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No. 884425
PlasticandProud/PlasticnProud/Alice Amor/Ariana McMillan (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex Instagram “influencer”, and full service sex worker in philly
>Vapid narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies
>has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky
>gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly
>quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat
>shaved her head in a manic episode and regrets it a day later, wears cheap wigs daily
>has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis
Previous Threads:
Recent milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”, posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does
>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode>Barely “works”>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” picturesNEW MILK:
>Pnp officially outs her lip injector after no longer receiving free/discounted injections for bringing business in, because Ariana can’t keep a decent image online to save her life >Talks shit about Dollskill, gets blocked, immediately tries to save face by posting pics of herself modeling for them>Wants to become a suicide girl, says they ‘reached out to her’, anons confirmed this is not how the process happens>Got a “normie job” in retail, unconfirmed where>Promised a “double creampie” in a threesome with two other guys (possible matt and her only client or matt and aaron), still has not happened yet>”psoriasis” flaring up>Skinwalks cotted>Brings up old beef with other philly sw (possibly almondmilkhunni), latinamilk is no longer following pnp either>Moves into studio apartment where the train goes by literally every 5 minutes, thriving>Dyes her hair blonde and hates it immediately>Does molly on live while looking like a toothless grandmaHappy birthday, Ariana!
Social media:
Ig: plasticandproud
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud
Reddit: Airkilla321
Onlyfans: No. 884515
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How will Ariana function with her kylie filter?
No. 884550
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What's up with the red marks are her boobs? Also goblin face much, baffles me she claims her overly edited pics aren't edited. Love that she exposes herself
No. 884575
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>>884553So her “psoriasis” started at her crotch, went down her legs and is now appearing on her fake tits? This dumpster fire is gonna be dead in a a few years if she doesn’t see a real doctor. Is it that hard to go outside and go to a doctors office? What a fucking NEET.
No. 884588
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>>884582Started mostly on her back and chest but it seems to be spreading the more she neglects herself.
No. 884614
>>884588Excited to see how bad the “flare up” will be these next few days after the Molly. What a dummy.
Imagine being the doctor and this walking disease comes into the office and she lifts up her shirt to show the spots, they would probably be so blown away by those heinous tattoos.
No. 884631
>>884614Imagine being halfway to 30, taking molly for your birthday and excitedly talking about the “trippy 3D part” of a haunted house.
Remember being 17?
No. 884640
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>more responsibility
Kek when are you ever responsible Ari
No. 884663
>>884656I see a lot of ~self care days~ in her future
“I just need to spoil myself today and take a bath, smoke weed, sushi, and spend $400.00 on an outfit. Buy my Only Fans to cheer me up!”
No. 884670
>>884666Amen, for some reason anons are obsessed with rounding up anyone in their mid20s to "basically 30" / "this almost 30yo woman"!!!!!
It just makes you sound either bitter that you are thirty or like a 13yo posting
No. 884708
>>884706Different anon here
It's not the first time I read it in the thread tbh lol
No. 884725
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Does she realize that most people who get taxidermy animals made are hunters…? How is she shocked? Not everyone steals carcasses from pet stores or finds roadkill, ariana. How can she want to become a taxidermist??? These will be your customers you dumbfuck
No. 884928
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How is her hair already so orange??
No. 884930
>>884919Can't believe we're still discussing this but yes it is strange and illogical. If you're trying to make a point that she's old, just say almost 30.
>>884928Poor toning job
Also, she's on her stories right now crying about extreme fatigue. She's setting the scene for declining the job offer due to her psoriasis, I guarantee you.
No. 884949
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Off to see sugar daddie looking like an absolute mummy
No. 884979
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>>884949>>884928She looks like a mix between Lord Farquad and Prince Charming from shrek.
No. 885140
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No. 885190
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The delusion.
No. 885207
>>885141>from pet shopsHow awful. To think you are sending them to a new home but they will be killed and stuffed.
Taxidermy is gross whoever does it, there I said it. Roadkill, pet shop, hunting, all it is is glorifying death and murder.
(derailing) No. 885270
>>885268samefag: how much do you want to bet she's not going to say another word about her new job because she realized she'd actually have to leave her apartment and be a responsible adult? IF she does, she won't last more than 2 months. calling it now.
also how funny is it that she wasn't supposed to touch her hair to let it grow out and now she's gone and went fucking bleach blonde of all colours, instantly ruining what little hair she had. she should just shave it all again and start over. seriously, it probably won't be able to grow very long now.
No. 885356
>>885348Nta, >but umm
pretty sure anon is just commenting on her not following through and how even her boytoy won’t fuck her because she refuses to get checked. Nobody wants to see the fucken video idiot
No. 885379
>>885351Sure anon. It had nothing to do with her going silent immediately after Aaron posted about there being free clinics available.
This chick is infested with something and the only reason DoorMatt doesnt care is because he probably is infested with it too (also im doubting a failed screamo singer has got a lot of options these days)
If she can't follow through with anything she should stop bragging about what she's going to do for weeks before they (dont) happen.
No. 885381
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Wasn't this bitch supposed to start working this week?
No. 885415
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No. 885428
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Wow wow wow. I love it even more that you know she’s rolling. I love these candies because you can see how gnarly and gargoyle-like she is. That’s an ugly crew, I’m sorry. And no, we’re not just jealous
No. 885482
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>>885472Deleted content from ig story. It’s getting bad again and she’s doing everything in her power to aggravate it.
No. 885530
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>>885513God, she’s so funny. Takes every opportunity to draw attention to her “eating disorder” yet if anyone makes a comment good or bad, she bangs on her prison bars like an angry chimpanzee (aptly put description by an anon threads ago). Notice how there’s no comments on those ED posts, no one dares
trigger her and get caught in the sloppy, visceral clap back.
No. 885531
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She thinks she’s so cute and adorable! Aw!
No. 885542
>>885415omg she went to a midwestern haunted house with this “look” while doing molly?
I had figured she was going to some kind of show during/afterwards. it’s certainly not the weirdest/cringiest thing she’s done but. These haunted house things are for middle & high schoolers to enjoy. The fact that she treated it like a music festival with her hard drugs & getup is just….idk beyond trashy
No. 885546
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(1/3) Oldie but goodie. She’s on reddit “venting” about psoriasis and getting caught in ALL her lies.
Here she says she’s seen a doctor
No. 885548
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(2/3) alluding to not going to a doctor because health care is inaccessible while being a massive cunt to people that are genuinely concerned
No. 885549
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(3/3) and lastly, stating she has gone to see a dermatologist. They’re all 115 weeks ago. She said all this within the span of a week. Does she think we’re all as dense as she is?
All you got to do is google search Airkilla321
No. 885555
>>885549you must be new here
this is literally over 100 days old and her reddit username is in this thread. move on.
No. 885612
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(1/3) she deleted this post because she again confirmed she was diagnosed by a photo (kek) but also I noticed all three symptoms she speaks of are symptoms of HIV. In fact, lower extremity edema is very common in the early stages of HIV and not psoriasis, at least not the type she claims to have. It occurs in people with psoriatic arthritis, but swelling is common with arthritis anyway. Along with her recent weight loss and her appearance becoming more and more sunken, I'm pretty positive she's pozzed.
No. 885613
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(2/3) you'd think seeing everyone posting in all her various threads she would actually be worried…
No. 885615
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(3/3) she also complained of flu like symptoms at the beginning of all this. Arianna if you're reading this please go get tested. Philly AIDS thrift along with a handful of other places offer FREE TESTING. Jesus woman.
No. 885619
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Samefag buy I figured since she was "diagnosed" via photos I figured we should all weigh in. What do you guys think? The guttate always looks more raised and smaller lesions than what she's presenting, so I am leaning more towards the HIV, especially looking at the lesions of the person with HIV
No. 885633
>>885626She deleted the comment because it didn’t confirm her bias and the screams to go to the doctor would only get louder lol.
A lot of those testings are considered “preventative” and are covered/free with practically every insurance package out there including catastrophic insurance and I’m sure it would be free in most states without insurance like you said.
1. She’s lazy
2. She’s scared of the possibility of it being HIV. She admitted once that she’s always scared going in for that test just bc it would be a nightmare to be diagnosed. However they even have some pill now you can take like birth control that helps you from contracting HIV. She should be on that too. Some people can’t be helped though
No. 885642
>>885638Exactly. They have ways of helping you now if you do unfortunately contract it.
Maybe she should jUsT gOoGlE iT like she so graciously says to people that are just trying to help.
Ariana, if you just google “free clinic Philly” you will have all the answers you’re looking for on reddit sweetheart.
No. 885666
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Blaming everyone but herself.
No. 885672
>>885666she’s built like one of those aliens from men in black lol
i don’t understand why is she constantly flexing her syphilis rash on instagram, it’s disgusting
No. 885674
>>885666”Love to suffer”
”Why must I suffer”
No. 885722
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No. 885770
>>885696She isn't joking though is she? she's making a passive aggressive comment about how flare ups have nothing do with her disgusting health maintenance instead deferring all responsibility onto her "fAthErs GeNEtIcs"
Go white knight this diseased cunt somewhere else.
No. 885792
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>>885745>>885745Location was announced yesterday. Chicago!
No. 885821
>>885810Yeah no shit it’s common but do you know who we are even talking about here? She has done nothing to help herself. Drinking alcohol for an entire weekend knowing damn well it
triggers your immune disorder is IDIOTIC. Especially while also being fully aware that winter is upon us. She’s asking for a flare up by laughing the disease in its face and neglecting her body to no end. I’d be sympathetic if she was actually doing something to better her life but she isn’t.
No. 885882
haphazardly hahah and you are being a pinch dramatic
Just because someone drinks a lot which
triggers the disease , they can still curse the face they were born with it.
Whatever, this is a massive derailment, the bitch wasn’t even diagnosed. We all know it’s HIV.
No. 885909
>>885884Seconding this. Cotted also comes here to tell us not to call her cotted.
Ps. Sage your nonmilk
No. 885929
>>885898Uh yeah, it’s called a day off? People have free time ya know. You obviously choose to be here for your free time as well, so you can get off your high horse now.
At least I contributed something, try being useful lol
No. 885952
>>885622And just to refresh everyone’s memory, all this happened after she says she was raped in Dominica when she was blacked out. In her Snap (that she had behind a paywall) she talked about being behind a shed or something? And I think she herself said, who knows if it was one guy or one guy all his buddies. And I can 100% guarantee her rapist didn’t throw on a rubber.
It’s not even funny or something to be joked about. She is at HIGH RISK of having contracted the HIV virus.
She DID get tested when she came back from the trip at a free clinic (which begs the question why does she sometimes act like they dont exist) - but in a snap she made after the appointment she talked about how she didnt tell the doctor that she was raped because she felt uncomfortable that is was a guy doctor.
I highly doubt she’s disclosed the fact she was raped in a foreign country while blacked out at ANY of the check ups she had since.
Please fucking get help Arianna McMillan. You are a sex worker who advertises online. Your clients and future clients have a right to know they won’t get HIV if they hire you. It’s actually sickening.
No. 886006
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Goes on vacay and continues drinking alcohol. Jesus
No. 886019
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>>886006I think we can confirm she’s visiting her SD.
No. 886120
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I think she deleted this off of her story for some reason. Sage for no milk.
No. 886270
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Not trying to nitpick but is this a normal way of wearing necklaces with a turtle neck?
No. 886271
>>886247Oh god anon you just said the words that got this thread locked last time. Everybody please don't start another argument about whether or not she was raped and that we have to believe all
victims. Let's just keep posting milk let's not get into the feminist discourse for god's sake
No. 886317
>>886270Imagine this, and some torn ass looking teen goth skirt, is the outfit you choose to wear for a client that has flown you out for dinner?
Guy must be severely autistic.
No. 886319
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>>886317She’s really trying her best I think.
No. 886340
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Imagine being such a dumb ass to think that just because you're "sEx wOrKeR" doesn't mean you're a cheater. Just because it doesn't bother you Ariana does not mean that it doesn't bother your boyfriend…
No. 886397
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No. 886513
>>886505He’s always like “thank you for helping me become more open, my smol bean.”
Lmao. He’s literally just so weak that he can’t stand up for what he knows is right. She makes him feel like if he doesn’t agree, he’s wrong. The dude is so bitchmade that he’d rather wait at home alone while his girlfriend jet sets to suck and fuck an old man, than stand up for himself.
No. 886516
>>886505Matt is an idiot for staying with her at this point but I think she’s seriously emotionally
abusive. I mean for fucks sake, she blamed him for her sexual assault. That was no ones fault but the perpetrator’s But even with that, she broadcasted to the world that it was all on him. She treats him like shit in public so who knows what she actually does behind closed doors. Again he chooses to stay but i really wonder why he does. An emotionally stable person would leave this bitch. She probably broke the guy.
No. 886561
>>886530He's called MattCuck for a reason, he obviously has a cuckold fetish. He's cool with a bunch of other dudes laying pipe on his literal prostititue gf.
He's a scumbag, just like her, and they find refuge in their codependency. The moment either of them gets a whiff of success, they'll be out of the relationship incredibly fast.
No. 886682
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>>886647Posting to show she did fix her necklaces as recommended by the thread.
>>886653Ariana wouldn’t have anyone to tag in her pictures without those necklaces so of course she’d wear them until they fell off her body.
>>886270>>886319Also is she wearing the same turtleneck two days in a row? Classy.
No. 886697
>>886561>> a bunch of dudesWhat are you talking about? You're making it sound like she's a legit sex worker. She has one client, that's it. She used to fuck the tinder guy on the side, but that's clearly over.
Speaking of… are the tinder guy/ "cute" and Aaron the same person? I never figured that out, and I Ctrl+F'ed all the threads.
No. 886773
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psoriasis my ass, your eyes are red, crusty and inflamed around the upper lash line. you’re diseased and not with what you think. fucking gross, GET HELP
No. 886815
>>886813she posted in this story how she gets it all over her eyelids and her LIPS
No. 886825
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No. 886826
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Would you fuck it? I would!
In the face! With a knife!(a-log)
No. 886828
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This diseased bitch. Kek
No. 886857
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The lips is 100% not psoriasis, that’s just regular dry ass lips smh .. and her eyelid is probably not psoriasis either considering that it’s perfectly symmetrical on her lash line on both sides. She probably just wore the same dirty pair of fake lashes too many times without cleaning them now her lash line is fucked.
No. 886863
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No. 886881
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No. 886924
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She’s live
No. 886931
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This is truly unsettling
No. 886944
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Couldn’t get a good pic, but when she would lean in, her entire jacket was c-o-v-e-r-e-d in dandruff. Like, don’t wear a black jacket jfc!
No. 886946
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No. 886957
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She's drunk on ig live rn
No. 886960
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>>886957Probably drunk on this jug of homemade swamp water
No. 886961
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No. 886964
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No. 886969
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Mental Matt’s got a little lipstick on his plaque
No. 887049
>>887042>>887037The implants act as a foreign body so the immune system is put into overdrive at times. It makes sense considering she never had a psoriasis outbreak before the implants. It’s 100% possible that her body just doesn’t agree with the implants. Not saying it’s the cause of psoriasis, but it definitely could have
triggered something.
(medfag) No. 887058
>>887042you guys are so annoying with being bitter with the “made up breast implant illness” shit, just sound like mad bitches with botched surgeries yourselves/want implants. any kind of foreign substance in your body can cause a reaction. it’s rare and doesn’t happen to everyone, it’s not a real illness no but it’s not fucking natural either and your body recognizes that. it’s not even comparable to anti vaxx you sound stupid and bitter thinking it can’t cause any type of reaction.
that said i think it’s entirely possible this bitch is reacting poorly to the amount of surgeries she’s put her body through and has a disease simultaneously and they’re just exacerbating each other. let’s not forget she never consistently takes care of her body or health either, never sees a doctor for her physical health or exercises.
No. 887078
File: 1572539029846.jpeg (223.8 KB, 750x1026, 663FA29C-976A-4D0A-8A89-B0B959…)

