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No. 983802
PlasticandProud / PnP / AliceAmorLove / Ariana McMillan / Psoriasisbutmakeitsexy / ScorpioAssHoe / VersatileHeaux is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, and full service sex worker based in Philly
>Insufferable narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies
>has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky
>gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly
> Constantly brings up how much prettier she is than the people who used to bully her
> Quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat. Has sugar daddies but would lose her shit if her boyfriend Matt ever looked at another woman
>shaved her head in a manic episode and regretted it a year later
>has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis. Never got tested but continues to do full service sex work
Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/778634>>>/snow/852217>>>/snow/852243>>>/snow/871373>>>/snow/884425>>>/snow/924837PREVIOUS MILK:
2020 Milk
> Continues to produce shit-tier quality "porn" where she uses her cuck-boyfriend as prop. Doesn't let him use a stage name or share in the profits> Continues to starve herself to meets the needs of her only SW client she has in New York.> Continues to give out medical advice about "conquering psoriasis" despite the fact she never went to a doctor when she had a full body rash. > Went on Tropical vacation with Grandpa and Grandma. Originally was going to bring her cuck boyfriend but last minute he was uninvited>Anons suspect it was because they spent their entire vacation on a tiny old boat and there wouldn't be room for him> Others speculate this was their Grandparents attempt to separate them> Arianna spends entire trip complaining / bragging that the "natives" are obsessed with her because she is white and has tattoos> Eventually complains her Grandpa is encouraging the locals to sexually harass her> Spends rest of the trip complaining about her grandpa> Arianna remember her Grandpa is paying for a community college taxidermy course so she can't express how she's feeling> Post several horror cow photo of her spread asshole and pussy on her twitter where her father and brother have access
2019 milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”,posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does
>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode>Barely “works”>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” pictures>Pnp outs her lip injector after no longer receiving free/discounted injections for bringing business in, because Ariana can’t keep a decent image online to save her life
>Talks shit about Dollskill, gets blocked, immediately tries to save face by posting pics of herself modeling for them>Wants to become a suicide girl, says they ‘reached out to her’, anons confirmed this is not how the process happens>Got a “normie job” in retail, unconfirmed where>Promised a “double creampie” in a threesome with two other guys (possible matt and her only client or matt and aaron), still has not happened yet>”psoriasis” flaring up>Skinwalks cotted>Brings up old beef with other philly sw (possibly almondmilkhunni), latinamilk is no longer following pnp either>Moves into studio apartment where the train goes by literally every 5 minutes, thriving>Dyes her hair blonde and hates it immediately>Does molly on live while looking like a toothless grandma
>Rash is Back >No word on “normie job”, Ariana continues to stay home all day on ig>Does a shoot for Spencers, looks ridiculous and is mocked, spergs out on twitter >Says she would give her psoriasis to a fucking BABY >>891310>Confirms she got her boobs half off from theplasticspa, talks shit about them >Isn’t posting new content on onlyfans, her only source of income>In two back to back tweets claims she’s thriving, the other saying she can’t afford her fillers currently >>895883>Manically dyes her fried blonde hair pink less than a month after getting it done>Is already planning getting 12k worth of surgeries when she can’t even afford a 200 dollar doctor visit for her rash>Rash is still there>Accidentally dyes her hair pink…because she thought she was toning it>Sperging about “psoriasis” and how her diet of eating celery juice and sardine helps>IT IS REVEALED ARIANA’S “MILLIONAIRE GRANDPA” RUNS A FUCKING TRAILER PARK>Wants to move to vermont to “finish taxidermy school” that she never started, that she thinks will be close by to her family. No comment on where DoorMatt fits into this>Makes gross porn with Doormatt, his ~huge weiner is revealed to be average>Wears 5 dollar shein lingerie for porn after dying hair purple to “tone” it>Bleaches her straw mess again>Changes IG name to psoriasisbutmakeitsexy
>Anons dig up (previously unearthed) dirt regarding her neglect of her pet gecko >>914567, and cornering a hamster with a spray bottle >>916322>Is talking about driving 2 hours one way to Taxidermy School she’s paying 10k upfront for, 7 days a week, when she can’t even keep a consistent OF upload schedule >Gets her fillers dissolved after sperging about how she has NO FILLERS LEFT!!, gets them refilled a week later by a possibly worse injector, lips look like literal sausages >Pewdiepie posts a cap of her lips from a botched plastic surgery reddit for a quick ten seconds on his stream, does not mention her name or knows who she is, Ariana proceeds to sperg out about it and cry online bullying>Posts outrageous photoshopped pictures, claims she doesn’t shoop, gets posted on photoshop reddit>Bitches at other SW on twitter
>Ariana remains unaware of covid, thinks her taxidermy school is still on>spends hundreds of dollars on a taxidermied deer>makes embarissingly bad incest roleplay porn with matt>gets her ig deletedSocial media
Ig: ScorpioAssHeaux
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud, versatileheaux, versatileheauxart, scorpioasshoe
Reddit: Airkilla321
No. 983804
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Have to say I'm loving all the recent Karma she has been receiving.
No. 983819
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>>983804What a dumb lazy bitch. What normal person loses their car and just doesn't look for it for days kek she deserves it
No. 983854
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Meth mom
No. 983888
>>983802One of the greatest collages yet, anon.
>>983804I…can’t believe what I’m reading. The city “towed” her car without informing her? Are there no signs nearby that state that it is illegal to park in certain areas and that provide a phone number for the towing company? They just drove it to a random one-way street and dumped it? And not a single soul found it and reported it for days on end? How did Ari wind up finding it? Pardon me if I’m misinterpreting the situation; this all seems VERY odd.
No. 984124
>>984113Agree,no one spoke if she has DTS or something related to her sexual health.
Did she visit any dr yet?
No. 984135
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Says the bitch who wants to live alone after her lease is up
No. 984148
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No. 984162
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>>984148Oh my god the eyes lmao
No. 984412
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Why does matt bother wearing a mask when he's full on retarded about it
No. 984510
>>984412In this video he comes up to the window saying, “Did I ruin your video again?”
MattCuck must be so used to berated for existing when she’s trying to get her perfect IG story
No. 984523
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She’s hitting Tarte on live again
No. 984525
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No. 984536
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Sage for no new milk but peeped her twitter and this “teaser” sent me. I’ll never understand how she thinks the weird grabbing she does to her boobs is hot. It just looks painful.
No. 984539
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>>984536Straight up Buffalo Bill in the mirror dance.
No. 984550
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>>984536Couldn’t agree more, it’s ridiculous. She’s aaaalways grabbing and tugging on them so fucking aggressively
No. 984552
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She posted this on twitter. Looking like an absolute greasy grandma
No. 984557
>>984552god her greasy bangs are so disgusting. imagine what her pillow case must smell like
also tartes face
No. 984560
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this psycho should not be allowed near animals
No. 984628
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What is up with this uwu I’m so cute and annoying thing?
No. 984638
>>984525I’m going to animalsperg like a mother fucker. Every time she pushes the cat away the cat shakes it head. That’s agitation. The more she pushes him the more the cat thinks it’s an aggressive challenge. It’s going to become more violent the more she does this in retaliation. This behavior is childish and disgusting. The grossest part about is she is home all day to tend to these animals. Any normal healthy person with that amount of time can form a great relationship with their animals because that’s the time they need to become fully trained. Most people work and don’t have time to dedicate to their animals but they sure as hell try. This is bitch., The solution to her problem is constantly distracting the cat with something else if she doesn’t want the cat to claw her shitty sofa or any sort of “bad behavior”.
Cat claws sofa, distract with a toy that’s acceptable. Cat claws sofa, show him something else he can do. You keep doing this until the behavior changes. Over and over, even if it takes 100 times and without anger. The cat learns by association not by violent discipline. It’s a cat, it doesn’t fucking understand what you want Ariana.
No. 984644
>>984557nitpick but has she ever mentioned her apartment having in-suite laundry? i can't imagine her filthy ass trying to haul clothes to a shared laundry-mat without bitching about it on social media.
her apartment and clothes always look so grimy and unwashed.
No. 984649
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Sage because pnp greasy meth pics are just the norm now but JESUS. If I met her at a bus stop, I would stand 5 feet away from her and hide my phone in my bag thinking she might grab it and run.
No. 984653
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>>984649Like, those sunglasses really put her in the "Hollywood 2000's coked out socialite" category.
No. 984656
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Back at it again with the un-sexy boob shit
No. 984678
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One of her best looks, so dewy and young and fresh
No. 984687
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No. 984721
>>983802>>984523i know we've already screamed about the cat, but i cannot fucking stand this. the way that poor baby gives her a look at the end like "why did you hurt me?"
ari is so fucking evil>>984523
No. 984731
>>984725it’s still up on her insta story too. “it doesn’t matter how much so spray her or smack her or scream at her”
poor fucking cat. it needs taking away from her.
No. 984741
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I usually roll my eyes every time there’s pet sperg on here but wow, her narcissism is shining through - she love bombs the GD cat just as bad as she does Matt. Smacking it one minute then showing it with attention the next.
She’s GIDDY in the videos of her flinging it away from her on the sofa; you can hear in her voice how much she’s getting off on causing it pain and stress.
Also that’s obviously not how to train an animal, stop being lazy and sitting on your arse and actually take the cat away to a scratching post when it’s clearly wanting to display it’s natural instinct to scratch .
Imagine being convinced an animal has it in for you, “she’s evil”. No wonder this bitch has no friends, she’s paranoid her own cat is plotting against her
>>984656Why does this think this chicken wing arm position is sexy, she like a raw, trussed up turkey with no meat on it
No. 984756
>>984750thanks anon, I’m technologically challenged.
It’s important to document Ariana McMillan scorpioassheaux from Philadelphia’s animal abuse
No. 984843
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>>984741Looks like she’s been reading the thread
No. 985058
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Someone already posted this from her IG but I flipped the image just to make her dysmorphia worse. Ari, your mirror image isn’t what everyone else sees. They see this monstrous Jackson pollock Picasso caricature. You get fucked in the ass so much bc shit on their dick is better than looking at your face
No. 985073
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Private IG update.
No. 985102
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Angelina is that you
No. 985105
>>985073I’ve never seen someone lack complete self awareness of themselves. “If I save I’ll have 10k by October just from selling my body!”
As if this bitch can save money long enough without her squirrel like brain finding some new “must have” item she saw one her skinwalks showing off.
Also, surprise surprise - she’s already giving herself ass pats for having 20k when she grew up “in hotel rooms” - even tho she says it will take until October to obtain.
What exactly HAS she actually accomplished until completion?
No. 985155
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Sorry everyone but I just think this screenshot of her video she chose is so utterly disgusting and unappealing
No. 985165
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she gets off on staring at her own reflection all day because she’s a narc
No. 985464
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No. 985466
>>985464Wow she sure is vague about her bitching. Unfortunately this could refer to so many things.
Her animal abuse, her bf, her being a man…
No. 985570
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No. 985684
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No. 985709
>>985684Maybe because you’ve spent years chasing off any supporter that comes your way by being a self-righteous, narcissistic, sour faced bitch who thinks she knows it all?
No. 985710
>>985684thousands upon thousands of younger, non-botched faces out there who actually put effort into their content instead of a string of greasy mirror pics with crusty dildos and abused cats in the background.
she really thinks having tits and a cunt is enough. thats why she wants to go move to some hick town where “nobody knows” her.
No. 985712
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>>985253aaaand its changed already. wonder how many times ari refreshes her thread for tips?
No. 985728
>>985712Anon you cropped out the best part of this picture…her blurred out feet and ass. As if can't just scroll down and see her feet,ass, boobs, and even hard-core uncensored teasers. Wtf is she on???
Honestly she should watch freja noir's youtube video about making money on onlyfans. I watched it and laughed at all the things freja says not to do, because of course poor dumb ari literally does them all
No. 985811
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Ariana watches one documentary and suddenly she is telling other people to expand their world view??? Bitch did you just realize that other countries with other problems exist
No. 985824
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Why is "u hate sexworkers" always her response? She's in such denial that she is just gross and people dislike her specifically
No. 985828
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Kek remember the one time she got acrylic nails and she cut them off a day later.. this will end badly. Can't wait to see her waste money and ugly cry about it
No. 985832
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No. 985834
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No. 985865
>>985826NTA and massive derail but as an NHSfag a. learn to sage and b. the fertility tracking method is recommended by health services as it’s 99% effective - assuming those of you misinformed about it are American and your health professionals only recommend services from which they can make money from you/pump your body full of hormones and chemicals
>>985828She used to go on about how much she hated having her nails done since she was a dog walker; same as how she’d bang on about never getting her tits done. There’s nothing unique about her, she has to bow down to common trends. She’s only doing her nails so she’s got an excuse as to why she’s not producing one piece of art a week to make it her main source of income like she bragged about. That venture died a death quickly
No. 985874
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So instead of building up true acrylic nails she just glued some shitty amazon plastic nails on and painted them with gel polish and called that an acrylic manicure KEK
No. 985878
>>985834Were playing the i-can’t-wait-until-i
blank-and-my-life-will-be-so-much-better game again?
No. 985890
>>985570Style? Lmao ? Trailer trash disgusting,dirty,autistic grandma?
"You ain't got no style, muthafucka"
No. 985898
>>985865FAM is one of the least reliable non abstinance methods. your 99% statistic is just plain wrong. if it was that effective, most people would be using it (spoiler alert: its not). the rate of pregnancy is about 24 out of 100 with imperfect use. meaning within a year, 24 out of 100 will have become pregant. no one uses birth control perfectly, every single time, for years on end. you have about a 100% chance of becoming preggers in the next 3 years, since you say youve been using it for a year already.
encouraging this method is fucking retarded and dangerous, thats why im responding, so others dont get any retarded ideas from you.
No. 985935
>>985898> since you say youve been using it for a year alreadyWhat are you talking about where does it say that, it’s not even my choice of birth control. No birth control is effective at all if incorrectly, they’re all of similar effectiveness if used perfectly; it’s not my fault that you and all these cows who get pregnant are also too retarded to remember to take a pill everyday, follow a well set out plan, or know how to put a condom on correctly either. Organised, non lazy, adult women can use tracking very effectively, I’m sorry you think only retarded children are having sex. The whole point in having different options is they're effective for different people.
Anyway, point is no matter what birth control Ariana would be on she’d get pregnant (minus the coil maybe but we all know she’d forget to check it’s still in place) because she’s too stupid to use any of them correctly
(derailing) No. 985952
>>985935anon you are having a borderline ego trip over taking birth control. being a nhs fag clearly means fuck all if you describe horomones already present in the body as scary chemicals.
>>985828she cant shut the fuck up about how much of an "artist" she is. just dont put the nails on if you worry so much. this fucking bitch i swear.
No. 985972
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kek what a mess
No. 985988
>>985811Does she not see how insufferable she is? Is this why she genuinely asks why no-one RTs or likes her stuff?
Maybe because instead of using your platform to just promote the documentary and its meaning, she has to go be a little cunt about it and tell people they need perspective and to open their minds.
No. 986008
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>>985811Did this bitch really retweet a 5 year old tweet…?
Ariana, we get it. You watched a documentary about Ukrainian orphanages. People have known that this is an issue for years, this isn't groundbreaking just because you JUST NOW became aware of it. In like 5 years she'll be tweeting that Jeffrey epstein didn't kill himself
No. 986033
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Charging people for glue ons? What a joke
No. 986034
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No. 986048
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Why is she constantly hitting this cat? It's not even playful, it's just bizarre
No. 986063
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This girl it literally a meme. Even high schoolers know the difference between acrylic and stick on nails. Imagine calling yourself a perfectionist and taking 3 hours to paint these monstrosities. Most girls can do gel polish in minutes
No. 986088
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>I hated my life until my mid-20s
…so until right fucking now? Isn't she 25, turning 26 in october??
Also, hilarious that she HAS to post about her amazing life journey and goals every time her post interaction starts to slow down. She knows her dumbass teen followers will flock to the post and give her some "yaaasss queenn!!" "Glow up!" "THRIVING!" type comments. Do you think she ever gets tired of cycling through the same shit day in and day out?
No. 986114
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>>983802>>983802The next
victim…in bf she adopts the puppy before it’s properly weaned, is too lazy to train it and then the abuse starts when it develops behavioural problems
No. 986124
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>>986114She only wants one because matt posted this
No. 986151
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These tweets are minutes apart. This is the equivalent of an insane person holding a conversation with themselves, change my mind.
No. 986167
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>>986063This is what her nails remind me of lmfao “gonna start charging guyZzZ”
No. 986266
File: 1591926900076.gif (3.97 MB, 326x326, 82756262-54E4-4EE2-AA62-087E3A…)

