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No. 955801
PlasticandProud / PlasticnProud / AliceAmorLove / Ariana McMillan / Psoriasisbutmakeitsexy / ScorpioAssHoe / VersatileHeux is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, and full service sex worker based in Philly
>Vapid narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies
>has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky
>gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly
>quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat
>shaved her head in a manic episode and regrets it a day later, wears cheap wigs daily
>has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis
Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/778634>>>/snow/852217>>>/snow/852243>>>/snow/871373>>>/snow/884425>>>/snow/924837NEW MILK:
>Ariana remains unaware of covid, thinks her taxidermy school is still on>spends hundreds of dollars on a taxidermied deer>makes embarissingly bad incest roleplay porn with matt>gets her ig deleted2020 Milk
> Continues to produce shit-tier quality "porn" where she uses her cuck-boyfriend as prop. Doesn't let him use a stage name or share in the profits> Continues to starve herself to meets the needs of her only SW client she has in New York.> Continues to give out medical advice about "conquering psoriasis" despite the fact she never went to a doctor when she had a full body rash. > Went on Tropical vacation with Grandpa and Grandma. Originally was going to bring her cuck boyfriend but last minute he was uninvited>Anons suspect it was because they spent their entire vacation on a tiny old boat and there wouldn't be room for him> Others speculate this was their Grandparents attempt to separate them> Arianna spends entire trip complaining / bragging that the "natives" are obsessed with her because she is white and has tattoos> Eventually complains her Grandpa is encouraging the locals to sexually harass her> Spends rest of the trip complaining about her grandpa> Arianna remember her Grandpa is paying for a community college taxidermy course so she can't express how she's feeling> Post several horror cow photo of her spread asshole and pussy on her twitter where her father and brother have access
2019 milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”,posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does
>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode>Barely “works”>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” pictures>Pnp outs her lip injector after no longer receiving free/discounted injections for bringing business in, because Ariana can’t keep a decent image online to save her life
>Talks shit about Dollskill, gets blocked, immediately tries to save face by posting pics of herself modeling for them>Wants to become a suicide girl, says they ‘reached out to her’, anons confirmed this is not how the process happens>Got a “normie job” in retail, unconfirmed where>Promised a “double creampie” in a threesome with two other guys (possible matt and her only client or matt and aaron), still has not happened yet>”psoriasis” flaring up>Skinwalks cotted>Brings up old beef with other philly sw (possibly almondmilkhunni), latinamilk is no longer following pnp either>Moves into studio apartment where the train goes by literally every 5 minutes, thriving>Dyes her hair blonde and hates it immediately>Does molly on live while looking like a toothless grandma
>Rash is Back >No word on “normie job”, Ariana continues to stay home all day on ig>Does a shoot for Spencers, looks ridiculous and is mocked, spergs out on twitter >Says she would give her psoriasis to a fucking BABY >>891310>Confirms she got her boobs half off from theplasticspa, talks shit about them >Isn’t posting new content on onlyfans, her only source of income>In two back to back tweets claims she’s thriving, the other saying she can’t afford her fillers currently >>895883>Manically dyes her fried blonde hair pink less than a month after getting it done>Is already planning getting 12k worth of surgeries when she can’t even afford a 200 dollar doctor visit for her rash>Rash is still there>Accidentally dyes her hair pink…because she thought she was toning it>Sperging about “psoriasis” and how her diet of eating celery juice and sardine helps>IT IS REVEALED ARIANA’S “MILLIONAIRE GRANDPA” RUNS A FUCKING TRAILER PARK>Wants to move to vermont to “finish taxidermy school” that she never started, that she thinks will be close by to her family. No comment on where DoorMatt fits into this>Makes gross porn with Doormatt, his ~huge weiner is revealed to be average>Wears 5 dollar shein lingerie for porn after dying hair purple to “tone” it>Bleaches her straw mess again>Changes IG name to psoriasisbutmakeitsexy NEW MILK:
>Anons dig up (previously unearthed) dirt regarding her neglect of her pet gecko >>914567, and cornering a hamster with a spray bottle >>916322>Is talking about driving 2 hours one way to Taxidermy School she’s paying 10k upfront for, 7 days a week, when she can’t even keep a consistent OF upload schedule >Gets her fillers dissolved after sperging about how she has NO FILLERS LEFT!!, gets them refilled a week later by a possibly worse injector, lips look like literal sausages >Pewdiepie posts a cap of her lips from a botched plastic surgery reddit for a quick ten seconds on his stream, does not mention her name or knows who she is, Ariana proceeds to sperg out about it and cry online bullying>Posts outrageous photoshopped pictures, claims she doesn’t shoop, gets posted on photoshop reddit>Bitches at other SW on twitterSocial media
Ig: VersatileHeuxart
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud
Reddit: Airkilla321
Onlyfans: No. 955803
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Private IG
No. 955846
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I feel like I’ve missed something glaringly obvious but god she is a broken record
No. 955850
>>955803I would love to see what that taxidermy looks like, I'm sure it's just as beautiful as the deer. Kek and why doesn't she just rehome tarte? She obviously hates her, and if you can't keep your cat under control/teach it not to do things when you literally are home all fucking day… What does she think is going to happen when/if she goes to school?
Thank you anon for getting this, but I can't imagine other people paying for this and it's just an incoherent rambling mess.
No. 955930
>>955832Yep, and now threats of moving out on her own (on her Grandpa’s dollar if we remember when in vacation she claimed he’s help her buy a house).
Trouble in paradise for sure.
Matt is stunted and a cuck but at least he’s a functioning adult actually being a productive member of society by being a mail carrier.
All Pnp knows how to do is leech.
No. 955990
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How can she say this when she immediately resorts to blocking on multiple occasions over opinionated bullshit? Absolute hypocrite.
No. 956049
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Uhhhh wtf is she on
No. 956052
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No. 956057
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>nearly crashes
> continues to use phone while driving
She’s such a selfish liability.
Where the fuck is she going now anyway?? Stay home, bitch! It’s all you managed to do before the pandemic, why are you finding it so hard now?
Also wtf are those cringe, middle aged, cropped leopard print leggings. She even admitted herself they do nothing for her figure
No. 956075
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>>955801>>956057You mean these, anon?
No. 956088
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>>956075Yes, I did. Awful. No wonder no clothing companies send her free stuff anymore - she’s the most unfashionable “”~~influencer”” I’ve ever seen. People of Walmart level of trash.
No. 956107
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Why is this so blurry lmao
No. 956124
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of course this grody human being is not physical distancing and hanging out with Aaron despite the global pandemic. Ontop of being sick.
This disgusting rat doesnt care about a single person but herself, yet wants to rely on others to support her “business”? Good luck with that rotten personality hunty
No. 956345
>>956049looks like under baked bread lol
if her newest obsession is skincare that’s a bummer bc 25 is a little late to start taking preventative care of your skin - for the first time in her life
No. 956406
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>>956369It’s in the OP thread summary…
No. 956412
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whhhyyyyy would anyone post the gross ass dye mess. wth is she thinking
No. 956423
>>956418yes, that was what I was asking.
i didn't know it was locked. it just sucks when you're going through older threads and the next one isn't linked and you have to go search for it.
No. 956478
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>>955801Jesus christ what is she feeding it?
No. 956630
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>>956478seems old wheeze should be on the cat version of my 600lbs life. spoilered for tall image but weight chart for reference- there’s no illustration for ‘shaped like a fucking ball’
No. 956724
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Does anyone know if she is moving with DoorMatt? She seems to be hinting that she’s moving by herself but how tf is she gonna afford that
No. 956727
>>955803 she seems to be hinting she won’t be living with Matt.
>Can’t wait to have my own placeThey don’t have housemates sooo unless she means owning their own place rather than renting…?
>>954688 she is more direct and says
>can’t wait to live alone Not that she can afford to live alone (I’d love for that anon to be right and she moves into one of her granddads trailers). It doesn’t matter if they live separately for 6 months anyway; she’ll spend the whole time whining about how she’s sad she doesn’t get to see Matt enough and they’ll move back in together like happened last time when she moved in with Aaron. She only does it to emotionally manipulate and make Matt think she’s going to leave him
No. 956750
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>unbothered by trivial things
>screams and cries about a bong getting broken
Bitch where
No. 956774
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They’ll shrug it off like “he’s supposed to be roleplaying he’s not into it”
But damn, DoorMatt’s body language looks repulsed by her Ronald McDonald looking ass.
No. 956798
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Who the fuck just leaves plastic everywhere when you have several animals.
No. 956805
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i feel like this is her subconscious killing tarte.
No. 956826
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I suspect this is a veiled threat towards Matt…also she is delusional if she really thinks she’s a kind person lol
No. 956842
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She never mentioned this again. I wonder what she was so worried about. I was hoping it would be milky
No. 956889
>>956750god she can't strike a pose for shit
>>956798who the fuck leaves shit like that everywhere, period? who lives like that?
No. 956900
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'juices' is so unsexy
No. 956917
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New private IG post
No. 956983
>>956805is that one of her cats in the background of the pic of her talking about herself doing unspeakable things to a cat? is it tarte? that dream is definitely her subconscious acting out inner desires to hurt tarte…
why is she like this? she doesnt deserve to have animals, shes too much of an unhinged psycho. that cat deserves to be in a home that loves and cherishes her.
No. 957029
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Imagine taking feet pictures to sell and make money, only to have your ratty ass security blanket in the shot.
No. 957173
>>957170She’s so
triggered every time she goes to the dog park !! It’s always someone else’s fault, not her own for letting her dog get obese
No. 957363
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i like how she has the same philosophy with her animals’ ailments as her own in that she’d rather spend hundreds of dollars on home remedies that may or may not work before even seeing a doctor face to face
No. 957369
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Toothless granny gifs 1/3
No. 957370
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No. 957371
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No. 957372
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Wtf is going on with her boob scars…makeup? shitty editing??
No. 957373
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No. 957374
About the same time last year frogger had issues. This isn't anything new. I think it was
>>>/snow/778634 or the thread before when Ariana took her to the dog park and something happened. This is 100% Ariana's fault when she knows her dog is more sensitive and can't handle the regular/tame play with other dogs. She's just a bitch that would rather blame other people than take a look at her choices and how they affect the people/animals around her.
No. 957405
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No. 957407
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No. 957606
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>aging backwards
No. 957609
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No. 957617
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>>957372Boob scars have magically healed
No. 957621
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No. 957819
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kek this bitch is going to end up with the worst head of hair as she ages
No. 957863
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She should just switch to grease paint at this point
No. 957880
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sage for off topic but love how she likes other SWers getting hate when she's so pro-sex work or whatever she splurges about either way both cringe
No. 957895
>>957880that person is a cow in their own right. she lost an arm from drunk driving.
>>957606all the work she has had done has truly aged her, i still forget she's only 25 sometimes. the makeup does not help.
No. 957985
>>957978Sages for no milk and derailing but here’s the article about it. What I’m curious about it how much Ari might see and ignore about herself in other people deemed “
problematic” like this girl drank and drove, killing someone but Ari has no qualms with infecting her clients or other SWs with her “psoriasis” No. 958028
>>958024people on twitter were saying she admitted to losing it while drink driving on Adam22's podcast but I haven't checked that
seems like she burned through a lot of her goodwill by basically reposting that same pic and sob story every month
No. 958031
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>>958028sage for samefag and ot but founnd some caps to back that up, definitely seems like a messy kinda bitch
No. 958040
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ok ari. i'm pretty sure a month ago you were just complaining how petty drama is but you just can't escape it, can't you
No. 958045
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Idk how it works for you USAfags but… shoulda just got the dog insured and you’d be paying $100 excess max. Also like we’ve covered, the majority of this money is on home ~remedies like CBD oil and that fuckin electrode suit that she doesn’t even know would help Frogger because she hasn’t been to a vet to have this shit diagnosed. I’m calling that she has this poor pup put down before the year is out, once she’s performed efforts to help it first without actually just going to the vet.
No. 958150
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No one posted these, but on Sunday Aaron had his car stolen and this dumb bitch not only tags the Police on Instagram, but her fucking full fledged prostitution Twitter account.
No. 958151
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She's so fucking dumb, I can't believe you would tag the police on your prostitute Twitter.
No. 958296
>>958196true it’s not like they kill black people for sport or anything!!
her neighborhood in philly is historically black and being actively gentrified by people like her. and she has the nerve to say there are “suspects” all around them? racist ass..
No. 958384
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further proof that Ariana should have stopped after her nose job and that she is botched as hell
No. 958431
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Um what
No. 958531
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No. 958587
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No. 958589
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No. 958590
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No. 958591
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Nightmare fuel
No. 958592
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Where tf are her teeth 1/2
No. 958593
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No. 958615
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No. 958618
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>>958615>>958616She definitely tried to recreate it with this makeup look. No denying that.
No. 958648
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Interacting with Ari is like walking on eggs shells(repost)
No. 958722
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No. 958724
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>>958708Social distancing Queen
No. 958727
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>>958724Seeing her client while possibly being exposed to covid-19.
Why am I shocked? She was seeing clients with an undiagnosed full body rash
No. 958774
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No. 958865
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The longer you stare the weirder her body looks
No. 958943
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She cannot shut up about how "good" her skin looks…bitch where?? Looks like the exact same caked on foundation that we've seen for years. Let's see it in natural lighting.
No. 958965
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Punctuation? Never heard of her
No. 958980
>>958585This side-by-side is one of the best examples of how badly she’s aged that I’ve seen so far. Astounding.
>>958615Why is her hair SATURATED with grease?
>>958722> “She has the same hair color as me, so we obviously look alike, lmao!”>>958965The only reason that she stays with Matt is because she knows that no one guy would put up with her weird client relationships.
No. 959051
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>>958722Her delusions know no end. Ariana is a sad, pillow face excuse of a woman compared to Sybil Buck.
>>958943>>958971All of her features seem to have been lost in translation. She truly is a Picasso.
No. 959147
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what is going on here? She claims it’s not Facetuned, but the colors are super messed up especially by her forehead. I messed around with the lighting to make it more clear-
No. 959191
>>958727My question is why the united states postal service only telling Matt to take a week off? I thought people were supposed to quarantine for 2 weeks if exposed?
Not that it matters cause this bitch’s pussy is gonna be a covid-19 hotspot after she fucks another client during lockdown
No. 959194
File: 1586956450311.jpeg (267.32 KB, 711x1083, D94BE380-87D5-441B-95E1-D4FE83…)