Booboo the whore and her dandruff laden jacket
No. 887105
File: 1572545549995.jpeg (567.1 KB, 1242x1686, D58F21A0-CE01-4400-B90E-1BDD32…)

lmao about her sporting a kaonashi hoodie after repeatedly acting like she’s too cool for hardcore and like she doesn’t actually enjoy the music or the scene
it looks sooo edgy though, right?
No. 887237
File: 1572572157876.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1242x1716, A91C10D2-90A2-4CAF-9FE2-1D9399…)

aliciaaadani did it better kek
No. 887278
File: 1572581391196.jpg (217.54 KB, 1080x1310, PicsArt_11-01-12.09.51.jpg)

Deleted content
No. 887302
File: 1572586729469.png (7.42 MB, 1242x2208, 26D11B5B-B29B-4C01-BB8B-B5D106…)

why does she act like she truly doesn't know why people are rude to her? could it be people throwing her own rudeness to them back at her?? nah, she's a total sweetheart (said no one ever)
this bitch.
No. 887306
File: 1572589808086.jpg (135.06 KB, 1080x1736, PicsArt_11-01-02.29.12.jpg)

Looks like all the fillers are almost completely gone
No. 887365
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No. 887465
File: 1572631486011.png (3.5 MB, 750x1334, F25736D5-2AC7-4569-B664-6D83C4…)

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like it’s really fucking gross for Matt to be wearing the contact after it was already in Ariana’s eye
No. 887477
>>887081 There you go
>>887415 since you seem to think she’s important.
No. 887491
File: 1572634920793.jpeg (242.59 KB, 740x1080, FB1B25B9-187F-44E9-B785-7AA1C8…)

Peep the necklace turtle neck combo
No. 887515
>>887508>>887510This was never brought up here. And I'm 99% sure when Ariana did speak about it on her snap and IG, she never said the girls name or tagged her. (most likely because either she didn't know who it was, or the girl was prettier than her- Ariana is shallow like that).
I think when Ariana was seeing "cute" Matt thought he was free to talk/fuck other people to, and that's exactly what he did. Then Ariana had to control him and what he does with his life, and threw a fit all over social media.
No. 887517
File: 1572639460448.jpg (342.03 KB, 1080x1973, PicsArt_11-01-05.11.48.jpg)

IG just updated their community standards. Pages that link to only fans can now be removed for violation
No. 887525
File: 1572640135696.jpeg (230.39 KB, 750x1190, 643A6674-A6CA-45B4-A13D-03E2EE…)

If it’s this girl then I can see why Ariana would be jealous. She is everything pnp wishes she could be.
No. 887531
File: 1572640860724.jpg (1016.15 KB, 1440x2334, 20191101_133844.jpg)

and now her new tattoo is infected. i dont think psoriasis spreads onto tattoos
No. 887532
File: 1572640936475.jpg (876.18 KB, 1440x2443, 20191101_133901.jpg)

another pic, closer up. why is it still so dry like that?
No. 887556
File: 1572643257413.png (2.8 MB, 750x1334, 87C7C9C9-4C3D-4FC2-BA43-367739…)

>>887531The other side of her torso looks so much worse.
No. 887596
File: 1572648316161.jpeg (247.87 KB, 750x657, 91FA06DF-A838-41C7-A919-98C7D3…)

i’m sure the tweet about you throwing up in your mouth while giving head is surely gonna make people wanna watch your deepthroat video or “book” you.
No. 887863
File: 1572711392928.png (3.12 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191102-101352.png)

She is the most unattractive and unsexy sex worker ever. No wonder why she throws up on a dick, she's in the wrong profession. Go back to a day job Ari
No. 887929
File: 1572719481327.jpeg (202.85 KB, 750x1071, B4D8D435-FDAB-480C-8594-B0F21B…)

>>887535>>887532>>887531There’s an actual name for this condition. Psoriasis or not that tattoo is totally fucked.
No. 887955
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No. 887959
File: 1572721646464.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, 3AD48B3A-63E3-4330-9025-6807CC…)

>>887955Is she okay? She looks so fragile and sickly. Strong granny vibes
No. 887961
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The reality of her skin
No. 887975
File: 1572722606106.png (2.79 MB, 1242x2208, DAC62CDF-D907-464A-BBAC-69068A…)

With skin like hers..I would not be putting makeup on it! Ari, honey, get some help. Put some lotion on and get some help. And putting eyeliner on your pussy eye god help her. I bet she used these brushes and makeup on her friends.(nitpick)
No. 888003
File: 1572726181621.jpg (733.69 KB, 1070x1354, Screenshot_20191102-162240_Ins…)

>>887987She's "just that good at makeup" kek she obviously photoshops her skin
No. 888014
File: 1572726911038.png (7.42 MB, 1125x2436, DD60A365-4942-473D-A4B8-4BA9EC…)

Ok what the fuck….
No. 888016
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Also…holy shit
No. 888021
File: 1572727110557.png (3.61 MB, 750x1334, 125FF2D4-3BDB-49AB-AF32-6653B7…)

>>888014This is probably why her eyelids are always red kek
No. 888022
>>888014Holy fuck the hair is like brassy and straw-like combined with the pink skin. Jesus that is rough.
Why does she yank at her eyelids like this???? So bad
No. 888097
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No. 888114
File: 1572738639360.png (3.05 MB, 750x1334, 9A107180-74A5-4F53-B658-99D27C…)

I would love to know the amount of hours a day she spends gazing at her reflection. So conceited, self absorbed and gross… it makes me cringe seeing her constantly post random videos of her checking her angles, with those vacant eyes while sucking on a juul. She contributes nothing in this world. Sad. Maybe her HIV is the universe’s way of shaking her off this planet.
No. 888119
File: 1572739077205.png (3.19 MB, 750x1334, 08CAA7F0-2D83-40C5-B71D-0854B5…)

Shes on live talking about her “psoriasis” fatigue right now
No. 888205
File: 1572750084415.png (8.09 MB, 1125x2436, 75067B2B-6F57-491C-B1BA-132DF4…)

Not sure if this is a nitpick, but I wish she would stop putting her juul in her animals’ faces.
No. 888212
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No. 888325
File: 1572773287985.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, 35A85188-CE1C-4BFA-B027-F4A724…)

She’s so ugly without that Kylie Jenner filter KEK
No. 888416
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No. 888554
File: 1572836644848.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, C5A7AE87-7C41-4405-ACE6-1150C4…)

Oh Those Digi-Lashes
No. 888682
File: 1572883808138.jpeg (153.87 KB, 1242x1087, BCE129C8-B404-4C1B-97BE-6BF837…)

I'm pretty sure she's complained about at least a few of these symptoms, asking for advice with "abnormal psoriasis symptoms"
And didn't she mention going to a free clinic after she found out about it? Whatever became of that? I guess even if she did go, they wouldn't have tested for HIV unless she asked and I really doubt she asked specifically for that. I cannot believe she's not doing anything about this, knowing it could very well be HIV. Especially seeing as the symptoms line up. Then sleeping with other people while not knowing? That's just psychotic.
No. 888691
File: 1572884329635.jpeg (420.38 KB, 738x1108, 5E807C98-EF11-4B1A-B312-72D027…)