>>986151She reminds me of this lady talking shit into the void
No. 986278
File: 1591929097790.jpeg (416.63 KB, 828x1445, 6D1AF7F5-00D3-4BC6-AA7C-46F77A…)

Private IG update.
No. 986290
>>986183anon… shes never been a camwhore. and she doesnt have 20k saved. she only whores herself out like once every 2 months, she gets her money then spends it all. everything she says is a lie that she
wishes was true. like how she was speaking about how hard going to school would be, speaking about finishing school… when she hadnt even started her trade course. and to this day hasnt started. and never will. shes a broke bitch who projects the image of someone well off because of her self-consciousness of being trailer trash.
No. 986304
>>986278Are we all in agreement that this "slave" is not a real person?
I think she's pretending to have a slave because she thinks it will increase her chances of someone actually wanting to be her slave. This is also the first time I can recall her using the words "online DOM", please correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 986362
File: 1591943162970.jpeg (50.29 KB, 328x568, D81DA9BA-0B1B-47B4-A05A-395948…)

>>986034Just… just… bitch why are you so ugly???? Men and slaves of Philadelphia Pennsylvania and New York City New York your DOM / DOMME or BDSM or MISTRESS has a sexually transmitted disease. She will make you sick. SLAVES of PHILLY your FEMDOM is a sleazy cunt do not waste your money. ALICE AMOR SCORPIOASSHEAUX PLASTICNPROUD
No. 986391
>>986278Britfag but cheap, actual acrylic nails from an accredited salon cost like £20-£30 here so I assumed it would be around that in $ in the US…? how can she justify charging that in “mate-rates” for stick on nails, I’m howling.
She obviously knows they’re going to fall off in a few days hence why she’s set up having to remove them for taxidermy- a well done set of acrylics wouldn’t just pop off doing craft work. Her nails are going to be fucked if she keeps gluing new ones on and then ripping them off- we know she’s got the dexterity of a hippo
No. 986440
>>986278charging 20-30$ for people she KNOWS? first of all this bitch doesn't have a single friend, whose nails is she gonna do? doormatt's?
and like everyone else already said, that price tag is delusional for press on nails that don't even fit the nail bed and are ugly af
it's extra obnoxious to state that 20-30$ is what she would charge for people she KNOWS, insinuating she'd charge even more from strangers
No. 986537
>>986489All you need to know about Ariana McMillan is in the sentence. She literally procrastinates and gets nothing done yet acts like she has already accomplished everything without even starting. 6 years? Really? Todays the day,!I guess! she is so bizarre to me. How can you say something is your
passion if you’ve let it sit in your freezer for 6 fucking years. “Taxidermy” is just a buzz word to make her seem more alt and interesting.
No. 986544
File: 1591992106672.jpeg (219.48 KB, 828x1225, FEEF3B37-17CE-4F6C-A9B1-06E0E7…)

No, you need therapy. Ariana will never be happy until she treats the root of the issue.
No. 986603
File: 1592002734712.jpeg (365.04 KB, 750x762, ACE6D817-4D6F-4A75-B6F8-BBEAA0…)

How many times and how many people is she gonna cry about making fake accounts to harass her before everyone realizes she’s full of shit and that a lot of people just don’t like her
No. 986606
>>986602You must be pretty big if you think she is 110 lol. I am about her height and I am 115, and I'm borderline skeletal. Not bragging, I have a health issue. She is at least 135.
(Inb4 we see her post that she weighs like 105 on Twitter lol)
(no one cares) No. 986626
File: 1592008255414.png (2.61 MB, 1440x2446, 1533524711449 (1).png)

>>986610I…I literally said that I am sick. Thank you for your empathy anon. I was posting my weight because I can use it as a reference point, no one needs to "care how extra thin I am". Idk why you'd respond to me just to say that.
Anyway, I guess we can agree to disagree, but I think this is the last time she looked around 110.
No. 986644
>>986633Not that anon but consider that she has literally no impulse control. The tattoos, hair, surgeries, EFukt-level home porn and general life choices.
If she had 10k let alone 20k it would be injected in her face by now.
No. 986666
File: 1592015860693.jpeg (576.48 KB, 804x1162, 51E478D1-33C8-4D93-85AA-0B32F0…)

She’s not getting enough clout for her own stupidity so she’s retweeting and begging people to share.. sad
No. 986688
>>986633its ariana tho. you cant take her at her word or give her the benefit of the doubt on account of how much she exaggerates/twists the truth/straight up lies. shes just not an honest person, you pretty much have to assume that anything out of her mouth is false. for example, her saying she has 20k would more likely mean she has a credit card with a limit of 20k or perhaps that her grandfather announced hell gift her 20k when he passes.
and shes planning on him having an "accident" soon kek.
No. 986928
File: 1592074197995.jpeg (226.26 KB, 828x1267, 5E117ABF-1BD7-4137-A75E-CFA049…)

Old post but I dont remember anyone bringing up that Ari also skinwalks gothcharlotte. How could you even be her friend ? It’s so annoying when people blatantly copy your style, personality, interests, and overall identity!
No. 986964
File: 1592080873937.jpg (609.22 KB, 1079x1920, Screenshot_20200613-164047_Ins…)

She can barely breathe in this video I can hear her inhales kek
No. 987129
File: 1592110192606.gif (3.31 MB, 368x654, wimJJVET9EyWgtys_1.gif)

Should this be spoilered? its vomit inducing after all
No. 987131
>>987129I take back every comment I have ever said about Matt growing a brain and finding a normal girl.
They will be together forever. They are equally sad, gross, trashy, and brain dead. No self respecting girl would ever date him after seeing shit like this anyway.
No. 987161
File: 1592118839588.jpeg (Spoiler Image,279.04 KB, 750x682, 3F51532E-1E9B-4C07-86F5-6C5D48…)

CW her half grown in pubes and spread vagina.
Hilarious her pinned post to her SW profile advertising her OF has blurred crack pussy and soles of her feet but she posts stuff like this and one shortly after of her sucking dick. Lmao Ari, nobody needs to buy your OF when you’re constantly giving out free content like this. Also as another anon said, this three day old grown in pubes look is way nastier than full bush stuff for reasons stated. Like… you can smell this tweet.
No. 987176
File: 1592124276490.jpeg (Spoiler Image,661.9 KB, 1242x1912, 7DBB186D-6E84-4E3A-92E6-A0D7A9…)

Why won’t she shut the fuck up about her nails? She’s been filming them and talking about them in her stories, twitter for the last 48 hours and now she’s given them a mention in her porn…the level of narcissism I can’t…
No. 987291
File: 1592153764878.jpeg (402.31 KB, 1242x767, 9B5422A6-0314-4866-91BB-2E58D8…)

>>987290^ Sorry pressed send before I typed.
Says Ari who met up with Aaron several times during the peak of covid, full service sex worked during covid, and literally last night posted a photo of her getting ice cream with Doormatt, with his mask down and his nose exposed
No. 987409
File: 1592176350816.png (2.21 MB, 750x1334, 41E98EBE-EDFD-49B5-8E91-595F96…)

No. 987410
File: 1592176455279.jpeg (240.47 KB, 1125x1970, 2B8541BD-5B81-4AD6-BFC6-84EC5E…)

An absolute makeup queen. The dirty looking nose ”contour” ties everything together perfectly. 10/10 clown.
P.s. She put on all this makeup to go sit in the river all day…
No. 987441
Are you referring to
>>987409 ? It’s not the same screenshot…
No. 987473
File: 1592182637633.png (7.15 MB, 1125x2436, 8251E837-48FE-4F3F-86D6-61727F…)

nasty. she’s not even in the water. just peeing down her leg probably.
No. 987475
File: 1592182706059.png (7.52 MB, 1125x2436, 65D6C0AD-DE7E-4AAA-93ED-6441E2…)

sage because it’s not that crazy but can someone else laugh at this “blunt” with me?
No. 987671
File: 1592232066647.png (2.31 MB, 750x1334, 3ECC5A9E-EBCE-482B-B955-BB40D9…)

I’m not usually on board when a lot of anons say she looks like a MTF trans person but man… here she def looks like a MTF.
No. 987693
>>987307So lets see, Matt is = thinner/gaunt, unshaven, doesn’t care enough about his looks anymore that he let Ari give him a hackjob mullet and kept it, frequently looks out of it on drugs, has been taking pictures inside people’s homes as a USPS worker and posting it on his IG, sucking her frito feet…
His downward spiral is about to peak.
tinfoil - patches did get pregnant and abortt last month, but this time he wasnt sure if it was his, aaron’s or the sugardaddies.
No. 987718
File: 1592241530494.jpg (346.61 KB, 2048x2048, InFrame_1592241368796.jpg)

Her true identity. I bet she smells the same.
No. 987720
File: 1592241724115.jpeg (833.23 KB, 1242x1043, C7529993-E46A-4B1F-80DC-D655D7…)

Feeding American cheese slices to frogger…which would be fine if it was every now and then but you just know it’s every day lol. No wonder her pets have health problems
No. 987776
File: 1592247639091.jpg (546.89 KB, 1079x1317, Screenshot_20200615-145957_Twi…)

No. 987781
File: 1592248473762.jpeg (85.97 KB, 750x629, 65993467-C864-4832-9FF8-FC17B5…)

Imagine that
No. 987786
>>987781She acts like taxidermy school is some big thing. You can literally get a certificate in a couple weeks and “graduate” within a month. This isn’t some big accomplishment lol especially if all you do is complain and make excuses as to why you can’t go. Remember right before corona she constantly talked about how long and
annoying the drive/school hours would be? She was lucky the virus came around so she could officially drop out without looking dumb. If she cared AT ALL about actually going to school, she would’ve kept her deposit and just chose to continue after lol. The colleges in my town just announced that in person classes are a thing for the upcoming school year. She could STILL be on track to graduate if she really wanted to
No. 987799
File: 1592250619332.png (2.38 MB, 750x1334, 95E20AD1-EAFC-4ED7-875B-96CC1E…)

Just like how you only care about black lives matter when it’s trending. Ariana you literally went to one protest and basically snitched on black people attending by posting videos and pictures of their faces… while breaking into stores. Protests are still actively happening and the movement isn’t over. She’s the fakest “activist” fucking ever lol
No. 987819
>>987718My siiiiides
This has to be part of the next thread pic or I will riot
No. 987842
File: 1592257676586.jpg (177.17 KB, 1080x599, Screenshot_20200615-174744_Twi…)

No. 987887
File: 1592262426261.jpeg (173.01 KB, 828x1126, 7220C63A-EC97-4355-ADE7-C2A899…)

>>987842So basically she didn’t need high school bullies to make her hate her own appearance.. her family did the job first.
No. 987924
>>987901wouldn’t have thought so, as
>>987879pointed out it’s definitely a warbler of some kind. She shouldn’t be in possession of it. I’m all for her actually going to taxidermy school if she was actually taught useful things like the MBTA…
No. 988229
File: 1592338880333.jpg (282.46 KB, 1080x916, Screenshot_20200616-161956_Twi…)

