File: 1535304879721.jpeg (430.64 KB, 1080x899, 1B2E5228-4603-456C-80CB-1A7ABF…)

No. 673730
23 year old plastic surgery addict/instahoe/sexworker/model.
>A true narcissist, posts before and after pics of her surgery literally nonstop >"Doesn't care what you think" but will sperg at the slightest rustle of her jimmies>Obligatory ~BPD~ sufferer>Will stop at nothing to look as fucked as possible; just got her boobs done and is already planning her next surgery>Begs her followers to buy her private snapchat where she lisps incoherently for hours through her clown mouth Links:"ASMR w/ PlasticAndProud | Dolls Kill" No. 673818
File: 1535312939067.jpeg (283.45 KB, 750x1115, 4430433B-EDCC-4632-9F46-039AA1…)

“Looks from clothes and makeup”
Or how about your face being fucking jacked from plastic surgery and coke bloat
No. 673879
File: 1535316453447.jpg (816.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180826-164612.jpg)

Why tf is there a plumbob from The Sims in the middle??
No. 674004
>>673983She says that about everyone who doesn't react the exact way she wants and give her the recognition she feels entitled to. "Angry ugly broke teenagers"
Get new insults not everyone values looks, age and superficial attributes the way you do, Ariana. That's why you only started feeling proud of yourself AFTER you butchered yourself to the point you consider attractive. Lmaooo
No. 674005
File: 1535326313576.jpg (118.07 KB, 532x452, SmartSelect_20180826-193103_In…)

"Talented" artist but every broken nail breaks the exact same way
No. 674081
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No. 674087
File: 1535335663684.jpeg (584.28 KB, 750x1095, 2DD3B480-8234-486B-8E61-C1F593…)

She’s living her best life guys. Life is perfect. She has great credit and pays her bills and has the perfect fiancé. Who is she trying to convince?
I’m going to go vomit now.
No. 674088
>>674081Her parents must be so proud.
Imagine having a fiancé and being this fucking thristy for attention.
No. 674147
File: 1535341163689.jpeg (315.78 KB, 750x1094, A9CB514D-3880-42AF-BC99-EA2D4A…)

“I’m so proud of myself look at my art”
>fan actually wants to buy one
“I don’t want to sell them”
No. 674162
>>674147lol ofc not cus she needs to keep them to look at and like that girl is thinkin ok $20? but they're really gonna be over 100 for some shitty hands on a piece of wood that doesn't fit with anyones style
You know she's just gonna stay at this skill level too
No. 674224
File: 1535352611431.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180827-022440_Ins…)

No. 674268
>>674074isn't it like a theft? lol
author-chan please report it as soon as she lists the shirts. I'm sure her shop may go down because of this
(Cowtipping) No. 674342
File: 1535377699070.png (5.17 MB, 1125x2436, 9E0A4091-B303-4BCF-9110-A3D57D…)

One of her photographer friends she used to hang out with all time & do shoots with posted this in her stories. Look familiar? Did pnp straight up rip off her friend??
No. 674456
>>673818Does she ever go to public? What does her social life consist of? Going to the park walking DoorMatt & the dog and sitting in the house taking selfies. I imagine people in the parks just think she's crazy wearing a photoshoot makeup and slutty clothes, as if squirrels could care.
Next time her cucks take her to the restaurant, she should make sure to show some proof she's having social life, so we could be even more jealous of her glamorous happy life of a celebrity
cough-cough. Why spending so much money on operations if nobody can see your beauty? Lol. I can't see anything on her insta proving that she's having any sort of interesting or meaningful life, because people who have that would at least not only post selfies made in the shit hole house and inside their bathroom.
Also wondering if she has any future plans to have any sort of life at all, I dunno, partying for example, going to museums, finding a better place to live. She's how old? 20? And spends all her time sitting on bed. And she's anxious of opinions of the people on the internet. Pathetic really.
No. 674510
File: 1535397135204.png (507.96 KB, 923x538, spencer's.png)

No. 674564
File: 1535402882359.png (501.42 KB, 904x544, revenge.png)

No. 674591
File: 1535406267935.jpg (231.23 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(49).jpg)

No. 674592
File: 1535406296101.jpg (248.83 KB, 750x1334, Image-2.jpg)

Good luck Luna Slater
No. 674613
>>674510Girl those brows.
Those are two girls who WISH they were sisters.
No. 674621
>>674591They're really worth 30-50 bucks tbh
You don't determine your own worth when you're just starting out as an artist and have 0 originality and minimal skills lol she is so delusional. She has never been great at anything just mediocre at a few..
No. 674657
>>674639Proof? Details?
You don't have to out yourself or anything but that's a pretty bold claim considering she tries to discredit everything that's posted here.
No. 674695
File: 1535418959141.jpg (250.94 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(50).jpg)

Lmao what advice?
>insert Tyler the creator cyber bully meme
No. 674718
File: 1535421236721.jpeg (801.55 KB, 750x1251, 4F03195D-4A5C-450D-99B3-51F41C…)

Omfg shave your pits 🤢. She always looks in desperate need of a shower.
No. 674795
File: 1535427865274.jpeg (780.27 KB, 2048x2048, image1(2).jpeg)

This is how she treats a potential customer that actually wants to pay $500 for that garbage
She really wants people to beg its so unattractive
Also I'm like 98% sure that was a troll cuz who on earth would offer her that much money for such shitty quality arts n crafts projects
No. 674866
File: 1535440800732.jpeg (539.11 KB, 2048x2048, 05D9C14C-4391-429F-9CF7-01B52E…)

scrolled past kylie’s ig post then saw pnp’s right after. just kinda shows how absolutely fucked her plastic surgery really is compared to decent work. its so jarring.
No. 674942
>>674268How is this cowtipping? This doesn't even fit in the "expanded" definition. Maybe more like a personal army. I do agree that selling stuff with a graphic someone else made is legally shady.
>>674506yeah I think that was just some kind of a mood swing. A caprice, one of many. Good thing she didn't act on it, oh God imagine the mess. If a puppy was too much work for her…
>>674671probably because she's cleaning the place or something and it doesn't fit her edgy persona.
No. 674984
File: 1535465191391.png (1.75 MB, 872x1188, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 10.0…)

I hate her make-up so fucking much. the fake freckle trend is so ugly
No. 674987
File: 1535465339724.png (1.69 MB, 1012x1182, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 10.0…)

>>674984she looked so much better pre surgeries and instahoe make-up wow
No. 675014
>>674984Drinking makes your blood vessels expand and sometimes they burst. The effect on the skin is becoming permanent. Most common area: nose.
Thus: alcoholic makeup trend.
So cool and successful.
Btw jfyi: you can buy a bottle of wine in Belgium for 1.79€
No. 675093
File: 1535480583038.png (702.81 KB, 927x540, thriving.png)

No. 675100
File: 1535480886991.jpg (515.85 KB, 1080x1301, SmartSelect_20180828-142740_In…)

STILL addressing the haters that she is totally unbothered by
No. 675105
>>675093When your success is literally you sitting in your sweaty ass bed drawing ballsack hands on pieces of store bought wood, having no insurance or net worth, and turning your boyfriend into a cuck.
Ahh… success indeed.
No. 675109
>>675105Fr this bitch didn’t even Make the wood but is acting like she did and charging >$100 for shitty doodling using her cheapest Michaels paint headass
It’s fine though I hope all the Luna Slating ends her up in /pt
No. 675133
File: 1535486031631.jpg (650.23 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20180828-154822_Ins…)

Why would I be jealous of someone who has to beg her followers for EVERYTHING?
Money, support, companionship, validation, her entire career was created by begging for attention online. She has no expertise or skill, the only reason she is even able to model is because she has a following and a ton of plastic surgery. Modeling gigs aren't based off of your portfolio when it comes to instagream. What has she really achieved? Putting herself in debt and seeming extremely desperate for money she doesn't deserve.
Anddd after all of that, she still has to beg for people to keep her company because she is a friendless narc loser.
I'm totally a jealous h8r of her sooper successful lyfe
No. 675150
File: 1535487572679.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180828-161638_Ins…)

>>675147I agree. It makes her look way worse. The medium-large breast implants are completely disproportionate to her "naturally" skinny frame. Her lack of ass and hips make her look top heavy. As she gains weight it will probably look more obvious too lol
No. 675164
>>675150>>674081when u got that severe body dysmorphia
>>675105lets see how successful she will be in 10 years when shes 34 and a worn out bag of plastic and bones LOL
No. 675270
File: 1535499984926.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 33320CF7-2370-4AF3-868B-52A867…)

