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No. 871373
PlasticandProud/PlasticnProud/Alice Amor/Ariana McMillan (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 24 year old plastic surgery addict, ex Instagram “influencer”, and full service sex worker in philly
>Vapid narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies
>has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky
>gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly
>quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat
>shaved her head in a manic episode and regrets it a day later, wears cheap wigs daily
>has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis
Previous Threads:
Recent milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”, posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode>Barely “works”>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” picturesSocial media:
Ig: plasticandproud
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud
Reddit: Airkilla321
Onlyfans: No. 871654
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Back when she was a stripper for a day and quit immediately
No. 871691
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looking for her next skinwalk victim
> that sleeve
how could you take a photo with a carpet of animal hair on ur clothes and not even care?? so so so gross
No. 871735
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>>871691Is this bad photoshopping?
No. 871755
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The caption seems shady lol
No. 871857
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No. 871896
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More of her ~art~ all her stuff looks rushed and over done
No. 872130
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Oh no
No. 872135
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She really was a guinea pig for bucks county.
No. 872156
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>>872154Kek. Was this you?
No. 872165
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I think it's called depression bitch. That's what meds and therapist are for
No. 872236
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Bitch can't keep herself clean for SW, of course she'll shit on a formal apprenticeship where they'll teach you how to be clean. Disgusting
No. 872264
>>872155A.K.A. they realized they had no grounds to stand on and chickened out like pussies.
RIP arianna’s free fillers.
No. 872311
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This fucking comment on her recent before and after picture sent me
No. 872321
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"I wonder why companies never get back to me after reading the manic, rambling posts I make!" Someone's dream of getting discovered is slowly dying.
No. 872330
>>872156This retard holy shit. She asked for help on a topic she clearly knows NOTHING about and now she acts like she knows best? What on earth.
Ariana you need a professional internship. Tattooing people out of your filthy living room is not going to impress anybody but might get you fined or blacklisted from any reputable tattoo parlor. Jesus fucking Christ we’re really about to see her turn into one of those trashy Facebook tattoo scratchers and watch her tout it as a “cAReEr”. Since she knows better than anyone else, right!
No. 872332
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whats next? “I hate snobs who say I need to get a professional degree to become a therapist/lawyer!!!! gatekeeping is a bad look !!!!!”
tattooing is a highly skilled profession. you don’t get to do it just because you want to. god forbid her mutated art gets put on someone’s body.
what an idiot.
No. 872344
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(1/2) >you are not important at all
No. 872345
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(2/2) >”soak it in bitches” look how important i am
No. 872347
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I hope this means she tattooing herself rn lmao
No. 872348
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… and once again rather than actually learn something she expects another useless impulsive purchase to magically solve all her problems.
No. 872364
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No. 872365
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This looks terrible as it is, but can you imagine it as a tattoo? It’d probably look just as good as her bear tattoo.
No. 872366
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No. 872367
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Lmao this girl screenshotted pnps story and added her own question box over it
No. 872380
>>872365This is rather confusing to the eye imo
She has a tendency to make things too close when shes only using black and it just jumbles everything up. It would look horrible on skin.
No. 872446
>>872380not to blogpost but as someone who does art for a living -
shes really not good at it, at ALL. sure she might be able to draw from reference slightly better than the average person, but to turn it into a career (and a career that involves sticking shit permanently into others’ skin) is just careless and stupid. From an artistic standpoint, her “work” is pretty low-quality and you can very clearly tell she is an amateur. getting a career is good Ari, but you can’t keep deluding yourself into thinking you’re good at something when you’re not.
No. 872491
>>872332Why does she ask questions with easily searchable andswers and then get
triggered at the responses she gets. Seems so exhausting lke just google it, damn.
>>872446It doesn't take an expert to know it's dogshit, anon but thank u for your perspective
No. 872510
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She's such a loser
No. 872525
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Is she serious? Can’t feel at home? You masturbate in your living room and take selfies in your roommates bedroom but you’re uncomfortable?? Cringe.
No. 872535
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Wonder if they’ll talk about the bucks county “tea” once embodoe returns from Paris KEK
No. 872564
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LOL she will do anything to prove she's improving. Why not compare with makeup on in both pics other than to seem like she upgraded herself drastically in 1 year.
No. 872571
>>872332yea it's tiring that ppl think they all you need is a cheap ass machine and inks and idiots who don't care how shitty their tattoos will be. there's plenty of tattoo shows that put an emphasis on what a good piece should include and what makes someone a quality artist. don't want to derail but considering how little effort she puts into sex work, she thinks that can apply to anything she wants to do.
>>872510>i have a few friends in the tattoo communityif that was true they'd tell you how to get a proper apprenticeship and that your attitude already sucks b/c you're getting butthurt over ppl being honest about you wanting to be a scratcher.
No. 872586
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>>872564Also maybe she should use a less edited photo that isn't clearly shooped lmao
No. 872589
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>>872586I don’t know man.. I think she just has weird, malnourished looking arms.
No. 872610
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>>872365Reminds me of the Freedom Cobra. It's like she only finished the art piece because of a sunk-time falacy or something. If she did nothing today of value, she at LEAST finished this piece of shit on printer-grade paper using a 0.1mm pen to fill in large portions. I hope she tattoos eventually, it'll add a new level of horror to her stain on society. A sex-worker scratcher with dead rats in the basement, she might actually create a brand-new blood infection!
No. 872663
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Self portrait Ariana?
No. 872674
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Messed up a lot more than one scale kek
No. 872737
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She's trying to feel relevant by reposting stories made by insecure girls. I'm sure she believes that as long as people are "obsessed" with her, then she must be beautiful and have a great personality. She could have been pretty, but her personality and hunger for "fans" makes her exactly like the book she read when she was a kid, with people turning ugly from having ugly personalities.
No. 872837
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This chick just bumped the old thread with this post, thought it was relevant here
No. 872838
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And this one too
No. 872854
>>872852Hey doormat. People here laugh at Ariana and watch her because she makes a public mockery and living caricature of herself, on many internet platforms for anyone to see. This is just a group of people who all have something in common: we enjoy talking about and laughing at her. It’s comes with blasting yourself all over the big bad web.
Now take your big heart somewhere else, where it might be taken seriously.
No. 872860
>>872856On a side note, I think you’re actually really sweet and I like the jewelry you make quite a bit.
Imagine a funny meme, and a bunch of people want to comment on it. Cows are kinda like memes, that we’re commenting on and laughing about on this website. It’s usually not personal, and really just silly internet shitposting. It’s why they tell you not to post something online if you don’t want the whole world to see it. Saged of course.
No. 872873
>>872852You only see the IRL personality Arianna portrays to you, which i guess at the time being is to be your “friend”. Anons here having been following her socials since shes been online (she encourages people following her, doesn’t she?), and have a bit of a better whole picture of the type of person she is. I suggest if you are truly interested in why everyone here thinks shes an absolute piece of shit, go read through her old threads and see the type of person who you are defending. And no, not just the last one.
If you truly still think because this girl treats YOU okay thats she’s a decent human being, than I guess thats more important to you than associating with people who treat EVERYONE with that same respect. Arianna will be sweet as hell to someone she thinks she can benefit from, until she can no longer benefit from them…
None of us here have an actual relationship with this monster, so until she privates her accounts, we will continue to lol at someone shouting from the rooftops how much of a total fuckup they are.
No. 872879
Ariana is a LM and Bbytrash skinwalker, she bullied doorMatt into an open relationship, dragged her actual family on social media, possibly fucked her brother, blamed doorMatt for her getting raped, faked a skin disease to cover up for a STI or STD she got afterwards and never went to the doctor, used said rape to sell her premium Snapchat, also used breaking up with Matt to sell her Snapchat, chucked him by fucking Aaron, ripped off a client by not doing a service he paid for, has emotional relationships with clients (emotional cheating), put an old classmate on blast on IG with face and screen names cus be bullied her once a decade ago… she literally only has one friend and it’s cotte. But keep defending her. What I mentioned is tip of the iceberg. If you really think Ariana is a decent person you got another thing coming lmao. Enjoy that friendship while it lasts.
Also most of us sign in here in the middle of the morning or night when we’re bored as shit because you enormous fuck ups make us feel better about our lives lmao.
No. 872883
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>>872851Hi Cottedemailles, can you clear up if PlasticandProud asked you permission first before posting this photo of you taking a shit to her almost 60,000 followers? I would be so upset with my friend.
No. 872927
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Don’t you have something better to do with your time, Cottedemailes? You must not be very happy if you’re reading and posting on your own friend’s ‘hate’ forums in the dead of night. Maybe instead try checking up on her? Her psoriasis related depression is still lingering and you could be supporting her directly instead of white knighting her image on the internet. Ariana is a big girl! This shit doesn’t bother her, right? She’s thriving.. or at least she will be once she moves to another house. KEK
No. 872962
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Another desperate attempt to get free shit and try to make her feel like she has friends on her month-long birthday.
No. 872968
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It's not an algorithm problem, dumbass… it's just no one is impressed by all your "before, when I looked good" beside the "after, when I look like I'm going to clown school" pictures.
No. 873026
>>872852If you are so concerned about bullying, maybe you should have a chat with your BFF Ariana about how she calls people ugly, makes fun of young girls for being depressed/suicidal & blasts their face & name on the internet, and lashes out at anyone who tries to check-in with her (i.e. after she made posts about Matt cheating and being
abusive). These whacked out BPDfags like to use and manipulate stupid people. Anyone smarter than a retard can see that the ppl who’ve stayed in her life are extremely insecure. It’s a shame that you’ve exposed yourself as one of those people.
No. 873051
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>>871373You think Aaron is aiming this towards pnp? KEK
No. 873085
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Who would “need to hear” this long rant that’s all about yourself? Narcissists think this way.
No. 873121
>>873097Shortly before she got her IG back, she had her roommate arin come here sperg on everyone about we’re ruining her IRL job prospects by using her real name. And she was making tweets about how she forgot “resumes were a thing”.
Guess she thought getting her IG back would be her big ticket back but then she gets immediately shadowbanned. It’s pretty funny.
No. 873170
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Sperging on about how Instagram owes her a platform. Like you downloaded the app… deal with the consequences?? Wasn’t developed so you could become rich off posting pics of your heinous nipple tats, honey. Tired of hearing her whine about how she’s doing nothing wrong ever in life.
No. 873192
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Kek. She wants ppl to buy her headphones and a new blanket
No. 873195
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>>873192Imagine selling your body and not being able to afford a $8 pack of fucking pens
No. 873222
>>873141a “good friend” would just be honest with her.
>>873192ban me if armchair, but to me this wishlist demonstrates that Ariana thinks that if she buys enough random art supplies she will become more talented.
No. 873256
File: 1569482102155.png (86.83 KB, 471x647, really great.PNG)

>"Comment what i should draw next!!"
>turns off comments
No. 873259
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Watching her “hot pickle review” was disgusting. She takes one bite and inhales like it’s burning her white trash mouth. Nitpick but this asian filter makes her look so bad.
(Talya aka Cotte aka Anna Mercury, do you really think commenting on these threads are going to change our minds?)
No. 873313
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How does a person constantly emanate “trashy, oily lookin woman in tattered clothes going to the BP to pick up another carton of Marlboro menthols” so well
No. 873328
File: 1569509309970.png (3.34 MB, 750x1334, A7A8EC45-E21D-41D5-A786-05F59C…)

She’s almost stooped to douchey YouTube food review level. Her open mouth chewing is not good content
No. 873335
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She says in her stories how much her "income is affected" by being shadow banned. She also says IG isn't what it used to be because she's not making enough money off IG anymore. I guess the free ride of begging followers to buy her shi is coming to an end. Shitty artist, shitty personality, shitty attitude, shitty content, shitty posts, shitty plastic surgery… And she wonders why people don't "support" her. This kid needs to gtf off social media and take care of business without talking to a phone screen.
No. 873358
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Yikes. Has nothing to do with the fact you’re irrelevant, right ari?
No. 873368
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No one even has questions for her anymore because she overshares and most of are sick of her whiny entitled bullshit.
No. 873380
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No. 873385
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>>871373Talking about how she wants to kill herself bc she can’t stop comparing herself to others on ig. Complaining about her hair and body, things she can fix, but not mentioning her botched ass surgeries that will just get worse the older she gets. I couldn’t stop looking at her top lip when she talks it seems like it’s swollen above where her real lip ends but not in a flattering way and she packed on blush or whatever she doesn’t to make her lips look bigger.
Girl get the F off social media. DELETE IT. Go outside. Work out. Eat healthy. Your body will change how you want it to and your hair will be back in a few months. See a therapist. Going on a rant about how much you want to kill yourself over your appearance to a bunch of orbiters that you talk shit about all the time is going no where. Matt is an enabler. Her friends don’t care enough to reach out and tell her she needs real help. It’s sad.
No. 873386
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Overdrawn top lip is so not cute
No. 873396
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No. 873402
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her top lip looks like it's overly chapped and i fucking hate it
No. 873409
>>873380When your face looks like it’s about to burst at any moment and you’re crying that you need more filler, it’s time for a therapist and meds.
She’s also crying about her hair that SHE shaved and butchered because she was manic and needed…..yes, you guessed it everyone, a therapist and meds. Her friends lurk here, if they’re so much more holier than thou than farmers why aren’t they the ones telling her this? They obviously don’t care about her and I agree with
>>873141 , they will defend Ariana to make themselves look like good people, but could really give a fuck. You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved but to enable someone who is clearly mentally ill is fucked up.
No. 873412
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brilliant idea
No. 873416
File: 1569527966740.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190926-135853.png)

