feminist think pieces get ignored and no woman gets sympathy from men by crying to them about our problems.
No. 1981855
>>1981795There's something really absurd about HSTS troons crying about being skinwalked by chasers. Just …what did they expect? For all the talk about just wanting a straight man, their actions don't reflect that. So much of their online and offline presence is chaserbait, 'how i look as a MALE' and envy/hatred for women, as they never quite graduate from their homosexual inferiority complex. Even their supposed disdain for AGP troons replicates intra-gay competition, they wouldn't care at all if it didn't undermine their own narrative. There are many gays who similarly hate the pitfalls of their dating scene, they just settle with a likeminded man. Gay troons won't accept that for some reason. It's almost as nonsensical as AGPhons complaining about chasers when they trooned out
because of shemale porn. Self-hating creepy bisexual men and self-hating HSTS are actually a match made in heaven, they deserve each other.
No. 1981858
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>>1981530what a nice jaime king cosplay
No. 1981880
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>>1981633>>1981645This creature is an absolute jumpscare. Lesbian larps despite being a man married to a TIF "transman" too of course.
No. 1981881
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>>1981880bonus horror of his rotten maw
No. 1981898
File: 1712017763253.jpg (59.83 KB, 568x454, yawning-bunnies3.jpg)

>>1981881You can tell he's had a bad nose job. Why the fuck didn't he pay to fix his teeth instead? God, I can only imagine how nasty his breath smells.
No. 1981901
File: 1712018562257.png (2.84 MB, 2125x1008, HIRSCollective.png)

Sage for somewhat personal blog + reddit spacing, but any punk nonnies familiar with the "band" HIRS Collective? I went to a show recently to see a friend's band play, and paid a cover at the door to support them. It turns out my friend's band was opening for HIRS Collective, a "queer" collective (consisting of ogre-like men), lead by a troon named Jenna Pup (of course 'pup' is in the name). I was very pissed to find out that apparently all of the money collected from the door would be given to them.
I noticed how so many people kissed the troon's ass at the show. This is a balding little gremlin of a man who took his shirt off during their set and screamed and flailed around like a retard to terrible music. Looking the band up, I was surprised to see how many people they've recorded with in the past (Shirley Manson from Garbage, Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance), yet also lol at finding Jenna Pup's past GoFundMe campaigns. One asks for money to replace Jenna's "gender affirming clothes" that were stolen from his luggage, and another asks for money to support ~Jenna's dream~ of completing a cross country bike trip.
Sorry for the blog. I'm staying in more.(blogposting)
No. 1981922
File: 1712022829713.png (387.43 KB, 748x597, J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) _ X…)

It feels like J.K Rowling has gotten a lot more outspoken these past few months regarding the tranny terrors. No. 1981927
File: 1712024471629.png (77.99 KB, 777x665, meme.png)

who is going to tell him?
No. 1981932
>>1981927Does this troon have a neovagina? I guess it doesn't matter, trannies promote SRS either way- post op troons with sunk cost fallacy wanting to drag others down because misery loves company, or AGPs in the depths of their fetish who could not cope with that light at the end of the tunnel being extinguished. If they cant hold onto their fantasy of being physically transformed into a biological woman, they have nothing.
It's an absolute ponzi scheme, fortunately most of them deserve irreversible mutilated genitals.
No. 1981968
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>>1981880Does he have one ring on each of his nails because he's not so secretly Gollum?
No. 1981987
>>1981530Gross fucking degenerate. He knows what he's doing. What were the comments like?
No. 1981991
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>>1981987All supportive, except for this bottom one. Had to click through a "potential harmful content" message to view it.
Top one still supportive but including it for the answer to why he's pulling it all up so high.
No. 1982018
File: 1712069194726.png (707.81 KB, 602x1573, GOrj1hX.png)

>Davina Anne Gabriel was a mentally ill hippie man who transitioned to deal with his issues
>he later realized how much of a mistake it had been and how much harm it had caused
>he takes his own life and explicitly calls transgenderism bullshit and regressive
TRAs don't seem to talk about him that much, but when they do, they seem to blame feminists for his death
this was his suicide note
>If you are reading or hearing this, it means that I am dead. I want to thank you all for being my friends, and to say that I appreciate having all of you as friends in my life. I greatly regret any sorrow or distress this may cause to you. All of you have truly made my life richer, and I value having had you in my life. I hope that I have in some way enriched your lives too, and that I have been a good friend to you. Please forgive me for any wrong I may have done to any of you, or for ever having offended you or hurt your feelings. I hereby forgive all wrongs done to me during my lifetime, regardless of their severity, as I wish to take no ill will toward anyone with me into the next life.
>I hope that you may all remember my friendship fondly. It is important to me how you remember me, and that is why I am writing now. Please do not remember me for any of my activism on behalf of transgender causes. If that is what I am most remembered for, then I will consider my life to have been wasted. I refute and repudiate all of that now, as I no longer believe in any of it. The fact is that I utterly despise everything about being a transsexual, and I consider having been one to be a curse on my llife that has brought nothing but pain and misery into it, and prevented me from realizing my full potential as a human being. If I could do it all over again, I would not do it. I curse the day that I ever decided to have sex reassignment sursery, and consider it to be the worst mistake I ever made in my life. But most of all, I curse the social factors which forced me to do this, and deceived me into believing that it was something that was necessary. Rather than alleviating the tremendous pain and suffering that I was already feeling, all that it has done is to magnify that pain and suffering by a hundred-fold. And that is not merely because of any kind of discrimination or ill treatment that I have received as a result of it. It is because simply being a transsexual has prevented me from living a truly fulfilling life, by causing me to unnecessarily direct tremendous amounts of time, energy, emotion , and resources into something that was totally unnecessary and did nothing to make my life better but instead caused it to be worse in every way. Furthermore, I have come to the realization that transsexualism is a delusion, a psychological disorder, and a form of self-hatred. Rather than opening up new possibilities for me, it has constricted my life at every stage and in every way.
>I say this because I have come to the realization that all of the causes of gender dysphoria are sociological in nature, and not biological. That means I no longer believe that anyone is in the “wrong body,” or is the “wrong sex.” The body into which nature places persons, and the sex it gives to them is always the right one. All feelings of being in the “wrong body” or being the “wrong sex” are caused by sociological factors, specifically the way in which sex and sexuality are socially constructed in this society. It is only because people internalize those social constructions that they experience conflict between their minds and bodies. The fact is that there are no internal qualities, traits, characteristics, or modes of feeling or thinking that are intrinsically antithetical to being either male or female; it is only society itself which causes people to feel that there are. No one truly needs to change sex. Everyone is already in the right body, and is the right sex. The belief that one is in the “wrong body” or is the “wrong sex” is a delusion. Unfortunately for me, that is something that I came to realize too late. If there were one thing in my life that I could go back and change, it would be my decision to undergo sex-reassignment surgery. I consider that decision to be nothing other than an albatross around my neck. I hope that someday the human race will be more enlightened, and will come to the realization that no one is in the wrong body; no one is the wrong sex; or believe that they need to change their sex in order to be their “real selves;” and that the curse of gender dysphoria ceases to exist.
>I also regret all of my previous activism on behalf of transgender causes, because I regret doing anything that might have encouraged anyone to follow in the same mistaken path that I have taken. Transgender persons are deluding themselves into believing they are empowering themselves by making it easier for them to change their sex, or by de-stigmatizing gender dysphoria. The fact is that gender dysphoria is the most extreme form of being uncomfortable in one’s own skin; and a profound date of dis-ease; and is based on an assumption of mind/body dualism that is not supported by either science or philosophy. Moreover, it is a form of self-hatred, because it is a hatred of one’s natural biological sex, which is never in any kind of intrinsic conflict with any internal trait, or mode of thinking or feeling. In every other instance, hatred of an intrinsic and natural part of oneself is recognized as a form of self-hatred, but when it comes to hatred of one’s own natural, biological sex, we’ve come to be convinced that this is not a form of self-hatred. But, it is; and it is also a psychological disorder, and a character defect that should be treated by psychological means. Transgender persons will only empower themselves by coming to understand the sociological forces which have caused them to hate their own natural biological sex, and to experience gender dysphoria; and begin to work to change the society that has caused them to feel this internal conflict.
>Remember me for being an individual and a non-conformist. Remember me for my passionate love of the Beatles,, for still being a Beatlemaniac for over 50 years, for my vast knowledge of them; and for my massive collection of Beatles memorabilia. Remember me for organizing a candlelight march and commemorative service for John Lennon on the first anniversary of his death. Remember me for being a hippie since the age of fourteen, and for remaining true to my hippie ideals for all that time, even if some of my beliefs have moderated during that time. Remember me for my love of the counterculture of the 1960s; for my advocacy of psychedelic drugs; and for my love of smoking marijuana. Remember me for my love of nature, and for my passionate interest in mysticism. Remember me as someone who lived things that are unusual, exotic, and bizarre. Remember me for disdaining that which is ordinary, normal, boring, or conformist. Remember me as someone who loved animals, especially cats, and more especially black cats.
>Remember me for my passionate dedication to social causes, and that I never followed any ideological party line, even those devised by causes which I support in principle. Remember me for my dedication to second-wave feminism, and for speaking out against the watered-down, dumbed-down version of feminism that calls itself “third wave.” Remember me for my hatred of all of the things that oppress women, such as pornography, prostitution, hypersexualization, sexual objectification, and gender roles. Remember me for openly being a neo-pagan at a Christian seminary for four years, and for challenging every assertion of Christian primacy, or vilification of pagans that I encountered during that time. Remember me for my dedication to Unitarian Universalism and to religious pluralism.
>Remember me for being someone who did not suffer fools gladly; who detested all forms of pretentiousness, arrogance, hypocrisy, superficiality, shallowness, phoniness, and dilettantism. Remember me as someone who always strived for excellence in everything that I did,, and who believed that anything worth doing is worth doing well. Remember me for my hatred of football, and all of the vulgar things that corrupt our society, and lower the quality of life for us all, and for openly expressing that hatred regardless of the consequences. Remember me for judging the truth or falsity of any matter on its own individual merits, and not on whether or not it was consistent with some ideology or party line. Remember me for my willingness to change my beliefs when I have found them to be in error, and for my willingness to admit that I was wrong, even when it has challenged something that I had believed very passionately. Remember me for my imagination, my creativity, my individuality, and my courage to speak my mind, even when it has brought vilification down upon me. Remember me as someone who tried to live as passionately as possible, and as someone who stood up for what she believed in. Remember me as someone who endured a tremendous amount of adversity throughout my life, but who struggled valiantly against all of those circumstances which have oppressed me, and prevented me from achieving my full potential. Remember me as someone who dedicated her life to living it on her own terms, or to die in the process. But, most of all, remember me as someone who never gave up my search for truth or accepted a comfortable illusion instead of truth.
No. 1982032
>>1982018Well this is depressing. If more men hated pornography, prostitution, hypersexualization, sexual objectification, and gender roles like this guy did, the world would be a better place.
I'm sure that his suicide note will be spread everywhere once the hype dies down enough for it to be legal to discuss troonism as the cult that it is.
No. 1982035
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When I heard Ru Paul's book club was selling What is a Woman by Matt Walsh and Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier I had a sliver of hope that maybe he saw the light about his woman-face fetish but nah, it was just a dropshipping mess.
No. 1982052
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>>1981771All that money, pain, and recovery time to look like a slightly puffier version of your old self. Literally looks the same. These doctors are as scammy as the troons who are "fundraising".
>>1981991gotta cup ur balls and show off your programmer socks, just girly things uwu
No. 1982053
>>1982018Why do men feel guilt about the way women are used and abused in society and their solution is not to be a better man as an example to other men, but to flee the guilt in any way they can, by becoming more of a monster out of spite, like an Andrew tate or transitioning out of being a man and the
victim too, both paths which seem to take more effort. Why do men think they have to become the person there are attempting to empathize with? In this guy’s case it seems like autism.
No. 1982068
>>1982052Looks more like teen-ification,
vomitA cursory scroll through the transgender surgeries sub shows you a ton of mid moids in their 20s looking like uncanny valley teens post ffs. Why trade looking normal for the potential to attract pedophiles or children…
No. 1982082
File: 1712082328874.png (128.25 KB, 1068x686, Screenshot 2024-04-02 211904.p…)