25 years old and still doesnt understand the concept that if you bleach your hair it will grow out…
everytime a new colour grows out shes just like “GUESS ILL DYE OVER IT TO COVER MEH ROOTS”
Bitch i thought you were baller? But you cant afford regular touch ups! okur..
No. 959265
>>959201It's painfully obvious. Her contour makes her look like an old tranny
>>957606 so at least she seems to have figured that out in recent pics.
inb4 she gets fillers to mimic that ID pic
No. 959585
File: 1586993263214.jpg (38.59 KB, 425x425, 714ocvdpd6L._SX425_.jpg)

>>959581Ariana could save a bunch of money on lip fillers and get the same effect from these
No. 959592
File: 1586994738833.jpg (645.64 KB, 1080x1335, 20200415_185038.jpg)

Does she really think this is post-worthy? Looks like a middle school kid drew this in art class
No. 959593
File: 1586994810976.jpg (700.93 KB, 1080x1368, 20200415_185022.jpg)

No. 959651
File: 1587002377943.jpg (576.07 KB, 1124x2000, 20200415_205736.jpg)

No. 959659
File: 1587003174177.jpeg (443.99 KB, 750x1269, 0C4D8EE9-A94C-4218-B876-769A2F…)

Private IG
No. 959681
File: 1587005391590.jpeg (535.37 KB, 828x1308, 6B753343-4EAE-452D-8C8C-9F7807…)

>>959651Another mindless private ig update on shit everyone already found out from her public accounts. I really do think she’s getting manic and impulsive from not taking her medication consistently.
(repost) No. 959760
File: 1587022450846.jpeg (236.51 KB, 1101x395, 9ACE00F5-0A09-4180-813F-E7A0E8…)

No. 959903
>>959659In the past she's mentioned she gets free weed because "power of the pussy"
In this post she talks about how her client gave her weed and edibles. So her client is really just a drug dealer kek
No. 959937
File: 1587056960805.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 2048x1536, 20200416_120857.jpg)

No. 959957
File: 1587060185950.png (4.56 MB, 750x1334, B12EB529-A861-4760-9F32-891F74…)

>>957361looks like she took some anon advice kek
No. 959973
File: 1587062593289.jpeg (312.3 KB, 1125x1975, 619F8031-0A27-4164-9BD0-644D85…)

Ranting again about her $82 medication at Walmart
No. 960102
File: 1587072713138.png (5.93 MB, 1125x2001, 79781124-47ED-4CCA-BEB7-9EC8BB…)

hey Ariana, don’t twist your mask elastic - it holds the mask open at the sides and makes it ineffective. Although we all know you don’t give a shit about your, or others health, and you’re only wearing it out of vanity because it’s a convenient way to cover your botched lips without having to put 50 layers of makeup on
No. 960116
>>959941Lololol anon yes.
>>959944 those fingernails are pure filth.
No. 960222
File: 1587079316004.png (4.63 MB, 828x1792, 6EF44DCA-71D5-4DCF-851A-D57469…)

So trashy, the upside down and obviously crooked coat rack.
No. 960271
>>960222The deer hoof thing is an upside down gun rack. kek.
Is that tiny screen their only TV? Doormatt has to bring in a folding lawnchair to sit close enough to see while he games?
>>960224Everything looks musty, like she found most of it in an alleyway beside a dumpster.
No. 960308
File: 1587092533460.jpg (494.48 KB, 1124x1410, 20200416_220139.jpg)

Oh god
No. 960428
File: 1587116005588.png (6.02 MB, 1125x2001, 1802244D-39DF-4804-9362-0BE827…)

Cheap shot but kek. Total power couple these two. Between FAS and anus lips McMillian and boss eye Copp they might be able to form one fully functioning human body between them.
No. 960467
>>960312There is always that one anon who says this every fucking time ariana changes her hair color. Go tell her how great her hair looks in her Insta comments
>>960405>>960369Thank you, valiant whiteknights. Please tell us more about how normal and not hideous/filthy ariana is!!
No. 960468
File: 1587129323092.jpg (652.84 KB, 1124x2000, 20200417_081311.jpg)

>>960312It looks like a goddamn Halloween wig but nice try
No. 960477
>>960468It is so so bad. The bright hair at least distracted a bit from her botched lips and clown makeup.
Now she just looks like a Staten Island 40 year old mom trying to relive her glory days.
No. 960481
>>960222When your girl gives anal out for free weed but can't buy you a decent TV or chair to game in while you wait.
No. 960483
>>960468>>960477Nailed the aesthetic.
She really looks as washed up and botched as she really is. Bitch peaked years ago so this mousy color makes her easier to ignore. Bright hair always called too much attention to her busted mug.
No. 960484
>>960468Honestly at this point she should just shave her head again. She ruined this hair growth too, as we knew she would.
>>960478Does anyone else have any theories on the ass line or can we stop beating this dead horse
No. 960485
>>960222Why the hell is she using a dresser in her living room as a TV stand. That TV is Tiny. Her house looks like a Goodwill showcase, Matt is sitting on a FOLDING LAWN CHAIR.
Guess this is how they spend that quality time together she was so excited about.
Here's a fun couples activity: Clean your fucking house
No. 960486
I think she looks at other girls a lot and tries to skin walk them, without realizing that their aesthetic works for them for a reason. I have a hunch that she based this hair on @mssmarielabelle on Twitter. LM, one of ariana's favorite skinwalk
victims, constantly posts with that girl and her hair is basically what ari tried to achieve. Only it doesn't work for ariana because her face is old and rubbery and inflamed, while this girl has a soft and pretty face. Just throwing that out there based on stuff I've noticed on Twitter.
No. 960498
File: 1587133279446.jpg (237.35 KB, 646x814, 20200417_091817.jpg)

This was ariana's peak and it's crazy how she's degraded. She needs to dissolve the fillers, leave her hair alone until its healthy, and take her fucking meds.
No. 960507
>>960498She honestly looks loads better without the crayola freckles.
>>960505Her crippling insecurity and lack of self awareness deluded her to get way too much filler . And nothings changed, she still plans more surgeries and fat grafts (barf). Contrary to what she tries to get everyone to believe, she hasn’t grown or matured at all since high school. She’s the same scared bitch with low self esteem.
No. 960516
>>960428This is a broken man.
Does anyone else feel like like MattCuck has completely given up? He looks homeless in most photos. He used to at least shave once in awhile and put a little product in his hair. PnP has worn him down.
No. 960542
>>960498Wow, she looks great here. She’s deteriorated horribly over the years. Her teeth really gross me out for some reason, though. They’re too small and really oddly-shaped.
>>960428There is absolutely no way that she’s attracted to him. I don’t understand how anyone could be.
No. 960558
>>960556Are you new here?
>>960484>Does anyone else have any theories on the ass lineShe's dehydrated af
No. 960563
>>960556>no sign of bad hygiene Here you go
>>958590Literally just one example of thousands where she looks like she hasn't showered in weeks
No. 960607
File: 1587149726999.png (1.93 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200417-120450.png)

Flashing the cash from her "dick appointment" so proudly.
No. 960631
File: 1587152798253.jpeg (306.97 KB, 1125x762, E659B8B4-4FED-43E4-9C02-2F292D…)

Bragging about the most boring shit
No. 960687
File: 1587157102548.jpeg (215.04 KB, 1125x1514, 2294510B-CF07-4B57-8B44-1D136B…)

Her skin looks so crusty
No. 960688
File: 1587157132064.jpeg (181.68 KB, 1124x1410, 622E7CF1-DC7A-4305-9BD6-6230AA…)

No. 960784
File: 1587164652088.gif (997.52 KB, 368x656, 93882601_221410479119562_41993…)

No. 960875
File: 1587173393222.jpeg (100.06 KB, 750x635, 0E95C610-8420-484F-A7D1-7566DE…)

>>955801>>960856I’m assuming you can actually see?
No. 960876
>>960867Also her grease drenched hair, her mangy security blanket, her socks are always black on the bottoms, her clothes are always coated with animal hair and makeup, and dont forget SHE SLEEPS ON AN AIR MATTRESS.
Let's also not forget the whole cotted ordeal where ariana was outed for having rats and feces in her basement….but nah we are just mean and she is clean as fuck
No. 960881
>>960876Lest we forget The Car.
Remember the car cleaning incident?
And her shitting problems?
No. 960960
File: 1587184288726.jpg (805.45 KB, 924x1232, 20200417232931.jpg)

scabby bobble head mcmillan
No. 960963
File: 1587184377331.jpg (577.21 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200417-223209_Ins…)

That "moustache" is very unbecoming of you. Very Hitler-esque
No. 960965
File: 1587184723790.jpg (112.42 KB, 417x477, 20200417_233834.jpg)

No. 960967
File: 1587184757214.jpg (296.17 KB, 734x829, 20200417_233749.jpg)

You can't convince me that she's not made of cheese
No. 960994
File: 1587188551192.jpg (315.93 KB, 771x813, 20200418_004228.jpg)

No. 961182
File: 1587219711057.jpeg (44.19 KB, 618x391, A8C62D21-8FDD-4D70-8502-A62FBC…)

>>961165hey, don’t insult frogs like that
No. 961305
File: 1587241081684.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200418-161541_Ins…)

A mutual of pnp won her giveaway and here's their post of the artwork. Proves that in real life the artwork is garbage. It looks like absolute trash not even trying to hate it's just fact. And I'm sure that this mutual won because pnp picked them on purpose. She definitely only had a giveaway for clout.
No. 961329
File: 1587244660716.jpg (167.12 KB, 1080x665, 20200418_161459.jpg)

ARE YOU NOT A SEX WORKER POSTING ON YOUR SEX WORKER TWITTER??? Why the hell would anybody give her business knowing that she does not enjoy sex? She's such a goddamn idiot
No. 961380
File: 1587251817433.jpg (964.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200418-161134_Ins…)