Could be wrong but I think that’s her huge ass vibrator just plopped out on the bed with her animals running around on it , Jesus she is so trashy.
No. 675277
>>675093what level of cluster b delusional does she have to be to think anyone is jealous of her? she's an untalented, friendless NEET. her bolt-ons suck, her make-up sucks, her mental health sucks, her personality sucks… her life sucks. why would anyone be jealous of someone whose life is objectively worse than the average 20-something's? because she has a few thousand ig followers? as if they won't eventually realize how rotten she is and unfollow kek.
sage for rant
No. 675302
>>674826how tf do you even rack up that much debt unless she went to college which she didn't right? all plastic surgery expenses? maybe i'm just naive but it seems that seems like a lot. I guess she doesn't have a job or anything though so she uses credit cards to pay for everything…
>>674984I can't believe she spends so much time on her makeup yet ends up looking like this… she could've showered in the same amount of time
>>675093she's not bothered tho. also does she ever leave the house? she seems like she would love shitting on other girls on lolcow tbh
No. 675320
File: 1535505052431.jpg (1.36 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-28-21-09-33-464_deco.jpg)

The person didn't even respond so prolapsed and fans got confident and went off in the reply section. Pathetic
No. 675484
File: 1535530019004.jpg (1.53 MB, 2550x1887, 20180829_040628.jpg)

No. 675636
File: 1535561431559.jpeg (240.55 KB, 476x427, B67C52DE-DEAF-40AF-AC46-1B9280…)

“Successful” “70k a year”
No. 675737
File: 1535570302988.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180829-151630_Ins…)

Why shower when you can pin your wet-with-grease bangs back and put way too much makeup on to create the illusion of proper hygiene
No. 675753
>>675737fuckin gross. she looks like she smells like cat piss (even though pretty sure she doesn't have a cat) and that place looks like…bedbug/roach infested.
But I'm just you know, jealous of her crosseyed tiddies, no job, tenement she lives in, body dysmorphia, poor hygiene and that (probably) mentally challenged ogre boyfriend of hers. Totally….
No. 675771
>>675753She does have a cat, noob. There is a picture of her cat a few posts up. She looks like the type of trash to never clean her cats litter box
>>675737Her lips from this angle look botched.
No. 675832
File: 1535576324989.png (711.2 KB, 812x598, 2018-08-29 16_57_00-@plastican…)

she really went and did it
also – i can smell doormatt's breath from here
No. 675841
File: 1535576746717.jpg (48.35 KB, 1077x293, SmartSelect_20180829-170506_In…)

She should sell the shirts for like $60 as to not downgrade her expertise
No. 675845
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No. 675852
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No. 675858
>>675843Her house is absolutely disgusting. She lives in a shithole.
She is completely delusional and her personality is nasty. Also she fucks guys for a couple of bucks.
No. 675871
File: 1535577858603.png (2.35 MB, 1432x1673, Screenshot_2018-08-29-16-14-39…)

Found our cow in an AliExpress listing
No. 675909
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No. 676010
File: 1535589842489.jpg (552.53 KB, 750x1070, IMG_8061.jpg)

>>675989Nah she's bathing in the river like a rat
No. 676041
>>676019Wow she's got this thread open at all times apparently she's so obsessed with us
She still hasn't put the shirt on her etsy and its 9 pm hmmmm
No. 676118
File: 1535600153727.jpg (638.21 KB, 1080x1551, SmartSelect_20180829-233510_In…)

Why would you go swimming in a dirty ass river with a full face of makeup on? That's so unnecessary and bad for your skin lol
No. 676119
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No. 676164
File: 1535607610543.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, D7E37399-94FC-4A4A-8832-2FB5E7…)

shirts up on her etsy for $20 and it looks like people have already bought it
No. 676166
File: 1535608346470.png (366.96 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180829-224847.png)

This hoe
No. 676294
>>676255Sry to be that person but I am diagnosed BPD and I don't hate my parents. However being so irritable sometimes you always go to hurt the ones you love that won't leave you.
I don't think she has BPD though, she has no shame. Most people with BPD feel a lot of shame. She's more likely a narcicisst but I guess thats not trending right now.
And if she makes so much money why not seek treatment for BPD? Probably because she has NPD and there's no known treatment for that.
She so obviously uses mental illness as an excuse for being shitty, she's the worst.
So sry/sage for arm chair and blog
No. 676400
Arm chair/ OT bullshittin
>>676255Lmao yes at least at one parent, afterall someone must have fucked them up right?
>>676294Not all narcs are borderline but all borderlines can be outwardly narcissistic
High functioning self aware ones though will put in work to heal instead of glorifying being a shit and embracing it for ig points
I wouldnt deny the possibility of her having bpd tbh but i get not wanting to be lumped with that as she’d be presenting the worst case scenario that singlehandedly stigmatized the whole condition
No. 676420
File: 1535653589297.gif (4.67 MB, 387x640, SmartSelect_20180830-142549_In…)

No. 676430
>>676400>Lmao yes at least at one parent, afterall someone must have fucked them up right?yep because bpd's never lie about abuse, exaggerate situations or go on smear campaigns to make themselves look like innocent victims.
>stigmatized the whole conditionfucking kek. Its a cluster b personality disorder. I'm getting sick of the white knighting against a PD which is in the same category of narcissists and sociopaths.
and its not OT/armchair bullshit she has literally admitted to being a bpdfag. Lurk moar. Seems to be a lot of
triggered bpdfags on /snow/. How ironic.
No. 676462
File: 1535656037282.gif (7.3 MB, 379x640, SmartSelect_20180830-150603_In…)

No. 676469
File: 1535657376377.jpg (590.35 KB, 1080x1379, SmartSelect_20180830-152733_In…)

Still talking about us ayy
No. 676470
File: 1535657464353.jpg (95.02 KB, 1074x422, SmartSelect_20180830-153028_In…)

Imagine being so emotionally shallow that whenever someone is percieved as more attractive than you, you actually dislike them
No. 676488
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No. 676491
File: 1535659519026.jpeg (532.36 KB, 750x938, 927A788A-C1D9-4EB9-A2DA-BF4A9D…)

>>673730She deleted this lol
No. 676529
File: 1535662571288.png (3.36 MB, 750x1334, D75F41FF-87B9-44C7-9EE2-46CF14…)

Cow crossover? Also twitch was brought to her attention via followers
No. 676549
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No. 676566
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No. 676572
File: 1535667983380.png (Spoiler Image,443.7 KB, 791x559, greasy.png)

No. 676590
File: 1535669155360.gif (7.06 MB, 507x640, SmartSelect_20180805-080944_In…)

No. 676605
File: 1535670495124.jpg (265.45 KB, 978x1193, IMG_20180830_141254_550.jpg)

No. 676731
File: 1535675900580.png (1.97 MB, 1318x1334, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at 02.3…)

>>676474The look of PnP's nails helps to maintain low weight, thank you PnP for inducing vomiting. Love u, kiss-kiss.
No. 676895
>>676430It’s a disclaimer that Myyy post is OT… I know what she claimed. Stay
triggered tho tf
The question was whether all bpds /hate/ their mom not whether Ariana’s alleged abuse was real??
Way to show how ignorant you are about mental illnesses though Pls be proficient at reading and 18+ yo to post thanks
No. 676961
File: 1535694094103.gif (13.69 MB, 574x545, SmartSelect_20180831-014049_Yo…)

Swamp rat
No. 676962
File: 1535694328087.jpg (689.57 KB, 1920x2560, 18-08-31-01-44-16-493_deco.jpg)

No. 677125
File: 1535724807448.jpg (654.78 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20180831-100801_Ins…)

Still indirecting the h8rz… tell us more about how unbothered you are, Ari..
No. 677172
File: 1535730968015.jpg (1.84 MB, 1080x1281, 39881783_295119577955544_11251…)

>>674147>>675105>>673906late but this is amazing! The arms look like penis shafts with these random folds, the thumbs like fat radishes thrice as big as the fingers and overall the hands have ballsack skin as other anons have pointed out.
This would be fine as a sketch but you immortalised it on wood (unless you're gonna fire your oven with it)
She has a beginner's understanding of art and thinks her half-assed attempts are God's gift to the world, I love it
No. 677184
File: 1535732222530.png (2.12 MB, 1440x1837, Screenshot_20180831-110949.png)

her lips look so botched yikes i have no idea how she thinks this is a "look" because she straight up ruined herself beyond repair i mean the longer she goes without getting fillers the more her mouth looks like diseased and inflamed labia but when she gets them done again its gonna like a prolasped asshole once again idk i feel like one percent bad for her because now she'll either have to keep shoving plastic in her body and look like Joan Rivers or stop and look like a deflated blow up doll
No. 677215
>>677184You can always get your fillers disolved but it hurts a lot. I don’t think she looks that bad, she does look dirty I feel bad for the photographers. She was beyond ugly before but the thing is when you get that much work done to your face and you were ugly before you start looking deformed, the more you try unless you have 30k and a damn good plastic surgeon. Like most IG models. I think she paid around 10k for her implants (I might be wrong) she prolly got a discount.
But if I was her I would try to clean my image, talking about drugs, haters, sex working etc. That is if she really wants to have a shot as an influencer. And its funny and sad she is awalys tagging Dolls Kill but yet they ignore her.
As they say you can take the trailer..
No. 677225
File: 1535739092444.jpg (593.95 KB, 701x1013, SmartSelect_20180827-043305_In…)