She really is just like her mother. This is disgusting. She loves to say she's sober but is obviously very emotionally addicted to weed. She should never have children and this is just another reason why.
No. 988245
File: 1592340616463.png (328.32 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2020-06-16-16-43-20…)

im not surprised she would have this take. remember when she said she would give her "psoriasis" to a baby if she could?
weed during pregnancy may make one more comfortable, but its not healthy for the fetus. ariana only cares about herself though, if she wants to smoke during pregnancy, she will. i sincerely hope she never, ever reproduces. the world already has enough fucked up people with no empathy and you just know she would abuse and neglect the fuck out of any kid she was responsible for… turning it into a carbon copy of her and her mother.
No. 988311
File: 1592394536161.jpeg (Spoiler Image,296.83 KB, 1538x2048, 0DDCC1B8-4D71-46D9-B61E-17F865…)

This actually made me feel sick. I’m so glad it’s censored. Look how crusty and minging her knickers are as well
No. 988320
File: 1592395829812.jpeg (220.13 KB, 1125x419, DB4AE02D-6D3F-4495-9024-067D8F…)

Repeating the same exact shit over and over as usual
No. 988322
File: 1592396389517.jpeg (Spoiler Image,318.47 KB, 1125x1786, 834EBD2A-B377-41F6-B023-52FB34…)

She’s really posting videos of herself skinning animals and flopping them around on her sw twitter next to closeups of her crusty pussy.
And she wonders why her engagement is so low on her porn…
No. 988384
File: 1592409688742.jpeg (580.56 KB, 828x1496, 3E8E40F4-E49C-43B9-B773-3EF138…)

Private IG update
No. 988389
File: 1592410777836.jpeg (621.02 KB, 828x1354, 973C7D2A-5E48-4C9A-B3EA-B06FE1…)

>>988320Right on schedule with the Doll’s Kill modeling throwbacks. Ariana is painfully predictable.
No. 988398
>>988384so she admits to being miserable and wanting to die as recently as last year? wasnt she still on her "im soo happy" bullshit then too? I cant really remember.
unpopular opinion but i feel for matt. he must be so broken down from being mentally abused by her. you just know she does it on purpose so he wont ever leave. wouldnt surprise me if she was physically
abusive to him as well.
ugh, it amazes me that people can be so awful. her insides are truly disgusting. i wonder what her inner life is like, being so evil. probably an endless stream of negative thoughts.
No. 988405
>>988229Even if this were someone's belief.. she doesn't have the decency to at least say "i'd use marijuana if i were pregnant"? Why does she have to be so selfish to smoke weed, when there are topical creams, edibles, etc.
She's disgusting.
No. 988472
File: 1592422932249.jpeg (67.35 KB, 750x739, 9E81495E-ABE3-471D-93DA-FB8705…)

How.. does she think this is the birds natural posture?? She's a fool if she thinks this is gonna make her money
No. 988506
File: 1592426124172.jpg (772.94 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200617-163453_Ins…)

Is she seriously ebegging for dead animals ..
No. 988521
File: 1592427167809.jpg (146.25 KB, 1075x612, Screenshot_20200617-165235_One…)

No. 988527
File: 1592427554526.jpeg (127.5 KB, 700x394, F78A9585-3542-4211-9011-4BFB67…)

>>988472That poor animal now looks like mimicking spongebob
No. 988592
>>988384Anyone else catch that her client is still making her starve herself? She clearly doesn’t get enough money from this guy to justify being anorexic to fulfill this dude’s fetish. I would feel bad for her, but she has every opportunity in the world to meet new clients who aren’t fucking
abusive freaks. And Matt encourages this shit and “love him too”? She thinks she has come so far from her
abusive childhood living in vans and hotels, but her life situation is so dire and gross.
No. 988596
File: 1592432817205.png (7 MB, 1125x2436, A80D5FB1-F425-42C2-873D-67A966…)

She’s trying to recreate the one piece of art that got her attention kek
No. 988601
>>988596guess someone's manic and will do an all nighter botching this thing like the last piece she did and then abandon her "art" for weeks again
she can't draw for shit the fuck is that thing in the middle, no wonder she put the emoji over it
No. 988672
File: 1592440064026.png (2.3 MB, 750x1334, 2ACAB164-0363-456D-B930-72E2E9…)

The incest is strong in this one
No. 988799
File: 1592460401731.jpeg (Spoiler Image,364.64 KB, 1125x1873, CE8997D9-ADCF-4123-A225-A9BDB6…)

No. 989084
File: 1592511098898.jpeg (635.13 KB, 1125x1883, 96AE240B-BC88-43E2-9529-3D7B96…)

No. 989147
"galaxy fox" bitch where's the galaxy all i see is dead eyes and some sprinkles of cheap red glitter
she didn't even bother to draw some EYES
No. 989183
File: 1592518429334.jpg (931 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20200618-181319_Twi…)

No. 989187
File: 1592518489556.jpg (825.23 KB, 1080x1891, Screenshot_20200618-181336_Twi…)

>>989183sage for repost but look at this up close. So many ugly freckles. How does she think this looks good kek
No. 989194
>>989183I've criticized her for her makeup a lot in the past, but this is honestly one of her nicer looks this year, sans the freckles.
Also, idk if she facetuned her lips bigger in this one but damn she shouldn't get any more fillers. They did not look as terrible as this in the past few weeks, at least imo
No. 989232
File: 1592521945057.jpeg (49.43 KB, 340x456, 16C7DC27-58FA-480F-B957-84E25C…)

>>989187Can’t stop laughing at her nose contour she looks exactly like a drag queen
No. 989286
File: 1592528510645.jpg (448.15 KB, 1080x1314, 20200618195943.jpg)

>>989183Her face in photos vs. videos…
No. 989365
File: 1592545654504.jpeg (78.95 KB, 819x476, 801A718E-50C2-4522-9C15-E4E368…)

She’ll never gain back her following. She’ll never be relevant again. Implants, asshole, piss, prostitution… just to end up irrelevant.
No. 989366
File: 1592545861148.jpeg (300.5 KB, 828x842, 2621680F-C747-49C9-AA4F-17CEF3…)

No. 989367
>>989366This sounds like a funny way of saying “I’ve publicly talked shit about Dollskill but I’m so desperate for cash/attention that I’ll co-sign their racism and support their brand which steals from other creatives all the time!”
She’s the same though so her + Dollskill are a trash match made in heaven.
No. 989475
File: 1592577267020.jpeg (147.9 KB, 750x566, DC6CBEB9-B243-4FDD-B9B4-4FFEAF…)

I thought she was totally straight and not attracted to women in the slightest and now she’s asking for a “Twitter gf”? Fucking insufferable cow
No. 989493
File: 1592580168033.jpeg (88.13 KB, 750x260, 788AB9C2-0995-47E8-B0FA-7F4E99…)

She literally has no friends lmao
No. 989537
File: 1592584932129.jpeg (253.47 KB, 750x1074, 1573577882383.jpeg)

>>989523she's probably worried the pics are gonna come out like this and expose her real face again kek
No. 989559
>>988506this bitch is going to end up getting her, matt, and their ugly apartment infested with fleas bringing these dead rodents in off the streets. also, is she aware of prion disease? this creepy bitch is going to end up accidentally hurting herself one day. she's sloppy af
i feel so sorry for matt, even though he's a full pilled-out tard
No. 989560
>>988592i really doubt this story, anon. no dude is relying on someone else's will power and ED to get his kicks. he'll just go find another mtf-looking loser junky with the body of a 12 year-old boy to dump loads in
she's LYING
No. 989632
File: 1592597720052.jpg (846.95 KB, 1079x1920, Screenshot_20200619-161421_Ins…)

She leaves her rat on the tv stand in the living room and eventually will be mad at tarte when tarte plays with it. She'll definitely blame tarte when it's her own fault.
No. 989645
File: 1592598786528.jpeg (463.41 KB, 1920x1256, 980B17F5-FEDB-4E64-97A6-738189…)

All from the same day
No. 989718
>>989696Half-right, there was a case in New Guinea where a community had a high rate of prion disease bc of a tradition of eating the brains of the dead. But obviously that’s not the only way to contract it.
Sorry for cannibalism sperg of all things
No. 989719
>>989701This entire conversation just made my stomach churn.
Looking back at the pictures
>>988322of her skinning the animals without GLOVES. lord knows she’s not wearing a facemask either. and since she clearly has a knack for proper hygiene I’m certain her hands and arms, as well as the animal skins/feathers, are thoroughly cleaned as well, right?
Does she not even realize what she’s doing? Especially if she’s going after roadkill and ESPECIALLY rats and birds. There’s no way she doesn’t have cuts all over her hands and fingers too from doing her nails.
This bitch is going to get bird flu or the bubonic plague or become patient 0 for COVID-20. I just sincerely cannot believe she did that without gloves. Does she just go out and scoop up roadkill with her bare hands too?
No. 989720
File: 1592606421230.jpg (1.17 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200619_183924901.jpg)

>>989716Not the same anon but here it is
No. 989723
File: 1592606544256.jpg (653.84 KB, 809x2545, Screenshot_20200619-184153_Twi…)

>>989720Replies to pnps tweet on the right
No. 989725
File: 1592606626769.jpg (323.78 KB, 809x1188, Screenshot_20200619-184328_Twi…)

She'll sperg about anything for attention.
No. 989727
File: 1592606784142.jpg (766.06 KB, 1847x2289, PicsArt_06-19-11.45.19__01.jpg)

No. 989728
File: 1592606855604.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200619_184651282.jpg)

No. 989732
>>989731I'm always amazed she doesn't get more of her bullshit thrown back in her face, but then I remember how boring and repetitive her socials always are.
The only people paying attention are Doormatt, Aaron and people who love a trainwreck.
No. 989740
File: 1592607713082.jpeg (13.73 KB, 220x140, D56A2C58-B61D-49C5-943C-C1B9D9…)

>>989728Oh it’s so delicious
No. 989747
File: 1592608388367.jpeg (656.26 KB, 1452x1936, AF3E39BA-1A26-432E-AA71-D29BB4…)

tried my best to collage this, sorry if there are any reposts. it’s so amazing seeing Aris racist narcissistic BS getting called out
No. 989755
File: 1592609186787.jpg (339.1 KB, 1080x2079, Screenshot_20200620-002551.jpg)

No. 989761
File: 1592609383133.jpg (137.08 KB, 1080x1046, Screenshot_20200620-002858.jpg)

When cows collide
No. 989780
>>989727She honestly thinks everyone is as stupid and lacking of critical thinking thinking skills as her. She calls everyone “weird” , that’s like her best diss. It’s funny, must be something the
bullies used to call her back in grade school. She’s so bored, it’s obvious by her even posting this to begin with. Whats weird is her constantly posting pointless private things about her life to literal strangers online for ass pats. Ya can’t put the cat back in the bag whenever convenient for you Ari. Anyone whose followed her for any length of time remembers her ripping on DK. She spergs about them at least once a week. Also……. as if she has a long modeling portfolio. We all know she ain’t talking about Spencer’s lmfao.
No. 989797
File: 1592613131841.jpeg (207.99 KB, 828x1199, 113FCB22-C70C-4088-849B-E03259…)

The caption and she turned off the comments lmao girl loves drama
No. 989801
File: 1592613633883.jpeg (182.24 KB, 814x1086, 3CF5E987-1F4E-4619-84B8-F22269…)

So fucking good, Ari already deleted her tweets.
No. 989812
File: 1592615271222.png (1.45 MB, 828x1792, 48F2ED61-872E-4A68-97A1-459601…)

That girl that was dragging her on Twitter posted this message
No. 989815
File: 1592615455280.jpeg (284.92 KB, 750x778, 7D428A71-FF40-4629-BF10-5BD90F…)

>>983802>>989812I don’t think we covered the backlash to her shitty taxidermy?
No. 989817
File: 1592615533964.jpg (195.72 KB, 1080x1441, 20200619_201106.jpg)

Sounds like privilege to me
No. 989819
File: 1592615639783.jpeg (256.49 KB, 750x1087, FE6F7F5E-2CDB-419F-9FF8-5AD836…)

>>989815Taxidermy cont.
No. 989830
File: 1592617048852.jpeg (330.13 KB, 1125x1408, B45AF1D7-85AE-4C3C-9E3E-543C45…)

>>989797lmao she turned on comments once you pointed it out, she’s watching this thread like a hawk. she can’t even accept what she did wrong what a stupid performative bitch
No. 989841
File: 1592618825983.png (1.8 MB, 2048x1740, AB910295-B7B9-43F1-8AD4-37889F…)

>>989761>>989797They even share the same stupid top/jacket that they wear wrong.
No. 989844
File: 1592619400538.png (155.89 KB, 360x360, 62973E41-238B-4560-99DF-CF7DC1…)

Sage for no contribution but I’m convinced Ariana is actually Cletus’ daughter
No. 989861
>>989825She must be all out of excised if she’s already playing the
victim card. Slavery is thousands of years old, how you gohn tell me that’s okay? lol cUz iTs oLd. Make is make sense, is that really a thoughtful point she’s trying to make? I love watching her backed in a corner, she seems panicked. It’s funny bc she’s so weak too, someone pushes back and she can’t handle it. Like her trying to act tough makes her seem so fragile. Time to grow some hair on your sack and admit your wrong bitch
No. 989876
File: 1592622547056.jpeg (303.27 KB, 828x1361, 06BEF9A8-1F38-4AA6-9EB9-359823…)

Does she think we’re 5? Or as fucking retarded as her? As if not stating the brand has ANYTHING to do with it? A. We all know what brand the is and B. As if the brand matters? She admitted it was problematic!
No. 989881
File: 1592622697803.jpeg (74.69 KB, 828x415, 5C14309B-5866-4DFA-B8BE-BBB60B…)