Found the idiot spending all her money on this shit. She's also the "daisy duck and finn" account that leaves pathetic dick sucking comments on every photo.
No. 961387
>>961380Icon, anon.
Is this the piece that Matt ruined?
No. 961391
File: 1587253263651.jpg (588.04 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200418-174103_Ins…)

Is that her ex?!
No. 961419
>>961397Kek and then it all becomes clear…
Seriously though, she screams perennial yeast infection.
No. 961433
File: 1587259285660.jpeg (378 KB, 1125x1793, C2A9A755-0E83-4EDF-BF05-B9C1FB…)

Didn’t she make a porn like a month ago in these shoes kek
No. 961434
File: 1587259893256.gif (2.75 MB, 368x656, 93407806_2607164236272893_8977…)

No. 961449
File: 1587261346587.jpeg (518.92 KB, 2048x2048, B19D0DC9-35F0-4C77-B944-F61714…)

>>961441Wow as I was making this, you posted the same thing. She's reminiscent of terror and fear, what an absolute fright to stare at.
No. 961548
File: 1587275210174.jpg (498 KB, 2896x2896, 20200419_004606.jpg)

No. 961609
File: 1587288379729.jpeg (1008.69 KB, 1202x1511, 73D6BF00-831A-4CFE-8176-411362…)

>>955801Lunchables, spam, ramen with milk, stale pretzels, take out…it’s so pathetic that between Ari and Doormatt they can’t prepare a decent meal from scratch
No. 961684
File: 1587309143426.jpg (232.4 KB, 1080x759, 20200419_100919.jpg)

Who talks about themselves like this?? Just grow and be happy bitch! The fact that you have to announce how much you're thriving and how great life is every few days is so cringeworthy. Truly happy people don't do that. Sad people with shitty lives do this in an attempt to make other people envy them.
No. 961698
>>961684When your only happiness is the remote chance Someone might envy you. That sure is a simple life Ari…
>>961609One of the reasons she is so fucking pathetic and annoying is she just can’t be helped. Like I know you grew up in poverty with shit parents blah blah blah. But you’re an adult now, time to grow up. It’s literally not that hard to throw some vegetables and chicken to roast in the oven for 30 min. You don’t have to eat like a fucking retarded college kid forever! But that’s the thing with ari, she never grows, she never learns, she will just live a shitty pathetic life NO ONE envies for the rest of her life.
No. 961709
>>961684the part that gets me is that last sentence about watching her own growth. why must she constantly applaud herself? most of the time, people say "i am so proud of your growth/im grateful to be able to watch you grow" about ANOTHER PERSON.
it is one of the saddest things about ariana that she so desperately craves approval, even from herself. she has to tell herself "wow, i am so amazing" "i am so pretty" "i am thriving" "i am loved" otherwise she might have to admit to herself what her life really is like. she's a friendless botched prostitute whose family is literal trailer trash, living blowjob-to-blowjob with her boyfriend who let her get raped in a foreign country and hasn't had a spark with her since before then, waking up every day just to doodle and stare at herself in the selfie camera of her phone.
No. 961952
File: 1587337493908.jpg (407.03 KB, 680x1209, 20200419180429.jpg)

No. 961953
File: 1587337733628.jpg (310.58 KB, 1080x952, 20200419_180607.jpg)

I love when she tweets arguments against NOBODY. Who are you talking to ariana? I think she's just trying to get retweets on hot topics…? She might as well tweet
>if u think the sky is "green" but water is wet, you hate the sky. That's how you really feel but ur not smart enough to realize it lol
No. 961960
>>961953She just likes to scream into the void about her pretend arguments towards no one that she wins in her mind.
Someone make it make sense. Shes basically reducing down ANY job to basically “selling yourself”. Okay dumbass, there’s an obvious difference between being a professional tennis player and a porn star. Doesn’t make you a misogynist to know that. She always acts like people hate sex workers or something. it’s 2020 ari, every highschool girl has an only fans, it ain’t “anti” anymore. No1curr
No. 962006
File: 1587342963867.jpg (736.73 KB, 1080x1342, 20200419193505.jpg)

>sweet n soft
No. 962124
File: 1587359123518.png (745.55 KB, 750x1334, 4A82035A-7763-46D2-8840-0EE8A9…)

Tinfoil but do y’all think babytrash is throwing shade at pnp? lmfao
No. 962130
>>962006OT but I always see something silver in the background of her photos and just realised it’s exposed pipes in her apartment.
I’ve never seen anything like that in a residential building before, is it common in American apartments? It looks like she lives in the back of a factory.
No. 962150
File: 1587365213895.jpeg (833.83 KB, 1536x2048, FE7A553C-EC1B-4BCD-84F5-BC9809…)

Her latest “art” ……..
No. 962195
File: 1587382328310.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 03ABB55A-3FCC-439B-9DA8-F4F07F…)

No. 962233
File: 1587393116218.jpeg (139.28 KB, 750x883, 3D62467F-1CBC-4CD6-9E31-635030…)

So rehome Tarte somewhere she’ll actually be…. wanted? Imagine thinking hating your cat is a personality trait
No. 962236
File: 1587393611281.jpeg (238.79 KB, 1124x1200, D54D09CD-25D6-4157-91D8-DFDD64…)

No. 962238
File: 1587393755095.jpeg (257.57 KB, 1125x1103, 9DF1C75E-6C16-4816-9E27-FE9874…)

No. 962239
>>962233Lol aye her cat is deliberately trashing her trashy taxidermy to fucking teach her a lesson, like jesus christ imagine she was saying that about a toddler or something.
Yes the cat is totally capable of scheming against you.
No. 962274
File: 1587398985618.jpg (295.58 KB, 580x970, 20200420_110546.jpg)

No. 962276
File: 1587399160350.jpg (623.98 KB, 1067x1812, 20200420_110633.jpg)

That's one word for it
No. 962282
File: 1587400072302.jpeg (343.81 KB, 828x1265, B82AC610-E679-4CB7-90AA-C291B6…)

The edges are so sloppy
No. 962283
File: 1587400122770.jpeg (320.31 KB, 828x1118, 3C595FA0-A5E5-4875-B858-9EB3ED…)

No. 962289
>>962276oh god she used oils didn’t she? she doesn’t even know how to blend properly since she’s basically an illustrator. does she even know she’ll need turpentine and linseed oil to clean her brushes?
tarte will definitely fuck up anything she makes with oils since they take forever to dry too lol
No. 962306
>>962236>>962238So much to unpack here:
Imagine misconstruing normal cat behaviours as malicious
SHE fucking adopted the cat and now she’s….dumping it on DoorMatt?
I am actually worried she is going to harm this poor animal…the rotten bitch
No. 962349
File: 1587408691274.jpg (729.02 KB, 1080x2053, Screenshot_20200420-145137_Ins…)

Her bangs look so greasy and crusty
No. 962409
>>962283What a shitty use of space.
Also how the fuck didn't she think her cat would fuck with her taxidermy? Retarded heartless wench.
>>962274You can really see how well she's taking care of herself and ~thriving~
No. 962439
File: 1587416671993.jpg (887.47 KB, 1080x1441, 20200420160311.jpg)

No. 962487
>>962376She refers to him as her bf in her response and she probably would have said my ex or Matt if they're breaking up for good. Sounds like a
separate but together thing, which is the stage before the actual breakup. Statistically, the majority of couples that break off into separate households don't usually move back in together. Plus she probably just needs more space so she can live in a shack in the woods Vermont and old grandpa can bring his friends as clients and test out their homemade maple syrup lube.
No. 962497
>>962487They lived separately before when she moved in with Aaron last year after the abortion/holiday fiasco and whined the whole time about missing living with Matt so I’m sure that’ll be the case for a while. I’m guessing if she does move to Vermont (is that where her grandparents live?) then they will just break up after a few months of co dependant,
toxic LDR
No. 962523
File: 1587422019489.jpg (375.62 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20200420-152736_Sam…)

Ari is a proud snitch and is so pathetic that she runs to someone's gf to bitch about a guy she's never met that she could have restricted/ blocked. She really tryna be seen as the other woman, teeheehee. Only insecure girls who want plastic surgery and don't like themselves like her, who are you kidding Ari?
No. 962727
File: 1587439124072.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.92 KB, 1080x1110, 20200420_221524.jpg)

Holy shit how embarrassing. Imagine posting spread/gaping pics of your asshole and vagina on the internet for absolutely NO LIKES. Why do I feel bad for her all of a sudden
No. 962738
File: 1587441231126.jpg (672.33 KB, 1080x1565, Screenshot_20200420-235345_Ins…)

Pathetic/deceptive of her to up the saturation on this post
No. 962757
File: 1587445290006.jpeg (30.12 KB, 818x186, D8F50BC6-3605-448C-9FD5-71C5A1…)

God this bitch is all over the place. You can tell she’s so over Matt . No consideration for their future, if anything, she’s excited for their lack of future. Who could blame her though, he’s a cuck.
No. 962769
File: 1587449945629.jpeg (372.55 KB, 968x1936, 597C7FCB-4866-4358-9FBE-FA0D35…)

Why would anyone willingly post these photos of themselves on the internet unless it was to raise money for your chemo treatment. She looks unwell, haggard, and her skin looks like wax. (Also looks like her eyelashes have thinned from constantly wearing false lashes but that may be a nit pick, but it adds to the cancer patient look - bald, patchy eyebrows…)
That hat(?) is awful. Please don’t tell me this is advertisement for more disgusting porn they’re doing together.
No. 962881
>>962523>Only insecure girls who want plastic surgery and don't like themselves 1) just because you can't afford it it doesn't make it bad
2) learn to sage
No. 962900
>>962757Yep women only like cuck men who “support their SW” when it’s convenient/they need financial support.
When push comes to shoves and they actually want to settle down/kids they will look for an actual man. Not a doorMatt who lets their girl take anal for some weed.
No. 962910
File: 1587480737617.png (3.33 MB, 828x1792, 59C76919-B2AD-40A5-B77D-290DFE…)

She’s complaining about how
A drop of water got in the resin and made it all foggy. I just am failing to understand WHY she puts her art in the open air on the bathroom? Why not just put a slightly lifted box over it?? Like duh.
No. 962955
>>962936This is so accurate it hurts. We all have parts of us we love and we have parts of us we hate, it’s not hard to imagine what kind of mindset you have to be in to physically alter your body. And guess what!!!!! You have to really
fucking hate something about yourself !!!!! Like a little lip filler, sure yeah just a little plumper. But to actually get your nose cut off, she definitely hated it. She acts as if all her human emotions are so different and enlightened. No bitch. We all feel the same things dummy. We’re the same dumb animals, it’s not hard to figure out why you got your face chopped up.
No. 963062
File: 1587503539554.jpeg (488.31 KB, 1242x1040, 3934871B-F45E-474E-9BC3-3D2D48…)

Yeah and it shows in you Ari because you are destructive to literally everyone in your life, even your fucking cat
No. 963075
File: 1587505594511.png (344.89 KB, 750x1334, 85B5F0FE-1FEC-465B-8B4E-A11470…)

Who is she to go after someone’s parenting when she called her aborted baby a “Gemini demon” like imagine the things she would say/do if she actually had the child. She’d be on IG live with her screaming baby in the background bitching about how the baby hates her and ruins everything and is a terrible baby like she does with tarte. She’d probably wish her own psoriasis on it too!!!! Vile bitch
No. 963081
File: 1587506501560.jpg (280.48 KB, 1079x1074, Screenshot_20200421-180155_Twi…)

No. 963088
>>963075And just imagine her constantly saying in front of her daughter how fat she feels when she's literally a 2x4. Growing up around that
toxic self talk would fuck with your brain!
No. 963095
File: 1587507530923.jpeg (170.18 KB, 828x658, 09FEF574-D151-445A-94AC-1B3373…)

>>963062Loving this chicks response, it’s like describing Ari to a tee. But ari is too narcissistic to realize it lmao.
No. 963100
File: 1587507784310.jpeg (138.65 KB, 828x594, F050762C-6902-4160-8160-1FF034…)