No. 677226
File: 1535739232289.jpg (575.68 KB, 1080x1143, SmartSelect_20180831-141306_In…)

She actually looks kinda pretty here.. she should've kept this look and just grew her bangs out a bit
No. 677243
>>677237She is sending her followers to defend her. I bet she stays in bed all day reading this thread. LOL. you can tell by her pics captions.
And since shenis reading this PLEASE GO WASH YOUR FREAKING HAIR.
If I was her I’d dump that ugly boyfriend and get a nice place by myself, some friends too.
No. 677261
>>677255okay, we get it. You did your good deed for the day, here are your brownie points <3
In all honesty, I personally think she's cute, unflattering pics or videos, personal style and make-up preferences, before/afters included. And she's not really milky. But she is eccentric, over-compensates for deep insecurity and also seems to be internet-addicted. She views herself through a lens and through her ig and has some major issues and this is a recipe for disaster.
No. 677264
>>677253You can tell he is an ignorant, she deserves much better!!!
She has no life goal, she is not a sugar baby she is just a hooker she fucks guys for a couple of bucks, also the vid with babytrash absolutely disgusting, if I was her I would be mortified, watching her being violated by two guys like a crackhoe. DISGUSTING.
Being a sex worker is not empowering at the end of the day. Like I said she needs to clean her image, she has her opportunity to be an influencer but she is choosing to show her tits on snapchat. She is a dumbass.
If she wants to be an adult entertainer so be it but at least do it right.
No. 677285
>>677279She has treated people who don’t agree with her like trash, she is entitled and rude on her live streams. She lets her followers gang up on anyone in her comments.
She doesn’t spread positity and acceptance, she only started treating people a little better after she got called out.
No. 677290
>>677287No, she is plain rude and uneducated. I don’t see other serious influencers getting hate. She gets hate because she is a shitty person. It is not too late for her to change.
IMO the main reason people dislike her or hate her is her personality and the way she shows herself.
If she was nice and she had a clean image she would be making bank instead she is in bed ranting about the haters and making a couple hundreds on snapchat. That IS fcking SAD.
No. 677326
>>677324The only aspects of her life that are criticized are the aspects she puts on the internet.
Besides, she isn't bothered by the h8erz so why should you be?
No. 677335
>>677331you got her snapchat what more do you need?
god i swear you're a creep stalking us in the thread.
No. 677343
>>677329do you think the same thing every time you pass a gossip rag in the supermarket?
this is just a silly gossip site, nothing more nothing less.
No. 677352
>>677348I don’t understand why you guys are defending someone who doesnt give a sht about you.
And lol at people buying her snap to get a consultation, beeeshh you are lucky if you have your ged diploma. Besides google and youtube are free. Even then you still need to get a REAL consultation. Its not like you can go to a plastic surgeon and be like I want the same thing she got.
No. 677363
File: 1535748067099.png (507.75 KB, 552x446, DBE8239F-A2D5-4728-8B20-45417D…)

>>677361Lmao you had type this out twice
No. 677373
File: 1535748766669.png (807.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180831-164137.png)

She went on live. Those joker lips…she's just getting stoned all day everyday. That's so…sad.
No. 677392
File: 1535751912780.png (746.09 KB, 906x541, drunk.png)

No. 677456
File: 1535756326974.jpeg (151.43 KB, 750x1066, FA1B0960-66E7-436B-8252-C1593D…)

Her side by side transformations are littered with comments like these
No. 677492
File: 1535759008342.png (502.4 KB, 908x521, happi.png)

No. 677502
>>677456pnp every day: look at how much BETTER i look now!!!! i'm PROUD of my PLASTIC SURGERY. I'm so happy I made this choice!!!!
follower: I agree. You do look better now and plastic surgery was a good decision.
pnp and orbiters: well you're ugly! fuck you?????
No. 677555
>>677492all she needed to do was fix her nose
>>677454please stop with the emojis, emoji anon
No. 677609
>>677603I know right? It is so clear her life is a mess, she is trying to portray this happy life she pretends to have. But at the same time maybe she is trying to convince herself.
She has mental issues
No. 677828
File: 1535810252653.png (876.28 KB, 1420x940, 1535751912780.png)

>>677392>>677373how is this even the same person?
what that other anon said about being able to see her ugly beneath the work she's done in video is so true, it's almost creepy.
if nothing else, she truly is the queen of angle.
No. 677910
File: 1535822127877.jpg (32.43 KB, 1080x261, SmartSelect_20180901-131053_In…)

Matt commented this on her most recent before and after post. It must fuel her raging insecurities to know even Matt thinks she looks hotter after all of the work she's had done. As well as her fans since no one cared for her when she was Toucan Sam
No. 677925
File: 1535823597849.jpeg (411.13 KB, 2400x1800, BAF4717C-2A61-462E-BBF8-BEC003…)

No. 677934
File: 1535824388953.jpg (468.04 KB, 1080x1463, SmartSelect_20180901-135223_In…)

Is she trolling with this pic?
No. 677936
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No. 678168
>>678150What is it with
triggered cunts who don't realize BPD is a mental illness caused by trauma. Whatcha gonna do, fight NIMH about it?
No. 678170
File: 1535852662992.png (482.03 KB, 594x590, yert1.png)

No. 678171
File: 1535852675622.png (469.83 KB, 583x595, yert2.png)

No. 678186
>>678178No one cares bpdfag. Mental illness will never be an excuse to treat those around you poorly. Now go be
triggered somewhere else unless you have milk.
No. 678202
>>678186If you knew how to comprehend what you read you would understand that I was EXPLAINING why she acts that way. I agree with you, her BPD will never excuse how she lashes out shittily towards her boyfriend and her friends and has an addiction to social media. I'm not
triggered, but you clearly seem to be since you attack every "bpdfag" that seems to come into this chat. Did somebody's mommy have mental pwoblems?
No. 678237
>>676118Her hair is so thin. What happened? Her hair looked so thick and healthy and soft here
>>674987. My own hair looks like this when wet now and I know it only got this way because my hair began thinning due to stress and not taking care of myself. She has a noticeably widening middle part and sparseness at her temples. She should go and talk to her doctor about this ASAP if she ever wants to recover her hair before it is too late.
No. 678301
>>678146No one gives a shit. PD's are not a mental illness either.
God, I fucking hate bpd cunts so much. I wish majority of you would actually go through with your suicide threats. You people are vile, empty, narcissistic leeches.
TRIGGERED with no basic knowledge of mental disorders and wanting someone to commit suicide you're like 12 gtfo of here
>>678315Honey, stfu. You're
triggered. BPD is not an illness as it is not curable. Only therapy and experimenting with certain prescriptions can aid it. BPD screws up the people who have it's lives and typically those around them. Most are narcissistic, dramatic, impulsive cunts. Have it diagnosed myself (sorry for being that guy) and I can atest.
Own your shit and while you're do some research into psychology, mainly personality disorders. Thanks
No. 678361
>>678353Wew, people who use lad but likely aren't from anywhere the slang originates from.
I meant why equate a serious, incurable disorder to say a common cold or possibly completely treatable depression. Disorders are more pervasive
No. 678379
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No. 678380
File: 1535876527113.gif (13 MB, 453x640, SmartSelect_20180902-041749_In…)

No. 678382
File: 1535876777016.jpg (397.75 KB, 1080x1805, Screenshot_20180901-130959_Ins…)

No. 678392
File: 1535878618953.jpeg (135.72 KB, 960x958, 7433C048-C890-492B-81D9-466BBA…)

Let’s instead talk about how she runs around with hairy pits but we’ve all figured ou the bich don’t shower unless it’s in a river … imagine the stench
No. 678398
>>678392tbh that is one of the only redeeming things i find in her personality. (and the only point where her "not conforming to your beauty standards, i live by my own judgements" etc ever holds up).
there's no reason for her to shave so she doesn't. good. on. her.
No. 678619
File: 1535908368967.jpeg (80.59 KB, 479x785, 54341E2B-42F4-4256-9630-12BE9A…)

Living her best life
No. 678649
File: 1535911201402.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, C1147666-4A48-4EAD-9911-680FD5…)

Antagonizing the cat really urked me 1/2
No. 678651
File: 1535911253023.png (3.37 MB, 750x1334, 4E185A65-BBB0-455C-98E6-B20D4A…)

No. 678664
File: 1535912333059.png (8.54 MB, 1242x2208, 1E37FC99-ADA8-4840-9538-F63F15…)

Boo wash your face
No. 678666
File: 1535912372056.png (10.79 MB, 1242x2208, A1656AFB-073F-4D8A-A503-5CC7BF…)

The scabs….
No. 678685
File: 1535913624460.jpeg (1.8 MB, 2448x1069, CB92FB57-B32C-4F5C-8D52-807A02…)