>>989812She’s finally getting called out for her fake solidarity and racist ass. Kinda weird how she knew she was gonna get cancelled? Hope she ok.
No. 989884
File: 1592623089161.jpg (156.5 KB, 1125x2000, 104157914_171353867687331_3690…)

>>989817….does she think eating tuna tartare makes her seem classy or…? I don't get why she repeats herself constantly about mundane things. Honestly it makes her seem trashier. She reminds me of this kid I knew growing up who was super poor that constantly talked about how he was getting a memory foam mattress like it was the height of luxury. Im still friends with him on fb and he still posts weird brags like that….like he can't go eat sushi without posting it, he can't go to sporting events without talking about it for days, etc. Its just sad honestly because you can tell that these kind of people think everyone else is jealous of them, when in reality, normal people just do these things without announcing it constantly.
No. 989888
>>989887How are still stressed? It happened like hours ago. How is her life so, easy and simple? How is a grown ass human being still
stressed! over something so trivial? Gives an insight to what she actually cares about. Internet clout. Poor thing, her life revolves around a hand full of apps.
No. 989935
File: 1592635001808.jpeg (526.64 KB, 1125x1901, DB372A1A-1E79-44D8-8997-E2AC12…)

She’s so weird looking it’s uncomfortable
No. 989972
File: 1592650302364.jpg (78.34 KB, 768x1024, x7oj8YU.jpg)

>>989935The only explanation for the terrible hair is that she’s been watching Beetlejuice lately
No. 990057
File: 1592667941544.jpg (121.48 KB, 1080x607, 20200620_104332.jpg)

She's still whining about getting called out. Doesn't she realize how sad it makes her look??? Why would you give people this kind if satisfaction? God shes like a child
No. 990059
File: 1592667988980.jpg (368.82 KB, 1080x1733, 20200620_104135.jpg)

She's so obsessed with herself I'm gagging
No. 990100
File: 1592671950962.jpeg (175.23 KB, 828x730, 10EC698B-226A-4813-8BA6-9732FD…)

>>990057Wasn’t she just calling out some guy that “tricked her” and Dollskill? Is she literally mentally fucking disabled?
Pic related of the guy I’m talking about
No. 990102
>>990100Thank you anon, I was about to post about all the times she has called people out. She literally has posted about getting police officers fired recently (yes I am aware that they
should be fired, but that's not the point)…so how can she say that she doesn't want to strip anyone of their income??? She has no self awareness whatsoever
No. 990132
File: 1592678216907.jpg (179.59 KB, 1080x1177, 20200620_133516.jpg)

Omg Ariana first tuna tartare now this! You are so quirky!! Tell us more about the unique idiosyncrasies of your personality!!!
No. 990149
File: 1592680814982.gif (3.86 MB, 368x654, 77209352_700596667394527_82819…)

>>990132Aaaannnd she had to prove that she listens to edm (because she's just so goddamn quirky) by posting herself alone, music playing, proudly smiling at herself, with grease dripping from her hair and shit stains above her head.
How can someone be so into themselves, I can't
No. 990163
File: 1592681855615.jpg (1005.49 KB, 1078x1920, Screenshot_20200620-153720_Ins…)

She got a chemical peel
No. 990205
File: 1592687386304.jpg (274.27 KB, 1080x1691, 20200620_160829.jpg)

Okay question is English her first language? Genuinely confused lol idk
No. 990206
File: 1592687552432.gif (1.94 MB, 640x360, tenor.gif)

>>990205Ariana and this meme kid went to the same school
No. 990238
>>990205Yes, this is just how speech-to-text transcribes stoned people’s rambling.
Also, going to get a chemical peel in a fucking pandemic is crazy.
No. 990257
File: 1592693858095.jpg (289.02 KB, 1080x1490, 20200620_175424.jpg)

>>990205Idk I kinda feel like you shouldn't be bashing peoples fetishes on your sexwork twitter Ms. Ariana piss-fetish daddy daughter fetish Mcmillan. What was the purpose of this tweet to begin with
No. 990262
File: 1592695337856.png (3.28 MB, 1334x750, 1586526827835.png)

>>990258Anon, its okay to act like a child fucking her father, not a baby…duh. Ariana has boundaries!
No. 990364
File: 1592707311077.jpeg (237.58 KB, 750x549, 7E60C734-070D-4277-AEA1-F9AB07…)

Sage cos not really that milky, but once again she’s posting shit that would be so unappealing to potential clients.
> I relate to sex and sexuality being a hard thing…… buy my OF and hire me to blow you
No. 990377
>>989801look at this embarrassing bitch on her high horse. you sell your body for money. you gas up male (predators). your audience are gross coomers. FUCK you whore. you are no better. why don't you cancel yourself for fueling human trafficking and sex abuse
victims (porn was built on the rape and molestation of women). Your name is posted a hundred times here in the last day so I'm guessing you're reading this, whore.
you're just as trash as ari. just because you have more melanin doesn't give you a pass. go do something productive with your life and stop encouraging disgusting males to be creeps.
(autism) No. 990384
>>990383Are you the whore in question, or another whore? You're right, the thread is about the embarrassing antics of Ari. So why is this nasty whore's name plastered all over this tread? Why not cross out her name?
You and any other woman who sells her pussy online for burger money are the embarrassing ones. LOL at your lives.
No. 990394
File: 1592711137932.png (3.91 MB, 828x1792, 5C0E1D5A-CDAD-4F6E-805E-FB0031…)

Even her snake is obese…
No. 990412
>>990377>anon: "look at this embarrassing bitch on her high horse">also anon: proceeds to write an embarrassing diary entry from atop her high horseStop derailing, nobody knows nor cares about this random girl on Twitter, aside from her comments about Ariana. Also you're like a day late on this and your anonymous opinion of this person is valueless to the thread.
>>990364Good catch anon. At this point I think it's clear that she either doesn't know what will attract clients, or she just really doesn't care.
No. 990421
>>990412You're clearly the same whore above, and obviously
triggered to be still talking about diaries. This is an Ari thread yet that bitch had her name plastered all over this thread over and over and over and over. It's like when the other whores brigade in the shayna thread and advertise themselves this way, by posting ~~~sick burrnzzz~~~. These spergs are forced milk and the shit is stank. Like your chosen profession. Good job contributing literally nothing here beyond in-fighting. If I get a ban, your ass better get one too.
File: 1592719914585.jpg (697.89 KB, 1463x811, queen-ath-symmethry.jpg)

>>990059Nobody ever wants their fucking face symmetrical… But Ari is just that stupid.
No. 990573
>>990262sage for nitpick but her botched tits look so bad. the shape of her chest looks like she's wearing a padded bra, but she's clearly braless in this shot. they just look so unnatural.
i think thats why she's always grabbing and slapping her botched chest so much in her clips - shes's trying to distract you from how unnatural they look.
No. 990606
File: 1592749427451.jpeg (275.5 KB, 828x1234, 06CBB326-AAB5-4F53-B18D-9626A4…)

Deleted content from last night. I had a feeling she’d trash this one in the morning.
No. 990634
File: 1592754675650.jpeg (250.11 KB, 828x1266, D52C77BB-576D-4AD1-892C-1637D7…)

Deleted content. Dummy posting her whole ass dad alongside her thirst traps.
No. 990639
>>990634This picture made me realize again what a solitary life she leads. She has no contact to her family, I was even shocked for a second to see her with a sibling before I remembered him from her weird boob tattoo. No friends either. Just a
toxic relationship with doormatt and one single friend she sees maybe every fortnight. Would be sad if it wasn't her.
No. 990664
File: 1592759375672.jpg (119.72 KB, 500x636, 1500937204374.jpg)

>>990606Off topic but I cannot see Arianas makeup anymore without seeing the cast of Cats the musical. Maybe she she should look into a career in stage makeup.
No. 990706
File: 1592763580536.jpeg (96.6 KB, 750x417, 8E0B1321-CBD5-4D90-9430-EBB18D…)

I don’t even know where to start here. Beginning somewhere with her still harping on high school and ending with selling her pussy for $3 on the internet.
No. 990717
File: 1592764803878.jpg (143.27 KB, 1080x819, 20200621_133935.jpg)

>>990706She already responded to you
No. 990721
File: 1592765254377.jpg (126.01 KB, 1080x731, 20200621_134639.jpg)

Hahahhahahahhahahah oh lord I can't breathe
She did some bullshit online certification thing instead of school and wants asspats omg help
No. 990722
>>990721She went from talking about waking up at the crack of dawn to drive to and from school several days a week and spending thousands on her taxidermy education….to this.
Girl, you are "queen at" convincing yourself of delusions.
No. 990724
File: 1592765526127.jpg (374.68 KB, 1079x1645, Screenshot_20200621-135141_Chr…)

>>990721Queen at bare minimum
No. 990734
This is the dumbest brag she's ever done, I can't fathom how she can live her life like this going from one charade to the next. She has no clue what it feels like to actually work hard and accomplish something.
No. 990738
File: 1592766762097.jpg (336.12 KB, 1080x2050, 20200621_140941.jpg)

No. 990768
File: 1592768990323.jpg (526.82 KB, 1079x2052, Screenshot_20200621-154911_Red…)

Right before she did the rat she said she was going to tackle the iguana in her freezer. I bet she fucked it up and that's why she did the tube rat
No. 990773
File: 1592769161979.jpeg (1.54 MB, 4096x2730, 18DCA055-735C-4E73-B08D-6E79B1…)

>>990059i ran her face through a facial feminizer just for fun and the results are… exactly what you would expect lol. i know saying she looks like a mtf tranny is beating a dead horse at this point but it's more and more each day. this AI is very powerful and it still can't fix her bone structure completely.
No. 990774
File: 1592769168411.jpg (1.56 MB, 810x4530, Screenshot_20200621-155224_Red…)

She seriously has no idea how to do taxidermy(old milk)
No. 990807
File: 1592771029965.jpg (231.28 KB, 1080x1006, Screenshot_20200621-162331_Twi…)

Yet she shits herself all the time.kek
No. 990905
File: 1592776100852.jpg (462.52 KB, 1079x1713, Screenshot_20200621-164717_Chr…)

yes bc this is totally still ur body type goddamn delusion queen
No. 990913
File: 1592776496648.jpg (277.38 KB, 1080x1715, 20200621_165409.jpg)

She is really on one today
No. 990922
File: 1592777674760.jpg (425.09 KB, 1536x2048, 20200622_001151.jpg)

wtf she can't be real thinking that this is a good looking piece. bald patches, the skin of the tail is litterly twisted since it isn't correctly stuffed, the feet are in a horrible shape and the rat overall looks like she just stuffed a pair of socks in them, it has no form or movement
No. 990948
File: 1592779777180.jpg (250.9 KB, 1080x1750, 20200621_174634.jpg)

Meanwhile, successful sexworkers are getting gifted designer items worth thousands, vacations, lingerie, etc.
$80 used shoes, thats her worth.
No. 990971
File: 1592781137924.jpg (71.88 KB, 1125x2000, 104446531_299443087764780_2737…)

More psychotic shoe sperg. She's unstable.
No. 991055
>>990951Ew these look filthy as fuck, so over priced for some ratty second hand shoes.
>>990954Oh my god anon my sides, I will split it with you.
No. 991097
File: 1592787654264.jpeg (332.11 KB, 1125x2001, 23712E20-6129-49C4-9DB0-77CBA5…)

On this chapter of Arianas fanfic of her life ….
Absolutely delirious. White rat at the bottom is what a rat should look like. Can’t get over how twisted the tail is on hers. How did that even happen.
No. 991113
>>991097Why would she try to sell this if
A. It has such awful imperfections
B. It is her "pride and joy"
She's definitely manic today. Like, she's totally out of touch with reality to the point where she's just embarrassing herself.
No. 991131
>>991097“Besides the giant bald patch on the major part of its head and neck, it’s perfect!”
Kek at the obese, hot dog body shape.
No. 991135
File: 1592790527849.jpeg (346.61 KB, 828x1510, 67FC4159-5A79-4A29-A6E3-50AAF3…)

Dying bc if you search her @ on Twitter, the dozens of tweets of her getting dragged come up for pages still. Wondering when she will ever change that handle? Oh, but that would mean she would look like she listened to that chick that told her to stop using “heaux”.
No. 991156
File: 1592793439892.jpg (495.21 KB, 2896x2896, 20200621_213517.jpg)

Found the lack of self awareness in this tweet really funny because you can apply it to literally anything she does/says. I made a template so you can make your own Ariana tweet!
No. 991669
File: 1592847490037.jpeg (888.83 KB, 828x1632, 87A837D9-A66E-48A0-9250-B8B1BE…)

>>991646Good news anon. I’m pretty positive it wasn’t her because she would be bragging about it by now.
No. 991721
File: 1592851547881.jpeg (173.7 KB, 750x585, 2DE14E09-A9E1-43A2-900E-49B19C…)

More unnecessary humiliating of Matt. Pretty sure this was to respond to us here breaking down how broke she is.
No. 991739
File: 1592853222578.jpeg (126.11 KB, 828x689, 309F015F-1965-435D-B8BC-8E7085…)

>>991721I fucking KNEW she would delete this one after making her breadwinner poll.
No. 991780
>>991721She isn’t comparing apples to apples here. As anon above said, Matt has great benefits. Do you know what having benefits and a steady job means Ari? It means Matt can visit a doctor and get medication without having to gape his asshole to older men. It means if something covid happens again, he can apply for even more benefits because he actually contributes to society. But no, go off about how much bread you make.
>>991774Its been pretty clear for awhile now that Matt doesn’t pay attention to her socials at all. I doubt Aaron does either.
No. 991834
>>991753what about same sex couples or nb couples?
she literally only posed this question so she could brag about how much money she supposedly makes, she doesn't care what the answer to the poll is
No. 991842
>>991834I've thought about this when she posts ads for her porn. Its always directed at men, 100% of the time. She can pretend to be woke all she wants, but she's obviously closed minded, and pretty stupid for not trying to appeal to more people.
>>991837She wanted people to tell her "noooo you look so good and not like a refrigerator!!!"
No. 991845
File: 1592864527026.jpeg (299.68 KB, 828x972, B9FCB2A8-C74B-453F-96B4-BBFF24…)

this is so… nasty?
No. 991851
File: 1592864609035.jpg (158.9 KB, 1080x945, 20200622_172117.jpg)