Totally moved on emotionally from DoorCuck McPoyle.
No. 963101
File: 1587507958357.jpeg (84.41 KB, 828x443, E02085D8-908C-4244-8C8C-4C10E7…)

>>963062This girl is picking up on the shit we always say, like who are you referring to ari? The pretend arguments in your mind again? And she’s straight to get defense too, “Um can you read? Like I said….” or “if you actually read what I wrote!” It’s so douchy and rude, she has such a yucky energy. I bet her pussy stank from all the anger, stress, and fast food.
No. 963134
>>963075She did the right thing by aborting between her mental illnesses, Matt's learning disorder, and both of their hillbilly inbred genes would have been a disaster of a child that would probably grow up to be a serial killer with PeenPoops taxedermy tools.
Tinfoil but i feel like this post is a vendetta chan named abcds or whatever that stripper moms @ is lol. She frequents these threads and seems
triggered everytime pnp posts about kids
No. 963140
>>963062Of course a narc would think that a mental illness excuses your
abusive and fucked up behavior.
No. 963150
File: 1587514059044.jpg (848.74 KB, 1078x1921, Screenshot_20200421-200700_Ins…)

Her lip filler has migrated so much it's nauseating to watch her talk. I was about to eat but lost my appetite after seeing her rubber face and wax lips. Truly a creature of hell.
No. 963154
File: 1587514329961.jpg (125.87 KB, 1080x546, Screenshot_20200421-201230_Ins…)

No. 963211
File: 1587521053630.jpg (639.99 KB, 1080x1863, 20200421_210037.jpg)

The top tweet has been deleted, but I can't even imagine the low self-esteem, unloved monster that could only feel appreciated and supported by the people they have to get paid by to feel appreciated by? If you're only appreciated by the people that pay to have your physical body, you are a shit person and it's the only way you'll ever been loved. It's so sad.
No. 963392
File: 1587563683152.png (3.61 MB, 828x1792, D951D5F9-724E-401B-B32D-9AE7AB…)

I love how this stupid game is hard for her because her brain is mush and vocabulary is like 10 words
No. 963394
File: 1587563922468.png (3.45 MB, 828x1792, 0220FE99-C09A-4C11-BF98-933D1E…)

reminds me of the hamster she cornered and sprayed.
No. 963410
File: 1587564833417.png (6.51 MB, 1125x2436, 10D91F31-4D03-4ED2-A03B-48706D…)

>>963150loool she definitely saw your post bc after she only posted vids covering her botched ass sausages
No. 963519
>>963211This is the part of personality that makes me laugh when she talks about how good she is at finances.
She has no idea how to think outside of the current moment and will never consider her future or the fact that there is life after you turn 30.
These people who give her so much meaning by making her feel "appreciated" for paying her in weed to fuck her ass won't give a fuck about her the moment she doesn't fit what they find attractive anymore.
Guys are dicks like that where they'll always be attracted to younger "healthy" looking girls (dont wanna say skinny cause thats not always the case but young is)
No. 963522
>>963394yall realize the reason she has that spray bottle at the ready is to spray tarte with right?
wish she'd have the balls to just re-home the poor cat to someone with enough patience to nurture the cat, but she's probably too embarrassed to make an adult decision like that.
No. 963525
>>963211TINFOIL but i wonder if tweet about asking her bf something, was her asking MattCuck if he'd move away with her.
Bitch he's got a tasty government job. He can get any girl equal to you, and wouldn't be hard to find an upgrade with you look like greasy shrunken head doll. Matt will be fine, LET HIM GO
No. 963580
File: 1587584269722.jpg (195.94 KB, 1078x1352, 20200422_153804.jpg)

She 100% had to have bought a brown hair dye because her roots aren't black. I dye my hair black and it's never that pale. It makes sense because she really is dense. She probably saw the colour of the models hair on the package and assumed it was black without reading the colour name.
No. 963583
>>963580She definitely used a brown dye
>>963202It looks like after your comment that she bought some because her brown roots look powdery/dry shampoo covered. Kek
No. 963588
File: 1587584755090.jpg (936.88 KB, 1079x1921, Screenshot_20200422-154545_Ins…)

She's tried to claim that her skin is so good now since the 400 bucks she spent on skincare but it looks exactly the same kek
No. 963598
File: 1587585690382.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, 245FBDF6-713B-4A95-A4CB-FBDD2C…)

This bitch really out here looking like a 40 year old divorced mom….. like honestly how does she age so bad?
No. 963602
File: 1587586088387.jpeg (362.3 KB, 1018x2024, 87180EFE-4867-4DD6-8B4D-59EAD7…)

She asked on her live if it’s racist when people say her fake freckles look like shit because they’re “not white”
No. 963612
File: 1587586461493.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200422_161332872.jpg)

People were being ruder than usual today I laughed so hard
No. 963615
File: 1587586537997.jpg (333.88 KB, 1080x1788, 20200422_161542.jpg)

Ik people make faces when doing mascara but her mascara face is hilarious
No. 963698
>>963612I usually never got what other anons meant when they said she was looking like a mtf but holy shit do I see it now! The right picture is atrocious! Her hair is so greasy it looks like a bad wig and the makeup and jawline look so masculine. Holy shit, how did I never see this before?
Also, that mud splatter comment is
chefs kiss No. 963824
File: 1587605338664.jpg (1.09 MB, 1079x1920, Screenshot_20200422-212818_Ins…)

>>963794I can't believe she drew this after her sperg. She's insane.
No. 963837
File: 1587608397695.jpg (1012.4 KB, 1072x1548, 20200422211827.jpg)

No. 963849
File: 1587610171216.jpeg (511.37 KB, 1107x1708, E87A87D4-2E50-403C-9955-282B18…)

I really can’t help but feel sorry for her thinking this is a glow up
No. 963860
>>963849Pretty sure she edits her eyes bluer in almost every photo.
Also, her hair is somehow a mixture of pink, brown, white, and black. What a MESS.
No. 963876
File: 1587613427208.png (5 MB, 828x1792, 0C667CEF-9EC2-4E30-AF8D-7737D3…)

Speaking of a mess
No. 963904
File: 1587617723465.png (5.38 MB, 750x1624, E39E35BF-8B2D-40F5-B5A1-1D84B8…)

I thought her jaw looked abnormally small so I zoomed in and… did she…draw a line on her make it look smaller?
No. 963923
>>963588lol bummer!! she thinks that a bunch of “anti-aging” serum will reverse all of the damage her caked on foundation does. she probably doesn’t properly cleanse anyway.
it’s pretty obvious now that she lurks here so I’m gonna stop giving any skincare advice to her for free. after all, you’re supposed to pay someone for their advice and time right?
No. 964146
>>963904I think it's just the lighting angle/reflecting off to create a rimlight. It's very straight/smooth/follows jawline.
What bothers me is the damn foundation in her hairline.
No. 964299
File: 1587672734751.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 88899290-0E84-4D79-AC68-F36D1C…)

>>963876Her art would look so much better if she took breaks instead of drawing for 11 hours straight. Like, Jesus Christ let it sit for a night so you can come back with a fresh perspective and more focused attention to detail. Instead she just powers out half assed art in 12 hours during her manic episodes like she works in a sweatshop or some shit. Your commissioners are paying for quality shit, give them the grace of real effort and not the products of your nightly manic bullshit.
No. 964315
File: 1587673537802.jpg (337.87 KB, 1074x1910, 20200422_161419.jpg)

Her lips on the bong kek
No. 964370
File: 1587680073451.jpeg (431.77 KB, 828x1420, 3C8F679E-9F93-4A86-88E5-5823C7…)

Private IG
No. 964375
File: 1587680415422.jpeg (125.31 KB, 828x793, B29ECB5F-9FAB-4186-B57E-9C8969…)

>>964370You can truly see that overfilled cat person mouth at this angle. Thank you Doormatt for the photos!
No. 964376
>>964360good point anon.
How is this bitch out here still calling herself an "artist" but is so avoidant to using references? What a nonce.
No. 964378
>>964370Again… just because you go to school that doesn’t make you licensed. Or good.
Just because
you don’t follow anyone who paints on wood doesn’t make you unique
There’s not a single unique thing about the girl. I used to get excited for the finsta account anon’s updates but even her posts on there aren’t unique ; she blows her own trumpet, creams herself over her SD, slags off her cat and repeat. Imagine charging/paying for that (for reasons other than a good chuckle)
No. 964383
File: 1587681328429.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1242x1902, B11DD89B-09C4-4813-B399-A38445…)

>>964370“I’m the only one that does art on wood with resin” butch is soooo delusional. Everyone in high school went down to our local craft store all the time and picked up the same stupid wood plaques to paint on. Her art is so mediocre and she doesn’t even use quality materials to be acting like she’s such a “niche” artist with “uncommon” materials and subject matter. Attached is a pic I saw on my feed the other day with exactly what Ariana is claiming she is so special for.
No. 964409
File: 1587684535533.jpeg (862.55 KB, 2048x2048, F94F6D87-9A81-459C-91F4-A7263A…)

>>964383That statement isn’t even true. It’s so easy to uncover her lies. Why the fuck does she always have to be such an original icon?
No. 964429
>>964378Well remember back in her peak, she sold it as
juicy details but she literally has the most boring, sad life. Just another area she oversells and rips people off. She barely posts on her OF like she promises. Everything about her is a lie.
No. 964430
File: 1587687330516.png (64.3 KB, 1190x208, Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 5.14…)

No. 964540
>>964370I wonder how it makes Matt feel that she constantly puts him on blast complaining about living with him and their pets and then she talks about her ~super supportive~ client finding her somewhere to live, does this bitch not realise how fucked up that is?
I’m not surprised he’s looking like a crack addict these days
No. 964543
>>964540He gets off on the humiliation of everything surrounding Ariana. Live in filth with a swamp witch who makes you take part in her grotty videos, have personal life on blast constantly, unable to save any portion of postal worker salary or Ari melts down if you don't spend it on her.
What a dream.
No. 964572
File: 1587719820465.jpg (801.6 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200424-100034.jpg)

>>955801How are so many people blind? Also what's with the random shroom up the top
No. 964573
File: 1587719876712.jpg (936.47 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200423-182702.jpg)

Why doesn't she just wash lmao
No. 964607
>>964572I'm hoping it's just iso making people appreciate any/all forms of productivity, because those mushrooms do not look like real mushrooms and anyone that has spent any amount of time foraging knows that.
Also I can't imagine being
so proud of something that took you 15 hours to do when they don't even look like the real thing I can't-
No. 964646
File: 1587737372758.jpeg (315.86 KB, 1500x1500, 57DDD2BA-A5E7-4C75-8A19-B571EB…)

Sorry this isn’t technically milk, but I have to ask…
Does anyone else think that those little black dots she insists on drawing on her face that are supposed to be edgy or whatever look like the pupils from Rick and Morty? They are never equal and rarely round… does she do that on purpose, or does she just give up on symmetry?
No. 964786
File: 1587765912961.png (2.81 MB, 750x1334, 314E9B6E-4412-447E-BB3F-B0BEAD…)

No. 964820
File: 1587769982182.jpeg (708.4 KB, 750x1334, D3E69CBC-F0B2-4319-82B1-487528…)

>>955801Was surprised by her last few stories, seems genuinely shocked by how my mushroom daub blew up, and was that a touch of humility I could hear in her voice…but then…Tarte scamps into earshot and meows…cue Ari yelling “DO NOT TALK OVER ME!”
Girl is crazy.
No. 964903
File: 1587782354033.jpeg (227.76 KB, 750x1089, 252308D9-C971-406E-B655-23766C…)

Who wants to take guesses on what’ll be? An extension of her bragging about getting retweeted? Her ~SD (is this different from her client?)? Hating Tarte?
No. 964951
File: 1587793470227.jpeg (616.59 KB, 2048x1568, AE543874-B926-4233-88DF-834B01…)