Kek this isn't a good look
No. 873422
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>>873412Reminds me of this, I so want her to. She's gonna look so bad lulz
No. 873427
File: 1569529770997.jpg (Spoiler Image,375.94 KB, 1080x1361, Screenshot_20190926-162806_Twi…)

She posted a clip from a custom video she did on Twitter and it's her pretending to be your big sister. She definitely fucked her brother drake at some point.
No. 873466
File: 1569533855787.jpg (221.01 KB, 2289x1506, PicsArt_09-26-05.29.03.jpg)

She's lost so much hair. If She keeps losing it at this rate she's going to be bald
No. 873468
File: 1569533966953.png (3.5 MB, 750x1334, CCEA0035-71DE-4853-A628-3B03C1…)

Arianna, if you’re reading and I know you are, please go to therapy. Fillers are a temporary fix. You will always have the same face as before. You need to learn to live with it.
No. 873488
>>873385In this video she says she’s in a predicament where she’s pressured to be really skinny. “Not just skinny but really skinny” And she says it heavily affects her income.
Does anyone know what she’s talking about? Controlling boyfriend? Picky client? The pressure of competing with IG thots?
She says she’s constantly asking doorMatt permission to eat things.
No. 873494
>>873490Haha sorry folks I was having a hard time getting through her snaps..
But ya she says her client has a fetish for anorexic chicks and she needs the income he supplies her.
Really messed up stuff..
Its not your hair thats messing with your self esteem Arianna McMillan
No. 873499
>>873494This actually is pissing me off. She’s not ugly and has tits, a vagina and a bung hole. If she put forth the slightest amount of effort she could get a line of dudes to pay to fuck her who don’t give a hell about what size she is. Get more clients who aren’t possibly serial killers instead of catering to one who clearly is
toxic? Is it the emotional connection with this client that affects her? Cause no money would be enough for me to starve myself if that wasn’t what I wanted. But I guess I’m not a whore…
No. 873510
>>873494She has a shitty personality and it would be difficult for her to trap another dude who would be willing to pay her more than once. From what I've seen of her shitty porn clips, she looks boring, repetitive, and vanilla af… how many people want to pay for that more than once.
And her being "not ugly" is debatable, since men purchase women they can get off to, and this botched cow isn't most men's first choice. So far I haven't seen or heard anyone saying she looks better now in her pathetic before and after pictures. The general consensus is that the nose job was good, but the other surgeries were a major downgrade. She fucked her face and body up by 25. Her last hope is getting a career not centered around her physical appearance, but that's probably never going to happen. Plus she'd just argue with her co-workers and get fired. She might grow up, though, but I wouldn't expect an improvement within the next year… maybe 5 years.
No. 873521
>>873358It’s almost impressive that she can contradict herself in one tweet lol
“Know for a fact”
…”not saying that’s why, but”
No. 873548
File: 1569545461374.jpeg (75.75 KB, 750x335, F9A8BF9B-0C3F-42E9-B6F3-82349E…)

posted 2 hours ago. I can just imagine them on the phone jerking each other off for hours after cotte’s heroism on
How can you openly associate with someone who has NINE threads of the repulsive bullshit they do? Like the facts are right here… you can’t lie to yourself and everyone saying she’s a good, valuable human to society.
No. 873550
File: 1569545908058.png (654.42 KB, 804x973, Screenshot_20190926-184925.png)

The real reason she wants to go for the "freaky look."
No. 873558
File: 1569547855186.png (1.07 MB, 1166x2048, Screenshot_20190926-192943.png)

No. 873572
>>873564Excellent W.K., but even reputable porn sites discourage incestuous plot lines. Most sexworkers at least feign a STEP sibling situation instead of directly saying brother, sister, mom, etc.
She’s bad at her “job.”
No. 873697
File: 1569593744552.jpg (65.59 KB, 346x788, PicsArt_09-27-10.14.29.jpg)

Pancake ass. This bitch is ageing horribly.
No. 873708
File: 1569597174333.jpg (696.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190927-080759_Ins…)

If she wasn't such a self-righteous bitch, she could garner some sympathy points, but she has to help herself. Crying to a phone is some weak baby shit. Grow tf up. And if you've built your whole life and world around your appearance, don't cry to everyone about how much pressure it is to keep your "income". I really don't feel sorry for a cunt that fell off her high horse.
No. 873747
File: 1569605400096.png (2.21 MB, 750x1334, A1618450-D5EF-4B88-BF70-A18255…)

>>873724>>873725Is cottedemailes a genuine friend to pnp? I have a hard time believing she won’t completely dump Ariana once she’s moved out of state.
No. 873766
File: 1569608156310.png (7.75 MB, 1242x2208, 9AA60040-9FA3-4065-9169-D7068D…)

>>871373“I don’t like therapy bc I don’t like talking to people”
But goes on rants to 50+ thousand ppl about all her mental problems… and how is that working for you?
No. 873777
File: 1569609987870.png (637.21 KB, 765x549, A98CAD19-A8A1-47E3-8378-8A2887…)

>>873770Someone tell her to not smile jfc
No. 873781
File: 1569611063074.png (98.5 KB, 224x301, Screenshot_20190927-130037~2.p…)

It's not even overdrawn lips, it looks pus filled… Definitely that little piece is on the left of her lip.
No. 873797
File: 1569613296148.jpg (596.44 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190927-123506_Ins…)

She probably wishes she actually had a reality show so she could be famous. And of course, everyone isn't sympathetic or empathetic towards her, but she's never sympathetic or empathetic towards anyone! How is it "looking down" on you when people suggest that she talk to a therapist because she has no friends to talk to? This bitch is a whiny, entitled baby throwing a temper tantrum for attention.
No. 873800
>>873582Then don’t say some dumb ass shit. The cow is cringy on her own but yall really reaching for the stars to make her look bad just makes the “‘ugly stupid hayturs” reee’s seem warranted
>>873713>>873725So then chances are, she already knows who you are, might as well show the caps (redact your own info)
PSA: receipts or don’t bother, this isn’t some pnpconfessions. On lolcow it’s proof or didn’t happen.
No. 873814
File: 1569616094336.jpeg (127.36 KB, 750x704, E9CF21BC-5852-4A8B-BEE3-E57BF0…)

What doesn’t she hate about her job besides the money and attention?
No. 873842
File: 1569620951881.png (188.47 KB, 484x482, Screenshot_20190927-154718.png)

>>873814Kek at her pretending she has an ass by almost breaking her back. Here's a good resemblance
No. 873843
>>871373>>873762She doesn’t want to do the work in therapy - she wants the world around her to shift into what she believes it should be.
honestly doubt she is self aware or emotionally intelligent enough to even get anything out of it.
No. 873862
File: 1569625841081.jpeg (519.69 KB, 750x987, E71AE238-3FFA-479B-A2DB-A163F2…)

what the fuck omg yesterday she was crying saying she looked old as hell I can’t she tries so hard to prove she loves the way she looks when it couldn’t be farther from the truth
No. 873881
File: 1569630707710.png (425.17 KB, 1125x2436, 4A8CF3BE-FB71-4C50-B59F-9FECA1…)

ariana: lol!!! you guise r so sensitive!!
No. 873883
File: 1569630749128.jpg (23.88 KB, 794x449, il_794xN.1919755659_kyk8.jpg)

>>873862this hit the nail on the head that she really fucked her face up. she actually looked hot in the before picture. but the real delusion here is that she thinks the surgery made her age backwards lol she aged herself like CRAZY. she definitely does not look 25 or even close. what 25 year old looks like an oily bloated halloween mask?
and the reason the before and afters are annoying is because NOBODY CARES that you used to be "ugly" and now you're "hot." what are you doing NOW? is that really all you have to show for yourself, that you think you look hot now? is that all the "self improvement" you've done?
No. 873972
File: 1569645061094.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, 9EC3C424-347B-4CBF-BC32-113D4B…)

i feel like she shows this consistent pattern where she thinks having one good day means she’s cured. she says she’s self aware but it seems like she’s not very aware that life is an array of good and bad days and gray area, and that bad days are inevitable. therapy isn’t going in and making a friend, it IS a professional doing a job but their job is to give you the skills to cope with your life and be your own therapist. she doesn’t get that. she has a preconceived notion about what she thinks it is and she takes it and runs with it and swears up and down she can teach herself how to cope healthily. in reality maybe she could but it could take at least another two decades of trial and error coping skills, versus going to a therapist for 6 goddamn months of your life and learning the healthier coping options immediately. no one thinks therapy eradicates mental illness, it teaches you how to COPE with it. god it’s so fucking dumb how she argues against that like she knows everything. she did the same shit with her psoriasis claiming doctors don’t cure “lifelong diseases.” she’s just afraid and everyone can see right through it.
No. 874073
File: 1569687128603.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, D211D5B3-57BD-4BF3-B8A1-4CF8D8…)

>>874063>>874061Nah. She’s bleached them before. Now she’s going all out!
No. 874081
File: 1569688070199.png (5.03 MB, 1125x2001, 0CF55290-D300-4E7B-9957-55E054…)

Not particularly milky since she’s done this before. But why the fuck would you post a video of you doing nothing else besides hacking and coughing on your story?…..
No. 874085
File: 1569688444584.jpg (303.73 KB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20190928_183331.jpg)

haha i'm so quirky i don't even drink water haha
No. 874166
>>874085“Muh skin conditions make my skin not take to makeup anymore”
Yet this bitch gets her daily water intake from microwaved mac and cheese. She’s just gross. Guys pick up on that “your pussy is probably stank” vibe pretty easily.
No. 874192
File: 1569696948213.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, C175AA1F-3C97-4EDE-B0E2-FADAAC…)

i feel like after anons posted that cap from aaron’s story about std testing, and then about cotte shit talking to her other friends, her paranoia is gonna go full blast and that’s why she feels like annoying everyone. She needs them to validate her against her own paranoia lol
No. 874236
File: 1569701608816.png (Spoiler Image,853.43 KB, 750x1334, 8DCB7FBD-0942-467A-B615-35E001…)

lines from her clothes digging into her skin & std rash bumps. how sexy.
No. 874284
File: 1569709605892.jpeg (446.8 KB, 1242x1821, 04A47D3D-D986-46D8-8BB8-C40D96…)

no milk but stumbled across this today and found it interesting. I know Ariana claims her lips have always been that way even before fillers but I’m not surprised she just wants to deny her botched lips
No. 874291
File: 1569711542322.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 97C6A98A-9677-4834-A085-A19EE7…)

just gonna leave this gem here…
No. 874322
File: 1569722997620.jpg (641.34 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20190928-220655_Ins…)

It's so pathetic that she actually thinks anyone with a healthy amount if brain cells would purchase her disgusting horribly blended "art". Her color choices make the hideous work even uglier.
No. 874331
>>874323hahah this looks so bad
>>874322honey no like not everyone can monetize their hobbies like make an etsy and sell stuff for $7 if you want. she's like luna tryna sell shitty art for 100 times what it's worth
No. 874415
File: 1569756091095.png (8.89 MB, 1242x2208, CD4F6A08-DD35-4985-8B8F-82E161…)

“I looked like a filter yesterday” the scar is so bad and her top lip is so busted. I can’t believe she has done both of those things by choice.
No. 874416
File: 1569756522111.jpg (267.28 KB, 1080x1126, Screenshot_20190929_132807.jpg)

better than most professionals!! i mean, look at that blush! who doesn't want to look like an alcoholic
No. 874440
>>874349There are so, so many free tutorials and live twitch streams that focus on helping people learn these techniques but that would take away from her snapchat therapy sessions. Also, it's extremely cheap to buy aN online subscription to one of those websites where actual professionals posts hundreds of educational videos/online classes; so you can learn almost anything these days if you ACTUALLY want to. But instead she's waiting until her grandpa visits so they "can discuss" her getting "possibly taxidermy classes".
No. 874493
>>874451Most sex workers put the money they make into self investments, or ways to make themselves not so dependant on their SW income only.
And then you have Ariana starving herself because the client she sees once a minth thinks anorexic chicks “are totally hot”
No. 874521
File: 1569776234779.jpeg (553.71 KB, 1062x2124, 89FB9146-AF78-4A5B-972C-B83B23…)

Off topic but found this old post of hers from the snap chat days and it made me chuckle. So very, very dumb and arrogant .
No. 874538
>>874521“doctors are important and know a vast amount of knowledge”
the way she speaks… it’s so similar to the way a 12 year old child trying to sound smart writes about their class journal prompt. which is good as a 12 year old, they’re exploring words and their meaning and appropriate uses of them. she’s 25 goddamn years old. this is so sad that it’s funny.
No. 874705
File: 1569809810871.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, BD8C15AF-3503-4D5B-8B83-A63D8A…)

>>873422she just posted abt die antwoord on her story lol lurking????? also, what is she talking about tattoo for them?
No. 874793
File: 1569860308518.png (2.37 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190930-101522.png)

Lol lm has followed Ariana for months… You know you're toxic when you can keep your friends.
No. 874804
File: 1569862076820.jpg (1.4 MB, 810x2723, Screenshot_20190930-114402_Sto…)