Ex-popular youtuber and current tiktok tranny of my country has set a funding account to get "the last step of his medical transition"(after getting massive tits that were very affirming) which is bottom surgery. Wonder if he actually pulls it of and if he does, what the aftermath will be. The fact his actual name is up there is hilarious.
Also there was a 10 euro donation "for the best pussy in Thessaloniki" kek
sage for not really milk but he has always been an annoying faggot making obnoxious youtube videos and now he acts like he is hot shit despite his super manly body.
PS no relation to the discord lolcow nefeli kek
No. 1982095
File: 1712084607625.jpeg (295.8 KB, 950x1350, handmaidens.jpeg)

shia labeouf has apparently been cast as a troon crime lord in the upcoming Megalopolis film and this image, I think, says all it needs to. i'm genuinely wondering if coppola is trying to make a point or if he just thought portraying a haggard man who's flashing his panties to the general public while surrounded by literal fawning handmaidens would be praised for the LGBTQ+ representation.
inb4 this film gets bashed to hell and back for not making the troon a heroic, beautiful, stunning & brave teenager who can do no wrong.
No. 1982163
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>an ugly(likely porn addicted) man defining what a woman is
No. 1982169
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No. 1982195
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India is at it again, jk rowling living rent free in his little empty mind. Hope you get a chuckle farmers. No. 1982207
>>1982018The first man ever to actually understand radical feminism, and he tops himself about it. Amazing.
>>1982052It's too bad no one told these guys that shaving down the facial bones won't change the size of your bigass skull.
No. 1982211
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>>1982095If Shia troons out, the milk will be fucking glorious
No. 1982218
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>>1981991ew I'm surprised he actually admitted it. check out this heckin
valid woman kek
No. 1982273
>>1981795you know how males endlessly psychological project and pull patriarchy reversals of reality?
these words in the post are nothing more than a confession of how males regard women.
No. 1982338
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I really hate to use this phrase, but it does feel like we are clown world, like the how the fuck in any rational society can we allow a perverted fetishist to feed a child and be okay with it.
No. 1982350
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KEK of course the Cat killer tranny had a discord gf who is also a male tranny.
No. 1982395
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This was an actual stand up routine from Hannah Gadsby's special, which basically consisted of 6 "comedians" who were just ranting about being trans and mocking regular people.(specifically women)
No. 1982449
>>1982446So called penis envy was a hard cope from men, projecting much, kek.
Also, no need for the 'natal' women. Women, period. We're not a subset of our own sex.
No. 1982459
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>>1982195Botox Chucky is the perfect name for this tranny. KEK
No. 1982460
>>1982395>woman make life >I’d never take that away from you because I don’t want to > Franken-pussy does smth you could never do though >change western politics Remember feminism was lead by
POC trans women, we would not be able to vote without men, we should be thankful to men, men did everything for us.
No. 1982490
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He's a drag queen, but imagine having he same nerve to misgender JK Rowling while claiming for trans rights.
No. 1982491
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>>1982490Look at this Shrek looking thing pretending he's a woman.
No. 1982496
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No. 1982500
File: 1712199142101.png (47.93 KB, 891x332, vGRDFT.png)

a rare moment of transbian honesty.
No. 1982545
Has anyone else seen this crackhead troon about? Soft white underbelly did a series of interviews with “Rebecca”. The guy who runs SWU stopped helping Rebecca due to him using money given on drugs. The comments are what annoy me “she’s so smart”. Having a basic pop culture knowledge is intelligent now? Something which women have been put down for, fashion interest, idolising pop singers, speaking in a ‘valley girl’ accent. But a crack head troon who’s been given more opportunities to change then countable is so smart stunning and brave for knowing the designer Madonna wore to take a shit in the other week. This same grace would never be given to women without backlash, why?
No. 1982562
File: 1712228552859.png (2.98 MB, 1439x2010, 1000004836.png)

>>1981901Nona, I wish I could be your friend. The state of the punk scene is hell. I liked this skramz-y hc band from Florida called Night Witch. They played their last gig last year and the vocalist, Rosie posted this bullshit. And I've been seeing HIIRS Collective EVERYWHERE. I should have known Rosie was a TRA, because I mean, look at her. But it was still disappointing.
I'm sticker bombing my city's downtown and local venues with a bunch of
TERF and radfem stickers. Im tired of asking for recommendations for hc, pv, sludge, and grind bands fronted by women and then being recommended a bunch of bands fronted by men. I just went to another show and it was filled with troons. Hardcore is already such a male centric space filled with rapists and their rapist apologist bros.
I might make a thread discussing trannies in punk scenes just because I know mods get mad when we discuss anything not milky here. It would just be nice to reminded we're not alone.
Sage for autism
No. 1982576
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You think either one of them would have off'd themselves by now but no. Maybe it has something to do with the whole decades old franchise "fuck you" money.
No. 1982581
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>>1981901omg yes i got them recommended on spotify and i actually liked the song. then i did a deep dive and instantly lost interest. just leave gender ideology shit out of music, especially grind and hardcore and such. picrel is a shirt they sell. another tranny music cow in that kind of scene is 'Haela' Hunt-Hendrix from liturgy. please look him up if you don't know him, he has an entire manifest about how you should listen to his music etc
No. 1982587
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>>1982576kek, he can backtrack the matrix into being an "egg metaphor" all he wants, but the fact is he and his brother made self-insert jesus fanfiction wrapped around a sci fi story that got lost in the sauce real quick.
and he became a tranny cause he was into forced feminization and wanted to make it full time.
God his backstory is such a cow trifecta, a woman who loves to troon people out for fetishistic reasons and causing them pain, a woman who was trooned out, hurt, then abandoned, and this fat balding troon who benefited by being a male in the film industry given chances a first time female director with huge ambition never would be. Also I find it extra funny that transbians so effortlessly incorporate trans victimhood into their life that has no bearing on them. Non suicidal troons will claim the suicide stat, non hsts troons act like their sexual awakening wasn't just normal straight awakenings, troons who never had to worry about being jumped claiming they have anxiety in their cushy programming jobs, etc. How does he know Drew isn't an egg? It's not like he made the matrix while being an out transbian so why is that now a requirement to "get" it? Also he says this after selling out his franchise for sequel royalties… if it was such an important "trans" film then he shouldn't have thrown it to the sharks of hollywood
No. 1982588
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>>1982587samefag but to add to the point that he benefited being an influential male in fetishland hollywood (the irony of female buck pointing this out kek). Also here's the link to the article cause I forgot it:;+HOW+THE+MATRIX'S+LARRY+WACHOWSKI+FELL+FOR+A...-a0143323117 No. 1982601
File: 1712242400130.mp4 (9.69 MB, 720x1280, - the difference bet…)

i'm begging handmaidens to stop enabling these dudes
No. 1982612
File: 1712246275080.mp4 (3.42 MB, 360x638, vFte1U0.mp4)

Never have I seen such a glaring display of womb envy. Here is a TIM using a woman as a surrogate to have his children, and then pretending to that he's the "real mother"
No. 1982626
File: 1712247932161.png (16.02 KB, 598x118, yeah i wonder what that means.…)

>>1981795Kek, I'm so happy my personal cow got indirectly posted here. He's an anachan wannabe with a
victim complex, is constantly coping about what he's doing to his body, and all of his mediocre "art" is fakedeep shit in jenny holzer's style
No. 1982630
File: 1712248451135.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 683x913, trannyofswords.png)

>>1982626Some of his slop.
No. 1982676
File: 1712255246959.jpg (214.68 KB, 1080x1065, IMG_20240404_141949.jpg)

>>1982601>He looks like a butch pre-transitionPicrel is their choice of evidence to that.
>>1982612Wtf isn't he at a class for general parents and instead at one aimed at pregnant women? Ok we know why, but fucking gross
No. 1982694
File: 1712260061738.png (1017.51 KB, 663x1186, yhjds.png)

someone's upset.
No. 1982725
File: 1712268956743.mp4 (950.06 KB, 480x854, aamb3QS.mp4)

>>1982601This is literally no different than how most faghags hype up gay moids for being so 'superior' at being women then them.
No. 1982734
File: 1712272694714.png (492.69 KB, 628x754, bloom.png)

Someone should tell him that women also have face hair due hormonal problems like PCOS.
No. 1982748
>>1982562There are so many awful troons in punk scene. And they are definitely a source of milk for me and my friends that have peaked.
>>1982581Ah yes, 'Haela' Hunt-Hendrix, spawn of oil tycoons and billionaires. He has definitely been a cow of mine for awhile. And yes, the manifesto is unhinged highly recommend.
No. 1982755
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>>1982612>a TIM using a woman as a surrogate to have his children, and then pretending to that he's the "real mother"I'm going to pretend that he's lying just so I don't have to cope with the fact that I live in a world where an actual woman carried a baby for nine months, painfully pushed it out of her body, and handed it off to a chauvinist pervert. Might as well have fucking left it on a gorilla enclosure.
No. 1982785
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>>1982694Kek I recognize his name, I took screenshot in picrel after seeing him admitting to being AGP in a reply to another troon
No. 1982808
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They really like real life is like porn and erotica.
No. 1982822
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>>1982808The replies to this are gold
No. 1982824
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When even the other agps think you’re being creepy
No. 1982870
>>1982630>mutilation is salvationbut these people aren't mentally ill
>>1982808Kekkk Twitter is so fucking based for this
>>1982864This. Men and even most women will think you're gross if you don't do it. Hate when troons pretend to understand and experience even a tenth of what women experience.
No. 1982885
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>>1982824this is fucking hilarious. "youre making us look bad, please delete".
meanwhile people are talking about how TIMs are sexually assaulting women in women's prisons are his response is b-but men will rape them in mens prisons. its almost like men are dangerous predators who will abuse people who are weaker. so certainly the solution is put them in with women, then THEY can be the rapists.
No. 1982918
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Anyone keeping up with the skinnytuna/blackwinterwells drama? Musician in the Philadelphia scene I think. Part of that weird irony humor clique on Twitter with boygrrI and others.
No. 1982921
>>1982885Skip to 51:27
This tranny is speaking about his experience in one of the uks most notorious male prisons. “Sarah Jane Barker” went to jail for murder and talks fondly about being a bum buddy in jail, describing himself as “quite cool and pretty” during this time. I watched the documentary a while ago so correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure he explains that he’s glad he wasn’t transferred into a women’s prison because he wouldn’t of had as much sex. Personally I think we should just put the trannys on the nonce wing and have it done with.
No. 1982927
File: 1712335902681.png (Spoiler Image,826.6 KB, 1255x575, drop.png)

Meet 70yo 'stephanie mueller', attorney. He looks like the embodiment of misogyny. I feel that for him and other TiMs, the perverse pleasure they get from shocked expressions is as strong as AGP, if not stronger.
>>1982918Oh. This was known for a long time and it'd follow him but it was faint in comparison to his fanbase/circle. Genuinely hope he gets what he deserves, at least he won't be able to physically rape anyone now with his rotpocket
No. 1982929
File: 1712336289139.jpg (603.95 KB, 1136x1010, retard.jpg)

This troon has been collecting his dirty needles in a bottle.
No. 1982930
>>1982901I’ve always wondered how they determine which men go to the special wing for vulnerable inmates. People always say it’s for gay men and pedophiles (and now crossdressers I guess) but what if those gay men (and crossdressers) assault one another? Being gay may put a target on their backs in gen pop it but doesn’t make them inherently harmless. A gay man or TIM may get picked on by other men but then turn right around and pick on his own cellmate if he happens to be weaker than him. Is there no pecking order in the special wing? Are they all kept isolated? Many TIMs are deranged enough that it doesn’t surprise me they’re a danger to other men in the protective wing.
If they can’t control themselves they should be kept isolated imo, and certainly not put in with women. I don’t understand how anyone, especially other women, can excuse that. It’s pure evil.
>>1982927Womanface. He can’t even pretend it’s meant to be artistic and provocative like drag queens do, if he’s wearing this to work.
No. 1982971
Anon with family who have worked in corrections, with these types of assaults the guards are on board, bribed, or inmates band together to keep the coast clear. Assaults are mostly done by people who already have a lot of time or someone who snaps because of continued harassment.
Te reason more trannies may say they were in high security is because people who commit crimes against kids. Alot of people in prison were abused in some way and are dying to take it out on someone. So tranny who says they had to be put in isolation for their own safety may well be hiding something on their wrap sheet. Normal gays are ignored as long as they keep their head down and don't bother the wrong guy. Men fuck anything and if they're in for long enough so anyone of them will fuck a man. No one actually has to know you're gay or a tranny. The only reason anyone would know is because a guard leaks it, or a moid goes public about it in hopes it will help them get out.
But like
>>1982938 says, it's not as common as tv would have your think. It just isn't usually worth it unless someone is overstepping/a threat. Trannies could just "boymode" their way through their sentence and be just fine like everyone else. The only reason to move is to be around women. And the impression men seem to have that women's prisons are nicer. Like women aren't regularly coerced if not outright assaulted by male guards.
No. 1982992
File: 1712350862060.jpeg (556.11 KB, 750x1131, 773F1CDF-5D49-49CC-822A-5AFF70…)

tras can't be fucking serious…
No. 1983061
File: 1712368252187.png (560.91 KB, 748x891, hulk.png)

Another day another tranny trying to ruin things for girls.
No. 1983068
>>1982992They always love to point out that these TWANSPHOBIC accounts have no profile poctures of their face, no real names, etc.
which just tells me the internet has been lost to retarded normies… but they 100% know WHY these profiles have no identifying information on them… because people lose jobs for saying transmen are women and transwomen are men. JK Rowling bravely faces the troon wrath and guess what happens? A restaurant owner who shows her support gets a whole brick through their restaraunt window. They fucking know why we go faceless.
No. 1983070
File: 1712372175146.mp4 (3.65 MB, 320x568, ZJ8fZ1Nk3licY-YO.mp4)

ugh the names he gives his ballseye roll
No. 1983072
File: 1712372894338.jpeg (578.4 KB, 750x918, IMG_5982.jpeg)

this lanky ass moid wants to play only female roles now, the delusion. your 15 minutes of fame are almost done, sweaty.
No. 1983076
File: 1712376437264.mp4 (941.95 KB, 478x270, 9GfvjBNpr95DXRBF.mp4)