No. 964977
>>964951From a girl to trans looking mtf
The makeup and lips got to go its too much
No. 965017
>>964949God, what a pathetic narcissist. Every time she gets a little attention on social media, she brags about how she’s so
special and
rich and
Loving art…pfft. She’s cranking these subpar pieces out like she’s in a sweatshop. She can’t go at this pace forever. Putting the cart before the horse again talking about how she’s going to spend all this future money from her super passionate love of art
No. 965052
File: 1587822554333.png (216.76 KB, 750x1334, 89F97C2E-3B0E-4103-8114-079B3C…)

No. 965053
File: 1587822702429.png (2.88 MB, 750x1334, BAEE932C-CA7F-4341-97AD-B2AC1E…)

No. 965063
File: 1587823679223.jpg (92.21 KB, 1080x477, Screenshot_20200425_150719.jpg)

>>965048Does this answer your question?
Also how is it instant profit? It's not going to gain value
No. 965118
File: 1587832752767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,354.99 KB, 1125x1729, AF7BE6A7-F254-42E5-9647-B6A255…)

”my instagram is basically all art”
No. 965168
File: 1587840544396.jpg (853.86 KB, 1080x2053, Screenshot_20200425-144905_Ins…)

But I thought she adored being a cum dumpster kek
No. 965172
>>965053Norman Bateman and Jeffrey Dahmer vibes. She's the type of person who loves you so much that she wants to dissect you to see what you look like on the inside kek
>>965162She's not "getting an education" as if she'll be working towards a degree at university, its a shitty trade course that is like what, a few weeks long? lol and shes talking about "graduating" as if it would be some huge accomplishment
No. 965173
>>965162He probably wanted her to go to
real school… a taxidermy course? What’s the point?
>>965168She has a “sex aversion” remember? Lmao.
No. 965175
File: 1587842866320.jpeg (Spoiler Image,151.42 KB, 822x688, 0FCA86D4-1FC5-4D1F-B6DE-6761FC…)

“To celebrate going viral!” Kek
No. 965176
File: 1587843732604.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1125x1942, 70C0A741-208B-468D-A90C-87B599…)

Man I wish she would stop pouring glitter all over her shit. It looked WAY better with just the black background. The glitter just makes it look extra cheap and childish.
No. 965181
>>965176Just like with her face, she doesn't know when to stop.
She totally ruined the only work of art that has gone viral for her KEKKERS
No. 965215
>>964820Video evidence of her being a cunt to her cat., the app "story downloader" works for getting her videos from IG. For future reference so people can contribute here.
No. 965375
File: 1587869175763.jpg (442.99 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200425_214635.jpg)

New IG and Twitter user names: scorpioassheaux
The dumb bitch should have kept it as plasticandproud. Easy to remember, easy spelling for the brain dead people following her.
I'm guessing she's trying to keep LC from being the first thing that pops up when people search her. Kek
No. 965385
File: 1587871157393.jpeg (248.99 KB, 823x1209, 83DCFEDB-68A3-4B22-8A84-BC11DA…)

No. 965501
>>965375Well she has until next thread until the new batch of followers discovers what a piece of shit scorpioassheaux on twitter and instagram is.
Also media mogul Ariana McMillan decides to change her username a day after a tweet goes viral, making it impossible for people to find her again. Great Job.
No. 965503
File: 1587897764857.jpeg (188.75 KB, 750x1051, 8F4DF384-6EC2-415E-8E4B-6B259C…)

>>965375its already the third result for me on google KEK
No. 965550
>>965503not coming up at all for me when I google scorpioassheaux
I’m sure most of her new followers will realise soon enough what a delusional, self adsorbed, and, above all, cruel person she is
No. 965582
File: 1587917789978.jpeg (280.07 KB, 1242x494, DD5B3C4D-2CF7-4995-82B1-0C7CA5…)

Then why the fuck are you in a relationship?
No. 965626
File: 1587926078182.jpg (839.52 KB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200426_143441059.jpg)

Is she truly this stupid? Topkek
No. 965670
>>965669Literally just about to post this. I dont endorse cowtipping!!!!!!!!!!….but I smiled just a tad knowing that ariana's art has been tagged with @versatileheaux and it now brings people to this page.
She reeeeaaallly fucked up by changing her handle.
No. 965679
File: 1587932795849.png (31.64 KB, 811x388, udmb.png)

>>965669why exactly did she change her user again during the middle of a potential viral tweet? she just broke all the links people were sharing of her work….
No. 965685
File: 1587932979914.png (736.37 KB, 750x562, D8C56B31-E35D-4C6D-BCBD-513CA6…)

my sides
No. 965687
File: 1587933049475.png (272.62 KB, 607x391, cowtipped.png)

whoever did this just destroyed any potential her viral tweet had. that is actually mean. PLS DONT COWTIP.
No. 965690
File: 1587933198644.png (232.61 KB, 598x428, ripped off.png)

so the only good piece she's made was a rip off? not surprised. also kek at the name takeover.
No. 965715
>>965698>>965687Why should anyone care/ feel bad/ or want to help this dumb cow? It's her own fault. This is pnp's destiny, always out to play her own damn self. Maybe if she was a nicer person, bad stuff like this wouldn't happen.
Besides whats the big deal. Its not like its leaked nudes. She put all those hairy clam pics out into the free world all on her own.
No. 965741
>>965063I cant wait for her infest her apartment with some sort of mite or something from bringing in these "GREAT DEALS" been sitting in someone's musty basement for years deals.
I get finding a good deal out in the wild where you can see it before you buy it, but who the fuck knows what she is bringing into her home with these shady ebay deals
No. 965750
>>965685>>965687Oh my god this is hilarious, about time something like this happened. Maybe she won’t change her name over and over again. I mean who really even remembers all those stupid names enough to look her up. The Ari larping with the actual username she just went “viral” with is…
chefs kiss. It’s just so damn good. Man she is dumb.
No. 965784
File: 1587944257150.jpeg (509.87 KB, 750x1052, CB39761B-4A44-4020-BFDC-3D2BA1…)

It’s called a manic episode ari
No. 965830
>>965750Im dying. The @versatileheaux user is linked like 100 times throughout the comments of her viral post. She must be fuming. You know she’s pissed when she’s silent about it lol
probably doesnt want to draw attention to it so more people wont see all those embarassing pics
No. 965858
File: 1587964046981.jpeg (304.96 KB, 1125x1950, 529877BC-C472-40C4-ABCD-E0B19D…)

No. 966008
File: 1588005435118.png (2.83 MB, 750x1334, 9B55E200-AF44-4568-97C0-1320B5…)

No. 966104
>>966013She wakes her partner up with affection? Groundbreaking /s
Remember Ari doesn’t feel or do things like a normal human - she has elevated emotion and intention in her actions (again more sarcasm)
No. 966112
>>966013My first thought, just imagine the smell…
Love how she has to film the “sweet moment” to make her life look happy
No. 966134
File: 1588034164969.png (2.78 MB, 1610x2112, Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 7.34…)

her prices/rules for commissions
No. 966138
File: 1588035265896.jpg (773.4 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200427_194918.jpg)

>>966134 kek She took out the $20/hour.
No. 966143
File: 1588036184867.png (164.91 KB, 1202x472, Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 8.08…)

more butthurt from Ari, I also looked at this girl's ig. She also posts half naked photos of herself too
No. 966220
File: 1588055860636.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1637, 747FB357-F5F8-4851-8B3A-C379A1…)

I know I’ve sperged about it before but taxidermy restoration and preservation/conservation is not the same as taxidermy (which judging by the sausage shaped chipmunk, she is crap at anyway/will remain bad at after “school”).
Here’s some advice Ari- stop having an over inflated sense of your skill set and wasting money on rotting dead animals you don’t have to equipment or the knowledge to fix. Stick to what you’re good at which is …photoshopping your face and then convincing teenagers it’s natural?
No. 966334
>>966311Right? Why on the world wouldn’t she just ship it out after she’s done? Because she knows there will be a few people in the comments going crazy for it and she can try to upsell it to one of them? Watch her begin bitching about people getting refunds from her through PayPal or bank chargebacks after she tries this stupid shit. This is a very good way to make anyone that was interested in her art, take their money elsewhere.
I just can’t believe how dumb she is. She fumbles the bag every time she has even a glimmer of opportunity.
No. 966366
File: 1588095198835.png (112.27 KB, 804x711, Screenshot_20200428-113206.png)

First thing that shows up when you search her sw name. Kek
No. 966368
File: 1588095398874.jpg (132.68 KB, 1125x2000, 94621905_269271507807225_41614…)

>>966231>>966362 She took out the last part
No. 966392
File: 1588100688716.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, AD350463-26A8-440F-B562-95B334…)

I’ll never understand why she posts full clips of herself ugly coughing like a fucking horse on Instagram when all it does is make people want to vomit lmfao she’s vile
No. 966394
File: 1588101614187.jpeg (182.72 KB, 750x926, 43A7B9AD-852C-4292-B353-2A1000…)

she’s a literal bobble head
No. 966433
File: 1588106089495.jpg (1.34 MB, 1362x2046, 20200428153408.jpg)

No. 966436
File: 1588106563151.jpg (230.06 KB, 812x784, 20200428_154110.jpg)

No. 966439
File: 1588107003651.png (376.68 KB, 512x506, Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 1.49…)

umm… this looks horrifying
No. 966475
File: 1588111779911.jpg (1.05 MB, 1124x2000, 20200428170854.jpg)

…go to the doctor ariana.
No. 966476
File: 1588111969091.jpg (707.32 KB, 818x1222, 20200428171219.jpg)

No. 966481
>>966476Titled: How everyone drew trees, age 7
The glitter grass and mushroom that looks like an emoji definitely mark this as a piece worth hundreds of dollars. At least her other pieces had detail (even if it was messy)
No. 966482
>>966476Those drips look like cum.
I wish she would stop with the fucking glitter too
No. 966487
>>966483You can take the girl out the trailer park but you can’t blah blah blah ….
It shows what trash she is, she thinks shiny = expensive = classy. She has no taste and needs to remember that not all that glitters is gold.
No. 966525
File: 1588121324207.png (2.03 MB, 2016x1508, Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 7.48…)

>>966522She all ready did sell it
No. 966527
File: 1588121521706.jpeg (172.97 KB, 750x624, 1F515EA2-47EE-4672-9A80-914A73…)

No. 966532
File: 1588121778018.png (4.03 MB, 750x1334, 749C66FD-50AC-47A5-A0E9-2CA648…)

>>966522She’s taking her art advice elsewhere. We’ve been fired. Kek.
No. 966534
File: 1588121989864.png (1.97 MB, 2098x1500, Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 7.55…)

>>966529This one also sold, note the picture is before she put that glitter shit on it
No. 966554
File: 1588125523567.jpeg (76.08 KB, 750x483, 5CAD2C22-FE98-421D-AAD4-A4C816…)

oddly accurate
No. 966741
File: 1588182360664.jpeg (372.8 KB, 1125x1765, E4D142F6-5B75-42DB-B57C-9AD38E…)

Deleted on “accident” because it had her old username kek
No. 966802
File: 1588192278725.jpg (224.15 KB, 1078x846, Screenshot_20200429-163046_Chr…)

No. 966830
File: 1588196416163.png (288.19 KB, 1080x546, 55A27536-60F9-4CB6-BBB1-8E31D1…)

>>966746u know you’ve fallen when dolly is calling out ur shit lol
No. 966937
File: 1588214263067.jpg (393.27 KB, 1079x1317, Screenshot_20200429-203735_Ins…)

Why is she just holding her tit like that
No. 966939
>>966937She has the grace of a 12 year old boy, what else is new.
The better question is: why the fuck does she look more and more cockeyed as time passes? I've noticed it lately more than ever.
Not medfagging, but she needs to go get some blood work done or something. She keeps getting more sick looking….especially here
>>966475 No. 966940
File: 1588214612043.jpeg (Spoiler Image,151.59 KB, 750x1179, 98B32847-2911-477D-A1D8-705168…)