She's posting so many half-assed, poorly drawn things today. Is she hoping someone will want to buy them? Because not one of these are worth it.
And also, she posted A LOT of pictures of her family and it's like girl, do you know how easily it is to find people on the internet? Especially after you post pictures of their faces? The fucking dumb child is going to get herself actually stalked and hurt or a family member. Protect yourself and maybe don't post a picture of your surroundings with the fucking realtor's information on it at this next place? Fucking moron.
No. 874826
File: 1569866476352.png (4.29 MB, 750x1334, B9BB57F8-C88B-4A74-9D31-52A19E…)

No. 874829
File: 1569866743573.jpg (696.56 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20190930-140449_Ins…)

I figure this to show what real artwork looks like. Kek ariana's friends really can't wait to get away from her.
No. 874831
File: 1569866803342.png (2.77 MB, 750x1334, 097E18B3-258E-4491-8114-4EB284…)

Wonder why she’s in aaron’s room getting all nostalgic with her baby photos and old ass art? Can’t she do this in the comfort of her own bedroom?
No. 874835
File: 1569867036146.png (3.17 MB, 750x1334, 9B694CAA-479D-4D13-8AF7-0A475C…)

>>874829If you’re going out of your way to point that out, anon, then you should’ve also shown that cottedemailes posted a baby photo earlier today
No. 874849
>>874793You mean
hasn’t and can’t
No. 874852
File: 1569869698448.jpeg (251.12 KB, 750x1115, 4F8ABFE8-E37D-4210-A09B-DF9BB1…)

>>874793Thought this would be a good time to mention Latinamilk was also convinced into seeing the plastics_pa, most likely at the advice of Ariana. Seems LM went only once or twice but then stopped soon after.
No. 874867
File: 1569872207425.jpg (608.84 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190930-123243_Ins…)

Despite the fact that her "flash" is poorly copied existing Americana designs, I'm still surprised that this looks like 2D snake with a lobster inside/ hugging it.
No. 874870
File: 1569873049836.png (886.43 KB, 750x1334, 5DAFCE3D-3AA0-4890-A0A4-CE2452…)

>>874793Lurking possibly?
No. 874871
File: 1569873187364.jpg (525.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190930-124743_Ins…)

She's an annoying poseur who only cares about herself. And she wonders why hundreds of people online think she's a fucking idiot with botched plastic surgery scars. That bitch's only friend and her whole life is that phone screen and for a good reason.
No. 874899
File: 1569876337080.png (3.75 MB, 828x1792, 66B3031C-F935-4274-A405-B8447F…)

That lip though..
No. 874900
File: 1569876699181.png (608.26 KB, 720x1131, Screenshot_20190930-224611~2.p…)

I think her art has potential. She should keep drawing and practicing. It can be a great hobby and way to vent emotions.
No. 874909
File: 1569877285053.jpg (602.95 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190930-135419_Ins…)

Damn, she's really showing her desperate need for friends.
No. 874918
>>874871Lol she’s such a user. The only reason she’d miss her grandpa is because once he dies she’s afraid she won’t have someone to fall back on. That is so fucked up that she only sees her grandpa as a backup plan and pay cheque.
Maybe you should be missing your grandfathers ADVICE, LIFE EXPERIENCE, HIS LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING, and HIS COMPANY/HUMOUR ETC. Bitch can’t list off a single actual redeeming quality about her grandpa except she’s afraid when he dies no one will be left to support her.
No. 874939
File: 1569881345506.jpg (840.82 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20190930-180452_Ins…)

>>874899It's absolutely pathetic that she can't be responsible enough to ensure she can get her aging dog back into the house after walking her. I'm sure Frogger's legs hurt & she needs a drink of water etc. She mentioned frogger was "being dramatic" recently because she had trouble pooping. This girl has no concept of anything other than her own wants and needs. Ariana, take frogger to the vet if she is constipated & drinking excessive amounts of water. She could have diabetes or lord knows what. She couldn't live without frogger but can live with herself ignoring her dogs health needs. Trash..
No. 874982
File: 1569887615083.jpeg (318.35 KB, 750x1181, 153EBB77-73A3-4C49-A241-F39572…)

I was just looking at her page and it’s like all selfies with the same boring expression/angle. The wannabe claims to be a makeup artist, an artist in general, and she’s just like everyone else. I wonder if this narcissistic twat will ever realize this asthetic is so canned and…stale. She’s so strapped down by the opinions of others it’s like her creativity is so limited. The best thing for her would be to delete social media and through her phone in the trash
No. 874983
File: 1569888069247.jpeg (439.14 KB, 750x1048, 10B5AED3-8600-4C0A-A0A5-82707B…)

Literally no curves or body shape(nitpick)
No. 875038
File: 1569899665331.jpeg (234.15 KB, 750x1094, 21EDB912-9151-4DD5-8DA2-39F1FB…)

>>874983>>874983>>874983Deleted content. The next photo was of her “psoriasis” leg scars.
No. 875045
File: 1569900330027.jpeg (253.95 KB, 1242x2065, 529BE1F0-416C-4328-9E12-5DAD15…)

the quintessential beauty
No. 875144
File: 1569943493759.jpg (908.35 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-082358_Ins…)

Getting more heavy reading done.
No. 875188
File: 1569951598117.jpg (617.03 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191001-133721_Ins…)

She brushes all of her hair from the back of her head forward and then gives herself bangs.. no wonder it looks 100% like a bowl cut KEK
No. 875192
File: 1569951865424.jpg (104.56 KB, 1186x1001, PicsArt_10-01-01.44.07.jpg)

No. 875206
File: 1569954623028.jpg (588.74 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-112524_Ins…)

This bitch has 1 client and at the most a year of sex work. She said herself she stripped once a year a couple of times. Now you're going to speak for sex workers and claim that's why you get hate? Nah, it's because you're a reject douchebag who likes to "gas" herself up when you know deep down you're a loser.
And Pleasers can be worn by anyone. Men, women, sex workers, girls at prom… they have a 2" slipper heel that so many non sex workers own. This kid is talking out of her ass, but she's so sure she's always right when she's usually wrong.
No. 875207
File: 1569954695081.jpg (720.62 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-112430_Ins…)

"Confident". Haha.
No. 875244
File: 1569958057677.jpeg (878 KB, 828x1466, 06BDFF32-1884-436C-952F-E46C6D…)

This is such a lie. SG does not reach out to have you join. Maybe a member suggested she join but the site does not contact you personally. You audition through a photoshoot as a Hopeful. Nice try though!
No. 875256
File: 1569959863130.jpg (970.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-125253_Ins…)

She was reached out to by a company with thousands of Suicide Girls already, so many to the point that 95% of SGs only get to do a poorly paid photo set maybe twice a year… Yeah. Kek. She's got a real problem with telling the truth.
No. 875259
File: 1569960016563.jpg (876.11 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-125201_Ins…)

Why is the idiot wannabe sex worker giving advice when she has one client that might drop her if she gains weight?
No. 875320
File: 1569966511294.jpg (757.71 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-144316_Ins…)

She said before she couldn't find a good reference for one of her drawings. So she's implying she's drawing from her head when she's doing flash… which means she's saying she "created" classic Americana tattoo designs, like the "Don't Tread on Me" with the poorly drawn snake and the crying heart that Bert Grimm created like more than 50 years ago. This bitch lies even when the truth is right there.
No. 875325
File: 1569966857833.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-144254_Ins…)

So she's saying she treats others how she wants to be treated… So she likes us talking down to her and calling her an ugly idiot all the time and really wants us to get offended over nothing. Got it.
No. 875327
File: 1569967069480.jpg (778.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-144310_Ins…)

"I make so much money that I need multiple roommates to pay for an $800/month place, I smoke resin on the reg, and I beg people for sushi and $6 markers." Baller.
No. 875329
File: 1569967156712.jpg (1.16 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191001-144143_Ins…)

This person must not pay attention to what comes out of her goblin butthole mouth.
No. 875343
>>875259I highly doubt she pays or has ever paid for another girl’s content to “support another SW”.
Sure she’ll retweet something if they retweet her, but her support of other sex workers is basically “PLS LET ME JOIN UR DOUBLES. I’LL LET U PEE ON MY FACE AND POST IT ONLINE PLS IM DESPERATE FOR WORK!”
Whatever happened to that girl who did a double with her during her STD rash outbreak? Hmm wonder why she isn’t hitting up Ari for more doubles?
No. 875391
>>875264It’s really weird and creepy to me that she only has one client. Like, idk, at least if she had many clients it really would seem more like work, but to just fuck another dude on the side seems so much more like “a meaningful connection” as she puts it lmao. I think it’s even on her Eros account bio of whatever the fuck it’s called.
I think her “gaining weight” is her trying to subconsciously drop that client cause she secretly hates sex work. This bitch is all about self fucking destruction. And laziness. Can’t even handle working once a month kek
No. 875398
File: 1569977706717.jpeg (686.33 KB, 2048x2048, A1FA3CE6-F4AD-4495-B94B-FB0643…)

I’m just going to leave this here… it was like the third pic down on google. She’s not even smart enough to steal from multiple drawings instead of just copy one on motherfucking Google exactly. Ari is so cute!
No. 875432
>>875398Why does it even matter if she references or not? Her art is complete shit. She has no talent and will go nowhere with it since we all know she can’t take anything seriously or put in any real effort.
It would be better if she admitted to using references bc that’s how you improve.
No. 875532
She's gross but in terms of artistic reference material these two images are nothing alike.
Different eyes, mouth, tongue, stem. No two elements are alike except general concept.
No. 875569
File: 1570028745638.jpg (1008.3 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-080320_Ins…)

She only feels good about herself when she gets fillers and does her makeup… what a pathetic, self-hating reject she is.
No. 875570
File: 1570028892696.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-080310_Ins…)

Lazy fucking sewer trash can't even draw for 2 days in a row. She thinks a new home is going to change her mindset, but… Its. Just. Her. Her head will fuck her up anywhere because she's ungrateful, vapid, loser.
No. 875571
>>875398I've copied drawings that I didn't know how to do and tweaked it a bit and called it my own… when I was 7. The angle, highlights, shape of mouth eyes and eyebrows, and overall features are clearly copied. Just because you change the ends of the mouth and tongue doesn't make you an artist, bro.
I can't decide if she's more annoying when she thinks she's talented or when she thinks her over-the-top cake face would look good at the corner store.
No. 875575
File: 1570029987079.jpg (781.84 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-082131_Ins…)

Does this liar not realize her own IG post calls her out for being a "sex worker" for no more than a year? Peep the date. She didn't even sugar until after July 2018. And before that made a post about "stripping once a year." This bitch is the biggest poseur, wannabe sex worker to say she isn't new to this and has been a "sex worker" since 18. She has no identity or originality except for trying to emulate other people. What a mall "goth". Kek.
No. 875577
File: 1570030458809.jpeg (30.53 KB, 251x242, 6E6345D0-5963-4E62-AA10-6E2323…)

>>875575Oh yeah, the sugaring. She couldn’t even do that right lmao can she fucking do anything correctly??
No. 875616
File: 1570037998074.jpg (1012.23 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191002-133939_Ins…)

No. 875643
File: 1570041334434.png (1.47 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191002-122935.png)

Still sleeping on an air mattress…
No. 875644
File: 1570041336171.png (1.68 MB, 1164x2048, Screenshot_20191002-123410.png)

Her private snapschats/IG are such a waste of money. She just repeats what she has already said on all of her other platforms. SCAM!!
No. 875646
File: 1570041947054.jpg (528.46 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-113957_Ins…)

Dumbass is ranting about a dude who yelled "hey" out of a car window and honked. She's trying to brag in a nonchalant way that she just looks soooooo good without makeup and her body is soooo irresistible that dudes are dying to fuck her. Bro, you're not special. You're just a scantily clad female. Tbh most of us women who live in heavily populated cities get harrassed way worse. Dudes call us bitches and cunts when we ignore their advances, but this dude honked at her. The poor, traumatized, loser.
No. 875649
File: 1570042069493.jpeg (584.38 KB, 750x1099, 2A472889-6BC6-42B4-BB59-3D669E…)

You don’t just get shadowbanned sometimes, you’ve been shadow banned since you rejoined IG and you know it. secondly, in a post about soliciting commissions, shouldn’t you show your actual artwork and properly advertise? $5 in IG adds will boost your platform away from the ban.
Also, whoever overfilled those lips to the heinous proportions they’re at now should not only be fired but arrested. She’s gonna turn into that plastic surgery cat lady soon. JFC she’s so repulsive.
No. 875660
>>875651Matt doesn't give a shit about Ariana lol. It's been discussed in past threads that some other girl warned Ariana that Matt told her that he didn't love her at all.
He just likes that she'll do any humiliating sexual act he wants (like that foursome she said was "traumatizing"). He seems to enjoy all this weird shit and get off on it.
Tinfoil: BPD women often attract ASPD men. Maybe Matt has some ASPD characteristics? It's hard to say because he holds down a job an doesn't seem to do anything criminal, but then again, I don't know anything about him. He has all the personality of a wet rag.
No. 875701
>>875660PnP and Doormatt are a classic example of a dead relationship where the two people are together only because they both hate themselves/are depressed.
As soon as one them feels like their life is “doing better” or has a temporary life high/career success, they will leave to find someone better.
They’re basically just roommates/fuck buddies.
No. 875738
File: 1570057526688.jpg (437.17 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-153326_Ins…)