>>677492>>677927it’s wild how much of a sham her before and after photos are, and it’s hilariously ironic how the image and brand she’s choosing to cultivate revolves around this dramatic ~pLaStiC sUrGeRy tRaNsFoRmAtiOn~. her current post-surgery face actually really looks practically identical to her face pre-surgery, especially when she isn’t pouting or posing. it looks especially similar when she smiles. catfish extraordinaire
No. 678692
File: 1535913907653.jpeg (59.25 KB, 266x256, 23DDAE0F-AECC-4817-8495-5B2C0D…)

No. 678719
File: 1535915661611.png (637.28 KB, 924x540, magical bean.png)

No. 678735
File: 1535916610042.gif (1.39 MB, 375x211, F41E2175-242B-46EA-BFEF-15B984…)

No. 678739
Ok so I’ve been following pnp for a few months, saw her before&afters on explore & I love looking at those idk so I followed. I wanna preface by saying I never hated her, but was never particularly….interested? Idk. I did notice how rude she was to her followers, and that ticked me off—but hey, some people are just assholes, whatever. I also noticed how she’d continuously beg her followers for money/donations so she could “move out” or something, and the next week brag about how well off she was, and post about all these microdermals/fillers/Whatever. I’ve been keen on getting some procedures done myself, and I’m from the same region as Ariana—so I’m familiar with the cost of these kinds of procedures and they’re not cheap. They’re not the kinds of things a 24 year old needs to or ought to be doing, especially so often. This shit is for wealthy middle aged housewives lmao unless you’re living in LA or soho and trying to land a shitty modeling/acting career.
Anyways. There’s so much more I could go on about….
I don’t have her Snapchat nor care enough to follow closely to know the details of her “sugar” lifestyle, but I’ve been an SB before. 1), that shit can be extraordinarily traumatizing. 2), no normal man in his right mind would be okay with his gf engaging in the behaviors associated with sugaring if he knew what was really expected. 3), she doesn’t get paid to just go to dinner with him. There are ways you can do that and make a quick $200 maybe, but nowhere near $500. The only circumstances in which sex/intimacy aren’t immediately required are actual “relationships” in which the SB actually engages with SD as a boyfriend. So uh you can be a glorified prostitute, or be dating an old man. Not sure if either Ariana or Matt is aware of this, but it’s a difficult job and is NOTHING to brag about.
Also her art is decent considering she’s entirely untrained, but to sell that shit for more than $30 is insulting (and i do digital art commissions for extra $ ).
At this point I’m just following bc her life makes me feel better about my own lmao. I grapple with depression and BDD and a few other problems, and I could easily have turned out to be like her. It’s like “trauma porn” to me at this point.
No. 678741
Following her makes me feel better about myself. Also a former SB.
No. 679410
File: 1535933954015.jpeg (2.64 MB, 4032x3024, 4660BD3D-3BDC-404F-9681-05B14D…)

I think she cheated on Matt last night with the SD…
No. 679433
>>679426It sounds like she cheated but honestly…who cheats and posts their admission of guilt online? Also, does her bf even care what she does at this point? She has a sugar daddy and footage of her getting dicked down by another guy. Unless she crossed a boundary and he already knows. When I was a lot younger I cheated and posted a lot of "I hate myself, i want to die" stuff with the hope my SO would see and take pity on me. Who knows.
Sage for blogpost
No. 679437
File: 1535936693854.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, 27403D7C-1346-4EFC-8383-5F584E…)

No. 679490
File: 1535943271357.jpg (322.41 KB, 1079x1636, Screenshot_20180902-225332-1.j…)

No. 679510
File: 1535944489250.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2208, 6F7F4173-C374-4146-BEC4-C48740…)

No. 679513
>>679512she's obsessed with showing everything online and has BPD i think lmao doesn't actually mean laughing out loud.
'i have no worth right now i only have this stupid fucking app'
No. 679518
>>679493>>679490pretty sure that pic isn’t from today, she’s apparently been a crying mess all day feeling bad for herself about cheating so i doubt she’s gone from this mess
>>679412 to having a full face of undisturbed makeup, specially when she’s posting shit like this at the same time
>>679510 No. 679531
File: 1535946553255.png (1.08 MB, 1075x1608, Screenshot_20180902-234230~2.p…)

>>679518Maybe from this day? Hair is the same yellow intensity and the same tshirt
No. 679823
File: 1535984676688.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20180903-102221~2.p…)

I'm just guessing but I think she cheated but must've manipulated Matt into staying and the relationship status isn't changing. It's her only stability..
No. 679882
File: 1535991864451.jpg (475.12 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180903-112100_Ins…)

Sage for tinfoil.
No. 680046
>>680029I feel like he loves her because she is verbally manipulative enough to convince most people she knows that she is very smart and worthy of being listened to. Along with the fact that her looking physically "perfect" fulfills his ego and makes him feel like he's good enough to land a ten.
They're both really, really fucking delusional about themselves and each other lolol
No. 680136
>>680046Nah, she is selfish and vain. She ruined the only good thing in her life, her long term relationship. She can’t blame her mental illness or anything else. Matt uses her for free sex aswell. So I don’t feel bad for either of them.
Aalsooo the side effects of drugs and alcohol are starting to show, she looks pale and malnurish. Her skin looks dull when she is not wearing makeup.
No. 680142
File: 1536014593388.jpg (100.75 KB, 801x557, brain hurted.jpg)

is a total bitch though.
No. 680171
>>680136Yes she is selfish and vain, but that doesn't mean Matt is a good person or truly loves her. Also, shitty people can be in love lol
They have awful personalities. Now that Ariana is "hot" she acts as mean and entitled as she always wishes she could. Betcha if Matt was a hot, tattooed, trendy guy he'd act way douchier
No. 680219
File: 1536020379569.jpg (21.54 KB, 253x316, Ugly_troll.jpg)

>>680178She thinks she's trolling us by making those shirts and saying she's "not bothered living my best life definitely not refreshing this thread every 5 minutes" she's certainly not clever enough to actually troll us. She's just going to keep calling us ugly and jealous (of what? Were still not sure) pretending she's so show not bothered but actually talking about us constantly.
She is however a troll in this original sense of the word, of course. Pic related.
No. 680267
File: 1536024365392.png (Spoiler Image,330.38 KB, 1242x2208, 7806EB2C-3B9F-4E44-A514-1D4ADA…)

No. 680269
File: 1536024492871.jpeg (196.77 KB, 1241x2011, 361F8615-CB4C-4AC6-A888-84D905…)

>>680250there’s pictures of her on some sort of dating app most likely for the foursome so it’s possible she was on tinder too while dating matt
No. 680393
File: 1536034257983.png (61.08 KB, 800x600, 774B34F0-99C3-4645-95CA-DA29AA…)

>>680342Love bombing. She kinda reminds me of Tyler grosso tbh. Self aggrandizing and delusional while being utterly mediocre.
No. 680431
File: 1536037986606.jpeg (713.88 KB, 750x1334, FEC0DC55-A116-4662-BC63-027828…)

she reposted this selfie from just 3 days ago w a dif caption..why??
No. 680433
>>680431Cuz she a narcissist who tf cares
Milk or sage
No. 680605
File: 1536068909963.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-04-08-44-10…)

that's because it is undeserved, ariana. you're an unremarkable person and everyone who cares about you is just as bad.
No. 680607
File: 1536068987603.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-04-08-45-08…)

more trying to be self aware about her botched bolt ons lol.
No. 680629
File: 1536071947502.png (7.59 MB, 1125x2436, 635588E4-5044-413D-BF2C-D4FFA8…)

Yo, her shirt is so grimes and gross
No. 680640
File: 1536073166862.png (284.59 KB, 750x1334, 28A0DAC5-2DAD-466A-9C6D-F73156…)

>>680622He’s still following her…
No. 680656
File: 1536074932430.gif (1.46 MB, 260x462, 3BCDD709-DE43-42AA-8D00-44B81A…)

>>680645>>680645>>680640I went to her followers, started typing in male, maleman.mp3… his account wasn’t on there?
No. 680666
>>680656Its just a glitch
This thread needs more milk
No. 680681
File: 1536078070676.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, 1F6E7B61-8453-41D0-B53F-3953A1…)

Old (not necessarily milk) but a true throwback to her tumblr days. Carrot cake anyone?
No. 680693
File: 1536078752627.png (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 750x1334, C4A2B971-AFBE-4EA0-96C0-9E351F…)

It was a gif but I’m not tech savvy enough for that
No. 680854
File: 1536090120886.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, 968E312E-20BC-4191-AECC-20A70D…)

No. 680865
>>680858For her Etsy shop probably
>>680859Not doubting you but can you explain how her stylist did it wrong? Just looks like orange hair to me
No. 680956
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No. 680960
>>680944I got here trying to figure out what her name was lol
>>680956She's just sticking her bare pussy in the river water
No. 681021
File: 1536103085628.png (292.47 KB, 480x445, Screenshot_20180904-161448~2.p…)