Holy fuck did her tit ever bottom out or what? It's almost fully consumed her brotherlove tattoo, like part of the word was written on the tit and part is still on her 2D as fuck ribcage. Yucky shit
No. 966941
>>966940He awkwardly violent boob-clutching doesn't help either. You'd think with all the other sexworkers she skinwalks she'd pick up some posing techniques. Latinamilk/freja noir was one of her biggest skinwalk
victims and she has the grace of a goddamn butterfly
No. 966965
>>966939I’ve noticed Doormatt’s been looking a lot thinner lately too. Her cheeks are looking more sunken in. Either they’re on drugs or the undiagnosed HIV is finally catching up. Like anon said
>>966455 ; she is looking low key wrecked
No. 967035
File: 1588237949820.jpeg (419.6 KB, 1124x1428, A14E84B7-D459-4080-837A-C61B2D…)

>iM bEtTEr ThAN mOsT maKeUP aRtIsTs
>can’t tight-line
>eyeliner is translucent, watery black
>gunky eyeliner in corner of eye
Her hair may as well be bright red still too. Smdh it’s faded so badly despite the fact she seems to have only washed it once since dying it “black”
No. 967163
File: 1588263775903.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, 8AEE46EE-B49A-4073-BE8B-7CE77E…)

>>955801No one asked for it, but here comes health advice time…
No. 967179
File: 1588265726241.jpeg (82.66 KB, 828x319, 00E39D49-A284-401C-8FD2-9220E6…)

If you can get all your chores done by 10am, you have a simple life. Ain’t worth bragging about?? Washing the dishes and cleaning the litter box is just called LIVING. ari..
No. 967180
File: 1588265799122.jpeg (87.89 KB, 828x560, 307E8D63-7DE4-47B1-A0F3-A5D0BB…)

No. 967198
>>967180>get good at pole dancing Goals kek
Goal number 2 is never gonna happen, sorry.
No. 967342
File: 1588288427726.jpg (755.74 KB, 1080x2043, Screenshot_20200430-180351_Chr…)

Can't wait to see her aggressively respond to anyone who gives her advice
No. 967343
File: 1588288710706.jpeg (102.55 KB, 828x606, 942D7EC6-7FAD-48EC-99CA-2A68D5…)

No. 967419
>>967343Imagine being almost 30 and blasting how many people you've fucked all over social media. That doesn't scream mental issues at all… nope.
Also, 17? That's A LOT. I wonder if she's ever been tested for STDs in her life? I don't think our hEaLtHy qween ever got tested after that mysterious rash showed up. She seems quite averse to going to the Dr for some reason… like if she doesn't get diagnosed, its not real. So irresponsible. Thought process of a fucking child.
Blech, hope this walking STD gets a grip and stops putting other people at risk. (x) Doubt to that though, too much of a narc sociopath to give a shit about anyone else
No. 967427
File: 1588298278701.jpeg (501.24 KB, 750x1066, 56D7C0F0-D7BE-4A7F-BA9A-8DF250…)

>>955801I wonder if the remaining finger is going to put in appearance, or if this will be Scorpion 2.0?
No. 967439
File: 1588300039895.jpeg (352.03 KB, 1108x1557, AEC0D3B5-790B-4A1E-ACBC-C63AF7…)

Ok crimson chin
No. 967455
>>967439Says the bitch who has no idea what she looks like kek. I've never known someone who toots their own horn
constantly like she does… "I'm so pretty! I'm so rich! I'm such a good person!"
anyone who is any of those things don't yell about it all the fucking time. Its such a pathetic cope.
No. 967486
File: 1588310585777.jpeg (107 KB, 808x542, 6B0D0FB4-79BC-444A-9D73-8AD2D0…)

God here we go again with the die antwoord lyrics. Cheesy.
No. 967505
>>955801>>967407>>967278I think we can safely say that for Doormatt it’s a mix of his own lack of ambition and being manipulated and gaslit by Ari.
As for “touring” there’s no way in hell she would let him do that, as he’d likely be meeting girls at gigs kek
No. 967604
File: 1588345449039.jpeg (201.7 KB, 1242x545, D5B5029E-FFE9-4931-AD39-B63C3B…)

>>955801Reference to lolcow?
No. 967613
File: 1588347630205.png (216.19 KB, 750x1334, 4677B8D6-A7B9-4900-A464-B86899…)

I don’t even know what to say. She is a fucking waste of space.
No. 967615
>>967613I bet she has convinced herself that living separate from her "bf" after they had almost had a baby together, were engaged and were excited for a new apartment /life together is her LIVING, THRIVING, BOSS BITCH BEHAVIOUR.
I feel awful for her..
No. 967620
>>967615She just ping pongs back and forth between a million things. “Once I get a new apartment, once I move, once I etc etc etc…”
It’s a constant tragic loop that she can’t recognize,
No. 967656
File: 1588352709527.jpg (321.8 KB, 1080x1921, 20200501_130530.jpg)

No. 967668
File: 1588354071551.png (3.97 MB, 828x1792, 913F15AA-4454-43AF-9668-DAE06A…)

>>967656She says the baby blanket isn’t dirty but it’s straight up chilling on the ground
No. 967721
File: 1588360297499.jpg (380.31 KB, 1080x2053, Screenshot_20200501-151023_Ins…)

Looks like she took some of our advice about separating her art and porn social media but didn't implement it properly. Art and porn on one ig and taxidermy on the other? Kek
No. 967774
Tinfoil but
>>967613 plus
>>967343 makes me think one of the reasons she's getting her own place is so she can invite clients to her house
No. 967776
File: 1588369195137.jpeg (526.69 KB, 1936x1936, A9331C00-C086-4BC3-BF94-D75F7B…)

What’s more annoying? Scoliosis back to make it look like she has an ass or the fact she couldn’t be bothered to tuck the label in
No. 967793
>>967774Clever. I think you’re right.
>>967776Gotta be that label for me. She’s a fucking goon.
No. 967800
File: 1588373041037.jpeg (823.71 KB, 750x1141, F7CE966D-CCF9-4EDA-A3CC-135EBC…)

>>955801>>967721The caption had me screaming…she was given free creative reign, but was asked to incorporate mushrooms?
Draws only mushrooms.
No. 967803
File: 1588373124634.jpeg (248.22 KB, 828x1235, 9AE36F5F-0E67-4EB9-9F9B-D32F10…)

>>967796“Basically anything I think is appropriate”… um.
No. 967805
File: 1588373161003.jpeg (256.33 KB, 828x1254, B1304B1F-5391-47F7-8F35-8087F0…)

This nasty shit I can smell it form here
No. 967809
File: 1588373288048.jpeg (45.96 KB, 828x202, 7E72A50B-7CFC-4290-BA04-4C7E7E…)

No. 967811
>>967803Hahaha…line of the night.
>>967805True, this looks mangy as fuck. I don’t think she has mummified it, just picked it up off the street, decided it’s mummified and stick it on a stand. It’s rancid.
No. 967844
File: 1588378279367.jpeg (134.42 KB, 1125x830, D3F69EC6-D113-4FB2-B675-E3CBEE…)

so edgy ariana
No. 967845
File: 1588378456490.jpeg (Spoiler Image,336.46 KB, 1125x1678, 33A70D83-D51A-4159-9621-1F2866…)

lmao what the fuck is this
No. 967859
File: 1588381227308.jpeg (552.72 KB, 828x1391, 3C029416-16F2-473A-8193-A25C64…)

Private ig post from yesterday
No. 967873
>>967859My favorite part has got to be
>"I don't have time for other people if they're not paying MY bills or contributing to MY happiness"in other words…
>IF YOU DONT SERVE ME IN SOME WAY I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUShe's such a self centered bitch. Can't wait til she ends up totally alone. She's getting good at talking to herself, so I doubt she'll even notice
No. 967876
>>967874If you look back at his old sappy posts, he seems like the type of guy who loves to be in love. He used to post all the time about his "bean" and how proud he was of her, how pretty she was (even pre-surgery), how much he loved being with her, etc. He proposed to this crazy bitch! I'm sure he would love to feel that again.
So yes, I'm sure he's excited to get away from her too. Even if this isn't a breakup, it's definitely a strong step toward one.
No. 967882
>>967859it's wild to think that around this time last year she was still going out with friends and that one guy she was hooking up w. nowadays the quarantine hasn't forced her to change her lifestyle at all. pretty sad, and the "i'm so happy" mantra is getting less convincing
>>967874she was using his phone to make posts on the private account, so maybe he can still read all of these captions
No. 967900
File: 1588386070085.jpeg (101.07 KB, 815x536, C65E7A52-A198-4FAF-AA1D-8DC06B…)

Posting bc of the caption. Lol, keep tryin beb.
No. 967913
File: 1588387683201.jpg (106.96 KB, 324x486, 20200501214717.jpg)

Thank you for this Ariana
No. 967940
File: 1588392978092.png (4.44 MB, 828x1792, 316C5286-DB2C-4239-8FC4-95061D…)

Why is her art so…boring
No. 967941
File: 1588393096959.jpeg (100.91 KB, 828x218, 0499FB05-4FFC-495C-8792-EACD8A…)

Is she going to fake eat her out or what?
No. 967942
File: 1588393147725.jpeg (146.6 KB, 828x623, 5841E7C4-9F23-431B-BB66-47DA3C…)

>>967940What’s up with glitter shit
No. 967975
>>967942I wish she would stop with the glitter, I've seen people add a little bit of glitter to their resin and top their art that way and it's looked nice but she just globs glitter on in random places. It could MAYBE even look decent if she just put black glitter on whatever that black liquid shit is but even then idk. but the mushroom one was ruined by the glitter, same with the Scorpio one. The red glitter around the scorpion was so tacky she has no idea what she's doing.
Sage for being an artfag but god her art just bothers the fuck outta me.
No. 968002
File: 1588420448004.jpeg (Spoiler Image,724.59 KB, 1322x851, FF1299D6-76E0-41D8-B614-94C39A…)

Does Matt just sit awkwardly in another room playing video games while she does this stuff…?
No. 968056
File: 1588431245048.jpeg (115.53 KB, 818x587, 27D8389B-BF86-45CB-89BB-E8DAA5…)

>>966394Could she make it any more obvious that she lurks
No. 968093
File: 1588434521353.jpeg (70.33 KB, 828x572, E53ADAB8-3B6A-4E18-BB48-78EE07…)

Why she never post a pic of her credit score if it’s so good ? mid 700’s is my guess.
No. 968167
File: 1588446360126.jpeg (Spoiler Image,216.5 KB, 1500x1976, FEB107ED-1082-4197-9C40-CF07C5…)

uhh.. why is there such a visible hole on her urethra? seriously it looks like she has a metal washer shoved in her twat. never seem something like that
No. 968177
>>968167gonna guess that things downstairs probably don't feel so good when you're dry fucking yourself with dildo everyday. Its probably the lighting making it look weird tho imo
Side note why do SW cows always claim they have an "aversion to sex" like Shay and PNP? I mean I'd believe it with how mechanical and transaction based their sexuality/sex lives are but how can they claim their "aversion" is normal when they're also spreading their asshole to anyone who stumbles on their twitter? She needs to stick with art. Even if anons here think its guady trash she's obviously making more money and enjoying herself more than with her SW videos without having to degrade herself to strangers. Honestly I think she doesn't stop or separate her art from her porn because it's how she receives most of her validation. She can't separate being naked and getting complimented by horny men with compliments from people who actually like her for more than her physical body which judging by PNP might be the only thing she actually cares about people liking her for.
No. 968183
File: 1588448071985.jpeg (37.84 KB, 320x240, 6DDFBDBD-05DB-4EB5-92D1-F1E0EC…)

>>967900Ari gives me “Dixie from Mad TV” vibes.
No. 968199
>>967859She was in debt with over 5 credit cards earlier this year? While she was bragging about how good her credit was and spouting “you need credit to build credit dumbasses” to excuse herself?
Hahaha the truth always comes out doesn’t it , Ari?
No. 968206
File: 1588453456319.png (20.93 KB, 547x173, lurk.PNG)

>>966400>>968056caption on insta post
No. 968208
File: 1588453788872.jpeg (392.58 KB, 750x1002, B6A915CA-BE0C-44DB-88A1-93D1CE…)

That’s right. You’re a lolcow
No. 968218
File: 1588455848507.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.55 KB, 1125x750, E8BCD2DF-8B8B-4998-B248-72D799…)

why does this idiot always grab her boobs so aggressively?
No. 968261
>>968208Why go out in public like this. Screaming insecurity with all the distracting eyeliner. Her makeup is probably the biggest thing that angers me.
If this doesn’t sage when I put it in the subject line then idk why it it’s too working.
No. 968278
File: 1588467030960.jpg (646.01 KB, 2896x2322, 20200502_194622.jpg)