Drama queen. Girl needs to get a life, I couldn’t even finish reading this.
No. 888692
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No. 888700
File: 1572884565568.png (201.44 KB, 750x1334, DB527DF4-F83A-45FF-AF6C-C8DA85…)

>>888682She did complain about abnormal symptoms on reddit. Since then it’s been deleted, but I believe it was like dark bags under the eyes and swollen ankles or something really strange like that.
No. 888732
File: 1572886629767.png (2.92 MB, 750x1334, 951F9757-2FC4-4E60-ADD9-962644…)

No-tooth granny wah wah wahh
No. 888743
File: 1572887254367.jpeg (466.55 KB, 750x911, 7690FCEB-113C-4285-BE21-171F9D…)

>>888692where’s the difference tho
No. 888744
>>888682Used to think the HIV tinfoil was just that, tinfoil, but with her complaining about being sick frequently, vomiting, and that uncanny rash…honest to god, I really think that’s what’s going on.
You don’t have to ask out of the blue for a test. If you ask for regular testing they ask YOU if you want an HIV test as well. There’s just no excuse. Even she doesn’t deserve what’s possibly about to happen, but she’s such an unbelievable idiot to just let it happen.
No. 888793
File: 1572892088200.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 9789A707-7AEA-4091-BD58-C8B877…)

I never get used to seeing her new face over her old face it freaks me the fuck out
No. 888831
>>888691So many contradictions in 1 post…
"I feel like no one gets it…"
"I never saw anyone talk about [psoriasis] until I got it…"
"I know personally seeing people relate to me helps me a lot…"
"I've never seen anyone with this specific type of psoriasis in real life…"
"And knowing others get through it gets me through it too."
This is an example of when illogical people think they're making sense.
No. 888962
>>888691Ari, that depression you are feeling comes from the fact your skin herpes make you realize you have no value without your quickly diminishing looks. If you invest some of that “gOoD cReDiT” into developing a skill that doesn’t involve choking on elderly dick - then maybe JUST MAYBE the world won’t feel like its crumbling from under you everytime you don’t look presentable.
Like aging is going to wreak havoc on this bitch if she doesnt address her mental issues asap.
No. 888991
man, I had been iffy on whether or not to completely believe the tinfoils that it's for sure a disease/std, rather than something caused by meds, drugs, etc. But jesus. These new symptoms she's talking about are fucked for real. This cannot be something that isn't gross and scary as shit, be that syphilis, HIV, or whatever else. I know she wants a never-ending pity party through not addressing this, but she should at least know what she's dealing with before she ignores it. And I'm pretty sure if she really knew what the fuck is going on, she wouldn't be continuing this bullshit. It almost feels like she doesn't want to go because then the h8erzzzz will win, but she could do something, anything, and not a single person will know if she doesn't publicly broadcast it. Oh well, maybe it's more fun this way. Can't wait to see what happens when the dangerous symptoms begin to kick in. I'm sure at that point there will be a lot of irreversible damage done
No. 889016
File: 1572914420867.jpg (494.9 KB, 1080x1662, 20191104_193334.jpg)

Dumb ass wants to make a YouTube channel but has no idea how to properly film herself or edit, I hope she goes through with it, that'd be a fun mess to watch.
"Not to toot my own horn but like my life is pretty interesting…compared to like if you're a nOrMiE."
No. 889026
>>889016LOL at her being a Youtuber as the flavour of the week. She does realize giant youtubers barely make money right? Right?!
She is never going to make the connection that she is the common problem, not her platform.
No. 889027
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No. 889072
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>>889027I can't stop making these
No. 889102
File: 1572921477720.png (1.23 MB, 1242x2208, F96EEBC1-7D74-4444-B992-029CB1…)

Just in case she checks the thread tonight…you can literally order STI tests online Ari!! I can understand being prideful or embarrassed but it’s irresponsible on multiple levels not to get tested. Makes me feel sick
No. 889148
File: 1572927536866.png (3.13 MB, 750x1334, A2B30274-6477-498B-8946-BBB252…)

This is actually shocking to look at. They are open sores. I feel like she just sits around all day staring at it lamenting
No. 889163
File: 1572929577569.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, F0445840-AC0C-4DDE-8949-B7ED9D…)

I know I’m about to sound like a Boomer but their relationship is sad to me, just both sitting in probably silence on their phone.
No. 889188
>>889148Even if this IS psoriasis she needs to get on state healthcare and see a fucking doctor. It’s a lifelong illness that needs some fucking Humana, not Dead Sea baths. Again if it IS psoriasis, my tinfoil hat is only halfway on for the sti rash
Has she said why she doesn’t apply for state healthcare? I know she’s said “disability should be there for people who need it” but we know she’s just too lazy to fill out the paperwork, and it would also require an actual diagnosis
No. 889256
File: 1572954312909.jpeg (671.22 KB, 828x1327, 3A6ADF14-B161-47F1-94C8-2BB1F5…)

Maybe she doesn’t want to go to the doctor because she doesn’t care if she dies?
No. 889318
>>889310Obviously AIDS is serious but a skin condition is still gonna progress, sores make you more prone to infection, etc.
The fact that she doesn’t even care enough to rule out severe illness is insane. I don’t care if you have Ebola or the flu, the solution isn’t ‘welp I guess I’ll just let this run wild and maybe give it to other people until it puts me in the hospital’
No. 889338
File: 1572972607614.jpg (998.72 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191105-114642_Ins…)

She said
"I look cute. I look like a little baby."
No. 889375
>>889083She'll get a ton of views just from people wanting to see how miserably she fails. But she's such a conceited idiot that she'll get less than 500 subscribers.
She admitted in her stories that she loves to talk about herself, so if nothing else, at least she'll be entertaining in all her arrogant glory.
No. 889398
File: 1572984703537.jpeg (496.6 KB, 750x1093, 37FB9675-8804-429F-A8D9-66D4B9…)

Then just write a script and shoot it again? Some creators spend a huge chunk of their time perfecting their content so it's high quality and enjoyable, especially those who plan to or already do make money off of it. This flaky insecure bitch will never commit to making or maintaining a channel lol. So naturally she posts an ugly selfie to ig. She thinks this looks like she has clear skin kek
No. 889399
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No. 889403
File: 1572985665337.jpg (Spoiler Image,376.03 KB, 1079x952, Screenshot_20191105-152720_Twi…)

Posts this not long after ranting about her trauma on ig stories.. also why wouldn't she put on a cute outfit for this?
No. 889424
File: 1572988848623.jpeg (206.25 KB, 946x2048, A99B8C05-CB83-42F4-9F8C-1E363F…)

>>889410Juul in hand but she worries about appearing professional.
No. 889479
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“me included”
No. 889496
File: 1572999934511.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, CF9773FC-0154-4C54-BB06-0C3B6A…)

“Dark eye shadow and a dark lip always make me look like a drag queen” honey no that’s not what makes you look like shit kek. Also I know it’s a nitpick but the thing she does with her tongue always makes her hillbilly grandma mouth so much worse
No. 889520
File: 1573003185356.png (4.63 MB, 1125x2436, B85BED6D-F474-44E8-AEC8-96B86D…)

God I fucking hate that tongue thing she’s doing lately after when she talks to express her bitchyness this cow acting like she’s got good face expressions when she looks like a botched up cunt with lispy lips that go with anything that comes out of her Damn mouth
No. 889572
File: 1573013965509.jpeg (152.05 KB, 519x342, 5847156A-6E3F-47C3-9A11-D98E7C…)

>>888700this is what the original post said. for future reference just replace the R in reddit with a C in the url and it’ll show you deleted posts and comments
No. 889590
File: 1573015652699.jpeg (179.23 KB, 928x750, 9211DF0A-175E-4A8D-9E57-73D616…)

This summer’s flare up vs this fall/winter’s flare up. I swear it’s only going to get worse.
No. 889595
File: 1573016810794.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 7EA74330-C99D-465A-BDC2-2E6F70…)

wonder if she’s actually gonna go and follow through with any aftercare/follow up appointments or if it’ll fall through like her nOrMiE job. or if she’ll just log on instagram after the appointment and cry about how horrible doctors who don’t agree with her are
No. 889660
File: 1573026790557.png (211.2 KB, 750x1334, BBC711CE-F8B4-42EB-882E-306559…)

she knows it’s not psoriasis lol
No. 889755
File: 1573049184494.jpeg (1.34 MB, 4002x4002, BFB853BD-8E20-47B2-B865-EB149A…)

some of our beauty queens finest moments! could be good for next thread photo if nothing better comes along.
No. 889766
File: 1573053684206.png (3.99 MB, 750x1334, EFD6B46C-5ED9-4041-A356-4D89F9…)

This looks sooo bad she is a fucking moron for not going to the doctor. She deserves everything she gets for this.
No. 889792
>>889766what baffles me is that it doesn't seem to bother her beyond the itching and the fact that it looks bad. I'd be freaking out if I had a rash like this, nevermind if it didn't go away and kept getting
worse over a period of months. wtf
No. 889796
File: 1573059519528.png (3.79 MB, 828x1792, E58BE825-9C02-4C3C-B908-F97274…)

On live whining about how her makeup doesn’t look the way she wants it to… for her doctors appointment.
No. 889804
>>889796She just mentioned that she hasn't seen her doctor in 6 months, which makes me doubt she's seeing a specialist for the psoriasis OR getting tested.
Also on the live, in regards to what happened to her job: "JuSt bEcAuSe I doN't PosT abOUt it DoesN't MeAn iT doEsn'T ExiSt"
No. 889805
File: 1573060521269.png (3.92 MB, 828x1792, 134445F3-6B71-4ACF-BABA-36AEBF…)

She said she’s already started her new job, snapped at someone else who asked about it. “Just because I don’t post about it doesn’t mean it.. doesn’t exist?”
Said she hasn’t seen a doctor in 6 months.
Also said she might be doing stuff after her appointment, which is why she’s stressing about how she looks (literally making herself late in the process), and claims LOTS of people recognize her from Instagram so it makes her anxious about her looks whenever she goes out.
Her nose contour isn’t as good as she would like and it’s making her hate her whole look today. When her nose contour looks good, she claims she feels like she doesn’t need any other make up.
No. 889848
File: 1573067886023.jpeg (439.16 KB, 750x988, 756E311E-FA2B-4C30-98D4-0E8427…)

seriously though this girl needs actual medical help it’s right infront of her face and she won’t even admit it kek
No. 889860
File: 1573070011690.png (3.39 MB, 750x1334, 7740127E-5E28-48CD-AE48-F7235B…)