Shoe sperg!! Literally no one likes or cares about you Ariana. You're right, it is good that you're your own sugar daddy….you're a goddamn adult woman. Buy your own shoes.
No. 991854
File: 1592864684438.jpg (299.97 KB, 1080x1381, 20200622_172054.jpg)

How often does she post this same tweet and delete it wtf
No. 991856
File: 1592864815511.jpg (182.5 KB, 1080x1129, 20200622_172129.jpg)

She's the most pathetic human on earth. Good job sucking old man dicks and barely being able to afford to live. Thriving!!
No. 991872
File: 1592866435962.jpg (780.48 KB, 1077x1918, Screenshot_20200622-185203_Ins…)

She told everyone on this live just now that she buys frozen rats to feed to her snake and ended up using this one for taxidermy when we all know full well she buys live rats and asks for the white ones because she feels less bad when she feeds them to her snake. She's such a disgusting liar. She better not have taken a live rat and put it in the freezer to die for her nasty projects.
No. 991878
File: 1592867039736.jpeg (698.37 KB, 1936x1936, 9E6F0FDF-9221-43C3-8AF5-8169BB…)

>>991854All I could see when I saw this photo of her was Steve Buscemi so I tried a thing… turns out Steve makes a better woman than her
No. 991902
>>991851why does she think customers are looking at her twitter when 90% of her tweets are "muh
abusive childhood!! my mom is a narcissist and i definitely am not! i'm gonna get even more surgery but i'm totally not ugly! i'm a slave to money!"
and even then, why would they pay for her onlyfans when there are far better looking and sexier girls with onlyfans?
No. 991947
File: 1592872061343.png (Spoiler Image,3.22 MB, 750x1334, 56817AC5-0E48-4275-A7A3-FA86A7…)

Random screen grab but she’s complaining that her blade is getting dull and doesn’t want to “waste” a new one … when a new blade is all of what, 25 cents? Can’t even invest the cost of a fresh blade on her project when she’s trying to sell these things for $80+
No. 992042
>>991878Omfg bro that is Smeagol.
>>991842Totally it’s be way of trying to seem humble.
No. 992088
File: 1592880556760.jpg (151.06 KB, 1079x612, Screenshot_20200622-214536_Chr…)

I…don't understand. I truly do not, I am at a loss. I dont encourage cowtipping but I just WISH someone (not from here, just one of her followers or something) would call her out on this bullshit. How can she be proud of becoming "licensed" if all it takes is paying the department of agriculture $100? She put no effort into learning this craft in a professional setting. God i hate this bitch and her delusions.
No. 992103
File: 1592881361513.png (2.33 MB, 2873x1913, jfc.png)

>>992088shes been going on about this forever and has literally never worked on anything worthwhile. all of her taxidermies look like overstuffed twinkies covered in roadkill hair. drop it or talk about it when you have something to show off.
No. 992119
>>992002“I hate this shit. “This shit pisses me off.” “This happened last time and made me want to fucking kill myself.”
Wow, she’s truly so passionate about taxidermy. Can’t wait to watch her new profession blossom
No. 992142
File: 1592884042603.jpeg (354.05 KB, 750x1009, 2C1E17F0-77F4-4A29-ACC9-DAF801…)

Gonna puke
No. 992172
File: 1592889251567.jpg (103.14 KB, 1080x640, 20200623_001206.jpg)

This is exactly like the wood plaques, which she gave up making regularly after the mishap with the wood changing color. Any bets on how many more rats she'll make? I'm thinking 2 more.
No. 992178
File: 1592889644225.jpg (1.51 MB, 1152x2048, 20200623001720.jpg)

I can't tell if she is taking too many drugs or not enough. Her judgment lately is that of a crackhead. How can she think this picture makes her look good/attractive/sane
No. 992195
File: 1592892465872.jpg (60.15 KB, 1000x1000, Water Wigglers_XL.jpg)

>>992172…who does she think is going to buy all of these mediocre water wiggler rats? at least make them interesting enough to buy. they're just…there. all long n' sausage-equse.
There are taxidermy rats on fuckin' Etsy with entire glass displays, fully posed, holding props, or wearing handmade outfits for like 80 bucks. nobody wants your mangled mockery of an animal.
No. 992669
File: 1592934481839.png (294.61 KB, 750x1334, 12A6D058-C823-44B6-AE52-94FE39…)

>>992496Sage for shitpost but it also disgusts me that she doesn’t wear gloves (and fake nails!) while “learning the ropes” with taxidemy. Maybe, just MAYBE an experienced taxidermist could take that risk because they know what they’re doing, but as that reddit post showed, she’s not even mixing the correct compounds and basically everything she did was wrong.
I googled “wearing no gloves during taxidermy” and the first result was another experienced taxidermists who was begging people to wear gloves.
She has a damn skin condition that can flare up any moment and she insists on learning taxidermy with no formal training and clearly not even google.
No. 992791
File: 1592943036930.jpeg (516.3 KB, 750x1076, 94C06FCE-C864-4654-8F95-33A2B3…)

Her halfway armpit hair is so nasty. Just grow it out or commit to having is clean shaven. It just makes you look musty when it’s like this.
No. 992850
>>992811looks like the only skin left to peel is on her temples, definitely shouldnt have been that quick to cycle through the peel
We do know she has a weird skewed sense of time due to either being retarded or the fact she does sweet FA every day e.g “I haven’t eaten cheese/smoked/ in 6 months / I’ve been sober for months / I haven’t been manic and angry in years” when the receipts proving her wrong are literally all over her social media. She probably felt she had the chemical peel ages ago and was fed up with waiting for results- it’s her typical “I know best” attitude
No. 992853
File: 1592948333036.jpeg (547.8 KB, 1242x1040, 874E1DB8-1098-4A74-A18A-AD1441…)

>>992795How romantic. It’s sad to think they only have intimacy when she needs to film some content
No. 992856
>>992002“He’s talking to some girl” bet that’s why she was yelling all obnoxious
Lmao at her bragging about being a pro taxidermist soon but having to take suggestions from randos on her IG live. She has no idea what she’s doing. Also, the rat is halfway on her counter- GROSS.
No. 992863
File: 1592948721751.jpeg (150.86 KB, 828x1393, 98EF9045-B000-4207-AFA9-2C37FE…)

This must be on the next thread pic lmfao is she for real with this
No. 992865
>>992811when she got it done she tweeted she hoped it was done peeling by thursday. so i wouldnt doubt she picked off skin so she could either whore herself out or stalk her ex some more.
>>992856she wears it like a badge of honor that she's just figuring things out on her own. who does that? especially with taxidermy? if you aren't actually studying the art of taxidermy - you're just playing with dead rats on your kitchen table.
No. 992916
File: 1592952241034.jpeg (209.34 KB, 828x684, 7B78BFBC-110F-4718-A657-B3F87C…)

No. 992917
File: 1592952279772.jpeg (243.79 KB, 828x816, D6493CEC-BB46-4E1E-8036-47F6C0…)

No. 992918
File: 1592952399245.jpeg (212.94 KB, 828x646, 7B3CC9BD-4F84-4E7A-846A-62A499…)

No. 992927
>>992916>tryna see something “Trying to make myself feel superior for having a larger limit than the few twitter users who answer this”
God she has nothing going on in her life or no real achievements that she thinks a credit limit is important.
No. 993000
File: 1592959585838.jpeg (72.4 KB, 700x394, DC0D1ED5-8122-4FEC-8B98-76FFD0…)

>>992863Ariana looking like that one twitch emote lmfao.
No. 993072
File: 1592965328297.jpeg (108.73 KB, 750x1136, 777D039F-66FD-4ABA-B210-BCFB47…)

When you look in the mirror after putting yourself in 20k of debt just to end up botching your face beyond repair
No. 993081
File: 1592965687123.jpeg (761.12 KB, 1125x1620, 241A5DF2-E59A-424D-A6A8-571F74…)

private ig post.
No. 993748
File: 1593018899219.jpeg (305.83 KB, 1125x1715, AFA220D9-8119-470E-A2E9-75077F…)

”…I’m a whore but also a talented artist and taxidermist”
No. 993806
>>990606that "dead inside" look she's talking about is from the puffy, no-definition moonface thing that comes from having too much improperly injected filler
how can she not see that fat grafting is just going to make it wooooorse
No. 993893
>>993748The fact she thinks people who follow her for being a whore and giving free gape shots, are going to somehow transfer over to dead rats sales - this bitch is delusional.
I would suggest she just make a separate "personal" twitter for all her non-SW related sperging, like many other farmers have, but she knows no one would follow that shit unless she's posting pics of her pussy in her dusty apartment.
No. 993920
File: 1593029513820.jpeg (173.69 KB, 828x1082, B702E1B3-8323-4751-9A11-930D85…)

Deleted content I forgot to post.
No. 993974
>>993081"I've spent my whole life wanting to die!"
>makes fun of and exploits suicidal people fucking piece of shit
No. 994048
File: 1593038292106.jpg (399.88 KB, 1080x2016, Screenshot_20200624-233031__01…)

She totally looks like Angelina though guys..
No. 994142
File: 1593047047397.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, 1572721340405.png)

from an old thread but deserves to be reposted. 40 yr old homeless crackhead vibes
No. 994164
File: 1593049043474.jpeg (Spoiler Image,179.94 KB, 828x1341, BDBC0E0D-2B8F-477A-8C82-E502A0…)

Is holding a bunch of roast beef or
No. 994166
File: 1593049091529.jpeg (174.14 KB, 828x792, 8756219D-EA61-4817-A2AB-7AEF09…)

She always gotta let you know how thriving she is lmfao okay ari we all just jealous haterz I guess huh
No. 994247
File: 1593056387356.jpg (127.41 KB, 1062x516, Screenshot_20200624-223622_Chr…)

Love how half the time she is tweeting things to convince us of her successful life of luxury, and the other half of her tweets are reminiscent of a broke ass crackhead.
No. 994349
File: 1593060772549.jpg (321.55 KB, 765x805, 20200624235133.jpg)

Why is she always dripping in grease
No. 994889
>>994247drive to a dollar tree and buy a fucking aux cord? or is she saying her piss and dog puke covered car now no longer has a working aux port?
why does this bitch care about fat grafting and buying a house when her car is falling apart?
No. 995312
File: 1593120762984.jpeg (262.86 KB, 1125x1460, 077446C8-DB7B-4348-A6A7-081E6E…)

No. 995340
File: 1593122407421.jpg (432.57 KB, 1079x1519, Screenshot_20200625-165906_Chr…)

Pls no ban for repost, I just want to document how fucked up it is that these tweets are right on top of each other
No. 995428
File: 1593126366820.jpeg (303.32 KB, 750x798, 35E5F360-E315-4347-A890-E08BE1…)

Musty queen
No. 995454
>>995340ariana needs to make a separate work twitter and a personal twitter because odds are her brother wouldn't want to be spoken about right after she's talking about 'milking' matt.
then again this is the same bitch who flops around a rat carcass right above pictures of her pussy so…what are we to expect?
No. 995535
File: 1593131562730.jpeg (281.47 KB, 998x1811, A815E230-566A-4695-A6AB-4F6FCD…)

Kek her nose
No. 995727
File: 1593140184869.gif (2.46 MB, 368x654, 75235522_1140131353053358_3316…)

Imagine that your daughter/sister/granddaughter drove 7 hours to visit you and then just sat on the couch and just stared at herself in her phone and went in your bathroom to take pictures of her pussy for twitter
No. 995752
File: 1593140995687.jpg (674.98 KB, 1079x1628, Screenshot_20200625-220731_Chr…)

Who does she think she's fooling with this whole limited amount of spots charade?? You're pricing will go back to normal??? It's almost always $3! I'm sorry, actually right now its $3.60…she's moving up in the world
No. 995799
>>995761When she prostitutes, doesn’t she only have 1 client? And that 1 client forces her to be smol because he has a fetish for children bods?
And lost the other because of her HIV island scabies? In what planet is she even making a living. Who does she even think is jealous of her? I legitimately don’t understand how she even made it this far in life with her intelligence and poor, irrational decision making. Who is she vaguely tweeting at all day and night? This girl is disgusting and sad. I’d fucking off myself if I was her. Jfc what a pathetic life she has.
No. 996004
>>995799yes its pretty hard to be jealous when her income is so reliant on one person. she acts like she’s this bad bitch but her one client has total power of her. she uses it as an excuse to be anorexic (“if im not skinny i dont get paid!”) and she freaks out if he doesn’t agree to meet with her that month (see saga about her crying she wont make rent last month).
i wouldnt even consider her a sex worker/prostitute. she’s just a botched druggie who is dependent on two
toxic and
abusive relationships who occasionally posts nudes on the internet while no one watches except us.
No. 996266
File: 1593194012014.jpeg (677.63 KB, 1967x1718, 153DC19B-7652-44DF-B646-8C1DFA…)

At least she has pants on and clean hands this time.
No. 996397
File: 1593200690148.jpeg (21.86 KB, 306x282, 16C417A1-D26C-4C91-BB73-331B24…)

Tiny mouth making an appearance. It’s as if her actual face has a labia minora kek(nitpicking)
No. 996478
File: 1593207008684.jpg (1.63 MB, 1124x2000, 20200626160151.jpg)