Still conceited but trying to be funny about it.
No. 681023
File: 1536103121885.png (2.77 MB, 1440x1956, Screenshot_20180904-181514.png)

gets her hair done (finally washed) and immediately crawls right back into her swamp like the literal monster she is
No. 681025
>>681021>>681023Oh bitch, you were growing out 6-8 inches of your natural hair color, and you had to go and bleach it and put red dye on it.
Now, you'll having wispy, fading straw hairs for another year and a half just to get back where you started.
Shit taste.
No. 681176
File: 1536116288551.jpeg (300.51 KB, 750x1261, 3A86E631-C73E-4EC9-A14E-07A540…)

Wooden pieces are up on Etsy
No. 681208
>>681023Lol i just noticed how cross eyed her boobs are
No. 681219
File: 1536119698165.png (1.26 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180904-083538.png)

I like this chick, too bad she's Ariana's friend.
No. 681608
File: 1536170515703.jpg (170.44 KB, 918x544, blondie.jpg)

No. 681702
File: 1536177337356.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, 3C83BA2D-5C2C-4D7E-BD63-5D2386…)

She’s never loved anyone more in her life
No. 681725
File: 1536178668169.jpeg (107.94 KB, 747x1084, 2C480BE7-DE1F-4F38-942F-0D4613…)

No. 681898
File: 1536188727671.png (1.5 MB, 1242x2208, D3DAC153-58BD-4A8D-A13B-81984A…)

i didn’t mean to spoiler that last in and they are in the wrong order but
>>681888 No. 681910
File: 1536189620686.png (1.16 MB, 1242x2208, 935549B9-1EF0-4D8E-9071-B544EF…)

tried to say that people laughing at her makes her money, just makes it even clearer that she is lying about her income lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 681948
>>681910Her porn didnt even make her famous tho
She got popular bc its hard to look away from a trainwreck like her
…so lets watch her ruin her life to the point of no return
No. 681953
>>6818951. You can tell people they have low intelligence when you can’t wrap your head around PDFs, one of the most basic things in computer technology lol
2. The fact that she’s so quick to insult other people’s intelligence and anyways bragging about how much smarter she is than others… sure makes it seems like she’s very deeply insecure about her own intelligence. And for a good reason, this bitch is dumb as rocks.
No. 681955
* not lookin too smart myself lolol
No. 681970
>>681953She’s straight up white trailer trash like her mom. Like of course intelligence insults are her go-to. She’s uneducated as fuck and has absolutely no trade/skill.
Appearance and intellect. The 2 fucking things she lacks so she lashes it as insults against others who ever so slightly disagree with her lispy fish lips lopsided-tiddies ass, my dude. Keep baiting her for more tho other Anon. Wonder what else we can indirectly pull out of her that is obviously her insecurities.
No. 681985
File: 1536195173491.png (124.55 KB, 720x919, 20180905_195145.png)

Literally what is the point of hinting that u cheated then acting like it didnt happen
No. 681995
File: 1536196209898.jpg (157.08 KB, 720x1125, RNXJjHS.jpg)

>>681985she deleted the other comment
No. 682020
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No. 682066
File: 1536202038925.jpeg (261.79 KB, 1213x1832, 07D27D20-1650-4C51-91AF-237E6D…)

this is what she was talking about in the comments
No. 682188
File: 1536217959676.jpeg (173.43 KB, 750x971, 97452C63-1310-4285-9FC0-36E947…)

how she always replies multiple times to people who criticize her and insults them in the worst way makes it so obvious how bothered she is…. this girl needs to see a good therapist for real
No. 682190
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No. 682332
File: 1536245058267.jpeg (46.8 KB, 637x203, 15DE08E7-E7EC-4643-A76C-B4A888…)

what a good role model!!! (this girl is 15)
No. 682375
>>682332This is something that genuinely disturbs me about PnP’s popularity. I don’t think getting a nose job should be shamed considering it’s someones personal choice. But when it’s a 15 year old who hasn’t had the chance to find acceptance in her own skin and sees the side by sides of PnP with the caption “glow up” it’s probably going to cause more self image problems than not.
Of course PnP says “I loved myself before my surgeries” but we all know that’s not the case…and still isn’t. She still contours her nose and obsesses over it, talks about new procedures (fat fillers), got her tits done “to know boob life”…she’ll never be happy and that’s her prerogative. But the fact she’s so oblivious to her affect on younger/more insecure followers shows she is not ready to be an influencer or make any sort of money off being popular on IG
No. 682378
File: 1536249925583.jpeg (512.55 KB, 750x863, 8B988D4D-4BAD-45FA-BEFA-B2990C…)

Is that straight up blood all over her lower lip lmao
No. 682502
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No. 682634
File: 1536279397329.png (397.2 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180906-191433.png)

So I scrolled all the way down because i wanted to see what she used to look like ((i was bored dont judge, im obviously obsessed rite))
And here's a video of her literally shooting a fucking hamster with a bb gun
Even if you dont care for hamsters this is kinda fucking sick
No. 682659
how the fuck did her hair go from
>>680854 to
>>682378 in 2 days?
No. 682712
File: 1536283484428.png (3.26 MB, 1125x2436, 0F2A1463-61C1-4067-85E6-FE4CE3…)

>>682634Yet has the nerve to post shit like this as if she doesn’t harm animals all the same??
No. 682738
>>682705>>682705It's from 2013 so that's probably why nobody noticed.
But it's not like she can deny it anyway, it literally says "shot a hamster" with the hamster
Still gon record it tho
No. 682775
File: 1536286134038.gif (Spoiler Image,1.73 MB, 600x375, hamster.gif)

Appears to be water. Little guy got stunned not very nice.
No. 682799
>>682775Ariana McMillan is an animal abuser what a surprise
She probably screams at her pets like Pumpy does, just see how she treats Matt.
Though she does seem to care more about her dog than her fiance.
No. 683172
File: 1536333500446.jpg (315.47 KB, 2048x2048, Image-1(55).jpg)

She said she didn't get fillers yesterday so maybe she just has herpes
No. 683175
>>683172She said on snap she was so proud of not picking her skin and then she started on her lip. I initially started following her since I have the same picking disorder but I stayed for the milk.
Sage because not v milky
No. 683209
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No. 683320
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No. 683321
File: 1536351196217.jpg (342 KB, 1073x1531, SmartSelect_20180907-161043_In…)

No. 683397
File: 1536358733260.png (338.39 KB, 592x594, 7q87SJo.png)

No. 683408
File: 1536359824294.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1242x1855, 8D325111-9BA4-4362-B45C-14561A…)

This is from Spencer’s Dec 2017 lol
No. 683409
File: 1536359852080.jpeg (776.49 KB, 1242x2036, B834C1B9-4CF5-48FA-A3FF-2D05AD…)

Look at the comments…
No. 683410
File: 1536359888685.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1842, 9AF4AC51-C72A-49DD-B8D8-CCDBB6…)

No. 683452
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No. 683454
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No. 683455
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No. 683457
File: 1536362095250.jpeg (172.82 KB, 750x1031, D770C700-723B-462F-A589-822A9C…)

>>683408Comments on this pic
No. 683547
>>683410Holy fuck.
She looks like an alt Alyce Casati.
No. 683561
File: 1536373206122.jpg (304.05 KB, 1067x1418, SmartSelect_20180907-221844_In…)

No. 683562
File: 1536373219126.jpg (372.33 KB, 1067x1553, SmartSelect_20180907-221909_In…)

No. 683575
File: 1536375042719.jpeg (478.47 KB, 1242x1836, E255F483-287A-435B-991C-FC4BC1…)

No. 683594
>>683576She literally admitted on her Live many times about getting baby Botox. And answered tons of questions on the subject and even explained how it was different from the regular Botox.
She’s fucking delusional and can’t even lie properly.
No. 683597
File: 1536377110749.png (7.08 MB, 1242x2208, DD9463C6-BE66-4545-8CA1-1B302D…)

Thanks to those new injections her lips stick out so far they now need their own postcode lmaooooo
No. 683598
File: 1536377231977.jpg (286.19 KB, 1066x744, SmartSelect_20180907-165445_In…)

"Back to normal"
No. 683622
File: 1536379958520.jpg (342.59 KB, 821x1066, SmartSelect_20180907-163725_In…)

No. 683624
>>683622reminds me of shuwu and preg.
look how smol i am commpared to my fat-i mean big stwong bf! this is totally candid and i didn't even realize our size difference!
No. 683627
File: 1536380621649.jpg (2.28 MB, 1920x2560, 18-09-08-00-09-16-083_deco.jpg)

No. 683628
File: 1536380648444.jpg (1.13 MB, 1920x2560, 18-09-08-00-10-34-728_deco.jpg)