>the vocal fry
>the hair
>the skit with the other tranny
No. 1983175
>>1983166dearest sweetest most empathic
nonnie, i understand your point, but please there must other non-womanfacing male addicts to sympathize for.
No. 1983183
File: 1712411022212.png (63.75 KB, 1532x326, Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 7.38…)

>>1983177same dude posted this. so TIFS have been molded by their experiences as women, but TIMs havent been socialized as men? i wish i had the confidence to spout absolute autistic nonsense like this, damn this female brain.
No. 1983188
File: 1712411230870.png (46.92 KB, 429x287, Screenshot 2024-04-06 2.46.15 …)

>>1983177>remove this predator from womens jail>'her'So are you a handmaiden or not? Kek
No. 1983210
File: 1712418680072.png (250.58 KB, 608x438, Screenshot 2024-04-06 4.50.34 …)

>surgically enhanced
that's a breastplate.
No. 1983227
File: 1712422842430.jpeg (195.5 KB, 578x1103, IMG_0651.jpeg)

in denial of being two gay fags
No. 1983243
File: 1712424068939.png (277.23 KB, 510x508, 1709478148975.png)

>>1983229He doesn't. He has a giant man head he shoops to look uwu and dainty
No. 1983304
>>1983299I've seen it happen, the one actual woman i talked to in that place ended up leaving because some of the troons decided she was an evil
terf. Most of those circles are all the same, glad to at least know i'm not alone.
No. 1983310
>>1983303>anorexic legolas with bolt-ons kekkkkk, i'll think of this everytime i see him
Schafer is abnormally pretty for a troon so he 'passes' because we're all used to ogres, skinny ghouls with shit hair and hyperchads in pink tutus. I wish someone would forcibly detransition him, letting him become the bishie actor he was always meant to be
No. 1983322
File: 1712439616256.jpg (43.03 KB, 874x1024, 4b0c12e6f3ebcea9.jpg)

>>1983308Between Ellen and Trooner, which one do you think is going to be the first celebrity detransitioner? I think he still has a shot at a career once he hits the wall (very soon) if he detransitions back into an attractive man. As he is now he's only a gimmick actor and won't survive this current generation of Hollywood stars, but he does have some real staying potential if he unimplants himself before he starts getting blood cancer from HRT and injecting himself with fillers.
No. 1983327
>>1983325Nonnie… Even Kojima is attracted to him and he's a massive fag. As a male he'd be ethereal. I'm just as sad as the next person he went the tranny route, he'd be a beautiful man.
It was the same with Ellen, she was also considered one of the most beautiful actresses of her time and had multiple video game creators disgustingly lusting after her.
No. 1983334
File: 1712441271982.jpg (40.92 KB, 275x272, 1648637467017.jpg)

>>1983330Idc, male actors are supposed to look hot on screen for me and then be thrown in the garbage when their looks start to sour. He'd make a cute scandi actor if he hadn't been mentally ill and that's a shame. In his current state he can rope for all I care. But I weep for his wasted potential as a disposable eyefucktoy.
No. 1983335
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>>1983313was it cuckoo? his character is supposed to be 17-year old girl kek
No. 1983342
File: 1712442141047.jpeg (295.04 KB, 2048x1365, licensed-image.jpeg)

>>1983338Is Hollywood giving us any of a choice, really? Where are all these dime-a-dozen blonde twinks on my screen? This alcohol-bloated anorexic toad is what Hollywood is pushing down our throats as an attractive male. Forgive me for thinking that a potentially un-transed blonde scandi twink is attractive in comparison.
No. 1983369
File: 1712447700873.jpeg (211.33 KB, 750x1455, IMG_5998.jpeg)

> 2 hair transplants
No. 1983397
>>1983347Oh you're right
>>1983369I'm fascinated by how easily they believe in hugboxing. I know a big part of it is AGP delusion, but still kek
It's easy for them to blame it on reddit 'gaslighting' when it's an absolute proof of how male socialized they are. Even the most socially inept ugly woman who believes in pity compliments is aware that her looks are 'wrong', that she will be judged (even if she doesn't quite know why). It also reflects how low energy they are. Just dragging their sad, bony/doughy bodies, sporting a norwood 5, dead eyes, aliexpress clothing. Every drop of vital energy that normally goes into presentation and charisma, wasted on porn
No. 1983403
>>1983369The copes in the comments
>You're probably just ugly>You transitioned too late>You lost the genetic lottery>I look at presumably cis women IRL to feel better about myselfOne of them also had this to say
>If someone asks "do I look like a girl" or "how fem do I look" or "tell me I'm pretty" of course the correct response is probably to humor them and say yes no matter what. But "do I pass" questions really need to be taken seriously by the community.How is "do I look like a girl" different than "do I pass"? Just admitting "girl" is a fetish term to them now?
No. 1983408
>>1981053Maybe not who you’re thinking of
nonnie but I was catching up on this thread, and that pre-troop Randy stair wrote exactly this
No. 1983440
>>1983369More of them need to come to this realisation.
>>1983379Yeah I expect that if they do detransition, it will only be after completely disappearing from public life. Ellen especially. The way her ‘coming out’ was timed to eclipse the ruling on Keira Bell’s case, and the way she keeps being trotted out to do interviews about trans joy even though she looks like a depressed terminal cancer patient, makes me think she’s being used by people on her team to push the agenda. There’s no way they’d let her detransition in public view. It wouldn’t surprise me if she mysteriously dies from an overdose at some point, MJ style. I really hope I’m wrong.
>>1983420He definitely gets off on being attractive to straight men, but I don’t know if it counts as AGP if he’s not attracted to himself ‘as a woman’. Dylan Mulvaney does strike me as a gay man with AGP. Blaire’s look is like a checklist of what the average straight man is supposed to find sexy, whereas Dylan’s skinwalking feels more niche, fetish-inspired and pedophilic.
No. 1983453
File: 1712477498125.png (159.48 KB, 2500x2591, 136rkia.png)

>The comic
No. 1983454
File: 1712477545476.png (1.94 MB, 600x5251, Shen replies.png)

>>1983453The reactions to the comic are so damn telling, they are so clearly porn addicted men with a yuri fetish
No. 1983468
>>1981795The best part about this is that you just KNOW the dude writing this shit is the most self-centered,
abusive, demanding, immature and egocentrical asshole you could imagine.
No. 1983502
>>1983501a troon I know with a long history of dating women, even 2-3 at once, once trooning out he
casually found himself attracted to males. Oddly enough, it was younger males (barely legal, ofc he played on power dymanics) and other troons. They don't like actual males, they like anyone who will validate them. Sich as shit.
No. 1983519
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No. 1983520
>>1983420I don't think so. AGP is self directed sexual attraction, but Blaire White getting a sexual thrill from straight men thinking his carefully posed and angled make up slathered self is attractive is just a gay man feeling like his skin walking campaign to open sexual options previously unavailable to him is working.
Gay men are attracted to men but not all men are gay. If you troon out, as a gay man, there's a hope that the men previously unavailable to you will be accessible. Similar to straight men trooning out trying to access lesbians.
There are definitely predatory gay men with the fantasy of "scoring" straight gay, and then trooning out plays into this fantasy
No. 1983561
>>1983519>only trannies are capable of writing female characters with complex inner livesClearly not given the sort of tripe I've seen troon authors publish. If anything, writing women properly is in indication that a man
won't troon out, because one of the prequisites for it is viewing women as stereotypes and/or sex objects.
No. 1983626
File: 1712536475528.mp4 (5.88 MB, 320x568, vj2_Ug_ILcVQ-nfX.mp4)

dumb analogy is dumb
No. 1983656
File: 1712549865456.jpg (480.61 KB, 1037x2048, 2rssdgytr.jpg)

another one bites the dust
No. 1983658
File: 1712551330321.png (729.47 KB, 482x650, SK1487843YQWEUY124318473198418…)

>>1983656he even has an example of who he plans to skinwalk ready. gross.
No. 1983663
File: 1712553239730.png (378.13 KB, 486x521, alexhood.png)

>>1983656>>1983660they all really do have that look to them, don't they.
No. 1983666
File: 1712556394633.jpg (144.33 KB, 900x1200, 1000023701.jpg)

>>1983663Probably inspired by this book written by another tranny
No. 1983668
>>1983519way to admit it's unique for a man to write women as well rounded characters. the delusion is that agps are somehow
not writing single dimensional female characters
>>1983656>people who guessed I'm trans are good diagnosticiansmore like people with identity issues are at a high chance of trooning out these last few decades
>I'm jealous of beautiful women>2022a pandemic trooning I see
>>1983658and he's going to use this picture as proof males can be women cause "if she can dress 'butch' so can he"
>>1983663pornsick dead eyes
wonder if his "jealousy of beautiful women" is his jealousy of onlyfans girls
No. 1983682
>>1983420>So I've been wondering about this and my question is, is it possible that Blaire might have AGP as well despite being a gay man?I'm seconding other anons: while it's possible to have both from what we've seen of him, probably not in his case. He's one of the few pure HSTS who trooned out because he was gay. That's why he can so confidently bash AGPs knowing he's "safe" as he's different than them. As
>>1983440 said Dylan Mulvaney is a perfect example of a HSTS + AGP. Dylan is turned on by himself looking like a hot (to himself) man pretending to be/dressing up as a woman - that's why even 2 years in he doesn't even have boob implants (despite having had extensive surgery and a shit ton of money) which is practically step one for any troon, and he "proved" he was taking hrt by doing it wrong and out of camera view suggesting he doesn't even take hrt, and he loves showing off and pointing out his dick bulge.
Blaire on the other hand wants to look like a woman because his erotic target as a gay man is other men, and because of internalized homophobia and trauma. But of course to women and kids it doesn't matter what their reason is, both kinds are harming us by pretending to be us, and by pretending to not be what they really are - men.
No. 1983706
>>1983695Male gender dysphoria is caused by autism, nona. They have a physical disconnect to their changing body, and their obsession with labels and categorizing, combined with how gullible, sheltered, and raised on the internet they are, makes them an easy target of groomers.
When a troon talks about gender dysphoria, my mind flashes the letters A U T I S M.
No. 1983717
File: 1712578260020.png (3.19 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_6465.png)

Imagine showing up to court and see this gargantuan thing on the bench…we are too tolerant with these men(lurk more/repost)
No. 1983722
>>1983720women are judged as unprofessional even when they're completely covered up, simply for having breasts. this guy is showing 8 inches of (fake) cleavage. he'll probably win some sort of woman of the year award.
do you think dudes can even believe theyre allowed to do this? do they just laugh their asses off every day that they can flaunt their fetishes in public.
No. 1983730
File: 1712580962095.jpg (45.95 KB, 696x696, what.jpg)

>rubbing feces on your open wounds
what the fuck are you on about
No. 1983732
File: 1712581071300.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1944x2989, IMG_6698.jpeg)

And trannies say you can't tell lmao
No. 1983738
File: 1712582298388.gif (Spoiler Image,36.75 KB, 1119x1125, 001.BoxingGloves.gif)

>>1983656such beautiful art, he truly doesn't have the soul of a 12 year old boy
No. 1983773
>>1983732Sorry if this is OT but why do some late stage FTMs look like burn
victims? The two on the bottom with the red faces are perfect examples. I know one that looks like this, too.
No. 1983798
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No. 1983801
File: 1712596634622.mp4 (8.14 MB, 576x1024, pissdrinkertranny.mp4)

The Statistically Nicer
>>1980079tranny from previous thread strikes again.
>>1983666Can someone please give me a tl;dr on this troonslop? I tried to read it online but couldn't find anything.
No. 1983807
File: 1712600464620.mp4 (1.18 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000co7gvonog65os4d0b5…)

oh, I don’t know, maybe because he came to the conclusion that you’re actually a man???
No. 1983823
>>1983801I thought he meant lemonade until he mentioned it was a sexual thing
what the fuck
No. 1983835
File: 1712604720103.jpeg (3.09 MB, 3776x3021, FVPQOgtXoAInewr.jpeg)

>>1983808he starts off mentioning gunpla, which like gundam models, then the other guy says something about robot girls. It's probably something like picrel, which are kits that are either existing mecha but instead of a cool robot it's an anime girl, or just an anime girl with refrigerator parts on her. The kits are always hypersexualized, of course.
No. 1983839
File: 1712605630238.mp4 (3.78 MB, 576x1024, BubblePinkelleAlt April 8 2024…)

>>1983801Looking at some of this moids other videos, he talks about fucking his food, fucking his plushies, and fucking his "step sis", who is another tranny
No. 1983880
File: 1712618121459.png (183.75 KB, 443x250, IMG_6703.png)

>>1983829Yes it’s him lmao and his troon husband next to him. It’s funny seeing Erin/Anthony get fat, happens to so many after the big chop.
>>1983773So many are like this, hence why the pooner meme depicts them this way. It’s possibly due to insufficient estrogen, red complexions and hot flashes are symptoms of menopause and these ladies are pretty much experiencing early menopause.
No. 1983921
File: 1712630484706.mp4 (460.72 KB, 480x270, ickle.mp4)

the disgust on those women's faces
No. 1983922
File: 1712630620090.jpg (363.52 KB, 1376x745, GKmCBM6XYAAt_0N.jpg)

now trannies are claiming menopause too!
No. 1983923
File: 1712630851904.png (876.79 KB, 1577x987, dont say bald.png)

what kinda hairstyle is this? The half mullet?
No. 1984006
File: 1712657764304.png (570 KB, 1080x2098, 1000021687.png)