Look at that baby skin girl! Your chemical peel paid off.
If my family saw me looking like this, they'd have an intervention. The filthy hair, the insane amount of freckles…she reminds me of the old lady in requiem for a dream.
Also, peep the weird pixels around her mouth. Photoshop fail? I saw this, lowered the brightness on the photo, and this is the result. I think she is editing her face then turning up the brightness so it blends in.
No. 996502
File: 1593209328187.jpg (115.43 KB, 1080x659, 20200626_170728.jpg)

Millionaire grandpa pimp lives in a trailer with no ac but also has a mansion in the Caribbean
No. 996504
File: 1593209466716.jpeg (1006.32 KB, 2048x2048, 79DBBF6C-40B2-4D8D-AE4C-9C7354…)

Um. Did she just put ice cream on that horses chin/neck and leave?
No. 996507
File: 1593209652537.gif (4.78 MB, 368x654, 74815706_1143011269405386_3754…)

>>996504Okay we need to document this face in motion, its like a horror film
No. 996622
File: 1593215337874.png (5.82 MB, 1125x2001, 5BD323FE-1B14-4C10-BADA-DDE76E…)

So she’s just left the dog, two cats and a snake in the apartment to fight it out to the death I guess. God their place must just stink of shit and piss. How much we betting her precious taxidermy gets chewed up and she spazzes out at Tarte for it
No. 996627
>>996622She has a friend watching them. She posted about it on Twitter.
Sage your posts if you're just speculating. This isn't milk.
No. 997025
File: 1593271785448.jpeg (740.26 KB, 2048x2048, 4758C857-EA6F-445B-89A5-2DF3A8…)

>>996928Ariana’s smile gives way to her natural physique.
No. 997088
>>997025b-b-but anon, all that credit she built! You’ll see anon when she goes to buy a house!
Oh wait, she tried and realized her credit is shit and she would need grandpa to co-sign still. The same as most people her who haven’t botched their face and gape for free on twitter.
Lol she’s such a joke
No. 997113
File: 1593279086019.jpeg (313.17 KB, 1206x1996, 0F34C531-2ADE-45F4-8490-F4B977…)

Uhm wow lmao the longer I stare at this the uglier it gets…(nitpicking)
No. 997149
File: 1593283172163.jpg (149.38 KB, 1125x2000, 106432807_969132060206483_5263…)

So can you guys stop??? What is the point of cowtipping like this? You really think her trashy friends are going to care? They've more than likely already seen these posts when she originally posted them, do what is the goal here? Yet again, it just makes Ariana seem like a victim to some relentless online bully
No. 997532
File: 1593315989254.gif (1.29 MB, 368x654, 76700029_298212174653799_49545…)

Some nightmare fuel part one: face shape-shifting caught on camera
No. 997533
File: 1593316103928.gif (6.48 MB, 368x654, 75804703_369781130676585_64341…)

Nightmare fuel part two: skincare queen and talented makeup artist extraordinaire
No. 998343
File: 1593408062167.jpeg (346.4 KB, 2048x2048, EBBA7F0E-2CDC-4C29-BE1C-6C5448…)

Not milk, but plenty ugly.
No. 998657
How the fuck has she been so quiet? Its pretty bizarre how she can go from announcing every move she makes, to posting almost nothing. Its almost as if she's taking our advice and using her social media more appropriately. Either that or something horrible happened that we will be hearing about in her diary…im sorry I mean her "private insta". The last time she was this quiet was when she found out she was pregnant and got the abortion.
>>998343Is this a filter or are her pupils just super dilated??
No. 998698
File: 1593458966856.jpg (258.66 KB, 810x1588, 20200629_142250.jpg)

Okay can the shoe sperg saga end now Ariana??? Also who are you trying to impress by calling them by the designer's name? Call them what they are: goodwill-tier used shoes that you were willing to trade your integrity for, and failed.
No. 998834
>>998698Watch her post these ugly shoes on her
Depop in a couple of months after shes used them in her mediocre trailer trash porn
No. 998840
>>998834that's literally what
>>998744 said. read the thread and sage your shit.
No. 998845
File: 1593472350895.jpg (158.33 KB, 2048x2048, s0302l-bloch-tap-on__17663.142…)

>>998698I had these same shoes when I was 5 and took tap dancing lessons kek. She's a psycho for embarrassing herself over these. Such a random style of shoe to be manically wetting herself over
No. 998876
>>998698She can shout out the Marc Jacobs label all she wants but if you had no clue she had been begging for the shoes, I think anybody would look at this picture like where????
The outfit is terrible, like she did the tag on TikTok where your friends tell you to stop while randomly shopping in Goodwill and try on a totally shit outfit for laughs.
Also she looks so long and lanky and weird, girl needs to learn how to pose in ways that actually compliment her body. She looks like a squished mosquito eater.
No. 998880
File: 1593476714936.jpeg (224.58 KB, 828x1495, D4C75AC6-9A99-4FFE-8E71-F54317…)

can’t tell if this is a backhanded compliment or an actual compliment. but lol this person is also a twitter SW girl and ari follows her so it’s not just some random person insulting her, maybe she’s actually embarrassed now
No. 999436
File: 1593541988224.jpeg (517.39 KB, 750x1187, 2CC866DE-446A-4125-B2A9-671477…)

Sage for nitpicking but she already looks special needs as it is, why does she accentuate it with this dumb face pulling? Ugly, immature cretin
No. 999652
File: 1593552099483.jpeg (156.67 KB, 750x1097, 0D3F9D59-DE93-47A1-BD1A-A06448…)

The ignorance in this tweet. Also can she go a day without talking about her ex?
No. 999889
>>999652That means this „Jennifer” had something you never will: a character development.
Why is she so obsessed with her ex? Ariana, you can „remember” this one bad thing this woman did, but said woman probably doesnt even remember you.
No. 1000296
File: 1593593628340.jpeg (150.37 KB, 1242x346, 69ED25B1-C58E-4CC2-A6EA-08CAA2…)

>>983802Guess she’s feeling particularly bitter and spiteful today?
No. 1000299
File: 1593593933888.jpeg (116.69 KB, 1242x306, 0F604831-AF74-42C4-9DA1-FC5F46…)

Even though she sits on her ass all day she wants Matt to come home from a 12 hour shift and cook for her kek
No. 1000438
File: 1593619058253.jpeg (1.01 MB, 2048x2048, B3A2D846-788B-486A-A123-89D379…)

Private IG post. There was a video attached
No. 1000636
File: 1593639118342.png (Spoiler Image,5.31 MB, 1125x2436, B27C2E3F-9070-456A-9362-D62DC4…)

She’s wearing her engagement ring again KEK
No. 1000890
File: 1593666194561.jpeg (366.42 KB, 2048x2048, F123CA13-4345-41D5-95B8-9D755A…)

i thought she didn’t use photoshop
No. 1000919
File: 1593671767772.jpeg (822.3 KB, 1536x1572, 95C99A23-5B2D-405A-9D85-3F2928…)

Love bombing
No. 1000920
File: 1593671872674.jpeg (169.5 KB, 910x426, 72CC3849-23EB-448E-A52C-5D2844…)

Lmao, so much for having over 10k In savings
No. 1000999
File: 1593696003163.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1920x2560, 05E47EF4-0FA3-49DE-8263-451B9D…)

>>1000746Definitely going to start up the skinwalking again soon with her ex getting married. She’s been obsessed with her ex’s girlfriend for years now. Sage for old pic from the earlier threads.
No. 1001321
File: 1593738338031.jpeg (212.71 KB, 828x1349, F28B6124-C587-459E-B86C-17CE9F…)

Um, she’s so creepy and weird. Must suck to have to spend 40k bc you’re ugly
No. 1001344
>>1001321Wtf this bitch is seriously wanting a facelift at 25 lmfao.
>>10010202016 Ariana is stunning in comparison to the overfilled, waxy trainwreck of a face she has now. I’d feel bad if she wasn’t such a garbage person. Please fuck up your face more, Ari kek
No. 1001414
>>1001396pretty sure she has quietly given up on the house buying dream. what with her ex getting married and needing matt as arm candy again, her lack of stable income and below average credit, no mention of it with her visit with grandpa, etc.
just another case of pnp’s wishful thinking.
No. 1001490
>>1001414She’s probably realized that she doesn’t has any real proof of stable income so no one would write a mortgage for her. It’s different than
real professional porn stars.
No. 1001593
File: 1593801145544.jpg (533.51 KB, 810x2649, Screenshot_20200703-112707_Sam…)

Loyalty: Openly crushing on a tattoo artist who has a gf while your bf puts in long hours at work to keep a roof over your head and wanting to go behind his back just to flirt with said tattoo artist. The milk on this bitch is so rancid that I only read lolcow to laugh at the summary of her failures. Her own social media is just too nauseating.
No. 1001607
File: 1593803769957.jpg (1.59 MB, 1920x2560, 20-07-03-15-14-31-914_deco.jpg)

lol I think this is the tattoo artist she is referring to, she only follows like 2 on instagram.
Also if it's him she mistook his daughter for his gf…
No. 1001608
>>1001593Ugh…how pathetic. It would be hilarious if the artist turned her down after seeing her being a thirst trap. Or if his hot gf happened to show up during the appointment and it made Ari too self-conscious
Just…stop, Ari. The artist isn’t going to be flattered by your stupid crush. He’s going to be disgusted that some busted, 40-something looking whore is trying to flirt with him
No. 1001684
>>1001644Yikes, that makes it even more suspicious that she's talking about him because she mentioned his gf being extremely hot too? Lol she is so fucking strange.
Imagine wanting to fuck your friend's bf so badly you can't even support his business …
No. 1001685
File: 1593813151661.jpeg (275.95 KB, 1372x1372, AF55D03C-3EE4-4571-8915-516973…)

2 years difference, this shit is really just sad… Honestly not just trying to be mean Ari, you will look so much better and younger if you just stop getting more surgery. Give your face a break and spend the surgery money on therapy, that's the only thing that will seriously ever make you happy.
No. 1001688
File: 1593813481232.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x2560, 20-07-03-17-57-16-297_deco.jpg)

This is embodoe's bf actually and ari is probably talking about him not the other guy
No. 1001697
File: 1593814846420.jpeg (Spoiler Image,205.31 KB, 1125x1070, 0F3AA9C1-E386-4825-96C0-72F826…)

What… is going on here
No. 1001705
File: 1593815319237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1125x1843, 3C3E00B7-257B-4793-B25F-3089FC…)

Deleted insta pic from the queen of unflattering photos.
Her feet look gigantic, her ~omg so expensive Marc Jacobs~ looks absolutely minging and her underwear is sagging.
Don’t even get me started on the face kek
No. 1001720
File: 1593816198111.jpeg (421 KB, 1125x1378, 55876C8C-4ECC-49A3-8322-3BF48F…)

>>1001688samefag but here is a photo of them together I think they were traveling at the time, they don’t post much on Instagram together because they keep their pages business-oriented but they’ve definitely been a serious couple for years now.
No. 1001723
File: 1593816265284.jpeg (99.92 KB, 427x1042, 4222D573-62C7-49B5-BA68-1554B9…)

I’m confused why she has her own Facebook posts as a border to this photo
No. 1001730
>>1001720 That makes sense.
Makes even more sense that it would be him(mike) since Ari deleted the tweet thread. Embodoe doesn't have a Twitter from what I can tell so that's probably why it was spoken about on twitter.
No. 1001788
File: 1593821634217.png (3.45 MB, 828x1792, 29523F38-B68F-406E-A50E-17BEF0…)

Not trying to nitpick but her face looks so fucking weird? Is this a shoop fail or what bc this is genuinely disturbing
No. 1001793
File: 1593822211291.jpeg (264.48 KB, 558x1029, DA442CC9-A466-4369-96E8-CF7F67…)

>>1001723I guess she deleted and reposted with her name hidden because it looks like this now. Lol fucking retard doxxing herself
No. 1001796
File: 1593822716686.png (9.04 MB, 1125x2001, 97A39154-2089-4ACD-8F35-368867…)

Cryptids spotted in PA aka Matt and Aaron
God all three of them look like they’re in a house of fun mirror
No. 1001809
File: 1593823577604.png (9.12 MB, 1242x2208, D5DA8873-A14C-4688-9A26-D8D88D…)

>>1001788Reminds me of this screenshot I have saved in my phone. Her face is just fucking weird
No. 1001820
>>1001720not to derail, but i'm pretty sure embodoe has a bf but it's not this guy. she deleted pics of this guy from her ig and she referred to herself as single up until recently.
Ari is fucking gross, crushing on a dude even if you're in a relationship is natural, but tweeting about lusting after him, mentioning his gf, and implying wanting to fuck him if you do meet him. i can say with absolute confidence if any girl expressed interest in Matt, he'd leave Arianna in a heartbeat, he's dead ass afraid of never getting anyone else and that's why he pretends he's cool with having a braindead talentless fuckhole for a girlfriend
No. 1001835
File: 1593827111686.png (2.2 MB, 828x1792, 2C62A631-0F9C-491E-8609-4F6E95…)

>>1001820Embodoe’s boyfriend definitely used to be Myke Chambers. It seems they’ve respectfully broken off.
No. 1001883
>>1001020She took Matt from this to
>>987129 in a matter of a few years. kek
No. 1001901
File: 1593832394062.jpeg (897.49 KB, 828x1688, 89CFF088-49BD-4806-B7D3-AD26D0…)

So it’s totally ok to take a turtle out of it’s natural habitat, ESPECIALLY when it’s still so small, and put it in a tiny terrarium from petco, but it’s onlllly a bad idea because you’ll get bored of it and it lives longer than you want. Ok Ari….
No. 1001925
File: 1593834599368.jpeg (368.09 KB, 828x1189, F943AEB3-31BC-4849-B208-A4A8CB…)