As vain as she is, I’m shocked she hasn’t used some of dat güd credit to get the lip ball sack removed
No. 890006
>>889796I’m really bummed because I predicted this too many threads ago, lip fillers stretch the fuck out of your lips and make her lip lift a waste. Also because it is literally stretching your lip out and down, it pulls the bottom of your nose/columella down so it looks bulkier and her nostrils more pulled out and flared appearing.
“Doctors” or rather any money hungry asshole who can get away with somehow running a practice offering fillers of course
will never tell you this. An overfilled or bigger top lip makes you look like a man anyways, she needs to get it dissolved before it’s too late. Kylie Jenner and the Huda beauty owner dissolved that shit too for a reason and both had to get lip lifts.
Ariana really gets taken advantage of so much and i’m not surprised she’s out of her mind her reality is so fucked. She’s still young and your 20s are for experimenting, but I think between her body dystrophin and skin picking or whatever she has these obsessive tendencies and clearly isn’t getting the right kind of help. And no one says it enough, fuck Matt for enabling this shit and using her appearance to feel like more of a man, I’m glad his stupid ass is getting cheated on but she needs to go into a women’s only sober living for a while or something I don’t even know.
A lot of what she’s doing also looks like really obvious side effects of being on the wrong medication, she treats her body like fucking shit and pumps all these chemicals inside of her when she has had to go to inpatient before. Like fuck bitch love yourself no one else will and no one else will even know how until you fucking show them. Does anyone know if she has saline or silicone implants? Breast implant illness is finally getting the media coverage it deserves and there was actually a full on recall recently. Sorry for my ~*~*feelingz but yeah no one talks about this because so many people are trying to hustle these things as safe and I’m a few years older and given the times or w/e yeah women should be looking out for each other.
No. 890014
>>890006Her picking seems liked a learned behavior from her meth-head mom. Her sores are like identical to meth mites. Kids subconsciously take those habits on.
Breast implant illness started with a bunch on moms on Facebook based on no evidence. However, I’ve read there could be a link between people with autoimmune diseases attacking the implants. Idk… if she actually has psoriasis then maybe.. but seems like a reach.
No. 890025
File: 1573098038532.jpg (181.8 KB, 1080x1195, 20191106_213635.jpg)

Its not an opinion, its medical science but ok go off. Also this is the best. She's like, tomorrow is Matt Cuck's bday so say happy bday to him. Yes. Go to his insta and wish him well, right under this stank pussy comment that's been there for 6 WHOLE WEEKS. Kek.
No. 890026
>>890006You sound like someone who actually has no idea how hyaluronic acid works. The reason why this cunts lips are pulled down is because the acid that was placed in her lips has been broken down by her immune system and she has not been able to go for a refill in months considering her PS place no longer offer her free top ups.
Neither Huda beauty nor kylie jenner have had a fucking lip lift, they got poorly placed filler dissolved and had their lips refilled.
Ariana peaked when she just had her lips done and only truly transformed into the creature she is now cause of her lip lift which completely destroyed her cupids bow/philtrum and left her with a nasty cakey scar.
No. 890033
File: 1573099566099.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, 7187338D-5125-4B27-A823-9916FE…)

She looks like she has two sets of lips
No. 890039
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No. 890111
>>890105I think she said it was at 1 and she came A little late and he had to do something? So she had to wait until 1:30 I couldn’t really understand her mumbling lisp
Then she did a cringy whine
No. 890166
>>890006sage for OT, but does this also apply to small amounts of filler? (0,5 - 1ml)
I'll check the plastic surgery thread on /g if you want to reply there.
>>>/g/49328 No. 890216
File: 1573147873267.png (3.19 MB, 750x1334, 5F35873E-13D9-49FE-87C3-279CB2…)

Cry/complaining about strangers dogs playing with her ~perfect~ angel dog even though it was her own free will to take Frogger to the motherfucking dog park in the first place. A place where you can expect dogs to be rowdy, maybe don’t take your old ass dog if you’re so concerned
No. 890223
>>890216This. She’s absolutely delusional. Claiming she was a “dog trainer” for years. Being a dog BABYSITTER/HANDLER is not the same as being a trainer.
Dog parks are the place to socialize puppies/dogs. She’s claiming it’s not because you don’t have the consent of the owners for your dog to play with theirs. Last I checked…you willing brought your dog to a place where you know other dogs will be?? Also, if Frogger has such bad hip problems and issues with needing to approach other dogs…maybe don’t bring her to a dog park…. dumb bitch
No. 890242
File: 1573149900963.jpeg (514.53 KB, 750x1055, 8DE6F9E6-8FA8-40B5-A7B1-9A171F…)

Most influences are careful of what they post and plan content and engagement strategies lol so what the hell is this? She'll just post anything when she needs some instant attention. Also am I the only one who hates the top lip covered in concealer "look?" It does the cake face no favors
No. 890252
File: 1573152522056.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 5E1A190D-0E46-4CC7-8249-79EB8E…)

Did this bitch really sit here and make like 30 stories boohooing over the dog park? Why don’t you stop being a lazy bitch and just walk her on a harness and leash instead of taking her some place with a bunch of random dogs off leash. Like……??? And then going on and on and on and on and on about it. For someone who’s always telling people they need to get a life, she really fixates on some dumbass mundane shit sometimes.
Unrelated: here’s her nasty psoriasis tattoo she just posted before her dog park rant
No. 890264
File: 1573153582199.png (2.93 MB, 750x1334, 2B645937-4856-4E35-8F16-45AD5F…)

she's looking alarmingly thin in her recent pictures, and it's not ana chan because she would be posting about it otherwise. Her body is covered in sores and the weight is melting off her with zero effort but she thinks going to the gym is going to fix her life..? I genuinely think she's going to die within a few months.
No. 890268
>>890264She looks thin but not “alarmingly thin.” She’s intentionally posing to look thinner
You know she lurks this thread so why give her what she will take as a compliment about being a frail ~uwu~ ana
No. 890294
File: 1573156216988.png (2.72 MB, 750x1334, FE0053D6-1821-4F1D-961B-BD053B…)

She looks like her old self kek
No. 890297
File: 1573156752871.png (3.84 MB, 750x1334, FF008A5A-F438-4444-85AA-AF98A4…)

Ironic considering she’s using filters in her stories 24/7
No. 890306
File: 1573157852689.png (601.59 KB, 2048x999, Screenshot_20191107-141738.png)

No. 890315
File: 1573158477182.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, 0CF0B823-6079-49A1-9534-5DDF34…)

I counted and she said the work “dog” 112 times during the sperg out. Wow. Truly an insufferable bitch, you can tell she had been crying. That was hard to watch and embarrassing
The rant after the dog rant she says how it’s so hard for her to be motivated or whatever like her goals for the day literally involved getting dressed. She should not be self employed. Can’t even do the SW thing right. She says it’s hArd to focus, like gee maybe it’s the countless hours spent on your fucking screen all day you vapid whore
No. 890411
File: 1573170870635.png (146.47 KB, 804x542, Screenshot_20191107-165203.png)

Why does Ariana think everyone hates their job and secretly wants to fuck old men for their income…
No. 890413
File: 1573171326731.jpg (1.18 MB, 1440x2299,…)

I couldn't help myself
No. 890423
File: 1573172836842.png (2.4 MB, 750x1334, AD0BD5E2-FFEA-4EBE-9516-173E26…)

I will never understand how she sits around all day with no friends to hang out with, no money to spend & still can’t bother to clean anything. Her rig & other glass is always so fucking filthy no wonder why she’s always hacking up a lung on her stories. The new apartment already looks scattered with random junk just like the old place.
No. 890442
File: 1573174668797.png (275.51 KB, 750x1334, B527F554-C115-462D-AE85-84A787…)

No. 890523
ariana tries to spin the fact that she literally cannot a handle a normal job into "you are all jealous lol imagine being okay with a normie job". she is mentally ill enough that she cannot handle one.
blog whatever but i have done online "sex work" and guess what, its super annoying and i hated it. having to be online all the time, respond to messages as if you care, make videos when you are not at all horny and have to pretend like you are. it is draining and i would MUCH rather have a 9-5.
her one IRL client cannot support her, or rather, does not. she might make enough money from him to afford her half of the rent, but it cannot be much more than that. it is painfully obvious that she is TERRIBLE at being an online sex content creator, we have seen the clips, low effort, sucking a fake dragon dick in an ugly hoodie with her juul in her hand.
if her job was so great, why would she be acting like she is depressed and lonely all the time? she would honestly be better off getting a job at a gas station. social interaction, schedule, etc.
No. 890562
File: 1573203616983.jpeg (167.6 KB, 763x763, 7C217410-1C7A-4BE5-A22A-42A22E…)

couldn’t get her username in the collage but she’s oversharing on twitter about “muh bpd!!!!” like she was ever even stable
No. 890572
File: 1573206109008.png (9.15 MB, 1242x2208, 2731B5D5-06DC-408A-B468-64CD21…)

i was looking at this for awhile trying to figure out where the ankle was. thats a HEEL ariana. even i, a layperson knows this kek.
her rash seems to be getting worse! and i have no sympathy. cunts don't deserve sympathy.
No. 890600
File: 1573213410108.jpg (1.15 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191108-064239_Ins…)

She really can't put her phone down, huh
No. 890618
File: 1573219620295.png (1.62 MB, 1205x2048, Screenshot_20191108-072618.png)

Another d rated photoshoot with Spencer's. I remember back in middle/highschool when Spencer's was the shit but now it's lame just like her kek
No. 890668
>>890664>>890618I guarantee the "shoot" for Spencer's is just her taking pictures at her ragged house wearing ragged shit.
Kek at this dumb bitch texting her "boss" instead of her dealer. What a loser.
No. 890685
File: 1573231851248.jpeg (171.97 KB, 750x727, 5F5C5007-6941-4A7F-B61E-15ECB7…)

Off topic, but can we just look at how smooth her lip lift scar was right after she got it done? She royally fucked the aftercare and it’s her own fault. It could have healed even better than what it looks like in this picture.
No. 890718
File: 1573234819058.png (1.7 MB, 1291x2048, Screenshot_20191108-114016.png)

This ain't it
No. 890749
File: 1573238830059.jpeg (266.43 KB, 1242x482, E5C5ABD6-6651-4D96-818F-356309…)

anything for attention and validation…feel bad for matt
No. 890752
File: 1573239220756.jpeg (535.46 KB, 750x845, 90D913C9-1BF5-4973-A1EB-CFAC4D…)

>>890718Looks like they have a … type
No. 890767
>>890749The beautiful chivalry of a random dude telling you to suck his cock.
She is the quintessence of pickme.
No. 890987
File: 1573274457304.jpg (214.51 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191108-233845_Ins…)

No. 890988
File: 1573274491479.jpg (1.68 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191108_234118317.jpg)

Her hair is so greasy it looks wet
No. 891051
File: 1573314235176.jpg (994.89 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191109-104357_Ins…)

Because you are
No. 891057
File: 1573316939713.png (317.3 KB, 750x1334, B041298E-F91E-4E1A-A68E-534023…)

just showing how much she lurks here still. also her twitter sEx WoRkEr rants are so fucking retired and boring. literally no one fucking cares. and posts about how she’s still obsessed w/ her high school bullies and that THEYRE the idiots for growing and moving on, it’s pretty hilarious
No. 891058
File: 1573316980488.png (409.93 KB, 750x1334, 22AAFF8B-A050-4D45-988E-2B5F10…)

>>891057same anon, the bully bullshit rant
No. 891071
File: 1573320713467.png (1.34 MB, 1234x2048, Screenshot_20191109-113104.png)

Her excuse for not uploading on her paid insta is because it's on Matt's phone. Does this bitch know that you can have multiple accounts on the same phone?? Scam!
No. 891105
File: 1573325989223.jpeg (237.57 KB, 1242x746, 615CA1AB-1A72-41EB-9795-8C49D2…)

Pre surgery vs post
No. 891119
File: 1573327997253.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, F8F04795-B3AE-48A2-880C-D0842B…)

reposted because i left out the part about credit cards
she’s on a rant on her story but went over her ~2020 goals~ which include
-more “side hustles”
-her grandpa paying $9k upfront for taxidermy school
-her flying to san diego and paying $12k with her 3 credit cards for fat grafts which are “permanent” because “fat never goes away in your body”
-another nose job
she talked about how she’s finally going to commit to something and learn a skill and stop being a lazy bitch. like just do it then why does the entire internet need to know?
No. 891121
File: 1573328274244.jpg (577 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191109-113730_Twi…)

lol ok ariana
No. 891150
>>891058>uwu meanies scarred me for lifeThis bitch. You just
know Ariana was mean and nasty to her peers growing up.
No. 891195
File: 1573339669272.png (95.98 KB, 1440x456, Screenshot_20191109-130041~2.p…)