Horror story. Woman posting on dead bedrooms lamenting her porn addict TiF who cheated on her twice while she was going through cancer treatment won't fuck her anymore.
No. 1984009
File: 1712658693491.jpg (34.67 KB, 526x492, 9zqrna3x1im71[1].jpg)

>>1984006This is bait. It reads way too much like people making fun of AITA posts.
No. 1984021
File: 1712666718803.png (410.25 KB, 600x692, FR.png)

Imagine disrespecting the men and women who fought and died for the sake of their actual freedoms and liberties, and then making it about your personal bullshit identity.(sage your shit)
No. 1984031
>>1984030Yes, clearly that person clearly sincerely believed they were waving pride flags during the revolution.
Just because you saw something that made you mad on Twitter doesn't make it milk. It's boring. Sperg about it in your group chat instead.
(infighting) No. 1984188
File: 1712718026235.png (156.72 KB, 795x1243, giggle lawsuit.png)

This exchange made me realize how very fucked this world is where buying women's clothes and getting an crotch rot is enough to call you a woman.
No. 1984213
>>1984188i hate this stupid faggot country
legal definition of a woman according to australia:
>boobs>no facial hair>long hair>makeup>feminine clothing No. 1984261
File: 1712743101809.jpeg (672.49 KB, 1170x1325, IMG_1549.jpeg)

the irony of bringing up tifs lol. wait till you see what he looks like nonas
No. 1984264
File: 1712743291103.jpeg (794.24 KB, 1170x1526, IMG_1551.jpeg)

>>1984261abundant is not an inaccurate description here. also notice how his appearance irl (im guessing with filters, obviously) and his desperate attempt at hiding his inbred-the hills have eyes face in his pfp do not match at all. didnt know they made dolls with several chins
No. 1984275
>>1981012why is he putting tampons in it?? hes likely ripping off any healing skin by forcing a dry cloth into it daily. this is so disgusting,
>>1982545 i used to work in a homeless shelter and let me tell u that female staff talk like this to the troons. like in reality i dont care however they always let them into the womens area and in every single case the troon has sexually assaulted or beat one of the women and was banned. EVERYONE. women need to stop pretending that being closer to perceived femaleness makes u less of a threat or in less of a bad situation.
No. 1984301
>>1984261'Elder dolls' kekkk
'Elder queer' has to be one of the worst words in troon lingo. They either use it to mean 'found family' (corny and creepy) or to defend old moids' behavior. If you walk into any troon social club (especially alt/punk ones) you will see a bunch of hulking, openly pedphilic 60yo stunning and brave women with a tiny 18yo or younger TiF on their arm. Troons look the other way because you can't question 'elder queers' and their ways
No. 1984385
File: 1712778189469.jpeg (798.16 KB, 1284x2272, IMG_7906.jpeg)

looks like hayden got tired of larping as an AGP tranny
No. 1984395
>>1984385billy bob
>>1984390dont validate this faggot he will never be fat lana
No. 1984442
File: 1712796486393.jpg (2.8 MB, 3000x3239, 1000004996.jpg)

this isn't even milk, I just found this while I was doing orders and it made me giggle kek
No. 1984474
File: 1712807224258.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1976, IMG_2199.jpeg)

This moid is fighting for his life right now after a clear confession KEK
No. 1984484
File: 1712814090921.jpeg (160.77 KB, 1041x1600, B58yduG.jpeg)

>>1983666>>1983801>Can someone please give me a tl;dr on this troonslop? I tried to read it online but couldn't find anything.I read this when it was popular on Tumblr for a hot minute(this was before I had peaked) Like most pretentious autobiographies, it's just the vignettes told through a pretentious lens. In this case it's about a sex-obsessed guy who works as a rent boy and wants to transition. likw hen he thinks he's HIV+ but he's not and then he goes back to his job to have unprotected sex with men, there's another panel where he has sex with trans proustite in a park or when he gets harassed at an actual job and he intentionally fucks up so he can get fired. wokie reviewers loved this when it came out but nobody mentioned the fact that he openly manipulates women for personal gain. He outright states that he seeks out slightly chubby, introverted girls and uses them for bed, housing and a place to stay until they find out he's a gay tranny prostitute,
you can read the whole thing here(NSFW obviously) No. 1984489
File: 1712814845244.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7797.jpeg)

>>1984442This is a very common street name lmao
No. 1984490
File: 1712815310544.png (357.27 KB, 842x1382, glltybanned.png)

Not sure if anyone here actually cares about old FGC milk, it's no secret there are a ton of predators in the fighting game community, but one troon in particular keeps popping back up, ironically going by the name "Gllty". He got banned from events, dropped by Capcom, etc. after it came out he was sexually harassing women and other trannies at events. Initially he admitted to it, but now, years later he's posting long rambling borderline religious manifestos and claiming he was the victim and is asexual. picrel is an article about some of the bans in 2019.
No. 1984491
File: 1712815409888.jpeg (402.74 KB, 828x1442, IMG_4898.jpeg)

This is by “juniper” some annoying Twitter tranny that’s ban evading. I dunno why so many people follow him and circle jerk his dumbass opinions.
Taking bets on how this one will get cancelled and replaced by another tranny.
No. 1984492
File: 1712815476764.png (371.43 KB, 2670x864, gllty_meltdown.png)

>>1984490And here is his recent bizarre manifesto. Mostly posting this in case anything comes of it.
No. 1984506
File: 1712819134695.jpeg (830.48 KB, 828x1567, IMG_4899.jpeg)

>>1984484So far what I’m reading is he’s a nasty sex addicted gay prostitute who is a terrible and unsympathetic person and I imagine the only reason it got traction is because it’s about a TiM.
This is such a weird troon power fantasy. He probably went home crying after someone just yelled the truth at him.
No. 1984512
File: 1712821048471.png (1.71 MB, 1469x837, image_2024-04-11_173658960.png)

>>1984484Well, that was a jumpscare
No. 1984518
File: 1712828577181.jpeg (145.63 KB, 723x725, IMG_6803.jpeg)

>>1984484I just read it and it’s shit. Try-hard and pretentious, waxing all this poetry when he could have just said “I’m a gross man who fucks for money and uses women at my own convenience.” Also this part made me lol, spoiler alert troon: all tranny stinkditches are “bad” but they are most definitely not vaginas. Plus it kinda rubbed my the wrong way for them to joke about “bad vaginas” but I guess moids are gonna moid.
No. 1984525
>>1984521Two troons worked on this, and I'm not sure how to feel about that beyond general disgust.
Also I should have clarified that 4lung is the reason I posted that frame.
No. 1984531
>>1984484>>1983666Pretty sure this person turned out to be an FtM larping as a gay guy or MtF for "gender euphoria", and she got cancelled. It was discussed in another thread.
Her art style and way of writing is extremely girly, specifically "indie emo girl who likes emo boys" type.
No. 1984534
File: 1712836062400.jpg (342.82 KB, 1080x1690, 1000030089.jpg)

Why does it look so familiar lol. Austin powers
No. 1984557
>>1984542Can't find the exact thread I saw (IIRC it included a callout post that also talked about her lying about being an MtF), but here's some other stuff:
>>>/pt/696172>Remy Boydell, artist of Image Comics' "The Pervert" has recently gotten a callout thread on twitter exposing her interest in child pornography and bestiality lol.
>Surprised that the fact she poses as a transwoman when she's cis hasn't been circulating.
>Thread here:>>>/snow/1424913>is anyone familiar with remy boydell? i followed her for years and it's interesting to me how she's pretending to be a transwoman after detransitioning (she was a TIF when i followed her but subtly moved onto scengirl aesthetics and went from jeremy to remy, but apparently her birth name was jessica) and now incorporates a "transgirl" aesthetic and orbits all these other TIM artists like the black dresses band>>>/ot/1421917>Does anyone have proof/screenshots that Remy Boydell faked being transfemale and their interest in fictional cp? I like their stuff but its sad to see them being a degenerate.
>Did Remy Boydell actually 'fake it' or are her interests and artstyle so troonish that troons have taken her as one of their own?
>There used to be a kiwi thread on Boydell, I think there was more info there about what the previous anon was talking about. KF isn't loading for me right now, but there's probably more on her there.
No. 1984574
File: 1712845021249.png (126.78 KB, 1026x607, f4uIIdx.png)

>>1984531>Pretty sure this person turned out to be an FtM larping as a gay guy or MtF for "gender euphoria"There's another case somewhat similar to this, I'm sure most of us have heard of the pedophilic Asia Argento directed film with the Sprouse twins 'The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things' you the one where a young boy dresses as a babydoll hooker and "seduces" a grown man played by Marilyn Manson. The film is based on a semi-autobiographical book by JT LeRoy, whose two semi-autobiographical books were relatively popular in gay and certain feminist literary circles. They describe his past as an Appalachian underage cross-dressing prostitute for truckers with an
abusive prostitute mother and his experiences being a religious figure, the gay night life and the alleged industry of "boy-girl" prostitutes. The books were recommended in gender study classes, showing the "situational nature of identity and gender" and queercore and riotgrrl bands sang songs referencing the book. Figures ranging from Kathleen Hannah, Judith Butler, Billy Corgan, and Lena Dunham had all read and praised the books, but all of that was bullshit. The real author turned out to be a woman named Laura Albert, who unlike her pretend persona, grew up in an upper-middle-class household in Brooklyn Village, moved to San Francisco, and worked as a phone sex operator and erotica writer and reviewer. The whole story of the boy cross-dressing prostitute was just made up, yet people fully bought it. It should have been obvious considering the sex in the book was heavily pornified and eroticized and featured no venereal diseases or anal fissures. The fact is thousands of important intellectuals believed this shit (and probably still do). A lot of pedophiles undoubtedly got off on it. No. 1984577
File: 1712845788103.png (4 MB, 1940x1348, 41% done quick.png)

got recommended a games done quick video (a large and well known speedrunning organisation) and clocked a troon immediately. went to have a look if this was a common occurrence and sure enough, not even in one full month out of 24 videos, 14 were MTF (interestingly 0 men using male pronouns). they shouldve gone the route of using vtuber avatars like most of the female/they/themmer/xe-xer/tif's do on the channel considering all the troons look like neanderthals.
No. 1984595
File: 1712848923045.jpeg (333.9 KB, 828x729, IMG_1598.jpeg)

Kekkk prisongay troons can’t even make each other orgasm while larping as lesbians for their fetish
No. 1984598
File: 1712849554441.jpeg (84.54 KB, 828x475, IMG_1594.jpeg)

Another cap from the lovely ladies of r/MTF. Did you know foot fetishes are an overwhelmingly male paraphilia?
No. 1984607
File: 1712851340388.png (258.77 KB, 1080x1959, X1 (1).png)

Yes, because that's the fuckin point
No. 1984627
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>>1984607samefag but of course this creep has trooned out his kids.
No. 1984652
File: 1712863544569.jpeg (154.71 KB, 1284x727, IMG_8094.jpeg)

samefag, anyone else saw ethel cain jrk ff a gun on twitter? apparently it was on her youtube live(censoring, no sage, newfaggotry)
No. 1984682
File: 1712869028379.png (264.13 KB, 376x382, ghjdjyt.png)

>>1983243>>1983227i bet he will start producing enough milk to earn his own thread in a couple years when twink death + trauma from whoring himself out on the internet + chemical castration + drug addiction + alcoholism kicks in. like all OF "content creators" he will go down the degeneracy spiral and end up doing hardcore bdsm to keep the money and attention coming. it's already happening
i give it 2 years before he either detroons or contributes to the statistic/dies some other retarded way because he is a retard.
he nearly choked on his own vomit recently it was so fucking close ugghhhh No. 1984714
>>1984713i know he does
nonny i read it like morning paper
>>1984710i've seen this word used a lot outside of 4chan by non-trannies. lol when i think about it rapehons are just the next evolutionary stage of "boymoders". like pokemon
No. 1984729
File: 1712875006774.jpg (46.81 KB, 500x436, troon deloon.jpg)

>>1984682I kinda feel bad for him since he's been basically groomed but I can't help but laugh when I see his shops, he makes himself look 12
No. 1984742
File: 1712876832301.png (765.8 KB, 602x904, finn shota.png)

>replies to JK Rowling with shota porn for no reason
+ staying friends with jean hollywood after he got exposed. he can go die
No. 1984789
>>1984786It’s so appalling that they even call this shit “vaginoplasty” it’s not a vagina and it never will be. Well done reducing vaginas to just any kind of hole. I know it sounds petty, but women who have gone through FGM or burn
victims/awful birth complications THEY receive vaginoplasty. Troons just get Ken dolled and another asshole added.
No. 1984821
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No. 1984847
File: 1712911795903.png (7.4 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4625.png)