Her haters… we're so obsessed, right? Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out here, maybe you're just a cunt. By her faulty logic, then all the kids who pick on losers on school just want be the losers. Fuck, she can't even use a word like "projecting" properly. We like putting her down so we're "projecting"? Wait, so all of us are just people that are being put down so we're taking it out on her? Pretending people that don't like her want to be her or that we're "staying mad" is probably part of the reason that no one likes that poser. She fucked up her whole reputation by airing your dirty laundry (and dirty pussy) online. Good luck getting a job with your name and drama filled wannabe sex worker life all over the internet.
No. 875741
File: 1570057741123.jpg (331.61 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-153401_Ins…)

"Clients". Kek. More like "The Dude I Cheat On Matt With for Rent." That's really her only income. Begging people to buy you food isn't considered income. That's just called having no self-respect.
No. 875742
File: 1570057943000.jpg (423.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-153500_Ins…)

The tweens that like her are asking her for life and career advice. Straight up blind leading the blind. Hilarious.
No. 875746
File: 1570058808398.jpg (882.22 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-162556_Ins…)

She's looking haggard these days. Her body is catching up to her MTF face.
No. 875756
File: 1570060058910.jpg (224.13 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191002-164606_Chr…)

She isn't even on Eros anymore. Guess checking different apps became too tiresome. What a fucking poser.
No. 875760
File: 1570060776882.jpg (968.69 KB, 1077x1803, Screenshot_20191002-165622_Map…)

She claims to be moving out of her "house" when she really only lives on the ground floor of a shitty tenement apartment building… with piles of garbage outside. She can't even lie properly.
No. 875868
>>875715what the fuck? arianna CHOOSES to not have a real job. it has nothing to do with matt. you have no idea if matt has encouraged her to find other work, though i assume he has because she has straight up said that at first their relationship with in turmoil over her "sex work". also he is a fucking mailman, why do you think he can afford to support her? why would he want to support someone who sucks as bad as arianna?
you are dumb as hell if you feel bad for her.>>875715
No. 875892
>>875773>>875789>>875811that place is a dump
come on
No. 875981
>>875760My god. The plank of wood covering the hole. The disgusting trash bags surrounding the front of the building. And she can’t even make her half of the rent for
that? Lmao yeah she’s a ballin hustler alright.
No. 876013
File: 1570117819561.jpeg (2.37 MB, 4096x1548, F9592594-5BD8-41A3-B6DF-77998A…)

No. 876032
File: 1570120642483.jpg (664 KB, 1080x1775, 20191003_093418.jpg)

This lonely child is posting 5 pictures of her head at slightly different angles. Since she claims to have shitty parents, I'll tell her on behalf of her parents: Go outside and make some friends!
No. 876039
File: 1570121450963.jpg (770.73 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191003-094906_Ins…)

No, your digital eyelashes don't make your Frankenface look bad.
No. 876041
File: 1570121563874.jpg (752.04 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191003-094821_Ins…)

She's trying to do some weird ghetto/Southern/British accent while telling the world she craves corn muffins. All with her crusty lips.
No. 876042
File: 1570121661074.jpg (638.04 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191003-094812_Ins…)

Scabby sewer rat shit.
No. 876043
File: 1570121846452.jpg (740.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191003-094808_Ins…)

Her old pictures compared to now is a drastic difference. When she had blonde hair, she was pretty. But like every other plastic surgery addict, she kept going and foubd more things about herself she didn't like. Some people don't know when to step away. That bitch ruined a good thing. Actually, she's ruined a lot of good things.(samefag /nitpicking)
No. 876058
File: 1570125056672.jpeg (179.57 KB, 750x991, 3F67431F-7061-410A-9846-7A1BB7…)

>>876043She’s gonna end up in Aubrey’s situation if she doesn’t get her head on straight. It’s already really damn close to her reality.
No. 876074
File: 1570127779625.jpeg (569.79 KB, 750x1107, 5417FA13-7C21-459E-B89E-1F6941…)

Ariana when she peaked, right after her nose job and just before she started getting fillers and ruined her face.
No. 876182
File: 1570149387395.jpg (112.56 KB, 980x582, amlepore.jpg)

>>876165Her nose before was kind of witchy, but it was sort of cute on her. The new nose isn't bad minus the wonky nostril situation. It only got worse after the lip lift.
>>876058I get why people get cosmetic surgery, but I'll never understand why so many women go for the full blown troon look.
No. 876344
File: 1570197783340.jpeg (218.81 KB, 749x1033, 33BD8AE1-16D7-4104-8EF4-031DE4…)

>>876190I mean yeah it probably is edited but the point still stands. Aubrey’s surgeries are extreme and in a lot of people’s eyes unnecessary. Ariana doesn’t seem very far away if she keeps pursuing sex work or any job that revolves around her looks.
No. 876358
File: 1570201659335.jpg (30.53 KB, 620x375, Aubrey-with-necklace-620x375.j…)

>>876344here's her actual face since only facetuned pics are being posted for whatever reason
No. 876371
File: 1570202840841.png (1.15 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191004-092700.png)

Omfg is she a lazy piece of shit
No. 876382
>>876371So much to laugh at here. How big is this “couch thing” that two grown men have to drag it on its sides and ruin it? Or are their arms only good for video games? Ariana can’t google an instructable on cleaning upholstery?
That house is full of damn losers.
No. 876395
File: 1570207035947.jpeg (221.5 KB, 750x1087, ADF74C0F-C8C2-4F35-A974-CEA633…)

>>876392I think they announced wanting to move in August but confirmed the location in early September
No. 876431
>>876371First off, ew who buys a used couch? If money is that tight buy a shitty ikea couch to hold you over until you can save or finance something that won't have bed bugs.
Secondly, does it ever occur to her that she can talk to people about these things instead of putting it on snapchat? i'm convinced these people just exist in silence around eachother and only communicate through their phones.
No. 876442
File: 1570211707180.png (1.16 MB, 1440x2432, 1568212079714.png)

>>876400Used couch? Can't afford movers?
What happened to that 3k she had in the bank? She's renting a new apartment and assuming she pays 50% of rent and deposit? How does she have no money right now?
No. 876450
File: 1570212707064.png (1020.83 KB, 804x908, Screenshot_20191004-121025.png)

Look at those busted lips. How did she look at this photo and think it was a good photo to post.
No. 876451
>>876442her money situation will forever be confusing.
if she was so well off i just don't think she'd be hooking and living in squalor
No. 876452
File: 1570212804703.png (66.29 KB, 248x188, Screenshot_20191004-121025~2.p…)

She took the time to edit a nostril but not her lips lol
No. 876510
File: 1570221669345.jpeg (641.83 KB, 1920x2560, CA9FECD1-EA42-4929-8501-E0C38A…)

I see no difference.
No. 876563
>>876442is it just me or has she talked about getting her lips filled a LOT more than just 4 times??
(even though her math in this post means she's only done it 3 times, not 4 kek)
No. 876581
>>876469he has a legitimate job and that alone is enough to give someone a reputation, this crazy bitch already calls him at work EVERY DAY, imagine if he tried to leave her and she called his job leaving threatening/psycho messages or showed up/stalked him there, those are all really common bpd behaviors, leaving her could genuinely be dangerous for him. not to mention again because of bpd he’s probably afraid of her threatening to or even attempting kill herself or something. people with bpd are extremely hard and dangerous to leave because of their impulsive and extreme behavior coupled with their
abusive and manipulative tactics. matt’s not a saint but the dude is for sure stuck with an awful shitty
abusive person and little to no safe space to wiggle out of it.
No. 876630
File: 1570243823779.png (3.65 MB, 750x1334, 30468B65-C567-42DF-8688-74E63F…)

From a live earlier today of Ariana and Aaron waiting in the moving truck for Doormatt to return with pnp’s iced lavender chai latte. She could not stop talking about how ugly she was and how people recognize her when she’s this ugly. Then doormat arrived with no ice so she paused the live and made him go back in to fix it.
No. 876667
File: 1570252005206.png (108.07 KB, 750x1334, 46DF2813-8B31-4406-80B4-507C4E…)

maybe if you said this to them personally instead of vomiting it out on social media for validation they’d actually hang out with you.
No. 876718
File: 1570284153812.jpg (106.09 KB, 1080x645, PicsArt_10-05-10.01.16.jpg)

Lmao as this bitch's page dies
No. 876742
File: 1570291556170.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1837, E0F0D2FD-0E23-42BE-BE8B-57FB8F…)

No. 876762
>>876742Securing her spot in DoorMatt's new place, I see.
>sOrRy fOR aLwAyS tAlKiNg aBoUt YoU>>876630Spoiled nasty bitch
No. 876844
File: 1570313793235.jpeg (252.14 KB, 1122x2208, A0500187-BE03-440F-ABF0-C4525D…)

>>876833i think she only got it done once or twice
No. 876855
File: 1570316007110.jpeg (330.25 KB, 750x594, 93B3054B-6D83-4A63-9110-33439A…)

i love how it’s always bitches who hate themselves who think publicly announcing that their opinion is the only one that matters is gonna make others stop having opinions or think that she doesn’t actually care about them. she’s clearly bothered by other peoples opinions if she’s posting about it twice a week and ranting in her ig stories about how much she hates herself lmao “my self esteem comes from within” headass
No. 876909
File: 1570323942817.jpeg (1.12 MB, 822x1501, B98EB2B0-94C0-4DF0-B46C-1D5654…)

Why are you in NJ. Please no.
No. 876933
File: 1570328816250.jpeg (473.9 KB, 1242x1206, 908B41FA-F910-4C07-BAD5-35377F…)

Blocked by dollskill? Now who is going to pay her to model on IG?
No. 876956
File: 1570335526220.png (589.81 KB, 750x1334, 5481EBA8-DEF8-4D6B-A2AF-715CBF…)

LMFAO she wonders why she got bullied as a kid??!
No. 877087
File: 1570383765153.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, 0B51ABA2-D151-4F7D-BE78-DC8CAB…)

seeing that weird lip flap in action in her story made my skin crawl
No. 877103
File: 1570386907959.jpg (330.34 KB, 2289x1572, PicsArt_10-06-02.34.28.jpg)

No. 877109
>>877103Her nails are fucking
triggering. Like soak those bitches in some acetone and take them off, they’re disgusting.
No. 877189
File: 1570399195011.jpg (878.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191006-175915_Ins…)

The line where her natural lip was is so obvious in this lighting.
No. 877233
File: 1570405801721.png (3.07 MB, 750x1334, B07FFB7C-BE5A-47BC-806F-240859…)

What is this?
No. 877241
File: 1570407559614.png (1.05 MB, 1209x2048, Screenshot_20191006-181837.png)

No. 877294
File: 1570415894481.jpeg (193.73 KB, 750x1062, 32638C49-57A9-4ADE-B7C8-C097D6…)

moisturized where? I can’t tell if the comment is sarcastic or one of her delusional fans
No. 877300
File: 1570418858382.jpg (475.62 KB, 1060x1391, Screenshot_20191006-222357.jpg)

>smoke free home
No. 877314
File: 1570422836098.png (Spoiler Image,2.87 MB, 750x1334, 6FFFA969-0D80-41EF-B7F8-134294…)

>>877306I’m sure it’s just out of shot in this one. They aren’t the type to move things around.
No. 877315
File: 1570422993129.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.87 KB, 750x733, 7637D976-A3F8-458D-8E55-7D5E3C…)

Worst of all
No. 877407
File: 1570457856319.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.41 KB, 749x1084, 1EEBEDC4-DB4D-4ACF-8CF2-D369A7…)

Unrelated but I found this photo of pnp fingering herself in the kitchen.. I think she’s leaning up against the fridge too.
No. 877514
File: 1570469173457.png (1.5 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191006-214220.png)

Vomit inducing, I wonder how much of doormatt plaque she just ate
No. 877518
File: 1570469404745.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, F9FC4837-DEFB-4FF5-9071-ADB5A7…)

anyone placing any bets?? mental breakdown in 3.. 2.. 1..
No. 877556
>>877518She keeps cutting her damn bangs. That’s what is making her look like lord thotquad.
Also, how long before those white shirts are filthy?
No. 877581
File: 1570475103716.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 35DCC21D-4BF0-45A6-90CC-7B8271…)

skinwalking hotelshrimp again (with hairy ass legs) remember when she jumped on hotelshrimps ED recovery to post about her own ED???
No. 877600
File: 1570477148833.jpeg (171.51 KB, 705x1166, 1F747361-C1A5-45EF-B817-33788A…)

>>877581Are you referring to pnp tattooing “versatile hoe” on herself? Or is there hotelshrimp milk I’m forgetting about
No. 877601
File: 1570477222080.jpeg (130.72 KB, 750x875, C86AD89F-8FF4-4152-A210-C3B352…)

>>877600Nah, she’s referring to how she takes photos.
No. 877615
>>877614Constantly trying to play the
victim can bite you in the ass eventually
No. 877625
File: 1570481995447.png (674.87 KB, 804x852, Screenshot_20191007-145953.png)

No. 877627
File: 1570482086247.png (316.85 KB, 469x554, CRdnaSzW0AA4PVE~2.png)