No. 683646
File: 1536383680046.jpeg (203.53 KB, 843x1024, 664E1889-37D8-4F3A-AAE4-D897EE…)

>>683597A rare photo of Ariana in the wild.
No. 683658
File: 1536384777596.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, 3469313E-DE76-4855-90AA-EF07E2…)

Video of her freshly picked fat, bloody lips
No. 683659
She also made a point to show off her blood crusted fingertips for that extra edge
No. 683685
>>683682Definitely after lip lift at least. You can see that scar under her nose from it. And I’m pretty sure her nose job was the first cosmetic “enhancement” she ever did so I’m thinking this is post rhinoplasty as well.
Definitely before she knew how to contour though lmao bc the nose really doesn’t look like she’s had any work done
No. 683722
File: 1536398013918.png (Spoiler Image,565.04 KB, 809x869, worst-bobs-evah.png)

>>683320>>683322>>683378There are definitely worse boob jobs than Ariana's, just look at those stretch marks and scars. No idea, but maybe it's likely to happen when a girl has naturally small tits and their butchers squeeze inside watermelons of the bobs? Or in the future they will sag more and scars will be just in place. Honestly every time somebody shits on PnP tits I remember those horrendous examples, her flat chest was perfectly fine before the boob job, but at least her silicon sacks look somewhat natural. Plastic surgeons nowadays are mercenaries, it's almost like if you have the money they will do whatever you desire even without a proper consult.
No. 683726
>>683722Im a very skinny girl with breast implants and mine are the 2nd smallest implant on the market. Mine are not under my armpit and you cant see the incision line. They feel soft and aren't lockable.
Her's look really really bad.
Pumpy is a good example of a skinny girl with good (not great) implants that look far better than arianas.
No. 683743
>>683740That's fine if you think that, I wanted to have more of a mature look without having to put on weight and be fat.
Pnp is probably just as her name says and just to be plastic without a skilled surgeon, or sometimes implants just dont sit right on a patient, there are always risks going in.
No. 683806
File: 1536418675826.png (9.16 MB, 1242x2208, 5ADE0D84-5C47-4FF1-A41D-7EA831…)

she looks so fucking gross here LOL
No. 683812
>>683743It's not even about putting on weight though. Skinny frames don't put on weight on the breasts anyway. Breast implants look ridiculous on skinny girls because theres nothing to work with. Its literally skin and implant. No natural fat in the breast and I know you're born that way and you can't help it. The meme of bigger breasts look better just needs to die.
sage for kinda OT
No. 683816
File: 1536419866123.jpg (901.09 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180908-111726_Ins…)

No. 683826
File: 1536420454339.jpg (105.31 KB, 1075x529, SmartSelect_20180908-021354_In…)

Found the spencer's pic on their insta.
She is so disgusting that she feels the need to lie to people about her health.
She has admitted to starving herself and being underweight. That's not healthy. Also, neither is having severe mental disorders which aren't under control…
No. 683827
File: 1536420561385.jpg (194.94 KB, 1052x496, SmartSelect_20180907-164203_In…)

No. 683850
File: 1536423014830.jpg (556.55 KB, 1080x1393, SmartSelect_20180907-164226_In…)

The level of delusion this girl has lmao
No. 683915
File: 1536428232100.jpeg (110.14 KB, 750x686, 5BC9EF90-DBB3-40A0-84C3-AE41FD…)

>>683827Wow Arianna it’s not like there’s more than 1 type of an eating disorder. Like wow. You definitely don’t fall under an branch of one. Like wow.
Most uneducated bitch I ever SEEN. No wonder she/Matt keeps her locked up in a house. I wouldn’t want to let society see this unintelligent, prolapsed anus lips, lopsided mango tits looking girl running around.
No. 684014
>>683850 Is this the same filthy mirror from
>>683627 ?
Does she just move it around her house to take selfies?
No. 684145
File: 1536446789107.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.92 KB, 426x640, C3690BE9-CF3B-4FF6-BEB1-97571C…)

No. 684167
File: 1536449258218.png (476.7 KB, 806x560, DrLZVgE.png)

No. 684197
File: 1536452599156.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, 8D70F3B7-6F8F-4CB7-A267-EC49B0…)

I feel like she actually used to look so good I can’t quite put my finger on what’s different but she looks so much worse now.
No. 684198
>>684167Ariana, are you passionate about anything other than taking photos of yourself? Of gazing at yourself in the mirror state of a front facing camera?
Maybe all the botulism, and plastic compounds have gone to your brain
No. 684212
>>684197don't namefag anon
she's all angles, she never looked good
No. 684287
File: 1536464569966.png (3.46 MB, 750x1334, D0FEA234-E4DE-40F1-8BBF-AE79FC…)

Romanticizing her disorder? Her lips do not deserve this especially in their fragile state
No. 684290
File: 1536464883985.jpg (545.84 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180908-223441_Ins…)

Earlier she was doing her makeup on live and got her eyeliner in her hair… And it's still there. Also, she's picked at her lips horribly. Is she on drugs lately? She's been acting weird and on live she was very mellow/spaced out.
No. 684291
File: 1536464911904.jpg (566.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180908-223446_Ins…)

No. 684361
File: 1536474813059.png (6.39 MB, 1242x2208, CB5B0A3C-60D9-40C8-B13C-469BB2…)

“Couldn’t give two fucks about my appearance”
But yet she spends thousands of dollars on surgeries, injections and skin treatments.
Also claims to have an entire mental disorder that causes her to care TOO MUCH about her appearance… so which one is it boo?
No. 684474
>>684191Yeeeesh. Lost 145 just yesterday. Lmao
>>684197She went super overboard on her “improvements” to the point where she looks monstrous that’s what happened
No. 684524
File: 1536504550072.png (644.78 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20180909-104714~2.p…)

I'm cackling! You can fill your face and slap as much make up on but your muscles and bone structure reveal the truth! Now that she has more filler it almost makes all the creases in her face worse when she makes any expression – it just doesn't move quite right
No. 684583
File: 1536513124769.jpeg (260.13 KB, 1242x1366, B4741EE9-2ED9-4BB7-BE8F-094009…)

>>684548Lol she even says it herself that she doesn’t wash her hair and basically uses all the grease to style it.
No. 684622
>>684594Lol that part about porn stars having husbands is inaccurate. Most don't lol
She'll use anything as an excuse to justify being able to do and tet away with whatever she wants.
Sorry, but becoming a Sugar Baby for someone else AFTER getting engaged is plain stupid and a road to ruining the one consistent relationship she had
No. 684629
File: 1536517548573.gif (7.29 MB, 640x536, SmartSelect_20180909-142501_In…)

No. 684657
File: 1536519530181.jpg (178.74 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(57).jpg)

At her doctors appointment acting like an oversexed five year old
No. 684671
File: 1536521161277.jpg (606.97 KB, 1080x1534, SmartSelect_20180909-152453_In…)

Why is she always pulling at her implants in pictures? She seems unhappy with the way they naturally sit
No. 684700
File: 1536523252300.jpg (583.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180909-155926_Ins…)

She just posted this lmao probably desperately trying to make it look like she wasn't driving despite the 2 hour difference and obvious change of seats.
Side note, she keeps up with what we say very frequently
No. 684754
File: 1536527313368.jpg (47.75 KB, 1073x274, SmartSelect_20180909-170728_In…)

Take your own advice, ProlapsedandProud!
Keep your baboon ass lips shut so you stop spewing your shitty thoughts
No. 684809
File: 1536532477284.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.04 KB, 450x675, -7.jpeg)

Her inflated sausages look like something one would frequently see at Dyagilev club in Moscow circa mid zeroes.
No. 684822
>>684800Lmao I love the way you worded this because it shows how no one dislikes her because she is famous or "pretty" ..
Why is it that whenever you disloke someone, basic people think it's out of jealousy? Maybe they're just dumb
No. 684838
File: 1536535080485.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 76FF8D0F-513B-429C-9F7D-4C5D24…)

No. 684863
File: 1536537601136.jpeg (364.24 KB, 750x867, 9254681F-A1F2-4AA5-A000-60D687…)

She looked best like this in my opinion, and I had to scroll for tiiiiiiiiime to even find it.
No. 684894
I know several people with boob jobs, someone who even got their's done around the same time and they have no scars and still wear bras.
Also I asked them certain questions out of my own curiosity and they told me they still have to wead bras, regardless of the quality of the boob job. Andd they were recommended to wear bras daily while the implants drop to prevent an undesirable result….
No. 684895
File: 1536541045289.jpg (150.29 KB, 750x1045, Image-1(59).jpg)

No. 684897
File: 1536541075579.jpg (126.97 KB, 750x1117, Image-1(58).jpg)

No. 684966
File: 1536547560976.jpg (40.72 KB, 315x269, SmartSelect_20180909-224238_In…)