That blizzy maguire troon whose wall was covered in naked women and porno magazine cutouts like a serial killer, pictured in a mac ad. He stands out so much against those actually attractive people kek
No. 1984867
File: 1712923919777.png (58.99 KB, 670x471, dailymail.png)

>>1984821From a Daily Mail article about him. Jesus.
No. 1984898
File: 1712934717826.png (1.21 MB, 2048x1619, pdKohqt.png)

troons being honest is so satisfying to see, but still utterly disgusting.
No. 1984902
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Yeah, clearly the problem is women and girls haven't been exposed to penises enough.
OP is a pornsick tranny that sounds autistic (no surprise). No. 1984965
File: 1712952271742.jpg (36.03 KB, 426x600, th-1315765106.jpg)

>>1983839 why does he look like angela anaconda
No. 1984978
File: 1712955314263.jpg (145.31 KB, 1080x534, 1000033750.jpg)

>>1984765yes, but also a lot of them are dogfuckers unironically. paraphilias come in clusters after all
No. 1984984
File: 1712956030769.jpeg (527.84 KB, 750x1946, IMG_6114.jpeg)

i wanna see a picture of this freak so bad.
No. 1984986
File: 1712956227395.jpeg (385.12 KB, 1283x2036, IMG_6115.jpeg)

>>1984984he probably looks like a younger version of this.
No. 1985055
>>1984984>2 BBLsThis bit sounds like fiction to me. Just getting
one BBL is difficult, expensive, and dangerous. Unless he counts having a revision done on the first procedure as a "2nd BBL," I don't really see how this part of the story makes sense.
No. 1985072
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No. 1985095
>>1985087>>1985093It doesn't really matter in this case but you're way over-generalizing. Your basic premises are true, but the specifics vary between cultures. There are ancient cultures where it wasn't practiced at all, like Ancient Egypt. Also, in most cases, it wasn't homosexual sex that was considered bad, it was "bottoming;" because it was considered unmanly to be penetrated. If we're talking specifically about Greece and Rome, pederasty had a lot of rules. 1) The father of the eromenos had to approve of the relationship 2) penetrative sex was frowned upon 3) the relationship would typically end once the eromenos got married and 4) the sexual/romantic component was not required, and some of these bonds were more like masters and apprentices. Attitudes toward pederastic relationships continuing into adulthood varied by time period, region, and even profession. For certain military positions, it wasn't uncommon.
I agree that it's presentism to interpret these interactions through the lens of modern day views on sexuality. The concept of a preference based on the other person's sex didn't exist back then. Everyone was expected to marry unless they were a slave, a priestess, or a priest, and people usually weren't attracted to the person they married, because they were typically arranged. Love marriages were the exception rather than the rule, and there were few consequences for male infidelity. People really need to leave their priors at the door when they begin learning about ancient history.
The obsession over ancient Greece is dumb, anyway. Ancient Egypt was superior. Their women had the most rights of any woman in the ancient world, and they didn't believe in the concept of virginity.
No. 1985121
File: 1713003836191.jpeg (374.07 KB, 1170x2072, IMG_1380.jpeg)

Entitled fag in a dress #4,653,000..
No. 1985124
>>1985121>>1985121Troons like these make me think the suicide statistic is total bullshit because male troons are so self-obsessed and have no self-awareness to even consider suicide.
This cretin thinks he is a woman.
No. 1985132

Brynn Woods/"Valkyrie Brynn"
A highly successful stealth troon with 2.3 MILLION subscribers who makes thirst trap gun videos where he jiggles his ridiculously exaggerated bimbo implants for the camera.
When not doing that, he is making attempts at tiktok 'humor' which consist of poking fun at war crimes in the middle east (Brynn claims to be a veteran, this may or may not be true). Some of this humor has gotten him into hot water with e-leftists and continues to do so.
Each video manages to have thousands of right wing retards and boomers in the comments saying "now this is what a REAL woman is like", completely unaware that they're lusting after a tranny in his mid-40s.
There isn't a single video or picture where he doesn't utilize a freakish thousand yard stare either.
Brynn is very adamant about LARPing as a bio woman.
He constantly refers to himself as a "mommy GF" and claims to have given birth to multiple children.
On his onlyfans, he attempts to badly photoshop a real woman's pussy on top of his own gash at any opportunity possible. This leads to wild inconsistencies between each photo. Rarely, he will leave his axe wound unedited if he's proud enough of the angle.
He also attempted to forge a picture from the 2000s of him on deployment as proof of his womanhood, with horribly obvious photo warping.
It doesn't even take a deep search to figure out he is a troon, yet this is considered tinfoil territory by ardent defenders.
His old r*ddit account "Brynnofthewoods" has posts on r/transpassing.
Trans pornstar "Brandy Alexander" has the same face, expression, and skull tattoo on the arm, missing some later additions to make it slightly different.
This act has apparently been so convincing that multiple websites repeat Brynn's claim as a true and honest biological woman.
No. 1985133
File: 1713011094669.png (2.99 MB, 1828x1040, brynner.png)

>>1985132proof of troondom for any skeptics
No. 1985139
File: 1713012912209.png (575.64 KB, 979x737, 5675.png)

>>1985137I never said he passed but apparently to millions of gooners on youtube shorts he is unclockable
No. 1985141
File: 1713013638475.jpeg (417.73 KB, 1283x1729, IMG_0314.jpeg)

stunning and brave and beautiful
No. 1985158
File: 1713021068579.jpeg (1.46 MB, 3862x1782, IMG_6862.jpeg)

>>1985132Holy shit scrotes are so retarded. I feel like any woman watching this would instantly clock that something is off with the way he acts, sounds, the way his proportions are weird and so clearly male even with all the implants, but then there are just hundreds, thousands of moids in the comments applauding “her” for being the perfect woman, or commenting on “her” ass/tit jiggle. They can’t even tell it’s just implants jiggling, let alone that they are attached to a man’s body. Why are men so incapable of clocking tims Jesus Christ. This dudes body is weird as hell and the layers of filters he uses often glitch and reveal his lack of hips, and yet men are in the comments drooling over his “hour glass figure” which doesn’t even exist lmao. Plus his real, very masculine looking face is shown multiple times but I guess men can’t tear their eyes away from the gross man boobs long enough to notice and realize that they’re actually looking at a guy.
No. 1985162
File: 1713021886416.jpeg (Spoiler Image,32.34 KB, 387x793, IMG_6864.jpeg)

>>1985158Samefag but Jesus Christ this man and his disgusting stinkditch terrifies me. It hangs so far down like a deflated ballsack.
No. 1985179
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>>1985162Here is the picture he posted as proof that he’s always been a woman, even back when he served lmao. How do people fall for this.
No. 1985182
File: 1713023899148.png (Spoiler Image,878.31 KB, 1016x796, ddfd.png)

>>1985162horribly photoshopped snatch vs the real gash
be warned
No. 1985183
File: 1713024245273.jpg (101.32 KB, 682x930, GK_4TuyW8AAxM4W.jpg)

>>1984898He posted a follow up comic, lol.
No. 1985185
File: 1713024782459.jpeg (Spoiler Image,223.38 KB, 828x1096, IMG_6872.jpeg)

>>1985182(NSFL)This man really does edit actual real vaginas onto his axe wound. You can clearly see evidence it’s been shopped in. What a freak.
No. 1985187
File: 1713024981427.png (366.54 KB, 884x448, lols.png)

>>1985158absolutely stunning
No. 1985191
File: 1713025372336.jpg (137.43 KB, 949x828, uh.JPG)

Even if you didn't read the username it's so obvious by this creepy post alone that this is a transwoman.
No. 1985194
File: 1713025545274.png (149.38 KB, 736x322, r9k.png)

>>1985187seeing this thread in the wild is what prompted me
they really are none the wiser
No. 1985199
>>1985055If you go to a decent surgeon, sure. He got 6 rounds of major surgery in 2.5 years, it's safe to assume that he absolutely did not have surgeons who gave a shit about ethics or safety in any capacity.
>>1985182It's so lifelike and realistic that nobody can tell the difference between a rot pocket and the real thing. You can barely see the part where his dick was turned into a hotdog bun with a box cutter and a stapler by a man who's never seen a vagina.
It's glorious to think that so many porn addicted rapists are willingly castrating themselves because they see shoop and immediately believe it's real.
No. 1985203
>>1985115And Afghanistan’s bacha bazi.
>>1985124The suicide statistic IS bullshit. The 41% stat came from an online study of self-reported LGBTQ+ (not just trans) people and included anyone who reported having ever
thought about suicide, not only attempts. The vast majority of TIMs are far too narcissistic to ever commit suicide, but they will use the threat of it as a control tactic.
No. 1985210
>>1985203Also the demographics for attempts and actual suicide deaths are different mainly because of the method and motivators. Women make more attempts, but white natal males are the group most likely to die from suicide because they usually use more lethal methods (guns) and are more impulsive. Severely depressed people attempt a lot without dying, normie moids who have a sudden emotional breakdown because of a life event blow their brains out if they happen to have a gun on hand. Moids also
want their surviving loved ones to be traumatized by seeing their head exploded, whereas women want to choose non-violent methods like pills to minimize the emotional impact on others. Socialization pervades even here.
No. 1985219
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>>1985158"thick and strong" …. yup.
No. 1985223
File: 1713033832377.png (445.49 KB, 882x642, y55.png)

literally pretending to shit on troons while being one
All the comments are "WOAH SHES BASED?? :O"
No. 1985240
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>>1985133found more of their old reddit "brynn of the woods" lol.
No. 1985241
File: 1713036350128.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.36 KB, 321x689, Screenshot_20240413_151452_You…)

>>1985225theres some revealing that hes a troon and some comments replying to deleted main comments about it.
spoiler for troon implant stretchmarks
No. 1985242
File: 1713036568161.png (52.36 KB, 591x876, 564466.png)

>>1985240r*dditor defending brynn's womanhood
"who hurt you" lol
No. 1985248
File: 1713037896909.png (394.67 KB, 573x549, 566.png)

"You were laying down being lazy but your stepmom has a job for you that involves cleaning up her juices , are you ready for this job?"
No. 1985255
File: 1713040021603.png (1.13 MB, 963x513, man man man man man manly man.…)

I don't know why i find this moid so funny, I mean look at him kek.
No. 1985278
File: 1713049391380.jpeg (371.31 KB, 1170x1863, IMG_6386.jpeg)

>”as a woman”
>coming from a coomer male socialized troon who wines all day on xitter about female video game characters
No. 1985299
File: 1713056120364.png (Spoiler Image,689.18 KB, 569x532, yuck.PNG)

Last one of this freak but why he's straight up posting his nasty ass,he literally has five o clock shadow, he looks fucking disgusting. This is clearly someone's 45-year-old military dad who got some horrible work down to his ugly ass body. Why is this shit even allowed on youtube?
No. 1985413
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No. 1985425
File: 1713102872655.png (66.99 KB, 750x520, Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 14-52…)

probably could literally fill this whole thread with insane tranny takes™ from tumblr. what a cesspool that site is now for anyone thats not an agp nightmare.
No. 1985434
File: 1713104355094.mp4 (9.08 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_s2nntoVgI71z7ukda.mp4)

No. 1985437
File: 1713104966171.png (67.61 KB, 750x645, Screenshot 2024-04-14.png)

No. 1985440
File: 1713105397382.png (181.86 KB, 706x1396, Screenshot 2024-04-14 1.png)

oh boy i love when trannies whine about misogyny as if they have any right to do it
No. 1985445
File: 1713106131233.png (56.6 KB, 750x444, Screenshot 2024-04-14 2.png)

No. 1985462
File: 1713108563187.png (73.7 KB, 500x843, Screenshot 2024-04-14 3.png)

>>1985456my bad, here's the biggest display of handmaidenry I've ever seen to compensate. Context: a post urging "dykes" to read Fucking Trans Women, a zine instructing you on how to suck dick among other things
No. 1985468
>>1985437kek i rolled my eyes so hard the first time i saw this one
"can we get a shoutout to men who don't wear makeup"
No. 1985487
>>1985468My favourite is the
>when women don’t shave or wear makeup it’s seen as a Fuck You to the patriarchy but for some reason not when men don’t do those things????Gosh yeah I wonder what the difference is.
I mean are these posts terfbait? Are they saying this shit just so a woman responds with the obvious and they can get her banned?
No. 1985513
File: 1713121045670.jpg (58.54 KB, 680x680, tradwifewojak.jpg)

>>1985500bro is literally trying to larp as the tradwife wojak but cant cook and lives in a shithole
No. 1985531
>>1985425>It's not sexual when cis dudes don't tuckMen who cosplay superheros get shamed all the time for not wearing a cup. No one wants to see a stranger's penis.
>trans women who don't want to risk damaging their testiclesSaying that quiet part out loud that most troons don't actually dislike having dicks and balls and are in fact just perverts. Not to mention that "cis" women are expected to do unhealthy things all the time for the sake of appearances and these faggots don't take issue with that.
No. 1985554
File: 1713133705371.webp (58.47 KB, 720x881, 1000004813.jpg)

The shit I get in my Facebook page(Lurk more/repost)
No. 1985556
File: 1713134122964.png (169.18 KB, 680x493, IMG_1734.png)