No. 877642
>>877518She always has these two dark spots in the middle of her lips. Is that the injection hole? Or just nasty chapped lips?
She said once she’s had her lip filler leak from the injection hole before and I cant unsee it.
No. 877644
File: 1570484749874.jpeg (69.17 KB, 720x960, 5DBE742E-0E3A-4A4E-AE4F-20F90D…)

>Wipes clean!
Yet doesn’t/cannot wipe the cum dribbles from the end of the couch.
This useless cunt sits at home all day doing fucking nothing, yet can’t even take a quality photo of her couch or fucking wipe it down when she’s asking for 300 dollars. Dumb bitch can’t even shoo her cat away for 15 seconds to take a photo, not to mention the ratty wig on the table.
Its a used ikea couch that a prostitute use to own. Dump it on the curb for the hobos or fucking burn it and release the souls trapped inside it.
She is literal trash.
No. 877646 guys…theres a listing for the couch on craigslist….and contact info…
Ariana…come on
No. 877687
>>877669Not like we had any doubt, but this is indisputable proof that she is obsessively refreshing this page.
Which is it, do you care about your haters or not? Are we the obsessed ones, or are you?
No. 877694
File: 1570488611922.jpeg (65.8 KB, 329x253, 15DC5289-9B09-4D1F-8A63-43712A…)

No. 877701
>>877692Hahah right… Ariana McMillan really wants to convince her followers that her threads are full of lies when there's photo and video proof of her horrible, wicked self.
she's staying on the down low more now because she's trying really hard not to expose her shitty personality more. She really wants her followers to believe she's the
No. 877866
File: 1570526993781.jpeg (681.67 KB, 828x1122, 81A874BC-C394-4644-9D68-DF5EA1…)

Self portrait?
No. 877932
File: 1570546709444.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, 4455F8FC-F90D-4A4E-AAC1-4D096A…)

She’s such a fucking hypocrite. Talking about how she’s scared of people texting and driving where all she does is records herself obnoxiously lip syncing to radio hits the whole time while driving. I’m sincerely concerned for this persons IQ, how can you be so fucking delusional and lack so much self awareness ?
No. 877933
File: 1570547363435.jpeg (278.59 KB, 1024x1820, 4E0E22C0-B4FE-4396-B479-17AADC…)

Why does she refuse to see a mental health professional? She is constantly publicizing her deteriorating mental state…if she really does have a “MiLlIOnAiRe” grandpa couldn’t he cover some intensive therapy for her? it is honestly mind boggling to watch her continuous downslide
No. 877942
File: 1570548998612.jpeg (141.8 KB, 750x663, 74006281-54FE-4266-98DF-006C4B…)

No. 878002
>>877942This is probably the first time she's actually been tested since her vacation. How disgusting.
She probably hit the pothole because she was on her phone. Hahaha
No. 878005
>>878002>>873051Probably the only reason she actually did it this time was because she found out it can be done for free.
>>869470>>869470Bringing this back up for reference. She’s cheap, lazy, and afraid of doctors. The worst combination.
No. 878027
>>877942Wow! It’s almost as if when her entire fucking body was covered with a mysterious rash after being raped, she could have just googled it and found out there were free clinics for her!
But instead, she googled a psoriasis diagnosis, never went to a doctor, continued her sex work (even did a double) and cried when every single person on Reddit yelled at her for not going to a doctor, that the reason she didnt go was it was too expensive.
And there’s photo evidence of all of this in these very threads! Go look for yourselves any new Ari fans!
She is fucking disgusting
No. 878102
File: 1570583523925.png (10.06 MB, 1242x2208, 2F44610B-FD98-4000-8313-200E90…)

The milk is that she claims these forums are lies but it’s literally a collection of screen shots and recordings of her confessing everything compiled in one place for our viewing kek
No. 878111
File: 1570585081665.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, EAB2C30F-AF52-44ED-9E9A-9F7C15…)

Next thread pic lol
No. 878140
File: 1570591595123.jpeg (388.91 KB, 1124x1916, 5469FE8A-2759-4B2D-8A35-33FE46…)

No. 878152
File: 1570593090694.jpg (191.3 KB, 1080x1616, PicsArt_10-08-11.50.51.jpg)

Honestly thought this was a joke- it's not
No. 878155
>>878153Ari? That you?
It's relevant bc it's pnp's attempt at makeup, honestly it's really awful. LMAO
No. 878164
File: 1570598480498.jpeg (137.42 KB, 750x805, A0E16D04-4949-45DD-B88C-5B263B…)

Damn. Looks like tonight is the farewell party
No. 878241
File: 1570620499054.jpeg (897.17 KB, 828x1552, 29558F93-B181-4D5F-BE44-98CADD…)

Setting powder orrrr ????
No. 878287
File: 1570634088662.jpeg (180.86 KB, 750x990, 6C2DA4F9-9E02-40AB-85C0-6B6F4E…)

>>878251>>878253Maybe she finally found a use for her stockpile
No. 878310
File: 1570638754141.jpg (751.07 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191009-091833_Ins…)

PeeNPee really made this bitch look like a clown. It looks like something a kid playing with Mom's makeup would do. Using a plethora of colors and laying down a thick coat of crooked eyeliner proves she's delusional if she thinks it looks good. If this is the example of her makeup skills, she should just stick to drawing shitty, unproportioned pictures on paper. She's the only person I've ever seen suck so hard (pun intended) at everything, yet continues to think she's the greatest. Her life is a big joke.
No. 878315
File: 1570639553654.jpeg (100.37 KB, 244x527, E04895EC-A73F-400F-A05D-71B370…)

She goes through such great lengths for the lip lift scar.
No. 878344
>>878042>>877671>>877669>>877662>>877658>>877614>>877611>>877610>>877556…Plus so many more…
I don't understand what about these posts makes it milk worthy? Or even post worthy? Recently someone has been shitting up the thread and you honestly sound obsessed. Not everything Ariana posts is worthy of posting here. Post the good shit and just cap everything else until she contradicts herself (because we all know she will). Go read the fucking rules.
I'll take my ban now.
No. 878416
File: 1570655401145.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 5B9F374E-D991-4F75-9A76-D21F91…)

Lol how’d she rope doormatt into a Devil’s Triangle?
No. 878417
File: 1570655402878.png (100.05 KB, 750x1334, DE8F0714-5497-4EF9-9BB6-BE8764…)

so who wants to guess who it’s gonna be lol, aaron?
No. 878687
File: 1570726338058.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2440, Screenshot_20191009-202030~2.p…)

No. 878705
File: 1570728413643.jpg (197.22 KB, 1080x758, Screenshot_20191010-132646_Twi…)

No. 878759
File: 1570735933431.jpg (1.9 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20191010_122326389.j…)

Finally put my finger on it
No. 878781
File: 1570739204430.jpg (244.35 KB, 1074x933, Screenshot_20191010-162649_Twi…)

No. 878793
File: 1570740950507.png (3.3 MB, 750x1334, 88D0541E-19B7-4DD0-A3BC-F8D671…)

This bitch is so weird… if you love animals wouldn’t it be a little more satisfying to see them alive rather than dead and stuffed?
No. 878800
>>878782>>878781She was legit almost borderline crying on her ig story today because alcohol has been
triggering her psoriasis. Now she wants to take molly like it won’t throw her into a heavier depression? What the fuck does she think taking ecstasy will do for her in that moment? Literally cannot do her job without a crutch. During the foursome the group got too fucked up to film much of anything as well. It’s pathetic how often she recycles the same bullshit.
No. 878815
>>878687I’ve honestly never seen someone as stupid as her. She wins the prize.
She says when she does her makeup on IG its gonna be a “great financial decision” for her yet she cant fucking purchase a 15-30 dollar ring light from amazon or ebay? She’s been whining about this fucking ring light for months now yet this broke fucking cunt cant spare 15 dollars for a “business decision”.
No. 878852
File: 1570745961850.jpeg (288.19 KB, 750x716, 112D1CC1-CA68-44B4-82B8-3E0357…)

1. she blocks people who don’t agree with her or call her out for being a shitty person so that retweet is fucking hilarious
2. is it safe to assume from this that matt is bi….? if so, outing your bf on twitter is not cute. yikes.
No. 878926
File: 1570759224623.jpeg (232.4 KB, 750x999, 7A309536-0EF7-4168-A395-269AEE…)

No. 878996
>>878852 This is super weird because she said multiple times how she is very straight and about her " fake eating a girl out" because she just reallly doesn't like girls.
I agree on the theorie of peerpressureing doormatt into being gay for her paycheck.
No. 878999
File: 1570783457026.jpeg (498.74 KB, 750x1334, AFF9C875-60ED-48EB-A08B-D69007…)

there’s a lot going on here, she’s a bitch to people who are just trying to give her solid advice, she seems manic as fuck or definitely on coke with the way she can’t even type right and generally being weirdly hypersexual, and now i’m convinced the third in this gross threesome is aaron seeing as he seems to be her only male “friend”
No. 879007
>>878999It’s Aaron. She said it was with another SW, and she got Aaron into sex work and anons found his SW twitter awhile ago.
Now that they’re no longer roommates Ari sees this as a chance to finally fuck Aaron freely because it wont be “weird” after with the three of them all living together.
This is just another way PnP is using “sex work” as a way to manipulate DoorMatt into letting her cheat on him. And he’s only doing it to use it as a bargaining chip to ask for M-F-F threesome in the near future.
No. 879049
File: 1570796360519.png (2.77 MB, 1236x2096, ghost wants the results.png)

Aaron is waiting for Ari to get her results back before he fucks her LOL. Remember how he made this subtle jab directed at her and suddenly she was like "hai guys you can get tested for free" after crying for months she couldnt afford tests.
Thats fucking hilarious that even aaron doesnt believe her psoriasis bullshit. kek
No. 879078
File: 1570806212532.jpeg (212.21 KB, 750x1035, ED80735E-D30A-4DD1-881B-878B6E…)

Still get a kick whenever she uses this phrase.
No. 879087
File: 1570807922982.jpg (92.38 KB, 1080x492, PicsArt_10-11-11.29.35.jpg)

Smiling while this bitch's page continues it's downward spiral. Lmfaooo
No. 879088
File: 1570807993724.jpeg (225.19 KB, 749x1074, 29586179-81E9-48D4-A9D6-1B67A8…)

Today will possibly be the big reveal
No. 879090
>>878926Truly no one gives a fuck Ariana. Just because you tweet it doesn't make it true you imbecile
>>878793Look at that poor disgraced creature. I'm sure it will never be cleaned or maintained in any way. Fucking gross
>>879088This bitch is definitely already on something. Also is her cat her next taxidermy project? Time will tell on Sick Sad World
No. 879107
>>879078When you guys make this fan art I just don't get it.
Like an anon said in a previous thread, stop redistributing these carefully posed and edited pictures that ariana has curated. Use only pictures from lives, videos, etc. This shit isn't a fan thread, the goal is exposing her.
Also, how is this even milk? Like, why did you take time to make this?
No. 879118
>>879115Nice sage. Nice "hi cow" comment.
Maybe read the rules and stop shitting up the thread with your "hilarious" fan art. I swear, you all want this thread to be locked again.
No. 879146
File: 1570814201463.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191011-131642_Ins…)

No. 879181
File: 1570818022096.png (5.5 MB, 1125x2436, 5B9AE1EB-14CE-4BC0-934E-EF0FB9…)

Making herself look like a goddamn clown more and more each day. This makeup is horrific.
No. 879225
>>878416How much you wanna bet this "fire" content is going to be another shitty amateur video of her making faces in an attempt to look sexy… as she cheats on Mr. Plaque right in front of him with some other equally ugly dude?
I'd watch it more to see Matt's face as he gets cheated on. Kek
(Samefag) No. 879239
File: 1570827420528.jpeg (Spoiler Image,109.71 KB, 749x963, 45FC8946-5FD1-4AE6-865D-E39069…)

Wow that looks really bad. What’s with the crooked handle?
No. 879249
>>878705lmao this cunt constantly complains about how having a low sex drive makes her "job" difficult yet she's pretending to be super excited about getting railed by TWO guys whilst also going through a psoriasis flare up
pick a face a stick to it dumb bitch
No. 879326
File: 1570845037214.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, 4C985040-04BA-403D-841B-41760E…)

KEK. He was probably grabbing her shit.
No. 879411
>>879146mediocre tattoo aside, i would not trust nor go to an artist that's willing to work on someone who's skin has these kind of blotches on them.
>>879239those elbows though, and why are the boobs pointing upward, wouldn't they have some natural sag?
No. 879429
File: 1570903598562.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191012_140621314.jpg)

No. 879440
File: 1570906375244.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.06 KB, 1079x1439, Screenshot_20191012-145209_Twi…)

>>879437She reuploaded it
No. 879441
File: 1570906442149.jpg (148.23 KB, 1078x571, Screenshot_20191012-145341_Twi…)

She's so stupid if she doesn't realize that getting tattoos is trauma to your body which will cause a psoriasis flare. Kek
No. 879444
i find it so vile that she has her brother's name tattooed in that spot.
also wash your god damn hands. she's alway got makeup on them and they look so dirty.
No. 879445
>>879440Crying laughing at this new caption. It’s either her ED, psoriasis, or how hot she is.
>>879441She said this herself at one point.. Honestly I think she’s trying to self sabotage her threesome. It doesn’t make sense to cause all this bodily trauma on top of the drinking she’s admittedly been doing while having the fucking rash back on her chest.
No. 879462
File: 1570912756101.jpeg (427.97 KB, 1800x1167, 46CF0B7C-75C9-48C2-91D8-5E3CB7…)