She really shouldn't be putting that out in her SW account
No. 891196
File: 1573339845899.png (688.74 KB, 750x1334, B72ED438-B19C-49F6-83D7-084749…)

Oh boy
No. 891231
>>891196Spencers being a wayyyy bigger company than dollskill means that they can afford to pay their models more.
Also wasn't she bitching about dollskill being a shitty company before she got her instagram back?
No. 891249
File: 1573348215504.png (7.78 MB, 1125x2436, 48A2FA67-420C-4F77-B1E4-A7C2DE…)

>>891247Is she crying because of this?
No. 891261
File: 1573349803649.png (2.14 MB, 750x1334, D81D52E7-23F3-42F8-B094-8E416B…)

Lmao this is like 2 hours worth of things to do. Bitch you have no job and spend more time than any of this combined sitting and looking at yourself on Instagram, like…
No. 891283
File: 1573353894285.jpeg (97.96 KB, 750x693, FCBEC9F8-D99C-42BE-A78E-7E043E…)

More shade presumably @ almondmilkhunni. Why can’t Ariana just admit she’s jealous and talentless? Move on girl.
No. 891310
File: 1573361576752.png (1.99 MB, 828x1792, D350DE8B-78CC-4090-AB8A-F5BADC…)

No. 891319
File: 1573364601730.png (2.72 MB, 750x1334, 34117491-3CC6-4A97-80D6-73250F…)

It’s spreading to her legs again
No. 891332
File: 1573369846282.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, F597AEF5-9077-4BF7-B34C-9A759E…)

guys… i tried to read as much of this as i could, and it’s BAD. from grammar errors to the middle school level descriptions and overall writing style, holy shit. i sincerely hope writing stays a hobby for her and she never tries to monetize it like she does all the other hobbies she’s bad at
No. 891358
File: 1573380531756.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, 85D17A6C-04F9-4AF8-A032-331D1B…)

This bitch needs to see someone quick. I think she’s in denial. How is she not concerned at all?
No. 891360
File: 1573381261557.jpeg (236.83 KB, 1242x535, A93C510E-2524-4A34-882C-2FA558…)

matt seriously needs to leave her
No. 891362
>>891361Scratching at psoriatic lesions will inflame them and flake off the excess layer skin. Keep scratching and go to
No. 891364
>>891358"over it"
how about go to a doctor over it? cheese and rice
No. 891366
File: 1573383417751.jpeg (181.8 KB, 357x770, 31B194BA-9C1C-443E-B4C4-876397…)

>>891358I’m not a doctor but.. i would be looking up hiv if I was a sex worker that never gets tested
No. 891414
>>891184This dumb cunt wants to put another 12k into her face so she can be a taxidermist? Reaching 50k in plastic surgery so she can take shitty cell phone photos for onlyfan, get paid 200 for a photoshoot maybe twice a year, and all so she can be a fucking taxidermist.
And dropping more money into a body she and everyone else can see is rapidly failing her.
Hey ari, how about you take ANY of that fucking money and put it towards figuring out why your body looks like a fucking pepperoni pizza.
No. 891421
File: 1573401729278.jpeg (243.22 KB, 828x1454, B9732297-4888-43D0-A038-AC6894…)

This bitch is fucking insane
No. 891422
File: 1573401750381.jpeg (329.01 KB, 828x1447, F034DE41-4ECF-465E-8776-3E1F43…)

No. 891425
File: 1573402560730.jpg (863.96 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191110-091510_Chr…)

What she tweeted directly after the hot edible arrangements guy. Woof, she abuses the fuck out of that big retard.
No. 891426
>>891421There’s a difference between responsible debt and irresponsible debt… having a car payment, mortgage, school, and even having to make payments on big household appliances/home repairs.. normal. And generally good for your credit. Dropping 10s of thousands on your FACE is something you should save for, at least making a hefty payment upfront and only having small payments for the remainder.
I really wanna know what her available credit is and what her score is at. Let’s see how good it really is.
No. 891429
File: 1573403357936.jpeg (171.3 KB, 750x1133, 6BBB5803-A671-4907-B6AB-4508E8…)

Her pretentious, cringey comments. “Because just so you know I CAn afford it”
No. 891430
File: 1573403445731.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, 8716E64F-8D6A-400D-A660-8EFEEE…)

>>891421here’s her “evidence” does she honestly think the average american is in debt over their FACE??? insufferable
No. 891435
>>891422omg does she think peoples parents pay like on a credit card for school?
>>891426right like i wouldn't call having a car loan or a mortgage debt because you're continually paying it off
No. 891443
>>891310Now I don't have to feel guilty for reading this thread and laughing at the HIV girl hooray!!
>>891333>her breasts like daggers from fear….>aaaand having to air dry afer her shower>>891427There was a pic a thread or so ago of Matt's legs covered in bumps, probably aids bumps
No. 891480
File: 1573411432663.jpg (400.56 KB, 826x1313, lolcow.jpg)

No. 891488
File: 1573413968377.png (1.16 MB, 1440x2432, plastingandindebt.png)

>>891460And this 9k is just what is left after paying this shit off for YEARS. A few months ago she said she's been 30k in debt over JUST plastic surgery. And it was 4k then. Her story is never straight. I'm guessing she's closer to 40-50k in money dropped into her appearance. which i'm sure feels real great right now doesn't it ari? you'd think she'd take better care of her "investment" by going to the doctor and getting on medicine to stop the outbreaks from being so bad. she already said she found wrinkles on her eyes that werent there last year. she's gonna continue to neglect herself.
yet she tries to justify it by saying it helped "build her credit". and she can't see she's 9k still in debt with no house, no car, no education, no skills, no talents.
yeah, you're so above us ariana.
No. 891493
File: 1573414586592.jpeg (161.32 KB, 750x970, 27BB2B59-AAE0-4735-BF81-890B24…)

When you go to the “doctors” to fill your face more so than you do to check on your own health then I have to assume you’re a broke, vain bitch. Do better! Stop lurking.
No. 891498
File: 1573415051430.png (469.69 KB, 1125x2436, C7D4FA99-468B-4AD1-8B85-9CCA0D…)

>>891421Her response after I asked why she doesn’t own a house, have a degree and drives a shitty used mini van if being that much in debt is so great and normal
File: 1573418656534.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, 5F22677B-85B2-40F7-A3D8-456427…)

This hurt ass bitch blocked me right after I told her to to put cleaning her nails on her to do list for today lol
No. 891534
>>891515Personally, I love when she gets super manic and overly-angry about shit. I fucking love these bitchy responses. She makes herself look like a complete asshole to her fans…
>>891488I also love her talent of sounding completely stuck up and disgusting. I don’t think she has the self awareness to see how bad this shit sounds.
Im sooo good with money I can’t remember the last time I had less than $3k in the bank like cOoOoOl…. you’re 25…. $3k ain’t that much. Especially if your literally sucking hairy old dong for pennies. White trash always feels the need to make sure everyone knows they have the nice shit when in reality she is actually bad with money bc she doesn’t invest and spend what little money she has on stupid shit and dead ends.
No. 891563
>>891051 looks exactly like this
>>888743 imo
sage for repetitive HIV tin-foiling
No. 891593
>>891531It doesn’t matter, you still messaged her.
>>891534this is assuming that she even has that money and isn’t lying about it just to seem more mature. she’ll probably get the money from her grandpa and brag about having 9k in there after.
No. 891616
>>891492That’s not her car, that is Matt Cuck’s car that he lets her borrow for the day while he does his normie job of being a post man and driving thr USPS van. Colour me shocked that she has a
valid driver’s licence tho.
No. 891634
>>891628It’s not that I’m not self aware or have an attitude. I just don’t give a fuck.. lol
Your just soft
No. 891644
File: 1573440092684.png (217.7 KB, 750x1334, 01734ED8-67C1-44E3-95F0-9B8462…)

Are you kidding
She just last night was crying about how Instagram hates her & says they fuck with her money by not showing people her posts or being able to see her name. & how some people use Instagram for business. She OBVIOUSLY cares.
No. 891646
>>891639It’s obvious that you give a fuck since you and other people are mad I told her to clean her nails? lmao that is not harassment or brigading
I’m simply responding to people that are saying dumb shit back to me.
Why respond to me and expect me not to respond back? The fuck you idiot.
No. 891647
>>891646kek enjoy your ban
>>891616I don’t think I’d trust someone like Ari to drive my vehicle lmao, I’d imagine she’s the type to go live while she’s driving and not pay attention to the road.
No. 891653
>>891650Nope. I wasn’t. Read the rules and you will see what cow tipping actually means. Harassing and brigading.
Why is everyone trying to ignore that it says that in the rules?
No. 891654
File: 1573441493197.png (419.38 KB, 750x1334, A01A378A-693D-4C60-AC0B-79D1EB…)

Anon: maybe check out breast implant illness bc you have psoriasis?
Ari: “um, fuck you and don’t ever ask me anything that doesn’t exclusively confirm my bias.”
No. 891658
File: 1573441662655.jpeg (26.2 KB, 523x135, 735E0664-C6B0-461C-A47B-10D450…)

>>891651If you or anyone needs a reminder.
No. 891674
>>891665She definitely doesn’t have psoriasis on her head and has the dermatitis. It can be
triggered by excess oily unwashed hair. Kek
No. 891703
File: 1573449614249.png (5.4 MB, 1125x2436, A758343D-800E-48D4-8109-F88D1B…)

I wish she would stop letting her cats fight. One of them is going to get hurt eventually.
No. 891723
File: 1573454504543.png (4.11 MB, 750x1334, 73C070CC-8B36-4675-B85D-6B741E…)

No. 891878
File: 1573494360427.jpg (958.58 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191111-124456_Ins…)

>>891745The cats aren't fine. Wheezy still has her infected bite wound from tarte that happened weeks ago which was already shared in this thread, and ari never took her to the vet for it. They're going to seriously hurt eachother.
No. 891914
>>891742>>891745Exactly what
>>891878 said. All it takes is one bite or scratch to become infected (if Wheezy’s scratch isn’t already). Especially with how often they fight and, from what she posts, they fight hard. Not wrestling.
No. 892021
File: 1573518618501.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 373FEBF1-2219-4714-BA71-C6DF77…)

You don’t eat dairy but you have Kraft macaroni and cheese box right there
Why does she have to lie about little ass shit. who cares if you eat dairy bitch
No. 892028
File: 1573518871545.png (395.75 KB, 1125x2436, 0910E3F3-20CA-4A5B-BC2A-F9657C…)

wow so pure.
No. 892127
File: 1573529417327.jpeg (260.23 KB, 750x1060, A9D695DB-89B2-4D51-882C-86CC72…)

Ironic coming from this grody bitch. BPD skrong
No. 892379
File: 1573577882383.jpeg (253.47 KB, 750x1074, 67A74111-6314-4141-9E3C-B6170E…)

No. 892381
File: 1573577998064.jpeg (169.79 KB, 750x1066, EE614653-77F0-4D65-A94F-B6F8F0…)

why is her posture so weird
No. 892398
>>892381kek is that a xxxtentacion shirt
holy shit
No. 892418
>>892399yes her face in that pic with the other girl, her smile looks so stretched out over the entire bottom half of her face in like the ugliest way possible… what even is that
Sorry for nitpicking but god damn that shit is so off putting when they’re not just hanging off her face when her mouth is at rest. like what does that even feel like??
No. 892430
File: 1573583396978.jpeg (114.83 KB, 750x1218, A458A8F4-D7D6-4E16-9FC5-256770…)