Well, most men are heterosexual kek cope, seethe, and dilate
No. 1985557
>>1985434>"If I'd made it, I'd make it so that it called every woman strange if she didn't have a penis"Fascinating how this "joke" specifically targets actual women, and doesn't target any men.
>"which would be extremely funny"A male that thinks misogyny is hilarious, how original.
No. 1985569
File: 1713136746518.jpeg (435.71 KB, 828x1409, IMG_1739.jpeg)

>>1985566Not a joke, and he’s still going
No. 1985572
File: 1713137161874.jpeg (54.19 KB, 828x194, IMG_1740.jpeg)

>>1985571True, and he clearly shares this misogynistic view of women with his fellow moids. Regardless, he’s just saying whatever to fuel his massive cope atp kek
No. 1985597
>>1985434>talks about how humiliating it was to be flagged by the machine and then groped by tsa>then says he would make it so women have to experience the same and that it would be funnythese dudes literally cannot open their mouths without exposing their hatred for women lol. I'm glad we have moids like him and
>>1985569 they're doing the hard work for us.
No. 1985609
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>>1985434>outed by the machineI don't think you'd have that problem.
No. 1985611
File: 1713143686913.jpg (20.49 KB, 750x413, GLKQpNoWwAAKJVH.jpg)

>>1985569He blocked her for that but he ended up deleting his tweet, following up with this great take.
(repost) No. 1985641
File: 1713152459720.jpeg (666.26 KB, 1284x1874, E9A606F0-248A-456A-92BA-816145…)

Another banger from r/actuallesbians
No. 1985646
File: 1713153425248.png (92.39 KB, 665x598, 1412682552504.png)

>>1985641>Lesbian with a penisHoly homophobia, Batman.
No. 1985723
>>1985556Its funny how this never works the other way around. If there was a heterosexual couple and one of them realised they were actually gay, no one would dare suggest that they get over their "genital preference".
For some reason its only prejudiced when used to stop trannies fucking whoever they want.
No. 1985737
>>1984866As has been theorised by other people, a lot of men aren't attracted to women, but by 'femininity', so a man 'performing 'femininity' would be under that purview. Which is why a radfem's definition of a woman is anyone's that's female, for a lot of scrotes it's anyone they consider 'fuckable'. There's also the masochistic emasculation fetish (MEF) element too. Men that get off on their emasculation (or in their view, their 'feminisation'. Ugh. Because, of course. We women don't have our own ontological category separate from men, we're just where the 'failed men' go.) Also, the reverse of that, men that get off on the idea of dominating men.
Plus natal males have a /far/ higher propensity to develop paraphilias than natal females, it's likely that can induce same-sex attraction.
No. 1985760
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No. 1985772
>>1985764Troons are just trying to throw all of the statements they can throw at people in order to confuse your average retard.
>w-we want to be women because we were born in the wrong bodies!!When that began getting questioned, they all began vomiting the most retarded shit like:
>actually! Black women are being mistreated not because of the centuries of slavery, but because they look like men!!>women with PCOS aren't getting the medical attention they need because they look like men! Not because women haven't been considered medically for centuries!!>actually! Misogyny happens because fat women look like men! Not because men hate whatever they don't want to fuck!!>in reality! Women are hated by men because they look like men when they're tall, have some muscle mass and small breats! Not because men hate the idea of a woman not being delicate and vulnerable all of the time!!And so on, this makes people retweet and repeat the same shit over and over again, and it makes sense to them because indeed, men hate women, but they don't understand /why/ is it that men hate women, so they use any statement above in order to justify their paraphilias and hate towards women, by naming us what they hate the most, the idea of being a man.
No. 1985809
File: 1713205131194.jpeg (286.66 KB, 1421x2048, IMG_1654.jpeg)

>>1985760what he looks like btw. blue eyed white man larping as a maori woman. schizophrenia.
No. 1985822
File: 1713208933827.jpeg (677.84 KB, 1170x1367, IMG_1657.jpeg)

hoarder (of food and belongings)
No. 1985826
File: 1713209962293.png (321.85 KB, 720x802, 1000039671.png)

>>1985257found it kek, male with a face sitting obsession
No. 1985832
File: 1713211022092.jpeg (220.12 KB, 1410x2048, this is what he looks like.jpe…)

>>1984898I found his twitter @ThisStupidTwink
No. 1985876
>>1985853We can tell it's a woman because she's clearly a woman. There really isn't any need to go deeper than that. Trannies are literally men in skirts and make up. It's so hilarious that idea of being "clockable", which seems to imply that there is a chance they might not be instantly recognisable as men. In 99% of cases, they are all clearly male, even if all you see is their face.
>>1985851Nona….they don't need shelters. They are the perpetrators.
No. 1985885
>>1985833his smile and optimism: gone.
>>1985838I hate to admit it but you're not alone in this
nonny. what a downgrade
No. 1985898
File: 1713227538090.jpeg (859.1 KB, 1125x1893, IMG_0583.jpeg)

This tim I know had transitioned over the pandemic and won’t stop dragging real women constantly, also became a sex worker within a year of transitioning.
No. 1985900
File: 1713227947400.jpeg (440.55 KB, 1125x1038, IMG_0584.jpeg)

Also the extreme paranoia is insane.
No. 1985928
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No. 1985929
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2/2, it only gets worse if you look at his page more and other links. Spoiler alert: he doesn’t think he has a porn addiction.
No. 1985951
File: 1713243240812.jpg (580.27 KB, 722x1348, 1000034074.jpg)

splatterpunk as a literary genre is overwhelmingly trash; badly written drivel dominated by men with badly disguised pedophile and rape fetishes who hate women. it is filled to the brim with reddit-tier, plotless slop as an excuse to fill the pages with scrote snuff film fantasy. I did manage to find a female author tho! picrel is the stunning and brave "Judith" who's magnum opus can be summarized thusly:
>Man got in their car.Uninvited, unwanted, and unhinged…The Man has no name, but he does have a gun… a knife… and a bag of "toys".What starts as a forced ride into the desert escalates into a disturbing series of crimes and assaults.Jodi and her children will soon pray for This novella is incredibly disturbing. It features graphic scenes of sexual violence, torture, and gore. It is not intended for easily offended readers. The print edition of this book includes an exclusive short story, which is not availble on ebook. It is also gross and disturbing.
No. 1985952
>>1985951What's the full name of the author and the book? I want to pirate it now to see how godawful it is and maybe post some excerpts.
Now I'll have to research more about authors in splatterpunk and "extreme horror" which is another term used for more recent books which are just full on gurofag shit 90% of the time. I never actually thought it was a breeding ground for troons, but it does check out.
Poppy Z Brite wrote a book in this genre called "Exquisite Corpse" which is just weird yaoi snuff porn shit disguised as literature, tends to go on lists for the most disturbing books of all time.
To the surprise of no one, she pooned out years later.
No. 1985968
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No. 1985972
>>1985898>>1985900I'll care about his so-called genocide when he cares about women's sports, their right to compete fairly and safely, and their reproductive rights. Funny how no tranny has said a thing about any of it huh? It's almost as if they are men.
>>1985912Exactly! Even the most "masculine" woman is still clearly female. Her proportions or presentation changes nothing. The most morbidly obese woman is never confused for a man. The tallest woman with larger hands and feet is still clearly female. Meanwhile, trannies look like scrote ogres no matter how much bone they have shaved off their neanderthal brow ridges.
No. 1985975
File: 1713261700592.png (367.04 KB, 609x749, TXzoa66.png)

this is the third time I have seen a "goth feminization" comic by a TIM, what the fuck is up with that?
No. 1986033
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As a woman working in it, glad to see this tranny's career took a left turn. When they troon out on the job, they never take the pay cut that goes with the gender they larp as. They are insufferable and force themselves into women in IT spaces and conversations.
No. 1986036
File: 1713277226254.png (2.35 MB, 1000x2399, f4CIpNM.png)

>>1985975reminds me of picrel. Does anyone else get pedo vibes from this?
No. 1986038
>>1986033Wait wait wait wait. Time the fuck out. Did he just gloss over "I would never pass a background check under my dead name"?
Gee… I wonder why..
No. 1986041
File: 1713280625892.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_0377.jpeg)

yes you are gay. and clearly a pervert.
No. 1986047
File: 1713283176078.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2730x4096, IMG_0378.jpeg)

gigachin is becoming self aware
No. 1986048
>>1986038He said it’s because the name is no longer
valid. He can only go by his current legal name.
Still. Sounds like a Him problem, imagine if women could just opt out of their oppression, meanwhile he took the steps to be out as a male fetishist and let everyone know he’s so mentally unwell he’s cut have his own genitals cut. Boohoo.
No. 1986053
File: 1713284378360.jpeg (18.8 KB, 235x366, IMG_5505.jpeg)

>>1985781 Sage for my two cents but every Agp Troon I’ve ever seen seems to be attracted to this slightly androgynous/tomboyish/90s alt indie girl/strong model features/tall type of woman. These types of girls/women are also often bullied from a young age/outsiders so there is an elemental of pathological narcissism (which according to some studies is highly represented in the agp subsector), of wanting to enmeshing with and “colonize” a weaker entity. I’m Russian and yes, wide jawlines/square face with heavy cheekbones are a thing among Russian women because a lot of people carry mongol/Siberian dna. I have the same heavy 90 degree jawline and I’ve hated it most of my life because classmates called me “masculine” and even considered going to Korea for a v line at one point. Also, Paris Hilton and Angelina Jolie are the main celebrities with this look, but you never see troons claiming them because they never exuded vulnerability in their public image.
No. 1986057
File: 1713285038030.webp (64.68 KB, 746x746, lol.webp)

>>1986033This lovely lady was already divorced and had a kid by 24, going by his reddit account. I guess trooning out is just the next step in speedrunning fucking up his life in every possible way.
No. 1986091
File: 1713295134189.jpg (563.92 KB, 643x2332, Screenshot_20240416_211755_Chr…)

That level of absolute delusion kek.
No. 1986113
File: 1713298268978.jpg (229.84 KB, 1289x1757, 20240416_215926.jpg)

Sage because he isn't technically a TiM (doesn't think he's a woman at all) but it's hilarious. This gay moid apparently got his dick inverted with 0 pretense of having a 'womanly soul'. Usually i'd dismiss this as yet another AGP but he does seem genuinely gay to me (+ the fact that his husband is much younger kek). I really wonder what could have caused this?? I know gay men sometimes have fetishes so bizarre they do away with their genitals (nullos, that one guy with a KF thread who injected his balls with silicone to make them gigantic), but choosing to look like a TiF drawing is such a funny way to do it. I bet his husband is internally dying and will leave when the other expects him to be sexual with his 'vagina'.
No. 1986139
File: 1713303534014.png (39.07 KB, 761x538, straight women.png)

>>1985641The number straight handmaidens on this post really tells you what "lesbian" spaces online are like these days. I'd say the comments were at least 55% trannies, 40% bihets, and 5% actual SSA women.
No. 1986143
File: 1713304740119.png (148.04 KB, 795x1728, bad natured faggot.png)

>>1985641>>1986139And despite all the asspats in the comments, the troon OP still got offended and ran to one of the tranny circlejerk subs to cry about how several of the women in the comments thought he was referring to dildos/strapons when he posted
in a lesbian sub about PIV. He's crying about "muh erasure" and "muh cisnomativity" even though he literally
chose to make his retarded post in the lesbian sub instead of one of the shit-zillion troon ones. Christ forbid SSA women have a single space on the internet where they can talk about sex without being leered at or crybullied into talking about cock.
No. 1986152
File: 1713306396672.jpeg (608.91 KB, 1170x1708, IMG_0232.jpeg)

Eric Taxxon got sick of being called out for being a dogfucking pedophile that he is now claiming to have discovered repressed memories of being assaulted as a child and then sexualizing the supposed memory. Few posts under this he was defending 4lung
No. 1986183
>>1986178I’m desperately hunting for my proof but I swear to god about 4 years ago on his twitter he made a twtlonger confessing to sending nudes/sexting minors on discord. The dogfucker thing is just the fact he believes he is a dog and has that puppy fetish so many troons have now.
>>1986159Kek he does look like jerma
No. 1986187
File: 1713322445623.jpeg (719.55 KB, 1125x1771, IMG_0617.jpeg)

1/2 the hypocrisy is insane with tims. They think they are better than regular men.
No. 1986188
File: 1713322534040.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1001.86 KB, 1125x1768, IMG_0618.jpeg)

2/2 every single thing on his page is just sexualizing lesbians or excessive horny posting or “muh trans genocide”
No. 1986189
File: 1713322903599.jpeg (705.44 KB, 1125x1685, IMG_0619.jpeg)

1/2 more of the whole “trans genocide”
No. 1986190
File: 1713322928942.jpeg (272.09 KB, 1125x624, IMG_0620.jpeg)

No. 1986194
File: 1713327945978.gif (1.09 MB, 200x270, disgusted dog.gif)

>>1986188God this is such cope, and so moid-brained. Males genuinely cannot comprehend the concept of superficial congeniality. How many times do they need to be told that women being polite to you, or more specifically complimenting you out of pity, does
not mean that they want to fuck you, no matter how many retarded stolen anime porn memes you make saying otherwise?
No. 1986195
>>1986113His husband is no looker, but can do so much better jfc.
>>1986192Or money. Money works, too.
No. 1986259
File: 1713358516614.jpg (721.51 KB, 1080x2316, 1000006579.jpg)