>>879429I stg every time she posts a nude photo all I can think of are those worm aliens from men in black
No. 879508
File: 1570920237048.jpg (Spoiler Image,391.9 KB, 810x1374, Screenshot_20191012-184404_Ins…)

No. 879521
File: 1570924489137.jpeg (Spoiler Image,419.01 KB, 750x2995, 9D3FFFAC-53B2-4801-8DC5-CD6F0A…)

Some gems from her onlyfans. Rarely posts because she’s ~so busy guys~
No. 879605
>>879532>>879553>>879570>>879584Have y'all never seen another woman's anal/vaginal region before
Newsflash: genitals and anuses can look weird as fuck. They have wrinkles, different colorings, various shapes, etc. Just because someone's rectal and genital region doesn't look like a sex doll doesn't mean they have something wrong with them. Imagine being so brainwashed by hentai you think literally any genitals region that doesn't look sculpted or animated must have something wrong with them. Reminds me of anons who attempt to claim girls who don't have Barbie tits have tubular breasts or another deformity
No. 879648
File: 1570978926555.png (1.45 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191013-085921.png)

Wasn't she just shitting on dollskill and now she's sucking up to them on IG….also didn't they block her ass on Twitter?
No. 879703
File: 1570993324907.jpg (745.82 KB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20191013-150100_Ins…)

Pos pet owner letting them injure each other. Let's hope she even considers taking her to the vet if the wounds become infected. I wish she was the one injured.
No. 879757
File: 1571008121473.jpeg (208.09 KB, 1125x979, 2A332644-C09B-473A-A88F-6BB094…)

didn't she just post about how much she misses her quirky leopard spots?
No. 879807
File: 1571021885585.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, A95C117C-C584-4405-BB1A-50E8B8…)

I’m cracking up. On her instastories she’s talking about how she’s just now reading about the OJ trial but has always avoided it because she’s “an empath” and gets really emotional and cries all the time about stuff like that and bitch is literally almost in tears talking about the OJ trial and how sad it is that he had his defense stacked lol. Ariana… it happened 25 years ago and is common knowledge. Please watch a documentary about it or something.
No. 879823
File: 1571027070254.jpeg (195.82 KB, 750x914, 22AD5843-F925-4FBF-A536-FCFEC9…)

It’s kinda weird how every now and again Ariana proves she lives under a rock. Who doesn't know about this case? Especially someone who claims to be interested in law and criminal justice.
No. 879934
File: 1571068163445.jpeg (332.97 KB, 1194x781, 1565645159034.jpeg)

>>879807>>879823Okay, but which is it Ariana?
Would you be able to handle it and just "dissociate" or are you an "empath" who'll still cry over injustices for the
victim's family 25 years later? Pick a lane.
Sage for nothing new, just more of her hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness. As usual.
No. 879941
File: 1571070059185.png (393.17 KB, 750x1334, 8423B567-9B2F-4FE4-92CF-2E6ADA…)

she had “beef” with them, like… 4 days ago. someone’s trying super hard to remain relevant.
No. 880004
File: 1571080741360.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 4E0CC946-D963-4590-9979-1C3B45…)

can’t afford a dr visit to get a real psoriasis diagnosis or an STD test and follow up tho
No. 880017
File: 1571083685038.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, DCD673EC-3512-4F2C-B1C3-9E54CD…)

>>880004Aaand it didn’t even give her the rush of dopamine she wanted
No. 880035
File: 1571085968880.jpeg (168.62 KB, 750x974, FCD96A2F-86CA-4AFE-8D04-3E520F…)

Deleted content. Wonder what this is about?
No. 880080
File: 1571089900794.jpeg (72.72 KB, 750x387, E9F93A4F-790C-4BD7-8143-5C5A22…)

The irony
No. 880195
File: 1571106731868.png (8.94 MB, 1125x2436, 1C66D5B7-BB3E-431C-B87C-1AA7ED…)

>>879703Is it just me or does this mark on Wheezy from Tarte look worse now than it did before?
No. 880202
File: 1571110127164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.85 KB, 750x1077, 69187FF9-500A-4914-93E2-ED9BE9…)

Hahaha why is she standing on a storage container
No. 880203
File: 1571110153234.jpeg (Spoiler Image,135.94 KB, 749x1034, 74D79AB8-7238-43D3-9F5D-50C6FB…)

The comment
No. 880220
>>880202oooooof. who the fuck is paying for this in all honesty. she's bony AND flabby at the same time, probably from just starving herself and not exercising or doing much at all.
that long torso/no hips/wide shoulders combo also reads as "little 13 year old boy"
No. 880284
>>880280Skinny =/= toned
Protruding hip bones =/= curves
Malignant lumps =/= nice breasts
She looks like she eats cat food out of the tin, then punishes her gluttony with starvation.
No. 880313
File: 1571143099436.png (4.3 MB, 750x1334, BAF4BC51-7026-45A9-BB32-286BA5…)

>>880280No idea where you see these curves anon. She's got no hips ass thighs or anything. Yes she is thin but not toned at all, she's got the prototype body of someone who starved themselves and sits on their ass all day.
Also ft. Ari thinking drunk people at a show engaging with her means she has a lot of friends. Where are these people when you're struggling or broadcasting to the world that you're so lonely? Literally nowhere. They're called acquaintances, and they're not the same as real friends.
No. 880492
>>880313no one's saying she's curvy, she doesn't have "no hips" she has hip to waist ratio, it just isn't a lot. I also said she isn't flabby, which she isn't because flabbiness usually refers to loose skin. She just looks like a normal thin girl to me with breast implants. I don't see why everything is black and white to you and saying she isn't a box somehow means I'm saying she's curvy
>>880284again, where did I say she was toned or had nice breasts? I said they're big, not nice
your entire comment is based off of things I've never said, therefore until you get good reading comprehension your comment is invalid
No. 880528
File: 1571178219019.png (52 KB, 804x200, Screenshot_20191015-162018.png)

Looks like her flu like symptoms and "psoriasis" is back. Right on time a couple months later. Looking more like an STD than psoriasis.
No. 880536
File: 1571179364798.jpg (342.59 KB, 821x1066, matt is disgusting.jpg)

>>880512DoorMatt is fucking gross and not a catch. He is her best client!
No. 880570
File: 1571182177401.jpeg (165.43 KB, 750x860, 6A28D9AD-0978-4494-910B-B5EC72…)

Ariana has just about as much curves as her friend Aaron.
No. 880756
>>880536yuck he's obese now and a disgusting piece of trash just like her. he gets too much sympathy.
is that their apartment or a motel room? getting ready for their threesome or whatever?
No. 880783
>>880747yeah, or maybe she’s possessed by a demon!!!
anon if you’re going to armchair at least pick real illnesses and not made up internet bullshit that attentionwhores claim to have
No. 880794
File: 1571227759518.gif (1.07 MB, 250x250, 1534969370067.gif)

>>880779Ari poppin' off on the haters.
No. 880806
File: 1571231797309.jpg (81.57 KB, 355x571, pnp.jpg)

Ariana got posted on /r/badMUAs lol
No. 880824
>>880783You're right. I was tipsy last night and thought I had a damn break through lmao. The only other "sufferer" of BIL I could think of did a whole "documentary" about it despite the Dr telling her straight up there was nothing wrong with her implants and they weren't making her sick.
To keep it on topic… I'll reiterate her needing to stop being negligent and get herself checked out. New clothes on "psoriasis" and a high credit card bill isn't cute.
(blog) No. 880872
File: 1571243263611.png (345.49 KB, 750x1334, 575E544B-83CB-4AC0-8EEF-0053A4…)

what a hero…? “the one who started it all” skskdjsksk
No. 880876
File: 1571244369316.jpeg (171.92 KB, 1080x1440, 35D1331A-4D5D-4930-A095-04CDB3…)

Another throwback to Ariana’s old face
No. 880906
File: 1571248093709.jpeg (443.9 KB, 1192x1279, 44788B56-EB64-4918-AF90-73D5F0…)

“likes me back”…lol
No. 880916
File: 1571250592966.jpeg (205.98 KB, 1242x888, 08D485C6-148A-4830-BB40-515F6C…)

when you search for ari’s twitter on google this tweet is a top result………embarrassing for doormatt
No. 880952
File: 1571256955123.png (8.44 MB, 1242x2208, E0A1F42A-B78A-4C9B-9C5B-5DA3A1…)

On live saying her and em stopped going to lip person bc they were rude & talked crap about patients, over charged, and only had a following bc her and em promoted them and they got stingy and dismissive in the end kek so they saw pnps comeback to ig and decided to not let her promote for free injections anymore
No. 880964
File: 1571260407547.png (1.9 MB, 1113x2048, Screenshot_20191016-151245.png)

This is disgusting, at least Ps out that ass boil
No. 880978
File: 1571262460901.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.55 KB, 750x1000, gross2.jpg)

More pre-op Ari and Matt. Spoiler because it's NSFL.
No. 880981
>>880874lol ariana?
she has been fucking dudes for sushi money the entirety of their relationship. she values the input (and money) of her clients more than that of her own boyfriend or else she wouldn’t put Matt through all this after he clearly made it clear he didnt like it. Now he’s soulless and well, her doormatt.
No. 880983
File: 1571263369420.png (79.99 KB, 804x232, Screenshot_20191015-161607.png)

Having a bad mental health day so she wants to beg people to request customs. She feels validated when someone subscribes to her OF or requests a custom. Also I guess the other man didn't want to have a three some because of the herpes on her ass.
>>880978She doesn't even care for him. She just wants to be able to say her boyfriend is in a band so bad. Before she quit her job, she would sperge about how much she loves him and how much she hates other men and could never be attracted to another man. But literally begs men to give her attention.
No. 881009
File: 1571265265308.jpg (696.98 KB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191016_183243165.jpg)

God she is so unstable it's ludicrous.
No. 881022
File: 1571266531037.jpeg (167.35 KB, 1233x1006, 69C86A9D-205D-46E7-97F2-470F33…)

Psoriasis is so last seasons cringe, ED is her new soapbox. Kek
No. 881028
>>881022>105 lbsYeah okay. She looks like a malnourished 105 here
>>880794but she's at least 130 now.
No. 881037
>>881028She totally lies about her weight. She’s def 115-120 lbs. Apparently she’s 5’5” and she isn’t emaciated-looking, she’s just an average skinny girl that wears her eating disorder as a fashion statement. Imagine all the little high school girls she’s having a bad influence on.
I’ll believe it once she shows us a scale with her standing on it.
No. 881040
>>881039It’s like her 4 year anniversary with doorMatt is an afterthought. The dude is a nobody but you got to feel at least a little bad for him.
Yes.. this is how she is spending her anniversary. Glamorous.
No. 881053
File: 1571269891201.jpg (187.3 KB, 1079x574, Screenshot_20191016-195131_Twi…)

She used to say she was vegan kek
No. 881066
File: 1571271351404.png (380.49 KB, 750x1334, 2442F9BB-8484-4706-828A-5AA917…)

what the fuck is this, who is she trying to fool LOL
No. 881067
File: 1571271538136.jpeg (101.36 KB, 750x318, 8DD24028-6367-448B-8AD3-B67557…)

her newest OF “content” caption has me cackling like bitch what?!?! can you say broke bitch!!!
No. 881104
File: 1571278193689.png (2.6 MB, 750x1334, 7E3BB647-E747-47A9-A903-CE1267…)

He’s looking at her, she’s looking at … herself. Sad. Playing on social media at dinner on her own anniversary.
No. 881105
>>881104It is just soo irritating to me that she does full drag make up then wears hoodies and garbage
Her fashion rivals @hotelshrimp
No. 881108
File: 1571279265316.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191016_222645834.jpg)

Ariana seems to be skinwalking this girl on twitter. The hair is utterly identical. This girl actually looks nice though kek.
No. 881109
File: 1571279361119.jpg (522.63 KB, 1080x1639, Screenshot_20191016-222909_Twi…)

This explains the OJ reactions
No. 881113
File: 1571279986905.png (942.93 KB, 1440x1874, Screenshot_20191016-203830~2.p…)

She just posted this on her private IG……
No. 881114
File: 1571280048652.png (1.37 MB, 1234x2048, Screenshot_20191016-204048.png)

No. 881131
>>881114Why is she always trying to convince herself she's a good person? She's objectively NOT a good person because of the way she treats other people, and because of how damn manipulative she is, she will say anything, make up stories, twist whatever she can into lies to make herself the
victim. I guess it's impossible to admit the truth when the truth is unacceptable though? Have fun lying to yourself ya wretched whore, most people can see right thru it
No. 881180
>>881114>being silly with Matt uwu no one can take that away from me>>880906>i got one of these and I am never letting him gonotice the way she talks about him. Sounds like she's posessive, but I think it's more of a wishful thinking. She's trying to convince herself she's got such a catch of a man, because she feels unhappy in the relationship. She's shitty, ok, but Matt isn't much better - just more private, and they're
toxic together. I wonder if she would even survive being single tho, something tells me she'd be manic af without someone to suck the life out from
No. 881184
>>880978This photo isn’t pre surgery at all, this is post nose job.
>>881053When has she ever called herself vegan? All I ever seen her doing is complain about vegans being irritating
No. 881192
>>881184Dem titties and lips be looking pretty small.
But damn her anniversary looked pathetic as hell. She wore a giant sweater to her romantic dinner out? Than cried on the way home and sat on Instagram the rest of the night. No flowers, no cards, no gifts? Bitch sat her on her ass all day and couldn’t bake her man some fucking cookies or a warm meal to come home to for your 4 year anniversary??
Relationship Goals..
No. 881299
File: 1571329116866.jpeg (364.15 KB, 750x914, AAF0520C-E86A-467C-AD7B-3860C8…)