I'm only slightly older than Ariana and this seems like such a juvenile thing to think about. Crazy that she's worried about which sub-culture to charade as when she's this fucking old.
No. 968282
File: 1588468545547.jpg (226.35 KB, 1079x866, Screenshot_20200502-201531_Chr…)

Feeling a little manic tonight Ariana?
No. 968333
File: 1588483816625.jpg (565.64 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200502-221354_Sam…)

Straight up skinwalking, poser shit. I don't think anyone thinks someone decked out in all Urban Outfitters shit looks good, let alone looking like a "baddie". They just are people who try to keep up with whatever is currently fashionable in the fast fashion industry. No punks would like her because she stands for absolutely nothing punk and would get fucked with and called out by real punks. Maybe goth or industrial, but her tattoos scream that she knows nothing about tattoos. Her wannabe stereotypical slut routine / persona is clearly not goth or industrial. Her tattoos look like some kid traced a bunch of random shit from various pinterest boards or freehanded junior high sketches and, due to lack of knowledge and talent, ended up making muddled blob tattoos. And this idiot is thinking a back tattoo would go with the rest of the muddled blobs with no cohesive idea, meaning, placement, or style. Sure, Asshole, drop "a couple grand" on a back tattoo to go with the rest of the tattoos that make you look like a fool struggling to keep up with trends.(repost)
No. 968446
File: 1588517597157.png (7.44 MB, 1242x2208, C2CA22B3-AC70-4D94-8C12-0147EA…)

>>955801>>968208I almost feel sorry for her watching this live right now. As ever, there’s something she hates, and just keeps whining (literally), repeating “something is off, something is offff…fuck you” at her own face. Depressing as fuck. She’s ruining her face with all this shit. Which is her prerogative I guess, but it’s so bleak.
No. 968456
File: 1588519323571.jpeg (Spoiler Image,263.48 KB, 820x1086, DC219C47-237B-4DCB-8223-1000CB…)

Ol Bobblehead McMillan
No. 968534
File: 1588532351463.jpg (210.76 KB, 1080x805, 20200503_135835.jpg)

Manic tweeting 1/2
No. 968535
File: 1588532402767.jpg (185.01 KB, 1080x1164, 20200503_135813.jpg)

No. 968536
File: 1588532524551.jpg (247.7 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20200503-140208_Chr…)

Pics or it didn't happen Ariana
No. 968540
File: 1588533225152.gif (2.02 MB, 368x652, 95475664_3076329452434831_5320…)

Yes, rub your filthy blanket on your face as you mouth breathe into the camera.
No. 968572
File: 1588539082860.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, 31672C9B-2F3F-4532-A2D3-178F97…)

>>955801Gaah her car stories are killing me kek. She is literally the ‘I don’t understand bitch’ meme.
This filter is a gift when it glitches on her mouth.
No. 968589
File: 1588540587921.jpg (213.56 KB, 1079x1374, 20200503_160539.jpg)

Newsflash! If you filed your goddamn taxes you'd be getting over $700 per week right now. The government raised unemployment so nonessential workers can stay home. Just because you're an idiot with a confirmation bias from your followers, doesn't mean your right.
No. 968596
>>968589Lmao bro everyone I know who got laid off is making bank off unemployment rn. Like this is the best time out of any to be getting laid off, this bitch is mad bc she’s a fucking prostitute and that’s the most unstable position to be in right now. She wants to be able to post about “working” again and she’s getting ready to play
victim if called out
No. 968604
File: 1588543608750.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20200503-230337~2.p…)

No. 968620
File: 1588546988283.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 9E9B9934-723D-4F9B-BEB8-D1E605…)

>>968618Spot on anon, I thought exactly the same.
That filter still giving the gold…
No. 968623
>>968521Seriously , she looks at all these things as
investments but honestly, the taxidermy, the plastic surgery, the tattoos, the taxidermy course, even her fast fashion and excess make up, skincare, and “natural remedies”….all trash.
No. 968627
File: 1588548884331.png (2.76 MB, 828x1792, A3A25CED-B42A-4A56-8C08-B8D517…)

>>968535Lol this is how I picture her sorry ass at home with a full cake face and her white tube socks like just sedentary on her phone all day gloating about how wonderful her life is and how we’re all jus jealous.
No. 968635
File: 1588551260513.jpg (375.65 KB, 1080x975, Screenshot_20200503-191214_Chr…)

she's such an idiot, my God. Yes $600 is less than some peoples rent…its a weekly allowance. Its about $3000 a month total you dumb bitch. I love how she acts like the authority on things that she has no clue about.
No. 968636
>>968635What a weird way to flex how much money you make. “I make too much money to even consider accepting unemployment” “it’s a fucking BANDAID”. Like, ew… turning her nose up. Probably because she doesn’t even qualify for anymore bc she hasn’t filed for years or claims very little. I wonder if she’s away that’s it’s $600
a week for the federal stimulus. And it if she filed correctly she could make up to $500ish a week on regular unemployment. That’s a lot of money for most people… just bc she claims she makes a lot of money, her bills aren’t any different than ares. Lives on a 1 bedroom, paid off a car, allegey paid off her credit cards… she doesn’t need that much to live anyway. But oh wait, she’s a retard with money and wants to blow thousand on a back piece and taxidermy
No. 968639
File: 1588552495446.jpeg (97.69 KB, 828x694, 5855A8D7-CAAD-4BB5-AF62-AC93D5…)

Alice Amor Love~ Porn features rape, incest, physical abuse.
No. 968641
File: 1588552613944.jpeg (104.83 KB, 828x451, 1EE9E629-2F7A-4D04-B25A-47AC56…)

Lives in the worst part of philly, but is sOoOoOo good with money and is so rich! What is the worst part, Kensington ?
No. 968644
File: 1588552957844.jpg (161.04 KB, 1080x824, 20200503_193952.jpg)

Aaaaand she's still arguing out of her ass.
The government loosened the qualifications for gaining unemployment so no one would be denied unless you can't properly fill out an online form. Even if you don't have access to a computer, you can call and have someone apply for you. If she actually knows someone who has not gotten money from applying, they just need to correct their form because they did something wrong.
Ariana, you are an idiot. Accept it.
No. 968646
>>968644Also "shamed"?????
There is a global pandemic and in arianas mind the
victims are not the people at risk for getting sick, the
victims are the people who want to go to work before its safe to do so
No. 968650
>>968644Okay I really cannot with this bitch, anon is 100% correct, it’s way too easy to get unemployment right now. She is seriously just pissed now because she’s a prostitute and she’s taking it personally. It was her choice to work completely illegally and not contribute to the community/herself by paying taxes. She sits on her ass
all day, what does she fucking mean, she doesn’t fucking have a job! She can’t say shit lmao.
No. 968657
>>968644>>968646>>9686501000% agree.
I know it’s been hard for gig workers to access their unemployment rn, but it is approved by the gov. You don’t even need to be looking for work and they’ll accept you! She’s trying so hard to be the
victim and she doesn’t even know that she probably qualifies. They’re even giving money to the homeless and illegal immigrants in some states. It’s a sign of a very stupid person when they speak on things they don’t know shit about. To quote Ari, “gOoGLe iT”.
No. 968663
File: 1588555248004.jpg (85.51 KB, 1080x451, 20200503_201733.jpg)

I'm so sure Ariana. Your trashy friends living in the hood of Pennsylvania (BTW since when do you have friends???) Make double what unemployment is giving, which would be about $72,000 a year
No. 968705
>>968641yea she lives in Kensington. how is she sitting here trying to "advocate" for poor people while she's living in her gentrification apartment? lol
"hope my car doesn't get stolen -sent from my iphone"
No. 968720
>>968706She can prob pay it with credit but she'd rather fill her botched face with fat than make sure her dog is well taken care of
I bet this bitch hits her cat
No. 968783
File: 1588599167091.png (3.29 MB, 750x1334, 714CEBCF-9B06-46FA-A613-A95D9F…)

No. 968808
>>968663She’s probably talking about like Goth Charlotte,
real sex workers that make
real money.
No. 968816
File: 1588607882930.jpg (914.9 KB, 1074x1760, Screenshot_20200504-083209_Ins…)

The feed of her former "art account" features the same poses (open mouth with tongue flopping around, or hunched over to give the illusion she has a round ass), but the most recent few look like she's got her head up her own ass. She faces one way to give the illusion of a butt, then in the photo right above, she's facing the other way and pretending she has an ass as well. The positioning of the photos look like she's trying to ram her head up her own ass. But she's such an aRtIste that I'm sure she considered the layout and still wanted it to look like she's eating her own ass.
No. 968828
>>968663instead of bitching on twitter why don't you, you know, donate?? local food banks, reach out to your "friends," give back to your community? nah you paid off 5 out of 7 of the credit cards spent on your face.
>>968748my thoughts exactly
No. 968839
File: 1588612133516.jpg (89.68 KB, 357x357, 1531880434671.jpg)

>>968817All her photos are very shopped. She never posts candids of herself because the difference is very jarring. Let's take a moment to appreciate Kaitlyn getting the best photo of what Ariana looks like pre Photoshop and makeup. Au natural kek
No. 968870
File: 1588615520439.jpg (2.53 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200504_140546443.jpg)

No. 968874
File: 1588616000231.jpeg (70.08 KB, 750x990, 9B779B54-2103-467A-9E98-9EB002…)

Damn this bitch is delusional. You look nothing like her. THERE IS ZERO RESEMBLANCE
No. 968884
>>968871LMAO this has to be a joke
also kek @
>>968874, like why do you have to look like angelina to be able to say anything? anyone with vision can see they look nothing alike
No. 968886
File: 1588617200152.jpeg (113.66 KB, 828x441, 00D51544-CD1C-4E84-AF63-2C8E7A…)

No. 968893
File: 1588617781086.jpg (209.35 KB, 1077x762, Screenshot_20200504-144323_One…)

I love it when she talks about us
No. 968894
File: 1588617967300.jpg (1.62 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200504_144636099.jpg)

No. 968901
File: 1588619615126.jpeg (719.54 KB, 2048x2048, 1B19B41B-D106-46A2-8D3A-488881…)

>>968893she’s SO bothered after seeing that candid of her, must eat her up inside knowing she can’t facetune and shoop her real face away
here’s some more realistic comparisons for posterity kek
No. 968906
File: 1588621016006.jpg (1.01 MB, 1122x1950, 20200504143200.jpg)

No. 968914
File: 1588621773240.jpeg (893.95 KB, 1920x2560, F2B74506-44C5-43D4-8E9D-251F16…)

No. 968922
File: 1588622677847.jpg (304 KB, 1082x653, pnp.jpg)

No. 968927
File: 1588623282381.png (663.15 KB, 682x888, Screenshot at May 04 16-14-49.…)

tweet she immediately deleted
No. 968938
File: 1588624059020.jpeg (363.62 KB, 1242x921, 3730EBE9-D156-48E4-9D26-67A183…)

Maybe because, as we’ve said here a thousand times, you’re not actually attractive/sexy in any way and any little bit of attraction dudes might feel toward your content is instantly ruined by your shit personality and weird ass tweets that don’t belong on a FSSW/e-whore’s Twitter. All of her followers are young girls because they’re insecurity matches hers.
No. 968943
File: 1588624316413.jpeg (590.13 KB, 1242x1330, C1974493-1505-4921-9428-A4901F…)

how many times is she going to try to make people believe this actually happened? even if this did happen, all they’re saying is that they can see your monstrous lips from a mile away
No. 968957
File: 1588625948481.jpeg (215.09 KB, 1242x338, 7A9DCBEE-3CFA-487A-851B-A77C90…)

This sounds utterly revolting, can’t wait to cringe at the manyvids preview
No. 968961
>>968940is she going to get
another lip lift? because nothing looks worse than a tiny ass nose and a long ass philtrum
No. 968973
File: 1588627279235.jpg (379.82 KB, 2896x2896, 20200504_162111.jpg)