They tell the truth on trannycirclejerk kek
No. 1986264
File: 1713360939758.jpeg (807.89 KB, 1170x1765, IMG_0233.jpeg)

>>1986183 samefag, I found at least one statement he made on tumblr but I do not believe that’s the extent of what he’s done. Also just turboautist things, consuming mountains of porn daily and then saying you find it “funny”
No. 1986266
File: 1713361831272.jpeg (899.18 KB, 1125x1948, IMG_0622.jpeg)

The moid who screams about genocide has a Reddit account, why the fuck are all trannies like this? “I’m months behind on rent” this man is 30. I swear to god this man is a cluster b faggot.
No. 1986282
>>1986113>>1986280I think gay moids develop these fetishes because they know their balls won't do what they're supposed to do (procreate with another human) so they become ashamed of them and decide that maybe they shouldn't have then at all.
Which is nice tbh, this makes it less likely that they will hurt someone else, by not having balls and dick, it makes it difficult for them to rape.
No. 1986286
File: 1713372267151.png (336.32 KB, 400x710, eww.png)

No. 1986288
File: 1713372578133.jpg (804.72 KB, 1070x1967, 1000009487.jpg)

While it's hilarious to think about this dude running around a grocery store with his gut hanging out, a woman would never be allowed to wear something like this to work and would most definitely get sent home.
No. 1986303
File: 1713375157487.png (89.27 KB, 548x970, Screenshot 2024-04-171.png)

here's episode 2 of "men taught me how to be a lesbian"
No. 1986305
File: 1713375233235.jpg (353.94 KB, 1080x1601, 1000034103.jpg)

>>1986143>>1986139what a histrionic scrotum. his post history is a gold mine if you're entertained by entitled male whining
No. 1986307
File: 1713375571922.png (312.87 KB, 502x628, andrea-ritsu.png)

My country just passed a gross troon law, i'm really upset please post the ugliest most pathetic troons you've got saved nonas. To apologize for the blog I give you our local infamous transbian who just had a stinkditch installed yesterday. He's the one who legally renamed himself after his favorite yuriship, girls in weeb circles fear him
No. 1986308
File: 1713375587914.jpg (187.77 KB, 1080x350, 1000034105.jpg)

>>1986305sorry to doublepost but apparently I didn't scroll down enough on his profile to see this kek. based "sapphics". he also lives in a van
No. 1986332
>>1986309Most AGPs are chasers. You could even say that within every troon (not HSTS) there's a chaser. Chasers make troons feel seen, it breaks the illusion because they see someone who isn't larping as a woman, with a sexuality that's very similar (if not near-identical) to theirs. On a subconscious level it must fuck with them. And like
>>1986323 said, overt chasers are honest about what they like, they remind the troon of what he is (a feminized male).
It's always hilarious to see fetishists react badly to being fetishized
No. 1986333
>>1986309It’s because circumventing boundaries is the point. Thats where the thrill lies for them. It’s also based in misogyny; the straight ones want to correctively rape lesbians and the gay ones want to ‘take’ straight men away from women. Male sexuality often has some weird power play going on where it’s not about mutual pleasure or love, it’s about winning. If they allow themselves to be ‘caught’ by a ‘chaser’ they’re the conquered one, not the conqueror. Only the ones with a humiliation fetish want that.
>>1986332And on the flip side, a lot of chasers eventually troon out. TIMs who want to see themselves as a woman in a straight relationship absolutely hate that shit.
No. 1986358
File: 1713381745005.jpg (138.4 KB, 1080x840, Screenshot_20240417-142054_Chr…)

>>1986307He will never live down the shame of mutilating himself years down the road. Still looks like a man. Absolutely delusion tard.
Also, nobody tell him that liking dinosaurs is a blatantly masculine thing and dino turboautists are men. His hobbies don't pass.
No. 1986359
File: 1713382057739.png (140.02 KB, 911x486, Capture.PNG)

>>1986309I imagine it like this.
>You are a Purple Grape (a gay dude) and you decide to mimic a Red Grape (Woman) because you want Green Grapes (straight men). So you think changing yourself into a Red Grape will make Green Grapes want you.Instead the Green Grapes, really want actual red grapes. So you are stuck with other Purple Grapes who are trans like you or/gay/bisexual purple grapes or fucked up modified purple grapes as your dating pool. It doesn't validate that you are actually a red grape, because these grapes like Purple Grapes anyway. They hate the purple grapes into them because they know that these purple grapes only LIKE them because they are purple grapes pretending to be red grapes and/or don't mind purple grapes as sexual partners. Not because they are Red Grape attracted Green Grapes.
Chasers are hated because they want feminized males with dicks. Gay men with straight male fetishes will literally be having gay sex but as long as they feel the man likes women NOT MEN they can delude themselves. Honestly the ones who don't care and date who wants to date them, seem to be the most "happy".
The ones so focuses on getting a real straight man, an actual lesbian are just fucking idiots and miserable.
I find it hilarious that delusional men don't want to date delusional men but everyone else has to date them to validate them.
Hope this makes sense.
No. 1986369
>>1986358>liking dinosaurs is a blatantly masculine thingsigh
>>1986359nonny… why grapes?
No. 1986375
>>1986359>trans like youNot even referring to t4t, but the way a tranny is forced to come across another tranny makes them internally transphobic, see 4chan tranny board for hilarious examples.
Also femboys being he/him trannies can
trigger both sides.
No. 1986376
File: 1713384762993.png (1.14 MB, 909x908, andrea-ritsu-cosplay.png)

>>1986358>He will never live down the shame of mutilating himself years down the road. Still looks like a man. Absolutely delusion tard.I've met
>>1986307 in person and let me tell you he makes NO attempts at passing. Short hair, no makeup, doesn't even do the usual wispy mickey mouse troon voice and just uses his fully male voice as normal, is a "tomboy" so he just straight up wears male clothes. He does cosplays which is the only time he seems to wear somewhat feminine clothes, except he prefers masculine/butch female characters (he's into suits) so he ends up dressing as a man even then, see picrel. He also appears to be missing a bunch of teeth. And yes he's an autist who also has ADHD, and he apparently also has addiction issues! Triple-threat.
>Also, nobody tell him that liking dinosaurs is a blatantly masculine thing and dino turboautists are men. His hobbies don't pass.I agree with the other nonas that women do in fact also enjoy dinosaurs etc, however I get what you mean. All of his hobbies are SO fucking male stereotypical. The man runs a fucking yuri porn review blog ffs! He is literally not even trying to larp an interest in female things, he's just such a male manly man all around even down to his hobbies. He literally thinks liking lesbian porn is what makes him a true women to the degree that he now has a stinkditch.
No. 1986386
>>1986368>>1986369>>1986380You can't lie to me that capitalism doesn't try to blatantly shill dinosaurs to little boys rather than bothering to make them a gender neutral thing like most animals. It's the same thing as why unicorns are considered feminine. I don't make the rules.
But again I will emphasize that extreme dinosaur spergs are men.
No. 1986394
>>1986389NAYRT but most trannies have stereotypically male hobbies and handwave it away by saying it's capitalisms fault and hobbies are for everyone. You're using tranny logic.
While it's totally normal for cis girls/boys to have SOME interests outside of their gender roles, a man having ALL male interests and then pretending he's one of the girls because "there's no such thing as gender roles, girls like dinosaurs too" is peak tranny.
No. 1986399
>>1986288Wearing a fucking
dog collar to work. Absolute degeneracy.
No. 1986405
>>1986386How come every dinosaur sperg (incl. myself) i know is a woman or a girl.. Sure, obsessing over the inner workings of toasters and planes is male-coded, but dinosaurs?? Really?
>>1986394You shouldn't let a reaction to a bunch of diseased moids shape your view of gendered norms. TiMs are male, not 'being with male-interests'. They are still male if they played with barbies as kids
No. 1986409
>>1986394>ciswtf is a conservatard like you doing here
so as long as timmies are solely into 'girl things' everything's fine, that's what you're saying?
men pretending to be women having stereotypically male interests aren't abolishing gender roles because they're men, not because their hobbies make them one.
(infighting) No. 1986441
File: 1713399443045.jpg (641.79 KB, 2392x2048, GKSITS1bUAAMHuc.jpg)

>>1986286Post the most filtered troon GO
No. 1986442
File: 1713399538009.jpg (Spoiler Image,208.11 KB, 1290x1668, GK_8a6abQAET1j-.jpg)

No. 1986443
I didn't realize pointing out a TIM being blatantly into boyish things would cause infighting.
>>1986420>it doesn't matter what someone's interests and hobbies are because that doesn't dictate their genderIt doesn't dictate their gender but there are definitely societal gendered hobbies and activities that are not socially accepted for one's sex. It's still collectively agreed upon that men wearing dresses is not okay, and men in makeup are fags if they aren't troons. Men just don't get into these things very commonly without naturally falling into the alphabet soup.
>There are men who are hyperfocused on faeries and unicorns (as in folklore not MLP shit)You can't just magically draw the line at MLP versus actual fairies. Bronies are trash and you know it. Several of them even became TIMs after their trend died.
(derailing) No. 1986448
File: 1713400265686.png (288.96 KB, 499x400, have mercy.png)

>>1986442Why are diaperfags always obese?
>>1986443NTA. Animals (and by extension, dinosaurs) are pretty unisex though. Every kid wanted to be a veterinarian at some point or loved Jurassic Park. It's this specific kind of sperginess that gives away he's a TiM, not the interest itself
No. 1986454
File: 1713401596361.png (283.93 KB, 283x475, image_2024-04-18_105242364.png)

>>1986443I was talking about moids who publish stuff like picrel so yeah I was magically drawing a line between unicorn folklore and moidbait cartoons.
No. 1986492
>>1986386kek I knew the dino nona would
trigger people, it did me at first too. obviously interests are ~gender neutral~ but I get what she means. sorry to blog but two of the biggest dinoautists I knew were extremely autistic TIMs, hilariously enough. one of em, Jordan Tierney, has been posted itt before for being a sex pest
No. 1986510
File: 1713419259151.jpg (218.5 KB, 1080x1338, 3bewczk8qqa91.jpg)

Does sissy stuff count?
No. 1986513
File: 1713420127233.jpeg (335.41 KB, 750x1447, IMG_6229.jpeg)

it’s not misogyny because 1) you’re a man, 2) they’re treating you like a retard because you look and act like one.
No. 1986520
>>1986386Dinosaurs have been getting a lot less gendered lately and you can now find plenty of dino stuff in the girls’ department too. A girl I know asked for a dinosaur print dress and I thought I was going to have to make it myself but a quick search brought up over a dozen dino print dresses in her size.
Still no unicorns on the boys’ side, though.
>>1986513I don’t even believe this happened. Anyone who works in tech has heard women complain about this specific type of misogyny in the industry and imo this is just another case of a man stealing a woman’s experiences and pretending to have gone through it himself. The idea of having his intellect disregarded because of his ‘gender’ is probably a fetish of his, and he’s leaving out the part of the fantasy where the mr. executive demands sexual favours in return for a pay raise because that would out the whole thing as tranfiction.
No. 1986591
File: 1713448968653.jpeg (1.95 MB, 7600x2000, IMG_1438.jpeg)

Woman expresses body issues about how she feels inadequate due to how she looks and troons manage to somehow make it about themselves and equate their gargantuan man structures to a woman not feeling like she fits into a beauty standard
No. 1986627
File: 1713461442588.png (291.27 KB, 1123x741, thonked.png)

they really typed this and thought gottcha jk
No. 1986658
>>1986645KEK accurate
>>1986627so tiring, like ok you're mad at JKR for something benign she did, can you stop mutilating children now please thanks
No. 1986698
File: 1713482761961.jpg (391.08 KB, 1051x1083, Screenshot_20240419_012052_Chr…)

Casually browsing MTF and found this one.
How can they be so close yet so far?? Dude just admitted that they lost 19-1 in a soccer game against a male team ffs. That is football, not rugby. That not a normal score at all. And yet he doesn't see a problem with trannies invading women's sport (none of them do apart from one in the thread, the only somewhat reasonable troon).
Also, barf, this is a 50 year old tranny playing with 20 years old. Why do they accept this shit. He added "30", in the age range but I doubt there are many 30 years old with enough time to be playing soccer…can bet this is mostly a group of 20 years old and he's just creeping on them.
Here's to hope they get banned more and more from every level of sports. They need to fuck out. No. 1986702
File: 1713486035190.png (771.45 KB, 2518x1248, 18171231.png)

Sorry if this is late but apparently this is where all the tims purged from tumblr's spring cleaning went No. 1986711
File: 1713487691272.png (1.17 MB, 764x1008, 745.png)

Recently fished out of egg_irl and twitter
No. 1986712
File: 1713488224449.jpg (112.03 KB, 1170x698, pedoshit.jpg)

I'm 100% convinced that every tranny still on tumblr is a pedophile of some sort. They even outright admit it sometimes but you still aren't allowed to say anything about their behavior or you'll get dogpiled.
No. 1986713
File: 1713488380977.png (402.42 KB, 1180x852, 175609.png)