>>1001901Relatable private ig update
No. 1002072
>>1001321i'm honestly shocked she's so obsessed with fixing her face and not with fixing her botched boobjob. she even admitted herself she only got her boob job because they offered 50% off the cost and they already needed to be fixed twice.
i guess she's afraid of being re-botched, but damn, just do your research and get those stones u called tits fixed. sage for nitpick.
No. 1002107
>>1002074Huge nose, anon?
It's not small but it's nowhere near the beak that Ari used to have. I'm assuming you think whoville-esque noses are normal LOL.
Anyway, can't wait for her to get a face lift and be irreversibly botched. The fillers can be dissolved and she can stop pumping so much into her but the face-lift.. wow. Gonna look so good.
No. 1002188
File: 1593893678769.png (328.39 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-07-04-22-12-33…)

I have a feeling that she might be buying followers soon.
No. 1002190
File: 1593894495338.jpeg (133.32 KB, 1000x1000, AEF9EE77-ADC0-4C38-9122-E0AD44…)

>>1002107did i hit a sore spot with you anon? the girl is a major upgrade from ari even with her beak and the point of my comment was you can still be pretty with a huge nose if you have confidence - something pnp has none of.
No. 1002221
File: 1593901765164.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1125x1683, A0A2F351-74DA-43DB-AA34-1E64CA…)

Yet another piece totally ruined by glitter. It looks so fucking messy. She really needs to get into her head that sometimes less is more
No. 1002271
File: 1593908614823.jpg (778.99 KB, 808x2950, Screenshot_20200704-202323_Twi…)

No. 1002278
File: 1593909171725.jpg (337.37 KB, 1076x1251, Screenshot_20200704-203251_Twi…)

She's a broken record
No. 1002279
File: 1593909243592.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.62 KB, 1967x2048, 20200704_203405.jpg)

This made me nauseous
No. 1002286
>>1002279How is her musty crusty grey clam being sliced in half by her repulsive thong at all in any way attractive? Tell me.
Has she even
seen porn? I’ll wait.
No. 1002306
File: 1593911435498.jpeg (169.17 KB, 750x1092, ACDD98BA-6CF0-40D6-9F2B-AF85C7…)

Were the pregnancy anons right all along?
No. 1002495
File: 1593958759060.jpeg (Spoiler Image,519.67 KB, 1173x662, 85E9D8A0-CC10-4CC2-A14A-0F44DD…)

New horrendously low effort video of matt whipping gone off lunch meat
No. 1002500
File: 1593960394849.png (3.4 MB, 828x1792, A3DB9BD2-D8A3-4221-A4A9-829479…)

This chick is fucking scary…
No. 1002502
File: 1593960540233.jpeg (125.16 KB, 823x650, 84802FA2-FAD4-426C-830E-64CB6F…)

>>1002500Didnt she just post a tweet complaining about how annoying it is when people say they’re going to unfollow someone and she’s all like “JUST DOOO ITTTTT” or some shit? She literally makes my head hurt how contradictory she is over everything she says. Like just give her a week, she will completely go back on something, just wait! Pic related.
No. 1002506
File: 1593961010660.jpeg (83.74 KB, 828x309, 8DA6F5C3-229F-4BF1-B912-F881C1…)

Her obsession with her meat sack is honestly so creepy to me. Someone said she is the old lady in Requiem for a Dream and I 1000% agree. Just spending all day everyday gazing at her reflection, creepily dancing around in her dresses. Totally removed from fucking reality.
No. 1002518
>>1002500I'm going to assume in her mind the only way to support someone is to give them your money. We're in the middle of a fucking global pandemic where only maybe half (?) of the workforce is back and she's crying people aren't her friend unless they financially supporting her.
>>1002506I love how nowhere in this tweet does she say she is going to quit or cut back on weed, you know, the thing she says is making her "fat".
No. 1002523
File: 1593963604659.jpeg (82.4 KB, 211x518, 3EEEF44F-0512-40C3-9D07-CD7A35…)

No. 1002539
File: 1593966418112.jpeg (Spoiler Image,742.38 KB, 2048x2048, 739A0B6C-FCF3-4410-B899-CDCC72…)

It didn’t make any sense for her to get those breast implants. The body dysmorphia she experiences from it is a tell tale sign. She needs to stop treating her BDD with surgery and start treating it through therapy. These quick fixes will bring her nowhere fast.
No. 1002566
File: 1593970419928.gif (994.54 KB, 500x218, tumblr_lxq81bEkZC1qaxm50o1_500…)

>>1002506Just went and watched some clips from requiem for a dream on YouTube and the old lady is 100% Ariana. The obsession with fitting into the red dress = "once I
blah blah blah its over for you hoes". The obsession with losing weight. The obsession with people finally "liking" her. The delusions of grandeur, telling people that she is going to be on TV = "I'm a licensed taxidermist!" "I'm going to buy a house!" "Suicide girls approached me!!" etc. The way she sits at home all day, talking to herself and drowning in her own delusions…
Mental illness is some scary shit.
No. 1002572
File: 1593971756172.jpg (987.07 KB, 2172x3601, 20200705_125409.jpg)

How can she post the bottom pic on her insta story, then proceed to blast and/or cancel this photographer?? She posted his full name with accusations on a public platform. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that cancel culture?
No. 1002574
File: 1593971993933.jpeg (Spoiler Image,623.04 KB, 2048x2048, F5F24E44-9191-422C-8E1F-1D0948…)

>>1002558I agree! Small tits are cute. The implants were such a drastic difference.
No. 1002688
File: 1593979306320.jpeg (312.76 KB, 1124x1940, E2C2BEAE-E29F-4915-94E2-D90DE9…)

“Im such a NeAt fReaK” while her house constantly looks like this….yeah okay
No. 1002722
File: 1593980791987.jpg (350.95 KB, 1301x2048, 20200705_162527.jpg)

>>1002688Her drawers look horrible and messy. She definitely puts on a front that she's a neat freak to seem appealing. Her constant makeup smudged hands prove she's definitely dirty as hell.
No. 1002742
File: 1593981989747.png (6.87 MB, 1242x2208, 717C1A7E-888E-42AA-BAC6-92C391…)

No. 1002744
File: 1593982116330.jpeg (181.54 KB, 827x1407, 5B9122F8-373A-474B-B6B0-68298A…)

>>1002572For anyone curious, this is the “””art“”” she’s referencing. Sage because OP turned off comments, can’t see what shit he wrote or Ariana’s responding sperg.
No. 1002773
>>1002688Why does she always take these front facing photos. It looks like the type of picture you'd take if someone was trying to get your facial profile for surgery kek.
She's wearing nothing but foundation, bronzer and highlight and it makes her look CGI not basking in a natural glow
No. 1002774
>>1002688>>1002722Okay but why does she have a dresser overflowing with clothes in the living room?? She's so goddamn weird. She's like an alien pantomiming as a human.
>>1002742Beautiful. Please make this the next thread pic, im begging you. She looks like my 50 yr old mother and if I didn't want to dox myself I'd totally show proof.
No. 1002789
File: 1593985665672.jpg (544.35 KB, 2896x2896, 20200705_164645.jpg)

Jarring comparison pic #636373779972
No. 1002817
>>1002688wait.. are her in matt in a bachelor? why does she have her damn crusty panty cupboard in the living room? i thought they at least had a 1 bedroom.
also if her grandpa kicks the bucket and she ever does buy a house - she can barely take care of a tiny apartment. her house is gonna have fungus. i mean - we saw the basement of her last place. ew.
No. 1002850
File: 1593994657897.jpg (Spoiler Image,273.04 KB, 810x1938, 20200705_191613.jpg)

Very sexy verbiage. Also embarrassing because she's being called out for it by a fellow sex worker. How can one person be sooooooooo unsexy, i cant
No. 1002875
File: 1593997547370.jpg (244.44 KB, 1080x1351, 20200705_200350.jpg)

….has this bitch ever seen angelina jolie before? She constantly compares herself and others to her, but like what does she think angelina jolie looks like I'm so confused
No. 1002933
File: 1594004494959.jpg (2.44 MB, 2560x2560, 20-07-05-23-01-24-022_deco.jpg)

No. 1002936
File: 1594005057666.jpg (407.7 KB, 2172x3862, 20200705_220856.jpg)

Darn can her OnlyFans be any more depressing? Ariana are you okay
No. 1002959
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No. 1003008
File: 1594017356643.jpeg (Spoiler Image,22.02 KB, 143x212, 66D81D12-7726-4326-BC87-D820A3…)

>>1002850What is this…? A rash?
No. 1003024
File: 1594022693998.jpg (451.64 KB, 810x2385, Screenshot_20200706-005803_Sam…)

Wow, only 1 in 800 people like her unsexy video. Even her video description comes off as vapid, cunty, and disgusting. She better start drafting her updated resume and figure out how to explain this long gap in unemployment.
No. 1003031
File: 1594023794807.jpg (278.33 KB, 1079x1485, Screenshot_20200706-011811_Sam…)

Old news, but these descriptions on her videos are comical af. I'm literally laughing out loud so hard that I'm crying!! I'd much rather pay to read her terrible writing style than pay to look at her "breasts like daggers".
No. 1003054
File: 1594029833523.jpg (151.98 KB, 1080x1080, 1221955.jpg)

>>1002933Wow she looks like a natural born mtf here. Pretty sure if she would turn to bodybuilding she could achieve some results and become actually hot like pic related.
No. 1003077
File: 1594037639146.jpg (75.24 KB, 770x1158, 405e2e28e0a1469c93033774c73a36…)

>>1002933Never realized how much she looks like Brian Molko.
No. 1003083
File: 1594039756049.gif (2.32 MB, 282x500, 803932C7-D7F6-443C-A5E1-A52B3E…)

I really thought I’d have got bored and stopped following this cow before she actually got to the point where she looked this washed up
Yes, she told people in her tutorial to use spit to make highlighter look better
No. 1003086
File: 1594040142577.jpeg (341.65 KB, 703x835, A76E8735-6110-40FD-8A76-BDD49A…)

>>1002933I thought her hair was just wet in these screenshots but it’s actually so greasy that her pinned back bangs move as one solid piece (and she’s the one laughing at the “crack heads” outside the window). Girl is going to get cradle cap soon.
No. 1003115
File: 1594046593951.jpeg (317.53 KB, 750x1286, AB5A02EE-22C6-4D1A-9E1E-AAB4CB…)

$350… on this…. I have to laugh
No. 1003126
File: 1594048408352.jpg (18.76 KB, 675x1200, 55633934_612228605917283_78787…)

>>1003125OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
File: 1594053522721.jpg (121.81 KB, 1080x783, 20200706_113731.jpg)

She's going to lick him clean
Thanks for more sexy verbiage Ariana. Why is everything you write and do, disgusting?
No. 1003153
File: 1594053545539.jpg (562.68 KB, 2172x2559, 20200706_113708.jpg)

No. 1003155
>>1003154Not shocking. Her army of teens will always buy her shit. I would be impressed if someone other than a young girl bought her art, because they would be buying it because they actually like it. The people buying her art are only buying it because
she did it.
No. 1003159
File: 1594055360893.jpg (779.1 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200705-200301_Ins…)

No. 1003179
>>1002539I would love the hairstyle on the left in black. I’ve only ever seen ari with short hair which in my opinion does jack shit for her masculine features. I wish I knew what look she was even going for her style is like her personality and issss all over the place.
Sage for captain save a cunt
No. 1003248
File: 1594070768189.jpeg (Spoiler Image,739.29 KB, 750x1044, DD998003-8CDF-4A37-B6BD-7848A1…)

Her anatomy here looks like a 7th grade boy who’s never seen a real woman’s naked body tried to draw hentai
No. 1003274
>>1003248I'm wondering if she shooped her arms to be skinnier. Her shoulders are so broad, but her arms are somehow skeletal.
Her arms look pretty flabby/meaty here
>>1002742I mean, we all know she facetunes but idk how her body looks so slender and bony in pictures, but in videos she lacks any muscle definition or protruding bones, etc. Could it just be posing, or do you guys think she is she using a body slimming app…or am I crazy?
No. 1003285
>>1003103I also wonder but I think it's for several reasons she will never cam.
She doesn't have the money for a laptop and a camera and probably her internet is shit.
Her drug den is messy and her fur children always ask her for attention.
At night when most people jerk after work Matt is at home, so she needs to lick his balls clean.
And she's just going to be bored with herself, she cannot hold up a conversation without getting side-tracked or being annoyed. What potentially interesting she can tell on cam? She will not ask you "Hi, how are you doing?" because she's a cunt and hates everybody. she doesn't know how to be engaging. Also it takes real time and dedication to the schedule to build up the following, who will she promote her CB to? Teenage girls who buy her crappy art?
And also she cannot stand the competition, she will have like 5 people max in her room (and grimy setup) and will flip the table.
Camming for PnP is like Twitch for Shayna. Never happened, never will happen but they like to imagine things in their heads.
No. 1003361
>>1003285I agree with most of this, however if she's taking time to create content for OF that she sells $5/month and does all those IG live, she has the time. You can buy refurbished laptops powerful enough to broadcast really cheap these days. Clients on CB love anal and girls who speak english. All she would need is to clean up an area of her place and make a nice enough looking set up. When i see how much
$ some goblins pull on there i really believe it wouldn't be that hard for her dusty ass. But i guess it's a better investment getting her nose done one more time than buying the basic equipment to be able to actually contribute to the household lol
No. 1003393
File: 1594093700226.jpg (188.67 KB, 1079x797, Screenshot_20200706-234810_Chr…)