She also claims to do a bunch of research on cosmetic procedures yet keeps going back to a subpar injection clinic because it's what she's used to
Pretty sure you aren't supposed to have a bubble above your lip where it's clear they have been injected.
Not only that, but if she were honest with the clinic and phsyicians regarding her mental state, there is nothing ethical about that clinic. They are taking advantage of a sick woman lol
No. 684969
File: 1536547701730.png (2.61 MB, 750x1334, 962FBC01-D720-4D30-AF6A-4428BE…)

>>684966From her surgeon’s page
No. 684999
File: 1536549518658.jpeg (40.83 KB, 700x362, 17D725CA-6B87-4E0F-B4F4-BF5E24…)

something about her mouth area just reminds me so much of that kid from stranger things. maybe it’s her rice grain teeth
No. 685199
>>684809what. the FUCK.
among all the hype for beauty gurus and "pro make up techniques" i'd forgotten about the noughties orange blow up doll aesthetic.
but v accurate, yes.
No. 685257
File: 1536592511839.png (7.19 MB, 1125x2436, 332FFCBD-036D-456F-A5C9-C86225…)

She posted another disgusting vid of her inflated fat worm lip bleeding.
No. 685304
File: 1536599362706.jpeg (184.72 KB, 1242x831, 928D8BB4-FD51-4547-B44A-87EB83…)

No. 685335
File: 1536604432381.jpg (531.05 KB, 1041x1242, SmartSelect_20180910-143134_In…)

It's becoming more self aware
No. 685338
File: 1536604867859.jpg (16.2 KB, 156x156, SmartSelect_20180910-143859_In…)

Her injection specialist just uploaded a clip of Ariana getting botox injected ..
Didn't she say she hadn't done thag like a week ago
Vid was posted after this pic
No. 685347
File: 1536606355992.jpg (31.78 KB, 299x172, SmartSelect_20180910-150417_In…)

If the bubble only stays for a bit, why did her mouth look like this a week or two ago?
Regardless of their other patient's outcome, the frequency at which they work on Ariana is unethical if she has been diagnosed with BDD.
Also her lip injections don't look well placed to me but idk I don't have any
No. 685349
>>685348Yes!! This is exactly what I'm saying.
She is in there every few WEEKS (look through her page)
How can the clinic itself be okay with this let alone the physician that sees her EVERY time she goes in??
She got an impulse boob job.. and gets fillers every COUPLE of months, which is unnecessary
No. 685361
>>685340Why is it offensive to you I have injections
>>685349filler lasts a few months
>>685347I don’t see a bubble but I think her lips don’t look good anyway let’s be real
Look at kylie Jenner’s face, are we saying her surgeon is doing something immoral because of her insecurity. She just got more famous as a consequent, much like PnP.
I just don’t think we should be going after the clinic and just focus on the person in the thread
No. 685367
>>685363Apart from the lips I think PnP looks great, and so do many others considering her following and because so many more “regular” people want or are getting injections/surgery.
But I suspect because of her mental illness she will want more and more and if they keep it up when she looks something like that Ken doll freak then yes I’d say they’re taking advantage
No. 685381
>>685372I agree
When i had my breasts done my surgeon told me he would not go above a certain size because it would look 'awful' and 'weird'
A good surgeon will tell you no.
No. 685386
>>685372I feel like this is OT so I’ll stop after this and it’ll prob be better if it’s in the PS thread.
She probably gets less surgery than celebrities and we don’t question their clinician’s ethics. You say kylie Jenner looks good but her body looks ridiculous. Look at kim’s disgusting ass. In the world of surgery PnP isn’t botched yet. To me botched means one tit is bigger than the other, huge scars, uncanny valley shit. Whether PnP looks good is obv subjective
No. 685388
>>685361Who's offended?
And yes anyone who does work on the kardashians/jenners is supporting a mentally unwell family unit so.. what's your point?
Any kind of cosmetic surgery/procedure exploits the mentally insecure.
And there is no way she needs fillers every 2 months, shut up
No. 685395
>>685388Commented after, messed up the reply, someone said I must look botched earlier
They dissolve around 9 months, that was in response to someone saying people didn’t need them every few months
And most people do not think famous people who get surgery are unwell, nor question the clinician. That is my point :)
Anything else just go to the PS thread and we can argue until forever
No. 685402
>>685395We don’t
think she’s unwell. We know she’s been diagnosed with BDD and self do with BPD, both very serious mental disorders that play on insecurities about physical appearance and a constant desire to change it recklessly.
No. 685437
File: 1536615223610.jpg (334.78 KB, 1065x1371, SmartSelect_20180910-173302_In…)

This is so??? Normal??? Lol
Most women carry purses with a small makeup bag in them
No. 685444
File: 1536616405619.jpg (480.36 KB, 818x1043, SmartSelect_20180910-175031_In…)

This is how she shows up to a modelling job?
Hair poorly tied up and pinned back, unmanicured nails, overly dramatic makeup for casual clothing?? How is this being a successful model. These look like pictures her friend took of her while they went ~adventuring~, not pictures a prestigious company paid to be taken of an extremely gorgeous supermodel.
I'm offended she thinks I could be jealous of her…
No. 685457
>>685444terrible choices aside, she’s also just not a very good model. she makes the same dead fish face in all her shots because that’s all the collagen will allow, and has no idea how to work her body either.
stay killin them spencer’s campaigns boo LOL
No. 685461
File: 1536617889070.png (5.71 MB, 1125x2436, FAEBED7F-5D62-4478-9C31-795DA3…)

No. 685469
>>685455What was I reaching to?
I just said she looked bad lol
Never said Spencer's gave a fuck because clearly they don't. I don't see what you're trying to say at all.
She looks trashy, why would I be jealous of someone who models for a company anyone could apply to online?
No. 685515
File: 1536623364198.jpg (889.14 KB, 1920x1920, InShot_20180910_194803082.jpg)

No. 685541
>>685444Her lips are so lopsided they look like they’re falling off.
Also her unemployed ass spends all day deleting any negative comments and blocking everyone who liked it.
No. 685562
File: 1536628564636.png (630.49 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20180910-211411~2.p…)

Oh man that weird crease in the middle of her top lip that happens when she smiles…you can see where the fillers are stiffer than the rest of her lip…
No. 685587
>>685562kinda fucked up they do this on a 23 y/o like I know she's payin so they don't care but it just seems weird. The botox made her skin look really good tho I guess
I know I could google this but does anyone know what getting all this plastic surgery n shit does to your skin/face in the long run? like if she stops getting the fillers in her lips will they shrivel up like a sad balloon?
No. 685656
File: 1536639420526.jpeg (248.75 KB, 1242x1215, A5DFDD52-F33E-4407-9E66-C68D6A…)

Since she thinks she looks like Angelina Jolie…
No. 685657
File: 1536639447178.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, DD9D701C-F60E-4B82-ABEF-F63650…)

She’s molesting matt in her story
No. 685716
>>685561That’s absolutely disgusting. Have you ever heard of washing your damn hands? It’s not that hard to use a little soap and water before you leave the house. Do you not wash your hands after you pee either?
What the fuck is wrong with people?
No. 685725
File: 1536647372245.jpg (1.09 MB, 2560x1920, 18-09-11-02-28-50-605_deco.jpg)

Didn't realize how bad her scars are until I zoomed in lol
No. 685756
>>685561Lol can’t take two minutes to wash your dirty ass hands
If you can’t wash your makeup of your fucking hand then wtf else do you just let slip jeez
No. 685759
>>685690Bless her for being so insecure jeez
You can tell just by matts follow list that he is NOT allowed to follow girls, and if you find a girl on his follow list, sure as hell she ain’t uploading herself lol
Ariana for sure removes anyone he follows
Infact he won’t bother trying to anymore because she just removes it
Ariana get help with confidence rather than controlling your mans eyes
You can’t turn off attraction Jesus doesn’t mean he loves you any less because he looks at girls
No. 685760
>>685747People are for sure jealous of her
She obviously has a folllowing and opportunities because of that
However, she is stagnant and dirty and doesn’t care to change that fact, people are jealous of her regardless of her mental illness that’s just facts
No. 685763
>>685747It’s sad really
I’ve been in her place before not even taking two seconds to wash my hands not wanting to move from my bed anxiety issues controlling my boyfriend etc
Unfortunately you can be aware that you’re doing these things and still not change
It really takes some work and focus to change the bad stagnant shit in your life
When you’re so consumed by insecurities and anxiety it’s so hard to focus on getting your life together
I wouldn’t last more than 6 month at any job because my mental focus was on anything and everything that would deplete my life rather than enhance it, she’s a strong as fuck person and is for sure making the best of what she can, you can see she has a lot of awareness, still, even with awareness it’s very hard to control yourself and do the things you know you need to do AND stop the things you know are depleting you
It’s hard
You have to give her props
She does more than most with her mental state, and admits that she has problems and finds it hard to function and that alone is all she needs
>>685756And I’m saying this because I’ve been where she is
Not even washing my fucking hand or picking up after myself because doing those things literally never crossed my mind and if it did I’d be like ‘cba’ lol
No. 685784
>>685763>>685781Try again u lil bitch
U ent gunna ban me ;) kiss kiss muah muah xox
(Ban evasion) No. 685785
>>685784Clearly u lil dumb ass fucks on this thread have no idea what it’s like to not be a ‘normal’ member of society
All u so damn perfect damn 😂
Can’t even discuss
Just blurt out shit you observe yet have no understanding of
No. 685789
That’s the point lol
No. 685798
>>685793Hey not all art is to your taste and clearly the tasteless fucks on here lmao
It’s a style of art u dumb fuck
Lol don’t act like those drawings don’t look good
Oh no forgot you’ll act like they’re absolutely shite drawn by a 3 year old because you’re a close minded cunt 😅
If someone you love drew those you’d drool all over them u cretin 😂😂
And yes she is doing more than most
I’ve been around very mentally ill people who won’t even stimulate themselves whatso ever
She is creating atleast u fucking mug
No wonder mental health is SO misunderstood if people like you exist lmfao
No. 685799
>>685793Nothing wrong with getting high and creating
ESPECIALLY when you have mental health issues
You closed mind ass
Slave to the system ass
Dumb ass
Misunderstanding ass
Hating ass
No. 685803
>>685802Yeah they’re good as fuk
The aesthetic is amazing
And the style is so complimented being on the wooden ovals 😍
See gals n boys
You can like things without liking a person
No. 685810
File: 1536662292877.jpeg (21.72 KB, 437x336, images (6).jpeg)