Doormatt used to obsessively fawn over Ariana during every single milestones but now he’s completely silent. Wonder if his thoughts on her have changed since?
No. 881325
File: 1571332765520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,135.11 KB, 750x1925, 46767B4E-C0AF-48F9-B0B1-AA9E22…)

Nothing says sexy like out of focus Ariana fingering herself with nail polish missing from two fingers. Happy anniversary, Matt!
No. 881328
File: 1571333284317.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, 1BABC111-9C53-449B-B906-F47B83…)

I find this so insulting
No. 881332
File: 1571333450271.png (396.47 KB, 596x614, 2019-10-17 13_30_27-brittanyon…)

>>881328lol if it makes you feel any better that thing and it's suggestions are absurd
No. 881377
File: 1571337525828.jpeg (193.54 KB, 1231x342, 23BF5C0D-131F-4732-8330-9A0D33…)

since when does she refer to matt as daddy?
No. 881387
File: 1571339159031.png (344.85 KB, 1080x857, Screenshot_20191017-130350~2.p…)

When you can't facetune videos… What a catfish. No wonder she only has one client. The others didn't come back after they seen her irl.
No. 881390
File: 1571339291134.png (49.78 KB, 321x324, Screenshot_20191017-130350~3.p…)

Looking old and wretched. All the fillers did her dirty.
No. 881395
File: 1571339853632.png (2.85 MB, 750x1334, 34A60592-8F6B-4EF0-925B-733962…)

Can she shut the fuck up about her body issues for five seconds? Like who wants to see this day in and day out? Pretty sure at this point even the pro-ana’s would find it disingenuous.
No. 881401
File: 1571341320201.png (2.74 MB, 1125x2436, B91A26FC-DAEB-46FA-844C-DA158F…)

These tweets are just chefs kiss
No. 881450
>>881387I know you were just trolling (sort of), but it's actually kind of weird now that I think about it.
This "Influencer" with 50k IG follows and a "modeling career" can only get one client and that one client is a fetish client?
I feel like any old girl could get 5+ regulars without much effort, yet she only get one older dude who demands she stays anorexic skinny.
Something isn't adding up. Well, it does add up seeing as she's a raging cunt with a gremlin face IRL.
No. 881460
File: 1571352494689.jpeg (84.36 KB, 750x502, pre surgery.jpeg)

>>881325her pussy
dissolved the nail polish
>>881387ew she looks like steve buscemi
She used to look human once upon a time.sage for old pic.
No. 881533
File: 1571356804161.png (100.36 KB, 804x310, Screenshot_20191017-175210.png)

He didn't surprise her… She asked for one and only so Matt would be kind of okay with her new job… She would post sloppy selfies after her dates, but she was always so out of it from the drugs she'd take before the date that she didn't notice her smeared lipstick all around her mouth.
No. 881564
File: 1571360888975.jpeg (543.18 KB, 552x1023, A059201A-4307-4B6C-910D-17AC0F…)

Well.. at least she got a snake?
No. 881648
>>881450Let us not forget the 30k + in debt she went into to improve her looks and she still only has one client.
She’s not a sex worker she’s just cheating on Matt. They both know it and it is why they both didn’t give a fuck about their anniversary.
No. 881655
File: 1571388204015.png (8.1 MB, 1242x2208, C0E8AE0B-2DB4-490E-9646-20072E…)

Why are these dumb cows so convinced they are hated because people are envious of them and have sad lives? I think the majority of people here hate her because she's a nasty, abusive, cruel, narcissistic, lying cunt. She has all of the most undesirable traits a person could have, all in one. Her behavior is gross, her personality is gross, the things she says are gross. THATS why people hate you. Its like a mental block to protect herself from realizing the truth about her own nastiness. Shes gotta know deep down though.
No. 881657
File: 1571388379243.png (201.33 KB, 750x1334, 59D37BD9-D524-472A-BE80-98451C…)

yeah you’re living everyone’s dream; being NEET with seemingly no future prospects or goals or ambition, stuck in a failed relationship and sleeping on an air mattress at 25 lmfao
No. 881755
File: 1571420213045.jpeg (278.17 KB, 750x1245, 84DC3E72-13C7-4E2B-AF08-A2666C…)

>>871373I thought suicide girls “reached out” to her and she turned them down, now she’s begging them to notice her… she can’t even keep her lies straight
No. 881759
File: 1571420707928.jpeg (225.76 KB, 750x670, 043A1FA1-B3B6-459E-A6E3-3EF8BD…)

>>881755Lmao. Suicidegirls is the corniest/most washed up form of Internet porn there is. How embarrassing.
No. 881760
File: 1571421059152.jpeg (264.7 KB, 750x2448, B58318C1-16FA-4C7E-98B4-4EEBC5…)

>>881755Her replies on this
Also, did she submit these photos as the set? With her inflamed implant scares on a crusty futon?
No. 881776
File: 1571422882241.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, F00C65FC-E60D-46DC-9EDE-F243B3…)

Honestly excited to see how this works out
No. 881799
File: 1571425255596.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191018_145757949.jpg)

>>881771They really don't have high standards at all kek. This girl replied to ariana's tweet about becoming a sg saying she is one. Pressing her crotch against a public sink for her onlyfans.
No. 881856
>>881776Well we all know how professional and high quality this cow’s photoshoots are for her other sites. I honestly can’t wait to see her get crushed by other girls who actual put effort into their work. I bet she’s gonna have an epic falling out and I can’t wait for her tearful IG stories about how she somehow became the
victim again.
No. 881907
File: 1571438547881.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 2FE67932-580D-4520-90CE-5DB621…)

Off topic. But notice how cottedemaillies has been posting non stop videos/photos of her new place and thrift finds in her new place. And pnp has been living in her new place for 3 weeks now, but just now started posting her decor? When will she ever develop a personality of her own
No. 881909
File: 1571438648847.png (2.89 MB, 750x1334, 5A36CC73-99AF-4E87-BACB-34EBC0…)

I wonder if she filmed her “new content” with that tag still on her bra strap.
No. 881955
File: 1571444393255.jpeg (Spoiler Image,309.28 KB, 750x2990, 34889A75-85B8-47E5-990D-DC8640…)

More unfocused, filthy content. Not even a video
No. 881960
File: 1571445651079.png (222.21 KB, 438x285, 2019-10-18 20_40_42-Window.png)

>>881955lmao does she really think this is sexy
No. 881991
File: 1571449210643.jpg (133.01 KB, 750x1334, 72733959_1322432114606042_1907…)

Dying at how big that bra is compared to her tits KEK
No. 881993
File: 1571449487229.jpeg (Spoiler Image,404.91 KB, 750x951, 72D2FF0F-ABC0-4336-A057-A18E44…)

spoil urself
No. 882111
>>881993I love how she called unfocused, unedited pictures of her stretching her pussy in an ill fitting bra a “set” Let alone something to spoil ones self with
Has she seen the effort other sw put into their work ?? Even shayna’s is higher quality
No. 882326
No. 882476
>>882463Different anon. Honestly thought it was funny that cotte is flaunting her “new” life in Phoenix. While pnp does the same with her apartment. Idk they’re both just flexing on the internet and wasn’t even worth mentioning in the first place. Nothing new. Don’t doubt she’s posted as anon here before though.
God I hope I don’t run into her in town, she’s cringey enough on social media
No. 882477
File: 1571547660751.jpeg (126.07 KB, 750x316, 4E625C57-3384-4E4F-863B-569D8C…)

Sure Ari
>>882476Cotted but ok
No. 882506
File: 1571557282659.jpeg (242.24 KB, 749x1046, 695AF829-A780-456A-BB17-16422D…)

What is with bringing up stale beef lately?
No. 882526
File: 1571570293999.png (1.6 MB, 750x1326, ifeelbadforhergrandparents.png)

Imagine having Ariana as your granddaughter? Years of disappointment.
She claims to love and appreciate them but her snap from last year is pretty telling.
No. 882555
>>882526Ari, they're asking for a drawing like they would a child so they can hang it on the fridge lmao.
They're trying to support your art that you're supposedly so passionate about. They already know you're going to half-ass it or not deliver at all.
Not like they're gonna frame your shit art and put it on their wall.
No. 882623
File: 1571598448152.jpeg (150.73 KB, 750x776, 9AD6C74B-BB7E-4C3F-87EE-6D61D2…)

>>882610I think it’s more so about almondmilkhunni
No. 882654
>>882651It starts here
>>>/snow/819825Pnp has beef with another sw, never confirmed it was almond milk although likely
No. 882659
File: 1571606875572.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3464x3464, 02F608D0-AB4A-44C8-ADF0-8DF2A6…)

pnp starting an argument over a photo of a toad. jesus christ this bitch is so miserable
No. 882670
File: 1571610202444.jpeg (49.83 KB, 750x293, 795ED098-DF12-43F9-A9AC-D8B962…)

God, she’s just so much better than us mere mortals. So self assured !
No. 882698
File: 1571612606502.jpeg (206.05 KB, 750x2960, CB2D2DCC-43D3-4F8E-86D6-9D35D3…)

Just posted by latinamilk. Also odd that her and pnp don’t follow each other anymore
No. 882716
File: 1571616311284.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, 7033BEE1-353F-424B-9B32-B29D42…)

No. 882721
File: 1571617346914.png (1.16 MB, 1216x2048, Screenshot_20191020-182201.png)

Her whole life summarized into a IG caption
No. 882750
File: 1571622420905.jpeg (231.19 KB, 750x1177, 2B207083-F408-4D54-981E-299ECE…)

>>882716>>882698What's going on with LM, PnP and Hunni?? I'm so lost. LM is gone from IG and replaced with this obvious troll.
No. 882756
>>882750Latinamilk uses this account for her ig filters, she said. It is her. But her and almond are friends, Latina used to date allamericanbadboy which is “cute”- the guy Ariana was seeing when her and Matt briefly broke up. Things have never been the same between them it seems, and now neither are following each other.
Almond milk is also an escort in philly and sees the same client as pnp (watch the video linked a couple of replies up), and blocked Ariana when the latter said hit her up if she wants to do a double with their mutual client. This was during her rash outbreak, so many assumed it was related to that
No. 882757
File: 1571623983941.png (779.75 KB, 1440x2433, Screenshot_20191020-200112~2.p…)

No. 882763
File: 1571625298042.jpeg (126.16 KB, 750x594, 220FBD91-B3AC-405C-BD5A-51AD8D…)

No. 882768
>>882756LM recently moved to LA with her boyfriend, after going on vacation to South Korea or something because she actually works and collaborates with other SWers. Kek
>>882721If her grandfather didn't buy her things I doubt she'd be saying all of this.
No. 882786
File: 1571636221401.png (2.13 MB, 1125x2436, 328BECC1-8BD8-491D-9C6A-09C1FB…)

Does she not know what a lazy eye is? Because she def doesn’t have one.
No. 882797
File: 1571640679713.jpeg (571.11 KB, 1104x786, F0698F38-7804-4FAD-BE51-FB6A6C…)

her face is so busted
No. 882799
File: 1571641209828.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, A19B9E8D-1633-4AA5-A191-65B1C2…)

>>882786Not even close to a lazy eye.
No. 882815
File: 1571654271741.jpg (949.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191021-053727_Ins…)

on LMs story…hmmmm
No. 882816
File: 1571654294096.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191021-053732_Ins…)

No. 882829
>>882786This is part of her problem though, slight impurities make her think that something even bigger is wrong. Her eye isn't perfectly centered, looking exactly pinpoint where the other is? Obviously she has a lazy eye, right?
>>882763What would even count as a normie job though? Because someone doesn't fuck for cash, they're normies? She sounds like a 90'd alternative kid who says anyone who isn't like her is a 'normie' or a poser lmao. My bet is on her working at a retail store or something.
No. 882877
File: 1571674130738.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, EFA1D027-B81D-498B-8707-23F9A2…)

Her way of formulating sentences and syntax is so hard for me to follow. It’s like reading something a 5th grader wrote trying to sound smart . I think she even claims to be some eloquent writer too. What doesn’t our little Ariana excel at?
No. 882888
>>882877Jesus she is an idiot. That girl on Twitter got to her narc brain badly. She’s clearly been stewin’ ever since and now has taken it to IG for asspats.
“If you don’t believe me you dont believe in mental health issues. Muh Rights” - Ari to her mirror
No. 882905
File: 1571677187875.jpeg (331.25 KB, 1125x2105, 14C98AC2-CF8E-4BC1-B035-F398FF…)