Fucken gross ass crusty arms looking all malnourished as shit . She looks more and more like a junkie every fucking day
No. 892501
File: 1573593757047.jpeg (847.34 KB, 1980x1363, D0BF50AD-5DCA-4A16-BE4E-6F94F9…)

Ariana modeling for Spencer’s 2017-2019. Can’t wait to see the rest of the shoot.
No. 892664
File: 1573612383667.png (76.68 KB, 174x217, PicsArt_11-12-09.26.14.png)

>>892505This is the ultimate cringe. She screams awkwardness and insecurity. I dont think they'll ever have her back again. She could easily pass for 40 here. Her makeup is absolutely horrible and not doing her any favors. Look at the inner wing, what is that? She also looks emaciated, like a cracked out junkie
No. 892682
>>892674new hair growing in? better destroy it!
new fake tits? better ignore the aftercare advice!
new filler? better keep going overboard and fucking up your bloated face!
literally nothing is ever enough for her. this bitch will never be satisfied. she is 100% doomed to become jocelyn wildenstein 2.0 but without any of the money or status. when you take a step back from the thread and look at her life it’s honestly one of the most pathetic things to see.
No. 892695
File: 1573620755713.png (615.17 KB, 750x1334, EB1A5E51-E62E-4CC8-BE36-332091…)

No. 892734
File: 1573631352475.jpeg (492.93 KB, 750x990, 388440DB-A76A-4B2F-8315-B9A158…)

Maybe don’t stop eating? Working out will do just fine…
No. 892764
>>892664It's because she has a malformed skull lol. It's obvious on both her old and her new face. It's the reason for her missing bottom teeth, her gum flap, her weird profile.
Whenever she smiles it distorts the filler in her face, and her top lip was sewn closer to her nose so it creates that weird, stiff fold.
Must suck to be her tbh. Had a taste of being considered hot at 22, and now aging like a prune with no other assets besides your depreciating body and bad genetics.
She needs to focus on getting her health in order.
No. 892779
>>892501Omg…WHY did she not just stop in 2017 with the plastic surgery (or whenever she was blonde in those pics)? That was the best she was ever going to look.
If she wasn’t such a terrible person, I’d feel bad for her. She completely ruined the good ps she had in favor of looking like a botched, 50 y/o Hollywood actress
No. 892841
>>892779her lip lift completed distorted her facial harmony and thankfully its irreversible, so she's left looking like a joke for the rest of her life
cant wait to see her fuck her face up even more with irreversible face grafts
No. 892848
File: 1573661060946.jpeg (628.85 KB, 1242x1176, 91BD58D6-220C-47C7-9152-504CB7…)

Meme not related but
I feel like she’ll end up looking like this if she gets that fat transplant or grafting or whatever the fuck she was talking about
No. 892854
File: 1573663158332.jpeg (209.08 KB, 750x1107, 55633E1B-B275-432E-BC1A-A24018…)

Bro the leprosy is so bad. How has seen not seen a doctor. Like she is suicidal? God, she can’t even help herself . Pathetic
No. 892870
>>892779A lot of people were making fun of her in the comments. That could have
triggered something in her.
No. 892874
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No. 892896
File: 1573669845539.jpeg (438.4 KB, 828x815, A37F5B7C-536A-46D5-A5C8-BCA634…)

Syren Cove did a long post about stress induced psoriasis and how it ruined her confidence… How long til Ari finds and hijacks her post? Also… interesting that their outbreaks don’t look similar at all. Huh! Weird!
No. 892913
File: 1573671740872.jpeg (72.67 KB, 750x643, F120E48A-9200-431D-97E0-1319D7…)

Maybe this is nitpicking but.. is this not suspicious? This is one of her “followers”
No. 892924
File: 1573672484781.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, FBF35EDA-736A-4ED5-92A2-A35AF3…)

No you stupid skank, you being a lazy bitch is what heavily effects ur income…?
And wtf, ur ‘eco system’?
No. 892925
File: 1573672725345.png (550.87 KB, 750x1334, 1353E046-7018-4360-B04F-92DD03…)

So she can tell people to see a therapist but we can’t tell her the obvious shit to see a goddamn doctor?
Also, she loses follower count bc she does things like delete her comments. It’s boring now. Sorry Ariana, a lot of people aren’t here to watch you be a bitch and succeed / be happy. We’re here to watch you fail, so when you screen that shit, you’re so unbearable why else would anyone follow you? How has she not gotten that yet?
No. 892927
File: 1573672957990.jpeg (287.32 KB, 750x1084, 687C1EAF-EB3B-4A02-B2C1-05A372…)

Does all she do all day is stare at pictures of herself and cry of the “good old days”
No. 892931
File: 1573673208366.png (736.78 KB, 750x1334, E7B12FB6-2FDF-4D88-9C12-D4F6C2…)

I think she’s talking about her going to the doctor. Ariana, if so many people tell you to go to the doctor and you want it to end cuz it’s annoying, then just post you at the doctor and it will fucking end!!! You post everything from the first moment you open your eyes in the morning to you masterbating! No one believes you went so don’t try to even pretend with me.
No. 893169
File: 1573692846988.png (3.96 MB, 750x1334, 31373056-B13D-419C-ADC1-1FAD6C…)

These fucking simpletons man. Pathetic ass Doormatt works all day, buys Ariana toys because apparently she’s been crying all day because she THOUGHT she lost her necklaces (which was days ago?), now he’s walking Frogger because -What A Surprise- shes feeling depressed because she’s not taking her meds. God, she’s like a defiant granny with dementia refusing to eat her apple sauce smh. He needs to roll them in cheese and hide them in her microwave dinners like dog or something.
No. 893279
>>892925But not everyone "seeks attention" as desperately as she does? Pretty narcissistic to think everyone operates the same as you do. And how is wondering if someone is lying about their serious health conditions (when it soo obvious they are) "seeking attention"? That doesn't make any sense? How does she even correlate the two? She just went with seeking attention because its what she knows best, I guess.
What's psychotic is potentially spreading around STI's with no regard for anyone else! We don't have to be your Dr., or psychotic, or seeking attention to worry for the health of innocent people, those are all just strawmen she likes to throw when she has literally no other defense. Google the meaning of "strawman argument" because I know you're reading this Ari and that you're too stupid to know.
No. 893280
File: 1573700997231.jpeg (65.86 KB, 827x365, 6D2C7953-D8D6-4918-96C2-62761B…)

This is the top comment on the spencer’s post lmao
No. 893313
File: 1573704912329.jpeg (44.61 KB, 750x394, 6B2C0EA4-66E8-43D7-B8A0-FD73E9…)

>>893280Omfg I’m dying, the person who commented that is ONLY following LM… hmmmmm…
No. 893370
File: 1573725802570.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20191114-045750~2.p…)

Scrolling back you can see she never talks about psoriasis. She latches on to whatever is convenient to manipulate ppl and to make herself seem relatable
No. 893396
>>893370You’d think the psoriasis would have
triggered her “horrible picking disorder” so much more. She literally just hops from one disorder to another instead of realizing she is just searching for reasons on why she is so shitty instead of looking inwards and realizing she is her own worst enemy and is self destructing.
No. 893473
File: 1573754407619.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, B86D37BD-FAA9-4C98-96A7-480386…)

That cat is fucking obese. It’s sad. She takes such poor care of her animals. Lazy piece of shit.
Also, “baby blanket” kek.
No. 893487
File: 1573757400221.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 92B93D35-6EE1-44A2-BE94-D2A16F…)

who in their RIGHT MIND would purchase this! maybe promote your gross worn clothes on racks or something, not your rash filled body
No. 893537
File: 1573765931135.png (593.69 KB, 1242x2208, 461A0CF0-AAF8-44E5-B17C-DDC16D…)

why is she so hypocritical? she literally came for a girl for being suicidal and blasted her on her social media, made fun of her for her depression and hospital visits. now she's experiencing the same treatment. karma is a bitch, that's all i have to say.
No. 893546
File: 1573767794112.png (3.25 MB, 750x1334, E3992E33-1708-4240-A6C3-4D6839…)

Gollum bitch
No. 893558
File: 1573770584907.jpg (321.43 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191114-173006_Ins…)

Tobacco sauce
No. 893564
File: 1573771665429.png (675.55 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191114-135029.png)

She put the dress on to upload a pic to depop then took it off in the same spot leaving it on the floor…
No. 893567
File: 1573772745710.jpg (115.98 KB, 946x2048, IMG_20191114_170540.jpg)

I got a feeling this is her spam account and sent herself this message so people can feel bad for her kek (tinfoil)
No. 893659
File: 1573787395834.png (3.43 MB, 750x1334, 22F5C906-F356-459D-B21F-0116BC…)

kek from yesterday
No. 893733
File: 1573809958006.png (72.97 KB, 1080x376, Screenshot_20191115-041744~2.p…)

>>893704She's been lying about it this whole time. She'll say she's had it forever yet the first time she ever mentioned it was this year. She even says 'I had no idea what ppl with psoriasis were going through' and completely contradicts herself. Someone that actually had it their whole lives would never say that. All She ever mentioned prior to this year was her acne and her picking disorder. If it were such an integral part of her life we'd have heard it about it before now
No. 893883
File: 1573839547782.jpeg (212.85 KB, 750x1095, A76A513A-C1C3-4F5B-9F7E-898541…)

>>893722>>893722>>893853Vaguely remember her saying that the winner did not respond but doesn’t that mean you just move on to second place? Pretty sure every single item in that giveaway was sold on her depop or etsy
No. 893938
File: 1573847694224.jpg (Spoiler Image,258.85 KB, 1079x956, Screenshot_20191115-145532_Twi…)

No. 894095
File: 1573864608042.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191115-173602_Chr…)

The hell is this blurry ass shit
No. 894102
File: 1573865488773.jpg (159.02 KB, 1079x799, plasticandhankhill.jpg)

>>894099Cause there ain't no ass there to fill it out with. Hank Hill Ass.
No. 894128
>>894095I cannot get over this ill fitting bra. The straps are way too tight, the cups are way bigger than her actual boobs, the goddamn tags…
Nitpick, sue me
No. 894277
File: 1573894413977.jpeg (76.64 KB, 741x253, 7103BC83-ACE2-4CE5-97A4-19E7DA…)

Comment from her last post pre-op. Imagine smiling with her mouth and all the filler just pushing against her skin. Eughhh. Now every time she smiles I get seriously creeped out.
She should have just fixed her slope on her nose and it would all be ok. Why on earth would she want more surgery.
No. 894444
File: 1573929673563.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191116-124108.png)

She probably had a client that doesn't like her "thotty" style. Notice she only dresses like so when she is "working"
No. 894447
File: 1573929871652.jpeg (191.02 KB, 750x953, 59575F41-F041-430A-AE03-7BA4DF…)

Her depop pics are legit disgusting. Between the rash and the pit hair and the wrinkly clothes idk how tf she manages to sell anything. The obvious fake tits and man hands makes her look extra MTF in this pic.
No. 894454
File: 1573931589106.jpeg (151.48 KB, 750x1334, D3E0FCFF-9E36-4C2E-8497-CD38C7…)

No. 894456
File: 1573931967135.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, 36D759CD-C3A7-4A7B-99D3-0D342F…)