No. 1003424
>>1003393In the comments she's telling everyone she needs it because she can't breathe. Ariana, no internal correction surgery or deviated septum surgery costs 15k, end of story. A 15k nose job is cosmetic and unnecessary. Stop pretending that you
need a surgery for pity points, and just admit that you'll never be satisfied with your appearance. Better start practicing the thriller dance because a job as a michael jackson impersonator is in your future babe.
No. 1003440
>>1003393Why does she tweet out the exact price of everything she's buying?
Is it so that people with half of a brain can see through her shit easier? Just in the past couple weeks it's been the shitty "marc jacobs", 40k face-lift, 15k nose job. Why do some poor people think that spending all of their money makes them look rich? Trashy. Especially when all of her money just goes right to her laughable appearance.
No. 1003564
File: 1594130960738.jpg (652.4 KB, 1080x1591, 20200707_090725.jpg)

>>1003424Especially when she posted this but has since deleted it. But she needs it because she "can't breathe" kek
No. 1003570
>>1003564lol wtf.
she should have an STD exam first before putting a scalpel in her face
No. 1003573
>>1003564“I CaNt BrEaThE” while she further displays her want to destroy what remaining nasal cavity she has left. All she can focus on is the appearance the surgery would give her.
Ariana, if you want your breathing fixed get a SEPTORHINOPLASTY not another fucking straight up rhinoplasty.
No. 1003575
File: 1594132506963.gif (671.76 KB, 251x200, 9A10C25B-96D3-42D9-8002-A22825…)

>>1003438The juxtaposition of attempted sexy face and pop up camping chair makes me snort my brains out. Every. Time.
No. 1003600
File: 1594134602294.jpeg (647.91 KB, 1536x1401, 600DA052-6F9B-4D10-8634-9D049B…)

More contradictions…why does she always have to jump down people’s fucking throats when they’re trying to be supportive…
No. 1003605
>>1003600>I don't dislike it I just can't breatheThen posts this
>>1003564Sure, Jan.
I'll never comprehend her thought process.
>waaahhhh I'm lowkey freaking out because I have to spend 15k waaahhhhh>stop saying I don't need another rhinoplasty cos I like my nose but its medically necessary!! >yes insurance would cover the surgery to get my breathing fixed if it was truly medically necessary but I can't afford a monthly insurance payment>waaahhhhh I have to spend 15k waaaahhh No. 1003697
File: 1594149091982.jpeg (334.71 KB, 828x1552, D6B206A8-AD3F-4882-99DD-5B4D93…)

I just want to point out how hilarious it is she only has 6k followers and she’s still shadowbanned. Could she be on the way out ? Washed up wannabe hoe peaked at 21, must be hard.
No. 1003718
File: 1594152704743.jpg (470.36 KB, 1079x1538, Screenshot_20200707-150931_Chr…)

She's…worried…about the surgeon not understanding or being capable? The fucking surgeon, who went to school for years to do his job…the failed prostitute and pretend taxidermist…is worried about…a surgeon's comprehension
No. 1003725
>>1003688The comments
>>1003600are under this post
>>1003393 , not under the shooped nose photo
No. 1003726
File: 1594153727325.jpg (327.74 KB, 1079x1130, Screenshot_20200707-152819_Chr…)

>>1003724is she becoming self-aware
No. 1003792
>>1003728Priorities, lol. But
tinfoil she’s actually married to Matt (health insurance) and the procedure itself out of pocket is $15,000 but if the “medical” part is covered by insurance, she might be paying less out of pocket than she’s disclosing. I get the vibe she doesn’t have health insurance though. I wonder why they don’t get married?
No. 1003850
File: 1594190365356.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1364, 0CBB248D-55E7-4BEB-823D-2D147D…)

>>1003792They were engaged to be married and she used to refer to him as her “fiancé” but I think it was called off around the time Ari started doing full service sex work. They broke up and then for some reason went to Dominican Republic together (where she was allegedly sexually assaulted) and around that time she found out he’d been talking to a girl. They haven’t worn their rings or ever mentioned getting engaged again since lol
No. 1003929
>>1003850You forgot the major reason they called it off - Ari got preggers and non-chantly aborted it while being trashy as hell about it on her socials calling their unborn baby a “gemini demon” and acting like it was nothing but a chicken wang.
Matt has been noticeably less affectionate and more distance with her online personality ever since. Then he gave up his failed music career and got a job that lets him be away from her insanity for 12 hours a day.
My tinfoil is MattCuck has been slowly stashing away an escape fund that he doesn’t tell her about because he knows she’d try to guilt him into spending it on sushi or more filler.
No. 1003930
>>1003690i honestly dont understand why she hasnt married him either. i mean, society has shown marriage isn’t permanent and they can just divorce down the line if it doesn’t work out.
maybe if she was still popular/relevant and had actually attractive men seeking her out (not older coke heads who only want her for an hour bi-monthly), then maybe i could understand wanting to be free to play the field.
but she has no social life, no men in her life other than her gay friend aaron, no online presence anymore. guess she’d rather be a prostitute with no insurance tho.
No. 1004068
>>1003792she says right here
>>1003600 that she doesn’t have insurance..
No. 1004220
File: 1594243762188.gif (Spoiler Image,4.21 MB, 368x654, Xsb6zMnyZdV0MJ2W_1.gif)

What is this
No. 1004225
File: 1594244478200.jpg (396.48 KB, 1616x1440, 1587077952553.jpg)

>>1004220>>1004220Ole turkey butt mcmillan strikes back
why does she think this is a sexy angle
No. 1004292
File: 1594252983558.jpg (481.64 KB, 2172x3862, 20200708_190221.jpg)

oh no baby wat is u doin
No. 1004490
File: 1594261708659.jpg (151.51 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20200708-212638_Chr…)

The country is in shambles and she cant afford shoes and has to beg for likes on onlyfans but its always sunny in delusion-land
No. 1004593
File: 1594272412848.jpeg (901.95 KB, 1125x1577, 7AA2E243-1573-4D7E-876C-9764F6…)

More drug tinfoil but ketamine?? Or is she just aware she has a face like a horse
No. 1004712
File: 1594306625001.jpeg (218.89 KB, 828x1188, A38B7531-C37A-403E-B0F0-E42671…)

Why is everything her ignorant ass says sound like such a cunt? I thought she knew sooo much about dogs.
No. 1004750
File: 1594312446430.jpg (615.83 KB, 2172x3862, 20200709_113326.jpg)

>>1004712I cant read her shit anymore, she is so braindead
No. 1004755
File: 1594313805400.jpeg (51.83 KB, 828x224, 7CB1277C-B712-45F8-AD2C-551154…)

>>1004487Guess she read your comment anon. Has to prove that she’s still “SeCuRiNg tHe BaG”
Where does she get these fucking animals?
No. 1004770
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No. 1004778
to the dog nutritionists in this thread, you aren’t one. raw food is completely safe for dogs. raw doesn’t mean you grab a piece of chicken out of your freezer and hand it to the dog, it’s raw food that’s packaged specifically for dogs (steve’s raw food or primal brand raw are examples). There IS a transition to move to raw food, you don’t just give your dog a slab of meat and call it a day. feeding raw is actually the best option for dogs, as that’s how they’ll get the optimum amount of protein and nutrients, since they don’t need fillers and shit. obviously she didn’t go with an actual raw diet here but you get the point. raw isn’t bad. it’s not the same raw food you cook and prepare for yourself typically, most people buy it. it’s actually not as safe to prepare yourself, as the raw you buy is pressurized in a machine so it’s safer. also, ketamine is a horse tranquilizer and anyone with half a brain knows H has nothing to do with horses. if it’s ketamine she’s a fucking idiot, but if it’s not, maybe she was just referring to looking like a horse
No. 1004811
To all the drug spergers: im pretty sure its as meaningless as the "belly full of toes" caption and she probably thinks she's so sly for making you all tinfoil about it.
To all the dog food nutritionists:
What is the point of you going on and on about it? Ariana is an idiot and she'll stop posting about a raw diet in like a day or two, just like everything else. She didn't even buy raw food, she bought cooked meat to mix in with dry food. Literally nothing is happening with froggers diet, she's just delusional as usual.
>>1004810Probably something to do with taxidermy and again, its her delusions talking. She might post about it falling through, but i guarantee, literally nothing is happening yet again.
>>1004809Her consultation is in August in Dallas, TX. I sound like a broken record but ITS NOT HAPPENING. Nothing is ever happening! It will fall through like everything else always does. Think about it, the only reason she got the boob job was because she was able to get the consult done and schedule the surgery for like a week later. With Ariana, everything has to be immediate, or she backs out.
No. 1004884
File: 1594331271063.jpeg (64.95 KB, 828x417, ED7E9114-652E-498D-B70E-4B4709…)

I love when Ariana feels the need to put in her two cents. No one asked you lil girl, scram.
No. 1004961
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No. 1005020
File: 1594354281746.jpg (482.85 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200709-205715_Sam…)

>>1004775>>1004770I love how we can see the future of another failed "business idea" before this bitch even meets with this idiot. Anyone who wants to go into business with someone whose affiliation destroys the business' reputation is just as incompetent as horse face Ariana McMillan.
No. 1005055
>>1005002Just had a peep at her twitter and it’s all posts about this “huge fucking rat” that was “all meaty and gross” and the ins and outs of what to feed her dog, then a photo of her stubbly gash trying to sell her holes for $3. It’s honestly a bit upsetting how foul her life is and how she can’t even keep a feed just for her sex work without shitting it up with her neuroses and horrorcow hobbies.
Also the ~meeting about her “new business opportunity” is next week, so soon floweth the milk thereafter I pray.
No. 1005126
File: 1594391488964.jpg (Spoiler Image,265.4 KB, 810x1798, 20200710_093028.jpg)

>>1005055Mmmm yes this will attract many rich men
No. 1005133
File: 1594392835147.jpg (274.03 KB, 1079x967, Screenshot_20200710-095104_Chr…)

>dear my 17,000 twitter followers, i have an announcement! today I thought about someone else's well-being for 2 seconds. Please give me my asspats now.
Ariana, please look up the word altruism, because it clearly does not appear in your vocabulary.
No. 1005137
>>1005133That classic “don’t really care how she’s doing but I feel better pretending to be good”, yikes
She’s so bizarre. Why would anyone care about some random sex workers friend from like 4th grade she hasn’t talked to in a decade? This is the type of stuff you talk to your friends about in a Snapchat group message so nobody has to look at it for long, not put on your work page.
No. 1005155
File: 1594396177902.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2090, B839E7E9-6FC5-4D8A-AA3D-940960…)

Why does she humiliate him like this? In the video she puts her finger in his mouth and films his reaction as he wakes up…
No. 1005157
File: 1594396460154.gif (6.69 MB, 368x652, 107604646_155895576017067_3921…)

>>1005155Why tf are their lights always on when he's trying to sleep
No. 1005221
File: 1594403633433.jpeg (534.83 KB, 828x1347, 80C67970-F718-460D-86CC-5BCDBD…)

great, now she’s going to think she’s actually talented LMAO
No. 1005236
File: 1594406276348.jpeg (248.57 KB, 1571x2048, EclSf93XgAALLCg.jpeg)

>>1005221Its a pity comment obviously, but Ariana can't differentiate between a real compliment and a fake one. This is still a tube rat, its just more vertical. She can pretend she's getting better all she wants but none of her rats look remotely natural.
No. 1005250
File: 1594407576797.jpeg (321.17 KB, 875x752, 39DA25BD-BF77-4221-94EA-CE921C…)

>>1005205It’s true. Baffles me that she felt it was appropriate to put him on blast like this, the last time they broke up. And most of it is so clearly lies about him. he needs to bite the bullet and just leave, any airing of dirty laundry is definitely a better choice than spending the rest of your life with baboon lips McMillan
No. 1005255
>>1005228Omfg you’re right, she probably didn’t even wash her goddamn hands before putting them down his throat. I guess he’s just numb at this point given the fact she’s probably already given him STDs and fleas.
>>1005236I’m crying…. that this is so stiff looking, the tail is like all crinkled too wtf?? How can you be such a pathetic talentless loser and yet be so proud of yourself? How can you be such a horseface and still think you’re hott??
>>1005250Plus they literally got back together in like 2 days… anon I fucking keked at baboon lips.
No. 1005271
>>1005258Yes they've interacted a handful of times on Twitter, but Charlotte interacts with a lot of sex workers. Imo she seems pretty friendly and down to earth on her socials. Ariana ain't special, they just both enjoy taxidermy and she was being nice.
>>1005250Damn anon I started reading the pic before your comment and thought for a second that they were breaking up again! Ugh
No. 1005279
File: 1594411784310.gif (Spoiler Image,2.83 MB, 654x368, mmQbguMHh2D9dp83_1.gif)

Has anyone else seen the movie "The Poughkeepsie Tapes" because if not, here's a clip from a homemade fan version of it
No. 1005281
File: 1594412022548.jpg (365.43 KB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_20200710-151255_Chr…)

>inb4 she deletes this
No. 1005311
File: 1594415144778.jpeg (486.32 KB, 1125x1831, B7045AC2-70C8-4A5B-8B9F-2FEA0B…)

they all look so amateur
No. 1005331
File: 1594417899367.jpeg (93.31 KB, 750x780, 2B4D4B28-C9B5-4D2B-8280-CD11A2…)

>>1005311This one looks Down with the Sickness.
No. 1005350
>>1005311One thing that gets me about her taxidermy is how half assed she is about it all despite convincing everyone and herself that this is her calling.
She definitely didnt study animal anatomy in motion. Rats front shoulders dangle downwards when they stand up. But I don't expect her to bother doing that research.
I cant wait for her to show other taxidermists on the reddit of her balding corpse rats on a stick.
No. 1005377
File: 1594428344857.jpg (17.16 KB, 400x343, s-l400.jpg)

>>1005311This is all I see
No. 1005405
File: 1594436969666.jpeg (368.06 KB, 1125x1796, 117F0360-894C-475C-8406-3AE16F…)

Ariana is back with her delusions
No. 1005445
File: 1594446336371.jpeg (953.75 KB, 4096x2730, 2258EDCA-616D-4FA4-85D2-70C82B…)

wow that was fast. heres my late thread pic contribute.