So unbothered
No. 968998
File: 1588629193295.gif (3.66 MB, 480x270, ezgif-4-a3be58ff76e2.gif)

I seriously can't tell who is who
No. 969008
>>968998KEK! i remember the first time i saw her on video and i was completely shook. she looked nothing like her photos. that mouth… its like a black hole. but yeah, she and ang are totally twinning lmfao.
>>968962 thats so truuue! she is trying to shop her nose more like her, isn't she? honestly everything she says is either a lie, manipulation or projection of how shes feeling. i think she rants about people being obsessed with her so often (spoiler alert: they aren't - she's just so delusional but also mean enough that ppl dont feel bad laughing at her) because she herself is obsessed with other people and things; her ex highschool classmates, her ex bf, lolcow & anyone she wants to be. i think she hates herself so much she would die to become someone else, and shes petty af so she wants to feel like shes better than ppl who have hurt her
shes just a sad person in general. sad, but impossible to feel sorry for because shes such a goblin
No. 969011
>>968893Would rather be ugly on the inside than ugly like ari on the outside .
But she’s ugly inside and out so not sure what her point is.
No. 969012
File: 1588630665979.jpg (120.74 KB, 1200x900, ££££-NO-REUSE-Bieber-look-alik…)

God she is so cringey. This angelina Jolie thing is exactly like her weird tweet about dressing up as different subcultures
>>968278 Just be your fucking self!!! She's just like that guy that got plastic surgery to look like Justin Bieber, pic related
No. 969015
>>968906That “drake” tattoo has officially migrated onto the full tit. She 1000% airbrushes her scars away. Just a month ago they were raised, red, and inflamed. A scar like that doesn’t just go away. She must hate them so much kek.
And her lip looks literally so heavy, her body dysmorphia is honestly sad. But I can’t wait to see how she’ll fuck it all up more with the fat grafting (fucking ew).
No. 969022
>>968940She’s not gonna have any nasal cavity left! Lowering her bridge even further could be a huge mistake. I hope she doesn’t get lured into another scam and end up with even worse breathing.
>>968960These are apparently edits from the surgeon showing her hypothetical results.
No. 969031
File: 1588632259540.jpeg (984.78 KB, 1242x1705, 60D73350-8C05-4AB8-9165-85806A…)

Samefag but if she wants to make a petite nose she’ll need a butcher like Dr Selcuk Yazan
No. 969049
File: 1588633438255.jpeg (347.69 KB, 1290x1935, D036C8F2-A8E4-461C-9E6F-72929D…)

Tiny mouth within a mouth within a mouth…
She said on her story she she’s having surgery done on her face as an investment considering her line of work. Hun, why do you think men give a shit about what your lips or cheekbones look like. If she’d said she wants to get her tits sorted that would make more sense. But even Shayna manages to make some money from sex work and she looks like a troll.
Also I thought she was moving away from sex work and investing in her “art” and taxidermy for her future. She’s only got a year or so left of sex work in her before she’s aged out the market and getting more work done is only going to hasten that.
No. 969065
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I know this is literally just repeating the same joke, but I wanted a side by side of pre-op ari. It’s not fair she gets to compare herself to Angie when she’s got a full face make up, face tune, perfectly angled, and surgeries on her side.
No. 969084
>>969065it's actually really shocking to see her looking like a human being in the bottom left picture. she clearly already had her nose and lips done, but not to the clownish extent they currently are.
she looks like herself but better. that's the attainable, practical goal of PS, not sewing on somebody else's face– whether it's generic instathot face or Angelina Jolie's– or turning yourself into an overdone, haggard, pillow-faced filler-monster ala Donatella
>>969077 No. 969120
File: 1588639444236.jpg (2 MB, 2048x2048, 20200504194128.jpg)

Pillsbury dough face
No. 969126
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>>969120>>969122This is the caption she posted with it. I think she’s a little sensi about her teeth…
No. 969128
File: 1588639971350.jpg (152 KB, 1080x1198, 20200504_194957.jpg)

Can whoever is doing this please stop?? What is your goal? She reads everything here anyway and all you're doing is making her followers think she's being bullied
No. 969129
>>969120Saged for a bit of a nitpick
Is that a dress or is it that ratty as fuck “comforter” duvet without its cover that desperately needs washing? Brave of her to even put that around her naked body it’s probably super crispy by now considering it’s constantly been in the porn vids she’s made either on the floor or underneath her
No. 969154
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Ariana sees herself as kylie but she's really versace.
No. 969157
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…..just stop with the blank accounts attacking her wtf.
You're literally helping her have a victim complex that her followers can rally around.
No. 969168
File: 1588644755418.jpg (770.08 KB, 2048x2048, FZsQU0T.jpg)

When she peaked 3-4 years ago compared to now is just sad. In the pic with dark hair she kind of looks like Nancy from stranger things
No. 969228
>>968973It's not really "screaming into the void" if you're watching/ reading it Ariana Mcmillan.
But keep using Goth Charlotte's words verbatim, you identity-lacking Frankenface.
No. 969302
>>969140No, you are mixing them up like everyone else is
She has had one nosejob, two boobjobs where one of them was a revision (because of her shitty aftercare) that she was awake during, and one lip lift. Can everyone now finally stop saying she has done multiple nosejobs kek
No. 969337
File: 1588687901940.png (897.86 KB, 804x945, Screenshot_20200505-081125.png)

Photoshop fail in the top right corner
No. 969338
>>969128The power we hold…
She's changing up some things cause of our advice kek
No. 969378
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It’s almost as if she’s convincing herself it’s flattery. We all know she secretly hates this. It’s hard to avoid that fact when she constantly caters to our recommendations. Hunny, I’m sorry, but you should have more to talk about than your enemies. You look miserable being a broken record.
No. 969386
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Classic Ariana. ”Omg I’ve got an eating disorder but I’m doing soo much better now” and then she proceeds to post a list of food where a glass of water = ”desert”. It’s like she wants to brag about how good she’s doing but at the same time wants to show off how disordered her food habits are
No. 969404
File: 1588696075447.png (3.72 MB, 750x1334, 4837F855-8E05-4032-8AD5-018D33…)

>>955801Reinventing the wheel, here…
No. 969409
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I think Chagall used glitter in all his paintings. Oh wait, he surpassed the kindergarten glitter art phase.
No. 969415
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I guess she wants to remind people how gross she is with her cuck bf
No. 969416
File: 1588696992486.jpg (179.56 KB, 1080x618, Screenshot_20200505-094141_Sam…)

How to get new clients
No. 969445
>>969386“Brie cheese”…so Brie. It’s not exotic, you don’t need to specify that Brie is a type of cheese
“Chicken peas”. Honestly love this one and am going to start calling chickpeas ‘chicken peas’ from now on.
“Desert”. Yeah she’s just full on retarded right?? Now I feel bad for laughing at the disabled girl.
No. 969551
File: 1588713393655.jpeg (245.65 KB, 828x1390, F5A028CF-0480-494D-A460-DCFFEB…)

She’s such a wretched bitch
No. 969570
File: 1588717673690.png (4.07 MB, 828x1792, 4232A2E4-F823-445C-8A2B-0B140B…)

“All I see is my green and pink baby blanket!” Don’t even try ari, it’s fucking disgusting aids blanket.
No. 969590
File: 1588720738950.png (1.72 MB, 828x1792, B9791B89-5F81-4BE9-9DE9-17D4B6…)

>>969572Oh my god now she’s literally on her story bragging about how she gave $5 to a homeless person and getting all choked up. This chicks fake empathy entertained with self righteousness is so repugnant.
No. 969596
>>969590She literally goes from cringe screeching bitching about some chick tail gating her, to complaining about having to spend money on getting her car fixed, to crying about giving homeless people money….. she is so unstable.
And I hate when people try to impose their view of philanthropy on you. Sorry Ari, most people don’t feel comfortable talking to strangers let alone giving the terrifying homeless people of philly a dollar. There’s safer ways, like nonprofit organizations that actually help people.
No. 969599
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No. 969603
>>969073OT but angelina has almost definitely also had work done, imho she's like the ultimate plastic surgery success story, she had minimal work which balanced and enhanced her face to the point where she's seen as basically a universal symbol of beauty, and you wouldn't realy notice unless you do an in-depth before and after analysis.
that's the benefit of a light tough and working with your natural facial features, which is clearly not a concept ari has ever heard of. the closest she ever got is probably the pictures in
>>969168 , she made her nose a little smaller, her lips a little bigger, and overall her face looked good and well proportioned. not as beautiful as angelina because she didn't have as good as a canvas to begin with, but definitely pretty. not like now where it seems like she's trying and failing to build a completely new face over her old one
No. 969621
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Private IG
No. 969622
>>969599When I put videos on streamable it gives a play count. It's never been under 2000 views. Even if half the people have watched it twice that's at least 1000 people. And all the people who just watch and don't contribute are way more. She's grasping at straws with this "investigation". Bitch was complaining about $300 to make sure her car doesn't get stolen, private investigators aren't cheap.
Whoever is interacting with her needs to stop though. Let her be the trainwreck she has always been in peace so we can laugh about it here. She's talking about lolcow in her lives so much lately there's just going to be more and more people coming here.
No. 969683
>>969621Okay… and? The solution to cyber bullying is to delete your fucking social media. What does this bitch think a lawyer or the local police can do? The FBI would be so much more interested in her source of income.
Ariana McMillan of Pennsylvania and Florida and Vermont has sex for money because she is a prostitute. She likes taxidermy and showing her pussy on the internet. She likes taxidermy and fucking herself with her stuffed squirrel. She is very professional and mature.
No. 969700
File: 1588738113115.gif (3.4 MB, 368x652, 95657365_3010092772414643_6483…)

Angelina is that u
No. 969727
>>969697there are so many things that are wrong with this alleged "investigation." first, a PI and a lawyer are two separate entities. I doubt she could afford either, let alone both. second, let's hypothetically say she hired both, then she'll take it where? small claims court? then she has to prove damages to her income due to defamation (lol) which legally, she can only claim OF and commissioned art which are both subjectively priced.
don't even get me started on how hard it would be for a PI to gather real evidence. she can't "single out" that one person who messaged her on instagram and have them be a scapegoat for the entire situation. she'll probably stop talking about and hope everyone forgets once she realizes she's not sending anyone to jail.
No. 969758
Can whoever makes a new thread spell her name correctly in the title? Currently says “McMillian”
>>969732I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. Who?? Her SD? Her grandad? Both obviously trash criminals with no social standing who both encourage her illegal activity
>>969724Agreed. In fact, Ari is the one putting the homeless people at risk, not the other way round, by interacting with them at close quarters during this time- for all she knows she’s carrying the virus and spreading it to vulnerable homeless people because she can’t keep her ass inside and has to hand out notes just so she can virtue signal about it
No. 969763
File: 1588750440952.jpeg (233.44 KB, 1124x1440, D510FFEB-AC95-473A-9E54-730D5D…)

does she actually think this is a good picture or
No. 969842
>>969831i like
>>958722she looks like a turtle and it shows what a narc she is!
No. 969847
>>969833not even trying to
trigger her or anything but she's been looking less emaciated lately. maybe closer to a healthy weight. could be from all of her binge eating though, which won't do her any favors.
>>968906 waist doesn't look as grossly thin as it usually does (still no curves tho.)
No. 969920
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Absolutely annoys me to high heavens whenever Ariana complains she did nothing wrong to deserve this behavior.
Sorry hun, but you did everything to cause this. Tarte was stripped of the chance to be properly weened or socialized from her mom and litter mates all because you NEEDED a kitten NOW.
It’s important to acknowledge the life long damage a cat goes through from such an ignorant decision. Ariana just can’t or won’t admit that she selfishly and impulsively bought a kitten when they were way too young. Now it’s backfired and she hates it. Kind of ironic..
Tarte was not given a proper childhood. Now she has behavioral issues. Sound familiar?
No. 969951
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'carbon monoxide'
No. 972144
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I searched through the recent couple of threads and couldn’t find a better picture of aris chefs kiss masterpiece but here’s the exact same thing from an actual oddities shop