Sorry to nitpick I guess but doesn’t she look pregnant as fuck? That gut!
Also, “thoriathis” KEK.
No. 894460
File: 1573932575612.png (3.07 MB, 750x1334, FFC1D356-B824-497F-969B-7B133B…)

Lookin’ good Ariana… still on that clown make up.
No. 894467
File: 1573933026169.jpg (45.63 KB, 1102x675, Tyrone-Biggums.jpg)

>>894444The "nice" blazer mixed with her crackhead peroxide orange hair peeking out…
No. 894505
File: 1573936952118.png (2.47 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191116-144243.png)

What's with the dumb open mouth pose?? Thought you were a model Ari
No. 894568
File: 1573942929934.jpg (660.03 KB, 1080x1506, Screenshot_20191116-172150_Ins…)

She's said before that she shaves her face to make applying makeup easier. Here we can see she stopped at the edge of her jawline and it looks like a damn neck beard kek
No. 894591
File: 1573945402139.jpeg (241.76 KB, 750x1055, 8A4378FA-57B8-4762-B9D6-C43537…)

Deleted content.
No. 894592
File: 1573945280430.jpeg (241.76 KB, 750x1055, 8A4378FA-57B8-4762-B9D6-C43537…)

Deleted content.
No. 894620
File: 1574028983123.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1094x2060, 0E93B051-6376-4180-8AB8-23A799…)

>>894586I always think about this. Like if you makeup looks this fucking caked on in a filtered photo what in the world does it look like in person.
No. 894636
File: 1574030423801.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 4B916FBE-6748-458C-B8B7-44884B…)

she really can’t look past anyone’s physical appearance lol, why not try and take after sasha’s work ethic and do something productive with yourself instead of being a lazy sex worker comparing yourself to icons of the industry?
she’s also says she’s been told she looks like angelina jolie though, and again focuses so hard on the appearance of her rather than all the productive things and hard work she’s done. she really is just straight up delusional to be comparing herself to industry icons.
No. 894647
File: 1574031061433.jpeg (100.7 KB, 750x540, C351AFA8-19FE-4D23-92ED-6F9FCC…)

More deleted content from yesterday.
No. 894817
File: 1574048112320.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3464x3464, F7B913E9-A475-49C9-96AD-931F5F…)

she looks like the girl(?) on the shirt she’s wearing lol
No. 894821
File: 1574048508389.png (100.36 KB, 300x207, serveimage.png)

>>894817Jessica Rabbit from that movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
No. 894823
File: 1574049441548.png (6.48 MB, 1125x2436, 329825E6-A8C1-45B5-BCA3-06D3E9…)

Dyed her hair pink? Kek
No. 895059
File: 1574110148135.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, C1DCD660-BEDF-409A-AE1A-ABBA3B…)

>>895058uh meant to include this pic
No. 895071
File: 1574112105063.png (2.86 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191118-152020.png)

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
No. 895084
File: 1574113876110.jpeg (255.46 KB, 1056x738, ECB40E67-7784-4C2E-A8B5-A71FA9…)

I agree. Natural acceptance was her peak.
No. 895088
File: 1574114543760.jpeg (481.86 KB, 750x1116, F5A05343-49F6-4120-91A4-4448A5…)

Ah yes, SUCH an improvement. Those prolapse lips make you look much better.
No. 895098
File: 1574116102402.jpeg (260.86 KB, 1283x750, C7E9CD3F-8F7C-424B-B310-C22997…)

>>895090The nose job was even taken too
far. She shouldn’t be shocked at the fact she can’t breathe. Her surgeon shaved the whole damn thing off!
No. 895103
File: 1574117227331.jpeg (123.68 KB, 750x701, 0CD38BCC-6B7A-4C1E-8CA3-8FFA7F…)

>>895084Still looks like a damn egg head with dead eyes
No. 895107
File: 1574118186002.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1775, BE03347D-5CE8-4750-89E1-38EB80…)

>>895059From the same post, but agreed. She looked 100000x better here and actually had a kind of unique look. Her features now don’t work in harmony at all and it looks like this exercise kids do in school where they accordion fold paper and each kid gets a fold to draw part of a face and then when you unfold you see the craziness it is all together. She doesn’t look like one cohesive person at all, more like she just took pieces from random people to make her face, which I guess she did do in a way. Saged for opinions that no one cares about but I feel like she would’ve gone so much further with her modeling career too had she kept this look.
No. 895117
>>895107>>895059>>895084im sorry but she straight up looks like some wannabe chola, and the bumpy nose really didn't suit her face.
The truth is that she was a very boring and plain girl, facewise.
It doesn't look "natural" but the first nosejob, brow lift and lip injections did make her stand out and look more attractive.
sage for beauty sperging
No. 895120
File: 1574121401724.jpg (231.27 KB, 1600x1700, depositphotos_224019204-stock-…)

>>895098terrible. her nose job left her face completely unbalanced and makes it look like she has a Jay Leno moon chin instead of a big nose. it's no wonder she keeps having additional surgeries in an attempt to rectify her facial imbalance, but they just keep making her more and more botched.
>>895088she doesn't even look like a real person anymore, and i don't mean that in the *~so ethereal and beautiful uwu~* way. she looks like a hollow, sad, and bizarre attempt at emulating an IMVU character irl.
No. 895137
>>895113Lmao she could’ve dumped doormatt and started escorting with that second face. She would’ve made mad cash.
2 late for that.
No. 895172
File: 1574128997557.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, 374288D7-6B67-4647-AC3A-EB72A0…)

>>895088She looks like this buzzfeed thumbnail. Uncanny
No. 895215
File: 1574135261903.jpeg (143.58 KB, 643x627, BF742014-8D42-453B-A3CB-796700…)

I see no difference kek.
No. 895280
File: 1574171825509.png (314.57 KB, 750x1334, 66889F41-4A01-49EA-A1F2-A9CE7A…)

Gum smacking is annoying but probably not as annoying as having a lazy, unmotivated “sex worker” gf covered in full body rash who refuses to go to a doctor, venomously lisps at whoever suggests it, doesn’t take accountability for herself, wakes you up at all hours of the night and makes you take her thot pictures
No. 895288
File: 1574173734441.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1125x1504, AACF5443-39DE-42B3-9453-DEB5F8…)

NTA but she peaked around 2 years ago and has been going quickly downhill since. it seems like right after the babytrash falling out she just went nuts. it’s such a shame she just doesn’t know when to quit while she’s ahead.
No. 895329
File: 1574184987382.jpg (76.4 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

to me she looks like she could be the daughter of russian ice skater jevgini plushenko and his wife
No. 895371
File: 1574192321306.jpeg (75.22 KB, 750x321, D4A2BF17-5023-4F11-9204-AF95A1…)

Tell me why she posts these mega boring laundry lists that include get dressed, eat food, take meds.. on her SW Twitter?
No. 895374
File: 1574192544552.png (300.78 KB, 750x1334, 79D4503A-B0B3-4400-8B42-12426E…)

her tweets are so fucking… i don’t even know what to say lmao i have 3. this first one like alright bitch we all know you eat bugs for fun you fucking freak 1/3
No. 895375
File: 1574192594947.png (244.61 KB, 750x1334, B30ECAA7-CCA5-4896-BF5F-4A13DB…)

2/3, your holier than thou uneducated white privilege is showing
No. 895377
File: 1574192639524.png (314.71 KB, 750x1334, 7E13B94D-85CD-49DE-B22A-6CA114…)

3/3 again, your stance on what you would do in this situation is meaningless because you’re WHITE and wouldn’t be harassed like a POC in the first place!!
No. 895468
File: 1574204435304.png (746.31 KB, 1733x2048, Screenshot_20191119-145309.png)

She's such a weirdo
No. 895505
File: 1574206683420.png (2.88 MB, 1323x2048, Screenshot_20191119-173703.png)

Ari the sexual predator
No. 895538
>>895505Imagine posting on your Twitter that you're straight as an arrow, but then talks about trying to kiss girls drunkenly.
No. 895632
File: 1574227067738.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 82CAD6E5-2B9B-410B-8E4B-B951BF…)

totally professional not at all awkward and uncomfortable modeling job she’s done here
No. 895640
>>895505She looks great with this black wig, and better in
>>895288She has an angular face and cheekbones which don't suit the very short hair and bangs.
No. 895644
File: 1574228697653.jpeg (316.88 KB, 1294x750, 60EF5F2B-8CE2-4E3A-99DE-96E92B…)

>>895632>>895632Such a striking difference in the face.
No. 895654
File: 1574229849235.png (620.36 KB, 1080x1183, Screenshot_20191120-005622~3.p…)

>>895629This is so bad. The makeup is horrid. Look at her sunken in face
No. 895686
>>895654truly tragic. She's developing the cat-face surgery look already.
I feel a bit bad for her, I imagine seeing this while believing she looks like her posed facetuned selfies must be so fucking painful lol. But for real, she looks the worst from all her looks/faces.
No. 895690
File: 1574243095690.jpeg (121.83 KB, 1242x1010, C2329364-8C96-4522-9ADA-3577B9…)

On Spencer’s recent post of her
No. 895699
File: 1574251930601.png (695.8 KB, 2048x1918, Screenshot_20191120-071100.png)

>>895690Of course she had to respond
No. 895703
File: 1574252080161.png (327.47 KB, 2048x854, Screenshot_20191120-071259.png)

>>895699She can't let anyone have an opinion. Saved for double post
No. 895705
File: 1574252228380.png (716.82 KB, 1080x1183, ariana.png)

>>895654Her entire mouth/nose area just looks bad. Around where she got filler to soften her nasolabial folds is the only place she has any fullness while the rest of her face just looks sunken and hollow. IDK if it's from weight loss or the fillers have migrated or what, but it makes her look even more sickly than usual. You can literally see the lines where the filler begins/end in her cheeks (highlighted in red) because it looks stiff. She needs to stop getting fillers for a while or get what she has dissolved before fucking with her face any more.
No. 895709
File: 1574252923461.png (8.45 KB, 270x133, edit.png)

>>895699She changed her response to this comment already.
No. 895721
File: 1574259968982.png (6.15 MB, 1125x2436, 4139F586-DEF8-4AE9-9AF1-2D068F…)

No. 895730
File: 1574262819296.jpg (166.56 KB, 1079x886, Screenshot_20191120-071257_Twi…)

No. 895743
>>895739Fucking idiot is attacking their customer base
using the company's name. How can you be so retarded? Don't big brands make these ig faggots sign a contract saying they won't be cunts in the comments and chase away their potential customers?
She looks really ill in the modelling photos. Reminds me of Ducky from The Land Before Time but less healthy and not cute.
No. 895763
File: 1574269722875.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, 499D3399-B156-4473-949B-4B14AE…)

she forgot diseased and 50 years old in her description.
No. 895793
File: 1574275274847.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, E462D67B-ED9B-4FCA-B937-BBFAE6…)

Your favorite sex worker. Lmao
She really is so fucking ugly.
I hate that she thinks whoever says anything to her they are jealous. BITCH no one is jealous of you you have no good features especially as a sex worker??
you have no ass, your boobs look obviously look fake and hard, your hair is fucking nasty as fuck, and your face looks swollen, and you look at least 30. Plus your personality is SHIT.
Men really like anyone huh
No. 895824
File: 1574279401948.jpeg (371.28 KB, 750x1187, 2078B308-B866-4DDF-AC9D-19989D…)