>>1986702Blue hair and pronouns isnt exclusive to just tifs
No. 1986715
File: 1713488869753.png (146.55 KB, 1177x556, 240447.png)

>>1986702beloved sexpest and ban evader is still alive and well
No. 1986733
>>1986712Yes, because women are known to have neo nazi pasts and sexually harass men, and trannies are know to be mostly of color instead of white… just men defending men and
victim blaming, why do you still doubt their lady brain and feminine soul
Also using tme instead of women when they obviously mean women, they want us to accept they are no different from us but at the same time they are and want you to acknowledge that. And transmisogyny don't even make sense as a term, they aren't facing misogyny like ever. The only way it could make sense would be if it was applied to actual women. Next time a troon says misogynistic shit we should call it transmisogyny, how'd they feel about people "reclaiming" shit that were never theirs? It would be funny if I didn't know they'd just rage like the cavemen they are.
Nonna I am sure they are all pedos or sex pests, my ex friend became a tranny and he'd always tell me how disappointed he was to find out yet another of his tumblr friends was outted as a rapist or pedo, at some point I just wanted to tell him "what did you expect" kek and I was still a tif during that time, they sure contributed a ton to my peaking, it's what they say "listen to trans voices", please do listen, happy peaking lmao
No. 1986762
File: 1713495112142.png (656.93 KB, 1197x886, narcissism.png)

They really do have to make EVERYTHING about themselves, don't they? First they pulled this nonsense with Zelda, now Hades. It's exhausting.
No. 1986780
File: 1713499899638.jpg (76.53 KB, 850x585, __marnie_gloria_morpeko_and_mo…)

>>1986745the female MC in sword and shield became a troon symbol for some reason. They also like the yuri between her and the punk girl Marnie.
No. 1986782
File: 1713500217632.jpeg (456.28 KB, 750x2979, IMG_6247.jpeg)

something tells me that even if this troon had the voice of a disney princess, that wouldn’t make the slightest difference in terms of passing.
No. 1986784
File: 1713500495934.jpeg (834.5 KB, 750x1172, IMG_6248.jpeg)

>>1986782this was him 5 years ago. it’s always the most neanderthal looking mfs trooning out.
No. 1986786
File: 1713500929023.jpg (64.33 KB, 720x900, 1000023724.jpg)

>>1986702Should we return the favor and invade their spaces?
Just kidding winky face
No. 1986798
File: 1713504513620.png (121.66 KB, 1115x551, image_2024-04-19_152724587.png)

>>1986702I'm in ladies, it's like reddit but troons are more up their arse. Also "nomal" men are running around blowing smoke.
>>1986797Godspeed nona.
No. 1986804
File: 1713505581774.png (Spoiler Image,253.32 KB, 1097x736, image_2024-04-19_154536690.png)

>>1986798Samefag jesus christ talk about serial killer eyes. Horrid troon nipples under spoiler
No. 1986820
File: 1713510413926.png (173.9 KB, 1108x497, image_2024-04-19_170501650.png)

>>1986813ask and ye shall receive
This place is a gold mine if I'm going to be honest, and incredibly easy to get into (I'd reccomend using a burner proton email) if any nonnies are curious and want to going diging through muck
No. 1986822
File: 1713511060078.png (1.04 MB, 1146x5629, image_2024-04-19_171508687.png)

>>1986821Showcase of retards to close for the night
Not the best quality posts, as of now I'm trying to honeypot so I haven't been saving as much as I could
No. 1986841
>>1986837Trannies can only exist in a hugbox for so long before it implodes. It always does. Be it they fight over attention, or eventually their degeneracy snowballs into legal issues, it's always the same.
If your social group is acceptable to all of society, why does it get raided?
That and I give that site 3 months before they catch cp or it's abandoned because of infighting.
No. 1986842
File: 1713523222756.png (197.14 KB, 946x789, image_2024-04-19_204014114.png)

>>1986837There are women (TIFs but netherless) on there and there are accounts that are over a year old and still active. Will be funny when it implodes like
>>1986841 sugests.
No. 1986844
File: 1713523527531.jpg (26.92 KB, 400x400, c6aeaba039ba41d69a9dbce8c3523e…)

>>1986307The ring has affected Gollum worse than I thought
No. 1986857
File: 1713526682022.mp4 (8.07 MB, 480x854, xHl6fMd.mp4)

This is the most AGP thing I've seen in a minute, peak porn brain-rot and creepy lesbian fetishism
No. 1986876
>>1986857Seriously, it's like porn costume bingo.
>cheerleader (x3)>mother nature/gaia/eve>fairy>tryhard lesbian larp cosplay (x3) (muh flannels uwu)>Playboy bunny>Velma>Jessie from Team Rocket (willing to bet money this is the first character that gave that guy a boner)>nun>witch>a bunch of other shit that's probably from vidya or anime aimed at menThis is probably the most effort these men have ever put into looking nice, imagine having to tart yourself up for attention from other moids lol. God the absolute faggotry of it all. I can feel the collective shame of their ancestors through the screen
No. 1986879
File: 1713532287457.jpg (114.7 KB, 828x773, tumblr_385331147e7fe44202aee24…)

here's episode 3 in the series i'm calling "men taught me how to be a woman"
No. 1986881
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No. 1986889
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No. 1986904
>>1986798I don't think the statement "I look more like an anime
character than a real life gal" is nessecarily untrue, but the anime in question would be something like Baki the Grappler (not a magical girl or yuri series).
No. 1986906
File: 1713536983840.jpeg (151.39 KB, 1280x720, 1685200441652.jpeg)

>>1986904probably something like this
No. 1986918
File: 1713538249056.png (214.31 KB, 676x437, tumblr.png)

i hate it here
No. 1986919
File: 1713538701096.jpeg (475.56 KB, 1125x1657, IMG_0658.jpeg)

Why do trannies think they know biology?
No. 1986924
>>1986918>very trans and passing but now the cis girls swapped their misandry for transphobia. Destined for t4tLiterally admitting that misandry and transphobia are pretty much one and the same, also admitting that "cis girls" were the reason for LARPing as a lesbian, then also admits he's a jailhouse faggot because the mean cis women hate men way too much to suck the cock of some retard scrote calling himself a dyke.
So stunning. So brave.
No. 1986928
incredibly male-coded to pretend “misandry” and “transphobia” are the only reasons women don’t want to fuck him. I do agree going prison gay is his best option though, I wish all mentally ill moids (not just troons) would leave us alone and go date each other kek
No. 1987020
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they just make me giggle at this point
No. 1987053
>>1987020He doesn't even look human and
triggers my fight or flight response
No. 1987116
>>1987093Slugs aren’t trans and I can’t believe I just fucking typed that sentence.
Slugs produce both gametes, humans cannot ever produce both gamates.
No. 1987232
>>1987109>>1987113>>1987116God, no shit slugs are entirely different to humans, that is my point. I was pointing out that the only thing in existence that
could be called 'trans' is a class of animals that physically can transition from male to female and vice versa. Which is funny in the context of the comic posted.
No. 1987246
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This is from a soap opera called Hollyoaks, which has a plot line involving a 12 year old girl coming out as Trans, the mother who is still an ally, gets lectured by a TIM and other libfems for being "TERFy" and is framed as being in the wrong for not letting her daughter go on hormones and be mutilate herself.
No. 1987248
>>1987246I'm still a fan of Hollyoaks on FB for some reason so I've been vaguely following along, "Kitty" has been getting involved in every step of this child's life, convincing them to cut their hair and shit whilst also stepping into the parenting and telling them what they should and shouldn't do, I don't know why they are trying to phrase this clearly grooming storyline as if it's something nice and supportive, when even the TV tranny is calling someone a
terf for her wrongthink
No. 1987257
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Reddit trannies are so amusing lol
No. 1987265
>>1987257The mum needs to chuck him out, guaranteed it’s jobless.
>>1987246Funny how no women would ever take parenting advice from a teenage twink, but slap some lipstick on him and suddenly his word is gospel.
No. 1987269
>>1987248>Convincing themNona….
>>1987257Snooping on his mum's private messages….just a normal behaviour.
No. 1987285
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>>1987265I just want his mom to kick him out already
No. 1987301
>>1987232TRAs love pointing to hermaphroditic species of fish and invertebrates and claiming that their existence somehow validates transgenderism. But those animals aren’t trans because transgenderism is a human delusion, it’s not real, just like thetans and otherkin aren’t real. If people were mutilating children in the name of otherkinism and someone brought up those flowers that evolved to resemble insects to attract pollinators and called them “true otherkin”, that would be fucking stupid. I get where you’re coming from but we really need to stop humouring the delusion that transgenderism is even a thing that exists anywhere in nature. Slugs are hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism, sequential or otherwise, doesn’t exist in humans or any other species of mammal. Humans can’t change sex. The end.
Honestly any time a TRA brings up clownfish I want to hit back with the concept of sexual mimicry, or “sneaky mating”, where some males resemble females of the species and use that to sneak up on actual females to mate with them without being chased off by the normal males. It occurs in some species of bird which are evolutionarily closer to humans than fish or invertebrates are, though of course still pretty distant.
(derailing) No. 1987312
He's a living caricature
No. 1987317
>>1987301humans are actually closer to fish, but i agree with everything else you said. the entire animals argument just goes back to trannies trying to claim it's inborn like homosexuality, something that occurs in, you know, other
mammals but i guess they'll take whatever they can get.
No. 1987353
>>1987301Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites; as part of their life cycle, they're capable of producing both sperm and eggs. This is literally impossible in human beings. There are no recorded instances of one person producing both gametes. It's fucking ridiculous that the difference between sequential hermaphroditism in fish and mentally ill humans castration themselves even needs to be explained.
Sneaky mating amomg cuttlefish is a really good comparison, honestly. If we're going to apply fish logic to humans, then we must also acknowledge that males disguising themselves to rape females is "part of nature," too. Kind of hard to say it "never happens" when cuttlefish do it all the time. It's all so stupid. Each species is unique and possesses its own qualities, and it's idiotic to evaluate what is normal for one species based on the traits of another barely-related one. We don't determine what is normal for elephants by looking at salamanders.
(derailing) No. 1987359
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1/3 the cringe and delusion doesn’t stop
No. 1987360
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2/3 as if making jokes about beating women was a feminine thing to do
No. 1987361
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3/3 we are still hanging on to the “muh genocide”
No. 1987364
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No. 1987384
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Context: A lesbian said she wanted to say she loved woman without adding TIMS, and got called terf because "poor trans women!" like ie.
No. 1987447
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this post is so ironic
keking at the fact that he believes he’s truly exempt from being a moid
>yet we’re
get the fuck out of here
No. 1987464
>>1987448Nah, that's not it. They want a stinky
femcel GF but can't have one
because they don't exist so they become the
femcel themselves.
Check out the femcelgrippysock subreddit and remember how men were cooming over that Japanese woman who stabbed her boyfriend aka their "real yandere waifu!!!!!"
No. 1987484
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if this guy hates having to wash his asshole, what makes him think he’s gonna love dilating and douching his rot pocket? kek
No. 1987493
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Came across the account of some Japanese guy who wears little girls clothing. I don't know if he's a tranny but it's kinda giving me that vibe. wears diapers in his photos similarly to other trannies.
No. 1987525
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Massive kek at his conclusion, quintessentially male.
>Dude dated a woman for 4 years, hiding his creepy troonism while they were engaged.
>Cannot comprehend why his wife thinks it's gross and why she's unhappy he hid it, calls her a terf (of course)
>For some reasons she stayed with him and they married
>She leaves him and apparently gets 20K of money out of him (she 'conned' him…yeah right buddy)
>She gets in a relationship with someone else (hopefully not another creep).
>Muh I'm prettier than she will ever be
My sides. The MtF sub is more retarded than ever today…
No. 1987527
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>>1987525>Prettier than she will ever beKek Kek Kel what a cope. Even with heavy filters he still looks retarded af.
No. 1987576
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how dare you not let us mutilate children.
No. 1987594
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tranny desperate for engagement
No. 1987607
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I love reading skinny gossip to laugh at their insane standards and crab in the bucket behaviours, Issa Lish is what they call "sg skinny" the perfect female body in their eyes.
It's a japanese mexican tranny.
No. 1987623
>>1987525Kekkk this reminds me of a personal cow (wish i could post his twitter meltdowns but he deactivated). His wife left him and he would mald about it daily even though it was years ago. She wasn't supportive but didn't antagonize this retard, she just left shortly after his troonout. He had nothing on her so he'd sperg about how 'exploiting' she was (ie. letting him clean the house while she engaged in her hobbies). It was weird because he'd kind of larp as a battered wife, all because his ex didn't takenthe bangmaid-cleaner-affirmer route.
>>1987607This made my skin crawl. In a way, this kind of troon is the ultimate fashion mag fodder. They look feminine but can attain the 'starved boy' look editors push in fashion. Even better if they transition early enough, but not so early that they get eunuch body in their 20s. It's fucking grim, no wonder EDs have been on the rise
No. 1987636
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Perusing r/beauty and noticed gigahon in the sidebar. Kek. What a comparison.
No. 1987732
>>1986510I hate seeing men fetishize your worst nightmare
Please, swap them all out with the women who want to leave