>>685802>>685806>>685803This is so embarrassing jesus fucking christ
No. 685813
Embarrassing 😂😂
Yeah yeah
You’re the one embarrassed u fuk 😂😂😂
No. 685814
>>685798Do u genuinely think they’re worth 150+ dollars though? Each? 1-2 hours of work too lol
I don’t hate on her “art” but ths superiority complex she has and audacity to ask for that much money for mediocre work from her “broke ass teen” followers is delusional lol. Narcissism is so prominent with her it even bleeds into art, a concept meant to remain humble
No. 685815
>>685814You can’t price art, or say what’s art is ‘worth’ worth is in the ye of the beholder….if people wanna buy it they wanna buy it lol
Putting a high price on your work no matter what it is.. isn’t narcissism hahahahaha
No. 685816
>>685814A concept meant to remain humble
Hahahaha wtf
Art is art
It’s everywhere it’s life
(emojis) No. 685822
>>685818Lol only one out of 5 was me u dumb fuk 😂
That all u gotta say tho damn 😂😂😂
No. 685838
>>685836Then you’re an ignorant mentally ill person
Mental illness comes in all shapes and forms yet people are still trying to categorise it lol
No. 685842
>>685840and your point is? All these things CAN be biproducts of thought patterns in the brain
Try and understand that rather than judge what you clearly do NOT understand
No. 685849
File: 1536669376229.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, C8CF2F4A-EE75-4465-B73D-B51338…)

And deleted a bunch of pics with DoorMatt…..
No. 685852
File: 1536670329008.jpeg (510.54 KB, 750x1063, 570538B7-9C7F-429A-BC8B-C5C6F4…)

She looks soooo fucking different in candids
No. 685871
File: 1536675065041.png (320.69 KB, 1242x2208, 68029050-D851-40D8-B61D-6C4B9A…)

>>685864This is actually true this time. I checked both their profiles to see if it was a glitch.
No. 685884
>>685874The best thing that this girl can do to save her relationship is to get off of the internet.
No. 685890
File: 1536678348495.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, 301F8D99-83D9-42B8-98DB-C09C5B…)

No. 685909
>>685898She did delete a bunch but there are still a lot with him up.
Like 10 hours ago she was posting stories of them both hanging out bed with her poking and screeching as usual. If they did break up it just happened, she wasted no time editing her social media.
No. 685914
>>685912He posted a meme of aries dragging scorpio while libra watches. Makes no sense when i type it out that way but i cant find the meme
Maybe it wasnt shade, but its hard to not think it might be sense shes always talking about being a scorpio
He posted more things but i forgot lmao
No. 685916
>>685914Even Kaycee shaded her too
She posted a pic with the caption "How i sit knowing what goes around comes around"
Definitely directed at Ariana
No. 685917
File: 1536681942223.jpeg (720.4 KB, 750x1181, 98081799-9ED0-4E3A-8C40-8C1982…)

Still wants to marry his bean
No. 685922
>>685900Oh honey don't act like he doesn't encourage her vile behaviour.
Dudes that choose to be with narcissistic cunts aren't "unlucky" they are making a choice.
No. 685976
>>685967I’d say it’s probably her, or she sent her followers/her friends she has been posting about for ‘always being there for her’.
Tinfoil but I bet whatever is going on with Matt is because he realized how manipulative she is after seeing this thread, now she’s losing her shit and going on the attack here.
No. 686002
>>685976I agree. He probably saw what she was saying on her snap about him being bad with money and “slow”/people pointing out her manipulative tendencies and started to form a different opinion than the one she gaslighted him to have
All because she had to open up to random people on Snapchat for attention/narcissistic supply
No. 686013
>>686003“Leaked”!!!!! Lolololol
wow it’s so fucking crazy how broadcasting your dirty-ass shit to strangers online could backfire on you…. evil evil people…. so fucked up. /s
People with the snap pls keep me updated this milk is hella good
No. 686035
>>686032She took him off a while ago. While they were on vacation at his family’s place.
People on her have access to the Snap and they leak the details on here.
No. 686064
File: 1536698466147.jpeg (505.89 KB, 750x1063, 7A201FC1-A6C7-48AF-A9C0-B29CA7…)

Sad girl hours
No. 686065
File: 1536698484870.jpeg (160.66 KB, 750x741, 8078D327-E01E-4518-AFA0-EB3427…)

>>686064Her self pity is nauseating
No. 686069
File: 1536699550899.jpeg (605.61 KB, 750x938, 3ACB579F-3A77-4D59-A7F5-434120…)

This just looks sloppy. Messy ass makeup. Blurry photo. Trying way too fucking hard in every department. She’s crashing and burning quickly.
No. 686098
>>686095Ariana has photos with Taylor on her ig, as well as photos of herself Taylor has taken.
So many of you need to learn to sage your non-milky posts god damn
No. 686124
>>686111it's obviously an old pic, her hair is still swamp green instead of duck sauce orange
>>686122>>686116type sage in email field.
read the evidence and judge for yourself.
No. 686160
File: 1536709208186.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.2 KB, 225x224, download.jpg)

To me she looks like smeagol from lord of the rings
No. 686180
>>686179with a nauseating ig caption about how tru luv conkurs all and how loyul and strong their relationship is
and her walking away not learning a damn thing from this. watch
No. 686205
File: 1536714044631.jpg (15.97 KB, 638x154, -.jpg)

Damn, I can feel the despair in that sentence
No. 686225
File: 1536715429137.jpeg (416.67 KB, 1241x1846, C8DE0907-CD8F-43B6-A338-C0D96A…)

Non milk photo with Kaycee. My icon removed because I’m really on that dumb shit tonight.
No. 686264
>>686069Not to mention the light pink bra is way too big on her botched tits and doesn’t match her emo aesthetic…
No. 686304
File: 1536722534165.png (500.95 KB, 907x557, vuLRoTu.png)

No. 686374
File: 1536730300568.webm (5.05 MB, 720x1280, 20180912_021450-VideoToMp4.web…)
No. 686424
File: 1536735376004.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, EE587F86-7892-473A-B0B8-37EA88…)

No. 686440
>>686406Omg so a lot of people who know her irl lurk here?? I love itttt that's funny
>>686403Birds of a feather flock together I ssuppose. Could you try to screen record the video or record it with
Another device?
No. 686557
>>686406Which is fine but please stfu about how you know her then. No one cares about your personal ties to her if you aren't sharing milk.
And please, learn to fucking sage.
No. 686567
>>686539Cos I don’t use lol cow only for this thread
bless Ariana she’s gunna be so frustrated when she sees that people on the thread think she’s commenting when it’s actually me mauahaha
No. 686593
File: 1536770438812.png (326.55 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20180912-113608_01.…)

Does anyone know what's going on with the comments on PnP new post?
No. 686646
>>686638Because Snapchat alerts the person if someone screencaps
Still it’d be great if we could get some more description
No. 686720
File: 1536780965356.jpg (145.3 KB, 931x522, Aaa.jpg)

spam bots are back
No. 686757
File: 1536783581983.png (676.01 KB, 1125x2436, 0FFD87C0-FBEE-4D1F-B704-F24311…)

So Ariana relationship status is also set to single. It used to say she was engaged to Matt
No. 686983
>>686772Wtf are the “preserved wet specimens” that someone actually BOUGHT
Did she actually kill those animals just to make some money? Isn’t that illegal?
This just makes me hate the disgusting bitch even more.