Isn’t..that..what she does? Sells her body for money?
No. 895833
>>895699going right to attacking someone's looks for making a damn comment, not insecure at all.
>>895709 nice projection, she makes so many assumptions about ppl it's hilarious.
>>895763this hair is so tragic, she definitely doesn't have room to be trying to pick on other ppl's looks when she's posting shit like this.
No. 895840
File: 1574281183997.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 819D6487-EBE5-4F31-9D64-8CFE01…)

why does she constantly point out she isn’t struggling…. people who aren’t struggling usually don’t point it out every two seconds lol
No. 895848
File: 1574282160023.jpeg (56.74 KB, 828x259, 306FB41B-F3EA-47EE-8FF4-4974A4…)

No. 895849
File: 1574282255704.jpg (159.84 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20191120-143543_Chr…)

>>895690Oh wow, I WONDER who this Anon is after showing 3 liked comments with only a few people liking the comment…
Y'all, it is so easy to find out who some of you in here are. Stop showing screenshots of your usernames, pictures, and liked comments. Don't let Ariana have the satisfaction.
Also, after every video/picture she's ever posted in their apartment and car… She doesn't clean. Kek
No. 895857
File: 1574283688809.jpeg (64.54 KB, 1242x246, 6A8FDB93-5C97-43B0-9F01-541034…)

i honestly have no words
No. 895859
File: 1574283767907.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2556, CB5F414C-4E09-4ED5-99F8-5F4A72…)

No. 895872
File: 1574286324161.jpeg (184.35 KB, 750x1182, EB9E1BA3-631A-438C-AA3F-5C8610…)

the pants are DIRTY WHAT THE FUCK Not to mention the garbage and filth in the background
No. 895877
File: 1574287402145.png (679.29 KB, 1125x2436, E476396D-3D65-4F9A-8971-1A2031…)

Can you imagine being so dumb as to think that the government gives a fuck about your psoriasis and is going to just give you money because your skin itches?
No. 895878
File: 1574287407472.jpeg (113.17 KB, 750x745, 350699DD-181C-4D75-8CB3-7E9F97…)

She lurks so hard here
No. 895883
File: 1574288155521.jpeg (154.84 KB, 750x746, 21134506-D9B4-44FE-AE7F-E93857…)

~LiViNg tHe LiFe~ these tweets back to back had me cackling, she has the attention span of a tadpole fucken peanut brain
No. 895886
>>895878kek well known brand
spencers is dying
No. 895889
>>895883yeah her fucking one bedroom apartment bitch, try again when you live in a 10,000 a month penthouse you fucking knob. everyone lives the same ass lifestyle as you idiot, you literally live off the same amount of money as every low wage working class person. all you do is smoke weed in your shit apartment and sit with some pets ALL DAY EVERY DAY? that actually sounds tragic, lonely, and boring. she could put more effort into her bum ass looks but nope, lays in ber all day smoking pot (which is the lamest thing ive ever heard, lets get real) Clean your one room, wash your hair, and put on a decent fucking shirt for once arianna. Her life is so depressing its so funny she hypes herself up all day. girl you dont even have friends, you sit alone in a single room all day that, i cannot stress enough how utterly lame that is.
No. 895891
File: 1574289598437.jpg (218.24 KB, 1080x903, Screenshot_20191120-143729_Twi…)

please do not
No. 895893
>>895891no please do lol
what would she even do? angrily lisp and cough into the camera like she already does on insta?
No. 895894
>>895883All you need to do is find a cuck with no self worth or confidence in himself who will pay half your rent and food and YOU CAN BE JUST LIKE PLASTICANDPROUD.
Lol echo’ing the anon who said she’s on the same level money wise as any low wage mcdonalds worker.
“Im not homeless so sex working is good” - Ariana the dumb shit
No. 895912
File: 1574295010656.png (2.07 MB, 1217x2048, Screenshot_20191120-180532.png)

No. 895913
>>895912she exfoliates and then
dry shaved her face…. and wonders why her skin sucks ass? and if she exfoliates every day… good lord.
her fucked up manic spelling word vomit posts are so atrocious. and *~*~feeling like a queen*~*~ okay bitch see
>>895889 that’s totally how queens live.
No. 895914
File: 1574295366277.png (340.26 KB, 750x1334, D9BD74ED-CB45-43AC-A4B2-A2829B…)

booking info in her bio! :)
No. 895939
>>895918Wasn’t this account supposed to be for her premium snapchat members after her account got deleted? She scammed them by turning it into a spam account lmao
>>895913I think she meant her cat was feeling like a queen
No. 895978
File: 1574310292523.jpeg (80.93 KB, 1059x317, 84C7256A-FF4D-43BE-8E59-04B279…)

Yeah ok.
No. 896034
File: 1574336038560.png (653.08 KB, 1475x2048, Screenshot_20191121-053313.png)

Imagine being this bored and miserable…. Kek
No. 896072
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No. 896074
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Ari they redid your tits because you fucked them up with bad after care. Yes, they seem like a shady company but your wonky lop sided meatballs are fugly because you don’t follow proper aftercare instructions
No. 896084
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didn’t she say it was getting better? this doesn’t look better…
No. 896086
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>>896084samefag, this is from her insta story.
No. 896102
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This bitch is always arguing to her "h8trz". She always has something to say about being rich and traveling on her grandparents's dime, but has to beg people for money to keep a roof over her head and feed her. Thought you were a baller, fucking phony ass skin-walking loser. This is like watching a pathetic downward spiral, except it's funny because she has such a shitty attitude. I'm glad she got her face done to balance out her horrible personality.
No. 896106
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She should be the poster child of the plastic surgery downward spiral. Like this is a cautionary tale to hopefully keep people from going too far to try to improve their self-image.
No. 896111
>>896086She can’t do creams or pills but she will inject something in her hahhaha wtf
She wont take steroids pills but will do molly and coke.
This bitch is delusional talking about it’s because Matt left the heat on all night & you just need to drink water.
You have a full body rash and you think bathing in dirty salt water at the end of the day will help?? DELUSION.
No. 896146
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She’s averaging a loss of 420 followers a day, not surprised
No. 896159
>>896146>>896156She posted this
>>892379 on the 12th?
No. 896168
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No. 896229
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No. 896276
>>896245I disagree anon, I liked ari after the nose job and before the fillers. Even if it was too wide, it was a vast improvement on her natural face. The current overfilled and caked on makeup look isnt it. Honestly even if she did less clown makeup she'd do better.
>>896229Arianna, surely a clearly infected tattoo is a good enough reason to go to a doctor, no? Have you ever seen what can potentially happen to infected tattoos? It's not pretty.
No. 896300
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No. 896308
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A true moron.
No. 896312
File: 1574379469443.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, F10F2B42-F8D5-4B0D-A79A-2E8B31…)

Some one please put this in the new thread picture please lmao
I would make one but I don’t know how & one of you guys are probably way better at it
No. 896346
File: 1574387317987.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, 4B13E71E-98E3-4F83-BCDD-028A2B…)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more manic episode. She wonders why her skin is going haywire meanwhile coating it with 100 different creams and salves she’s never used before all at once. Plus, the nitwhit just admitted she spent $130 at LUSH and turns out she can’t use it because there’s fragrance in it. If this isn’t the finest case of schadenfreude I’ve ever seen.
No. 896351
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Project much?
No. 896353
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How is this a tempting offer for anyone?
No. 896361
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I love how she went from dying her hair RED, to bleaching it, to adding PINK to it. Like, why even spend the money to bleach it to ruin it two seconds later? Her hair is so short and already so fucked. Needs a color correction so bad.
No. 896367
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Aight that’s as much time as I’ll ever spend on this cow. New thread pic if anybody wants it
No. 896376
Her whole TrEaTmEnT pLaN is from her reading this… manic episode of dowsing herself in a pile of cheap lotions she can't even pronounce properly will not end well. Guys… what the actual fuck is even going on over there? The spiral is quickening and will surely reach critical mass soon. That tattoo looks like cellulitis infection for sure. This fucking idiot, I swear. "My fRiEnD Em Bod" when her handle is actually Embodoe. Em. Bo. Doe. Can't even pronounce that correctly so I'm so sure they are super tight. And she has an identity issue? Maybe because her personality is nill. All she cares about is her over injected, swollen, pillow face. Pillow face bitches are THE WORST. It's actually a plague on humanity, especially in Philly.
No. 896386
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Saged bc Im a dumbass but there’s less dildo now so we good sorry
No. 896389
>>896106Ngl, the funniest part of this to me is that her end results look almost exactly like the first pic, just with botched prolapsed anus lips? Like this bitch came around full circle back to ugly. kek.
She easily looked her best in almost any of the in between pics.
>>896229Oh jesus.
No. 896393
>>896376Wow, this couldn’t be more spot on. What a fucking fool man, how can you be so stupid ? doing absolutely no research and asking the vapid 18 y/o followers that are complete strangers that no nothing about
”psoriasis” and spending hundreds of dollars on CVS ~homeopathic~and~natural~ products.
Also, the Embod shit had me howling, what an imbecile you just can’t write this shit.
No. 896397
>>896099if she tried to cover up all those spots with 'freckles' she'd look like she has vitiligo lol.
>>896229i feel like her body is trying to erase this tattoo.
No. 896398
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No. 896399
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Ya Ari…….. lookin so much better….. eyes totally not going in different directions at all….!
No. 896403
>>896365not to blog/derail but - to add on to this…..I’ve had mild cystic/adult acne for a few years and have seen derms and primary cares at least 2x/year for it; and that’s out of pretty much purely vanity/aesthetics reasons, not due to concern over a devastating health issue.
the point of me saying this is that she is clearly, obviously vain and self-obsessed with how she looks. this rash (whatever it is) is fucking disgusting and a lot worse than whatever acne I dealt with. there’s literally no good reason at ALL for you to not see a doctor ari. it’s fucking absurd and beyond me that she won’t even do it for her appearance yet continues to shell out hundreds on fillers and wrecking her hair, even planning the next plastic surgeries she wants before addressing what should be her main aesthetic concern! this is what makes it so fishy IMO like fuck your health all you want but why not at least get help to fix your boil-covered face?
No. 896409
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She is using Snow filter to blur the skin texture
No. 896413
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>>896398I colored matched her skin and she's definitely used a filter cause her pores on her nose magically disappeared and her nostril is a different size
No. 896426
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Discovering fruit for the first time?
No. 896504
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Does this mean she’s finally going to admit to having a lip ballsack?
No. 896505
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My contribution for the next potential thread pic. Sorry I used a couple from the last one, can't believe this cow has supplied so much milk within only a month! I vote she moves to PT when/if she finally gets her HIV diagnosis as at that point she will actually have literally ruined some people's lives.
No. 896507
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She is the most obsessive person I’ve ever seen. You’d think for someone who sits inside all day, what would it matter what she looks like? I just picture her whipping out her phone first thing in the morning when she opens her eyes to check on her psoriasis . Bitch, get a life!
No. 896512
>>896507 is a response to
>>896401 >>896409
>>896413petition for next thread to be called “the internet collectively begs Ariana McMillan to see a licensed dermatologist”
No. 896516
>>896505KEK at the rashy tattoo
>>896399I've never wanted to punch someone so badly. Grow the fuck up and learn to take care of your body without asspats every second
I wish we could somehow make her cognizant for just one second so she can feel the full embarrassment of who she is.
No. 896532
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Let’s end the thread on this note. Wow, just wow. Looks like someone scribbled on her with a ballpoint pen.
No. 896544
>>896542She was actually kinda funny back then, back when she had life in her eyes.
Also, I died when she called her lips “meaty under there”
No. 912971
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During her Live earlier she referred again to the fact that she doesn’t like women and has never gotten along with them(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)