This dumb cunt keeps talking about being an empath but she just admitted to ignoring homeless people. Oh but her amazing grandpa gives them money and now she’s inspired! Let’s see how long her generosity holds up until her narcissistic ass realizes she needs her gas station sushi money more than they do
No. 882985
File: 1571689361030.png (340.12 KB, 750x1334, 52602226-A500-4631-AE53-8B12B8…)

because assuming someone else’s thoughts or opinions isn’t also ignorant. not a good look ari
No. 883048
File: 1571693660639.png (747.62 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191021-152348.png)

She went down 1k followers… And the amount of people who watch her lives is less than 100 most of the time. She also gets the low 1k-2k likes which is pretty sad when you have 50k followers. Makes you wonder how many times she bought fake followers kek
No. 883053
File: 1571694580369.png (3.81 MB, 750x1334, 588CC47A-3594-48C6-88CC-E66F90…)

I love when she does lives cause she can’t hide her true face hiding beneath all that make up and perfect angles
No. 883080
File: 1571699794833.jpeg (Spoiler Image,220.81 KB, 750x1203, 36518BC0-54DF-49E1-843F-33FED0…)

Im loling, the stupid twat got her way. They tagged her. She’s so repugnant and petty
No. 883092
File: 1571700314648.jpg (854.47 KB, 1920x1920, PhotoCollage_20191021_17173824…)

No. 883096
File: 1571700975504.png (942.81 KB, 804x892, Screenshot_20191021-173339.png)

Engaged but no wedding… Doormatt better get out while he still can.
No. 883102
File: 1571701914279.png (271.35 KB, 750x1334, 50BC7438-2541-4EF4-89CC-8AF5F7…)

i wonder if she’ll show up with makeup smeared all over her unwashed hands lol
No. 883127
>>883048It's because she just can't conceal her awful personality. She tries to act like she's soo nice but it's too easy to
trigger her and I think a lot of people see through her act. She's disingenuous and that turns people off.
No. 883323
File: 1571768472762.jpeg (Spoiler Image,138.92 KB, 750x889, FB657BE9-FD19-48EF-9320-E377DB…)

To only have 131 only fans seems like very little to me. But if they’re all paying the $11.99 a month, that’s $1,572.00 a month. Seems suspicious for a bitch that’s always broke
No. 883342
File: 1571771262593.jpeg (102.15 KB, 750x572, CECE1DE6-7FE9-4EAD-9EAB-708195…)

Is she working at fucking edible arrangements
No. 883373
File: 1571774912895.jpeg (233.21 KB, 749x1271, E8805D99-FA34-4E54-B598-A1BEA0…)

>>883357Yes they do. She’s gotten them a few times.
No. 883488
File: 1571785437982.png (Spoiler Image,3.87 MB, 750x1334, ABFFFC45-C365-4AAA-8866-A00B77…)

Ariana’s face when the employer asks who Alice Amor is
No. 883490
>>883487idk how things are currently but Suicide Girls and hopefuls were responsible for producing and paying for their own sets.
If it's still the case, this would be too much work for her.
No. 883536
File: 1571793873908.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1876, A102AD04-4B6F-4042-BD7F-736F12…)

She even has a lisp in her captions.
No. 883540
File: 1571794478717.jpeg (213.2 KB, 748x1068, 9F57EC7D-8C04-49B4-92FD-42E3C5…)

That comment on her live had me howling
No. 883702
File: 1571844115754.png (3.16 MB, 750x1334, 2C7A5FC5-4FDF-4AC8-BDBB-A7306A…)

“It’s just… so hard… when you have a … chronic disease…”
Whining into her phone about being itchy and tired . But for real, where does he teeth go when she talks? I’ve never seen a more baffling and unattractive mouth in my life. I thought the lip lift would’ve fixed that?
No. 883780
>>883775Companies def google you, but probably not an unimportant retail position.
I wonder if she feels uncomfortable when people that she meets outside of her normal circle casually ask what her social media is so they can follow each other . If she was smart, she’d stop posting free pics of her pussy and asshole for the world to see. She should put emojis over that shit because now what’s the incentive to buy them…?
Plus, it would give her an fucking OUNCE of protection to keep people like her goddamn grandpa from easily googling pictures of her fingering her own asshole. Dumb slut is bad at business.
No. 883806
File: 1571862454855.jpeg (216.76 KB, 1125x770, C7B8E47C-9B42-4F2A-B3DF-4199E9…)

Things that didn’t happen.
No. 883813
File: 1571862786371.png (3.07 MB, 750x1334, 2E459091-AD3E-4948-A39B-FD557F…)

Does anyone else see this subtle clown lip stick ? It’s like turned up in the corner of her mouth. Maybe she’s foreshadowing her Joker Halloween costume lmao
No. 883831
File: 1571865717524.png (3.76 MB, 750x1334, B7B333C1-8FAC-4B1E-824E-08F36D…)

>>883746all that money and for what? lmfao
No. 883838
>>883813>>883702I wonder who she thinks she's fooling by using a filter, downloading the video, and reuploading it so you don't see how embarrassingly obsessed she is with the kline Jenner lip kit filter.
Can't imagine getting all that work done and still being so insecure that you need to use a filter that changes your face in order to post videos of yourself
No. 883896
File: 1571871644261.png (836.67 KB, 804x1043, Screenshot_20191023-170013.png)

Trying way too hard to pose kek(nitpicking)
No. 883902
File: 1571872067794.png (2.37 MB, 750x1334, 8C60B7AB-E5CB-4DA8-AF22-76476E…)

No. 883939
>>8838961. Is that the air mattress?
2. I think they have a studio, not even a one bedroom. All that flexing for nuttin’
No. 883957
File: 1571877779709.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20191023-194104_Gal…)

>>883956Ops dropped the picture
No. 883994
File: 1571883015866.jpg (2.04 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191023_221005267.jpg)

No. 884021
>>883983the bitch went from a giant, old, decrepit house to a beautiful
renovated studio apartment. Makes sense.
I feel a little empathetic towards Mr. Cuck bc the other day while she was obnoxiously dribbling on in her Live she would randomly address him and you could tell her was like 15 steps away prob sitting in the kitchen. Like there’s nowhere for him to escape to. Oh well. This is his cross to bare.
No. 884119
File: 1571922909066.jpg (469.77 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20191024_151144_com…)

it's funny how she ignores anyone telling her to see a doctor and get a real diagnosis, including an entire subreddit of people who actually has psoriasis, but she's perfectly willing to listen to a random follower whose cousin is studying medicine, as long as it fits her own fantasy lmao
No. 884123
File: 1571923545389.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1229x2185, E70B47B3-CFC0-48AD-B1F1-FB38C8…)

What the fuck is going on with her bottom lip
No. 884159
File: 1571934618035.png (3.05 MB, 750x1334, 0845F1F0-98AE-4548-936B-46B72B…)

“Bleach blonde”
No. 884165
File: 1571936089810.jpeg (274.76 KB, 750x2668, F3CC1C35-F0D4-4B7A-B3D4-AF3A3C…)

This haircut is truly tragic
No. 884176
File: 1571937670187.jpeg (31.6 KB, 300x300, C5E7533D-1E38-42A5-B335-DAF5C0…)

>>884165She looks like a bad Joan Cusack.
No. 884177
File: 1571937841035.jpeg (582.52 KB, 1582x1368, D0962401-66B1-4BE8-B029-041C9C…)

>>884165>>884168Was about to say this! I swear she has a wig at home that exactly replicates the mop on her head right now but just longer in length. Ariana sadly can’t help but waste away money by trashing her wigs after one use/photoshoot. She’s so lazy it’s nauseating.
No. 884191
File: 1571939144264.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, A26F7C34-ACAB-46EF-AED7-F1B305…)

No. 884192
File: 1571939178089.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, 522FCDC8-3C72-4182-A383-1FF04D…)

No. 884195
File: 1571939716176.png (1.8 MB, 1440x2085, Screenshot_20191024-115154~2.p…)

Why wouldn't the hairdresser fix that God awful cut. Looks like she attacked it with craft scissors after a drug fueled binge. Still looks dry and damaged, doesn't seem like it has grown in a couple of months. She really needs to learn how to leave her hair alone
No. 884202
>>884195god finally it's her birthday. she's been on about it for literal months lol
>>884201god this makes me feel sick
No. 884224
File: 1571942139377.png (3.19 MB, 750x1334, 874CC4B2-1814-4730-8743-1021B3…)

The color is SO patchy
No. 884228
File: 1571942493966.jpg (796.53 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191024-123819_Ins…)

What the fuck is this look
No. 884255
File: 1571947882996.png (2.32 MB, 750x1334, 21E45402-D121-4CDA-BF0C-562AF7…)

KEK I don’t know Ariana why is that?
No. 884257
File: 1571948113186.png (2.5 MB, 750x1334, B9626B54-19CE-44F0-ADA9-BA6687…)

Cmon guys, give a $1, it’s her birthday !
No. 884282
File: 1571951772371.png (1.47 MB, 1429x2048, Screenshot_20191024-151459.png)

The nasty thong is back
No. 884286
File: 1571952226706.jpeg (154.15 KB, 720x1280, 8F06CDE7-F600-4C43-97BE-4AA3BB…)

>>884195Her bangs… are so.. bad
No. 884292
File: 1571952636667.jpeg (148.66 KB, 750x1231, D67D8365-326C-4AAF-9594-94E215…)

>>884228What’s up with that blurry spot near her jaw? Her face completely blends into the blue of the sky.
No. 884327
>>884324What I don’t understand is you know she reads this shit. The lip flap is so fucking weird and genuinely disturbing, I would be so embarrassed of it if I were her. I probably wouldn’t sleep until it was gone. Like you said, she does Lives in angles that showcase the lip flap , is she not bothered ???
I think her preverbial safety blanket is looking fucked up: the bad tattoos, the grody thong, the bangs, the “baby blanket”, and the general layer of filth she’s fine with living amongst. It’s like… her
aesthetic No. 884337
>>884186The old guy she cheats on Matt Cuck with didn't give her enough money to get a cut. Just color.
Keep in mind this is the bitch that stomped her feet like a toddler because she wanted a free burrito… That would have cost under $5. Broke bitch.
No. 884352
File: 1571964033077.jpg (94.56 KB, 679x486, 717SfyWvmmL._SX679_.jpg)

>>884327>I think her preverbial safety blanket is looking fucked up: the bad tattoos, the grody thong, the bangs, the “baby blanket”, and the general layer of filth she’s fine with living amongst. It’s like… her aestheticImagine… being so naturally repugnant… that none of the foul things listed even
register as unsightly or gross to you…
No. 884353
File: 1571964115664.jpeg (127.5 KB, 827x993, 111A82E4-61B9-4D6E-BE27-A31EEE…)

She’s on live rn going on about how she hates her new look already AND she bleached her brows and hates it. BITCH leave ur face and hair aloneee Lmaooo
No. 884354
File: 1571964183389.jpeg (421.07 KB, 1836x3264, AA8D3EF7-8743-4E35-B5B0-86EC90…)

All of these profile shots are killing me kek.
No. 884358
File: 1571965411058.jpeg (310.06 KB, 1191x1740, 896F6353-FBAE-4081-B78B-970377…)

A small contribution to the next thread pic
No. 884364
File: 1571965733727.jpg (792.92 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191024-180024_Ins…)

Maybe she's a magician and her teeth are just a part of her disappearing act.
No. 884367
File: 1571966214336.jpg (1.51 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1571966170124.jpg)

She's just really inspired by Jeff Daniels' haircut in Dumb and Dumber.
No. 884376
File: 1571968075745.jpg (20.4 KB, 320x240, Fairchilde+(17)[1].JPG)

>>884354The transformation is complete
No. 884383
File: 1571969128654.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, BA56738B-EC01-422A-9088-9810C1…)

God, what an ugly crew. Imagine these too gangly pre-pubescent squares with their matching LoVe 2 sUfFeR tattoos and their 2 cool 4 school attitude sitting all alone at the function that’s not really my scene aka Ratgod show
No. 884385
File: 1571969264031.png (2.77 MB, 750x1334, A0C268A3-D597-4000-AFD0-5CFC07…)

Screenshot of the molly
No. 884386
File: 1571969556091.png (3.1 MB, 750x1334, 6989AC97-C440-44C0-BB4E-F8D0D4…)

This Live really produced a lot of incredible screen shots . Idk if I’ve ever seen her look so much like a granny-gremlin . That hair cut /color / eye brow bleach was a big Miss Steak
For someone who loves her appearance so much she can’t stop making it look worse . Can someone draw a bell curve of her attractiveness from 2010-present
No. 884388
>>884387Yes I think so, I would love for her to get banned again but at the same time she provides so much milk because of her
toxic relationship with social media and inflated ego
No. 884416
>>884384Lmfao daisy lola, is there a thread on her? She’s still insufferable
Working on new thread now, thanks for the recent caps guys
No. 884420
File: 1571978913136.jpeg (161.15 KB, 1198x641, A14ED811-C776-44A5-8E3C-F53281…)

No. 884493
>>884257No wonder she always hides her feet with socks in her "sw" "content." Grody as shit. Can't believe she's begging for food money with these things out.
Also, a rice cooker and sushi roller are not expensive at all. Bc I know you read this Ariana, I'd just invest in those and save yourself loads of cash. I make basic sushi at home all the time and even the simplest California roll I make from cheap whole foods ingredients is great compared to store stuff. Sage for blogpost but jfc. Maybe cooking can be a more satisfying and fulfilling hobby than taking pics of your asshole and posting them for free on Twitter.